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Class XII

Chemistry marks:40
1. What is an emulsion? (1)
2. What is the difference between multi molecular and macromolecular colloids? Give example
of each type. How are associated colloids different from these two types of col1oids ? (3)
3. Describe the following:( 2)
(i) Tyndall effect
(ii) Shape-selective catalysis

4. What is meant by coagulation of a colloidal solution? Name any method by which coagulation
of lyophobic sols can be carried out. (2)

5. Define 'electrophoresis'.(1)

6. Define each of the following terms: (3)

(i) Micelles
(ii) Peptization
(iii) Desorption

7. Classify colloids where the dispersion medium is water. State their characteristics and write an
example of each of these classes.( 3)

8. Explain what is observed when (3)

(i) An electric current is passed through a sol
(ii) A beam of light is passed through a sol
(iii) An electrolyte (say NaCl) is added to ferric hydroxide sol

9. what is meant by coagulation of a colloidal solution? Describe briefly any three methods by
which coagulation of lyophobic sols can be carried out. (3)

10. Illustrate with examples:( 2)

(a) Lyophilic and Lyophobic sols
(b) Homogeneous and Heterogeneous catalysis.

11. a. How can a colloidal solution and true solution of the same colour be distinguished from
each other? (1)
b. List four applications of adsorption. (2)

12. Explain the following observations:

a. Lyophilic colloid is more stable than Lyophobic colloid. (1)
b. Sky appears blue in colour. (1)

13.Explain the following terms giving a suitable example in each case : (3)
(i) Emulsification
(ii) Homogeneous catalysis

14. Define adsorption. Write any two features which distinguish physisorption from
chemisorption. (3)

15. what causes Brownian movement in a colloidal solution? (1)

16. what are biodegradable and non-biodegrable detergents? Give an example of each class. (2)

17. what are lyophilic and lyophobic sols? Give one example of each type. Which one of these
two types of sols is easily coagulated and why? (3)

3 Emulsions are liquid-liquid colloidal systems. 1

21 Multimolecular colloids Macromolecular colloids
They are aggregates of molecules They themselves are large molecules
less than 1nm thick. of colloidal dimensions ½+½
Example :Sulphur Sol Example :Starch ½+½
Associated colloids – are those which at low concentration behave as normal electolytes
& at high concentration act as colloids.

12 Tyndall Effect:- The scattering of light by the colloidal particles present in a colloidal
sol is called Tyndall effect 1 + 1
Shape Selective Catalysis:- The catalytic reaction that depends upon the pore
structure of the catalyst and the size of the reactant and product molecules is called
shape-selective catalysis.

13 Coagulation is a process of aggregating together the colloidal particles so as to

change them into large particles which ultimately settle as a precipitate. 1
By electrophoresis, coagulation of lyophobic Sols can be carried out / or any other
method. 1

3 Themovement of colloidal particles under an applied electric potential towards

oppositely charged electrodes is called electrophoresis. 1

i) Micelles:
Micelles are associated colloids which show colloidal behaviour at high
concentration and act as strong electrolytes at lowconcentration.
ii) Peptization:
The process of converting a precipitate into colloidal sol by shaking itwith
dispersionmediumin the presence of a small amount of electrolyte is called
iii) Desorption:
The process of removing an adsorbed substance froma surface onwhich it is
adsorbed is called desorption. 1x3 = 3

20 They are of two types

i) Hydrophilic ii) hydrophobic ½+½
The hydrophile sol ismore stable and reversiblewhile hydrophobic sol is less stable
and is irreversible. 1
Hydrophilic sol e.g. Starch, gum, gelatin etc. (anyone)
Hydrobhobic sol e.g metal sulphide,metal hydroxide (anyone) 1
i) Electrophoresis takes place when sol particles move towards opposite
electrodes due to attraction.
ii) Tyndall effect will be observed due to scattering of light by colloidal
iii) Coagulation takes place (due to neutralisation of charges.)
Lyophilic sols are solvent attracting sols
ex. Gum,gelatine,starch,rubber (any one)
Lyophobic sols are solvent repelling sols
ex. Metal sols,metal sulphides (any one)
Lyophobic sols are readily coagulated because they are not stable.
16. Due to unbalanced bombardment of the colloidal particles by the molecules of
the dispersion
17. Biodegradable detergents are those detergents which are easily degraded by the
and hence are pollution free.
ex. Soap / Sodium laurylsulphate / any other unbranched chain detergent.
(any one)
Non Biodegradable Detergents are those detergents which cannot be degraded by
the bacteria
easily and hence create pollution. [example not essential]

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