ME1023 5 Sem PDF

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29. a- A supersonic noz.

zle air from po = 25bar and

4.35ba4 the exit mea "ry*dr
ofthe nouleis
_ I 050K to an exit pressure of
100 cm2. DeterminJ
(i) Throat area
(il) Pressure and temperatr:re at the throat
. (iir) Temperature at exit B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, NOVEMBER 2018
(rv) Exit velocity as ilaction of the maximum attainable verocity and Fifth/Sixth Semester
(v) Mass flow rate
(oR) (For the candidates admilled dltrinsthz academicyear 2013
b. Starting from the enerry eguation for flow through a norrnal shock obtain - 2014 and 2014 - z0I,
the prandtl- (Use of approwd gas table is permitted)
Meyer relation. Note:
30' a' A long line of 25.4 mm diameterhas
(, Part ' A should be answered in OMR sheet withh first 45 minutes and oMR
sheet should be handed
a mean
co-efficient of friction of 0.002. air enters the over to hall invigilator at the end of 45n minute.
pipe at a mach number of 2-4, stagnation temperature
310 K and static pressur" ojiiil*. (ir) Part - B and Part - C should be rurswered in answer booklet.
Determine for a section at which the Mach number reach",
O Static pressure and temperattue Time: Tbree Hours
(ii) Stagnationpressureandtemoerature Max Marks: 100
(iii) Vetocity of air
PART _A (20 x I = 20 Marks)
AnswerALL Questions
b. A combustion chamber gr turbirlop?nt receives air at 350 K 0.55 bar and 75 m/s. he
air-fuel ratio is 29 and T,
1. which one of the following is negrigible during adiabatic eners/ tansformation?
the calorific vatue of the fuql is 4r.g Milkg.Taking y_t.i^a (A) Work
R:0.287 kJlkg.K for the gas, determine (C) Heat and work @j Heat
(r) The initial and final mach numbers
(D) Entuopy

Final pressure, temperarure and velocity of the gas
% of stagnation pressure ross in combustion chilber and
2. The stagnafion velocify of sound having stagnation enthalpy
of4g0 kJ/kg is
(iv) The maximun stagnation temperature attainable
(A) 438 mis 6e; ++srnls'-
(C) 668 rn/s (D) 348 m/s
3 i' a' An aircraft tiles at kmph one of its turbgjet engines takes in 40 kgis of air and
160 expands
the gases to the ambient pressure. The air fuel ratt is 50
and the lower calorific value of
3. The second kind of Mach number is
the fuel is 43 MJlkg. For maximum thrust power, detemrine (A) c* /c (B) c/c*
(i) Jetvelocity (C) a* /a (D) a/a
(ii) Thrust
(iii) Specific thrust 4. The Fliegner's formula is used in isentopic flow to meas,re
(1v) Thrust power ({) Enerry (B) Enropy
(v) Propulsive, thermal and overall efficiencies and (C) Enthatpy @) Mass'-
(vi) TsFC
5. The convergent divergence nozzle is used in
b' Explain with a sketch tlr" prioi?Pof (A) Subsonic flow
@) Sonic flow
1ea1 operation of a ramjet engine and srate its (C) Supersonic flow
advantages and disadvantages. (D) Hypersonic flow
32' u Draw neat sketches explaining the general working of the
following rocket engines 6. When a norrnal shock occurs in a gas flow, the
(, Liquid propellant engine ({)' urstream flow is '
supersonic in) uprt"am flow is subsonic
(ii) Solid propellant engine (c) Downstueam flow is sonic gif, downstream and upstream flow are
b' A rocket tiles at 10,080^kmph **:??tr"ctive exhaust jet
velocity of 1400 m/s and
propellant flow rate of5.0 kg/s. Ifflre heat ofreaction 7. The fluid property that remains unchanged across a noflnal
shock wave is
ofthe propeltants is OsOO Un<g of
the propellant mixture determine (4) ltugr*ion pressure (B) Stagnation ;"tlrJpt
(i) Propulsion efficiency and propulsion power (C) Static pressure @)
Mais density
qil Engine ou@ut and thermalefficiency and
(iii) Overallefficiency 8. In many applications diftrsion occurs through a shock wave
(A) Isentropic @) Reversible
****:t (C) Ineversible (D) In a converging tube
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l5NF5/6ME 1023
20. The efficiency of ajet englne is higher at
9. The maximurr entopy point in Fanno line occurs
at mach number
(A) Low sPeeds (B) High sPeeds
(A) o.s (B) 1
(C) Low altitudes (D) High altitudes
ici 1.5 (D) 2
PART-B(5x 4=20 Marks)
10. Rayleigh flow in constant area ducts Answer AI{Y FM Questions
(A) With friction but without heat @) With both fiction and heat transfer
enthalpy and velocity of
transfer 2t. Argon is stored in a reservoir at 300 K, determine stagnation
(C) With frictionless heat tansfer (D) Without either friction or heat transfer
ro*a io it. y =l.658qnd R=0'208k1 I kg'K '
11. The maximum length of the duct in Fanno flow processes-is- of using M* instead of M in
(B) Transonic length 22. what is meant by chocked flow? what are tle advantages
iej S"p".tonicle-ngth somecases?
fcj i"bso"it teoelh @) Sonic length
shock wave when nomtal shock
23. what is strength of a shock and calculate the skength of
12. When heat is added to a compressible flow appears at}y',=z2
(A) The flow temperature will always (B) The Mach number will always increase
Rayleigh lines on the h-s and p-v
obtain an equation representing the Rayleigh line. Draw
(C) The entopy maY decrease (D) The flow stagrction temperature will )1.

always increase planes for two dffierent valued of the mass flux'

)5 are the main components of a gas turbine engine

used for turbojet aircrafts? show the
13. Thejetvelocityofaircraftwhichishavingspeedllloof0.8andflightspeedof400ru/sis various processes occurring in the engine on a T-s diagram'
(A) 3oo
ql fl
(o) 600
icj 26. Mention the desirable characteristics of a rocket propellants.

14 Tlre velociry q[ sotrnd in, ltrc air -au altitu-dq

qf !t-[0 q is air cra&g-ole1l9! rj
(A) 302 ur/s
@) 350 m/.s m Thc cr-ss-sectimof trrexit seetionof *€€n*rel s+xfaceelrclosing-alI
enfiry and exit gl tfre control surface are 133
9m2. The mean values of air velociti$ ut tt "
+oo r"lt (D) 552 mis
nols and 170 rr/r;;;ir"iy. r*i"g the densitytf air as 1.25kf,m3 deterrnine the thrust
velocity is acting on the ProPeller.
15. A rocket works with maximum overall efficiency when air-craft
the jet velocitY. PART-C(5x12:60Marks)
(A) Equalto (B) One-half
Answer ALL Questions
(C) Double (D) Morethan
Prove fot y-l'4
16. In a jet engine, the air-fuel ratio is
28-a.i. What is the effect of Mach nunber on the' compressibility?
(A) 50:1 @) 30:1
(D) 60:1
=l+14M, * 40| M4 +..._.. (SMarks)

(C) 40:1 Nztz

velocity temperafure of air- at the
t7. A turbo-prob is referred to turbojet because ii. Determine the Mach number of an afucraft at which the
(A) It ny at hiCh elevations -. It can fly at suPersonic sPeeds
(B) entry of the the static temperature' (4 Marks)

ici "* off

r, has high power for take (D) It has irigh piopulsive efficiency at high
"rgi"" "qu"ft
b. Air (y =1.4, R=287.43J l&g.K) enters a straight axis symmetric duct at 300 K 3'45 bar

18. The propellant mass traction of a rocket having mass ratio of 0'78 is
and150m/sandleavesit af277k"2.058bar and260m/s'theareaofcross-sectionatenty
(A) @) o'22 is 500 crn2. Assuming adiabatic flow determine:
ici 0.33 (D) o'44
(i) Stagrration temPerature

oirocket engine with speed ratio 2 is (ii) Maximum velocitY

19. The propulsive efficiency (iil) Mass flow rate and
(A)'80% (B) 7s%
(ci zo,z" (D) s6% (1v) Area ofcross-section at exit

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