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I FREDDY JUNIOR J GONZALES, adult, married, born in venezuelan by birth as it is stated in

my birth certificate record number 1131 kept by the civil registration of the parish church
Coquivacoa of the municipality Maracaibo, state Zulia year 1983, book number 03, folio number
366, bearer of passport number:130117537, domiciliado in the City of Frankly, North Course
View, Postal Code 37067, state of Tennessee, civilly able, I declare that the Sir Andres Eduardo
Mendez Gonzalez Venezolano, Alien number: 215587440, is belongs to my family group as a
cousin, I declare that: He is a serious and responsable person, of a impeccable behaviour,
whence I decide to take responsibility of him and support him economically, I will provide shelter
and also cover his necessities, without further ado I respectfully bid farewell on this date

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