Catana Brown - Virginia C Stoffel - Jaime Munoz - Occupational Therapy in Mental Health - A Vision For Participation-F. A. Davis Company (2019) PDF

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Occupational Therapy
in Mental Health
A Vision for Participation
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Occupational Therapy
in Mental Health
A Vision for Participation


Catana Brown, PhD, OTR, FAOTA

Associate Professor
School of Occupational Therapy
Touro University–Nevada
Las Vegas, Nevada

Virginia C. Stoffel, PhD, OT, BCMH, FAOTA

Chair, Associate Professor
University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee
College of Health Sciences
Department of Occupational Therapy
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Associate Editor:

Jaime Phillip Muñoz, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA

Associate Professor
Department of Occupational Therapy
Duquesne University
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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F. A. Davis Company
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Senior Acquisitions Editor: Christa A. Fratantoro

Manager of Content Development: George W. Lang
Developmental Editor: Nancy Peterson
Art and Design Manager: Carolyn O’Brien

As new scientific information becomes available through basic and clinical research, recommended
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Occupational therapy in mental health: a vision for participation/editors, Catana Brown, Virginia C. Stoffel;
associate editor, Jaime Phillip Munoz.
p. ; cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN-13: 978-0-8036-1704-9
ISBN-10: 0-8036-1704-6
1. Occupational therapy. 2. Mentally ill—Rehabilitation. I. Brown, Catana. II. Stoffel, Virginia C.
III. Munoz, Jaime Phillip.
[DNLM: 1. Mental Disorders—therapy. 2. Occupational Therapy—methods. 3. Patient
Participation. WM 450.5.02 0148 2011]
RC487.0252 2011

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To Alan


To Bob

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This is a text we have all been waiting for—a contemporary This book advances the practice of occupational therapy,
occupational performance, client-centered, and evidence- reframing much of practice from group skill training to a life
based approach to occupational therapy in mental health. skill and occupational approach that fosters participation. It
People, regardless of their diagnosis, are individuals with also integrates knowledge from the behavioral, environmen-
roles, goals, hopes, and aspirations to live life to the fullest. tal, and occupational sciences.
Mental illness touches each of us. It is so prevalent today, I can’t finish this foreword without saying a few words
with problems ranging from developmental disabilities and about the editors. Tana Brown and Ginny Stoffel have ded-
autism to eating and substance-related disorders, from per- icated their careers to a vision of occupational therapy as a
sonality and mood disorders to schizophrenia. People we far-reaching helping science that, within its practice guide-
know and love have these conditions, and they require the lines, can be shaped and applied to benefit people in new
knowledge and skills that occupational therapists and occu- ways and in broader areas of need. This textbook is a result
pational therapy assistants can provide to help them manage of their vision. They are both passionate about their pro-
their condition in home, family, work, and community fession and about the people who will benefit from the
activities. The overall objective of occupational therapy is to knowledge they have compiled. I can’t help but think that
enable participation, and that is the focus of this book. our earlier leaders in mental health—Dr. Adolph Meyer,
The editors and chapter contributors have employed a Dr. William Dutton, and Eleanor Clark Slagle, to name a
contemporary approach to their effort by organizing the text few—who knew the power of occupation and stressed the
with a person-environment-occupation approach; such an importance of engagement in an enabling environment,
approach situates the book in most contemporary models would be pleased to see this work come to a format that
being developed in occupational therapy today. They want would guide clinicians to make a difference in the everyday
the learner to understand the lived experience of people with lives of people with mental challenges who require the
mental illness and have used a very personal and innovative skills of an occupational therapist. This book should be
approach called PhotoVoice, using narratives of persons required reading for all occupational therapists who work
with mental illness to give the reader lived experiences. They with people experiencing vulnerabilities due to health and
also use first-person narratives written by people with men- situational circumstances.
tal illness or their family members or service providers. They
use Evidence-Based Practice boxes to support the practice of Carolyn Baum, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA
occupational therapy. These approaches support a very Professor of Occupational Therapy
personal level of learning and are actually a gift to the pro- and Neurology
fession, as we are being called upon to support the health Washington University School of Medicine
and participation of all our citizens and to do it using St. Louis, Missouri
evidence that will direct resources to approaches known to
be effective.

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Occupational therapy has its roots in mental health prac- China, England, and Sweden. The international authorship
tice, with its founders including individuals who worked offers a broader point of view of occupational therapy in
in psychiatry at the prestigious Johns Hopkins Hospital mental health.
and Sheppard and Enoch Pratt Hospitals. However, the
role of occupational therapy as a health care and service
profession is broad in scope. Occupational therapists work
with individuals and populations with both physical and
Guiding Principles
psychiatric disabilities, as well as individuals without Several philosophical principles guide the tone and content
disabilities who struggle with occupational performance of the book:
problems. All age groups, from newborns to older adults,
■ The person-environment-occupation model is used as
and a variety of settings, including medical, educational,
the organizing structure for the text. Each is examined in
community, and industry, are served by occupational
a comprehensive manner to ensure that the learner will
have a strong grounding in client-centered, occupation-
Mental health occupational therapy is one important area
based practices that promote full participation in the
of specialized practice, and occupational therapists who
everyday lives of persons with mental illness and others
work primarily as mental health practitioners must acquire
struggling with psychosocial issues.
specific knowledge and abilities. Yet an appreciation for
■ The lived experience of mental illness and recovery is
the whole person, which includes mental health issues, is so
highlighted so that the learner develops a full appreci-
integral to our practice that it is essential for occupational
ation for the real people who will be future recipients
therapists in all practice areas to develop competencies asso-
of occupational therapy services. Recognition of the
ciated with mental health practice. It is safe to assume that all
whole person—the individual’s state of physical, emo-
people deal with mental health issues at some point in their
tional, spiritual, and mental health—and the need to
lives and that individuals who have challenges related to
address co-occurring conditions are emphasized.
occupational performance will almost certainly experience
■ Occupational therapy interventions are grounded the-
mental health concerns, be it anxiety, depression, ineffective
oretically and in the evidence based on occupational
coping, or some other challenge.
therapy and mental health literature.
Participation is the primary goal of occupational therapy;
■ Active learning strategies are incorporated into the text
that is, occupational therapists work to support individuals
to emphasize self-reflection and the experiential appli-
in their efforts to engage in all aspects of everyday life. This
cation of learning. The reflective nature of these activ-
textbook strives to be visionary in providing established as
ities is useful for promoting the development of thera-
well as newly emerging practices for occupational therapists
peutic engagement as a skill.
working in mental health, hence the title Occupational Therapy
■ The text utilizes a client-centered, optimistic, recovery-
in Mental Health: A Vision for Participation.
oriented perspective that empowers clients to be in
This comprehensive textbook provides both a breadth
control of their own lives and therapists to recognize
and depth of information related to mental health practices.
their unique contribution in promoting full participa-
There is content presented in this text that is essential for all
tion in daily life.
occupational therapists regardless of practice area, as well as
more specific information relevant to occupational thera-
pists who specialize in mental health practice. This text is
primarily intended for entry-level occupational therapy Organization Using the
students, but it is also a useful reference book for practicing
therapists. As occupational therapy curricula vary greatly, Person-Environment-Occupation
the comprehensive nature of the text and its intuitive orga-
nizational structure make it applicable across multiple
occupational therapy courses, including courses with a Occupational Therapy in Mental Health: A Vision for Par-
focus on mental health and those organized around specific ticipation is organized around the person-environment-
client factors, areas of occupation, and environments. occupation (PEO) model. There are several conceptual
As an edited text, Occupational Therapy in Mental models in occupational therapy that we could have se-
Health: A Vision for Participation utilizes experts within the lected, but the PEO model was chosen for its simple but all
field to author chapters on their particular area of expertise. encompassing structure. This does not mean that PEO is
The numerous contributors and the breadth of the text the only model used in this textbook; many other models
resulted in several areas in which significant and relevant are described and referenced throughout the text when
content for occupational therapy is published for the first relevant. The model works well as a framework for the text
time. In addition, the contributors come from six different because it addresses the full practice domain of occupa-
countries, including the United States, Canada, Australia, tional therapy in mental health and gives equal attention

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to person, occupation, and environment factors. The text assessments, and (3) interventions aimed at creating a sup-
is divided into four parts: portive environment.
The “Practice Setting” section is devoted to the places that
Part 1 Foundations
occupational therapists work, including settings with either
Part 2 The Person
a primary or secondary focus on mental health practice.
Part 3 Environment
Some of these settings are emerging areas of practice that
Part 4 Occupation
have received little attention in previous texts. Each chapter
includes a general description of the setting with informa-
Part 1: Foundations tion on the needs of the population served. The role of
occupational therapy is discussed, including assessments
The introductory section provides information on overarch-
and interventions common to those settings.
ing issues in mental health occupational therapy. The first
chapter, on recovery, sets the tone for the text by acknowl-
edging the expertise and point of view of the individual with Part 4: Occupation
mental illness. In addition, the recovery model promotes
Few occupational therapy texts attempt to comprehensively
optimism and hope that individuals with psychiatric disabil-
address areas of occupational performance. This part of the
ities can achieve their occupational wants and needs. Other
text covers the more familiar occupations of work, self-care,
chapters in Part 1 provide further perspective and back-
and leisure, along with some areas of occupation that have
ground for mental health occupational therapy practice that
been neglected, such as sleep and spirituality. Attention is paid
is (1) person centered, (2) occupation based, (3) grounded
to the character or purpose of different occupations across the
in theory, (4) supported by evidence, and (5) cognizant of
lifespan. Many of these chapters include descriptions of spe-
the historical roots of occupational therapy in mental health.
cific assessments and intervention models and techniques.

Part 2: The Person

Part 2 is further divided into “Diagnosis” and “Client Special Features
Factors” sections. It is important for occupational thera-
Educators and students alike find special features to be useful
pists to thoroughly understand the conditions of the indi-
in helping the learner comprehend and retain new informa-
viduals with whom they work. Therefore, major psychiatric
tion as well as envision how it will apply to practice. Occupa-
diagnoses are presented with a focus on symptoms, etiol-
tional Therapy in Mental Health: A Vision for Participation
ogy, medications, and impact on occupational perform-
includes several unique features:
ance. Although occupational therapy practice is not driven
by symptomatology, practitioners can better understand the
experience of the individual with a mental illness if they are PhotoVoice
aware of symptoms the person may be experiencing. In
addition, a working knowledge of psychiatric diagnoses is This feature includes photographs with accompanying nar-
useful when participating on a multidisciplinary treatment ratives that utilize the PhotoVoice methodology. PhotoVoice
team. was developed by Caroline C. Wang and Mary Ann Burris as
Because occupational therapy assessment and interven- a means for marginalized people to have their voices heard.
tion are not based on diagnosis, the chapters in Part 2 Its goal is social action and influence. PhotoVoice follows a
include minimal information on assessment and interven- particular structure in which the group involved in the proj-
tion. More thorough explanations are included in other ect identifies a particular mission or message to convey,
chapters of the text, with equal attention given to assessment brainstorms about images, takes photographs, and discusses
and intervention targeting client factors, environments, and the significance of the photos. Then, the person who took
occupations. For easy reference, see the Index of Assessments the photo writes a narrative that describes its meaning.
and Index of Interventions. The PhotoVoice methodology typically involves identifying
The “Client Factors” section addresses skills and abilities a target audience. In this case, the audience is the reader of this
that are important for occupational performance. These textbook. Each of the editors of the text held separate Pho-
chapters provide detailed content about the skills addressed, toVoice groups with individuals with mental illness. The pur-
theories related to those skills, and specific information on pose was to collect photos and narratives that convey the con-
particular diagnoses associated with impairments in those tent of the text from the perspective of the individuals with the
skill areas. lived experience of mental illness. This was a powerful experi-
ence that goes far beyond the confines of this text; however, we
hope readers will find the PhotoVoice features particularly use-
Part 3: Environment ful to illustrate the rich information we can accumulate when
Part 3 is also divided into two sections: “Lived Environment” we listen to the people we serve as occupational therapists.
and “Practice Settings.” Although recognized as important
by occupational therapists, the environmental component of The Lived Experience
the PEO model has received the least attention. The “Lived
Environment” section of the text aims to correct this neglect First-person narratives reflect the chapters’ major con-
by providing the mental health practitioner with (1) an cepts and allow the reader to gain an understanding of the
explicit understanding of the environment and its impact lived experience. We have taken care to maintain each
on occupational performance, (2) specific environmental writer’s unique voice. Most of these narratives are written
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by individuals with a psychiatric disability, but a few are Resources

written by family members or service providers. In some
cases, an interview was conducted to help the individual Most chapters includes information on resources that
tell his or her story. The Lived Experience and PhotoVoice the student and instructor can use to augment the text
features reinforce the importance of the person-first, and utilize in practice. Examples of resources include
client-centered philosophy of the book. books, assessment or intervention manuals, videos, and
Evidence-Based Practice
Although research evidence is an important component of A Note About the Cover
each chapter, evidence is also highlighted in Evidence-Based
Practice boxes. A primary purpose of this feature is to distill The image chosen for the cover is significant as well as
important research in a particular content area with specific beautiful: During an art group meeting at Spectrum, a
applications to occupational therapy practice. Each box uses community meeting place of consumers, Cherie Bledsoe
a standard format in which the evidence is cited, followed by did a finger painting. She was about to throw it in the
a bulleted list of implications for practice, and then the full trash, but Jan Kobe, the art teacher, saw its potential and
reference. The research is drawn from the occupational ther- the images emerging from it. Jan claimed it for the Art
apy literature as well as the larger interdisciplinary mental Coalition to salvage and complete, using a Monet-like
health literature. impressionist theme. The Art Coalition finished the paint-
ing, adding a pond, flowers, and swans. Due to the quality
of the work, it was chosen for the “Sunshine from Dark-
Active Learning Strategies and Reflective ness” exhibit in 2008. The painting reflects reclaiming
Journal Prompts quality of life after the losses of mental illness and the re-
birth of regained skills and recovery. Contributors: Cherie
When using this textbook within a course, students are
Bledsoe, Ella Devosha, Jan Kobe, and the Art Coalition of
encouraged to start a Reflective Journal. The Reflective Jour-
nal is a separate notebook used to record individual
impressions, reactions, and insights gained from the learning
experience. Each chapter includes one or more experiential
activities that promote active learning of concepts within the
chapter. In many cases, the activity involves developing an ap-
Closing Thoughts
preciation for the lived experiences of people with mental ill- Many experts in the field, both occupational therapists and
ness. In others, the reader has the opportunity to engage in an people with mental illness, have come together to create this
assessment or intervention experience. Many activities are work. In doing so, these individuals have created the most
followed by a set of reflective questions, which is where the comprehensive occupational therapy in mental health text-
Reflective Journal comes in. The student can use these ques- book available. It is our desire that the reader finds the infor-
tions or others developed by the instructor to help personal- mation accessible and useful for occupational therapy prac-
ize and process the experience. The questions are intended to tice, but perhaps more important, that the vision of the book
enhance the reader’s understanding of the chapter and facili- is realized. Our hope is that this text contributes to the revi-
tate the synthesis of applicable person, environment, and oc- talization of occupational therapy practice in mental health
cupation concepts. The journals also provide a means of and that the profession plays a significant role in supporting
preparation by which the students can more meaningfully participation in everyday life for those people with psychi-
engage in a discussion around the content of the chapter. atric disabilities.
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Katie C. Alexander, MS, OTR Mona Eklund, PhD, Reg OT

Program Development Consultant Professor
The Model Asperger Program Department of Health Sciences
The Ivymount School, Inc. Division of Occupational Therapy and Gerontology
Rockville, Maryland Lund University
Lund, Sweden
Cherie Bledsoe
Executive Director Joyce M. Engel, PhD, OTR, FAOTA
S.I.D.E. Inc. Professor and Program Director
Kansas City, KS University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee
College of Health Sciences
Charles Christiansen, EdD, OTR, OT(C), FAOTA Department of Occupational Therapy
Executive Director Milwaukee, Wisconsin
American Occupational Therapy Foundation
Bethesda, Maryland Pamela Erdman, MS, OTR
Quality Assurance Director
Patricia Crist, PhD, OTR, FAOTA Wraparound Milwaukee Program
Chairperson and Professor Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Department of Occupational Therapy
John G. Rangos Sr. School of Health Sciences S. Megan Exley, MOT, OTR/L
Duquesne University Occupational Therapist
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Landmark Home Health Care
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Jeanenne Dallas, MA, OTR/L, CPRP
Instructor and Academic Fieldwork Coordinator Judith Gonyea, OTD, MSEd, OTR/L
Program in Occupational Therapy Assistant Professor
Washington University Occupational Therapy Department
St. Louis, Missouri Ithaca College
Ithaca, New York
Noralyn Davel Pickens, PhD, OT
Assistant Professor Sharon A. Gutman, PhD, OTR, FAOTA
School of Occupational Therapy Associate Professor
Texas Woman’s University Programs in Occupational Therapy
Dallas, Texas Columbia University
New York, New York
Janis Davis, PhD, OTR/L
Associate Professor Kristine Haertl, PhD, OTR/L
Department of Occupational Therapy Associate Professor
Dominican University of California Department of Occupational Science and Occupational
San Rafael, California Therapy
St. Catherine University
Frank P. Deane, PhD, BS., MSc, Clinical St. Paul, Minnesota
Psychology Diploma
School of Psychology and Illawarra Institute for Mental Carol Haertlein Sells, PhD, OTR, FAOTA
Health Professor, Occupational Therapy
University of Wollongong University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee
Australia College of Health Sciences
Department of Occupational Therapy
Mary Egan, PhD, OT Reg. (Ont.), FCAOT Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Associate Professor
School of Rehabilitation Sciences Carole Hays, MA, OTR/L, FAOTA
University of Ottawa Director of Rehabilitation Services
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Springfield Hospital Center
Sykesville, Maryland

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Christine A. Helfrich, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA Deane B. McCraith, MS, OT/L, LMFT
Assistant Professor Clinical Associate Professor, Retired
Department of Occupational Therapy Department of Occupational Therapy
Boston University Boston University College of Health and Rehabilitation
Boston, Massachusetts Sciences: Sargent College
Boston, Massachusetts
Alexis D. Henry, ScD, OTR/L, FAOTA
Senior Research Scientist Ann E. McDonald, PhD, OTR/L, SWC
Center for Health Policy and Research Pediatric Occupational Therapist
University of Massachusetts Medical School Private Practice: (EI/MH/SS)
Shrewsbury, Massachusetts Sierra Madre, California

Brian Holmquist, MOT, OTR M. Beth Merryman, PhD, OTR/L

Lead Occupational Therapist Associate Professor
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Program Department of Occupational Therapy
Madison, Wisconsin and Occupational Science
Towson University
Towson, Maryland
Valerie Howells, PhD, OTR
Penelope A. Moyers, EdD, OTR/L, BCMH,
School of Health Sciences, Occupational Therapy
Professor and Chair
Eastern Michigan University
Department of Occupational Therapy
Ypsilanti, Michigan
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Birmingham, Alabama
Barbara Jacobs, MS, OT
Clinical Associate Professor, Retired Jaime Phillip Muñoz, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA
University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee Associate Professor
Milwaukee, Wisconsin Department of Occupational Therapy
Duquesne University
Vaune Kopeck, OTR/L Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Senior Occupational Therapist
Mann Residential Treatment Center Rebecca S. Baker Nicholson, MS Ed, OTR/L
Sheppard Pratt Health System Clinical Assistant Professor
Baltimore, Maryland Occupational Therapy Education
University of Kansas Medical Center
Terry Krupa, PhD, MEd, OT Reg. (Ont.) Kansas City, Kansas
Associate Professor
School of Rehabilitation Therapy Geneviève Pépin, PhD
Queen’s University Senior Lecturer
Kingston, Ontario, Canada Occupational Science and Therapy
School of Health and Social Development
Chris Lloyd, PhD Deakin University
Senior Occupational Therapist Victoria, Australia
Homeless Health Outreach Team
Ashmore City, Queensland Christine Peters, PhD, OTR/L
Australia Chairperson and Clinical Associate Professor
Occupational Therapy Program
Laura C. Lock, Dip. COT, SROT Stony Brook University
Head Occupational Therapist Stony Brook, New York
St. George’s Eating Disorders Service and Chair
of the College of Occupational Therapists Specialist Suzette Phillips, PhD, OT
Section–Mental Health Mental Health Therapist
Special Interest Group in Eating Disorders Alberta Health Services
London, United Kingdom Camrose Mental Health Clinic
Camrose, Alberta, Canada and Lecturer
Saint Paul University
Lisa Mahaffey, MS, OTR/L
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Assistant Professor
Newman Theological College
Occupational Therapy-Downers Grove
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Midwestern University
University of Alberta
Downers Grove, Illinois
Edmonton & Camrose, Alberta, Canada
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Doris Pierce, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA Nancy Spangler, MS, OTR/L

Endowed Chair in Occupational Therapy President, Spangler Associates, Inc.
Eastern Kentucky University Leawood, Kansas
Richmond, Kentucky Consultant to the Partnership for Workplace Mental Health
Arlington, Virginia
Deborah B. Pitts, PhD (cand.), MBA, OTR/L,
BCMH, CPRP Susan Strong, MSc (DME), BSc, OT Reg (Ont)
Clinical Faculty Coordinator of Program Evaluation
Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Schizophrenia & Community Integration Service
Therapy St Joseph’s Healthcare and Associate Clinical Professor
University of Southern California (PT), School of Rehabilitation Science
Los Angeles, California McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Kris Pizur-Barnekow, PhD, OTR/L
Assistant Professor Karen Summers, MS, OTR/L
University of Illinois at Chicago Doctoral Student in Rehabilitation Sciences
College of Applied Health Science University of Kentucky
Department of Occupational Therapy Lexington, Kentucky and Occupational Therapist for
Chicago, Illinois Model Laboratory School
Eastern Kentucky University
Heidi Plach, MS, OTR Richmond, Kentucky
Clinical Instructor
University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee Margaret (Peggy) Swarbrick, PhD, OTR,
College of Health Sciences CPRP
Department of Occupational Therapy Assistant Professor
Milwaukee, Wisconsin University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey
School of Health Related Professions
Karen L. Rebeiro Gruhl, MScOT, OT Reg (Ont) Department of Psychiatric Rehabilitation and Counseling
PhD Candidate, School of Rural and Northern Health Professions and Director of the Institute for Wellness
Laurentian University, and Recovery Initiatives
Sudbury, Ontario Collaborative Support Programs of New Jersey
Canada Clifton, New Jersey

Patricia Schaber, PhD, OTR/L C. Annette Thompson, MS, OTR/L

Assistant Professor Director of Rehabilitation Services
Program in Occupational Therapy Springfield Hospital Center
University of Minnesota Sykesville, Maryland
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Jeffrey Tomlinson, OTR, MSW, FAOTA
Marian K. Scheinholtz, MS, OT/L Washington Heights Community Service
Public Health Advisor New York, New York
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration (SAMHSA) Hector W.H. Tsang, PhD, TOR
Rockville, Maryland Associate Professor and Occupational Therapy Program
Victoria P. Schindler, PhD, OTR, BCMH, FAOTA Department of Rehabilitation Sciences
Associate Professor of Occupational Therapy Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Master of Science in Occupational Therapy Program Hong Kong
Richard Stockton College of New Jersey
Pomona, New Jersey Christine Urish, PhD, OTR/L, BCMH, FAOTA
Occupational Therapist, Board Certified in Mental
Emily Schulz, PhD, OTR, CFLE Health
Associate Professor Professor of Occupational Therapy
Arizona School of Health Sciences St. Ambrose University
Occupational Therapy Program Davenport, Iowa
Mesa, Arizona

Andrew M. H. Siu, PhD

Assistant Professor
Department of Rehabilitation Sciences
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hunghom, Kowloon,
Hong Kong Sar, China
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Nancy E. Carson, MHS, OTR/L MaryBeth Merryman, PhD, OTR/L

Assistant Professor Associate Professor
Occupational Therapy Occupational Therapy & Occupational Science
Medical University of South Carolina Towson University
Charleston, South Carolina Towson, Maryland

Mariana D’Amico, EdD, OTR/L, BCP Jaime P. Muñoz, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA
Assistant Professor Assistant Professor
Occupational Therapy Occupational Therapy
Medical College of Georgia Duquesne University
Augusta, Georgia Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Priscilla Ennals, MOT, BAppSci OT, BCouns Ann H. Nolen, PsyD, OTR
Lecturer Chair, Associate Professor
Occupational Therapy Occupational Therapy
La Trobe University University of Tennessee Health Science Center
Brunswick, Australia Memphis, Tennessee

Ellie Fossey, MSc, DipCOT, AccOT Jane O’Brien, PhD, OTR/L

Lecturer and MOT Course Coordinator Associate Professor
School of Occupational Therapy Occupational Therapy
La Trobe University University of New England
Brunswick, Australia Portland, Maine

Robert W. Gibson, PhD, MS, OTR/L Christine Peters, PhD, OTR/L

Associate Professor Associate Professor
Occupational Therapy Occupational Therapy
Medical College of Georgia Pacific University
Augusta, Georgia Hillsboro, Oregon

Liane Hewitt, PhD, OTR/L Regi Robnett, PhD, OTR/L

Associate Professor Director, Associate Professor
Occupational Therapy Occupational Therapy
Loma Linda University University of New England
Loma Linda, California Portland, Maine

Joanne T. Jeffcoat, OTR/L, MEd Janeene C. Sibla, OTD, MS, OTR/L

Professor, Fieldwork Coordinator Program Director and Associate Professor
Occupational Therapy Assistant Occupational Therapy
Community College of Allegheny County University of Mary
Monroeville, Pennsylvania Bismarck, North Dakota

Kathryn M. Loukas, MS, OTR/L, FAOTA Margaret Swarbrick, PhD, OTR, CPRP
Associate Clinical Professor Director
Occupational Therapy Institute for Wellness and Recovery Initiatives
University of New England Collaborative Support Programs of New Jersey
Portland, Maine Freehold, New Jersey

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Mary P. Taugher, PhD, OT, FAOTA Marla J. Wonser, MS, OT, OTR/L
Assistant Professor (Retired), Ad Hoc Instructor Program Director
Occupational Therapy Occupational Therapy Assistant
University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee Casper College
Milwaukee, Wisconsin Casper, Wyoming

Janet H. Watts, PhD, OTR

Emeritus Associate Professor
Occupational Therapy
Virginia Commonwealth University
Richmond, Virginia
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When we embarked on the journey to create this text, little occupationally oriented program in Sudbury, Ontario,
did we know how many people would contribute to and Canada; S.I.D.E., a consumer-run organization in Kansas
shape this book. We had a vision about what we wanted to City, Kansas; Jeannine Dallas, Virginia Leeson, Jaime
create, and we were open and willing to learn from each step Muñoz, Kristi Haertl, Art Hsieh, and Al Chernov.
of the process. We first want to thank our publisher, F.A. We are grateful that we were able to engage authors from
Davis, for giving us the support and guidance to create a across the United States as well as our occupational therapy
product that required time, careful review and development, colleagues from around the world. We know that the practice
and the inclusion of many voices to convey the vibrant of mental health occupational therapy globally reflects the
opportunities that support occupational therapy mental varied health and social service systems of their respective
health practice. countries and hope that we continue to share and enrich our
Christa Fratantoro, the acquisitions editor who kept us global and cultural understanding.
afloat and upbeat as we engaged one author after another, We acknowledge the support of our colleagues at Kansas
chapter by chapter; Elizabeth Y. Stepchin, who worked behind University Medical Center, the University of Wisconsin–
the scenes to set up conference calls, send chapters out for re- Milwaukee, and Touro University–Nevada. We acknowledge
view, convey documents to and from the many authors and the contributions of several graduate students who con-
reviewers; and Nancy Peterson, our developmental editor, tributed to this project, especially Yeojin Choi, who assembled
who truly joined with us in our aspirations for this text and the glossary from all 55 chapters; Rebecca Barbosa, Hannah
was instrumental in the marathon of getting chapters ana- Miller, and Heidi Plach, who all assisted in facilitating
lyzed, edited, and fully developed while gently checking in PhotoVoice Workshops at Transitional Living Services and
around deadlines—their professionalism and commitment to Mental Health America of Wisconsin; and TeresaVente, who
the quality of this project never wavered, and we are grateful helped assemble the assessment and intervention indices. We
to them for their legacy of quality publishing practices. acknowledge the training in PhotoVoice that we received
We particularly want to acknowledge the contributions of from Sasha Bowers at the very start of the process, in
Jaime Muñoz, who authored several chapters and joined us September 2005, and Jan Kobe, who helped lead the
as an associate editor in the final phase of the editing PhotoVoice project at the Wyandot Center.
process. Jaime’s deep understanding of occupational therapy We acknowledge the occupational therapy educators and
mental health practice, his cultural insights and experiences, clinicians who carefully reviewed each chapter and whose
and his expertise as an educator were invaluable in provid- comments helped improve and enrich the focus and content
ing finishing touches to a significant number of chapters. We of each chapter. They were integral to the development
are also grateful that he was willing to author the instructor of the text over time, and we appreciate their enthusiastic
resources, which we hope will provide best practices in occu- response to many of the features in the text.
pational therapy education. We acknowledge the support and understanding we
We acknowledge the authors who shared their profes- received from family and friends. We missed many a meal
sional knowledge, resources, and stories and who invited the and stole many evenings and weekends to get the volume of
first-person narrative writers so that each chapter would work done in order to complete this project. Alan and
speak to the reader with the clear perspective of the lived Lauren, Bob, Brian, Eric, and Adam were closest to us as we
experience of mental illness and recovery. We appreciate our carried out these activities, and we know they celebrate
team of PhotoVoice participants, whose visual images having this project published. And to Owen Brown, you
and narratives in the text provide another way of under- won’t have to ask me again, “When do you think THAT book
standing and celebrating their personal wisdom and in- is going to be published?”
sights. PhotoVoice participants include Cindy-Sue, Caroline, We close with acknowledging the people who, across
Marty, Barbara, Henry, Willard, Doug, Judith, Brian, Neil, time, have shared their journey of mental illness and recov-
Marsha, and Bruce from Transitional Living Services and the ery with us. We hope that the lessons we have learned from
Grand Avenue Club in Milwaukee and Willetta, Jan, Jill, and with you are reflected in the different aspects of this
Bobby, Betty, Dennis, Viola, Mary, Glen, Janet, Barbara, book. And we look forward to learning even more so that
Sterling, Grady, Helen, and Marca from the Wyandot Center future versions of this kind of text will be shaped by and will
in Kansas City, Kansas. shape mental health practice in occupational therapy. Our
Additional photographs that help to capture real people hope is that the “Vision of Participation” becomes a reality
in real life were submitted from a number of sources. We for all!
thank the individuals who submitted photographs as well
as those who are pictured. In particular, we thank the Tana Brown
Northern Initiative for Social Action, a consumer-driven, Ginny Stoffel

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Contents in Brief

PA R T 1 Foundations 1 SECTION 2 Environments 383

27 The Political and Public Policy
1 Recovery 3 Environment 383
2 History of Mental Health: Perspectives 28 Attitudinal Environment and Stigma 399
of Consumers and Practitioners 17
29 Families Living With Mental Illness 415
3 Person-Environment-Occupation
30 Mental Health Practice in a Multicultural
Model 31
Context 433
4 Psychosocial Concerns With Disability 47
31 The Spiritual Environment 453
5 Evidence-Based Practice in Mental
32 The Neighborhood and Community 464
Health 57
33 Supported Housing: Creating a Sense
of Home 476
PA R T 2 The Person 71
SECTION 1 Introduction 73
SECTION 3 Practice Settings 491
34 Early Intervention: A Practice Setting for
6 Introduction to the Person 73
Infant and Toddler Mental Health 491
SECTION 2 Diagnosis 83 35 Consumer-Operated Services 503
7 Pervasive Developmental Disorders 83 36 After-School Programs 516
8 Attention and Disruptive Behavior 37 Mental Health Practice in Forensic
Disorders 98 Settings 526
9 Intellectual Disabilities 111 38 State Hospitals 546
10 Eating Disorders 123 39 Psychosocial Clubhouses 559
1 1 Personality Disorders 143 40 Community-Based Case Management 571
12 Mood Disorders 155 41 Hospital-Based Mental Health Care 582
13 Anxiety Disorders 167 42 Mental Illness in the Workplace: Policies
14 Schizophrenia 179 and Practices That Impact Disability 595
15 Substance-Related Disorders 192 43 Homeless and Women’s Shelters 610
16 Co-Occurring Disorders 211 44 Wraparound Services: Children and
Families 625
17 Dementia 225
SECTION 3 Client Factors 241 PA R T 4 Occupation 635
18 Cognitive Skills 241
SECTION 1 Introduction 637
19 Cognitive Beliefs 262
45 Introduction to Occupation
20 Sensory Skills 280 and Co-occupation 637
21 Communication and Social Skills 298
SECTION 2 Occupations 649
22 Coping Skills 313
46 Occupation and Wellness 649
23 Motivation 330
47 Activities of Daily Living and
24 Emotion Regulation 345 Instrumental Activities of Daily Living 659
25 Pain Regulation 358 48 Student: K Through 12 676
49 Student: Adult Education 684
PA R T 3 Environment 371 50 Work as Occupation 695
SECTION 1 Introduction 373 51 Social Participation 711
26 Introduction to Environment 373

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52 Leisure and Play 724 GLOSSARY 773

53 Rest and Sleep 736 INDEX OF ASSESSMENTS 793
54 Spiritual Occupation 755 INDEX OF INTERVENTIONS 795
55 Grief and Bereavement 764 INDEX 797
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1 Foundations 1 Person-Environment-Occupation
Model 31
Development of the PEO Model 31
CHAPTER 1 Description of the PEO Model 33
Recovery 3 Person 33
Environment 33
Definitions of Recovery 3
Occupation 33
Insights Into Recovery—The Lived Experience 5
Occupational Performance 33
Recovery as a Process and Journey 8
Dimension of Time 35
Importance of Hope 8
Dimension of Space 35
Coping and Adaptation 9
The PEO Model in Mental Health Practice 37
Empowerment and Self-Determination 9
Analyzing Occupational Performance 38
Social and Community Integration 9
Applying PEO to the Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapy and Recovery 10
Process 38
Measurement of Recovery 11
Identifying a Priority Occupational Performance
Recovery Enhancing Environment Scale 11
Issue 38
Recovery Self-Assessment 11
Exploring Factors That Influence PEO 39
Making Decisions Empowerment Scale 12
Examining Relationships Among the PEO
Hope Scale 12
Components 39
Measurement of Community Integration 12
Person-Occupation 40
Recovery as Public Policy Leading Mental Health System
Occupation-Environment 40
Transformation 12
Person-Environment 40
Recovery Principles 13
Formulating a Plan 40
Summary 14
Evaluating Intervention Plans 41
Active Learning Strategies 14
Application of the PEO Model 41
Resources 14
Summary 44
References 15
Active Learning Strategies 44
Resources 44
CHAPTER 2 References 45
History of Mental Health: Perspectives
of Consumers and Practitioners 17 CHAPTER 4
History of Mental Health Practice in America 17 Psychosocial Concerns With Disability 47
Mental Illness in Colonial America 17 Disability Versus Chronic Illness 48
Urbanization and the Rise and Fall of Asylums 18 Addressing Psychosocial Aspects of Disabilities 48
Mental Hygiene Movement 19 Evidence Regarding Response to Disability 49
Mental Health Policy 19 Response to Disability 50
The Consumer Movement 20 Shock 50
Occupational Therapy Mental Health History 20 Defensive Retreat or Denial 50
Consumers’ Perspectives 20 Depression or Mourning 51
Health Providers’ Perspectives 21 Personal Questioning and/or Anger 52
Recovery 28 Integration and Growth 52
Summary 28 Disability Conditions and the Environment 53
Active Learning Strategies 29 Occupational Therapy Role in Advocacy 53
Resources 29 Summary 55
References 29 Active Learning Strategies 55
Resources 56
References 56

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CHAPTER 5 SECTION 2 Diagnosis 83

Evidence-Based Practice in Mental
Health 57 CHAPTER 7
Development of Evidence-Based Practice 57 Pervasive Developmental Disorders 83
Issues of Evidence-Based Practice—Beyond Efficacy
Studies 58 Description of the Disorder 83
Evidence-Based Practice and Occupational Therapy 59 Autism Spectrum Disorders 84
Recommendations for Increasing Occupational Therapy Asperger’s Disorder 84
Research 59 Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise
Evidence-Based Psychosocial Interventions 62 Specified 84
Assertive Community Treatment 62 Rett’s Disorder 85
Social Skills Training 63 Childhood Disintegrative Disorder 85
Supported Employment 63 Etiology 85
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy 64 Autism Spectrum Disorders 85
Family Intervention 64 Genetic Factors 86
Motivational Interviewing 65 Neuroanatomical Factors 86
Dialectical Behavior Therapy 65 Functional Neuroimaging 86
Summary 65 Immunizations 86
Active Learning Strategies 66 Rett’s Disorder 86
Resources 66 Genetic Factors 86
References 66 Neuroanatomical Factors 87
Neurochemical Factors 87
Childhood Disintegrative Disorder 87
Genetic Factors 87

2 Neurobiological Factors 87

The Person 71 Environmental Factors 87

Prevalence 87
Course 88
Autism Spectrum Disorders 88
SECTION 1 Introduction 73 Rett’s Disorder 88
Childhood Disintegrative Disorder 88
CHAPTER 6 Gender Differences 89
Culture-Specific Information 89
Introduction to the Person 73 Impact on Occupational Performance 90
Recovery-Oriented Practice: Rethinking the Person 73 Autism Spectrum Disorders 90
Acknowledging the Person 74 Intellectual Impairments 90
Person First Language 74 Executive Function 90
Addressing Symptoms and Diagnosis 74 Theory of Mind 90
Identifying Client Factors 74 Central Coherence 91
Cognitive Skills 75 Adaptive Skills 92
Cognitive Beliefs 76 Sensory Processing 92
Sensory Processing 76 Rett’s Disorder 92
Communication 76 Childhood Disintegrative Disorder 93
Coping 76 Medications 94
Motivation 77 Autism Spectrum Disorders 94
Emotion Regulation 77 Atypical Antipsychotics 94
Pain 77 Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors 94
Recognizing Individual Nature of Client Factors 77 Stimulants 94
Appreciating the Lived Experience 78 Rett’s Disorder 94
Using Narrative for Assessment 78 Childhood Disintegrative Disorder 94
Using Narrative for Intervention 79 Summary 94
Summary 80 Active Learning Strategies 94
Active Learning Strategies 80 Resources 95
Resources 80 References 95
References 81
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Attention and Disruptive Behavior Eating Disorders 123
Disorders 98 Description of Eating Disorders 123
Description of the Disorders 98 Anorexia Nervosa 124
DSM-IV-TR Criteria 99 DSM-IV-TR Criteria 124
Etiology 100 Subtypes 124
Prevalence 101 Prevalence 124
Gender and Cultural Considerations 101 Course 124
Course 101 Bulimia Nervosa 125
Impact on Occupational Performance 101 DSM-IV-TR Criteria 125
Cognitive Impairment 106 Subtypes 125
Motor Impairment and Sensory Processing 106 Prevalence 125
Work and Adult Engagement 107 Course 125
Medications 107 Etiology 126
Summary 107 Predisposing Factors 126
Active Learning Strategies 108 Personality 126
Resources 108 Biology 127
References 109 Family Functioning 127
Social and Cultural Influences 127
Precipitating Factors 128
CHAPTER 9 Perpetuating Factors 128
Intellectual Disabilities 111 Protective Factors 128
Description of the Disorder 111 Gender Differences 128
DSM-IV-TR Criteria 111 Cultural Differences 129
Etiology 112 Prognosis 130
Genetic Causes 112 Psychological Influences That Affect Occupational
Malformation-Related Causes 112 Participation 130
External Prenatal Causes 112 Overvaluation of Weight, Shape, and Their Control 130
Paranatal Causes 113 Mood Intolerance 130
Postnatal Causes 113 Core Low Self-Esteem 130
Unknown Causes 113 Perfectionism 131
Other Risk Factors 113 Interpersonal Problems 131
Neurological Factors 114 Impact on Occupational Performance 131
Prevalence 114 Maladaptive Eating Habits and Impaired Meal Preparation
Course 114 Skills 132
Gender Differences 114 Maladaptive Lifestyle Habits and Impaired Independent
Culture-Specific Information 114 Living Skills 132
Impact on Occupational Performance 115 Impaired Communication and Assertion Skills 132
Health 115 Impaired Stress Management Skills 132
Physical Health 115 Resistance to Change 133
Obesity and Underweight 116 Intervention 134
Mental Health 117 Self-Help and Support Groups 134
Adaptive Skills 117 General Principles of Intervention 134
Social Skills 117 Specific Occupational Therapy Interventions 134
Language and Communication 117 Menu Planning and Meal Preparation 135
Mobility 118 Lifestyle Redesign and Independent Living Skills 135
Community Participation 118 Communication and Assertion Training 135
Environmental Factors Contributing to Problems With Stress Management 135
Occupational Performance 118 Projective Art 135
Health-Care Access 118 Crafts 135
Poverty 119 Relapse Prevention 135
Maltreatment 119 Body Image Improvement 136
Medications 120 Adapting Interventions 136
Risperidone 120 Adolescent Interventions 136
Other Medications 120 Medication 136
Summary 120 Summary 136
Active Learning Strategies 120 Active Learning Strategies 137
Resources 121 Resources 137
References 121 References 137
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Personality Disorders 143 Anxiety Disorders 167
Description of the Disorder 143 Description of the Disorder 167
DSM-IV-TR Criteria 144 DSM-IV-TR Criteria 167
Cluster A: Paranoid, Schizoid, and Schizotypal Personality Panic Attack and Panic Disorder 167
Disorders 144 Agoraphobia 168
Cluster B: Antisocial, Borderline, Histrionic, and Generalized Anxiety Disorder 168
Narcissistic Personality Disorders 145 Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder 168
Cluster C: Avoidant, Dependent, and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder 168
Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorders 145 Social Phobia 169
Dimensional Models of Personality 147 Specific Phobia 169
Etiology 148 Etiology 170
Genetic Factors 148 Stress 170
Biological Factors 148 Genetic Factors 170
Environmental Factors 149 Structural and Functional Neuroanatomical Factors 171
Prevalence 149 Neurotransmitters 171
Course 149 Cognitive and Psychological Factors 171
Gender Differences 149 Environmental Factors 172
Culture-Specific Information 149 Prevalence 172
Impact on Occupational Performance 149 Gender Differences 172
Social Participation 149 Culture-Specific Information 173
Emotional Modulation 150 Course 174
Coping 150 Impact on Occupational Performance 174
Medications 151 Physical Impairments 174
Occupational Therapy Interventions 151 Cognitive Impairments 175
Establishing a Therapeutic Relationship 151 Psychosocial Impairments 175
Addressing Occupational Dysfunction 152 Treatment 175
Prevention of Personality Disorders 152 Medications 175
Summary 152 Other Medical Treatments 176
Active Learning Strategies 152 Psychosocial Intervention Approaches 176
Resources 153 Summary 176
References 154 Active Learning Strategies 177
Resources 177
References 177
Mood Disorders 155
Description of the Disorder 155
DSM-IV-TR Criteria 156 Schizophrenia 179
Episodes 156 Description of the Disorder 179
Disorders 157 DSM-IV-TR Criteria 179
Etiology 157 Subtypes of Schizophrenia 180
Depression 159 Symptom Clusters 181
Bipolar Disorder 159 Cognitive Subtypes 181
Prevalence 160 Etiology 182
Course 160 Genetic Factors 182
Gender- and Culture-Specific Information 161 Prenatal Factors 182
Impact on Occupational Performance 161 Structural Neuroanatomical Differences 183
Treatment 162 Functional Neuroanatomical Differences 183
Medications for Depressive Disorders 162 Neurotransmitters 183
Medications for Bipolar Disorder 163 Diathesis Stress 183
Psychosocial Interventions 163 Prevalence 184
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy 163 Course 184
Interpersonal Psychotherapy 163 Gender Differences 184
Other Treatments 163 Culture-Specific Information 185
Summary 164 Impact on Occupational Performance 185
Active Learning Strategies 164 Cognitive Impairments 185
Resources 165 Health and Wellness 186
References 165 Stigma and Other Social Issues 186
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Interventions 187 Impact on Occupational Performance 219

Psychosocial Interventions 187 Occupation 219
Medications 187 Person 219
Summary 188 Environment 219
Active Learning Strategies 188 Intervention 221
Resources 189 Summary 222
References 189 Active Learning Strategies 222
Resources 223
References 224
Substance-Related Disorders 192
Description of the Disorder 192
DSM-IV-TR Criteria 193 Dementia 225
Subtypes of Substance-Related Disorders 194 Description of the Disorder 225
Alcohol Use 194 DSM-IV-TR Criteria 226
Drug Use 197 Subtypes 227
Co-occurring Mental Illness 198 Etiology 228
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder 198 Prevalence 229
Physical Disabilities and Medical Conditions 198 Course 229
Etiology 199 Evaluation 229
Genetic Factors 199 Differential Diagnosis 230
Temperament 199 Genetic Factors 231
Psychological Theories 200 Culture 231
Sociocultural Influences 200 Medication 232
Young Adults and College Age 201 Impact on Occupational Performance 232
Older Adults 202 Evaluation 232
Prevalence 202 Performance Goals 233
Course and Severity 202 Areas of Occupation 234
Gender Differences 203 Performance Skills 234
Culture-Specific Information 203 Performance Patterns 234
Impact on Occupational Performance 204 Activity Demands 234
Interventions 205 Interventions 234
Medications 205 Environmental Intervention 234
Stages of Change and Harm Reduction 206 Caregiver Education 235
Contingency Management 206 Behavioral Intervention 236
ProjectMAINSTREAM 206 Summary 236
12-Step Group Participation 207 Active Learning Strategies 238
Summary 207 Resources 238
Active Learning Strategies 207 References 238
Resources 208
References 208
SECTION 3 Client Factors 241
Co-Occurring Disorders 211 CHAPTER 18
Cognitive Skills 241
Description of the Disorder 211
COD Conceptual Framework 212 Cognition and Psychiatric Disabilities 241
Epidemiology 212 Components of Cognition 242
Complications of COD 213 Attention 242
Course 214 Automatic and Controlled Processes 242
Service Integration for COD 214 Selective Attention 243
Levels of Integration 214 Divided Attention 243
Screening, Assessment, and Intervention 215 Vigilance 243
Special Settings 216 Memory 244
Diagnostic Challenges 216 Short-Term Memory 244
Substance-Related Mental Health Symptoms Long-Term Memory 244
and Signs 217 Working Memory 244
Substance-Induced Mental Health Symptoms Executive Function 244
and Signs 217 Concept Formation and Categorization 244
Substance Use Disorder and Independent Mental Health Schemas and Scripts 245
Disorders 217 Problem-Solving 245
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Decision Making 246 Use of CBT Models in Occupational Therapy 269

Metacognition 246 Assessment of Beliefs in Occupational Therapy
Cognitive Assessment 247 Practice 270
Neuropsychological Testing 247 Formal Assessments 270
Cognitive Assessment in Occupational Therapy 247 Informal or Semistructured Assessments 270
Test of Everyday Attention 247 Structured Task Assessments 271
Multiple Errands Test 249 Intervention 271
Loewenstein Occupational Therapy Cognitive Client-Centered, Collaborative, Educational, Empirical
Assessment 249 Approach 271
Dynamic Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment for Cognitive Strategies and Techniques 271
Children 249 Socratic Questioning and Guided Discovery 271
Assessments Associated With Toglia’s Dynamic Dysfunctional Thought Record 272
Interactional Approach 249 TIC TOC Technique 272
Assessments Associated With Allen’s Cognitive Disabilities Identifying ABCs 273
Practice Model 250 Acquiring Knowledge 273
Dementia Screenings 250 Behavioral Strategies and Techniques 273
Intervention/Models and Techniques for Cognitive Behavioral Experiments 273
Impairment 251 Assigning Homework 273
Cognitive Remediation 251 Scheduling Activities 274
Integrated Psychological Therapy 252 Other Assessment and Intervention Considerations 274
Dynamic Interactional Approach 253 Metacognitive Demands of CBT 274
Cognitive Adaptation 253 Culture and Beliefs 275
Adapting Tasks and Environments 253 Environment-Focused Interventions 275
Cognitive Adaptation Training 254 Occupation and Performance Skill Interventions 275
Compensatory Thinking Techniques 254 Summary 276
Cognitive Disability Practice Model 255 Active Learning Strategies 276
Errorless Learning 256 Resources 277
Reality Orientation and Validation Therapy 256 References 277
Classroom and Parental Interventions for Attention
Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder 257
Summary 257 CHAPTER 20
Active Learning Strategies 257 Sensory Skills 280
Resources 258 Sensory Processing 280
References 258 Sensory Processing Disorders 281
Sensory Modalities 281
Visual System 281
CHAPTER 19 Auditory System 281
Cognitive Beliefs 262 Tactile System 282
Definition and Nature of Beliefs 262 Taste (Gustatory) and Smell (Olfactory) Systems 282
Dynamic Nature of Beliefs 263 Proprioceptive System 282
Layers of Beliefs 263 Vestibular System 282
Beliefs and Information Processing 263 Sensory Processing and Children With Psychiatric
Beliefs as Self-Fulfilling Prophecies 263 Disabilities 283
Development of Beliefs 264 Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder 283
Beliefs, Social Contexts, and Relationships 264 Autism Spectrum Disorder 284
Occupational Therapy Perspective 264 Learning Disabilities 286
Impact of Beliefs on Mental Health and Illness 265 Sensory Processing and Adults With Psychiatric
Depression 265 Disabilities 287
Anxiety Disorders 265 Schizophrenia 287
Eating Disorders 267 Other Psychiatric Diagnoses 289
Conduct Disorders 267 Models of Sensory Processing 290
Other Disorders 267 Jean Ayres and Sensory Integration 290
Cognitive Behavioral Theory and Therapy 267 Georgia De Gangi 291
Learning Theory and Behaviorism 267 Wilbarger Approach 291
Social Learning Theory and Social Cognitive Theory 268 Dunn’s Model of Sensory Processing 291
Behaviorally Oriented CBT Models 268 Four Quadrants 292
Cognitively Oriented CBT models 268 Sensory Profiles 292
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy 269 Intervention in Dunn’s Model 292
Cognitive Therapy 269 Highly Sensitive Person Scale 292
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Sensory Assessment in the Context of Occupational Coping Theory and Research 314
Performance 293 Types of Coping 314
Developmental Assessments in Combination With Coping Resources and Resilience 315
Sensory Measures 293 Mental Illness and Coping 316
Snoezelen Environments 294 Family Coping 316
Sensory Approaches to Reduce Seclusion and Restraint Client Evaluation 317
in Psychiatric Settings 294 Stress and Coping Measures 317
Summary 294 Self-Report Instruments 317
Active Learning Strategies 295 Stress Measurement 317
Resources 295 Coping Assessment 318
References 295 Children, Adolescents, and Parents 318
Additional Stress and Coping Measures 318
Interviews 319
CHAPTER 21 Stress Diaries 319
Communication and Social Skills 298 Physiological Measures 319
Communication and Social Skills as Performance Observation 319
Skills 298 Resilience 320
Theories Underlying Communication and Social Intervention 320
Interaction 299 Theoretical Frameworks for Intervention 320
Model of Human Occupation 299 Psychodynamic-Object Relations Approaches 320
Social Learning Theory 299 Behavioral Frame of Reference 321
Social Cognition 300 Cognitive Behavioral Interventions 322
Social Skills Model 300 Child and Adolescent Intervention 323
Group Therapeutic Factors 301 Summary 325
Communication and Social Skills in Persons Active Learning Strategies 326
With Psychiatric Disabilities 303 Resources 326
Schizophrenia 303 References 326
Anxiety and Mood Disorders 304
Personality Disorders 304
Substance Use Disorders 304
Pervasive Developmental Disorders 304 Motivation 330
Dementia and Cognitive Disorders in Older Adults 304 Theories of Motivation 331
Impact on Social Development 304 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs 331
Assessments 305 Approach/Avoidance Models 331
Assessment of Communication and Interaction Self-Efficacy 332
Skills 305 Addressing Self-Efficacy 332
Social Skills in the Workplace 306 Culture and Self-Efficacy 332
Social Interaction Scale 306 Self-Determination Theory 332
Comprehensive Occupational Therapy Evaluation 306 Flow Theory 334
Relevant Assessments Developed Outside Occupational Transtheoretical Model 334
Therapy 306 Model of Human Occupation 335
Social Functioning Interview 306 Motivation and Psychiatric Disabilities 336
Social Functioning Scale 307 Schizophrenia 336
Communication Skills Questionnaire 307 Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder 336
Independent Living Skills Survey 307 Mood Disorders 336
Maryland Assessment of Social Competence 307 Substance Abuse 336
Social-Adaptive Functioning Evaluation 307 Intellectual Disabilities 337
Social Occupational Functioning Scale 307 Assessments 338
Interventions 307 BIS/BAS Scales 338
Social Skills Training 307 Goal Attainment Scaling 338
Problem-Solving Training 308 Leisure Motivation Scale 338
Responsive Social Skills Training 309 University of Rhode Island Change Assessment 338
Generalization of Social Skills Training 310 Volitional Questionnaire and Pediatric Volitional
Summary 310 Questionnaire 338
Active Learning Strategies 310 Intervention 339
Resources 311 Interventions Linked to Theories 339
References 311 The Remotivation Process 339
Motivational Interviewing 340
General Principles 341
CHAPTER 22 Application 341
Coping Skills 313 Summary 341
Stress and Coping 313 Active Learning Strategies 342
Coping and Adaptation 313 Resources 342
Stress as a Mind-Body Connection 314 References 342
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CHAPTER 24 Summary 366

Active Learning Strategies 367
Emotion Regulation 345 Resources 368
Emotion 345 References 368
Physiology of Emotion 345
Experience of Emotion 345
Cognition and Emotion 346
Emotional Function as a Client Factor 346

Development of Emotion Regulation 347 Environment 371
Neurophysiological Basis 347
Emotion Dysregulation and Psychiatric Disabilities 348
Borderline Personality Disorder 348
Substance Abuse 348 SECTION 1 Introduction 373
Bipolar Disorder 349
Disruptive Behavior Disorders 349 CHAPTER 26
Assessment for Emotion Dysregulation 349 Introduction to the Environment 373
Interventions for Emotion Regulation 350
Cognitive Therapy 350 Environment and Occupational Therapy 373
Dialectical Behavior Therapy 350 Components of the Environment 374
Psychotherapy 351
Cultural Context 374
Skills Training 351
Physical Context 374
Anger Management Programs 352 Social Context 375
REST Program for Infant Irritability 352 Spiritual Context 375
Summary 354 Personal, Temporal, and Virtual Contexts 376
Active Learning Strategies 355 Environmental Obstacles to Recovery
Resources 355 and Empowerment 376
References 355 Attitudinal Barriers 376
Poverty 378
Complex Physical Environments 379
CHAPTER 25 Lack of Choice 379
Pain Regulation 358 Segregation and Isolation 379
Criminal Justice System 379
Defining Pain 358
Environmental Resources 380
Biopsychosocial Model of Pain 358
Consumer-Operated Organizations and Self-Help/Peer
Evaluation 359
Support 380
Visual Analogue Scale 359
Family and Friends 380
Numerical Rating Scale 359
Community Resources 380
Verbal Rating Scale 359
Summary 381
McGill Pain Questionnaire 360
Active Learning Strategies 381
Pain Behaviors 361
References 381
Brief Pain Inventory 361
Pain Diaries 361
Canadian Occupational Performance Measure 361
Motivational Interviewing 361
SECTION 2 Environments 383
Measuring Outcomes 361
Factors Influencing Pain 362 CHAPTER 27
Theoretical Approaches to Pain Management 362 The Political and Public Policy
Behavioral Approaches 362 Environment 383
Respondent or Physiological Strategies 362
Influence of Values on Policies and Practices 383
Operant Strategies 363
Impact of Policy Decisions on Practice 384
Cognitive Behavioral Strategies 363
Administrative Structure and Funding 386
Model of Human Occupation 364
Ongoing Policy Issues 388
Pain Management 364
What Will Be Covered? 388
Pharmacological Interventions 364
Who Can Provide Services? 389
Surgical Interventions 364
How Will Care Be Funded and Allotted? 389
Cutaneous Stimulation 364
How Will Evidence-Based Practice Be Supported in
Occupational Therapy Interventions 364
Routine Practice? 389
Physical Fitness 365
How Can We Deal With Challenges of Stigma? 389
Graded Activities 365
Basics of Policymaking 390
Quota Programs 365
Policy Formulation 390
Relaxation Training 365
Policy Implementation 391
Biofeedback 366
Policy Modification 391
Relapse Management 366
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Policy Impact on Occupational Therapy: A Model for SAMHSA-CMHS Family Psychoeducation Program
Analysis 391 Toolkit 426
Occupational Justice and Intervention Resources and Programs 427
in Public Policy 394 Operation Healthy Reunions 427
Assessment and Intervention of Client Needs: An Best Practices in Family Intervention for Serious Mental
Occupational Justice Perspective 394 Illness 427
Summary 395 NAMI Family-to-Family Education Program 427
Active Learning Strategies 395 Visions for Tomorrow 428
Resources 397 Parents and Teachers as Allies 429
References 397 Summary 429
Active Learning Strategies 429
Resources 430
CHAPTER 28 References 430
Attitudinal Environment and Stigma 399
The Social Environment 399
Stigma 399
Theories of Stigma 400 Mental Health Practice in a Multicultural
Labeling Theory 400 Context 433
Normalization Theory 400 Diversity Within the United States 433
Minority Group Perspective 400 General Trends 433
Rite of Passage Theory 402 Ethnic and Racial Minority Groups 434
Other Theories 402 Mental Health Care Disparities 435
Structural Stigma and Universalist Perspective 403 Culture 436
Social Environmental Barriers and Stigma 403 Cultural Definitions of Normal
Stigma and Culture 404 and Abnormal Behavior 437
Stigma and Community Integration 404 Culture and the DSM-IV-TR 438
Impact of Stigma on Mental Health Treatment 405 Diagnosis in Cultural Context 438
Impact of Stigma on Families 405 The Cultural Formulation Outline 439
Public Policy Impact of Stigma 406 Culture-Bound Syndromes 439
Social Environmental Supports and Recovery 407 Culturally Responsive Caring in Mental
Assessments of Stigma and Recovery 407 Health Practice 440
Attitudinal Assessments Relative to Stigma 407 Models of Cultural Competency 440
Recovery-Oriented Assessments 408 Counseling Psychology Models 440
Interventions to Address Stigma 408 Nursing Models 442
Interventions to Address Public, Student, and Professional Occupational Therapy Models 442
Attitudes 408 Assessment and Intervention 444
Interventions to Address Self-Stigma Generating Cultural Knowledge 444
and Self-Efficacy 409 Building Cultural Awareness 444
Interventions Supporting Occupational Justice 410 Applying Cultural Skills 445
Summary 410 Engaging Others 447
Active Learning Strategies 411 Exploring Multiculturalism 448
Resources 411 Summary 448
References 411 Active Learning Strategies 448
Resources 450
CHAPTER 29 References 450
Families Living With Mental Illness 415
Description of the Family Environment 415 CHAPTER 31
Emotional Response 416 The Spiritual Environment 453
Family Culture as Context 416 The Place of Spirituality in Recovery 453
Life Span and Occupational Roles 417 Defining the Spiritual Environment 454
Environmental Assessments 420 Supporting Recovery Through Considering the Spiritual
Assistance for Families 421 Environment 455
Collaboration 421 Listening for the Uniqueness of the Person 455
Education 421 Influences on the Spiritual Context 456
Support 421 Exploration of the Individual’s Spiritual Context 457
Family Participation in Mental Health Care 422 Studying One’s Own Spiritual Context 458
Professional Competencies in Working With Ensuring That Practice Structures Support
Families 423 Recovery 460
Occupational Therapy Models and Frames of Summary 461
Reference 425 Active Learning Strategies 462
Model of Human Occupation 425 Resources 462
Allen’s Cognitive Disabilities Frame of Reference 426 References 462
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CHAPTER 32 Summary 486

Active Learning Strategies 486
The Neighborhood and Community 464 Resources 486
Current Interest in Neighborhoods and Communities 464 References 487
Defining Neighborhoods and Communities 465
Relationship of Neighborhood Environment to
Occupation 466 SECTION 3 Practice Settings 491
Neighborhood Organization and Activism 466
Neighborhood Socioeconomic Status 466
Neighborhood Safety 467
Resident Mobility 467
Early Intervention: A Practice Setting for
Diversity 467 Infant and Toddler Mental Health 491
Community Attitudes 468 Overview of Infant and Toddler Mental Health 491
Intervening to Develop Supportive Neighborhood Early Intervention Programs: Mission and Philosophy 493
Communities 468 Population Served 493
Assessing Neighborhoods and Developing a Team Members and Models 493
Neighborhood Profile 470 Funding Sources 493
Dynamic Assessment of Neighborhood and Community Role of Occupational Therapy 494
Capacity 470 Facilitating the Professional–Parent Relationship 494
Practices to Support Change 472 Screening and Assessment 494
Promoting Neighborhood Regeneration 472 Occupational Profile 494
Supporting Neighborhood Partnerships 472 Self-Reflection 495
Empowering Peer Support 473 Arena-Style Assessment 495
Summary 473 Hawaii Early Learning Profile 495
Active Learning Strategies 473 Ages and Stages Questionnaires 495
References 474 The Infant/Toddler Sensory Profile 496
Intervention Models 496
Family Systems Model 496
CHAPTER 33 Transactional Model 497
Supported Housing: Creating a Sense Psychobiological Attachment Theory 498
of Home 476 Sensory Processing 499
Description of Supported Housing 476 Transition to Early Childhood 500
Supported Housing Among Supported Summary 500
Life Approaches 477 Active Learning Strategies 501
Federal Mental Health Policy Affecting Housing 477 Resources 501
Choice and Supports 477 References 501
Woodley House and Fairweather Lodge 478
Supported Housing as Creating a Sense of Home 478
Funding for Supported Housing 479
Personal Assistance Services 480
Consumer-Operated Services 503
Housing 480 History of the COS Model 503
Occupational Therapy Assessment 481 Core Principles 505
Tools for Developing an Occupational Profile 481 COS Research 506
Occupational Performance History Interview-II 481 Assessment in COS 507
Occupational Self-Assessment 482 Links to Traditional Mental Health Services 508
Tools for Analyzing Occupational Performance 482 Limitations of COS 508
Allen Cognitive Level Screen 482 Example of a COS Self-Help Center in New Jersey 508
Routine Task Inventory-Expanded 482 Mission and Guidelines 509
Assessment of Motor and Process Skills 482 Population Served 509
Kohlman Evaluation of Living Skills 483 Members of the Team and Funding 509
Test of Grocery Shopping Skills 483 Goals and Outcomes 510
Assessment of Interpersonal Problem Solving Skills 483 Self-Help Activities 510
Interventions to Support Tenancy and Community Social and Recreational Activities 510
Integration 483 Advocacy 510
General Services 483 Community Outreach and Public Relations 510
Building Relationships 483 Training 510
Budgeting 484 Member Satisfaction 510
Housekeeping 484 Consumer-Providers 511
Socializing 484 Roles and Opportunities for Occupational Therapy
Managing Symptoms 484 Practice 512
Specialty Services 485 Summary 512
Assessing Cognition 485 Active Learning Strategies 513
Assessing Sensory Patterns 485 Resources 513
References 514
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CHAPTER 36 Informal Reassessment 551

Formal Reassessment 551
After-School Programs 516 Standardized Assessments 551
Time Use in After-School Hours 516 Assessing Special Populations 552
ASPs as Intervention 517 Occupational Therapy Intervention 552
Evidence-Based Benefits 517 General Goals of Intervention 553
Barriers to Participation 518 Considerations for Intervention Planning 553
The Role of Occupational Therapy 519 Types of Intervention 554
Occupational Therapy Assessments 520 Summary 556
Occupational Therapy Intervention 520 Active Learning Strategies 556
Occupational Therapist as Advocate 522 References 557
Occupational Therapist as Innovative Practitioner and
Program Director 522
Future Directions 523 CHAPTER 39
Summary 523 Psychosocial Clubhouses 559
Active Learning Strategies 523 Description of Psychosocial Clubhouses: The Fountain
Resources 524 House Model 559
References 524 Clubhouse Mission and Goals 560
International Standards 560
CHAPTER 37 Membership 560
Relationships 560
Mental Health Practice in Forensic Space 560
Settings 526 Work-Ordered Day 561
Incarceration in the United States 526 Employment 561
Correctional Settings 528 Education 561
Jails 528 Clubhouse Functions 562
Prisons 528 Funding, Governance, and Administration 562
High-Security Prisons 529 Population Served 562
Medium-Security Prisons 530 Composition of Clubhouse Staff 562
Low-Security and Minimum-Security Prisons 530 Funding and Costs 565
Forensic Hospitals 530 The Occupational Therapy and Clubhouse Fit 565
Community Corrections 530 Assessment and Intervention 566
Diversion 530 Evidence-Based Practice 566
Community Reentry Centers 531 Summary 568
Mental Illness and Incarceration 531 Active Learning Strategies 568
Sociocultural Context of Incarceration 532 Resources 569
An Occupational Perspective on Incarceration 533 References 569
Occupational Deprivation 535
Occupational Enrichment 536
Future Directions 537
Occupational Therapy Programming in Correctional Community-Based Case Management 571
Settings 537 Psychiatric Rehabilitation 571
The Role of the Occupational Therapist 537 Case Management Models 572
Models of Practice 538 The Brokerage Model 572
Assessment of Forensic Populations 538 The Strengths Model 572
Risk Assessment 539 Assertive Community Treatment 572
Occupational Therapy Interventions 539 Principles of Assertive Community Treatment 573
Summary 541 Primary Provider of Services and Fixed Point of
Active Learning Strategies 541 Responsibility 573
Resources 543 Services Provided Out of the Office 574
References 543 Highly Individualized Client Services 574
An Assertive, “Can Do” Approach 574
Continuous, Long-Term Services 576
CHAPTER 38 Targeted Population 576
State Hospitals 546 Funding Sources 576
Overview of State Hospitals in the United States 546 Role of Occupational Therapy 576
A Brief History 546 Assessments 577
Current Profile of State Hospitals 548 Interventions 578
The Recovery Model and the State Hospital 548 Treatment 578
The Treatment Team 548 Rehabilitation 578
Occupational Therapy in State Hospitals 550 Support and Direct Assistance 578
Occupational Therapy Assessments 550 Summary 579
The Admission Assessment 550 Active Learning Strategies 579
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Resources 580 Intervention Models and Techniques 618

References 580 Empowerment Theory 618
Situated Learning Theory 619
Summary 619
CHAPTER 41 Active Learning Strategies 620
Hospital-Based Mental Health Care 582 Resources 621
Inpatient Hospital Admission 582 References 621
The Hospital as a Therapeutic Environment: A Brief
History 583
Inpatient Mental Health Settings 584
Members of Treatment Team 586 Wraparound Services: Children
Funding Sources 587 and Families 625
Partial Hospitalization Programs 587 Description of the Approach 625
Role of Occupational Therapy 588 History 625
Assessments 588 Foundations and Core Principles 626
Summary 590 Description of Service Delivery 626
Active Learning Strategies 590 Population Served 626
Resources 591 Funding Sources 627
References 591 Administrative Bodies 628
Wraparound Care Coordination 628
CHAPTER 42 Engagement 629
Planning 629
Mental Illness in the Workplace: Policies Implementation 630
and Practices That Impact Disability 595 Transition 630
Historical Barriers to Employment 596 Efficacy of Wraparound Programs 630
Mental Illness in the Workplace Today 596 Occupational Therapy Roles and Opportunities 630
Legislation and Definition of Disability 596 Wraparound Program Evaluation 630
Judicial Interpretations 598 Intervention Models and Techniques 631
Vocational Rehabilitation 599 Summary 632
Supportive Workplaces for People With Mental Active Learning Strategies 632
Illness 600 Resources 633
Early Detection and Treatment 601 References 633
Financial Assistance 601
Effective Treatment 601
Employee Assistance Programs 601
Mental Health–Friendly Workplaces 601

Improving Social Security Disability Programs 602 Occupation 635

Role of Occupational Therapy 605
Evaluation 605
Outcomes Measurement 605
Intervention Strategies 606 SECTION 1 Introduction 637
Summary 606
Active Learning Strategies 607 CHAPTER 45
Resources 607 Introduction to Occupation
References 607
and Co-occupation 637
Defining Occupation 637
CHAPTER 43 Exploring Dimensions of Occupation 638
Homeless and Women’s Shelters 610 Space and Place 638
Homelessness 610 Temporality 638
Mission and Goals of Homeless Shelters and Transitional Sociocultural Habits and Routines 639
Housing 611 Doing, Being, Belonging, and Becoming 639
Populations Served 611 Occupational Performance Areas 639
Adults With Mental Illness 611 Health and Wellbeing 640
Survivors of Domestic Violence 612 Activities of Daily Living 640
Families With Children 612 Work, Rest, and Play 640
Youth 612 Spirituality and Meaning 641
Stereotypes of People Who Are Homeless 613 Co-occupation 641
External Factors Affecting Homelessness 613 Aspects of Co-occupation 642
Team Members 615 Engagement in Co-occupation 643
Funding Sources 615 Co-occupation in Practice 643
Role of Occupational Therapy 616 Summary 645
Assessments 617 Active Learning Strategies 645
References 645
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SECTION 2 Occupations 649

Summary 671
Active Learning Strategies 671
Resources 672
CHAPTER 46 References 672
Occupation and Wellness 649
Occupation as Actual Doing 650 CHAPTER 48
Time Use 650 Student: K Through 12 676
Activity Level 650 Challenges in the K–12 Setting 676
Occupation as a Subjective Experience 651 Social Participation 678
Satisfaction 651 Education 678
Meaning and Value 651 Performance-Based Assessments 679
Being and Doing, or Doing and Being? 652 Intervention 679
Assessments 653 Young Children 679
Time-Use Diary 653 Adolescents and Teens 680
Satisfaction With Daily Occupations 653 Summary 681
Engagement in Meaningful Activities Survey 653 Active Learning Strategies 681
Interventions 654 Resources 682
Wellness Recovery Action Plans 654 References 682
Illness Management and Recovery 654
Smoking Cessation 655
Weight Loss 655 CHAPTER 49
Summary 656 Student: Adult Education 684
Active Learning Strategies 656 Role of Occupational Therapy in Supported
Resources 656 Education 684
References 656 Occupations of the Adult Student With a Psychiatric
Disability 685
CHAPTER 47 Assessments 686
Activities of Daily Living and Assessment of Career Interests and Academic Skills 686
Assessment of Psychosocial Adjustment 688
Instrumental Activities of Daily Living 659 Assessment of Functional Performance in the Student
Activities of Daily Living 659 Role 688
Instrumental Activities of Daily Living 660 Intervention 688
Home Management 660 Onsite Model 688
Money Management 661 Mobile Support Model 689
Medication Management 662 Self-Contained Classroom Model 689
Driving and Public Transportation 663 Programs With Combined Models 689
ADL and IADL Assessments 663 Supported Education Programs Developed by
Observational Measures 665 Occupational Therapists 689
Katz Index of Independence in Activities of Daily Living Summary 692
Scale 665 Active Learning Strategies 692
Barthel Index 665 Resources 693
Functional Independence Measure 665 References 693
WeeFIM 665
Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory 665
Independent Living Skills Survey 665 CHAPTER 50
Performance-Based Assessments 665 Work as Occupation 695
Kohlman Evaluation of Living Skills 666 Importance of the Worker Role 695
Milwaukee Evaluation of Daily Living Skills 666 Developing a Worker Role 695
UCSD Performance-Based Skills Assessment 666 Work and Psychiatric Disabilities 698
Performance Assessment of Self-Care Skills 666 Federal Policy Designed to Support Work
Test of Grocery Shopping Skills 667 Participation 699
Cooking Assessments 667 Work Assessments 701
Assessment of Motor and Process Skills 667 The Occupational Profile 701
Intervention 668 Interviews 701
Skills Training 668 Self-Report Assessments 702
Grocery Shopping Skills Training 669 Analysis of Occupational Performance 702
Designing a Skills Training Intervention 669 Situational Assessments 702
Interpersonal and Social Rhythm Therapy 669 Interventions to Promote Work Participation 703
Home Environmental Skill-Building Program 670 Transitional Employment 704
Applied Behavioral Analysis 671 Supported Employment 704
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Affirmative Businesses/Social Firms 705

Cognitive and Neurocognitive Enhancement
Strategies 706 Rest and Sleep 736
Summary 706 The Physiology of Sleep 736
Active Learning Strategies 706 Circadian Rhythms 736
Resources 707 Zeitgebers 737
References 707 Sleep Neurotransmitters 737
The Role of Sleep in Health and Growth 737
Sleep and Cognition 737
CHAPTER 51 Napping 738
Social Participation 711 Sleep Architecture, Types, and Phases 738
Social Exclusion 711 The Stages of NREM Sleep 738
Stigma 711 REM Sleep 738
Effects of Stigma on Social Participation 712 Typical Sleep Patterns 738
Recovery 712 The Context of Sleep 738
Social Networks 712 The Social Context of Sleep 739
Family and Social Participation 713 The Temporal Context of Sleep 739
Measures of Functioning and Disability 715 The Spatial Context of Sleep 739
Life Skills Profile 715 Sleep Across the Lifespan 739
Health of the Nation Outcome Scales 715 Infancy and Childhood Sleep 739
Multidimensional Scale of Independent Teen Sleep 740
Functioning 715 Adult Sleep 740
St. Louis Inventory of Community Living Sleep in the Elderly 740
Skills 715 Sleep Debt 740
Satisfaction with Daily Occupations 716 Sleep Disorders 741
Camberwell Assessment of Need Short Appraisal Insomnias 741
Schedule 716 Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders 741
Multnomah Community Ability Scale 716 Hypersomnias Not Due to a Breathing Disorder 741
Socially Valued Role Classification Scale 716 Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorders 741
Interventions for Social Participation 716 Parasomnias 742
Recovery-Oriented Service Provision 717 Sleep-Related Movement Disorders 743
Community Arts 717 Other Sleep Disorders 743
Peer Support 718 Populations at Special Risk for Sleep Problems 743
Family Psychoeducation 719 Psychiatric Disorders 743
Pets 719 Neurological Disabilities 744
Summary 721 Alzheimer’s and Dementia 744
Active Learning Strategies 721 Movement and Breathing Limitations 744
References 721 Factory Workers, Truckers, Pilots, Parents,
and Caregivers 744
Sleep Medicine Professionals 745
CHAPTER 52 The Sleep Team 745
Leisure and Play 724 Emerging Role for Occupational Therapists 745
Leisure and Play Defined 724 Screening, Evaluation, and Interventions
Factors That Affect Leisure and Play 725 to Improve Sleep 746
Leisure and Occupational Balance 725 Screening for Sleep Issues 746
Leisure and Flow 726 Occupational Profile of Sleep 746
Leisure and Occupational Deprivation 727 Sleep Interventions 749
Leisure and Occupational Alienation 728 Summary 752
Leisure and Play Assessments 728 Active Learning Strategies 752
Assessments for Children and Adolescents 729 References 752
Assessments for Adults 729
Leisure Intervention 730
Interventions With Children and Adolescents 731
Interventions with Adults 731
Spiritual Occupation 755
Just-Right Challenges 731 Description of Spiritual Occupation 755
Contextual Considerations 731 Spiritual Occupation Across the Life Span 756
Social Considerations 731 Assessments 757
Model Programs 732 Intervention Models and Techniques 757
Adjusting to Changing Interests and Abilities 733 Summary 762
Summary 733 Active Learning Strategies 762
Active Learning Strategies 733 Resources 763
References 734 References 763
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Children and Partner’s Grief 769

CHAPTER 55 Traumatic Death 769
Grief and Bereavement 764 Intervention for Families 769
The Experience of Grief 765 Assessments 769
Review of Grief Theory 765 Summary 770
Complicated Grief 765 Active Learning Strategies 770
Experience of Grief Over the Life Span 766 Resources 771
Mourning Rituals 766 References 771
Intervention for Grief 767
Special Challenges and Concerns for Clients With Mental GLOSSARY 773
Illness 767
Loss of a Parent 767
Loss of Children 768 INDEX OF INTERVENTIONS 795
Intervention for Clients With Mental Illness 768 INDEX 797
Grief and Loss for Families of People With Serious
Mental Illness 768
Parental Grief 768
Sibling Grief 768
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Part I provides information on overarching issues in
mental health occupational therapy. The first chapter on
recovery sets the tone for the text, which acknowledges the
expertise and point of view of the individual with mental
illness. In addition, the recovery model promotes optimism
Part 1
and hope that individuals with psychiatric disabilities can
achieve their occupational wants and needs. The other 1 Recovery
chapters in this part of the text provide further perspective 2 History of Mental Health:
Perspectives of Consumers
and background for mental health occupational therapy and Practitioners
practice that is (1) person centered, (2) occupation based, 3 Person-Environment-Occupation
(3) grounded in theory, (4) supported by evidence, and Model
(5) cognizant of the historical roots of occupational therapy 4 Psychosocial Concerns
With Disability
in mental health.
5 Evidence-Based Practice
in Mental Health
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Recovery 1
Virginia Carroll Stoffel

A s recovery belongs to people with psychiatric disabilities, and as it is up to them to define
what it is and what it entails, it is key that people in recovery lead the way.
—Davidson et al, 2007

In April 2006, this definition was released by SAMHSA as a

This chapter on recovery is a collection, a tapestry of per- consensus statement (Box 1-1): “Mental health recovery is a
spectives from many sources, with careful attention being journey of healing and transformation enabling a person with
paid to those shared by persons who have the lived experi- a mental health problem to live a meaningful life in a commu-
ence of recovery. True to the principles of client-centered nity of his or her choice while striving to achieve his or her full
practice in occupational therapy (Law, 1998), the emphasis is potential” (p. 5).
placed on what is important to the person. As such, recovery In addition, 10 components of recovery that are funda-
planning is guided by the individual’s goals and dreams in the mental to understanding this journey were identified:
context of his or her personal gifts, strengths, and skills while ■ Self-direction
pursuing occupations in his or her lived environments. ■ Individualized and person centered
Occupational therapy practitioners who are surrounded ■ Empowerment
by people working on their recovery from mental illness ■ Holistic
and/or substance abuse and dependence can find ways of ■ Nonlinear
joining with, listening, and reflecting sensitively in order to ■ Strengths based
gain a view of each person’s individually held picture of re- ■ Peer support
covery. The journey of recovery that each mental health ■ Respect
practitioner is privy to when invited, involves an assumption ■ Responsibility
of a collaborative partnership ■ Hope
Occupational therapy has as its primary domain (American
Occupational Therapy Association [AOTA], 2002, 2008) an Gagne, White, and Anthony (2007) suggest that a common
emphasis on “supporting health and participation in life recovery vision for both psychiatric and/or addiction disorders
through engagement in occupation” (p. 626), which takes place includes a desire to live with or a lessening of symptoms, an
within a context, including the social and physical environ- emphasis on participation in valued roles, and a sense of life
ments. This perspective is compatible with and linked to the purpose and meaning (p. 33). Crowley (2000) coined the term
concept of recovery. In fact, recovery is a major theme of this procovery to emphasize the process of “attaining a productive
text. A “vision for participation,” part of the textbook title, sup- and fulfilling life regardless of the level of health assumed at-
ports the view that, through participating in everyday activities tainable” (p. 4). In her book, The Power of Procovery in Healing
that are needed and desired, persons with mental illness and/or Mental Illness, Crowley offers tips for simple everyday living
substance use disorders will achieve a state of health, well- that allow a person living with mental illness to move forward
being, and recovery. at his or her own pace and grounded in hope. This book is a
tool for persons who live with mental illness and their staff and
family, with strategies for typical challenges such as partnering
Definitions of Recovery with health-care practitioners, managing medication, uncov-
ering hope, creating change, dissolving stigma, using feelings
As reflected in this chapter’s opening quote (Davidson et al, constructively, gathering support, providing self-care, and liv-
2007), recovery is best defined by those individuals who have ing intentionally through work and activities.
the lived experience of disability and recovery. In the United Occupational therapy practitioners can facilitate recovery
States, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services and procovery by teaching symptom management and cop-
Administration (SAMHSA) engaged groups from across the ing strategies to structure one’s routines in a manner that
country that represented people who live with mental illness, supports well-being, promotes occupational role function,
their families and supporters, mental health advocates, and and facilitates engagement in occupations that are purpose-
mental health professionals to arrive at a definition of recovery. ful and meaningful to the individual.

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4 PART 1 ■ Foundations

BOX 1-1 ■ National Consensus Statement on Mental Health Recovery and the 10 Fundamental Components
of Recovery

Mental health recovery is a journey of healing and transformation en- Recovery begins with an initial stage of awareness in which a person
abling a person with a mental health problem to live a meaningful life recognizes that positive change is possible. This awareness enables
in a community of his or her choice while striving to achieve his or her the consumer to move on to fully engage in the work of recovery.
full potential. ■ Strengths Based: Recovery focuses on valuing and building on the
■ Self-Direction: Consumers lead, control, exercise choice over, and multiple capacities, resiliencies, talents, coping abilities, and inherent
determine their own path of recovery by optimizing autonomy, in- worth of individuals. By building on these strengths, consumers leave
dependence, and control of resources to achieve a self-determined stymied life roles behind and engage in new life roles (e.g., partner,
life. By definition, the recovery process must be self-directed by the caregiver, friend, student, employee). The process of recovery moves
individual, who defines his or her own life goals and designs a forward through interaction with others in supportive, trust-based
unique path toward those goals. relationships.
■ Individualized and Person Centered: There are multiple pathways ■ Peer Support: Mutual support—including the sharing of experiential
to recovery based on an individual’s unique strengths and resilien- knowledge and skills and social learning—plays an invaluable role in
cies, and his or her needs, preferences, experiences (including past recovery. Consumers encourage and engage other consumers in
trauma), and cultural background in all its diverse representations. recovery and provide each other with a sense of belonging, sup-
Individuals also identify recovery as being an ongoing journey and portive relationships, valued roles, and community.
an end result, as well as an overall paradigm for achieving wellness ■ Respect: Community, systems, and societal acceptance and appre-
and optimal mental health. ciation of consumers—including protecting their rights and eliminat-
■ Empowerment: Consumers have the authority to choose from a ing discrimination and stigma—are crucial in achieving recovery.
range of options and to participate in all decisions—including the Self-acceptance and regaining belief in one’s self are particularly
allocation of resources—that will affect their lives, and are educated vital. Respect ensures the inclusion and full participation of con-
and supported in doing so. They have the ability to join with other sumers in all aspects of their lives.
consumers to collectively and effectively speak for themselves about ■ Responsibility: Consumers have a personal responsibility for their
their needs, wants, desires, and aspirations. Through empower- own self-care and journeys of recovery. Taking steps toward their
ment, an individual gains control of his or her own destiny and influ- goals may require great courage. Consumers must strive to under-
ences the organizational and societal structures in his or her life. stand and give meaning to their experiences, and identify coping
■ Holistic: Recovery encompasses an individual’s whole life, including strategies and healing processes to promote their own wellness.
mind, body, spirit, and community. Recovery embraces all aspects of ■ Hope: Recovery provides the essential and motivating message of a
life, including housing, employment, education, mental health, and better future—that people can and do overcome the barriers and ob-
health-care treatment and services, complementary and naturalistic stacles that confront them. Hope is internalized, but can be fostered
services, addictions treatment, spirituality, creativity, social networks, by peers, families, friends, providers, and others. Hope is the cata-
community participation, and family supports, as determined by the lyst of the recovery process. Mental health recovery not only benefits
person. Families, providers, organizations, systems, communities, individuals with mental health disabilities by focusing on their abilities
and society play crucial roles in creating and maintaining meaningful to live, work, learn, and fully participate in our society, but also en-
opportunities for consumer access to these supports. riches the texture of American community life. America reaps the
■ Nonlinear: Recovery is not a step-by-step process, but one based on benefits of the contributions individuals with mental disabilities can
continual growth, occasional setbacks, and learning from experience. make, ultimately becoming a stronger and healthier nation.

Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). (n.d.). “National Consensus Statement on Mental Health Recovery.” Brochure.
Available at: (accessed October 16, 2009).

Based on a comprehensive analysis of recovery defini-

tions and elements in the literature, Onken, Craig, Ridgway,
Ralph, and Cook (2007) offer a dimensional perspective that
considers the individual and his or her environment in a dy-
namic interaction—from an ecological framework. Similar
to Gagne et al (2007), they suggest that recovery involves first
order change in which the person reestablishes mental
health through symptom reduction/amelioration, and sec-
ond order change by mitigating oppressive community bar-
riers so that full social integration and community inclusion
are achieved.
These are also concepts embraced by occupational ther-
apists, who focus their interventions at the individual, fam-
ily, and community levels to help transform home, school,
community, and work environments to be open and acces-
sible to all persons, embracing their talents and gifts while
offering needed supports. Rebeiro Gruhl (2005) asserts
FIGURE 1-1. “Earth” by Michelle Cohen, a member of Fountain that “core occupational therapy beliefs and assumptions
House. Painting courtesy of the Fountain Gallery. are strikingly similar to those purported to be important to
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CHAPTER 1 ■ Recovery 5

fostering recovery” (p. 96), citing such shared assumptions services, formal service staff), and the characteristics of
as self-determination, social support, strengths based, the exchange (hope, choice/empowerment, independence/
uniqueness, and client centeredness. interdependence). (p. vii)
Occupational therapists who use a Person-Environment-
This complex description of recovery focuses on what
Occupation (PEO) model (Law et al, 1996) and the Ecology of
the individual is experiencing within the environment, as
Human Performance model (Dunn, Brown, & Youngstrom,
well as the dynamic interaction of the person with their
2003) further add to the understanding of the ecological
environment. “This emerging paradigm is integrative and
framework by considering not only the individual and his or
holistic (i.e., focusing on the whole person functioning in
her environment, but also his or her occupation, which is often
his or her environment), while acknowledging the interre-
imbued with meaning, purpose, and identity. This book is or-
lations, multiple dimensions, individuality and the com-
ganized to embrace a recovery philosophy based on a deep un-
plexity of the recovery phenomenon” (Onken et al., 2002,
derstanding of people; the varied environments in which they
pp. 68–69). Table 1-1 shows examples of the factors re-
live, work, learn, worship, and play; and their chosen and
ported by Onken et al that help and hinder recovery. These
needed occupations.
factors can be used as a checklist by occupational therapy
The vision of recovery, hope, inclusion, community inte-
and mental health practitioners to self-evaluate their prac-
gration, and full participation contrasts with earlier paradigms
tices and incorporate more factors that facilitate recovery.
of mental illness, which were almost exclusively focused on
Being mindful of those practices that may be working
pathology, negative consequences, and hopelessness. Onken,
against a recovery philosophy is critical to transforming
Dumont, Ridgway, Dornan, and Ralph (2002) conducted a se-
the mental health system. Throughout this chapter, the
ries of focus groups with 115 participants to identify factors
reader is encouraged to find ways that recovery concepts
that help and hinder recovery in a manner that contrasts the
link with the domain of occupational therapy.
recovery paradigm (what helps recovery) with the pathology
paradigm (what hinders recovery). Onken et al (2002), in their
publication “Mental Health Recovery: What Helps and What
Hinders?” suggest that Insights Into Recovery—The Lived
Recovery is a product of dynamic interaction among
characteristics of the individual (the self/whole person,
hope/sense of meaning and purpose), characteristics The lived experience of mental illness and recovery pro-
of the environment (basic material resources, social vides important insights into the nature of recovery. The
relationships, meaningful activities, peer support, formal following narratives are selected from a qualitative study

Table 1-1 ● Factors That Help and Hinder Mental Health Recovery
Factors Impacting Mental Health Recovery What Helps What Hinders
Self/whole person • Positive traits and attitudes • Negative beliefs and attitudes
• Self-reliance, personal resourcefulness • Not taking personal responsibility
Basic material resources • Livable income • Poverty
• Safe and affordable housing • Unsafe and unaffordable housing
• Transportation • Lack of transportation
Hope, sense of meaning, and purpose • Developing a sense of meaning/purpose • Dreams, goals, and desires demeaned
• Staff hopeful with realistic optimism • Staff pessimistic
• Positive personal attitudes • Sense of hopelessness and negativity
• Spirituality acknowledged • Spirituality discounted or ignored
Choice • Freedom of whether and how to participate • Forced treatment and coercion
• Self-determination • Family and professional control
• Individualized services and planning • Limited treatment options
• More job choices • Unemployment and underemployment
Independence • Voice in the system/make own choices • Paternalistic system/lack of respect
• Self-determination and advanced directives • Involuntary/long-term hospitalization
Social relationships • Extended networks, friendships • Inadequate social network and isolation
• Supportive and accepting kin • Controlling family members
• Personal ties and intimate relationships • Emotional withdrawal and isolation
Meaningful activities • Choice among meaningful jobs • Unemployment, role loss, limited options
• Educational advancement • Lack of educational opportunities
• Meaningful volunteer work • Exploitation of volunteer work
• Advocacy participation • Prejudice, stigma, discrimination limit
Peer support • Diverse peer support options (e.g., support • Limited participation opportunities
groups, warm lines, case managers) • Lack of independent peer support resources
• Support resources run by consumers • Professional mistrust of peer support
• Consumers employed in mental health services
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6 PART 1 ■ Foundations

Table 1-1 ● Factors That Help and Hinder Mental Health Recovery—cont’d
Factors Impacting Mental Health Recovery What Helps What Hinders
Formal services • Vision of recovery and consumer driven • Pathology-focused organization
• Partnership and tailored to person • Expert centered, few choices
Formal service system staff • Hopeful, positive expectations, belief in recovery • Low expectations and negative messages
as possible • Discontinuity, burnout, overworked
• Continuity, available, partnership in therapeutic • Paternalism; no understanding of caring,
relationship consumer’s experiences; disrespectful
• Listened to; believed in; staff as authentic,
responsive, humble
Note: Examples drawn from Onken, S. J., Dumont, J. M., Ridgway, P., Dornan, D. H., & Ralph, R. O. (2002, October). “Mental Health Recovery: What Helps and What Hinders? A National
Research Project for the Development of Recovery Facilitating System Performance Indicators.” Phase One Research Report: A National Study Of Consumer Perspectives on What Helps
and Hinders Mental Health Recovery. Alexandria: VA: National Technical Assistance Center for State Mental Health Planning; pp. 25–60.

of mental health recovery and how engagement in a psy- of a variety of opportunities to engage in occupations that
chosocial clubhouse impacts recovery (Stoffel, 2008). One hold meaning for individuals. This meaningfulness was con-
member commented that firmed by the following participant in a comment he made
about discovering what was available to do at the clubhouse:
Recovery is not a destination, not a fixed place . . . I think
it is part of a journey, our life long journey . . . a process I just went to the library to see all the books and
of recovering. I’ll always be taking my medications. I’ll computers . . . I thought that was great. I could pick up a
always visit a psychiatrist a few times a year for check- book and sit back, reading something with help because
ins. I’ll have a therapist for a period of time while I work I’m slow a little bit, you know. My schizophrenia triggers
on closure for some of the major wounds in my life. But me every now and then . . . but everyone appreciated me
recovery is about becoming and for me, especially, it’s for being there, doing a good job. I could name a whole
about becoming more whole as a person. (p. 114) bunch of things I got credit for. I was working really hard
This statement resonates with the work of Anne Wilcock, just to be me, the new me, actually. (Stoffel, 2008, p. 96)
an occupational therapist and occupational scientist, whose Strong and Rebeiro Gruhl (Chapter 3, this volume) sug-
work on being and becoming as it relates to health highlights gest that therapists who apply the PEO model consider the
a link between recovery and occupational therapy. In “fit (or lack of fit) between the person’s abilities and skills, the
Wilcock’s (2006) book, An Occupational Perspective of Health, demands of the occupation, and the environmental condi-
the concepts of being, doing, and becoming are explored as tions in which the occupation takes place” (p. 37). Congru-
determinants of health. Wilcock suggests that, for individuals ence across the three aspects of person, environment, and oc-
for whom meaning, purpose, and belonging are associated cupation guides the therapist’s interventions to facilitate the
with being through doing, an absence from illness and a state optimal occupational performance.
of physical, mental, and social well-being are more likely. The complexity and multiple layers of recovery are exem-
Becoming implies a lifelong process of growth and fulfill- plified in the following narrative:
ing one’s human potential (Wilcock, 2006). The participant
quoted previously described recovery as a process that will Recovery from mental illness, from addictions, from my
occur across his lifetime, during which he will do a number eating disorder . . . recovery is overwhelming because it is
of health-related self-care activities, such as take medication, very painful dealing with issues from the past and the
see his psychiatrist, and work through issues with a thera- present . . . they pile up and then I get overwhelmed and
pist. These activities then open the door to many other then I get suicidal and end up back at the hospital.
possibilities that will make him become “more whole as a (Stoffel, 2008, p. 115–116)
person,” linking to many other life activities that offer op- The fact that the recovery experience evolves slowly and
portunities for him to explore his human potential. gradually, with individuals making gains as well as experi-
The journey of recovery has many ups and downs, as encing setbacks interspersed with plateau periods, was also
noted in the following narrative: reflected on by the participants. One participant who devel-
There’s many a thing I could be doing right now but trying oped a resilient approach stated
to motivate myself more by being in a recovery program
In mental illness, we don’t fix it, we either accept it and
for alcohol and drug abuse really helps me to learn what
learn to live with it, or we make it our focus . . . it’s the
things I need to be around. So I chose the clubhouse and it
pebble, the rock in our shoe, it’s something that in dealing
works for me . . . with my schizophrenia and anxiety,
with it, we become better. We become better because calluses
there’s lots of things that can trigger me back . . . so I need
build up around the pebble and we become stronger. It hurt
to be in a safe place like this. (Stoffel, 2008, p. 115)
in the beginning, but it hurts less and less. I don’t feel ill,
Occupational therapy practitioners who embrace the PEO even though I know I have it—sometimes I feel paranoid or
model (Law et al, 1996) will recognize how this person care- I feel a little suspicious . . . but I’m actually stronger in some
fully chooses places that support his goal of recovery and ways than others who don’t have mental illness are because
spends time around people who support his avoidance of al- I’ve had to overcome this and in overcoming it, makes me
cohol and drug use. The PEO model supports the availability stronger. (Stoffel, 2008, pp. 115–116)
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CHAPTER 1 ■ Recovery 7

Learning to grow and adjust to the challenges of living I have a hard time getting it all to work in conjunction
with a mental illness or substance use disorder, and find- with each other. I really need a sense of humor—I
ing ways to strengthen oneself through what can be don’t know how to, but I’d like to be able to laugh at
painful struggles, are also consistent with Wilcock’s (2006) myself; it’s very hard to do. I tend to focus more on my
perspective on being through doing and becoming. The problems and that’s not always good . . . when I was
previous narrative highlights being through doing and be- young I was laughed at and teased and bullied by a lot
coming; that is, experiencing oneself authentically (being) of people growing up. So I have a hard time just
through learning from coping with symptoms and strug- looking at myself and seeing the humor in what I do
gles (doing) builds resiliencies and strengths (becoming). and how I do things. Other people see it and they laugh
Another interviewee talked about what recovery might at me sometimes and I get offended by it. So then I get
look like: defensive, I feel like it’s malicious and it’s not always.
(Stoffel, 2008, p. 116)
I want to have a balanced, whole life. I don’t have that
yet, but I’m trying to achieve that. I need to nurture Recovery seems to involve continual self-discovery,
my friendships, including twelve step friends. I need to overcoming past issues and struggles with oneself and oth-
have fun at some points and be serious at other points. ers, and building solid relationships that are supportive of
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8 PART 1 ■ Foundations

recovery. The previous narrative, which speaks to the chal- This definition offers another way to understand the
lenge of developing one’s sense of humor when one complex process of recovery—a process that occurs within
has past negative experiences resulting in vulnerabilities, an individual, shaping cognitive beliefs and motivations,
also speaks to the role that emotional regulation skills tapping into emotions, and impacting coping responses.
play in regard to engaging in occupations with others This text explores these and many other client factors
(AOTA, 2008). that contribute to recovery. Important aspects of recovery
Each participant’s story captured the challenges of re- include
covery and the ups and downs of the journey, providing a
perspective on the nature of recovery as a process that en- ■ Importance of hope
compasses the person, environment, and occupation as ■ Coping and adaptation
important factors in one’s recovery. Recovery as a process ■ Empowerment and self-determination
of becoming whole and more than simply a person strug- ■ Social and community integration
gling with mental illness was an important lesson learned
from these psychosocial clubhouse colleagues.
Importance of Hope
The importance of hope, or a sense that recovery is possi-
Recovery as a Process and Journey ble (Jacobson & Greenley, 2001), and the possibility of a life
with meaning and purpose, self-determination, and en-
The journey of recovery is highlighted in the narratives gagement in valued occupational roles that are important
and definitions of recovery presented here. Rather than fo- to the person have been reflected in the writings of Patricia
cusing only on problems associated with mental illness, Deegan (1988, 1996, 2001). Deegan (2001) and Graham
Ridgway (2001) suggests that constructing recovery narra- et al (2001) also note barriers to recovery that are imposed
tives focused on strengths, hopefulness, active coping, and by professionals who practice in a manner that conveys a
a positive sense of self with meaning and purpose in life lack of hope, an overemphasis on symptoms, diagnosis,
involving support and partnership can facilitate the jour- and deficits, and engenders overdependence on mental
ney of recovery. Occupational therapists can ask their health experts. Shared decision-making about using psy-
clients to reflect on their recovery stories as a means of chiatric medications (Deegan, 2007) and broader mental
tracking where they are on the journey, where they have health care (Schauer, Everett, del Vecchio, & Anderson,
come, and where they hope to go. Given that stories can be 2007) reinforces the importance of collaboration and mu-
written, read out loud, developed over time, and shared tual respect as practitioners travel with people on their re-
with others, using narrative as a means to help clients con- covery journey. The role that the environment plays in pro-
struct their recovery stories also facilitates peer interaction moting hope is conveyed in Deegan’s (1996) message, “we
and self-understanding. Throughout this book, you will are learning that the environment around people must
find first person accounts of the lived experience, as well as change if we are to be expected to grow into the fullness of
PhotoVoice images and stories that serve as examples of the person who, like a small seed, is waiting to emerge from
recovery-oriented narratives. within each of us” (p. 2).
Roe, Rudnick, and Gill (2007) considered what is meant When mental health practitioners engage in shared
by “being in recovery” and suggest that, rather than consid- decision-making with their clients in a manner that con-
ering all persons with mental illness to be in recovery, it veys their respect, hope is reinforced. The implicit message
might be more helpful to think of recovery on a continuum, to the client is “You are worth it. You have capacity to
with a number of stages that characterize its process. They shape your future in a positive manner. What you know
also note that “the process of recovery can be a goal in itself counts.” Onken et al (2007) speak of hope as being a cata-
as well as a possible predictor of what are considered to be lyst for the recovery process. Sheyett, Kim, Swanson, and
traditionally good outcomes” (p. 172). Occupational thera- Swartz (2007) note that, by developing psychiatric advance
pists trained in a recovery orientation can facilitate engage- directives, hope is supported from the perspective that
ment in the process of recovery by promoting a hopeful per- pain and past crises offer learning opportunities for creat-
spective for the future, while helping the person build ing a more positive future.
external supports such as housing, employment, pursuit of Occupational therapists need to carefully consider their
academic goals, and engagement in meaningful service to message of hope in all that they reflect on and convey to the
strengthen social connections. people with whom they work. Helping clients find their
Anthony, Cohen, Farkas, and Gagne (2002) framed own answers and exercise their own judgment, with the
the 21st century as a time when mental health systems of therapist offering information or advice only when given
care are guided by a vision of recovery. They defined permission (techniques used by practitioners trained in
recovery as motivational interviewing) (Miller & Rollnick, 2002), are
a deeply personal, unique process of changing one’s techniques that are consistent with an implicit message of
attitudes, values, feelings, goals, skills, and/or roles. It is hope. Both verbal and nonverbal exchanges are important
a way of living a satisfying, hopeful, and contributing in conveying a realistic optimism associated with a sense of
life, with or without limitations caused by the illness. hopefulness.
Recovery involves the development of new meaning and The following PhotoVoice feature offers one person’s
purpose in one’s life as one grows beyond the catastrophic perspective on how she gains hope from her environment
effects of a mental illness. (p. 31) and symbolic items that offer meaning to her.
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CHAPTER 1 ■ Recovery 9

PhotoVoice Occupational therapists who work with people recovering

from substance abuse and/or psychiatric disabilities are in
This is a picture of key positions to facilitate empowerment, self-determination,
beautiful Easter and constructive decision-making about everyday routines,
bonnets, which are a occupational roles that are important to the person, and
symbol of spring, new choosing people and places (social and physical environ-
beginnings, and new ments) that support the person’s optimum performance. For
life. Being surrounded example, empowering a mother in recovery from cocaine ad-
diction might include providing her with information about
by beautiful things self-help groups that meet during the same times her chil-
creates hope for my dren are in school so that she can balance her personal self-
future. care with her cherished parenting role. Helping a person ex-
plore how he or she might alternatively cope with hearing
voices to reduce the side effects of certain medications, such
as getting engaged in activities that are calming (e.g., deep
Coping and Adaptation breathing or focusing on tensing and relaxing muscle groups
The journey of recovery involves cycles of coping and adapta- to mindfully distract oneself, listening to music, folding laun-
tion as a nonlinear, complicated process that includes setbacks dry) can be empowering to an individual with a psychiatric
that result in greater coping responses over time (Strauss, disability.
1989). Hatfield and Lefley (1993) frame mental health recov- Another example from the occupational therapy litera-
ery as a “process of adaptation at increasingly higher levels of ture (Le Granse, Kinebanian, & Josephsson, 2006) is as fol-
personal satisfaction and interpersonal functioning” (p. 141). lows: “The occupational therapist is not the person who
Profiles of recovery identified in an analysis of qualitative in- determines the content of the client’s daily life, but is the
terviews (Provencher, Grigg, Mead, & Mueser, 2002) reflect one who creates the conditions that enable the client to de-
that, at different points in time during the journey, some indi- termine the content of his or her own daily life” (p. 153).
viduals view their recovery as uncertain, others view it as a Creating conditions by helping position the person in the
self-experience of reconstructing self and reconnecting with best environment for carrying out their chosen goals and
others, and others view recovery as a reachable challenge, in- exploring resources that might make a difference are
cluding feeling empowered, being involved in satisfying social among those strategies that can facilitate empowerment
relationships, and looking forward to a promising future. and self-determination.
This characterization of adaptation and coping is consis-
tent with perspectives held by occupational therapy practi- Social and Community Integration
tioners. As individuals build on their strengths, overcome
challenges, and begin to move toward personal goal achieve- Social connection has been studied as an important aspect of
ment, a sense of personal self-efficacy develops. In turn, en- recovery (Davidson, 2007; Spaniol, Bellingham, Cohen, &
gagement in occupations is enhanced by self-efficacy and ac- Spaniol, 2003), as well as being connected to familiar and wel-
tively pursuing meaningful occupations, which further coming places that hold a larger purpose or meaning. Erdner,
strengthens the journey to recovery. Magnusson, Nystrom, and Lutzen (2005) found that social con-
nectedness versus being socially alienated and seeing oneself as
Empowerment and Self-Determination an outsider was important to recovery. Boydell, Gladstone, and
Crawford (2002) highlight the importance of having friends
Empowerment has been identified as an important factor in with and without psychiatric disabilities. Occupational thera-
the recovery process. Cohen (2005) identify the elements of pists who work in community support programs can facilitate
empowerment as including exploration of new people and places by first accompanying the
person to various events and gatherings. In that way, as personal
■ Decision-making power
competence and resilience increase over time, an occupational
■ Access to information and resources
therapy intervention might be simply pointing out opportuni-
■ Variety of options from which to choose
ties that the individual can choose to pursue. Such opportuni-
■ Assertive communication
ties can include education, employment, volunteer, leisure/
■ Hopeful future
recreation, spiritual, and citizenship options available to all
■ Constructive means of expressing anger
community members.
■ Promoting change within oneself and the community
Baron (2007) invited consumers, family members, and
■ Image of self as improving and overcoming stigma
mental health providers to generate recommendations as to
Consistent with empowerment, self-determination has how community integration might be promoted in the areas
been described by Cook (n.d.) as “. . . having the freedom to be of civic engagement, competitive employment, educational
in charge of your own life, choosing where you live, who you’re advancement, social participation, housing supports, and
with, and what you do. It means having the resources you need religious/spiritual connection. Encouraging civic reciprocity
to create a good life and to make responsible decisions that are (i.e., the concept that people give to others as well as take);
best for you and others around you. It also means choosing working with businesses to increase employment opportuni-
where, when, and how you will get support and assistance for ties and supports; and enhancing educational paths toward
mental health problems when needed” (p. 2). GED completion, technical, baccalaureate, and graduate
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10 PART 1 ■ Foundations

options with educational funding were among the 20 strategies

generated. Employing strategies to enhance access to free or Evidence-Based Practice
low-cost community events for social participation, providing
resources for safe and affordable housing, and stimulating reli-
gious and spiritual congregations to be more open and wel-
coming rounded out their recommendations (Baron, 2007).
W ork participation can occur at any point in recovery.
The optimum work environment is one that supports
the individual’s confident engagement.
Occupational therapy practitioners need to focus their at- ➤ Occupational therapists can promote engagement in work
tention not only on the individual and family levels, but also based on client interest and goals, not on specific mental
on the community advocacy level to create new avenues for health recovery status.
inclusion and participation. Building on the individual’s ➤ Careful attention to a work environment that best matches
own natural communities (church, school, social, and recre- the individual’s interests, talents, and competent involvement
ational), occupational therapists can promote outreach to all may help promote recovery.
persons in the community.
Krupa, T. (2004). Employment, recovery, and schizophrenia: Integrating
health and disorder at work. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 28, 8–14.
Strong, S. (1998). Meaningful work in supportive environments: Experiences
Occupational Therapy with the recovery process. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 52,
and Recovery Woodside, H., Schell, L., & Allison-Hedges, J. (2006). Listening for recovery:
The vocational success of people living with mental illness. Canadian Journal
Throughout this chapter and the text overall, the reader will of Occupational Therapy, 73, 36–43.
note many links between the emphasis of occupational ther-
apy and its fit with recovery and recovery-related concepts.
In this section, specific contributions from the occupational
therapy literature are reviewed that add to the overall under- therapists in the recovery literature include helping people find
standing of recovery. those environments that best support their confident engage-
Rebeiro Gruhl (2005) asserts that occupational therapists ment in meaningful occupations such as work (Woodside,
should attend to the construct of recovery and lead research Schell, & Allison-Hedges, 2006), where the match of values in
and practice in promoting recovery, given the strong fit be- the workplace with values of the person impacts vocational
tween core occupational therapy beliefs and assumptions and success (Kirsch, 2000), and where meaningful work in a sup-
what the literature indicates is important to fostering recov- portive environment leads to a sense of self as competent and
ery. Occupational therapists contribute to the complexity and capable (Strong, 1998).
meaning of the recovery vision and integrate recovery with At the 2007 conference hosted by the American Occupa-
occupational therapy practice (Krupa & Clark, 2004). tional Therapy Foundation entitled “Habit and Rehabilitation:
Krupa (2004) suggests that, at any point in recovery, work Promoting Participation,” Davidson (2007) posited that action
participation can occur. Contributions made by occupational theory be applied to rethinking psychiatric research and prac-
tice. This theory states that actions precede and generate in-
sight; that is, humans are viewed as active beings who create
and are simultaneously shaped by their environment. Based on
Evidence-Based Practice an understanding of persons with psychiatric disability as hav-
ing habits of living that are limited because of the institutional
S ocial connectedness and developing caring relationships is
important to recovery, as is having friends with and without
psychiatric disability. Having someone who is trustworthy and
environments created for persons with psychosis, a newer un-
derstanding emphasizing habit formation as supporting recov-
ery is considered. Helping persons with psychiatric disabilities
loyal through positive and challenging times plays a role in
form habits of daily living that permit them to more fully par-
supporting mental health recovery.
ticipate in everyday life in communities brings a different un-
➤ Occupational therapists can use skillful group facilitation to derstanding of what is needed. Davidson promotes the devel-
promote social connectedness. opment of two habits that are critical to recovery: developing
➤ Occupational therapy practitioners should encourage caring relationships and being grounded in the present. These
seeking and providing social support as a means to habits could form the basis for living more successfully in the
develop competence in reciprocal relationships that are community as a person in recovery. The text by Crowley
important to recovery. (2000) referenced previously in this chapter offers a multitude
of strategies that would be consistent with being grounded in
Boydell, K. M., Gladstone, B. M., & Crawford, E. S. (2002). The dialectic
of friendship for people with psychiatric disabilities. Psychiatric
the present and dealing with everyday life.
Rehabilitation Journal, 26, 123–131. To summarize, recovery is the personal journey of an indi-
Davidson, L. (2007). Habits and other anchors of everyday life that people vidual with serious mental illness or substance use disorder
with psychiatric disabilities may not take for granted. OTJR: Occupation, that involves living beyond the diagnosis and symptoms and
Participation and Health, 27(Suppl), 60S–68S.
Davidson, L., Tondora, J., O’Connell, M. J., Kirk, T., Rockholz, P., &
achieving purpose, meaning, and life satisfaction. Personal
Evans, A. C. (2007). Creating a recovery-oriented system of behavioral growth resulting from managing and adapting to everyday
health care: Moving from concept to reality. Psychiatric Rehabilitation challenges is part of that journey. Hope is an essential ingredi-
Journal, 31, 23–31.
Erdner, A., Magnusson, A., Nystrom, M., & Lutzen, K. (2005). Social and
ent in initiating one’s recovery, which is further fostered by a
existential alienation experienced by people with long-term mental illness. sense of empowerment, being connected with others, having
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 19, 373–380. access to resources, practicing self-determination, and having a
clear sense of one’s values and life goals.
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CHAPTER 1 ■ Recovery 11

The following PhotoVoice highlights how, despite the chal- One tool, the Recovery Enhancing Environment (REE) scale
lenges faced when living with mental illness, when on the jour- (Ridgway, 2005; Ridgway, Press, Anderson, & Deegan, 2004),
ney of mental health recovery, strength and hope can result. includes both individual and systems measures. The REE
assesses individual recovery (stage of recovery, service utiliza-
tion, recovery markers) and factors in the service environ-
Measurement of Recovery ment that are considered to be resilience- and recovery-
enhancing from the perspective of the service user’s ratings
Given the increasing interest in recovery as an outcome for (recovery practice elements and resilience-promoting factors
persons with psychiatric disabilities, researchers and practi- in the organizational climate).
tioners have generated evidence and tools to measure recovery The consumer perspective, when considering one’s recov-
and aspects of recovery, such as hope, empowerment, and self- ery and how the environment affects the recovery journey, is
determination. In addition, a number of instruments have a central concern (Ridgway & Press, 2004). The questionnaire
been designed to evaluate the degree to which mental health can be completed by the individual (average time, 25 minutes)
programs, services, and systems have embraced various con- or as an interview (average time, 30–45 minutes). The REE
cepts and best practices associated with recovery. has been used for program evaluation and assessment of
Ralph, Kidder, and Phillips (2000) produced a com- change over time in adolescent programs, state hospital pro-
pendium of such measures entitled Can We Measure Recov- grams, and internationally. Table 1-2 provides a sample item
ery? A Compendium of Recovery and Recovery-Related In- for each of the parts of the REE.
struments, Volume I. In 2005, Campbell-Orde, Chamberlin,
Carpenter, and Leff produced Measuring the Promise: A Recovery Self-Assessment
Compendium of Recovery Measures, Volume II, which
provided updates on two of the instruments published in The Recovery Self-Assessment (RSA; O’Connell, 2005;
Volume I, additional measures of individual recovery and O’Connell, Tondora, Evans, Croog, & Davidson, 2005) was
service, and program- and system-level tools for measuring developed in conjunction with the Connecticut Depart-
recovery in the respective environments. ment of Mental Health and Addiction Services to assess the
Several of the measurement tools are described here to degree to which its recovery-supporting practices were
encourage occupational therapists to consider their utility in evident to service users. This 36-item tool was developed
program evaluation and individual assessment. based on the following nine principles (O’Connell et al,
Recovery Enhancing Environment Scale ■ Renewing hope and commitment
■ Redefining self
The importance of a person’s movement toward positive re-
■ Incorporating illness
covery and an awareness of the recovery facilitating/inhibiting
■ Being involved in meaningful activities
aspects of the person’s environment deserve careful analysis.
■ Overcoming stigma
■ Assuming control
■ Becoming empowered and exercising citizenship
■ Managing symptoms
She accompanies me ■ Being supported by others
everywhere, yet I have
never seen her. She
attended many of my Table 1-2 ● Sample Items in Ridgway Recovery-Enhancing
birthday parties—uninvited. Environment Measure
At my 24th birthday, I
Section of Tool
said, “No presents, only (No. of Elements) Sample Item
presence,” but her
presence was no gift, she Stage of recovery (9) I’ve been thinking about recovery, but haven’t
decided to move on it yet.
sent me to the hospital. She has been a boss, a
Elements of recovery Having a positive sense of personal identity
tormenter, my constant companion—my worst enemy. and recovery-enhancing beyond my psychiatric disorder is important to
She crashed my wedding and ruined my marriage. My programs (24) my recovery.
children have never seen her, but they know her m.o. Special needs (5) Healing trauma, including sexual abuse and/or
Like a spouse, I have learned to live with her, till death physical abuse, is important to my recovery.
do us part. Organizational climate (14) The program provides opportunities for
I can see her presence in my life now as a gift that meaningful participation and contribution.
I accept with gratitude. For if we had not met, I would Recovery markers (27) I have more good days than bad.
be bereft of the travel, experiences, friends, maturity, Final questions (4) What are one or two of the most important
wisdom, and grace I have received. She is not my things you have learned so far on your journey
partner, best friend, lover, or roommate. She is not even a of recovery?
person, place, or thing. She is a cross, not made of wood, Source: Ridgway, P. (2005). Recovery enhancing environment measure. In T. Campbell-Orde,
that I have carried all my life....She is mental illness. J. Chamberlin, J. Carpenter, & H.S. Leff (Eds.), Measuring the Promise: A Compendium of
Recovery Measures, Volume II (pp. 213–228). Cambridge, MA: The Evaluation Center @ HSRI.
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12 PART 1 ■ Foundations

These principles were derived from an extensive litera- recommended for use in mental health settings by its inclu-
ture review and input from persons in recovery, family sion in Measuring the Promise: A Compendium of Recovery
members, service providers, and administrators. There Measures, Volume II (Campbell-Orde et al, 2005).
are four versions of the tool: Persons in Recovery Version, The Hope scale is a self-report measure with 12 items, 8
Family/Significant Others/Advocates Version, Provider of which are aspects of hope and 4 of which are fillers, an-
Version, and CEO/Agency Director Version. Administra- swered using a 4-point Likert-type scale (definitely false,
tion time is less than 10 minutes, and the tool has been mostly false, mostly true, definitely true). It has a Cronbach’s
tested in inpatient and outpatient settings as well as in alpha of 0.74 to 0.84, and a test–retest reliability of 0.85 over
peer-run residential and social programs. The five do- a 3-week period. Convergent and discriminant validity are
mains (life goals, involvement, diversity of treatment well documented (Snyder et al, 1991).
options, choice, and individually tailored services) showed Given that hope is a construct considered important to
internal consistency, with Cronbach’s alpha ranging from understanding recovery, this scale can be useful for occupa-
0.76 to 0.90 for each domain. The RSA has been used by tional therapists who are interested in tracking program im-
the state of Connecticut and has been selected for use by pact on sense of hope in the people they serve.
the Veterans Administration as it conducts system-level
analysis of its recovery-oriented practices (O’Connell, Measurement of Community Integration
2005). Salyers, Tsai, and Stultz (2007) studied the Provider
Version of the RSA in a sample of hospital workers and Salzer and Baron (2006) offer a conceptual framework for
reported internal consistency and test–retest reliability as measuring participation and community integration that
good to excellent, with adequate convergent and discrimi- considers opportunities for involvement in “community
nant validity. integration domains: Housing, Employment, Education,
The REE and RSA are two examples of recent tools that Health, Leisure/Recreation, Spirituality, Citizenship, Social
are in various phases of development. Occupational ther- Roles, Peer Support, and Self Determination” (p. 2). Their
apy practitioners practicing in mental health settings framework incorporates objective and subjective measures
might find them to be useful in examining the recovery of opportunity, participation in varied activities across do-
orientation of their own programs and practices. Given mains, presence in the community, well-being and quality of
the paradigm shift from a pathological and medical model life, and recovery as “living a satisfying, fulfilling, and hope-
of care to a recovery model, knowing how aligned staff and ful life” (p. 2).
programs are with principles of recovery is an important Considerations regarding the level of segregated activity
process to monitor across time as a continuous quality im- within institutions/agencies versus integrated participation
provement activity. in the community; involvement with others who do not have
a psychiatric disability; the degree of individual choice; and
Making Decisions Empowerment Scale important benchmarks associated with recovery, such as em-
ployment status, level of income, educational status, and
The Making Decisions Empowerment scale (Rogers,
housing conditions as compared to people with similar so-
Chamberlin, Ellison, & Crean, 1997), a 28-item scale, meas-
ciodemographic profiles, are all monitored to determine
ures the personal construct of empowerment. Tested on
overall level of community integration. Their model views
271 members of six self-help programs across six states and
increased participation of any kind as positive “regardless of
administered to 56 state hospital inpatients and 200 college
where it falls on the varied dimensions” (Salzer & Baron,
students, it discriminates among respondent groups.
2006, p. 3).
Factor analyses revealed five factors: self-efficacy—self-
To summarize, measures associated with recovery at the
esteem, power—powerlessness, community activism, right-
program and system levels can determine to what degree the
eous anger, and optimism—control over the future, which
paradigm of recovery has been embraced based on input
accounted for 54% of the variance. Statistical significance was
from mental health consumers, families, staff, and adminis-
found for relationships between empowerment and commu-
trators. Individual measures of recovery, empowerment,
nity activities, total monthly income, quality of life, social sup-
hope, and community integration all hold promise for
port, self-esteem, and satisfaction with self-help programs. An
tracking change at the individual, group, and community
inverse correlation between empowerment and traditional
use of mental health services (p = 0.02) was reported, and em-
powerment was not related to such demographic variables as
gender, race, marital status, education level, or previous psy-
chiatric hospitalizations. Cronbach’s alpha was reported to be Recovery as Public Policy Leading
0.86, showing high internal consistency. Occupational thera- Mental Health System
pists working in recovery-oriented mental health programs
that emphasize empowerment may find this scale helpful in Transformation
tracking changes in personal empowerment.
Recovery concepts and outcomes have been the focus of men-
Hope Scale tal health systems at a global level. In New Zealand, recovery
principles were identified in The Mental Health Commission’s
Although the Hope scale (Snyder et al, 1991) is a generic tool (1998) “Blueprint for Mental Health Services in New
for studying hopefulness that was not specifically developed Zealand,” and “Recovery Competencies for New Zealand
for a population of adults with serious mental illness, it was Mental Health Workers” was published in 2001 to provide
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CHAPTER 1 ■ Recovery 13

educators from the varied disciplines with broad guidelines ■ Like life, recovery has growth and setbacks; yet, when
for preparing the mental health workforce. viewed over time, it has a gradual upward trend.
In the United States, the New Freedom Commission on ■ The consequences of mental illness—such as loss of
Mental Health (2003) and the SAMHSA Consensus Con- rights and equal opportunities related to employment,
ference in 2006 promoted mental health recovery as the housing, and parenting, and other discrimination re-
desired outcome of mental health services. The vision of lated to stigma, even if the person is recovered—may
recovery included full participation in communities, living be more challenging than the illness itself.
a productive life, working and learning (New Freedom ■ Recovery for a person means that he or she has much
Commission on Mental Health, 2003), and the importance to offer others in recovery, not that he or she was not ill
of hope. Mental health recovery has emerged as an impor- in the first place.
tant concept that validates the lived experience of mental
These principles direct psychiatric rehabilitation profes-
illness and recovery; provides insights to mental health
sionals, including occupational therapy practitioners, to pay
service providers and families as to how they can be in-
attention to the recovery process and facilitate favorable out-
volved in supporting recovery; and serves as the focus of
comes associated with mental health recovery, as well as guide
public policy, programs, and services. In April 2006, the
public policy and programs with a paradigm of recovery.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services released
In the United States, Connecticut has been involved in
its “National Consensus Statement on Mental Health Re-
mental health recovery as a statewide system of care since
covery,” citing recovery as “the single most important goal
2000. Their definition of recovery was based on the perspec-
for the mental health service delivery system” (SAMHSA,
tives of those in recovery: “a process of restoring a meaning-
n.d., p. 5).
ful sense of belonging to one’s community and positive sense
In addition to the initiatives led by the federal govern-
of identity apart from one’s condition while rebuilding a life
ment, as of January 2006, the Joint Commission on Ac-
despite or within the limitations imposed by that condition”
creditation of Healthcare Organizations’ (JCAHO’s) Be-
(Davidson et al, 2007, p. 25). As opposed to the medical
havioral Health Care Standards required programs to
model, which emphasizes compliance with treatment, the
support a recovery-oriented philosophy and approach to
disability/civil rights model of recovery encourages con-
care, treatment, and services (JCAHO, 2005). Focusing on
sumers to pursue their hopes and dreams based on their as-
strengths, facilitating people’s ability to successfully cope
sets and strengths.
with life’s challenges (not just on managing distressing
Operationalization of the recovery components (e.g., be-
symptoms of one’s mental illness), and offering services
ing supported by others, renewing hope and commitment,
that are consumer- and family-driven are consistent with
engaging in meaningful activities, redefining self, incorporat-
such a philosophy.
ing illness, overcoming stigma, assuming control, managing
Occupational therapy practitioners worldwide have also
symptoms, becoming empowered and exercising citizenship)
joined with the recovery movement and apply the recovery
on the part of persons in recovery, direct support providers,
principles to facilitate full participation in everyday commu-
and manager/administrators was carefully planned. The Re-
nity life (Krupa, 2004; Rebeiro Gruhl, 2005; Strong, 1998).
covery Self-Assessment (O’Connell et al, 2005) was adopted as
The final section of this chapter provides an overview of the
the outcome measure to determine the extent to which their
recovery principles that govern recovery-oriented mental
recovery system transformation was successful. The most sig-
health systems.
nificant need and the most significant facilitator of recovery
was found to be “having someone I can trust who will stick
Recovery Principles with me over time, through the good times and the bad, to
support me in my recovery” (Davidson et al, 2007, p. 28).
Principles governing recovery are consistent with the PEO New York State adopted eight basic principles of recovery-
perspective that is built into the design of this text. These centered service planning (Felton, Barr, Clark, & Tsemberis,
principles have been incorporated into state and federal 2006) and conducted statewide training with all mental
policies in the United States and internationally. health workers. The principles include the following:
Anthony et al (2002) suggest a number of assumptions to
1. At every stage of service delivery and support, the in-
consider regarding the recovery process:
dividual’s own stated needs, wants, and goals in his or
■ Recovery occurs at an individual level and can be fa- her own language drive the nature and the develop-
cilitated by families, friends, self-help groups, and ment of the service plan.
professionals. 2. We must very patiently develop an honest, trustworthy
■ An array of activities—which may or may not include partnership-based relationship that is marked by “true
formal mental health services, such as sports, clubs, adult mutuality” and “shared humanity,” which fosters recov-
education, and church activities—can facilitate recovery. ery, respect, and responsibility.
■ Essential to recovery are people who can be trusted to 3. Our charge is to foster and “form a community of hope”
“be there” in times of need and who convey their belief surrounding each individual we serve.
in and support of the person’s recovery. 4. Individuals must be afforded the ability to learn from
■ Diagnoses and medical interventions are not part of their own mistakes in a supportive atmosphere (the
the recovery vision. dignity of risk and the right to failure.)
■ Recovery can occur despite symptoms of the illness. 5. For each self-defined goal, relying on and/or helping
■ Symptoms play a lesser role as a person recovers. develop each individual’s own skills and capacities
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14 PART 1 ■ Foundations

should be the first approach (e.g., wellness self- (1997) Wellness Recovery Action Plan (also referred to as
management techniques, self-advocacy). WRAP) was endorsed by participants who stated “Wellness
6. Crisis planning and relapse prevention strategies that works!” (Felton et al, 2006). WRAP is a manual approach to
draw on the individual’s preferences and accounts of holistic self-management in which the individual analyzes
what has worked in the past should be developed as the resources available to him or her (internal and external)
early as the relationship allows. to use in support of recovery (Copeland, 1997). Creating a
7. Determining long-term goals at the outset of the rela- personal toolbox for being successful in everyday life is built
tionship will assist both parties in deciding when dis- into a person’s WRAP, from planning diet, exercise, and rest
charge planning should occur. and filling treasured life roles to planning for crisis situations
8. We should always seek to favor the use of natural sup- and returning to recovery post-crisis.
ports that are available or can be developed in natural
community settings. These should include sources of
self-help and mutual support. (p. 114)
After completing a statewide training initiative promot-
ing these principles, Felton et al (2006) conducted a study to The recovery orientation toward living a full and meaningful
determine which aspects of recovery-oriented practices were life is supported by the occupational therapy domain: “Sup-
most easily adopted and identify stumbling blocks to adop- porting health and participation in life through engagement
tion. They found that these principles could be applied to in occupation” (AOTA, 2008, p. 626). This chapter provides
persons living with serious mental illness and substance use the reader with definitions of recovery guided by persons with
disorders, but not when the person did not recognize that he the lived experience of mental illness and recovery. Occupa-
or she had a mental illness. In addition, when a person was tional therapy practitioners and other mental health providers
in a crisis situation, the use of a recovery orientation was who promote hope, resilience, coping, adaptation, empower-
considered to be less applicable. Working collaboratively and ment, self-determination, and community integration, while
reflecting goals important to the individual were accom- supporting the individual’s goals and personal vision of recov-
plished when the therapists learned about the individual as ery in community of his or her choice, help make recovery
a whole person. A wellness orientation using Copeland’s possible.

Active Learning Strategies

1. Helps and Hinders to what extent they have integrated recovery-oriented prac-
tices. Use Table 1-1 as a checklist to collect evidence based on
Review the content presented in Table 1-1 and the first per-
the practices you observe that support or hinder recovery.
son narratives in the “Insights Into Recovery—The Lived
Download one of the recovery assessment tools available at
Experience” section. Make notes as to whether each person, and interview either a therapist or a person
described what helped or hindered his or her recovery, and
served at the site.
compare them with Table 1-1.
Describe the experience in your
In your Reflective Journal, describe
Reflective Journal.
any insights gained from this
reflection. How would you approach
a person in a manner that would 3. Exploring Narratives
facilitate the recovery process? Read first person narratives at any of the sites listed in the
2. Recovery Orientation “Resources” section. Listen carefully for the description of
practices that supported or hindered the person’s recovery.
Spend a day in a mental health setting (e.g., clubhouse, Describe how you would treat the person differently if you
consumer-operated center, drop-in center, day treatment pro- were to make a positive difference in his or her recovery.
gram) and observe staff–consumer interactions to determine

Resources • The Evaluation Center, supported by the Center for Mental

Health Services, SAMHSA, maintains a website where people
• Examples of how participation might be measured and a copy can access documents online and find updates to reports and
of the full report entitled “Community Integration and Measuring recovery measurement tools:
Participation” can be accessed at the UPenn Collaborative • Mental Health America website:
on Community Integration website: • National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse
• Self-determination resources can be accessed at the website:
University of Illinois at Chicago website: • National Empowerment Center website:
uicnrtc • Mental Health Recovery website:
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CHAPTER 1 ■ Recovery 15

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16 PART 1 ■ Foundations

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History of Mental Health:
Perspectives of Consumers
and Practitioners 2
Christine Peters

“ W e as a Nation have long neglected the mentally ill. . . .This neglect must end if our nation is
to live up to its own standards of compassion and dignity and achieve the maximum use of
its manpower. I am convinced that . . . the mentally ill can eventually achieve a wholesome and
constructive social adjustment.
—John F. Kennedy, Message from the president to the U.S. Congress, February 5, 1963

Introduction of occupational therapy, it is necessary to put those begin-

President John F. Kennedy delivered the previous message of nings in context. Therefore, this section provides a more
hope and dignity about mental illness to the U.S. Congress in general overview of the evolution of practices and policies,
1963. Kennedy’s concern for people with mental illness led to the way the mental illness was understood, and the experi-
changes in mental health policy, some of which are regarded ences of people with mental illness during these times.
as advances and others as failures. The message remains rele-
vant today. Achieving dignity and empowerment for individ- Mental Illness in Colonial America
uals with mental illness has been a difficult struggle and, for
the most part, a hidden chapter when compared with other Misunderstood and mislabeled as “cursed souls,” people with
civil rights movements in American history. mental illness were banished from society in 17th-century
When reading mental health history, it is important to un- America (McKown, 1961; Rosen, 1968). Keeping people with
derstand that history is not simply a chronology of events in mental and physical illnesses secluded at home was a norm in
time, nor should it be considered a whole truth. There are Colonial America. Tending to the sick at home had both pos-
several sides to any event, depending on the point of view of itive and negative consequences. On the one hand, it pro-
the individual telling the story. This author views history as moted health through maintaining daily rhythms in familiar
making connections or weaving threads. Memorizing names environments. On the other hand, the isolation created a bar-
and dates, although a commendable effort, results in knowl- rier for those in society who saw mental illness as taboo and
edge of linear and somewhat static information. What is did not want to acknowledge the ill in their communities. It is
missing is a reconstruction of who these people were, both plausible that in Colonial America, like today, those individu-
occupational therapists and consumers, in the context of als coping with mental illness and their families desired the
their times, and why their decisions and contributions best care available. However, in reality, the care for people with
worked or did not work. mental illness was frequently inferior or misguided.
This chapter presents history from multiple perspectives; Homeless individuals, who were viewed as “deranged,”
unlike many works of occupational therapy history, it in- wandered the country and were auctioned off to work for
cludes a strong voice from consumers who have lived the minimal or no wages. The middle-class and wealthier people
history. Various historical social movements are explored to who were labeled as mentally ill wasted away at home. Not
demonstrate how changes in thinking in the United States adequately cared for and lacking adequate food and clean
influenced society’s views of people with mental illness and clothes, these individuals were sometimes chained in un-
the provision of mental health services. As with all historical heated attics and occasionally tended to by physicians who
accounts, the reader should recognize that this chapter pres- used bleeding or purging methods (Dain, 1964). The pre-
ents only part of the story, with the goal of stimulating fur- vailing belief was that mental illness was God’s punishment
ther interest in the topic. for evil.
In agrarian Colonial America, where people commonly
lived long distances from each other, responsibility for care of
people with mental illnesses rested on the family, and it is
History of Mental Health Practice likely that these families dealt with their own struggles. In
in America moralistic and puritanical America, there existed the practi-
cal belief that every adult in the newly developing country
Occupational therapy as a profession was established had an obligation to contribute to society. Individuals with
in 1917, with strong roots in mental health settings various mental illnesses were viewed as a drain on society be-
(Schwartz, 2003). However, to understand the beginnings cause they were unable to enter the workforce and financially
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18 PART 1 ■ Foundations

contribute to their communities. As a result, people with understood mental illness not only as a physician, but also as a
mental illness were grouped with destitute widows, orphans, father who hospitalized his son in the very institution he
the disabled, aged, and sick (Grob, 1994). founded.
To remedy some of these shortcomings, Massachusetts Ultimately, these havens, which were intended to protect
created the first legal code in 1641, which assumed the finan- and treat people with mental illness, failed for several rea-
cial burden for the “distracted and idiots.” Other similarly sons, including training of the providers, questionable
populated states, including Connecticut, Rhode Island, New practices allowed in the asylums, and major issues of over-
York, Vermont, and Virginia, followed suit in 1694. Although crowding. Still a developing profession in the 1800s, psy-
financial support was a practical solution, these legislative chiatrists continued to prescribe purges and few visited
acts fell short because they did not address treatment needs “inmates.” In Rush’s day, less than 10% of all practitioners
(Grob, 1983; Starr, 1982). held degrees; therefore, there was a lack of licensing laws to
enforce standards of care and education to promote moral
Urbanization and the Rise and Fall of Asylums treatment perspectives (Dain, 1964; Ludmerer, 1999).
Clearly, there was a lack of qualified physicians in large
Urbanization at the time of the Industrial Revolution gave hospital settings, thus contributing to the poor care for in-
rise to hospitalization, with the first hospitals established in dividuals with mental illness (Flexner, 1910). In the 1900s,
Philadelphia in the mid-18th century. As poor immigrant dubious practices such as indiscriminant electroshock, lo-
populations flooded into America, overpopulation and dis- botomies, cold sheet packs, and insulin shock therapy were
ease spread quickly (Tomes, 1998). New solutions were prevalent.
sought for the mentally ill, including building large psychi- The number of individuals needing care increased,
atric hospitals or asylums. Literally translated from the which resulted in increased asylum commitments and the
Greek “without seizure,” asylums were conceptualized as eugenics movement, or the sterilization process of individ-
safe havens. These refuges were often built with acres of open uals with mental illnesses (Whitaker, 2002). Adolph Meyer,
space for walks and gardening activities. Staff cottages and who is often identified as the philosophical founder of oc-
other living quarters were built on the grounds. cupational therapy, was a prominent psychologist in the
Described by Dr. T. Romeyn Beck of New York City in 1811, early 1900s. Meyer presented a paper at the Conference on
in his address about moral treatment: “Moral management Mental Hygiene in 1913 in Raleigh, North Carolina. He
consists of removing patients from their residence to some spoke about common misunderstandings regarding state
proper asylum; and for this purpose, a calm retreat in the hospitals: “At present the (state) hospital is stamped as a re-
country is preferred” (Dain, 1964, p. 12). The Pennsylvania ceptacle for cases with whom nobody likes to be associated.
Hospital, the first general hospital in the United States to admit Most states have not enough beds and provisions . . . and
patients with mental illness, began an institutional transforma- resent taking in cases of alcoholism and senile dementia,
tion in the late 18th century under the leadership of American which they would rather leave to authorities . . .” (p. 186).
psychiatrist Benjamin Rush (Dain, 1964). Modeling British In a more hopeful tone, Meyer continued, “The time will
merchant William Tuke’s York Retreat, large asylums in this come when states and communities will be judged accord-
country built before 1835 promoted humane treatment. The ing to the way they are able to work for mental health, and
Quakers, or the Enlightened Friends, a progressive religious when our people will have as much pride in their hospitals
order that had a strong foothold in Pennsylvania, became in- for mental cases as they are now justly proud of their
fluential as lay people promoting humanitarian values and schools and churches and public health boards” (p. 189).
care. The Quakers’ beliefs in humane treatment of mentally ill Idealistically, the state hospital system continued to face
individuals influenced the mental hygiene movement that challenges.
came into spotlight at the turn of the 20th century. Decaying, overpopulated American asylums built in the
Psychiatrist Benjamin Rush, drawing from the moral last quarter of the 19th century became structurally unsafe
treatment momentum in the 1800s, became an influential in the early to mid-20th century. Simultaneously, much
figure in American medicine. He helped change the view that needed federal funding required to upgrade these large hos-
mental illness was due to possession or some other religious pitals was diverted away from mental health care concerns
cause. Rush proposed various ideas about the etiology of due to World Wars I and II and the Great Depression. In-
mental illness, including the existence of predisposing psycho- creasingly, the asylums became warehouses rather than
logical causes such as imaginative “occupations,” damaging treatment centers. Prior to the 1880s, psychiatric hospitaliza-
political and economic environments, and heredity (Dain, tion typically lasted less than a year (Grob, 1994). After 1923,
1964). Adopting the belief that a biological and environmen- more than half of these patients remained hospitalized for 5
tal balance was needed in mental diagnosis and treatment, the or more years.
psychiatry profession began to develop (Starr, 1982). It was in 1917 that occupational therapy was established
A respected physician, Rush aligned himself with influential as a profession. Occupational therapy was part of the hu-
friends, such as Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and Benjamin manistic movement, with its focus on the needs of people
Franklin, who could politically promote his humane ideas. On with mental illness. Although occupational therapists were
a personal level, Rush coped with his own son John’s lifelong working in many of the asylums, they held roles of lesser au-
commitment to the Pennsylvania Hospital, after John killed a thority in these institutions (Grob, 1994). The patients were
close friend in a duel in 1810 (Dain, 1964). Consoling Rush at the group with the lowest rank, yet ironically it was their
the time, Jefferson wrote a letter stating,“. . . he knew many per- voice that needed to be heard the most. However, as condi-
sons who recovered from insanity and that he had always be- tions declined, the need for reform took precedence, leading
lieved it was one of those diseases with a cure . . .” (p. 33). Rush to the mental hygiene movement.
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CHAPTER 2 ■ History of Mental Health: Perspectives of Consumers and Practitioners 19

Mental Hygiene Movement memories and involvement with the movement, including
occupational therapy supporters Adolph Meyers, Richard
One former patient who was heard, Clifford Whittingham Dunton, and Eleanor Clark Slagle. Dunton wrote that Beers
Beers (1876–1943), spearheaded the mental hygiene move- showed that “mental illness is no more a shameful subject
ment. Beers (1912) wrote about his experience as a hospital- than . . . physical disease. I always wondered why Beers was not
ized patient in A Mind That Found Itself: awarded a Nobel Prize . . .” (Letter to Welch from Dunton,
This story is derived from as human a document as ever February 13, 1933). In 1952, acknowledging Beers’ contribu-
existed . . . for in telling the story of my life, I must relate tion to mental health care, an hour-long dramatization of
the history of another self. My history of a mental civil A Mind That Found Itself was made into a play entitled “My
war, which I fought single-handed on a battlefield. . . . Name is Legion.” The play opened on Broadway in 1952, and
An Army of Unreason, composed of the cunning and toured throughout the United States in 1953 for the purposes
treacherous thoughts of an unfair foe, attacked my of education, fund raising, and supporting the mental hygiene
bewildered consciousness with cruel persistency. Reason movement.
finally interposed a superior strategy that saved me from
my unnatural self. (p. 1) Mental Health Policy
Born into a middle-class family from New Haven, In the 1900s, several policies were established that promoted
Connecticut, Beers was one of five sons who showed early better services for people with mental illness. The Rehabilita-
“chronic restlessness” in grammar school. Graduating from tion Act of 1920 addressed the needs of individuals with phys-
high school with no great desire to seek a job, he chose en- ical disabilities. In 1943, the Barden La Follette Amendment
trance into the Sheffield Scientific School, which offered a (PL 113) broadened the Rehabilitation Act to include individ-
business course requiring 3 years of study rather than the uals diagnosed with mental illness. This affected community
more rigorous Yale College, which required 4 years. He was transition, particularly for returning soldiers. Vocational
popular and involved in extracurricular activities. However, counselors began to function as liaisons among hospitals,
Beers began feeling mood fluctuations during his last 2 years schools, and the work environment for individuals who expe-
of college, and by 1900, he experienced acute depression fol- rienced psychiatric problems. Because of the inherent prob-
lowed by nervousness. He also experienced difficulties at lems of a stressful community reentry, various transitional
work. While visiting his family at home in August 1900, Beers community supports were established, including sheltered
attempted suicide and required hospitalization. It was his workshops, day hospitals, and outpatient clinics (Greenblatt,
personal account of conditions at the Hartford Retreat that York, & Brown, 1955).
put an identified voice to the patient’s movement. The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) was es-
“Few if any prison in this country contains worse holes tablished in 1949 (Ridenour, 1961). The NIMH supported
than this cell proved to be. It was one of five about six feet research relating to cause, diagnosis, and treatment of men-
wide by ten feet. A heavily screened and barred window ad- tal illness; provided fellowships and institutional grants to
mitted light and a negligible air quality” (Beers, 1912, p. 151). train personnel; and established clinics and treatment cen-
Seeing support for his book, Beers forwarded his manuscript ters to deal with prevention, diagnosis, and treatment.
to philosopher and psychologist William James. Although he Robert Felix, the director of NIMH from 1949 to 1964, cre-
was able to garner support from psychologists, psychiatrists ated an optimism for community mental health that led to
such as Adolf Meyer were more guarded, seeing Beers’ work the adoption of important legislation.
as hypercritical of colleagues in his profession (Grob, 1983). The Community Mental Health Services Act of 1954, a
Gaining support, in 1909, Beers became a founding New York State law supported by Governor Thomas E. Dewey,
member of the National Committee for Mental Hygiene stated that any county or city with 50,000 or more residents
(NCMH), which was later renamed the National Mental could create a local mental health board with a psychiatrist di-
Health Association (NMHA). Without the support of lead- rector. Perhaps still medically authoritative, rather than con-
ing psychiatrists like Adolph Meyer, Beers held fast, and was sumer based, this law gave precedence to the idea that persist-
successful in seeking funding sources and alliances, includ- ent mental illnesses could be prevented by early intervention
ing the Rockefeller Foundation. in the community (Grob, 1994).
With Rockefeller’s seed money, the NCMH was founded The National Mental Health Act, sponsored by Senator
February 19, 1909, with the following goals: Lister Hill in 1955, addressed mental illness at the national
■ Protect the public’s mental health. level. This act supported the study of mental illness, the de-
■ Promote research pertaining to etiology and preven- velopment of treatment methods, the evaluation and train-
tion of mental disease. ing of personnel, and the conduction of a national survey by
■ Seek government aid. the newly formed Joint Commission on Mental Illness
■ Establish state societies. Health (JCMIH). Given this new cash flow for treatment
gains, new therapies evolved, including psychotropic drugs,
In 1911, Beers was appointed secretary to NCMH. He was milieu therapies (therapeutic communities, typically estab-
thereafter affiliated with the organization for 15 years, during lished on a hospital ward), electroshock, psychosurgery, and
which time he witnessed much growth, including the creation psychodynamic approaches.
of an International Congress representing 41 nations. Beers A landmark act, the Community Mental Health Act of
struggled with his mental health from 1939 until his death in 1963, is criticized as being one of the most unsuccessful
1943, at the age of 67. In 1933, at the 25-year anniversary of pieces of legislation (Torrey, 1977). The hope was that this
the NCMH, various leaders in mental health reflected on their legislation would reshape policy, creating more direct links
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20 PART 1 ■ Foundations

with local communities to effectively and autonomously ad- struggles in the United States to the stigmatization of men-
dress their unique community mental health needs. Instead, tal illness. The following passage shows how this former his-
it was the beginning of a poorly executed deinstitutionaliza- tory student believes that a “sense of the past” promotes
tion movement in which doors to large state hospitals one’s own recovery from the challenge of mental illness: “I
opened with inadequate or scant community care available believe . . . those of us who are already marginalized by his-
to individuals with serious mental illness. Deinstitutional- tory have a remarkable capacity to fight back. I gather
ization and inflation in real estate led to high rates of home- strength from the struggles of black Americans, that . . . was
lessness among people with serious mental illness, a signifi- just another label that had to be disproved, dealt with or
cant problem that continues today. more compassionately understood and appreciated in con-
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 set a text” (p. 407). Although racial discrimination and mental ill-
tone for the 1990s. The act spotlighted and described the isola- ness can be challenged as dissimilar, the perils of discrimina-
tion and segregation of individuals with disabilities. In 1999, tion and the challenges of various types of social injustice are
the ADA was cited in the U.S. Supreme Court case of Olmstead, shared experiences.
Commissioner, Georgia Department of Human Resources, et al. Thus far, this chapter has reviewed mental health history
v. L.C. and E.W. As stated in the legal brief, the respondents in the United States from Colonial America to current leg-
L.C. and E.W. are mentally retarded women. In addition, L.C. islative and social policy. Moving from ineffective care to
was diagnosed with schizophrenia, and E.W. with personality a more humane approach that ultimately brought with it
disorder. When both women were admitted voluntarily to empowerment and activism, consumers of mental health
Georgia Regional Hospital in Atlanta, they were confined to a services have experienced many shifts in the “tides.” Most
psychiatric unit. Although the treatment team concluded that recently, “prosumers,” or mental health professionals who
they could be cared for appropriately in the community, they are consumers, have joined colleagues to show the effective-
remained hospitalized. In a mixed opinion ruling (five sup- ness of peer-operated services (see Chapter 35) in forming
porting and three opposing), Justice Ginsberg announced that mental health partnerships, research, and practice shifts in
these women had the right to reasonable accommodations in the community.
the community. Identifying that parallel support existed for in- The next section reviews specific occupational therapy
dividuals with medical rather than mental disabilities, institu- developments that occurred in the context of larger histori-
tionalization was not justified. cal events in the United States. The reader is introduced to
For decades, mental health advocates have been working therapists who played prominent roles in occupational ther-
to establish better health care coverage for mental illness. apy mental health practice, policy, education, and research.
The Mental Health Parity Act of 2007 (S. 558) and the Paul These outstanding leaders and scholars shaped occupational
Wellstone Mental Health and Addiction Equity Act of 2007 therapy practice while responding to social change. When
are not only seen as progress, but also as a compromise. information is available, first person accounts are drawn on
Although mental health coverage is not mandated, when to show the meaning of occupational therapy to consumers.
mental health coverage is included, the coverage (including
addiction) should be on par with physical illnesses. Seeing
this as a step in the right direction and understanding that
health insurance and business lobbyists were successful in Occupational Therapy Mental
their efforts to move against mandating mental health cov-
erage, the American Occupational Therapy Association
Health History
(AOTA) joined the National Alliance on Mental Illness in There is consensus that the roots of occupational therapy are
viewing this as a positive compromise (AOTA, 2007). in mental health practice and the moral treatment move-
ment (Bing, 1981; Peloquin, 2005; Quiroga, 1995; Schwartz,
The Consumer Movement 1992). The history of occupational therapy in mental health
is presented first from the perspective of the consumer, using
The consumer or survivor’s movement is akin to other equal literature in which the individual receiving occupational
rights movements. The purpose of any social movement is to therapy services describes his or her experiences. This is fol-
change policy and culture, and gain jurisdiction (Abbott, lowed by the perspective of the mental health practitioner,
1988). Linked to counterculture ideology, the Insane Libera- primarily a leader in mental health occupational therapy.
tion Front, founded in 1969 in Oregon, is identified as the first These two sections highlight the different focus on history
consumer-run rights group (Tomes, 2006). Anchored by Judi when told from differing viewpoints.
Chamberlin’s (1977) work, On Our Own, the consumer/
survivor movement challenged an antiquated mental health Consumers’ Perspectives
belief system. In questioning labeling, Chamberlin states: “We
can see this judgmental process at work when we look at the Historically, first person accounts about occupational ther-
effect that a diagnosis of mental illness has on an individual’s apy treatment were not always complimentary. Barbara Field
life. Unlike physical illnesses . . . once it has been decided that Benziger (1969) writes about her 1960s hospitalization in
a person has a sick mind, enormous social consequences The Prison of My Mind. She remembered her encounter with
ensue . . . frequently loss of liberty” (p. 3). an occupational therapist with mixed reviews: “The first per-
Owning their identity and right not to be second-class son I met who made any real sense . . . was the occupational
citizens who need to hide an illness, some survivors are therapist—a term I’ve always hated. She was kind, interested,
choosing to share their stories. Russell Pierce (2004), a con- enthusiastic . . . and intelligent. She had hit a gold mine
sumer of mental health services, compared historical racial in me, who all my life I have loved doing work with my
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CHAPTER 2 ■ History of Mental Health: Perspectives of Consumers and Practitioners 21

hands—knitting, designs, painting. I told her that they Another first person account is Irene Turner (1989) writ-
(hospital staff) had taken away my knitting and tapestry ing about her various hospitalizations while experiencing
needles . . . and my little scissors” (p. 47). depression. At times feeling punished and humiliated in the
Mrs. Benziger’s personal interests and willingness to em- most restrictive settings, she recalled the occupational thera-
brace occupational therapy could have led to a therapeutic pist empowering her to decide which activities she believed
alliance; however, the author presents a different view. After were important to her own treatment. Turner also expressed
the therapist returned with some sewing supplies and scis- difficulties and feelings of rejection when participating in in-
sors, she asked, “Do you think I can trust you with these?” terpersonal skills groups led by the occupational therapist,
and suggested leaving the door open. The end result was a stating that the treatment approach did not meet her needs
sense of powerlessness in Mrs. Benziger. at the time. Hers is another mixed picture of occupational
Other 1960s writings are published about Hillside Hospi- therapy intervention.
tal and Creedmore Psychiatric Center (known as Creedmore Moving into the “decade of the brain,” the 1990s, occupa-
State Hospital until 1974) in New York. Susan Sheehan tional therapists attending the AOTA’s annual conference in
(1983) received a Pulitzer Prize for her nonfiction book Is March 1992 in Houston, Texas, heard psychologist Frederick
There No Place on Earth for Me? Beginning in June 1977, the Frese and his wife, Penny Frese, talk about the personal ex-
author spent 1 year shadowing Sylvia Frumkin, a 28-year- perience of living with a psychiatric disability. Frese told the
old white middle-class woman of Jewish descent, who was audience about his diagnosis of schizophrenia. He suggested
hospitalized at Creedmore Psychiatric Center. Creedmoor that “OTs should encourage clients to participate in activities
opened in 1926, and consisted of 70 buildings sitting on that are part of ‘this world,’ but that allow them to work
300 acres in Queens, New York, a borough of New York City. through their trauma” (Egan, Joe, & Tapper, 1992, p. 33).
The center was riddled with overcrowding problems; in Presenting the importance of a meaningful and dignified life
1956, there were 6018 patients in a hospital that had a max- with hope, the Freses advocated for occupational therapy’s
imum capacity of 4188 (Sheehan, 1983). Frumkin’s first involvement in the consumer’s movement.
Creedmore admission was in 1964, at the age of 15. With a These client’s or patient’s perspectives paralleled the time
total of nine hospitalizations through her mid-30s, during when individuals diagnosed with mental illness became
which she received electroshock therapy and insulin-coma more open in disclosing their stories. This was in part related
therapy. Significant to occupational therapy is Sheehan’s to the feminist/equal rights movement, the independent liv-
portrayal of Hermine Plotnick, who was the Clearview Unit ing moving, and the consumers’ movement.
Chief. Although Plotnick was identified as an able adminis- More recently, occupational therapists have shared their
trator, she was also an occupational therapist (AOTA, 1980). personal life experiences as consumers or family members of
Through her years of hospitalizations, discharges, and rehos- individuals diagnosed with a mental illness (Mack, 2001;
pitalizations, Frumkin continued her relationship with McGruder, 2001). Occupational therapist Suzette Mack
Plotnick. During her 1977 hospitalization, Plotnick saw (2001), rather than using the phrase “recovery from mental
Frumkin’s potential, suspecting that “Frumkin could have illness,” sees her path as a “road to discovery.” Occupational
had a glamorous career if she hadn’t spent so much of her therapist Juli McGruder (2001) wrote about a family mem-
life as a mental patient.” ber’s hospitalization and the formation of her interest in
Occupational therapist Mary Donohue was then Supervi- mental health practice: “I was attracted, as an adolescent, to
sor of the After Care Activity Program at Long Island Jewish- consider occupational therapy as a career when I saw in-
Hillside Medical Center in the 1970s (M. Donahue, personal triguing paintings at a mental hospital. None of these expe-
communication, May 3, 2007). Frumkin attended the riences compares with last year, when a beloved family mem-
woman’s group that Donohue developed at Hillside. How- ber went missing . . .” (pp. 5–6). McGruder also writes about
ever, she dropped out because things said in the group were the mixed dilemma health-care professionals experience
“very offensive” to her deep Christian beliefs (Sheehan, 1983, when they know both sides of the situation.
p. 286). Donohue (1982) developed and facilitated the
women’s group using an occupational therapy framework Health Providers’ Perspectives
and life stimulation activities, readings, “rap” sessions, and
exercise for body image building. Until the 1950s, psychiatrists were the most prevalent spokes-
During the late 1970s and early 1980s, Donohue’s people for occupational therapy in mental health. Early occu-
(1982) woman’s groups paralleled the consciousness-raising pational therapy supporters included physicians William
groups that many women involved in the feminist move- Rush Dunton, Jr., and Adolph Meyer. An unidentified psychi-
ment attended in their neighborhoods (Friedan, 1963). atrist stated the following: “As a psychiatrist, I point with con-
Thus, it provided a model for community transition siderable pride to the fact that it was in work with mental and
and reintegration if newly discharged patients wanted to nervous patients that the occupational therapist first made
continue their activism and self-exploration. Although her official bow to the medical profession and to the public”
these women’s consciousness-raising groups were framed (Slagle & Robeson, 1933, p. 18).
in the feminist movement, what is innovative about the The idea of curative workshops became prominent in the
advocacy work is that it echoes the same issues that were 1930s. Curative occupations are “an essential treatment of
discussed in the turn-of-the-century mental hygiene persons suffering with mental disorder, of the feeble minded
movement and current consumer’s movement. Common or of delinquents and criminal” (Ellis, 1930, p. 213). In April
to the mental hygiene movement, ex-patients were gaining 1930, the Honorable William J. Ellis, Commissioner of the De-
a political voice of equality while owning their right to partment of Institutions and Agencies in Trenton, New Jersey,
empowerment. delivered a paper entitled “The Growing Need and Value of
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22 PART 1 ■ Foundations

The Lived Experience

Timeline of Recovery Through injustice. It was also the beginning of the introduction of televi-
Mental Illness sion. I had a chance to see history being made. I can remem-
Cherie Bledsoe ber my grandmother, a strong and spiritual woman, intensely
The comprehensiveness of this narrative reflects the impor- watching the news reports of black people challenging our na-
tance that this chapter places on understanding history from tion’s conscientious on our black-and-white television set. She
multiple perspectives. For this reason, it includes quotes from would say, “Pray for Dr. King. You (girls) gotta be strong to live
multiple people. in times like these.” These images depicted on television and
their commentary by news reporters greatly influenced opinions,
We envision a future when everyone with a mental illness attitudes, and interpretation of this cause, but little did I realize
will recover, a future when mental illness can be pre- that this same technology would play such a critical role later in
vented or cured, a future when mental illnesses are de- my life because it would cast a negative light on people with
tected early, and a future when everyone with a mental ill- mental illness.
ness at any stage of life has access to effective treatment
and supports—essentials for living, working, learning, and In the very beginning, there was darkness. Persons expe-
participating fully in the community. riencing mental illness were called “mental patients,”
—THE PRESIDENT’S NEW FREEDOM ON COMMISSION “mental,” “clients,” and “chronic mental patients” or
“chronics.” All aspects of a patient’s life were considered
MENTAL HEALTH CARE IN AMERICA, JULY 2003 a “treatment modality.” Therefore, there was no privacy in
the patient’s life and professionals exerted total control.
I was born in the mid-1950s—an era of a restless but hopeful —SU BUDD, KANSAS CONSUMER ADVISORY COUNCIL
time of evolution for African Americans. For me, these times were LEADERSHIP COORDINATOR, PERSONAL COMMUNICATION, 2008
about growing up in inner-city Kansas City, Kansas. My family and
community village lived under the umbrella of poverty, oppression, I listened to pioneer consumer leaders and advocates tell
and societal racism. We, however, found ways to create our own stories of the mental health system in the 1960s and was
adventures and favorable memories. My father, who struggled with brought to an awareness—just like the struggles of the civil
raising a family of 10 children, would often talk about having “bad rights movement for African Americans, individuals with men-
nerves” as he spun into conflicting episodes of kindness and tal illness were also involved in their own civil rights reform. I am
battles of rage. I now realize that he was doing his best to com- appreciative of these unwavering pioneers that led this cause
bat his own symptoms of mental illness. In my culture, topics such for people with mental illness to be seen as human beings with
as mental illness were silenced and hushed, and thought of as pri- dignity. The consumer movement was advanced in 1960,
vate family matters. when the first mental health consumer-run organization in
Many consumers/clients/survivors of mental health services the nation was established. Consumer-run organizations and
conclude that the mental health service delivery system has not consumer-operated services create communities where con-
remarkably changed since the 1950s. The history of the consumer sumers have ready access to peers who provide a circle of
movement revealed people on a journey of challenging, rebelling, support. Consumers have hope that they can not only re-
and pushing for reform of our mental health service delivery sys- cover themselves, but also that they can play a role contribut-
tem. This revolution was also the struggle of people who by the ing to the recovery of others.
very nature of having an illness became marked as societal out- In 1961, the Report of the Joint Commission on Mental Ill-
siders, labeled dangerous and given life sentences as hopeless ness and Health recommended upgrading hospitals and estab-
cases. In my earlier childhood years, I remember community lishing community-based treatment centers. President John F.
members joking about how they would pay you money to take Kennedy in 1963 signed legislation for the creation of commu-
people down to the “crazy house” and using phrases like “that per- nity mental health centers. President Kennedy defined mental
son is as nutty as a fruitcake.” I shuddered at the idea of being out- illness as a real medical disability similar to heart disease and
cast from my community, committed to living in “the nut house.” diabetes. Mental illness began to be viewed as a physical ill-
Life was hard enough living the black experience. To be further dis- ness. President Kennedy set up a program to fight negative
criminated against because of the onset of mental illness was scary stigma.
to think about. I got ill in 1975, after a car wreck. From that time to 1980,
As a person with mental illness, I have often felt the sting I was having extreme feelings of paranoia and was chal-
of stigma. Initially, I tried to find my way in understanding this lenged with delusional thinking; examples—like the FBI had
illness. I did not feel the same sense of care and concern from bugged me and were listening and following me. In 1979, I
people as those who were challenged with other physical was hospitalized and given a diagnosis of paranoid schizo-
sicknesses. No one really talked much to me about it. My phrenia. I remember Reagan and Carter were presidents in
world became silent. the 70s. I can recall a world event where American hostages
Of note, in the 1950s, antipsychotic medications such as were taken in Iran. I remember trying to get to Iran to save
lithium to control symptoms of bipolar disorder were introduced the hostages. I had a belief that I could save them.
to the mental health community. The 1960s marked the peak of —DONALD C., A MENTAL HEALTH CONSUMER,
the civil rights movement, to fight against inequality and social PERSONAL COMMUNICATION, 2008
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CHAPTER 2 ■ History of Mental Health: Perspectives of Consumers and Practitioners 23

The Lived Experience—cont’d

The 1970s brought about the emergence of the women’s their contribution should be valued and sought . . . in provision
liberation, gay rights, and disabilities rights movements. This of direct services. All of this greatly impacted the mental health
was also the time of the first mental health ex-patients sur- consumer movement as consumer/clients/survivors themselves
vivor’s conference. The 1970s also brings to mind the era of began to document their recovery journeys and started to
empowerment for people of color. “Black Power” and “Black share their stories.
Is Beautiful” flourished pride and dignity, especially in young In the mid-1970s, I graduated high school and had plans on
African Americans, and challenged the generally accepted becoming a special education teacher. I had compassion for
standards of beauty. My self-esteem was at an all-time high special needs children. During this time, I managed to get
as I picked my hair into afro and begged my mom to sew me through college, marry, and was raising three children. I carried
a dashiki. hope for a promising future. The way I saw and knew life
changed for me in the mid-1980s. During the summer of 1987,
I started getting depressed after I graduated high school,
I can recall experiencing an intense overwhelming sadness,
lying in bed all day. It was hard to find jobs—unemployment
coupled with a lack of energy and motivation. Slowly, I could no
was high for blacks. I went for treatment at our local com-
longer keep up the pace of my work duties and taking care of
munity mental health center in 1984/1985, after being
my children. I thought this state of being was due to the numer-
hospitalized in a state psychiatric facility. I received a case
ous losses I had experienced that year, including my grand-
manager and attended the day program most of the time.
mother, mother-in-law, and brother-in-law.
Clients would sometimes receive certificates for perfect at-
With the support and intervention of coworkers, I was
tendance, time out of the hospital, and being a kitchen vol-
hospitalized for a psychiatric illness. The doctors at that time
unteer. Smoking, sitting around, stuff to keep us busy was
called it major depression and schizoaffective disorder. I had
the agenda for the day. I remember President Ronald
periods of dissociation, panic attacks, and delusions. I expe-
Reagan’s campaign, “Say No to Drugs.” For me, street
rienced symptoms of paranoia and anxiety, and was plagued
drugs became my coping tool and alternative medication
by hallucinations. I was also confused and depressed, and an
to deal with the changes within me and how the world
even deeper emotional depression set in because I was de-
responded to me.
pressed. I felt caught up in what I simply referred to as hell.
This was the beginning of my journey through recovery from
mental illness. According to my faith community, the state of
The foundation of the recovery movement took root depression and “depressed people” were people separated
through the consumer empowerment movement. It was en- from God. My community considered going to a mental health
ergized with the disability rights movement, which started treatment center a taboo.
having a major impact around the 1970s and changed the way I moved into the social security system and the confines of
we view people with disabilities. The disability rights movement poverty. I enrolled in the mental health center’s partial hospital
made it clear that the opportunities and supports that people program, where the treatment focus was about stabilization of
with disabilities have are more important to their active partic- symptoms. I saw faces that looked like mine. These faces re-
ipation in life than is their personal condition. The disability right flected my own feelings and emotions. They included some of
movement has shown us that people with disabilities can live my old childhood friends, neighbors, and church members, as
positive contributing lives if they have the right resources and well as many who were unknown to me. Some faces were of
supports. college students, parents, single moms, and grandmothers. I
As the consumer movement picked up momentum, con- met a woman there, my age, with small children. I knew her as
sumers called for increased involvement in policy-setting the daughter of a prominent minister in our community. Her face,
and decision-making and increased attention to human like many of the others, was real, like mine. They mirrored back
rights. One of the major slogans of the disability rights move- my fear, confusion, anxiety, and embarrassment. They reflected
ment is “Nothing about us without us.” In fact, consumer my hopelessness, but they also became my comfort. They be-
control of services has increasingly been stressed in the came my friends and comrades as I became more detached
disability field. from my family and community. They also reassured me that I
Another movement taking place around the 1970s was the wasn’t alone.
emergence of self-help groups with a growing emphasis on the Being part of the day program provided me the realization
self-management of many long-term health challenges. Some that there were others just like me—people I knew, and some
of these models are in the fields of substance abuse such as I didn’t, with their own unique story of how they came through the
AA’s 12 steps. Other models were deaf/hearing impaired, HIV same door I had. This was the beginning of my awareness of what
disease, cancer awareness, obesity, heart disease, and dia- it is like to live with a mental illness. I came to understand that
betes. Self-care and self-management of psychiatric problems mental illness was no respecter of person—it happens to people
began to follow this trend. In 1989, the National Association of regardless of who they are, what they look like, or where they
State Mental Health Program Directors took the position that come from.
mental health consumers “have a unique contribution to make The 1980s brought us the amazing shrinking hospitals
to the improvement of quality mental health care services . . . and and the explosion of community support programs. In 1980,

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24 PART 1 ■ Foundations

The Lived Experience—cont’d

Compeer, a project that brought together community people person with mental illness, but mental illness does not define
and people with mental illness as mentors and pals, was es- all that I am. My change is constant, up and down, backward
tablished. I received a case manager and therapist. At this and forward—but my eyes stay on the prize of living a
time, mental health centers used the medical model of treat- good life.
ment, which was illness focused with the goal to stabilize In 2003, The President’s New Freedom Commission on
symptoms. My treatment goals designed by my treatment Mental Health’s “Achieving the Promise: Transforming Mental
team became my life focus—get out of the house, socialize Health Care in America,” stated, “Services and treatments
with friends, stay out of the hospital, and learn to relax. I can must be consumer and family centered, geared to give con-
remember being told, don’t think about work, just take sumers real and meaningful choices about treatment options
your medications and don’t worry. My life became a merry- and providers . . . care must focus on increasing consumers’
go-round of hospitals, pill medicines, therapy, day programs, ability to successfully cope with life’s challenges, on facilitating
and extensive stays in inpatient psychiatric hospitals and recovery, and on building resilience, not just on managing
mental health treatment facilities. symptoms” (p. 7).
In 1982, the Strengths Model of Case Management was This reform called for the transformation of an entire mental
being explored and introduced to mental health community health service delivery system where consumers drive and par-
supportive services. This transforming model of treatment fo- ticipate in the decisions that affect their lives. The core values pro-
cused on the mental health client’s abilities versus illness, dreams vide opportunities for consumers to lead, direct their treatment
versus past histories, and possibilities versus mistakes. goals, and have genuine alliances with mental health providers
The 1990s ushered in the decade of “power to the mental who facilitate the consumer’s recovery, and the community is
health consumer.” “Nothing about us without us” was echoed there ready to support it.
throughout the consumer movement. “Empowerment” was Survivors/clients/consumers talked about visions of transfor-
embraced as a pathway to finding your social voice and rais- mation of mental health services where consumers are en-
ing the consciousness of our world that individuals with men- gaged, visible, and participating in every area of policy-making
tal illness are people, citizens with guaranteed universal rights. and planning. We desire to have peer supporters, peer exten-
Consumers were encouraged by peers to see themselves as ders, consumer providers, consumer advisory officers, and/or
being more than a diagnosis of mental illness. More con- consumer advisory councils. Mental health consumers talk about
sumers started to share their stories of recovery. Consumer the need to feel comfortable and welcome to express opinions
leadership, peer-driven services, and peer support were now about mental health services that are received without reserva-
being examined as emerging best practices in promoting re- tion of negative consequences.
covery and wellness. The consumer movement held on to a Consumers are also beginning to talk to each other about
hope that people with mental illness would be looked on with raising the standards and expectations for their lives. We chal-
new lenses. lenge ourselves to think about those perceived entitlements
In 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), land- of care and learned helplessness behaviors that have been
mark legislation, provided protections against discrimination of pasted on from the old school of treatment to moving toward
people with disabilities. In 1997, Mary Ellen Copeland, men- self-responsibility, self-ownership, and pride in our own ac-
tal health consumer, launched the “Wellness Recovery Action complishments. We look more to testing uncharted waters,
Plan” to assist consumers in developing a personalized plan understanding the dignity of risk to fail and learn from our ex-
to stay well. And, in 1999, the Olmstead v. L.C. U.S. Supreme periences and discoveries. We are coming to the place where
Court decision affirmed the right of individuals with disabilities we no longer have to look at ourselves through the lens of
to live in community settings. A National Recovery Summit was the illness, but can see all the facades that make us human
held in Portland, Oregon, in 1999. At this summit, I recall beings.
discussions from peers on how they defined recovery in their Currently, there are promising grassroots to federal initia-
own lives. tives to improve mental health care in America, that is, national
Recovery and resiliency are not new concepts to people ad- and state recovery conferences, the development of a national
justing to mental illness. People with mental illness understand toolkit for consumer-operated services, antistigma campaigns
that our survival depends on this spirit. The philosophy of recov- aimed at reducing stigma and discrimination associated with
ery helps consumers through painful experiences of everything mental illness, and exploring shared decision aids to engage
attached to a diagnosis of mental illness. mental health consumers and providers in genuine alliances
In 1999, the Surgeon General reported that the mental that support the recovery philosophy.
health system was in shambles and declared that stigma was I believe recovery from mental illness and “having a life in
a major barrier to why people shun mental health care. Com- the community” takes a community effort. Consumers ask our
munity mental health centers began embracing recovery ideas community of helpers and providers to accord us with equal-
and empowering consumers to build meaningful lives above ity, dignity, and respect. We want to be seen as human beings
and beyond symptom control and stability. with all the rights and privileges that infers. We desire that
The road to recovery for me is a journey of hope, discov- our stories be told. We ask to be seen as unique people with
ery, and change. My life is acceptance of the fact that I am a various personalities, diverse life experiences, beliefs, skills,
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CHAPTER 2 ■ History of Mental Health: Perspectives of Consumers and Practitioners 25

The Lived Experience—cont’d

talents, and abilities. We ask that we have opportunities to neighbor, coworker, or community member, not a person to be
contribute and participate in our communities. We ask that we feared. We ask that we be full partners in our treatment and
not be seen as an illness, diagnosis, or label. We ask that you our recovery. We ask for a chance to live a quality life with you.
know we could be your family member, sister or brother, We are all worthy.

Timeline of mental health treatment from the perspective of consumers in Kansas attending the annual Recovery Conference in Wichita, Kansas,
2000. Timeline courtesy of Cherie Bledsoe.

concrete block making, and physical education (Fig. 2-1).

PhotoVoice However, of the 1126 patients, only 32% of the population
A little of this, a little was engaged in occupational therapy work (p. 214). It is not
of that . . . so many clear if this minority percentile was due to patient disinterest,
pretty pellets. illness acuity, or availability of services to all wards. For those
involved in rehabilitation in the state prisons, training in
My experience
occupations included manufacturing shoes, kitchen utensils,
with medication sheet metal work, and concrete road building through the
has, far too often, cooperation of the State Highway Commission (p. 218). In his
ended in an paper, Ellis presents a progressive program of rehabilitation;
increase of misery— however, some of these programs were criticized and eventu-
being more bane than benefit. That history has ally eliminated because it was believed that patients were
made the trial-and-error process of psychiatric being exploited to supply part of the workforce of the
treatment difficult to tolerate, and it’s increasingly institution.
difficult to hold onto hope during periods of regression. Gail Fidler, an occupational therapy leader in mental
My current prescription is successful in lessening my health practice, spoke about early experiences that shaped her
symptoms without creating a plethora of stressful side thinking about occupational therapy’s place in community
practice. While a student at the Philadelphia School of Occu-
effects, and I am grateful. Still I wonder about the
pational Therapy, studying with mentor Willard from 1938
effects of long-term use. We bring the best of our until 1940, she remembered the following: “I got a job in the
knowledge and intentions to practicing the art of settlement house in south Philadelphia located in an area
medicine and yet it seems that there are always called Devil’s Pocket. There were fights constantly between
trade-offs to be made. There are no easy answers. Italians and the Shanty Irish. And the front steps would
—Willetta be covered with drunk men (sic). Everybody said you can’t
take a job there, that dangerous. It was the safest post, because
those men took care of me, would watch out for me . . .”
(Fidler/Peters oral history, March 6, 2003, pp. 2917–2933).
Curative Occupations in All Types of Institutions for Mental Fidler, who was known for her ability to see no barriers, car-
Cases and in the Penal and Correctional Institutions,” at the ried this perspective into her occupational therapy work, forg-
annual Institute and Conference of Chief Occupational Ther- ing new paths in the profession and challenging therapists to
apists of the State of New York’s Department of Mental Hy- go beyond conservative paths.
giene. Ellis presented an exemplary system at the time. Physi- Maintaining momentum while expanding the profession’s
cian McMurray, as chief director of occupational therapy at presence, occupational therapy grew in the 1940s. This was in-
Greystone Park, reported a therapeutic program that included fluenced by the rehabilitation movement when returning
men’s and women’s arts and crafts, printing and bookbinding, World War II soldiers coped with physical and psychological
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26 PART 1 ■ Foundations

FIGURE 2-1. Occupational therapy was an integral component of treatment in the state hospitals during the 1920s. Both photos were taken by the
Greystone Park Hospital’s photographer, Fredrick Wainwright. A: Occupational Therapy Loom at Greystone Park Hospital, 1928. B: The Occupational
Therapy Exhibit from Greystone Park Hospital at the Trenton State Fair, October 1926. Photos courtesy of Greystone Park Hospital.

war trauma. Occupational therapists shared their views about I felt that not so many baths (for incontinence) would have
the effectiveness of their treatment anecdotally. For example, to be given and not so many disciplinary measures taken if
two unknown therapists on staff at the Bedford Veterans there was something interesting for the patients to do”
Administrative (VA) Hospital in Massachusetts shared their (Greenblatt et al, 1955, p. 119). Another journal entry re-
perception about the therapeutic environment in working at flects similar conditions on the children and adolescent unit:
the hospital in 1945. The Bedford VA Hospital, typical of other “The children were ill, but they had no materials for them to
hospitals of its kind, opened in 1928 as an outgrowth of the play with. The younger children who were psychotic were
Rehabilitation Act for veterans of World War I. By the 1940s, huddled together in a back room . . .” (p. 120). Plotnick was
following World War II, the staff expanded to include physi- able to impact these environments by training aides and de-
cians, nurses, clinical psychologists, social workers, occupa- veloping therapeutic programs.
tional therapists, manual arts therapists, education specialists, The 1950s occupational therapy community mental health
recreation therapists, and psychiatric technicians. programs were led by physicians. For example, Maurice E.
The rehabilitation department, including occupational Linden, MD, director of the Division of Mental Health at the
therapy, helped patients transition to the community by focus- Department of Public Health in Philadelphia, mapped out a
ing on problems of daily living. Two occupational therapists plan for community and social development in a paper he de-
presented their account of occupational therapy intervention livered at the Mid-Atlantic Regional Occupational Therapy
and outcome (Greenblatt et al, 1955, pp. 342–343): Conference in Atlantic City in 1955. Linden (1956) urged oc-
cupational therapists to prepare for community-based prac-
First Therapist: “We went from painting the chairs to
tice, stating that rehabilitation does not stop at an institutional
painting colored checker tables. Having made the things
level, but “must be woven into a complete pattern of social
themselves, the men were more interested in playing with
reintegration” (p. 46).
them later.”
Linden identified the occupational therapy skills that were
Chief Nurse: “I’m interested to know if anyone has
most needed in community mental health practice. For exam-
observed changes in the patients’ socialization or
ple, guidance and habilitation of individuals with psychiatric
disabilities requires the learning of “doing” skills, that is, arts
Second Therapist: “The way they used to be lined
and crafts that develop self-esteem through productivity.
up against the wall was awful to see. That has changed,
Community health priorities included “the mentally well who
and they seem proud of what they’re doing and tell you
desire benefits from preventive services, those emotionally
about it.”
disturbed requiring readjustment to community living, and
Underscored in this dialogue are two interpretations. The antisocial individuals requiring guidance” (Linden, 1956,
first therapist described how simple activities helped the p. 44). Although this was written more than 40 years ago,
men transcend their bleak surroundings, while they were the ideas of emerging practice, prevention, and nontraditional
able to stimulate new interests, such as simple craft con- occupational therapy settings were introduced.
struction and eventual games of checkers. The second ther- Another shift in mental health practice was the emphasis
apist more clearly stated the reality of such environments on the theoretical support for practice. Theoretical underpin-
and presented how potentially debilitating an illness can be nings to practice surfaced between the 1950s and 1970s, with
in a less than supportive environment. mental health occupational therapists Fidler and Fidler
Similarly, at Boston Psychopathic Hospital, occupational (1954), King (1974), Llorens (1960), Mosey (1968), and Reilly
therapist Marion Plotnick wrote in her journal about the (1965), writing about psychoanalytic, developmental, behav-
ward environment for people with dementia: “The radio ioral, group development and adaptation, and sensory inte-
didn’t work and there were no books or magazines available. gration frameworks, respectively. Weighing how different
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CHAPTER 2 ■ History of Mental Health: Perspectives of Consumers and Practitioners 27

frames of reference can better serve individuals, occupational Occupational therapy’s involvement in community men-
therapists working in mental health began to understand tal health projects expanded, thanks to occupational therapy
the unique demands of shifting practice from hospital to leader Wilma L. West’s position as consultant of the Occupa-
community-based practice. Illustrating this, Patricia Ostrow tional Therapy Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Service
(1960) discussed the “care and feeding” of theories, stating of the Health Services and Mental Health Administration, in
that theories evolve, change, and can become obsolete; which she promoted cutting-edge practice. In that role,
“surely as a violet would become stunted and cease to flower she recruited occupational therapist Lela A. Llorens, who
if treated as a cactus, so will a theory become useless and at the time was involved in child mental health research,
cease to grow . . . ” (p. 54). Mary Reilly (1965) believed in the for the “Mount Zion” project. Llorens accepted the MCH
importance of a theoretical foundation for practice, particu- Service–funded position as occupational therapy consultant
larly in mental health, and also argued for the importance of of the Comprehensive Child Care Project at Mount Zion
research in occupational therapy. Theory development re- Hospital in San Francisco, where she worked from 1968 to
mained a topic of discussion from the 1960s to the 1980s. 1971. Working with at-risk families living in San Francisco’s
Expanding the importance of theory development, the Western Addition housing projects, she demonstrated a new
AOTA invited therapists to regional institutes that were direction for community mental health prevention and oc-
financially sponsored by the Vocational Rehabilitation Ad- cupational therapy practice. Based on this work, Llorens was
ministration to support field training and consultancy pro- invited to participate in a White House Conference on Chil-
grams in psychiatric rehabilitation (Fig. 2-2). In these 5-day dren and Youth, highlighting occupational therapy’s role in
regional institutes, topics included group processes, object community practice with children (Peters, 2006).
relationships, evaluation, the meaning of work, and human Another significant community mental health symposium
relationships (Mazer, 1964). When the American Psychi- was sponsored in Philadelphia in 1970, under the support of
atric Association (APA) met in San Francisco in 1965, a the Psychiatric Special Interest Group, Council on Practice,
coalition of mental health occupational therapists repre- AOTA. West (1970) proposed an occupational therapy trajec-
senting the AOTA and the California Occupational Therapy tory, stating that “tomorrow’s health care will be designed for
Association met. It was chaired by occupational therapist the community as well as for the individual. For ours is a day
Dale Houston, and several occupational therapists pre- of consumer involvement, of confrontation with demands for
sented papers on community-based occupational therapy. participation. . . . It is no longer satisfactory to people that we
Describing how mental health services were undergoing simply do things to and for them” (pp. 3, 5). West saw occupa-
rapid change, Lucy D. Ozarin (1965), of the NIMH, identi- tional therapy provision in new environments that provided a
fied occupational therapy’s place as part of the new mental bridge between hospitals and community, such as in-home
health program and acknowledged the need for a partner- service and halfway houses.
ship with the medical profession. Concluding the impor- Moving through the 1970s and 1980s, AOTA presidents
tance of transitioning to the community, this APA/AOTA Florence Cromwell, Jerry Johnson, and Robert K. Bing
workshop summarized the important shift to community looked at emerging practice. Cromwell remembers Johnson,
practice. a strong proponent of preventive mental health services:
“Johnson was very strong on moving into the community
and not many had done that yet” (Cromwell/Peters oral
history, April 28–29, 2003, p. 7013). In 1973, Johnson also
chaired a social issues task force that looked at community
mental health needs, including at-risk populations. Bing, a
mental health practitioner, moved into the rank of dean
at the University of Texas. While there, he developed multi-
disciplinary pilot programs along the border of Texas and
Mexico for at-risk youth in the public school system. Once
again, occupational therapy addressed mental health con-
cerns in community settings.
Earlier issues in occupational therapy have been repeated
from the 1980s to the present. Collaboration between disci-
plines is not new to occupational therapy, particularly when
discussing community mental health services. However, while
occupational therapists have been building new roads in com-
munity services, other professionals in social work, psychology,
and medicine have also promoted psychosocial or psychiatric
rehabilitation intervention. These individuals, based in various
community mental health settings, have worked toward com-
munity reentry and supported employment and education, so-
cial skills training, jail diversion programs, homeless shelters,
and clubhouse models (Anthony, 1977; Anthony, Cohen, &
FIGURE 2-2. Maryland Occupational Therapy Association meeting Farkas, 1983; Anthony & Liberman, 1992; Chamberlin, 1977;
in Maryland during the 1960s. This photograph belonged to Dr. William
Dunton, whose handwriting identifies the therapists. Ruth Brunyate Deegan, 1994; Rutman, 1994).
was the president of the American Occupational Therapy Association Currently, occupational therapy is addressing the need
at the time. Photo courtesy of William Dunton Furst, MD. for collaborative relationships with other disciplines, while
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28 PART 1 ■ Foundations

also identifying the role and place of occupational therapy in For example, following the Representative Assembly’s rec-
the mental health system and establishing core competencies ommendation, AOTA President Baum created ad hoc com-
for mental health practitioners. Some examples of how the mittees to address the need for occupational therapy to posi-
AOTA is addressing these issues is through the creation of tion itself in the mental health system (Brown et al, 2006; Pitts
Board Certification in Mental Health in 2006, and current et al, 2005). Two AOTA ad hoc committee reports presented
efforts at the state level to add occupational therapy to the to the AOTA Board of Directors in 2005 and 2006 addressed
list of “Qualified Mental Health Practitioners.” potential action plans. For example, committee members sug-
At this time, occupational therapists are also managing is- gested an exploration of the readiness of practitioners to par-
sues related to evidence-based practice both for mental health ticipate in the mental health system, while additionally influ-
occupational therapy and the profession as a whole. There are encing public policy and payment streams (Pitts et al, 2005).
two separate concerns: (1) training practitioners to include re- A second AOTA report recommended exploring core compe-
search evidence as part of the clinical reasoning process, and tencies, payment reimbursement, and evidence to support
(2) generating evidence to support occupational therapy occupational therapy practicing in mental health (Brown et al,
practices in mental health. One AOTA initiative to address this 2006).
need was the formation of the 2007 Ad Hoc Mental Health Occupational therapy is working to position itself as a dis-
Evidenced-Based Literature Review Resource Advisory Group cipline that embraces recovery-oriented principles. In occupa-
(M. Scheinholt, personal correspondence, May 18, 2007). This tional therapy, there is a slow but growing literature base
group is working to create literature reviews that can be used specifically focused on occupational therapy and recovery
to guide occupational therapy practice in mental health. (Brown, 2001; Inman, McGurk, & Chadwick, 2007; Lloyd,
Wong, & Petchkovsky, 2007). In addition, there is a need to in-
form other disciplines about occupational therapy. In 2008, a
special issue of the Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal was de-
Recovery voted to occupational therapy’s role in a recovery-oriented
Occupational therapists are taking note of the recovery system of mental health care. Occupational therapy’s contin-
movement and its implications for mental health practice. uing challenge includes educating occupational therapists
Several historical events have marked the paradigm shift about recovery and promoting the inclusion of occupational
toward a widespread adoption of recovery-oriented princi- therapy within recovery-oriented service systems.
ples. The President’s New Freedom Commission on Mental
Health (2003), Achieving the Promise: Transforming Mental
Health Care in America, and An Action Plan for Behavioral Summary
Health Workforce Development, which was prepared for
the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Adminis- This chapter reviews occupational therapy’s history in com-
tration (SAMHSA) by The Annapolis Coalition on the munity mental health from the vantage point of individuals
Behavioral Health Workforce (2007), are interdisciplinary who received services. Autobiographical accounts showed how
task force projects that have generated reports stating that occupational therapy treatment was considered effective and
people with a mental illness can recover. In his vision state- noneffective, particularly in the 1960s through 1980, when the
ment, President Bush (President’s New Freedom Commis- equal rights movement, combined with the seedlings of the
sion on Mental Health, 2003) identified “a future when consumers’ movement came together in American history. It
everyone with a mental illness will recover . . . and has ac- also reviewed occupational therapy history from the perspec-
cess to effective treatment and supports essential for living, tive of the profession, identifying its leaders in the mental
working, learning and participating fully in the commu- health and mental hygiene movement from the 1920s to the
nity” (p. 1). In 2001, Bush cited the ADA and the Olmstead present. This overview shows how social and historical events
v. L.C. decision, adding that there are problems remaining: converged to bring about change, build bridges, and promote
“the stigma that surrounds mental illnesses; unfair treat- professional partnerships. The evolution of the mental health
ment limitations and financial requirements placed on practice was fueled by changes in public policy and attitudes
mental health benefits in private health insurance; and a toward people labeled as mentally disabled. Learning from
fragmented mental health service delivery system” (Presi- those who directly experienced mental disabilities, occupa-
dent’s New Freedom Commission on Mental Health, Exec- tional therapy also changed practice directions. New frames of
utive Summary, 2003, p. 1). references better supported mental health practice. Transitions
Targeting workforce needs, The Annapolis Coalition from hospital-based therapy to community-based therapies
(Hoge, 2007), which is a not-for-profit organization focused also changed the direction of occupational therapy practice.
on improving workforce development, concluded a 2-year Most notable, founders such as Slagle, Dunton, and Meyer, to
strategic planning process that involved more than 5000 some degree, were supportive of the mental hygiene move-
leaders in mental health across the United States. Strategic ment, which was closely linked to today’s consumer-driven
plans that evolved from the coalition focus on meeting voice. Finally, history informs current practice in the area of re-
workforce shortages, understanding recovery, and promot- covery and evidence-based practice. Responding to govern-
ing community wellness. The report suggests that mental ment initiatives, the AOTA is evaluating the work ahead to
health providers can “learn from persons in recovery, youth better understand its role in today’s mental health system, in-
and their families; become community mentors, and convey cluding having a better grasp of recovery and wellness, as well
hope” (p. 24). Occupational therapy was involved in these as training and education. Thus, occupational therapy, with its
meetings and is working to identify ways in which the pro- legacy of mental health advocacy, is moving forward
fession can address the workforce shortages and promote in finding its unique contribution to all aspects of mental
recovery-oriented practices. health care.
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CHAPTER 2 ■ History of Mental Health: Perspectives of Consumers and Practitioners 29

Active Learning Strategies

1. Interview Describe the experience in your
Reflective Journal.
Interview a person with mental illness regarding his or her
own experience with the history of mental health services. Reflective Questions
Has this individual’s own perspective on mental illness ● What did you learn from this interview? What insights did
changed? Has he or she seen a change in services? A change you gain about the experience of mental illness, mental
in health-care professionals? A change in stigma and ac- health services, and the providers of those services?
ceptance? More or fewer opportunities? Did he or she re- ● Did the individual experience discrimination? If so, what
ceive occupational therapy services? Did these services factors do you believe contributed to the discrimination?
play a role in his or her recovery? What are the most im- Did the person express any feelings of self-stigmatization
portant changes he or she has seen? What changes are still (seeing the self in a negative light because of mental illness)?
needed? ● Based on the interview, what changes do you believe need
to be made in terms of mental health services, society’s
view of mental illness, and occupational therapy’s role?

Resources • The Willard Suitcase Exhibit—an online exhibit of suitcases left

behind by former patients of a New York State Hospital:
• Beers, C. W. (1912). A Mind That Found Itself: An Autobiography.
New York: Longmans.
• Benziger, B. F. (1969). The Prison of My Mind. New York: Walker. References
• Chamberlin, J. (1977). On Our Own: Patient Controlled
Alternatives to the Mental Health System. Lawrence, MA: Abbott, A. (1988). The System of Professions: An Essay on Division of
National Empowerment Center. Expert Labor. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
• Foucault, M. (1988). Madness and Civilization: A History of American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA). (1980). 1980
Insanity in the Age of Reason. New York: Vintage. Yearbook. New York: Author.
• Goffman, E. (1961). Asylums: Essays on the Social Situation of American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA). (2007).“AOTA
Mental Patients and Other Inmates. New York: Doubleday. Supports Mental Health and Substance Abuse Parity.” Available at:
• Goldman, H. H., & Grob, G. N. (2006). Defining mental illness
in mental health policy. Health Affairs, 25(3), 737–749. 40333.aspx (accessed January 7, 2010).
• Jamison, K. R. (1995). An Unquiet Mind: A Memoir of Moods and The Annapolis Coalition on the Behavioral Health Workforce
Madness. New York: Random House. (2007). “An Action Plan on Behavioral Health Workforce Devel-
• Sheehan, S. (1983). Is There No Place on Earth for Me? New York: opment.” Report for the U.S. Department of Health and Human
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Occupation Model 3
Susan Strong and Karen Rebeiro Gruhl

F ar and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.

—Theodore Roosevelt, 1903

construct of person, environment, and occupation is complex

Amidst their efforts to enable clients’ satisfying participation in and deep, these three central constructs provide a straightfor-
meaningful occupations of their choosing, occupational ther- ward system for organizing the material in the text.
apists must make sense of occupational performance issues. To
begin, they use clinical reasoning skills to determine what is in-
terfering with occupational performance. For example, there
are many reasons why a child may have difficulty completing
Development of the PEO Model
homework, such as attentional problems that interfere with fo- In the 1990s, several Canadian occupational therapists
cusing on the homework. In this case, the barrier relates to the came together to develop the PEO model in an effort
child’s cognitive abilities. However, there could be family issues to more comprehensively describe the constructs that
that make working at home difficult, which is an environmen- affect occupational performance (Law et al, 1996). The
tal issue. Finally, the occupation itself may present the prob- PEO model was built on the work of many environmental-
lem; the homework may be too difficult, or the child does not behavioral theorists who studied the relationships be-
find it interesting. tween people and environments. For example, Lewin
Occupational therapists work under the assumption that (1933) and Murray (1938) wrote about the concept of
successful engagement in meaningful occupations is central environmental press, in which forces in the environment,
to an individual’s well-being and health (Wilcock, 2006). together with individual need, evoke a response. For ex-
Although success is personally defined by the client, the ele- ample, the environmental press of a large sporting event
ments that contribute to that success can be understood by the encourages, or presses, the individual in attendance to root
interplay of factors concerning the person, environment, and for the team. However, the environment and needs of the
occupation. The Person-Environment-Occupation (PEO) student in a classroom testing situation promotes quiet
model is a conceptual framework that was developed by a and concentration.
group of Canadian occupational therapy clinicians and re- The concept of adaptation was identified by Lewin
searchers to provide a systematic way to analyze complex oc- (1933) and Murray (1938) as the achievement of a good fit
cupational performance issues within the context of occupa- between a person and his or her environment. Baker and In-
tional therapy practice (Law et al, 1996). In fact, the PEO tagliata (1982) looked at an individual’s perception of the
model is the organizing construct for this textbook; each as- environment and concluded that people actively engage in
pect is examined in a comprehensive way to ensure that learn- efforts to achieve a level of satisfaction, or fit, between them-
ers have a strong grounding in client-centered, occupation- selves and their perceived environment.
based practices that occur in natural environments in order to Lawton’s (1986) Model of Competency described adaptive
promote individuals’ full participation in their everyday lives and maladaptive behaviors as the result of the environmental
in communities. press and an individual’s competence to meet the demands of
There are several broad theoretical frameworks in occupa- that press. Therefore, what Lawton termed “maladaptive be-
tional therapy that provide direction for considering the rela- havior” with negative effect was conceptualized as resulting
tionships of the person, environment, and occupation in occu- from someone with too low skills being met with too high
pational performance. Other prominent frameworks include challenges or, conversely, someone with too high skills being
the Person, Environment, Occupational Performance model met with weak or limited challenges. As an individual’s per-
(Christiansen, Baum, & Haugen, 2005), the Ecology of Human sonal competence decreases, vulnerability to environmental
Performance (Dunn, Brown, & Youngstrom, 2003), and the influences increases. For example, people are more vulnera-
Model of Human Occupation (Kielhofner, 2008). These ble to getting into a car accident when under the influence of
frameworks are useful and provide slightly different perspec- alcohol or drugs. And individuals who are stressed or anxious
tives on the constructs. One reason for using the PEO model to may find it more challenging to deal with the demands of
organize this text is its parsimony. Although each individual young children.
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32 PART 1 ■ Foundations

These theories were primarily developed with an interac- ■ Occupational therapists reclaiming occupation as a
tive framework that simplified the realities of human behav- central focus of practice
ior as consisting of cause-and-effect relationships. What was ■ Health care’s shift to a health and wellness focus with
needed, however, was a transactive model that supported the health linked to people having autonomy over their envi-
diversity of therapists’ observations. In a transactive model, ronments (National Health and Welfare Canada, 1988)
the relationships are bidirectional. For example, the environ- ■ Recognition that professional intervention services are
ment can influence the person and vice versa; in the process, not to be assumed to be the best or only intervention,
this interaction creates a change in the occupation. For exam- with government policies making self-help and sup-
ple, a parent who is preparing a meal for the family creates portive, caring communities a new focus
changes in the food during the cooking process. In addition, ■ Societal changes of a growing consumer movement
the parent is creating a social context for eating together. The and legislation such as the American With Disabilities
reaction of the family then impacts the food preparer. If Act (1990)
the family likes the meal and compliments the cook, then the
For a more detailed explanation of its early development,
parent will feel affirmed and appreciated, and he or she is
the reader is directed to Law et al’s (1996) article in the
likely to repeat the experience. However, if a family member
Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy. At this time, oc-
complains about the food or misses dinner to attend an event
cupational therapy was redefining itself within a changing
with friends, a different social context is created, which affects
global community and new understandings of health. The
the parent who prepared the meal and, potentially, subse-
PEO model was used, and continues to be used, to explain
quent meals together. The experience is laden with personal
and define the occupational therapy field and practices, and
meaning for everyone involved, and any one change in the
to communicate what it is all about to others.
people, environment, or occupation of the situation can re-
The PEO model has become even more relevant as the
sult in a much different experience.
concept of disabling environments has come to be under-
Another reason for the need for a new model for occupa-
stood. Jongbloed and Crighton (1990) encouraged therapists
tional therapists was that, in the 1990s, therapists were ex-
to consider the handicapping effects of the environment and
panding their practice and were working with individuals,
target efforts on the social circumstances that sustain disabil-
groups, organizations, and communities in a variety of roles
ity, rather than focusing on fixing the individual with a dis-
and settings. Also, the environmental-behavioral theorists
ability. Fougeyrollas et al’s (1998) Quebec Committee of the
did not inform therapists about occupation, which is the
International Classification of Impairment, Disability and
core of occupational therapy.
Handicap (ICIDH) published a conceptual model of the
Another influence of the PEO model was Csikszentmihalyi
handicap creation process, in which handicap is viewed as the
and Csikszentmihalyi’s (1988) Theory of Optimal Experience,
interaction between the person’s organic systems (impair-
which described people engaging in occupations. In this the-
ments), abilities (disabilities), environmental factors (obsta-
ory, adaptation is viewed as the congruence between chal-
cles), and life habits (handicap situations). Environments
lenges present within an activity and the environment and a
came to be classified according to their enabling and disabling
person’s skills. They coined the term “flow” to describe the ex-
effects (Law, 1991).
perience of losing oneself in an inherently satisfying activity;
Writing about the outcry of “not in my back yard” to the
this can occur when an individual is engaged in an activity in
creation of transitional housing for persons with mental ill-
a given environment with the just right challenge (i.e., when
ness, Kearns and Taylor (1989) were some of the first re-
the perceived challenge matches the individual level of skill for
searchers to draw the public’s attention to how mental disabil-
that particular activity in that given environment).
ity is reinforced and compounded by poverty, unemployment,
A few other theorists looked at individuals beyond their
limited social networks, and negative public attitudes. Social
immediate environment. Bronfenbrenner’s (1977) Ecological
and health service systems have been described as a labyrinth
Systems model assumed the interdependence of “nested” social
of bureaucratic barriers that compromises clients’ pursuit
systems, with the individual’s microsystem in the center, sur-
and participation in meaningful community occupations
rounded by a mesosytem of families and work/school, which
(Rebeiro, 1999).
was surrounded by an exosystem of formal and informal social
Patricia Deegan (1992) eloquently wrote about a series of
structures, which in turn was enveloped by a macrosystem of
environmental barriers faced by individuals with psychiatric
institutions in society (e.g., government).
disabilities that create helplessness and dependency. Her Cycle
The Healthy Communities Conceptual model (Trainor,
of Disempowerment and Despair (p. 12) identified profes-
Pomeroy, & Pape, 1983) introduced the influence of com-
sionals’ and other service providers’ attitudes and beliefs
munity, culture, and social policy on the mind, body, and
about people with psychiatric disabilities as the central driv-
spirit of an individual. This model expanded conceptually
ing force for transferring control over consumers’ lives to the
what was considered the environment and introduced the
health-care system. Occupational therapists came to under-
need to change environments rather than changing people
stand how they could be an enabling or disabling element in a
to fit the environment.
client’s environment.
The creation of the PEO model was influenced by these
The now considerable writings about client-centered
and the following factors:
practice in occupational therapy are in essence about thera-
■ Rise in the use of the environment as a treatment pists creating enabling environments. An occupational ther-
modality for occupational therapy apist, Deborah Corring (1996), studied clients’ perceptions
■ Publication of the Occupational Therapy Guidelines of client-centered practice and found that some service
for Client-Centered Practice (Canadian Association of providers have added to the stigma that already exists in
Occupational Therapists [CAOT], 1991) their clients’ lives. For example, therapists may suggest that
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CHAPTER 3 ■ Person-Environment-Occupation Model 33

the individual with a mental illness “settle” for a limited life PhotoVoice
due to the disability. Corring’s study participants suggested
that therapists can foster a client-centered practice by creat- What I see here is
ing a supportive social environment that demonstrates valu- the contrast
ing the client, believing in the client’s potential, taking time between the sky,
to arrive at a common ground, and actively supporting which is bright
choice- and decision-making by the client. and stands for
hope, and the
ground, which is
Description of the PEO Model dismal. I see this as a comparison
The PEO model describes the transactive, dynamic relation- of mental health and mental illness.
ships that occur when people engage in occupations within
given environments over time. Environments, occupations,
and people have both enabling and constraining effects on Environment
one another; they shape each other, change over time, and
ascribe meaning in the process. Change within one part af- The environment is “the context within which occupational
fects the other parts on many levels. Students can consider performance takes place” (CAOT, 1997, p. 44). The environ-
the transactive relationship involved in working on group ment encompasses local situations, such as families and
projects for school. Differences in the individuals who com- neighborhoods, and broader influences involving commu-
prise the group, along with the particular assignment, can nity, provincial/state, and national and international factors,
create different enabling and constraining effects. In addi- such as health insurance, transportation systems, and industry
tion, the experience will undoubtedly affect each student in- or employment opportunities. Elements of the environment
volved, but each student’s experience will be unique. Fur- are classified as cultural, institutional, physical, and social. The
thermore, the transaction creates a whole that is greater than cultural environment involves beliefs, customs, and traditions.
any of the individual parts. This does not necessarily mean The institutional environment is made up of organized sys-
that it is a positive experience, but one that is dynamic and tems, such as legislative bodies, health-care systems, and edu-
complex. cational institutions. The physical environment is made up of
The transactive relationships are interwoven and interde- things that can be seen and includes objects such as furniture
pendent, with the result being greater than the sum of individ- and cookware, buildings, and the natural environment. The
ual elements. The product of these relationships is the quality social environment includes friends, family, and larger social
of a person’s experience with regard to being able to satisfac- networks that interact with the individual.
torily perform meaningful occupations (i.e., occupational The environment as a component of the PEO model is
performance). The person’s experiences shape performance further described in Chapter 26.
and vice versa, ascribing ever-changing meanings. The PEO
model enables the therapist to conceptualize, analyze, and
communicate these dynamic, transactive relationships.
The definitions of the model’s main components—person, Occupations are “clusters of activities and tasks in which peo-
environment, occupation/occupational performance—are ple engage while carrying out various roles in multiple” loca-
synonymous with the definitions used by the Canadian Model tions (Strong et al, 1999, p. 125). Canadian occupational ther-
of Occupational Performance (CMOP; CAOT, 1997). apists use three classifications of purpose, which are culturally
defined: self-care, productivity, and leisure (CAOT, 1997,
p. 37). American occupational therapists use the classifica-
Person tions of activities of daily living (ADLs), instrumental activi-
The person is viewed as “an integrated whole who incorpo- ties of daily living (IADLs), education, work, play, leisure, and
rates spirituality, social and cultural experiences, and observ- social participation (AOTA, 2002). Canadian “productivity”
able occupational performance components” (CAOT, 1997, occupations are viewed differently than American “work.”
p. 41). The performance components refer to what the per- Both classifications include volunteering, but in Canada pro-
son is feeling (affective), thinking (cognitive), and doing ductivity includes home maintenance and parenting, and, for
(physical), which “contribute to successful engagement in children, productivity includes play and school work. Occu-
occupation” (p. 43). pations place affective, cognitive, and physical demands on the
Spirituality is considered to be at the core of all PEO in- individual performing the occupation.
teractions. “Spirituality resides in the person, is shaped by Occupation as a component of the PEO model is further
the environment, and gives meaning to occupations” described in Chapter 45.
(CAOT, 1997, p. 33). A person’s spirituality is imbued with
his or her individual beliefs, values, and goals, all of which Occupational Performance
guide choices and provide a source of self-determination
and personal control. In client-centered practice, the client Occupational performance is “the result of a dynamic rela-
can be an individual person, a group of individuals, or an tionship between persons, environment and occupation
organization. over a person’s lifespan . . . refers to the ability to choose, or-
The person as a component of the PEO model is further ganize, and satisfactorily perform meaningful occupations
described in Chapter 6. that are culturally defined and age appropriate for looking
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34 PART 1 ■ Foundations

Off to see the world. My cats, Dot and Bow, have
just come outside and are eager for adventure in the fresh
morning world. Like my friends, I am learning to leave my
home—my safe place—to venture out into the community to
explore and experience new things. As I cautiously gain
successful experiences to explore and experience new
things, I am becoming increasingly comfortable in public

after one’s self, enjoying life, and contributing to the social To illustrate the continuity of these elements transacting
and economic fabric of a community” (CAOT, 1997, p. 30). throughout life, the three-dimensional components extend
Occupational performance refers to both the subjective ex- into a cylindrical form that reflects the temporal and spatial
perience of engaging in an occupation in a given environ- dimensions. Theoretically, one could examine the dynamic
ment and the observable performance. interactions and forces at play for a slice in time by making a
In Figure 3-1, the person, environment, and occupation cross-section of the cylinder. The slice enables an analysis of
components are represented by three interrelated spheres the P × O, O × E, P × E relationships by examining the fit be-
(Venn diagrams) that move with respect to one another to tween each set of components within the meanings ascribed
illustrate the components that dynamically transact over a at that particular point of time and space. Therefore, discrete
person’s life span. The congruence, or fit, among these moments in a person’s life can be captured by a series of cross-
components is illustrated by the extent of the overlap of sections at different points in time; each will have a different
the person, environment, and occupation spheres. The composition of P-E-O interplay and a different expression of
overlap in the center of the spheres represents occupa- occupational performance as the person proceeds through
tional performance, or the dynamic experience of a per- time and space. Figure 3-1 includes three cross-sections, each
son engaged in an occupation within an environment with different expressions of occupational performance de-
over time. picted by different combinations of overlapping spheres.

Person Person Person

Occupational Occupational Occupational

performance performance performance

Occupation Environment Occupation Environment Occupation Environment


Life Span

FIGURE 3-1. Depiction of the Person-Environment-Occupation (PEO) model across the life span. The PEO
components are represented by three interrelated spheres (Venn diagrams) that illustrate hypothetical changes
in occupational performance at three different points in time. (Adapted with permission from Law, M., Cooper,
B., Strong, S., Stewart, D., Rigby, P., & Letts, L., 1996). The Person-Environment model: A transactive approach
to occupational performance. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 63(1), 9–23.
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CHAPTER 3 ■ Person-Environment-Occupation Model 35

For example, at one point in time, a student may experi- Dimension of Space
ence satisfaction with his or her schoolwork, and successful One aspect of space is location. People can engage in an
performance demonstrates a fit among his or her abilities, occupation in multiple locations. For example, the space
interests, and values, and schoolwork’s demands (P × O); a in which students choose to study can vary widely. Within
fit between the schoolwork’s requirements and the school the PEO model, this is represented by multiple layers
environment’s expectations (O × E); and a fit between the of the environment sphere transacting with the occupa-
student’s needs and support given in his or her environment tion and person spheres (Fig. 3-2). When engaged in occu-
(P × E). This is illustrated in the first cross-section in Figure 3-1. pations, each person has a personally defined use of space
However, at another point in time, the same student may and unique standards of what physical space is required
have a negative experience and is unable to perform when to engage comfortably; the extent of fit or congruence can
presented with a new assignment or task that invokes anxi- be shown in the PEO model by the extent of O-E overlap.
ety and expectations of failure (P × O). At that time, the The use of space can be further restrained by functional
student’s environmental supports and resources are not en- limitations due to illness or aging, which is reflected in
gaged or not helpful for this particular assignment (P × E). the model by adding the consideration of the person
The result is poor occupational performance, which is illus- component or examining the relationships for P-E-O
trated by limited overlap in the spheres (the second cross- congruence.
section). At a later point in time, the student has asked for Another aspect of space is emotional space. Particularly
help, and useful environmental supports and resources are when working with others, people refer to whether they have
engaged (P × E). The assignment’s instructions are clarified, sufficient emotional space to meet their personal emotional
there is flexibility in the assignment being presented orally or privacy/protection requirement; the extent of fit can be illus-
written, and the time requirements are altered (P × O). Also, trated by the extent of P-E overlap.
the different manner in which the assignment is to be com- Emotional spaces are socially constructed and given
pleted is viewed as acceptable by the school (O × E). At meanings by ourselves and others. An individual who is go-
this point, occupational performance is improved, which is ing through a divorce will have emotional needs that may or
illustrated by increased overlap in the spheres (third cross- may not be met by others, and the way in which the divorce
section). Therefore, discrete moments in a person’s life can is interpreted (e.g., who is at fault or whether it is an accept-
be captured by a series of cross-sections at different points in able option) will assume meaning from the individual going
time; each will have a different composition of P-E-O inter- through the experience as well as others.
play and a different expression of occupational performance O’Brien, Dyck, Caron, and Mortenson (2002) wrote
as the person proceeds through time and space. about how the meanings of places and spaces are related to
the enabling and constraining features of the environment
Dimension of Time and whether a person is labeled or inscribed by others as
The PEO reflects how individuals grow and change over the being different. A person’s inscription with a diagnosis
course of their lives. For example, when a young adult leaves (e.g., mental illness) and his or her own ascription of what
home, he or she assumes new roles and responsibilities by that diagnosis means, in addition to functional limita-
engaging in additional occupations, thus expanding the tions, mediate a person’s use of space. For example, the
number of spheres that transact. There may be added time stigma of mental illness can prevent an individual from
pressures with less environmental supports (i.e., reduced fit obtaining or even interviewing for a particular job. The
between occupation and environment) and, initially, inade- same individual may be reluctant to interact with new
quate skills to satisfactorily cook meals (i.e., reduced fit be- people or, after meeting someone new, may be rejected
tween person and occupation). As cooking skills increase once a diagnosis of mental illness is revealed. The mean-
and time becomes better managed, there is greater P-E-O ings of places are dynamic and ever changing, as in the
overlap, or congruence, and the experience of occupational progression of a disease.
performance improves, which is depicted by enlarged center Rowles (2003) expands on the dynamic concept of
overlap. Over a person’s life span, their roles, occupations, meaning-making of place, such as the meaning of home
and meanings change. For example, being a member of a and how people can strive to make a space into a personally
faith community will likely have very different meanings as meaningful place. Individuals who are homeless or are liv-
an adolescent in a youth group, the same person as the par- ing in substandard housing may lack a place that fulfills the
ent of a young child, and still another meaning as an older emotional needs of a home.
adult facing end-of-life issues. Occupations and/or roles may In a study of the Northern Initiative for Social Action
be discontinued, which reduces the number of occupation (NISA) (Rebeiro, Day, Semeniuk, O’Brien, & Wilson, 2001),
spheres and any dependent environment spheres, or occupa- an occupation-based, mental health program, space was
tions may be restored, which increases occupation spheres found to be an important aspect of clients’ sense of belong-
and the corresponding environments. ing. Belonging is important to social inclusion, which is why
Time is also an experienced dimension. That is, individu- many mental health consumers choose to remain in pro-
als experience the present while remembering the past and grams where the social environment is inclusive instead of
holding ideas of their future. This ability to experience time venturing into a community where they may not feel in-
in three facets shapes individuals’ perceptions of themselves cluded and may be stigmatized. Often, study participants
(e.g., beliefs of what they can and cannot perform well), the would not engage fully in occupations until they had secured
choices they make, and their evaluation of their own occu- a sense of belonging to the organization. This sense of be-
pational performance. This makes it important for thera- longing also reinforced one’s sense of being, or of self, which
pists to obtain information about changes and perceived is important to the individuals’ capacity to fully engage in
changes in self, occupations, and environments. occupations.
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36 PART 1 ■ Foundations

Person Person Person

(feeling well) (sick with flu) (a little tired)

Occupational Occupational Occupational

performance performance performance

Occupation Environment Occupation Environment Occupation Environment

(content is (school (content is (in apartment (content is (in bedroom;
interesting library) difficult) living room with mildly can hear some
and easy) roommate; challenging) street noises)
TV is loud)

FIGURE 3-2. Person-Environment-Occupation

model in three different situations across time
for a person studying (occupation) who prefers
a quiet space (environment). (Adapted with per-
mission from Law, M., Cooper, B., Strong, S.,
Stewart, D., Rigby, P., & Letts, L. (1996). The
Person-Environment model: A transactive ap-
proach to occupational performance. Canadian
Journal of Occupational Therapy, 63(1), 9–23.)

As an element of the environment and in relation to geo- enables therapists to understand how maximizing fit can op-
graphic location, place is a very important consideration for timize occupational performance (Fig. 3-3). In the case of
occupational therapists in rural and remote areas. Often, op- supporting employment for people with psychiatric disabili-
portunities in small or remote communities are less available ties, there are interventions that can target the person, the en-
than in larger urban centers, and this fact influences the degree vironment, or the occupation. For example, the person can
of community support for individuals with mental illness. If, receive training in social skills to enhance the development of
for example, an individual with schizophrenia were interested positive relationships with coworkers and supervisors. At the
in seeking work in a rural community, the small community environment level, the individual may be offered a quiet place
may mean that he or she is more likely to experience social to retreat when feeling overwhelmed and a job coach to assist
exclusion and marginalization, and not be able to secure a job with on-the-job training. The occupation is targeted when
interview. It is also likely that the individual will have fewer op- specific job duties are adapted or modified to increase suc-
tions for employment and less services available to provide cessful performance. These approaches may be fruitless if the
employment supports. PEO fit is compromised by a high-expectation, fast-paced
The focus of occupational therapy is to improve the PEO work environment and an individual who is experiencing
fit to improve occupational performance. The PEO model high job anxiety.

Maximizes fit Minimizes fit

and therefore maximizes and therefore minimizes
occupational performance occupational performance


FIGURE 3-3. Changes to occupational perform-
ance as a consequence of variations in person,
environment, and occupation fit. (Adapted with per-
mission from Law, M., Cooper, B., Strong, S.,
Stewart, D., Rigby, P., & Letts, L. (1996). The
Person-Environment model: A transactive approach
to occupational performance. Canadian Journal of
Occupational Therapy, 63(1), 9–23.)
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CHAPTER 3 ■ Person-Environment-Occupation Model 37

Using the PEO model, a therapist can analyze and ex- ■ Supports reflective evidence-based practice—The PEO
plain how different PEO relationships can influence occu- model offers a systematic approach to the analysis of oc-
pational performance. The therapist can reflect on the fit cupational performance issues. It promotes the gathering
(or lack of fit) between a person’s abilities and skills, the of evidence, reflection, and the use of clinical reasoning.
demands of the occupation, and the environmental condi- ■ Enables therapists to see both the forest and the trees—
tions in which the occupation takes place. In this way, the Using the PEO model as a conceptual framework, thera-
model can illustrate the current PEO relationships sur- pists can reach a clear, comprehensive understanding of
rounding a particular occupational performance issue and the complexities of human performance and experience,
how changes to components will enable improvements while considering influential relationships at the micro
in occupational performance. For example, as shown in and macro levels.
Figure 3-4, if changes were made to a person’s environment ■ Expands options for intervention—The PEO model
(e.g., eliminated time pressures) that improved the P × E broadens the focus of analysis and offers guidance re-
congruence and the O × E congruence, these changes could garding potential areas for intervention that involve the
be depicted by moving the environment sphere inward to environment and occupation, in addition to the per-
increase its overlap with the person and occupation son. Also, therapists can consider interventions not
spheres, resulting in the increased overlap in the center, only at the level of the individual or group, but also at
which depicts improved occupational performance. If the the level of the organization, local environment, com-
intervention only influenced the P × E transaction and munity, and system.
not the O × E transaction, the E sphere would not be ■ Identifies focused interventions with relevant outcomes—
moved uniformly toward the center; rather, it would move Successful occupational performance is dependent on
toward the P sphere to increase the P-E overlap and not the the transaction of the person, environment, and occupa-
P-O overlap in spheres. Similarly, interventions could be tion. Therefore, it becomes important for the occupa-
focused on the person component or on the occupation tional therapist to measure all three components in the
component to improve the congruence with one or all assessment process so that the relevant barrier can be
components of the model. targeted in the intervention.
■ Frames the scope of practice—The PEO model helps
occupational therapists place their activities into a
The PEO Model in Mental Health framework that defines the scope of occupation-based
practice. Therapists have been able to use this model in
Practice a variety of roles (e.g., direct service provider, consult-
ant, change agent, manager, advocate) and settings
The PEO model is effective in mental health practice because
(e.g., community, hospitals, businesses, schools).
it promotes clients’ full participation in their everyday lives
■ Facilitates communication of practice within and outside
in several ways:
occupational therapy practice—The PEO model is easily
■ Embodies principles of client-centered practice— understood by other health-care professionals, con-
Therapists will be most effective when their practice is sumers, and family members. Its broad application in
grounded in the daily realities of their clients’ lives multiple contexts has illustrated the fact that the model
and experiences. The PEO model facilitates under- can be used with other theories and combined with other
standing occupational performance issues from the perspectives. Constructive teamwork is facilitated by fo-
lived experiences of clients, and supports clients’ par- cusing discussions on the shared PEO fit issues rather
ticipation in the intervention planning process. A than placing responsibility on any one person or organi-
shared understanding of issues and priorities enables zation, thus reducing potential feelings of defensiveness.
a strong therapeutic alliance and effective working ■ Supports advances in the occupational therapy
partnership. Because the PEO model considers hu- profession—By clearly articulating its theory and
man growth, development across the life span, and practical application, the PEO model enables therapists
changes over the course of one’s life and life circum- to discuss, reflect on, and systematically evaluate prac-
stances, therapists can use an individualized approach tice. The model provides a tool with which to build on
for each client. what is known and move the profession forward.

Person Environment Person Environment

FIGURE 3-4. Effect of intervention to change

the environment on occupational performance.
(Adapted with permission from Law, M.,
Cooper, B., Strong, S., Stewart, D., Rigby, P.,
& Letts, L. (1996). The Person-Environment Occupation Occupation
model: A transactive approach to occupational
performance. Canadian Journal of Occupa-
tional Therapy, 63(1), 9–23.)
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38 PART 1 ■ Foundations

Analyzing Occupational home to live with her parents and has been attending a day
hospital eating disorders program. With Shelly’s consent,
Performance the occupational therapist arranged for Shelly to help a
counselor run a photography interest group at a program
The relationships among the PEO components are exam- for inner-city children. After two photography interest
ined systematically by reflecting on the elements that in- groups, Shelly told her occupational therapist that she is
fluence the fit and the lack of fit between the models’ main very nervous volunteering and expressed doubts that she
components (P × O, O × E, P × E) individually and as a has anything to offer the children (“I’m sure they see right
whole, within the ascribed meanings, in the context of the through me. Who am I anyway? A fake, a fraud. . . . I don’t
particular occupational performance issue. This analysis know what I am doing there.”).
can be described as looking at different layers of relation- By examining the problem using the PEO model, the
ships and then synthesizing the understandings into a for- therapist was able to conceptualize the issue in terms of a
mulation as a whole to identify options for improving the complex set of transactions that constrained Shelly’s satis-
PEO fit. The relationships are examined systematically faction and restricted her occupational performance. The
in the context of the identified occupational performance therapist drew the PEO’s intersecting Venn diagram circles
issue by to explain what strategies might be helpful to improve the
1. Assessing important elements that influence the client’s PEO fit. The diagrams helped Shelly reframe her experi-
identified occupational performance with respect to ence, take control, and participate in planning strategies to
each of the three main components: person, environ- remove or reduce barriers and add supports. Shelly was able
ment, and occupation. to frame her volunteering experience as a repeat of negative
2. Assessing the PEO transactions by reflecting on the cognitive attribution patterns in the past. She was deter-
P × O, O × E, and P × E relationships. mined to challenge her avoidant coping pattern and
3. Recognizing the meanings ascribed. thoughts of herself as not being good enough. She affirmed
4. Considering all three components and the transactional her belief that photography can help people deal with emo-
relationships, identify strategies to improve occupa- tions and experiences, as it has helped her deal with her own
tional performance by removing barriers/constraints life. She views volunteering as a way to help others, get away
and developing supports to improve the quality of the from a focus on herself and food, and begin to get to know
PEO fit. herself better.
In an article by Strong and colleagues (1999), the PEO
It is important to examine relationships from the client’s model is described as a practical analytical tool for the analy-
perspective in order to properly recognize the ascribed sis of occupational performance problems, intervention
meanings. For example, Bejerholm and Eklund’s (2006) planning and evaluation, and communication of practice to
study of people with schizophrenia found that engagement others. In this article, three scenarios illustrate the applica-
in occupations provided rhythm and meaning to their tion of the model to common situations encountered in dif-
days. Even quiet activities that would be easy to dismiss as ferent occupational therapy practice settings: an elderly man
“just passing time” were ascribed different meanings to wanting to return home from a hospital after a hip fracture,
these individuals within the enabling or constraining home a child with cerebral palsy feeling frustrated with written
environments. Another example is Strong’s (1998) ethno- work at school, and a man with schizophrenia expressing
graphic study of individuals with schizophrenia who that he cannot return to a transitional work placement.
worked at an affirmative business, which found that mean-
ingful occupation is uniquely individual and changes over
time. The study illustrated how meaning ascribed to work Applying PEO to the Occupational
changes with the person’s relationship to his or her own ill-
ness and recovery. For example, when illness was the main Therapy Process
focus in their lives, work was a bolster against the daily bat-
tle with illness and a buffer for dealing with society’s nega- Understanding and incorporating the constructs of the PEO
tive attitudes. When workers viewed themselves as becom- model is useful throughout the occupational therapy
ing capable people with a future, work took on the process. It begins with the initial evaluation and is carried
meaning of providing concrete evidence that they were out through the intervention. The following scenario illus-
more than just an illness and may have a future. When trates the steps involved in applying the PEO framework in
workers were engaged in recovery and getting on with their the occupational therapy treatment process. The person de-
lives, work became the modality to practice and develop scribed in the scenario has experienced a cerebrovascular in-
the interests, skills, and habits necessary for being a worker cident. A physical disability was intentionally chosen to illus-
and friend. When finding a place in the world was consid- trate the mental health considerations that are inherent in all
ered important, work was a means to feel valued and a aspects of occupational therapy practice.
place to belong.
Figure 3-5 illustrates the use of the PEO model to sys- Identifying a Priority Occupational
tematically analyze an occupational performance issue for a Performance Issue
client. Shelly is a 20-year-old woman whose university stud-
ies were interrupted with a second admission to a hospital Daryl Fox, a 61-year-old retired physical education teacher,
for anorexia nervosa. She intends to reapply to attend uni- has been referred to occupational therapy 1 month after
versity in 10 months. In the meantime, she has returned having a right cerebrovascular accident. After spending
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CHAPTER 3 ■ Person-Environment-Occupation Model 39

Shelly’s Occupational Performance Issue

Feeling of discomfort when volunteering at a photography interest group

Assessment of Main Components

Person (affective, cognitive, Environmental Conditions Occupational Demands

physical, spirituality) (cultural, institutional, (affective, cognitive,
Emotionally immature, physical, social) physical)
impulsive Shelly is viewed as an adult Shelly is not able to identify
Intellectually bright by the children and as an any of the “do’s” and
Rigid thinking when expert photographer. “don’ts” of the job.
stressed Shelly reports the E as The pace is hectic for
Limited coping strategies unpredictable regarding short periods.
what questions are asked No impeding physical
Talented photographer
and how children respond factors
Values photography for to her.
dealing with life
Group counselor is
experiences and healing
confident, easy going, and
appears to really enjoy
working with the children.

Assessment of PEO Transactions

Person-Occupation Occupation-Environment Person-Environment

(P × O) (O × E) (P × E)
Values the work Organization of work Unclear communication
Low self-efficacy activities by counselor regarding Shelly’s and
Shelly has not received counselor’s roles,
Skills/abilities match
any feedback about her responsibilities, and
work activities
contributions expectations
Unrealistic expectations
The children have been Her relationships with
Lack of structure and children are strained
responding with interest to
connection of being
the photography activities Match of organization’s
in place
goals and activities with
her goal’s and needs

Interventions/Strategies to Improve Occupational Performance

Shelly will meet with photography group counselor to discuss a set of questions she will
have prepared on paper regarding roles, responsibilities, and expectations.
Shelly will request a regular, informal, post-group debriefing session to check out perceptions,
learn from experiences, plan the next session, improve the program for the children, and
develop a supportive working alliance with the counselor.
Explore things Shelly can do to feel better prepared, determine aspects of the occupation that
she can take over and feel some aspect of control, and identify the choices she can make.
Identify with her OT potential environmental stressors, and triggers for returning to negative
self-talk and destructive behaviors, and practice cognitive-behavioral techniques.

FIGURE 3-5. Example of a systematic analysis of an occupational performance issue using the Person-
Environment-Occupation model.

2 weeks in the hospital, he is now living at home with his performance issue (Table 3-1). Daryl tells the therapist about
wife. During an interview using the Canadian Occupational himself, including his interests, values, self-concept, what he is
Performance Measure, the therapist learns that Daryl’s most able to do and not do, and his thoughts and feelings surround-
important occupational performance issue is not being able ing driving.
to drive. Daryl expresses feelings of depression and frustra-
tion related to these limitations. Examining Relationships Among the PEO
Exploring Factors That Influence PEO
Next, the relationships among the P-E-O components
As the interview continues, the therapist and client together ex- are examined by reflecting on the congruence, or fit,
plore the strengths and challenges of the person, environment, and lack of fit among the transactions (P × O, O × E,
and occupation related to the selected priority occupational and P × E).
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40 PART 1 ■ Foundations

Table 3-1 ● Strengths and Challenges of P-E-O Components Related to Driving

Person Component
Physical • Able to walk unassisted for short distances with a left leg limp
• Left hand cannot grip or hold things; fingers are curled into a fist that hurts when he tries to open the fingers with his other hand;
and left hand does not feel the same as the right hand when he touches it
• Left feels tight on flexion and external rotation
• He has not been sleeping well and wakes early in the morning
Affective • Frustrated with difficulties performing routine two-handed tasks (e.g., buttons, cutting food)
• Worried about relationship with wife, which has been strained since he retired 1 year ago
• Frightened he will not get back to living a “good” life
• Feels like doing nothing all day, and spends long periods in bed
Cognitive • Tires easily
• He reports no difficulties with memory, planning, or decision-making
Spiritual • Believes he is not able to drive today but will be able to do so soon
• Values his independence and views driving as essential for independence
• Previously prided himself on his fitness, strength, and ability to help others as a teacher; now feels lost
Environment Component
Cultural • Prior to stroke, Daryl and wife assumed relatively traditional gender roles in terms of roles and responsibilities at home and on
the farm
• Wife currently drives him to the bank and medical appointments
• Since his stroke, his wife now does all the shopping, cooking, maintenance of home, and taking care of farm animals
Physical • Lives on a rural 50-acre hobby farm
• His home is 30 minutes drive from town, with no public transit and variable road conditions
Institutional • They receive financial support from Daryl’s pension from teaching
Social • Wife is frequently angry
• Wife works part time at a nursing home
• Prior to the stroke, they followed a routine they had begun many years before; both preferring to work on tasks alone and getting
together for socializing
• Their grown children live some distance away
• Daryl has many friends; a few have visited, but most live some distance away
Occupation Component
• Daryl explains the type of driving he would like to be able to do (e.g., distances, time of day, type of traffic)
• Therapist examines Daryl’s vehicle to determine physical requirement for driving
• Organizational, decision-making, problem-solving requirements of driving are discussed
• Stress and coping with stressors related to driving

Person-Occupation Formulating a Plan

■ Daryl values and sees himself being able to drive in the After examining the relationships among the PEO compo-
future. nents, the therapist presents this information to Daryl and his
■ There is a mismatch between his current abilities and the wife to discuss potential barriers and supports. The formula-
physical, affective, and cognitive demands of driving. tion is communicated to the client to confirm, elaborate, dis-
confirm, refine, or refocus. Together with the client, an inter-
Occupation-Environment vention plan is developed to improve the PEO fit. The plan
■ Driving would be on challenging rural roads under involves using strategies to eliminate or reduce the effects of
varied weather conditions for lengthy distances. barriers and increase supports to improve occupational per-
■ Community resources for driver rehabilitation and formance. Given that occupational performance is influenced
adaptive driving equipment are available and affordable. by complex transactional processes among the person and his
or her environment and occupation, therapists need to direct
Person-Environment their interventions at all three components.
■ Daryl’s relationship with his wife is strained, although Daryl confirmed the therapist’s formulation that he expe-
his wife continues to perform the necessary supporting rienced a loss of role when he retired, and his sense of self was
tasks. further undermined with losses accompanying his stroke.
■ His wife is available to drive Daryl to the driver rehabil- Driving was important to him, not only to allow him to re-
itation center. turn to engaging in productivity and social occupations, but
■ He has a supportive social network, but physical dis- it was fundamental to Daryl’s sense of self and the support of
tances and the inability to drive reduce the opportunity their marriage. The main barriers to participation in driving
to be with friends. were not only the physical setup of the vehicle’s controls, but
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CHAPTER 3 ■ Person-Environment-Occupation Model 41

also Daryl’s mental and physical endurance. The extent to chose to walk the length of their lane to pick up the newspa-
which mood, lethargy, and poor sleeping might be contribut- per, and to make coffee for his wife and himself each morn-
ing to Daryl’s cognitive impairment was unknown. ing. The PEO model was useful to facilitate Daryl to move
Completion of the Beck Depression Inventory, a screen away from blaming himself for what he viewed as a lack of
for psychiatric services, indicated that Daryl should be re- progress and focus on aspects of occupation and environ-
ferred for a psychiatric evaluation and possible treatment. ment, areas over which he had some control while waiting for
The therapist planned to assist Daryl in reengaging in the medications to take effect.
healthy self-care routines (e.g., regularly eating nutritious
meals, regular sleep, exercise). Cognitive-behavioral therapy
techniques would be used to assist Daryl to reframe his self-
talk and cognitive responses, and consider alternative inter-
Application of the PEO Model
pretations and behavioral responses to daily encounters with The PEO model has been applied in numerous settings in
occupational challenges. which therapists provide direct service and consultation to
The extent to which the stroke influenced Daryl’s cognitive individuals, groups, or organizations, and engage in teach-
abilities to meet the demands of driving was unknown. Cog- ing, research, and advocacy in countries around the world. A
nitive abilities could be evaluated and strategies put into place review of 36 publications that cited the PEO model from
at a driver rehabilitation center, including adapted vehicle 1998 to 2007 reveals how the model has permeated occupa-
controls, once the potential depression was resolved. His over- tional therapy practice. Those works that merely quoted the
all endurance could be improved, which would assist his driv- PEO as background literature or to substantiate a viewpoint
ing endurance, by engaging in a graduated return to produc- were not included in this review.
tivity roles and use of energy conservation strategies. Collectively, these citations illustrate the diversity of
The therapist recommended that Daryl and his wife dis- PEO use. The citations involve descriptions of interven-
cuss the importance of social experiences, and identify tions, the development of theory or practice principles, and
strategies to maintain social contacts. Also, the therapist sug- research that examines practice and theory across the
gested they seek short-term marital counseling. breadth of occupational therapy. The PEO model is taught
in occupational therapy academic programs as a tool for
Evaluating Intervention Plans therapists to use in the systematic analysis of occupational
Intervention plans are evaluated by the client and therapist performance issues, and it is included in the CAOT Certifi-
by examining changes in the occupational performance of cation Examination. Two publications reported using the
the priority occupational performance issue. For Daryl, the PEO model for occupational therapy curriculum develop-
plans were evaluated with respect to whether they helped ment in Russia (Patterson, Krupa, & Packer, 2000) and
him drive safely. Thailand (Pongsaksri, 2004).
Initially, interventions focused on the steps to achieve his The PEO is cited as a framework for planning, evaluat-
driving goal. Each intervention in turn is evaluated with the ing, and making recommendations for individual client in-
client to examine progress and potential readjustment of terventions (4 publications) and for OT services (4 papers).
plans. The PEO model provides the framework for analysis In research, the PEO is cited as a framework for developing
and joint communication. For Daryl, the initial focus was to data collection measures/questions to capture occupational
reengage in healthy routines concerning meals, exercise, and performance (7 papers), a framework for research design
sleep routines. The therapist drew circle diagrams to explain (3 papers), and a framework for data analysis and interpre-
the lack of PEO fit and the intentions of interventions relat- tation of findings or formulation of recommendations
ing to the PEO relationships. (13 publications).
Daryl chose to begin by getting up regularly at a time In the seven theory citations, the PEO model is used to
chosen by him, limiting himself to one nap a day with un-
■ Advance a discussion about evidence-based practice
limited rest periods, and reinstituting a bedtime routine
(Bennett & Bennett, 2000; Egan, Dubouloz, von Zweck,
coupled with daily walks of progressively longer durations.
& Vallerand, 1998).
He maintained a daily log to track his own progress. His wife
■ Articulate what therapists can offer in forming part-
was asked to support him in his plans. After 2 weeks, he
nerships with other sectors to address clients’ needs
complained of still being very tired and of being disap-
(Baum, 2002).
pointed in his performance. His log reported walking each
■ Place concepts from sociology and geography concern-
day and limited nap times, but he often continued to stay in
ing the meaning of “place” and use of spaces into an
bed in the morning.
understanding of disability experiences over a life span
The situation was reviewed to recognize accomplishments
(O’Brien et al, 2002; Rowles, 2003).
and potential opportunities for changing the plans using the
■ Explore the concept of boredom and reflect on
PEO. Although changes had been made in the environment
the delivery of occupational therapy mental health in-
(wake-up alarm, wife’s encouragement), tasks surrounding
patient services (Molineux, 2004).
bedtime routine (bath, reading), physical activity, and expec-
■ Study the transactional nature of the P-E-O relation-
tations of himself, he had not been taking medication for de-
ships (Schult, 2002).
pression for a sufficient length of time for effect (person), and
no changes had been made surrounding the tasks of his Throughout these citations, the PEO is used to commu-
morning routine (occupation). Daryl noted that nothing is nicate occupational therapy practice principles, as well as the
expected of him, and there is nothing scheduled to do in the role and scope of the profession within and outside the pro-
morning (i.e., no meaningful morning occupation). Daryl fession, and advocate for occupational performance issues
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42 PART 1 ■ Foundations

The Lived Experience

Lisa Person-Environment-Occupation: An environment that was nei-
Lisa is a 37-year-old mother of one who has had extensive ex- ther competitive nor punitive allowed Lisa the flexibility to exper-
perience with mental health services and programs, including sev- iment with different roles and occupations, which helped her
eral hospital admissions over a 2-year period. Lisa was diagnosed feel more capable as a person and, ultimately, more competent.
with bipolar affective disorder and, during the time of her involve- Her experiences and performances shaped each other, ascrib-
ment with occupational therapy, rapidly cycled between depres- ing new meanings to who she was as a worker and imbuing her
sion and varying levels of mania, accompanied by delusional performances with new purpose and meaning (in the words of
ideas. Roosevelt, “a work worth doing”). In this environment, while par-
For many years, Lisa identified seeking purpose, a job, and, ticipating in helping occupations, Lisa realized that helping oth-
specifically, a career as being important to her. Despite the unre- ers was the type of career that she needed to pursue.
lenting nature of her illness, she somehow always persevered with
her education and obtained a degree in social work and a diploma Lisa’s Own Story
in marketing. Lisa held the belief that she would successfully work One morning, I was parked in the slowly creeping line-up at Tim
at some point in the future. She experimented with a variety of oc- Horton’s waiting for my morning coffee before work. It occurred
cupations, but had difficulty concentrating and was left dissatisfied to me that most people would probably be irritated with the line-
with many of the jobs. Her career orientation was the reason that up. I, however, was thinking to myself how grateful I was to be
Lisa initially sought out involvement in the Northern Initiative for “part of” this world. It hasn’t always been this way. I remember a
Social Action (NISA), an occupation-based, mental health program, time not so long ago (5 years) when I wasn’t feeling part of any-
and with occupational therapy. The following PEO issues were thing. I was standing on a chair, noose around my neck, wishing
found to interfere with her occupational performance and, subse- for the will to push the chair and let myself fall to my death and
quently, her occupational goal attainment. end the pain that was my daily existence. I had been labeled bipo-
lar affective disorder, suffered from the delusions of mania and the
Person-Occupation crashing lows of depression ever since I was 13 years old. I was
Lisa views herself as both a professional and a social worker. 31 when I started to turn things around for myself.
She is personally sensitive to many of the issues dealt with by How does one come back from the depths of such despair to
her profession, such as abuse, alcoholism, and dysfunctional work as a counselor in a nationally recognized program? I believe
relationships. Lisa has attempted other careers, including mar- that several factors came together to bring about this change. A
keting, but found that they were not stimulating to her, nor did change in medication and quitting drugs and alcohol were two im-
this kind of work provide her with a sufficient sense of satisfac- portant factors. I became involved in an organization called North-
tion with her work. In addition, Lisa has used both art and writ- ern Initiative for Social Action, the brain child of a local occupational
ing as ways to express her experiences of health and illness, therapist. NISA is an occupation-based program predicated on
and Lisa recognized that these occupations were primarily three essential components of recovery: Being, Belonging, and Be-
therapeutic. Lisa understood that in order to participate as a coming needs.
helping professional, she would need to better manage her own It was at NISA that I began to feel that I belonged to society
illness/health issues. again. And, importantly, that I had something worthwhile to
contribute to society. I contributed a painting to an art show, de-
Occupation-Environment: Working at NISA among other con-
signed ads, and wrote poetry and articles for the Open Minds
sumers of mental health services, Lisa was able to experiment
Quarterly Journal, which was produced by NISA. Actually, I did
with a variety of occupations without fear of failure or social re-
so much more. In short, I was encouraged to become involved,
jection. Mistakes were handled in a low-key, matter-of-fact man-
to participate in occupations of choice, and I felt I was contribut-
ner, and she was given the opportunity to make corrections. Lisa
ing. I felt empowered. It was like I was evolving again as a per-
was able to make real, often concrete and meaningful, contribu-
son instead of sitting at a standstill, wasting my life away. I again
tions to something that was bigger than her. Her occupations
belonged in this world. I learned from the occupational therapist
met the needs of others and the organization.
that I had to eat and sleep regularly to be well, and slowly I
Environment-Person: Lisa grew up in an abusive family environ- began to learn how to go about doing that. What needed to
ment, punctuated by alcohol use and abuse. For her recovery, at happen for my recovery all seems so obvious now that I have
the beginning, she needed a place that not only felt safe, but also 20/20 hindsight. It wasn’t so obvious to me at that time.
offered the flexibility for her to make choices. NISA seemed to be After reaping the benefits of my newfound sense of worth for
a good fit for Lisa. An environment in which Lisa felt she belonged almost a year, I became pregnant with my first child. I gave birth
and that offered her choices (and subsequent responsibility for the to my son and, subsequently, to another purpose for my life. Rou-
consequences of these choices) assisted her in gaining a different tine, such an important factor in my recovery, became para-
perspective of herself as a person with her own skills and capabil- mount. I stayed with my father and stepmother for 1.5 months af-
ities. Her peers and therapist expressed their belief in her and held ter my son was born. I was blessed with a child who slept through
the hope for a better life for her when she could not do so for her- the night at 2 months and had a regular feeding schedule. We both
self. They supported her and reminded her of the instrumental returned home very content. I slipped into the role of mother like
things she needed to do to manage her illness in order to work. a glove. Now, I was not only staying well for myself, but for my son.
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CHAPTER 3 ■ Person-Environment-Occupation Model 43

The Lived Experience—cont’d

I felt I no longer had a choice to break down, decompensate, or Since then, and with an additional 2 years of continued stabil-
become hospitalized because someone was depending on me for ity, I have recently applied for and secured a full-time position.
stimulation, affection, love, basic needs . . . for everything. I I am now happily a part of the workforce, Tim Horton’s line-ups
needed to stay well to take care of these things. At this point, I was and all!
still on a Canada Pension and the Ontario Disability Support pro- Since becoming employed, I have required slight adjust-
gram, the criteria for which is “a severe and prolonged disability.” ments to my medication and short periods of time off to deal
When the application for disability was made, my prognosis was with the medication adjustments for which my boss has been
placed as “guarded,” but I knew that others believed I would never kind and accommodating. My family, friends, and coworkers
work again. I am thankful that they were all wrong! never let me stray too far from the things that have kept me well
With the confidence given me by my occupational therapist for the past 5 years. I have meaning, purpose, and a wonder-
and peers, and with more than 2 years of psychiatric stability be- ful life. I am so grateful to everyone who was and is part of my
hind me, I began to think that I could work again and started to recovery from mental illness. It cannot be underestimated the
consider my options. I was educated and had received my importance of occupation even for those who seemingly are be-
bachelor’s degree in social work. Dare I think I could return to yond hope. I was . . . but now am no longer . . . beyond hope.
my field? At the recommendation of my doctor, I applied for a Read more about Lisa’s perspectives on client-centered
part-time job as a social worker to work with troubled youth. occupational therapy in Bibyk et al (1999).

from the client’s perspective. This clear articulation enables need to be labeled with locally meaningful phrase(s). For ex-
reflection, discussion, and further development of occupa- ample, in Jarus and Ratzon’s (2005) use of the PEO model in
tional therapy theory and practice. planning musculoskeletal disorder prevention programs at
Five of the 36 PEO citations focused on individuals with workplaces, they fit the PEO concepts into ergonomics and
established mental illness. Using a mixed methods design, neurobehavioral sciences culture by explicitly labeling PEO
Bejerholm and Eklund (2006) examined the engagement terms with locally recognizable terms (e.g., labeling “occupa-
and experience of daily occupations within context over tion” as “task” or “work,” labeling “person” as “learner” or
time for a Swedish group of men and women with schizo- “worker,” labeling “environment” as “structure of practice” or
phrenia to reveal how this group could have meaningful “analysis of worksite”).
lives, experience pleasure, and enjoy life. Molineux (2004) Pongsaksri’s (2004) study identified how therapists in
wrote a discussion paper and used the PEO model to sub- Thailand perceived the PEO model as not matching their cul-
stantiate the position that occupational therapists working ture’s emphasis on collectivism, viewing the PEO model as a
in inpatient psychiatry would better use their time deter- Western tool focusing on the individual. This view is similar
mining how clients experience boredom to enable people to
develop more adaptive time use and coping skills.
In New Zealand, McWha, Pachana and Alpass (2003) com- Evidence-Based Practice
pared the perceptions of a group of women in late life with de-
pression to the health-care team’s perceptions concerning the
impact of a group activity and the environment on rehabilita-
tion. Rebeiro (2001) reported a secondary analysis of qualitative
W hat is significant in reflecting on the 36 publications dis-
cussed previously is how the evidence serves to uphold
the assumptions underpinning the PEO model.
data from three studies exploring the meaning and experience
➤ Occupational performance is the product of the person,
of occupational engagement for persons with mental illness
occupation, environment (PEO) component areas.
at a clubhouse program in Canada. The study highlighted key
elements of social environments that occupational therapists ➤ Occupational performance involves both the subjective
need to address to avoid a handicapping environment. experience and the performance of the occupation within a
In Strong’s (1998) ethnographic study examining the given environment, and is experienced uniquely for each
meaning of work and the role of work in recovery, the PEO
model was used to answer why the experience at an affirma- ➤ Occupational performance will be affected by changes in
tive business was satisfying and successful for some clients, any of the PEO component areas.
but not for others with persistent mental illness. ➤ The fit, or congruence, of the PEO components determines
These 36 citations also offer implications for the PEO the quality of the outcome (i.e., occupational performance).
model. Several cited papers demonstrate the cultural neutral- The greater the congruence, the better the occupational
ity of the PEO model by illustrating how the PEO concepts are performance, and vice versa.
being used in diverse settings, with individuals who are not ➤ The relationship of the components is dynamic (i.e., PEO
imbued by the occupational therapy culture, in sectors other relationships enable and constrain participation and are ever
than hospital health care, and in societies other than the changing) and transactive (i.e., experience and performance
Canadian society, where the model was developed (e.g., shape each other, ascribing of meaning, multiple layers
Netherlands, Australia, Slovenia, India). However, for relevant of influence).
use, the person, occupation, and environment constructs may
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44 PART 1 ■ Foundations

to Iwama’s (1999) discourse on client-centered practice in separated into sections of person, environment, and occu-
Japan. Perhaps if the PEO model were reinterpreted within a pation, but as this chapter points out, the core principles
client-centered framework in which the “client” is not an in- of the model stress the transaction among the concepts.
dividual, but rather a family or societal group, the PEO would It is the overlap of person, environment, and occupation
become more relevant to occupational therapists beyond our that determines occupational performance. Therefore,
Western world. when reading each chapter, remember that nothing occurs
Vrkljan (2006) interpreted the “person” as both the driver in isolation. For example, cognition or thinking (a person
and copilot when she applied the PEO to analysis of case factor) is always occurring within a particular environ-
studies of the use of in-vehicle navigation technology among ment and while a person is engaged in an occupation. Each
older drivers. act of thinking will be unique and dependent on the envi-
ronment and occupation. One way that this book consis-
tently explores the multifaceted nature of life experience
Summary is through the inclusion of first person narratives. The first
person narratives tell a real life story and, in doing so,
This chapter introduces the PEO model, which serves as exemplify the complexities and distinctiveness of each
the organizing framework for the textbook. The book is individual.

Active Learning Strategies

1. Personal Assessment 3. Case Study: Shelly
Choose an activity that you really enjoy. Reflect on what Examine Figure 3-5. Looking at only the information in the
makes it a successful experience for you. Identify how the first row of the table (i.e., the person, occupation, and envi-
P-E-O transactions are congruent at this time. ronment elements), isolating it from the other information,
what picture do you form in your mind of this person and her
Reflective Questions
circumstance? Next, looking at the second row of information
● Has this activity always been a positive experience for
(i.e., the P × O, O × E, and P × E relationships), in what way
does this information provide a new understanding of this
● Think about a negative experience with an activity.
person and her occupational performance issue?
What was different at that time? Was there a fit with your
skills, abilities, values, demands of the occupation, and Reflective Questions
environmental conditions? ● What personal meanings do you now understand?
● What can this information tell you about time and space?
2. Teaching
4. Revisiting the Lived Experience
Explain to a friend the PEO model using your own language
and Venn diagrams. When describing the model, use as an Revisit the client in the chapter’s Lived Experience narrative,
example someone who experiences a mental health prob- and complete a Systemic Analysis of Occupational Perfor-
lem. What happens to their ability to choose, organize, and mance Issue Form (similar to Fig. 3-5) to further examine
satisfactorily perform culturally and personally meaningful Lisa’s experiences both with the mental health system and
occupations? with NISA.
Reflective Questions Reflective Questions
● What examples did you include in your description? ● What is noteworthy from an occupational therapist’s per-
● Was it easier to describe the person, environment, or spective with respect to the environment? The occupation?
occupation constructs? ● Did anything really change with the person? For exam-
● How did you explain the transactional nature of the ple, was the person the focus of the intervention, or was
model? the environment? The occupation?
● Do you think your friend understood the model after ● In your opinion, what were the salient qualities of the
your explanation? client-centered relationship for Lisa?

Resources to occupational performance. Canadian Journal of Occupational

Therapy, 63(1), 9–23.
Books • Letts, L., & Rigby, P. (2003). Using Environments to Enable
• Law, M., Baum, C. M., & Baptiste, S. (2002). Occupation Based Occupational Performance. Thorofare, NJ: Slack.
Practice: Fostering Performance and Participation. Thorofare, NJ: • Strong, S., & Rebeiron, K. (2003). Creating supportive work
Slack. environments for people with mental illness. In L. Letts, P. Rigby,
• Law, M., Cooper, B., Strong, S., Stewart, D., Rigby, P., & Letts, L. & D. Stewart (Eds.), Using Environment to Enable Occupational
(1996). The Person-Environment model: A transactive approach Performance (pp. 137–154). Thorofare, NJ: Slack.
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• Strong, S., Rigby, P., Stewart, D., Law, M., Cooper, B., & Letts, L. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy: Revue Canadienne
(1999). The Person-Environment-Occupation model: A d’Ergotherapie, 65(3), 136–143.
practical intervention tool. Canadian Journal of Occupational Fougeyrollas, P., Noreau, L., Bergeron, H., Cloutier, R., Dion, S. A.,
Therapy, 66, 122–133. & St-Michel, G. (1998). Social consequences of long term impair-
• Strong, S., & Shaw, L. (1999). A client-centred framework for ments and disabilities: Conceptual approach and assessment of
therapists in ergonomics. In K. Jacobs & C. M. Bettencourt (Eds.), handicap. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 21,
Ergonomics for Therapists (2nd ed., pp. 22–46). Woburn, MA: 127–141.
Butterworth-Heinemann. Iwama, M. (1999). Are you listening? Cross-cultural perspectives on
client-centred occupational therapy practice: A view from Japan.
Occupational Therapy Now, 1(6), 4–6.
• Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM): www
Jarus, T., & Ratzon, N. Z. (2005). The implementation of motor
learning principles in designing prevention programs at work.
• CHORES: Dunn, L. (2004). Validation of the CHORES: A
Work, 24, 171–182.
measure of school-aged children’s participation in household
Jongbloed, L., & Crighton, A. (1990). A new definition of disabil-
tasks. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 11,
ity: Implications for rehabilitation practice and social policy.
Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 57, 32–38.
• Test of Playfulness: Muys, V., Rodger, S., & Bundy, A. (2006).
Kearns, R. A., & Taylor, S. M. (1989). Daily life experiences of people
Playfulness in children with autistic disorder: A comparison of
with chronic mental disabilities in Hamilton, Ontario. Canada’s
the Child’s Playfulness Scale and the Test of Playfulness. OTJR:
Mental Health, 37(4), 1–4.
Occupation, Participation and Health, 26, 159–170.
Kielhofner, G. (2008). Model of Human Occupation: Theory and Appli-
cation (4th ed.). Baltimore: Lippincott William & Wilkins.
Law, M. (1991). The environment: A focus for occupational therapy.
Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 58, 171–179.
American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA). (2002). Oc- Law, M., Cooper, B., Strong, S., Stewart, D., Rigby, P., & Letts, L.
cupational therapy practice framework: Domain and process. (1996). The Person-Environment-Occupation model: A transac-
American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 56, 609–639. tive approach to occupational performance. Canadian Journal of
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Bejerholm, U., & Eklund, M. (2006). Engagement in occupations McWha, J. L., Pachana, N. A., & Alpass, F. M. (2003). Exploring the
among men and women with schizophrenia. Occupational Therapy therapeutic environment for older women with late life depres-
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Slack. Thailand. Available at:
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46 PART 1 ■ Foundations

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Psychosocial Concerns
With Disability 4
Patricia Crist

H aving a disability shapes a person’s life, but it is not their total destiny.

—Senator Robert Dole, 1999

influencing engagement in occupation must be understood

At the heart of holistic practice in occupational therapy is inte- and integrated for the development of client-centered,
gration of the psychosocial and physical aspects of productive meaningful, occupation-based outcomes. (ACOTE, 2006a,
and meaningful living that contribute to one’s state of health 2006b, 2006c, p. 12)
and well-being. To put this concept into practice, the practi-
The occupational therapy profession is particularly well
tioner must consider not only the performance and participa-
positioned to address the contingent influences between
tion issues associated with mental health conditions, but also
psychosocial issues and disabilities. In mental health set-
the psychosocial issues related to the broader perspective of
tings, occupational therapists can offer effective interven-
disability, whether a mental, physical, or developmental con-
tion strategies that can lead to participation in daily life ac-
dition. Consider, for example, the loss of confidence that is ex-
tivities for individuals with both physical and mental or
acerbated by the stigma of mental illness for a person with de-
behavioral health conditions. Individuals receiving physical
pression, the anxiety and overwhelming feelings for new
rehabilitation services who struggle with mental health and
parents after the birth of a child with severe developmental dis-
self-esteem issues of depression, poor body image, low self-
orders, or the anger and despair that comes with a spinal cord
efficacy, stressed interpersonal relationships, and/or loneli-
injury in the life of a young adult athlete. Add to that issues of
ness or isolation can be challenging for other mental health
external environmental stress, such as financial or legal prob-
professionals to address because few have formal prepara-
lems, discrimination, and prejudice.
tion in the interaction between mental and physical health
Because occupation is the active process by which a
problems. For example, consider complex clinical cases
person engages in everyday life with a disability, the person–
such as an elderly man with aphasia who does not want to
environment–occupation interactions are framed by these
leave his home, even though he reports feeling lonely and
broad sociopolitical influences. Considerations regarding the
isolated, because he fears being moved into a nursing home
psychosocial aspects of disability and chronic illness must also
if he gets lost repeatedly. Or, consider a woman with a trau-
reflect the context, or environment, in which the individual
matic disability who is abandoned by her husband, even
lives to fully appreciate one’s potential for quality of life.
though he vowed to be true “for better or worse.” Occupa-
Although many occupational therapy practitioners advo-
tional therapy practitioners work to rebuild lives toward re-
cate that they “treat the whole individual,” service delivery sys-
covery that involves addressing the whole person in his or
tems may drive care to be less than holistic. For example,
her environment and around his or her chosen and needed
school-based practice exclusively emphasizes educationally
related services and may not allow other natural occupations
For some clients, independence is an aspiration that is
and contexts that are a part of a typically developing child to be
likely unachievable. For them, independence is the ability
considered unless educationally related. As evidence of the dis-
to have self-control of their destiny with as little assistance
cipline’s commitment to holism, the Accreditation Council for
from others as possible, while being able to usefully navi-
Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE) included in its
gate environmental resources, otherwise understood as
2006 educational standards a specific fieldwork requirement to
self-determination. This chapter contributes to the under-
encourage consideration of the importance of the psychosocial
standing that healthy interdependence is the result of an
aspects of care, regardless of area of practice (ACOTE, 2006a,
individually chosen balance among personal abilities and
2006b, 2006c). All entry-level occupational therapy practition-
aspirations and environmental resources that support oc-
ers, as a result, are expected to address the psychosocial con-
cupational functioning.
cerns presented by any population in any practice setting.
The chapter begins with an understanding of response to
Standard B.10.15. Provide Level II fieldwork in disability and chronic illness followed by perspectives on ad-
traditional and/or emerging settings, consistent with the dressing psychosocial aspects of disability as they emerge
curriculum design. In all settings, psychosocial factors across time. Psychosocial issues that impact an individual’s

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48 PART 1 ■ Foundations

ability to be self-determining, participate, and advocate for set of 20 value-laden beliefs and principles (modified from
oneself are explored, closing with a suggested protocol for her earlier 1972 work) that still resonates today as a guide
teaching self-advocacy to support adaptation to disability. for understanding the psychosocial aspects of the disability
Critical review of evidence regarding psychosocial aspects of experience.
disability is emphasized throughout the chapter. Although Wright (1983) wrote these beliefs and prin-
ciples based on her experience with people living with
physical disabilities, they speak to all persons who live
with disabilities, including persons with psychiatric dis-
Disability Versus Chronic Illness abilities. These primary principles provide a foundation
It is important to remember that the individual person- for occupational therapy traditions and warrant current
environment response to disability and chronic illness are reaffirmation in daily practice (despite dated use of lan-
not the same. Researchers have questioned over the years guage such as “handicap” and less consistent person first
whether “having a disability” is different from “having a language). They include
chronic illness.” Buck and Hohmann (1983) stated: 1. Every individual needs respect and encouragement;
A person with a stabilized disability can assume his/her the presence of a disability, no matter how severe,
physical health is intact and thus devote time and energy does not alter these fundamental rights.
to pursuing personal, social and vocational goals. The ill 2. The severity of handicap can be increased or dimin-
person may attend more to the course and prognosis of ished by environmental conditions.
the illness and emotionally invest time and interest in 3. Issues of coping and adjusting to a disability cannot
life-sustaining activities to the relative exclusion of other be validly considered without examining real prob-
aspects of his/her life. (p. 212) lems that exist as barriers in the social and physical
Many chronic illnesses are frequently accompanied by not 4. The assets of the person must receive considerable at-
only continuous adaptation, but also physical disabilities. tention in the rehabilitation effort.
Although disability and chronic illness have essentially 5. The significance of a disability is affected by
different related processes and issues from each other, these the person’s feelings about the self and his or her
two are combined in this chapter. However, in intervention, situation.
the occupational therapy practitioner should reflect the dif- 6. The active participation of the client in the planning
ferent trajectory or prognosis presented by the individual’s and execution of the rehabilitation program is to be
performance challenges resulting from their experience with sought as fully possible.
their disability or their chronic illness, cognizant that, in 7. Because each person has unique characteristics and
many cases, a combination of living with both simultane- each situation its own properties, variability is required
ously occurs. in rehabilitation.
8. Interdisciplinary and interagency collaboration and
coordination of services are essential.
Addressing Psychosocial Aspects 9. In addition to the special problems of particular
groups, rehabilitation clients commonly share certain
of Disabilities problems by virtue of their disadvantaged and deval-
ued position.
The ways in which an individual adapts to having a disabil- 10. Society as a whole must continuously and persist-
ity reflect the interactions among his or her personal ently strive to provide the basic means toward fulfill-
psychological characteristics (e.g., life experience, needs, ment of the lives of all its inhabitants, including those
values, hope) and socioenvironmental factors (e.g., sup- with disabilities.
port, resources, objects), as well as the nature and level of 11. People with disabilities, like all citizens, are entitled to
severity of the condition or disability (Livneh, 2001; Livneh participate and contribute to the general life of the
& Antonak, 1997). The prognosis or trajectory of a given community. (pp. x–xvii)
condition or diagnosis also presents challenges to adapting
to the course of the illness. For example, a person with an These statements are helpful in understanding the individ-
amputation secondary to trauma will experience a differ- ual psychosocial response to disability, as well as illuminating
ent life course than a child born with a physical disability. the core of the disability rights movement. Occupational ther-
An adult who has a stroke will have a different lifestyle than apy practitioners, other health-related professionals, and all
a person who is continually adjusting to multiple sclerosis, citizens can view these principles as a call for action represent-
a condition in which the course of illness might become ing ideals for an inclusive society.
more challenging over time. Despite these well-articulated principles, inclusion of
The psychosocial aspects of living with a disability or people with disabilities in all aspects of everyday commu-
chronic illness have been known for many years, but many nity life is far from being achieved. The gap between the
times they were considered secondary to addressing the phys- ideal and reality is wide. In addition, despite efforts for
ical or medical aspects of conditions. Beatrice Wright (1959) more than 40 years to actively improve the employability
wrote the first edition of the landmark textbook Psychology and employment environments for individuals with dis-
and Rehabilitation. This significant work advocated for all re- abilities, unemployment and underemployment continue
habilitation specialists to attend to the psychosocial issues to be problematic for those who live with a disability. Ac-
that occur with physical disabilities. In a 1983 edition (titled cording to the 2000 U.S. Census data (U.S. Census Bureau,
Physical Disability: A Psychological Approach), she provided a 2003), although 24.4% of people between the ages of 5 and
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CHAPTER 4 ■ Psychosocial Concerns With Disability 49

64 have a disability, 38% of working age adults with dis- Evidence Regarding Response
abilities live in households with annual incomes under
$15,000, and 30% do not have either checking or savings to Disability
accounts. In addition, Census 2000 showed that disability
status impacts employment status among people ages 16 to A review of the evidence regarding response to disability is
64, where almost 80% of people without disabilities significantly limited. First, there is a paucity of research on
were employed versus 60% of those with disabilities (U.S. this dimension. Second, as we value and understand that
Census Bureau, 2003). each disability may have its own unique pattern of response,
In its early years, occupational therapists adopted a psy- the application of methods or assessments used in one study
chodynamic approach to understanding disability, which of disability to another may not be appropriate.
was viewed as a loss. The object relations approach hypoth- For example, a simple historical review conducted by this
esized that the response to any form of loss was uniform. author indicates that 10 years ago, one or two major instru-
However, the impact of the loss for an individual was di- ments were used to measure quality of life. Now, nearly every
rectly proportional to the degree of psychic energy tied to major disability or chronic illness has at least one specific
the lost object (Ogden, 2002). Applied to occupational quality-of-life measure related to unique disability-specific
therapy, a disability was equated to the loss of a specific, variables considered or found to be important. Third, studies
self-rewarding function or ability. The reaction to the loss of acquired disabilities, which affect the largest percentage of
was tempered by how important the lost or altered func- the population, seldom look at the influence of premorbid
tion was to the individual. psychosocial or personality variables or lifestyle considera-
The fundamental components of response to loss ac- tions in regard to the current response to disability.
cording to object relations theory remain in the founda- Finally, the influence of culture or ethnic traditions in un-
tions of most models today that address adaptation to dis- derstanding the response to disability is seldom isolated or rec-
ability. Early in the quest for understanding individual ognized. For example, Sobralske (2006) found that Mexican
reaction to disability, Kübler-Ross’s (1973, 2005) stages of American men who hold cultural beliefs associated with
dying were considered relevant to understanding an indi- machismo waited to access health care until their pain or dis-
vidual’s response to having a disability as a sense of loss, ability reached a level at which they could no longer work or
particularly a new one: carry out their personal activities of daily living. Littlewood
(2006) notes that the dominant culture identifies disabilities
■ Denial that one has lost function or has a disability such as mental illness and intellectual disabilities at higher
■ Anger that one will no longer be able to perform cer- rates among those groups over which they dominate. Family
tain activities because of the disability religious beliefs may impact how a family affected by disability
■ Bargaining as one attempts to do, give, or purchase participates in the rehabilitation process (Callicott, 2003).
something in exchange for having the lost function Smart (2001) points out that the primary evidence for re-
returned sponse to disability has been based on the medical model,
■ Depression over the frustration that bargaining is not which creates limitations about information on individual ex-
working as desired perience with a disability. Most published information focuses
■ Acceptance of one’s disability includes integrating the on intervention outcomes and little on social and environmen-
disability into one’s daily life activities. tal issues. Smart cautions readers of evidence regarding living
with a disability or chronic illness with the following:
However, referencing the Kübler-Ross stages fell into dis-
favor by disability rights advocates whose intent was not to 1. Response to disability is multidimensional. However,
equate the highly emotional, negative passage of death and most studies are unidimensional.
dying with experiencing a disability. Further, words such as 2. Stigma associated with disability is a well-known so-
coping, adjustment, adaptation, and acceptance were believed cial issue, but it is seldom accounted for as a variable
to “pathologize” the experience of disability, meaning a dis- contributing to findings from studies.
ability was automatically assumed to be an undesirable state 3. Response to disability is best understood across time,
(Smart, 2001, p. 229). yet very little longitudinal research is available.
Instead, the use of the word response is considered to be 4. Knowledge about response to disability primarily cen-
more accurate and less stigmatizing. Smart (2001) advocates ters on men with physical disabilities, which limits
for the use of “response to a disability” because it communi- generalizability to others such as women, and those
cates the meaning that the individual attaches to his or her from varied age and ethnic groups.
disability as more important than just having a disability. 5. Erroneously, symptoms associated with a disability be-
Further, once a person has a disability or chronic illness, he come labeled as response when in fact they are not.
or she experiences challenges in responding to activities and 6. Lack of accepted psychometric procedures, such as us-
occupations for the duration of life. Thus, in reality, words ing a psychosocial instrument focusing on adjustment
such as acceptance and adaptation are inaccurate in describ- or quality of life that has not been standardized on a
ing living with a disability. sample of individuals with a disability, may result in
To summarize, consideration of the individual with a dis- biased and unfounded outcomes.
ability or chronic illness might best be addressed by follow- 7. Although qualitative studies of response to disability
ing Wright’s (1983) principles, in which the disability is con- are emerging to present rich, enlightening descriptions
sidered an experience in which the person responds to the of the individual response to the disability experience,
challenges associated with their disability, while pursuing his accepting this type of research as evidence is very slow
or her valued occupations based on personal and social to be accepted by traditional researchers who are
strengths and supports. bound to quantitative methodologies. (pp. 235–240)
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50 PART 1 ■ Foundations

Evidence-Based Practice Response to Disability

As stated previously, the response to disability has primarily

T he number of military personnel returning from war with

traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), posttraumatic stress disorder
(PTSD), and depression related to physical trauma are addressed
been studied among acquired disabilities using the historical
stage-specific model, mainly on disabling conditions. This
has limited application to congenital disabilities, the aging
in this evidence: population, and disabilities such as chronic illnesses in
➤ In a study of 613 U.S. soldiers hospitalized following serious which the individual gradually declines naturally.
combat injury, early severity of physical problems was strongly Research literature focusing on the major chronic illness
predictive of PTSD (12%) or depression (9.3%) 7 months patterns is now emerging. Livneh (2001) identifies the psy-
later (Grieger et al, 2006). Other mental health problems also
chosocial reactions to disability as being short term (includ-
increased substantially between the two screenings.
ing the shock, anxiety, and denial that might rise immediately
➤ A more recent study of the general military population, includ- after being diagnosed with a disabling condition), intermedi-
ing 56,350 active and 31,885 National Guard and Reserve
ate (including affective reactions to the life change such as de-
soldiers, reported PTSD (active soldiers, 11.8%–16.7%;
reservists, 12.7%–24.5%), depression (active, 4.7%–10.3%;
pression, grief, anger, and aggressiveness), and long term
reserve, 3.8%–13.0%), and overall mental health risk (active, (those that occur down the road and show evidence of adap-
17.0%–27.1%; reserve, 17.5%–35.5%) (Milliken, Auchterlonie, tation such as “passive and active acceptance, environmental
& Hoge, 2007). Many had a higher rate of general physical mastery, behavioral adaptation, affective equilibrium, and
health concerns as well. disability integration”) (p. 153). Adaptive responses occur
➤ At minimum, returning to the individual’s community on when the person integrates the disability into a reconstructed
completion of a deployment requires learning how to reinte- self, whereas maladaptive responses might move an individ-
grate with a society that is not in combat and probably does ual toward hopelessness and helplessness. The reader may
not understand the daily influence from one’s prior combat compare the stages of Kübler-Ross (1973, 2005) with Livneh’s
experience (Association of the United States Army, 2008). If model and see a similar understanding of the reaction to liv-
the person is returning with a new physical disability, support ing with a disabling condition.
for changes in lifestyle are essential.
➤ Battle fatigue is viewed as a response to the overwhelming Shock
psychosocial stressors associated with combat. Along
with attending to physiological needs, providing structured Shock is the reaction to the initial impact of realizing that
occupations and support of occupational roles has been one has acquired a new disability. This occurs both with ac-
effective in creating high return-to-duty rates in soldiers knowledgment of either a recent trauma or a new condition
by providing occupational therapy rooted in the model of
associated with an existing diagnosis. The person may be
human occupation (Geraldi, 1996).
frightened, overwhelmed, and disorganized in his or her be-
➤ A randomized clinical trial to rehabilitate 67 active duty military havior while attempting to integrate this new experience
service members with TBI who have the potential to return
(Livneh & Antonak, 2005). Information flow is fast paced,
to duty demonstrated success. The intervention included an
8-week rehabilitation program combining group therapies
and it is often difficult to understand what is being said.
(fitness, planning and organization, cognitive skills, work skills, Shock may recur when a major new step occurs in rehabilita-
medication and milieu groups, and community reentry outings) tion, such as being sent to a new supported living situation,
and individual therapy (neuropsychology, work therapy, occu- getting a wheelchair, or acquiring some new ability, such as
pational therapy, and speech and language pathology). The with cochlear implants. During this early phase, the occupa-
results were that 96% returned to work, and 66% (n = 44) tional therapist might offer support and empathy, and en-
returned to duty (Braverman et al, 1999). courage the person to vent their feelings and vulnerabilities
➤ The implications of this evidence indicate the challenges and (Livneh & Antonak, 1997) by using therapeutic use of self.
opportunities for occupational therapy with our wounded
warriors regarding community reentry; response to ongoing
psychosocial issues related to PTSD, depression, and/or
Defensive Retreat or Denial
suicidal ideation, TBI, and what might be the late effects of Defensive retreat, or denial, is considered to be a healthy,
battle fatigue, not to mention the stress of multiple return typical response to the disability. Denial can take three basic
forms: denial of the presence of the disability, denial of the
Association of the United States Army (AUSA). (2008). “Mental Health Care— implications of the disability, or denial of the permanence of
Before, During and After Deployment.” Available at: the disability (Langer, 1994; Smart, 2001; Stewart, 1994). De-
webpub/DeptHome.nsf/byid/RBOH-7D9N9V (accessed October 19, 2009). nial might be considered a healthy response because it
Braverman, S. E., Spector, J .S., Warden, D. L., Wilson, B. C., Ellis, T. E.,
Bamdad, M. J., & Salazar, A. M. (1999). A multidisciplinary TBI inpatient
lessens anxiety and might allow a person to hope for the best
rehabilitation programme for active duty service members as a part of a possible outcome; however, it might also result in a lack of
randomized clinical trial. Brain Injury, 13, 405–415. engagement in the full rehabilitative program based on un-
Geraldi, S. S. (1996). The management of battle-fatigued soldiers: An realistic expectations (Livneh & Antonak, 2005). Consistent
occupational therapy model. Military Medicine, 161, 483–488.
Grieger, T. A., Cozza, S. J., Ursano, R. J., Hoge, C., Martinez, P. E., Engel,
with motivational interviewing, strategies addressing pre-
C. C., & Wain, H. J. (2006). Posttraumatic stress disorder and depression in contemplation (similar to the concept of denial but based
battle injured soldiers. American Journal of Psychiatry, 163, 1777–1783. on little to no awareness of how their condition might have
Milliken, C. S., Auchterlonie, J. L., & Hoge, C. W. (2007). Longitudinal serious disabling consequences), offering information and
assessment of mental health problems among active and reserve
component soldiers returning from the Iraq War. Journal of the American reflection on performance issues observed, and giving clear
Medical Association, 298, 2141–2148. feedback would be consistent with a motivational approach
(Miller & Rollnick, 2002; Stoffel & Moyers, 2004).
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CHAPTER 4 ■ Psychosocial Concerns With Disability 51

The Lived Experience

John Jones to. No more forgetfulness. No more messing up dates and time
Can you look back and pick a single day that changed your life? sequences. No more asking the same question 5 minutes after
Think about it. I last asked it. No more forgetting—as Crosby, Stills, and Nash
The day you got married? Maybe the day your kids were once harmonized: “Where you have to be at noon.”
born? Perhaps the day you graduated from school? For me, Until that day comes, if ever, I am setting my sights on new
picking the day that changed my life is easy. June 11, 2006. The goals, goals that I can attain as I am.
day I nearly died . . . My new goal on my mission is to get out regionally, even na-
Before that Sunday morning, I was living a dream, the dream tionally, to speak about men’s health. I want to speak to busi-
I’d worked 20 years in the National Football League to achieve. nesses, civic groups, churches, and professional and business
I was the 10th president in the history of the Green Bay Pack- organizations.
ers, the team I’d loved since I was a teenager growing up in New I measure my successes in the personal stories I hear from
Orleans. Everything about my life was on track. I was doing all men or wives and other loved ones who tell me their guy got his
the right things personally and professionally. My sights were set checkup after hearing me speak.
on leading the Packers franchise to continued success. Then, on My biggest joy comes when I get word that a guy who heard
a Sunday morning in June a few years back, my dreams slipped my message got his checkup. A few of those guys have under-
away. Literally, in a heartbeat. Everything changed. gone same-day heart surgery to save their lives. They wouldn’t
If it weren’t for my friends—doctors Pat McKenzie and John have been in the doc’s office in the first place if they hadn’t heard
Gray—and my doctors at Bellin Health in Green Bay—cardiologist me speak or been pushed by loved ones, who happened to be
Matt Fuchs and cardiothoracic surgeon Tom Cain—I wouldn’t be armed with my story.
here telling this story. At moments like that, the bad things that happened to me
On that Sunday morning in June 2006, my aorta dissected, seem very small. At times like that, I say a prayer of thanks. It’s
and I suffered a stroke during surgery. Everything changed. not about me. It’s about finding a way to make sure that my story
Since that day, I have never stopped fighting to return to the life doesn’t become some other guy’s story.
I once knew. The truth is that men need to take care of themselves like their
Not the Packers part. The stroke took care of that. lives depend on it.
I’ve spent the past year and a half fighting to reclaim as much Because they do.
of myself as I can, always supported by loving family and friends. Nobody is bulletproof.
I continue to seek a way to make sense of how to use a post- Used with permission of John Jones, former president of the
stroke brain. Green Bay Packers. For more information, go to www.bullet-
It became a painful truth that the stroke’s damage to my brain
looks like it truly is permanent. I still haven’t fully come to terms
with that. I keep praying for a miracle.
Some of the doctors told me that I needed to learn to live
with it.
That was never an option, the way I looked at it. One thing
the stroke didn’t take from me was my determination to do things
the best that I can, to keep fighting in hopes my condition will
somehow improve.
I never quit. Not when the docs weren’t sure my kidneys
would come back on line after surgery.
Not when the docs weren’t sure the paralysis in my left leg
would subside.
Truth is, I am doing this the only way I know how.
Never surrender.
I choose to believe that someday, some way I will find my way
back to who I was. I pray that my brain will shake off the pallor
of the stroke, that my neurons will start popping like they used

Depression or Mourning view the world as “better off without them.” The individual
may express guilt, self-blame, loss of hope, apathy, and de-
Whereas denial is focused on losing past functions and abil- pression. The occupational therapist might not only encour-
ities, depression or mourning is related to considering the age the person to vent these feelings, but would also want to
future (Kübler-Ross, 1973). The person is grieving for move the individual toward social engagement, finding and
dreams that no longer seem possible, coupled with fear or seeking out support and activities with others that empha-
anxiety about what lies ahead. As with depression of any size self-assertiveness and determination, and reengagement
kind, the individual will have very limited energy and ability in everyday life activities that hold meaning for the person
to focus on participation in intervention programs, and may (Livneh & Antonak, 2005). Being aware that depression and
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52 PART 1 ■ Foundations

grief reactions may also increase the likelihood of other with disabilities can learn their capabilities, identify who to
more serious issues, such as coping with feeling down by ask for support when needed, and begin to create their own
drinking or using other mood-altering substances (Grant et al, story about living with a disability through experience with
2006), might also be explored with the person as a preven- everyday life. The individual with the disability and even fam-
tive measure. ily members begin to clarify beliefs about the purpose and
In addition, another area that deserves attention of the meaning of the disability experience.
occupational therapist relates to suicidal ideation or ges- Occupational therapy provides an excellent channel and
tures. The suicidal thoughts may not only be related to de- expression for dealing with anger. Engaging in heavy, repeti-
pression, but could also be understood as an attempt to ex- tive work; physical exercise; or, if possible, sports activities
ercise control over one’s existence (Shontz, 1993). Ensuring offers an excellent tool for anger management or redirection,
safety, referring for more intense psychological services, and as well as expressive media and movement in which feelings
helping the individual work with close social supports would can be put on paper or into artistic creations for outside re-
all be consistent with handling protracted depression lease and reflection (Livneh & Antonak, 2005).
(Livneh & Antonak, 2005).
This is also the time when family and friends may drop Integration and Growth
away as they grieve for their own reasons or become weary
of engaging with the person who is depressed. Anyone who Integration and growth occur when the individual sees the
has sat next to the bed of someone seriously ill for great disability as an opportunity for personal growth and new
lengths of time knows this feeling of helplessness, hopeless- learning. Carolyn Vash (1981) called this “transcendence of
ness, and even the desire to be able to absorb pain for the in- the disability.” Typically, individuals in this stage become in-
dividual (Gorman, 1993). At this point, contact with other terested in leading change in the person–environment inter-
individuals who are living with the disability is beneficial for action through service, advocacy, and/or political action.
the individual and significant others as they consider how to Seeing their experience with responding to disability as a
create the new story of living with a disability. Support personal strength, they look for activities that give meaning
groups for family members are also helpful contexts in and purpose to their disability experience.
which to express shared feelings safely and learn about ways Smart (2001) encourages practitioners to educate indi-
in which they can productively help their loved ones and viduals with disabilities and their families about these
consider their own new future. response stages because it “normalizes” or “universalizes”
The practitioner can help the individual with the disabil- their response to disability as a common, rather than
ity and his or her significant others understand that adapt- lonely, experience. Occupational therapy practitioners can
ing to a disability happens in cycles; it is not linear. Past is- use this response model to validate the concerns of clients,
sues that the individual dealt with may resurface as new establish intervention goals, and show clients what may lie
issues, for example, choosing to begin a family may look ahead.
quite different when one has a disability that also has a This information serves as a general guide for individuals
genetic basis. New knowledge may lead to a downward spi- with disabilities; however, no two persons go through these
ral to an earlier stage, which medical experts label “regres- stages in the same way. In fact, earlier stages may recur when
sion,” as the individual idealized images of what he or she new challenges in living are confronted. Some individuals
used to be and cannot be anymore. This is a natural re- may never experience one or more of the stages. Learning to
sponse (Livneh & Antonak, 1997). For instance, a person respond to one’s disability is a complex process that involves
dealing with a chronic illness is doing relatively well, but drawing on the resources within and outside the individual,
suddenly learns about a new diagnosis, related or unrelated, integrated with the personal meaning attributed to the dis-
that will permanently change his or her functional ability ability. The complexity in individual response to disability
again. Cancer survivors are frequently unprepared for the reflects the following considerations related to the type of
late effects of earlier interventions that put their cancer in disability experienced, including the time of onset (congen-
remission. For instance, the late onset of life-altering car- ital or acquired, as well as related developmental issues)
diopathies, neuropathies, and cognitive changes can cause (Smart, 2001, pp. 261–331):
them to revisit their history and question their future with ■ Type of onset (insidious or acute and phases)
these new disabilities. As the grief subsides, energy returns ■ Functions impaired
to participate. ■ Severity of disability
■ Visibility of the disability
Personal Questioning and/or Anger ■ Degree, if any, of disfigurement
■ Degree of stigma
Personal questioning and/or anger are related to feeling
■ Course of the disability (stable, progressive, episodic,
of helplessness, fear, frustration, anxiety, and irritability. Of-
including predictability, acute, chronic, exacerbation,
ten, two questions are trying to be answered: “Why me
degenerative, remission)
(hopelessness and abandonment)?” and “How did I let my-
■ Prognosis of the disability
self get into this condition (self-blame and guilt)?” (Livneh
■ Treatment required
& Antonak, 1997).
■ Resources available
The goal of occupational therapy at this time is to help the
person work toward creating new meaning and purpose in life These factors, coupled with the environmental issues,
activities. Therapists can focus on helping individuals reestab- which are discussed briefly in the next section, combine to
lish independent daily life routines at this time. Individuals create quality of life for persons with disabilities.
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CHAPTER 4 ■ Psychosocial Concerns With Disability 53

Disability Conditions National Institutes of Health in Washington, DC, with the mis-
sion to generate research to improve the ability of people with
and the Environment disabilities to perform self-selected activities in the commu-
nity, and enhance society’s capacity to provide full opportuni-
In the 1970s, groups of people with and without disabilities ties and accommodations for its citizens with disabilities. Full
joined forces to create disability communities in order to inclusion, social integration, employment, independent living,
eradicate stigma and advocate for inclusion and participa- and community integration of individuals of all ages with dis-
tion, which impacted the quality of life for persons with dis- abilities are the focus of NIDRR activities.
abilities. The University of California–Berkeley led the way Although multiple legal and government acts and bills are
in moving the sociopolitical interests of individuals into the now in place for individuals with disabilities, a significant
mainstream (DeJong, 1979). Popular press publications, law related to this text is the 1985 Mental Illness Bill of
such as the Disability Rag and Accent on Living, pointed to Rights Act, which resulted in the Protection and Advocacy
the atrocities in the environment, including discrimination, for Individuals With Mental Illness Act of 1986 (PAIMI Act).
exclusion, and inaccessible environments, and identified the This act (updated most recently in 2002) requires protection
person-environment changes needed to provide opportuni- and advocacy services for people with mental illness and se-
ties and eliminate barriers to full engagement of individuals rious emotional disturbance. The primary objectives of this
with disabilities. law are to
Major legislation changed the context that frames disabil-
ity in the United States, that is, the disability rights move- ■ Protect and advocate the rights of individuals with
ment, which is transforming the years of stigma, social prej- mental illness
udice, and discrimination surrounding disabilities into a ■ Investigate incidents of abuse and neglect among indi-
healthier environment for all citizens. A series of landmark viduals with mental illness
court decisions, along with sustained advocacy by people ■ Investigate incidents of serious injury and deaths in
with disabilities for legislation such as the Rehabilitation public and private care and treatment facilities and
Act of 1973 (PL 93-112), the Individuals With Disabilities nonmedical community-based facilities for children
Education Act of 1975 (PL 99-457), and, most notably, the and youth
Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 (PL 101-336), were ■ Receive reports of all serious injuries and deaths related
major leaps forward for inclusionary employment, environ- to incidents of seclusion and restraint in public and
ments, and education. private care and treatment facilities in the states and
Also, additional resources were created to comprehen- territories
sively eliminate barriers and create opportunities for indi- The sociopolitical influences presented here provide a
viduals with disabilities based on these laws and associated strong and convincing case for occupational therapy prac-
regulations. The reader is encouraged to review Chapters 2, titioners to work with and among all service recipients
17, and 28, which provide a deeper understanding of the (persons with disabilities, their families, friends, employ-
sociopolitical influences on mental health and disability- ers, and neighbors) to create change across the spectrum
related issues. (personal to societal) by being advocates and facilitating
Supporting the deinstitutionalization movement that self-advocacy.
began in the late 1960s, with the goal to move individuals
out of long-term care institutions into the community
(now known as the “least restrictive environment”), the
independent living (IL) movement has been a major Occupational Therapy Role
contributor to the broader issue of self-determination
for persons with physical and psychiatric disabilities (The
in Advocacy
National Council on Independent Living, 2006). The IL Occupational therapy practitioners, through advocacy at
movement advocates that people with even the most severe the societal level, can support the passage and implemen-
disabilities should have a choice regarding their living situ- tation of regulations that modify the environment to pre-
ation in the community. It focuses on personal assistance vent exclusion and promote full community engagement.
services and the removal of architectural and transporta- Some practitioners make careers of providing environ-
tion barriers to allow individuals with disabilities to man- mental modification recommendations as consultants.
age their daily life activities and fully participate in the life With the growing number of empowered individuals with
of the community. disabilities, frail elderly, and the desire of baby boomers to
The IL movement has resulted in the establishment of age in place, there are numerous possibilities to practice,
hundreds of independent living centers (ILCs) around consult, and educate about accessible environments for in-
the globe, more than 500 in the United States alone dependent living.
( The goal of ILCs is to assist individuals Although occupational therapy practitioners can promote
with disabilities achieve their maximum potential within environmental accessibility for full community participation,
their families and communities. Most ILCs are typically non- it is also important to prepare our clients to advocate for their
residential, nonprofit, consumer-controlled, community- own full participation. One individual may need the skills to be
based organizations that provide services and advocacy by able to disclose his or her mental illness to an employer, and a
and for persons with all types of disabilities. parent with a child who has a physical disability may need help
In 1978, the National Institute for Disability Research and securing supports for educational activities. A person using a
Rehabilitation (NIDRR) was founded as a branch of the wheelchair may be frustrated by the community places that
1704_Ch04_047-056.qxd 7/8/10 5:25 PM Page 54

54 PART 1 ■ Foundations

cannot be accessed, and a frail elderly person may be afraid to providers, including a systematic internal review and
ask a physician important questions or admit to symptoms an independent external review, if requested
that might change their options regarding driving or housing. 9. Consumer Responsibilities—the right to be actively
Preparing individuals with disabilities to be self-advocates and involved in decisions and processes of getting health
to be self-empowered is central to productive living. care for oneself to achieve the best outcomes in terms
Self-advocacy in the health-care arena can begin by of quality and cost efficiencies
focusing on core concepts from the patient bills of rights All intervention should address some form of advocacy
(U.S. Office of Personnel Management, n.d.): or empowerment. Two types of self-advocacy preparation
1. Information Disclosure—the right to receive accurate, are requisite:
easily understood information, including health plans
■ Education regarding laws and regulations that support
and making health decisions
the access and rights of individuals with disabilities,
2. Choice of Providers and Plans—the right to a choice
and how individuals can engage these resources in their
of health-care providers
daily lives
3. Access to Emergency Services—the right to access emer-
■ Individual skill development in being a self-advocate
gency health-care services when and where the need
arises Education can occur through providing community re-
4. Participation in Treatment Decisions—the right and source or fact sheets that outline what can be expected or ac-
responsibility to fully participate or be represented by cessed to support oneself. Alerting individuals with disabili-
a designated individual in all decisions related to ties to ombudsman services, employee assistance programs,
health care and legal aid societies can also be useful. An ombudsman
5. Respect and Nondiscrimination—the right to consider- is an official who is typically appointed by an agency, govern-
ate, respectful care from all members of the health-care ment, employer, or school and charged to investigate and
system at all times and under all circumstances address complaints reported by individuals. Employee assis-
6. Confidentiality of Health Information—the right to tance programs are confidential resources to assist employ-
confidentially communicate with health-care providers ees with life issues that impact their ability to focus on or
and to have the confidentiality of individually identifi- meet employment expectations. Legal aid societies are non-
able health-care information protected profit entities that provide civil legal assistance for individu-
7. Access to Health Information—the right to review and als who cannot afford their own legal counsel.
copy your own medical records as well as request As part of helping an individual adapt to his or her disabil-
amendments to the records ity, providing skills or resources to prepare for self-advocacy,
8. Complaints and Appeals—the right to a fair and effi- or to be empowered, is essential. Tips regarding the basics of
cient process for resolving differences with health-care teaching self-advocacy are included in Box 4-1.

BOX 4-1 ■ Information for Occupational Therapists Addressing Self-Advocacy

Teaching Self-Advocacy to Support Adaptation Cues for Successful Self-Advocacy

to Disability ■ Negotiating health care and one’s rights can be complicated. Before
The process of taking control of one’s life when living with a dis- you make contacts, make a checklist of the questions or concerns
ability is essential—that is, being able to self-advocate for needs, you want to address.
interests, and rights, and to promote self-efficacy and autonomy. ■ Consider keeping a log of contacts or copies of written communi-
Every person with a disability needs self-advocacy in their tool kit cation that includes:
for life. Occupational therapists can address the primary facets of 1. What you wanted
self-advocacy to assist individuals with disabilities in gaining these
skills. 2. Who you contacted: name, title, address, phone number, e-mail
1. Admit and accept your disability. Focus on abilities or accommoda- 3. When: date and time of contact
tions you need to participate. Avoid using disability as an excuse. 4. What they said
2. Know your rights and responsibilities. Educate yourself on these 5. What needs to happen next or what you expect to happen (and
expectations. by when)
3. Know what you need or want. Consider alternatives and prioritize ■ Be respectful.
them. ■ Become informed about your disability and related issues. Consider
4. Negotiate regarding issues that interfere with your ability to self- retaining
advocate and be willing to compromise. Look for the “win-win” in 1. Copies of medical records, medication lists, lab tests, and self-
decisions. Be flexible and accept appropriate shared responsibil- care instructions
ities to enact a desired change. 2. Literature on disability and other major health conditions
5. Know where to go for support or resources. Know what is available 3. List of beneficial websites
in the community and on the Internet. Research supports, risks, ■ Gain an understanding of the perspective or the concerns of the
and benefits of what you find. other party.
6. Plan for the future. Be able to state your goals and then articulate ■ Rehearse your request or dialogue in the various ways you believe
what you are doing now or what you believe needs to occur next it might go.
for you to be successful.
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CHAPTER 4 ■ Psychosocial Concerns With Disability 55

BOX 4-1 ■ Information for Occupational Therapists Addressing Self-Advocacy—cont’d

■ Practice a convincing, clear voice and good eye contact while min- ■ If you meet resistance, do not push; instead, ask for another time
imizing negative emotions (anger, screaming, walking out, slam- to meet and consider bringing someone along for support or to
ming objects down, whining, saying “yes, but . . .”). request additional information.
■ Establish or set a good time for discussion to be unhurried and ■ Be willing to actively contribute to the desired change.
completed. ■ Pushing for a decision quickly may lead to the wrong one. Also,
■ Take time to say what you want, and ask for time to think about if decision is clearly not going to be acceptable, avoid having the
something before you answer. decision stated. Buy time for more thought and discussion by
■ Be willing to compromise, but also know your threshold below stopping discussion and requesting a future meeting.
which a decision is not acceptable.

Disability rights advocates initiated the concept of self- Summary

advocacy to assist individuals with confronting the limita-
tions, stigma, and injustices experienced during the medical Adaptation to disability or illness is a process, and occupa-
response to their disability. This included promoting treat- tional therapy practitioners are skilled at engaging both per-
ment as humans versus objects and the ability to self-direct son characteristics and environmental resources to enhance
versus being asked to comply. Self-advocacy, or empower- quality of life. This chapter extends understanding of the in-
ment, is now generalized to mean self-pursuit of all aspects dividual response to disability and psychosocial practice
leading to healthy, self-directed participation in all aspects of with individuals who experience disability of all types, given
living to ensure the best quality of life possible. the influence of the sociopolitical environment. Because of
The basics of self-advocacy and empowerment are uni- occupational therapy’s philosophy to be holistic practition-
versal. Self-advocacy is more individual and person centered, ers who use occupational engagement to interface personal
whereas empowerment is more person-environment cen- abilities with context, this chapter provides a broad insight
tered and moves groups of people toward collective action or of influences that impact response to disability among the
outcomes, such as bettering communities or systems. Re- individuals we serve. Occupational therapy practitioners are
gardless, the outcome of both is to transform choices into called to use this broader understanding to challenge all as-
desired outcomes or actions for more fully engaged living pects of living with a disability in order to help our clients
and quality of life for persons with disabilities. reach their full potential and desired quality of life.

Active Learning Strategies

1. Reflection on Wright’s 11 Foundational 3. Disability Experience and Reflection
Simulate a disability by attempting three typical daily tasks
Consider contact you have had with a close family member (e.g., mobility impairment: wheelchair- or crutch-assisted gait
or friend with a disability whom you know well. Review each problems; hearing impairment: ear plugs; visual impairment:
of the 11 beliefs described in this chapter. Apply each belief scotch tape over lenses, remove eyeglasses or contacts or
to that individual, and reflect on how these beliefs impact patch). What challenges or loss of function did you experi-
how you might ethically work with this person. How can you ence? How did you feel about this loss? How did people react
ensure that these traditions are carried out in your everyday to you differently because of your disability? What happened
practice? that you did not expect? Did you have experiences that came
from being or others seeing you as disadvantaged or devalued?
What would be the difference between your experience and
2. Promotional Brochure living with this disability daily? What has this experience
Imagine that you work for a nonprofit organization and taught you about your future practice?
are expected to work with your facility’s marketing and
development units on a brochure that will reflect the ben- Describe the experience in your
efits of occupational therapy. It will be used to raise funds Reflective Journal.
to purchase beneficial equipment and cover costs for treat-
ing individuals who do not have funding sources for care. Caution: Some do not advocate simulations because they
What visual images and narratives would you include believe that they present false pictures of reality. Simulating
about your program? Share a draft of your brochure with a disability does not totally parallel the lived experience. An
another student in your class. Compare your images with alternative is to shadow a person with a disability or accom-
one another, and critique one another’s brochure as to pany the person simulating the same disability to obtain a
content that might be considered as prejudicial, discrimi- better perspective. To experience others’ reactions, minimize
nating, or dehumanizing. visual cues and behaviors that you are not “really disabled.”
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56 PART 1 ■ Foundations

4. Acquired Versus Congenital Disability What are the comparative challenges or negatives by having
Reflection either? Is acquiring a disability or chronic illness experienced
differently at each of the major developmental life stages?
Some consider the experience with an acquired disability oc-
How does this impact your response to disability or chronic
curring later in life as different from what an individual with
illness during practice?
a congenital disability experiences. What are the compara-
tive opportunities created by having either type of disability?

Resources Kübler-Ross, E. (2005). On Grief and Grieving: Finding the Meaning

of Grief Through the Five Stages of Loss. New York: Simon &
• Independent Living Centers: Schuster.
• Disability Rag: Langer, K. G. (1994). Depression and denial in psychotherapy of
• disABILITY Magazines: persons with disabilities. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 48,
magazine.htm 181–194.
Littlewood, R. (2006). Mental health and intellectual disability:
Culture and diversity. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research,
References 50, 555–560.
Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education Livneh, H. (2001). Psychosocial adaptation to chronic illness and
(ACOTE). (2006a). Accreditation Standards for a Doctoral- disability: A conceptual framework. Rehabilitation Counseling
Degree-Level Education Program for the Occupational Thera- Bulletin, 44, 151–160.
pist. Rockville, MD: Author. Livneh, H., & Antonak, R. F. (1997). Psychosocial Adaptation to
Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education Chronic Illness and Disability. Gaithersburg, MD: Aspen.
(ACOTE). (2006b). Accreditation Standards for a Master’s-Degree- Livneh, H., & Antonak, R. F. (2005). Psychosocial adaptation to
Level Education Program for the Occupational Therapist. Rockville, chronic illness and disability: A primer for counselors. Journal of
MD: Author. Counseling & Development, 83, 12–20.
Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education Miller, W. R., & Rollnick, S. (2002). Motivational Interviewing:
(ACOTE). (2006c). Accreditation Standards for the Occupational Preparing People to Change Addictive Behavior (2nd ed.). New
Therapy Assistant. Rockville, MD: Author. York: Guilford Press.
Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 (PL 101-336), 42 U.S.C. § Milliken, C. S., Auchterlonie, J. L., & Hoge, C. W. (2007). Longitudi-
12101. nal assessment of mental health problems among active
Association of the United States Army (AUSA). (2008). “Mental and reserve component soldiers. Journal of the American Medical
Health Care—Before, During and After Deployment.” Available at: Association, 298(18), 2141–2148. The National Council on Independent Living (NCIL). (2006). “The
(accessed October 20, 2009). Disability Rights and Independent Living Movements.” Available
Braverman, S. E., Spector, J., Warden, D. L., Wilson, B. C., Ellis, T. E., at: (ac-
Bamdad, M. J., & Salazar, A M. (1999). A multidisciplinary TBI cessed October 20, 2009).
inpatient rehabilitation programme for active duty service mem- Ogden, T. H. (2002). A new reading of the origins of object-
bers as part of a randomized clinical trial. Brain Injury, 13, relations theory. The International Journal of Psychoanalysis,
405–415. 83, 767–782.
Buck, F. M., & Hohmann, G. W. (1983). Parental disability and chil- Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (PL 93-112), 29 U.S.C. § 791.
dren’s adjustment. In E. L. Pan, T. E. Backer, & C. L. Vash (Eds.), Shontz, F. C. (1993). A personological integration of chemical de-
Annual Review of Rehabilitation (Vol. 3; pp. 203–241). New York: pendence and physical disability. In A. W. Heinemann (Ed.),
Springer. Substance Abuse and Physical Disability (pp. 21–39). New York:
Callicott, K. J. (2003). Culturally sensitive collaboration within Haworth Press.
person-centered planning. Focus on Autism and Other Develop- Smart, J. (2001). Disability, Society, and the Individual. Austin, TX:
mental Disabilities, 18, 60–68. PRO-ED.
DeJong, G. (1979). Independent living: From social movement to an- Sobralske, M. (2006). Machismo sustains health and illness beliefs
alytic paradigm. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, of Mexican American men. Journal of the American Academy of
60(10), 435–446. Nurse Practitioners, 18, 348–350.
Geraldi, S. S. (1996). The management of battle-fatigued soldiers: Stewart, J. R. (1994). Denial of disabling conditions and specific in-
An occupational therapy model. Military Medicine, 161, 483–488. terventions in the rehabilitation counseling setting. Journal of
Gorman, K. K. (1993). Addicted and disabled: One man’s journey Applied Rehabilitation Counseling, 25(3), 7–15.
from helplessness to hope. In A. W. Heinemann (Ed.), Substance Stoffel, V. C., & Moyers, P. A. (2004). An evidence-based and occupa-
Abuse and Physical Disability (pp. 11–20). New York: Haworth tional perspective of interventions for persons with substance-use
Press. disorders. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 58, 570–586.
Grant, B.F., Stinson, F.S., Dawson, D.A., Chou, P., Dufour, M.C., U.S. Census Bureau. (2003, March). Census 2000 Briefs. Washington,
Compton, W., Pickering, R.P., & Kaplan, K. (2006). Prevalence and DC: U.S. Department of Commerce.
co-occurrence of substance use disorders and independent mood U.S. Office of Personnel Management. (n.d.).“Patients’ Bill of Rights
and anxiety disorders. Alcohol Research & Health, 29, 107–120. and the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program.” Available at:
Grieger, T. A., Cozza, S. J., Ursano, R. J., Hoge, C., Martinez, P. E.,
Engel, C. C., & Wain, H. J. (2006). Posttraumatic stress disorder Bill_Of_Rights.asp (accessed October 19, 2009).
and depression in battle injured soldiers. American Journal of Vash, C. L. (1981). The Psychology of Disability. New York: Springer.
Psychiatry, 163, 1777–1783. Wright, B. A. (1959). Psychology and Rehabilitation. Washington,
Individuals With Disabilities Education Act of 1975 (PL 99-457), 20 DC: American Psychological Association.
U.S.C. § 1400. Wright, B. A. (1983). Physical Disability: A Psychological Approach.
Kübler-Ross, E. (1973). On Death and Dying. New York: Routledge. New York: Harper & Row.
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Evidence-Based Practice
in Mental Health 5
Hector W.H. Tsang, Andrew M.H. Siu, and Chris Lloyd

T he deepest sin against the human mind is to believe things without evidence.

—Thomas H. Huxley, 1893

services that are bolstered by a strong scientific base, prefer-

Imagine that you are a new occupational therapist working ably accumulated through a plethora of randomized clinical
in a community-based mental health setting. Your primary trials performed by different research teams in multiple re-
job responsibilities involve working with individual con- search sites and even in different places of the world. (p. 94)”
sumers to successfully manage their independent living. Going further, a meta-analysis would be even better, provid-
Some consumers are living in their own apartments for the ing a statistical summary of multiple studies that allows for an
first time. You are also in charge of running groups at the objective judgment about the magnitude of the effect of a par-
mental health center with a focus on developing supportive ticular intervention.
relationships among friends and family. You have several Although evidence-based practice has had a sweeping ef-
ideas in mind as to how you might approach these responsi- fect on the current provision of health and rehabilitation
bilities based on your occupational therapy education and services, it does not have a long history. The history, accord-
fieldwork experiences. However, you are wondering how to ing to Tanenbaum (2006), can be dated back to the astonish-
make a decision about which approach to take. Along with ing findings of small area variation studies conducted by
considering the wants and needs of your clients, the philos- a physician, John Wennberg, in the 1980s. Dr. Wennberg
ophy of the setting, and the available resources, an essential found that physicians treated the same medical condition dif-
component of this decision should include an appraisal of ferently, depending not on scientific evidence, but largely
the available research evidence. By selecting intervention ap- on their demographic similarity. His conclusion was that
proaches with sound research evidence, you will increase the physicians were uncertain about how to treat their patients
likelihood that the services you provide will result in positive and that the treatment decision was heavily dependent on
outcomes. factors such as tradition and norm. Wennberg and others
This chapter reviews the historical roots and develop- therefore suggested the shift of paradigm that is now known
ment of evidence-based practice for people with psychiatric as evidence-based medicine.
disabilities. It reviews research involving or conducted by oc- In the 2000 Eleanor Clarke Slagle Lecture, Holm (2000)
cupational therapists and discusses how the field of occupa- remarked that the Occupational Therapy Code of Ethics has
tional therapy can strengthen its base of evidence-based affirmed the importance of and need for evidence based-
practice. The chapter also reviews established evidence- practice. In fact, Principle 4.E of the Code of Ethics states,
based practices in the field of mental health so that occupa- “Critically examine evidence so they may perform their
tional therapists can become familiar with these practices duties on the basis of current information” (American Occu-
and consider adopting them in their practice settings. pational Therapy Association, 2005, p. 641). Occupational
therapists need to be able to identify and select the best evi-
dence for their practice.
A hierarchy has been suggested with which to classify
Development of Evidence-Based evidence based on its strengths at five levels, as shown in
Practice Table 5-1 (Moore, McQuary, & Gary, 1995).
To further elucidate the levels of evidence hierarchy, we
“What exactly is evidence-based practice?” There is a tremen- use anger management interventions for youth as an exam-
dous amount of literature that attempts to address this simple ple. Level I evidence is the strongest because it is not based on
question. Evidence-based practice is defined as the conscien- a single study, but recognizes the importance of replication of
tious and judicious use of current best evidence in making de- positive findings before a practice can truly be evidence
cisions about the care of our clients (Sackett, Rosenberg, Gray, based. Blake and Hamrin (2007) conducted a systematic re-
Haynes, & Richardson, 1996). A simpler and yet specific defi- view of psychosocial approaches to anger management for
nition was suggested by Torrey, Rapp, van Tosh, McNabb, and youth ages 5 to 17 years. This means that they reviewed all
Ralph (2005): “Evidence-based practice (EBP) refers to health studies that met their criteria. They found that the techniques
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58 PART 1 ■ Foundations

Level IV evidence is based on nonexperimental studies.

Table 5-1 ● Classification of Strength of Evidence This could be a study that uses a pre-post or a single-subject
Level Description design. With these designs, there is a lack of information
regarding what would occur for individuals who do not re-
I Level I evidence is the strongest. It is generated through ceive the intervention. Gaines and Barry (2008) used a single-
meta-analytic or systematic reviews on multiple, well-designed,
randomized controlled trials.
subject design to examine relaxation training for aggressive
adolescents. Only two of the six participants improved on
II Level II evidence is originated from sound randomized controlled targeted behaviors.
trials with appropriate sample size.
Level V evidence is drawn from expert opinion or quali-
III In Level III evidence, there is a control group, but the design lacks tative studies. An example is a program description that does
randomization to group assignment. not include a research component. Qualitative studies typi-
IV Level IV evidence is generated from desirable nonexperimental cally do not provide efficacy evidence, but can provide infor-
studies such as single-subject and pre- and post-test studies. mation that is useful to the topic that may not be obtained
V Level V qualitative research and evidence is generated from the through quantitative methods. For example, in a qualitative
opinions of respected authorities. study of adolescent perceptions of violence, adolescents in
focus groups discussed what constitutes a fight and a
weapon (Marsh, McGee, Nada-Raja, & Currey, 2007). The
used most commonly were based on cognitive behavioral or participants believed that adults did not always distinguish
skills training approaches, and included affective education, between play fights and real fights, and that there was a dif-
relaxation training, cognitive restructuring, problem-solving ference between fighting that occurred at school and outside
skills, social skills, and conflict resolution. The greatest num- school. This information could be useful in both assessing
ber of studies, which also produced the strongest effect sizes and providing interventions for youth violence.
(i.e., the largest improvements) were interventions using cog- The previous example illustrates that an analysis of
nitive behavioral approaches. the literature can be useful in identifying evidence-based
Level II evidence is randomized controlled trials (RCTs) practices. Overall, there is research support for anger man-
of adequate sample size. At this point, the levels of evidence agement programs. An occupational therapist interested
hierarchy are focused on a single study. An RCT provides the in using anger management approaches would need to do
strongest evidence for a single efficacy study because the de- further investigation into the research to identify the most
sign itself controls for many other factors that might account effective programs, the best match for a particular setting,
for a difference among groups. In other words, with an RCT, and the logistics of implementing a particular approach
the results are more likely to be attributable to the interven- (e.g., training, time).
tion itself and not some other factor (e.g., natural recovery
or placebo effect).
Greene et al (2004) studied the efficacy of the collabora-
tive problem-solving (CPS) approach for managing disrup- Issues of Evidence-Based Practice—
tive behavior in children with oppositional defiant disorder.
In this RCT, children were assigned to either the CPS inter-
Beyond Efficacy Studies
vention or parent management training. Both interventions The concept of levels of evidence is applicable to efficacy
resulted in improvements, but the CPS intervention resulted studies in which the research question is focused on whether
in greater effects, particularly related to limit setting and a particular intervention works. In this case, RCTs, by design,
communication. are best at answering causal questions and provide the
In level III evidence, a control or comparison group ex- strongest type of evidence. However, occupational therapists
ists to be compared with the intervention group; however, and other practitioners are frequently interested in other
participants are not randomly assigned to the group. Lack types of research questions that can be better answered with
of randomization causes some threats to the validity of the other designs.
study because the method of group assignment could in- Tickle-Degnen and Bedell (2003) argue that there is more
fluence the results. For example, if initial volunteers are to choosing and communicating about an intervention than
placed in the intervention group, then these individuals simply understanding its probability of causing a beneficial
may be more motivated and eager to change. In some stud- outcome in a population. They suggest that practitioners are
ies, one setting will receive an intervention, and the other concerned not only with causality and probability, but also
setting the control. In this case, the setting itself could af- with patterns and possibility when it comes to selecting an
fect the outcomes. intervention. This information is drawn from quantitative
Botvin, Griffin, and Nichols (2006) studied a life skills descriptive, observational, and correlational designs, as well
training program administered to sixth-grade students in a as qualitative narrative analysis, ethnographic, and phenom-
school setting. Children were not randomly assigned to the enological designs. Tickle-Degnen and Bedell recommend
intervention or control groups; instead, schools were ran- that evidence-based practice must build models that help
domly selected for participation. Results indicated that the practitioners to evaluate and synthesize research evidence
intervention participants had less verbal and physical aggres- from multiple studies, and then integrate it with informa-
sion, fighting, and delinquency. Although these results are tion coming from other sources in a manner that is useful
promising, the potential effects of setting (e.g., the selected and practical for clinical decision-making.
intervention schools may have been more motivated to work For example, questions about patterns are typically an-
toward change) should be taken into account. swered using correlation or regression designs (which would
1704_Ch05_057-070.qxd 7/9/10 4:59 PM Page 59

CHAPTER 5 ■ Evidence-Based Practice in Mental Health 59

fall under level IV evidence). An example of a predictive

In ivi ses

cr du
ind ca
question that an occupational therapist might pose is the re-

iq u

e a a and

se l di
lationship between self-efficacy and engagement in health-

ty t
en ese e in

s a ffe exa
liza rch b
promoting behaviors. I

bil r en m in
e g cy r denc


ity ce e
Qualitative research ranks low on the levels of evidence

to s a me
ed effic confi
hierarchy, but answers essential questions that cannot

de nd an


be answered using quantitative methods (Fossey, Harvey,

ca lts of ses

McDermott, & Davidson, 2002). In qualitative research, the


methods focus on subjective methods of gathering infor-

res Incr

mation, such as interviews, focus groups, and observations.

Qualitative research provides information about the lived IV
experience and meaning. It values the individual and rec-
ognizes the limitations associated with aggregating data.
For example, in a weight loss study, the average weight loss V
data for the group does not tell the story of the individual
who gained weight or the person who lost much more than FIGURE 5-1. The levels of evidence construct is most relevant for
evaluating studies examining the efficacy of interventions for groups of
the average. In addition, qualitative research is useful in people. Randomized controlled trials and systematic reviews are gen-
theory development. A qualitative study can help uncover erally not useful for studying individual experiences and unique or rare
concepts and theories that would have been left unknown situations.
using other methods.
The important point is that the research design should
match the research question. Although the levels of evidence effective. Has this happened in mental health? The literature
hierarchy establishes the importance of RCTs for efficacy shows that occupational therapists are active in conducting
questions, other designs are better for answering questions mental health research. Currently, there is a lack of RCTs and
of meaning, relationship, and description. meta-analyses reported by occupational therapists, and typi-
There are other limitations to the notion of evidence-based cal studies are small and often report pilot work. However, the
practice. Current research tends to focus on medically ori- increase in doctorally prepared occupational therapists and
ented outcomes, such as hospitalization and symptoms, and is emphasis on evidence-based practice is leading to higher-
typically less focused on occupational performance and con- quality research.
structs associated with recovery (e.g., empowerment, quality Tse, Lloyd, Penman, King, and Bassett (2004) discussed
of life) (Solomon & Stanhope, 2004). Another limitation is the the importance of evidence-based practice and the necessity
fact that evidence cannot keep up with practice. The research for occupational therapists to become evidence-based prac-
process is a lengthy one, as is the time period from when a titioners. They highlighted the importance of therapists and
study is completed until when it is published. Therefore, there academic researchers being involved in clinical research.
will always be a lag between when a practice is initiated and Table 5-2 provides a sampling of research since 2000 that has
when there is a significant body of research that either sup- been conducted by mental health occupational therapists
ports or rejects a particular practice. and/or provides evidence about occupational therapy inter-
In addition, many of the controls applied to increase the ventions in mental health.
internal validity of a study may actually limit the generaliz- Clearly, mental health occupational therapists have been
ability of the findings. In other words, the strict protocol of active in conducting research and contributing to the evi-
the study (e.g., criteria for participants, training of leaders, dence base for practice in mental health. Occupational ther-
or intensity of the intervention) may be so different from apy can continue to improve its status as a health profession
traditional practice that the usefulness of the study may be for people with psychiatric disabilities by contributing to the
limited for real life occupational therapy (Fig. 5-1). research literature. An area of improvement that is needed is
All that being said, there is a body of research that already more occupational therapy research using RCTs in efficacy
exists (and is growing substantially as this chapter is written) studies. However, occupational therapy research is providing
and can inform practitioners about best practices in mental valuable information related to functional assessment, un-
health occupational therapy. Consequently, it is important that derstanding occupational performance, intervention plan-
occupational therapists become informed about evidence- ning and development, and efficacy of interventions.
based practice and use that information to make decisions
about their own practice. Competent and ethical occupational
therapy practice requires that evidence is considered in the Recommendations for Increasing
clinical reasoning process. Occupational Therapy Research
Although growing, the research evidence originating from oc-
cupational therapy in mental health is limited. The following
Evidence-Based Practice recommendations are made for increasing the contribution of
occupational therapy to mental health research:
and Occupational Therapy 1. Occupational therapists need to be more involved in
Cusick and McClusky (2000) urged occupational therapists to intervention research that supports the core occupa-
incorporate evidence-based practice into their professional tional therapy approaches of therapeutic activities and
role in order to remain competent, relevant, and clinically activity groups.
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60 PART 1 ■ Foundations

Table 5-2 ● Occupational Therapy Research

Author/Date Design Purpose Results
O’Brien (2007) Quantitative and Prevocational program to build motivation Participants increased confidence and motivation
qualitative for people with mental illness in vocational activity
Basset, Lloyd, & Bassett (2001) Qualitative Identify issues of young people with Themes identified included loss, low self-
psychosis seeking employment confidence, treatment issues, need for support,
and difficulty achieving goals
Lee, Tan, Ma, Tsai, & Liu (2006) Randomized Efficacy of a work-related stress Large but short-term positive effect on work-
crossover management program for people with related stress
Eklund, Hansson, & Alquist (2004) Descriptive Compared work with other forms of People who worked were more satisfied with
occupation for people with mental illness daily activities and rated as better functioning
Kin Wong et al (2008) RCT Efficacy of supported employment in Supported employment was more effective than
Hong Kong conventional vocational rehabilitation for finding
and sustaining employment
Henry, Lucca, Banks, Simon, Controlled trial Effect of individual placement and support Individuals receiving IPS who also regularly used
& Page (2004) (IPS) vocational models on mental health mental health services were more likely to have
hospitalizations fewer hospitalizations and emergency visits
Tsang & Pearson (2001) RCT Efficacy of a work-related social skills Participants in the WSST program had better
training (WSST) program for people with social competence and greater employment
schizophrenia outcomes
Lloyd, King, McCarthy, & Scanlan (2007) Correlational Examine relationship between motivation to Significant positive relationship exists between
engage in leisure and perception of recovery leisure motivation and recovery
Lloyd, Wong, & Petchkovsky (2007) Qualitative Ways that an arts program contributes to Themes included art as a medium of expression
recovery and self-discovery and the promotion of
spirituality, empowerment, and self-validation
Health Promotion
Lloyd, Williams, & King (2004) Pre- and post-test Efficacy of a sexual health education Participants increased knowledge related to
program for people with mental illness sexual health
Almomani, Brown, & Williams (2006) RCT Efficacy of a toothbrushing intervention for Intervention resulted in significant improvements
people with mental illness in oral hygiene
Brown, Goetz, Van Sciver, Controlled trial Efficacy of a weight loss intervention for Individuals in the intervention had significant
& Sullivan (2006) people with mental illness weight loss, whereas individuals in control group
gained weight
Reid, Lloyd, & de Groot (2005) Qualitative Experiences of parents of adults with Themes included usefulness of psychoeducation,
mental illness barriers to accessing information and support,
unmet caregiver needs, and negotiating the best
care for family members
Bassett, Lloyd, & King (2003) Pre- and post-test Efficacy of nutrition program for mothers Mothers reported a change in how the family
with mental illness shopped and cooked, and less money spent on
foods identified in the “eat least” group
Gitlin, Hauck, Dennis, & Winter (2005) RCT Efficacy of REACH intervention—six-session Caregivers in the intervention group reported
OT for caregivers of people with Alzheimer's improved skills, fewer behavioral occurrences,
disease to modify environment to support less need for help, and a long-term improvement
daily functioning in affect
Chan, Lee, & Chan (2007) RCT Efficacy of the TRIP program to increase Intervention participants had increased awareness
self-awareness and treatment adherence of health and lower readmission rate than
for people with schizophrenia controls
Assertive Community Treatment (ACT)
Krupa et al (2005) Qualitative Experience of individuals receiving ACT Participants were primarily positive about ACT,
but also reported tension regarding conflicts with
providers, stigma, and lack of autonomy
Krupa, McLean, Eastabrook, Bonham, Descriptive Time use of individuals receiving ACT Individuals in ACT have imbalance of time use,
& Baksh (2003) primarily spending time in leisure activities and
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CHAPTER 5 ■ Evidence-Based Practice in Mental Health 61

Table 5-2 ● Occupational Therapy Research—cont’d

Author/Date Design Purpose Results
Life Skills Training
Helfrich & Fogg (2007) Pre- and post-test Efficacy of life skills training for individuals Improvements in self-care and community
who are homeless safety
Duncombe (2004) RCT Compared life skills training (cooking) in Training in home was no more effective than
home and clinic for people with schizophrenia training in clinic
Brown, Rempfer, & Hamera (2002) Controlled trial Efficacy of grocery shopping intervention Individuals in the intervention improved in
for people with schizophrenia grocery shopping accuracy and efficiency when
compared to controls
Substance Abuse
White (2007) Pre- and post-test Efficacy of time management and Participants increased knowledge of time
organization program for people with mental management, improved punctuality, and ability to
illness and substance abuse disorders maintain appointment books
Stoffel & Moyers (2004) Systematic review Reviewed effective interventions for Identified four effective intervention approaches:
substance abuse brief interventions, cognitive behavioral therapy,
motivational interviewing, and 12-step programs
Peer Interaction in Children
Tanta, Deitz, White, & Billingsley (2005) Single subject Children with delayed play skills were Children with delayed play skills had more
matched with one child with higher skills initiation and response when playing with higher-
and one child with lower skills skilled peers
Marr, Mika, Miraglia, Roerig, Single subject Efficacy of sensory stories for improving Sensory stories were effective in making
& Sinnott (2007) target behaviors in children with autism changes in individualized target behaviors
Measurement Development
Bassett, King, & Lloyd (2006) Psychometric Development of a parent–child assessment Evidence for reliability, discriminative and
for parents with mental illness concurrent validity
Katz, Golstand, Bar-Ilan, Psychometric Usefulness of the dynamic cognitive Useful for discriminating children with ADHD,
& Parush (2007) assessment for children good interrater reliability and internal consistency
Quake-Rapp, Miller, Ananthan, Psychometric Usefulness of direct observation as a Proved to be an effective method for identifying
& Chiu (2008) means of observing problem behaviors in behaviors that interfere with group participation
youth unwilling to answer questions
Pan, Chung, & Hsin-Hwei (2003) Psychometric Reliability and validity of the Canadian Identified occupational performance issues
Occupational Performance Measure for not collected with others measures (particularly
clients with psychiatric disorders leisure), good test–retest reliability
Hamera & Brown (2000) Psychometric Reliability and validity of the Test of Grocery Good test–retest reliability and alternate forms,
Shopping Skills support for construct validity
Brown, Cromwell, Filion, Dunn, Psychometric Discriminant validity of the Adult Sensory Identified distinct patterns of sensory processing
& Tollefson (2002) Profile for individuals with schizophrenia for people with schizophrenia and bipolar
and bipolar disorder disorder when compared with individuals without
mental illness
RCT, randomized controlled trial; ACT, assertive community treatment; ADHD, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder.

2. Psychosocial occupational therapists around the world demonstrated that collaboration has the potential to
have developed a wide spectrum of mental health serv- overcome the low level of involvement in clinical re-
ices. Occupational therapy programs and intervention search, and outlined the steps involved in developing
protocols that are standardized with protocols or man- a collaboration between clinicians and academic re-
uals are ready candidates for evaluation research. Oc- searchers. Clinicians can provide access to the popu-
cupational therapists can incorporate pre- and post- lation and the therapists to carry out the intervention,
measures to collect outcome data that would support whereas academic researchers can design the study,
the efficacy of the intervention. The unique and inno- select outcome measures, and analyze the data.
vative programs could be brought to the attention of 4. Although there are a number of barriers to the imple-
other professions via presentations at international mentation of experimental research, quasi-experimental
conferences and publications in peer-reviewed multi- and observational studies also provide important quan-
disciplinary journals. titative evidence, and qualitative research helps us
3. Lloyd, King, and Bassett (2005) reported the benefits answer “how” and “why” occupational therapy interven-
of forming a collaborative partnership between occu- tions works. When experimental studies are not feasible,
pational therapy clinicians and a university in order occupational therapists can consider these other re-
to conduct research within a clinical setting. They search designs.
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62 PART 1 ■ Foundations

5. Case studies in journals and textbooks should attempt The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Adminis-
to knit theory, practice, and research together by tration (SAMHSA) has released the three foundation guide-
demonstrating how evidence-based practice can be lines to promote the implementation of evidence-based
implemented within a coherent theoretical frame- practice (Center for Substance Abuse Prevention, 2007):
work. Occupational therapists can submit case studies
■ Guideline 1 suggests that the intervention should be
to journals that describe the approach to an individual
formed with solid and validated theoretical framework.
case in terms of a theoretical perspective, the clinical
■ Guideline 2 asserts that its effectiveness should be sup-
reasoning and intervention provided, and the out-
ported by empirical evidence.
comes collected.
■ Guideline 3 suggests that the intervention should be
Evidence-based practice includes the assimilation of em- judged by a group of informed experts to be effective in
pirical evidence for clinical decisions. Therapists and the pro- terms of its underlying theoretical framework, research
fession should conduct regular reviews to synthesize empiri- outcomes, and practice experience.
cal evidence from occupational therapy and other fields to
The SAMHSA has established a Web-based searchable
support clinical reasoning. An excellent example of this is the
database, the National Registry of Evidence-based Programs
review conducted by Stoffel and Moyers (2004) on substance
and Practices, to provide information about evidence-based
abuse treatments. In this review, they identified four evidence-
programs for individuals with co-occurring disorders.
based practices: brief intervention, cognitive behavioral ther-
The next section describes several intervention ap-
apy, motivational interviewing, and 12-step programs. Espe-
proaches that fall within occupational therapy’s domain and
cially helpful in this review was an analysis of the role of
that meet SAMHSA’s criteria for evidence-based practices. A
occupational therapy within each of these practices.
brief description of the practice, along with supporting evi-
dence, is presented. Each intervention is discussed in fuller
detail in other chapters of the book, and the corresponding
Evidence-Based Psychosocial chapter is identified in each section. The strong research
support for these practices increases the likelihood of posi-
Interventions tive outcomes for consumers. Therefore, it is important that
Medication is a standard treatment for people with psychi- occupational therapists are familiar with these practices and,
atric disabilities. However, medications rarely provide total when applicable, consider adopting them.
relief from psychiatric symptoms and disability. For exam-
ple, 30% to 50% of individuals with psychotic illnesses do Assertive Community Treatment
not respond adequately to traditional antipsychotic medica-
tion (Lacro, Dunn, Dolder, Leckband, & Jeste, 2002). Fur- One goal of mental health services and occupational therapy
thermore, many individuals taking psychiatric medications is to enable community functioning among people with psy-
(just like those who take medications for other illnesses) do chiatric disabilities (Bustillo, Lauriello, Horan, & Keith,
not adhere to the recommended medication regimes 2001). The coordination and thoughtful allocation of men-
(Cramer & Rosenback, 1998; Lacro et al, 2002). The main tal health services are promoted by proper case management
reasons for poor compliance are the side effects associated systems (Antai-Ontog, 2003). Assertive community treat-
with the medication (Corrigan, Liberman, & Engel, 1990) ment (ACT) is a community-oriented intensive case man-
and internalized stigma (Tsang, Fung, & Corrigan, 2006). agement approach (Dhillon & Dollieslager, 2000; Lehman
Due to the limitations of medication, the current emphasis et al, 2003; Mueser, Bond, Drake, & Resnick, 1998; Philips
on recovery, and the availability of psychiatric rehabilitation, et al, 2001) that originated from the Mendota Mental Health
psychosocial intervention is widely accepted for people with Institute in Madison in the late 1970s (Stein & Santos, 1998;
psychiatric disabilities. Stein & Test, 1980). ACT was developed in response to the
Psychosocial interventions refer to those modalities that deinstitutionalization movement of psychiatric rehabilita-
are designed to help clients attain independence, recovery, tion (Marshall & Lockwood, 1998).
employment, meaningful interpersonal relationships, and The key objectives of ACT are to reduce the hospital ad-
an improved quality of life (Antai-Otong, 2003). These in- mission rate among individuals with the most serious dis-
terventions address person factors, such as symptom man- abilities, develop skills for community living, and promote
agement, social skills, and cognitive performance; target oc- proper utilization of mental health services (Antai-Otong,
cupational performances, such as work, parenting, and 2003; Marshall & Lockwood, 1998). The unique principles of
independent living; and consider environmental barriers ACT enable it to be distinguished from traditional case man-
that interfere with successful and satisfying community liv- agement models.
ing. For the past three decades, a wide range of psychosocial One such principle is the importance of multidisciplinary
interventions have been developed and used with individu- teamwork (Bustillo et al, 2001; Lehman et al, 2003; Mueser et al,
als with mental illness. 1998; Philips et al, 2001). The team draws on the expertise of
However, not all psychosocial interventions are evidence its members to provide targeted services to clients. The com-
based. A common way of identifying evidence-based prac- position of each team may vary, but a team typically consists
tices is through established guidelines for best practice. In of 10 to 12 mental health professionals, such as an occupa-
the past few years, a number of indicators for determining tional therapist, nurse, psychiatrist, social worker, psycholo-
whether a particular psychosocial intervention may be re- gist, employment specialist, substance abuse specialist, peer
garded as evidence based have been put forward. specialist, or other related experts. All team members are able
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CHAPTER 5 ■ Evidence-Based Practice in Mental Health 63

to serve as case managers (Stein & Santos, 1998). The caseload and transmission. The cognitive remediation model assumes
of staff members is generally low, with approximately 1 staff that learning and generalization of social skills can be
member for every 10 clients. This ensures that staff members achieved by reducing the level of cognitive deficits, and thus
have the capacity to cope with the intensive needs of service fundamental cognitive skills are trained with this model.
recipients (Philips et al, 2001). The service provided is tailor- The effectiveness of SST for skill acquisition of people
made to meet the individualized needs of participants and is with psychiatric disabilities has been widely demonstrated
delivered on a 24-hour basis with no arbitrary time limit (Benton & Schroeder, 1990; Bustillo et al, 2001; Corrigan,
(Mueser et al, 1998; Philips et al, 2001). In other words, clients 1991; Heinssen, Liberman, & Kopelowicz, 2000; Lehman et al,
receive services for as long as needed, whenever they are 2003); that is, the SST evidence finds that people with psy-
needed. chiatric disabilities are able to acquire and maintain new
Numerous studies of ACT provide empirical support re- skills. A meta-analysis conducted by Mojtabai, Nicholson,
garding its effectiveness in reducing the number of hospital and Carpenter (1998) found a moderate effect size for SST.
admissions, reducing the total length of stay in psychiatric In view of the importance of social skills for success in em-
hospitals, and improving housing stability among people ployment, Tsang and Pearson (1996; 2001) developed a
with psychotic disorders (Bustillo et al, 2001; Holloway & structural work-related social skills training (WSST) pro-
Carson, 1998; Marshall & Lockwood, 1998; Mueser et al, gram for people with psychotic disorders. In addition to
1998; Nelson, Aubry, & Lafrance, 2007; Salyers & Tsemberis, practicing basic social skills and basic social survival skills,
2007). Studies indicate a range of 10% to 85% reduction in participants were required to learn the social skills necessary
hospitalization rates among participants who had engaged for handling general and specific work-related situations
in ACT programs (Latimer, 1999). The best outcomes were (Tsang & Pearson, 1996).
demonstrated for individuals with serious symptoms and Tsang and Pearson (2001) conducted an RCT to test the
functional impairments (Philips et al, 2001). effectiveness of the WSST program. The findings suggest
In addition to reducing hospitalization rates, the effective- that the participants had better social competence than
ness of ACT on improving other clinical outcomes is less those who received standard treatment without WSST. The
conclusive (Clark & Samnaliev, 2005), and consensus regard- competitive employment rate of participants of the WSST
ing its effectiveness in promoting competitive employment, program reached 46.7%. The WSST program is currently
social functioning, and symptom management has not been being used as a part of psychiatric rehabilitation programs
demonstrated (Marshall & Lockwood, 1998; Mueser et al, in Hong Kong, Australia, and Germany (Tsang & Cheung,
1998). (Assertive community treatment is described in more 2005).
detail in Chapter 40.) Skills training programs should be tailored to the re-
quired skills of a particular job (Becker et al, 1998). In view
of the importance of job-specific social skills for success in
Social Skills Training the workplace, Cheung, Tsang, and Tsui (2006) continued
Social skills are the basis of effective social performance earlier efforts along this line of study and developed a Job-
(Bellack & Mueser, 1993), enabling individuals to succeed in specific Social Skills Training (JSST) program with a spe-
daily life (Kopelowicz, Liberman, & Zarate, 2006). Social cific focus on the job of a salesperson because this job was
skills training (SST) is founded on social learning theory found to be common for people with psychotic disorders
(Bandura, 1969) and the principles of operant conditioning (Tsang, Ng, & Chiu, 2002). Tsang and colleagues (2005)
(Liberman, 1972). The objectives of SST are to promote the conducted a study of 106 salespeople to identify the re-
social functioning of individuals and enhance specific skills, quired specific social skills and used these findings to de-
such as identifying and mending problems in social rela- velop the JSST program.
tionships, daily life, work, and leisure (Lauriello, Bustillo, & A systematic literature review (Tsang & Cheung, 2005) on
Keith, 1999). SST works to optimize the social functioning the effectiveness of SST for people with psychiatric disabilities
of people with psychiatric disabilities (Antai-Otong, 2003) suggests a consistently strong and positive impact on social
and improve their repertoire of skills for community func- skills acquisition among participants. However, inconsistent
tioning (Corrigan, Schade, & Liberman, 1993). findings include symptom and relapse reduction, rehospital-
The key elements of SST include warm-up activities, behav- ization prevention, and short-term maintenance of skills. In
iorally based instructions, demonstration, corrective feedback, addition, the long-term outcomes of SST and generalization
and homework assignments (Lehman et al, 2003; Wallace et al, of behaviors remain unclear. (Also see Chapter 47.)
1980). Behavioral techniques such as prompting, shaping, re-
inforcing, and modeling are used to help individuals acquire Supported Employment
and maintain social skills (Glynn, 2003).
There are three models of SST (Bellack & Mueser, 1993; Work is an important domain of life that promotes positive
Bustillo et al, 2001): basic, social problem-solving, and cogni- mental health and community participation. Unfortunately,
tive remediation. The basic model focuses on corrective people with psychotic disorders have poor outcomes related
learning, in which complex social repertoires have been bro- to employment, with only 15% to 30% able to obtain com-
ken down into simple steps for practice. The social problem- petitive employment (Equal Opportunities Commission,
solving model works on the hypothesis that social skill 1997; Massel et al, 1990). Among those individuals with psy-
deficits are caused by impairments in information process- chiatric disabilities who are employed, problems with job
ing. The skill deficit of corresponding daily life domains is adjustment and tenure are prevalent (Marwaha & Johnson,
thus targeted and corrected in terms of reception, processing, 2004; Tsang, Ng, & Chiu, 2002).
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64 PART 1 ■ Foundations

Vocational rehabilitation aims to help people with psy- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
chotic disorders succeed in employment (Mueser & Bond,
2000) and facilitate their recovery process (Antai-Otong, Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a problem-oriented
2003). Traditionally, the “train and then place” approach was approach that works to improve emotional states by changing
the essential philosophy of vocational rehabilitation. Under distorted thinking (Reinecke, Ryan, & Dubois, 1998). CBT
this approach, people were expected to develop the necessary was first developed to treat depression and anxiety (Beck,
skills before seeking employment through sheltered work- 1976; Haddock et al, 1998). It has subsequently been used as a
shops or prevocational training programs. However, this supplement to pharmacotherapy for people with schizophre-
approach was associated with unfavorable outcomes (Clark nia and bipolar disorders (Gould, Mueser, Bolton, Mays, &
& Samnaliev, 2005; Glynn, 2003); Tsang, Chan, and Bond Goff, 2001) to diminish hallucinations and delusions, and re-
(2004) found that only 2.5% of individuals who received duce the level of social disability and risk of relapse (Bustillo
this type of intervention went on to obtain competitive et al, 2001; Glynn, 2003).
employment. CBT assumes the symptom or problem is manifested and
In view of the limitations of the traditional vocational maintained by the mediation of cognitive and environmental
rehabilitation model, the Individual Placement and Sup- processes, and modification of those processes can be accom-
port (IPS) model was developed to enhance treatment out- plished by teaching individuals more adaptive cognitive and
comes (Becker & Drake, 1993; Drake & Becker, 1996). IPS behavioral skills (Haddock et al, 1998). Kingdon, Turkington,
is a specific model of supported employment (SE) that and Beck (1993) described the two-pronged approach of
aims to help people with psychiatric disabilities obtain CBT; testing the validity of potential irrational beliefs by logi-
competitive employment (Drake & Becker, 1996). Accord- cal reasoning is the first step, followed by management strate-
ing to Bond et al (2001; Bond, 2004), instead of a “train and gies such as problem-solving and distraction if the targeted
then place” approach, the IPS model adopts a “place and concern could not be eliminated via logical reasoning. Modal-
then train” approach. The seven key principles of this SE ities such as psychoeducation, cognitive reconstruction, and
model are skills trainings are integrated in CBT programs (Kingdon &
Turkington, 1994).
■ Seeking competitive employment CBT was initially developed for individuals with depres-
■ Conducting a rapid job search sion, with the focus on changing negative thinking. There is
■ Integrating mental health services strong support for the efficacy of CBT for reducing
■ Emphasizing individuals’ preferences depressive symptoms and that it is equally effective when com-
■ Implementing continuous and comprehensive assessment pared to medication (Feldman, 2007). There is also evidence
■ Providing time-unlimited support that CBT may be more beneficial than medication for prevent-
■ Conducting benefits counseling ing relapse (Butler, Chapman, Forman, & Beck, 2006). There is
Empirical evidence indicates that the IPS model im- similar evidence for the efficacy of cognitive therapy in reduc-
proves short-term employment of people with psychotic ing symptoms associated with anxiety disorders (Hendriks,
disorders (Drake et al, 1999; Lehman et al, 2002). Bond Oude Voshaar, Keijsers, Hoogdwin, & van Balkom, 2008). CBT
(2004) reviewed nine RCTs investigating the effectiveness can be run in individual or group formats; the efficacy of
of IPS and found, on average, that 56% of the participants groups suggest this may be an efficient method for offering this
were able to achieve competitive employment. Overall, intervention (Oie & Dingle, 2008).
supported employment is superior to traditional methods Several clinical trials demonstrate the effectiveness of CBT
of vocational rehabilitation (e.g., prevocational training, in reducing psychotic symptoms such as delusions and audi-
sheltered workshops), as demonstrated by multiple RCTs tory hallucinations (Clark & Samnaliev, 2005; Gould et al,
(Bond, Drake, & Becker, 2008; Cook et al, 2008). Still, 2001; Lehman et al, 2003). A meta-analysis conducted by
nearly one-half of the individuals in SE do not obtain Tarrier and Wykes (2004) investigated 19 controlled trials of
sustained employment, and the effectiveness of the IPS CBT that suggested that CBT programs offered moderate
model in enhancing job satisfaction, job tenure, and other effect size reduction for positive symptoms (mean effect size
nonvocational outcomes has not been demonstrated = 0.37; SD = 0.39). Another meta-analysis included 14 con-
(Drake et al, 1999). trolled studies of CBT, which showed a mean effect size of
Vocational researchers have integrated skills training 0.37 in eliminating positive symptoms (Zimmermann,
elements into the IPS model in order to augment its treat- Favrod, Trieu, & Pomini, 2005). However, its beneficial effects
ment outcomes (Cook et al, 2005; McGurk, Mueser, & on prevention of relapse, reduction in hospital admissions,
Pascaris, 2005; Tsang, Chan, Wong, & Liberman (2009). and promotion of social functioning for people with schizo-
For example, individuals tended to work more hours and phrenia have been limited (Dickerson & Lehman, 2006).
earn more after they had engaged in the IPS program with (Also see Chapter 19.)
cognitive training (McGurk et al, 2005). Tsang, Fung,
Leung, Li, & Cheung (2010) incorporated SST in their Family Intervention
program and found that the competitive employment rate
was raised to 78.8%, and the participants tended to work Research suggests that outcomes for people with psychiatric
longer (23.84 weeks) within the 15 months of service. disabilities are associated with the family environment
Current research is exploring various versions of en- (Glynn, 2003). Expressed emotion is a concept used to indi-
hanced SE. (Also see Chapter 50.) cate the level of family stress due to factors such as criticism,
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CHAPTER 5 ■ Evidence-Based Practice in Mental Health 65

overinvolvement, and hostility (Antai-Otong, 2003). At the There is strong evidence supporting the efficacy of motiva-
same time, it is important to understand that taking care of tional interviewing for substance abuse treatment. A meta-
mentally ill family members does increase the stress and bur- analysis found that motivational interviewing was more effec-
den of the family (Tsang, Tam, Chan, & Cheung, 2003). The tive than no treatment, and was particularly useful for
purpose of family intervention (FI) is to reduce relapse establishing a therapeutic relationship and increasing engage-
rates, enhance the social adjustment of people with psy- ment in treatment (Burke, Arkowitz, & Mencholam, 2004).
chotic disorders, and reduce caregiver stress and burden Another review found that motivational interviewing was
(Glynn, 2003). equal to or more effective than other substance abuse interven-
Effective FIs consist of psychoeducation, problem-solving, tions (Babor & DelBoca, 2003). Motivational interviewing is
crisis management, and crisis intervention (Dixon & Lehman, typically offered in a very brief format (sometimes as brief as
1995; Lehman et al, 2003). FI can be conducted with an one session). Empirical evidence provides additional support
individual family or in multiple family groups. Research sug- for these short-term approaches (Vasilaki, Hosier, & Cox,
gests that the multiple family groups method is more effective 2006). (Also see Chapter 23.)
due to the additional benefit of increased social support
among members (Glynn, 2003; McFarlane, Dushay, Stastny, Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Deakins, & Link, 1996).
The effectiveness of FIs in the reduction of symptoms, Dialectical behavior therapy is based on both cognitive and be-
improvement in functioning, reduction of family burdens, havioral approaches (Linehan, 1993). It combines both individ-
and promotion of family subjective well-being are well ver- ual psychotherapy and group skills training. Dialectical behav-
ified by RCTs (Dixon, Adams, & Lucksted, 2000; Klingberg, ior therapy was originally developed for individuals with
Buckremer, Holle, Monking, & Hormung, 1999; Lehman et al, borderline personality disorder and focuses on emotion regula-
2003; Pharoah, Mari, Rathbone, & Wong, 2006). Mueser tion, impulse control, and reducing self-harm and suicidal be-
and Glynn (1998) reported that the relapse rate of individ- haviors. In dialectical behavior therapy, the primary dialectic
uals who had participated in FI was 24%, compared to 64% (the coming together of opposites) is acceptance and change. In
for those without FI. Moreover, FIs can also enhance med- terms of acceptance, there is a validation of the person’s experi-
ication compliance and improve the coping skills and ence of emotions and interventions that involve tolerating un-
knowledge of family members to take care of their mentally pleasant emotions. However, the change component of dialec-
ill relatives (McFarlane et al, 1996; Pharoah et al, 2006). tical behavior therapy emphasizes the development of healthy
Empirical evidence supports the durable effect of long- coping skills. The group skills training component of dialectical
term FI (Mueser & Glynn, 1998; Tarrier, Barrowclough, behavior therapy is best suited for occupational therapy. The
Porceddu, & Fitzpatrick, 1994), and the beneficial effects of four modules include mindfulness, interpersonal effectiveness,
FIs are sustained after the termination of services (Tarrier emotion modulation, and distress tolerance.
et al, 1994). (Also see Chapter 29.) Multiple RCTs demonstrate the efficacy of dialectical be-
havior therapy (Linehan, Armstrong, Suarez, Allmon, &
Heard, 1993; Linehan et al, 1999, 2006). These studies indi-
Motivational Interviewing cate that individuals with borderline personality disorder
that participate in dialectical behavior therapy are less likely
Motivational interviewing was originally developed to ad-
to drop out of therapy, and have reduced hospitalizations,
dress problems associated with making behavioral changes fewer parasuicidal and suicidal behaviors, and better social
for people with substance abuse disorders (Miller et al,
adjustment. (Also see Chapter 24.)
2006); however, it has since been applied to many other in-
terventions for behavioral change (e.g., smoking cessation,
weight loss, exercise). One of the primary differences be-
tween motivational interviewing and earlier approaches to Summary
substance abuse treatment is the style of interaction. Tradi-
Occupational therapists are involved in demonstrating evi-
tionally, substance abuse treatment used a confrontational
dence for practice; however, occupational therapy as a profes-
approach and was based on the belief that people could not
sion may lag behind some other health-care disciplines in
change until they “hit rock bottom” or were ready to
terms of their contributions. Evidence-based practices in men-
change. In contrast, motivational interviewing uses a col-
tal health include assertive community treatment, social skills
laborative approach that seeks to engage the client to want
training, supported employment, cognitive behavioral therapy,
to change.
family interventions, motivational interviewing, and dialecti-
The four general principles of motivational interviewing
cal behavior therapy. Unfortunately, none of these interven-
(Miller & Rollnick, 2002) include
tions is unique to occupational therapy. However, although oc-
1. Express empathy (let the client know that the change cupational therapists have developed an array of innovative
process is difficult) programs for people with mental illness, these treatments are
2. Develop discrepancy (identify differences between generally not known outside the occupational therapy com-
current behavior and personal goals and values) munity. The previous recommendations serve to guide occu-
3. Roll with resistance (avoid confrontation) pational therapists to cross the bridge and contribute in a more
4. Support self-efficacy (indicate that you believe the effective way to the development of evidence-based practice in
client is capable of making a change) our profession.
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66 PART 1 ■ Foundations

Active Learning Strategies

1. Applying Research 2. Journal Club
Read a research study about a mental health intervention Start a journal club. The purpose of a journal club is to discuss
that is of interest to you. Consider one of the interventions research with a group of individuals with similar interests.
discussed in this chapter or another chapter in this book. Af- With a group of students or fellow practitioners, decide on a
ter reading the study, identify the following information: regular meeting time and place. You might organize the jour-
● Describe the population, intervention (including how it nal club so that each member is responsible for identifying a
was implemented, frequency, and leaders/therapists), and research study or so that you might decide which studies to
outcomes measured. consider as a group. When together, some possible discussion
● Summarize the findings. questions could include
● Identify any study limitations. ● What did you learn from this study?
● What are the study’s strengths and weaknesses?
Reflective Questions
● How is the population, intervention, setting, etc.,
Now that you’ve gathered this information, what are your
similar to your knowledge or experiences of real life
impressions of the intervention?
● Would you recommend it for occupational therapy prac-
● What are the clinical implications of this study? What
tice? Why or why not?
does it teach you about your own practice?
● What is the risk of making judgments based on a single
study? What other information should you gather before
making a decision about this intervention?

Resources Bassett, J., Lloyd, C., & Bassett, H. (2001). Work issues for young
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on particular conditions and focused literature reviews called New York: International Universities Press.
Critically Appraised Topics on a particular research question. Becker, D. R., & Drake, R. E. (1993). A Working Life: The Individual Placement and Support (IPS) Program. Concord: New Hampshire-
• National Guideline Clearinghouse: Website for evidence-based Dartmouth Psychiatric Research Center.
practice guidelines that can be searched by condition or Becker, D. R., Drake, R. E., Bond, G. R., Xie, H., Dain, B. J., &
intervention. Harrison, K. (1998). Job terminations among persons with se-
• OTSeeker: Provides summaries and evaluations of systematic vere mental illness participating in supported employment.
reviews and randomized controlled trials that are relevant to Community Mental Health Journal, 34, 71–82.
occupational therapy. Bellack, A. S., & Mueser, K. T. (1993). Psychosocial treatment for
• Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 19(2), 317–336.
(SAMHSA): Provides a guide to evidence-based practice and Benton, M. K., & Schroeder, H. E. (1990). Social skills training with
searchable links for information on evidence-based practices in schizophrenics: A meta-analytical evaluation. Journal of Consulting
mental health. and Clinical Psychology, 58, 741–747.
Blake, C. S., & Hamrin, V. (2007). Current approaches to the assess-
References ment and management of anger and aggression in youth: A review.
Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing, 20, 209–221.
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oral health promotion program for people with psychiatric dis- evidence-based practice. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal,
abilities. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 29, 274–281. 27(4), 345–359.
American Occupational Therapy Association. (2005). Occupational Bond, G. R., Becker, D. R., Drake, R. E., Rapp, C. A., Meisler, N.,
Therapy Code of Ethics. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, Lehman, A. F., & Bell, M. D. (2001). Implementing supported
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Antai-Otong, D. (2003). Psychosocial rehabilitation. Nursing Clinics 52(3), 313–322.
of North America, 38(1), 151–160. Bond, G. R., Drake, R. E., & Becker, D. R. (2008). An update on ran-
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observation tool for use with parents with psychiatric disability Brown, C., Cromwell, R. L., Filion, D., Dunn, W., & Tollefson, N.
and their preschool children. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, (2002). Sensory processing in schizophrenia: Missing and avoid-
30, 31–37. ing information. Schizophrenia Research, 55, 187–195.
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Tickle-Degnen, L. (1998). Communicating with patients about White, S. (2007). Let’s get organized: An intervention program for persons
treatment outcomes: The use of meta-analytic evidence in col- with co-occuring disorders. Psychiatric Services, 58, 713.
laborative treatment planning. American Journal of Occupational Zimmermann, G., Favrod, J., Trieu, V. H., & Pomini, V. (2005). The
Therapy, 52, 526–530. effect of cognitive behavioral treatment on the positive symptoms of
Tickle-Degnen, L., & Bedell, G. (2003). Evidence-based practice schizophrenia spectrum disorders: A meta-analysis. Schizophrenia
forum—Heterarchy and hierarchy: A critical appraisal of “levels Research, 77(1), 1–9.
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The Person
Part 2 is divided into diagnosis and client factors sections.
It is important that occupational therapists have a
thorough understanding of the conditions of the
individuals with whom they work. For this reason, major
psychiatric diagnoses are presented with a focus on
Part 2
symptoms, etiology, impact on occupational performance,
and, when appropriate, medications used to treat the Section 1: Introduction
condition. Although occupational therapy practice is not 6 Introduction to the Person

driven by symptomatology, practitioners can better Section 2: Diagnosis

understand the experience of the individual with a mental 7 Pervasive Developmental
illness if the occupational therapist is aware of symptoms Disorders
8 Attention and Disruptive Behavior
the person may be experiencing. In addition, a working
knowledge of psychiatric diagnoses is useful when 9 Intellectual Disabilities
participating on a multidisciplinary treatment team. 10 Eating Disorders
Because occupational therapy assessment and 11 Personality Disorders
intervention are not based on diagnosis, these chapters 12 Mood Disorders
only provide minimal information on the topics. However, 13 Anxiety Disorders
assessment and intervention are covered in other chapters, 14 Schizophrenia
with equal attention given to assessment and intervention 15 Substance-Related Disorders
targeting client factors, environments, and occupations. 16 Co-Occurring Disorders
The client factors section addresses skills and 17 Dementia
abilities that are important for occupational performance. Section 3: Client Factors
In addition to the information on assessment and 18 Cognitive Skills
intervention, these chapters provide detailed content about 19 Cognitive Beliefs
the skills addressed, theories related to those skills, and 20 Sensory Skills
specific information on particular diagnoses that are 21 Communication and Social Skills
associated with impairments in those skill areas. 22 Coping Skills
23 Motivation
24 Emotion Regulation
25 Pain Regulation
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1 Introduction



to the Person 6
Catana Brown

“ T
to become
of the recovery
between ofmental
the unique,
has a substance abuse
staff] worked
is not
and deeply,

—Pat Deegan
become normal.The
who todoesn’t
be repeated
abuse and Igoal
I really
have a human
thinkis they
mental being
youth (Federation Families
to embrace our human
should split
is not normalization.The
the time
don’t know anyone
that we are called to be.
Children’s from Health

mental illness

Introduction People with psychiatric disabilities are speaking out, and

The Person-Environment-Occupation (PEO) model pro- their message is both shocking and compelling (Davidson,
vides the organizing framework for this book; that is, the 2006; Dunn, Wewiorski, & Rogers, 2008; Nelson, Clarke,
chapters are categorized and focused on one aspect of the Febbraro, & Hatzipantelis, 2005). What are they saying? The
model, with the understanding that the three components mental health system can be more harmful than helpful.
are inextricably interlinked (Law et al, 1996). Section 1 ad- People with serious mental illness can live full, productive
dresses content that is most strongly associated with the lives. All individuals are due the same civil rights. The ex-
person. In the PEO model, the person is viewed holistically pertise of the individual living with mental illness should be
with spiritual, social, and cultural experiences that shape respected. People with psychiatric disabilities have the same
the individual’s unique identity. In addition, the person opportunities to access housing and employment of their
has abilities, known as occupational performance compo- choice and to make the same mistakes as everyone else in so-
nents, that include affective, cognitive, and physical skills. ciety. Frequently, when people with psychiatric disabilities
This part of the text includes chapters on psychiatric express feelings of anger, sadness, and disappointment, these
diagnoses, and client factors. This introductory chapter feelings are labeled as symptoms. Instead, people with psy-
provides information on rethinking the person with a psy- chiatric disabilities should be expected to experience and ex-
chiatric disability from a recovery perspective, acknowl- press these feelings as part of the natural experience of being
edging the importance of the person’s expertise and narra- human.
tive, and an orientation to the subsequent chapters in this Some mental health professionals can be uncomfort-
section. able with adopting recovery-oriented principles. Practi-
tioners may believe that their expertise is not valued, may
be reluctant to acknowledge dehumanizing practices that
have taken place in mental health service delivery, or may
Recovery-Oriented Practice: simply be unskilled at working within this new paradigm.
Rethinking the Person Furthermore, recovery is typically described as a unique
process for each individual (Jacobson, 2001). If each indi-
The emphasis in mental health practice is often placed on vidual experiences recovery differently, practitioners can
what is “wrong” with a person. Symptoms and impairments no longer rely on diagnosis, deficit-based protocols,
are assessed and then identified as limitations. The profes- and/or practices that are applied uniformly to all people
sional as expert then prescribes what is best for the person, within a diagnostic category.
whether it be medications or a rehabilitation program; if Davidson and colleagues (2006) contend that moving
the person does not follow the prescribed plan, he or she is from a deficit model to one that focuses on enhancing par-
labeled noncompliant. However, the recovery movement ticipation and real world supports will require a significant
(see Chapter 1) is creating a paradigm shift in mental health transformation of the current mental health system. They
practice (Davidson, Flanagan, Roe, & Styron, 2006; Deegan state that “. . . the challenge posed by transformation there-
& Drake, 2006). fore is whether we choose to continue to confine adults with

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74 PART 2 ■ The Person

serious mental illnesses to the second- or third-class status of Addressing Symptoms

mental patient, or do we view and treat them as full, con-
tributing citizens capable of self-determination and worthy and Diagnosis
of being included fully in community life” (p. 1145). Central
to this transformation is asking people with mental illness Some occupational therapists may argue that diagnoses and
what they want and need. symptoms are associated with the medical model and there-
fore irrelevant to occupational therapy practice. Although a
medical model approach can overemphasize symptoms at
the expense of the person, the symptoms and diagnoses are
Acknowledging the Person still important in the provision of recovery-oriented serv-
The recovery paradigm is consistent with client-centered ices. Occupational therapists need to recognize and under-
practice in occupational therapy (Law, 1998). Many practi- stand the symptoms associated with mental disorders and
tioners, including occupational therapists, are beginning to psychiatric disabilities. However, in a recovery-oriented sys-
embrace recovery-oriented approaches and, as a result, find tem, the occupational therapist does not consider the illness
that their practice is more effective and rewarding (Gruhl, and associated symptoms to be a “life sentence of disable-
2005). Thinking about a person from a recovery-oriented ment.” Instead, the occupational therapist uses the informa-
perspective includes tion to better understand the experiences of the individual,
including how the diagnosis and symptoms impact his
■ Hearing the person’s unique story or her occupational performance. For example, what role
■ Respecting the person’s expertise of lived experience might severe depression play in a person’s desire to engage
■ Relating to the person as an equal member of society in self-care activities? Does an individual’s anxiety interfere
Recovery-oriented practices are also consistent with oc- with him or her using public transportation? Could audi-
cupational therapy models such as Person-Environment- tory hallucinations make test-taking challenging for a col-
Occupation (Stewart et al, 2003; also see Chapter 3) and lege student?
the Ecology of Human Performance (Dunn, Brown, & Occupational therapists are primarily concerned with
Youngstrom, 2003), which recognize that the person can- occupational performance, and psychiatric symptoms can
not be understood outside his or her context and valued interfere with successful or satisfying engagement in mean-
occupations. In her Eleanor Clark Slagle Lecture, Suzanne ingful occupations. Therefore, it is essential to take symp-
Peloquin (2005) discusses the ethos of occupational ther- toms into account in the assessment and intervention
apy. She states, “When in spite of constraints, practitioners processes, along with the other person, environment, and
make their interventions meaningful, lively and even fun, occupational factors that combine to determine the individ-
they infuse therapy’s purposive aims with its capacity to ual’s performance.
encourage and inspire. Acting on the belief that occupa- One example of a recovery-oriented intervention that
tion fosters dignity, competence and health, we embrace addresses symptoms along with overall health is the Well-
the spirit of the profession. As we enable healing occupa- ness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP). Mary Ellen Copeland
tions, we reclaim our heart” (p. 623). (2000) developed this plan when providers of mental health
When occupational therapists employ client-centered, services failed to assist her in creating an individualized self-
recovery-oriented, occupation-based practices, they move management program. Frustrated with the mental health
beyond merely providing a predetermined number of ses- system, Copeland assembled a group that included other
sions that follow a prescribed protocol to inspire individuals people with psychiatric disabilities, which identified the
to reclaim their hope and success. ways in which people implemented wellness and recovery
strategies into daily life. Consequently, WRAPs have ad-
dressed a much neglected need and have experienced wide-
spread adoption among people with psychiatric disabilities
Person First Language (Buckley et al, 2007). There is also a role for occupational
Language is powerful, and this is particularly true with the therapists in helping individuals create and follow WRAPs.
language used to describe disability (Blaska, 1993). Words In addition, the occupational therapist’s interest in task
such as “crazy,” “deranged,” and “insane” are laden with analysis, habits, and routines can be useful in supporting in-
strong negative images that contribute to the stigma associ- dividuals as they implement their plans.
ated with having a mental illness. In addition, referring to
people by their diagnoses, such as “manic depressives,”
“anorexics,” or “schizophrenics” is demeaning and disre- Identifying Client Factors
spectful. When the diagnosis becomes the label, the person is
Occupational therapists use different taxonomies to describe
lost and becomes known as the mental illness. The focus is
skills that are inherent to the person. Part II, Section 3 of this
on the schizophrenia or depression and not on the unique
text includes chapters on the following client factors:
qualities of the individual. Using person first language is
one step toward valuing the individual and seeing the person ■ Cognition (skills and beliefs)
first. Therefore, in client-centered practice, it is crucial that ■ Sensation
occupational therapists avoid labels and only use them when ■ Communication
necessary. When it is necessary to refer to a diagnosis, the ■ Coping
person should always come first. For example, instead of “the ■ Motivation
schizophrenic,” it is more respectful to refer to a “person ■ Emotion
with schizophrenia.” ■ Pain
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CHAPTER 6 ■ Introduction to the Person 75

The Lived Experience

my grandmother and mother taking different colored pills. One of
my uncles would work hard at the Missouri Pacific Railroad,
while the other worked construction. Then on the weekend,
they’d disappear to get drunk and entertain the ladies.
I had my first breakdown in college, where I experienced anx-
iety, depression, and suicidal thoughts. It passed when I dropped
out of school. I took a blue-collar job, where I experienced
racism and panic attacks. I lasted for 3 years, then quit and
landed in a mental facility for the first time. I was also prescribed
medication that was available at that time of the early ’80s. The
doctors and therapist also told me to get a job (any kind of job).
I didn’t bring up the racism factor, fearing they would believe or
conclude that I was bringing it on myself. So I got another job,
and racism reared its ugly head with racist jokes and com-
ments and the threat of bodily harm. This went on for 6 years
‘til finally I had my first psychotic break.
I ended up in another facility, drugged and restrained. I was
Recovery from mental illness has been a long, hard, exhaustive verbally and mentally abused by staff because of conflicts at
road to travel. Being African American, however, has made the home and the fact that I quit my job. I was referred to as a dead-
trek more excruciatingly perilous. beat and accused of laziness. I dared not bring up the subject
I grew up in a household of “nerves.” There was my mother, of racism, for I knew I would be mocked and declared delusional.
my grandmother, and two uncles. I guess you could say they On release, I would look for work, but would become ill again and
were all a bit dysfunctional. Through no fault of their own, each would end up back in the hospital. This went on for about 4 years
displayed some form of mental illness. until I received a new diagnosis and new medications, and for
My grandmother’s mother died in childbirth, and she was the first time got a social worker.
raised by her father, a relatively wealthy African American in I started going to a community mental health support cen-
late 1800s Arkansas. My grandmother taught school, mar- ter, where I felt extremely comfortable with both staff and
ried, and moved north to Kansas City, Kansas—part of the clients. There was no hint of discrimination of any kind. I was
great migration of the 1930s, when blacks sought better encouraged, now that I was more stable, to go back to school.
jobs and social conditions. My grandmother and grandfather I decided I would major in human services, where I felt I could
raised seven children. There was, however, a breakdown. help others like me and provide a guiding hand. Presently, I am
Grandmother went to some “rest home,” leaving her family. a social worker, a certified “peer specialist” giving counsel to
When she finally came back, I was told that some of her chil- other peers snared in the web of mental illness. On my job I see
dren didn’t recognize her. different kinds of people, different races, gender, religion, ages,
My mother gave birth to me in 1954. About 3 years later, she sexual orientation, etc.
had some mental disturbances. She was gone for 9 months. Before, I had my own prejudice, that blacks were treated
Because grandmother was older and my two uncles knew more harshly under the mental health system. I had preconceived
nothing about raising kids, I stayed with some family friends. notions that went all the way back to slavery. The cruel psycho-
I remember from that experience only that I used to destroy the logical aspects of enslavement, lynchings, segregation, and the
toys they gave me and cry a lot. I guess I was angry. When my modern-day subtle racism has haunted me for a long time. How-
mother returned it was, “Oh, happy day.” I didn’t want her to ever, after all the devastating blows to the psyche, I realize that one
leave my sight. can still survive, perhaps become stronger, and continue to carry
It wasn’t that bad growing up in a segregated neighborhood on. It is a blueprint for us all. I’ve heard different stories from a lot
in the ’60s. Each of us went to segregated schools, churches, and of different people; everyone has had it rough. The message I try
movie theatres. I saw the world in our living room on glorious to convey to my peers, however, is that life is a struggle by itself,
black-and-white TV. There was the civil rights movement, Viet but having a mental illness adds an extra burden. That burden can
Nam, assassinations, and “The Ed Sullivan Show.” I also observed be overcome with love, understanding, and forgiveness.

These factors were selected because they are important performance, and specific assessments and intervention
in mental health practice. Occupational therapists use task approaches that target the client factor.
analysis to identify the client factors that are necessary for
successful and satisfying engagement in particular occupa- Cognitive Skills
tions. Client factor strengths and difficulties are then con-
sidered when designing interventions to support occupa- In this text, cognitive skills refer to underlying cognitive func-
tional performance. Each client factor is briefly introduced tions, such as attention, memory, and executive functions
here, but their corresponding chapters provide detailed de- (see Chapter 18). Cognitive impairments are central to some
scriptions of the factor, its relationship to occupational diagnoses, such as memory loss in Alzheimer’s disease and
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76 PART 2 ■ The Person

attentional impairments in attention deficit-hyperactivity core intervention approach. Furthermore, occupational

disorder. In other diagnoses, cognitive impairments may not therapists are using sensory approaches to reduce the use of
form the core symptoms, but difficulties in cognition are as- restraints and seclusion in psychiatric hospitals (Champagne
sociated with the particular psychiatric disability. For exam- & Stromberg, 2004). Occupational therapists are teaching
ple, difficulties across several cognitive domains are common nurses and other staff how to prevent and/or reduce agita-
in schizophrenia. In fact, cognitive impairments in schizo- tion and aggression by meeting sensory needs with strategies
phrenia are much more limiting in terms of community such as reducing noise levels, creating calming environ-
functioning than are the actual symptoms of the illness ments, and using weighted jackets.
(Bowie & Harvey, 2005).
Individuals with autism spectrum disorders typically expe- Communication
rience executive dysfunctions, particularly problems with
working memory and refocusing attention from one topic to Occupational performance is often conducted in the pres-
another (Russo et al, 2007). These impairments contribute to ence of, or in collaboration with, other individuals. Much
the perseveration that is prevalent in autism. In depression, of the enjoyment that is experienced in certain play and
the mood disturbance is the core symptom, but another com- leisure activities comes from the interaction with others.
mon symptom is difficulty concentrating (American Psychi- There are few jobs that do not involve some level of inter-
atric Association [APA], 2000). personal communication. Instrumental activities of daily
Generally speaking, the primary interventions that target living can also require communication, such as when using
cognitive skills include cognitive rehabilitation, which works public transportation, shopping, and attending medical
to ameliorate a particular cognitive difficulty, and environ- appointments.
mental or task modification, which compensates for cogni- People with psychiatric disabilities can experience chal-
tive impairments. lenges with communication (see Chapter 21). In fact, a core
component of autism is difficulty with communication
Cognitive Beliefs (APA, 2000), which can profoundly affect play, social devel-
opment, and success in school. Anxiety disorders can cause
Cognitive beliefs concern how people think about them- people to avoid social situations because they are uncom-
selves and the world (see Chapter 19). Distorted cognitive fortable or fearful of embarrassment or shame, and people
beliefs can lead to occupational performance problems. For with depression often isolate themselves during periods of
example, a client’s belief that he is incompetent may prevent sorrow. Individuals with schizophrenia frequently have diffi-
him from applying for a job. A client who believes that she culty interpreting social cues (Couture, Penn, & Roberts,
is undesirable might avoid social interaction. Cognitive be- 2006) and may be perceived as “odd” by others because of
havioral therapy, which originated as an intervention for their thought-disordered speech.
depression, is based on the underlying theory that distorted Intervention approaches to address communication de-
thoughts cause depressed mood and other maladaptive be- pend on the particular concern. Social skills training may be
havior; interventions are aimed at altering cognitive distor- useful for teaching communication to individuals with schiz-
tions (Garrett, Ingram, Rand, & Sawalani, 2007). Cognitive ophrenia (Penn, Roberts, Combs, & Sterne, 2007), whereas
behavioral therapy is now applied to many psychiatric dis- cognitive behavioral approaches may be useful for addressing
abilities, both to understand and provide interventions for social anxiety (Hoffman, 2007). For children with autism,
the particular thought distortion. For example, in eating modeling and reinforcement are often applied in school set-
disorders, the cognitive approach recognizes the overem- tings (Matson, Matson, & Rivet, 2007).
phasis that body image plays in the evaluation of self-worth
(Wilson, 2005). In schizophrenia, delusions (actually de- Coping
fined as a false belief) are challenged by providing evidence
to the contrary (Beck & Rector, 2005). Everyone uses coping mechanisms to manage difficult life
experiences (see Chapter 22). There are two overarching
Sensory Processing classification systems that are commonly used to categorize
coping strategies (Nes & Segerstron, 2006):
In occupational therapy, sensory integration and other related
■ Emotion focused or problem focused—With emotion-
models are well-established specialties within pediatric prac-
focused strategies, the person seeks to reduce the nega-
tice. Chapter 20 describes child-based practice and addresses
tive emotional consequences of a negative life event.
emerging practices that apply sensory models to adults with
Problem-focused coping involves changing or con-
psychiatric disabilities. There is evidence suggesting that peo-
fronting the stress.
ple with psychiatric disabilities have particular sensory pro-
■ Approach or avoidance oriented—Approach-oriented
cessing preferences. For example, individuals with schizophre-
strategies involve dealing with the issue, whereas
nia tend to simultaneously avoid and miss sensory information
avoidance strategies involve escaping from the situa-
(Brown, Cromwell, Filion, Dunn, & Tollefson, 2002), and men-
tion by distraction, denial, or some other method of
tal health occupational therapists who work with adults are be-
ginning to use sensory interventions in their work to promote
occupational performance. Although certain mechanisms are typically identified as
Understanding sensory processing and the sensory fea- more adaptive than others, it can depend on the circumstance.
tures of the environment can be particularly helpful in voca- For example, emotional coping is important when grieving the
tional rehabilitation, where person/environment “fit” is a loss of a loved one, and problem-focused strategies are likely
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CHAPTER 6 ■ Introduction to the Person 77

more effective when it comes to dealing with poor perform- Some individuals with psychiatric disabilities find it more
ance in school. Recently, acceptance has been acknowledged as challenging to regulate their emotions. Yet, the ability to
a useful strategy for particular situations and conditions regulate emotions is essential to health (Cooney, Joormann,
(Hayes, Luoma, Bond, Masudo, & Lillis, 2006). More specifi- Atlas, Eugene, & Gotlib, 2007) and successful occupational
cally, distress tolerance, a skill taught in dialectical behavior engagement. In addition, individuals with psychiatric dis-
therapy, recognizes that distress and uncomfortable experi- abilities are more likely to experience unpleasant emotions
ences are part of being human (Linehan, 1993). Therefore, it is for longer periods of time, and the intensity of the emotional
important that people learn to tolerate distressful feelings. experience may be more severe, so that emotional regulation
People with psychiatric disabilities may be more likely to is more difficult (Schore, 2003).
overuse particular coping mechanisms or apply the wrong The development of emotion regulation strategies is as-
strategy to a particular situation. Occupational therapists can sociated with temperament and early childhood experiences
help individuals learn alternative coping strategies, as well as (Feng et al, 2008). However, individuals with ineffective
how and when to apply appropriate strategies to the certain emotion regulation can learn better strategies. Emotion reg-
situations. For example, the occupational therapist can teach ulation is a core component of dialectical behavior therapy
problem-solving skills to an individual who is easily over- (Linehan, 1993), whereas other approaches, such as social
whelmed when facing a problem. rhythm therapy and relaxation techniques, can also help in-
dividuals feel more in control of their emotions.
One distinction sometimes made between people with phys- Pain
ical and psychiatric disabilities is that a person with a psychi- There is a reciprocal relationship between pain and psychiatric
atric disability may have the physical and cognitive capacity disabilities. Pain, particularly chronic pain, can contribute to
to engage in a particular occupation, but may still be unsuc- the development or exacerbation of psychiatric disabilities;
cessful in initiating, performing, or completing the activity likewise, psychiatric disabilities can contribute to the develop-
because he or she lacks motivation. Clearly, this belief con- ment of pain (see Chapter 25). For example, pain is common
tributes to the stigma of mental illness. Still, impaired moti- among people with major depression (Husein, Rush, &
vation, or avolition, is one client factor that interferes with Trivedi, 2007). The experience of negative emotions intensifies
performance (see Chapter 23). Therapists and other health- pain, whereas pleasant emotions diminish it (Zelman, How-
care providers sometimes label an individual as unmotivated land, Nichols, & Cleeland, 1991). In addition, the experience of
and consequently undeserving of therapy, such that the indi- pain can significantly affect an individual’s engagement in
vidual is discharged from services after refusing a specified daily activities and, in extreme cases, makes engagement in
number of sessions. However, if motivation is conceptualized even the most basic activities impossible. One study of older
differently—that is, as a client factor that occupational thera- adults who experience pain indicated that the presence of pain
pists address and one that is frequently disrupted due to psy- was a primary barrier to engagement in health-promoting be-
chiatric mental illness—then the concern is approached in a haviors aimed at reducing pain (Patil, Johnson, & Lichtenberg,
completely different way. 2008). Clearly, pain and mental health are strongly related,
In occupational therapy, the Model of Human Occupation and their relationship is complicated.
(Kielhofner, 2004) identifies motivation for occupation as part It is generally recognized that the treatment of chronic
of the volition subsystem. The volitional system drives the per- pain benefits from an interdisciplinary approach, and occu-
son to action. Regardless of whether an individual engages in pational therapists can play an important role in pain man-
an occupation is greatly influenced by volition. The individ- agement (Stanos & Houle, 2006). The relationship of pain
ual’s belief that he or she has the capacity to be successful, and mental illness necessitates that occupational therapists
along with the person’s interests and values, plays an important use holistic practices that consider both physical and psy-
role in motivation for occupation. Through understanding the chosocial aspects of the person. For example, an individual
person’s interests and values, and by promoting self-efficacy, who has taken a leave of absence from work due to back pain
occupational therapists can enhance motivation. may be able to return to work through occupational therapy
that includes teaching body mechanics and joint protection
Emotion Regulation techniques, along with cognitive behavioral approaches and
The experience of emotions is primary to our understanding
of who we are as humans. Every moment of every day is col-
ored by our emotional state. In addition, everyone experiences
intense emotions from time to time—from the exuberance Recognizing Individual Nature
that follows a major accomplishment to the sorrow associated
with the loss of a loved one. Although our emotions are af-
of Client Factors
fected by what we experience at the time, people are also con- It is important to emphasize that each person is unique, as is
stantly working to regulate their emotions (see Chapter 24). each situation. There is great heterogeneity among people
For example, before speaking in front of an audience, an with psychiatric disabilities, even those who have similar di-
individual may need to get his or her anxiety under control agnoses. Therefore, occupational therapists must resist mak-
in order to successfully deliver the message. On other occa- ing assumptions that a person with a particular diagnosis also
sions, crying or expressing anger may not be appropriate to has an impairment in a particular client factor. Furthermore,
the situation. an impairment in a client factor does not directly translate to
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78 PART 2 ■ The Person

impaired occupational performance. For example, although which involves taking the perspective of the client and under-
cognition is associated with community functioning in schiz- standing the meaning of the disability from his or her point of
ophrenia, only a small percentage of problems in community view. Occupational therapists are often interested in how dis-
functioning for people with schizophrenia can be attributed ability disrupts an individual’s life story and how individuals
to impairments in cognition (Green, Kern, & Braff, 2000). In re-create stories to once again become full occupational beings.
children with attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder, it ap- They may or may not be involved in the process of re-creation;
pears that attentional problems are only partially associated however, by listening to life stories, the occupational therapist
with scholastic achievement and that classroom behavior and demonstrates that he or she values the expertise of the individ-
other unknown factors play a larger role in school success ual’s lived experience. Furthermore, this process promotes the
(Rapport, Scanlan, & Denne, 1999). establishment of a therapeutic alliance that goes beyond treat-
The Person-Environment-Occupation model (Stewart ing symptoms and impairments.
et al, 2003) implores occupational therapists to consider the One method of gathering narrative information is
occupation itself, along with the environment, in determin- through structured interviews. The Occupational Perfor-
ing barriers and supports for occupational performance. mance History Interview is one tool that allows occupational
For people with psychiatric disabilities, lack of transporta- therapists to gather such information (Kielhofner et al,
tion, poverty, stigma, limited social networks, and the com- 2004). This extensive list of questions (with possible varia-
plexity of the occupation are just a few of the factors that tions and probes) addresses the client’s occupational life his-
can contribute to successful community functioning. Occu- tory and a life history narrative. The measure includes a
pational therapists should always use a holistic approach quantitative scoring system and a qualitative description of
and be careful not to overemphasize person factors when the life history. The Child Occupational Self Assessment
evaluating occupational performance. (Keller, Kafkes, & Kielhofner, 2005) provides a method for
children and youth to describe their own perceptions re-
garding occupational competence and values. Designed for
Appreciating the Lived Experience children ages 7 and older, the measure fosters client-centered
care and self-determination. It can be administered through
The recovery-oriented model of providing mental health an interview with a checklist or by using a card sort tech-
services offers two different ways to understand the person. nique for children who are less verbal.
When describing recovery, several authors identify an objec-
tive, or outsider, view, whereas other authors describe recov-
ery from a subjective, or insider, perspective (Brown, Rempfer,
& Hamera, 2008; Jacobson, 2001). The outsider perspective of Evidence-Based Practice
recovery is based on objective assessments of outcomes, such
as symptom reduction, hospitalization, and employment.
This method is useful for measuring the effectiveness of serv-
ices. However, if recovery is a unique, nonlinear process, these
A process called recovery preference exploration provides a
framework for facilitating storytelling among consumers
and providers. The process can result in improved communica-
tion, a deepening of the consumer–therapist relationship, and
outcomes fall short of truly understanding the recovery
increased empowerment for the consumer.
process. Consequently, the insider view becomes essential to
appreciating the lived experience of psychiatric disability. ➤ The use of recovery preference exploration is one narrative
tool that occupational therapists can use to enhance the
therapeutic relationship and promote recovery.
Using Narrative for Assessment
Kurz, A. E., Saint-Louis, N., Burke, J. P., & Stineman, M. G. (2008). Exploring
A person’s narrative can provide the occupational therapist the personal reality of disability and recovery: A tool for empowering the
with insights into the uniqueness of that individual. Schell rehabilitation process. Qualitative Health Research, 18, 90–105.
(2003) includes narrative as a component of clinical reasoning,

Dolls and toys bring beauty, comfort, and security. Together,
they all form their own little community. I think they give a
sense of connectedness and fulfillment, completeness and joy.
They make life more beautiful and secure. They show the
importance of beauty in daily life. If I had more room, I would
have more. Toys and dolls also can symbolize unity and
fulfillment. Toys and dolls give strength, routine, and order to
my life. They bring a fresh perspective to daily life. Some of
the dolls in the picture are wearing pearls because they like
to dress up. It’s symbolic of the individual personalities they
have. Each doll has its own personality, but at the same time
they all belong together.
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CHAPTER 6 ■ Introduction to the Person 79

Occupational therapists can also use less formal methods, experience. Telling one’s story causes the person to reflect on
such as the narrative interview, which can offer the advan- life experiences and integrate the experience into his or her
tage of opening up lines of communication. This method sense of self. In addition, narratives allow the person to con-
also helps foster the therapeutic relationship because the nect with others. Individuals who share their stories, partic-
person feels listened to and appreciated. Broad, open-ended ularly about topics that are often avoided (e.g., mental ill-
questions can provide good starting points for the narrative ness), often explain that they want to share their story so
interview (Box 6-1). that others will feel more comfortable speaking out about
With children who are too young and adults with some their own experiences (DeSalvo, 1999). People also find that
disabilities (e.g., late-stage Alzheimer’s disease), it may not be sharing their stories connects them to others with similar
possible for occupational therapists to gather narrative infor- experiences.
mation using verbal means. Creative media can often be use- Pennebaker and Chung (2007) studied the benefits of
ful, such as engaging children in play or having children or writing about difficult life events. Interestingly, Pennebaker
adults use art media to express their stories. In some cases, and Chung’s method does not include the sharing of the
narrative may need to be gathered from family members or story; their approach emphasizes the processing and self-
caregivers. In such cases, it is important to acknowledge the discovery benefits of expressive writing. They argue that,
secondhand nature of these narratives because an individual when the individual writes knowing that he or she will not
can never truly tell the story of another person. share the story, the individual is less likely to spend time try-
ing to craft a well-written story and more time actually
Using Narrative for Intervention capturing the experience. In fact, Pennebaker and Chung
encourage people to burn, throw away, or destroy the writ-
Although narrative is often identified in the occupational ing as part of the therapeutic process.
therapy literature as a qualitative research method and a However, the sharing of personal experience by people
component of clinical reasoning (Schell, 2003), the creation with disabilities can result in many positive outcomes.
of narratives is less often identified as an intervention ap- When stories are shared with students, they develop a more
proach. Yet, telling one’s story can have powerful therapeutic personal and empathic view of individuals with disabilities
benefits. First, creating a narrative encourages self-discovery (Smith & Sparkes, 2008). Narratives benefit practitioners by
and promotes cognitive and psychological processing of the enhancing collaboration and understanding (Simmons,
Crepeau, & White, 2000). Frantis (2005) suggests that nar-
ratives provide the medium by which occupational thera-
pists can understand disability from an insider perspective.
BOX 6-1 ■ Sample Questions for Gathering A profound example of the power of narrative sharing is the
Narrative Information recovery movement. People with psychiatric disabilities are
telling their stories, and the revelation of the life experiences
■ Tell me a little bit about yourself. of people with psychiatric disabilities has altered our under-
■ What’s something I don’t know about you? standing of mental illness and impacted the way in which
■ Tell me about a very difficult time in your life. Tell me about a very mental health services are delivered (Davidson, Sells, &
happy time in your life. Songster, 2005; Ridgway, 2001).
■ What are your hopes and dreams for the future? Writing and verbal expression are not the only ways in
■ What has it been like living with a psychiatric disability? which narratives can be shared. Other creative media can
■ What do you like most about yourself? What do you like least be useful tools for sharing narratives. Photography, art,
about yourself? drama, music, and dance provide a variety of options for
■ What has been your greatest accomplishment? self-expression. The importance of narrative is recognized in
this text with the inclusion of written narratives and the
PhotoVoice feature to capture the lived experience of the
person with mental illness.
Evidence-Based Practice

O ccupational therapy practice should incorporate narrative

in both assessment and intervention processes. Narrative
data can provide information that is not available through other
Evidence-Based Practice

assessments methods. For example, the inclusion of narrative

data allows occupational therapists to be more accurate in
predicting occupational therapy outcomes.
W riting about difficult experiences can promote better
mental and physical health.
➤ Occupational therapists should consider writing as an
➤ Occupational therapists should always include narrative as a occupation that can address mental and physical health
component of clinical reasoning. issues, particularly when the person is dealing with difficult
➤ Occupational therapists should consider methods for eliciting
narrative during the assessment process. Pennebaker, J. W., & Chung, C. K. (2007). Expressive writing, emotional
upheavals, and health. In H. S. Friedman & R. C. Silver (Eds.), Foundations
Simmons, D. C., Crepeau, E. B., & White, B. P. (2000). The predictive of Health Psychology (pp. 263–284). New York: Oxford University Press.
power of narrative data in occupational therapy evaluation. American Pennebaker, J. W., & Seagal, J. D. (1999). Forming a story: The health
Journal of Occupational Therapy, 54, 471–476. benefits of narrative. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 55, 1243–1254.
1704_Ch06_071-082.qxd 7/9/10 2:29 PM Page 80

80 PART 2 ■ The Person

Summary operate from a recovery-oriented perspective recognize that

the person’s lived experience, or narrative, can guide the oc-
In understanding the person, occupational therapists con- cupational therapy process. This collaboration enriches the
sider underlying client factors or skills, as well as diagnoses therapeutic relationship and increases the potential for pos-
and symptoms. In addition, occupational therapists who itive outcomes to occur.

Active Learning Strategies

1. Writing a Narrative them to talk about the topic that everyone else seems to
avoid. Explain that you are trying to learn more about psy-
Write a story about yourself. Think of something that’s been
chiatric disability and that this learning includes the knowl-
troubling you. Maybe it is something that you have been
edge that comes from the lived experience. You may leave
avoiding thinking about, or it could be something you cannot
it open ended (e.g., “Tell me about your experience as a per-
stop thinking about. Decide ahead of time whether you plan
son with . . .”), or, if you know the individual, you may ask
to keep the story to yourself or share it with others. This will
him or her about particular events or experiences (e.g.,
influence how you write. Find a time when you can devote at
“What was it like when . . . ?”).
least 30 minutes to writing without interruption. Locate a
quiet, comfortable place. When you write, do not just de-
Describe the experience in your
scribe the event, but express your reactions to the experience
Reflective Journal.
and what you were thinking and feeling at the time.
Reflective Questions
Describe the experience in your ● Were you uncomfortable approaching this experience?
Reflective Journal. Having gone through it once, will it be easier to ask
others to share their stories?
Reflective Questions
● What did you learn from this experience?
● How did you decide what to write about?
● Do you have insights into the person that you did not
● How would you describe the process? Was it easy or
have before?
difficult? Was it emotional? Cathartic? Unpleasant?
● What did you learn that you will take with you as an
● When you look back on the writing, are there things that
occupational therapist?
surprised you about what you wrote?
● If you plan to share what you wrote, who will you share
3. Person First Language
it with? Why?
● If you do not plan to share it, what might you do with it? “Mayra is a mental patient. She was recently discharged from
● Reflect on this experience and consider doing more writing, a psychiatric hospitalization, which was precipitated by a se-
either about the same topic or other events. rious suicide attempt. As a borderline, she has been hospital-
ized three times previously. Mayra recently returned to
2. Eliciting the Narrative of a Person school to complete her college degree. The recent brief hos-
With a Psychiatric Disability pitalization has set her back in her schoolwork and she would
like assistance in advocating for herself to receive accommo-
Ask an individual with a psychiatric disability to tell you his
dations as a student.”
or her story. You may not have a connection to a mental
health center, but most people know someone, such as a Reflective Questions
family member or friend, who has experienced or is experi- ● What picture is created by this presentation of Mayra?
encing a mental illness. Approach the topic with sensitivity, What seems most important?
acknowledging that some people may not want to share ● How could you rewrite the story so that it avoids labeling
their experiences. However, you will find that people with and incorporates person first language?
psychiatric disabilities are often pleased when someone asks ● Once the scenario is rewritten, what is different?

Resources Child Occupational Self Assessment (COSA)

• Keller, J., Kafkes, A., Basu, S., Federico, J., & Kielhofner, G.
Narrative Assessment (2005). Child Occupational Self Assessment (COSA). Chicago:
• Kielhofner, G., Mallinson, T., Crawford, C., Nowak, M., Model of Human Occupation (MOHO) Clearinghouse,
Rigby, M., Henry, A., & Walens, A. (2004). A User’s Manual Department of Occupational Therapy, College of Applied
for the Occupational Performance History Interview (Version 2.1) Health Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago.
(OPHI-II). Chicago: Model of Human Occupation (MOHO)
Clearinghouse, Department of Occupational Therapy, Narratives and Writing for Therapy
College of Applied Health Sciences, University of Illinois at • DeSalvo, L. (1999). Writing as a Way of Healing: How Telling Our
Chicago. Stories Transforms Our Lives. Boston: Beacon Press.
1704_Ch06_071-082.qxd 7/9/10 2:29 PM Page 81

CHAPTER 6 ■ Introduction to the Person 81

• Pennebaker, J. W. (2004). Writing to Heal: A Guided Journal for Dunn, E. C., Wewiorski, N. J., & Rogers, E. S. (2008). The mean-
Recovering From Trauma and Emotional Upheaval. Oakland, CA: ing and importance of employment to people in recovery from
New Harbinger Press. serious mental illness: Results of a qualitative study. Psychiatric
• James Pennebaker, PhD, home page with instructions on writing Rehabilitation Journal, 32, 59–62.
for health: Dunn, W., Brown, C., & Youngstrom, M. J. (2003). Ecological
Pennebaker/Home2000/JWPhome.htm model of occupation. In P. Kramer, J. Hinojosa, & C. B. Royeen
• Precin, P. (2002). Client-Centered Reasoning: Narratives of People (Eds.), Perspectives in Human Occupation: Participation in Life
With Mental Illness. Boston: Butterworth Heinemann. (pp. 222–263). Baltimore: Lippincott William & Wilkins.
Feng, X., Shaw, D. S., Kovacs, M., Lane, T., O’Rourke, F. E., &
Wellness Recovery Action Plan Alarcon, J. H. (2008). Emotion regulation in preschoolers: The
• Copeland, M. E. (2000). Wellness Recovery Action Plan. West roles of behavioral inhibition, maternal affective behavior, and
Dummerston, VT: Peach Press. maternal depression. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry,
• Mary Ellen Copeland’s Mental Health Recovery and WRAP web 49, 132–141.
site: Frantis, L. (2005). The issue is—Nothing about us without us:
Searching for the narrative of disability. American Journal of
References Occupational Therapy, 59, 577–579.
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American Psychiatric Association (APA). (2000). Diagnostic and tive processes in cognitive therapy: Evaluation of mechanisms of
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed., text revision). change in the treatment of depression. Clinical Psychology: Science
Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association. and Practice, 14, 224–239.
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1, 577–606. uring the “right stuff ”? Schizophrenia Bulletin, 26, 119–136.
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Nelson, G., Clarke, J., Febbraro, A., & Hatzipantelis, M. (2005). Russo, N., Floanagan, T., Iavocci, G., Berringer, D., Zelazo, P. D.,
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2 Diagnosis



Pervasive Developmental
Disorders 7
Katie Alexander

“ IT fhey
you’ve met onestaff]
[treatment person with autism,

who has a substance abuse problem who

mainly on met oneabuse

—Stephen haveEdD,

a mental
—Anonymous youth (Federation
I think

an author
of autism
they should split the time
between mental health and substance abuse because I really honestly don’t know anyone
and international leader in the field
who livesforwith
of Families an autism
Children’s spectrum
Mental disorder
Health study)

Introduction This chapter introduces the PDDs, including information

For individuals who live with intact social abilities, it is diffi- on etiology, prevalence, course, and gender and cultural influ-
cult to imagine the profound impact that a social skill impair- ences, and explains the impact of PDDs on occupational per-
ment can present. The way that a typically developing brain formance. Although the chapters in Section 2 do not focus on
can make sense of the complex and obscure social world is re- intervention, this chapter provides information o n medica-
markable, and when there is a breakdown, it affects every do- tion and a general discussion of interventions used by occupa-
main of human participation and engagement. At their core, tional therapists. For more information on assessment and in-
pervasive developmental disorders (PDDs) are disorders of tervention in PDDs, refer to Chapters 18, 20, 21, 48, and 52.
social participation; it is this social skills impairment that
binds the various disorders together, despite their marked dis-
tinctions. Individuals who live with a PDD can offer the world
their different perspectives and unique talents.
Description of the Disorder
Occupational therapists are concerned with social partici- Pervasive developmental disorder (PDD) is a set of child-
pation, and those who work in schools, early intervention hood onset disorders that includes the following diagnoses:
programs, and other child-based settings will often have a
■ Autism spectrum disorder (including autistic disorder,
caseload that includes many children with PDDs. Adults with
Asperger’s disorder, and pervasive developmental dis-
PDDs also continue to have occupational performance needs;
order not otherwise specified [PDD-NOS])
however, occupational therapy services for adults with PDD
■ Rett’s disorder
are less available. Unlike the commonly used approach of dis-
■ Childhood disintegrative disorder
crete trial training in which small skills (e.g., saying the word
“apple” when presented with the fruit) are taught in a time- Together, these disorders share a triad of impairments in
intensive program, occupational therapists are more likely to social skills, communication, and behavior (American Psy-
focus on enhancing engagement in occupational performance chiatric Association [APA], 2000). Although each PDD in-
within natural environments (e.g., mealtime at home, on the cludes these traits, there is also vast heterogeneity among the
playground at school) (Case-Smith & Arbesman, 2008). Ap- separate disorders and within each disorder. This significant
proaches commonly used by occupational therapists include variability exists with regard to cognitive ability, social reci-
structuring the environment to support performance, meet- procity, speech, language, course, and outcome. This hetero-
ing sensory needs, enhancing socialization through engage- geneity has given rise to the term “spectrum disorders.” The
ment with typically developing children, and parent training. term autism spectrum disorder (ASD) commonly includes
In addition, occupational therapists use the individual’s autistic disorder, Asperger’s disorder, and PDD-NOS.
strengths and interests to enhance the efficacy of the interven- Each individual with a PDD presents with a different
tion. For example, individuals with autism often have constellation of areas of strength and need. By definition,
strengths in visual perceptions; therefore, visual cues and pic- the impairment encompasses many areas of functioning
tures are integrated into the intervention (Panerai, Farrante, & and is sustained across the life span; however, its impact on
Zingale, 2002). occupational performance is highly variable. In some cases,

1704_Ch07_083-097.qxd 7/8/10 7:22 PM Page 84

84 PART 2 ■ The Person

individuals make significant progress, and independent

participation in the community, at home, and at work is BOX 7-1 ■ DSM-IV-TR Diagnostic Criteria
possible. This degree of participation is more likely with the for Autistic Disorder
diagnoses of Asperger’s disorder and PDD-NOS. In other
cases, such as with Rett’s disorder, childhood disintegrative A. Criteria must be met from a total of at least six of areas 1,
2, and 3, with at least two criteria from area 1 and at least
disorder, and some cases of autistic disorder, significant
one criteria from 2 and 3:
progress is less likely, and substantial support is usually re-
1. Qualitative impairment in social interaction
quired for participation in the community.
a. Impairment in nonverbal social behaviors
b. Failure to develop developmentally appropriate peer
Autism Spectrum Disorders relationships
The autism spectrum is complex, and each person on the c. Lack of spontaneous seeking to share enjoyment,
spectrum is unique in his or her abilities and impairments. It interests, or achievements
can be helpful to think of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) d. Lack of social and/or emotional reciprocity
as a spectrum within a spectrum. For example, consider a 2. Qualitative impairment in communication
spectrum of cognitive abilities. Individuals with an ASD can a. Impaired spoken language, including possible absence
have cognitive abilities that range from below average to above of spoken language
average. There is also a spectrum of language ability, and indi- b. Impairment in ability to initiate and sustain conversation
viduals with an ASD can have no verbal language to verbal c. Stereotyped or repetitive use of language or idiosyncratic
language that far exceeds his or her chronological age and typ- language
ical developmental expectations. The spectrum of social skills d. Impairment in development of play appropriate to
is equally varied, but distinguished from the aforementioned developmental level
areas in that it is always an area of impairment in ASDs. Even 3. Stereotyped, restricted, or repetitive activities, interests,
so, the ways in which and the degree to which it manifests it- and/or behaviors
self vary from individual to individual. For example, an indi- a. Encompassing preoccupation, abnormal in either in-
vidual with autistic disorder may initiate social interaction tensity and/or focus, with one or more stereotyped or
with extremely limited frequency, whereas an individual with restricted areas of interest
Asperger’s disorder may frequently initiate social interaction, b. Rigid adherence to specific, nonfunctional routines or
but the attempts often fail in producing the desired results due rituals
to deficient skills. c. Stereotyped and repetitive motor mannerisms
Finally, there is a spectrum of behavioral manifestations of d. Persistent preoccupation with parts of objects
ASDs. An individual may demonstrate frequent stereotypical B. With an onset prior to 3 years of age, impaired development
behavior, such as moving his fingers every time he walks past a in at least one of the following areas: social interaction, lan-
window, hand flapping when excited, or rocking. On the other guage as used in social conversation, and symbolic or imag-
end of the spectrum, an individual may not demonstrate any inative play
stereotypical behavior, but his or her range of interests is ex-
From American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and Statistical
tremely limited. For example, an individual with Asperger’s Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed., Text Revision). Washington, DC: Author.
disorder may become preoccupied with trains to the exclusion
of other themes of play or topics of conversation.
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,
Fourth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR) provides specific
criteria for the diagnosis of autism, Asperger disorder, and Unlike autistic disorder, there need not be impairment in
autistic disorder not otherwise specified (APA, 2000). A diag- early language development in order to assign a Diagnostic
nosis of autistic disorder requires the presence of three core and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition,
features, including impaired social skills development; im- Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR) diagnosis of Asperger’s disor-
paired communication; and marked restricted, stereotyped, der. In addition, the development of early cognitive, self-
and/or repetitive activities and interests (APA, 2000). Further- help, and adaptive behavior skills are age appropriate.
more, these impairments are gross and sustained, and can
present with varying topography and intensity. The detailed
DSM-IV-TR diagnostic criteria for autistic disorder are listed Pervasive Developmental Disorder
in Box 7-1. Not Otherwise Specified
PDD-NOS is a diagnostic category reserved for patterns of
Asperger’s Disorder behavior and development that are typical for a PDD (e.g.,
significant impairment in social interaction; communica-
A diagnosis of Asperger’s disorder requires that three of the
tion; and/or repetitive, restricted, and stereotyped areas of
core criteria identified previously in the autism diagnosis are
interests and/or activities), but that do not satisfy the diag-
met (APA, 2000):
nostic criteria for autistic disorder or Asperger’s disorder
■ Significant, qualitative impairment in social interaction (APA, 2000). This category includes atypical autism, which
■ Presence of stereotyped, restricted, or repetitive behav- means either that there were no characteristics of autism
iors, activities, and/or interests before age 3 or that the child does not meet the criteria for
■ Impairments must interfere significantly with partici- one of the areas of impairment as identified in the DSM-IV-TR
pation in daily life diagnosis of autism.
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CHAPTER 7 ■ Pervasive Developmental Disorders 85

Rett’s Disorder course of CDD is complete, it is indistinguishable from

autistic disorder, and individuals with the disorder demon-
The course and gender distribution of Rett’s disorder (RD) strate marked social, language, and communication impair-
distinguish it from its PDD counterparts. This neurodevel- ments, in addition to the presence of stereotyped behavior
opmental disorder occurs almost exclusively in females and (Malhotra & Gupta, 1999). However, individuals with CDD
is characterized by typical early development followed by are more likely to be nonverbal than individuals with autism
stagnation and ultimate developmental regression (APA, (Kurita, Osada, & Miyake, 2004). The detailed DSM-IV-TR
2000; Hagberg, Hanefeld, Percy, & Skjeldal, 2002). diagnostic criteria for CDD are listed in Box 7-3.
RD is a complex disorder that features physical, psy-
chomotor, and behavioral areas of impairment. Head cir-
cumference decelerates between 5 and 48 months of age. It
is also possible that the child will experience overall growth Etiology
retardation (Hagberg et al, 2002). RD results in a loss of It is generally accepted that the behaviors associated with
acquired purposeful hand skills. In addition, the child de- the PDDs are due to underlying genetic and neurobiologi-
velops stereotyped movements involving the hands and cal mechanisms (Buxbaum et al, 2001; Temudo et al, 2007).
hands to mouth, both at midline and laterally (Temudo As such, the perplexing etiology of these disorders is likely
et al, 2007). These movements most frequently include the result of a combination of many factors and, to a great
hand wringing/squeezing, clapping, hand tapping, hand extent, yet unknown. Current research indicates that genet-
“washing,” and hand rubbing. ics, neurobiology, and environment play interrelated roles
RD can affect other aspects of motor development, such in the development and expression of PDDs (Armstrong,
as gait ataxia, truncal apraxia/ataxia, and ataxia. During 2002; Fred, Volkmar, Klin, & Cohen, 2005). In addition, re-
this period of skill loss, severely impaired expressive/receptive search investigating the etiology of these disorders has only
language and communication skills typically accompany begun to provide important answers while new questions
the development of mental retardation (Hagberg, 2002). continually surface. As science unveils the etiology of PDDs,
RD leads to the development of autistic-like social with- new hope for effective methods of prevention and interven-
drawal and poor social and emotional reciprocity. How- tion emerges.
ever, eye contact is typically preserved (Hagberg, 2002).
The detailed DSM-IV-TR diagnostic criteria for RD are
listed in Box 7-2. Autism Spectrum Disorders
A great deal of research is currently focused on understand-
Childhood Disintegrative Disorder ing the cause of the ASDs. The multiple factors presented
here illustrate the complexity of these disorders and why in-
Although individuals with childhood disintegrative disor- dividuals living with an ASD present with such varying be-
der (CDD) present with the same heterogeneity found with haviors, skills, and abilities. For occupational therapists, this
other PDDs, CDD is distinguished by a later age of onset (at
least 2 years of age), and the course associated with CDD is
consistent across individuals. Once the initial, regressive
BOX 7-3 ■ DSM-IV-TR Diagnostic Criteria for
Childhood Disintegrative Disorder
BOX 7-2 ■ DSM-IV-TR Diagnostic Criteria
for Rett’s Disorder A. Apparently normal development for at least the first 2 years after
birth as manifested by the presence of age-appropriate verbal
A. All of the following: and nonverbal communication, social relationships, play, and
adaptive behaviors
1. Apparently normal prenatal and perinatal development
B. Clinically significant loss of previously acquired skills (before
2. Apparently normal psychomotor development through the
age 10 years) in at least two of the following areas:
first 5 months after birth
1. Expressive or receptive language
3. Normal head circumference at birth
2. Social skills or adaptive behavior
B. Onset of all of the following after the period of normal
development: 3. Bowel or bladder control
1. Deceleration of head growth between ages 5 and 48 months 4. Play
2. Loss of previously acquired purposeful hand skills between 5. Motor skills
ages 5 and 30 months with subsequent development C. Abnormalities of functioning in at least two of the following
of stereotyped movements (e.g., handwringing or hand areas:
washing) 1. Qualitative impairment in social interaction
3. Loss of social engagement early in the course 2. Qualitative impairments in communication
4. Appearance of poorly coordinated gait or trunk movements 3. Restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behav-
5. Severely impaired expressive and receptive language devel- ior, interests, and activities, including motor stereotypies
opment with severe psychomotor retardation and mannerisms

From American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and Statistical From American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed., Text Revision). Washington, DC: Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed., Text Revision). Washington, DC:
Author. Author.
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86 PART 2 ■ The Person

and the general public to understand that the behaviors ex-

Evidence-Based Practice hibited in autism are related to neurological abnormalities
and not poor parenting or intentional bad behavior from
T he PDDs are an “invisible” disability and present a unique
stress to families. In addition, the pronounced developmental
regression associated with RD and CDD presents a qualitatively
the individual with autism.

Functional Neuroimaging
different layer of stress for parents and caregivers.
In autism, social participation is affected by breakdowns in
➤ Occupational therapists should consider the family context the connections between the frontal, limbic, and temporal
when creating interventions. lobes. With regard to social perception (e.g., finding salience
➤ Occupational therapists should help families identify resources in facial affect, reading facial expressions and body language),
in the community to strengthen their social networks and find recent studies have established underactivation of three criti-
support. cal brain structures during social tasks: the fusiform gyrus (in
particular, an area known as the fusiform face area [FFA]), the
Demeter, K. (2000). Assessing the developmental level in Rett syndrome:
An alternative approach? European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 9(3),
superior temporal sulcus (STS), and the amygdala (amy)
227–233. (Schultz et al, 2003). The FFA allows an individual to perceive
Malhotra, S., & Gupta, N. (2002). Childhood disintegrative disorder: faces, and the STS plays an important role in interpreting dy-
Re-examination of the current concept. European Child and Adolescent namic social signals (e.g., eye gaze patterns, facial affect, body
Psychiatry, 11(3), 108–114.
language) (Pelphrey, Morris, McCarthy, & Labar, 2007;
Schultz et al, 2003). Although each of these brain regions op-
erates differently under social conditions when compared
with controls, ASDs appear to be a product of a disruption to
variability highlights the importance of appreciating the the networking among these regions and other areas of the
uniqueness of each individual in the assessment and inter- brain (Pelphrey et al, 2007; Schultz et al, 2003).
vention process. With regard to social cognition (i.e., the ability to think
Genetic Factors about and interpret another’s thoughts, beliefs, and expecta-
tions), areas of the temporal and frontal lobes are primarily
Substantial evidence indicates ASDs are highly genetic liable for breakdowns in social cognition. Specifically, areas
(Bailey et al, 1995; Folstein & Rutter, 1977) and that mul- of the prefrontal cortex (PFC), fusiform gyrus, and amyg-
tiple genes are involved (Pickles et al, 1995). The exact dala operate differently in individuals with ASDs when com-
manner in which the genes are related to symptoms or pared with controls (Pinkham, Hopfinger, Pelphrey, Piven, &
severity of autism is relatively unknown and a continued Penn, 2007; Schultz & Robins, 2005)
subject of research. For example, one study found that in
monozygotic twins (identical twins that share the same ge- Immunizations
netic material), if one twin has autism, the other twin has
Vaccinations, specifically the measles, mumps, and rubella vac-
a 60% chance of also having the disorder (Bailey et al,
cine (MMR), have been implicated in the etiology of ASDs. Al-
1995). However, when the criteria are broadened to in-
though many individuals have strongly held beliefs about the
clude lower-level autistic symptoms (e.g., PDD-NOS),
relationship of vaccinations and the onset of autism, to date,
92% of monozygotic twins fall somewhere on the autistic
the research conducted in this area has found no causative
spectrum. Furthermore, 3% to 8% of siblings of individu-
relationship between immunizations and ASDs (Fombonne,
als with ASDs have inherited the disorder (Bolton et al,
Zakarian, Bennett, Meng, & McLean-Heywood, 2006).
1994; Chudley, Gutierrez, Jocelyn, & Chodirker, 1998).
Even when monozygotic twins have an autistic disorder,
the two individuals can present with highly different Rett’s Disorder
patterns and severity of symptoms (Le Couteur et al,
1996), suggesting that the expression of ASDs is not purely RD is associated with a specific genetic mutation that results
the product of genetics. in particular neurological disturbances.
Neuroanatomical Factors Genetic Factors
The neuropathology of autism involves the structure of spe- Through a benchmark Amir and colleagues (2005) identi-
cific brain regions and connectivity between brain regions fied the genetic cause for most cases of RD. Approximately
(Stanfield et al, 2007). In individuals with ASDs, total brain 80% to 85% of individuals with this disorder have mutations
volume is increased, as are both the cerebral hemispheres or deletions of methyl-CpG binding protein 2 (MECP2); the
and the cerebellum (Stanfield et al, 2007). In addition, the cause of the remaining RD is yet unknown (Amir et al, 2005;
caudate nucleus is larger, whereas the corpus callosum and Van den Veyver & Zoghbi, 2001). The MECP2 mutation is de
midbrain are smaller. The cortical language areas appear to novo (i.e., a genetic mutation exists that neither parent pos-
have unusual asymmetry, which reflects atypical brain de- sessed or transmitted; it is a new, spontaneous mutation) in
velopment (Rojas, Bawn, Benkers, Reite, & Rogers, 2002). most cases (Dragich, Houwink-Manville, & Schanen, 2000).
The net result of these brain differences coincide with the MECP2 is a protein that is critical to typical central nervous
behavioral manifestations of ASDs, meaning that the neu- system (CNS) development. In the case of the RD-specific
rological abnormalities are consistent with the pervasive mutations, this dysregulation results in the arrest of CNS de-
impairment in the higher-order skills of language and social velopment and the expression of RD (Lombroso, 2000; Van
participation. It can be helpful for parents, professionals, Acker, Loncola, & Van Acker, 2005).
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CHAPTER 7 ■ Pervasive Developmental Disorders 87

Neuroanatomical Factors siblings has not been reported. This sporadic occurrence of
The brain of the individual with RD is small in both size CDD does suggest a complex pattern or lack of genetic etiol-
and weight given the height and weight of the individual, ogy (Malhotra & Gupta, 2002). Although no specific genetic
which is apparently due to an arrest of cortical maturation loci or chromosomal abnormalities have been identified,
during infancy, as opposed to cortical atrophy (Armstrong, these possibilities have not been ruled out (Volkmar, Koenig,
2002; Kaufmann, Naidu, & Budden, 1995). In addition, & State, 2005).
there is a significant reduction in grey matter throughout
the cortex, which is predominantly distributed in the pre- Neurobiological Factors
frontal, posterior frontal, and anterior temporal regions. There is extremely limited evidence regarding the neurobiol-
Although gray matter sustains the greatest impact by RD, ogy or neurophysiology of CDD, and there are no consistent
research has also indicated reductions in white matter, pre- findings that indicate the neuropathology of the disorder
dominately in the caudate, putamen, and thalamus (Naidu (Malhotra & Gupta, 2002). However, electroencephalogram
et al, 2001; Subramaniam, Naidu, & Reiss, 1997). abnormalities and frequent comorbidity of seizure disorder
The gross brain differences associated with RD are ac- in combination with the course of the disorder suggest that
companied by significant deviations in the maturation, dis- neurobiological factors are fundamental contributors to the
tribution, size, and density of projection neurons located in development of this disorder.
the frontal, motor, inferior temporal, hippocampus, and vi-
sual cortex (Armstrong, Dunn, Antalffy, & Trivedi, 1995). Environmental Factors
Neuroimaging and use of the rapid Golgi technique reveals Current literature reports the possible role of life stressors,
a paucity of dendrites in these locations, and in those den- both psychological and physical, as a precipitating factor
drites that exist, a simplified branching pattern is present. in the development of CDD (Malhotra & Gupta, 2002;
Therefore, information is not transmitted or is transmitted Volkmar et al, 2005). Seizures are one such stressor cited
less efficiently and effectively. by families, and research indicates a high rate of seizures
with CDD (Malhotra & Gupta, 2002). However, the possi-
Neurochemical Factors ble causative role of seizures or other stressors has not
Current literature suggests that there is a reduction in the over- been determined and is suspect because of their relatively
all number of neurotransmitters in RD. Furthermore, sero- common occurrence in early childhood (Volkmar et al,
tonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine have been implicated by 2005). It has been hypothesized that CDD develops due to
different studies, although their precise contribution to RD is an interplay between complex genetic mechanisms and
still unclear (Guideri et al, 2004; Viemari et al, 2005; Zoghbi, environmental events, but substantially more research is
Percy, Glaze, Butler, & Riccardi, 1985). Studies have also found required to determine the exact cause of the disorder
neurochemical impairments present in the brainstem, includ- (Volkmar et al, 2005).
ing the autonomic nervous system (Deguchi et al, 2000).

Childhood Disintegrative Disorder Prevalence

There is less research on CDD when compared to the other In the most rigorous and expansive epidemiologic study of
PDDs; that, coupled with the rarity of the disorder, yields ASDs to date, the Centers for Disease Control and Preven-
limited information regarding its causes. The precise etiol- tion (CDC; 2007) have found that the prevalence of ASDs
ogy of CDD is unknown. The symptomology and associated among children is increasing and currently estimate the
medical conditions suggest that neurobiological factors con- prevalence of ASDs at 1 in 110 children. The remaining two
tribute to etiology of the disorder. PDDs, RD and CDD, are considered rare, and each disorder
has been estimated at a prevalence rate of approximately 0.6
Genetic Factors per 10,000 individuals (Chakrabarti & Fombonne, 2001).
CDD commonly occurs in families in which there is no Figure 7-1 shows an increase in the cases of autism between
other individuals with the disorder, and concordance among school years 1992 and 2007.

Number of cases


150,000 258,305
Ages 3 – 22

Ages 6 – 22
FIGURE 7-1. Increase in number of cases of autism. 50,000
Data from the Data Accountability Center (www.idea- and the Centers for Disease Control and 0
Prevention. ‘92 ‘94 ‘96 ‘98 ‘00 ‘02 ‘04 ‘06 ‘08
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88 PART 2 ■ The Person

Course independence in vocational and social function in adult-

hood (Rogers & Vismara, 2008).
The course of all PDDs is chronic. However, individuals Although children with ASD grow to be adults, this is
with ASD can and often do progress in terms of their abil- an understudied area. However, the evidence that does ex-
ities to engage in occupational performance. In contrast, ist suggests that the concerns in childhood persist into
RD and CDD are conditions that result in a loss of or adulthood. A qualitative study found that adults with ASD
inability to develop skills, and in RD, there is a shortened reported a strong sense of isolation, difficulty communi-
life span. cating with others, and a longing for intimacy (Muller,
Schuler & Yates, 2008). The higher-order cognitive im-
Autism Spectrum Disorders pairments such as executive dysfunction, which is preva-
lent in children with ASD, is also present in adults with
An ASD presents as a lifelong, continuous impairment. ASD (Barnard, Muldoon, Hasan, O’Brien, & Stewart,
Across the autism spectrum, there are variations with re- 2008). There is a lack of services for adults with ASD, al-
gard to age of diagnosis and long-term outcomes. Autistic though occupational therapists have the skills to assist
disorder is typically detected earlier in life than Asperger’s with transitioning these individuals into adulthood. For
disorder due to the early presentation of the disorder, re- some, this could include supports for independent living,
sulting in more subtle and qualitative developmental dif- college, and work, whereas others may need more basic as-
ferences (Fombonne & Tidmarsh, 2003). ASDs begin early sistance, such as supported employment or assisted living
in life, typically first diagnosed between 49 and 66 months environments.
of age (CDC, 2007). The most frequently reported develop-
mental concern is language followed by social skills. In Rett’s Disorder
addition, parents may report limited eye contact, social
smiling, social referencing, and/or different responses to RD is not degenerative; it is a neurodevelopmental disor-
physical touch in infancy and early childhood. Although der with a course that shifts over time. Hagberg and Witt-
the course of autism most often begins at birth, there are Engerstrom (1986) proposed a staging system to describe
some reports of a loss of skills. The CDC reports a median and categorize the course of RD in four clinical phases.
percentage of children with autism who have a docu- This system is generally accepted, and the stages are most
mented regression of skills as ranging from 13.8% to commonly referenced by number as opposed to name
31.6%, and the median age of regression onset ranges from (Van Acker et al, 2005):
18 to 33 months.
1. Early onset stagnation begins at 5 months of age and
As children with autism disorders get older, the deficits
in activities of daily living and communication become continues from weeks to months.
2. Developmental regression begins from 2 to 4 years of
more apparent (Mazfesky, Williams, & Minshew, 2008).
This is partially due to the increased expectations associ- age, and its duration can range from weeks up to
ated with school and peer relationships. Children with 1 year. This stage includes the loss of skills characteris-
autism may have problematic behaviors that interfere tic for the developmental stage.
3. The pseudostationary period begins once the second
with participation in school, such as temper tantrums, ag-
gressiveness with other children, or difficulties transition- phase subsides and continues for years or decades. It
ing from the classroom to the cafeteria or playground has also been termed the “wake-up” period, and marks
(Hartley, Sikora, & McCoy, 2008). Particularly difficult for a time during which regression slows so that it is un-
children with ASD is reciprocal play, so the development apparent, and some communication skills may return.
4. Late motor deterioration begins when the third
of friendships is challenging. Approximately one-half of
children with ASD have an average or better than average stage and ambulation ceases, and this stage can con-
IQ (Chakrabarti & Fambonne, 2005), but comorbid men- tinue for decades. The fourth stage also has sub-
tal retardation can have a significant impact on school groups for individuals who once walked and for
performance and the development of adaptive skills. Over- those who never walked, and is characterized by se-
all, in children with ASD, the acquisition of adaptive skills vere disability, wheelchair dependency, and distor-
(e.g., communication, activities of daily living [ADLs], in- tion and wasting of the extremities (Hagberg, 2002;
strumental activities of daily living [IADLs]) is lower Hagberg & Witt-Engerstrom, 1986).
than would be expected given the child’s IQ (Bolte &
Poutska, 2002). Childhood Disintegrative Disorder
However, the course of ASD can be positively impacted
with early intervention. Evidence indicates that behavioral The course of CDD is a critical defining feature of the disor-
interventions can result in significant improvements in lan- der, and central to its course is age of onset. The mean age of
guage, daily living skills, and social behavior (Remington et al, onset for CDD is approximately 3.76 years, but it can range
2007; Rogers & Vismara, 2008). Although controversial, from 2 to 7 years, following at least 2 years of typical devel-
there is some belief that the prevention of autism is plausi- opment (Malhotra & Gupta, 2002). The initial course of the
ble if infants receive treatment very early to alter the course disorder has been described as insidious (lasting weeks to
of behavioral and brain development (Dawson, 2008). Still, months) or acute (lasting days to weeks) (Volkmar et al,
a comprehensive review of the evidence suggests that, al- 2005). Following the initial period of regression, the course
though early intervention is highly successful, there is little of the disorder is typically static, and individuals with CDD
evidence to indicate whether these changes lead to increased demonstrate features that are indistinguishable from autism
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CHAPTER 7 ■ Pervasive Developmental Disorders 89

The Lived Experience

Sabrina we can anticipate even more. Nothing is simple and straight-
Sabrina, a mother of a child with an autism spectrum disorder, forward, and always each of us is thinking: how will it affect
shares her journey to illustrate the unique challenge of raising a him? What can I preview for him? What can I help him prepare
child with an “invisible” disability. for? What will he encounter? Will there be too many people?
A friend visited our family for a few hours during a particularly Will it be noisy? Will someone say something that bothers him?
difficult period. At the time, episodes of dangerous physical ag- Will he say something inappropriate that people will perceive
gression were occurring frequently, and irritability was nearly con- as rude? Will he refuse to do what he’s supposed to do in this
stant. The sweet, funny, engaging child we adored and who situation? And what will happen if he does?
loved us back seemed unreachable, lost to us and to himself. My child’s disability is invisible to people. He is handsome, big
The friend phoned that night to express concern. “I felt like I was for his age, and strong. He’s quite verbal, has a remarkable vo-
watching one of those drownings,” she said, “where the child cabulary, and a very sharp wit. Although they are wonderful
goes under and then one by one the people who go in after him strengths, these delightful attributes are also liabilities. They sug-
drown trying to save him. He’s pulling you all under.” gest to the world that he is a healthy, fully responsible individual,
It felt that way, too: like we were struggling to breathe air. which he isn’t. Life is very, very hard for my child, and making it
Other days, the metaphor is different: it’s like walking through a through a day is enormously taxing. He has frequent “melt-
minefield. Or it’s as if he sucks all the air out of the room, leav- downs,” and his interactions with others often result in conflict.
ing nothing for anyone else to breathe. But unlike a child whose hair is visibly thinning under a baseball
Those are the worst times, of course, and it isn’t always like cap, or one who rides gamely in a wheelchair, or one with the dis-
that, not at all. Our life with our son is rich and warm and deeply tinctive facial features of a genetic syndrome, my son doesn’t get
rewarding; he is often funny and brilliant and generous, and all the benefit of the doubt. He gets no credit for the extent of his dis-
of us truly are better and stronger people for having lived with ability, or even for its existence. Because the stigmata of disabil-
his struggles and triumphs. But my point is that when one per- ity are not physically apparent, and because he uses sophisti-
son has this sort of disability, the whole family is affected, and cated language when he speaks, people don’t recognize my
you cannot cross our threshold, even on a good day, without child’s inappropriate conduct as reflecting his brain-based disor-
feeling it. Even on a good day, everyone is taking care. Every- der. Consequently, I am very quick to explain to people we en-
one is stressed to some extent. Everyone’s energy and counter that he has an autism spectrum disorder, hoping this will
patience is depleted as we try to avoid the pitfalls we can an- result in a more sympathetic and accurate interpretation of his so-
ticipate and attempt to think 2 or 5 or 10 steps ahead so that cial missteps and difficult behavior.

(Malhotra & Gupta, 1999). Generally, the outcome for indi- CDD is identified more frequently among males, who
viduals with CDD is poorer than that for individuals with outnumber females at a ratio of approximately 5:1 (Malhotra
autistic disorder (Mouridsen, Rich, & Isager, 1998). & Gupta, 2002).

Gender Differences Culture-Specific Information

Consistently, males outnumber females across all ASDs. Due There is inadequate research regarding the cultural factors
in part to differences in study methodology, the gender ratio relevant to PDDs. Current research indicates that rates of
for all ASDs varies depending on the region of study. The autism in the United States are similar across ethnic groups
CDC reports a male:female ratio of 3.4–6.5:1 (CDC, 2007). (Yeargin-Allsopp et al, 2003). However, there is initial evidence
There are also gender differences with regard to cognitive im- to indicate some diagnostic and intervention differences
pairments in that females (58.2%) are more likely than males among different socioeconomic classes, but these differences
(41.8%) to have a cognitive impairment (CDC, 2007). In ad- appear to be a product of case ascertainment (i.e., children of
dition, as the severity of the cognitive impairment increases families in higher socioeconomic status [SES] are more likely
from mild to profound, the male-to-female gender ratio to be diagnosed by sources other than educational sources,
shifts from 4:4 to 1:3 (Yeargin-Allsopp et al, 2003). such as a private psychologist) (Bhasin & Schendel, 2007).
RD is almost exclusively identified among females. Be- In addition, African American children are more likely to be
cause MECP2 is located on the X chromosome, females identified by educational sources only (i.e., school) (Yeargin-
have an additional, nonmutated chromosome that is able Allsopp et al, 2003). These findings are important because they
to produce sufficient protein to preserve early develop- indicate that children who are African American or from fam-
ment and support life (Lombroso, 2000). With only one ilies of lower SES are less likely to be identified early in life and,
X chromosome, males have insufficient genetic material consequently, less likely to access early intervention services.
to sustain life. With rare exceptions, this results in fetal Occupational therapists involved in early intervention services
death of males carrying the MECP2 genetic mutation can assist with outreach and other public health initiatives to
(Lombroso, 2000). identify PDD in neglected populations.
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90 PART 2 ■ The Person

Impact on Occupational Evidence-Based Practice

Because the PDDs are social disorders, the impact on rela-
tionships is substantial. Because social skills are important
A n ASD presents the individual with cognitive, social, commu-
nication, behavioral, and sensory processing difficulties (Kern
et al, 2006; Rutherford et al, 2002; Verte et al, 2006). In addition,
for most other areas of occupational performance (e.g., the nature of the individual’s cognitive style makes participation in
school, work, many IADLs), these areas are affected as well. context more difficult; for example, an individual may be able to
learn the components of a skill, but he or she has difficulty
applying that knowledge in the setting.
Autism Spectrum Disorders
➤ Occupational therapists assess the types of impairments
Most of the research that attempts to explain the social im- that an individual with an ASD faces, attending to the
pairments in ASD focuses on cognitive impairments. In ad- social, daily living, and community participation domains of
dition, adaptive skills and sensory processing differences performance.
contribute to difficulties with occupational performance. ➤ When cognitive ability is a strength for an individual with a
PDD, the occupational therapist can use areas of cognitive
Intellectual Impairments
strength to overcome areas of difficulty (e.g., develop a
The CDC (2007) estimated that 40% to 62% of children di- cognitive strategy to support a homework routine).
agnosed with an ASD also have an intellectual impairment
➤ Assessment and intervention will be more effective when the
(IQ ⱕ70). Conversely, a more recent study indicated that the individual’s real life environment is taken into consideration.
mean IQ score for individuals with Asperger’s syndrome was
103 (Cederlund, Hagberg, Billstedt, Gillberg, & Gillberg, ➤ Occupational therapists begin the assessment process
2008). by identifying the roles in which the individual wants to
participate. Working with that knowledge, the occupational
Executive Function therapist then determines which impairments interfere with
participation in those roles and develops an intervention
Individuals with ASDs demonstrate impairments in executive plan that targets meaningful role performance and
function, which is the mental control required for the brain to relationship development.
maintain goal-directed behavior. Specifically, individuals with
ASDs demonstrate impairments in organization, cognitive Kern, J. K., Trivedi, M. H., Garver, C. R., Grannemann, B. D., Andrews,
flexibility, visual working memory, planning, verbal fluency, A. A., Savla, J. S., Johnson, D. J., Mehta, J. A., & Schroeder, J. L. (2006).
The pattern of sensory processing abnormalities in autism. Autism, 10(5),
inhibition, and interference control (Kenworthy et al, 2005; 480–494.
Verte, Geurts, Roeyers, Oosterlaan, & Sergeant, 2006). The Rutherford, M. D., Baron-Cohen, S., & Wheelwright, S. (2002). Reading
following are examples of the role of executive function in the mind in the voice: A study with normal adults and adults with
Asperger syndrome and high functioning autism. Journal of Autism and
participation: Developmental Disorders, 32(3), 189–194.
Verte, S., Geurts, H. M., Roeyers, H., Oosterlaan, J., & Sergeant, J. A.
■ Frequently, students with Asperger’s disorder obtain (2006). Executive functioning in children with an autism spectrum
lower grades in school due to missing assignments, disorder: Can we differentiate within the spectrum? Journal of Autism
and adults may have difficulty prioritizing work tasks and Developmental Disorders, 36(3), 351–372.
■ Individuals interacting with people with ASDs may be
offended or avoid future interactions when the individ-
ual with ASD makes comments the instant they come Theory of Mind
to mind (inhibition).
The Theory of Mind (ToM) deficit is one type of social cog-
■ Cognitive flexibility allows a person to smoothly shift
nition impairment that is present in ASDs (Baron-Cohen,
from one activity to another or quickly cope with and
1989; Rutherford, Baron-Cohen, & Wheelwright, 2002).
manage a change in routine. It is common for an indi-
There are two ToM levels: first order and second order. First-
vidual with an ASD to experience profound anxiety if
order ToM is the ability to infer another person’s mental
he or she arrives at school or work and finds that the
state, including his or her beliefs, values, feelings, and per-
schedule has changed. Intact cognitive flexibility would
ceptions. Second-order ToM is the ability to consider what
make this transition easier to bear.
another person may be thinking about a third person’s men-
Occupational therapists are often involved in adapting tal state. For example, when Susan presents the findings of a
activities to reduce the executive function requirements of a report to her board, she scans the body language and facial
particular task. For example, occupational therapists may expressions of her audience to ensure the desired effect (first
create organizational systems such as picture schedules to order). Following the report, the executive officer challenges
help the individual with ASD complete schoolwork or man- one of the other board members, and Susan watches both
age job tasks in the workplace. In addition, the occupational the executive officer and the other board member to gauge
therapist may work with teachers, families, and employers to what each might be thinking about the other (second order).
reduce unexpected changes and maintain routines. Strate- If Susan has an ASD, she might miss the board members’ re-
gies can also be implemented to prepare the individual with actions to her and how the board members are responding
ASD for altered routines. This might include giving the indi- to one another.
vidual adequate notice to adjust to the change, allowing for Interventions that focus on socialization, such as social sto-
self-soothing behaviors, or making small adjustments along ries, may address ToM impairments in children with autism
the way to a larger change. (Reynout & Carter, 2006). Social stories are individualized
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CHAPTER 7 ■ Pervasive Developmental Disorders 91

scenarios that provide information to the individual with ASD the risk of compromising memory for the details. This is a
about how to understand and respond to a social situation. useful strategy because it prevents individuals from becom-
Figure 7-2 is a drawing made by an individual with Asperger’s ing focused on irrelevant details as opposed to the impor-
disorder, depicting how he struggles with socialization and tant meaning of the larger situation. An individual with
showing factors that have been helpful, including occupa- weak central coherence is better able to secure an under-
tional therapy. standing of the details without assessing the gestalt mean-
ing. Therefore, the cognitive style of individuals with ASD
Central Coherence would be described as weak central coherence. For exam-
Central coherence has emerged as a way of understanding ple, a child with Asperger’s disorder (with weak central co-
the cognitive style of individuals with ASD (Jolliffe & herence) is led into a new room and asked to describe it.
Baron-Cohen, 2001). Central coherence is the ability to On leaving the area, he is able to report that there was a
take in data and assess the gestalt or big picture meaning, at small plastic slide, a toy box with dinosaurs in it, cars next

FIGURE 7-2. Nathan is a person with an autism

spectrum disorder who is studying graphic design.
Here, he depicts struggles with socialization and
identifies factors that have been helpful, including
occupational therapy.
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92 PART 2 ■ The Person

to a window, and a small table with Legos on it. A child degree of sensory processing difficulties (Tomcheck &
without a disability (with strong central coherence) is Dunn, 2007).These sensory processing differences vary in
brought into the same room and, on leaving, reports that modality, threshold, and intensity across individuals
he was in a playroom. When entering a new situation, it can (Kientz & Dunn, 1997). In many cases, individuals with
be helpful to identify the bigger picture for the child. The ASDs report this as a significant barrier to participating
occupational therapist could provide a verbal explanation in the world. Specific evidence indicates that problems
to the individual who can process it, or use pictures or sin- with auditory processing and underresponsiveness are as-
gle words to provide cues as to the most important infor- sociated with poorer academic performance (Ashburner,
mation. For high school or college students, the individual Ziviani, & Rodger, 2008), and tactile defensiveness is asso-
may need assistance with highlighting or distilling a lecture ciated with community use and social skills (Pfeiffer,
for the main message. Kinnealey, Reed, & Herzberg, 2005).
In a systematic review of interventions for ASD, Case-
Adaptive Skills Smith and Arbesman (2008) found evidence for improved
Adaptive skills include those abilities that are necessary to modulation of arousal, which led to better social interac-
translate cognitive endowments into an ability to participate tions. The same review found that therapeutic touch
in the world, including engagement in social, communication, may decrease self-stimulation. However, thus far, the re-
and daily living skills (Sparrow & Cicchetti, 1985). Consis- search is limited, and the designs are weak. Still, the preva-
tently, individuals with ASDs demonstrate significantly im- lence of sensory processing concerns suggests a need for
paired adaptive skills, which are most notably present in the occupational therapy intervention. Occupational thera-
social and communication domains, with relative strengths in pists can intervene by providing a sensory diet to meet the
self-care skills (Carter et al, 1998; Volkmar, Carter, Sparrow, & sensory needs of the individual with autism, which might
Cicchetti, 1993). include activities that provide tactile, vestibular, or propri-
Children and adults with ASD are less likely to have close oceptive input. Playground activities, weighted vests, and
friendships and to assume roles that involve significant in- balls for seating are some examples. Occupational thera-
teraction. For example, individuals with ASD who are capa- pists may also modify the environment so that it is more
ble of working are more likely to assume jobs in which they consistent with sensory processing preferences. For exam-
can work in relative isolation and may have difficulties if re- ple, visual cues in the form of action pictures may be used
quired to work collaboratively with others. A high schooler to augment the verbal requests (e.g., get in line, time
who enjoys sports may be challenged with interacting as a for lunch) that are challenging for individuals with ASD
team member. to process.
Although individuals with ASDs and lower cognitive abil- Figure 7-3, a drawing made by an individual with As-
ity demonstrate the greatest difficulty with adaptive skills, in- perger’s disorder, poignantly illustrates the intensity of the
dividuals with average to above average cognitive ability also experience of sensory overload.
experience adaptive skill impairments, particularly in the
area of socialization (Klin et al, 2007). Consequently, occupa- Rett’s Disorder
tional therapists are involved in providing interventions to
help children with ASDs acquire adaptive skills, particularly Individuals with RD typically function within the severe to
in relation to social interaction. This might include social profound range of mental retardation and are particularly
skills training in which the individual role-plays particular vulnerable to significant communication, language, and
situations and then practices those skills in real life interac- fine motor delays (Perry, Sarlo-McGarvey, & Haddad,
tions with others. The therapist can provide feedback along 1991; Van Acker et al, 2005). However, some children can
the way to strengthen the skills. learn to meet their needs through interaction within their
environment using situation-specific skills, and these skills
Sensory Processing can be missed by typical assessments (Demeter, 2000). For
In her book Thinking in Pictures, Temple Grandin (1995) de- example, parents can identify certain actions or vocaliza-
scribes her experiences of touch: tions as meaningful, such as recognition of a familiar face
or place.
From as far back as I can remember, I always hated to be
Individuals with RD experience significant motor and
hugged. I wanted to experience the good feeling of being
feeding impairments in addition to impaired cognition
hugged, but it was just too overwhelming. It was like a
(Perry et al, 1991; Reilly & Cass, 2001). Some individuals
great, all-engulfing tidal wave of stimulation. . . . I was
may benefit from referrals to feeding and nutrition special-
overloaded and would have to escape, often by jerking
ists because feeding impairments can include swallowing
away suddenly. (p. 58)
difficulties, aspiration, limited self-feeding, low texture toler-
This is one example of the type of sensory processing ance, and poor appetite (Isaacs, Murdock, Lane, & Percy,
differences experienced by individuals with ASDs. Sensory 2003; Reilly & Cass, 2001).
processing differences are present across sensations (e.g., One focus of occupational therapy assessment and in-
oral, auditory, touch, proprioception) and can exist in pat- tervention is strategies for motor skills, paying particular
terns of low and/or high thresholds (e.g., sensitive to attention to fine motor skills, especially purposeful hand
sound and/or does not detect the presence of food on use (Van Acker et al, 2005). Occupational therapists assess
one’s face) (Kern et al, 2006). One study of children participation in context through strategies that include in-
with ASD found that 95% of children demonstrated some terviews with parents and/or caregivers. Topics include
1704_Ch07_083-097.qxd 7/8/10 7:22 PM Page 93

CHAPTER 7 ■ Pervasive Developmental Disorders 93

FIGURE 7-3. In this drawing, Nathan illustrates

the intensity of the experience of sensory overload.

what an individual appears to have learned (e.g., daily rou-

tines, meeting needs), stimuli that has acquired meaning
(e.g., photos, objects, activities), and behavior changes that Evidence-Based Practice
appear to result from the learning process (e.g., eye point-
ing, producing sounds).

Childhood Disintegrative Disorder

C urrent literature indicates a poorer prognosis for
individuals with CDD as opposed to individuals with
ASDs (Mouridsen et al, 1998). It has been hypothesized
that the higher rates of institutionalization found among
Individuals with CDD typically function within the mild to individuals with CDD may contribute to this finding (Kurita
profound range of mental retardation, and individuals et al, 2004).
evaluated in a recent study obtained a mean IQ score of 34 ➤ Occupational therapists can work with families to maintain
(Malhotra & Gupta, 2002). These cognitive impairments an individual’s participation in the community.
interfere significantly with an individual’s ability to acquire
➤ Whether in a community or an institutionalized setting, indi-
the daily living and social skills required to navigate the
viduals may profit from environments rich with stimulation,
world. Instead of focusing on skill acquisition, occupa- language, and opportunities for activity.
tional therapists can provide parent training to make daily
routines such as dressing, feeding, and bathing more effi- Kurita, H., Osada, H., & Miyake, Y. (2004). External validity of childhood
cient and effective. This could include adaptations to ob- disintegrative disorder in comparison with autistic disorder. Journal of
Autism and Developmental Disorders, 34(3), 355–362.
jects, such as Velcro fasteners on clothing, or task simplifi-
Mouridsen, S. E., Rich, B., & Isager, T. (1998). Validity of childhood
cation. Occupational therapists should also consider the disintegrative psychosis: General findings of a long-term follow-up study.
social support needs of the parents and provide interven- British Journal of Psychiatry, 172, 263–267.
tions or referrals for this support.
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94 PART 2 ■ The Person

Medications 2006). The individuals in this study reported only mild side
There are no pharmacological cures that exist for PDDs. To
date, studies that explore medication management of both Rett’s Disorder
core and peripheral symptoms are limited, and those that
incorporate randomized controlled trials are more limited Trials of medications that target the fundamental underly-
still. However, there are medications that result in docu- ing mechanisms of RD have failed to demonstrate lasting or
mented improvements for individuals with PDDs. significant improvements (Van Acker et al, 2005). Difficul-
ties associated with RD are treated symptomatically (e.g.,
medication to treat coexisting epilepsy). Since the discovery
Autism Spectrum Disorders of the role of MECP2 in RD, researchers have begun to use
Empirical support for the pharmacological management of mouse models to explore the mechanisms of the disorder
core and peripheral symptoms of ASDs is limited and has been and interventions (e.g., Roux, Dura, Moncla, Mancini, &
primarily restricted to the investigation of atypical antipsy- Villard, 2007). Most recently, researchers have used a mouse
chotic, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, and stimulant model to demonstrate the reversibility of RD neurological
agents. Of these, atypical antipsychotic medications currently impairments, which raises the possibility that the impair-
offer the greatest potential for managing symptoms of ASDs. ment associated with this and related disorders is not irrev-
ocable (Guy, Gan, Selfridge, Cobb, & Bird, 2007).
Atypical Antipsychotics
Atypical antipsychotic medications are used to target the Childhood Disintegrative Disorder
symptoms of aggression, self-injury, severe tantrums, impul-
There are no fixed guidelines for the pharmacological treat-
sivity, language skills, and social impairments (Scahill, 2005).
ment of CDD. The behavior, attention, and other difficulties
For individuals across the life span with aggression, self-injury,
associated with this disorder are treated symptomatically. An-
and severe tantrums, risperidone (Risperdal) has emerged as
tipsychotics, benzodiazepines, antidepressants, and lithium
the standard treatment (Miral et al, 2008; Scahill, 2005). Some
have been tried with minimal effectiveness (Malhotra &
other atypical antipsychotics, including clozapine (Clozaril),
Gupta, 1999). Seizures are treated with antiepileptics, most
olanzapine (Zyprexa), and ziprasidone (Geodon), have poten-
commonly with carbamazepine (Tegretol) (Malhotra &
tial as effective medications, but require more research.
Gupta, 1999).
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors have been the sub- Summary
ject of limited research. This class of medications has the
potential for some therapeutic benefit for individuals with Throughout this chapter, the variability among individuals
ASDs, reduction of repetitive thoughts, repetitive behaviors, with PDDs was highlighted. Although all individuals share
and anxiety (Kolevzon, Mathewson, & Hollander, 2006). some level of impairment in social interaction, the severity of
However, individuals with ASDs are at a higher risk for this impairment differs widely across individuals. Other con-
medication-induced agitation, which is a significant com- cerns, such as stereotypical behavior, cognitive or intellectual
plication (Kolevzon et al, 2006). impairments, and tactile defensiveness may or may not be
present in any one individual. Another theme of this chapter
Stimulants was the strong support for genetic and neurological causes for
Preliminary research indicates that stimulants, specifically PDDs. Knowing this information is important so that occupa-
methylphenidate (Ritalin), can work effectively to manage tional therapists recognize the uniqueness of each individual
hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention in individuals and appreciate the neurological contributions of perceived
with ASD that co-occurs with attention deficit-hyperactivity maladaptive behaviors. In doing so, more effective assessment
disorder (Santosh, Baird, Pityaratstian, Tavare, & Gringras, and intervention procedures can be implemented.

Active Learning Strategies

1. Observation observation of the child both at school and at home. Many
families are eager to promote understanding of ASDs and will
The best way to understand what it means to live with an ASD
welcome you into their lives, but please remember the vulner-
is to observe an individual with autism across settings. Con-
ability that a family or an individual experiences when open-
tact a local chapter of the Autism Society of America to locate
ing their lives to another person.
an individual or the family of an individual with an ASD who
would be interested in sharing their life with you. Ask if you Reflective Questions
can spend some time observing and talking with them. Using ● In what ways did the individual encounter success in his or
what you have learned from this chapter, develop questions her day? In what ways did he or she encounter difficulty?
that will promote your understanding of living with an ASD. ● What were the discrepancies between the individual/
If possible, observe the individual across settings. For exam- family’s desired roles and activities, and what was
ple, if you are in contact with a family of a child, schedule an actually possible for them?
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CHAPTER 7 ■ Pervasive Developmental Disorders 95

● Imagine this individual participating in the different con- thinking about a third person’s mental state). Now consider
texts of your life. What would be his or her difficulties? how the interaction would differ if one of the individuals
What would need to be done to support his or her communicating was lacking in the ability to take another’s
participation? perspective.

Describe the experience in your In your Reflective Journal, respond

Reflective Journal. to the following questions.
Reflective Questions
2. Theory of Mind ● How observable was ToM perspective-taking in action?
Read the section on ToM. Observe an interaction between ● Describe behaviors that you observed that reflected
two individuals with good social skills that involves both inferences about another person’s mental state?
verbal and nonverbal communication. You could observe ● How did these behaviors affect the communication?
an interaction in real life or watch a video clip from a ● What might have occurred if these behaviors were absent?
movie or television show. Identify examples of first-order How might it affect communication? How might it
ToM (the ability to infer another person’s mental state) and affect the feelings that the two individuals have about
second-order ToM (consider what another person may be one another?

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Attention and Disruptive

Behavior Disorders 8
Judith S. Gonyea and Vaune Kopeck

“ P ooh needs intervention. We feel drugs are in order. We cannot but wonder how much richer
Pooh’s life might be were he to have a trial of low-dose stimulant medication. With the right
supports, including methylphenidate, Pooh might be fitter and more functional and perhaps
produce (and remember) more poems.
I take a PILL-tiddley pom It keeps me STILL-tiddley pom, It keeps me STILL-tiddley
pom Not fiddling . . .
We acknowledge that Tigger is gregarious and affectionate, but he has a recurrent pattern of
risk-taking behaviours. Look, for example, at his impulsive sampling of unknown substances when
he first comes to the Hundred Acre Wood.With the mildest of provocation he tries honey, haycorns
and even thistles.Tigger has no knowledge of the potential outcome of his experimentation. Later
we find him climbing tall trees and acting in a way that can only be described as socially intrusive.
He leads Roo into danger.
—Shea, Gordon, Hawkins, Kawchuk, and Smith, 2000

Introduction Description of the Disorders

From the moment we are born, the world provides each of
us with a wide array of interesting and not-so-interesting in- Children are typically curious and often adventurous, which
formation to gather, sort, and recall. Most individuals will, in makes the diagnosis of attention and disruptive disorders
time, learn to manage this complex task with enough effi- challenging. Knowing when, despite his or her best at-
ciency to engage in a lifetime of occupations. Others are not tempts, a child cannot sustain attention to complete his or
so fortunate and find the task of attending to each day’s her most interesting tasks, is a critical factor in helping de-
events difficult, if not impossible. Those individuals who are termine the potential presence of attention deficit or dis-
challenged by attention-based disorders struggle to maintain ruptive disorders. A complex process of ruling out a multi-
the threads of each process and filter or sort the barrage of tude of potential alternative disorders with careful attention
incoming information. Other individuals with conduct dis- to patterns or frequency of behaviors is required. Parents,
orders miss the cues that provide the parameters of expected teachers, therapists, and others who frequently observe the
social engagement. individual within his or her daily contexts may be engaged
The clinical review of Pooh and friends from the Hundred in this process.
Acre Wood (Shea, Gordon, Hawkins, Kawchuk, & Smith, Generally, attention-based and disruptive disorders are
2000) aroused some controversy because these familiar char- diagnosed “when problems with attention, hyperactivity,
acters were identified as being like countless children and and impulsiveness develop in childhood and persist, in some
adults who are challenged with attention and disruptive be- cases into adulthood” (American Psychiatric Association,
havior disorders. It is significant that, despite the unique 2000, p. 85). Diagnoses within this category include
challenges of each of A.A. Milne characters in the Pooh series, ■ Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder and its variations
each was beloved by many. Individuals with similar disorders ■ Conduct disorder
deserve the same fond regard. ■ Oppositional defiant disorder
Occupational therapists can play a key role in influencing ■ Disruptive behavior disorder, not otherwise specified
an individual’s or family’s decisions regarding attention
deficit and disruptive behavior disorders. Occupational ther- Individuals with these disorders are now increasingly
apists’ knowledge of the components of function and the en- recognized within the adult population, and research into
vironment can help individuals and families create options to the characteristics of attention and disruptive behavior
manage sensory and organizational challenges, giving each disorders in this life stage continues to emerge (Volkmar,
individual the opportunities to succeed in his or her own 2005). Further research is exploring the association be-
way. This can make the difference between an individual’s ex- tween these disorders and development of personality, as
clusion from or avoidance of daily activities and the ability to well as personality disorders in adults (Anckarsater et al,
fully participate in a functional daily routine. 2006).
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CHAPTER 8 ■ Attention and Disruptive Behavior Disorders 99

DSM-IV-TR Criteria have the combined type. It is not known whether the same
is true of adults with the disorder.
A review of the criteria indicates that varying degrees of The attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder, predom-
inattention, disorganization, excess activity, and impulsivity inantly inattentive type is used if six (or more) symptoms
interplay to determine each specific diagnosis. The hallmark of inattention (but less than six symptoms of hyperactivity-
of this diagnostic category is that the inability to focus and impulsivity) have persisted for at least 6 months. Hyperac-
control movement and behavior results in maladaptive tivity may still be a significant clinical feature in many such
skills, including impaired social engagement. cases, whereas other cases are more purely inattentive.
Scheres et al (2004) support theories of response inhibition The attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder, predom-
(in prefrontal cortical areas) and executive function deficits in inantly hyperactive-impulsive type is used if six (or
childhood attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). more) symptoms of hyperactivity-impulsivity (but less
These neurological descriptions help identify the difficulty than six symptoms of inattention) have persisted for at
many children with attention deficit demonstrate in social least 6 months. Inattention may often still be a significant
situations, for example, saying or doing something that is in- clinical feature in such cases.
consistent with the social demands at the time. The detailed Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Although many individuals with ADHD present with Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR) criteria
symptoms of both inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity, for ADHD are outlined in Box 8-1.
there are individuals in whom one or the other pattern is pre- Conduct disorder has far more significant social ele-
dominant. The appropriate subtype for a current diagnosis is ments than ADHD and is noted when the individual
based on the predominant symptom pattern for the past also engages in high-risk or harmful activity. Searlight,
6 months. Subtypes of ADHD include Rottnek, and Abby (2001) note that this disorder “increases
■ Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder, combined type the risk of several public health problems including vio-
■ Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder, predominantly lence, weapon use, teenage pregnancy, substance abuse, and
inattentive type dropping out of school” (p. 1579). Age of onset plays a
■ Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder, predominantly factor in the selection of this diagnosis, and criteria have
hyperactive-impulsive type been revised as more specific data about age groups have
emerged. Behaviors that are elements of social- or peer-
The attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder, com- influenced adolescent defiance may also suggest other
bined type subtype is used if six (or more) symptoms diagnoses such as antisocial personality disorder. The
of hyperactivity-impulsivity have persisted for at least detailed DSM-IV-TR criteria for conduct disorder are out-
6 months. Most children and adolescents with the disorder lined in Box 8-2.

BOX 8-1 ■ DSM-IV-TR Diagnostic Criteria for ADHD

A. Either (1) or (2): b. Often leaves seat in classroom or in other situations in

1. Six (or more) of the following symptoms of inattention have which remaining seated is expected
persisted for at least 6 months to a degree that is maladaptive c. Often runs about or climbs excessively in situations in
and inconsistent with developmental level: which it is inappropriate (in adolescents or adults, may be
Inattention limited to subjective feelings of restlessness)
a. Often fails to give close attention to details or makes care- d. Often has difficulty playing or engaging in leisure activities
less mistakes in schoolwork, work, or other activities quietly
b. Often has difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or play e. Is often “on the go” or acts as if “driven by a motor”
activities f. Often talks excessively
c. Often does not seem to listen when spoken to directly Impulsivity
d. Often does not follow through on instructions and fails g. Often blurts out answers before questions have been
to finish schoolwork, chores, or duties in the workplace completed
(not due to oppositional behavior or failure to understand h. Often has difficulty waiting turn
instructions) i. Often interrupts or intrudes on others (e.g., butts into conver-
e. Often has difficulty organizing tasks and activities sations or games)
f. Often avoids, dislikes, or is reluctant to engage in tasks that B. Some hyperactive-impulsive or inattentive symptoms that caused
require sustained mental effort (e.g., schoolwork, homework) impairment were present before age 7 years.
g. Often loses things necessary for tasks or activities (e.g., C. Some impairment from the symptoms is present in two or more
toys, school assignments, pencils, books, tools) settings (e.g., at school [or work] and at home).
h. Is often easily distracted by extraneous stimuli D. There must be clear evidence of clinically significant impairment in
i. Is often forgetful in daily activities social, academic, or occupational functioning.
2. Six (or more) of the following symptoms of hyperactivity- E. The symptoms do not occur exclusively during the course of a per-
impulsivity have persisted for at least 6 months to a degree vasive developmental disorder, schizophrenia, or other psychotic
that is maladaptive and inconsistent with developmental level: disorder and are not better accounted for by another mental dis-
Hyperactivity order (e.g., mood disorder, anxiety disorder, dissociative disorder,
a. Often fidgets with hands or feet or squirms in seat or personality disorder).

From American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
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100 PART 2 ■ The Person

BOX 8-2 ■ DSM-IV-TR Diagnostic Criteria for Conduct Disorder

A. A repetitive and persistent pattern of behavior in which the basic 11. Often lies to obtain goods or favors or to avoid obligations
rights of others or major age-appropriate societal norms or rules (i.e., “cons” others)
are violated, as manifested by the presence of three (or more) of 12. Has stolen items of nontrivial value without confronting a
the following criteria in the past 12 months, with at least one cri- victim (e.g., shoplifting, but without breaking and entering;
terion present in the past 6 months: forgery)
Aggression to people and animals Serious violations of rules
1. Often bullies, threatens, or intimidates others 13. Often stays out at night despite parental prohibitions, begin-
2. Often initiates physical fights ning before age 13 years
3. Has used a weapon that can cause serious physical harm to 14. Has run away from home overnight at least twice while living
others (e.g., a bat, brick, broken bottle, knife, gun) in parental or parental surrogate home (or once without re-
turning for a lengthy period)
4. Has been physically cruel to people
15. Is often truant from school, beginning before age 13 years
5. Has been physically cruel to animals
B. The disturbance in behavior causes clinically significant impair-
6. Has stolen while confronting a victim (e.g., mugging, purse
ment in social, academic, or occupational functioning.
snatching, extortion, armed robbery)
C. If the individual is age 18 years or older, criteria are not met for an-
7. Has forced someone into sexual activity tisocial personality disorder.
Destruction of property Specify type based on age at onset:
8. Has deliberately engaged in fire-setting with the intention of ■ Childhood-Onset Type: onset of at least one criterion charac-
causing serious damage teristic of conduct disorder prior to age 10 years
9. Has deliberately destroyed others’ property (other than by fire- ■ Adolescent-Onset Type: absence of any criteria characteristic
setting) of conduct disorder prior to age 10 years
Deceitfulness or theft ■ Unspecified Onset:
10. Has broken into someone else’s house, building, or car

From American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), usually diag-

nosed in childhood, is a psychiatric disorder characterized BOX 8-3 ■ DSM-IV-TR Diagnostic Criteria
by two separate behavioral categories. These behaviors in- for Oppositional Defiant Disorder
clude aggression and the tendency to be purposefully both-
ersome, annoying, and/or irritating to others. These behav- A. A pattern of negativistic, hostile, and defiant behavior lasting
iors are often the reason that caregivers, clinicians, and at least 6 months, during which four (or more) of the following
teachers seek treatment (Chandler, 2008). The detailed are present:
DSM-IV-TR criteria for ODD are outlined in Box 8-3. 1. Often loses temper
Disruptive behavior disorder, not otherwise specified, 2. Often argues with adults
provides a more general category for diagnosis, and this des- 3. Often actively defies or refuses to comply with adults’
ignation is used when an individual presents with many of requests or rules
the same signs and symptoms that are noted in the attention 4. Often deliberately annoys people
deficit, conduct disorder, and ODD categories, but may not 5. Often blames others for his or her mistakes or misbehavior
fit neatly into a diagnostic criteria as noted. Use of this cate- 6. Is often touchy or easily annoyed by others
gory may enable initial intervention toward management of 7. Is often angry and resentful
the disorder until further evaluation can be performed. In 8. Is often spiteful or vindictive
some cases, this diagnosis may remain throughout the Note: Consider a criterion met only if the behavior occurs
course of treatment. more frequently than is typically observed in individuals of
For each diagnostic category, it is important to note that comparable age and developmental level.
much research continues across many disciplines. As Andres B. The disturbance in behavior causes clinically significant im-
Martin (2005) notes in his editorial review of emerging stud- pairment in social, academic, or occupational functioning.
ies,“For now, optimism and enthusiasm in the context of these C. The behaviors do not occur exclusively during the course of a
studies, and awareness about the risky business of compla- psychotic or mood disorder.
cency, should together spur us to do more for the many with D. Criteria are not met for conduct disorder, and, if the individual
ADHD” (p. 1577). is age 18 years or older, criteria are not met for antisocial per-
sonality disorder
From American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and
No specific cause (or causes) is cited for these disorders at Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.). Washington, DC:
this time, although neural regulatory processes are specific ar- Author.
eas of concern. Research continues into the many variants of
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CHAPTER 8 ■ Attention and Disruptive Behavior Disorders 101

attention and disruptive behavior disorders (Pliszka, Carlson, available in these settings, and interventions may be resisted
& Swanson, 1999). Genetic patterns across families and into or unwelcomed by some.
adulthood have been considered (Martin, 2005), as well as a Gender differences may be more difficult to determine.
variety of neurobiological processing patterns of unknown Disney, Elkins, McGue, and Iacono (1999) reported no sig-
etiology (Volkmar, 2005). Neuroimaging is leading to infor- nificant gender differences toward development of substance
mation about potential deficits in inhibitory control areas of abuse in adolescents diagnosed with conduct disorder. In a
the brain in individuals with ADHD (Pliszka et al, 2006) and Nova Scotia study, Waschbusch and King (2006) noted that
the effects of medication on these regions. The complex statistics regarding girls with ADHD or ODD may not reflect
process of differential diagnosis and information gathering the actual prevalence of the disorder due to rater bias, when
through family history, neuroimaging, blood chemistry stud- raters may not identify girls’ behavior as being as significant
ies, and medication trials continue to build this body of as males’, or the diagnostic criteria itself may reflect tenden-
knowledge. cies more prevalent among males (e.g., more physical ag-
gression vs verbal aggression).
Prevalence Intervention may also be culturally referenced, and thera-
pists working with international or multicultural populations
In a review of data from 2003 by the Centers for Disease Con- should consider these regionally or culturally specific beliefs
trol and Prevention, Visser and Lesesne (2005) estimate that, and expectations during the intervention planning process.
based on parent-reported data, 4.4 million children ages 4 to Curtis, Pisecco, Hamilton, and Moore (2006) notes differences
17 years, or approximately 7.8%, were diagnosed with ADHD in intervention between the United States and New Zealand,
in the year 2003. Of those reported, they also noted that 56% where it is believed that “academic failure or learning disor-
were identified as receiving medication. It should be noted ders” (p. 173) are at the root of these disorders. This shifts
that diagnosis of these disorders often begins under a pri- treatment to a teacher-focused model versus one in which
mary care physician’s care (Searlight et al, 2001); thus, data counseling or behavioral intervention is primary.
regarding diagnosis and treatment may be difficult to gather Olfson, Gameroff, Marcus, and Jensen (2003) reported a
because the primary care provider may not be coding or re- higher rate of treatment among white than black children in
porting data that are identified with aggregate samples for the United States, although there is no conclusive information
these diagnoses. regarding this tendency, which could indicate either lack of
Although prevalence of conduct disorders is also subject access or lack of willingness to participate. Beliefs about be-
to coding difficulties, the U.S. Department of Health and havioral management and family roles could influence these
Human Services (1999) reported that conduct disorders statistics. In the Virgin Islands (Dudley-Grant, 2001), treat-
were more likely to be found in boys than girls and more ment for conduct disorder and other similar disorders contin-
likely in urban areas than rural areas. Overall, conduct disor- ues to emerge as this culture becomes increasingly influenced
ders affect 1% to 4% of youth ages 9 to 17 years, depending by Western beliefs and practices. Its predominantly black cul-
on exactly how each disorder is defined. ture creates its own standards for family relationships that are
In addition, the growing body of knowledge and research less influenced by white or European standards.
regarding medications and their indications and contraindi-
cations (Pliszka et al, 2006) makes decisions regarding diagno- Course
sis and treatment even more complex. Several categories of
medication may be used, including stimulants, mood stabiliz- Because identification and treatment of ADHD and disrup-
ers, and neuroleptics, although their use may be “off label,” tive behavior disorders has been increasing over the past
that is, not specifically indicated for use with these disorders. decade or more (Olfson et al, 2003), the course of these con-
In this case, prescriptive elements such as dosage, frequency, ditions remains somewhat uncertain. Anckarsater et al (2006)
and duration are not readily available. Medications may be suggest that there may be many more associations between
combined in order to manage the range of symptoms indi- childhood ADHD and autism spectrum disorder with adult
cated, and each individual’s response to medication must be personality disorders and other conditions. Studies continue
evaluated with regard to both effectiveness and side effects, to investigate the prevalence of these conditions and patterns
with adjustments made accordingly. For some individuals into adulthood. It might be helpful for the reader to reference
with more complex symptoms or medication needs, brief or Chapter 11.
extended hospitalization may be indicated in order for these
medication adjustments to occur.
Gender and Cultural Considerations Impact on Occupational
Cultural differences from community to nation can influ-
ence the perception of these strongly behavioral-based dis-
orders. A study by Biederman, Faraone, and Monuteaux Jackson and Arbesman (2005) developed occupational
(2002) noted an increased tendency toward ADHD in boys therapy practice guidelines for children with behavioral
over girls living in environments with lower social class and and psychosocial needs as part of a larger set of guidelines
other environment risks. This class difference may be fur- across several practice areas. These guidelines provide a
ther noted in a study of African American boys and girls good starting point when framing the role of occupational
from lower-income families who showed a greater tendency therapy with individuals challenged by attention deficit
for earlier onset of conduct disorder (Kilgore, Snyder, & or disruptive behavior patterns. Information about using
Lentz, 2000). Resources for intervention may be less readily the occupational therapy process, including evidence-based
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102 PART 2 ■ The Person

The Lived Experience

Three different lived experiences are included in this chapter so and half of “Secret Agent Man”—that one is really hard.
that the reader learns from the different perspectives of a child, I can play “Mad Man,” which is like a half an hour song. I
an adult, and a parent. like to draw cars, engines, battleships, people. Mostly
I have music one day, then gym and then art in a pattern.
Q: Do you get any special help at school?
Nate A: Sometimes. Like math help if I need help with that. I do
Nate is a 9-year-old boy who attends the third grade and has
times and fractions. I get to do more of these at Sylvan
changed schools twice this year, from a parochial school to two
Learning Center. At school, they don’t think I can do that
public schools, while trying to find the goodness of fit for his ed-
(then he demonstrates how much he knows about mul-
ucational needs.
tiplications, including knowing that any number multiplied
Q: What is a regular day like for you from the time you get by 1 equals that number and how any number multiplied
up until the time you go to bed? by zero equals zero).
A: On the weekends, it goes pretty good unless me and I am reading a naval war book. Actually, all I like to do
my friends get into a fight. ‘Cause me and Mark always get is read library books that are higher than third grade.
into a fight. Sometimes we hit, but one day we got into a I want an electric bass so I can play funk and see how
fight. I thought, “Let’s talk about this . . . because if it gets low it can get. I’d like to play with my friend who knows a
any worse, someone’s going to call the police.” Actually lot of songs, and he gives me music. I can read music,
what happens is Mark pretends like he is going to call the and I like to figure out how to play the songs.
police, but he doesn’t. Once we fought over a rake be- Q: This has been kind of a tough year at school. What do
cause we both wanted it. We were going to rake leaves, you think is going on?
a big pile, so that we could take it into the street because A: When I am working, I don’t feel my ADHD. The only
we were helping an old gentleman. There was only one time I feel it is when I am at bed time. A lot of times, I think
rake, and there was two garbage cans. After we got that my medicine is making my chest hurt. Sometimes I
done fighting, I helped the older gentleman put the leaves start crying, it feels so bad. It feels like nails are in it. But
into the garbage can and take it to the curb. We asked then it takes me a while to get to sleep. I take some
him, since he is elderly, and we felt bad he had to do all meds at night and listening meds in the morning. They are
this work. When we got done, we got some candy and different colors, and they both are listening meds. I’m not
Skittles, and we got $1.25. sure if they work. In the past, I didn’t always take my
I play with another friend. The only problem is that I also meds, and we found a pile of pills when we moved my
have an enemy in my neighborhood who lives right across bed. It was a stupid thing. I got into trouble. I think when
the street. We are enemies because we’re mostly not I don’t take my meds, it seems like to me that it gets a lit-
friends. He tricked me. Two boys wanted to hurt me; I don’t tle crummy. Sometimes it’s out of control, and I don’t even
know why, but they go to the same school as me. It is a bully realize that I am doing things and I get into trouble.
school, but I don’t get bullied anymore because I am a cool Q: If you could tell someone how they could help you and
kid. At one time I was not a cool kid, but now I am a cool kid. kids like you who have ADHD, what would you say?
Q: How do you get to be a cool kid? A: Or what questions you might ask?
A: I act more cool, and I hang out with Terrance. He is the Q: Sure, what questions you might ask.
boss of cool kids. Terrance, he is a cool kid, he’s black, A: How could I be good in school? Listen to the teacher. You
and he’s like the head cool. In my school, there is a can take your medicine. Don’t catch the school on fire. If you
“no bully” sign everywhere because it’s a top bully school. find a lighter on the floor, don’t even pick it up or touch it.
Hitting a teacher, the school will call the police. I’ve been I just tell the teacher it is there. On one of my bad days, they
in that situation. might call the police or fire department and take me to a fos-
Q: What are the things you do at school that you really ter home. I know what a foster home is. If I get suspended,
enjoy? I could go to the slammer. If I go to a foster home and got
A: Playing with my friend Todd. We play Army. Mostly he un- suspended, they could put me in jail. My aunt was in a fos-
derstands that I am always captain and he is a radio oper- ter home. I’ve heard stories about that. No bringing
ator. Mostly the things I’m into instead of the Army is being weapons to school—kids have brought real knives and a
a Navy Seal. I just want to be a captain. I’ve been looking it real gun. Do your homework. No bullying—about that,
up online and watching Navy Seal stories on the military there’s these second-grade kids. They got their side, and my
channel. I’m recording these shows. We just play this at side and Terrance’s side. We are Americans. They go to the
home at night and sometimes on weekend mornings. same school, and they are not on our side and they are
Q: Tell me about your favorite class at school. not Americans. They don’t know how to speak American.
A: Neither. I don’t like anything but music and art. We draw Terrance says we should take them down because they are
in art, and there’s these computer pianos and they are not Americans. Terrance is really a sensitive kid. About who
hooked up to the computer and you can play them, and and what is messing with him. If he really wants to take them
they are computer lessons. I play my piano at home. I down, he could. Sometimes he’s good. He mostly, me and
want an electric guitar for Christmas. I play “Ode to Joy” him work together. We’ve done tests together.
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CHAPTER 8 ■ Attention and Disruptive Behavior Disorders 103

The Lived Experience—cont’d

Jeff were 25 to 30 kids in there asking multiple questions at the
Jeff is a 23-year-old teaching assistant who is working to help same time. I also had the money management budgeting
students who struggle like him. class with you, which helped me a lot. I had Dr. T while I was
at school. I still see him now. We have a development plan
Q: What is a regular day like for you from the time you get for me with goals to work on for each year. Having the de-
up until the time you go to bed? velopment plan and seeing the therapist and psychiatrist
A: Busy! I get up, I take my medication, I make sure my regularly has been very helpful.
room is nice and clean, I go to work for 8 hours, I come Q: What is the development plan?
back home, take another dose of my Seroquel, then I just A: This helps me with controlling my impulses, the urges
take it easy. to make bad choices when I have a lot of unstructured
Q: How is this routine different from when you were time, to focus my time; like if I wanted to do something
younger and in school? that would get me in trouble with the law, my plan tells me
A: It is a lot different! I have to get up earlier than I did be- to look at the photo of the jail, which would remind me to
fore. I was always in trouble, my parents had to take me stay out of trouble.
back and forth to school when I was not allowed to take the Q: What is the most difficult thing that you are having to
bus or because I got expelled. Things have changed a lot. deal with as an adult with ADHD? And as a working adult
Q: What were some things that you really enjoyed about with ADHD?
school? A: It is a lot harder as an adult. Now you have bills to take
A: Learning. I loved doing class work and homework. I care of, you have work responsibilities, you have to make
was the top in my class academically all the time and sure you get there on time, you have a lot more responsi-
never got anything below a “B”. bilities to deal with that you wouldn’t have in school be-
Q: Did you get any special help in school? If yes, why did cause your parents are mainly focused on you in school.
you think that you were getting that help? I feel like I have my ADHD managed to where I can be suc-
A: At my last two schools, I had a 1:1 aid because of the cessful and I am doing something that I like. I am interact-
situations I was involved in while I was in the county schools. ing with a bunch of people, even though some of them
It was recommended by the superintendent of the county have an attitude problem. I had to deal with that in school,
schools that if I were to go to another county school, I would so I have a better feeling as an adult how I can deal with
need to have structured supervision by an adult with me to it. As an adult, I am better able to stop and think. If I did
watch my behavior problems. At the time, I saw this as a the things that I used to do in school now and in the real
punishment; I didn’t like someone being my shadow and world, you will end up going to jail. As a kid, you basically
following me around to do everything I had to do. The only get a slap on the hand and Mom and Dad help you deal
time I had my own time in school was in the bathroom. with it, but once you turn 18 it is in the hands of the
Q: Looking back, is there anything that you would change courts.
about your school experience? Q: If you could tell someone something about how they
A: Yes, I would change the people that I hang around and could better help others with ADHD, what would you tell
doing the things that got me in trouble. I would have wanted them?
to have a more pleasant school year instead of always be- A: With ADHD, it is going to be a struggle. You have to
ing in trouble. Being in trouble meant cussing teachers out, learn the basics of the diagnosis. If you are a parent, you
flooding the bathroom toilets, poking at people’s heads with can’t just say that my kid has a disorder and ignore it and
pencils; I actually put tacks on one teacher’s chair, a lot of let someone else deal with it. The child will be spending
things. I would get on the bus and start cussing, and when a lot of time with the parent, so the parent will need to
the bus driver told me not to, I would turn my headphones learn how to deal with the issues; there is treatment out
up loud just to get on the aide’s nerves. I liked to “nitpick” there, plenty of medications to try, there are plenty of as-
and pick on kids to get attention. I would break the bus rules sistance and strategies.
by drinking soda and use my phone just to make them mad; Q: What have you learned over the years about your
just for them to say something. diagnosis?
Q: Looking back, what do you think was the most helpful A: I learned that, as a child, the diagnosis that I had was
assistance you received at school? How did that assis- always getting me into trouble, constantly. I was doing hor-
tance prepare you for what you are doing now? rible things, things that other kids wouldn’t do. I also
A: That’s a hard one. It was the staff at my last two schools. learned that I have a short attention span and have tried
They were more hands on than the county teachers were. to deal with that better as an adult. I try to think of things
The county teachers just gave you the work and expected that interest me the most, then my attention span seems
you to do it and that’s it. At Forbush and Hanna Moore, to expand more than what is was in school. In school, they
there were more adults around and more supervision. would give me work that I could finish in 5 minutes, then
When you had a question, they would answer it right then I had the rest of the class time to make fun of people and
and there. The classrooms were smaller, so they had more get into constant trouble. Keeping myself busy with things
ability to keep your attention. In the county schools, there that interest me helps.

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104 PART 2 ■ The Person

The Lived Experience—cont’d

Jan Fitzgerald, Executive Director, books, they are a must read for any parent. They are a reminder
of what was reality for people with disabilities.
Parent to Parent of NYS “We stand on the strong shoulders of those before us.” I had
Parent to Parent is an organization developed by parents of chil-
never heard that statement until I entered the disability world. It
dren with special needs to provide information, advocacy, and
has been used in other circles, but it certainly makes sense for
support to others facing the same types of challenges each of
us, doesn’t it? We can only build on the successes of the past
its member families has encountered. Jan Fitzgerald, executive
accomplished by those before us.
director of Parent to Parent of New York State, has worked dili-
We all know parents who have paved the way for us and
gently to ensure that each of her sons, especially her son John,
for our children. Many had few choices, and all made sacrifices
has the opportunities he deserves. Here she shares the legacy
to make life better for people with developmental disabilities
of the countless parents who have helped create a more prom-
and for the parents of people with disabilities. Their persever-
ising future for children with special needs. Her lesson is one that
ance included the educational services we consider an
each clinician should consider as we work with families and in-
dividuals. Supporting hope and dreams can enable not only per-
Their determination included striving for a place to live other
sonal victories, but also policy.
than in an understaffed ward in an institution and activities to fill
a person’s day so they do not sit idle. Things we consider an ex-
We cannot forget the parents before us. Thank them for
their strong shoulders and for their endless hours of advocacy.
When you meet a parent who has come before you, thank
them for their work. We would not be here now if it wasn’t for
Parents before me knew that there had to be a better way.
They believed in human dignity and that all people have abili-
ties to build on. I believe this, too, and am grateful that my son
has had the educational and social opportunities he has had.
My next hope is that he will actually have a choice in employ-
ment. And that John will have a best friend, just like my other
sons have. My hope is that someday everyone will recognize
that people with developmental disabilities need fun and joy in
their lives.
We have come so far, and yet we still have so far to go.
As our newer and younger parents come forward and be-
come the parents who others turn to, we welcome them and
also thank them. We offer our shoulders to those who follow us.
Remember that whenever a vision of possibility for people
with disabilities has been expanded, at least one parent was in-
Jan’s son John working for the New York State Department of volved with vision long before professionals were. We can never
Environmental Conservation. stop dreaming of making life better.
Our dream at Parent to Parent is that no parent will be alone;
When I started to think about what I was going to write, my
we cannot stop being there for other parents and for each other.
first thought was about Burt Blatt and his book Christmas in
As challenging as things sometimes are, remember to show
Purgatory. If there is anything that reminds us of the past his-
gratitude, practice forgiveness, and welcome the newcomer.
tory of what care looked like for people with developmental dis-
Thank you.
abilities, it is his books. If you have not heard of him or read his

assessment and treatment approaches, is outlined for spe- seek medical attention. Early identification of these changes
cific diagnoses and setting. Because much is yet to be can prevent a crisis or need for hospitalization.
learned, occupational therapists focus on functional out- Individuals with disorders that are manifested through
comes for individuals within their given context, while ty- anxiety, aggression, or distress when their sense of control is
ing approaches to much needed research and reflection on threatened (conduct/oppositional defiant) may find them-
occupational therapy theoretical foundations. selves unable to follow protocols in the classroom or work-
Each developmental stage or transition will present a new place, such as arriving on time or taking directions from oth-
challenge to the individual with attention deficit disorder or ers. People with attention deficit may be intimidated by new
other disruptive behavior disorders. Changes in body sys- settings and routines or fail to recognize changes in the en-
tems related to development (puberty, adulthood, aging, and vironment or its expectations. This may restrict their ability
menopause), weight gain/loss, and illness can influence the to adjust to a new classroom as a child, or to a new workplace
effectiveness of medications and require the individual to or job type as an adult.
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CHAPTER 8 ■ Attention and Disruptive Behavior Disorders 105

Similarly, difficulty following societal rules can result in a long history of failure or a trauma history, the assessment
ongoing legal issues that may ultimately lead to incarceration. process becomes more challenging. Observation, interviews,
In each case, the ability to assess future environments, plan and assessment of processing, including sensory processing,
ahead, and develop coping and/or self-management strate- may reveal the most useful assessment information. No as-
gies is the key to success. Adult services may further emerge sessment should proceed without gathering a thorough his-
as research follows younger individuals diagnosed with atten- tory and developing rapport with the individual. The nature
tion deficit and behavioral disorders into adulthood. of these disorders creates a climate in which skill deficits are
Individuals with attention deficit disorder and other disrup- most pronounced during times of stress. Although perform-
tive disorders do not fall easily into a ready-made assessment ance under stress is also a valuable piece of evaluative informa-
protocol. Each individual will present with unique characteris- tion, this will not present a good foundation for future work or
tics, and the first sign that there is a problem may be poor per- goal setting if it is the therapist’s entry into the occupational
formance on standardized assessments. These individuals have therapy process. Note that individuals with ODD or conduct
often had experiences that challenge their self-esteem and mo- disorder will often present a resistant front, and good clinical
tivation, so the climate of assessment can be intimidating for observation skills may be the therapist’s best source of infor-
them from the start. Several factors to consider when a referral mation in these cases. It is important to note again that later as-
is received include the reason for referral, age of the individual, sessment may reveal more telling information, but a less for-
previous assessments, and history of intervention. mal initial approach will gain the most. Figure 8-1 provides an
If the referral occurs before the individual has experienced example of an occupationally based assessment process from
a lot of failure, the evaluation process can be more compre- screening to goal-setting for children and adults with attention
hensive and often more valid. When a referred individual has and disruptive behavior disorders.

Referral for OT
evaluation or screening

Pediatric Older Adolescent or Adult

Screening/Occupational Profile Screening/Occupational Profile

Use an occupationally based Use an occupationally based
assessment (e.g., Canadian assessment (e.g., COPM, Worker
Occupational Performance Measure Role Inventory [Braveman, et al, 2005],
[COPM; Law, et al, 2005]) to or Occupational Self-Assessment
determine child, adolescent, and/or [Baron, et al, 2006]) to determine
caregiver perspectives and goals. client perspectives and goals.
A complete educational and A complete vocational and social
play history is important. history is important.

Assessment — Complete further Assessment — Complete further

assessments, depending upon nature assessments, depending upon nature
of referral and initial impressions, of referral and initial impressions,
including: including:

Observations, interviews, and fine Lifestyle Performance Profile (Velde

or gross motor assessments will and Fidler, 2002) or similar instrument.
identify performance deficits, but Work simulation
may only reinforce sense of failure The Adolescent/Adult Sensory Profile
(USE WITH CAUTION). (Brown & Dunn, 2002) often provides
The Sensory Profile often provides valuable baseline information.
valuable baseline information.

Service Needs and Goal Setting

Goals need to focus on participation across occupational environments.
Long-term goals need to reference habits and routines that are consistent
FIGURE 8-1. Example of an occupationally
with the individual’s roles.
based assessment process—from screening Goals must also incorporate management of transitions and symptoms with
to goal-setting—for children and adults affected or without medications and new challenges across settings and over time.
by attention and disruptive behavior disorders.
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106 PART 2 ■ The Person

Cognitive Impairment Motor Impairment and Sensory Processing

Cognitive performance deficits in individuals with atten- A review by White (2005) suggests that investigation using
tion deficit include both processing and executive func- instruments such as the Assessment of Motor and Process
tions. This results in difficulties in both interpreting envi- Skills can provide useful information regarding task process
ronmental cues and executing desired responses (Scheres deficits in individuals with attention deficit, as well as the
et al, 2004). Information sorting and retrieval may be most role that cortisol and other neurotransmitters play in task
challenging and, when coupled with a tendency toward performance outcomes. This may further support investiga-
impulsivity, can result in situations that put the individual tions into related disorder types. It is important to note that
at risk of injury or embarrassment. The individual may underlying attentional deficits, anxiety, depression, or re-
jump up or surge ahead of others as the cues to “wait one’s lated symptoms may cause the appearance of motor impair-
turn” are lost amidst other information. Receptive and ex- ment, which may resolve when the underlying condition is
pressive language skills may be impaired, and individuals in better control. It is also important to consider medication
may interject unrelated or seemingly irrelevant informa- side effects in relation to motor function and make this con-
tion into conversations or appear unknowledgeable, disin- sideration a priority when discussing the course of treat-
terested, or insensitive when key elements of information ment with the physician. Adjustments in medication can re-
are lost. sult in remarkable improvement or loss of function.
It is important for occupational therapists to identify Occupational therapy can provide valuable insight toward
the areas of greatest functional concern in order to maxi- the most effective outcome.
mize the effects of intervention. The Alert Program One of the key components of intervention that has been
(Williams & Shellenberger, 1996) has been implemented a focus of occupational therapy is sensory processing disor-
with the adolescent population (Barnes, Beck, Vogel, der (Miller, 2006). Stemming from theories of sensory inte-
Grice, & Murphy, 2003) as a means of providing com- gration first postulated by Ayres (2005), this area of research
bined cognitive and sensory strategies in order to enable and intervention focuses on the individual’s ability to work
emotionally challenged adolescents to cope more effec- with information from internal stimuli (i.e., the body’s own
tively with environmental demands. A series of awareness processing rhythm and the external environment, including
activities help adolescents identify how their body re- sights, sounds, touch, etc). This allows for a bottom-up view
sponds to the environment, such as what makes them of the child’s processing challenges, noting the inability to
calm, agitated, focused, etc. They then consider and try access executive functions if lower-level brain systems are in
out various types of input (sensory tools or strategies) distress or unable to filter and interpret effectively.
that help them adjust their body’s response to the de- The Sensory Profile (Brown & Dunn, 2002; Dunn
mands of specific situations. Decisions regarding what 1997), an instrument that has been developed in forms ap-
works are often part of the team process, with the adoles- propriate for children, adolescents, and adults, can help
cent, therapist, caregiver, and educators contributing to categorize ways in which the individual responds to the
the analysis. Finding a means to efficiently provide these sensory environment. The degree to which an individual
resources and measure their effect is an ongoing challenge responds to the environment and seeks or avoids interac-
within the fast-paced academic environment. See Chapter tion with the environment can help define the environ-
18 for more detailed information. ments and activities in which he or she may be most com-
fortable and those that may cause the greatest distress.
This information can further lead to the development of
interventions that help modulate these responses to a
more “typical” level or develop strategies to help the indi-
vidual cope with their sensitivities in ways that enable
Evidence-Based Practice function (e.g., wearing clothing that does not feel uncom-
fortable, using white noise or headphones to help manage
R esearch continues into the relationship between child-
hood attentional and conduct disorders and adult
auditory sensitivity).
In her book, The Out-of-Sync Child: Recognizing and
Coping With Sensory Processing Disorder, Carol Kranowitz
➤ Occupational therapists need to consider transitional readiness (2005) supports this view of the challenging child, provid-
for older students entering higher education or the workforce ing concepts and resources to parents, educators, and clini-
(Brollier, Shepherd, & Markley, 1994; Martin, 2005; Spear, cians as they support children on their quest toward partic-
2007). ipation. Note that the use of the term “sensory processing”
Brollier, C., Shepherd, J., & Markley, K. (1994). Transition from school
in this text replaces “sensory integration” from Kranowitz
to community living. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 48, and Silver (1998). Occupational therapists continue to in-
346–353. vestigate how sensory processing affects function and how
Martin, A. (2005). The hard work of growing up with ADHD. American applications of sensory techniques, such as the application
Journal of Psychiatry, 162, 1043–1044.
Spear, S. (2007). Adult education: What’s OT got to do with it? American
of weight for proprioceptive input during activity, may en-
Occupational Therapy Association. Mental Health Special Interest Section able greater self-management and attention (Honaker &
Quarterly, 30(2), 1–3. Rossi, 2005). See Chapter 20 for more information about
assessment and intervention.
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CHAPTER 8 ■ Attention and Disruptive Behavior Disorders 107

abuse because methylphenidate is a stimulant (Disney et al,

Evidence-Based Practice 1999). In addition, there are concerns regarding people
with ADHD who have not received treatment, in that they
P ublished studies have focused on an individual’s ability to
engage in tasks (Honaker & Rossi, 2005; Segal et al, 2005;
White, 2005). Additional studies have looked at factors influenc-
have more legal and social impairments (D. Pate, personal
communication, 2009).
Further concerns regarding immediate response to treat-
ing engagement, including sensory processing and decreased
ment include psychotic or manic symptoms (Ross, 2006),
executive function (Miller, 2006). Results indicate that
overstimulation, or development of dependency and abuse
➤ Occupational therapists should assess barriers to attention, of the prescribed methylphenidate (Volkow, 2006). Atten-
including sensory processing, cognitive processing, and tion to the medication’s therapeutic effect and whether a
social perception and skills. “go” versus “stop” response is responsible for improved “go”
➤ Occupational therapists should evaluate task demands in performance (i.e., is it the individual’s ability to make the
order to facilitate development of compensatory strategies decision [improved process speed and sorting] or to “stop”
(Barnes, Beck, Vogel, Grice, & Murphy, 2003). undesired responses that enables the most functional per-
formance?) may help refine medication choices and use
Barnes, K. J., Beck, A. J., Vogel, K. A., Grice, K. O., & Murphy, D. (2003).
Perceptions regarding school-based occupational therapy for children
(Pliszka et al, 2006).
with emotional disturbances. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, Beyond the use of stimulants such as methylphenidate
57, 337–340. (Concerta, Ritalin), other medications include antidepres-
Honaker, D., & Rossi, L. M. (2005). Proprioception and participation at sants and mood stabilizers, clonidine (Catapres), and other
school: Are weighted vests effective? Appraising the evidence, part 2.
Sensory Integration Special Interest Section Quarterly, 28(4), 1–4. psychotropic medications. Depending on the specific diag-
Miller, L. J., with Fuller, D. A. (2006). Sensational Kids: Hope and Help for nosis (ADHD, conduct disorder, ODD, etc) and individual
Children With Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD). New York: Putnam. symptoms, medications may be administered singly or in
Segal, R., Hinojosa, J., Addonizio, C., Borisoff, D., Inderies, L., & Lee, J. combination in order to achieve the most functional thera-
(2005). Homework strategies for children with attention deficit hyperactivity
disorder. OT Practice, 10(17), 9–12. peutic result.
White, B. P. (2005). Behavioral and physiologic response measures of The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (2007) man-
occupational task performance: A preliminary comparison between typi- dated that drug manufacturers issue more specific informa-
cal children and children with attention disorder. American Journal of
Occupational Therapy, 59, 426–436. tion about medication use. Guidelines such as these help as-
sure that prescription guidelines are geared toward this
specific population.
Concern regarding proper dosage and reporting of side
effects is ongoing, especially because most of the individ-
Work and Adult Engagement uals receiving medication for these disorders are children
of varied ages with a mixed presentation of signs and
There is much to be learned regarding the influence of at- symptoms.
tention deficit and behavioral disorders into adulthood.
Individuals struggling with work roles and engagement
may benefit from occupational therapy strategies. Spear Summary
(2007) suggests that a battery of occupational therapy as-
sessments may reveal barriers to both adult education and The increasingly complex demands of community, work,
employment in much the same way as educational chal- and educational settings puts a high demand on individu-
lenges are noted in children and adolescents. She further als’ ability to focus, receive, and interpret information,
cites the need to explore occupational therapy roles in as well as make sound behavioral judgments that enable
work or adult education settings. Brollier, Shepherd, and productive engagement. The additional challenges that in-
Markley (1994) made the case that occupational therapy dividuals with attention deficit and disruptive behavior
services need to shift attention with older students toward disorders face, although not insurmountable, require
management of adult roles and implementation of com- specialized evaluation and management. When unman-
pensatory strategies if needed. (See Chapter 50.) aged, these disorders can lead to dysfunction that endures
throughout a lifetime, restricting work, interpersonal
relationships, and engagement in the most meaningful
Medications occupations.
Occupational therapy’s comprehensive focus on sen-
The most common medications associated with treatment sorineural, cognitive, motor, and psychosocial functions, as
of ADHD are the stimulants. These medications increase well as awareness of the lifestyle considerations in medica-
the levels of dopamine in the brain, although the exact tion management, provide a dynamic perspective to the in-
mechanism by which they influence brain activity in dividual; the family; and the treatment, educational, or voca-
ADHD is still under investigation (Findling, Aman, tional team. Occupational therapists can employ a variety of
Eerdekens, Derivan, & Lyons, 2004; Pliszka et al, 2006; assessment tools and integrative strategies to help develop
Sharfritz, Marchione, Gore, Shaywitz, & Shaywitz, 2004; plans that provide the individual with a greater sense of con-
Volkow & Swanson, 2003). Concerns exist regarding the re- trol and ability to select and participate in meaningful occu-
lationship between medication use and other substance pations of both necessity and choice.
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108 PART 2 ■ The Person

Active Learning Strategies

1. Review of Narratives ● Evaluate your success.
o Discuss factors that made tasks harder to perform.
● Reread Nate, Jeff, and Jan’s first person narratives in this o Discuss skills individuals tried to or successfully used to
chapter. Note where the messages are similar or in sync complete the task.
with one another. Note where they are different from one
another. 4. Filtering Sensory Stimulation
● Identify the challenges that might be addressed by an
occupational therapy practitioner. Go to a particularly busy community setting and
● Comment on the strategies that might be employed that ● Make a list of all sensory stimuli you can note, sense by
seem to be effective related to home, school, social, and sense.
work environments. o Note pattern of stimulation.
o Note frequency of stimulation.

Write in your Reflective Journal ● Make a list of all social tasks individuals may engage in

about the lessons you have learned within this environment.

by reading these three narratives and ● Consider adaptations for an individual with difficulty filter-

how this might affect your future ing sensory stimulation and/or responding to social cues.
Describe the experience in your
2. Classroom Observation Reflective Journal.
● Compile a list of sensory components (auditory, olfactory, Reflective Questions
gustatory, visual, tactile, proprioceptive, kinesthetic). List Reflect on how you felt after one of these activities.
primary cognitive sequential skills (attention, intake, For the classroom observation:
recognition, etc). List primary motor processes, including ● How did the setting influence your comfort and/or your
praxis (ideation, motor planning, etc). observations?
● Using your lists, visit typical classrooms, and for each ● If you had been in a different setting, how might the
daily activity (including transitions), identify the sensory, experience have changed?
cognitive, and motor skills required for each. Completing ● Do you have personal memories of this grade level and
this activity with a partner or team may help you catch its demands that may have influenced your observations?
more of the details. For the planned distractions:
● Pay careful attention to the way in which directions are ● If you were the classroom “disruptor,” how did you
given, what knowledge or sequencing ability is assumed, develop your role? What factors did you consider when
and how behavioral expectations are reinforced. demonstrating these challenges?
● Compare and contrast the demands across grade levels ● If you were trying to complete an activity or focus during
and appropriate strategies for inclusion of students with distraction, did you employ specific strategies? If so, what
attention and disruptive behavior disorders in these were they, and did they work? How did you feel during
settings. this time (i.e., challenged, frustrated, etc)?
● If you were observing others during complex tasks com-
3. Planned Distractions pleted with distractions, consider times when you may
Work in teams or groups to have faced similar challenges and how these may have
● Select a variety of “distractions” that you could use in made you feel.
class to challenge your classmates’ ability to focus during For the filtering sensory stimulation:
an activity. ● Describe your personal comfort level in busy community

● Create or select an unfamiliar multistep activity that settings.

involves assembly, calculation, creativity, etc, providing ● Describe a time when you have been in particularly chal-

enough materials for several others to complete the task. lenging community situations, and reflect on how this
● Set up the environment with your distractions and have made you feel.
other groups attempt to complete your task when the ● Have you ever lost control, become angry, agitated, etc? If

directions are provided. not, what helped you cope?

Resources • National Resource Center on ADHD, Children and Adults

With Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD)
Community Resources
8181 Professional Place, Suite 150
• Attention Deficit Disorder Association (ADDA) Landover, MD 20785
PO Box 7557 Telephone: 800-233-4050
Wilmington, DE 19803-9997 Web site:
Phone/Fax: 800-939-1019
Web site:
1704_Ch08_098-110.qxd 7/13/10 4:21 PM Page 109

CHAPTER 8 ■ Attention and Disruptive Behavior Disorders 109

• U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Disney, E., Elkins, I., McGue, M., & Iacono, W. (1999). Effects of
Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) ADHD, conduct disorder, and gender on substance use and abuse
PO Box 2345 in adolescents. American Journal of Psychiatry, 156, 1515–1521.
Rockville, MD 20847 Dudley-Grant, G. R. (2001). Eastern Caribbean Family Psychology
Toll-free: 800-789-2647 with conduct-disordered adolescents from the Virgin Islands.
Fax: 240-221-4295 American Psychologist, 56(1), 47–57.
TDD: 866-889-2647 Dunn, W. (1997). The Sensory Profile: A discriminating measure of
Web site: sensory processing in daily life. American Occupational Therapy
Publications: Association Sensory Integration Special Interest Section Quarterly,
“Children’s Mental Health Facts: Children and Adolescents With 20(1), 1–3.
Conduct Disorder” (available at: http://mentalhealth.samhsa Findling, R. L., Aman, M. G., Eerdekens, M., Derivan, A., & Lyons,
.gov/publications/allpubs/Ca-0010/default.asp) B. (2004). Long-term, open-label study of risperidone in children
• The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry with severe disruptive behaviors and below-average IQ. American
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Phone: 202-966-7300 2. Sensory Integration Special Interest Section Quarterly, 28(4), 1–4.
Fax: 202-966-2891 Jackson, L., & Arbesman, M. (2005). Occupational Therapy Practice
Web site: Guidelines for Children With Behavioral and Psychosocial Needs
Publications: (AOTA Practice Guidelines). Bethesda, MD: AOTA Press.
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Intellectual Disabilities 9
Katie Alexander

S uccess is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the
obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed.
—Booker T. Washington

commensurate difficulty with independent participation in

Occupational therapists have the opportunity to work with in- daily life. This dyad of impairments has most recently been
dividuals with developmental disabilities in many contexts. Be- identified as an intellectual disability, replacing the term
cause many developmental disabilities are identified early in “mental retardation,” which is included in the Diagnostic and
life, occupational therapists working in early intervention are Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Re-
among the first to develop and share a comprehensive under- vision (DSM-IV-TR). Therefore, throughout this chapter, with
standing of a child. They work alongside the family and other the exception of the summary of the DSM-IV-TR criteria, the
caregivers to identify barriers to participation and, through term “intellectual disability” is used.
client-centered intervention, foster optimal participation, min- Intellectual disabilities represent one of the most frequent
imize disability, and promote a solid foundation on which fu- sources of disability in childhood (Stromme & Magnus,
ture progress can be built. Occupational therapists may also 2000). Some individuals with an intellectual disability have
work in school or community settings, serving students later in difficulty from birth, allowing for early detection and imme-
childhood. The therapeutic process remains the same, but the diate intervention, whereas other individuals function well
social and task expectations of the many contexts in which chil- until later in life; still others develop typically until an exter-
dren live, play, and learn shift as a child gets older. The transi- nal event causes injury to the central nervous system. Some
tion from adolescence into adulthood presents a new context individuals with intellectual disabilities can work independ-
that is rich with opportunity to foster community participation. ently, earn a salary that is above the mean income, own a
Occupational therapists who work in early childhood, home, marry, and have children, whereas others may require
school systems, and mental health are likely to serve an indi- assistance for all activities of daily living.
vidual because of his or her developmental disability. How- All individuals with an intellectual disability are at risk
ever, an occupational therapist in settings such as physical re- for secondary physical and mental health concerns, but
habilitation may serve an individual with a developmental they also face significant barriers to health-care access
disability primarily due to physical impairment, for example, (Krahn, Hammond, & Turner, 2006). Occupational thera-
from trauma; in this case, the presence of an intellectual dis- pists specialize in client-centered, contextually relevant
ability will have a significant affect on intervention decisions. service provision. They are well positioned to promote self-
In all cases, each individual with a developmental disability determination and self-advocacy among individuals with
will have his or her own preferences, strengths, difficulties, intellectual disabilities, while developing compensatory,
expectations, and goals. skill acquisition, and preventative interventions that pro-
This chapter highlights the heterogeneity of intellectual dis- mote optimal participation in the community and opti-
abilities. Although the diagnosis is simple and straightforward, mum health and wellness.
there are a multitude of causes and the resulting severity and
impact on occupational functioning varies widely among peo- DSM-IV-TR Criteria
ple with intellectual disabilities. This chapter also provides in-
formation on the prevalence, gender- and culture-specific in- As identified by the DSM-IV-TR, three basic criteria must
fluences, medications, and environmental factors that affect be met in order for an individual to be diagnosed with men-
occupational performance. tal retardation (American Psychiatric Association [APA],
2000). Because mental retardation is a developmental disor-
der, the onset of difficulties must occur prior to 18 years of
Description of the Disorder age. In addition, an individual must present with impair-
ments in both intellectual and adaptive functioning. With
Developmental disorders include a heterogeneous group of ge- regard to intellectual functioning, the DSM-IV-TR requires
netic, biological, disease, injury, and yet unknown mechanisms that an individual obtain an IQ (Rahman, Iqbal, Bunn,
that lead to a significant cognitive impairment that results in Lovel, & Harrington, 2004) score of approximately 70 or
1704_Ch09_111-122.qxd 7/8/10 5:27 PM Page 112

112 PART 2 ■ The Person

below (at least approximately 2 standard deviations below

the mean), which reflects significantly subaverage function- BOX 9-1 ■ DSM-IV-TR Diagnostic Criteria
ing (APA, 2000). The DSM-IV-TR defines adaptive func- for Mental Retardation
tioning as an individual’s ability to meet the performance
expectations set forth by a particular culture, society, and/ ■ Significantly subaverage intellectual functioning: based on an
individually administered, culturally unbiased IQ measure, an IQ
or community in accordance with the individual’s chrono-
score of approximately 70 or below
logical age (APA, 2000). The areas of adaptive functioning
■ Concurrent deficits in at least two areas of adaptive functioning
that are relevant to the diagnostic criteria include commu-
nication, self-care, social/interpersonal skills, self-direction, ■ Onset prior to 18 years of age
health, safety, work, functional academic skills, leisure, From American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and Statistical
home living, and use of community resources. An individ- Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed., text revision). Arlington, VA: Author.
ual must demonstrate significant difficulties in at least two
of these areas.
The DSM-IV-TR has identified four degrees of severity
and a diagnostic category for mental retardation, severity range of therapeutic, both prevention and treatment, op-
unspecified (APA, 2000). The severity assessment is based on tions for individuals with an intellectual disability (Leonard
intellectual functioning, and the four degrees of severity in- & Wen, 2002; Raymond & Tarpey, 2006; Wilska & Kaski,
clude (APA, 2000) (Fig. 9-1) 1999). To date, the leading cause of preventable intellectual
1. Mild mental retardation (IQ level 50–55 to approxi- disability is iodine deficiency, which primarily affects under-
mately 70) developed nations (Delange, 2001).
2. Moderate mental retardation (IQ level 35–40 to 50–55)
3. Severe mental retardation (IQ level 20–25 to 35–40) Genetic Causes
4. Profound mental retardation (IQ level below 20–25) There are more than 1,000 known genetic contributions to
the expression of intellectual disabilities (Chelly, Khelfaoui,
A diagnosis of mental retardation, severity unspecified is Francis, Cherif, & Bienvenu, 2006). Taken together, genetics
most appropriate when there is a strong clinical impression of account for roughly 35% of the cases (Hou, Wang, &
mental retardation, but an individual’s IQ cannot be assessed Chuang, 1998; Stromme & Magnus, 2000). There are three
formally due to interfering variables (e.g., too great an impair- primary mechanisms for the genetic etiology of intellectual
ment, behavioral difficulty, infancy) (APA, 2000). Box 9-1 disabilities: chromosomal (e.g., trisomy 21, 13, and 18;
summarizes the core DSM-IV-TR diagnostic criteria for men- Prader-Willi syndrome; Angelman syndrome), genetic mu-
tal retardation. tations (e.g., tuberous sclerosis, phenylketonuria [PKU],
Tay-Sachs disease, fragile X syndrome), and multifactorial
Etiology (e.g., familial, neural tube defects) (Chelly et al, 2006; Hou
et al, 1998; Wilska & Kaski, 1999).
There are hundreds of different causal pathways that can Down syndrome is the leading genetic cause of intellectual
lead to some degree of intellectual disability. Most of these disability, representing 14% to 15% of all cases (Bower,
causal pathways are known, but many others continue to Leonard, & Petterson, 2000). In addition, current studies have
elude research. The known pathways include those that are identified that the majority of single genes that lead to the ex-
genetic, malformation related, external prenatal, paranatal pression of an intellectual disability is located on the X chro-
(between (−1 and +4 weeks), and postnatal (Wilska & Kaski, mosome (Raymond & Tarpey, 2006) (Fig. 9-2). Fragile X is
1999). The unknown pathways include those related to cen- one example of an X-linked chromosomal abnormality, and
tral nervous system pathology and those that are yet unclas- it is the most heritable of all causes (Hou et al, 1998). In ad-
sified (Wilska & Kaski, 1999). Recent years have yielded an dition, heritable disorders account for approximately 8% to
expanding fund of research exploring the etiology of mental 18% of the genetic cases of intellectual disability (Hou et al,
retardation; the findings of these studies will help sculpt the 1998; Stromme & Magnus, 2000).
Malformation-Related Causes
3% 2% There are several conditions that lead to central nervous sys-
10% tem malformation, termed malformation syndromes (e.g.,
Dandy-Walker malformation, schizencephaly, holoprosen-
cephaly, lissencephalia). These syndromes are a product of
complex and varied etiologies, and together represent ap-
proximately 12% of all cases of intellectual disability
Severe (Stromme & Magnus, 2000).
External Prenatal Causes
External prenatal causes of intellectual disability account for
approximately 4.5% of all cases. Primarily, these cases are a
result of toxic agents and disease to which a fetus is exposed
FIGURE 9-1. Level of severity prevalence. Data from American Psy-
in utero. They can include alcohol, drugs, and ToRCH (Tox-
chiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental oplasmosis, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus, Herpes virus) infec-
Disorders (Fourth edition, Text Revision). Arlington, VA: Author. tions (Stromme & Magnus, 2000).
1704_Ch09_111-122.qxd 7/8/10 5:27 PM Page 113

CHAPTER 9 ■ Intellectual Disabilities 113

X-linked recessive, carrier mother Injuries result in approximately 55.8% of all postnatal
causes of intellectual disabilities; the most frequent of
these events is child abuse (approximately 18.2%). Follow-
Unaffected Carrier ing this, motor vehicle collisions, falls, and near drowning
father mother are among the most typically cited injury-related causes of
intellectual disability. Infectious disease contributes to ap-
proximately 34.5% of all postnatal cases, with the most
frequent diseases including bacterial meningitis and en-
cephalitis. Chronic disease is the third most common
postnatal cause of intellectual disabilities (approximately
9% of postnatal causes), most commonly brain tumor and
X Y X X stroke.
Children with postnatally acquired intellectual disabilities
are more likely to have multiple disabilities than children
who have intellectual disabilities of a different etiology. This
can include sensory impairments, such as blindness or hear-
ing loss, as well as significant motor impairments that require
X Y X X X X X Y the use of a wheelchair.

Unknown Causes
The remaining roughly 34% to 39% of cases of intellectual
disability have an unknown etiology; however, the prevalence
of individuals with intellectual disability of an unknown eti-
ology varies tremendously depending on the study, its popu-
lation sample, and diagnostic process (Leonard & Wen, 2002).
Unaffected Unaffected Carrier Affected It is a subject of increasing research attention, but this research
son daughter daughter son is in its infancy. There is well-established evidence that certain
risk factors can contribute to intellectual disabilities of an un-
known etiology, and these risk factors are detailed in the next
Carrier section (Croen, Grether, & Selvin, 2001). An unknown etiol-
ogy is identified most frequently among individuals with mild
FIGURE 9-2. Transmission of X-linked disabilities. A daughter with intellectual disability as compared with other degrees of sever-
one mutated X chromosome can have only mild or no expression of ity (Hou et al, 1998).
fragile X because she has another nonmutated X chromosome. Males
with a mutated X chromosome will always be affected. Courtesy of the
U.S. National Library of Medicine. Other Risk Factors
In addition to biological and environmental risk factors,
there are maternal factors associated with an increased risk
for intellectual disability. Mothers who have completed less
Paranatal Causes than a ninth-grade level of education are 20% more likely
The paranatal period is similar to the perinatal period, but to have a child with an intellectual disability (Campbell,
Wilska and Kaski (1999) specified that this period includes Broman, Nichols, & Leff, 1998). A maternal IQ of less than
the time from birth through the fourth week of life. 70 is also associated with an increased risk. Younger mater-
Approximately 5% to 10% of all cases of intellectual dis- nal age is associated with a risk for mild intellectual disabil-
ability result from an event occurring during the paranatal ities, whereas older maternal age is associated with a risk for
period (Hou et al, 1998; Stromme & Magnus, 2000). severe intellectual disabilities.
Of these events, asphyxia is the most common cause (Hou In addition, maternal smoking during pregnancy is as-
et al, 1998). Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, periven- sociated with a 50% increase in the prevalence of intellec-
tricular hemorrhage, meningitis, septicemia, and compli- tual disability, typically with an unknown cause (Drews,
cations related to prematurity are also relatively common Murphy, Yeargin-Allsopp, & Decoufle, 1996). Further-
causes of intellectual disabilities during this period more, the more a pregnant female smokes, the greater her
(Hou et al, 1998). risk for having a child with an intellectual disability—a
finding that is not associated with other sociodemo-
Postnatal Causes graphic risk factors (Drews et al, 1996). In total, approxi-
A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC; mately one-third of cases of intellectual disability among
1996) study determined that events during the postnatal children of smokers can be attributed to maternal smok-
period of life account for approximately 4.5% of all cases ing (Drews et al, 1996).
of intellectual disability. In this study, the CDC found Low birth weight is directly associated with an increased
that there are three primary postnatal events that result in risk for intellectual disability. A birth weight of less than
intellectual disabilities: injury, infectious disease, and 1,000 grams presents the greatest level of risk and poses
chronic disease. a higher risk for severe intellectual disability as opposed
The greatest contributing cause to the postnatal etiol- to mild intellectual disability (Chapman, Scott, & Stanton-
ogy of intellectual disability is also the most preventable. Chapman, 2008).
1704_Ch09_111-122.qxd 7/8/10 5:27 PM Page 114

114 PART 2 ■ The Person

diagnosed with an intellectual disability, a majority (85%) have

Evidence-Based Practice mild mental retardation (APA, 2000).
Although the CDC provides a population-based study
T he prevalence of intellectual disability is higher for individu-
als from families who are of low socioeconomic status, are
poor, and/or have less education. There are also reports that
with strong methodology for sampling the population and
identifying the disorder, it is important to note that preva-
lence estimates can vary, depending on the study as a prod-
maternal smoking is related to having a child with an intellectual
uct of several variables, including study methodology, popu-
disability. In addition, a mother with an IQ below 70 is more
likely to have a child with an intellectual disability (Campbell et al,
lation sample, definition of intellectual disability, population
1998; Drews et al, 1996). Furthermore, postnatal, preventable age, and methods of diagnosis (Leonard & Wen, 2002).
injury is a significant etiology after birth (CDC, 1996). Occupa-
tional therapists can work with individuals who are at risk in the Course
following ways:
➤ Occupational therapists can work with individuals and care-
The diagnostic criteria for intellectual disability require an on-
givers to provide information and establish a setting that set of impairment prior to 18 years of age. However, the age
promotes optimal maternal health and wellness. and mode of onset are directly related to etiology and degree
of severity (APA, 2000). The onset of intellectual disability
➤ Occupational therapists can work with consumers who have
may begin in utero (e.g., Down syndrome), early in childhood
young children to ensure that the home environment is safe-
guarded against the typical dangers that place infants and
(e.g., Rett’s disorder), or at some unforeseen time in develop-
young children at risk. ment (e.g., traumatic brain injury). In addition, research indi-
cates that individuals with severe intellectual disabilities are
Campbell, B. W., Broman, S. H., Nichols, P. L., & Leff, M. (1998). more likely to be diagnosed earlier in life than those with mild
Maternal and neonatal risk factors for mental retardation: Defining the intellectual disabilities (Drews, Yeargin-Allsopp, Decoufle, &
“at-risk” child. Early Human Development, 50(2), 159–173.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (1996). Postnatal
Murphy, 1995).
causes of developmental disabilities in children aged 3–10 years—Atlanta, The course of mental retardation is directly related to both
Georgia. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 45(6), 130–134. the underlying pathology and environmental factors, such as
Drews, C. D., Murphy, C. C., Yeargin-Allsopp, M., & Decoufle, P. (1996). environmental stimulation, education, and support (APA,
The relationship between idiopathic mental retardation and maternal
smoking during pregnancy. Pediatrics, 97(4), 547–553. 2000). Intellectual disability may be a life-long disorder and
relatively static, or it may respond to circumstances or inter-
vention, such as in cases of mild intellectual disability in
which the individual acquires adaptive functioning skills that
Neurological Factors exceed the bounds of the diagnostic criteria (Hall et al, 2005).
Due to the diversity of causes of intellectual disability, there is Many individuals with intellectual disabilities enjoy a life rich
a commensurate heterogeneity in the neurology of intellectual with social relationships, productive employment, and par-
disability, positioning it as one of the most neurobiologically ticipation in the community (Hall et al, 2005).
heterogeneous disorders in existence. Neurological differences
that give rise to an intellectual disability can include any com- Gender Differences
bination of anatomical, neurochemical, and cellular mecha-
nisms. For example, in some cases, there is a significant mal- In the case of mental retardation, males outnumber females
formation of some area of the brain (e.g., Dandy-Walker at a ratio of approximately 1.5:1 (Bhasin et al, 2006; Hou
malformation, in which the cerebellar vermis fails to develop), et al, 1998). This ratio can be partly attributed to the etiol-
whereas someone with mild intellectual disabilities may have ogy of those intellectual disabilities associated with X-linked
intact anatomical structures (Chelly et al, 2006). disorders (e.g., fragile X syndrome) (Bhasin et al, 2006).
A review of the neurological findings that correlate with
genetic and environmental etiologies is outside the scope of Culture-Specific Information
this chapter. However, there is strong evidence that some
cases of intellectual disability are related to poor neuronal The prevalence of intellectual disabilities correlates with
connectivity and abnormal synapse structure (Chelly et al, maternal race, as well as socioeconomic and maternal edu-
2006). Abnormalities related to neuronal communication cational status (less than a high school education)
can compromise neural plasticity and render the brain less (Leonard & Wen, 2002). Approximately 44% to 50% of all
able to process information. In this way, an individual’s cen- cases of intellectual disability are present in families with
tral nervous system prevents the individual from experienc- low socioeconomic status (SES), and low SES primarily
ing the typical intellectual development that is expected dur- correlates with mild intellectual disability (Campbell et al,
ing childhood and adolescence. 1998; Drews et al, 1995).
Consistently, epidemiologic studies indicate that African
Prevalence American males comprise the group most frequently diag-
nosed with intellectual disability, which is more than two
Through a population-based study, the CDC reported a preva- times the prevalence established for males who are Caucasian
lence estimate of 12 per 1,000 individuals living with an intel- (Bhasin et al, 2006). This trend is common across all degrees
lectual disability (Bhasin, Brocksen, Avchen, & Van Naarden of severity; however, males who are African American are di-
Braun, 2006). As such, intellectual disabilities represent the agnosed with mild mental retardation four times more fre-
most prevalent source of disability currently identified world- quently than males who are Caucasians (Bhasin et al, 2006).
wide (Stromme & Magnus, 2000). Of the individuals who are In addition, children who are African American are more
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CHAPTER 9 ■ Intellectual Disabilities 115

likely to be diagnosed with mild intellectual disability of un- The fact that many of the health conditions are preventa-
specified cause (Drews et al, 1995). ble or treatable indicates that individuals with intellectual
There is some evidence to indicate that children from mi- disabilities could lead healthier lives. However, improved
nority cultures are more likely to score poorly on IQ tests health for people with intellectual disabilities requires action
due to socially different behavior and culturally inappropri- on the part of caregivers, occupational therapists and other
ate IQ testing (Yeargin-Allsopp, Drews, Decoufle, & Murphy, service providers, individuals with intellectual disabilities,
1995). Culturally inappropriate IQ testing can lead to invalid and society. Specific health areas to address include physical
IQ scores, possibly leading to an incorrect diagnosis of intel- health, obesity and underweight, and mental health. See
lectual disability; this may account for the overrepresenta- Chapter 46 for additional information on assessment and
tion during school age of children who are African American intervention.
(Yeargin-Allsopp et al, 1995).
In current research, the risk factors associated with race Physical Health
(e.g., an individual who is African American) include mater- The physical health of individuals with intellectual disabili-
nal age at delivery, economic status, and maternal education, ties is fraught with increased risk for disease, general health
which has led to the conclusion that much of the increased problems, and obesity (Janicki et al, 2002; Krahn et al,
prevalence or identification among the population of people 2006). Individuals with intellectual disabilities present with
who are African American is preventable (Yeargin-Allsopp relatively higher rates of disorders of the skin, respiratory
et al, 1995). disorders, urinary infections, psychoses, cardiac disease,
arthritis, renal failure, and diabetes (e.g., Janicki et al, 2002;
Kerr et al, 2003). Furthermore, individuals with intellectual
Impact on Occupational disabilities demonstrate compromised nutritional states, in-
cluding difficulty with chewing, aspiration, and food re-
Performance fusal, which contribute to overall poor health (Kerr et al,
The severity of the intellectual disability contributes to the 2003). These general health conditions are accompanied by
impact on occupational performance. For individuals with deterioration of vision and hearing that is typically under-
mild intellectual disability, participation in all areas of diagnosed and unaddressed. In addition, individuals with
occupational performance is often possible. Conversely, intellectual disabilities have significantly higher rates of
individuals with a severe intellectual disability will be poor dental hygiene, missing teeth, and decay (Lewis, Lewis,
challenged across all areas of occupational performance. Leake, King, & Lindemann, 2002).
In addition, the comorbidities associated with intellectual Sensory impairments represent another area of health in
disability, such as losses in hearing or eyesight and mobil- which individuals with intellectual disabilities of all de-
ity impairments, can also have a significant impact on oc- grees of severity experience these impairments at a signifi-
cupational performance. The next section discusses the cantly higher rate than people without intellectual disabil-
impact of intellectual disability on health and adaptive ities (Carvill, 2001; Evenhuis et al, 2001). It is also more
skills. likely that individuals with intellectual disabilities will have
a sensory impairment that goes undetected and unad-
Health dressed (Evenhuis et al, 2001; Kerr et al, 2003). Individuals
with severe and profound intellectual disabilities have the
Individuals with intellectual disabilities are significantly more highest prevalence of sensory impairment, including visual
likely to have poorer health than their peers without disabili- (e.g., blindness), auditory, and combined impairments
ties (Emerson & Hatton, 2007; Janicki et al, 2002; Kerr et al, (Evenhuis et al, 2001). People with Down syndrome who
2003). This health disparity is directly related to the compli- are at least 50 years of age are most at risk for visual impair-
cated interaction of several variables, including genetics, social ment, and individuals with intellectual disabilities are more
circumstances, environment, individual behavior, and health- likely to experience deteriorating vision with age (Evenhuis
care access (Krahn et al, 2006). At one time, health problems et al, 2001). Hearing impairments are most common
among individuals with intellectual disabilities were consid- among individuals with Down syndrome and those with a
ered inherent to the disorder, but current research has yielded severe or profound degree of intellectual disability (Evenhuis
the following conceptual reframing. et al, 2001).
Individuals with intellectual disabilities experience health Sensory impairments are directly correlated to quality of
conditions that cluster in three primary categories: associ- life and an ability to detect other health problems early;
ated, comorbid, and secondary conditions (Krahn et al, therefore, individuals with intellectual disabilities should
2006). Associated conditions include those that are di- receive routine, formal vision and hearing assessments
rectly related to the etiology of the primary impairment (Kerr et al, 2003).
(e.g., early dementia, heart defects, low muscle tone), Occupational therapists can address many of these condi-
whereas comorbid conditions are diseases that are unre- tions by providing skills training interventions aimed at im-
lated to the primary condition but co-occur with the asso- proving health promotion behaviors. In the case of sensory
ciated condition (e.g., influenza, glaucoma, breast cancer) impairments, occupational therapists can be involved in
(Krahn et al, 2006). Secondary conditions are those modifying the environment to compensate for reduced vi-
diseases that an individual with an intellectual disability sion or hearing. Health problems for people with intellectual
experiences at a higher rate than the general population disabilities frequently persist undetected for reasons prima-
and, in many cases, are preventable (e.g., hypertension, rily related to health-care access and living situation, both of
obesity, depression) (Krahn et al, 2006). which are reviewed in this chapter.
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116 PART 2 ■ The Person

The Lived Experience

A teacher provided this narrative, describing several children and first listening to the sounds in words and then recording and
how they became “teachers” by providing lessons of building on reading them.
strengths. Angel provides another example. Coming in from recess, a
Years ago, a teacher spoke with me about the accommo- group of students reported an event that occurred on the play-
dations that she made for a student in her class whose vision ground. In answer to the question, “How do you know that?”
impairment was severe enough to require that he read using they responded, “Angel told us.” Angel was a student who
Braille and navigate his world using mobility training strategies could not articulate consonants and whole words. She could,
designed to mobilize his other senses. She said, “Everything however, make vowel sounds that, in combination with expres-
that I do for Charlie makes my lessons and teaching better for sive inflection, rendered her communication comprehensible to
the other students in my class.” I have remembered this those who paid attention. She was a communicator. The other
comment over decades of work with students who have a va- students taught us to listen.
riety of developmental differences. I feel strongly that what we Matt, at age 14, developed a set of behaviors designed to help
do for these students often represents the best teaching him avoid reading at all costs. He was unable to sit for more than
models that we can bring to our instruction of any group of 2 or 3 minutes at a task. He tore up materials and turned over fur-
students. niture. His behaviors often required that he leave the room to pro-
As a group, students who are developmentally different re- tect the learning environment and even the safety of other students.
quire that we notice how they learn best, that is, the thinking On examination, however, Matt demonstrated the ability to read
paths that are most productive for each, the outcome formats every sign in the building and to navigate Internet sites with con-
that best represent knowledge and understanding, and how siderable skill. Using these skills as starting points, he acquired
each might best advocate for his or her own success. “What enough confidence to tolerate learning skills that rendered him a
works” as the starting place for any instruction or intervention of- functional reader in familiar vocational and leisure contexts.
ten provides a pathway to possibilities that may be masked by As a teenager, Ann continued to be inconsistent in identi-
overattention to weaknesses. Here are a few examples. fying coins after years of instruction and practice. When the
Alex is a young man of 23 years who reads at the third- task was defined functionally to focus on coins with clear
to fourth-grade level and regularly communicates independ- physical differences (quarter and dime) and meaningful
ently with family and friends via e-mail, notes, and letters. At application (use in vending machines), she mastered the skill
age 8, he could not read. Looking at print appeared to be al- and was able to use it to purchase snacks independently.
most physically painful for him, as though letters had thorns Through work with these students and many others, I have
on them that pricked his eyes. He did, however, have exqui- learned the power of helping students identify functional and
site sound discrimination, could identify instruments heard on meaningful applications for their strengths. From this point of
tape by type and name, sing any song he heard with perfect competence, they gain the confidence necessary to take risks
pitch, and identify subtle sound differences in words pre- in areas that are more challenging and to believe in their own ca-
sented to him auditorily. Alex learned to read by spelling, by pabilities. They become able.

Obesity and Underweight decreased physical activity (Emerson, 2005; Rimmer &
Current literature indicates that, in developed nations, Yamaki, 2006).
children and adults with intellectual disabilities demon- Occupational therapists are beginning to assume a role in
strate a significantly higher prevalence of obesity. These weight loss programs (Brown, Goetz, Van Sciver, & Sullivan,
findings include individuals who are overweight, obese, 2006) and are poised to address obesity issues in people with
and morbidly obese. The prevalence of obesity is higher developmental disabilities. In fact, the American Occupa-
among individuals who live independently or with family, tional Therapy Association has issued a position paper on
can eat and drink unaided, are female, have Down obesity and occupational therapy (Clark, Reingold & Salles-
syndrome, and/or have mild or moderate intellectual dis- Jordan, 2007). Occupational therapists can play a unique role
abilities (Bhaumik, Watson, Thorp, Tyrer, & McGrother, in obesity prevention and weight loss due to our expertise re-
2008; Emerson, 2005; Rimmer & Wang, 2005; Rimmer & lated to daily activities. Occupational therapists can work to
Yamaki, 2006). Women who are African American with an incorporate new habits and modify environments to support
intellectual disability are at the highest risk for obesity healthy eating and increased physical activity.
(Rimmer & Wang, 2005; Rimmer & Yamaki, 2006). Poor Individuals with intellectual disabilities are also at in-
health, high need for assistance, chronic pain, extreme fa- creased risk for being underweight, which poses yet another
tigue, and mobility impairments are all associated with health risk (Emerson, 2005). Women who have severe to pro-
obesity and pose significant additional risks for individu- found intellectual disabilities and do not have Down syn-
als with intellectual disabilities (Rimmer & Wang, 2005; drome are most at risk for weighing too little (Bhaumik et al,
Rimmer & Yamaki, 2006). Of the factors that contribute to 2008; Emerson, 2005). In this case, occupational therapists
the increased prevalence of obesity, the most significant may evaluate feeding issues (e.g., problems with swallowing)
variables are living in the community, poor nutrition, and and create interventions to increase the intake of calories.
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CHAPTER 9 ■ Intellectual Disabilities 117

section: social skills, language and communication, mobility,

Evidence-Based Practice and community participation.

I ndividuals with intellectual disabilities are significantly more

likely to be obese, and those with mild to moderate intellec-
tual disabilities, women with intellectual disabilities, and
Social Skills
Individuals with intellectual disabilities demonstrate sig-
nificant differences with regard to social skills development
especially women who are African American with intellectual
and social participation (de Bildt et al, 2004; Hall et al,
disabilities are at the highest risk (Rimmer & Wang, 2005;
Rimmer & Yamaki, 2006). Obesity is a significant health risk
2005). In early development, individuals with mild intellec-
for the development of serious health problems. Furthermore, tual disabilities are more likely to demonstrate social skills
there is increasing evidence that the environment plays a development that approximates that of their peers; how-
significant role in the development of obesity in individuals ever, in adolescence, as social interaction becomes more
with intellectual disabilities (Rimmer & Yamaki, 2006). complex and nuanced, they will begin to demonstrate more
➤ Occupational therapists can work with individuals with
difficulty (de Bildt, Kraijer, Sytema, & Minderaa, 2005;
intellectual disabilities in the community to establish a home de Bildt, Serra, et al, 2005).
context that promotes health and physical activity. Even in the presence of social skills impairment, there is
evidence that individuals with intellectual disabilities are
➤ Occupational therapists can work with individuals with
able to establish meaningful and satisfactory social relation-
intellectual disabilities to develop leisure skills that both
promote self-determination and increase physical activity.
ships, although their relationships are fewer in number than
individuals without a disability (Hall et al, 2005). Although
➤ Occupational therapists can work with individuals with intel- individuals with severe (moderate to profound) intellectual
lectual disabilities on budgeting and grocery shopping skills disabilities are unlikely to marry, 73% of individuals with
that foster the acquisition of healthy foods.
mild intellectual disabilities do marry, and 62% have chil-
Rimmer, J. H., & Wang, E. (2005). Obesity prevalence among a group of
dren (Hall et al, 2005). Importantly, the more severe an indi-
Chicago residents with disabilities. Archives of Physical Medicine and vidual’s degree of intellectual disabilities, the less likely that
Rehabilitation, 86(7), 1461–1464. he or she has reliable sources of help (Hall et al, 2005). Oc-
Rimmer, J. H., & Yamaki, K. (2006). Obesity and intellectual disability. cupational therapists can provide interventions to support
Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews,
12(1), 22–27. the development of social skills and create environments
that promote relationships with others.

Language and Communication

Mental Health There is evidence that individuals who have intellectual dis-
Mental health concerns occur at a greater frequency among abilities with different underlying etiologies (e.g., different
adults and children with intellectual disabilities as com- syndromes, type of CNS injury) will demonstrate differing
pared with adults and children without intellectual disabil- language development profiles that are commensurate with
ities. Specifically, children and adolescents have a higher the intellectual disability etiology (Price, Roberts, Vandergrift,
prevalence of conduct disorder, anxiety disorder, hyperac- & Martin, 2007). However, there are some trends related to
tivity, and pervasive developmental disorders (Emerson, degrees of severity.
2003). There is no evidence to indicate that individuals with For example, individuals with mild intellectual disabilities
intellectual disabilities have a higher prevalence of depres- are likely to develop speech, but may have some difficulty
sive disorders, eating disorders, or psychosis (Emerson, with pragmatic language or more abstract, sophisticated lan-
2003; Kerr et al, 2003). However, there is a significant risk guage (Pratt & Greydanus, 2007). Individuals with moderate
that the mental health needs of individuals with intellectual intellectual disabilities will have more deficits in receptive
disabilities will not be addressed because they may present and expressive communication (Pratt & Greydanus, 2007).
with unspecific behaviors that are attributed to the intellec- People with severe intellectual disabilities may develop some
tual disability, so further evaluation is neglected (Kerr et al, speech early in life and basic levels of expressive and receptive
2003; Krahn et al, 2006). language, whereas individuals with profound intellectual dis-
Occupational therapists should consider potential mental abilities are unlikely to develop speech and will demonstrate
health issues when working with people with intellectual limited receptive and expressive communication (APA, 2000;
disabilities, as well as be sensitive during evaluation to be- Pratt & Greydanus, 2007).
haviors that might indicate anxiety, hyperactivity, or other In a recent study of individuals with moderate to greater
mental health problems. intellectual disability severity, receptive language skills were
a significant area of difficulty for most: 54% understood
Adaptive Skills some conversation, 33% understood only single words, and
13% were considered unable to comprehend speech (Kerr et
To meet the criteria for a diagnosis of intellectual disability, al, 2003). There were also notable difficulties with expressive
an individual must demonstrate significant differences in at language: 40% could speak in sentences, 30% spoke only sin-
least two areas of adaptive functioning. Even though each in- gle words, and 30% did not have verbal speech (Kerr et al,
dividual presents with unique areas of strength and need, 2003).
there are some trends related to development and degree of Often, speech therapists are the primary provider of lan-
intellectual disability severity (Pratt & Greydanus, 2007). guage and communication skills, but occupational therapists
The following specific adaptive skills are addressed in this are also involved in this area of adaptive skills. Occupational
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118 PART 2 ■ The Person

therapists may use adaptive equipment to support participa- Using task analysis skills, occupational therapists can assist
tion in daily activities. Adaptive equipment can include with making good job matches based on the interests and
communication boards or electronic augmented communi- skills of the individual with intellectual disability. Occupa-
cation devices. In addition, the occupational therapist may tional therapists can also make suggestions to the employer
be involved in helping the individual with intellectual dis- for reasonable accommodations to increase successful per-
ability increase verbalizations or use sign language within formance on the job. Coworkers and supervisors can benefit
the context of specific occupations that are important to the from education to support inclusion and good work per-
individual. See Chapter 21 for more information on assess- formance. Particularly useful may be training in how to best
ment and intervention. provide instruction for job duties. See Chapters 18, 47, and 50
for more information on assessment and intervention.
An individual’s mobility, in part, is determined by the etiol- Environmental Factors Contributing to
ogy of his or her intellectual disability. However, individuals
with severe or profound intellectual disabilities are more Problems With Occupational Performance
likely to experience impaired mobility. A recent study that Intellectual disabilities and other comorbidities have an im-
included a population sample with a relatively high preva- pact on occupational performance; however, environment
lence of moderate to profound intellectual disability found factors can also significantly interfere with optimal occupa-
that 60% could walk without assistance and 66% had inde- tional performance. Health-care access, poverty, and mal-
pendent hand use (Kerr et al, 2003). Restrictions in mobility treatment are common concerns for people with intellectual
can interfere with self-care activities such as feeding, dress- disabilities.
ing, and toileting, as well as prevent the individual from trav-
eling from one place to another, including within or between Health-Care Access
rooms at home. Again, assistive devices can increase inde- Poor access to health care contributes significantly to the
pendence for some individuals, although others may be un- poorer health of individuals with intellectual disabilities,
able to effectively use more complex technology such as elec- and living in the community appears to contribute to re-
tric wheelchairs or scooters. duced health-care access (Krahn et al, 2006; Lewis et al,
2002). Individuals who live in the community experience
Community Participation significantly poorer health and greater rates of obesity than
Individuals with intellectual disabilities are capable of living those who live in more structured, supervised settings
meaningful lives in the community. With mild intellectual (Lewis et al, 2002). In part, supervised settings frequently in-
disabilities, independent life in the community is likely, but clude medical care, providing built-in access to health serv-
some supports may be necessary for targeted areas of house- ices that individuals living in the community must establish
hold management (Hall et al, 2005) such as money manage- for themselves. For example, individuals with intellectual
ment or home repairs. Individuals with moderate intellec- disabilities who live in the community are less likely than
tual disabilities will most likely live in semi-independent
living settings. For those with severe intellectual disabilities,
assistance and supervision will foster participation in most
activities of daily living, whereas individuals with profound Evidence-Based Practice
mental retardation will require continuous help and super-
vision for all self-care (Pratt & Greydanus, 2007). Taken to-
gether, it is more likely that a person with severe or profound
intellectual disability will require a highly structured or
Individuals with intellectual disabilities experience difficulty
engaging in daily life, including self-care, social, and leisure
activities, as well as participation in work and school.
nursing-oriented living setting (APA, 2000).
➤ Children with intellectual disabilities have less positive early
Rates of employment among individuals with intellectual
school experiences, as indicated by multiple indices of
disabilities are lower than those of individuals without intel- adaptation to school. Fostering early social skills may be an
lectual disabilities, and people who have mild intellectual dis- important target for increasing the positive adaptation to
abilities are significantly more likely to participate in em- school for young children, especially those with intellectual
ployed work than those with severe (moderate to profound) disabilities. Intervention should target both family education
intellectual disabilities (Hall et al, 2005). However, approxi- activities and child-centered intervention, attending closely
mately 13% of individuals with mild intellectual disabilities to the development of a partnership between the family and
are able to earn above the median income of the population school to ensure a smooth transition (McIntyre, Blacher, &
sampled in Europe (Hall et al, 2005). Individuals with intellec- Baker, 2006).
tual disabilities are more likely to participate in manual labor ➤ Each individual with an intellectual disability presents with
and earn less money than people who do not have intellectual a unique constellation of areas of strength and need. Occu-
disabilities (Hall et al, 2005). Individuals with moderate intel- pational therapists should carefully conduct assessments to
lectual disabilities require close employment supervision to secure a comprehensive, contextually relevant foundation on
secure successful participation in the workforce (Pratt & which to build intervention that fosters the success of the
Greydanus, 2007). With vocation-oriented education, they are individual as well as any caregivers (as applicable).
able to participate in unskilled or semiskilled work in struc- McIntyre, L. L., Blacher, J., & Baker, B. L. (2006). The transition to school:
tured, supervised vocation settings (APA, 2000). It is unlikely Adaptation in young children with and without intellectual disability.
that individuals with severe to profound intellectual disabili- Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 50(5), 349–361.
ties will be able to participate in a vocation (APA, 2000).
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CHAPTER 9 ■ Intellectual Disabilities 119

those who live in supervised settings to have a personal

physician (Lewis et al, 2002). Evidence-Based Practice
Another variable in the network of factors that con-
tribute to poor health is the fact that individuals with intel-
lectual disabilities have less access to preventative care
(Krahn et al, 2006). For example, these individuals are less
Individuals with intellectual disabilities experience poorer physical
and mental health, which is partly related to barriers to health-
care access (Krahn, Hammond, & Turner, 2006).
likely to receive vaccinations, obtain screening for diseases ➤ Occupational therapists can work with individuals and with
such as HIV, have a mammogram, or receive a Pap smear care providers to support physicians in understanding the
(Lewis et al, 2002). This significant absence of preventative nature of an individual’s impairment, which could promote a
care places the health of people with intellectual disabilities more comprehensive and accurate medical assessment.
at significant risk. ➤ Occupational therapists can work with agencies and with
In addition to inadequate preventative care, physicians families to ensure that a person with an intellectual disability
are unlikely to dedicate enough time to individuals with has a relationship with critical primary care providers (e.g.,
intellectual disabilities to allow a comprehensive medical physician, dentist, optometrist).
assessment, and many physicians are not adequately pre- ➤ Occupational therapists can work with caregivers to estab-
pared to work with this population (Lewis et al, 2002). lish a home environment and daily life patterns that promote
Furthermore, there is some evidence to indicate that gen- physical health and emotional well-being. This work is par-
eral physicians are reluctant to work with individuals with ticularly important for individuals who live in the community
intellectual disabilities (Lewis et al, 2002), and there is as opposed to structured, supervised facilities (Lewis, Lewis,
evidence that individuals with intellectual disabilities are Leake, King, & Lindemann, 2002).
not referred to specialists as often as necessary (Kerr et al,
Krahn, G. L., Hammond, L., & Turner, A. (2006). A cascade of disparities:
2003). Health and health care access for people with intellectual disabilities.
Besides the environmental and provider factors that af- Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Research and
fect the health of individuals with intellectual disabilities, Reviews, 12(1), 70–82.
Lewis, M. A., Lewis, C. E., Leake, B., King, B. H., & Lindemann, R. (2002).
there are factors related to the individual that also have an The quality of health care for adults with developmental disabilities. Public
impact on health-care access. Frequently, there are physical Health Report, 117(2), 174–184.
barriers to participating in health-care appointments (e.g.,
transportation, assistance) (Krahn et al, 2006). In addition,
there are caregiver variables related to high rates of staff
turnover and inaccurate assessment of health-care needs and children with intellectual disabilities are at higher risk of
(Kerr et al, 2003). For example, a personal attendant may as- these circumstances (Emerson, 2007).
sess that an individual’s vision is only mildly poor, but a for-
mal assessment reveals significant visual impairment. In this Maltreatment
way, routine assessment is critical in order to rule out the
risk of this type of error. Furthermore, the behaviors that In a review of the prevalence research from 1995 to 2005,
frequently result from an intellectual disability or its under- Horner-Johnson and Drum (2006) noted that individuals
lying etiology can interfere with comprehensive and accurate with intellectual disabilities are the victims of maltreatment
medical assessment (Kerr et al, 2003). at a significantly higher prevalence than individuals without
disabilities (Horner-Johnson & Drum, 2006). In addition,
Poverty there is some evidence to indicate that individuals with in-
There is a complex relationship among poverty, health, and tellectual disabilities are the victims of maltreatment at a
intellectual disability. Poverty is a significant factor in the greater prevalence than people with other disabilities
prevalence of intellectual disabilities, the health of those in- (Horner-Johnson & Drum, 2006).
dividuals, and the socioeconomic status (SES) of families The types of maltreatment that have been documented
who support them. Individuals who live in poverty are at include sexual, physical, and emotional abuse; neglect; finan-
higher risk for having children with intellectual disabilities cial exploitation; and over- and undermedication (Murphy,
(Emerson, 2007). In addition, low SES accounts for 31% of O’Callaghan, & Clare, 2007). The perpetrators can be both ac-
the increased risk for poor health among people with intel- quaintances and staff members (Murphy et al, 2007). Incidents
lectual disabilities (Emerson & Hatton, 2008). of maltreatment have a deleterious effect on individuals with
Families who support an individual with an intellectual intellectual disabilities that results in observable differences in
disability are at significantly higher risk of descent into their participation and emotional well-being, regardless of the
poverty and are unlikely to emerge from it (Emerson, 2007). severity of intellectual disability (Murphy et al, 2007). How-
Families face a combination of direct and indirect sources of ever, there is evidence that individuals do demonstrate some
poverty. The support of an individual with an intellectual recovery in subsequent months (Murphy et al, 2007).
disability requires financial resources (direct source of Occupational therapists need to act as advocates when
poverty), such as therapy and special equipment. In addi- maltreatment is suspected, and reporting of such incidents is
tion, the burden of care required for individuals with severe essential. Occupational therapists can work with individuals
intellectual disabilities results in a higher prevalence of who have experienced maltreatment to reduce the long-term
mothers who do not work outside the home (indirect effects of trauma. Increasing a sense of safety, providing the
source of poverty) (Emerson, 2007; Loprest & Davidoff, individual with skills to say no or report maltreatment, and
2004). Exposure to poverty in childhood is directly related to eliminating shame and guilt associated with past events are
decreased health, well-being, opportunity, and experiences, important strategies for victims of abuse.
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120 PART 2 ■ The Person

Medications behavior (e.g., aggression, destruction) result from a rela-

tively low dosage compared with that required for the treat-
There is no pharmacological treatment that addresses the fun- ment of psychosis (Gagiano et al, 2005; Snyder et al, 2002). In
damental cognitive deficits of intellectual disabilities (Handen addition, these treatment benefits are not affected by diagno-
& Gilchrist, 2006). However, there is evidence that individuals sis, presence or absence of attention deficit-hyperactivity dis-
with intellectual disabilities can benefit from psychotropic order, or IQ (Snyder et al, 2002). Of the side effects docu-
medications in order to ameliorate the behavioral symptoms mented, weight gain and drowsiness were the most prevalent
and psychiatric conditions that frequently accompany the dis- and problematic (Snyder et al, 2002). Although other atypi-
order (Handen & Gilchrist, 2006). A recent study established cal antipsychotic medications may be useful for individuals
that individuals with intellectual disabilities are the most over- with intellectual disabilities, there is not yet enough evidence
medicated population of individuals with mental disorders, to empirically support their use (Deb & Unwin, 2007).
but research has only just begun to explore the effectiveness of
medications for this population (Holden & Gitlesen, 2004). Other Medications
Recent clinical trends indicate that approximately 27% to
35% of persons with intellectual disabilities are prescribed In a review of the literature, Handen and Gilchrist (2006)
at least one psychotropic medication (Aman, Sarphare, & conclude that the available data indicate that individuals
Burrow, 1995; Holden & Gitlesen, 2004). Of the medications with intellectual disabilities respond to psychotropic med-
prescribed, antipsychotic medications are the most com- ication similarly to individuals who do not have intellectual
mon, followed by antianxiety, antidepressant, and anticon- disabilities. However, the literature that evaluates the effec-
vulsant medications (Spreat & Conroy, 1998). More recently, tiveness and safety of antidepressants, mood stabilizers, an-
an atypical antipsychotic, risperidone (Risperdal) has be- tianxiety drugs, and opioid antagonists for individuals with
come the medication of choice for individuals with intellec- intellectual disabilities is sparse, and incorporates weak
tual disabilities (Deb & Unwin, 2007; Spreat, Conroy, & methodology and small sample sizes (Deb & Unwin, 2007).
Fullerton, 2004). The prescription of antipsychotic medica- Although these drugs may be useful for individuals with in-
tion is associated with mental health problems, violence to- tellectual disabilities, Handen and Gilchrist (2006) advise
ward others, adaptive behavior, screaming/yelling/crying be- that physicians exercise the following cautions when pre-
havior, hyperactivity, and age (Spreat & Conroy, 1998). scribing psychotropic medications: close monitoring, use of
Notably, the severity of an intellectual disability does not lower dosages, and more gradual dosage increases than
predict medication use (Holden & Gitlesen, 2004). would be applied to the typically developing population.

Risperidone Summary
Of the psychotropic medications currently in use for indi- Intellectual disabilities have a great impact on society be-
viduals with intellectual disabilities, risperidone is the only cause of their prevalence and their profound effect on both
medication that has been the subject of randomized con- the physical and psychosocial health of those individuals
trolled trials (RCTs). These studies provide evidence that with the disability. By appreciating the heterogeneity of in-
risperidone is effective and well tolerated for these individu- tellectual disabilities and understanding the influence on oc-
als (Aman, De Smedt, Derivan, Lyons, & Findling, 2002; cupational performance, occupational therapists can play a
Gagiano, Read, Thorpe, Eerdekens, & Van Hove, 2005). significant role in enhancing daily life for individuals with
Specifically, significant gains in the area of severely disruptive intellectual disabilities at all ages.

Active Learning Strategies

1. Get to Know Someone ● What actions did you take to facilitate success? When was
the best course of action to do nothing?
To best understand the lived experience of an individual with
● What are the moments you would “do over” if you
an intellectual disability, assume an active role in the life of
could? Why?
someone who has an intellectual disability. For example, find
● What were the discrepancies between the caregiver/indi-
a group home that serves individuals with intellectual disabil-
vidual’s desired roles and activities, and what was actually
ities at which you can volunteer for at least half a day and
possible for him or her?
schedule an interview with one of the group home managers.
● Is there anything that would need to be done differently at
Ensure that you have an opportunity to support an individual
this group home in order to promote self-determination,
with self-care, home maintenance, and an activity in the com-
independent participation, and/or optimum health and
munity. In advance, use the information in this chapter to cre-
wellness? What?
ate a structured interview with the group home manager.
Reflective Questions In your Reflective Journal, describe
● In what ways did the individual encounter success in his or your experience.
her day? In what ways did he or she encounter difficulty?
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CHAPTER 9 ■ Intellectual Disabilities 121

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Eating Disorders 10
Laura C. Lock and Geneviève Pépin

S tarvation is control. Control is tough. Bones are beautiful when thin isn’t enough.

—Anonymous, World Wide Web, 2006

occupational therapy, which aims to help people with eat-

Many people struggle to understand the behaviors associated ing disorders experience health and wellness via participa-
with eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia nervosa. tion in adaptive, meaningful activity (Wilcock, 1998). It
Eating disorders have been superficially labeled as “slimming also highlights challenges inherent in the treatment of in-
diseases,” but these conditions are not in the least superficial. dividuals with eating disorders, including change resist-
People experiencing these disorders are tortured with self- ance, psychosocial impairment, and comorbid mental dis-
rejection and emotional difficulties linked to the demands of orders, and physical risk factors such as suicide attempts
adult roles and relationships (Broussard, 2004; Crisp, 2006a). and mortality (Blinder, Cumella, & Sanathara, 2006; Calvo,
They experience a constant struggle to eat in a normal, Alba, Serva, & Pelaz, 2001; Stice, 2002a).
healthy way, resulting in “overcontrolled” or “out of control”
eating patterns that become maladaptive coping mecha-
nisms. They develop maladaptive eating and lifestyle habits
due to limited stress management, psychological, social, and
Description of Eating Disorders
life skills (Kloczko & Ikiugu, 2006; Martin, 1998; National In- Eating disorders are considered disorders of the mind and
stitute for Clinical Excellence [NICE], 2004). body, characterized by the intense fear of being fat, which leads
These conditions are on the increase (American Psychi- to an obsessive quest for thinness (Garfinkel, 2002; Kinoy,
atric Association [APA], 2006). Individuals with eating disor- 2001; Thompson & Smolak, 2001). Eating disorders can be
ders struggle to feel acceptable and competent within their considered on a spectrum—with anorexia at one end, bulimia
cultural, familial, and/or social environment, which they at the other—and many unhealthy and potentially dangerous
perceive as threatening, unsupportive, or dissatisfying (Stice, eating habits (e.g., dieting, binge eating, purging, overexercis-
Maxfield, & Wells, 2003; Surgenor, Maguire, Russell, & Touyz, ing) falling between the two extremes.
2007; Tozzi, Sullivan, Fear, McKenzie, & Bulik, 2003). Their Eating disorders were first described in the late 17th century
low self-esteem evokes intense distress, which is alleviated by Richard Morton, in a paper published in 1689 in which
by the relentless pursuit of an idealized thin identity and ac- he presented two cases of what would become known as
companying maladaptive lifestyle (Cohen, Kristal, Neumark- anorexia nervosa (Goldbloom, 1997). Other clinical cases were
Sztainer, Rock, & Neuhouser, 2002). Their pursuit provides described in the mid-1800s by other physicians, including
meaning, purpose, and satisfaction, albeit maladaptive, and Charles Laseque and William Gull. Gull’s work concluded that
leads to significantly compromised physical and mental anorexia nervosa was not only self-starvation associated with
health, social isolation, and impaired quality of life (de la Rie, different traditions and cultures, but also a psychological dis-
Noordenbos, Donker, & van Furth, 2007; Hoek, 2006; order (Gordon, 2000). Following that, little information can be
Nordbo, Espeset, Gulliksen, Skarderud, & Holte, 2006; Rusca, found about anorexia and other disordered eating behaviors
2003). In essence, people with eating disorders experience during the 1920s and 1930s (Brumberg, 2000). The following
difficulties with identity and competence that result in im- decades saw literature addressing psychoanalytic interpreta-
paired motivation to participate in adaptive everyday self- tions of eating disorders and, particularly, anorexia nervosa,
care, work, and leisure activities. but it was in the 1970s with Hilde Bruch’s work that more
This chapter describes the symptomatology, etiology, literature concerning eating disorders and more persons pre-
and impact of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. It senting with eating disorders became known (Gordon, 2006).
also explains how these conditions affect occupational par- Eating disorders are on the increase in North America
ticipation, which is defined as “engagement in work, play or and elsewhere in the world (APA, 2006). North American
activities of daily living, that are part of one’s socio-cultural statistics present eating disorders as the mental illness with
context, and that are desired and/or necessary to one’s the highest mortality rate (Harbottle, Birmingham, &
well-being” (Kielhofner, 2002, p. 114). It outlines the role of Sayani, 2008). More precisely, it is the third most prevalent

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124 PART 2 ■ The Person

chronic disease among adolescents, with numerous and se- The intense fear of being fat and a distorted body image
vere consequences (APA, 2000a; Health Canada, 2002). As an are specific traits of anorexia. In fact, individuals with
example, in Canada between 1987 and 1999, there were 34% anorexia are often thin to the point of emaciation, but they
more hospitalizations of girls younger than 15, and a 29% do not recognize this. As a result, they become or remain ob-
increase was noted among young women ages 15 to 24 years sessed with food and weight. They count calories, engage in
(Health Canada, 2002). vigorous exercise, and tend to isolate themselves in order to
Traditionally, eating disorders have been associated with in- continue these self-reinforcing behaviors.
dustrialized countries and Western culture. However, literature The diagnosis of anorexia nervosa also requires that the
suggests an increase in the number of cases of eating disorders person be significantly underweight, which is a major dis-
in other parts of the world such as Japan, China, Mexico, and tinction between anorexia and bulimia. Body mass index
Fiji (Becker, Burwell, Gilman, Herzog, & Hamburg, 2002; (BMI) is often used to determine if someone is underweight.
Huon , Mingyi, Oliver, & Xiao, 2002; Kazutoshi et al., 2000; BMI is calculated by dividing an individual’s weight (in kilo-
Toro et al., 2006). Also, although eating disorders are more fre- grams) by the square of his or her height (in meters). Normal
quent in adolescent girls and women, more males are now BMI ranges between 20 and 25, and anorexia is diagnosed at
struggling with these disorders (Andersen, 2001; Crisp, 2006b). less than 17.5. A BMI below 13 indicates a life-threatening
Eating disorders are spreading to diverse communities with disorder.
differing race, gender, and socioeconomic status, although
higher socioeconomic status presents a higher risk (Soh, Subtypes
Touyz, & Surgenor, 2006). There are two subtypes of anorexia nervosa: restricting type
and binge eating/purging type. An individual with the re-
Anorexia Nervosa stricting type will not engage in binge eating or purging
behaviors such as self-induced vomiting (Gleaves, Miller,
Anorexia nervosa is described as the intense fear of being
Williams, & Summers, 2000; NIN, 2001). Instead, these indi-
fat, a disturbance of body image, and an obsession with
viduals will decrease their food intake dramatically and con-
food and thinness, associated with the refusal to maintain a
tinuously, leading to a striking weight loss. Individuals with
normal weight for one’s age and height (Garfinkel, 2002;
the binge eating/purging type of anorexia regularly engage
Wilson, 2005). This obsession translates into severe food re-
in binge eating or purging behavior (Gleaves et al., 2000;
striction and extreme weight control behaviors, which
NIN, 2001). Approximately one-half of people with anorexia
lead to major weight loss (Health Canada, 2002; National
develop the restricting type, and the other half engages in
Institute of Nutrition [NIN], 2001).
binge eating and purging behaviors (Andersen, 2001; APA,
DSM-IV-TR Criteria 2000a; Pomerleau, Ratté, Boivin, & Brassard, 2001). How-
Because anorexia develops most often during adolescence, it ever, recent studies showed that between 8% and 62% of in-
is sometimes difficult to differentiate between normal growth dividuals with an initial diagnosis of anorexia will develop
and developmental changes and the development of the eat- bulimic-like symptoms during the course of their illness
ing disorder. Weight loss is often noted at the time of puber- (Bulik, Reba, Siega-Riz, & Reichborn-Kjennerud, 2005).
tal menarche, and growing concerns about appearance and
body image are common. Therefore, specific diagnostic crite- Prevalence
ria have been developed by the American Psychiatric Associ- Anorexia nervosa affects approximately 1% of Western pop-
ation in the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, ulations, the mortality rate is close to 15%, and individuals
Fourth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR) (APA, 2000b). with anorexia nervosa as a group have a life span 25 years
Detailed criteria are listed in Box 10-1. shorter than the general population (Harbottle et al., 2008).
There are indications that anorexia is on the rise, with a
North American study indicating that by age 13 years, 80%
BOX 10-1 ■ DSM-IV-TR Criteria for Anorexia of girls and 10% of boys have been on diets with the precise
Nervosa intent to lose weight because they are dissatisfied with their
appearance (Striegel-Moore & Smolak, 2001).
1. Refusal to maintain body weight at or above a minimally normal
weight for age and height (e.g., weight loss leading to mainte- Course
nance of body weight less than 85% of that expected, or failure Epidemiological studies report that anorexia most fre-
to make expected weight gain during periods of growth, lead-
quently starts between the ages of 14 and 25, with a peak age
ing to body weight less than 85% of that expected).
of onset that varies between 15 and 19 years (Bulik et al.,
2. Intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat, even though 2005; Health Canada, 2002; Wilson, 2005). The literature
suggests that approximately 90% of people diagnosed with
3. Disturbance in the way in which one’s body weight or shape anorexia are female (APA, 2000a; Striegel-Moore & Smolak,
is experienced, undue influence of body weight or shape on
self-evaluation, or denial of the seriousness of the current low
2001). However, more cases are now found in women past
body weight. adolescence, and authors have cited that up to 5% of indi-
4. Amenorrhoea (in women) (i.e., the absence of at least three viduals with anorexia nervosa are older than 25 years of age
consecutive menstrual cycles). (NIN, 1993; Pomerleau et al., 2001).
Several psychological and physical comorbidities are ob-
From American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and Statistical served in individuals with anorexia (APA, 2000a; Garfinkel,
Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Author. 2002; Thompson & Smolak, 2001). The most frequent psycho-
logical factors are depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive
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CHAPTER 10 ■ Eating Disorders 125

disorders, personality disorders, and mood disorders (APA,

2000a; Garfinkel, 2002; Health Canada, 2002; NIN, 2001). The BOX 10-2 ■ DSM-IV-TR Criteria for Bulimia
malnourishment and food restriction observed in anorexia are
1. Recurrent episodes of binge eating. The episode of binge eating
believed to lead to many physical problems, including the
is characterized by both of the following:
following (APA, 2000b, 2006; Beumont, 2002; Health Canada,
a. Eating, in a discrete period of time (e.g., within any 2-hour
period), an amount of food that is definitely larger than
■ Hypothermia (a lower than normal body temperature) most people would eat during a similar period of time and
■ Bradycardia (an abnormally slow heart rate) and risk of under similar circumstances
cardiac failure b. A sense of lack of control over eating during the episode
■ Amenorrhea (absence of a period) or irregular menses 2. Recurrent compensatory behavior in order to prevent weight
■ Edema gain, such as self-induced vomiting, misuse of laxatives, diuretics,
■ Loss of muscle tone and muscle mass or other medications, fasting, or excessive exercise.
■ Osteoporosis and other skeletal problems 3. The binge eating and compensatory behaviors both occur, on
■ Hormonal problems average, at least twice a week for 3 months.
■ Skin problems 4. Self-evaluation is unduly influenced by body shape and
■ Brittle nails and hair, hair loss, and lanugo (a fine, white weight.
hair that helps keep the body warm) 5. The disturbance does not occur exclusively during episodes
■ General decrease in bodily functions of anorexia nervosa.
■ Metabolic, biochemical, renal, and gastrointestinal
■ Generalized weakness
making the amount of food taken unambiguously large
Fortunately, most physical problems abate when the indi- (Keel, Mayer, & Harnden-Fisher, 2001; NIN, 2001). For
vidual resumes healthy eating habits. However, osteoporosis is others, it is the feeling of being “out of control” with food
irreversible. Finally, deaths from anorexia are most often due to intake that represents a binge. Usually, the person eats very
cardiac arrest secondary to severe food restriction or suicide quickly; hence, the duration of the episode is usually short
(APA, 2000b, 2006; Beumont, 2002; Hoek, 2006). (NIN, 2001).

Bulimia Nervosa Subtypes

There are two distinct subtypes of bulimia: purging and
Bulimia, which is found at the other end of the eating disor- nonpurging. In the purging type, the individual engages in
der spectrum, can also be a life-threatening disorder. Despite behaviors such as self-induced vomiting and excessive use of
an apparently normal weight, the disorder shares the psy- laxatives and diuretics (APA, 2000b; Gleaves et al., 2000). In
chopathological fear of fatness with anorexia. However, an the nonpurging type, the person will not purge, but engages
essential distinction in the clinical presentation is the pres- in other compensatory behaviors, such as intense exercising
ence of episodes of binging that are associated with different and fasting (APA, 2000b; Gleaves et al., 2000). In either case,
forms of purging and inappropriate compensatory behavior these behaviors are often linked to a lack of impulse control
such as abuse of laxatives and diuretics (APA, 2000a; Beumont, (Engel et al., 2005; Steiger, 2004; Wonderlich, Crosby, et al.,
2002). Binge eating episodes imply consumption of an ab- 2005), which points to another distinction between bulimia
normally large amount of food associated with the intense and anorexia. Whereas bulimia is associated with impulsiv-
fear of being unable to stop or control the binge eating ity, anorexia is often linked with perfectionism and control,
episodes. These episodes are combined with attempts to rid although impulsive features can also coexist.
the body of the food by engaging in self-induced vomiting,
excessive use of laxatives or diuretics, excessive exercise, or Prevalence
fasting (APA, 2000a; Beumont, 2002; Thompson & Smolak, Bulimia, having been officially recognized more recently
2001). The binging and purging episodes are typically un- than anorexia in 1979, has fewer available statistics. How-
dertaken in utmost secrecy, and often result in rapid weight ever, it has been estimated that approximately 4% of the
gains and losses. Moreover, an overwhelming feeling of guilt population suffers from bulimia (Andersen, 2001; APA,
and shame follows each episode (APA, 2000a; Beumont, 2000b; Garfinkel, 2002; Ratté & Pomerleau, 2001). A recent
2002; Thompson & Smolak, 2001). study of 2,881 individuals with bulimia nervosa found a life-
time prevalence rate of 2.3%; 76% fit the purging subtype
DSM-IV TR Criteria and 24% the nonpurging subtype (Keski-Rahkonen et al.,
Symptomatology of bulimia is characterized by recurrent 2008). The study also found a 5-year clinical recovery rate of
binge eating episodes and frenetic compensatory behaviors. 55%, but most symptoms are long standing, and recovery is
Just as with anorexia nervosa, specific diagnostic criteria define gradual.
bulimia (APA, 2000b). These criteria are listed in Box 10-2.
It is important to understand that the amount of food Course
eaten during a binge eating episode is usually, but not Most cases of bulimia are found in females, starting in late
always, larger than what another person would normally adolescence or early adulthood (APA, 2000b; Garfinkel,
eat. For most, it is far more than nibbling during the day 2002). Several psychological comorbidity factors and other
or eating between meals. The mean caloric intake during a health problems are associated with this complex disorder
binge eating episode ranges between 3,031 and 4,479 kcal, (APA, 2000b, 2000b; Garfinkel, 2002; Health Canada, 2002;
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126 PART 2 ■ The Person

Thompson & Smolak, 2001). The most common psycholog- disorder in the presence of precipitating factors (Lilenfeld,
ical factors are mood disorders combined with impulsive ac- Wonderlich, Riso, Crosby, & Mitchel, 2006; Sassaroli &
tions, such as drug and alcohol abuse, self-harm, sexual dis- Ruggiero, 2005; Westerberg, Edlund, & Ghaderi, 2008). Pre-
inhibition, or shoplifting. Anxiety and personality disorders cipitating factors, such as stressful life events, are often de-
are also common (Engel et al., 2005; Steiger, 2004; Wonderlich, scribed as “the last straw” by clients. The interaction between
Crosby, et al., 2005). Problems that occur as a result of bing- predisposing and precipitating factors is believed to lead to
ing, purging, and other weight control strategies are renal the development of an eating disorder. Once the disorder has
problems and electrolytic imbalance (potassium, sodium), developed, perpetuating factors keep the person in the cycle
leading to headaches, dizziness, loss of balance, and gastroin- of restrictions and compulsions, therefore maintaining the
testinal problems. These problems are mostly due to repeated illness.
vomiting (NIN, 2001). Moreover, the most serious complica-
tion related to excessive vomiting is hypokalemia (low blood Predisposing Factors
potassium levels), which can cause cardiac problems. Fur-
thermore, excessive vomiting leads to loss of teeth enamel, Predisposing factors are believed to increase the individual’s
dental problems, swelling of salivary glands, chronic sore vulnerability to develop an eating disorder.
throat, and irritated vocal cords and deep mouth structures.
Excessive use of laxatives can lead to intestinal problems Personality
and metabolic imbalance (APA, 2000a; Pomerleau et al., Characteristics that promote the development of a fragile and
2001). anxious personality increase the risk of an individual develop-
ing an eating disorder. Many personality characteristics differ,
depending on the eating disorder (Pomerleau et al., 2001;
Etiology Steiger & Israël, 2000), and are presented in Table 10-1.
Other psychological factors related to both eating disorders
Eating disorders are multifactorial, and understanding the involve insecure attachments and separation-individuation
complex etiology can require comprehensive intervention problems (Gleaves et al, 2000; Striegel-Moore & Smolak,
approaches (Andersen, 2001; APA, 2000a; Garfinkel, 2002; 2001). In fact, identity formation depends on the ability to
Wilson, 2005). Indeed, several factors interacting with each move through the separation-individuation continuum of
other are considered potential causes of the development normal development. It allows individuals to experiment,
of eating disorders. Figure 10-1 illustrates the multifactorial learn, identify, evaluate, and compare before deciding what
aspect of these disorders. As shown, predisposing factors are and whom to become (Striegel-Moore & Smolak, 2001).
believed to increase the vulnerability of a person to an eating Tension between the need to belong and the desire to be

Predisposing Factors
Protective Factors Individual, family functioning,
• Individual social, and cultural influences
(autonomy, assertion
skills, varied roles,
stress management Precipitating Factors
abilities, good self- Body dissatisfaction, losses; increasing
esteem, appropriate environmental demand, failures, abuse
concern with weight
or appearance, etc)
• Family (support, *
Eating Disorders
appropriate concern
with weight or
appearance, etc.)
• Social (supportive
social environment, Perpetuating Factors
acceptance of body
difference, providing Eating disturbances
opportunities to (compulsions, restrictions)
develop, etc.)
Routines, Changes (physical,
diets, exercises psychological, emotional)

Secondary gains,
positive reinforcement

FIGURE 10-1. Development of an eating disorder.

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CHAPTER 10 ■ Eating Disorders 127

disorders (Kaye et al., 2008). The same findings apply to

Table 10-1 ● Personality Characteristics and Eating Disorders twin studies, which demonstrated that, when one twin has
Eating Disorder Common Personality Characteristics an eating disorder, the other twin is at higher risk of devel-
oping eating difficulties of his or her own (Garner &
Anorexia nervosa • Compulsivity and perfectionism Garfinkel, 1997; Gleaves et al., 2000; Pomerleau et al., 2001).
• Desire to conform
• Lack of initiative and spontaneity
A recent review compared data from family and twin stud-
• Introversion and limited expression of emotions ies and concluded that there is a concordance rate of 26%
• Tendency to avoid risks, danger, and emotions for bulimia and 35% for anorexia in monozygotic twins
• High need for validation from others (Ross, 2006).
• Excessive self-control When one family member experiences an eating disorder,
• Impaired ability to permit self-gratification the entire family system is affected. Interactions within the
Bulimia nervosa • Impulsivity family system can influence the development of an eating
• Seeking sensory stimulations and/or heightened disorder, just as eating disorders can influence the family’s
mood states (e.g., substance use, self-harm, sexual functioning and its dynamic (Kinoy, 2001). However, spe-
relationships) cific family characteristic can increase an individual’s sensi-
• Extroversion tivity to develop an eating disorder (Gleaves et al., 2000;
• Inadequate self-control Striegel-Moore & Smolack, 2001; Thompson & Smolack,
• Impaired ability to cope with delayed or denied 2001; Vandereycken, 2002):
■ Alcohol and/or drug abuse in the family
■ Family violence
■ Sexual abuse
independent is influential in eating disorder development ■ Overvaluing of appearance and thinness
(Striegel-Moore & Smolak, 2001). Moreover, low self-esteem, ■ Eating habits organized around diets and food
difficulties in identity formation, negative self-image, and dif- restriction
ficulty in establishing fulfilling and meaningful relationships ■ Lack of opportunity to develop one’s independence
are believed to put people at risk for developing eating disor- and autonomy
ders (Striegel-Moore, Seeley, & Lewinsohn, 2003; Striegel- ■ Overprotectiveness
Moore & Smolak, 2001). ■ Rigidity
■ Excessive or absence of parental control
There is an important body of literature concerning biol- Social and Cultural Influences
ogy and its links to eating disorders, including strong evi- Increasing evidence indicates that social and cultural in-
dence that indicates that serotonin plays a role in the devel- fluences play an important role in the development of eat-
opment of eating disorders (Engel et al., 2005; Steiger, ing disorders (Berg, 2001; Gleaves et al., 2000; Kinoy, 2001;
2004; Wonderlich et al., 2005). More precisely, on the one Stice, 2002b; Striegel-Moore & Smolak, 2001). Increas-
hand, serotonin dysregulation (i.e., variability in the con- ingly, social pressures glorify thinness and associate it with
centration levels of serotonin and alteration in its func- success and happiness. Social reinforcement and cultural
tions) contributes to different signs and symptoms of eat- norms value people on the basis of physical appearance
ing disorders (Engel et al., 2005; Steiger, 2004; Wonderlich and place value on obtaining the perfect body (Kinoy,
et al., 2005). On the other hand, evidence shows that diet- 2001; Stice, 2002b). The image of Western women pro-
ing can result in reduced brain serotonin synthesis, leading moted in the media influences body image and self-
to more serotonergic dysregulation, which creates a vicious esteem. It sanctions thinness as beauty. Despite the fact
circle in which eating disorder symptomatology is main- that most fashion magazine photos are altered to fit cer-
tained (Steiger, 2004). Moreover, some personality traits, tain standards, girls and women still aspire to them as
such as impulsivity and perfectionism, have been linked to symbols of beauty and happiness. This sends the message
variations in serotonin level (Steiger, 2004). Finally, in- that to be popular and successful, one must be strikingly
creasing evidence links traumatic stress, such as child thin (Drench, Noonan, Sharby, & Hallenborg Ventura,
abuse, to altered serotonin activity (Engel et al., 2005, 2007). Also, being overweight is associated with laziness
Steiger, 2004; Wonderlich et al., 2005). The specific mecha- and lack of discipline. People who are overweight can be
nisms of these interactions is still being investigated, but alienated, rejected by society, and subject to discrimina-
current evidence is strong and suggests promising theoret- tion (Puhl & Brownell, 2002).
ical and clinical implications for understanding and treat- The media promotes an ever thinner body type (Stice,
ing eating disorders. 2002b). In fact, over the past several decades, top models, ac-
tresses, and other cultural female icons have become signifi-
Family Functioning cantly thinner (Stice, 2002b). In addition, controlling weight
There are claims in the literature that there is a genetic con- and refraining from eating certain foods is perceived as show-
tribution to eating disorders (APA, 2002a, 2002b; Pomerleau ing strength and determination (Berg, 2001). To someone with
et al., 2001). Thus, families of individuals with eating disor- low self-esteem, the pressure to be thin that is promoted by the
ders should be studied with attention. Genetic and heredi- mass media, in combination with body dissatisfaction, can in-
tary studies indicate that children of parents who have crease feelings of inadequacy and trigger a cycle of food restric-
had eating disorders are at higher risk of developing eating tion and dieting.
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128 PART 2 ■ The Person

Precipitating Factors ■ Family relationships that allow the person to develop a

sense of belonging and individuation
Negative perceptions and thoughts about oneself, one’s ap- ■ Social environment that is not overly concerned with
pearance, the environment, and/or the future can precipitate beauty and thinness
the development of disordered and unhealthy eating habits,
which can eventually result in an eating disorder. A comment These protective factors can guide families and health-
on one’s body or appearance, a failure, a defeat or a setback, a care specialists in the development of prevention strategies.
relationship break-up, or major stress can all precipitate an
eating disorder (Striegel-Moore & Smolack, 2001; Wilkins,
1998). A specific environmental event linked to eating disor- Gender Differences
der vulnerability is changes in school from one level to
another (e.g., moving from primary school to high school, Research shows that eating disorders are most common in
or from high school to college or university) because students females, although up to 10% of individuals with anorexia
must adapt to a new environment with new demands are male, and recent studies demonstrate that men experi-
and higher expectations (Striegel-Moore & Smolack, 2001; ence bulimia more commonly than anorexia (Andersen,
Wilkins, 1998). A study of high school students found that 2002; NIN, 1993; Weltzin et al., 2005). When compared
eating disorders were highly related to substance use (Pisetsky, with females, males have a stronger tendency to use com-
Chao, Diencer, May, & Striegel-Moore, 2008). Although the pulsive exercise rather than different purging methods for
exact nature of the relationship is unknown, substance abuse weight control (Weltzin et al., 2005). The age of onset in
may increase vulnerability to eating disorders. males ranges from 17 and 24, indicating a later onset than
Importantly, no single event will lead to an eating disor- females (Crisp, 2006a; NIN, 1993). As is the case in females
der; rather, it involves the interactions between multiple with eating disorders, the risks of developing anorexia or
factors that significantly increase the risk of developing an bulimia are greater when a male’s professional and per-
eating disorder (Pomerleau et al., 2001; Striegel-Moore & sonal recognition is linked to his body (Hulley & Hill, 2001;
Smolack, 2001). Wertheim, 1992).
Occupations in which aesthetics are directly linked to
success increase the risk of developing an eating disorder
Perpetuating Factors (Baum, 2006; Crisp, 2006b). The same applies in sports in
Once an eating disorder has developed, the early changes are which athletes must maintain a specific weight or low body
often satisfying and seen as improvement by people around the fat is an advantage (Baum, 2006). Occupations and sports
individual, whether family members, peers, or even a stranger. with a greater risk for eating disorders in women include
Indeed, it is common to hear someone being complimented on ballet, modeling, figure skating, diving, swimming, gymnas-
his or her new figure and weight loss. Unfortunately, com- tics, and rowing, whereas wrestling and horse racing are par-
ments of that sort reinforce the disordered eating attitudes and ticularly associated with male anorexia nervosa (Andersen,
behaviors in people who are already vulnerable (Andersen, Bartlett, Morgan, & Brownell, 1995; Hulley & Hill, 2001;
2001; APA, 2000a; Kinoy, 2001). Consequently, the vulnerable Wertheim, 1992). In the latter, male jockeys are more at risk
individual will develop strategies to maintain the weight loss than their female counterparts because women tend to be
and/or increase the restriction and obsessive thoughts about naturally lighter and smaller (Baum, 2006; Hulley & Hill,
weight and appearances (Gleaves et al., 2000; Striegel-Moore & 2001). In wrestling, a lower weight allows the individual to
Smolack, 2001). Also, the effects of fasting and food restric- participate in a weight class in which he may have a greater
tions can contribute to the development of cognitive distor- advantage. In males, it seems that weight loss is more moti-
tions that perpetuate the disorder. For example, the individual vated by the desire to achieve an athletic performance than
thinks of him- or herself as strong and in control, as demon- by an obsession with weight and thinness, as is the case in
strated by the ability to restrict food intake. women (Andersen et al., 1995).
Other predisposing factors that are more common in
males than females include being raised in a family with par-
Protective Factors ents who have a mental illness and conflicts regarding sexual
identity (Andersen, 2002; Andersen et al., 1995; Crisp, 2006a;
Although rarely addressed in the literature, protective fac-
Herzog, Bradburn, & Newman, 1990; Schneider & Agras,
tors are now considered when looking at the development of
1987; Wertheim, 1992). Apparently, fear about possible ho-
eating disorders (Thompson & Smolak, 2001). These factors
mosexuality can prompt anorexia as a defense mechanism
can be grouped in individual, family, and social categories.
(Crisp, 2006a).
Hence, developing protective factors can play an important
Approximately twice as many females as males are reg-
role in preventing the developmental process of eating disor-
ularly on a diet because of ambivalent attitude and feelings
ders, as shown in Figure 10-1. Protective factors include
toward food, weight, and appearance. Generally speaking,
(Thompson & Smolak, 2001)
females are less satisfied with their weight than males
■ Assertion skills, independence, and autonomy (Kiefer, Rathmanner, & Kunze, 2005; Weltzin et al., 2005).
■ Opportunity to invest in a variety of roles (e.g., student, Furthermore, 18% of females and 5% of males will have
friend, club member, worker) carried out at least one diet in the course of their adoles-
■ Ability to use stress management techniques cence due to overconcern with weight and appearance
■ Positive self-esteem (Kiefer et al., 2005). Consequently, in adolescence, there
■ Family environment that is not overly concerned with is an increased risk of developing an eating disorder
appearance, beauty, and thinness over time.
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CHAPTER 10 ■ Eating Disorders 129

The Lived Experience

Katharine Wealthall negative mindset and the consequent illness just did not allow
me to feel I was worthy of anything positive.. There are certain
patterns of thinking that are evident within the majority of suf-
ferers whilst in the illness. These include: an intense dislike for
themselves (developing into the need to hurt/punish them-
selves), the belief of being a failure . . . of not being good enough
at anything, the feeling that they have nothing to offer and
nothing of worth to say and the belief that they are responsible
for the well-being of those around them and the power to fix all
that is wrong. It is interesting to note that all these thoughts, feel-
ings and beliefs are ones that are constantly demanding far too
much of any one person.
The need for perfection, if it is evident, is seen in absolute
terms. Nothing less is satisfactory. When aiming for such impos-
sibly high standards it is obvious to objective observers that such
perfection is unattainable and yet those in the illness are simply
not allowed to rest from striving to achieve it.
I have often referred to my own recovery as being like a child
Katharine Wealthall, a young British woman, describes the trapped in an adult body; people who meet me make the nor-
experience of reaching life in recovery from anorexia nervosa mal assumptions you would of an adult and I have normal adult
in extracts from her book, Little Steps: Surviving Anorexia and responsibilities. For me, however, every day is a battle to cope
Bulimia Nervosa. with the way the world works and being a responsible adult in
I am an anorexic. I have anorexia nervosa. Existing within normal ways, for example, not hurting myself if things go wrong,
the illness is a terrifying horror. It makes little sense and yet not feeling to blame/responsible if things are difficult for others.
the sufferer feels trapped by thoughts, feelings and associ- Although I am in recovery and am working to achieve this
ated behaviors . . . regardless of how damaging and danger- normality, I can vividly remember the intense fear of what it
ous they are. would be like without the illness; indeed I still experience that
During my most serious bout of anorexia (in its obvious fear now that I am living it. For a period of my treatment I felt
physical form) I could see what was happening and I wanted it as though I wasn’t anybody without the illness that had defined
over before it began, and yet it was like looking at someone else, and controlled me all my life. It takes time to rebuild, to relearn
I was utterly powerless to halt the destruction. It was as though but it can be done. Therefore, to further emphasise, a reluc-
there were two sides to me: the positive rational side and its tance to leave the illness is not the sufferer wanting to be
negative, irrational counterpart, Even now in recovery, I still ex- ill . . . it is the fear of what is to come and being ready to find
perience this conflict . . . the mind of someone with an eating out. Sufferers must be constantly reassured that it will be
disorder becomes closed off to hearing or seeing situations for worth finding out who they can be, what their life could be like.
what they really are. The brain behaves in such a way that only Those close to them must keep sight of the real person and
the negative perception of any given circumstance is acknowl- do all they can to keep affirming that reality.
edged. To put it in more simple terms, ask any person with an Even on really black days when it would be so much easier
eating disorder if a glass is half full or half empty—the glass is to stop fighting and allow it to just consume me again I have to
always half empty! It is as though the person is not allowed to remember that I have gotten this far for a reason and I have
feel happy or to feel good about themselves, even if they are to find out what that is . . . to do that I have to stay well, stay safe.
able to value aspects of their lives, these things are masked by I am slowly beginning to realise that I don’t just owe it to the peo-
the negativity. ple that love me: I owe it to myself too.
I have always been so lucky with many aspects of my life but I have anorexia nervosa. I am an anorexic. But that is not
I always experience enormous guilt about that. The profoundly all I am.

Reprinted with permission from Wealthall, K. (2005). Little Steps: Surviving Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa. Brentwood, UK: Chipmunka.

Cultural Differences Eastern and Western countries, there were no differences in

body image discrepancy or eating pathology (Rubin, Gluck,
Eating disorders and, particularly, idealization of thinness Knoll, Lorence, & Geleibter, 2008). Similarly, a study of col-
have long been associated with Western cultures and, within lege students in the United States found no differences
the United States, most prevalent in European Americans. in disordered eating behavior among African American,
However, recent studies debunk this conventional wisdom. European American, and Latina American students (Rich &
In a large study comparing individuals from several different Thomas, 2008).
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130 PART 2 ■ The Person

Prognosis with others (Gogarty & Brangan, 2004; Harries, 2005; Lock,
2000). Psychological factors, which are usually preconscious,
Current knowledge about eating disorders allows for the iden- impair the individuals’ volition, with pathologically dis-
tification of factors that influence the outcomes of anorexia abling consequences (Cohen et al., 2002) (Fig. 10-2). Voli-
nervosa and bulimia. Literature yields evidence that duration tion refers to a person’s motivation for action and different
of illness, importance that the individual assigns to the weight occupations (Kielhofner, 2008). It can be defined as “a pat-
loss, successive inefficient treatment, and presence of comor- tern of thoughts and feelings about oneself as an actor
bid personality disorders are factors associated with a poor in one’s world which occur as one anticipates, chooses, expe-
outcome (Berkman, Lohr, & Bulik, 2007; Pomerleau et al., riences and interprets what ones does” (Kielhofner, 2008,
2001). More specifically, outcomes of anorexia are believed to p. 16). Five key cognitive concepts commonly affecting mo-
be worse when the disorder is coupled with depression, mood tivation in persons with eating disorders have been identi-
and anxiety disorders, limited social functioning and contacts, fied by Cooper, Whitehead, and Boughton (2004). These
and substance abuse. However, a younger age of onset is asso- constructs negatively impact the individual’s volition, thus
ciated with a better outcome (Bulik et al., 2005). Factors asso- impairing the person’s motivation to engage in occupational
ciated with poor outcomes in bulimia are similar to those re- and social activities that are perceived as stressful. These
lated to anorexia. Depression, mood disorders, and substance constructs are
abuse are common to both illnesses, whereas lack of impulse
1. Overvaluation of weight, shape, and their control
control is specific to bulimia (Bulik et al., 2005).
2. Mood intolerance
Other evidence specific to anorexia and bulimia shows
3. Core low self-esteem
that between 40% and 50% of individuals with anorexia,
4. Perfectionism
and 50% of people with bulimia, can expect to fully recover
5. Interpersonal problems
and see their symptoms disappear over time (APA, 2000a;
Health Canada, 2002; Ratté & Pomerleau, 2001). Approxi-
mately 30% of people with eating disorders will experience Overvaluation of Weight, Shape,
an improvement in their condition, but will face relapses and and Their Control
residual symptoms (Sullivan, 2002). Last, in 20% of cases of
anorexia and bulimia, the illness will become severe and en- Individuals with eating disorders judge their self-worth largely,
during (Sullivan, 2002). In other words, these individuals or even exclusively, in terms of weight and shape, as well
will still meet some diagnostic criteria and will experience as their ability to control them (Fairburn & Harrison, 2003,
enduring symptoms and ongoing resistance to change. Of p. 408). They perceive their bodies as worthy of criticism,
that last percentage, between 5% and 10% of persons with which precipitates avoidance of social interaction, social eat-
anorexia nervosa will die (Ratté & Pomerleau, 2001). ing, and body-centric activities (Gogarty & Brangan, 2004).
Another longitudinal study looking at a 20-year follow-
up period revealed a mortality rate of 15% to 20% for per-
sons with anorexia nervosa (Sullivan, 2002). These findings
Mood Intolerance
contradict a recent study conducted over a 12-year period People with eating disorders find it difficult to tolerate neg-
with 103 women with anorexia nervosa (Fichter, Quadflieg, ative emotions that are part of the normal experience of
& Hedlund, 2006). The results suggest that 27.5% of the par- adult occupations, roles, responsibilities, and relationships
ticipants had a good outcome, 25.3% an intermediate out- (Fryer, Waller, & Kroese, 1997; Holtkamp, Müller, Heussen,
come, 39.6% had a poor outcome, and 7.7% (or 7 persons) Remschmidt, & Herpertz-Dahlmann, 2005; Waller et al.,
were deceased (Fichter et al., 2006). Fichter et al. defined the 2003). This construct is linked to lack of self-acceptance; fear
categories of outcomes. A “good outcome” implied that the of rejection from others; and impaired emotional, social,
participants maintained a body weight within the normal and life skills. Participating in maladaptive weight minimiza-
range and experienced regular menstrual cycles. Participants tion activities allows the person to avoid or alter negative
reached an “intermediate outcome” when their body weight emotions, increase personal control, and reinforce accept-
reached normal ranges, but was not maintained, and/or ability and self-competence (Crisp, 2006a; Nordbo et al.,
when they experienced menstrual irregularities. Finally, a 2006). For example, a person with an eating disorder may
poor outcome was noted when participants’ body weight avoid dating because of a fear of rejection. Dietary restric-
never reached a normal range, leading to serious health con- tion or binging/purging and other comorbid behaviors pro-
cerns, and when menstruation was absent or virtually absent vide distraction and assist with mood regulation and stress
(Fichter et al., 2006). These findings highlight a smaller pro- relief (Bloks & van Furth, 2004; Paul, Schroeter, Dahme, &
portion of persons presenting a good outcome or full recov- Nutzinger, 2002). However, people with bulimia feel over-
ery from the disorder and a much higher percentage of per- whelming guilt after binging.
sons with a poor outcome.
Core Low Self-Esteem
Psychological Influences That Affect Low self-esteem, which has been described as a combination
Occupational Participation of limited self-liking and self-competence, has a significant
impact on occupational performance (Bardone, Perez,
People with eating disorders experience difficulties partici- Abramson, & Joiner, 2003; Halvorsen & Heyerdahl, 2006;
pating in self-care, productivity, and leisure occupations, Stoffel, 1993; Surgenor et al., 2007). Low self-esteem is a
particularly if the activities involve eating or interactions central theme in the development of eating disorders. The
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CHAPTER 10 ■ Eating Disorders 131


Maladaptive eating habits
and impaired meal preparation skills

Impaired volition
Disabling psychological
factors influencing motivation to
Participating in change and participate in
everyday activities occupations/roles
Maladaptive • Over-valuation of weight/shape Communicating
self-care, • Mood intolerance Impaired
productivity and • Core low self-esteem communication and
leisure habits, • Perfectionism assertiveness skills
and impaired • Interpersonal problems
independent (Cooper et al, 2004)
living skills

Coping with emotions

Impaired stress management skills

FIGURE 10-2. Difficulties experienced by people with eating disorders that impact occupational participation.

individual’s perceived inability to feel acceptable or cope (Hernandez, 1995; Mangweth et al., 2005; Troisi et al., 2006).
within their social or occupational environment is fueled Sufferers often drift into social isolation due to impaired so-
by distorted beliefs and cognitions (Barris, 1987; Bers & cial confidence and preoccupation with self-presentation
Quinlan, 1992; Jone, Harris, & Leung, 2005) about them- (Hinrichsen, Wright, Waller, & Meyer, 2003; Striegel-Moore
selves, others, and life in general. This mind-set precipitates et al., 1993). Negative social comparison leads to social with-
avoidance of certain adaptive occupations that are perceived drawal and fear of romantic encounters and physical inti-
as threatening or dissatisfying, such as trying out for a sports macy (Jarry, Polivy, Herman, Arrowood, & Pliner, 2006). The
team or accepting a promotion (Gogarty & Brangan, 2004). limited social and emotional coping skills of people with
eating disorders often fall short of the demands of the social
Perfectionism environment.

Most individuals with eating disorders have unrealistically

high personal standards and believe they are unacceptable and Impact on Occupational
unlovable unless they are perfect (Striegel-Moore, Silberstein,
& Rodin, 1993). Eating is linked to greed or fat, which symbol-
ize unacceptability, leading to self-rejection and erroneously Attempts to differentiate between anorexia and bulimia can be
expected rejection from others (Lock, 2006; Strauman, Vookes, misleading when focusing on occupational performance be-
Berenstein, Caiken, & Higgins, 1991). Perfectionism is strived cause both disorders can lead to similar occupational perform-
for in the individual’s daily performance at work and school, ance issues. Individuals can also experience both anorexic and
at home, and with friends and family. The inability to achieve bulimic episodes (Beumont & Touyz, 2003; Collier & Treasure,
perfection leads to a sense of failure and shame (Bouley & 2004; NICE, 2004). Both conditions share the struggle to
Sadik, 1992; Forbush, Heatherton, & Keel, 2007; Shafran, achieve satisfactory relationships and to develop a strong sense
Cooper, & Fairburn, 2002). This shame is alleviated through of self-esteem and a positive identity. However, there are areas
the maladaptive pride linked to weight minimization or other of functioning that are different.
maladaptive achievements associated with striving for the The most significant difference between anorexia and bu-
perfect body (Skarderud, 2007). limia is the anorexic’s phobic avoidance of normal body
weight, shape, and function (Crisp, 2006a). Anorexia can be
Interpersonal Problems described as a way of coping with problems of identity
or avoidance of adult role expectations (Halmi, 2005; Nordbo
Social anxiety and interpersonal difficulties, which are often et al., 2006). Individuals with anorexia often demonstrate com-
linked to insecure early attachments, conflict, or trauma petence and accomplishment, particularly in academic and
(e.g., neglect, abuse), can lead to impoverished relationships task performance (Barris, 1986), but exhibit impairment in
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132 PART 2 ■ The Person

areas of social-leisure performance and family relations 2004). Typical maladaptive activities include pathological
(Thompson & Schwartz, 1982). They hold abnormal beliefs dieting, exercise, obsession-compulsive routines, mirror
regarding guilt, perceive themselves as less competent than gazing, and body checking (Collier & Treasure, 2004;
others, and expect less success (Bers & Quinlan, 1992). Individ- Cooper et al., 2004; Davis et al., 1998; Pearlstein, 2002;
uals with a diagnosis of anorexia, who also exhibit impulsive Shafran, Fairburn, Robinson, & Lask, 2004). Domestic, ed-
features, share functional difficulties commonly demonstra- ucational, and vocational activities can be undertaken to
ted by individuals with bulimia (Ward, Campbell, Brown, & excess to the extent that adaptive interests become subor-
Treasure, 2003). dinate (Barris, 1986; Lock, 2000). For example, individuals
Individuals with bulimia are often attracted to occupations may work extreme hours and, in doing so, avoid social and
and roles that involve challenge, risk, and sexuality (Culbert & leisure occupations. Overly restrained or impulsive spend-
Klump, 2005; Diaz-Marsa, Carrasco, & Saiz, 2000). They seek ing may also be a feature of individuals with eating disor-
gratification, comfort, approval from others, and success, but ders. Personal grooming activities may be undertaken either
struggle to tolerate dissatisfaction, discontentment, frustration, to excess or neglected. Dressing is often used to camouflage
discomfort, loss, and social responsibility (Broussard, 2004). the emaciated body (Gogarty & Brangan, 2004).
They often find social, leisure, and work activities stressful, al- People with eating disorders can also exhibit a decreased in-
though many are high achievers within their employment role. terest in vocational and social pursuits, and their lives often
They may also struggle to perform roles as spouse, parent, and lack a sense of meaning and purpose (Barris, 1987; Henderson,
family member (Johnson & Berndt, 1983). 1998). They become obsessed with eating-disordered and
Individuals with eating disorders face several challenges eating-focused thoughts, and leave little time and energy for
that impact on occupational participation, including anything else. For example, participation in maladaptive activ-
ities associated with maintaining the eating disorder can result
■ Maladaptive eating habits and impaired meal prepara-
in a narrowing repertoire of daily occupations and, ultimately,
tion skills
occupational deprivation and imbalance as the eating-disor-
■ Maladaptive lifestyle habits and impaired independent
dered behavior becomes the person’s major life role (Gold,
living skills
2004; Helbig & McKay, 2003). These self-reinforcing occupa-
■ Impaired communication and assertion skills
tions lead to the development of a maladaptive occupational
■ Impaired stress management skills
identity (Roth, 1986). For example, a client in treatment within
■ Resistance to change
the St. George’s Eating Disorders Service in London stated,
“My eating disorder used to be my job.”
Maladaptive Eating Habits and Impaired Meal
Preparation Skills Impaired Communication and Assertion Skills
Maladaptive food consumption and problematic meal Difficulties with interpersonal communication are also sig-
preparation skills are common primary difficulties in indi- nificant (Takahashi, Takahashi, Hisamura, & Miyaoka, 2005).
viduals with eating disorders (Martin et al., 1999; Shah, Contributory factors include social anxiety, body image dis-
Passi, Bryson, & Agras, 2005; Sysko, Walsh, Schebendach, & turbance, conflict avoidance, and perceived ineffectiveness
Wilson, 2005). Eating evokes extreme anxiety (Cohen et al., (Hinrichsen et al., 2003; Larson & Johnson, 1981; Lilenfield
2002), and individuals struggle to identify “normal” healthy et al., 2006). Individuals struggle with making and sustaining
meals and accurate portion sizes (Abeydeera, Willis, & effective relationships, asserting their needs and views, man-
Forsyth, 2006). They restrict food intake or avoid digestion aging conflict, and expressing difficult feelings, especially
of food and have a very narrow range of foods that they feel anger (Geller, Cockell, & Goldner, 2000; Henderson, 1998).
safe eating. They often use eating as a mechanism to manage Individuals with bulimia or anorexia often demonstrate
their emotions (Lindeman & Stark, 2001). Vegetarianism is marked frustration, intolerance, and sometimes an aggres-
common, possibly as another means of weight control sive, alienating communication style, which can lead to im-
(Gilbody, Kirk, & Hill, 1999). Meals are often eaten exces- paired relationships and negatively impact their employment
sively slowly or inappropriately fast, sometimes in abnormal, record and social relationships (Hillert, Staedtke, & Wise,
ritualistic, or socially inappropriate ways (Boschi et al., 2003; 2002; Treasure, Smith, & Crane, 2007).
Tappe, Gerberg, Shide, Rolls, & Anderson, 1998). Food may
be cut into tiny pieces or contaminated with excessive condi-
ments to ensure the experience of eating is self-punitive. Impaired Stress Management Skills
Many have no experience of eating three balanced meals per The pervasive difficulty that compounds all other chal-
day in their lifetime. Although many individuals have ad- lenges is the individual’s limited ability to manage stress.
vanced cooking skills, others have none (Lock, 2000). Shop- Individuals struggle to cope with their emotional responses
ping for food can sometimes take hours. Social situations re- to the demands of their social and occupational roles
quiring public eating are either avoided or followed by (Fryer et al., 1997; Martin, 1998). This impairs their self-
purging to avoid absorption of calories (Martin, 1998). competence and motivation to participate in adaptive ac-
tivities that are perceived as risky. They are psychologically
Maladaptive Lifestyle Habits and Impaired disabled by subconscious negative beliefs about their ac-
Independent Living Skills ceptability to others and ability to cope. For example, an
individual who receives a negative comment from a super-
Other challenges faced by individuals with eating disor- visor at work may overgeneralize and catastrophize the
ders include the participation in maladaptive self-care, comment such that the job is now seen as impossible. The
productivity, and leisure occupations, and difficulties with person may then quit the job to escape further stress and
independent living (Harries, 2005; Lock, 2000; NICE, also avoid looking for new work.
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CHAPTER 10 ■ Eating Disorders 133

Resistance to Change
Evidence-Based Practice
Most individuals with an eating disorder present as signifi-
cantly resistant to change (Calvo et al., 2001). Many perceive
their symptoms as a lifestyle choice rather than a clinical
problem (Meenan, 2003). Enhancing readiness to change is
E vidence supports the use of cognitive behavioral therapy
(NICE, 2004; Wilson, 2005) and motivational interviewing
(Cassin, von Ranson, Heng, Brar, & Wojtowicz, 2008), particularly
vital to enable these individuals to accept the challenges of in reducing binge eating. Motivational enhancement, which is an
learning new coping, living, and social skills (Killick & Allen, adaptation of motivational interviewing applied to eating disorders
1997; Treasure & Bauer, 2005). Prochaska and DiClemente’s (Treasure & Schmidt, 2001; Vitousek , Watson, & Wilson, 1998),
is cited as a promising new treatment for anorexia nervosa
(1983) Transtheoretical Model of Change is a useful tool for
focused on promoting readiness to change (Kaplan, 2002; NHS
identifying a client’s readiness to change (Collins, 2005). Quality Improvement Scotland [QIS], 2006). Group treatment is
The model suggests that individuals move through a cited as an important means of therapy (Bell, 2003; Kalodner
number of stages when embarking on any form of behav- & Coughlin, 2004; NHS QIS, 2006; Zipfel et al., 2002).
ioral change (Fig. 10-3). These stages are as follows: ➤ Occupational therapists can use cognitive behavioral ap-
1. Precontemplation proaches in combination with occupation-based activities
to address distorted thinking related to body image, self-
2. Contemplation
esteem, and perfectionism, as well as difficulties engaging in
3. Determination adaptive self-care, productivity, and leisure occupations.
4. Action
➤ Occupational therapists can use cognitive behavioral appro-
5. Maintenance aches in combination with occupation-based activities to
Before an individual even considers change, this person address distorted thinking related to body image, self-esteem,
is said to be in the precontemplation stage of change. and perfectionism, as well as difficulties engaging in adaptive
self-care, productivity, and leisure skills.
During that stage, the person resists change because he
or she cannot see any reason to change the behaviors ➤ Motivational interviewing (more recently described within the
eating disorders literature as motivational enhancement)
(Treasure et al., 2007). When the individual starts to con-
(Dean, Touyz, Rieger, & Thornton, 2008; Feld, Woodside,
sider changing, he or she moves into the contemplation Kaplan, Olmsted, & Carter, 2001) is important when trying to
stage. The person is still unsure about embarking on engage the reluctant client into therapy.
change, but considers the pros and cons of changing some ➤ Motivational enhancement is important when trying to en-
behaviors. Then he or she progresses through the determi- hance readiness to change in change-resistant clients.
nation stage of change. In this stage, the person considers ➤ Group-based treatment, including experiential and psychoed-
change and recognizes the challenges, while building a de- ucative occupation-focused activities, are recommended.
termination to at least start to change some of the behav-
Bell, L. (2003). What can we learn from consumer studies and qualitative
iors. Hopefully, determination will lead to the action stage research in the treatment of eating disorders? Eating & Weight Disorders,
of change, which indicates he or she is implementing be- 8(3), 181–187.
havioral change. The final stage is identified as the main- Cassin, S. E., von Ranson, K. M., Heng, K., Brar, J., & Wojtowicz, A. E.
tenance stage, when the individual is learning to maintain (2008). Adapted motivational interviewing for women with binge eating
disorder: A randomized controlled trial. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors,
the changes that he or she has implemented. The person 22, 417–425.
consolidates and builds on the skills he or she has learned Dean, H. Y., Touyz, S. W., Rieger, E., & Thornton, C. E. (2008). Group moti-
(Treasure et al., 2007). vational enhancement as an adjunct to inpatient treatment for eating disor-
ders: A preliminary study. European Eating Disorders Review, 16(4), 256–267.
Feld, R., Woodside, D. B., Kaplan, A. S., Olmsted, M. P., & Carter, J. C.
(2001). Pretreatment motivational enhancement therapy for eating disorders:
A pilot study. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 29(4), 393–400.
Start process Kalodner, C. R., & Coughlin, J. W. (2004). Psychoeducational and coun-
of change here selling groups to prevent and treat eating disorders and disturbances. In
W. J. L. DeLuca, D. A. Gernty, & M. T. Riva (Eds.), Handbook of Group
Counselling and Psychotherapy (pp. 481–496). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Kaplan, A. S. (2002). Psychological treatments for anorexia nervosa:
A review of published studies and promising new directions. Canadian
Journal of Anorexia Nervosa, 4(3), 235–242.
Pre-contemplation National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE). (2004, January). “Eating Dis-
Relapse orders: Core Interventions in the Treatment and Management of Anorexia
to change Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa and Related Eating Disorders.” Clinical Guideline
9. London: Author. Available at:
cg009niceguidance.pdf (accessed November 1, 2009).
NHS Quality Improvement Scotland (QIS). (2006, November). Eating
Contemplation Disorders in Scotland: Recommendations for Management and
Maintenance Treatment. Available at:
Maintaining Considering EATDISORDER_REP_NOV06.pdf (accessed November 1, 2009).
Permanent change change Treasure, J., & Schmidt, U. (2001). Ready willing and able to change:
exit Motivational aspects of the assessment and treatment of eating disor-
ders. European Eating Disorders Review, 9, 4–18.
Vitousek, K. B., Watson, S., & Wilson, G. T. (1998). Enhancing motivation
Action Determination for change in treatment-resistant eating disorders. Clinical Psychology
Implementing Preparing Review, 18, 391–420.
change to change Wilson, G. T. (2005). Psychological treatment of eating disorders. Annual
Review of Clinical Psychology, 1, 439–465.
Zipfel, S., Reas, D. L., Thornton, C., Olmsted, M. P., Williamson, D. A.,
Gerlinghoff, M., Herzog, W., & Beumont, P. J. (2002). Day hospitalisation
programs for eating disorders: A systematic review. International Journal
FIGURE 10-3. Stages of change according to Prochaska and of Eating Disorders, 31(2), 105–117.
DiClemente’s (1983) Transtheoretical Stages of Change model.
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134 PART 2 ■ The Person

Intervention 3. Psychosocial functional enablement via individual

and/or group psychoeducative, creative, and experien-
Treatment is offered within inpatient, day patient, outpatient, tial occupation-focused activities to improve occupa-
and community-based settings, depending on the severity of tional performance and perceived self-competence.
the disorder and risk factors. Interventions should be multidis-
Occupational therapy provides the functional enablement
ciplinary. The team provides services, including psychiatric,
component, with a focus on developing motivation to partici-
medical, nursing, dietetic, psychology, psychotherapy, family
pate in adaptive occupations that are perceived as risky; replac-
therapy, physical therapy (physiotherapy), and occupational
ing unhealthy routines with healthy ones; and improving task
therapy interventions (Royal Australian and New Zealand Col-
performance skills, that is, improving volition, habituation,
lege of Psychiatrists, 2004). Clients with life-threatening condi-
and performance capacity using therapeutic activity, as de-
tions (usually measured with a BMI below 13) require special-
scribed within the Model of Human Occupation (Kielhofner,
ist inpatient care, often with nasogastric tube feeding. In most
treatment programs, clients receive nutritional counseling,
Occupational therapy also assists with cognitive recon-
pharmacotherapy, interpersonal or psychodynamic psycho-
struction. Clients’ distorted cognitions about their acceptabil-
therapy, and family therapy (Fairburn & Brownell, 2002;
ity and competence can be supportively challenged within
Luborsky, 1984; Martin, 1998; Vitousek & Gray, 2005). Cogni-
experiential and psychoeducative occupation-focused activi-
tive behavior therapy is often a primary component of the
ties, using cognitive behavioral interventions. When clients
treatment because it has a strong evidence base for treating eat-
experience supportive cognitive challenge and skills enhance-
ing disorders (Mitchell, Agras, & Wonderlich, 2007; NICE,
ment within activities that they associate with rejection or fail-
2004). There is also much interest in the effect of unassisted
ure, this promotes the development of self-acceptance and
and assisted self-help (Mitchell et al., 2007).
self-competence. By providing a range of activities that pro-
vide positive experiences, occupational therapists help de-
Self-Help and Support Groups velop clients’ interpretation processes and performance abili-
ties concurrently, leading to a stronger and more positive
Many individuals with eating disorders seek help outside the
identity (Breden, 1992; Kielhofner, 2008).
professional realm through self-help programs or support
Treatment should address eating behavior and attitudes
groups. These approaches may serve as a primary interven-
regarding weight and shape, and focus on wider psychosocial
tion or as maintenance after professional intervention. Self-
issues, with the goal of weight gain and symptom abstention
help can take the form of books, workbooks, or CD-ROMs,
(NICE, 2004, p. 89). Enhancing psychosocial functioning in-
and many such programs use a cognitive behavioral ap-
cludes the improvement of the following skills:
proach. In a review of self-help programs, Sysko and Walsh
(2007) found that self-help was more beneficial than no ■ Eating and meal preparation skills (Gogarty & Brangan,
treatment, but studies have not been conducted comparing 2004; Kloczko & Ikiugu, 2006; NICE, 2004)
self-help to professional intervention. ■ Lifestyle and independent living skills (Abeydeera et al.,
Support groups can take the form of face-to-face meet- 2006; Lim & Agnew, 1994; Lock, 2000; NICE, 2004)
ings or online groups that offer support and information to ■ Communication and assertion skills (Gogarty & Brangan,
people with eating disorders (Darcy & Dooley, 2007). Evi- 2004; Martin, 1998; NHS Quality Improvement Scotland
dence, even if limited, about the efficacy of support groups [QIS], 2006; Stoffel, 1993)
for eating disorders, especially in cases of bulimia nervosa, is ■ Stress management skills (Gogarty & Brangan, 2004;
promising (Banasiak, Paxton, & Hay, 2005; Crow et al., 2006; Henderson, 1998; NHS QIS, 2006; Stoffel, 1993)
Ljotsson et al., 2007; Perkins, Murphy, Schmidt, & Williams,
2006; Schmidt et al., 2007).
Specific Occupational Therapy Interventions
General Principles of Intervention Several frames of references that are familiar to occupational
therapists are cited as efficacious in the literature, in particu-
Treatment interventions must be tailored to the client’s pre-
lar the Model of Human Occupation, combined with cogni-
senting risk factors and readiness to change. The client may
tive behavioral therapy (Beck, Rush, Shaw, & Emery, 1979;
choose treatment that leads to full “recovery” (symptom
Fairburn & Brownell, 2002; Henderson, 1998; Kielhofner,
abatement) or “harm reduction” (staying ill safely), or he or
2008; Lim & Agnew, 1994). The psychoanalytic approach is
she may require “intensive care” interventions. To fully ad-
recommended when using creative or projective interventions
dress the complexity of eating disorders, treatment must fo-
(Harries, 2005; Lim & Agnew, 1994; Luborsky, 1984). Motiva-
cus on the following three elements:
tional enhancement, which is an adaptation of motivational
1. Physical harm reduction via weight gain and/or symp- interviewing, applied to eating disorders and focused on pro-
tom interruption to minimize risk. Some individuals moting readiness to change, is cited as a promising new treat-
may be unwilling to participate in treatment if the expec- ment (Geller, 2002; Kaplan, 2002; Kotler, Boudrea, & Devlin,
tation is full recovery. Therefore, a focus on harm reduc- 2003; Miller & Rollnick, 2002; Pung, 2004; Treasure &
tion serves as a means of engaging the client and address- Schmidt, 2001; Vitousek, Watson, & Wilson, 1998). It is partic-
ing the most dangerous behaviors. ularly useful for individuals who are highly ambivalent about
2. Cognitive reconstruction via individual and/or group change. This approach is particularly relevant for clients with
therapy to improve ego strength, conflict resolution, a life-threatening condition and those who need to learn how
personal identity, and self-acceptance at normal body to stay ill safely, as well as for adolescents who are usually in
weight. treatment because their parents mandate it. Individuals with
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CHAPTER 10 ■ Eating Disorders 135

an eating disorder clearly prefer collaborative interventions treatment. An adapted form of lifestyle redesign, as de-
(Geller, Brown, Zaitsoff, Goodrich, & Hastings, 2003). Bell scribed within the empirically supported Well Elderly Study
(2003, p. 183) states that clients consider supportive, empa- (Jackson, Carlson, Mandel, Zemke, & Clark, 1998), is highly
thetic relationships (by professionals or nonprofessionals) to applicable. In brief, this includes enabling clients to identify
be essential. their maladaptive occupations and replace these with adap-
Occupational therapists may consider implementing the tive occupations.
following interventions:
Communication and Assertion Training
■ Menu planning and meal preparation
Communication and assertion training is widely cited as help-
■ Lifestyle redesign and independent living skills
ful (Cockell et al., 2004; Gogarty & Brangan, 2004; Harries,
■ Communication and assertion training
2005). Takahashi and Kosaka (2003) claim that social skill
■ Stress management
training helps maintain motivation for therapy, reduces anxi-
■ Leisure activities
ety, and improves self-esteem. Role-play can be used to effec-
■ Projective art
tively enhance interpersonal skills (Lock, 2000). (Also see
■ Crafts
Chapter 21.)
■ Relapse prevention
■ Body image improvement Stress Management
Menu Planning and Meal Preparation Enabling clients to manage their stress response related to their
occupational and social demands, including anxiety, anger,
The literature suggests that enabling clients to eat effectively is and mood management, is cited as essential (Deffenbacher,
essential (Lock, 2000; Martin, 1998; Matusevich, Garcia, Gutt, Oetting, & DiGiuseppe, 2002; NICE, 2004; Robert-McComb,
de la Parra, & Finkelstein, 2002). This includes helping the 2001). Training them to acknowledge feelings and express
client develop the following skills (Bell, 2003; Vanderlinden, emotions promotes the development of better coping strate-
Buis, Pieters, & Probst, 2007) (also see Chapter 47): gies, decreases inner conflicts, and limits the disordered eating
■ Planning, shopping for, preparing, and eating cooked habits and their impact on occupational performance (Cockell
meals within a therapeutic group setting et al., 2004; Pépin, Boulard, & Bergeron, 2004). (Also see
■ Planning menus in advance of preparing the meal, Chapter 22.)
which trains the client to disconnect food intake from
mood management Projective Art
■ Using dietetically approved portion guidelines when The literature suggests that the use of projective art is effica-
planning menus cious in enabling clients to identify and express difficult feel-
■ Cooking, if cooking skills are limited ings, unravel problems of identity, and promote self-image
■ Serving themselves correct portion sizes and discarding and spontaneity (Harries, 1992; Martin, 1998). Projective art
leftovers can include a variety of media, such as paint, clay, or sculp-
■ Eating in company and in public places in a more ture. The therapist may provide some direction (e.g., portray
socially acceptable way, at a normal speed (including a particular feeling) or may be more open ended, allowing
restaurant, buffet, and take-out meal practice) the individual to create and then discuss the meaning of the
■ Managing the distress evoked by eating the meal completed project (Levick, 2005).
■ Recognizing that learning to eat a healthy diet is Crafts
Participation in craftwork is cited as useful to enhance in-
Lifestyle Redesign and Independent trapersonal, relational, and functional performance skills, as
Living Skills well as personal growth (Bailey, 1986; Breden, 1992; Harries,
1992, 2005; Martin, 1998; Matusevich et al., 2002; Meyers,
Enabling clients to identify and participate in meaningful,
1989; Stoffel, 1993). Authors have identified that participat-
adaptive self-care, productivity, and leisure activities is im-
ing in craft activity can improve
portant (Abeydeera et al., 2006; Lim & Agnew, 1994; Lock,
2006). Helping them discover “higher values” and interests ■ Self-esteem, through creative expression
beyond the pursuit of an idealized identity is vital (de la Rie ■ Self-competence, through mastery of creative projects
et al., 2007; Hammell, 2004). Attention to difficulties per- ■ Clinical perfectionism, by learning imperfection toler-
forming independent living skills may be required, such as ance related to creative projects
finding accommodation, using public transportation, book- ■ Interpersonal skills
ing cinema tickets, and navigating the public library (Breden, ■ Quality of life, during and following treatment, by par-
1992). The demands of a healthy lifestyle must match the ticipation in spontaneous social interaction within a
client’s emotional coping skills and other abilities to avoid group setting
relapse. Improving their social network is recommended
(Aime, Sabourin, & Ratté, 2006). Clients state that their Relapse Prevention
quality of life is enhanced by discovering a sense of belong- Anorexia and bulimia nervosa are both chronically relaps-
ing, purpose, and “self,” often including participation in ing conditions (Stice, 2002a). Relapse prevention is cited
work, education, and leisure activities, as well as competency as efficacious to overcome addictive behavior and de-
in life skills (Cockell, Zaitsoff, & Geller, 2004; de la Rie et al., creased self-efficacy and confidence about maintaining the
2007; Keski-Rahkonen & Tozzi, 2005). They claim that these changes achieved during treatment (Collins, 2005; Kaplan,
help maintain change and reduce risk of relapse following 2002; Orimoto & Vitousek, 1992). Lock (2000) describes
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136 PART 2 ■ The Person

Adolescent Interventions
Evidence-Based Practice
Adolescent clients require age-appropriate versions of

G roup-based interventions are cited as efficacious within

day-care and inpatient settings (Kalodner & Coughlin, 2004;
Thompson, 2006; Zipfel et al., 2002), and they are preferred by
adult interventions that incorporate a highly motivational
approach (Bridges, 1993; Kloczko & Ikiugu, 2006). For ex-
ample, establishing rapport and using interventions that
clients because they offer contact with others (Bell, 2003). capitalize on the adolescent’s interests and strengths are
➤ Occupational therapists should use a combination of important. Occupation-focused family interventions are
group and individual, occupation-focused, experiential, and also helpful, for example, enabling an adolescent to cook
psychoeducative activities. and eat with her mother and other family members. It is
➤ Within groups, activities should foster interaction, trust, and
important to teach family, peers, and significant others to
collaboration, creating opportunities for social support, limit their demands on the client. It is also vital to shift the
unconditional acceptance, and practice of occupations focus of interaction away from food because it will increase
perceived as risky. resistance to change or the disordered thoughts and behav-
iors. If family members and other individuals with whom
Bell, L. (2003). What can we learn from consumer studies and qualitative the client regularly interacts increase their knowledge and
research in the treatment of eating disorders? Eating & Weight Disorders,
8(3), 181–187. understanding of eating disorders, they will be better able
Kalodner, C. R., & Coughlin, J. W. (2004). Psychoeducational and to act supportively. As a result, tensions will decrease as be-
counselling groups to prevent and treat eating disorders and disturbances. haviors and attitudes that exacerbate symptoms gradually
In W. J. L. DeLuca, D. A. Gernty, & M. T. Riva (Eds.), Handbook of Group
Counselling and Psychotherapy (pp. 481–496). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
disappear (Pépin et al., 2004).
Thompson, J. K. (2006). Group treatment of eating disorders: The Toronto
Hospital’s Eating Disorder Program model. PsychCRITIQUES.
Zipfel, S., Reas, D. L., Thornton, C., Olmsted, M. P., Williamson, D. A., Medication
Gerlinghoff, M., Herzog, W., & Beumont, P. J. (2002). Day hospitalisation
programs for eating disorders: A systematic review. International Journal Medical management of eating disorders is challenging.
of Eating Disorders, 31(2), 105–117. However, there seems to be a consensus that antidepres-
sants have a role to play in the treatment of bulimia. Vari-
ous classes of antidepressants have been used, but sero-
tonin reuptake inhibitors appear to be the drug of choice
(Mitchell et al., 2007; Walsh, 2002). Although they can re-
an occupation-focused adaptation of the Relapse Preven- duce binge eating and purging, the long-term effects of us-
tion model (Marlatt & George, 1984) for clients with eat- ing these drugs need more investigation (NICE, 2004).
ing disorders. This includes training clients to participate They are used when concurrent depression or depressive
in meaningful adaptive occupation using adaptive coping symptomatology is present, as well as when depression is
strategies, by means of an easy to remember acronym— not alleviated when the eating disorder symptoms subside.
“PLEASE’’: Limited evidence regarding the use of pharmacotherapy in
the treatment of anorexia nervosa is available (NICE,
P = PLAN your daily activity and meals. 2004). More often, drugs are used to treat the comorbid
L = LOOK OUT for “triggers” (i.e., things that can precipitate conditions. In all cases, medication should be carefully
eating disordered behavior). monitored and used with caution, and it should never be
E = EAT three meals a day (one of them cooked with the sole source of treatment (APA, 2006; Walsh, 2002).
dessert, plus snacks, using prescribed portion sizes). Other common treatments for individuals with eating
A = ASSERT your needs and wants with others. disorders include nutritional counseling, family therapy,
S = SEEK SUPPORT from others. and cognitive behavioral therapy (Mitchell et al., 2007;
E = EXPRESS your feelings, rather than act them out Vitousek & Gray, 2005).
through eating disordered behavior.

Body Image Improvement

Interventions such as psychoeducation, cognitive behavioral
techniques, and the use of mirror exposure and video feed- Eating disorders have a complex etiology and, although
back are cited as methods to reduce body dissatisfaction there are effective interventions, some individuals with
(Farrell, Shafran, & Lee, 2006; Shearsmith-Farthing, 2001; eating disorders may struggle with certain symptoms for
Trevan-Hawke, 1985). (Also see Chapter 19.) most of their lives. Occupational therapists can enable
individuals with eating disorders to eat, participate in
Adapting Interventions adaptive activity, communicate, and manage stress effec-
tively. Therapeutic activities must provide opportunities
Interventions for clients within the early stages of change for clarification of adaptive values, enhanced self-esteem,
must be adapted to emphasize a motivational enhancement increased tolerance of emotion and imperfection, and
approach. Potentially distressing interventions, such as meal positive interpersonal experiences. Enhancing readiness to
cookery, projective art, and body image improvement, are change must be ongoing. The goal is the improvement of
contraindicated for these clients. Building a strong therapeu- the client’s sense of identity and competency, at a normal
tic alliance with the client is crucial (Bell, 2003). body weight.
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CHAPTER 10 ■ Eating Disorders 137

Active Learning Strategies

1. Changing Your Behavior 2. Define what additional resources, including support
from others, you would need for you to move into the
Think of a problematic behavior in yourself that you find
“action” stage of change to address this behavior.
hard to change. You might need to clean your home more,
3. Attempt to reach your goal every day for a week.
study more, watch less television, or go to bed earlier. You
4. Write down your reflections on your experiences at each
may struggle to exercise regularly or drink less alcohol. You
may find it hard to keep in regular contact with family or
5. Consider how difficult change must be for people who
friends. Take another look at the Transtheoretical Model of
have used maladaptive coping strategies for years.
Change (Prochaska & DiClemente, 1983) shown in Figure
10-3, and determine which stage of change describes where
Describe the experience in your
you are in relation to your problematic behavior.
Reflective Journal.
Now, follow these instructions:
1. Set a specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, time-limited
goal to address your problematic behavior.

Resources • Mirror Mirror: Self-help organization for clients.
• Eating Disorders and Obesity: A Comprehensive Handbook, • National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA):
603 Stewart Street, Suite 803
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Personality Disorders 11
Christine Urish

I know what it’s like to want to die. How it hurts to smile. How you try to fit in but you can’t.
How you hurt yourself on the outside to try to kill the thing on the inside.
—Susanna Kaysen (1993), from her autobiography Girl, Interrupted

inflexible, has an onset in adolescence or early adulthood,

The behaviors associated with personality disorders are famil- is stable over time, and leads to distress or impairment”
iar to everyone. Think of a time when you saw an individual (APA, 2000, p. 685).
who behaved in a manner that drew attention (e.g., dressed in Every person has a unique personality that consists of a
a peculiar fashion), or one who engaged in a behavior that particular combination of traits. Traits are typically distin-
many others would find uncomfortable (e.g., reclusive behav- guished from states. Traits are enduring characteristics that
ior with a lack of interaction with friends). What types of exist across situations, whereas states are associated with a
behavior are consistent with a diagnosis of personality disor- specific point in time and circumstance. For example, in the
der, as defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of case of anxiety, an individual may be anxious about an up-
Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV- coming exam. This individual is experiencing a state of anx-
TR) (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2000)? iety. However, an individual who is described more generally
For an individual to receive a diagnosis of personality dis- as a “worrier” has trait anxiety.
order, the associated behaviors must be enduring and severe Traits can be both adaptive and maladaptive, and in many
enough that they interfere with functioning and/or present cases, the functionality of the trait depends on the situation.
significant distress to the individual. These behaviors often For example, an individual with a trait of introversion may
result in labeling the client as “difficult”; however, by under- function well in most situations, but find it difficult to enjoy
standing personality disorders, the client is more likely to re- a social event with unfamiliar people. Traits affect the way an
ceive the respect and services he or she deserves. individual addresses problems in life and are the foundation
Because of the associated functional impairments, occupa- for understanding differences within individual personali-
tional therapists can play an essential role in assisting persons ties (Livesley, 2003). Each personality disorder is distin-
with personality disorders (Cara, 1992). Functional impair- guished by a particular set of traits that have become mal-
ments may be observed in instrumental activities of daily liv- adaptive.
ing (IADLs), work, leisure, and social participation. They may An individual with a personality disorder demonstrates
also be evident in cognitive and psychosocial areas, such as the traits that are significantly different from the norm (Fischler
inability to develop effective interpersonal and coping skills, & Booth, 1999). These traits are pervasive, often affecting all
and the emotion regulation required to live independently life areas, and are not easily amenable to change. “They in-
and successfully as a full participant in the community (Reed, fluence the range, intensity, consistency, and appropriateness
2001). Occupational therapists are skilled at working with of emotional responses; they can lead to emotional pain and
individuals in recovery and are challenged to embrace the distress. They can affect impulse control and judgment.
Person-Environment-Occupation model as central to recov- They are evident in the way the person thinks about self,
ery in mental illness (Merryman & Riegel, 2007). others and events. They can ruin interpersonal relationships,
This chapter provides a description of each personality including work” (Fischler & Booth, 1999, p. 79).
disorder, a discussion of the controversy associated with di- According to the DSM-IV-TR, there are 10 specific per-
agnosing these disorders, and specific information for occu- sonality disorders: schizoid, schizotypal, paranoid, antiso-
pational therapists related to the impact of personality dis- cial, borderline, histrionic, narcissistic, avoidant, dependent,
orders on functioning and intervention. and obsessive-compulsive. The personality disorders are
coded on Axis II of the multiaxial system of the DSM-IV-TR
(APA, 2000). Personality disorders are frequently over-
Description of the Disorder looked, especially in individuals with an Axis I condition, so
placement on Axis II promotes adequate attention for diag-
A personality disorder is “an enduring pattern of inner ex- nosis and treatment. An unfortunate outcome has been that
perience and behavior that deviates markedly from the many health insurance companies do not provide coverage
expectations of the individual’s culture, is pervasive and for Axis II disorders.
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144 PART 2 ■ The Person

High impairment in social role functioning is the hallmark

of a personality disorder diagnosis, with borderline and antiso- Table 11-1 ● DSM-IV-TR Personality Disorder Clusters
cial personality disorders typically presenting with the greatest Cluster Personality Disorder Diagnosis
dysfunction (Lenzenweger, Lane, Loranger, & Kessler, 2007).
However, individuals rarely seek treatment for a personality Cluster A • Paranoid personality disorder
• Schizoid personality disorder
disorder; rather, individuals often present in a clinical setting • Schizotypal personality disorder
due to an Axis I condition such as major depression or an anx-
iety disorder because personality disorders are often comorbid Cluster B • Antisocial personality disorder
• Borderline personality disorder
with Axis I conditions (Lenzenweger et al., 2007; Grant et al, • Histrionic personality disorder
2004; Roth & Fonagy, 2005). In addition, clients may meet the • Narcissistic personality disorder
criteria for more than one personality disorder, which can
Cluster C • Avoidant personality disorder
make intervention more challenging (Ward, 2004). • Dependent personality disorder
Personality disorders are most often diagnosed in persons • Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
age 18 or older, but can be diagnosed in children if the symp-
toms have been present for longer than 1 year. One exception
to this rule relates to the diagnosis of antisocial personality Cluster A: Paranoid, Schizoid, and Schizotypal
disorder, which cannot be diagnosed in individuals younger Personality Disorders
than 18 years (APA, 2000).
Individuals who present with Cluster A personality disorders
DSM-IV-TR Criteria (paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal) are characterized with
traits related to discomfort in interpersonal situations and
The DSM-IV-TR criteria for personality disorder are listed relationships, emotionally distant, isolative, distrustful, and
in Box 11-1. suspicious. The expression of emotion by individuals in
The 10 personality disorders are organized into three clus- Cluster A is restricted (Ward, 2004). Individuals diagnosed
ters (Table 11-1) (APA, 2000). The three clusters are distin- with Cluster A personality disorders tend to interpret the in-
guished by the predominant traits of the diagnoses within a tentions and actions of others as negative (Roth & Fonagy,
cluster. Specific diagnostic criteria are provided for each indi- 2005). The DSM-IV-TR criteria for paranoid personality
vidual disorder. Occupational therapists should consult this disorder are listed in Box 11-2.
criteria prior to assessment selection, treatment planning, The DSM-IV-TR criteria for schizoid personality disor-
and intervention, and are encouraged to use the activities and der are listed in Box 11-3.
resources available at the end of the chapter to promote oc- The DSM-IV-TR criteria for schizotypal personality dis-
cupational function. order are listed in Box 11-4.

BOX 11-2 ■ DSM-IV-TR Criteria for Paranoid

BOX 11-1 ■ DSM-IV-TR Criteria for a Personality Personality Disorder
A. A pervasive distrust and suspiciousness of others such that
A. An enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that their motives are interpreted as malevolent, beginning by early
deviates markedly from the expectations of the individual’s adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by
culture. This pattern is manifested in two (or more) of the four (or more) of the following:
following areas: 1. Suspects, without sufficient basis, that others are exploiting,
1. Cognition (i.e., ways of perceiving and interpreting self, harming, or deceiving him or her
other people, and events) 2. Is preoccupied with unjustified doubts about the loyalty or
2. Affectivity (i.e., the range, intensity, lability, and appropriate- trustworthiness of friends or associates
ness of emotional response) 3. Is reluctant to confide in others because of unwarranted fear
3. Interpersonal functioning that the information will be used maliciously against him or her
4. Impulse control 4. Reads hidden demeaning or threatening meanings into
B. The enduring pattern is inflexible and pervasive across a benign remarks or events
broad range of personal and social situations. 5. Persistently bears grudges (i.e., is unforgiving of insults,
C. The enduring pattern leads to clinically significant distress or injuries, or slights)
impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of 6. Perceives attacks on his or her character or reputation that
functioning. are not apparent to others and is quick to react angrily or
D. The pattern is stable and of long duration, and its onset can counterattack
be traced back at least to adolescence or early adulthood. 7. Has recurrent suspicions, without justification, regarding
E. The enduring pattern is not better accounted for as a manifes- fidelity of spouse or sexual partner
tation or consequence of another mental disorder. B. Does not occur exclusively during the course of schizophrenia,
F. The enduring pattern is not due to the direct physiological effects a mood disorder with psychotic features, or another psychotic
of a substance (e.g., drug of abuse, medication) or a general disorder and is not due to the direct physiological effects of a
medical condition (e.g., head trauma). general medical condition.

From American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and Statistical From American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Author. Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
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CHAPTER 11 ■ Personality Disorders 145

Cluster B: Antisocial, Borderline, Histrionic,

BOX 11-3 ■ DSM-IV-TR Criteria for Schizoid
and Narcissistic Personality Disorders
Personality Disorder
The traits associated with Cluster B personality disorders
A. A pervasive pattern of detachment from social relationships and (antisocial, borderline, histrionic, narcissistic) include exces-
a restricted range of expression of emotions in interpersonal sive and unstable expression of emotions, maladaptive inter-
settings, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety personal relationships, and a disregard for the needs and
of contexts, as indicated by four (or more) of the following: right of others (Roth & Fonagy, 2005; Ward, 2004). The
1. Neither desires nor enjoys close relationships, including DSM-IV-TR criteria for antisocial personality disorder are
being part of a family listed in Box 11-5.
2. Almost always chooses solitary activities The DSM-IV-TR criteria for borderline personality disor-
3. Has little, if any, interest in having sexual experiences with der are listed in Box 11-6.
another person The DSM-IV-TR criteria for histrionic personality disor-
4. Takes pleasure in few, if any, activities der are listed in Box 11-7.
5. Lacks close friends or confidants other than first-degree The DSM-IV-TR criteria for narcissistic personality dis-
relatives order are listed in Box 11-8.
6. Appears indifferent to the praise or criticism of others
Cluster C: Avoidant, Dependent, and
7. Shows emotional coldness, detachment, or flattened
Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorders
B. Does not occur exclusively during the course of schizophrenia, Cluster C personality disorders include avoidant, dependent,
a mood disorder with psychotic features, another psychotic dis- and obsessive-compulsive personality disorders. The primary
order, or a pervasive developmental disorder and is not due to trait associated with Cluster C personality disorders is anxiety.
the direct physiological effects of a general medical condition. This anxiety may stem from fear of rejection or humiliation,
the need to be taken care of, or a preoccupation with perfec-
From American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and Statistical tion (Ward, 2004). Social discomfort, a sense of helplessness,
Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
the inability to make decisions, and perfectionism and inflexi-
bility are characteristic of individuals diagnosed with Cluster C
disorders (Roth & Fonagy, 2005). The DSM-IV-TR criteria for
avoidant personality disorder are listed in Box 11-9.
The DSM-IV-TR criteria for dependent personality dis-
order are listed in Box 11-10.
BOX 11-4 ■ DSM-IV-TR Criteria for Schizotypal The DSM-IV-TR criteria for obsessive-compulsive per-
Personality Disorder sonality disorder are listed in Box 11-11.

A. A pervasive pattern of social and interpersonal deficits marked

by acute discomfort with, and reduced capacity for, close re-
lationships as well as by cognitive or perceptual distortions BOX 11-5 ■ DSM-IV-TR Criteria for Antisocial
and eccentricities of behavior, beginning by early adulthood Personality Disorder
and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or
more) of the following: A. There is a pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of
1. Ideas of reference (excluding delusions of reference) the rights of others occurring since age 15 years, as indicated
2. Odd beliefs or magical thinking that influences behavior by three (or more) of the following:
and is inconsistent with subcultural norms (e.g., super- 1. Failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful
stitiousness; belief in clairvoyance, telepathy, or “sixth behaviors as indicated by repeatedly performing acts that
sense”; in children and adolescents, bizarre fantasies or are grounds for arrest
preoccupations) 2. Deceitfulness, as indicated by repeated lying, use of aliases,
3. Unusual perceptual experiences, including bodily illusions or conning others for personal profit or pleasure
4. Odd thinking and speech (e.g., vague, circumstantial, 3. Impulsivity or failure to plan ahead
metaphorical, overelaborate, stereotyped) 4. Irritability and aggressiveness, as indicated by repeated
5. Suspiciousness or paranoid ideation physical fights or assaults
6. Inappropriate or constricted affect 5. Reckless disregard for safety of self or others
7. Behavior or appearance that is odd, eccentric, or peculiar 6. Consistent irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated failure to
8. Lack of close friends or confidants other than first-degree sustain consistent work behavior or honor financial obligations
relatives 7. Lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or ra-
9. Excessive social anxiety that does not diminish with famil- tionalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another
iarity and tends to be associated with paranoid fears rather B. The individual is at least age 18 years.
than negative judgments about self C. There is evidence of conduct disorder with onset before age
B. Does not occur exclusively during the course of schizophre- 15 years.
nia, a mood disorder with psychotic features, another psy- D. The occurrence of antisocial behavior is not exclusively during
chotic disorder, or a pervasive developmental disorder. the course of schizophrenia or a manic episode.

From American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and Statistical From American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Author. Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
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146 PART 2 ■ The Person

BOX 11-6 ■ DSM-IV-TR Criteria for Borderline BOX 11-8 ■ DSM-IV-TR Criteria for Narcissistic
Personality Disorder Personality Disorder

A pervasive pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships, A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need
self-image, and affects, and marked impulsivity beginning by for admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood
early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more)
by five (or more) of the following: of the following:
1. Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment 1. Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates
Note: Do not include suicidal or self-mutilating behavior cov- achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as supe-
ered in Criterion 5. rior without commensurate achievements)
2. A pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships 2. Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power,
characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
and devaluation 3. Believes that he or she is “special” and unique and can only
3. Identity disturbance: markedly and persistently unstable self- be understood by, or should associate with, other special or
image or sense of self high-status people (or institutions)
4. Impulsivity in at least two areas that are potentially self- 4. Requires excessive admiration
damaging (e.g., spending, sex, substance abuse, reckless 5. Has a sense of entitlement (i.e., unreasonable expectations of
driving, binge eating). especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with
Note: Do not include suicidal or self-mutilating behavior cov- his or her expectations)
ered in Criterion 5. 6. Is interpersonally exploitative (i.e., takes advantage of others
5. Recurrent suicidal behavior, gestures, or threats, or self-mutilating to achieve his or her own ends)
behavior 7. Lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the
6. Affective instability due to a marked reactivity of mood (e.g., feelings and needs of others
intense episodic dysphoria, irritability, or anxiety usually lasting 8. Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious
a few hours and only rarely more than a few days) of him or her
7. Chronic feelings of emptiness 9. Shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes
8. Inappropriate, intense anger or difficulty controlling anger (e.g.,
frequent displays of temper, constant anger, recurrent physical From American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
9. Transient, stress-related paranoid ideation or severe dissocia-
tive symptoms

From American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and Statistical

Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

BOX 11-9 ■ DSM-IV-TR Criteria for Avoidant

Personality Disorder
BOX 11-7 ■ DSM-IV-TR Criteria for Histrionic A pervasive pattern of social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy,
Personality Disorder and hypersensitivity to negative evaluation, beginning by early
adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by
A pervasive pattern of excessive emotionality and attention seek- four (or more) of the following:
ing, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of con- 1. Avoids occupational activities that involve significant interpersonal
texts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following: contact because of fears of criticism, disapproval, or rejection
1. Is uncomfortable in situations in which he or she is not the 2. Is unwilling to get involved with people unless certain of being
center of attention liked
2. Interaction with others is often characterized by inappropriate 3. Shows restraint within intimate relationships because of the
sexually seductive or provocative behavior fear of being shamed or ridiculed
3. Displays rapidly shifting and shallow expression of emotions 4. Is preoccupied with being criticized or rejected in social
4. Consistently uses physical appearance to draw attention to self situations
5. Has a style of speech that is excessively impressionistic and 5. Is inhibited in new interpersonal situations because of feelings
lacking in detail of inadequacy
6. Shows self-dramatization, theatricality, and exaggerated expres- 6. Views self as socially inept, personally unappealing, or inferior
sion of emotion to others
7. Is suggestible (i.e., easily influenced by others or circumstances) 7. Is unusually reluctant to take personal risks or to engage in any
8. Considers relationships to be more intimate than they actually are new activities because they may prove embarrassing

From American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and Statistical From American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Author. Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
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CHAPTER 11 ■ Personality Disorders 147

BOX 11-10 ■ DSM-IV-TR Criteria for Dependent

Dimensional Models of Personality
Personality Disorder The 10 personality disorders described previously have overlap-
ping criteria and similar traits across categories, and it is often
A pervasive and excessive need to be taken care of that leads to the case that an individual is diagnosed with more than one
submissive and clinging behavior and fears of separation, begin- personality disorder (Livesley, 2003). The DSM-IV-TR (APA,
ning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as 2000) system of diagnosis for personality disorders has received
indicated by five (or more) of the following:
significant criticism for compartmentalizing the traits into dis-
1. Has difficulty making everyday decisions without an excessive crete diagnoses, when in actuality each person is characterized
amount of advice and reassurance from others
by multiple personality traits of different levels of intensity.
2. Needs others to assume responsibility for most major areas of Consequently, critics of the DSM-IV-TR system have proposed
his or her life
a dimensional model of personality. The dimensional model is
3. Has difficulty expressing disagreement with others because of more capable of capturing the uniqueness of the individual.
fear of loss of support or approval
One of the most commonly described dimensional
Note: Do not include realistic fears of retribution. models is the five-factor model. It is argued by proponents
4. Has difficulty initiating projects or doing things on his or her own that the five-factor model demonstrates clinical validity
(because of a lack of self-confidence in judgment or abilities that categories in the DSM-IV-TR do not. Research has in-
rather than a lack of motivation or energy)
dicated that the five-factor model provides a mechanism
5. Goes to excessive lengths to obtain nurturance and support for understanding personality symptomatology as “mal-
from others, to the point of volunteering to do things that are
adaptive variants of personality traits” (Costa & Widiger,
2002, p. 80).
6. Feels uncomfortable or helpless when alone because of exag-
The five-factor model, refined and further developed by
gerated fears of being unable to care for him- or herself
Costa and McCrae (1990), is based on analyses of personality
7. Urgently seeks another relationship as a source of care and
inventories such as the Neuroticism-Extroversion-Openness
support when a close relationship ends
Personality Inventory, whereas other models have been based
8. Is unrealistically preoccupied with fears of being left to take
on dictionary definitions of terms (Millon & Davis, 2000).
care of him- or herself
This model considers an individual’s behavior across five di-
From American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and Statistical mensions: neuroticism, extroversion, openness to experience,
Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Author. agreeableness, and conscientiousness (Table 11-2), ranking
each from high to low in order to present a hierarchical struc-
ture. A disorder exists when traits (typically extremes on a di-
mension) are associated with difficulties in the areas of work
and social participation (Fischler & Booth, 1999). For exam-
BOX 11-11 ■ DSM-IV-TR Criteria for Obsessive-
ple, someone who is highly agreeable may have difficulty dis-
Compulsive Personality Disorder ciplining an employee, whereas someone with low agreeabil-
ity may be so distrusting of others that making friends is
A pervasive pattern of preoccupation with orderliness, perfection-
ism, and mental and interpersonal control, at the expense of flex-
nearly impossible.
ibility, openness, and efficiency, beginning by early adulthood and The five-factor model views psychological health across
present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by four (or more) of the entire configuration of the person’s characteristics and
the following: potentials to those in the environment where the person
1. Is preoccupied with details, rules, lists, order, organization, or functions (Millon & Davis, 2000). This holistic approach
schedules to the extent that the major point of the activity is lost provides a comprehensive method for examining the indi-
2. Shows perfectionism that interferes with task completion (e.g., vidual’s function and dysfunction in areas of occupation for
is unable to complete a project because his or her own overly the occupational therapy practitioner.
strict standards are not met)
3. Is excessively devoted to work and productivity to the exclu-
sion of leisure activities and friendships (not accounted for by
obvious economic necessity)
4. Is overconscientious, scrupulous, and inflexible about matters Table 11-2 ● Dimensions of the Five-Factor Model
of morality, ethics, or values (not accounted for by cultural or Dimension Description
religious identification)
5. Is unable to discard worn-out or worthless objects even when Neuroticism Emotional instability or inclination toward unpleasant
they have no sentimental value emotions, such as anxiety, anger, depression, self-
consciousness, impulsivity, and vulnerability
6. Is reluctant to delegate tasks or to work with others unless
they submit to exactly his or her way of doing things Extroversion Sociability, talkativeness, energetic, and expressions of
affect; others refer to this dimension as surgency
7. Adopts a miserly spending style toward both self and oth-
ers; money is viewed as something to be hoarded for future Openness to Appreciates experiences for their own sake; curious,
catastrophes experience adventurous, creative, and unconventional
8. Shows rigidity and stubbornness Agreeableness Compassionate, good natured, trusting, helpful, forgiving,
and altruistic
From American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and Statistical Conscientiousness Self-disciplined, persistent, and motivated in goal-directed
Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
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148 PART 2 ■ The Person

The Lived Experience

Dawn, a 25-Year-Old Woman bring relief. Other times, I rely on more negative ways of cop-
I am a person diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, al- ing, like using self-harming behaviors or eating food that is full
though that is not a very good name for the condition. Some of sugar, starch, or fat.
people want to call it emotional intensity disorder, or emotional I am frequently lonely and want more than anything to be ac-
dysregulation disorder, and I think this is a good idea. People cepted and loved by others. It is not easy to feel good about my-
don’t understand what I am dealing with when they hear “bor- self if no one else does. When someone criticizes me or hurts
derline personality disorder.” They may think that I am bordering me, I tend to believe that the negative things they say about me
on becoming violent or that my personality is horrible and that are true and that I deserve to get hurt. I am also inclined to take
they should stay as far away from me as possible. it personally when I think people are trying to criticize me, even
The truth is that I feel emotions very strongly and sometimes if that is not their intention, sometimes even if they are not talk-
get distracted by them or fooled by them into believing that the ing about me or have never even met me, like things said on tel-
way I feel about things is automatically the way that things really evision or written in books. I struggle to trust people again once
are. Sometimes many thoughts go through my head and I get they have hurt me.
caught up worrying about bad things that might happen, regret- The best way that someone can help me is to understand
ting bad things that already have happened, or obsessing about that I am an individual and actually get to know me instead of just
everything that is wrong with the world. Sometimes I am so men- assuming that I am the same as somebody else. Also, positive
tally exhausted from thinking so many thoughts and experienc- reinforcement can go a long way while negative reinforcement
ing emotions so strongly that I am physically tired and just want only supports my suspicions that I am a horrible person and that
to be able to relax or sleep. I can’t do anything right. Simply listening to me, believing what
Trying to relax can be a problem, too. It is often difficult to I say, and acknowledging my suffering is very powerful. I really
stop the flow of thoughts or numb the pain of the emotions in want others to know that I am trying as hard as I can.
order to concentrate on anything else. Activities that don’t re- I want to get married, finish college, and get a job. I’d like to be
quire a lot of effort to focus on and “lose myself” in, like talk- more productive and continue to contribute to the world, but most
ing to others, video games, or watching movies, can help of all I hope to be satisfied with my life and to truly like myself.

Etiology Biological Factors

Research into the etiology of personality disorders explores The biological basis of personality disorders can be attributed
genetic disposition, biological factors, and environmental to hormones, platelet monoamine oxidase, and neurotransmit-
factors (Mullins-Sweatt & Widiger, 2007). ters. Individuals who exhibit impulsive symptoms associated
with personality disorders have higher levels of the hormones
Genetic Factors testosterone, 17-estradiol, and estrone than individuals who do
There is growing evidence that individuals with personality not exhibit these symptoms (Saddock & Saddock, 2007).
disorders are more likely to have relatives with the same Levels of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid, a metabolite in
personality disorder or a personality disorder from the same serotonin, was found to be lower in persons who had
cluster. A large twin study in Norway has provided much of attempted suicide and in individuals who were impulsive
the evidence, finding a genetic relationship for Cluster A per- and aggressive, behaviors often demonstrated by persons
sonality disorders, with schizotypal personality disorder hav- with personality disorders. When prescribed a selective sero-
ing the strongest genetic association (Kendler et al., 2006). tonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) such as Prozac, changes in
The Norwegian twin study also found that Cluster B per- some of the character traits of personality were observed.
sonality disorders had a heritability between 24% and 38%, Depression, impulsiveness, and rumination were decreased,
with antisocial personality disorder and borderline personal- and an increased sense of general well-being was reported
ity disorder more closely related to each other than to histrionic (Saddock & Saddock, 2007). The efficacy of the medication
and narcissistic personality disorder (Torgersen et al., 2008). Fi- provides further support for the association of lower levels
nally, the Norwegian study found that Cluster C personality dis- of serotonin and certain personality traits.
orders were moderately heritable, with obsessive-compulsive In addition, the amygdala, which signals fear and danger,
personality disorder distinct from dependent and avoidant per- was found to be overactive in persons with borderline person-
sonality disorders (Reichborn-Kjennerud et al., 2007). ality disorder, and the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible
Additional research shows that individuals with border- for higher-order thinking and can affect the behavioral re-
line personality disorder are 5 to 10 times more likely to have sponse of the amygdala, seems underactive (Borderline Per-
a first-degree relative with borderline personality disorder sonality Disorder Resource Center, 2006). When the difficult
(APA, 2000; New, Triebwasser, & Charney, 2008). A genetic behaviors associated with personality disorders are understood
link is also suggested in individuals diagnosed with antiso- within the context of biological vulnerabilities, it is possible
cial personality disorders, as evidenced in studies of children that stigma may be reduced. The individual is no longer seen
who were adopted at a young age and had a birth parent as being intentionally difficult, but someone that is struggling
with antisocial personality disorder (Kaylor, 1999). with challenging emotions and inadequate coping skills.
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CHAPTER 11 ■ Personality Disorders 149

Environmental Factors seek and remain in treatment (Linehan, 1993; Paris, 2005;
Although biological and genetic factors predispose an indi- Roth & Fonagy, 2005). Therefore, one of the biggest chal-
vidual to a diagnosis of personality disorder, one cannot un- lenges in setting a more positive course involves engaging the
derestimate the role of the environment. Events that occur individual in treatment.
early in life may have a profound impact on the individual
later in life. For example, a large percentage (40%–71%) of Gender Differences
persons diagnosed with borderline personality disorder have
The risk of avoidant, dependent, and paranoid personality
been sexually abused, often by a noncaregiver (Zanarini,
disorders is higher in women than men (Grant et al, 2004).
2000). Research continues to examine the impact of the
Borderline personality disorder is also diagnosed more pre-
combination of medications, behavioral interventions, and
dominately in females (APA, 2000). In contrast, the risk of
childhood abuse and stress on brain hormones (National
antisocial personality disorder is higher in men than in
Institute of Mental Health, 2008).
women. There were no gender risk differences identified in
In addition, an individual who is already at risk for person-
obsessive-compulsive, schizoid, and histrionic personality
ality disorder due to genetic and biological factors may be vul-
disorders (Grant et al, 2004).
nerable to negative environmental factors to which they are
exposed as a youth (Mental Health America, 2006). Persons
diagnosed with borderline personality disorder are often in Culture-Specific Information
environments where their needs go unmet (Linehan, 1993).
Because the diagnostic criteria for personality disorders dic-
According to Linehan, emotions are not validated, such as the
tates that the individual’s behavior must be outside the social
crying child who is told that he or she is overreacting and
norm for the culture, it is essential to consider the client’s
should stop crying. This invalidating environment yields an
ethnic, cultural, and social background when determining a
adult who demonstrates difficulty with emotional regulation
personality disorder diagnosis (APA, 2000). A culture of in-
and may respond erratically and inappropriately to life expe-
dividualism, patriarchy, and media violence was identified as
riences that may not trouble others (Linehan, 1993).
a cultural context positive for the development of antisocial
Familial psychopathology has a direct effect on border-
personality disorder (Kaylor, 1999) because it promotes per-
line personality pathology over and beyond the influence of
sonality traits in which the individual disregards the rights of
environment (Bradley, Jenei, & Westen, 2005); however, con-
others and views violent behavior as acceptable.
tinued research into the etiology of all personality disorders
A practitioner unfamiliar with a client’s habits, customs,
needs to be conducted.
religious preferences, or political views may view the person as
demonstrating behavior indicative of a personality disorder
Prevalence that is in fact in line with their cultural norms. For example, a
Personality disorders are pervasive in the general popula- woman from a highly patriarchal culture may exhibit charac-
tion, with studies showing that between 13.2% and 14.8% teristics consistent with dependent personality disorder when
of American adults have been diagnosed with at least one these behaviors are consistent with the expectations from her
personality disorder (14.8% = 30.8 million individuals) background. It is of utmost importance that the health-care
(Lenzenweger et al., 2007; Grant et al, 2004). provider gather additional information from someone famil-
A survey of 5,692 individuals by the National Comorbid- iar with the person’s cultural background (APA, 2000).
ity Study Replication identified the following prevalence es-
timates on completion of a survey of 5,692 individuals:
■ Cluster A = 5.7% Impact on Occupational
■ Cluster B = 1.5% Performance
■ Cluster C = 6.0%
■ Any personality disorder = 9.1% (Lenzenweger et al., Personality disorders are mental illnesses, and the symptoms
2007) of the diagnosis can affect occupational performance, includ-
ing social participation, activities of daily living, IADLs, work,
Course and leisure. Specifically, emotional modulation and coping
have the ability to affect any area of occupational performance
Personality disorders are chronic conditions (Fischler & and are of concern for practitioners working with individuals
Booth, 1999; Ward, 2004) that are typically diagnosed in diagnosed with personality disorders. It is essential for occu-
adolescence or early adulthood (APA, 2000). Children can be pational therapists to work as part of a team to facilitate occu-
diagnosed with a personality disorder if the behaviors have pational performance by addressing impairments in social
been present for more than 1 year, with the exception of an- participation, emotional regulation skills, and coping skills.
tisocial personality, which cannot be diagnosed in individu-
als younger than 18 years (APA, 2000). Antisocial and bor- Social Participation
derline personality disorders are noted to become less
evident or remit with age; this is not the case with other per- Clients diagnosed with personality disorders have difficulty
sonality disorders such as obsessive-compulsive and schizo- with social participation due to limited interpersonal skills
typal personality disorders (APA, 2000). (Roth & Fonagy, 2005). The particular problem varies with
Research evidence exists to support the effectiveness of the diagnosis (Livesley, 2003; Ward, 2004). As a whole, individ-
interventions for individuals with personality disorder, yet uals with Cluster A personality disorders appear odd and
most individuals with personality disorders are reluctant to eccentric, are suspicious and distrusting, and lack interest in
1704_Ch11_143-154.qxd 7/9/10 2:30 PM Page 150

150 PART 2 ■ The Person

social contact. In general, the Cluster B personality disorders strategy. Occupational therapists can work with individuals
include intense emotions, lack of empathy, and unpredictable using interventions such as dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
behaviors that interfere with socialization. More specifically, to improve emotion modulation skills (see Chapter 24).
individuals with antisocial personality disorder are aggressive, Practitioners need to be aware of their own emotional re-
individuals with narcissistic and histrionic personality disorder sponses to Cluster B behaviors. Clients may demonstrate
desire high levels of attention, and people with borderline per- manipulative behavior and test professional boundaries and
sonality disorder tend to categorize individuals as all good limits. Practitioners need to be aware of these facts and mon-
or all bad and have highly unstable relationships. Individuals itor their own emotional state to ensure their therapeutic
diagnosed with personality disorders often experienced nega- ability with clients who have this diagnosis (Ward, 2004).
tive interactions and environments early in life, which have
impaired their ability to trust in adulthood (Kaylor, 1999). Coping
Working with clients diagnosed with personality disorder to
improve their communication and interaction skills may facil- Clients with personality disorders often have limited skills in
itate improved social participation in the community and with coping with daily life challenges, especially in the area of inter-
family and friends (see Chapter 21). personal relationships. Practitioners should be aware of the
potential for substance use and make appropriate referrals
Emotional Modulation should they suspect this as an area of concern (Ward, 2004).
Situations that may mildly irritate the average individual can
Clients with personality disorders (especially Cluster B) may cause a great deal of emotional discomfort and distress to the
have difficulty effectively modulating their emotions and re- individual diagnosed with a personality disorder.
sponding to situations with appropriate affect. This means Clients with Cluster C personality disorders may experi-
that the individual moves quickly and unpredictably from ence difficulty with coping because it relates to making de-
positive to negative emotions and tends to express emotions cisions and anxiety. These clients often have very low self-
intensely. On the one hand, individuals with strong person- esteem and feel as if they are unable to function without
alities are often engaging, charismatic, and fun to be around the assistance of others (Ward, 2004). Consequently, these
when experiencing positive emotions. However, crying out- personality traits interfere with the individual’s ability to
bursts, yelling, and aggressive and impulsive behaviors are fully participate in work, leisure, and social opportunities.
also common. Due to the extreme variations in emotions, For example, the individual with dependent personality
clients may discontinue treatment abruptly or prematurely. disorder may have the knowledge to work in a supervisory
The practitioner should try to engage the client in treatment capacity, but the inability to make independent decisions
to yield maximum benefit (Livesley, 2003; Stone, 2003). Note keeps him or her in a lower-level position. High levels of
that younger clients often demonstrate more impulsivity interpersonal sensitivity as seen in avoidant personality
and irrational behavior than older clients. disorder or a need to control can make interpersonal rela-
The impulsive behavior and difficulty with emotion mod-
ulation can yield clients who engage in self-harming behav-
ior. Clients may act out in this way as an attempt to self- PhotoVoice
soothe (Linehan, 1993) and express uncomfortable emotions
(Hart, 2007). Self-harming behavior may manifest through Recovery is DBT to me.
cutting, biting, burning, scratching, picking, or hair pulling, DBT is dialectical
and most often occurs on the skin of the upper extremity. behavior therapy for
This behavior has been described as a mechanism of release borderline personality
for unresolved emotional pain and is often used as a coping disorder. There is
DBT individual
therapy and DBT
Evidence-Based Practice group therapy. The
group therapy

L ack of effective social skills in persons with personality dis-

order has been reported extensively in the research (Roth &
Fonagy, 2005; Sperry, 1999).
teaches you how to
use DBT skills. Amy
Hammer (shown in photo) is the group
➤ Occupational therapists can use their expertise in therapeu- facilitator. Amy does an excellent job of keeping the
tic use of self to assist client in development of effective group on task when learning DBT skills. I never have to
social skills. worry about subjects being discussed that are
➤ Occupational therapists can use their expertise to assist distressing to me. My individual DBT therapist is Kay
clients in using assertive communication to increase Hoffsommer. She has taught me to use DBT skills in my
communication and interaction skills that are essential for life experiences. Kay also goes on about wanting me to
social participation in the community, with family and with
peers or friends.
build a life worth living. She works with me on closing the
door to suicide. Kay has taught me it’s okay to need
Roth, A., & Fonagy, P. (2005). What Works for Whom: A Critical Review of people and it’s okay to need her. And if seeing her is
Psychotherapy Research (2nd ed.). New York: Guilford Press.
Sperry, L. (1999). Cognitive Behavior Therapy of DSM-IV Personality
self-soothing to me, it’s okay. I used to get overwhelmed
Disorders: Highly Effective Interventions for the Most Common Personality really easy, and I didn’t know what to do. But I know
Disorders. New York: Brunner-Routledge. now. I have skills to use, and it feels good.
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CHAPTER 11 ■ Personality Disorders 151

personality disorders who exhibit symptoms of mood lability,

Evidence-Based Practice depression, or interpersonal sensitivity may be prescribed a
mood stabilizer or antidepressant (see Chapter 12). Research
I ndividuals diagnosed with personality disorders can experi-
ence extreme fluctuations in emotion and feeling expression
(Sperry, 1999).
suggests that a low-dose antipsychotic and mood stabilizer
may decrease suicidal behavior in individuals with borderline
personality disorder (Triebwasser & Siever, 2007). To treat the
➤ Occupational therapists can help individuals with personality symptoms of Cluster C personality disorders, such as anxiety,
disorders learn to regulate their emotions by educating obsessive thinking, and inhibited behaviors, SSRIs or related
the client to identify and label affect, modulate affect, and antidepressants may be prescribed, in addition to short-term
engage in mindfulness activities. use of benzodiazepines (Ward, 2004).
➤ Occupational therapists can assist individuals with personal- Although pharmacological agents are available to treat
ity disorders to view more events as positive and increase the symptoms of personality disorders, the results of inter-
their ability to be mindful when these experiences occur. vention are limited. It appears that, despite the implementa-
➤ Occupational therapists can role-play appropriate emotional tion of evidence-based pharmacotherapy, individuals diag-
expression to develop skill and facilitate appropriate expres- nosed with a personality disorder typically continue to
sion of emotions outside the context of intervention. experience symptoms in one or more areas within the diag-
nostic criteria (Triebwasser & Siever, 2007). Medications do
Sperry, L. (1999). Cognitive Behavior Therapy of DSM-IV Personality Dis- not come without side effects, and practitioners should be
orders: Highly Effective Interventions for the Most Common Personality
Disorders. New York: Brunner-Routledge.
aware of adverse effects so they may assist in client education
and ensure client compliance with a medication regime.

Occupational Therapy
tionships challenging. The occupational therapist can help
the individual with personality disorders have more suc- Interventions
cessful and satisfying occupational performance by pro-
Occupational therapy intervention in working with individ-
moting more positive coping skills (see Chapter 22).
uals diagnosed with personality disorders is multifaceted.
Occupational therapists must understand defense mecha-
nisms used by persons with personality disorders. “The
Medications unconscious mental processes that the ego uses to resolve
conflicts” (Nott, 2005, p. 487); these defense mechanisms in-
Research on the use and effectiveness of medications to treat
clude splitting, denial, repression, and projection. If the ther-
personality disorders is limited. There are no medications that
apist is not aware of and attending to the potential defense
“cure” personality disorders, but some medications can pro-
mechanisms demonstrated by the individual from the start,
vide temporary relief of symptoms (Thompson, 1998). There
therapeutic intervention and the individual’s progress
are no clear pharmacological interventions of choice for indi-
toward goal attainment could be hindered (Nott, 2005).
viduals with personality disorder (Roth & Fonagy, 2005;
The general focus of occupational therapy intervention
Triebwasser & Siever, 2007). Individuals with Cluster A per-
with individuals diagnosed with personality disorder in-
sonality disorders who experience cognitive, perceptual, or
cludes mood stabilization due to often extreme fluctuations;
thought disorder may benefit from a low-dose antipsychotic
appropriate feeling expression; increased self-concept, self-
(Ward, 2004) (see Chapter 14). Individuals with Cluster B
esteem, insight, and judgment; and the development of ap-
propriate interpersonal relationships, effective coping strate-
gies to deal with life stressors and feelings of anxiety, conflict
resolution skills, social skills, and assertive communication
Evidence-Based Practice skills (Nott, 2005).

Interpersonal relationships and coping may be considered

essential functions to success on the job. Individuals with
personality disorder may lack effective interpersonal skills as
Establishing a Therapeutic Relationship
Therapeutic relationship is the key in working with per-
well as the coping skills needed for vocational success (Fischler sons diagnosed with personality disorder (Livesley, 2003).
& Booth, 1999). Four strategies that can be used, regardless of the practi-
➤ Occupational therapists can use their expertise in activity tioner’s theoretical orientation and of individual differ-
analysis, environmental modification, interpersonal skills ences in client personality and psychopathology, include
training, coping skill development, and relaxation training to the following:
assist persons diagnosed with personality disorders to se-
cure and sustain long-standing tenure in employment of 1. Building and maintaining a collaborative relation-
their choice to facilitate success and independent participa- ship—Because individuals with personality disorder
tion in the community. are often reluctant to engage in treatment, establishing
trust is an important first step.
Cara, E. (1992). Neutralizing the narcissistic style: Narcissistic personality 2. Consistency in treatment—Maintaining trust and ad-
disorder, self-psychology and occupational therapy. Occupational Therapy
in Mental Health, 8, 135–156. dressing the pervasive nature of personality disorders
Fischler, G., & Booth, N. (1999). Vocational Impact of Psychiatric Disorders. requires intervention that is predictable. It is also im-
Gaithersburg, MD: Aspen. portant that all treatment providers are working col-
laboratively toward the same goals.
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152 PART 2 ■ The Person

3. Validation—Individuals with personality disorders Occupational therapists can address these difficulties by en-
need to know that their feelings are real and that the gaging the client in group games and activities that allow the
therapist recognizes the difficulty in changing in- client to experience a sense of fun (Cara, 1992).
grained patterns of behavior.
4. Building and maintaining motivation for change— Prevention of Personality Disorders
Often the most challenging of the principles, thera-
pists can help the individual identify positive out- Using a developmental approach, intervention can be di-
comes that would be associated with a change in rected toward prevention of personality disorders. This is ev-
behavior (Livesley, 2003). idenced in the findings of Raine, Mellingen, Liu, Venables,
and Mednick (2003), who observed that children who were
Addressing Occupational Dysfunction engaged in an environmental enrichment program demon-
strated decreased rates of diagnosis of schizotypal personality
Occupational therapy interventions need to focus on address- disorder and antisocial behavior in young adulthood. The
ing deficits in areas of occupation. The most common area of environmental enrichment program included three elements:
difficulty, across all personality disorders, is in interpersonal nutrition, education, and physical exercise.
skills (Livesley, 2003; Ward, 2004). Clients with personality dis- Occupational therapists have a role in prevention and
order also demonstrate difficulty with affect modulation and could be involved in such enrichment programs. At this
appropriate expression of emotion, specifically clients diag- time, more research needs to be conducted on the treatment
nosed with Cluster B personality disorders (Ward, 2004). Oc- potential and impact a dynamic developmental approach
cupational therapists can address these challenges by engaging (including environmental enrichment) could have as an in-
the client in life skills groups where they have the opportunity tervention for personality disorders (Fonagy, 2007; Raine
to develop new ways of adapting to problems and can expand et al., 2003). As a result, it is presently more common to ad-
their coping skills (Cara, 1992). DBT is commonly used to ad- dress symptoms of personality disorder through the use of
dress maladaptive behaviors associated with borderline per- interpersonally directed therapy.
sonality disorder (Linehan, 1993) (see Chapter 24).
Individuals diagnosed with Cluster C personality disorders
experience anxiety in some form (Ward, 2004). Occupational Summary
therapy intervention can decrease feelings of anxiety by en-
gaging the client in relaxation activities (see Chapter 22), as Although occupational therapists rarely work in a setting
well as in simple graded tasks that can facilitate success and in- in which personality disorders are the primary admitting
crease self-esteem (Cara, 1992). condition, the pervasiveness of the disorder means that oc-
Clients with personality disorders in each of the three cupational therapists will work with people with personal-
clusters experience difficulties with work. Occupational ity disorders regardless of the work setting. However, these
therapists can address work by examining the tasks required individuals are often dismissed or labeled as difficult be-
and the client skills available to complete the task. Some cause of their troubling interpersonal behaviors or limited
clients may benefit from supported employment interven- coping skills. For truly holistic treatment, the occupational
tions (see Chapter 50). therapist with a working knowledge of personality traits
Clients with Clusters A and C personality disorders may and related interventions can provide the best care. Rather
experience difficulties in the area of leisure due to the inter- than dismissing a client, the occupational therapist can
personal nature of many leisure activities and the anxiety adapt communication styles and intervention approaches
they may feel in engaging in unstructured leisure activities. to promote successful outcomes.

Active Learning Strategies

1. Assessment and Intervention: Planning After viewing the film, identify what
for Personality Disorders Through the Use behaviors the client demonstrates
of Feature Films that would indicate a personality
disorder. Consider the following
Visit one of the websites listed here and choose a feature film
questions in your Reflective Journal.
depicting a movie character with a personality disorder. Rent
the film from your local video rental store or secure the film Reflective Questions
through interlibrary loan, as some libraries have feature ● In what setting might an occupational therapist see a
films in their holdings. client with this diagnosis?
Psychiatric Bulletin: Teach Psychiatry Through Cinema: ● Would the client’s primary diagnosis be personality
disorder or some other Axis I diagnosis?
● Identify the areas of occupation negatively affected by the
Movies and Mental Illness: Psychology, Psychiatry, and the movie character due to his or her behavior.
Movies: ● What performance skills are affected by the movie
character’s personality disorder?
1704_Ch11_143-154.qxd 7/9/10 2:30 PM Page 153

CHAPTER 11 ■ Personality Disorders 153

● What roles does the movie character possess? Are they ● Identify some strategies and accommodations from
impacted by the character’s diagnosis? If so, in what way which an individual diagnosed with a personality disor-
are they impacted? As an occupational therapist, how der or who presents with specific personality traits may
would you address the movie character? benefit. Again, consult Fischler and Booth (1999) for
● What are the movie character’s routines? Are they impacted assistance. Also consider consulting the Job Accommoda-
by the character’s personality? If so, in what way? tion Network for vocational accommodations for psychi-
● How does context affect the movie character throughout atric conditions:
the film? Psychiatric.pdf
● Are there specific activities that are especially difficult or
challenging for the movie character? As an occupational 3. Mindfulness
therapist, how would you address this?
Mindfulness is a significant component of intervention in
● What occupational therapy frame of reference would you
working with clients diagnosed with borderline personality
choose to use?
disorder and a key concept in Dr. Marsha Linehan’s DBT.
● You’ve conducted an occupational profile with the movie
Go to and
character and have ascertained that difficulties exist in
participate in the Mindfulness Meditation led by Dr. Jon
interpersonal skills, coping skills, and adaptation, as well
Kabat-Zinn, the author of Full Catastrophic Living.
as IADLs, work, and leisure. What occupational therapy
assessment(s) would you choose?
Describe the experience in your
● Which occupational therapy intervention approach(es)
Reflective Journal.
would you use if you were providing intervention to this
movie character based on the behavior demonstrated in Reflective Questions
the movie? ● What are your thoughts of mindfulness as presented by
Dr. Kabat-Zinn?
2. Vocational Impact of Personality ● What did you feel as you were meditating?
Disorders ● Have you meditated in the past? How was this experience
similar or different?
Choose a job about which you have extensive knowledge
● What was most challenging about the experience?
that you have held during your lifetime. Complete an activ-
● Were you able to increase your sense of awareness during
ity analysis of the job based on one of the personality disor-
the experience? In what area(s)?
der diagnoses. What activities within the job might a person
● What problems might a client encounter when trying to
with a diagnosis of personality disorder have difficulty with?
become more aware of his or her experience by paying
How could you assist the person with a personality disorder
attention to his or her breath through meditation? What
in being successful in this job? Would it be possible for them
could you do as an occupational therapist to assist the
to be successful in the occupation, or would the demands of
client in developing skill in the area of meditation?
the tasks required by the job be too challenging without sup-
port or intervention?
4. Matching Behavior to Diagnosis
Describe the experience in your Visit the following website and review the behaviors of each
Reflective Journal. person planning to attend a party:
Reflective Questions
After reviewing each person, identify which behaviors
● What impact does the diagnosis of a personality disorder
match the diagnostic criteria of personality disorders. If the
have on a person, his or her vocational occupation, and
individuals described in the party story appeared in your
the potential environments in which he or she may
clinic, what would be your process with them as an occupa-
choose to work?
tional therapist?
● What impact would the personality disorder have on the
person’s work experience? Refer to Fischler and Booth
Use the questions from the first
(1999) for assistance.
learning activity (Feature Films) to
● How would understanding and memory, concentration
guide your reflections in your
and persistence, and social interaction and adaptation be
Reflective Journal.
affected by the person’s behavior in a work setting?

Resources • From Chaos to Freedom Skills Training Videos by Dr. Marsha

Linehan (
Books cfm?category=Videos)
• Bockian, N. R., & Jongsma, A. E. (2001). The Personality – Tape 1: Crisis Survival Skills, Part One: Distracting and
Disorders Treatment Planner. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Self-Soothing
• Linehan, M. (1993). Skills Training Manual for Treating – Tape 2: Crisis Survival Skills, Part Two: Improving the
Borderline Personality Disorder. New York: Guilford Press. Moment and Pros and Cons
Educational Videos – Tape 3: From Suffering to Freedom: Practicing Reality
• Back from the Edge—a landmark documentary-style short film Acceptance
(2006). Available from the Borderline Personality Disorder – Tape 4: This One Moment: Skills for Everyday Mindfulness
Resource Center at
1704_Ch11_143-154.qxd 7/9/10 2:30 PM Page 154

154 PART 2 ■ The Person

Organizations Linehan, M. M. (1993). Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Border-

• BPDCentral—Borderline Personality Disorder Information and line Personality Disorder. New York: Guilford Press.
Support: Livesley, W. J. (2003). Practical Management of Personality Disorder.
• Borderline Personality Disorder Resource Center: http://www New York: Guilford Press. Mental Health America. (2006). “Fact Sheet: Personality Disor-
• Cleveland Clinic—Dependent Personality Disorder: ders.” Available at: get-info/personality-disorders (accessed January 28, 2010).
hic_Dependent_Personality_Disorder.aspx Merryman, M. B., & Riegel, S. K. (2007). The recovery process and
• Mental Health America—Factsheet: Personality Disorders: people with serious mental illness living in the community: An oc- cupational therapy perspective. Occupational Therapy in Mental
4D20-C87D9CD4FB6BE82F Health, 23(2), 51–73.
• Mayo Clinic—Personality Disorders: http://www.mayoclinic Millon, T., & Davis, R. (2000). Personality Disorders in Modern Life.
.com/health/personality-disorders/DS00562 New York: John Wiley & Sons.
• National Alliance on Mental Illness: Mullins-Sweatt, S. N., & Widiger, T. A. (2007). Million’s dimen-
• National Institute of Mental Health—Borderline Personality sional model of personality disorders: A comparative study.
Disorder: Journal of Personality Disorders, 21(1), 42–57.
borderline-personality-disorder.shtml National Institute of Mental Health. (2008). “Borderline Person-
• Treatment and Research Advancements, National Association ality Disorder.” Available at:
for Personality Disorders (TARA): publications/borderline-personality-disorder-fact-sheet/index
.shtml (accessed January 28, 2010).
New, A. S., Triebwasser, J., & Charney, D. S. (2008). The case for shift-
References ing borderline personality disorder to Axis I. Biological Psychiatry
American Psychiatric Association (APA). (2000). Diagnostic and [epub ahead of print].
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed., text revision). Nott, A. (2005). Understanding and treating people with personal-
Arlington, VA: Author. ity disorders in occupational therapy. In R. Crouch & V. Alers
Borderline Personality Disorder Resource Center. (2006). Back (Eds.), Occupational Therapy in Mental Health (4th ed.). London:
From the Edge: Living and Recovering From Borderline Personality Whurr.
Disorder. White Plains, NY: Author. Paris, J. (2005). Recent advances in the treatment of borderline
Bradley, R., Jenei, J., & Westen, D. (2005). Etiology of borderline person- personality disorder. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 50(8),
ality disorder: Disentangling the contributions from intercorrelated 435–441.
antecedents. Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease, 193(1), 24–31. Raine, A., Mellingen, K., Liu, J., Venables, P., & Mednick, S. A. (2003).
Cara, E. (1992). Neutralizing the narcissistic style: Narcissistic Effects of environmental enrichment at ages 3–5 years on schizo-
personality disorder, self-psychology and occupational therapy. typal personality and antisocial behavior at age 17–23. American
Occupational Therapy in Mental Health, 8, 135–156. Journal of Psychiatry, 160(9), 1627–1635.
Costa, P. T., & McCrae, R. R. (1990). Personality disorders and the five Reed, K. L. (2001). Quick Reference to Occupational Therapy (2nd ed.).
factor model of personality. Journal of Personality Disorders, 4, Gaithersburg, MD: Aspen.
362–371. Reichborn-Kjennerud, T., Czajkowski, N., Neale, M. C., Orstavik, R. E.,
Costa, P. T., & Widiger, T. A. (Eds.). (2002). Personality Disorders Torgersen, S., Tambs, K., Roysamb, E., Harris, J. R., & Kendler,
and the Five Factor Model of Personality (2nd ed.). Washington, K. S. (2007). Genetic and environmental influences on dimen-
DC: American Psychological Association. sional representations of DSM-IV cluster personality disorders:
Fischler, G., & Booth, N. (1999). Vocational Impact of Psychiatric A population-based multivariate twin study. Psychological Medi-
Disorders. Gaithersburg, MD: Aspen. cine, 37, 645–653.
Fonagy, P. (2007). Personality disorder. Journal of Mental Health, Roth, A., & Fonagy, P. (2005). What Works for Whom: A Critical
16(1), 1–4. Review of Psychotherapy Research (2nd ed.). New York: Guilford
Forsyth, K., with Salamy, M., Simon, S., & Kielhofner, G. (1998).“The Press.
Assessment of Communication and Interaction Skill (ACIS) Saddock, B. J., & Saddock, V. A. (2007). Kaplan & Saddock’s Synopsis
Version 4.0.” Available at: of Psychiatry: Behavioral Sciences/Clinical Psychiatry. Philadelphia:
(accessed November 2, 2009). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Gilliam, J. E. (1994). Work Adjustment Inventory: Measures of Job Stone, M. H. (2003). Borderline patients at the border of treata-
Related Temperament. Austin, TX : PRO-ED. bility: At the intersection of borderline, narcissistic, and
Grant, B. F., Stinson, F. S., Dawson, D. A., Chou, P., Ruan, J., & antisocial personalities. Journal of Psychiatric Practice, 9(4),
Pickering, R. P. (2004). Co-occurrence of 12 month alcohol and 279–290.
drug use disorders and personality disorder in the United States: Thompson, P. M. (1998). “In Transition: Treating Personality Disor-
Results from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and ders.” Available at:
Related Conditions. Archives of General Psychiatry, 61, 361–368. (accessed September 7, 2006).
Hart, B. G. (2007). Cutting: Unraveling the mystery behind the Torgersen, S., Czajkowski, N., Jacobson, K., Reichborn-Kjennerud,
marks. AAOHN Journal, 55(4), 161–168. T., R∅ysamb. E., Neale, M. C., & Kendler, K. S. (2008). Dimen-
Kaylor, L. (1999). Antisocial personality disorder: Diagnostic, ethical sional representations of DSM-IV Cluster B personality disorders
and treatment issues. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 20, 247–258. in a population-based sample of Norwegian twins: A multivari-
Kaysen, S. (1993). Girl Interrupted. New York: Vintage Books. ate study. Psychological Medicine, 38, 1617–1625.
Kendler, K. S., Czajkowski, N., Tambs, K., Torgersen, S., Aggen, S. H., Triebwasser, J., & Siever, L. J. (2007). Pharmacotherapy and person-
Neale, M. C., & Reichborn-Kjennerud, T. (2006). Dimensional ality disorders. Journal of Mental Health, 16(1), 5–50.
representations of a DSM-IV Cluster A personality disorders in a Ward, R. K. (2004). Assessment and management of personality
population based sample of Norwegian twins: A multivariate disorders. American Family Physician, 70(8), 1505–1512.
study. Psychological Medicine, 36, 1583–1591. Zanarini, M. C. (2000). Childhood experiences associated with
Lenzenweger, M. F., Lane, M. C., Loranger, A. W., & Kessler, R. C. the development of borderline personality disorder. Psychiatric
(2007). DSM-IV personality disorders in the National Comorbid- Clinics of North America, 23(1), 89–101.
ity Survey Replication. Biological Psychiatry, 62(6), 553–564.
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Mood Disorders 12
Nancy W. Spangler

“ P eople ask,“Why would a funny man be depressed?”

My answer is,“Why not?”

Humorists (also people in show business, writers, and artists) are funny to cover up the hurts
they have suffered as children. When the humor fails to work for them, they have a depression....
The price I paid for success was that by building a wall around me, no one could penetrate my
real feelings.The scars of childhood were always there, and I was a fool to think I could get
away with humor forever.
—Art Buchwald, Too Soon to Say Goodbye, 2006

Introduction Researchers are just beginning to understand mood

“Like a gray mist turning into a heavy, dark shroud” is how disorders—the mechanisms by which they affect the brain
Susan (a pseudonym) described her first episode of major and behavior, their true prevalence, and how treatments ac-
depression. She hardly noticed it creeping up on her. What tually work. What we do know is that the impact of mood
she did notice was how much effort it took to complete the disorders can be devastating. In fact, mood disorders are a
work that typically came so easily to her. A highly creative leading cause of disability worldwide and a common cause of
person, Susan was valued by her employer, the owner of a suicide for all age groups, including children and older adults
small public relations firm, for her brilliant ideas and her (Bhatia & Bhatia, 2007; Bould, 2005). Depression and bipolar
strong work ethic. Her first experience with depression disorder, like other mental illnesses, are often stigmatizing
eroded her abilities, making every decision difficult and conditions, and, unfortunately, individuals often choose not
merely getting out of bed a horrible labor. to seek care of any kind (Kanter, Rusch, & Brondino, 2008).
When her boss finally confronted her, asking where her A variety of treatments are available, however, and treat-
typical sparkle had gone, Susan melted into a puddle of sobs ment is effective for many people. Occupational therapists
and apologies. The strength of her emotion shocked and dis- can play an important role in helping people with mood
appointed her even further, but it was a familiar signal to her disorders—to recognize and understand the disorder, to
boss, who had experienced a depression of his own just a few seek treatment, and to prevent or better manage symptoms
months earlier. Her boss suggested she visit with a therapist as they live, work, learn, and play.
who had helped him out of his distress. Susan began psy-
chotherapy and took antidepressant medications for several
months. Her work rebounded, and her mood brightened
until she began a project with a particularly difficult client.
Description of the Disorder
The stress of her interactions brought back her irrational Mood disorder is the umbrella term that encompasses condi-
thoughts of inadequacy, and the dark shroud began creeping tions in which individuals experience an extreme in the con-
over her again. It was her boss who first noticed her symp- tinuum of typical moods—from the low, sad, unpleasant
toms returning, and this time he was quicker in saying some- mood of unipolar depression to the elevated, elated, energized
thing to her and reminding her of the available resources for mood of mania. Those individuals who experience both ends
support. Eventually, Susan learned to recognize signals ear- of the continuum are known as having bipolar disorder.
lier herself and apply self-management strategies to reduce Mood disorders frequently occur in conjunction with
the disabling aspects of her chronic condition. other mental conditions, such as anxiety and personality dis-
Susan’s story is just one example of the impact of mood order, and with medical illnesses, such as heart disease, can-
disorders on daily living. Everyone experiences changes in cer, chronic pain, asthma, and diabetes, thus contributing to
moods, typically ranging from sad to happy to somewhere in their tendency to be disabling (Carnethon et al, 2007; Pincus
between, depending on one’s circumstances. For people with & Pettit, 2001; Schatzberg, 2004). Mood disorders are also
mood disorders, however, the mood fluctuations go beyond associated with substance abuse problems. The U.S. Surgeon
the typical and may have little or no relation to the person’s General (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
current circumstances. 1999) and the World Health Organization (2002) identified

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156 PART 2 ■ The Person

depression as a major public health problem that is growing expansive, or irritable mood for at least 1 week, in conjunction
in severity. with other criteria, such as inflated self-esteem or grandiosity,
decreased need for sleep, rapid speech, psychomotor agita-
DSM-IV-TR Criteria tion, and involvement in high-risk activities, characterizes a
manic episode (Box 12-2). These depressive and manic
Although the term depression is well recognized and com- episodes are not diagnoses themselves; rather, they are used as
monly used by the general public to mean a sad mood and building blocks for the various forms of mood disorders.
something nearly everyone has experienced, the full range of Mixed episodes are characterized by rapid changes in
symptoms necessary for a diagnosis of clinical depression moods occurring nearly daily. Hypomanic episodes are sim-
are not well known by the layperson. The true meaning of ilar to manic episodes, with periods of elevated, expansive,
bipolar disorder is also elusive to many people. The American or irritable mood, but symptoms are at a lower intensity and
Psychiatric Association (APA) provides criteria in the Diag- without marked impairment in social or occupational func-
nostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edi- tioning. Hypomania may even include brief periods of high
tion, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR) (APA, 2000) for specific efficiency or creativity.
features for diagnosing depressive disorders, bipolar disor- Some depressive episodes are further specified based on
ders, and their milder forms or subtypes. notable behavioral features as either melancholic or atypical
subtype. For example, an episode may be labeled as melan-
Episodes cholic when its features include loss of pleasure in nearly all
The DSM-IV-TR begins by describing episodes, or distinct activities and/or lack of pleasure even when something good
periods and features of mood disturbance. For example, a de- happens, along with such symptoms as early morning waken-
pressed mood and loss of interest or pleasure in life activities ings, increased depression in the morning, marked weight
(anhedonia) for at least 2 weeks are the main characteristics loss, excessive guilt, and psychomotor retardation or agitation.
of a depressive episode (Box 12-1). An abnormally elevated, In contrast, an atypical depressive episode includes mood
brightening with positive events and neurovegetative func-
tions that are reversed from the melancholic (e.g., appetite is
BOX 12-1 ■ DSM-IV-TR Criteria for Major increased, sleep is excessive, the person may feel leaden paral-
Depressive Episode ysis as if he or she is unable to move). Symptoms are worse at
night in atypical depression, and the individual is highly sen-
A. Five (or more) of the following symptoms have been present sitive to rejection by others.
during the same 2-week period and represent a change from
previous functioning; at least one of the symptoms is either
(1) depressed mood or (2) loss of interest or pleasure.
1. Depressed mood most of the day, nearly every day, as indi- BOX 12-2 ■ DSM-IV-TR Criteria for Manic
cated by either subjective report (e.g., feels sad or empty) Episode
or observation made by others (e.g., appears tearful). Note:
In children and adolescents, can be irritable mood. A. A distinct period of abnormally and persistently elevated, expan-
2. Markedly diminished interest or pleasure in all, or almost all, sive, or irritable mood, lasting at least 1 week (or any duration if
activities most of the day, nearly every day (as indicated by hospitalization is necessary).
either subjective account or observation made by others). B. During the period of mood disturbance, three (or more) of the
3. Significant weight loss when not dieting, or weight gain (e.g., following symptoms have persisted (four if the mood is only
a change of more than 5% of body weight in a month), or irritable) and have been present to a significant degree:
decrease or increase in appetite nearly every day. Note: In 1. Inflated self-esteem or grandiosity
children, consider failure to make expected weight gains. 2. Decreased need for sleep (e.g., feels rested after only
4. Insomnia or hypersomnia nearly every day. 3 hours of sleep)
5. Psychomotor agitation or retardation nearly every day (ob- 3. More talkative than usual or pressure to keep talking
servable by others, not merely subjective feelings or restless- 4. Flight of ideas or subjective experience that thoughts are
ness or being slowed down). racing
6. Fatigue or loss of energy nearly every day. 5. Distractibility (i.e., attention too easily drawn to unimportant
7. Feelings of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate or irrelevant external stimuli)
guilt (which may be delusional) nearly every day (not merely 6. Increase in goal-directed activity (either socially, at work or
self-reproach or guilt about being sick). school, or sexually) or psychomotor agitation
8. Diminished ability to think or concentrate, or indecisiveness, 7. Excessive involvement in pleasurable activities that have a
nearly every day (either subjective account or as observed high potential for painful consequences (e.g., engaging in
by others). unrestrained buying sprees, sexual indiscretions, or foolish
9. Recurrent thoughts of death (not just fear of dying), recur- business investments)
rent suicidal ideation without a specific plan, or a suicide C. The symptoms do not meet criteria for a mixed episode.
attempt or specific plan for committing suicide. D. The mood disturbance is sufficiently severe to cause marked im-
B. The symptoms do not meet criteria for a mixed episode. pairment in occupational functioning or in usual social activities
C. The symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment or relationships with others, or to necessitate hospitalization to
in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning. prevent harm to self or others, or there are psychotic features.

From American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and Statistical From American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Author. Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
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CHAPTER 12 ■ Mood Disorders 157

Psychotic features may be present with depressive or rather than episodically. In children, irritability may be ob-
manic episodes and are described as being congruent or in- served more than depressed mood. Feelings of inadequacy,
congruent with the current mood state. In other words, guilt, and excessive anger are commonly experienced in dys-
mood congruent psychotic features during a depressive thymia, along with periods of social withdrawal and reduced
episode are delusions or hallucinations consistent with de- activity or productivity.
pressive themes (e.g., inadequacy, guilt, death, punishment).
Mood incongruent symptoms during depression may in- Bipolar Disorders
clude thought broadcasting and delusions of control. During There are three primary types of bipolar disorder: bipolar I,
manic episodes, mood congruent psychotic features are those bipolar II, and cyclothymia.
consistent with mania (e.g., inflated self-worth, power, or Bipolar I disorder is characterized by one or more manic
specialness), whereas mood incongruent features would in- episodes or mixed episodes (i.e., frequent fluctuations
clude persecutory delusions and delusions of being con- between low and expansive mood). Many individuals will
trolled. A number of studies found increased rates of psy- experience major depressive episodes as well, but this is not
chotic features in bipolar disorder versus unipolar depression required for bipolar I diagnosis. Bipolar I is highly recurrent
(Goes et al, 2007). Furthermore, patients who present with (in more than 90% of people), and the number of lifetime
psychotic features initially in unipolar depression are more manic and depressive episodes is higher for bipolar I than
likely to experience a manic episode at some point compared for major depressive disorder (APA, 2000). Those people
with individuals without psychotic features. with four or more recurring episodes within a given
Mood disorders with postpartum onset may be diag- year (called “rapid cycling pattern”) generally have a poorer
nosed if onset occurs within 4 weeks after childbirth. Al- prognosis.
though “baby blues” are common 3 to 7 days after birth Bipolar II disorder is characterized by one or more ma-
and consist of increased crying, anxiety, and insomnia, jor depressive episodes and at least one hypomanic episode.
more serious symptoms can characterize episodes or dis- Significant impairment in important areas of life function
orders with postpartum onset, including psychotic hallu- must be experienced to reach diagnostic criteria, but the im-
cinations and/or delusions, and can increase the risk of the pairment typically occurs during the depressive episodes,
mother harming herself or her baby. not the hypomanic ones. In fact, although the hypomania
may not be evident to the individual, it can be troubling to
Disorders family, friends, and/or coworkers. As with bipolar I, recur-
Mood disorders are classified according to the type of rence and rapid cycling in bipolar II are more likely to pre-
episode or combination of episodes experienced by the dict lower levels of function.
individual. Cyclothymic disorder is a chronic (at least 2-year
period) mood disturbance that is characterized by fluctu-
Depressive Disorders ating hypomanic symptoms and depressive symptoms
A person who experiences a major depressive disorder has that are not of sufficient number or severity to reach crite-
one or more instances of a major depressive episode, but no ria for either manic episodes or major depressive episodes.
occurrence of a manic episode; thus, the disorder is consid- Although people can function adequately during hypo-
ered unipolar, or occurring on just one side of the affective manic periods, marked impairment may occur, particu-
spectrum. (Note: Clinicians frequently use the terms “unipo- larly due to unpredictable mood changes and social diffi-
lar depression” and “clinical depression” interchangeably to culties that result. The differential diagnosis between
describe major depressive disorder, with unipolar referring cyclothymic disorder and borderline personality disorder
to one end of the bipolar spectrum.) may be difficult, and both may be diagnosed if criteria are
Although the actual experience of depression can vary met for each.
widely in its features and severity of symptoms, people with (Readers should refer to the DSM-IV-TR (2000) for a
major depression are more likely to experience pain and full description of subtypes and specifiers for major de-
physical illness along with decreased physical, social, and pressive disorder and bipolar disorder.)
role functioning. Up to 15% of people with severe depres-
sion will die by suicide (APA, 2000). Etiology
Some people with major depressive disorder experience
only a single episode, whereas others have a recurrence There is growing evidence that the etiology of mood disor-
even after many years without symptoms. Still other indi- ders is complex, with interacting contributions from bio-
viduals have clusters of frequently recurring episodes over logical, genetic, psychosocial, and environmental factors. In
the course of a lifetime, some in association with particular fact, some of the subtypes of mood disorders may actually
seasons. Each episode increases the odds of recurrent reflect distinct neurobiological differences, explaining why
episodes, and the severity of the first episode predicts per- certain treatments are effective for some people, but not for
sistent episodes, as does chronic medical illness (Robinson others.
& Sahakian, 2008). If full criteria for a major depressive Studies were conducted in the 1950s on the biological
episode have been met continuously for at least 2 years, the causes of mood disorders when medications used for treat-
condition is considered chronic. ing other conditions were also found to have an impact on
levels of depression and symptoms of mania. Researchers
Dysthymic Disorder noting associated changes in the noradrenergic and sero-
Dysthymic disorder, or dysthymia, shares similar features tonergic systems of the brain theorized that depression re-
with major depressive disorder, but symptoms are less severe sulted from decreased availability of the neurotransmitters
and must be present chronically (a period of at least 2 years) norepinephrine and/or serotonin, whereas mania resulted
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158 PART 2 ■ The Person

The Lived Experience

always be another rollercoaster ride and a collision up ahead.
They took a bigger toll on my life every time I came back through,
trying to stop it or at least slow it down. Almost too painful to
even keep fighting back, I knew I needed another line of attack.
Always experimenting off to another special doctor to see . . .
take this pill with that one and come back to see them in a month
or three . . . just call if these don’t work, there is more we can
try, and that we did. My life was in shambles, and I didn’t have
a clue that all I needed to do was take the medications and I
would be fine.
Among all the diagnoses, I had another problem—I was a
drug addict, I self-medicated with marijuana, and then harder
drugs. They made me feel okay, but never in control of my life.
Hospitals, doctors, psychs, and shrinks, together we would go,
hands held tight like a link. We (my parents and I) refused to give
up on this fight; we were gonna get my life right.
With hospitals and rehabs, we finally did something right. At
the age of 30-something, we found Wyandot Mental Health,
and I found a doctor who would listen to me and diagnose me
right. He was great, and he knew all the answers to the questions
of why I never felt right. He gave me hope that my life could
change and that I was important in my fight. My mental illness was
Kelly: Not an Ordinary Little Girl not me, I was me, and it just happened to be part of me. This
I may not be every mother’s dream for her little girl. I was always gave me a whole new outlook on life and what I was to become.
different from the other kids, and I knew it. Growing up was dif- I may not be every mother’s dream for her little girl, but now we
ficult. I went to a school for children with special learning disabil- were getting answers and solutions for the problems I have had
ities because I was diagnosed with hyperkinetic behavior and put all my life.
on Ritalin. I stayed in this school until I was in 8th grade. Then I I began going to the drop-in center at Wyandot Mental
went on to a private school. My parents were told I couldn’t Health and making friends and going to classes that taught me
make it in public school because of my behavior and academic about my disease. It taught me that I could be normal, in my
record. I managed to get through until 11th grade and was then world. That there were others who lived with the voices and
asked to leave the following year because I wasn’t making it all that I had endured in my life. I began to speak out, not just
there either. So back to public school I went, and the roller for me but for many others that I encountered. I had become
coaster rides began. an advocate for the mentally ill and for myself. I was finally
As I got older, the problems and the mania got bolder, and I given the guidance to GROW. That I did. I went to classes and
needed to run. The day the gate opened was the day I had my lectures and absorbed every thing I could, and people began
first real roller coaster ride. I was flying high and nobody knew to see the change in me, I was also given medication that
why. At the age of 18, I was hospitalized for the first time and was helped, and my drug addiction was going away. I became in-
diagnosed with manic depression or, in other words, cy- volved in SIDE, which is the consumer-run organization in my
clothymia, which is always manic. state. I was given the opportunity to help facilitate groups and
I had a wonderful doctor, Dr. Stevenson, and he explained educate my friends. This was very empowering because
that I had a chemical imbalance that could be helped with med- it gave me the opportunity to see them grow and become
ication. This was my first attempt at any mood-altering drug. My advocates for themselves.
life changed dramatically, I was actually able to sit down and con- I have been with the mental health center for a number of
centrate for the first time, and my life was a bit easier, for a while. years and have bloomed and helped others. This is my pas-
The medication made me feel better, and then I would stop tak- sion for my life. Today, I am Vice President of SIDE, Inc, and
ing it because I felt “normal.” Boy did that change; as soon as have gained the most important of friends in my life. I have
the medication was out of my system, I was back on another many diagnoses: manic depression, schizophrenia, and ago-
HIGH. The rides got rougher and rougher, and I was put back raphobia, and they are controlled by medications. Today, I am
into the hospital again. I can remember my Mom and Dad were living instead of just existing. I thank the good Lord above and
always there at my side, and anything that needed to be done a special thanks to my parents and the people who believed
to make me better was not a problem, they did whatever it took. in me and never gave up. I will continue my road to recovery,
Knowing that over and over we would be back on this ride again, with hope that I can be an inspiration to others that followed
but they never gave up. I may not be every mother’s dream for through that door of mental illness. I may not be every mother’s
her little girl, but I knew I didn’t deserve this crazy life. dream for her little girl, but thank you for choosing me and
I know there are lulls in every storm, but one will happen never closing the door. Dedicated to all my friends that I have
again. In my life when it rained it poured, and I knew there will met on life’s highways.
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CHAPTER 12 ■ Mood Disorders 159

from excess activity of the noradrenergic system (Kandel, Such differences in emotion processing are believed to affect
Schwartz, & Jessell, 2000). In other words, too little neural cognitive development in infants and young children, and
firing occurred in depression, and too much occurred in may result in cognitive vulnerability to stress from environ-
mania due to this neurochemical imbalance. Subsequently, mental challenges (Seligman, 1991). Cognitive distortions
numerous medications have been developed (see Medica- and exaggerated responses to stress are frequently seen in
tions section) that are highly effective for many people with adults with depression, can result in feelings of helplessness
depressive and bipolar disorders. and despair, and are frequently a focus of cognitive behav-
However, the neural mechanisms behind the so-called ioral psychotherapy, a common and effective intervention
“chemical imbalance” associated with mood disorders, as for depression.
well as the impact of antidepressant and mood-stabilizing Children who have experienced early loss of a parent,
medications, have not been well understood. Researchers early parental neglect, or sexual abuse are at greater risk of
studying the impact of psychosocial stress theorize that de- depressive disorders, yet not all children of mothers with de-
pression occurs as the result of prolonged or recurring stress pression end up experiencing depression themselves. This
responses that disrupt the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal has led to studies of resilience to determine what factors may
(HPA) axis, which is highly important in gastrointestinal help vulnerable children in developing coping strategies and
and immune system functioning (Kandel et al, 2000). avoiding psychosocial disorders (Rutter, 2006).
The HPA axis is a regulatory network that operates in re- An interaction between vulnerability to depression and
sponse to stress and consists of chemical messengers that stressful life experiences was also found by genetic researchers
prepare the body for the “fight-or-flight response” and then (Caspi et al, 2003). The genetic vulnerability appears to im-
a return to homeostasis, or relaxation, when the threat has pact the 5-HTT gene, which is responsible for transport and
been removed. One of these chemicals, cortisol, travels reuptake of serotonin. People with at least one copy of the
through the bloodstream and acts on bodily organs and tis- short form gene were more likely to become depressed in re-
sues (Adinoff, Iranmanesh, Veldhuis, & Fisher, 1998). The sponse to stressful life events. This genetic variability may be
hippocampus has an inhibitory effect on the HPA axis, and responsible for amygdala-mediated hyperresponsiveness seen
the amygdala has an excitatory effect (Nestler et al, 2002). in certain young children in reaction to frightening faces and
People with depression exhibit a disturbance in this neu- encoding of painful memories, possibly increasing stress sen-
roendocrinologic function, which is identified by excessive sitivity in adulthood (Hariri et al, 2005).
secretion of cortisol from the adrenal cortex of the kidney The impact of emotional stress is seen in the limbic-
(Kandel et al, 2000). This hypercortisolism affects structures cortical circuit, or neural pathways between the brainstem,
in the hippocampus, which fail to relay signals to constrain amygdala, hippocampus, hypothalamus, and cingulate
the stress response. gyrus, and connections through the dorsolateral prefrontal,
Repeated reactivity to chronic stress is theorized to lateral orbitofrontal, and anterior cingulate circuits to the
lower the threshold for a depressive episode (Pariante & cortex (Kandel et al, 2000). The limbic-cortical circuit
Miller, 2001; Shumake & Gonzalez-Lima, 2003). With the modulates arousal and alerting behaviors in organisms,
advent of newer neuroimaging and neurometabolic tech- and allows for storage and retrieval of memories to enable
niques and sophisticated genetic studies, neural systems approach/avoidance behaviors. These structures interact in
have been identified and additional theories generated. Re- survival activities, such as eating, drinking, and reproduc-
search suggests that genetic vulnerability and experiencing tion, as well as during social interaction, emotion regula-
early life stressors may contribute to depression through tion, and activities related to pleasure and ego satisfaction.
neural changes in certain brain circuits, most notably the The amygdala and the nucleus accumbens are involved in
limbic-cortical circuits (Fuchs, Czeh, Koke, Michaelis, & processing memories with emotional associations and may,
Lucassen, 2004). in turn, mediate the anhedonia, anxiety, and reduced moti-
vation commonly seen in people with depression (Nestler
Depression et al, 2002). Depressive neurovegetative symptoms, such as
The contribution of stress in depression has been sup- sleep dysregulation, reduced energy, changes in appetite,
ported by both behavioral and genetic studies. In studies and reduced interest in sex, may also implicate involvement
of interactions between mothers with depression and their of the hypothalamus, the body’s regulator of internal
infants, depressed mothers were more likely to be angry, homeostasis.
sad, or intrusive in face-to-face interaction or to be poorly In summary, impairments in brain areas in the limbic-
timed, lacking synchrony in the communication loop cortical circuits appear to be those most affected by depres-
(Tronick, 1989). Infants, in turn, were less able to calm sion. These areas regulate emotional and cognitive function-
themselves and showed more crying or withdrawing in re- ing, memory, concentration, sleep, appetite, mood, and
sponse to such stressors. Babies of mothers with depres- motivation, and contribute to social interests and self-worth.
sion have higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol,
lower levels of the neurotransmitters dopamine and sero- Bipolar Disorder
tonin, asymmetries in frontal lobe functioning, more signs The etiology of bipolar disorder is less clear than that of de-
of distress, and more sleeping difficulties (Field, Diego, & pression. Genetic transmission is highly likely because first-
Hernandez-Reif, 2006). Thus, difficulty in adapting to degree relatives have a 5- to 10-fold greater risk of bipolar dis-
stress, modulating negative affective states, and regulating order than the general population, and the disorder is found
emotions may make these infants vulnerable to depressive concurrently in 80% to 90% of monozygotic (identical) twins
episodes in the future. Occupational therapists can play a versus 15% of dizygotic (fraternal) twins (Craddock & Jones,
role in prevention by addressing parenting issues among 2001). Although the particular gene site or sites have not been
mothers with depression. identified, multiple genes are likely to be involved. In both
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160 PART 2 ■ The Person

major depressive and bipolar disorders, it is likely that genetic

influences on neurotrophic factors (or growth and nourish-
ment of brain cells), which allow adaption to stress, are in-
volved (Rosa et al, 2006).
Major life events that cause emotional stress may serve to
precipitate symptoms of bipolar disorder as in depressive dis-
orders, and differences in HPA axis functioning and neuro-
transmission are seen in both. In bipolar disorder, insufficient
transport of sodium and potassium ions into neurons causes
transmission to occur too readily. Prefrontal cortex activity is
reduced during the depressive phase, and an increase in this
region is observed during mania (Kandel et al, 2000).

Depression is a highly prevalent condition that affects ap-
proximately 7% of adult men and 12% of women each year
in the United States, and nearly one in five Americans in FIGURE 12-1. Artwork titled “Shining Through” by Meredith McMaster,
their lifetime (Blazer, Kessler, McGonagle, & Swartz, 1994; participating artist at Northern Initiative for Social Action.
Kessler et al, 2003; Regier et al, 1993). Within the workforce,
the prevalence of depressive disorders is estimated at 9%
(Stewart, Ricci, Chee, Hahn, & Morganstein, 2003). Depres- Although depression is not a normal consequence of ag-
sion occurs about twice as often in women as in men and ing, it does commonly co-occur with other medical illnesses
tends to be more common among individuals who are associated with aging, such as heart disease, diabetes, stroke,
younger than 45 years of age, of lower socioeconomic status, cancer, and Parkinson’s disease, and is often overlooked and
and separated or divorced (Pincus & Pettit, 2001). untreated (National Institutes of Mental Health, 2003). It
Lifetime prevalence of bipolar disorder is approximately also frequently occurs with loss of a spouse or other social
1%, but subthreshold rates are estimated to be over twice as support or loss of vision, mobility, or functional abilities. In
high (2.5%) and to cause significant role impairment older people with depression, symptoms may include irri-
(Merikangas et al, 2007). Rates of diagnosing bipolar disor- tability, pacing, and restlessness.
der in children and adolescents appear to be sharply rising About 65% of adults with bipolar disorder describe
(Moreno et al, 2007), but it is undetermined whether this is symptoms of bipolar disorder with onset prior to age 19
due to an actual increase in the disorder, increased recogni- (Perlis et al, 2004). Episodes may recur after years with none.
tion that the disorder could exist in children, or a change in More frequent cycling of episodes is associated with declin-
diagnosing patterns (e.g., instead of attention deficit disor- ing functional abilities.
der, which has overlapping symptoms). Suicide is completed by about 15% of people who were
formerly hospitalized for depression (Angst, Angst, &
Stassen, 1999). The high energy and elation of mania com-
Course bined with low mood of depression in people with mixed
The average age for onset of major depressive disorder is the episodes puts them at particular risk (Box 12-3).
mid-20s, but depression can occur at any time during
the life span. As described previously, infants as young as
3 months of age have been observed to be sensitive and reac-
tive to expressions of flat or negative affect that are common Evidence-Based Practice
to mothers with depression; they, in turn, exhibit symptoms
of social withdrawal and difficulty with emotion regulation
(Ashman, Dawson, & Panagiotides, 2008). In contrast to the
symptoms of depression listed in the DSM-IV-TR (APA,
E arly detection helps people access appropriate treatment
and reduces severity and recurrence of symptoms in people
with mood disorders (Druss, Rosenheck, Desai, & Perlin, 2002;
2000), behaviors of young children with depressive disorders Hirschfeld, Calabrese, et al, 2003).
may include irritable mood, decreased social interaction, ➤ Occupational therapists can help educate workplace man-
and diminished interest or pleasure in typical activities for agers about the impact of depression and bipolar disorder.
the child’s age (Zeanah, 2000). ➤ Occupational therapists can implement screenings for
Depression is highly recurrent, and the more episodes employees to enhance early detection and treatment.
one has had, the more likely the condition will remain
chronic without subsiding. With each occurrence, there is a ➤ Occupational therapists can provide training in resilience and
stress management.
greater risk of psychosocial limitations, work impairment,
and worsening of other medical conditions, thus the more Druss, B. G., Rosenheck, R. A., Desai, M. M., & Perlin, J. B. (2002).
disabling each episode is likely to become (Hirschfeld, Lewis, Quality of preventive medical care for patients with mental disorders.
& Vornick, 2003). Therefore, the importance of early treat- Medical Care, 40(2), 129–136.
ment, including occupational therapy, to prevent subsequent Hirschfeld, R. M., Calabrese, J. R., Weissman, M. M., Reed, M., Davies,
M. A., Frye, M. A., Keck, P. E. Jr., Lewis, L., McElroy, S. L., McNulty, J. P.,
episodes and occupational performance impairment is es- & Wagner, K. D (2003). Screening for bipolar disorder in the community.
sential. Figure 12-1 shows a painting by a participating artist Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 64(1), 53–59.
at the Northern Initiative for Social Action.
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CHAPTER 12 ■ Mood Disorders 161

Alcohol is used by up to 40% of those with mood disorders, Gender- and Culture-Specific Information
often as a means of self-medication (Merikangas, 1998). Left
untreated, substance abuse typically worsens the course of Depression is twice as prevalent in females as in males, but
mood disorders, affects social relationships, and reduces func- bipolar disorder occurs about evenly in men and women
tional abilities. (Regier et al, 1993).
Depression and bipolar disorder, like many medical con-
ditions, are associated with lower socioeconomic status
BOX 12-3 ■ Suicide (Murray & Lopez, 1997). It is not known, however, whether
socioeconomic factors play a causal role in the etiology of
Suicide, frequently associated with mood disorders, is particularly mood disorders or whether the disorders reduce work oppor-
troublesome because of the emotional suffering experienced by tunities and thereby reduce socioeconomic levels. Because
surviving family members and friends, and the disabling effects on
stress is theorized as a factor in increased occurrence of mood
people who attempt suicide. Suicide rates vary by age, gender,
and ethnic groups, but in general suicide occurs most frequently
disorders in vulnerable individuals, the fact that stress is as-
in males and tends to peak in adolescence and old age. sociated with low socioeconomic status is important to con-
There are a number of risk factors that are associated with sider. Poor young women of all ethnic groups and single
suicide, as well as protective factors that reduce the likelihood of mothers appear to be at greatest risk of developing depres-
suicide. sion (Brown & Moran, 1997; Miranda & Green, 1999).
Individuals from non-Caucasian cultures are less likely to
Risk Factors for Suicide seek treatment for depression. The STAR*D (Sequenced
Biopsychosocial Risk Factors Treatment Alternatives to Relieve Depression) study found a
■ Mental disorders, particularly mood disorders, schizophrenia, much higher attrition rate (individuals that chose not to stay
anxiety disorders, and certain personality disorders in treatment) for African Americans, Latinos, and other
■ Alcohol and other substance use disorders non-Caucasian groups (Warden et al, 2008). Another study
■ Hopelessness found that African Americans sought mental health services
■ Impulsive and/or aggressive tendencies for depression 50% less often than whites, and the number
■ History of trauma or abuse one reason for not seeking care was stigma (Cruz, Pincus,
■ Some major physical illnesses Harman, Reynolds, & Post, 2008). Acculturation can also
■ Previous suicide attempt contribute to depression. One study examining accultura-
■ Family history of suicide
tion among college students of Asian and Latino descent
found high rates of depression (Hwang & Wood, 2009). The
Environmental Risk Factors depression was associated with a lack of family support that
■ Job or financial loss resulted from distancing themselves during acculturation
■ Relational or social loss and greater conflict with family members.
■ Easy access to lethal means
■ Local clusters of suicide that have a contagious influence
Sociocultural Risk Factors Impact on Occupational
■ Lack of social support and sense of isolation
■ Stigma associated with help-seeking behavior
■ Barriers to accessing health care, especially mental health and Mood disorders can range from mild to severe, but, in gen-
substance abuse treatment eral, their impact can be pervasive and disabling if symptoms
■ Certain cultural and religious beliefs (e.g., the belief that suicide are recurrent and untreated. Occupational therapists can play
is a noble resolution of a personal dilemma) an important role in addressing occupational performance
■ Exposure to, including through the media, and influence of others problems associated with mood disorders. Individuals with
who have died by suicide depression may show poor self-esteem and low motivation,
Protective Factors for Suicide
■ Effective clinical care for mental, physical, and substance use
■ Easy access to a variety of clinical interventions and support for Evidence-Based Practice

Restricted access to highly lethal means of suicide
Strong connections to family and community support
Support through ongoing medical and mental health care
P eople with mood disorders can learn to recognize symp-
toms of relapse earlier and better manage their conditions
(Perry, Tarrier, Morriss, McCarthy, & Limb, 1999).
relationships ➤ Occupational therapists can provide materials and teach
■ Skills in problem-solving, conflict resolution, and nonviolent programs to help people recognize triggers and symptoms
handling of disputes for enhancing self-management.
■ Cultural and religious beliefs that discourage suicide and sup- ➤ Occupational therapists can encourage appropriate
port self-preservation care-seeking.

Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Perry, A., Tarrier, N., Morriss, R., McCarthy, E., & Limb, K. (1999).
Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2001). National Randomised controlled trial of efficacy of teaching patients with bipolar
Strategy for Suicide Prevention: Goals and Objectives for Action. Rockville, disorder to identify early symptoms of relapse and obtain treatment.
MD: Public Health Service. British Medical Journal, 318, 149–153.
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162 PART 2 ■ The Person

Illuminating the darkness. A step in my recovery is learning to combat the
deeply shadowed moods of depression with light: pulling the drapes aside,
opening the windows when weather permits, and supplementing with lamps
if the day is heavily clouded. A related measure is to work at resetting
my circadian rhythms when I slip into a pattern of wakeful nights and
sleep-filled days, as I am prone to do. Although blessing may be found
in darkness, it is not a state in which we are meant to linger. To
experience light after a prolonged period of emotional shadow is to
find sanctuary.

whereas those experiencing manic episodes may have exag- surround it (Bilsker et al, 2004). Research also suggests that
gerated self-esteem and difficulty completing and finishing stigma affects people who care for individuals with mood dis-
tasks (Christiansen & Baum, 1997). Areas frequently affected orders, even when the person’s symptoms are in remission
include cognitive (solving problems, making decisions, (Gonzalez et al, 2007). This may affect social withdrawal,
remembering, concentrating), behavioral (motivation, task altered role expectations, and occupational choices for all
completion) social (withdrawal, eye contact, listening skills, family members. (For more information, see Chapter 28.)
interpersonal conflicts), and physiological (sleep difficulties,
restlessness, fatigue). Daily routines for sleep, meals, self-care,
and social relationships are often disrupted, particularly in
individuals experiencing manic episodes. Such difficulties
can greatly impact performance in school, work, home, and The most common forms of treatment for mood disorders
community (Bilsker, Gilbert, Myette, & Stewart-Patterson, are psychopharmacology (Tables 12-1 and 12-2) and behav-
2004). ioral therapy.
For women with postpartum depression, numerous roles
may be compromised in both the mother and her baby. Medications for Depressive Disorders
Esdaile and Olson (2004) refer to co-occupational roles
being affected. These may include comforting and self- The first class of medications used to treat depression was
comforting, feeding and eating, and getting to sleep and re- the monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs). MAOIs are
maining asleep. Such difficulties can greatly affect bonding effective, but have significant side effects, including dangerous
and social role development. Addressing the role of parent- interactions with common foods and risk of death with over-
ing becomes important for the occupational therapist to dose. Another older class of medications, tricyclic antidepres-
meet the needs of both the mother and the baby. sants (TCAs), inhibits the uptake of serotonin and noradren-
Both depressive disorders and bipolar disorders may af- aline. These medications have numerous adverse side effects
fect effectiveness in school and work roles when cognitive as well. Although MAOIs and TCAs are rarely used today, they
and social skills are affected. At work, supervisors and may be effective in people with depression that is unrespon-
coworkers are often the first to notice symptoms occurring sive to other treatments (Kandel et al, 2000; Mann, 2005).
or recurring when work skills begin to deteriorate (Bilsker The mainstay of depression treatment is now second-
et al, 2004). People with mood disorders are at increased risk generation antidepressant drugs, called selective serotonin re-
of accidents and job loss. uptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and serotonin and norepinephrine
In one large workplace study (Kessler et al, 2006), workers reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs). These medications have become
with bipolar disorder had higher work loss than those with well-established treatments with fewer side effects for most pa-
major depressive disorder due to more severe and persistent tients (Compton & Nemeroff, 2006), which tends to increase
episodes of depression rather than to manic or hypomanic
symptoms. The authors suggest employers participate in coor-
dinated workplace trials for screening and treating both bipo-
lar disorder and major depressive disorder. If people with bipo- Table 12-1 ● Commonly Used Medications for Depression
lar disorder are untreated or treatment is inappropriate, about Class Examples
88% of these individuals remain unable to work, 68% have
Selective serotonin reuptake • Citalopram (Celexa)
conflicts with family and friends, and 55% have financial diffi- inhibitors (SSRIs) • Escitalopram (Lexapro)
culties (Hirschfeld et al, 2003). Feelings of high energy without • Fluoxetine (Prozac)
the need for sleep are common during mania, yet lack of sleep • Paroxetine (Paxil, Paxil CR)
over time may contribute to cognitive declines and even psy- • Sertraline (Zoloft)
chotic symptoms. Hallucinations and paranoia of manic Serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake • Duloxetine (Cymbalta)
episodes are often confused with schizophrenia. Occupational inhibitors (SNRIs) • Venlafaxine, extended release
therapists can play an important role in helping people with (Effexor XR)
mood disorders continue to be successful in the workplace. Other second-generation antidepressants • Bupropion XL (Wellbutrin XL)
The stigma that exists for depression is often due to the • Mirtazapine (Remeron)
hidden nature of the disorder and misunderstandings that
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CHAPTER 12 ■ Mood Disorders 163

anticonvulsants and antipsychotics are being studied as pos-

Table 12-2 ● Commonly Used Medications for Bipolar Disorder sible treatments for mania.
Class Examples Physicians typically prescribe multiple medications for
bipolar disorder to both reduce depressive symptoms and
Mood stabilizers • Lithium carbonate (Eskalith, Lithobid, Lithonate, stabilize manic symptoms. This can result in unpredictable
side effects, and patient compliance with medication regi-
Anticonvulsants • Carbamazepine (Tegretol) mens is a problem. Goldberg and colleagues (2007), however,
• Divalproex sodium (Depakote, Depakote ER) found that use of a mood stabilizer alone was just as effective
• Gabapentin (Neurontin)
as a mood stabilizer and an antidepressant, and, in fact, anti-
depressants may exacerbate existing manic symptoms.

adherence to medication recommendations. Many side effects, Psychosocial Interventions

such as insomnia, drowsiness, and nausea, subside over 4 to
The most common forms of psychosocial interventions
6 weeks, but sexual side effects (decreased sex drive, lack of or-
used currently for treatment of mood disorders are cogni-
gasm, and delayed ejaculation) are a common reason for dis-
tive behavior therapy (CBT) and interpersonal psycho-
continuing these medications. These medications work by
therapy (IPT). Both approaches are highly structured and
blocking reuptake of serotonin and/or norepinephrine.
relatively brief (12–16 weeks). Additional training is
SNRIs, as the name implies, inhibit reuptake of both sero-
needed to understand the theory and techniques associ-
tonin and norepinephrine. One such medication, duloxetine
ated with these approaches, but occupational therapists
(Cymbalta), is also prescribed to relieve the physical pain that
are well suited to use these approaches within the context
commonly occurs with depression. Bupropion (Wellbutrin),
of daily life.
an atypical antidepressant, inhibits reuptake of both norepi-
nephrine and dopamine, but may have other actions as well. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Researchers noted that it took several weeks to initiate
mood elevation and behavioral changes in patients; therefore, Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is based on work by
theories developed to explain the delay in the antidepressants’ Aaron Beck, who described depression as being related to
action focus on neurogenesis (formation of new neurons), distorted beliefs and faulty thinking patterns, which, in turn,
neurotrophic effects (proteins that help nourish neuronal tis- affect emotions and behaviors (Beck, 1999). Beck theorized
sue), neuronal connectivity and plasticity (formation of new that humans develop schemas, or core beliefs, through early
synapses), and information processing (Castren, 2004; Perera life experiences. CBT centers on uncovering distorted beliefs
et al, 2007). and faulty thinking patterns, and practicing alternative cog-
The landmark STAR*D study, which looked at symptom nitive and behavior patterns.
management, found that not all patients initially respond to (Refer to Chapter 19 for more detailed information about
treatment, but they may with augmentation (the addition or CBT and the role of occupational therapy.)
replacement of another antidepressant) (Insel, 2006; Trivedi
et al, 2006). Just one-third of patients responded to the first Interpersonal Psychotherapy
SSRI they received (Phase I). In Phase II, of the 70% who did Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) is focused on clients’
not respond, another 25% to 30% did respond to a different problems in interpersonal and social functioning as a means
or additional medication and, in about one-half of cases, sup- of symptom relief. The client’s social functioning is dis-
plemental psychotherapy. Most patients typically required cussed in relation to four areas:
6 to 10 weeks of treatment to reach full remission of symp- ■ Grief and loss (e.g., death, miscarriage)
toms, which was the goal of treatment. Patient use of self- ■ Role disputes (e.g., conflicts with spouse or coworker)
assessment tools may also have been helpful for increasing ■ Role transitions (e.g., divorce or becoming a parent)
awareness of symptoms. ■ Interpersonal deficits (e.g., social and communication
Medications for Bipolar Disorder
A variant of IPT, called interpersonal and social
Lithium carbonate has been considered the gold standard for rhythm therapy (IPSRT), has been used successfully for
treatment of bipolar disorder since 1949 (Kandel et al, 2000). those individuals with bipolar disorder (Frank, 2005). In
Although the precise mechanism is not known, lithium is ef- IPSRT, additional emphasis is placed on developing stable
fective in reducing manic symptoms and in stabilizing moods. rhythms for daily routines, such as sleeping and eating, and
Continued use helps prevent recurrence of manic and, to a social roles as a parent, spouse, worker, etc. Triggers for
lesser extent, depressive episodes. Lifelong use is recommended rhythm disruption are identified. The emphasis on daily
for many individuals, even in the absence of symptoms. Side routines is particularly compatible with the domain of con-
effects include weight gain, nausea, slowing of cognitive func- cern of occupational therapy. See Chapter 47 for more in-
tions, polyuria (passing large amounts of urine), polydipsia formation on IPSRT.
(ingesting large amounts of liquids), tremor, and metallic taste.
Anticonvulsants, including Tegretol, Depakote, and Neu- Other Treatments
rontin, are also effective as mood stabilizers and help with
reducing psychotic symptoms in acute mania and severe de- Although controversial, electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is
pression (Kandel et al, 2000). These medications may work an effective treatment for depression that has been used
by reducing neuronal cell membrane excitability and by af- since the 1940s (APA, 2001). Its current use is primarily for
fecting the γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) systems. Additional individuals with severe depression that does not respond to
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164 PART 2 ■ The Person

other treatments. ECT typically involves 6 to 12 repeated

Evidence-Based Practice administrations of a low-intensity electrical stimulus to
elicit a generalized seizure. Patients are completely anes-

T wo forms of psychotherapy, cognitive behavior therapy

(CBT) and interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT), have well-
established bodies of evidence supporting effectiveness in
thetized, and muscle relaxants prevent excessive limb move-
ment. The treatment is used most frequently in patients
with severe treatment-refractive depression, depression
treating depression in adults (Lau, 2008). In a series of studies with psychotic features, and patients who are suicidal. ECT
looking at treatment of people with bipolar disorder, intensive
is highly effective in elevating mood, and its effects have a
psychotherapy in addition to medication has helped more than
medication and brief therapy alone (Morris et al, 2005).
more rapid onset than antidepressant medications. A num-
ber of patients experience cognitive side effects initially fol-
➤ Occupational therapists trained in CBT can help clients lowing ECT. These include impairments in attention, orien-
increase attention to personally relevant emotional and tation, concentration, and memory. Other side effects
environmental stimuli that are encoded and retrieved as
include mild headache, nausea, and vomiting. The majority
negative associative memories, and thus serve to trigger
stress responses and depressive moods. Helping clients
of patients report improved long-term cognitive function,
change ineffective thinking patterns that repeatedly however.
reverberate through cortical circuits may help the client The precise therapeutic mechanism of ECT is not well
reduce maladaptive behaviors that interfere with occupa- known; however, neurogenesis, or creation of new neurons,
tional roles and increase effective behaviors. in the hippocampus has been noted following ECT. There-
➤ Occupational therapists trained in IPT can work with clients
fore, enhanced connectivity of brain circuits may be one re-
on improving social networks, role transitions, interpersonal sult of the repeated procedure (Perera et al, 2007).
disputes, social deficits, and maladaptive response to grief.
➤ Occupational therapists trained in IPSRT can help clients Summary
stabilize daily routines, wake/sleep cycles, and important
The prevalence and disabling effects of mood disorders
Lau, M. A. (2008). New developments in psychosocial interventions for
result in a serious public health concern. However, both
adults with unipolar depression. Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 21(1), 30–36. medications and psychosocial interventions have demon-
Morris, C. D., Miklowitz, D. J., Wisniewski, S. R., Giese, A. A., Thomas, strated efficacy for mood disorders. Occupational thera-
M. R., & Allen, M. H. (2005). Care satisfaction, hope, and life functioning pists can play a larger role in the prevention and treat-
among adults with bipolar disorder: Data from the first 1000 participants
in the Systematic Treatment Enhancement Program. Comprehensive ment of mood disorders by providing intervention
Psychiatry, 46(2), 98–104. strategies that help people engage or re-engage in mean-
ingful occupations.

Active Learning Strategies

1. Self-Reflection Describe your thoughts in your
Reflective Journal.
Most of us have experienced some symptoms of depression,
elation, or even mania at some points in our lives. Reflect on
a particularly difficult time in your life. What were your 2. Ordinary People
emotions like? Did you have difficulty regulating your emo- Read the novel Ordinary People (Guest, 1976) and/or watch
tions, feeling tearful, etc? Were you irritable? What strategies the movie by the same name. This story describes a family
did you try to handle your emotions? struggling to return to ordinary life following the accidental
Reflective Questions death of their son, Buck, and the suicide attempt of his
● What was your cognitive processing like? Did you have brother, Conrad.
difficulty concentrating or making decisions? Did your ● Conrad is depicted as having self-absorption, chronic agi-

mind seem to race, or were your thoughts sluggish and slow? tation, and numbness, or lack of feeling. He isolates him-
● Were you able to enjoy your typical activities, or was it self from family and friends. How different are these be-
difficult to feel pleasure and joy in life? haviors from typical teens? How might these symptoms
● What seemed to help lift your mood? Being around affect Conrad’s typical occupational roles? What addi-
people? Scheduling some activities to get your mind tional symptoms might parents look for in teens they sus-
focused on something else? pect of having depression?
● What were your daily habits like? Did you have regular ● Conrad’s family frowns on public displays of emotion,

sleeping patterns? Eating patterns? Exercise? Drug/alcohol but his psychiatrist points out, “People who keep
use? What did it feel like if you were off your typical pattern? stiff upper lips find that it’s damn hard to smile.” How
● Medications often take several weeks before even begin- might this excessive self-control impact Conrad’s ability
ning to have an effect, and 4 to 6 weeks for substantial to recover from the guilt and anger he feels over his
symptom relief. Think of a time you had to wait weeks brother’s death? What role could CBT play in Conrad’s
for something you really wanted. How did you feel? How recovery?
did you cope?
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CHAPTER 12 ■ Mood Disorders 165

Resources Caspi, A., Sugden, K., Moffitt, T. E., Taylor, A., Craig, I. W.,
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• Mental Health America (formerly National Mental Health Slack.
Association): Compton, M. T., & Nemeroff, C. B. (2006). Depression and bipo-
• The MoodGYM Training Program: lar disorder (electronic version). ACP Medicine. Available at:
• National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI):,
1-800-950-6264 02.htm (accessed February 1, 2010).
• National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH):, Craddock, N., & Jones, I. (2001). Molecular genetics of bipolar dis-
1-800-969-6642 order. British Journal of Psychiatry, 41(suppl), S128–S133.
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Anxiety Disorders 13
Janis Davis

N either comprehension nor learning can take place in an atmosphere of anxiety.

—Rose Kennedy

daily functioning. The common characteristic of anxiety disor-

Anxiety disorders are the most common of all psychiatric dis- ders is the inappropriate expression of fear (Bear, Connors, &
orders, affecting approximately 40 million adults or 18% of Paradiso, 2001). Anxiety can range from relatively mild feel-
people in the United States aged 18 and older in a given year ings of uneasiness to immobilizing terror. As an adaptive re-
(National Institute of Mental Health [NIMH], 2006; World sponse to threatening or harmful stimuli, anxiety results in the
Health Organization [WHO], 2001). And like most psychiatric defensive symptoms of hyperarousal, as well as increased auto-
disorders, anxiety has been part of the human condition since nomic responses, such as increased heart rate, blood pressure,
the beginning of recorded history. Footage from the early and respiration (Takahashi, 2002). The physiological response
1900s reveals the scurry of people on an unpaved city street rapidly yields to a protective behavioral reaction commonly
(Markowitz, 1998). On the film, the announcer explained that, known as the “fight, flight, or freeze” response. Anxiety be-
in the midst of new inventions and emerging modern conven- comes pathological when this protective behavioral response is
iences, people complained that life was moving too fast, and prolonged and inappropriate to the actual threat level of the
physicians lamented that the stress of modern life was causing environment, compromising the individual’s ability to func-
a constellation of symptoms, such as insomnia, headaches, ex- tion. If left untreated, anxiety disorders can develop into seri-
haustion, and anxiety (Markowitz, 1998). ous medical illnesses that can become chronic and severe.
Despite, or possibly because of, modern conveniences, tech- There are several types of anxiety disorders, each with its
nology, and daily life in the 21st century, anxiety is still part of own set of etiologies, symptoms, course, and prognosis.
the personal experience for millions of people worldwide These include
(WHO, 2001). One recent study reported that 47% of visits to ■ Panic disorder
a family physician in the United States involve an emotional ■ Agoraphobia
component, and 11% of visits were prompted by anxiety or ■ Generalized anxiety disorder
nervousness (Kerr, 2003). A fear response is essential to human ■ Obsessive-compulsive disorder
survival; it moves us to action. For example, a beeping horn ■ Posttraumatic stress disorder
causes you to move out of the way of oncoming traffic, or anx- ■ Social phobia
iety about an upcoming test compels you to study. Although ■ Specific phobia
evolution naturally selects the anxious gene, a prolonged state ■ Substance-induced anxiety disorder
of anxiety is maladaptive to the human organism. ■ Anxiety disorder due to a general medical condition
Regardless of the setting, occupational therapists will fre-
quently work with people who experience anxiety. In some
cases, the individual will meet the criteria for an anxiety dis-
DSM-IV-TR Criteria
order, but in other situations the individual may be experienc- Anxiety disorders include the nine discrete disorders listed
ing situational anxiety associated with a distressing situation. previously, all of which are characterized by fear. Some anx-
Consequently, it is important for occupational therapists iety disorders go hand in hand, such as panic disorder and
to understand anxiety disorders, the stress response, how anx- agoraphobia.
iety affects occupational performance, and intervention ap-
proaches to address anxiety. Panic Attack and Panic Disorder
In the DSM-IV-TR (APA, 2000), panic disorder is the diag-
nosis, but panic attack describes the specific symptoms that
Description of the Disorder have to occur. Panic disorder requires that an individual ex-
perience recurring panic attacks; however, panic attacks may
It is normal for an individual to be slightly anxious before an not develop into a disorder if they occur infrequently. The
important job interview, but it is not normal to experience an detailed DSM-IV-TR (APA, 2000) diagnostic criteria for
overwhelming and prolonged state of fear that interferes with panic attack are listed in Box 13-1.
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168 PART 2 ■ The Person

BOX 13-1 ■ DSM-IV-TR Criteria for Panic BOX 13-2 ■ DSM-IV-TR Criteria for Agoraphobia
Attack and Panic Disorder
A. Anxiety about being in places or situations from which escape
Panic Attack might be difficult (or embarrassing), or in which help may not
be available in the event of having an unexpected or situationally
A panic attack is defined as a discrete period of intense fear or
predisposed panic attack or paniclike symptoms. Agorapho-
discomfort, in which four (or more) of the following symptoms
bic fears typically involve characteristic clusters of situations
developed abruptly and reached a peak within 10 minutes:
that include being outside the home alone; being in a crowd
1. Palpitations, pounding heart, or accelerated heart rate or standing in a line; being on a bridge; and traveling in a bus,
2. Sweating train, or automobile.
3. Trembling or shaking B. The situations are avoided (e.g., travel is restricted) or else
4. Sensations or shortness of breath or smothering are endured with marked distress or anxiety about having a
5. Feeling of choking panic attack or paniclike symptoms, or require the presence
of companion.
6. Chest pain or discomfort
Note: Agoraphobia is not a diagnosis, but is used as a specifier
7. Nausea or abdominal distress
for panic disorder when it accompanies the condition.
8. Feeling dizzy, unsteady, lightheaded, or faint
9. Derealization (feelings of unreality) or depersonalization (being From American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and Statistical
detached from oneself) Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
10. Fear of losing control or going crazy
11. Fear of dying
12. Paresthesias (numbness or tingling sensation)
13. Chills or hot flashes BOX 13-3 ■ DSM-IV-TR Criteria for Generalized
Note: A panic attack is not the disorder. Anxiety Disorder

Panic Disorder A. Excessive anxiety and worry (apprehensive expectation), occur-

A. Both (1) and (2): ring more days than not for at least 6 months, concerning a num-
ber of events or activities (e.g., work or school performance).
a. Recurrent, unexpected panic attacks
B. The person finds it difficult to control the worry.
b. At least one of the attacks has been followed by 1 month
(or more) of one (or more) of the following: C. The anxiety and worry are associated with three (or more)
of the following six symptoms (with at least some symp-
i. Persistent concern about having additional attacks
toms present for more days than not for the past 6 months).
ii. Worry about the implications of the attack or its conse- Note: Only one item is required in children.
quences (e.g., losing control, having a heart attack,
a. Restlessness or feeling keyed up or on edge
“going crazy”)
b. Being easily fatigued
iii. A significant change in behavior related to the attacks
c. Difficulty concentrating or mind going blank
Panic disorder is further specified as with or without agora-
phobia, depending on whether the individual meets the criteria d. Irritability
for agoraphobia. e. Muscle tension
f. Sleep disturbance (difficulty falling or staying asleep, or
From American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and Statistical restless unsatisfying sleep)
Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
D. The focus of the anxiety and worry is not confined to features
of an Axis I disorder.
E. The anxiety, worry, or physical symptoms cause clinically sig-
Agoraphobia nificant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other
important areas of functioning.
Panic attacks are commonly associated with agoraphobia,
which is literally translated from Greek as “fear of the market- From American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and Statistical
place.” Agoraphobia is often mistaken for fear of open spaces Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
or crowds, but it has more to do with the fear of having a panic
attack in public and the resulting humiliation and dependence
that the attack may cause. The detailed DSM-IV-TR (APA,
2000) diagnostic criteria for agoraphobia are listed in Box 13-2. she is “losing his or her mind,” his or her child is in danger,
or his or her house will burn down. These thoughts can lead
Generalized Anxiety Disorder to compulsive checking behaviors, such as returning to
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is manifested by per- check the stove several times before leaving the house. The
sistent and excessive worrying about many developmental detailed DSM-IV-TR (APA, 2000) diagnostic criteria for
life tasks. Persons with GAD may worry about job perform- OCD are listed in Box 13-4.
ance, money, partnerships, or health, for example. The de-
tailed DSM-IV-TR (APA, 2000) diagnostic criteria for GAD
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
are listed in Box 13-3. Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is unique among
anxiety disorders due to its association with a terrifying or
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder life-threatening event. Impairment is often the result of re-
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is another anxiety experiencing the event either in dreams or flashbacks, or
disorder that can lead to suffering and impairment. With avoidance of specific places or situations. For example, chil-
this disorder, an individual may fear, for example, that he or dren from a war zone who live in a refugee camp may dream
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CHAPTER 13 ■ Anxiety Disorders 169

of ambulance sirens and roaring tanks, and avoid loud places fearful of talking with strangers, eating alone in a restaurant, or
in their environment. The detailed DSM-IV-TR (APA, 2000) speaking in public. The detailed DSM-IV-TR (APA, 2000)
diagnostic criteria for PTSD are listed in Box 13-5. diagnostic criteria for social phobia are listed in Box 13-6.
Social Phobia Specific Phobia
Social phobia is different from PTSD, yet it also involves avoid- An individual who is excessively afraid or persistently wor-
ance behaviors. For example, an individual may be extremely ries about a specific situation, natural event, or object may

BOX 13-4 ■ DSM-IV-TR Criteria for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

A. Either obsessions or compulsions: to an obsession, or according to rules that must be applied

Obsessions as defined by (1), (2), (3), and (4): rigidly.
a. Recurrent and persistent thoughts, impulses, or images that b. The behaviors or mental acts are aimed at preventing or reducing
are experienced, at some time during the disturbance, as in- distress, or preventing some dreaded event or situation; however,
trusive and inappropriate and that cause marked anxiety or these behaviors or mental acts either are not connected in a real-
distress istic way with what they are designed to neutralize or prevent or
b. The thoughts, impulses, or images are not simply excessive are clearly excessive.
worries about real life problems B. At some point during the course of the disorder, the person has
c. The person attempts to ignore or suppress such thoughts, recognized that the obsessions or compulsions are excessive or
impulses, or images, or to neutralize them with some other unreasonable. Note: This does not apply to children.
thought or action C. The obsessions or compulsions cause marked distress, are time
d. The person recognizes that the obsessional thoughts, impulses, consuming (take more than 1 hour a day), or significantly interfere
or images are a product of his or her own mind (not imposed with the person’s normal routine, occupational (or academic) func-
from without as in thought insertion) tioning, or usual social activities or relationships.
Compulsions as defined by (1) and (2): Specify if:
a. Repetitive behaviors (e.g., hand washing, ordering, check- With Poor Insight: if, for most of the time during the current episode,
ing) or mental acts (e.g., praying, counting, repeating words the person does not recognize that the obsessions and compulsions
silently) that the person feels driven to perform in response are excessive or unreasonable.

From American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

BOX 13-5 ■ DSM-IV-TR Criteria for 309.81 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

A. The person has been exposed to a traumatic event in which both C. Persistent avoidance of stimuli associated with the trauma and
of the following were present: numbing of general responsiveness (not present before the
i. The person experienced, witnessed, or was confronted with an trauma), as indicated by three (or more) of the following:
event or events that involved actual or threatened death or se- i. Efforts to avoid thoughts, feelings, or conversations associ-
rious injury, or a threat to the physical integrity of self or others. ated with the trauma
ii. The person’s response involved intense fear, helplessness, or ii. Efforts to avoid activities, places, or people that arouse recol-
horror. Note: In children, this may be expressed instead by lections of the trauma
disorganized agitated behavior. iii. Inability to recall an important aspect of the trauma
B. The traumatic event is persistently reexperienced in one (or more) iv. Markedly diminished interest or participation in significant
of the following ways: activities
i. Recurrent and intrusive distressing recollections of the event, v. Feeling of detachment or estrangement from others
including images, thoughts, or perceptions. Note: In young vi. Restricted range of affect (e.g., unable to have loving feelings)
children, repetitive play may occur in which themes or aspects
of the trauma are expressed. vii. Sense of foreshortened future (e.g., does not expect to have
a career, marriage, children, a normal life span).
ii. Recurrent distressing dreams of the event. Note: In children,
there may be frightening dreams without recognizable content. D. Persistent symptoms of increased arousal (not present before the
trauma), as indicated by two (or more) of the following:
iii. Acting or feeling as if the traumatic event were recurring
(includes a sense of reliving the experience, illusions, halluci- i. Difficulty falling or staying asleep
nations, and dissociative flashbacks episodes, including those ii. Irritability or outbursts of anger
that occur on awakening or when intoxicated). Note: In young iii. Difficulty concentrating
children, trauma-specific reenactment may occur. iv. Hypervigilance
iv. Intense psychological distress at exposure to internal or exter- v. Exaggerated startle response
nal cues that symbolize or resemble an aspect of the trau- E. Duration of the disturbance (symptoms in Criteria B, C, and D) is
matic event. more than 1 month.
v. Physiological reactivity on exposure to internal or external F. The disturbance causes clinically significant distress or impairment
cues that symbolize or resemble an aspect of the traumatic in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.

From American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
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170 PART 2 ■ The Person

BOX 13-6 ■ DSM-IV-TR Criteria for Social BOX 13-7 ■ DSM-IV-TR Criteria for Specific
Phobia Phobia

A. A marked and persistent fear of one or more social or perform- A. Marked and persistent fear that is excessive or unreasonable,
ance situations in which the person is exposed to unfamiliar cued by the presence or anticipation of a specific object or sit-
people or to possible scrutiny by others. The individual fears uation (e.g., flying, heights, animals, receiving an injection,
that he or she will act in a way (or show anxiety symptoms) that seeing blood).
will be humiliating or embarrassing. Note: In children, there B. Exposure to the phobic stimulus almost invariably provokes an
must be evidence of the capacity for age-appropriate social re- immediate anxiety response, which may take the form of a sit-
lationships with familiar people, and the anxiety must occur in uationally bound or situationally predisposed panic attack.
peer settings, not just in interactions with adults. Note: In children, the anxiety may be expressed by crying,
B. Exposure to the feared social situation almost invariably pro- tantrums, freezing, or clinging.
vokes anxiety, which may take the form of a situationally bound C. The person recognizes that the fear is excessive or unreason-
or situationally predisposed panic attack. Note: In children, the able. Note: In children, this feature may be absent.
anxiety may be expressed by crying, tantrums, freezing, or D. The phobic situation(s) is avoided or is endured with intense
shrinking from social situations with unfamiliar people. anxiety or distress.
C. The person recognizes that the fear is excessive or unreason- E. The avoidance, anxious anticipation, or distress in the feared
able. Note: In children, this feature may be absent. situation(s) interferes significantly with the person’s normal
D. The feared social or performance situations are avoided or are routine, occupational (or academic) functioning, or social
endured with intense anxiety or distress. activities or relationships, or there is marked distress about
E. The avoidance, anxious anticipation, or distress in the feared having the phobia.
social or performance situation(s) interferes significantly with F. In individuals younger than 18 years, the duration is at least
the person’s normal routine, occupational (academic) func- 6 months.
tioning, or social activities or relationships, or there is marked
distress about having the phobia. From American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and Statistical
F. In individuals younger than 18 years, the duration is at least Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
6 months.

From American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and Statistical

Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Author. 2. A stage of adaptation mobilizes major muscles, respi-
ration, and the senses in order to fight or flee.
3. The third and final stage is one of exhaustion, marked by
compensatory mechanisms that interfere with home-
be diagnosed with specific phobia. As with other anxiety ostasis (McCance & Huether, 2002).
disorders, the individual may suffer a great deal if, for exam-
ple, they are afraid of flying, storms, or certain animals. The Selye speculated that the stage of exhaustion was respon-
detailed DSM-IV-TR (APA, 2000) diagnostic criteria for sible for the onset of diseases he termed diseases of adapta-
specific phobia are listed in Box 13-7. tion. When the organism remains in a state of fight or flight
for too long and does not return to homeostasis, the physi-
Etiology ological responses of the sympathetic branch of the CNS
will ultimately lead to anxiety disorders or, even worse, im-
Because anxiety disorders are heterogeneous, the etiologies of pairment of the immune response and even organ and heart
the different types of anxiety disorders differ. An understand- failure (McCance & Huether, 2002).
ing of the stress response and its underlying physiological,
neuroanatomical, and neurochemical mechanisms is key. Genetic Factors
Studies in animals and humans reveal genetic, structural and Twin studies provide evidence for a strong genetic compo-
functional neuroanatomical, neurotransmitter, cognitive and nent in anxiety disorders and comorbidity rates of anxiety,
psychological, and environmental factors as causes of anxiety depression, and eating disorders (Silberg & Bulik, 2005; van
(NIMH, 2006). Beijsterveldt, Verhulst, Molenaar, & Boomsma, 2004). In ad-
Stress dition, genes appear to influence the organism’s ability to
cope with stress and anxiety, and account for variations in
Anxiety cannot be understood without an appreciation for
coping styles (Kozak, Strelau, & Miles, 2005). van Beijsterveldt
the stress response and the underlying physiological, neu-
and colleagues (2004) found that 43% to 53% of the vari-
roanatomical, and neurochemical mechanisms that are ac-
ance of anxiety problems in twins were explained by genetic
tivated when an individual perceives threat. Hans Selye de-
factors, and 19% to 28% of variance was accounted for by
veloped the concept of the stress response in the 1950s
shared environmental factors.
(Pinel, 2005). As Selye observed human reactions to threat
This twin study investigated the genetic contribution to
or insult, he noticed similar physiological sequelae, which
variation in coping with stressful situations and identified
he termed the general adaptation syndrome.
four coping styles: task oriented, emotion oriented, social di-
Selye noticed that the physiological response followed
version, and distraction. Evidence was found for genetic
logical stages:
variance; however, no single genetic factor was shared by all
1. The central nervous system (CNS) is aroused, and the coping styles (van Beijsterveldt et al, 2004).
fight-or-flight mechanism begins to defend against There is also evidence for a genetic component for spe-
noxious stimuli. cific anxiety disorders. For example, with panic disorder,
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The Lived Experience

Susan A friend recommended a psychiatrist who diagnosed me
Susan Giles is a 32-year-old mother of two. After moving to a with panic attacks. After talking with him, I realized that I had
suburb of Chicago with her husband for his new job, her world always had some anxiety. As a child, I had frequent stom-
began to crumble. In her own words, Susan tells her story of achaches at school. Once, during a Halloween parade when
struggling with overwhelming panic in the midst of a perfect life. I was around 3 or 4, I was attacked by a large boy and thrown
I had everything—a loving husband, two beautiful children, a to the ground. I also recalled being molested by a babysitter’s
beautiful home near Chicago, wonderfully fun friends, and a thriv- brother when I was around the same age. The psychiatrist told
ing social life. Then one day I remember standing at my sink look- me that these early childhood experiences may have made me
ing out the window. I felt a tingling in my legs. I don’t remember vulnerable to anxiety later in life. He put me on Xanax and an
why, but I moved into a small bathroom off the kitchen, closed the antidepressant. I only took the Xanax when I felt overwhelmed
door, and held my head. I thought I was going crazy. I literally felt with anxiety. I remember once my husband needed me to go
I was losing my mind. I felt nauseous and disoriented. After that on a business trip with him to Mexico and how I fretted over
episode, I started having a strange feeling about the world. It the decision. I wasn’t sure I could cope. I ended up going and
appeared grey and devoid of colors and light. I would sit on the found myself sitting on the bed in the hotel room just panick-
rocking chair on my front porch and stare at my little 4-year-old ing for no reason. I had to call my psychiatrist, and he talked
playing in the yard. I had no desire to leave my house for fear I me into calming down so that I could go to dinner with my
would lose my mind in the middle of the grocery store or while talk- husband’s associates. I just remember the amount of suffer-
ing to other mothers at my children’s preschool. Later, I learned the ing. It was terrible, and no one in my family understood what
word for what I was experiencing: agoraphobia. I was going through.

individuals with no family history of anxiety have a 2% to Neurotransmitters

6% risk of acquiring the disorder, whereas individuals with Stressful stimuli activate a cascade of hormones and neuro-
a family history of panic disorder are at 20% higher risk for transmitters that contribute to the behavioral response of
developing the disorder (Takahashi, 2002). Panic disorder anxiety. When an individual experiences extreme fear or
generally begins in childhood and adolescence. OCD also panic, the hormone cortisol, a glucocorticoid, is released
begins in childhood and has a strong familial link. from the adrenal gland that sits above the kidney. The job of
cortisol is to prepare the body for fight or flight; thus, its re-
Structural and Functional
lease leads to increased blood pressure and blood sugar lev-
Neuroanatomical Factors
els. Elevated cortisol levels, however, suppress the immune
Studies focused on neurological causes of anxiety implicate system and, as mentioned previously, are implicated in the
two key centers in the brain that regulate memory storage physiological distress associated with anxiety disorders.
and emotions: the hippocampus and amygdala. Both animal Neurotransmitters are also implicated in the develop-
and human studies verify that fear circuitry is located in the ment of social phobia, panic disorder, and PTSD. The brain’s
amygdala (Debiec & LeDoux, 1996). Sensory information is GABA-benzodiazepine (BZ) receptor system is implicated in
sent to the amygdala, where it is projected to the hypothala- panic disorder and GAD. GABA is a well-known inhibitor of
mus, which in turn activates the sympathetic nervous sys- presynaptic transmission in the brain. GABA supports emo-
tem. It is this hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) tional modulation by producing a calming effect when an
axis that activates a defensive response in an individual who individual is faced with a stressful situation. A disruption in
experiences fear. the ability of GABA to bind to receptor sites in the frontal
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has re- cortex contributes to the pathology in persons with anxiety
vealed that a dysregulation of the HPA axis is associated with disorders (Takahashi, 2002).
anxiety disorders (Bear et al, 2001). Neuroimaging studies
have found a reduction in the size of the hippocampus in in- Cognitive and Psychological Factors
dividuals with PTSD, which is believed to be precipitated by Cognitive and psychological factors also play a significant role
the damaging effects of glucocorticoids. Excessive levels of in the development of anxiety disorders. For example, the cog-
glucocorticoids brought on by chronic exposure to stress can nitive model of panic disorder purports that only individuals
actually lead to atrophy and dendrite loss in the hippocam- who misinterpret physical and psychological symptoms asso-
pus (Debiec & LeDoux, 2004). ciated with panic will develop panic disorders (Chambless,
In addition to structural changes in the hippocampus, Beck, Gracely, & Grisham, 2000). This misinterpretation of
chronic fear can trigger dramatic glucose utilization in threat can lead to cognitive distortions associated with anxiety.
the frontal cortex. This hypermetabolism or hyperfrontality Cognitive distortions arise when the individual perceives a
has been associated with OCD (Greenberg et al, 1997). threat to be overwhelming to the personal resources needed to
Neuorimaging reveals extremely active frontal areas in manage the threat (Kendall, Kortlander, Chansky, & Brady,
individuals with untreated OCD. This hypermetabolism is 1992). For example, a parent whose teenager gets her first
believed to lead to the repetitive thoughts and behaviors that speeding ticket may perceive this event as catastrophic and
are resistant to control by the rational brain (Hollander, 1996). overwhelming. This cognitive distortion will result in an
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172 PART 2 ■ The Person

imbalance between the parent’s perceived ability to cope and PTSD. For women, an unstable family life and early trauma
the actual situational demand. Anxiety is often the result of this history had the largest effect on PTSD (King et al, 1999).
type of cognitive distortion.
Associated with cognitive distortions are cognitive schemas Prevalence
or ways of perceiving the world (Mumma, 2004). Cognitive
schemas carry with them core beliefs, rules, and attitudes Anxiety disorders affect approximately 40 million adults or
about specific situations and give rise to automatic thoughts. 18% of people in the United States aged 18 and older in a
For example, an individual with anxiety may hold the dys- given year (NIMH, 2006; WHO, 2001). One study of approx-
functional schema that “other people will always take advan- imately 9,000 individuals in the United States found lifetime
tage of me.” This schema will in turn promote automatic prevalence estimates for anxiety disorders to be at 28.8%
thoughts that feed anxiety, such as “I have to always protect (Barclay, 2005). The study also found the median age of on-
myself” or “other people are to be feared.” set for anxiety disorders to be much younger (11 years) than
Culture-related cognitive schemas such as simpatico and the age of onset for substance use (20 years) and mood dis-
collectivism in the Latino culture are implicated in the devel- orders (30 years).
opment of anxiety disorders (Varela et al, 2004). These cog- GAD is one of the most prevalent psychiatric disorders
nitive schemas may lead some to refrain from bothering documented in the United States and is associated with signif-
others with their problems, exacerbating the symptoms as- icant levels of psychosocial dysfunction. Primary care settings
sociated with anxiety. The difference in child-rearing prac- report prevalence rates to be as high as 5% to 10% for GAD.
tices with a focus on others in Eastern cultures versus the self Ziegler et al (2005) found that emergency room physi-
in Western cultures may also affect the way that social pho- cians underestimate the likelihood of the development of
bias are manifested (Chang, 1997). (See Culture-Specific In- PTSD in children, although studies reveal an overall preva-
formation section.) lence rate of PTSD in children to be 13% to 45% after sur-
viving traumatic events.
Environmental Factors
Other anxiety disorders, such as PTSD, are rooted in experi- Gender Differences
encing traumatic life events. PTSD has been diagnosed in in-
dividuals who have experienced a major stressor(s) or trau- Women are at a significantly higher risk than men for anxiety
matic event that was perceived as life-threatening and disorders (Barclay, 2005). According to the U.S. Surgeon Gen-
involved intense emotions such as fear, helplessness, and hor- eral (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 1999),
ror. These types of events include natural disasters, war, acts of women may be at higher risk due to their perception of a
violence, and accidents, all of which can lead to development wide range of life events as stressful. In addition, the WHO
of an anxiety disorder (Terr, 1988; van der Kolk, 1994). (n.d.) sights gender-specific risk factors for women, such as
In one study, pediatric emergency care providers reported socioeconomic disadvantage, gender-based violence, subor-
that as many as 80% of injured children will develop at least dinate social status, and responsibilities for the care of others.
one symptom of acute stress response within weeks of the Studies also report gender differences for persons diag-
incident, placing them at risk for PTSD (Ziegler, Greenwald, nosed with GAD (Steiner et al, 2004). Women had a 5%
DeGuzman, & Simon, 2005). There are, however, individuals prevalence rate in a 12-month period compared with a 2.4%
who are more susceptible to PTSD than others. Persons with prevalence rate for men. Among individuals with no other
a history of depression or panic disorder are more vulnera- primary psychiatric disorders, GAD prevalence was 2.4% for
ble to PSTD after experiencing a traumatic event than are women and 0.9% for men (Steiner et al, 2004). Of the 5% of
persons who have no psychiatric history. An examination of people with agoraphobia in the United States, women are
female and male Vietnam veterans (King, King, Foy, Keane, twice as likely to be diagnosed as men. OCD is reported
& Fairbank, 1999) suggests that resilience factors help miti- equally in men and women (Bear et al, 2001).
gate the stress response to a war zone. For both men and In addition, the symptoms and consequences of symptoms
women in Vietnam, a strong and functional support system, vary in men and women. For example, Foot and Koszycki
as well as the personality trait of hardiness (which includes (2004) found that women with panic disorder fear the physi-
optimism and a tendency to see challenges as something to cal consequences of anxiety more than men. Women also
master), were found to be the most important mediators of report more symptoms during panic attacks than men.

This is a picture of the doorway to outside. To me, this is my
doorway to recovery. It lets me know how far I’ve come and
how far I still have to go—it shows me all the beautiful things
outside and inside. The doorway to outside reminds me that
if I feel trapped there’s always an exit or two to get out.
The doorway to my recovery is an ongoing process for life. I can
see the fear in my eyes every time I have come from
outside, but I have to push on for my recovery to work
for me.
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Culture-Specific Information frame of reference whereby an individual’s behavior and

worth are determined by the valued group. Thus, the family’s
Epidemiological data and cross-cultural research verify the ex- thoughts, feelings, and actions bring worth to individual
istence of anxiety disorders in many cultures (Chang, 1997; family members, and individuals who asserts their own
Kofler, 1997; Mizuta et al, 2005; Tseng, 2003; Tsuang, Tohen, & thoughts, feelings, and actions do so at the risk of alienation
Zahner, 1995; Varela et al, 2004). The stressors that lead to from the group. Simpatico is the ability to empathize with
anxiety can differ depending on the sociocultural environ- others and remain agreeable, even if it means personal sacri-
ment; thus, culture can produce stress, alter its perception, in- fice (Varela et al, 2004). Latino cultures tend to value control-
fluence coping mechanisms, and control resources for recovery ling, restrictive, and primarily physical rather than verbal
(Tseng, 2003). Contributions to stress and anxiety from the parenting styles, promoting dependent and obedient chil-
cultural environment can include (Tseng, 2003) dren. This type of parenting style is linked to avoidance of
■ Cultural beliefs (e.g., breaking a taboo can cause psychological issues, leading to children who are anxious. Re-
voodoo death) search suggests that this type of parenting, along with the cul-
■ Cultural demands (e.g., academic achievement or the tural stigma of mental illness, result in Mexican American
restricted life of a widow) and Mexican children reporting more physiological anxiety
■ Discrimination of immigrant groups or separation symptoms and worry symptoms than European American
from family members during war children (Varela et al, 2004)
■ Rapidly changing value systems (e.g., a young adult The DSM-IV-TR (APA, 2000) includes a listing of culture-
wants to break away from the regulated choice of a mate) bound syndromes, which are psychiatric illnesses that are
confined to a particular culture. Some of these culture-bound
A large-scale international investigation focusing on indi- syndromes are typified by anxious symptomatology. Susto is
viduals who visited general health-care facilities identified described as a folk illness associated with Latino cultures. Sim-
prevalence rates for anxiety disorders in 14 countries (Tseng, ilar to PTSD, susto occurs after an individual experiences a
2003) and found variations in prevalence of anxiety disorders. shocking or frightening experience. The belief is that the situ-
For example, in South America, rates were high (22.6%), ation is so frightening that it causes the soul to leave the body.
whereas in Turkey and China, rates for anxiety were low (0.9% This leads to physical symptoms such as trouble sleeping, loss
and 1.9%, respectively). In the United States, studies have been of appetite, muscle pain, gastrointestinal problems, and ver-
conducted on different cultural groups (Tseng, 2003). In the tigo. Some evidence suggests a neurological component re-
1980s, a study of Caucasian Americans, African Americans, lated to fear (Bourbonnais-Spear et al, 2007). Susto is often
and Hispanic Americans reported lifetime prevalence rates for treated by a healer known as a curandera.
panic disorder, OCD, and GAD. Results for panic were 1.62% In Japan, a condition known as taijinkyofusho, abbrevi-
for Caucasian Americans, 1.31% for African Americans, and ated as TKS, is comparable to social phobia in the West
0.87% for Hispanic Americans; for OCD, 2.63% for Caucasian (Chang, 1997). However, the phobia in TKS is manifested as
Americans, 2.31% for African Americans, and 1.82% for fear of offending others, whereas in Western cultures social
Hispanic Americans; and for GAD, 1.64% for Caucasian phobia most often involves a fear of embarrassment or hu-
Americans, 2.74% for African Americans, and 0.86% for miliation. Chang (1997) suggests that the differences are due
Hispanic Americans. to child-rearing practices. In Eastern cultures, scolding a
Many cultures share the same types of anxiety-provoking child involves pointing out how the behavior affects others,
events in daily life. For example, the lifetime prevalence of including the current family as well as ancestors. In Western
traumatic events in young Japanese women is comparable cultures, the focus of scolding tends to focus on how the
to rates found in women in Western countries—37% to child as an individual did something wrong.
92% (Mizuta et al, 2005). African American and Caucasian Caution must be exercised when interpreting research on
American women report similar lifetime sexual assault rates cultural differences and similarities. Sociopolitical events sit-
of 19% and 18%, respectively (Ramos, Carlson, & McNutt, uate a particular culture within a unique historical time-
2004). There may be differences, however, in cultural expe- frame, shaping values, beliefs, and attitudes. For example,
rience in terms of the types and perceived severity of trau- data collected on anxiety in Germany immediately after the
matic events. Terheggen, Stroebe, and Kleber (2001) report fall of the Berlin Wall may distort the prevalence rates in that
that Tibetan refugees in India associated their three most country. Therefore, any investigation into a culture’s bearing
profound traumatic events with religion rather than per- on health must take into consideration the political, eco-
sonal dangers. For example, “witnessing the destruction of nomic, and social climate that influences the population.
religious signs” was endorsed by 95% of respondents as Within this framework, however, researchers and con-
the worst possible event that could happen to a Tibetan sumers of research must not confound a multitude of vari-
(Terheggen et al, 2001). ables with culture in cross-cultural research. For example,
There are also cultural differences in the expression of the Tseng (2003) suggests that many early cross-cultural studies
symptoms of anxiety disorders. Mexican and East Asian par- confounded results by failing to focus on culture alone;
ents share similarities in parenting patterns that may lead to rather, they included factors beyond cultural ones that poten-
more anxiety in children in these countries, yet there is less tially could contribute to pathology. Biology, economic level,
expression of distress (Chang, 1997; Vandervoort, Divers, & social class, and religious beliefs are variables that must be
Madrid, 1999; Varela et al, 2004). In Latino cultures, collec- taken into consideration when studying anxiety. In addition,
tivism and simpatico are cultural constructs that promote in- cultures use different methodologies and analyses of data
terdependence, empathy, respect, agreement with the group, that are unique and culturally bound, making cross-cultural
and personal sacrifices (Varela et al, 2004). Collectivism is a comparisons difficult. Translation of instruments is critical
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because translation of words can carry different meanings particularly those working in early intervention and schools
in different cultures. For example, the German words for fear who are in a position to address these early risk factors for
(furcht) and anxiety (angst) are used interchangeably in anxiety disorders.
German culture (Kofler, 1997). And some Western psycho-
logical constructs, such as stranger anxiety, may not exist in
certain cultures (Van Dam-Baggen, Kraaimaat, & Elal, 2003).
Social phobia has only recently entered the lexicon of
Impact on Occupational
psychiatry in the United States, most likely due to an in- Performance
crease in diagnostic attention on the part of clinicians
(Tseng, 2003). In Japan, the disorder has been recorded Occupational performance refers to the individual’s ability
since the turn of the 20th century, when Japanese psychi- to plan and carry out roles and tasks that support engaging
atrics began treating persons with a “disorder of fear of in- in meaningful activities. Anxiety disorders create a substan-
terpersonal relations” (Tseng, 2003). So prevalent was this tial burden on the occupational performance of individuals,
social anxiety that Morita Therapy, a particular treatment families, and society. Measurements of quality of life are
for social phobia, was developed. Chang (1997) asserts that commonly used to assess an individual’s subjective sense of
the idea of social harmony lies at the heart of East Asian cul- well-being. The term “quality of life” not only encompasses
ture; the culture holds the fundamental belief of benevolent complex aspects of life that are unquantifiable, but also in-
human nature. Japanese society is oriented around a hierar- cludes objective indicators of health status and life context
chically organized, interdependent, harmonious structure (Mendlowicz & Stein, 2000). Anxiety disorders significantly
(Chang, 1997). In Japan, social phobia is associated with compromise quality of life and psychosocial functioning. In
feelings of embarrassment and dysmorphic concerns with turn, anxiety hinders learning by interrupting cognition
intermediately familiar persons, such as coworkers, neigh- and affective and psychomotor functioning (Bastable, 2003;
bors, or classmates. In contrast, individuals in Western cul- Rapaport, Clary, Fayyad, & Endicott, 2005). The economic
tures are more socially phobic with strangers in open, pub- costs for anxiety disorders include hospitalization, psychi-
lic places (Tseng, 2003). Emotional expression and coping atric and nonpsychiatric care, psychotropic medications,
styles will vary among cultures. In the treatment of anxiety, absenteeism from work, loss of productivity, and suicide
it is critical to understand the central role that belief systems (Lapine, 2002). Individuals with PTSD are at a significantly
play in the development of anxiety disorders and their im- higher risk for diminished well-being, consistent employ-
pact on occupational performance. ment, and physical health and limitations than individuals
without PTSD (Mendlowicz & Stein, 2000).
Moderate levels of impairment in functional ability in in-
Course dividuals with social phobia have been reported by Kerr
Untreated, anxiety disorders can become chronic and un- (2003). Social phobia can result in functional impairments
remitting. The course of the various types of anxiety disor- in educational status, financial status, employability, marital
ders varies in terms of age of onset, severity, gender, and status, and social supports. For example, an individual with
functional impairment. The mean age of onset of social pho- social phobia may refuse to attend work or family events
bia has been reported to be 14 years of age; it has a chronic, with a spouse, causing disruption in the marriage. Others
unremitting course associated with a pervasive detrimental may be impaired in the workplace when they cannot face
impact on daily functioning (Kerr, 2003). The course for strangers in a meeting or speak in public.
GAD may extend for 20 years or longer, with low rates of re- Although occupational therapists have not played a ma-
mission (Keller, 2003). OCD is also chronic and may occur jor role in treating anxiety disorders in the United States, our
as young as 6 years of age (Farrell & Barrett, 2006). The knowledge of occupational performance provides us with
course of PTSD varies between individuals and is highly in- the expertise to address the impact of the disorder on daily
fluenced by the type of traumatic event and the characteris- life. Occupational therapists should assess and provide inter-
tics of the individual. In addition, PTSD is associated with ventions for individuals experiencing occupational perform-
the comorbid conditions of major depression and substance ance problems related to anxiety and, in doing so, can im-
abuse disorders. Predictors of poorer outcomes in PTSD are prove their quality of life.
greater initial severity, greater anger, and more negative in-
terpretations of symptoms (Speckens, Ehlers, Hackmann, & Physical Impairments
Clark, 2005).
Several researchers have studied childhood experiences as Studies have documented the toll that PTSD takes on physi-
predictors of the development of anxiety disorders. Phillips, cal health even decades after the precipitating event (Neria &
Hammen, Brennan, Najman, and Bor (2002) found that Koenen, 2003). In fact, PTSD was the main predictor of
early childhood adversity (even as early as maternal prenatal long-term physical responses to combat stress reaction in
stress) was more likely to predict anxiety as opposed to de- soldiers (Neria & Koenen, 2003). Brackbill et al. (2006) stud-
pressive disorders in adolescence. A large Finnish study ied survivors of collapsed or damaged buildings during the
found that children who are the victims of bullying are at September 11, 2001, attack on the World Trade Center in
greater risk for anxiety disorders in early adulthood New York City. Those exposed to the dust and debris cloud
(Sourander et al, 2007). And family dysfunction was related had the worst outcomes, with two-thirds reporting respira-
to less favorable treatment outcomes in children with anxi- tory problems, and the same number reporting mental
ety disorders (Crawford & Manassis, 2001). All told, these health problems. The relationship between the physical and
studies suggest a preventive role for occupational therapists, mental health issues are difficult to untangle.
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CHAPTER 13 ■ Anxiety Disorders 175

Panic disorder is another condition in which high rates of

comorbid physical illnesses exist. Cardiac patients with Evidence-Based Practice
panic disorder experience greater pain and poorer overall
health (Bringager, Arnesen, Friis, Husebye, & Dammen,
2008). People with panic attacks are also at a significantly
greater risk for physical illness, and the combination of the
T he cognitive behavioral frame of reference has been identi-
fied in the literature as the primary framework for the psy-
chological treatment of anxiety disorders (Morrison, Bradley,
& Western, 2003; Stein & Cutler, 2002).
two conditions compounds the level of disability (Marshall,
Zvolensky, Sachs-Ericsson, Schmidt, & Bernstein, 2008). Oc- ➤ Occupational therapists should use the cognitive behavioral
cupational therapists, with their training in both physical frame of reference with its emphasis on the elimination of
and mental health, are uniquely qualified to address the irrational thoughts, cognitive restructuring, and behavioral
challenges associated with conditions in which anxiety dis- rehearsal to facilitate mastery over trauma (Stein & Cutler,
orders co-occur with physical illnesses.
➤ Occupational therapists can use cognitive behavioral
interventions for children whose anxiety is interfering with
Cognitive Impairments academic performance (Wood, 2006).
Elevated anxiety levels can alter cognitive functioning and ➤ Occupational therapists should also consider expressive
the way information is processed in the brain. These alter- therapies supported by a psychodynamic frame of reference
ations can take place as early as infancy, which is a time of for people with anxiety disorders (Stein & Cutler, 2002).
critical structural and functional organization of the brain.
Children, youth, and adults who experience a state of hy- Morrison, K. H., Bradley, R., & Western, D. (2003). The external validity
of controlled clinical trials of psychotherapy for depression and anxiety:
perarousal have difficulty following directions, recalling A naturalistic study. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research,
what has been heard, and making sense out of what they and Practice, 76, 109–132.
have heard (Perry, n.d.; Wood, 2006). This state of intense Stein, F., & Cutler, S. K. (2002). Psychosocial Occupational Therapy:
A Holistic Approach. Albany, NY: Delmar.
arousal can impair the ability to concentrate on academic Wood, J. (2006). Effect of anxiety reduction on children’s school perform-
tasks due to disruption in the left hippocampal area, which ance and social adjustment. Developmental Psychology, 42, 345–349.
is associated with memory storage. Children and adults who
have been traumatized have lower memory volume in the
hippocampal areas of the brain than do nontraumatized in-
dividuals, leading to a decrease in short-term and verbal
memory (Perry, n.d.; Steele, 2002). Farrell and Barrett Treatment
(2006) report that, in the case of OCD, disruptive cognitive
processes appear to worsen across the developmental trajec- Individuals who suffer from anxiety disorders have several
tory. Occupational therapists can create interventions that treatment options. Antianxiety medications and cognitive
modify the cognitive demands or create adaptations to sup- behavioral therapy (CBT) are standard approaches with
port successful performance for individuals with anxiety strong research efficacy for treating anxiety, as well as the
disorders experiencing cognitive impairments. behavioral and psychosocial responses to fear, in children,
adolescents, and adults (Nash & Hack, 2002; Takahashi,
2002). Approaches to intervention are discussed only
Psychosocial Impairments briefly, with more extensive discussion of occupational
Anxiety disrupts engagement in meaningful occupations be- therapy interventions appearing in other chapters of
cause individuals, for example, may quit attending church or this text.
community activities. Relationships may be disrupted when
individuals decline to share in family activities and events in- Medications
volving friends and coworkers. Anxiety disorders appear to
disrupt career development by restricting educational expe- The most commonly used medications for anxiety disor-
riences and interfering with employment (Waghorn, Chant, ders are benzodiazepines (BZs) and certain antidepres-
White, & Whiteford, 2005). In children, anxiety and phobic sants, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
disorders, excluding PTSD, are atypical and generally arise (SSRIs) and tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs). SSRIs, which
from fears associated with specific objects or events, such as are antidepressants, are considered first-line medications
animals, separation from parents or others, and dying, re- for treatment of anxiety; these include Prozac (fluoxetine),
sulting in disruption of occupational performance at home, Paxil (paroxetine), Luvox (fluvoxamine), Zoloft (sertra-
school, and in social situations (Stein & Cutler, 2002). A line), and Celexa (citalopram). SSRIs also have both an-
sense of hopelessness is also common with anxiety disorders, tiobsessional and antipanic effects. BZs are not considered
which contributes to susceptibility to depression. first-line medication; rather, they are generally used as an
Occupational therapists are first and foremost concerned adjunct to antidepressants for less responsive individuals.
with occupational performance. When occupational perform- Examples of benzodiazepines include Xanax (alprazolam)
ance issues exist—whether they be at home, work, or school, or and Ativan (lorazepam). A major concern with BZs is their
in social situations—it is important that the occupational ther- potential for physiological and psychological dependence.
apists consider anxiety as a prevailing factor. When anxiety is In addition, abrupt withdrawal from BZs has been impli-
present, the occupational therapist should then employ inter- cated in a withdrawal syndrome resulting in rebound anx-
ventions that reduce anxiety so that the individual can experi- iety, insomnia, diarrhea, and light sensitivity (Takahashi,
ence successful engagement in meaningful occupations. 2002).
1704_Ch13_167-178.qxd 7/9/10 2:31 PM Page 176

176 PART 2 ■ The Person

Other Medical Treatments

Evidence-Based Practice
Other medical treatments are sometimes used for the treat-
ment of OCD. Case reports suggest that electroconvulsive ther-
apy (ECT) may be effective in reducing symptoms of OCD in
patients with comorbid major depression. Repetitive transcra-
S everal studies have documented that anxiety disorders
often go untreated (Kerr, 2003). Occupational therapy
practitioners should be aware of the symptoms of anxiety in
nial electromagnetic stimulation (rTMS) is a newer technology order to address anxiety in their treatment. According to Kerr
that is being applied to psychiatric disorders. rTMS involves (2003), 43% of patients with social phobia were receiving no
the application of variable magnetic fields to areas of the brain mental health treatment, and only 16% of persons with social
phobia were receiving cognitive behavioral therapy, which is
and was found in one study to decrease compulsive urges for
the recommended treatment for this disorder.
up to 8 hours after treatment (Greenberg et al, 1997).
➤ Referrals should be made if the client or consumer is dis-
playing dangerous behaviors such as disorientation, has
Psychosocial Intervention Approaches regressed developmentally, has a desire to harm self or
others, is excessively preoccupied or ritualistic, or exhibits
Psychosocial intervention approaches that occupational ther-
uncontrollable behavior (Davis, 1999).
apists might use in addressing anxiety include CBT, relaxation
therapy, and expressive writing. CBT is often used to treat ➤ The occupational therapist must be alert to cues that
anxiety disorders and has extensive evidence to support its ef- specific tasks are fear inducing.
ficacy (Shearer, 2007). In some cases, CBT is used in conjunc- ➤ The occupational therapist can use cognitive behavioral
tion with medication; however, in some situations, and partic- approaches to address specific fear-related cognitive
ularly with panic disorder, medications can interfere with the distortions.
treatment approach. The CBT approach to panic disorder in-
Davis, J. (1999). Effects of trauma on children: Occupational therapy to
volves having the individual approach situations that cause support recovery. Occupational Therapy International, 6, 126–142.
anxiety and reduce the catastrophizing associated with the Kerr, M. (2003). “Social Anxiety Disorder Much More Prevalent Than
event. When medications are used to eliminate anxious feel- Previously Thought.” Available at:
ings, this makes it difficult to implement this technique effec- 462578 (accessed November 16, 2009).
tively. For the treatment of anxiety disorders, CBT typically
includes education in the fear cycle and the challenging of dis-
torted cognitions related to fear. For more detailed informa-
tion about CBT, refer to the Chapter 19. Summary
Relaxation therapy is another approach used for the treat-
ment of anxiety disorders. In some cases, such as phobias, the Anxiety disorders are prevalent and, although it may not
individual practices relaxation during exposure to the feared be the presenting condition for which the client is re-
object or event. There are many different approaches to relax- ferred, there are many situations in which the occupa-
ation, including deep breathing, meditation, visualization, and tional therapist will encounter people with anxiety disor-
progressive muscle relaxation. Surprisingly, there is limited re- ders. For example, an individual dealing with traumatic
search, and the results are equivocal when it comes to the ap- injuries may experience comorbid PTSD, and a socially
plication of relaxation to anxiety disorders (Conrad & Roth, anxious child may have problems with academic perform-
2007; Toneatto & Nguyen, 2007). Chapter 22 provides more ance. Individuals in pain are often anxious. And the ther-
information on intervention to address stress management. apy session itself may invoke a fear response in some indi-
When dealing with traumatic events, there is some evidence viduals. This chapter provides information that the
that writing about the event can lead to better understanding occupational therapist can use to obtain better outcomes
and acceptance of the occurrence (Pennebaker & Chung, 2007). by understanding anxiety, the fear response, and its affect
Writing and journaling is discussed in more detail in Chapter 6. on occupational performance.

Active Learning Strategies

People with anxiety suffer a great deal psychologically. 1. Attend Alone
They sometimes feel as though they are “losing their
● A church service of an ethnic group other than your own
minds,” and this creates more anxiety. Extreme fear pres-
● A festival full of strangers
ents people with many barriers. They may avoid people,
● A gay or lesbian activity if you are heterosexual
places, or specific situations; they may feel trapped inside
their own bodies and minds. They also often feel alone. It
Describe the experience in your
is difficult to simulate anxiety. One way to try to under-
Reflective Journal.
stand this disorder is to place yourself in a vulnerable posi-
tion, such as attending a church of a different ethnic group
by yourself or going alone to an activity involving 2. Read one of the following books:
strangers. Other ways to understand anxiety include read- ● Jailbird by Kurt Vonnegut
ing first-hand accounts and watching films. Choose from ● The Pleasure of My Company by Steve Martin
one of the following activities to gain a better understand- ● Everworld series by K. A. Applegate
ing of anxiety disorders:
1704_Ch13_167-178.qxd 7/9/10 2:31 PM Page 177

CHAPTER 13 ■ Anxiety Disorders 177

3. View one of the following films: ● What did you fear would happen to you?
● What if these feelings were magnified 1,000%? What
● “As Good As it Gets” starring Jack Nicholson
would that feel like?
● “The Aviator” starring Leonardo DiCaprio
● How did the characters in the book or film suffer?
● “Matchstick Men” starring Nicholas Cage
● What types of occupations were impaired due to their
● “What About Bob” starring Bill Murray
anxiety disorder?
Reflective Questions
Reflect on how you felt after one of these activities. Consider
the following questions:
● What feelings were aroused in you when you were alone
among strangers?

Resources Chang, S. C. (1997). Social anxiety (phobia) and East Asian culture.
Depression and Anxiety, 5, 115–120.
Organizations Conrad, A., & Roth, W. T. (2007). Muscle relation therapy for anx-
• Anxiety Disorders Association of America, Panic Disorder iety disorders: It works but how? Journal of Anxiety Disorders,
(Panic Attack): 21, 243–264.
Panicattack.asp Crawford, M. A., & Manassis, K. (2001). Familial predictors of
• National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI): treatment outcome in childhood anxiety disorders. Journal of the
• Freedom From Fear: American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 40, 1182–1189.
• Panic Anxiety Disorder: Davis, J. (1999). Effects of trauma on children: Occupational ther-
Educational Videos apy to support recovery. Occupational Therapy International, 6,
• Public Broadcasting Service (PBS): 126–142.
• Stanford Health Library: Debiec, J., & LeDoux, J. E., (2004). Fear and the brain. Social
Research, 71, 807–818.
Books Debiec, J., & Le Doux, J. E. (1996). The emotional brain. New York:
• Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers by Robert Sapolsky (New York: Simon & Schuster.
Holt and Company, 2004) Farrell, L., & Barrett, P. (2006). Obsessive-compulsive disorder
• Hope and Help for Your Nerves by Claire Weekes (New York: across developmental trajectory: Cognitive processing of threat
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• Coping With Anxiety: 10 Simple Ways to Relieve Anxiety, Fear, 97, 95–114.
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Schizophrenia 14
Catana Brown

“ Y es, I too sense danger everywhere, each morning and all day. It’s hard for me to get out of
bed, to go out of the house, to talk to people. It’s hard just to get dressed and get outside and
function. I’m afraid of people, of change. I’m sensitive to sunlight and noise. I never watch the
news or read a newspaper because it frightens me.
—Anonymous, 1983, p. 152, a pharmacy student with schizophrenia

Introduction Negative symptoms have a greater impact on functioning

Anyone who has seen the movie or read the book, A Beau- and are related to early onset, poor outcomes, and cognitive
tiful Mind, has an appreciation for how schizophrenia dis- impairment (Crow, 1995; Milev, Ho, Arndt, & Andreason,
rupts the life of the individual, as well as the lives of those 2005). Some research findings indicate that negative symp-
close to the person (Nasar, 2001). The brilliant mathemati- toms are associated with structural brain abnormalities,
cian, John Nash, was tormented by hallucinations and whereas positive symptoms are related to neurochemical dis-
paranoid delusions, which resulted in divorce, unemploy- turbances (Crow, 1995). In summary, the symptoms of schiz-
ment, and multiple involuntary hospitalizations. Yet, even- ophrenia include unwelcome additions to and subtractions
tually, John Nash was awarded the Nobel Prize for his work from the lived experience.
on game theory, was reunited with his wife, and held a po- Although psychosis (delusions and hallucinations) is of-
sition as a senior research mathematician at Princeton ten equated with schizophrenia, negative symptoms are just
University. as prevalent and can be even more debilitating. Furthermore,
As remarkable as John Nash’s life may be, it is not unlike it seems that no two individuals with schizophrenia are the
the story of recovery that can be told by many ordinary same. For example, one person with a diagnosis of schizo-
people who have lived with schizophrenia. Despite the ill- phrenia may have prominent paranoid delusions, whereas
ness and the associated stigma, people with schizophrenia another person with the same diagnosis may have no delu-
are creating lives characterized by hope and dreams for the sions, but a flat affect and speech that is difficult to follow.
future. By better understanding the illness and recognizing Some individuals experience significant improvement in
the uniqueness of each individual, occupational therapists symptoms over time, whereas others plateau or get worse.
can become facilitators of the recovery process. Some individuals with schizophrenia have significant cogni-
tive impairments, and others do not. The heterogeneity of
schizophrenia makes the illness equally perplexing and fasci-
Description of the Disorder nating. In fact, some argue that schizophrenia is not a single
disorder, but a “collection of unrelated or partially related
Schizophrenia is a multifaceted and complex disorder. Unlike disorders” (Heinrichs, 1993, p. 222).
anxiety disorders, in which anxiety is the core symptom, or
major depression, in which the central symptom is depressed DSM-IV-TR Criteria
mood, it is difficult to identify specific traits that are shared by
all people with schizophrenia. In fact, there is disagreement To meet the criteria for schizophrenia, an individual must have
and controversy as to the cardinal features of schizophrenia at least two of the following symptoms for at least 1 month
and its subtypes (Tsuang, Stone, & Faraone, 2000). (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2000):
The symptoms of schizophrenia are often classified as
■ Delusions
positive or negative. Positive symptoms represent aberra-
■ Hallucinations
tions in behavior or behavior that is not typically present in
■ Disorganized speech
other individuals, such as hallucinations, delusions, disorgan-
■ Disorganized or catatonic behavior
ized thinking, and disorganized behavior. With positive
■ Negative symptoms
symptoms, perceptions and thoughts assume a richness and
idiosyncratic meaning that is often disturbing or even terrify- These symptom criteria represent the acute phase of the
ing to the individual who experiences them. In contrast, neg- illness. The psychotic symptoms of delusions and halluci-
ative symptoms are the absence of typical function, such as nations represent one symptom dimension of schizophre-
flat affect, social withdrawal, and difficulty initiating activity. nia. Delusions are distortions in thought or false beliefs,
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180 PART 2 ■ The Person

The Lived Experience

Samantha, a young Native American woman, tells her own better life. Many bad things have happened to me, but I try to fo-
story. Samantha recently moved into an apartment, where she cus on the good things in life. Life is a path to salvation. We start
lives with her two cats, Diamond and Rio. As you will read, a con- clueless, make mistakes, and learn from them. We face obsta-
nection to God and writing poetry are central components of cles, dead ends, and one-ways that tear our spirits down, but we
Samantha’s recovery journey. In addition to her story, Samantha can have faith to overcome the obstacles. We can have faith and
shares one of her poems. God shows us the right way to walk on a good road. We have a
purpose on this earth. We all do. Coping with our feelings is the
first step to recovery.
Walking on a Good Road
by Samantha Blessington To Give Up
It has been hard walking on a good road. There have been so
many ups and downs, stresses, trials, tribulations, and many To give up is to let my past take control,
more disturbing things that have been in my life. There have been To give up is to let hate overcome my soul,
detours and temptations, tempting me to take the no outlet To give up is to give up on myself,
roads that only lead to self-destruction, hate, greed, and self-pity. To give up is to think of me and no one else,
The many obstacles I have faced to become a better person To give up is to let God out of my life,
have strengthened my spirit. If it was not for the creator, I would To give up is to let go of what I call paradise,
be lifeless and left without a clue. I confide in my God to help me To give up is to not have faith in who I am,
cope with the many stresses life brings and the stresses I take To give up is to lose the sense of knowing who I really am,
on by being mentally ill. God helps me walk through life on a But to have faith is to take control,
good road. Poetry inspired me to dig deep into my soul to get To have faith is to purify my soul,
in tune with my inner self. It has helped me cope with grieving To have faith is to free my spirit,
for loved ones, anger, and anxiety. Without my coping skills, I To have faith is to know I’m not there but to know I am
don’t think I could of made it this far. Forgiveness has been an near it,
important part of my life. Forgiving people who have done me To have faith is to know God is near,
wrong has freed my spirit. Holding grudges only brought me To have faith is to be able to shed a tear,
anger, bitterness, and hate. It also messed with my ability to trust. To love is to know I am loved too,
I was born mentally ill, and my mother knew it right away. I was To love is to know I can stay true,
first hospitalized for my symptoms when I was 6 years old. I have But to give up is to lose,
been raped, molested, and beaten by older peers. I strived for a And to give up is to know my faith I have refused.

whereas hallucinations are distortions in perception. The individuals with the disorder. The DSM-IV-TR lists five
two are often related. For example, an individual with subtypes, which are described in Table 14-1:
schizophrenia can have an auditory hallucination (i.e.,
■ Paranoid
“hear voices”). These voices may tell the individual that he
■ Disorganized
or she is under surveillance by the FBI, so the individual
■ Catatonic
develops a paranoid delusion that there are “bugs” in the
■ Undifferentiated
apartment and spies are all around. Delusions can be clas-
■ Residual
sified as bizarre or nonbizarre. A nonbizarre delusion is a
belief that in actuality is untrue, but is in the realm of pos- Studies that attempt to differentiate the different DSM-
sibility. The example of being under surveillance by the FBI IV-TR subtypes in terms of prognosis, etiology, and cognitive
is a nonbizarre delusion. A bizarre delusion is outside the function tend to find few differences between the subtypes
realm of possibility, for example, believing that one did not (Hill, Ragland, Gur, & Gur, 2001; Seaton, Allen, Goldstein,
start out as a baby, but evolved from an amoeba. Kelley, & van Kammen, 1999). Therefore, the reliability and
In addition to the symptom criteria, a diagnosis of schiz- validity of the DSM-IV-TR subtypes is not well established,
ophrenia requires a marked decline in function since the on- and they are often viewed primarily as descriptive (Andreason,
set of the illness. The detailed DSM-IV-TR diagnostic crite- 1987). One exception is the paranoid versus nonparanoid
ria for schizophrenia are listed in Box 14-1. distinction. In general, the course and prognosis for individ-
uals with paranoid schizophrenia is better than for individu-
Subtypes of Schizophrenia als with the nonparanoid subtypes. Individuals with para-
noid schizophrenia are typically less cognitively impaired
The heterogeneous nature of schizophrenia has led to nu- (Zalewski, Johnson-Selfridge, Ohriner, Zarella, & Seltzer,
merous attempts to subtype the disorder; this has been an 1998). They tend to develop the disorder later in life, have
arduous and frustrating endeavor because there is great fewer hospitalizations, are more socially competent, and are
variability in symptomatology, course, and outcome among more likely to marry (Nicholson & Neufeld, 1993).
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CHAPTER 14 ■ Schizophrenia 181

Symptom Clusters
BOX 14-1 ■ DSM-IV-TR Criteria for
In an effort to better understand the symptoms associated
with schizophrenia and to identify possible subtypes, many
A. Characteristic symptoms researchers use statistical techniques to identify clusters of
symptoms. Different studies indicate different symptom di-
Two (or more) of the following, each present for a significant por-
tion of time during a 1-month period (or less if successfully mensions, but several studies support three distinct symptom
treated): clusters: psychotic, disorganized, and negative (Andreason
1. Delusions et al, 1995; Liddle, Barnes, Morris, & Haque, 1989). In the
three-cluster model, positive symptoms are divided into psy-
2. Hallucinations
chotic and disorganized symptom clusters, and negative
3. Disorganized speech
symptoms comprise the third cluster. These symptom clus-
4. Grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior ters suggest that, if an individual has one of the symptoms
5. Negative symptoms (e.g., affective flattening, alogia, avolition) within a symptom cluster, he or she is more likely to have the
Note: Only one Criterion A symptom is required if delusions are other symptoms within that same cluster.
bizarre or hallucinations consist of a voice keeping up a running Although these symptom clusters may be regarded as
commentary on the person’s behavior or thoughts, or two or subtypes, the prevailing view is that the symptom clusters
more voices conversing with each other.
represent dimensions of the disorder (Andreason & Carpenter,
B. Social/occupational dysfunction 1993). That is, subtypes represent a categorical distinction,
For a significant portion of the time since the onset of the distur- and each individual fits into only one subtype. However,
bance, one or more major areas of functioning, such as work, in- from a dimensional perspective, there is overlap among
terpersonal relations, and self-care, are markedly below the level
individuals, and the emphasis is on the degree to which an
achieved prior to the onset.
individual experiences symptoms in each of the dimensions.
C. Duration
For example, an individual with schizophrenia can have pre-
Continuous signs of the disturbance persist for at least 6 months. dominant symptoms in just the psychotic dimension, or he
This 6-month period must include at least 1 month of symptoms
or she can have predominant symptoms in both the psy-
that meet Criterion A and may include periods of prodromal or
residual symptoms. chotic and disorganized dimensions. urther details about the
symptoms in each cluster are provided in Table 14-2.
D. Significant mood disorder must not be present
E. Psychotic symptoms must not be associated with substance Cognitive Subtypes
abuse or general medical conditions
Although cognitive impairments are not part of the diag-
Source: From American Psychiatric Association (2000). Diagnostic and nostic criteria for schizophrenia, problems in cognition
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Author. have been recognized since the earliest classifications of the
disorder by Kraepelin (1919) and Bleuler (1911). Similar to

Table 14-1 ● DSM-IV-TR Criteria for Schizophrenia Subtypes

Subtype Description
Paranoid type A. Preoccupation with one or more delusions or frequent auditory hallucinations.
B. None of the following is prominent:
1. Disorganized speech
2. Disorganized or catatonic behavior
3. Flat or inappropriate affect
Disorganized type A. All of the following are prominent:
1. Disorganized speech
2. Disorganized behavior
3. Flat or inappropriate affect
B. Criteria are not met for catatonic type.
Catatonic type The clinical picture is dominated by at least two of the following:
1. Motoric immobility as evidenced by catalepsy (including waxy flexibility) or stupor
2. Excessive motor activity (purposeless and not influenced by external stimuli)
3. Extreme negativism or mutism
4. Peculiarities of voluntary movement as evidenced by posturing, stereotyped movements, prominent mannerisms, or
prominent grimacing
5. Echolalia or echopraxia
Undifferentiated type The presence of symptoms that meet Criterion A of schizophrenia, but that do not meet criteria for the paranoid,
disorganized, or catatonic type.
Residual type (used when there has been A. Absence of prominent delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, and grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior.
at least one episode of schizophrenia, but B. There is continuing evidence of the disturbance as indicated by the presence of negative symptoms or two or more
the current clinical picture is without symptoms listed in Criterion A for schizophrenia present in an attenuated form (e.g., odd beliefs, unusual perceptual
prominent psychotic symptoms) experiences).
Source: From American Psychiatric Association (2000). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
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182 PART 2 ■ The Person

Table 14-2 ● Schizophrenia Symptom Clusters

Symptom Clusters Symptoms
Psychotic symptoms • Hallucinations—A disturbance of perception. A perceptual experience that occurs in the absence of a sensory stimulus.
Hallucinations can occur in any of the sensory modalities, but auditory hallucinations are the most common in schizophrenia.
• Delusions—A disturbance in thought that involves a false belief. It is important to take into account a person’s cultural and
educational background in determining whether a belief is delusional.
Negative symptoms • Alogia—Speech that is characterized by limited spontaneity, reduced amount, or impoverished content.
• Flat affect—Reduced intensity of emotional expression and response as evidenced through a lack of facial expression, gesturing,
and voice inflection.
• Avolition—Difficulty initiating and carrying out goal-directed behavior.
• Anhedonia—Inability to experience pleasure. Individuals no longer enjoy activities that were previously pleasurable.
• Attentional impairment—Difficulty concentrating or screening out irrelevant information.
Disorganized symptoms • Disorganized—Speech that is difficult to understand and includes symptoms such as loose associations, neologisms, magical
thinking, and difficulty with abstraction.
• Disorganized or bizarre behavior—Includes abnormal motor behavior or engagement in purposeless or odd behaviors.
• Inappropriate affect—Affect that is not consistent with speech or situation, or smiling and giggling for no apparent reason.

the studies of symptoms, several researchers have used a vulnerability for schizophrenia goes unexpressed in some
battery of cognitive tests to identify cognitive clusters individuals. It is also possible that some individuals de-
within groups of people diagnosed with schizophrenia velop the disorder without a genetic predisposition.
(Goldstein, 1994; Goldstein & Shemansky, 1995; Heinrichs Currently, there is research investigating the specific chro-
& Awad, 1993). Similar to the symptomatology, a great deal mosomes that are associated with the disorder. Genetic
of heterogeneity exists in both the types of impairments models suggest that schizophrenia is polygenetic (i.e., a
and the degrees to which individuals with schizophrenia combination of genes must be present for the disorder to be
experience cognitive impairments. expressed). Therefore, the search for the specific genetic link
Two distinct categories become apparent from the cluster is much more difficult. Some studies suggest that the genetic
analyses: a subgroup of serious cognitive impairment and vulnerability is not specific to schizophrenia, but that there
one of intact cognitive function. There are also middle clus- is a general genetic vulnerability for psychosis (Cardno et al,
ters that are less distinct but represent moderate cognitive 2002; Potash, Willour, Chieu, Simpson, & MacKinnon,
impairment with specific areas of cognitive dysfunction, 2001). The expression of the genes can then take the form of
such as slowed psychomotor speed. In a study in which cog- schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, or a mood disorder
nitive clusters were associated with symptom clusters, with psychotic features such as bipolar disorder.
greater cognitive impairment was found among people with
negative and disorganized symptoms than people with pri- Prenatal Factors
marily psychotic symptoms (Hill et al, 2001). More specifi- There is evidence that events affecting fetal development are
cally, executive function impairments were common across related to the subsequent diagnosis of schizophrenia. Indi-
all symptom dimensions, and memory impairments were viduals with schizophrenia are more likely to have a history
particularly pronounced in people with disorganized symp-
toms. (Cognitive function is further explained later in the
chapter.) Attentional and psychomotor impairments were
common in both the disorganized and negative symptom Evidence-Based Practice

Etiology S everal published studies have explored the role of cogni-

tion in overall community functioning for people with
schizophrenia. The results indicate that cognitive functioning is
Research into the etiology of schizophrenia explores genetic an important factor in successful community functioning.
factors, prenatal factors, structural neuroanatomical differ- ➤ Occupational therapists should assess cognition in people
ences, functional neuroanatomical differences, neurotrans- with schizophrenia and determine whether cognition is
mitters, and diathesis stress. interfering with community functioning.

Genetic Factors ➤ Occupational therapists should consider ways to remediate

or compensate for cognitive impairments when providing
Family, adoption, and twin studies provide evidence that interventions for people with schizophrenia.
there is a genetic contribution to schizophrenia. Twin
studies indicate that there is a remarkably higher concor- Green, M. F. (1996). What are the functional consequences of neurocog-
dance rate in schizophrenia for identical twins when nitive deficits in schizophrenia? American Journal of Psychiatry, 153,
compared with nonidentical twins, 46% and 14%, respec- Green, M. F., Kern, R. S., Braff, D. L., & Mintz, J. (2000). Neurocognitive
tively (Cardno, Rijsdijk, Sham, Murray, & McGuffin, deficits and functional outcome in schizophrenia: Are we measuring the
2002). However, because the concordance rate for identi- “right stuff”? Schizophrenia Bulletin, 26, 119–136.
cal twins is far from 100%, it is possible that the genetic
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CHAPTER 14 ■ Schizophrenia 183

of obstetric complications, particularly complications that higher number of dopamine receptors, particularly in the
involve oxygen deprivation (Cannon et al, 2000). Maternal basal ganglia (Kestler, Walker, & Vega, 2001).
viral infection resulting in prenatal exposure to the flu or Although it is widely accepted that psychotic symptoms re-
rubella is also associated with an increased risk for schizo- spond to drugs that block dopamine activity, it is also ac-
phrenia (Brown, Cohen, Harkavy-Friedman, & Babulas, knowledged that the “dopamine hypothesis” does not suffi-
2001; Murray, Jones, O’Callaghan, & Takei, 1992). ciently account for the spectrum of impairments associated
with the disorder. More recently, other neurotransmitters such
Structural Neuroanatomical Differences as y-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and serotonin have been im-
Although there is no definitive neuroanatomical abnormal- plicated in the etiology of schizophrenia, but their association
ity that is associated with schizophrenia, consistent findings with the symptoms of schizophrenia is less clear.
arise when groups of individuals with schizophrenia are
studied and compared with individuals without schizophre- Diathesis Stress
nia. One of the most frequent findings in people with schiz- The diathesis stress theory proposes that exposure to stress is
ophrenia is enlargement of the cerebral ventricles. Associ- required for individuals who are biologically predisposed to
ated with this finding is an increase in cerebrospinal fluid in schizophrenia to go on to express the disorder. There is strong
the ventricles and a decrease in cortical gray matter. Research evidence that environmental stress is associated with the on-
suggests that neural cell loss close to the ventricles accounts set of schizophrenia and that stressful life events can lead to a
for this enlargement (Pfefferbaum, Lim, Rosenbloom, & worsening of symptoms for individuals who are already diag-
Zipursky, 1990). This particular abnormality is associated nosed (Norman & Malla, 1993). In a seminal study, Brown
with poorer outcomes in schizophrenia. There is also evi- and Birley (1968) found that 46% of individuals with schizo-
dence of a smaller thalamus and smaller hippocampus in in- phrenia reported a stressful life event in the 3-week period
dividuals with schizophrenia (Baare, van Oel, Pol, Schnack, before a psychotic episode. This was compared with 14% in a
& Durston, 2001; Schmajuk, 2001). It appears that these sample of controls. For individuals with schizophrenia, it is
brain changes occur before the onset of schizophrenia and particularly important to take into account the impact of
may begin in adolescence. events such as a change in apartment, job interview, or finan-
Neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative theories of cial problems, and to provide additional supports during
schizophrenia provide different perspectives as to the cause these stressful life events.
of the disorder (Allin & Murray, 2002). From a neurodevel- People with schizophrenia may have difficulty managing
opmental perspective, subtle structural abnormalities exist stress for biological reasons (Corcoran, Gallitano, Leitman, &
in the brains of individuals with schizophrenia at birth. Sup- Malaspina, 2001). An adaptive biological system that is capable
port for the neurodegenerative theory comes from studies of managing stress is dependent on efficient cortisol regula-
indicating reduction in gray matter volume over time tion. Cortisol dysregulation can lead to negative long-term ef-
(DeLisi, 1999; Rapoport, Giedd, Blumenthal, Hamburger, & fects, including memory impairment. There is evidence that
Jeffries, 1999). It is likely that both neurodevelopmental and some individuals with schizophrenia experience cortisol dys-
neurodegenerative processes contribute to the etiology of regulation (i.e., higher than normal levels of cortisol are pres-
schizophrenia. ent in the blood at baseline). When under stress, individuals
with schizophrenia take longer to experience a reduction in
Functional Neuroanatomical Differences cortisol levels. High levels of cortisol can lead to atrophy of the
In addition to structural abnormalities, individuals with hippocampus, which can subsequently cause memory impair-
schizophrenia differ from their control counterparts in func- ments. High levels of cortisol in individuals with schizophrenia
tional brain activity. One of the most often cited findings in have been associated with symptom severity, cognitive impair-
functional brain imaging in schizophrenia is hypofrontality ments, and poorer prognosis (Walker & Diforio, 1997). Fur-
(Hill et al, 2004). Hypofrontality, which is indicated by thermore, heightened cortisol release can intensify dopamine
reduced cerebral blood flow or metabolism in the frontal activity, resulting in an exacerbation of symptoms.
lobe of the brain, is associated with executive dysfunction
(higher-level cognitive impairments) in schizophrenia. Stud-
ies investigating frontal lobe activity during rest and when the Evidence-Based Practice
individual is engaged in a cognitive activity find that people
with schizophrenia have less frontal lobe activation than
non–mentally ill controls. S tressful life events can lead to an exacerbation of symptoms
in people with schizophrenia (Norman & Malla, 1993).

Neurotransmitters ➤ Occupational therapists can help individuals with schizophrenia

consider ways to reduce exposure to stress.
The “dopamine hypothesis” of schizophrenia is one of the
oldest theories related to the cause of schizophrenia. This the- ➤ Occupational therapists can assist individuals with schizo-
phrenia in developing coping methods to manage stress.
ory was initiated in the 1950s, when antipsychotics were first
used to treat schizophrenia. The antipsychotic drugs block ➤ Occupational therapists can create additional supports when
dopamine activity and reduce psychotic symptoms. Further- individuals with schizophrenia are experiencing stressful life
more, drugs that increase dopamine activity, such as amphet- events.
amines, can trigger a psychotic episode (Carlsson, 1988).
Norman, R. M. G., Scholten, D. J., Malla, A. K., & Ballageer, T. (2005).
More recently, studies of dopamine in the brain of individu- Early signs in schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Journal of Nervous and
als with schizophrenia do not support excess dopamine, but Mental Disease, 193, 17–23.
instead suggest that individuals with schizophrenia have a
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184 PART 2 ■ The Person

Prevalence outcomes of this group were as good or better than the med-
ication group.
The DSM-IV-TR reports a prevalence rate of 0.5% to 1% of When Emil Kraepelin first described dementia praecox in
the population (APA, 2000); however, a systematic review of 1919 (the disorder that later came to be known as schizophre-
studies of schizophrenia prevalence suggest this is an overesti- nia), he depicted the course of the illness as one of progressive
mate and that the lifetime prevalence for schizophrenia is decline. This view became so prevalent that the Diagnostic and
closer to 4 persons in 1,000 (Saha, Chant, Welham, & McGrath, Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders, Third Edition included
2005). The prevalence rates are relatively stable across cultures, the following description: “A complete return to premorbid
although the prognosis may vary in different countries. functioning is unusual—so rare, in fact, that some clinicians
would question the diagnosis. However, there is always the
Course possibility of full remission or recovery, although its frequency
is unknown. The most common course is one of acute exac-
Schizophrenia is typically first diagnosed during the early 20s erbations with increasing residual impairment between
(Walker, Kestler, Bollini, & Hochman, 2004). The age of on- episodes” (APA, 1981, p. 185).
set can be particularly devastating because this is a time when Although longitudinal studies indicate that this de-
most people are establishing significant adult relationships scription of the course of schizophrenia is inaccurate, it is
and worker roles. However, schizophrenia can develop at any not uncommon, even today, for mental health profession-
age, but it is rarely diagnosed before adolescence. Late-onset als to question the schizophrenia diagnosis when an
schizophrenia is more common in women. individual is in remission. A landmark study by Harding,
Before meeting the criteria for schizophrenia, most indi- Brooks, Ashikaga, Strauss, and Breier (1987) led to a new
viduals have a prodromal period lasting for weeks or months understanding of the prognosis of schizophrenia. The
in which there are nonspecific changes in behavior and expe- study, which began in the mid-1950s, followed 82 individ-
riences. The prodromal period is the time between the emer- uals who met the DSM-III criteria for schizophrenia for 20
gence of early signs of the illness and the point at which the to 25 years. The results indicated that, like other character-
diagnostic criteria for the disorder are met. Some of the most istics of schizophrenia, there was great heterogeneity in the
frequently noted early signs of schizophrenia are impair- functional outcomes of the participants. Furthermore, in-
ments in role functioning and social withdrawal (Norman, stead of a downward course, the study found that 73% “led
Scholten, Malla, & Ballageer, 2005). For example, there may a moderate to very full life,” 81% were “able to meet basic
be problems at work or school, or the individual may begin needs,” 68% “displayed slight or no symptoms,” and 44%
avoiding friends and family. Other common symptoms in- were “employed in the past year” (p. 732).
clude mood changes, odd thinking and perceptual experi- The recognition that individuals with schizophrenia can
ences, disrupted sleep, and poor appetite. and often do improve is exemplified by the Remission in
Retrospective studies indicate that a vulnerability to the Schizophrenia Working Group, which was assigned the task
disorder exists even in childhood. That is, even though a di- of developing a definition of remission in schizophrenia
agnosis of schizophrenia typically does not occur until the (Andreason et al, 2005). They distinguished recovery from
late teens or early 20s, when looking back to childhood, there remission. According to the working group, recovery in-
may have been subtle signs of a problem. Home movies and volves community living, whereas remission is focused on
interviews reveal delays in motor development and prob- symptom reduction. Remission was defined as a score of
lems with social adjustment (Walker & Lewine, 1990; mild or less for delusions, hallucinations, thought disorder,
Walker, Savoie, & Davis, 1994). bizarre behavior, flat affect, social withdrawal, and lack of
Individuals experiencing their first psychotic symptoms spontaneity, as measured by standardized symptoms scales.
(typically referred to as “first episode schizophrenia”) are The minimum time period to meet the criteria of remission
typically not diagnosed or treated for 1 year or more (Beiser, is 6 months. Defining recovery was not part of the consen-
Erickson, Fleming, & Iaconon, 1993). There is some evi- sus conference.
dence that the longer a person goes without treatment, the
poorer the treatment response (Haas, Garratt, & Sweeney, Gender Differences
1998). Consequently, some people advocate for the initiation
of medication during the prodromal period (Kablinger & There is a slightly higher incidence of schizophrenia in
Freeman, 2000). Although highly controversial, it is theoret- males, and schizophrenia is generally less severe for females
ically possible that early medication treatment can decrease than it is for males (Tamminga, 1997). Females have a later
or delay brain dysfunction and alter the course of the disor- age of onset, require fewer hospitalizations, respond better
der. One of the main problems with preventive treatment of to medications, and have better outcomes. The mean age of
schizophrenia is determining the severity of prodromal onset for males is around 21, whereas for females it is 27.
symptoms that warrant early intervention. There are several theories explaining gender differences
Moreover, psychosocial treatment may be just as impor- in schizophrenia. It may be that deviant behavior is more
tant and effective as medication in first episode schizophrenia. acceptable in females than it is for males (Goldstein &
In a Finnish study (Lehtinen, Aaltonen, Koffert, Rakkolainen, Kreisman, 1988), that estrogen is protective (Hafner, 2003),
& Syvalahti, 2000), individuals with first episode schizophre- or that greater hemispheric bilaterality in females reduces
nia received either antipsychotic medications according to the cognitive dysfunction (Flor-Henry, 1985). In terms of
usual practice or minimal medication and psychosocial inter- symptomatology, females are more likely to have mood
vention. In the 2-year study, many patients in the psychosocial symptoms and paranoid delusions, and males are more
intervention group received no medication at all, yet the likely to have negative symptoms.
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CHAPTER 14 ■ Schizophrenia 185

Culture-Specific Information people with schizophrenia had scores almost a full standard
deviation lower than controls on tests of cognition.
Cultural considerations are essential in distinguishing psy- Cognitive impairments in schizophrenia include problems
chotic experiences from commonly held cultural beliefs. with attention, memory, and executive function (Spaulding,
For example, in certain religions, it is a typical religious Reed, Poland, & Strozbach, 1996). In terms of attentional im-
experience to hear the voice of God or believe in virgin pairments, individuals with schizophrenia often have diffi-
birth. In carefully controlled studies, there are no major culty screening out irrelevant information. When the amount
race-related differences in the prevalence of schizophrenia of information in the environment exceeds the processing
in the United States (Regier, 1991). However, in clinical ability of the individual, information processing becomes in-
populations, there tend to be biases in diagnosing minority efficient and erratic. Individuals with schizophrenia also have
groups (Strakowski, Shelton, & Kolbrener, 1993). Typically, trouble sustaining attention over time.
schizophrenia is overdiagnosed in minority groups, but Individuals with schizophrenia have relatively intact
one study found that African Americans were more likely short-term memory, except in demanding conditions or in
and Latinos were less likely to receive a schizophrenia diag- the presence of distractors (Spaulding et al, 1996). For exam-
nosis when compared with European American individuals ple, individuals with schizophrenia typically perform well if
(Minsky, Vega, Miskimen, Gara, & Escobar, 2003). In they are required to remember only a few items for a short
addition, individuals from minority groups are less likely period of time. However, a hallmark of cognitive impair-
to receive best practice interventions for schizophrenia ment in schizophrenia is difficulty with working memory
(Copeland, Zeber, Valenstein, & Blow, 2003; Wells, Klap, (Barch, 2003), or the ability to manipulate information in
Koike, & Sherbourne, 2001). From a worldwide perspec- the brain for short periods of time. For example, when an in-
tive, there appear to be differences in outcomes for people dividual is grocery shopping, he or she must remember
with schizophrenia in developed and developing countries which items from a list have already been found and placed
(Jablensky et al, 1992; Thara, 2004). Perhaps surprisingly, into a cart and which items still remain on the list. Barch ar-
individuals with schizophrenia in developing countries gues that working memory dysfunction is a result of distur-
have better outcomes. For example, the marriage and em- bances in executive functioning.
ployment rates are higher in these countries. Executive function (Spaulding et al, 1996) refers to higher-
level cognitive processing and includes abilities such as or-
ganization, planning, conceptual flexibility, and problem-
solving. People with schizophrenia are less likely to develop
Impact on Occupational and use scripts or habit patterns when involved in familiar
Performance situations. For example, most people have a “script” for mak-
ing an appointment and then going to get a haircut. There are
Schizophrenia is recognized as a serious mental illness and, certain steps to follow and social expectation in this situation.
as such, the illness can interfere with successful occupational Although many people are unaware of the fact that they are
performance. In addition, the social consequences of schizo- following a script, the person with schizophrenia has more
phrenia such as stigma and poverty are just as or even more trouble drawing up the steps and rules of the script to carry
significant in terms of their impact on daily life. out the task. In unfamiliar situations, individuals with schiz-
ophrenia have even more trouble making sense of the envi-
Cognitive Impairments ronment and determining what they already know about the
situation. Individuals with schizophrenia find it particularly
Although cognitive impairments are not part of the diagnos- difficult to make changes in behavior, and require more feed-
tic criteria of schizophrenia, impaired cognitive functioning back and a higher level of certainty before making a change.
is a core feature of the disorder. Cognitive impairments pre- Obviously, this has important implications for intervention,
cede the diagnosis and often persist after psychotic symptoms suggesting that useful and concrete feedback, along with re-
have remitted. In fact, cognitive dysfunction is more strongly assurance, should be regularly provided.
associated with functional impairment than symptoms, par- There is increasing interest in factors that predict func-
ticularly the positive symptoms of schizophrenia. Cognitive tional outcomes. The first major review found that cognition
impairments tend to worsen with illness onset, but there does was more important than symptoms in predicting outcome
not appear to be a progression of the deficit over time (Green, 1996). In another important review of cognition and
(Heaton et al, 2001) (i.e., the cognitive impairment remains function in schizophrenia, Green, Kern, Braff, and Mintz
fairly stable). As noted previously, there is a great deal of het- (2000) divided functional outcomes into three categories:
erogeneity in the degree to which individuals experience cog- (1) success in psychosocial rehabilitation programs, (2) labora-
nitive impairments. Some individuals with schizophrenia tory or simulated measures of social and instrumental skills,
have serious cognitive impairments, and some have intact and (3) broader measures of community outcome. The re-
cognitive function, with most individuals falling somewhere view indicates that cognition is clearly related to functional
in between (Goldstein, 1994; Goldstein & Shemansky, 1995; outcomes, although the cognitive predictors vary by type of
Heinrichs & Awad, 1993). outcome. The strongest results (meaning at least four studies
The study of cognition and schizophrenia is extensive supported the finding) indicated that verbal memory was
and long. Large meta-analyses reveal that measures of cog- related to all outcomes, whereas executive function was re-
nition are more effective at distinguishing people with lated to broader community outcomes, and sustained atten-
schizophrenia from health controls than brain imaging re- tion was related only to the laboratory measures of skills. Pre-
sults (Heinrichs, 2005). Generally, the meta-analyses found vious studies have relied on cross-sectional designs in which
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186 PART 2 ■ The Person

current cognitive and functional status was assessed at a (Addington, el Guebaly, Campbell, Hodgins, & Addington,
single point in time. A stronger design using longitudinal 1998; George et al, 2000). Behavioral weight reduction pro-
methods studying people over 4- and 7-year time periods grams for people with psychiatric disabilities also indicate
also found cognition related to function (Kurtz, Moberg, that people with schizophrenia can lose weight with dietary
Ragland, Gur, & Gur, 2005; Milev et al, 2005). reduction and behavior modification (as reviewed in Brown,
Clearly, it is important that cognition be addressed when Goetz, Van Sciver, & Sullivan, 2006; and Faulkner, Soundy, &
considering interventions directed toward community liv- Lloyd, 2003). Occupational therapists should consider the
ing. Skills training and environmental modification should impact of poor health on occupational performance and
take into account the specific cognitive impairments that are contribute to programs that focus on lifestyle changes.
common in schizophrenia.
Stigma and Other Social Issues
Health and Wellness Stigma is possibly the greatest barrier to successful and sat-
Individuals with schizophrenia have much higher rates of isfying community living for people with schizophrenia.
morbidity and mortality than the general population. For One review found the people with mental illness were dis-
example, people with schizophrenia are four times more criminated against in instances of housing, jobs, and social
likely to die from serious cardiac events than the general interaction (Hinshaw & Cicchetti, 2000). Interestingly, re-
population (Enger, Weatherby, Reynolds, Glasser, & Walker, cent evidence suggests that a greater belief in a biological
2004) and have a 20% shorter life expectancy (Newman & cause of the disorder is associated with increased stigma
Bland, 1991). Two studies examining lifestyle practices (Read & Harry, 2001). This may be due to the view that a bi-
found that people with schizophrenia had poorer health ological disorder is permanent. These findings are important
practices, including limited physical activity, poor diets, less because many antistigma campaigns promote understand-
interpersonal support, and beliefs that health was not ing mental illness as a brain disease.
within their control (Brown, Birstwistle, Roe, & Thompson, It is well established that the term “mental illness” carries
1999; Holmberg & Kane, 1999). In addition, people with a stigma, but Mann and Himelein (2004) conducted a study
schizophrenia are less likely to report physical symptoms to to determine if some mental illnesses were more stigmatiz-
health-care providers. Even greater concerns exist today ing than others, specifically schizophrenia and depression.
with the increasing evidence that atypical antipsychotics in- They found stigmatization of schizophrenia was signifi-
crease the risk for both type II diabetes and weight gain in cantly higher than stigmatization of depression. They also
an already vulnerable population. The combination of poor found that people who believed that treatment could be ef-
lifestyle behaviors and the side effects of most psychiatric fective had less stigmatizing attitudes. Corrigan et al (2001)
medications (particularly Clozaril and Zyprexa) contribute examined different methods of changing stigmatizing atti-
to obesity and diabetes in people with schizophrenia tudes and found that contact with people with mental illness
(Wirshing, 2004). is more effective than education or protest. The contact is
High rates of smoking present another health risk. It is es- most effective when the relationship is equal and there are
timated that people with schizophrenia have rates of ciga- opportunities for informal interaction.
rette smoking that are at least two times and possibly more Most individuals with schizophrenia live in poverty.
than three times greater than the general population (Grant, Poverty presents another major barrier to community living.
Hasin, Cou, Stinson, & Dawson, 2004).). There are several It is likely that many of the poor functional outcomes asso-
factors that contribute to these rates, including the potential ciated with schizophrenia are due to the effects of poverty
for nicotine to reduce negative symptoms, cognitive deficits, (Cohen, 1993). For example, people with schizophrenia are
and sensory processing abnormalities (George et al, 2000). less likely to have their own cars and have additional barriers
Smoking-related deaths contribute to the excess mortality in
Severe oral diseases are highly prevalent in this population.
Many drugs used to treat schizophrenia have oral side effects. Evidence-Based Practice
These include severe dry mouth, tardive dyskinesia, and acute
dystonic reactions that affect the mouth, tongue, and other
head and neck muscle groups. Dry mouth is a particular con-
cern because dryness of the oral tissues increases the rate and
T here is research evidence that individuals with schizophrenia
are less likely to engage in healthy lifestyle behaviors (Brown,
Birtwistle, Roe, & Thompson, 1999; Holmberg & Kane, 1999). In
severity of periodontal disease and tooth decay. In addition, it combination with other factors, such as limited access to health
can make wearing of dentures impossible (King, 1998). Poor care and the side effects of medications, this leads to high levels
oral hygiene directly correlates with the severity of mental ill- of morbidity and mortality (2004).
ness, which can influence the severity of periodontal disease ➤ Occupational therapists can use their expertise to design
and cavities (Chalmers, Smith, & Carter, 1998). and implement interventions that support the development
One positive finding from the few intervention studies of habits that promote health.
that do exist is that people with schizophrenia can benefit
from health promotion programs. In two separate studies Brown, S., Birtwistle, J., Roe, L., & Thompson, C. (1999). The unhealthy
lifestyle of people with schizophrenia. Psychological Medicine, 29,
using somewhat different approaches to smoking cessation, 697–701.
a statistically significant number of participants remained Holmberg, S. K., & Kane, C. (1999). Health and self-care practices of
abstinent, with one group’s cessation rates equal to those of persons with schizophrenia. Psychiatric Services, 50(6), 827–829.
individuals without a psychiatric illness in a similar program
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CHAPTER 14 ■ Schizophrenia 187

to using public transportation. Consequently, employment motivational treatment and substance abuse counseling.
and any other instrumental activity of daily living that takes These approaches are all aimed at enhancing occupational
place outside the home can be challenging. Meeting basic performance for individuals with schizophrenia.
needs for food and shelter is a regular struggle. It is essential These interventions are discussed in greater detail in sub-
to consider the social barriers of stigma and poverty during sequent chapters (e.g., supported employment is covered in
both the assessment and intervention process of occupa- Chapter 42). Furthermore, Parts III and IV include specific in-
tional therapy. tervention approaches for specific occupations or environ-
ments. Each chapter includes information that is relevant for
schizophrenia intervention. For example, Chapter 47 provides
information on how to teach skills to people with serious
Interventions mental illness and how to modify environments to support
Intervention for individuals with schizophrenia typically occupational performance in these areas.
consists of psychosocial interventions and medication.
Psychosocial Interventions
The pharmacological treatment of schizophrenia is based pri-
Psychosocial interventions typically do not target schizophre- marily on antipsychotic medications. Antipsychotic medica-
nia per se, but there are several evidence-based interventions tion can be divided into two classes: typical antipsychotics
that are intended for individuals with serious mental illness (also called first generation or conventional) and atypical an-
of which schizophrenia is a primary diagnosis. The Substance tipsychotics (also referred to as second generation). The first
Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration identified antipsychotic medication was Thorazine (chlorpromazine)
five evidenced-based practices for community mental health. (Julien, 2004). Introduced in 1952, it was first noticed that
These practices are described and toolkits are provided Thorazine had a calming effect on people with schizophrenia.
on their website at http// They in- Later, psychiatrists recognized that it also reduced hallucina-
clude the following: tions and delusions. Other common typical antipsychotics in-
clude Haldol (haloperidol) and Prolixin (fluphenazine). The
■ Illness Management and Recovery
typical antipsychotics are dopamine antagonists, which work
■ Assertive Community Treatment
primarily by blocking D2 receptors in the brain. Dopamine
■ Family Psychoeducation
receptors bind the neurotransmitter, dopamine, to the presy-
■ Supported Employment
naptic cell. Five dopamine receptors have been identified—
■ Integrated Dual Diagnosis Treatment
D1, D2, D3, D4, and D5—but they are generally classified as
Illness Management and Recovery is a group or individ- two types: D1 like (includes D1 and D5) or D2 like (includes
ual program that helps individuals with serious mental ill- D2, D3, and D4). The density of D1 and D2 receptors varies
ness set personal goals, live healthier lives, and understand in different parts of the brain. The typical antipsychotics are
and manage their symptoms (Mueser et al, 2006). Assertive most effective in reducing the positive symptoms of schizo-
Community Treatment is a form of intensive case manage- phrenia; however, because typical antipsychotics block D2 re-
ment that provides supports and skills training in the indi- ceptors, they have many harmful side effects.
vidual’s natural environment (Krupa et al, 2005). Family As shown in Figure 14-1, managing a wide array of med-
Psychoeducation works with the family and the consumer ications becomes a regular part of daily life for people with
to provide information about mental illness and teach in- serious mental illness.
teraction skills that reduce stress within the family (Lincoln, The typical antipsychotics have many side effects, includ-
Wilhelm, & Nestoriuc, 2007). Supported Employment is de- ing sedation, sun sensitivity, anticholinergic effects (dry
signed to place individuals quickly in jobs of their choosing, mouth, constipation, blurred vision), and orthostatic hyper-
while providing the necessary supports, accommodations, tension. However, the most serious side effects involve move-
and training to facilitate success at work (Moll, Huff, & ment disorders, which result from the blockage of dopamine
Detwiler, 2003). Integrated Dual Diagnosis Treatment is de- in the basal ganglia. Movement disorders include Parkinson-
signed for co-occurring mental illness and substance abuse like side effects, akathisia (serious motor restlessness), acute
(Brunette & Mueser, 2006). Both concerns are treated in dystonic reaction (a sustained contraction of the muscles of
the same setting using a stagewise approach that includes the neck, mouth, and tongue), and tardive dyskinesia. Tardive

I dread when 8 o’clock comes around because I know I have
to take my handful of pills, which practically makes me gag.
After I take my pills, they make me shake. I want to talk to my
doctor to cut down on the amount of pills I take. I hope to
find a doctor that will take the time to listen to me about
the side effects and about how the pills are making
me feel.
1704_Ch14_179-191.qxd 7/9/10 2:31 PM Page 188

188 PART 2 ■ The Person

period of time with atypical antipsychotics. D1 receptors are

more prominent in the frontal lobe, and D2 receptors are more
prevalent in the basal ganglia. This may account for the reduc-
tion in movement disorders with atypical antipsychotics and
for possible improvements in cognition and negative symp-
toms. In addition to acting as a dopamine antagonist, most
atypical antipsychotics are also serotonin antagonists. One the-
ory is that blocking serotonin may help modulate dopamine
Atypical antipsychotics are generally better tolerated
than the typical antipsychotics and, for this reason, are
more commonly prescribed (Barnes & Joyce, 2001). Tardive
dyskinesia is rare with the atypical antipsychotics, as are
other movement disorders, because these drugs have less
affinity for dopamine blockage in the basal ganglia, but in-
stead block dopamine in other areas of the brain. However,
the atypical antipsychotics still have serious side effects. The
FIGURE 14-1. Managing a wide array of medications becomes a anticholinergic effects of dry mouth, blurred vision, and
regular part of daily life for people with serious mental illness. This is
challenging for Lagina, who lives alone.
constipation are common, and Clozaril and Zyprexa, in
particular, are associated with significant weight gain and
There is some evidence that atypical antipsychotics may re-
dyskinesia occurs after long-term treatment with antipsy- duce the cognitive impairment in schizophrenia. In a review,
chotic medication and involves involuntary movements, usu- Barnes and Joyce (2001) concluded that the atypical antipsy-
ally of the mouth and tongue. chotics were superior to typical antipsychotics in improving
The first atypical antipsychotic was Clozaril (clozapine) cognition; however, there appears to be specific cognitive ad-
(Remington, 2003). Clozaril is often effective for individu- vantages for each medication. For example, Clozaril seems es-
als who have not responded to other medications. However, pecially effective in improving verbal fluency, whereas
it is not used as a first-line drug because of the particularly Risperdal has a greater effect on memory.
serious side effect of agranulocytosis (a significant reduc-
tion in the number of circulating white blood cells), making
the individual highly susceptible to infection. If left un- Summary
treated, the risk of dying from agranulocytosis is very high.
Approximately 1% to 2% of people taking Clozaril will de- Schizophrenia presents many challenges given the psychosis,
velop agranulocytosis; therefore, individuals who take negative symptoms, and cognitive impairments inherent
Clozaril must have regular blood monitoring. Other atypi- with the diagnosis. In addition, environmental factors such
cal antipsychotics include Risperdal (risperidone), Zyprexa as stigma, medication side effects, and poverty contribute
(olanzapine), Seroquel (quetiapine), Geodon (ziprasidone), additional difficulties. However, stories of people with schiz-
and Abilify (aripiprazole). ophrenia provide messages of hope and empowerment. The
The differences between typical and atypical antipsychotics recovery model that has emerged from these stories has
are complex and not fully understood (Remington, 2003). The helped in the reframing of occupational therapy practice
atypical antipsychotics have a greater affinity for D1 receptors such that productive and satisfying community living is now
than D2 receptors. The atypical antipsychotics also block the expectation and not the exception for individuals with
dopamine at the D2 sites, but the blockage occurs for a shorter schizophrenia.

Active Learning Strategies

People with schizophrenia experience many barriers to par- living expenses such as rent and food. Complete one of the
ticipation that are separate from the direct effects of the ill- following activities to appreciate external barriers to com-
ness. Most people with schizophrenia live in poverty; conse- munity living.
quently, many resources that others take for granted can
present major obstacles to successful and satisfying commu- 1. Public Transportation
nity living. For example, many people are unable to afford a
If public transportation is available in your community, use it
car and rely on public transportation or rides from others to
to get to an appointment. Take note of issues such as safety,
get to where they need to go. Public transportation in some
convenience, schedules, exposure, frustration, etc, during the
communities is limited or nonexistent and may be complex
or stressful for someone with a serious psychiatric disability.
Other issues may include having enough money for essential
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CHAPTER 14 ■ Schizophrenia 189

Describe the experience in your ● Did you ask for help from others? If so, were others
Reflective Journal. helpful?
● What was most challenging?
2. Food Stamps ● What feelings did you experience?
● What would it be like if you had to rely on public
Go to transportation or food stamps all the time?
Res_Ben_Elig.htm and calculate how much money you ● Would the cognitive impairments associated with
would have per day based on your family size. Feed yourself schizophrenia make these tasks more difficult? In
and your family, if applicable, for 1 day on a food stamp what ways?
budget without using any ingredients you have on hand. ● How might auditory hallucinations affect your experience?
Consider satisfying your family’s satiety, achieving a balanced ● If you were feeling paranoid, how would the experience
diet, and providing a variety of food choices when complet- differ?
ing this activity. ● Do you think stigma would play a role in your ability
Reflective Questions to carry out these tasks if people knew you had
● What kinds of information did you need to carry out schizophrenia?
these tasks? How did you go about acquiring this
information? Describe the experience in your
● What skills did you need to successfully complete the Reflective Journal.
tasks? Did you feel competent when executing the tasks?

Resources Andreason, N. C., & Carpenter, W. T. (1993). Diagnosis and classifica-

tion of schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 19, 199–214.
Books Andreason, N. C., Carpenter, W. T., Kane, J. M., Lasser, R. A.,
• Nasar, S. (2001). A Beautiful Mind. New York: Simon & Schuster. Marder, S. R., & Weinberger, D. R. (2005). Remission in schizo-
• Schiller, L., & Bennett, A. (1996). The Quiet Room: A Journey Out phrenia: Proposed criteria and rationale for consensus. American
of the Torment of Madness. New York: Warner Books. Journal of Psychiatry, 162, 441–449.
• Sheehan, S. (1983). Is There No Place on Earth for Me? New York: Anonymous. (1983). Schizophrenia: A pharmacy student’s view.
Vintage. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 9, 152–155.
Educational Videos Baare, W. G., van Oel, C. J., Pol, H., Schnack, H. G., & Durston, S.
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• “Schizophrenia: Surviving the World of Normals”—Wellness ory work? Current Directions in Psychological Science, 12, 146–150.
Reproductions: Barnes, T. R. E., & Joyce, E. M. (2001). Antipsychotic drug treatment:
Recent advances. Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 14, 25–37.
Organizations Beiser, M., Erickson, D., Fleming, J. A. E., & Iaconon, W. G. (1993).
• Institute for the Study of Human Resilience: Establishing the onset of psychotic illness. American Journal of
resilience Psychiatry, 150, 1349–1354.
• National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression Bleuler, E. (1911). Dementia Praecox or the Group of Schizophrenia.
(NARSAD): Leipzig, Germany: Deuticke.
• National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): Brown, A. S., Cohen, P., Harkavy-Friedman, J., & Babulas, V. (2001).
• National Empowerment Center: Prenatal rubella, premorbid abnormalities, and adult schizophre-
• nia. Biological Psychiatry, 49, 473–486.
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Disorders 15
Carol Haertlein Sells, Virginia Carroll Stoffel, and Heidi Plach

“ W ho has woe? Who has sorrow? Who has strife? Who has complaints?

Who has needless bruises? Who has bloodshot eyes?

Those who linger over wine.
Do not gaze at wine when it is red, when it sparkles in the cup, when it goes down smoothly!
In the end it bites like a snake and poisons like a viper.
—The Bible, Proverbs 23:29–32

Introduction pervasive in American society and presented an economic

Alcohol. It has its own MySpace site. It is the title of a song. cost of $246 billion in 1992, the most recent year for which
There are hundreds of books and dozens of movies about data are available (Harwood, 2000). Costs are typically
it—from the classic films The Lost Weekend and Days of Wine measured in lost productivity for the individual and his or
and Roses to the more contemporary When a Man Loves a her household, medical costs, and crime. Assuming that
Woman. costs stayed the same, and factoring in inflation, the eco-
And then there are drugs, which have made their own mark nomic burden in 2005 was $342 billion (National Institute
in the movie business, appearing in familiar titles such as Easy on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism [NIAAA], 2007), which
Rider and the works of Cheech and Chong, and more recently, translates to $1,344 for every man, woman, and child in the
The Basketball Diaries and The Big Lebowski. In addition, more United States.
than 100 music artists are identified as being prodrugs, on the According to the 2006 National Survey on Drug Use and
basis that they have at least one song about marijuana or other Health (NSDUH), approximately one-half of all Americans
drugs (Drugs-Plaza, n.d.). A recent report indicates that aged 12 and older used alcohol (125 million people), and
one-third of the top 279 songs on the Billboard charts in 2005 8.3% used illicit drugs (20.4 million people) (Substance Abuse
made reference to alcohol or drugs (Primack, Dalton, Carroll, and Mental Health Services Administration [SAMHSA],
Agarwal, & Fine, 2008), confirming their pervasiveness in pop- 2007). Alcohol use is defined as having at least one drink in
ular society. the past 30 days (sips do not count); similarly, drug use is de-
Alcohol and drugs. The mere mention can bring longing to fined as one use in the past 30 days. Substance use varies con-
those who use, abuse, and depend on them; smiles to those siderably across the population, but use of both alcohol and il-
who have used and survived; tears to those whose lives have licit drugs is highest among 18- to 25-year-olds, with illicit
been disrupted or destroyed; and frowns to those who have drug use and abuse rates higher in males.
tried to tackle the effects of drugs on their own lives and the Substance-related disorders are characterized by varying
lives of others. Substance-related disorders can affect all as- degrees of tolerance, withdrawal symptoms, relapse, and
pects of functioning included in the domain of occupational psychological and physical consequences (American Psy-
therapy, but have a particular impact on individual client fac- chiatric Association [APA], 2000). Disruption in meaning-
tors, performance patterns and skills, contexts, and all areas ful activities across all areas of occupation can result. Life
of occupation (American Occupational Therapy Association roles are typically unfulfilled: the college student misses
[AOTA], 2008). Occupational therapists provide important classes and eventually flunks out; the parent neglects
services to individuals, families, and communities that are af- homemaking responsibilities and children suffer; or the
fected by substance use, abuse, and dependence by determin- wife or husband ignores work responsibilities and is fired,
ing occupational needs, providing assessment and interven- causing a loss of financial stability and considerable family
tions, and developing primary and secondary prevention upheaval. Substance-related disorders do not discriminate
programs (Stoffel & Moyers, 2004). by age, gender, race, ethnicity, religious affiliation, geo-
graphic location, or socioeconomic status. All segments of
society are potentially vulnerable to the consequences of
Description of the Disorder substance-related disorders, which range from fetal alcohol
syndrome (FAS) to heroin addiction, making them among
Substance-related disorders primarily involve the use the most serious health problems facing our nation
and abuse of alcohol and illicit drugs. These disorders are (SAMHSA, 2007).
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CHAPTER 15 ■ Substance-Related Disorders 193

The NSDUH (and its earlier forms as the National Substance use disorders are classified as either abuse
Household Survey on Drug Abuse), the primary data system or dependence. The DSM-IV-TR criteria for substance
for collecting incidence and prevalence information about dependence, the more serious condition, is described in
alcohol and illicit drug use in the United States, tracks the Box 15-1. The symptoms of dependence are similar across
following categories of illicit drugs: the substances, although differences exist (e.g., withdrawal
is not specified as a symptom of hallucinogens) (APA,
■ Marijuana or cannabis (including hashish)
2000). The key feature of dependence is continued use of
■ Cocaine (including crack)
the substance in the face of major life disruptions, such as
■ Heroin (opioids)
losing a job or marital status due to the negative effects of
■ Hallucinogens (including LSD, PCP, peyote, mescaline,
substance use.
mushrooms, and “ecstasy”)
In contrast, substance abuse is characterized by use that
■ Inhalants
does not reach the level of tolerance or withdrawal, but con-
■ Psychotherapeutics (including nonmedical use of
sistently results in negative consequences, such as arriving
prescription-type pain relievers, tranquilizers, stimu-
home late, missing family events, or having a fight while un-
lants [including methamphetamines], and sedatives)
der the influence. The DSM-IV-TR criteria for substance
(SAMHSA, 2007)
abuse is found in Box 15-2.
In this chapter, the terms drugs and illicit drugs refer to The substance-induced disorders of intoxication and
these categories of drugs unless otherwise indicated. withdrawal may be evident in clients seen by occupational
therapists in a wide variety of settings. The symptoms of
DSM-IV-TR Criteria substance intoxication are typically reversible and are asso-
ciated with both substance abuse and dependence. They may
According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Men- last for hours or days after use has ceased and the substance
tal Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR), is no longer identifiable via body fluid tests (e.g., urine). The
substance-related disorders include a wide range of behav- most notable characteristic of substance intoxication are
iors and conditions ranging from alcohol abuse to exposure changes in the areas of behavior, mood, and cognition sec-
to toxins (APA, 2000). This chapter emphasizes substance ondary to the effect of the substance on central nervous sys-
use disorders, specifically those substances (alcohol and the tem (CNS) function. They occur shortly after the substance
illicit drugs identified previously) that most often have the is ingested and cannot be attributed to other medical or psy-
widest impact on occupational performance. The DSM-IV- chiatric health–related conditions. The symptoms of intoxi-
TR criteria for substance-induced disorders, that is, disor- cation stop when use of the substance ceases (APA, 2000).
ders related to substance intoxication and withdrawal, are The DSM-IV-TR criteria for substance intoxication are out-
also briefly reviewed here. lined in Box 15-3.

Barriers—We all have them. I’ve had to overcome a lot to get where
I am—drugs, smoking cigarettes, drinking. Barriers block us from
achieving our goals in life.

Success—My success is better seen through my artwork

and my wellness toolbox. My attitude is changing things that
I can change.
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194 PART 2 ■ The Person

Detailed information about the DSM-IV-TR diagnostic

BOX 15-1 ■ DSM-IV-TR Criteria for Substance criteria for substance withdrawal is found in Box 15-4.
Dependence It is important to note that the acceptable and legal use
of substances (e.g., “social drinking” among adults older
Three (or more) of the following occur at any time within 12 months: than 21, appropriate medical use of prescription and over-
1. Increased tolerance as reflected by needing more of the sub- the-counter medications) should not be confused with the
stance to reach the desired effect, or experiencing less of an patterns of tolerance, withdrawal, and negative conse-
effect with similar use patterns across time
quences that are symptomatic of abuse or dependence. It is
2. Withdrawal symptoms characteristic of the particular substance the repeated episodes of intoxication that typically differen-
3. Compulsive use such as exceeding intended use or time spent tiate acceptable use from a disorder.
in use
4. Vocalized desire to cut down with unsuccessful attempts
5. Large amounts of time spent acquiring, using, or recuperating
Subtypes of Substance-Related Disorders
from use According to the DSM-IV-TR, subtypes of substance-
6. Important activities (e.g., work, leisure) often cease or decrease related disorders include alcohol, drugs of abuse, side
due to continued use despite known psychological or physical effects of medications, and toxin exposure (APA, 2000,
consequences p. 191). Alcohol and illicit drugs are the focus of this chap-
From American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and Statistical
ter, but there are other comorbid conditions closely associ-
Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Author. ated with substances that are discussed in the literature.
Subtypes of substance-related disorders reviewed here are
alcohol use, drug use, co-occurring mental illness, fetal al-
cohol spectrum disorder (FASD), and substance-related
problems associated with medical conditions and physical
BOX 15-2 ■ DSM-IV-TR Criteria for Substance
disabilities, given that these are the most common subtypes
Abuse that occupational therapy practitioners might experience
in their clinical practice.
A. One (or more) of the following within 12 months:
It is worth noting that caffeine and nicotine addictions
1. Failure to fulfill roles
commonly occur with other substance-related disorders. Un-
2. Recurrent use despite physical dangers fortunately, they are not typically addressed in substance
3. Legal issues abuse treatment programs because the acute psychosocial and
4. Interpersonal conflicts related to use biological consequences associated with alcohol and drug
B. The symptoms have never met criteria for substance abuse and dependence typically take precedence. Substance-
dependence. related disorders may also involve abuse of multiple sub-
stances (e.g., cocaine use coupled with alcohol to reduce the
From American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
anxiety caused by the cocaine). Polysubstance dependence is
diagnosed when an individual abuses at least three types of
substances, excluding caffeine and nicotine, and suffers the
consequent functional impairments without one substance
dominating the pattern of use (APA, 2000).
BOX 15-3 ■ DSM-IV-TR Criteria for Substance
Intoxication Alcohol Use
Alcohol use disorders are classified by the amount of alcohol
A. Use of (or exposure to) substance creates temporary symptoms
that are specific to substances
consumed. For example, a “low-risk” male drinker has
no more than 4 drinks on any single day and no more than
B. Maladaptive behavior or psychological alterations are the result
of central nervous system response to the use of a substance
14 drinks per week (for women, no more than 3 drinks on
either during or shortly after ingestion of the substance any day and no more than 7 drinks per week) (NIAAA,
C. Symptoms cannot be explained by a general medical condition
2009). Drinking more than these daily and weekly limits is
or another mental disorder

From American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and Statistical BOX 15-4 ■ DSM-IV-TR Criteria for Substance
Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Author. Withdrawal

A. As a result of ceasing use of a substance (or reduction) that

was heavily used for a prolonged period, substance-specific
Substance withdrawal, which results when use of the syndrome develops
substance decreases or stops, is closely associated with de- B. Symptoms impair (or cause distress to) important areas of life
pendence. When use of the substance decreases or stops, the functioning such as social and occupational
changes in behavior and physiology cause distress to the user C. Symptoms cannot be explained by a general medical condi-
with cravings to resume use. There are significant changes in tion or another mental disorder.
one’s ability to engage in occupational behaviors. Like intox-
ication, the symptoms cannot be attributed to other health From American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and Statistical
conditions, although the presence of other illnesses or Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
disease may mask or exacerbate withdrawal symptoms.
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CHAPTER 15 ■ Substance-Related Disorders 195

The Lived Experience

A Cocktail of Emotions: Loving I didn’t know how he would act, how others would respond, and
I didn’t understand why he could not just be sober. The effect
a Parent With Alcoholism of my dad’s drinking was ironic. To him, drinking was pleasur-
Alcoholism is a disease that affects the whole family. Like a
able and made him feel good. To me (and anyone who loved
hangover, it can make all of its members sick—sick with a
him), his drinking was unpleasant and made me feel sick. The
cocktail of emotions that consist of worry, guilt, anxiety, fear,
amount of concern I had was exhausting. Typically, a parent is
frustration, loss, disappointment, and sadness. Family members
the one who worries about their child; in my case, the roles were
learn about the disease through the perspective of the person
reversed. I’ve been saying prayers for my dad’s safety for as
using because it clearly affects their lifestyle and wellness. In my
long as I can remember.
case, it was evident that as long as my father consumed alco-
Role reversal was present in many situations. Parents usually
hol, his life would be consumed by its consequences. What was
put their own agenda aside to attend to their children’s needs,
not always visible was how my father’s addictive behaviors
interests, and so forth. When one has a parent with alcoholism,
could affect my wellness or transform the typical roles in a
often the needs of the child are put aside to attend to the behav-
father–daughter relationship.
iors and addiction needs of the parent. An example of this was
It is important for me to begin with sharing the positive side
turning the focus of a family party from a celebration of my ac-
of my father because, all too often, the damaged path of alco-
complishment to an intervention for my father. At the time, I was
holism can make people lose sight of the person that exists
not concerned about myself; I just wanted my dad healthy. My
outside the disease. First and most important, my dad always
family did their best to support me and tried to keep the cele-
reminded me that I was loved. This was done in many ways,
bration going amid the intervention, but when the cake of burn-
such as a hug or saying, “I love you” in person, by mail, or on
ing candles arrived, my wish was for my dad to get better.
the phone. It was also done through fun activities like camp-
Another instance of role reversal included wanting to avoid
ing, fishing, snowmobiling, or learning to drive stick shift. He
bars or to avoid spending too much time there. This was atyp-
also showed me how little things were big things in the grand
ical because, while at a bar with my dad, my brother and I re-
scheme of life. He did this by taking time out to train, watch,
ceived a lot of attention from him and the other patrons. They
and play with dogs; taking a walk in the woods; and visiting
fed us candy bars, sodas, chips, and loads of quarters to play
with others, especially family. We had quality visits with my
pinball or darts. What kid wouldn’t like that? Of course, it even-
grandparents, great-grandparents, aunts, and uncles that in-
tually got tiresome, and I knew that my dad’s famous line of,
cluded reminiscing and joke-telling over a game of cards. Last,
“One more,” meant at least “two more” and that his drinking
he taught me that material things were nothing compared to
was an activity that would eventually lead to more problems.
the gift of conversation. These are the strengths in character
As a child I was aware of the dangers of drinking and driving.
that made the consequences of alcohol use that much more
Fortunately, my mom, older brother, and extended family
of a devastating loss.
played an important role with my safety. They would make
Unfortunately, I also have painful memories of how my dad’s
arrangements so that I would have a safe ride home. Unfor-
alcohol use interfered with our time together. From a young age,
tunately, this could not always be controlled. One night, shortly
I recognized the unbreakable loyalty that my father had to alco-
after my dad dropped us off, he put his vehicle in a ditch. My
hol. It was like his best friend. It was someone he could depend
brother and I wanted to keep our dad safe and, when we
on, someone he couldn’t get enough of, someone he would
could, we drove. At age 14, my brother was caught driving my
sacrifice anything to protect. In some ways, this relationship
father home because he thought it was the more responsible
made me jealous. It was the arch rival I would battle for my dad’s
thing to do.
time. Often this “best friend” would win and my dad would
These troubling circumstances would sometimes initiate in-
choose to be with him over me, or he would bring his “best
tervention. My father’s temporary residence at halfway houses
friend” along to events, knowing that alcohol was an uninvited
would not only be respite for his drinking, but also for my wor-
guest. This was the case during important times in my life such
ries. I would feel hopeful when my dad sought out the path of
as holidays, graduations, and other special occasions. It was not
sobriety. I trusted that without alcohol’s interference, we could
uncommon to get a phone call from my dad shamefully admit-
just enjoy our time together. This proved to be true, but unfor-
ting that he could not be a part of the gathering because he had
tunately not forever. Eventually, my father would once again
been drinking. I would be crushed and he knew it. It hurt more
choose to live a life in which drinking was a primary occupation.
to know that my dad felt just as much sadness and disappoint-
From my father’s perspective, that occupation brought him life,
ment, but could not change his behavior and would then take
and, from my perspective, it threatened to take his life. At one
solace in a bottle of beer. At the same time, I would bottle up
point, my father began using alcohol so regularly and exces-
my feelings in order to function and try to enjoy the occasion de-
sively that when he was detained on an emergency, the absence
spite my sadness. Sometimes my dad would be present but
of alcohol provoked a delirium tremor, causing a violent seizure
would be under the influence of alcohol (his uninvited guest). On
where he cut up his tongue. I thought that this would be rock
the one hand, I felt relieved that my dad was with me; I knew
bottom, but as I mentioned earlier, there was an unbreakable
he was safe and that he tried to be part of the family event. On
loyalty to alcohol. Because of this loyalty and the consequent
the other hand, I felt fear. The unpredictability was unnerving;

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196 PART 2 ■ The Person

The Lived Experience—cont’d

problems, my hope began to fade, and I expected that if things levels. I was angry for having my guard down and being so hope-
were going right, something was likely to go wrong. I started to ful that my father would show up as promised, angry for realiz-
realize that no matter how much encouragement and support ing that his drinking was so out of control that it took precedence
was provided, my father’s relationship with alcohol was non- over any regard for my efforts and feelings, and angry for his dis-
negotiable. regard of the safety of himself and others (something that was
As a teenager, I realized I was unsuccessful with attempting opposite of his appreciative, sensitive, humane character). It was
to “fix” my dad, so unknowingly I began pouring my helping en- times like this that I questioned how much more I could take. The
ergy into troubled boys of my age. Like my relationship with my alternative of having no relationship was one I thought about, but
father, I was caring too much and feeling somehow responsible I believed that it would be more devastating than dealing with the
for helping. Through support, education, and literature, I learned raw emotions of addiction.
that my behavior had a name—”codependency.” Fortunately, Because of forced sobriety for several years, my relationship
I learned to let go of the exhausting caregiver effort in my rela- with my father was free of crisis, allowing an opportunity to re-
tionships and started channeling my energy back into taking care connect with the father I knew existed. During our sober visits,
of myself. I believe because of this knowledge, I took charge of I felt lucky to be in his company. He was the dad I kept in my
not falling into the startling statistics that indicated that by being heart and in my prayers; he was generous with his few re-
a child of a parent with alcoholism, I was at a high risk of mar- sources, full of compassion, easy to talk to, fun to be around,
rying an alcoholic. showed his good sense of humor and made me laugh, pre-
As an adult, I developed more skills to protect myself from my served family memories through story-telling, and expressed a
father’s continued use of alcohol. I set up boundaries that min- genuine interest in the lives of people he loved. I believe that my
imized my exposure to my dad’s drinking, but even with this, I dad has made a valuable contribution to my life and still have
could not be immune to the hurt and pain from his drinking. Like hope that he will continue to do so.
15 years prior, our relationship would be compromised by his in- This hope comes with caution because I am aware of the re-
ability to refrain from using. On one occasion, I eagerly looked ality that my father must want to pursue a sober life, which will be
forward to hosting dinner at my new apartment, only to find my- no small feat. However, as of today, he has expressed a genuine
self pacing and investigating the whereabouts of my father. willingness to be a part of a 6-month rehabilitation program for al-
Later, I would learn that he had been arrested for driving under cohol and other mental health treatment. For tonight, this brings
the influence, instead of having a nice evening of conversation me a sense of peace. For the future, my serenity is dependent on
over a home-cooked meal. This made me furious on so many how I choose to take care of myself.

considered “at-risk” or “heavy” drinking, where the potential of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Department of
to suffer harm such as injuries, health problems, birth defects, Agriculture (2005), define moderation as one drink per day
or alcohol use disorders is increased. Amount is typically for women and no more than two drinks per day for men.
measured based on a common definition of a “unit” of an al- The NIAAA clinical guidebook, Helping Patients Who Drink
cohol beverage, referred to as a standard drink (DuFour, Too Much (2005a), defines a heavy drinking day as four or
1999). One standard drink contains 0.5 to 0.6 fluid ounces more alcoholic beverages for women and five or more for
(1.2 Tablespoons) of absolute ethanol, which is equal to men younger than age 65.
12 ounces of beer or wine cooler; 8 to 9 ounces of malt liquor; As a subtype of alcohol use disorder, “moderate” drinking
5 ounces of table wine; 3 to 4 ounces of fortified wine has received the most attention from the popular media. The
(e.g., sherry or port); 2 to 3 ounces of a cordial, liqueur, release of any research report suggesting the positive benefits
or aperitif; and 1.5 ounces of spirits (whiskey, gin, vodka) of consuming a popular substance such as chocolate, caf-
(Fig. 15-1). Measures of standard drinks are always approxi- feine, or alcohol typically draws a spot on the evening news.
mate, given the many types, brands, and containers of alco- Research on middle-age to older adults over the past decade
hol beverages. There is often more than one standard drink in supports a positive relationship between light to moderate
a common size container. For example, a 16-ounce beer, or alcohol consumption (smaller amounts consumed several
pint of beer, equals 1.3 standard drinks, so three bottles of times a week as compared with the same amount on fewer
beer are actually considered to be 4 standard drinks. occasions) and reduction in risk factors for coronary heart
Alcohol use disorders are also categorized by patterns of disease regardless of sex, age, smoking habits, and body mass
consumption, including the frequency and quantity of index as compared with nondrinkers or heavy drinkers
drinking, as well as when, where, and with whom alcohol is (NIAAA, 2003). Unfortunately, many moderate drinkers
consumed. Terms used to describe drinking patterns include may periodically be heavy drinkers. It has been reported that
abstainer, infrequent, moderate, responsible, social, fre- any episode of heavy drinking significantly increases the risk
quent, high-risk, heavy, and binge drinker. Unfortunately, of heart disease (Murray et al, 2002). Other suggested
there are no clear, universally accepted definitions for most health-related benefits of light to moderate alcohol use
of these terms, and some are used interchangeably and inac- are under ongoing scrutiny by researchers; at this time, the
curately. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans, which are previously suggested moderate drinking guideline is the
developed and revised every 5 years by the U.S. Department safest one for most adults to follow.
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CHAPTER 15 ■ Substance-Related Disorders 197

What Is a Standard Drink? were most likely to be seen by occupational therapists in

alcohol treatment programs.
A standard drink is any drink that contains about 14 grams of A comparably sized group (31% of the sample) consisted
pure alcohol (about 0.6 fluid ounces or 1.2 tablespoons). Below primarily of at-risk young adult drinkers commonly seen on
are standard drink equivalents as well as the number of standard
college campuses and throughout society. Members of this
drinks in different container sizes for each beverage. These are
approximate, as different brands and types of beverages vary in
group exhibited low rates of co-occurring disorders (CODs),
their actual alcohol content. psychosocial dysfunction, and multigenerational alcohol de-
pendence; moderately high levels of occasional heavy drink-
Standard Drink Approximate ing; and limited help-seeking behaviors.
Equivalents Number of The remaining 40% of participants in this survey displayed
Standard Drinks In: low to medium levels of CODs with higher psychosocial func-
tion, late onset with low rates of periodic heavy drinking, and
moderate levels of help-seeking.
12 oz.
• 12 oz. = 1
Drug Use
• 16 oz. = 1.3 The subtypes of drug use disorder are less defined in the lit-
erature than the subtypes of alcohol use, mainly because of
• 22 oz. = 2
the vast number and types of abused drugs. They are not typ-
• 40 oz. = 3.3 ically categorized by amount or patterns of use, but are often
~5% alcohol delineated by the category of drug (see list of illicit drugs
MALT LIQUOR noted previously), prescription or nonprescription drugs, age
8-9 oz. of users, and use by gender. An extensive discussion about
subtypes of drug use is beyond the scope of this chapter.
• 12 oz. = 1.5 However, it is worth noting that classifications of drug use
• 16 oz. = 2 change as new drugs are created and become available. For
• 22 oz. = 2.5 example, methamphetamine was previously included in
• 40 oz. = 4.5 questions about prescription-type drugs in the NSDUH, but
~7% alcohol was redefined as a stimulant in the 2006 version (SAMHSA,
2007). There are also shifts in drug use trends. For example,
club drugs such as ecstasy reached their peak of popularity
5 oz. in the 1990s; in more recent years, oxycodone has become
increasingly popular (SAMHSA, 2007). Overall, there was a
national peak in drug use in the late 1970s, followed by a de-
• a 750 mL (25 oz.) bottle = 5 crease in the 1980s and an increase in the 1990s; use has re-
mained relatively stable for the past decade (Compton,
Thomas, Conway, & Colliver, 2005).
~12% alcohol
Methamphetamine, or meth, is an interesting drug to re-
80-proof SPIRITS (hard liquor) view for its many classifications of use. Pharmaceutical
1.5 oz. methamphetamine is a Schedule II prescription drug used for
• a mixed drink = 1 or more* limited medical treatment of narcolepsy and attention deficit
• a pint (16 oz.) = 11 disorder. It is also easily produced illicitly from common in-
• a fifth (25 oz.) = 17 gredients (including pseudoephedrine, drain cleaner, and am-
• 1.75 L (59 oz.) = 39 monia) and is a readily available and highly addictive stimu-
~40% alcohol lant (NIDA, 2006). Meth abuse and addiction has become a
*Note: Depending on factors such as the type of spirits and the worldwide epidemic in the past decade, and abusers and ad-
recipe, one mixed drink can contain from one to three or more dicts cross age groups, genders, races, and socioeconomic lev-
standard drinks. els. In the United States, it can be categorized geographically,
FIGURE 15-1. What is a standard drink? From the National Institute with use in the western states about three times higher than
on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (n.d.). “What Is a Standard Drink?” Avail- use in the Midwest and five times higher than use in the
able at:
pocket_guide2.htm (accessed November 17, 2009).
Northeast (SAMHSA, 2007).
Another subtype of drug use disorder is based on
substance-induced mental disorders (APA, 2000). These
include substance-induced delirium, persisting dementia,
Five subtypes of alcohol dependence have been empiri- persisting amnesic disorder, psychotic disorder, mood
cally derived based on clinical characteristics of 1,484 disorder, anxiety disorder, sexual dysfunction, and sleep
alcohol-dependent respondents to a national survey (Moss, disorder, although not all drugs are associated with all con-
Chen, & Yi, 2007). The two most impaired groups (about ditions (e.g., amphetamines are not associated with persist-
30% of the sample) demonstrated substantial rates of ing dementia or persisting amnesic disorder). There must
multigenerational alcohol dependence and the largest be clear symptoms of drug-induced intoxication or with-
number of other psychiatric and drug use disorders with drawal (or, in some cases, both) within approximately a
subsequent impaired psychosocial functioning. Members 4-week time period for these diagnostic categories to be
of these two groups were also most likely to seek help and considered.
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198 PART 2 ■ The Person

Finally, there are other substances outside the illicit drug

categories identified in the NSDUH that are addictive and can Evidence-Based Practice
lead to dependence and occupational impairment. These in-
clude anabolic steroids, nitrate inhalants or “poppers,” nitrous
oxide (“laughing gas”), catnip, betel nut, kava, and over-the-
counter and prescription drugs (APA, 2000). The reader is
A lthough there has been a decrease in the rate of alcohol
use by pregnant women in recent years, including a 60%
drop in binge drinking between 2004 and 2006 (from 10.6% to
4.6%) (SAMHSA, 2007), unplanned pregnancies still pose
urged to use the resources at the end of this chapter to learn
considerable risk for having a baby with fetal alcohol spectrum
more about these and other drugs and their potential impact disorder (FASD). According to the National Organization on
on occupational therapy practice across the spectrum of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (n.d.b), unexpected pregnancies ac-
health conditions. count for half of all new pregnancies in the United States, and
many women do not realize that they are pregnant for weeks or
Co-occurring Mental Illness even months. During this time, they may consume alcohol. For
Co-occurring disorder (COD) is the term used to describe women who are alcohol abusers or dependent on alcohol, the
a person with a concurrent substance-related disorder and fear that they may lose their children may prevent them from
mental disorder. Chapter 16 is devoted to this condition. seeking prenatal care and treatment for their addiction.
Note that comorbid substance use and mental illness are also ➤ Occupational therapy practitioners should inquire about
frequently referred to in the literature as dual diagnosis (Tiet alcohol use with all female clients of child-bearing age,
& Mausbach, 2007). regardless of setting or health condition. When appropriate,
The 2006 NSDUH (SAMHSA, 2007) identifies serious refer them to local clinics to obtain contraceptives and
psychological distress (SPD) and/or major depressive episode community organizations that provide substance abuse
treatment confidentially and at minimal charge.
along with substance use/dependence/abuse as comorbid
conditions. (Note that because the NSDUH is completed by ➤ Occupational therapists working in school-based settings
a noninstitutionalized population, people with severe mental who may be working with children with FASD should
illnesses in inpatient or residential care facilities are ex- be aware of the health status of the mother, and seek
cluded.) Of the 5.6 million adults (18 years and older) who opportunities to offer encouragement and support if the
mother appears to be using alcohol or is pregnant.
reported having both SPD and a substance use disorder, al-
most one-half received no treatment, and only 8.4% received National Organization on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (NOFAS). (n.d.b).
treatment for both conditions. “Factsheet: FASD: What the Health Care System Should Know.” Available
One of the challenges in treating COD is the necessity for at:
(accessed November 17, 2009).
independent establishment of both diagnoses before individ-
uals can receive appropriate interventions. A recent report re-
viewed 59 studies of psychosocial and medication treatments
and found that there is no documented treatment that is ef-
fective for CODs of substance use and one of the following adulthood (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Center for
mental disorders: depression, anxiety disorder, schizophre- Excellence, 2008). According to the National Organization
nia, bipolar disorder, severe mental illness, and nonspecified on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (NOFAS) (n.d.a), prenatal alco-
mental illness (Tiet & Mausbach, 2007). Existing treatments hol use is the most preventable cause of retardation and
known to reduce psychiatric symptoms or decrease substance birth defects in the United States.
use tend to be effective for patients with CODs, but the suc- Diagnostic criteria for FAS are growth deficiencies, a spe-
cess of integrated treatment is unclear. cific pattern of facial abnormalities (i.e., thin upper lip, elon-
A co-occurring diagnosis of substance-related disorder is gated and flattened midface, an indistinct philtrum [the
more prevalent in individuals already diagnosed with a se- midline groove in the upper lip], small eye openings), and
vere mental illness (e.g., schizophrenia or bipolar disorder) CNS disorders seen as developmental and intellectual delays.
than with other mental illness (RachBeisel, Scott, & Dixon, Confirmed maternal use of alcohol is not required for a di-
1999). Substance abuse by individuals with severe mental ill- agnosis of FAS, but is required for the other conditions
ness results in a wide range of adverse consequences, includ- noted previously such as alcohol-related neurodevelopmen-
ing poorer prognosis, higher costs due to greater use of acute tal disorder. Magnetic resonance imaging can be used to
psychiatric services, low compliance with treatment regi- confirm FAS by revealing structural anomalies in the brains
mens, and overall decreased occupational functioning. of individuals.
According to NOFAS (n.d.a), FASD is seen in approxi-
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder mately 40,000 live births annually, or in 1 out of every
Women of child-bearing age who drink are at risk for 100 births. Fortunately, FASD is not a genetic condition, and
having a baby that has been affected by their alcohol use. women who have FAS or are affected by FASD will not pass it
Although women who know they are pregnant drink at on to their babies. However, most experts believe that there is
rates considerably lower than their nonpregnant peers no safe level of alcohol use during pregnancy (NOFAS, n.d.b).
(11.8% compared to 53%) (SAMHSA, 2007), any alcohol Because the developmental issues that accompany FASD often
use during pregnancy puts infants at risk for a variety of result in the children being referred to occupational therapy in
conditions that fall under the umbrella of fetal alcohol early intervention programs or school-based programs, occu-
spectrum disorder (FASD). These conditions include FAS, pational therapists working with infants and children and in
alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder, and other settings that emphasize family-centered care may find this
alcohol-related birth defects, which manifest themselves in chapter to be helpful in w orking with parents whose alcohol
a wide range of behavioral, cognitive, physical, and health- or drug use (past or current) presents as an issue needing
related problems throughout childhood with carryover into attention.
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CHAPTER 15 ■ Substance-Related Disorders 199

Physical Disabilities and Medical Conditions (Miller & Rollnick, 2002). Results suggest that the partici-
Substance use contributes to the cause of disabilities for up pants in the group that received the MI intervention pro-
to 40% to 80% of the population with spinal cord and trau- vided by occupational therapists were more likely to reduce
matic brain injuries; it is also a major cause of disabilities for their alcohol consumption as compared with those in the
individuals aged 20 to 21 and puts college students at risk for control group, who received an informational booklet. More
contracting sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV infec- important, the study confirmed that it was both feasible and
tion (Substance Abuse Resources and Disability Issues effective for occupational therapists to provide MI in a med-
[SARDI], 2007b). ical setting. MI as an effective intervention for people with
In addition to being a major contributor to the onset of substance-related disorders is reviewed in Chapter 23.
disability, substances are frequently used to cope with the
daily life issues affected by disability, such as loss of roles, Etiology
underemployment, dependence on others for activities of
daily living, altered instrumental activities of daily living, The causes and origins of substance-related disorders involve
and excess free time. In fact, substance-related disorders oc- complex biological, psychological and social mechanisms.
cur in people with physical disabilities at a rate almost dou- Etiological areas that should be considered for their impact on
ble that of people without disabilities (SARDI, 2007b). The occupational performance include genetic factors, tempera-
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (UDHHS; ment, psychological theories, and sociocultural influences.
n.d.) states that approximately 4.7 million people who have
a disability also have a substance-related disorder. Genetic Factors
Substances can be used as a form of self-medication to Genetic factors play a key role in determining an individual’s
manage pain and other health problems. Prescription med- risk factor for alcohol dependence. Individuals with close
ications for a physical condition are also subject to abuse and, relatives who are alcohol dependent (e.g., biological parents
when mixed with alcohol and illicit drugs, can be especially and grandparents) are three to four times more likely to de-
dangerous. A recent study on alcohol use among college stu- velop alcohol dependence themselves. The variance of risk is
dents with disabilities found that 50% of them abused alco- influenced by the number of relatives affected, the severity of
hol (i.e., met the criteria for high-risk drinking), as compared their illness, and the biological closeness of the relationships
with 43.2% for all college students (Jerabek, 2008). A study of (e.g., father vs. uncle). It is widely documented that there is
3,216 people with vision loss found that 40% were moderate a significantly higher risk for alcohol dependence in identi-
to heavy drinkers compared to 25% of the general population cal twins as compared to fraternal twins when one twin is
(Nelipovich & Buss, 1991). dependent. Adopted children whose biological parents were
Whether it is the cause of disability or occurs after the dis- alcohol dependent have a three to fourfold increase in risk
ability is present, a substance-related disorder complicates and for developing dependence, even though they are raised by
undermines adjustment to a physical disability and hinders adoptive parents (APA, 2000). A single gene has not been
healthy progress through normal stages of development clearly associated with alcohol dependence, but it is likely
(Koch, Nelipovich, & Sneed, 2002). Substance-related disor- that a variety of genetic factors make an individual more
ders can be overlooked by rehabilitation professionals focused vulnerable (NIAAA, 2005b). There is research that suggests
on addressing the impairments associated with physical dis- inherited cognitive factors such as memory, attention span,
abilities and may even be tolerated (O’Rourke, 1993; SARDI, abstract thinking, and visual-spatial skills (frontal and tem-
2007a). Although addressing both conditions concurrently is poral lobe functions) are predictive of the age of first drink
desirable, it can be particularly challenging to do so, especially and frequency of drinking to intoxication in young males
when the individual shows little readiness to change his or her (NIAAA, 2005b).
use of alcohol or other drugs, or is unaware of the link be- The research on genetic factors linked to dependence on the
tween their drinking and its interference with achieving reha- many different types of illicit drugs is much more complex and
bilitation goals. less well developed given the range and character of drug ad-
Use of illicit drugs and alcohol can also compromise diction (e.g., the casual, chronic use associated with marijuana
treatment of and recovery from other medical conditions, vs. the rapid path to dependence and quick development of
such as cardiovascular disease and respiratory and gastroin- tolerance with cocaine). Overall, genetic factors, along with
testinal conditions. It has been reported that alcohol inges- other biological factors, account for some of the risk associated
tion contributes to 4% to 14% of medical admissions, and with developing a substance-related disorder. However, they
illicit drugs contribute to 6% to 13% of medical admissions are likely less influential than social and cultural experiences
(Canning, Marshall, Kennel-Webb, & Peters, 1999; Mordal, and intrapersonal factors, including temperament, expecta-
Bramness, Holm, & Morland, 2008). tions of the effects of the substance, and mood.
When working with individuals with medical conditions
in the acute care setting, the occupational therapist’s role is Temperament
to assess activities of daily living, cognitive function, and Longitudinal studies have documented the relationship
safety issues. A study by McQueen, Allan, and Mains (2006) between childhood and adolescent behavior problems (e.g.,
explored the potential for occupational therapists to use the vandalism, aggression) and problems in adulthood, includ-
motivational interviewing (MI) techniques developed by ing substance-related dependence (NIAAA, 2005b). Youths
Rollnick and Miller (1995) with people who screened posi- who exhibit a “difficult” temperament, such as problems
tive for alcohol abuse in an acute medical setting in the with self-regulation of emotion, decreased attention span,
United Kingdom. MI is a client-centered process whereby and low “soothability,” may have less control over their be-
the therapist uses nonconfrontational highly empathic re- havior in adulthood, which may result in substance use,
sponses to explore and resolve ambivalence toward change abuse, and dependence. Substance use may occur as a means
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200 PART 2 ■ The Person

of self-medicating the mild and undiagnosed problems asso- are associated with the age of onset of drinking, plans to use
ciated with the stressors and anxiety of poor self-regulation. alcohol, and drinking rates (NIAAA, 2005b). Although linked
For example, an individual with a mild learning disability with positive reinforcers, such as tension reduction and social
may react with impulsive behavior in the classroom, which facilitation, positive expectancies are also identified with mem-
leads to academic problems and his or her eventual drop- ory processes in that they are easily retrieved when in a new
ping out of school, which in turn results in affiliation with drinking situation, especially for individuals who use alcohol
gang members who abuse substances. socially without experiencing compelling negative conse-
A study by occupational therapists on the abuse of sub- quences. In other words, when a person drinks socially and
stances by adults presenting with sensory modulation disor- only experiences relaxation and social connectedness with no
der (defined as hyper- or hyposensitivity to sensory input) negative consequences (e.g., saying or doing something em-
found that 67% abused CNS depressant substances (e.g., barrassing while under the influence), the positive expectan-
benzodiazepines, hypnotic agents, opioids, alcohol), 18% cies are fairly automatic.
abused CNS stimulants (e.g., cocaine, nicotine, ecstasy, LSD),
and 15% used a combination of both (Quadling, Maree, Sociocultural Influences
Mountjoy, Bosch, & Kotkin, 1999). This research contributes The relationship among family, peers and social environ-
to the knowledge base on the effect of individual characteris- ments, and substance-related behaviors and beliefs are well
tics of temperament on the development of a substance- documented in the literature. It is less clear whether the mul-
related disorder in adulthood with a stronger likelihood for titude of relationships that have been examined are causal for
abuse of alcohol and other CNS depressants. Implications for substance use or merely associative. For example, does the
accurate diagnosis and intervention for sensory modulation young adult woman engage in high-risk drinking in college
disorder in childhood are considerable for later onset of because of the alcohol dependence in her nuclear family, or
substance-related problems. does this experience influence her to abstain from drinking in
college entirely? Is the relationship to use of alcohol different
Psychological Theories if the young adult is male rather than female? Environmental
Explanations for the development of substance-related dis- risk factors for substance-related disorders certainly exist, but
orders based on psychological theories are extensive and in- there is tremendous variation as to their role in the develop-
fluence the course of treatment. Behavioral and cognitive ment of the disorder at a later stage of life.
models are reviewed here. Research on the role of the family on substance-related dis-
Traditional behavioral theories propose that all behavior orders, particularly alcohol use, is complex (NIAAA, 2005b).
is learned and maintained through either operant or classi- Use of substances by parents, intimate partners, and siblings
cal conditioning. With classical conditioning, drinking or has been examined for its influence on the development of
using drugs is paired with a person, location, or time of substance-related disorders in other family members, particu-
day and develops into a conditioned response. The theory of larly children. Child-rearing practices, the centrality of sub-
operant conditioning assumes that substance use is paired stance use to family function, and the impact of substances on
with a stimulus such as stress or anger and is reinforced by a family members’ ability to maintain key roles (e.g., parent as
perceived calm and lowered emotional state (NIAAA, caregiver and provider) are all related to the development of
2005b). In both instances, substance use is identified with substance use and abuse in others in the family (NIAAA,
the maintenance of cravings and development of tolerance 2005b). Children who grow up in situations where substance
or is positively reinforced by a “reward” for using. Negative abuse negatively affects family functioning are at greater risk
consequences associated with use (e.g., hangovers, legal for developing their own problems related to substance use.
problems, interpersonal conflicts) have less impact because However, the influence of protective factors (e.g., extended
they occur at a later time and are removed from the positive family members who support the child, temperament of the
rewarding effect of using. child, maintenance of positive family rituals) may allow those
Cognitive models used to explain substance-related dis- who grow up in families with substance-related disorders to
orders focus on the role of thoughts, beliefs, and feelings avoid and distance themselves from substance use throughout
that precede substance use and sustain it. The individual’s their childhood and adolescence, and into adulthood. In addi-
perception of use as either a positive or negative event is in- tion, family factors can be positively related to change in be-
fluenced by these cognitive factors and eventually sustained havior where negligence of functions that support the in-
by conditioning processes. For example, one begins using tegrity of the family (e.g., full-time employment of the father)
alcohol based on the belief that it will enhance one’s com- create such hardship for loved ones that there is internal
fort in social situations, and that belief is reinforced motivation to make and sustain changes in substance-related
throughout young adulthood by its availability and fre- behaviors.
quent use in new, unfamiliar social situations, such as col- The onset of use of both alcohol and many illicit drugs is
lege or a new job. As one moves into marriage and parent- most likely to occur during the mid- to late teens (APA, 2000).
hood, where social situations become more familiar and This is both a developmental phenomenon (i.e., increased in-
comfortable, the perceived need and thus the social use of dependence and valued peer approval) and a response to
alcohol diminishes. greater availability and societal tolerance (e.g., college drink-
There is a body of literature that supports the impact of ing as a rite of passage). The 2006 NSDUH data supports this,
modeling (i.e., learning through observing and doing what reporting that the average age of first alcohol use among those
others do both in real life and via the media) and one’s experi- aged 12 to 21 was 15.8 years (SAMHSA, 2007). Average age for
ences on the expectations that one has about using substances, first use of inhalants, PCP, marijuana, and LSD is 15.7, 16.3,
especially alcohol (NIAAA, 2005b). These expectations, re- 17.4, and 19.4 years, respectively. Adolescents report that their
ferred to as expectancies, have been identified in children and interest in using substances is influenced by expectancies of
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CHAPTER 15 ■ Substance-Related Disorders 201

increased sociability, reduced anxiety and boredom, and the place for young adults, yet periodic drinking at very high
perceived positive experience of getting high (NIAAA, 2005b). levels of intoxication is fairly common (up to 64% of all
The following Evidence-Based Practice box explores the influ- college students), and the consequences of drinking can
ence of music. Close peer relationships factor in the initiation have a serious impact on the drinker and those around
of use, and an individual whose best friend or other peer as- them. Most academic years are tarnished with media re-
sociations support use is predictive of the individual’s future ports of serious injuries and deaths within the ranks of col-
use. However, it is unclear whether these associations are the lege students, often associated with Greek organization rit-
risk factor for use or whether the use of illicit substances based uals, celebrations around athletic events, and spring break
on other influences (e.g., family problems, co-occurring men- outings. More common and seemingly less serious negative
tal illness) results in peer associations that continue to support consequences, such as missed classes, hangovers, nausea
use (Deas & Thomas, 2002). and vomiting, depression, anxiety, memory loss, and rela-
tionship problems, can potentially have very serious life
Young Adults and College Age impacts when experienced cumulatively. Unintended sex-
The use of alcohol among young adults, particularly college ual activity and sexual assaults are common occurrences on
students, warrants a brief discussion, specifically in light college campuses and are most often associated with the
of recent reports that drinking on college campuses is a seri- excessive use of substances, particularly alcohol. Room-
ous health problem and occurs at epidemic proportions mates and friends experience the secondhand conse-
(National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse, 2007; quences of a peer who drinks to excess via excessive noise,
NIAAA, 2002b). Young adults aged 18 to 25 are, for the most physical caregiving, and emotional support when problems
part, identified with the heaviest use of alcohol and illicit arise due to drinking. Almost all students who reside on a
drugs across all categories, particularly among males. It is college campus face disrupted sleep and study and the
well documented that many students enter college with their potential for damaged property because of someone
drinking habits already established. Interestingly, drinking else’s misuse of alcohol. The entire campus community—
among college-bound high school students is generally lower students, staff, and neighbors—suffers through the nega-
than their peers without plans for college, likely due to real tive consequences of excessive drinking on college cam-
and perceived pressure to achieve in academics, athletics, the puses across the United States (National Center on
arts, and so forth. However, once in the college environment, Addiction and Substance Abuse, 2007).
students who are enrolled full time drink at considerably
higher rates (66.4% past month use) compared to their peers
who are part-time college students or are not currently
enrolled (54.1% past month use) (SAMHSA, 2007).
The factors that influence young adults to drink (per-
sonal, social, environmental), particularly on college cam- Evidence-Based Practice
puses, are often continuations of influences from adoles-
cence. The college environment is seen as a relatively safe
A relationship has been found between drinking heavily in
college (defined as three or more drinks at least 4 days
per week, or five or more drinks in one sitting at least 2 days
per week) and an increased amount of a biological marker for
inflammation of the heart called C-reactive protein (CRP). The
level of CRP associated with moderate risk of heart disease is
Evidence-Based Practice between 1 and 3 milligrams per liter.
There were significant differences in CRP levels between
students who were moderate drinkers (consumed two to five

T here is research evidence of a relationship between sub-

stance use and aggression in young people who listen to
certain types of music. Alcohol and drug use and aggressive
drinks 1 to 2 days per week) and those who drank heavily, with
the average CRP level at 0.58 for moderate drinkers and 1.25 for
heavy drinkers. Although this research was done on a nonrandom
behaviors were positively associated with listening to rap, group of 25 college students, it suggests another reason to be
techno and reggae music in a cross-sectional study of a diverse concerned about the potential dangers associated with heavy
population of college students with typical drinking behavior drinking among college students. Campuses tend to focus on
(74% drank in past month) under age 25. Specifically, alcohol those risks that are most immediate, including academic and
use disorder was significantly associated with often (subjectively personal problems. A causative relationship between college
defined) listening to heavy metal, punk, rap, reggae and rock drinking and heart disease could only be determined with a
music; higher scores on a sensation-seeking scale positively longitudinal study of students at college age and into middle age.
predicted frequency of alcohol, marijuana, and club-drug use However, if CRP levels prove to be predictive of future risk of
and aggressive behavior heart disease, moderating drinking behaviors while in college
Music listening and preferences in music are established at might prove to be beneficial both now and in the future.
increasingly younger ages (e.g., seeing elementary age children
using portable listening devices such as iPODs). ➤ Occupational therapists working with young adults, regardless
of setting or medical condition, can caution them about the
➤ Occupational therapists who work with adolescents in any potential long-term risks associated with the periodic high-risk
capacity, but particularly in substance abuse programs, drinking common in this age group.
should pay attention to the use of listening devices and the
choices for music at recreational and other activities. American Heart Association. (2007). “Drinking Heavily in College May
Lead to Heart Disease Later in Life.” Meeting Report, April 19. Available
Chen, M., Miller, B. A., Grube, J. W., & Waters, E. D. (2006). Music, sub- at:
stance use, and aggression. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 67, 372–381. (accessed November 17, 2009).
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202 PART 2 ■ The Person

Older Adults Americans older than 12 who report illicit drug use (8.3%) has
Substance-related disorders, specifically alcohol-related dis- remained relatively stable since 2002. The most popular illicit
orders, in adults aged 65 and older are less studied and re- drug is marijuana, which represents 72.8% of all drug use and
ported on than other segments of the U.S. population. Few is the only drug in use for 52.8% of users. It is used by 14.8%
older adults identify problems with substances in primary of the population older than 12 years and has the highest rate
care visits or seek assistance in specialized alcohol treatment of use among young adults aged 18 to 25 years (16.3%)
programs, so epidemiological data on this group is incom- (SAMHSA, 2007). Additional information on prevalence and
plete. An important consideration with older adults is the incidence from the 2006 NSDUH, and previous editions are
likelihood of problems created by using alcohol in combi- available at
nation with the use of prescription and over-the-counter
medications. Course and Severity
Low-risk drinking limits for healthy adults aged 65 and
older are no more than 3 drinks in a day and no more than The patterns of substance-related disorders vary widely based
7 drinks in a week (NIAAA, 2005a). It was reported in a 1996 on the substance of abuse, age of onset, duration and intensity
study of adults older than 60 that 15% of men and 12% of of use, and co-occurring conditions. As stated previously, the
women regularly drank more than the NIAAA recommended first episode of alcohol intoxication typically occurs in the
guidelines at the time, which suggested less than 7 drinks per mid-teen years. Several trajectories of use from adolescence
week for women and less than 14 drinks per week for men; into early adulthood have been described (NIAAA, 2005b):
9% of men and 2% of women reported having more than
■ Early-heavy, with early onset and high frequency of
21 drinks per week (Adams, Barry, & Fleming, 1996). Al-
though these figures may seem high, the vast majority of older
■ Late-moderate, with later onset and moderate frequency
adults do not drink at all (65%), and the remaining 20% drink
■ Infrequent, with early onset and low frequency
modestly (i.e., within the recommended guidelines) and do
■ Abstainers/light users/non-bingers
not drink in risky situations such as prior to operating a car or
boat (NIAAA, 2005b). Most young people fall into one of the last two groups and
One of the challenges in identifying causes of alcohol- have a low risk of future substance-related disorders (Maggs &
related problems in older adults is the difficulty in determining Schulenberg, 2004/2005). The transition to adult roles of mar-
whether changes in occupational behaviors are related to alco- riage and parenthood are influential in changing drinking be-
hol misuse or to the onset of medical conditions. As the aging haviors; this occurrence is sometimes described as “maturing
U.S. population continues to grow, with baby boomers moving out” of problematic drinking (O’Malley, 2004/2005).
into the 65 and older age group, the problems of detecting, un- Alcohol abuse leads to dependence in a segment of the
derstanding, and treating substance-related disorders in older population and usually occurs by the late 30s. Dependence is
adults will become more significant to society. not a life sentence and, among more highly functioning in-
dividuals, a 1-year abstinence rate occurs for 65% following
Prevalence treatment (APA, 2000). The course of dependence is charac-
terized by times of remission and relapse, where a period of
According to the 2006 NSDUH (SAMHSA, 2007), slightly abstinence may be followed by an interval of controlled
more than one-half of all Americans aged 12 and older use drinking that ultimately results in the resumption of heavy
alcohol. The breakdown by ages, as shown in Figure 15-2, use and severe problems. This phenomenon of dependence,
shows an increase in alcohol use through ages 21 to 25, fol- or addiction, to alcohol and other substances of misuse is in-
lowed by a decrease in use for ages 26 and older. creasingly understood to have a strong neurochemical base
The NSDUH also reports information about the nonmed- that may be linked to genetics (Gutman, 2006). This body of
ical use of illicit drugs: marijuana (including hashish), cocaine research suggests that the brain undergoes permanent neu-
(including crack), heroin, hallucinogens (including LSD, PCP, rochemical alterations that continue to trigger extreme crav-
peyote, mescaline, mushrooms, and “ecstasy”), inhalants, and ings despite extended periods of abstinence. Neurochemical
psychotherapeutics (the nonmedical use of prescription-type changes in the brain provide a basis for our understanding of
pain relievers, tranquilizers, stimulants such as methampheta- the effectiveness of pharmaceutical treatment for addiction
mines, and sedatives) (SAMHSA, 2007). The percentage of to substances (see Medications section) (Gutman, 2006).

Alcohol Use in the United States by Age

Percentage of use

60.0% 51.6% 48.0%
40.0% FIGURE 15-2. Alcohol use in the United States
by age. Data from Substance Abuse and Mental
20.0% 15.6% Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). (2007).
3.9% Results From the 2006 National Survey on Drug
0.0% Use and Health: National Findings. Office of Ap-
12–13 14–15 16–17 18–20 21–25 26–29 60–64 65+ plied Studies, NSDUH Series H-32, DHHS Publica-
Age in years tion No. SMA 07-4293. Rockville, MD: Author.
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CHAPTER 15 ■ Substance-Related Disorders 203

The course of abuse and dependence for the many types co-occurring mental illnesses, higher rates of partner vio-
of illicit drugs varies greatly; in addition, little is known about lence, and less economic and social resources (e.g., divorced
the long-term course of use of several illicit drugs, including single parents with low incomes) (NIAAA, 2005b). Women
cocaine, opioids, hallucinogens, and inhalants (APA, 2000). are less represented in substance-related treatment pro-
The role of marijuana (cannabis) in different cultures and as grams, possibly due to fewer social and economic supports
a legal remedy for certain health conditions is a factor to con- and child care issues. Once in treatment, they may be over-
sider when examining the processes that lead to its abuse and whelmed by guilt and low self-esteem, and be vulnerable to
dependence. About 5% of the U.S. population report lifetime fears about loss of parental rights if they reveal too much in-
use of marijuana, with about 2 million new users annually formation about their needs and problems. Women have
(6,000 initiates per day) for the past 5 years (SAMHSA, better alcohol treatment outcomes in programs that person-
2007). Young people who develop dependence on marijuana alize interventions and where they have choice; they may be
are more likely to have co-occurring personality and conduct more successful in treatment programs targeted specifically
disorders. Marijuana is also frequently described as a “gate- to women as compared to mixed-gender programs (NIAAA,
way” drug to other substance misuse, although the actual 2005b).
progression of this phenomenon is not well understood
(APA, 2000). For drugs that can be smoked or used intra- Culture-Specific Information
venously, the path from experimentation to abuse to depend-
ence on illicit drugs is often rapid. Long-term dependence Much of our knowledge about substance-related disorders is
can have serious adverse mental and physical effects such that based on research and study of historically male populations
the user can no longer afford the financial, emotional, and that are predominantly white. Not surprisingly, though, dif-
physical costs to continue use and seeks treatment requiring ferences in alcohol and illicit drug use, abuse and depend-
total abstinence and lifestyle changes. ence across different ethnic, racial, and cultural groups have
been identified, and thus result in differences in prevalence,
course, etiology, interventions and so forth. Of course, indi-
Gender Differences viduals are more than their age, sex, race, or culture, so
There are differences between men and women in the use of adoption of a client-centered approach will promote focus
substances; in general, males use alcohol and illicit drugs at on the individual in treatment of substance-related disor-
higher rates than females. The characteristics of substance- ders. Nonetheless, a client’s ethnic and cultural (ethnocul-
related disorders (prevalence, course, etiology, interventions, tural) background has an effect on their occupational behav-
etc) have historically been influenced by research on males. iors and needs, and their achievement of intervention
Although there are similarities in the substance-related expe- outcomes. There are substantial commonalities within eth-
riences of men and women, there are also significant biologi- nocultural groups; group affiliation is often a valued identity
cal, social, environmental, and psychological differences. One and resource for its members. As can be understood from
area discussed previously in this chapter is the occurrence and the data reflected here, some groups might be protected
prevention of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, which is a from risky use due to intolerance of alcohol or other drugs,
uniquely female issue. whereas other groups might be much more likely to be in-
Males aged 12 and older consume alcohol at a higher rate clined toward risky levels of use.
than females (57% compared with 45.2%). Among young Substance use data for different ethnocultural groups in
adults aged 18 to 25, the rates of use are 65.9% for men the United States is organized around race, that is, the classi-
and 57.9% for women. The only switch in the ratio of fication of people “on the basis of genetically transmitted
male/female use occurs in youth aged 12 to 17, where 17% physical characteristics” (Straussner, 2001, p. 5). According
of females and 16.3% of males drink alcohol. Likewise, to the 2006 NSDUH, the racial group that consumes the
males aged 12 and older use illicit drugs at a higher rate most alcohol in people aged 12 and older is white (55.8%).
than females (10.5% vs. 6.2%), with rates of marijuana use Table 15-1 shows the rates for all U.S. racial groups.
at twice the rate for males. Males are also twice as likely as
females to abuse or be dependent on illicit substances
(12.3% as compared to 6.3%) (all data from the 2006 Table 15-1 ● Reported Alcohol Use by U.S. Racial Groups, Aged 12
NSDUH) (SAMHSA, 2007). Alcohol consumption affects and Older (%)
females differently than men. Females usually have a smaller
Race Reported Alcohol Use (%)
body mass than males, which explains some of the differ-
ences; however, dissimilar absorption rates and a greater ra- White 55.8
tio of body fat to water also play a role. When body mass Two or more races 47.1
and consumption rates are similar, females get more intox- Hispanic 41.8
icated than males because they metabolize alcohol differ-
Black 40.0
ently due to smaller amounts of stomach enzymes and have
higher concentrations of alcohol in their bloodstream due American Indian/Alaska Native 37.2
to less body water content (NIAAA, 2005b). Native Hawaiians/other Pacific Islander 36.7
Women with alcohol dependence are more likely to come Asian 35.4
from a family in which a parent has a substance-related dis-
Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). (2007).
order, and they have twice the likelihood of experiencing Results From the 2006 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: National Findings. Office of
sexual abuse in childhood compared to the broader popula- Applied Studies, NSDUH Series H-32, DHHS Publication No. SMA 07-4293. Rockville, MD.:
tion of women in general. The result is greater potential for author.
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204 PART 2 ■ The Person

Use of illicit drugs by racial groups is a somewhat differ- substance use first emerge; by the time a problem is serious
ent picture, with the highest rate for age 12 and older among enough to warrant medical attention, it may be in an ad-
American Indians/Native Americans at 13.7%. Table 15-2 vanced state and much more difficult to treat. Individuals
shows the illicit drug use rates for all U.S. racial groups. from historically underserved populations who seek services
Substance abuse or dependence was reported to be the for substance-related disorders may encounter discrimina-
highest among American Indians/Native Americans (19.0%). tion, language barriers, sexism, and inconsistent quality of
Rates of abuse or dependence for all U.S. racial groups are care based on geographic locations (e.g., central city urban,
found in Table 15-3. reservation, rural). Ethnocultural competence is a responsi-
Rates of substance use by racial groups provide only a very bility of all occupational therapy practitioners; it is a com-
small part of the picture of ethnic and culture differences. plex, challenging concern for all areas of practice and is espe-
Within each racial group are dozens if not hundreds of differ- cially critical for services to people with substance-related
ent ethnocultural orientations. For example, white includes disorders that may also co-occur with the many health con-
Irish, Quaker, and Jewish ethnicity. Patterns of use vary widely ditions seen by occupational therapists.
within ethnocultural groups and across the life span. Some
groups may permit substance use at younger ages, revere it
within elders, but frown on it during the middle adult years Impact on Occupational
when it may disrupt function in key life roles. Some groups
incorporate substances into important religious and cultural Performance
ceremonies, whereas others disapprove of any public use. Occupational therapists are concerned with the activities and
There are also significant differences in the effects of sub- routines that affect a person’s ability to participate in meaning-
stances within the many ethnocultural groups. Some of these ful occupational roles and achieve an overall state of health and
differences may be due to biological and genetic factors (e.g., well-being (AOTA, 2008). All areas of occupation identified in
differences that affect absorption and metabolism of alcohol) the Occupational Therapy Practice Framework (AOTA, 2008)
(NIAAA, 2002a). Others may be due to disparities in preven- may be affected by substance-related disorders, including
tion resources and access to health care when difficulties with
■ Activities of daily living (ADL)
■ Instrumental activities of daily living (IADL)
Table 15-2 ● Reported Illicit Drug Use by U.S. Racial Groups, Aged 12
■ Rest and sleep
and Older (%) ■ Education
■ Work
Race Reported Illicit Drug Use (%) ■ Play
American Indian/Alaska Native 13.7 ■ Leisure
Black 9.8
■ Social participation
Two or more races 8.9 Given that the DSM-IV-TR (APA, 2000) criteria for sub-
White 8.5 stance abuse and dependence includes a negative impact on
occupational role performance, the occupational nature of
Native Hawaiians/Other Pacific Islander 7.5
substance use disorders is central to identifying how sub-
Hispanic 6.9 stances have affected an individual’s life, as well as helping
Asian 3.6 the individual seek recovery and improve his or her quality
Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). (2007). of life (Martin, Bliven, & Boisvert, 2008; Stoffel & Moyers,
Results From the 2006 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: National Findings. Office 2001, 2004, 2005; Yeager, 2000).
of Applied Studies, NSDUH Series H-32, DHHS Publication No. SMA 07-4293. Rockville, Occupational therapy practitioners work with people in
MD.: Author. their early recovery to find specific routines that support
one’s recovery from substance-related disorders. Such rou-
tines might make it possible to pursue meaningful occupa-
Table 15-3 ● Reported Substance Abuse or Dependence by U.S. tional roles such as parenting, taking care of a pet, driving a
Racial Groups, Aged 12 and Older (%) car, maintaining personal finances, eating and exercising in a
healthy manner, maintaining a home, or participating with
Reported Substance Abuse or
a spiritual community. In addition, a change in substance use
Race Dependence (%)
may affect one’s ability to fall or stay asleep, or may affect the
American Indian/Alaska Native 19.0 quality of one’s rest. Performance in school and work often
Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 12.0 precipitates outside attention to the negative consequences of
Two or more races 12.0 substance use disorders (missed classes or days at work; poor
school or work performance; attention from teachers, super-
Hispanic 10.0
visors, or peers due to performance issues), further under-
White 9.2 scoring the occupational nature of substance use disorders.
Black 9.0 Pursuit of playful activities that provide enjoyment, leisure
Asian 4.3 exploration, and participation in nondrinking or using envi-
ronments can also be early challenges to making healthy
Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). (2007).
Results From the 2006 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: National Findings. Office changes in occupational routines. Frequently, conscious and
of Applied Studies, NSDUH Series H-32, DHHS Publication No. SMA 07-4293. Rockville, deliberate choices about the people and places where one
MD.: Author. engages in social and community participation need to be
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CHAPTER 15 ■ Substance-Related Disorders 205

considered, as continuing to spend time in drinking or using Interventions

environments with former drinking and using friends might
place the person with a substance use disorder at high risk for Treatment for substance-related disorders may occur in
relapse. Use of substances is likely woven into the fabric of many locations, including hospitals, emergency rooms, drug
everyday life, as evidenced by the seemingly common exam- or alcohol rehabilitation facilities, mental health centers, pri-
ples highlighted in this paragraph, and needs to be extricated vate medical or psychology offices, prisons, and self-help
so that the person seeking recovery and health can rebuild his groups. Most people who receive substance use treatment
or her lifestyle and occupational routines. obtain it at self-help groups (2.2 million people in 2006), fol-
lowed by outpatient treatment in drug or alcohol rehabilita-
tion facilities (1.6 million people) and outpatient treatment
in mental health facilities (1.2 million people). Less than 2%
Evidence-Based Practice of the population receives treatment for any kind of problem
related to substance use, abuse, or dependence, and the ma-

O ccupational therapists with a background in mental health

are more likely to ask questions to screen for problematic
use of alcohol or other drugs and to offer direct intervention than
jority (55%) of those who receive treatment get services for
alcohol-related disorders versus treatment for all other sub-
stances combined. Self-reported barriers to receiving appro-
therapists in physical rehabilitation or gerontology practice areas, priate interventions are ranked as follows (all data from the
who are more likely to refer the person to others for alcohol
2006 NSDUH) (SAMHSA, 2007):
and other drug abuse (AODA) services or self-help groups
(Thompson, 2007). Screening and brief intervention strategies 1. No health coverage or could not afford the cost
have been suggested as appropriate for occupational therapy 2. Not ready to stop using
practitioners across all areas of practice (Martin & Bonder, 2004; 3. Able to handle problem without treatment
McQueen, Allan, & Mains, 2006; Stoffel & Moyers, 2001, 2004,
4. No transportation or inconvenient
2005; Thompson, 2007).
5. Might cause neighbors/community to have negative
➤ Use of screening tools such as the CAGE-AID (Brown & opinions
Rounds, 1995; Ewing, 1984) or the Fast Alcohol Screening 6. No program having type of needed treatment
Test (Health Development Agency, 2002) can be used in
conjunction with tools such as the Occupational Performance The most effective interventions for substance-related de-
History Interview (Kielhofner, Henry, & Whalens, 1989) to pendence are a combination of psychosocial and pharma-
determine whether occupational issues are related to ceutical approaches. The psychosocial therapies address the
substance use so that intervention planning can be more beliefs, coping/stress management techniques, and social
effectively constructed. skills necessary to function without reliance on substances.
➤ Offering brief intervention in the form of feedback, referral Pharmaceutical approaches (i.e., medications) affect the
to AODA services, menu of options regarding change in neurochemistry of addiction to reduce the positive effects
substance use, and information about how substance use of the illicit substances and reduce cravings (Gutman, 2006).
affects a person’s life should follow such screening and Individuals diagnosed with severe mental illness and a
assessment (McQueen, Allan, & Mains, 2006; Moyers & substance-related disorder have been examined for their re-
Stoffel, 1999; Stoffel & Moyers, 2004, 2005). ceptiveness to interventions using motivational and cogni-
Brown, R. L., & Rounds, L. A. (1995). Conjoint screening questionnaires
tive therapies (Barrowclough et al, 2001; Carey, Carey,
for alcohol and drugs abuse. Wisconsin Medical Journal, 94, 135–140. Maisto, & Purnine, 2002; Carey, Purnine, Maisto, & Carey,
Ewing, J. A. (1984). Detecting alcoholism: The CAGE questionnaire. 2001). The findings of these studies support an integrated
Journal of the American Medical Association, 252, 1905–1907. approach of traditional therapies (e.g., medication, outpa-
Health Development Agency. (2002). Manual for the Fast Alcohol Screen-
ing Test (FAST). London: Health Development Agency and University of
tient follow-up, access to day treatment) with motivational
Wales College of Medicine. and cognitive-based interventions that address readiness to
Kielhofner, G., Henry, A. D., & Whalens, D. (1989). Occupational Perfor- change and responsibility for one’s own treatment program.
mance History Interview (OPHI). Bethesda, MD: American Occupational Specific intervention techniques aimed at motivation,
Therapy Association.
Martin, P., & Bonder, B. (2004). Screening for substance abuse. OT
coping skills, cognitive beliefs, and communication and
Practice, 9(8), 25–27. interaction skills associated with occupations are covered
McQueen, J., Allan, L., & Mains, D. (2006). Brief motivational counseling in other chapters in this text; medications used for sub-
for alcohol abusers admitted to medical wards. British Journal of Occupa- stance-related disorders, stages of change and harm reduc-
tional Therapy, 69, 327–333.
Moyers, P. A., & Stoffel, V. C. (1999). Alcohol dependence in a client with
tion, contingency management, ProjectMAINSTREAM,
a work-related injury. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 53, and 12-step group participation recommendations for
640–645. occupational therapists are reviewed here.
Stoffel, V., & Moyers, P. A. (2001). Occupational Therapy Practice
Guidelines for Substance Use Disorder (3rd ed.). Bethesda, MD:
American Occupational Therapy Association.
Stoffel, V., & Moyers, P. A. (2005). Occupational therapy and substance
use disorders. In E. Cara & A. MacRae (Eds.), Psychosocial Occupational
Therapy: A Clinical Practice (2nd ed., pp. 446–473). Albany, NY: Delmar The past decade has seen substantial research on the use of
Stoffel, V. C., & Moyers, P. A. (2004). An evidence-based and occupa- medications to combat substance-related dependence. Three
tional perspective of interventions for persons with substance-use oral medications (naltrexone, acamprosate, and disulfiram)
disorders. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 58, 570–586.
and an injectable form of naltrexone have been approved for
Thompson, K. (2007). Occupational therapy and substance use
disorders: Are practitioners addressing these disorders in practice? treatment of alcohol dependence in the United States. Nal-
Occupational Therapy in Health Care, 21(3), 61–77. trexone has shown to be effective in reducing drinking
relapses in the first 3 months of use; it is also effective for
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206 PART 2 ■ The Person

opiate addiction because it blocks opiate receptors in the stages (precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, and
brain, thus reducing the perceived positive benefits of both action) to accomplish change. There are intervention
alcohol and opiate use (NIAAA, 2005a). It does not affect the strategies that match the thoughts, beliefs, and readiness
perceived positive benefits of other types of drugs, so poly- for change at each stage (e.g., during preparation, the par-
substance users are less likely candidates for naltrexone ticipant might identify an alternate afternoon activity in
(Gutman, 2006). Its usefulness has also been demonstrated place of “happy hour”; attending the alternate activity
in a small study of patients with both bipolar disorder and would occur during the action stage). Stoffel and Moyers
alcohol dependence, with patients reporting that the num- (2004) provide examples of how occupational therapy
ber of days of alcohol use and cravings were significantly de- practitioners might apply the stages of change model in
creased (Brown, Beard, Dobbs, & Rush, 2006). their interventions with persons who struggle with their
Acamprosate reduces unpleasant symptoms associated use of substances in an effort to facilitate their readiness to
with abstinence such as insomnia, restlessness, and dyspho- change. For example, when a person is in the contempla-
ria. Research indicates that it is more effective with patients tion stage, he or she might be aware of how his or her al-
who are more dependent, who abstain for a longer period cohol or drug use has caused problems in his or her life.
of time before it is used, and whose goal for treatment The occupational therapist might have him or her explore
is complete abstinence; however, more research is needed the full set of good and not so good things associated with
(Anton et al, 2006; NIAAA, 2005a, 20005b). Disulfiram his or her substance use as a means to explore a life with-
(Antabuse) works by inhibiting metabolism; if the user in- out alcohol or drugs, thereby facilitating movement from
gests alcohol while on disulfiram, he or she experiences contemplation to preparation for change.
flushing, nausea, and tachycardia. Compliance is limited if Harm reduction is a public health philosophy that incorpo-
patients must self-administer the drug, but it is effective with rates practical strategies that help reduce the negative
those who are highly motivated to abstain or for use in high- consequences associated with drug use (Harm Reduction
risk drinking situations (NIAAA, 2005a). Coalition, n.d.; Marlatt, 1998). It is viewed by critics as being in
Medications that mimic the drugs they replace are used opposition to abstinence and has been somewhat controver-
to reduce cravings and prevent relapse (Gutman, 2006). sial. Harm reduction advocates believe that the neurochem-
Methadone, used to treat heroin addiction and the most istry of addiction may preclude abstinence and that some
well-known example of this type of medication, is contro- strategies for using drugs are safer than others. Harm reduc-
versial because it is also addictive but does not have the neg- tion approaches have been incorporated into brief interven-
ative effects of the illicit opiates it replaces, such as overdose, tions for alcohol use, most notably in primary care settings,
mortality, and risk of infections. Wellbutrin works similarly where a minimal amount of time with a patient is devoted to
for smoking cessation and does not have the negative qual- alcohol issues (Fleming & Manwell, 1999). The goal of using a
ity of becoming addictive (Gutman, 2006). Two new med- harm reduction approach in primary care is to reduce the
ications for alcohol dependence, topiramate and baclofen, number of problems associated with alcohol use and increase
are still in clinical trials with promising results, but have not the patients’ readiness to change their behavior.
been approved for use (Johnson, 2008; DeSousa, 2010). With
advances in the neurosciences, there is reason to be hopeful Contingency Management
that new drugs will be developed and studied.
Combining medications with behavioral therapies to Contingency management (CM) is an intervention strat-
treat alcohol dependence has been examined in a large, egy that, using the principles of operant conditioning,
multisite research study involving 1,383 participants provides reinforcing consequences for substance-abusing
(Anton et al, 2006). Study participants received naltrexone individuals who meet treatment goals. It has been used
and/or acamprosate, medical management (nine sessions since the 1960s in both alcohol and other drug programs,
on adherence and abstinence) and combined behavioral and several studies support its effectiveness in reducing sub-
interventions (CBIs) using motivational interviewing ap- stance use, improving treatment attendance, and reinforc-
proaches in various combinations. A placebo group ing medication compliance and treatment goals (Higgins &
received only the behavioral intervention. Although all par- Petry, 1999). A CM program typically provides vouchers
ticipants demonstrated increases in the amount of time that can be redeemed for desirable items, such as bus
they abstained from drinking (main outcome measure), tokens, clothing, movie passes, or even more expensive
those who received naltrexone or CBI had the best out- electronics when treatment goals are met (e.g., clean urine
comes (Anton et al, 2006). sample). Costs can be a barrier to use, however, and Petry
(2006) describes an alternate system at about half the cost in
Stages of Change and Harm Reduction which patients have an opportunity to receive a prize based
on a drawing. This system has received renewed interest in
Changing any behavior is complex and challenging, and the past decade because its use has been reexamined and
requires internal motivation, commitment, and a realistic found to be effective with polydrug abusers (Petry, Alessi,
understanding of the steps of change. A model for chang- Hanson, & Sierra, 2007; Vandrey, Bigelow, & Stitzer, 2007).
ing health behaviors such as addictions is the stages of
change model (DiClemente & Prochaska, 1998), also re- ProjectMAINSTREAM
ferred to as the transtheoretical model. It is often used in
research and intervention programs for substance-related ProjectMAINSTREAM ( is part
disorders to better understand and use different interven- of an interdisciplinary effort by the Health Resources and
tions at various points in the pattern of substance use. The Services Administration (HRSA), the Association for Medical
model proposes that individuals go through a series of Education and Research in Substance Abuse (AMERSA), the
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CHAPTER 15 ■ Substance-Related Disorders 207

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration familiarize themselves with groups such as Alcoholics
(SAMHSA), and Center for Substance Abuse Treatment Anonymous (AA), Cocaine Anonymous (CA), and Nar-
(CSAT) to prepare health professionals to address the needs cotics Anonymous (NA), as well as their locations, fre-
of clients with substance-related disorders in response to quency of meetings, and traditions, so that they can en-
goals set forth in Healthy People 2010. Occupational therapy courage access to this fellowship of support for recovery.
is 1 of 15 professions targeted for faculty development in sub- Twelve-step programs are often referred to as being based
stance abuse education. on spirituality and social support, both of which are
The strategic plan behind the project is to provide a foun- understood as important to recovery. Stoffel and Moyers
dation for the development of interdisciplinary faculty; it (2004) provide a variety of ways in which occupational
identifies the core knowledge, competencies, and skills therapy practitioners can provide encouragement and
needed by health professionals to effectively identify, inter- build a recovery lifestyle consistent with self-help group
vene, and refer individuals with substance-related disorders. participation.
Health-care professionals, the front line providers to most
people with substance-related problems, do not regularly
identify and diagnose these conditions because they lack the Summary
skills and knowledge. ProjectMAINSTREAM has developed
a complete course syllabus, including readings, handouts, This chapter provides the reader with important informa-
and slide presentations, that is available at no cost. Topics tion about how substance-related disorders affect the occu-
covered include prevention, screening, assessment, interven- pational lives of people who live with substance abuse and
tion, referral, community involvement, assisting children of dependence. Occupational therapy provides a variety of op-
substance-abusing parents, and assisting older adults with tions to restoring health and well-being by providing the
issues on cultural competency integrated throughout. This person with meaningful alternatives to use of alcohol and
resource can be adapted as necessary and is an excellent fol- other drugs. Helping facilitate the readiness to change
low-up for readers of this chapter. through skillful use of motivational interviewing, facilitat-
ing coping, and encouraging exploration, as well as use of
12-Step Group Participation 12-step self-help groups to build a co mmunity of support
for recovery from alcohol and drug use, are potential
Given that the majority of people who received help ways an occupational therapy practitioner might promote
for their substance use disorders get it from self-help change.
groups (SAMHSA, 2007), occupational therapists should

Active Learning Strategies

1. Cost of College Drinking 3. Self-Reflection
Although most college students “mature out” of heavy Use the following prompts to reflect
episodic drinking that occurs while they are in college, there on substance abuse disorders and
can be substantial costs to drinking excessively, including fi- then describe your thoughts in your
nancial costs, emotional costs, and even costs in terms of ex- Reflective Journal.
tra calories.
Reflective Questions
Go to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alco-
● How do you feel about illicit drug use?
holism website at
● Has your opinion changed in recent years?
CollegeStudents/calculator/default.aspx, which is devoted to
● How do you feel about workplace drug testing?
college drinking prevention. On this site,
● How do you feel about use of performance-enhancing
● Use the calculators to calculate the costs of drinking.
drugs by athletes?
● Learn more about college drinking through the other
● Ask your friends about these topics to learn what they
resources on the site, especially those devoted to college
think and why.
● Check if your campus subscribes to e-CHUG (www.e-chug
.com) for a personalized analysis of college drinking at 4. Self-Help Meetings
your school. Attend an open meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, Al-Anon,
Narcotics Anonymous, or another self-help group in your area.
2. Substance Use Rates Close to Home Be sure that you only attend OPEN meetings, and be aware of
Go to the website of the Office of Applied Studies of the Sub- the need to abide by confidentiality. Use the Yellow Pages in
stance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration at your community to locate a number for the local Alcoholics Use this site to learn about the Anonymous (you might also find meeting information avail-
rates of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, and other drug use for able online); call the number and ask for the location and time
the state in which you live. of an upcoming open meeting. Once you attend, familiarize
1704_Ch15_192-210.qxd 7/9/10 5:01 PM Page 208

208 PART 2 ■ The Person

yourself with the format of the meeting because you might 5. Narrative Analysis
need to describe a meeting to future clients who are early in
their own recovery process. Read The Lived Experience narrative in this chapter (A Cock-
tail of Emotions: Loving a Parent With Alcoholism) and note
In your journal, reflect on how how the writer’s father’s use of alcohol affected the occupa-
members welcome others into the tions in which he engaged. Note how these changes also
fellowship of the recovery community. affected the writer and the significance of occupational role
Note how people describe their performance when her father was drinking and when he
involvement in these self-help groups was not.
and the impact it seems to have on
their health and well-being.

Resources Brown, R. L., & Rounds, L. A. (1995). Conjoint screening question-

naires for alcohol and other drug abuse. Wisconsin Medical Jour-
Organizations and Programs
nal, 94(3), 135–140.
• National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)— Canning, U. P., Marshall, E. J., Kennel-Webb, S. C., & Peters, T. J.
social work curriculum on alcohol use disorders: Available at: (1999). Substance misuse in acute general medical admissions. Quarterly Journal of Medicine, 92, 319–326.
• BACCHUS Network—information about drinking, sexual health, Carey, K. B., Carey, M. P., Maisto, S. A., & Purnine, D. M. (2002).
tobacco use, and wellness for college students: http://www The feasibility of enhancing psychiatric outpatients’ readiness to and change their substance use. Psychiatric Services, 53, 602–608.
• ProjectMAINSTREAM—education resource for health Carey, K. B., Purnine, D. M., Maisto, S. A., & Carey, M. P. (2001).
professionals who want to learn more about substance use Enhancing readiness-to-change substance abuse in persons with
disorders: schizophrenia: A four-session motivation-based intervention.
• SAMHSA’s National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Behavior Modification, 25, 331–384.
Practices (NREPP): Chen, M., Miller, B. A., Grube, J. W., & Waters, E. D. (2006). Music,
• Substance Abuse Resources and Disability Issues (SARDI): substance use, and aggression. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 67, 372–381.
• Guide to Evidence-Based Practices on the Web: http://www Compton, W. M., Thomas, Y. F., Conway, K. P., & Colliver, J. D. (2005). Developments in the epidemiology of drug use
and drug use disorders. American Journal of Psychiatry, 162,
References 1494–1502.
Deas, D., & Thomas, S. (2002). Comorbid psychiatric factors
Adams, W. L., Barry, K. L., & Fleming, M. F. (1996). Screening for contributing to adolescent alcohol and other drug use. Alcohol
problem drinking in older primary care patients. Journal of the Research & Health, 26(2), 116–121. Available at: http://pubs
American Medical Association, 276, 1964–1967. (accessed
American Heart Association. (2007). “Drinking Heavily in College November 17, 2009).
May Lead to Heart Disease Later in Life.” Meeting Report, April 19. De Sousa, A. (2010). The pharmacotherapy of alcohol dependence:
Available at: A state of the art review. In A. R. Singh and S. A. Singh (Eds.),
identifier=3047060 (accessed November 17, 2009). Psychopharmacology Today: Some Issues (MSM, 8, Jan–Dec 2010,
American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA). (2008). Occupa- pp. 69–82.
tional therapy practice framework: Domain and process, 2nd edition. DiClemente, C. C., & Prochaska, J. O. (1998). Toward a comprehen-
American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 62, 625–683. sive, transtheoretical model of change: Stages of change and addic-
American Psychiatric Association (APA). (2000). Diagnostic and tive behaviors. In W. R. Miller & N. Heather (Eds.), Treating Addic-
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Weiss, R. D., Williams, L. D., & Zweben, A. (2006). Combined 5–14. Available at:
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Co-Occurring Disorders 16
Penelope A. Moyers

“I T hey [treatment staff] worked mainly on substance abuse and I think they should split the time
between mental health and substance abuse because I really honestly don’t know anyone
who has a substance abuse problem who doesn’t have a mental problem.
—Anonymous youth, Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health, 2001
t was our responsibility as family members to put the two together, substance abuse and
mental health. No one even offered to help us sort this out.
—Anonymous parent, 2001, Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health, 2001

Introduction A variety of terms for COD have been used in the past, in-
In other Section 2 chapters, individual mental health diag- cluding dual diagnosis, mentally ill substance abuser, and
noses are described, highlighting the role of occupational mentally ill chemically dependent (Table 16-1 includes a com-
therapy practitioners in delivering services to persons with re- plete list), but the current accepted terminology is persons
sulting occupational performance issues. This chapter aug- with CODs. Still, this term is not precise and can become dis-
ments learning through the emphasis on persons who have at torted when users fail to clarify how the term is being used
least one substance use disorder and one mental health disor- (CSAT, 2005a).
der, otherwise referred to as co-occurring disorders (CODs). Some individuals benefit from intervention specifically
The term co-occurring disorder is clarified because there is designed for COD, but may not technically be classified as
a history of confusing terminology. The epidemiology of having a COD. This may be due to circumstances (e.g., the
COD is explored, noting a discrepancy between prevalence person with a mental illness has not used preferred sub-
and intervention accessibility, which represents a legitimate stances because he or she was incarcerated and did not have
public health crisis (Minkoff & Cline, 2004). In addition, the access to mood-altering substances such as alcohol, mari-
availability of professionals and peers who are trained to ad- juana, or cocaine) or motivation (e.g., the person with bipo-
dress both classes of disorders in an integrated manner is lar disorder wanted to get his or her driver’s license back and
also problematic (McLellan & Meyers, 2004). so complies with substance-free expectation monitored by
Occupational therapy practitioners require education and the court). To be identified as a person with a COD, the diag-
training in addressing the occupational performance prob- nosis of each disorder (mental and substance use) occurs
lems and community participation of persons with CODs. when all criteria are present for each condition as spelled out
This understanding can affect the ability of occupational in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,
therapy practitioners to improve existing programs and de- Fourth Edition, Text Revision (DSM IV-TR; American Psychi-
velop new prevention and intervention programs for persons atric Association [APA], 2000).
with CODs that are fully integrated and address all problems Another potential factor contributing to the lack of clear
of living related to the combination of diagnoses. These pro- diagnostic indicators in both mental and substance use disor-
grams can facilitate recovery in which the person experiences der is that in a given agency, service provision may be only di-
positive interaction throughout everyday life, leading to suc- rected toward one condition (i.e., an agency that only works
cessful community participation. with people with mental illness). Therefore, no questions get
asked about substance use unless the person presents as being
under the influence of mood-altering substances.
Description of the Disorder However, it is important for persons at risk for CODs to
receive the appropriate services, rather than be denied serv-
Co-occurring disorder (COD) is the term used to describe ices until each diagnosis can be separately established (CSAT,
persons who have one or more substance-related disorders 2005a). For example, an individual with a clearly recognized
and one or more mental disorders (Center for Substance diagnosis in one domain (e.g., posttraumatic stress disorder
Abuse Treatment [CSAT], 2006a), for example, an individual [PTSD]) may at pretreatment display some signs and symp-
with bipolar disorder who also has an alcohol use disorder toms of an evolving disorder in the other domain (e.g., abuse
or a young adult with schizoaffective disorder who also has of alcohol and marijuana as a means of regulating emotion)
cocaine dependence. (CSAT, 2006a). Also, one of the disorders may resolve after

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212 PART 2 ■ The Person

Any definition of COD should address the goal of reliev-

Table 16-1 ● Alternative Terminology for Co-Occurring Disorders ing the severity of symptoms, the limitations in occupational
Abbreviation Definition performance, and the restrictions in community participa-
tion that are typical of persons with mental health disorders
MICA Mentally ill chemical abuser and concomitant substance use disorders (CSAT, 2006c).
MICAA Mentally ill chemically addicted or affected Vulnerable individuals can inadvertently fail to receive the
MISA Mentally ill substance abuser appropriate interventions because of the technical use of the
MISU Mentally ill substance using term and arbitrary exclusion of certain drug classes or men-
CAMI Chemically abusing mentally ill or chemically addicted tal health diagnoses.
and mentally ill
SAMI Substance abusing mentally ill COD Conceptual Framework
MICD Mentally ill chemically dependent
The National Association of State Mental Health Program
Dually diagnosed Directors (NASMHPD) and the National Association of
Dually disordered State Alcohol and Drug Abuse Directors (NASADAD) (2000;
Comorbid disorders NASADAD & NASMHPD, 2005) published a conceptual
ICOPSD Individuals with co-occurring psychiatric and substance framework based on the original work of Ries (1993) to clas-
disorders sify persons with CODs in terms of relative symptom sever-
ity rather than by diagnostic combinations and matched
them to the system of care, also referred to as the Quadrant
Model (Table 16-2).
diagnosis, but the need for integrated COD intervention is
still important to prevent return of the resolved disorder and Epidemiology
continued intervention for the remaining disorder. It is ad-
ditionally important for persons with a unitary disorder Kessler (2004) reported that the co-occurrence of mental
(i.e., only one diagnosis, either a mental health diagnosis or disorders and substance use disorders is much higher than
a substance use disorder), such as substance dependence chance. The data from the 2006 National Survey on Drug
with suicidal ideation, which is a mental health symptom Use and Health (NSDUH) (SAMHSA, 2007) indicated that
that increases in severity, to receive integrated COD services. there were 24.9 million adults aged 18 or older with serious
Likewise, a person with a mental health disorder who is hos- psychological distress (SPD), or 11.3% of all adults. Of these
pitalized because of substance intoxication should be con- adults with SPD, 22.3% were dependent on or abused alco-
sidered for COD services, even though substance abuse or hol and drugs (5.6 million adults with COD), compared
dependence has not been fully established. with the 7.7% rate of substance use among adults without
Currently, because of reimbursement limitations, COD SPD. Note that SPD means having symptoms of a mental
services are often not included for persons who abuse caf- disorder, using a new process by which the NSDUH now col-
feine or who are nicotine dependent as the only substance lects data in the United States.
use disorder, and the same is true for persons with impulse National Comorbidity Survey Replication (NCS-R) data
control disorders as the only mental health disorder. This is are currently being analyzed; the most recent reports indicate
unfortunate because nicotine dependence has high rates of 12-month prevalence rates of 26.2% for the presence of any
morbidity and mortality, and it co-occurs with other addic- mental disorder among the 9,282 adults surveyed, with 22%
tive and mental disorders (Grant, Hasin, Chou, Stinson, & having two DSM-IV-TR diagnoses and 23% having three or
Dawson, 2004). Caffeine abuse may not qualify an individ- more diagnoses. The mental disorders were categorized in
ual for COD services, unless the caffeine abuse triggers panic four classes: anxiety, mood, impulse control, and substance
attacks in a person with agoraphobia (CSAT, 2006a). use disorders (Kessler, Chiu, Demler, & Walters, 2005). Those

Table 16-2 ● Categories of Co-Occurring Disorders and Locus of Care

Category: Locus of Care Level of Symptom Severity Description
Category I: Low for both Less severe mental disorder/less severe substance disorder
Primary health-care settings
Category II: High mental disorder/low substance disorder More severe mental disorder/less severe substance disorder
Mental health system
Category III: Low mental disorder/high substance disorder Less severe mental disorder/more severe substance disorder
Substance abuse system
Category IV: High for both More severe mental disorder/more severe substance disorder
Joint alcohol and mental health systems,
prisons, state hospitals, emergency rooms
Source: Adapted from National Association of State Alcohol and Drug Abuse Directors and the National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors. (2005). The Evolving
Conceptual Framework for Co-Occurring Mental Health and Substance Abuse Disorders: Developing Strategies for Systems Change. Final Report of the NASMHPD NASADAD Task Force
on Co-Occurring Disorders. Washington, DC, and Alexandria, VA: Authors; p. 3.
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CHAPTER 16 ■ Co-Occurring Disorders 213

with more severe mental illness were more likely to have more Complications of COD
than one diagnosis. However, Kessler et al (2005) additionally
reported that, of persons with psychotic disorders, 9.9% also There are complications often associated with CODs that are
had alcohol abuse, 10.4% also had drug abuse, or 26.8% also related to homelessness, incarceration, infectious diseases,
had some type of substance-related disorder. trauma, and PTSD. From 1990 to 2000 (North, Eyrich, Pollio,
In the previous NCS, which was administered between & Spitznagel, 2004), homelessness in females with CODs in-
1990 and 1992, Kessler et al (1996) found 42.7% of persons creased from 14.3% to 36.7%, compared with homelessness
with substance use disorders within the previous 12 months in males with CODs, which increased from 23.2% to 32.2%.
had at least one mental disorder, and 14.7% of persons with Women and families are the fastest growing among the
mental disorders in the previous 12 months had at least one homeless population (SAMHSA, 2003).
substance use disorder. Approximately 51.4% of the respon- McNeil, Binder, and Robinson (2005) assessed the rela-
dents on the NCS with a lifetime substance use disorder met tionships between homelessness, mental disorder, and incar-
criteria for at least one lifetime mental disorder, with a sim- ceration using the San Francisco County Jail system database
ilar percentage of 50.9% of the NCS respondents with a life- and found that 78% of the homeless inmates with a severe
time mental disorder also having a history of substance use. mental disorder had co-occurring substance-related disor-
From 2001 to 2002, the National Institute on Alcohol ders. These inmates were also more likely to be charged with
Abuse and Alcoholism conducted the National Epidemio- a violent crime when compared with other inmates. Even
logic Survey on Alcohol Related Conditions (NESARC) in when compared with inmates charged with similar crimes
persons aged 18 years and older (Grant, Moore, Shepard, & who did not have a COD, they were more likely to be held in
Kaplan, 2003) for the purpose of examining the prevalence jail longer. Similarly, Hartwell (2004) found in Massachusetts
of various DSM-IV-TR disorders and the way in which they that offenders with a COD on release had greater service
co-occur. Results are shown in Table 16-3. needs for housing and for assessment of dangerousness. As a
Because there are multiple national epidemiological stud- result, these offenders were more likely to return to correc-
ies, it is important to analyze the data to draw conclusions tional custody.
regarding what the data describe. There is evidence within Another complication of CODs is the problem of infectious
these surveys to support the possibility of four probable diseases. Tucker, Kanouse, Miu, Koegel, and Sullivan (2003) re-
mechanisms of action to explain the high rate of CODs ported that, in a sample of persons infected with HIV who also
(Kessler, 2004): had serious mental illness, problem drinking was associated
with sexual activity and more sexual risk behaviors. Berger-
1. Mental disorders contribute to the onset and persist- Greenstein et al (2007) found that in 85 persons who abused
ence of substance use disorders because of increased substances and had HIV/AIDS, 72.9% met the criteria for a
exposure to substances related to having a conduct major depressive disorder. Meta-analyses have indicated that
disorder, disinhibition to experiment with substances prevalence rates of depression are significantly higher among
because of having an impulse control disorder, and people living with HIV/AIDS than in the general population.
self-medication with substances because of having Persons with AIDS appear to experience a faster progression of
dysphoric mood. the disease and higher mortality rates when depression is a
2. Substance use disorders contribute to the onset and complicating factor (Leserman, 2003).
persistence of mental disorders through a combina- PTSD often occurs in the comorbidity of substance use
tion of biological mechanisms, increased exposure to and other psychiatric disorders (Brady & Sinha, 2005). A
stress, and decreased access to coping resources. high proportion, or 20% to 30%, of individuals with sub-
3. There are common causes for both types of disorders stance use disorders meet criteria for PTSD (Back et al,
involving genetic and environmental mechanisms, 2000). Waldrop, Back, Verduin, and Brady (2007) found that
which lead these disorders to co-occur. the high-risk substance use triggers for persons with PTSD
4. Survey methodological error makes some overestima- were typically in response to negative situations, such as un-
tion of CODs highly likely. pleasant emotions and physical discomfort, when compared

Table 16-3 ● National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol-Related Conditions (NESARC) Results

Prevalence Within
Diagnosis Comorbidity Previous 12 Months Standard Error Authors
Personality disorder Alcohol use disorder 16.4% 0.62 Grant, Stinson, Dawson, Chou, Ruan, et al (2006)
(at least one)
Drug use disorder 6.5% 0.41 Grant, Stinson, Dawson, Chou, Ruan, et al (2006)
Alcohol use disorder Personality disorder (at least one) 28.6% 1.00 Grant, Stinson, Dawson, Chou, Ruan, et al (2006)
Drug use disorder Personality disorder (at least one) 47.7% 1.96 Grant, Stinson, Dawson, Chou, Ruan, et al (2006)
Mood disorder Alcohol use disorder 17.30% 0.75 Grant, Stinson, Dawson, Chou, Dufour, et al (2006)
Drug use disorder 6.9% 0.56 Grant, Stinson, Dawson, Chou, Dufour, et al (2006)
Anxiety disorder Alcohol use disorder 13.02% 0.65 Grant, Stinson, Dawson, Chou, Dufour, et al (2006)
Drug use disorder 4.58% 0.41 Grant, Stinson, Dawson, Chou, Dufour, et al (2006)
Source: Data from Grant, Stinson, Dawson, Chou, Dufour, et al (2006); Grant, Stinson, Dawson, Chou, Ruan, et al (2006).
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214 PART 2 ■ The Person

with individuals without PTSD, who were more likely to result from a complete relapse. The person and family can
cope during recovery with these milder forms of substance implement appropriate health-care–seeking behaviors and
use triggers. In addition, individuals with cocaine depend- a variety of useful coping strategies that include reengage-
ence and PTSD tended to use cocaine not only in unpleasant ment in healthy occupations.
situations, but also in pleasant situations, unlike people with
alcohol dependence and PTSD. It is clear that persons with
substance use disorders should be screened for trauma
related to childhood abuse (Anderson, Teicher, Pocari, &
Service Integration for COD
Renshaw, 2002) because PTSD seems to play a role in the The quadrant model (referred to previously in this chap-
development of substance use disorders (Brady, Kileen, ter, including Table 16-2) has been helpful in creating bet-
Brewerton, & Lucerini, 2000). ter understanding regarding the need for service integra-
tion, that is, integration of mental health and substance
Course abuse services (NASADAD & NASMHPD, 2005). The level
of integration among mental health and substance use dis-
The course of COD can involve remission, recovery, and re- order services becomes more imperative for individuals in
lapse (CSAT, 2006a)—in any order. A person who is in re- category IV COD.
mission no longer meets the DSM-IV-TR (APA, 2000) crite- Traditionally, the mental health and substance abuse
ria for either or both the substance use disorder or the treatment systems have operated as separate and independ-
mental health disorder. Although there is an absence of dis- ent systems, both possessing different intervention philoso-
tress from COD, a person in remission would likely benefit phies, cultures, funding mechanisms, and administrative
from intervention focusing on relapse prevention and im- structures (CSAT, 2005a). To some degree, the COD concep-
provement in occupational performance and community tual framework (Table 16-2) can help providers determine
participation. the type of placement for intervention; however, without
According to Lowinson, Ruiz, Millman, and Langrod better integration of services, the diagnostic rating of less se-
(1992), recovery is more than the absence of distress from vere can change rapidly, thereby placing the person in the
the COD; instead, it occurs when the person works on gain- more severe category. Unfortunately, occupational therapy
ing information and self-awareness, and developing the service provision is rarely integrated into COD intervention
skills necessary for living chemically free. Through this on- because the system for addressing substance use disorders
going effort, the person is able to live, work, and fully partic- often does not employ occupational therapy practitioners.
ipate in his or her community, despite any residual disability. Services can be rated in terms of their level of integration on
Recovery implies that the person remains abstinent from use a scale of more to less integration (CSAT, 2005a).
of substances and is able to successfully cope with any re-
maining mental health symptoms, while participating fully Levels of Integration
in meaningful life activities. Quality of life, health and well-
ness, a strengths perspective, hope, growth, and choice are all Different types of programs have varying levels of service in-
seen as important to recovery from mental illness and addic- tegration for people with CODs. For example, minimal co-
tions (Gagne, White, & Anthony, 2007). ordination of services means the service provider is aware of
Relapse is considered a normal aspect of recovery and the COD and may be aware that the person is receiving help
involves a return to active substance use or the return of dis- elsewhere for the other diagnostic category. One provider
abling psychiatric symptoms after a period of remission may have referred the client to another provider, but there is
(CSAT, 2006a). Return in one or both diagnostic categories no contact between service providers, nor is there follow-up
may occur. Prior to relapse, warning signs are usually no-
ticeable, and the person, friends, and family members can
learn to recognize these signs and help reduce the impair-
Evidence-Based Practice
ment in person factors, the limitations in occupational per-
formance, and restrictions in community participation that
I t is important to understand the factors associated with sub-
stance abuse relapse and sustained recovery among persons
with severe mental illness who live in urban areas. At the 6-month
follow-up period, 68% of the 133 persons were in recovery,
PhotoVoice whereas 52% were in recovery at the 12-month follow-up period
(Rollins, O’Neill, Davis, & Devitt, 2005). Older age (47 and older),
Oh, to fly free! holding jobs, and living in residential integrated intervention
My vision of facilities were factors in sustaining recovery.
recovery and a ➤ Occupational therapists who work with urban-dwelling clients
satisfying life with co-occurring disorders can advocate for housing, job
includes a opportunities, and community supports needed to provide
jubilant sense the optimal environment for recovery from their substance
of freedom. use disorder as well as their mental illness.
Freedom to Rollins, A. L., O’Neill, S. J., Davis, K. E., & Devitt, T. S. (2005). Substance
laugh and love, to sing, dance abuse relapse and factors associated with relapse in an inner-city sample
of patients with dual diagnoses. Psychiatric Services, 56, 1274–1281.
and create, to learn, to explore, to grow.
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CHAPTER 16 ■ Co-Occurring Disorders 215

between the providers. Minimal coordination can occur in Full integration — All providers
programs that only provide services to people with addic- are trained in both substance
tion or mental health disorders (CSAT, 2006a). abuse and mental illness and
The next level of integration is consultation, in which the operate from a single
treatment plan
service provider informally and occasionally communicates
information about the person’s status to the other providers.
Often the referring service provider ensures that the person
actually receives the recommended intervention from the Consultation — Individual

Increased Integration
other provider of care. Some addiction-only or mental from one program consults
health–only service providers may include a consultative with another
component in their approach to care as a way to improve
their client outcomes (CSAT, 2006a).
Collaboration is a prescribed process of integration in
which there is planned communication and deliberate shar-
Collaboration — Programs are
ing of information. The providers of care may enter into a separate but work together
formal contractual relationship, delineating separate respon-
sibilities for each diagnostic category (i.e., one provider ad-
dresses the mental health problem and the other addresses
the substance use problem). Addiction-only or mental
health–only service providers who take a collaborative ap- Minimal coordination —
proach to care greatly improve the recovery process of their Programs are separate; one
clients with CODs (CSAT, 2006a). program may refer to another
Full integration is the ideal level of integration because it
FIGURE 16-1. Levels of integration of substance abuse and mental
involves a single intervention plan that addresses both sets of illness treatment services.
conditions; in full integration, the care providers are trained
in both substance abuse and mental health services (CSAT,
2006c). Not only are there formal contractual agreements and routines, and the environmental contexts that create bar-
when needed, but also all providers, ranging from a single riers and supports for recovery (Stoffel & Moyers, 2004).
provider to multiple providers, depending on the capacities An integrated screening conducted in a brief manner at
of the programs to make available what is needed, share re- the point of first contact with the individual determines the
sponsibility for the well-coordinated intervention process likelihood of a COD and does not lead to a diagnosis; how-
and outcome. For example, one service provider may be des- ever, it determines whether there is a need for an in-depth
ignated as the primary provider for inpatient services involv- integrated assessment and referral to a range of experts
ing withdrawal from the substances and provision of imme- (CSAT, 2006a). Using the screening guidelines suggested by
diate stabilization from the mental health condition, and the CSAT (2006b) and outlined in the CSAT TIP 42 (CSAT,
another provider is responsible for the long-term recovery 2005a, 2007) is suggested. Additional occupational therapy
processes, including housing, community integration, and screening provides information related to the occupational
return to work. history of the individual and how it might have been affected
Figure 16-1 illustrates the levels of integration of sub- by the potential co-occurring diagnoses, and determines
stance abuse and mental illness treatment services. whether a full occupational therapy assessment would be
Some providers of full integration services would be con- beneficial (Moyers & Stoffel, 2001).
sidered dual diagnosis capable (American Society of Addic- The integrated assessment occurs when the person has
tion Medicine [ASAM], 2001), meaning that, when admitting screened positive for the presence or history of mental illness
a client with a COD to a program that is primarily oriented and a substance use history; in general, it focuses on whether
to one diagnostic classification over the other, the personnel there are CODs, delineates the specific diagnoses involved, de-
are appropriately trained and services are available to address termines the client’s readiness for change, identifies the client’s
the integrated assessment and intervention processes. This is strengths and problem areas as they affect the process of recov-
in contrast to a dual diagnosis enhanced program (ASAM, ery, and establishes the service needs of the person (CSAT,
2001), in which a high level of integration exists, with no one 2006a). The occupational therapist’s role in the integrated as-
orientation to a primary diagnostic category. sessment process is to determine the nature of what the person
needs and wants to do; the extent of the occupational perform-
Screening, Assessment, and Intervention ance limitations, abilities, participation engagement, and re-
strictions; and the influence of the underlying person factors,
During the screening, assessment, and intervention of clients performance skills, performance patterns, environmental con-
with COD, there should be appropriate emphasis, guided by texts, and activity demands on overall performance (Stoffel &
the client’s presenting problems and conditions, on both the Moyers, 2004). The integrated assessment is typically ongoing
mental health and the substance use problems. In addition, due to the withdrawal, psychiatric and medical stabilization,
for occupational therapy practitioners, the focus of screen- and recovery processes, which create continuous changes in ca-
ing, assessment, and intervention is on the occupational per- pability related to cognitive functioning and receptivity to help
formance and participation issues that are uniquely related to (CSAT, 2006a).
the complications of CODs and their effect on person factors, Integrated intervention occurs when all aspects of
occupational engagement and roles, skills, healthy patterns the co-occurring diagnostic conditions are addressed in a
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216 PART 2 ■ The Person

comprehensive plan, whether in a single or series of con- Diagnostic Challenges

tacts over time. These services range from acute care to fos-
tering long-term recovery. The occupational therapy prac- Case Study
titioner’s role is to address the occupational performance
limitations and participation restrictions through a combi- A client receiving occupational therapy services for slip-
nation of skill building or retraining, establishment of rou- ping and falling on the ice and sustaining a wrist frac-
tine performance patterns supportive of recovery, occupa- ture tells the occupational therapist that his wife left
tional and environmental modifications, and client and him and that “life is not worth living.” The occupational
family educational strategies. Engagement in meaningful therapist is concerned because the client is typically well
occupations within relevant social roles as part of recovery dressed and groomed; on this visit, however, he is un-
is a major method of intervention (Moyers & Stoffel, 2001; shaven and slightly unkempt, and his breath smells of
Stoffel & Moyers, 2004). alcohol.
The occupational therapist begins asking him ques-
Special Settings tions about his situation and discovers that he has been
feeling “down” for the past week and has been feeling
The need for screening, assessment, and intervention for
guilty over his marital situation. When the occupa-
CODs is not limited to programs that are specifically de-
tional therapist asks him about thoughts of suicide, the
signed to address these problems. According to SAMHSA
client admits he has been thinking about suicide and
(2007), only half of persons with CODs receive formalized
that these thoughts have become more frequent since
mental health or substance abuse services; therefore, the in-
his wife left. However, he does not have a plan and does
tervention process often must occur in other locations, such
not really want to hurt himself. He only wants his “old
as within primary (e.g., physicians or clinics), acute (e.g.,
life back.” When the occupational therapist tells the
emergency rooms, trauma centers, intensive care), and spe-
client she smells alcohol on his breath, the client states
cialty health-care services settings (e.g., rehabilitation or
he has been drinking because he has not gone to work
HIV/AIDS programs).
since his wife left. He states his drinking has helped to
Jones et al (2004) determined that 74% of individuals
“ease the pain.”
with COD had a least one diagnosed chronic health prob-
The occupational therapist is concerned for the
lem, which typically comes to the attention of the primary
client’s safety and by the fact that he has not been go-
care provider first. The high rate of concomitant health
ing to his job as a computer programmer for a major
problems results partially from the effect of the substances
corporation. He had just returned to work 3 weeks ago
on organ systems, as well as from the susceptibility to infec-
after a successful rehabilitation program focusing on
tious diseases, such HIV/AIDS. Brady (2002) estimated that,
physical occupational performance. Today was sup-
of those patients seen in primary care settings, 20% have a
posed to have been his final visit, primarily for follow-
current psychiatric disorder and 20% to 25% have a sub-
up to determine the impact of his work tasks on his
stance use disorder.
wrist. Now, the therapist’s primary goal is to get him
Two other common locations for integrated screening,
immediate help for his suicidal ideation. The occupa-
assessment, and intervention are in the criminal justice sys-
tional therapist tells the client that she called the emer-
tem and social welfare settings. Because of possessing or sell-
gency room of the hospital and that she would walk
ing controlled substances, persons with CODs frequently
him over to the service, unless he objected to going.
come in contact with the criminal justice system, involving
She did not have to call security because he stated that
police, corrections (jails and prisons), and court and proba-
he would go with her and that he was relieved she was
tion officers. They may also come to the attention of police
going to help him.
because of violent and bizarre behavior exacerbated by the
While walking him to the ER, she starts wondering
use of substances and its negative effect on the expression of
about the following issues: is her client clinically de-
the symptoms of mental illness (Reuland, 2004). Unfortu-
pressed in that he might have a major depressive
nately, access to integrated intervention or even access to in-
episode, or are his feelings of “being down” related to his
tervention for substance use alone is often not provided
within jails and prisons (CSAT, 2005b).
In terms of social welfare services, such as homeless serv- ■ Has the client given her information about the
ices and community settings, access to integrated screening, extent of his drinking? Could drinking have
assessment, and intervention is variable, depending on the contributed to his marital problems, his feeling
community. North et al (2004) estimated that one third of “down,” or even to his falling on the ice?
homeless persons have CODs. Most homeless people do not ■ Were there any clues she might have missed in her
have access to integrated intervention for CODs, which in initial health screening when he was first referred to
turn leads to continued homelessness and further deteriora- the occupational performance outpatient service
tion in occupational performance and community partici- to suggest whether he has more than a grief reaction
pation (SAMHSA, 2003). to his wife’s leaving?
Professionals who would benefit from information about ■ Does he really have a drinking problem, depression,
the early warning signs of COD include parents, teachers, or both?
clergy, and employers. With some basic education and train- ■ What role will his mental health issues have in her
ing, those individuals who come in contact with persons efforts to help him not only return to work, but also
with CODs can refer them to integrated screening, assess- to stay working successfully?
ment, and intervention programs.
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CHAPTER 16 ■ Co-Occurring Disorders 217

Although the role of occupational therapy practitioners is Substance-Induced Mental Health Symptoms
not to make mental health diagnoses, they are expected to and Signs
refer clients to the appropriate health-care professionals and
contribute relevant occupational performance information In addition to the substance use disorders, the DSM-IV-TR
that will help diagnosticians to identify and answer those (APA, 2000) describes several substance-induced disorders,
important mental health diagnostic questions illustrated in such as delirium and mood disorder (Box 16-1). The critical
the case study. Once the client receives appropriate mental factor for diagnosticians is that these substance-induced dis-
health services, the occupational therapy practitioner must orders are prominent and persistent because of the use of
incorporate appropriate mental health recovery interven- alcohol and drugs; that is, they are not due to a medical dis-
tions within the occupational therapy intervention plan. Oc- order or another mental health disorder (APA, 2000). To de-
cupational therapy practitioners often work in settings termine whether the mental health symptoms are substance
where the client is not currently being seen by any other induced, knowledge of onset of the symptoms, the client’s
medical personnel, or with clients who have not accessed history, physical examination, and laboratory findings is
help for long-standing mental health problems. In these required.
cases, it would be even more important to make a referral to Substance-induced disorders must occur within 4 weeks
a health professional with a background in both mental of the last use of or withdrawal from the alcohol and
health and substance abuse so that a full assessment and in- drug, and the symptoms must be beyond what would be
tervention plan can be carefully coordinated. It is clear that expected from typical intoxication or withdrawal; that is,
mental health status affects occupational performance and they endure longer than typical and are more severe (APA,
participation outcomes. 2000). However, it is difficult to differentiate substance-
related signs and symptoms, as described previously, from
substance-induced disorders. Generally, the induced disor-
Substance-Related Mental Health Symptoms der classifications are used to help the mental health pro-
and Signs fessional group the signs and symptoms in order to en-
Use of substances, whether alcohol or other drugs, affects hance the likelihood of providing an intervention for the
brain functioning and may have an impact on the hormonal substance use for the person receiving mental health inter-
system, depending on the drug(s) used. Both the neurologi- vention. Substance-induced disorders are expected to re-
cal and hormonal systems are involved in the development solve with recovery from the substance use disorder by
of mental health disorders (Koob, 2000). As a result, the sub- helping promote abstinence and targeted intervention for
stance misuse often manifests as a broad range of mental mental health symptom reduction, such as training in deep
health symptoms, such as sadness or difficulty concentrat- breathing and medication for relaxation for individuals
ing, or as signs, such as crying. These mental health symp- coping with anxiety disorders.
toms and signs often prompt the person to seek initial help
from mental health practitioners, or may cause the family to Substance Use Disorder and Independent
seek the advice of health-care professionals. The extent and Mental Health Disorders
nature of these mental health symptoms and signs depend
on the most recent occurrence of substance use, the length of Complicating diagnostic issues further is the question of how
substance use over time, the frequency of use during a given to determine whether the mental health signs and symptoms
time frame, and the quantity of use in a single instance developed independently of the substance use. This is an im-
(Shivani, Goldsmith, & Anthenelli, 2002). portant issue because independent mental health disorders
In addition, mental health status is reliant on whether the contribute to increased vulnerability to substance-related
person is currently intoxicated or in acute or protracted problems (Schuckit et al, 1997) and complicate the substance
withdrawal. Also influencing the mental health signs and use recovery process. Occupational therapists can provide in-
symptoms are the psychosocial stressors experienced, such formation to assist in the diagnostic process. Through the oc-
as legal or financial problems, divorce or domestic trauma, cupational history, it may become clear how occupational
housing instability, or difficulties related to unemployment. performance has been affected by the mental health symp-
These stressors exacerbate the individual’s mental health tom clusters prior to, or only in conjunction with, substance
symptoms the longer and the more consistently the person use. Examining the occupational history during times of ab-
uses substances. stinence is particularly useful to identify the impact of any re-
Regardless of the factors influencing mental health status, maining mental health signs and symptoms when the person
the mental health signs and symptoms may fail to develop is substance free. Box 16-2 provides sample occupational his-
into a complete syndrome. A syndrome corresponds to the tory questions.
DSM-IV-TR (APA, 2000) diagnostic criteria used for classi- Certainly, knowledge of the client’s family history of mental
fying mental disorders in which the mental health symptoms health problems is helpful to discern whether there is a strong
and signs occur in a regular pattern within a discrete period likelihood of a COD. It is important for all health profession-
of time. The substance-related mental health symptoms and als who work with the client to monitor the client’s behavior;
signs may resolve on their own without specific interven- in the case of occupational therapy, the client’s occupational
tion, other than the intervention targeted for recovery from performance throughout the first 4 weeks of recovery is im-
the substance use. This latter intervention typically includes portant to assess. Typically, substance-related and substance-
the initial goal of helping the client withdraw through safe induced mental health disorders resolve with recovery from
medical management and maintenance of physical and psy- using substances and with targeted mental health interven-
chological comfort. tions. Independent mental health disorders may become more
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218 PART 2 ■ The Person

BOX 16-1 ■ Substance-Induced Disorders

Diagnoses Substance-induced mood disorder: A disturbance of mood per-

Substance intoxication: A reversible substance-specific syndrome sists within a month of substance intoxication or withdrawal and does
(some substances produce identical syndromes) due to recent inges- not occur exclusively during the course of a delirium. The depressed
tion or exposure to a substance. Social and occupational perform- mood may involve diminished interest or pleasure in most activities.
ance is often disrupted during or shortly after use of the substance The mood could also be elevated, expansive, or irritable. The person’s
because of such behavior as belligerence, mood lability, and cognitive pattern of substance use suggests the onset of the mood disorder is
impairment characterized by impaired judgment (p. 116). etiologically related. The person’s medical history should not show a
Substance withdrawal: Cessation of or reduction of the sub- history of a non–substance use–induced mood disorder, nor should
stance in situations where the substance use has been heavy and these symptoms persist beyond what would be expected during
prolonged leads to a substance-specific syndrome that affects occu- withdrawal or intoxication of the type and amount of substance used
pational performance because of significant distress (p. 116). or the duration of use (pp. 192–193). Social and occupational per-
Substance-induced delirium: Involves a change of consciousness formances are typically affected.
or reduced awareness of the environment occurring because of in- Substance-induced anxiety disorder: There is prominent anxiety,
toxication or withdrawal. There is difficulty to focus, sustain, or shift panic attacks, or obsessions or compulsions persisting within a month
attention that occurs over a short period of time, fluctuating through- of substance intoxication or withdrawal, none of which occurs exclu-
out the day (pp. 84–85). sively during the course of a delirium. The person’s pattern of substance
Substance-induced persisting dementia: There is evidence to use suggests that the onset of the anxiety disorder is etiologically
suggest that memory and other cognitive impairments, which persist related. The person’s medical history should not show a history of a
beyond the duration of withdrawal or intoxication, are etiologically non–substance use–induced anxiety disorder, nor should these symp-
related to the persisting effects of using substances. The memory im- toms persist beyond what would be expected during withdrawal or in-
pairment is manifested in inability to learn new information or recall toxication of the type and amount of substance used or the duration of
previously learned information. The cognitive disturbances could in- use (pp. 224–225). Social and occupational performances are typically
clude aphasia; apraxia; agnosia; and disturbances in executive func- affected because the person may experience much distress.
tioning, such as planning, organizing, sequencing, and abstracting. Substance-induced sexual dysfunction: There is significant sexual
Memory and cognitive impairments significantly affect social and dysfunction creating distress and interpersonal difficulty persisting
occupational performance (p. 93). within a month of substance intoxication or withdrawal. The person’s
Substance-induced persisting amnestic disorder: There is evi- pattern of substance use suggests the onset of the sexual disorder is
dence to suggest that memory impairment, which persists beyond the etiologically related. The person’s medical history should not show a
duration of withdrawal or intoxication, is etiologically related to the per- history of a non–substance use–induced sexual dysfunction, nor
sisting effects of using substances. The memory impairment is mani- should these symptoms persist beyond what would be expected dur-
fested in inability to learn new information or recall previously learned ing withdrawal or intoxication of the type and amount of substance
information. The memory impairment significantly affects social and used or the duration of use. The sexual dysfunction is in excess of
occupational performance and results in a decline from a previous level what would normally be expected during intoxication or withdrawal
of functioning (p. 96). (pp. 253–254).
Substance-induced psychotic disorder: Hallucinations and delu- Substance-induced sleep disorder: There is prominent distur-
sions are prominent during or within a month of substance intoxica- bance in sleep that is severe enough for intervention developed within
tion or withdrawal and do not occur exclusively during the course of a month of substance intoxication or withdrawal, none of which oc-
a delirium. However, because some substances are considered hal- curs exclusively during the course of a delirium. The person’s pattern
lucinogenic, to be diagnosed with this disorder, the person does not of substance use suggests the onset of the sleep disorder is etiolog-
have insight that the hallucinations and delusions are substance in- ically related. The person’s medical history should not show a history
duced. The person’s pattern of substance use suggests that the on- of a non–substance use–induced sleep disorder, nor should these
set of the hallucinations and delusion are etiologically related. The symptoms persist beyond what would be expected during withdrawal
person’s medical history should not show a history of non–substance or intoxication of the type and amount of substance used or the
use–induced hallucinations and delusions, nor should these symp- duration of use. The sleep disorder is in excess of what would nor-
toms persist beyond what would be expected during withdrawal or mally be expected during intoxication or withdrawal (pp. 278–279).
intoxication of the type and amount of substance used or the dura- Social and occupational performances are typically affected because
tion of use (pp. 163–164). the person may experience much distress.

Source: Adapted from American Psychiatric Association (APA). (2000). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed., text revision). Washington,
DC: Author.

BOX 16-2 ■ Sample Occupational History Questions

1. When did the mental health symptoms first affect occupational 4. What effect did cessation of substance use have on the
performance? How was occupational performance affected? mental health symptoms? Was there a change in occupational
2. When did symptoms of substance use first affect occupational performance?
performance? How was occupational performance affected? 5. What effect does a change in mental health status have in
3. How did substance use affect the mental health symptoms? Was the substance use patterns? How does this change in pattern
there a change in occupational performance? affect occupational performance?
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CHAPTER 16 ■ Co-Occurring Disorders 219

evident as recovery proceeds and may indicate a necessary associated with the roles he or she assumes (e.g., parent,
change in the intervention process to more strongly address worker, family member). Skill performance also depends on
the mental health issues of the client. intact underlying body structure and function, as well as
other client factors such as values, beliefs, and spirituality. In
terms of body function, the combination of mental disorders
Impact on Occupational and substance use disorders affect the person’s specific men-
tal health functions (e.g., higher-level cognitive ability, atten-
Performance tion, memory, perception, thought, sequencing complex
The revision to the Occupational Therapy Practice Frame- movement, emotional, experience of self and time), as well as
work (AOTA, 2008) is useful for analyzing how occupational global mental health functions (e.g., consciousness, orienta-
therapy practitioners can approach their understanding of tion, temperament and personality, energy and drive). Physi-
the potential occupational performance and participation cal body function may be affected by the mental health disor-
problems of persons with CODs. der and its complications, partially related to medications, as
well as by the drug(s) abused and resultant effects on the
body’s organ systems, including cardiovascular, neuromuscu-
lar, metabolic and digestive, and reproductive functions.
Occupation Typically, the person values the use of drugs and alcohol
Depending on the combination of diagnoses and the com- as a coping mechanism and believes these drugs of abuse will
plexity of the activity demands, the existence of CODs with- have a positive change on his or her life, such as improving
out intervention negatively affects the performance of occu- his or her mental health condition. The person may not fully
pations or activities in all occupational areas, including realize the negative impact of substance abuse and may at-
tribute problems resulting from the substance use disorder
■ Activities of daily living (e.g., bathing, grooming) to his or her situational problems or mental health status, or
■ Instrumental activities of daily living (e.g., taking care both. The person may also believe that the substances im-
of others, home management) prove his or her spiritual relationship or replace an inade-
■ Rest and sleep quately developed spirituality.
■ Education
■ Work
■ Play
■ Leisure A variety of client contexts support or obstruct occupational
■ Social participation (e.g., community, family) performance, as well serve as supports or barriers to the sub-
Each of these activities requires (i.e., activity demands) stance using activity. Social and cultural environments may
a combination of performance skills, including sensory- involve interaction with other people who abuse substances,
perceptual, motor and praxis, emotional regulation, cogni- and people in the community may also communicate nega-
tive, and communication and social. Depending on the ac- tive views toward those with mental illness. The physical en-
tivity, the skills required could cause the person who has an vironment typically possesses a host of alcohol and drug cues
untreated COD to have difficulty performing according to (e.g., driving past a bar, seeing beer in the refrigerator,
standard and within time frames, completing the activity, smelling the odor of marijuana). As a result, the person ha-
or beginning the activity in the first place. For example, a bitually responds to these cues with craving or an increased
person with schizophrenia and marijuana abuse may not desire to use alcohol or drugs. This desire to use activates
understand the directions for successful completion of an physiological and psychological expectations regarding the
assigned work task and may be actively hallucinating to the potentially positive experience associated with using (Moyers
extent that the person is unable to communicate his or her & Stoffel, 2001).
lack of understanding about what to do during the activity. In addition to the environmental supports for substance
This type of performance limitation is especially true for use, the presence of prevention factors within a community
those activities that are novel, rarely performed, compli-
cated, or occur within distracting environments. Activities
performed routinely or habitually within familiar roles (per-
formance patterns) and within supportive environments Evidence-Based Practice
may be completed properly, thus giving the impression the
person is performing at a higher level than what is more in-
dicative of his or her overall capability. Occupational per-
formance may plummet when the person is asked to assume
I ndividuals with a coexisting substance use disorder and a
mental health diagnosis were able to successfully complete
vocational rehabilitation and achieve work functioning and
a new role with unfamiliar routines and activities performed employment outcomes (Drebing et al, 2002).
in diverse environments. ➤ It is important for occupational therapy practitioners to address
the work goals of persons with co-occurring disorders.
Person Drebing, C. E., Fleitas, R., Moore, A., Krebs, C., Van Ormer, A., Penk, W.,
Seibyl, C., & Rosenheck, R. (2002). Patterns in work functioning and
The person’s skills may need to be developed to support per- vocational rehabilitation associated with coexisting psychiatric and
formance and must be organized into habits and routines to substance use disorders. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 46, 5–13.
ensure that they are mobilized regularly to meet expectations
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220 PART 2 ■ The Person

The Lived Experience

Oil and Water To make a long story short, he agreed to get help at the VA,
Try as you may, but oil and water will not mix, no matter how but the emergency care was not equipped for addressing psy-
many variations in combining the two you attempt. This is anal- chiatric emergencies. Within minutes of admission (hours from
ogous to mixing substances and mental illness, an infectious the time we arrived), my father was handcuffed and detained, ab-
recipe that is destined to be disastrous. In the case of my loved sent of any previous freedoms. Fortunately, after about 1-month
one, the toxic dual was alcoholism and bipolar disorder. inpatient stay (and after much advocacy from the family), he
As occupational therapists, we are often trained to document started improving.
and communicate positives before the negatives; therefore, I will Adversity continued because my father had no place to live,
begin this narrative by illustrating the good person that exists and while I was on vacation, he was discharged from the VA to
in my loved one, despite the challenges presented in his life. My a motel room. He described hopeless feelings as “the walls were
father has and always will hold a very special place in my world, coming in on him.” This made sense as his options were scarce.
and through my eyes, he is a very valuable person. He is some- The motel bill was racking up, and he had no independence with
one who when well (not using alcohol or experiencing the ex- transportation, which meant that cabs and bus fare were also
tremes of bipolar disorder) is an absolute pleasure to have in heavily weighing on his mind. He was seeking resolution and
one’s company. He is intelligent, loving, sensitive, and charis- staying in contact with me, but on one particular day I missed
matic, and has quick wit that is unmatched. He has the ability his phone call. Hours later, I called him back only to hear his con-
to strike up a conversation with anyone and treats all walks of dition to be in dire straits. He sounded beyond intoxicated, slur-
life with kindness and respect as long as they demonstrate it in ring his words, long pauses, difficulty tracking the conversation
return. at first, and statements that concerned me about his mental
Given the chronic nature of his disorders, I could write a book health. The next morning he was admitted to an inpatient psy-
about the various relapses, exacerbations, crises, and periods chiatric facility.
of recovery. However, I can help you (the reader) develop an un- He began to improve and had the mental strength to seek out
derstanding of what this lifelong battle may look like by simply all the resources he had. Fortunately, a landlord who remem-
reviewing the past few months: bered my father from years ago, welcomed him with open arms,
After serving 2 years in prison for drinking and driving (DUI), and he found a quaint flat in a four-story home. I shared the news
my father was released. Ahh, occupational freedom—a term I that he would be a grandpa for the first time, a special moment
have used to describe the opportunity and ability to choose and for my father as well as my husband and me. He worked hard
participate in activities that are meaningful to an individual. For to reestablish himself within the community, as he found work,
my father, the immediate occupational freedoms he partook in visited the local American Legion post, went to the library, spent
included riding in a car, rolling down the windows, and breath- time with family and friends, helped out on the horse ranch, rode
ing the fresh air while listening to some classic rock. Next up his horse for the first time, started physical therapy at the VA, ob-
was using cash to purchase a cup of coffee and a pack of cig- tained his occupational drivers license, and adopted a beautiful
arettes. All chosen activities that resulted in profound joy. My little puppy whom he adored and trained well. He was adhering
father and his family had high hopes to continue this positive to medications and remained sober at all family affairs.
exploration and attainment of meaningful activities. To list a few, As good as things were, I knew from past experiences that
my father wanted to play with my dog, eat a fish fry in good sometimes when things were for the most part going right some-
company, ride his horse for the first time, visit a friend who was thing was bound to go wrong. What I could not believe was the
battling cancer, secure housing, find work, and participate in speed of disaster. My uncle called me on a Sunday concerned
family functions. So many plans and opportunities at his finger- that my father was getting sick and possibly drinking more. A few
tips, yet so little resources, and, oh yes, let us not forget that days later, I received a phone call that he my father was in a mo-
he has two conditions that can seriously interfere with his tor vehicle accident involving alcohol. My first reaction was denial;
newfound occupational freedoms. there was no way, he had been doing so well and had so much
Since my father was released from the state’s custody with- to look forward to (the grandbaby, the puppy, the prospect for
out anything in place except a parole officer, my husband and I work). The father I had spent time with over the past few months
agreed to provide him immediate housing while he reconnected would never risk losing his freedoms for alcohol.
with the Veterans Administration (VA) and pursued a more per- With saddened confirmation from my uncle, my next reaction
manent residence. My father also stayed with my brother and his was pure devastation. I knew what this meant...prison for years
wife, helping them recover and move things out of their home af- to come, as he was on a zero tolerance for alcohol. Now I felt the
ter a major flood ruined their basement and belongings. It was walls come in on me. All I could do was feel a profound sadness
then that we noticed my father’s bipolar disorder beginning that I had never experienced before in my life. Sad because our
to surface (after more than 2 years of stable mental health). relationship was now compromised, the greeting of his first
Although medication compliant, mania persisted. He was disor- grandchild would be robbed, and all the things he built to reestab-
ganized, misplacing things, putting things in odd places, not lish himself gone. What made me even sadder was thinking
sleeping, easily agitated, and feeling very anxious and stressed. about how he must feel, how his life just spiraled out of control
One thing that temporarily soothed his anxieties and slowed so quickly and now he is left with loss. How can someone who
things down for him was alcohol, an unhealthy option. cares about life and those he loves risk losing it all?
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CHAPTER 16 ■ Co-Occurring Disorders 221

The Lived Experience—cont’d

The only explanation I can come to is that my father was be- the current system fails all parties involved, including individuals
ginning to live as normal as possible and that he began to test who have chronic injuries, families who love them, and the com-
whether he could have this “normal” life and an occasional drink munity who continues to be vulnerable to the state of those not
on top of it. Regardless, it is my theory that the combination of adequately treated. Incarceration only temporarily controls the
alcohol (be it 1–2 drinks or 4–5 drinks) and my father’s bipolar safety of individuals and communities. It does next to nothing to
disorder were a recipe for disaster. Drinking countereffects his facilitate rehabilitation or provide hope for successful community
medications, consequently initiating his manic symptoms of living.
bipolar disorder. In addition, there were environmental stressors I am not denying the accountability that my father has in this
present, albeit positive, but seemingly too stimulating. mess, he plays the key role. However, I am hopeful that more at-
Now we are faced with loss. In some ways I am grieving be- tention is given to the complexities that co-occurring disorders
cause I had so much hope. I had hope that with the help of my demand. As for my relationship with my father, despite the sad
family, my father, and the system, we could defeat this thing called circumstances, I am grateful that our relationship can continue
dual diagnosis or co-occurring disorders. However, I realize that to be one of support, hope, and love.

can affect the rate at which persons initiate alcohol and drug A recovery perspective views intervention as a long-term
use. A community can remain healthy when it prevents process that occurs in stages or phases, one requiring conti-
problems related to alcohol and drug abuse and untreated nuity of care over time. Phases include engagement in inter-
CODs. Prevention depends on local government and organi- vention, stabilization of mental health and substance use
zational policies regarding alcohol and drug use. The com- status, treatment, aftercare, and continuing care.
munity’s ability to raise awareness of socially acceptable lev- People with CODs have multiple interconnected prob-
els of alcohol use and make services available to persons with lems that are often complex in nature and that typically in-
CODs is critically important. Drinking patterns can be mod- volve such real life problems as housing, employment, con-
ified when a community deliberately severs the relationship sistent health care, and access to a support network. These
between drinking and community events, such as removing real life problems and activity limitations are aggravated by
alcohol from a central role in the celebration of holidays and cognitive impairments that can range from mild to severe,
religious or cultural festivals (Moyers & Stoffel, 2010). depending on the substance abused, the amount of the sub-
The local media plays a role in creating this community stance used per frequency and duration, and the nature of
awareness and can work with the police to publicize enforce- the mental health status. Consequently, the support needs of
ment of laws related to drinking and driving, drug traffick- each person vary, with the most support needed for those in-
ing and purchasing of illegal substances, public intoxication, dividuals with severe cognitive impairments and activity
and disorderly conduct. A healthy community is dependent limitations. Support systems should include a mutual self-
on the collective engagement of its citizens in positive activ- help strategy in which people with CODs are encouraged to
ities and occupations; thus, prevention strategies are incom- help one another with problem-solving, decision-making,
plete unless the community ensures the availability of and coping. In addition, support in interfacing with the
healthy and meaningful occupations for everyone, regardless community (religious, social, and community organiza-
of socioeconomic or mental health status. The presence of tions) and with family and friends should occur.
these prevention factors within a community determines the Provision of intervention following the six guiding princi-
rate at which people initiate alcohol and drug use and seek ples can lead to effective outcomes when the delivery of the
help for untreated CODs (Moyers & Stoffel, 2009). program incorporates several key components (CSAT, 2005a).
These components create the philosophy of a “no wrong door
approach”; that is, how the person enters the health-care sys-
Intervention tem, whether through the mental health system, the substance
abuse system, or the medical system, does not determine
A treatment improvement protocol (TIP 42), Substance
whether the person will receive integrated services based on
Abuse Treatment for Persons with Co-occurring Disorders
the six guiding principles. This philosophy requires access to
(CSAT, 2005a), identifies six main principles for organizing
integrated services, which in many communities if often lim-
service delivery for persons with CODs, including
ited due to funding, insurance coverage, availability of trained
■ Employing a recovery perspective health-care professionals, and public policy.
■ Adopting a multiproblem viewpoint Access begins with all health-care practitioners being
■ Developing a phased approach to treatment trained to screen for symptoms of untreated mental illness and
■ Addressing specific, real life problems early in treatment substance use disorders. Training must also include how to re-
■ Planning for the client’s cognitive and functional fer individuals to integrated services for further evaluation. In-
impairments tegrated evaluation additionally determines the appropriate
■ Using support systems to maintain and extend treat- level and combination of integrated services, whether they are
ment effectiveness (p. 38) provided inpatient, outpatient, or within-other-community
1704_Ch16_211-224.qxd 7/9/10 2:32 PM Page 222

222 PART 2 ■ The Person

might be scheduled in coordination with attendance at AA

Evidence-Based Practice meetings on and off the reservation. Services must be compre-
hensive enough and continuous to adequately address all
P articipants (n = 351) receiving inpatient intervention for co-
occurring disorders (CODs) successfully attended Alcoholics
Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA) self-help programs
phases of recovery.
These service delivery issues require occupational therapy
practitioners in all practice areas to have the education and
(Jordan, Davidson, Herman, & Boots Miller, 2002). Participants
experience to, at the minimum, conduct integrated screen-
who were diagnosed with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disor-
der, combined with substance use disorders, most frequently,
ings to ensure that clients have access to integrated interven-
cocaine and alcohol abuse or dependence, comprised 50% of the tion. Those occupational therapy practitioners who work in
sample. The other half of the participants with COD demonstrated the community and in mental health settings can broaden
rates of AA or NA attendance 10 months after hospitalization their education and experience by providing integrated eval-
that were similar to those of persons with only substance use uation and intervention. Advocacy efforts must be focused
disorders; however, persons with COD involving schizophrenia or on developing the funding for and research of the role of oc-
schizoaffective disorders specifically had significantly fewer days cupational therapy in providing services, especially highlight-
of AA or NA attendance. ing occupational therapy intervention with persons who have
➤ Occupational therapy practitioners should recommend cognitive impairments, activity limitations, and restrictions
self-help groups such as AA or NA to individuals with COD, participating in daily life activity in the community.
while being aware that individuals’ rates of attendance
might vary.
➤ Encouraging attendance and engagement in the fellowship Summary
and acceptance of self-help groups can be beneficial for
those with COD, despite the social participation limitations This chapter clarifies the meaning of the term “co-occurring
that might be associated with mental illness. disorders” as referring to persons who have at least one sub-
stance use disorder and a minimum of one mental disorder.
Jordan, L. C., Davidson, W. S., Herman, S. E., & Boots Miller, B. J. (2002). The epidemiology of COD was explored, concluding with
Involvement in 12-step programs among persons with dual diagnoses.
Psychiatric Services, 53, 874–896. the need to simultaneously address both classes of disorders
in an integrated manner. Occupational therapy practitioners
are encouraged to take responsibility for improving research,
training, insurance coverage, and evidence-based interven-
programming. Health-care professionals must also be trained tion programs for COD.
to provide integrated services using the six guiding principles. Occupational therapy practitioners require education
Services must be culturally sensitive to the values and beliefs of and training to address the occupational performance prob-
their clients, which may necessitate developing nontraditional lems and community participation of persons with CODs,
models of care. For example, assisting a Native American to thereby improving existing and developing new prevention
continue to participate in tribal pow-wows and ceremonies and intervention programs.

Active Learning Strategies

1. How Co-Occurring Conditions Affect physically and verbally abuse her and her oldest daughter.
Occupational Performance She and her children currently reside in a shelter for women
who are in abusive relationships. The shelter has access to a
Choose a mental health diagnosis (schizophrenia, bipolar dis-
variety of treatment programs to which Juanita and her
order, PTSD, or depression) and research how the symptoms
children can be referred. Juanita is motivated to obtain and
and occupational performance would be complicated by a co-
participate in treatment, including receiving legal help in
occurring substance use disorder. Use information from DSM-
leaving her husband and securing custody of their children,
IV-TR (APA, 2000) to help you outline the symptoms of both
obtaining employment, and finding an appropriate living
the mental and substance use disorder. Explore how these co-
occurring conditions might affect major occupational roles
such as parent/spouse, worker, student, and leisure participant. Reflective Questions
● What information would you need in order to have a
2. Case Study more in-depth understanding of Juanita’s case?
● What client factors might be involved as a result of
Consider the following case and answer the reflective ques-
Juanita’s diagnoses?
tions posed.
● What occupational performance issues would you expect
Case: Juanita M. Juanita to have in addition to her legal, employment, and
The client is a 32-year-old Hispanic woman who is married living arrangement concerns?
and has two daughters, one who is 6 years old and another ● What family issues will likely affect Juanita’s recovery?
who is 15 years old. Juanita has a 2-year history of cocaine ● What activity demands would support and inhibit
and alcohol dependence, as well as major depression. She is Juanita’s recovery?
currently taking antidepressants. Juanita reports that her ● What contextual factors would support and inhibit
husband of 20 years has shown an escalating tendency to Juanita’s recovery?
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CHAPTER 16 ■ Co-Occurring Disorders 223

Reflective Journal ● Reflect on the way in which occupational therapy practi-

tioners can incorporate their understanding of the dy-
Use the following prompts to reflect on COD, and
namic interaction among the person, environment, and
then describe your thoughts in your Reflective Journal.
activity as a foundation for designing integrated inter-
● Reflect on the way in which occupational therapy’s princi-
vention programs for persons with CODs.
ples of holism and client centeredness affect how occupa-
tional therapy practitioners can help persons with CODs.

Resources Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT). (2005b). Substance

Abuse Treatment: Group Therapy. Treatment Improvement Proto-
Websites col (TIP) Series No. 41, DHHS Publication No. (SMA) 05-3991.
• Homelessness Resource Center: Rockville, MD: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
• SAMHSA’s Co-Occurring Center for Excellence: http://coce.samhsa Administration.
.gov/ Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT). (2006a). Definitions
• TIP 42: Substance Abuse Treatment for Persons With Co-Occurring and Terms Relating to Co-Occurring Disorders. COCE Overview
Disorders: Paper 1, DHHS Publication No. (SMA) 06-4163. Rockville, MD:
hstat5.chapter.74073 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and
• TIP Curriculum (PowerPoint slides): Center for Mental Health Services.
products/trainingcurriculums/tip42.htm Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT). (2006b). Screen-
ing, Assessment, and Treatment Planning for Persons With Co-
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Bethesda, MD: Author. Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT). (2006c). Overarch-
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Lowinson, J. H., Ruiz, P., Millman, R. B., & Langrod, J. G. (1992). city sample of patients with dual diagnoses. Psychiatric Services, 56,
Substance Abuse: A Comprehensive Textbook. Baltimore, MD: 1274–1281.
Williams & Wilkins. Schuckit, M. A., Tipp, J. E., Bergman, M., Reich, W., Hesselbrock, V. M.,
McLellan A. T., & Meyers, K. (2004). Contemporary addiction & Smith, T. L. (1997). Comparison of induced and independent
treatment: A review of systems problems for adults and adoles- major depressive disorders in 2,945 alcoholics. American Journal
cents. Biological Psychiatry, 56, 764–770. of Psychiatry, 154, 948–957.
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associated with homelessness, mental disorders and co-occurring holism and psychiatric disorders: Diagnostic challenges. Alcohol
substance abuse. Psychiatric Services, 56, 840–846. Research & Health, 26, 90–98.
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and implementation of comprehensive continuous, integrated sys- tional perspective of interventions for persons with substance-use
tems of care for individuals with co-occurring disorders. Psychi- disorders. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 58, 570–586.
atric Clinics of North America, 27, 727–743. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
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Dementia 17
Patricia Schaber

“ I live on the edge of fear and insecurity, and I am filled with uncertainty. . . . (p. 171) At some
point, I will no longer experience the pain of watching my mind deteriorate to a point of
incomprehension.The loved ones around me will have the unwelcome task to look after me and
shelter me from harm. My burden is slight compared to that of the truly living (p. 102).
—Thomas DeBaggio, 2002

Introduction to dementia that can occur throughout the life span. Symp-
Little is certain about the condition of progressive de- toms of dementia in younger adults are frequently due to
mentia except that, at some point, as Thomas DeBaggio metabolic disorders, substance abuse, immune-mediated
described, the person will “lose” his or her mind. As prac- diseases, and infectious disease.
titioners, we struggle in our attempt to define these indi- The increasing prevalence of dementia is a societal and
viduals without a past that they remember or a future they economic problem that demands attention. As the average
can control. Pauline Boss, a prominent family social scien- life span increases, so does the number of individuals and
tist, coined an apt term for the family experience of families who experience the effects of dementia in their
dementia—ambiguous loss, when the person is physically everyday lives. The Alzheimer’s Association predicts that
present but psychologically absent (Boss, 2006). Family by 2050, there will be 11 to 16 million persons with the dis-
members, friends, colleagues, and acquaintances experi- ease in the United States, costing $148 billion a year (Hebert,
ence a slow grieving process as they mourn the loss of the Beckett, Scherr, & Evans, 2001). There are an estimated
person they knew and rally to support the ever-changing 34 million caregivers in America providing assistance for
person whom they are struggling to know. For the most older adults for $5,531 out-of-pocket annually (National
part an insidious syndrome, dementia unleashes fear and Alliance for Caregiving, 2007). Individuals need to plan for
challenges us to look carefully at the human condition and the supports required to maintain a quality of life in their
seek value and worth of each life lived. later years, with the primary goal of preserving human dig-
Dementia is an acquired syndrome that results from a nity throughout the course of the syndrome until the end
disease or disorder of the brain that affects cognition, or stage of life.
thinking, and memory. It disrupts perception, information Dementia disrupts a person’s ability to engage in daily
processing, problem-solving, judgment, sequencing of tasks, activities. Occupational therapy is a cost-effective interven-
recognition and naming of objects, mood and affect, writing tion for community-dwelling elders with dementia, with
and calculating, and other functions necessary to carry out improved daily functioning and increased caregiver confi-
daily activities (Abraham, 2005). The majority of dementias dence (Graff et al, 2008). Behavioral issues related to de-
are progressive, indicating a gradual decline in the ability mentia have been effectively treated in a home-based, occu-
to care for oneself. In the later stages, the syndrome is char- pational therapy program involving clients and family
acterized by behavioral difficulties, including aggression, caregivers (Gitlin & Corcoran, 2005). Occupational therapy
agitation, and altered sleep/wake cycles that can necessitate practitioners provide services to reduce the impact of de-
24-hour supervision and care. clining cognition on performance of daily activities, modify
The most common type of dementia is Alzheimer’s dis- the environment to enhance independent functioning, and
ease, an age-related, neurological, degenerative disorder that engage the family caregivers in strategies to enhance opti-
predominately affects persons older than 65 years. Lewy mal participation in life.
body disease, vascular or multi-infarct dementia, frontotem-
poral lobe or Pick disease, Parkinson disease, Huntington
disease, and normal pressure hydrocephalus are other de-
menting diseases or disorders that can affect a person in
Description of the Disorder
mid- to late life, precipitating an increasing need for care Dementia is defined as “a loss of multiple acquired cognitive
with age. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, HIV/AIDS-related de- and emotional abilities sufficient to interfere with daily ac-
mentia, brain tumors, brain trauma, infectious diseases, tivities” (Goetz, 2003, p. 1158). As a syndrome, it manifests
toxic exposure, and vitamin B12 deficiency are contributors as a cognitive disorder resulting from one or more medical

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226 PART 2 ■ The Person

conditions. Dementia is characterized by multiple cognitive Dementia can include disruptions in language ability,
deficits, including a global decrease in intellect, memory, and usually initially presenting as word finding problems. For-
executive function (Moore & Jefferson, 2004). Its etiology getting names of family members or common objects and
differentiates the degree of impairment, rate of progression, having difficulty relating details of an incident can be early
and manifestations of the symptoms of the dementia. The indicators of aphasia. Although it is normal behavior to oc-
gradual or acute decline in abilities follows a predictable casionally forget a word or lose a train of thought, the inci-
pattern: dence of word retrieval problems increases, and the family
members begin to offer word options to complete a sen-
■ Thinking—progresses from using abstract thought
tence. Visual-spatial perception may be affected, making it
processes to concrete processes to object centered
challenging to read a newspaper or engage in former hob-
■ Memory—initially presents with short-term mem-
bies. The individual may have difficulty attending to tasks; in
ory impairment and advances to long-term memory
fact, distraction may be so severe that the individual is un-
able to perform a sequential task such as setting the table.
■ Problem-solving—challenges start with complex, high-
Motor planning may be affected, exemplified as difficulty
impact decisions and progress to an inability to make
signing checks or using a can opener.
simple decisions
A person with dementia may display emotional chan-
■ Calculating—noticeable problems with complex math
ges, such as anxiety or agitation, as their everyday tasks
procedures advance to errors in simple calculations
become more difficult. Higher-level thinking tasks such
■ Judgment—begins with a lack of awareness of factors
as financial management, becomes problematic, and
in decision-making and progresses to an inattention to
frustration may escalate when balancing a checkbook or
problem-solving processes
during monetary transactions. Loss of judgment may be
Most forms of dementia are chronic, progressive, and irre- observed in signs of personal neglect, mismatched cloth-
versible, with cognitive abilities declining with the course of ing, or inappropriate outerwear for the weather. Person-
the disease. Progressive dementias include Alzheimer’s disease ality changes and loss of former interests may lead family
and vascular dementia, which make up 90% of all dementia- members to declare that the individual is “not the same
related disease, as well as Parkinson disease, Huntington dis- person he or she used to be.”
ease, frontotemporal lobe dementia or Pick disease, and Behavioral events, termed catastrophic reactions, can oc-
HIV/AIDS-dementia complex, which account for the remain- cur in the later stages of dementia (Mace, 1990). These are
ing 10% (Moore & Jefferson, 2004). Although it is rare, some emotional and physical reactions to tasks, such as yelling or
dementias are reversible; that is, if the related disease is re- hitting due to frustration with a task the person can no longer
solved, the cognitive processes return to premorbid levels or perform. These responses may concern family members when
improve. Reversible dementias include metabolic or endocrine the person becomes frustrated with tasks that were formerly
deficiencies; toxic exposure such as alcohol or heavy metal poi- easy but are now difficult to execute. Sensory seeking or way
soning; and hydrocephalus, specifically, normal pressure hy- finding behaviors create challenges for caregivers in restricting
drocephalus. A recent meta-analysis revealed that, of the 9% of the person’s mobility to safe or secure areas. Hallucinations or
potentially reversible forms of dementia that have been identi- delusions with paranoia are not uncommon later in the syn-
fied, only 0.6% actually showed any signs of reversal (0.31% drome; the person may make accusations, such as “Someone
partial, 0.29% full) (Clarfield, 2003). In other words, 99.4% of stole my purse” or “Someone took my wallet,” or perseverate
the time, the dementing condition gets worse. on a theme such as “There is someone in my room at night.”
Other forms of dementia are nonprogressive, or static.
With static dementia, such as that caused by traumatic brain DSM-IV-TR Criteria
injury (TBI), the degree of cognitive impairment can remain
relatively stable for years. The essential feature for a diagnosis of dementia is memory
The manifestation of a progressive type of dementia, such impairment (Criterion A1) and one or more of the following
as Alzheimer’s’ disease, presents with a broad range of be- cognitive disturbances (American Psychiatric Association
haviors, most notably, short-term memory difficulty. Initially, [APA], 2000):
the symptoms of memory impairment are masked by normal,
■ Aphasia (Criterion A2a)
age-related, declining rates of processing of information
■ Apraxia (Criterion A2b)
(Salthouse, 2000). Persons begin forgetting appointments, los-
■ Agnosia (Criterion A2c)
ing common objects such as keys and purses, or leaving the
■ Loss of executive function (Criterion A2d)
stove on. The difference from normal age-related decline is
that these incidents become more noticeable, form a pattern of Four other criteria signify dementia. First, Criteria A1 and
changed behavior from the primordial personality, and the in- A2 must be “severe enough to cause significant impairment
dividual and family members begin to voice concerns. Family in social or occupational functioning.” Second, the change
members listen to the same question repeated in short succes- must “represent a decline from the previous level of function-
sion and are often asked to repeat information that was pro- ing” (APA, 2000, p. 148). Third, the cognitive changes are not
vided 5 minutes earlier. Because short-term memory is af- due to a delirium. Fourth, the changes are not due to another
fected earlier than long-term memory in the progression of the Axis I psychiatric disorder.
dementia, the person may rely on past experiences for topics of Memory impairment is an inability to learn new infor-
conversation. In late stage dementia, individuals may forget mation and/or recall past information. With mild memory
they are married, where they reside, or if they have children. impairment in the early stages of dementia, the individual
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CHAPTER 17 ■ Dementia 227

may become frustrated with new learning or anxious when

expected to take in new information. For example, changing BOX 17-1 ■ DSM-IV-TR Criteria for Dementia
a familiar route due to a detour in the road may cause con-
A. Characteristic symptoms: Criterion A1 must be present with
fusion and fear of getting lost. In later stages, memory im-
one or more of Criterion A2.
pairment is characterized by the inability to recall simple life
Criterion A1—Memory impairment
details, such as home address, the names of family members,
or a former career. Criterion A2—Aphasia, apraxia, agnosia, and loss of executive
Aphasia is an “absence or impairment of the ability to
communicate through speech, writing, or signs because of B. Social/occupational dysfunction: The Criteria A1 and A2 must
be severe enough to cause a significant impairment in social
brain dysfunction” (Thomas, 1997, p. 132). Aphasia is char-
or occupational functioning.
acterized by a loss of memory for words (i.e., the person
C. There must be a decline from previous function.
may know what he or she wants to say, but cannot find the
words to say it). Individuals are unable to recall the names D. The cognitive deficits are not exclusively in the course of a
of common objects, and family members find themselves
offering word options or cues to communicate. In the later E. The cognitive disturbances are not due to another Axis I disor-
der (major depression, schizophrenia).
stages of dementia, a person may use disconnected sen-
tences or gibberish. From American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and Statistical
Apraxia, or the “inability to perform purposive move- Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
ments although there is no sensory or motor impairment”
(Thomas, 1997, p. 138), is evident in mid- to later stage de-
mentia. The cognitive command to initiate and plan move- Subtypes
ment is impeded as clients struggle to, for example, put on a
coat or drink a glass of water. Family members may initially The DSM-IV-TR lists three subtypes of dementia, which are
guide the movement to get the task started, but eventually, in described in Box 17-2. Subtypes of dementia are based on
the later stages, the caregiver must provide moderate to full age of onset, behavioral factors, and co-occurring disorders:
assistance with daily self-care.
■ Early and late onset dementia is determined by the occur-
Agnosia is a “loss of comprehension of visual, auditory,
rence of the disease at or prior to age 65 or after age 65.
or other sensations although sensory sphere is intact”
■ Behavioral disturbances refer to those behaviors that re-
(Thomas, 1997, p. 52). The person is unable to interpret
quire supervision for safety (e.g., way finding [formerly
sounds, visual objects or images, tactile sensations, or time
termed wandering], agitation, insomnia, aggression, ex-
sequences. With agnosia, for example, a person may ob-
treme lethargy, socially inappropriate comments and
serve a set of keys and be unable to associate the object
behaviors [disrobing], psychosis). Psychosis manifests
with its use. In later stages of dementia, individuals are
with hallucinations, delusions, or delusional misidenti-
unable to recognize faces or their own reflection in the
fications, and is more frequently present in later stages
of Alzheimer’s disease or with Parkinson disease and
Disturbances in executive function are attributed to
stroke (Rayner, O’Brien, & Shoenbachler, 2006).
frontal lobe or subcortical pathway involvement. Executive
■ Dementia may be co-occurring with delirium or de-
function is the “ability to think abstractly and to plan, initi-
pression (see differentiation of dementia, delirium, and
ate, sequence, monitor, and stop complex behavior” (APA,
depression as follows).
2000, p. 149). Impairment in executive function is manifest
in difficulty with new tasks and multistep processes, calcula- The symptoms that characterize dementia can distin-
tions, word or number puzzles, planning and organizing, guish one etiology from another by degree and distinction
scheduling, and multitasking. based on where the degeneration begins in the brain; over
With dementia, the severity of impairment is determined time, as the disease spreads, the symptoms blend and render
by a report of the social and occupational activities that the one type of dementia indistinguishable from another. Corti-
person is unable to perform due to the condition. These ac- cal dementias include Alzheimer’s disease, characterized
tivities (e.g., work, leisure, social interactions, instrumental early on by executive dysfunction along with problems in de-
activities of daily living [IADLs], activities of daily living clarative memory and language. Executive function involves
[ADLs]) are dependent on the activity demands of the en- foresight, planning, attention, and dexterity in task comple-
vironment. With dementia, a high-demand environment, tion. Declarative memory involves conscious awareness of
such as a work setting, may precipitate major life changes, events and objects, including encoding, storing, and retriev-
whereas a low-demand environment may be easily adapted ing information (Manning, 2004). In cortical dementia, pro-
to the gradual changes in cognition. For example, a 55-year- cedural or unconscious motoric memory may remain intact
old person with young or early onset Alzheimer’s disease in the early stages, and the individual can be successful with
may need to leave a job with high cognitive demands, familiar repetitive tasks through the later stages of the dis-
whereas a 67-year-old retired individual could continue ease (Bares, 1998; Poe & Seifert, 1997).
home management tasks throughout the early stages of the Frontotemporal lobe dementia or Pick disease can be dis-
disease. tinguished from Alzheimer’s disease by the prominence of
The detailed Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental more definitive personality changes, aphasia, and disinhibi-
Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV-TR) diagnostic criteria tion due to frontal lobe involvement (Solomon et al, 1995).
for dementia are listed in Box 17-1. There are other rare variants of Alzheimer’s’ disease, including
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228 PART 2 ■ The Person

apraxia make it challenging to engage in daily tasks. Progressive

BOX 17-2 ■ DSM-IV-TR Subtypes of Dementia supranuclear palsy is clinically seen as postural instability,
along with falls and gait disturbances. The inability to gaze
294.1x Dementia of the Alzheimer’s type
downward is an early sign. Oral motor involvement leads to
With early onset—age 65 or younger dysarthria or speech disorders.
With late onset—older than age 65 Vascular dementia is associated with the presence of
Without behavioral disturbance cerebrovascular disease and risk factors, including hyperten-
With behavioral disturbance (clinically significant; i.e., wandering, sion, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and smoking. The onset of
agitation) vascular dementia is generally more abrupt or may present
290.4x Vascular dementia with a stepwise decline in cognition (Goldman, 2004). Indi-
With delirium viduals may be able to register information, but have diffi-
With delusions culty with memory recall and retrieval. Motor involvement
With depressed mood is common, such as limb flaccidity or spasticity, plantar ex-
Uncomplicated tension, and gait disturbances. In some cases, neuroimaging
Specify: with behavioral disturbance can identify the cerebrovascular incident, thus distinguish-
ing vascular dementia from other types of dementia.
294.1x Other dementias
Figure 17-1 shows Burt, a person with vascular dementia.
Without behavioral disturbance
With behavioral disturbance
Dementia due to HIV disease Etiology
Dementia due to head trauma Degenerative disorders are a major contributor to cognitive
Dementia due to Parkinson’s disease decline, although other diseases and disorders are associated
Dementia due to Huntington’s disease with dementia. In fact, more than 50 diseases contribute to
Dementia due to Pick’s disease the development of cognitive decline (see Box 17-3 for addi-
Dementia due to Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease tional etiologies). Because of the broad range of cortical
Dementia due to other medical conditions changes related to dementing disorders, neuropathological
Substance-induced persisting dementia features are not included in this chapter.
Conditions that precipitate reversible dementias in-
Dementia due to multiple etiologies
clude Wilson’s disease, Hashimoto’s encephalopathy, sys-
Dementia not otherwise specified (NOS)
temic lupus erythematosus, subdural hematoma, certain
From American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and Statistical tumors (e.g., meningiomas, low-grade gliomas), normal
Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Author. pressure hydrocephalus, hyper- and hypothyroidism, and
vitamin B12 and folate deficiency (Moore & Jefferson,
2004). These conditions can be diagnosed with lab tests,
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans, and medical
primary progressive aphasia and posterior cortical atrophy. examination.
These are believed to originate in the parietal (language area)
and occipital (visual area) lobes, respectively, and progress to
the cortical region of the brain over time. Initial symptoms
center on language problems or visual disturbances.
Subcortical dementias such as with Huntington’s and
Parkinson’s disease are characterized by bradykinesia
(slowed movement) and bradyphrenia (slowed thought),
which also are seen in supranuclear palsy, multiple sclerosis,
Wilson’s disease, and HIV/AIDS-dementia (Cummings &
Benson, 1984). These conditions involve subcortical basal gan-
glion structures, which support procedural memory rote skill
performance (Levy, 2005, p. 318). Subcortical dementias in-
clude significant motor involvement, precipitating functional
skill impairment. This is a distinguishing characteristic from
cortical dementias such as Alzheimer’s disease; apraxias are
typically not seen in Alzheimer’s disease until the later stages.
Dementias that involve motor areas of the cortex are Lewy
body, corticobasal ganglionic degeneration, and progressive
supranuclear palsy. Lewy body dementia is sometimes re-
garded as a variant of Alzheimer’s’ disease (Goldman, 2004). It
is manifest in fluctuations in cognition, visual hallucinations,
and parkinsonian motor signs (Goldman, 2004). Frequent falls
due to motor involvement are characteristic of Lewy body de-
FIGURE 17-1. Burt has vascular dementia. He attends a American
mentia. Corticobasal ganglionic degeneration, a rare cause of Stroke Foundation wellness center for people who have had strokes.
dementia, is noted by a marked early phase apraxia or “alien Burt participates in activities such as “Wake Up Your Brain” and relax-
hand” (unconscious movement). The visuospatial deficits and ation classes.
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CHAPTER 17 ■ Dementia 229

may pose occasional problems with complex tasks such as

BOX 17-3 ■ Additional Etiologies of Dementia financial management or driving in unfamiliar areas. Neu-
ropsychological assessment can provide information on
■ Developmental disorders: related to hydrocephalus
cognitive abilities in the absence of observable functional
■ Acquired metabolic and nutritional disorders: Korsakoff’s psy- impairment.
chosis and alcohol withdrawal related to alcoholism, lead toxicity,
hypothyroidism, anoxia
■ Infectious diseases: viral encephalitis, bacterial encephalitis or Evaluation
meningitis, Creutzfeldt-Jakob (mad cow) disease, HIV/AIDS
■ Neurovascular disorders: multi-infarct or posterior cerebral artery Medical evaluation of dementia is important to determine
occlusion the cause, treatment, and prognosis, as well as to facilitate
■ Neoplastic disorders: primary neurological tumors, metastatic education for the family members and primary caregivers in
neoplasms planning for the future. Evaluation of dementia begins with
■ Demyelinating disorders: multiple sclerosis, Binswanger’s disease a history of symptoms from the client and family members.
■ Traumatic brain injury: head trauma Important diagnostic information includes when the initial
■ Epilepsy: medial temporal lobe epilepsy
memory problems began and what events that occurred over
the past 2 to 5 years were attributed to changes in cognitive
■ Sleep disorders: insomnia
■ Drug-induced and iatrogenic neurological disorders: surgical
Progressive dementia is described using the terms early,
lobectomy, electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), medications (psy-
chotropic, anticholinergic, sedative, analgesic, antihypertensive)
middle, or late stage, reflecting duration of the condition or
severity of the symptoms. There are models with which to
stage the degree of dementia that reflect the course of the dis-
ease. The Allen Cognitive Level (ACL) Screen is used to rate
dementia levels based on thought process: planning/abstract
Prevalence to goal directed/concrete to automatic/object centered (Allen,
Kehrberg, & Burns, 1992; Burns, Mortimer, & Merchak,
The most prevalent forms of dementia are age related, with 1994). Burns developed the Cognitive Performance test
Alzheimer’s type dementia accounting for two-thirds of all (CPT), a cognitive functional assessment that scores individ-
dementias (Geldmacher, 2003). Vascular or multi-infarct de- uals on the ACL six-level scale (6.0 as normal cognition and
mentia (stroke) accounts for the remaining one-third, along 1.0 as severe dementia), as shown in Box 17-4 (Burns, 2006)
with other causes (Goetz, 2003). Age and onset are important The Clinical Dementia Rating scale is used to track memory,
factors in the diagnoses of dementia. Although 1% of people orientation, judgment and problem-solving, community af-
between the ages of 65 and 69 have probable dementia, fairs, home and hobbies, and personal care (Morris, 1993).
the percentages rise with age to 9% of 80- to 84-year-olds This scale identifies the levels as healthy (0), very mild impair-
(General Accounting Office, 1998). It is estimated that 30% ment (0.5), mild (1.0), moderate (2.0), and severe (0.3). The
to 50% of the elderly who are older than 85 years have some Reisberg FAST Rating scale reverses the scale with 1.0 for nor-
degree of dementia (Goetz, 2003; Moore & Jefferson, 2004). mal cognition and 7.0 for severely impaired.
The clinical examination may include examination by
Course a neurologist, psychiatrist, or geriatrician; structural neu-
roimaging such as MRI scans; laboratory exams; neuropsy-
The course of dementia is determined by the underlying chological testing; occupational therapy evaluation; and so-
cause of the syndrome. Onset may be insidious, with subtle cial services or family therapy interviews. Imaging studies
changes to memory difficulties, or abrupt with acute or dra- reveal the presence or absence of structural (tumor or
matic changes, such as occur with TBI. The dementia may be stroke) changes and are proving to offer greater sensitivity to
relatively static (TBI or stroke) or progressive (Alzheimer’s, biomarkers for dementia diagnoses (Leon & Klunk, 2006).
Parkinson’s, HIV). If the cause is determined to be progres- Laboratory tests may indicate a metabolic disorder, infec-
sive, the rate of decline can range from gradual to rapid, and tious disease, or HIV. Cerebrospinal fluid exam is used for
the duration from diagnosis to death can range from 5 to stroke, encephalitis, or Creutzfeldt-Jakob diagnoses. Neu-
15 years. The rate of decline in Alzheimer’s disease is gener- ropsychological testing is used in the early stages of demen-
ally steady and specific to the individual, and prognosis is tia and requires the individual to be alert and attentive for
based on the rate of decline in prior years projected into fu- 2 to 3 hours. This testing can provide information regarding
ture years. If the dementia is due to a static condition, there the nature and extent of the impairments and provide a
may be some improvement, a stepwise decline, or a plateau baseline of cognition to measure change over time (Lezak,
in decline, although full recovery is rare. Howieson, & Loring, 2004).
Mild cognitive impairment is a diagnosis based on client- The most common, evidence-supported, standardized
and family-corroborated report of memory difficulty, mild cognitive screening assessment administered by many disci-
cognitive deficits in memory domains, and intact functional plines is the Mini-Mental Status Examination (MMSE), a
abilities (Manning, 2004). Mild cognitive impairment is be- verbally based test of global cognition (Folstein, Folstein, &
lieved to be an early, transitional stage prior to the onset of McHugh, 1975). Weaker evidence supports the use of the
dementia (Gauthier et al, 2006). Caselli et al (2006) found Draw a Clock Test measuring cognitive and spatial domains
that in longitudinal studies, about 10% to 15% of individu- (Wolf-Klein, Silverstone, Levy, & Brod, 1989) and Functional
als diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment progress to Assessment Questionnaire reporting levels of assistance
Alzheimer’s disease annually. The minor changes in memory with select IADLs (Pfeffer, Kurosaki, Harrah, Chance, &
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230 PART 2 ■ The Person

BOX 17-4 ■ Cognitive-Functional Profiles

Level 6. Normal Functioning; Absence of Cognitive are remembered, but the quality of performance diminishes, and
Functional Disability the task usually requires cues, setup, or initiation of task.
Persons can use complex information to carry out daily activities with
accuracy and safety.
Level 3.5. Moderate Functional Decline; Deficits in
Concrete Thought Process
Level 5. Mild Functional Decline; Beginning Deficits in Concrete task steps and direct prompting and cueing are needed to
Abstract Thought Processes complete even simple tasks. Task objects may need to be handed to
Persons begin to have difficulty using complex information or perform- get the person started, and demonstration may be necessary for the
ing complex tasks, including job performance, managing finances, person to perform the desired movements. Twenty-four-hour super-
driving, meal preparation, shopping, or following a complex medication vision is required to ensure safety.
Level 3. Moderate to Severe Functional Decline;
Level 4.5. Mild to Moderate Functional Decline; Object-Centered Thought Processes
Significant Deficits in Abstract Thought Processes Task performance is sporadic with assistance needed to begin, se-
Abstract thought processes, including problem-solving, memory, quence, and end tasks. The ability to use objects effectively is inconsis-
judgment, reasoning, and planning ahead, are impaired. Persons tent, and caregivers may find it easier to do things for or to the person.
participate in portions of complex tasks and show difficulties with
simple tasks such as bathing, dressing, grooming, and occupying Level 2. Severe Functional Decline; Deficits in Object-
leisure time. Centered Thought Processes
The person requires total care but may cooperate in portions of tasks
Level 4. Moderate Functional Decline; Use of Concrete (i.e., holding up an arm for a sleeve or using a spoon or fingers to
Thought Processes pick up foods). Resisting care is common.
Abstract thought processes, including memory, judgment, rea-
soning, and planning ahead, are replaced by concrete thought Level 1. Late Stage Dementia
processes. Familiar tasks such as dressing, grooming, and bathing Basic walking and eating abilities are impaired; total care is required.

Filos, 1982). The MBRC Caregiver Strain Instrument looks drug reactions, and respiratory infections, all treatable condi-
at caregiver feelings toward providing care and restriction of tions. Dementia can mask delirium and make it difficult to
caregiver activities (Bass, Noelker, & Rechlin, 1996). If the diagnose.
screening assessments reveal cognitive impairment (MMSE Depression is often a comorbid diagnosis in early stage
below 28 or any distortion in the clock drawing test), the oc- dementia, as the individual grieves the gradual loss of cogni-
cupational therapist conducts an evaluation that includes tive abilities. Depression can resemble dementia in that it is
formal cognitive functional testing to determine the impact characterized by the inability to concentrate or attend to a
of the impairment on occupational performance. task, mental slowing, and apathy. The MMSE can help differ-
A social services assessment is used to determine the entiate between depression and dementia because individu-
needs and types of external resources available to support als with depression generally perform better on declarative
the individual in his or her living environment or to make memory tests. A single-item depression indicator, “Do you
recommendations for changes in the residential setting to often feel sad or depressed?” is a brief, yet valid screening
meet the needs of the person and/or family. A family ther- tool (Mahoney, 1994). Another tool, the Geriatric Depres-
apy interview determines the interactional needs of the sion scale, is a 15-item questionnaire used to screen for de-
family in adjusting to the diagnosis and designing a family pression in the elderly (Sheikh & Yesavage, 1986). Five or
care provider plan. more “yes” answers indicate the need for referral and further
Differential Diagnosis Table 17-1 identifies the symptoms that differentiate
delirium, dementia, and depression. There is some overlap
The stigma attached to degenerative brain disease is similar of symptoms and comorbidities; Table 17-1 identifies pri-
to the stigma around mental health diagnoses. This can pre- mary symptoms by degree that can generally be identified in
vent family members from seeking medical advice related to textbook cases.
memory impairments and behavioral changes. The gradual Other disorders that are similar to and distinguishable
decline in thinking or changes in personality are commonly from dementia include amnesia, or memory impairment,
attributed to depression or “ministrokes.” without the other cognitive features (aphasia, apraxia, ag-
It is important to distinguish among the “three Ds”: de- nosia, and executive functioning). Substance intoxication or
mentia, delirium, and depression. Symptoms may be similar, withdrawal can present as a dementia that reverses when the
but the management approach varies depending on the con- toxin is eliminated. Individuals with cognitive developmen-
dition. Delirium is an abrupt change in cognitive responses tal disability are diagnosed before age 18, and cognition is
from one day to another characterized by confusion, delu- relatively static unless there is a dual diagnosis with demen-
sions, and agitation. Delirium is manifested by an acute onset tia. Extreme sleep deprivation can mimic memory loss, but
and requires immediate medical attention. Factors that con- even extreme untreated sleep apnea rarely causes significant
tribute to delirium are dehydration, urinary tract infections, cognitive impairment.
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CHAPTER 17 ■ Dementia 231

Table 17-1 ● Differentiation of Delirium, Dementia, and Depression

Symptoms and Features Delirium Dementia Depression
Disorganized thought X X
Altered consciousness X
Attention deficit X X X
Global cognitive problems X X
Memory loss X
Memory deficit X X
Perceptual/sensory disturbances (e.g., hallucinations) X X
Sleep/wake disturbances X X
Insomnia or hypersomnia X
Disorientation X X
Language disturbance (aphasia) X
Inability to motor plan (apraxia) X
Failure to identify objects (agnosia) X
Disturbance in executive functioning (i.e., planning, sequencing, organizing, abstracting) X
Use of MRI for Dx (to rule out other Dx) X
Secondary psychosis to other Dx X X
Acute onset and fluctuating course of short duration X
Gradual onset and continuing cognitive decline X
Loss of sense of self X X
Loss of continuity with life history X X
Distortion of time and space, light and darkness X X
Periods of amnesia X
Behavioral disturbance (e.g., wandering, agitation, aggression) X X
Poor appetite or overeating X
Fatigue and slowed responses X
Low self-esteem X
Poor concentration or difficulty making decisions X
Feelings of hopelessness X
Impairment in social, occupational, and daily function X X X
Affective lability X X X
Low motivation or diminished interest in activity X
Depressed mood most of the day X
Hx or presence of a major depressive episode of at least 2 weeks’ duration X
Reversible condition X X
Recurrent thoughts of death X
Precipitating loss X
Preoccupation with physical symptoms X

Genetic Factors a familial link to frontotemporal lobe dementia (Widerholt,

2000). Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease has a familial variant, and
There appears to be a genetic link for some forms of degen- Huntington’s is an inherited disease. The family history is
erative dementia. Risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease in- an important piece of the medical diagnosis.
clude age and a first-degree relative with the disease. Fami-
lies of Volga-German heritage have a gene mutation Culture
characteristic of early onset Alzheimer’s (Levy-Lahad et al,
1994). Genes linked to Alzheimer’s are found on chromo- Prevalence of causes of dementia varies with different cultural
some 1, 14, and 21 (Down syndrome) for young or early on- groups due to environmental influences, nutrition, education,
set forms and chromosome 19 for later onset where autop- life span, substance abuse, infection, and cerebrovascular dis-
sies have shown pathologies consistent with this diagnosis orders. Culture and language can be barriers to the accurate
(Small et al, 1997). Chromosomes 3 and 17q appear to have assessment of cognition when the person being evaluated is
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232 PART 2 ■ The Person

from a different culture or speaks a different language than the supports to facilitate performance and to educate the care-
evaluator. Behavior that is unacceptable to a particular cul- giver on adaptations and strategies to achieve the desired
ture, such as uninhibited behavior, may be misinterpreted goals. This section briefly describes the occupational therapy
as confusion. Subcultures influenced by economic status or process. For more information on occupational therapy in-
educational background may skew the behavioral assessment. terventions with dementia, see Chapters 18 and 47.
It is important to consider the history and background of
the individual prior to making assumptions about cognitive
function. Using culturally sensitive assessment tools is impor- Evaluation
tant in the screening and diagnosing of cognitive impair- The evaluation of occupation in clients with dementia be-
ments. One approach to minimize the language barrier is gins with an occupational profile that includes a descrip-
to include a translator throughout the evaluation and inter- tion of present performance in pertinent areas of occupa-
vention process. tion (e.g., ADL, IADL, work or volunteer, leisure, social
The care of persons with dementia in many non–Euro- participation, sleep). An interview format with the client
American cultures is provided in the home setting by family and caregiver is useful to gain information about perform-
members. With a filial responsibility to care for their elders, ance patterns (e.g., daily habits, routines, roles) and unique
adult children are frequently primary caregivers. The thera- strengths that have been preserved or abilities that have
pist should be cautious about sharing information with been “overlearned.” Information about changes in partici-
appropriate parties and sensitive to the family dynamic in pation in IADLs and self-care can provide insight into the
offering consultation and strategizing interventions. rate and degree of cognitive decline over time (Aitken,
1996). It is important to frame the client’s experience in the
Medication context of the family and community in which the individ-
ual resides.
There are few medications that treat the cognitive decline of The initial interview is intended to draw out the individ-
dementia, and patients have reported mixed results. The ual’s and caregiver’s interests, values, and needs. Exploring
acetylcholinesterase inhibitors or donepezil (Aricept), ri- the meaning the client attributes to his or her occupations is
vastigmine (Exelon), and galantamine (Razadyne) are the equally important. Observation of the client in his or her
drugs of choice for Alzheimer’s disease, Lewy body dementia, natural environment can provide more accurate informa-
vascular dementia, and Parkinson’s dementia (Abramowicz, tion than a caregiver report. A critical appraisal of the client’s
2007). These may cause gastrointestinal problems. Memantine context or environment will aid the therapist in identifying
(Namenda) is prescribed after the disease has advanced and supports and barriers to performance.
may be used along with acetylcholinesterase inhibitor ther- Standardized assessments used in occupational therapy
apy. Although pharmacological interventions do not cure evaluation include screening tools, brief assessments, and
the disease, they are reported to slow the progression of cog- comprehensive tests for functional cognition. In dementia,
nitive decline in 30% to 50% of patients (Moore & Jefferson, the focus of a standardized assessment is to measure the cog-
2004). Vitamin E has been investigated as a treatment for nitive ability to perform rather than a direct assessment of
Alzheimer’s disease, but results are inconclusive. Other phar- skills, such as an ADL assessment. The ACL’s leather lacing
macological interventions are used to manage the symptoms tool is designed to screen for cognitive functional limitations
of dementia. For example, antipsychotic medications are of- and predict functional performance levels (Allen et al, 1992).
ten used to treat agitation, aggression, delusions, and halluci- This information is useful for the therapist to select addi-
nations. It is important to limit medications that can exacer- tional assessments based on the goals of intervention and the
bate cognitive impairment, such as anticholinergics. The client’s contextual factors.
preferred approach is to simplify the patient’s medication An example of a brief occupational therapy assessment is
regimen and ask a caregiver to closely monitor medication the Kitchen Task Assessment, which identifies the cognitive
management. support needed to complete a cooking task (Baum & Edwards,
1993). It rates task performance in six areas: initiation, organi-
zation, steps of task, sequencing, judgment and safety, and
Impact on Occupational completion. The CPT involves observation of the individual in
Performance the performance of select tasks in a controlled context with
standardized protocols (Burns, Mortimer, & Merchak, 1994).
Criteria for a diagnosis of dementia includes significant im- Cognitive functional assessment (CPT) scores are used to pre-
pairment in social or occupational functioning, a key area of dict the level and quality of performance in IADL and ADL
occupational therapy intervention. Because of the broad tasks and determine the amount of assistance required for
range of conditions contributing to the diagnoses, the per- safety and supervision in daily activities. The Performance As-
formance skills (motor, process, communication/interaction), sessment of Self-Care Skills rates ADL and IADL performance
performance patterns (habits, routines, roles) and client fac- in three areas: independence (amount of assist needed), safety,
tors (body functions, body structures) are affected to various and adequacy (Rogers, Holm, Chisholm, Raina, & Toto, 2008).
degrees throughout the progression of the disease. The evalu- This assessment outlines the intervention plan in select areas of
ation is an analysis of occupational performance at one point daily activities and measures change over time. The process
in time, with an emphasis on identifying the environmental scale of the Assessment of Motor and Process Skills (Fischer,
supports and barriers to participation in daily activities. 2003) can discriminate between those individuals who can live
The focus of occupational therapy intervention is to de- independently in the community and those who need assis-
termine the optimal types and amount of environmental tance (Kizony & Katz, 2002).
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CHAPTER 17 ■ Dementia 233

The Lived Experience

Jim what she must have known were the same dementia symptoms
My memories are slowly disappearing from places in- that her sister experienced. What a scary time this must have
habited for so long. In themselves, memories do not been for her.
compare with the great sagas of this century, the births, Shortly after the friend’s phone call, I started receiving night-
deaths, tumult, madness, great art and music, and the in- time telephone calls from mother telling me about “strangers in
tense suffering of so many human beings. Our immortal- the house” and other frightening delusions. On one of my next
ity, such as it may be, is not contained in what we visits, I took the car away from her and made arrangements to
dreamed or the secrets we kept; it is how our friends and admit her into the nursing home where she had volunteered for
loved ones remember us. the past 25 years. Mother agreed, but when the time came, she
(DEBAGGIO, 2002, P. 207) entered the nursing home kicking and screaming (almost literally,
as she was in the real angry stage of the disease). After she set-
My mother was a very proper lady, an old-fashioned school tled in, the volunteer coordinator allowed her to wear her pink vol-
teacher to be exact. She corrected my grammar at every turn and unteer smock, and she would wander around the home helping
made sure my shirts were white and pressed. (To this day, I use with events as she had for years. Everyone knew and loved my
starch on my shirts when I iron.) That is why when she began the mother there.
journey into Alzheimer’s disease, it was hard to watch her as she During that first year in the nursing home, when I visited we
struggled to maintain her former habits of cleanliness. It was a would talk for hours on end about the family. Gradually, she had
long journey over many years. She never really talked to me about more and more difficulty carrying on a conversation as her mem-
what she was experiencing. She was a very private person. But ory and cognitive skills declined. My visits changed from conver-
as her son and closest family member, I remember having that sations to car rides and long walks along the Mississippi River.
sense of knowing she was struggling with her mind; she did not Once, I took her to JCPenney’s to buy underwear, and she
want my help but as her needs increased, I made every effort to wandered away in the store when I was paying the clerk. That
give her the dignity that I knew she deserved. was the last excursion to the mall.
Mom was very active in the community and was what I like Toward the end, when I visited her in the long-term care cen-
to call a professional volunteer. My father died shortly after my ter, she was unable to verbally communicate and did not recog-
mother’s 80th birthday. Because my other siblings had long nize me. Intuitively, I knew she felt my presence and seemed calm
ago moved away, she remained living alone in the house for the during my visits. Being a little, frail lady, she would crawl into my
next 4 years. During that time, she continued to be very active lap and let me rock her like a child. I remember thinking that this
in the community, volunteering at the hospital and nursing home, is what she did for me so many years ago. On one particular visit,
as well as participating in her book clubs and playing bridge sev- she pulled me to her bed and wanted me to lie next to her, with
eral days a week. I lived 175 miles away and would visit about my arm around her, providing comfort and security. I think she
once a month or so and called her weekly. I began noticing some was afraid and didn’t want to be alone. Shortly after that, she left
slight memory difficulties after a year or so and, although some- this world, gracefully, without a struggle, actually in her own
what concerned because her only sister was suffering from proper way.
Alzheimer’s disease, she seemed to be functioning just fine and I experienced first-hand what Alzheimer’s disease does to a
enjoying her independence. I did notice a few “dings” in the car vibrant, healthy human. As a son and caregiver, I experienced the
but attributed that to parking lot incidents. It was 4 years after pain, the frustration, and the helplessness that comes from not
my father’s death that a friend of hers called me to tell me that quite knowing what to do next. I also experienced the incredi-
she was concerned about my mother’s driving. She also reported ble bonds of family love as we cared for each other through the
that mother could no longer play bridge and forgot her car at the last years of my mother’s journey. We were lucky that she really
shopping mall. I began to make more frequent weekend trips to had no physical difficulties and she died, almost pain free, sur-
visit and realized later that she was going to great lengths to hide rounded by her family shortly after her 86th birthday.

These are only a few select assessment tools that have the disease. This may include altering the existing environ-
been successfully used with the dementia population. Al- ment by increasing supports as the needs arise or changing
though there are numerous standardized assessments, it is the environment by a move to a more supportive residence.
important to view the testing results as one piece of the eval- Early in the dementia, the client can participate in selecting
uation of performance and to consider all factors that affect performance goals for future anticipated needs, such as re-
occupational performance for the individual. tirement activities, community mobility, financial manage-
ment, and residential changes or institutional supports. Legal
issues, including conservatorship or guardianship, power of
Performance Goals attorney, health-care directives, and burial plans, can be put
in place. In later stages, the family serves as a client proxy in
The primary goal for occupational performance in clients the selection of goals and strategies to meet those goals.
with dementia is to ensure maximum engagement in occupa- The progressive nature of most cases of dementia means
tion in a safe and supported environment over the course of that those intervention strategies that work well at one stage
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234 PART 2 ■ The Person

may prove ineffective in the next stage. For example, mem- Fatigue is a major problem with dementia. The energy re-
ory aids such as calendars and planners may work in the quired to continue daily tasks increases as the person’s cogni-
early stage to compensate for memory difficulties; however, tive abilities decrease. Time becomes distorted, and the per-
at some point, the person will be unable to locate the aid or son is eternally living in the present. An inability to recognize
remember to use it. New learning is difficult, so activity per- environmental cues and impaired orientation to space may
formance should draw on activity patterns that were well es- lead to way finding. Visual perceptions may be distorted,
tablished prior to the onset of the dementia. The goal of leading to hallucinations, delusions, and paranoia.
therapy at any stage is to minimize the decline and adapt the Communication deficits are unique to each person with
activity demands so the person can continue to participate dementia, affecting some more than others. Although some
in activities that bring meaning and satisfaction. individuals remain articulate into later stages of the disease,
others experience aphasia or word finding problems early on.
Common difficult behaviors may be related to the inability to
Areas of Occupation express oneself. Verbal behaviors include repeated question-
The areas of occupation that prove to be challenging initially ing, arguing, inaccurate reasoning, social withdrawal, rest-
for individuals with dementia are work or volunteer experi- lessness and agitation, screaming, and catastrophic reactions
ences that demand complex thinking and new learning. A (Bimesser, 1997).
person may withdraw from leisure activities that demand
high cognitive skills (e.g., playing bridge) or have a haz- Performance Patterns
ardous component (e.g., cutting trees with a chain saw or
hunting). Social participation often declines with language Habits, or overlearned activities, have been found to be use-
skills, and social circles diminish from clubs and civic groups ful to perpetuate performance in daily activities, especially
to family and friends to immediate family members. In the grooming and dressing tasks. Although it is a frequently cited
early stages, the IADLs that present challenges are financial strategy, there is no conclusive evidence to support the estab-
management, complex home maintenance tasks, and driv- lishment of routines for persons with dementia. Routines
ing. Later, shopping, home making, meal preparation, and may help a caregiver organize the day in order to schedule
reading are difficult. some respite time and increase predictability of the external
The middle stage of dementia presents challenges in ADLs, environment. Roles change dramatically; an individual who
including bathing, dressing, grooming, and mobility. An aver- was the head of the household may move into a dependent
sion to bathing appears to be a common symptom and one role, and his spouse may move into a caregiving role. Fami-
for which family members often seek outside assistance. In lies tend to rally and support the member with the disease,
dressing, there is a tendency to layer clothing or reuse soiled and roles emerge depending on the strengths and abilities of
clothes. The individual may experience occupational depriva- the individual members.
tion due to an inability to self-initiate leisure activities and a
limited desire to participate without encouragement. Activity Demands
Dementia in the later stages presents dependence in basic
ADLs, including incontinence care and disturbances in The key to optimal participation in areas of occupation and
sleep/wake patterns, two behaviors that serve as indicators minimizing behavioral disruptions is to adjust the activity
for a change in residence. Interrupted sleep/wake cycles can demands to meet the client’s capabilities. A person with de-
lead to nighttime “way finding,” or wandering, and a disrup- mentia may feel anxious in unfamiliar surroundings or agi-
tion in the primary caregiver’s rest. Other key performance tated by crowds. Frustration builds when the timing of activ-
challenges are limited leisure and social participation be- ities is not adapted to his or her new pace or the activity
cause the person ultimately withdraws from most activities. requirements are too challenging to be successful. A starting
The final stage is characterized by a refusal to eat. point is a clear sense of what the client is capable of doing
successfully and adjusting the activity demands accordingly.
Performance Skills
Motor signs are predictive of cognitive and functional decline Interventions
in Alzheimer’s disease, even though some individuals in the
early stages have relatively strong motor skills (Scarmeas et al, Three key areas of intervention for individuals with demen-
2005). With subcortical dementias and dementias that affect tia are environmental intervention, caregiver education, and
the motor cortex, the result is an unsteady gait and an in- behavioral intervention. These areas encompass other inter-
creased risk for falls. In late stage dementia, the limited mo- vention areas, such as communication, driving, feeding, and
bility skills and postural deterioration eventually contribute sleep.
to the need for 24-hour care to counteract the propensity for
contractures and decubiti. Environmental Intervention
Distorted sensory perceptions and an inability to reason
can lead to catastrophic reactions. Although contraindicated A key approach to intervention with persons with dementia
in the majority of cases, in severe dementia, the use of phys- is to adapt the environment to meet the changing needs. Es-
ical or chemical restraints may be indicated as a last resort. tablishing consistent performance contexts (e.g., physical and
Occupational therapy can provide strategies to reduce the social environment) and reinforcing well-developed habits
use of restraints through sensory interventions or appropri- and routines can facilitate participation and ease the task of
ately designed diversional activities. caregiving (Gitlin, Hauck, Dennis, & Winter, 2005; Graff et al,
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CHAPTER 17 ■ Dementia 235

2008). In an occupational therapy environmental skill build-

ing program, the intervention was to create an adaptive zone Evidence-Based Practice
in which individual competence is equal to environmental
demands (Corcoran et al, 2002; Gitlin, Corcoran, Winter,
Boyce, & Hauck, 2001). This was accomplished by attending
to the task objects and adapting the activities, designing ap-
D ue to the progressive nature of most dementing disorders,
occupational therapy intervenes at intervals to adjust occu-
pational demands to performance capacity. Occupational therapy
has been proven effective in home- and community-based pro-
propriate social groups in a culturally sensitive environment,
grams (Gitlin, Hauck, Dennis, & Winter, 2005; Graff et al, 2008).
and adjusting the expectations for behavior. The goal was to These programs include strategies such as establishing consis-
improve quality of activity engagement and reduce behaviors tent performance contexts (physical and social environment),
that were barriers to participation. reinforcing well-developed habits and routines, creating an
Adapting the environment may involve modifying the adaptive zone to ease environmental demands, attending to the
home for maximum safety. For example, by installing grab task objects, adapting the activities, designing appropriate social
bars, tub benches, or faucet extensions, the caregiver may be groups in a culturally sensitive environment, and adjusting the
able to supervise a bathing activity with greater confidence. expectations for behavior.
There are numerous home adaptations to increase security for Occupational therapy intervention is designed to maximize
a person who enjoys sensory seeking or way finding. Electronic participation in day-to-day occupations. Each stage of dementia
reflects differing barriers to occupational performance (Corcoran,
monitoring devices, door alarms, pressure gates, and video in-
tercoms are cost-effective measures that can be installed in the Early stage challenges participation in select IADLs including
home. Additional safety features commonly considered are driving and navigation errors (Uc, Rizzo, Anderson, Shi, & Dawson,
disconnecting a stove or installing a power switch, removal of 2004), medication administration, meal preparation, and man-
appliances or replacement with those with an auto shut-off aging finances.
feature, faucet valves to prevent overflow, window gridlines on
➤ Occupational therapists can refer clients for driving evaluations
patio doors, and camouflaging exits (Warner, 2000). for persons with cognitive changes (Shold Davis, 2003).
Low-tech assistive devices can be effective in the early
stages of dementia. These include calendars, list making, and ➤ Occupational therapists provide strategies and caregiver
note taking for memory aides. Medication boxes or alarm training in breaking down complex tasks such as personal
finances, medication management, and meal preparation to
med boxes can be useful initially, but may be confusing to
identify portions of the task for the client to participate with
some individuals, especially those with cognitive decline. success and to reduce caregiver stress (Dooley & Hinojosa,
Seeking plausible alternatives to community mobility is rec- 2004).
ommended in the early stages to limit driving. In middle
stages, maintaining a simplified schedule in a familiar envi- Corcoran, M. A. (Ed.). (2006). Neurorehabilitation for Dementia-Related
ronment with repetition and consistency may ease the re- Diseases. (Neurorehabilitation Self-Paced Clinical Course Series, G. M.
Giles, Series Senior Ed.). Bethesda, MD: American Occupational Therapy
sponsibilities for caregivers. Association.
During the later stages of dementia, environmental adap- Dooley, N. R., & Hinojosa, J. (2004). Improving quality of life for persons with
tations may include mealtime positioning and adaptive feed- Alzheimer’s disease and their family caregivers: Brief occupational therapy in-
tervention. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 58, 561–569.
ing strategies, along with nutritional monitoring. It is impor-
Gitlin, L. M., Hauck, W. W., Dennis, M. P., & Winter, L. (2005). Mainte-
tant to note that effective adaptations require trial and error; nance of effects of the home environmental skill-building program for fam-
that is, what works for one individual may not be appropriate ily caregivers and individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and related disor-
or effective with another individual. The intervention plan ders. Journal of Gerontology, 60A, 368–374.
Graff, M., Bernookj-Dassen, M., Zajec, J., Olde-Rikkert, M., Hoefnagels,
should be designed with consideration of the unique individ- W., & Dekker, J. (2008). Community occupational therapy is cost-effective
ual and family strengths and needs. for patients with dementia. British Medical Journal, 33, 134–138.
Shold Davis, E. (2003). Defining OT roles in driving. OT Practice, 8(1), 15–18.
Caregiver Education Uc, E. Y., Rizzo, M., Anderson, S. W., Shi, Q., & Dawson, J. D. (2004). Driver
route-following and safety error in early Alzheimer’s disease. Neurology, 14,
A home care, family-centered model can be an effective ap- 832–827.
proach for persons with dementia (Corcoran, 1999). It is
important to acknowledge that the caregiver “can be consid-
ered the hidden client in the caregiver–care receiver dyad”
(Shaw, Kearney, Vause Earland, & Eckhardt, 2003, p. 1). Caregiver training includes education about the disease or
More than 80% of clients with dementia are living in their disorder, strategies to adapt activities or compensate for de-
homes with family members providing daily care (National clining performance in areas of occupation, and communica-
Institute on Aging, 1999). Caregivers fill the role of collabo- tion training such as validation therapy (Feil, 1992, 1993). It is
rator in the intervention process as they identify the barriers important for families to understand how to promote partic-
and supports for occupational participation, adapt the envi- ipation at present and plan for future care needs. This entails
ronment, adjust the activity demands, and guide compensa- training in task breakdown to identify portions of IADLs that
tory strategies. A person-centered care model in which the can be performed with support (e.g., meal preparation,
well-being of the caregiver is considered and supported housekeeping, grocery shopping, bill paying, leisure activities)
through the intervention is essential (Ortigara, 2000). Con- or ADLs with assistance (e.g., clothing selection, dressing,
sideration of the needs of the client as a family member and grooming, bathing, toileting, eating, mobility).
support for healthy family interactions within the caregiving Caregivers may need skill training in communication and
relationship can be accomplished through appropriately de- strategies to facilitate ongoing interactions. The use of vali-
signed, shared activities and adapting roles and expectations dation has been found to aid caregivers in interacting with
(Schaber, 2002). persons with disorientation (Feil, 1992, 1993). This approach
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236 PART 2 ■ The Person

is used as a communication method to calm agitated older In the mid- to later stages of the disease, clients with behav-
persons. The premise of validation is to probe into the lived ior problems are often referred to occupational therapists to
experience of the individual rather than challenging his or explore nonpharmacological interventions for behavior man-
her reality. As the person relates more about the disturbing agement. Individualized interventions for catastrophic reac-
event, the listener responds, validating the underlying feel- tions can include offering reassurance, reminiscence, distrac-
ings that are expressed. In a study by Friedman and Tappen tion, sensory stimulation, and calming procedures, such as
(1991), a program of planned walking (vs. a conversation rocking chairs, aviaries, manipulative tasks, music, massage,
group) significantly increased the communication abilities of oral reading, dimmed lighting, and reducing clutter. Programs
patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Caregiver skills training for incontinence care can include using external stimuli for
can include modeling effective interactions with nonverbal finding the toilet or identifying behaviors that indicate the
clients, interpreting sensory cues and gestures. need to void.
These are only a few intervention strategies for persons
Behavioral Intervention with dementia. The progressive nature of most forms of de-
mentia dictates that occupational therapists intervene peri-
In the early stages of dementia, a challenging behavior to odically as changes occur throughout the course of the re-
manage is the tendency to get lost in familiar areas. This lated disease. The occupational therapy practitioner can
requires client training in the use of an aid such as a cell apply the person-environment-occupation model, consider-
phone or lifeline system. A Safe Return program devel- ing the person with declining cognition, the environment
oped by the Alzheimer’s Association helps identify indi- with increasing supports, and the occupation with continu-
viduals who are lost and do not have memory skills for ous adaptations for maximum engagement. Each client is
self-identification. unique, and intervention approaches should be individual-
To manage fatigue and maintain normal sleep/wake cycles, ized, considering both client and family needs. The therapist
it is important to pace but encourage regularly scheduled ac- considers these needs in a culturally sensitive context, up-
tivities to keep the person awake during the day. Suggestions holding the inherent dignity of the person during each stage.
to counteract sleep disturbances include (Duthie, 1998) the The goal of intervention, guided through creative, evidence-
following: based occupational therapy practice, is maximum participa-
tion in occupation and increasing the quality of life for the
■ Avoid caffeine in the afternoon and evening.
client and caregiver.
■ Limit fluids after dinnertime.
■ Increase daily physical activity.
■ Limit daytime napping (including napping in front of
the television). Summary
■ Medical screening for other causes of insomnia, such as
There are few conditions that have a more pervasive effect on
everyday life than dementia. Although the course of demen-
In the middle stages of dementia, structured activity pro- tia is almost always a progressive decline, occupational thera-
grams in community centers, adult day services, assisted liv- pists can still play a significant role in the lives of individuals
ing, and memory care centers can provide leisure activities, with the disorder. When individuals lose their memory and
physical exercise, social activities, cognitive stimulation, and other basic cognitive functions, it is challenging but impor-
respite for the caregiver. It may be helpful to familiarize the tant that the uniqueness of the individual as well as that per-
client with a program and staff early on and build the regu- son’s dignity be maintained. By creating environments that
lar activity into the weekly schedule. It is important to pro- support performance (which includes supporting the care-
vide a mix of daily activities that are within the client’s abil- giver), individuals with dementia can continue to participate
ity level that have meaning and purpose. in valued occupations for longer periods of time.

Active Learning Strategies

1. Illustrating Movement Patterns the center. Now draw around your home all the places you
have traveled to on a regular or occasional basis over the
The experience of dementia, specifically Alzheimer’s-type
past month (e.g., a friend’s house, a relative’s house, work,
dementia, is that the world shrinks. First, long-distance
school, church, grocery store, gym, shopping mall). Draw a
travel becomes more challenging and distressing. Then, reg-
line from your home to each place for each trip over the past
ular activities become more difficult, and people with de-
30 days; this indicates your movement patterns. The places
mentia may require assistance and supervision when they
you visit frequently will have many lines, and those places
venture out of their home. They discontinue driving in the
you visit less frequently will have fewer lines. Next, indicate
early stages, yet may have difficulty using public transporta-
on each line with a symbol if you walked, biked, drove a car,
tion because it may require learning a new skill. So often,
or took public transportation.
with dementia, days are filled with few activities and substi-
Look at your graphic, which should visually represent
tuted with sleep and watching TV.
your world. Examine your movement patterns. What pat-
You can graphically represent a person’s daily patterns of
terns can you identify? What places are meaningful? Who is
movements. Take a sheet of paper and draw your home in
1704_Ch17_225-240.qxd 7/8/10 7:27 PM Page 237

CHAPTER 17 ■ Dementia 237

present in those places? What do you do in each place? How therapist to have knowledge of housing options and the
do you travel between places? supports provided with each option. Based on the evalua-
tion results, the therapist would consult with family mem-
Reflective Questions
bers to discuss options tailored to the functional needs of
Reflect on the world of a person with dementia. the individual.
● What places on your graphic would you eliminate if you
Study the definitions and explanations of the various op-
had significant cognitive impairment? tions for residential care, listed for the most part in a hierarchy
● What would be the challenges to continuing your
from greatest independence (requiring no assistance) to de-
participation in some of those places? pendence (requiring most assistance).
● What mobility or transportation supports would you
● Senior Housing Development (a large apartment complex
need to continue former movement patterns? for seniors, aged 55 or older, in which some services are
● What supports would you need to remain engaged in the
available for a fee, such as light housekeeping, activities,
activities you perform in that place? transportation, meals, and laundry)
● Which activities would you give up?
● Accessory Apartment (an apartment attached to a family
● Which activities could be added to substitute for the gap
home with a separate entrance for the elderly family
or void in your world? member)
● What would you suggest to counteract occupational depri-
● Home Sharing (individuals or families share their home
vation? Select a place on your graphic and list the supports and provide board and care)
you would need to get to that place and what you would ● Life Care Communities (housing with an entry fee that
need to continue involvement in the activities there. ensures the continuum of care for life from independent
living to skilled nursing care)
Reflective Journal ● Assisted Living (housing complexes with efficiencies or

Describe the experience in your one-bedroom apartments in which services are included
Reflective Journal. in the cost of the room, such as light housekeeping, ac-
tivities, transportation, meals, laundry, medication man-
agement, and security checks)
2. Aging in Place
● Adult Day Services (day activity programs that provide
Family caregivers of individuals with dementia provide for supervision, some basic care, meals, and activities during
their day-to-day needs. The term “aging in place” means daytime hours not at home)
that an elder can remain in his or her own community ● Memory Care Facilities (community facilities for individ-
with services brought to him or her. Sometimes it is not uals with dementia in which institutional care is provided
feasible or possible for the person to remain at home with by trained personnel)
a family caregiver, but the person can live close to home ● Long-Term Care Facilities or Skilled Nursing Facilities
and family. Identifying the optimal setting for an individ- (facilities in which care is provided by nursing professionals
ual with cognitive decline is challenging. An important with full care available 24 hours a day with locked units)
role for occupational therapy in the evaluation of an older Now read the following two cases and make a profes-
adult with dementia is to determine the capabilities of sional decision regarding residential options for the client
the individual and the supports he or she may require to with dementia. You may do this exercise as an in-class or
live in an optimal and safe environment. This requires the small group discussion.

Case 1: Jerome minimal care, transportation, and daily

Jerome is an 89-year-old widower who is staying with ■ Home Sharing—This might be a good option if
his son and daughter-in-law after a recent hip fracture. another adult is present during the day.
He and his family agree that he is no longer safe living ■ Life Care Communities—This option may be too
alone on the farm. Jerome has some slight memory late for Jerome because entrance generally occurs
deficits, but is able to heat up a meal prepared by an- prior to the need for assistance.
other person, able to complete his own self-care, and— ■ Assisted Living—This might be a good option for
with his medications set up by someone else—is able to Jerome because he will require monitoring for falls
take them independently. He no longer drives, is not and medication setup; he needs meals offered and
comfortable grocery shopping, is not able to keep his housekeeping services, and he may need
house clean, and is not safe using his walker outside in encouragement to participate in group activities.
winter. Jerome is very social and enjoys music and play- ■ Adult Day Services—Jerome may not need this level
ing cards. of service due to slight nature of his memory deficits.
Case Analysis ■ Long-Term Care Facilities or Skilled Nursing
■ Senior Housing Development—Jerome might need
Facilities—Jerome does not need this level of service
more services than independent living senior at this time.
apartments provide. ■ Memory Care Facilities—Jerome does not need this
■ Accessory Apartment—This is a good option if
level of service because he only has slight memory
his son and daughter-in-law are able to provide deficits.
1704_Ch17_225-240.qxd 7/8/10 7:27 PM Page 238

238 PART 2 ■ The Person

Case 2: Mabel • Larson, K. O., Stevens, R. G., Pedretti, L., & Crabtree, J. L. (Eds.).
(1996). ROTE: The Role of Occupational Therapy With the
Mabel is a 86-year-old homemaker who lives with her Elderly. Bethesda, MD: American Occupational Therapy
husband, Irwin, who is 91. They live in a metropolitan Association Press.
area. With moderate dementia and diabetes, Mabel is no • Lewis, S. C. (2003). Elder Care in Occupational Therapy (2nd ed.).
longer able to prepare meals, do laundry, clean the house, Thorofare, NJ: Slack.
or drive. She needs full assistance with her medications, • Rosenfeld, M. S. (Ed.). (1997). Motivational Strategies in
Geriatric Rehabilitation. Bethesda, MD: American Occupational
especially in order to manage her diabetes. Mabel and Therapy Association Press.
Irwin live in a small rambler that is adapted for her • Warner, M. (2000). The Complete Guide to Alzheimer’s Proofing
wheelchair. Irwin wants her to remain at home, but is Your Home. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press.
stressed by the demands of providing care for his wife.
Books: Autobiographical
She is combative with self-care tasks, especially bathing,
and he is challenged by transferring her from her wheel-
• DeBaggio, T. (2002). Losing My Mind: An Intimate Look at Life
With Alzheimer’s. New York: Free Press.
chair to the commode alone. • McGowin, D. F. (1993). Living in the Labyrinth: A Personal Journey
Through the Maze of Alzheimer’s. New York: Delacorte Press.
Case Analysis
■ Senior Housing Development—Mabel would need
• Snyder, L. (1999). Speaking Our Minds: Personal Reflections
From Individuals With Alzheimer’s. New York: W.H. Freeman
more services than independent living senior Press.
apartments provide.
■ Accessory Apartment—No additional family
members are mentioned in the case. • Away From Her (2006)
■ Home Sharing—Mabel would need more care than
• Complaints of a Dutiful Daughter (1994)
• Marvin’s Room (1996)
home sharing would provide. • On Golden Pond (1981)
■ Life Care Communities—This option may be too
late for Mabel because entrance generally occurs
prior to the need for assistance. • AAN Guideline Summary for Clinicians: Detection, Diagnosis,
and Management of Dementia:
■ Assisted Living—This might be a good option for
Irwin, but Mabel’s care, including transfers and • AAN Guideline Summary for Patients and Their Families:
medication management, would be costly. She may Alzheimer’s Disease:
need more care than this option could provide. pdfs/dem_pat.pdf
■ Adult Day Services—Mabel may benefit from daily • Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Innovations
service due to moderate nature of her memory Exchange: (select diagnostic area for
deficits and possibility for nursing care with the best practice guides)
service. • Alzheimer’s Association:
■ Long-Term Care Facilities or Skilled Nursing • Alzheimer’s Disease Education and Referral (ADEAR) Center:
Facilities—Mabel may benefit from this level of
service at this time; Irwin could live in assisted living
• American Academy of Neurology (AAN):
• American Parkinson Disease Association Inc.: www
in a nearby complex.
■ Memory Care Facilities—Mabel could benefit from • Huntington’s Disease Society of America:
this level of service because she has moderate • Minnesota Chapter, American Physical Therapy Association
memory deficits. (MN APTA). (2007). “Stand Up and Be Strong! Falls Prevention
Model.” St. Paul, MN: Author.
• National Institute on Aging:
• National Library of Medicine, HIV/AIDS Information: http://
Assessment • Resources in Aging and Long-Term Care:
• Folstein, M. F., Folstein, S. E., & McHugh, P. R. The Mini-Mental
State Examination. Available at: (accessed
November 28, 2009). References
Books Abraham, I. L. (2005). Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease: A practical
• Bowlby, C. (1993). Therapeutic Activities With Persons Disabled orientation. Nursing Clinics of North America, 41, 119–127.
by Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders. Gaithersburg, MD: Abramowicz, M. (Ed.). (2007). Drugs for cognitive loss and dementia.
Aspen. Treatment Guidelines from the Medical Letter, 5(54), 9–14.
• Byers-Connon, S., Lohman, H., & Padilla, R. L. (Eds.). (2004). Aitken, M. J. (1996). Common assessments in geriatric practice.
Occupational Therapy With Elders (2nd ed.). St. Louis, MO: Gerontology Special Interest Section Newsletter, 19(4), 1–3.
Elsevier Mosby. Allen, C., Kehrberg, K., & Burns, T. (1992). Evaluation instrument.
• Corcoran, M. (Ed.). (2003). Geriatric Issues in Occupational In C. Allen, C. A. Earhart, & T. Blue (Eds.), Occupational Therapy
Therapy. Bethesda, MD: American Occupational Therapy Treatment Goals for the Physically and Cognitively Disabled
Association Press. (pp. 54–68). Rockville, MD: American Occupational Therapy
• Glickstein, J. K. (1997). Therapeutic Interventions in Alzheimer’s Association.
Disease (2nd ed.). Gaithersburg, MD: Aspen. American Psychiatric Association (APA). (2000). Diagnostic and
• The Hartford. (2003). At the Crossroads: A Guide to Alzheimer’s Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed., text revision).
Disease, Dementia & Driving. Hartford, CT: Author. Washington, DC: Author.
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3 Client Factors



Cognitive Skills 18
Catana Brown

M emory is a net; one finds it full of fish when he takes it from the brook; but a dozen miles of
water have run through it without sticking.
—Oliver Wendell Holmes

use to measure cognitive impairment, and practice models

In a classic and fascinating study, McGhie and Chapman that support occupational performance by addressing cogni-
(1961) interviewed individuals with “early” schizophrenia tive concerns.
and asked them to describe, in their own words, recent
changes in experiences. This study revealed that people with
schizophrenia are aware of and can describe some of the
challenges they face while trying to attend to and make sense Cognition and Psychiatric
of their world. Here are just a few quotes from the study: Disabilities
My concentration is very poor. I jump from one thing to
Cognitive impairments are common in many psychiatric dis-
another. If I am talking to someone, they only need to
abilities; for some clients, these impairments represent the
cross their legs or scratch their heads and I am distracted
core feature of their disorder. For example, dementia is dis-
and forget what I was saying. I think I could concentrate
tinguished by a significant deterioration in cognitive func-
better with my eyes shut. (p. 104)
tioning. Alzheimer’s dementia, the most common form of
People just do things, but I have to watch first to see
the disease, begins with impairments in recall memory and
how you do things. I have to think out most things first
progresses to a total decline in cognitive and occupational
and know how to do them, before I do them. When I am
performance (Knopman, Boeve, & Petersen, 2003; Small,
racing and am ready to get off the mark I have to think
Fratiglioni, Viitanen, Winblad, & Backman, 2000). Normal
of putting my hands down in front of me and how to lift
aging also results in decrements in cognitive ability. One
my legs before I can start. (p. 108)
study of adults aged 71 or older estimates that 22.2% of
If I am reading I may suddenly get bogged down at a
these adults have cognitive impairment without dementia
word. It may be any word, even a simple word that I
(Plassman et al, 2008). Attention deficit-hyperactivity dis-
know well. When this happens I can’t get past it. It’s as if
order (ADHD) is also considered a cognitive impairment; in
I am being hypnotized by it. It’s as if I am seeing the
addition to attentional problems, the disorder is character-
word for the first time and in a different way from
ized by deficits in inhibitory control and executive function.
anyone else. It’s not so much that I absorb it, it’s more
Despite normal IQ (Schuck & Crinella, 2005), executive dys-
like it’s absorbing me. (p. 109)
function contributes to academic problems for children with
These vivid descriptions indicate not only that cognition ADHD (Biederman et al, 2004). Developmental disabilities
is challenging for people with schizophrenia, but also that it are also primarily cognitive disorders. The Diagnostic and
has an impact on their everyday life. The challenge for occu- Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text
pational therapists is to accurately assess cognitive impair- Revision (DSM-IV-TR; APA, 2000) criteria for mental retar-
ments in clients with this and other mental illnesses, and dation are based on an IQ below 85.
then to create interventions that help people with cognitive Other psychiatric disabilities that are characterized pri-
impairments successfully carry out the things they need and marily by mood or psychotic symptoms are nevertheless as-
want to do in their lives. sociated with significant cognitive impairments. Although
This chapter describes the different components that make there is great heterogeneity in the severity and type of cogni-
up cognition, the assessments that occupational therapists can tive impairments in individuals with schizophrenia, deficits
1704_Ch18_241-261.qxd 7/9/10 2:33 PM Page 242

242 PART 2 ■ The Person

are noted across all areas of cognition, including attention, Automatic and Controlled Processes
memory, and executive functions (Weickert & Goldberg, Many people have had the experience of “automatically”
2000), and these impairments can interfere with successful driving a familiar route. For the most part, you are unaware
community living, employment, and socialization (Green, of the landmarks and do not really pay attention to the
Kern, Braff, & Mintz, 2000). There are similar cognitive im- points at which you need to turn or the distance you are
pairments in bipolar disorder (Kravariti, Dixon, Frith, Murray, driving. You may describe this experience as being on
& McGuire, 2005). “autopilot.” This is an example of automatic processing.
For the most part, the cognitive impairments in schizophre- Contrast this situation with the experience of driving in an
nia and bipolar disorder persist despite the acuity of the illness unfamiliar area on a rainy day while trying to locate an ad-
(Balanza-Martinez et al, 2005). In contrast, the cognitive im- dress. In this situation, there are intense attentional require-
pairments in depression seem to be most intense during acute ments, such as reading street signs, attending to distances,
phases of the illness (Majer et al, 2004), with attentional and noticing important landmarks. This is an example of
deficits most prominent. controlled processing.
The largest body of literature on cognitive impairments Reading also involves both automatic and controlled
and psychiatric disabilities is related to schizophrenia. As a re- processes. As you are reading this sentence, you do not have
sult, this chapter includes more examples related to this pop- to make sense of each word; rather, you automatically take in
ulation; however, the reader will find relevant applications to the word “sentence” without thinking about what it means.
many other psychiatric disabilities that involve cognitive im- However, it takes mental effort to understand the sentences,
pairments. Occupational therapists need to be familiar with paragraphs, and chapters of a textbook and to integrate this
the cognitive impairments associated with psychiatric dis- information so that you can use it during a test or occupa-
abilities so that these barriers to occupational performance tional therapy practice situation.
can be addressed. Another example of an automatic task is walking. Most of
us do not have to think about what muscles to move or how
to move our bodies to walk. Yet, consider how the automatic
Components of Cognition process of walking changes dramatically for a person with a
broken leg who is using crutches or a person who has had a
Cognition involves processes that are associated with per- stroke.
ceiving, making sense of, and using information. Cognition is Most of the things people do are not purely automatic or
best understood by examining its components. The following controlled, but fall on a continuum. Posner and Snyder
information is organized around three cognitive components (1975) identified three criteria of automatic processing:
(and their related subcomponents): attention, memory, and
executive function. 1. It is unintentional.
2. The activity or task is done without conscious
Attention 3. It does not interfere with other mental activity.
The world we live in is exploding with information. For a Generally, automatic tasks are highly familiar and prac-
minute, consider the environment that you find yourself in ticed. Therefore, tasks that are extremely controlled initially
right now. What are the sights, sounds, and feelings that are can become automatic with practice. Typing on a keyboard
available to you? When you stop for a moment, do you no- and playing a musical instrument are good examples of tasks
tice things that you were previously unaware of, such as the that require a great deal of conscious effort when learning,
ticking of a clock, the color of the carpet, and the feel of but can become automatic over time. The amount of prac-
clothing against your skin? tice necessary increases as the task becomes more complex.
There is so much information available to us at any given Although complex tasks can become automatic with enough
moment that it is impossible to attend to everything. Attention practice, certain task characteristics interfere with auto-
involves efficiently using cognitive resources to take in the in- maticity. Highly unstable or irregular tasks such as social in-
formation needed to accomplish a task. To be efficient, you teraction can never be fully automatic.
must allocate cognitive resources to the entity that provides the Most of the time, automatic processing is adaptive and al-
most useful input. This can be challenging for anyone. Distrac- lows you to perform more tasks more efficiently. Automatic-
tions in the environment interfere with the ability to focus on ity facilitates the development of order and routine in life.
relevant information, screen out what is irrelevant, and main- However, there are instances in which automaticity leads to
tain attention over time. For example, you may be trying to mistakes or even safety issues. For example, you may pick up
study while your roommate is watching TV or talking loudly the phone and automatically dial a familiar number rather
on the telephone. You notice that your attention wanders from than the intended new number. Or, more seriously, you may
the study material to the television program. Or, you may be get in a car accident because you failed to notice a hazard in
tired or preoccupied and unable to focus on the textbook that the road during your familiar driving route.
you are trying to read for tomorrow’s class. You keep thinking Individuals with developmental disabilities or schizophre-
about an argument that you had with a friend earlier that day. nia can take longer or find it more difficult to establish auto-
Many things in the external environment and internal to maticity. Occupational therapists need to consider interven-
the person compete for attentional resources. Specific aspects tions that incorporate repeated practice or simplify tasks
of attention, such as automatic and controlled processes, se- so that the individual moves from controlled to automatic pro-
lective attention, divided attention, and vigilance, are de- cessing. With other disabilities, such as middle or late stage
scribed next. Alzheimer’s disease, it may be impossible to establish new
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CHAPTER 18 ■ Cognitive Skills 243

automatic patterns. In this case, environmental adaptations time, watch her toddler play. When playing sports, a strong
and assistance from others may be necessary. athlete can take a shot at the basket, while still attending to
where the other players are located on the court. More re-
Selective Attention cently, much consideration has been given to the divided at-
Selective attention involves sorting out and focusing on the tention required to drive and talk on the cell phone. How is
relevant sensory stimuli in the environment. Selective atten- it that people can carry out more than one task at a time?
tion is absolutely essential; without it, a person would be com- There are several different explanations as to how divided at-
pletely overwhelmed by all of the competing available input. tention works (Galotti, 2004). One possibility is that individ-
One of the earliest descriptions of selective attention comes uals alternate their attention so that they move back and
from Broadbent’s (1958) filter theory. Filter theory suggests forth between the two tasks. Another explanation is that one
that there is a limit to the amount of information a person can of the two tasks is automatic and does not require conscious
attend to at any one point in time. Therefore, individuals use cognitive effort. Finally, specific practice performing the two
an “attentional filter” that lets in some information and blocks tasks together may allow one to coordinate the execution of
the rest. Only the information that is allowed in can be used multitasking.
later. The filter prevents people from experiencing informa- For the most part, individuals do better when focused on
tion overload. However, for the filter to be effective, it must a single task. However, people can better manage two tasks at
correctly select the important or relevant information and once when at least one of the tasks is automatic or when the
block what is not needed. Unfortunately, this does not always two tasks have been practiced together. In a classic study by
occur. For example, during a lecture you may miss something Spelke, Hirst, and Neisser (1976), individuals were asked to
important because you are daydreaming or distracted by the perform two controlled tasks: (1) reading for comprehen-
conversation that is going on in the hallway. sion and (2) writing down dictated words. Participants prac-
Filter theory suggests that unattended messages are fully ticed these tasks for 85 sessions. Eventually, the participants
blocked and unattended; however, the work of Treisman were able to perform both tasks simultaneously at the same
(1960) suggests that some unattended information is level that they had initially performed each task alone. But
weaker, but still available to the person. Her attenuation the- remember it took 85 sessions to reach this proficiency!
ory proposes that unattended information is not totally The research on divided attention has implications for
blocked, but is turned down. Treisman used dichotic listen- practice. For individuals with attentional impairments, tasks
ing studies to develop her theory. In these studies, partici- that require divided attention should be avoided. When di-
pants wear earphones, and a different message is presented vided attention tasks cannot be avoided, additional time is
to each ear. Generally, the person is asked to ignore the mes- necessary, although this time may be reduced if extensive
sage in one ear, while the attended to message is repeated practice is provided.
aloud. Although these studies indicate that most of the un-
attended message is missed, certain characteristics are de- Vigilance
tected. For example, people typically notice if the gender of Vigilance refers to the ability to sustain attention over time.
the speaker’s voice changes or if their own name is inserted Vigilance is similar to attention span and requires that the
in the unattended message. This process may help people individual maintain a readiness to respond to a target stim-
pick up on important cues and switch the focus of attention ulus. For example, a lifeguard must maintain attention to
to something else. the activity in a pool to identify dangerous situations. When
Selective attention is involved in just about everything cooking, vigilance is necessary to watch what is happening
people do. The execution of daily occupations is more ef- to the food that is on the stove and make sure that it does
fective and efficient when the individual can attend to the not burn.
relevant input and screen out what is irrelevant. Distracters Vigilance, or the sensitivity to a target, wanes under cer-
can be external or internal. Noises and movement in the tain conditions (See, Howe, Warm, & Dember, 1995). The
environment can distract our attention, as can thoughts, passage of time results in deteriorating performance. Think
daydreams, and anxiety. Individuals with psychosis face about how your ability to pay attention becomes more diffi-
another internal distraction: hallucinations. Auditory hal- cult the longer the lecture goes. Also, the rate at which infor-
lucinations or “voices” can be very difficult to inhibit mation is presented affects the ability to respond to a target.
and, therefore, present a significant attentional challenge. If the stimuli are presented very rapidly, the individual will
Reducing distractions is important to support improved have a higher rate of misses. For example, if someone recites
attention; however, this may do little to diminish the inter- an unfamiliar phone number very rapidly, you may miss
ference of internal distractions. It is important to consider some of the numbers. However, if the target occurs ex-
interventions that limit internal as well as external distrac- tremely infrequently, vigilance may also be impaired.
tions. For example, stress reduction may reduce feelings of Vigilance is also problematic if the stimulus is difficult
anxiety, and humming or wearing a single earplug helps to detect. For example, it is easier to paint a wall if the new
some people reduce the impact of auditory hallucinations color contrasts significantly with the original color. It is
(Nelson, Thrasher, & Barnes, 1991). also more difficult to remain vigilant if a large area must
be monitored (e.g., watching children in the family room
Divided Attention vs. a large playground). Strategies to support vigilance in-
Selective attention implies that people work on one task at a clude incorporating frequent breaks, optimizing the rate at
time; however, everyday people engage in one or more tasks which information is presented, making the stimulus ob-
simultaneously, a process that is often called “multitasking.” vious, and limiting the area in which the stimulus can take
A mother might change her infant’s diaper and, at the same place.
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244 PART 2 ■ The Person

Memory such as toothbrushing. Because procedural memories take

longer to create, it is important to incorporate repeated
Like attention, memory is one of the most basic cognitive practice into training when trying to establish new proce-
functions that is employed in virtually every daily life activ- dural memories.
ity. There are times when you are very cognizant of the fact
that you are drawing on your memory resources, such as Working Memory
while taking a test or trying to recall a phone number. How- Working memory involves short-term memory storage and
ever, as you will see, memory is also essential to reading a active manipulation of new information; that is, the person
sentence and typing on the computer. The following discus- is “working with” the information temporarily. Working
sion of memory is categorized in terms of short-term, long- memory allows you to hold several bits of information in
term, and working memory. your mind at the same time so that the information can be
processed. If you have $5 in your pocket and order from a
Short-Term Memory menu at a fast food restaurant, in your head you figure out
Short-term memories are held for only a matter of seconds which items you want to eat among the list, how much it will
or minutes. The classic paper by Miller (1956) indicates that cost, and whether your selection fits within your budget. You
most adults have a short-term memory capacity for about may have to adjust your choices if your selection costs too
seven items, plus or minus 2. Chunks of items can often much. You go through these steps not to memorize the
be remembered as a single item, allowing us to recall more menus, but so that you can accomplish the temporary daily
information. For example, you may remember your social living activity of placing an order. This is an example of
security number in terms of three separate chunks of infor- working memory in action.
mation: XXX-XX-XXXX. If not rehearsed, information in Alan Baddeley’s (2002) model of working memory in-
short-term memory is lost in about 20 seconds (Peterson & cludes three components: the phonological loop, the visu-
Peterson, 1959). ospatial sketchpad, and the central executive. The phonolog-
ical loop is analogous to inner speech or what you do when
Long-Term Memory you talk yourself through a task. The visuospatial sketchpad
The capacity for long-term memory is unknown, but in- plays a role in spatial orientation and problem-solving that
cludes the accumulation of information over a lifetime. involves visual input around locating objects and yourself.
There are different taxonomies for categorizing types of You use the visuospatial sketchpad to find your way around
memory, and this chapter distinguishes among semantic, a building, as well as in smaller spaces such as the organiza-
episodic, and procedural memory. tion of words and sentences on a page. So the phonological
Semantic memory is memory for facts. Much of the loop maintains verbal information, and the visuospatial
knowledge you acquire as an occupational therapy student is sketchpad works with visual information.
semantic memory (e.g., the origin and insertion of muscles, The central executive oversees the process, choosing and
the names of specific assessments, the ethical principles of directing the flow of information. The central executive
occupational therapy). Semantic memory tends to be cre- moves information in and out of short-term memory and
ated and forgotten relatively easy. However, there are many integrates new information that is coming in with long-term
strategies that can be used to help us retain information. memory stores.
Shallow rehearsal, or repeating information, is the least ef-
fective method for remembering. Deep processing, which Executive Function
involves finding meaning in facts, results in better remem-
bering. Examples of deep processing include answering The term executive function is commonly used to refer to
questions about the information to be remembered (Craik & higher-order cognitive skills; however, a specific definition
Tulving, 1975), identifying distinctiveness (Friedman, 1979), for executive function is somewhat elusive. Executive skills
and relating information to one’s self (Rogers, Kuiper, & can be distinguished from reflexive or automatic responses.
Kirker, 1977). They require a level of awareness and conscious effort.
Episodic memory is memory for events that have hap- Executive function is required in situations that are new,
pened to you. It is organized temporally, or by when it oc- conflicting, or complex (Godefroy, 2003), and includes skills
curred. When you recall something that happened to you, such as conceptualization/categorization, schemas and scripts,
you may not remember the exact date, but you think of it in problem-solving, decision-making, and metacognition. Ex-
terms of the time and place it happened. Memories about a ecutive function has often been associated with frontal lobe
spring break vacation, a trip to the emergency room, or even functioning; however, there is increasing recognition that
thinking about what you had for dinner last night are all multiple brain regions are involved in these higher-order
examples of episodic memory. skills (Palmer & Heaton, 2000).
Procedural memory is memory about how to do some-
thing, such as how to ride a bike or how to bake a cake. Pro- Concept Formation and Categorization
cedural memory takes longer to be created and is less suscep- Humans present knowledge in words and symbols. The ba-
tible to errors. Procedural memory is also more implicit, sic unit of knowledge is the concept. There are concrete con-
meaning it is less consciously accessible. For example, it is cepts, such as table, cat, and grass, and abstract concepts,
difficult to describe how to ride a bike. As occupational ther- such as democracy, hope, and creativity. Concepts establish
apists, much of our work involves helping people establish order to a person’s knowledge base. When confronted with
procedural memories, whether it is establish new motor pat- new information, people relate new objects or ideas to pre-
terns or develop procedural memories for self-care tasks viously existing concepts. Knowledge is further organized by
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CHAPTER 18 ■ Cognitive Skills 245

grouping concepts into categories. For example, table falls immediately figure out the best pathway to that goal
into the category of furniture, whereas democracy may be (Matlin, 2005). Problem-solving is a mental process that in-
categorized as a form of government. When creating cate- volves overcoming obstacles that interfere with goal attain-
gories, people define features of the category around proto- ment. The steps to problem-solving include the following:
types (Sternberg, 2003). For example, when defining the cat-
1. Recognizing that there is a problem
egory of bird, it may include features, such as it has feathers,
2. Understanding the problem
it flies, and it lays eggs. However, exceptions can challenge
3. Identifying strategies or solutions to resolve the
these rules. For example, people think of an ostrich as a bird,
yet it does not fly. These exceptions allow categories to re-
4. Evaluating the strategies
main flexible.
5. Selecting and carrying out a strategy
Concept formation and categorization are important
6. Evaluating the outcome
skills for many daily life activities. For example, it is essential
to know what is edible and safe to eat versus what is poison- These steps can be applied to the following example of
ous or toxic. When doing laundry, clothes are sorted into buying a textbook for a college course. You realize there is
whites, delicates, and darks, and there can be consequences if a problem when you go to the college bookstore and find
a mistake is made such as adding bleach to the dark-colored that the bookstore has sold out of a required textbook. The
clothes. People also categorize clothing in terms of what is problem is that you have a quiz in 2 weeks based on a read-
worn when it is cold versus hot and what is appropriate to ing assignment for the book that is unavailable. You imag-
wear to work versus going out on a Friday night. Most of the ine several different solutions, including asking the book-
concept formation and categorization people do is implicit. store to order you a copy of the book, going online to
However, when working with individuals with cognitive im- order the book, or asking another student if you can bor-
pairments, the occupational therapist may need to make row the book. The bookstore could take up to 2 weeks to
concepts and categories more explicit. For example, teaching get the book and borrowing the book will only be a short-
grocery shopping skills may incorporate information on term solution. You learn that you can get the book in
how items are categorized in the grocery store. The client 5 days if you order it online. You decide to order online,
may be taught what types of items are found in the section get the book, complete the reading, and get an A on the
labeled dairy. quiz. You did a good job of problem-solving that situation;
however, next time you will go to the bookstore earlier in
Schemas and Scripts the semester.
Schemas are mental representations that create structure Although individuals may have impairments in the skill
out of related concepts. Schemas go beyond categories in of problem-solving per se, the ability to solve a particular
that they include information about the relationship of a problem is highly dependent on domain expertise. In other
concept. For example, you have a schema about an airport, words, how much experience and knowledge do you have re-
the terminals, the check-in counters, and security. A script lated to the specific situation? For example, someone with a
is a type of schema that describes the sequence of events lot of cooking expertise may be able to figure out how to
that you would expect to occur in a familiar activity substitute for missing key ingredients in a recipe, whereas a
(Schank & Abelson, 1977). If you are a frequent traveler, new cook may just have to abandon the task. For another ex-
you have a schema for getting to the airport, checking in ample, compare your current abilities to do an Internet
and receiving your boarding pass, going through security, search with what it was like the first time.
boarding the plane, and finding your seat. Depending on Research examining differences between experts and
the airports you have been through, you may or may novices when solving problems identifies particular charac-
not know how the process varies slightly according to the teristics that distinguish experts (Ericcson & Lehmann,
location. 1996). Some characteristics of experts are as follows:
Schemas and scripts help people integrate information
■ Experts have well-organized and rich schemas related
and organize memories. However, schemas and scripts can
to the domain.
result in memory mistakes, especially over time, because
■ Experts have better memory for information related to
people tend to recall material in such a way that it is consis-
their area of expertise.
tent with their schema (Wynn & Logie, 1998). In other
■ Experts spend more time trying to understand the
words, people create inferences that may or may not be ac-
curate. For example, you may remember a classmate being
■ Rather than using trial-and-error approaches to solve
present during a particular lecture because this classmate is
the problem, experts are more likely to devise a grand
typically there; however, on that particular day, the classmate
plan before starting to solve the problem.
was sick and not present.
■ Experts have automatized many scripts for problem-
In intervention, the occupational therapist can create ex-
solving and solve problems more quickly and accu-
plicit scripts to help people with cognitive impairments se-
quence and negotiate the steps of complex activities. For exam-
■ When presented with new information, experts are
ple, you might write out the steps for preparing a frozen dinner
more flexible in adapting strategies.
in a microwave and post this list on the microwave itself.
Occupational therapists can help people with problem-
Problem-Solving solving difficulties by teaching the steps of the problem-solving
The cognitive skill of problem-solving is what you use process and working toward the establishment of expertise in
when you want to reach a certain goal, but you cannot a content area.
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246 PART 2 ■ The Person

Decision-Making anchoring and adjustment heuristic when making judg-

How did you decide to study occupational therapy? What ments about people. Certain stereotypes are applied when
did you choose for breakfast this morning? Should you go you meet a new person, but you make adjustments as you get
out of town for spring break? How is it that people make to know the person better. Even though it is extremely use-
so many decisions every day? Kahneman and Tversky ful, the main problem with the anchoring and adjustment
(1996) suggest people use a small number of heuristics heuristic is that people typically fail to make large enough
to guide decision-making. Heuristics are simple “rules adjustments.
of thumb” that help people make decisions quickly; unfor- Heuristics usually lead to accurate decisions; however,
tunately, heuristics can also lead to biased or incorrect people can make better decisions when inherent biases are
decisions. known. Occupational therapists can use techniques to help
The representativeness heuristic suggests that people clients consider all possible options. When decision-making
make decisions when something looks like a prototype or is overwhelming, it can be helpful to limit the number of op-
model you have come to expect. You might make decisions tions available.
about what the weather is going to be like by looking outside
the window or have expectations about the taste of an apple Metacognition
based on your prototype of an apple. According to the rep- Defined in a circular fashion, metacognition is cognition
resentative heuristic, people believe that random outcomes about your own cognition. Metacognition is an awareness
are more likely than orderly outcomes. For example, would of what you know and what you do not know. It includes
you be surprised if your grocery bill rang up as exactly $100? anticipating your abilities to cognitively manage situations
You would probably be more likely to believe that the bill and recognizing errors as they occur. Metacognition is
was accurate if it totaled $97.23. an important regulatory mechanism that helps people
The availability heuristic is used when people estimate match their abilities with the tasks at hand. Individuals
frequency or make decisions based on how easy it is to with cognitive impairments may lack metacognition, re-
think of an example. In a study by Ross and Sicoly (1979), sulting in a lack of awareness of their own cognitive
spouses were asked to state which person performed the impairments.
larger proportion of 20 different household chores. Both Metacognition not only includes information about
partners estimated performing 80% of the chores. This is your own thinking, but includes metacognitive regulation
an example of an availability heuristic because a person’s or strategies for monitoring and managing others (Flavell,
own actions are the most available. Recent experience tends 1979). For example, students may rewrite or summarize
to bias decisions toward availability. For example, if you their notes after a lecture. An employee may gauge the
were recently sick after eating a particular food, you would boss’ mood and facial expressions to determine when and
probably not eat that same food the next day, but you how to best ask for some time off. People can learn to ap-
might make a different decision in another 5 years. Famil- proach tasks more metacognitively. A list of questions can
iarity also influences decisions. For example, if you know be provided that promote a reflective approach (e.g., What
many people who have been successful in college, you are should I do first? Am I going too fast or too slow? How am
more likely to choose to go to college yourself. I doing?)
In the anchoring and adjustment heuristic, people start Thus far, this chapter describes cognitive components and
with an anchor and then make adjustments with additional provides general strategies for addressing impairments in the
information. For example, you might start out estimating different areas of cognition. Table 18-1 shows a summary of
that it will take 4 hours to write a paper, but once 3 hours these strategies. The intervention section of this chapter pro-
have passed and you are still researching the background, vides more detailed information on strategies organized ac-
you make an adjustment to the estimate. People also use the cording to cognitive practice models.

Table 18-1 ● Strategies for Addressing Specific Areas of Cognitive Impairment

Area of Cognitive Impairment Intervention Strategy
Automatic processing • Target tasks that have potential for automatic processing.
• Simplify tasks and incorporate opportunities for consistent repeated practice.
Selective attention • Remove irrelevant stimuli.
• Enhance and intensify important information.
• Use auditory and visual cues.
• Address internal distractions such as anxiety and auditory hallucinations.
Divided attention • If possible, separate tasks so that the individual does not need to divide attention.
• Work toward making one or more tasks automatic.
• Practice doing the two tasks together.
Vigilance • Incorporate breaks.
• Slow down the rate at which information is presented.
• Make stimulus easy to detect.
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CHAPTER 18 ■ Cognitive Skills 247

Table 18-1 ● Strategies for Addressing Specific Areas of Cognitive Impairment—cont’d

Area of Cognitive Impairment Intervention Strategy
Memory • Chunk items together.
• Create mnemonics.
• Ask questions about the information.
• Apply information to oneself.
• Use memory aids such as calendars, checklists, and alarm clocks.
Working memory • Simplify tasks.
• Provide devices that can substitute or assist in the manipulation of information (e.g., calculators,
Concept formation/categorization • Provide cue sheet with category and exemplars.
• Provide real world experiences/practice with concepts/categories.
Schemas and scripts • Write out the steps of a task (or use pictures).
• Create simple maps that include steps of the task.
• Order objects (e.g., clothing for the day) in the sequence in which the task is carried out.
• Repeatedly practice the sequence of a task.
Problem-solving • Provide and practice problem-solving heuristics.
• Prevent or eliminate common problems that occur with specific tasks.
Decision-making • Limit the number of options.
• Teach individual about potential biases in decision.
• Teach individual to step back and think through important decisions.
• Ask others for input when making important decisions.

Cognitive Assessment seen by occupational therapists. Consequently, cognitive as-

sessment can be very useful in determining factors that
Cognition is assessed by neuropsychologists who employ a might interfere with successful occupational performance.
number of different standardized measures, as well as by oc- Occupational therapists may obtain assessment informa-
cupational therapists within the context of occupational tion about cognition from observation of performance, re-
performance. ports of the client or caregiver, neuropsychological reports,
and administration of standardized cognitive measures.
Neuropsychological Testing Standardized cognitive measures typically used by occupa-
tional therapists are based on functional tasks and/or every-
Neuropsychological testing uses standardized measures to day objects.
assess specific cognitive abilities in the context of evaluat-
ing brain function. Neuropsychologists typically adminis- Test of Everyday Attention
ter a comprehensive battery of tests that cover multiple The Test of Everyday Attention (Robertson, Ward, Ridgeway,
components of cognition. Most neuropsychological tests & Nimmo-Smith, 1994) includes eight tasks, such as locat-
have normative standards that consider age and educa- ing items on a map and searching a telephone directory,
tional achievement. There are hundreds of neuropsycho- based on an imagined trip to Philadelphia. The tasks are de-
logical tests, and Table 18-2 describes some of the most signed to measure selective, sustained, alternating, and di-
common tests. More detailed information about these and vided attention. Parallel forms are available to address prac-
other neuropsychological tests can be found in the classic tice effects. The measure has norms for adults aged 18 to 80.
text, Neuropsychological Assessment, by Lezak, Howieson, Test–retest reliability is adequate, and preliminary studies
and Loring (2004). Information from the neuropsycholog- indicate that the measure discriminates individuals with
ical evaluation can be helpful to occupational therapists in stroke and traumatic brain injury (TBI) (Chan, 2000).
determining a client’s specific strengths and weaknesses re- The Test of Everyday Attention for Children (Manley
lated to cognitive functioning. et al, 2001) assesses attention in children aged 6 to 16. This
game-like assessment includes nine subtests that are simi-
Cognitive Assessment in Occupational lar to the adult measure in terms of cognitive require-
Therapy ments. The test takes about 1 hour to administer and in-
cludes parallel forms. In a study investigating the
Occupational therapy assessment is always conducted discriminant validity of the test, children with ADHD
within the context of occupational performance. Cognition scored poorly on the tasks measuring sustained attention,
is critical for the performance of virtually every occupation, but scored in the normal range on selective attention tasks
and cognition is a common impairment for many clients (Manly et al, 2001).
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248 PART 2 ■ The Person

The Lived Experience

The first part of this first-person narrative is written by the wife to be involved in something that someday might help someone
and caregiver of a man with Alzheimer’s disease. This is followed else. The neurologist there confirmed “early Alzheimer’s.”
by an account written by her husband. The story describes the Today, he is still forgetting most things, but is capable still of
very gradual progression of Alzheimer’s. In addition, both ac- so much. This remains pretty much early stage for he still can
counts recognize the abilities that remain. work crossword puzzles; read books, magazines, and newspa-
pers; and plays lots of solitaire on the computer.
Narrative from Wife/Caregiver We are trying to live one day at a time, still living in our home,
“Where are we going?”. . . . Again, “Where are we going?” for we know someday things will worsen and changes may have
It all began with repeated questions. At first, it seemed that to be made.
inattention was the problem (there had always been some of
that!), but soon the excessiveness became apparent enough to Narrative From Client
convince me there was a problem. It was real—he just couldn’t I know that I have been diagnosed as having the early stages of
remember. When asked to do something his answer was usu- Alzheimer’s disease. However, I don’t feel much difference. It is dif-
ally, “in a little bit,” and in that “little bit” of time, he had forgot- ficult to determine what ability or facility, if any, I am losing. Perhaps
ten what he was to do. This was probably early 2003. it is not a matter of loss, but instead a matter of decreasing abili-
In our first visit to the doctor concerning his memory, he was ties. Certainly, as we age, some of our abilities diminish. If I had to
given the oral “test” and did very well. I believe it was the date measure my abilities, I would think in terms of the following:
he couldn’t remember. After our discussions and several visits, • Strength
our doctor prescribed Aricept to help with his “memory loss.” • Agility
This was in October 2004. • Flexibility
Each time we visited the doctor, he was given “the test” and • Quickness
his abilities slipped a little. We spoke of more memory loss and • Memory
finally the Alzheimer word came up—not really a diagnosis but • Reasoning
a possibility. Namenda was added to his meds. MRIs, brain Although I come up with four physical attributes, I could only
scans, etc, were given. think of two mental attributes. This is an intriguing problem for
In the meantime, an Aging Brain Study was begun at Kansas me. In how many ways can we describe and measure our abil-
University Medical Center, and we opted to be part of that. In it, ities? I’m going to ponder that question for a day or two.
32 persons without problems and 32 persons with some demen- Rereading the above, I note that I left out sexual activity. Oh
tia or early Alzheimer’s were tested. There were discussions, ques- well. Also I failed to mention that my ability with short-term
tions by psychiatrists, physical tests, MRIs, blood tests, etc. We memory has diminished. I think I should also have included
were involved in four sessions. He was very cooperative and happy learning ability. That may be different from memory.

Table 18-2 ● Names and Purposes of Common Neuropsychological Tests

Test Name Purpose of Test
Boston Naming test Assesses aphasia through a set of cards with line drawings. The individual names the object on each card.
Continuous Performance tests These tests require the individual to sustain attention over time while responding to a visual target. Conditions with
and without distraction are included.
Controlled Oral Word Association test A test of verbal fluency that requires the individual to name as many words as possible that begin with a specific
Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery A set of tests designed to provide an overall assessment of brain function. Assesses language, attention, motor
speed, abstract thinking, memory, and spatial reasoning.
Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure test A complicated picture is presented. First, the individual copies the figure, and then the figure is drawn from
Stroop test Assesses attention and processing speed. Individuals read color words (e.g., red, green, blue) or name the color of
the ink in which XXXs are printed. In the distracting condition, the word is written in a different color (e.g., the
word red is printed in blue ink). The person is to name the ink color and not read the word.
Tower of London An executive function test that involves moving objects on a peg with the fewest moves to reach a desired goal.
Requires planning and strategy use.
Trail Making Tests A and B A line is drawn linking consecutive letters or alternating between numbers and letters to assess attention and
processing speed.
Verbal Learning tests (California or Rey) Assess the ability to remember a list of words. The list is repeated several times to determine if the individual is
able to remember more words with repetition. The California Verbal Learning test includes words that can be
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Table 18-2 ● Names and Purposes of Common Neuropsychological Tests—cont’d

Test Name Purpose of Test
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale and Wechsler Includes multiple subtest that result in summary measures of full scale, verbal, and performance IQ. Includes
Intelligence Scale for Children measures of memory, knowledge, problem-solving, calculation, abstract thinking, spatial orientation, planning, and
processing speed.
Wechsler Memory Scale Eighteen subtests of immediate and delayed recall and recognition memory. Includes verbal and nonverbal tasks.
Wisconsin Card Sorting test Individuals sort cards according to different categories. Once a category is established, the sorting rule changes.
Assesses executive functions.

Multiple Errands Test a dynamic approach to assessing cognitive impairments in

The Multiple Errands test (Shallice & Burgess, 1991) is a children, which allows for the identification of strengths and
measure of executive function that is administered in a impairments with the idea that the results can be used to
shopping mall. Simple tasks are assigned, such as getting in- develop a mediated learning intervention (see the Dynamic
formation about the times a particular service is available, Interactional Approach) (Katz, Felzen, Tadmoor, & Hartman-
purchasing items in a store, and getting oneself to an identi- Maeir, 2007). The measures include 22 subtests in the areas of
fied location at a prespecified time. In addition, specific rules orientation, spatial perception, praxis, visuomotor construc-
are established, such as “No shop should be entered other tion, and thinking operations. Initial support for inter-rater
than to buy something.” The test is designed to test strategy reliability, internal consistency, and construct validity exists.
use in an ecologically valid setting. Executive Function Performance Test
Shallice and Burgess (1991) studied individuals with
brain injury who performed well on IQ tests and labora- The Executive Function Performance test (EFPT) is a
tory measures of executive function, and found that these performance-based standardized assessment of cognition
individuals did poorly on the Multiple Errands test. They and executive function (Baum, Morrison, Hahn, & Edwards,
argue that tests such as the Multiple Errands test are more 2003). The Kitchen Task Assessment, an earlier functional as-
sensitive to subtle impairments of executive function that sessment test designed by Baum and Edwards (1993), was
are common in neurological disorders. There is a simpli- used as the prototype in developing the EFPT. The EFPT in-
fied measure of the test (Alderman, Burgess, Knight, & cludes four standardized instrumental activity of daily living
Henman, 2003) and a measure that can be administered (IADL) tasks (cooking, telephone use, medication manage-
in a hospital setting (Knight, Alderman, & Burgess, 2002). ment, bill paying) that the client performs with graded cues
The test has good inter-rater reliability, and both the provided by the therapist as needed. The EFPT serves three
simplified and hospital versions distinguished people with purposes: to determine which executive function compo-
and without brain injury. nents are deficient (initiation, organization, sequencing,
judgment and safety, completion); to determine an individ-
Loewenstein Occupational Therapy ual’s capacity for independent functioning; and to determine
Cognitive Assessment the type of assistance necessary for task completion. The
EFPT has been validated in studies of individuals with stroke,
The Loewenstein Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assess- multiple sclerosis, and schizophrenia (Baum et al, 2003, 2008;
ment (LOTCA; Averbuch & Katz, 2005) assesses orientation, Goverover et al, 2005; Katz et al, 2007).
visual and spatial perception, visuomotor organization, and
thinking operations. It includes 20 subtests and takes 30 to Assessments Associated With Toglia’s Dynamic
50 minutes to administer. Each subtest is scored from 1 to 4 or Interactional Approach
1 to 5, with the higher score representing better cognitive Toglia’s (2005) assessments include both static and dynamic
function. Norms are available for children aged 6 to 12 and components. A static assessment captures an individual’s
adults aged 30 to 55 (Itzkovich, Elazar, Averbuch, & Katz, performance at one moment in time. Dynamic assessment
2000). Inter-rater reliability of the measure has been estimated approaches are used to assess an individual’s learning poten-
at 0.82 to 0.97, depending on the subtest (Katz, Itzkovich, tial or ability to apply strategies to solve a problem. In a
Averbuch, & Elazar, 1989). The same study found that the dynamic assessment approach, the individual is given in-
LOTCA discriminated between individuals with brain injury, struction, cues, or strategies regarding how to perform
cerebrovascular accident, and a control group. A study com- the test.
paring the Mini-Mental State Examination, the cognitive
component of the Functional Independence Measure (FIM) Contextual Memory Test
and the LOTCA, found the LOTCA was better than the other The Contextual Memory test (CMT; Toglia, 2005) includes a
two instruments at predicting functional outcome for indi- subjective assessment of the individual’s awareness of his or
viduals being treating for stroke (Zwecker et al, 2002). her memory ability and an objective assessment of memory.
The awareness component asks the individual to predict his
Dynamic Occupational Therapy Cognitive or her score. This is done at the beginning of the assessment
Assessment for Children and at different points throughout.
The Dynamic Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment Part I of the objective assessment is the static assessment
for Children (DOTCA-CH), based on the LOTCA, provides of memory. The test uses 20 drawings with either a restaurant
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250 PART 2 ■ The Person

or morning routine theme to assess recall memory. Each pic- able to make at least two stitches without twisting the lace. The
ture is presented for 90 seconds. After all 20 pictures are pre- last stitch, the single cordovan, requires multiple steps. After a
sented, the individual is asked to recall as many items as pos- demonstration, the individual is asked to complete the stitch.
sible. After 15 to 20 minutes, the individual is asked to recall The individual scores a 5 if he or she completes the stitch us-
the items again. If the individual does poorly on Part I, then ing trial-and-error problem-solving, and a level 6 is received if
Part II, the dynamic assessment, is administered. The alter- the individual uses deductive reasoning to correct an error. It
nate theme of either restaurant or morning routine is pre- is important that the tester be aware of potential biases in the
sented. The individual is given cues about the theme of the test, particularly previous experience with needlecrafts. Penny,
pictures and instructed to analyze the overall context before Mueser, and North (1995) found the ACL to be related to so-
attending to the specifics of each picture. cial competence in people with schizophrenia. In another
Several studies of the CMT examined discriminant valid- study of schizophrenia, Secrest, Wood, and Tapp (2000) found
ity. On the awareness component of the test, individuals relationships between the ACL and the Wisconsin Card Sort-
with brain injury tend to overestimate their memory capac- ing test, and the ACL was associated with the Shipley Institute
ity and base their abilities on functioning prior to the brain of Living scale in another sample of people with psychiatric
injury (Toglia, 1993). The CMT did discriminate individuals disabilities (David & Riley, 1990).
with Alzheimer’s disease (Gil & Josman, 2001) and children
with brain injury (Josman, Berney, & Jarus, 2000). Allen Diagnostic Module
The Allen Diagnostic Module (Earhart, 2006) is comprised
Toglia Category Assessment of 24 craft projects with ACL ratings of 3.0 to 5.8. The craft
The Toglia Category Assessment (Toglia, 2005) uses a dy- activities can be used for both evaluation and treatment.
namic approach to assess categorization and conceptualiza- Each craft activity is rated on the ACL scale. Specific obser-
tion using everyday objects. Plastic utensils are sorted accord- vational criteria are established for each item, which allows
ing to size (small or large), color (red, yellow, and green), and the therapist to make more specific ratings. For example, in-
utensil type (knife, fork, and spoon). Once the utensils are stead of a 4.0, the individual can receive incremental ratings
sorted by one category (size, color, or type), the individual is of 4.2, 4.4, and 4.6. By completing several craft activities, the
asked to sort them again in a different way and then a third therapists can combine observations and be more confident
way. If the individual has difficulty with the sorting, cues are in a final score; however, the measure is limited in terms of
provided, such as alerting the individual to the differences of psychometric reliability and validity testing.
size, color, and type.
Routine Task Inventory
Assessments Associated with Allen’s Cognitive The Routine Task Inventory (RTI; Allen, Earhart, & Blue,
Disabilities Practice Model 1992) is an observational guide for 14 different activities of
Allen Cognitive Level Test daily living (ADLs) that provides further verification of cog-
The Allen Cognitive Level (ACL) Screen 5 uses a leather lacing nitive level. Performance of each task is described in terms of
task as a screening tool to determine cognitive level based on the ACL. For example, level 2 for bathing includes descrip-
Allen’s Cognitive Disability Practice Model (Allen et al, 2007). tions such as “may not try to wash self, or may resist the care-
The first step, a running stitch, is used to establish criterion for giver’s help,” whereas level 5 is described as “bathes without
levels 2 and 3 of the cognitive disability scale (Fig. 18-1). An assistance, using shampoo, deodorant, and other desirable
individual achieves at least a level 3 if he or she can complete toiletries.” The therapist may observe the individual perform-
two running stitches. The next stitch is the whip stitch, which ing the ADL or obtain information from a reliable caregiver.
requires the individual to bring the lacing from front to back Studies of the RTI indicate it is correlated with the ACL
and keep it untwisted. A level 4 is achieved if the individual is (Heimann, Allen, & Yerxa, 1989; Wilson, Allen, McCormack,
& Burton, 1989).

Dementia Screenings
Mini-Mental State Examination
The Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE; Folstein,
Folstein, & McHugh, 1975) is a widely used screening tool for
assessing cognitive function in older adults. The MMSE as-
sesses orientation, registration, attention, recall, and language.
It is a quick measure that takes approximately 10 minutes to
administer. Age-related norms are available (Crum, Anthony,
Bassett, & Folstein, 1993). A score below 25 (out of a possible
30) is generally considered indicative of cognitive impairment
(Anthony, LeResche, Niaz, Von Korff, & Folstein, 1982); how-
ever, the score should be interpreted in the context of the in-
dividual’s age and education. A score of 25 or below would
warrant further evaluation, as the MMSE is a screening tool.

Clock Drawing Test

FIGURE 18-1. Administration of the Allen Cognitive Level test, the The clock drawing test is another simple and quick screen-
running stitch. ing measure of cognitive status. Like the MMSE it is most
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CHAPTER 18 ■ Cognitive Skills 251

commonly used as a screening for cognitive impairment in In a review, Shulman (2000) noted that, across the vari-
older adults. The clock drawing test has several different ous studies, the sensitivity and specificity rates of the clock
variations of administration and scoring. In it earliest ver- drawing test average 85% with strong inter-rater reliability
sion (Goodglass & Kaplan, 1983), the procedures instruct in- and good predictive validity. The measure is also sensitive to
dividuals to mark 1:00, 3:00, 9:15, and 7:30 on four pre- cognitive change. An epidemiological study of the clock
drawn clock faces. One point is awarded for each correct drawing test with more than 13,000 participants suggests
placement of a hand, and one point is given for drawing the that the measure is more valid as a test of moderate to severe
different lengths of the minute and hour hand. cognitive impairment and less sensitive to milder impair-
The Alzheimer’s Disease Cooperative Study Group (1999) ment (Nishiwaki et al, 2004). The measure is also sensitive to
scoring system uses a 5-point scale. One point each for draw- cognitive impairment in schizophrenia (Bozikas et al, 2002).
ing an approximately circular face, numbers in the correct or-
der, symmetry and placement of numbers, presence of two
hands, and hands showing correct time (Fig. 18-2). Sunder-
land et al (1989) developed a 10-point scale, and examples are Intervention/Models and
provided for each level of scoring. The Tuokko, Jadjis-
tavropoulos, Miller, and Beattie (1992) task involves clock
Techniques for Cognitive
drawing, clock setting, and clock reading. Impairment
In occupational therapy intervention, there are two primary
approaches for addressing cognitive impairment: remedia-
tion and compensation. In the remediation approach, the
cognitive impairment is targeted, and intervention is di-
rected at improving a particular skill. In the compensatory
approach, the therapist adapts the environment, task, or
teaching method to compensate for the cognitive impair-
ment. This separation is not always black and white, with
some interventions combining both strategies. Several
models of intervention that are relevant for occupational
therapy practice are presented here, including cognitive re-
Scoring mediation, integrated psychological therapy, dynamic inter-
actional approach, cognitive adaptation, compensatory
Item Points thinking techniques, cognitive disability practice model, er-
earned rorless learning, reality orientation and validation therapy,
and classroom and parental interventions for ADHD.
1 point for clock circle 1

1 point for all numbers in correct order 1 Cognitive Remediation

1 point for symmetry and placement of numbers 0 Cognitive remediation is aimed at improving or restoring
specific cognitive skills, such as attention, memory, and
1 point for two hands on clock 0 problem-solving, so that the individual can more success-
fully engage in everyday occupations. The intervention tech-
1 point for the correct time 0 niques incorporate computer-based training, paper-and-
pencil tasks, and group exercises that are incrementally
Total 2 graded for improving cognitive processes. Repetition and re-
FIGURE 18-2. Sample clock drawing test. Note that there are differ-
hearsal are essential characteristics of cognitive remediation.
ent scoring systems available, but this system in common use suggests Consequently, intervention sessions are frequent and often
dementia if the individual scores 3 or lower. include homework exercises.

Extra-giant jumbo challenger jigsaw puzzle. When you’ve just dumped
the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle onto the table, it may seem an impossible
task to assemble them all into a picture like the one printed on the box.
I often feel just as overwhelmed by situations and circumstances, and
even the basic functions of living. A step in my recovery is learning to
gain a measure of control through organizational skills: examining all
of the pieces, sorting, evaluating, rearranging—dividing large into
small, until I have a list of incremental steps that are much less
intimidating to undertake.
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252 PART 2 ■ The Person

Cognitive remediation should target those cognitive areas ecological validity of the approach. In other words, studies
that are known to be impaired. Because the type and sever- suggest that individuals improve their skills on the target
ity of impairment can vary significantly among individuals task, but these skills do not generalize to more general
with psychiatric disabilities, it is important that a careful as- measures of cognitive functioning or, more important, to
sessment is conducted initially to identify the targets of in- real-life functioning. For example, in the ADHD literature,
tervention. Activities are selected that challenge the impaired the improvements in cognition may not translate into im-
cognition. For example, a letter cancellation task such as proved behaviors at school and home (Toplak et al, 2008).
the one shown in Box 18-1 may be used to address selective Silverstein and Wilkniss (2004) argue that cognitive re-
attention and vigilance. mediation should move away from focusing on isolated
Similar tasks using auditory input can be presented. For cognitive processes and focus on integrating cognitive ac-
example, the therapist may read a list of words and ask the tivity. McGurk et al (2007) found that cognitive remedia-
client to indicate when he or she has heard a word that be- tion resulted in better functional outcomes when com-
gins with the letter b. This could be graded to have the client bined with adjunctive psychiatric rehabilitation. This is
indicate every time there is a word with the letter b in it. consistent with Spaulding, Reed, Sulllivan, Richardson,
Different tasks can be used to address other areas of at- and Weiler’s (1999) suggestion that in schizophrenia re-
tention, memory, and executive function. There are many covery should not be based on specific processes, but
commercially available packages providing cognitive reme- rather the ability to recruit the necessary cognitive func-
diation activities (see Resources section). tions for a given task. Some efforts are being made toward
Several studies of cognitive remediation intervention for enhancing the generalizability of cognitive remediation as
people with schizophrenia indicate improvement specific to discussed next with Integrated Psychological Therapy
the targeted impairment across all areas of cognitive impair- (Brenner, Hirsbrunner, & Heimberg, 1996) and the Dy-
ment. For example, Medalia, Aluma, Tryon, & Merriam namic Interactional Approach (Toglia, 2005).
(1998) found that attention training for individuals with
schizophrenia resulted in improvement on the Continuous
Performance test. Likewise, in another study, memory im- Integrated Psychological Therapy
proved on a target task but did not generalize to general meas- Integrated Psychological Therapy (IPT), developed by
ures of memory (Medalia, Revheim, & Casey, 2000). There is Brenner and colleagues (1996), uses a group format to
also evidence that cognitive remediation is effective in im- provide hierarchically organized cognitive remediation ac-
proving executive impairments in schizophrenia (Wykes, tivities for people with schizophrenia. The program is “in-
Reeder, Corner, Williams, & Everitt 1999). Cognitive remedi- tegrated” so that cognitive impairments are addressed
ation approaches also show promise for children with ADHD along with social and problem-solving skills. IPT consist
(Toplak, Connors, Shuster, Knezevic, & Parks, 2008). At this of five subprograms: cognitive differentiation, social per-
time, several reviews have been published on schizophrenia ception, verbal communication, social competence, and
(Kurtz, Moberg, Gur, & Gur, 2001; McGurk, Twamley, Sitzer, interpersonal problem-solving.
McHugo, & Mueser, 2007; Pilling et al, 2002; Silverstein & Cognitive differentiation targets attentional skills and
Wilkniss, 2004; Twamley, Jeste, & Bellack, 2003) and ADHD conceptualization abilities using games such as card sorting
(Toplak et al, 2008). and a variation of 20 questions. In social perception, group
These reviews have differing levels of optimism for the members view pictures of social situations and interpret or
intervention approach; however, they are critical of the describe the situations. Verbal communication focuses on
applying cognitive skills (e.g., paying attention) to conver-
sation skills. The social competence subprogram uses role-
play to practice behavioral social situations, and the final
BOX 18-1 ■ Letter Cancellation Task

Cross out each letter “b”

prstuv Evidence-Based Practice
The therapist then records both the amount of time it takes to
complete the task and the number of errors (both missing the “b”
T he research evidence on cognitive remediation suggests
that the intervention does result in improvements on spe-
cific cognitive measures, but there is little evidence to support
and crossing out the incorrect letter). The therapist can also ob-
improvement in social or community functioning.
serve how the person goes about the task—for example, does
the client use a systematic approach to scanning? If not, the ther- ➤ If using cognitive remediation interventions, the occupational
apist can provide the client with feedback on how to systemati- therapist should consider methods that facilitate generaliza-
cally scan from left to right. tion to everyday life.
The exercise is repeated until the individual becomes compe-
tent, at which point increasingly complex exercises are added. Silverstein, S. M., & Wilkniss, S. M. (2004). At issue: The future of cognitive
rehabilitation of schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 30, 679–692.
For example, the letter cancellation may involve only letters that
Toplak, M. E., Connor, L., Shuster, J., Knezevic, B., & Parks, S. (2008).
are similar to the target, such as
Review of cognitive, cognitive behavioral and neural based intervention for
bppdqbpdqpbbddpbqqdpbqdpbqdbpp attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Clinical Psychiatry Review,
dqbqpdbdd 28, 801–823.
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CHAPTER 18 ■ Cognitive Skills 253

subprogram teaches an interpersonal problem-solving tech- Cognitive Adaptation

nique to apply to social situations.
Research on the efficacy of IPT in schizophrenia is in- Cognitive rehabilitation also involves strategies that adapt
consistent. Most studies suggest that IPT is more effective in the environment or task to compensate for cognitive impair-
improving basic cognitive functioning and not social skills, ments. Because of the limitations of cognitive remediation,
and some studies find no or limited cognitive improvement, compensatory approaches are often used instead of or along
whereas others identify associations between cognitive im- with remedial strategies. Compensatory strategies include
provements and social competence (as reviewed by Wykes & the use of adaptive devices as well as thinking techniques. A
van der Gaag, 2001). day planner is an example of an adaptive device, and the use
of a memory mnemonic is a thinking technique.

Dynamic Interactional Approach Adapting Tasks and Environments

Task analysis and environmental assessment is the first step
The Dynamic Interactional Approach (Toglia, 2005) con- toward developing environmental adaptations. By under-
siders the interplay of the person, activity, and environ- standing the components of a task, it is often possible to
ment. The focus of this approach is not cognitive subskills modify a task to compensate for cognitive impairments.
such as attention and memory, but the functional informa- For example, cooking tasks can be adapted by using pre-
tion processing capacity of the individual. This capacity is chopped ingredients, prepared foods, and simple recipes
modifiable and varies as the activity, environment, and per- with limited steps and ingredients. Alternate methods may
son change. also be used to accomplish a task (e.g., money management
Instead of intervening at the cognitive skill level, inter- may be simplified by using direct deposit and automatic
vention focuses on processing strategies and self-monitoring bill paying systems available at most banks). Scripts can be
skills. For example, the Dynamic Interactional Approach created to help an individual sequence the steps of a task
would teach the client how to use a systematic and planned (Fig. 18-3).
approach toward approaching a task. Characteristics of tar- Environmental adaptations often include the use of cues
get activities are also considered in the intervention. Toglia such as labels, signs, symbols, alarms, and beepers. Cabinets
(2005) describes the following activity parameters: familiar- or drawers can be labeled to indicate contents. Signs that
ity, directions, distinctive features, degree of detail, contrast, provide reminders can be placed in relevant locations; for
background, context, amount, and arrangement. For exam- example, a sign stating “don’t forget your keys” may be place
ple, with the task of paying a utility bill, the therapist would on the inside of the door. Alarm clocks and timers are used
determine the individual’s familiarity with a particular bill; by most people to wake up in the morning or to time the
the amount of information presented; the amount of detail baking of a cake, but more sophisticated systems are avail-
and discrepancy between features that contribute to how able to remind individuals to take their medication, follow a
easy it is to find the amount due, due date, etc; and then de-
sign an intervention based on this information.
The Dynamic Interactional Approach facilitates gener-
alization by working on a strategy across different activi-
ties and situations that gradually change. For example, the
strategy of anticipation can be taught to an individual who
tends to engage in tasks impulsively. The client is taught to
think about an activity before starting it and possibly an-
swer questions such as, “What problems might this create
for me, and what might I do if I run into difficulty?” This
strategy would be practiced with increasingly difficult ac-
tivities and in increasingly dissimilar environments. For
someone who is easily distracted, the strategy could in-
volve underlining, bolding, or listing the most important
The Dynamic Interactional Approach was originally
designed for people with TBI, but has been applied to peo-
ple with schizophrenia and children with learning disabil-
ities and ADHD (Josman, 2005). Although there is a need
for research to determine the efficacy of the approach,
research has been done that supports the relevance of
the model to people with schizophrenia. For example, a
study with the Toglia Category Assessment found that
people with schizophrenia performed similarly to people
with brain injury (Toglia & Josman, 1994). When com-
pared to health controls, individuals with schizophrenia
had lower scores on the Contextual Memory Test (Josman,
1997) and used lower-order strategies (So, Toglia, &
Donohue, 1997). FIGURE 18-3. Sample script for toothbrushing.
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254 PART 2 ■ The Person

self-care routine, and alert a caregiver that someone has left the removal of distractions and organization of materials,
the house (see Resources section). such as removing out-of-season clothes from the closet and
Calendars and day planners can be used to help provide using colored bins to sort the laundry. A randomized con-
reminders of appointments and daily schedules. Checklists trolled trial of the intervention found that, at the end of the
are useful in helping establish routines. For example, indi- study period, individuals in the cognitive adaptation train-
viduals who have difficulty organizing housecleaning or feel ing group had higher levels of global functioning and lower
overwhelmed by the task can use a weekly checklist to make relapse rates.
housecleaning more manageable (Fig. 18-4).
Organizational strategies can be particularly useful in Compensatory Thinking Techniques
school-based practice for children with cognitive impair-
ments such as ADHD or learning disabilities. One occupa- Donald Meichenbaum (1979) was an early developer of com-
tional therapist has created a system for keeping the stu- pensatory thinking strategies. In teaching this strategy, the
dent’s desk organized by using a template placed in the therapist demonstrates the process and then asks the client to
storage section of the desk with labels for placement of the talk him- or herself through a task. For example, in leaving
school-related objects such as books, pencil case, binders, etc the house for the morning, the self-talk may include “I’m
(Gary Groening, personal communication, 2005). checking to make sure that I’ve turned out all the lights and
Social supports provide another powerful compensatory turned off the stove/oven. I’ve got my keys and my purse with
tool. Family members or peers can provide reminders or me. I’m walking out the door and locking it. I’m placing my
cues. These same individuals may also perform a task along- keys in the inside pocket of my purse so that I’ll remember
side the client to act as a model. Naturally occurring com- where they are.” This strategy helps the individual attend to
munity supports should also be considered. A friendly bus the task; think through the steps before acting on them; and,
driver may be willing to help someone recognize their stop, with repeated practice, supports the development of auto-
a classmate can be a study partner, or the clerks at the gro- matic processing. This approach has been used in schizo-
cery store may be available to help people locate items. phrenia (Meichenbaum & Cameron, 1973), older adults
(Meichenbaum, 1979), and ADHD (Abikoff, 1991).
Cognitive Adaptation Training Another common thinking approach is to teach a series of
Dawn Velligan, a psychologist collaborating with occupa- questions or steps to help the individual self-monitor while
tional therapists, has developed a manualized approach to working toward a goal. Levine et al (2000) developed Goal
the use of compensatory strategies for people with schizo- Management Training, which involves the following steps:
phrenia (Velligan, Mahurin, True, Lefton, & Flores, 1996;
1. Stop
Velligan et al, 2000). Cognitive Adaptation Training uses a
2. Define—what is the task or goal?
different set of strategies for apathetic versus disinhibited
3. List—what are the steps?
behaviors. Strategies to address apathetic behaviors focus on
4. Learn—do I know the steps? do I need to go back?
prompts and cues, such as creating checklists, using labels,
5. Check—am I doing what I planned to do?
and placing everyday objects such as toothbrushes within
eyesight. Strategies to address disinhibited behavior involve

Evidence-Based Practice
Weekly Housecleaning Checklist

Sunday Wash dishes A daptive approaches can help individuals successfully engage
in daily activities by compensating for cognitive impairments.
These approaches can involve changing the environment or em-
Monday Wash dishes ploying compensatory thinking strategies.
➤ Environments can be simplified by removing distractions, incor-
Take out garbage
porating visual or auditory cues, and organizing materials.
Tuesday Wash dishes ➤ Social supports, such as friends, family, and community
members, can be included in the intervention process and
Clean bathrooms serve as a compensatory cue or reminder.
➤ Occupational therapists can use self-monitoring strategies,
Wednesday Wash dishes
like the one developed for the Cognitive Orientation to Daily
Dust Occupational Performance intervention, to help individuals
with cognitive impairments stay focused on a task, use
Thursday Wash dishes strategic thinking, and work toward a goal.

Abikoff, H. (1991). Cognitive training in ADHD children: Less to it than

Vaccum and sweep floors
meets the eye. Journal of Learning Disability, 24, 205–209.
Miller, L. T., Polatjko, H. J., Missiuna, C., Mandich, A. D., & Macnab, J. T.
Friday Wash dishes (2001). A pilot trial of a cognitive treatment for children with developmental
coordination disorder. Human Movement Science, 20, 183–210.
Saturday Wash dishes Velligan, D. I., Bow-Thomas, C. C., Huntzinger, C., Ritch, J., Ledbetter, N.,
Prihoda, T. J., & Miller, A. L. (2000). Randomized controlled trial of the use
Laundry of compensatory strategies to enhance adaptive functioning in outpatients
with schizophrenia. American Journal of Psychiatry, 157, 1317–1323.
FIGURE 18-4. Sample weekly checklist for housecleaning.
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CHAPTER 18 ■ Cognitive Skills 255

The authors of Goal Management Training found this ap- to create situations in which individuals with cognitive im-
proach superior to a motor skills training program for people pairments can be successful. The model describes six hierar-
with TBI. They also describe a case study in which a woman chical levels of cognitive functioning (Allen, Earhart, & Blue,
with meningoencephalitis was taught meal planning using this 1992), as outlined in Table 18-3.
method. These six levels are further broken down into sublevels,
Similarly, in the Cognitive Orientation to Daily Occupa- such as Level 1.1, 1.2, etc, which make up the ACL scale.
tional Performance (CO-OP), a four-step strategy is taught When applying the model to intervention, the therapist
to help children work through motor tasks (Polatajko & begins with a detailed assessment. Using the Allen Cognitive
Mandich, 2004). The steps include the following: Level Screen, the therapist assigns a cognitive level. The Allen
Diagnostic Modules (Allen, Earhart, & Blue, 1993) are used
1. Goal—what do you want to do?
to further verify the cognitive level. The intervention then
2. Plan—how will you go about doing it?
focuses on providing activities in which the individual can
3. Do—carry out the plan
succeed, with the goal of creating an environment that al-
4. Check—did the plan work? does it need to be modified?
lows the individual the least restrictions while maintaining
In a small randomized trial, Miller, Polatajko, Missiuna, safety. Often, occupational therapists using the Cognitive
Mandich, and Macnab (2001) found that the CO-OP method Disability Frame of Reference create therapeutic groups
was more effective than treatment as usual in helping chil- based on cognitive levels. For example, clients at Level 3
dren with developmental coordination disorder achieve their might work with familiar tools and materials to create basic
goals. Sangster, Beninger, Polatajko, and Mandich (2005) craft products.
found that children using CO-OP were able to identify more Allen’s Cognitive Disabilities Model was combined with
and better strategies for task success. Reisberg’s theory of retrogenesis in the design of an inter-
The use of thinking strategies is generally more effective disciplinary dementia program in a long-term care facility
if the individual has some awareness of his or her cognitive (Warchol, 2004). The occupational therapist works di-
impairment. The person must also have the cognitive ability rectly with the client and also consults with and provides
to learn and remember the steps of the strategy. training to other staff members so that they can imple-
ment strategies and supports that allow the individual to
Cognitive Disability Practice Model participate more successfully in the activities and dining
Claudia Allen (1996) suggests that cognitive remediation is Research related to this model suggests that the cognitive
not a reasonable goal for people with serious cognitive im- levels may be related to other cognitive measures, social
pairments. She developed the Cognitive Disability Frame of competence, and community living status (Penny et al,
Reference as a framework for occupational therapists to use 1995; Secrest et al, 2000; Wilson et al, 1989). There is limited

Table 18-3 ● Cognitive Disability Frame of Reference—Hierarchical Levels of Cognitive Functioning

Levels Individual Characteristics Therapist Responses
Level 1: automatic actions Impaired awareness but person is conscious and has Use one-word commands. Provide familiar cues (e.g., place
reflexive responses. Able to perform only very basic habits plate of food within view and hand individual a fork).
such as eating and drinking. Responses are primarily
Level 2: postural actions Aware of movements of their own muscles and joints. Imitate gross motor actions and simultaneously provide
Watches movements of others. Seeks movements that are simple verbal directions (e.g., watch me, you try it).
pleasurable or comfortable. May be resistive or easily Focus is on gross motor movements.
Level 3: manual actions Able to attend to the external environment, particularly Imitate manipulation of objects (e.g., brushing teeth).
tactile cues. Can use hands to manipulate materials. May Provide repetitive practice of routine tasks. Use manually
include seemingly purposeless actions. Easily distracted. guided instruction.
Level 4: goal-directed actions Can respond to visual motor cues. Attention is directed Provide visual demonstration.
toward one cue at a time. Actions are more goal directed. Limit instruction to one step at a time. Make all objects
Has difficulty correcting errors. Can attend a 1-hour clearly visible.
group. Provide visual comparisons so that individual knows what
he or she is working toward. Situation-specific training is
Level 5: exploratory actions Concrete relations are understood, has trouble with Accompany visual demonstration with verbal explanation.
abstraction. Select or modify tasks to reduce problem-solving
Uses exploratory actions, trial-and-error problem-solving. requirements. Use concrete explanations and examples.
Does not anticipate problems. Assist with planning ahead.
Level 6: planned actions Can make sense of symbolic cues and abstraction. Can Use verbal and written instruction, diagrams and drawings.
plan ahead. Can carry out instructions from previous sessions.
Anticipates errors and engages in mental problem-solving.
Pauses to think about potential problems.
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256 PART 2 ■ The Person

research on the efficacy of the model as an intervention ap- (Ducharme, Lucas, & Pontes, 1994; Lancioni & Smeets, 1986).
proach. A small pilot study of individuals with schizophre- For example, a single-subject design study examined the effi-
nia compared an intervention group that received treat- cacy of errorless learning for three adults with developmental
ment according to Allen’s Cognitive Disabilities Model with disabilities (Jerome, Frantino, & Sturmey, 2007). A 13-step task
a control group at a community activity center (Raweh, analysis was identified for teaching participants the requisite
Holon, & Katz, 1999). The intervention group improved skills for accessing a Web site. All three participants were able
significantly more on the ACL, although both groups im- to meet criterion for the 13 steps in 1 to 12 training sessions.
proved on the Routine Task Inventory. Furthermore, errorless learning has been successfully ap-
plied in schizophrenia to more complex activities such as
Errorless Learning work tasks (Kern, Liberman, Kopelowicz, Mintz, & Green,
2002) and social problem-solving (Kern et al, 2005). Giles
Individuals with cognitive impairments such as Alzheimer’s (2005) describes using errorless learning in occupational ther-
disease, schizophrenia, mental retardation, and learning dis- apy practice to teach washing and dressing skills. Tasks that
abilities often have difficulty learning new information. Learn- are more difficult to teach using errorless learning strategies
ing is made more difficult by the inability to self-monitor. In include those in which several behaviors or options are avail-
other words, they may have difficulty recognizing mistakes and able, those for which the best response is highly dependent on
using feedback about these errors to change future perform- previous responses, and those for which situational and con-
ance. In this situation, the errors can intrude on correct re- textual factors are variable and influence the preferred re-
sponse. For example, you may have had the experience of mis- sponse. For example, teaching someone how to address an en-
takenly learning the incorrect name for an individual. It then velope is much easier using an errorless learning approach
becomes more difficult to inhibit that mistake, and you have a than teaching someone how to write a letter.
tendency to still call that person by the wrong name. Errorless
learning compensates for self-monitoring problems and pre- Reality Orientation and Validation Therapy
vents intrusive or perseverative errors.
When using errorless learning, the training process is struc- Reality orientation is a cognitive intervention that is used pri-
tured so that mistakes are not allowed to occur or are kept to a marily for adults with dementia. It may be presented through-
minimum. The process has four parts (Kern et al, 2005): out the day as a continuous interaction technique or as a
group meeting. The goal of reality orientation is to alleviate
1. The task is broken down into simple components.
the disorientation associated with dementia. Common reality
2. The training starts with simple tasks with a high like-
orientation techniques include the use of reality boards listing
lihood of success.
information such as the time, date, next meal, etc; name
3. Increasingly difficult tasks are added, but at each level
prompts cues and guided instruction are used until a
high level of proficiency is attained.
4. Performance at each level is overlearned using repeti- Evidence-Based Practice
tive, successful practice and positive reinforcement.
These steps are similar to many other rehabilitation strate-
gies with the main difference being that mistakes are avoided.
A lthough it is a relatively new area of research, studies of
errorless learning suggest this approach can be beneficial
for teaching new information to individuals with memory impair-
Errorless learning is most easily applied to discrimination ments such as Alzheimer’s disease and schizophrenia, as well
tasks such as learning names. For example, in a day treatment as developmental disabilities.
program for individuals with Alzheimer’s, a goal may be estab- ➤ When teaching new information to individuals with memory
lished for group members to learn the names of the therapist impairments, the occupational therapist should avoid inter-
and the four other people in the treatment group. In an “effort- vention approaches that encourage trial-and-error learning
ful” learning situation, the therapist might ask a group mem- or questioning that might lead to wrong answers.
ber to go around the circle and state the names of everyone in
➤ For individuals with memory impairments, the occupational
the group. However, this is likely to result in many mistakes. In therapist can construct interventions that incorporate repeated
an errorless learning approach, the therapist may use several practice with accurate information and multiple methods of
strategies to help group members learn the names: going processing the same information so that new information is
around the circle with each person saying his or her name encoded correctly.
aloud; having each person hold up a sign with his or her name
on it so the group members can say the names aloud; showing Clare, L., Wilson, B. A., Carter, G., Breen, K., Gosses, A., & Hodges, J. R.
(2000). Intervening with everyday memory problems in dementia of
photographs of the group members so the therapist can say Alzheimer type: An errorless learning approach. Journal of Clinical and
each name aloud and ask each group member to repeat the Experimental Neuropsychology, 22, 132–146.
name, etc. Once the therapist believes that an individual has Jerome, J., Frantino, E. P., & Sturmey, P. (2007). The effects of errorless
learned a name, she might show a picture and say,“Don’t guess learning and backward chaining on the acquisition of Internet skills in
adults with developmental disabilities. Journal of Applied Behavioral
if you’re not sure, but if you do know, tell me the name of this Analysis, 40, 185–189.
person.” A study using similar approaches with six individuals Kern, R. S., Green, M. F., Mitchell, S., Kopelowicz, A., Mintz, J., & Liberman,
with early Alzheimer’s disease found all six individuals were R. P. (2005). Extensions of errorless learning for social problem solving
deficits in schizophrenia. American Journal of Psychiatry, 162, 513–519.
able to learn targeted everyday information, and five of the six Kern, R. S., Liberman, R. P., Kopelowicz, A., Mintz, J., & Green, M. F. (2002).
maintained the information for 6 months (Clare et al, 2000). Applications of errorless learning on improving work performance in persons
Studies of errorless learning have demonstrated efficacy of with schizophrenia. American Journal of Psychiatry, 159, 1921–1926.
this approach for individuals with developmental disabilities
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CHAPTER 18 ■ Cognitive Skills 257

tags and labels for rooms; reminiscence activities; and re- behaviors; develop home reward systems; establish and
minding people of names and situations. A randomized con- enforce limits; assist with homework; and facilitate peer re-
trolled trial of a program combining reality orientation and lationships. Similar strategies are used in the classroom and
cognitive stimulation found significant improvement in cog- may include the provision of classwide interventions. Stud-
nition as measured by the Mini-Mental Status Exam and ies of these programs generally find improvements in
the Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale–Cognition (Spector ADHD behaviors (e.g., Anastopoulos, Shelton, & DuPaul,
et al, 2003). The study also found improvements in quality of 1993; Klein & Abikoff, 1997) and school functioning when
life but not functional ability. there is significant teacher contact (e.g., Pelham, Carlson, &
In contrast, validation therapy focuses on emotional and Sams, 1993; Klein & Abikoff, 1997). Contingency manage-
psychological components of the interactive process as op- ment systems are generally a major component of class-
posed to factual information (Feil, 1989, 1993). Like reality room interventions. In one example, Rapport, Murphy, and
orientation, validation therapy is used both as an interaction Bailey (1980) used a flip-card system in which the child
style and a group. The practice of validation therapy involves could earn up to 20 minutes of free time by staying on task.
endorsing what is said rather than correcting factual errors. The teacher flipped a card down, and the child lost 1 minute
For example, a widow with dementia may express concern whenever the teacher noticed the child was not working.
that she does not want to attend the occupational therapy This method was effective in increasing on-task behavior.
group that day because she is afraid she will miss her hus- Occupational therapists have used environmental modifi-
band when he comes to visit. Instead of correcting the client cations that address sensory modulation issues to improve
and explaining that her husband died several years ago, a val- classroom performance for children with ADHD. Schilling,
idation therapy approach would look at confirming the feel- Washington, Billingsley, and Dietz (2003) compared two dif-
ings of the moment and might include a statement like “You ferent classroom seating options (therapy balls and chairs)
really miss your husband, don’t you?” The therapist might go for children with ADHD. Therapy balls were fitted for each
on to assure the client that the therapist will make sure that child so that the child sat comfortably with his or her feet flat
the nursing staff knows where the client is going to be for the on the floor and knees and hips flexed at a 90-degree angle.
next hour should a visitor arrive. Using a single-subject design, time spent on the therapy ball
In a group setting, some activities may resemble reality ori- as opposed to a chair resulted in more in-seat time and writ-
entation (e.g., reminiscing about past events); however, a vali- ing that was more legible. In another classroom study, stu-
dation therapy group does not include orientation to factual dents with ADHD wore weighted vests (VandenBerg, 2001).
information. Validation therapy groups typically follow a set The deep pressure provided by the vest is believed to result in
format to establish familiarity within the group context. This a calming effect. This single-subject designed study found in-
may include initial greetings and singing a familiar song. An creased on-task behavior when the vest was worn.
activity such as poetry reading or listening to music might be
followed by refreshments and a closing. A controlled study
compared the effectiveness of validation therapy, a social con- Summary
tact group, and usual care among nursing home residents with
dementia (Toseland et al, 1997). The results indicated that in- Cognitive impairments contribute to psychiatric disability
dividuals in the validation therapy group had a significant re- across many different diagnoses. There is great variability in
duction in problem behaviors, but there was no difference in the type of impairment associated with a particular mental ill-
terms of use of psychotropic medication or physical restraints. ness and within individuals. Careful assessment is important
to determine the cognitive strengths and impairments for the
Classroom and Parental Interventions individual and how cognition affects occupational perform-
for Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder ance. Unless an occupational performance problem is known,
assumptions that link cognitive impairments with the inabil-
Parental training and teacher consultation focus on the im- ity to successfully engage in a particular occupation should be
plementation of behavioral strategies at home and in the avoided. A strong assessment will aid the occupational thera-
classroom (Pelham & Gnagy, 1999). Parental training in- pist in selecting intervention approaches that best match the
cludes information on how to attend, reward, and ignore particular needs and wants of the individual.

Active Learning Strategies

1. Applying Practice Models to Different be safe in the kitchen, particularly when using the stove or
Diagnoses oven. There are concerns that he may burn the food or
himself, or that he may forget to turn off the stove or oven.
This chapter describes several approaches for addressing
cognitive impairments in people with psychiatric disabili- Now consider how your approach might differ depending
ties. Imagine that the following case study describes a client on Frank’s diagnosis. Which practice model would you se-
who was recently referred for occupational therapy. lect, and how would you go about designing an intervention
if the diagnosis were as follows:
Frank wants to prepare a simple lunch for himself at 1. Early stage Alzheimer’s disease, knowing that there will
home; however, his family is concerned that he may not be a gradual and continual cognitive decline
1704_Ch18_241-261.qxd 7/9/10 2:33 PM Page 258

258 PART 2 ■ The Person

2. Mild to moderate mental retardation, knowing that and (3) those in which situational and contextual factors
there is a stable intellectual impairment vary and influence the preferred response.
3. Schizophrenia with moderate impairments in attention, If you were working with a client on money management,
memory, and executive function which of the following components would be most
What factors did you consider in selecting a practice amenable to teaching using an errorless learning approach?
model? Did you select a different practice model for each di- 1. Identifying coins
agnosis, or did you think the same practice model could be 2. Making change
used for more than one diagnosis? 3. Writing a check
Once you have selected a practice model, specifically de- 4. Creating a budget
scribe two or three techniques that you would use to help For those tasks that you identified as well suited to error-
Frank prepare a simple lunch at home. less learning, describe how you would go about designing a
How did you decide on these techniques? How are the teaching session that would preclude mistake making by the
techniques influenced by the practice model? Are there times client.
that you would use the same technique for different reasons? What are the steps involved in the particular task that you
chose? Ask someone else to write up a list of the steps. Did the
2. Designing Errorless Learning two of you come up with the same list? What does this tell you
Interventions about analyzing a task? Would observing a person engaged in
The section on errorless learning explained that certain the activity make it easier to do a task analysis? Would the ob-
tasks are easier to teach using an errorless learning approach servation be different if the person had a disability?
than others. Tasks that are more difficult to teach using er- Now that you have created the list of steps, how would
rorless learning strategies include (1) those in which several you go about teaching the task using errorless learning prin-
behaviors or options are available, (2) those for which the ciples? Try this out with a volunteer. What are the challenges
best response is highly dependent on previous responses, to teaching when you do not let the person make an error?

Resources • Itzkovich, M., Elazar. B., Averbuch, S., & Katz, N. (2000). LOTCA
Manual (2nd ed.). Wayne, NJ: Maddak.
Cognitive Retraining
• ATP II (Attention Process Training II) by Catherine A. Mateer and
• Lezak, M. D. (1995). Neuropsychological Assessment. New York:
Oxford University Press.
McKay Moore Sohlberg:
• Ridgeway, V., Robertson, I. H., & Ward, T. (1996). Test of Everyday
Attention (TEA). Available at:
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Compensatory Devices
• Planning and Execution Assistant and Trainer (PEAT): Abikoff, H. (1991). Cognitive training in ADHD children: Less to it than meets the eye. Journal of Learning Disability, 24,
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Cognitive Beliefs 19
Deane B. McCraith

H uman beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind. . . . Be not afraid of life.
Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact.
—William James, pioneering American psychologist and philosopher, 1842–1910

psychosocial function, and occupational performance as

Is your glass half empty or half full? You may be asked this fa- part of the overall occupational therapy assessment and in-
miliar question to determine if you are an optimist (glass half tervention process.
full) or a pessimist (glass half empty). Or, it may be asked as As occupational therapists, it is essential to listen to and
a rhetorical question, suggesting that there is more than one address our clients’ beliefs and thoughts about themselves,
way to perceive, think about, and behave in a situation, de- other people, and the world around them, including how be-
pending on individuals’ beliefs about themselves, others, and liefs both influence and are influenced by their occupational
the world. Rosenfeld (1997), in his convincing argument on performance and quality of life. The importance of the rela-
the importance of addressing psychosocial factors as part of tionship among behavior, feelings, and beliefs for occupa-
physical rehabilitation, effectively illustrates the use of this tional therapists is reflected in an early philosophical state-
expression in describing an occupational therapist’s interven- ment by Adolf Meyer (1977), a psychiatrist and founder of
tion with an older woman who was receiving treatment fol- occupational therapy, who proposed that “wholesome living”
lowing hip replacement surgery. was based on a program of “wholesome doing, thinking, and
feeling.” (p. 641) In contemporary occupational therapy litera-
She made slow but steady progress in her rehabilitation. ture and practice, there is strong support acknowledging the
Despite improvements, however, she always focused on compatibility between the theory and practice of occupational
how much she still could not do. Her discouragement therapy and most cognitive behavioral theories and therapies
diminished her energy and effort. I pointed out her “glass that focus on belief-oriented assessment and intervention
half empty” way of seeing things. The woman readily (Bruce & Borg, 2002; Duncombe, 2005; Johnson, 1987).
admitted this but felt she could not change. With a
contract to try, and persistent monitoring and substitution
of more positive cognitions and statements, the patient
was able to describe and to feel “the glass half full.” “I just Definition and Nature of Beliefs
need a little assistance with the last 6 inches down to
Beliefs are among the most primitive and central of mental
sitting, now,” she said. “Six weeks ago, I needed two people
constructs, yet there is little agreement as to what they are or
to carry me from the wheelchair to the toilet!” (Rosenfeld,
how they should be construed. In this chapter, the World
1997, p. 35)
Health Organization’s (WHO’s) International Classification
Rosenfeld noted that the patient’s affect, efforts, and per- of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF; WHO, 2001) is
formance abilities improved dramatically as a result of the used to define beliefs that are classified as mental functions
occupational therapist’s willingness to listen to her judg- within the body functions category. Beliefs and thoughts re-
mental thoughts about her performance and progress. The side within the person, and both influence and arise from
occupational therapist brought the impact of the woman’s what a person perceives and the meaning that is attached to
negative thinking to her attention, educated her about ways those perceptions. They are part of the cognitive content that
to substitute more positive thoughts and statements for her is stored in memory, which can unconsciously or consciously
negative thoughts, and supported her in monitoring her affect the person. The Occupational Therapy Practice Frame-
thoughts in relation to her progress. This collaborative ap- work: Domain and Practice, 2nd edition (OTPF II) extends the
proach acknowledged the impact of the patient’s beliefs and WHO-ICF definition to acknowledge that beliefs “may affect
thoughts on her feelings and behavior and used cognitive performance in areas of occupation” (American Occupa-
behavior strategies to help her modify her thinking and atti- tional Therapy Association [AOTA], 2008, p. 630).
tudes. In addition, it addressed the woman’s dysfunctional A number of psychological and educational theories rec-
beliefs in the context of her rehabilitation and occupational ognize beliefs as basic to learning, health, and overall psy-
performance goals. This chapter focuses on applying this chological well-being. Most of these formulations are
cognitive behavioral approach in addressing clients’ beliefs, grounded in the cognitive tradition. Although they can be
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CHAPTER 19 ■ Cognitive Beliefs 263

distinguished from each other, there is general agreement re- In this chapter, the terms beliefs and thoughts are used in-
garding some basic assumptions about the nature of beliefs terchangeably unless specifically distinguishing between core
and their significance for human functioning. beliefs and automatic thoughts as described here.

Dynamic Nature of Beliefs Beliefs and Information Processing

Beliefs and their dynamic interaction with emotions, physio- Beliefs are instrumental in how we perceive and attach meaning
logic reactions, behavior, and the environment comprise hu- to information from within ourselves and from the external en-
man functioning. Internal personal factors (e.g., beliefs, emo- vironment. In this capacity, beliefs act as “filters” for the pro-
tions, physiological reactions), behavior (e.g., actions, cessing of information and events that we experience. They
reactions), and external environmental factors (e.g., cultural, are basic to what we chose to perceive (see, hear, feel, smell),
social, spiritual, physical contexts) all operate as interacting and how we appraise, interpret, and give meaning to the myr-
determinants that influence, and are influenced by, one an- iad of situations and experiences we encounter. From this cog-
other (e.g., Bandura, 1977, 1986; A. Beck, 1976; J. Beck, 1995; nitive perspective, it is not other people or external situations
Dryden & Ellis, 2001; Meichenbaum, 1992). or events per se that determine how we feel and act; rather,
how we feel and act is determined by how we chose
Layers of Beliefs to perceive and construe situations and events (A. Beck, 1976;
Ellis, 1962; Meichenbaum, 1992). This perspective is sup-
Beliefs, operating at a deep structure level, influence the ported by research that suggests that distortions in processing
more surface structure of our thoughts, as well as our emo- information about oneself and the environment are integral
tions and behavior. Beliefs are frequently conceptualized in to many behavioral and psychological problems (see, for ex-
terms of continuous, overlapping layers that might be vi- ample, Goldfried & Davison, 1994).
sualized as “layers of an onion.” Typically, conscious,
“mindful,” and more automatic “mindless” thoughts com- Beliefs as Self-Fulfilling Prophecies
prise the outermost or surface layers. These thoughts, con-
sisting of actual words, images, or “self-talk” that go Beliefs, which are true or seem to be true for the believer, often
through our minds, are considered to be more accessible, act as self-fulfilling prophecies.
flexible, and specific to a situation or person. The inner- Beliefs represent one alternative among many, rather than
most layer is the storehouse for our most fundamental or the one true fact or rule agreed on by all. Although beliefs are
core beliefs and philosophies, sometimes called schema not facts, for the believer, one’s beliefs often carry the weight
(A. Beck, 1976; Meichenbaum, 1992), which serve as a cog- of “facts.”
nitive “template” of absolutes about how we see ourselves, Regardless of what we believe, it is human nature to try to
others, and the world. Although accessible if focused on in create consistency between our life and our beliefs. Once we
an effortful manner, these deeply rooted beliefs usually believe something to be true, we tend to ignore counterex-
operate outside our conscious awareness. They are charac- amples and options, choosing to perceive and accept only
terized as being more rigid, entrenched, and global. Vari- those events that verify our beliefs. Over time, as we generate
ous constructs, such as attitudes, values, and “rules for liv- more evidence from what we perceive and process, our be-
ing,” are sometimes used to label the intermediate layers. liefs become increasingly entrenched and more real thus
“Rules for living” tend to fit an “if . . . then” format (e.g., leading to their own fulfillment. This process is referred to as
“If I do not do what others want me to do, they won’t like a self-fulfilling prophecy (Madon, Guyll, Spoth, Cross, &
me,” “If I don’t get all As, then I am a failure”). The beliefs Hilber, 2003).
that operate at the deepest structural level generate our For example, a person oversleeps and predicts, “Now, I’m
surface thoughts. In turn, these surface thoughts often probably going to have a lousy day.” As a result, he feels irri-
serve as a window to our underlying assumptions and table. When he gets to work, he is unusually argumentative
rules for living, and to our deeper, more core beliefs. These and demanding with his coworkers, who in turn become an-
layers of beliefs are outlined in Table 19-1. noyed with him, thus making his prediction of a lousy day

Table 19-1 ● Layers of Beliefs

Layers of Beliefs Example Situation: Student A and Student B Do Poorly on a Test
Layer Description Student A Student B
Automatic thoughts Surface, peripheral; spontaneous, flexible, “I’m a failure” “I really blew off that test. I’d better study
accessible, situational; arise from core harder next time. I know I can do better.”
“Rules for living” Intermediate assumptions, values, “If people do well in school and get “If people do well in school and get a good
conditional “if. . .then. . .” rules; easier to a good education, then they will be education, then they will be successful in a
test; arise from core beliefs successful in a career.” career.”
Core beliefs or schemas Template of absolutes about self, others, “I am incompetent.” “I am competent.”
world; rigid, global, entrenched
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264 PART 2 ■ The Person

come true. His actions have fulfilled his prediction. In con- Beliefs, Social Contexts, and Relationships
trast, a person who espouses a positive prediction (e.g., “I’m
going to have a great day”) might act in ways that will actu- Beliefs affect our relationships, group affiliations, and society at
ally make this prediction true. large; and, in turn, these social contexts affect our beliefs. We
The power of our beliefs to shape reality has long been function in many social contexts and relationships, such as in-
emphasized in psychological theory and research (e.g., teractions with family, friends, colleagues, and acquaintances
Harris & Rosenthal, 1985; Snyder & Stukas, 1999). The self- in home, work, school, and leisure activities. At a broader level,
fulfilling role that beliefs play in human functioning also we also function as members of our primary cultural group,
explains the quote by William James at the beginning of our communities, and society at large. We affiliate with various
this chapter, “Believe that life is worth living and your be- groups based on our beliefs and the collective beliefs conveyed
lief will help create the fact.” Even if we recognize that some by the group. These affiliations and social transactions between
of our beliefs have a fragile contact with any known larger ourselves and others serve to impart cultural, spiritual, rela-
reality, we are rarely motivated to challenge their truth or tional, political, and many other beliefs, values, and attitudes
to change them unless they are clearly contributing to sig- that shape our views of ourselves, others, and society at large,
nificant distress in our daily lives (Bandura, 1986). as well as how we feel and behave, both individually and collec-
tively. In like manner, our beliefs influence the persons and
groups with whom we affiliate. Thus, our beliefs are both
Development of Beliefs uniquely idiosyncratic and, at the same time, inseparably inter-
Beliefs develop beginning in early childhood and continue to de- related with the beliefs of those around us, of our culture, and
velop throughout adulthood. From birth, infants absorb life ex- of society (Bandura, 1986, 1997).
periences from interactions in the world and with other peo-
ple, particularly primary caregivers. Because very young Occupational Therapy Perspective
children have limited ways to choose or evaluate the accuracy
and functionality of these early life experiences, they typically From an occupational therapy perspective, our beliefs touch
accept much of what they are told or experience about them- virtually every aspect of our daily lives as occupational
selves (e.g., “You are stupid and incompetent,” “You can beings—how we live and learn, work and play, care for our-
achieve whatever you chose”). These experiences lead to cer- selves, and participate with others as social beings. In addi-
tain “understandings” that become organized as fundamental tion, our view of the future, including our expectations,
beliefs about the self. For example, core beliefs determine choices, goals, and motivation to engage in occupations,
whether we believe ourselves to be worthy of respect or are linked to our beliefs about our capacities and our ability
worthless, competent or incompetent, fairly treated or victim- to do things that are important to us (e.g., see Baum &
ized, or independent or helpless. In time, we also absorb and Christensen, 2005, p. 247; Keilhofner, 2002, pp. 48–50).
form beliefs about our relationships to others, the world, and When considering occupational performance from the per-
the future. These early messages and fundamental beliefs con- spective of the person-environment-occupation paradigm,
tribute significantly to the development of our personality beliefs that reside within the “person” affect the “person,” as
and to our adult views of self, other people, the world, and the well as his or her interaction with the “environment” and
future. In addition, our beliefs continue to form and change with “occupations.” Reciprocally, the “environment” and
throughout our adult years as we are influenced by many in- “occupations” also affect the “person” and, thus, the person’s
ternal and external factors, such as family and other role mod- beliefs (Law et al, 1996).
els, cultural and ethnic values, spiritual orientation, and the To illustrate how these core assumptions about beliefs
many other contexts and environments in which we function. present themselves in daily life, imagine that you and several
However, unlike young children, as adults, we have the ability of your classmates are reading this book as part of a required
to choose, evaluate, modify, and replace our beliefs when they occupational therapy course. In this context, each of you has
no longer meet our needs and interests (J. Beck, 1995). a different emotional, physiological, and behavioral response

A basket of affirmation. I have learned that affirmation can be a
wonderful tool in building and maintaining self-confidence and esteem.
I collect quotations, and not some of my own thoughts, and keep them
in this basket. Often, an “I can” affirmation will provide encouragement,
but sometimes a reference to performance can carry the sting of
recrimination. At those times, I find comfort in affirmations that speak
of the value of being, especially those that remind me of God’s
love for me. The leaf in the basket is a reminder to look for the
affirmations of life that abound in nature. One of the best
things about finding a meaningful affirmation is the opportunity
it brings to share it with a friend.
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CHAPTER 19 ■ Cognitive Beliefs 265

to this assigned activity (environmental event), based on the pessimists, or somewhere in between. For individuals with
thoughts going through your mind as you begin to read. For medical or psychiatric illnesses, their beliefs have a profound
example, influence on their healing, rehabilitation, and recovery,
as well as on their occupational health and quality of life
■ Reader A thinks, “This book really makes sense. Finally, I (Anthony, 1993). Research has demonstrated that believing
have a guide for what I need to know and do to practice rehabilitation and recovery are possible and that one can have
in mental health as an occupation-based occupational quality of life, even with a disability, is critical for a successful
therapist!” Reader A feels excited and chooses to read be- therapy outcome (Landeen, Seeman, Goering, & Streiner,
yond the assigned readings, making notes on key points. 2007; Sullivan, 1994). In addition, if individuals’ beliefs and
■ Reader B thinks, “There’s so much detail to learn. If I expectations do not support getting better when they are di-
don’t learn it all, I’ll never be a good therapist.” Reader B, agnosed with a physical or mental health problem, they are
feeling anxious and overwhelmed, procrastinates and not likely to do all of the things that might help them get
does not begin the assignment until he has time to take better, especially those things that may be difficult to do
meticulous notes. He does not finish it before class, which (Bandura, 1986). Stigmatizing beliefs about mental illness
further contributes to his emotional distress. and recovery are particularly powerful (e.g., Landeen et al,
These student readers have different emotional and be- 2007; Sullivan, 1994). Because they are so prevalent and have
havioral responses associated with their perceptions and such a significant impact, a full chapter is devoted to this
thoughts about the reading assignment. The potential con- topic (see Chapter 28).
sequences of these responses are also likely to differ depend- In her writings about being diagnosed with schizophrenia,
ing on the nature of each person’s thoughts and perceptions. Pat Deegan (1994) vividly illustrates the impact of mental ill-
Furthermore, it is likely that each person’s response is medi- ness and stigmatizing beliefs on her self-efficacy and recovery
ated by one or more rules for living, as well as by underlying process. She describes the shattering of her hopes and dreams
core beliefs that probably developed early in their lives. For when she was told, at age 17, that she had an “incurable ill-
example, Reader B may hold fast to a core belief that he is in- ness,” schizophrenia, and that the best she could expect was to
competent, a belief that gives rise to the rule that “If I don’t take her medications, keep her stress levels low, and perhaps
do everything perfectly, then I am incompetent.” This belief work in a sheltered workshop. She characterized her deep
may have been triggered by a physiological response, such as feelings of despair as “a wound with no mouth, a wound so
sweaty palms or rapid breathing. It is unlikely that he is con- deep that no cry can emanate from it.” For many years, she re-
sciously aware of this relationship between his physiological ports sitting and smoking cigarettes and refusing to partici-
response and this core belief, or of its self-fulfilling nature. pate, “to do anything.” She attributed her despair and appar-
By putting off the assignment until he can do it “perfectly,” ent “giving up” to the hopelessness of her prognosis, the
he sets himself up to not meet his standards, reinforcing his demoralizing attitude of her doctor, and her resulting belief
core belief that he is incompetent. Furthermore, if this dys- that “giving up seemed like [the only] solution when one lives
functional pattern repeats itself for other reading assign- without hope” (Deegan, 1994, p. 153).
ments and courses, not only does his belief become more The hypothesis put forth by cognitive models of psy-
entrenched, but also the consequences may be even greater. chopathology is that beliefs and distorted information pro-
In contrast, Reader A’s thoughts appear to support an opti- cessing constitute a vulnerability to a variety of psychiatric
mal emotional and behavioral response for reaching her disorders. Following are descriptions of the specific cognitive
professional goals. She may have a core belief that she is belief profiles associated with four psychiatric disabilities: de-
competent, which gives rise to a rule for living such as, “If I pression, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, and conduct
complete assignments as best I can, then I will succeed.” Al- disorders.
though both Reader A and Reader B desire to do well, Reader
A’s beliefs and thoughts are more likely to lead her to con- Depression
tinue to feel, act, and think in ways that fulfill her core belief,
as well as meet her professional goals. Depressive beliefs have been described as a cognitive triad that
Adding an additional perspective, each student is likely to constitutes negative views about the self, the world, and the fu-
be influenced by past academic experiences, peer group affil- ture (A. Beck, 1976). For example, individuals with depression
iation, and other personal or environmental factors, such as are more likely to see themselves as incompetent, unlovable,
cultural background, study environment, and previous aca- and helpless; the world or environment as threatening and un-
demic success. If someone were to question the “truth” of supportive; and the future as hopeless. This negatively biased
their automatic thoughts or core beliefs, it is probable that predisposition causes the individual to interpret daily experi-
most of them would strongly defend their position, particu- ences from a world view of pessimism and self-deprecation.
larly if it was supported by the beliefs of their peer group. Negative thoughts such as “I’m such a loser,” “Nobody loves
me,” and “I’ll never amount to anything” result in unpleasant
feelings and maladaptive behaviors.

Impact of Beliefs on Mental Health Anxiety Disorders

and Illness Cognitive theories are also frequently used to understand
Our beliefs and thoughts affect all aspects of our functioning, anxiety disorders. The Intolerance of Uncertainty Model pro-
whether we experience ourselves and our world from the vides an explanation for chronic worry, which is a core symp-
perspective of a “glass half full or half empty,” as optimists or tom of generalized anxiety disorder (Dugas & Robichaud,
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266 PART 2 ■ The Person

The Lived Experience

Martha’s Story think, “Well, maybe I can’t do this today but if I do just a
Interviewer: Martha is going to share about her head in- small thing, that would be progress.” I have trouble get-
jury and depression, and how OT contributed to her recov- ting going to do things like taking showers, or using my
ery. Martha, can you talk about your life before your head date book, and grocery shopping so there was food in the
injury? house or paying bills. And my memory and planning
Martha: I’m a veterinarian. I was in the Air Force and did things isn’t good. I used this clock thing about “TICs” and
veterinary things and a lot of public health. I was very suc- “TOCs.” Like, if I thought, “If I have to plan and write every-
cessful, very productive. I was the expert in my field. And thing down, only an idiot would have to do that,” that’s,
I was married and had three great children. Well, I still have uh, a “TIC.” So I had to think, “What is wrong about that
them. thought?” Well, it’s like all-or-nothing; if I can’t be like I was
Interviewer: And then you had a head injury. before, I’m worthless. Like there’s nothing in between. I
Martha: I was goofing around and fell and hit my head. I had to see that thinking that way isn’t helping me, but
needed stitches. They thought I had a mild concussion maybe the book does help. Even if I have to use it, that’s
maybe. But that was all. They thought I was fine. better than being late and forgetting. That is the “TOC”
Interviewer: As we know, you weren’t really fine. How did part, thinking more realistically so my thoughts don’t stop
you come to realize this? me from doing what might help. And then I’d try to use the
Martha: I’d go to work every day and just sit at my desk book, and I wouldn’t be late or forget, and I didn’t have
and shuffle papers. Things got gradually worse. I couldn’t to think I was so stupid. And then I’d feel better, too.
do what I used to be able to do. I ended up being hospi- Interviewer: It was a behavioral experiment that worked;
talized for depression and being suicidal. They figured out you learned a new skill and also changed your thinking so
that I had a brain injury. Since then, a lot for me is that you felt better about yourself. Has OT helped in other
figuring out what I can do and not feel awful, like I’m an ways?
idiot and worthless. Martha: Well, I carry a card that reminds me of what
Interviewer: That sounds like a very difficult time for you. makes me worthy to live, the big things and the little
I know you worked with many professionals. What about oc- things. I try to turn negatives into something that’s at
cupational therapy? How did it contribute to your recovery? least a little positive. And, it’s not just thinking positive. It’s
Martha: When I was first in the hospital, I had an occupa- really, really thinking it and trying things out even if you
tional therapist. She ran ADL groups and we did lots of arts don’t believe it. That’s what’s hard. I really have to work
and crafts. I didn’t really associate it with how it was help- on that. Like, remembering my kids are one of the big
ing me until much later. But the things it did do was I could things. They’re great.
pick out something small and I could work on it and finish Interviewer: That’s a big worthy part—you’re a good
it and say well, you know, it might be a pot, a trivet, a quilt, mom.
but I did it. It got to be kind of fun. Let me see if I can do Martha: I guess so. That’s what they say. But I still have
that or try this. Now I know that was the beginning of do- to remind myself. But they remind me, too. So does my
ing something and thinking maybe I could do something. sister. She’s great, too. And I work now. I’m a radiology
Interviewer: Doing arts and crafts in OT helped you begin technician. That helps. It reminds me I’m being produc-
to see that you could do some things. It got you engaged tive. I’m good at it. Actually, I enjoy it. If I start to think, “But
again in doing something enjoyable. It gave you hope. I have all this education, I should be working as a veteri-
Martha: Yes, but, I still hated it because I wanted to be narian, I’m a failure,” I have to catch my negative thinking.
home, and I wanted to be working, and I wanted to be tak- It’s hard. I don’t think I get up any day and not think about
ing care of my kids. I’d get to the point where OK, I have harming myself or suicide. It never goes away. Maybe it
to just do it—work, take care of my kids. So I might try never will. But I know more what to do before things get
something like volunteering as a veterinarian, but I’d fall flat so bad again.
on my face and it would put me back. And then I’d think, Interviewer: So, you are back working at something that
“I’m stupid. I’ll never be worth anything again. I should die.” helps you believe you are worthy and productive, even
I didn’t want to have to try to do things differently. though you still have to stay on top of negative thoughts
Interviewer: So you’d believe there was hope, but when and beliefs that creep back in. In closing, is there anything
you tried something and it didn’t work, you would believe else about OT you’d like to share?
you were worthless again, sort of “all-or-nothing” thinking Martha: People need more OT. Crafts help. But they
and beliefs about yourself. What helped you begin to try need help with ADLs like organizing and paying bills
to do things differently? and grocery shopping, and with thoughts that get in the
Martha: Actually, I worked with an OT. I had to try to learn way. If you can’t do those things, then you feel worse
to catch my thinking and feeling before I got to trying and think you can’t do anything right. You actually have
to kill myself. Like, “If I can’t do this right or how I used to, to do things to see you’re not totally worthless or you’ll
then I am worthless and I should die.” I had to learn to still believe you are.
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CHAPTER 19 ■ Cognitive Beliefs 267

2007). Specifically, this theory posits that, when information disorders (A. Beck, Freeman, Davis, & Associates, 2003;
is ambiguous, the worrier views the uncertainty as unaccept- Ellis, 1994b; Linehan, 1993), and schizophrenia (Cather,
able (thoughts), which leads to anxiety and stress (feelings) 2005; Davis, Lysaker, Lancaster, & Bryson, 2005; Lysaker,
and an inability to act (behavior). For example, a mother who Bond, Davis, Bryson, & Bell, 2005; Pfammatter, Junghan,
is a chronic worrier is unable to stop thinking about the pos- & Brenner, 2006).
sibility that her son will get injured during a football game, In addition, the impact of distorted cognitions on emo-
until the game is over and her child is unhurt. tions, mood, and performance has been reported for a vari-
Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is another anxiety ety of nonpsychiatric conditions and intervention contexts.
disorder; it is characterized by intrusive thoughts and the en- Examples include brain injury and stroke (Khan-Bourne &
gagement in rituals or compulsions to manage those thoughts. Brown, 2003); dementia (Kasl-Godley & Gatz, 2000);
Cognitive theorists suggest that the distorted core beliefs in chronic fatigue syndrome (Price, Mitchell, Tidy, & Hunot,
OCD include an inflated responsibility for negative events and 2008); Parkinson’s disease (Cole & Vaughan, 2005; Lyons,
a need for control and perfectionism (Abramowitz, Khandker, 2003); chronic pain (Molton, Graham, Stoelb, & Jensen,
Nelson, Deacon, & Rygwall, 2006). This could help explain why 2007; Strong, 1998; Thorn, 2004); persons with disabilities in
a concern for contamination from germs leads to an overzeal- vocational programs (Davis, Lysaker, Lancaster, & Bryson,
ous need for cleanliness and rituals related to hand washing. In 2005; Lustig & Strauser, 2003); health behaviors such as
posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), individuals often de- weight loss (Cooper, Fairburn, & Hawkes, 2003; Liao, 2000),
scribe cognitive distortions related to self-blame. For example, smoking cessation (Perkins, Conklin, & Levine, 2008), and
individuals who develop PTSD after childhood sexual abuse exercise adherence (Schneider, Mercer, Herning, Smith, &
may report beliefs that they are the cause of the abuse (Feiring Davis, 2004); students in educational settings (Pajares,
& Cleland, 2007). 1992); and work with children and adolescents in school,
community, and therapy contexts (Bailey, 2001; Braswell &
Eating Disorders Kendall, 2001; Vernon, 2006; Vernon & Bernard, 2006).

Cognitive theories related to eating disorders include as-

sumptions about the self and distortions related to eating
(Cooper, 2005). Individuals with eating disorders tend to Cognitive Behavioral Theory
place much emphasis on self-worth in relation to appear-
ance. Distortions such as “Nobody will like me if I am over-
and Therapy
weight” or “I’m unacceptable if I don’t maintain a certain A number of models are included under the umbrella of cog-
shape” are the types of thoughts associated with eating dis- nitive behavioral therapy (CBT), an intervention approach
orders. In addition, there are cognitions that are specific to that is recognized as an evidence-based approach for the
anorexia and bulimia. Individuals with anorexia may avoid treatment of many psychiatric conditions (Butler, Chapman,
eating as a strategy to prevent other distressing thoughts Forman, & Beck, 2006). This chapter discusses four promi-
from coming to the forefront, whereas individuals with bu- nent models that have influenced the development and prac-
limia may believe that they have no control (which results in tice of CBT and that are also most often discussed as relevant
bingeing) or have overly permissive thoughts that contribute to belief-oriented occupational therapy: learning theory and
to impulsive eating. behaviorism, social learning theory and social cognitive the-
ory, and behaviorally oriented CBT models, and cognitively
Conduct Disorders oriented CBT models (Bruce & Borg, 2002; Duncombe,
Children with conduct disorders engage in antisocial behav-
iors that are beyond the typical realm of acting out and in- Learning Theory and Behaviorism
volve violating the basic rights of others (e.g., bullying, steal-
ing, physical assault). Cognitive theory indicates that children Beginning in the late 1950s, clinical psychologists began ap-
with conduct disorders are more likely to interpret the social plying experimentally based principles of behavior known as
environment as hostile (van de Wiel, Matthys, Cohen-Kettenis, classical (or respondent) conditioning and operant condi-
& van Engeland, 2002). Consequently, a child with conduct tioning to the modification of maladaptive human behavior
disorder may interpret a bump from another child during re- (Eysenck, 1966; Wolpe, 1958). At that time, classical condi-
cess as an antagonistic action. In addition, children with con- tioning theory, with systematic desensitization as its major
duct disorders tend to have fewer solutions to managing con- clinical application, and operant conditioning, with behav-
frontation and are more likely to choose an aggressive ior modification and systematic use of rewards as its major
response, believing that the aggression will result in positive clinical application, focused on producing changes in overt,
outcomes. observable, measurable behavior. A number of intervention
strategies evolved as these theories were applied to the treat-
Other Disorders ment of psychological and behavioral conditions, some of
which include targeting specific behaviors for change; set-
Other psychiatric disorders for which cognitive theorists have ting observable, measurable outcome goals; analyzing be-
identified associated dysfunctional beliefs include substance haviors to be learned, breaking them down into smaller
abuse (A. Beck, Wright, Newman, & Liese, 2001; Ellis & Velten, “chunks,” and grading them from less difficult to more diffi-
1992; Terjesen, DiGiuseppe, & Gruner, 2000), personality cult; and using various skill-oriented teaching-learning
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268 PART 2 ■ The Person

strategies such as shaping and chaining; monitoring behav- the basis for many performance skill- and occupation-based
ior and changes over time; and rewarding desired adaptive interventions used by occupational therapists. For example,
behaviors. In its classic form, behavioral learning theory two self-management occupational therapy programs for
(Skinner, 1953) focused on the use of external reinforcement older adults that draw extensively on Bandura’s work are de-
to increase the likelihood that a desired behavior would be scribed in the occupational therapy literature. Cook (2004)
learned. Behaviorism sometimes acknowledged beliefs and describes a self-management occupational therapy program
thoughts, but they were excluded from scientific study and for arthritis joint protection. Lyons (2003) describes a self-
intervention because they could not be directly observed, management occupational therapy program for persons
manipulated, and measured. However, this approach was in- with Parkinson’s disease.
creasingly seen as inadequate for explaining not only psy-
chopathology, but also all human behavior (Mahoney, 1974,
1977). Thus, interest in the role of a person’s internal beliefs, Behaviorally Oriented CBT Models
thoughts, and feelings, which could be inferred or reported Throughout the 1970s, a group of behaviorally trained psy-
by the person, but not directly observed, spurred further chologists and educators began to develop new approaches
theoretical and research developments. that focus on acquisition of cognitive and behavioral skills for
self-managing psychological and behavior problems. Donald
Social Learning Theory and Social Meichenbaum (1977), a behaviorally trained psychologist,
focused his early career work on what he called cognitive
Cognitive Theory behavior modification, a prototype of behaviorally oriented
Albert Bandura (1977, 1986) is one of the most prominent CBT. With his colleagues, he developed a program of “self-
representatives of social learning theory, or social cognitive instruction training” for children with impulsive behavior
theory, the name he adopted to emphasize the critical role of problems that used cognitive and behavioral strategies to
both social and cognitive factors in his theory of human teach them how to replace thoughts or “self-talk” that were
learning and behavior change. Four fundamental constructs not instructive or helpful for managing their own behavior
characterize social cognitive theory and are particularly rel- with conscious thoughts or “self-talk” that were instructive
evant to belief-oriented occupational therapy practice: and helpful (Meichenbaum & Goodman, 1971).
Encouraged by the promising results from these studies,
1. Observational Learning, Vicarious Reinforcement, and other investigators applied this “self-instruction training” ap-
Modeling—learning can occur from watching and lis- proach with individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia, speech
tening to other people without any external reinforce- and test anxiety, and phobias (Mahoney, 1974). Cognitive Ori-
ment of the behavior to be learned. entation to Occupational Performance (CO-OP; Polatajko &
2. Reciprocal Causation—personal factors, environmen- Mandich, 2004) is an example of an occupational therapy chil-
tal factors, and behavior operate dynamically and in- dren’s program that builds on Meichenbaum and Goodman’s
fluence one another. work. This program is further described in Chapter 18.
3. View of Human Functioning as Proactive, Self- Another behaviorally oriented CBT program developed by
Regulating, and Self-Reflective—individuals can re- Meichenbaum and Cameron (1973), known as stress inocu-
flect on their thoughts, feelings, and actions, as well lation training, incorporates education about stress and its
as assert self-control over them as opposed to react- relationship to beliefs, emotions, and behavior; self-instruc-
ing solely to environmental forces. tion training; cognitive restructuring; and training in the use
4. Self-Efficacy Beliefs and Outcome Expectancies—belief of cognitive and behavioral coping skills for managing one’s
that the persons have the capability to successfully set own behavior when exposed to various stressors that interfere
and pursue their desired goals. with performance in daily life. For more discussion of coping
Self-efficacy beliefs are particularly relevant to occupa- skill theories, interventions, applications, and supporting evi-
tional therapy practice with its emphasis on occupations and dence, the reader is referred to Chapter 22.
performance (Gage & Polatajko, 1994). An individuals’ self- It is important to clarify that the primary emphasis of
efficacy beliefs are instrumental in whether they “will attempt these behaviorally oriented CBT approaches is not on di-
certain behaviors, how much effort they will expend, and rectly changing a person’s existing idiosyncratic, dysfunc-
how long they will stick with the behavior, particularly if tional beliefs and thoughts (which is the primary focus of
problems or obstacles arise” (Bandura, 1981, p. 215). They this chapter), but rather on indirectly influencing a person’s
also influence “how persons will feel about what they are do- beliefs and thoughts through the acquisition and use of gen-
ing and ultimately whether or not they will succeed” (p. 215). eralizable cognitive and behavioral skills for coping with real
According to Bandura (1986, p. 399), performance failures life challenges that cause emotional distress and interfere
tend to lower efficacy beliefs, whereas interventions that help with achieving desired goals.
create performance successes in a particular situation typi-
cally raise efficacy beliefs. Cognitively Oriented CBT models
Listed in the order of their hypothesized power and influ-
ence, Bandura (1986) hypothesized that four types of expe- In a context quite removed from learning theory and behav-
riences are basic to the development and enhancement of iorism, several psychoanalytically trained psychotherapists
self-efficacy beliefs: actual performance accomplishments, began to doubt the efficacy and effectiveness of the Freudian
vicarious experience and modeling, verbal persuasion, and psychodynamic therapies for helping persons with emotional
physiological and affective states (learning coping skills to and psychological disturbance. Albert Ellis (1962), a psychol-
minimize stressors). This social learning model also provides ogist, and somewhat later, Aaron Beck (1976), a psychiatrist,
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CHAPTER 19 ■ Cognitive Beliefs 269

began to independently explore information processing the- is applicable to the understanding of many psychological
ory as a framework for understanding the impact of beliefs disturbances (A. Beck, 2005; J. Beck, 1995). A. Beck (1976)
and thoughts on emotion and psychopathology. Their ap- theorizes that the symptoms and cognitive content associ-
proaches are the prototypes of the cognitively oriented CBTs ated with various disorders reflect the systematic dysfunc-
that focus on identifying and directly changing beliefs and tional thoughts, information processing biases, and dis-
thoughts using cognitive restructuring strategies. torted interpretations of environmental experiences that
result from the activation of underlying unrealistic or dis-
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy torted core beliefs and from fairly enduring cognitive
Ellis’ (1962, 1993) rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) schemas and structures. Based on his early research, Beck
was the first of the modern cognitively oriented theories to identified a number of core cognitive distortions that re-
gain widespread clinical acceptance. The REBT model is based flect the processing and interpretation errors typically
on Ellis’ cognitive model of emotional response. The core present in persons who experience emotional problems.
tenet of this model is that irrational beliefs about how things Examples include emotionalizing or emotional reasoning
“must” and “should” be for persons to be happy actually lead (e.g., presuming that feelings are facts and reflect the real
them to make themselves miserable. situation as in “I feel desperate; thus, the situation I’m in
In the early 1970s, Ellis identified a number of basic irra- must be a desperate one”); jumping to conclusions (e.g.,
tional beliefs (Dryden & Ellis, 2001, p. 304) that take the form focusing on one part of a situation as the only way to
of absolute “musts” (e.g., “I must be loved by everyone to be understand it as in “Because they haven’t called me about
happy”) and “shoulds” (e.g., “I should be respected and looked the job, they must have decided not to hire me”); and all-
up to by others”). According to Ellis, these irrational expecta- or-nothing thinking (e.g., perceiving events or people in
tions of the self and others do not cause emotional disturbance absolute, polarized terms as in “Something is either perfect
and behavior problems; rather, they are key features of emo- or completely wrong”). The goal of A. Beck’s cognitive
tional disturbance. In addition, most people with emotional therapy (CT) is to collaborate with clients in identifying,
problems tend to have a low frustration tolerance; tend to dep- reframing, and replacing these cognitive distortions or ap-
recate themselves and others; and tend to overgeneralize, cata- praisals of life events with more realistic and adaptive ap-
strophize, and “awfulize” about their failures, rejections, poor praisals, thoughts, and core beliefs under the assumption
treatment by others, and life’s frustrations and losses. that this will also support changes in a person’s emotional
Ellis (1962, 1994a) devised the “ABC model” as an acronym distress and behavioral problems.
to explain this view of emotional disturbance. He theorized Although the terms cognitive therapy (CT) and cognitive
that people typically think that the unfortunate activating behavioral therapy (CBT) are often used as synonyms, A.
events (A) in their lives are the cause of the disturbing behav- Beck’s CT is based specifically on his cognitively oriented
ioral and emotional consequences (C) that they experience. and evidence-based theory of psychopathology. CBT typi-
However, from Ellis’ perspective, these consequences are actu- cally incorporates CT, but it is also the “umbrella” term for
ally caused by people’s irrational belief system (B). For exam- all cognitive behavioral approaches (A. Beck, 2005).
ple, imagine a young woman who feels terrible and depressed From an overall perspective, the various models included
as a result of being rejected by the college of her choice. She under the CBT umbrella are some of the most widely adopted
assumes that feeling terrible and depressed is the emotional and empirically supported forms of psychotherapeutic inter-
consequence (C) of the activating event (A), rejection by the vention in Western culture. In an extensive and widely ac-
college of her choice. However, from the REBT perspective, it knowledged review of 16 published meta-analyses on the
is her core belief (B), “Rejection means I am incompetent and treatment outcomes of CBT for a wide range of psychiatric
worthless,” that is the real cause of her emotional distress. disorders, Butler et al (2006) concluded that they provide sup-
In REBT, clients are taught to use the ABC model to iden- port for the efficacy of CBT. Butler and his colleagues also
tify and actively challenge the irrational beliefs that are at the concluded that the findings of these meta-analyses are consis-
core of their emotional problems. Then they are encouraged tent with other reviewed methodologies that support CBT for
to replace “shoulds” and “mustabatory” beliefs with a more many psychiatric disorders.
stoic, rational belief system and philosophy of life (Ellis,
1962, 1994a). Therefore, if the young woman in the example
disputed her irrational belief and revised it to something Use of CBT Models in Occupational
more rational (e.g., “I am competent. Rejection is just some-
thing unfortunate that happens. I can find another college to
attend.”) this more rational view would help her feel better Although the compatibility between CBT and occupational
and seek out other options rather than being stuck as a de- therapy models has been identified throughout this chapter,
pressed victim of rejection. it is important to also clarify their differences in purpose and
intent. The cognitive behavioral models that focus directly
Cognitive Therapy on changing beliefs, such as REBT and CT, are based on the-
In 1976, Aaron Beck introduced his cognitive model of psy- ories of psychopathology for persons experiencing symp-
chopathology based on information processing theory. Ini- toms of emotional distress related to psychiatric and medical
tially, his early research focused on the psychopathology of illness. The purpose of therapy is to address these emotional
depression. His identification of the “cognitive triad” of and behavioral problems by addressing the dysfunctional or
distorted thoughts present in persons with depression is distorted cognitions that mediate them. Focus on deeper
explained previously in this chapter. Over time, however, A. level core beliefs or schema is considered the central focus of
Beck and his colleagues proposed that his cognitive model intervention. This approach is most realistically provided in
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270 PART 2 ■ The Person

outpatient psychotherapy with therapists who have special- 5. What environmental and performance factors facili-
ized training and certification in CBT (A. Beck, 2005). tate or hinder a client’s desired occupational perform-
Occupational therapy’s primary domain of concern fo- ance? Confirm or disconfirm dysfunctional or dis-
cuses on enabling occupational performance in a client’s cur- torted beliefs?
rent daily life (AOTA, 2008). Changing a person’s beliefs for 6. What physiological and emotional reactions trigger dys-
the purpose of facilitating changes in the emotional and be- functional beliefs that affect occupational performance?
havioral symptoms of various psychiatric diagnoses is not the
primary purpose of occupational therapy, although it may Formal Assessments
indirectly contribute to changes in these areas. Typically, oc-
cupational therapists focus on changing beliefs and thoughts There are a number of formal, structured, assessment instru-
only if they are interfering with desired occupational per- ments for evaluating beliefs and belief systems that have been
formance, referred to as a “top-down” approach. Therefore, developed in the fields of education, psychology, mental
an emphasis on more surface-level automatic thoughts, in- health, and preventive health care (Blankstein & Segal, 2001;
termediate assumptions and “rules for living,” and specific Pajares, 1992). Researchers in these fields, more than practi-
aspects of fairly accessible core beliefs related to occupational tioners, have led the way in developing and using assessment
performance is most compatible with occupational therapy’s instruments to validate theoretical constructs, establish accu-
philosophy, assessment, and intervention process. This focus rate diagnoses, and evaluate outcomes of cognitive behav-
on surface or peripheral change is not superficial in the ioral interventions.
sense of being less important than deep change in a person’s In the occupational therapy literature, there are no psy-
core beliefs. It simply serves a different therapeutic purpose chometrically supported formal tests that have been devel-
and goal. oped for the specific purpose of assessing the content of a
client’s beliefs and their impact on occupational perform-
ance. Based on their review of the occupational therapy liter-
Assessment of Beliefs in ature, Bruce and Borg (2002) and Duncombe (2005) identi-
fied several assessments proposed by occupational therapists
Occupational Therapy Practice as part of specific CBT-oriented treatment programs, but
none of these measures has been psychometrically evaluated
As with other client factors, a client’s beliefs and how they or adopted for use on a larger scale in occupational therapy
facilitate or hinder desired occupational performance is an practice. One exception is a test developed to measure self-
important aspect of a client’s occupational profile (AOTA, efficacy, the Self Efficacy Gauge (Gage, Noh, Polatajko, &
2008). When assessing and evaluating beliefs, occupational Kaspar, 1994). This measure, specifically designed for occu-
therapists are concerned with the following: pational therapists, examines self-efficacy in the context of
■ Understanding how a person’s beliefs and thoughts occupational performance.
limit or facilitate desired occupational performance Several occupational performance outcome measures, par-
goals ticularly those that are client centered and include a structured
■ Establishing basic client capacities related to tar- or semistructured interview component, either formally or in-
geted beliefs that interfere with desired occupational formally, provide an opportunity for exploration of a client’s
performance beliefs as part of the assessment of occupational performance.
■ Identifying possible beliefs and thoughts that need to For example, see the Canadian Occupational Performance
be addressed to support occupational performance in- Measure (Law et al, 2005); the Occupational Self Assessment
terventions and desired outcomes (OSA), Version 2.0 (Baron, Keilhofner, Iyenger, Goldhammer,
■ Identifying environmental and performance factors & Wolenski, 2002), and the Child Occupational Self Assess-
that may be contributing to distorted beliefs and occu- ment (COSA), Version 1.0 (Federico & Kielhofner, 2002);
pational performance problems the Assessment of Occupational Functioning—Collaborative
Version (ASOF-CV) (Watts, Hinson, Madigan, McGuigan, &
The following general questions are offered as sugges- Newman, 1999); and the Occupational Performance History
tions for assessing the impact of a person’s beliefs on occu- Interview, Second Version (OPHI-II) (Keilhofner et al, 1997).
pational performance, as well as for identifying possible
goals and outcome expectations for therapy.
Informal or Semistructured Assessments
1. What does the person identify as his or her occupa-
tional performance strengths and limitations? How Informal and semistructured assessments offer valuable
are these strengths and limitations related to interven- methods for identifying beliefs that contribute to occupa-
tion priorities? tional performance problems, as well as to emotional dis-
2. What beliefs or thoughts does the person have that fa- tress and behavior problems. Structured or semistructured
cilitate or hinder occupational performance in gen- initial interviews provide a more informal collaborative
eral, as well as specific intervention priorities? interaction with clients (J. Beck, 1995; Dryden & Ellis,
3. What are the client’s beliefs about his or her ability to 2001). For occupational therapists, this process might be
successfully address these intervention priorities, in- guided by questions like those suggested previously for as-
cluding the challenges that might occur? sessing the impact of a person’s beliefs on occupational
4. What are the person’s beliefs and expectations about in- performance and for determining intervention priorities
tervention outcomes? Are they realistic or unrealistic? and goals.
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CHAPTER 19 ■ Cognitive Beliefs 271

Another approach is to embed assessment in the ongoing materials, handouts, workbooks; modeling and experiential
intervention process. The advantage of this approach is that learning methods; homework assignments).
it focuses on what clients view as their idiosyncratic, prob- Another characteristic of CBT is the use of scientific or
lematic beliefs and lends itself to addressing dysfunctional empirical methods. Intervention is designed as a system-
beliefs and thoughts as they “naturally” arise by evaluating atic, logical process that not only involves gaining new in-
them in the context of what the client is feeling and doing in sights, but also actively experimenting and applying in-
“real time” (J. Beck, 1995; Dryden & Ellis, 2001). Thus, sights in the client’s daily life. This approach is reflected
clients are actively engaged in a process of identifying and in the use of a structured agenda and format for belief-
addressing problematic behaviors that mirrors the same self- oriented interventions (J. Beck, 1995). Typically, therapists
management process they might use in “real life.” This less have a specific agenda for each session that is collabora-
structured, more informal, embedded, and flexible approach tively determined with the client. A common format for
is illustrated at the beginning of this chapter in the descrip- addressing this agenda, whether as part of an individual or
tion of the woman receiving occupational therapy following group intervention, includes the following steps: review of
hip replacement surgery. homework; didactic education related to the agenda; mod-
eling and demonstration of a technique or skill; practice
Structured Task Assessments using or applying the technique or skill; feedback from self-
reflection, therapist, and/or peers; and the assignment of
There are a number of more structured, but informal cogni- collaboratively determined homework to be reviewed in
tive and behavioral methods for assessment of beliefs and the next session.
their impact on emotions and behavior as part of initial, on-
going, and outcome assessment and intervention planning. Cognitive Strategies and Techniques
Because these methods, such as use of Socratic questioning
and guided discovery, Beck’s dysfunctional thought record, Cognitive strategies and techniques directly target beliefs and
Burn’s TIC/TOC technique, and Ellis’s ABC model are also thoughts with an emphasis on “cognitive restructuring.”
important intervention strategies, they are described in They can be used to modify existing beliefs or to construct
more detail in the next section. entirely new beliefs that a person aspires to embrace
(Mooney & Padesky, 2000). For each strategy to be optimally
effective, the responses or outcomes need to be reflected on
Intervention by client and therapist and used to revise or create new be-
liefs, new hypotheses to test, etc, as part of the ongoing assess-
The overarching CBT intervention principles and the spe- ment, intervention, and goal attainment process.
cific intervention strategies and techniques that follow are
selected for their applicability in belief-oriented occupa- *Socratic Questioning and Guided Discovery
tional therapy intervention. The specific cognitive and be- Socratic questioning and guided discovery are hallmarks of
havioral strategies and techniques are grouped separately to CBT’s overall client-centered, collaborative, educational, and
emphasize the important contribution of each perspective to empirical approach. When used appropriately, these open-
the intervention and ongoing assessment process, as well as ended, guiding questions avoid interpretation and ulti-
the importance of incorporating both cognitive and behav- mately lead both client and therapist to discover problems
ioral strategies for effective belief-oriented interventions. and alternative options for solving them. In addition, thera-
Those specific strategies and techniques preceded by an as- pists often use these questions to guide the review and eval-
terisk are particularly useful for initial, ongoing, and out- uation of responses to the other cognitive intervention
come assessment, as well as for intervention. strategies and techniques that we discuss here. For occupa-
tional therapists, use of Socratic questioning facilitates
Client-Centered, Collaborative, Educational, client-centered “discovery” and clarification of beliefs and
Empirical Approach thoughts that may support or hinder occupational perform-
ance and goal attainment.
For both CBT and occupational therapy interventions, effec- Padesky (1993) identifies four phases of questioning that
tiveness relies on a client-centered, collaborative relationship. may proceed in a stepwise fashion and may shift from one to
The therapist’s role is to actively listen, teach, role-model, en- another depending on how the dialogue unfolds. Table 19-2
courage, and give feedback. The client’s role is to express con- outlines each phase with examples of relevant questions that
cerns related to occupational performance strengths and lim- a therapist might ask.
itations; to identify beliefs and thoughts that interfere with Table 19-3 illustrates the use of three Socratic questions
desired occupational performance; to learn new beliefs and to facilitate guided discovery as part of what is sometimes
ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving; and to test and apply formalized as the “Three Question Technique” (J. Beck,
that learning with problems that arise in their day-to-day 1995). In this example, the Socratic questions guide the
lives. Therapists do not tell their clients what to do; rather, client to reframe his situation and, in so doing, “discover”
they collaborate with their clients in learning how to think how helpful or not his belief is for meeting his needs and
and talk to themselves in ways that support them doing what goals. This opens up new options and the possibility of
they want and need to do (J. Beck, 1995). In addition, CBT revising or creating new beliefs that are more realistically
interventions incorporate many teaching-learning strategies oriented toward addressing the problematic situation and
to encourage learning and self-discovery (e.g., use of didactic related emotions.
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272 PART 2 ■ The Person

Table 19-2 ● Four Phases of Socratic Questioning

Phase Examples of Questions
1. Asking informational questions that the client can answer to help make concerns What are you thinking or feeling when you do _____?
explicit and for the client to feel heard. Could you give me an example?
Could you elaborate on that?
What do you mean when you say ________?
How long have you felt or believed this way?
2. Asking questions that reflfleect empathic listening and summarize issues related Let me see if I understand; do you mean ______?
to the problem. You seem to be assuming __? Do I understand you correctly?
When you say ______, are you implying ______?
Let me summarize: are you thinking ____? or feeling ____?
Are you saying you believe ______when you do ______?
I’m not sure I understand. Why is _________?
3. Asking questions that draw the client’s attention to information relevant to the issue What evidence do you have to support or refute that view?
being discussed, but which may be outside the client’s current focus. Have you ever been in a similar situation? What did you do? How did
that turn out?
What would you advise a friend who said something similar?
Has something happened to lead you to this conclusion?
What might someone who disagrees say?
4. Asking analytic or synthesizing questions that guide the client toward new information How could you find out whether that is true?
to reevaluate a previous conclusion or construct a new idea. How does _________ relate to __________?
By what reasoning did you come to that conclusion?
How does this information fit with __________?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of __________?
What are the implications or consequences of that belief?
Are there alternative explanations of the situation or event?
What do you know now that you didn’t know before?

Table 19-3 ● Example Illustrating Use of Socratic Questions and Guided Discovery
Situation: A man has recently lost his job.
Belief: I will never work again.
Socratic, Guiding Questions Example
What is the evidence for and against the belief? For: I was fired from my job. I won’t be able to get a reference from my boss.
Against: I’ve found work in the past. There are others I can use as a reference. I have
received positive work evaluations in the past. My resume will help me.
What are the alternative explanations of the event or situation? My boss and I got off to a bad start and were never able to develop a good working
relationship. It was time for me to find a new job anyway.
What are the real implications or consequences if the belief is correct? It’s possible that I won’t get work in my field, but I could always do something else.

*Dysfunctional Thought Record *TIC TOC Technique

Introduced by A. Beck, Rush, Shaw, and Emery (1979), the The TIC TOC Technique, developed by Burns (1993), is
Dysfunctional Thought Record (DTR) is integral to CT. particularly appropriate for occupational therapy inter-
Comprised of three to five columns, a DTR usually includes ventions because it focuses on identifying and reframing
the date and columns for describing a distressing situation thoughts or cognitions that interfere with undertaking
(e.g., where, what, when), related emotional responses (e.g., and accomplishing desired tasks. First, the client identifies
what, intensity rating), and automatic thoughts (e.g., what, a task that he or she wants or needs to do, but is avoiding
strength of belief rating). Additional columns may be included or resisting. Then the client completes a three-column
for identifying thought distortions (e.g., all-or-nothing think- worksheet that includes identification of TICs (task inter-
ing, overgeneralizing, jumping to conclusions, overpersonaliz- fering cognitions), related thought distortions (e.g., emo-
ing, inappropriate blaming, magnifying/minimizing), an alter- tional reasoning, all-or-nothing thinking, minimization,
native response (e.g., other views, explanations, positive mind-reading, overgeneralization), and a reframed TOC
reframe of distortion), and outcomes (e.g., follow-up rating of (task-oriented cognition) related to the problematic task.
emotional intensity and belief strength) (J. Beck, 1995). In its As with similar techniques, this worksheet is used to “dis-
simplest form, a thought record might be set up as illustrated cover” new options for achieving desired goals. Table 19-5
in Table 19-4 with additional rows for subsequent situations. outlines this technique.
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CHAPTER 19 ■ Cognitive Beliefs 273

Table 19-4 ● Sample Dysfunctional Thought Record

Automatic Thought Alternative
Date/Time Situation Emotion Thoughts Distortions Thought/View Outcome
7/13/XX 7AM Forget to set Anger, anxious; I’ll be fired. I Fortune-telling, Late once before, and I Emotional
alarm. Oversleep Emotional always mess up. magnifying wasn’t fired. I can offer intensity: 40%
and end up late intensity: 90% I’m an idiot. to stay late to make up Belief strength:
for work. Belief strength: time. I need to be sure 20%
90% to set my alarm.

Table 19-5 ● Sample TIC TOC Chart

Task-Interfering Cognitions (TICs) Thought Distortions Task-Oriented Cognitions (TOCs)
I’ll never be able to live in my own apartment. All-or-nothing thinking I’m not ready yet to live on my own, but if I take little steps,
Why bother trying? like learning to take the bus, I can work toward doing so.

*Identifying ABCs behaviors, such as self-reported thoughts and feelings, and

Identifying ABCs makes use of Ellis’ (1962, 1994b) ABC may be used to directly or indirectly affect beliefs.
model of emotional distress. It provides a framework to
identify the activating events (A), irrational beliefs (B), and Behavioral Experiments
emotional and behavioral consequences (C) related to spe- Behavioral experiments are the most important behavioral
cific situations, beliefs and thoughts, or emotions that are in- strategy that is incorporated into CBT’s empirical method-
terfering with a person’s well-being. This method highlights ology (DeRubeis, Tang, & Beck, 2001; Dryden & Ellis, 2001).
the irrational beliefs that are the real source of emotional Working collaboratively, therapist and client create opportu-
distress and behavior problems. When identified, a person nities for the client to test thoughts, beliefs, and related be-
can then evaluate, dispute, and reframe these irrational be- haviors as part of discovering their relative utility or validity
liefs to be more realistic or rational, initially with a thera- (Beck et al, 1979). The typical behavioral experiment in-
pist’s guidance and, eventually, on one’s own. volves creating a hypothesis to test, predicting the outcome,
undertaking the test or “experiment,” evaluating the result,
Acquiring Knowledge and then using this feedback to revise or create new perspec-
Educational or psychoeducational sessions for individuals or tives. This powerful process is critical to belief change, par-
groups may be designed to impart knowledge about a CBT ticularly when used in combination with cognitive strate-
concept, method, or skill as a way to help clients acquire gies. For example, a student might have the belief that his
knowledge for understanding the CBT approach. Knowl- classmates will think he is stupid if he asks for help on an
edge about psychiatric conditions, medications, stigma, etc, exam. He might test this belief in a behavioral experiment by
that provides accurate and appropriate information is also actually asking classmates if they would think he is stupid if
important for assessing the validity of a person’s beliefs. he asked for help. The outcome of this experiment provides
Homework assignments for acquiring knowledge are some- feedback on the validity of his belief, an important aspect of
times referred to as bibliotherapy. In its broadest sense, this the cognitive restructuring process.
approach also includes the use of audiotapes, videotapes,
and computer programs (Cather, 2005). For useful examples *Assigning Homework
of various books and workbooks, see the Resources section. Assigning homework requires clients, as part of their daily
In the occupational therapy literature, psychoeducational lives outside therapy sessions, to experiment with, apply,
groups are the most prevalent application of CBT’s edu- practice, or supplement what is addressed in a therapy. The
cational philosophy and method (Bruce & Borg, 2002; assigning of homework supports the assumption in CBT
Duncombe, 2005). Typically, these groups address topics that the outcome is not just a change in beliefs. Rather, the
such as stress management, life skills, and social skills. They expected outcome is a change in people’s abilities to function
focus on imparting knowledge about the topic and teaching and self-manage their emotions, thoughts, and behavior in
topic-related cognitive and behavioral skills (see, e.g., Crist, their daily lives (Padesky & Greenberger, 1995). Most of the
1986; Johnson, 1987; Stein & Smith, 1989). strategies and techniques presented in this chapter could be
assigned as homework.
Behavioral Strategies and Techniques
Behavioral strategies and techniques focus on activating Self-monitoring is a self-regulatory or self-management
or monitoring overt observable behaviors, such as “doing” process that involves paying deliberate attention to some as-
an action, activity, or behavioral experiment, or on covert pect of one’s behavior. Typically, it includes recording and
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274 PART 2 ■ The Person

may be interfering with performance. Scheduling activities

Evidence-Based Practice is frequently combined with self-monitoring as homework.

B oth Automatic Thought Records (ATRs) and Behavioral

Experiments (BEs) are important components of CBT
interventions. Evidence suggests that BEs are perceived as
Other Assessment and Intervention
more powerful and compelling than ATRs for actual changes in
beliefs and behavior. Based on these findings, the researchers Thus far, the focus of assessment and intervention related to
hypothesized that ATRs may be more useful for providing clarity beliefs has focused primarily on approaches for directly assess-
and understanding of thoughts and beliefs along with new ing and intervening with beliefs as part of a person’s internal
options and perspectives, whereas BEs may be more powerful processes. There are several other considerations that are im-
for actual belief and behavior change. The implications of this portant to this approach, as well as to the indirect approaches
evidence are relevant to occupational therapists’ expertise and for belief change, and to the overall process of assessment and
practice. intervention. This section addresses four considerations that
➤ Occupational therapists have expertise in analyzing and are particularly relevant: metacognitive demands of CBT, cul-
grading tasks, an essential aspect of planning and evaluating ture and beliefs, and interventions focused on environmental
behavioral experiments. solutions or on occupation and performance skill training
➤ Occupational therapy provides a social and performance and participation.
context for clients to carry out behavioral experiments while
engaged in meaningful occupations such as work, leisure,
Metacognitive Demands of CBT
and ADLs. Use of CBT—in particular, of cognitive restructuring strate-
➤ Occupational therapists can provide detailed information on
gies and techniques—as primary methods for belief-ori-
functional capacity and abilities to help determine whether a ented intervention requires various metacognitive concep-
client’s beliefs are valid or a mixture of performance deficits tual reasoning abilities (e.g., the ability to “reflect about one’s
and cognitive distortions about abilities. This information is thinking,” to identify and evaluate the validity of one’s own
helpful for verifying the validity of ATRs and in designing beliefs, to differentiate between beliefs and “reality,” and to
appropriate behavioral experiments. grasp the critical meditational role of beliefs related to feel-
➤ Psychoeducational groups led by occupational therapists ings and behavior). When children and adults have cognitive
that include both acquisition of knowledge and its applica- limitations or impairments due to developmental ability,
tion through behavioral experimentation may be more disease, illness, or incompatible learning style preferences,
powerful for creating change in beliefs and behavior. they may find the cognitive restructuring methods over-
whelming and excessively demanding of time and effort
Bennett-Levy, J. (2003). Mechanisms of change in cognitive therapy: (Bailey, 2001; Braswell & Kendall, 2001; Dagnan, Chadwick,
The case for automatic thought records and behavioural experiments.
Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 31, 261–277. & Proudlove, 2000; Lysaker et al, 2005).
Occupational therapists Duncombe (2005) and McCraith
(1998) suggest use of the Allen Cognitive Levels, part of the
Allen Cognitive Disabilities Model (Allen, Earhart, & Blue,
1992; Allen et al, 2007), as a helpful guideline for assessment
tallying the frequency of behavior with associated thoughts and intervention that takes the metacognitive demands of
and feelings for a designated period of time (e.g., on an
hour-by-hour basis for 1 week). It may also involve monitor-
ing and rating one’s thoughts and feelings, or the degree of
mastery or pleasure associated with each action or activity
performed (e.g., on a scale from 0 to 100, where 0 is the Evidence-Based Practice
worst one has ever felt or the most negative and 100 is the
best or most positive) (Beck et al, 1979; DeRubeis et al,
2001). For example, if someone believes that they do noth-
ing all day long, as homework they might self-monitor their
A ctivity scheduling is often incorporated as a component
of cognitive behavioral therapy, but the efficacy of activity
schedule alone has also been studied. A meta-analysis of
behavior by keeping a record of what they are doing every 16 studies found a large effect size for activity scheduling in
treating individuals with depression (d = 0.87). These results
half hour for several days to evaluate if, in fact, they do noth-
promote interventions that are highly compatible with
ing 24 hours a day. This concrete feedback would provide ev- occupational therapy and include the following:
idence to dispute the person’s beliefs.
➤ Helping individuals with depression monitor the relationship
Scheduling Activities between daily activities, their moods, and beliefs by keeping
an activity schedule and encouraging them to participate in
Making a list or calendar of daily and weekly activities and
activities that are associated with a better mood.
committing to engage in them can be another useful strat-
egy. The behavioral activation component of CT suggests ➤ Helping individuals with depression create a plan to increase
that individuals need to engage in positive and successful the number of pleasant activities and the number of positive
experiences to change negative thinking (Hopko, Lejuez, interactions with other people.
Ruggiero, & Eifert, 2003). A successful experience provides Cuijpers, P., van Straten, A., & Warmerdam, C. (2007). Behavioral
contradictory evidence to the belief that one is incompetent activation treatment of depression: A meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology
or worthless. Follow-through or failure to follow-through Review, 27, 318–326.
also provides a basis to discuss the beliefs and thoughts that
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CHAPTER 19 ■ Cognitive Beliefs 275

CBT into account. They propose that these demands be well as cultural norms regarding change strategies and the
viewed along a continuum from more behavioral (concrete) change agents, the more accurate and useful assessment and
to more cognitive (abstract). For persons with the capacity intervention will be (Okazaki & Tanaka-Matsumi, 2006).
to use higher-level executive functions for new learning,
conceptual reasoning, and generalization to various situa- Environment-Focused Interventions
tions (Allen Cognitive Levels 5 and 6), they recommend se- Environment-focused interventions address environmental
lection of more cognitive strategies along with behavioral solutions that have the potential to indirectly influence a per-
experimentation. In contrast, more behavioral CBT models son’s thoughts and beliefs. For example, to address beliefs such
and “uncomplicated” cognitive strategies and techniques as “My furniture has been stolen” or “This isn’t my room,”
may be more suitable for persons who learn best using con- which are often expressed by persons with dementia who have
crete, repetitive, situation-specific strategies (Allen Cognitive recently moved into a new supervised living situation, family
Levels 3 and 4). In addition, interventions focused on cogni- members may bring in familiar furniture, bedding, and wall
tive and behavioral skill acquisition and on seeking environ- décor to make the new room more familiar.
mental solutions or engagement in meaningful occupation In addition, an individual’s dysfunctional beliefs may re-
as an indirect approach to modifying a person’s beliefs may flect an accurate cognitive appraisal of environmental fac-
be more appropriate for this latter group of learners. As a tors and contexts that account for those beliefs. In circum-
general guideline, this perspective is also supported by edu- stances in which a person’s negative or dysfunctional beliefs
cators and psychologists working with children (e.g., Bailey, are actually supported by realistic environmental problems,
2001; Braswell & Kendall, 2001) and adults with cognitive it is appropriate to indirectly address dysfunctional beliefs by
limitations (e.g., Dagnan et al, 2000; Lysaker et al, 2005). directly working toward environmental solutions for those
problems (e.g., resolving a stressful living situation, revising
Culture and Beliefs inappropriate social expectations, expanding limited social
Hays and Iwamasa (2006), the editors of Culturally Respon- supports, clarifying conflicting cultural values and norms,
sive Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, point out that CBT re- leaving an abusive spouse or a racist boss, replacing inade-
search and clinical applications have focused primarily on quate housing) (Hays & Iwamasa, 2006).
European American perspectives and assumptions. They rec- For example, a supportive social environment is critical
ognize that CBT’s nonjudgmental focus on client strengths for effective belief and performance changes. Stigma, cogni-
and an educational approach, as well as awareness of the tive biases, and negative beliefs about mental illness, disabil-
importance of social context, support the appropriateness of ity, and cultural differences, or simply inadequate informa-
CBT for people of diverse cultural identities. They have tion can have a profound impact on a person’s self-efficacy
brought together a well-informed group of authors who beliefs and recovery. Educating family, friends, caregivers,
focus on the applicability, limitations, and “use of CBT with and health-care professionals using the same teaching-learning
ethnic cultures, including people of Native, Latino, Asian, and CBT strategies and techniques used with clients is an en-
and African American heritage, as well as people of Arab and vironmentally focused intervention that can indirectly have
Orthodox Jewish heritage.” In this valuable resource, they a profound impact on modifying a person’s dysfunctional
also “address the use of CBT with people of non-ethnic mi- beliefs.
nority groups: older adults, people with disabilities, and sex- Pat Deegan (1994) credits the positive social supports in
ual minorities” (p. 13). her life as a major force in helping her move from believing
Acculturation, in particular, is an essential construct to her situation was hopeless to believing that she could re-
consider with regard to the psychological functioning cover. She explained that the people who “loved her and did
of immigrants and ethnic minorities (Tanaka-Matsumi, not give up” (p. 153) and who “remained optimistic despite
Higginbotham, & Chang, 2002). Information about the per- the odds” provided a “constant invitation . . . calling [her]
son’s language(s), social supports, and participation in eth- forth . . . to be more than [she] was” (p. 154). Ultimately, Pat
nic and cultural activities provides important data regard- Deegan earned a PhD in psychology; she now works as an
ing the possible relationship between cultural adjustment empowerment advocate for persons with psychiatric and
difficulties and presenting problems and beliefs. A clients’ physical disabilities, and is a well-known national and
“acculturation status can shape not only behavior, affect, international speaker and author on recovery and empow-
and cognitions, but also responses to various assessment erment. A number of research studies also support the
tools” (p. 250) and intervention approaches. Although there presence of positive social supports as an essential factor
are few cognitive assessments that have been developed for in a client’s ability to change dysfunctional beliefs and
diverse populations, the Culturally Informed Functional to develop more adaptive beliefs as part of psychosocial
Assessment (CIFA) interview (Tanaka-Matsumi, Seiden, & recovery (Landeen, Seeman, Goering, & Streiner, 2007;
Lam, 1996) “was designed to facilitate the integration of Sullivan, 1994).
cultural observations into cognitive-behavioral assessment
and treatment planning” (p. 256). Pride in one’s cultural Occupation and Performance Skill
identify, culture-specific beliefs that help one cope, such as Interventions
healing rituals, and cultural icons that can serve as role
models may offer important perspective and support for re- As with environmental problems, cognitive and behavioral
framing beliefs to be more adaptive. Ultimately, the greater skill deficits (e.g., coping, problem-solving, assertiveness, so-
the therapist’s knowledge of the client’s cultural definitions cial and time management skills), and occupational perform-
of beliefs, emotions, and behavior and what makes a belief ance deficits related to work, leisure, and social participation
irrational or unrealistic, appropriate or inappropriate, as may realistically contribute to the dysfunctional beliefs and
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276 PART 2 ■ The Person

PhotoVoice by the fact that he has limited knowledge and skills for behav-
ing in an assertive manner when appropriate. Assertiveness
This is Pat. She’s training may be a valuable component of his intervention
a good Christian plan. The occupational therapist’s expertise in contributing
and a good assessment information related to occupational and skill per-
worker. I don’t formance strengths and deficits, as well as providing occupa-
think she does tional and skill training as part of a treatment team in CBT-
anything wrong oriented intervention programs has been acknowledged by
Wright, Thase, Ludgate, and Beck (1993).
ever. She is a
hard worker
even though she
has arthritis. She is always good. Pat lives with a Summary
mental illness. I see only her strengths.
Cognitive beliefs about oneself, other people, the world, and
the future are part of the content of a person’s internal cog-
nitive processes. These beliefs are dynamically interrelated
thoughts that a person has about his or her abilities or situa- with emotions, physiological reactions, behavior, and the en-
tion (J. Beck, 1995; Dryden & Ellis, 2001; Meichenbaum, vironment that comprise human functioning. Distorted
1977). Clarifying performance skill strengths and deficits cognitions and dysfunctional beliefs have been shown to be
helps the therapist and client evaluate whether there is a real- associated with a number of medical and psychiatric condi-
istic basis for the client’s negative beliefs and what skill train- tions. Cognitive behavioral theory and therapy offer a num-
ing may be important to incorporate into an intervention ber of evidence-based approaches that are compatible with
plan. For example, if a client believes that he is unable to as- occupational therapy practice in mental health and can be
sert himself and is therefore always taken advantage of by used to address individuals’ beliefs that interfere with
peers and coworkers, this belief may be realistically supported achieving desired occupational performance outcomes.

Active Learning Strategies

1. Reflection Reflective Questions
● How did the technique(s) facilitate or hinder your un-
Reflect on a situation in which empowering thoughts and be- derstanding of the beliefs and thoughts that affect your
liefs have given you the strength and courage to accomplish an feelings and behavior related to the situation?
important task or goal. Then, reflect again, this time selecting ● What do you think it would take for you to change your
a situation when worry, procrastination, self-criticism, or problematic belief? What are the challenges involved?
other negative self-talk affected your mood and derailed you
from achieving your goal. Reflective Journal
Reflective Questions
Describe the experience in your
● Describe the thoughts that were associated with each Reflective Journal.
situation. What thoughts supported or interfered with
working toward and achieving your goal?
● What environmental or performance factors helped or 3. Practical Application
hindered you? What people and skills supported you or Select a client in your fieldwork who is diagnosed with de-
interfered with the process? Were there other environmen- pression, anxiety, or another DSM-IV-TR condition for
tal supports or barriers, such as finances, scheduling, or which there is evidence that supports use of CBT interven-
geography? tions. Read about this condition and how cognitive behav-
ioral theory and therapy have been applied to the under-
Reflective Journal standing of the condition and for intervention.
Describe the experience in your Reflective Questions
Reflective Journal. ● What insights have you gained about this person as a re-
sult of your reading?
2. Practice Techniques ● How would you enhance or alter your occupational ther-
apy interventions using CBT based on this information?
Based on the problematic situation you reflected on previ-
ously or another situation of your choosing, try out several 4. Justifying CBT by Occupational
of the cognitive and behavioral strategies and techniques de- Therapists
scribed in the Intervention section for addressing dysfunc-
tional beliefs (e.g., Thought Record, ABC method, TIC-TOC An occupational therapist contacted me because her hospital
technique, behavioral experiments). had just been refused payment by Medicare for her services in
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CHAPTER 19 ■ Cognitive Beliefs 277

a partial hospital day program for individuals with persistent Based on reading this chapter,
mental illness. She explained that the program is based on ● What information and evidence might you give Medicare
CBT principles. As an occupational therapist, she leads a CBT to educate them about occupational therapy and occupa-
group focused on teaching the ABC method to people with tional therapists’ qualifications to use CBT interventions?
depression, a coping skills group focused on stress manage- ● How might you redesign the title, purpose, and outcomes
ment, and a mindfulness group focused on meditation and for these groups so that the occupational therapist could
related techniques. In refusing payment for her services, be reimbursed?
Medicare explained that occupational therapists are qualified ● Write a group protocol for one of the groups that this
to address functional skills, but are not qualified to provide occupational therapist leads, applying what you have
cognitive behavioral group therapy. learned about belief-oriented occupational therapy.

Resources Level Screen-5 (ACLS-5) and Large Allen Cognitive Level Screen-5
(LACLS-5). Camarillo, CA: ACLS and LACLS Committee.
Websites Allen, C. K., Earhart, C. A., & Blue, T. (1992). Occupational
• The Albert Ellis Institute: Therapy Treatment Goals for the Physically and Cognitively
• The Beck Institute for Cognitive Therapy and Research— Disabled. Bethesda, MD: American Occupational Therapy
includes CBT information and Beck Scales such as the Association.
Beck Depression Inventory and Beck Youth Inventories: American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA). (2008). Oc- cupational therapy practice framework: Domain and process.
• British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies: American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 62(6), 625–683. Anthony, W. (1993). Recovery from mental illness: The guiding
• “Overview of Social Cognitive Theory and of Self-Efficacy,” 2002, vision of the mental health system in the 1990’s. Psychosocial
by F. Pajares. Available at: Rehabilitation Journal, 16(4), 11–23.
.html (December 7, 2009)—a extensive overview of Albert Bailey, V. (2001). Cognitive-behavioural therapies for children and
Bandura, social cognitive theory, and self-efficacy adolescents. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment, 7, 224–232.
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courses on CBT: Bandura, A. (1981). Self-referent thought: A developmental analy-
Workbooks sis of self-efficacy. In J. H. Flavell & L. Ross (Eds.), Social Cogni-
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New York: Cambridge University Press.
havior exercises that can be adapted for belief-oriented oc-
Bandura, A. (1986). Social Foundations of Thought and Action: A
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One Step at a Time: The New Behavioral Activation Approach to Baron, K., Kielhofner, G., Iyenger, A., Goldhammer, V., & Wolenski, J.
Getting Your Life Back. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger. (2002). The Occupational Self Assessment (ASA) (Version 2.0).
• Beck, J. S. (2005). Cognitive Therapy for Challenging Problems: Chicago: Model of Human Occupation Clearing House, Depart-
What To Do When the Basics Don’t Work. New York: Guilford ment of Occupational Therapy, College of Applied Health Sci-
Press. ences, University of Illinois at Chicago.
• Bourne, E. J. (2005). The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook. Oakland, Baum, C., & Christensen, C. (2005). Person-environment-occupation
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• Burns, D. B. (1993). Ten Days to Self-Esteem. New York: In C. Christensen & C. Baum (Eds.), Occupational Therapy:
HarperCollins. Performance, Participation and Well-Being (pp. 243–266). Thorofare,
• Greenberger, D., & Padesky, C. A. (1995). Mind Over Mood: NJ: Slack, Inc.
Change How You Feel by Changing the Way You Think. New York: Beck, A. T. (1976). Cognitive Therapy and the Emotional Disorders
Guilford Press. (4th ed.). Madison, CT: International University Press.
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Sensory Skills 20
Catana Brown and Rebecca Nicholson

N ot the senses I have but what I do with them is my kingdom.

—Helen Keller

Sensory processing involves multiple steps at both the

Barb and Joan are friends who like to go to the same exercise neural and behavioral levels. It includes noticing a stimulus,
class; however, when they get to the gym they position them- recognizing or classifying the stimulus, and then under-
selves in different corners of the room. Barb likes to be in a spot standing or giving meaning to the stimulus. After the stimu-
where a large fan blows directly on her, whereas Joan is strate- lus is processed, a behavioral response can occur. For exam-
gically located so that she can’t feel the wind from any of the ple, when driving, you may startle when hearing a loud and
fans in the room. unexpected noise, look in your rearview mirror, and deter-
Two children, Joshua and Aaron, attend the same preschool. mine that the noise is an ambulance siren coming from be-
Joshua digs right into the finger paints, play dough, and mud hind. You then decide that you should move out of the way
pile outside, whereas Aaron dislikes getting his hands dirty. He and react by pulling over to the side of the road to let the am-
really enjoys the building blocks and puzzles at the school. bulance pass.
Allison and Sarah are college roommates. Allison likes to Sensory integration, in contrast, is limited to the processes
stay in the busy dormitory and study in the room with the ra- involved in organizing multiple sensations from the environ-
dio playing or the TV turned on. Sarah finds this too distract- ment and the person’s own body. According to Ayres (1979),
ing and has found a quiet study room in the library. sensory integration is followed by an adaptive response, which
These individuals are successfully engaging in important involves “a purposeful, goal directed response to a sensory ex-
occupations, but their preferences and ways of going about perience” (p. 6). When playing tennis, you bring together the
these occupations differ. These individuals have different re- visual input of the ball, the tactile input of the racket in your
actions to sensation. Without even thinking about it, most hand, and the vestibular and proprioceptive input to position
people make choices about activities and create an environ- yourself to return the ball.
ment that supports their own sensory preferences. However, Sensory processing begins with the nervous system
sometimes we are unable to make adjustments to an envi- noticing or detecting sensory stimuli. Our nervous system
ronment, we lack self-awareness about our sensory prefer- relies on the peripheral ends of sensory neurons, or recep-
ences, or our sensory preferences are so constricting that tors, to detect sensory stimuli. There are different types of
they interfere with daily life. In these situations, occupa- receptors for different types of sensory information. For
tional therapists can use their knowledge about sensory pro- example, chemoreceptors detect chemicals in the environ-
cessing to design interventions that allow individuals to en- ment and are used in taste and smell, whereas mechanore-
gage in important occupations, regardless of their particular ceptors detect changes in pressure, position, and accelera-
sensory preferences. tion, and are important in vestibular and proprioceptive
perception. The receptors are concentrated on sensory or-
gans such as the taste buds of the tongue, which act as the
Sensory Processing chemoreceptors for taste.
Stimulation of a neural receptor results in an action po-
Sensory processing is the means by which we obtain infor- tential. When the stimulus is strong (e.g., the noise is loud,
mation about the world and our own bodies. In occupa- the lights are bright, the taste is intense), the neurons fire
tional therapy, the term sensory integration is often used more rapidly, or more receptors respond, or for a longer pe-
broadly to refer to the same construct. However, drawing on riod of time. In other words, the person is more likely to no-
the consensus work published in the Sensory Integration Spe- tice the stimulus because of the neuronal response. A weak
cial Interest Section Quarterly (Lane, Miller, & Hanft, 2000; stimulus results in impulses that are slower, shorter in dura-
Miller & Lane, 2000), the terms sensory processing and sen- tion, or involve fewer receptors. There is individual variabil-
sory integration are distinguished in this chapter. Sensory ity in receptor sensitivity based on the individual’s threshold
processing is the larger construct that encompasses sensory for detecting a particular stimulus. Many people have experi-
integration. enced a situation in which one person notices a smell, sound,

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or visual stimulus that another person missed. Within this which appears as poor motor planning or uncoordinated
continuum of receptor sensitivity, there can be great variabil- movement. Sensory discrimination disorders occur when the
ity among individuals who remain functional. However, individual has difficulty processing sensory stimuli. This can
some individuals may be so hyperresponsive or so hypore- be present in any of the sensory modalities. The role of the oc-
sponsive that their conditions interfere with daily life. cupational therapist in assessment is to determine the partic-
After receptor stimulation, the second step of sensory pro- ular area of sensory processing difficulty. Later in the chapter,
cessing involves the brain recognizing or classifying a stimu- particular assessment approaches are discussed. As an initial
lus. For example, the pitch and volume of a sound are deci- proposal, it is expected that this nosology will change with ad-
phered into human speech, or a chemical in the environment ditional research.
is translated by the olfactory bulb as the smell of coffee brew-
ing. Once a stimulus is identified, we typically attribute mean-
ing to that information (e.g., words are not just sounds but
can tell a story or provide a warning) and assimilate that in- Sensory Modalities
formation into what we are doing at the time. When asked to identify sensory modalities, people generally
Finally, the behavioral response to the stimulus is a com- think of the five senses: vision, hearing, touch, taste and
plex reaction that can occur at the level of conscious or un- smell. However, there are two additional senses that are im-
conscious awareness and usually includes cognitive and motor portant. The proprioceptive and vestibular senses provide
processing. For example, after smelling the coffee, you may get information that is essential to effective movement. The next
out a mug and pour yourself a cup. Then again, you may de- section briefly describes each of the sensory modalities.
cide that you have already had too much caffeine for the day
and go on to something else.
Occupational therapists are concerned with all steps of
Visual System
sensory processing. Although most of the activity involved Humans rely heavily on the visual system. The visual system
in sensory processing occurs at the neuronal level, occupa- provides information about the properties of an object, such
tional therapists may infer what is happening in the nervous as shape, size and color, and can tell us how close or far away
system based on behavioral observation (Miller & Lane, something is. The lens of the eye is involved in focusing and,
2000). It is important to recognize this distinction because therefore, is connected with visual acuity (the ability to see
our inferences may be incorrect at times. For example, an in- things clearly). The visual field is the area in which an indi-
dividual receiving a hug stiffens and makes a face that sug- vidual can see. In humans, the visual field of each eye over-
gests displeasure. The therapist may interpret this response laps, which creates our ability to perceive depth.
as tactile defensiveness, indicating the stimuli are too intense Photoreceptors are the receptors for the visual system,
for this person. However, this assumption may be incorrect; and there are two types: cones and rods. Rods are best at de-
the individual could be responding this way because he or tecting motion and are more prominent on the periphery of
she does not like the person doing the hugging. A simple so- the retina. Cones allow for the perception of color and pro-
lution in this case would be to ask the person about the re- duce sharp images in bright light. Schneider (1969) was one
action. Understanding the neurological systems involved of the first to describe “two visual systems,” with one system
provides important information to guide occupational ther- for movement (where something is) and the other for form
apy assessment and intervention. Questions the occupa- (what something is). Parallel processing of form and move-
tional therapist might ask when making an observation in- ment is supported by clinical evidence (Kandel, Schwartz, &
clude the following: Jessell, 2000). For example, a lesion of the cerebral cortex can
■ Does the person notice relevant stimuli, and can he or result in loss of vision for movement, yet the individual may
she screen out or habituate to irrelevant information? still have adequate vision for form.
■ Can the person identify the sensory stimulus correctly?
■ Does the person use the information effectively to better Auditory System
understand the environment or his or her own body?
■ Does the person respond in a way that is productive or Like the visual system, the auditory system is important in
adaptive? the location of objects in the environment. In addition, the
auditory system provides us with information about sounds,
Sensory Processing Disorders one of the most important being information about speech.
Humans have an amazing ability to selectively attend to au-
Recently, several experts in sensory processing disorders devel- ditory input. Unlike visual stimuli, to which it is difficult to
oped a nosology of sensory processing disorders to clarify dif- selectively attend (i.e., look in a particular direction and de-
ferent conditions (Miller, Anzalone, Lane, Cermak, & Osten, termine what you will and will not notice), with auditory in-
2007). There are three classic patterns: sensory modulation put we frequently decide to listen to one conversation over
disorders, sensory-based motor disorders, and sensory dis- another or ignore ambient sounds in the background.
crimination disorders. Each pattern includes subtypes. Auditory input comes in the form of waves that can be
The modulation disorders exist when behavioral responses measured in terms of amplitude and frequency. When the
are inconsistent with the available sensory stimuli such that amplitude and frequency falls within our range, we can de-
some individuals underrespond, some overrespond, and oth- tect the sound. Amplitude refers to the number of vibrating
ers have an insatiable desire for a particular sensation. The particles, which accounts for its loudness. The frequency of
sensory-based motor disorders include postural problems or sound is the rate at which the waves pass a given point. Fre-
difficulty stabilizing the body when moving and dyspraxia, quency is roughly related to the pitch of a sound.
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282 PART 2 ■ The Person

The detection of a sound begins when sound waves pro- smell, airborne molecules enter the nasal cavity and are
duce a vibration of the eardrum. This vibration is transmit- detected by olfactory receptors that extend into the nostril
ted through the fluids of the inner ear and then hair cells, as cilia or hair. With taste, a chemical (typically in the form
which results in the firing of nerve fibers. We can also hear of food) is placed directly on the tongue to activate the re-
through bone conduction, such as when we hear ourselves ceptors in the taste buds. However, many of the nuances
speak or chew. The reason that we sound different to our- associated with taste are actually attributed to olfaction
selves (were you surprised the first time you heard yourself because when we taste a food we almost always smell it.
on a recording?) is because we hear ourselves through both Taste and smell are very important in food selection and
bone and air conduction, whereas others hear our voice only food avoidance. These senses can help us identify unsafe
through air conduction. or unpleasant foods. Human are able to detect the pres-
ence of an odor with relatively low levels of a stimulus;
however, our ability to recognize odors (i.e., name the
Tactile System smell) is poor.
The tactile system works through a variety of sensory recep-
tors found in the skin. Some of the receptors lie close to the Proprioceptive System
surface of the skin, whereas others are found in the deeper
subcutaneous tissue. Some of the receptors respond to light Proprioception is the awareness of the body’s position in
touch, which is an arousing sensation that causes us to pay space. Although you are not aware of it, proprioception is re-
attention and notice something in our environment. An- quired for even automatic activities such as walking. Walk-
other type of receptor responds to pressure and is the dis- ing requires awareness throughout the body to maintain an
criminative element of the tactile system. Discriminative upright posture and to strike your foot in a manner that
touch tells us where and what we are feeling. In addition, the moves you forward. Proprioceptive receptors detect changes
skin contains thermoreceptors that recognize hot and cold, in the position of muscles and joints, which provides us with
and nociceptors that detect pain. information about the relative position of our body in space.
Our ability to localize and discriminate touch depends This sense does not provide us with information about the
on several factors. First, the concentration of tactile recep- outside environment; rather, it gives us important informa-
tors is not consistent over the body. Generally, the skin is tion about our own body. All movement results in proprio-
more sensitive distally (e.g., fingers, toes) than proximally ceptive input, but this sense becomes particularly important
(e.g., shoulders, trunk), and the face is particularly sensitive when movements are conducted without visual input (e.g.,
to pressure. The adaptive state of the skin also influences the touch typing).
detection of tactile stimuli. For example, if a steady pressure Muscle spindles act as receptors, providing information
is applied to the skin, we are likely to habituate to it and lose about muscle length and velocity of stretch. Golgi tendon
awareness of the stimuli. We are less likely to habituate to organs provide information at the site where the tendon
weaker stimuli that are presented intermittently. This ex- meets muscle. Therefore, without looking, we know when
plains why generally people are not constantly aware of the we have raised our arm and can approximate where our arm
feel of their clothing unless they move and the site and type is in relation to the rest of our body.
of touch changes as the clothing moves against the skin. It
also explains why deep pressure is comforting, and light
touch is arousing. Vestibular System
It is important to note that tactile sensitivity is an impor-
Of all the senses, we are typically the least conscious of the
tant component of food preferences. In addition to the taste
vestibular system—unless it becomes dysfunctional, and we
of a food, we are very aware of the texture or feel of the foods
experience the unpleasant sensations of dizziness and nausea.
we eat. Often, dislike for a particular food can be attributed
The vestibular system is responsible for balance through de-
exclusively to its tactile characteristics rather than taste—
tection of the position and movement of the head in space.
such as the sliminess associated with raw oysters or the fuzzy
Receptors located in the semicircular canals of the inner ear
texture of a peach skin.
lie in three different planes; thus, they are able to detect
movement of the head in any direction. In addition to keep-
Taste (Gustatory) and Smell (Olfactory) ing the body balanced, the vestibular system allows us to keep
Systems our eyes fixed on a particular point in space even when our
body is moving around.
Taste and smell are primitive senses. Smell is the only sense Rarely do the sensory systems work independently. The
that connects directly to the amygdala and hippocampus be- simple act of taking notes in class provides a good exam-
fore going to the thalamus. The amygdala and hippocampus ple. The vestibular system keeps you balanced in your
have functions that are associated with emotional responses chair and helps you move your eyes from the instructor to
and the consolidation of memories. This connection may your paper. In addition, there is the sensation of hearing
explain why smell is so strongly associated with feelings and the lecture, the use of visual input to keep your writing on
memories (Herz & Engen, 1996). Undoubtedly, you have the lines, and a great deal of tactile and proprioceptive
had the experience when a smell “takes you back” to a spe- sense to hold the pen and form the letters. Imagine how
cific place and point in time. difficult the task would become without the input of just
The gustatory and olfactory systems are chemical one of the sensory modalities. What would your notes
sensory systems that are highly connected. In the case of look like if you could not see the page? How would you
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form the letters if you cannot sense the small movement of

your hand?
Vignette: ADHD—Tyler
We often take our senses for granted unless there is a An occupational therapist was providing services to
problem. Children and adults with psychiatric disabilities Tyler, a first-grader with ADHD who was placed in a
can have sensory processing impairments that interfere with highly structured classroom. The teacher had a strict be-
their daily life. The next section describes sensory processing havioral program in place that significantly limited
impairments that are associated with particular psychiatric movement in the classroom. The first-graders had indi-
diagnoses. vidual trash receptacles placed at their desks, and there
were no out-of-seat activities for a large portion of the
morning. Even activities such as pencil sharpening oc-
curred only at designated times. The team believed that
Sensory Processing and Children this type of structure would be the answer for Tyler, who
seemed to be in constant motion. Although the program
With Psychiatric Disabilities was successful in limiting Tyler’s out-of-seat behavior, he
Working with children provides opportunities to observe the grew more anxious each day in the classroom.
influence of sensory issues in their purest form. Walk into After a few days in the classroom, the OT went to
any preschool, and you can observe children reveling in the check with the teacher to see how things were going.
opportunity to create an artistic masterpiece using finger This visit occurred during one of the designated move-
paints or diving into the sand or water tables. There will also ment times. The teacher reported successfully eliminat-
be those children who are cautiously observing these activi- ing unnecessary movement, although task completion
ties at an arm’s length. was still an issue. The children filed off to the restroom.
Other children are unaware that certain sensory experi- As Tyler began walking down the hall, pieces of his
ences are creating feelings of anxiety, distractibility, and even clothing fell to the floor. By the time he had reached the
anger. Children are often unable to articulate or understand restroom, most of his jeans and a large portion of his
what is upsetting to them. For example, at the most primi- shirt were missing. Although Tyler had not been out of
tive levels, a baby cries when it is hungry or wet, and a tod- his seat all morning, he had been cutting his clothing
dler throws a temper tantrum when splashed by a peer in the rather than completing the group art project.
wading pool. However, in some cases, reactions to sensory
experiences can result in behaviors that are disruptive to the
child’s daily life and sometimes to those around them. Although this vignette represents an extreme case of
Teachers and parents are often unaware that there may be ADHD, it illustrates the fact that behavioral approaches can
underlying sensory issues and may attempt to alleviate the be ineffective in extinguishing sensory processing difficulties.
problem through a strictly behavioral approach. Although Using a sensory frame of reference, the occupational therapist
behavioral strategies can be helpful when used in conjunc- can provide insight to the types of sensory problems that in-
tion with sensory interventions, ignoring the sensory influ- terfere with daily performance and offer strategies to reduce
ences will not alleviate the problem and may make it worse. the negative reactions to the sensory experiences. For Tyler, al-
The following sections explain sensory processing impair- lowing periods of movement was critical to his ability to con-
ments that are associated with attention deficit-hyperactivity centrate on the task at hand. When he was required to sit for
disorder (ADHD), autism spectrum disorder, and learning long periods of time, he was less likely to attend to classroom
disabilities. tasks. In his case, the team reconvened, and a different class-
room was selected that gave Tyler increased opportunities for
movement throughout his day and a vestibular disk placed on
Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder his chair for in-seat activities. When movement strategies were
incorporated into his classroom routine, his productivity in-
Children diagnosed with ADHD have patterns of sensory creased. It is important to note that, in addition to sensory is-
processing that are different from the typical child (Dunn, sues that interfered with performance, Tyler had cognitive
1999). It is important to understand that children with challenges as well. It was the combination of adaptations in
ADHD do not simply have the inability to attend to infor- the cognitive demands, such as removing distractors and cre-
mation; rather, they have difficulty attending to relevant in- ating the optimal sensory environment, that led to more suc-
formation in combination with filtering out extraneous cess in academic performance.
stimulation. Allowing movement within the classroom is sometimes
This inability to process sensory information in their considered unacceptable to classroom teachers, but some of
daily lives often leads to behavioral and social emotional the literature suggests otherwise. In one study, the use of ther-
problems. In one study, researchers examined health prob- apy balls for seating in classrooms during language arts activ-
lems associated with ADHD, using the health-related quality ities was examined (Schilling, Washington, Billingsley, &
of life questionnaires (Klassen, Miller, & Fine, 2004). Partici- Deitz, 2003). This study, completed on a group of 30 fourth-
pants reported clinically important problems in psychoso- grade students, 3 of whom had been diagnosed with ADHD,
cial areas such as self-esteem, involvement in family activi- found improvements in seated behaviors as well as increased
ties, and emotional behavioral problems. In addition, the legibility on writing tasks when seated on the therapy balls.
study explored the effects of this diagnosis on parents’ emo- All 3 of the subjects with ADHD reported that they found the
tional health and the negative effects on the function of the use of therapy balls to be helpful in respect to comfort and
family in general daily life activities. ability to complete assignments in the classroom.
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284 PART 2 ■ The Person

Children with ADHD often present patterns of sensory processing is warranted. Researchers such as Blakemore et al
processing related to movement that are different from the (2006) found evidence of hypersensitivity to certain tactile
typical child (Dunn,1999); however, it is important to rec- stimuli. In their study, they were able to demonstrate that
ognize that patterns of sensory processing for children with children with Asperger’s disorder had hypersensitive reac-
ADHD are highly variable (Mangeot et al, 2001). There- tions to stimulation that was imposed on them from an out-
fore, educational teams should resist the temptation to pre- side source, but had a normal response to tactile stimulation
scribe any sensory intervention based on diagnosis alone. they controlled. Hypersensitivity to touch in autism was also
For example, the use of weighted vests has been demon- supported by research in the development of the Sensory
strated to increase on-task behavior for children with Profile Questionnaire (Dunn, 1999; Kientz & Dunn, 1997).
ADHD (Vandenberg, 2001). Although this study provides Lepisto et al (2005) examined the auditory processing of
support for deep pressure input for children with ADHD, it children with autism and found enhanced sound discrimi-
cannot be assumed that all children with ADHD would nation related to pitch. From this research study, the authors
benefit from the use of a weighted vest. The child, the en- proposed a possible link between the hypersensitivity to low-
vironment, and the demands of the activity are all impor- level pitch and inability to comprehend higher-level lan-
tant considerations in designing sensory interventions. guage function. In these subjects, their comprehension of
See Chapter 8 for more information on ADHD. the meaning of speech decreased when they demonstrated
superior skills in pitch processing; that is, the authors pro-
Autism Spectrum Disorder posed that the hypersensitivity in these discrete areas of
speech possibly interfered with their ability to derive mean-
It is important to note that the current accepted diagnostic ing from speech.
criteria for pervasive developmental disorders, which in- In a study by Pierce, Glad, and Schreibman (1997), social
clude autism and Asperger’s disorder, do not include diffi- perception by children with autism was examined. In this
culties with sensory processing. However, first-hand ac- study, the investigators found that children with autism per-
counts of adults with autism include descriptions of formed significantly poorer on tasks requiring visual recogni-
sensory experiences such as an aversion to touch and a hy- tion and processing of multiple social cues presented in short
persensitivity to auditory stimuli. In an article by O’Neill video vignettes. An interesting finding of this study was that it
and Jones (1997), possible problems with accepting these was only when the children were required to process multiple
accounts as accurate are explored. Difficulties such as influ- social cues that there were significant differences from typical
ence by coauthors, the respondents lack of understanding children. These authors propose that it is possible that children
regarding what is “typical,” and the fact that these accounts with autism are not as impaired in visual recognition of social
are from individuals on the high end of the functional con- cues as is generally accepted; rather, it is when confronted with
tinuum of autism warrant caution when interpreting these processing multiple environmental cues in combination that
accounts. Therefore, making generalizations about what all the interpretation of social experiences breaks down.
children with autism experience in day-to-day sensory ex- Children with disorders on the autism spectrum often
periences is not advisable. In addition, the research may not have reactions to certain sensory experiences that interfere
always clearly describe the complexity of their responses in with their ability to perform daily life tasks. Children with
terms of cognitive, behavioral, and sensory influences. autism sometimes have a heightened awareness of sensory
However, the authors acknowledge that, despite problems stimulation and may even have unusual abilities related to
with overgeneralization of these accounts, there is adequate sensory experiences.
evidence to support the idea that abnormalities in sensory
processing are often associated with diagnoses on the
autism spectrum. Vignette: Autism—Shawn
Although current criteria for diagnosis of autism and As-
perger’s disorder do not include impaired sensory process- Shawn was an 8-year-old child with autism who had a
ing, studies suggest that further investigation into sensory heightened response to auditory stimulation. Often, she
would be observed talking in her classroom at what ap-
peared to be inappropriate times. The topics would be
unrelated to what was happening in class, and it was
Evidence-Based Practice difficult to refocus her attention on the subject at hand.
On further examination of the verbalizations, the para-

D eep pressure touch can have a calming influence. One

way of providing a constant source of deep pressure is
through the use of weighted vests. There is evidence that
professional realized that Shawn was repeating exact
phrases that were being spoken across the hall in an-
other classroom.
the use of weighted vests can increase on-task behavior for In addition, Shawn would frequently come to school
children with ADHD.
in the morning and begin reciting entire conversations
➤ Occupational therapists can consider weighted vests or between members of her family. After observing this
other methods of deep pressure input for children with child for some time, the educational team determined
ADHD. that when Shawn was provided with visual cues, she was
able to concentrate on the relevant auditory stimulation
Vandenberg, D. L. (2001).The use of a weighted vest to increase on-task
behavior in children with attention difficulties. American Journal of Occu- in the environment. Working on a computer with head
pational Therapy, 55(6), 621–628. phones was a particularly successful activity.
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Shawn’s situation illustrates the extreme impact that a opportunities children in educational settings have to
sensory processing issue can have on classroom participa- make decisions about the amount and type of stimulation
tion. Although all children with sensory processing disor- they can handle in a given situation. When confronted
ders have unique sensory needs, children with autism have with a situation that they may find overwhelming, chil-
different levels of need. Their seeking behaviors and avoid- dren with autism may resort to behavioral outbursts be-
ance behaviors go beyond just interfering with their ability cause of lack of control of implementing coping strategies
to function. The child with autism is often dominated by that are available to adults in the same situation.
the fear of certain stimuli or driven to the point of obses- Dunn, Myles, and Orr (2002) studied the sensory pro-
sion to seek the stimulation they crave. Temple Grandin cessing patterns of children with Asperger’s disorder and
(2000), an adult with Asperger’s disorder, describes her ex- found evidence of problems with sensory modulation,
periences as a child in a paper entitled, “My Experiences suggesting a fluctuating response that is both hypersensi-
with Visual Thinking Sensory Problems and Communica- tive and hyposensitive. For example, a child may have ex-
tion Difficulties.” Temple had an extreme hypersensitivity to treme reactions to certain types of loud, unpredictable
touch and auditory stimulation. She described the follow- noises, such as when peers in the classroom become upset
ing account from her childhood: and yell or scream. Yet, surprisingly, the same child is not
bothered by the loud ringing of the monthly fire drill
When I was a child, I feared the ferry boat that took us
to our summer vacation home. When the boat’s horn
Pfeiffer, Kinnealey, Reed, and Herzberg (2005) exam-
blew, I threw myself on the floor and screamed. Autistic
ined the relationships between dysfunctions in sensory
children and adults may fear dogs or babies because
modulation, affective disorders, and adaptive behaviors in
barking dogs or crying babies may hurt their ears. Dogs
children and adolescents with Asperger’s disorder. These
and babies are unpredictable, and they can make a
researchers found significant relationships between hyper-
hurtful noise without warning. . . . (p. 1)
sensitivity to sensory stimulation and negative impacts on
When we accept the idea that stimulation for some chil- community use and social skills. For example, hypersensi-
dren is not just upsetting, but even painful, it becomes clear tivity may prevent a child from play that involves physical
that identifying the processing patterns is critical in the contact or make it difficult to stand in line or attend com-
process of helping the child participate in daily activities. munity events that involve crowds. One explanation for
One of the challenges in working with children with autism the negative effects is that children and adolescents with
is that it is difficult to release our own ideas about how we Asperger’s disorder do not have effective coping methods
perceive stimulation from the environment; that is, we often for dealing with the hypersensitivity, unlike adults, who
make assumptions about how a child with autism is inter- are capable of recognizing their limitations and planning
preting information based on how we would interpret it. A their lives accordingly. When a child is hypersensitive to
classical example of this is the general assumption that, certain types of sensory stimulation, he or she has little
when a child is not visually attending to a person or an ac- control in the educational setting. A child who cannot
tivity, he or she is not engaged in the task. handle the noise and activity level of the gymnasium will
Brockmeyer and Bundy (2001) describe the experiences not be excused from gym class. However, if the child’s be-
of four adults with Asperger’s disorder when questioned havior disrupts the class or he or she becomes aggressive
about the topic of eye contact during conversation. These toward another student, the child is usually removed from
individuals indicated that comprehending the verbal por- the situation.
tion of the interaction was more difficult if they engaged Occupational therapists are often asked to assist in devel-
in eye contact. In addition, the individuals with autism ex- oping interventions when children are unable to participate
plained that the act of providing eye contact lacked social in educational activities. Too often, the referral is made
meaning. based on a performance outcome, which may only be a small
We know that poor understanding of social cues is one of piece of the puzzle.
the criteria for the diagnosis of autism. Visual attention and,
specifically, eye contact is one of the component skills of so-
cial interaction that is socially valued. However, we should
consider the possibility that eye contact is an expectation of
the person without autism who is engaging in the conversa-
tion, not the individual with autism. People with autism Evidence-Based Practice
have identified strategies such as looking at the person’s eye-
brows or ears in an effort to concentrate on the conversation
and still provide cues that they were in fact engaged in the
E ducational strategies such as reducing task difficulty and
using small interactive groups and direct response ques-
tions are effective classroom techniques for children with learn-
ing disabilities.
When we set expectations for certain skills to be in
place in order for a child with autism to participate, we ➤ Occupational therapists should combine educational and
may, in fact, be interfering with strategies that the child sensory strategies when developing interventions for chil-
has in place for coping with differences in his or her abil- dren with learning disabilities.
ity to process sensory information. For example, the child
Vaughn, S., Gersten, R., & Chard, D. (2000). The underlying message in
may be better equipped to attend to a classroom task if he LD intervention research: Findings from research syntheses. Exceptional
or she were allowed to move to another part of the room Children, 67(1), 99–114.
when noise levels increase. We take for granted how few
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286 PART 2 ■ The Person

Vignette: Asperger’s Disorder— Evidence-Based Practice

David is an 11-year-old boy with Asperger’s disorder who
has been placed in a self-contained behavior disorder
R esearch on children with autism indicates a hypersensitiv-
ity to touch when the stimuli is imposed on the child, but
a normal response when the child is able to control the stimuli.
classroom for most of his academic instruction. He was Children with autism also have difficulty processing multiple vi-
removed from his classroom because of a biting incident sual social cues, but perform well when presented with only one
on the playground and then referred to occupational cue at a time.
therapy following an outside evaluation that revealed a
➤ Occupational therapists can develop interventions that allow
significant delay on a standardized motor assessment. In children with autism to have control over available sensory
addition, the classroom teacher indicated that he was un- input (particularly tactile input).
able to complete written work in the classroom.
The occupational therapist went into the classroom ➤ Occupational therapists can help individuals with autism to
interpret social cues by creating situations in which the
to observe his performance and carefully explained that
amount of visual stimuli is reduced.
she was there to help him improve his handwriting in
class. He glanced at her, carefully took his pencil and Blakemore, S. J., Tavassoli, T., Calo, S., Thomas, R. M., Catmur, C., Frith,
scribbled out: “I hate you. This is irrelevant.” After U., & Haggard, P. (2006). Tactile sensitivity in Asperger syndrome. Brain
and Cognition, 61, 5–13.
watching him for a short time, the therapist agreed
Pierce, K., Glad, K. S., & Schreibman, L. (1997). Social perception in chil-
completely. Although it was true that David had limited dren with autism: An attentional deficit. Journal of Autism and Develop-
ability to produce written work in the classroom, he was mental Disorders, 27(3), 265–282.
able to provide great detail about topics he was reading
and could verbally respond to any content question. Al-
though the teachers reported that David was not inter-
ested or able to use a word processor to complete his Learning Disabilities
work, he had never received consistent instruction in
keyboarding because his behavior prevented him from In the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,
participating in computer lab. The noise, the close con- Fourth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR) (American Psy-
tact with others, and even the tactile experience of the chiatric Association, 2000), learning disorders are described as
keyboard was problematic for him. performance in academic achievement that is significantly
If the therapist had continued to look at David from lower than would be expected based on IQ, age, and school-
a developmental frame of reference and failed to recog- ing. In some cases, sensory processing problems may con-
nize his difficulties with sensory modulation, she would tribute to the learning difficulty, but there is great diversity in
have constructed a handwriting program in which he the type of sensory issues found in children with learning dis-
would be in daily conflict with his teachers, paraprofes- abilities. For example, one child may have difficulty processing
sionals, and parents. David was exactly on target. His auditory information, while for another visual processing is
handwriting was irrelevant. The amount of time, effort, difficult. It is important to note that a large percentage of chil-
and cooperation required on his part would never have dren with ADHD have a learning disability with one study
justified the end result. finding rates as high as 70% (Mayes, Calhoun, & Crowell,
To provide David with a method to complete written 2000). Therefore, many of the sensory strategies that are effec-
work, the Dragon Naturally Speaking software program tive for children with ADHD are applicable to children with
was installed on the computer in the library, where learning disabilities. The following vignettes illustrate differ-
David could go to complete assignments in a quiet set- ent sensory processing concerns for two children with learn-
ting. This program typed whatever David spoke into the ing disabilities and examples of how an occupational therapist
computer. The team still believed that it would be use- might approach these concerns.
ful for David to learn to type, so he was given an Al-
phaSmart Neo equipped with a typing tutorial and Co-
writer word prediction software package. This portable
word processing device was with him both at home and Vignette: Learning Disability—
at school, and provided an effective method of storing Jacob
assignments throughout the day so his parents were able
Jacob was a first-grader with a learning disability who
to easily see what needed to be completed. As David be-
was also diagnosed with ADHD. Jacob had tremendous
came more efficient with typing, Inspiration software
difficulty focusing on important information in the class-
was also loaded on the computer in the library to use
room. One day, when asked to recount what he had been
David’s strengths in visual processing. This software al-
working on during his morning academics, he replied,
lowed David to create visual concepts maps when learn-
“Oh, a whole GLOB of things.” It was the perfect
ing new material. The Inspiration software was also use-
metaphor to how he saw the world—as a “glob” of things
ful when organizing group projects in his gifted class.
with indistinguishable features.
Jacob drew a picture of his creative writing story that
was impossible to interpret. Whereas most children can
See Chapter 7 for more information on pervasive develop-
isolate one important event, Jacob tried to draw a pictorial
mental disorders.
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representation of the entire story. At first glance, his pic- home program in order to receive his reward. He had
ture appeared to be meaningless and disorganized. How- amazing recall for details of stories that had been read to
ever, with a more careful review, it revealed amazing detail him and had a well-developed vocabulary. He could also
and insight. Still, even Jacob could not fully describe each perform advanced math functions. However, Robert
detail because, once completed, it was so visually challeng- was well aware of his shortcomings and frequently re-
ing that he could not decipher what had been drawn. sorted to manipulative behaviors to draw attention
This was often the case with his written work as well. away from the skills he lacked. He had exceptional mo-
On the days he was highly motivated to complete a story, tor skills, but initially was not able to write a single let-
he would go into too much detail and sometimes mean- ter after a full year of kindergarten.
der around to different topics. Eventually, he would get One day when working with Robert, the occupational
lost in the descriptions, and his handwriting would dete- therapist began to discover the breadth of Robert’s dis-
riorate so profoundly that, much to his frustration, little ability. He was pushing the limits at every turn. The ther-
of the story could be salvaged when it came time for the apist engaged in a discussion that would have been be-
final draft. yond the understanding of the average kindergartner,
but in using a metaphor Robert was able to start talking
about his problems. The occupational therapist de-
Many children with learning disabilities learn quickly to scribed an angry meter explaining that everyone has an
edit their work down to the bare bones as a survival skill in angry meter, and different things can make the angry
the area of written language. Thus, a paragraph once rich meter have a high reading. The therapist informed
with detail becomes a two-sentence description that is not Robert that his behavior had indeed activated her angry
representative of the child’s true cognitive potential. meter, and it was almost at the highest limit. This little
Evaluating the sensory processing skills for children with description of a concrete representation of anger really
learning disabilities can provide the team with important in- hit home with Robert. He immediately started to tell the
formation that may be beneficial to the design of interven- therapist about some of the things that activated his me-
tions. With learning disabilities, it is also important for occu- ter. Not the least of which was performing the daily let-
pational therapists to examine educational strategies that are ter recognition and phonics exercises in class. From that
supported in the literature and provide the team with informa- day forward, Robert never failed to ask the occupational
tion regarding both sensory and educational strategies. In a therapist how her meter was doing and how his was
meta-analysis summarizing research in the field of learning measuring as well.
disabilities, Vaughn, Gersten, and Chard (2000) found that
control of task difficulty (e.g., sequencing of examples, small
amounts of instruction at one time), use of small interactive
groups, and direct response questioning (“thinking aloud”) In contrast to Jacob, Robert’s auditory processing was ef-
were critical components to the most successful educational fective; however, his visual processing was not as strong.
strategies. Robert was able to learn to write letters most effectively by
For Jacob, his diagnosis of ADHD adds an additional di- coupling concrete verbal directions with the letter models. Al-
mension to these strategies. Jacob was able to successfully though he was able to write every letter given a model, he was
process visual information, but had significant difficulties pro- only able to accurately name about 25% of the letters. Robert
cessing auditory information. Therefore, when implementing was overwhelmed when presented with too much visual
strategies for Jacob to effectively control task difficulty, it would information at once. In addition, his emotional/behavioral re-
be important to use visual cues, demonstration, or modeling, sponse to frustration was problematic in the classroom. Be-
rather than a more verbal approach. In implementing small cause Robert had above average cognitive abilities, the thera-
group strategies, it would be important to consider the envi- pist was able to help him recognize when he was reaching the
ronment in which the small group would convene, with a fo- limits of frustration. The classroom teacher was also more
cus on the possible auditory distractions that could interfere aware of the signs and could intervene before problems oc-
with the intervention. In addition, although much evidence curred. By providing additional verbal cues and limiting vi-
exists to support the use of the direct response strategy, per- sual distractions, Robert was much more successful with daily
haps for Jacob this strategy would be more effectively imple- classroom assignments.
mented when he receives instruction in the resource room
rather than in a large class setting, where he might have more
difficulty processing the auditory information. Sensory Processing and Adults
With Psychiatric Disabilities
Vignette: Learning Disability— Several psychiatric disabilities that are prevalent in adults
Robert also present with sensory processing difficulties.
Robert was a bright child with incredible verbal abilities
who was unable to master the most basic prereading Schizophrenia
skill of letter recognition. His mother worked with him
The majority of this limited but growing area of research is
on his handwriting program on a daily basis, and
focused on schizophrenia. There is a great deal of variability
Robert was highly motivated to complete the assigned
in schizophrenia; however, individuals with schizophrenia
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288 PART 2 ■ The Person

The Lived Experience

and I felt frightened and hypervigilant, worrying about when it might
happen again. I was extremely introverted, seeming to lack the in-
ner initiative to interact with others, although hanging out with one
friend at a time was perfect. I preferred being in quiet places (or
outside) to avoid feeling anxious and overwhelmed. Although
most kids love breaks from school, I found the change in routine
very difficult. I had a good childhood—but it was a constant effort
to try and fit into the “mold” of a world that created so much dishar-
mony for me. I developed intricate routines to follow to maintain
inner order and stability—routines that later transformed into a se-
rious eating disorder and other obsessive compulsive behaviors
that have taken years to overcome. The rigid routines and beliefs
helped me feel in control in a body and world that felt out of con-
trol, but they interfered deeply with developmental milestones
and just being able to do the “normal” things in life.
Almost every day presented challenges—but I didn’t neces-
sarily realize it wasn’t that way for others. You have to take life
where it’s at for you—finding ways to remain hope filled and
grateful, and to reach the goals you set for yourself. My parents
have always been huge encouragers—without them I would
never have gone as far as I have. Strength does come from the
support and love of others—those who help you face chal-
I am an occupational therapist who has struggled with sensory lenges with determination and an attitude of success. Another
integrative dysfunction since childhood. Being an OT hasn’t tool I’ve always used is my spiritual life and the inspiration of peo-
given me the magical ability to “cure” myself, but it has provided ple I admire. Helen Keller’s quote, “Keep your face to the sun and
many tools that make what I experience manageable so that I you will not see the shadows” is one of my personal mottos!
can live a full life, experiencing ability instead of disability. I grew from being a child with a dysregulated nervous system
I was in my mid-30s before receiving a diagnosis on the into an adult with a dysregulated nervous system. It seemed as
autism spectrum. At that point, I had been diagnosed with a myr- if the wrong things got in, and in return, the wrong things re-
iad of other things, including a generalized anxiety disorder, ma- sulted. I am proof that children with sensory integrative dysfunc-
jor depression, schizoaffective disorder, anorexia nervosa, and tions can become adults with them. Some of the behaviors and
complex partial seizures. For me, these diagnoses bear dysfunc- life concerns might change, but the core issues remain pretty
tional sensory elements (although this may not be true for oth- steady.
ers), and I have grown to look at diagnoses more like stepping It is through my personal journey of discovery that I stumbled
stones along a pathway of discovery. on the field of occupational therapy. I was enthralled by the things
At the time I received the autism diagnosis, life had been filled OTs did to help people with sensory challenges, and was
with challenges. I’d come to believe most were “emotionally amazed at their approach to people who had autism, traumatic
based” and that I’d done something spiritually wrong. I spent brain injuries, learning disabilities, cerebral palsy, and Parkinson’s
much of my childhood and young adult years feeling frightened disease. I wanted to be part of this world! An OT worked with me
and overwhelmed—even within the safety of my home. I quickly during one of my hospitalizations, and we looked at the impact
felt dizzy, off-balance, and anxious, and this affected nearly my health was having on a “circle of life domains” chart. It was
everything I did. When I was at school, in crowds, on the play- the first time I realized there was a profession that took a whole-
ground, at a medical appointment, on family vacations, sleeping person, whole-life approach when treating people like me. OTs
over at a friend’s, riding horses, grocery shopping, playing my were always looking beyond the clinical environment (or taking
cello—I was prone to episodes where my equilibrium was chal- treatment right into real life environments), examining how some-
lenged . . . and disrupted. Things that others don’t seem to no- one’s challenges affected the quality of life in all life’s domains. I
tice could make it impossible for me to concentrate or remain in began to understand what purposeful living meant and to learn
a room—I felt tossed about and overstimulated so much of the new personal tools toward obtaining this.
time that I’d often leave a class early (causing me to get in trou- I rejoiced when I was accepted to Colorado State University’s
ble) or stay home from school entirely (causing missed assign- Occupational Therapy Program, and graduated from it in 1994.
ments and social isolation). From an early age, I dreaded going School was difficult for me for the reasons I’ve already de-
to school but couldn’t vocalize why—I knew it sounded “crazy” scribed. I underachieved at the goals I’d set, but in the midst of
so I worked to keep the sensations I experienced quiet. I loved feeling discouraged, I began learning about accommodations
the “thinking” part of school, but the sensory overwhelm I expe- and the Americans with Disabilities Act. I was blessed to receive
rienced frequently ruined the adventure. accommodations that allowed me the chance to complete some
From early on, I couldn’t eat foods with chunks or strange tex- assignments alternatively, as well as to succeed at all my field-
tures in them. I had episodes where parts of my body felt too big, work placements. In classes, these included taking tests alone,
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The Lived Experience—cont’d

being allowed to sit in the back, having note takers, and present- include so many self-defeating challenges and negative in-
ing work to smaller groups. In fieldwork, these included working ner voices.
fewer hours and drawing the experiences out for longer time pe- I haven’t grown far from the field of occupational therapy. I con-
riods, getting frequent breaks, doing some of my paperwork in tribute to the psychosocial realm when the opportunity presents,
a quiet environment, and doing local placements so I didn’t have finding new ways to use my skills (e.g., through writing and pro-
to travel far or relocate. At this time, I was still mostly carrying the viding phone support on a warm line). I have learned that the core
stigma of having many psychiatric diagnoses. It was embarrass- of healthy living is to find the ability to truly live it purposefully—in
ing to tell others why I needed accommodations, and I didn’t a way that causes one’s soul to sing and dance. I have learned that
have the vocabulary to fully explain what I needed. I was deter- hope and encouraging words are vital ingredients in the fuel that
mined to become an occupational therapist—but my inability to sustains courage and strength for clients who share their journeys
self-advocate often got in the way. with us. I have learned that labels can stigmatize, and that we owe
In 2000, an astute doctor gave me the autism diagno- it to others to listen with open minds and attitudes, forever see-
sis and helped me better understand what I experience as ing ourselves as students with so much more to learn.
a syndrome that begins in my nervous system. This was a Remember that within our uniqueness, we share a common
huge turning point for me. He was the one who really space and thread—one that probably makes us more alike than
helped me understand the strong interplay among genet- different. My hope is that my dream to make the world a better
ics, environment, and the neurophysical and neurochemi- place becomes part of yours, and that the special dreams you
cal pieces when it comes to sensory disorders. For once, dream, become part of mine . . . and that we accept the chal-
I stopped blaming myself and began to find new ways to lenges we encounter with an attitude of “YES!” . . . knowing we
engage in the life I desired—adopting a lifestyle that didn’t can—and do—make a difference.

generally seem to miss sensory input and yet, at the same suggests that impairments in auditory sensory processing
time, are bothered by sensations. For example, a person with may contribute to social skill deficits. This study found that
schizophrenia who is riding a public bus may not only miss individuals with schizophrenia were less able to detect the
the cues for the stop, but also find the visual and auditory vocal cues found in the intonation of language and were
stimuli in the bus overwhelming. For this reason, the person less able to use this information to determine the emotion
may choose not to use public transportation because it is too being expressed by the speaker.
challenging. In a review of studies examining visual processing and
In a study using the Adolescent/Adult Sensory Profile schizophrenia, Butler and Javitt (2005) indicate that there is
(A/ASP), individuals with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, strong support from both electrophysiological and behav-
and no mental illness were compared (Brown, Cromwell, ioral studies for a deficit in early stage visual processing. This
Filion, Dunn, & Tollefson, 2002). Individuals with schizo- review included many studies that contrasted magnocellular
phrenia had higher scores on low registration and sensation (motion detection) versus parvocellular (form detection)
avoiding, and lower scores on sensation seeking than people function in people with schizophrenia. Although deficits
without mental illness. This suggests that individuals with were found in form detection, there were more consistent
schizophrenia are not receiving adequate information about and stronger findings of motion detection impairment in
their environment and their own bodies. Not only do people schizophrenia. In addition, these deficits are related to social
with schizophrenia miss input, but also when they do detect and community functioning. For example, Sergi, Rassovsky,
sensory stimuli, they often find it unpleasant and engage in Nuechterlein, and Green (2006) found that early visual pro-
behaviors to avoid the sensation. In this study, individuals cessing was related to social perception in schizophrenia, but
with bipolar disorder also had high scores on sensation social perception—not visual processing—accounted for
avoiding, but were similar to people without mental illness more general impairments in functional status.
on the low registration subscale. It may be that people with See Chapter 14 for more information on schizophrenia.
bipolar disorder are especially prone to avoiding behaviors
when depressed, or that they may generally be more likely to Other Psychiatric Diagnoses
actively control the sensory input they do receive.
Several laboratory studies indicate sensory processing There is less research on sensory processing and other psychi-
differences in people with schizophrenia. Most of the re- atric diagnoses in adults, although a few studies indicate sen-
search has focused on auditory and visual processing. In sory processing differences in borderline personality disorder
the area of auditory processing, one area of impairment has and mood disorders. In a study using the Highly Sensitive
to do with selective attention. Individuals with schizophre- Person Scale, individuals with borderline personality disor-
nia have difficulty screening out irrelevant information der with more symptoms tended to have higher levels of sen-
(Mathalon, Heinks, & Ford, 2004), with some indication sory sensitivity to aversive stimuli (Meyer, Ajchenbrenner, &
that selective auditory attention becomes more challenging Bowles, 2005). However, this finding deviates from the re-
for people with schizophrenia the longer they are required search that suggests that individuals with borderline person-
to attend. Leitman et al (2005) conducted a study that ality disorder have reduced perception of pain (Bohus et al,
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290 PART 2 ■ The Person

2000). Self-mutilation is a common symptom of borderline effects of sensory integration interventions on the academic
personality disorder, and many individuals report that they skills of 148 children with learning disabilities. In this study,
do not feel pain when they cut or burn themselves intention- Ayres demonstrated a significant improvement in reading
ally. This behavior is described as a coping mechanism to al- scores and concluded that the improvement was most likely
leviate feelings of numbness or stun oneself out of negative the result of sensory integrative interventions.
emotions. The conflicting findings in borderline personality Bundy and Murray (2002) describe the components of
disorder could be related to the general instability and dys- sensory integrative theory in terms of normal sensory
regulation of mood that are key features of the illness. function, sensory dysfunction, and possible interventions.
Two studies examining sensory sensitivity (using the In normal sensory function, learning occurs when an indi-
Highly Sensitive Person Scale) and mood found that sensory vidual is able to effectively process the sensory information,
sensitivity was associated with anxiety (Liss, Timmel, Baxley, & and the result is an appropriate adaptive response. When
Killingsworth, 2005; Neal, Edelmann, & Glachan, 2002). An- this process is disrupted and sensory dysfunction occurs,
other study found an association with depression (Liss et al, the individual has difficulty performing physical and men-
2005). This finding is consistent with a study comparing re- tal actions. The interventions recommended by the theory
sponses on the A/ASP and the New York Longitudinal Scales are based on the premise that the integration of the tactile,
Adult Temperament Questionnaire, which found that sensory vestibular, and proprioceptive systems is not adequate to
sensitivity was associated with serious or negative mood develop organization of the nervous system, which can re-
(Brown, Tollefson, Dunn, Cromwell, & Filion, 2001). Likewise, sult in postural instability, gravitational insecurity, occulo-
using a sensory history interview, Kinnealey and Fuiek (1999) motor dysfunction, and oral motor difficulties. Subsequent
found that sensory defensive adults had higher levels of de- levels of intervention involve the development of body per-
pression and anxiety. These studies relied on self-reports of ception, bilateral coordination, motor planning, activity
sensory sensitivity to environmental stimuli. level, attention to task, emotional responses, and visual mo-
The processing of pain in people with depression is com- tor integration.
plicated. On the one hand, there is considerable evidence that The Southern California Sensory Integration Test (SCSIT;
people with depression experience higher levels of chronic Ayers, 1972b) is the culmination of six-factor analysis studies
pain (Aaron & Buchwald, 2001; Stahl & Briley, 2004). Physical by Ayres and the Goleta Union School District. The intent of
pain is considered a common component of depressive symp- this assessment was not only to identify those children whose
tomatology and may be related to dysfunction in the neuro- sensory integrative abilities fell below the typical range based
transmitter systems of serotonin and norepinephrine. On the on normative data, but also to delineate the type of dysfunc-
other hand, a systematic review of laboratory studies for pain tion associated with a particular aspect of sensory develop-
tolerance and depression found that the pain perception ment. Ayres identified the four types of sensory integrative
threshold was higher in people with depression, meaning that dysfunction categories as follows:
individuals with depression did not register pain until the sen-
1. Form and space perception
sory stimulus was intense (Dickens, McGowan, & Dale, 2003).
2. Praxis
It may be that pain experienced in an acute laboratory condi-
3. Postural and bilateral integration
tion is different from how an individual with depression expe-
4. Tactile defensiveness
riences chronic clinical pain.
For more information, see Chapter 12 on mood disorders The development of this assessment had a tremendous
and Chapter 25 on pain regulation. impact on pediatric practice in occupational therapy. Out-
lining normative data to describe underlying dysfunctions
based on neuroscience theories provided legitimacy to sen-
Models of Sensory Processing sory interventions that affected a child’s development. To
administer the assessment, therapists were required to com-
Based on the pioneering work of Jean Ayres (1972a) on sen- plete a certification course, perform multiple practice ad-
sory integration, this domain of concern has evolved such ministrations, and demonstrate competency to another per-
that there are several different practice models or theoretical son already certified in its use. Therapists in pediatric
bases from which a therapist can practice. This section pres- practice at that time who became certified in the SCSIT were
ents the different models of sensory processing in occupa- considered on the cutting edge of professional development.
tional therapy, including the theoretical base of each model The theory of sensory integration continued to evolve, and
and, when available, the associated assessments and inter- eventually, the Sensory Integration Praxis Test (SIPT) was
vention approaches. published (Ayres, 1989). The SIPT was developed as a result
of the examination of practice abilities of adults with adult-
Jean Ayres and Sensory Integration onset brain damage. The dysfunctions associated with motor
impairments in these adults were used to develop assessment
A. Jean Ayers (1972a) developed the theory of sensory integra- of practice functions in children with normal intelligence and
tion as a result of studying motor dysfunctions in children no known explanation of neurological injury. In addition,
with mild to moderate learning problems. Although these chil- portions of the SCSIT that had failed to provide useful infor-
dren did not display any discernible central nervous system mation were eliminated. The focus on examination of praxis
dysfunction, Ayres believed that the explanation for their prob- was based on the trend in research at that time, which empha-
lems was neurologically based. Ayers’ theory proposed that in- sized the interdependence of the brain’s structures.
terventions focused on improving responses to sensory stimu- Recent critical analyses of the effectiveness of sensory
lation could affect academic performance. Ayres examined the integration intervention have brought into question some
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of the findings in Ayres’ earlier work (Baranek, 2002). collaboration to carry over techniques in the home setting.
Criticism has focused on flaws in design, limited sample For example, a therapist working with a mother who is
size, and lack of replication of the early studies. Although constantly holding and rocking an irritable toddler can
the impact on academic performance has not proven to be provide strategies for the mother to use to help the child
influenced by the sensory integrative approach, examining learn to self-soothe. The therapist could demonstrate ac-
performance issues based on underlying neuroscience the- tivities that involve tactile and movement stimuli to meet
ories continues to be an impetus for current research in the child’s sensory needs.
pediatric practice.
Wilbarger Approach
Georgia DeGangi
Patricia Wilbarger and Julia Wilbarger (2002) have devel-
Georgia DeGangi is considered one of the leading experts in oped a supplemental sensory intervention directed at treat-
the field of sensory processing in infants and toddlers. Her ing sensory defensiveness. This intervention is widely recog-
work focuses on the importance of early intervention, as well nized as the Wilbarger protocol. It is also commonly referred
as the influence of the family and environment in the child’s to as the “brushing technique,” although the brushing proce-
development. Much of her research examines the significance dure is only a part of the intervention approach. The
of regulatory disorders and how these disorders affect develop- Wilbarger approach to sensory defensiveness involves educa-
ment. Children with regulatory disorders respond to sensory tion of the caregivers and the client regarding the extent of
stimuli with dysfunctional behaviors and emotions. They may sensory defensiveness and the impact on daily life experi-
cry easily and be difficult to soothe, or they may respond ences. The client is exposed to a sensory “diet” that provides
aggressively by biting or kicking. DeGangi, Breinbauer, a variety of sensory experiences embedded within daily ac-
Roosevelt, Porges, and Greenspan (2000) conducted a study to tivities. In combination with education and sensory diet, at
determine whether infants with regulatory disorders were a re- frequent intervals throughout the day, the client undergoes
liable predictor of future clinical diagnosis. Researchers found an intensive treatment involving the application of deep
that children with moderate regulatory disorders in infancy pressure using a surgical brush. These intervals range from
were found to have a high incidence of developmental delays every 90 minutes to every 2 hours. The deep pressure brush-
and parent–child relationship difficulties at age 3. DeGangi’s ing is applied to the hands, arms, back, legs, and feet. The
(2000) Pediatric Disorders of Regulation in Affect and Behavior brushing procedure is followed by joint compression in the
details normal regulatory functions in infants and toddlers, legs, arms, and trunk. This procedure was developed specif-
and suggests how to assess and treat regulatory problems in ically for clients with sensory defensiveness and is not rec-
children. ommended for individuals with medical or behavioral diag-
DeGangi, Poisson, Sickel, and Wiener (1995) have devel- noses for which deep pressure interventions might be
oped a measure to assess regulatory disorders in infants contraindicated.
and toddlers. The Infant/Toddler Symptom Checklist is a
screening tool designed for young children who present Dunn’s Model of Sensory Processing
difficult behaviors that interfere with daily activities such
as eating, and sleeping. The screening identifies children Dunn’s (1997) Model of Sensory Processing provides a the-
who are at risk for regulatory disorders and may be in need oretical framework for understanding how individuals re-
of further diagnostic testing. Parents complete a question- spond to sensory stimuli. This data-driven model was
naire that examines self-regulation, attention, sleep pat- based on a factor analysis of 1,037 Sensory Profiles (SPs) of
terns, eating, dressing, bathing and touch, movement, lis- typically developing children. The factor analysis revealed
tening and language, looking and sight, and attachment or that the items on the SP were best grouped according to
emotional functioning. The criterion-referenced checklist particular patterns of sensory processing (e.g., visual or au-
is available in a general screening version appropriate for ditory) rather than sensory modalities. Dunn’s model is
ages 7 to 30 months, as well as five age-specific versions comprised of four quadrants that are formed by the inter-
within that range. The authors of this assessment recom- section of a neurological threshold continuum and a be-
mend that it be used in conjunction with other measures to havioral response/self-regulation continuum.
provide a comprehensive understanding of the child’s de- The neurological threshold continuum runs from low
velopmental level and sensory processing patterns. Devel- (sensitization) to high (habituation). A low threshold indi-
opmental assessments and instruments that focus on un- cates that it takes less sensory stimuli or less intense stimuli
derlying sensory functions are suggested. for the nervous system to fire and take notice of the sensory
DeGangi’s approach to intervention places emphasis stimuli, whereas a high threshold requires more or an in-
on the parent–child interaction. DeGangi offers descrip- creased intensity of the sensory stimuli. A very low threshold
tions of interventions to guide the parents in managing is equated with hypersensitivity, and a very high threshold
difficult behaviors associated with eating, sleeping, and with hyposensitivity.
emotional responses. In this approach, the activities are The other continuum, behavioral response/self-regulation,
child centered, and the therapist provides sensory integra- moves from passive to active. A passive response is one in
tive techniques to elicit the desired response. The ap- which the individual responds in accordance with his or her
proach described in Pediatric Disorders of Regulation in Af- threshold, whereas an active response involves intentionally
fect and Behavior (DeGangi, 2000) is a clinically based controlling, choosing, or changing environments to manage
model in which the parent brings the child to a clinical set- sensory input. The intersection of the two continua results in
ting for interventions sessions, with an emphasis on parent the four quadrants of Dunn’s model.
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292 PART 2 ■ The Person

Four Quadrants performance in a variety of school settings. Performance is

The four quadrants of Dunn’s model and their correspon- based on typical performance during the school day. Al-
ding processing preferences include the following: though this assessment provides the opportunity for school
personnel to contribute to information about sensory influ-
1. Low threshold and passive response = Sensory Sensitivity ences, it is important that sensory information from the care-
2. Low threshold and active response = Sensation Avoiding giver be given equal importance in the evaluation process.
3. High threshold and passive response = Low Registration Using sensory information from the school setting alone will
4. High threshold and active response = Sensation Seeking not provide the most complete picture of the child’s sensory
With a sensory processing preference of sensory sensitiv- processing patterns. In addition, comparing performance in
ity, the person notices things that others do not notice. This the two different settings may yield important information
can lead to a heightened awareness of the environment and regarding possible interventions and help identify environ-
more information with which to make decisions. In contrast, mental influences.
people who are sensory sensitive can be highly distractible Intervention in Dunn’s Model
and more likely to experience discomfort in high-intensity
environments. The primary intervention approach using Dunn’s (1997)
The individual with a processing preference of sensation Model of Sensory Processing involves designing environments
avoiding creates or chooses environments that reduce sen- to meet an individual’s sensory processing preferences. Con-
sory input. This individual can do well in low stimulus situ- sequently, the approach to intervention involves understand-
ations or settings that others find dull. In addition, sensation ing the environmental features that match the sensory pro-
avoiders tend to be skilled at adapting environments to meet cessing preference. Particular guidelines are associated with
their needs. Conversely, these individuals may miss impor- each sensory processing quadrant.
tant information and become distressed in situations in A person with sensory sensitivity will generally benefit
which they cannot control the environment. from greater organization of stimuli and elimination of ir-
People with low registration tend to miss input that oth- relevant input. The environment should be adjusted to de-
ers take in. They may be slow to respond or require repetition crease the intensity of the available sensations, with particu-
and cues. Yet, these individuals are highly flexible because they lar attention given to the reduction of competing stimuli.
are not bothered by sensory stimuli and can typically manage Simple interventions might include having a student sit at
distracting environments quite well. the front of the class or having a distracted driver turn off
Like the sensation avoiders, sensation seeking individu- the radio.
als actively engage with their environment to meet their sen- Interventions for sensation avoiding involve reducing the
sory needs. However, unlike the avoiders, they change the amount and intensity of sensation and increasing pre-
environment or select environments to obtain higher levels dictability and familiarity. Established routines are generally
of sensory input. Sensation seekers are easily bored or frus- helpful for the sensation avoider. In addition, allowing for
trated in environments that do not meet their elevated needs breaks or providing a quiet space can be helpful, as well as
for sensation. giving the individual more control over sensory input.
For individuals with low registration, it is important to
Sensory Profiles enhance relevant sensory stimuli so that the individual no-
The SPs are assessments specifically designed for use with tices what he or she needs to notice. This might include in-
Dunn’s (1997) Model of Sensory Processing. There are several creasing the intensity or amount of sensory input or reduc-
versions of the sensory profile that are intended for particular ing the speed at which information is presented so the
age groups. The Infant/Toddler Sensory Profile (I/TSP; Dunn, person has time to take in the information. Cues such as
2002) is designed for children ages birth to 3; the SP (Dunn, signs or a beeping alarm can be helpful for a person with
1999) is designed for children ages 3 to 10; and the A/ASP low registration. It is also helpful to reduce the predictabil-
(Brown & Dunn, 2002) is appropriate for ages 11 and older. ity or familiarity of the input, so signs may need to be
The A/ASP is a self-report measure, whereas the SP and I/TSP changed regularly, and the individual may benefit from a
are completed by a parent or caregiver. Each measure is a sur- change in setting.
vey with questions focused on sensory responses to everyday The sensation seeker desires variety, intensity, and unpre-
life activities. Subscale scores for each of the four quadrants: dictability in his or her environment, and he or she will ben-
low registration, sensation seeking, sensory sensitivity, and efit from opportunities to explore and take control of the en-
sensation avoiding can be calculated from the measure. An vironment to create sensation. Sensations that may be
important distinction exists for scoring the adolescent/adult distracting to others might be helpful for the sensation
versus the child versions. A high score on the A/ASP indicates seeker to maintain arousal and focus. If the sensation seeker
more of a particular attribute (e.g., sensory sensitivity), is required to be in a low stimulus environment, he or she
whereas a low score in the SP or I/TSP indicates more of an may need breaks to get up and move around, talk, or spend
attribute. time engaged in a higher level of activity.
The Sensory Profile School Companion Manual (Dunn,
2006) provides a measure to be completed by school person- Highly Sensitive Person Scale
nel rather than the child’s caregiver. This measure evaluates
sensory processing related to performance within the school Another measure that is similar to the sensory sensitivity
setting. This measure is to be completed by school personnel subscale of Dunn’s A/ASP is the Highly Sensitive Person
who know the child well and have observed his or her Scale. This measure, developed by psychologists (Aron &
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CHAPTER 20 ■ Sensory Skills 293

the team, the teacher was able to identify the source of

Evidence-Based Practice the problem. Over the summer, all restrooms in the
building had been renovated to include automatic toi-
Individuals with schizophrenia are more likely than individuals
without mental illness to have sensory processing patterns
characterized by low registration and sensation avoiding.
lets and faucets. As is often the case with automated
flushing, the timing and frequency of flushes are not al-
ways predictable. The lack of control over the number
➤ Occupational therapists can create interventions that of flushes was upsetting to the student, so he would ei-
support occupational performance for people with schizo- ther not use the restroom at all or would not complete
phrenia by enhancing important sensory cues and reducing the process, resulting in accidents in the classroom. Be-
or eliminating excess or irrelevant sensory information. cause of the child’s cognitive level, he was not able to
articulate his sensory needs. The only way to identify
Brown, C., Cromwell, R. L., Filion, C., Dunn, W., & Tollefson, N. (2002).
Sensory processing in schizophrenia: Missing and avoiding information. sensory influences was to use a sensory measure in
Schizophrenia Research, 55, 187–195. combination with an assessment that examined per-
formance in daily routines.

Aron, 1997), is a 27-item self-reported Likert scale assess-

ment that asks respondents how they relate to environmen- In another example, a therapist was called on to evaluate
tal features such as noise, taste, and other people’s moods. John, an adult with schizophrenia, who was having difficulty
Unlike the A/ASP, the Highly Sensitive Person Scale contains with his janitorial job. The A/ASP was administered, and
several items that reflect greater interest and sensitivity to there were clear patterns of sensory sensitivity and sensation
creative stimuli such as music and art. avoiding. However, the relationship between these sensory
processing patterns and problems at work were not apparent
until the therapist observed John at work. John was not
Sensory Assessment in the Context completing a major part of his job–vacuuming. When asked
why he was avoiding this task, John explained that the
of Occupational Performance sounds of the vacuum cleaner were overwhelming and also
In addition to the use of assessments to detail sensory infor- triggered auditory hallucinations. Once this was known, job
mation regarding preferences, strengths, and concerns, it is reassignments were made, and John was once again success-
important to examine sensory processing within the context ful at work.
of the demands of tasks. For the experienced therapist,
structured observations in a variety of settings may be effec- Developmental Assessments in Combination
tive in providing supplemental information when designing With Sensory Measures
a sensory program. However, for the novice therapist, it may
be challenging to extract important information from obser- Depending on the requirements within a particular setting
vations. Videotaping may be helpful in analyzing observa- and the level of experience of the therapist, developmental
tion information and is useful when discussing cases with assessments can provide supplemental information regard-
experienced therapists. In addition, formal assessments that ing sensory performance. Measures such as the Peabody De-
examine occupational performance may provide additional velopmental Motor Scales (Folio & Fewell, 2000) and the
clues to sensory influences. Assessments such as the School Hawaii Early Learning Profile (Furuno et al, 1997) are com-
Function Assessment (Coster, 2000), the Assessment of Mo- monly used in the field of pediatrics. These measures can
tor and Process Skills (Fisher, 2001), and the Performance help identify how a child compares to children of the same
Assessment of Self Care Skills (Holm & Rogers, 1999) may age on specific motor tasks. Strengths and weakness on spe-
help identify sensory influences in daily activities by exam- cific motor tasks can be analyzed in conjunction with sen-
ining patterns of performance. sory assessments to try to identify patterns that may be in-
terfering with performance.
It is important to consider additional influences in per-
formance, even when sensory issues have been identified.
Vignette: Sensitivity to Auditory Visual motor assessments and visual perceptual assess-
Stimulation ments such as the Beery Test of Visual Motor Integration
A child with mental retardation who had been inde- (Beery, 2004), the Motor Free Visual Perceptual Test (Colarusso,
pendent in toileting at school had a sudden decrease in Hammill, & Mercier, 1995), and the Test of Visual Motor
performance with frequent accidents in the classroom. Integration (nonmotor; Gardner, 1996) are measures that
Based on information from the SP in combination with yield specific information that may provide guidance in
analyzing performance on the School Function assess- terms of fine motor performance in the classroom. Diffi-
ment, a pattern of sensitivity to auditory stimulation culties with sensory processing may be complicated by un-
was identified. In addition, he sometimes displayed hy- derlying visual motor and perceptual problems. The Beery
persensitivity to tactile experiences. At first glance. this Test of Visual Motor Integration has been a reliable predic-
did not explain the decrease in independence in toilet- tor of learning problems in the classroom. When coupled
ing tasks. However, on presenting this information to with classroom observations in daily tasks, these assess-
ments can provide helpful information regarding areas of
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294 PART 2 ■ The Person

strength and weakness in classroom performance. When environment and find the experience pleasurable and hu-
sensory information yields results that appear to be contra- mane (Lancioni et al, 2002).
dictory, underlying problems in visual motor or visual per-
ceptual skills may provide possible explanations for these
inconsistencies. Sensory Approaches to Reduce
Snoezelen Environments Seclusion and Restraint
The Snoezelen environment was first developed by Jan in Psychiatric Settings
Hulsegge and Ad Verheul (1987) in Holland. The term The Massachusetts Department of Mental Health established
comes from the Dutch verbs “snuffelen,” which means to a task force to reduce the use of restraints and seclusion
seek, and “doezelen,” which means to relax. Unlike other sen- (Carmen et al, 1996). Tina Champagne (an occupational
sory approaches, the intent of the Snoezelen environment is therapist) and Nan Stromberg (a nurse) (2004) worked on
not to develop specific skills per se but to promote restora- the task force and incorporated sensory approaches as one of
tion. In some literature, the Snoezelen environment is pre- the strategies. Champagne and Stromberg use a combination
sented as an opportunity for leisure for individuals with se- of sensory models, including Dunn’s (1997) Model of Sen-
vere disabilities (Haggar & Hutchinson, 1991). There are two sory Processing and Wilbarger and Wilbarger’s (2002) sen-
critical variables for Snoezelen: the environment, which pro- sory diet. The use of restraints and seclusion for a person who
vides sensory stimulation that the person can explore and is already overwhelmed with sensory stimuli will only mag-
control, and the staff members who take part in the Snoeze- nify the difficult inner experience. Also, the lack of control
len experience (Lancioni, Cuvo, & O’Reilly, 2002). The staff further intensifies the feelings of being engulfed in a sensory
members act as enablers who guide the person to experience inferno.
the available stimuli. Champagne and Stromberg’s (2004) work posits that
There are no specific assessments associated with the meeting sensory needs can serve as an effective strategy to
Snoezelen environment; however, the environment has been help the out-of-control individual regain control, and al-
used most frequently with individuals who have severe im- lows the staff to avoid the use of restraints and seclusion,
pairments that limit communication and result in disruptive which can have long-lasting negative effects on the indi-
behaviors (e.g., severe mental retardation, dementia). There- vidual. In general, the recommended approaches rely on
fore, individuals who have a limited ability to communicate activities that provide the appropriate type of sensory in-
with others and are challenged to engage in any form of pur- put for both the individual and the situation. In some sit-
poseful activity would be the best candidates for this inter- uations, calming activities such as exercise against resist-
vention approach. ance, rocking, being wrapped up in a weighted blanket,
The Snoezelen environment is now commercially avail- deep breathing, and chewing gum may be helpful. In other
able and consists of a multimedia space of sensory experi- situations, such as the anxiety associated with self-harm,
ences. The environment includes different areas to address orienting activities such as snapping a rubber band on the
the sensory modalities and objects, such as headphones for wrist or biting into a lemon are recommended. Cham-
music, comfortable cushions, vibrating pads, mirror balls, pagne also advocates for the development of an individual
and bubble machines. The therapist is expected to be in close crisis prevention plan before a crisis occurs. This way the
contact with the client in the Snoezelen environment and staff members know what strategies have worked in the
promote exploration and enrichment. past and can honor the individual’s request, which is more
Most of the research with the Snoezelen environment likely to prevent a crisis from occurring. A major compo-
has been conducted with people with dementia or develop- nent of this approach involves the training of staff in sen-
mental disabilities. Occupational therapists studying the sory processing theory and sensory approaches. Psychi-
physiological and behavioral effects of Snoezelen (van atric units may need to develop more flexibility to allow
Diepen et al, 2001) found positive short-term effects, in- individuals to engage in sensory activities that may “go
cluding a reduction in agitation, but these improvements against the rules” of the unit.
were short lived. A larger study found similar positive
effects on agitation, as well as short-term improvements
in mood and communication (van Weert, van Dulman, Summary
Spreeuwenberg, Ribbe, & Bensing, 2005). In a systematic
review of 14 studies of people with developmental disabil- Occupational therapists have a long history of expertise re-
ities and 7 with people with dementia, the most consistent lated to understanding and providing interventions for sen-
findings were related to positive effects while the person sory processing disorders, particularly for children. Newer
was in the Snoezelen environment (Lancioni et al, 2002). models have expanded applications to adults with psychiatric
These positive effects were typically related to improved so- disabilities. From a mental health context, this chapter pro-
cial engagement and reduced disruptive behavior. Long- vides information that can increase the opportunities for oc-
term effects appear to be weaker and less consistent. Staff cupational therapists to use sensory processing theories for
members are typically positive about using the Snoezelen enhancing occupational performance in people of all ages.
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CHAPTER 20 ■ Sensory Skills 295

Active Learning Strategies

1. Self-Inventory 2. Designing Environments
Administer the A/ASP on yourself and score it. Select one of the occupations from the following list:
Reflective Questions
● Are your scores and the patterns of sensory processing Cooking
consistent with your view of your personal sensory pro-
Shopping for clothes
cessing preferences?
● Are there situations or behaviors not included on the Watching a movie
measure that better represent your sensory processing Next, design an environment and adapt the task so that
preferences? it would best meet the needs of a (1) sensory sensitive per-
● Think about an important occupation. Are there ways in son, (2) sensation avoider, (3) low registration person, and
which you have constructed the environment in which (4) sensation seeker. What features of the environment or
you perform the occupation that assist in meeting your task did you consider most important when completing
sensory needs? this exercise? Was it easier to create situations for particu-
lar preference (e.g., the one that you most relate to)?

Resources Aron, E., & Aron, A. (1997). Sensory processing sensitivity and its
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trademarks of Nuance Communications, Inc. or its affiliates in Ayres A. J. (1972b). The Southern California Sensory Integration Test
the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks Manual. Los Angeles: Western Psychological Services.
are the property of their respective owners. Ayres, A. J. (1979). Sensory Integration and the Child. Los Angeles:
©2008, Nuance Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. Western Psychological Services. Ayres, A. J. (1989). Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests Manual.
• Inspiration Software, Inc. Copyright 2009 Los Angeles: Western Psychological Services.
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Beaverton, OR 97005-3300 397–422. Beery, K. E. (2004). Developmental Test of Visual Motor Integra-
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and Social Skills 21
Virginia Carroll Stoffel and Jeffrey Tomlinson

“ W e can achieve high-quality lives of inner harmony by meeting our expectations, realizing our
goals, and focusing on our ideals. Warm human contact and companionship, as well as
general social recognition, can contribute to our success in these endeavors.
—Esso Leete, 1993

Introduction Communication and Social Skills

Across the life span, a person’s ability to communicate and in-
teract is at the heart of his or her social relationships and so- as Performance Skills
cial participation. Nearly every occupational role (e.g., parent-
The American Occupational Therapy Association’s (AOTA’s)
ing, friend, student, employee) relies on the person’s ability to
Occupational Therapy Practice Framework: Domain and
communicate and interact. For persons who live with mental
Process, 2nd Edition (2008) includes communication and so-
illness, the ability to engage in social relationships and re-
cial skills as one of the performance skills within the occupa-
spond to social demands can be affected by their condition.
tional therapy domain. Examples of communication and so-
For example, a person with schizophrenia may initiate a con-
cial skills include verbal and nonverbal capacities, such as
versation that is challenging to follow because of changing
initiating and answering questions; using eye contact, facial
content that does not seem to be connected. Or a child with
expressions, and gestures to convey intentions; acknowledg-
Asperger disorder may not show nonverbal responses to inter-
ing another person’s perspective; and taking turns while in-
action initiated by others, despite intact verbal social skills.
teracting (AOTA, 2008). The ability to perform in any occu-
Occupational therapy practitioners recognize the impor-
pation requires the ability to communicate and interact
tance that communication and social skills play in carrying
effectively with others, whether in the context of work, edu-
out numerous occupational roles, and they design therapeu-
cation, home, or other community settings.
tic interventions and environments to facilitate communica-
The Occupational Therapy Practice Framework notes
tion for optimal occupational performance.
that performance skills are interrelated; therefore, although
Successes associated with communication and social skills
this chapter focuses on communication and social skills,
often lay in the person-to-person process, especially when,
these skills are interrelated with cognitive skills, emotion
through careful listening, observation, and familiarity, the
regulation skills, sensory-perceptual skills, and motor and
person receiving the message makes sense of what is meant to
praxis skills. For example, a person who is less able to attend
be communicated. Occupational therapy practitioners are
to the subtle, nonverbal cues exhibited by a person with
committed to facilitating communication and interaction
whom they are communicating (e.g., a quick frown or hesi-
skills as part of the skill repertoire that supports successful
tation that might convey discomfort) may be completely un-
occupational role participation.
aware of such discomfort unless the person expresses that in
This chapter provides foundational information that will
a manner that is understood by the other person. To fully
prepare the practitioner to recognize and address communica-
understand what contributes to an individual’s communica-
tion and interaction challenges that can arise while working
tion or social skill deficit, consider the impact of cognitive
with individuals, families, and other relevant people with
and emotion regulation skills (also see Chapters 18 and 24).
whom a person who has a serious mental illness interacts. The-
When considering an individual’s communication and so-
ories underlying communication and interaction are reviewed,
cial skills, the occupational therapy practitioner may consider
as well as some of the common and unique communication
how they are linked to the following areas:
challenges faced by persons with serious mental illness. Assess-
ments and interventions for facilitating communication and ■ Instrumental activities of daily living, such as care of
social interaction are also offered. A first-person narrative from others, child rearing, making arrangements for home
the perspective of a mother with a child who has autism offers maintenance (e.g., selecting and hiring a plumber or
insights into the importance of communication not only in the electrician)
lives of people who live with a communication disability, but ■ Educational activities, such as being a student from
also the family members who work diligently to coordinate kindergarten through higher education
care and play a role in their everyday lives. ■ Pursuit of work and volunteer roles

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CHAPTER 21 ■ Communication and Social Skills 299

■ Play and leisure activities Kielhofner, 2008), social learning theory, social cognition, and
■ Social participation, such as peer, friendship, and inti- the social skills model, which is based on cognitive behavioral
mate relationships, as well as in family and community principles. These theories contribute important concepts for
activities understanding the importance of communication and social
interaction to the everyday lives of persons with serious men-
Both communication and social skills are best practiced
tal illness. Given that social skills training is often carried out
while engaged in a person’s natural environments and typi-
in groups, group therapeutic factors are also described.
cal occupations. Thus, skill building and training others in
effective communication strategies might be the focus of in-
dividual and family interventions. Model of Human Occupation
In some cases, the level of communication disability is
such that a person requires the services of professionals who Gary Kielhofner (2008), an occupational therapy researcher
specialize in language and communication disorders, such as and theorist best known for his collaborative work on refin-
speech and language pathologists or augmentative communi- ing the MOHO, notes that the model was developed to focus
cation specialists, such as for a child with autism. Persons theory, research, and practice on occupation. MOHO ex-
with brain trauma, stroke, or dementia might also work closely plains how occupation is motivated, patterned, and per-
with speech language pathologists as part of an overall inter- formed as individuals carry out their occupations in the three
disciplinary rehabilitation program. They might receive occu- broad areas of activities of daily living, play, and productivity
pational therapy to address the sensory, motor, and cognitive within various environments. Skills are discrete, purposeful
limitations associated with these conditions, as well as the co- actions that constitute occupational performance, comprised
occurring depression, emotional lability, and overall stress that of motor skills, process skills, and communication and social
are associated with a challenging recovery process. Regardless interaction skills (Kielhofner, 2008).
of whether the occupational therapy practitioner is formally MOHO provides a perspective on communication and so-
focused on communication skill building with the person who cial interaction skills that emphasizes the impact of the absence
has a disability or involving the family in training to enhance or presence of such skills on important, everyday occupations
his or her return to social roles in the home and community, a carried out by persons with mental illness as they engage in
deep understanding of how communication and social skills varied environments (home, community, work, school, or the
can be used in the overall intervention plan is warranted. treatment environment). A MOHO-based assessment, the As-
Because communication is also one of the elements of sessment of Communication and Interaction Skills (ACIS;
therapeutic use of self that contributes to the effectiveness of Forsyth, Salamy, Simon, & Kielhofner, 1998), is an observa-
an occupational therapy intervention, being an excellent tional tool that is described later in the chapter.
communicator and careful listener, as well as providing clear
information verbally and in writing, are all important tools Social Learning Theory
of the practitioner.
Social learning theory (Bandura, 1969) is based on the natural
development and learning of social behavior. This theory pos-
Theories Underlying Communication tulates that the combination of observation and feedback in
the form of natural consequences (positive and negative)
and Social Interaction shapes subsequent behavior. In other words, observing the ac-
tions of others is one way a person socially learns. Therapists
An overview of the theories and principles that contribute to
often use explicit and frequent modeling of social skills as a
an understanding of communication and social interaction
means to facilitate social learning. When the social interaction
follows, including the Model of Human Occupation (MOHO;
is met with a desired or valued outcome (e.g., a smile or a
warm welcome), the natural consequence is positively rein-
forcing to the individual. Frequent use of positive responses to
Evidence-Based Practice the efforts of a person who is learning new expressive skills
(e.g., making eye contact while greeting a person or initiating
a conversation) will help positively reinforce that skill, whereas
T he relationship of communication and interaction performance
skills to occupational functioning is quite evident. The effective
use of communication/interaction skills by people with schizophre-
being put down or criticized will likely decrease that skill.
Successively shaping new skills, beginning with simple and
nia is significantly related to role functioning in the community. successful steps, and working toward more complex skills
Individuals with good social skills were more likely to be engaged over time, is recommended when designing social skills train-
in competitive employment. Conversely, individuals functioning well ing for persons with serious mental illness. Bellack, Mueser,
in vocational roles demonstrated reliably stronger social skills. Gingerich, and Agresta (2004) suggest that overlearning skills
➤ Occupational therapists working in programs facilitating job by having a person repeatedly practice a skill to the point at
acquisition and maintenance should monitor the social skills which it becomes automatic can be facilitated by repeated
of program participants and offer social skill training specific practice in training sessions by using role-plays, planning
to the areas of vocational functioning that are of concern to homework assignments outside the group, and continued fo-
the clients with psychiatric disabilities. cus until the skill becomes second nature.
Generalizing use of the skills to naturally occurring inter-
Dickinson, D., Bellack, A. S., & Gold, J. M. (2007). Social/communication
skills, cognition, and vocational functioning in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia actions is the final piece of social learning theory that allows
Bulletin, 33, 1213–1220. an individual to skillfully use new behaviors at home, on the
job, and in the community. For some individuals, this best
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300 PART 2 ■ The Person

occurs in the community with case managers or peers who reflecting cultural and socioeconomic expectations and lead-
recognize and supply the needed coaching and reinforcement ing to varying reinforcement (Hersen & Bellack, 1976). Dis-
at the time, place, and natural space where the skill is needed. cerning the most appropriate method of requesting a dining
table at a five-star restaurant versus a coffee shop, how to greet
an elder within a specific culture, and asking about a person’s
Social Cognition marital status are all examples of social situations in which the
Social cognition is defined as “the processes and functions context dictates the types of interactions that are considered
that allow a person to understand, act on, and benefit from the socially appropriate. Social competence is considered to be an
interpersonal world” (Corrigan & Penn, 2001, p. 3). When ap- important part of what contributes to successfully finding a
plied to schizophrenia, this theory proposes that, in addition partner in marriage, establishing trusting relationships, find-
to ameliorating the biological effect of the disorder with med- ing employment well matched to one’s capacities, and getting
ications to improve the symptoms and resultant disabilities, a respectful level of service (Bellack et al, 2004). Persons with
social cognition offers a person the opportunity to “act on so- serious mental illness may find social competence to be chal-
cial information that reciprocally acts on the person” (p. 4), lenging and benefit from a social skills training program. It
thereby addressing the interpersonal disabilities associated should be noted that these programs tend to be based on cog-
with the disorder. In other words, helping a person with schiz- nitive behavioral approaches where the person becomes
ophrenia to attend to and understand how nonverbal facial highly aware of how faulty thoughts might lead to actions that
expression might convey interest in the form of eye contact, might be less effective in developing strong and healthy rela-
raised eyebrows, and a smile might facilitate a social response tionships (Beck, Rush, Shaw, & Emery, 1979).
that builds a relationship based on shared interests. Applica- Social skills training has become one of the central ap-
tion of social cognition to describing disorders and develop- proaches for developing communication and interaction skills
ing interventions has also occurred with depression and anx- with mental health clients. Social functioning and well-being
iety disorders (Abramson, 1988; Dobson & Kendall, 1993). are important outcomes for persons with psychiatric disability,
Brothers (1990) links social cognition with behavior by de- and their social skills directly affect these important outcomes.
scribing social cognition as “the mental operations underlying Tenhula and Bellack (2008) suggest that there are three
social interactions, which include the human ability to per- component skills of social competence: social perception (re-
ceive the intentions and dispositions of others” (p. 28). ceiving skills), social cognition (processing skills), and behav-
Social cognitive deficits of persons with schizophrenia in- ioral response (expressive skills). Deficits in any of these com-
clude difficulty communicating thoughts and feelings, as ponent skills can affect social functioning. These researchers
well as conveying and reading feelings nonverbally, resulting suggest that the use of the term “skill” emphasizes that they
in a lack of empathy and difficulty assuming roles to help are “learnable” and can be modified by training, practice, and
one’s family or social group function more effectively. Social use in everyday life. Table 21-1 outlines important skills for
stimuli such as facial affect perception may not be perceived each component.
by people with schizophrenia, which is linked with poorer Of interest in considering occupational context is the
social functioning (Corrigan & Penn, 2001; Couture, Penn, distinction that Liberman, DeRisi, and Mueser (1989)
& Roberts, 2006). make between instrumental social skills and affiliative so-
It is important to recognize that social cognition allows us cial skills.
to understand the limitations experienced by persons with Social skills can be functionally separated into those that
serious mental illness, as well as the powerful impact that have value in instrumental roles and situations and those
successful social interactions have on social participation. that are helpful in mediating affiliative relationships.
Instrumental skills enable a person to attain independence
Social Skills Model and material benefits, such as money, residence, goods, and
services. Affiliative skills make it possible for an individual
Social skills must be considered in the social context within to make friends, enjoy intimacy, obtain emotional support,
which they are used; there is considerable variance in what exhibit warmth, and engage in reciprocity with friends and
is expected in one social situation as compared with the next, relatives. (p. 33)

Table 21-1 ● Components of Social Skills

Component Skills
Social perception (receiving skills) • Accurate detection of affect cues (e.g., facial and vocal expression), conveying feelings
• Ability to perceive physical responses (e.g., gestures and body posture)
• Ability to listen and clarify to promote accurate understanding of verbal message being conveyed and contextual
Social cognition (processing skills) • Effective analysis of social stimulus
• Integration of current information and historical information
• Ability to plan an effective response
Behavioral response (expressive skills) • Ability to generate effective verbal content
• Ability to speak with suitable nonverbal behaviors (e.g., facial gestures and posture)
• Ability to maintain eye contact
• Understanding of proxemics (physical distance between people while interacting)
Source: Data from Tenhula, W. N., & Bellack, A. S. (2008). Social skills training. In K. T. Mueser & D. V. Jeste (Eds.), Clinical Handbook of Schizophrenia (pp. 240–241). New York: Guilford
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CHAPTER 21 ■ Communication and Social Skills 301

When working on communication skills with individuals Mosey further describes subskills of group interaction by
with serious mental illness, occupational therapy practition- developmental levels, including the age at which these
ers address the occupational roles that are important to the group interaction skills are expected to emerge depicted in
person, which guides the intervention as to which social Table 21-2. This hierarchy of developmental groups allows a
skills are targeted and in specific contexts that match those therapist to promote growth and learning through carefully
valued by the client. designed groups that match the person’s capacity and
moves them toward higher levels of development.
Group Therapeutic Factors Clients who receive interventions may present with group
interaction abilities that match one of these levels. The ther-
Groups provide a treatment medium for practicing commu-
apist should consider each individual’s ability when develop-
nication and interaction skills. The group is a social micro-
ing groups and take into account the developmental
cosm, sometimes under the direction of a therapist, in which
processes that can influence acquisition of social skills.
members have the opportunity to interact with each other.
Occupation as a treatment medium provides excellent
Yalom (2005) describes 11 primary therapeutic factors in
opportunities for exploring and practicing communication
groups, three of which specifically address the development of
and interaction skills. Carefully planned activities can be de-
enhanced communication and interaction skills: socializing
signed to elicit different amounts and types of interaction.
techniques, imitative behavior, and interpersonal learning.
Mosey (1986) states,
Socializing techniques might be explicit (i.e., direct atten-
tion to the development of communication and interaction When people do not know each other, when they are
skills) or indirect (i.e., simply facilitating social interaction as somewhat uncomfortable with each other, a shared
part of the group process). Imitative behavior allows group purposeful activity frequently allows them to become
members to observe the interactions and behaviors of the acquainted and more relaxed. Participation in an
group leaders and other group members, and then experi- activity allows people to have something in common to
ment with applying these interactions themselves. Interper- discuss and serves as a bridge for more intimate
sonal learning occurs when the therapy group looks at the communication. (p. 237)
interpersonal distortions or misperceptions of others that
Activity can be the context in which interaction begins.
impair social interaction. Through repeated opportunities
Therapists providing group counseling to very withdrawn
for members to develop misperceptions of each other and
clients have found that a group activity prior to the discus-
then later correct those misperceptions, skills are gained as to
sion period of the group provides an effective warm-up for
how to correct or check their thoughts about one another
group members to then interact.
(Yalom, 2005). Such interpersonal learning in groups can
Activities can also provide a natural environment for in-
provide a rich opportunity to develop more accurate rela-
teraction when steps in the activity require the sharing of
tions with others, greater interaction abilities, and more ef-
materials or the collaboration between individuals for suc-
fective occupational performance.
cessful completion of the task. For example, in a day pro-
Mosey (1986) describes group interaction skill as
gram for individuals with serious and disabling mental ill-
. . . the ability to be a productive member of a variety of ness, the therapist implements a prevocational group to
primary groups. Through acquisition of the various develop work-related skills, such as attendance, punctuality,
group interaction subskills, the individual learns to take ability to accept directions from a supervisor, and ability to
appropriate group membership roles, engage in decision work with others. The primary gains made by many of the
making, communicate effectively, recognize group norms clients in the prevocational group are the development of
and interact in accordance with these norms, contribute social skills, with the clients using the context of the work
to goal attainment, work toward group cohesiveness and setting as an opportunity to explore social connections with
assist in resolving group conflict. (p. 435) each other.

Table 21-2 ● Subskills of Group Interactions by Developmental Levels

Developmental Level Typical Age When Skill Emerges Description of Subskill
Parallel group 18 months–2 years Individuals work or play in the presence of each other. There is an awareness of
the others in the group, but not much interaction or sharing.
Project group 2–4 years Interaction primarily involves the task of the group, with some sharing,
cooperation, and competition.
Egocentric-cooperative group 5–7 years Individuals are actively involved in selecting and jointly engaging in long-term
tasks. Participation remains based on self-interest, but also involves recognition
that their needs will be met through meeting the needs of others.
Cooperative group 9–12 years Task is considered secondary to mutual need fulfillment; group membership is
homogenous and compatible. Group leader is a consultant rather than an active
authority figure.
Mature group 15–18 years Membership can be heterogenous. Members participate flexibly in both task
completion and the gratification of member needs. Members can assume a
variety of roles, including leadership.
Source: Data from Mosey, A. C. (1986). Psychosocial Components of Occupational Therapy. New York: Raven Press.
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302 PART 2 ■ The Person

The Lived Experience

From a Parent’s Perspective: Ryan doesn’t work, he takes my hand and leads me to where he wants
to do something. If I still don’t get it, he guides my hand to ex-
actly what he wants to do because he knows sometimes he
needs my permission to do something, like watch a DVD.
One of the other challenges when thinking about communica-
tion is that it takes a fair amount of time for someone to get to know
Ryan, what he likes, and how he communicates, so if people
change, there can be another period of time when he will be frus-
trated while people are learning. I know I can’t form his world around
him, so I just try to help him learn and adapt, too. When I’m at
school or therapy, it can be helpful to see how other parents do that
with their kids who are older and who are doing more.
When Ryan and his sister, Tara, try to communicate with each
other, there’s often a lot of yelling on both parts. Usually, she has
a toy that he wants to play with (or vice versa), and they try to
take them away from each other. We try to work on “Ryan
share” and “Tara share,” and what they do is yell that to get my
attention while they hold onto the guitar that they don’t want to
share! Sometimes Ryan will say “Hi Tara” or “Hi Princess” when
I am a single mom and have 5-year-old twins, Ryan and Tara. she is wearing her dress-ups. I think they probably communicate
Although both children have special needs requiring the atten- in other ways, more than I am even aware. Tara talks more with
tion of a team of rehabilitation professionals, Ryan has a more her cousins when they play together; however, her and her
severe social and communication disability because of his brother both watch out for each other and pay attention to
autism. what is happening with each other, especially at school. Some-
One of the recent areas where communication became a times Tara will say, “Where’s my brother? Oh, okay, there he is,”
problem was with a new school bus driver who wrote up a disci- and then go on to her own activities.
plinary notice on Ryan. He was hitting himself and the window be- Some of the things I see people do who are among the most
cause he felt frustrated and wasn’t able to communicate with her. effective communicators with Ryan include not using a lot of
He was extremely frustrated, and after using his typical signals to words, so the communication style is very simple—one-word
communicate—and because she didn’t understand him—he sim- questions, one-word responses. Not asking questions for which
ply regressed to moaning and hitting. That was frustrating for me you would expect a verbal response, because he won’t be able
as a mother because the bus ride is the only part of the day when to give one, unless it’s something like, “Do you want Cheetos or
my kids are in the care of someone who doesn’t have any back- do you want Goldfish?” and no open-ended questions like, “How
ground except a valid driver’s license, a clean drug test, and no was your day?” The people who he gets along best with are not
relevant criminal background. In addition, even though I have his peers, but are his therapists, his teachers, and his aides,
tried to communicate clearly with the school bus service, my kids along with his aunts, uncles, and Grandma. But he does really en-
are the first ones picked up and the last to be returned home, joy going to loud gatherings and events where he can enjoy and
which increases the amount of time they spend on the bus, which watch everyone, and simply be included in the gathering. He
can be as long as an hour each day. Although his sister sometimes gets so excited when he knows he’s going to a family party. And
tries to communicate, and the others kids on the bus have spe- he really enjoys going to school and being with his peers. When
cial needs like Asperger’s, Ryan can’t directly ask for what he you look at him, you can see he just enjoys being around others
wants, and it’s pretty scary when I think about it, really scary. despite the absence of verbal communication or interactive play.
I have found a number of workshops to be helpful in learning He’s playing by himself, but he enjoys being with others.
all that I can about how to communicate with Ryan. In most Ryan has started using the computer and seems to enjoy it.
cases, family members such as my mom and sisters attend with He uses the touch screen a lot, and his speech therapist seems
me because they all help out with and include my twins in fam- to believe that he could really benefit from an augmentative
ily events and activities. First, we learned how to use WHO communication tool (Tango). She’s brought it over to our house
(Watch, Hear, and Observe), so that we watch Ryan and observe for him to play with, and after he touches something on the
how he approaches everyday activities and what signals he gives screen, there is a little boy’s voice that you hear. It’s pretty pricey,
in trying to communicate. We also learned how to use pictures but we hope to find ways to see if we can get this for him. It could
with simple words, and he did really well with that. After a while, really make a difference and reduce his frustrations each day.
he started using single words and now that he is 5, he is able to Pictures, as a communication tool, really work well as a way
initiate specific words to let us know what he wants (e.g., “drink”) to help Ryan get ready to go to see a dentist or any health pro-
or what he would like to do (e.g., “Shrek”). He is not able to point, fessional. For example, when we have to go to the dentist, just
but looks at specific items to communicate what he wants, such having pictures of kids sitting on the dental chair and a picture
as looking at the refrigerator, the TV, or the DVD player. If that of the dentist doing his or her work help prepare him to go there.
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The Lived Experience—cont’d

I appreciate when I can get feedback from health profession- needs and the nature of those needs, how to get in contact with
als in written form because usually I am not always able to pay parents, what the best methods of communication might be,
full attention and might be tired or forgetful, especially when the etc. Sometimes it’s just the simplest way to include others so
kids are screaming. Having it in writing also allows me to share that they understand. Yesterday at day care, I said to one of the
it with others who can’t be there. If it’s easier to send an e-mail, children in Ryan’s classroom who had a Batman book, “Ryan
that works well, too. As far as I am concerned, privacy doesn’t likes Batman and Shrek, too,” and the little guy went running up
really matter to me because I need to involve as many people as to Ryan and said, “Batman” and high fived him. Ryan smiled
possible to make things work. and felt included. That makes a world of difference to Ryan.
One final suggestion I have is from a workshop that I at- They find what they have in common. That’s the kind of com-
tended 4 months ago, where a set of parents who have two chil- munication that I plan to do next year when he goes to a spe-
dren with autism presented on their everyday living tips. They cial education kindergarten, where he’ll be with a new group of
created a list of tips to share with others who might be involved kids who he’ll likely spend time with over the years, so they can
in working with their children or who live in their neighborhood. get to know each other.
When a new neighbor moved in, they made a picture of each The first word that Ryan said was when he was about 3.5 years
child and provided them with information on the back, like, “This old was “Shrek,” and he started to say it while we were attending
is my son John. If you see him in the neighborhood you may not mass at our local church. I thought to myself, “Wait, not here,” but
be able to communicate with him because of his severe autism. at the same time was so excited to hear him say a word. So I fig-
Please contact me at (cell phone number), and our home is at ured out that he really didn’t want to be in church, and he said
(address).” Also, contacting the local police department when “Shrek” out loud as many times as he could. Finally, I really knew
you move in to let them know you have children with special what he wanted!

Communication and Social Skills For individuals with serious mental health disorders, com-
munication and interaction skills can be severely impaired.
in Persons With Psychiatric This is especially true for people with schizophrenia (Bellack
et al, 2004; Corrigan & Penn, 2001; Tenhula & Bellack, 2008).
Disabilities People with schizophrenia experience positive symptoms (i.e.,
A number of common challenges in communication and so- aberrations in behavior or behavior that is not typically pres-
cial interaction skills faced by persons with psychiatric dis- ent in other individuals) during the active phase of psychosis
abilities are summarized in this section, and the reader is that interfere with communication and interaction, such as
also encouraged to review the chapters elsewhere in this text delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, and grossly
related to each psychiatric condition to more deeply under- disorganized or catatonic behavior (American Psychiatric
stand these challenges. Association [APA], 2000).
During periods of active positive symptoms, interactions
with people in the community can be difficult and at times
Schizophrenia deleterious. People in the community may be uncomfortable
or even frightened by the content of a client’s communica-
The following set of instructions for family members, written
tions, the disorganized speech, and the behavioral changes.
by a person who lives with schizophrenia, offers the reader a
Relationships in occupational and social contexts may be se-
sense of the challenges experienced by people who live with
riously strained during the active phase of schizophrenia. To
mental illness and provides the reader with straightforward
allow the individual to develop successful occupational and
suggestions that can lead to clear communication (Leete,
social roles, relapse prevention and effective management of
the illness is critical.
Recognize both our idiosyncratic thinking and the fact Individuals with schizophrenia experience challenges in
that we may not have the same communication style or social competence and may risk relapse associated with the
skill as you do. First of all, try to minimize distractions anxiety, frustration, and isolation caused by poor social skills
during conversations. Be aware of surrounding stimuli (Bellack et al, 2004). Although social skills are believed to be
and move to a different area if necessary. Communicate learned throughout development, researchers have postulated
clearly and concisely. Speak slowly, in short sentences, if that certain aspects of social skills, such as facial expression
necessary. Give the information in small portions. Begin showing feelings, might be genetically determined (Bellack
your answers with either “yes” or “no,” then elaborate; et al, 2004). Psychotic symptoms such as intrusive verbal hal-
otherwise your point may be missed. When we are lucinations can affect a person with schizophrenia’s ability to
speaking, try not to interrupt. This can be very confusing attend to others, while interacting socially, thereby missing
and frustrating. We’re fighting hard enough to speak significant social information.
without being forced to stop and begin again, often on a Because of social rejection and stigma, the person with
tenuously held train of thought. (p. 124) schizophrenia might be less than motivated to seek out social
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304 PART 2 ■ The Person

contacts and avoid closer relationships. Social anxiety can re- being able to assertively refuse offers of alcohol or other
sult in avoidance and hesitation in engaging in social interac- drugs, and using communication skills to build healthy rela-
tions. Due to attentional difficulties associated with schizo- tionships are all examples of the kinds of challenges fre-
phrenia, the information processing system related to quently encountered by persons working on their recovery
memory, thinking, and learning affects social behavior in from substance abuse (Liberman, DeRisi, & Mueser, 1989;
persons with schizophrenia (Green, Kern, Braff, & Mintz, Stoffel & Moyers, 2004). For a person whose substance abuse
2000). Being able to discern what to attend to (e.g., when a developed during adolescence or early adulthood, recovery
person is talking at the same time a TV is on), focusing and might also include learning to develop coping strategies for
sustaining attention, dealing with distractions, and tracking dealing with everyday anxieties and establishing friendships
complex verbal and nonverbal messages associated with built on trust.
emotionally laden conversation can all present challenges to
the person with schizophrenia. Pervasive Developmental Disorders
Andreasen (1982) noted that the negative symptoms (i.e.,
the absence of typical function) associated with schizophre- Children with autism spectrum disorders, including As-
nia affect social skills; these can include an overall lack of perger’s disorder, tend to experience significant challenges
motivation (avolition), low energy to participate in social with communication and social interaction, although indi-
situations (anergia), an inability to find pleasure in activities viduals with Asperger’s disorder do not often have delayed or
(anhedonia), and being challenged to initiate conversations impaired language (APA, 2000). Common communication
(alogia). and social deficits of persons with pervasive developmental
disorders include difficulty attending to others’ speech, diffi-
culty attending to other’s facial expressions, failure to vocal-
Anxiety and Mood Disorders ize, limited ability to shift gaze between people and objects,
Individuals with anxiety and mood disorders can also have a limited use of gestures, unusual speech tone and rhythm, and
severe impairment in communication and interaction per- limited use of words (Audet, 2004).
formance. In depressive disorders, the depressed mood, an- Communication challenges for adults with Asperger’s have
hedonia, feelings of worthlessness, and diminished ability to been described as having monotone facial expressions and vo-
concentrate are all symptoms that affect interactions with cal intonation, yet they have highly sophisticated content of
others (APA, 2000). Depressive disorders often lead to the verbal expression with narration that depicts great attention
extensive expression of negative thought content toward to detail (Roy, Dillo, Emrich, & Ohlmeier, 2009). Eye contact
others, which people have great difficulty tolerating. Depres- tends to be avoided, and jokes and smiles often elicit no re-
sion also results in extensive social withdrawal. sponse. Adults with Asperger’s syndrome tend to live a with-
Individuals with bipolar disorder or manic episodes drawn life and have difficulties in partnering, appearing to be
may have additional symptoms that affect interaction. The self-centered or “cold” toward others (Roy et al, 2009).
grandiosity, flight of ideas, pressured speech, distractibility,
or excessive impulsive involvement in pleasurable activities Dementia and Cognitive Disorders
have a negative impact on other people and can result in
other people withdrawing from the client (APA, 2000). in Older Adults
Persons with anxiety disorder might convey a lack of in- Depending on the severity of the dementia or cognitive dis-
terest in others due to heightened awareness of their own order, the individual may experience problems in language,
nervousness, lacking social attentiveness such as eye contact, such as rambling, disjointed, pressured, or incoherent speech
and verbal tracking. Other symptoms such as intense fear that jumps from one topic to another. Such difficulty may
also inhibit social interactions (APA, 2000). also include writing or naming things. As the dementia pro-
gresses, the person may become more withdrawn and use
Personality Disorders language less often (APA, 2000).

Central to most personality disorders is some impairment in

social interaction. These personality disorders include para- Impact on Social Development
noid, schizoid, schizotypal, antisocial, borderline, histrionic, As part of this overview of psychopathology and its impact on
narcissistic, avoidant, dependent, and obsessive-compulsive communication and interaction, these disorders also affect so-
disorders. People with these disorders may be experienced by cial development. The onset of many of these disorders first
others as odd and eccentric, or volatile and erratic. Individ- occurs during adolescence or early adulthood, developmental
uals with these disorders usually have great difficulty sus- periods that are critical for the acquisition of communication
taining positive relations with others (APA, 2000). and interaction skills that are essential to occupational and so-
cial functioning. The marked disruption of development in
Substance Use Disorders adolescence and early adulthood by these disorders can have a
profound and long-standing effect on the individual. For ex-
Although communication and interaction challenges are not ample, the repeated hospitalizations and chronic disability
specifically associated with the diagnosis of a substance use characteristics of schizophrenia can result in a separation
disorder, persons recovering from substance use disorders from environments in which adolescents and young adults
may find communication and social interaction to be a chal- would typically develop socially. In addition, intolerance and
lenge in their recovery process. Finding new ways of being judgment from others in the family and community can lead
with others apart from a drinking or using environment, to further withdrawal from natural social settings.
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CHAPTER 21 ■ Communication and Social Skills 305

In all diagnostic categories discussed in this chapter, individ- modes. Social participation may be reviewed by asking ques-
uals can be vulnerable to cognitive behavioral patterns that in- tions about how the individual interacts with and engages in
clude faulty information processing and automatic thoughts conversations with siblings, family members, and peers at
that are dysfunctional. Automatic negative thoughts can have a home, in school, on the playground, and in other community
destructive impact on communication and interaction with settings (Frolek Clark, Miller-Kuhaneck, & Watling, 2004).
others. Automatic thoughts are evaluative thoughts that we all Formal assessments of communication and social skills
have about events around us. They may be preconscious (i.e., have been developed by occupational therapists as well as
thoughts that we are not completely aware of), and they do not speech language pathologists and psychologists. The tools
come from careful reasoning. Underlying these automatic reviewed here were selected based on a review of the occupa-
thoughts are core beliefs developed early in life that are central tional therapy literature.
to how individuals perceives themselves and events around
them. These beliefs are held as absolute truths and overgeneral-
ized; however, at the same time, they are usually not subject to Assessment of Communication
self-awareness. For example, a client who has developed beliefs and Interaction Skills
that he or she is not competent will then, when faced with new
social situations, experience automatic thoughts that they can- The ACIS is a formal observational assessment based on the
not socialize, have nothing worth saying, and most likely will be MOHO, which measures a person’s performance within a
rejected if they attempt to talk to others. The negative thoughts social context (Forsyth et al, 1998). This tool provides infor-
may either be expressed to others overtly in communications or mation about the individual’s strengths and weaknesses re-
may affect the individual’s sense of self-efficacy and confidence lated to interaction and communication while carrying out
in social situations (Beck et al, 1979). daily occupations that are meaningful and relevant to the
client’s life.
The optimum context for carrying out the ACIS is the
Assessments client’s actual environment (home, school, work, community)
as he or she is engaged in dyadic interactions (1:1 contacts) and
Both formal and informal assessment of communication and larger group contexts. The three domains of physicality, infor-
social interaction skills are commonly used by occupational mation exchange, and relations are assessed through a total of
therapy practitioners. The occupational profile (AOTA, 2008) 20 items, rated on a 4-point scale. The scale was developed to
may include observations of social interaction and communi- use with a population of clients with psychiatric impairments
cation in response to questions asked about one’s typical day and has been used with a wide range of children, adolescents,
and valued occupational roles, such as questions about one’s and adults who self-report difficulty in communication and
social network, relationships, and preferred communication interaction as young as age 3 to 4 (Kielhofner et al, 2008).


People are very important to my well-being. Going through

rough times or just venting, it’s good to have someone to
talk to. Even though some move on, it’s nice to know they
were there when I needed them.
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306 PART 2 ■ The Person

The ACIS begins with an interview of the client or a sig- Comprehensive Occupational Therapy
nificant other to determine the appropriate contexts for ob- Evaluation
servation, and can be administered during a therapeutic
group or in the client’s natural environment. Observation The Comprehensive Occupational Therapy Evaluation
time ranges from 15 to 45 minutes and rating time from 15 (COTE) was developed in 1975 by five occupational thera-
to 20 minutes, depending on the amount of qualitative in- pists, a psychiatrist and a psychologist, working together
formation recorded by the therapist. Based on the strengths in Greenville, South Carolina (Brayman, 2008). The COTE
and weaknesses noted, targeted skills for the focus of inter- ratings provide an overview of a person’s occupational per-
vention are identified. Social environments that may have a formance in three areas: general behaviors, interpersonal/
positive impact on the client’s communication and interac- communication skills, and task behaviors. The section on in-
tion are identified, and can be used to determine group as- terpersonal/communication skills includes the following six
signment or living placement. behaviors, which are observed while the client is engaged in
an occupational therapy environment: independence, coop-
Social Skills in the Workplace eration, self-assertion, sociability, attention-getting behav-
ior, and negative response from others.
Tsang, an occupational therapist, and Pearson, a social
worker, developed this two-part measure of social compe- Relevant Assessments Developed Outside
tence in the workplace for people with schizophrenia, based
on their model for assessing social skills (Tsang & Pearson,
Occupational Therapy
1996, 2000). Several tools have been developed to assess various social
Part one consists of a 10-item, self-administered check- and communication skills and may be used by occupational
list that measures perceived competence in handling work- therapists and other mental health professionals in clinical
related social situations, such as making an appointment for and research programs to measure the effectiveness of social
a job interview, requesting an urgent leave from a supervi- skills training and other programs. Most of the tools are in-
sor, or helping instruct a task for a new colleague. A 6-point terviews, self-report checklists (some confirmed by others
scale is used to identify the level of difficulty experienced by such as family members), observational tools, and role-play
the individual in carrying out the task. with rating scales.
Part two consists of a role-play of two simulated situa-
tions, a job interview and a request for an urgent leave Social Functioning Interview
from a supervisor. The role-play is rated by using a 5-point The Social Functioning Interview (Bellack et al, 2004) pro-
scale, with 4 representing normal performance and 0 rep- vides information about an individual’s past and present role
resenting poor performance, with either excesses or defi- functioning (e.g., daily routines at home; as a student,
ciencies in the desirable behaviors. Basic social survival worker, or volunteer; leisure activities; significant relation-
skills, voice quality, nonverbal components, and verbal ships; spiritual supports). It also explores social situations
components, as well as situation-specific ratings, are ana- that the person sees as problematic, such as starting and
lyzed after viewing the role-plays. Internal consistency of holding conversations; managing conflicts; asserting self; liv-
the self-administered checklist and role-play test (Cronbach ing with others; having good relationships with family, part-
alpha coefficients of 0.80 and 0.96, respectively), as well ner, and friends; talking with treatment staff; and working or
as test–retest reliability (0.35–0.78 for checklist) and inter- volunteering. This tool records the personal goals, as well as
rater reliability (0.77–0.90 for role-play), have been estab- social skill strengths and weaknesses observed by the clinician
lished. The whole measure can be completed within during the interview.
30 minutes and can be used to monitor baseline and
progress over time.

Social Interaction Scale Evidence-Based Practice

The Social Interaction Scale (SIS) is one of two parts of

the Bay Area Functional Performance Evaluation; the
second part is the Task Oriented Assessment (Williams &
T he question as to whether self-assessments are accurate
in populations with serious and disabling mental illness
was addressed in a study of 67 older adults with schizophrenia
Bloomer, 1987), a tool developed by two occupational in whom self-assessment of social function was found to be
therapists. The SIS is an observational assessment of seven inconsistent with actual performance of functional tasks.
verbal and nonverbal behaviors in five different settings: Clients with cognitive and functional impairment consistently
a 1:1 interview, mealtime, an unstructured group, a overestimated their performance.
structured activity group, and a structured verbal group ➤ Occupational therapy practitioners can use multiple methods
(Klyczek & Stanton, 2008). Ratings for the seven parame- to assess client social functioning, including naturalistic ob-
ters of social interaction include verbal communication, servation in settings typical for the person being assessed,
psychomotor behavior, socially appropriate behavior, re- self-report measures, role-play tests, and input from family
sponse to authority figures, independence/dependence, and caregivers.
ability to work with others, and participation in group or
Bowie., C. R., Twamley, E. W., Anderson, H., Halpern, B., Patterson, T. L., &
program activities. A minimum of 10 minutes in each so- Harvey, P. D. (2007). Self-assessment of functional status in schizophrenia.
cial setting within a 1- to 2-day period is recommended for Journal of Psychiatric Research, 41, 1012–1018.
completion of the SIS.
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CHAPTER 21 ■ Communication and Social Skills 307

Social Functioning Scale observation, caregiver contact, and interaction with the sub-
The Social Functioning Scale (Birchwood, Smith, Cochrane, ject. Each of the 17 items is rated on a 5-point scale, where
Wetton, & Copestake, 1990) was constructed to evaluate areas higher scores indicate more severe impairment in social-
crucial to community living for persons with schizophrenia, adaptive functioning. Ratings were found to be internally
such as social engagement or withdrawal (e.g., time spent consistent and reliable across raters and across time. Seven of
alone, initiation of conversations, social avoidance), interper- the 17 items were analyzed to be factors of the social func-
sonal behaviors (e.g., number of friends, heterosexual contact, tions component, including conversational skills, instru-
quality of communication), prosocial activities (e.g., engage- mental social skills, social appropriateness/politeness, social
ment in a range of common social activities), recreation (e.g., engagement, friendships, recreation/leisure, and participa-
engagement in common hobbies, interests), independence- tion in hospital programs (Harvey et al, 1997).
competence (e.g., ability to perform skills for independent Social Occupational Functioning Scale
living), independence-performance (e.g., performance of skills
for independent living), and employment/occupation (e.g., The Social Occupational Functioning Scale (SOFS; Saraswat,
engagement in productive employment or structured pro- Rao, Subbakrishna, & Gangadhar, 2006) was developed as a
grams of daily activity). The tool identifies the client’s strengths “brief, yet comprehensive, easy to administer measure of so-
and weaknesses, and has been used to track the efficacy of fam- cial functioning for use in busy clinical settings” (p. 301). The
ily interventions. 14 items measure adaptive living skills (bathing and groom-
ing, neatness and maintenance activities, money manage-
Communication Skills Questionnaire ment, orientation/mobility, instrumental social skills), social
The Communication Skills Questionnaire (CSQ; Takahashi, appropriateness (clothing and dressing, eating and diet, re-
Tanaka, & Miyaoka, 2006) was developed as a tool for spect for property, independence/responsibility), and inter-
evaluating the communication skills of persons with schiz- personal skills (conversation skills, social appropriateness/
ophrenia, mood disorders, and eating disorders. It can be politeness, social engagement, recreation/leisure) using a 5-point
administered as a self-report or by family or medical staff. rating scale similar to the SAFE, which accounted for 59%
The 29 items of the CSQ include 17 items concerning coop- variance in the total SOFS score (Saraswat et al, 2006).
erative skills, 6 items addressing assertiveness skills, and A combination of naturalistic observation of the person
6 items concerning general communication skills, primarily in varied social contexts and systematic assessment of social
nonverbal skills. and interaction skills will likely yield data that will allow the
clinician to track progress and changes in social and interac-
Independent Living Skills Survey tion skills necessary for mental health recovery and living in
the community.
The Independent Living Skills Survey (Wallace, Liberman,
Tauber, & Wallace, 2000) is described as a “comprehensive,
objective, performance-focused, easy-to-administer measure
of the basic functional living skills of individuals with severe Interventions
and persistent mental illness” (p. 631). Two versions of the
Once the occupational therapist and the person with a psy-
tool have been developed, one for informants and one for
chiatric disability have identified communication and social
self-report. Of the 103 items on the scale, 9 are related to so-
interaction as an important area for intervention, determi-
cial skills, rated on a 6-point frequency scale from “always”
nation of the best intervention(s) for that person needs to
to “never or no opportunity.”
take place. Building on the individual’s strengths and intact
skills and resources in his or her environment, intervention
Maryland Assessment of Social Competence
might include social skills training, problem-solving train-
The Maryland Assessment of Social Competence (MASC; ing, responsive social skills training, and generalization of
Bellack, Brown, & Thomas-Lohrman, 2006) uses role-play social skills training.
procedures to evaluate social competence, that is, the ability
to resolve interpersonal problems through conversation.
Each of the four to six role-plays takes place in a 3-minute Social Skills Training
time period with a partner and is designed to capture the Social skills training (SST) is an intervention that has been
ability to think on one’s feet and respond to the changing structured to target deficits in social problem-solving skills,
social cues or problems. The Social Skills Performance with the overall goal of enhancing social functioning for per-
Assessment (Patterson, Moscona, McKibbin, Davidson, & sons with psychiatric disabilities (Bellack, 2004; Bellack et al,
Jeste, 2001) is abbreviated and adapted from the MASC and 2004; Kopelowicz, Liberman, & Zarate, 2006; Liberman et al,
includes two role-plays, a social interaction (meeting a 1989; Tenhula & Bellack, 2008). Once the individual has
new neighbor), and an instrumental interaction (requesting established the social and interactional challenges and obsta-
attention from a landlord about a previously reported cles they encounter in their everyday lives, a focus on per-
problem). sonal skill development is built into their treatment or well-
ness recovery plan.
Social-Adaptive Functioning Evaluation Based on the Social Skills Model, social skills training em-
The Social-Adaptive Functioning Evaluation (SAFE; Harvey phasizes the development of learned skills that can be prac-
et al, 1997) was developed for geriatric clients with psychi- ticed and integrated into everyday occupational routines and
atric disabilities to measure social-interpersonal, instrumen- situations related to establishing affiliative relationships and
tal, and life skills functioning. It is designed to be rated by independent living. This highly structured approach to
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308 PART 2 ■ The Person

teaching skills involves breaking skills into discrete steps, re- prevention, job interviewing, and drug refusal skills, with the
hearsing the behaviors through role-plays, and providing generic SST model used to teach any social skill identified by
feedback and reinforcement to participants regarding their the participant (Bellack et al, 2004; Liberman et al, 1989;
effectiveness (Tenhula & Bellack, 2008). Tenhula & Bellack, 2008). Occupational therapy practition-
Peer support and role modeling are provided by the ther- ers may find that they can aide generalization of skills by fol-
apist and group participants, with an emphasis on tailoring lowing group skills training with coaching and reinforce-
the skills training toward problems identified by the person, ment in the actual occupational environments, such as
based on personal goals (Kopelowicz et al, 2006). Typically, community case management at the workplace, in the sup-
practice in natural environments is encouraged through ported living apartment, or whatever the natural contexts
homework assignments, which might be structured (e.g., are for the individual.
“Find two to three opportunities each day to practice these As in any therapy intervention, the treating therapists
skills when you go into the community”) so that, at the start should always be sensitive to the clients’ experiences of frus-
of the next group session, participants can report on their tration, as well as their concerns about self-efficacy and the
experiences with the targeted skills. risk of failure. Liberman et al (1989) offer three important
Skills training can be conducted individually, in groups, and points in regard to preventing or reducing client frustration
with families. Group methods are the most common, consist- during social skills training:
ing of 4 to 12 participants with 1 to 2 therapists for sessions
1. “Remember the shaping principle. Like everything
that are conducted for 45 to 90 minutes, meeting 1 to 5 times
else in social skills training, you should start with eas-
per week (Kopelowicz et al, 2006). SST is conducted by diverse
ier assignments and gradually increase the difficulty
practitioners, including occupational therapists, nurses, social
and complexity as the patient’s skill and confidence
workers, psychologists, and paraprofessionals.
increase.” (p. 118)
Each new skill begins with identifying a rationale for the
2. “The importance of setting the level of difficulty to
skill (e.g., generated by the participants in response to a re-
maximize the probability of success can’t be overem-
flection exercise, such as “Why is this important to your
phasized.” (p. 118)
mental health recovery?”), with instruction about the steps
3. “Always prepare the patients in advance for the real
involved in the skill. This example is offered by Tenhula and
possibility of failure; in fact, patients should expect to
Bellack (2008):
succeed only some of the time with their assignments
For example, initiating conversations requires first and not take failure personally.” (p. 119)
gaining the other person’s attention via introductory
The therapist may choose to reframe the experience of
remarks (“Hi, is this seat taken?”; “Excuse me, does the
failure for the client by offering an alternative perception,
number 2 bus stop here?”), asking general questions (e.g.,
such as an opportunity for learning, exploring, or evaluating
How have you been?”; “Do you come here often?”),
one’s current strengths and weaknesses.
following up with specific questions (e.g., “Did you see the
An additional concern that the therapist must consider
game last night?”), and sharing information with I
during social skills training is the difficulty some clients
statements (e.g., “I think . . .,” “I feel . . ., “I like . . .”).
may have with attention. The therapist should monitor the
Nonverbal and paralinguistic behaviors are similarly
clients’ level of attention during the session. Are partici-
segmented (e.g., making eye contact, shaking hands,
pants maintaining eye contact with the other participants in
nodding one’s head). Participants are first taught to
the session? Are they actively listening? Repetition of infor-
perform the elements of the skill, then gradually learn to
mation, such as paraphrasing, summarizing information,
combine them smoothly through repeated practice,
and other techniques, can be helpful for clients who are
shaping, and reinforcement of successive approximations.
having difficulty with attention. To keep everyone’s atten-
(p. 242)
tion on the social skills training group, Liberman et al (1989)
Role-playing simulated conversations and using behav- recommend, “Stay on your feet! Most mental health profes-
ioral demonstrations assist the person in identifying the sionals are used to conducting therapy sessions from a chair.
most relevant social situations based on what would be most . . . A blackboard or easel with newsprint pads should be
useful in his or her everyday life. Regardless of the level of available, since you will want to document the specific be-
skill demonstrated in the role-play, the therapist provides havioral targets for training through the visual as well as au-
positive feedback about the role-play and offers suggestions diochannel” (p. 75).
about trying something different or adding something that
was missing in the role-play (Tenhula & Bellack, 2008). Problem-Solving Training
Handouts and written prompts provide the participant with
concrete reminders of each skill so that practicing the skills During social skills training, it usually becomes evident that
in everyday life can be completed more easily. Subsequent many of the social situations in which clients experience dif-
sessions always start with a review of the experiences be- ficulty involve something more than rote employment of
tween sessions associated with how the individual carried specific interaction skills. Many social situations involve
out that skill, including successes and challenges (Tenhula & some assessment and problem-solving abilities to address
Bellack, 2008). the situation. What exactly is the other person saying? What
SST curricula have been developed to support the do- does it mean to me? Am I interpreting the situation accu-
mains of starting and maintaining conversations, assertive- rately? What is the best way to respond? Clients often
ness, friendship and dating, medication management, HIV demonstrate deficits in this assessment and problem-solving
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CHAPTER 21 ■ Communication and Social Skills 309

The Lived Experience

Jose at home. It helped me to organize my thoughts, to know what
Jose, a 48-year-old man with a diagnosis of schizophrenia, has to say. Things I learned how to do, I use at work when I have
now been working for 18 years. Jose recalls his treatment in the problems with my supervisor or with my coworkers. I feel I can
day program: “The role-play group really helped me at work and talk for myself when I have to.”

situations that may occur in the future. For example, the

Evidence-Based Practice client may have an appointment at the Social Security of-
fice later in the week and have many concerns about what
S ocial skills training results in the acquisition of social skills
through the use of instructions, modeling, role-play,
reinforcement, corrective feedback, and in vivo exercises
to say.
In a responsive social skills training group, the following
sequence is followed:
by homework assignments. A meta-analysis of social skills
training efficacy studies confirms that acquired social skills are 1. Client(s) who were the focus of role-plays or who
confirmed by changes as measured in role-play tests demon- were given homework during the previous session
strating enhancement of their assertiveness. In addition, social are asked to report on their progress since that
skills training consistently leads to a moderate but significant session.
and stable improvement in social functioning, slightly reduces 2. Clients are invited to describe any social situations that
general psychopathology, and considerably decreases the they have experienced or that they anticipate occur-
hospitalization rate at follow-up.
ring. If the clients cannot offer a situation, the group
➤ Occupational therapy practitioners should examine their leaders may choose to introduce a situation or a choice
social skills protocols to be sure that all aspects of best of situations.
practice (instructions, modeling, role-play, reinforcement, 3. The group makes a decision about which situation to
corrective feedback, and homework) are included in their focus on.
4. Start the problem-solving sequence:
■ Define the problem.
Pfammatter, M., Junghan, U. M., & Brenner, H. D. (2006). Efficacy of
psychological therapy in schizophrenia: Conclusions from meta-analyses. ■ Generate possible solutions for the problem.
Schizophrenia Bulletin, 32(S1), S64–S80. ■ Identify the pros and cons of each possible solution.
■ Select the best solution or combination of solutions.
■ Discuss how to carry out the solution in a social
process. To address this problem and enhance further social 5. Start the social skills training sequence:
functioning, many therapists have included problem-solving ■ Set up an interpersonal situation for a dry run
with social skills training. Bellack et al (2004) describe six role-play (i.e., the individual whose situation is
steps to problem-solving: being enacted runs it as it most recently occurred,
1. Define the problem. without trying to use the most effective social
2. Use brainstorming to generate possible solutions. skills).
■ Give instructions for the role-play.
3. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of each
■ Run the scene as a dry run.
possible solution.
■ Give positive and constructive feedback.
4. Select the best solution or combination of solutions.
■ Use a model (another group member who can
5. Plan how to carry out the solution(s).
6. Follow-up on the plan at a later time. demonstrate more effective social skills) for another
role-play of the same situation.
■ Verify that the client understands what has tran-
Responsive Social Skills Training spired in the second role-play, and identify the skills
Responsive social skills training combines problem-solving demonstrated by the model.
■ Give instructions to the client for a rerun of the
with social skills training in a group setting. For example,
in long-term rehabilitation settings, a structured, prepro- role-play.
■ Rerun the role-play.
grammed social skills training sequence can be quickly ex-
■ Give positive and constructive feedback.
hausted, leaving the clients with incomplete acquisition of
■ Give a real life homework assignment.
interaction skills. Clients often present with new and novel
■ Summarize skills covered in the session.
social situations with which they have had difficulty. In a
responsive social skills training group, the clients are in- The added amount of information covered by a respon-
vited to report any recent events that have occurred in their sive social skills training group puts a heavy demand on the
lives that they would like to work on with the group. In ad- group. The group leaders may have to consider scheduling
dition, clients are invited to identify any anticipated social the group for a slightly extended time. The group leaders will
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310 PART 2 ■ The Person

need to move the group process along or risk running out of ■ Natural reinforcers to support acquired skills
time. Liberman et al (1989) warn that ■ Skills that are “marketable” and self-sustaining in the
Very early we found that people—both patients and
■ Client’s use of self-reinforcement
therapists—had a tendency to talk a lot about the
■ Repeated practice and overlearning
whys and wherefores of the problems, symptoms, and
■ Functional and attainable goals in training skills
complexities present in any situation. Speculation on
psychodynamics and motives, ‘war stories’ of various In addition to these strategies, Kopelowicz et al (2006)
kinds, rationalizations, alibis, and other irrelevancies suggest that promoting peer support specialists as part of
kept intruding and getting in the way of actually doing community support programs could enhance the environ-
something. We found that such talk reduced the mental supports for generalizing social skills in natural en-
number of times a person could practice and get vironments. Use of technology through social networking
feedback. Be wary of this trap. (p. 74) tools available on the Internet also allows for people with
serious mental illness to select the method by which they
are most comfortable in using their social interaction
Generalization of Social Skills Training skills.
Therapists often clearly describe progress observed in ther-
apy sessions. However, one of the greatest concerns about
social skills training is whether the client truly applies the Summary
techniques or skills learned in therapy sessions or groups to
Occupational therapy practitioners play an important role
their actual life situations, that is, the generalization of skills
in helping facilitate the communication and interaction
learned in treatment. Bellack et al (2004) suggest a number
skills necessary for individuals with mental illness to be full
of techniques that can be used to enhance generalization:
participants in everyday life in the community. Building on
■ Homework assignments strengths, focusing on those skills that a person is able to do,
■ Multiple exemplars and trainers coaching to enhance performance, and offering opportuni-
■ Problem-solving strategy ties to use social and communication skills in everyday life
■ In vivo practice (meaning in the real life/world of the are the building blocks that occupational therapy practi-
person) tioners can use to enhance social competence. Working with
■ Fading of training structure, frequency, and supervision families and promoting clear and open communication
and reinforcement with all clients, families and community participants are
■ Treatment settings that approximate or simulate the key tools to affecting this important area of occupational
“real world” performance.

Active Learning Strategies

1. Self-Assessment OT student peers. Trade roles (leader, participant, observer)
during the role-play. Select either real life situations or hypo-
Therapeutic use of self is a basic approach to social skills
thetical situations, such as a client talking to a doctor or a
training. When the therapist is able to effectively model good
client asserting him- or herself in a difficult social situation.
communication in a variety of social settings, clients actively
Develop a realistic homework assignment for each scenario.
learn. Begin by assessing your own communication and so-
cial interaction skills.
3. Interview
Reflective Questions
Interview the family member of a person with a disability
● What are your strengths and weaknesses as a communi-
about his or her view of communication with health profes-
cator? Comfort in social situations? Comfort leading
sionals. Ask for any suggestions he or she might have for im-
groups? Comfort meeting new people?
proving communication with doctors, therapists, and other
● What interpersonal skills do you believe that you need to
health professionals. Sample questions could include: What
further develop? How do you plan to do so?
are the ways that you find most useful to communicate with
● How comfortable are you with collaborating with a client
your son’s therapist? How do you think your communica-
who is angry or agitated? Depressed?
tion could be improved?
● How will these communication skills be important in
your future practice as an occupational therapist?
Reflective Journal
2. Role-Playing Using your Reflective Journal, write about what you
learned that will influence your communication as
Using either Liberman et al (1989) or Bellack et al (2004),
an occupational therapist in future practice.
practice role-playing a social skills training group session with
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CHAPTER 21 ■ Communication and Social Skills 311

Resources Forsyth, K., Salamy, M., Simon, S., & Kielhofner, G. (1998). The
Assessment of Communication and Interaction Skills (Version
• The National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) 4.0). Chicago: Department of Occupational Therapy, University
website provides many links to resources supporting social skill of Illinois at Chicago.
development and are noted as “Examples of evidence-based Frolek Clark, G., Miller-Kuhaneck, H., & Watling, R. (2004).
social skills programs”: Evaluation of the child with an autism spectrum disorder. In
factsheets/socialskills_fs.aspx H. Miller-Kuhaneck (Ed.), Autism: A Comprehensive Occupa-
• The “Free Social Skills Advice From a Former Shy, Awkward tional Therapy Approach (2nd ed., pp. 107–153). Bethesda,
Guy” website offers information on social skills and how to get MD: AOTA Press.
along with others: Green, M. F., Kern, R. S., Braff, D. L., & Mintz, J. (2000). Neu-
• The ACIS can be ordered via the MOHO Clearinghouse E-Store: rocognitive deficits and functional outcome in schizophrenia: Are we measuring the “right stuff ”? Schizophrenia Bulletin, 26,
MOHO&category_name=Assessments&product_id=0001301 119–136.
Harvey, P. D., Davidson, M., Mueser, K. T., Parrella, M., White, L., &
Powchik, P. (1997). Social-Adaptive Functioning Evaluation
References (SAFE): A rating scale for geriatric psychiatric patients. Schizo-
Abramson, L. Y. (1988). Social Cognition and Clinical Psychology. phrenia Bulletin, 23, 131–145.
New York: Guilford Press. Hersen, M., & Bellack, A. S. (1976). Social skills training for chronic
American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA). (2008). psychiatric patients: Rationale, research findings, and future di-
Occupational therapy practice framework: Domain and process rections. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 17, 559–580.
(2nd ed.). American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 62, Kielhofner, G. (2008). Model of Human Occupation: Theory and
625–683. Application (4th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams &
American Psychiatric Association (APA). (2000). Diagnostic and Wilkins.
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed., text revision). Kielhofner, G., Cahill, S. M., Forsyth, K., de las Heras, C. G.,
Washington, DC: Author. Melton, J., Raber, C., & Prior, S. (2008). Observational assess-
Andreasen, N. C. (1982). Negative symptoms in schizophrenia: ments. In G. Kielhofner (Ed.), Model of Human Occupation:
Definition and reliability. Archives of General Psychiatry, 39, Theory and Application (4th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott
784–788. Williams & Wilkins.
Audet, L. R. (2004). The pervasive developmental disorders: A ho- Klyczek, J. P., & Stanton, E. (2008). The Bay Area Functional Perfor-
listic view. In H. Miller-Kuhaneck (Ed.), Autism: A Comprehen- mance Evaluation. In B. J. Hemphill-Pearson (Ed.), Assessments
sive Occupational Therapy Approach (2nd ed., pp. 41–66). in Occupational Therapy Mental Health: An Integrative Approach
Bethesda, MD: AOTA Press. (2nd ed., pp. 217–237). Thorofare, NJ: Slack.
Bandura, A. (1969). Principles of Behavior Modification. New York: Kopelowicz, A., Liberman, R. P., & Zarate, R. (2006). Recent ad-
Holt, Rinehart and Winston. vances in social skills training for schizophrenia. Schizophrenia
Beck, A. T., Rush, A. J., Shaw, B. F., & Emery, G. (1979). Cognitive Bulletin, 32(S1), S12–S23.
Therapy of Depression. New York: Guilford Press. Leete, E. (1993). The interpersonal environment: A consumer’s per-
Bellack, A. S. (2004). Skills training for people with severe mental sonal recollection. In A. B. Hatfield & H. P. Lefley (Eds.), Surviv-
illness. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 27, 375–391. ing Mental Illness: Stress, Coping, and Adaptation (pp. 114–128).
Bellack, A. S., Brown, C. H., & Thomas-Lohrman, S. (2006). Psy- New York: Guilford Press.
chometric characteristics of role-play assessments of social skill Liberman, R. P., DeRisi, W. J., & Mueser, K. T. (1989). Social Skills
in schizophrenia. Behavior Therapy, 37, 339–352. Training for Psychiatric Patients. New York: Pergamon Press.
Bellack, A. S., Mueser, K. T., Gingerich, S., & Agresta, J. (2004). Mosey, A. C. (1986). Psychosocial Components of Occupational
Social Skills Training for Schizophrenia: A Step-by-Step Guide Therapy. New York: Raven Press.
(2nd ed.). New York: Guilford Press. Patterson, T. L., Moscona, S., McKibbin, C. L., Davidson, K., & Jeste,
Birchwood, M., Smith, J., Cochrane, R., Wetton, S., & Copestake, S. D. V. (2001). Social skills performance assessment among older pa-
(1990). The Social Functioning Scale: The development and tients with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 482, 351–360.
validation of a new scale of social adjustment for use in family Pfammatter, M., Junghan, U. M., & Brenner, H. D. (2006). Efficacy
intervention programmes with schizophrenic patients. British of psychological therapy in schizophrenia: Conclusions from
Journal of Psychiatry, 157, 853–859. meta-analyses. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 32(S1), S64–S80.
Bowie., C. R., Twamley, E. W., Anderson, H., Halpern, B., Patterson, Roy, M., Dillo, W., Emrich, H. M., & Ohlmeier, M. D. (2009). As-
T. L., & Harvey, P. D. (2007). Self-assessment of functional status perger’s syndrome in adulthood. Duetsches Aerzteblatt Interna-
in schizophrenia. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 41, 1012–1018. tional, 106(5), 59(64. Available at:
Brayman, S. J. (2008). The Comprehensive Occupational Therapy .asp?id=63236 (December 8, 2009).
Evaluation (COTE). In B. J. Hemphill-Pearson (Ed.), Assessments Saraswat, N., Rao, K., Subbakrishna, D. K., & Gangadhar, B. N.
in Occupational Therapy Mental Health: An Integrative Approach (2006). The Social Occupational Functioning Scale (SOFS): A
(pp. 113–126). Thorofare, NJ: Slack. brief measure of functional status in persons with schizophrenia.
Brothers, L. (1990). The social brain: A project for integrating pri- Schizophrenia Research, 81, 301–309.
mate behavior and neurophysiology in a new domain. Concepts Stoffel, V. C., & Moyers, P. A. (2004). An evidence-based and occupa-
in Neuroscience, 1, 27–61. tional perspective of interventions for persons with substance-use
Corrigan, P. W., & Penn, D. L. (2001). Social Cognition and Schizophre- disorders. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 58, 570–586.
nia. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Takahashi, M., Tanaka, K., & Miyaoka, H. (2006). Reliability and
Couture, S. M., Penn, D. L., & Roberts, D. L. (2006). The functional validity of Communication Skills Questionnaire (CSQ). Psychia-
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Tsang, H. W. H., & Pearson, V. (2000). Reliability and validity of a Williams, S., & Bloomer, J. (1987). The Bay Area Functional
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Coping Skills 22
Kristine Haertl and Charles Christiansen

P roblems are not the problem; coping is the problem.

—Virginia Satir

kinds of changes that affected people during the time when

Coping is the process through which we adjust to the stress- Dr. Meyer was helping establish the specialty of psychiatry in
ful demands of daily life. Through its emphasis on helping the early 19th century. Although many physicians tried to ex-
people address the performance demands of their life tasks, plain mental illness in terms of biological causes, Meyer was
occupational therapy intervention can be described as ther- convinced that the stressful demands of living and the per-
apy for coping. Little has been written in the occupational sonal and social resources that people had available to assist
therapy literature about coping with stress or developing them with coping were key factors in understanding most
skills for coping, despite the reality that daily demands are mental illness.
often stressful. To the extent that some people have limita- Meyer’s model was perhaps the first diathesis stress
tions related to moving, thinking, sensing, and/or feeling, model. The term diathesis refers to a predisposition, perhaps
they are faced with additional burdens and challenges in created by genetics or other background factors, that makes
their everyday lives. Successful and satisfying occupational a person more vulnerable to the challenges of living.
performance is the goal of occupational therapy interven-
tion. Occupational therapists can be more effective when Coping and Adaptation
they include coping skills as one means of enhancing per-
formance of life tasks. This chapter provides an overview of Situations that require coping are often stressful. The risk of
concepts pertinent to stress and coping, and describes the re- harm or loss is a natural part of everyday life, whether a per-
lationships between mental illness and coping. son is crossing the street, driving on the freeway, doing a job
interview, or taking an examination. Such stressful experi-
ences, and the manner in which one copes with them, are
Stress and Coping viewed as important because of their relationship to a per-
son’s physical and mental well-being.
It is interesting to note that the father of American psychia- Some people use the terms coping and adaptation inter-
try, Adolf Meyer, a Johns Hopkins Professor of Psychiatry, changeably. This chapter uses adaptation as a general term
was the first influential leader in the United States to draw a for human change based on challenges in the environment.
link between stress and mental illness. In his work on the For example, over extended periods, genetic changes in a
theory of psychobiology, Meyer observed that many of the species help assure survival as the environment creates de-
patients he treated had conditions progressing from circum- mands that require such changes. Adaptation can thus be
stances that overwhelmed their ability to cope with the de- gradual and biological, or it can be more immediate and
mands of daily life (Meyer, 1921). Meyer, himself an immi- behavioral.
grant from Switzerland, observed that the demands of a new In contrast, the term coping is used more specifically to
culture during an era when technology was creating many describe the explicit actions taken by individuals as they en-
changes in the way people lived their lives could easily over- counter difficult conditions in their daily lives. Coping takes
whelm people and their ability to cope with these changes place in response to situations that may be perceived as rele-
(Christiansen, 2007). vant or vital to an individual’s well-being. The coping
In today’s fast-paced world, in which people in developed process involves information processing, emotions, and be-
countries are quite accustomed to new technologies such as havioral response (White, 1974). A person encounters a sit-
laptop computers, the Internet, and wireless phones, it is dif- uation, appraises the situation as a potential threat, and then
ficult to imagine what it must have been like when technol- assumes a course of action to address the situation.
ogy moved people from horse-drawn carriages to automo- This process occurs repeatedly throughout life when peo-
biles, or changed their circumstances from working on a farm ple encounter unusual or novel situations that they perceive
in a rural community to working in a factory with assembly as relevant to their well-being. Consider encountering a
lines in a crowded urban setting. Yet, these were precisely the stranger at the door who asks to use your telephone. At the
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314 PART 2 ■ The Person

point of the request, it is typical for a quick appraisal to be (e.g., fear, anxiety) that trigger the release of hormones that
made of whether the stranger poses a danger. If so, our activate the immune system responses. Just as a fire depart-
method of coping with that situation may be to politely deny ment crew gets worn out over time with countless false
the request, particularly if we are alone. However, if the per- alarms, so, too, does the immune system wear down with re-
son presents as well intentioned, well groomed, and polite, peated activation from anxiety and worry about threats, both
and we have friends in the house and have just completed a real and imagined.
self-defense course, we might be more inclined to grant the
request. The presence of friends and the ability to use self- Coping Theory and Research
defense are resources that are employed as part of our cop-
ing strategy. The likelihood that an event will be perceived as a threat de-
pends on a person’s experiences, resources, and coping
Stress as a Mind-Body Connection strategies. Therefore, people will respond differently to the
same situation. Lazarus and Folkman (1984) were among
A Canadian physician-scientist, Dr. Hans Selye is now known the first researchers to propose a transactional model of the
as the father of modern stress theory. Selye identified a group coping process that involves a series of appraisals, or situa-
of common symptoms during illness that he characterized as tional assessments. In the initial appraisal, the situation or
representing the body’s ordinary physiological reaction to un- event is seen as irrelevant, benign, positive, or stressful. A
favorable conditions. He called this the generalized adapta- stressful event is one with potential harm or loss, threat, or
tion syndrome (Selye, 1946). Selye’s work followed research by challenge that warrants a coping response. The secondary
Walter Cannon, who established the concept of homeostasis, appraisal considers available options and likely outcomes of
or the principle that the body works hard to maintain a favor- choosing those options. Once a coping or behavioral re-
able physiological balance and adjusts when external circum- sponse to the stressful circumstance is selected and applied,
stances create abnormal circumstances (Cannon, 1929). the situation is reappraised, and the appraisal process begins
Holmes and Rahe (1967) published a landmark article in again. If the threat is still present, other options must be con-
the 1960s that was the first to draw an association between sidered until the situation is resolved.
abnormal life circumstances and illness. They hypothesized Certain stressful situations are short term and acute (e.g., a
that, if people experience too much adversity in their lives, it flat tire), whereas others are persistent and chronic (e.g., a su-
will overwhelm their ability to cope, and illness will result. pervisor or coworker who has annoying habits). Elliott and
Their work used a now well-known scale of life events (the Eisdorfer (1982) identified four major types of stressors.
Schedule of Recent Experiences) to demonstrate a signifi- Acute stressors are short-term events that go away quickly.
cant association between unfavorable life events and illness. Stressor sequences represent a cascade of adversity, often re-
It is important to remember that the link between the body sulting from a single event, such as loss of a job. There are also
and adverse events is the mind, that is, how we process and chronic, intermittent stressors (e.g., a car that breaks down
respond emotionally to information. Unless a person is frequently or regular visits by unwelcome in-laws), and finally
physically assaulted or deprived of nutrients or shelter, the there are chronic, permanent stressors, which are continu-
major consequences of adverse events are emotional. Emo- ous. Chronic illness and disability is an example of a chronic
tions trigger the bodily mechanisms that create physiological permanent stressor that occupational therapists encounter
consequences following stress. regularly. Recent research in occupational science has identi-
Over the past two decades, scientists have begun unravel- fied chronic permanent stressors caused by the environment
ing the mechanisms that explain this connection. Psychoneu- that restricts participation based on isolation (either because
roimmunology is the specific area of study that explains this of incarceration or by geographic location). Situations that
connection. Emotions resulting from events create changes in limit access to people and services are likely to represent con-
the endocrine system that prepare the body to respond to ditions that lead to chronic stress.
threats. Typically, the hormones involved in such readiness
reactions (e.g., epinephrine, cortisol) are useful. However, Types of Coping
over time, they can be harmful and create circumstances that People cope in different ways. The particular coping strategy
damage the body’s natural defensive (or immune) systems. selected by an individual depends on that person’s unique
The term given for the physiological changes that accompany situation, background, and available resources. Resources
the body’s readiness activities is allostasis. The cumulative may consist of personal skills and abilities, friends and rela-
result of allostasis can be measured using physiological indi- tives, beliefs, and personality characteristics, such as a sense
cators that describe “allostatic load” (McEwen, 2002). of efficacy or optimism. Coping efforts tend be classified in
Hormones that trigger the body’s physiological reactions three major categories: behavioral strategies, avoidance,
to stressful circumstances are released after a person encoun- and cognitive strategies.
ters and appraises a life situation. Such appraisals are accom- Behavioral strategies involve some type of action to man-
panied by emotions that start the hormonal releases of al- age stress, such as confronting a person about a conflict or
lostasis. In his book Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers, Sapolsky engaging in physical activity to manage the feelings. Avoid-
(2003) explains that the immune systems of animals are less ance can involve withdrawal, distraction, use of substances,
prone to the ravages of stress because animals do not dwell on or other methods of staying away from the stressor. Cogni-
the past or future. When a zebra is directly threatened by a tive strategies typically include efforts to analyze the situa-
lion, it responds by running away. If it escapes, it does not tion to fully understand the nature of the threat or challenge.
spend time worrying about when and if a lion will reappear. Sometimes, people try to see the positive side of a difficult
Such thoughts themselves create the emotional responses situation and, in so doing, manage their appraisal of the
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CHAPTER 22 ■ Coping Skills 315

stressor. It is important to realize that how people perceive which Kobasa summarized in three words: control, commit-
and interpret a situation influences the nature of their re- ment, and challenge. Because of these characteristics, hardy
sponse. Often, during cognitive appraisal, the situation may people
be compared to similar experiences a person has encoun-
■ Believe that they can influence their life situations and
tered in the past.
act according to that belief.
Folkman and Lazarus (1984) noted that coping can be
■ Consistently consider how they can change situations
emotion focused or problem focused. That is, people can
for personal advantage and seldom accept events at face
concentrate on reducing the sense of anxiety they feel, or
they can address the sources of fear and anxiety directly.
■ Regard change as part of the normal course of events
Problem-focused coping strategies are directed at solving a
and see it as an opportunity for positive growth and de-
problem directly, through active efforts. Clearly, not all prob-
lems can be solved, but active efforts can be beneficial be-
■ Remain committed to learning and self-development.
cause they may divert attention away from the source of
stress or provide a release of energy to help dissipate the Today, the notion of hardiness has given way to the con-
arousal state that, when persistent, fosters the unnecessary cept of resilience, a general term that signifies a person is
release of hormones that stimulate the sympathetic nervous able to endure stressful situations without suffering the
system. physiological or psychological consequences, such as illness
Felton, Revenson, and Henrichsen (1984) found that, in or disease, typically associated with such adversity.
groups of adults with chronic medical conditions, coping Aaron Antonovsky (1979), an Israeli sociologist, spent
strategies tended to cluster within six major groupings, in- years studying the factors that distinguished individuals
cluding who were able to thrive despite lives filled with apparent
stress and adversity. His research yielded a model of
1. Cognitive restructuring—Efforts to find and embrace
health, or salutogenesis, which he described as the sense
the positive aspects of a situation
of coherence. Sense of coherence, in Antonovsky’s frame-
2. Emotional expression—Directing anger or humor at
work, described people for whom life was viewed as man-
the situation
ageable, meaningful, and comprehensible. That is, they
3. Wish-fulfilling fantasy—Spending time imagining an
had the skills or resources necessary for managing their
improved situation
problems, a sense of meaning and life purpose that gave
4. Self-blame—Refocusing attention as a part of avoidance
them a strong will to live, and a mental picture of their
5. Information seeking—Seeking information and ad-
lives that made sense in the form of an understandable or
vice about the situation and active coping strategies
coherent story.
used by others
More recently, psychologist Carol Ryff of Wisconsin
6. Threat minimization—Putting distressing thoughts
worked with physiologists interested in the concept of allosta-
out of one’s mind as a type of denial or avoidance
sis to identify the resources and attributes that contribute to
The research by Felton and colleagues corroborated the successful aging (Ryff & Singer, 2003). Ryff concluded that
model by Folkman and Lazarus in that these efforts grouped these factors group into six major categories: autonomy, envi-
readily within the categories of cognitive strategies, behav- ronmental mastery, personal growth, positive relations with
ioral strategies, and avoidance. others, purpose in life, and self-acceptance.
The research of Kobasa (Kobasa et al, 1981), Antonovsky
Coping Resources and Resilience (1979), and Ryff and Singer (2003) provides a useful way of
A great deal has been written in the literature about those summarizing the resources and attributes necessary for
resources that are deemed essential for success in coping successful coping. On careful examination, it is apparent
with the stressful situations of life. Early research directed that the personal factors that distinguish people who
at understanding the effect of major life events on stress cope most successfully with life’s challenges include the
was followed by recognition that people differed in their following:
levels of activity, intensity, and competitiveness. The terms
■ A sense of confidence or belief in one’s ability to suc-
“type A personality” and “type B personality” were coined
cessfully deal with adversity and challenge
to describe the distinction between people whose lifestyles
■ A sense of personal commitment that provides the
and personal attributes foster more stressful circum-
drive to keep going when things get tough
stances and those whose attitudes and pace of life are such
■ An orientation toward continuous growth and self-
that their emotional responses to circumstances are less
likely to evoke physiological stress responses. Research has
shown that personality type and attitude are related to the Beyond these personal characteristics, having defined
perception of stress, as well as to its physiological conse- skills (e.g., problem-solving, influencing, organizing, or
quences, such as hypertension and heart disease (Myrtek, managing resources) and a network of friends and associates
2001). who can provide advice and assistance also seem to be valu-
Suzanne Kobasa (Kobasa, Maddi, & Kahn, 1981) pursued able assets in helping people cope successfully with adversity.
a line of research that attempted to identify the characteris- The following sections focus on the relationship between
tics of those who were more successful at coping with life coping and mental illness, paying particular attention to the
stressors. She described this constellation of traits as a type assessment of coping skills and approaches to intervention
of stress resilience she called “hardiness.” People with hardi- that can be useful to occupational therapists working in the
ness tended to have several characteristics in common, area of mental health.
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316 PART 2 ■ The Person

PhotoVoice has difficulty with transitions or is unable to figure out the

change in bus schedule. Therapists must be empathic toward
I see a place to sit the challenges facing people with serious and persistent
down at a park mental illness, and work to provide a “supportive, tolerant,
shelter with a and safe therapeutic environment” that facilitates client
circular ray of growth (Ghanstrom-Stranqvist, Josephsson, & Thom, 2004).
light. There are Personal narratives of individuals living with mental ill-
also trees all ness depict the shock, frustration, change in relationships,
and altered identity that often emerge when diagnosed
around the with a major mental illness. Chovil (2005) wrote, “I had an
shelter. I am insidious onset of schizophrenia beginning in high school
searching for peace, and I found and gradually lost my human relationships over a 9-year
it in myself while sitting at this particular shelter. For period without anyone realizing I was completely alone by
those who have not experienced this peace, they too the time I was homeless . . . (I was) untreated for the next
may benefit from the shelter within themselves. 10 years” (p. 407). Another author wrote, “Once a mishap
—Grady or mistake occurred, a critical inner voice would berate me
in a punishing way and send me into a tailspin and often
into depression” (Weingarten, 2005, p. 77). Not only do the
symptoms add to difficulty in coping with everyday stres-
Mental Illness and Coping sors, but also individuals affected by mental illness must
cope with the personal and societal stigma that often ac-
There appears to be a dynamic link between mental illness companies mental illness. Although mental illness often
and stress that is not dissimilar to the traditional contempla- poses stress and barriers to successful coping, with ade-
tion, “Which comes first, the chicken or the egg?” Whereas quate supports, interventions, and resources, individuals
the symptoms of mental illness cause additional stress, those with psychiatric disorders can lead productive, healthy, en-
individuals who have difficulty coping appear predisposed riching lives.
to developing mental health problems (Chapman, Chapman,
Kwapil, Eckblad, & Zinser, 1994).
Diathesis stress models posit that individuals with a pre-
disposition to psychiatric disorders are more prone to devel-
Family Coping
opment of the illness in the presence of stress (Dangelmaier, There is a significant amount of research on the impact
Docherty, & Akamatsu, 2006). For example, if Mary, a of mental illness on the family (e.g., Fortune, Smith, &
woman with a genetic predisposition toward major depres- Garvey, 2005; Nehra, Chakrabarti, Kulhara, & Sharma,
sion, experiences the death of an immediate family member, 2005; Tennakoon et al, 2000). Initial research focused heav-
it puts her at greater risk for the onset of depression. Yet, in ily on a dysfunctional pattern of interaction between family
the presence of adaptive coping skills, social support, and members and individuals with mental illness. This pattern,
adequate resources, personal resilience may develop and termed “expressed emotion,” was used to denote a pattern of
protect individuals from the negative effects of stress. The hostility, criticism, and overinvolvement in relatives of
means by which people cope with daily life stressors can those people with psychiatric conditions, particularly schiz-
serve either to buffer or exacerbate stressors. In the latter ophrenia. Early studies (Brown, Birley, & Wing, 1972;
case, the exacerbation can trigger the onset of mental health Leff, Kuipers, Berkowitz, Eberlin-Vries, & Sturgeon, 1982)
symptoms such as psychosis (Dangelmaier et al, 2006). found that individuals with mental illness from families
Personal and contextual factors influence an individual’s with high levels of expressed emotion were more likely to
ability to cope with stress. A shopping trip to purchase food experience psychiatric relapse. Recent research questions
items may seem like a simple task, yet for individuals strug- whether the presence of mental illness in the family may
gling with major mental illness, everyday tasks often pose actually contribute to the dynamics of the family dysfunc-
challenges and bring about anxiety. The interaction between tion and abnormal interaction patterns (Weardon, Tarrier,
the individual, his or her view of the situation, personal Barrowclough, Zastowny, & Rawhill, 2000).
stress and vulnerability factors, and the context and duration The stress, time, and energy required to care for a family
of the stressor affect an individual’s ability to cope (Snyder & member with a mental illness often disrupts daily activities.
Pulvers, 2001; Wong, 2006). A mother coping with a teenage son who struggles with de-
Major mental illnesses such as schizophrenia often in- pression and suicidal tendencies may find the need to alter-
volve disturbances in self-identity, cognition, and relation- nate her work schedule or secure community supports to
ships, all of which can negatively influence personal coping ensure his safety during the day. A husband of a wife strug-
(Hatfield & Lefley, 1993). A client who actively hears voices, gling with newly diagnosed schizophrenia faces major deci-
is overcome with depression, or has problems with attention sions regarding their relationship, supports needed, and par-
and problem-solving may view the daily routine of getting enting of the children. When family relationships break
up and preparing for school or work as overwhelming. A down and mental illness is perceived as overwhelming, care-
simple trip to the grocery store could be unmanageable for givers often resort to both problem-based and emotional-
someone who has a fear of open spaces or who is actively based coping and use not only adaptive techniques, but also
hearing voices to engage in self-harm. A change in work maladaptive strategies, such as avoidance, collusion, and co-
schedule may become overwhelming for an individual who ercion (Nehra et al, 2005).
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CHAPTER 22 ■ Coping Skills 317

Often stress buffers, such as seeking social support and use self-assessment methods, yet retrospective self-reports of
using available resources, are helpful in ameliorating the stress and coping may not always be accurate (Stone et al,
anxiety caused by the mental illness (Nehra et al, 2000; 1998). Pairing personal assessment tools with additional ob-
Wong, 2006). Research suggests a dynamic interplay between jective and subjective measures can facilitate a more holistic
the individual with the mental illness, the family’s response approach to addressing the impact of stress and coping on
to the mental illness, and services available to facilitate per- personal occupational performance.
sonal and familial coping. Occupational therapists work with clients to explore ar-
Studies of caregiver burden suggest that familial social re- eas of current stress and personal coping methods in the
lationships, leisure time, daily routines, and personal health context of their impact on quality of life and occupational
are altered as a result of caring for someone with mental ill- performance. Measures of personal stress, trauma, and cop-
ness (Ivarsson, Sidenvall, & Carlsson, 2004; Ostman, 2004). ing include checklists, self-appraisal instruments, physiolog-
Family burdens as described by Wong (2006) include subjec- ical measures, observations, and interviews. Factors to con-
tive burdens (social and psychological costs related to the sider when selecting a measure include the individual’s
care of individuals with mental illness) and objective burdens cognitive level, potential for insight, motivation, and fit with
(practical difficulties encountered in the day-to-day interac- the purpose of the tool.
tion and care of relatives with mental illness). Although stud-
ies of caregiver burden are plentiful within the literature, one Stress and Coping Measures
must be cautious because the use of the term “burden” often
implicates the person with mental illness as the focus of the Whereas some events are considered inherently stressful and
stress, a position that may be difficult for the client to accept traumatic, such as war, natural disaster, and unexpected
(Abelenda & Helfrich, 2004). Furthermore, such conceptual- childhood death, others are deemed stressful based on the
izations may influence client identity and family relation- context and personal meaning assigned to the situation. Of-
ships. A dynamic, competency-based approach to under- ten events are not inherently bad or good, yet personal ap-
standing family strengths and concerns allows for a balanced praisal and perceived meaning of the occurrence has a bear-
approach to family intervention. ing on well-being, equilibrium, and the need to cope
Three areas of practical difficulties encountered by fami- (Zakowski, Hall, Klein, & Baum, 2001). Measures used to as-
lies affected by mental illness include understanding the dis- sess stress and its relationship to health are derived from
ease, managing the symptoms, and coordinating therapy three traditions (Stewart, 1999):
services (Wong, 2006). Additional subjective burdens cause
1. Environmental tradition—focused on events and ex-
emotional anxiety, frustration, guilt, and worry (Hatfield &
periences as they are objectively associated with adap-
Lefley, 1993). Including the family in evaluation and inter-
tation and daily life demands
vention helps mediate the difficulties often associated with
2. Psychological tradition—emphasizing individual (sub-
caregiving. Evaluation methods using interviews and occu-
jective) evaluation of coping abilities to meet life
pational history-taking provide a means to understand the
daily routines and occupational patterns of the family
3. Biological tradition—aimed at measuring the activa-
(Chaffey & Fossey, 2004). Care must be taken to acknowl-
tion of physiological systems during times of stress
edge patient privacy rights, and therefore, efforts should be
made to determine the client’s wishes related to the amount There are distinct pros and cons to each approach; there-
of information shared with the family. Efforts to facilitate fore, selecting a measure is based on the purpose of the assess-
open communication and collaboration between the thera- ment and the client’s condition. Stress and trauma-related
pist, client, and family often aid in transitions out of the hos- measures tend to focus on three areas: life events, physiologi-
pital, particularly if the client will be returning home to live cal responses to stress, and the subjective appraisal of stress
with the family. Areas to address with the family include the through self-assessment. Additional assessment methods con-
home environment, relational patterns, and resources used sider personal coping in response to life stress and the impact
and needed, and existing family knowledge about the illness. of stress and coping on health and wellness.
A comprehensive, client/family-based approach to evalua-
tion facilitates holistic intervention planning. Self-Report Instruments
For information related to family assessment and inter-
ventions, see Chapter 29. Self-report instruments are those in which the client pro-
vides his or her own perspective. They are the most com-
monly used method. Most measures assess the stressors that
Client Evaluation the individual is experiencing, some evaluate the type of
coping method used, and others assess both stressors and
With the emergence of the recovery movement in psychiatric coping methods.
rehabilitation (Anthony, 1993), individuals with mental dis-
orders are viewed as key informants related to intervention Stress Measurement
planning. Certainly, the course of the illness affects personal Despite criticism within the literature, Holmes and Rahe’s
judgment, the capacity for insight, and the ability to actively (1967) Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS), remains
engage in self-assessment and intervention (Cowls & Hale, one of the most frequently used tools to measure stress
2005; Ivarsson et al, 2004). A recovery-oriented approach in- (Scully & Tossi, 2000). The scale was formulated based on re-
volves working collaboratively with the client and family to search suggesting that stressful life events correlated with the
identify appropriate assessment tools. Several measurements onset of illness (Rahe, Meyer, Smith, Kjaer, & Holmes, 1964).
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The SSRS consists of 43 life events in two categories: events Traditionally, Folkman and Lazarus’ (1988) Ways of Cop-
that relate to the individual’s lifestyle, and events that occur ing Checklist–Revised was the instrument of choice used to
and include the individual. Items are ranked on a scale of assess coping; however, newer measures have been developed
100 and include events such as (a) death of a spouse = 100, in an attempt to improve psychometric rigor (Gol & Cook,
(b) marriage = 50, (c) retirement = 45, (d) change in sleep- 2004). Despite development and expansion of coping meas-
ing habits = 16, and (e) vacation = 13. Respondents are asked ures in recent years, the Ways of Coping Checklist–Revised
to complete the checklist, based on the number of listed life continues to be used heavily in research and assessment
events that have occurred within the past year. Total scores within a variety of fields (Penley, Tomaka, & Wiebe, 2002).
are compared to a scale that suggests the potential for devel- The checklist consists of 66 items rated on a 4-point Likert
oping a significant illness. A limitation of the measure is that scale. Respondents are asked to identify strategies used to deal
it does not differentiate the reaction to positive and negative with life demands. The scale is easy to administer and results
stress events. in a representation of the client’s style of coping, including
In addition to the SSRS, examples of checklist and self- (a) problem focused, (b) wishful thinking, (c) distancing,
assessment tools used to rate personal stress include the Psy- (e) seeking social support, (f) emphasizing the positive,
chiatric Epidemiology Interview Life Events Scale (PERI) (g) self-blame, (h) tension reduction, and (i), self-isolation.
(Dohrenwend, Krasnoff, Askenasy, & Dohrenwend, 1978), In addition, an abundance of coping self-assessment
the Recent Life Changes Questionnaire (Rahe, 1975), the tools exist within the human service, health, and business
Life Experiences Survey (Sarason, Johnson, & Siegel, 1978), fields. Three popular measures, the Coping Responses In-
and the Elder Life Stress Inventory (Aldwin, 1990). The PERI ventory (Moos, 1990), the COPE scale (Carver, Scheier, &
and Recent Life Changes Questionnaire are similar to the Weintraub, 1989), and the Coping Strategies Indicator
SSRS in assessing individual stress through use of an objec- (Amirkhan, 1990), all measure coping responses to daily
tive checklist of events encountered. The Life Experiences stressors. The instruments are fairly easy to administer in
Survey seeks to broaden and differentiate stressors by iden- both clinical and academic settings, yet as is often the case
tifying both positive and negative events. Additional instru- with coping measures, conceptual problems arise when sep-
ments, such as the Occupational Stress Inventory–Revised arating out coping strategies from resources available
(Osipow & Spokane, 1998) and Stress Symptom Checklist (Schwarzer & Schwarzer, 1996). Given the limitations of
(Schlebusch, 2004), expand the measurement of stress be- such measures, additional evaluation techniques using ob-
yond event occurrences through measurement of individual servation, interview, history-taking, and formal task assess-
responses and coping in relation to stressors. ment provide a more holistic picture of the client’s coping
In addition to stress measurement tools derived from the strategies and skills.
field of psychology, a comprehensive occupation-based ap-
proach to measuring stress, the Stress Management Ques- Children, Adolescents, and Parents
tionnaire (SMQ) provides a holistic view of stress and cop-
ing through self-assessment of problems and symptoms Based on age, context. and developmental stage, children’s ex-
caused by stress, stressors eliciting the response, and coping perience of stress and coping may differ from that of adults.
activities that are currently used to manage stress (Stein & Life event checklists for adults often include items that are not
Cutler, 2002). The SMQ was developed from two descriptive relevant for pediatric populations, and personal stressors dif-
studies in order to evaluate personal improved stress re- fer based on age and development. Studies with children
sponse following biofeedback and relaxation interventions. (Ayres, Sandler, West, & Roosa, 1996) suggest that a four-
One advantage the SMQ offers over many of the other stress factor model of coping—active, distraction, avoidant, and
and coping tools is that it explores dimensions of both stress support seeking—may fit better with childhood situational
and coping responses. Stein reported the SMQ to be useful coping than the original coping theories developed by Lazarus
for facilitating therapist and patient collaboration in devel- and Folkman. Given the differences between children and
oping an individualized stress management program and adults, stress and coping evaluations for younger populations
tracking personal progress within therapy. should include client and contextual factors such as the
chronological and developmental age of the child.
Coping Assessment Inventory tools available for coping assessment include
Coping measures are derived from theoretical frameworks the Life Events Coping Inventory for Children (Dise-Lewis,
and classifications of the coping process. Readers will 1988), the Children’s Coping Strategies Checklist (Ayres
recall that Lazarus and Folkman (1984) distinguished be- et al, 1996), the Adolescent Coping Scale (Frydenberg
tween problem-focused coping and emotion-based cop- & Lewis, 1993), the Life Events Checklist (Johnson &
ing. Problem-focused coping is generally considered McCutcheon, 1980), the Adolescent Perceived Events Scale
healthier (Schwarzer, Starke, & Buchwald, 2003) because it (Compas, Davis, Forsythe, & Wagner, 1987), and the Parent-
is directly focused on working through problems caused ing Stress Index (Abidin, 1990).
by the stress. Additional conceptualizations of coping clas-
sification identify active and avoidant styles of coping Additional Stress and Coping Measures
(Snyder & Pulvers, 2001; Suls & Fletcher, 1985). Active
strategies are regarded as more adaptive and involve active The limitations of self-appraisal instruments can be ad-
means to change the stressor or emotional view of the sit- dressed with complementary assessment techniques that in-
uation in order to address it directly. Avoidant strategies corporate additional means of data gathering. These include
use other means (e.g., alcohol, cigarettes, withdrawal) to interviews, stress diaries, physiological measures, observa-
avoid addressing the source of stress. tion, and resilience.
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CHAPTER 22 ■ Coping Skills 319

Interviews Raeder, 2005). Some programs use more basic measures, such
Interviews serve to expand on information gained from in- as the use of stress patches or small thermometers that meas-
ventories and allow the therapist to use clinical reasoning in ure skin temperature (Needham, 1996) before and after in-
the selection of areas for further inquiry. Interviews may be tervention. With time, the aim of therapy is to teach clients
conducted on a formal or informal basis and may include to take control of their personal response to stress through
the use of structured interview guides (Patton, 2002), an adaptive techniques such as the use of deep breathing and
open-ended interview, or specific interview tools such as the relaxation.
Family Stress and Coping Interview (Nachshen, Woodford, Observation
& Minnes, 2003) or Interview for Recent Life Events (Paykel,
1997). Occupation-based tools such as the Canadian Occu- Client observation in both natural and structured settings
pational Performance Measure (Law et al, 1998) and the Oc- provides the therapist with insights into occupational per-
cupational Case Analysis Interview and Rating Scale (Kaplan formance. Although general observation is not included in
& Kielhofner, 1989) are helpful to provide a client-centered many of the widely used stress and coping assessments, given
focus on perceptions of occupational performance as related the focus on task performance within therapy, occupational
to stress, coping, and quality of life. therapists are uniquely suited to make observations regarding
Although these instruments do not expressly focus on a client’s problem-solving capabilities, adaptive skills, and
stress and coping, responses to questions within the inter- ability to cope with stress. As task-based assessments are per-
view provide the therapist with relevant information related formed, the therapist records observations of how the client
to the client’s perception of function, life satisfaction, and responds to unexpected difficulties (or stress) within an as-
goal areas. As with inventory measures, interviews do have sessment. For instance, if a client being assessed with the
limitations of self-report, yet they have advantages in their Kohlman Evaluation of Living Skills (Thomson, 1993) reacts
ability to expand and explore personal appraisal of stress and to difficulty during the money management section by
perceived efficacy of coping to a deeper level than traditional shouting at the therapist and stomping out of the room, the
checklists. therapist gains valuable information about the client’s cur-
rent frustration level and reaction to the request to perform a
Stress Diaries task that may be beyond his or her current skill level.
A comprehensive assessment of the response behavior
Another approach to measuring stress and coping, the stress should include the client’s perception of the situation, the
diary (Linehan, 1993), provides a means for clients and ther- therapist’s view of the behavior, perceived and actual skill re-
apists to track stress and coping over time. Various forms of garding the test, and antecedents and reasons for coping be-
stress diaries exist; they generally involve a journal or record- haviors. Appraisal of the client and therapist interchange, as
ing of the times and events surrounding stress, personal reac- well as opportunities to reestablish rapport and develop pos-
tions to events, and coping strategies used. One common itive coping skills, should be considered. A number of vari-
form of the stress diary, Linehan’s (1993) diary card, is used ables, including client factors such as emotional state, status
with dialectical behavioral therapy. This is a cognitive behav- of the psychiatric disorder, current medications, and rapport
ioral treatment that was originally designed for persons with with the therapist, may all affect the client’s ability to react to
borderline personality disorder, but has since been applied to stressful situations. In addition, task demands and environ-
a variety of populations, including persons with chemical de- mental factors affect the testing situation. A noisy, high-
pendency, eating disorders, depression, and anxiety. The di- stimulus room may be perceived as far more stressful than a
ary card may be used to derive an initial baseline on maladap- calm, quiet setting. Careful attention should be paid to the
tive coping strategies used (e.g., alcohol, self-harm), as well as testing and intervention environment. Regardless of the task
track the use of adaptive coping skills. The diary card serves assessment tool, observations of the client’s response to task
as a means to provide feedback, increase insight into stressors demands provide valuable information regarding the client’s
that evoke maladaptive coping, and records skills that may be occupational performance.
used to more positively work through the stress. In addition to direct observation, several tools assess cop-
ing behaviors through interviews or questionnaires of care-
Physiological Measures givers based on client observation. These tools may be espe-
Whereas sophisticated physiological methods of measuring cially helpful with children, individuals with developmental
stress (e.g., cortisol levels) are often used for research pur- disabilities, and clients with poor insight. Examples of assess-
poses, the physiological measures of assessment in health- ments used to evaluate adaptive behavior include the AAMR
care settings may include heart rate and skin temperature. Adaptive Behavioral Scale (Nihira, Leland, & Lambert, 1993),
Through the use of instrumentation such as biofeedback, the Coping Inventory (Zeitlin, 1985), the Early Coping In-
clients work with the therapist to identify baseline physio- ventory (Zeitlin, Williamson, & Szczepanski, 1988), and the
logical measures, experiment with various interventions Scales of Independent Behavior–Revised (Bruininks, Wood-
(e.g., relaxation, meditation) in order to explore which cock, Weatherman, & Hill, 1996). When selecting observation
stress-relieving activities are most effective and teach the tools that are completed by the caregiver, careful considera-
client to self-regulate physiological responses to stress. tion should be given as to who fills out the assessment, their
Additional physiological measures of stress include the level of involvement and scope of observation opportunities,
use of heart rate, blood pressure, and galvanic skin response. and if they can accurately complete the form. At times, it is
The galvanic skin response uses surface electrodes on the fin- helpful to encourage the respondent to consult additional
gers and can detect anxiety and skin resistance in response to caregivers if the information is unknown (e.g., if completed
an individual’s emotional state (Storm, Shafiei, Myre, & by a teacher). Inclusion of direct observation is often helpful
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320 PART 2 ■ The Person

in order to assess current function and compare task Theoretical Frameworks for Intervention
performance in the testing situation to the trends reported
over time. Theoretical frameworks guide the selection of techniques
used for intervention. Several frame of references used
Resilience within occupational therapy are relevant to addressing stress
A final area of emphasis is the measurement and develop- and coping. For the purposes of this chapter, four are dis-
ment of resilience or hardiness, which have been identified cussed: (a) psychodynamic/object relations (b) behavioral,
as the process and resources that allow people to compe- and (c) cognitive behavioral.
tently and successfully deal with day-to-day challenges
(Brooks & Goldstein, 2001). Similar to stress and coping, Psychodynamic-Object Relations Approaches
measures of resilience often include personal checklists The psychodynamic frame of reference draws on the work of
(Hardy, Concato, & Gill, 2004; Reivich & Shatte, 2002) to theorists such as Freud, Jung, Rodgers, and Maslow. Occupa-
self-assess resilience, identify controllable and uncontrol- tional therapists are not trained in psychodynamic theory to
lable factors related to resilience, and develop personal skills the same extent as many psychologists and physicians; yet,
that will improve resilience. An example of a resilience the foundational knowledge of the theory provides a frame-
measure, the Resilience Quotient (Reivich & Shatte, 2002), work by which therapists can use expressive techniques in
measures seven areas: (a) emotional regulation, (b) impulse collaboration with the client to develop insights and under-
control, (c) optimism, (d) causal analysis, (e) empathy, standing, and facilitate adaptive behaviors to meet goals.
(f) self-efficacy, and (g) reaching out. In addition, the meas- Mosey (1970) outlined major principles within this frame of
ure results in an overall resilient quotient. Based on research reference and stressed the importance of the client’s mental
of the instrumentation and follow-up intervention tech- state, unconscious, utility of symbols, and creative expres-
niques, the authors contend that resilience may be positively sion to promote insight into the self. Mosey emphasized the
affected through mindfulness techniques aimed at trans- significance of the therapist–client relationship and con-
forming the thought process, an approach that is in line scious use of self in order to develop rapport and foster a
with cognitive behavioral therapy, an integral part of stress therapeutic environment conducive to intervention (Mosey,
and coping intervention. 1986). Empathy, compassion, humility, and unconditional
positive regard were all considered by Mosey as foundations
of the development of a positive therapeutic relationship be-
Intervention tween the therapist and the client in order to develop a col-
laborative partnership and foster goal attainment.
Occupational therapists who work with clients to improve Key assumptions within the psychodynamic frame of ref-
their performance skills are better equipping them to con- erence emphasize that clients are personal experts on their
tend with the various problems and situations in their lives. lives and are capable of increased understanding of the self
In addition, through their contributions to their client’s and others (Bruce & Borg, 2002). Some of the assumptions
feelings of self-efficacy, they provide an important psycho- are as follows:
logical element in an individual’s coping toolkit; in so do-
ing, it makes them more resilient to the consequences of ■ Human behavior is influenced by the conscious and
stress over time. This section addresses how interventions unconscious.
relate to specific frames of reference and individual client ■ Activities provide a means of personal exploration and
needs. feelings expression.

This is a group of successful women I know. These are the words
they use to explain what makes their lives successful.
Jennifer—”My life is a success because I believe more in myself,
and I have a lot more support.”
Elise—”My life is a success because of God and because I pray
all of the time.”
Darlene—”I feel like I am very persistent, and I usually don’t
stop until I succeed.”
Viola—”What has made me a successful life is, I started
getting out of the house. This got rid of the depression. The
sky is the limit of things I can do and accomplish. Also, my
spiritual belief, there is a God of heaven. When I pray that will
make everything better. That’s called faith.”
Knowing these women makes me have a successful life, and I am one of the women in the picture.
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CHAPTER 22 ■ Coping Skills 321

■ Structured activities provide improved functional per-

formance, self-control, and personal safety. BOX 22-1 ■ Client Example of Psychodynamic
■ The client–therapist relationship is of distinct significance. Intervention
■ The creation of an atmosphere of mutual respect con-
tributes to personal safety and optimal group milieu. Mary, a 15-year-old adolescent with a long history of abuse, depres-
sion, and conduct disorder, has difficulty communicating with oth-
Within this approach, interventions aimed at stress and ers, isolates herself, and engages in maladaptive coping behaviors
coping often include creative media designed to provide a such as cutting her arms and abusing alcohol. During the initial in-
means for the client to express feelings and come to self- terview and in the occupational therapy clinic, the therapist notices
realization through the use of writing and creative expres- that Mary expresses feelings through the writing of poetry and paint-
sion such as art and dramatic play. ing of pictures. As rapport develops between the therapist and
Mary, she becomes increasingly trusting of the therapist and willing
to discuss her underlying fears of failure and rejection. The therapist
Writing and Mary work together to gain new insights from her creations, es-
The use of therapeutic writing within the psychodynamic tablish goals related to developing positive coping skills, and use
frame of reference incorporates open-ended, exploratory media as an outlet when she is angry or frustrated.
writing activities. Expressive techniques are helpful to facili-
tate understanding of the conscious and unconscious, which
can lead to increased personal insight and goal attainment
(Progoff, 1992). Studies demonstrate the effectiveness of ther-
apeutic writing techniques, suggesting that personal expres- Evidence-Based Practice
sion in response to stress and trauma improve overall health
and well-being (Esterling, L’Abate, Murray, & Pennebaker,
1999; Smyth, 1998). Expressive writing techniques may in- T he use of expressive writing has been effective in improving
physiological measures in response to stress and trauma,
resulting in improved health and well-being (Esterling, L’Abate,
clude the use of free writing and flow writing, stream of con- Murray, & Pennebaker, 1999; Smyth, 1998).
sciousness, journal writing, and expressive creative writing.
Following completion of open-ended writing techniques, the ➤ Regardless of the practice setting, occupational therapists
client works with the therapist to explore themes within the are typically working with individuals that have or are cur-
rently experiencing stress and trauma. Occupational thera-
writing and come to a new understanding.
pists can provide opportunities for expressive writing as an
outlet to process and express emotions related to personal
Creative Expression experiences.
Another psychodynamic approach includes free-form art,
sculpture, and improvisational drama or play. Media such as ➤ Occupational therapists might also consider using physio-
clay, finger paint, and watercolor are used because of their logical measures of stress such as heart rate, blood pres-
sure, or skin temperature to determine if the writing exer-
abstract properties and potential for free expression. The use
cises are resulting in positive outcomes.
of expressive media seeks to free underlying emotions and
conflicts in order to heal the psyche (Samuels, 1995). Esterling, B. A., L’Abate, L., Murray, E. J., & Pennebaker, J. W. (1999).
Some clients are more amenable to expressive techniques Empirical foundations for writing in prevention and psychotherapy: Mental
than others, and often children are more willing to engage in and physical health outcomes. Clinical Psychology Review, 19,79–96.
techniques such as finger painting or use of media that is Smyth, J. M. (1998). Written emotional expression: Effect sizes, outcome
types, and moderating variables. Journal of Consulting and Clinical
harder to control because they may be less likely to person- Psychology, 66, 174–184.
ally judge the perceived quality of their work. Once expres-
sive media creations are complete, the therapist and client
work together to understand the underlying themes within
the creation. Therapists must be cautioned not to overinter- as token economies, is found in several areas of psychosocial
pret symbolism brought forth in the media, and should al- practice. A token economy involves a reinforcement system, of-
ways consider the client as the expert related to the creation ten unified for an entire group of clients (e.g., on a behavioral
and the self. Given the emphasis on client insight, the cogni- unit at the hospital). In simplified token economies, clients may
tive capacity and ability to self-reflect should be considered. be given a direct reinforcement following positive behavior or
An example of creative expression as a psychodynamic ap- may be given a tangible symbol (e.g., a star) that counts toward
proach to intervention is shown in Box 22-1. the purchase of some larger reinforcement. In more sophisti-
cated token economies, clients earn tokens and spend them,
Behavioral Frame of Reference similar to spending money at a store. These systems may be
The use of behavioral approaches are often helpful with used as an incentive for adaptive behaviors, and to teach skills
clients who need structure and an external locus of control. surrounding money management and budgeting.
Behaviorism comes from the work of theorists such as Despite a decline of research in token economies over the
Pavlov, Watson, and Skinner, and focuses on the study of the past two decades, studies suggest they are effective in de-
interactions between people and their environment. Behav- creasing maladaptive behaviors and violence within psychi-
ioral perspectives emphasize objective behaviors with little atric settings (Le Page, 1999). Within occupational therapy,
focus on the emotions related to such behaviors. the pairing of behavioral techniques is often used with other
Individuals with developmental cognitive deficits, those approaches. For instance, clients may be given tokens or
with low motivation, and children may respond to behavioral points for attending a therapy session focused on skill train-
techniques. The use of structured reinforcement systems, such ing. The use of the token economy is designed to promote
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322 PART 2 ■ The Person

and facilitate adaptive behaviors. One must be cautious, Occupational therapists are often part of a multidiscipli-
however, because the removal of the reinforcement can serve nary team approach that uses cognitive behavioral therapy
to decrease the desired behavior. An example of a behavioral to address stress, trauma, maladaptive behaviors, and coping
approach to intervention is shown in Box 22-2. skills. For more information on cognitive behavioral ther-
In planning behavioral interventions, the therapist identi- apy, see Chapter 19.
fies behavioral patterns and the desired change in behavior,
and then develops strategies to achieve the desired behaviors. Psychoeducation
Reinforcements may be tangible (e.g., material goods) or in- As is true for family coping, psychoeducation emphasizes a
tangible (e.g., personal praise). Careful consideration of the multifaceted intervention approach to provide resources and
client’s motivation and ability to understand the program education surrounding the client’s illness. Research suggests
should be taken into account. Clients with low cognitive lev- the efficacy of using psychoeducational models to decrease
els and poor impulse control may need immediate reinforce- stress and increase educational knowledge in individuals and
ment, whereas those with higher levels of understanding are families of those affected by mental illness (Pollio, North,
often able to engage in programs that implement delayed Reid, Miletic, & McClendon, 2006; Pratt et al, 2005; Rotondi
gratification. et al, 2005). When designing psychoeducation groups to ad-
dress stress, trauma, and coping, there is often a dual empha-
Cognitive Behavioral Interventions sis on education and feelings expression; therefore, a group
Cognitive behavioral interventions stem from social learning may take on a support emphasis in conjunction with serving
theory and the work of theorists such as Bandura, Ellis, and the goal of delivering information. Depending on the type
Beck. Rather than the reflexive, responsive focus of behav- and severity of the illness, consideration should be given as
iorism, cognitive behavioral therapy stresses the role of our to whether psychoeducation is performed individually or
thought process in influencing emotions and behaviors. The within a group. When determining the structure and content
emphasis within this intervention approach is to identify of the group, Knight (2006) stressed that clients new to ther-
maladaptive behaviors and thinking patterns, and restruc- apy and those with PTSD may be more amenable to a time-
ture these patterns with adaptive thoughts and actions. limited, structured educational approach. Those who have
Kendall and Panichelli-Mindel (1995) provided a compre- been part of a group for a period of time may be suitable for
hensive definition, stating that cognitive behavioral therapy a group focused on both the feelings and emotions related to
“. . . focuses on how people respond to their cognitive inter- stressors, as well as the skills necessary for successful adapta-
pretations of experiences rather than the environment or ex- tion to daily events.
perience itself, and how their thoughts and behaviors are re- The use of psychoeducation is suggested as evidenced-
lated. It combines cognition change procedures with based practice in mental health occupational therapy (Tse,
behavioral contingency management and learning experi- Lloyd, Penman, King, & Basset, 2004). Therapists often use an
ences designed to help change distorted or deficient infor- education approach along with experiential activities to pro-
mation processing” (p. 108). vide opportunities to practice skills. Psychoeducation groups
within occupational therapy are often used in conjunction
with skill training and a holistic, client-centered approach.

BOX 22-2 ■ Client Example of Behavioral

Evidence-Based Practice
Harry, a client with depression and schizophrenia, had difficulty
coping with daily expectations, performing chores, and maintain-
ing his hygiene routine. The therapist implemented a reinforce-
ment program whereby Harry earned a coffee and donut every
T he restructuring of thoughts and emphasis on the benefits
of stressors and challenges has been shown in a meta-
analysis to result in improved psychological and physical
time he completed his morning routine. In time, the reinforcement health and well-being (Helgeson, Reynolds, & Tomich, 2006).
was removed, in the hope that Harry would continue his routine A meta-analysis of intervention strategies for persons with panic
without the reinforcement. Unfortunately, without an incentive, disorder suggests relaxation therapy, cognitive restructuring, and
Harry fell back to his former pattern of behavior. exposure as beneficial, and resulted in the most consistent effect
Unlike Harry, Mary, a 55-year-old woman with major depres- sizes (Clum, Clum, & Surls, 1993).
sion and mild mental retardation, had difficulty with motivation
➤ Occupational therapists can help individuals identify stres-
and coming to her daily skill training group. Initially, she was
sors and then rethink the meaning of the stressor. In many
placed on a token economy; every time she attended group, she
cases, although challenging, stressors create opportunities
earned points toward the purchase of items in the token store. As
for growth and positive life changes.
therapy continued, Mary made friends with other group members
and began coming on her own. Mary informed the therapist that ➤ During the process of challenging thoughts, it is useful to
she no longer “needed those points” because she was satisfied provide the individual with evidence of self-efficacy (that he
with the group itself. or she is capable of handling the challenge).
In these examples, Harry had no incentive to continue with his
hygiene routine; he appeared to alter his behaviors for the sole Clum, G. A., Clum, G. A., & Surls, R. (1993). A meta-analysis of treatments
for panic disorder. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 61,
purpose of the reinforcement. Mary, in contrast, needed the initial
reinforcement as motivation, but later found that the group itself
Helgeson, V. S., Reynolds, K. A., & Tomich, P. L. (2006). A meta-analytic
gave her enough intrinsic satisfaction that she no longer required review of benefit finding and growth. Journal of Consulting and Clinical
an incentive to attend. Psychology, 5, 797–816.
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CHAPTER 22 ■ Coping Skills 323

Stein and Cutler (2002) presented a psychoeducational model Health, Wellness, Nutrition, and Exercise
in a cognitive behavioral framework that incorporates lecture, The incorporation of healthy life choices is effective in de-
role-plays, behavioral rehearsal, and homework. Clients are creasing illnesses that lead to mortality and morbidity
presented with a variety of topics, including relaxation skills, (Lloyd & Foster, 2006). Promotion of adequate nutrition, ex-
stress management, self-regulation, and the use of humor. The ercise, and healthy lifestyles not only decreases the incidence
use of worksheets provides a means for clients to work with of major causes of death (Phillips, 2002), but may also serve
the therapist to identify goals and track progress on goal at- to enhance personal well-being and decrease stress and de-
tainment. Given the occupational nature of the profession, pression (Ayse, Ardic, Ozgen, & Topuz, 2006; Ross & Hayes,
meaningful activity is integral to the delivery of psychoeduca- 1988). A number of studies demonstrate a positive associa-
tional groups in occupational therapy. Opportunities for ex- tion between physical exercise and improved mood (e.g.,
periential activities are key to provide the opportunity to Biddle, 1995; LaFontaine et al, 1992; Long & van Stavel,
practice skills necessary for stress and coping. 1995). Persons with enhanced physical aerobic fitness appear
to have more protection against stress than those who are
Relaxation and Meditation less physically fit (Cox, 1998).
The use of deep breathing and relaxation methods can de- In designing health programs that include physical ac-
crease the stress response and facilitate adaptive coping tivity, Stein and Cutler (2002) emphasized the importance
(Janowiak & Hackman, 1994; Rausch, Gramling, & Auerbach, of considering the social and emotional requirements of
2006). These techniques act on the autonomic nervous system the activities, purpose and achievability of goals, and fre-
to elicit a relaxation response. Davidson et al (2003) found a quency and duration of the program. Occupational thera-
number of positive benefits of mindfulness meditation, in- pists often work with other health professionals such as the
cluding decreased anxiety and increased positive emotions. physician, nurse, and dietician to develop health and well-
Meditation techniques may be used alone, or in conjunction ness intervention. Programs designed for transferability
with other practices such as Tai Chi, Qi Gong, and yoga. Some and long-term health outcomes are necessary to enhance
forms of meditation encourage the focus on an object or the continuing of physical activity and proper nutrition af-
word/phrase (mantra), whereas others emphasize attention to ter discharge.
the breath. With practice, individuals often become more fo-
cused and able to engage in the meditation process, as well as Interpersonal Skill Training
experience personal transformation and growth (Progoff, Interpersonal social and assertiveness skills may reduce anx-
1992; Uyterhoeven, 2006). iety in social situations and facilitate goal attainment in a so-
When used in therapy, training considerations should in- cially acceptable manner (Rotheram-Borus, 1988). A major
clude the knowledge of the therapist on a given technique. benefit of training is the provision for direct feedback, which
Whereas basic breathing and muscle relaxation techniques can result in expectations of improvement in social and in-
are easy to learn and use in therapy, more sophisticated tech- dependent living and quality of life (Ikebuchi, Anzai, &
niques involving practices such as yoga often involve certifi- Niwa, 1998). In conjunction with other techniques, cognitive
cation from nationally recognized organizations. behavioral therapy often includes social skills and assertive-
Progressive muscle relaxation is a technique used to en- ness training through the use of role-plays, psychoeduca-
hance personal self-control and reduce arousal levels (Lopata, tion, and homework assignments.
Nida, & Marable, 2006). This technique encourages the indi- Bruce and Borg (2002) identified three aspects of role-
vidual to focus on specific muscle groups, tighten them, and plays, including rehearsal, modeling, and coaching. In
slowly relax, thus affecting the autonomic nervous system role-play, the client acts out social situations that have
and decreasing arousal. Within the progressive muscle relax- been set up. The therapist may take part in modeling the
ation training, clients are instructed to breathe slow and behavior, and then the client rehearses the social situation
evenly. Whereas some meditation techniques place primary and receives coaching or feedback from the therapist and
focus on the breath, progressive muscle relaxation empha- peers. Behaviors learned in the therapy situation are then
sizes the contraction and subsequent relaxation and releasing practiced in real life situations. A fascinating example of
of tension in the muscle groups throughout the body. the use of role-plays in a preventative stress atmosphere is
Although most individuals are able to learn relaxation that of training occupational therapists for military com-
techniques, some clients in acute phases of illness, particu- bat situations. Rice and Gerardi (1999) described a pro-
larly those with psychosis, may be less able to focus on the gram that used education, training, and role-play practice
relaxation process. Caution should be used in selecting to help military therapists learn to manage combat stress
clients for group activities that involve quiet meditation and casualties.
relaxation. In addition, clients with histories of sexual abuse
and issues with body image may initially feel unsafe practic- Child and Adolescent Intervention
ing relaxation in a group atmosphere. Therapeutic interven-
tion should consider the client’s need to practice the tech- A challenge in the provision of services to address childhood
niques alone and with the therapist prior to joining a group. stress and coping is the lack of well-developed theories for
Relaxation and meditation methods may be used alone or pediatric populations (Cohen & Park, 1992); therefore,
in conjunction with other skills training techniques. Often many of the conceptual frameworks that guide assessment
the pairing of relaxation with an activity that may have some and intervention are based on studies of adult populations.
perceived stress (e.g., an agoraphobic attending a commu- Research demonstrates that the development of social skills
nity outing to a mall) is useful to practice techniques as they and adaptive coping may buffer children from the negative
are assimilated into everyday activities. effects of stress (Pincus & Friedman, 2004).
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324 PART 2 ■ The Person

The Lived Experience

Bruce and was quite active socially, so a big need of mine was to be
social in my present situation with the added facet of having a
mental illness. I spent 5 years at a lodge.
In this period, I developed a relationship at church with a
woman who was a good influence in my life, and I was able to
share some things with her. Nevertheless, I found it difficult to
imagine how I could explain my illness to her, and we parted.
Since then, I’ve been able to feel more and more comfort-
able sharing my illness with others, particularly my family, and
especially my parents. I’ve had great support from them. They
are interested in my progress, and I’ve made significant achieve-
ments in this area.
If I allow the illness to take over, I get in serious trouble, so I
must progress–—always moving forward. To this end, I’ve made
goals for myself.
I ran seven marathon races primarily to stay in shape, but also
to provide a sense of achievement. I could get quite down on
myself if I wasn’t achieving in life. My goal was to run marathons
the rest of my life, but I became sidelined with an injury. For my
physical outlet, I’ve turned to karate. My goal, of course, is to get
The following narrative communicates the difficulties of coping a black belt, but karate is demanding for anyone, and I find it es-
with a mental illness and the importance of meaningful occupa- pecially so. I’m content to be making progress.
tion in the recovery process. Another goal of mine was to buy my own place, which I’ve
I first had mental illness in my life at age 24, and it seemed, done. I own a condominium in downtown Minneapolis. I’ve had
in part, to be the result of a traumatic brain injury sustained in a to work three jobs to accomplish this, but I’m very pleased with
car accident because of the proximity of the accident and my my living situation for now.
problems, and no history of mental illness in my family previously. I alluded to work. If there’s one single aspect of my life that
However, I was treated for schizophrenia at least initially because makes me healthy, it’s work. I’ve needed support in this area to
medications worked. build my confidence and not bring symptoms of mental illness
My single biggest struggle was holding onto a sense of to the workplace. I rely on a job coach in my job as a supervi-
beauty in life with the illness bringing on much ugliness and un- sor, although I feel my dependence is less and less. With my two
comfortable feelings. I was blessed by an awareness of a divine other jobs, I work independently of the mental health system with
angel, which to this day I believe was sent by God for my pro- good success. Work occupies my time, gives me income, con-
tection. For several months after the accident, and before I tributes to self-esteem, and offers the chance to make and ac-
sought medical help, this angel was my only relief from feelings complish goals. Without work, I’d be in difficulty.
of pain, heightened awareness of violence in society, and deep I mentioned the flagging sense of beauty brought on by the
grief. illness. More than anything else, I require beauty in my life. Be-
When I did go for medical help finally, the meds were able cause of my illness, I’ve had to work hard at this. I maintain good
to put me back into the mind-set I had before the accident, at hygiene, eat healthy, and get a good night of sleep, although at
least somewhat. However, I wanted to go forward with my life at this time I use a sleep aide, something I’d like to do away with
age 24, seeing my future ahead of me. I wanted to explore spir- eventually.
ituality, and specifically, this angel that had warmed my heart. The biggest provider of beauty for me has been my church.
Some years later, 9 years to be exact, I found myself at I’ve had my struggles with organized religion, but I can’t argue
Tasks Unlimited, a nonprofit mental health agency providing with the comfort I’ve felt there and the unconditional love of the
employment and housing for those with severe and persistent parishioners and God. I’m looking for a woman friend in my life,
mental illness. After a 3-month training program I moved to a but at this point I’ve been unable to find someone who can re-
lodge, which was a peer-supported house in the community place God in my life, and the answer, of course, is that maybe I
where clients of Tasks lived. I learned how to handle my mental can have both.
illness socially in this setting. As a boy, I always had lots of friends

Interventions used with children often parallel adult tech- interpersonal effectiveness training; cognitive behavioral
niques; yet, it is important to consider the developmental age techniques; behavioral reinforcement programs; and skills to
of the child within the contextual framework. Similar to ther- promote self-control (Forman, 1993).
apeutic approaches with adults, research demonstrates the The use of play and media are often included to work on
efficacy of using a variety of methods for children and ado- the expression of feelings and development of social skills,
lescents, including the use of relaxation, social skills, and as well as to enhance physical, cognitive, and emotional
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CHAPTER 22 ■ Coping Skills 325

development. Intervention approaches are aimed at facili-

tating adaptive coping through building stable coping re- BOX 22-3 ■ Client Example of Pediatric Coping
sources and styles, and assisting the child in coping with Intervention
specific stressors (e.g., divorce, abuse) (Sandler, Wolchik,
MacKinnon, Ayers, & Roosa, 1997). Therapeutic goals in- Jeremy, an 8-year-old boy with fetal alcohol syndrome and conduct
disorder, had a history of aggression, poor social skills, and low
clude increasing the child’s ability to discuss emotions, self-esteem. His mother complained that he did not have any
problem-solve, use adaptive coping techniques, and im- friends and that all he ever wanted to do was play video games. On
prove self-efficacy. admission, the therapist conducted a comprehensive evaluation,
Research demonstrates that a child’s self-esteem affects including assessment of his developmental level, sensory process-
personal resilience and ability to cope (Brooks & Goldstein, ing, and perceived stress. A home observation and interview of the
2001). Personal perception is affected by success and failure parents was also completed. Results indicated that Jeremy had
experiences. Children may experience barriers to success in difficulty not only with coping, but also with poor sensory process-
school, daily life, and at home. Such barriers are often greater ing, emotional dysregulation, and ineffective social skills.
for those with mental health challenges. Many of the chil- In addition to play therapy and sensory-based approaches,
dren seen within psychiatric settings have encountered abuse the therapist used expressive media, storytelling, and role-play in
order to teach Jeremy about social situations. Jeremy was initially
situations, trauma, and difficult home experiences. The in- resistant to engaging in therapy and discussing social scenarios,
corporation of opportunities for success within the therapy but this changed when the therapist incorporated a puppet of
environment may include the use of simple goal attainment one of Jeremy’s favorite cartoon characters. Through the use of
strategies and reinforcements through positive feedback and puppetry, Jeremy projected onto the character his own feelings in
behavioral programs such as token economies. Brooks and situations and was able to learn basic coping techniques, such
Goldstein (2001) identified the following principles to facil- as deep breathing, to deal with stressful situations.
itate personal success in the promotion of self-esteem in
■ Enjoy and celebrate the child’s accomplishments. Mirawski, 2005). Because a child’s patterns are often most
■ Emphasize the child’s input in creating success. influenced by his or her parents, the evaluation and inter-
■ Reinforce the child’s competence by “engaging in envi- vention of children should include a comprehensive assess-
ronmental engineering.” ment of personal and environmental factors, including the
■ Give strengths time to develop. child’s home, school, and community life. Interventions are
■ Accept the unique strengths of each child. greatly affected by the social environment in which the child
As the therapist works with the child, emphasis is lives; therefore, occupational therapists are encouraged to
placed on helping the child realize his or her success expe- involve the parents, school professionals, and other key in-
riences, thereby working to improve self-esteem and self- dividuals (e.g., grandparents, caregivers, siblings) in the
efficacy. provision of therapy services. Often, intervention with pe-
A key area of importance in the self-perception of chil- diatric populations includes the use of family psychoeduca-
dren is that of peer relationships and the development of tion, an assessment of the home and school environment,
friendships. Children with mental health difficulties often and skill training for parents (Kumfer & Tait, 2000).
have problems developing healthy peer interactions. Psy- For those children who are recovering from trauma and
chological conditions such as depression create problems disaster situations, Saylor, Belter, and Stokes (1997) empha-
in relationship formation (Panek & Garber, 1992) and de- size the importance of restoring a sense of normalcy. Thera-
velop a vicious circle, whereby the child may withdraw pists can facilitate such normalcy through the use of pre-
from others and thus feel isolated. His or her friends then dictable routines, consistent feedback, and the development
respond with anger or by pulling away, reinforcing the of internal skills in conjunction with external supports. Con-
child’s self-perception of failure. Along with opportunities sideration of follow-up should include home- and school-
for success in therapeutic intervention, Seligman (1995) based programs designed to transfer the skills learned in
stressed the importance of developing social skills within a therapy. Education of the family and school professionals is
child. The ability to interact facilitates the development of imperative in order to reinforce learning.
friendships and positive peer interactions. The use of role-
plays, cooperative peer environments, and storytelling is
effective in teaching social skills (Gilbert & Mirawski, Summary
2005). The use of popular movies, books, puppet shows, or
drama may also be used to discuss social situations, morals, The process of coping is required to meet the demands of
and values with children. The reinforcement of healthy everyday life circumstances. An individual’s personal ap-
lifestyles and personal choices through modeling, discus- praisal of the situation, along with environmental and per-
sion, and opportunity for practice facilitates skill develop- son factors, affect the ability to cope. Although mental ill-
ment. An example of coping intervention with a child is ness may be triggered by life stressors, the symptoms of
shown in Box 22-3. the illness itself cause additional stress and burdens in the
In the previous client example, a transitional object was process of coping. Through careful client-centered prac-
used to facilitate skill development and work with Jeremy to tice, occupational therapy can facilitate skill development
develop adaptive coping methods. Lifestyle patterns, behav- to better equip clients to face everyday stressors, thus
iors, thoughts, and cognitions influence how adaptively in- leading to increased productivity, self-efficacy, and life
dividuals react to stress and function in society (Gilbert & satisfaction.
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326 PART 2 ■ The Person

Active Learning Strategies

1. Personal Assessment of Coping 2. Coping and Mental Illness
Select and complete a self-assessment stress inventory and For each of the following scenarios, briefly describe how you
coping tool (either online or available from your instructor). would approach the client for evaluation and intervention as
related to coping skills. (Hint: Your analysis will also need to
Reflective Questions identify areas for further information.)
Following completion of the self-assessment tools, answer ● Mary is a 45-year-old woman with posttraumatic stress
the following: disorder following a severe car accident in which she lost
● What areas of your life currently cause you the most her 8-year-old daughter and 49-year-old husband. She has
stress? a college degree, but has not worked for several years. She
● What means of coping do you use to deal with stressors presents to you as depressed, anxious, and hopeless. Her
(e.g., avoidant coping, problem-focused coping)? self-described interests are crafts, aerobics, and gardening,
● If you were a therapist designing an intervention for yet she has no energy or drive to engage in anything
yourself, what approaches would you take and why? except sleep and watching TV.
(Hint: Think of the psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive ● Brian is a 24-year-old male with a newly diagnosed schiz-
behavioral, and occupation-based approaches.) ophrenia. He has been living at home, and his parents
● Write three realistic goals for yourself. complain he became increasingly delusional and unable
● What barriers do you anticipate in achieving your goals? to meet his basic ADL needs. Both Brian and his parents
How could you be proactive in addressing these barriers? are having considerable difficulty understanding his ill-
● Summarize your experience related to your self-assessment ness. Brian has also complained of the inability to cope
(i.e., how did it feel?, was it difficult?, what did you learn?) with the “voices in his head.”

Resources Abidin, R. R. (1990). Parenting Stress Index Manual (3rd ed.).

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• Ways of Coping Questionnaire, by Susan Folkman and Richard Life Families (pp. 49–69). New York: Hemisphere.
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Motivation 23
Catana Brown

“ I think a lot of people around me had low, somewhat low expectations of me, and this especially
includes family members. . . . I was so used to low expectations that I learned to expect
nothing else. . . . I was barely hanging onto the concept of life at that time.
—Person with schizophrenia, from Boydell, Gladstone, and Volpe, 2003

Introduction why did she decide to donate a large portion of this money
Do you know the story of Oseolo McCarty? At the age of 87, to an institution that she never attended and that had never
Oseolo donated $150,000 to the University of Southern approached her about making a gift? In fact, for much of her
Mississippi—the largest gift ever received by the university lifetime, the university would have barred Oseolo and her
from an African American donor (Bragg, 1995). However, family from attending because of their race. What motivated
this is not the amazing part of the story; many people do- Oseolo to do the things she did? Those questions can never
nate large amounts of money to universities and other wor- be answered completely; however, this chapter will help you
thy causes. It is the source of the money that makes this think about Oseolo’s motivations as it endeavors to explain
story so remarkable. what is it that moves people to do the things they do.
Oseolo lived in a small frame house in Hattiesburg, By nature, humans are curious and active beings who are
Mississippi. When she was in elementary school, Oseolo naturally interested in acquiring new skills and connecting
started a savings account using the money she earned from with others and the environment. Occupational therapy prac-
odd jobs. In the sixth grade, she dropped out of school to tice embodies this belief. As so eloquently stated by Suzanne
take care of her aunt. Eventually, she started a small business Peloquin (2005), “Our ethos, in part, is this: Occupational
out of her home, washing and ironing clothes. She did this therapy is a personal engagement—a mutual commitment to
for 70 years. It was her frugal living and value of saving that involve and occupy the self and be bound by promise. Guided
allowed Oseolo to save more money than most people who by this belief, occupational therapy practitioners cocreate
earn several times her income. Oseolo rarely spent money on daily lives.” (p. 615)
herself, never owned a car, and, despite living in Mississippi, Our view of occupation as both a means and an end rec-
lived without air conditioning until her later years when oth- ognizes the inherent therapeutic value of participation.
ers procured it for her. Oseolo’s choice of lifestyle and the in- However, all participation is not healthy, and not all individ-
tentional efforts she made to save money meant that she was uals find it easy to engage in life. The human condition is
able to accumulate an impressive savings, most of which she complex and variable. People can be highly motivated to en-
donated to the University of Southern Mississippi. gage in behaviors that are self-destructive, such as substance
As a culture, Americans are not ones to save money. So, abuse, bulimia, and spending beyond one’s means. Other
what led this woman of meager means to save so much? And times, people can find it difficult to be motivated to pursue
activities that are life sustaining, as in the case of an individ-
ual who is grieving the loss of a loved one and stops eating
or sleeping.
One concern of occupational therapy is the drifting to-
ward passivity and withdrawal, in other words, a disengage-
ment from participation. As an occupational therapy stu-
dent or just as a concerned human, you have certainly
observed variability in the degree to which people engage in
their world. You have also noticed that some individuals
seem destined to make harmful life choices. However, you
may not have spent a lot of time thinking about what you
can do as an occupational therapist to address these issues.
By understanding motivation, occupational therapists are
better positioned to assist individuals to engage or reengage
in life, make life-sustaining and life-fulfilling choices, and
participate in valued occupations.

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CHAPTER 23 ■ Motivation 331

This chapter presents several different perspectives on

motivation through a review of major motivational theories.
It also includes information on specific motivational impair-
ments in psychiatric disabilities. Although motivation under-
lies everything people do, it often receives limited attention in Self-
occupational therapy practice. However, this chapter pro- actualization
vides pragmatic information on assessing motivation and (Meaning, purpose,
and acceptance
providing interventions to address motivation. of self)

Theories of Motivation confidence)
Why are you reading this chapter? Are you driven by a per- Affiliation
sonal interest in the topic? Possibly, but in all likelihood (Friends, family, belonging
there are other factors at play. Is it a class assignment? Will to groups and organizations)
there be a test on the material? Think about the factors that
led to your decision to read the chapter. Once you get into it,
(Health, financial security,
how much energy will you devote to reading and under- crime-free neighborhood)
standing the concepts explained in the chapter? If you find
the reading boring or difficult, will you persist? Biological
There are many different explanations for what drives (Food, water, sleep)
people to act, and some may explain your motivations for
reading this chapter. The next section explores a variety of FIGURE 23-1. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Lower-level needs
theories of motivation, including the following: must be met before higher-level needs can be addressed.
■ Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
■ Approach/avoidance models
Likewise, occupational therapy clients may find it difficult to
■ Self-efficacy
participate in a therapy session when they feel threatened
■ Self-determination theory
(safety needs) or are dealing with other basic physiological
■ Flow theory
needs such as lack of sleep or pain. Consider the child or
■ Transtheoretical model
adult who is homeless and the basic needs that this person
■ Model of human occupation
must address each day. As an occupational therapist, it is im-
As you read about these theories, reflect on which theo- portant to consider the hierarchy of needs when providing
ries speak most to you and which explain what drives people services. For example, for a child to become motivated to
to act, what causes people to give up, and what keeps people participate in school work, he or she may need to feel safe
going, even when they experience challenges. from bullying, be a friend to other children, and be accepted
by the teacher.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Approach/Avoidance Models
Abraham Maslow (1943) developed one of the earliest and
most enduring models of motivation. Maslow asserted that Approach/avoidance models provide one way of thinking
people are motivated to act based on their most pressing need. about motivation. Individuals are driven to participate in ac-
Human needs are categorized and organized in a hierarchy, tivities (approach) when they will result in rewards, positive
with basic needs at the bottom and higher-level needs at the experiences, or pleasant emotions. In contrast, individuals
top (Fig. 23-1). According to Maslow’s hierarchy, the lowest- may be reluctant to engage in goal-directed behaviors
level need that has not been met must be addressed or satisfied (avoid) if they anticipate that negative experiences or un-
before the individual can move onto higher-level needs. pleasant emotions will result.
The most basic needs are physiological such as hunger, Gray (1991) postulates that these two dimensions of per-
thirst, and sleep. The next level of needs are safety and secu- sonality are biologically driven and regulated by two sepa-
rity needs, which involve feeling protected or out of danger. rate neurological systems. Gray refers to the approach di-
Once safety needs are met, the individual is focused on mension as the behavioral activation system (BAS) and the
meeting affiliation, or belonging, needs. This means feeling avoidance dimension as the behavioral inhibition system
connected to others, having friends, a supportive family, and (BIS). The BAS is responsible for positive emotions, such as
belonging to groups. The next level of need is related to self- hope and happiness. Other characteristics associated with
esteem; people are driven to achieve and want to be recog- BAS include extraversion (Elliot & Thrash, 2002) and im-
nized or gain approval from others. Ultimately, according to pulsivity (Diaz & Pickering, 1993). The BAS drives the per-
Maslow, people are driven by the need for self-actualization. son toward active engagement. The BIS, in contrast, alerts
This concept is harder to define, but involves self-fulfillment the individual to possible threats, danger, or punishment,
and realizing one’s potential and personal growth. which cause the individual to slow down and survey the sit-
As a student, you know how difficult it is to study when uation. Inaction is often the result. In addition, the BIS is as-
you have just ended a relationship (affiliation needs) or your sociated with negative emotions, particularly anxiety, but
stomach is growling out of hunger (physiological needs). also depression.
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332 PART 2 ■ The Person

According to Gray’s (1991) model, individuals can be

more or less sensitive to the BAS or BIS. The BAS-sensitive Table 23-1 ● Examples of Addressing Sources of Self-Efficacy
individual has a greater propensity for goal-directed activity Source of Self-Efficacy Examples of Intervention
and positive emotion, whereas the BIS-sensitive individual is
more anxious and tentative. Mastery • Create opportunities for successful experiences.
• Break down tasks into achievable components.
Studies indicate that extreme sensitivity to either motiva-
tional system is associated with psychiatric disabilities. For Modeling • Identify role models who are similar to the
example, one study found that individuals who were more person.
• Make available opportunities for modeling to
sensitive to BIS were also more likely to be anxious or de- occur.
pressed, whereas substance abuse was associated with BAS
sensitivity (Johnson, Turner, & Iwata, 2003). Another study Social persuasion • Provide strong encouragement.
• Impart feedback that is specific and genuine.
found that high sensitivity to BAS is associated with manic • Withhold harsh criticism.
symptoms (Bjorn, Rahman, & Shepherd, 2007).
An appreciation for approach/avoidance motivation the- Somatic/emotional states • Reduce anxiety.
• Teach relaxation techniques.
ory can help occupational therapists better understand and • Assist with reinterpretation of negative
provide interventions for their clients. For example, in a emotional states (e.g., soreness that comes
fearful client, the occupational therapist may need to employ from exercise can be interpreted as progress).
interventions to reduce anxiety before a goal-oriented activ-
ity. An impulsive client may benefit from interventions
aimed at slowing down and assessing the environment.
Culture and Self-Efficacy
Self-Efficacy Self-efficacy is not solely an individualistic notion. Bandura
(2002) discusses three types of agency, or ways in which peo-
Bandura (1999) identifies self-efficacy as the primary driver ple meet goals: personal agency, proxy agency, and collective
of humans. Self-efficacy is a belief in your own capability, agency. Personal agency is exercised individually, as when a
which motivates you to act. People with high self-efficacy are person joins a gym after making a New Year’s resolution to
more likely to set goals for themselves, persist longer when lose weight and designs a schedule to exercise independently
challenged, and remain resilient to failures. three times a week. Proxy agency is when the individual in-
Bandura identifies four sources of self-efficacy: mastery, fluences others to act on his or her behalf. Hiring a personal
modeling, social persuasion, and somatic/emotional states. trainer would be an example of proxy agency because the in-
Mastery is the strongest and most enduring source of self- dividual is using the trainer for motivation. Collective
efficacy. When individuals experience success, this leads to a agency is when people work together to shape their future.
positive belief about one’s own skills and abilities. In con- For example, everyone in a work site might agree to go for a
trast, failure can undermine self-efficacy. Modeling is an- walk together over the lunch hour three times a week. Self-
other source of self-efficacy; however, all role models are not efficacy is required for both personal and collective agencies.
equally influential. People are more likely to be motivated by In collective agency, the individual must believe that he or
other individuals who are seen as similar to oneself. For ex- she can work with others and contribute to the collective.
ample, a new mom who expresses a desire to exercise is less People often use proxy agency when concerned about their
likely to be inspired by an elite athlete describing the joys of own self-efficacy.
long-distance running, but might respond to a neighbor The pursuit of goals and the type of agency exercised oc-
with young children who asks the new mom to join her curs within a cultural context (Bandura, 2002). Very generally
morning walks. speaking, Western cultures are more individualistic, and East-
Social persuasion refers to verbal encouragement. Al- ern cultures are more collective. However, much heterogene-
though social persuasion tends to be a weaker source of self- ity exists; some individuals from Western cultures have col-
efficacy, negative feedback in the form of harsh criticism or lective natures, whereas some individuals in Asian cultures
disapproval can serve to break down a person’s beliefs in ca- are more individualistic. Therefore, it is important to avoid
pability. Finally, somatic/emotional states, or the physical stereotyping individuals and to, instead, assess the unique na-
and emotional response to an activity, can either encourage ture of each person.
or dishearten an individual. For example, extreme anxiety Furthermore, there are differences in collectivism, for ex-
related to speaking in front of a group may cause even a ample, in China and India, and even regional differences in in-
strong public speaker to avoid this situation. One reason dividualism in the Northeast and Midwest regions of the
some people shun exercise is because they dislike the feel- United States. Nevertheless, occupational therapists can pro-
ings of physical exertion and sweating, but the person who vide more effective interventions when they consider the
feels exhilarated when exercising is more likely to continue propensity of the individual, that is, identifying whether the
the activity. person has a cultural value for personal or collective agency.
Addressing Self-Efficacy
Self-Determination Theory
When individuals are reluctant to try a new task or give up
easily when challenged, they may lack self-efficacy. Occupa- Self-determination theory describes the dimensions of ex-
tional therapists can promote self-efficacy by using the four trinsic and intrinsic motivation, as well as the conditions
sources and creating situations that promote beliefs related that support the more adaptive intrinsic motivation (Ryan &
to capability. Table 23-1 provides specific examples. Deci, 2000). Intrinsic motivation is an innate tendency to
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CHAPTER 23 ■ Motivation 333

seek novelty and strive for challenge and mastery. For exam- regulation leads to better performance and greater levels of
ple, the enjoyment that is derived from participating in a persistence, creativity, self-esteem, and general well-being. Self-
desired leisure activity is fueled by intrinsic motivation. Ex- regulation is the mechanism that affects the degree of auton-
trinsic motivation involves performance to obtain some omy. There are four levels of self-regulation, from least to most
outcome that is separate from the inherent satisfaction of autonomous (Table 23-2):
the activity itself. A person who dislikes his or her work may
1. External regulation
only be motivated to stay at the job because of the extrinsic
2. Introjected regulation
reward of good pay.
3. Regulation through identification
Ryan and Deci (2000) assert that intrinsic motivation is an
4. Integrated regulation
innate human characteristic, however, maintaining and en-
hancing intrinsic motivation requires supportive conditions. The absence or lack of self-regulation can be manifested
These conditions are based on three fundamental psycholog- as procrastination. Procrastination is characterized by dis-
ical needs: competence, autonomy, and relatedness. Feelings counting the value of the long-term rewards and paying at-
of competence regarding a particular activity can enhance in- tention to the more immediately available rewards. One re-
trinsic motivation for that activity. Competence is analogous view of procrastination found that individuals are more
to self-efficacy, which is described previously. Positive feed- likely to procrastinate when they find the task aversive or
back, the absence of criticism, and optimal challenge are all when they lack self-efficacy regarding the task (Steel, 2007).
conducive to the development of feelings of competence. Personality characteristics are associated with procrastina-
Autonomy involves circumstances that promote individual tion, with impulsiveness leading to more procrastination
action and decision. Autonomy, and thereby intrinsic motiva- and conscientiousness leading to less.
tion, is supported when there are opportunities for choice and Occupational therapists are often interested in helping in-
self-direction. Furthermore, the acknowledgment of feelings dividuals become more motivated to engage in occupation.
reinforces autonomy. Controlling environments with dead- Everything we do requires some level of motivation. As thera-
lines, threats, and pressure is the antithesis of autonomy. pists, we can promote self-regulation using the same factors
Finally, relatedness facilitates intrinsic motivation. When that support intrinsic motivation: competence, autonomy,
individuals feel secure in their relationships and connected to and relatedness. Poulson, Rodger, and Ziviani (2006) de-
others, intrinsic motivation can flourish. It is important to scribed how self-determination theory could be applied to a
note that, although competence, autonomy, and relatedness specific occupational therapy intervention for children, cogni-
create supportive environments, the activity itself must be in- tive orientation to daily occupational performance (CO-OP).
herently enjoyable for intrinsic motivation to exist at all. The child sets the goals (autonomy), the process of checking is
Although intrinsic motivation is desirable, most of what we used to promote successful performance of an activity (com-
do (particularly as adults) is motivated, at least to some extent, petence), and the intervention uses socializing agents, such as
by extrinsic factors. One purpose of self-determination theory parents, teachers, and peers to enhance motivation (related-
is to describe the differing degrees to which an extrinsically ness). Table 23-3 shows ways in which occupational therapists
motivated activity can be autonomous because autonomous can create autonomy, competence, and relatedness.

Table 23-2 ● Self-Regulation of Motivation

Type of Regulation Source of Motivation Examples
External regulation External rewards and punishment • Doing a job just for the paycheck.
Most to least autonomous

• Driving the speed limit.

Introjected regulation Avoidance of guilt and anxiety or to enhance • Flossing your teeth regularly for 1 week before a scheduled dental
self-esteem check-up.
• Wearing uncomfortable but attractive clothing for an important
Regulation through identification Activity is consciously and personally valued • Attending your child’s college graduation ceremony.
Integrated regulation Fully internalized to the self, but done for • Studying for the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy
reasons outside inherent enjoyment (NBCOT) exam to become a registered occupational therapist.

Table 23-3 ● Strategies for Enhancing Self-Regulation

Conditions That Support Intrinsic Motivation Examples of Occupational Therapy Strategies
Competence • Create opportunities for mastery.
• Provide positive feedback that matches the accomplishment.
Autonomy • Give choices.
• Use client-centered practices so that the client is the primary decision maker and participates in all phases
of the therapy process.
Relatedness • Use group interventions.
• Engage family members and friends in the therapy process.
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334 PART 2 ■ The Person

Flow Theory stages of change, which can be used to explain how people
can begin a new behavior, such as exercising, and end an
The concept of “flow” as a subjective experience was coined undesirable behavior, such as cigarette smoking. The five
by the psychologist Csikszentmihalyi (2000). Flow is the ex- stages are precontemplation, contemplation, preparation,
perience of participation in an activity that is so intrinsically action, and maintenance. Instead of a linear model, the
rewarding that the person loses him- or herself in the transtheoretical model is cyclical, recognizing that relapse
process. A basketball player having an incredible game, a day can occur, but the person can then reengage in the change
of practice when the pianist finds the piece coming together, process (Fig. 23-2).
and the occupational therapist connecting deeply with a In precontemplation, the individual is not thinking about
client—all of these examples might be experienced as flow. or intending to make a change in the near future. Contempla-
Nakamura and Csikszentmihalyi (2002) describe the charac- tion is when the person starts thinking about the problem or
teristics of flow as follows: concern, weighing the pros and cons of changing. Ambiva-
■ State of intense and focused concentration on the lence toward change is a primary characteristic of this stage.
activity The next stage is preparation, during which the person recog-
■ Merging of action and awareness (i.e., the person does nizes that the pros outweigh the cons in terms of changing.
not have to think about what he or she is doing, but at This stage involves planning for the change. In most cases, one
the same time the person is intensely alert to what he or can take multiple paths, so this phase involves the person
she is doing) weighing the options but not necessarily committing to the
■ Loss of self-consciousness (i.e., the person does not plan. The action phase is when the person actually makes the
worry about being watched or judged by others) change. Action is still a fragile phase, and relapse is likely to oc-
■ Deep sense of control cur. Maintenance comes into play when the person has main-
■ Distortion in time (i.e., the individual loses all track of tained the behavioral change for at least 6 months. Generally,
time, and hours seem like minutes) at this point, the behavior is easier to manage; although re-
■ Absence of anxiety lapse can occur, it is less likely than in the action phase.
■ Activity is fully perceived as motivating in and of itself Attention to relapse is an important component of the
transtheoretical model. Relapse is not seen as a failure, but a
Although the flow experience is intensely intrinsic, all in- common part of the process. However, the person can more
trinsically motivating activities do not result in flow. For exam- quickly reengage in the change process if he or she has al-
ple, a mother may be intrinsically motivated to feed her picky ready been through it before. Many changes in behavior take
and trying toddler, and although the experience includes re- more than one trial. For example, people who successfully
wards and pleasures, it is not one in which the mother feels a quit smoking usually attempt to quit several times before
great deal of control, she does not lose herself in the task, and they are successful. In addition, the model is not meant to be
minutes seem like hours instead of vice versa. unidirectional; that is, people generally move back and forth,
In flow theory, a particular compatibility must exist be- perhaps contemplating a change, making a plan, and then
tween the person and the activity; the activity must be chal- going back to not thinking about the issue at all.
lenging enough to illicit an internal feeling of satisfaction,
but not so challenging that the individual fails. It requires
just the right fit of skills from the person and challenge of
the activity and the environment. It is very much a person-
environment-occupation theory.
Occupational therapists can help promote flow for our
clients. By knowing the skills of the person and applying the
process of task analysis, an occupational therapist can find
that “just right” challenge. In many cases, occupational ther-
apists work with individuals who, because of a disability or Precontemplation
illness, have lost the opportunity to engage in occupations
that previously provided the feeling of flow. By completing an
occupational profile, the occupational therapist can identify
those valued occupations and then work to enhance the per-
son’s abilities, adapt the task, or modify the environment so Maintenance
that the individual can once again return to that occupation.
In other cases, the individual may need to identify alterna-
tive activities to meet that need. For example, a previous
scratch golfer may be able to return to the activity, but no
longer experiences flow because of a loss of sensorimotor abil-
ities. An alternate leisure activity may need to be substituted. Bike

Transtheoretical Model
The transtheoretical model (Prochaska, DiClemente, & Planning
Norcross, 1992) is a widely used theory of behavioral FIGURE 23-2. Stages of change process applied to increasing
change. A major concept of the model is a description of the physical activity.
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CHAPTER 23 ■ Motivation 335

Some evidence suggests that the stages of change model comes into play during most activities of daily living. The
does not adequately explain the complexity of the change execution of the activity, such as toothbrushing, is so famil-
process (Migneault, Adams, & Read, 2005; Spencer, Adams, iar and practiced that the individual engages in the activity
Malone, Roy, & Yost, 2006). Research thus far indicates bet- with little conscious effort. It is the volitional subsystem
ter evidence for the descriptive validity of the model, mean- that is most relevant to this chapter. Volition provides mo-
ing that it can be helpful in describing the current stage of a tivation for occupation. Volition influences both our choice
person. There is less evidence to support the predictive abil- of occupation and our persistence when engaging in that
ity of the model (e.g., whether the person will respond to an occupation.
intervention, or which stage he or she will enter next). How- The volitional system is further divided into three com-
ever, the model has been extremely useful in designing inter- ponents that affect motivation: interest, values, and personal
ventions to promote behavioral changes, particularly in causation (Kielhofner, 2008). Interests are those things that
helping people progress through the earlier stages of change. give pleasure and satisfaction. Certainly you have noticed
The old wisdom that a person will not change until he or she that some activities have appeal to you, whereas others do
is ready to change is challenged by this model. not. In addition, there is individual variation in terms of how
Most occupational therapy intervention targets people at you perform these activities. For example, two people may
the action stage. However, the stages of change model is use- enjoy eating out, but have very different ideas about the type
ful in guiding occupational therapists and other practitioners of restaurant they prefer.
to find strategies to help people move toward change, regard- Values shape beliefs about what is important and worthy.
less of where they are in the stage process. Perhaps the There are many different sources of motivation, such as the op-
strongest and most compelling argument of the model is that portunity to be with others you like, the creation of an end
practitioners should not give up on people who have yet to product, and the positive feelings associated with achievement.
make it to the action level. Table 23-4 identifies intervention Interests are not the only factor that affects motivation. There
strategies that target each stage of change. are many activities that you may not find particularly pleasur-
able, but you still engage in them because of your values. Val-
Model of Human Occupation ues are derived from the social and cultural environment, and
represent what you think is important and meaningful. Doing
The Model of Human Occupation (Kielhofner, 2008) is an the laundry could be an example for many. The activity is not
occupational therapy model that explicitly addresses moti- pleasurable, but you value cleanliness of appearance.
vation. The model uses dynamic systems theory to explain Finally, personal causation as a contributor to motiva-
the relationships between major concepts in the theory. In a tion is closely linked to self-efficacy. You may have noticed
dynamic system, all components are interrelated; if there is a by now that many of the motivation theories incorporate
change in one aspect of the system, the other components self-efficacy. Personal causation involves your personal as-
are affected. sessment of abilities. You are more likely to engage in activ-
Kielhofner (2008) identifies three person elements, or ities in which you expect success and avoid those in which
subsystems, that are interrelated: performance habituation, you expect failure. Personal causation is also increased
and volition. The performance comprises the mental and when you feel in control of the situation.
physical constituents (e.g., bones, muscles, nervous ystem) The Model of Human Occupation could be applied to
that provide the capacity for the person to engage in occu- an employment situation. Individuals with serious mental
pational performance. The habituation subsystem gives illness have high rates of unemployment, and the voli-
structure and routine to daily life. The habituation system tional subsystem should be addressed when supporting an

Table 23-4 ● Stages of Change Strategies to Promote Change

Stage of Change Strategy
Precontemplation • Provide gentle encouragement and information.
• Avoid lecturing and intensive approaches.
• Express belief in the person’s ability to make a change.
Contemplation • Help person weigh the pros and cons for changing and elicit reasons that promote change (decisional balance).
• Provide feedback to resolve person’s ambivalence.
Preparation • Help person make a realistic assessment of the difficulties related to making a change.
• Provide options for ways to go about change.
• Help person think creatively about the most effective plan.
Action • Provide support for behavior.
• Listen and affirm that person is doing the right thing.
• Help person make changes in plan if having difficulties (i.e., build self-efficacy).
Maintenance • Continue to provide support.
• Recognize that people need time to make long-term changes.
• Be prepared for the possibility of relapse.
• If relapse occurs, help person reenter the change process.
Adapted with permission from Miller, W. R., & Rollnick, S. (2002). Motivational Interviewing: Preparing People for Change (2nd ed.). New York: Guilford Press.
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336 PART 2 ■ The Person

individual to enter the workforce. Finding a job that Participants reported specific situations in which other peo-
matches the individual’s interests is more likely to lead to ple told them they would not be able to do something or
success than one in which the individual is bored or de- made general comments about people with schizophrenia
tached. Values surrounding work should be explored so being limited in their capabilities. Similarly, stigma con-
that the work situation is one that promotes those values. tributed to social isolation and negative feelings about the
Different values surrounding work might include being self. Finally, participants indicated that their social with-
productive, having a place to belong, contributing to oth- drawal or shutting down can be a defense mechanism to deal
ers, developing an identity as a worker, and achieving fi- with the challenges of daily life. The combined biological
nancial independence. Finally, the person will need to be- vulnerability and multiple environmental factors challenge
lieve that he or she can be successful. Creating a supportive people with schizophrenia to participate in daily life. See
work environment with reasonable accommodations can Chapter 14 for more information on schizophrenia.
increase the likelihood that the individual will feel compe-
tent at work. Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder
The motivational issue in attention deficit-hyperactivity dis-
Motivation and Psychiatric order (ADHD) has also been associated with a dysfunctional
dopamine system, but the manifestation of the impairment
Disabilities is very different than in schizophrenia. Whereas people with
Impairments in motivation or drives that are directed at self- schizophrenia are less likely to initiate action to receive re-
destructive behaviors are common in many psychiatric dis- wards, children with ADHD are compelled to seek out re-
abilities. This section reviews those psychiatric disabilities in wards (Holroyd, Baker, Kerns, & Muller, 2008). In addition,
which a disturbance in motivation is a common characteris- a diminished sensitivity to reinforcement often leads chil-
tic, including schizophrenia, attention deficit-hyperactivity dren with ADHD to become dissatisfied or frustrated when
disorder, mood disorders, substance abuse, and develop- engaged in an activity because they do not anticipate the re-
mental disabilities. ward. As a result, impulsive acts are initiated in an attempt to
Occupational therapists need to be aware of the motiva- obtain reinforcement, but there is a lack of persistence be-
tion dysfunction component of these particular psychiatric cause rewards are not received. Occupational therapists can
disabilities so that challenges in occupational performance address these concerns by creating environments that pro-
are not misinterpreted. Much of the research into motiva- vide stronger and more salient reinforcement to children
tion and psychiatric disabilities has focused on reward sensi- with ADHD. See Chapter 8 for more information on atten-
tivity, with some literature examining success experiences tion deficit-hyperactivity disorder.
and environmental factors. Although the research is just be-
ginning, there appears to be a complex relationship between Mood Disorders
biological vulnerabilities and environmental influences that
contributes to motivational dysfunction. As explained in the description of the approach/avoidance
theory of motivation, certain tendencies are associated with
particular mood disorders. Those mood disorders that are
Schizophrenia characterized as dysphoric, or negative, are linked to a higher
Impairment in volition is a core feature of schizophrenia. The sensitivity to avoidance (Johnson et al, 2003). Fearfulness
Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms, which is a can also prevent an individual from engaging in activities.
measure used for determining degree of symptomatology in In contrast, mania is associated with a high sensitivity
schizophrenia, lists avolition as one of five negative symptoms to approach behaviors (Bjorn, Rahman, & Shepherd, 2007),
(Andreasen, 1984). On this particular scale, avolition includes which may account for the impulsiveness and engagement in
lack of attention to grooming and hygiene, difficulty persist- high-risk activities (e.g., substance use, excessive spending,
ing at work or school activities, and physical inertia. promiscuity) that often accompany manic episodes.
From a biological perspective, a disturbance in drive Anhedonia, the inability to experience pleasure, is a core
may be associated with the dysfunctional dopamine sys- symptom of depression. Studies of anhedonia in depression
tem in schizophrenia (Barch, 2005). The dopamine system suggest that these individuals are less responsive to pleasura-
is important in terms of “wanting” and working toward a ble stimuli and have difficulty integrating rewards (Pizzagalli,
desired goal. Furthermore, the dopamine system may be Iosifescu, Hallet, Ratner, & Fava, 2008). As a result, individu-
necessary for predicting rewards and learning from mis- als who are depressed lack the responses that lead to intrinsic
takes, a weakness that is common in schizophrenia. motivation and, consequently, find it difficult to engage and
A qualitative study (Boydell, Gladstone, & Volpe, 2003) persist in goal-directed activity. See Chapter 12 for more in-
involving interviews of six individuals with schizophrenia formation on mood disorders.
suggested other causes for motivational impairments. Five
underlying causes were identified from these narratives. Substance Abuse
First, the experience of having a disabling condition made
it difficult to be motivated. Specifically, hallucinations and The motivation to use substances in a self-destructive man-
delusions interfered with concentration, and secondary de- ner is also associated with reward sensitivities. In a study of
pression led to withdrawal. The sedating effects of medica- adolescents, there was an association between high reward
tions were another cause of motivational issues. Spirit break- sensitivity, low punishment sensitivity, and substance abuse
ing by others was also associated with poor motivation. (Genovese & Wallace, 2007). This suggests that adolescents
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CHAPTER 23 ■ Motivation 337

The Lived Experience

Lee Beers In 2007, at the Wyandot Mental Health Center, I worked for
the diet-exercise (RENEW: Recovering Energy through Nutrition
and Exercise for Weight Loss) program of Kansas University. Five
years before, I was in the same program and, because of my
success, I was asked to work as a peer mentor in the RENEW
program. When I started the program, I weighed 289 pounds,
had diabetes, and ended up with congestive heart failure. On the
program, I lost 125 pounds. Over the past 5 years, I maintained
at about 170 pounds. I hit a plateau at 170 when I went into the
program again this time.
It took determination and dedication and help from the
program with the diet (eating right and the right foods) and
exercise. This time, while working as a peer mentor, I lost
22 pounds, now weighing 148. My doctor’s recommendation
was 146 pounds. I’m only 2 pounds away from my ideal
weight. With the help of this program, my life was saved. Free
food, great advice, great teaching, in-depth material, and hu-
mor, all this came from the program. I am grateful to Jesus for
the program leaders, and I hope they will continue to help oth-
ers for a long time.
Lee describes the motivations and experiences associated with I believe in the Bible; it is my greatest possession. I wanted
trying to lose weight. When reading this piece, attend to the in- to find a Bible verse that would say what the program is
ternal, interpersonal, and spiritual motivators that contributed to about: “Bear one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of
her success story. Christ. Therefore as we have the opportunity, let us do good
I was healthy as a child. I went to the Junior Olympics in the to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith”
600-yard dash and got a bronze medal. When I got older and (Galatians 6:2).
almost died, I said, “This is for the birds and wanted to be Personally, I have made two good friends out of this program,
healthy again.” I had never been so heavy and sick. The gross- and we help each other and support each other. We bear each
ness of it motivated me to get rid of my extra weight. other’s burdens.

who are more susceptible to substance abuse have a greater activities with the same sense of mastery motivation
response to the reward or pleasure of substance abuse and (Nichols, Atkinson, & Pepler, 2003). However, as children
are less fearful or concerned about the negative conse- with these disabilities get older, there is a greater difference in
quences of substance use. Intervention models that promote their level of mastery motivation and the mastery of peers the
natural and severe consequences for substance abuse are same age. As the tasks become more complex, children with
consistent with these findings. developmental disabilities are likely to have more and more
A conventional wisdom regarding substance abuse is that
the person must “hit bottom” before successfully engaging
in treatment, the theory being that the person must be in an
intolerable situation before he or she will be motivated Evidence-Based Practice
enough to really make a change. However, this premise has
been challenged by research. In fact, extreme depression,
anger, and anxiety in people who abuse substances seem to A review of evidence-based interventions for substance abuse
and the implications for occupational therapy indicates
that strategies used to support an individual who is progressing
interfere with engagement in treatment (Field, Duncan,
through the stages of change may be most effective at the early
Washington, & Adinoff, 2007). The transtheoretical model stages. Individuals may need a combined approach at later
(Prochaska & DiClemente, 1982), including the stages of stages, such as the addition of cognitive behavioral therapy.
change, as discussed previously, provides guidance for occu-
pational therapists to elicit the behavioral change for sub- ➤ Occupational therapists should evaluate the individual’s readi-
ness to change to identify motivational change strategies.
stance abusers. See Chapter 15 for more information on sub-
stance abuse. ➤ Occupational therapists should consider the addition of
cognitive behavioral approaches to augment motivational
interviewing during later stages of change.
Intellectual Disabilities
Stoffel, V. C., & Moyers, P. A. (2004). An evidence based and occupational
Self-efficacy, as a core element of motivation, has been stud- perspective of intervention for persons with substance-use disorders.
ied in children with intellectual disabilities. Infants and very American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 58, 570–586.
young children with intellectual disabilities appear to pursue
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338 PART 2 ■ The Person

failure experiences. As children with intellectual disabilities Leisure Motivation Scale

get older, they express more frustration and less persistence
in goal-oriented activity. Occupational therapists can help re- The Leisure Motivation scale (Beard & Ragheb, 1983) as-
duce the deficits in mastery motivation by modifying tasks so sesses motivation within an occupational performance con-
that children with disabilities can experience success and text, which increases its relevance for occupational therapy
competence. See Chapter 9 for more information on intellec- practice. The 48-item Likert scale is composed of four sub-
tual disabilities. scales: Intellectual, Social, Competence Mastery, and Stimu-
lus Avoidance. The Intellectual subscale involves motivation
to participate in thinking activities. The Social subscale is fo-
cused on the drive to engage in leisure activities with others,
Assessments and the Competence Mastery subscale involves those activi-
Even though motivation can seem like a fairly intangible ties that provide the individual with a sense of accomplish-
concept, several standardized measures have been developed ment. The Stimulus Avoidance subscale assesses the extent to
to assess motivation. Many of the measures are associated which the individual is motivated to participate in activities
with a particular motivational theory. that allow for escape from daily stress.
Occupational therapists used the Leisure Motivation scale
within a clubhouse setting to determine the relationship be-
BIS/BAS Scales tween leisure motivation and recovery (Lloyd, King, McCarthy,
Carver and White (1994) developed the BIS/BAS scales to & Scanlan, 2007). The study found that individuals with higher
measure the two motivational systems described in Gray’s scores on the Leisure Motivation scale had more traits associ-
(1991) theory of motivation. This brief self-reported measure ated with recovery. The researchers suggest that occupational
uses a 4-point Likert scale, with 1 indicating very true for me therapists should help individuals with serious mental illness
and 4 indicating very false for me. The measure includes one reintegrate into leisure activities, particularly those that sup-
BIS scale, which is described as a measure of punishment port socialization within the community.
sensitivity. There are three BAS subscales: drive, fun seeking,
and reward responsiveness. In validity studies, the measure University of Rhode Island Change
tended to be better at discriminating BIS/BAS behaviors than Assessment
alternative personality measures (Carver & White, 1994).
The University of Rhode Island Change Assessment (URICA)
is frequently used as a measure of an individual’s readiness to
Goal Attainment Scaling change (McConnaughy, Prochaska, & Velicer, 1983). Although
A challenge for assessing occupational therapy outcomes is most often used in substance abuse research, the general na-
finding a measure that can capture the diverse nature of the ture of the questions makes it more broadly applicable. In fact,
targets of therapy and the intervention process itself. Goals it has been used to assess change across several different psy-
provide a motivational target in occupational therapy inter- chiatric disabilities, including obsessive compulsive disorder
vention. Goal attainment scaling (GAS) allows for the assess- (Pinto, Pinto, Neziroglu, & Yaryura-Tobias, 2007), schizophre-
ment of individualized progress, regardless of the outcome. nia (Kinnaman, Bellack, Brown, & Yang, 2007), posttraumatic
Originally developed by Kiresuk and Sherman (1968) to assess stress disorder (Hunt, Kyle, Coffey, Stasiewicz, & Schumacher,
adults in community mental health, the GAS method uses a 2006), pathological gambling (Petry, 2005), and eating disor-
5-point scale (−2 to +2) to assess progress toward goal attain- ders (Hasler, Delsignore, Milos, Buddeberg, & Schnyder,
ment. Zero is the expected level of performance, with the neg- 2004).
ative numbers indicating less than expected, and the positive This 32-item measure includes just four of the stages of
numbers indicating higher than expected outcomes. change subscales: Precontemplation, Contemplation, Ac-
GAS is consistent with client-centered practice because tion, and Maintenance. Validity studies have not supported
the therapist and client work together to identify the pri- four separate factors, so often a single score is obtained and
mary goal and then specifically identify the expected level of used as a general measure of readiness to change (Sutton,
success. Better and worse than expected outcomes are also 2001). Occupational therapists can use this measure when
specified for each point on the 5-point scale. Psychometric applying the transtheoretical model of change and then
evaluations suggest that GAS can effectively distinguish be- target interventions based on level of readiness.
tween individuals who have made progress and those who
have not (Kiresuk, Smith, & Cardillo, 1994). Volitional Questionnaire and Pediatric
Interrater reliability is less than optimal when compared Volitional Questionnaire
with standardized assessments, but the measure provides
greater flexibility for measuring diverse outcomes. There is The Volitional Questionnaire (Chern, Kielhofner, de las
also evidence that the collaborative nature of the GAS en- Heras, & Magalhaes, 1996) comes out of the Model of Hu-
hances participation in the therapy process. man Occupation and assesses the person’s inner motives
Recently, occupational therapists have suggested that and the environment’s impact on motivation. This obser-
GAS may be useful for measuring outcomes in children with vational assessment for adolescents and adults rates the in-
sensory integration dysfunction (Mailloux et al, 2007). dividual in terms of three stages of volitional develop-
These therapists provide guidelines and described the par- ment: exploration, competency, and achievement. For
ticular benefits of GAS for occupational therapy when trying each item, the individual is rated as passive, hesitant, in-
to capture change for outcomes that tend to be highly vari- volved, or spontaneous. There is also an Environmental
able and individualized. Form that assesses the effect of the environment on the
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CHAPTER 23 ■ Motivation 339

person’s motivation. There is evidence supporting the

measure’s interrater reliability (de las Heras, 1993) and in-
ternal consistency (Chern et al, 1996). The Pediatric Voli- Ac
tional Questionnaire (Andersen, Kielhofner, & Lai, 2005) hie
is designed for children ages 2 to 7. The child is observed en
in several different environments. Using this measure, the
occupational therapist can determine if the individual is in
the exploration, competency, or achievement stage in rela- Co

Motivation as a continuum
tion to a particular occupation. ete

Intervention Ex
Generally speaking, individuals are not referred for occupa- rat
tional therapy or other services to exclusively address motiva-
tion. However, in occupational therapy practice, motivation is
often a factor that interferes with successful occupational per-
formance. It can also interfere with engagement in the therapy
process. Too often, occupational therapists stop working with
a patient or client because the person refuses therapy. From a
different perspective, the refusal can become the initial target
of intervention. The person who refuses therapy can benefit
from strategies specifically focused on enhancing motivation FIGURE 23-3. Remotivation process. The therapist provides activi-
for therapy. Intervention strategies for motivation are typi- ties to move the person through the different steps of the motivation
cally not the sole focus of the occupational therapy process,
but are used in concert with other interventions to promote
some type of behavioral change or to engage the individual in
therapy or a valued occupation. section) provides guidance for identifying where the individ-
ual falls on the continuum.
Once the developmental stage of motivation is identi-
Interventions Linked to Theories fied, the therapist uses specific strategies to promote de-
Previously in the chapter, various theories of motivation velopment to the next motivational level. For example, in
were presented with their implications for occupational the exploration stage, strategies include having the person
therapy intervention. Table 23-5 describes the relevant appli- engage in familiar activities in unfamiliar or new settings
cations and implications for intervention associated with the and exposing the individual to activities of interest. At the
particular theory. competency stage, the therapist helps the client identify
goals, problem solve difficulties, and maintain engagement
over time. To facilitate achievement, strategies include en-
The Remotivation Process couraging the individual to look for new challenges, take
risks, and assume additional responsibilities. A manual is
The remotivation process is an occupational therapy interven- available from the Model of Human Occupation Clearing-
tion that arises from the Model of Human Occupation (de las house (see the Resources section) that describes specific
Heras, Llerena, & Kielhofner, 2003). Targeting the volitional goals for the client at each stage and strategies for the
system, it considers motivation as a continuum that moves therapist.
from exploration to competency to achievement (Fig. 23-3).
The Volitional Questionnaire (described in the Assessment

Evidence-Based Practice
This is a picture
of the West Allis I n a study conducted by occupational therapists, individuals with
serious mental illness who had a higher motivation for leisure
activities (particularly social and intellectual leisure activities)
skyline. The also had higher scores on a measure of recovery. These results
hustle and bustle suggest that engagement in pleasurable leisure activities can
of everyday life. enhance recovery.
Get out and get ➤ Occupational therapists can help people with psychiatric dis-
in the world. abilities identify leisure interests and then create interventions
Being out to support participation in those activities.
stimulates and keeps our minds occupied so we Lloyd, C., King, R., McCarthy, M., & Scanlan, M. (2007). The associa-
don’t focus on our mental illness so much. It’s just one of tion between leisure motivation and recovery: A pilot study. Australian
the milestones in life, on our journey through life. Occupational Therapy Journal, 54, 33–41.
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340 PART 2 ■ The Person

Table 23-5 ● Motivation Theories and Intervention Approaches

Theory Relevant Application of Theory Implications for Intervention
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs • Useful in all situations to help promote • Identify lowest level of unmet need, and address this need so that
highest level of accomplishment individual can work toward higher-level needs.
• Neglecting to address lower-level needs can • May need to establish rapport and demonstrate that person is safe before
sabotage all progress providing therapy.
Approach/avoidance models • Applicable to situations in which individuals • Address emotions that might interfere with goal attainment, specifically
are avoiding necessary activities or anxiety and fear.
approaching unhealthy ones, particularly • Address impulsiveness when there is little regard for danger or negative
when there tends to be an emotional outcomes.
component associated with the approach or • Support positive emotions that promote approach behaviors.
avoidance • Change emotional associations (e.g., feelings of deprivation during dieting
could be reframed as a demonstration of self-control).
• Consider how to incorporate rewards or remove punishments associated
with the activity.
Self-efficacy • Appropriate for situations in which client • Break down activities so the individual can have multiple successful
expresses a lack of self-efficacy for a experiences that create sense of mastery.
particular activity • Incorporate role models into occupational therapy intervention; role models
should share important characteristics with client.
• Provide positive, specific, and sincere feedback.
• Avoid criticism.
Self-determination theory • Helpful for all situations in which motivations • Create conditions that support competence, autonomy, and relatedness.
is a limiting factor • Competence can be addressed in methods discussed previously related to
• Helpful for assessing environmental self-efficacy.
conditions that can be modified to promote • Autonomy involves providing opportunities for choice and creating
intrinsic motivation conditions in which the individual feels in control of the situation.
• Relatedness is enhanced when the individual has positive interpersonal
connections associated with the activity.
• Consider group activities, mentorship, and role modeling.
Flow theory • Relevant consideration for activities that • Identify activities of interest to client or activities that have the potential to
already possess a strong intrinsic motivation be intensely interesting to the individual.
for the person • Create opportunities for the “just right” fit of challenge and competence.
• Help individual identify lifestyle that supports more opportunities for flow
Transtheoretical model • Focus is on situations in which person wants • Identify the current stage of change for the target behavior.
or needs to change a behavior—either to • Use strategies that help person move to the next level.
stop a negative behavior or begin a positive
Model of Human Occupation • Applicable across all situations in which • Evaluate volitional system factors (interests, values, personal causation)
motivation is a barrier to performance that are associated with the activity in question.
• Target intervention at the factor that is interfering with performance
(e.g., consider how to increase interest, enhance value, or develop beliefs
in ability to carry out the activity).

Motivational Interviewing The fundamental approaches of motivational interview-

ing are collaboration, evocation, and autonomy (Miller &
Motivational interviewing is a widely used approach that Rollnick, 2002). These can be contrasted with opposing ap-
the developers describe as “a way of being with people” in proaches that are also used in alternative counseling situa-
the change process (Miller & Rollnick, 2002). It was initially tions. Collaboration means that the therapist and client
applied to substance abuse intervention (Miller et al, 2006), work together as partners. This is in contrast to confronta-
but since then has been broadly adopted to address many tion (an approach frequently used in substance abuse treat-
types of change. The uses are too numerous to review here, ment). Confrontation can lead to defensiveness, whereas col-
but included are examples to demonstrate the wide-ranging laboration supports engagement in therapy.
applications. For example, motivational interviewing has Evocation means drawing on the client to identify his or
been used for adopting healthier eating practices (Resnicow her own goals and values toward change. This is different
et al, 2008), increasing seat belt use (Fernandez et al, 2008), from education that focuses on providing knowledge or
enhancing treatment for obsessive compulsive disorder skills to the client.
(Simpson, Zuckoff, Page, Franklin, & Foa, 2008), and as a Finally, autonomy means that the client has the capacity
component of safe sex programs (Golin et al, 2007). Moti- for self-direction and makes his or her own choices, as op-
vational interviewing is designed for people who are not posed to authority, in which the therapist tells the client
ready to change or are ambivalent about changing. what to do.
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CHAPTER 23 ■ Motivation 341

The development of motivational interviewing was Roll With Resistance

highly influenced by the transtheoretical model, particularly When working toward change, clients often become resistant
the stages of change (Miller & Rollnick, 2002). Motivational and sometimes even argumentative. This resistance under-
interviewing recognizes that people change gradually and mines the change process and gives a cue that the therapist
that the intervention process can begin at any point in the needs to be responding differently. It is important that the
change process. therapist avoid argument and not oppose the client’s resist-
ance. Instead, when the person begins expressing reluctance
General Principles to change, it is helpful to acknowledge the ambivalence.
Along with the fundamental approaches to motivational in- Point out that you will not force the person to do anything;
terviewing, there are four general principles that guide the it is up to the client to decide what he or she will accept and
interaction: reject. In rolling with resistance, it is also helpful to bring the
problem back to the person in the form of a question. You
■ Express empathy
might ask, “So how would you describe the problem, and
■ Develop discrepancy
how could you make things different?” These approaches
■ Roll with resistance
can dispel defensiveness and reengage the person in the
■ Support self-efficacy
Express Empathy
In motivational interviewing, it is important that the Support Self-Efficacy
client knows that he or she is accepted. Often, the person As identified in the Theories of Motivation section, self-
has done things that are not valued by society, such as us- efficacy is necessary for a person to believe that he or
ing illegal substances, inadequately parenting, unhealthy she can make a change. An individual can fully value the
living, and trouble maintaining employment. Empathy reasons for change, but if that person does not have self-
does not mean approval; rather, it involves relating to the efficacy, it is unlikely that a change will be attempted. One
person without judgment, criticism or blame. Skills re- way to support self-efficacy as a therapist is to express your
quired for expressing empathy include reflective listening belief that the client can be successful. It is also important
and the ability to convey respect and acceptance of the to explain to the client that he or she must make the
person. Expressing empathy often involves relating with change; the therapist cannot make the change for the
the client that “change is hard” and that ambivalence to client, but is there to help. The therapist can help the per-
change is normal. son identify past successes and individual strengths.
Develop Discrepancy
Although motivational interviewing relies heavily on reflec- There is extensive evidence indicating that motivational in-
tive listening, it is also highly directive. This is where the terviewing is effective for individuals with substance abuse
principle of developing discrepancy fits in. The purpose is to (Miller & Rollnick, 1982). Stoffel and Moyers (2004) provide
call attention to the discrepancy between the present behav- specific information on the role of occupational therapy and
ior and the person’s goals and values. This is not done by motivational interviewing with this population. However,
having the therapist identify what is good and bad about a motivational interviewing can be used across all occupa-
particular behavior, but comes from having the client eluci- tional therapy practice settings and situations. It is a “way of
date his or her own perspective on the topic. One strategy being” with the person that addresses ambivalence toward
used to develop discrepancy is a decisional balance exercise. change. Motivational interviewing is intended to be used
In decisional balance, a grid is used to identify the pros of alongside other intervention approaches. It is a tool the oc-
cons of both changing and not changing. Table 23-6 pro- cupational therapist should consider whenever the client is
vides an example of a decisional balance exercise related to reluctant to engage in the occupational therapy process or
starting to exercise. People often consider the pros and cons when the person has disengaged from life.
of changing, but an important part of the decisional balance
exercise is exploring the pros and cons of not changing
(i.e., what makes the person want to keep things the way Summary
they are).
In occupational therapy practice, motivation is frequently
talked about, but most often in terms of a client who is “un-
motivated.” In fact, lack of motivation, manifested as refusal
Table 23-6 ● Decisional Balance Grid—Starting to Exercise of therapy, is a frequent cause for discharge from occupa-
Changing Not Changing tional therapy services. However, rarely is motivation evalu-
ated, and seldom is motivation the target of occupational
Pros • Feel better • Have more time
therapy intervention. This chapter attempts to alleviate this
• More energy • Can keep my routine
• Lose weight • Does not cost anything
omission. The next time you find yourself describing a client
• Good role model for children as unmotivated, use the motivational theories in the chapter
to help you better understand the underlying causes. Con-
Cons • Worried that I cannot stick with it and • Feel like a loser
will feel even worse • May have long-term
sider using the assessment tools and intervention ap-
health problems proaches. By understanding and connecting with the client,
• Family not interested in exercising
• Gain more weight you can increase the probability of engaging the person in
with me
occupational therapy and in life.
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342 PART 2 ■ The Person

Active Learning Strategies

1. Applying Motivation Theories ● Transtheoretical—Where are you in terms of your level
of change, are their times when you have been less action
Identify an occupation that you engage in regularly and that
gives you pleasure. Describe the activity. How often do you
● Model of Human Occupation—Is this occupation a
participate in it? How long have you been doing it? Is it
reflection of your interests, values, and competence?
something you do alone or with others?
Consider the different theories of motivation and how
2. Decisional Balance
they might apply to your motivation to participate in this
occupation. Think of a behavior you would like to change, either
something you want to stop doing (e.g., smoking, biting
Reflective Journal fingernails, gossiping) or something you want to start
doing (e.g., exercise, getting more sleep, spending more
Describe the exercise in your Reflective Journal.
time with family). Complete the decisional balance grid.
Reflective Questions
● Maslow’s hierarchy of needs—Which type of need is met Changing Not Changing
by this occupation? Have there been occasions when you Pros
could not participate in the occupation because you had
to meet lower-level needs?
● Approach/avoidance—What causes you to approach this
Reflective Journal
occupation? What rewards, positive experiences, or pleas-
ant emotions do you receive from participating in the Describe the exercise in your Reflective Journal.
Reflective Questions
● Self-efficacy—Do you feel skillful/competent when per-
● Which quadrants were the easiest to fill out?
forming this occupation? How did you learn to do this
● How could you enhance the pros of changing and cons
of not changing?
● Self-determination—Does the occupation promote com-
● Can you use the motivational theories to help you make
petence (self-efficacy), autonomy (you are in control),
the change?
and relatedness (connection to others)?
● What strategies could you use to get the change process
● Flow—Is this a flow experience (i.e., do you lose yourself
in the occupation?, lose track of time?, feel the “just
right” challenge?)?

Resources • Transtheoretical stages of change model—The Health and

Addictive Behaviors: Investigating Transtheoretical Solutions
• BIS/BAS scales—The BIS/BAS scales are available online from (HABITS) website includes information about the model and
the developer, Charles Carver, at the University of Miami website. measures, including the University of Rhode Island Change
The website also includes the items and instructions for scoring: Assessment (URICA) and the Decisional Balance scales: www
• Flow theory—Csikszentmihalyi, M. (2000). Beyond Boredom
and Anxiety: Experiencing Flow in Work and Play. San Francisco,
Jossey-Bass. References
• Model of Human Occupation—Assessments (e.g., Volitional Andersen, S., Kielhofner, G., & Lai, J. S. (2005). An examination of
Assessments) and interventions associated with the Model of the measurement properties of the Pediatric Volitional Question-
Human Occupation (e.g., Remotivation Process) can be naire. Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics, 25, 39–57.
obtained at the Model of Human Occupation Clearinghouse. Andreasen, N. C. (1984). Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symp-
The website also provides a reference list of publications: toms. Iowa City: University of Iowa. Bandura, A. (1999). Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behav-
• Motivational interviewing—The Center on Alcoholism, Substance ioral change. In R. F. Baumeister (Ed.), The Self in Social Psychology
Abuse and Addictions includes information from William R. Miller (pp. 285–298). New York: Psychology Press.
on motivational interviewing and free downloads for many Bandura, A. (2002). Social cognition theory in cultural context.
assessments: Applied Psychology: An International Review, 51, 269–290.
Miller, W. R., & Rollnick, S. (2002). Motivational Interviewing: Barch, D. M. (2005). The relationships among cognition, motiva-
Preparing People for Change (2nd ed.). New York: Guilford Press. tion, and emotion in schizophrenia: How much and how little we
• Self-efficacy theory—Website with Albert Bandura’s biography know. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 31, 875–881.
and access to publications and videos: Beard, J., & Ragheb, M. (1983). Measuring leisure motivation.
bandurabio.html Journal of Leisure Research, 15, 219–228.
• Self-determination theory—Information, publications, and Bjorn, M., Rahman, R., & Shepherd, R. (2007). Hypomanic person-
resources, including assessments related to self-determination ality features and addictive tendencies. Personality and Individual
theory: Differences, 42, 801–810.
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CHAPTER 23 ■ Motivation 343

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Emotion Regulation 24
Marian Scheinholz

“ E motions shape the landscape of our mental and social lives. Like the “geographical upheavals”
a traveler might discover in a landscape where recently only a flat plain could be seen, they
mark our lives as uneven, uncertain, and prone to reversal . . .
—Martha Nussbaum, Upheavals of Thought: The Intelligence of Emotions, 2001

Introduction experience contradictory emotions simultaneously, result-

Emotions are an ever present and essential facet of daily life. ing in a state of ambivalence.
Our emotions help us interpret the world and guide us in
our responses. However, emotions can also interfere with Physiology of Emotion
successful performance. A young child has a temper tantrum
at the grocery store when the parent refuses to buy some- The nervous and endocrine systems provide most of the
thing the child wants. A college student cries uncontrollably controlling functions of the body and are of great impor-
after receiving a poor grade on an exam. A middle-age man tance to the physiology of emotion. The limbic system and
gets in a fistfight over a minor argument at a bar. An older its connections to other parts of the brain play a central role
adult is completely unable to make a decision due to extreme in the origination and modulation of emotions. Receipt and
feelings of anxiety. These are all examples of emotion dys- interpretation of sensory input, memories of past experience
regulation. (both conscious and unconscious), and the state of wakeful-
Although everyone experiences times when their emo- ness or arousal of the brain can affect emotional and behav-
tions get in the way or result in a bad life decision, for some ioral activity (Curtis, 1986).
people emotion dysregulation is a constant problem that The production and release of hormones by the en-
creates challenges for everyday life. Emotion dysregulation docrine system and the direct action of the autonomic nerv-
can be especially taxing for the maintenance of healthy inter- ous system also exert control over emotional responses. Be-
personal relationships. This chapter describes emotions, cause of the role emotions play in human physiology,
identifies psychiatric conditions in which emotion dysregu- emotional stress is a factor in the etiology of many physical
lation is a primary concern, and describes assessment and and mental illnesses and disease (Lumley, Beyer, & Radcliffe,
intervention for emotion regulation. 2008; Taylor, 2007). Emotional stress can be defined as a
sustained, damaging emotional response and the inability to
control such responses. Psychosomatic disorders are consid-
Emotion ered to have emotional factors as their primary cause. In ad-
dition, there are emotional responses to any serious disease,
An emotion is an evaluative mental state produced by a neu- with depression being the most prominent feature. The
ral impulse. Emotions include a combination of physiologi- emotional response to diseases such as cancer has been re-
cal arousal, subjective experience, and behavioral or affective ported to have significant impact on the patient’s response to
expression (Western, 2003). Emotions have been character- treatment and prognosis (Western, 2003).
ized as the very essence of life—it is impossible to be alive
without experiencing emotions (Curtis, 1986). Emotions are Experience of Emotion
important to both the preservation of health and survival of
organisms because they result in adaptive responses. Emo- Psychologists define basic emotions as those that are com-
tions enable communication; through the maturation of mon to the human species, having characteristic physiologi-
emotions, humans develop the ability to understand their cal, subjective, and expressive components (Ekman, 1999).
own feelings and the feelings of others, resulting in the de- Anger, fear, happiness, sadness, and disgust are generally ac-
velopment of healthy relationships. cepted as basic emotions. These basic emotions are similar to
Emotions can be distinguished from feelings, which are primary colors in perception in that other emotions or emo-
considered to be an inner subjective sensation without a tional blends are derived from them, such as surprise, con-
physiological response. However, often the terms “feeling” tempt, shame, guilt, joy, and anticipation (Western, 2003).
and “emotion” are used synonymously (Curtis, 1986). A Culture, politics, and social structures appear to affect the
persistent emotional state is called a mood. Individuals may subjective experience of emotions (Baerveldt & Voestermans,
1704_Ch24_345-357.qxd 7/8/10 7:36 PM Page 346

346 PART 2 ■ The Person

2005). Social norms and individual history shape the way Emotions have a connection to the imagination and to
that humans experience emotions and how they respond, al- creativity that is different from other abstract judgmental
though certain human emotions appear to be universal. Fear, states. There is some evidence that negative emotions such as
love, anger, and grief seem to be ubiquitous because they are depression and anxiety are associated with higher levels of
based on the vulnerabilities and attachments that are com- creativity (George & Zhou, 2002). There also appears to be a
mon to all humans (Nussbaum, 2001). But emotional reper- higher incidence of bipolar disorder among artists (Jamison,
toires do differ, and the extent to which they differ may be re- 1993). Bipolar disorder is characterized by extremes of emo-
lated to culture or political structures. For example, one tions. Emotions also include sensory content that is insepa-
predictor of happiness is the extent to which a culture is in- rable from the experience of the emotion, such as the feeling
dividualistic, with a focus on the needs and desires of individ- of heaviness associated with depression or increased sensi-
uals, rather than the needs of the collective or group. Further- tivity to sound when anxious. The ability to imagine and to
more, a significant correlation (0.85) has been found between sense objects and situations that is derived from emotional
life satisfaction and the number of uninterrupted years of experience is likely what explains emotion’s contribution to
democracy in a country (Inglehart, 1990). In another exam- survival (Nussbaum, 2001).
ple, the consequences associated with suppression of emo-
tion may be culture specific. The suppression of emotions
is generally associated with negative outcomes; however, this Emotional Function
may be primarily a Western phenomenon (Butler, Lee, &
Gross, 2007). It appears that there are fewer negative conse- as a Client Factor
quences associated with suppression in Asian cultures. A vast
The Occupational Therapy Practice Framework (OTPF) de-
proportion of human behavior, including emotional re-
fines emotional functions as a subset of specific mental func-
sponses, is conditioned based on social surroundings, devel-
tions, which are a body function category of client factors.
opmental influences, and other environmental factors.
Emotional functions are defined as “appropriate range and
Individuals differ in the intensity of their emotional
regulation of emotions, self-control” (American Occupational
states. At the upper end of the continuum are individuals
Therapy Association [AOTA], 2002, p. 625). The OTPF de-
with certain types of severe personality disorders whose
scribes analysis of occupational performance as the consider-
emotions are not well modulated, causing significant dys-
ation of “. . . the complex and dynamic interaction among per-
function in their daily lives (Linehan, 1993a, 1993b). In the
formance skills, performance patterns, context or contexts,
middle of the continuum are well-adjusted individuals who
activity demands and client factors rather than any one factor
experience a wide range of emotions, but are able to modu-
alone” (p. 617, italics added). Emotion regulation refers to ef-
late and control their emotional experiences. Finally, some
forts to control emotional states. Regulation of emotional
individuals may lack emotional experience and expression.
function is essential to successful occupational performance.
For example, individuals with schizoid personality disorder
Emotions can be regulated before or after they occur. One way
often seem aloof with restricted emotional expression
that emotions are regulated is by reframing the meaning of
(American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2000). Emotions
events or putting perspective on events before they occur. For
can be undesired to the individual feeling them, who wants
example, you may miss a party because you need to study for
to control them but cannot. Behavior, in response to emo-
an important exam. Although you are disappointed, you also
tions, also differs among individuals.
are proud of yourself for the self-discipline and recognize the
potential rewards in the future.
Individuals can also suppress emotions after they occur.
Cognition and Emotion For example, you become angry at your boss for belittling
you in front of others, but you decide not to say anything
Emotions affect cognitive processes, in the same way that
and try to ignore your angry feelings because you do not
memory, judgment, and cognition influence emotions when
want to lose your job. However, this may interfere with the
people use situational cues to understand their physiological
ability to engage in tasks (or, in the example, the ability to
state of arousal. For example, an individual who was recently
complete your work tasks successfully) because suppression
fired from a job may react with anger, depression, or anxiety,
often leads to increased sympathetic nervous system activity
depending on the interpretation of the event. Someone who
or arousal (Salters-Pedneault, Tull, & Roemer, 2004). In fact,
interprets the experience as unfair or as retribution is more
trying not to think about something can have a paradoxical
likely to react with anger, whereas the individual who sees the
effect such that the individual actually thinks more about
loss of employment as a reflection of incompetence is more
what he or she is trying to suppress.
likely to feel depressed. Cognitive processes also influence
Consequently, more recent conceptualizations of emo-
one’s interpretation of other people’s emotions, particularly
tion regulation focus on the importance of experiencing all
facial displays of emotions. The experience of emotions is
emotions, but in a way that allows the individual to control
more than the thought content, because it contains the “rich
one’s behavior and continue to engage in goal-directed ac-
and dense perceptions of the object, which are highly con-
tivities. This conceptualization of emotion regulation in-
crete and replete with detail” (Nussbaum, 2001, p. 65). There-
cludes the ability to
fore, the experience of an emotion, such as grief, brings with
it “cognitively laden” memories, perceptions, and attitudes, ■ Inhibit inappropriate behavior related to strong
in addition to the specific content. For example, memories of emotions.
fighting with a loved one before an unexpected death can af- ■ Accept and willingly experience negative emotions as
fect the grief process. part of a meaningful life.
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CHAPTER 24 ■ Emotion Regulation 347

■ Organize oneself independent of mood state to act to Some children demonstrate inherent difficulties with
attain external goals. self-regulation due to poorly organized stress response sys-
■ Self-soothe physiological arousal when strong emo- tems and hyperreactivity. This could be due to a genetic pre-
tions occur. disposition, developmental issues, or exposure to chaos or
■ Refocus attention in the face of strong emotions. violence early in life. These children may be impulsive, irri-
(Gratz & Roemer, 2004) table, and require more structure, predictability, and repeti-
tion to learn and grow than other children of the same age
Emotion dysregulation refers to emotional responses that
(Perry, 2006).
are not adaptive to the particular situation (Schore, 2003).
A study of school-age children aged 5 to 12 examined the
Dysregulated emotion does not always involve a negative
relationship of the child’s predisposition to particular be-
emotion (although most frequently it does), but it involves an
havioral patterns and how these interacted with peer rejec-
emotional experience that interferes with goal-oriented ac-
tion (Ladd, 2006). The predispositions studied were aggres-
tivity. For example, an individual may become bereft over
sion and withdrawal, which may be considered to be two
losing a weekend tennis match and go home to fight with an
different types of emotion dysregulation. Peer rejection had
unsuspecting spouse. Or, in another example, an individual is
an additive effect on psychological maladjustment when
so excited about a new relationship that he or she is unable to
combined with either aggression or withdrawal. Although
concentrate at work and shares inappropriate information
the aggressive or withdrawn child may contribute to the peer
with coworkers and supervisors.
rejection, Coie (2004) finds that once a child acquires a re-
Another feature of emotion dysregulation is an impair-
jected status, that child tends to be treated more and more
ment in modulation. Everyone has experiences of intense
anger, sadness, or anxiety, but typically the intense feelings
Similarly, another study found that deficient emotion
subside relatively soon. For people with emotion dysregula-
regulation skills mediated the relationship between peer
tion, the intense feelings remain for a longer period of time,
group victimization and peer rejection (Kelly, Schwartz,
and the individual is unable to accept the experience and
Gorman, & Nakamoto, 2008). A role for occupational thera-
move on. Holding grudges, an inability to focus due to emo-
pists is the creation of programs to increase peer acceptance
tions, and lingering emotional reactivity are examples of
and to help aggressive and withdrawn children develop more
problems with modulation.
effective coping strategies.
Adolescence is a period of intense expression and great
Development of Emotion Regulation variability in moods (Silk, Steinberg, & Morris, 2003). Those
adolescents who experience an intensity and lability (rapid
Because emotions feel “good” or “bad” and lead to positive or change) that is beyond the typical adolescent experience are
negative responses, people learn to regulate their emotions more likely to have behavioral problems and psychological
early in life. Emotion regulation is a form of procedural disorders, particularly depression.
knowledge that can be conscious or implicit. It is a skill that One study of the relationship of mood and activity in ado-
humans acquire as part of the developmental process. Infants lescents found that autonomy was an important feature for
and young children learn to regulate their emotions in the emotion regulation (Weinstein & Mermelstein, 2007). The
context of their primary relationships (Perry, 2006). Infants type of activity was less important than the degree of per-
learn to regulate their emotional responses as they interact sonal choice and valuation that the individual associated with
with caregivers and attend to the caregiver’s emotional dis- an activity. Increased autonomy was associated with more
plays (Carver & Vaccaro, 2007). Adults help children meet positive mood and greater emotional stability. Occupational
their primary needs for sustenance and security and, in so do- therapists can help create situations in which adolescents
ing, develop their emotional and stress response systems and have more choice in their selection of daily activities.
the ability to self-regulate. When infants feel safe and know
their needs will be met, they are able to self-soothe. Crying is Neurophysiological Basis
a normal infant behavior, but excessive crying and lack of a re-
sponse to soothing is an indication of emotion dysregulation Neuroscience research is revealing brain mechanisms that
in infants. Often called “colic,” excessive infant crying has a underlie the impulsivity, mood instability, aggression, anger,
complex and poorly understood etiology, but is mostly likely and negative emotion seen in emotion dysregulation. Stud-
due to a combination of psychosocial factors (Akman et al, ies suggest that people predisposed to impulsive aggression
2006). Most infants “grow out” of colic at 3 to 6 months of age, have impaired regulation of the neural circuits that modu-
but decreasing negative emotional displays of parents and in- late emotion (Davidson, Jackson, & Kalin, 2000). Brain im-
creasing routine are strategies that can help infants better reg- aging studies indicate possible involvement of the amygdala,
ulate their emotions (St. James-Roberts, Sleep, Morris, Owen, the limbic system, and the prefrontal cortex in responding to
& Gilham, 2001). Occupational therapists can teach parents perceived threats and negative emotions. In addition, it is be-
how to apply these strategies. lieved that these neurophysiological responses might be
Older children continue to learn how to tolerate distress more pronounced under the influence of drugs, such as al-
based on the degree to which adults meet their needs, for ex- cohol, and with stress (Davidson, Putnam, & Larson, 2000).
ample, thirst, hunger, and fear. Learning to tolerate distress, Serotonin, norepinephrine, and acetylcholine are among
correctly label uncomfortable situations, and develop appro- the chemical messengers in these circuits that play a role in
priate ways to respond to emotions is central to healthy devel- the regulation of emotions, including sadness, anger, anxi-
opment. However, as children get older, peers play a greater ety, and irritability. Drugs that enhance brain serotonin
role in the development of healthy emotion regulation. function and mood-stabilizing drugs may help people with
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348 PART 2 ■ The Person

emotion dysregulation–related responses. Deficits in cogni- responses of the child are disqualified or “invalidated” by sig-
tive functioning, such as decision making (Bazanis et al, nificant others. It is the combination of emotional vulnera-
2002), conflict resolution (Posner et al, 2002), and “effortful bility and the invalidating environment that leads to emo-
control” (Lenzenweger, Clarkin, Fertuck, & Kernberg, 2004; tion dysregulation.
Posner et al, 2002) are reported. These deficits are believed to In an invalidating environment, the child’s personal ex-
be mediated in the frontal lobe, although not all studies have pressions of needs, fears, and desires are not accepted as an
found frontal lobe impairment related to cognitive function- accurate description of true feelings. For example, if a child
ing (Kunert, Druecke, Sass, & Herpertz, 2003). says, “I’m hurt,” the parent might respond by saying, “Don’t
Taken together, these studies suggest abnormalities in be a crybaby, just shake it off.” Or a child might come home
prefrontal, corticostriatal, and limbic networks, perhaps re- proud of a grade of 94%, but the parent only focuses on the
lated to lowered serotonin neurotransmission and behav- questions that the child got wrong.
ioral disinhibition (Johnson et al, 2003). In the future, such Extreme examples of invalidating environments include
brain-based vulnerabilities may be managed with help from physical and sexual abuse, and indeed BPD is associated with
behavioral interventions and medications, much like people high rates of abuse histories. Studies show that many, but not
manage susceptibility to diabetes or high blood pressure all, individuals with BPD report a history of abuse, neglect, or
(Siever & Koenigsberg, 2000). separation as young children (Zanarini & Frankenburg,
2001). Forty to 71% of BPD patients report having been sex-
ually abused, usually by a noncaregiver (Zanarini, 2000).
Emotion Dysregulation Invalidating environments characteristically place a high
value on self-control and self-reliance, and difficulties in
and Psychiatric Disabilities these areas are not acknowledged. It is expected that the
child will independently resolve problems easily, and failure
There are several diagnoses in which some impairment of
to do so is ascribed to a lack of proper motivation or some
emotion is a core symptom (mood and anxiety disorders be-
ing the most obvious); however, the particular symptom of other negative characteristic in the child. Emotionally vul-
emotion dysregulation is most often associated with border- nerable children in such an environment experience partic-
line personality disorder (Reisch, Ebner-Priemer, Tshacher, ular problems, including loss of the opportunity to label and
Bohus, & Linehan, 2008). The following section focuses on understand their feelings and to learn to trust their own re-
borderline personality disorder, but also presents other psychi- sponses to events.
atric conditions in which emotion dysregulation is pertinent. As a result, the child’s behavior oscillates between emo-
tional inhibition to gain acceptance and extreme displays of
emotion in order to have feelings acknowledged. Erratic and
Borderline Personality Disorder inappropriate responses from the environment can result in
Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a psychiatric diagno- intermittent reinforcement for these actions (e.g., giving in
sis in which emotion dysregulation is identified as a core symp- to a child’s temper tantrum in a store by purchasing the item
tom. The DSM-IV-TR diagnosis of BPD includes symptoms of that was previously denied), resulting in a persistent behav-
“affective instability due to a marked reactivity of mood,” ior pattern that interferes with development of healthy
“chronic feelings of emptiness,” and “inappropriate, intense habits and routines, and therefore the competent perform-
anger or difficulty controlling anger” (APA, 2000, p. 689). Un- ance of occupational roles. In the extreme case, the ongoing
derstanding emotion dysregulation in BPD has led to great ad- erratic and inappropriate responses by significant others
vances, including an evidence-based intervention known as di- (parents and other adults) to the private experiences (beliefs,
alectical behavior therapy (DBT; Linehan, 1993a, 1993b). thoughts, and feelings) of an emotionally vulnerable child is
Marsha Linehan is responsible for much of this work and has believed to lead to emotion dysregulation and the develop-
developed a theory that describes the etiology of emotion dys- ment of BPD (Linehan, 1993a, 1993b).
regulation in BPD as the combination of emotional vulnera- One manifestation of emotion dysregulation that is
bility and an “invalidating” environment. highly associated with BPD is self-injury without suicide in-
A person with emotional vulnerability has an autonomic tent, as well as a significant rate of suicide attempts and com-
nervous system that reacts excessively to low levels of stress pleted suicide in severe cases (Gardner & Cowdry, 1985;
and/or has intense responses to emotional stimuli. In addi- Soloff, Lis, Kelly, Cornelius, & Ulrich, 1994). Patients often
tion, their nervous system has a slow return to baseline after need extensive mental health services and account for 20%
the emotional arousal. A person who is emotionally vulner- of psychiatric hospitalizations (Zanarini & Frankenburg,
able tends to have quick, intense, and difficult-to-control 2001).
emotional reactions that can affect performance of occupa-
tional roles. For example, the individual may get in physical Substance Abuse
or verbal fights or become tearful over minor incidents.
However, emotional vulnerability is rarely the sole cause of Although not studied in as much depth as BPD, there is also
psychological problems. Some people with emotional vul- evidence for emotion dysregulation in substance abuse. Im-
nerability are able to use effective coping strategies to mod- pairment in impulse control is a type of emotion dysregulation
ulate their emotions (see Chapter 22). that is common in substance abuse. Both neuropsychological
Consequently, Linehan (1993a, 1993b) hypothesizes that and behavioral studies suggest that individuals with substance
emotion dysregulation occurs when a child with high emo- abuse problems are much more likely to make decisions based
tional vulnerability is exposed to an “invalidating” environ- on immediate rewards as opposed to long-term consequences
ment, that is, an environment in which the experiences and (Verdejo-Garcia, Perez-Garcia, & Bechara, 2006). This appears
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to be true, even when the decision will result in extremely neg- a decreased behavioral inhibition system (BIS) activation.
ative outcomes. This helps explain why people that abuse sub- BAS impairments are associated with externalized behaviors
stances will pursue and use substances even to the detriment of such as impulsivity and hostility. This BAS dysregulation
their work, children, and significant others. causes children and adolescents to seek or approach larger and
Furthermore, triggers that elicit a craving, such as attend- larger reinforcements. Therefore, they may engage in risk tak-
ing a celebration, anticipating a stressful event, driving by a ing or other extreme activities to receive the rewards they are
liquor store, or meeting a friend who is also an abuser, are seeking. Furthermore, decreased BIS activity is linked to be-
laden with emotional overtones (Quirk, 2001). Feelings that havioral disinhibition (Beauchaine, 2001), such that these
can be managed by someone with good coping skills become children and adolescents are less likely to avoid punishments
overwhelming for the person with emotion dysregulation. or negative consequences.
More generally, there is evidence that people who abuse
substances tend to experience more negative emotions such
as depression and anxiety, greater variability in emotions, and Assessment for Emotion
more difficulty managing negative emotions (Bowen, Block,
& Baetz, 2008; Dorard, Berthoz, Phan, Corcos, & Bungener, Dysregulation
2008; Fischer, Forthun, Pidcock, & Dowd, 2007). Assessment instruments developed by Linehan and col-
leagues (Behavioral Research & Therapy Clinics, 2007a) are
Bipolar Disorder also available to collect clinical data for treatment purposes
and outcome data for research or program evaluation pur-
Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder in which individuals must poses. The diary card is used as part of DBT skills training.
experience at least one manic episode at some point in the It can be used by consumers for self-monitoring, as well as in
course of the illness, and most individuals also experience de- interactions with therapists in both individual therapy and
pressive episodes (APA, 2000). Bipolar disorder is character- skills training groups. These cards help consumers keep
ized by both high levels of impairment and high levels of track of their work on skills throughout the week, including
achievement (Nusslock, Ally, Abramson, Harmon-Jones, & a rating of 0 to 7 on how the skills are used each day. (The
Hogan, 2008). Emotion regulation involves the ability to man- ratings correspond to whether the consumer tried to use the
age emotions for goal-oriented activity; therefore, bipolar dis- skills, was able to use the skills, and whether the skills
order presents an interesting question. Why is it that some in- helped.) The card keeps track of use of alcohol, medications
dividuals with bipolar disorder, who by definition experience (prescription and over the counter), and street/illicit drugs.
extreme moods, are high achievers? Some great artists such as In addition, suicidal ideation, self-harm, and misery ratings
the composer Robert Schumann and the poet Lord Byron were are included. It also tracks daily activities such as sleep, exer-
most prolific during periods of mania (Jamison, 1993). cise, relaxation, social supports, and pleasure.
Some researchers attempt to explain bipolar disorder as a The social history interview is most applicable and useful
dysregulation of the behavioral approach system (BAS). (See to occupational therapy. It includes questions on various oc-
Chapter 23 for a more thorough discussion of the BAS/BIS cupational roles (work, student, home management, family
systems.) The BAS-sensitive individual is oriented toward member, friend), as well as questions about housing, fi-
receiving rewards and achieving goals (Gray, 1991). A person nances, and legal matters that are pertinent to daily living. It
with low BAS would be characterized by anhedonia (the in- is completed based on an interview with the consumer.
ability to experience pleasure) and low energy. Dysregula- The Difficulties in Emotion Regulation scale is a direct
tion of the BAS system could then explain both the mania measure of emotion regulation (Gratz & Roemer, 2004). The
and depression of bipolar disorder (Depue & Collins, 1999). 36-item scale measures six domains, including acceptance of
Urosevic, Abramson, Harmon-Jones, and Alloy (2009) negative emotions, engagement in goal-directed behavior,
provide a model of the course of bipolar disorder based on controlling impulsive behavior, emotion regulation strate-
BAS dysregulation. The BAS system is activated when ex- gies, emotional awareness, and emotional clarity. The items
posed to reward-inducing events, such as entering a contest, are written, and the scale is scored such that a higher score
studying for an exam, or meeting an interesting person. The indicates more emotion dysregulation. Psychometric studies
BAS system is deactivated when rewards are lost or there is indicate the measure has high internal consistency and good
an experience of failure (e.g., breaking up with a boyfriend, test–retest reliability, and there is support for construct and
losing a job, failing an exam). BAS activation is associated predictive validity.
with mania and deactivation with depression. Furthermore, There are no specific occupational therapy assessments for
individuals with bipolar disorder experience a greater mag- emotion regulation. In contrast to the standard instruments
nitude of activation and deactivation than people without used to assess personality structure, symptoms, and other
the disorder when exposed to these events. traits, occupational therapy assessment focuses on the individ-
ual’s occupational functioning in daily life. Individuals with
Disruptive Behavior Disorders emotion dysregulation have difficulties in many occupational
performance areas, including instrumental activities of daily
Behavioral disorders in children and adolescents, such as con- living, work, leisure pursuits, and social participation. The
duct disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, and attention reader can refer to the chapters on occupation to identify spe-
deficit-hyperactivity disorder, have been associated with emo- cific assessments of occupational performance. Occupational
tion dysregulation (Beauchaine, Gatzke-Kopp, & Mead, 2007). therapy assessment can add valuable information to the treat-
Like bipolar disorder, some researchers suggest that behav- ment team in assessing behavior prior to beginning therapy
ioral disorders are related to an increased BAS activation and and therapy progress.
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350 PART 2 ■ The Person

Linehan (1993b) identifies specific areas of consideration patient’s usual cognitive organization), substantial time and
that should be addressed in assessing consumers with emo- effort are required to produce lasting change. Modifications
tion dysregulation. One area of difficulty in assessing the of standard approaches (e.g., schema-focused cognitive
skills of individuals with emotion dysregulation is determin- therapy, complex cognitive therapy, DBT) are often recom-
ing whether incapability is due to skill deficit, emotional in- mended in treating certain features that are typical of the
hibition, or environmental constraints. This is further com- persistent beliefs associated with emotion dysregulation.
plicated by the client’s lack of self-knowledge. He or she may (See Chapter 19 for more information on cognitive behav-
confuse being afraid of doing something with being able to ioral therapy.)
do it, and thus, self-reporting assessment information may
be flawed. Naturalistic observation of consumers can pro- Dialectical Behavior Therapy
vide a means for assessing skill deficits that exist in specific
environmental contexts. Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is a comprehensive
Another factor to consider is that consumers may view cognitive behavioral treatment protocol for complex and
their deficits as a result of lack of motivation on their part, difficult-to-treat mental disorders that combines individual
rather than an actual lack of skill in that situation. This usu- psychotherapy with psychosocial skills training (Linehan,
ally relates to the history of invalidation they have experi- 1993a, 1993b). DBT was originally designed to treat individ-
enced with their family of origin or others, including treat- uals who repeatedly engaged in suicidal or parasuicidal be-
ment providers. To determine whether the consumer has a haviors and had frequent hospitalizations. BPD is such a dis-
specific skill in his or her repertoire, the therapist may need order, and DBT evolved into a treatment specifically for this
to create the ideal circumstances under which the skill can be illness. DBT has been adapted for other individuals with
produced. For interpersonal skills, this may be accomplished mental disorders involving emotion dysregulation, including
through role playing with the therapist or another client. those with co-occurring BPD and substance dependence
Coaching is permitted in order for the consumer to produce (Bornovalova & Daughters, 2007), depressed elderly (Lynch,
the behavior. This will also provide information to the ther- Morse, Mendelson, & Robins, 2003), suicidal adolescents
apist to counsel the consumer and the family or significant (Paul, 2007), and binge eating (Telch, Agras, & Linehan,
others on types of supports that may enable the consumer to 2001). Applications of DBT tend to focus on populations in
act skillfully. which impulse control and/or suicidal and self-harm behav-
iors are prevalent.
Designed as an outpatient therapy protocol, DBT has
been applied in a variety of other settings, such as inpatient,
Interventions for Emotion partial hospitalization, and forensic settings (Dimeff &
Regulation Linehan, 2001). Research has been conducted to determine
efficacy in many of these populations and settings (Dimeff,
DBT is the first evidence-based approach with significant Koerner, & Linehan, 2002).
efficacy for individuals with BPD. Due to its strong evi- In the classical sense, dialectical means the synthesis of op-
dence base and emphasis on emotion regulation issues, posites. In DBT, the primary dialectic is acceptance and
DBT will receive the most attention in this section. Other change. The treatment program, the approach of the thera-
approaches occupational therapists might use to address pist, and the engagement of the consumer involves a process
emotion regulation are included, such as cognitive therapy, that validates the consumer’s current emotional and func-
anger management, and a program to reduce excessive cry- tional state while promoting change in skills, behavior, and
ing in infants. thinking. DBT is a modification of standard cognitive behav-
ioral therapy (CBT), using standard CBT techniques, such as
Cognitive Therapy skills training, homework assignments, symptom rating
scales, and behavioral analysis in addressing clients’ prob-
Cognitive therapy, as defined by Beck (1993), is a mental lems. However, the standard overall approach of CBT was
health intervention that focuses on changing thinking pat- found by Linehan and colleagues (1993a, 1993b) to be inef-
terns, especially automatic thoughts, to influence behavioral fective with consumers with BPD. People with BPD were dis-
responses to situations in which emotions are evoked. Cog- couraged by the constant focus on change and believed that
nitive behavioral therapy has been widely used and de- the degree of their suffering was underestimated and that
scribed in the clinical literature to treat Axis I conditions their therapists were overestimating how helpful they were
(e.g., anxiety and depressive disorders) (APA, 2001). Cogni- being. As a result, clients dropped out of treatment, became
tive behavioral therapy assumes that maladaptive, distorted very frustrated, and/or shut down.
beliefs and cognitive processes underlie symptoms and dys- Linehan (1993a, 1993b) modified standard CBT by in-
functional affect or behavior, and that these beliefs are be- corporating acceptance strategies and other “dialectics.”
haviorally reinforced. It generally involves attention to a set The balance between acceptance and change strategies in
of dysfunctional automatic thoughts or deeply ingrained be- therapy formed the fundamental “dialectic” that resulted in
lief systems (often referred to as schemas), along with learn- the treatment’s name. “Dialectic” refers to considering and
ing and practicing new, nonmaladaptive behaviors. integrating seemingly contradictory facts or ideas in order
Utilization of cognitive behavioral methods in the treat- to resolve the contradictions. There are four primary
ment of emotion dysregulation have been described (Beck modes of treatment in DBT: individual psychotherapy, psy-
& Freeman, 1990), but because persistent dysfunctional be- chosocial skills training, telephone contact, and therapist
lief systems are usually “structuralized” (i.e., built into the consultation.
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CHAPTER 24 ■ Emotion Regulation 351

This is a picture of my DBT therapist. She is a person I can
actually talk to about problems I may be having at that
time. Sometimes she understands me better than I
understand myself. She makes me feel comfortable about
talking without making me feel ashamed to talk about my
problems. Some of my problems are worrying about having a
panic attack every time that I’m outside, physical pain and
aches in my back. My DBT therapist is very friendly and
very important to my recovery. Without her I don’t know
where I would be now.

Psychotherapy challenging, and that is directed at addressing situations in

In DBT, the individual psychotherapist is the primary thera- which the consumer is stuck or moving in the wrong direc-
pist. Unless the occupational therapist receives specialized tion. Overall, the therapist is accepting of the consumer,
training in this area, the psychotherapy is typically per- but encourages change and nurtures through benevolent
formed by someone from another discipline, such as psy- demands.
chology or social work. In individual psychotherapy, emo-
tion regulation and other behavioral skills are acquired, Skills Training
strengthened, and generalized. DBT skills training is generally conducted in a group format
Because of the nature of BPD, consumers with this disor- (Linehan, 1993b). It is the skills training component of DBT
der often “burn out” therapists or drop out of therapy pre- that provides the natural role for occupational therapy lead-
maturely. DBT includes a therapist consultation team and ership. The skills taught in DBT include mindfulness, inter-
specific procedures to address this challenge and to enhance personal effectiveness, emotion regulation, and distress tol-
the therapist’s capabilities and motivation to treat clients ef- erance. As with all group formats, consumers benefit from
fectively. Therapists receive support and consultation as an the interpersonal interaction, support, and modeling of
integral and essential part of the therapy. other consumers. The group format also supports the thera-
To deliver DBT, therapists are asked to assume several pist staying with the skills training agenda and protocol even
working assumptions to establish the right attitude for the in the face of current problems or crises of the individual
therapy, including (Linehan, 1993a) group members.
Linehan (1993b) provides an outline for the skills train-
■ The consumer wants to change and is trying to do so,
ing group sessions in a training manual, and it is recom-
although at times it may not appear so.
mended that group leaders follow the manual closely, espe-
■ The consumer’s behavior patterns are understand-
cially during the first few group meetings. Occupational
able in light of his or her history and present circum-
therapy practitioners typically receive training during their
stances. Although it may be that the consumer’s life is
educational preparation to lead skills and psychoeducational
so terrible that it seems not worth living, the thera-
groups, and they may find the structure and content of the
pist never agrees that suicide is the appropriate solu-
outlines and activities familiar and helpful in structuring
tion. Rather, the therapist focuses on supporting the
consumer to try to make life more satisfying and
The manual includes reproducible handouts and home-
work sheets, as well as content outlines of the skills in each
■ The consumer is not to blame for the ways things cur-
of the four skills training modules. These outlines contain
rently are in his or her life, but it is his or her personal
lecture and discussion points, practice exercises (activities),
responsibility to try to make them different.
and notes to group leaders that provide advice on group
■ Consumers do not fail at DBT. If problems do not im-
process and on addressing common problems that may be
prove, it is the treatment that is failing and needs to be
The four modules of skills training are mindfulness, inter-
■ Although the therapist may feel manipulated by the
personal effectiveness, emotion modulation, and distress tol-
consumer, blaming or labeling the consumer as
erance. Mindfulness has been defined as “awareness, without
manipulative will not lead to successful therapeutic
judgment, of life as it is, yourself as you are, other people as
they are, in the here and now, via direct and immediate expe-
In DBT, the therapist uses two dialectically opposed styles rience” (Sanderson, 2006, p. 1). The roots of mindfulness
when interacting with the consumer. On the one hand, the practice are in the contemplative practices common to both
therapist is warm, genuine, and responsive, and may appro- Eastern and Western spiritual disciplines and to the emerging
priately self-disclose when it is beneficial to the consumer’s scientific knowledge about the benefits of “allowing” experi-
interests. On the other hand, the therapist uses an “irrever- ences rather than suppressing or avoiding them. Mindfulness
ent communication” style that is more confrontational and in its totality has to do with the quality of awareness that a
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352 PART 2 ■ The Person

person brings to everyday living; learning to control your

mind, rather than letting your mind control you. Mindfulness Evidence-Based Practice
as a practice directs a person’s attention to only one thing, and
that one thing is the moment in which one is living. Further-
more, mindfulness is the process of observing, describing, and
participating in reality in a nonjudgmental manner, in the
T wo early randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of dialectical
behavior therapy (DBT) indicated that DBT is more effective
than treatment-as-usual (TAU) in treatment of BPD and treat-
ment of BPD and comorbid diagnosis of substance abuse
moment and with effectiveness.
(Linehan, Armstrong, Suarez, Allmon, & Heard, 1993; Linehan
The “interpersonal effectiveness skills” that are taught focus et al, 1999). Clients receiving DBT, compared with TAU, were
on effective ways of achieving one’s objectives with other peo- significantly less likely to drop out of therapy and engage in
ple: to ask for social relationships and to maintain self-esteem parasuicide, and had significantly fewer parasuicidal behaviors.
in interactions with other people. Interpersonal effectiveness Furthermore, clients receiving DBT were less likely to be hospi-
training is designed to teach the application of specific inter- talized, had fewer days in the hospital, and had higher scores
personal problem-solving, social, and assertiveness skills to en- on global and social adjustment. In the RCT conducted on DBT
able participants to modify aversive environments and obtain for women with comorbid substance abuse, in addition to simi-
their personal goals in interpersonal encounters. Skills are lar findings to the original study, DBT was more effective than
taught to accomplish this without damaging either relation- TAU at reducing drug abuse. Another RCT (Linehan et al, 2006)
attempted to address some of the criticisms of previous studies
ships or the person’s self-respect.
(small number of subjects, lack of expertise in the TAU category
“Emotion modulation skills” are ways of changing emo- therapists, unsustained gains after termination of treatment).
tional states, and “distress tolerance skills” include tech- This study of 101 participants contrasted 1 year of DBT with
niques for putting up with these emotional states if they 1 year of therapy by experts in the community and 1 year of
can not be changed for the time being. The goals of this follow-up for both groups. The DBT participants had half
module are to enable participants to understand their emo- the rate of suicide attempts, significantly decreased use of
tions, reduce emotional vulnerability, and decrease emo- psychotropic medications, and significantly fewer emergency
tional suffering. Specific skills that are taught to regulate department visits and hospitalizations for psychiatric reasons.
emotions include identifying and labeling emotions, recog- ➤ There is strong support for the efficacy of DBT with individuals
nizing obstacles to changing emotions, and reducing vul- with BPD. Occupational therapists that work with clients with
nerability to being overly influenced by emotions. BPD can use DBT as an intervention approach and are partic-
Distress tolerance skills have to do with the ability to ac- ularly well suited to providing the skills training component.
cept oneself and the current situation in a nonjudgmental ➤ The skills training component has been put into a manual.
and nonevaluative manner. Distress tolerance is the ability The manual is essential to ensure fidelity (meaning that the
to experience an emotional state without attempting to intervention provided is true to DBT principles).
change it and observing one’s thoughts and actions with-
out attempting to stop or control them. In essence, the cur- Linehan, M. M., Armstrong, H. E., Suarez, A., Allmon, D., & Heard, H. L.
(1993). Cognitive behavioral treatment of chronically parasuicidal border-
rent environment is observed and tolerated. This does not line patients. Archives of General Psychiatry, 50, 157–158.
mean that the current reality is approved or cannot eventu- Linehan, M. M., Comtois, K. A., Murray, A. M., Brown, M. Z., Gallop, R. J.,
ally be modified, rather that it is accepted at the present Heard, H. L., Korslund, K. E., Tutek, D. A., Reynolds, S. K., & Lindenboim,
time. Distress tolerance skills are used to tolerate and sur- N. (2006). Two-year randomized controlled trial and follow-up of dialectical
behavior therapy vs therapy by experts for suicidal behaviors and border-
vive the crises that are frequent occurrences in the life of line personality disorder. Archives of General Psychiatry, 63(7), 757–766.
many people with BPD. Crisis survival skills include dis- Linehan, M. M., Schmidt, H., Dimeff, L. A., Kanter, J. W., Craft, J. C.,
tracting, self-soothing, improving the moment, and think- Comtois, K. A., & Recknor, K. L. (1999). Dialectical behavior therapy for
patients with borderline personality disorder and drug-dependence.
ing of pros and cons. American Journal on Addiction, 8, 279–292.

Anger Management Programs

Anger is one of the most common and problematic distur-
bances associated with emotion dysregulation. Anger man- Mary Tang (2001), an occupational therapist, described
agement programs are used for children, adolescents, and an anger management program for adults with mental
adults. One program with substantial research support is health problems. This program was also based on cogni-
the Anger Coping program (Lochman, Barry, & Pardini, tive behavioral therapy principles, with an emphasis on
2003). The program is designed for children and can be enhancing coping skills to address management of anger.
used in the school or clinic. Small groups of four to six stu- Results from a pretest/posttest analysis revealed that
dents attend weekly meetings to improve perspective tak- participants had a significant reduction in the intensity
ing, problem-solving, recognizing emotions that lead to of angry feelings and an improvement in anger coping
anger, and conflict resolution strategies. The program is strategies.
based on cognitive behavioral principals, meaning that
there is an emphasis on changing cognitive distortions or REST Program for Infant Irritability
developing more accurate perspectives during social inter-
actions. The training includes role-playing that is video- Excessive crying, or colic, is the most common complaint
taped for feedback. Children also practice the skills in more among parents in the first year of life (Lindberg, 2000).
natural settings. Throughout the program, children receive The lack of response to soothing and difficulty modulating
positive reinforcement whenever they demonstrate good crying suggests emotion dysregulation of the infant. Al-
anger management skills. though there is no universal agreement as to the definition
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CHAPTER 24 ■ Emotion Regulation 353

The Lived Experience

Marian Schienholz My Recovery
Since the early years of adolescence, I have experienced symp- After nearly 35 years of living with a psychiatric disability, I have
toms of a mood disorder that affected my growth, development, a regime that enables me to have a productive and satisfying life,
and ability to function. One set of these symptoms with which I and I do believe I am achieving my goal of contributing some-
have struggled repeatedly over the years has been suicidal thing worthwhile to others. I am recovering from my illness
thoughts and ideas. through personal exploration, coping mechanisms, a relationship
The first time I attempted suicide, I was 16. By then, I had been with a supportive significant other and supportive friends, reason-
experiencing undiagnosed depression for several years. The inci- able medical intervention, and ongoing therapy.
dent that preceded my taking about 75 aspirin tablets involved a But I do still experience periods of increased symptoms—
bell, a priest, and an adult religious education class—a very even occasional suicidal thoughts, to this day. This happens to
strange incident that retrospectively caused me shame and a deep me, especially during periods when my depressive symptoms
sense of the worthlessness of my situation and my life. I awoke the are exacerbated due to external stress, anniversaries of difficult
next day and went to school without telling my family or friends. events, and hormonal fluctuations. Stressors include relationship
(My mother was very ill at that time.) I did confide what I had done issues, work pressures, and family difficulties.
to another priest, who served as a counselor at my school. He lis- I would like to share what has been important to my recov-
tened and sent me to the school nurse—when I told her I didn’t ery and how I cope with the stress, and periodic occurrence of
feel well, she offered me, ironically, an aspirin! What he did not do symptoms, in my daily life. I am sharing some of the things that
was to refer me for further counseling or intervention, nor did he have helped me, although I believe each individual must deter-
suggest I tell my family and ask for their help. mine what works best for him- or herself. In my research into the
That incident occurred in 1970. I did not receive treatment theory and techniques of dialectical behavior therapy, I was
for my symptoms until 1981 and, in the interim, experienced nu- struck with the similarity of much of the model to my own emo-
merous episodes of depressed mood and suicidal thoughts and tional “pain management” strategies.
behaviors. I attempted to deal with the belief that I was a “bad, These strategies are not listed in a particular order of impor-
weak person” by intellectualization and engaging in erratic, tance; established external resources (mental health profes-
self-destructive behaviors. sionals and support groups) are at the end of the list, but not
This story exemplifies how my emotional responses to situa- necessarily more or less helpful. The other ideas may help in
tions were significantly colored by my predominantly depressive the time between contact with these resources and as ongoing
moods and beliefs about the world. My illness was complicated preventive/recovery strategies.
because I have bipolar II disorder, the milder form of bipolar dis- • Alternative Activities—Identify several activities that ease the
order. This meant that I had fluctuating moods and functioning, so, feelings or provide distraction. These should range in degree
for much of the time, I was able to hide my impairment. In fact, I of concentration and energy needed for engagement. These
excelled academically, but my self-esteem was severely impaired, are very individual, but some of the ones that I use are taking
and I experienced a sense of hopelessness and dread. I avoided a walk; having a bath; reading a magazine or an interesting, but
many social situations and was fearful of opportunities that might not too complex book; calling or e-mail/instant messaging a
result in failure. During adolescence, I spent a great deal of time friend/family member; going to a support group; visiting a
isolated in my bedroom and secretly cried for no reason. bookstore or the library; gardening; crocheting; and playing with
I now attribute the cause of this to genetic predisposition to my cats. Outdoor activities have been particularly helpful to me,
clinical depression, a highly critical family, and a series of trau- such as hiking in the woods, sitting by a lake or at the beach,
matic life events. or visiting a park. I think they bring a sense of peace and con-
From my upbringing, I learned to suppress emotions, and I of- nection with nature. Activities should be meaningful to the
ten turned anger and frustration inward and experienced them as person, productive if possible, and should be appropriate for
depression. I did get help eventually for my illness when I entered the level of energy, concentration, and cognitive capacity of the
graduate school at age 25 and experienced a severe depression individual.
after a painful breakup with a boyfriend. It has taken many years • Rational Thoughts—I have a list of rational reasons why I feel
of therapy, medication, and using alternative methods for me to depressed or think about suicide—things that challenge think-
reach my current state of stability. I have been able to work for ing “I’m an awful/bad/unlucky/stupid, etc. person” or “life is too
most of this time, although I was hospitalized for suicidal inten- much trouble, not worthwhile, too painful/difficult” or “no one
tions several times. Due to ongoing issues, I allowed myself to be really cares about me or loves me.” This can include identify-
in dangerous situations and was victimized twice. I also experi- ing the current stressors or anniversaries of stressful events.
enced trauma during one of my psychiatric hospitalizations when The list should include projections of how/when the stressor
I was admitted to a hospital of very poor quality. In addition, I have will abate.
had some other serious medical problems (physical), and I lost my I keep a list of the alternative activities and rational thoughts
husband to cancer after only 6 years of marriage. But I have sur- posted at home and/or carry it along with me when I am expe-
vived . . . and thrived thanks to the time, love, and patience of my riencing symptoms. Consulting the list when concentration or
family, friends, and mental health providers. initiative is lacking is helpful.
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354 PART 2 ■ The Person

The Lived Experience—cont’d

• Journaling—This is a special type of “alternative activity” that • Reward System—It is important to recognize and/or give
I find very helpful. It’s a way to pour out negative thoughts and oneself congratulations or praise for doing/getting through
feelings, and then try to challenge them or reflect how they these simple daily tasks, such as personal hygiene, getting
have diminished in the past. It is useful to journal the good dressed, etc. They take energy and concentration, and, al-
times as well and reread these passages when one is feeling though they are simply part of one’s day when a person is feel-
especially down. ing well or does not suffer from depression or have suicidal
• Relaxation—I find progressive relaxation and deep breath- thoughts, they are an accomplishment when a person does
ing helps ease the painful feelings. I sometimes use a experience these things.
guided relaxation tape if I am having more difficulty concen- • Talk to Someone/Use Established Resources—For a very long
trating. Visualizing a peaceful place I have enjoyed during time, I had difficulty calling my doctor or therapist in times of dis-
vacation enhances the effects for me. I am also now using tress. I have kept fairly regular weekly appointments, but at
a sound machine to relax. The sound of ocean surf, rain, times, I needed help in between. I am now better at this and
and thunderstorms are relaxing to me. There are nine sound have found the contact very helpful—it may mean “tweaking”
choices on the machine, and individuals may find one of medication or just getting support or suggestions for getting
them soothing. through the day. If a person is feeling suicidal, mental health pro-
• Creative Activities (Poetry/Dance/Art/Music, etc)—I find writ- fessionals can assess the degree of danger of your thoughts
ing poetry to be helpful in expressing my feelings in a construc- and actions, as well as the need for immediate intervention.
tive way. I often do this as part of my journaling. I share some • Self-Help or Support Groups—Such groups can provide per-
of my poetry with others, and some I don’t. Dancing and do- sons who will listen, support, and share their experience in
ing crafts also relax and distract me. However, this can back- dealing with suicidal thoughts and urges. The National Depres-
fire if the level of the activity is too complex. It is important sive and Manic Depressive Association (
to identify and pursue an appropriate activity for one’s state and the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (
of mind. have established chapters and support groups in many areas
• Identify a Reason to Go On!—Make it simple, if possible. It of the United States. There is increasing evidence that peo-
should be important and specific to the individual, and does ple with long-standing mental illnesses will experience prob-
not necessarily have to make sense or be important to oth- lems with substance misuse. I experienced this and have
ers. For example, I have used the thought that I need to con- found Alcoholics Anonymous to be extremely helpful. The pro-
tinue living to take care of and love my cats. gram, fellowship, and encouragement of seeing others who
• Structure—During times of distress or symptom exacerbation, are living sober have been very helpful.
it is important to follow a normal daily schedule of structured Finally, for all those who are experiencing symptoms of mental
activities, even if one is unable to engage in a normal daily rou- illness, have hope. Think about it, read about it, talk about it. Plan
tine (i.e., employment, school or volunteer job). to do something that you want to do that is important to you and
• Exercise—This is a critical part of my plan for recovery and can will make you happy. Believe it can and will happen. Keep a men-
be very helpful in times of distress. Finding the motivation to tal or written list of the times you hoped for something and it came
exercise may be a problem, and I find that little tricks such as true. This is what keeps us all alive after all—the hope for a better
thinking “I will take a 5-minute walk” can often “get the sneak- life, the continuation of current happiness, and the belief that things
ers on” and enable one to do more. will turn around as the cycles of the seasons and all living things do.

of colic, a classic criteria is crying that occurs 3 or more pain), empathy (listening and acknowledging the challenge),
hours per day, 3 or more days per week for at least 3 weeks support, and time out (specifically, break time each day).
(Zeskind & Barr, 1997). An intervention program devel-
oped by nurses, called the REST Routine program, is sup-
ported by randomized controlled trials (Keefe, Grose-Fretz, Summary
& Kotzer, 1997; Keefe, Karlsen, Dudley, Lobo, & Kotzer,
2006). It is presented here because the approach, either in Emotions are embedded in everything people do, yet the
its entirety or in components, would be appropriate for impact of emotion regulation on occupational performance
occupational therapists working with parents of infants. It has received relatively little attention in the occupational
includes the type of parent training that is common for therapy literature. This chapter provides occupational ther-
occupational therapists working in birth to 3-year-old apists with information to better understand emotion and
programs. provide interventions to address emotion regulation. More
The program targets both the parent and the infant. For work is needed to develop specific occupational therapy as-
the infant, the REST intervention includes regulation (protec- sessments and additional interventions for emotion regula-
tion from overstimulation), entertainment, structure and rep- tion. Occupational therapists have the potential to make a
etition (to create routine and predictability for the infant), significant contribution to this area of practice by develop-
and touch (involving chest-to-chest contact). For parents, the ing assessments and interventions that address emotion
intervention includes reassurance (that the child is not ill or in regulation in the context of occupational performance.
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CHAPTER 24 ■ Emotion Regulation 355

Active Learning Strategies

1. Mindfulness ● Did you find your mind wandering away from the eating
experience? How difficult was it to stay focused?
Mindfulness is a core strategy taught in skills training in
● After this experience, how do you think mindfulness
DBT. It comes from Asian meditative practice. Mindfulness
could help a person with emotion dysregulation?
involves being in the present moment. This is more difficult
than it sounds because frequently we are either thinking
Reflective Journal
about what we need to do next or reflecting on something
that has happened in the past. Staying in the present mo- Describe the experience in your
ment is challenging. Mindfulness also involves noticing Reflective Journal.
without judgment. It is about paying attention to the present
without making an evaluation. 2. Girl, Interrupted
Try a mindfulness exercise: The next time you sit down for
a meal, try to eat it mindfully. Turn off the television, music, Read the book Girl, Interrupted (or see the 1999 movie), an
or any other potential distractions. It is okay if you eat with autobiography by Susanna Kaysen, who was diagnosed
others, but you may not interact while eating. To eat mind- with BPD.
fully, you need to pay full attention to the experience of eat- Reflective Questions
ing. Focus on the smells, tastes, and textures as you eat. Think ● What examples of emotion dysregulation do you see in
about the feelings in your mouth, the sensation of chewing the main character and in the character of Lisa?
and swallowing. If other thoughts come into your head (e.g., ● How does Lisa contribute to the emotion dysregulation
the homework you need to do, an argument you had earlier of Susanna?
in the day), do not criticize yourself, but just let go of those ● What aspects of the hospitalization exacerbate Susanna’s
thoughts and refocus on the eating experience. emotion dysregulation and what helps her?
Reflective Questions
● How was the experience of eating mindfully different
than your usual way of eating?

Resources American Psychiatric Association (APA). (2000). Diagnostic and

Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed., text revision).
• Anger Coping Program Manual: Arlington, VA: Author.
Larson, J., & Lochman, J. E. (2005). Helping Schoolchildren With American Psychiatric Association (APA). (2001). Practice guideline
Anger: A Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Intervention. New York: for the treatment of patients with borderline personality disorder.
Guilford Press. American Journal of Psychiatry, 158, 1–52.
• Dialectical Behavior Therapy Manuals: Baerveldt, C., & Voestermans, P. (2005). Culture, emotion and the
Linehan, M. M. (1993a). Cognitive Behavioral Treatment for normative structure of reality. Theory and Psychology, 15, 449–473.
Borderline Personality Disorder. New York: Guilford Press. Bazanis, E., Rogers, R. D., Dowson, J. H., Taylor, P., Meux, C.,
Linehan, M. M. (1993b). Skills Training Manual for Treating Staley, C., Nevinson-Andrews, D., Taylor, C., Robbins, T. W.,
Borderline Personality Disorders. New York: Guilford Press. & Sahakian, B. J. (2002). Neurocognitive deficits in decision-
• Dialectical Behavior Therapy Resources: making and planning of patients with DSM-III-R borderline
Marsha Linehan’s website includes assessments (diary cards and personality disorder. Psychological Medicine, 32, 1395–1405.
social history interview) as well as PowerPoint presentations Beauchaine, T. P. (2001). Vagal tone, development and Gray’s moti-
on DBT and training resources: vational theory: Toward an integrated model of autonomic nerv-
linehan/ ous system functioning in psychopathology. Development and
Kaysen, S. (1993). Girl, Interrupted. New York: Vintage Books. Psychopathology, 13, 183–214.
An autobiography of a girl with BPD. Beauchaine, T. P., Gatzke-Kopp, L., & Mead, H. K. (2007). Polyvagal
• Mindfulness Meditation Resources: theory and developmental psychopathology: Emotion dysregula-
Books and practice CDs from Jon Kabat-Zinn: www tion and conduct problems from preschool to adolescence. Bio- logical Psychology, 74, 174–184.
Hanh, T. N. (1976). The Miracle of Mindfulness: A Manual on Beck, A. T. (1993). Cognitive therapy: Past, present and future. Journal
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Pain Regulation 25
Joyce M. Engel

“ P ain has an element of blank;

It cannot recollect
When it began, or if there were
A day when it was not.
It has no future but itself,
Its infinite realms contain
Its past, enlightened to perceive
New periods of pain.
—Emily Dickinson

Introduction Defining Pain

Nearly everyone experiences pain at some point in his or her
life: the sharp pain experienced after stubbing your toe, the The International Association for the Study of Pain (2007) de-
dull pain in one’s shoulders and neck after sitting in front of fined pain as “an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience
a computer too long, or intolerable pain after a severe injury. associated with actual or potential tissue damage or described
Pain can persist for a minute, a month, or for most of one’s in terms of such damage.” This definition conveys that pain is
lifetime. Pain is a common occurrence. In 2006, an estimated primarily a subjective experience and that it is multifaceted. In-
one in four adult Americans reported that they experienced a dividual variables, such as prior pain experiences, mood, cog-
day-long pain episode during the previous month, with 10% nition, sex, familial factors, and culture, are known to affect an
stating the pain lasted 1 year or more (National Center for individual’s experience of pain (Baptiste, 1998; LeResche, 2001;
Health Statistics, 2006). Back pain and headaches are the Strong, Sturgess, Unruh, & Vicenzino, 2002).
most common pain complaints (USDHHS–CDC, 2009) Pain Differentiating acute from chronic or persistent pain is
is also often comorbid with psychiatric disorders, particularly critical to using the appropriate assessments and interven-
mood and anxiety disorders (Bair, Robinson, Katon, & tions. Acute pain and its associated physiological, psycho-
Kroenke, 2003). Despite people’s use of pain medications, logical, and behavioral responses are almost always caused
two-thirds of individuals experiencing chronic or persistent by tissue irritation or damage in relation to injury, disease,
pain cannot perform routine occupations (American Pain disability, or medical procedures. When pain persists beyond
Foundation, n.d.). The annual financial cost of all persistent its typical course of recovery, it is classified as chronic or
pain syndromes, including direct medical expenses, lost in- persistent pain (Turk & Melzack, 1992). Unlike acute pain,
come, and lost productivity, is at least $100 billion (American persistent pain does not appear to serve a biological purpose
Pain Foundation, n.d.). Yet, the emotional and social costs of and is often experienced in the presence of minimal or no
suffering cannot be estimated. apparent tissue damage. Persistent pain may have an insidi-
The obligation to manage pain and relieve suffering is ous onset or begin as acute pain. Persistent pain typically
now recognized by governing bodies as fundamental to produces significant changes in mood, thoughts, attitudes,
health-care (Fishman, 2004; Hamdy, 2001). Pain may be a lifestyle, and environment (Unruh, Strong, & Wright, 2002).
primary reason for seeking health-care (e.g., low back pain),
coexist with a disease (e.g., arthritis, depression) or disability Biopsychosocial Model of Pain
(e.g., spinal cord injury), or result from medical procedures
(e.g., immunization). This chapter defines pain, describes the A dualistic model that suggests pain is either psychological or
biopsychosocial model of pain, explains the relationship of physical should be avoided. Conceptualizing pain using a
pain to consumer factors and occupational performance, biopsychosocial model can help clarify the complex, multifac-
presents standardized assessments, interprets evidence-based eted nature of pain that is critical to accurate evaluation and ef-
practice interventions that are psychological in origin, and fective intervention (Fordyce, 2001; Sullivan & Turk, 2001;
provides a first-person account of an individual with persist- Waddell & Burton, 2005). Loeser and Fordyce (1983) proposed
ent pain, as well as self-reflection and experiential learning the phenomenon of pain as divided into four distinct domains:
activities. nociception, pain, suffering, and pain behavior (Fig. 25-1).

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CHAPTER 25 ■ Pain Regulation 359

effective pain control would be more likely to result. Regular

Pain Behavior monitoring of pain can also be helpful in making a diagnosis
and treating an illness. Consumers may need to be informed
that they deserve to have their pain evaluated and treated.
A variety of standardized assessments are available to
occupational therapists for pain evaluation, including the vi-
Pain sual analogue scale (VAS), numerical rating scale, verbal rat-
ing scale, McGill Pain Questionnaire, Brief Pain Inventory,
and the University of Alabama Pain Behavior Scale. Evalua-
tion is facilitated by qualitative input such as interviews and
observations using tools such as pain diaries, the Canadian
Nociception Occupational Performance Measure, and motivational inter-
viewing (MI), all of which can be used in conjunction with
standardized assessments.

FIGURE 25-1. Loeser’s model of pain. Adapted from Loeser, J. D.

(1982). Concepts of pain. In M. Stanton-Hicks & R. Boas (Eds.),
Visual Analogue Scale
Chronic Low Back Pain (p. 146). New York: Raven.
The primary approach to pain assessment is the use of self-
report measures (Turk et al, 2003). Single-item ratings of
pain intensity are the most commonly used measure. A VAS
Nociception is the perception of physical pain. Specialized
(Fig. 25-2A) consists of a horizontal or vertical line, typically
sensory receptors in the skin and deeper structures detect cur-
100 mm long, with each end of the line labeled with descrip-
rent or impending tissue damage or irritation, and transmit
tors representing the extremes of pain intensity (e.g., “no
this information by A-delta and C fibers in the peripheral
pain,” “worst pain imaginable”). The consumer draws a
nerves. Nociception is the body’s message to do something or
mark on the line that represents his or her pain intensity, and
to stop doing something. For example, you are working at your
the distance measured from the “no pain” anchor to the
desk and have ignored the tingling in your hand and wrist for
mark becomes that individual’s VAS pain score.
weeks until today when you experience a sharp pain shooting
Advantages of the VAS are that it has a high number of re-
through your wrist and up through your arm, signaling carpal
sponse categories, demonstrated sensitivity to changes in
tunnel syndrome. Pain, as stated previously, is an unpleasant
pain due to intervention or time, and high test–retest relia-
sensory and emotional experience. In the previous example, it
bility. Some individuals, however, do experience difficulties
is the sharp pain that is likely signaling carpal tunnel syn-
with understanding and completing the measure (Bruera,
drome. Suffering is the negative affective response to pain. For
Kuehn, Miller, Selmser, & MacMillan, 1991; Jensen, 2007.
example, chronic pain is often associated with depression, dys-
thymic disorder, anxiety, substance abuse/dependence, and
insomnia (Sullivan & Turk, 2001). Suffering can be manifest as Numerical Rating Scale
fear, anxiety, or depression. Suffering is personal. The individ-
ual knows the impact of pain on his or her body, sense of self, The numerical rating scale (NRS; Fig. 25-2B) is another
social responsibilities, and daily occupations. Pain behavior is measure of pain intensity. The NRS consists of a range of
what a person says or does (e.g., moaning, taking pain medica- numbers, typically 0 to 10. Zero represents no pain, and
tion) or does not do (e.g., job attendance), which communi- 10 represents extreme pain (e.g., “worst pain possible”). The
cates to others the presence of pain. Pain behaviors are observ- consumer indicates which number best represents his or her
able and readily influenced by spiritual, cultural, familial, and level of pain intensity, and that number becomes his or her
environmental factors. pain intensity score.
Loeser and Fordyce’s (1983) biopsychosocial model pur- The 0-to-10 NRS has been recommended as a useful
ports that an individual can experience some domains of the measure of pain intensity because of (1) the strong evidence
model in the absence of others. In our carpal tunnel syndrome for its reliability and validity, as evidenced by its strong asso-
example, some of the initial tingling or numbness is ignored, ciation with other measures of pain intensity and responsiv-
and if the sharp pain is acute and subsides, the person may ity to analgesic treatment; (2) understandability and ease of
continue physical activity without any notable suffering or use; and (3) ease of administration and scoring (Jensen &
pain behavior. A biopsychosocial model of pain recognizes Karoly, 2001; Jensen, 2007). Farrar, Portenoy, Berlin, Kinman,
both biological and psychological features of pain. Occupa- and Strom (2000) suggest that a clinically significant change
tional therapy has long embraced a biopsychosocial model in in pain intensity can be defined as an absolute change of
health-care for its emphasis on the interaction of the individ- 2 points on the NRS.
ual’s body, mind, and social factors (Mosey, 1974).
Verbal Rating Scale
Evaluation The verbal rating scale (VRS; Fig. 25-2C) of pain intensity
consists of a list of 4 to 15 descriptors and an associated
An accurate and comprehensive evaluation of a client’s pain is number (e.g., 0 = no pain, 1 = mild pain, 2 = moderate pain,
necessary in order to effectively manage the pain. Clinicians 3 = severe pain). The consumer selects the one word that best
can consider pain to be the “fifth vital sign” (Fishman, 2004); describes his or her pain intensity, and the corresponding
if pain were assessed in a manner similar to other vital signs, number becomes the pain intensity score. Although the VRS
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360 PART 2 ■ The Person

The Lived Experience

Viola Adkins hope that the pain can go away through a miracle of God. I wrote
this prayer in hope for the future. Even if the doctors can’t fix you,
it’s important to know there is a higher power. Here is my prayer:
Dear Jesus, who is my rock, my salvation, my strength,
my shield. My prayer is for a miracle to live. The mental
and physical pain is too much to bear. I have tried every-
thing I know to get rid of the pain. I tried medicine, diet,
heating pads, exercise, talking to people, second opinions,
walking, reading my Bible, going to church, laying on
hands with prayer, and physical therapy. I tried concentrat-
ing only on the good things, not the bad.
Jesus, I still want the pain to go away and never come
back. After all these things prayed and done, I still can tell
I am only human. It is Jesus who gives hope, faith, bless-
ing, peace, trust, and healing. All these things I learned
from my Bible promise book. I learned you give these
things freely when I accepted you as Lord and Savior of
my life many years ago when I was just a little child, never
knowing in the future I would need you so much. I thank
you for your Holy Spirit that abides then and still now. I
come to you with these prayers to the throne of grace and
Viola experiences severe pain due to an accident she suffered
mercy, Lord. I pray that you hear this prayer for healing of
many years ago. She shares a prayer that illustrates how spiri-
my mind body and soul. Make me brand new. Lord, I
tuality provides her with a feeling of hope for the future. In addi-
know I have purpose here on earth and meaning. Lord, I
tion, she finds that sharing her story and beliefs allows other peo-
know you have pain-free written just for me in the lamb
ple to better understand her situation. (Viola is shown on the right
book of life. All these words I have written as a prayer to
in the photo with her friend Cherie.)
you, Lord Jesus. Set me free from this pain, so I can en-
When I was working at a nursing home, I slipped and fell and
joy life the way I know it can be. Through your son Jesus
hurt my back and pelvis. Later, I was in a car accident that rein-
Christ the Savior, I pray. Amen
jured the pelvis. I experience pain unexpectedly. I take pain med-
icine, but the pain exceeds the medicine. A pain clinic helped me On a spirituality level, this prayer lets other people know what
emotionally, but they were not able to get rid of the pain. I’m going through. I’ve let others read the prayer, and they were
People see me everyday, but don’t know what I’m going more understanding of my situation, and it made me feel better.
through. It’s a challenge for me just to get up and leave my home Saying the prayer gives me more faith that a miracle can happen.
to go to classes at the mental health center. I decided to write I feel more at ease. I hope the prayer will encourage others that
about this so others could understand. My spirituality gives me are going through pain. It’s something that needed to be told.

is easy to administer and score, consumers need to be cog- affective, and evaluative, and one miscellaneous category of
nizant of the possible lengthy list of verbal descriptors and pain experiences. Sensory dimensions of pain include
may not find a descriptor on the list that is a match for his or temporal, spatial, pressure, and thermal properties. Affec-
her experiences (Jensen, 2007). VRSs are less reliable than tive dimensions refer to fear, tension, and autonomic
other pain intensity measures (Ferraz et al, 1990). properties. Evaluative dimensions are the subjective over-
all intensity of the pain experience (e.g., annoying, miser-
McGill Pain Questionnaire able, unbearable).
The MPQ has four components. Part 1 consists of ante-
In addition to intensity, pain has many other dimensions. rior and posterior drawings of the human body. The con-
For example, pain can be described in terms of its temporal sumer marks on these drawings the area(s) where he or she
(e.g., flickering, throbbing), constrictive (e.g., pinching, feels pain. Part 2 consists of 20 sets of words describing pain.
pressing), or thermal (e.g., hot, scalding) dimensions, to Consumers select one word from each of the sets that best
name a few. The McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ; describes his or her pain. These adjectives are ordered from
Melzack, 1975) or short-form MPQ (Melzack, 1987) con- least painful (e.g., “nagging”) to most painful (e.g., “tortur-
sists of pain descriptors that are classified into 20 categories ing”). Part 3 asks how pain has changed over time. Part 4 as-
of pain that can be scored to assess a person’s subjective ex- sesses pain intensity on a 5-point scale from mild to excruci-
perience of pain across three primary dimensions: sensory, ating (Jensen, 2007).
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CHAPTER 25 ■ Pain Regulation 361

Visual analog scale (VAS)+

No Pain as bad
pain as it could
possibly be

0–10 Numerical pain intensity scale*

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
No Moderate Worst pain
pain pain possible
FIGURE 25-2. Examples of Pain Intensity
scales. †A 10-cm baseline is recommended B.
for Visual Analogue scales. *If used as a
graphic rating scale, a 10-cm baseline is rec-
ommended. From U.S. Department of Health Simple descriptive pain intensity scale*
and Human Services, Acute Pain Manage-
ment Guideline Panel. (1995). Acute Pain
Management in Adults: Operative Procedures. No Mild Moderate Severe Very severe Worst pain
Quick Reference Guide for Clinicians. AHCPR pain pain pain pain pain possible
Pub. No. 92-0019, Rockville, MD: U.S. Gov-
ernment Printing Office. C.

The primary value of the MPQ for clinicians is to identify Pain Diaries
qualitative features of a consumer’s pain experience and to
detect subtle clinical changes (Strong et al, 2002). The MPQ Paper and electronic pain diaries provide another means
has been criticized for its difficult vocabulary and lack of for the consumer to communicate his or her unique pain
standard scoring format. experiences to the health-care team. Because diaries can
record pain triggers and temporal patterns, it is useful for
the person to make regular entries (e.g., each morning or
Pain Behaviors night or after an episode of pain). Typical entries should
Pain behaviors are frequently targeted in assessment. Pain record rating of pain intensity, a list of medication taken
behaviors include complaining about pain, guarded move- and its effect, rest time, and satisfaction with pain control,
ment, bracing, posturing, limping, rubbing, facial expres- activity level, mood, and recurrent thoughts (Partners
sions, health-care utilization, and receiving compensation Against Pain, n.d.; Turner & Romano, 2001a). Occupa-
(Fordyce, 2001). The University of Alabama Pain Behavior tional therapists may also want the person to record what
Scale (UAB; Richards, Nepomuceno, Riles, & Suer, 1982) is a they were doing, where they were, and painfree activities
standardized rating scale that is reliable, valid, and an easy throughout the day.
method for documenting behaviors. This scale can be used
to record the frequency of communication behaviors (ver-
bal/nonverbal complaints, grimacing), mobility behaviors Canadian Occupational Performance
(postural adjustments, use of equipment), and the use of Measure
medications. Analysis of a consumer’s pain behaviors before, The Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM;
during, and after intervention can provide valuable informa- Law, Baptiste, Carswell, McColl, Polatajko, & Pollock, 1998)
tion about the role of environmental and learned factors is another valid and reliable measure that can be used in
in the individual’s pain perception, as well as responses to pain assessment. The COPM detects changes over time
intervention. in the individual’s perceptions of his or her occupational
performance in the areas of self-care, productivity, and
Brief Pain Inventory leisure, as well as the importance of being able to perform
these occupations and the level of satisfaction with per-
The Brief Pain Inventory (BPI; Cleeland, 1991) is a reliable formance using 10-point scales. The COPM is especially
and valid instrument that is used to measure pain interfer- helpful in collaborative functional goal setting (Rochman
ence. Consumers rate on an ordinal scale of 0 (no interfer- & Kennedy-Spaien, 2007).
ence) to 10 (complete interference) to indicate how much their
pain has interfered with general activity, mood, mobility,
work, interpersonal relationships, sleep, and enjoyment of Motivational Interviewing
life. This information can be helpful in determining baseline
tolerance levels for specific occupations and participation Motivation appears to play an important role in whether peo-
that may be addressed in treatment as well as measuring ple benefit from pain interventions, due to the consumer’s
change. need to acquire pain-related coping and self-management
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362 PART 2 ■ The Person

skills (Habib, Morrissey, & Helmes, 2005; Osborne, Raichle, & ruminating on negative aspects of life, convincing self of
Jensen, 2006). Assessing readiness for change is critical for worst possible outcome) and reactions to pain (e.g., depres-
success. Motivational interviewing (MI) is a counseling ap- sion, anger, hopelessness) can make adaptation to chronic
proach that recognizes that consumers who need to make be- pain more difficult. In contrast, increasing tolerance of activ-
havior changes approach intervention at different levels of ity, relaxation training, a positive attitude and focus on capa-
readiness (Miller & Rollnick, 1991). This nonjudgmental ap- bilities, and developing strategies to proactively manage
proach attempts to increase the consumer’s awareness of po- one’s pain are factors that support the adaptive management
tential problems faced by the behavior and to engage them in of pain. Gatchel (2004) suggests that as pain progresses from
identifying reasons (motivations) for change. acute to chronic, factors other than tissue damage become
In MI, the person is challenged to envision how her life more prominent.
may improve by the behavior change. For example, an oc-
cupational therapist may ask, How important is it for you
to complete (specific activity)? How confident do you Theoretical Approaches to Pain
feel about doing (activity)? In MI, the therapist provides
a therapeutic environment that promotes behavior change Management
through expressing empathy, develops discrepancy between Pain is a complex and multidimensional problem. The
the consumer’s current behaviors and goals, avoids argu- biopsychosocial model introduced previously postulates
mentation, rolls with resistance, and supports self-efficacy. that the perception of pain is a function of the interplay of
In addition, the therapist helps the person consider behavior physical (e.g., disease, injury), psychological (e.g., anxiety,
changes by helping him or her to examine the pros and cons fear, control), and socioenvironmental (e.g., social supports,
of a particular line of action, by reviewing past efforts that role obligations) factors. In the following section, several ap-
have been successful, and by brainstorming and even fanta- proaches that compliment a biopsychosocial model are pre-
sizing to identify creative solutions. The therapist develops sented. Many of these approaches directly address psychoso-
interventions to address the challenges of the consumer’s cial factors that influence the pain experience. The primary
current stage of readiness to change. MI complements inter- goal of these approaches is to reestablish and increase the
ventions used in persistent pain management (e.g., func- consumer’s occupational roles, occupational performance,
tional restoration) and addresses obstacles that can lead to and participation despite pain.
relapse (Osborne et al, 2006). Information gathered from MI
is then incorporated into a specific collaborative treatment
plan. (Note that a more extensive discussion of MI is in- Behavioral Approaches
cluded in Chapter 23.) Traditional medical and rehabilitative interventions have
failed in reducing persistent pain, primarily because of their
Measuring Outcomes focus on impairments and body structures, rather than ad-
dressing the complexity of the problem (Meldrum, 2003).
Many of the assessments listed previously can be used to The behavioral approach to managing persistent pain does
measure the efficacy of pain interventions. Clinical improve- not emphasize treating an underlying organic etiology of the
ment can be measured as gains in occupational performance pain complaint; rather, it emphasizes involvement in activi-
(as measured by standardized instruments), such as the BPI ties and participation through cognitive changes, physical re-
(Cleeland & Ryan, 1994) or COPM (Law et al, 1998), in- training, and environmental adaptations (Morley, Eccleston,
creased participation (e.g., as measured by increased percent & Williams, 1999). Multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary pain
of employment), reduction in pain intensity (e.g., as meas- programs are goal oriented and integrated with an emphasis
ured by a NRS or VAS), or elimination of pain behaviors on activities and participation (Loeser & Turk, 2001). Because
(per UAB). Data from pain diaries could also be used to persistent pain is recognized as a multidimensional phenom-
record increases in activities and social participation. The enon, behavioral techniques are a critical component of com-
studies described later in the chapter report on one or more prehensive treatment. Behavioral approaches may involve
of these outcome measures. three types of interventions: respondent or physiological
(Fordyce, 1976), operant (Fordyce, 1976), and cognitive be-
havioral (Turner & Jensen, 1993) strategies.
Factors Influencing Pain Respondent or Physiological Strategies
The outcome of an effective pain evaluation is a clear under- According to Fordyce (1976), pain behavior can be classified
standing of the person, his or her problem situation relative as respondent if its onset and frequency of occurrence were
to pain, and the physical and social contexts that may be in- due to preceding tissue damage. Respondent treatment
fluencing the person’s pain experience. The biopsychosocial approaches, therefore, strive to eliminate or reduce tissue
model described previously reflects current theories of pain, irritation or damage. Intervention attempts to directly
which argue that pain is not simply the manifestation of an modify the physiological response system. For example, an
underlying injury or disease process. Contemporary theories individual with muscle contraction (tension) headaches
of pain, like the biopsychosocial model, are useful for iden- uses biofeedback-assisted relaxation training to learn how to
tifying factors that influence pain. For example, low activity decrease scalp muscle tension, which is a presumed precipi-
levels, poor body mechanics, or inadequate pacing of physical tating or exacerbating pain factor (Engel & Rapoff, 1990).
activities can negatively influence the pain experience. Nega- Occupational therapy practitioners can implement thera-
tive thoughts about one’s pain experience (e.g., worrying, peutic exercise (Borelli & Warfield, 1986; Caruso, Chan, &
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CHAPTER 25 ■ Pain Regulation 363

through increased attention, sympathy, pain medication use,

Evidence-Based Practice financial compensation, reduced participation (e.g., release
from work and social obligations), and other positive rein-
T reatment based on behavioral and cognitive behavioral
principles can reduce a person’s pain, distress, and pain
behaviors, and improve daily functioning for persons experienc-
forcers that follow their occurrence (Main et al, 2007).
Operant intervention, therefore, incorporates learning
theory principles with a focus on overt pain behaviors—not
ing chronic pain. The authors completed a comprehensive liter-
the subjective experience of pain (Fordyce, 1976). It is be-
ature review that examined the use of these principles in a vari-
ety of settings, including multidisciplinary treatment contexts
lieved that pain interference will be reduced if the individ-
(McCraken & Turk, 2002). Although overall treatment effective- ual’s well behaviors (e.g., health maintenance) are positively
ness was positive, treatment results varied, with some persons reinforced, especially by significant others, and observable
with chronic pain benefiting more than others. Some predictors pain behaviors no longer reinforced (Fordyce, 1990; Turner
of less than optimal treatment effects included persons who & Romano, 2001).
viewed their pain as uncontrollable and who were highly distressed Outcome measures for operant programs have empha-
by their pain. Although predictors of favorable outcomes included sized return to work, increased activity levels and participa-
persons who had stronger belief in their ability to self-manage tion, decreased pain-related health-care utilization, and
their pain, who have fewer negative emotional responses to restoration of well behaviors (Fordyce, 1976; Turk & Rhudy,
pain, and who are less likely to perceive pain as disabling. The
1990; Turner & Chapman, 1982b). Common treatment ap-
authors caution that the research they reviewed does not allow
for a complete understanding of these relationships.
proaches used by occupational therapy practitioners include
increasing physical activity through the use of graded activ-
➤ Occupational therapists should be aware that a person ex- ities, reinforcement of well behaviors, and ignoring overt
pressing a high level of distress might be signaling difficulties expressions of pain (Fordyce, 1976). Merskey (1992), how-
in self-management, problem-solving, and coping skills that
ever, cautioned practitioners not to provide treatment for
can be addressed in therapy.
reducing pain behaviors in lieu of attempts at alleviating
➤ Occupational therapist can seek to develop an attitude of pain. Evaluation and intervention that focuses solely on
active self-management of pain to support participation in observable pain behaviors can lead to the inaccurate conclu-
occupations that improve quality of life. sion that pain behaviors suggest malingering, lack of moti-
McCraken, L., & Turk, D. (2002). Behavioral and cognitive-behavioral
vation, or hypochondriasis (Merskey, 1992).
treatment for chronic pain: Outcome, predictors of outcome, and treat- Ideally, all members of the multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary
ment process. Spine, 27(2), 2564–2573. pain management team use the same theoretical basis in a
consistent manner. Strong (1996) pointed out that the use of
operant principles might conflict with traditional occupational
therapy interventions. For example, operant pain management
programs aim to reduce and eliminate external approaches to
pain control, such as adaptive equipment. In addition, the
Chan, 1987; McCormack, 1988); relaxation training (Caruso focus of occupational therapists on the meaning of pain in a
et al, 1987; McCormack, 1988); physical agent modalities person’s life is not addressed in an operant approach.
such as heat therapy (Breines, 2006; Rochman & Kennedy-
Spaien, 2007); splinting (Davis, 1990); adaptive equipment
Cognitive Behavioral Strategies
(Borelli & Warfield, 1986; Tyson & Strong, 1990); consumer
education in and the application of proper posture, body me- Cognitive interventions aim to identify and modify the con-
chanics, and energy conservation principles for routine activ- sumer’s thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and attitudes related to
ities of daily living (Borelli & Warfield, 1986; Caruso et al, pain, disability, and quality of life. It is assumed that an indi-
1987; Rochman & Kennedy-Spaien, 2007); and environmen- vidual’s affect and behaviors are greatly influenced by cogni-
tal adaptations (MacRae & Riley, 1990) to eliminate or reduce tive appraisal, whereby the person interprets events in terms
tissue irritation or damage. of his or her perceived significance. Cognitions emerge from
Respondent or physiological interventions may be most attitudes and beliefs based on previous experiences (Turner
appropriate for acute pain conditions, but are not necessar- & Chapman, 1982a; Turner & Romano, 2001b). Cognitive
ily effective for persistent, nonmalignant painful conditions behavioral strategies typically aim to identify and change
(Main, Sullivan, Watson, Greasley, & Sjolund, 2007). With maladaptive cognitions, beliefs, and attitudes about pain and
acute pain, tissue irritation or damage is apparent, whereas promote the use of adaptive behavioral coping skills training
the etiology of persistent nonmalignant pain is not clear. (e.g., cognitive restructuring), relaxation training (with or
without biofeedback), imagery, distraction, and hypnosis
Operant Strategies (Turner & Jensen, 1993; Turner & Romano, 2001b). Cogni-
Because pain is a subjective experience, there is no way to em- tive behavioral principles integrate well with those of occupa-
pirically measure an individual’s pain. When pain occurs, a tional therapy (see Chapter 19).
person’s behavioral strategies may include analgesic use, avoid- The outcome measures for cognitive behavioral strate-
ance of specific activities (Woby, Watson, Roach, & Urmston, gies have emphasized subjective complaints of pain (Turner
2004), and use of compensatory postures (e.g., hyperextend & Chapman, 1982b). In a variety of populations in which
trunk when reaching overhead because of pain) in an attempt persistent pain is the primary disability (e.g., low back pain),
to reduce pain. Operant conditioning acknowledges that ob- cognitive behavioral interventions have been effective in im-
servable expressions of pain are not merely the consequence of proving function (Van Tulder et al, 2000).
impairments in body structure and body functions, but are in- It is difficult to compare the various behavioral intervention
fluenced by the environment. Pain complaints are perpetuated studies due to their different goals and subsequent outcome
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364 PART 2 ■ The Person

measures. Respondent or physiological interventions aim to inhibitors (e.g., Celebrex) were developed to reduce those
normalize body functions and body structure. Operant inter- risks, but gastrointestinal bleeding or ulcers can result.
ventions strive to increase work, other productive activity lev- Opioids, or narcotics, are used when antidepressants and
els, and participation. Cognitive behavioral approaches focus analgesics are insufficient. Long-acting opioids (e.g., Oxy-
on restructuring maladaptive cognitions, beliefs, and attitudes codone [OxyContin], Methadone [Dolophine]) may afford
while improving mood (Turner & Chapman, 1982b). better pain control for severe pain, but their long-term use is
controversial (American Pain Society, n.d.). Potential side
Model of Human Occupation effects include nausea, hormonal effects, gastrointestinal up-
set, suppression of the immune system, depression, and ad-
The Model of Human Occupation (MOHO) conceptualizes diction. Dependence occurs in approximately 5% to 15% of
the human as a dynamic complex organization of three sub- persons with persistent pain (Cluett, 2009). Treatment for
systems: volition, habituation, and performance. According substance abuse/dependence should precede rehabilitative
to Kielhofner (2002), these subsystems respectively motivate, chronic pain treatment (Sullivan & Turk, 2001).
organize, and make possible the performance of occupation. The major and minor tranquilizers have been used to
Occupational behavior results from the human’s interactions control anxiety, which is a precipitating pain factor. The use
with the environment. of marijuana for chronic pain relief is also controversial. Al-
Pain regulation strategies based on MOHO strive to im- cohol use is to be avoided. Consumers are encouraged to dis-
prove occupational behavior. Gusich (1984) described in cuss openly their use of marijuana, alcohol, and other illicit
global terms the utility of MOHO in treating adults with per- drugs. It should be noted that a consumer’s past history of
sistent pain. Sample treatment goals include the reactivation substance abuse/dependence may lead to inadequate analge-
of interests, the resumption of occupational roles, and the sia for current pain problems (Flugsrud-Breckenridge,
reestablishment of activities and participation (Strong, 1996). Gevirtz, Paul, & Gould, 2007).
Medication for acute pain should be prescribed in antici-
pation of pain and to prevent its recurrence. When pain
medication is administered regularly and prophylactically in
Pain Management a time contingent manner, the consumer need never experi-
The choice of intervention for pain control depends on ob- ence pain, thereby preventing the occurrence of persistent
jective findings (e.g., abnormal MRI), pain occurrence (e.g., pain and reducing the need for higher doses of opioids to re-
frequency, duration, intensity), and the consumer’s overt, lieve existing pain.
covert, and physiological pain responses, in addition to the
clinician’s training and resources available. A variety of pain Surgical Interventions
control options are available, including pharmacological in- Surgical pain relief procedures focus on interrupting pain
terventions, surgical interventions, cutaneous stimulation, pathways at the peripheral level (e.g., nerve block), spinal
and occupational therapy interventions. level (e.g., cordotomy), and brain level (e.g., stimulating
electrodes in the thalamus). Surgical interventions are con-
Pharmacological Interventions sidered to be a last resort for persistent nonmalignant pain
due to the resultant anatomical changes, possible iatrogenic
Pharmacological interventions are typically the first pain in- difficulties (e.g., scar tissue with resultant decreased mobil-
tervention used due to their effectiveness and ease of use. ity), and the low success rate (Koestler & Meyers, 2002).
Medications often provide partial, but not complete, pain re-
lief and increase the individual’s level of function. Short-term
use of medications is usually safe, but prolonged use increases Cutaneous Stimulation
the likelihood of adverse reactions (American Chronic Pain Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), mas-
Association, 2008). Because medications may have different sage, thermotherapy (heat applications), and cryotherapy
effects on people, the individual should be closely monitored (cold applications) are often effective in remediating acute
by his or her physician. pain (Bracciano, 2000). Therapists use physical agent modal-
Three general categories of medications are used in the ities as an adjunct to purposeful activity to promote perform-
management of persistent pain: antidepressants, analgesics, ance (American Occupational Therapy Association, 2003).
and opioids/narcotics. Antidepressants (e.g., amitriptyline,
Elavil) have been the most successful in reducing pain symp- Occupational Therapy Interventions
toms and depressive symptoms that are commonly experi-
enced by individuals with persistent pain (Lynch, 2008). Occupational therapists provide interventions that address
Analgesics include acetaminophen (Tylenol), aspirin (Bayer), physical, psychosocial, and environmental factors that influ-
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), ibuprofen ence a person’s experience of pain and interfere with occupa-
(Motrin), and opioids, or narcotics. Acetaminophen is used tional performance (Engel, 2006a). Because the etiology of
when there is no inflammation at the pain site and the pain is pain is multifaceted, the approaches to pain management
of mild intensity. Aspirin may also be used in the treatment of vary from person to person (Strong, 1996). Evidence-based
mild intensity pain. Excessive use of acetaminophen or aspirin interventions that address various occupational performance
may result in kidney or liver damage. NSAIDs are typically areas are listed here. (Note that the data are specific to the
used in acute pain or flare-ups of persistent pain (e.g., pain pain population identified for that intervention.)
from osteoarthritis). Daily use of these drugs for an extended A therapeutic focus on activity is the cornerstone of oc-
period of time can cause kidney damage or ulcers. COX-2 cupational therapy (Mosey, 1974). Persons with persistent
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CHAPTER 25 ■ Pain Regulation 365

pain often disengage from routine activities due to a fear of

injury or of pain escalation (Strong, 1996; Woby et al, 2004). Evidence-Based Practice
Therefore, increases in the consumer’s activity levels and
participation are common goals of chronic pain manage-
ment programs. Occupational therapy interventions seek to
increase the person’s satisfaction with and performance of
P sychological interventions for chronic low back pain are
effective. A meta-analysis of 22 randomized clinical trials
(published between 1983 and 2003) evaluated the efficacy of
psychological interventions in adults. Psychological interventions
life tasks in multiple occupational roles.
had a positive effect on pain intensity, quality of life, levels of
Health maintenance is a primary focus of persistent pain depression, and pain-related interference with daily activity. The
interventions. All multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary team largest and most consistent effect of these interventions was on
members emphasize functional restoration, psychological reducing pain intensity. Cognitive behavioral and self-regulatory
well-being, education about mind–body integration, and interventions (e.g., biofeedback, relaxation) were found be
promotion of wellness, despite the pain (Loeser, 2001). Rou- particularly effective.
tines for health maintenance can include physical fitness, ➤ Occupational therapists can incorporate psychological
graded activities, quota programs, relaxation training, and interventions in their treatment sessions, particularly
biofeedback. cognitive behavioral and relaxation training approaches.

Physical Fitness ➤ Occupational therapists can share the results of this study
with consumers, particularly to give hope that the person
Exercise therapy is often prescribed for the relief of low can not only learn to live more successfully with pain, but
back pain (LBP), one of the most frequent persistent pain also can use these psychological approaches to reduce pain
complaints (Guisch, 1984). The landmark Nuprin Pain intensity.
Report indicated that more than one half of the adult
American population (56%) suffers from back pain each Hoffman, B. M., Papas, R. K., Chatkoff, D. K., & Kerns, R. D. (2007).
year (Sternberg, 1986). At least 26 million Americans be- Meta-analysis of psychological interventions for chronic low back pain.
Health Psychology, 26(1), 1–9.
tween the ages of 20 and 64 experience recurrent back pain.
Back pain is the leading cause of disability in persons
younger than age 45 (American Pain Foundation, n.d.).
Frequently, the etiology of LBP is unclear. Trauma to the
back, however, through a lifting, twisting, or falling injury is high in demand with regard to performance components
a common initial cause of LBP. Mechanical causes of LBP (e.g., range of motion, strength, endurance) (Strong, 1996).
include poor muscle tone, curvature of the spine, and per- When an individual is engaged in interesting and purpose-
sistent strain from improper postures (Association for Ad- ful activity, he or she may be more relaxed, less preoccupied
vancement of Behavior Therapy, 1989). For many individu- with the pain, and more fluid in movement. Task selection
als who experience mild LBP, the pain typically resolves on based on occupational roles, interests, and abilities is a unique
its own. For those who seek health-care, most back pain contribution of occupational therapy in pain management
complaints improve within a few months regardless of the (Breines, 2006; Heck, 1988; McCormack, 1988; Strong, 1996).
treatment (Waddell, 1987). For those persons with persistent
(i.e., 12 or more weeks) pain, interference with sleep, routine Quota Programs
instrumental activities of daily living, work and other pro- Fordyce (1976) applied operant conditioning principles to
ductive activities, and leisure may result and require rehabil- a graded exercise program for persons with persistent pain.
itation (Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, An individual’s tolerance to activity can be achieved
1989; Loeser, 2001). through the use of a quota system. Intervention begins
Occupational therapy and physical therapy practitioners with a series of baseline trials in which the individual is
ideally collaborate with the consumer in the development asked to perform a demonstrated exercise to tolerance. Tol-
and implementation of a reconditioning exercise program. erance is defined as the point at which an individual stops
Together, they treat the individual with deficits in neuromus- exercising due to pain or fatigue. Detailed baseline per-
cular performance components, such as range of motion, formances are recorded. The occupational or physical ther-
strength, endurance, and postural alignment. Occupational apist then establishes a quota for each prescribed exercise
therapists use exercise to augment purposeful activity and to be performed daily. Initial quotas are slightly lower than
prepare the consumer for performing occupations (Breines, baseline trials (e.g., approximately 75% of baseline mean)
2006). Exercise, as part of an active rehabilitation program, is and are increased by predetermined small increments (e.g.,
a common intervention used to resolve neuromuscular about 10% every few days).
deficits in persons with LBP (Koes, Bouter, Beckerman, van Unlike traditional graded activities in which the con-
der Heijden, & Knipschild, 1991). sumer exercises to tolerance, the individual achieves a quota.
Rest breaks are scheduled. Resting at the time of the individ-
Graded Activities ual’s reported pain onset or exacerbation is avoided because
In conjunction with a physical therapist, an occupational it may reinforce pain behaviors (Fordyce, 1976; Turner &
therapist can facilitate increasing an individual’s independ- Romano, 2001b). A gradual increase in activity and partici-
ence in occupational performance. Returning to the example pation also lessens the likelihood of an exacerbation of pain.
of LBP, because it is conceptualized as a problem of activity
intolerance, graded activity programs are used to restore Relaxation Training
function. Graded activities implement a biomechanical ap- Relaxation training is well recognized as a viable interven-
proach whereby purposeful activities are graded from low to tion for the alleviation of skeletal muscle tension, distraction
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366 PART 2 ■ The Person

to the repetition when everyday thoughts interfere with the

Evidence-Based Practice relaxation process. The intent of this approach is to generate
a physiological response characterized by decreased heart
T here is strong evidence supporting the use of a quota
program in manual laborers with subacute low back pain
(LBP) (Vlaeyen et al, 1989). Participants were randomly assigned
rate, metabolism, blood pressure, and rate of breathing (Ben-
son, Beary, & Carol, 1974).
to a graded activity group or a control group. The graded activ- Biofeedback
ity program consisted of four components: (1) measurement of
functional capacities, (2) a work site visit, (3) back school edu-
Biofeedback refers to instrumentation used to provide con-
cation, and (4) a quota program. Exercise quotas were based sumers with feedback of electronically monitored physiologi-
on the participant’s functional capacities and individualized work cal events (Rogers, Shuer, & Herzig, 1984). This intervention
demands. Quotas were established for frequencies, loads, assumes a faulty body function is responsible for the pain; the
repetitions, laps, and endurance time for each prescribed exer- impairment can be controlled when the individual with pain
cise. Treatment occurred on an outpatient basis of three times is provided with immediate feedback (Turner & Chapman,
per week until the participant returned to gainful employment. 1982a). Biofeedback is often used in conjunction with relax-
The average time before return to work was significantly less in ation training. Skin temperature feedback to increase digital
the activity group than in the control group (59% vs. 40% within temperature in vascular conditions (e.g., migraine headaches)
6 weeks). At 2-year follow-up, the average duration of sick
and electromyogram feedback to lessen muscle tension com-
leave secondary to LBP was much less in the activity group
than in the control group.
plaints (e.g., tension headaches) are standard treatments in
multi- and interdisciplinary pain clinics.
➤ Occupational therapists should consider the use of quota
systems to increase functional capacities and activity toler- Relapse Management
ance in persons with LBP.
Consumers with persistent pain frequently experience an acute
Vlaeyen, J. W. S., Groenman, N. H., Thomassen, J., Schuerman, J. A., pain episode or flare-up that is not related to nociception, or a
Van Eek, H., Snijders, A. M. J., & Van Houten, J. (1989). A behavioural
treatment for sitting and standing intolerance in a consumer with persist- significant exacerbation of their pain that is activity related.
ent low back pain. Clinical Journal of Pain, 5, 233–237. Until the consumer has recovered from the acute episode, aer-
obic conditioning exercises (e.g., walking, stationary biking,
swimming) should be performed on a daily basis to avoid
dehabilitation. An incremental, gradual increase in activity
from pain, reduction of fatigue, enhancement of additional should be implemented (Fordyce, 1995). The consumer
pain relief measures, relief of anxiety, and elimination of in- should be encouraged to increase his or her use of coping and
somnia (National Institutes of Health, 1995). self-management strategies throughout the pain flare-up.
Many techniques are available for inducing relaxation.
Abdominal breathing is the simplest way to encourage relax-
ation. The learning sequence involves (1) awareness of Summary
breathing pattern, (2) inhalation, and (3) slow exhalation
(Engel, 2006b). Abdominal breathing is incorporated into Evaluation and management of individuals with persistent
the following relaxation techniques. pain is complex. Occupational therapists have a critical role
Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) is used to relieve in the prevention, evaluation, and treatment of persons ex-
excess tension that can result in muscle spasms, pain, and fa- periencing persistent pain (International Association for
tigue. PMR involves (1) focusing attention on a muscle the Study of Pain ad hoc Subcommittee for Occupational
group, (2) systematic tensing and relaxing of major muscu- Therapy/Physical Therapy Curriculum, 1994). There are in-
loskeletal groups for several seconds, (3) passive focusing of dividual variances in the way people experience pain, feel
attention on how the tensed muscle feels, (4) release of the about pain, and behaviorally respond to pain. There is not
muscles, and (5) passive focusing on the sensations of relax- one treatment that works for every person, even for pain
ation (Bernstein & Borkovec, 1973). that is of the same type and etiology. Chronic pain chal-
Autogenic training (AT) involves the silent repetition of lenges the mental health of people with physical dysfunc-
phrases about homeostasis. AT includes (1) scanning the mind tion and adds a layer of complexity to interventions with
and body for tension, (2) passively concentrating on physical people who have psychiatric illnesses. Use of a biopsychoso-
and mental states, and (3) concentrating on cues for relaxation cial model when evaluating and intervening with persons
(Luthe, 1965). AT has proven effective in treating persons with experiencing pain can help practitioners address pain man-
tension headaches, substance abuse, and musculoskeletal dis- agement holistically. This chapter describes a variety of
orders, in addition to promoting wellness (Payne, 2000). tools to evaluate a person’s experience of pain and a range
Guided imagery is the purposeful use of images to reduce of treatment interventions that can be used to help people
stress and distract attention away from intrusive thoughts. In who experience pain continue to participate in productive
this technique, the participant focuses on a relaxing environ- and satisfying occupations.
ment (e.g., a peaceful garden) of his or her choice (Payne,
2000). Meditation (Payne, 2000), massage (De Domenico & Acknowledgment
Wood, 1997), yoga (Payne, 2000), and physical exercise Supported by grant PO1 ND/NS 33988, “Management of
(Rosch & Hendler, 1982) may also be used as relaxation ap- Persistent Pain in Rehabilitation,” from the National Insti-
proaches. Benson’s (1975) relaxation response is another ef- tute of Child Health and Human Development and the
fective technique that involves the repetition of a word, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke,
prayer, or controlled muscular activity and a vigilant return National Institutes of Health.
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CHAPTER 25 ■ Pain Regulation 367

Active Learning Strategies

1. Pain Narrative a technique, the better pain relief is obtained. On a scale of
0 to 10, where 0 equals completely relaxed and 10 equals
Individually or with a partner, identify a person who is expe-
as tense as can be, what is your tension level? Go to a quiet
riencing chronic pain or is a family member or primary
dimly lit room to practice the following progressive relax-
caregiver for someone who is experiencing chronic pain. Set
ation exercise:
up a short interview, with the specific goal of eliciting the
● Assume a comfortable body position, gently close your
person’s pain narrative. You might begin by asking the per-
eyes, and listen to yourself breathe.
son to describe the pain and his or her beliefs about its ori-
● Breathe in r-e-l-a-x-a-t-i-o-n and exhale t-e-n-s-i-o-n.
gins. Specifically, ask how the person has dealt with his or
Take about twice the time to exhale as to inhale.
her pain and any reductions in physical activities. Explore
● Allow your body to be supported.
positive and negative aspects of the person’s interactions and
● Feel your body sink.
relationships with health-care professions who treat his or
● Scan your body for tension indicators.
her pain symptoms. If your interviewee and you are both
● Feel the tension leaving your body as you become more
comfortable, you might also explore the following topics:
r-e-l-a-x-e-d and c-o-m-f-o-r-t-a-b-l-e.
● Relationship between his or her pain experience and
● Inhale and begin by tightening your arms and making
● Impact of his or her pain experience on relationships
● Study the tension.
with family and friends
● Now exhale, relax, and feel the tension leaving your
● Strategies that he or she uses to cope with pain
Share your interview experiences and stories with your
● Next inhale and tighten your legs by pointing your
peers. Look for similarities and differences between peoples’
pain experiences.
● Now exhale and let your legs go limp with relaxation.
● Inhale and draw your abdominal muscles in, making the
Reflective Journal
abdomen “hard.”
In your Reflective Journal, consider the following ● Release your breath and r-e-l-a-x.
questions: What did you learn about the pain experi- ● Inhale up into your chest.
ence and its impact on daily life? What strategies were most ● Hold your breath as you tighten your pectorals.
useful in managing pain? When comparing your interview ● Exhale, relax, and feel the tension leave your body.
with peers, what were common themes among the stories? ● Inhale and tense your shoulders and back by
What experiences were unique to your individual? shrugging.
● Breathe out as you let your shoulders and back relax.
2. Pain Self-Assessment ● I-n-h-a-l-e and gently bring your chin toward your chest,
hold it, and e-x-h-a-l-e as you relax.
Think back to your most recent pain experience. Rate your
● Breathe in and tense your face by squinting and pursing
pain intensity using the VAS, NRS, and VRS.
your lips.
● Exhale and let your face relax.
Reflective Journal
● Allow the relaxation to spread throughout your body.
In your Reflective Journal, identify which scale you ● Be aware of how much more relaxed and comfortable
prefer and why. you feel.
● As you return to your normal level of awareness, concen-
3. Using the COPM as a Pain Interview trate on bringing these feelings of deep relaxation and
comfort back with you.
Secure a copy of the Canadian Occupational Performance
● Gradually open your eyes and stretch.
Measure (COPM). You will note that in this semistructured
Using the 0-to-10 scale again, how tense do you feel now?
interview, there are no suggested questions that specifically
What parts of your body feel more relaxed?
focus on pain or pain management. With a peer, generate
questions that could be incorporated into the COPM that
Reflective Journal
would address pain management issues. Be sure to identify
at least two questions in each component of the COPM (e.g., In your Reflective Journal, discuss your personal re-
productivity, self-care, leisure). sponse to the exercise. Where you able to relax? Why
or why not? What other methods/activities provide relax-
4. Relaxation Techniques ation for you?
Relaxation techniques are very helpful in controlling pain
(Rochman & Kennedy-Spaien, 2007). The more one practices
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368 PART 2 ■ The Person

Resources Bair, M. J., Robinson, R. L., Katon, W., & Kroenke, K. (2003). De-
pression and pain comorbidity: A literature review. Archives of
• The Psychological Management of Chronic Pain: Internal Medicine, 163, 2433–2445. Baptiste, S. (1988). Persistent pain, activity, and culture. Canadian
This is an online course approved for continuing education by Journal of Occupational Therapy, 55, 179–184.
the American Psychological Association, Association of Social Benson, H. (1975). The Relaxation Response. New York: Avon
Work Boards, and several other discipline-specific boards. It is Books.
designed for mental health professionals and provides a clear Benson, H., Beary, J. F., & Carol, M. P. (1974). The relaxation re-
overview of contemporary theories of pain and pain sponse. Psychiatry, 37, 37–45.
management. It reviews evaluation and intervention planning Bernstein, D. A., & Borkovec, T. D. (1973). Progressive Relaxation
with a clear focus on psychological interventions. Training: A Manual for the Helping Professions. Champaign, IL:
• National Center for Health Statistics. (2006). Health, United Research Press.
States, 2006, With Chartbook on Trends in the Health of Borelli, E. F., & Warfield, C. A. (1986). Occupational therapy for
Americans. DHHS Pub No. 2006-1232. Washington, DC: persistent pain. Hospital Practice, 21(8), 36–37.
U.S. Government Printing Office. Bracciano, A. G. (2000). Physical Agent Modalities: Theory and
hus/hus06.pdf Application for the Occupational Therapist. Thorofare, NJ:
This document represents the 30th report on the health status of Slack.
the United States. The Secretary of the Department of Health Breines, E. B. (2006). Therapeutic occupations and modalities. In
and Human Services submits similar reports to the president H. M. Pendleton & W. Schultz-Krohn (Eds.), Pedretti’s Occupa-
and Congress regularly. This lengthy (559-page) report uses tional Therapy: Practice Skills for Physical Dysfunction (6th ed.,
statistics from the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) pp. 658–679). St. Louis, MO: Mosby.
and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to Bruera, E., Kuehn, N., Miller, M., Selmser, P., & MacMillan, K.
provide a global picture of the health of the U.S. population. A (1991). The Edmonton Symptom Assessment System (ESAS): A
22-page special feature on pain provides a contemporary review simple method for the assessment of palliative care consumers.
of prevalence, a review of health-care treatment, and some Journal of Palliative Care, 1, 6–9.
discussion of effective interventions. Caruso, L. A., Chan, D. E., & Chan, A. (1987). The management of
• International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP): www work-related back pain. American Journal of Occupational Ther- apy, 41, 112–117.
The IASP is an international professional forum dedicated to Cleeland, C. S. (1991). Research in cancer pain: What we know and
advancing science, practice, and education in the field of pain. what we need to know. Cancer, 67, 823–827.
The IASP’s official journal is PAIN, which is the premier journal Cleeland, C. S., & Ryan, K. M. (1994). Pain assessment: Global use
on the subject of pain. You cannot access the journal from this of the Brief Pain Inventory. Annals of the Academy of Medicine,
site without a membership, but you do have access to Pain: 23, 129–138.
Clinical Updates, which are short (4-page) briefs designed to Cluett, J. (2009). “Types of Pain Medications.” Available at: http://
disseminate contemporary information on therapeutic (accessed
interventions for pain. February 16, 2010).
• The Oxford Pain Internet Site Pain Research at Oxford: Davis, J. (1990). The role of the occupational therapist in the treat- ment of shoulder-hand syndrome. Occupational Therapy Prac-
Based in Oxford, UK, this site disseminates evidence-based tice, 1(3), 30–38.
information on pain. The page includes many downloadable De Domenico, G., & Wood, E. C. (1997). Beard’s Massage (4th ed.).
essays on a multitude of pain topics. The research group at Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders.
Oxford has produced more than 100 systematic reviews on Engel, J. M. (2006a). Evaluation and pain management. In H. M.
topics related to pain. Pendleton & W. Schultz-Krohn (Eds.), Pendretti’s Occupa-
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This part of the text is divided into two sections: the lived
environment and practice settings. Although recognized
as important by occupational therapists, the environmental
component of the person-environment-occupation
model has received the least attention. The lived environment
Part 3
section of the text aims to correct this neglect by providing
the mental health practitioner with an explicit understanding Section 1: Introduction
of the environment and its impact on occupational 26 Introduction to the Environment

performance, specific environmental assessments, and Section 2: Environments

interventions aimed at creating a supportive environment. 27 The Political and Public Policy
The setting section is devoted to the places that occupational Environment
28 Attitudinal Environment and Stigma
therapists work, including settings with either a primary or
29 Families Living With Mental Illness
secondary focus on mental health practice. Some of these
30 Mental Health Practice in a
settings are emerging areas of practice that have received Multicultural Context
little attention in previous texts. Each chapter includes a 31 The Spiritual Environment
general description of the setting with information on the 32 The Neighborhood and
needs of the population served. The role of occupational Community
therapy as well as assessment and interventions common to 33 Supported Housing: Creating a
Sense of Home
that setting are described.
Section 3: Practice Settings
34 Early Intervention: A Practice
Setting for Infant and Toddler
Mental Health
35 Consumer-Operated Services
36 After-School Programs
37 Mental Health Practice in
Forensic Settings
38 State Hospitals
39 Psychosocial Clubhouses
40 Community-Based Case
41 Hospital-Based Mental
Health Care
42 Mental Illness in the Workplace:
Policies and Practices That
Impact Disability
43 Homeless and Women’s Shelters
44 Wraparound Services: Children
and Families
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1 Introduction



to the Environment 26
Catana Brown

“ Y ou are a product of your environment. So choose the environment that will best develop you
toward your objective. Analyze your life in terms of its environment. Are the things around
you helping you toward success—or are they holding you back?
—Clement Stone

Introduction the person-environment-occupation dynamic in under-

Most people have experienced a situation in which lack of standing and providing interventions for people with seri-
transportation hindered their activity. Perhaps their car was ous mental illness. Cohen (2000) argues that psychiatry’s
being repaired or someone had borrowed it. Maybe the emphasis on biological models has trivialized the impor-
weather prohibited them from driving or using public trans- tance of the social realm. Consequently, current methods
portation. Such situations are temporary, but the same is not for explaining and treating mental disorders are inade-
true for many people with serious mental illness. Lack of quate. People with serious mental illness have higher rates
transportation is one of many environmental barriers that of unemployment, homelessness, poverty, and incarcera-
interfere with community participation. tion than the general population. Typically, mental illness
Transportation is a common problem for people with is seen as the “cause” of these social conditions, but the re-
mental illness. Most people with serious mental illness live in lationship is not so simple; social factors can directly influ-
poverty (another environmental barrier) and are unable to ence neurological functioning and impact the outcome
pay for a car and the associated expenses. In addition, public and course of a mental disorder. More research that com-
transportation is limited or nonexistent in many communi- pares people with and without mental illness in similar so-
ties. When it is available, public transportation may be ex- cial situations is warranted to better determine the impact
pensive or difficult for someone with serious mental illness of mental illness on community living.
to manage. This chapter introduces the environment as the context
Think about all of the trips you have taken from home in in which occupations are performed. It describes different
the past week. How would your activities have been different components of the environment and explores environmen-
without a means of transportation? Would you have been tal barriers that present common concerns for people with
able to get to work or school? Could you have gone to the mental illness. The chapter also outlines environmental re-
grocery store and transported your groceries? What about sources that support participation for people with serious
visiting your friends, going to a movie, attending church, re- mental illness. Part III, Section 2, includes chapters about
turning a book to the library, or getting to a doctor’s appoint- environments and their impact on people with mental ill-
ment? Transportation, which most of us take for granted, can ness, and Section 3 contains chapters about practice settings
have a significant impact on the roles we assume, the social in which occupational therapists work and address mental
contacts we make, the places we go, and how we create our health issues.
own personal routines of daily life.
It is common to think that the symptoms and impair-
ments associated with mental illness are the reasons that Environment and Occupational
many people with mental illness are restricted when it
comes to participating in community life. Although de-
pression, anxiety, psychosis, and cognitive deficits are cer- In occupational therapy and other disciplines, there is
tainly relevant for occupational performance, the environ- an increasing appreciation for the importance of the envi-
ment has received very little attention as a component of ronment, and major conceptual models emphasize the

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374 PART 3 ■ Environment

importance of the environment in understanding occupa- The cultural context includes the beliefs and behavioral
tional performance. For example, the Ecology of Human expectations of the society. As occupational therapists,
Performance model considers performance to be an out- it is important to understand how the cultural environ-
come of the transactional process of the person, context ment influences the occupational performance of individ-
(or environment), and task (Dunn, Brown, & McGuigan, ual clients, appreciate how culture interacts with specific
1994). One purpose for the model’s development was to aspects of psychiatric disability, and recognize health care
provide a framework by which occupational therapists and disparities that exist across cultures. For example, gender
other members of disciplines could assess and design in- roles differ across cultures, as does the role of the family in
terventions that targeted the environment. In the Occupa- caring for an ill individual. In addition, the incidence and
tional Adaptation model, the environment demands mas- manifestation of specific mental disorders can vary by cul-
tery from the person, and the person’s engagement with ture; eating disorders are more common in Western cul-
the environment results in an adaptive response (Schkade tures and in occupations where thinness is highly valued
& Schultz, 1992). The Person-Environment-Occupation (e.g., modeling and ballet dancing) (APA, 2000). Finally, a
model (Law et al, 1996) views occupational performance significant disparity exists in access to and quality of men-
as the convergence of the individual, the occupation and tal health care for minority populations, which was de-
the environment. In this model, successful occupational scribed in an important Surgeon General’s Report on men-
performance is dependent on the fit of the person, occu- tal health (USDHHS, 2001). The cultural context is more
pation, and environment (see Chapter 3). fully described in Chapter 30.

Components of the Environment Physical Context

In 2002, the American Occupational Therapy Association
published Occupational Therapy Practice Framework: Do-
main and Process, which describes seven environments, or
■ Cultural
■ Physical
■ Social
■ Spiritual
■ Personal
■ Temporal
■ Virtual
The second edition of Occupational Therapy Practice
Framework (AOTA, 2008) includes spirituality as a client fac-
tor and does not include a spiritual environment. This text-
book discusses spirituality as both an occupation and an en-
vironment. The seven contexts are discussed in the following
sections, and the different aspects of the environments are ex- Both the manmade and the natural environments make
plained in greater detail in subsequent chapters. up the physical context. The physical context includes
large features, such as buildings and terrain, as well as
Cultural Context smaller items, such as plants and tools. The impact of the
physical environment is often ignored in psychiatric dis-
abilities, but its influence should not be overlooked. The
complexity of the modern world can create additional
challenges for people with psychiatric disabilities, particu-
larly those with cognitive impairments, such as dementia,
attention deficit disorder, and schizophrenia. For example,
a cluttered and noisy classroom can interfere with success
in school for a child with attention deficit disorder, and an
older adult with dementia is more likely to get lost and
have difficulty engaging in activities of daily living when
in an unfamiliar physical environment. Some evidence
suggests that the physical environment can contribute to
the etiology of mental illness; for example, a higher inci-
dence of psychotic disorders occurs in urban settings,
which may be attributed to the stress of city life (Eaton,
Mortensen, & Frydenberg, 2000).
The physical environment is also of interest to occupa-
tional therapists because of its sensory qualities. An analysis
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CHAPTER 26 ■ Introduction to the Environment 375

of the physical environment is therefore essential to the and court systems. Policies related to deinstitutionalization,
development of interventions focused on sensory processing psychiatric commitment, the Americans with Disabilities
concerns. Act (ADA), and social security all have a great impact on
The physical environment is described more fully in people with mental illness in both negative and positive
Chapters 32 and 33. ways. For example, deinstitutionalization resulted in less
unnecessary hospitalization but also contributed to higher
Social Context rates of homelessness.
The social context is more fully described in Chapters 27,
28, and 29.

Spiritual Context

The social context is made up of relationships with indi-

viduals, groups, and organizations. Social support is crucial
for good mental health, and several aspects of social support
have been studied in relation to mental health. The size of an
individual’s social network is related to mental health. In a
large study by Brugha et al (2005), a primary group (friends
and family) size of three or fewer was predictive of dimin-
ished mental health.
However, it is not just the size of the social network but
also the quality of the social support that is important. For
example, Bertera (2005) found that negative relationships The spiritual context is a connection to the sacred that
with family and friends are associated with an increase in provides the underlying inspiration and motivation for one’s
anxiety and mood disorders. The extensive literature on ex- life. An extensive literature review indicates that involvement
pressed emotions in families finds that individuals with in religious or spiritual practices is associated with better
schizophrenia or mood disorders are two to three times physical and mental health (George et al, 2002). Until re-
more likely to relapse if they live in a family that is hostile, cently, mental health practitioners often avoided and even
critical, and controlling (Hooley, 2004). discouraged discussion of spiritual topics with people with
Equally important is what makes up a good social rela- mental illness. In some cases, the practitioner was uncom-
tionship. In a qualitative study by Rebeiro (2001), women fortable with the topic, and in others, there was a concern
with mental illness reported that an affirming social envi- that religious ideations and delusions might be furthered.
ronment was important for occupational performance. Although the spiritual context is still neglected, this view is
The affirming environment was described as one in which changing.
sympathetic others are present and one is accepted, one’s The recovery model itself is recognized as a spiritual
self-worth is acknowledged, and there is a safe place to process, and recovery-oriented services are increasingly
belong. more likely to address the spiritual context. Even if service
The social environment is larger than friends and family. providers are slow to embrace spirituality, individuals with
Groups and institutions can also provide either supports or mental illness are not. One study found that the most
barriers to people with mental illness. Some groups exclude common alternative health-care practices utilized by peo-
people with mental illness and may engage in subtle or ple with serious mental illness were religious/spiritual
overt discriminatory practices. Other groups offer impor- practices and meditation (Russinova, Wewiorski, & Cash,
tant services, a place to belong, or a sanctuary. Some of the 2002). Furthermore, a central component of 12-step pro-
relevant social groups to consider include schools, clubs and grams for addictions (e.g., Alcoholics Anonymous) is
social centers, faith-based organizations, health care sys- recognition that a higher power is essential to the recovery
tems, and social service agencies. The social environment process. The spiritual context is more fully described in
also includes the political world, such as legislative bodies Chapter 31.
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376 PART 3 ■ Environment

personality disorder), and others are more common in males

Evidence-Based Practice (e.g., autism and substance abuse). Socioeconomic status
has a transactional relationship with serious mental illness in
S tudies have found that the most common alternative
health care practices utilized by people with serious
mental illness are religious/spiritual practices and meditation
that people from lower socioeconomic groups are more
likely to be diagnosed with a serious mental illness. Once di-
agnosed with a serious mental illness, an individual is more
(Russinova, Wewioski & Cash, 2002). In addition, involvement in
likely to experience a drop in socioeconomic status.
religious or spiritual practices is associated with better physical
and mental health (George et al, 2002).
The temporal context refers to stage of life as well as time
of day, year, and duration. Time of year is related to depres-
➤ Occupational therapists should evaluate the spiritual environ- sion, as depression increases during the winter when there
ment of their clients. Are spiritual practices important to the are fewer hours of sunshine. In bipolar disorder, some evi-
individual? Does the individual have the social and organiza-
dence suggests that disruptions in daily patterns, particularly
tional/institutional supports he or she needs to engage in
spiritual practices?
morning routines, are associated with an increase in symp-
toms (Ashman et al, 1999).
➤ Consider ways that you can promote spiritual environments The virtual environment is a new consideration for the
for your client. Identify spiritual organizations in your commu- environment. The Internet, chat rooms, text messaging, and
nity that are accepting and understanding of people with
other forms of virtual communication provide many oppor-
mental illness. Advocate for inclusive practices and/or pro-
vide the needed education at faith-based organizations.
tunities for social connection, information gathering, and
leisure pursuits. Yet some people with mental illness are of-
George, L. K., Larson, D. B., Koenig, H. G., & McCullough, M. E. (2000). ten excluded from this environment due to limited access to
Spirituality and health: What we know, what we need to know. Journal of electronic media.
Social and Clinical Psychology, 19(1), 102–116.
The consumer movement and the resulting recognition
Russinova, Z., Wewiorski, N. J., & Cash, D. (2002) Use of alternative
health care practices by persons with serious mental illness: Perceived of people with psychiatric disability as a minority group has
benefits. American Journal of Public Health, 92, 1600–1603. revealed that people with psychiatric disability face discrim-
ination in virtually all sectors of society.

Environmental Obstacles to
Personal, Temporal, and Virtual Contexts
Recovery and Empowerment
People with mental illness are frequently confronted with
environmental barriers that may be less common or even
nonexistent for the general population. In many cases, for
people with mental illness, difficulty in successfully per-
forming job tasks is related more to these environmental
stumbling blocks than to the symptoms or deficits associated
with the illness.

Attitudinal Barriers
One of the greatest environmental barriers that people with
mental illness face is stigma and discrimination. The general
public widely endorses stigmatizing attitudes toward people
with mental illness, and stereotypes persist even in highly
trained mental health professionals (Corrigan, 2000), such
as occupational therapists. Although most of the literature
related to stigma and psychiatric disability focuses on seri-
ous mental illness such as schizophrenia, there is also evi-
The Occupational Therapy Practice Framework (AOTA, dence of discrimination in other mental illnesses, such as
2008) includes three aspects of context that are not com- depression (Kelly & Jorm, 2007) and anorexia nervosa (Mond,
monly discussed in descriptions of the environment: per- Robertson-Smith, & Vetere, 2006). Stigma can lead to dis-
sonal, temporal, and virtual. The personal context includes crimination at both the person and the public policy levels.
age, gender, socioeconomic and educational status, and the For example, landlords are less likely to lease apartments to
like. Although demographic characteristics are different from people with mental illness (Page, 1995), and the lack of par-
the health condition, they interact with mental health condi- ity between health-care coverage of physical and mental ill-
tions. For example, the age of onset and course of particular nesses can be seen as a form of discrimination.
mental disorders affect occupational performance. Attention Individuals with “invisible disabilities” such as mental ill-
deficit-hyperactivity disorder can be particularly challenging ness face unique challenges. For example, the stigma associ-
to successful school performance, and the onset of schizo- ated with mental illness can present a significant conundrum
phrenia in early adulthood can interfere with establishing when it comes to disclosing the disability for employment ac-
roles as a worker, spouse, and/or parent. Some disorders are commodations. If the individual chooses to disclose a psychi-
more common in females (e.g., depression and borderline atric disability, he or she risks alienation and questions of
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CHAPTER 26 ■ Introduction to the Environment 377

The Lived Experience

Ron Nicholls particular license plate, and my OCD mind says, “Let’s play another
Ron describes his experiences with obsessive compulsive dis- trick on Ronald.” I will be compelled to be sure that I have read all
order. Notice how the environment influences his obsessions. the numbers on the license plate, or all the words on the bumper
Particular cues in the environment elicit the obsessions, and sticker, or all the words on the billboard. If necessary I will drive
some environments are more challenging than others. around the block one, or two, or even three times to be sure that
I am a 58-year-old American male in very good physical health. I have read all the words or all the numbers of the license plate.
My education level I consider to be above average. As previously When I leave for a vacation, I am sure that my water is turned
mentioned, my physical health is very good, but my mental health off (which is not a bad idea); however, in my case my OCD mind
is not so lucky. In my studies of psychology I learned that I had OCD compels me to check and recheck. I might check fifteen or
(obsessive compulsive disorder). After evaluating the situation, I was twenty times. I know that it is turned off, but my OCD forces me
able to trace my OCD back at least twenty years (to age 20). I was to do this. Not only do I keep checking to be sure that the water
at the time turning 40 years of age. What I am trying to stress is that is turned off, but I have gone beyond the typical OCD cycle and
I suffered OCD for at least twenty years without knowing that I had have developed what I will call an “OCD ritual.” I not only check
it. Until I studied about it in psychology, I had no idea what it even several times to be sure that the water is turned off, but I do it in
was. Even though there are a number of anti-OCD medications on a certain “ritualistic” pattern. I will put my hand on the valve and
the market in my case they have been very ineffective. turn it a certain number of times to the right (clockwise). I will say
It is very important to understand that, to the uncontrolled to myself as I do it, “Right, right, right, clockwise, clockwise, clock-
OCD personality, the OCD controls the life of this person. Once wise, off, off, off.” I will do this a specific number of times, and if
the obsession enters their mind, it takes complete control over I lose track of how many times I do this, I will start over.
this person, often leading to obsessive compulsive rituals. Even though my obsessive compulsive disorder has not been
Let me describe some of my OCD traits, of which I have controlled by medications, I did find a temporary relief for my OCD
many. One of my earliest behaviors that I was able to trace back in something that was caused by my OCD. I have become a
(and I still suffer this today) was the use of a blue ink, medium world traveler, having traveled to Europe seven times in the past
point, BIC pen. I began using such a pen in my early college year, South America three times, The Dominican Republic three
days. To this day, this is the only kind of pen that I can use. I times, to Mexico twice, to Puerto Rico twice, to another island in
always carry such a pen with me because my OCD demands the Caribbean (Tobago), and I have no idea how many trips
that I do it. If I ever need to sign my signature and another per- back and forth across the United States. I became this world trav-
son hands me a pen to use, my obsessive compulsive mind says eler because of an obsessive compulsive desire to break The
to me, “No, Ronald, you must use the blue ink, medium point Guinness Book of World Records on how many trips a person
BIC pen.” On a few occasions when I did not have my BIC pen, could make traveling back and forth across the United States in
I would become extremely anxiety ridden. My anxiety level be- a four-week period. I traveled to New York City, which was to be
came so bad that I could barely sign my signature. my home base. From NYC, I would fly to Seattle, only to return
Another OCD trait is what I call re-reading. I read part of a to NYC after being in Seattle for just a few hours. After arriving
sentence and then my mind plays a trick on me. It tells me that back in NYC, I would then be on another airplane to Los Angeles
I have to go back and re-read what I just read. The OCD cycle a few hours later. After arriving in Los Angeles, I would then be
has gone into action, and I will have to go back and read the sen- back on another airplane back to NYC after just a few hours in
tence over again. I might then read two or three sentences and Los Angeles. I continued this for two weeks, but had to discon-
again the OCD cycle will demand that I go back to begin read- tinue my endeavors because I became completely fatigued.
ing at the beginning. It might take me four or five minutes to read Although I did not complete my mission, I did discover some-
a single paragraph. I do not understand how I made it through thing very interesting. During this two-week period I did not suf-
college. I rarely read anymore because this trait still exists, con- fer from any symptoms of my OCD. I had become completely in-
trolling my actions, and I have NO control over it. It controls me! volved in what I was doing and somehow this “shorted out” in
A related trait is when I go to a museum or a zoo, both of my mind the desire to do the obsessive compulsive things that
which I love to do. My OCD ruins these visits. My OCD demands I have described in the previous sections.
that I read every sign, placard, or any other notes that describe I found that I really enjoyed traveling, and it relieved to a large
the exhibit. Let me emphasize that my OCD demands that I read extent my obsessive compulsive habits. I found a way to travel
EVERY word of every sign. This is further complicated by the inexpensively and I began traveling very extensively. I was see-
above mentioned re-reading. I discovered an interesting phe- ing new things, doing things I had never done before, and for
nomenon the past year when I began traveling to foreign coun- some unknown reason my OCD was pretty much under control.
tries where the signs are in a different language. I found that I can This, unfortunately, was not to last forever. After several months
go to a museum or a zoo and have a very enjoyable time. My of traveling, I have found myself gradually beginning to do the ob-
mind knows that I am unable to understand the exhibit signs, so sessive compulsive things that I had done before my travel ex-
I just look at an exhibit and then continue on to the next exhibit. periences began. The habits that I have listed are now haunting
Closely related to the above OCD experience is the reading of me even in my travels. I have no way to explain why they disap-
license plates, bumper stickers, and billboards. While I am driving peared for a while and have now begun to reappear except that
my automobile around, my OCD mind might suddenly focus on a OCD seems to find a way to control my life.

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378 PART 3 ■ Environment

The Lived Experience—cont’d

Airport monitor boards are a perfect example. After going this seven to ten times before I can convince my mind that they
through security, I go to the flight monitor board to check on my are the same, another OCD ritual.
flight. I will look at my boarding pass to check the flight number I feel that it is very important for the reader to understand that
and time, and then I will look at the monitor board to see if they all people have some obsessive compulsive tendencies. Just be-
are the same. I have now set myself up for an OCD ritual. I will cause you (the reader) may undergo some type of patterned or
check the pass against the board at least seven to ten times be- ritualistic behavior, do not quickly conclude that you have OCD.
fore I can convince my mind that they are the same. Often after It is important to understand the difference between obsessive
doing this I will begin to walk away from the monitor board and compulsive behavior and obsessive compulsive DISORDER; only
have to turn around and go through the ritual again. I may do this when the behaviors become so frequent and intense that they be-
two or three times. Unfortunately, this is not the end. When I get gin to interfere with your life can this be described as obsessive
to the boarding gate, I will again check my boarding pass against compulsive DISORDER. In more severe cases such as mine, these
the information posted at the boarding gate. I again will check not only interfere with my life but they completely control it.

competency. On the other hand, without disclosure, the indi- develop skills in self-advocacy so that they can become em-
vidual is not eligible for reasonable accommodations. Deci- powered to confront situations that are prejudicial or unjust.
sions related to when and how much to disclose can also The topic of stigma is covered more thoroughly in Chapter 28.
be an issue in the formation of friendships and romantic
relationships. Poverty
When stigma from the external environment becomes in-
ternalized, it is referred to as self-stigma. Cultural beliefs in Where you live, what you eat, whom you interact with, and
Western society tend to include negative images of people which leisure activities you engage in are greatly influenced by
with mental illness. Imagine the impact this has on a person your financial resources. Many people with serious mental ill-
who is recently diagnosed with a mental illness and who has ness live in chronic poverty, which compromises their ability
grown up exposed to negative beliefs. This person is likely to to fully participate in community life. Unemployment and
assume that if others learn about the mental illness, they will underemployment, poor insurance coverage, high health-care
reject or devalue him or her. A study of the consequence of costs, and financial disincentives all contribute to inadequate
stigma found that people with serious mental illness who economic situations for people with serious mental illness.
held strong perceptions of devaluation had much lower self- For people with schizophrenia unemployment rates have been
esteem (Link et al, 2001). reported at 85% in the United States (Rosenheck et al, 2006)
Occupational therapists can address stigma by educating and 80–90% in Europe (Marwaha & Johnson, 2004). These
individuals or challenging institutions and policies that dis- rates are likely higher given the current economic environ-
criminate against people with mental illness. Occupational ment as employment rates for people with mental illness are
therapists can also support individuals with mental illness to affected by the general labor market in the United States
(Becker, Xie, McHugo, Halliday, & Martinez, 2006), Europe
(Marwaha et al, 2009) and Australia (Waghorn, Chant, Lloyd,
& Harris, 2009). Furthermore, the majority of working people
Evidence-Based Practice with serious mental illness are in part-time, low-paying,
entry-level jobs. Therefore, even among the employed, people
T he general public widely endorses stigmatizing attitudes
toward people with mental illness, and stereotypes persist
even in highly trained mental health professionals (Corrigan,
with mental illness have severely limited incomes.
Several factors, some of them interactive, explain the low
employment rates (Cook, 2006). For example, although ad-
2000) such as occupational therapists.
vanced education is increasingly important for well-paying
➤ Explore your own biases and stigmatizing attitudes toward jobs, many individuals with psychiatric disabilities have low
people with mental illness. Consider what you need to do to levels of education. Poverty makes it challenging to seek ad-
change these biases. vanced education. In addition, poverty may mean that indi-
➤ Become an advocate for people with serious mental illness, viduals live in neighborhoods with few employment opportu-
both inside and outside your work setting. Provide educa- nities, lack access to transportation, and cannot consider
tional opportunities to reduce stigma, talk to employers employment that requires tools, uniforms, or other expenses.
about reasonable accommodations, and challenge friends Employment disincentives can also impact employment
and family when they make discriminatory comments about rates. For example, individuals who receive supplemental se-
people with mental illness. curity benefits undergo a reduction in benefits of $1 for
Corrigan, P. W. (2000). Mental health stigma as social attribution: Implica-
every $2 of earnings once their earnings reach $65 a month.
tions for research methods and attitude change. Clinical Psychology: Furthermore, other benefits, such as housing subsidies, food
Science and Practice, 7, 48–67. stamps, and transportation stipends, are often reduced or
lost when an individual is working.
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CHAPTER 26 ■ Introduction to the Environment 379

Currently, few occupational therapists work within sup- fire, eviction, or condemned building). The individual often
ported employment programs, but this presents an opportu- loses not only housing but also the possessions that were in
nity for occupational therapists to contribute unique skills the home. When individuals with mental illness are given
(such as activity analysis, environmental accommodation, more choice in programs like supported housing, they re-
skill training) to enhance the likelihood that individuals with port greater satisfaction with their housing situation and an
mental illness may obtain and keep a job. Occupational ther- overall improvement in quality of life (Nelson et al, 2007).
apists can also work within supported education settings so Mental and physical health-care services are another area
that individuals with mental illness can obtain additional of narrow choice for people with mental illness. Private in-
skills and credentials necessary for better paying jobs. surance provides limited coverage for mental health services.
People with long-term mental illness typically receive serv-
ices through the Medicaid/Medicare system, which restricts
Complex Physical Environments access to many providers and health-care systems. In addi-
With the ADA and other relevant legislation, the physical en- tion, providers may lack training, and stigmatizing attitudes
vironment, particularly the manmade environment, is now can interfere with health care provision.
recognized as a factor that can interfere with the life of a per- Occupational therapists can work within supported
son with a physical disability (particularly wheelchair users). housing programs to help individuals with mental illness
Curb cuts, enlarged bathroom stalls, and handicapped park- develop the necessary skills to maintain an apartment. They
ing spaces are now expected in public places. Although the may also provide education to health-care providers so that
environment is not completely accessible for people with they may be more sensitive to the needs of people with
physical disabilities, there is at least some recognition that mental illness.
the physical environment presents barriers to wheelchair
users and individuals with other physical disabilities. This is Segregation and Isolation
far less true for people with mental illness, who can also find
aspects of the physical environment challenging. Deinstitutionalization, which began in the 1960s and be-
Rapid advances in technology, the fast pace of society, and came the policy of most systems by 1980, was successful in
the demand for choice has resulted in a rich but complex creating policy that resulted in most people with psychiatric
physical world. Consider the large department stores or ware- disabilities living outside of institutional settings. However,
house stores that offer items in bulk. Although these environ- for some individuals, life in the community is characterized
ments provide a lot of choice and convenience, it can be more by loneliness and social isolation. A Department of Health
challenging to sort through, screen out, and make decisions Report from Australia revealed that among people with psy-
about products in this setting. The use of automated services chosis, 39% did not have a close friend and 45% wished they
such as electronic check-in at airports, ATM machines, self- had a good friend (Jablensky, McGrath, & Herman, 1999).
checkout in grocery stores, online card catalogs at the library, In general, people with mental illness are lonelier than
and automated exercise machines at the gym can be espe- people without mental illness, although their particular
cially intimidating to individuals with limited experience or housing situation does not seem to be related to the level of
exposure to technology. loneliness (Brown, 1996). It is likely a combination of factors,
Occupational therapists can provide skills training so that such as opportunities for socialization, level of acceptance by
individuals with mental illness can learn to use everyday neighbors or roommates, comfort in social situations, and
technologies. They may also provide supportive devices such the social proficiency of the individual, that contribute to
as simple written directions or store maps to enhance per- social connectedness. However, social support is an impor-
formance in these challenging environments. tant factor in the quality of life of the general population and
of people with mental illness.
Occupational therapists can refer individuals to consumer-
Lack of Choice operated programs or naturally occurring community organ-
People with mental illness have far fewer choices for many izations that might enhance the social network of the person
aspects of community participation. Housing is a primary with mental illness. Occupational therapists may also provide
example. If you belong to the middle or upper class, you social skills training so that the individual with mental illness
have many choices in terms of the neighborhood you want will be more accepted and feel more comfortable in social
to live in and the type of apartment or house. However, the situations.
shortage of affordable housing means that people with seri-
ous mental illness have little to no choice regarding where Criminal Justice System
they can live. Many people with serious mental illness live in
congregate housing situations such as group homes, where The number of people with psychiatric disabilities in large
choice is further restricted in terms of roommates, meals, mental hospitals has decreased dramatically, and some sta-
and visitors. tistics suggest that jails are the new setting for institutional-
Forchuk et al (2006) conducted a qualitative study on ization (Blumstein & Beck, 1999). Startling statistics indicate
housing instability for people with serious mental illness. that up to 50% of people with serious mental illness may be
They reported that individuals with mental illness experi- arrested at some point in their lives. Several reasons beyond
ence a turbulent pattern of losing, struggling, and gaining symptomatology could account for these rates. Draine et al
housing stability. The experience of losing housing can be (2002) argue that there are more powerful risk factors for
particularly distressing, because the conditions under which crime than the illness itself. For example, unemployment,
many people lose their housing are often traumatic (e.g., poverty, homelessness, and particularly substance abuse may
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380 PART 3 ■ Environment

play a greater role in the high rates of arrest and incarcera- Family and Friends
tion for people with serious mental illness.
The increase in arrest rates does not take into account For people with mental illness, a larger social network is
that the arrest rates of the general U.S. population have in- associated with reduced symptoms, better quality of life, and
creased dramatically. One study examining police reports higher self-esteem (Goldberg, Rollins, & Lehman, 2003). A
found very few examples of offenses that could be attributed social system that includes individuals from different groups
to mental illness, although approximately one quarter of the (e.g., family, friends, and professionals) tends to be more
offenses were probably or definitely related to substance beneficial. Corrigan and Phelan (2004) found that a larger
abuse (Junginger et al, 2006). social network was also associated swith greater levels of
Some communities have developed programs that at- hope and a stronger orientation toward goals and success.
tempt to divert people with mental illness from the criminal Consumer-run organizations and peer-support programs
justice system to community treatment (Munetz & Griffin, provide one resource for making social connections. Another
2006); however, Draine et al (2002) argue that this approach model of programming is the clubhouse, a consumer-driven
may not be in the best interest of the offender. They suggest program that incorporates participation in work-oriented
that an integrated approach that considers risk factors com- activities required to run the clubhouse. A central mission
mon to both mental illness and criminal behavior would of the clubhouse is to develop an intentional community
more effectively address the problem. (Herman et al, 2005). Clubhouses can reduce social isolation
and create a place of belonging. They are described in more
detail in Chapter 39.
Mental health services directed by professionals can also
Environmental Resources contribute to the development of friendships. Catty et al
Although the environment contains many barriers for peo- (2005) found that social networks were increased in relation
ple with psychiatric disabilities, the resources afforded by to the duration and attendance in a day center program. In-
the environment are too often overlooked. Helping people dividuals who attended the day center were more likely to
with psychiatric disabilities access environmental resources confide in friends and neighbors than in professionals when
is essential to effective occupational therapy practice. Key compared with other individuals who received mental
environmental resources include consumer-operated or- health services but did not attend the day program.
ganizations, self-help and peer support, family and friends, Families provide another source of social support. Al-
and community resources. though much of the research on families focuses on caregiver
burden, there is also evidence that family members receive
gratification from the caregiving relationship (Greenberg,
Consumer-Operated Organizations Seltzer, & Judge, 2000). Programs such as Journey of Hope, in
and Self-Help/Peer Support which families meet to learn about mental illness and develop
strategies to better assist their family members, can help to de-
Self-help organizations are common in Western societies, velop positive family relationships. One study of the Journey
particularly for addictions (e.g., Alcoholics Anonymous) of Hope program indicates improvements in caregiver satis-
and physical illnesses such as cancer. However, the use of faction (Pickett-Schenk et al, 2006).
peer support for mental illness is a more recent phenome-
non. The consumer/survivor movement is responsible for
the growing acceptance of mental health peer-support pro- Community Resources
grams (Chamberlin, 1990) and the recognition that people The community can provide a wealth of resources for peo-
who have experienced a mental illness have something ple with mental illness. Therefore, it is important that oc-
unique to offer others who are going through a similar cupational therapists learn what resources are available in
experience. the communities in which their clients live. Spend time
Consumer-run organizations and other peer-support
services are increasing in numbers, and the mutual support
they provide directly addresses the social environment of
people with psychiatric disabilities. These programs help in- Evidence-Based Practice
dividuals develop social networks and create interpersonal
connections and a sense of belonging. In describing a spe-
cific consumer-run organization, the Welcome Basket pro-
gram, Chinman et al (2001) suggest that peers are particu-
A larger social network is associated with reduced symptoms,
better quality of life, and higher self-esteem for people with
mental illness (Goldberg, Rollins, & Lehman, 2003).
larly well equipped to create social supports and, in doing so,
make a better “person–environment fit” than traditional ➤ Occupational therapists can make referrals to clubhouses,
consumer-run organizations, and other groups that provide
mental health systems. The Welcome Basket program was ef-
social opportunities for people with mental illness.
fective in reducing the hospitalization rates of its partici-
pants. Although research into consumer-run organizations ➤ Get involved with the family. Provide interventions that foster
and peer-support programs is only beginning, there is some a more interdependent relationship between family members
evidence that peer providers are able to more quickly form a and the client.
strong working alliance, particularly with clients who have Goldberg, R. W., Rollins, A. L., & Lehman, A. F. (2003). Social network cor-
not responded to traditional care (Davidson et al, 2006). relates among people with psychiatric disabilities. Psychiatric Rehabilitation
Consumer-operated organizations are more fully described Journal, 26(4), 393–402.
in Chapter 35.
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CHAPTER 26 ■ Introduction to the Environment 381

driving around your clients’ community, visit the busi- resources available in most communities. Viewing the com-
nesses and services, look through the newspaper, and talk munity as a resource instead of a barrier and establishing al-
to other care providers such as social workers to learn liances with these resources can enhance community partic-
about the community. For example, the local library can ipation for people with mental illness.
provide many resources. In addition to books, the library
may also loan movies and music CDs and provide com-
puter and Internet access. Food pantries and soup kitchens Summary
provide nutritional resources to individuals who have a
limited income. Thrift stores and other discount retail Although this chapter provides only an overview of informa-
outlets can make clothing, furniture, electronics, and other tion on the environment, this textbook includes seven chap-
items more affordable. ters specifically devoted to the environment and its relation-
The cooperative extension system is an educational net- ship to people with serious mental illness and 10 chapters
work that provides free information on a variety of topics, describing practice settings. Environment is the most neg-
such as nutrition and health, gardening and small business lected component of the person-environment-occupation
operation. Faith-based organizations address spiritual needs model. Occupational therapists can help rectify this omission
and can provide opportunities for socialization, education, by routinely considering the environment in their assessment
and volunteering. These are just a few examples of common and intervention planning and implementation.

Active Learning Strategies

1. Barriers Describe the experience in your
Reflective Journal.
Think about an occupation you needed or wanted to do re-
cently but either were unable to do it or were dissatisfied
with the experience. List all of the factors that were barriers 2. Community Resources
to performing this occupation. Explore the environmental resources in your own commu-
Reflective Questions nity. Walk or drive through the neighborhood, look through
● Were the barriers primarily environmental or personal? the phone book and the newspaper. Identify low-cost and free
● For you to succeed the next time, what would need to be services. Categorize these resources in terms of the areas of oc-
different? cupation they support (e.g., work, school, instrumental activ-
● Would you make a change in yourself, or would you ities of daily living, activities of daily living, leisure, social par-
change something about the environment? ticipation). What are the strengths of your community? What
is missing from your community?

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2 Environments



The Political and Public

Policy Environment 27
M. Beth Merryman

H e who influences the thought of his times influences the times that follow.

—Elbert Hubbard

environment. The chapter begins by defining the values that

Public policy can have a significant impact on the daily lives frame current health and mental health policy in the United
of people with mental illness. For example, social security States, including the impact of deinstitutionalization, man-
disability insurance regulations influence their financial sit- aged care, political issues, and funding challenges on a com-
uations, the lack of affordable housing can lead to homeless- prehensive, coherent policy. The current funding and ad-
ness, and disincentives regarding employment often inter- ministrative structures for public and private organizations
fere with work. are described, including information on funding sources,
Public policy impacts mental health specialty practice in oc- managed care principles, and administrative and legislative
cupational therapy. The Community Mental Health Centers decision-making structures. The chapter explains how the
Construction Act of 1963 led to a deinstitutionalization move- policy agenda is established and how current mechanisms
ment in the early 1960s that ultimately reduced the number of of influence on the local, state, and national levels are iden-
residents in state and county mental health hospitals from over tified, including the impact of advocacy groups and inher-
a half million in 1956 to just over 60,000 in 1996 (Geller, 2000). ent challenges of mental health policy to the policy agenda.
Occupational therapy positions in institutions were reduced, Finally, a model for assessing policy issues relative to the
but new practice opportunities for occupational therapists in profession is presented, and policy intervention in the form
community-based mental health services were created. In a of individual, programmatic, and public policy advocacy is
similar vein, the New Freedom Commission on Mental Health discussed, emphasizing the application of this information
(NFCMH) generated a 2003 report filled with policy recom- to concerns of occupational justice.
mendations that have implications for occupational therapy
practice and advocacy (Cottrell, 2007). The Mental Health
Parity Act, scheduled to take full effect in 2010, will create op- Influence of Values on Policies
portunities for occupational therapists to create new and ex-
panded roles in mental health (Gallew, Haltiwanger, Sowers, &
and Practices
van der Heever, 2004). Societal values influence public policy and mental health
Public policies generate shifts in the organization, financ- policy in the United States. The U.S. health care system has
ing, and delivery of services and can present opportunities traditionally valued provider autonomy and consumer sov-
for the profession, but we cannot realize them if we do not ereignty over other values, such as social advocacy (Preister,
understand how policies are developed or how to shape 1992). That is, the provider, whether a physician or occupa-
them. Knowledge is power, and understanding the public tional therapist, can make his or her own decisions about the
policy environment enables professionals to advocate for ac- care provided. Consumer sovereignty means that the con-
cess to occupational therapy services and foster full social sumer can pick his or her health care provider, and decisions
participation for persons with mental illnesses. regarding treatment are made on an individual basis rather
This chapter describes the mental health public policy than categorically (i.e., everyone with a particular diagnosis
environment in the United States, with the goal of provid- receives exactly the same treatment). These values have con-
ing a broad understanding of the decision-making structure tributed to both the strengths (e.g., technology and acute
and major “players” in the mental health policymaking care) and limitations (e.g., access and community care) of

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384 PART 3 ■ Environment

the system. For example, in the United States, the technology activity and social participation instead of symptoms. Occu-
available for health care is advanced, yet some people have pational therapists have long embraced such measures of
limited access to even the most basic health care services. community participation as goals of health care interven-
Mechanic, Schlesinger, and McAlpine (1995) state that tion, a fact that was further supported in the Occupational
despite decades of growth and change, the core culture of Therapy Practice Framework (AOTA, 2008).
U.S. medicine has remained stable and resilient. This cul-
ture involves an individual versus a community view, an
emphasis on aggressive intervention and cure, and narrow Impact of Policy Decisions
biomedical measures of outcome. Consequently, health
care in the United States focuses on the individual rather
on Practice
than on equal access, acute/short-term care rather than As a result of policy decisions such as deinstitutionalization
chronic/disability care, and hospital rather than commu- and the development of various programs of social support,
nity health. The mental health system struggles because most mental health care occurs in the community (Scull,
the primary systems are not consistent with the needs of 1985). A review of key policy decisions over the past six
people with mental illness who lack access to care; have decades highlights some of the current issues affecting both
long-term, disabling illnesses; and need community care. occupational therapists and the individuals they serve
In addition, the growth of managed care in the public sec- (Table 27-1).
tor may not adequately address important values such as The policy shift toward community-based mental health
consumer empowerment and cultural competence (Emery, care emerged after World War II, with new federal monies
Glover, & Mazade, 1998). increasing the role of the federal government in mental
However, other systems do promote values that support health services, policy, and research (Grob, 2001). The Com-
the needs of people with mental illness. The World Health munity Mental Health Centers Act of 1963 was designed
Organization (2001) embraces a universalist perspective with the belief that changing the locus of care from hospital
relative to health and disability, emphasizing engagement in to community would in itself be therapeutic. However, a

Table 27-1 ● Key Policy Actions Relative to Mental Health

Impact on Occupational Therapy
Decade Major Mental Health Policy Policy Impact Practice
Post-WWII Federal funds for services, policy, and • Improved nation’s hospital system; called Increased opportunities for occupational
1950s research for evaluation of the societal impact of therapists in hospital settings; some care for
• National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) mental illness underserved
• Hill-Burton Act • Increased federal role in mental health
• Mental Health Study Act (1955) • Funding for mental health research (NIMH)
1960s Federal legislation and funding • Development of community philosophy and Increased opportunities in community-based
• Community Mental Health Centers Act initial community legislation settings, halfway houses, partial hospitalization
(1963) • Funds to construct but not staff community settings; Medicare and Medicaid funding for
• Medicare (1965) mental health centers hospital-based care
• Medicaid (1965) • Reduction of state hospital populations
• Increased coverage for treatment of
psychiatric illnesses
1970s Federal/state courts address civil rights • Emerging civil rights issues relative to Court decisions influence practice
• Social Security amendments (1972) treatment and community living environments, including physical setting,
• Right to treatment in least-restrictive • Civil rights addressed in court staffing levels, and individualized treatment
environment • Funding for startup of HMO, including plans
Health Maintenance Organization Act (1973) short-term mental health care
1980s Federal monies reduced and shifted to block • Attention to cost drives policy decisions Managed care emphasizes lower levels of
grants • Decreased lengths of stay and increased care and lower-cost professionals
• State block grants alternatives to inpatient care
• Decreased policy guidelines/requirements • Issues of access, cost, and quality emerge
Managed care in public and private sector • Advocacy more prominent
President Reagan repeals Mental Health
Systems Act (1980)
1990s Decade of the brain: increased neuroscience Scientific evidence emerges as policy issue Legal decisions supporting community-
research • Mental health as public health issue based placement creates potential for
• Report of the Surgeon General (1999) • Access to evidence-based practices increased occupational therapy role in
• Mental Health Parity Act (1996) • Antidiscrimination policies relative to care community-based settings
Continued civil rights and community life
• Americans with Disabilities Act (1990) • PL 104-21 prohibits SSDI or SSI disability
• Olmstead Act (1997) benefits for addicts or alcoholics
Expanded managed care
• Medicaid waivers
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CHAPTER 27 ■ The Political and Public Policy Environment 385

Table 27-1 ● Key Policy Actions Relative to Mental Health—cont’d

Impact on Occupational Therapy
Decade Major Mental Health Policy Policy Impact Practice
2000s Consumer rights Consumer rights drive recovery orientation Opportunities to develop independent living
New Freedom Initiative (2001) • Tension between safety and self- skills and vocational and transitional services
• Transformation grant determination for youth, adults, and elders with mental
• Waivers • Policy decision making shifts to states illnesses

negative outcome of this policy was fragmentation of serv- disorders occurred as a result of this knowledge. In 1999, the
ices. A person with mental illness is now faced with negoti- Surgeon General of the United States issued a report on
ating separate complicated systems for financial, medical, mental health, which encouraged a public health approach
employment, and housing services, which are often provided to mental health and illness, validated the biological evi-
by different agencies in different parts of the community. dence of mental disorders, articulated the value of using re-
The enactment of Medicare and Medicaid in 1965 influ- search evidence to determine interventions, and acknowl-
enced both where services were delivered and how they edged the negative effects social stigma has on recovery from
were paid for. For example, many elderly individuals were mental illness (U.S. Department of Health and Human Ser-
transferred from state mental hospitals to nursing homes, vices [USDHHS], 1999).
most of which did not provide mental health services. As The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in 1990,
private third-party payers improved mental health cover- the Mental Health Parity Act (MHPA) of 1996, and the
age (a common trend is that private insurers follow the lead Olmstead v. L.C. and E.W. decision of the U.S. Supreme
of Medicare), inpatient mental health care shifted to gen- Court (1999) all reflect policies aimed at addressing equal-
eral hospitals. The increases in outpatient mental health in- ity by eliminating discrimination against persons with dis-
surance coverage and the policy shift to the community abilities (ADA); advocating that insurance plans provide
led to drastic reductions in state and county mental hospi- equal coverage (MHPA) for mental and physical illnesses
tal populations and an increase in the numbers of episodes (Geller, 2000); and reducing community barriers to social
of care. By the late 1960s, state mental hospitals no longer participation in housing, employment, and transportation
provided long-term or custodial care but provided short- (Olmstead). On the reimbursement side, cost pressures
or intermediate-term care for persons with serious and continued, and managed care methodologies were intro-
persistent mental illness. The Social Security Act, as amended duced to reduce costs in both the private and public
in 1972, enabled those individuals whose disability pre- sectors. Payment became prospective, based on medical
cluded them from working to receive federal income sup- necessity, intensity of symptoms, and cost. Insurance
ports. This also made them eligible for Medicaid and other providers were disinclined to pay for problems of daily life
entitlements, further enabling community living for those and a movement to pay for those illnesses that were shown
with serious mental illness. to have a biological basis (e.g., mood disorders and schiz-
The 1980s brought policy shifts that greatly reduced the ophrenia). Overall, more individuals had some type of
federal government’s role in mental health. Federal funding mental health insurance coverage, but the coverage they
for mental health was reduced, and grants to local commu- had was extremely limited.
nities to meet targeted needs of their mentally ill popula- In the early 21st century, the consumer rights movement
tions were converted to state block grants, with few policy led to the adoption of a belief that symptom relief was not
guidelines or requirements (Grob, 1994; Sharfstein, 2000). enough and that individuals with mental illness should be
The primary impact of public policies for mental health fully involved in decisions about their care. The New Free-
services in the 1980s was to reduce public funding for serv- dom Initiative of 2001 called for a transformation of the
ices and impose more stringent criteria for determining dis- mental health delivery system to increase access to needed
ability benefits (Geller, 2000). Although the service needs for services and integrate Americans with disabilities into broad
persons with a serious mental illness (e.g., health care access, participation in community life (Cottrell, 2003). States are
medications, housing, transportation, employment, and ba- charged with addressing the goals and legislative mandates
sic living expenses) were evident to mental health policy- that focus on supporting full social participation in the least
makers and providers, rising health care costs led to the de- restrictive environment relative to mental health policies and
velopment of various mechanisms to limit services and administrative practices.
control costs. At the same time that states are adopting recovery-oriented
Policies in the 1990s had two major foci: an emphasis on services, some states are struggling with ways to offer man-
basic brain research and a renewed focus on creating oppor- dated community treatment alternatives that do not interfere
tunities for persons with mental illness in integrated com- with civil rights, the most well known of which is New York’s
munity settings. Basic brain research centered on under- Kendra’s Law (Monahan, Swartz, & Bonnie, 2003). Under
standing the influence of biological and genetic factors on Kendra’s Law, judges have the authority to require an individ-
serious mental illnesses such as schizophrenia and bipolar ual to receive involuntary outpatient treatment. Mental health
disorder. The development of practice guidelines, treatment advance directives also enable individuals to make decisions
algorithms, and evidence-based practice for various mental about their own treatment before any exacerbation occurs.
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386 PART 3 ■ Environment

Individuals with mental illness can identify in writing what Disability Insurance (SSDI), the Office of Vocational Reha-
treatment they want to receive or may identify a proxy who bilitation, or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
can make such decisions on their behalf should they become (TANF) may variously finance these programs. In order to
mentally incapacitated. receive the needed services, the individual must negotiate
In summary, the current mental health policy environ- this complex system and demonstrate that they meet the dif-
ment is based on a philosophy encompassing the following: ferent requirements for receiving services from each pro-
gram. The lack of a central agency or entity to coordinate
■ Inclusion versus segregation.
mental health services dilutes influence in the policymaking
■ Modest support for parity in insurance coverage be-
arena as well, which creates a vicious cycle of underfunding
tween biological and mental illnesses.
and lack of influence in the policymaking process.
■ Protection of the civil rights of the individual with men-
An adequate financing structure enables plans to be imple-
tal illness in the form of laws and administrative rules
mented; however, much of mental health planning is inade-
relative to commitment, housing, and employment.
quately financed. According to the World Health Organization
■ Provision of a safety net through basic entitlements
(2009), mental health policymakers must address three basic
that, while enabling rudimentary community life, may
financial concerns: (1) developing and sustaining an adequate
not provide necessary funding to support individual-
infrastructure to support service delivery, (2) allocation by
ized, recovery-oriented care delivery.
need and priority, and (3) reasonable control of costs. Mental
In this manner, the policy environment reflects American health financing in the United States is complex and com-
values, such as preserving the autonomy of individual con- pounded by numerous issues, not the least of which is that in-
sumers through privacy and civil rights actions; involving surance plans have traditionally imposed greater restrictions
consumers in decisions about their care through the recov- on treatment for mental illness than for medical illnesses
ery philosophy; embracing private solutions to address pub- (NFCMH, 2003). The largest payer of mental health services
lic funding challenges, such as managed care adoption in in the United States is Medicaid. Medicaid and Medicare ac-
both the private and public sectors, providing incentives for counted for 33% of all public and private mental health
quality and access through state transformation grants and spending in 1997 (Figure 27-1). Nearly a quarter (24%) of
waivers; and maintaining provider autonomy by continuing mental health spending was paid by state, local, and other fed-
to support a private system of health. It is important to note eral sources. Another quarter (26%) were covered by private
that the U.S. system is different from those in virtually all insurance, and the remaining 17% of services were paid for
other developed countries, which utilize a government-run, out of pocket (NFCMH, 2003).
single-payer system. Private, nonprofit general hospitals increasingly treat
publicly financed patients who have more severe illnesses
(Mechanic, McAlpine, & Olfson, 1998). Patients with private
Administrative Structure insurance are less likely to be admitted to inpatient beds than
are individuals whose care is publicly funded. It is therefore
and Funding critical for mental health advocates and policymakers to
According to experts, there is no single mental health policy- monitor Medicaid policy because Medicaid is the de facto
making body in the United States. Regier et al (1993) re- long-term care policy for individuals with serious mental ill-
ferred to a de facto system of entities that deliver mental ness (Grob, 1994). Other critical funding policies that im-
health services, including primary care, specialty care, hu- pact individuals with serious mental illness include those
man and social services, and voluntary sectors. The primary related to disability and income support. For example, a
care system includes internists, pediatricians, and geriatri- large and growing population of individuals comprise those
cians. The specialty care system includes the traditional receiving SSI and SSDI (Mechanic, 2008).
mental health continuum of specialty services, such as spe- The Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS) is the
cialty inpatient units, partial hospitalization programs, and federal agency that oversees state mental health plans. Each
intensive outpatient programs. The human and social serv- state develops its own plan for improving community-based
ices sector is primarily involved with individuals who have services and reducing inpatient hospitalization. Since each
serious and persistent mental illness and includes housing, state receives a block grant, and most care is delivered to
employment, and income supports. The voluntary sector
has grown tremendously as recovery has been embraced and
includes support groups, advocacy, and self-help resources.
One of the greatest challenges to care delivery is the frag-
mented mental health system (NFCMH, 2003). Fragmenta-
tion and gaps in services exist for individuals with serious 33% Medicaid/Medicare
State & Local & Other Federal
and persistent mental illness, leading to unnecessary costs
26% Private Insurance
and levels of disability, which contribute to school failure, Out of Pocket
homelessness, and incarceration (NFCMH, 2003). For exam-
ple, an individual with severe and persistent mental illness 24%
may require services that include vocational rehabilitation,
education, temporary financial assistance, services to ensure
FIGURE 27-1. Sources of mental health expenditures. The greatest
child welfare, and assistance with criminal or legal issues. sources of funding for mental health services are public dollars. Data
Multiple programs exist to provide assistance, but Medicare, from the New Freedom Commission on Mental Health Report (NFCMH,
Medicaid, Social Security Income (SSI) or Social Security 2003, p. 22).
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CHAPTER 27 ■ The Political and Public Policy Environment 387

The Lived Experience

Sarah data entry. In short, we had to accept the fact that she
I have struggled with bipolar disorder since the age of 13 or so, was disabled to a degree that it made it impossible for us
but was diagnosed at the age of 18. Until that point I was char- to assign her even the most basic tasks.
acterized as “moody,” “deep,” and sometimes “self-absorbed” In addition to these disheartening proofs of my current disabil-
by those who knew me. I talked about God and death. I cried a ity, there were many painstaking details to uncover—dates of prior
lot. I isolated myself from friends and developed a paranoid out- employment, periods of disability, accommodations made during
look on life. It was only in 1996 after a complete departure from employment, descriptions of work I was unable to do, past W2
consensus reality that my treatment for mental illness began. forms, calculated percentages of my “net worth” as a disabled
Forced to leave a top-tier college due to a period of severe psy- employee, records of my salary going back years, and finally, a
chosis, I found myself bereft of any remaining social skills, unable detailed statement by my psychiatrist confirming my disability. Ac-
to read and write due lack of concentration, and plagued by cording to my lawyer, all of this must be written in such a way that
delusions that televisions were talking to me, and that an ac- illustrated the chronicity of the illness, because when the illness
quaintance was the incarnation of Jesus. I was brought to a hos- was in remission I was much more capable and articulate.
pital and stayed one and a half weeks in an inpatient psychiatric It took months to fill out an application and to get signed doc-
unit. Barely stabilized on medication, I was released. uments from prior employers with busy schedules. With my
My ten years in recovery from bipolar disorder have not been parents’ help I uncovered old records and filled out the neces-
linear. Recovery from mental illness seldom is. It took me a long sary forms. I visited my doctor to get a statement from her con-
time to understand and accept that this illness is chronic, that it firming my disability. My lawyer then reviewed the documents
has a biological basis, and that I can’t control its flare-ups. At with us and suggested some changes. Finally, I mailed in the ap-
times I have believed I can will myself to be better. This belief of- plication. During the lag time it took for the social security office
fers a sense of control—a last effort to maintain faith in my own to respond to my request, my parents absorbed the cost of my
sanity. Fueling this lack of acceptance is a society only beginning medical care. They saved me from destitution by putting a roof
to acknowledge that mental illnesses are brain disorders. There over my head, picking up my medication, driving me to and pay-
were adult role models and friends who urged me to stop tak- ing for appointments, and supplying me with a selfless stream
ing medication. There was a teacher who implied I was lazy, not of love and care.
ill. Who would say that a person with cancer is lazy? Who would Some months later I finally received a letter confirming I
say a person with cancer does not need some kind of treatment? would receive some benefits. This was a surprisingly short time-
Some years after my first major episode in 1996 I found my- frame within which to receive benefits, considering that so many
self jobless after a period of sporadic part-time work. I called my others I know have waited up to two years for a similar outcome
local social security office to inquire about benefits, but was told with appeals and visits to court in between. However, I did not
I did not qualify to apply. This is what I would have believed to qualify for Medicaid. The type of benefits I qualified for barred me
this day had my parents not known that I had been given false from receiving immediate medical assistance, although they
information. They contacted the National Alliance on Mental Ill- would supply me with Medicare after two years on benefits. The
ness (NAMI), a national, nonprofit organization that advocates, check I received monthly was not enough to live on and get med-
supports, and educates on behalf of people with mental illness. ical care. Therefore, my parents continued to sink precious sav-
The local office supplied us with names of lawyers recom- ings into my health care.
mended by its members. These lawyers have expertise in nav- One of my greatest fears is that I will, without their support,
igating the social security system. How ironic that to get the help one day end up on the streets—a victim of a malfunctioning sys-
I desperately needed, I would have to pay out a percentage of tem. I am, today, living proof that people can recover with proper
any retroactive benefits to an expert on navigating bureaucracy. care. I was privileged to receive such care during the time when
Now equipped with the help of this expert I began a lengthy I most acutely needed it. Without treatment would I still be walk-
application for benefits. Already debilitated due to acute illness, ing the streets of the nation’s capital blessing buildings, having
I was forced to approach prior employers for written proof of my conversations with imagined spirits, and approaching strangers?
disability. The following is an excerpt from a letter written by a pre- So many other people do not have the kind of support I have
vious employer who took the time to help me apply for benefits: had. This keeps them from being able to pursue the type of re-
We were struck with the realization that the bipolar disor- covery I have achieved.
der was permanent and that the severity of it was likely to Today I hold a full-time job with NAMI, the organization that
be cyclical. Therefore, we could not rely on Sarah to per- helped me become an advocate, and I have the life every per-
form the whole range of duties for which she was hired. son deserves. I have a meaningful job, friends and family, my own
We continued to see evidence of significant memory apartment, a pet, music, books, poetry, and so much more. It
lapses. As we tried to give her more responsibilities again, shames me that our country does not adequately support indi-
we also found that she had great difficulty with relatively viduals with mental illness and that our systems hold us back
simple numerical calculations and with the accuracy of her from the successes we truly can achieve.
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388 PART 3 ■ Environment

individuals eligible for Medicaid, there are as many public Every state has some type of Medicaid-managed mental
mental health systems as there are states. Therefore, states health care program (Smith, Kennedy, Knipper, & O’Brien,
differ in terms of availability, types of services, and quality of 2005). Some of the benefits from a managed care structure
care. In addition, since so many recipients of public mental include initial access to diagnosis and treatment, a flexible
health services meet the eligibility requirements for Medic- continuum of services designed to reduce unnecessary inpa-
aid in terms of poverty and disability, Medicaid policy is tient hospitalization, and cost savings associated with the
closely tied to state mental health policy. ability to negotiate volume and reduced fees from providers
Another complexity of mental health financing is the (Mowbray, Grazier, & Holter, 2002). As a result, there may be
emergence of managed care as the preferred cost-containment reduced access to comprehensive care for individuals with
strategy in both the private and public sectors. Americans more severe and persistent illnesses and incentives to cut
with private insurance generally have mental health and sub- costs at the expense of continuity of care. For example, man-
stance abuse coverage through employer-based managed care aged care systems often use a “fail-first” policy, which re-
(Iglehart, 1996). Managed care is the predominant financing stricts access to higher cost services unless the individual
mechanism, with financial incentives aimed at controlling “fails” at a lower level of care.
costs. Such measures include cost-sharing through copay- Public sector–managed care often takes the form of
ments, deductibles, or co-insurance on the part of the policy- statewide waivers. States are given the opportunity to apply
holder (demand side) and gatekeeping (need for preautho- for Medicaid waivers from the federal government to support
rization of referrals to specialists), credentialing and provider innovation in care delivery without raising costs. States apply
panels, fee schedules, and capitation on the part of providers to waive either part of Medicaid requirements so that they can
of services (supply side). support novel programming or all Medicaid requirements in
Capitation involves an insurer paying a fixed amount per order to replace them with the state’s proposed Medicaid plan.
enrollee in the plan; this system encourages the provider As the private sector learns to work with individuals with
group to think about delivering care in the most efficient more complex mental health needs, the public sector increas-
manner, because the group manages most of the economic ingly finds itself competing for private funds.
risk. This often includes strategies such as hiring nonphysi-
cians for lower-cost services, such as brief psychotherapy,
and developing alternative delivery systems to inpatient care,
such as intensive outpatient programs. Ongoing Policy Issues
Private mental health insurance is typically provided Several ongoing policy issues affect occupational therapy
through either a prepaid practice or a health maintenance or- practitioners and the individuals they serve:
ganization (HMO), or it is contracted out and managed sep-
arately from other aspects of the insurance coverage, which is ■ What will be covered?
known as a “carve-out” contract. Carved-out plans enable ac- ■ Who can provide services?
cess to specialists and services that are not common in ■ How will care be funded and allotted?
HMOs, such as case management and psychosocial rehabili- ■ How will evidence-based practice be supported in
tation. Carve-out plans are most helpful for individuals with routine practice?
serious and persistent mental illness who benefit from a ■ How can we deal with the challenges of stigma?
range of mental health services that would not likely meet the
medical necessity criteria adhered to by HMOs (Goldman, What Will Be Covered?
McCulloch, & Sturm, 1998; Mechanic, 1998). The HMO
structure, in contrast with the carve-out model, is more inte- Regardless of the source of payment, decisions must be
grated between physical and mental health care, making made regarding what conditions will be covered by insur-
access to general medical care and necessary prescriptions ance. There is disagreement on this issue among various
theoretically easier. stakeholder groups. Managed care organizations use the cri-
Some believe that the adoption of managed care in both teria of “medical necessity,” which often covers initial access
the public and private sectors has created a crisis in financ- for evaluation and brief treatment and is less likely to cover
ing and access to mental health care (Applebaum, 2003). For long-term treatment, presenting challenges for individuals
example, most acute inpatient mental health care occurs in with serious and persistent mental illnesses.
the private sector despite an individual’s insurance status. There is ongoing tension about what mental health diag-
The financial risks of providing costly inpatient care are noses will be covered by insurance. Some constituent groups
borne by the hospital, resulting in a serious impact on access advocate covering “biological illnesses” rather than “problems
and care delivery. Hospitals are seeing more acutely ill pa- of daily living.” This means that diagnoses determined to have
tients and discharging them more rapidly because of pres- a biological basis, such as mood disorders and schizophrenia,
sures of managed care (McKusick, Mark, King, Coffey, & are covered, but other DSM-IV-TR diagnoses, such as a per-
Genuardi, 2002). Monitoring these strategies adds adminis- sonality disorder, are not. This language was supported by
trative costs to providers introduces potential issues of con- advocates for mental health parity to counteract opposing
tinuity of care for service recipients. Potential issues include arguments that mental health parity would have catastrophic
whether an individual’s mental health coverage includes ac- economic consequences due to fears of extreme consumer de-
cess to levels of care other than inpatient or whether social mand for outpatient psychotherapy. A recent study found that
issues such as transportation or ability to meet copayments the adoption of mental health parity along with managed care
impede access. restrictions for federal employee health plans did not lead to
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CHAPTER 27 ■ The Political and Public Policy Environment 389

catastrophic cost increases (Goldman et al, 2006). The study illness while not denying needed care. As a result, states have
found that despite increased use of mental health services and grappled with various forms of outpatient commitment/
increased costs, this effect was also seen in private sector insur- treatment protocols; the role of the criminal justice system;
ance that had not adopted parity for mental health care and rights of the individual, families, and the community; and
was primarily due to inflation and increases in health insur- definitions of medical necessity that often preclude interven-
ance premiums rather than to elimination of therapy caps. tion until the individual is completely unable to function.

Who Can Provide Services? How Will Evidence-Based Practice

Be Supported in Routine Practice?
Another key policy decision involves who can provide service.
One of the most challenging interprofessional issues to emerge A 2001 Institute of Medicine report stated that the time be-
includes direct access to nonphysician mental health pro- tween research discoveries of treatment effectiveness and the
viders for diagnosis, treatment, and medication. The medical incorporation of this evidence into routine care could some-
profession has employed aggressive influence to prevent psy- times take over a decade (Institute of Medicine, 2001). This
chologists, nurses, and other licensed mental health providers issue was specifically addressed in the Surgeon General’s re-
from performing diagnostic and prescribing activities. Many port on mental health (USDHHS, 1999) and again by the
states designate certain licensed disciplines (e.g., psycholo- NFCMH (2003). Both reports called for support for the dis-
gists, social workers, marriage and family counselors) as Qual- semination of technologies that demonstrate positive re-
ified Mental Health Providers (QMHPs). Designation as a search outcomes. States and accrediting agencies are invested
QMHP allows a service provider to diagnose illnesses, provide in this issue. States are challenged to meet the demands of
interventions, request involuntary commitment, and so on. In evidence-based practice fidelity due to funding and staffing
practice, the designation also determines which disciplines issues, and accrediting agencies and payers are interested in
will or will not get reimbursed. No state identifies occupa- whether programs are using best practices supported by re-
tional therapists as QMHPs, although in some states, such as search evidence and are applying pressure to do so. Nonethe-
Pennsylvania, they are considered “noncore” professionals less, to incorporate these effective services or treatments into
who can provide mental health care and can be reimbursed practice, both public and private funders must constantly
for services. Exclusion from QMHP status restricts reimburse- examine their coverage rules to support the adoption of new
ment, reduces access to occupational therapy services, and in interventions. Presently, a practitioner seeking reimburse-
some cases results in lower pay for occupational therapists, ment for a new, effective treatment would have to work with
particularly in community-based settings. Occupational ther- the consumer to navigate the financing systems to get the ap-
apists have not been advocating for prescription writing or di- propriate permissions or waivers (NFCMH, 2003).
agnostic ability but to provide mental health services accord- Additional challenges to implementing policies and admin-
ing to state practice acts, typically in a community setting. istrative practices that support integration of evidence-based
research into practice include funding problems, turnover of
How Will Care Be Funded and Allotted? key state leaders, state bureaucracies, competing priorities, and
lack of incentives (Goldman et al, 2001; Mechanic, 2002). This
Although most professionals agree that mental health care demonstrates that the historic fragmentation of the delivery
funding should follow individual clients and be allotted to system, lack of a policy champion, and divided responsibility
community-based settings, there is often resistance to imple- of mental health service and delivery continues to negatively
menting such reforms. One challenge is mistrust in this pol- impact basic quality of and access to care.
icy area due to a history of underfunding. Mistrust may cause
tension between hospital-based providers and community How Can We Deal With Challenges
providers who fear that an increase in allotted community of Stigma?
mental health funding will come at the expense of reduced
state hospital funding. Economic and political concerns An inherent challenge to mental health policy is the stigma
about hospital closings and job loss may emerge, including attached to mental illness. Mass media portrayals of individ-
community concerns about housing and characteristics of uals with mental illness often emphasize dangerousness and
the population joining the community. Some believe that unpredictability. Research has shown that most individuals
further broadening the mental health service delivery system get information about mental illness from mass media
makes for more fragmentation and diffuse spending without sources despite statistics showing that one in four American
a central accountable agency. adults experience a diagnosable mental disorder in any given
Different priorities among consumer and advocate groups year (Kessler, Chiu, Demler, & Walters, 2005). Studies indi-
also impact the policy agenda. For example, the National cate the American public increasingly believes in the biolog-
Alliance for Mental Illness, which primarily comprises family ical basis of mental disorders and that most desire additional
members, has supported initiatives such as the adoption of education and information about mental illness (Corrigan &
involuntary commitment laws to include conditions such as Penn, 1999).
“gravely disabled” and the expansion of assertive community From a policymaking perspective, where competition for
treatment programs, whereas consumer organizations such a place on the decision agenda and for limited funds is high,
as the National Empowerment Center oppose these policies. it is important that stigma be decreased. The population
Many of these conflicts are centered on the challenge of sup- served by mental health policy is broad and heterogeneous
porting the civil rights of individuals with serious mental and includes children, adults, and the elderly. The issues are
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390 PART 3 ■ Environment

just as complex and include oversight and approval of med- Schneider and Ingram (1993) discuss how the social con-
ications, education support, employment discrimination, struction of various populations determines success in get-
mandatory outpatient interventions, civil rights, and fair ting on the policy agenda. They posit that some conditions
and safe housing alternatives. It is challenging to advocate are positively constructed, and the public feels these deserve
that additional public funds be allotted to a population that policy attention, whereas some are negatively constructed
because of fear or misunderstanding is viewed by the public and appear less deserving of policy benefits. In this typology,
as undeserving. Nonetheless, to transform the mental health for example, conditions with known biological causes, such
service delivery system, occupational therapists must play a as Alzheimer disease, are more positively socially con-
leading role in helping people increase their understanding structed, whereas a condition that is less understood and
of mental illness and in decreasing the stigma toward both seen by some as being within the control of an individual,
persons with mental illnesses and the act of seeking help to such as substance dependence, is more negatively socially
maintain one’s mental health. constructed.
The second aspect of policy formulation includes identify-
ing potential policy alternative solutions, which are based on
Basics of Policymaking the defined policy problem. Interest groups, or groups of indi-
viduals who are organized around a common interest and seek
Policymaking is a decision-making process that includes to influence public policy, are important participants because
three interdependent phases (Longest, 2002): they often can present alternatives to current policies that re-
1. Policy formulation—problem definition and weighing flect the needs of their constituencies (Weissert & Weissert,
alternatives. 1996). Three key strategies are employed by interest groups to
2. Policy implementation—action and decisions in im- influence policy:
plementation process. ■ Lobbying for a particular policy alternative.
3. Policy modification—incrementalism. ■ Grassroots organizing to promote or block a particular
policy alternative.
Policy Formulation ■ Contributing to campaigns through political action
committees (PACs).
The public policy agenda consists of issues that are com-
monly perceived by members of the political community as Interest groups have grown exponentially in the past
meriting attention (although not necessarily action) and 30 years. Groups with interests in mental health include
falling within the community’s legitimate domain or juris- those seeking influence on the part of various provider
diction. Kingdon (1995) states that in order for an “issue” to groups, such as occupational therapists, states, private insur-
become a policy problem that makes it onto the agenda, it ers, consumers of care, families, community activists, legal
must have the ability to evoke a relatively uniform public re- activists, hospitals, and employers. In general, interest
sponse and be “solvable.” It also helps if there is someone, groups are more successful with single, narrow issues rather
such as a policy entrepreneur, committed to its success. than broad legislation. One recent trend is the development
Elected officials advocate for policy formation when they of temporary coalitions around issues such as fair and safe
define problems by giving them a “human face” (Stone, housing by groups with a single common interest. These col-
1989), such as by portraying “average citizens” struggling be- laborations typically do not last beyond the interest.
cause of the policy problem or benefiting from the proposed Policy alternatives are generated in a few ways, including
policy solution. Examples could include senior citizens examining the traditional types of alternatives (Table 27-3),
needing to choose between buying prescriptions or food and adopting what has been successful elsewhere, and working
homeless persons with serious mental illness and/or addic- with what is already the policy alternative by making incre-
tion dying from hypothermia. One direct way occupational mental (small and politically possible) changes. Identifying
therapists can support policy formation is to provide their multiple alternative policies for addressing an issue allows for
elected leaders with the personal stories that assist them in some comparisons of both how the problem is perceived and
defining a policy problem and gaining public support for its what may be the best approaches to a solution to the prob-
placement on the policy agenda. lem. An example is pulling a medication from the market

Table 27-2 ● Indicators That Determine the Policy Agenda

Indicator Example One Policy Solution
Crisis/focusing event Incident at Columbine led to increased interest in Direct service: Afterschool programs
middle school–aged youth, alienation, and bullying
Change in respected indicator Relatively poor health outcomes for infants Expanding current alternative: Children’s Health Insurance
and children Program (CHIP)
New technology and knowledge Information on risk of self-harm and children Rule: Adopting a “black box” warning on SSRI prescriptions for
and teens with depression on selective children and adolescents
serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
Public opinion Rising drug costs to seniors Direct service: A market-oriented Congress supported the current
Medicare Part D prescription plan
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agree on the alternative solution, and assign it to a knowl-

Table 27-3 ● Policy Alternatives edgeable group of individuals with authority and accounta-
Typical Alternative Example bility for its execution. There is rarely immediate and unified
agreement among stakeholders; the participants come and go
Subsidy Provide additional funds to providers who treat during the process; there is rarely a structured outline and
underserved populations timeline of decision point (rather, decisions evolve over
Tax Pay for expanded health coverage by tax on time); and although the alternative may have improved some
cigarettes aspects of the issue, it likely does not fully “solve” the prob-
Incentive Reward for adoption of desired policy, such as lem. An example is legislation that is the product of compro-
recruiting diverse student pool mise, such as the Medicare Modernization Act, which in-
Rule Requirement to participate, such as license to cludes the Medicare Prescription Drug Plan, or Medicare
provide care Part D. Legislation is passed, but the implementation involves
Direct service Demonstration project of new program assignment to an agency with oversight provided by another
Events can change the implementation process; for exam-
ple, election results that alter party control can dramatically
(preferred alternative of the Food and Drug Administration change legislative and fiscal priorities as well as administra-
and some consumers and advocates) versus doing nothing tive leadership in agencies through political appointments. In
and leaving the medication on the market (preferred alterna- addition, civil servants with technical expertise may transfer,
tive of the pharmaceutical industry and some professionals be reassigned, retire, or impact implementation through
and consumers) versus permitting it to stay on the market funding shifts or other forms of political influence.
with a “black box” warning label of potential risks and in- Policy implementation evolves, adapts, and comes with un-
creased monitoring from psychiatrists (compromise based intended consequences. Several authorities discuss the chal-
on scientific evidence). It is most common to choose the lenges of implementation. Kingdon (1995) states that fluid
alternative that requires the least controversy and cost. Inter- participation of participants and unclear technologies impede
est groups or their representatives compare alternatives in successful implementation. Hargrove (1981) identifies features
several ways, including identifying criteria by which they will that support implementation, including ensuring that the pol-
be evaluated and examining positive and negative conse- icy alternative has explicit boundaries, goals and objectives,
quences (e.g., cost, morbidity, independence) to determine and overtly defined trade-offs. He states that there are two
what is gained and lost. phases of implementation: passing the law and making it hap-
Another consideration is whether the public can support pen. It is important to realize that policy implementation is not
the alternative. Community placement of drug treatment the end of the process. Opportunities arise to influence policy
settings is an example of a fractious policy for which public during and after implementation, and interest groups are very
support is challenging. This is the NIMBY (not in my back involved in policy modification.
yard) phenomenon that often shows up when decisions
about opening a substance abuse treatment center are dis- Policy Modification
cussed in a public venue. Geographic barriers relative to ac-
cess are accentuated when such programs are concentrated Inevitably, the implementation of a policy presents unintended
in one area or neighborhood (Wolch, 1996). Another exam- consequences. Policies need to be modified. This modification
ple was the compromise reached in the federal Mental process is parallel to a practitioner fine-tuning a treatment
Health Parity Act of 1996. It was found that the public would plan to address a person’s problem of occupational function-
support aspects of parity for mental illness, but such support ing: an intervention plan to address the problem is generated
eroded when treatment for substance abuse was included in through a collaborative process with the person (formulation),
the plan. The final version that was enacted did not include which is followed by a series of interventions (implementa-
substance abuse. Once a policy alternative is chosen, it pro- tion) that help both the consumer and practitioner realize that
ceeds to implementation. the plan needs to be modified to ensure success (modifica-
tion). One example of a policy modification is the decision to
waive Medicare Part D late enrollment penalties for the first
Policy Implementation year for dually eligible individuals. As this policy was imple-
The challenge of policy implementation is that it occurs with mented, it became clear that there were unanticipated prob-
a different group of participants than those who defined the lems with consumers and their families understanding enroll-
problem. On the federal level, this includes employees of ment directives and accessing sign-up. No policy is 100%
government agencies that issue regulations for carrying out successful; errors and other challenges due to communication
the law, such as the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Ser- and access difficulties are common.
vices (CMS), Social Security Administration (SSA), and Oc-
cupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). This
is the stage of policymaking during which interest groups, Policy Impact on Occupational
such as the American Occupational Therapy Political Action
Committee (AOTPAC) or the National Alliance on Mental
Therapy: A Model for Analysis
Illness (NAMI), are most active. One way to understand how policies influence occupational
Policy implementation is not a systematic, linear process therapy practice is to apply a model that identifies and ana-
by which experts rationally define a problem, unanimously lyzes internal and external influences First, aspects of the
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392 PART 3 ■ Environment

issue relative to the profession of occupational therapy (in- system, a programmatic effort of advocacy might include the
ternal influences related to practice, education, administra- following:
tion, and research) are examined. Then, outside influences
■ Direct service alternative—providing key decision
(external issues including historical, political, economic, and
makers with a proposal for services or a state associa-
social influences) are examined. This model assists in under-
tion position paper taking a stand on the issue.
standing the complexity of an issue beyond what may seem
■ Incentive alternative—volunteering for a task force or
obvious (Morris, 2000). An example of application of the
board membership.
model is provided in Figure 27-2. The figure presents policy
■ Subsidy alternative—including in the proposal for
issues that affect occupational therapy’s role in community
services a fieldwork program model in which students
based practice. By identifying and understanding the policy
serve to extend programmatic offerings in community
issues, occupational therapists can better work to influence
mental health.
■ Rule alternative—working, as a member of the state as-
In the example in Figure 27-2, the general policy prob-
sociation and in conjunction with the national office,
lem is identified as “increased mental health costs and de-
to advocate for the recognition of occupational thera-
creased access to mental health care,” and the proposed alter-
pists as QMHPs in the state.
native by the occupational therapy profession is to expand
the role for occupational therapy in community mental
health. On the professional level, then, an organized, multi-
faceted policy discussion would ensue. For example, a reso-
lution might be proposed to the representative assembly to Evidence-Based Practice
address the need to prepare occupational therapy students
for roles in community mental health. A variety of policy al-
ternatives might be generated: A dvocacy interventions address issues at the individual,
programmatic, and policy levels.
➤ Occupational therapists can advocate for clients at the indi-
■ Direct service alternative—involve a task force to ex-
vidual level by providing client documentation to decision-
amine current practice influences. making agencies in support of issues such as the following:
■ Rule alternative—involve curriculum mandates rela- • Additional intervention (third-party payer).
tive to mental health content and fieldwork. • Housing decision (agency leadership).
■ Incentive alternative—involve focused grant funding • Funding decision (disability determination).
by the professional association for projects that lead to
➤ Occupational therapists can advocate for clients at the
increased practice in community mental health that re- individual level by advising clients or family members of their
sults in measurable outcomes. rights, such as by providing information on the following:
■ Subsidy alternative—involve the private or public em- • Appealing decisions to policymakers (school system).
ployment sector in mental health, providing a stipend • Contacting agencies for additional services (safety net).
or tuition remission for graduates who work in com- • Civil rights (ADA, Olmstead Act, Fair Housing Act).
munity mental health. ➤ Occupational therapists can advocate for clients at the
Once a policy alternative is selected, the process moves to programmatic level by becoming involved in organizations
implementation. Implementation from this example would and presenting information and advice on the benefits of
involve participants designing and following through with policy change. This can be accomplished by occupational
therapists volunteering, joining a board, and making a formal
each action item. Then, reports and other data that were
presentation (e.g., get invited to present to key groups; write
generated from the alternatives might be assembled into a focused letters to decision makers; solicit position papers
position paper demonstrating benefits of occupational ther- from state organizations; solicit letters of support).
apy in community mental health that could be presented by
AOTA or AOTPAC representatives to key policymakers on ➤ Occupational therapists can advocate for clients at the
policy level by getting involved with key decision makers
the federal and/or state levels. Policy modification is often
and building relationships through:
the point at which the profession is involved, because once • Regular written contact with decision makers/legislators.
policies are implemented, unintended consequences arise. • Staying abreast of professional issues on the federal and
For example, if the chosen alternative to improve access and state levels.
reduce cost was unsuccessful or revealed complexities unan- • Joining national and state occupational therapy associations.
ticipated in the original policy decision, there is another op- • Taking a leadership role or joining a task force.
portunity to propose the occupational therapy alternative. • Joining an advocacy group.
In this case, those who are prepared with brief, succinct data • Joining the board of directors of an agency.
that demonstrates effectiveness can be successful over time. • Volunteering on a key work group that determines policy.
In other words, many changes emerge over time in the • Contributing funds.
policy modification process, not just as the first chosen Goodman-Lavey, M., & Dunbar, S. (2003). Federal legislative advocacy
alternative. In G. McCormack, E. Jaffe, & M. Goodman-Lavey (Eds.) The Occupa-
If the issue example included an occupational therapist tional Therapy Manager (4th ed.) (pp. 424–430). Bethesda, MD: AOTA
becoming aware of state funding for transforming the public
Sandstrom, R. W., Lohman, H., & Bramble, J. D. (2009). Effecting policy
mental health system due to a defined policy problem of not change: Therapist as advocate. In Health services: Policy and stems for
meeting state-mandated mental health recovery standards therapists (2nd ed.) (pp. 266–275). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
by developing a plan to apply for grant funds to improve the
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CHAPTER 27 ■ The Political and Public Policy Environment 393

Policy Issue Analysis

Issue: Expanding the role for occupational therapy in community mental health practice

Internal Aspects:


Practice Trends
• Most U.S. mental health OT practice occurs in hospital-based settings
• Profession’s adoption of OTPF encourages attention to community participation/recovery
• Managed care demands efficiency and attention to productivity

• Entry-level focus on basic psychopathology and OTPF
• Continuing education focus on community practice, recovery model, and advanced skills/credentials
• Current standards do not prepare OTs to meet criteria as a qualified mental health practitioner (QMHP)

• “Manpower” issue — are there enough therapists? Do they want to practice in this area?
• Regulatory issues determine roles — can OT be recognized as a QMHP?
• Current reimbursement reinforces medical model
• Scope of practice supports broader role
• Supervision needs/mentoring for new roles — by whom?

• Evidence-based research relative to profession and mental health — who is doing it?

External Influences:

• Alliance with moral treatment and mental hygiene movement to biological basis of illness and neuroscience and genetic findings of past decade
• Civil rights and individual self-determination drive policy shifts to community from institutional care
• Skyrocketing costs promote exploration of alternatives to inpatient care

• Federal civil rights legislation and administrative actions support recovery philosophy, but not funding
• New Freedom Commission on Mental Health report lists multiple recommendations that are consistent with OTPF
• Potential to link with MH survivors and recovery-oriented grass roots organizations in strategic alliances to transform mental health service
delivery systems

• Costs of care increase — desire for lower cost alternatives
• Cost shifting from payers to providers to individuals
• Chronic lack of funding for public mental health
• Increased attention to funding outcomes-based programs
• Consumer advocacy activities increase demand for quality
• Politics of the population — how perceived by the public?
• States have multiple competing health and social priorities to fund
• Organizational politics — state hospitals, community mental health at odds
• Provider conflicts divide potential coalitions and impact success

• Increase in numbers of aging/disabled populations
• Increased diversity of population and mental health needs
• Increased involvement of adult/juvenile justice system
• Stigma of conditions/treatment impact?
• Effects of poverty, racism, and geography on access

FIGURE 27-2. Example of policy issue analysis. In the United States, occupational therapists have had limited visibility and influence in the area
of community-based mental health. This figure identifies policies that have influenced community-based practice both within and outside of the
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394 PART 3 ■ Environment

Occupational Justice and The person-environment-occupation model addresses

the multiple aspects of the environment that impact so-
Intervention in Public Policy cial participation. Theorists discuss the multiple aspects
of the environment that impact client performance and
A discussion has emerged in the occupational therapy and engagement in valued roles (Law et al, 2003). Five envi-
occupational science literature regarding the political as- ronmental domains have been described: physical, social,
pects of occupation. Townsend (2004) discussed the role cultural, socioeconomic, and institutional/organizational.
of social justice in occupational therapy practice, and It is clear that public policy impacts the person and his or
Townsend and Wilcock (2004) introduced the concept of her environment in all five domains.
occupational justice: “the equitable opportunity and re-
sources to enable people’s engagement in meaningful occu-
pations (p. 85).” Watson and Swartz (2004) ask if we are
ready to make occupation a political issue in terms of em- Assessment and Intervention
powering others relative to sustainable livelihoods, service
integration, and social inclusiveness. of Client Needs: An Occupational
Kronenberg, Algado, and Pollard (2005) identify “political Justice Perspective
activities of daily living” and state that the overarching aim of
occupational therapy intervention is social integration. These Case Example
political activities of daily living include advocacy activities
on behalf of marginalized populations and empowering such The following case example depicts the impact of
individuals and communities to exercise agency on their own public policy on the five environmental domains of physi-
behalf. The authors challenge therapists to collaborate with cal, social, cultural, socioeconomic, and institutional/
those individuals who are powerful and those who are mar- organizational.
ginalized to promote social change. Certainly, understanding Joe is a 23-year-old single male with a diagnosis of
the policymaking process assists occupational therapy practi- schizophrenia, paranoid type. Joe first became ill
tioners in advocating for access to needed services; adequate when he went away to college at age 18. He found the
funding for safe, affordable housing; civil rights of individu- transition challenging and began isolating himself,
als with mental illnesses relative to securing viable education drinking, and smoking marijuana to cope with the
and employment; and reducing social stigma to promote full stresses of managing five classes and his life each
participation in environments of choice. Terms relative to oc- week. He became increasingly paranoid and suspi-
cupational justice are defined with examples in Box 27-1. cious and began staying in his dorm room. His room-
mate eventually complained to the resident assistant
that Joe was behaving and speaking bizarrely, claiming
that the campus administration was tapping his
BOX 27-1 ■ Occupational Justice Terminology phone and that he had to stay in bed to hide from the
Occupational alienation: When a person’s need for meaningful and Joe was hospitalized and left campus at that time.
health-promoting occupations is unmet or systematically denied. He has been in and out of inpatient, partial hospital-
Example: Do mental health policies support an individual’s ability to ization, and community programs for the past five
find meaning in daily life? Do such policies deny opportunities for years. Inpatient hospitalization has typically been pre-
health promotion? Occupational alienation can occur as an unin- cipitated by Joe’s return to drinking, smoking mari-
tended consequence, for example, when funds are cut or limits are juana, and refusing to take his psychotropic medica-
set on which medications are available or when policies restrict em- tions. The longest that Joe has remained out of
ployment by denying crucial benefits such as health care when an inpatient care over the past five years was 16 months.
individual becomes employed, thereby denying a valued activity.
Occupational deprivation: When an individual experiences
Joe was living with his mother until this last hospital-
daily life as meaningless and purposeless. Example: As a result of ization. She has now decided that Joe needs to develop
organizational policies, are individuals able to exercise personal life skills and can best learn these in a supported
agency/self-determination in terms of valued activities and role housing environment and community rehabilitation
development toward personally meaningful occupations, such as program. Joe agrees but does not see the impact of
employee, parent, student, and home maintainer? Do such poli- substance use on his relapse history and overall illness
cies by design involve those individuals who are most affected management. Joe has recently been awarded SSI in
(e.g., clients and families) in the design of intervention plans? the amount of $700 per month. He also has Medicaid
Occupational imbalance: When sufficient variations in daily oc- coverage, and the state that he lives in provides
cupations that are necessary to sustain well-being are rendered im- pharmacy assistance that enables him to afford his
possible due to personal or societal circumstances. Example: Do
organizational policies support personal choice of activity? Is there
too much of the same and too little variation for balance, due to To assist Joe in developing needed life skills and re-
funding challenges, staffing issues, or other organizational barriers? suming valued roles as he recovers, the occupational ther-
apist uses the person-environment-occupation frame-
Definitions adapted from Wood, W., Hooper, B., & Womack, J. (2005). work to examine Joe’s wants and needs. The person aspect
Reflections on occupational justice as a sub-text of occupation-centered includes Joe’s wants, skills, and capacities relative to com-
education. In F. Kronenberg, S. Algado, & N. Pollard (Eds.), Occupational
Therapy Without Borders (p. 378–389). New York: Elsevier.
munity living, which the occupational therapist addresses
through assessment.
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CHAPTER 27 ■ The Political and Public Policy Environment 395

The environment aspect includes an examination of phys- based on the fit between his personal factors and what
ical, social, cultural, socioeconomic, and institutional/ the environment provides and demands (Brown, 2009).
organizational aspects of Joe’s situation. Environmental When Joe’s engagement in valued occupations is
knowledge relative to public policy includes the following: restricted, an occupational justice approach may be
■ Physical environment—What are Joe’s housing
From an occupational justice perspective, the occu-
options? What is the available housing market in
pational therapist working with Joe would be interested
Joe’s community for someone with his income?
in the degree of self-determination that Joe is able to ex-
What degree of involvement will Joe will have in
ercise relative to choice of housing and housing charac-
determining his housing situation? This might
teristics. Is Joe offered the opportunity to choose the ac-
include geographic location, which could impact
tivities that comprise his daily life? Simple daily choices,
continuity of care, transportation, and safety, as well
such as preferred foods, valued activities, and respect for
as living arrangements, such as roommate(s), rules
religious and cultural practices impact quality of life
relative to taking medications and using substances,
and determine whether the organizations that serve
and amount of supervision.
Joe support a recovery framework or alienate, deprive,
■ Social environment—Is Joe aware of recovery-
or marginalize service recipients. Social or community
oriented consumer rights and support services? Are
aspects reflecting issues of occupational justice include
services coordinated in this state or fragmented and
cost of housing and availability of safe, affordable hous-
geographically dispersed? Are consumers involved in
ing and transportation. Institutional/system aspects
policymaking at the state and organizational/agency
include whether such policies support recovery or fur-
levels? Is there a NAMI affiliate or other venue for
ther marginalize recipients with restrictive barriers to
Joe’s family to access for support and education?
employment participation, refusal to cover effective
Is there a venue for Joe if he needs to advocate for
medications because of cost, or recommending dis-
assistance with living situation, legal needs,
charge from all services once minimal function is
pharmacy assistance, or other need relative to
successful community tenure?
In terms of occupational justice, the occupational
■ Cultural environment—Does Joe’s environment
therapist is interested in whether Joe has access to
support the expression of his values and beliefs?
needed services and resources to engage in valued activ-
■ Socioeconomic environment—Can Joe live on his
ities in his community of choice. For example, the de-
disability check? What resources are available to
gree of self-determination in his living environment
assist him?
and skill-building program is significant, as is his ability
■ Institutional/organizational/agency environment—
to access social resources of interest. Attention to occu-
What services are available in Joe’s community
pational issues will support Joe in rebuilding a life of
relative to skill building and role performance?
meaning based on his valued interests and goals relative
Are evidence-based practices, such as supported
to recovery.
employment and family psychoeducation, available?
If so, are they reimbursed by Medicaid? Do state
policies support a recovery framework? Are there
specialized and accessible services for individuals Summary
such as Joe who struggle with medication
Occupational therapists who work in mental health must
compliance and substance abuse, placing them in a
understand the structure and financing mechanisms of the
higher risk category relative to criminal justice
mental health system as well as the social, legal, and other
involvement or homelessness? Will Joe have access
influences that affect the daily lives of individuals with men-
to occupational therapy after he leaves a hospital-
tal illness. Necessary knowledge includes federal, state, and
based environment? Is the occupational therapist
local laws, policies, and agencies that support the needs of
considered a mental health provider in this state?
individuals with mental illness living in the community.
The occupation aspect of the case refers to Joe’s ability Such knowledge can be used to advocate for, develop, or
to engage in valued activities of daily life (occupations) provide access to occupational therapy services.

Active Learning Strategies

1. Educate Yourself About Current ● Can you identify how the profession exercised influence
Policy Issues in the design and/or modification of the selected policy?
Who were our allies? What were the outcomes? Were
● Go to the American Occupational Therapy Association
there any unintended consequences? If the information
website ( Click on the Legislative Action
is not clear, consider calling or writing the AOTA
Center tab. Click on any of the Current Issues and learn
Federal Affairs Department at (301) 652-2682,
more about current legislation that may impact the occu-
extension 2010.
pational therapy profession in mental health.
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396 PART 3 ■ Environment

● Read the synopsis provided by AOTA, then go to one of 5. Explore Requirements for Being a
the following sites to learn more and track the progress Qualified Mental Health Practitioner
of the bill. in Your State
● Thomas Library of Congress:
● Google “Qualified Mental Health Practitioner JOBS” and
● GovTrack USA:
compare the variety of positions that come up. Discuss
● Open Congress:
with peers whether occupational therapists have the skill
● Note if a representative or senator from your state has
set to compete for some of these jobs.
signed on as a cosponsor. If not, consider calling or writ-
● Use your state’s Department of Health and Human Ser-
ing to your representative. There are links from the
vices or State Licensure website to identify what disci-
AOTA’s Legislative Action Center to help you find your
plines have been designated QMHP in your state.
legislator and preformatted letters to get you started.
● List the types of services QMHPs are able to perform

in your state.
2. Bring a Bill to Class
● Compare the educational requirements of disciplines

● Go to the Library of Congress site ( with QMHP status with your own mental health
and type in the name of a bill. The AOTA Legislative training in your occupational therapy curriculum.
Action Center can help you identify the specific name of ● Divide your class and debate whether occupational

the bill; for example, Medicare Home Health Flexibility therapists should be identified as QMHPs in your state.
Act of 2009 or the bill number (e.g., H.R. 1094). Have half the students argue for and the other half ar-
● Enter the title or bill number and then follow the link to gue against occupational therapists being designated as
get the text of the legislation; print, read, and bring to QMHPs.
class to share.
● Use the model for analysis of a practice issue to analyze 6. Learn About Your Congressional
this bill. Representatives
3. Find Out What National Mental Health ● Review and identify your federal and state House of Rep-
Organization Are Focusing On resentative and Senate contacts.
● What committees are they on?
● Go to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (http://www ● Interview them about their positions on mental health
.nami) or another organization that advocates for the issues, such as parity, seclusion and restraint, and
rights of persons with mental illness. What are some initia- Medicare (federal) and Medicaid (federal and state)
tives that match interests of occupational therapy practi- funding initiatives.
tioners? How can occupational therapists get involved? ● Ask them about what is happening in your state rela-
● Click on the link to Find Your Local NAMI to find tive to community-based mental health care.
organizations in your area. ● Ask if there is occupational therapist representation on
● Look for a legislative link on your local NAMI’s page and the state level for initiatives relative to housing, educa-
identify the key bills that this organization is tracking. tion, or employment supports for persons with mental
● Have peers do the same thing for various states in and illness.
out of your region of the country.
● Compare and contrast the key issues defined by these
state organizations. 7. Read Recent Governmental Reports
● Do the legislative concerns of the NAMI members ● Download the executive summary of the New Freedom
coincide or conflict with concerns of the occupational Commission on Mental Health (http://www.mental-
therapy profession?
● Brainstorm ways to collaborate on advocacy campaigns. ● Form six groups in your class and have each group exam-
● Invite a member from NAMI to your class to discuss ine one of the commission’s six primary goals.
legislative issues and advocacy strategies. ● Have each group identify three to five talking points

describing the key issues that will help colleagues

4. Explore Your State’s Mental Health Plan understand the goal.
● Have each group examine the NFCMH’s recommen-
● Go to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration (SAMHSA) website (http://www.samhsa dations for achieving the goal and identify three
.org) and look up your state’s mental health plan. specific strategies that can be used to influence
● What information is available?
policies that could help implement these
● For example, is enrollment information available?
Costs of mental health care? Eligibility criteria? Ser-
vices offered? Evaluation measures and outcomes?
● How does this information influence occupational

therapy service delivery?

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CHAPTER 27 ■ The Political and Public Policy Environment 397

Resources Grob, G. N. (1994). Government and mental health policy: A struc-

tural analysis. Milbank Quarterly, 72(93), 471–500.
• National Alliance on Mental Illness: ———. (2001). Mental health policy in 20th-century America. In
• National Mental Health Association: R. W. Manderscheid, M. J. Henderson, (Eds.), Center for Mental
• Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law: Health Services, Mental Health, United States 2000 (pp. 218–230).
• National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors: DHHS Pub. No (SMA) 01-3537 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office).
• National Mental Health Information Center: http://www Hargrove, E. C. (1981). The search for implementation theory. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service, No. ED207158).
• Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services: Iglehart, J. K. (1996). Health policy report: Managed care and men-
• Medicaid: At this tal health. New England Journal of Medicine, 334(2), 131–135.
site are links for: Institute of Medicine Committee on Quality of Health Care in
• Medicaid Waiver and Demonstration Projects America. (2001). Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health Sys-
• Home and Community-Based Services tem for the 21st Century. Washington, DC: National Academies
• New Freedom Initiative Press.
• Medicaid Transformation Grants Kessler, R. C., Chiu, W. T., Demler, O., & Walters, E. E. (2005).
• Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act Prevalence, severity, and comorbidity of twelve-month DSM-IV
(TWWIIA) disorders in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication (NCS-R).
• Fair Housing Act: Archives of General Psychiatry, 62(6), 617–627.
coverage.htm Kingdon, J. W. (1995). Agendas, Alternatives and Public Policies
• National Center for Health Statistics: (2nd ed.). New York: HarperCollins.
hus.htm Kronenberg, F., Algado, S. S., & Pollard, N. (Eds.). (2005). Occupa-
• World Health Organization: tional Therapy Without Borders. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier.
• Institute of Medicine: Law, M., Cooper, C., Strong, S., Stewart, D., Rigby, P., & Letts, L.
• National Center for Education Statistics: (1996). The person-environment-occupation model: A transac-
• National Council on Disability: tive approach to occupational therapy. Canadian Journal of Occu-
• Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality: pational Therapy, 63, 9–21.
• Robert Wood Johnson Foundation: Longest, B. B. (2002). Health Policy Making in the United States
• National Empowerment Center: (3rd ed.). New York: Health Administration Press.
• Center for Reintegration: McKusick, D., Mark, T., King, E., Coffey, R., & Genuardi, J. (2002).
Trends in mental health insurance benefits and out-of-pocket
spending. Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics, 5, 71–78.
References ———. (2002). Removing barriers to care among persons with
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American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 62, 625–688. Social Policy: Beyond Managed Care (5th ed.). (pp. 185–221).
Appelbaum, P. S. (2003). The “quiet” crisis in mental health serv- Boston: Pearson Education.
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Brown, C. (2009). Functional assessment and intervention in of psychiatric inpatient care in the United States: 1988–1994.
occupational therapy. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 32, Archives of General Psychiatry, 55(9), 785–791.
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Corrigan, P. W., & Penn, D. (1999). Lessons from social psychology ment of mental health and substance abuse services: State of the
on discrediting psychiatric stigma. American Psychologist, 54, art and early results. Milbank Quarterly, 73(1), 19–55.
765–776. Monahan, J., Swartz, M., & Bonnie, R. J. (2003). Mandated treat-
Cottrell, R. P. (2003). The Olmstead decision: Fulfilling the promise ment in the community for people with mental disorders. Health
of the ADA? OT Practice, 8(5), 17–21. Affairs, 22, 28–38.
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health care: Will OT be at the table? Occupational Therapy in palatable. Administration and Policy in Mental Health, 28,
Mental Health, 23, 2, 1–25. 131–137.
Emery, B. D., Glover, R.W., & Mazade, N. A. (1998). The environ- Mowbray, C. T., Grazier, K. L. & Holter, M. (2002). Managed behav-
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and Policy in Mental Health, 25, 337–347. shame of the states? Psychiatric Services, 53(2), 157–170.
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Goldman, H. H., Frank, R. G., Burnham, M. A., Huskamp, H. A., Priester, R. (1992). A values framework for health system reform.
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Medicine, 354, 1378–1386. B. Z., & Goodwin, F. (1993). The de facto U.S. mental and addic-
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Attitudinal Environment
and Stigma 28
M. Beth Merryman

T he normal and the stigmatized are not persons but rather perspectives.

—Erving Goffman, 1963 (p. 138)

describes stigma and theories about its origins, then dis-

Imagine the challenge of an illness that derails your plans and cusses literature on the impact of stigma on those with men-
dreams and robs you of the ability to think things through the tal illness and their families. Aspects of the social environ-
way you are used to. Imagine being in your early 20s and ex- ment that support recovery are presented, and concerns
periencing mental confusion, extreme fatigue, and weight regarding social stigma from an occupational justice per-
gain of 40 pounds as a result of medication compliance. Imag- spective are explored. Finally, assessments and interventions
ine that as you try to resume daily life with a serious mental relevant to stigma are addressed.
illness, you are faced with questions such as whether or how
much to disclose about your illness to family, friends, employ-
ers, teachers, and landlords. The Social Environment
Now imagine that instead of a serious mental illness, you
experience a serious medical illness, such as multiple trauma The social environment includes aspects of daily life in
from an automobile collision, which causes you to miss one which people interact with varying levels of intimacy. The
semester of college. What would be different about your re- social environment includes any type of interaction with
covery? The physical fatigue and mental confusion may be another individual, such as family member, roommate,
similar, but would you have the additional stress of social in- neighbor, coworker, and health care provider. According to
tegration? Would your recovery be complicated by issues of the person-environment-occupation framework, the envi-
self-disclosure? According to the National Alliance for the ronment contains elements that either support or impede
Mentally Ill (NAMI), the recovery process from psychosis is occupational performance. In the case of the social envi-
physical and mental. Recovery is also a social process, and so- ronment and recovery from serious mental illness, a sup-
cial support is a protective factor in recovery. port might involve the structured social opportunities of-
Both the recovery framework and the person-environment- fered through supported employment and assisted living
occupation model value a collaborative approach in which the environments. For example, does a person who lives in an
individual receiving care identifies the goals of intervention. assisted living environment and receives services have the
Social and ecological models of care that enable us to view the opportunity to use community resources, such as an ATM
person as “more than the illness” are being adopted. This shift machine or laundromat as needed, or is the use of commu-
in thinking moves us from an illness model that emphasizes a nity resources determined solely by staff? In a supported
“problem” that resides solely within the person to a belief that work setting, are a person’s unique skills, education, and
many of the barriers to recovery reside in the environment. interests key components in determining the work setting,
The role of the environment is examined in terms of supports or is the person assigned to food service or janitorial serv-
and barriers to recovery. This perspective offers occupational ices due to beliefs that individuals with mental illness are
therapists an opportunity to practice holistically (World unable to work in other areas? A social barrier to recovery
Health Organization, 2001a). In holistic practice, the assess- from serious mental illness involves social stigma.
ment process examines not only the individual and his or her
wants and needs relative to occupation but also the supports
and barriers in the environment.
According to the person-environment-occupation model,
the environment is multifaceted and comprises five do- Stigma is “an attribute that is deeply discrediting,” resulting
mains: the physical, social, cultural, socioeconomic, and in the marginalization of the stigmatized person in the eyes
institutional/organizational environments (Law et al, 1996). of others (Goffman, 1963). In the case of mental illness,
This chapter explores the role of the social environment, stigma includes perceptions that the person with the illness
specifically social stigma, relative to mental health, occupa- may in some way be responsible for the illness or that the
tional therapy practice, and the recovery process. It first family is to blame (Smart, 2001). Although this chapter
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400 PART 3 ■ Environment

focuses on the stigma of mental illness, additional stigmatiz- According to labeling theory, a person with a stigmatizing
ing conditions such as homelessness, unemployment, po- condition experiences three stages: (1) realization of stigma,
verty, substance abuse, and a record of incarceration are not (2) development of coping skills, and (3) learning to “pass”
uncommon for some people with serious and persistent or cover their disability effectively to function in society
mental illness. These social conditions are viewed quite neg- (Taylor, 1991). Critics of labeling theory believe that this the-
atively by the general public and may further compromise ory views those individuals with disability as passive recipi-
access to care, funding for services, and acceptance in the ents of discrimination. Challenging this view, these critics
community. In fact, some believe that government under- instead see disability as a sociopolitical construct impacted
funding for psychiatric disability in comparison to physical by broader social forces. They believe that labeling theorists
disability is in part due to the stigma attached to these con- focus too much on values of independence, self-reliance,
ditions (Day, 2006). This lack of funding has contributed to beauty, and health (Hahn, 1985; Susman, 1994). For exam-
the reduction in numbers of mental health occupational ple, parents often experience ambivalence at having their
therapy practitioners in the United States because salaries child “labeled” with a learning disorder or psychiatric diag-
(particularly in community-based practice) tend to be much nosis. On the one hand, the parents recognize that the label
lower when compared with opportunities in physical dis- is necessary for service delivery and insurance coverage, but
abilities settings (AOTA, 2006). they also wonder if the label will lead to a self-fulfilling
The potential negative social environment for recovery prophecy in terms of how others will view the child. This
due to public perception and stigma of mental illness is im- could lead to lowered expectations and reduced social op-
portant for occupational therapy practitioners to consider. portunities for the child.
Practitioners may encounter these challenges more directly
when working with people with serious mental illness in the Normalization Theory
community, where obtaining affordable and safe housing Normalization theory is based on the work of labeling theo-
and adequate financial resources for the basic necessities of rists and provides an alternative view that proposes how
daily life are common challenges. people who are typically disenfranchised in our society can
In addition to prejudice (a hostile attitude toward a per- be included (Jones, 1998). Normalization theorists believe
son simply because she or he belongs to a group judged to that a label forces an individual into a deviant role, and sub-
have objectionable qualities), there is also the issue of “self- sequent behavior and response to others is determined by
stigma,” in which the person believes that he or she is deviant expectations surrounding the label. Normalization attempts
or shamefully different (Kleinman, 1988). Both internal and to reduce elements that emphasize difference and develop
external stigmas are detrimental to recovery and full com- social participation in the broader community. This theory
munity participation for people with mental illness. is applied in the design of inclusive environments in educa-
Negative consequences of social stigma may include mar- tion, reducing components that emphasize difference (e.g.,
ginalization, segregation, and restricted personal freedoms “special” buses, camps, and congregate housing) and sup-
(Miller Polgar & Landry, 2004). An example is a person porting interventions that emphasize social role develop-
whose social invitations or opportunities at work are reduced ment (e.g., friend, neighbor, student, and worker) rather
following hospitalization for major depressive disorder. than simple skill acquisition.
An example of “normalizing” behavior is providing an in-
Theories of Stigma dividual who is hearing voices with a headset and music to
assist with reducing anxiety on an unfamiliar bus route. This
Goffman was the first to extensively discuss the negative ef- adaptation enables the individual to use public transporta-
fects of stigma on individuals with serious mental illness tion; without the adaptation, he or she would avoid riding
(1963). Initially, labeling theory and normalization were the bus because of suspicion, anxiety, and paranoia. Another
the predominant social science theories used to study example is encouraging the parents of a child with social
stigma. Several other views have emerged over the past 30 skills deficits and attention difficulties to join noncompeti-
years, including the minority group perspective and the rite tive, age-appropriate social activities, such as Scouts, in
of passage theory. which the child can develop skills with peers rather than fo-
cusing solely on a therapeutic social skills group.
Labeling Theory Critics of normalization are concerned that normaliza-
Labeling theory grew out of the sociological study of de- tion emphasizes the need of the person with the disability to
viance. According to labeling theorists, certain groups have change and “fit in” rather than requiring society to accept
sanctioned power to define or “label” what is and is not so- such differences as part of human diversity.
cially deviant. Examples of such groups in power include
government officials and medical professionals (Jones, 1998). Minority Group Perspective
For instance, police determine when an individual is demon- Some social scientists support a minority group perspective of
strating dangerous behavior and proceed according to their disability. This view sees disablement as a consequence of
socially sanctioned role to maintain order. Mental health oppression, demoralization, and marginalization of those
professionals determine if a person’s self-report and ob- individuals who deviate from the norm. Political activism is
served behavior meet criteria for a Diagnostic and Statistical the primary intervention that has been used to combat
Manual of Mental Disorders Fourth Edition, Text Revision stigma from this perspective. Stigma is seen as a civil rights
(DSM-IV-TR) diagnosis and proceed according to their so- issue; therefore, this view supports the consumer movement
cially sanctioned role to “label” someone with a mental ill- with the goal of expanding civil liberties (Susman, 1994;
ness and recommend treatment. Vrkljan, 2005). An example is the political mobilization of
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CHAPTER 28 ■ Attitudinal Environment and Stigma 401

The Lived Experience

Grady Newton I left the Redskins in 1988, and then I got a job as a deten-
tion officer in a correctional facility the same year. I worked there
for two years. They terminated the whole job. Because I had this
job, I now get an SSDI check—it is like workman’s compensa-
tion. It shows that I have worked, but I’m disabled. I used to get
the check myself in the mail, but I decided I wanted to have a
payee. A payee is someone that takes the check, pays the rent
and then gives me a disbursement check once a week. I get a
little more than $100 a week. But once you have a payee it’s hard
to get it back. I have to decide what to do with the check, de-
cide how to budget and what to eat.
When I have to see the psychiatrist, the nurse, OT students,
take my medication, I feel like my life is the subject. I get fired up
and empowered. I question why this is happening to me. So I go
to the library to get books that help me learn. Checking those
books out is my answer and antidote. I take my medication, but
I have to find a way to heal myself, to be as healthy as I can. My
reading consists of the Holy Bible King James Version, Introduc-
tion to Criminology, Psychological Theories of Motivation, The
26 Letters, Evil the Shadow Side of Reality and many more.
In 1990 I went through a two-hour psychodiagnostic test and These books help me gain strength during my life-long trial.
verbal consultation with a psychiatrist, and he said I was sane. Reading is like eating healthy food.
I then went for a second opinion with a different psychiatrist. I watch what I say and I watch what I do for myself and the
Without any testing this psychiatrist called me a name, that I had Wyandot Center Staff and business associates because some-
a mental illness, and told me to go to the drop-in-center. That times people jump to conclusions or say things against me be-
was the last time I saw that psychiatrist. I’ve seen four psychia- cause of the stigma of this mental illness. For instance, one early
trists all together. Once you get diagnosed with mental illness, mid-afternoon eating was on my mind. I decided to go to the
it’s tough to get back into society without that name. cafeteria at KU Medical Center. I usually go there without inci-
Writing this is one way for me to speak on my own behalf. dent. I was a few steps past the cafeteria when a policeman was
When you are looked upon as mentally ill, you lose your voice. standing in a door way on a cell phone talking to someone. I no-
I want to give a general statement about what I live like. This is ticed him talking on the cell phone. He said “Hi” to me. I felt un-
my viewpoint. comfortable. I responded by saying, “Why are you saying hi to
Wyandot Center is a place I attend that has a foundation, doc- me?” He said “Hi” again, and I turned in the direction of peace
tors, nurses, case management and staff. I respect the Wyandot toward him and repeated, “Why are you saying hi to me?”
Center with a good group of people that hear me. I feel like I’ve while he was still talking on his cell phone. The police officer then
lost something in life by being called mentally ill; it is a personal loss. went screaming into hysterics. He disappeared through a door
There are groups to attend, and I show up for my share of the pro- and alarmed the whole unit. They arrested me and handcuffed
gram. When they have the groups and classes, I take in the infor- me from head to toe and gave me a ticket for resisting arrest.
mation and enjoy it fully. In my everyday life, I know I am not alone I believe this is associated with Wyandot Mental Health Center
or at least hope not. A goal of mine is persevering through this so- calling me mentally ill. I don’t mean they know each other, but
called mental illness. I don’t believe the psychiatrist, I think I’ve been being called mentally ill and having this incident with the police
misjudged. My attitude and my behavior has to remain to the best officer reminds me of the same sort of stigma.
of my ability even when relaxing. I didn’t show up for my court date, but I turned myself in. They
I believe education is important. It helps you in the long run. were not able to verify the arresting incident, but set another
I went to Kansas State University. I have 250 credits and a C av- court date. I wrote a citizen’s report explaining what had happened.
erage with a major in Social Sciences, with an emphasis in Crim- I showed this to the prosecuting attorney and the attorney said the
inology. I had a full football scholarship and I was a fifth-year sen- story coincides with the police report and dismissed the charges.
ior. I red shirted myself, so I played for four of the five years. I was This is unheard of. I have to say I won and I got my $100 back. I
an outside linebacker, the most athletic position on the field. I was think the law should be respected because the law is there for a
honorable mention, All-American even though I was on the reason. Trying to figure out the problem personally on my own is
losingest team in college football. I was team captain for the whole my true nature. This is what I do to protect myself and my world.
season. I was a free agent for the Washington Redskins. I signed I have people telling me I’m mentally ill, but I tell myself I’m sane
the contract, I reported to training camp, but then I left. I looked because that is my own interpretation of my past, present and fu-
at the situation and decided instead of seeking money I sought ture. Hopefully the interpretation of your own life story is protected,
God. I got to keep the signing bonus. so you won’t have to go through what I’m going through.

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402 PART 3 ■ Environment

The Lived Experience—cont’d

I’ve developed a model to help me interpret my life. There are The Asbury Café is a place where I work. The café is held
different elements that interact that form a variety of patterns that in a church every Wednesday. We fit into the church’s sched-
give the illusion of greater differences than really exist. When you ule. The people that come to eat may go to the church but any-
are in a situation, this model helps explain how you look at the body who wants to get a meal can come to eat. I try to work
characters in the room, what is said, and how to pay attention harder when I’m there. I like the job. I’ve been there for seven
to your surroundings. I call the model my PK matrix which can years, and I’ve never had a job that long. I cook a little, I do
be viewed below: clean up, take the money and am nice to the patrons that eat
there and they are nice to me. I compare it to other restaurants
in the area, and it is one of the best places that I’ve been to
eat. I gave a speech during the church services to get more pa-
trons to come to eat at the Asbury Café. I hoped that I could
say something that would make them come and eat with us.
Lately we have had new people coming to eat at the café, and
we get compliments. They say the food is good every time.
There is an incredible hospitality and respect that is shared at
the Asbury Café.

mental health consumers and advocates to write letters to and the expectations of others. In addition, family and friends
their congressperson or to hold a demonstration to voice may be confused about the person’s status, which can lead to
concerns about the potential impact of Medicaid or Social even more isolation and loss of needed supports.
Security funding cuts on their daily lives. The individual may be attending a community program,
working on skills, and transitioning to community life but is
Rite of Passage Theory unsure of his capabilities and where he fits in terms of social
Another theory that is relevant to stigma is based on Turner’s roles. He is out of the hospital and wants to resume the role
(1969) rite of passage theory. According to this theory, life is a of promising graduate student, and he does not see himself
series of transitions, or rites of passage, each composed of as sick. Still, he is unsure where he fits in. Therapists who
three phases. The first phase is separation from the social work with individuals in this stage should remember the
structure. Following this separation, the individual loses prior value of focused goal setting in collaboration with the client
social status and enters the second phase, or transition. This and maintaining hope for the future.
phase is also termed liminal, because it is exemplified by mar- The third stage, incorporation, involves resolution of limi-
ginalized status while preparing for a new role or identity. The nal status and emergence of a new identity. This process is
final phase is incorporation, in which the individual reenters akin to recovery in that the individual acknowledges the ill-
society with a new identity. This theory has been applied to ness as part of his or her identity but does not consider it the
various disabling conditions, with the emphasis on the chal- whole identity. Grady Newton (see this chapter’s The Lived
lenges of resolving the second, or liminal, stage, which is Experience) provides a good example. While he rebuffs the la-
fraught with confusion and social isolation (Murphy, Scheer, bel “mentally ill,” he acknowledges his illness by taking pre-
Murphy, & Mack, 1988; Willett & Deegan, 2001). scribed medications, attending a program at the Wyandot
In the first stage, the person is separated from his or her Mental Health Center, and assigning a payee who helps man-
initial social status due to the disabling event. For example, a age his money. He engages in daily life, using his “PK matrix”
high-achieving graduate student experiences a psychotic to help him cope with everyday situations, and he takes pride
break, and his status shifts from “promising college student” in his accomplishments and in his work at the Asbury Café.
to “mental patient.” During this stage, the person is afforded
the sick role and is busy getting well. For individuals with so- Other Theories
matic illnesses, the demarcation for this stage is clearer than Other theorists seek to understand the experience of the per-
for those with a mental illness, primarily because of the “in- son who is the subject of stigmatizing attitudes. Kleinman
visibility” of mental illnesses. (1988) discusses stigma in terms of both the person who de-
During the second phase, the individual is no longer af- values another individual and the internal feelings of the indi-
forded the sick role by society, but he or she is still unable to vidual who is devalued. Kleinman studies this process through
fully perform valued social roles. The individual in the liminal the construction of narratives or “mini-ethnographies” of in-
stage typically struggles with self-identity and confusion due to dividuals and families with chronic illness. These narratives
feeling that he does not fit into valued roles, self-expectations, provide stories that describe the social challenges of daily life.
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CHAPTER 28 ■ Attitudinal Environment and Stigma 403

The social environment of people with chronic illness is de- PhotoVoice

scribed as a series of exacerbations and remissions leading to
numerous separations, transitions, and aggregations. The un- This is a picture
predictability of daily life produces stress on the individual of my older
and family, which compounds the stress caused by the symp- sister. Her name
toms of the illness. is Paula. This
Another theory examining the impact of stigma on the picture was
person is modified labeling theory. This theory argues
taken at her
that the act of labeling leads to negative outcomes (Link,
Streuning, Cullen, Shrout, & Dohrenwend, 1989). Modi- Birthday and
fied labeling theory was used to study the perception of so- Mardi Gras
cial rejection by individuals seeking mental health treat- party. She is
ment. Specifically, it was hypothesized that negative social wearing Mardi
consequences would result if people believed they would Gras clothes,
be devalued by others for seeking treatment. Link, Phelan, beads, and a mask. This party
Bresnahan, Steuve, and Pescosolido (1999) found that if reminds me of my high school parties and dances.
people felt threatened by devaluation from others if they That was the time when I started getting mental
sought mental health care, they were more likely to avoid illness. This mask reminds me of mental illness
social situations, engage in secretive behavior, and lose out because it covers up the real person inside. People may
on valuable coping and social supports. In this manner,
hide behind a mask because they fear mental illness.
perceived stigma negatively impacts successful recovery of
those who seek mental health care.

Structural Stigma and Universalist moved opinions and views of individuals with mental illness
Perspective into the public sphere.
A population survey focusing on seven conditions (depres-
We often think of stigma in terms of individuals expressing a sion, panic attacks, schizophrenia, dementia, eating disorder,
negative bias toward a particular person or group of persons. alcoholism, and drug addiction) found that 77% of respon-
However, stigma can occur at the level of the institution dents knew someone with a mental illness (Crisp, Gelder,
or government. Structural stigma is described as a sociopolit- Goddard, & Meltzer, 2005). The most stigmatized conditions
ical process in which the policies of private or governmental were schizophrenia and drug and alcohol addiction. People
structures restrict the opportunities of stigmatized groups with schizophrenia were characterized as “unpredictable,”
(Corrigan et al, 2005). Examples include states restricting the “dangerous,” and “hard to talk with.” The same labels were ap-
child custody rights of parents with mental illness and restric- plied to people with drug and alcohol addictions; in addition,
tions on the location of group homes that serve individuals these individuals were “to blame for their condition.” Stigma-
who are recovering from mental illness or substance abuse. Of tizing attitudes are not limited to the general public. Mental
concern is the potential for discrimination, in which all mem- health professionals also hold stigmatizing views toward the
bers of a particular group are excluded from participation in very individuals they treat (Schulze, 2007).
social privileges simply because of membership in the group. In addition, there are specific issues surrounding stigma-
This view of structural stigma is somewhat congruent with an tizing attitudes toward children with mental illness. For exam-
emerging view of disability from a universalist perspective. ple, children with depression may be seen as having a more se-
The World Health Organization has shifted its description of rious illness, as more violent, and as more deserving of
disability to this social perspective, recognizing the need to ex- coerced care when compared with adults with depression
amine the broader contexts beyond personal factors that im- (Perry, Pescosolido, Martin, McLeod, & Jenson, 2007). Adults
pact the social participation of individuals with disabilities. with mental illness who received diagnoses as children believe
The universalist view purports that policies are a reflection of that stigma began in treatment during childhood, which
the system in which they are decided and that change must oc- resulted in rejection at school (Pecosolida, Perry, Martin,
cur at that level rather than at the individual level of interven- McLeod, & Jenson, 2007). The National Stigma Study of Chil-
tion. This view reinforces the need for occupational therapy dren (Pescosolido et al, 2008) found skepticism, misinformed
practitioners to be involved at the policy level to effect positive beliefs, and a lack of knowledge about childhood mental ill-
system change. ness. Such studies indicate that efforts aimed to reduce stigma
must address the specific issues of childhood mental illness,
such as acceptance at school, teacher education, and parenting.
Although negative attitudes about mental illness still
Social Environmental Barriers exist, the general public has increased its level of under-
and Stigma standing of mental illness (Sartorius, 2007), and people,
particularly younger adults, are more accepting of seeking
Much literature addresses the consequences of stigma for in- mental health treatment (Mojtabai, 2007). Other survey
dividuals with mental illness. For occupational therapists, it is data reveal that most people obtain information about
important to recognize that stigma can present a major bar- mental illness from mass media sources, such as television
rier toward participation in community life. The shift of men- news and movies (Lopez, 1991; Wittman, 1994). Mental
tal illness care to the community from inpatient institutions health advocates are greatly concerned about the source of
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404 PART 3 ■ Environment

information about mental illness because the content that but initial studies suggest there are important distinctions
“sells” media market share may not provide an accurate among cultures. For example, the extreme discrimination
portrayal of daily life with a mental illness. For example, faced by individuals with mental illness in Chinese cultures
local news focuses on sensational news events such as a po- may be related to the cultural norm of “face” (Yang, 2007).
lice standoff with a psychotic individual who threatens to Chinese social interaction is based on a reciprocation of fa-
take his or her life rather than on the less sensational, vors that is central to identity. Schizophrenia consequently
everyday lives of most individuals with mental illness. Sen- results in a “loss of face” when the individual is unable to
sationalist media coverage is not likely to engender support engage in this type of social interaction. The loss of face is
for vital community mental health services such as hous- experienced by the individual as well as strongly associated
ing and employment. with the family.
Researchers indicate that persons with mental illness tend Thus far, this section has discussed how different cultural
to be portrayed by mass media in one of three ways: (1) a groups view mental illness. Gary (2005) presents the con-
person to be feared, (2) a person with special and marvelous cept of double stigma, which is the result of prejudice and
powers, and (3) a rebellious free spirit (Corrigan & Penn, discrimination that occurs when the individual both has a
1999). It is believed that such portrayals reinforce stereo- mental illness and belongs to an ethnic minority group.
types of individuals with mental illness that negatively im- This double stigma can lead to increased isolation, limited
pact policy decisions. Both the World Health Organization access to services and health care, higher rates of incarcera-
(2001b) and the World Psychiatric Association (2002) have tion, and greater levels of self-stigma. The New Freedom
initiated campaigns to address the stigma of mental illness. Commission on Mental Health (2003) identifies disparities
Advocacy groups such as the National Alliance for Mental in access to and quality of care for individuals of different
Illness (NAMI) launched antistigma campaigns in the 1990s cultural groups in the United States and sets a goal of equal
to address stereotypic media portrayals through targeted access and culturally competent mental health care for all
protest and education methods aimed at key decision mak- Americans.
ers in the mass media. Research addressing attitudes toward
individuals with mental illness has been important because
of treatment, policy, and funding implications. Stigma and Community Integration
Social stigma impacts successful community integration.
Stigma and Culture This occurs through both stigma perceived from the atti-
tudes of others and self-directed stigma. According to Smart
Although some research suggests that mental illness stigma is
(2001), there is a hierarchy of stigma relative to the type of
more prevalent in the Western world and less so in Africa and
disability. In this hierarchy, which consists of physical dis-
Asia (Fabrega, 1991), more recent studies indicate stigma is a
ability, intellectual and cognitive disability, and psychiatric
worldwide experience. A study of Nigerian university stu-
disability, individuals with a psychiatric disability experience
dents found higher levels of desire for social distance toward
the most stigma. Smart states that the individual with a dis-
individuals with mental illness when compared with those of
ability must learn not only to manage the disability but also
Western cultures (Adewuya & Makanjuola, 2005).
to recognize and manage the stigma of the disability.
A study of college students in the United States found stig-
Caltaux (2002) discussed self-stigma (in which individ-
matizing attitudes among all groups, but African Americans
uals self-discriminate on the basis of their beliefs about
and Asians considered people with mental illness to be
their own limitations) and the negative impact it has on
more dangerous and wanted more social distance than did
successful recovery. Examples include individuals who be-
Caucasians (Rao, Feinglass, & Corrigan, 2007). Latinos had the
lieve their illness leaves them socially undesirable, so they
least stigmatizing attitudes. Even finer distinctions may be
tolerate an abusive or exploitative relationship; individuals
made. For example, in comparing different Asian cultures, one
who believe their illness leaves them less competent, so they
study in Singapore suggested that Malaysians held more toler-
do not pursue employment opportunities; and individuals
ant attitudes than the Chinese (Chong et al, 2007). A study
who believe their illness leaves them incapable of caring
comparing Caucasians and African Americans in the United
adequately for their children, so they do not seek social
States found that African Americans were more likely to view
support to assist them with the challenges of parenting. In
people with schizophrenia and major depression as violent,
each of these examples, the individual self-imposes beliefs
but they were less likely to believe that these people should
about his or her own competence or worth due to the ill-
be blamed or punished for their behavior (Anglin, Link, &
ness. This lack of self-efficacy negatively impacts successful
Phelan, 2006). A study comparing Chinese and United States
recovery and social role performance. It is critical to sup-
employers’ concerns about hiring people with psychotic disor-
port the self-concept of the individual with mental illness
ders found some similarities of stigma for both groups, but
through collaborative and client-centered interactions that
Chinese employers were more likely to see people with mental
promote self-determination.
illness as having a weaker work ethic and less loyal to the com-
Occupational therapists often address self-efficacy in
pany (Tsang et al, 2007).
their interventions. Because of the impact of self stigma, it is
Viewing stigma in light of cultural contexts requires a
particularly important for occupational therapists to con-
shift from an individual perspective to an understanding of
sider approaches that can improve an individual’s sense of
the societal forces that shape discrimination. In order for
self-worth, which includes but is not limited to:
stigma to be addressed in a culturally sensitive manner, it is
important to understand how different cultures conceptu- ■ Providing “therapeutic use of self ” strategies indicating
alize mental illness. This research is only just beginning, you believe in the individual.
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CHAPTER 28 ■ Attitudinal Environment and Stigma 405

■ Using cognitive behavior strategies to change distorted mental illness, was the greatest barrier to successful employ-
thinking. ment, according to participants in a study by Rebeiro (1999).
■ Providing activities in which the individual can have a Deegan (1992) described the barriers that the system of care
mastery experience. places on users of services, stating that such attitudes lead to
disempowerment and despair.
A study of individuals with serious mental illness who Barriers can be organizational in nature and often reflect
lived in the community examined consumer perspectives on attitudes and beliefs that are not consumer centered or sup-
community versus institutional life. Although most con- portive of resumption of valued roles in the community en-
sumers (98%) preferred community life, one of the most fre- vironment. Examples of such barriers include lengthy wait-
quently identified barriers to community integration was the ing lists for service, services that do not engage users in
stigma of mental illness (Davidson & Hoge, 1996). Con- defining goals and preferences, messages that employment
sumers felt that stigma left them socially isolated and re- success is solely due to service user efforts, and a community
duced their opportunities in the community. Prince and view that individuals with mental illness are dangerous or
Prince (2002) examined the perceptions of individuals with unpredictable in the workplace. In addition, education
mental illness and found that despite intensive structure and within existing employment settings is made difficult because
community support, clients receiving assertive community of the secrecy individuals with mental illnesses often adopt
treatment believed that members of the community would for fear of discrimination after self-disclosure.
reject them.
Other researchers studied quality of life from the perspec-
tive of individuals with serious mental illness and found that Impact of Stigma on Mental Health Treatment
the most frequently unmet need was information and help re- Stigma can impact treatment-seeking behavior. For example,
lated to stigma (Perese, 1997) and that a major factor related even though most treatment for depression occurs in pri-
to quality of life was being perceived as “normal” by others mary care settings, and medications are effective for up to
(Laliberte-Rudman, Yu, Scott, & Pajouhandeh, 2000). 70% of individuals with depression, it is estimated that de-
Lloyd, Sullivan, and Williams (2005) examined the inter- pression is seriously undertreated. Barriers include that pa-
personal relationships of young males who experienced psy- tients are hesitant to discuss concerns; physicians are reluc-
chotic behavior. Participants revealed that their relationships tant to ask; and the symptoms of depression, such as
had become more superficial, and they were less involved in self-blame and cognitive distortion, make it difficult for accu-
terms of personal decision making, both of which they at- rate diagnosis to occur (Stimmel, 2001).
tributed to the stigma of mental illness. Mechanic (2002) believes the stigma toward serious men-
Quinn, Kahng, and Crocker (2004) studied the effects of tal illness, particularly psychosis, is detrimental to accessing
self-disclosure relative to mental illness on cognitive perform- both mental health and general health care. Of concern is the
ance. They found that individuals with mental illness exhibited individual’s ability to successfully navigate challenging bu-
vigilance for cues in the environment that they would be deval- reaucracies. In environments such as health maintenance or-
ued or marginalized and that hypervigilance resulted in sub- ganizations, in which pressure is intense to see large num-
jective emotional stress and disrupted focused attention. bers of patients, it may be challenging to get a timely
In each of these studies, the perception of individuals appointment, and knowledge of specialized problems is
with mental illness was that they were judged negatively by questionable. Mechanic believes these organizational prac-
others because of their illness. In some of the studies, the tices do not support the needs of the individual with serious
judgment was a result of the mental illness label; in others, it mental illness.
related to concerns that they were not perceived as “normal”
because of a label or behavior. These results have implica- The epidemic of mental illness in children is all around
tions for providers dedicated to supporting recovery and us, but it is not something we talk about easily. I didn’t.
successful role performance. For example, an occupational In the days after Alex was admitted to the hospital, I told
therapist may confuse hypervigilance and the resulting dis- people that he had a bad case of the flu. “Don’t tell
rupted attention as a symptom of the mental illness rather anyone at school what’s happening,” I told Liz. “We don’t
than as vigilance due to fear of judgment. The intervention want the other parents to be afraid to let their kids play
would be different depending on the source of the vigilance with Alex.”
or attention issue. Paul Raeburn, 2004 (p. 9)
Social value is assigned to the work that an individual
does, and dependence or the inability to work is viewed neg- Impact of Stigma on Families
atively. Research indicates that despite the desire to work,
very few individuals with serious mental illnesses are gain- Stigma also affects the families of individuals with mental ill-
fully employed (Anthony, Cohen, & Farkas, 1990). Attitudi- ness. Family members have discussed feelings of “stigma by
nal barriers are some of the most difficult to overcome for association” simply because their family member was known
individuals with mental illness who want to work (Van to have a mental illness (Friesen, 1996). In addition to stud-
Niekerk, 2004). ies that report on the challenges of illness management, fam-
Both external stigma and self-stigma create barriers to ilies report disrupted household routines, neglect of other
successful work experiences for people with mental illness. family needs, and reduced social contacts. Research indicates
Strong and Rebeiro (2003) discuss the self-stigma individu- the most common behavior exhibited by families is conceal-
als experience in a system that focuses on their skill deficits. ing information about the family member’s mental illness
The social environment, including negative attitudes toward (Phelan, Bromet, & Link, 1998). This reduces opportunities
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406 PART 3 ■ Environment

for necessary social support and adds unneeded stress to the There is a long history of discriminatory insurance coverage
family system. for mental illnesses and addictive disorders (Hanson, 1998).
Other issues include disrupted individual and family roles, Although the proportion of insured workers with mental
including decisions about financial and living arrangements health benefits actually increased between 1991 and 1995,
that deviate from the norm (Teschinksy, 2000). For example, mental health care, as defined by hospital care and physician
in a family in which the parent has a serious mental illness, visits, was covered less frequently than other conditions
adult children may assume a caretaking role, including long- (Jensen, Rost, Burton, & Bulycheva, 1998). This study found
term financial and health planning. In families in which a that only 18% of individuals with mental health coverage
child has a serious mental illness, there may be financial strain had benefits for inpatient care similar to those with physical
and the need for comprehensive long-term care for the child, illnesses. Only 2% had outpatient mental health coverage
which impacts the retirement planning of the parents. that equaled their benefits for other physician visits. It was
Family psychoeducation and support have been identi- concluded that more individuals had mental health cover-
fied as evidence-based practices for individuals with serious age, but the depth of benefits shrunk. It was also found that
mental illness (Lincoln, Wilhelm, & Nestoriuc, 2007). Occu- the percentage of insurance plans that limited inpatient psy-
pational therapists can use psychoeducation approaches to chiatric care increased from 38% to 57%.
address stigma as it relates to the family. The perceived social Despite the presence of federal legislation passed in 1996
risks of self-disclosure may prevent family members from and enacted in 1998, states and private insurers found many
accessing such valuable services or advocating for such a loopholes to avoid full mental health parity. These include
service to be offered or covered by insurance. exclusions for the size of a workforce, “hardship” to the em-
ployer, and restricting coverage by diagnosis (Amaro, 1999).
Public Policy Impact of Stigma Despite fears that parity would exponentially increase costs
of insurance, Goldman et al (2006) found that, combined
Stigma impacts the types of public policy alternatives that are with managed care strategies, mental health parity improved
considered by the political system. The Surgeon General’s re- insurance coverage without increasing total costs.
port on mental health identified reduction of stigma as criti- Poverty is an additional social barrier for individuals with
cal to addressing the mental health needs of the population mental illness. The burden of mental illness and disability is
(Tanaka, 2003; U.S. Department of Health and Human Ser- higher among people with low income than among people of
vices, 1999). Yet there are conflicting points of view as to how means. Generally, those with higher income and education
this should occur. In the 1960s and 1970s, policies were fo- are more likely to use mental health services. At the other end
cused on equality for all. Some believe that there has been a of the socioeconomic continuum, expanded Medicaid cover-
shift away from egalitarianism toward a belief that individual age led the poor to be almost as likely as the wealthy to use
success is possible, but not for all. This shift results in less tol- mental health services. The group with the lowest rates of
erance for risk and less concern for the civil rights of others mental health visits are the “near poor,” because they are the
(Borinstein, 1992). least likely to have access to private, employment-based in-
This conflict is played out in numerous policies regarding surance or government entitlements designed for the poor
individuals with mental illness. For example, despite surveys (Mechanic, 1998).
showing that the public believes mental illnesses should be Other social barriers to those with mental illness include
covered by insurance at the same rate as physical illnesses, inequitable housing, education, and income support. Many
there has been little public identification of this belief as an agree that housing, disability and welfare policies, and hu-
issue for aggressive action. Despite evidence of the cost of man services are vital components of the mental health sys-
substance abuse to society in terms of lost productivity, tem for individuals with serious and persistent mental ill-
physical illness, and social costs, little public outcry is made nesses (Goldman et al, 2006). Many individuals with serious
over the lack of treatment availability. mental illness live in high-crime areas with substandard
People with psychiatric disabilities are the only Americans housing (Carling, 1990). If there are large numbers of indi-
who can have their freedom taken away and be institutional- viduals with mental illness in a particular neighborhood, they
ized or incarcerated without being convicted of a crime may experience backlash from the community. This is re-
(Cook & Jonikas, 2002). According to civil rights advocates, ferred to as NIMBYism (not in my backyard) and highlights
many laws affecting people with mental illness are designed the conflict between the policy (those in the neighborhood
on the basis of what a person might do rather than what they support community mental health) and the implementation
have done. On the other hand, some believe there is prejudice of the policy (they just support it somewhere else).
in denying disability status to those with mental illness. This Research shows that individuals with mental illness pre-
is exemplified in policies that protect civil liberties at all costs, fer community to institutional life and prefer to have a
including treatment refusal to those who are severely psy- choice regarding their housing situation rather than being
chotic. This view sees psychosis as a medical problem that is assigned to congregate arrangements such as group homes
no more under the control of the individual than dementia is (Nelson, Sylvestre, Aubry, George, & Trainor, 2007). The re-
under the control of a person so afflicted. covery model supports the involvement of the individual in
A policy shift to a recovery framework, by design, must the housing process. Policies such as the Earned Income Tax
support self-determination and empower individuals to Credit and Section 8 housing vouchers provide opportuni-
move beyond survival to recover and thrive in communities ties to reduce the impact of poverty on low-income families.
of choice. This is a challenge because of the need to address Such policies are more critical in the current environment of
both self-determination and issues of safety. community-based care and recovery (Cottrell, 2003). Such
Another policy impacted by stigma is parity, or equality policies specifically support individuals with low income
of insurance coverage for mental and physical illnesses. and enable community living. Chronic underfunding and
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unpredictable funding levels threaten the safety net that is serve. Stigma assessments can also be administered to staff in
critical for some of society’s most marginalized citizens. the mental health setting to identify and, if they exist, ad-
Social issues of race and class also impact recovery. In a dress negative stereotypes among mental health profession-
study in which the authors viewed mental health beyond dis- als. Recovery-oriented assessments help to determine the
orders to include other social problems, it was found that in- impact of the social environment on the individual with
dividuals of color were less likely to seek care unless severely mental illness and the person’s resilience.
ill and were less likely than the nonminority population
to be insured (Alegria, Perez, & Williams, 2003). Research Attitudinal Assessments Relative to Stigma
shows that lower education levels are also associated with
poorer psychological functioning and higher risk for nega- One method of attitudinal assessment uses a case study ap-
tive mental health outcomes. Those of low-income and mi- proach. Using Corrigan, Markowitz, Watson, Rowan, and
nority status are more likely to be identified for special edu- Kubiak’s attribution model (2003), case studies are devel-
cation and less likely to receive services, graduate, and work oped and respondents answer questions about the person
at gainful employment. Advocates are concerned that indi- described in the vignette. Attribution theory posits that a
viduals with mental illness who are also poor, have lower ed- person’s beliefs about a condition are related to what he or
ucation levels, and/or are members of minority groups are she believes caused the condition. If the person is considered
further marginalized in the current system. responsible for the condition, this belief can result in re-
sponses that reject the person. One study applied this model
to vignettes describing an individual with one of three psy-
Social Environmental Supports chiatric diagnoses. Varied information was provided to par-
ticipants in the following ways: type of illness, whether the
and Recovery vignette included a diagnostic label or simply a description
of behavior, and whether situational information was pro-
The effects of stigma can be buffered by positive social sup- vided. Questions related to the perceived cause, controllabil-
port. The literature emphasizes the value of social support, ity, stability, and violence potential relative to the individual
hope, and feedback from others in promoting successful in the vignette. Results indicated that a diagnostic label af-
recovery (Liberman & Kopelowicz, 2002; Noordsy et al, 2002; fected perception of cause, controllability, and stability
Pettie & Triolo, 1999). Health, mental health, and social serv- measures. Individuals with attention deficit-hyperactivity
ices delivered by individuals who not only believe that per- disorder were viewed more positively than were those with
sons with mental illness recover but provide those services in other mental illness diagnoses (Demaio, 2006).
a system that is not encumbered with bureaucratic challenges
Many researchers have studied attitudes toward individu-
appear to support recovery (Mancini, Hardiman, & Lawson,
als with mental illness (Keane, 1991; Singh, Baxter, Standen,
2005; Rebeiro, 1999). First-person accounts detail the impor-
& Duggan, 1998). Attitudes imply beliefs, and research has
tance of engagement with a person or persons who “believed
shown that negative attitudes among mental health profes-
in” the individual or did not give up on him or her (Deegan,
sionals affect client outcome (Murray & Steffen, 1999). Sev-
1988). The value of an attitude that positive change is possi-
eral instruments measure attitude, but few specifically ad-
ble cannot be underestimated. However, this is not possible if
dress attitude toward mental illness. One exception is the
the provider supports negative stereotypes of individuals
Opinions of Mental Illness (OMI) by Cohen and Streuning
with mental illness.
(1962). The OMI, developed in the early 1960s, measures at-
An affirming social environment is associated with success-
titude toward mentally ill individuals, etiology, and treat-
ful recovery. This means that service systems need to develop
ment. The instrument is a 51-item, five-factor scale in which
environments in which the individual is empowered through
each factor coincides with a belief about mental illness. The
collaborative decision making and self-determination, and
factors include authoritarianism (people with mental illness
families are provided with education and support regarding
need to be controlled to behave), benevolence (people with
the illness (Jacobson & Greenly, 2001). Inadequate funding has
mental illness need to be protected—paternalism), mental
made such services difficult to reliably implement (Spaniol,
illness ideology (mental illness is a medical problem), social
Wewiorski, Gagne, & Anthony, 2002).
restrictiveness (people with mental illness are threatening),
Occupational therapists can address social issues by em-
and interpersonal ideology (mental illness is caused by inter-
powering individuals to act as community participants to
personal deficits). This instrument has been widely used to
support social inclusion (Kronenberg, Algado, & Pollard,
assess professional students and staff attitudes in order to fa-
2005; Watson & Schwartz, 2004). Galheigo (2005) discusses
cilitate best practices in education.
the need to address the macrostructures of society by work-
Another instrument is the Attitudes toward Mental Ill-
ing on the local level to identify needs, develop supports, and
ness Questionnaire (AMI) developed by Singh et al (1998).
empower individuals to take collective action to address so-
This 20-item questionnaire includes content relative to
cial inequities.
causes, treatment, and consequences of mental illness. Items
are scored on a 5-point Likert scale with a higher score indi-
cating a more favorable attitude toward mental illness.
Assessments of Stigma Link et al (1989) developed the 12-item Devaluation-
and Recovery Discrimination Scale that measures stigma from the per-
spective of the individual who experiences it. This meas-
Assessments that examine stigmatizing attitudes can be use- ure allows the individual with mental illness to rate his or
ful for occupational therapists who are interested in better her own experiences of discrimination. In studies of peo-
understanding the social environment of the people they ple with mental illness, discrimination is associated with
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408 PART 3 ■ Environment

rejection (Bjorkman, Svensson, & Lundberg, 2007) and whole, and within the individual with mental illness who has
low self-esteem (Berge & Ranney, 2005). adopted self-stigmatizing attitudes. Following is a discussion
Occupational therapy researchers have studied student of potential interventions that address stigma.
attitudes regarding mental illness and other conditions
(Lyons & Hayes, 1993; Penny, 2001). Results indicate that Interventions to Address Public, Student,
occupational therapy students are no different from other and Professional Attitudes
students in their opinions. In both studies, students had
significant differences in attitude between mental and The literature on interventions to address professional atti-
physical illness and a desire for greater social distance from tudes toward mental illness includes education, protest, and
individuals with mental illness than from those with phys- contact (Corrigan & Gelb, 2006).
ical illness. Authors believe that the educational environ- Educational interventions have been described with vary-
ment was in part to blame. For example, fieldwork often ing success. Crowe, Deane, Oades, Caputi, and Morland
exposes students only to severely ill individuals, which re- (2006) found that a brief staff recovery orientation addressing
inforces a less hopeful attitude toward recovery. In addi- attitude and hopefulness was effective. Corrigan, Watson,
tion, coursework focuses on pathology and the deficit ap- Warpinski, and Gracia (2004) examined public education
proach at the expense of recovery. It is also believed that program effects on perception of individuals with mental ill-
media sensationalism may further contribute to students’ ness. Those who completed a program that highlighted the as-
views of the dangerousness of mental illness (Lyons & sociation between mental illness and violence were more
Ziviani, 1995). likely to support services that restricted autonomy, exercise
avoidance behavior, and report fearful attitudes.
Recovery-Oriented Assessments Interventions aimed at changing student attitudes typi-
cally include focused coursework, fieldwork reflective of
In addition to addressing professional staff attitudes related community living and aftercare, and reflective journaling.
to stigma, it is important to address consumer/client self- Educational interventions that have been identified as suc-
stigma and degree of self-efficacy. These constructs are typi- cessful varied between formal coursework (Penny, Kasar, &
cally assessed using measures of recovery. One relevant Sinay, 2001) and contact beyond the context of the caregiver
instrument is the Recovery Assessment Scale (Corrigan, Giffort, role (Lyons, 1991). Penn et al (1994) found that, in general,
Rashid, Leary, & Okeke, 1999). This consumer-developed in- increased knowledge about mental illness, specifically know-
strument is a 41-item measure on which participants de- ing someone with a mental illness, reduced negative judg-
scribe themselves using a 5-point scale (5, strongly agree; 1, ment. However, knowledge of only the acute phase of serious
strongly disagree). One sample item is, “I can handle it if I get mental illness actually increased stereotyped beliefs about
sick again.” The instrument has demonstrated adequate reli- mental illness. Professional education in which learners were
ability and validity. exposed primarily to cases in which individuals were seri-
Another relevant instrument is the Empowerment Scale ously ill without attention to the aftercare plan reinforced
(Rogers, Chamberlin, Langer Ellison, & Crean, 1997). This hopelessness and the deficit approach (i.e. “what was wrong”
consumer-developed scale includes 28-items about empower- with the individual).
ment that participants respond to on a 4-point scale (4, strongly Protest methods include such activities as focused letter
disagree). Analysis reveals five factors: self-efficacy–self-esteem, writing, boycotts, and public endorsement that draw atten-
power–powerlessness, community activism, righteous anger, tion to the injustice and ask for behavior to change. This
and optimism–control over the future. Additional testing to de- form of attitude change is sometimes criticized because it
termine validity is ongoing. A sample item is,“I am often able to addresses the behavior after it has been expressed. Studies
overcome barriers.” have shown that this method may have little effect on atti-
Other instruments relevant to measuring self-efficacy in- tude but does have some influence on behavior toward
clude those that assess quality of life (Lehman, 1988). For individuals with mental illness (Corrigan, 2004; Corrigan
example, Lehman’s Quality of Life Interview contains six et al, 2001).
items on various domains relevant to quality of life. Partic- Methods that include contact with individuals with
ipants respond on a 7-point scale (7, delighted; 1, terrible). mental illness are often based on Allport’s (1954) cognitive
The instrument has demonstrated adequate reliability and theory, which proposes that to change attitude between two
validity. groups, there needs to be contact between them. This the-
ory identifies four critical factors to ensure a positive out-
come of the contact: equal group member status, common
Interventions to Address Stigma goals, intergroup cooperation, and support of authorities.
An alternative, recategorization theory, proposes that con-
As this chapter has explained, stigma is a major barrier to- tact positively shifts the outsider’s status (Couture & Penn,
ward successful occupational performance for people with 2006).
serious mental illness; however, it is often overlooked in the Corrigan et al (2001) found that contact was more suc-
intervention process. Occupational therapy practice that is cessful than both education and protest in producing tar-
recovery oriented and sensitive to environmental influences geted effects on attitude toward specific mental illnesses.
should adopt intervention approaches that target the reduc- Several researchers have found that contact with individuals
tion of stigma at the level of the social environment of who have mental illness in which the social status of both
the individual with mental illness, the larger society as a parties are similar reduces perception of mental illness as
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CHAPTER 28 ■ Attitudinal Environment and Stigma 409

“dangerous” (Holmes, Corrigan, Williams, Canar, & Kubiak, appear to be affected. Among the strategies to address self-
1990; Kolodziej & Johnson, 1996; Penn et al, 1994; Wittman, stigma are those that support recovery principles. These
1994). Contact has been proposed to impact attitude, but the include engaging in activities that are personally meaning-
type and frequency of contact seems to matter. This has im- ful and empowering, such as peer support and consumer-
plications for occupational therapy education and fieldwork operated services (Corrigan et al, 2001), and in activities
experiences, meaning it is important for occupational ther- that involve exercising self-determination and choice, as
apy students to have positive contact with people with men- well as accepting both aspects of health and illness in daily
tal illness. life (Davidson & Strauss, 1995). These interventions are fa-
miliar to occupational therapy, which is based on client-
Interventions to Address Self-Stigma centered intervention in which the first contact elicits the
and Self-Efficacy client’s view of what he or she wants and needs to do.
Engaging the client through exploration of personal inter-
According to the literature, some individuals with mental ests, goals, and valued roles addresses the need that all in-
illness are negatively affected by stigma. Others are mobi- dividuals have for finding meaning in daily life. Occupa-
lized by it to become socially active, and still others do not tional therapists address this need through intervention

Evidence-Based Practice

W hat does the evidence say creates a supportive

Occupational therapy practice:
➤ Client-centered assessment and intervention
Individual level:
➤ Advocacy at the client, organization, and community levels
➤ Hopeful, empowering professionals
Cook, J. A., & Jonikas, J. A. (2002). Self-determination among mental health
➤ Accessible mental health and health-care network consumers/survivors: Using lessons from the past to guide the future. Journal
of Disability Policy Studies, 13(2), 87–95.
➤ Basic necessities: shelter, food, and self-care items, including
Corrigan, P. W. (2004). Target-specific stigma chance: A strategy for impacting
medications, clothing and hygiene mental illness stigma. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 28, 113–121.
➤ Opportunities for self-determination and meaningful decision Crowe, T. P., Deane, F. P., Oades, L. G., Caputi, P., & Morland, K. G. (2006).
Effectiveness of a collaborative recovery training program in Australia in promot-
making in daily life
ing positive views about recovery. Psychiatric Services, 57(10), 1497–1500.
➤ Social support Corrigan, P. W., & Gelb, B. (2006). Three programs that use mass approaches
to challenge the stigma of mental illness. Psychiatric Services, 57, 393–398.
➤ Information about illness and recovery Corrigan, P. W., & Penn, D. (1999). Lessons from social psychology on
discrediting psychiatric stigma. American Psychologist, 54(9), 765–776.
Family level:
Corrigan, P. W., River, L. P., Lundin, R. K., Penn, D. L., Uphoff-Wasowski, K.,
➤ Psychoeducation Campion, J., Mathisen, J., Gagnon, C., Bergman, M., Goldstein, H., &
Kubiak, M. A. (2001). Three strategies for changing attributions about severe
➤ Information about illness and recovery mental illness. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 27(2), 187–195.
Corrigan, P. W., Watson, A. C., Warpinski, A. C., & Gracia, G. (2004). Implica-
➤ Social support tions of educating the public on mental illness, violence, and stigma. Psychiatric
Services, 55, 557–580.
Community level:
Friesen, B. J. (1996). Family support in child and adult mental health. In G. H. S.
➤ Public education about mental illness Singer, L. E. Powers, & A. L. Olson (Eds.). Redefining Family Support: Innova-
tions in Public–Private Partnerships (pp. 259–274). Baltimore: Brookes.
➤ Client-centered services Lincoln, T. M., Wilhelm, K., & Nestoriuc, Y. (2007). Effect of psychoeduction
for relationships, symptoms, knowledge, adherence and function in psychotic
➤ Policies that promote client centeredness disorders: A meta-analysis. Schizophrenia Research, 96, 232–245.
➤ Adequate funding to enable access and fidelity to evidence- Nelson, G., Sylvestre, J., Aubry, T., George, L., & Trainor, J. (2007). Housing
choice and control, housing quality, and control over professional support as
based practice contributors to the subjective quality of life and community adaptation of people
with serious mental illness. Administration and Policy in Mental Health, 34, 89–100.
Professional education and training:
Penn, D. L, Guynan, K., Daily, T., Spaulding, W., Garbin, C., & Sullivan, M.
➤ Knowledge about mental illness (1994). Dispelling the stigma of schizophrenia: What sort of information is
best? Schizophrenia Bulletin, 20(3), 567–578.
➤ Hopeful attitude toward disability Perese, E. F. (1997). Unmet needs of persons with chronic mental illnesses:
Relationship to their adaptation to community living. Issues in Mental Health
➤ Classroom content beyond acute illness episode, including Nursing, 18, 19–34.
aftercare plan, understanding of person beyond the Singh, S. P., Baxter, H., Standen, P., & Duggan, C. (1998). Changing the
illness attitudes of “tomorrow’s doctors” towards mental illness and psychiatry:
A comparison of two teaching methods. Medical Education, 32, 115–120.
➤ Contact with individuals with mental illness outside of the care
Stimmel, G. L. (2001). Maximizing treatment outcome in depression: Strategies
provider relationship to overcome social stigma and noncompliance. Disease Management Health
Outcomes, 9(4), 179–186.
➤ Attitudes of professional colleagues/mentors toward individuals
Strong, S., & Rebeiro, K. (2003). Creating supportive work environments for
with mental illness people with mental illness. In L. Letts, P. Rigby, & D. Stewart (Eds.), Using
Environments to Enable Occupational Performance. Thorofare, NJ: Slack.
➤ Collaborative style of intervention
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410 PART 3 ■ Environment

with the client as well as in the multiple contexts in which restricted. This is certainly the case in some jurisdictions
they perform daily activity. that arrest individuals for loitering or panhandling under
“nuisance” laws.
Interventions Supporting Occupational Some occupational therapists are calling for support of
individual mental well-being by addressing social strategies
Justice beyond traditional occupational therapy intervention, par-
Research indicates there are negative consequences to so- ticularly for individuals whose self-determination is im-
cial stigma, including the chronic stress of self-deprecation, pacted by poverty, unemployment, and/or unstable housing
which in turn reduces self-determination and full partici- (Duncan, 2004). Such occupational therapy intervention in-
pation in community life (Wright, Gronfein, & Owens, cludes occupational empowerment, enablement, and enrich-
2000). Since one of the goals of the recovery movement is ment to address occupational risks associated with depriva-
consumer-driven care and social participation in commu- tion, alienation, and imbalance. These interventions occur
nities of choice, anything that impedes an individual from not only at the individual level but also at the community
exercising self-determination is of concern to occupational and policymaking systems levels. Many of the individuals
therapy providers. who are marginalized due to illness clearly have serious and
Some occupational therapists are beginning to embrace a persistent mental illness, and their issues with poverty, un-
model of universalism in which issues of access, equality, and employment, and fair housing are well documented in the
inclusion are more relevant than concepts such as “function- literature.
ality” (Galheigo, 2005). Galheigo identifies the three main Other occupational therapists believe community prac-
social concepts of importance to occupational therapists as tice demands that advocacy, knowledge of civil rights, and
marginality, exclusion, and disaffiliation. Marginality refers formation of strategic community alliances become part of
to individuals experiencing a lack of integration with cul- everyday occupational therapy practice (Christiansen &
tural experiences and norms. An example of marginality is a Townsend, 2004; Strong & Rebeiro, 2003). In this manner,
42-year-old, single woman with serious mental illness who occupational therapists practice what has been called politi-
lives in supported housing and attends psychosocial rehabil- cal activities of daily living. For example, Strong and Rebeiro
itation. This person is marginalized in that she is not partic- (2003) advocate for a full range of employment-oriented
ipating in typical occupations of a person of that age, such as services to meet the needs of a diverse population of individ-
employment, a home of her own, and an autonomous social uals with mental illness who desire employment. The shift
network. to a social model of disability and adoption of the person-
Exclusion, once defined in terms of banishment, confine- environment-occupation framework support an individual-
ment, or social control, now also includes those whose main ized approach to employment based on the desires and
occupation is daily survival due to social exclusion. An ex- needs of the consumer, intervention in the environment, and
ample of exclusion would be individuals who attend a psy- attention to work that is meaningful. Attention is given to
chosocial rehabilitation program (PRP) who wish to engage the social environment, where hope, trust, and acceptance
in a daily fitness regimen. However, due to poverty and mar- are critical to recovery.
ginal social status, they attend a daily group at the PRP Van Niekerk (2004) discusses several roles for occupa-
rather than access the local health club. Another example is tional therapists to include working to remove attitudinal
an individual with serious mental illness who is looking for and other barriers in “regular” work environments, devel-
an apartment in the community. Due to poverty and mar- oping meaningful supported employment, and exploring
ginal social status, the only rental units available are in un- volunteerism and consumer-run businesses. Again, these
safe geographic locations or requires that the individual take interventions occur on the individual, community, and
three buses to get to the PRP. Despite the policy shifts away policymaking systems levels.
from institutional care, the daily reality for individuals with
serious mental illness living in the community is social ex-
clusion from participation with the exception of that struc- Summary
tured by the PRP.
Disaffiliation refers to those whose circumstances have Like other helping professionals, occupational therapists
devolved to such a level of disruption that they are viewed often provide services to people with mental illness with a
as “other” (e.g., street people or the homeless). Miller focus on ameliorating impairments or acquiring community
Polgar and Landry (2004) discuss the notion of sanctioned living skills. This focus can neglect the important role that
and unsanctioned occupations. Sanctioned occupations the social environment, particularly stigma, can play in
are those that are socially accepted, whereas unsanctioned obstructing community participation. Occupational thera-
occupations are those that are considered socially deviant pists may even contribute to stigma. Therefore, to realize the
from the norm. An example of an unsanctioned occupa- vision of full participation for all people, occupational ther-
tion is living on the street, which is the case for some with apists should become advocates for wiping out stigma and
serious and persistent mental illness. Homeless individuals work with individuals with mental illness to develop their
are typically segregated and may have personal freedoms own self-advocacy skills.
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CHAPTER 28 ■ Attitudinal Environment and Stigma 411

Active Learning Strategies A

1. First-Person Accounts ● When was the film made, and what was the prevailing 1
theory/belief about mental illness at the time? R
Read a first-person account that describes the experiences
● What has and has not changed since that time? o
of an individual with mental illness in a community social
situation. s
Reflective Journal ●
● Nonfiction examples: Darkness Visible (William Styron,
Vintage Books, 1992); An Unquiet Mind: A Memoir of In your Reflective Journal, describe the view of men-
Moods and Madness (Kay Redfield Jamieson, Vintage tal illness as portrayed by the film.
Books, 1997); The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression
(Andrew Solomon, Scribner, 2001); Crazy: A Father’s 3. Support Groups
Search Through America’s Mental Health Madness (Paul
Gather information about support groups in your commu-
Earley, Putnam’s Sons, 2006); Acquainted with the Night
nity. Are there any differences between accessing support
(Paul Raeburn, Broadway Books, 2004); Smashed (Koren
groups for individuals with mental illness and for those with
Zailckas, Viking, 2005); A Beautiful Mind (Sylvia Nasar,
physical illness? Reflect and comment.
Simon & Schuster, 1994).

● Fiction examples: 72-Hour Hold (Bebe Moore Campbell,
4. Job Applications
Alfred A. Knopf, 2005); Stones from the River (Ursula
Hegi, Simon & Schuster, 1997). Collect job applications from entry-level employers, such
as discount stores, fast food restaurants, and other service-
Reflective Journal oriented businesses. What information is asked regarding
health and mental health? Reflect on the challenges of an
In your Reflective Journal, describe your reactions to
individual with mental illness relative to self-disclosure,
the writer’s description of mental illness. How is the
stigma, and civil rights.
writer perceived by others, and how does that impact the
writer’s social experiences in the community?
5. Public Transportation
2. Films Use public transportation and observe individuals who are 2
also using it. How do you assess your own comfort? What V
View a movie (nondocumentary) that depicts mental ill-
does this say about your own biases? n
ness (examples: Girl, Interrupted; Ordinary People; Silence of
the Lambs; A Beautiful Mind; Shine; Benny & Joon; The o
6. Housing S
Call a local housing agency and ask for information on R
Reflective Questions
finding supported housing for an individual with mental ●
● How is the character portrayed?
illness who is leaving the hospital. What did you learn ●
● How are family members portrayed?
about this process? Consider the challenges of obtaining ●
● How do other people respond to the person with mental
safe, affordable, and appropriate housing of choice in your

Resources • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

(SAMHSA) Resource Center to Address Discrimination &
• Breaking the Silence offers lessons on mental illness for children
Stigma Associated with Mental Illness (ADS Center): http://
and adolescents:
• Chicago Consortium for Stigma Research includes publications
on stigma and downloadable stigma measures: http://www References
• Institute for the Study of Human Resiliency offers resources on
recovery with programs and research to support resiliency for Adewuya, A. O., & Makanjuola, R. O. (2005). Social distance toward
people with serious mental illness: people with mental illness amongst Nigerian university students.
• National Alliance for the Mentally Ill is a major advocacy Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 40, 865–868.
organization with information on policy issues affecting people Alegria, M., Perez, D., & Williams, S. (2003). The role of public poli-
with mental illness and initiatives to fight stigma. Information cies in reducing mental health status disparities for people of color.
on a public education program called “In Our Own Voice” is Health Affairs, 22(5), 51–64.
available at the website: Allport, G. (1954). The Nature of Prejudice. Cambridge, MA: Addison-
• New Freedom Commission on Mental Health presents a final Wesley.
report addressing issues of stigma and provides a vision of American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) (2006).
hope and recovery for people with serious mental illness: 2006 AOTA workforce compensation survey: Occupational therapy salaries and job opportunities continue to improve.
1704_Ch28_399-414.qxd 7/8/10 7:39 PM Page 412

412 PART 3 ■ Environment Couture, S.M. & Penn, D.L. (2006). The effects of interpersonal con-
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Amaro, H. (1999). An expensive policy: The impact of inadequate unteers from the community. Journal of Community Psychology,
funding for substance abuse treatment. American Journal of Public 34, 635–645.
Health, 89(5), 657–659. Crisp, A., Gelder, M., Goddard, E., & Meltzer, H. (2005). Stigmatiza-
Anglin D. M., Link, B. G., & Phelan, J. C. (2006). Racial differences tion of people with mental illnesses: A follow-up study within the
in stigmatizing attitudes about people with mental illness: Ex- Changing Minds campaign of the Royal College of Psychiatrists.
tending the literature. Psychiatric Services, 57, 857–862. World Psychiatry, 4, 106–113.
Anthony, W., Cohen, M., & Farkas, M. (1990). Psychiatric Rehabili- Crowe, T. P., Deane, F. P., Oades, L. G., Caputi, P., & Morland, K. G.
tation. Boston: Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation. (2006). Effectiveness of a collaborative recovery training pro-
Berge, M., & Ranney, M. (2005). Self-esteem and stigma among gram in Australia in promoting positive views about recovery.
persons with schizophrenia: Implications for mental health. Care Psychiatric Services, 57(10), 1497–1500.
Management Journal, 6, 139–144. Davidson, L., & Hoge, M. A. (1996). Hospital or community liv-
Bjorkman, T., Svensson, B., & Lundberg, B. (2007). Stigma among ing? Examining consumer perspectives on deinstitutionaliza-
persons with serious mental illness. Reliability, acceptability and tion. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 19(3), 49–58.
construct validity of the Swedish versions of two stigma scales Davidson, L., & Strauss, J. S. (1995). Beyond the biopsychosocial
measuring devaluation, discrimination and rejection experiences. model: Integrating disorder, health, and recovery. Psychiatry
Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 61, 332–338. 58(1):44–55.
Borinstein, A. B. (1992). Public attitudes towards persons with Day, S. L. (2006). Issues in Medicaid policy and system transforma-
mental illness. Health Affairs, 11(3), 186–196. tion: Recommendations from the President’s Commission. Psychi-
Caltaux, D. (2002). Internalized stigma: A barrier to recovery. atric Services, 57, 1713–1718.
New Zealand Journal of Occupational Therapy, 49(1), 25–27. Deegan, P. E. (1988). The lived experience of rehabilitation. Psy-
Carling, P. (1990). Major mental illness, housing and supports: The chosocial Rehabilitation Journal, 11(4), 11–19.
promise of community integration. American Psychologist, 45(8), ———. (1992). The independent living movement and people
969–975. with psychiatric disabilities: Taking back control over our own
Chong, S. A., Verma, S., Vaingankar, J. A., Chan, Y. H., Wong, L. Y., & lives. Psychosocial Rehabilitation Journal, 15(3), 3–19.
Heng, B. H. (2007). Perception of the public towards the mentally Demaio, C. (2006). Mental illness stigma as social attribution:
ill in developing Asian country. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric How select signals of mental illness affect stigmatizing
Epidemiology, 42, 734–739. attitudes and behavior. Dissertation Abstracts International,
Christiansen, C. H., & Townsend, E. A. (2004). Introduction to Oc- 66(7-B), 3997.
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Families Living
With Mental Illness 29
Christine Urish and Barbara Jacobs

C all it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you
are, you need one.
—Jane Howard, Families, 1980

services. The relationship between the environment and oc-

Mental illness impacts thousands of individuals and their cupation are examined, and assessments and models of in-
families each year. In 2002, over one fourth of all adults tervention that can be beneficial in working with families are
(18 years and older) and one fifth of all youth (9–17 years) presented.
had at least one mental disorder (U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services, 2007). Mental health treatment has in-
creasingly shifted toward short hospital stays to manage Description of the Family
acute symptoms and early discharge with medication man-
agement and outpatient follow-up (Sharfstein & Dickerson, Environment
2009). Statistics from 2004 indicate that 74.9% of people
A family is a social system composed of a group of individ-
with mental illness are discharged home and usually reside
uals whose occupations are interrelated (Humphrey &
with their families (Center for Mental Health Services,
Case-Smith, 2001). The term family includes “those who
2004). Families seeking to understand their loved one’s men-
undertake the care and support of a person with severe
tal illness and the treatment options available to them often
mental illness, regardless of whether they are related or live
encounter a mental health service delivery system that is
in the same household” (Substance Abuse and Mental
fragmented and confusing (New Freedom Commission on
Health Services Administration [SAMHSA], 2003, p.3).
Mental Health, 2003).
SAMHSA’s description of family is not limited to a specific
Many of the chapters in this text describe the impact of
family structure, the number or gender of the people in the
mental illness on the occupational functioning of the in-
family group, or the biological (genetic) relationships
dividual, but illness and disability often negatively impact
among family members. It is inclusive, defining family as
family functioning as well (Lawlor & Mattingly, 2009).
people who voluntarily consider themselves to be family as
Families often have little understanding of the symptoms
a result of their interaction, situation, psychological attach-
or course of a mental disorder. Many are ill prepared to
ment, or capacity to reciprocally satisfy social needs. De-
navigate the mental health system, address a family mem-
spite that some clients will claim they have “no family,” all
ber’s difficult behaviors, or cope with the isolation and
individuals survive within the social environment.
stigma they may experience as a result of having a family
Family environment is a term used variously in the men-
member with a mental illness (Shankar & Muthuswany,
tal health literature; it often connotes family characteristics
such as family communication patterns (e.g., conflict, car-
In past centuries, it was commonly believed that families
ing), relationships and family processes (e.g., availability, in-
were the cause of mental illness (Spaniol et al, 2004). Al-
stability), family functioning (e.g., economic, educational),
though we know families do not cause mental illness, many
and family stressors (e.g., unemployment, health crises)
textbooks that are used to train professionals continue to
(Rangarajan & Kelly, 2006). When occupational therapy
perpetuate such misinformation regarding families and
practitioners consider the family environment, several fac-
mental illness (Spaniol et al, 2004). “Best practices now re-
tors should be taken into account, including (Marsh 1998;
quire a professional re-education perspective to counter this
Spaniol, Zipple, Marsh, & Finley, 2000):
persistent family-culpability bias” (Stuart, Burland, Ganju,
Levounis, & Kiosk, 2002, p. 326). One goal of this chapter is ■ Family’s emotional response (i.e., the subjective and
to break this cycle of misinformation by providing insights objective burdens associated with mental illness in the
into the challenges facing families coping with mental ill- family).
ness. Descriptions and definitions of family environment are ■ Family culture as context.
presented for consideration in establishing family-centered ■ Family lifespan and developmental roles.

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416 PART 3 ■ Environment

PhotoVoice diagnosed with a mental illness (Marsh, 1998). The objec-

tive burden of family caregiving refers to the challenges of
Who am I? Like this addressing a myriad of practical problems associated with
quilt sewn of mental illness. These might include managing positive
scraps and pieces (e.g., hallucinations and delusions) and negative (e.g.,
representative lack of motivation, poor daily living skills and hygiene)
of my family life, symptoms and adapting to a family member’s mood
swings and socially inappropriate or self-destructive be-
I too am a
haviors. The need to orchestrate family routines to pro-
product of my vide the necessary care and supervision of the family
family life. A member while minimizing family disruption and stress is
combination of nature and nurture. also an example of objective burden (Marsh, 1998).
I am a crazy yet congruous mix of colors and patterns. Occupational therapists working from a family-centered
—Jill perspective can address these caregiver burdens by helping
family members develop pragmatic strategies that compen-
sate for an ill family member’s decline in occupational role
Emotional Response functioning while simultaneously providing opportunities
to support the individual’s recovery.
Burland (2001) identified three typical emotional responses The third emotional response family members may expe-
that can occur when a family member is diagnosed with a rience is moving into advocacy (Burland, 2001, p. 1). Within
mental illness: this stage, families demonstrate a greater understanding of
1. Dealing with catastrophic events.
mental illness, share an acceptance of the impact of mental
2. Learning to cope.
illness on their family and society, and move into an advo-
3. Moving into advocacy.
cacy/action mode. For example, families can join their local
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) affiliate or be-
When mental illness is diagnosed in a family, the family of- gin to advocate for family involvement in therapeutic inter-
ten experiences feelings of crisis, chaos, and a world “turned ventions at the mental health agencies where their family
upside-down” (Burland, 2001). A diagnosis to some may be member is receiving services.
an answer to prayer (e.g., “We finally have an answer as to why These three emotional stages are not linear, and family
this has been happening”), whereas to others this news can members do not necessarily move through each stage in
evoke a state of shock. Family members may deny there is any- sequence or even fully experience each stage. A family
thing wrong with their loved one (e.g.,“The diagnosis must be member may spend a significant amount of time dealing
a mistake”). Others may hope that this is a phase or a stage with catastrophic events and move toward learning to
and that things will return to “normal” once again. cope when something drastic may happen, such as incar-
Burland calls this emotional response “dealing with cat- ceration of their loved one or increased hospitalizations
astrophic events” (2001, p. 1). The powerful emotions that and severe decompensation of their loved one’s level of
family members experience are often described as the sub- function.
jective burden of family caregiving (Marsh, 1998). This
subjective burden can include feelings of grief; symbolic Family Culture as Context
loss of the hopes, dreams, and aspirations that were held for
a loved one with mental illness; a sense of chronic sorrow; In addition to the emotional responses of the family, it
empathic pain; and the emotional “roller coaster” that indi- is important for occupational therapy practitioners to
viduals may feel they are riding during the relapse and re- understand the particular family culture as an overarching
mission their loved one experiences (Marsh, 1998). Another context. Communication styles, problem solving, decision
emotional response that family members often experience making, conflict resolution, family roles, and mental
is anger (e.g., “Why is this happening to our family?”), guilt health–seeking attitudes and behaviors need to be exam-
(e.g., “I must have done something wrong for this to be ined in cultural context.
happening to my family”), and resentment (e.g., “Why do Cultural and ethnic barriers in the mental health system
other families look so ‘perfect,’ yet my family is filled with may be present and limit the family’s and consumer’s access
turmoil?”). to services (Spaniol et al, 2000). For example, in many His-
The burden of caring for a family member with mental panic families, family unity is highly valued, and the network
illness is associated with higher levels of stress, lower levels of social relationships often extends beyond marital or bio-
of self-efficacy and personal sense of well-being, and adverse logical ties. Although this can be an important source of so-
effects on physical health (Hirst, 2005; Treasure, 2004). Oc- cial support, it can also delay mental health treatment or
cupational therapists can address these aspects of burden by even the recognition that professional help is needed (Garcia
educating families about their family member’s mental ill- Preto, 2005).
ness, teaching problem-solving methods for managing be- Practitioners need to look at each family as a unique cul-
havior, and helping the family identify resources and make ture with an individual worldview and set of unique percep-
plans for backup or emergency care as necessary. tions (Spaniol et al, 2000). It is useful for practitioners to be
The learning-to-cope response is manifest as families open regarding their own worldview and values and to
experience the objective burden of having a loved one share these directly and respectfully with family members.
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CHAPTER 29 ■ Families Living With Mental Illness 417

Of significant importance is the ability for the practitioner distress in the family and influence the achievement of fu-
to identify the family group’s perception of mental illness, ture life stages (Hill & Rodgers, 1964).
the cultural traditions in place with regard to seeking assis- In any given stage of the family life cycle, individual family
tance, and preferred coping strategies. Occupational ther- members occupy specific occupational roles. For example,
apy practitioners can then work with family members to de- school-aged children may possess several roles, including stu-
velop supports that are acceptable to the family from a dent, friend, and hobbyist, and each of these roles can be im-
cultural perspective. pacted when the family member with a mental illness is a par-
For example, in some cultures, a frank discussion of mental ent who is frequently hospitalized or unable to function in the
health issues may be considered inappropriate and insensitive, role as a parent. When a child’s sibling has a mental illness, par-
whereas in other cultures emotional information may be re- ents often need to spend a significant amount of time meeting
ported as bodily symptoms (e.g., fatigue may mean despair in the needs of the sibling and negotiating the mental health sys-
Chinese culture) or problems may be expressed in metaphoric tem to access effective services. The needs of the other siblings
terms or named in the language of a particular culture (e.g., may be overlooked or viewed as less important during crisis
ataque de nervious can be used to explain anxiety or dissocia- times. Children and adolescents may not have developed re-
tion in some Latino cultures). Chapter 30 describes a variety of sources or strategies for coping with the challenging issues they
strategies for demonstrating culturally responsive caring prac- may be experiencing (Marsh, 1998).
tices for individuals, which can also be applied to families. Adults also participate in a variety of roles, including
worker, caregiver, home maintainer, friend, and family mem-
Life Span and Occupational Roles ber. How do these roles change due to mental illness? Are per-
sons with mental illness able to fulfill these roles and the ac-
Occupational therapists are trained to evaluate normal de- companying responsibilities? Do they turn to a spouse or life
velopment (e.g., physical, social, cognitive). A life-span per- partner for assistance? Do they turn to their parents or sib-
spective requires that the practitioner consider the life stage lings? Are there sources of reliable support outside the fam-
of the family member who has the illness and the occupa- ily? Family members often become the primary caregivers for
tional roles (e.g., child, sibling, parent, spouse) that may be their loved one, and this burden may be of specific concern to
associated with this life stage (Marsh, 1998). A family life- aging parents and spouses (e.g., “Who will care for my child
span perspective also necessitates that the life stage of all or spouse when I am no longer here?”) (Marsh, 1998).
family members be considered. Generally speaking, using a developmental perspective
Early family development theories proposed that the that considers the family life stage and the various roles of
family unit could be viewed as a developing organism with a family members can be useful for anticipating the challenges
life cycle reflecting a distinct sequence of changes in family that may exist and marshaling the family’s strengths and re-
composition, roles, and relationships (Duvall, 1977). In nu- sources to manage these challenges. On the other hand, this
clear families (husband, wife, and at least one child), Duvall developmental approach uses a traditional nuclear family as
proposed eight stages: the norm. Not all families reflect this nuclear family struc-
ture. Every family is unique in its composition. Nonetheless,
1. Married without children.
when used as a general framework, a life-span, developmen-
2. Childbearing family.
tal perspective can help practitioners structure their clinical
3. Family with preschooler.
reasoning by asking questions such as, Where is this family
4. Family with school-aged children.
on the continuum of family life-cycle stages? What occupa-
5. Family with teenagers.
tional roles are associated with these stages? What life tasks
6. Family launching young adults.
are or are not being accomplished by the family or individu-
7. The empty nest.
als in the family? Practitioners might help a family under-
8. The aging family.
stand the developmental stages of individuals and the family
In this stage model, there are specific developmental tasks as a unit, to recognize the disequilibrium that is normal dur-
to be accomplished in each particular life stage. Disequilib- ing family life-cycle stages, and to proactively plan to meet
rium is a hallmark of transition of one stage to the next, and the developmental challenges of each stage. Information
failure to achieve the specific tasks of any stage can lead to specifically related to parenting is presented in Box 29-1.

BOX 29-1 ■ Parenting by Alexis D. Henry

Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to have the same desires to be parents as those without mental ill-
decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside ness, and research shows that even adults with serious disorders
your body. such as schizophrenia are just as likely as those without mental
disorders to become parents (Nicholson, Biebel, Katz-Leavy, &
Williams, 2004; Nicholson & Henry, 2003). There are millions of
The decision to become a parent is indeed momentous, and par- adults and children in the United States coping with parental
enting is one of the most challenging, yet one of the most com- mental illness.
mon, occupations that adults take on. Adults with mental illness

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418 PART 3 ■ Environment

BOX 29-1 ■ Parenting by Alexis D. Henry—cont’d

Parenting as Occupation family’s daily routine break down? What resources and supports
Like other parents, adults with mental illness want to be the best par- does the family have? What do they need? What are the parent’s
ents they can be (Perkins, 2003). While parental mental illness can goals for himself or herself and for the family?
present challenges and risks for parents and their children, many An interview can be followed by a discussion of priorities for
adults with mental illness are parenting successfully. Being a parent change. A collaborative goal-setting tool specifically designed for use
can be an organizing life role, promoting recovery and sometimes pro- with parents with mental illness, the ParentingWell Strengths and
viding the motivation a parent needs to stay in treatment (Mowbray, Goals form (Figure 29-1), can be used by practitioners to help par-
Oyserman, Bybee, MacFarlane, & Rueda-Riedle, 2001; Nicholson, ents identify things they do well and areas for change.
Sweeney, & Geller, 1998).
Parents with mental illness face the same daily demands that Services for Parents
all parents face (Henry & Nicholson, 2005; Nicholson & Henry, Until recently, the needs of parents with mental illness and their
2003; Nicholson et al, 1998). Typical daily demands faced by all families have generally been overlooked by mental health service
parents can include finding safe and affordable housing for one’s providers (Hinden, Biebel, Nicholson, Henry, & Katz-Leavy, 2006;
family; accessing childcare, health care, and transportation; and Nicholson, Hinden, Biebel, Henry, & Katz-Leavy, 2007). However,
managing daily household responsibilities, such as cooking, shop- there are many opportunities for occupational therapy practition-
ping, cleaning, laundry, and family finances. Parents must provide ers to provide services to parents with mental illness and their
hands-on caretaking for infants and toddlers; help older children families. Occupational therapy practitioners may encounter par-
with schoolwork; and provide their children with opportunities for ents and/or children coping with parental mental illness across a
play and recreation. In addition to these daily activities, parents variety of practice settings, including psychiatric hospitals, com-
need to teach their children social and self-management skills and munity mental health programs, early intervention programs, and
to manage interpersonal relationships with their children and other school systems.
family members. Many parents also need to balance their family Practitioners working on inpatient psychiatric units may offer
demands with work responsibilities (Henry, 2005; Henry & Nichol- parent–child activity groups or other structured opportunities for
son, 2005; Nicholson & Henry, 2003). children and parents to visit with each other on the unit or might oth-
In addition to meeting the everyday demands faced by all parents, erwise help parents maintain communication with their children
parents with mental illness face some unique challenges. Meeting while in the hospital. Practitioners might help parents anticipate daily
one’s own mental and physical health needs is crucial to being able parenting challenges they are likely to face after discharge and help
to meet the needs of children and other family members. Psychiatric parents to identify ways to manage these challenges and to find
symptoms can make it difficult for a parent to meet the daily demands parenting supports in their local communities. Practitioners working
of parenting, but parents may also need to manage the impact of with adults in community mental health programs might offer parent
treatment on their ability to meet parenting responsibilities. For exam- support groups or skills training groups addressing daily tasks of
ple, while psychiatric medications may be effective in controlling parenting. Practitioners providing home-based services to families
symptoms, medication side effects (e.g., fatigue) might make it diffi- might offer similar parenting skills training interventions. Practitioners
cult for a parent to be involved in a routine activity such as helping a might also work with parents to help them develop natural supports
child with homework. Single parents facing hospitalization will need to for themselves and their families through schools, churches, or
ensure that someone can care for their children while they are gone other community programs.
from home. There are no evidence-based practices or programs for par-
Parents with mental illness often worry about the impact of ents with mental illness and their families. However, recent efforts
their illness on their children and may struggle to find ways to talk by Nicholson and colleagues (Hinden et al, 2006; Nicholson et al,
to and help their children understand about mental illness. Be- 2007) have attempted to articulate the common philosophies and
cause children in families coping with parental mental illness may strategies used by several community-based programs across the
also have difficulties, many parents need to become skilled at ad- country that have been developed specifically to address the
vocating for school-based or mental health services for their chil- needs of parents with mental illness and their families. These pro-
dren (Henry & Nicholson, 2005; Nicholson & Henry, 2003). The grams share several important assumptions, including the beliefs
varied challenges that parents with mental illness can face point to that:
multiple opportunities for providing services and supports to these ■ Adults with mental illness have strengths and can successfully
families. parent.
Assessment Considerations ■ Adults with mental illness deserve the opportunity to parent and to
receive the supports necessary to function as well as possible in
Knowing that a parent has a mental illness says very little about his
the parenting role.
or her ability to meet the obligations of parenting, about the daily
challenges that she or he might face, or about the supports that ■ Enhanced parenting is related to enhanced child development.

might best help that parent manage daily demands. Asking the right ■ Trusting relationships between practitioners and parents is central
questions is key to conducting a family-centered and strengths- to successful interventions. (Nicholson et al, 2007, pp. 404–405)
based assessment of parenting. A good place to begin is with an in- Virtually all programs provide family-centered case manage-
terview aimed at understanding the particular strengths, challenges, ment services, addressing needs of both parents and children, as
goals, resources, and needs of the parent and his or her family well as parenting support, education, and skills training interven-
members. tions. The common goals of these programs are to enhance qual-
An interview about parenting can begin with a discussion of a ity of life for parents and their children by enhancing parenting self-
typical day in the family’s life. What is the routine on a typical day, efficacy, enhancing child development, strengthening parent–child
from the time everyone in the family wakes up until bedtime? Who relationships, decreasing family isolation, and stabilizing parents’
does what and when? What things does the parent do well? What mental health.
things do the children do well? What types of challenges make the
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CHAPTER 29 ■ Families Living With Mental Illness 419

BOX 29-1 ■ Parenting by Alexis D. Henry—cont’d

ParentingWell® Strengths & Goals

Here is a list of things you may need to

do as a parent. For each one that applies This is a I do I’d like Check
Does not
to you, circle the answer that describes strength this to do this items to
you best. of mine. okay. better. work on.

1. Manage everyday household tasks Strength Okay Better DNA

2. Plan and make healthy meals Strength Okay Better DNA

3. Understand the relationship between

Strength Okay Better DNA
my feelings and my actions

4. Manage my family’s money Strength Okay Better DNA

5. Set limits with my child Strength Okay Better DNA

6. Have positive interactions/visits with my child Strength Okay Better DNA

7. Have a pleasant routine with my child Strength Okay Better DNA

8. Find fun things to do with my child Strength Okay Better DNA

9. Get adequate child care for my child Strength Okay Better DNA

10. Balance work or school, and parenting Strength Okay Better DNA

11. Know what to do when my child has problems Strength Okay Better DNA

12. Identify my child’s strengths Strength Okay Better DNA

13. Have positive “family time” Strength Okay Better DNA

14. Know my legal options as a parent Strength Okay Better DNA

15. Get help for myself, if I need it Strength Okay Better DNA

16. Talk with my child about my situation or worries Strength Okay Better DNA

17. Keep in touch with my child who is not living

Strength Okay Better DNA
with me

18. Live a substance-free lifestyle Strength Okay Better DNA

19. Communicate well with my child Strength Okay Better DNA

20. Have good relationships with my child’s

caregivers/helpers Strength Okay Better DNA

21. Express anger without hurting anyone Strength Okay Better DNA

22. Keep my child and myself safe Strength Okay Better DNA

23. Make time to take care of myself Strength Okay Better DNA

24. Manage stress and worries in healthy ways Strength Okay Better DNA

25. Cope with bad things that have happened to Strength Okay Better DNA
me in my life
26. Get special services and supports for my child Strength Okay Better DNA

27. Other: Strength Okay Better DNA

FIGURE 29-1. ParentingWell® Strengths & Goals assessment form. A collaborative goal-setting tool specifically designed for use with parents
with mental illness, this tool can be used by practitioners to help parents identify things they do well and areas for change. Reprinted with permis-
sion from J. Nicholson & A. Henry. ©2003. ParentingWell® is a trademark of Strengths Based Solutions, LLC.

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420 PART 3 ■ Environment

BOX 29-1 ■ Parenting by Alexis D. Henry—cont’d

REFERENCES 2002. DHHS Pub No. (SMA) 3938 (pp. 12–137). Rockville, MD:
Henry, A. D., & Nicholson, J. (2005). Helping mothers with serious mental Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
illness. In Flach, F. E. (Ed.), Directions in Rehabilitation Counseling, Vol. 16, Nicholson, J., & Henry, A. D. (2003). Achieving the goal of evidence-based
Lesson 3. (pp. 19–32). Long Island City, NY: Hatherleigh. psychiatric rehabilitation practices for mothers with mental illness.
Hinden, B. R., Biebel, K., Nicholson, J., Henry, A., Katz-Leavy, J. (2006). Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 27, 122–130.
A survey of programs for parents with mental illness and their families: Nicholson, J., Hinden, B. R., Biebel, K., Henry A. D., & Katz-Leavy, J.
Identifying common elements to build the evidence base. Journal of (2007). A qualitative study of programs for parents with serious mental
Behavioral Health Services and Research, 33, 21–38. illness and their children: Building practice-based evidence. Journal of
Mowbray, C. T., Oyserman, D., Bybee, D., MacFarlane, P., & Rueda-Riedle, Behavioral Health Services & Research, 34, 395–413.
A. (2001). Life circumstances of mothers with serious mental illness. Nicholson, J., Sweeney, E. M., & Geller, J. L. (1998). Mothers with mental
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 25(2), 114–123. illness: I. The competing demands of parenting and living with mental
Nicholson, J., Biebel, K., Katz-Leavy, J., & Williams, V. F. (2004). illness. Psychiatric Services, 49(5), 635–642.
Prevalence of parenthood in adults with mental illness: Implications Perkins, L. (2003). Personal accounts: Mental illness, motherhood and me.
for state and federal policymakers, programs, and providers. In R. W. Psychiatric Services, 54, 157–158.
Manderscheid & J. J. Henderson (Eds.), Mental Health, United States,

Environmental Assessments and family members are often doing the very best they can.
Promoting a sense of control for the family and acknowl-
Occupational therapists can initially examine the family envi- edging strengths can assist families in development of the
ronment through observation and completion of an occupa- necessary skills to cope with mental illness and address the
tional profile. The occupational profile can provide informa- specific needs identified by the family. Establishing rapport
tion about the client’s occupational history, experiences, daily is critical. “Rapport is enhanced when practitioners have
living patterns, values, needs, interests, and current situation an understanding of the family experience of mental illness,
(American Occupational Therapy Association [AOTA], 2002). a respectful and humane attitude toward families and a
The occupational profile is designed to be used in a client- commitment to family empowerment” (Marsh, 1998, p. 13).
centered fashion to gather information about the client, from Listening in a nonjudgmental, responsive, and empathetic
his or her perspective. It is important to note that, according manner and using clear, direct, and supportive communica-
to the Occupational Therapy Practice Framework, the client is tion supports the maintenance of rapport and development
defined as individual, caregiver, group, and population. A of positive therapeutic relationships.
family member can be considered the client within the role When a family member has a mental illness, individual
as caregiver for the family member with mental illness family members can experience a disruption or discontin-
(AOTA, 2002). uation of a valued role or experience stress and strain re-
In considering the occupational profile of family mem- lated to the demands of caregiving. The role checklist
bers, the occupational therapist can elicit information on (Oakley, 2006) can be used to ascertain current family roles
the impact of having a family member with a mental illness and the value of the identified roles to the family member.
on their engagement in daily occupations as well as what A completed checklist offers a starting point for exploring
problems they are experiencing. The therapist should con- how valued roles have been impacted by a family member’s
sider the family members’ priorities and outcomes as well mental illness and for developing intervention strategies
as how these goals and priorities are similar to or different that can ensure the continuation of meaningful and pro-
from the goals and outcomes desired by their loved one. ductive role patterns. The Occupational Performance His-
Desired outcomes may be different for the individual diag- tory Interview II is another assessment that can be consid-
nosed with mental illness than for the family member or ered for use with family members. This instrument provides
caregiver. For example, a young adult with a serious men- information on participation in occupational choices, rou-
tal illness may believe that a supportive education program tines related to valued roles, life events, and environmental
can help him or her achieve a sense of normalcy and struc- influences that can assist the occupational therapist in de-
ture in his or her life, whereas the parents are convinced the veloping effective interventions (Chaffey & Fossey, 2004).
family member is setting himself or herself up for failure Caregiver burden is complex and has been shown to in-
and should be discouraged from pursuing higher educa- clude areas of activities of daily living, worry, and social
tion. Clarifying desired outcomes is very important to ad- strain (Ivarsson, Sidenvall, & Carlsson, 2004). A brief, reli-
dress early on to ensure that the occupational therapy prac- able, and valid measure for assessing the family’s level of
titioner has a clear perspective regarding the goals of all burden is the Burden Assessment Scale (BAS) for Families
family members and where these goals may intersect or of the Seriously Mentally Ill (Reinhard, Gubman, Horwitz,
compete. & Minsky, 1994). This 19-item scale can be self-administered
While completing the occupational profile, the occupa- or used as an interview. Practitioners working with families
tional therapist must be sensitive to the values of the family, using an individual consultative or psychoeducational ap-
culture, family environment, and contextual factors that proach may consider using this assessment as a program
may impact family system functioning. Professionals also evaluation measure by determining the level of burden at
must acknowledge the strengths, resources, and expertise of baseline and at the completion of their intervention pro-
families. Families may present with numerous challenges, gram (Reinhard et al, 1994).
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CHAPTER 29 ■ Families Living With Mental Illness 421

For example, Ivarsson et al (2004) found that caregivers Open and reciprocal communication facilitates collabo-
needed more resources for managing burdensome situations ration and results in families feeling respected and validated.
related to daily activities than for managing issues related to The collaborative approach assumes that families are com-
their loved one’s behavior. Assessing those aspects of daily petent or potentially competent and focuses on the strengths
life that a family experiences as adding to their caregiving rather than weaknesses within the family. This approach is a
burden can support intervention planning and referrals to partnership in which the main goal is the utmost considera-
other agencies or support groups. As of this writing, no tion of recovery for the loved one with a mental illness and
study exists that addresses subjective or objective burdens the family as a whole.
for family members in the areas of activities of daily living
and household routines. These are areas that occupational
therapy practitioners are well equipped to address. When oc- Education
cupational therapists address the consumers’ ability to estab- Families benefit from education about mental illness, diag-
lish routines, it can afford caregivers more time to engage in nosis, and intervention (Bond & Campbell, 2008). The tim-
meaningful occupations unrelated to caregiving (Chaffey & ing of family education should be carefully considered be-
Fossey, 2004). cause it must be congruent with the family’s emotional
response stage (i.e., stage of dealing with catastrophic events
versus moving into advocacy) (Burland, 2001, p. 1). Families
can benefit from receiving printed information similar to
Assistance for Families that presented to their loved one upon admission into psy-
Because many family members provide crisis intervention chiatric treatment (NAMI NYS, 2006). Information on the
and serve as informal case managers for their loved ones, it role and responsibilities of occupational therapy profession-
is important for professionals to be able to clearly identify als, the services provided by occupational therapists, and
how they can effectively help family members perform the community support information and referral (i.e., NAMI
variety of roles they hold (National Alliance on Mental Ill- support group) can also be provided. Education can assist
ness New York State [NAMI NYS], 2006). Family members the family in understanding the diagnosis, confronting
may find themselves responsible providing basic needs for stigma and negative attitudes, and advocating for their fam-
their ill loved one, including housing, financial support, and ily and loved one. It can also decrease family stress and feel-
socialization, as well as serving as his or her advocate. Often, ings of guilt and anxiety (Spaniol et al, 2004).
families provide these services because there may be, or they
may feel there are, few options available. Families need three Support
specific types of assistance: collaboration, education, and
support (NAMI NYS, 2006; Spaniol et al, 2000; Spaniol et al, Support, including emotional and practical support, is es-
2004). sential in helping families become successful in coping with
the life changes they are experiencing (NAMI NYS, 2006).
Collaboration Support can come from professionally led support groups
and family respite. Family respite care services provide brief
Collaboration is a partnership built on mutuality. Collabo- periods of relief for families providing care to persons living
ration involves the development of mutually agreed-upon in the community (Jeon, Brodaty, & Chesterson, 2005).
goals, shared decision making and planning, willingness to Family-led support groups offer family members the oppor-
engage in a reciprocal relationship based on mutual respect, tunity to share stories and learn from one another (Spaniol
and honest and open dialogue and information sharing et al, 2004). Within these groups, family members can de-
(Weist, Evans, & Lever, 2007). When family members learn a velop helpful and supportive bonds and work collectively to
loved one has a mental illness, a major change often occurs advocate for positive changes within the mental health sys-
within the family system and within family roles (Spaniol tem that could benefit people with mental illness and fami-
et al, 2004). During these initial stages of coping, many fam- lies. Many families have experienced frustration with mental
ily members feel ill prepared to help their loved one and un- health providers. It is essential to utilize effective profes-
sure of their role with health-care providers. Therefore, the sional communication skills and actively listen without
professional should take the lead and clearly explain the col- judging or becoming defensive when families express con-
laboration process to the family (NAMI NYS, 2006; Spaniol cern (Spaniol et al, 2004).
et al, 2004). Barriers to family involvement include the consumer be-
Families should be included in treatment planning, and ing disconnected from the family unit, increased stress within
information should be sought from the family regarding the family, and dissatisfaction with the family (Spaniol et al,
the history of the client and the day-to-day wellbeing 2004). Despite research that provides evidence of the needs of
of their loved one (NAMI NYS, 2006). The Center for family members, very few families receive services (Sherman
Psychiatric Rehabilitation reported that 80% of persons & Carothers, 2005). Dixon, McFarlane, et al (2001) note that
with mental illness who reported for a treatment appoint- few programs are available that specifically address family
ment accompanied by a family member followed through needs and suggest that problems with reimbursement and
with treatment, whereas only 55% of those who were un- the logistical challenges of providing services at times that ac-
accompanied followed through with treatment (Spaniol commodate working families’ schedules complicate the deliv-
et al, 2004). The outcomes represented by these percent- ery of family services.
ages emphasize the importance of family involvement in Prochaska and DiClemente (1983) developed the trans-
client care. theoretical model (also called the stages of change model) to
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422 PART 3 ■ Environment

gain understanding of how individuals change behavior. The The role of case management is one in which family mem-
five stages of the transtheoretical model (precontemplation, bers often find themselves by default. Family members often
contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance) can take responsibility to ensure that treatment plans are followed,
be useful in considering issues presented by family members, medications and finances are managed, transportation is pro-
clinicians, clients, and administrators of mental health serv- vided, and any number of daily stress situations are defused or
ices. This model is fully described in Chapter 23. When con- resolved. Basic needs of consumers, such as housing, home
sidering the potential for implementation of family services, maintenance, shopping, and cooking, often become the re-
it is important for the occupational therapist to assess the sponsibility of the family (NAMI NYS, 2006). Although some
readiness to change of each group (family members, clini- family members do not wish to be responsible for these du-
cians, clients, and administrators of mental health services) ties, they often have very limited alternatives (Spaniol et al,
(Sherman & Carothers, 2005). 2004). Occupational therapy practitioners can work collabo-
Table 29-1 provides information on issues families are ex- ratively with the consumer and family to develop goals and in-
periencing at each stage of change and corresponding inter- terventions that work toward the functional independence of
vention approaches (Sherman & Carothers, 2005). the consumer in these basic areas.
Family members are often responsible for providing op-
Family Participation in Mental Health Care portunities for social participation (NAMI NYS, 2006). It is
also important for the consumer to have outlets for com-
Family members have reported more adaptive coping when munication and social interaction outside of the family
they possess a large social support system; have positive self- system. Family members need to be encouraged to take ad-
efficacy; belong to NAMI; and feel affirmed, valued, and re- vantage of family respite to strengthen their interactions
spected for the information, knowledge, and abilities they with friends and others in the community. It is important
possess (SAMHSA, 2003). Practitioners should work to cre- for professionals to develop a positive relationship with the
ate and maintain trusting environments that emphasize the family because they know their loved one well and are of-
strengths of the family. ten best suited to serve as the advocate with and for their
Lakeman (2008) defined a set of family-centered prac- family member (Spaniol et al, 2004). Family “case man-
tices that can support effective family participation in agers” need collaboration and support from mental health
mental health care. Many of these expectations empha- service providers. Family members can give service
size reciprocity and the family’s right to give and receive providers a great deal of information and insight into the
information that supports the care of their family mem- history of their loved one’s illness (NAMI NYS, 2006).
ber and facilitates healthy family functioning. For exam- At times, family members may find themselves ex-
ple, family-centered practices respect the family’s right to cluded from the therapeutic environment. Adults can re-
give and receive information about diagnosis, assess- fuse to allow family members access to records or refuse to
ment, the strengths and limitations of their family mem- participate in scheduled family meetings, and mental
ber, and the goals and structure of the treatment plan. health professionals may operate in a way that excludes the
Further, family’s have the right to expect to receive infor- family from assessment and treatment planning (Jakobsen
mation, education, and support, including referrals to & Severinson, 2006). This situation is not advised because
appropriate organizations and services that may benefit the family often encourages attendance in community
them or their loved one (Lakeman, 2008). support programs, medication management, and other
Family members provide many supports to their loved therapeutic activities (NAMI NYS, 2006). Family members
one. They are often the first responders when their loved should be actively involved in the treatment plan and have
one becomes ill or relapses (NAMI NYS, 2006). “Family a clear understanding of the roles and responsibilities of
connections are very powerful whether they are positive or the occupational therapists and all care providers.
negative” (Spaniol et al, 2004). As a result, occupational Services to families should cover the spectrum from fam-
therapists should listen closely to family concerns. When ily psychoeducation to support groups, counseling, and in-
family members call with a crisis at hand, practitioners formational materials. It is important that family members
should be prepared to offer concrete information and are not given false hope through this intervention. Although
assistance. the goal of intervention is recovery, this does not mean

Table 29-1 ● Transtheoretical Model Applied to Families That Include a Person With a Mental Illness
Stage of Change Possible Family Issues Intervention Approach
Precontemplation Feeling blamed for behavior of loved one Display respect and empathy for family’s experience
Contemplation Considering treatment but may demonstrate ambivalence Illicit pros and cons of participating in family members’ treatment
Preparation Evaluating benefits of treatment and possible options Suggest support groups and other intervention options; help family make
a commitment
Action Involved in treatment Remind family of long-term benefits and observe for potential obstacles
to participation
Maintenance Integrates new ways of coping and advocating Provide flexible supports depending on family’s changing needs
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CHAPTER 29 ■ Families Living With Mental Illness 423

The Lived Experience

Jordan I remember one time that my dad’s illness got really bad. My
dad had been in the hospital for maybe three days, and my mom
and I were going to the hospital to visit him. I guess he was just
really angry because when we walked in what I never expected
to happen did in fact happen. He started yelling at the top of his
lungs and banging on the wall like it was a punching bag! My
mom grabbed me. As we ran out, I remember looking back and
seeing an attendant running back to help! I could hear the con-
stant, “bam, bam, bam” sound of my dad letting loose a barrage
of punches against the wall reverberating through the hallways!
That was the day that my dad broke his hand. He was in the hos-
pital for about a month longer after that—a very, very long
That may seem bad to you, but scarier than seeing the po-
tential for physical harm is hearing the verbal harm that is com-
mitted. I remember one time when dad was yelling stuff to my
mom like, “Get out of my house and don’t come back.” That was
This narrative is shared by family member Jordan Hildebrand one of the scariest days of my life. Also, my dad becomes very
about her experience with the mental illness of her father, who “to himself,” I guess you could say. Usually, when he is not sick,
has the diagnosis of bipolar disorder. he will just sit upstairs and watch television anyway, but it gets
Everyone has hardships in their lives, but some are worse than a lot worse when he is sick. It feels like you are being rejected
others. Some people have lost a loved one or seen their house over and over again with each of his episodes. I just constantly
burn to the ground. No, no one extremely close to me has died, remind myself that when he is sick it is not really my dad, but it
but I have lost the emotional connection to someone that I love is the illness.
very much. That may not seem like much, but for me it makes my Over the years I have learned just to love my dad and know
world fall apart. It feels kind of as if you have been working on a that he loves me. Every time he gets admitted to the hospital it
puzzle for months and then your dog rips it to shreds. seems like you are getting whacked in the face. I have just
Ever since I can remember, my dad has had bipolar disorder. learned that it is okay to be sad about it and that you just need
Bipolar disorder is a disease that messes up your mind, and to allow yourself time to heal. One of the most important things
things happen like you think things that are not true, or you may that I have learned is that you shouldn’t dwell on the things that
hear voices in your head. Sure, there are medicines to treat it, but you can’t control, but do treasure the moments that you have
if you stop taking your medicine, or have to change your medi- with loved ones because it could all change in a flash. I love my
cine, it can be disastrous. My dad has been in and out of psy- dad like any daughter would, but I just hope that maybe that
chiatric hospitals my whole life, and each time it doesn’t get any emotional connection will be there again. Deep down, I know it
easier. Usually I will just think, “Well, here we go again,” but deep will, and with that it will make this puzzle I call “My world” a little
down it still hurts. easier to put back together.

PhotoVoice “cure” (NAMI NYS, 2006). Recovery is a process of living a

full, meaningful, and productive life in spite of the illness
This is a picture and accompanying symptoms.
of my brother.
We have been
friends all my Professional Competencies in Working
life. My brother With Families
is my best In considering the essential elements for any successful in-
friend—he is tervention with families, seven professional competencies
someone I can must be considered in professionals who plan to offer serv-
talk to as a ices to families (Marsh, 1998):
great support system. Every time
1. Developing a collaborative relationship with the family.
I need help he’s always there for me. He provides a
2. Providing information on psychiatric disorders.
good sense of security for getting me out of the 3. Enhancing coping and stress management skills of
house. He is welcoming and friendly and we have a family members.
good, positive relationship as brother and as friends. 4. Assisting family members in navigating the mental
—Sterling health system.
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424 PART 3 ■ Environment

NAMI’s Provider Education Program. This 10-week program

Evidence-Based Practice is taught by a five-member team (a professional provider who
is a family member, two family members, and two consumers)
C ompelling evidence shows that family psychoeducation as a
systematic approach is an effective, evidence-based mental
health practice (Dixon et al, 2004). When families are included
to employees of community mental health agencies. The pro-
gram is taught in the true team spirit, as there is no leader, and
the sessions are taught collaboratively by all team members
as members of the treatment team, families report reduced bur-
(Mohr, Lafuze, & Mohr, 2000). Practitioners can contact their
den, and the effectiveness of other intervention approaches is
enhanced (Murray-Swank & Dixon, 2004). There is also strong
local NAMI affiliate to ascertain if the Provider Education
evidence that family psychoeducation approaches result in re- Program is available in the area. Box 29-2 includes profes-
duced rates of relapse (McFarlane, Dixon, Lukens, & Lucksted, sional tips for working with families.
2003). When creating psychoeducational groups, input from
family members, persons with mental illness, and mental health
providers should be considered in curriculum development. BOX 29-2 ■ Professional Tips for Working
Curriculum should be flexible and able to accommodate varied With Families
individual needs of all groups (Pollio, North, & Foster, 1998).
➤ Occupational therapy practitioners are directed to consider “What Hurts/What Helps: A Guide to What Families of Individuals
family needs individually and suggest engagement in family with Serious Brain Disorders Need from Mental Health Profession-
psychoeducation or family education based on the individual als,” a pamphlet published by the National Alliance on Mental Ill-
needs of the family. ness (2002) provides a basic reading list of books and resources
that are helpful to professionals preparing to work with persons
➤ Practitioners should provide families with information about a
with mental illness and their families. Additional information essen-
broad range of mental illnesses in a clear and concise manner
tial to professional consideration includes the following tips:
and help families learn to access accurate facts about mental
illness and effective interventions. What Helps
➤ Practitioners can integrate psychoeducational teaching ■ Practitioners must refrain from imposing their treatment agenda
approaches with traditional occupational therapy “doing” on families in crisis and pain. Working collaboratively and as a
approaches to help families learn strategies to deal with consultant will allow families to feel understood and assisted.
mental illness and its effects. ■ Professionals must critically examine their own beliefs regarding
➤ Practitioners can develop a psychoeducational curriculum families “causing” mental illness.
for families or use programs readily available through NAMI. ■ Actively listen to the families’ concerns and goals.
Useful objectives for psychoeducational programs may ■ Recognize and value family strengths in dealing with stressful,
include but are not limited to the following: life-changing situations.
• Help families understand symptoms of mental disorders ■ Professionals who plan interventions after assessing the situation
that affect mood, self-esteem, thinking, activity, sleeping from a personal, social, and service support system perspective
and eating patterns, and occupational and social behavior. to reduce the strain on the family are helpful.
• Examine the changes that occur in occupational role
■ Family members benefit when professionals are compassionate
functioning, including caregiving roles, that occur
and helpful in sharing information in a collaborative fashion.
throughout the various stages of recovery.
• Explain the range of interventions and the potential ■ Engaging in activities to lessen family burden (subjective and
advantages of the various approaches. objective) and meet individualized family needs is essential.
• Teach the family to identify and access community supports
What Hurts
that can facilitate their family member’s participation in a
functional pattern of occupation. ■ Families complain when staff appears impatient, insensitive, un-
available, judgmental, or patronizing. It is important that staff
Dixon, L., Lucksted, A., Stewart, B., Burland, J., Brown, C. H., Postrado, not “talk down” to family members.
L., McGuire, C., & Hoffman, M. (2004). Outcomes of the peer taught ■ Families do not benefit from staff that blame or stigmatize them.
12 week family-to-family education program for severe mental illness. Families do not cause mental illness.
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 109, 207–215.
McFarlane, W. R., Dixon, L., Lukens, E. P., & Lucksted, A. (2003). Family ■ Professionals who are insensitive to the needs of families add
psychoeducation and schizophrenia: A review of the literature. Journal of to the pain, grief, and anxiety that families experience. Insensi-
Marital and Family Therapy, 29, 223–245. tivity makes families feel isolated and rejected.
Murray-Swank, A. B., & Dixon, L. (2004). Family psychoeducation as an ■ When families are left out of treatment planning and profes-
evidence-based practice. CNS Spectrums, 9, 905–912.
sionals do not communicate with them, a sense of frustration
Pollio, D. E., North, C. S., & Foster, D. A. (1998). Content and curriculum in
psychoeducation groups for families of persons with severe mental illness. is heightened in families where frustration levels are most often
Psychiatric Services, 49, 816–822. already high.
■ Families complain when professionals fail to engage in collabo-
rative efforts and are misinformed about the biological basis of
mental illness.
■ Families worry if they express opinions or rejections and protest
5. Facilitating family members’ ability to meet their own that they will be labeled as “troublemakers.” Labeling behavior
individual needs. on the part of professionals does nothing to help the client.
6. Assisting family members in understanding and deal- ■ Hurtful professionals only increase the pain family members
ing with the individual characteristics presented by are experiencing. These professionals add to the burden ex-
their family member. perienced by the family and cause increased stress and fam-
7. Successfully managing professional issues. ily burnout. Professionals should strive to engage in helpful
rather than hurtful communication and behavior.
Occupational therapists who feel unprepared to work with
consumers and families with mental illness can benefit from
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CHAPTER 29 ■ Families Living With Mental Illness 425

SAMHSA’s poster illustrating core values of providing roles and how each organizes habits and daily routines to
care to children with mental illness and their families support individual and family functioning. It is important
(Figure 29-2) is consistent with the core values of occupa- to consider the cognitive and physical performance capaci-
tional therapy. ties of each family member to understand areas where
skill development may improve occupational functioning
(Abelenda & Helfrich, 2003).
Within this frame of reference, the environment and in-
Occupational Therapy Models dividual work in cooperation to produce occupation. Indi-
and Frames of Reference viduals participate in a variety of activities of daily living
within their social roles and develop occupational compe-
Several specific intervention approaches for families exist, tence. As individuals examine their performance against so-
and research demonstrates the efficacy of these approaches cietal expectations and demands, occupational identity is
(Dixon, Stewart, et al, 2001; Solomon, 1996). However, these developed (Abelenda & Helfrich, 2003). Individuals identify
approaches often do not specify the role of the occupational their strengths and limitations and then develop plans for
therapist in providing services to the family. Two occupa- whom they want to be and what they would like to achieve
tional therapy models and frames of reference are well suited in their lives. This newly developed identity facilitates en-
for consideration in this area: the model of human occupa- gagement in occupations that are related to their compe-
tion (Kielhofner, 2008) and Allen’s cognitive disabilities tence. Through occupational adaptation, both competence
frame of reference. (Allen & Blue, 1998). and occupational identity are achieved.
The process of exploration, competence, and achieve-
Model of Human Occupation ment occurs throughout an individual’s occupational life
when new roles are identified, new habits are developed, or
The model of human occupation is considered an appropri- occupational challenges are managed. For example, when a
ate frame of reference to utilize with families because it ad- family member discovers a loved one has been diagnosed
dresses volition, habituation, and performance capacity with mental illness, shock, disbelief, and feelings of helpless-
(Abelenda & Helfrich, 2003). “Volition refers to the motiva- ness may occur (Spaniol et al, 2000). Before family members
tion for occupation. Habituation refers to the process by can develop new methods for addressing their day-to-day
which occupation is organized into patterns or routines, lives, it is important for them to acknowledge that past
and performance capacity refers to the mental and physical habits, roles, and skills may be ineffective within the new sit-
abilities that underlie skilled performance” (Kielhofner, uation they face (Abelenda & Helfrich, 2003).
2008, p. 12). Volition is reflected in the family members’ To develop resilience, families often need to explore dif-
choices about what aspects of care are most important as ferent methods of responding to new demands. This may in-
well as in their perceptions of their personal capacities and volve modifying their daily routine to include and facilitate
effectiveness in these chosen tasks. The concept of habitua- participation of their family member in daily occupations.
tion can be applied when the practitioner considers how Within the competency stage of the model, strategies that
different family members have internalized various family the family determines to be useful are organized into habits.

FIGURE 29-2. Core Values of Systems of Care for Children Mental Health poster. Courtesy U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Mental Health Services.
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426 PART 3 ■ Environment

As a result, the family may feel more in control of the new the Routine Task Inventory or an Allen Diagnostic Module
situations they find themselves in and better able to cope project (Allen, 1999; Allen, Kehrberg, & Burns, 1992). Other
with the changing demands of their new environments and assessments that can be utilized to ascertain the client’s cog-
occupations (Abelenda & Helfrich, 2003). nitive level according to this frame of reference include the
In the achievement stage, a family member is able to inte- Cognitive Performance Test (Burns, 2002) and the Routine
grate the newly developed habits into his or her ongoing Task Inventory-Expanded (Katz, 2006).
lifestyle. This process assists families in being successful de- Through understanding the client’s cognitive level, the
spite ongoing change and possible exposure to catastrophic occupational therapist can assist the family in understanding
events. Resilience is considered a dynamic process that what the client can do (realistic abilities that are biological in
changes over time and is contextual. Resilience exists when nature and may be limited by a disability); what the client
an effective match between family skills and resources and will do (relevant abilities that are psychological in nature
environmental challenges is present (Abelenda & Helfrich, and can be limited by motivation); and what the client may
2003). Consider the following example of family resilience. do (abilities that are social in nature and can be limited by a
caregiver or financial means).
In considering what the client may do, caregivers can be
Case instructed in methods of structuring the environment for
client success as well as what types of sensory cues (verbal or
When Joe experienced his first episode of mental illness, visual) are most effective for the client (Allen, 1999). Care-
his wife, Mary, felt completely overwhelmed and pan- giver guidelines provide information for family members
icky. She called her in-laws for help because they had ex- with regard to the level of supervision, environmental setup,
perience in dealing with the mental illness of Joe’s structure, type of communication, and level of independ-
brother and had attended educational programs and ence family members can anticipate in daily tasks such as
support groups for several years. Her mother-in-law medication management, nutrition, bathing, dressing, toi-
went to their house to assess the situation and offer any leting, mobility and positioning, safety, and leisure for their
help and support she could. She told Mary not to try to loved one (Champagne, 2003).
take Joe to the hospital by herself.
Later that night, Mary called her in-laws and asked SAMHSA-CMHS Family Psychoeducation
them to help her take Joe to the emergency room. He
went without incident and was eventually hospitalized Program Toolkit
for 7 days. After being stabilized on medication, he Family psychoeducation is “a method of working with fam-
was sent home with an aftercare program, which he ilies, other caregivers and friends who are supportive of per-
closely followed. He also learned what he could about sons with mental illness” (SAMHSA, 2003). This model is
his illness. based on a collaborative partnership and includes accurate
A year later, Joe experienced a second episode. Mary information about mental illness, problem-solving, commu-
again called her in-laws for support. Joe was not as sick nication skills, coping, and the development of social sup-
as he had been the year before and was more aware of port. The goals of this intervention are to improve consumer
his symptoms than he had been during his first episode. outcomes and quality of life while reducing family stress and
He was also able to participate in the problem-solving strain. Psychoeducation is not a method specific to occupa-
related to the situation. Eventually, it was determined tional therapy, but the philosophy of collaboration and ac-
that he would go to his parents’ home to spend the tive teaching and learning processes complement the occu-
night, and Mary would take their son to her parents’ pational therapy model discussed earlier.
home. By changing their environments, each of them SAMHSA offers a free toolkit that can be obtained from
was able to feel safe in the situation and get the help and its website. Occupational therapists are considered profes-
support they needed. Joe called his doctor in the morn- sionals who demonstrate capability in conducting this
ing and made an appointment to see him later that model of treatment. This intervention can be provided indi-
week. Hospitalization was unnecessary this time. vidually to family members or through multifamily groups.
Family members may become coteachers in the multifamily
group approach. Research indicates that 90% to 96% of fam-
ily members considered the program’s sources of help, lec-
Allen’s Cognitive Disabilities Frame tures and books, classes and workshops, support groups, and
of Reference friends to be valuable (SAMHSA, 2003).
Although the current toolkit was developed and found
One role that an occupational therapist can play is in help- most effective for persons diagnosed with schizophrenia,
ing families understand the cognitive function of their modifications have been developed and tested for other
loved one and how cognition impacts one’s ability to carry mental illnesses, including bipolar disorder, depression, bor-
out everyday occupations in varied settings. Allen’s cogni- derline personality disorder, and obsessive-compulsive dis-
tive disabilities frame of reference can be helpful in this re- order. Family psychoeducation is targeted to support both
gard. The Allen Cognitive Level Screen (ACLS) can be ad- the consumer and family members. Research indicates that
ministered to ascertain the cognitive level of the individual this model can provide the skills that family members need
diagnosed with mental illness. Standard practice when ap- to contribute to the recovery of their loved one.
plying this model is to administer the ACLS and then verify The model emphasizes basic communication skills and
the person’s cognitive level of functioning by administering problem-solving, two areas in which occupational therapists
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CHAPTER 29 ■ Families Living With Mental Illness 427

have significant training. The core elements to all family psy- conduct research and publish information to benefit families.
choeducation programs are as follows: In May 2007, NAMI published “Choosing the Right Treat-
ment: What Families Need to Know about Evidence-Based
■ Joining (establishing a respectful, helpful relationship).
Practices.” This guide can be ordered in printed format or is
■ Education (about mental illness).
available in a PDF format at no charge from the NAMI website
■ Problem-solving (identification of strategies for man-
(Gruttadaro, Burns, Duckworth, & Crudo, 2007).
aging difficult situations).
■ Structural change in treatment (focus on strengths-
based environment aimed at recovery). Resources and Programs
■ Multifamily contact (encouragement of participation
in family support groups to reduce social isolation). Occupational therapists who work with people with mental
illness should be aware of resources and programs available
Rather than working with consumers and family mem-
to assist family members who have a loved one with a men-
bers individually, this model includes all parties for success-
tal illness. Numerous programs and supports exist, including
ful collaborative intervention in which practitioners work
Operation Healthy Reunions, NAMI Family-to-Family Edu-
with rather than on the family and consumer (SAMHSA,
cation Program, Visions for Tomorrow, Parents and Teachers
2003, p. 9). Family psychoeducation programs may vary in
as Allies, and the SAMHSA-CMHS Family Psychoeducation
length from three to more than nine months. Outcomes
Program Toolkit.
from research indicate that longer programs yield better re-
sults. In fact, rehospitalization and relapse rates of con-
sumers decreased by 40% to 70% over a 2-year period when Operation Healthy Reunions
compared to consumers who received individual therapy Operation Healthy Reunions, a program sponsored by Men-
alone (Bond & Campbell, 2008). tal Health America (formerly known as the National Mental
A study conducted with parents of children diagnosed with Health Association, NMHA), was developed to combat stigma
a mood disorder who were involved in a multifamily psy- surrounding mental health issues and provide education to
choeducation group based on the model presented by Hatfield address the mental health issues of military families. Consid-
yielded positive outcomes according to parental reports ering that mental disorders are being reported in 26% of sol-
(Goldberg-Arnold, Fristad, & Gavazzi, 1999). The intervention diers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, this program
was conducted with parents and children who were diagnosed clearly meets a need in society at present (NMHA, 2006).
with mood disorder in an outpatient setting over a 6-week pe-
riod. The program included parents and children at the start Best Practices in Family Intervention
and end of each session, with groups conducted by trained fa-
cilitators for the parents and children in separate groups. for Serious Mental Illness
Parents in the study identified increased knowledge of the The University of Oklahoma Health Science Center main-
diagnosis of mood disorder and increased social support as a tains a website with resources for practitioners who work
result of participating in the group intervention. On follow- with family members. Best Practices in Family Intervention
up at 6 months, parents reported information and coping for Serious Mental Illness (
skills gained as a result of the intervention as important and assists practitioners by providing titles of journals, contacts
reported attitude shifts as more significant. The attitudinal for training, relevant websites, information about a listserv
change included improved attitude when considering mental hosted by Diane Marsh, PhD, as well as hot topics and recent
illness in their child, current family situation, and educa- advances in the area of family psychoeduation.
tional and mental health systems. The researchers identified
that through participation in the intervention, parents gained NAMI Family-to-Family Education Program
knowledge related to mental illness, and moreover, their atti-
tude toward their life and situation became more positive The NAMI Family-to Family-Education Program (FFEP) is
(Goldberg-Arnold, Fristad, & Gavazzi, 1999). a free, 12-week, evidence-based program that provides infor-
The multifamily psychoeducation group is viewed as ef- mation on mental illness for family members who have an
fective and efficient because the therapist can work with adult loved one with a mental illness (Dixon et al, 2004).
many people at once, and families have the opportunity to FFEP was developed by Joyce Burland (2001), a psychologist
learn from one another through observation and identifica- who has experienced mental illness within her family. The
tion of situations with other families. When families partic- FFEP program is delivered in the community and facilitated
ipate in multifamily psychoeducation group interventions, by two family members who receive extensive training. The
the change of one member of the family can potentially im- facilitators present the program from a scripted manual that
pact all of the other family members and other group mem- is updated annually.
bers as well. Group members may come to view their family The weekly program, 2 to 3 hours per session, includes
situation differently upon listening to the stories and situa- information about mental illness, treatment, medication,
tions shared by other group members (Olson, 2006). and recovery. Through their attendance in the FFEP, family
Despite research describing family intervention for children members gain information on self-care, communication
with mental illness, limited experimental studies are available skills, problem-solving, and advocacy. Participants can gain
for review to provide conclusive evidence that family-based insight into their reaction toward mental illness within their
services will improve mental health outcomes for children family (Burland, 2001). FFEP is grounded in theory related
and adolescents (Hoagwood, 2005). As researchers identify to stress and coping, trauma recovery, adaptation, and sup-
needs, organizations such as SAMHSA and NAMI continue to port aimed at the family member’s wellbeing.
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428 PART 3 ■ Environment

The Lived Experience

Linda (A Mother’s Narrative, as told to Barbara Jacobs) themselves, not even telling their parents. They decided that they
“I didn’t know.” “I thought she was just shy. But she was so shy couldn’t leave Kristen home alone, so they seldom went out to-
that she couldn’t order her own food at McDonald’s.” In order to gether. Linda’s outlets were playing tennis and taking the dog for
tell her own story, Linda had to talk about her daughter and how walks.
she learned that Kristen has a mental illness. Linda describes On the recommendation of her therapist, Kristen began vol-
Kristen as shy, saying that she’d been shy and withdrawn since unteering at the local NAMI office. It was through this connec-
age 2. Kristen was 6 months old and her older brother was 3 tion that Linda became aware of NAMI’s Family-to-Family pro-
when they came to their current suburban Midwestern home gram and joined the next class. Prior to this, Linda was more
from Korea. They were adopted by a middle-class white family concerned about finding support for Kristen than for herself, al-
and raised in a community that was not racially diverse. though she now states, “I wish I would have known to reach out
As Kristen grew older, she was aware that she was different, to other people sooner.”
and her shyness worsened. She felt shunned by her peers at Since receiving some education and support through the
school. She was always very mature and a good student, and she Family-to-Family program, Linda reports having a better under-
began to realize that the differences she was feeling were more standing of mental illness and a more realistic picture of what the
than skin deep. At age 14, after seeing a commercial on TV for future might hold. She’s been able to accept some of Kristen’s
Paxil, she decided to do some research on the Internet and found behaviors as being part of the illness and has let go of some of
that she had a lot in common with the description there of social her expectations. She’s more aware of the difficulties in finding
anxiety disorder. She went to her parents and asked for help. appropriate medications and is appreciative of Kristen’s willing-
Feeling like she was navigating totally unfamiliar territory, ness to comply with her medication regimen. She’s learned that
Linda immediately went to her pediatrician for guidance. The it’s okay to talk about the mental illness with friends, family, and
doctor recommended that Kristen see a psychiatrist, and Linda even acquaintances and has discovered that most of the peo-
and her husband set about trying to find someone who would ple she’s talked to are very supportive and compassionate. She
fit their daughter’s needs. The “perfect” psychiatrist had a realizes how important her tennis is to her own wellbeing and her
3-month waiting list, so Kristen saw a therapist in the interim. ability to care for her family.
Kristen was initially treated for social anxiety disorder, but it Linda finds that it’s easier to talk openly with Kristen about
wasn’t too long before Linda noticed signs of depression and ob- what’s going on, which helps to alleviate some of the anger. She’s
sessive-compulsive disorder. Kristen became a “cutter” and able to tell Kristen what she’s learning at Family-to-Family, which
was hospitalized six times during her sophomore year of high lets Kristen know that she cares about her and wants what’s best
school. Linda and her husband got caught up in trying to con- for her. She realizes that it’s okay for Kristen to be angry at her
trol the situation by monitoring Kristen’s computer use, locking because she knows not to take it personally.
up all the medications, and taking away access to large amounts Linda admits that she and her husband don’t have much of
of money. The family environment became one of mistrust and a life—that it’s still dominated by Kristen and her illness. But that
suspicion, with fear and anger just below the surface. seems to be okay for now. She states, “I know there’s help out
Linda quit her part-time job to accommodate Kristen’s needs. there if I need it in the future.”
She and her husband kept their problems with Kristen largely to

A study examining the efficacy of the FFEP found that Visions for Tomorrow
participants experienced reduced subjective burden of
worry and displeasure regarding the mental illness of their Visions for Tomorrow is a free course offered by several state
family member (Dixon et al, 2004). The participants’ level of and local NAMI affiliates around the United States (NAMI
empowerment within the community, their family, and the Iowa, 2005) This program was developed by NAMI Texas
mental health service system was increased. Participants in (Burland & Nemec, 2007). It is designed for parents and care-
the FFEP also demonstrated increased knowledge of mental givers of children and adolescents with brain disorders (NAMI
illness and the mental health system and demonstrated im- Iowa, 2005). Family members in this program learn about re-
proved self-care. The positive benefits of an increased sense sources, find support, and examine strategies to cope with
of empowerment and decreased subjective burden were mental illness for their child or adolescent family member.
maintained by study participants for 6 months beyond the Through their participation in Visions for Tomorrow,
end of the study. It is important to note that the FFEP did family members have reported feeling understood and val-
not change the level of objective burden of the family partic- idated. Within the program, family members learn about a
ipants. The FFEP is not intended to directly change or alter variety of disorders, including autism, attention deficit-
the behavior and individual needs of a family member with hyperactivity disorder, bipolar disorder, depression, eating
a mental illness; rather, it builds capacity in the family to ef- disorders, and anxiety disorders. Families and caregivers
fectively support their family member’s recovery using also learn about effective record keeping, coping, self-care,
strategies that support overall family coping and functioning rehabilitation, recovery, transition, advocacy, and stigma
(Dixon et al, 2004). (NAMI Iowa, 2005).
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CHAPTER 29 ■ Families Living With Mental Illness 429

In Ohio, NAMI developed a program for young families reducing the stigma that surrounds mental illness (Burland
called Hand to Hand, which presents content and focus & Nemec, 2007).
similar to the Visions for Tomorrow program (Burland &
Nemec, 2007).
Parents and Teachers as Allies
Occupational therapy practitioners working with family
The Parents and Teachers as Allies program addresses mental members should view their roles as multifaceted. They may
illness in children through educating teachers via a 2-hour serve as direct care provider, consultant, advocate, and soci-
session on mental illness in children and adolescents. The in- etal systems change agent. Occupational therapy practition-
formation provided assists teachers in helping to recognize ers, because of their education and holistic approach to indi-
and identify early-onset mental illness in children and adoles- viduals, are well suited to address the complex needs of
cents in their classrooms. The inservice is led by parents and families. Development of family-based intervention may be
mental health consumers who have worked to cope with men- challenging because of reimbursement issues; however, re-
tal illness while in school (Burland & Nemec, 2007). search has shown family-based intervention is beneficial,
In addition to this program, NAMI New York devel- and “everyone wins” in terms of positive outcomes. Occupa-
oped a curriculum for use by teachers at all academic tional therapists should strongly consider the potential for
levels. This curriculum, Breaking the Silence, is aimed at family involvement within their service delivery setting.

Active Learning Strategies

1. Role Checklist Record your thoughts in your
Reflective Journal.
Complete the role checklist (Oakley, 2006). Consider all of
the roles you are currently participating in (e.g., student,
worker, volunteer, caregiver, home maintainer, friend, 2. Local Resources
family member, religious participant, hobbyist/amateur, Explore what resources exist for families in your commu-
and participant in organizations). Reflect on how your nity. Search the Internet for resources for family members
identity roles would be impacted if a member of your fam- who are looking for support in your community. Does your
ily were diagnosed with a mental illness. The family mem- NAMI offer a Family-to-Family Education Program? At
ber could be your son or daughter, spouse, parent, sibling, present, 45 states, Puerto Rico, and two Canadian provinces
or grandparent. offer this course (Dixon et al, 2004). Develop a list of fam-
Reflective Questions ily resources, including support groups, family education
● Would you continue to participate in these roles? programs, and current reading materials appropriate for
● If so, would your participation continue at the current families.
level, or would it change? How?
● Would you find some roles less valuable than others and 3. Collaboration
perhaps relinquish them due to family demands and Identify specific benefits to working in a collaborative fash-
time? ion with family members (Spaniol et al, 2000).
● How would you feel if your caregiver role was consuming
99.9% of your time? Reflective Questions
● How would you work toward developing balance be- ● What barriers do you think you might be faced with in
tween the roles you feel you “must” fulfill and those in trying to work collaboratively with family members?
which you participate for the enjoyment and fulfillment ● What specific things could you do to try to diminish
they provide your life? these barriers?
● How would the diagnosis of mental illness within your ● What types of environments, policies, and communica-
family impact the occupations you perform on a regular tion styles facilitate communication? How can you create
basis? these environments or policies if they do not exist where
● How would you work with family members who are ex- you are currently practicing or hope to practice?
periencing similar situations (change in roles and change ● What might be specific issues of children diagnosed with
in occupational participation)? mental illness? Conversely, what might be the needs of
● How could you, as an occupational therapist, assist a children who have a parent or parents diagnosed with a
family member who is experiencing significant role mental illness?
change as a result of his or her loved one’s mental
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430 PART 3 ■ Environment

Record your thoughts in your ● Identify from your experience what essential knowledge
Reflective Journal. and skills an occupational therapy practitioner needs to
possess to work effectively with family members.
4. Professional Attitudes ● Identify specific steps you can take to gain knowledge
and develop effective skills to provide services to family
NAMI has identified professional attitudes that are valued by members.
families of individuals with serious brain disorders. These ● What materials, information, or resources do you feel
include compassion, respect, flexibility, accessibility, candor, you would need to obtain to be successful?
hopefulness, and commitment (NAMI, 2002). ● Do you have access to these resources and supports? If
Reflective Questions not, could you gain access? How?
● Do you possess these qualities? If so, to what degree?
● Do you feel you could further develop any of these Record your thoughts in your
qualities? How? Reflective Journal.

Resources • National Alliance on Mental Illness
2107 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 300
• Amador, X., & Johanson, A. (2007). I Am Not Sick, I Don’t Need Arlington, VA 22201-3042
Help: Helping the Seriously Mentally Ill Accept Treatment: A
Practical Guide for Families and Therapists. New York: Vida Press
• Obsessive Compulsive Foundation
• Andreasen, N. (1984). The Broken Brain: The Biological 676 State Street
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Mental Health Practice

in a Multicultural Context 30
Jaime Phillip Muñoz

I t is what we think we already know that prevents us from learning.

—Claude Bernard (1949)

This chapter begins by outlining some arguments,

Imagine that you are in the fourth week of a level II field- grounded in the contemporary context of service delivery,
work rotation, working in the acute psychiatric unit of a U.S. demographics, and evidence for mental health care
general hospital located in an urban environment in a mid- disparities, that support the need for culturally competent
sized city. Over the past few weeks, you have completed mental health care. Culture, models of cultural compe-
occupational histories with many different consumers: a tency, and perspectives on culture-bound syndromes in
Hispanic woman who told you she was seeking treatment mental health are discussed, and the chapter closes by ad-
because she was losing her soul; an American Indian woman dressing cultural assessment and intervention strategies.
who disclosed that she could not escape her spirit song; and This chapter encourages you to consider mental illness
an African American male who reported that the devil was from a multicultural viewpoint and to see and understand
sitting next to him as he was driving and warned him that his yourself and the people you work with as cultural beings.
life’s road was heading for some nasty turns. You have
searched through the course notes from your mental health
classes and found no references to soul loss, spirit songs, or Diversity Within the United States
conversations with the devil.
It is likely that much of your training has encouraged The demographics of the United States indicate a shift in
you to view abnormal behavior from a medical model per- ethnic and racial populations, supporting the need to pro-
spective, which presumes a biological basis for behavior. vide mental health care in a multicultural context. Ethnic
Examined from this perspective, it would be understand- and racial minorities are now numerical majorities in
able to conclude that each of these individuals was describ- Texas, Hawaii, New Mexico, California, and the District of
ing an experience consistent with a psychotic delusion. If Columbia; in five other states (Maryland, Mississippi,
these interactions are viewed from a multicultural perspec- Georgia, New York, and Arizona), ethnic and racial minori-
tive, however, you may arrive at a very different conclusion. ties exceed 40% of the population (U.S. Census Bureau,
Multicultural context refers to a person’s family, commu- 2005). The United States is a multicultural, multiracial, and
nity, and the effects of stigma associated with mental illness multilingual society, and it is important to consider some
in society that influences their cultural identity (Cloutter- general trends that cross the various ethnic and racial mi-
buck & Zahn, 2005). If occupational therapists are to pro- nority groups.
vide culturally responsive care, they must understand mul-
ticultural context, including the social, cultural, political, General Trends
and historical realities that impact the lives of the people
they encounter in their practice. Although ethnic minority populations are generally younger
This chapter frames mental health practice within a mul- than the non-Hispanic Caucasian majority, an increase in
ticultural context. An understanding of the context begins the ethnic elder population is on the horizon. In addition,
with recognition that both the person with a mental illness much of the continuing diversification of U.S. society is
and the occupational therapist possess cultural identities the result of immigration (U.S. Department of Health and
and worldviews that contribute to their explanations of the Human Services [USDHHS], 2001a). Acculturation is the
causes and treatments for mental illness. Multicultural con- processes that occur when people from different cultural
text can influence how individuals explain the cause of their groups have continuous contact, which results in changes
mental illness, how they exhibit its primary symptoms, how in the cultural patterns of either group or both groups.
they interact with their family and community to manage Acculturative stress can result “when an individual’s adaptive
their illness, and how or whether they use professional men- resources are insufficient to support adjustments to a
tal health services. new cultural environment” (Roysircai-Sodowsky & Maestas,

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434 PART 3 ■ Environment

2000, p. 138). Immigration status, legal and illegal, is known term that could just as well apply to an American of Italian,
to generate acculturation stress, as individuals are often cop- Dutch, French, or German descent.
ing with language barriers, unemployment, limited social and A definition of race focused on biology emphasizes bio-
financial resources, and disorientation to an unfamiliar envi- logical distinctions among human populations based on
ronment (Pumariega, Rothe, & Pumariega, 2005). This multi- physical characteristics. Yet most genetic researchers agree
cultural pluralism has a notable impact on mental health care. that biological arguments for dividing people into distinct
Culture is known to influence communication in the racial categories are of limited use (Owens & King, 1999)
therapeutic relationship, a person’s conceptualization of and that race is a socially constructed, multidimensional
mental health and illness, the manifestation of psychiatric construct (Ford & Kelly, 2005). Ethnicity designation sug-
symptoms, the timing and frequency of help-seeking behav- gests that a group, such as Cherokee Indians or Mexican
iors, the experience of stress and behavioral coping styles, Americans, share a common ancestry (Zenner, 1996), but
and the availability of family and community support sys- this designation can also be confusing and is inconsistently
tems (Institute of Medicine, 2003). applied (Cokley, 2005; Pahl & Way, 2006).
Language discrepancies among the consumer, family, and Limiting any discussion of culture to ethnicity and race is,
health care providers can be a critical barrier to culturally at best, misguided; nonetheless, much of the research on cul-
responsive caring. Consumers with limited English profi- ture and mental health uses this organizing framework, and
ciency are less likely to have a regular source for health care, race and ethnicity do provide a starting point for a broader
less likely to receive preventative services, and report being consideration of culture and mental health. These ethnic and
less satisfied with clinician communication (Green et al., racial categories recognize the distinct histories and social
2005; Institute of Medicine, 2003). Although some studies treatment of ethnic and racial minorities in the United States.
show that interpreter services improve the health care expe- It is also clear that many, but not all, members of these groups
rience and outcomes of consumers with limited English share some common cultural beliefs, norms, and values, and
proficiency (Green, et al., 2006), others suggest poorer out- these cultural characteristics impact mental health care.
comes, particularly when children are used as interpreters Three major national studies provide insight into ethnic mi-
and when interpreters are not experienced or well trained nority populations: the National Survey of American Life
(Institute of Medicine, 2003; USDHHS, 2001b). (Chernoff, 2002), the National Comorbidity Survey (USDHHS,
Culturally and linguistically appropriate services “are 2001a), and the Epidemiologic Catchment Area Study (Robins
respectful and responsive to [the] cultural and linguistic & Reiger, 1991). Box 30-1 summarizes the findings from these
needs [of consumers and their families]” (USDHHS, 2001b, studies along with findings from selected studies of mental
p. 5). The publication National Standards on Culturally and health in ethnic and racial minority communities and data
Linguistically Appropriate Services in Health Care helps prac- from the Institute of Medicine’s report on health care dispari-
titioners develop the knowledge and skills to make their ties in mental health (2003).
services more culturally responsive (USDHHS, 2001b). As you read the information in Box 30-1, you are en-
Practitioners should also consider their consumers’ abil- couraged to reflect on three characteristics of a culturally
ity to understand and use written communication. Health competent provider described by Stanley Sue (2006). Sue
care literacy refers to the consumers’ ability to read, under- argues that in order to ensure effective cross-cultural inter-
stand, and use health care information, including having the actions, providers must demonstrate culture-specific ex-
social skills and motivation to gain access to this information pertise, scientific-mindedness, and dynamic sizing skills.
and the cognitive skills to process and use the information to Culture-specific expertise requires that the provider pos-
make appropriate decisions about their health. An inability sess a strong base of cultural information for all groups, but
to receive effective and satisfying mental health services due especially for groups the therapist is likely to treat. Practition-
to language discrepancies is a common issue for many racial ers are scientific-minded when they draw on their knowledge
and ethnic minorities. about a cultural group yet approach each new person they treat
without assumptions (scientifically), holding only hypotheses
Ethnic and Racial Minority Groups that can be tested and modified as more cultural information
is collected. For example, a scientific-minded, culturally re-
The 2010 U.S. census has greatly expanded the categories for sponsive practitioner would not let assumptions about a new
ethnicity and race. First the ethnicity categories—Hispanic client dictate the approach to therapy, (e.g., the client and fam-
orgin and Not of Hispanic origin—are distinguished. The ily are speaking Spanish, so they must be Mexican). Rather,
2010 census now further specifies Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish the practitioner would gather more information and test any
origin as Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano, Puerto hypotheses about culture by asking questions.
Rican, Cuban, or another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish Finally, dynamic sizing refers to the practitioner’s ca-
American origin. Racial categories include White; Black, pacity to ask himself or herself whether what he or she
African American, or Negro; American Indian or Alaska knows about a person’s cultural group fits the particular
Native (with space to identify tribe); and multiple cate- individual being treated. For example, a client who is of
gories of Asian (Asian Indian, Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Mexican descent, but whose family has lived in the United
Korean, Vietnamese, Native Hawaiian Guamanian, Chamorro, States for five generations, will likely manifest culture
Samoan other Asian and other Pacific Islander); However differently than a client who is also Mexican but a recent
even these expanded. These designations are not without immigrant. A therapist with dynamic sizing skills knows
problems. The categories used by the U.S. government do that “one size does not fit all” and consciously determines
not reflect allow the considerable variation within groups when to generalize cultural knowledge and when to elicit
in each category. The designation White, used to classify more specific cultural data. Keeping these characteristics
the majority population in the United States, is an umbrella in mind, therapists can increase their culture-specific
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CHAPTER 30 ■ Mental Health Practice in a Multicultural Context 435

BOX 30-1 ■ Summary of National Studies on Ethnic Minority Populations

Hispanic Americans Asian Americans

■ It is estimated that in 2005, 14.2% of the U.S. population was ■ In 2004, it was estimated that 4.2% of the U.S. population was
Hispanic (U.S. Census Bureau, 2005). This population has now Asian American (U.S. Census Bureau, 2005).
surpassed African Americans as the largest minority group in the ■ The category of Asian American is exceptionally diverse, including
United States, and some census estimates suggest that Hispanics over 40 distinct ethnic subgroups and more than 100 different
will constitute 25% of the total U.S. population by 2050. languages. Chinese Americans make up the largest percentage of
■ Compared with other ethnic and racial minority groups, Hispanics the Asian American population, followed by Asian Indians, Filipinos,
are more unified linguistically; however, they constitute a very Koreans, Vietnamese, and Japanese. Smaller populations of
heterogeneous cultural group, and there are cultural differences Hmong, Taiwanese, Cambodian, Sri Lankan, Samoan, and Laotian
among people of Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rican, South American, peoples are other examples of Asian Americans in the United States.
and Central American descent. ■ A clear picture of the mental health needs of Asian Americans is un-
■ In general, Hispanics constitute a younger, poorer, and less- clear secondary to their limited involvement in epidemiological
educated population that is twice as likely as non-Hispanic studies (USDHHS, 2001a).
Caucasians to be uninsured (USDHHS, 2001a). ■ Some studies suggest higher levels of acculturation correlate with
■ There is a high incidence of co-occurring disorders, especially with improved mental health, and rates of depression are lower com-
alcohol use (Beals, Novins, Mitchell, Shore, & Manson, 2001). pared with Non-Hispanic Caucasians (Takeuchi et al, 1998).
■ When considered as a group, the risk of anxiety and depression is ■ A primary reason the Asian American population does not access
higher for Hispanics than for non-Hispanic Caucasians (Manoleas, mental health services is because of language barriers (Phan, 2000).
Organista, Negron-Velasquez, & McCormick, 2000). ■ Asian Americans seeking mental health care seek out practitioners
■ Among Mexicans, overall rates for mental illness seem lower than fluent in their language, naturalists, spiritualists, and folk healers
among non-Hispanic Caucasians (Sue & Chu, 2003). (Phan, 2000).
■ As a group, Hispanics are much less likely than Whites or ■ Compounding the problem of low utilization of mental health care
Blacks/African Americans to receive specialty mental health care is the timing of help seeking; that is, most seek help at a crisis
(USDHHS, 2001a). stage (Sue & Chu, 2003).
■ Hispanic utilization of mental health services is very low, and ■ Shame and stigma are strong cultural factors that further limit Asian
language barriers are a key limiting factor (USDHHS, 2001a). Americans’ use of mental health services (Sue & Chu, 2003).
■ The expression of symptoms in Hispanic cultures often includes
somatization to express distress (e.g., muscle, skeletal, stomach or American Indians and Alaska Natives
chest pain, fatigue, dizziness) (Cloutterbuck & Zahn, 2005). ■ People of American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) descent made
up 1.5% of the total U.S. population in 2005 (U.S. Census Bureau,
African Americans 2006).
■ The 2004 American Community Survey estimated that 12.8% of ■ There are over 500 recognized tribes in the United States and an-
the U.S. population was African American (U.S. Census Bureau, other 100 tribes not formally recognized by the U.S. government.
2005). Approximately one in five American Indians lives on one of over 275
■ The majority of African Americans are native born, but people with federally recognized reservations. The majority of this population is
ancestry in Africa, South America, or the Caribbean Islands are also concentrated in four states: California, Alaska, Arizona, and
considered African American. Oklahoma.
■ African Americans are overrepresented in homeless shelters, ■ Like Asian Americans, AIANs are a linguistically diverse group,
correctional institutions, child welfare systems, and as victims of having over 200 distinct languages.
violence (USDHHS, 2001a). ■ As a group, AIANs are less likely than Non-Hispanic Caucasians to
■ This population is more likely to receive mental health care in an graduate from high school and twice as likely to be unemployed
emergency room or from a primary care physician than from a (U.S. Census Bureau, 2006).
mental health professional (Institute of Medicine, 2003). ■ AIANs are overrepresented in homeless facilities, correctional institu-
■ In general, prevalence rates for mental illness in African Americans tions, and drug and alcohol programs (U.S. Census Bureau, 2006).
are comparable to rates in non-Hispanic Caucasians (USDHHS, ■ Evidence suggests prevalence rates for many mental illnesses for
2001a). AIAN groups are higher than in the general population (Sue & Chu,
■ Compared with non-Hispanic Caucasians, more African Americans 2003).
are uninsured (Chernoff, 2002). ■ The suicide rate for AIANs is 1.5 times the national rate, and peo-
■ The percentage of African American psychiatrists, psychologists, ple in this group are twice as likely to be victims of violence.
social workers (and occupational therapists) is very low (Institute of ■ The AIAN rate of posttraumatic stress disorder is nearly three times
Medicine, 2003). the national average (Sue & Chu, 2003).

expertise and recognition that what you learn must be Mental Health Care Disparities
“sized” to fit each person you treat.
The growing diversification of the U.S. population, coupled Considerable evidence shows that disparities exist in the
with clear evidence of mental health care disparities for ethnic diagnosis and treatment of mental illness among various
and minority populations, which is described in the next ethnic and racial minorities. Several recent national reports
section, suggests that occupational therapists have a moral and underscore the need to address these disparities. Mental
ethical obligation to ensure culturally competent care. Health: A Report of the Surgeon General (USDHHS, 1999)
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436 PART 3 ■ Environment

concludes that significant information on the prevalence

and etiology of mental illness existed, that etiologic re- Evidence-Based Practice
search was increasing, and that efficacious treatments are
available for most mental illnesses. However, a 2001 sup-
plement to the report, Mental Health: Culture Race and
Ethnicity (USDHHS, 2001a), highlights substantial dispar-
S ignificant findings from relevant research studies examin-
ing mental health care with ethnic and racial minorities
identify disparities in mental health care. As you examine the
evidence presented here, bear in mind that well-designed and
ities for ethnic and racial minorities. Specifically, ethnic
well-executed studies of mental health outcomes for ethnic
and racial minorities are more likely to be overdiagnosed, and racial minorities are very limited (Miranda et al, 2000;
underdiagnosed, or misdiagnosed; have poorer access to USDHHS, 2001).
mental health care in general and limited access to cultur-
ally competent services in particular; are less likely to ➤ Among some African Americans, mental illness can be
viewed as a punishment for wrongdoing. Women in particu-
receive evidence-based treatments; and are often over-
lar can be stigmatized and disgraced partially as a result of
institutionalized in inpatient mental health facilities, cor- being seen as incapable of handling the responsibilities of
rectional institutions, and child welfare or juvenile justice motherhood.
President Bush’s New Freedom Commission on Mental ➤ Racism toward African Americans can create psychologically
and physiologically unhealthy responses.
Health, which was appointed to study the mental health serv-
ice delivery system, not only confirms the existence of health ➤ Delays in seeking care and barriers to access often mean that
care disparities but also recommend a fundamental transfor- problems reach an intense and chronic stage before help is
mation of the mental health system to eliminate these dispar- sought, which in turn requires more costly health care services.
ities and improve access to quality culturally competent care ➤ Among unacculturated Mexican Americans, the term nervios
(USDHHS, 2003). The Institute of Medicine (2003) examined refers to various types of psychiatric distress; however, the
the research evidence that confirmed mental health care dis- condition is not considered blameworthy.
parities in a document titled Unequal Treatment: Confronting ➤ Ethnic and racial minorities are less likely than non-Hispanic
Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Healthcare. This report details Caucasians to seek out and access mental health services.
findings from a systematic examination of evidence substan-
➤ Stigma related to mental illness can lead ethnic racial minorities
tiating health care disparities relative to quality of care, within
to deny problems and can increase nondisclosure of symptoms,
patient provider interactions, and in decision making for somatization, or delays in seeking professional help.
mental health treatment.
For many ethnic and racial minorities, seeking mental ➤ Ethnic and racial minorities may initially or exclusively seek
health care is the result of a complex interaction among mental health care from a traditional healer and are more
likely than non-Hispanic Caucasians to terminate therapy
individual and family variables, cultural beliefs and prac-
after one visit to a mental health professional.
tices, and issues of access to and trust of the mental health
care delivery system (Cauce et al, 2002; Yeo, 2000). Yeo ➤ Cultural resources and collective resilience offered in ethnic
(2000) suggests that ethnic and racial minorities typically and racial minority communities can serve as protective
seek mental health care in the following ways: factors.

1. No help seeking. Miranda, J., Duan, N., Sherbourne, C., Schoenbaum, M., Lagomasino, I,
& Wells, K.B. (2000). Can quality improvement interventions improve care
2. Using personal resources and family coping strategies. and outcomes for depressed minorities? Results of a randomized con-
3. Consulting with a trusted friend or extended family trolled trial. Health Services Research, 38, 2, 613–630.
members. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (USDHHS). (2001).
4. Consulting with a traditional, spiritual, or faith-based Mental Health: Culture, Race And Ethnicity – A Supplement To Mental
Health: A Report Of The Surgeon General. Rockville, MD: Author, Public
healer. Health Service, Office of the Surgeon General. Available at: http://www
5. Seeking help from a professional mental health care (accessed January 26, 2007).
The national reports discussed previously enumerate mul-
tiple barriers that contribute to mental health care disparities.
Some of these include the underrepresentation of minority
health care professionals, failure to provide culturally and lin-
guistically appropriate care, fear of discrimination, culturally
insensitive mental health providers, and immigration or
legal status (Clark, Anderson, Clark, & Williams, 1999; Sue & Most of the multiple definitions of culture suggest that it is
Sue, 2003; USDHHS, 2001a, 2003). Additional barriers are a worldview learned and shared among members of a group
illustrated in Figure 30-1. and that it is cumulative and dynamic. Culture includes a
Occupational therapy mental health care is more likely to system of shared meaning through language and nonverbal
overcome these barriers and health care disparities when communication. It is value laden and defines norms for
practitioners recognize that social, cultural, and environ- roles, relationships, obligations, beliefs, health practices,
mental characteristics influence a person’s perception of and behavior (Bonder, Martin, & Miracle, 2002). Metaphor-
mental health and mental illness, access and health-seeking ically, culture is often described as a lens, suggesting that
behaviors, the experience and expression of psychiatric everyone interprets the world through his or her own par-
symptoms, and the ease or difficulty of participating fully in ticular cultural lens, which influences a person’s thoughts
psychiatric care and treatment. and behaviors:
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CHAPTER 30 ■ Mental Health Practice in a Multicultural Context 437

dress, and rituals or traditions of heritage, in the foreground

while paying less attention to societal, organizational, and
political characteristics of culture. Matsumoto (2006) pro-
vides a broader perspective that occupational therapists can
appreciate when he says that culture “touches on all aspects
of life, including general characteristics of food, clothing,
housing, technology, economy, transportation, individual
Margination Racism Immigration status
and family activities, community and governmental systems,
welfare, religion, science, sex and reproduction, and the life
Access Poverty Lack of insurance
cycle” (p. 35).
Describing culture solely through a lens of race and ethnic-
ity is inadequate. Culture is broader and permeates multiple
Legal status Stigma Language barriers dimensions of occupation in everyday life. Many other lenses
beyond race and ethnicity influence people’s perception and
daily occupations, including gender, age, cohort (e.g., Baby
Boomer, Generation X), socioeconomic status, religious per-
FIGURE 30-1. Barriers to utilization of mental health services.
suasion, professional or political affiliations, immigration sta-
tus, sexual preference, physical ability, family structure, and
geographic locale.
Occupational therapists, as person-centered professionals,
Culture is a set of guidelines (both explicit and implicit)
are perhaps at their best when they intentionally look through
which individuals inherit as members of a particular
multiple lenses in order to uncover the distinct ways in which
society and which tells them how to view the world, how
people experience, understand, and organize their occupa-
to experience it emotionally, and how to behave in it in
tional behavior. From a mental health care perspective, this
relation to other people, to supernatural forces or gods,
means seeking to understand how culture can influence the
and to the natural environment. . . . To some extent,
expression of emotion, the interpretation of objectionable
culture can be seen as an inherited “lens” through which
symptoms, the manifestation of suffering or distress, and the
the individual perceives and understands the world he
selection of occupations a person may choose when recover-
inhabits and learns to live within it. Growing up within
ing from a mental illness.
any society is a form of enculturation, whereby the
individual slowly acquires the cultural lens of that
society. Without such a shared perception of the world,
both the cohesion and the continuity of any human Cultural Definitions of Normal
group would be impossible (Helman, 1994, pp. 2–3).
Consider objects that have lenses, such as cameras, tele-
and Abnormal Behavior
scopes, glasses, binoculars, and microscopes. The lens can Conceptually, culture is an abstraction that is most often
bring a subject into clearer focus but also limits the scope of used to examine how groups of people may be similar or dif-
what can be seen. In the same way, a cultural lens can influ- ferent, but it also can be used to consider cultural world-
ence a person’s focus and how that person understands views and cultural practices. A person’s worldview includes
and categorizes what he or she observes. One aspect of the values, beliefs, and assumptions about the world that differ
cultural lens is the division of the world and the people among individuals and are influenced by a person’s cultural,
within it into different categories—for example, kinsfolk or social, religious/spiritual, and racial/ethnic background. A
strangers, normal or abnormal, mad or bad, healthy or ill. All cultural worldview is the way in which a person or group
cultures have elaborate ways of moving people from one looks at the world and their place in it. It is a belief system
social category into another (such as from “ill person” to grounded in moral and ethical reasoning, magicoreligious
“healthy person”) and also of confining people—sometimes beliefs, cosmology, values, social relationships, and connec-
against their will—to the categories into which they have tion to nature (Purnell & Paulanka, 2003).
been put (such as “mad,” “disabled,” or “elderly”) (Helman, Cultural practices can be thought of as the doing of cul-
1994, p. 3). ture, or the “discrete, observable, objective and behavioral
Helman’s description of an “inherited” lens could be aspects of human activities in which people engage related to
interpreted to mean we are “stuck” with the lenses we are culture” (Matsumoto, 2006, p. 35). Understanding a person’s
born with or socialized into, but more likely, the intent is to cultural practices is an important aspect of culturally
emphasize that when we look at the world and the people in responsive care precisely because these behaviors are embed-
it, we look first through the lenses that we know, value, and ded in a person’s daily occupations. Cultural practices can
feel most comfortable with. Further, Helman’s description be seen in the way individuals cook their food, care for their
seems to suggest that this act of looking through our living space, engage in worship, work, play, and discipline
own lenses in inevitable, but that does not preclude us from their children.
looking through other lenses as well. Ethnocentrism is the universal tendency of humans to
In occupational therapy, as in many health professions, appraise ways of thinking, acting, and believing according
culture is often seen primarily through a lens of race or to their own experience and cultural background—that is,
ethnicity. This is a very narrow lens that often puts some of to see the world and what passes for normal behavior
the most obvious markers of culture, such as appearance, through one’s own cultural lens (Purnell & Paulanka, 2003).
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438 PART 3 ■ Environment

In considering cultural practices, it is essential to apply a Culture and the DSM-IV-TR

broad cultural lens because cultural practices that seem fa-
miliar and universal to you may seem strange and obscure Throughout this text, and particularly in Part II,“The Person,”
to someone outside your cultural group. Wurzel (1988) you have read what constitutes normative behavior and
quotes Aldous Huxley, who, upon returning from his first personality development and how abnormal behavior is un-
trip around the world, summarized his experiences with derstood and treated. Diagnosing mental illness and designing
different cultures: interventions are, for the most part, based on a Western
analytic scientific paradigm manifest in the DSM-IV-TR
So the journey is over and I am back again, richer by (APA, 2000).
much experience and poorer by many exploded One assumption of biomedical psychiatry is that psychi-
convictions, many perished certainties. For convictions atric disorders can be described in a universal language with-
and certainties are too often the concomitants of out regard to cultural differences. “Genetic factors, molecular
ignorance. . . . I set out on my travels knowing, or biological processes, and neurologically situated ‘lesions,’
thinking I knew, how men should live, how be governed, processes and/or mechanisms account for the manifestations
how educated, what they should believe. I had my views of behavior disturbances of ‘mental illnesses’ that the science
on every activity of life. Now, on my return, I find myself of psychopathology describes and codifies” (Fabrega, 2004,
without any of these pleasing certainties. . . . The better p. 30). From a strict neurobiological perspective, disorders
you understand the significance of any question, the exist within the brain, and eventually laboratory science will
more difficult it becomes to answer it. Those who evolve to the point that diagnosis is a matter of applying a pro-
attach a high importance to their own opinion should scribed set of tests and procedures.
stay at home. When one is traveling, convictions are The DSM-IV-TR is a product of this Western biomed-
mislaid as easily as spectacles, but unlike spectacles, ical, psychiatric culture (Kress, Eriksen, Rayle, & Wood,
they are not easily replaced. (As quoted in Wurzel, 2005). From a cultural perspective, the disorders in the
1988, p. 3.) DSM-IV-TR center on psychopathology within the person,
Huxley’s comments reveal that what we consider the and the cultural, environmental, or situational context is of
“right” or “normal” way to do things is heavily influenced limited importance (Lopez et al, 2006). In fact, the term cul-
by our worldview, or the cultural lens we use to see the ture did not appear in the index of the DSM until 20 years
world and the people in it. It is not hard to find examples ago (Paniagua, 2001). Further, acculturation is not defined
throughout U.S. history of intelligent, clear-thinking indi- in the DSM-IV-TR glossary of technical terms; only the
viduals, convinced that their own worldview was accurate following sentence suggests a link between psychiatric symp-
and “normal,” using that perspective to define the cultural toms and acculturation processes: “[The category V62.4
practices of others as abnormal. Consider the decimation Acculturation Problem] can be used when the focus of
of the American Indian people and their cultures in the clinical attention is a problem involving adjustment to a
United States. When viewed through the U.S. settlers’ different culture (e.g., following migration)” (APA, 2000,
Christian-European worldview, American Indian culture p. 741). Trauma related to migration or immigration is not
was barbaric. Given this perspective, it seemed reasonable to specifically addressed. Disorders related to gender identity
forcibly remove American Indian children from their own are included, but ethnic-racial identity confusion is not.
culture and assimilate them into American culture by plac- There is also no discussion of adjustment issues related to
ing them in institutions where traditional cultural practices the social environment, to housing or economic problems,
could be “replaced,” a practice that began in the 1880s and or to racism or discrimination.
continued through the 1920s (Wallace, 1995). Or consider This said, the DSM-IV-TR is the primary diagnostic
the diagnosis of drapetomania, a so-called mental illness system that professionals use to communicate about indi-
proposed by Samuel Cartwright (1851) to explain the ten- viduals and their symptoms, to conceptualize a person’s
dency of black slaves to flee captivity. In his description of mental health issues, and to obtain reimbursement for
the diagnosis, Cartwright suggests that the practice of slav- mental health services. It is not likely to be replaced any-
ery was the natural execution of an owner’s God-given time soon, though some have proposed alternatives that
right of power over others. Through this lens, the slaves’ give more attention to sociocultural and environmental
behavior was disordered. problems and resources when determining diagnoses
These two examples reflect some extraordinary and (Lopez et al, 2006). Occupational therapists do not make a
tragic examples of ethnocentrism. One only needs to pick psychiatric diagnosis; they are typically focused on how a
up the newspaper, watch television, or Google “hate person’s psychiatric symptoms impact occupational func-
groups” to recognize that some humans continue to label tioning. Nonetheless, it is useful for practicing occupational
that which differs greatly from their own beliefs as strange, therapists to understand the DSM-IV-TR’s strengths and
dangerous, unenlightened, or bizarre. Conceptualizations weaknesses as a culturally sensitive diagnostic system.
of what constitutes abnormal behavior inevitably are
grounded in some notion of what is standard, normal, and Diagnosis in Cultural Context
proper behavior. The symptomatic expression of mental
disorders varies across cultures (Guarnaccia & Rogler, The DSM-IV-TR (APA, 2000) offers two resources that can
1999). The standard for defining normal and abnormal help mental health practitioners, including occupational
behavior in psychiatry is the Diagnostic and Statistical therapists, consider mental illness in cultural context: a cul-
Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision tural formulation outline and a glossary of culture-bound
(DSM-IV-TR). syndromes.
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CHAPTER 30 ■ Mental Health Practice in a Multicultural Context 439

The Cultural Formulation Outline Culture-Bound Syndromes

The cultural formulation outline suggests that culturally The DSM-IV-TR also provides a glossary of 25 culture-
responsive mental health evaluation and intervention prac- bound syndromes. “Culture-bound syndromes are gener-
tices consider and integrate the following five points (APA, ally limited to specific societies or culture areas and are
2000): localized, folk, diagnostic categories that frame coherent
meanings for certain repetitive, patterned, and troubling
1. Establish the person’s cultural identity.
sets of experiences and observations” (APA, 2000, p. 898).
2. Elicit cultural explanations for mental health issues.
The syndromes included in the DSM-IV-TR do not gener-
3. Determine cultural factors related to the person’s psy-
ally have one-to-one correspondence with specific DSM
chosocial environment.
diagnostic categories, nor do they constitute an exhaustive
4. Consider factors that might influence the relationship
list, but these syndromes are important to consider because
between the counselor and the client.
they demonstrate that expressions of mental distress re-
5. Make a global cultural assessment to determine how
flect an individual’s sociocultural context. The syndromes
cultural considerations will influence mental health
exemplify not only how different cultures establish and
interpret behavior but also how groups label behavior
The cultural formulation outline is intended as a resource with names that are then used to describe and understand
to supplement the multiaxial diagnostic assessment process. these behaviors (Cloutterbuck & Zahn, 2005). It is impor-
Table 30-1 identifies the specific outcomes for each step tant to recognize that although the belief systems that
in the cultural formulation process and suggests strategies underlie these syndromes may differ, each approach to
that occupational therapists can apply to support culturally understanding the client’s behavior is respected within its
responsive mental health care. own culture. It is when these belief systems collide with

Table 30-1 ● Strategies for Completing a Cultural Formulation

Outcomes: Cultural Formulation Strategies for the Occupational Therapist
Understand the cultural identity of the person Hone your cultural curiosity
• Determine the person’s ethnic or cultural reference group
• Identify the degree of involvement with the culture of origin and the host culture
• Establish language abilities and preferences
Elicit the person’s cultural explanation for his or her illness Remember that all behaviors are learned and displayed in a cultural context
• Seek to establish the person’s description of physical or psychosocial symptoms
• Compare the person’s description of meaning/severity of symptoms with the norms of his or
her cultural group
• Determine preferred coping patterns
• Explore past experiences with professional mental health care
Identify factors related to the sociocultural environment that Consider person–environment interaction through a cultural lens
support/impede the person’s level of functioning • Understand the family’s reaction to the person’s illness
• Discover the degree to which religion or kinship networks provide psychosocial, instrumental, or
informational supports
• Explore interactional patterns in the home and neighborhood
• Recognize stresses in the local social environment
• Identify socioeconomic resources or barriers
• Determine if culturally relevant healers have been consulted
Appreciate the cultural elements of the person–practitioner Recognize that both the person and the practitioner come to the interaction with personal cultural
relationship worldviews
• Identify your own unique cultural identity
• Consider that differences in cultural and social status can exist and influence the therapeutic
• Ensure the person has the opportunity to communicate in his or her first language and offer
interpreters if difficulties arise
• Recognize that power differentials often exist between those providing and those receiving
Intentionally address culture in the assessment process and Make your attention to cultural components a deliberate aspect of providing care
intervention planning • Determine if the assessment tools you employ integrate social and cultural components
• Discuss the cultural relevance of assessment and intervention options with the person and his
or her family
• Identify and integrate culturally appropriate occupations in the occupational therapy intervention
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440 PART 3 ■ Environment

Western biomedical beliefs that the perspectives on mental head, what you feel in your heart, and what you can demon-
illness are questioned. strate through your presence in the cross-cultural encounter.
Table 30-2 includes several culture-bound syndromes
that are included in the DSM-IV-TR. Data has been ex-
panded in this table to include both primary and associated Models of Cultural Competency
features of these syndromes and to provide information on Models of cultural competency have been developed in
cultural explanations for the syndromes. Additionally, to many allied health fields, but they are particularly well devel-
challenge you to consider how the expression of mental dis- oped in the counseling psychology and nursing disciplines.
tress reflects the individual’s sociocultural context, anorexia
nervosa and chronic fatigue syndrome, two entries that are Counseling Psychology Models
not listed as culture-bound syndromes in the DSM-IV-TR, In counseling psychology Sue, Arredondo, and McDavis
have been added to this table. These syndromes are diag- (1992) proposed a framework of cultural competency that is
nosed primarily in Non-Hispanic Caucasians in North organized around three critical dimensions:
America and Europe.
1. The capacity to be aware of one’s own assumptions,
values, and biases.
Culturally Responsive Caring 2. An understanding of the worldviews of culturally
different clients.
in Mental Health Practice 3. The ability to develop appropriate intervention
Collectively, definitions of cultural competence suggest that it
is a complex, multidimensional construct that integrates cog- The tripartite structure of this model established a
nitive, affective, and behavioral components. In other words, framework for multicultural education and research within
cultural competency is manifest in what you know in your counseling psychology (APA, 2002). It also supported

Table 30-2 ● Culture-Bound Syndromes

Syndrome Primary Population Primary Features Symptoms Cultural Explanation
Amok Males from Malaysia, Laos, Dissociation, paranoia, • Withdrawal Perceived slight or insult to
Philippines, and Polynesia uncontrollable rage • Violent or aggressive behavior male honor
• Persecutory ideation
Ataque de nervios Men and women in and Somatic complaints, anxiety, • Uncontrolled shouting or Stressful event related to the
from Latin American and dissociation crying family such as death or conflict;
Caribbean countries • Convulsions, shaking episodic expression of pent-up
• Verbal or physical aggression anger
• Palpitations, dyspnea, dizziness
• Tight chest, shortness of
Hwa-byung Koreans and Korean Somatic complaints, anxiety, • Epigastric pain Attributed to the suppression
Americans; more common in depression, social distress • Dysphoria of anger and subsequent
women • Panic, depression, tiredness imbalance
• Insomnia, fatigue
• Fear of death
Shin-byung Korean and Korean American Somatic complaints, anxiety, • Weakness, dizziness Possession by ancestral spirits
men and women dissociation • Exploding sensation in the
• Anorexia
• Insomnia
• Epigastric problems
Susto Men and women in and from Somatic complaints, anxiety, • Anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea Soul loss brought on by a
Latin American countries; dissociation, depression, • Muscle aches and pains frightening event
more common in women anorexia • Troubled sleep
• Avolition
• Anxiety, depression, irritability
Zar Men and women in many Dissociation, apathy, • Shouting, laughing, head General term recognizing that a
North African and Middle withdrawal banging person has been possessed by
Eastern countries • Singing or weeping spirits
• Refusal to eat
• Ignoring daily activities
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CHAPTER 30 ■ Mental Health Practice in a Multicultural Context 441

The Lived Experience

Cynthia in a lot of different things. Like I couldn’t go to a job and say, “I
There are many stories that could have been told here. There are have a mental illness.” You know, I might not get that job because
many stories in which the main character is someone whose I told them. That is society in general. When people see home-
culture seems exotic, strange, or different. Cynthia is an African less people on the street, they try to avoid them. They think that
American woman in her mid-40s. She was chosen to write this they are crazy, but that’s not the case a lot of times. It’s just that
narrative because she is not exotic; in fact, on the surface, she certain circumstances happen. Things happen. That’s how I
seems plainly American. In order to better understand her think people think about mental illness too. I think that if people
cultural identity, however, challenge yourself to move beyond a knew you had a mental illness, they would walk around you to
lens of race and explore how poverty, homelessness, and men- avoid you.
tal illness impact her lived experience. Does living in poverty have I was in a welfare office applying for housing once, and I
distinct cultural patterns that impact occupation? How does one decided I’m not going to tell them that I am mentally ill because
become homeless? Can people with mental illness be said to it’s a judging thing. In the welfare office they make it so hard for
have their own cultural group? you to get benefits, and sometimes the workers act like they are
I was diagnosed with depression way back in 1996. But in paying you out of their own pocket. I feel like, OK, I have worked
reality, I’ve been depressed all my life. I can remember when I in my life too and I’m not planning on being on welfare all of my
was in preschool. The teacher told my mother that I was an life. It is supposed to be there for people who need it when they
antisocial person. I wouldn’t socialize with the other children. I need it. But they judge you. They judge you and they make you
had one friend, and if she wasn’t there, then I had no friends and go through some pain. Especially when you get a worker who
I kept to myself. I wasn’t mean. I was doing my own thing. I was thinks that they are better than you are because you aren’t
always real shy to where I was even scared to talk to my own working and they are. So you learn little tricks through experience
mother. I’m just getting out of that within the last couple years. and word of mouth. I’m not going to say that I work the system,
I’ve always been off by myself, not an antisocial person, but I but I’ve learned that there are certain things you have to do with
function better by myself. Most of my friends also have a men- the system because if you don’t, you’re not going to get any ben-
tal illness. My closest friend, she has a mental illness. I think efit. People with mental illness or who are homeless tell each
sometimes that I can relate more to a person who has a men- other what we need to know, because the workers won’t tell you
tal illness because if a person doesn’t understand mental illness, nothing. You share information.
like if you tell them that you have a mental illness, they’ll think that I graduated from the occupational therapy employment
you’re crazy. That’s their automatic thought. It has to be some- program and my intentions were to get a job. I did get a job last
thing that you’re off balance or crazy. That’s the way they explain October, but I didn’t keep it very long, and after awhile I decided
you. It gives people the excuse not to even try to know you. I should apply for social security disability. That’s my record;
Sometimes I AM off balance. At those times, I can relate to after a while I can’t keep a job. I thought that a job would keep
my friend because when I’m feeling down or some other kind of me sane, but it didn’t. I felt that if I had a job, I would feel like I
way, then I can talk to her because she can understand what I’m had a purpose in life because I felt useless when I wasn’t work-
feeling because she’s been there too. Sometimes other people ing. I actually like to work, but I don’t tend to stay on a job for a
don’t get it; even my own sister. When I tell my sister, she’s like, long time. I felt like I was getting worse instead of getting better,
she says, “It’s a mind thing and you can get out of it.” My son’s and I stopped taking my meds. So my depression came back.
father is like that too, he’s like, “It’s just a will thing.” That might I was trying to change with the OT employment program, but it
be a general feeling within black communities; just be stronger, didn’t work out. I’m to the point right now where I really want to
get faith. It’s a weakness thing, something that you should be work. I honestly do want to work, but with social security, you
able to overcome. It’s not something that requires medication can only work so many hours before you lose your benefits. It’s
and stuff like that. It’s not a disease. It’s just something that you risky for me.
can overcome if you want to overcome it. My sister is slowly If I were to describe myself culturally, I would say I am middle-
coming around more to understand that I do have a mental ill- aged but I’m still young. I’m a person with a mental illness. I have
ness and it’s not something that I can just turn on and turn off. been an addict. I consider myself as a mother; a mother of three.
It’s not something that I control, so she’s coming around to that. I’m not going to say lower class, but I live in poverty. I think I
I don’t tell certain people because, to me, I think people will struggle a lot with identifying myself or who I am or my purpose,
judge you if you have a mental illness and I think it will hinder you that’s what I struggle a lot with. What is my purpose?

the continued refinement of a descriptive taxonomy of influenced by education and training (Sue & Sue, 2003).
multicultural counseling proficiencies (Arredondo & Toporek, Findings also suggest that cultural awareness is a key com-
2004) and provided the basis for the introduction and test- ponent of cultural competency but that practitioners
ing of several instruments designed to measure these com- and students may find it easier to learn about others than
petencies (Dunn, Smith, & Montoya, 2006). This research to reflect on their own attitudes or challenge how their
demonstrates that cultural knowledge is essential for effec- personal biases may influence their practice behaviors
tive and ethical health care service delivery and that it is (Arredondo & Toporek, 2004).
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This model of multicultural counseling competencies in occupational therapy practice, but occupational therapists
may be useful for occupational therapy. Like occupational need to critically question whether theories of cultural com-
therapists, counseling psychologists take a life-span perspec- petence imported from nursing fit the realities of occupa-
tive in their work with people with mental illnesses. They tional therapy practice.
specifically address personal and interpersonal functioning Purnell (2002) defines cultural competence as “the adap-
in a variety of areas, such as vocational, social, educational, tation of care in a manner that is consistent with the culture
and familial aspects of a person’s life. Finally, counseling of the client and is therefore a conscious process and nonlin-
psychologists typically assume humanistic and holistic ear” (p. 193). Purnell’s framework for understanding culture
approaches and use methods that are problem oriented and includes 12 interrelated cultural domains:
goal directed.
■ Overview/heritage
■ Communication
Nursing Models ■ Family roles and organization
The nursing profession has developed multiple models ■ Workforce issues
of cultural competency. Madeleine Leininger pioneered the ■ Biocultural ecology
development of transcultural nursing nearly 60 years ago ■ High-risk behaviors
(Leininger, 2002). Transcultural health care is defined as ■ Nutrition
“formal areas of study and practice in the cultural beliefs, ■ Pregnancy and childbearing practices, including fertility
values, and life ways of diverse cultures and in the use of ■ Death rituals
knowledge to provide culture-specific or culture-universal ■ Spirituality
care to individuals, families, and groups of particular cul- ■ Health care practices
tures” (Leininger, 1997, p. 342). In the past few decades, oth- ■ Health care practitioners
ers have continued to develop and synthesize transcultural
Collectively, these domains provide an organizing frame-
nursing knowledge in novel ways, with some theorists sug-
work for culturally competent assessment and intervention.
gesting that their models are designed to be used by health
For example, the new admission to your mental health center
professionals from many disciplines (Campinha-Bacote,
may be a 32-year-old migrant farm worker from the high-
2003; Giger & Davidhizar, 2004; Purnell, 2002). It is essential
lands of Guatemala (overview/heritage) who speaks an
that occupational therapists are knowledgeable about these
Indian dialect (communication), is undocumented, and has
models and evaluate their usefulness for guiding occupa-
been unable to find any employment despite being healthy
tional therapy practice.
and willing to work (workforce issues). This individual
Much of the research in nursing has focused on uncover-
involuntarily migrated to the United States to escape politi-
ing cultural universals that can be applied to transcultural
cal persecution and torture (overview/heritage). He lives in a
health care. Transcultural nursing research has generally
section of the city known as an ethnic enclave for immi-
sought to closely examine nursing care with very specific
grants from Central America (family roles and organization)
ethnic and cultural groups. This literature is significant
and is distrustful of the professionals at the mental health
in the breadth of cultural groups that have been investigated,
center (health care practices), preferring instead to visit a
the depth of the research that has been completed, and
curandera in his neighborhood (health care practitioners).
the application of research results in the development and
As seen in this example, many of the domains in Purnell’s
refinement of models of culturally competent care in nursing
framework may serve occupational therapists as they strive
(Campinha-Bacote, 2003; Leininger, 2002; Purnell, 2002).
to provide culturally competent interventions. On the other
Leininger (2002) developed the sunrise model of cultur-
hand, some of the domains, such as biocultural ecology,
ally congruent care based on decades of clinical practice and
nutrition, pregnancy and childbearing practices, or death
research in transcultural nursing. A major assumption of
rituals, may be less consistently useful in occupational ther-
Leininger’s model is that culture care concepts vary transcul-
apy practice.
turally but that diversities and universalities can be estab-
lished across cultures. “The central purpose of the theory is to
discover and explain diverse and universal culturally based
Occupational Therapy Models
care factors influencing the health and well-being, illness or When compared with the efforts of the counseling psychol-
death of individuals or groups” (Leininger, 2002, p. 190). ogy and nursing professions, the development of models of
Leininger’s sunrise model is simultaneously culture spe- cultural competency that can guide practice within occupa-
cific, broad, and holistic. Specific cultural and social dimen- tional therapy is a more recent occurrence. Two recent
sions of this model include educational and economic approaches include the culture-emergent model by Bonder,
factors, political and legal factors, cultural values, beliefs and Martin, and Miracle (2002) and Iwama’s kawa [river] model
lifeways, kinship and social factors, religious and philosoph- (2005).
ical factors, and technological factors. From a broader con-
textual perspective, this model also encourages practitioners Culture-Emergent Model
to examine a person’s environmental context and linguistic The culture-emergent model advocates an inquiry-centered
and ethnic histories. This model assumes that every clinical approach to developing the knowledge, attitudes, and skills
encounter is cross-cultural. Opportunities for culturally for culturally competent practice. In this process-oriented
competent care exist in the space created by the intersection approach, the specific culture is irrelevant. The model stresses
of the cultural practices of the individual and the profes- the development of skills for cross-cultural interactions—
sional care practices of the health care provider. It is likely that is, learning to ask questions. Many of the approaches
that assumptions inherent in this nursing model also apply are grounded in classic anthropological and ethnographic
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methodologies, such as making skilled observations of ■ Finally, culture is persistent but incorporates change.
objects, time use and socialization, paying close attention to A person’s core cultural identity is stable, but cross-
interpersonal patterns, and intentionally studying culture. cultural encounters lead to acculturation. Enculturation
Practitioners applying a culture-emergent approach must is described as the way we learn the norms of our own
develop the ability to skillfully manage an intercultural culture, but acculturation describes the way we borrow
interaction, including learning how to directly elicit cultural ideas, objects, and processes from other cultures and
information. incorporate them into our own.
In the culture-emergent model, Bonder et al (2002) argue
that culture is Kawa Model
■ Learned Iwama (2005) introduced the kawa (river) model as a cultur-
■ Localized ally relative approach to understanding a person in sociocultu-
■ Patterned ral context. The kawa model grew out of the clinical practice
■ Evaluative of Japanese occupational therapists who were struggling to
■ Persistent but incorporates change explain occupational therapy to both consumers and col-
leagues from other disciplines. They were frequently frustrated
Practitioners can use these five primary assumptions to
by attempts to apply models of occupational therapy grounded
reflect on their own cultures and as a framework to under-
in Western perspectives to Japanese practice. These practition-
stand the worldview of others. These assumptions can be
ers recognized that models of occupational therapy based on
observed in the following story:
Western cultural norms presented conceptualizations of occu-
When I was young, I read from the Bible and sang a pation that did not always match the cultural realities of the
solo during the church services for my eighth grade people they treated. These practitioners were searching for a
graduation ceremonies. I have over 60 first cousins on my culturally relative and culturally safe model with which to
mother’s side of the family alone, so the church was full describe their practice.
of family and it was a proud day. After mass had ended Cultural safety is a term that arose from an Aotearoan
and we had all left the church, my Tio [Uncle] Ramón (New Zealand) perspective and was coined in response to
came over to me. He pinched my arm so hard I let out a the lived experience of health disparities realized by the
surprised yelp, and then he hugged me. As he did, he Maori, the indigenous people of New Zealand (Jungerson,
spoke into my ear, saying, “Do not let your head grow too 1992). The concept of cultural safety extends notions of
big. When you do good, you do good for the family, and cultural sensitivity or cultural competency, which often
when you do bad, it’s the same. Today the family is ignore the power dynamics between those providing and
proud, hijo [son].” those seeking services, particularly marginalized popula-
Let’s examine how the assumptions of the emergent- tions. In effect, this concept suggests that health care
culture model are expressed through this story. providers must recognize the broader sociopolitical aspects
of providing care to marginalized persons. This includes
■ Culture is learned and transmitted in countless observa- understanding that health disparities are often perpetuated
tions and interactions throughout a person’s life. This by historical, social, and political processes and that when
learning can be referred to as enculturation, the process consumers are being assessed and treated using standards
whereby an individual is taught the norms of the culture. grounded in a different context that these practices are, at
In my family culture, my Tio Ramón and my mother’s best, culturally unsafe and, at worst, dangerous (Jungerson,
six other brothers all conveyed cultural lessons., 1992).
■ Culture is localized because it is situated in personally The kawa model is a culturally safe model grounded in
meaningful environments. In the story, the locale is an East Asian worldview. This model challenges occupa-
the church, the scene of many events that shaped my tional therapists to explore how concepts typically found
cultural identity. My abuelita’s [grandmother’s] house in occupational therapy practice models, such as auton-
was another meaningful locale, as it was the place omy, independence, self, and temporality, translate when
where the family routinely gathered. Cultural practices taken outside of middle-class, social, and cultural norms
for occasions that called for celebration, condolences, (Iwama, 2005).
and every emotion in between were localized in that Unlike Western-based models of practice, the individ-
house. ual is not the central feature in the kawa model. The self
■ Culture is patterned in the rituals of the family life is decentralized in response to the assumption that har-
cycle. For example, weddings, baptisms, confirma- mony and balance in life are not individually determined
tions, and midnight mass on Christmas Eve followed by but are dependent on the fluidity of all elements of the so-
tamales and menudo at my abuelita’s house were all cial, cultural, and environmental contexts. Imbalance,
events that established norms, customs, and expectations then, reflects a disruption of the collective synergy of these
for behavior. contextual elements rather than a disruption of the per-
■ Culture is evaluative because it structures and influ- sonal harmony within the self. Therefore, the central focus
ences our choices. When my Tio Ramón pinched me, I of occupational therapy intervention is to restore the har-
focused on the pain, but the value orientation was his mony of the person within their surrounding contexts
true message, and I have transmitted that same mes- (Iwama, 2005).
sage to my own children. Cultural values are often not The Japanese word kawa means river. The choice of a
communicated so explicitly but are more often trans- river, which conjures images embedded in nature, was inten-
mitted through action and example. tionally selected as a means to convey the dynamics and
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structure of the model. The key elements of the kawa model (5) explore multiculturalism. These five components can
extend the metaphor of a river: be used to extend our discussion of culturally responsive
assessment and interventions.
■ Mizu (water), the central concept in the metaphor, rep-
resents the life energy of the person; it both influences Generating Cultural Knowledge
and is influenced by the surrounding context.
Culturally responsive practitioners routinely consider the
■ Kawa no suku heki (river side wall) and kawa no zoko
limits of their cultural knowledge. With each new person,
(river floor) are critical environmental elements that
practitioners asks themselves whether they are knowledge-
represent the social and physical context, which can
able about the person’s worldview and culture-bound ill-
impact the person’s flow of life energy.
nesses within the person’s cultural group (Campinha-
■ Iwa (rocks) represent life circumstances that crop up in
Bacote, 2003). Practitioners who actively expand their
one’s river of life. For a person with mental illness, the
knowledge base about different cultural groups are gener-
iwa in his or her life river can be manic symptoms or
ating cultural knowledge. This requires a commitment to
the experience of being stigmatized, either of which
understand culturally based health practices of various
can impede the person’s flow of life energy.
groups. Practitioners with a strong foundation of cultural
■ Ryuboku (driftwood) in the river represents attrib-
knowledge are more likely to intentionally seek to under-
utes of the person (e.g., values, character, personality
stand the cultural context of the person, their family, and
traits, special aptitudes) and resources within his or
the community; to know about and use culturally respon-
her sociocultural context (e.g., relationships or mate-
sive intervention strategies; and to integrate the use of
rial assets), which can both positively or negatively
cultural resources when working with culturally different
affect life flow.
persons and their families.
■ Sukima (the spaces between the obstacles) is where the
For mental health practice, this also means exploring
promise of occupational therapy lies (Iwama, 2005). It is
multicultural perspectives on mental health and illness, on
in these spaces that the person’s life force still flows. These
stress and coping, and on cultural variations in the presenta-
are often the occupations so meaningful and valuable
tion of psychiatric symptoms. Culturally responsive practi-
that the person commits his or her life force to maintain
tioners intentionally study the cultures of people they are
engagement in these activities and roles. The astute prac-
most likely to see in practice via continuing education and
titioner will seek out these spaces, recognizing that the
professional development activities, consultation with col-
likelihood of success is highest in those areas where the
leagues and key informants in the community, and reading
person continues to commit his or her life energy.
and research. As already discussed, some of the transcultural
The kawa model epitomizes a culturally relative approach nursing models present frameworks that delineate critical
that seeks to understand the person in context. The cultural characteristics that health care practitioners can
metaphor of the river and the natural context suggests that target for their learning (Andrews & Boyle, 2003; Purnel &
culturally competent practitioners recognize that the central Paulanka, 2003).
measure of adaptation is not necessarily to control every Culture-specific knowledge is necessary to deliver cultur-
circumstance of life but to find a way to keep one’s life force ally responsive care, but it is only a starting point. It is essen-
flowing in harmony with them. tial to recognize that considerable variability exists within
cultures and that culture-specific information about any
particular cultural group may or may not be relevant to a
Assessment and Intervention particular individual’s care.
Muñoz (2002) elicited descriptions of care from 12 experi-
enced practitioners who served culturally diverse popula- Building Cultural Awareness
tions and had the capacity to reflect on and describe their Ask yourself toward which groups you hold the most bias.
clinical encounters. His study sought to illuminate the basic Chances are that this question makes you uncomfortable.
social processes practitioners engaged in when providing It makes most people uncomfortable because no one
care to culturally diverse populations. Findings revealed wants to believe they hold any biases. When practitioners
that practitioners who provide culturally responsive care work toward building cultural awareness, they seek to rec-
achieve a synergistic mutuality with the people they work ognize their own biases and prejudices toward people
with and are actively engaged in the process of developing from other cultures and their own capacities and limita-
this synergy. These practitioners intentionally consider cul- tions in overcoming these biases when providing care.
ture as a necessary variable to know and care for the person. Practitioners can build cultural awareness through delib-
Becoming a practitioner who provides culturally responsive erative cognitive processes and reflection on their own
care is an intentional endeavor. It is part of a personal quest prejudices and biases, values, beliefs, problem-solving
not only to deliver the best possible service but also to per- strategies, and worldview.
sonally become a more multicultural being. Self-assessments can be useful tools to initiate critical
Culturally responsive practitioners routinely inventory reflection. Social attitude or bias scales, racial identity
their own thinking and participate in social and educa- scales, assessment of spirituality, or tests to measure your
tional activities that help them refine a personal database of level of cultural understanding relative to ethnic, racial,
cultural knowledge. Muñoz (2002) argued that occupa- religious, or sexual preference minorities can be easily
tional therapists provide culturally responsive caring when found online.
they (1) generate cultural knowledge, (2) build cultural One basic tool, the Heritage Assessment Tool (Spector,
awareness, (3) apply cultural skills, (4) engage others, and 2004), is a 29-item self-assessment that therapists can use
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CHAPTER 30 ■ Mental Health Practice in a Multicultural Context 445

to explore their own heritage and also use with consumers to appreciate their own cultural identity and how their
to gain a deeper understanding of their heritage consis- cultural heritage impacts their beliefs and their clinical
tency. Heritage consistency is the degree to which a per- practices.
son’s lifestyle reflects his or her traditional ethnic, religious,
and cultural heritage. Heritage consistency is believed to Applying Cultural Skills
exist on a continuum from more traditional to more accul- Culturally responsive practitioners integrate their cultural
turated. For example, a person of Italian descent who so- knowledge and awareness into their clinical reasoning
cialized in an Italian ethnic neighborhood where her processes and intentionally make culture a central aspect
grandparents, who lived with her family, spoke and ex- of clinical assessment and intervention. Occupational
pected her to speak Italian is likely to have a high level of therapy is a social process; thus, applying cultural skills re-
heritage consistency. Someone without these experiences quires practitioners to demonstrate the capacity to create
may have less. As practitioner, we can explore our client’s an interpersonal connection with culturally diverse con-
heritage consistency by determining whether our client’s sumers that supports effective cultural assessment and in-
lifestyle is consistent with a traditional ethnic, religious and terventions. This can be accomplished by maintaining an
cultural heritage. An understanding of a person’s heritage open and welcoming stance, by reading and responding to
and the potential strengths and supports within his or her the dynamics of the clinical encounter, and by engaging
family and community may help you more effectively plan each person with a purposeful intent to identify, explore,
interventions. and honor their cultural lifeways. Cultural skills are also
Other tools, such as the Inventory for Assessing the Process manifest when a practitioner selects occupations that are
of Cultural Competence Among Health Care Professionals– familiar and that hold cultural meaning for the persons
Revised (IAPCC-R), encourage health professionals to exam- they treat.
ine their level of cultural competency. This 25-item, self- Models by Leininger (2002) and Purnell (2002) (dis-
assessment tool is based on Campinha-Bacote’s (2003) cussed earlier) provide some useful assessment frame-
process model of cultural competency and measures the five works for occupational therapists to consider. Other nurs-
cultural constructs of her model: ing models (Andrews & Boyle, 2003; Giger & Davidhizar,
1. Cultural awareness: the limits of the respondent’s 2004) go a step further and define very specific questions
competence when interacting with culturally diverse that can be used when completing a cultural assessment.
consumers. For example, Giger and Davidhizar’s (2004) approach to
2. Cultural knowledge: the respondent’s understanding cultural assessment includes six cultural variables that
of the worldviews or health care practices of cultural may influence mental health and illness behaviors: com-
groups. munication, space, social organization, time, environmen-
3. Cultural skills: the respondent’s ability to question a tal control, and biological variations (Figure 30-2). In this
person about his or her ethnic or cultural background model, each individual is seen as a culturally unique indi-
4. Cultural encounters: direct engagement in cross-cul- vidual, and thus assessment begins with some understand-
tural interactions with persons from diverse back- ing of the person’s cultural identity. A useful starting point
grounds. Items on the IAPCC-R reflective of cultural would be to understand the person’s cultural heritage, ed-
encounter attempt to measure the respondent’s ucational and economic status, and acculturation level.
habits of engaging others from diverse cultural back- Level of acculturation can be determined by engaging the
grounds. A representative item is “I am involved with person in a discussion about his or her preferred language,
cultural/ethnic groups outside my healthcare setting educational background, religious beliefs, social relations,
role.” gender roles, cultural and racial identity, and use of folk
5. Cultural desire: the respondent’s motivation to “want healers. Occupational therapists often ask consumers about
to” understand others. Cultural desire items on this their current living situation, but asking where the consumer
self-assessment measure the degree to which the grew up may give insight about the cultural patterns of life
respondent has a genuine desire and motivation to into which the person was socialized and which may persist
work with culturally different consumers. as important cultural factors than can support recovery. An
approach that reflects genuine curiosity is often quite effec-
The IAPCC-R offers a scoring key that roughly places the tive. A practitioner may ask, “I am interested in knowing
respondent on a continuum from culturally proficient to about your family beliefs and traditions. Can you tell me a
culturally incompetent; however, rather than conceptualiz- bit about your family’s culture?”
ing cultural competence as something you have more or less In their model, Giger and Davidhizar advocate the use of
of, it is better to examine patterns in your responses as a way specific interview questions during a cultural assessment of
to consider next steps in your own cultural journey. For each variable. For example, Hispanic consumers who speak
example, it may be that your results rate you high on cultural English can be asked what their preferred language is and, if
knowledge, awareness, and desire, but your lack of cultural appropriate, arrangements can be made for an interpreter.
encounters may have provided insufficient opportunities for The authors also suggest asking directly about issues
you to test your knowledge and build your skills. Cultural of touch and proximity and gathering clues for communica-
awareness requires sensitivity and openness to understand- tion patterns by asking questions like, “If you have something
ing, valuing, and respecting the lifeways and cultural important to discuss with your family, how would you
patterns of others and a willingness to explore the impact of approach them?” (2004, p. 10).
prejudice and bias at personal, institutional, and societal Andrews and Boyle (2003, p. 533–539) developed the
levels. Building cultural awareness also requires practitioners Transcultural Nursing Assessment Guide, which offers a
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446 PART 3 ■ Environment

– Preferred language
– Communication patterns
– Touch
– Space
– Expressions

– Comfort with proximity
– Distance

Social Orientation
– Cultural, racial, ethnic identity
Culturally Unique
– Family roles/functions
– Culture-bound syndromes
– Cultural identity – Heritage consistency
– Educational status
– Economic factors
– Acculturation Time
– Time orientation
– Past, present, future
– Perception of time
– Social time, clock time

Environmental Control
– Locus of control
– Cultural health practices

Biological Variations
– Epidemiology FIGURE 30-2. Giger and Davidhizar’s transcul-
– Coping and stress variations tural assessment model in which each individual
is seen as a culturally unique individual.

comprehensive approach to cultural assessment. It examines What caused it? What do you want me to do?” (1988, p. 239).
13 cultural components, including cultural affiliations, values Two follow-up questions include, “What is the chief way this
orientation, cultural sanctions and restrictions, communica- illness (or treatment) has affected your life? What do you
tion, health-related beliefs and practices, nutrition, sociocultu- fear most about this illness (or treatment)?” (p. 239). Much
ral considerations, organizations providing cultural support, of an occupational therapist’s explanatory model for mental
educational background, religious affiliation, cultural aspects illness is based on his or her formal training. For example,
of disease incidence, biocultural variations, and developmental consider a diagnosis of depression. What causes the disor-
considerations. Andrews and Boyle propose that cultural as- der? What influences its onset? How is it experienced in a
sessment be integrated into a practitioner’s overall assessment person’s body? What is its course, and how do you predict
plan. Occupational therapists intending to apply this frame- the future course? What influences whether or not a person
work should examine where the components identified in improves? How is it most likely to affect a person’s life? If
Andrews and Boyle’s transcultural assessment guide best fit you reflect on your answers to these questions, you will
their occupational therapy assessment process. Selected com- undoubtedly find that your responses are informed by
ponents from the assessment and potential questions for occu- your education, life experiences, and Western biomedical
pational therapists to employ are included in Table 30-3. perspectives. Now take these same questions and reword
Kleinman (1988) suggests that a critical step for intervening them using Kleinman’s (1988) perspective on explanatory
in a culturally responsive manner is to assess the person’s models. Hopefully, you will be able to understand how con-
worldview and explanatory models for their illness. The basic sumers’ responses to such questions can provide a window
question to consider is, how does the person see the world and into their lived experience of their mental illness and how
his or her place in it? Explanatory models, or informal descrip- their hopes, fears, and sense of control (or lack thereof) is
tions that consumers and their families have about an illness embodied.
episode, can be helpful in answering this question and under- In order to take consumer’s sociocultural context into
standing the consumer’s culture and life experiences. consideration, it is essential to also assess the impact of the
Kleinman proposed three simple questions to elicit a con- person’s mental health problems on his or her family, work,
sumer’s explanatory model: “What do you think is wrong? and community. In some families, mental illness is perceived
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Table 30-3 ● Transcultural Assessment Components

Component Cultural Data to Collect Sample Assessment Questions
Communication • Preferred language • What language do you speak at home?
• Need for interpreter • What is a good distance when you are communicating with family
• Styles of verbal/nonverbal communication or friends? Is this a comfortable distance between us now?
Cultural sanctions and restrictions • Perspectives on the expression of emotions • Can you tell me about ways that people in your family talk about
• Issues related to gender depression, anxiety, and so on?
• Restrictions related to touch or specific • In your culture, are their restrictions on topics we discuss or the
topics ways we work together that I should know about?
Kinship and social networks • Consumer’s social network • How does your family respond when someone in the family is ill?
• Family influence on health behaviors • Are there people who help you cope when you are going through
• Roles in decision making a difficult time? What do they do to help?
Health-related beliefs and practices • Explanatory models of illness • What do you think caused your illness?
• Cultural group’s view on mental disorders • When someone in your family has this illness, are there certain
• Cultural healers or practices things you do, foods you eat, or healers you see to get better?

and addressed as the isolated illness state of the individual, process. Table 30-4 provides an overview of the ETHNIC
but in many others, it is a social, family, and community framework.
matter. In a broader sociocultural context, the family’s
beliefs about emotional problems and mental illness, the Engaging Others
way similar problems have been handled in the family, and Engaging others who are culturally different is a process
the manner in which decisions about care are made and whereby practitioners actively seek to encounter consumers
communicated within the family all become part of a com- and other individuals who are culturally different from
prehensive cultural assessment. them. These encounters allow the practitioner to develop
The need to use culturally responsive interaction skills in their cultural awareness, apply cultural skills, and generate
interview and intervention sessions has been suggested by cultural knowledge. By engaging others, practitioners ulti-
several authors (Bonder, Martin, & Miracle, 2002; Ivey & mately increase their capacity to provide culturally respon-
Ivey, 2003; Sue & Sue, 2003). The goal is to solicit detailed sive care. Critical self-evaluative questions that practitioners
information in a nonthreatening manner and with an inten- can ask themselves are, “How often do I engage consumers
tional culturally relevant perspective. A practitioner can take from diverse cultural backgrounds in face-to-face encoun-
a cue by approaching the person in an interpersonal style ters? Do I put myself in environments where I am likely to
that is consistent with the client’s own style and/or that is encounter people who are culturally different than myself?”
consistent with the interpersonal style of other people in the (Campinha-Bacote, 2003). It is often easier for practitioners
client’s life. to learn about other cultures through reading, watching
One final perspective on applying cultural skills is the films, or other passive means; however, actively engaging
ETHNIC framework proposed by Levin, Like, and Gottlieb others provides substantial opportunities for multicultural
(2000). ETHNIC serves as a mnemonic device for critical ques- learning.
tions to consider in the assessment process and specific cultur- Practitioners should recognize that encounters are not
ally responsive strategies to integrate into the intervention always harmonious. Engaging others can result in a clash

Table 30-4 ● ETHNIC Framework for Culturally Competent Assessment and Intervention
Framework Strategies for Assessment and Intervention
Explanation Assess explanatory models: Why do you think you might have this problem? Why do you think these problems started when they did?
What do friends and family say about your symptoms?
Treatments Elicit person’s beliefs about treatment: Are there things you do to stay healthy (e.g., things you eat, drink, do or avoid doing)? What kinds
of things have helped in the past? Are their medicines or home treatments your family or friends suggest?
Healers Determine use of cultural healers: Are there healers that you or others in your family or neighborhood use when you become ill? Have
you sought this person’s advice? Are you comfortable telling me about these treatments? May I speak with this healer?
Negotiate Involve person in planning for assessment and intervention: Make intervention planning an active, collaborative process; suggest and
have the person suggest culturally relevant intervention options that incorporate the person’s beliefs.
Intervention Incorporate culturally meaningful intervention activities: Integrate culturally relevant occupations (e.g., cooking, dressing, leisure) and
cultural healing activities and healers.
Collaboration Work in partnership with the person and his or her family: Actively consider and integrate all cultural resources in the person’s network
(family, friends, spiritual leaders, cultural healers) and collaborate with other team members.
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between the practitioner’s and the consumer’s cultural val- tendency to be fascinated by cultural aspects of humanity
ues or perceptions. In the study by Muñoz (2002), experi- and a passion for actively seeking knowledge about differ-
enced practitioners shared incidents in which they failed to ent cultures, then you have a strong drive to explore multi-
interpret or they misinterpreted cultural information about culturalism. Participation in the multicultural journey is
the consumer or they faced a difficult clinical choice due to motivated by a practitioner’s cultural desire and commit-
differences in cultural perceptions, attitudes, or behaviors ment to learn about people from different cultures. As
between them and the consumer or their families. Engaging such, exploration is a purposeful act that is grounded in the
others is a critical aspect of making connections. Practition- practitioner’s commitment to address culture in clinical
ers in this study consistently sought opportunities outside practice as a means of providing the most efficacious serv-
their day-to-day clinical practices to engage others who were ice to clients. In many models of cultural competency,
culturally different. These encounters supported them as the ultimate manifestation of this spirit of exploration and
they developed their capacity to become fully aware of them- cultural desire is to engage in social action that works to
selves and others as cultural beings. It was through engaging eliminate injustices such as racism, stigma, and poverty
others that a practitioner tested the depths and recognized (Sue et al, 1992; Wurzel, 1998).
the limits of his or her cultural knowledge and practiced and
developed cultural skills for connecting and responding.
Without engagement, a practitioner’s journey toward multi- Summary
cultural understanding could be hampered.
Culture is intimately intertwined with our identity, so much
Exploring Multiculturalism so that often we are unaware of our own cultural background,
beliefs, rituals, and routines. This is particularly true of those
Exploring multiculturalism is a reflective process whereby who make up the dominant culture and/or when there is lim-
practitioners demonstrate a desire and intentional drive to ited exposure to different cultures. Likewise, culture is embed-
broaden their cultural understanding and continue their ded in occupational performance. Culture influences values
own journey toward multiculturalism. In her model of and choice for particular occupations, the manner in which
cultural competence, Campinha-Bacote (2003) defines this we participate, the people who share in our occupations, and
intentional drive as “cultural desire,” the practitioner the ways in which we evaluate our performance. Effective
“wanting to” go out and be curious about other people and occupational therapy intervention requires a deep apprecia-
other cultures. Your attitudes and actions relative to multi- tion for culture and the unique nature of cultural expression
culturalism reflect your spirit of exploration: if you have a for each individual.

Active Learning Strategies

1. The Culture of Occupational Denner, 1998). Write a description of your cultural identity,
Therapy then reflect on the following questions. After you have
considered each question, pair up with a peer, share your
Culture is a shared system of concepts and knowledge that
description of your culture, and compare your responses.
influences our behavior. If you are an occupational therapy
student, you are currently in a process of being socialized into Reflective Questions
the profession: you are learning the occupational therapy ● What was my first or most automatic thought when I
culture. You also are likely to come in contact with students started this task?
from other disciplines. Consider the following questions: ● How did I experience the task? How difficult did I find
the task? Why was it simple or hard for me?
Reflective Questions
● What aspects of my identity did I automatically include in
● What are characteristics of the occupational therapy
my description? What cultural lenses did I look through?
● What aspects of my identity took more reflection to
● How have you been enculturated?
include or were not included?
● How is physical therapy culture like occupational therapy
● What aspects of identity are the same as or different
from those my peer chose to include in his or her
● Do pharmacy majors look at the world through a differ-
ent lens than health science majors?
Capture your responses to these
Capture your responses to these
questions in your Reflective Journal.
questions in your Reflective Journal.

3. The Impact of Culture on Behavior

2. Examining Cultural Identity
What if we used a multicultural lens to understand and sit-
Cultural identity refers to the culture you identify with and
uate behavior in multicultural context? Read and reflect on
that you look to for standards for your behavior (Cooper &
1704_Ch30_433-452.qxd 7/9/10 5:03 PM Page 449

CHAPTER 30 ■ Mental Health Practice in a Multicultural Context 449

the following questions and write brief answers to each of to think about relationships, self-responsibility, motiva-
them. These questions are designed to help you examine tion, how to handle disappointment or loss, or ways of
how you have come to think about what constitutes normal coping and dealing with stressful situations).
and abnormal behavior and to consider the impact of ● Provide an example of a personally meaningful environ-
culture on behavior. For each question, try to provide an ment where your family culture is localized.
example that helps explain your response. When you have ● Identify a recurrent ritual in your family life cycle and
responded to each question, pair up with a peer and com- consider the significance of this ritual in shaping your
pare your responses. cultural identity.
● List the top three family values that you feel were
Reflective Questions
communicated to you in the behavior of your family
● What constitutes abnormal behavior, and how have I
of origin.
learned to define what constitutes normality?
● Identify what you feel may be the most significant
● What assumptions underlie the conceptual models I use
changes that may have occurred in your cultural
to understand the behavior of others?
identity in the past 3 years (as a result of your cultural
● How might contextual issues in contemporary U.S. society,
such as racism, poverty, homophobia, or violence, influ-
ence human experience and behavior?
6. Applying the Kawa Model
● Is it possible for a person’s culture to affect his or her
perception of reality? Consider the idea that life is a river:
● How might culture influence a person’s experience of ● If life is like a river, what is a drought in one’s life?
stress and the coping strategies he or she uses? ● If life is like a river, how can we think about the currents
● In what ways might culture impact the duration, course, in river of life?
or outcome of mental illness? ● If like is like a river, what is a flood in someone’s life
● Can culture influence the kinds of problems a person re- river?
ports or the meaning a person attaches to these problems? ● If your life is a river, would you rather be a meandering
stream or a forceful rapid?
Capture your responses to these Now, create a drawing that depicts your current life
questions in your Reflective Journal. situation as a river.
● Draw the floor and sidewalls of your life’s river. In the

4. Context and Mental Illness floor and sidewalls, embed the names of
● People who provide you with the most support—true
Reread the definition of culture-bound syndromes and review friends.
the list of culture-bound syndromes in Table 30-2. Review the ● People who provide you with material support and
essential features of anorexia nervosa in the DSM-IV-TR or resources.
online. Google “chronic fatigue syndrome” and/or examine ● Places you frequent that build you up, refresh or
the definitions of this disorder in Wikipedia. Then, working replenish you, inspire or direct you.
with a peer, create two lists: ● Somewhere along the bottom or the sides, draw the
● List 1: Why anorexia nervosa and chronic fatigue syndrome rocks. Label each rock as a problem or difficulty you are
should be considered culture-bound syndromes. currently experiencing.
● List 2: Why anorexia nervosa and chronic fatigue syndrome ● Draw as many or as few rocks as you like.
should not be considered culture-bound syndromes. ● Make the size of each rock relative to the degree of
Share your lists with your peers. What do you find are the impediment these problems create in your life.
most convincing arguments? Is one diagnosis easier than the ● Draw driftwood in your river to represent your assets.
other to define as a culture-bound syndrome? ● Label the driftwood with some of your best features or

5. Applying the Culture-Emergent Model ● Label other driftwood as some of your most important

Reconsider the five assumptions of the culture-emergent skills/attributes.

● Now focus on the spaces between the floor, walls, rocks,
1. Culture is learned. and driftwood.
● Label these spaces with the occupations in your life
2. Culture is localized.
3. Culture is patterned. that hold the most meaning for you.
● Be judicious and include only those things that are
4. Culture is evaluative.
5. Culture is persistent but incorporates change. important for you to carry on no matter what life
throws at you; these are things that are the essence
of you.
In your Reflective Journal, consider your
Look at what you have created and, if you feel comfort-
own family culture:
able, share the picture with a peer. Do you think you could
● Think of, and write down, a story that reflects cultural use the metaphor of life as a river as a way to help you con-
learning (i.e., one that illustrates how you were socialized sider a person in sociocultural context?
1704_Ch30_433-452.qxd 7/9/10 5:03 PM Page 450

450 PART 3 ■ Environment

Resources cross cultural care for children, adults, and families: http://www11
Books • The Office of Minority Health website is maintained by the
• Gielen, U. P., Fish, J. M., & Draguns, J. G. (2004). Handbook U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and includes
of Culture, Therapy and Healing. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. This a wealth of information about minority health. The site includes
informative collection of works written by authors from diverse newsletters, publications, statistics, and links to federal government
fields such as psychology, anthropology, sociology, comparative clearinghouses and information centers and has a separate section
religion, and nursing explores the convergence of culture, healing, addressing cultural competence:
and psychotherapy. • The Stanford Geriatric Education Center has a unique site
• Illovsky, M. E. (2003). Mental Health Professionals, Minorities dedicated to multidisciplinary ethnogeriatric education. There
and the Poor. New York: Brunner-Routledge. Illovsky defines are resources here for educators and practitioners, training and
this book as a “think about what you are doing” text that seeks intervention materials, research findings, and policy analysis:
to inform readers about issues in mental health specific to
therapeutic interventions with minorities and people living in
poverty. The book offers alternatives to standard care practices
and sections devoted to sexual orientation minorities, minorities References
with disabilities, ethnic minority children, women and elders,
and minorities in rural America. American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders: DSM-IV-TR (4th ed., text rev.).
• Murphy-Berman, V., & Berman, J. J. (2003). Cross-Cultural
Washington, DC: Author.
Differences in Perspectives on the Self: Volume 49 of the Nebraska
Symposium on Motivation. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. American Psychological Association. (2002). Guidelines on Multi-
This text examines cultural differences in models of psychological cultural Education, Training, Research, Practice and Organiza-
agency, motivations for self-improvement, choice, and intrinsic tional Change for Psychologists. Washington, DC: Author. Avail-
motivation and offers a cross-cultural perspective of Maslow’s able at: http://www.apa.orgpi/multiculturalguidelines.pdf (accessed
theory of self-actualization. February 2, 2007).
Andrews, M., & Boyle, J. (2003). Transcultural Concepts in Nursing
• Peacock, J. L. (1988). The Anthropological Lens: Harsh Light,
Care (3rd ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott.
Soft Focus. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. This text
on cultural anthropologies may help readers expand their use Arredondo, P., & Toporek, R. (2004). Multicultural counseling
of multiple cultural lenses when examining culture and cultural competencies = ethical practice. Journal of Mental Health Coun-
identity. The author uses examples and storytelling to clearly seling, 7, 44–55.
describe concepts of race and culture while providing practical Beals, J., Novins, D. K., Mitchell, C., Shore, J. H., & Manson,
strategies that may help health professionals intentionally S. M. (2001). Comorbidity between alcohol abuse/dependence
consider culture and cultural identity in all phases of their and psychiatric disorders: Prevalence, treatment implications
interventions. and new directions among American Indian populations.
In P. Mail (Ed.), National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alco-
• Royeen, A. M., & Crabtree, J. L. (2006). Culture in Rehabilitation:
holism Monograph. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Print-
From Competency to Proficiency. Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Pearson Education. This text covers a broad range of ethnic ing Office.
and cultural groups, including explorations of cultural issues Bonder, B., Martin, L., & Miracle, A. (2002). Culture in CLINICAL
related to poverty, gender, age, and sexual orientation. Multiple CARE. Thorofare, NJ: Slack.
case stories help readers apply cultural considerations to Campinha-Bacote, J. (2003) The Process of Cultural Competence in
rehabilitation practice. the Delivery of Healthcare Services, 4th ed. Cincinnati: Transcul-
tural C.A.R.E. Associates.
• Wong, P. T., & Wong, L. C. (2006). Handbook of Multicultural
Cartwright, S. A. (1851). Report on the diseases and physical
Perspectives on Stress and Coping. New York: Springer Science and
Business Media. This collection of works examines theoretical peculiarities of the Negro race. New Orleans Medical and
and methodological issues related to understanding stress and Surgical Journal, 691–715. Reprinted in A. Caplan, T. Engel-
coping cross-culturally; it includes descriptive chapters on hardt, & J. McCartney (Eds.), Concepts of Health and Disease
acculturative stress, coping and resilience, and work-related in Medicine: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Boston: Addison-
issues from a cross-cultural perspective. Wesley, 1980.
Cauce, A. M., Paradise, M., Domeneche-Rodriquez, M., Cochran,
Websites B. N., Shea, J. M., Srebnik, D., & Baydar, N. (2002). Cultural and
• American Anthropology Association offers an excellent contextual influences in mental health help seeking: A focus on
discussion of race, called Race—Are We So Different? ethnic minority youth. Journal of Counseling and Clinical Psychology, 70(1), 44–55.
• Diversity Rx provides models of practices that support culturally Chernoff, N. N. (2002). NIMH study: Blacks mentally healthier.
competent care and resources to help you understand policy and American Psychological Society, 15, 21–36.
legal issues that impact the quality of health care for minority, Clark, R., Anderson, N. B., Clark, V. R., & Williams, D. R. (1999).
immigrant, and ethnically diverse communities: http://www Racism as a stressor for African Americans. American Psycholo- gist, 54, 805–816.
• Mind Freedom International is an organization advocating for Cloutterbuck, J., & Zhan, L. (2005). Ethnic elders. In K. D. Melillo
the human rights of mental health consumers and promoting & S. C. Houde (Eds.), Geropsychiatric and Mental Health Nursing
humane alternatives in mental health. Many of its members have (pp. 69–86). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.
personally experienced the mental health system: http://www Cokley, K. O. (2005). Racial(ized) identity, ethnic identity, and Afrocentric values: Conceptual and methodological challenges in
• The National Center for Cultural Competence website provides understanding African American identity. Journal of Counseling
a wealth of information about cultural and linguistic competence. Psychology, 52, 4 517–526.
Among other things, you will find information about conceptual Cooper, C. R., & Denner, J. (1998). Theories linking culture and
frameworks for cultural competency, tools for assessing your psychopathology: Universal and community-specific processes.
own cultural competence, and practical resources to support Annual Review of Psychology, 49, 559–584.
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CHAPTER 30 ■ Mental Health Practice in a Multicultural Context 451

Dunn, T. W., Smith, T. B., & Montoya, J. A. (2006). Multicultural Pahl, K., & Way, N. (2006). Longitudinal trajectories of ethnic iden-
competency instrumentation: A review and analysis of reliability tity among urban black and Latino adolescents. Child Develop-
generalization. Journal of Counseling and Development, 84, ment, 77(5), 1403–1415.
471–482. Paniagua, F. A. (2001). Diagnosis in Multicultural Context: A Case-
Fabrega, H. (2004). Culture and the origins of psychotherapy. In book for Mental Health Practitioners. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
U. P. Gielen, J. M. Fish, & J. G. Draguns (Eds.), Handbook of Phan, T. (2000). Investigating the use of services for Vietnamese
Culture, Therapy and Healing (pp. 15 –35 ). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. with mental illness. Journal of Community Health, 25(5),
Ford, M. E., & Kelly, P. A. (2005) Conceptualizing and categorizing 411–425.
race and ethnicity in health services research. Health Services Pumariega, A. J., Rothe, E., & Pumariega, J. B. (2005). Mental health
Research, 40, 5, 1658–1675. of immigrants and refugees. Community Mental Health Journal,
Giger, J., & Davidhizar, R. (2004). Transcultural Nursing: Assessment 41(5), 581–597.
and Intervention. St. Louis: Mosley Year Book. Purnell, L. D. (2002). The Purnell model for cultural competence.
Green, A. R., Ngo-Metzger, Q., Legedza, A., Massagli, M. P., Phillips, Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 13(3), 193–196.
R. S., & Iezzoni, L. I. (2005). Interpreter services, language con- Purnell, L. D., & Paulanka, B. J. (2003). Transcultural Health
cordance, and health care quality: Experiences of Asian Americans Care: A Culturally Competent Approach (2nd ed.). Philadelphia:
with limited English proficiency. Journal of General Internal F. A. Davis.
Medicine, 20, 11, 1050–1056. Robins, L., & Reiger, D. A. (1991). Psychiatric Disorders in America:
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syndromes: New directions. American Journal of Psychiatry, Roysircai-Sodowsky, G. R., & Maestas, M. V. (2000). Acculturation,
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for Health Professionals (3rd ed.). Oxford, UK: Butterworth- Muticultural Assessment (pp. 131–172). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Heinemann. Spector, R. E. (2004). Culture Care: Guide to Heritage Assessment and
Institute of Medicine. (2003). Unequal Treatment: Confronting Health Traditions (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
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The Spiritual Environment 31

Mary Egan and Suzette Phillips

“ T he best of modern therapy is much like a process of shared meditation. . . . In this joint
meditation, the therapist joins in the listening, sensing, and feeling and may direct the client
toward ways to pay a deeper attention to the roots of his or her suffering, entanglements, and
—Jack Kornfield, 1993, p. 245.

Introduction along with Chapter 54, addresses the educational needs of

The lived experience of mental illness often includes a crisis occupational therapists.
related to self-identity and meaning (Wisdom, Bruce, Saedi, This chapter heightens the awareness of occupational ther-
Weis, & Green, 2008). It is through recovery that individuals apists to integral elements of the spiritual dimension, particu-
can create a positive sense of self and find meaning for their larly as regards the individual struggling with mental illness,
lives. Marcia Murphy (1998) provides a poignant account of the person or the therapist working with the client, and the
her own struggle, which includes the following: therapeutic environment in which therapy is offered. It is
hoped that the information provided will equip occupational
An integral part of my recovery has been my search and therapists with resources that support their inclusion of spir-
discovery of meaning for my life. This is a philosophical itual considerations as a component of their practice.
and psychological issue that goes beyond mere chemical In this chapter, various aspects of the spiritual environment—
imbalances in the brain. In this search I have developed that worldview and personal outlook held by each person
a new worldview. (p. 188) that gives life a sense of meaning or meaninglessness—are
This emerging worldview points to the reality of a spiri- considered. An occupational therapist might wish to con-
tual environment within the heart, mind, and experience of sider these elements when attempting to explore and under-
every person. Meaning in life, the core of an individual’s stand the client’s worldview and identify interventions that
sense of self and purpose, is to be found within this rich and may promote recovery. In addition, this chapter describes
mysterious environment. the importance of the therapist’s awareness of his or her own
The importance of spirituality in the recovery of those spiritual context. Questions that the occupational therapist
struggling with mental illness has been increasingly recog- may use for self-reflection are offered.
nized. This is evidenced by the inclusion of spirituality in key To accomplish its aim, the chapter considers the place of
occupational therapy documents such as the “Occupational spirituality in the process of recovery, presents a definition of
Therapy Practice Framework” (American Occupational the spiritual environment, reflects on ways in which recovery
Therapy Association [AOTA], 2002) and the Canadian model can be supported by the spiritual environment, identifies var-
of occupational performance (Law, Polatajko, Baptiste, & ious components of the person’s spiritual environment, de-
Townsend, 1997). Consideration of the client’s spiritual envi- scribes influences on the spiritual context, explores ways in
ronment as well as the incorporation of the spiritual domain which an occupational therapist might explore the spiritual
into occupational therapy practice is therefore necessitated. context with a client, suggests avenues through which a thera-
Yet therapists are often unsure how to address this compo- pist might come to understand his or her own spiritual envi-
nent of human experience and occupation. ronment, describes practice structures that support recovery,
Surveys of occupational therapists in the United States and identifies ways in which the spiritual environment may be
and Britain have demonstrated that although occupational considered from an evidence-based perspective.
therapists believe that spirituality is important to health
and rehabilitation, few therapists were confident addressing
this area in practice or were certain that spirituality was The Place of Spirituality
within their scope of practice (Belcham, 2004; Enquist,
Short-DeGraff, Gliner, & Oltjenbruns, 1997; Rose, 1999;
in Recovery
Udell & Chandler, 2000). One barrier to the inclusion of Spirituality holds an important place in the process of recovery
spirituality in practice is a lack of education and training from a mental illness. In fact, spirituality is often recognized as
(Belcham, 2004; Thompson & MacNeil, 2006). This chapter, a key component of recovery (Bussema & Bussema, 2007).

1704_Ch31_453-463.qxd 7/12/10 8:15 PM Page 454

454 PART 3 ■ Environment

In a review of several first-person accounts, Andresen, Oades, As described previously, the spiritual context includes
and Caputi (2003) described the components of recovery as action, ideas, feelings, and beliefs that affect a person’s
(1) finding hope, (2) reestablishing identity, (3) finding daily life and relationships. It consists of both the individ-
meaning in life, and (4) taking responsibility for recovery. For ual’s internal world and his or her external practices
many individuals, both with and without mental illness, that are revealed in word and action. Some aspects of the
hope, meaning, and identity are derived from some spiritual spiritual environment—behaviors and speech—can there-
source. fore be observed and measured, whereas other elements—
Spiritual practices are clearly associated with improved feelings, thoughts, ideas—can only be subjectively related
outcomes for people living with mental illness. Tepper, to the therapist by the client. This can make it difficult
Rogers, Coleman, and Malony (2001) found that 80% for the therapist, particularly when exploring the client’s
of individuals with mental illness relied on religious internal world. Despite the challenges, addressing the
coping methods and that these practices appeared to re- spiritual component as one of many important and inter-
duce symptoms. Another study found that individuals dependent aspects of the individual’s context can con-
with a higher frequency of religious attendance demon- tribute to practice that more fully addresses the needs of
strated fewer suicide attempts (Rasic et al, 2009). In the the individual.
general population, participation in spiritual practices In entering into the client’s spiritual environment, occu-
is associated with a reduction in mortality even when pational therapists are encouraged to reflect on the complex-
behavioral factors such as smoking, drinking, and exercise ity of this dimension and on the fact that we are discussing
are taken into consideration (Chida, Steptoe, & Powell, realities that often defy language and will remain for us
2009). largely unknowable and incomprehensible. Perhaps the best
we can do is listen and appreciate that there is an enormous
diversity of contexts, shaped by many factors that we can at
best only partially understand. Trying to comprehend it is
Defining the Spiritual Environment nonetheless important if not critical when supporting some-
one in the process of recovery.
The environment in which a client finds himself or herself
How can the spiritual environment be more clearly
provides the context for everyday activity. In occupational
described? Sandra Schneiders (1998) proposed that spiritu-
therapy, we are very familiar with the physical context of
ality as subject matter or a material object—we could say
occupation, particularly in terms of the impact of architec-
the spiritual environment—is “the experience of conscious
tural barriers on participation in meaningful activities
involvement in the project of life-integration through self-
(Stark, 2004). Increasingly, we are learning to consider social,
transcendence toward the ultimate value one perceives”
cultural, and political contexts and their effects on occupa-
(pp. 2–3). The Occupational Therapy Practice Framework
tion (Letts, Rigby, & Stewart, 2003; Townsend, 1997). Close
defines the spiritual context as “the fundamental orientation
examination of these contexts reveals their interdependence.
of a person’s life; that which inspires and motivates that
For example, the built physical environment is shaped by
individual” (AOTA, 2002, p.11). Spirituality is seen as a
social, cultural, and political ideas. Likewise, the natural
source of meaning. It provides the individual with a sense of
physical environment affects social relationships, molds
purpose and connectedness to the world and others. It
cultural artifacts (e.g., art, sports, and folklore), and shapes
has been noted that for individuals with mental illness, the
all levels of political life.
recovery process often involves a connection to the spiritual
But what is the spiritual context of daily activity?
(Bussema & Bussema, 2007).
When spiritual terms are used in occupational therapy,
Another way to define the spiritual context is to consider
they generally refer to something inside the person (as in
what this environment affords the individual. As spiritual
spirituality) or to issues beyond the realm of material con-
beings, all people are considered to have a spiritual context,
cerns (as in spiritual needs or issues) (Egan & Swedersky,
or environment, within which their meaning in life and
2003). Does a spiritual environment exist, though? If the
perspective of life (their spiritual outlook, or “lens”) is
term spiritual is used to refer to immaterial or abstract as-
formulated (Figure 31-1). The spiritual environment pro-
pects of context, what would not be included? Clearly, we
vides a framework through which individuals attempt to do
can acknowledge a spiritual environment only if we keep
the following:
in mind the interdependence of all aspects of the environ-
ment and view it as the context that includes action, ideas, ■ Accept, make sense of, and find meaning in life.
feelings, and beliefs. ■ Resolve loss and grief issues.
Defining and addressing the spiritual environment, ■ Understand and relate to oneself and others.
however, is challenging. As professionals who wish to ■ Solve problems.
provide the best care possible, occupational therapists ■ Make life decisions.
have a tendency to look for definitions and guidelines ■ Cope with struggles.
that will help us understand what we are dealing with and ■ Embrace joys.
master at least enough knowledge to allow us to compe- ■ Adjust to change.
tently and comfortably address various components of the ■ Find strength.
person—including the spiritual context. When entering ■ Face fears.
into the spiritual environment, however, definitions and ■ Become vulnerable.
guidelines are somewhat more difficult to articulate and ■ Dedicate oneself to something or someone beyond
delineate. one’s self.
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CHAPTER 31 ■ The Spiritual Environment 455

process that occurs as much because of the presence of men-

Personal constitution tal illness as it does in spite of it (Liebrich, 2002). Within sup-
• physical portive environments, people embrace their own strengths
• psychological and weaknesses and, in doing so, accept who they are and
• emotional realize their potential (Vanier, 1998). Ideally, occupational
Faith therapists are part of such a supportive environment.
background Background and Occupational therapists contribute to the formation
personal history of a supportive environment through three interrelated
1. They listen for the uniqueness of the person.
Personal 2. They study their own contexts to ensure that their
spiritual experience Lens: Sense
of self
ideas, feelings, and beliefs do not become barriers to
clearly understanding who the other person is and
what he or she is experiencing.
3. They work to develop and maintain practice struc-
Sociocultural tures that allow and encourage recovery.
context Worldview
As you learn about these processes, we encourage you to
use them as a springboard for your own exploration of the
FIGURE 31-1. Influences on the spiritual context of the person. spiritual context of occupational therapy.

Listening for the Uniqueness of the Person

Supporting Recovery Through
Within occupational therapy, every person is considered to
Considering the Spiritual be spiritual; that is, he or she is unique and truly human. The
Environment spirit is the deepest, most authentic component of the self,
and it is expressed in actions and speech within relational
A goal of this textbook is to describe occupational therapy and social contexts. Recognizing people as spiritual beings
practice that best supports recovery. Recovery can be viewed as involves appreciating the intrinsic value of each person and
a lifelong process of learning, growth, and transcendence—a respecting the other’s life experiences, relationships, beliefs,

The Lived Experience

Jeff D. house. It almost brought me to tears as the youngsters were just
Jeff experiences episodes of depression, anxiety, and agorapho- like me—bullied and ostracized. Something made me want to
bia. He shares how his lending a hand to others through volun- make a difference for them.
teer work provides him with a sense of purpose, meaning, and Arriving at the build site, anxiety started to rise, as there
hope. He finds that sharing his story allows other people to were many people around. One gentleman, the build captain,
respect, understand, and accept him. however, saw my cousin and me standing on the periphery of
When I was young, I was bullied in schoolyards and laughed the group and personally approached us. He made me feel wel-
at by my schoolmates. My teachers and parents didn’t do much come and was grateful for my being there. He introduced us to
to support me; they didn’t know how to, I guess. I always felt like the family—the youngsters. Though they were shy, I could tell
an outsider, never fitting in. I couldn’t share my pain or my that they too were grateful for us being there.
thoughts with anyone—no one knew me . . . no one understood The captain gave my cousin and me each a carpenter’s
the pain I felt inside. apron, a hard hat, some gloves, and a hammer. After showing
I grew to fear being in crowds and felt different, unacceptable, us exactly what to do so that we couldn’t help but do it right, we
and awkward. Anxiety would overcome me when I left the started framing walls and then, a few hours later, lifted them into
house, let alone if I had to talk with anyone. I felt this way place to the applause of the crowd. Watching the faces of the
despite my deep longing to be with people . . . to have real youngsters was incredible; feeling a tremendous sense of pride
friends. And so I sat alone and in fear within the walls of my and contribution was amazing. All of a sudden I felt alive. I felt
parents’ home. value, worth, and possibility. I touched hope.
One day, a house build for Habitat for Humanity was adver- Though it was difficult to face the anxiety and fear the next
tised. A cousin of mine let me know about it and asked if I’d be day, the feelings and experience of lending a hand moved me
up to going with him to check it out. I’d never done any carpen- enough to push beyond it, and have each day since. That house
try work before, so I was uneasy—but somehow, nonetheless, was built with many hands—mine included. And so was the next,
mustered the courage to say yes. On the way to the building site, and the next. And each family, each kid, had a brighter future
he told me about the family who had been selected to have the because of it . . . and so do I.
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456 PART 3 ■ Environment

values, and goals—regardless of ability, age, or other charac- Within these contexts and amidst these relationships,
teristics (Townsend, 1997). people either discover who they are; develop personal
Within a therapeutic context, it is essential that the spiri- strengths, skills, and abilities; and grow to trust in them-
tual component of the person be respected, thereby validat- selves and others, or they are restricted by limitations and
ing the personhood of the client. “When our personhood inabilities and grow distrusting. As a result, life experiences
is honored, we feel comfortable; when it is not taken into in these contexts leave a person with both positive and neg-
account by others, we feel ‘depersonalized’” (Buzzell & Gibbon, ative “residue.” Healthy, uplifting, validating occurrences
1991, p. 33). For individuals who struggle with mental support the development of the self and give people a sense
illness, personhood and the spiritual have often been dis- of self-worth and mastery, whereas wounding, invalidating,
honored, which contributes to a compromised sense of self. and hurtful experiences can leave behind many emotional
For example, when an individual’s personal views (perhaps scars.
his or her perception of the reasons for various difficulties or One study examining spirituality and schizophrenia
of actions that are most important for wellness) are disre- found that feeling connected to the spiritual provided a
garded, it impresses on the person that his or her thoughts buffer against a poor social support system and also pro-
and feelings have no value. Within the recovery context, vided a sense of control in a world that often feels uncontrol-
honoring what has often been devalued is critical to the heal- lable (Mohr, Brandt, Borras, Gilleron, & Huguelet, 2006).
ing process. Unresolved grief, family of origin issues, and trauma are
often evident in the stories and feelings expressed by individ-
Influences on the Spiritual Context uals living with mental illness who are in recovery. Trauma is
An individual’s spiritual context is influenced by multiple a common feature of the lives of people with mental illness
elements, including personal constitution (physical, psycho- (Onken, Dumont, Ridgway, Dornan, & Ralph, 2002); in fact,
logical, and emotional), background and personal history, trauma may have been a contributing factor in the develop-
faith background, personal spiritual experiences, and socio- ment of mental illness, and/or the presence of mental illness
cultural context. Central to this spiritual environment is the may have increased the risk of or vulnerability to trauma.
person’s relationship with self, others, the world, and for Consideration and appreciation of past trauma are essential
some, the Transcendent. These elements collectively con- to recovery of persons receiving mental health services
tribute to a sense of self and a worldview or spiritual/life (Onken et al, 2002).
outlook. Trauma is often considered a psychological event that
happens to an individual. In a spiritual sense, however, it is
Personal Constitution important to recognize that trauma can be experienced by
An individual’s personal constitution involves physical, psy- groups of persons and deeply affect the lives of the group
chological, and emotional factors that influence his or her members. For example, many aboriginal Canadians suffered
spiritual context and outlook. Age, gender, physical and trauma as a result of the residential school experience.
physiological status, and neurological and developmental During most of the 20th century, aboriginal children were
state can all affect a person’s outlook. Psychological factors, taken from their communities to live at such schools, where
including cognitive abilities, thought processes, thinking they were isolated from family and often suffered abuse
style (e.g., concrete or abstract), personality, perceptual abil- (Assembly of First Nations, n.d.). For individuals, affected by
ities, intuition, coping styles and skills, attitudes, thoughts, this experience (as well as their families and communities),
memory, motivational level, and goals, likewise affect the a hospital ward room with multiple beds might trigger
spiritual dimension of the person. Emotional factors are also associations with this past trauma. Similarly, persons of
noteworthy, as are feelings, desires, degree of self-control, Jewish descent, given the history of persecution and geno-
emotional resilience, vulnerability, and impressionability. cide of the Jewish people, may find it traumatizing to be
For example, a 45-year-old male who is cognitively astute, brought to a strange place, have their possessions taken away,
physically healthy, able to abstract, and possesses a signifi- and be processed administratively (Lis-Turlejska, Luszczynska,
cant degree of self-mastery will have a very different spiritual/ Plichta, & Benight, 2008).
life outlook than a highly impressionable 18-year-old woman
with a diagnosis of schizophrenia, a history of sexual abuse, Faith Background
little emotional resilience and resources, and poor coping Another contributing factor that influences an individual’s
skills. Both will approach and handle the spiritual context spiritual context is his or her faith background, or spiritual
and life itself very differently. or religious experiences and beliefs. These beliefs are often
adopted from communities that adhere to a particular
Background and Personal History spiritual tradition and are passed on to members through
An individual’s background and personal history further relationships, language, culture, symbols, teachings, rituals,
influences his or her spiritual context. Background includes and practices. In exploring a person’s faith background, it is
life experiences within the family of origin, extended family, important to consider the individual’s formative faith back-
neighborhood(s), school(s), spiritual community, society, ground (if the person has in fact been exposed to a particu-
and world. Within each of these elements, individuals lar faith tradition), present-day beliefs, and the relationship
engage in numerous relationships—which can include the between the two. In struggling to make sense of life and
self, parents, family members, friends, teachers, authorities, experiences, individuals may cling to their belief systems or
strangers, society, creation, and, for many, the Transcendent. develop beliefs that differ significantly from the faith tradi-
Each of these relationships has its own unique dynamics, tions to which they may have once belonged. Regardless of
which affect the spiritual environment. how conventional or informal their beliefs may be, individuals
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find acceptance of their particular beliefs to be important for ideas they hold have a profound impact on people’s lives,
recovery (Onken et al, 2002). mental health, functional abilities, and the perceived mean-
ing of different occupations. For example, a man living in a
Personal Spiritual Experience society and culture in which being a “good husband” means
Although an individual’s faith background is significant, that he must provide financially for his family at all times
his or her personal spiritual experience has an even greater may experience profound despair if he has difficulty main-
impact on the spiritual context. An individual’s personal taining employment. Given the profound ways in which the
spiritual experience often affects the degree to which he or sociocultural context can affect a person’s perceptions and
she participates in spiritual practices and the value he or she life choices, it is essential that it be kept in mind when con-
places on the spiritual dimension of life. For example, Wilding, sidering the spiritual environment of both the client and the
May, and Muir-Cochrane’s (2005) qualitative study of the therapist.
experience of spirituality among individuals diagnosed with
mental health problems demonstrated that spirituality was Sense of Self
literally “life-sustaining” for the six participants. The spiritu- A person’s sense of self is colored by all of the aforemen-
ality of these individuals infused their everyday lives, making tioned elements. This sense of self can be called the “anthro-
their occupations more meaningful, achievable, and pleas- pological view” of the person. The anthropological view
ant. In fact, all participants directly or indirectly stated that includes the person’s understanding of what it means to be
it was their spiritual beliefs that kept them from attempting human, the components that constitute the self (e.g., body,
suicide when the pain in their lives became overwhelming. spirit, soul, feelings, will, mind, and heart), and how he or
Although spirituality may be significant to some people, she perceives the self (e.g., lovable/unworthy, good/bad, or
it does not hold a primary place in the lives of all persons. capable/incapable).
Individuals vary in their spiritual development and matu- An individual’s recovery is fundamentally linked to his or
rity, the types of spiritual experiences they have had, her sense of self. Distorted views of the self dishonor a per-
progress they have made along the spiritual path outlined son’s self-image and identity, impairing the ability to believe
in a particular tradition, and their understanding of a in himself or herself and to develop to his or her full poten-
religious tradition, spiritual values, beliefs, attitudes, and tial. For example, an individual with psychotic thinking and
commitment. Each of these aspects affects the individual’s behaviors may be excluded from activities with the family
spiritual/life outlook, coloring the spiritual lens through that might result in embarrassment, such as eating out, family
which he or she looks at self, life, and relationships. reunions, or vacations. This can result in self-stigmatization:
the individual accepts that he or she is not welcome in typi-
Sociocultural Context cal occupations that involve interactions with the public
People experience life and spirituality within particular soci- (van Zelst, 2009). Conversely, the development of a healthy
ocultural contexts. Sociocultural contexts are milieus shaped sense of self allows the person to fully accept himself or her-
by the accepted norms, rules, assumptions and expectations self and to become as relational and functional as he or she
governing what is understood to be significant within a is able to be. A new innovation in some community mental
particular community or social group, as well as what is health centers is the use of a shared decision-making model
taken to be appropriate or inappropriate. Such a context for psychiatric medications (Deegan, Rapp, Holter, & Riefer,
includes issues of geography, culture, ethnicity, gender, 2008). This type of program honors the expertise of the
income, education, and capability. Symbols, rituals, lan- individual with mental illness and fosters participation and
guage, music, literature, history, stories, art, dance, customs, collaboration in the treatment process.
and architecture are but a few of the many means by which
a particular sociocultural context finds expression. Worldview
Given the pluralistic nature of society, any individual may A person’s worldview, or ideological framework and outlook,
be influenced by one or more sociocultural contexts simul- is also influenced by all of the elements previously identified.
taneously with differing perspectives and values. For exam- The worldview a person upholds affects his or her perception
ple, a person might be a member of a group that adheres to of others, the world, creation, and the Transcendent. Influ-
strict norms regarding modest attire while also being a enced by social, cultural, political, spiritual, and familial con-
member of a society that encourages more provocative dress. texts, the unique person assimilates and internalizes various
Likewise, a person might live in a society in which mental aspects from each of these and many other sources. The
health issues are accepted and treated just as would be any development of an internal spiritual environment follows as
other medical condition. However, he or she might also be he or she formulates beliefs, values, attitudes, relationships,
part of a group that both stigmatizes and ostracizes those expectations, choices, and a worldview amidst shifting life
who experience depression, mania, or delusions and regards experiences. The person’s outlook gradually takes shape, and
such states as being unacceptable aberrations. Attempts to he or she views and interacts accordingly with the world and
reconcile the two perspectives are often made by the person relationships in it. For example, an individual’s worldview
to varying degrees of success. regarding “free will” can impact that person’s perspective as
Views maintained within particular sociocultural con- to how much influence he or she can actually have on the
texts are produced not only through the values, beliefs, and course that his or her life takes.
practices that are passed on within an ethnic heritage
but also through a unique blend of historical and present- Exploration of the Individual’s Spiritual Context
day regional, economic, and educational influences (Krefting Throughout this chapter, we consciously avoided the
& Krefting, 1992). As a result, sociocultural contexts and the terms evaluation and assessment. These two terms imply a
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458 PART 3 ■ Environment

standardized method of measurement as well as the sense rather than in factors. Consider the PhotoVoice created by
that we can (and should) compare individuals in terms of Viola. Using logos thinking, the therapist might determine
quantity and quality, concepts we believe to be inappropri- that the kite making was obsessive and an indication of an
ate in this context. We believe the terms listen for and exacerbation of symptoms. However, using mythos reason-
explore better convey how we should consider the spiritual ing, Viola’s story about the kites is one of hope and security.
environment within occupational therapy practice. That Given the mythos nature of the spiritual context, it is likely
is, through dialogue and observation, the occupational more appropriate to listen and reflect on the individual’s
therapist learns about the spiritual environment of the story (Kirsh, 1996) rather than to question or listen in order
client as well as about his or her own spiritual environ- to classify or “rate” the person on particular characteristics.
ment. This understanding unfolds gradually within a We listen and reflect to learn about the person’s particular
mutually trusting relationship. viewpoint. We also ask questions. For example, how does the
To consider how occupational therapists can explore an person experience the world? Seen through this individual’s
individual’s internal spiritual environment and its impact on lens, are people generally good and striving to be better? Or
the realization of meaningful occupation, it is necessary to are they essentially evil and require saving from a deity to
examine some basic, yet often unrecognized, assumptions whom they must submit? Does this person believe that hu-
that underlie how we consider aspects of persons. As occu- mans have a specific purpose on earth, and does he or she feel
pational therapists, we are accustomed to looking at people capable of fulfilling that purpose? What is the story of this
and their environments in terms of discreet component person’s life so far? What kind of trauma, if any, has been suf-
parts. For example, we may test cognition with mental status fered? What has helped this person in the face of suffering?
examinations or test strength through manual muscle test- Who and what has shaped his or her values and beliefs?
ing. We understand that each component part contributes to How are these beliefs and values similar to and different
a healthy whole, and addressing each part with standardized from those of family members and friends? Which cultural
assessment methods is ultimately helpful. The pervasive groups does this individual feel most closely aligned to in
underlying assumption is that it is possible (and desirable) beliefs and values? Has this changed over time? What events
to form a mental equation of how much of one thing and and stories have shaped the experiences of these groups
how much of another is required to obtain a specific goal, (Martsolf, 1997)? Exploration questions such as these
such as getting dressed in the morning or managing a house- can help the occupational therapist develop an evolving
hold budget. understanding of the internal spiritual environment of
Such “equations” are sometimes applicable. For example, the individual. This will help the occupational therapist
experience has demonstrated that specific degrees of pres- appreciate the potential personal meaning of particular daily
sure, shear forces, humidity, and temperature can lead to the activities.
development and worsening of pressure sores among indi-
viduals with mobility problems. A structured examination Studying One’s Own Spiritual Context
of the damaging forces and the amount of time over which
they have been applied helps occupational therapists make The ability of the occupational therapist to appreciate his or
changes that promote healing. In other words, application of her own spiritual environment is required before he or she
principles of biology and physics can be used effectively to can develop a meaningful understanding of another’s
control pressure sores: x pounds over y minutes with z shear = (Moran, 2001). When an occupational therapist comes into
pressure sore development. Lower the numbers through in-
tervention, and the pressure sore will be prevented. This type
of logos reasoning is extremely relevant in this kind of PhotoVoice
However, sometimes logos reasoning is not particularly One day I made
helpful. For example, can you imagine a mathematical rela- kites. Big kites,
tionship between an individual’s view of mankind, thinking medium size
style, history of trauma, and culture and his or her ability to kites, and very
carry out desired occupational goals? Although this type of small kites. All
question has been asked, and often underlies much of the re- kinds of kites
search in mental health, it is helpful to step back and con- I made. At
sider the assumptions for treatment. If we could classify and church I
quantify the elements in this kind of equation, would it be learned, praise
helpful? Attempting to quantify, predict, and control com-
goes up and the blessings of God come
plex human behavior that unfolds over time is generally
done only with a fair bit of error. People with a wide range down. To represent praises going up I use the kites. Then I
of incapacities are often able to accomplish much more than receive blessings from the Lord by praising Him. I went into
was ever considered “logically” possible. Reliance on such the hospital the day I made over 50 kites to praise God. I
equations to make decisions about what people will or will was afraid to leave my home. When I returned home from
not be able to do may negate such future possibilities. the hospital, I gave thanks to the Lord for an uplifting
When quantification, prediction, and control are not pos- idea. The praise kites worked. When I walked into my
sible or desirable, but understanding and support are the home I was safe. Every now and then I still make a kite.
goal, we are better served by mythos reasoning (Armstrong, —Viola
2001). In mythos reasoning, we think in images and stories
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CHAPTER 31 ■ The Spiritual Environment 459

the environment of a person receiving occupational therapy, lenses, what kinds of occupations do we particularly value?
his or her own spiritual environment becomes part of the What kinds of occupations do we view as worthless, danger-
other person’s environment. The therapist’s awareness of his ous, or immoral?
or her own spiritual environment and appreciation of the Despite the pervasive view in occupational therapy that
distinctness of this environment from the client’s environ- we support the autonomy of those individuals we serve
ment can help ensure a supportive environment—a “safe (Townsend, 1997), differences in the way individuals and
space” where healing can occur (Wendler, 1996). This is an their occupational therapists interpret particular situations
atmosphere in which the person feels that he or she will can lead therapists to override these dreams and goals.
not be punished for viewing the world in a certain way or for Speaking about their research on practice with seniors, Russell,
living life as he or she has. Fitzgerald, Williamson, Manor, and Whybrow (2002) note a
To be able to provide a safe space, an occupational ther- “safety clause.” “People can be allowed to be independent
apist must have a clear understanding of his or her own (autonomous decision-makers) as long as they are safe to
beliefs and values so that these can be acknowledged as do so—in the opinion of the therapist” (p. 375). Given con-
personal rather than part of a universal system that may flicting interpretations of a situation that is safe versus
exclude the individual receiving therapy services. There- not safe, most of the therapists studied by these researchers
fore, it is important for occupational therapists to regu- had difficulty imagining that the client’s interpretation could
larly examine their spiritual environment. One way to do be the correct one. Further, therapists believed that safety
so is by directly reflecting on the aspects of the spiritual issues (as they interpreted them) overruled any considera-
environment identified in the previous section. For exam- tion of patient autonomy. Deegan (1996) provides a comical
ple, how do we view human beings? How do events from but instructive example of this kind of situation in mental
our own lives shape our spirituality, and how do we relate health:
to others? Which cultural groups do we most identify
with, and what impact do the experiences of these groups People who have not been psychiatrically labeled are
have on our worldviews? allowed to make dumb, uninsightful decisions all the
A helpful tool for students and therapists to use to exam- time in their lives. My favorite example is Elizabeth
ine their own spiritual context is Martsolf ’s (1997) Self- Taylor, who just got her eighth divorce. We might say,
Assessment of Culture as Related to Spirituality (Table 31-1). “She lacks insight! She is failing to learn from past
When we work with people to support their participation experience!” However, when she embarks on marriage
in meaningful occupations, it is particularly important to #9, no SWAT team of nurses with Prolixin injections
understand our own viewpoints with regard to this concept. will descend upon her “in her best interest.” But just
For example, given our own historical, cultural, and spiritual imagine if a person with a psychiatric disability were

Table 31-1 ● Self-Assessment of Culture as Related to Spirituality

Issue Reflective Questions
Degree of cultural affiliation • With what groups am I most closely affiliated now?
• Has any change occurred in my group affiliation throughout my lifetime?
Life meaning in cultural context • What do I believe is the meaning and purpose in life?
• How did I obtain this belief?
• Who in my life would readily understand my beliefs about the meaning of life? Who would least understand?
• What words do I use to communicate this belief?
• How does my sense of meaning in life affect the rules that I live by, the roles that I enact, and what I do each day?
Values in cultural context • What do I value the most?
• How did I obtain these values?
• Who would readily understand my values? Who would least understand?
• What words do I use to communicate these values?
• How do my values affect the rules that I live by, the roles that I enact, and what I do each day?
Transcendence in cultural context • What is my experience with a dimension beyond myself?
• Who in my life would readily understand these experiences? Who would least understand?
• What words do I use to communicate these experiences?
• How do these experiences affect the rules that I live by, the roles that I enact, and what I do each day?
Connection in cultural context • What are the characteristics of my relationship with myself? Others? God or a higher power? Nature?
• Who in my life would readily understand my relationships? Who would least understand?
• What words do I use to communicate the characteristics of these various relationships?
• How do these relationships affect the rules that I live by, the roles that I enact, and what I do each day?
A sense of becoming in cultural context • What is my life story?
• How have I grown and developed as a person?
• Where am I headed in life?
• Is my life story, my development as a person, and my direction in life similar to that of any particular group of people?
Adapted with permission from Martsolf, D. S. (1997). Cultural aspects of spirituality in cancer care. Seminars in Oncology Nursing, 13, 231–236. St. Louis: Elsevier.
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460 PART 3 ■ Environment

to announce to their treatment team that they were evidence that they can be themselves without being criti-
about to get married for the 9th time! People learn, cized for their differences. There is evidence that occupa-
and sometimes don’t learn, from failures. We must be tional therapy clients who identify themselves as minority
careful to distinguish between a person making (from group members introduce hints about their life situations to
our perspective) a dumb or self-defeating choice and a see if it is safe to talk to the therapist (Kirsh, Trentham, &
person who is truly at risk. Cole, 2006).
What can we do to ensure a safe context for our clients
Therapists may be able to avoid the trap of labeling
whose lives and beliefs do not resemble those of our families
dreams and desires as too risky if we get in the habit of
and friends? Beagan (2003) proposes that health professionals
reviewing the context of our discomfort with certain goals.
reflect not only on differences (e.g., ethnic origin, gender,
Following are reflective questions to consider:
wealth) but also on the feelings that these differences evoke
■ Does this discomfort come from a concern about within the professionals themselves. Echoing Ramsden, Beagan
safety? states it is imperative for health professionals to acknowledge
■ Is there concrete evidence that pursuit of the goal will that power imbalances exist and are maintained through the
result in an immediate, life-threatening situation for ideas of the dominant culture.
the individual? It seems difficult but necessary to accept that no matter
■ Is the goal illegal? how open and welcoming we feel, our contexts ensure there
■ If the answers to the above questions are no, why do we will be things we do not understand or even feel comfortable
remain uncomfortable with the goal? with. It takes courage to move beyond our immediate circles
■ What in our own spiritual context makes it impossible and quietly listen as other people speak of their experiences.
to view this goal as worthy? As occupational therapists, we may need to rephrase our
■ Do we feel that it is our responsibility to control every routine questions in terms that are more likely to lead to a
situation—to promote our vision of safety at any price? trust moment. For example, “Do you have a significant
■ Are we adverse to some activities due to our own other?” rather than “Are you married?” “Would you like to
personal, spiritual, or cultural backgrounds? rely on him or her to help you with some of your daily activ-
Another issue that needs to be addressed in considering ities?” We cannot assume that all relationships conform to
our own spiritual context is the impact of the therapist’s per- our ideas (Beagan, 2008).
sonal beliefs on his or her ability to enable the occupations
of others. Religious and/or cultural beliefs can greatly influ- Ensuring That Practice Structures
ence many therapists’ perception of what constitutes a healthy Support Recovery
individual and meaningful occupation.
Although it is rarely discussed, it is realistic to assume As Leibrich (2002, p. 150) states: “Health, literally means
that some occupational therapists experience profound being whole. Health means making whole. . . . Any therapy
tension between a religiously mandated duty to live that treats a person in a disintegrated way is not just ineffec-
out and share their beliefs with others and a professional tive, it is actually harmful because it can reinforce the disin-
responsibility to unconditionally accept and support their tegration of illness and erode a person’s innate power to heal
clients regardless of how their perspectives may conflict themselves.” The third aspect of considering the spiritual
with the therapist’s own worldview. For example, a thera- environment involves continually ensuring that the way we
pist whose belief system opposes sexual activity outside of work promotes wholeness and helps people to realize their
marriage may have a strong reaction to unwed clients in a full potential.
long-term care facility or group home engaging in sexual In her critique of occupational therapy mental health
relations. Conversely, a therapist whose belief system services, Townsend (1998) describes how occupational
is unconcerned with such activity may have greater ease therapists often unwittingly further practices that foster
accepting and working with it. When difficult moral or disempowerment and chronic dependency. Although it
ethical situations arise, therapists are encouraged to be appears evident that mental health systems naturally
true to their own conscience regarding their person and foster dependence through structures that control decision-
practice while also maintaining professional boundaries making and minimize risk, occupational therapists tend
and a client-centered focus that ensures that each client is to dismiss concerns that we operate in systems that do not
both respected and receives the best care and services pos- allow health. For example, to save time or minimize per-
sible. Managing such situations is neither simple nor ceived risks, we may use simulated occupations with our
straightforward. clients rather than work with them in their real environ-
It is also important for the occupational therapist to be ments. “We subjectively know how the routine organiza-
aware of power differentials with clients. When the client’s tion of mental health services limits practice; but daily
beliefs are marginalized in a society and the therapist’s be- practice is conducted with an optimism and pride that
lief system corresponds with the dominant belief system, renders practitioners unconscious of this organizational
the result may be a lack of “cultural safety” for the patient. knowledge and the contradictions of trying to enable
Maori nursing scholar Irihapeti Ramsden (2000) developed empowerment while perpetuating dependence” (p. 166).
the term cultural safety to describe a process of providing To help us understand the limitations of the present
care that acknowledges power differentials and how they af- systems and move closer to a health-promoting way of
fect the ability of marginalized individuals to acquire health working, Townsend contrasts occupational therapy prac-
care services. Individuals tend to seek a “trust moment”— tice that enables participation with practice that maintains
an instance in the therapeutic relationship that provides dependence (Table 31-2).
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CHAPTER 31 ■ The Spiritual Environment 461

Table 31-2 ● Contrasting Practices That Enable Participation Versus Promote Dependency
Enable Participation Promote Dependency Questions to Ask Ourselves
Inviting participation Objectifying cases Is participation in this program dependent on occupational issues rather than
diagnostic criteria?
Facilitating individual and social Accounting for individual cases Do program activities contribute to betterment of the life situations of participants and
action potential participants?
Encouraging collaborative Controlling decisions hierarchically Do people in this program have an opportunity to participate in decision-making
decision-making regarding aspects of this program (including entry, activities, evaluation, and
Guiding critical reflection and Educating through standardized Do people in this program have an opportunity to reflect on their readiness for risk
experiential learning simulations taking?
Supporting risk taking for Managing safety and liability Does intervention allow for supportive risk taking in the participant’s actual
transformative change environments?
Promoting inclusiveness Preserving exclusion Do program activities lead to the creation of a more inclusive environment?
Adapted with permission from Townsend, E. (1998). Good Intentions Overruled: A Critique of Empowerment in the Routine Organization of Mental Health Services. Toronto: University
of Toronto Press.

Questions to consider when determining whether prac-

tice structures promote recovery include the following: Evidence-Based Practice
■ Does the service allow people to be seen as whole
beings who are, or strive to be, part of the larger
O nken et al (2002) held 10 focus groups in nine states with
the goal of determining what recovery meant to people
diagnosed with mental health problems and what factors facili-
■ Do assessment procedures allow for a deeper knowl- tated and hindered this recovery. Spirituality was seen as “a
edge of the person, his or her context, and his or her source of meaning that supports recovery,” and individual and/
dreams rather than reinforcing the idea that people are or shared spiritual beliefs provided hope. In addition, spiritual
the sum of their parts and we must measure the degree communities provided both intangible and tangible support.
of dysfunction of these parts? However, the work of Foskett et al (2004) suggests that many
■ Do administrative structures allow and encourage par- community religious leaders lack good information about mental
health issues and that their congregations may be fearful of
ticipation in all levels of decision-making on the part of
including individuals in recovery in their communities.
persons who receive services?
■ Is risk taking within the context of real life (rather than ➤ Occupational therapists can provide consultation or educa-
simulations) supported and encouraged to allow trans- tion to faith communities to promote successful integration
formative learning? or reintegration of people with mental illness.
■ Are there opportunities to work collectively for social ➤ Identifying existing faith communities that are already sup-
change? portive of individuals with mental illness provides a resource
to clients who are searching for a spiritual home.
Borthwick et al (2001) make similar recommendations
reflecting on how aspects of moral treatment, a philosophy Foskett, J., Roberts, A., Mathews, R., Macmin, L., Cracknell, P., & Nicholls,
that is considered fundamental to occupational therapy, V. (2004). From research to practice: The first tentative steps. Mental
Health, Religion & Culture, 7, 41–58.
can be applied to 21st-century mental health services. Onken, S. J., Dumont, J. M., Ridgway, P., Dornan, D. H., & Ralph, R. O.
This includes respecting the human rights and personal (2002). “Mental Health Recovery: What Helps and What Hinders?” Avail-
integrity of persons in recovery; promoting the impor- able at:
reports/MHSIPReport.pdf (accessed September 19, 2006).
tance of real, useful occupation; emphasizing the social
and physical environments; and appreciating the spiritual
needs of the individual and the healing potential of
human relationships. service in bridging the gap between people in recovery and
In many countries, faith communities are an important faith communities.
part of the social environment; occupational therapists can
work with faith communities to ensure that congregations
are welcoming of persons in recovery. Foskett et al (2004) Summary
make recommendations for health-care workers who wish
to promote such a linkage, suggesting that they learn how to Our reflection on the spiritual environment in occupational
refer for spiritual care and work with faith communities to therapy leads us to see this context as something within the
ensure better inclusion of individuals in recovery. This person receiving services, within the person providing serv-
would consist of a “deeper recognition of the fear engen- ices, and within the agency and the larger social environ-
dered by mental health problems and encouragement of ment, including faith communities. This information can
congregations to face their fears” (p. 45). Occupational ther- provide a launching point for personal reflection and a more
apists, with their knowledge of meaningful occupation and thorough discussion of the spiritual environment and its
appreciation of spiritual issues, could provide an important considerations for practice.
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462 PART 3 ■ Environment

Active Learning Strategies

1. Self-Assessment to ask the question. Review your list and identify any under-
lying assumptions in the way you ask the questions. Next,
Complete Martsolf ’s Self-Assessment of Culture as Related to
rewrite the questions so they do not reflect any such assump-
Spirituality (see Table 31-1). Compare your responses with
tions. For example, perhaps you typically ask, “What kind of
those of a fellow student or friend, preferably someone you
work do you do?” with the assumption that the person is
think may have responded to the questions quite differently.
working. Instead, you might start by saying “Tell me about a
Reflective Questions typical day.”
● What did you learn about yourself and the other person
who filled out the assessment? 3. Fieldwork Reflection
● How were your responses similar or different?
Think back to your clinical fieldwork experiences to date.
● Now that you have this information, can you think of a
Using the reflective questions in Table 31-2, determine
situation in which your values and beliefs might conflict
whether the work of therapy in each organization tended to
with a client’s? How would you use this information to
enable participation or promote dependency. Suggest one
ensure that you are able to develop rapport with the client
thing you could do to shift the balance toward enabling
and respect the client’s views, goals, and uniqueness?
participation if you were acting in each of the following
Capture your experience and
● Student
thoughts in your Reflective Journal.
● Occupational therapist
● Manager
2. Revising Dialogue
Make a list of five questions that you routinely ask people
during your work, writing each question in the way you tend

Resources Andresen, R., Oades, L., & Caputi, P. (2003). The experience of re-
covery from schizophrenia: Towards an empirically validated
Books stage model. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry,
• Peteet, J. (2007). Selected annotated bibliography on spirituality 37, 586–594.
and mental health. Southern Medical Journal, 100, 654–659. Armstrong, K. (2001). The future of God. In D. A. Brown (Ed.),
Reviews 27 books and journal articles published since 1998. Christianity in the 21st Century (pp. 13–23). New York: Crossroad.
Videos Beagan, B. L. (2003). Teaching social and cultural awareness to
• Creating Caring Congregations, produced by Mental Health medical students: “It’s all very nice to talk about it in theory, but
Ministries: — ultimately it makes no difference.” Academic Medicine, 78,
• Fierce Goodbye: Living in the Shadow of Suicide and Shadow 605–614.
Voices: Finding Help in Mental Illness, both produced by ———. (2008). “Cultural competence? A critical approach to
Mennonite Media: working with diversity.” Keynote address presented at OT
Atlantic, October 3, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Websites Belcham, C. (2004). Spirituality in occupational therapy: Theory in
• Mental Health Ministries offers resources to help faith practice? British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 67, 39–48.
communities become caring and comfortable with people Borthwick, A., Holman, C., Kennard, D., McFetridge, M., Messruther,
with mental illness: K., & Wilkes, J. (2001). The relevance of moral treatment to con-
• The National Alliance on Mental Illness website’s mission is to temporary mental health. Journal of Mental Health, 10, 427–439.
create supportive faith communities and point out the value of Bussema, E. F., & Bussema, K. E. (2007). Gilead revisited: Faith and
spirituality in recovery. It offers newsletter with articles and recovery. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 30, 301–305.
many resources: Buzzell, M., & Gibbon, M. (1991). Personhood. Canadian Nurse,
• The report on “Mental Health Recovery: What Helps and What 87(6): 32–33.
Hinders” includes sections on the importance of spirituality: Chida, Y., Steptoe, A., & Powell, L. H. (2009). Religiosity/spirituality and mortality: A systematic quantitative review. Psychotherapy
reports/MHSIPReport.pdf and Psychosomatics, 78, 81–90.
• The Pathways to Promise: Ministry and Mental Illness provides Deegan, P. (1996). “Recovery and the conspiracy of hope.”
technical assistance and a resource center of liturgical and Paper presented at the Sixth Annual Mental Health Services Con-
educational materials: ference of Australia and New Zealand, Brisbane.
resilience/examples/recovery-conspiracyofhope.txt (retrieved
References March 2, 2010).
Deegan, P. E., Rapp, C., Holter, M., & Riefer, M. (2008). Best prac-
American Occupational Therapy Association. (2002). Occupational tices: A program to support shared decision making in an outpa-
therapy practice framework: Domain and process. American tient psychiatric medication clinic. Psychiatric Services, 59,
Journal of Occupational Therapy, 56, 609–639. 603–605.
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Egan, M., & Swedersky, J. (2003). The experience of occupational ntac_pubs/reports/MHSIPReport.pdf (accessed September 19,
therapists who consider spirituality in practice. American Journal 2006).
of Occupational Therapy, 57, 525–533. Ramsden, I. (2000). Cultural safety/kawa whakaruruhau ten years
Enquist, D. E., Short-DeGraff, M., Gliner, J., & Oltjenbruns, K. on: A personal overview. Nursing Praxis in New Zealand, 15(1),
(1997). Occupational therapists’ beliefs and practices with regard 4–12.
to spirituality and therapy. American Journal of Occupational Rasic, D. T., Belik, S. L., Elias, B., Katz, L. Y., Erins, M., Sareen, J., &
Therapy, 51, 173–180. Swampy Cree Suicide Prevention Team. (2009). Spirituality,
Foskett, J., Roberts, A., Mathews, R., Macmin, L., Cracknell, P., & religiosity and suicidal behavior in a nationally representative
Nicholls, V. (2004). From research to practice: The first tenta- sample. Journal of Affective Disorders, 114, 32–40.
tive steps. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 7, 4–58. Rose, A. (1999). Spirituality and palliative care. British Journal of
Kirsh, B. (1996). A narrative approach to addressing spirituality Occupational Therapy, 62, 307–311.
in occupational therapy: Exploring meaning and purpose. Russell, C., Fitzgerald, M. H., Williamson, P., Manor, D., & Whybrow,
Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 63, 55–61. S. (2002). Independence as a practice issue in occupational ther-
Kirsh, B., Trentham, B., & Cole, S. (2006). Diversity in occupational apy: The safety clause. American Journal of Occupational Therapy,
therapy: Experiences of consumers who identify themselves as 56, 369–379.
minority group members. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, Schneiders, S. M. (1998). The study of Christian spirituality: Con-
53, 302–313. tours and dynamics of a discipline. Christian Spirituality Bulletin,
Kornfield, J. (1993). A Path with Heart—A Guide through the Perils 6(1), 2–3.
and Promises of Spiritual Life. New York: Bantam Books. Stark, S. (2004). Removing environmental barriers in the homes
Krefting, L. H., & Krefting, D. (1992). Cultural influences on per- of older adults with disabilities improves occupational per-
formance. In C. Christiansen & C. Baum (Eds.), Occupational formance. OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health, 24,
Therapy: Overcoming Human Performance Deficits (pp. 100–122). 32–39.
Thorofare, NJ: Slack. Tepper, L., Rogers, S. A., Coleman, E. M., & Malony, H. N. (2001).
Law, M., Polatajko, H., Baptiste, S., & Townsend, E. (1997). Core The prevalence of religious coping among persons with mental
concept of occupational therapy. In E. Townsend (Ed.), Enabling illness. Psychiatric Services, 52, 660–665.
Occupation: An Occupational Therapy Perspective (pp. 29–56). Thompson, B. E., & MacNeil, C. (2006). A phenomenological study
Ottawa: CAOT. exploring the meaning of a seminar on spirituality for occupa-
Leibrich, J. (2002). Making space: Spirituality and mental health. tional therapy students. American Journal of Occupational Ther-
Mental Health, Religion and Culture, 5, 143–162. apy, 60, 531–539.
Letts, L., Rigby, P., & Stewart, D. (2003). Using Environments to Townsend, E. (Ed.). (1997). Enabling Occupation: An Occupational
Enable Occupational Performance. Thorofare, NJ: Slack. Therapy Perspective. Ottawa: CAOT.
Lis-Turlejska, M., Luszczynska, A., Plichta, A., & Benight, C. C. ———. (1998). Good Intentions Overruled: A Critique of Empower-
(2008). Jewish and non-Jewish World War II child and adolescent ment in the Routine Organization of Mental Health Services.
survivors at 60 years after war: Effects of parental loss and age at Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
exposure on wellbeing. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 78, Udell, L., & Chandler, C. (2000). The role of the occupational ther-
369–377. apist in addressing the spiritual needs of the client. British Jour-
Martsolf, D. S. (1997). Cultural aspects of spirituality in cancer nal of Occupational Therapy, 63, 489–495.
care. Seminars in Oncology Nursing, 13, 231–236. Vanier, J. (1998). Becoming Human. Toronto: Anansi.
Mohr, S., Brandt, P.-Y., Borras, L., Gilleron, C., & Huguelet, P. (2006). van Zelst, C. (2009). Stigma as an environmental risk in schizophrenia:
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Onken, S. J., Dumont, J. M., Ridgway, P., Dornan, D. H., & Ralph, R. O. (2008). “Stealing me from myself ”: Identity and recovery in per-
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Available at: Journal of Psychiatry, 42, 489–495.
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The Neighborhood
and Community 32
Terry Krupa

“ A s I sobered up I realized I was in a genuine resort. Carpets, cable TV, three meals a day
served by waitresses, people to talk to, and a view of 50 acres of partly forested grounds.
I was discharged “involuntarily”to my usual accommodation, a small basement room, admittedly
without the cockroaches, but I was the typical abandoned ex-patient. Some days I had to go buy
a chocolate bar just to have a conversation with another human.“That will be $1.19 please.Thank
you very much.”
—Ian Chovil (2000, p. 745)

Introduction understanding of mental health and mental illness has been

In recent years, increase attention has been directed toward overly focused on individual risk and that we need to
understanding and capitalizing on the capacity of neigh- develop a more balanced view that integrates social and eco-
borhoods and communities to influence the mental health logical perspectives (Yen & Syme, 1999). Emerging research
and wellbeing of citizens. This growing interest in neigh- has begun to provide us with the evidence base we require to
borhoods and communities within the mental health field is understand how neighborhoods and communities influence
good news for occupational therapists. The profession is mental health and mental illness.
defined by its focus on meaningful occupations, which For example, a study by Xue, Leventhal, Brooks-Gunn,
naturally occur in neighborhood and community environ- and Earls (2005) demonstrated that neighborhood disad-
ments and are an integral part of all flourishing communi- vantage was associated with more mental health problems
ties (Christiansen & Townsend, 2004). It is consistent with among children, and Kubzansky et al (2005) showed that
contemporary occupational therapy conceptual frame- poor neighborhoods were associated with higher levels of
works that an understanding of the performance and expe- depressive symptoms among the elderly. A large epidemio-
rience of occupation is determined by transactions among logical study (Silver, Mulvey, & Swanson, 2002) demonstrated
the person, environment, and occupation. Targeting the an association between neighborhood and disadvantage and
environment lends credibility to a broad range of occupa- higher rates of mental disorder and suggested that particular
tional therapy approaches and interventions, including features of the neighborhood environment can be associated
those directed at evaluating and changing the neighbor- with specific types of mental disorders.
hood and community to enable the occupational lives of A second reason for the increased attention to neighbor-
people with mental illness. hood and community relates to the outcomes of the policy
This chapter focuses on a neglected but important of deinstitutionalization. Although the original intent of
environment, the neighborhood. People live, socialize, recre- deinstitutionalization was to promote the community
ate, and conduct most of their instrumental activities reintegration of people who experienced long stays in psy-
of daily living within their neighborhood. This chapter chiatric hospitals, it has evolved to include the prevention of
describes the neighborhood and its associations with occu- institutionalization of people living with mental illness in
pational performance and the particular challenges for the community. The outcomes associated with the policy of
people with mental illness. In addition, it provides strategies deinstitutionalization have been mixed. Models of service
for assessing and providing interventions that target the delivery in community mental health have demonstrated the
neighborhood. ability to decrease hospitalization, thereby locating people in
community neighborhoods. They have, however, been less
successful in demonstrating that they enable the people they
serve to become established and active members of these
Current Interest in Neighborhoods communities.
and Communities For example, a participatory study of assertive commu-
nity treatment, a best practice model in community mental
There are several reason for the increased interest in the health, found that people receiving the service experienced
impact of neighborhoods and communities on people with active support for managing symptoms of illness and crisis
mental illness. First is the growing recognition that our situations to keep them living in the community but less

1704_Ch32_464-475.qxd 7/12/10 8:15 PM Page 465

CHAPTER 32 ■ The Neighborhood and Community 465

assertive support for ensuring their full community partic- Defining Neighborhoods
ipation, personal growth, and development in the context
of the broader community. (Krupa et al, 2005; also see and Communities
Chapter 40.)
The failures of deinstitutionalization have shown us When we speak of our neighborhood and/or community, we
that people living with mental illness require more than are typically referring to a geographic location. Although the
stabilization of their mental illness and their housing situ- terms may be used interchangeably, neighborhoods often
ations to ensure that they become neighbors and commu- more specifically refer to the area in close vicinity to our
nity participants. They require complex skills of commu- place of residence, whereas the community may indicate a
nity living and the resources and supports that all citizens larger area. Our neighbors are the people with whom we
need to establish themselves in their communities. Policy share this defined, if loosely bound, locality. Neighbors can
failures have also shown us how our history of institution- become friends, but even when they do not, we often con-
alizing people with mental illness affected neighborhoods sider our neighbors to be a potential source of informal sup-
and communities. Simply put, it created a community cul- port. They might, for example, take in our mail when we are
ture of segregation. Structures, practices, rituals, and other away, lend us a rake, or perhaps send their children over to
symbols of community membership were developed with- help with shoveling snow. At the very least, neighbors are
out the need to consider institutionalized persons, and people whom we might expect to share our interest in main-
they were excluded from shared community routines, taining our community as a good place to live.
habits, and expectations. It also created a situation in Services and resources that are nearby become part of our
which some community members perceive them as a understanding of our neighborhoods. For example, we check
threat to community wellbeing and order, which subse- the newspapers for local events, send children to the neigh-
quently subjects individuals with mental illness to stigma borhood school, enjoy neighborhood parks, and visit the
and marginalization (Jenkins, 2004; Nelson, Lord, & neighborhood coffee shop. There are specific activities that
Ochcocka, 2001). we associate with participation in our neighborhoods, such
A third reason for increased attention on neighbor- as belonging to the Neighborhood Watch, planning a neigh-
hoods and community in influencing the mental health borhood garage sale, or attending a neighborhood block
and wellbeing of citizens is related to the current interest in party.
enabling older people with dementia and other progressive Our neighborhoods also connect us to higher levels of social
health conditions associated with impaired cognitive and organization and governance. For example, attending a neigh-
psychological function to remain in their homes and com- borhood church connects an individual to the larger structure
munities. The neighborhood has been identified as poten- of the religion, and local schools connect us to local educational
tially supportive in enabling their supporting community governance structures and, ultimately, to government. Simi-
living. For example, people in the neighborhood can per- larly, neighborhoods are represented at municipal and higher
form surveillance functions that reduce the risks associated levels of government through elected representatives.
with wandering or vulnerability to crime that may be expe- Neighborhoods have characteristics that allow us to
rienced by people living with dementia in the community identify them as distinct communities, even when we do not
(Gilmour, 2004). However, shifts in neighborhood com- reside there. Efforts to promote tourism frequently focus on
munities, such as changes in the demographics and the the allure of specific neighborhoods. Distinguishing neigh-
transformation of aging neighborhoods, can be a barrier to borhood features can include the common types of resi-
community living when caregivers of persons with demen- dences, the ethnic composition and population mix, the
tia depend on established neighborhood supports to assist way land is used, the way neighbors are organized, the activ-
them with caregiving in the community (Ortiz, Simmons, ities that take place, and the types of businesses and services
& Hinton, 1999). available.

This is a quiet suburban residential neighborhood. Although I cannot
see the people, I know they are inside their homes, just going about
their daily business. Being at home gives us a sense of security, which
gives us peace of mind, especially those with mental illness. The
neighborhood residents are somewhat of a close-knit community, and
many of the people know each other, which provides them with a sense
of comfort. It is good to know the people of the neighborhood live in
peace with each other and that they care and look out for each
other. I am a firm believer in the adage, no one is an island. Even
though it is plain to see everyone does not have the gift of gab, we can
nurture the willingness to communicate by at least greeting the people
we see every day.
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466 PART 3 ■ Environment

Relationship of Neighborhood poverty and subsequently be forced to live in disadvantaged

neighborhoods (Silver et al, 2002).
Environment to Occupation Research indicating that people living with mental illness
in nonindustrialized and developing countries may have
The literature and research base focused directly on the better outcomes than those living in industrialized countries
neighborhood environment and its relationship to occupa- suggests that the relationship between socioeconomic status
tion in the context of mental illness is relatively sparse. We and mental health is complex (Fieldhouse, 2000; Warner,
can, however, use dimensions of neighborhoods that have 1994). It suggests that other community structures may
been associated with mental health and mental illness to lessen the impact of socioeconomic disadvantage. For exam-
begin to build a framework for understanding how neigh- ple, nonindustrialized communities may experience pres-
borhoods and communities enable or constrain the occupa- sure to include all available human resources in an effort to
tional lives of people and ultimately influence mental health sustain the community economy, or perhaps the nature of
and mental illness. These dimensions include the following: the occupations that sustain nonindustrialized communities
■ Organization and activism are a good match for the capacities of people with mental
■ Socioeconomic status illness.
■ Safety Socioeconomic disadvantage is reflected in the neighbor-
■ Resident mobility hood population in many ways, including high rates of
■ Diversity unemployment and underemployment, lower educational
■ Attitudes performance among students of neighborhood schools, low
rates of home ownership, and the disruption of families. It
has been argued that the neighborhood environment pro-
Neighborhood Organization and Activism vides opportunity structures that influence the occupational
Neighborhoods with social structures and interactions that goals and expectations of residents (Furlong, Biggart, &
are characterized by civic participation, a sense of identity Cartmel, 1996). For example, individuals are less likely to
and equality among members, and community responsibil- engage in meaningful work if unemployment in their neigh-
ity and reciprocity are believed to promote mental health borhood is high and if there is limited access to public trans-
and prevent mental illness among community members (De portation. However, a thriving economic environment
Silva, McKenzie, Harpham, & Huttly, 2005). These charac- can increase the likelihood that individuals will have good
teristics, which engender cooperation among community jobs, which also leads to better housing and educational
members, have come to be known as social capital. With its opportunities.
focus on action and doing, social capital is a form of occu- Current conceptualizations of recovery from mental
pation that sustains both individuals and their communities illness suggest that the same argument can be made for
(Christiansen & Townsend, 2004). persons with mental illness. Neighborhoods constitute an
The mechanisms by which social capital influences important external condition for recovery by offering access
the mental health of individuals are complex and not fully to a range of work, education, self-care, social, and recre-
understood. There is, for example, reason to suspect that ational opportunities that are consistent with basic human
people who experience acute anxiety and depression will rights. These opportunities can create a positive culture
continue to have relatively low levels of activity participa- of hope that can enable a full occupational life beyond the
tion despite being surrounded by a neighborhood charac- limits of mental illness (Jacobson & Greenley, 2001).
terized as high in social capital (De Silva et al, 2005). Yet it The relative social and economic disadvantage of neigh-
is fairly certain that any efforts made by these individuals to borhood communities contributes to the pressure for local
engage in community-based activities will be thwarted in resources and services to address the specific needs of resi-
neighborhoods that are low in social capital, both because dents. For example, neighborhoods that include a large
of the general lack of community activities and because of number of people with mental illness living at poverty lev-
the risks associated with social relationships that are not els will experience pressure to ensure a variety of services
bound by trust, cooperation, and equality. Neighborhood that support the daily occupations of these individuals,
relationships defined by cooperation and mutual respect are such as assistance to find and keep housing, food banks,
likely fundamental to building the personal sense of worth access to public transportation, and community programs
and legitimacy that is often missing in people with mental that provide social and recreational programming. There
illness. are many, many examples of communities that, despite being
characterized by socioeconomic disadvantage, demonstrate a
Neighborhood Socioeconomic Status tremendous capacity to organize to ensure the wellbeing of
Neighborhood communities characterized by socioeconomic Socioeconomic disadvantage within a neighborhood
disadvantage have been associated with higher rates of men- community may also be reflected in the presence of services
tal illness among residents (Jarvis, 2007). The reasons for associated with negative social behaviors or the exploitation
this are complex but likely include the threats to function of people with limited financial means (Kubzansky et al,
and wellbeing that are associated with living in adverse 2005). For example, people with mental illness can often
neighborhood conditions, including high unemployment, receive disability income as their means of financial sup-
financial hardship, and a general lack of material resources. port. As for many people who lived on fixed and limited
Another potential reason is that once people experience incomes, banking services may be inaccessible or unhelp-
mental illness, they are more likely to experience persistent ful. In response, these individuals come to depend on their
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CHAPTER 32 ■ The Neighborhood and Community 467

neighborhood “cash-marts,” which charge exceptionally to cope with fear for personal safety (Boydell et al, 1999;
high rates to cash disability pensions, pay bills, and borrow Holter & Mowbray, 2005; Whitely & Prince, 2005a, 2005b).
money. Situations such as this can further compromise an The common assumption that people with mental illness
individual’s already limited financial resources and com- are prone to violence has been the subject of much debate,
promise the ability to budget. but research suggests that people with mental illness are
Socioeconomic disadvantage is also reflected in decrepit not major contributors to community violence (Stuart &
conditions that are uninviting to involvement and activity. A Arboleda-Florez, 2001). When they do participate in violent
study by Boydell, Gladstone, Crawsford, and Trainor (1999) behaviors, the violence is more likely to occur in the context
indicated that people with psychiatric disabilities living in an of socially disadvantaged communities where personal con-
urban center tolerate exceptionally noxious conditions in cerns about safety and security are heightened (Silver, 2000).
their immediate neighborhood environments, perhaps due People with mental illness experience higher rates of victim-
to lack of choice of living environments or prolonged desen- ization in their community neighborhoods, likely due to
sitization to these environments. These conditions may a combination of the dimensions of social disadvantage
be more than unpleasant—they can be harmful. A study of their neighborhoods and their personal vulnerabilities
by Krupa (2004) indicated that for some people living with (Hiday, Swartz, Swanson, Borum, & Wagner, 1999; Teplin,
serious mental illness, offensive community environments McClelland, Abram, & Weiner, 2005).
can provoke intense thoughts and feelings that aggravate the Of particular relevance to occupational therapists are
symptoms of their illness. research findings indicating that lack of involvement in
meaningful daily activity is a major predictor of victimiza-
tion among community-dwelling people with serious men-
Neighborhood Safety tal illness (Fitzgerald et al, 2005). The researchers propose
The relative prevalence of crime and violence is of particular that involvement in activity can reduce exposure to threaten-
concern in disadvantaged neighborhoods. Poor mental ing situations, and daily activity may also decrease personal
health and mental disorder have been linked to involvement vulnerability in a number of ways. For example, people
in personally valued daily activities that are subject to un- involved in daily activities may move with an attitude of
controllable negative events that affect personal safety and purpose in their neighborhoods that protects them from
wellbeing (Dohrenwend, 2000; Whitley & Prince, 2005b). victimization, have somewhere to be where there are people
Individuals with mental illness living in urban environments who expect them, and be surrounded by a concerned social
feel more threats to safety than do individuals in rural envi- network, leaving them less vulnerable to harassment and
ronments (Schomerus et al, 2007), and one study found that victimization. In addition, the knowledge and skills acquired
individuals with psychosis who spent even short periods of through involvement in occupations can potentially be gen-
time in a busy urban shopping environment had an increase eralized to successfully negotiate situations of neighborhood
in paranoid thinking (Ellet, Freeman, & Garety, 2008). Con- conflict. For example, social skills developed through regular
cerns about personal security and the presence of antisocial interactions with neighbors may be used when a dispute
behaviors in the neighborhood, such as drug use and deal- occurs because of an overcharge at the grocery store.
ing, have been associated with psychological distress and
poor levels of mental health. For people with mental illness, Resident Mobility
the experience of occupational inactivity and underachieve-
ment, coupled with the presence of an active drug culture Resident mobility is the movement of residents in and out of
in the neighborhood, may lead to increased participation a neighborhood over time (Silver et al, 2002). In a neighbor-
in substance using occupations (Fieldhouse, 2000). This can hood with high resident mobility, people do not stay very
result in a worsening psychiatric condition by creating long, and there is a high rate of “turnover” in homes. High
co-occurring disorders of mental illness and substance levels of resident mobility are believed to compromise the de-
abuse, which also leads to increasing vulnerability to victim- velopment and stability of social networks that could support
ization by drug dealers. A study by Whitely & Prince (2005b) occupation. For individuals living with mental illness, the
found that neighborhood residents with mental health combination of disruption of personal social abilities with
problems live with the fear of crime at a disproportionate high levels of residential mobility can seriously undermine
rate, that fear is highest among women and older people, social integration and leave individuals vulnerable to experi-
and that this fear causes them to restrict their activities. ences of exploitation. For example, the mentally ill renter
The participants living with mental illness in Boydell with impaired social skills and without stable neighbors who
et al’s (1999) study described witnessing illegal and frighten- might act as advocates is in a more vulnerable position when
ing events in their immediate neighborhood environments it comes to dealing with an unscrupulous landlord.
and being the target of abusive comments from community
neighbors. The research indicated that participants actively Diversity
used strategies to manage in such unpleasant environments
and that some of these strategies, such as social distancing, Some research supports the concept that some level of di-
could easily be interpreted as symptoms of mental illness versity and social disorganization (e.g., varied housing and
rather then active efforts to adapt and cope. Any thorough landscape or mixed demographic structures such as young
explanation of decreased activity participation, withdrawal singles, families, and elders) in a neighborhood community
or isolation, and low levels of attendance at community men- can enable community mental health and support the
tal health services by people living with mental illness must community lives of persons with mental illness. Harkness,
address the possibility that these are strategies implemented Newman, and Salkever (2004) propose that neighborhoods
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468 PART 3 ■ Environment

with “socioeconomically and demographically diverse pop- their neighbors with mental illnesses over time, with mul-
ulations, with a mix of commercial and residential land tiple contacts, and through the opportunity to interact
uses and not physically pristine” (p. 1344) should be linked collaboratively and as equals (Estroff, Penn, & Toporek,
to better community outcomes because they are more 2004).
likely to support the anonymity of persons with mental ill- Stigma or the perception of stigma in the neighbor-
ness and thereby reduce experiences of stigmatization and hood may affect an individual’s willingness to accept treat-
discrimination. Neighborhoods with greater variety in ment or rehabilitation services (Elbogen, Soriano, Van
housing, people, and businesses should be associated with Dorn, Swartz, & Swanson, 2005; Lee, Chiu, Tsang, Chui, &
high levels of community tolerance. Kleinman, 2006). In fact, people receiving community
mental health services have indicated that these services
Community Attitudes can be delivered in a manner that compromises their sta-
tus as neighbors. For example, participants in a study by
Public stigma and the discrimination of people who experi- Krupa et al (2005) described mental health professionals
ence mental illness is a well-known issue that is explored in contributing to their experience of stigma by openly car-
Chapter 28. It is of particular importance when considering rying medications into their homes and by arriving in cars
neighborhood because social proximity and social interac- for scheduled community appointments in a manner that
tions characterize community environments. Stigma can would readily be identified by neighbors as treatment visits
enforce exclusion from relationships, activities, and physical by mental health professionals.
spaces and places that constitute the neighborhood.
Interestingly, despite the high-profile resistance in
some neighborhoods to community mental health resi-
dences or services, research has indicated that community Intervening to Develop Supportive
members assume that their behaviors will be neighborly
toward individuals with mental illness who live in their
Neighborhood Communities
neighborhood (Aubry, Tefft, & Currie, 1995). These neigh- Most mental health services are primarily directed at
borly activities include offering information about home attending to the needs, limitations, and strengths of the
care services, offering information about professional individual with mental illness, with a view to enabling
services, offering a ride, and conversing on the street. person-level changes that will lead to community integra-
Neighborhood residents may become more likely to accept tion. So, for example, occupational therapy practices have

The Lived Experience

Malcolm values, and beliefs. This helps with developing coping strategies
and skills. It’s invaluable to success.
When I think of neighborhoods, I think of a geographic lo-
cation where people live, within fairly defined boundaries. I live
in a nice enough neighborhood right now, but I don’t social-
ize in my apartment building and I’m not really active in that
neighborhood. The people in the building, they know my
name and are friendly, but they are elderly. I like my building,
it’s in a mature area, quite green, and safe, and so it’s a nice
place to live.
My real community is my friends who live in other neighbor-
hoods in the city and my activities outside of my local neighbor-
hood. I participate in a power walking program through a local
running store. Everyone in the running program is upbeat, pos-
itive, and supportive. The attitude is, “If the activity hurts, then you
take a rest and look at why it’s hurting.” They don’t try and push
you through the pain, so they don’t make the activity stressful.
I’ve also started to get involved with golf and cross-training. I’m
I’m a big believer in neighborhoods and community environments looking into some low-cost sailing courses or cycling for next
and their influence on recovery. When you experience a serious year. I want to try and use my community to make some
mental illness, like I have, your personality and coping can be non–mental health contacts, to move beyond the illness and ex-
fractured by the bomb that goes off in your brain. Recovery from perience life from a different perspective. I’m looking for some
this kind of trauma can be greatly enhanced by the environment new balance in my life.
around you. This is where neighborhoods and communities can A community might look different to different people. My
have a positive influence as you relearn, develop new attitudes, city isn’t a very big place, but I have a fairly active life. I do have
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CHAPTER 32 ■ The Neighborhood and Community 469

The Lived Experience—cont’d

schizophrenia, but I am involved. I know a fellow living with me to meet people with different educational backgrounds and
schizophrenia who basically lives in his apartment building, vis- different interests. Colleges and universities encourage a willing-
its the psychiatric hospital and one local community organization. ness to learn that I think can bring out the best in people. They
My friends and I find this distressing, and we are trying to encour- also offer opportunities like courses, access to technology,
age him to broaden his community. It’s hard to say why he is so athletics, and the presence of the arts. I realize churches can be
restricted. It may be his own outlook, it might be the opportuni- a touchy subject, but I must admit my experience with them is
ties available to him, or it might be the influence of his family. both positive and negative. I’ve always found the clergy to be
I have always made my own community. Even if my local excellent, but in some churches I’ve attended there can be an
neighborhood doesn’t have what I need, I can make my own undercurrent in the congregation. Other churches I’ve experi-
personal community. I think of a personal community as being enced have been positive and helpful organizations in the com-
unique to an individual, not only how they interact in their local munity. Colorful local people also add a lot to a community. I
neighborhood, but also how they relate to a global village by remember back in Toronto we had a restaurateur who was a real
making connections further afield. With the Internet, travel and character. People loved to congregate at his place.
relocation to various parts of a province, country, or internation- For me, banks have been a very important part of my com-
ally, a person can make many contacts and friends, and they all munities. They have had a tremendous influence on my financial
can have benefits to development and life. security and self-esteem, and they have also caused me finan-
I have found neighborhoods that are eclectic to be emotion- cial distress. Back in 1995 when I lived on the East Coast I was
ally positive. By this I mean neighborhoods with a wide range of laid off from my job. It was a hard time. I had a farm and rental
people from different backgrounds. The important thing is it property as well as that small B&B, but I counted on the income
can’t be a ghetto, a place where people live because they are from that job. I had very little debt, but my bank put a lot of pres-
somehow disadvantaged. A ghetto isn’t a healthy place. I live in sure on me to sell my farm to one of their other customers. It was
a neighborhood where I feel safe and secure, that has some ma- like all of a sudden I wasn’t a worthy customer. I had always been
ture green space and isn’t subject to stigma. These things can good at managing my relationship with banks, but this was
be hard to find in a ghetto environment. Unfortunately, social such a shaky time in my life and I decided to close the door on
housing and poverty can be a barrier to where you live. If a per- that community and leave because I was so worn out. In con-
son lives in a less desirable area, they can try to be a voice of trast, in another community my bank manager was willing to loan
change and development. Ultimately one has to stand up for me money even though I didn’t have a lot of collateral. He
their beliefs and goals regardless of influence. Not all of real life treated me like the good customer I had always been. He said,
is going to be supportive. I have seen how communities can “You have a good history with me, I’ll loan you the money.” He
really be turned around even when they don’t have a lot going gave me a good loan with a good interest rate and payback plan.
for them. For example, I have seen how community centers can I’ve lived in several neighborhoods over the course of my
work as a place where people from the local neighborhoods get recovery, and I’ve had my ups and downs in these neighborhoods.
together to meet the needs of the people living there. In the end, each one of these neighborhoods has contributed to
I also think that communities are enhanced when they have my network of friends and contacts and the development of my
a range of resources available. I have really benefited from com- interests and activities in some way. They have all been a piece of
munities that have a nearby college or university. This has allowed my many life adventures.

largely focused on the skills that people need to “fit in” and Likewise, adolescents with mental illness or developmental
successfully participate in meaningful neighborhood com- disabilities may benefit from services to assist with transition
munity occupations. to independent community living.
Within in-patient and day program settings, occupa- In community-based settings, occupational therapists
tional therapists are challenged in their efforts to address the have the opportunity to practice directly in the individual’s
occupational issues of their clients because they practice at a neighborhood and community environment. They also can
distance from the neighborhoods and community contexts develop community-based programs that offer individuals
within which these occupations occur. Today, people who are access to a range of self-care, productivity, and leisure inter-
admitted to in-patient mental health settings are typically ventions to address occupations experienced in daily life and
experiencing acute illness or their mental health has destabi- to reduce their experiences of marginalization. If these pro-
lized in the midst of a crisis in community life. Although the grams are truly part of the neighborhood, they will be sensi-
number of long-term in-patient rehabilitation patients has tive to the types and range of knowledge and skills that are
declined, there are still many individuals who have been long- expected of all community residents, including those with
term in-patients. It can be difficult in these circumstances for mental illness. These programs capitalize on the individual’s
an occupational therapist to envision the individual making personal abilities and potentials within communities. When
the transition back to neighborhood life. However, the occu- the community is viewed as a resource and interventions
pational therapist role still must include integrating the neigh- are designed to assist individuals with mental illness to truly
borhood and community context into short- and long-term become members of their communities, the result can be a
goals—and encouraging the health care team to do the same. feeling of belonging instead of isolation.
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470 PART 3 ■ Environment

The information provided in this chapter thus far has connections with their previous neighborhoods, and these
highlighted the profound influence that the neighborhood may serve to counterbalance challenges arising in the present
and community have on the occupational lives of people neighborhood. Similarly, extending the boundaries of
with mental illness. It suggests that in addition to our the neighborhood can reveal opportunities that are aligned
individual-level service approaches in community mental with the individual’s values and interests and are still readily
health, adequate attention must be given to approaches accessible. Community colleges, for example, often offer a
directed to the level of the neighborhood and community. wide range of courses and educational schedules that are ac-
Rather then focusing on the individual, these approaches cessible to the larger community.
focus on identifying the needs, limits, and capacities of the Occupational therapists who work in programs that serve
neighborhood and community, with a view toward facilitat- a large number of individuals from one or only a few neigh-
ing the capacity of the neighborhood to enhance, and be borhood communities will benefit from developing formal
enhanced by, the occupational lives of all their residents. neighborhood profiles. Formal neighborhood profiles cre-
These approaches can be conceptualized as community de- ate an accurate representation of a neighborhood commu-
velopment, a process of building local communities to sup- nity with regard to information about the population,
port the wellbeing of both individual community members employment rates, business and industry, land use, educa-
and the community as a whole. tional opportunities, housing, recreational resources, and
It is important to remember that occupational therapy health services. These profiles are developed both from
values remain fundamental to community development spending time in and being immersed in the community
approaches. Occupational therapy practice focused at the and also from existing databases that can be accessed
level of the neighborhood and community will still reflect through Internet and library services. Figure 32-1 is a sam-
the fundamental values of personal choice, empowerment, ple template for a neighborhood profile.
respect for basic human dignities, and respect for client Beyond collaboration with individual clients, this type
knowledge and experience. A community development of neighborhood profile is essential for larger initiatives
approach includes the values of equal access to meaningful focused on assisting individuals with mental illness as a
occupations within the community and to the resources and collective or social group to establish themselves in their
supports that facilitate these occupations. The implementa- communities. For example, occupational therapists who are
tion of these values in practice will increase the likelihood of interested in developing employment, occupational, and
sustainability of positive change. leadership opportunities for people living with mental ill-
ness in a particular neighborhood can initiate and support
Assessing Neighborhoods and Developing the development of affirmative or consumer-run businesses.
This type of community economic development effort will
a Neighborhood Profile depend on the resources and services available and the eco-
Despite their relatively small size, neighborhoods are com- nomic needs of the community to ensure viability of the
plex entities. They have multiple structural and relational business. The profile will also help reveal the potential for
components, which can make assessment overwhelming. the credibility and recognition of the business, and subse-
The dimensions of neighborhood communities described quently the employees, in the community.
earlier provide a basic framework for community assess-
ment and understanding the complex associations between Dynamic Assessment of Neighborhood
occupation and the neighborhood environment. These and Community Capacity
dimensions can be used by occupational therapists to work
collaboratively with persons with mental illness to create A second approach to neighborhood community assessment
a neighborhood profile. The profile can include both a focuses on revealing the potential assets and capacities of com-
description of important neighborhood characteristics and munities. Community researchers Kretzman and McKnight
a visual map locating important resources and activities. (1993) argued that the traditional path to community devel-
The neighborhood profile gains meaning when it leads opment, overcome by the overwhelmingly negative influ-
to a process of exploration and evaluation in relation to ences that exist in neighborhoods in trouble, has centered
the individual’s occupational performance and experience. on identifying needs, problems, and limitations. The result
For example, a community profile can identify specific is that the interventions that follow are based on the view
resources in the community to support leisure interests. It that the neighborhood is deficient and requires external
can also lead to a discussion of neighborhood barriers that resources to diagnose and correct the problems. This deficit-
interfere with active participation in these community based approach can leave the community reliant on external
supports, such as the fear of encountering neighborhood expertise.
drug dealers or difficulties accessing the resources because Kretzman and McKnight, and other community re-
of limited transportation options. In this way, the neighbor- searchers, argue that all communities have the inherent
hood profile becomes personalized—that is, a vehicle for capacity for sustained regeneration. To release this capacity,
raising the individual’s awareness of the context of his or they highlight the importance of approaches that serve to
her daily life and reflecting on himself or herself as a mem- identify and build on the community’s own capacities. This
ber of a community. community-building perspective has gained respect as the
The neighborhood profile can lead to discussions about preferable approach to guide the development of occupa-
other potentially supportive neighborhoods. Individuals, for tional therapy practice in the area of community develop-
example, may continue to maintain social and occupational ment (Fieldhouse, 2000).
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CHAPTER 32 ■ The Neighborhood and Community 471

Neighborhood Profile


1. Demographics of individuals living in the neighborhood — age, family 1.

structure (single, couples, families with young children), ethnic/cultural
groups, socioeconomic status

2. Housing 2.
a. Types of housing — single family, apartments, condos a.
b. Availability b.
c. Cost c.

3. Safety 3.
a. Crime rates, types of crime a.
b. Policing, neighborhood watch organizations b.
c. Dangerous/safe areas c.

4. Businesses 4.
a. Shopping (grocery stores, pharmacy, clothing, thrift stores) a.
b. Banks and other financial services (money orders) b.

5. Leisure and recreational resources — parks, movie theatres, walking 5.

paths, coffee shops, museums

6. Employment 6.
a. Types of employment in the neighborhood a.
b. Unemployment rates b.

7. Public transportation 7.
a. Cost, availability of passes for people with mental illness a.
b. Routes, access to important locations. b.

8. Social services — health services, food banks, housing assistance 8.

9. Educational resources — libraries, schools (K–12), community colleges 9.

10. Day care (child and elder); after-school programs 10.

11. Religious organizations 11.

12. Community clubs and organizations (e.g., scouting, recreational 12.

sports, political organizations, social clubs)

13. Neighborhood newspapers/newsletters, online resources 13.

14. Aesthetics — architecture, cleanliness, art, natural spaces, pollution 14.

15. Intangibles — friendliness, openness to outsiders, acceptance 15.

of nonconformity

FIGURE 32-1. Sample template for a neighborhood profile.

Occupational therapists who assess a neighborhood from resources, computer experience, and previous experi-
a capacity-building approach would focus their efforts ence in organizing or participating in communities)
on understanding how to release the assets of the commu- that people living with mental illness can contribute to
nity to successfully engage persons with mental illness in their communities.
the occupations of the neighborhood. Using the framework 2. Identify community assets (e.g., local associations,
proposed by Kretzman and McKnight (1993), the assess- community groups, churches, and public institutions
ment would include the following steps (Figure 32-1): such as schools, libraries, and local businesses) that
could serve as potential partners for people with mental
1. Identify the skills and resources (e.g., time, skills from illness.
past education and work experiences, knowledge of 3. Determine how reciprocal and productive connec-
music, family and friends with a range of skills and tions can be formed using the capacities of people
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472 PART 3 ■ Environment

with mental illness and the assets of the community.

For example, the local senior center may wish to hire Evidence-Based Practice
individuals to assist with lawn mowing and landscaping;
local public schools may be interested in developing
opportunities for students to learn about diversity and
acceptance, including gaining an understanding of
F eeling safe in one’s own neighborhood is important for
positive occupational performance. One study of adults
found that perceptions that a neighborhood was unsafe along
with a negative reputation for the neighborhood contributed to
mental illness; or a local committee focusing on acces-
social isolation and retreat into one’s own living space (Rogers,
sibility issues may benefit from members who can help Huxley, Evans, & Gately, 2008). A study of children found that
broaden their view beyond physical accessibility. feeling unsafe walking alone in one’s neighborhood was associ-
ated with mental health diagnoses (Meltzer, Vostanis, Goodman,
Practices to Support Change & Ford, 2007).
➤ Occupational therapists working in community regeneration
Considering the neighborhood as the target of intervention can address safety by working with community leaders
requires practices that may be unfamiliar or uncomfortable and agencies to increase the patrol of parks and play areas,
to some occupational therapists. Following are suggestions increase lighting at night, develop Neighborhood Watch pro-
for ways in which occupational therapists can become grams, and increase affordable public transportation.
more involved in neighborhoods and creating environ-
➤ Occupational therapists can work with individuals and their
ments that support community living for people with families to develop strategies for increasing feelings of per-
mental illness. sonal safety, such as providing information about where and
when to travel outside the home, identifying others to walk
Promoting Neighborhood Regeneration with, and increasing social connections with neighbors.
Occupational therapists who work in community mental
health can make significant contributions by promoting ini- Meltzer, H., Vostanis, P., Goodman, R., & Ford, T. (2007). Children’s per-
ceptions of neighborhood trustworthiness and safety and their mental
tiatives to overcome the dimensions of neighborhood envi- health. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 48, 1208–1213.
ronments that are barriers to occupation. Typically, efforts to Rogers, A., Huxley, P., Evans, S., & Gately, C. (2008). More than jobs and
change the community include advocacy efforts directed at houses: Mental health, quality of life and the perceptions of locality in an
municipal or state governments to influence these structures area undergoing urban regeneration. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric
Epidemiology, 43, 364–372.
to change community conditions. Although advocacy efforts
will always be an integral part of community development,
it is possible for occupational therapists, together with the
individuals they serve, to identify and collaborate with local to this partnership. Perhaps it is a person-level issue, such as
community networks to participate in the process of neigh- physical conditioning or the lack of a specific task or social
borhood regeneration, which involves eliminating barriers skill that is the issue. Perhaps the barrier is the occupation
and creating supports that promote satisfying and produc- itself, such as a lack of adequate equipment to carry out the
tive daily life for people in that community. job. Or perhaps the problem rests in the environment, such
Research has indicated that even small neighborhood as a disability pension system that presents the individual
regeneration efforts can have a significant impact on the with a financial disincentive for paid work.
activity and community participation of people with men- An important consideration in supporting neighborhood
tal illness. For example, Whitley and Prince (2005a; 2005b) partnerships is the need to avoid the tendency to automati-
found that even small improvements to the physical condi- cally explain partnership struggles as evidence of limitations
tion and security of potentially high-traffic community and functional difficulties associated with mental illness.
areas and facilities could enable occupation and promote Building partnerships to enable occupation is a strategy based
coping and function. They also found that eliminating on developing new types of relations and interactions. In a sit-
the financial barriers to accessing public transportation by uation in which there is limited experience with this type of
providing free bus passes gave people the opportunity partnership, and therefore few concrete examples to draw on,
to connect with activities and social networks within and the automatic response can be to define the current struggles
beyond their neighborhoods, reducing their sense of alien- based on the old and familiar social relationships and labels.
ation and providing some stress relief (Whitley & Prince,
Supporting Neighborhood Partnerships
This is the library
Building partnerships that connect the occupation-related where I go on the
assets of neighborhood communities and residents can re- first of the month
quire considerable attention and support. Therapists will
need to apply their broad base of knowledge and critical
to see if they have
reasoning skills to enable the growth of this partnership. new magazines. They
Consider the example of a senior center that partners with used to have groups
individuals with mental illness to develop employment play live music in
opportunities. The therapist may find that an individual the summer time to raise
expresses a desire for employment and a genuine interest in money. Children can watch videos. I used to work there
this employment opportunity but still experiences difficulty vacuuming and putting books back on the shelves.
in carrying out the work. In this case, the therapist must —Dennis
work with the individual to identify and address the barriers
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CHAPTER 32 ■ The Neighborhood and Community 473

Empowering Peer Support opportunity through the senior center into a registered busi-
There is a high rate of mental illness in our neighborhood ness, owned and operated by individuals with mental illness;
environments, and individuals living in the community with evolving the partnership with the accessibility committee into
mental illness are not alone. Yet our communities and serv- a participatory research project that engages individuals in
ice systems have historically been constructed in a way that hosting focus groups to involve others in the community who
isolates them from the supportive structures of their neigh- live with mental illness; and displaying artwork at the public
borhood communities and the support and experiences of library as a vehicle for establishing an artist’s cooperative.
their peers. Engagement in peer support is not for everyone, Table 32-1 summarizes three potential areas of neighbor-
but for many individuals with mental illness, their experi- hood intervention.
ences with peer support can be transformative (Solomon,
2004). In addition to the enormous potential for benefits to
the individual, peer initiatives are vehicles for individuals Summary
with mental illness, as a collective, to develop a shared legacy
of support, skills, and experience. Although community-based mental health services are now
Supporting the development of peer partnerships in practically universal, little attention is actually given to the
neighborhood communities can be a distinct intervention of neighborhoods and communities in which the clients of
occupational therapy practice. This may include initiatives these services reside. Neighborhoods can present both
such as facilitating the development of self-help groups and opportunities and barriers to occupational performance for
consumer-run centers. Empowering peer support can also people with mental illness. A thorough knowledge of the
be an important underlying element of all occupational neighborhood can lead to occupational therapy interven-
therapy intervention in neighborhoods. Emerging from our tions that eliminate barriers or help individuals with mental
previous examples, we might see developing the employment illness take full advantage of existing opportunities.

Table 32-1 ● Example of Neighborhood Interventions

Category of Intervention Examples
Neighborhood regeneration • Establish Neighborhood Watch programs
• Promote affordable child care
• Work with local law enforcement on mental illness awareness
• Start monthly neighborhood clean-up activities
• Put on block parties or community fairs
• Create a safe walking path
• Develop an afterschool program
• Establish reduced-cost bus passes for people with disabilities
Neighborhood partnerships • Public library provides meeting space; people with mental illness create art displays
• Senior center members have opportunities for employment (e.g., mowing lawns); people with mental illness have time
and services to volunteer or provide for pay
• Public schools and community colleges are interested in disability awareness; people with mental illness can provide
educational programs
• Accessibility committees need information to improve neighborhood accessibility; people with mental illness have
real-life experiences
Peer support • Develop a consumer-run organization
• Create a consumer business
• Connect consumers who live in the same apartment complex
• Establish a mentorship program (e.g., one peer teaches others how to use public transportation)

Active Learning Strategies

1. Your Neighborhood 2. The Mission of a Community
Think about your current neighborhood. Does it have charac- Jean Vanier, the founder of the L’Arche communities, once
teristics that enable mental health and wellbeing? Are there wrote, “The mission of a community is to give life to others,
aspects of your neighborhood that help you feel connected to that is to say to transmit new hope and new meaning to
others? What resources in the neighborhood support your them.” Do you agree with this idea? Organize a group of four
physical or mental health? Are there characteristics of the or five friends and discuss with them their views on this
neighborhood that make you anxious, frustrated, unhappy, quote.
and/or lonely? Do you feel at home in your neighborhood?
Why or why not? Explain your answer and give examples.
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474 PART 3 ■ Environment

Describe what you learned from this be included or excluded from participating. Consider how
discussion in your Reflective Journal. the activity might be changed to make it more inclusive.
What barriers would you expect, and how might they be
3. Barriers to Activities overcome?

Choose an activity that you regularly engage in within your

neighborhood. While you are participating in this activity,
think about how a person experiencing mental illness might

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De Silva, M. J., McKenzie, K., Harpham, T., & Huttly, S. R. (2005). assertive community treatment experience this service? Psychi-
Social capital and mental illness: A systematic review. Journal of atric Rehabilitation Journal, 29, 18–24.
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disability funds to leverage treatment adherence. Psychiatric tion with the treatment of schizophrenia in Hong Kong. Social
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effect of an urban environment on individuals with persecutory Community Mental Health. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
delusions: The Camberwell walk study. Schizophrenia Research, Ortiz, A., Simmons, J., & Hinton, W. L. (1999) Locations of remorse
99, 77–84. and homelands of resilience: Notes on grief and sense of loss of
Estroff, S. E., Penn, D. L., & Toporek, J. R. (2004). From stigma to place of Latino and Irish-American caregivers of demented
discrimination: An analysis of community efforts to reduce the elders. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry, 23(4), 477–500.
negative consequences of having a psychiatric disorder and label. Schomerus, G., Heider, D., Angermeyer, M. C., Bebbington, P. E.,
Schizophrenia Bulletin, 30, 493–510. Azorin, J. M., Brugha, T., & Toumi, M. (2007). Urban residence,
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ploring chronicity. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 63(5), (EuroSC). Psychological Medicine, 38, 591–597.
211–217. Silver, E. (2000). Race, neighborhood disadvantage and violence
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Supported Housing: Creating

a Sense of Home 33
Deborah B. Pitts

“ T
here’s no place like home.There’s no place like home.There’s no place like home.

—Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz

very person with a psychiatric disability deserves a range of housing choices and to live
in a home of his or her own.That includes the full rights of tenancy, including a lease, a key,
privacy, and the choice of roommate, where relevant.
—Center for Mental Health Services, 2006, p. 3

Introduction PhotoVoice
Recovery for persons living with psychiatric disabilities in-
volves a “reclaiming of the self ” (Davidson & Strauss, 1992; This is a picture
Sells, Stayner, & Davidson, 2004), a self compromised by dis- of my building.
ruptions in engagement in occupational roles and social I live in
stigma attached to mental illness. This reclaiming of the self apartment
is best accomplished through “role recovery” processes that # 200. This
include access to opportunities for engagement in occupa- structure
tions within supportive contexts. Consistent with the “Occu- involves a
pational Therapy Practice Framework” (American Occupa- transcendent
tional Therapy Association [AOTA], 2008), supportive contexts
help persons with mental illness to take the risks of engaging
level of
in occupation. Supported housing is one type of supportive interconnectedness.
context developed to promote recovery by providing persons This states I am in a safe place and on an ongoing
with mental illness access to the role of “tenant.” For persons way of life to keep my place and actually call it home.
seeking recovery, having a sense of home as a safe, support- —Grady
ive place to live, sleep, and carry out meaningful occupa-
tional roles can make the difference between full and limited
health services” (Wong, Filoromo, & Tennille, 2007, p. 13).
participation in everyday life.
This strategy has evolved, along with other “supported life”
This chapter introduces the world of housing options
approaches (e.g., supported employment and supported ed-
that might be available to persons who are considered dis-
ucation), as a natural environment strategy to facilitate com-
abled on the basis of their psychiatric condition (those not
munity integration for persons with mental illness (Salzer,
considered disabled are unlikely to be able to access several
2006). Supported life approaches operate from two core be-
of the options, given that they may not be eligible for pub-
liefs: one informed by an occupational justice (i.e., civil rights
licly funded housing support). In addition to ensuring that
and social justice) perspective and the other by an under-
there is a match between the person and the housing envi-
standing of the contextualized nature of learning and habit
ronment, the impact of varied neighborhoods and commu-
nities on the level of mental health recovery experienced by
From an advocacy stance, supported life approaches
the person should be considered. The expertise of the occu-
claim that people with disabilities should have access to
pational therapist provides this important interpretation
the same living, learning, and working environments as
from making the match to assessing and/or providing the
those individuals without disabilities; they should not be
ongoing support needed to increase the chances of success in
segregated in “specialized” settings such as congregate
community living for persons with serious mental illness.
living, or group homes, and/or sheltered work situations
(Salzer, 2006). These approaches acknowledge that per-
Description of Supported Housing sons with disabilities may need certain types and intensity
of support beyond that typically accessed by persons with-
Supported housing is described as “independent housing out disabilities. However, supported life advocates empha-
coupled with the provision of community-based mental size the interdependent nature of human existence and

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CHAPTER 33 ■ Supported Housing: Creating a Sense of Home 477

remind us that everyone, even people without disabilities, Services [USDHHS], 2005), supported housing has be-
need ongoing support to sustain participation in our liv- come one of several resources informed by a psychiatric
ing, learning, and working environments of choice. rehabilitation perspective and adopted by state and local
mental health authorities to promote recovery for persons
Supported Housing Among Supported with psychiatric disabilities. Although there were efforts
by some institutions during the mid-1800s “moral treat-
Life Approaches ment” and the early 1900s “mental hygiene” eras in the
Whatever the nature of supports, the supported life per- United States to help those individuals being discharged
spective emphasizes that the support should be provided in to resettle into the community following an extended hos-
real-world contexts and only at a level preferred by the per- pitalization experience (Goldstein & Godemont, 2003;
son with the disability to ensure that he or she can sustain Meyer, 1916/1952; Tuntiya, 2006), these programs were
successful and satisfying participation in that environment. never widespread.
For persons with psychiatric disabilities, this is particularly
critical, as stigma and discrimination are significant barriers Choice and Supports
to recovery in general and access to safe and affordable
housing in particular (Link, Struening, Neese-Todd, Asmussen, Although it is acknowledged that there are conceptual
& Phelan, 2001; Perlick et al, 2001; Yanos, Rosenfield, & problems in defining supported housing, given that the
Horwitz, 2001). Community resistance (i.e., “Not in my specific housing types and supports offered are not fully
back yard,” or NIMBYism) to locating housing for different standardized across mental health programs and research
disability groups has been documented, and the reactions of (Fakhoury, Murray, Shepherd, & Priebe, 2002), Nelson and
communities toward integration of persons with psychi- Peddle (2005) distinguished supported housing from other
atric disabilities has been particularly harmful (Piat, 2000; approaches to providing housing for persons with psychi-
Zippay, 2007). atric disabilities, specifically supportive and custodial
Supported life approaches argue that the best way to learn housing, because of its fundamental commitment to
to do “something” is to do that something. This is most com- providing consumers with “choice/control over where they
monly referred to in the community-integration literature as live, how they live, and the professional support that they
a paradigm shift from a “train-place” to a “place-train” per- receive” (p. 1573). They credit Paul Carling (1993; 1995)
spective in psychiatric rehabilitation philosophy (Corrigan, and Ridgway and Zipple (1990) with defining this key
2001). The place-train perspective acknowledges the contex- characteristic of supported housing and note that support-
tualized nature of learning and habit formation, particularly ive housing grew out of the philosophical perspective of the
for major life roles, and eschews assumptions regarding the independent living movement for persons with physical
need for preparatory or transitional experiences (hence ques- disabilities.
tioning the programs that train first in simulated environ- In supported housing, the tenant is the primary lesee
ments) for persons with disabilities. In addition to the em- or mortgage holder, not a mental health agency, and the
phasis on placing a person in a housing situation first, and housing is typical of that available in the community in
then offering the training and support to facilitate successful which the person is living, such as an apartment, duplex,
everyday living, an added emphasis is on helping the person condominium, co-op, or single-family home. A critical
to remain successfully housed (Yanos, Felton, Tsemberis, & aspect of supported housing is that it is a “home for life . . .
Frye, 2007). [not a] treatment way-station” (Bigelow, 1998, p. 403) and
Although advocates of this approach acknowledge the is based solely on the person meeting his or her tenancy
developmental nature of skill building and habit forma- obligations, not on the individual’s compliance with treat-
tion across the life span, they remind us of how we all ment. Common support services used by people with
learned and established our self-care, domestic care, and mental illness include financial support to pay for rent,
work-related habits and routines. We did so by practicing professional support to assist with obtaining and main-
them in those contexts in which they would be used with taining the apartment, choices for safe and comfortable
the specialized support of more skilled others and with the housing, and opportunities for social contact and commu-
socioemotional support needed to take the risk of action. nity integration (George et al, 2005). The level and nature
An example of the place-train approach is placing a person of the supports change as the person’s needs or wants
with a psychiatric disability in an apartment and offering change, and they are provided at an intensity directed by
occupational therapy and peer support to strengthen the tenant—not by the tenant’s mental health services
money management skills and communication skills with provider.
landlord and neighbors. To facilitate this delinking of access to housing from deci-
sions about level of support preferred, it is recommended
Federal Mental Health Policy that the mental health agency providing the support services
Affecting Housing not serve as the landlord. As a result, mental health agencies
that provide supported housing services often partner or
In response to federal-level initiatives during the 1990s contract with property management companies to handle
and early 2000s, specifically the Olmstead decision (Allen, tenancy issues, while the mental health agency focuses on the
2004; Olmstead v L.C. and E.W., 1999), the New Freedom provision of the support services.
Commission on Mental Health (2003), and the Substance Custodial housing settings include congregate-living
Abuse and Mental Health Administration’s Transformation environments that are most often operated for profit by
Action Agenda (U.S. Department of Health and Human private landlords, including board and care homes and
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478 PART 3 ■ Environment

single-room occupancy hotels. The term board and care We give applicants three cautions. The first is that life in
home describes living arrangements that provide shelter, the house isn’t always beautiful; good times are mixed
food, and 24-hour supervision or protective oversight and with bad. Second, we tell them that the house is loosely
personal care services to residents. Other terms for board supervised. During the day, staff members come and go,
and care homes include homes for the aged, residential care as do the residents, each of whom has his own key. No
homes, adult foster care, domiciliary care, and assisted-living staff member sits up at night. If someone needs constant
facilities. Such homes may be licensed or unlicensed and watching, Woodley House is not for him. However, we do
range in size from two residents to more than 200 (Center tell them that someone is always available to be called at
for Mental Health Services, 2006, p. 35). In 2006, SAMHSA night if a resident is acutely anxious or physically ill. The
published its Transforming Housing for People with Psychi- third caution, and the most difficult to make understood,
atric Disabilities report, which outlined recommendations is that our house is not a treatment facility. By the time
for how to reduce the use of board and care homes and all this has been explained, the prospective resident
increase the number of supported/supportive housing usually wants to know whether there is any point in
options for persons with psychiatric disabilities. In gen- moving to Woodley House, since it won’t treat him,
eral, these settings provide little mental health support or protect him, or keep him happy. Then we say, if you like
rehabilitation interventions, even when required by law to it, it’s a nice place to live, and if you don’t like it, it isn’t
do so, and are understood by occupational therapists to be anything (pp. 193–194).
sites of profound occupational deprivation (Center for Men-
Robert Cohen, in his foreword to the case study of
tal Health Services, 2006; Suto & Frank, 1994; Whiteford,
Woodley House published in 1966 (Rothwell & Doniger,
1966), argued that the philosophy and practices of Woodley
In the supportive housing approach, which began
House were particularly informed by an occupational ther-
developing in the early years of the 1960s deinstitutional-
apy perspective:
ization movement, staff provide case management, sup-
port, and/or rehabilitation in a variety of different housing In my opinion, the characteristics of the House derive
types, including halfway houses, group homes, and super- quite naturally from the training and special experiences
vised apartments. The idea underlying this approach is of Joan Doniger and Edith Maeda. Both of them were
to match the needs of the consumer with the appropriate trained professionally as occupational therapists. . . .
housing type, which is linked to the amount of support From her first contact [the occupational therapist] deals
necessary. The consumer then moves from one level with the patient’s integrative skills, his ego strengths, and
of care to another as his or her level of support needs fosters the development of his sense of mastery (p. viii).
Another example of supportive housing is the Fairweather
Understood as a transitional approach, advocates of the
Lodge model, developed originally by George Fairweather
supportive housing approach argue that people who are
in the early 1960s. This model is a unique approach to sup-
discharged from psychiatric hospitals need a place to de-
portive housing because it combines housing and work
velop the skills for community living before “going it
opportunities. In addition, the Lodge operates from a set of
alone.” It is believed that skill development is needed be-
core principles informed by a social psychology perspective
cause lengthy institutional stays may have either (1) atro-
that persons with psychiatric disabilities are more likely to
phied what skills existed prior to the hospital admission or
succeed in community living if they do so in small, family-like
(2) limited the individual’s ability to develop such skills if
units (Fairweather, Sanders, Cressler, & Maynard, 1969).
he or she had not had any tenure in independent living
The original design of the Lodge involved a small num-
prior to that admission (Glasscote, Gudeman, & Elpers,
ber of people with psychiatric disabilities living together
1971; Raush & Raush, 1968; Rothwell & Doniger, 1966). In
and creating and operating a small business that would
addition, advocates of the supportive housing approach
provide the necessary work opportunities, such as lawn
believe that the needs of some people with mental illness
care. Currently, all members of the Lodge do not necessar-
are better met in congregate housing settings with onsite
ily live together; some may live independently and work
services (Rog, 2004).
only for the business component (Onaga, McKinney, &
Pfaff, 2000). A key aspect of the Lodge programs is that
Woodley House and Fairweather Lodge members assume decision-making authority and responsi-
bility for the Lodge operations, and staff serve as consult-
Woodley House is one of the earliest halfway houses
ants to facilitate the members’/residents’ success; as such,
described in the literature. Located in Washington, D.C., it
its philosophy is more consistent with supported housing
was developed and staffed by occupational therapists Joan
in terms of choice and control (Haertl, 2005; 2007).
Doniger and Edith Maeda. The initial halfway house
established in 1958 housed 10 residents and was expanded
in the mid-1970s to include an apartment program as well. Supported Housing as Creating
Despite its transitional nature, the description of the a Sense of Home
staff role at Woodley House and the nature of the support
provided is strikingly consistent with that of the current Models of providing sequential and graded reintroduction
approach to supported housing (Doniger, Rothwell, & into community life (i.e., hospital to halfway house to inde-
Cohen, 1963; Kresky, Maeda, & Rothwell, 1976; Rothwell & pendent living), which is called the linear continuum para-
Doniger, 1966). As Doniger, Rothwell, and Cohen (1963) digm (Ridgway & Zipple, 1990), have been replaced with the
state: paradigm of helping persons with psychiatric disabilities to
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CHAPTER 33 ■ Supported Housing: Creating a Sense of Home 479

find housing that can become a home for them—a safe community. Criticism of community-based efforts are that
home—and that offers a base from which they may be fully persons with psychiatric disabilities may be living in the com-
engaged in their community as citizens. Tsemberis and munity but are not fully engaged in the life of the local com-
Asmussen (1999) noted the weaknesses of the linear contin- munity (Segal & Aviram, 1978 [cited in Wong & Solomon,
uum model for persons with serious mental illness: 2002]). Therefore, attention to facilitating occupational
habits, routines, and rituals that engage the person in the lo-
■ Moving from one level of care to the next disrupts the
cal community must be included in any supported housing
formation of interpersonal relationships so necessary
context. This could include participating in local organiza-
for success and satisfaction, and the need to adjust to
tions, attending local social and recreational events, voting,
each new context is stressful. [See also Forchuk, Ward-
and so on.
Griffin, Csiernik, & Turner, 2006.]
■ Skills learned for successful functioning in a structured
congregate setting are not necessarily transferable to an
independent living situation. Funding for Supported Housing
■ Residents of such settings lack choices and freedoms;
Funding for supported housing is generally of two broad
residential treatments offer standardized levels of care
types: funding for the support services and funding for the
to which the person must adapt.
housing itself. For the most part, the support services are
■ Placement into a level of supervised housing is based
financed by public mental health funding sources, including
on the decision of clinical staff, and clients are afforded
Medicaid’s Targeted Case Management and/or Rehabilita-
little privacy or control (Tsemberis & Asmussen, 1999,
tion Option(s) and state-specific mental health revenue
p. 116).
sources such as California’s Mental Health Services Act
George et al (2005) acknowledged that the distinctions (MHSA, Prop. 63). In some cases, support services are
between supported and supportive housing have become less included in HUD-funded new low-income housing con-
evident as supportive housing providers have worked to struction and rehabilitation initiatives. Most often these sup-
adopt practices that are more closely aligned with the pro- port services are provided by nonprofit, community-based
motion of consumer/survivor choice, as advocated by the agencies specializing in mental health services for persons
supported housing approach. They strive for a “values-
based” approach to providing housing for persons labeled
with psychiatric disabilities that focuses on a set of key val-
ues that include:
Evidence-Based Practice
■ Empowerment (consumers have choice and control
over housing)

Resources (financial, professional, housing and social)
Community integration (Nelson & Peddle, 2005)
P eople with psychiatric disabilities consistently prefer to
live in their own apartments rather than in supervised,
congregate-living situations. Supported housing can offer this
option as well as reduce homelessness and hospitalization and
These values are consistent with the philosophy and sci- improve the quality of life for persons with psychiatric disabilities.
ence espoused by occupational therapists. Experiencing a
“sense of home” in one’s living environment is said to pro- ➤ Occupational therapists can partner with consumer advo-
mote a sense of wellbeing and contribute to overall quality of cates and other mental health professionals to promote the
development of supported housing.
life (Dupuis & Thorns, 1998; Mallett, 2004). A sense of home
is particularly important for individuals with psychiatric ➤ Occupational therapists can support individuals with mental
disabilities, especially given the disruptions to stable housing illness with whom they are working to obtain and sustain
that they have often experienced (Evans, Wells, & Moch, supported housing.
2003; Padgett, 2007). Occupational therapy (Hasselkus,
Greenwood, R., Schaefer-McDaniel, N., Winkel, G., & Tsemberis, S. (2005).
2002; Rowles, 2003) has expanded on its understanding of Decreasing psychiatric symptoms by increasing choice in services for
“homemaking” by drawing on the concept of place from adults with histories of homelessness. American Journal of Community
philosophy, geography, and environmental psychology. Psychology, 36(3), 223–238.
Nelson, G., Hall, G. B., & Forchuk, C. (2003). Current and preferred housing
These perspectives on place distinguish it from the spatial of psychiatric consumers/survivors. Canadian Journal of Community Mental
dimensions of a specific environmental context and empha- Health, 22, 5–19.
size the deep meaning and value that particular settings can Owen, C., Rutherford, V., Jones, M., Wright, C., Tennant, C., & Smallman, A.
have for humans (Gieryn, 2000; Tuan, 1977), including the (1996). Housing accommodation preferences of people with psychiatric
disabilities. Psychiatric Services, 47, 628–632.
presence of personal objects (Csikszentmihalyi & Rochberg- Rosenheck, R., Kasprow, W., Frisman, L., & Liu-Mares, W. (2003). Cost-
Halton, 1981). effectiveness of supported housing for homeless persons with mental
It is clear from the research on how a sense of place is es- illness. Archives of General Psychiatry, 60(9), 940–951.
tablished that it happens by engaging in occupations in that Tanzman, B. (1993). An overview of surveys of mental health consumers’
preferences for housing and support services. Hospital & Community
context (Rowles, 2003). Therefore, it is important to help Psychiatry, 44, 450–455.
tenants personalize their space with meaningful items and Tsemberis, S., Gulcur, L., & Nakae, M. (2004). Housing First, consumer
help them engage in occupations within the units them- choice, and harm reduction for homeless individuals with a dual diagnosis.
American Journal of Public Health, 94(4), 651–656.
selves, as well as in the surrounding community, in order to Warren, R., & Bell, P. (2000). An exploratory investigation into the housing
help them establish a sense of home. preferences of consumers of mental health services. Australian and
It is important to note that “home” is experienced not just New Zealand Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 9, 195–202.
within the walls of the unit but also by being a part of one’s
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with psychiatric disabilities, including comprehensive com- which was $674 per month in 2010 for an individual, plus any
munity mental health centers, psychosocial rehabilitation supplement that specific state government contributes. For
clubhouses, and agencies that strictly provide supported example, in California in 2010, SSI beneficiaries received
housing services. State and local mental health authorities $845 per month. In addition to their disability income, some
contract with these agencies to provide housing support tenants of supported housing settings work part time.
services using whatever funding resources the particular Although some states may provide financial resources for
state has authorized for such purposes. The agencies provid- the development of supported housing (e.g., the California
ing these services may also pursue foundation grants as a Mental Health Services Act supported housing initiative),
method to fund new or expanded services that will later be the primary source of public funds for financing new hous-
funded through more stable funding sources. Occupational ing construction or rehabilitation of existing properties that
therapy educational programs have often been able to use provide rental assistance is the federal-level Department of
foundation grants to support student practicum experiences Housing and Urban Development (HUD) (see Resources at
in these settings. the end of this chapter). Agencies that provide supported
housing services to persons with psychiatric disabilities can
Personal Assistance Services access both the Section 811 and Section 8 HUD housing
In addition to Targeted Case Management and rehabilitation HUD’s Section 811 Supportive Housing Program for Per-
services, Medicaid also funds personal care services, also sons with Disabilities provides interest-free capital advances
called personal assistance services (PAS). According to the to nonprofit agencies to help them finance the development
Center for Personal Assistance Services (http://www.pascenter of rental housing, such as independent living projects, con-
.org), these services assist people with disabilities with tasks dominium units, and small group homes, with the availabil-
essential for daily living. Although initially developed and ity of supportive services for persons with disabilities. The
used primarily by persons with physical and developmental capital advance can finance the construction, rehabilitation,
disabilities in response to the independent living movement, or acquisition with or without rehabilitation of supportive
persons with psychiatric disabilities are also using such serv- housing and does not have to be repaid as long as the hous-
ices to sustain themselves in independent living situations ing remains available for very low-income persons with
(Farkas, Chamberlin, Harding, Kramer, & Kenyon, 2003; disabilities for at least 40 years.
Pita, Ellison, & Farkas, 2001). HUD also provides project rental assistance; this covers
Since 1975, states have had the option of offering per- the difference between the HUD-approved operating cost of
sonal care services as a Medicaid benefit. States have consid- the project and the amount the residents pay—usually 30%
erable discretion in defining these services, but programs of adjusted income. The initial term of the project rental
typically provide nonmedical assistance with activities of assistance contract is 3 years and can be renewed if funds are
daily living (e.g., bathing and eating) for participants with available. The available program funds for a fiscal year are
disabilities and chronic conditions. States vary in the allocated to HUD’s local offices according to factors estab-
amount and scope of the services provided (e.g., some states lished by HUD.
provide these services outside the participant’s residence). Each project must have a supportive services plan. The
States can provide this service to all eligible persons covered appropriate state or local agency reviews a potential spon-
in their state Medicaid plan or can apply for a Home and sor’s application to determine and certify that the plan is
Community-Based Services waiver and specifically define well designed to meet the needs of persons with disabilities.
the population that will be served by the program. To receive Services may vary with the target population but can include
the Medicaid-funded personal care services, the person with case management, training in independent living skills, and
a psychiatric disability must be a Medicaid recipient and be assistance in obtaining employment. However, residents
evaluated by a Medicaid representative to be in need of the cannot be required to accept any supportive service as a con-
service. An important aspect of PAS is that it supports self- dition of occupancy (HUD, 2007).
determination and personal control of resources, because HUD’s Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program is the
the person with the disability has sole decision-making federal government’s major program for assisting very
authority over who provides the services as well as when and low–income families, the elderly, and the disabled to afford
where the services are provided. decent, safe, and sanitary housing in the private market.
Since housing assistance is provided on behalf of the family
Housing or individual, participants are able to find their own hous-
ing, including single-family homes, townhouses, and apart-
Funding for housing itself includes rent or mortgage pay- ments. The participant is free to choose any housing that
ments as well as new construction or rehabilitation of prop- meets the requirements of the program and is not limited to
erties. Tenants are responsible for ensuring an income stream units located in subsidized housing projects.
that will be sufficient to meet their rent or mortgage obliga- Housing choice vouchers are administered locally by
tion. Most tenants of supported housing settings are Social public housing agencies (PHAs). The PHAs receive fed-
Security Disability Income (SSDI) or Supplemental Security eral funds from HUD to administer the voucher program.
Income (SSI) beneficiaries. They receive this income because A family that is issued a housing voucher is responsible for
they have been found to be disabled as a result of their psy- finding a suitable housing unit of the family’s choice
chiatric disorder. Persons on SSDI receive an amount based where the owner agrees to rent under the program. This
on their past earnings, so the total amount each person unit may include the family’s present residence. Rental
receives varies. Persons on SSI receive the federal benefit rate, units must meet minimum standards of health and safety,
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CHAPTER 33 ■ Supported Housing: Creating a Sense of Home 481

as determined by the PHA. A housing subsidy is paid to with selected self-report checklists to strengthen their
the landlord directly by the PHA on behalf of the partici- understanding of the person. The tools described in the fol-
pating family. The family then pays the difference between lowing sections are well established in occupational therapy
the actual rent charged by the landlord and the amount practice and informed by clearly articulated frames of refer-
subsidized by the program. Under certain circumstances, ence consistent with the person-environment-occupation
if authorized by the PHA, a family may use its voucher to perspective.
purchase a modest home (HUD, n.d.).
Occupational Performance History Interview-II
The Occupational Performance History Interview II (OPHI-II)
Occupational Therapy Assessment comes from the model of human occupation (MOHO) and
uses a semistructured and narrative interview approach
The occupational therapy evaluation process in supported to help the occupational therapist understand the individual
housing settings includes the development of an occupa- as an occupational being. The OPHI-II manual provides
tional profile and an analysis of occupational performance a set of suggested interview questions organized in five
(AOTA, 2002; 2008). In the occupational profile, the occupa- thematic areas: occupational roles, daily routine, occupa-
tional therapist focuses on eliciting the person’s occupational tional behavior settings, activity/occupational choices, and
history, perception of the need for change, and preferences critical life events (Kielhofner et al, 2004).This assessment
for the direction of that change as it relates to his or her hous- can be used with adolescents (at least 12 years of age)
ing situation. through older adults, with the main consideration being
Following the identification of the person’s targeted out- whether or not the person can meaningfully and effectively
comes related to housing, the occupational therapist con- participate in a history-taking interview.
ducts an analysis of the person’s occupational performance An important role for this tool is identification of the
related to those specific targeted outcomes. It is important to person–environment interaction through the use of its
identify the person’s past successes and difficulties related to assessment of the person’s occupational behavior settings,
domestic and self-care routines and habits as well as his or including home and leisure contexts. In addition, given the
her preferences for how to perform these activities, including narrative nature of this assessment and its effort to elicit
what level of social and environmental support he or she has aspects of meaning in the person’s life, the OPHI-II can
needed to engage in and sustain their enactment of those assist the occupational therapist in helping the person to
habits and routines. The occupational therapist’s analysis establish a sense of home.
should include a thorough understanding of the person’s Use of the OPHI-II requires that the therapist be com-
illness management strategies as well as the nature of any fortable and skilled in a narrative interviewing approach
neurocognitive or sensory disruptions and their impact on and be familiar with MOHO in order to interpret the find-
the person’s functioning. ings from the interview. Upon completion of the interview,
An assessment of the environmental resources and barri- the clinician uses the information collected to complete a
ers specific to the targeted outcomes must be completed as set of rating scales and key forms, specifically the occupa-
well. This should include an assessment of the actual living tional identity, occupational competence, and occupational
environment (e.g., both the specific apartment and the behavior settings. Each scale includes a finite set of items
apartment building as well as the surrounding neighbor- representative of MOHO concepts. Each item is rated using
hood and community). The occupational therapist must a 4-point adaptive scale, with 4 representing the most
understand to what degree the social and task environments adaptive response and 1 representing the least adaptive
will support the person’s enactment of preferred and obli- response. Each rating for each item is operationally defined
gated habits and routines. Specific assessment tools for the to facilitate the therapist’s interpretation of the informa-
occupational profile and the analysis of occupational per- tion from the interview to assign the rating (Kielhofner
formance that may be useful in supported housing services et al, 2004). For example, related to occupational compe-
are described next. tence, should the client reveal that some functional limita-
tions pertaining to the timing of occupations needed to live
Tools for Developing an Occupational Profile independently as a tenant (such as not putting out the
garbage in time for neighborhood garbage pickup nor
The most common assessment approach for developing an writing a rent check when it is due) were consistent chal-
occupational profile is an interview. Interviews are particu- lenges, then a score of 2 would be noted. This score would
larly valuable in this phase of the occupational therapy eval- signal the need to develop a case management plan for
uation because, when conducted effectively, they allow for helping the person to carry out such tasks within the
the exploratory dialogue necessary for identifying a person’s appropriate time parameters, thus supporting the occupa-
perceived strengths, needs, and preferences for supported tional role of tenant.
housing. In addition, the therapist can elicit the person’s Reliability and validity of the OPHI-II are demonstrated
subjective experiences related to creating a sense of home, in several studies, including interrater reliability, concur-
which is necessary for good quality of life. rent validity, and predictive validity (Kielhofner, Forsyth,
Self-report checklists that elicit the person’s global or Clay, et al, 2007). Further, a study investigating the nature
specific perspectives related to their independent living of the interview questions found that the narrative ap-
strengths, needs, and preferences can also be used to help the proach to questions effectively generated rich occupational
occupational therapist develop an individual’s occupational stories and more meaningful information for intervention
profile. Occupational therapists often combine an interview planning (Apte, Kielhofner, Paul-Ward, & Braveman,
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2005). Cross-cultural validity has also been demonstrated how to modify the living environment in a way that mini-
(Kielhofner, Forsyth, Clay, et al, 2007) mizes the impact of any neurocognitive deficits that are
identified. For example, a person functioning at a cognitive
Occupational Self-Assessment level 5 may not anticipate problems that might occur in
The Occupational Self-Assessment (OSA) (Baron, Kielhofner, sharing the common areas of an apartment such as the bath-
Iyenger, Goldhammer, & Wolenski, 2006; Kielhofner, Forsyth, room, kitchen, and living room. The occupational therapist
Suman, et al, 2007) is a self-report checklist that is also derived might assist the individual and his or her roommate to
from MOHO. It facilitates identification of the person’s per- establish agreements as to how they will handle sharing food
ception of the degree of difficulty he or she is experiencing in or chores to prevent later problems from occurring
targeted areas of occupational performance and the impor-
tance of those in daily life. The therapist and consumer can Routine Task Inventory-Expanded
then discuss each area, and then the person prioritizes areas The Routine Task Inventory–Expanded (RTI-Expanded),
for change. which is informed by the cognitive disabilities frame of
Studies have demonstrated that the OSA is a valid and reference, is an observational guide. It consists of 14 tasks
reliable measure (Baron et al, 2006; Kielhofner, Forsyth, that describe behavioral actions consistent with the cogni-
Suman, et al, 2007). One study found the OSA was useful in tive levels. The cognitive levels represent a six-level hierar-
eliciting information to facilitate the development of a chical model for understanding how cognitive impairments
meaningful occupational therapy intervention for young impact a person’s occupational performance (Allen et al,
people in an early intervention psychosis program (Fisher & 1992). The RTI-Expanded describes the functional severity
Savin-Baden, 2001). of a disability; it is a here-and-now assessment of the impact
of a disease.
Tools for Analyzing Occupational Performance The 14 routine tasks of the RTI are divided into two scales:
physical and instrumental. The six tasks on the physical scale
The analysis of occupational performance in supported are grooming, dressing, bathing, walking, feeding, and toilet-
housing environments should focus on the person’s activi- ing. The eight tasks on the instrumental scale are housekeep-
ties of daily living (ADLs) and instrumental activities of ing, preparing food, spending money, taking medication,
daily living (IADLs), neurocognitive deficits that may im- doing laundry, traveling, shopping, and using the telephone.
pact safe and successful enactment of those ADL/IADLs, Under each of the 14 tasks, behavioral descriptions are written
and the social/interpersonal skills necessary for maintain- in connection with each cognitive level.
ing effective neighbor and landlord relationships. Other Administration of the interview requires the identifica-
areas of occupational performance that go beyond tenancy tion of an informant who is well acquainted with the indi-
status include the persons’ leisure/recreational competen- vidual’s performance and willing to provide information.
cies. The tools described in the following sections are well The informant and the occupational therapist review the
established in occupational therapy practice and informed inventory together. The behavioral description that best
by clearly articulated frames of reference consistent with matches the individual’s routine task performance is noted.
the person-environment-occupation perspective. The RTI-Expanded takes approximately 1 hour to adminis-
ter (Allen et al, 1992).
Allen Cognitive Level Screen
The Allen Cognitive Level Screen (ACL-5) (Allen et al, 2007) Assessment of Motor and Process Skills
is based on the cognitive disabilities model and is designed The Assessment of Motor and Process Skills (AMPS) gathers
to obtain a baseline measure of the person’s capacity to learn information on skills by observing the person doing selected
and the need for environmental compensations. This model ADLs, both personal and instrumental. The AMPS is designed
describes six hierarchical cognitive levels for understanding so that cross-culturally standardized tasks can be used to meas-
how neurocognitive impairments impact a person’s occupa- ure occupational performance. When administering the AMPS,
tional performance (Allen, Earhart, & Blue, 1992). This motor skills (i.e., actions done to move oneself or objects) and
performance-based test is usually administered at the end of process skills (i.e., logical sequencing of actions, selection and
the initial interview and establishes an initial level of func- appropriate use of tools and materials, and adaptation to prob-
tioning. The ACL-5 is a visuomotor task that provides an lems) are observed simultaneously. The AMPS score takes
estimate of a person’s ability to learn to do other visuomotor into consideration the level of difficulty of the task the person is
tasks. See Chapter 18 for a more in-depth description of the performing and the severity/leniency of the rater.
ACL-5 and all cognitive tools. Scores for the AMPS are computer generated, and occu-
Reliability and validity studies find the ACL-5 to be a pational therapists using the AMPS must be trained and
dependable measure of cognitive levels consistent with the calibrated for their severity/leniency. Studies support the
model (Allen et al, 1992). Further observation is required to validity, reliability, internal consistency of the scales, stabil-
verify the level and is often accomplished using the Routine ity of the measure over time, and ability of the measures
Task Inventory–Expanded (Katz, 2006), described in the to remain stable when the AMPS is scored by different
next section, or the Allen Diagnostic Module (ADM). The raters. Administration and scoring of the AMPS takes 30 to
ADM consists of craft activities that have been organized by 60 minutes and includes a brief interview and observation
the six levels (Allen & Reyner, 2005). of the person performing four or five preferred standard-
An important contribution of this assessment and its ized tasks (Kielhofner, Cahill, et al, 2007), including such
companion tools to the occupational therapist in supported IADL tasks as money management, meal preparation, and
housing settings is that it provides information regarding laundry management. The AMPS is demonstrated to be an
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CHAPTER 33 ■ Supported Housing: Creating a Sense of Home 483

effective tool in assessing the occupational performance of PhotoVoice

persons with psychiatric disabilities in community-based
living contexts (Girard, Fisher, Short, & Duran, 1999; My house is a
McNulty & Fisher, 2001; Pan & Fisher, 1994). safe haven
where I find
Kohlman Evaluation of Living Skills
peace and
The Kohlman Evaluation of Living Skills (KELS) is an evalua- serenity. Not
tion of basic living skills that combines interview and task per-
only is my house
formance techniques. It is intended to be administered and
scored within 30 to 45 minutes. It assesses 18 living skills a home to me,
grouped under five major categories: self-care, safety and but a place
health, money management, transportation and telephone, the squirrels
and work and leisure. Scoring criteria are formulated to indi- call home as well. I enjoy watching
cate the minimum standards required for living independently the squirrels. Their interactions and movements relax
within the community. Items scored as “needs assistance” are me. I feel a sense of responsibility to the squirrels. I
given a score of 1 point, with the exception of items in the feed them corn, sunflower seeds, and bread daily.
work/leisure category, which are assessed one-half point. Stud- Everyday I know when I get home, they will be waiting
ies find that the KELS has good interrater reliability and that for me to feed them. While I am taking care of the
the scale can correctly differentiate persons living in a sheltered squirrels, I am also taking care of myself because I feel
setting from those living independently with an accuracy of
peaceful and relaxed. It gives me a sense of recovery.
90% (Thomson, 1992)
Test of Grocery Shopping Skills
The Test of Grocery Shopping Skills (TOGGS) is a
performance-based assessment conducted in the natural General Services
environment to measure the person’s grocery shopping
skills. The person is asked to find 10 grocery items, and an In a generalist role, the occupational therapist serves as a
accuracy score is calculated based on his or her finding case manager or services coordinator and provides general
items of a particular size and at the lowest cost (Hamera & mental health support services to the tenants of the housing
Brown, 2000). A companion tool, the Knowledge of Gro- unit. In this generalist function, the practitioner applies
cery Shopping Skills (KOGSS), is a self-report measure his or her unique perspective on humans as occupational
that identifies the person’s grocery shopping knowledge, beings, along with occupational therapy values, knowledge,
with higher scores indicating more grocery shopping and skill sets related to occupation, participation, and
knowledge (Brown, Rempfer, Hamera, & Bothwell, 2006). psychiatric disability.
Both tools are demonstrated to reliable and valid measures The major responsibility of an occupational therapist in
of their respective aspects of grocery shopping skills this generalist role is to help people with mental illness meet
(Brown et al, 2006; Hamera & Brown, 2000). their tenancy obligations in a manner that ensures their suc-
cess and satisfaction and minimizes the risk of eviction.
Assessment of Interpersonal Problem These responsibilities include assisting the tenant to:
Solving Skills
■ Initiate and sustain friendly interpersonal relationships
The Assessment of Interpersonal Problem Solving Skills with the apartment manager and other tenants.
(AIPSS) uses videotaped examples of typical problematic ■ Budget financial resources in order to meet payment
social encounters that a person might experience in daily deadlines for rent/mortgage and other utilities related
life. The person being evaluated is shown the videotape and to sustained tenancy status.
then asked a series of questions to assess receiving skills ■ Engage in domestic routines and lifestyle practices that
(problem identification and problem description) and pro- maintain the physical interior of the apartment unit in
cessing skills. One set of problems relates a job interview a manner that does not exceed normal wear and tear.
where a challenging scenario is provided, with the inter- ■ Engage in leisure and social recreational practices that
viewer not available when scheduled. are satisfying but do not disrupt the quality of life of
AIPSS is demonstrated to effectively measure interpersonal other tenants or neighbors in the immediate area.
problem-solving skills in individuals with schizophrenia ■ Manage the symptoms and behavioral manifestations
(Donahoe et al, 1990) and has also been used in the develop- of the psychiatric disorder in a manner that minimizes
ment of training interventions for interpersonal problem the risk of psychiatric hospitalization and minimizes its
solving skills (Liberman, Eckman, & Marder, 2001). intrusion on the quality of life of other tenants.
■ Develop a sense of home.
Interventions to Support Tenancy Building Relationships
and Community Integration Initiating and sustaining friendly relationships with other
tenants and the apartment manager facilitates the person’s
Occupational therapists can serve either a generalist or spe- access to support and minimizes tensions that can lead to
cialist function in supported housing services (Lloyd, King, increased stress. It is equally helpful to maintain friendly
& McKenna, 2004; Parker, 2001). relationships with the neighbors in the immediate area, even
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484 PART 3 ■ Environment

when the local neighborhood is less than desirable (Boydell, Occupational therapists can help people learn the nec-
Gladstone, Crawford, & Trainor, 1999). As with any living essary housekeeping skills, if needed, and/or help them to
situation, being able to get along with others is critical to an establish and maintain housekeeping habits that are con-
individual’s success and satisfaction (Caslyn & Winter, 2002; sistent with their personal preferences and meet at least
Hansson et al, 2002; Perlick et al, 2001), and for many the minimum requirements (Nolan & Swarbrick, 2002).
persons with psychiatric disabilities, comfort with and skill Since many of the supported housing units available to
in social interaction is often disrupted by the nature of persons with psychiatric disabilities are HUD-funded, the
the psychiatric disorder (Dickerson, Boronow, Ringel, & tenant’s apartment likely will be inspected at regular inter-
Parente, 1999). vals. Tenants often experience these inspections as intru-
Occupational therapists can facilitate relationship devel- sions into their privacy; in other cases, tenants consider
opment and may be called upon to help tenants negotiate them to be helpful in mediating their volitional difficulties
and resolve conflicts between one another as well as to help by “keeping them on their toes.” Occupational therapists
tenants in communicating their complaints or needs to the can assist consumers in monitoring their inspection dates
apartment manager or property management company. and helping them to prepare for each inspection as they
In general, most individuals labeled with psychiatric disabil- Socializing
ities live on limited incomes, with their main source of It is important for individuals to engage in leisure and
income often coming from SSDI and/or SSI. Given the cost social recreational practices that are satisfying but do
of living in most areas of the United States, this means that not disrupt the quality of life of other tenants or neigh-
they are living below the poverty line, which in 2007 was bors. Occupational therapists can facilitate social and
$10,210 for single-person households (USDHHS, 2007). It is recreational interaction between tenants, such as meeting
critical for tenants to budget their financial resources in for coffee or taking a walk in the neighborhood, including
order to meet payment deadlines for rent/mortgage and the establishment of community rituals and celebrations
utilities in order to sustain their tenancy status. that promote a “sense of place” and help to mediate
When tenants are working, they must monitor the impact the risk of loneliness (Brown, 1996; Chesters, Fletcher, &
of those earnings on their disability benefits. Although both Jones, 2005).
benefit programs (SSDI and SSI) have work incentives, As in any housing situation, tenants are responsible for
workers must take responsibility to report these earnings establishing a pattern of living that does not disturb their
or risk benefit repayments. Should this occur, the person’s neighbors. The primary issue is noise level, particularly dur-
income can be so drastically impacted that he or she may not ing evening hours. In addition, when using common areas,
be able to sustain housing. Assistance with monitoring and such as patios and community/recreation rooms, it is also
reporting can be helpful and prevent future problems. The expected that tenants clean up and do not damage property.
occupational therapist also may need to assist the person in Many supported housing settings are intentionally designed
negotiating reduced pay-back plans. to include multiuse common areas where tenants can gather
Because many of the supported housing options are as well as host guests, particularly when the individual apart-
HUD-funded, tenants may also benefit from assistance in ments have limited square footage or are “singles” rather
understanding how their income and expenses are calcu- than one- or two-bedroom units.
lated in order to determine their total rent obligations.
Although property management representatives are respon- Managing Symptoms
sible for providing this information, tenants may still be Consumers need to manage the symptoms and behavioral
confused. In addition, SSDI, SSI, and earned wages can manifestations of their psychiatric disorders to minimize
change; the tenant is responsible for informing the property the risk of psychiatric hospitalization and minimize their
management representative of such changes. Managing intrusion on the quality of life of other tenants. Having
financial resources is critical to sustaining the person’s hous- the social and mental health support services tied to the
ing and avoiding eviction. The occupational therapist must housing allows for earlier interventions, such as in-home
understand each of these programs and how they interact in crisis response interventions, so that admission to a
order to provide counsel to consumers. psychiatric hospital or crisis residential setting can be
avoided (Bond, Drake, Mueser, & Latimer, 2001; Burns,
Housekeeping Catty, & Wright, 2006). This is an important benefit of
As in any living situation, optimizing the upkeep and min- linking support services to housing, as the disruption
imizing damage to the interior spaces of the dwelling are and trauma associated with psychiatric hospitalization is
necessary. This includes engaging in domestic routines profound.
and lifestyle practices that maintain the physical building However, should hospitalization or rehospitalization be
in a manner that does not exceed normal wear and tear, required, generally the person does not lose his or her hous-
alerting the apartment manager or property management ing. In some instances, the individual and the mental health
company to repair needs, and/or completing minor repair team may decide that returning to the same housing situa-
tasks on one’s own. Initial and sustained engagement in tion is contraindicated. However, as long as arrangements
domestic routines may be difficult for persons with psy- are made for the rent to be paid, which can be facilitated by
chiatric disabilities as a result of the volitional and cogni- the occupational therapist, the person will be able to sustain
tive disruptions associated with various disorders (Allen the housing even if he or she is away for an extended period
et al, 1992). of time.
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Specialty Services
Evidence-Based Practice
In addition to functioning as a generalist mental health
provider in a supported housing setting, occupational thera-
pists may also provide specialty services related to the occupa-
tional therapy–specific knowledge and skill sets. In this role,
N eurocognitive functioning, particularly executive function-
ing, or metacognition, has been linked to successful
community functioning, especially independent living skills.
the practitioner will primarily serve as a consultant to other ➤ Occupational therapists working in supported housing
mental health providers and the apartment manager in their programs should evaluate independent living skills, habits,
efforts to facilitate successful community tenure for persons and routines, as well as the nature of the neurocognitive
with mental illness. Consultation may occur both before the impairments in order to design optimum supports and
tenant moves into the housing and during his or her occu- minimize safety risks.
pancy when functional difficulties are experienced. These ➤ Occupational therapists must consider the link between
consultations will draw on occupational therapy’s strengths in cognition and function when selecting assessment tools.
functional assessment and activity analysis to identify what Tools that target both, such as the ACL-5/RTI-E, AMPS,
skilled actions will spontaneously emerge in response to the and/or TOGGS, should be considered.
environmental demands of the specific housing unit(s) as well
as what behavioral responses will require cuing and support. Green, M. (1996). What are the functional consequences of neurocognitive
deficits in schizophrenia? American Journal of Psychiatry, 153(3), 321–330.
Occupational therapy’s comprehensive perspective on Rempfer, M. V., Hamera, E. K., Brown, C. E., & Cromwell, R. L. (2003).
the person-environment-occupation transaction can pro- The relations between cognition and the independent living skill of shop-
vide a rich understanding of what the person wants ping in people with schizophrenia. Psychiatry Research, 117(2), 103–112.
and needs to do to sustain his or her housing as well as the
impact of the disability. Occupational therapy practice
models informed by cognitive and sensory perspectives are
particularly useful here. interactions that are highly emotional or negative. Tenants
with such sensory disruptions may experience very modest
Assessing Cognition
noise levels coming from neighboring apartments as highly
The need for assessing cognition is supported by research toxic and uncomfortable. They may initiate complaints to the
that has linked neurocognitive deficits, particularly prob- apartment manager or directly to the tenant who is making the
lems with executive functioning, to successful community noise. This can result in problematic neighbor relations when
tenure (Green, 1996). The cognitive disabilities model (Allen, the neighbor does not understand how everyday activities
1985; Allen & Blue, 1998; Allen, Earhart, & Blue, 1997; Allen are experienced so loudly. In such cases, conflict resolution
et al, 1992) with its six levels of cognitive functioning assistance may be required to help facilitate communications
provides specific guidance on the type of social and task between the two tenants.
supports that the person will require in order to safely With assistance from the occupational therapist, the ten-
sustain housing. Assessment tools informed by this model, ant experiencing the noise levels can better understand the
described earlier in this chapter, include the ACL-5, the sensory experiences and initiate strategies that will help to
ADM, and the RTI-Expanded. The MOHO cognitive per- mediate their discomforts (Brown, 2001). In addition, the
spective (Kielhofner, 2007) also provides an approach that is occupational therapist can educate the mental health
embedded in a comprehensive frame of reference for under- provider, apartment manager, and possibly other tenants
standing human occupation. about how sensory disruptions can impact function; this can
The AMPS (Kielhofner, Cahill, et al, 2007), also described help promote a community of support within the supported
previously, is an assessment developed for use with this housing setting.
frame of reference that has been used with persons with Dunn’s sensory processing model describes four patterns
mental illness in supported housing settings (Fossey, Harvey, of sensory processing—sensory sensitivity, sensation seeking,
Plant, & Pantelis, 2006). In addition, the Dynamic Interac- sensation avoidance, and low registration—and provides a
tional Model (Josman, 2005; Josman & Katz, 2006) provides meaningful framework to guide occupational therapy con-
an approach for understanding the impact of neurocognitive sultations (Dunn, 2001). Chapter 20 provides additional
impairments on function that can assist occupational thera- information that may be helpful in addressing sensory issues
pists in designing recommendations for needed environ- that might present themselves in a person’s living environ-
mental supports. This model provides guidance to facilitate ment. The Adult/Adolescent Sensory Profile (Brown &
learning new habits and routines necessary for successful Dunn, 2002), which is informed by Dunn’s model, was devel-
adjustment to the person’s supported housing context. oped to identify each of the four sensory patterns. This tool
is demonstrated to effectively assess sensory patterns in
Assessing Sensory Patterns persons with mental illness.
Assessment of the sensory patterns of individuals with mental Whether functioning as a generalist or specialist in a sup-
illness, particularly the behavioral strategies they employ to ported housing setting, providing such services involves
manage their sensory difficulties, is also helpful. Sensory diffi- intimate encounters in the person’s home. Such interventions
culties can impact function, and specific sensory patterns have risk being experienced by the tenant as intrusive and disrup-
been identified in persons with schizophrenia, particularly a tive to their privacy. The boundaries of professional relation-
tendency to miss information and to avoid situations with ships become more muted in home-based interventions, and
more intense sensory stimuli (Brown, Cromwell, Filion, Dunn, supporting a person’s autonomy and self-determination
& Tollefson, 2002), including noise level, crowds, and social may be difficult, particularly when the person is experiencing
1704_Ch33_476-490.qxd 7/8/10 7:43 PM Page 486

486 PART 3 ■ Environment

serious psychiatric distress. Occupational therapists and other role (Burger, Kimelman, Lurie, & Rabiner, 1978) and, with
mental health professionals providing services to people supported housing, affords them the opportunity for
in their homes need to be thoughtful and act in ways that fuller participation in the social life of the community.
takes these issues into consideration (Magnusson & Lutzen, National, state, and local efforts have been developed to
1999). increase the number of supported housing units (O’Hara,
2007), but supported housing still falls far short of meet-
ing the needs of individuals with psychiatric disabilities.
Summary Occupational therapists value the importance of having
meaningful places to live. They have specific philosophical
Recovery for persons with mental illness can be facilitated by and theoretical perspectives consistent with the philoso-
having a home. However, poverty and stigma are formidable phy of supported housing as well as the practical knowl-
barriers for persons with mental illness in their efforts to edge and skills that facilitate satisfying and successful
access safe, affordable, and permanent housing. Becoming a community integration through housing for persons with
tenant provides these individuals with a normative social psychiatric disabilities.

Active Learning Strategies

1. Self-Reflection on Living Independently in your community for persons with psychiatric disabili-
ties. Obtain copies of any application forms used by the
If you have lived independently or are currently living
PHA and review them to determine what information is
independently, reflect on your experience with meeting the
required. Reflect on the personal and cognitive demands
day-to-day obligations of being a tenant.
required to complete such forms. Determine if there is a
Reflective Questions waiting list for Section 8 vouchers in your community.
● Have you consistently met all of your rental, mortgage, How long is the waiting list? Consider what options people
or utilities payment deadlines? with psychiatric disabilities have if the wait is longer than
● Have you ever been evicted or had your utilities turned 30 days.
off as a result of late or failed payments?
● How well are you maintaining the upkeep of your living 3. Supported Housing Services
Contact a local community mental health agency that pro-
● What emotional and physical resources do you need to
vides supported housing services to persons with mental
call upon regularly to maintain the habits and routines
illness. Learn as much as you can about the services they
related to maintaining your environment in a way that is
offer. For example, how many supported housing units do
satisfying to you?
they have available? How many do they need to meet the
● What supports have you needed or called upon to main-
needs of people with mental illness in your community? If
tain your living situation?
there are not enough housing units to meet those needs,
● What interpersonal and other problem-solving strategies
what other types of housing options (e.g., residential care)
do you use to meet daily challenges?
are available? Talk with the agency representatives about
● Did you feel a sense of home? If so, how did you make
the challenges they have had in locating and establishing
that happen?
housing in your local community. Have they had any
experiences with NIMBY-type responses to their efforts?
2. Community Research
What strategies did they employ, and how effective were
Contact your local public housing authority (PHA) and they in countering negative reactions?
find out how many low-income housing units are available

Resources • Allen, C. K., Earhart, C. A., & Blue, T. (1992). Occupational Therapy
Treatment Goals for the Physically and Cognitively Disabled.
Bethesda, MD: American Occupational Therapy Association.
Cognitive Disabilities Model Assessments and Resources
• ———. (1997). Understanding Cognitive Performance Modes.
• Allen, C. K., Austin, S., David, S. K., Earhart, C. A., McCraith, D. B., Colchester, CT: S&S Worldwide.
& Riska-Williams, L. (2007). Manual for the Allen Cognitive Level • Allen, C. K., & Reyner, A. (2005). How to Start Using the Allen
Screen-5 and Large Cognitive Level Screen-5 (2007). Camarillo, Diagnostic Module (9th ed.). Colchester, CT: S&S Worldwide.
CA: ACLS and LACLS Committee..
Model of Human Occupation Assessments
• Allen, C. K., & Blue, T. (1998). Cognitive disabilities model: How
to make clinical judgments. In N. Katz (Ed.), Cognition and • Baron, K., Kielhofner, G., Iyenger, A., Goldhammer, V., &
Occupation in Rehabilitation: Cognitive Models for Intervention Wolenski, J. (2006). A User’s Manual for the Occupational Self
in Occupational Therapy (pp. 225–279). Bethesda, MD: American Assessment (OSA), Version 2.2. Chicago: Model of Human
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• Brown, C., & Dunn, W. (2002). Adolescent/Adult Sensory Profile: for people with mental illness. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal,
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housing: A conceptual model and methodological considera- Journal, 37, 405–419.
tions. Mental Health Services Research, 4, 3–28. Zippay, A. (2007). Psychiatric residences: Notification, NIMBY, and
Yanos, P. T., Felton, B. J., Tsemberis, S., & Frye, V. A. (2007). Explor- neighborhood relations. Psychiatric Services, 58(1), 109–113.
ing the role of housing type, neighborhood characteristics and
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3 Practice Settings


Early Intervention: A Practice
Setting for Infant and Toddler
Mental Health 34
Kris Pizur-Barnekow

C hildren are the world’s most valuable resource and its best hope for the future.

—John F. Kennedy

educational, therapeutic, and psychological services. Early

Many occupational therapists are employed in infant and intervention programs serve families with infants or tod-
toddler service settings and typically address the develop- dlers from the time they are born through their third
mental needs of the child. However, the mental health birthday.
concerns of the infant and toddler may be overlooked. Before describing a service delivery setting that incorpo-
Mental health issues often are considered as problems rates infant mental health practice, it is important to define
dealt with by adolescents and adults. Children’s mental what is meant by infant mental health. The concept of
health is starting to receive more attention, but the mental infant mental health is often questioned, with many critics
health needs of infants and toddlers are far less often con- asking how infants and toddlers can have mental health
sidered. Problems related to attachment, emotion regula- deficits or problems. The answer is that infants and toddlers
tion (e.g., fussiness, sleep problems), and cognitive devel- have significant capacities to feel and know about their
opment (e.g., responsiveness to stimuli) are all issues that environment and the people with whom they interact
can be considered in the realm of mental health or psy- (Sameroff, 2004).
chosocial functioning. All of these problems are within the The problems seen in infant and toddler emotional and
domain of concern of occupational therapy and are com- social development are often related to the characteristics
mon issues addressed by occupational therapists working of their early relationships (Kraemer, 1992; Sameroff,
in infant and toddler settings. 2004). Children thrive with responsive caregiving and a
This chapter describes early intervention in a service cohesive family. These experiences during development
delivery setting or context and incorporates principles of contribute to their sense of self (Gilkerson, 2006). During
infant and toddler mental health into this setting. The mis- infancy and the toddler years, the ability to connect with
sion, population served, team members, funding sources, others facilitates regulation of homeostasis, emotions, and
role of occupational therapy, assessments, and intervention cognitive development (Barnekow & Kraemer, 2005).
models used in this setting are reviewed. Building strong Therefore, it is critical that occupational therapists in pe-
working relationships with the child and family members is diatric settings attend to those attributes that lead to
key to successful early intervention. healthy social and emotional development in addition to
healthy physical development.
Infant mental health practice is relationship based. Rela-
tionships are an organizing factor in which all other devel-
Overview of Infant and Toddler opment occurs (Kalmanson & Seligman, 2006). The interac-
Mental Health tions that occur within the relationship between the infant
or toddler and the primary caregiver regulate the child’s
For the purposes of this chapter, early intervention refers physiology, behavior, emotion, and cognition (Barnekow &
to those services provided under Part C of the Individuals Kraemer, 2005; Kraemer, 1992). For example, when a mother
with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). According to is responsive to her infant, the infant shows greater regula-
Public Law 108-446 of IDEA, infants and toddlers at risk tion of heart rate and affect (Haley & Stansbury, 2003).
for or diagnosed with a disability can receive nutritional, Therefore, the focus of infant or toddler mental health is on

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492 PART 3 ■ Environment

therapist–parent/caregiver relationships, parent–child rela- detached from the toddler, consequently impairing their
tionships, and family–community relationships. relationship. If the parent continues to detach from the
When working in early intervention, occupational thera- child, the opportunities for engagement in activities that
pists need to foster relationships by embracing complexity, promote development decrease.
respecting diversity, viewing behavior from the caregiver’s The following case illustrates how early intervention
perspective or experience, and being attuned to their own providers (occupational therapists) can include aspects of
emotional responses (Kalmanson, 2006). Providers need to infant and toddler mental health into their practice.
incorporate relationship-based, self-reflective, and theoreti-
cally driven practices into their work with infants, toddlers,
and their families to promote optimal child mental health.
Traditionally, infant and toddler mental health practices Case
have not been embedded in the assessments and interven- An early intervention provider serving families in an
tions provided by pediatric occupational therapists practic- urban setting received a referral for a child who was
ing in early intervention, or birth to three, programs. This Hmong. The supervisor contacted the provider and
chapter presents methods of assessment and intervention said that the child was discharged from the hospital and
strategies that focus on infant and toddler mental health in his prognosis was poor. Three months earlier, he was
early intervention settings. admitted to the hospital because of an E. coli infection
Assessments and interventions in infant and toddler men- that resulted in severe brain damage. Upon discharge
tal health practice should focus on early relationships. As from the hospital, the medical team thought he would
Sameroff (2004) states, there is more than one client in infant not live long, and the referral to early intervention was
and toddler mental health practice. The clients are the infants initiated to help support the family during his final
or toddlers and the caregivers within the relational context. A days. Because the family was Hmong and followed the
primary assumption underlying this chapter is that therapists practices of Eastern medicine, they had significant trust
use infant and toddler mental health principles when treating issues with professionals who practiced Western medi-
children with special health care needs. cine. Until the child’s admission into the hospital, he
Children with special health care needs are those children was a typically developing young child. The family
who have or are at risk for chronic physical, developmental, believed the hospitalization made their healthy son
behavior, or emotional conditions (Fleischfresser, 2004). become very ill, and they did not associate the child’s
Often, children with special health care needs present with outcomes to an infection.
developmental delays that challenge the relationship be- The initial step in treating this child within
tween caregiver and child. Therapists who utilize an infant the context of the family was establishment of the
and toddler mental health approach recognize that all chil- professional–family relationship. The first home visit
dren can reach their potential when relationships are opti- consisted of talking with the father, who was the boy’s
mal. For example, a toddler displaying symptoms of autism primary caregiver, for the entire visit. The early inter-
may demonstrate stereotypical behavior after being sepa- vention provider did not physically handle the child
rated from and reunited with his or her caregiver. Instead of until she was invited back for a second visit. Over
giving the caregiver a hug, the toddler hops up and down time, the family and the early intervention provider
and loudly vocalizes. The caregiver may not view the behav- established a relationship, and the parents became
ior as a favorable response and may begin to feel emotionally great teachers. They taught the early intervention
provider about the Hmong culture, Eastern medicine,
and the difficulties they encountered with Western
health care.
Evidence-Based Practice Throughout the assessment and intervention process,
the provider came to understand that the child’s im-
R esearch indicates that early relationships that occur within
the context of daily routines affect the structure and func-
tion of the brain (Kraemer, 1992).
pairments were significant. He was cortically blind, his
ability to localize to sound was inconsistent, and his
movement patterns consisted of severe spinal extension
➤ Occupational therapists should assess the transaction between with minimal voluntary movement in his arms and
the primary caregiver and the child to understand developmental legs. His parents told the early intervention provider
outcomes. that they did not know if the child knew who they
➤ Occupational therapists should consider co-occupation as were. As treatment progressed, the early intervention
an essential part of early intervention practice and evaluate provider realized that this child did know who his par-
shared physicality, intentionality, and emotionality between ents were, as he would become calm when he heard
the primary caregiver and the child. their voices. The role of the early intervention provider
➤ Occupational therapists should provide interventions that was to help the parents reestablish a relationship with
include the primary caregiver and the child as they engage their son.
in daily routines. Upon discharge from the early intervention program
into the early childhood program, this young child who
Kraemer, G. W. (1992). A psychobiological theory of attachment. Behavioral was not expected to live thrived because of the loving care
and Brain Sciences, 15, 493–541.
he received within the family context. His attachment
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CHAPTER 34 ■ Early Intervention: A Practice Setting for Infant and Toddler Mental Health 493

behaviors were relatively mature in comparison to his to a teen mother is at greater risk for delay and may qualify
motor and sensory development. He displayed separa- for services (Stephens & Tauber, 2005).
tion anxiety from his primary caregiver, and when held
by members of his family, he gently nestled into their Team Members and Models
arms. This experience illustrates the importance of rela-
tionships in early intervention practice. Occupational therapists who work in early intervention pro-
grams collaborate with a variety of team members. Other
members of the early intervention team include psychologists,
social workers, physicians, special education teachers, physical
therapists, nutritionists, and speech-language pathologists.
Early Intervention Programs: Two types of teaming, interdisciplinary and transdiscipli-
Mission and Philosophy nary, are common in early intervention practice. Interdisci-
plinary teaming consists of team members who value each
Early intervention programs, also known as birth to three other’s work and who communicate routinely and effec-
programs, provide coordinated services to families with tively. Interdisciplinary teams set goals collaboratively and
young children. Children referred to early intervention pro- through consensus. The team members may meet formally
grams are at risk for or diagnosed with a condition that may and informally to discuss the child’s case, and their interac-
impair their ability to fully participate in occupations or tions focus on the needs of the child. The child’s family may
co-occupations experienced by typically developing peers. not be considered team members (McGonigel, Woodruff, &
The primary philosophical model used in early interven- Roszmann-Millican, 1994). As can be seen, interdisciplinary
tion practice is family-centered care. Family-centered care is teaming may not be the most optimal in early intervention
a social model that promotes competencies based on the fam- settings because the family may not be active team members.
ily life style (Dunst, Johanson, Trivette, & Hamby, 1999). This Transdisciplinary teams are the second type of teaming
model recognizes that infants and young children depend model found in early intervention practice. Transdiscipli-
upon family members for support, nurturance, and survival nary teams, like interdisciplinary teams, value team mem-
(Stephens & Tauber, 2005). Early intervention programs that bers’ expertise and work. All team members working with
use family-centered care models espouse the concept that the child become informed by the theories and strategies of
families are experts on their child’s habits and routines; there- the other disciplines involved (Kalmanson, 2006). The pri-
fore, family members need to be active team members. mary difference between an interdisciplinary team and a
Providers who use a family-centered model must include transdisciplinary team is the process by which the teaming
aspects of the caregiver–child relationship during problem and treatment occur. Transdisciplinary team members are
identification and intervention planning. The nature of the dedicated to learning and working across disciplinary bound-
early intervention provider’s work focuses on relationships aries. Consultation and coaching are commonly used because
and is characterized by the interpersonal realm of therapy team members share responsibility for treatment outcomes.
(Kalmanson & Seligman, 2006). The provider is then able to The child’s family is considered an integral part of the team
address the family’s needs and concerns. This model enables and is empowered to participate in assessment, goal planning,
providers to recognize the diversity of each family and and treatment. Transdisciplinary teaming is the preferred
respect the decision-making of the family. teaming model in early intervention, because it is responsive
The degree to which a family is involved in early interven- to the changing dynamics of families (McGonigel, Woodruff,
tion depends primarily on the structure, roles, beliefs, and & Roszmann-Millican, 1994).
family patterns. Providers must reflect on their own value
system to ensure that services are responsive to the family’s Funding Sources
characteristics. This philosophy encompasses provision of
intervention services within home and community settings, The U.S. government provides funding for early intervention
otherwise known as natural environments. programs under IDEA. Part C of IDEA regulates individual
states within the union regarding policies and procedures for
Population Served early intervention services. Early intervention is an entitle-
ment program, which means that states are not obligated
Families become involved in early intervention services if to provide early intervention services. If a state chooses to
their child has an established risk, a developmental delay, or provide early intervention services, it must follow the regu-
is at risk for developmental delays. Established risk means lations established by the federal government. Currently,
that a child has a diagnosed condition that places him or her under Part C, states are required to provide interdisciplinary
at risk for delays in socioemotional, cognitive, or physical de- and transdisciplinary assessments and interventions.
velopment. For example, a child born with cerebral palsy is a Another requirement is that there must be an Individual-
child with an established risk. A child with a developmental ized Family Service Plan (IFSP) written with the family, and
delay presents with delays in socioemotional, cognitive, services should be family centered, coordinated, and occur
communication, motor, or adaptive development. Children within the child’s natural environments. The IFSP is a plan of
with developmental delays, however, do not have a clinical care that identifies the family’s resources, desired outcomes for
diagnosis that classifies the delay. Children are identified as their child, activities to achieve the noted outcomes, develop-
at risk if they are born with significant biological risks or are mental strengths and needs of their child, and plans for tran-
living in a high-risk environment. For example, a child born sition if the child is approaching his or her third birthday.
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494 PART 3 ■ Environment

Role of Occupational Therapy should use open-ended questions that can assist with
developing an understanding of the relationship be-
The role of an occupational therapist in early intervention tween the infant and family. For example, the therapist
is to provide family-centered care within the context of might ask how the family chose the child’s name.
the child’s natural environment. Occupational therapists In this way, he or she may develop a more thorough
address the needs of the family and child in relation to understanding of the family’s story and their associated
co-occupational and occupational performance. Play, activi- cultural perspectives.
ties of daily living (ADLs), and early educational activities ■ How does the parent/caregiver feel about receiving serv-
are within the domain of the occupational therapist’s prac- ices? Occupational therapists chose their profession.
tice in early intervention. A key point to remember in early They practice in early intervention because they enjoy
intervention is that performance in these occupational areas working with children and their families. Parents may
occurs within the context of a relationship with a parent or not want to enter into a relationship with therapists. Par-
caregiver. Therefore, models of co-occupation, as presented ents do not have the same level of choice as the therapists
in Chapter 45, may provide a framework when considering do when involved in early intervention (Fialka, 2006).
aspects of co-occupation important to functional engagement. ■ What type of relationship does the parent want to have
The occupational therapist may also serve in the role of with the therapist? Many times, parents do not even
service coordinator. Service coordination involves setting up know the therapist’s last name, and the therapist may
assessment and intervention plans, coordinating services see the parents at their most vulnerable moments.
among all disciplines, assuming responsibility for formal Therapists hear their guilt and see the parents’ tears.
documentation on the IFSP, and assisting the family with There is a level of immediate intimacy that may be dif-
access to services that help them in their daily lives. ficult and awkward for parents. The provider–parent
For example, a therapist is working with a family in which relationship does not develop over time; it develops
English is a second language. The family’s child uses a wheel- immediately. The therapist’s compassion and nonjudg-
chair for transportation, and the family had a parking per- mental attitudes are essential to build the relationship
mit that allowed them to park in spaces reserved for people (Fialka, 2006).
with disabilities. The permit was stolen, and the family ■ Who is leading the therapy process? The professional and
is having difficulty obtaining another permit due to the the parent contribute to the “dance,” and each partner
language barrier. As service coordinator, the occupational guides the other partner to the next step. For example,
therapist would assist the family with obtaining another per- parents may need the professional’s assistance with
mit. If necessary, the occupational therapist may invite understanding development or with choosing activities
an interpreter to assist with communication. Occupational and toys that promote play. At the same time, providers
therapists are well prepared to be service coordinators need to understand the contributions of the parent
because understanding the family’s engagement in meaning- (Fialka, 2006).
ful occupations and co-occupations is instrumental in the ■ What are the priorities for the parents? The therapist
service coordination role. must know what is most important to the parents.
Then, therapy providers can bring relevant ideas and
Facilitating the Professional–Parent knowledge to the treatment experience. They recom-
Relationship mend new approaches and are prepared to assist the
family with incorporating agreed-upon approaches.
The process of evaluation, treatment, and discharge in the field Therapists need to ask if there is anything that they
of early intervention has been compared to a dance (Fialka, have missed. They also need to develop an understand-
2006). The first step of this “dance” is for the provider to ing of how suggestions may change or complicate daily
develop a working relationship with the family. Occupational living (Fialka, 2006).
therapists working in early intervention should look for pat-
terns of healthy relationships as well as patterns of abuse, neg-
lect, or substance abuse. If parents are in need of assessment
and individual treatment, referral to the appropriate profes- Screening and Assessment
sional is recommended. It is essential for occupational thera- Child Find activities are methods and procedures adopted
pists to remember that the outcome of their intervention rests by statewide early intervention programs designed to iden-
strongly on the quality of the parent–provider relationship tify and locate children at risk for developmental delay who
(Kalmanson & Seligman, 2006). To facilitate the professional– would benefit from early intervention services (Dunst, Trivette,
parent relationship, occupational therapy providers should ask Appl, & Bagnato, 2004). Child Find activities include stan-
the following questions: dard referral procedures and an organized process to assign
■ Would assessment goals be accomplished with multiple a service coordinator for the family. Once children are iden-
providers present or with one or two providers present? tified as appropriate for early intervention services, they are
Often, parents are overwhelmed by their child’s diag- eligible for evaluation. There are assessment procedures that
nosis, and interaction with more than one provider are particularly useful in gaining information about the
may not be effective. Parents and providers need to de- child within the context of the family.
velop a relationship built on trust, and it may be easier
to do that when there are fewer professionals involved. Occupational Profile
■ What strategies will the providers use to develop an un- When working in early intervention, the occupational pro-
derstanding of infant and family relationships? Providers file should include open-ended questions that facilitate
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CHAPTER 34 ■ Early Intervention: A Practice Setting for Infant and Toddler Mental Health 495

responses and allow the parents to elaborate on their primarily responsible for interacting with the child during
responses. The goal of the occupational profile is to under- the actual assessment. Another team member may serve as
stand the family’s internal experiences with the child coach. This person assists the facilitator during the assess-
(Kalmanson, 2006). For example, do the parents experience ment and facilitates discussion after the evaluation. All
anxiety when they need to feed their infant who uses a naso- other team members observe the child’s responses during
gastric tube? Do the parents feel sad when they take their the evaluation.
child to a playground and notice that their child does not The advantages of an arena-style assessment are that team
play as the other children play? The therapist encourages members may share their unique perspectives and little is
parental involvement by forming a team and involving the missed. The child and family only need to attend to the facil-
parents through understanding their experiences and feel- itator instead of attending to multiple evaluators. In addition,
ings. This team relationship assists in the therapeutic process the entire team is present, reducing the number of evalua-
for the child. tions, and a variety of ideas are offered and discussed. Con-
versely, arena-style assessments require maximal preparation
Self-Reflection time, forethought, and planning. Coordination among team
Practice in early intervention with a focus on infant and tod- members is imperative, and the facilitator needs to be highly
dler mental health requires providers to be self-reflective skilled and committed to the process (McGonigel, Woodruff,
(Kalmanson, 2006). Providers need to understand the expe- & Roszmann-Millican, 1994).
riences and feelings of the parents, as their feelings may
influence the behavior displayed by a parent. In addition, Hawaii Early Learning Profile
providers need to pay attention to their own feelings and The Hawaii Early Learning Profile (HELP) (Furuno, O’Reilly,
their feelings in relation to the families they are serving. Self- Hosaka, Zeisloft, & Allman, 1984) is an excellent instrument
reflection is at the core of all assessment and intervention frequently used during an arena-style assessment. The HELP
strategies in infant mental health practice. is a criterion-referenced, curriculum-based assessment used
Often, when children have physical challenges, self-reflective for treatment planning (Stewart, 2005). This assessment is
practice and the socioemotional development of the child is used to develop an understanding of child development
overlooked. If the parent agrees, videotaping the assessment in children from birth to age three. The HELP is primarily
and how the parent or caregiver interacts with the child may recommended for use in natural environments because
be helpful. The advantage of video-recording is that the observations of the environment and caregiver interactions
tapes can be replayed and used for intervention planning are included.
and discussion. The time lapse between the initial assess- The HELP is divided into seven major sections: regulatory/
ment and discussion may facilitate self-reflection. In addi- sensory organization, cognitive, language, gross motor, fine
tion, reviewing the tapes with the parent and asking the motor, socioemotional, and self-help. Adaptations for dis-
parent to describe his or her perceptions of the child’s re- abilities are acceptable, and sample adaptations are included
sponse to the interaction may also facilitate self-reflection. in the administration manual. Developers of the HELP also
Therefore, it is essential to remember that self-reflective included a family-centered interview. The interview ensures
practice must be embedded in the pragmatics of assessment a family-directed assessment of each family’s concerns, pri-
and intervention. orities, and resources as they relate to the needs of their
Arena-Style Assessment child. This interview assists providers in determining where
to start when using the HELP as an assessment instrument.
All team members are present during an arena-style assess-
ment. One team member is the evaluation facilitator and is Ages and Stages Questionnaires
Developmental screenings are conducted to determine if
Evidence-Based Practice more comprehensive evaluation is warranted and may be
used in Child Find systems (Stewart, 2005). In addition,
screening instruments, such as the Ages and Stages Ques-
S pecialized interventions that focus on the individual needs
of children and their families are more effective than generic
programs (Brooks-Gunn, Berlin, & Fulgini, 2000; Farran, 2000;
tionnaires (ASQ) are frequently used when a child is receiv-
ing early intervention services as a way of empowering the
Guralnick, 1998). parents.
The ASQ is a parent-completed instrument that screens
➤ Occupational therapists should use the information gathered for developmental delays during the first 5 years of life
in the occupational profile to plan individualized treatments
(Bricker, Squires, & Mounts, 1995). Parents or primary care-
that meet the needs of the children within the family context.
givers complete the questionnaires, and professionals assist
Brooks-Gunn, J., Berlin, L. J., & Fuligni, A. S. (2000). Early childhood in the interpretation of the results. The questionnaires are
intervention programs: What about the family? In J. P. Shonkoff & S. J. administered at designated intervals.
Meisels (Eds.), Handbook of Early Childhood Intervention (2nd ed.) The advantage of this screening instrument is the ability to
(pp. 549–587). New York: Cambridge University Press.
Farran, D. C. (2000). Another decade of intervention for children who are low
assess children in their natural environments. Parents or care-
income or disabled: What do we do now? In J. P. Shonkoff & S. J. Meisels givers may complete each questionnaire in 10 to 15 minutes.
(Eds.), Handbook of Early Childhood Intervention (2nd ed.) (pp. 510–548). The questionnaires provide screening in five key develop-
New York: Cambridge University Press.
Guralnick, M. (1998). The effectiveness of early intervention for vulnerable
mental domains: communication, gross motor, fine motor,
children: A developmental perspective. American Journal on Mental problem-solving, and personal-social. Guidelines are pro-
Retardation, 102, 319–345. vided to the parents so they can identify if their child is
at risk in the five domains. The ASQ User Guide provides
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496 PART 3 ■ Environment

parents and caregivers with sample activities to promote and the sibling–sibling relationship. All of these subsystems
development. This screening instrument is recommended interact to create the family unit.
for use in public health for early identification and screening Think about working with a family who has two children
(American Academy of Pediatrics, 2006). (ages 2 and 4), and the youngest child is diagnosed with Down
syndrome. Both parents are employed, and the mother is pri-
The Infant/Toddler Sensory Profile marily responsible for the morning routine of getting ready
The Infant/Toddler Sensory Profile (Dunn, 2002) measures for the day. The child with Down syndrome requires a longer
the caregiver’s perception of children’s responses to sensory time to eat and sometimes needs to be fed. The 4-year-old sib-
events that occur during routine activities. The profile con- ling, although fairly independent in dressing and eating, sees
sists of 84 questions; 36 of the items evaluate children ages how much time the mother is spending with the 2-year-old
birth to 6 months, and 48 items evaluate children ages 7 to and refuses to be as independent in dressing. The mother is
36 months. This instrument is a parental self-report ques- receiving reprimands from work because she is sometimes
tionnaire with which parents rate the child’s responsiveness late. Her frustration with the 4-year-old escalates, and their
on a 5-point Likert scale. The rating identifies how fre- relationship is impaired. The mother then becomes angry
quently their child responds to sensory stimuli. with the father because he is unable to help in the morning,
Studies have shown that children diagnosed with certain and their relationship becomes strained.
forms of disability have significantly different patterns of This example illustrates the “ripple effect” of a child with
sensory processing than children without disabilities (Dunn, special health needs. In this case, the occupational therapist
2004). This instrument may assist the occupational therapist needs to be aware of how the morning routine is affecting
in identifying how sensory processing affects the relation- the family. The therapist may look at the issue of temporal-
ship between the primary caregiver and the child. The occu- ity or timing within the routine and work with the mother
pational therapist may identify potential sources of challeng- in establishing a routine that allows her to get to work on
ing relationships by using the Infant/Toddler Sensory Profile time. The therapist may suggest getting the 4-year-old ready
(Dunn, 2002). first while the 2-year-old is still sleeping. Changes in the tem-
porality of the routine may decrease stress and improve the
Intervention Models relationships between the mother and the 4-year-old as well
as the mother and the father.
Four intervention models to provide a framework for prac-
tice in infant and toddler mental health practice in early Wholeness
intervention settings are discussed. First, the family systems The second assumption within a family systems model states
model describes the family as a system composed of subsys- that consideration of the family as an entire unit is more
tems that resides in a larger community and social system. meaningful than considering each individual member. This
Second, the transactional model outlines three intervention concept is considered wholeness (von Bertalanffy, 1968).
strategies that focus on improving the parent–child relation- Wholeness is the concept that the entire family is greater
ship. Third, psychobiological attachment theory illustrates than the sum of each individual family member. This means
how the bond between caregiver and child regulates the that the processes and relationships between family mem-
child’s physiology, behavior, emotion, and cognition. And bers relate to occupational and co-occupational outcomes
finally, the sensory processing model describes how the more than just evaluation and treatment of individual fam-
child’s degree of processing sensory information during ily members.
daily routines can influence the parent–child relationship. For example, an occupational therapist identifies that a
Using these models in early intervention practice can help child has sensory processing problems and is hypersensitive
the provider focus on mental health aspects of care. in the tactile and olfactory sensory systems. This hypersensi-
tivity is creating problems during bathing and feeding. The
Family Systems Model therapist should observe the processes of bathing and feed-
The family systems model (Klein & White, 1996) assists ing to see how the parent and child interact. Evaluating the
providers by creating a framework that examines the com- child and parent separately would not assist the therapist
plexity and diversity of families. Families experience a wide with understanding the entire situation, or the whole. Observ-
array of external factors that influence relationships, com- ing the bathing and feeding processes allows the therapist
munication, values, and beliefs. The family systems model is to better understand the influence of both the child and
based on four assumptions that provide a useful guide to the parent. Otherwise, the therapist may assume the out-
thinking in early intervention practice. come is related to a particular characteristic of either the
parent or the child, and that assumption may not necessarily
Families as Systems be true.
The first assumption is that a family is a system composed
of interrelated parts. That is, all family members are con- Homeostasis
nected; if one member of the family is having difficulty, it The third assumption addresses the concept of homeostasis.
may affect the other family members. For example, a child Homeostasis is the family’s ability to achieve a sense of bal-
with special health care needs may affect interactions be- ance or equilibrium through the use of rituals and routines.
tween the parents, the parents and another sibling, or even When a child is diagnosed with impairment or disability,
a relationship between the parents and extended family. The families may rearrange their work and leisure interests to
family is composed of multiple subsystems, including the accommodate the child’s needs. Families use routines and
parent–parent relationship, the parent–child relationship, rituals to maintain a sense of balance. Occupational therapists
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CHAPTER 34 ■ Early Intervention: A Practice Setting for Infant and Toddler Mental Health 497

may be instrumental in assisting with engagement in rou-

tines and habits that create a sense of balance. Evidence-Based Practice
For example, a family with three children, one child who
is diagnosed with a serious heart valve defect, enjoys attend-
ing the annual holiday parade. The parade signifies the
beginning of the holiday season and is fun for everyone. One
Interventions that are targeted at daily routines and everyday
experiences in the infant/toddlers environment improves skill
acquisition (Farran, 2000).
month before the holiday parade, the child with the heart ➤ The occupational profile should include information that
defect underwent surgery for a valve repair. Because the describes everyday routines and experiences.
child was in recovery when the parade was scheduled, the ➤ Occupational therapy treatment should occur within the
family missed the annual event, and the parents stated that context of daily routines whenever possible.
the holiday season did not feel the same. They felt sad; how-
ever, they knew that there would be another parade. The Farran, D. C. (2000). Another decade of intervention for children who are
following year, everyone was healthy and the family was able low income or disabled: What do we do now? In J. P. Shonkoff & S. J.
Meisels (Eds.), Handbook of Early Childhood Intervention (2nd ed.)
to attend the parade. All family members were cheerful, and (pp. 510–548). New York: Cambridge University Press.
that year, the family felt joyous with the holiday season
approaching. The parade was a ritual that brought cohesion
and happiness to all of the family members.

Internal and External Factors Transactional Model

The fourth assumption of the family systems model is that Arnold Sameroff introduced the transactional model as
internal and external forces influence the family and how it way of understanding the process of development. Children
functions. Some examples of external forces include employ- develop as a result of the continuous interaction between
ment, health insurance, and a change in pediatrician. Inter- the characteristics of the child and their experiences in the
nal forces can include personality, values, or beliefs. To be environment (Sameroff & Chandler, 1975; Sameroff, 1993,
effective, occupational therapists need to develop an aware- 2004). Sameroff identifies risk factors that contribute to
ness and understanding of all of the forces. poor developmental outcomes. For example, a child born
For example, the therapist is scheduled to conduct home with a genetic anomaly may be at greater risk for poor devel-
visits with a family two times per week. The family consists opmental outcomes. The risk for poor developmental out-
of a mother, live-in boyfriend, and twins born prematurely. comes is due not to the genetic anomaly alone but also to the
One of the twins receives therapy biweekly by an occupational effect that the genetic anomaly has on the relationship with
therapist, physical therapist, speech-language pathologist, the parent.
and special educator. The other twin receives consultation Sameroff also identifies environmental risks that can result
services. During a typical week, five early intervention visits in poor developmental outcomes, such as single parenthood,
are scheduled in the home. The mother is also pregnant with poverty, parental depression, and poor parenting practices.
another child. These environmental risks can create a series of interactions
During the first month of intervention, the family misses that are maladaptive and, over the course of time, may
15 of the 20 visits because they are not at home. At first, the negatively affect the child’s development. Social environment
therapist assumes that the family is noncompliant. How- and family context contribute to the child’s development.
ever, after a discussion with the mother, the occupational The family context includes the parents’ characteristics and
therapist discovers that the mother is responsible for all history. The social environment contributes through sup-
home management tasks, including shopping, banking, ports and barriers, including extended family, poverty, and
cleaning, laundry, and caregiving. In addition, she works demographics.
outside of the home. The mother talks about her busy Sameroff (2004) identifies three relationship-focused
schedule and the difficulty she has managing all of the intervention strategies designed to improve developmental
appointments involved in the early intervention schedule. outcomes: remediation, redefinition, and reeducation. Re-
Recognizing the internal and external factors affecting this mediation is designed to change the child, with eventual
family, the early intervention team convenes a meeting, and changes occurring in the parent. For example, if a child has
the outcome includes development of a schedule conducive a known genetic disorder such as Down’s syndrome and the
to the mother’s schedule. After these changes, attendance child’s responsiveness to stimuli is low, remediation would
in the early intervention program increases dramatically. be directed toward changing the child’s responsiveness. As
Success in this example was achieved because the early the child’s responsiveness to stimuli changes, the parents
intervention team understood the internal and external may respond more adaptively to the child.
forces affecting therapy attendance. The premise of the remediation approach is that changes
in the child will lead to increased adaptive responses of the
Clinical Reasoning parent. Occupational therapists are experts in remediation
The four assumptions in the family systems model relate to and have a long history of the use of remediation techniques.
using the framework to guide clinical reasoning. This frame- The transactional model takes remediation one step further
work provides a way of knowing about the family and helps by recommending that therapists look at how remediation
therapists understand the organization of the family. affects the child and the parent–child relationship.
Through this understanding, therapists are able to provide Redefinition is directed toward parenting. The goal of re-
family-centered intervention that produces the most opti- definition is to alter parental beliefs and expectations so that
mal outcomes. parents are able and willing to provide nurturing caregiving
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498 PART 3 ■ Environment

experiences. For example, parents of a child with extreme They may not respond to nurturing care with the same
sensory defensiveness may believe that the child’s behavioral repertoire of behavior as children without disabilities. The
outbursts (tantrums and uncooperativeness; e.g., the child expression of unusual behavior may actually be a part of the
may cry during bathing and dressing) are the result of nega- attachment behavior repertoire and needs to be recognized
tive behavior and the child is just being naughty. as such (Kraemer, 1992). Therefore, psychobiological attach-
An occupational therapist can help the parent under- ment theory provides a way of thinking about infant and
stand that the child’s behavior is the result a sensory mod- toddler mental health and relationships when a child has a
ulation disorder. By redefining the problem, the therapists disability or is at risk for developing a delay.
may then provide some ideas to make bathing and dress- Psychobiological attachment theory includes four tenets
ing a more pleasant experience. The caregiving experience that address the child and caregivers’ contributions within
can be enhanced, and the parent–child relationship may the context of the infant–caregiver system:
be improved.
1. Infants are born with adaptive mechanisms that foster
Reeducation is directed toward educating the parents in
different methods to raise their child. The focus of reeduca-
2. Infants’ nervous systems are highly plastic and respon-
tion is to teach parents what to expect from their child and
sive to caregiving.
to teach caregiving practices that are related to positive
3. Caregivers regulate infant neurobiology.
developmental outcomes. This strategy is preventative in
4. Caregiving is characterized by factors within a socio-
nature and useful in situations in which the parents are at
cultural niche.
high risk. For example, a teen mother with very little experi-
ence in caregiving may benefit from interventions focused First, Kraemer (1992) proposes that adaptive mecha-
on child development and age-appropriate activities. The nisms present at birth foster attunement to a caregiver.
underlying assumption of reeducation is that parental knowl- Neonates have the unique ability to discriminate their
edge about their child will enhance adaptive parent–child mother’s face from a stranger’s face, and they tend to orient
relationships. Over time, these adaptive interactions will pro- visually to their mother rather than a stranger (Field, Cohen,
mote positive child development. Garcia, & Greenberg, 1984). This ability to discriminate
In summary, the transactional model provides a frame- facial differences early in life facilitates maternal–infant
work for occupational therapists working in early interven- bonding. Therefore, providers should be aware of the infant’s
tion. The transactional model facilitates the combination of sensory and perceptual abilities that contribute to social
more traditional occupational therapy approaches (sensory attunement, as these may not represent typical signaling
integration and neurodevelopmental treatment) with infant strategies.
and toddler mental health practices. The targeted outcome For example, recall the case presented earlier in this chapter.
of the transaction model is to focus on strategies that The occupational therapist provided intervention for a family
improve the parent–child relationship in order to improve whose son was typically developing until 9 months of age,
child outcomes. when he developed sepsis secondary to an E. coli infection.
When the boy was discharged from the hospital, the physicians
Psychobiological Attachment Theory believed he would not survive the year. His motor develop-
Psychobiological attachment theory (Kraemer, 1992) ex- ment skills were that of a newborn. He had severe extensor
tends John Bowlby’s (1969) attachment theory. Bowlby posturing and was visually and auditorily impaired. His par-
identified warm, nurturing care as a predictor of child- ents believed that he did not know who they were, as he
hood health and wellbeing. He introduced two concepts, demonstrated no visual gaze toward them, and he did not
the secure base and the internal working model. A secure orient his head to the sound of their voice. Because the child
base is a caregiver who promotes exploration and learning was agitated, he would cry for extended periods of time, and
about the environment by providing a safe, comfortable the parents could not console him.
atmosphere. Through repeated interactions with the care- During therapy, the therapist noticed that when she held
giver, the child develops a representation of what is and the boy and when the father spoke, his muscle tone changed.
what should be. This internal representation becomes the The boy’s body would soften slightly in her arms as the
child’s internal working model. The child uses the inter- father spoke to the boy. The therapist discussed this with the
nal working model to regulate behavior during interac- father, and the father was reinforced to engage with his son.
tions with playmates and other caregivers. Eventually, the father and mother were able to console the
Bowlby’s theory informs practice when disruption in child, and their bond grew over time. Upon the transition
attachment is due to inadequate caregiving, as it empha- evaluation into the school setting, the boy’s socioemotional
sizes the importance of warm responsive care. Bowlby’s development represented that of a child 9 to 12 months old.
theory, however, does not account for disruptions in The growth in this area of development was very rewarding
attachment when the caregiver is nurturing, yet the child for the parents.
responds differently. The variation in a child’s response Second, Kraemer (1992) states that the child’s nervous
to nurturing care may be a direct result of impairment or system is highly plastic. Nervous system development oc-
disability. curs within the context of the caregiver–child relationship.
Kraemer (1992) addresses attachment disruptions when Social experiences facilitate neuronal connections and
the caregiver is nurturing and the child responds differently. pruning (Greenough, Black, & Wallace, 1987). Providers
Children with disabilities may not express behaviors and should recognize the significant role the social environ-
emotions in the same fashion as children without disabilities. ment plays in neural maturation. Occupational therapists
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CHAPTER 34 ■ Early Intervention: A Practice Setting for Infant and Toddler Mental Health 499

in early intervention must pay attention to the social

processes that occur during play and ADLs. Research has Evidence-Based Practice
shown that these co-occupational experiences influence
the structure and function of the brain. When therapists
address the parent–child relationship, they are using evidence-
based practice in therapy.
Interventions focused on specific parenting behaviors are more
effective than generic parenting education programs (Brooks-
Gunn, Berlin, & Fuligni, 2000).
Third, Kraemer (1992) espouses that the caregiver serves ➤ Occupational therapist should observe parent–infant interac-
as a psychobiological regulator. Caregiving regulates the tions so that the intervention can target specific parenting
child’s physiology, neurobiology, and behaviors. Postnatal behaviors.
organization occurs in response to the patterned events pro- ➤ Occupational therapists may want to use video-recording of
vided by the caregiver. This point underscores the impact of parent–infant interactions to assist the parent with identifica-
the caregivers during daily routines. If the parent responds tion of parental behaviors that do not promote exploration
negatively, harshly, or intrusively to the child, that response and development.
is shaping the child’s neurobiology.
For example, Nicole is a teenage mother who lives with Brooks-Gunn, J., Berlin, L. J., & Fuligni, A. S. (2000). Early childhood
intervention programs: What about the family? In J. P. Shonkoff & S. J.
her mother and stepfather in a small rural home. The family Meisels (Eds.), Handbook of Early Childhood Intervention (2nd ed.)
has significant financial needs, and they use Nicole’s food (pp. 549–587). New York: Cambridge University Press.
assistance to feed the entire family. Nicole’s baby was born
preterm. During a mother–infant play session, the occupa-
tional therapist noticed that Nicole’s play style was very
intrusive. That is, she took toys from the baby and bopped
her baby on the face. She roughly patted the baby’s cheeks
with her hands. Her voice was loud and harsh. She did not providers need to be culturally competent in their practice.
wait for the baby to respond. The baby’s face was fearful dur- Learning about caregiving practices in other cultures is es-
ing this interaction, and his movements were sporadic and sential.
uncontrolled. Eventually, the baby looked away and shielded Psychobiological attachment theory contributes to the
his face with his arm. The more the baby looked away, the field of early intervention by identifying the influence of the
more Nicole tried to obtain his attention. Finally, the baby sociocultural environment on early neurobiological develop-
began to cry in distress. ment. Specific therapeutic intervention strategies based on
This example demonstrates how the mother deregulated fundamental nurturing and exposure to harmonious interac-
the infant’s behavior. It is reasonable to assume that the infant’s tions may facilitate optimal neurobehavioral regulation,
physiology was deregulated as well because the infant was dis- emotional, social, and cognitive development (Kraemer,
playing a stress response. If Nicole had responded differently to 1992). When providers integrate their current knowledge of
her son, the infant’s behavioral and physiological responses neuromuscular and sensory motor development to promote
would have also been different. attachment relationships, they are performing best practice
Occupational therapists in early intervention need to within the context of natural environments. Modeling inter-
empower parents and caregivers at risk so that they can actions, offering resources, and developing collaborative rela-
help their children develop in a more positive manner. tionships with caregivers are important strategies to promote
Video-recording the play interaction between Nicole and healthy child development.
her son would provide an opportunity for the therapist
and Nicole to review the videotape. The therapist could Sensory Processing
ask Nicole about the positive and negative aspects of The sensory processing model (Dunn, 1997, 2004) was
the interaction. Through probing and problem-solving, developed to assist caregivers with understanding their
Nicole would identify how she could interact with her son own sensory processing and their infant’s sensory process-
to create a different outcome. Also, the occupational ther- ing. The sensory processing model educates caregivers
apist should inquire about Nicole’s mental health status. If about sensory processing so they can reflect on their
Nicole is demonstrating signs of postpartum depression, own experiences with sensory stimuli and understand
the therapist could explain postpartum depression and ask their infant’s reactions during daily routines. The sensory
if she has been screened for depression. The therapist processing model contains two continuums: the neurolog-
should refer Nicole to an appropriate professional for de- ical threshold continuum and the self-regulation strategy
pression screening and treatment if necessary. continuum, which interact and result in behavioral
Fourth, Kraemer (1992) states that caregiving styles are responses.
embedded within a sociocultural niche. Hence, sociocultu-
ral factors influence caregiver–child reciprocity. Ethnicity Neurological Threshold Continuum
and culture play a significant role in parenting or caregiving Two categories (sensitization and habituation) comprise the
characteristics. The most adaptive parenting styles may vary neurological threshold continuum. If a child’s neurological
across culture. For example, the Eastern medical traditions system primarily responds with sensitization, the child may
of the Hmong culture may be in direct conflict with prac- be readily distracted. Conversely, if a child’s nervous system
tices of Western medicine (Fadiman, 1997). Interpretation primarily responds to the environment by habituating, then
of caregiving patterns is best understood through the socio- the child may not notice stimuli in the environment (Dunn,
cultural influences on caregiving routines. Early intervention 2004).
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500 PART 3 ■ Environment

Self-Regulation Strategy Continuum The Parent–Child Relationship

Two categories (passive and active) comprise the self-regulation When caregivers and their children have sensory processing
strategy continuum. A child using a passive response strategy styles that are different from each other, it is important for
is allowing sensory stimuli encountered in daily life to occur caregivers to understand their own preferences in relation
without interference. Too much passivity may indicate that to their child’s preferences. For example, if a caregiver has a
the stimuli are overwhelming. A child using an active response high neurological threshold and displays low registration
strategy is engaging in behaviors to manage the sensory behaviors (does not react quickly), and the child has a low
stimuli inherent in his or her daily activities. Active response neurological threshold and displays sensory sensitivity
strategies can include avoidance or approach, and these (overreacts to many stimuli), the child may become overly
strategies may interfere with the developing relationship. For fussy due to the slow response of the caregiver. Over time,
example, a toddler who is using avoidance may not interact the child may learn that his or her needs are not being met,
with his or her caregiver during certain ADLs, such as dress- which can result in difficulty with formation of an attach-
ing. This could create stress for the parent and impair their ment bond to the caregiver. Occupational therapists who
interactions. work in early intervention may use Dunn’s (1997, 2004)
model of sensory processing to address infant and toddler
Interaction Between High Neurological mental health through parental education and intervention.
Threshold and Self-Regulation Strategy
If an infant has a high neurological threshold, the infant may
display passive and active self-regulatory behaviors. Exam-
Transition to Early Childhood
ples of passive self-regulation include being oblivious to The early intervention team is responsible for coordinating a
events and stimuli in the environment. An infant using this smooth transition into early childhood education. Parents
mode of regulation may present with a flat affect or seem may feel abandoned at this time, as their interactions with
self-absorbed. An adult who has low registration may not professionals in relation to their child significantly changes.
readily notice the infant’s signals. They may be slower to That is, families may become accustomed to professionals
respond to the infant and may need cues to attend to the coming into their home and miss the close relationships that
infant in a timely manner. have been established with the early intervention team. The
Conversely, active self-regulatory behavior of an infant school setting differs from early intervention programming
with a high neurological threshold includes sensory-seeking because the family loses the service coordination of early
behavior. An infant who is sensory seeking enjoys stimuli. intervention settings.
These children tend to be more active and may enjoy play To help alleviate this stress, the early intervention team
that activates the sensory systems, such as roughhouse can begin talking about transition services early. This
play. A caregiver who is sensory seeking may actively en- planning should begin at least 6 months before the child
gage the infant continuously throughout the day. Infants transitions into the school setting. The occupational ther-
who are not sensory seeking may become overwhelmed apist may be instrumental in setting up visits to the school
from the continuous stimulation given by the caregiver and addressing the parents’ concerns. Parents will need to
and withdraw. be strong advocates for their children in school settings.
The occupational therapist may assist through empower-
Interaction Between Low Neurological ment and helping the family find its voice. It is important
Threshold and Self Regulation Strategy to remember that when taking a life-cycle approach to
Continuums the family, transitions may be a time of disturbance. The
If an infant has a low neurological threshold, the infant may occupational therapist’s role may be to help the family
also demonstrate passive and active self-regulatory behav- develop a sense of balance and homeostasis by establishing
iors. Passive self-regulatory behaviors include overreaction new routines and habits.
to stimuli in the everyday environment that other infants
may not notice. These infants may be light sleepers or may
dislike certain sounds, food textures, and clothing. Care- Summary
givers who have sensory sensitivity may be overly concerned
with the infant’s wellbeing. Their care and concern may re- Practice in early intervention requires the therapist to
sult in undue tension and anxiety. These caregivers may be use principles of infant and toddler mental health. In early
overprotective and overreactive. intervention settings, occupational therapists must pay
Conversely, an infant who is demonstrating active self- attention to the relationship between the primary care-
regulatory behaviors will avoid certain sensations. These giver and the child. The therapist must also develop
infants may withdraw from stimuli or become more rigid the professional–parent relationship because a positive
and tense when exposed to uncomfortable stimuli (Dunn, professional–parent relationship will enhance occupa-
2004). Caregivers who are sensory avoiding may be more tional therapy outcomes. This chapter provided examples
cautious about their interactions with their infants. These of how an occupational therapist uses assessments and in-
caregivers prefer routine and will appreciate an infant who tervention strategies to facilitate the optimum mental
enjoys predictable patterns. health of the infant and toddler.
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CHAPTER 34 ■ Early Intervention: A Practice Setting for Infant and Toddler Mental Health 501

Active Learning Strategies

1. Reflection 3. Family
Reflect on your own memories of a time when you were in- Reflect on your own family and answer the following
troduced to a new health care provider. What did that health questions:
care provider do to facilitate a professional–client relation-
Reflective Questions
ship? What characteristics did the health care provider have
● How do you define family? Who is included in your
that allowed you as a client to feel comfortable?
immediate family and your extended family?
● What family routines and rituals bring a sense of balance
Describe your memories
to your family?
in your Reflective Journal.
● How does your family cope with difficult events?
● What internal and external factors influence occupa-
2. Interview a Parent tional and co-occupational engagement in your
Interview a parent regarding relationships with health pro- family?
fessionals. Start by asking general questions, such as what
qualities they look for in a health care professional that fos- Use your Reflective Journal
ter trust. Ask them to reflect on good and bad experiences to document your answers.
that they have had with health care professionals. What
made those experiences good or bad, and how could the
health professional have improved the interaction?

Resources Dunst, C. J., Johanson, C., Trivette, C. M., & Hamby, D. (1991).
Family-oriented early intervention policies and practices: Family-
• Zero to Three Organization: centered or not? Exceptional Children, 58(2), 115–126.
• The National Mental Health Association: Dunst, C. J., Trivette, C. M., Appl, D. J., & Bagnato, S. J. (2004).
• Annie E. Casey Foundation: Framework for investigating child find, referral, early identifi-
cation and eligibility determination practices. Tracelines, 1,
References 1–11.
Fadiman, A. (1997). The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down.
American Academy of Pediatrics. Council on Children with Dis- New York: Noonday Press.
abilities, Section on Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics, Fialka, J. (2006). The dance of partnership: Why do my feet hurt?
Bright Futures Steering Committee and Medical Home Initia- Paper presented at the meeting of the Zero to Three 21st National
tives for Children with Special Needs Project Advisory Com- Training Institute, December 1–3, Albuquerque, NM.
mittee. (2006). Identifying infants and young children with devel- Field, T., Cohen, D., Garcia, R., & Greenberg, R. (1984). Mother–
opmental disorders in the medical home: An algorithm for stranger face discrimination by the newborn. Infant Behavior and
developmental surveillance and screening. Pediatrics, 118(1), Development, 7, 19–25.
405–420. Fleischfresser S. (2004). Wisconsin Medical Home Learning Collab-
Barnekow, K. A., & Kraemer, G. W. (2005). The psychobiological orative: A model for implementing practice change. Wisconsin
theory of attachment: A viable frame of reference for early inter- Medical Journal, 103(5), 25–7.
vention providers. Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pedi- Furuno, S., O’Reilly, K. A., Hosaka, C. M., Inatsuka, T. T., Allman, T. A.,
atrics, 25, 3–15. & Zeisloft, B. (1984). Hawaii Early Learning Profile. Palo Alto,
Bowlby, J. (1969). Attachment and Loss: Vol. 1. Attachment. New York: CA: Vort.
Basic Books. Gilkerson, L. (2006). Infant and early childhood mental health:
Bricker, D., Squires, J., & Mounts, L. (1995). Ages and Stages Ques- Building a family friendly service infrastructure. Paper presented
tionnaires: A Parent-Completed, Child-Monitoring System (2nd ed.). at the meeting of the Zero to Three 21st National Training Insti-
Baltimore: Brookes. tute, December 1–3, Albuquerque, NM.
Dunn, W. (1997). The impact of sensory processing abilities on the Greenough, W. T., Black, J. E., & Wallace C. S. (1987). Experience
daily lives of young children and their families: A conceptual and brain development. Child Development, 15, 539–559.
model. Infants and Young Children, 9(4), 23–25. Haley, D. W., & Stansbury, K. (2003). Infant stress and parent
———. (2002). The Infant/Toddler Sensory Profile Manual. San responsiveness: Regulation of physiology and behavior during
Antonio, TX: Psychological Corp. still-face and reunion. Child Development, 74, 1534–1546.
Dunn, W. (2004). A sensory processing approach to supporting Kalmanson, B. (2006). What babies teach us: The transdisciplinary
infant–caregiver relationships. In A. J. Sameroff, S. C. McDonough, practice of infant mental health and early intervention. Paper
& K. L. Rosenblum (Eds.), Treating Parent–Infant Relationship presented at the meeting of the Zero to Three 21st National
Problems (pp. 152–187). New York: Guilford. Training Institute, December 1–3, Albuquerque, NM.
1704_Ch34_491-502.qxd 7/8/10 7:44 PM Page 502

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Kalmanson, B., & Seligman, S. (2006). Process in an integrated ———. (2004). Ports of entry and the dynamics of mother–
model of infant mental health and early intervention practice. infant interventions. In A. J. Sameroff, S. C. McDonough, & K. L.
In G. M. Foley & J. D. Hochman, (Eds.), Mental Health in Rosenblum (Eds.), Treating Parent–Infant Relationship Problems
Early Intervention: Achieving Unity in Principles and Practice (pp. 3–28). New York: Guilford.
(pp 245–265). Baltimore: Brookes. Sameroff, A. J., & Chandler, M. J. (1975). Reproductive risk and
Klein, D. M., & White, J. M. (1996). Family Theories: An Introduc- the continuum of caretaking casualty. In F. D. Horowitz, E. M.
tion. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Hetherington, S. Scarr-Salapatek, & G. Siegel (Eds.), Review
Kraemer, G. W. (1992). A psychobiological theory of attachment. of Child Development Research (Vol. 4, pp. 187–244). Chicago:
Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 15, 493–541. University of Chicago Press.
McGonigel, M., Woodruff, G., & Roszmann-Millican, M. (1994). Stephens, L. C., & Tauber, S. K. (2005). Early intervention. In
The transdisciplinary team: A model for family-centered early J. Case-Smith (Ed.), Occupational Therapy for Children (5th ed.)
intervention. In L. Johnson, R. J. Gallagher, M. LaMontagne, J. (pp. 771–794). St. Louis: Mosby.
Jordan, J. Gallagher, P. Huttinger, & M. Karnes (Eds.), Meeting Stewart, K. (2005). Purposes, processes, and methods of evaluation.
Early Intervention Challenges: Issues from Birth to Three. Baltimore: In J. Case-Smith (Ed.), Occupational Therapy for Children (5th ed.)
Brookes. (pp. 218–240). St. Louis: Mosby.
Sameroff, A. J. (1993). Models of development and developmental von Bertalanffy, L. (1968). The meaning of general system theory.
risk. In C. H. Zeanah, Jr. (Ed.), Handbook of Infant Mental Health In General System Theory Foundations, Development, Applications
(pp. 3–13). New York: Guilford. (pp. 31–53). New York: George Braziller.
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Services 35
Margaret Swarbrick

S elf-help is having a place where we can get rid of our rage and pain, and learn to respect
each other—and ourselves—for what we’ve been through.
—Judy Banes, Founder of On Our Own, Hackensack, New Jersey

create a mental health system focused on recovery, COSs

The onset of mental illness often occurs during young adult- should be promoted. Occupational therapists working in
hood, a time when personal developmental goals focus on mental health practice can consider this coming trend and
enhancing productivity, sustaining close relationships at position themselves to work collaboratively with the con-
home and in the community, and pursuing education. In sumers they support to develop, implement, and evaluate
addition to the difficult symptoms of the disease, mental ill- this innovative service model. COSs are designed to address
ness is associated with many secondary negative effects, such the social and emotional needs of consumer-participants
as poverty, substandard housing, inaccessibility of quality and to empower them.
health care, isolation, and loneliness (Carling, 1995; Davidson, This chapter highlights the history of the development
Hoge, Godleski, Rakfeldt, & Griffith, 1996; del Vecchio, Fricks, of COS, including types and categories, research, and core
& Johnson, 2000). Consumers often encounter stigmatizing principles. It describes the consumer-operated self-help
attitudes (e.g., the negative stereotype that people with men- center model that evolved in one state. Occupational ther-
tal illness are violent), which can result in discrimination in apy values place mental health practitioners in an ideal
social, employment, and housing situations (Chamberlin, situation to work with this promising practice model. Roles
1990, 1995; Ribeiro, 1995). Consumers are often treated as and possibilities for practitioners are reviewed. Practition-
“second-class citizens” (Chamberlin, 1995; del Vecchio et al, ers are challenged to examine the possibilities in terms of
2000) and frequently experience isolation, loneliness, and how they can become involved locally with consumer
rejection (Davidson et al, 1996; Solomon, 2004). groups to develop, implement, and evaluate COSs.
Consumer-operated services (COSs) are important
community-based resources that can address the second-
ary effects of mental illness through socialization and
participation in meaningful activity (Swarbrick, 2005).
History of the COS Model
COSs, also known as peer-operated, peer-delivered, or Historically, mental health consumers lived for years in con-
consumer-delivered services, are funded through state leg- fined institutional environments with little expectation of
islatures and private foundations. These services are returning to the community (Goffman, 1961). Mental health
considered both a complement and an alternative to tradi- system reform in the United States was influenced by a com-
tional mental health services (Clay, 2005; Davidson et al, bination of social, political, and economic factors that
1999; Segal, Hardiman, & Hodges, 2002; Van Tosh & del changed the landscape wherein services are delivered. The
Vecchio, 2000). Although professionals may and do partic- COS model grew out of both the patients’ rights movement,
ipate, COSs are mostly planned, operated, and evaluated a civil rights movement against involuntary commitment
by and for mental health consumers. and forced treatment, and the general self-help movement
The clubhouse model also includes consumers as in the United States (Chamberlin, 1978; Zinman, Harp, &
providers of services, but it is a specific model with unique Budd, 1987). Individuals who experienced the inadequacies
characteristics and is discussed in Chapter 39. In contrast to and indignities that traditional settings engendered helped
traditional modalities that often mandate specific services to form a mental health consumer-survivor movement that
for consumers and even label them according to their was influential in focusing on the reform of the traditional
diagnoses, COSs offer a menu of service options to address medical model of “care” and helped to spur development of
individual desires, needs, and resources. They promote the the COS model.
empowerment and self-determination of consumers, and The consumer-survivor movement was strengthened by
continue to develop and grow in the United States and the Community Support Program (CSP) of the National
throughout the world. Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), which was established
The final report of the President’s New Freedom Com- to address the need for organized, community-based sys-
mission on Mental Health (2003) suggests that in order to tems of care for adults with long-term mental illness
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504 PART 3 ■ Environment

I am vice president of the Board of S.I.D.E. Being a part of the
organization has been a successful feeling. S.I.D.E. is a consumer
run organization for members diagnosed with a mental illness.
S.I.D.E. to me is a place where I feel I totally belong. S.I.D.E.
provides leadership skills, educational skills, and fun activities
such as Halloween, Christmas, and Super Bowl. A lot of members
have no family for celebrations during the year. So, S.I.D.E.
compensates for the lack of family gatherings. I feel fortunate
to be a member of a wonderful Consumer Run Organization
that deeply cares about its members.

(Stroul, 1986). The CSP aimed to develop a network of projects to examine the feasibility of COSs (Salzer, 2001;
community support systems focused on assisting and em- Van Tosh & del Vecchio, 2000). The demonstration proj-
powering people with long-term mental illness to meet ects resulted in expanding the range of COSs from a focus
their needs and help them to develop their personal poten- on drop-in centers to a wider array of services, including
tials without being unnecessarily isolated or excluded from housing programs (Conrad, 1993), consumer businesses
their communities (Carling, 1995; Stroul, 1986). The CSP (Page, Lafreniere, & Out, 1999; Van Tosh & del Vecchio,
included the active involvement of key stakeholders, includ- 2000), mutual aid/self-help groups and peer-support
ing mental health consumers and their family members, in programs (Chinman, Weingarten, Stayner, & Davidson,
the service delivery design. 2001; Mead, Hilton, & Curtis, 2001; Salzer, & Shear,
The consumer-survivor movement determined that Liptzen, 2002; Weingarten, Chinman, Tworkowski, Stayner,
consumers had limited options and involvement in their & Davidson, 2000), and case management (Nikkel, Smith,
individual services and in the system as a whole. Con- & Edwards, 1992).
sumers were not empowered by the traditional mental COS programs can be organized into three clusters: drop-
health system, which tends to be based on control and acts in centers, peer-support programs, and education programs
as the primary decision-maker for persons diagnosed with (Clay, 2005). The first cluster, drop-in centers, provides
mental illness (Carling, 1995; Goffman, 1961). The move- varied services, such as meals and housing assistance for
ment viewed the traditional service system as paternalistic members, as well as a place to meet friends and relax. Drop-
and lacking in policy and personal treatment options in centers are typically characterized as low-expectation
and opportunities (Campbell, 1997; Chamberlin & Rogers, environments where consumers can participate voluntarily
1990). Dissatisfaction with the traditional mental health in a wide variety of activities, particularly social and recre-
service delivery approach was the impetus for the creation ational pursuits that provide social support (Bond, 1994).
of COSs (Campbell, 1997; Segal et al, 2002; Segal & Silverman, Drop-in centers begin by offering socialization, but once
2002). Reacting to their experiences of the inadequacies of they have achieved some longevity, they often begin to pro-
the mental health system and the indignities it engendered, vide additional services, as requested by the membership.
consumers aimed to empower themselves by producing their The centers provide links to a variety of community
own consumer-operated self-help alternatives (Chamberlin, resources, such as traditional mental health services, food,
1978; 1984). housing, clothing, and shelter. Drop-in centers may also pro-
Early COS initiatives included the work of Howie the vide information about mental illness, medication, benefits,
Harp, a prominent consumer who pioneered Project Re- and coping skills. Information can be supplied in written
lease, a single-room housing service in New York for con- form or by sharing “folk wisdom” gathered by consumers
sumers, based on principles of service delivery, mutual over the period of their psychiatric illnesses or experiences in
support, and advocacy (Knight, 1997). Another pioneer, the mental health system (Meek, 1994).
Judi Chamberlin, started the Ruby Rogers Drop-In Center The second cluster, peer-support programs, consists of
in Boston (Chamberlin, 1978). self-help groups and peer-support systems wherein persons
The most common type of COS, drop-in centers, devel- in recovery provide services to one another. As the name
oped without strict adherence to one specific model and implies, the emphasis in peer-support programs is the pro-
proliferated with different levels of professional involve- vision of social support by people who share the lived expe-
ment (Bond, 1994; Johnson, 1994; Mowbray & Tan, 1992; rience of mental illness. This may be in the form of group
Silverman, Blank, & Taylor, 1997). Drop-in centers offer a meetings but frequently is offered as one-on-one services.
supportive environment where consumers can connect to a The location of peer-support programs may also be more in-
peer network, gain practical assistance from peers, relax, dividualized. For example, peers may meet in an individual’s
and experience freedom, the lack of imposed structure, apartment. An example of a peer-support program offered
and a familylike environment (Mowbray & Tan, 1993; by the state of New Jersey is highlighted later in this chapter.
Silverman, Blank, & Taylor, 1997). The third cluster, education programs, includes training
From 1988 to 1991, the Center for Mental Health Services programs during which consumers learn recovery and advo-
(CMHS), a branch of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health cacy skills (Clay, 2005). These programs are typically time
Services Administration (SAMHSA), funded demonstration limited. Using a consumer-led group format, consumers
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CHAPTER 35 ■ Consumer-Operated Services 505

meet to acquire new information or gain new skills. Educa- ■ A goal is mutuality among members instead of a
tion programs fall on a continuum of more informal sharing hierarchy of helper and person helped. There is no
of information to courses that follow an established curricu- power differential between the helper and helpee. The
lum. Box 35-1 describes the Fairweather Program. person providing the services does not execute any
formal or informal control over the person receiving
Core Principles ■ “Helper-therapy principle” is the notion that the helper
and helpee both gain through the support experience.
Core COS principles include the following (Reissman,1990):
Some COSs are entirely consumer managed, whereas
■ Consumers develop, control, and provide the serv- others incorporate the use of nonconsumer professionals
ices. Peers are involved in the design and delivery of in certain areas of planning, implementation, and evalua-
services. tion (Kaufmann, Freund, & Wilson, 1989; Solomon, 2004)
■ Participation is completely voluntary. A person does (Figure 35-1). Nonconsumers are often hired for training
not have to take medications or attend a traditional and consultation services. This is a great role for occupational
service program in order to participate. therapists. For example, an occupational therapist might pro-
■ Emphasis is on strengths and competencies. The focus vide training to group leaders in an educational program or
is not on symptoms or remediating impairments but might make recommendations regarding the physical envi-
on quality of life. ronment to support participation for all individuals.

BOX 35-1 ■ Fairweather Programs by Kristine Haertl

The Fairweather model represents a unique peer-supported envi- rate of pay. Currently, various work options available to participants
ronment upholding major principles of rehabilitation and recovery. include janitorial services, clerical work, mail room services, con-
At the time of deinstitutionalization in the 1960s, under a National struction/home refurbishing, lawn care, printing, and other serv-
Institutes of Health grant, Dr. George Fairweather designed a ices. In addition to work and residential programs, various
unique community living environment developed on the premise of Fairweather sites offer comprehensive services including psychi-
the importance of work, mutual support, and personal empower- atric, recreational, vocational, residential, contracted medical (e.g.,
ment whereby individuals with serious and persistent mental illness nursing and occupational therapy), wellness, and chemical de-
lived and worked together in a peer-supported environment rela- pendency support. The wrap-around services enable consumers
tively autonomously from staff (Fairweather, 1964; Fairweather & to receive most of their needs in one organization, a benefit in both
efficiency and effectiveness of services.
Fergus, 1988; Fairweather, Sanders, Cressler, & Maynard, 1969).
There are many potential roles for an occupational therapist
The program sought to empower consumers to take an active role
within the Fairweather model. Therapists have worked in various
in society and to combat the stigma of mental illness.
capacities, including the development of the living skills training
Fairweather’s model included “lodges,” which today are typically
curricula, as lodge and basic living skills coordinators, and as spe-
community-based homes that house 4 to 8 persons in an interde-
cial consultants to the program. Additional opportunities exist
pendent community culture. Residents live together and maintain the
within the vocational and wellness components of the program, in
household by sharing daily responsibilities. Persons may choose to
management, and in program design. As the mental health deliv-
live in a lodge or may live elsewhere yet receive services through
ery system has increased emphasis on community-based serv-
involvement in the work, recreational, and mental health aspects of
ices, it is vital that occupational therapists market their unique
the program. As the current state of health care focuses on shorter
contributions and skill sets to develop and integrate into innovative
lengths of stay, a unique aspect of the Fairweather program is that
persons may remain in the program for as long as they choose
Despite its emergence in the 1960s and there being over 100
provided they meet programmatic expectations, including active
Fairweather lodges nationwide, other than Fairweather’s original
participation in the peer culture, productive work, and follow-through
research and publication, the model has only recently been high-
with daily responsibilities.
lighted in academic literature (e.g., Haertl 2005, 2007; Haertl &
Competitive work is a key aspect of the Fairweather model, as is
Minato, 2006; Nikelly, 2001; Onaga & Smith, 2000). Research and
the emphasis on mutual decision-making and meaningful engage-
outcomes monitoring have demonstrated the lodge model’s effec-
ment in daily activity. Typically, each house is supervised by a lodge
tiveness in promoting a familylike culture, reducing hospitalization
coordinator who serves to assure the healthy daily functioning of the
rates, increasing quality of life, decreasing total cost to the commu-
lodge community. Depending on the program and skill level of the
nity, and increasing number of hours worked and rate of pay (Fair-
residents, a coordinator may be on site an average of 2 to 10 hours
weather, 1964; Fairweather & Fergus, 1988; Haertl, 2005, 2007;
a week. Employees and members of the Fairweather program are
Onaga & Smith, 2000). In recent years, as the Fairweather model has
given equal decision-making power, and collaboration is empha-
regained popularity, the national Fairweather organization Coalition
sized in the running of the household. Basic tenets of the lodge in-
for Community Living (n.d.) has developed fidelity standards outlining
clude the following: (a) members have a stake in the system, (b) they
criteria to evaluate programs. Key principles within the standards
are given much autonomy, (c) their role is voluntary, (d) the system
emphasize (1) safe environments, (2) good health and symptom
offers opportunities for advancement, and (e) individuals are ex-
management, (3) long-term services, (4) productive work, (5) mean-
pected to fulfill the roles of society (Onaga, 1994).
ingful social roles, (6) community culture, (7) autonomy, and (8) the
The funding for lodge programs varies throughout the country
securing of resources. The development of these standards will pro-
and includes funds from governmental, private, and faith-based or-
vide a guide for new programs in development and serve to maintain
ganizations. In addition, many of the Fairweather programs have
quality within the existing Fairweather programs.
developed their own businesses and hire members at a competitive
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506 PART 3 ■ Environment

fidelity (Clay, 2005; Holter, Mowbray, Bellamy, MacFarlane,

& Dukarski, 2004; Mowbray, Robinson, & Holter, 2002).
Most of the research on COSs is descriptive in nature.
Although this research is informative, there is a need for ran-
domized controlled trials to study the efficacy of this service
delivery model.
Kaufmann et al (1993) identified the following character-
istics of successful drop-in centers:
■ Presence of a leader with good organizational skills
■ Core group of consumer-volunteers
■ Interdependent relationship with the mental health
provider system
■ Planned social events
■ Ongoing recruitment of new members
Consumers reported that they liked centers that had a
relaxed atmosphere, offered social activities, and provided
the opportunity to interact with people who had similar
mental health problems.
Segal et al (1995) examined 310 long-term members of self-
help agencies for mental health consumers in San Francisco.
FIGURE 35-1. Cherie Bledsoe is a consumer and executive director These authors found that the predominant demographic char-
of the consumer-operated service known as S.I.D.E. in Kansas City, acteristics of the self-help agency members were male (72%),
Kansas. She contributed to the consumer perspective of Chapter 2. African American (64%), homeless or living in a shelter (46%),
and never married (49%). Members were primarily interested
By the nature of their design, COSs offer mental health in obtaining food, shelter, clothing, and other practical neces-
consumers a setting that fosters empowerment by offering sities rather than counseling or other traditional mental health
opportunities for all members to participate in an inclu- services.
sive, democratic process of shared decision-making at their Chamberlin et al (1996) developed an evaluation method
own comfort level. In the COS model, the inclusion of to collect empirical data on the effectiveness of consumer-
nonconsumer or professional involvement is within the operated self-help programs, as perceived by members. Six
control of the consumer operators (Solomon & Draine, programs in six different states (New Hampshire, New Jersey,
2001). That is, the consumers make the decision to hire a Indiana, Arkansas, Washington, and California) were exam-
nonconsumer professional, determine the scope of work, ined. There were 171 respondents, of which 59.8% were
provide feedback, and determine whether to maintain the male, 56.4% were Caucasian, 36% were African American,
working relationship. This is quite different from the tradi- and 7.6% identified themselves as “other.” The authors found
tional mental health care system in which staff members that an array of services were offered, including social/
act as a surrogate decision-maker for the person who expe- recreational activities, individual and system-level advocacy,
riences mental illness (Carling, 1995; Goffman, 1961). The assistance with housing and employment, transportation, and
COS model has become a vehicle that helps expand con- assistance with activities of daily living. Respondents rated
sumers’ options and opportunities to meaningfully affect the overall quality of their programs as good or excellent
policy planning and decision-making (Campbell, 1997; (48.7% and 35.3% respectively). Respondents reported that
Chamberlin & Rogers, 1990). participation helped them to feel more in control of their lives
Segal et al (2002) found that consumer-operated self-help (64.2%); most felt that they were treated with respect and
agencies provide access to longer-term services for social courtesy (82.3%); and nearly all would recommend the pro-
support, although professionals are not fully aware of these gram to a friend (91.5%) (Chamberlin et al, 1996). Word of
social support resources. Occupational therapists can help mouth is the most common referral method.
consumer-leaders with consumer outreach and recruitment COSs seem to offer more tolerant, flexible, and support-
of members. For example, occupational therapists working ive environments than traditional services (Davidson et al,
in a mental health setting can provide consumers with infor- 1999; Mowbray & Tan, 1992, 1993; Nikkel et al, 1992). A
mation about the local COS. study examined COSs and traditional mental health services
and found that traditional community mental health centers
provide acute treatment-focused service, whereas COSs
COS Research provided services aimed at fostering socialization, empower-
ment, and autonomy (Segal et al, 2002). These studies sug-
A growing body of COS literature provides information gest that the COS model is ideally suited to offer services that
about participant and program characteristics, service usage, meet the long-term social needs of consumers living in the
and program outcomes (Chamberlin, Rogers, & Ellison, community. Individuals who choose to access mental health
1996; Clay, 2005; Davidson et al, 1999; Kaufmann, Ward- services on a long-term basis may need an “environmental
Colasante, & Farmer, 1993; Salzer, 2001; Segal & Silverman, niche” that can provide ongoing support. The professional
2002; Solomon, 2004; Swarbrick, 2005; Yanos, Primavera, & system of mental health care is typically not designed to
Knight, 2001). In addition, some studies examine program provide long-term support, and such assistance is more
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CHAPTER 35 ■ Consumer-Operated Services 507

effectively provided through a network of natural supporters

rather than paid staff. Evidence-Based Practice
Other researchers (e.g., Silverman et al, 1997) examined
the social environment of consumer-operated drop-in cen-
ters and found that members perceived their centers as
highly supportive and oriented toward mutual learning,
O ne of the primary benefits of COSs is the provision of
long-term natural (as opposed to paid staff) social sup-
ports (Segal et al, 2002). However, Swarbrick (2005) found that
the primary COS referral source is generally word of mouth.
independence, and self-understanding. COSs appear to
provide mental health consumers who live in a community ➤ Occupational therapists should have available the necessary
with an environment that promotes recovery (Kaufmann information and contacts to refer consumers with whom
et al, 1993; Mowbray et al, 1988; Mowbray & Tan, 1992, they are working who need to make such connections.
1993; Nikkel et al, 1992). Occupational therapists can also assist the COS leadership
in collaborating with traditional mental health programs to
COSs attract individuals who may or may not access the
establish formalized referral networks.
traditional mental health system. Therefore, consumers may
receive both traditional and consumer-oriented services ➤ Occupational therapists can help consumer leaders to plan
(Bond, 1994; Segal, Silverman, & Temkin, 1994; Segal et al, presentations and outreach activities at traditional mental
2002). Traditional community agencies seem best suited to health facilities to educate mental health professionals and
their families about the role of COSs in providing social
primarily deliver acute treatment-focused services, whereas
support environments for mental health consumers who
COSs can meet longer-term social and emotional needs. live in the community.
There have been few randomized controlled COS studies.
In 1998, the CMHS allocated $19.6 million for a multisite ➤ Occupational therapists can use their creative skills and
research study designed to examine the extent to which COSs, abilities to help consumer leaders develop and adapt mar-
keting materials, such as brochures, to assist mental health
when used as an adjunct to traditional mental health services,
consumers in finding their way to a local self-help center.
effectively improve outcomes of adults with serious and per-
sistent mental illness (SAMHSA, 1998). The COSP Initiative ➤ Occupational therapists can help COSs reach out to more
was a 4-year project using a multisite, random assignment traditional mental health care providers, families, and other
experimental design aimed at generating empirical data to new venues in order to connect with additional mental
health care consumers.
provide a more in-depth understanding of consumer-operated
programs and services. This has been the largest such study to Segal, S., & Silverman, C. (2002). Determinants of client outcomes in
date and included more than 1,800 consumer participants. self-help agencies. Psychiatric Services, 53, 304–309.
The COSP Initiative investigated the extent to which COSs, Swarbrick, M. (2005). Consumer-operated self-help centers: The relationship
when combined with traditional services, are more effective between the social environment and its association with empowerment
and satisfaction. Unpublished dissertation, University of Medicine and
than traditional services alone (Clay, 2005). Dentistry of New Jersey.
The initial analysis indicated that both groups (COS +
traditional and traditional only) had improvements over
time in wellbeing, but the COS program did not significantly
enhance traditional services alone (Campbell, 2005). How- an agreed-upon list of components within a program model
ever, more in-depth analyses revealed differential effects (Clay, 2005). Researchers in Michigan developed a fidelity
for the different COS models. Those attending a drop-in instrument to operationally measure the core elements that
center type COS (but not educational or mutual support comprise COS models. They identified an ideal COS program
type) did have greater improvements in wellbeing than did based on a review of literature and expert feedback, creating
the traditional-only group. Furthermore, level of participa- the Fidelity Rating Instrument for Consumer-Operated
tion regardless of type of program seems to have a positive Services (FRI) (Holter, Mowbray, Bellamy, MacFarlane, &
effect. Those consumers with the greatest use of the COS had Dukarski, 2004). The FRI criteria were validated through
the highest levels of wellbeing. expert judgments (and consensus) using a modified Delphi
method (Holter et al, 2004). Respondents rated structural and
process components, emphasizing the value of consumerism:
Assessment in COS consumer control, consumer choices and opportunities for
decision-making, voluntary participation (absence of coercion),
Formal assessment of the individual consumer is inconsis- and respect for members by staff.
tent with the philosophy of COSs. Participation is voluntary, The FRI was examined, and reliability has been very
and there are no formal assessments used to include and/or good for almost all items. It was validated by comparing
exclude individuals. The peer group generally follows a FRI ratings to what consumers themselves said about the
democratic process to develop and reinforce rules of con- same aspects of their drop-ins. Holter et al (2004) found
duct, which serve to monitor behavior that could possibly that the fidelity criteria showed excellent interrater agree-
threaten the safety of the membership. For example, many ment, with generalizability coefficients of 0.85 or above.
peer programs will ask a person to leave if they arrive onsite Generalizability coefficients fell below 0.60 for only three
under the influence of alcohol or drugs and/or their behav- criteria, suggesting that improvement may be needed on
ior becomes threatening after arrival. conceptualization or specification of criteria for facilitating
Efforts are being made to assess specific consumer-operated referrals; housing, transportation, education, and job assis-
programs using standardized fidelity measures, which exam- tance; and social-recreational activities. Further testing
ine the extent to which a program’s implementation is true to needs to be done to refine the FRI and examine it in relation
the program model. Fidelity measures rate programs against to member outcomes.
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508 PART 3 ■ Environment

In addition, as part of the COSP Initiative, the Fidelity Limitations of COS

Assessment Common Ingredients Tool (FACIT) was devel-
oped (Clay, 2005). FACIT describes and quantifies COSs COSs seem to be a great resource, but they have limitations.
rather than suggesting what a program should be. The A common concern among COS programs is funding. COSs
FACIT is a valuable tool in helping to identify the current are not well funded, so hours of operations may be limited.
characteristics of a program. Both the FRI and FACIT pro- In addition, fiduciary requirements of the main funding
vide descriptions of the common program ingredients of source can influence the extent to which a center has full
consumer-service models, and both are at initial phases in control over budgetary and operational decisions. Fiscal and
terms of evaluating and establishing their psychometric legal parameters are imposed by the funding source (gener-
properties. These instruments have the potential for use in ally state, federal entities, or private foundations) and a
future research and program development. Occupational sponsoring agency. In some instances COSs have foundered
therapists interested in collaborating with consumers to and faded because of fiscal mismanagement.
develop, monitor, and/or evaluate the COS model should COSs are not for everyone, and there is great variability
refer to these fidelity instruments. in the amount and quality of services offered by each
COS program. Like any organization that is heavily based
on social interaction, it is likely that cliques will form,
and some people will find it easier than others to feel a
Links to Traditional Mental part of the organization. Again, like other organizations,
Health Services the COS may be less open or sensitive to the needs of
cultural groups that are not a part of the predominant
COS is considered both a complement and an alternative to COS community.
the traditional mental health services system. A COS acts as a Another limitation of the COS is the lack of rigorous
complement when the individual receives services from both empirical data that demonstrates specific outcomes and
a traditional mental health center and a COS. For example, a efficacy of this service model. More research is needed to
person in recovery may receive outpatient services for help COS programs identify the needs best addressed by
medication monitoring and counseling and then participate the COS and core features that contribute to a successful
in a COS for social and emotional support or educational program.
purposes. Many services that are rarely provided by tradi-
tional mental health programs are a primary offering of a
COS. A COS can offer a place where people can occupy their
time productively with peers. It offers a sense of belonging Example of a COS Self-Help Center
among people with shared experiences. A COS can also serve
as a resource for people transitioning from time-limited
in New Jersey
mental health services such as day treatment programs. This section describes a successful consumer-operated
Some people choose not to seek traditional mental health program offered in the state of New Jersey. Most New
services and receive services only from the COS. Although Jersey COSs are run as self-help groups, which fall within the
typically individuals first receive traditional services and peer-support model of COS. Self-help groups provide social
then access the COS, sometimes the opposite is true. For and emotional benefits for people who are experiencing a
example, the COS may serve individuals experiencing home- wide range of mental, physical, and social health challenges.
lessness or near crisis, and then the COS becomes the avenue Self-help programs help consumers deal with the everyday
by which the person can safely access traditional services problems they face. Included in this section is information
through the support of a peer. Table 35-1 outlines differ- about the program’s mission, population served, members
ences between traditional and consumer-operated services. of the team, funding, goals, and outcomes

Table 35-1 ● Differences Between Traditional and Consumer-Operated Services

Traditional Services Consumer-Operated Services
Services Provided Medications Peer support
Psychotherapy Education
Skills training Advocacy
Housing and employment services Socialization
Case management Recreation
Service Providers Mental health professionals Individuals with mental illness
Length of Service Provision Shorter term; services typically end when outcomes are Long term and voluntary; individual receives services
achieved, program deadlines are met, or reimbursement for as long as desired
guidelines so specify
Assessment Formalized assessment of the individual No use of formal assessments of individuals;
assessment focuses on fidelity of the program
Outcomes Targeted Symptom relief, increased community tenure, Empowerment, improved quality of life, enhanced social
employment, skill acquisition support, wellness and recovery
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CHAPTER 35 ■ Consumer-Operated Services 509

Mission and Guidelines self-help center leaders have consulted with the Self-
Help Technical Assistance Resource (STAR) Center, funded
Self-help centers are designed to empower mental health through SAMHSA, to assist in organizing a cultural compe-
consumers to realize a lifestyle centered on wellness. The tency and diversity workgroup. The workgroup is an out-
self-help center offers an environment for learning and reach and marketing initiative to assure that the self-help
growth in a comfortable, relaxed, and supportive setting that centers are reaching the diversity reflected in their local
is easily accessible to mental health care consumers. The community. As part of this project, self-help center leaders
atmosphere and daily operations are provided through the have developed a Web-based tracking system called Self-
efforts of the membership, leadership, and sponsoring Help Outcomes and Utilization Tracking (SHOUT), which
agency. Self-help centers provide environments where a is helping the consumer leadership groups to examine the
consumer can feel respected and accepted and can develop a extent to which centers are serving the local communities.
support network. Self-help centers offer a place where SHOUT was developed through a participatory action
consumers can relax and access resources and support that research approach involving consumer leaders in all phases
promote recovery and wellness. Consumers grow in the of the design, implementation, and evaluation.
spirit of giving and gaining through mutual aid and support.
Collaborative Support Programs of New Jersey (CSP-NJ),
a COS agency, sponsors 21 of the 27 centers in the state. The Members of the Team and Funding
New Jersey Division of Mental Health Services (DMHS) The COS model is based on peer support, mutuality, shared
worked with consumer leaders to expand the scope of COSs governance, and a focus on ability rather than disability.
by developing a Self-Help Center Policy and Procedure Organizational decisions, including hours of operation and
Guideline (NJDMHS, 1998; 2002; 2005). The self-help program planning within budgetary constraints, are shared
center model evolved from the drop-in center model. among all members. Members can assume a peer leader
From 1985 to 1997, drop-in centers developed and were (facilitator) role, either on a volunteer or a paid-stipend
funded in New Jersey. By 1997, a group of consumers basis. Facilitators open and close the center; meet, greet, and
organized and, through consultation with occupational support members; plan and run groups and activities; and
therapists, developed a manual for operating a safe, acces- transport members in the center’s van. Members are respon-
sible, empowering social environment. An occupational sible for following the rules and regulations established by
therapist was very involved in the development of the the membership and participate at a level they determine to
Self-Help Center Policy and Procedure Guideline and was be comfortable for them (CSP-NJ, 2005).
involved in researching this service model (Swarbrick, Self-help center members and leaders work as equals in
2005). The New Jersey consumer-operated self-help center planning and implementing center operations. The core deci-
model includes the socialization and recreation compo- sion-making is accomplished through a democratic decision-
nents of the drop-in center model with an expanded focus making process. For example, in New Jersey, the Department
on self-help, advocacy, training and education, and well- of Mental Health Services funds a not-for-profit sponsoring
ness and recovery (Swarbrick & Duffy, 2000). agency. The majority of COSs in New Jersey are allocated
through state block grant funding, and the sponsoring agency
Population Served is responsible for the fiscal and legal matters. Many states have
a consumer liaison position within the state bureaucracy;
Self-help centers are open to adults 18 years of age and older these individuals can be helpful contacts regarding the avail-
who live in the nearby community and are current or past ability of COSs in a local community or state.
recipients of public mental health services (Swarbrick & The self-help center model in New Jersey has not only
Duffy, 2000). Participation is voluntary, and people can survived but also thrived because of a strong focus on fiscal
choose to attend and choose to participate in activities at the responsibility. This has not been the situation throughout
level at which they feel comfortable. Centers are open on the country.
weekends, evenings, and holidays, which are often the loneli-
est times for mental health consumers. In New Jersey, all
counties have at least one publicly funded self-help center PhotoVoice
(New Jersey Department of Health & Human Services,
2001), providing mental health consumers with a social I come to S.I.D.E.,
setting in which to form friendships and become involved our drop-in center,
and empowered in an environment of peers (Swarbrick, on Tuesdays. I
2005). Centers serve individuals who may or may not access study and take
traditional mental health services, and the self-help center is notes at this
often a means for an individual to learn about available serv-
ices. Centers can be considered a complement or alternative
center. I also
for peers. Some peers attend a center in addition to receiving eat lunch. I
outpatient services. Others may only participate in a center paint, sew,
and not seek services from the traditional mental health and visit with my friends.
service delivery system. I’ve been thinking better. After eating lunch, painting,
Self-help centers are designed to reach a wide range of and visiting, I can go home and live independently in
individuals, and leaders are making a conscious effort to the community.
reach out to individuals from different backgrounds to ex- —Barbara
pand the ethnic and cultural diversity of the centers. The
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510 PART 3 ■ Environment

Goals and Outcomes hub of information and processes for activities; members
work together to develop strategies to address issues such as
Self-help centers play an important role in addressing the health care reform, entitlements, and other ongoing mental
need for support and connection by providing a supportive health issues. Members have opportunities to work within
community that is available to address the long-term social the state’s advocacy efforts that support enhanced consumer
needs of mental health consumers living in the community participation in mental health planning. Members are
(Swarbrick, 2005). encouraged and provided opportunities to take part in local
Typical activities offered at self-help centers include self- and national advocacy initiatives and participate in local,
help activities, social and recreational activities, advocacy, state, and national advocacy groups.
community outreach and public relations, and training
(Figure 35-2). Community Outreach and Public Relations
Outreach to boarding and rooming houses is a priority,
Self-Help Activities
because individuals in these settings feel isolated and
Each center schedules a minimum of one self-help activity lonely. Other outreach activities can include, but are not
per week, including, but not limited to, Dual Recovery limited to, visits to members at their homes or while in the
Anonymous; Alcoholics Anonymous (AA); GROW; support hospital; presentations to staff and consumers at hospital
groups for individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia, de- and day program settings; visits or phone calls to members
pression, and bipolar disorder; member-run support groups; or individuals in the community in need of additional sup-
and a range of other mutual-aid support groups that the port; and operation of a warm line, a peer-run service that
membership decides best address members’ needs. people can call in for support in nonemergency situations.
Social and Recreational Activities In terms of public relations, the membership organizes
presentations at local mental health boards, community
Social and recreational activities are important features of agencies, family groups, and other settings for membership
centers because many consumers lack the ability to engage in recruitment.
these types of activities due to economic and transportation
barriers. At a center, members can socialize and engage in Training
recreational activities. Types of activities conducted at or
sponsored by the center may include, but are not limited to, Consumer leaders are given training and technical support
meals, drop-in center hours, dances, picnics, movies, bowling, by CSP-NJ staff during facilitator meetings, regular visits,
trips (e.g., day and overnight trips to the beach or camping conferences, and regional training sessions. Center staff
trips), and educational conferences. In terms of socialization, meets on a regular basis with the facilitators to define the
sharing meals is an important activity. For many consumers, leadership training needs and receive technical support for
peers at a center serve as surrogate families. As with any fam- the day-to-day operations. Many centers allocate funding
ily, meals can be a focal point for sharing time together. In to provide the membership with opportunities to attend
addition, centers work with local food banks, which enable national and local workshops and conferences.
them to obtain low-cost food for meals and holiday events. Training offered at centers may include, but is not lim-
ited to, financial literacy, computer training, employment
Advocacy assistance, and wellness and recovery workshops. Con-
Self-help centers collaborate with other state advocacy sumers are encouraged to pursue continuing education, and
efforts in support of enhanced consumer participation in many take advantage of the range of psychiatric rehabilita-
mental health planning and policymaking. Centers provide a tion academic and certification opportunities. The center
leadership has been encouraged to pursue the Certification
for Psychiatric Rehabilitation Practitioner (CPRP) offered
by the United States Psychiatric Rehabilitation Practitioners

Member Satisfaction
Self-help centers are a type of COS designed to promote
empowerment and satisfaction by providing members with
an active role in their programmatic planning and day-to-day
operations. A study was conducted to examine the associa-
tions between the social environment and empowerment
and satisfaction within the CSP-NJ-sponsored self-help
centers (Swarbrick, 2005). All 144 study participants identi-
fied themselves as having a diagnosed psychiatric-related
condition and had current or past involvement with the
traditional mental health system. In this study, findings in-
dicated that participants are more satisfied with an environ-
ment that is orderly and predictable and not chaotic. Partic-
ipants reported higher levels of satisfaction when the peer
FIGURE 35-2. Members of the consumer-operated program S.I.D.E.
leaders direct the center activities, enforce rules, involve the
in Kansas City, Kansas, standing in front of a quilt they created that members in decision-making, and promote diversity and
depicts recovery. change in the center functioning. It appeared from this
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CHAPTER 35 ■ Consumer-Operated Services 511

study that participants’ sense of satisfaction can be en-

hanced when the center provides explicit expectation, order Evidence-Based Practice
and organization, and leadership control and when it pro-
motes innovation.
In the study, participants reported higher levels of satis-
faction associated with the self-help centers that offered
A number of studies of COSs have found that the social
environment offers a more tolerant and flexible environment
for individuals at various phases of their recovery. Mowbray and
Tan’s (1992) study of drop-in centers found that participants
opportunities to form social relationships and become part
are more satisfied when they perceive that the drop-in centers
of a group of peers (Swarbrick, 2005). This finding is are highly supportive and oriented toward independence.
consistent with other reported studies that demonstrate Participants reported higher levels of satisfaction associated
associations between social environment variables (in both with the self-help centers that offered opportunities to form
self-help groups and peer-operated drop-in centers) and social relationships and become part of a group of peers
satisfaction. This finding is similar to Moos (1994), who (Swarbrick, 2005). This finding is consistent with other reported
found that when a group is reported to be moderate to studies that demonstrate associations between social environment
high on the relationship dimension (Moos Group Environ- variables (in both self-help groups and peer-operated drop-in
ment Scale), participants tend to be more satisfied with centers) and satisfaction. Members of supportive, cohesive, and
participation. 1992). well-organized self-help groups tend to report more satisfaction
(Moos, 1994).
➤ Occupational therapists can use their skills to provide
Consumer-Providers training and mentoring for peer leaders in terms of creat-
ing environments that are welcoming and foster recovery
Consumers do not only provide services to other con- and wellness.
sumers via COSs, but they frequently work as consumer- ➤ If there are no consumer-operated programs available in
providers within the traditional mental health system their area, practitioners can consider advocating for funding
as well. A consumer-provider is an employee or staff mem- for these highly efficient and effective services.
ber who has a history of living with a mental illness. The ➤ Occupational therapists should be familiar with existing
notion of a consumer-provider is similar to that recognized consumer-operated organizations and services in their
in the field of substance abuse counseling, which long ago communities.
recognized the benefits of having individuals in recovery
➤ Occupational therapists can contact the local or state
serve as service providers.
department of mental health to identify programs that
The mental health field has been slower to accept the receive public funding and visit these programs to meet
consumer-provider role. Mowbray, Moxley, Jasper, and Howell with the clients.
(1997) identified some reasons for using consumer-providers:
Moos, R. (1994). The Social Climate Scales: A User’s Guide (2nd ed.).
1. Inclusion of consumers as mental health workers can Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychologists Press.
increase the sensitivity of programs and services about Mowbray, C., & Tan, C. (1992). Evaluation of an innovative consumer
[consumers]. run service model: The drop in center. Innovation and Research, 1,
2. [Consumers] can serve as effective role models for
Swarbrick, M. (2005). Consumer-operated self-help centers: The relation-
other [consumers]. ship between the social environment and its association with empowerment
3. The inclusion of consumers is an expression of affir- and satisfaction. Unpublished dissertation, University of Medicine and
mative action and consistent with contemporary civil Dentistry of New Jersey.
and disability rights policies.

The Lived Experience

Steve students about the Reducing Stigma Project. When driving for
The Moving Forward Self-Help Center provided an opportunity the Center, I have responsibilities for getting gas, washing
for me to learn and exercise new skills and increased my the van, turning in receipts of tolls to the Fiscal Department,
chances to become gainfully employed in the near future. These getting the van serviced, making phone calls to schedule
skills could not have been fostered in any of my previous work members coming into the Center. I learn to navigate through
environments. Practices I learned in college are exercised at the unknown streets and follow directions on a map or MapQuest.
Center. I must also demonstrate my patience during rush hours or
My business skills help with the administration of the Cen- when sitting in traffic jams. I am able to do all these things
ter. Psychiatric Rehabilitation classes help with peer advo- thanks to my self-help center.
cacy. I help people with their problems by leading them to find My future looks bright. I am confident that the outcomes from
their own solutions within themselves. In addition, my experi- applying myself and living up to the wellness and recovery prin-
ence with showmanship is demonstrated when I strum a gui- ciples will bear much fruit. There is no telling how one’s life may
tar or read poetry at a coffeehouse. I use my public-speaking wind up—and that is just it . . . up!
experience when I speak in front of high school and college
1704_Ch35_503-515.qxd 7/12/10 8:16 PM Page 512

512 PART 3 ■ Environment

Effectiveness studies of consumer-providers have demon- about the availability of COSs in the community. For exam-
strated that consumers can provide effective mental health ple, in New Jersey, the local self-help centers work with
service. Solomon and Draine (1995; 1996) compared out- occupational therapists and other rehabilitation staff to
comes of consumers who had been assigned to teams with make regular visits to individuals who are currently at state
either consumer case managers or nonconsumer case man- facilities to help them learn about the free resources that
agers. The studies demonstrated that consumers who received are available in the community where the person will relo-
services from the consumer case management team did as well cate when discharged.
as those who received services from the nonconsumer team. At one facility, the occupational therapists have arranged
Other studies have shown that consumer-providers can be for patients to visit their local consumer-operated self-help
more effective than nonconsumers in providing mental health center as part of the occupational therapy community inte-
services. A randomized study by Robert Paulson et al (1999) gration program. For example, the local Depression and
compared assertive community treatment teams containing Bipolar Support Alliance and other consumer advocacy
consumer-providers with teams made up of nonconsumers. groups have been making regular visits to the state-run hos-
The study found equivalent results between the two teams and pitals to educate patients and staff about these resources.
a stronger working alliance between the recipient of service Occupational therapists can join with like-minded
consumers and the team in the consumer-provider team ver- providers from other disciplines, such as psychiatric rehabili-
sus the nonconsumer team. tation, rehabilitation counseling, psychology, and social work
Although consumer-providers do possess direct experi- to promote the development of and access to COS for mental
ence living with a psychiatric disability, they may lack the health consumers living in the community (Swarbrick &
training and important skills, attitudes, and knowledge nec- Pratt, 2006).
essary to be an effective supporter. Some consumers pursue Occupational therapists can assist COS leadership in
traditional academic routes for gaining credentials, such as collaborating with traditional mental health programs to
in the fields of social work, psychiatric rehabilitation, occu- establish formalized referral networks. Along witch student
pational therapy, and other rehabilitation sciences. In recent interns, they can help develop and adapt marketing mate-
years, a variety of training approaches have developed to rials, such as brochures, to assist mental health consumers in
specifically prepare and support consumer-providers. Spe- finding their way to a local self-help center. Occupational
cific training programs for consumer-providers are identi- therapists can help COSs reach out to more traditional
fied in the resources section at the end of the chapter. mental health care providers, families, and other venues in
Occupational therapists who work with consumers who order to connect with mental health consumers. COSs
desire to become consumer-providers can help them explore can be an excellent nontraditional student field worksite
career and training options that may best suit their abilities, (Swarbrick & Pratt, 2006).
potentials, and interests. Occupational therapists working at research centers or
universities can contribute to COS research endeavors
(Swarbrick & Pratt, 2006). Participatory action research
(PAR) is an empowering form of applied research
Roles and Opportunities for whereby the people being studied are fully engaged in the
Occupational Therapy Practice process of investigation. PAR is a method of inquiry con-
sistent with the consumer-self-help ethos that explores
There are many opportunities for occupational therapy prac- practical problems and issues of concern to constituents
titioners to collaborate with consumer organizations, grass- (Rogers & Palmer-Erbs, 1994). The PAR approach involves
roots groups, and COSs. Practitioners who work in all aspects maximum participation of stakeholders—those whose lives
of mental health practice (in-patient state and county hospital are affected under study—in the systematic collection and
settings, Veterans Administration services, and community- analysis of information for the purpose of taking action
based settings) have the requisite knowledge and skills to work and making change (Nelson, Ochocka, Griffith, & Lord,
directly within the COS model described in this chapter. Prac- 1998; Rogers & Palmer-Erbs, 1994). Using this approach,
titioners are challenged to create opportunities where they can researchers can play an important role in assisting con-
collaborate with consumers to develop, implement, and/or sumer groups in research to examine aspects of COS
evaluate COSs regardless of the service setting. fidelity and efficacy.
The first step in getting involved is to determine what is
available in your community. Contact the state consumer
liaison at your local or state mental health authority. Become Summary
familiar with existing COSs and self-help groups in your
local community. Contact the local, state, or county depart- Consumer operated services provide an exemplar of the
ment of mental health to identify programs that receive pub- recovery model and demonstrate the benefits that can be
lic funding, and call or visit these programs. You can also gained when the expertise of consumers is recognized. COS
contact one of the technical assistance centers to learn about often address social and emotional needs that are left
any local groups that are listed in the database. If no COSs unmet by more traditional service delivery models. Occu-
are available in a given area, then practitioners could con- pational therapy values of client-driven services make
sider advocating for funding for this service model, as it occupational therapists suited for work within this practice
is an effective resource for helping people connect with model. Although the consumer must always remain the
supportive peers and role models. Occupational therapists primary administrators and service providers, occupa-
can invite COS participants to visit settings where occupa- tional therapists can assist in the development, implemen-
tional therapists are employed to inform clients and staff tation and evaluation of COSs.
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CHAPTER 35 ■ Consumer-Operated Services 513

Active Learning Strategies

1. Experience a COS Write about the experience in your
Reflective Journal.
Spend time at a local COS, such as a drop-in center or self-
help center, or interview leaders at such a center over the
telephone. Listen and observe to determine whether the fol- 2. Creating a Wellness Recovery
lowing principles of COS are evident: Action Plan
● Consumers develop, control, and provide the services.
Get a copy of Mary Ellen Copeland’s (2002) Wellness Recov-
● Participation is completely voluntary.
ery Action Plan (typically called a WRAP). This booklet is
● Emphasis is on strengths and competencies of participants
very reasonably priced and an excellent resource. Although
and leaders. developed for consumers with psychiatric disabilities, it can
● A goal is mutuality among members instead of a hierarchy
be used by anyone who is interested in creating a more
of helper and person helped. healthy lifestyle. Step by step, follow the instructions and
● “Helper-therapy principle” (Reissman, 1990) is the idea
create a WRAP for yourself.
that past and present recipients of mental health services
provide unique perspective and expertise to design and Reflective Questions
implement services to improve the quality of life of peers ● What did you learn about yourself by creating a WRAP?
through peer support, advocacy, and education. ● Do you think formalizing the process for creating a
healthy lifestyle will help you change behaviors? Why or
Reflective Questions why not?
After interviewing members or spending time at a particular ● What aspects of your plan will be easiest to follow, and
COS, how would you answer these questions? what will be difficult? How might you become motivated
● Which principles of COS were present, and which were to address the more difficult parts of the plan?
not? What examples support your conclusions? ● Consider populations that might benefit from WRAP. As
● What did you see as primary benefits for consumers? an occupational therapist, how might you incorporate
● What role might occupational therapy play at the COS? WRAP into your practice?

Resources Consumer-providers are trained to assist consumers in skill-

building, goal-setting, problem-solving, conducting recovery
Books dialogues, setting up and sustaining mutual self-help groups,
• Clay, S. (2005). On Our Own Together. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt and helping consumers build their own self-directed recovery
University Press. This book provides an in-depth description of tools (including the Wellness Recovery Action Plan [WRAP]).
eight programs, including examples of drop-in centers, educational
programs, and peer supports. • The META Peer Support Training Recovery Innovations is a
Conferences 60-hour intensive training program for individuals with
• The Alternatives Conference offers in-depth technical assistance psychiatric disabilities who wish to work as peer providers. The
on consumer/survivor-delivered services and self-help/recovery program utilizes a learning community in which individuals are
methods. The Alternatives Conference also offers a forum for encouraged to engage in a process of self-exploration, growth,
mental health consumers and survivors from across the nation and acquisition of knowledge about recovery from mental illness
to meet and exchange information and ideas. SAMHSA’s Center (Hutchinson et al, 2006). Students who complete the class and
for Mental Health Services sponsors the conference. http:// pass the competency tests are eligible for employment as peer- support specialists.
• Vet-to-Vet programs have been established from Albuquerque, New
Consumer as Provider Training Mexico, to Madison, Wisconsin. The Vet-to-Vet program is run by
Although consumer-providers have experience living with veterans who have a psychiatric diagnosis (Resnick, Armstrong,
psychiatric disabilities, they may lack the training and important Sperrazza, Harkness, & Rosenheck, 2004). The Vet-to-Vet hour-
skills, attitudes, and knowledge necessary to be an effective COS long group meetings are egalitarian, with conversations loosely
supporter. In recent years, a variety of training approaches have organized around books written by consumer-provider mental
developed to specifically prepare and support consumer-providers. health experts, including Moe Armstrong (Moe Armstrong,
The following are examples of such training programs. personal communication, June 22, 2006). www.veteranrecovery
• The Kansas Consumers as Providers Training Program teaches and
consumers of mental health services the skills and knowledge
necessary to work in the mental health or human service field. National Organizations
The training program consists of 15 weeks of classroom instruction • The National Mental Health Consumers’ Self Help Clearinghouse
and Educational Support Group followed by 104 hours (7 weeks) is a technical assistance center that provides online training
of internship activities. materials and resources and a directory of COSs to connect
cap.html consumers with their local programs. The directory can be
• The Georgia Certified Peer Specialist Project’s mission is to searched by location, program name, or program type. http://
identify, train, certify, and provide ongoing support and
education to consumers of mental health services to provide • The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance is consumer run
peer support as part of the Georgia mental health service system. and provides online educational resources and a call-in center.
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514 PART 3 ■ Environment

It has a network of nearly 1,000 support groups and holds an Davidson, L., Chinman, M., Kloos, B., Weingarten, R., Stayner, D.,
annual conference. & Tebes, J. (1999). Peer support among individuals with severe
mental illness: A review of evidence. Clinical Psychology: Science
Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP)
and Practice, 6, 165–187.
• Consumer-providers can be trained to assist peers to develop a
Davidson, L., Hoge, M., Godleski, L., Rakfeldt, J., & Griffith, E.
WRAP, which is a self-designed plan that can help consumers
(1996). Hospital or community living? Examining consumer
assume personal responsibility and improve their quality of life
perspectives on deinstitutionalization. Psychiatric Rehabilitation
(Copeland, 1997). The WRAP approach is frequently used in
Journal, 19, 49–58.
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del Vecchio, P., Fricks, L., & Johnson, J. R. (2000). Issues of daily liv-
control of their own health and wellness. Since its development,
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After-School Programs 36
Ann E. McDonald

“ M ost of the time, people think that regular girls you know go to the movies [after school] with
their friends or over to their friend’s house. But it seems like, all of us here [in the shelter]
really don’t do nothing. We just like go up and sit inside our rooms.
—Geri, 11-year-old girl

Introduction (National Institute on Out-of-School Time, 2003). Unsuper-

Research has shown that a youth’s use of time after school vised time has been associated with greater risk for negative
impacts his or her occupational competence (or the per- outcomes such as academic and behavioral problems, drug
sonal sense of achievement in performance of daily activi- use, and other health-compromising behaviors (Elliott, 1993;
ties) in everyday leisure, personal-social, and academic Weissman & Gottfredson, 2001). Conversely, additional research
tasks. This has been documented largely for youths without suggests that after-school time use plays an important part in
disabilities and to a lesser degree for youths with mental promoting personal and social development as well as positive
health concerns (Durlak & Weissberg, 2007; Jackson & health outcomes (Bodilly & Beckett, 2005; Durlak & Weissberg,
Arbesman, 2005). 2007; Elliott, 1993).
After-school program (ASPs) can promote academic, Although it is important to know the benefits of partici-
personal, social, and recreational development by providing pation in structured adult-directed ASPs (presented later in
children and teens the opportunity to participate in struc- this chapter), it is first helpful to understand the varied con-
tured and/or targeted activities. Although there is limited texts within which after-school occupations occur and the
research into the benefits of ASPs for youths with social or occupational patterns in which youths engage,
behavioral problems, occupational therapy can play an inte- Over the past 15 years, studies of children’s time use have
gral role in helping youths with mental health concerns to identified five consistent domains that typify out-of-school
benefit from participation in ASPs. life for school-aged children (Copperman & Bhat, 2007;
Whether the youth is homeless or in a home where Medrich, Roizen, Ruben, & Buckley, 1982; Meeks & Maudlin,
parental or adult supervision and assistance in after-school 1991). The five categories are not mutually exclusive but are
hours is limited, it is important to address the youth’s safe generic types of childhood occupations that cross class and
and meaningful engagement in choosing occupations that ethnicity:
promote health and adaptation (Zemke & Clark, 1996). For 1. Activities alone or with friends
the purposes of this chapter, after-school time refers to time 2. Activities with parents
spent after the school day and before going to bed. This 3. In-home and out-of-home chores, jobs, and respon-
chapter explores: sibilities
■ Time use and occupational engagement for children 4. Organized activities, including participation in les-
and teens in the after-school hours. sons, formal team sports, and recreational and cultural
■ Evidence-based benefits of participation in ASPs. programs supervised by adults (other than their
■ Occupational therapy assessments and intervention for parents)
youths with mental health concerns in ASPs. 5. Television viewing and use of other media
■ Future directions in after-school, occupation-based The last category has received the most attention by re-
intervention and research. searchers because it is associated with an increased risk of
obesity (Copperman & Bhat, 2007; Office of the Surgeon
General, 2007).
Time Use in After-School Hours The data from the 2002 Child Development Supplement
(CDS) to the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) re-
Increasing evidence suggests that where and how youths spend veal the types of activities in which youths engage. This
their time outside of normal school hours has important study provided data on a nationally representative sample
implications for their development. An estimated 8 million of individuals and households, including demographic,
children in the United States were reported to be without adult employment, and health information. The CDS included a
supervision for some period of time after school in 1999 survey of 2,500 children (ages 5–18 years) through health

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CHAPTER 36 ■ After-School Programs 517

and achievement test surveys, primary caregiver and child often include adult-directed, structured activities and expe-
interviews, and a 2-day time-use diary (one weekday and riences to promote academic, personal, social, and recre-
one weekend day). The time-use diary collected information ational development (Durlak & Weissberg, 2007).
on the type, number, duration, and location of activities ASP staff may include professionals (e.g., psychologists,
for each 24-hour survey day beginning at midnight. Survey early childhood educators, recreation therapists, occupa-
results were obtained on a total of 1,970 children. Eleven tional therapists) as well as individuals who have some
activity types were derived from these data: work-related experience with children but lack a profes-
sional degree. ASPs are funded both publicly and privately,
1. Work (for pay)
with the federal government investing $3.6 billion in ASPs in
2. Household chores (including nonpaid child care)
2002 (The Finance Project, 2003). More recently, studies are
3. Meals (including snacks)
focused on a clearer picture of the cost of programs, which
4. Organized activities (e.g., lessons, meetings, clubs)
range from $1.17 per child per hour at the lowest cost
5. Studying
to specialized intensive programs at $8.36 (Beckett, 2008),
6. Recreation (e.g., hobbies and sports, outings, read-
with emphasis on quality outcomes (Grossman, Lind, Hayes,
ing, playing, television viewing, and music)
McMaken, & Gersick, 2009).
7. Social activities (including conversations, being inti-
Where and how youths spend their time outside of reg-
mate, parties, visiting, and religious services)
ular school hours is increasingly found to have important
8. Personal business (e.g., shopping, obtaining services,
implications for their development, leading to strong public
writing e-mails or letters)
support for ASPs from working parents who cannot be with
9. Personal care
their children immediately after school. Consequently, the
10. Receiving child care (e.g., daycare, with baby-sitter)
number of ASPs has steadily risen over the past decade.
11. School
According to research conducted by the Rand Corpora-
These data are useful in tracking some of the trends of tion, as of the late 1990s, one of every six children ages 6 to 12
children’s time use during nonschool hours. As expected, with employed mothers was participating in a before- or
almost every child in this survey eats, recreates, and pursues after-school program. However, the literature on after-school
personal care activities each day. Children on average invest time use largely does not identify if youths with disabilities
time in recreation, totaling about 3.5 hours on weekdays and are being served within these programs but instead focuses
6.5 hours on weekend days. Television or movie viewing and primarily on the benefits of participation (Bodilly & Beckett,
playing video or computer games were the most dominant 2005; Durlak & Weissberg, 2007; Harvard Family Research
forms of recreation found among children in this study. Project, 2003). The psychological and occupational therapy
The participation rates and mean durations of social literature mention after-school interventions that focus on
activities and personal business increase substantially over the development of specific social and recreational skills
the weekend days. Also, as children get older and decrease (Jackson & Arbesman, 2005). However, these are not typically
time spent in day care, the participation rates and mean inclusive programs; that is, children without disabilities do
durations increase in organized activities, social activities, not normally attend these focused interventions.
and personal business (e.g., shopping). In addition, adoles-
cents (15–18 years old) spend approximately 4.5 hours in
paid work on weekdays and 6 hours on a weekend day. Evidence-Based Benefits
Another finding from the CDS survey was the data spe- Although many ASPs aim to provide a safe and supportive
cific to “where” and “with whom” these out-of-home occupa- adult-supervised environment with opportunities to enhance
tions took place. A substantial amount of time is spent either growth, few have provided formal evaluations of the pro-
at school or at someone else’s home on both the weekdays gram’s effectiveness and the factors associated with positive
and weekends. Children reported they participate with other outcomes (Harvard Family Research Project, 2003; Vandell,
children (rather than alone) in out-of-home activities, and a Pierce, & Dadisman, 2005) because of the multiple variables
significant proportion of these occupational pursuits are in conducting these studies. Apsler (2009) further verified
with nonfamily members. However, home is by far the most that few studies meet the criteria for being methodologically
common location for activity participation, especially on the sound. However, quasi-experimental and experimental re-
weekdays (Copperman & Bhat, 2007). search designs from multiple disciplines document the value
What is unknown from many children’s time use studies of ASPs for the school-age child (Bodilly & Beckett, 2005;
is the meaning of these daily occupational pursuits during Durlak & Weissberg, 2007; Jackson & Arbesman, 2005).
nonschool hours to the child or adolescent. The occupa- Durlak and Weissberg (2007) conducted a meta-analysis
tional therapist plays a valuable role in identifying the mean- of ASPs focused on the personal and social development of
ing of these activities, as described in the Assessment section children and adolescents. Their study involved a systematic
of this chapter. review of 73 ASPs that were described in 49 reports from
both published and unpublished sources. Although most of
the 73 studies reviewed did not specify the ethnicity of the
ASPs as Intervention participants, 27 programs included the following partici-
pants, listed in order of predominance: African American,
An after-school program is an intervention offered to chil- Latino, Asian or Pacific Islander, and American Indian.
dren between the ages of 5 and 18 during the school year and Programs reviewed were predominantly in community
after normal school hours. ASPs typically focus on providing settings (56%) rather than on school grounds (41%), and
youths with various growth-enhancing opportunities and many had an academic component such as tutoring or
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518 PART 3 ■ Environment

homework assistance. Youths had participated for less than Carver Elementary School in St. Louis, Missouri, viewing the
1 year at the time of the program evaluation in the majority products of a 10-week after-school art program.
of the reports. Participating youths were not known to be The findings from Durlak and Weissberg’s analysis pro-
experiencing problems (Durlak & Weissberg, 2007). vide support for the basic tenets of occupational science and
This meta-analysis revealed three major findings: occupational therapy. That is, active engagement in pur-
poseful and meaningful occupations or activities promotes
■ ASPs have an overall positive and statistically signifi-
healthy development (Clark, 1997; Mandel, Jackson, Zemke,
cant impact on participating youths.
Nelson, & Clark, 1999). The evidence-based ASPs were
■ Youths who participate in ASPs improve significantly
purported to provide structured opportunities for positive
in three major areas: feelings and attitudes, indicators
interactions with adults and peers and to encourage initia-
of behavioral adjustment, and school performance.
tive and decision-making by the participants. Although it
(The only outcome that failed to reach statistical signif-
is unknown if participants in the ASPs were allowed to
icance was the mean effect for school attendance [0.10].
decide which activities to engage in, this is inferred from the
However, participants showed a statistically signifi-
description of evidence-based programs.
cant increase in positive feelings and attitudes about
Finally, activities involving challenging tasks that devel-
themselves and their school and an increase in positive
oped new skills and personal talents were identified as most
social behaviors.)
effective. This finding is a critical part of the occupational
■ Programs that used evidence-based skill-training pro-
therapy intervention process—that is, to meet “the just
cedures were the only types of programs that were
right challenge” to develop personal skills and talents
associated with positive outcomes.
within the context of personally meaningful after-school
In the study, Durlak and Weissberg (2007) identified four activities.
characteristics of evidenced-based ASPs based on theory and
research in social skills training: Barriers to Participation
1. The program involved teaching a sequenced set of
Durlak and Weissberg (2007) describe some of the benefits
activities to achieve the program objectives related
of participation in ASPs, but there are also barriers to partici-
to skill development. That is, skills to be taught were
pation for youths both with and without mental health
broken down into observable units of action, from
concerns. Some of the variables influencing time use in the
least to most complex.
after-school hours for all youths include the family’s socioeco-
2. The program involved active learning, or doing, by the
nomic background, the sponsorship of the activity format
(e.g., YMCA, Boy’s or Girl’s Club, Scouts), availability and
3. The program’s content contained at least one compo-
access to programs, and parental attitudes and actions (Durlak
nent devoted to developing personal or social skills.
& Weissberg, 2007). After dealing with many challenges as a
4. The program’s content was explicit in targeting specific
child with special needs, Lily was able to successfully partici-
personal or social skills with clear and specific objectives.
pate in an after-school softball league (Figure 36-2).
Thus, effective programs were identified as those includ-
ing skill-development activities aimed at promoting per-
sonal and social skills and characterized by a sequential,
active, focused, and explicit training process and agenda.
Figure 36-1 shows the staff, students, and family members at

FIGURE 36-1. The staff, students, and family members at Carver FIGURE 36-2. After dealing with many challenges as a child with
Elementary School in St. Louis, Missouri, view the products of a 10-week special needs, Lily was able to successfully participate in an after-
after-school art program. school softball league.
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CHAPTER 36 ■ After-School Programs 519

The Lived Experience

Barriers to Participation task like cleaning up or moving along to the next activity. If she
in After-School Programs: gets very frustrated on a task she may destroy her work or lash
out at another child by pulling hair or slapping. She also can get
A Parent’s Story upset by loud or unexpected noises in her environment. She en-
My daughter Sara is eight years old. She has a diagnosis of at-
joys all the same activities as other children her age. But, she just
tention deficit, hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and borderline de-
needs more time to understand what is being expected of her
velopmental delay. She has been through so many after school
and a better way of expressing herself. I just want her to fit in but
programs, I have lost track. The reason she has not been able
the usual reply I get from program directors is that Sara may not
to stay with one program has often been related to the inflexi-
remain in the program unless she has an aide to accompany her.
bility and lack of awareness by staff to understand her disability
How can I afford to pay for that on top of the cost for the after-
and know how to best meet her needs.
school program? I just want her to have the same socialization
Sara is really a very loving, affectionate child, but she can
experiences and opportunities as other children in after-school
sometimes get upset and have difficulty calming herself. For
example, she may become defiant when asked to do a simple

Youths with mental health concerns are often faced with Latina who resides in a homeless shelter with her family,
an additional disadvantage due to limited or lack of social named each activity as if reading a monotonous list: “I do
acceptance of individuals with significant learning, emo- my homework, watch TV, then play a game, go and eat, and
tional, or behavioral challenges. According to the Surgeon then come back in here [the homeless shelter].” Marta often
General’s report (Office on Disability, 2005; Office of the appeared either upset or bored while discussing her use of
Surgeon General, 2002), 80% of American children who after-school time at the shelter (McDonald, 2001).
have mental health disorders do not receive the services they Conversely, John, a 13-year-old African American male also
need due to a range of factors, with limited access and avail- living in a homeless shelter, described his after-school activities
ability of programs often identified as key deterrents. Al- in a different way: “I catch the bus home, do my homework, eat
though publicly funded programs may not discriminate on dinner, take a shower, iron my clothes, and get ready for school
the basis of disability, programs may limit participation for the next day. I play with my sisters—we play tag, have swing-
youths with disabilities by requiring the presence of an adult ing contests, everything.” John appeared to be excited and
assistant or excluding them if there is substantial risk to the eager to share his involvement in after-school activities.
health and safety of others (U.S. Department of Justice, These statements provide a glimpse into the after-school
2007). One parent’s account of the barriers to inclusion time use for young teens residing in a homeless shelter.
her daughter encountered in an ASP is provided above and Whether youths are homeless or at risk, occupational thera-
illuminates some of the obstacles faced by families. These pists should be skilled at providing assessment and interven-
variables need to be considered when evaluating the after- tions to youths with mental health concerns in ASPs.
school needs of youths with mental health concerns.

The Role of Occupational Therapy Case: Occupational Therapy

Occupational competence, or the personal sense of achieve-
in After-School Programming
ment in one’s performance of daily activities, is an integral for Youths Residing in a Homeless
component of the occupational therapy evaluation and Shelter
intervention process for youths with behavioral and psy- Mary, a 10-year-old Latina, often spent long hours in
chosocial needs (Jackson & Arbesman, 2005; Kannenberg & the shelter’s after-school child care program because of
Greene, 2003). Occupational therapy practitioners who use her single mother’s seven-day-a-week work schedule.
ASP as intervention provide a wide variety of options that Mary often appeared despondent, and her affect was of-
allow for choice and meet the physical, social, emotional, and ten flat or constrained. She frequently complained of
academic needs of the youth. Children and youth considered headaches to child care staff. During the occupational
to be at greatest risk for problems such as isolation, low aca- therapy evaluation, Mary was asked semistructured,
demic achievement, and behavioral issues such as conduct, open-ended questions to determine her feelings and
aggression, and drug use require more comprehensive and needs regarding her time use in the after-school hours.
intensive programs. Since Mary spent a large part of her after-school
The quote that opened this chapter and the following hours in child care, she was asked what she thought of
statements describe the range of feelings regarding after- her daily routine. Mary described how she accepted the
school time use by young teens residing in a homeless shel- routines imposed by the staff, although she often felt
ter with their families (McDonald, 2001; 2006). When asked “bored.” She stated, “You need to have time for yourself
to describe a typical day after school, Marta, a 12-year-old
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520 PART 3 ■ Environment

. . . and someone to talk to because if you just keep your needs of youths with mental health concerns but also the
things inside they’ll just stay there . . . like it affects your importance of everyday occupations to these youths. Knowl-
health and you’re really sad and angry. It makes you feel edge of the personal meaning of an activity or occupational
. . . like you’re not breathing. Like on the weekends I’m pursuit not only provides the motivation for participation
more free to do things and [during the week] it’s like I’m but also assists in individualizing the intervention to best
trapped . . . you know I have to stay in my room. We meet the client’s needs and personal goals.
can’t go out. Then my weekends I have all free and I feel Depending on the goals of the ASP or intervention, the
more emotionally happy and I could do more things.” occupational therapy assessment process requires gather-
When asked who or what helped her to do what she ing relevant data specific to the present and future desired
wanted to do after school, Mary described how her after-school occupations. It is important to learn the pres-
mother helped her cope with boredom at the shelter. ent after-school routine of the child or teen and the sub-
She stated, “When it was a boring time, my mom always jective meanings the youth ascribes to these occupations
tried to make the best out of it. She tried to give us or activities This knowledge provides insight into the
games or tell us how to play a new game.” youth’s motivation for pursuing or avoiding certain occu-
Mary was also asked to describe some of her favorite pations as well as the perceived importance of these daily
play activities. She became animated when describing her occupations.
favorite play activities as “playing pirates or school” or Occupational therapists often utilize skill-based assess-
“having a pumpkin carving contest.” When asked if she ments to gather data on clients’ cognitive, perceptual, sen-
engaged in any of the shelter’s activities, she stated she en- sory, and socioemotional development. Several tools may be
joyed going to art therapy and counseling. When asked helpful in identifying youths’ needs in ASPs and interven-
how she would like to spend her time after school, Mary tions. The assessments listed in Table 36-1 include both
said she would like to have time to spend with a friend, standardized and semistructured tools to gather informa-
then do her homework and, if possible, “play baseball.” tion regarding daily routine, time use, and the youth’s per-
As part of the assessment process, Mary was given a ception of daily tasks.
1-week time-use journal to obtain further information The assessments in Table 36-2 are standardized and
about her typical time use on weekdays after school and semistructured specific skill-based and sensory-processing
on the weekends. The journal provided a written log of assessments.
how she spent her time in hourly increments, identify-
ing where the activity occurred, who was present, how Occupational Therapy Intervention
she felt while performing the activity, and her motiva-
tion for the activity (i.e., obligatory, voluntary, or both). The extent to which youths with mental health concerns
For example, in the time column for 4:00–5:00 p.m., she attend structured ASPs is unknown, but the role of occupa-
wrote: “doing homework” (occupation); “in child care” tional therapy in facilitating inclusion for youths with men-
(location); “with kids from shelter and child care staff ” tal health concerns is significant. Because the literature in
(people present); “bored” (feeling); “have to and want occupational therapy does not specifically note the place-
to” (motivation). ment of their interventions in ASPs for children and youths
The results of Mary’s individual interview, her time- with behavioral and psychosocial needs, a broader review of
use journal, and observation of Mary in child-care ac- 69 studies by Jackson and Arbesman (2005) resulting in the
tivities were reviewed with input from her mother, child AOTA Practice Guidelines for Children with Behavioral and
care staff, and counselors. In designing an effective ASP, Psychosocial Needs is reported here. Their findings provide
Mary reported needing more time to develop friend-
ships and to spend time engaged in novel play activities.
Due to her mother’s absence after school, Mary needed
more attention from a caring, consistent adult who Evidence-Based Practice
would be able to “check-in” with her about her day.
The child-care staff structured her after-school time
differently so she would be able to choose games or
play activities before doing her homework. Her affect
R esearch evidence shows that addressing the sensory
needs for youths with both sensory and mental health
concerns benefits the child’s self-regulation and modulation of
improved considerably, and she became more animated stressful stimuli during everyday activities (Schaaf & Roley, 2005).
in child care, engaging in conversations with other
➤ Occupational therapists need to assess the youth’s sensory
peers. Mary continued her participation in art therapy processing needs, when appropriate, using the Sensory
and counseling. Occupational therapy in conjunction Processing Measure (SPM) (Kuhaneck, Henry, Glennon,
with child-care staff provided a Girl’s Club group with Parham, & Ecker, 2007) or the Sensory Profile (Dunn, 1999;
weekly meetings as well as opportunities for outdoor Brown & Dunn, 2002).
games, craft activities, and dramatic play.
➤ Occupational therapists can help educators, parents, and
other after-school providers to better understand the youth’s
sensory difficulties at home and school and can recommend
appropriate sensory strategies and environmental modifica-
Occupational Therapy Assessments tions to improve occupational performance.

Occupational therapists, with their expertise in activity Schaaef, R., & Roley, S. S. (2005). Sensory Integration: Applying Clinical
analysis, disability, occupational adaptation, and human de- Reasonings to Diverse Populations. Bethesda, MD: AOTA Press.
velopment, are vital in identifying not only the psychosocial
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CHAPTER 36 ■ After-School Programs 521

Table 36-1 ● Tools for Gathering Information on Youth’s Daily Routine, Time Use, and Perception of Daily Tasks
Assessment Description Appropriate Ages
Time-Use Journal (McDonald, 2001) A written description of the youth’s time use. Each weekday, the youth records his or 8–18 years
her experiences in half-hour increments from 3:00 p.m. until bedtime, responding to
five questions for each activity:
1. What are you doing?
2. Where are you?
3. Who is with you?
4. Why are you doing this activity (i.e., you have to, you want to, or both)?
5. How do you feel while you are doing this activity?
Children’s Assessment of Participation and Both measures provide information regarding an individual’s participation in activities 6–21 years
Enjoyment (CAPE) and Preferences for with the assistance of a parent or caregiver.
Activities of Children (PAC) (King et al, 2004)
Perceived Efficacy and Goal Setting Utilizes a child’s self-reported performance on everyday tasks to establish and 5–21 years
System (PEGS) (Missiuna, Pollock, & prioritize goals for intervention. Provides the child’s perception of ability to perform
Law, 2004) daily activities at home, school, and in the community. Parent and teacher versions
are also available.

Table 36-2 ● Tools for Assessing Skills and Sensory Processing

Assessment Description Appropriate Ages
Dynamic Occupational Therapy Cognitive Measures the cognitive abilities and learning potential for children with special needs. 6–12 years
Assessment for Children (DOTCA-Ch) Twenty-two subtests assess five cognitive areas: orientation, spatial perception, praxis,
(Katz & Parush, 2004) visual motor organization, and thinking operations.
Social Skills Rating System (SSRS) Assesses the social behavior of children and adolescents based on standardized, norm- 3–18 years
(Gresham & Elliott, 2007) referenced data. Parent, teacher, and student questionnaires provide information about
perceived social skills, problem behaviors, and academic competence.
Sensory Processing Measure (SPM) Generates norm-referenced scores of a child’s social participation, sensory systems, and 5–12 years
(Kuhaneck, Henry, Glennon, Parham, motor planning in home, classroom, and school environments. Parent and teacher
& Ecker, 2007) versions are available.
Sensory Profile (Dunn, 1999) Examines sensory processing patterns in children who are at risk for or have specific 3–10 years
disabilities relating to sensory processing abilities. Parent and teacher versions are
Adolescent/Adult Sensory Profile A self-report questionnaire providing information about six sensory processing categories: 11 years and older
(Brown & Dunn, 2002) taste/smell, movement, touch, vision, activity level, and auditory processing.

information that will help occupational therapists to shape Interestingly, these are some of the same characteristics
interventions toward the best outcomes. that Durlak and Weissberg (2007) identified for successful
In general, Jackson and Arbesman’s review demonstrated evidenced-based ASPs aimed at improving personal and
that activity-based interventions aided in improving peer and social skills.
social interactions in children and youths across a range of The activity-based studies in the AOTA Practice Guide-
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth lines identified a variety of activities “commonly and rarely
Edition, Text Revision, diagnoses. The review was considered used . . . in the course of occupational therapy intervention
extremely broad and included a wide range of activity-based with children and adolescents.” These included “play, arts
interventions, treatment sizes, ages of participants, and diag- and crafts, role-playing, puppets, board games, computer
noses and conditions. Often, the studies were conducted by a games, sports skill training, art/movement programs, music
wide variety of professional disciplines; four studies incorpo- activities, team-/cooperation building exercises, camping,
rated occupational therapy into the intervention. However, life skills training, drama and fairy tale enactment groups,
successful interventions had several common features: conversational skills training, bibliotherapy (short stories,
poems, films), supported employment, physical challenges
■ Direct instruction geared toward targeted skills.
programs, and other types of recreational and leisure activi-
■ Activities to teach and encourage practice of new skills.
ties” (Jackson & Arbesman, 2005, p. 31). Although the
■ Peers to model and promote practice of new skills.
authors indicated the focus of the treatment was often on
■ A supportive adult to provide coaching and reinforce-
improving social cooperation, children’s achievement in
ment for appropriate behavior.
these activities or occupations was identified as a legitimate
■ A sufficient duration of time, allowing children ample
goal in itself, building on the child’s sense of competency as
opportunity to experience the intervention and practice-
an occupational being.
emergent skills.
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522 PART 3 ■ Environment

For the occupational therapist, intervention may include has traditionally been in the context of the psychiatric
involvement at either the macroscopic or microscopic level. hospital but is now increasingly found in private practice
A macroscopic view may entail influencing program direc- clinics during after-school hours. An advantage to occupa-
tors and public policymakers with facilitating access and tional therapy intervention over traditional psychotherapy
availability of ASPs for youths with or at risk for mental approaches is the utilization of active engagement in care-
health concerns. At the microscopic level, the occupational fully designed occupations or activities to maximize the
therapist may help youths participate in desired after-school individual’s play and social skills. In addition, the occupa-
occupations such as individual or small-group therapy tional therapist has the expertise to address the child’s sen-
aimed at improving the youth’s specific skill development. sory processing needs within the context of play and social
The latter focus predominates the evidenced-based literature interaction.
reviews in occupational therapy and related disciplines Unfortunately, there are some disadvantages to clinic-
(Jackson & Arbesman, 2005). based occupational therapy. Although occupational thera-
pists serving in private practice clinics may receive funding
Occupational Therapist as Advocate from state agencies, there is usually little or no reimburse-
Because youths with behavioral and social problems often ment from insurance companies. Consequently, caregivers
face barriers to inclusion in many community programs often must pay out-of-pocket expenses for participation in
(Office on Disability, 2005), occupational therapists play an psychosocial interventions. Additionally, most clinic-based
integral role in advocating for the needs of youths with men- services provided by mental health professionals do not in-
tal health concerns. Advocacy may involve assisting clients clude youths without disabilities to serve as role models and
with how to access services and supports within their com- allow only a limited amount of time for these interventions,
munity. Occupational therapists and other professionals usually meeting only once a week for an hour. To counter
need to educate consumers about their legal entitlements these disadvantages, it is essential that the occupational ther-
under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA, 1990). For apist consult with other after-school providers, such as
example, community-based programs that receive state sports and recreation leaders in the child’s community, to
and/or federal funding must abide by the federal mandate ensure that the skills learned in the clinic are carried over
under the ADA to provide access to publicly funded commu- into other activities (Reynolds, 2006).
nity programs for individuals with disabilities. Knowledge A model social skills program developed and directed by oc-
regarding the legal rights for inclusion in these community cupational therapists for youths with mental health concerns
programs can be obtained from specific state agencies serv- would ideally (1) include components of an evidence-based, so-
ing the consumer and from the ADA website (see Resources cial skills group (Frankel, Myatt, Cantwell, & Feinberg, 1997;
section). Jackson & Arbesman, 2005) and (2) address the individual’s oc-
In California, for example, the Department of Develop- cupational interests and sensory motor needs through carefully
mental Services contracts with Regional Centers for the tailored occupation-based activities. Many pediatric occupa-
Developmentally Disabled to provide service coordination tional therapists focus on meeting the sensory processing needs
and legal advocacy to ensure that persons with developmen- of youths through active engagement in movement-based ac-
tal disabilities have the opportunity to lead more independent, tivities. Incorporating sensory motor activities within the ses-
productive, and satisfying lives. Regional Centers for the sion would provide the youth with the level of sensory input
Developmentally Disabled provides consumers who have likely to facilitate attentiveness and self-calming while acquiring
developmental disabilities with the opportunity to partic- new play and social skills. Yoga is one occupation that addresses
ipate in inclusive social and recreational programs within the sensory motor needs of youths (Mollo & Schaaf, 2007). This
the community. Unfortunately, youths who have not been activity may be taught within the social skills program and can
diagnosed as developmentally disabled often do not re- be shared with parents for use at home.
ceive comparable opportunities for inclusion. Innovative roles for occupational therapy practition-
Access to free legal advice and inclusion support for ers include providing consultation to and development
ASPs can be found through nonprofit agencies that work in of community-based ASPs. An example of an inclusive
partnership with people with mental health disabilities. ASP model that could be developed by an occupational
These agencies vary by state but may include Protection therapist is the S.M.I.L.E.-A-While Day Camp in Pasadena,
and Advocacy, Inc. (PAI), the Association for Retarded California. This program is contracted with the Eastern
Citizens (ARC), and the National Alliance on Mental Illness Los Angeles Regional Center for the Developmentally
(NAMI). Disabled and serves children with and without disabilities
Finally, occupational therapists as advocates can assist in from 3.5 to 12 years of age. The ASP runs weekdays
educating insurance companies on the cost effectiveness of between 12:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. The program’s mission
occupational therapy services through prevention and pro- is to foster the development of the skills necessary to func-
motion of healthy lifestyles. tion successfully in society through real-life experiences.
The goals of the day camp are to encourage and facilitate
Occupational Therapist as Innovative character building, healthy peer relationships, sponta-
Practitioner and Program Director neous communication and interaction, and individual
Occupational therapy as a discipline has historically iden- talents and creativity.
tified the importance of addressing the play and leisure The after-school day camp is run by two directors
concerns for individuals with mental health disorders with extensive clinical training in both regular and special
(Reilly, 1974). Provision of occupational therapy services education. Camp counselors are trained by the camp
1704_Ch36_516-525.qxd 7/8/10 7:45 PM Page 523

CHAPTER 36 ■ After-School Programs 523

directors, and the counselor/staff-to-child ratio is dependent community-based violence-prevention programs and acting
on the age of the group (i.e., one adult for every 6 to as a consultant to a homeless shelter program (McDonald,
8 youths ages 3–7 years; one adult for every 10 youths 2001; Miller, Herzberg, & Ray, 2006). Reynolds (2006) de-
ages 7–14 years). In addition, a one-on-one aide may be pro- scribes the strategies and benefits for consulting in after-school
vided if necessary. Examples of onsite activities include team sports for youths on the autism spectrum. Bazyk (2006)
friendship circle/ greetings, songs and stories, share time, also describes an innovative, occupation-based social skills
arts/crafts, swimming, horseback riding, and games to group for low-income urban youths in after-school care.
encourage cooperation and team spirit. A wide variety of de- Occupational therapists can engage in a wider scope
velopmentally appropriate activities are offered, and while of practice by considering the many different occupations
activities are structured, they allow for individual creativity, in which youths participate after school. Specifically,
needs, and attention span. Occupational therapists do not daily occupations including self-care, prevocational work,
work directly within the camp but, along with other contrac- and community involvement are valued and important are-
tors such as speech pathologists and school psychologists, nas for intervention that were not addressed in this chapter.
provide assistance as needed for comprehensive and individ- Health promotion and prevention for at-risk youths is also
ualized developmental plans for each child. a growing concern in the United States given the increased
incidence of obesity and, for some youths, sedentary lifestyles
Future Directions (Office of the Surgeon General, 2007; Schmelzer, 2006).
Evidence-based research is growing within the field of occu-
According to the Office on Disability (2005), the need for pational therapy and related disciplines, but more research is
more inclusive after-school opportunities is identified as a needed to continue supporting the efficacy of occupation-
high priority at the state and national levels. Occupational based interventions driven by the needs of the consumer.
therapists can develop a unique, comprehensive, occupation-
based ASP for youths with and without mental health con-
cerns either in collaboration with an existing program or in Summary
response to focused needs within the community. Providing
opportunities for youths to be in inclusive settings after Occupational therapists who work with school-aged chil-
school requires therapists to step out of familiar and com- dren and youths can provide integrated services through
fortable professional roles so they may advocate for and various after-school agencies. Engagement in meaningful
address the needs of youths with mental health concerns and purposeful occupations after the structure of the school
across wider service delivery settings. Working side by side day can help youths with mental health concerns gain com-
with school social workers and other community workers, petence, health, and adaptation. Programs can directly
occupational therapists can promote an image of youths as include occupational therapy assessment and intervention,
building on their strengths (as opposed to being viewed as or the occupational therapist can serve as an advocate or as
inadequate or incapable), having peers work with peers to a program director of community-based programs. Re-
support their growth, sharing interests, and making friends— search and future program development to enhance the
all developmental activities of importance to this population physical, social, emotional, and academic performance of
(Ngai, Cheung, & Ngai, 2009). youths experiencing or at risk for mental health conditions
Examples of occupation-based service delivery settings in- through the expertise of an occupational therapist in ASPs
clude aquatic therapy and hippotherapy (Engel & MacKinnon, will more fully promote participation in all the occupational
2007). Novel service delivery can also include development of roles associated with adolescence.

Active Learning Strategies

1. Advocating Against Barriers to Inclusion Capture your responses to these
questions in your Reflective Journal.
Review The Lived Experience narrative by Sara’s mother.
Consider the following questions:
2. Time-Use Study
Reflective Questions
● What barriers to inclusion can you identify? Interview a child or adolescent about his or her after-school
● How could you help consult with the ASP to provide time. Start by asking general, open-ended questions, such as
Sara with more successful inclusion opportunities? “What activities to do you usually do after school?” Ask
● How could you help her mother advocate for her daugh- more detailed questions to gain more information about a
ter’s inclusion in an ASP? particular activity, such as, “Where and with whom do you
● What resources are available for her mother to obtain do this activity?” and “How do you feel when you are doing
legal advice on her rights to have her child attend a this activity?”
publicly funded program?
1704_Ch36_516-525.qxd 7/8/10 7:45 PM Page 524

524 PART 3 ■ Environment

3. Examining Your After-School Time Use program is fairly structured, including time for snack,
homework, and sports activities. However, Max often per-
Insight into your own use of after-school time can provide
sists in doing his homework and shows less interest in par-
you with a better understanding of the barriers to inclusion
ticipating with other children, especially during the sports
for youths with mental health concerns and an awareness of
program. Consider the following questions:
the resources that may be utilized to adapt to their unique
situation. Reflect on your own memories of time spent Reflective Questions
after school at different ages. What resources (intrapersonal ● As an occupational therapist hired to consult with the
or extrapersonal) helped you to do what you wanted or ASP, what recommendations can you give them to help
needed to do? Examples of intrapersonal resources may in- Max develop his socialization with peers?
clude your personality traits, problem-solving abilities, and ● Is it best to allow Max to persist in his homework if this
emotional state when engaged in making occupational is his desired activity?
choices. Extrapersonal resources may include the significant ● What input will you gather from his teachers, parents,
people in your family or community as well as your socioe- and program staff to guide your consultation?
conomic status and gender. ● Describe a successful inclusion activity you may imple-
ment to promote Max’s socialization with peers in
Record your memories and the his ASP.
resources that you utilized in your
Reflective Journal. Capture your responses to these
questions in your Reflective Journal.
4. Case Example: “Max”
Max is a 14-year-old boy with Asperger syndrome. He
is attending a full-inclusion ASP on site at his school. The

Resources Brown, C., & Dunn, W. (2002). The Adolescent/Adult Sensory Pro-
file. San Antonio: Harcourt Assessment.
• The Finance Project is focused on “helping leaders finance and Clark, F. (1997). Appendix III: Occupational science. In P. Crist
sustain initiatives that lead to better futures for children, families & C. B. Royeen (Eds.), Infusing Occupation into Practice: Compar-
and communities.” It is an independent, nonprofit research, ison of Three Clinical Approaches in Occupational Therapy
consulting, technical assistance, and training firm for public- and (pp. 101–111). Bethesda, MD: American Occupational Therapy
private-sector leaders nationwide. Association.
• The Wallace Foundation “seeks to support and share effective ideas Copperman, R. B., & Bhat, C. R. (2007). An exploratory analysis of
and practices that expand learning and enrichment opportunities children’s daily time use and activity patterns using the child de-
for all people.” Its three current objectives are to strengthen velopment supplement (CDS) to the US Panel Study of Income
education leadership to improve student achievement, improve Dynamics (PSID). Available at:
after-school learning opportunities, and build appreciation and bhat/full_papers.htm (accessed January 3, 2010).
demand for the arts. Dunn, W. (1999). The Sensory Profile. San Antonio, TX: Harcourt
• National Institute on Out-of-School Time (NIOST), Wellesley Assessment.
College: “Our mission is to ensure that all children, youths, and Durlak, J. A., & Weissberg, R. P. (2007). The Impact of After-School
families have access to high-quality programs, activities, and Programs That Promote Personal and Social Skills. Chicago: Col-
opportunities during nonschool hours. We believe that these laborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning.
experiences are essential to the healthy development of children Elliott, D. S. (1993). Health enhancing and health compromising
and youths, who then can become effective and capable members lifestyles. In S. G. Millstein, A. C. Petersen, E. O. Nightingale (Eds.),
of society. Our work bridges the worlds of research and practice.” Promoting the Health of Adolescents (pp. 119–145). New York:
This site provides links to NIOST Clearinghouse, yearly fact Oxford University Press.
sheet on out-of-school time, and other resources. http://www Engel, B. T., & MacKinnon, J. R. (2007). Enhancing Human Occupa- tion Through Hippotherapy: A Guide for Occupational Therapy.
Bethesda, MD: AOTA Press.
References The Finance Project, (2003). Funding Guide. Available at: http://
Apsler, R. (2009). After-school programs for adolescents: A review (accessed September 27, 2009).
of evaluation research. Adolescence, 44(173), 1–19. Frankel, F., Myatt, R., Cantwell, D., & Feinberg, D. (1997). Parent as-
Americans with Disabilities Act (1990). Available at: http://www sisted transfer of children’s social skills training: Effects on children
.ada/gov/pubs/ada.htm (accessed January 3, 2010). with and without attention deficit disorder. Journal of the American
Bazyk, S. (2006). Creating occupation-based social skills groups in Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychology, 36, 1056–1064.
after-school care. OT Practice, 11(17), 13–18. Gresham, F. M., & Elliott, S. N. (2007). Social Skills Rating System
Beckett, M. K. (2008). Current-Generation Youth Programs: What (SSRS). Los Angeles: Western Psychological Services.
Works, What Doesn’t, and at What Cost? Santa Monica, CA: Grossman, J. B., Lind, C., Hayes, C., McMaken, J., & Gersick, A.
Rand. (2009). The cost of quality out-of-school-time programs:
Bodilly, S. J., & Beckett, M. K. (2005). Making Out-Of-School Time Executive summary. Commissioned by the Wallace Founda-
Matter: Evidence for an Action Agenda. Santa Monica, CA: Rand. tion. Available at:
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CHAPTER 36 ■ After-School Programs 525

CostofQuality OSI-ExecSummary.pdf (accessed September 27, Mollo, K., & Schaaf, R. (2007). Use of Kripalu Yoga to Decrease
2009). Sensory Reactivity to Individuals with Sensory Defensiveness.
Harvard Family Research Project. (2003). A Review of Out-of- Poster session presented at American Occupational Therapy
School-Time Program Quasi-Experimental and Experimental Association Annual Conference, St. Louis, Missouri.
Evaluation Results. Cambridge, MA: Author. National Institute on Out-of-School Time. (2003). Fact Sheet on
Jackson, L. L., & Arbesman, M. (2005). Occupational Therapy Prac- School-Age Children’s Out-Of-School Time. Wellesley, MA:
tice Guidelines for Children with Behavioral and Psychosocial Wellesley College, Center for Research on Women.
Needs. Bethesda, MD: AOTA Press. Ngai, S. S.-Y., Cheung, C.-K., & Ngai, N.-P. (2009). Building mutual
Kannenburg, K., & Greene, S. (2003). Infusing occupation into aid among young people with emotional and behavioral prob-
practice: Valuing and supporting the psychosocial foundation of lems: The experiences of Hong Kong social workers. Adolescence,
occupation. OT Practice, 8, CE1–CE8. 44, 447–464.
Katz, N., & Parush, S. (2004). Dynamic Occupational Therapy Office of the Surgeon General. (2007). The Surgeon General’s Call to
Cognitive Assessment for Children. San Antonio, TX.: Harcourt Action to Prevent and Decrease Overweight and Obesity in Children
Assessment. and Adolescents. Available at:
King, G., Law, M., King, S., Hurley, P., Hanna, S., Kertoy, M., topics/obesity (accessed January 3, 2010).
Rosenbaum, P., & Young, K. (2004). Children’s Assessment of Office of the Surgeon General. (2002). Youth Violence: A Report of
Participation and Enjoyment (CAPE) and Preferences for Activi- the Surgeon General. Available at:
ties of Children (PAC). San Antonio, TX: Harcourt Assessment. library/youthviolence (accessed January 3, 2010).
Kuhaneck, H. M., Henry, D. A., Glennon, T. J., Parham, L. D., & Office on Disability. (2005). A Report of the Summit. State-Community
Ecker, C. (2007). The Sensory Processing Measure. Los Angeles: Response to Barriers for Children with Co-occurring Developmental
Western Psychological Services. Disabilities and Emotional/Substance Abuse Disorders. U.S. Depart-
Mandel, D. R., Jackson, J. M., Zemke, R., Nelson, L., & Clark, F. ment of Health & Human Services. Available at: http://www.hhs
(1999). Lifestyle Redesign: Implementing the Well-Elderly Program. .gov/od/whitepaper_appendix_a.pdf (accessed January 3, 2010).
Bethesda, MD: AOTA Press. Reilly, M. (1974). Play as Exploratory Learning. Beverly Hills:
McDonald, A. E. (2001). The After-School Occupations of Homeless Sage.
Youth: Implications for Occupational Science, Occupational Therapy Reynolds, S. (2006). Get in the game: Participation in sports for
and Public Policy. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of children on the autism spectrum. OT Practice 11(20), 13–17.
Southern California, Los Angeles. Schmelzer, L. (2006). Occupation-based camp for healthier chil-
McDonald, A. E. (2006). The after-school occupations of homeless dren. OT Practice, 11(16), 19–23.
youth: Three narrative accounts. Occupational Therapy in Health United States Department of Justice. (2007). Commonly Asked
Care, 20(3,4), 115–133. Questions about Child Care and the ADA. Available at: http://www
Medrich, E. A., Roizen, J. A., Rubin, V., & Buckley, S. (1982). The (retrieved March 10, 2010).
Serious Business of Growing Up: A Study of Children’s Lives Out- Vandell, D. L., Pierce, K. M., & Dadisman, K. (2005). Out-of-school
side of School. Los Angeles: University of California Press. settings as a developmental context for children and youth.
Meeks, C. B., & Maudlin, T. (1990). Children’s time in structured Advances in Child Development Behavior, 33, 43–77.
and unstructured leisure activities. Lifestyles, Family and Economic Weissman, S. A., & Gottfredson, D. C. (2001). Attrition from after
Issues, 11(3), 257–259. school programs: Characteristics of students who drop out. Pre-
Miller, K. S., Herzberg, G. L., & Ray, S. A. (2006). Homelessness in vention Science, 2, 201–205.
America: Perspectives, Characterizations, and Considerations for Wong, G. (2003). Eastern Los Angeles Regional Center Consumer
Occupational Therapy. New York: Haworth. Handbook. Alhambra, CA: Eastern Los Angeles Regional Center.
Missiuna, C., Pollock, N., & Law, M. (2004). The Perceived Efficacy Zemke, R., & Clarke, F. (1996). Occupational Science: The Evolving
and Goal Setting System. San Antonio, TX: Harcourt Assessment. Discipline. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.
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Mental Health Practice

in Forensic Settings 37
Jaime Phillip Muñoz

“ T he ordinary person, no matter how sympathetic or liberal, cannot be expected to visualize the
circumstances of a mentally ill offender. People find it hard to think of inmates as people, or
their disorders as very often caused, or at least aggravated, by contemporary public and social
attitudes towards the mentally ill.
—Peter Thompson, 1972

Introduction Forensic occupational therapy is the application of men-

Roger was 42 and had been in and out of jail, mostly on drug tal health specialty practice in legal contexts. Forensic men-
possession charges, since the age of 18. Roger had completed tal health occupational therapists work with individuals with
an occupational therapy supported employment program mental disorders who have committed a crime and are con-
for ex-offenders at the local county jail and was back visiting signed by law into custody at a correctional setting. In some
his occupational therapist. At the time, Roger was drug free ways, the practice of forensic mental health in occupational
and had been out of jail for almost 2 years. Roger began talk- therapy is not that different from other forms of mental
ing about his life growing up and told a story about learning health specialty practice. On the other hand, correctional
a lesson in trust from his father. settings are unique practice settings with unique contextual
Roger’s father and other relatives were in and out of jails features. This chapter examines occupational therapy men-
and prisons throughout Roger’s childhood, and his father tal health practice in forensic settings. It begins by present-
drifted in and out of his life. When Roger was in fifth grade, ing a broad picture of incarceration in the United States and
his father rejoined the family after being released from prison. a description of the various correctional settings. The lived
One day, Roger came home from school to find his father experience of incarceration is then considered through a lens
repairing a window with an 8-foot stepladder set up next to of occupation and environment. The chapter closes with a
the house. When he saw Roger, his father called him over and review of occupational therapy programming in correc-
told him to put down his bookbag and climb to the top of the tional settings.
ladder. Roger did as he was told, and when he got to the top,
his father instructed him to jump, assuring Roger that he
would catch him. Roger jumped, but his father did not catch
him. Roger recalled how his father then beat him, and when
Incarceration in the United States
the beating stopped, his father hugged him and told him, In the early 1970s, the incarceration rate in the United States
“Son, I just taught you a very important lesson—trust no one. began to grow by 6% each year; it has continued to grow at
When you do a job, do it alone, because you can keep your this pace for nearly 35 years (Travis, 2005). As of January 2008,
own secret, but you can never, ever trust a partner.” The “job” the number of men and women incarcerated in the United
Roger’s father was referring to was criminal activity. States is nearly 2.3 million, or 1 in every 100 Americans (Pew
Everyone has a story. Occupational therapists are chal- Charitable Trust, 2008). If you add the number of people who
lenged to elicit and understand each person’s story, to situate are serving probation sentences or are on parole, then that
the story in sociocultural and environmental context, and to number jumps to nearly 7.5 million (Bureau of Justice Statis-
recognize the meanings inherent in the experiences and tics, 2009). The rate of incarceration in the United States
events the storyteller shares. However, as Peter Thompson’s easily exceeds every other nation in the world (King’s College,
quote suggests, it is difficult for most people to connect with 2007). As shown in Figure 37-1, the U.S. incarceration rate is
“bad guys” or criminal characters in a story. Working in a four times higher than the imprisonment rate in the United
forensic setting (a setting pertaining to or connected with Kingdom; six and seven times higher than the rates in China
the correctional system) requires a unique skill set, attitude, and France, respectively; more than 10 times the rate in Japan;
and perspective. As in all settings of occupational therapy and 20 times the rate in India.
practice, we are most effective when we get to know the peo- More prisoners require more correctional facilities. To
ple we work with emotionally and spiritually. We can also accommodate this incredible growth, the number of state
make better treatment decisions when we seek to understand prisons in the United States has nearly doubled in the past
the socioenvironmental context that influences the person’s 30 years, expanding from 592 in 1973 to over 1,023 in 2000
day-to-day occupations. (Lawrence & Travis, 2004). A number of factors might
1704_Ch37_526-545.qxd 7/8/10 7:45 PM Page 527

CHAPTER 37 ■ Mental Health Practice in Forensic Settings 527

International Incarceration Rates Per 100,000 of the National Population



Number of Individuals Incarcerated 600






U.S. Russia Belarus South Mexico England China France Japan India
FIGURE 37-1. International incarceration rates per 100,000 of the national population. Data from King’s
College, London, International Centre for Prison Studies Prison Brief—lowest to highest rates. Available at: (accessed May 5, 2007).

explain this sustained growth in the prison population; tougher supervision of persons who had been incarcerated
however, a considerably higher rate of crime is not one of after their release from prison (Travis, 2005). Imprisonment
them. A primary contributing factor is the shift toward rates have leveled off in some states recently, but the overall
tougher sentencing and corrections policies, which include number of incarcerated persons in the United States contin-
mandatory sentencing guidelines and “three strikes” laws ues to grow despite evidence that increased imprisonment
that require life sentences for those who commit violent does not reduce crime (Magnani & Wray, 2006).
crimes. Other factors include the abolition of parole boards Table 37-1 provides a list of common terms used in the
in many states, stricter approaches to drug enforcement, and correctional system.

Table 37-1 ● A Corrections Vocabulary

Term Definition
Acquitted A judgment that the defendant is not guilty of the offense(s).
Adjudication The formal pronouncement of a judgment.
Appeal A defendant’s (person charged with a crime) petition for a rehearing in an appellate court (a court that has the jurisdiction
to review decisions of a lower court).
Bail bond A financial obligation signed by the accused to ensure he or she appears at trial. The accused will lose this money if he or
she does not appear for the trial.
Bench warrant A judge’s order for the arrest of a person.
Community reintegration planning Planning a prisoner’s return to the community in a law-abiding role. Effective planning requires interagency coordination.
Ideally, community reintegration planning should begin when the person is incarcerated, follow the offender through
release, and provide aftercare.
Correctional officer (CO) A person who maintains custody and security of offenders, usually within the confines of a correctional institution.
Deposition Testimony of a witness or a party taken under oath outside the courtroom.
Disposition, Court The action taken as a result of the defendant’s court appearance (e.g., dismissed, acquitted, convicted or sentenced,
placed on probation).
Diversion A disposition before or after adjudication but before sentencing; the court diverts the defendant from incarceration to
participation in a work, educational, or rehabilitation program.
Felony A crime punishable by imprisonment or death in a state prison.
Forensic psychiatry The branch of psychiatry focusing on the study of crime and criminality.
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528 PART 3 ■ Environment

Table 37-1 ● A Corrections Vocabulary—cont’d

Term Definition
Halfway or transitional house A transitional facility where the offender lives and is involved in school, work, training, and so on, while stabilizing for
reentry to the community.
Misdemeanor An offense that is less serious than a felony but punishable by a fine and/or incarceration, usually in a local confinement
facility, typically for a year or less.
Parole A period of control and monitoring that follows an offender’s release from incarceration.
Probation A judicial sentence of community-based supervision or a requirement that a person fulfill certain conditions of behavior in
lieu of incarceration; probation may sometimes include a fine, a jail sentence, or both.
Recidivism Repetition of criminal behavior resulting in a return to incarceration.
Recidivism rate The percentage of offenders who were released from incarceration and rearrested for a new crime.
Relapse prevention Strategies aimed at training substance abusers in coping and other skills that help them to diminish stress and ignore
environmental triggers that can lead them back into drug use or other criminal activity.
Work release An alternative to continuous incarceration whereby offenders work for pay in the community but return to the correctional
institution during nonworking hours.
Note: Definitions were adapted and based on information from multiple sources, including Cybrary files provided by Frank Schmalleger retrieved from glossary.htm; Criminal Justice Glossary retrieved from; Criminal Justice Profile retrieved from
healthysmc/12/glossary.html; and Criminal Justice Glossary retrieved from

Correctional Settings The physical environment varies among jails, but most
are structured so that minimum-, medium-, and maximum-
Broadly speaking, a correctional setting could be a prison security-level inmates are housed on different floors. De-
or penitentiary, jail, boot camp, prison farm, forestry or pending on the facility, there will be more or less designated
conservation camp, youth offender facility, forensic hospi- areas for medical, mental health, educational, or drug and
tal, drug and alcohol treatment facility, state-operated local alcohol programs. Each floor includes space for staff offices
detention center, halfway house, or community corrections and some have an open multi-purpose or gym area.
facility. Jails, prisons, forensic hospitals, and community Eggers, Muñoz, Sciulli, and Crist (2006) described the
corrections settings are each briefly described here. physical structure of a county jail where occupational ther-
apy is a key component of a community reintegration pro-
gram. In this setting, each floor of the jail was subdivided
Jails into cellblocks or “pods.” A common area allowed for some
Jails often serve as a person’s entry point into the correctional interaction among offenders. In general, activities were lim-
system. In most states, jails are local correctional facilities ited to watching television, playing cards or table games,
operated by a city, a county, or a consortium of counties reading, writing letters, talking on the payphone, and play-
rather than by the federal or state government. Jails confine ing basketball or walking in the small gym area on the pod.
persons before or after adjudication (that is, before or after Jails are mandated to provide basic mental health screening,
they have been convicted). Adjudication is often a complex and some jails have beds designated for inmates with mental
process of criminal court proceedings that results in sen- illness, but the availability of comprehensive mental health
tencing. Therefore, people in jail may be awaiting arraign- services in jails (e.g., crisis intervention, referral services,
ment or a trial, or they may be in the process of being tried. ability to segregate consumers) varies considerably (American
Others may be jailed while waiting for a hearing on parole, Psychiatric Association, 2000).
probation, or bail revocation. Some people are confined in
jails temporarily while they await transfer to a juvenile facil- Prisons
ity, a state or federal prison, or an immigration facility. Some
people in jails have been convicted, while others may be State and federal prisons are secure institutions that confine
awaiting sentencing. Jails typically confine individuals who offenders who, in general, have been convicted of a felony
have been convicted and given a short sentence (i.e., less and have been sentenced for at least 1 year of incarceration.
than 2 years). Whether the person is sentenced to a state or federal prison
In some ways, jails are like a correctional distribution is primarily a function of whether he or she is convicted of
hub, filtering people to and from courts, community pro- committing a state or federal offense. Compared to jails,
grams, and other correctional institutions while simultane- prisons are generally more stable environments with much
ously holding a segment of the population who have already less movement in and out of the facility. A primary objective
been convicted and sentenced. In addition to those arrested of any prison facility is to confine the offender and protect
or convicted, there is a steady stream of family members; vis- the safety of the public, the prisoners, and the correctional
itors; and legal, social, and faith-based human service per- staff.
sonnel moving in and out of jails, all of whom must adhere People in prison experience a longer separation from
to visitation protocols and are subjected to scrutiny and the community than those who are incarcerated in jails or
searches. This constant movement of people in and out can in community programs. Thus, the social and psychologi-
make jail settings very busy. cal adjustment of incarceration, as well as issues relating to
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CHAPTER 37 ■ Mental Health Practice in Forensic Settings 529

The Lived Experience

Joel “When you want to plant a flower, you can’t just stick a seed
The following comments come from an ex-offender who suc- in dirt and expect it to grow. You gotta put it in the right dirt,
cessfully completed the Community Reintegration Project. He gotta have a good seed, you have to water . . . combination
was asked to write a story for this chapter but chose instead to of things have to happen. The first thing that has to happen is
deliver a tape with his musings and commentary on topics he that you have to want to inside. That’ll get you clean, but it
had reviewed in the occupational therapy program. His com- won’t keep you clean. Now, to stay clean, you gotta discipline
ments therefore do not appear in a sequential story but instead yourself.”
are organized topically. He hopes they provide some insights to the
lived experience of community reintegration for an ex-offender. Joel’s Comments on his Family
Joel (a pseudonym) is a 43-year-old white male who has been and Social Environments
convicted and sentenced for various crimes since he was a “My dad was in prison for armed robbery, drugs’ and alcohol,
teenager. He has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and has but he’s been 28 years of sobriety and, uh, he didn’t want noth-
battled substance abuse for 27 years. He is the single father of ing to do with me . . . and my mother once told me, ‘Why don’t
a 14-year-old son. His wife died of an overdose when the child you fill out a donor’s card?’ and so I say, ‘What for?’ and she
was 7 years old. Joel has been clean and sober for nearly says, ‘Sell your arms—you got thousands of dollars invested in
4 years. A multitude of factors are necessary to support success- them. Maybe when you die someone will want to get high off
ful reentry into the community. The following comments of them.’ You know, all things considered, I think I am doing
are provided by Joel and are a collection of his thoughts on com- pretty good. If you plant a turnip you get a turnip, if you plant a
munity, family, work, and the social environment. carrot you get a carrot. I come from two nuts, what did you ex-
pect to get?”
Joel’s Strategies for Reintegration “My dad was into numbers and used to collect money for
“I avoid my relatives. Anybody, any of my friends in the past that people. . . . He used to hurt people and he always had card
used drugs.” games at the house. My uncles were cocaine dealers and drug
“In the program, the counselors would tell you, ‘There’s 20 of dealers, and when I was 14 years old, I bought a brand new
you in here, maybe one or two of you might make it.’ They were truck, car, motorcycle. I quit school. I come from basically a fam-
right. I used to see the same faces coming back in. I told my- ily of criminals.”
self right then and there, I’m going to be the one [who remains “I can’t keep running in and out my son’s life. ’Cause how you
out of jail].” think a kid feels when their dad is not around? ‘Oh, there goes
“I know people’s gonna sit up there and say, ‘Oh, I can’t dad, he’s gone again.’ It’s not good for the kid, I can speak from
find a job, no one will hire me, you can’t find this, you can’t find experience on that one.”
that. . . .’ You got to make your own way.” “People, places, and things. You can’t go back into the
“You have to work hard. Everybody is proud of a paycheck. same environment. You can’t go into a bar and drink a pop. I
I know mine’s not gonna equal theirs [from selling on the street], cannot go to, like, my relatives still sell drugs, use drugs. I
but who has to walk around and worry? Not me, ’cause all mine haven’t visited them since I got outta jail. No. People, places, and
is legal. All his is illegal.” things will get you in trouble.”

transitions to and from prison, are often different for those security towers, fences and other security barriers, electronic
in prison. Prisons are mandated to provide a basic level of detection devices, and staff-to-prisoner ratios. Health care
psychiatric service, but the frequency, quality, and avail- service delivery, including mental health care, is determined
ability of these services can vary among institutions (Beck by both physical and procedural limitations these security
& Maruschak, 2001). Basic services in prisons typically in- levels designate.
clude screening at intake and psychotropic medications
(Thigpen, Hunter, & Ortiz, 2001). Only about 10% of all High-Security Prisons
inmates identified as mentally ill receive 24-hour care in Some of the most dangerous offenders are housed in high-
specialized psychiatric units (Beck & Maruschak, 2001). In security prison facilities. The physical environment at such
fact, the majority of prisons do not have dedicated beds for facilities is usually set up with the prisoners’ cells and facili-
prisoners with mental illness. Mentally ill prisoners are ties in the center of the institution with a series of physical
managed within the prison milieu, or the prison arranges and structural barriers between these facilities and the
for services at state-operated or other forensic hospitals, outer perimeter of the institution. Beginning in the 1990s,
which provide treatment then return the offenders to several states constructed administrative-maximum, or “super-
prison when they are stabilized. maximum,” prisons with the sole function of incapacitating
Prisons are classified by their level of security. The offenders, particularly those with violent histories and
U.S. Federal Bureau of Prisons (2006) designates levels of records of escape. These super-max prisons are designed
security as high, medium, low, and minimum security with very limited space for treatment programs. It is not
according to the presence of various security features in the unusual for prisoners to be detained in their 8-foot by 10-foot
institution. Security features include armed external patrols, cell for all but 1 hour each day (Banks, 2005).
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530 PART 3 ■ Environment

In high-security and super-maximum prisons, offenders psychiatric confinement. Less than 1% (n = 12) of all adult
can be confined for long periods of the day, and when they correctional facilities identified mental health psychiatric
are allowed out of their cells, they remain in the cellblock or confinement as their primary function. (Beck & Maruschak,
in an exterior cage. Each cell has a toilet bolted to the floor, 2001). Approaches for managing the prisoner who is severely
and prisoners are typically allowed up to three 10-minute mentally ill vary considerably among facilities. Some correc-
showers a week. Movement is tightly restricted, and movement tional settings house such prisoners separately only when the
out of the cellblock does not occur without further restric- inmate is in crisis or acutely symptomatic; when the prisoner
tions such as handcuffs, leg irons, and correctional officer exhibits severe decompensation in the general population;
escorts. These facilities have both multiple- and single- or when the person is considered dangerous, suicidal, or at
prisoner cells and the highest staff-to-inmate ratio of all significant risk of self-harm (Thigpen et al, 2001).
prisons. Many prisons and jails transfer the most severely men-
tally ill offenders to secure units in state mental hospitals or
Medium-Security Prisons private or public secure psychiatric hospitals. Secure forensic
Medium-security prisons provide more opportunity for hospitals also treat offenders who are judged incompetent to
movement, activity, and interaction among prisoners. stand trial, who are not guilty because of insanity, or who are
Inmates typically have access to a prison yard and exercise found guilty but mentally ill (Snively & Dressler, 2005).
areas, libraries, showers, health care services, and other Within secure forensic hospitals there is great diversity in the
facilities. The perimeter of a medium security prison is mental health treatment programming; some facilities have
usually double fenced, patrolled by armed guards, and set considerable resources and space directed toward mental
with electronic detection systems (U.S. Federal Bureau of health services and programming, while others have much
Prisons, 2006). Medium-security prisons often have a wide less (Thigpen et al, 2001). Some forensic units are housed
variety of work-oriented and treatment programs. In some in state hospitals, and here occupational therapists will
medium-security prisons, offenders sleep in dormitories encounter many of the same resources found in large men-
and have access to communal showers, toilets, and sinks. tal health institutions. Security concerns will always add a
Given these opportunities for movement within the facil- layer of watchfulness, protection, and safety, but occupa-
ity, correctional officers primarily monitor the population tional therapists may offer comprehensive programming
through a head count, which occurs several times through- such as life skill, prevocational, or social skills training
out the day. (Snively & Dressler, 2005).

Low-Security and Minimum-Security Prisons Community Corrections

Low- and minimum-security prisons also have consistent
security routines, but prisoners generally have many oppor- Community-based correctional settings may be considered
tunities for movement and interaction. Work and treatment in two ways:
programs are common. There is often more open space, and 1. As a residential or nonresidential setting where of-
some institutions even have windows. While the perimeter fenders are sent as an alternative to incarceration; this
in a low-security prison may be double fenced, it is not usu- approach is called diversion.
ally patrolled by armed guards; minimum-security prisons 2. As a residential reentry setting where offenders may be
may not have perimeter fencing at all. Offenders in these set- placed just prior to or upon release; reentry centers
tings may work on agricultural, transportation, or conserva- provide a structured, supervised environment and sup-
tion projects. Low- and minimum-security prisons are often port in job placement, counseling, and other services.
situated close to higher-security institutions or on military
bases. This placement in a complex of correctional institu- Diversion
tions allows opportunities for inmates to serve the labor People who commit less serious crimes, first-time offenders,
needs of the other institutions while also allowing for effi- and offenders with mental illnesses can be diverted from
cient training and use of prison staff (U.S. Federal Bureau of prosecution and incarceration provided they meet guide-
Prisons, 2006). lines for completing work, drug, or mental health treatment
Beck and Maruschak (2001) reported that nearly one- programs. Upon successful completion of the treatment,
third of the correctional settings that reported offering no their records may be expunged or the original charges
mental health services were minimum-security confinement against them may be dropped. Decisions on diversion occur
facilities. This finding may reflect the expectation that of- locally by a judge or, in some cases, jail wardens and trained
fenders will receive mental health services in the community correctional staff. Diversion programs can take many forms.
upon release. However, the lack of transitional mental health An offender can be sentenced to community service or a
services between correction facilities and the community is weekend reporting program; can be monitored electroni-
cited as a notable weakness in mental health service for pris- cally; or can be referred to a mental health treatment pro-
oners (Beck & Maruschak, 2001, Massaro, 2005; Thigpen gram or work release program. These types of programs
et al, 2001). monitor offenders to ensure they complete victim restitu-
tion or community service, follow through with educational
Forensic Hospitals or vocational training, or participate in the drug or mental
health treatment as sentenced. Failure to complete the pro-
In a 2000 census of mental health treatment in state prisons, gram results in incarceration.
less than 10% of the 1,558 adult correctional facilities in the A more recent development in the U.S. correctional sys-
United States reported that they specialized in mental health tem that directly addresses the needs of the mentally ill
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CHAPTER 37 ■ Mental Health Practice in Forensic Settings 531

offender is the emergence of mental health courts. In mental the bus was “talking to him.” He was not having an auditory
health courts, the criminal justice system and the mental hallucination. He was just unaccustomed to the electronic
health system collaborate to address the needs of nonviolent monitoring and voice systems on the bus, which told him to
offenders diagnosed with mental illnesses (Bureau of Justice move away from the door and announced the next stop. He
Assistance, 2007). There are over 150 mental health courts got so unnerved that he got off the bus and returned to the
operating in the United States (Bureau of Justice Assistance, reentry center.
2007), and their primary goal is to use mental health treat- While the level of security at community reentry centers
ment options instead of criminal sanctions to address the varies, it is like a minimum-security setting, and multiple
needs of the mentally ill offender (Brazelton Center for strategies are used to monitor the movements of the resi-
Mental Health Law, 2007). The basic idea of the mental dents. Like jail and prison settings, community reentry cen-
health court is to connect people with mental illness to ters expect rigid adherence to a strict schedule, and periodic
the resources they need for medication, employment, social head counts are common. Residents must sign in and out of
functioning, housing, or other support services in lieu of the facility, and random calls or visits to employment sites
incarceration. are used to monitor their whereabouts. Random drug and
To understand how mental health courts work, consider alcohol tests can also be administered to people sentenced to
the story of Rondell, a thin man in his 40s who was found a community reentry center.
pacing in front of the local convention center. The conven- Community reentry centers provide assistance and train-
tion center was closed and locked, but Rondell repeatedly ing that support employment by providing job-seeking
shook and banged on the doors. He carried with him a set of classes, organizing job fairs, and developing connections
crumpled folders containing various papers; periodically, with local employers and industries willing to hire people
he took one out and read from it in a loud, angry voice. with criminal histories. These settings also support residents
To passers-by, he appeared to be a one-man demonstration. as they look for housing. Once suitable housing is found,
After a while, he began kicking at one of the doors. Police a resident can be released from the reentry center but will
were called, and when Rondell failed to identify himself and continue to be monitored.
accused the officers of collaborating with the “landlord,” A critical component of community reentry center pro-
they moved in and informed him he was under arrest. Hear- gramming is substance abuse and mental health treatment
ing this, Rondell cowered down with his hands over his head, and counseling. Such services can be offered on site, or the
and as they approached, he flailed wildly, striking one of the reentry center may contract with local providers to deliver
officers in the side. these services. Community-based corrections settings may
Rondell was taken to jail to await a court appearance provide one of the best contexts for authentic occupational
on charges of vagrancy and unlawful trespass, resisting ar- therapy intervention. The focus on reintegrating into the daily
rest, and assaulting a police officer. If he goes to mental routines of community life and the development of the skill
health court instead of criminal court, it is likely that this sets necessary to support reintegration resonate with the basic
contact with the police will not result in extended incar- mission and philosophy on which the profession was
ceration and that Rondell will be connected to mental founded.
health services. Rondell can expect to agree to voluntary
inpatient or outpatient treatment, case management serv-
ices, and continued supervision for at least as long as he
would have been sentenced to incarceration. If Rondell Mental Illness and Incarceration
complies with these conditions, his charges will be dis- In 2000, the American Psychiatric Association, summarizing
missed or his sentence will be reduced. Rondell’s other research reports available at the time, estimated that as many
choice is to be incarcerated and await trial. While he waits, as 20% of all prisoners were seriously mentally ill and that
he will likely be offered a more basic level of mental health 5% were actively psychotic at any given moment (American
services. Psychiatric Association, 2000). More recent data from the
U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Statistics (James &
Community Reentry Centers Glaze, 2006), reveals two disturbing facts: (1) more than half
Reentry centers provide a structured and supervised resi- of the offenders in U.S. jails and prisons have a recent history
dential setting for offenders just prior to or after their release or symptoms of mental illness, and (2) the majority do
from prison. These settings assist residents with reintegra- not receive adequate treatment during their incarceration
tion planning, job placement, and financial management; (Box 37-1). The data in the Bureau of Statistics report were
help them to locate permanent housing; and connect resi- compiled from the Department of Justice 2004 Survey of
dents with an array of community services that can support Inmates in State and Federal Correction Facilities, the 2002
their return to the community. Survey of Inmates in Local Jails, and over 25,000 face-to-face
Such facilities may be particularly helpful for offenders interviews where symptoms were measured using selected
with extensive criminal histories who are returning to the questions from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
community after a prolonged period of incarceration. For Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision structured
these individuals, the social and psychological adjustment to clinical interviews. These interviews primarily focused on
community reintegration can be particularly difficult. For identifying symptoms associated with major depression,
example, one ex-offender related a story of how out of touch mania, and psychotic disorders. Inmates who refused or
he felt when he boarded a bus to attend a job interview after were unable to complete the survey were excluded from the
spending 20 years in prison. He had not taken public trans- studies, which suggests that these data may not be reflective
portation for decades and felt disoriented when he realized of those with the most severe and persistent mental illnesses.
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532 PART 3 ■ Environment

BOX 37-1 ■ Prevalence of Mental Health BOX 37-2 ■ Mental Health Treatment
Problems in Prison/Jail Inmates in U.S. Correctional Facilities

The data reported here are based on a December 2006 Bureau The data reported here are based on the 2000 Census of State
of Justice Statistics Report that summarized findings from the and Federal Adult Correctional Facilities, which includes data
2004 Survey of Inmates in State and Federal Correction Facilities from nearly 1,700 federal, state, and private correctional facilities.
and the 2002 Survey of Inmates in Local Jails. ■ State correctional facilities (95%) reported available mental health
■ Inmates with mental health problems most frequently reported screening and treatment services more often than community-
symptoms of mania (44.3%), major depression (23.1%), and based facilities (82%).
psychosis (18.5%) in the 12 months prior to being interviewed. ■ On average, 10% of all offenders in all facilities were receiving
■ Women inmates in both prisons (73%) and jails (75%) had psychotropic medications. This rate was 20% in five states and
higher rates of mental health problems than did men in prisons was reduced by half (5%) in community-based facilities.
(55%) or jails (63%). ■ Most of the inmates (66%) receiving therapy, counseling, or
■ Approximately three fourths of all inmates in prisons and jails medications were housed in facilities that did not specialize in
with mental health problems met DSM criteria for substance providing mental health services in the correctional setting.
abuse or substance dependence. ■ Approximately two-thirds (63%) of all correctional facilities were
■ Inmates in jails (60%) had a higher rate of mental health prob- equipped to provide 24-hour mental health care. Community
lems than did inmates in state (49%) or federal (40%) correc- settings were least likely to provide 24-hour care; referral to
tional facilities. community mental health services was the most common men-
tal health care provided by community settings.
Data summarized from U.S. Department of Justice (2006). “Mental
Health Problems of Prison and Jail Inmates.” Bureau of Justice Statistics Data summarized from U.S. Department of Justice. (2001). “Mental
Special Report, December 14. Available at: Health Treatment in State Prisons.” Bureau of Justice Statistics Special
pub/pdf/mhtppji.pdf (accessed March 2, 2007). Report, July. Available at:
mhtsp00.pdf (accessed March 2, 2007).

Jails and prisons operate as de facto front-line mental

health providers but are often ill-equipped to provide qual- those accused or convicted of breaking the law. Social
ity mental health care (Box 37-2). The most likely type of justice refers to the ideal of a just society, one in which
psychiatric treatment inmates with mental illness receive social relations and social conditions are fair and equal,
during their incarceration is medication (James & Glaze, particularly in regard to the poorest and most marginal-
2006). Recent studies have reported a higher number of ized members of society. “Occupational justice has been
offenders with documented mental illness in jails than in described as the recognition of, and provision for, the oc-
prisons (James & Glaze, 2006; Magnani & Wray, 2006). Jail cupational needs of individuals and communities, as part
environments in particular, being more transient in nature of a fair and empowering society” (Watson, 2005, p. 56).
than prisons, typically lack adequate mental health screening Occupational therapists working in correctional systems
and mental health services (Human Rights Watch, 2003). As must have a clear grounding in these three dimensions of
a result, offenders in jails are less likely than offenders in justice.
prisons to receive mental health treatment. Magnani and Wray (2006) advocate that criminal be-
There is clear evidence that the number of people with havior be examined from a broad social and ecological
mental illness in U.S. jails and prisons is substantial. The in- perspective.
formation reported in Box 37-2 reflects criminal justice insti-
tutions’ inability to provide sufficient mental health services Incarceration is big business with increasing resources spent
to offenders. It also provides evidence of an inadequate com- to warehouse poor behind bars rather then addressing issues
munity mental health system that lacks the resources to serve of violence, affordable housing, equal quality education and
some of the neediest segments of the population, including universal healthcare as a human right or other healthcare
people who are poor, mentally ill, and/or homeless. For many resources that would improve daily life in marginalized
people, prison may present them with their first opportunity communities. Instead incarceration has a ripple effect that
to access substance abuse treatment or mental health coun- further strains and debilitates individuals, families, and
seling as well as other aspects of health care. However, health communities with the fewest resources. (p. 36)
services and service delivery is generally inadequate (Human When occupational therapists examine criminal behav-
Rights Watch, 2003), and any meager efforts at mental health ior, and more important, how to diminish such behavior,
care service can be abruptly terminated once a person leaves from a broad sociocultural perspective, it requires practi-
the correctional institution. tioners to consider the complex social, political, psycho-
logical, and economic realities that impact criminal behavior
law enforcement and penal responses to such behaviors.
Sociocultural Context We can start this examination by asking ourselves, “What
of Incarceration type of person is incarcerated in our jails and prisons?”
The burgeoning prison population in the United States
The term criminal justice usually refers to the network of can be easily described by attending to key sociocultural
police, who enforce laws; the courts, which interpret and demographics such as gender, race, and economics. For the
apply the laws; and correctional institutions, which hold most part, people in U.S. correctional systems are poor,
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male, racial and ethnic minorities. The typical offender has a (Bloom, Owen, & Covington, 2003). Some studies have
history of poverty, substance abuse, mental illness, and reported that the rate of serious mental illness for women
learning disability (Box 37-3). It is likely that the offender in jails is nearly double the rate for men (National GAINS
grew up in a poorer community with few environmental Center, 2002). The constellation of problems that women in
resources, limited access to quality health care and educa- jails and prisons present is complex and can include issues
tion, and diminished political power (Magnani & Wray, relating to child rearing, parenting, physical and mental
2006). People in prison are more likely to have dropped out health, violence, physical and sexual abuse, and trauma.
of and been unsuccessful in school and are less likely to have Teplin, Abram, and McClelland (1996) estimated that up to
pursued vocational education or college (Bernstein & Houston, one-third of the women entering jails have been diagnosed
2000). People who are incarcerated often come from mar- with posttraumatic stress disorder at some point in their
ginalized communities with high rates of crime. When they lives. Since 1990, the population of female prisoners in U.S.
are released, they often return to these same communities, jails and prisons has doubled, and the growth rate of female
adding to the already heavy concentrations of previously prisoners is expected to outpace the growth rate of male
incarcerated persons (Travis, 2005). prisoners by 2011 (Beck & Harrison, 2001).
In every state in the United States, the proportion of A growing proportion of the offender population in the
blacks in prison exceeds the proportion of blacks in the gen- United States is incarcerated youths. While the age of 18 is
eral population (Human Rights Watch, 2002). Estimates sug- still the threshold for a person to automatically come under
gest that racial and ethnic minorities make up two-thirds of the jurisdiction of the adult criminal justice system, a person
the prison population, and three-fourths of all persons in who is at least 14 years old can be tried and convicted as an
prison for nonviolent drug offenses are people of color (The adult in almost every state in the union (Griffin, Torbet, &
Sentencing Project, 2003). In 2008, the national rate of Szymanski, 1998; Sickmund, 2003). In 10 states, youths may
incarceration for white males was estimated to be 1 per 106. be tried and convicted as adults at the age of 17, and in three
Hispanic males were incarcerated at a rate of 1 per 36, and other states, the age is set at 16 (Hartney & Silva, 2007).
black males at a rate of 1 per 15 (Pew Charitable Trust, 2008). Youths in adult correction systems can expect a difficult
Incarceration rates for white, Hispanic, and black women road. They often do not receive the same level of rehabilita-
followed the same trend and were 1 per 355, 1 per 297, and tion services that are mandated in juvenile systems, and they
1 per 100, respectively (Pew Charitable Trust, 2008). are more likely to become victims when housed with adults
The typical female offender is a poor woman of color in correctional facilities (Hartney & Silva, 2007). When they
with substance dependence and mental health issues who is leave the correctional setting, these young people can have a
unemployed, undereducated, and a single mother of young very difficult time expunging their criminal record, which
children. She likely comes from a poor community that is can limit educational and employment opportunities (Western,
disproportionately affected by acts of violence. Her family Kling, & Weiman, 2001). The ethnic and racial disparities
lacks financial and often emotional resources, and she has seen in the adult offender population are also reflected in
other family members who have also been incarcerated youths who are incarcerated.
The U.S. correctional system is also full of offenders
who reoffend. Reoffense behavior is called recidivism. Travis
(2005) uses the term churners to refer to people who slip into a
BOX 37-3 ■ Contextual Factors of Incarceration cycle of release and reentry into the correctional system.
Churners repeatedly agitate in, around, and through the cor-
The data reported here is based on a December 2006 Bureau of rectional system. Current estimates suggest that two-thirds of
Justice Statistics Report that summarized findings from the 2004 offenders released from U.S. prisons are rearrested within
Survey of Inmates in State and Federal Correction Facilities and 3 years of their release (Travis, 2005). The first year postrelease
the 2002 Survey of Inmates in Local Jails. is a particularly critical time period. Nearly one-third of those
■ Inmates with mental health problems were twice as likely to have who return to a correctional institution do so within 6 months
been homeless before incarceration (13% compared to 6%), of their release, and nearly half return within the first year
twice as likely to have lived in a foster home or institution while (Langan & Levin, 2002). These statistics are alarming and
growing up (18% compared to 9%), and three times as likely to should prompt occupational therapists to consider whether
report a past history of physical or sexual abuse (24% compared occupational therapy can help ex-offenders develop prosocial
to 8%) than inmates without mental health problems.
occupational patterns that can reduce these high recidivism
■ Over one third (37%) of inmates with mental health problems re-
rates. The bottom line is that nearly every prisoner is eventu-
ported that they grew up with a parent who abused alcohol,
drugs, or both. This rate was nearly twice that of inmates with-
ally released. Unless an offender is sentenced to life imprison-
out mental health problems (19%). ment without parole, dies while incarcerated, or is given a
■ Incarceration of other family members was a common experi-
death sentence, he or she will be released; occupational therapy
ence for all inmates; however, inmates with mental health prob- can be an effective intervention to support reintegration.
lems (52%) reported past family history of incarceration more
often than state prisoners (41%) or jail inmates (36%) without
mental health problems. An Occupational Perspective
Data summarized from U.S. Department of Justice (2006). “Mental on Incarceration
Health Problems of Prison and Jail Inmates.” Bureau of Justice Statistics
Special Report, December 14. Available at: Under the best of environmental conditions, a person with
pub/pdf/mhtppji.pdf (accessed March 2, 2007). mental illness experiencing prolonged confinement may feel
isolated, bored, and frustrated at the lack of basic comforts.
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534 PART 3 ■ Environment

At its worst, the environment is one where a person may be

Evidence-Based Practice routinely victimized by others or constantly bombarded
with sensory stimulation.
P ope, Lovell, and Hsia (2002) completed a meta-analysis
(intensive, critical review of more than 30 studies) that
examined studies on race and the juvenile system published in
They [prisons] are tense and overcrowded places in
which all prisoners struggle to maintain their self-respect
professional academic journals and scholarly books from 1989 and emotional equilibrium despite omnipresent violence,
through 2001. The authors focused on empirical research stud- exploitation, and extortion; despite an utter lack of
ies that addressed the processing of minority youths within the privacy; stark limitations on family and community
juvenile justice system to examine the impact of race on decisions contacts; and the paucity of opportunities for education,
made in the juvenile justice system. meaningful work, or other productive, purposeful activities.
Key findings included the following: Prisoners with mental illness must survive as best they
➤ Nearly three-quarters of the studies (74%) showed negative can in frequently brutal and brutalizing environments
“race effects,” direct or indirect, at one stage or another in that they may be particularly ill-equipped to navigate.
the juvenile justice system process. (Human Rights Watch, 2003)
➤ A youth’s racial status made a difference at selected stages A small, cramped cell is an ineffective refuge from an over-
of juvenile processing.
crowded prison environment that lacks opportunities for
➤ Substantial differences were identified in how minority youths engagement in meaningful activity. The images in Figure 37-2
were processed within many juvenile justice systems. provide two visual examples of confinement spaces. Com-
➤ These findings were consistent across many of the studies pare and contrast the physical structure and the objects
and were independent of the type of research design that pictured in these environments to those that you have in your
was employed. own bedroom.
➤ The results of this meta-analysis supported the existence
of disparities in the juvenile justice processing but
could not specify the causes and mechanisms of these
Hartney and Silva (2007) updated a report originally pub-
lished in 2000 that examined the extent to which minority
youths are overrepresented in the criminal justice system. The
authors drew on previously published analyses and generated
their own original analyses. They also examined national data-
bases including statistics from the National Center for Health
Statistics, the FBI’s Uniform Crime reporting Program, and
U.S. Department of Justice reports.
Key findings included the following:
➤ After controlling for the type of offense, the authors found
that black youths are dealt with more severely at every stage
of the juvenile justice process than are white youths.
➤ Minority youths are more likely than white youths to be de-
tained by police, to be formally charged by prosecutors, and
to be sent to prison by a judge. A
➤ The negative impact of race is a cumulative effect that
gets compounded at every successive step in the criminal
justice system (from arrest to detainment to disposition to
sentencing, etc).
➤ Black youths charged with a violent crime but who had not
previously been to juvenile prison were nine times more likely
than white youths to be sentenced to prison.
➤ Black youths convicted of a drug offense and without a
prison record were 48 times more likely than white youths to
be sentenced to prison.

Hartney, C., & Silva, F. (2007). And justice for some: Differential treat-
ment of youth of color in the justice system. Washington DC: National
Council on Crime and Delinquency. Available at: http://www.nccd-crc
.org/nccd/ pubs/2007jan_justice_for_some.pdf (accessed March 1,
Pope, C. E., Lovell, R., & Hsia, H. M. (2002). Disproportionate minority
confinement: A review of the research literature from 1989 through 2001.
Washington, DC: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. B
Available at: (accessed
March 1, 2007). FIGURE 37-2. Two examples of confinement spaces. (A) Individual
cell at a county jail. (B) Dormitory room in community corrections site.
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CHAPTER 37 ■ Mental Health Practice in Forensic Settings 535

Mentally ill offenders may also have to endure corrections Although each of these concepts has relevance for under-
personnel and other offenders who stigmatize them, view standing and intervening with offenders in correctional
their mental illness as suspect, and label them as malinger- settings, occupational deprivation and occupational en-
ers. In a book documenting his experiences in prison, Victor gagement provide useful conceptual frameworks for de-
Hassine (1996) describes the difficulties people with mental signing skill-building and role-development interventions
illness have coping with day-to-day prison life. Correctional that support successful community reintegration postre-
officers often intimidate these prisoners into snitching on lease and, as such, necessitate further discussion here.
other offenders, which is a violation of the prisoners’ code,
while other offenders threaten or manipulate persons with Occupational Deprivation
mental illness into activities that result in serious prison rule
infractions. Some offenders try to avoid trouble by isolating Occupational deprivation has been defined as “the influ-
themselves in their cells, which often only serves to magnify ence of an external circumstance that keeps a person from
their disability and the stigmatization that accompanies it acquiring, using, or enjoying something” (Wilcock, 1998,
(Hassine, 1996). p. 145). It is a tacit dimension of the environment in correc-
The occupational science literature contains useful con- tional institutions. Whiteford (1997) completed an occupa-
cepts for deepening your understanding of how correc- tional needs assessment in a high-security Australian prison
tional environments limit engagement in occupation and and concluded that occupational deprivation not only
for designing individual and environmental interventions limited opportunities for participation in occupation while
to address these limitations. These concepts include occu- the person was incarcerated but could also pose significant
pational imbalance, occupational alienation, and occupa- barriers to successful community reintegration postrelease.
tional deprivation (Wilcock, 1998); occupational restric- She asserted that prisoners can become so estranged from
tion and reconciliation (Galvaan, 2005); occupational the occupational roles of community life that they lose the
apartheid (Kronenberg & Pollard, 2005); and occupational capacity to structure their time to meet the challenges of
enrichment (Molineux & Whiteford, 1999). You are en- community participation, which in turn significantly dimin-
couraged to examine the references cited here for a deeper ishes the likelihood of adaptive community reintegration.
understanding of each of these concepts. Brief definitions Two primary functions of correctional environments are
of each concept and examples of how they may be applied to confine and to control. As a result, offenders are often
to incarcerated populations are listed in Table 37-2. deprived of opportunities to engage in occupations that are

Table 37-2 ● Occupational Science Concepts Applied to Incarceration

Concept Definition Example of Concept Applied to Incarcerated Populations
Occupational “Sense of isolation, powerlessness, frustration, The primary need for correctional settings to control inmate behavior inevitably limits
alienation (Wilcock, loss of control, estrangement from society or occupational choices and creates conditions in which the everyday activities of life
1998) self as a result of engagement in occupation lack meaning or purpose. It is difficult to feel connected, to create, to feel productive,
which does not satisfy inner needs” (p. 257). or to have a sense of purpose in environments where the daily rhythm of life is
monotonous and repetitive. Even occupations that may be allowed and that once
provided pleasure and meaning, such as reading or physical activity, lose meaning
when they become the only choice in a mundane routine.
Occupational “Refers to the segregation of groups of people Applied to incarcerated populations, this concept challenges occupational therapists
apartheid (Kronenberg through the restriction or denial of access to to examine the social, economic, and political conditions that deny or restrict
& Pollard, 2005) dignified and meaningful participation in opportunities for occupational and social participation for some populations, such
occupations of daily life on the basis of race, as the undereducated, the poor, immigrants, and the mentally ill. In addition, there
color, disability, national origin, age, gender, is growing recognition that the high recidivism rates for offenders in the U.S.
sexual preference, religion, political beliefs, correctional systems demands a reexamination of correctional policies. Nonetheless,
status in society, or other characteristics” many U.S. citizens continue to believe that prison environments should restrict
(p. 67). access to activity and that prisoners should be denied such occupations.
Occupational “Deprivation of occupational choice and diversity Occupational deprivation is an implicit characteristic of correctional settings, particularly
deprivation because of circumstances beyond the control of those with higher security levels. That is, restriction in occupational choice is the
(Wilcock, individuals or communities” (p. 257). “Deprivation standard operating procedure of institutions that confine prisoners, systematically
1998) is distinguished from a disruption in occupational denying an offender’s need for meaningful and health-promoting occupations.
choice because it is a process that occurs over a
long period of time” (Whiteford, 1997).
Occupational “The deliberate manipulation of environments to Relative to prisoner populations, occupational enrichment refers to direct interventions
enrichment facilitate and support engagement in a range of in the social, physical, and cultural environment that address occupational deprivation.
(Molineux & occupations congruent with those that the
Whiteford, 1999) individual might normally perform” (p. 127).
Occupational “A lack of balance or disproportion of occupation In correctional institutions, the environment creates conditions that can significantly limit
imbalance resulting in decreased well-being” (p. 257). the opportunity for a person to be involved in a balance of physical, mental, social, and
(Wilcock, 1998) restful occupations. The constriction of both choice of occupations and opportunities to
engage in occupations can negatively influence an offender’s health and wellbeing
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536 PART 3 ■ Environment

Table 37-3 ● Occupational Science Concepts Applied to Incarceration—cont’d

Concept Definition Example of Concept Applied to Incarcerated Populations
Occupational This concept describes a person’s submissive Prisoners’ lack of opportunity to develop their potential as a result of loneliness, lack
reconciliation response to stifling environmental conditions. of stimulation, and limited resources can lead them to “give way to their circumstances
(Galvaan, 2005) and engage in limited occupations because of their restricted opportunities” (p. 436).
Occupational This concept describes a sense of devaluation In prison environments, systematic denial of occupation and the external control over
restriction experienced by domestic workers whose basic choices can lead many offenders to devalue themselves and the occupations in
(Galvaan, 2005) occupational choices are severely controlled by which they engage.
their employers’ needs. Occupational restriction
leaves a person feeling as if they have no control,
no choices, and no options for engaging the
environment except as organized and controlled
by the correctional institution’s needs.

necessary or meaningful. The end result of occupational showering, security checks, staff shift changes, and lights
deprivation can include diminished capacities, reduced self- out. In some settings, in-house jobs such as cooking or
efficacy, and significant loss of identity as a citizen of washing dishes in the staff cafeteria, janitorial tasks, laundry,
the community (Whiteford, 1997; 2000). Whiteford’s needs and assisting in a library may be available to well-disciplined
assessment of a maximum-security prison concluded that offenders on the recommendation of correctional officers.
for mentally ill offenders, occupational deprivation may Classes (such as adult literacy, GED, or computer instruc-
actually increase psychiatric symptoms. tion), religious services, recovery support groups, and rein-
tegration education may also offer some diversion from the
It was our assessment that the environment that had
consistent routine.
been created to ensure the safety of inmates and wardens
As occupational therapists, however, we know that activ-
and to better manage acute disorientation and brief
ities that lack personal and cultural meaning for an individ-
psychotic episodes had in itself contributed to a situation
ual cannot be considered occupation. Simply adding objects
where vulnerable inmates were more likely to experience
or opportunities in the physical or social environment will
these phenomenon. (1997, p. 129)
not necessarily result in a sense of meaning or purpose.
Meaningful occupation is in the mind and being of the indi-
Occupational Enrichment vidual. Films about prison life often provide excellent exam-
ples of this point. For example, the Stephen King story The
Close your eyes for a moment and envision the ideal thera- Green Mile describes a year in the lives and deaths of guards
peutic environment for offenders with severe and persistent and inmates on a death row in a Louisiana prison in the
mental illness. Make special note of the social environment. 1930s. One inmate awaiting death, named Del, captures and
Who is there, what do they look like, and what are they do- trains a small mouse to do tricks. For Del, the training of this
ing? How do they interact with one another? Pay attention to mouse is his meaningful occupation. The training occupies
the details of the physical environment. What materials are his time, provides him immense pleasure, and even offers
used in the built environment? How are they arranged? What opportunities for socialization with the other prisoners
opportunity for activity does the physical space invite? What and guards as Del encourages others to watch his mouse,
colors are used? How are plants or natural light part of the Mr. Jingles, perform tricks.
context? What are the prominent symbols and artifacts in the This example illustrates that the underlying principle of
environment? Now compare what you visualized with your individualizing occupational interventions to the person
understanding of what the physical and social environment and his or her unique environmental context applies to men
of a correctional institution might be like. It is critical for oc- and women in correctional settings as well. Expanding
cupational therapists to consider how to influence the envi- opportunities for engagement in self-care, leisure, and pro-
ronmental context of correctional institutions to provide ductive activities is one strategy for occupational enrichment.
opportunities for meaningful engagement in occupation. However, there are several unique challenges to incorporat-
Molineux and Whiteford (1999) offer the concept of oc- ing occupational enrichment in correctional settings. To be-
cupational enrichment as a guiding principle to enhance gin with, it is difficult to find ways to individualize interven-
correctional settings where occupational deprivation is a tions in a context where conformity is valued as a method
consistent characteristic of the environment. Occupational for confinement and control. Another challenge lies in find-
enrichment is “the deliberate manipulation of environ- ing ways to influence the physical and social environment
ments to facilitate and support engagement in a range of when a consistent characteristic of the environment is to se-
occupations congruent with those that the individual might verely restrict the offender’s capacity to gain any measure of
normally perform” (p. 127). Criminal justice settings place control over the environment. Finally, it is difficult to define
significant restrictions on inmates’ opportunities for engage- ways for offenders to have choice over how they orchestrate
ment in meaningful activities. The typical daily routine their daily routine in an environmental context where nearly
in all correctional settings, but particularly in the most every activity is completed in a manner dictated by the
secure settings, is structured by a strict schedule for meals, correctional institution. The following quote from Whiteford’s
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CHAPTER 37 ■ Mental Health Practice in Forensic Settings 537

analysis of a medium-security prison environment should correctional settings, these concepts need to be further
help you see both the necessity of enabling occupations in cor- defined (O’Connell & Farnworth, 2007). Occupational
rectional environments and the impact that even simple therapists will need to generate the research evidence that
changes in the environment can produce. bolsters arguments that humans have occupational natures
and that deprivation negatively influences health and well-
There was, however, one very bright spot on the daily
being. Research evidence is also needed that demonstrates
occupation horizon. That was the fish tank, which some
that occupational enrichment can result in observable and
enlightened prison administrator had had installed a
measurable outcomes that mitigate the negative effects of
year before we arrived. Such was the power of being
incarceration and support successful reentry for prisoners
involved in any of the occupations associated with the fish
(e.g., feeding and cleaning) that the inmates would swap
privileges, food, and even the main currency of the
prison—cigarettes—in order to have more time on fish
care. Staff reported inmates being up before 4:30 a.m., Occupational Therapy
dressed and waiting for their turn to feed the fish. (p. 128)
In the United Kingdom, where occupational therapists
Programming in Correctional
have a long history of contributing to the rehabilitation of Settings
offenders, practitioners were part of an interdisciplinary
team that defined standards of quality care in four medium- Forensic mental health is an area of practice that is beginning
security units (Allured, 2005). The standards were developed to be discussed more frequently in occupational therapy pro-
and fine-tuned on the basis of 2-day onsite visits to each fessional journals, textbooks, and educational programs
medium-security unit in the region. Many of these stan- within the United States. It is easy to find entire journals
dards, listed in Box 37-4, specifically addressed the environ- specifically addressing forensic practice in the disciplines of
mental context and opportunities for meaningful engage- nursing, psychology, or psychiatry (e.g., Journal of Forensic
ment in daily occupations. The standards were used to Psychology Practice, American Journal of Forensic Psychiatry,
evaluate 17 medium-security units across England. If the en- and Journal of Forensic Nursing). In occupational therapy,
vironmental standards were met, these interventions could however, the evidence-based literature in corrections is rela-
alleviate some of the effects of occupational deprivation. tively small, but descriptions of individual practitioner’s
experiences as well as group interventions with various sub-
sets of prisoner populations can be found (O’Connell &
Future Directions Farnworth, 2007). In addition, occupational therapists in the
Although occupational deprivation and engagement may United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and Africa have been de-
be very relevant conceptual frameworks for occupational veloping and describing some of their intervention methods
therapists to contribute to intervention and policy within with incarcerated populations for some time (Eggers et al,
2006; Mountain, 1998). Despite the cultural and correctional
system differences in these countries, these descriptions serve
as important resources for the development of occupational
therapy practice in U.S. forensic settings.
BOX 37-4 ■ Quality Standards for
Medium-Security Units
in the United Kingdom The Role of the Occupational Therapist
1. Clear process for admission In many ways, forensic mental health in occupational therapy
2. Clear process for discharge, transfer, and follow-up is not that different from other forms of mental health
specialty practice in occupational therapy (Chackersfield &
3. Clear process for workforce planning
Forshaw, 1997). An obvious difference between mental health
4. Clear process, including advocacy, to encourage inmates to
specialty practice and forensic mental health is that interven-
contribute to their own care
tion occurs in a secure environmental context. The forensic
5. Clear arrangements for comprehensive clinical governance
occupational therapist can practice in a broad multidiscipli-
6. Opportunity for inmate input to quality improvement nary environment that can include health care professionals
7. Local liaisons with referring agencies (e.g., nurses, social workers, psychologists) and professionals
8. Suitable physical environment from legal and nonmedical arenas (e.g., lawyers, judges, cor-
9. Availability of therapeutic interventions rectional officers, parole officers). The occupational thera-
10. Availability of interventions to assess and meet health needs pist’s unique contribution to the forensic team comes from
11. Opportunity to engage in vocational, leisure, educational, and his or her training to apply participation in occupations as a
living skill activities healing modality and his or her ability to consider character-
12. Opportunity to maintain contact with family and social relations istics of the person and of the environment in any rehabilita-
13. Respect for cultural differences tion intervention.
14. Staff guidance on managing positive relationships on the unit Martin (2001) has suggested that forensic nurses seek ad-
ditional training in criminal justice and counseling skills,
Source: Allured, I. (2005). Quality in medium secure units. Mental Health and this is a recommendation that may also be relevant for
Review, 10(3), 21–24. occupational therapists. In a similar vein, nurses in the
United States and in other countries have developed a set of
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538 PART 3 ■ Environment

forensic competencies, including risk assessment for forensic Assessment of Forensic Populations
populations; understanding professional, legal, and ethical is-
sues related to incarceration; psychoeducational and cognitive Duncan, Munro, and Nicol (2003) asked more than 70
behavioral approaches; gender-specific interventions; and en- practitioners with an average of 3 or more years working in
hanced interpersonal competencies required for working with forensic settings in the United Kingdom to identify assess-
prisoner populations (Watson 2002; Watson & Kirby, 2000; ment tools they routinely employed. The vast majority of
Woods, 2004). O’Connell and Farnworth (2007) reported that the tools identified by these therapists were grounded in
some of the roles of occupational therapists in a forensic set- MOHO:
ting include activities of daily living and instrumental activi- ■ Observation tools included the Assessment of Motor
ties of daily living skills training for community reintegration and Process Skills, the Assessment of Communication
and the capacity to participate in court proceedings as neces- and Interaction Skills, the Model of Human Occupation
sary. Table 37-3 lists some of the knowledge and skill sets Screening Tool, the Occupational Therapy Task Obser-
needed for practice in correctional settings based on descrip- vation Scale (Margolis, Harrison, Robinson, & Jayaram,
tions of competencies within and outside the occupational 1996), the Comprehensive Occupational Therapy Eval-
therapy profession, descriptions of forensic occupational uation (Kunz & Brayman, 1999), and the Volitional
therapy practice culled from the literature, and consultations Questionnaire.
with U.S. practitioners working in forensic settings. ■ Self-report instruments included the Interest Checklist
(Matsutsuyu, 1969), the Role Checklist, and the Occu-
Models of Practice pational Self-Assessment.
There are several models of practice for occupational therapy ■ Interviews included the Assessment of Occupational
that could effectively be used to address the needs of offenders. Functioning, the Canadian Occupational Performance
The model of human occupation (MOHO) is frequently de- Measure (Law, et al, 2005), the Occupational Circum-
fined as a practice framework for assessment and/or program stances Assessment Interview and Rating Scale, and
design (Couldrick & Aldred, 2003; Eggers et al, 2006, Forsyth, the Occupational Performance History Interview II
Duncan, & Mann, 2005; Farnworth, Nikitin, & Fossey, 2004; (Kielhofner, 2008).
Tayar, 2004). Other models that have been described as provid- Each of these MOHO tools is briefly described in
ing the structure for program design and intervention include Kielhofner’s latest text (2008), and some are discussed else-
the Canadian model of occupational performance (Clarke, where in this book.
2003; Duncan, 2004), the Role Acquisition Model (Schindler, The only tool specifically designed to assess the explicit
2004) and the Occupational Adaptation Model (Stelter & needs of incarcerated populations is the Occupational
Whisner, 2007). It is important to note that each of these mod- Circumstances Assessment Interview and Rating Scale
els can be described as comprehensive models of occupational (OCAIRS). The OCAIRS is a semistructured interview
functioning that provide multiple constructs for conceptualiz- based on MOHO. Interview questions have been modified
ing occupational function and dysfunction. Similarly, each, to for use with forensic populations. Questions are designed
a greater or lesser degree, offers specific concepts for consider- to elicit data on roles, habits, personal causation, values,
ing the physical and social environment. Finally, each provides readiness for change, interests, skills, goals, interpretation of
assessment tools for evaluation. past experiences, and the physical and social environment

Table 37-3 ● Knowledge and Skill Set for Forensic Mental Health Practice
Type of Skill Specific Skills
Interpersonal • Ability to initiate therapeutic relationships with inmates
• Capacity to collaborate with correctional staff
• Effective listening skills
• Effective de-escalation strategies
• Strong communications skills
Knowledge • Appreciate correctional systems structure and functioning
• Be familiar with corrections subculture
• Know and use effective outcome measures to evaluate interventions
• Understand process and methods for risk assessment and risk management
• Recognize postrelease options for continuity of care
• Understand social, occupational, and restorative justice perspective
Practical • Ability to document clearly and concisely
• Capacity to maintain confidentiality
• Coping skills for managing institutional and environmental stressors
• Self-defense for maintaining personal safety
• Familiarity with how to access community services, particularly those with expertise serving ex-offenders
Professional development • Consistent professionalism
• Clear professional identity
• Cultural competency
• Strong commitment to ongoing professional development
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CHAPTER 37 ■ Mental Health Practice in Forensic Settings 539

(Parkinson, Forsyth, & Kielhofner, 2006). To date, no pub- measure criminal recidivism, violence, and sexual
lished studies have examined the usefulness of this tool in violence (Hare, 1991). The clinician measures psy-
practice (O’Connell & Farnworth, 2007). chopathology by rating 20 items on a 3-point scale:
The ability to effectively interview an occupational ther- 0 (absent), 1 (some indication of the variable), and
apy client is an essential skill for every practitioner. Regard- 2 (clear evidence of the variable).
less of what tool is used to elicit a person’s occupational ■ The Level of Service Inventory-Revised (LSI-R) is
profile, a practitioner working in correctional settings must a structured professional judgment assessment that
approach the interview process with the mind of a scientist. assesses eight broad risk factors: antisocial attitudes;
Look for data, withhold assumptions, and verify conclusions antisocial thoughts; cognitions and ways of thinking;
when the data supports your reasoning. The following quote antisocial personality; antisocial history; employment,
from Candice DeLong, a psychiatric nurse and 20-year family, leisure, and recreational activities; substance
veteran of the FBI, exemplifies this point: abuse problems; and antisocial peers or criminal asso-
ciates (Andrews & Bonta, 1995).
Chances are, when you are dealing with a patient under
■ The Violence Risk Appraisal Guide (VRAG) has 12
stress, what you hear them saying is not necessarily what
variables, including the Psychopathy Checklist–Revised
happened. In stressful situations, some people deliberately
(PCL-R) score, which is weighted most heavily in the
lie, or they minimize their involvement in anything that
analysis (Quinsey, Harris, Rice, & Cromier, 1998).
makes them look bad or suspicious. As a forensic nurse,
Historical (e.g., age at first offense, history of vio-
you must be circumspect about the first interview. It has
lence) and diagnostic variables (e.g., personality dis-
been my experience that people under duress, whether
order, alcohol abuse, schizophrenia) also influence the
they are in a law enforcement setting or a clinical setting,
VRAG score. It is noteworthy to consider that a diag-
are worked up because they have been victimized in some
nosis of schizophrenia has an inverse relation to risk
way. You should not believe everything you hear and you
of violence.
should not necessarily believe your own eyes. Just be very
scientific and look at the data you are getting. What is the Occupational therapists should have a working under-
patient really saying? Ask the patient the same question standing of the purpose and intent of risk assessment and
from different angles and be prepared to accept that the some of the primary tools used to measure risk. When appro-
first story you get from the patient may not be accurate. priate, practitioners can contribute their observations to im-
(as cited in Pyrek, 2006, p. 412) prove the interdisciplinary team’s clinical judgment. From a
person–environment interaction perspective, it is essential to
note the significance of sociodemographic factors environ-
Risk Assessment mental influences, especially the presence of substance abuse,
One area of assessment specific to the forensic mental health in predicting recidivism and violence (Lindsay & Beail, 2004).
setting is risk assessment. Risk assessment is a crucial func- On the other hand, relatively little is known about how clini-
tion in correctional institutions because it is viewed as a cal variables and contextual or environmental factors interact
means to gauge an offender’s potential to commit another to influence recidivism or violence in offender populations
offense. For offenders with mental illness, it is also used to (Norko & Baranoski, 2005). Occupational therapists might
evaluate the risk of violence. use a person–environment perspective to examine whether
Assessment of risk is determined by considering the pres- interventions directed at influencing occupation and the
ence and relevance of certain conditions assumed to be risk social and interpersonal environments where ex-offenders
factors (Elbogen, 2002). Two broad categories of risk factors engage in occupation offer a productive risk-management
are typically considered. Static risk factors are unchanging strategy to reduce recidivism.
characteristics of the individual, such as his or her age at first
offense, gender, or history of prior convictions or violence. Occupational Therapy Interventions
Dynamic risk factors are variables of risk that can change
Nearly 30 years ago, Penner (1978) provided an overview of
over time and can include socioeconomic, marital, or employ-
the U.S. criminal justice system and concluded the profession
ment status; family support; criminal network; and substance
had a unique contribution to make to the rehabilitation of
abuse (Lindsay & Beail, 2004). Hanson and Harris (2000) sug-
incarcerated populations. In her textbook on community-
gested that dynamic factors can be further subdivided into
based practice, Scaffa (2001) suggests that services that focus
stable and acute factors. In their model, stable dynamic fac-
on skill development, relapse prevention, community reinte-
tors are characteristics that remain unchanged for longer
gration, and employment are appropriate interventions for
periods of time but are treatable, such as alcoholism, drug
occupational therapy programming in correctional settings.
abuse, or attitudes toward violence. Acute dynamic factors
In another textbook, Snively and Dressler (2005) share a few
are those characteristics that can change extremely quickly,
examples of occupational therapy programming in jails, pris-
such as the deterioration in mood or thought processing often
ons, and community correctional settings. Descriptions of
seen in the exacerbation of mental illness or negative behav-
forensic occupational therapy first emerged in the United
ioral outcomes as a result of alcohol intoxication.
Kingdom in the 1980s (Chackersfield & Forshaw, 1997;
Risk assessment is typically performed by psychologists
Mountain, 1998), and a National Forensic Occupational
and psychiatrists. Widely used risk assessment measures
Therapy Conference has been taking place annually in the
include the following tools:
United Kingdom since 1999 (Duncan, Munro, & Nicol,
■ The Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) is a 2003). Despite this, the international occupational therapy
structured professional judgment assessment used to literature has relatively few examples of contemporary,
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540 PART 3 ■ Environment

evidence-based programs in correctional settings (O’Connell in the occupational therapy literature. These authors de-
& Farnworth, 2007). scribe the Community Reintegration Project, a program
Interventions addressing employment and education issues at the Allegheny County Jail in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,
with offenders have appeared in the occupational therapy lit- that grew out of a community university partnership in
erature for over two decades (Chackersfield & Forshaw, 1997; which faculty from Duquesne University collaborated with
Farnworth, 1987; Garner, 1995; Lloyd, 1985, 1987a, 1987b). the correctional staff at the local county jail and Goodwill
These programs tend to use group interventions to address Industries of Pittsburgh to bring occupational therapy
problem-solving and social skills (Garner, 1995), to evaluate programming into the county jail. This program is designed
the employability of the offender, and to develop work-related to decrease recidivism and support successful community
skills to reenter the competitive job market (Lloyd, 1988). reintegration. A multidisciplinary staff, directed by the occu-
Many of the older references to occupational therapy pro- pational therapist, addresses these overall goals by focusing
gramming in correctional settings suggest the challenges of on four key domains of reintegration: wellness, family and
and intervention strategies for providing services to specific support structure, skills for living, and education and em-
subgroups of the prisoner population. Examples include pro- ployment. This structured program begins with group and
grams designed to help sex offenders develop parenting skills individual interventions while the offender is incarcerated
(Lloyd, 1989) and programs that address addiction issues and follows the offender for up to 1 year postrelease using an
(Chackersfield & Forshaw, 1997). In a more recent edited text- intensive case management model to support successful
book on forensic occupational therapy, Couldrick and Aldred reintegration. Case managers are referred to as reintegration
(2003) include several chapters describing interventions with specialists and collaborate with each offender to develop an
various subgroups of the offender population. Individualized Reintegration Plan, which identifies specific
Duncan, Munro, and Nicol (2003) surveyed more than and realistic goals in each domain area.
70 practitioners with an average of 3 or more years of expe- Other programs exist but as yet are not described in the
rience working in forensic settings to identify the titles they published literature. For example, for the last few years,
assigned to groups included as part of their intervention Dr. Barbara Hooper and Johanna Cubra, a community-based
services. These titles were then thematically categorized occupational therapy practitioner in New Mexico, have been
by the researchers. Groups that addressed effective commu- developing gender-specific programming at Dismas House, a
nication and social skills training were, by far, the most community-based transitional program for female offenders.
frequently occurring group, followed by life skills groups. The group intervention protocols developed for Dismas House
Other types of groups relatively frequently focused on drug focus on work acquisition, work maintenance, leisure, citizen-
and alcohol addiction, anxiety management, mental health ship, community reintegration, and empowerment. These pro-
awareness/education, and anger management. Baker and tocols served as the basis for a program Dr. Toby Hamilton at
McKay (2001) surveyed occupational therapists working the University of Oklahoma has been developing and deliver-
in Regional Secure Units in the United Kingdom about ing for the past 3 years with her students at the Oklahoma
their perceptions of the needs of incarcerated women and Halfway House, a nonprofit correctional residential facility
found over 70% of the programs included interventions ad- (personal communication, Dr. Toby Hamilton, June 26, 2007).
dressing functional life skills, social skills, assertiveness These programs recognize that incarcerated women have dif-
training, stress management, problem-solving, and recre- ferent needs than men (Bloom, Owen, & Covington, 2003).
ational skills. The interventions address these gender differences by focusing
The more recent literature provides encouraging evi- on the maintenance of a safe environment (physical and emo-
dence that practitioners are beginning to apply occupational tional) and addressing the skills needed to build and sustain
therapy practice models to guide their interventions and are healthy relationships with children and family. These programs
using valid and reliable assessments to evaluate occupational also seek to provide opportunities for women to improve their
performance patterns of offenders (Crist et al, 2005; Duncan, socioeconomic status and develop connections to their com-
2004; Forsyth et al, 2005; Farnworth et al, 2004). Eggers et al munity and to services that support reintegration. Brief
(2006) provide one of the most complete descriptions of descriptions of other programs described in the occupational
occupational therapy programming in a county jail available therapy literature are listed in Table 37-4.

Table 37-4 ● Occupational Therapy Programming in Correctional Settings

Authors Setting OT Role Type of Interventions
Clarke (2003) Forensic hostel, Uses Canadian model of Daily living skills; psychological issues; work, education, and leisure
UNITED KINGDOM occupational performance for engagement; community reintegration. Environmental focus to consider
assessment and intervention offender’s physical and social environment.
Baker & McKay Medium-secure unit, Varied by setting but generally Most common service delivery was one to one, then group interventions
(2001) UNITED KINGDOM integrated into correctional addressing skills development in instrumental activities of daily living,
system with skills building, interpersonal relations, assertiveness, stress management, problem-solving,
one-to-one and group work, leisure, community reintegration, and gender-specific issues.
Duncan (2004) Prison prerelease Occupational coaching for Occupational storytelling to facilitate collaborative goal setting and to reveal
program for women, women offenders’ postprison patterns of occupational engagement. Develop interpersonal and self-
SOUTH AFRICA adjustment maintenance strategies, including self-defense; prepare vitae; practice job
interview skills and journal writing.
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CHAPTER 37 ■ Mental Health Practice in Forensic Settings 541

Table 37-4 ● Occupational Therapy Programming in Correctional Settings—cont’d

Authors Setting OT Role Type of Interventions
Duncan (2004) Youth diversion Addresses self-efficacy and Variety of services focused on academic and/or practical skills training,
program, SOUTH personal control through doing community service, life skills training, prosocial leisure and physical recreation.
AFRICA and identifies community
service tasks for the youth
Eggers et al County jail, Supports community Individual and group interventions focused on four domains: wellness, family
(2006) UNITED STATES reintegration, vocational support/structure, living skills, and education and employment.
exploration, and work
Jones & McColl Forensic inpatient Addresses interpersonal skill Biweekly life skills program; group interventions featuring facilitated self-
(1991) service unit, CANADA and intrapersonal growth disclosure and feedback, self-evaluation in context of individual, and group
task participation and interpersonal skills and effect on others.
Schindler (2004) Maximum-security Supports role development Group interventions focused on supporting persons with schizophrenia to
psychiatric facility, internalize social roles and develop prosocial task and interpersonal skills.

Snively & Dressler Community program, Prevents relapse and/or Address work skills, independent living skills, and development of social supports.
(2005) UNITED STATES reoffense while stabilizing the Group and one-on-one interventions addressing skills building, symptom
client in the community recognition, acceptance of mental illness, substance abuse prevention, social
skills training, stress management, life skills, and problem solving.
Tayar (2004) Rural women’s prison, Educates about relapse Substance abuse relapse prevention program delivered by occupational
UNITED STATES prevention, develops skills set therapists and psychology students. Activities to identify values and interests,
for coping develop resources for leisure and employment, time management, social and
assertiveness skills using psychoeducation, individual writing exercises, group
discussions, narratives, and role-playing techniques.

Summary From the earliest days of its inception, the profession

of occupational therapy has been grounded in concepts
In an ideal world, every correctional setting would have that support every person’s full integration into society
established policies for screening the mental health of of- (Kielhofner, 2008). Occupational therapists work with a
fenders and a wide array of mental health services provided number of populations that experience challenges to full
by well-trained, professional staff. The current state of serv- community integration (e.g., children with autism, individ-
ices for offenders who are mentally ill have not reached this uals diagnosed with AIDS, people who experience a trau-
ideal. Nonetheless, mental health services in forensic settings matic brain injury). Individuals who have been incarcerated
should strive to equal best practices in community-based represent another large and growing population, and occu-
service delivery—that is, to support and facilitate the highest pational therapists have the potential to significantly impact
level of recovery and to help the individual develop a skill set the quality of the reintegration experience.
that supports full community integration and participation
and meaningful quality of life.

Active Learning Strategies

1. “Boxed In”: A Simulation in Confinement Now choose any two, but only two, of the following
items: one book, one pad of paper and something to write
This exercise is designed to help you experience confinement
with, a deck of cards, a photo album, a bottle of water, or
emotionally and physiologically and better understand the
one small snack. Put these in your box. Do not bring any-
occupational deprivation that goes along with confinement.
thing else into your box. This means no electronics, cell
Choose a time when you can be reasonably assured of be-
phone, computer, camera, clock, TV remote, or other
ing alone in your living space for at least a few hours. Find a
space in your apartment or home where you cannot see or
Before you step into your box, remove any jewelry you
hear a clock, phone, television, or audio equipment. Use
may be wearing and take off your watch. Check the time on
masking tape or tape and string to mark an 8-foot by 10-foot
a clock in another room and record the time on a piece of
rectangle so that the boundaries are clearly visible. If possi-
paper. Enter your box and remain in the box for as long as
ble, arrange your rectangle in a corner of your room so that
you can, but for at least 2 hours. Do not ever let your body
there are blank walls on two sides. Do not put your rectangle
or any of the items you brought in with you stretch beyond
next to a window, but if you have no choice, draw the shades
the boundaries of your box. When you feel you can no
so you cannot look out. This is your box.
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542 PART 3 ■ Environment

longer remain in the box, record the time you left and con- problem arising and the risk of being put in a seriously dan-
sider the following guided reflections. gerous situation are small. You can reduce risk by knowing
and following all security and safety procedures. This reflec-
Reflective Questions
tive exercise is designed to help you to consider knowledge,
● What did it feel like getting into your box?
attitudes, and skill sets that can support success in correctional
● What criteria did you use when deciding what two things
settings. Review the two lists of strategies with another peer or
to bring in with you?
in a small group. Discuss how each strategy represents a
● What was your mood like at the start, middle, and end of
specific method for maintaining personal safety and security.
your “confinement”?
● What did you miss the most, and what did it feel like to General Strategies for Working With Offenders
be denied access to your favorite things? ● Wear appropriate, modest clothing.
● How did you mark time? ● Do not make promises that you may not or will not keep.
● How do you feel you might react if you had to live in this ● Know the consumer; seek out information about any risk
amount of space for the next 365 days? that any consumer may represent.
● Did this simulation provide insights into the experience ● Do not give or accept gifts.
of confinement? Explain. ● Guard personal information (e.g., personal circumstances,
family details, home address, telephone number).
Record your responses to these ● If an offender is distressed or escalating at the end of
questions in your Reflective Journal. your therapy session, make sure to communicate this to
corrections staff.
2. Reflection on Personal and Professional ● Always share information when an offender discloses any
Boundaries intention of self-harm, suicide, physical violence, uprising,
or escape.
Occupational therapists working in correctional settings ● Always disclose to staff if an offender at your setting is a
may find themselves in a very isolated and sometimes stress- personal friend or relative.
ful environment. Practitioners are providing a service to of- ● Do not do favors (e.g., run errands, mail letters, make phone
fenders in a correctional setting—cultural context that may calls) for offenders or ask them to do a favor for you.
be very different from clinical or community settings where ● In community corrections settings, do not agree to trans-
they have trained or practiced before. This exercise is de- port a resident anywhere if you have not read a detailed
signed to help you to reflect on your ability to develop and risk assessment; even then, make sure you carry a mobile
maintain professional boundaries that ensure safe interac- phone and that other staff know your travel plan, includ-
tions between you and consumers with mental illness in cor- ing expected departure and arrival times.
rectional settings. Provide an answer for each of the five ● Avoid meetings in your own community, and do not give
directives listed below, then share your responses with one details that disclose where you live.
other peer or in a small group.
Strategies for Reducing Risk and Maintaining
1. Define “personal boundaries” and give an example of
another’s behavior when that person crossed one of
your personal boundaries. ● Any keys should be concealed and secured. Never put
2. Define “professional boundaries” and explain similarities keys down anywhere.
and/or differences between personal and professional ● Educate yourself to know how offenders can use keys,
boundaries. tools, food, chemicals, cleaning or medical supplies to
3. Generate a list of reasons that we need boundaries. escape or cause injury to self or others.
4. The definition of boundary suggests there is a clearly de- ● Know how to call for emergency assistance if needed, and be
fined line of demarcation. Identify a situation or interac- clear on how you should respond should an alarm sound.
tion that could occur in a correctional setting between a ● Understand procedures for maintaining and controlling
practitioner and an offender in which boundaries are materials and tools within the occupational therapy
crystal clear. Identify a situation or interaction that could environment.
occur in a correctional setting between a practitioner and ● Organize workspace to always maintain clear access to an
an offender in which boundaries are less clear. exit and to emergency alarm systems.
5. Review your responses to question 3 and determine if ● Always double check gates, doors, cabinets, windows, and
you have considered all of the following possibilities: per- so on, to confirm that the lock is functioning.
sonal comfort; knowing what to do in certain situations ● It is your responsibility to fully understand security pro-
to maintain clarity in relationships, to maintain a profes- cedures and requirements, to find out when you are not
sional stance, to ensure safety, to ensure confidentiality, sure, to ask when you visit a new facility, and to make
to protect from legal issues, and to abide by professional sure you always follow procedures (e.g., policies for escape
codes of ethics so others know what to expect from us. prevention, emergency response, custody escorts, lockup
units, tool control, syringe counts, key control).
● Strictly observe rules for what can and cannot be taken
3. Reflection on Safety and Security
into a correctional setting, and limit the personal posses-
Occupational therapists working with prisoners and with per- sions you carry as much as possible.
sons recently released from a correctional setting should ● If you are at all instinctively uncomfortable about work-
be aware that there are some risks, and this is particularly ing with an offender, especially in the community, it is
true of postrelease work. However, the chances of a significant prudent to follow that instinct.
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CHAPTER 37 ■ Mental Health Practice in Forensic Settings 543

Resources Chackersfield, J., & Forshaw, D. (1997). Occupational therapy and

forensic addictive behaviors. British Journal of Therapy and Reha-
• The Federal Bureau of Prisons website provides an excellent bilitation, 4(7), 381–386.
overview of various types of prison facilities, updated statistics Clarke, C. (2003). Clinical application of the Canadian model of
on the U.S. prison population, and research reports on a variety occupational performance in a forensic rehabilitation hostel.
of topics such as prison populations, mental health and drug British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 66(4), 171–174.
treatment, and postrelease employment. Couldrick, L., & Aldred, D. (2003). Forensic Occupational Therapy.
about/index.jsp London: Whurr.
• The Legal Action Center website has a variety of resources that Crist, P., Fairman, A., Muñoz, J. P., Hansen, A. M., Sciulli, J., &
reflect this organization’s mission to (1) improve the criminal Eggers, M. (2005). Education and practice collaborations: A pilot
justice system by helping offenders fight stigma and discrimination case study between a university faculty and county jail practi-
related to employment, housing, education, and political tioners. Occupational Therapy in Health Care, 19(1/2), 193–210.
activity; (2) advocate for just sentencing laws, particularly for Duncan, E. A., Munro, K., & Nicol, M. M. (2003). Research priori-
nonviolent offenders, and for reasonable alternatives to ties in forensic occupational therapy. British Journal of Occupa-
incarceration; and (3) research the barriers to community tional Therapy, 66(2), 55–64.
reentry and programs to address these barriers. Duncan, M. (2004). Occupation in the criminal justice system. In
index.php/lac/category/criminal_justice_programs R. Watson & L. Swartz, (Eds), Transformation Through Occupa-
• The PEW Center on the States: Corrections and Public Safety tion (pp. 129–142). London: Whurr.
collects and analyzes data on sentencing and correction policies Eggers, M., Muñoz, J. P., Sciulli, J., & Crist, P. A. H. (2006). The com-
and practices to advance prison reform and reduce recidivism in munity reintegration project: Occupational therapy at work in a
the U.S. corrections system. Multiple resources are available for county jail. Occupational Therapy in Health Care, 20(1), 17–37.
free download, and two recent useful guides include One in Elbogen, E. B. (2002) The process of violence risk assessment: A
100: Behind Bars in America (February 2008) and One in 31: review of descriptive research. Aggression & Violent Behaviour, 7,
The Long Reach of American Corrections (March 2009). http://www 591–604. Farnworth, L. (1987). Prison-based occupational therapy. Australian
• The Sentencing Project is a national organization that has Occupational Therapy Journal, 34(2), 40–46.
advocated for a fair and effective criminal justice system for over Farnworth, L., Nikitin, L., & Fossey, E. (2004). Being in a secure
20 years. This website provides a wealth of research, publications, forensic psychiatric unit: Every day is the same, killing time or
and policy reviews on a variety of topics, including inequities in making the most of it. British Journal of Occupational Therapy,
the U.S. criminal justice system, sentencing laws and practices, 67(10), 430–438.
and alternatives to incarceration. http://www.sentencingproject Forsyth, K., Duncan, E. A. S., & Mann, L. S. (2005). Scholarship of
.org/template/index.cfm practice in the United Kingdom: An occupational therapy service
case study. Occupational Therapy in Health Care, 19(12), 17–29.
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State Hospitals 38
Stephanie Megan Exley, Catherine Annette
Thompson, and Carole Ann Hays

I n the midst of winter, I finally learned that there was an invincible summer in me.

—Albert Camus,“Return to Tipasa,” 1954

of state mental health hospitals to better appreciate their

State mental health facilities are generally thought of as current state.
places of last resort, where individuals with serious mental
illness are kept sequestered from the rest of society be- A Brief History
cause they are often viewed by the general public as pecu-
liar, dangerous, and even unwelcome in the community Before state-run mental health facilities were established, in-
(Link, Phelan, Bresnahan, Stueve, & Pescosolido, 1999). dividuals with mental illness were either cared for by their
These stigmatizing views deny the humanity of the indi- families or treated at private hospitals. In the late 1700s and
vidual and do not recognize the current practices of many early 1800s, facilities were established to treat individuals
state hospitals, which are no longer warehouses but places with mental illness who could not afford to pay for care at
where those with the most severe mental illnesses can private hospitals. The first state hospital, named the Public
stabilize and receive services that promote successful transi- Hospital for Persons of Insane and Disordered Minds,
tions to community life. To be successful in the state hospi- opened in Williamsburg, Virginia, in 1773 (Benjamin &
tal, occupational therapists must be empathetic and provide Baker, 2004).
the consumer with hope and a continuous therapeutic rela- In their early days, state mental health facilities featured
tionship. Staff members must recognize the frequent, the words asylum and insane in their titles, a naming con-
episodic nature of mental illness and the importance of a vention that continued until the 1900s, when these terms
consistent, therapeutic approach to meet the consumer’s were recognized as negative and demeaning. As a result, fa-
needs. cilities were renamed to state hospitals, reflecting a shift
This chapter provides an overview of state mental health from confinement to care and treatment. The treatment at
facilities in the United States and explores the functions of this time was called moral therapy. Moral treatment aimed
other members of the treatment team. The recovery-oriented to remove the inhumane conditions of the state hospital
approach to assessment and treatment interventions for where individuals were often kept in prisonlike conditions,
occupational therapy in state hospitals is described, and the chained to walls, and beaten (Peloquin, 1989). Principles of
expanded opportunities available to occupational therapists in moral treatment included creating a pleasant living situa-
this area of mental health are explored. tion and providing therapeutic activities that combined rest
and manual work.
During the late 1700s, Phillip Pinel, who wrote on the
harsh treatment of individuals with mental illness in
Overview of State Hospitals French asylums, advocated for structured, individualized,
in the United States and humane treatment with the goal of returning individ-
uals to the community (Benjamin & Baker, 2004). Pinel’s
State hospitals are public institutions that provide inpatient influences in mental health treatment during the late 1700s
services to those with serious mental illness. Those admitted and early 1800s is still evident in the 21st century, as state
to state hospitals are often on public assistance and may be hospitals strive to remain structured, individualized, and
admitted involuntarily because they are considered a danger humane with a goal of returning individuals to the com-
to themselves or others or are committed by criminal courts munity. The moral treatment movement contributed to the
because their competency to stand trial is questioned development of new asylums and an increase in the num-
(Fisher, Geller, & Pandianini, 2009). Significant changes have ber of individuals residing in these institutions. In 1955,
occurred in state mental health facilities in the United States the greatest number of state hospital residents was reached,
since their inception. It is helpful to understand the evolution approximately 559,000 (Mandersched, Atay, & Crider, 2009).
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CHAPTER 38 ■ State Hospitals 547

The Lived Experience

Shane OT: Shane, could you tell me a little about your hobbies
and interests?
Shane: I like preaching, singing hymns, and reading the
OT: Is there anything else you enjoy?
Shane: Yeah, I like painting but it can be expensive. You
know, buying all of the paint and things. I like fishing . . .
it’s good to be in the sunlight and good to look at the
water . . . you know you get baptized in the water. I also
like swimming.
OT: Shane, can you tell me about your experiences
with the rehabilitation department and occupational
Shane: Yes, I like those things. They give me something
to do during the day.
OT: What do you think of mural painting group? I thought
that was a group you really enjoyed.
Shane: It makes people think about what is really impor-
tant in this world and that Jesus can save. If it wasn’t for
God, there wouldn’t be clothes, food, or water. . . .
OT: Do you think your groups and experiences with reha-
bilitation improve your quality of life while you are at the
Shane: Yes, I like team building, playing games, bowling,
Shane is a 46-year-old single male Caucasian who currently resides and throwing darts. I’m ready to work. but the lady wants
in a state psychiatric hospital in the behavioral management pro- me to sit at a table and I don’t want to do that. I don’t have
gram. Shane attends the treatment mall program Monday through to sit at a chair or a table.
Friday and is involved in a variety of multidisciplinary groups at the OT: What kind of work have you done in the past?
treatment mall. His occupational therapy groups have included Shane: I worked for a surveyor, and at an electrical shop,
team-building, fishing, explore your world, mural painting, needle- and cut grass. Things like that.
craft, and money management. The interview with Shane took OT: So you like to be up and about at hands-on activities?
place in a quiet dining room area at the treatment mall. Shane works Shane: Yes. You get tired of being in the same place, so
with the occupational therapist who interviews him on a regular ba- when I was 18, I joined the Army. I changed tires on
sis and has established rapport. The purpose of the interview was trucks and fixed brakes.
explained to Shane before the meeting took place, and he agreed OT: Shane, what are some of your goals for the future?
to participate. Some dialogue has been left out for brevity. Shane: I would like to be a disciple and travel around and
OT: Shane, I thought first we could talk about your hos- preach and heal the sick and blind.
pitalizations. I was wondering if you could tell me how OT: Other than that, Shane, is there anything else you
many times you have been hospitalized? might like to do?
Shane: I can’t really remember—it has been a lot. Shane: I could be a janitor at a church and be a
OT: How old were you when you were first hospitalized? groundskeeper.
Shane: Twenty-three. OT: What about housing, Shane? Where would you like
OT: Do you remember how many times you have been in to live?
a state hospital? Shane: All over the place—people get tired of being in
Shane: Yeah, I think so. I was at Crownsville for three the same place. Are we done now? I need to get up now.
years and now I have been here for two. OT: Yes, we can be done now. Thank you for meeting with
OT: Do you think you have benefited from your time in the me today.
hospital? Shane: You’re welcome. Thank you.
Shane: Yes, in some ways. I have time to read the Bible,
and from 8:00 a.m. till 2:30 it [the treatment mall] keeps me
from smoking cigarettes. I quit now. I went four months.

At that time, state hospitals were virtually self-sufficient, preparation, and janitorial service. Overcrowding was a
often located in rural areas where hospital residents con- major issue.
tributed to maintaining buildings, growing food, and the In 1961, the Joint Commission on Mental Illness and
general operations of the facility such as laundry, food Mental Health (1961) emphasized deinstitutionalization and
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548 PART 3 ■ Environment

promoted community-based treatment. Two years later, The funding sources for state mental health hospitals
the federal government passed the Community Mental usually include state general funds, state special appropria-
Health Centers Act (Benjamin & Baker, 2004). The impact tions, federal mental health block grants, Medicaid and
of these events led to a shift in funding from state hospitals Medicare revenues, plus other federal funds such as research
to community-based programs, resulting in a dramatic de- and demonstration grants (NASMHPD Research Institute,
crease in residents in state facilities (Mandersched, Atay, & 2003).
Crider, 2009). From the peak of 559,000 in 1955, the num-
bers dramatically decreased to less than 200,000 by 1980 and
less than 50,000 in 2005—despite overall population growth
in the United States. The Recovery Model
The history of Springfield Hospital Center in Maryland and the State Hospital
illustrates the changes in state hospital systems. Originally
named The Second Hospital for the Insane of Maryland, it Although the recovery model is most often associated with
was founded in 1896 by an act of the Maryland State Legis- noninstitutional settings, recovery-oriented practices are
lature. The first residents were temporarily housed in reno- still relevant and essential in the state hospital environment.
vated farm buildings. The first buildings constructed were Currently, state hospitals across the country are moving to-
three wards and a service building. In rapid succession, ward the recovery model paradigm (Fisher & Chamberlin,
additional buildings were completed, and a building for the 2004). This is a strengths-based, holistic, person-centered
treatment of the mentally ill with tuberculosis was com- model, which fits naturally with the profession of occupa-
pleted in the 1930s. By the late 1940s and early 1950s, tional therapy. It is important for occupational therapists to
the population of Springfield had grown to approximately adopt practices and language that are strengths-based, holis-
3,400 patients. Buildings were overcrowded and poorly tic in nature, person centered, and self-directed. Principals
maintained. Public pressure caused the State Legislature to such as instilling hope; promoting empowerment through
appropriate more funds to relieve the overcrowding, result- choice, individual responsibility, and decision-making; and
ing in the construction of eight new buildings. peer-run services can all be implemented, thereby enhancing
Beginning in the late 1960s, however, the hospital redi- the services in the state hospital (National Technical Assis-
rected its efforts toward returning individuals to the com- tance Center, 2002). Many state hospitals are implementing
munity, a practice that accelerated through the 1970s and recovery-oriented services. For example, an academic and
early 1980s. During this time, Springfield Hospital Center state hospital collaboration in New Jersey targets the most
saw its inpatient census fall to the present level of 335. De- discharge-resistant individuals (Mayerhoff & Schliefer,
spite the reduction in census, the hospital continues to build 2008). In this program, staff are trained to address individ-
additional modern facilities (Springfield, 2004). ual needs of consumers and move from a medical to a
wellness and recovery model. In addition, evidence-based
practices such as illness management and recovery and inde-
Current Profile of State Hospitals pendent living skills modules are implemented. At Napa
The population at Springfield Hospital Center mirrors State hospital in California, individuals work with their
that for state facilities across the United States. Currently, Wellness and Recovery Planning team to develop individual-
according to the National Association of State Mental ized recovery plans upon admission (California Department
Health Program Directors (NASMHPD) Research Insti- of Mental Health, 2009).
tute (2004), 29% of individuals in state hospitals are vol- Interventions centered on the recovery model provide indi-
untarily admitted, 27% are involuntarily civilly commit- viduals with choice, support them in achieving self-identified
ted, and 39% are involuntarily criminally committed. State goals, address all aspects of life, and empower them to make
facilities serve children, adolescents, adults, and older decisions and do for themselves. With all the restrictions and
adults. Some hospitals serve all age groups, while others precautions that may be placed on consumers in state hospi-
have separate facilities for children and adolescents. More tals, occupational therapists are often in a unique position to
than 80% of all adults served in psychiatric facilities help clients maximize their individuality and choice during in-
have at least one of the following disorders (NASMHPD tervention. Examples include allowing clients to choose the
Research Institute, 2002): menu during cooking group, inviting a client to serve as a rep-
resentative on a hospital committee, or helping an individual
■ Schizophrenia (53%) identify which de-escalation technique works best for him
■ Affective disorders (22%) or her.
■ Personality disorders (17%)
■ Anxiety disorders (3%)
■ Other psychoses (7%)
One study of children and adolescents found that de-
The Treatment Team
pression was the most common diagnosis (20%), followed The treatment team is the most vital component of inte-
by posttraumatic stress disorder (15%), attention deficit- grated and quality care for persons with mental illness in
hyperactivity disorder (12%), and bipolar disorder (10%) the state hospital setting. Occupational therapy practition-
(Romansky, Lyons, Lehner, & West, 2003). Many of the chil- ers are an essential part of the team. Although the size and
dren were undiagnosed. complexity varies among facilities, the treatment team
The number of nonwhite residents, particularly African should include, at a minimum, the consumer, a psychiatrist,
Americans and Latinos, has increased (Fisher et al, 2009). a registered nurse, and a social worker. Roles often overlap
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CHAPTER 38 ■ State Hospitals 549

in mental health facilities, yet primary roles are fairly con-

Evidence-Based Practice sistent across the country:
■ The consumer’s role is to help establish the goals for his
T he recovery model is becoming recognized as the na-
tional model for all mental health service delivery sys-
tems (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2004).
or her treatment program, recommend interventions,
question the direction of his or her treatment program,
Increasing research demonstrates that people with severe and accept responsibility for the recovery process.
and persistent mental illness, such as schizophrenia, can live ■ The psychiatrist is the diagnostician, team leader, med-
productive and satisfying lives (Bellack, 2006). Longitudinal ication manager, and primary therapist for the consumer.
studies, varying in criteria, measures, samples, and time ■ The registered nurse is responsible for the day-to-day
frame, have shown that between 20% and 70% of people operation of the client’s inpatient unit, providing a safe
diagnosed with schizophrenia have positive outcomes, such and therapeutic environment 24 hours a day, 7 days a
as decreased symptoms and improved role function (Bellack,
week. The nursing staff administers medication, as-
2006). Evidence supports recovery-based intervention such
as family intervention (Bellack, 2006; Glynn, Cohen, Dixon,
sures that activities of daily living (ADLs) are com-
& Niv, 2006), supported employment, and skills training pleted, monitors changes in the client’s response to
(Bellack, 2006). The values and suggested interventions medication, and provides interventions such as group
outlined by the recovery model resonate closely with those of sessions on topics such as medication information, un-
occupational therapy. derstanding your mental illness, and wellness.
➤ Occupational therapists should use their expertise in
■ The social worker focuses on the supports available to
client/family education, role development, and skill training the consumer, including family, financial, spiritual, and
to offer recovery-based intervention and to support clients’ cultural, and provides housing assistance. The social
overall recovery. worker may also provide case management and mental
health therapy.
➤ Occupational therapists should consider ways to provide
increased choice for clients within the restricted context of In all cases, the clinical staff is responsible for assessment,
locked psychiatric units and empower clients by helping intervention, and reassessment.
them do as much for themselves as possible within the The effectiveness of the overall treatment program is de-
hospital context.
pendent on the additional clinicians working as a team to
➤ Occupational therapists should use their expertise as holistic, provide services for the consumer. Table 38-1 describes the
client-centered therapists to serve as role models in roles and interventions used by other clinicians working in
organizations adopting the recovery model. this context.
In addition, most state mental health facilities have an
Bellack, A. (2006). Scientific and consumer models of recovery in
schizophrenia: Concordance, contrasts, and implications. Schizophrenia addiction service to meet consumers’ needs. An addiction
Bulletin, 32, 432–442. service is often an interdisciplinary addictions team, which
Glynn, S., Cohen, A., Dixon, L., & Niv, N. (2006). The potential impact of includes social workers, addiction counselors, psychologists,
recovery movement on family interventions for schizophrenia: Opportunities
and obstacles. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 32, 451–464.
occupational therapists, and recreational therapists. The
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and team is responsible for evaluating the consumer for sub-
Mental Health Services Administration. (2004). “National Consensus stance abuse problems, reviewing family history, and con-
Statement on Mental Health Recovery.” Available at: http://mentalhealth ducting a review of prior recovery efforts. The addiction (accessed September 23,
2009). service then recommends services to the individual and the
treatment team, such as individual recovery-oriented coun-
seling, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, or
group counseling.

Table 38-1 ● Additional Clinicians on the State Hospital Client Treatment Team
Team Member Role Type(s) of Intervention
Psychologist Performs psychological evaluations and assessments; helps consumers identify their Individual therapy, group therapy, and family/
worries, concerns or needs; and helps the team recognize risk factors, including couples therapy; consultation with the team
suicidal ideation, self-injurious behavior, anger or low frustration tolerance, violence on a behavioral plan or trauma recovery
or homicidal ideation, and history of impulsivity services
Certified recreational Provides information on the consumers’ leisure interests, ability to structure free Leisure education, exercise programs, and
therapy specialist time, attention span, and interpersonal social skills recreation skills development
Board-certified Assesses clients and uses music as the treatment method; focuses on developing Improvisation, drumming, lyric analysis, music
music therapist interpersonal skills and improving concentration and self-esteem. listening, and singing
Art therapist Uses art as the modality for treatment; art therapists are an excellent addition to the Example modalities are pottery, watercolors,
treatment team because they provide consumers the opportunity to explore conflicts collages, freehand drawing
and use nonverbal methods for expression
Dance/movement Uses movement as a therapeutic process to help with the emotional and physical Focuses on movement, posture, breathing,
therapist integration of the individual and interaction with the environment
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550 PART 3 ■ Environment

Forensic services have become an integral component of growth. For example, an occupational therapist can serve on
the mental health treatment team, because up to 30% of the construction oversight committee to help ensure that all
hospitalized individuals with mental illness have some sort new construction or remodeling meets the requirements
of involvement with the legal system (NASMHPD Research for access for persons with disabilities. The therapist would
Institute, 2004). The forensic staff evaluates individuals to need to be familiar with the federal and state laws regarding
determine if they are competent to stand trial or are crimi- accessibility.
nally responsible. They may also advocate for clients to An Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) officer for the
receive a conditional release from the hospital to a less facility is appointed to ensure that employees are provided
restrictive environment. In some cases, the forensic staff reasonable accommodations when they have permanent or
determines that the individual is competent and returns him temporary disabilities that affect their work performance.
or her to the legal system to stand trial. The forensic service This position is often held by an occupational therapist.
relies on the input from the multidisciplinary treatment Occupational therapists may serve on medical records
team to assist in the determination. committees. This committee is responsible for the content,
Vocational adjustment services in state facilities teach format, and review of medical records. The committee
and reinforce work habits and behaviors such as time determines if the facility’s records are complete and accurate
management, workmanship, attention span, work toler- and that they meet legal requirements and accreditation
ance, and dependability. Providers teach basic job-related requirements.
and workmanship skills and provide feedback to the All hospitals have a strategic planning committee, and oc-
client regarding work attitudes, working relationships, cupational therapists can be a great asset to this committee
and habits. They provide clients with the opportunity to by assuring that the needs of the consumers are given first
practice interpersonal behaviors that comprise essential priority in all stages of the planning process.
worker relationship skills, and then work with the team to Occupational therapists can also serve as the liaison be-
assist and support community reintegration for clients in tween the facility and community mental health programs.
the worker role. In this role, occupational therapists have the opportunity to
advocate for clients in the discharge planning process. As a
liaison, the occupational therapist gains firsthand knowledge
of the skills needed by the individual to be successful in a
Occupational Therapy community placement. They then work with the client to
in State Hospitals modify the treatment intervention plans to bridge the gap
between the hospital and the community.
Occupational therapists in a state psychiatric facility have
the opportunity to provide to individuals with severe and Occupational Therapy Assessments
persistent mental illness services that improve their function
and the quality of their lives. Occupational therapists in Just as the profession of occupational therapy has progressed,
mental health provide direct service in this context, which developed, and changed over the years, so has the assessment
includes: process in the state psychiatric hospital. As evidence-based
practice has grown increasingly important, informal assess-
■ Performing evaluations and screenings.
ment has decreased, and the use of standardized assessments
■ Establishing an intervention.
supplemented with informal assessment has become com-
■ Selecting relevant occupations.
mon practice. Frequently in the state hospital environment, a
■ Implementing the intervention.
structured, formal assessment process is implemented and
■ Modifying the plan as necessary.
includes initial assessment, continual informal reassessment,
■ Terminating the intervention when objectives are
and an annual formal reassessment. Additionally, as the pro-
fession has evolved from the use of uniform terminology to
Each component of the occupational therapy process the Occupational Therapy Practice Framework, the assess-
requires communication with the consumer, his or her family/ ment process has become more holistic focusing on global
significant other, and the treatment team. Documentation of functioning of the individual, performance patterns, envi-
services is a necessary and vital part of the occupational ronment in the hospital and the discharge environment,
therapist’s responsibilities. as well as the occupations that are of value and interest to
The opportunities for occupational therapists in a state the consumer (American Occupational Therapy Association
mental health facility are broad and exciting. The therapist [AOTA], 2002). The assessment guides interventions to im-
may be an evaluator of consumers, providing direct services prove quality of life while in the hospital, promote health and
and serving as a client advocate with the treatment team. wellness, prepare for discharge into the community, and pre-
The opportunity to shape the facility toward a recovery vent further hospitalizations.
model and to alter the client’s role expectations from that of This section examines the admission assessment and
a passive recipient to one who is able to influence events and reassessment process, and then describes the standardized
have some control over his or her daily living experience assessment tools available.
should be the occupational therapist’s primary role. This
may happen as a direct service provider. The Admission Assessment
Yet other opportunities exist for occupational therapists When an individual is admitted to a state psychiatric hospital,
to create an atmosphere that is conducive to client and staff the assessment process begins informally through observation
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CHAPTER 38 ■ State Hospitals 551

and interaction with the client. Additional data for the occu- are available that may be relevant for the state psychiatric
pational therapy assessment should be gathered through setting. Standardized assessments provide an in-depth look
input from other members of the treatment team and a ho- at performance in areas of occupation, performance skills,
listic screening with observation of functional performance and performance patterns of particular concern or interest
and interview components. (AOTA, 2002). For example, performing the Kohlman Eval-
There are many areas of particular interest in the initial uation of Living Skills (KELS) (Thomson, 1992) assessment
assessment in a psychiatric hospital: prior living conditions, with a client upon admission gives the therapist insight into
activities of daily living (ADLs), instrumental activities of the individual’s ability to perform particular IADLs and
daily living (IADLs), mental functions, social participation assists in making recommendations for discharge. Standard-
(including roles, routines and habits, cultural influences, ized assessments are also important in guiding treatment
substance abuse history, vocational history, educational his- and measuring outcomes. The KELS can determine, for
tory, legal history, and current legal issues), particular inter- example, particular areas that a person needs to improve in
ests of the clients, and volition to participate in occupational order to live in a more independent setting; these areas, if
therapy. A screening to determine functional reading level important to the individual, would then be used as a focus of
may also be completed and shared with the treatment team treatment. The KELS can be readministered to determine
to assist in better understanding what forms, written treat- outcomes of treatment, such as preparedness to be dis-
ment materials, educational materials, and other possible charged to a more independent setting. The assessments
papers the client will be able to read and understand and most commonly used in the state psychiatric hospital
how much assistance he or she might need. This screening are discussed in this section; however, this list is not compre-
will decrease confusion and frustration for the individual hensive, and the frequency and variety used differs among
during his or her stay in the hospital. hospitals.
Interpretations of the assessment should be immediately One example of a recovery-oriented assessment is the
documented and filed in the medical record to ensure the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (Pollock,
most accurate information and quick communication with 1993). This assessment is useful in the initial stages of
the treatment team. The formal process is typically com- the assessment process because it is self-directed and per-
pleted within the first 72 hours so the treatment team can son centered and assists the individual in determining
collaborate and design the individual’s plan of care, includ- what life areas are important to focus on. It also allows the
ing treatment recommendations and discharge plans. The client to indicate his or her level of satisfaction with cur-
occupational therapy assessment should be used to guide the rent performance in the previously identified life areas.
treatment team’s decisions for discharge planning from the This client-centered assessment approach allows interven-
initial assessment and throughout the hospitalization. tion to be guided by what the client finds meaningful. It is
then used after an intervention has been implemented to
Informal Reassessment detect change in the client’s perception over time (Asher,
As with all populations with whom the occupational thera- 1996).
pist works, reassessment with the psychiatric population is a The Occupational Performance History Interview II
continual process. The therapist continually observes the (OPHI-II) (Kielhofner et al, 2004) is an interview designed
individual’s behaviors in the milieu, in one-to-one interac- to gain a history of the client’s work, play, and self-care
tions, and in therapy groups. These observations and treat- performance. It provides insight into the individual’s per-
ment interactions are noted in weekly and monthly progress ception of his or her life and his or her ability to adapt
notes. The reassessment process guides changes in treatment (Asher, 1996). The Role Checklist (Oakley, Kielhofner,
focus and interventions. Barris, & Reichler, 1986) assesses productive roles by indi-
cating the individual’s perception of his or her past, pres-
Formal Reassessment ent, or future roles.
Because of the severity of illness seen in state psychiatric hos- Cognitive assessments are also used in the state psychi-
pitals, it is common to work with people who have had multi- atric setting. Two examples of cognitive assessments
ple long-term hospitalizations throughout their life span. are the Allen Cognitive Level (ACL) test (Allen, 1982) and
These hospitalizations can affect the person’s self-care skills the Kitchen Task Assessment (KTA) (Baum & Edwards,
and ability to perform IADLS; they also may hinder the client’s 1993). The ACL uses a variety of leather-lacing activities
ability to perform time management tasks and to make choices to look at cognitive function, assess cognitive disabilities,
and decisions. Therefore, a formal reassessment similar to the and suggest treatment approaches (Asher, 1996). The KTA
initial assessment is completed for long-term-stay clients on an uses a common kitchen task to evaluate cognitive skills
annual basis. The therapist can than gauge progression and such as organization, planning, and judgment (Asher,
regression in each of these areas and guide treatment to assist 1996).
the individual in relearning or adapting for these skills. Com- Other assessments directly assess ADLs. The KELS
parisons from initial and annual assessments should be made, (Thomson, 1992) evaluates the consumer’s ability to perform
changes and progress should be noted, and interventions mod- certain basic living skills such as self-care, money manage-
ified as appropriate. ment, transportation, safety, work, and leisure. It can assist in
determining his or her level of independence and discharge
Standardized Assessments recommendations. The Street Survival Skills Questionnaire
Because of the nature of mental illness and possible comor- (SSSQ) assesses adaptive skills for prevocational evaluation
bid diagnoses, a multitude of standardized assessments (McCaron, Cobb, Smith, & Barron, 1982). It consists of nine
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552 PART 3 ■ Environment

sections: Basic Concepts, Functional Signs, Tools, Domestic populations in the state psychiatric hospital. These
Management, Health and Safety, Public Services, Money, unique contributions include our ability to recommend
Time, and Measurement. and make environmental adaptations and to use tech-
The Motor-Free Visual Perceptual Test Revised (MVPT- niques such as sensory integration. Occupational therapists
R) (Colarusso & Hammill, 1996) is a motor-free evalua- focus on performance patterns, occupation in the context
tion of visual perception, looking at the following compo- of the life span, motivation, volition, and quality of life,
nents of visual perception: spatial relations, figure which add a unique perspective in working with these
ground, visual discrimination, visual closure, and visual individuals.
memory. The occupational therapist also provides a role in as-
Along with the change to the recovery model, naturally, sessing the need for speech and physical therapy, and re-
comes a change in the use of seclusion and restraints ferring consumers to these services when necessary.
in the psychiatric setting. The long-term goal is to have Following are some key points to remember when assess-
seclusion- and restraint-free hospitals. Occupational therapists’ ing special populations:
knowledge of sensory integration and sensory processing
can aid hospitals in achieving the recovery-oriented goal ■ When working with a person who is deaf or who does
of ultimately being seclusion and restraint free. “The ability not speak English, an interpreter must always be pres-
to offer alternative forms of stimulation and environmen- ent to assure accurate communication.
tal modifications, identified as helpful by the consumer, ■ When assessing an older adult, the Parachek Geriatric
may help to decrease or more skillfully help the individual Rating Scale (Parachek, 1986) can be used in addition
manage difficult thoughts, arousal states, emotions, and to the normal assessment process to examine the affects
cravings when they occur and may contribute to the de- of aging on function. The rating scale assists clinicians
creased need for the use of restraint and seclusion” in planning treatment programs for older adults. The
(Champagne, 2005, p. 2). The knowledge gained through clinician rates the individual in three categories: physi-
the assessment of sensory processing can be used to edu- cal capabilities, self-care skills, and social interaction
cate staff on how best to work with each client, to educate skills. Rated over time, the assessment reveals strengths
the client on his or her sensory needs, and to adapt the and problem areas so the clinician can plan goal-
environment to meet those sensory needs. One particular oriented treatment.
assessment useful in this area is the Adolescent and Adult ■ Many consumers with mental illness are admitted
Sensory Profile (Brown, Tollefson, Dunn, Cromwell, & with upper extremity injuries due to self-injurious
Filion, 2001). behaviors and accidents. The occupational therapist
The Adolescent/Adult Sensory Profile is a self-administered should assess the need for a referral for hand therapy
questionnaire of sensory experiences organized around and splinting. A hospital should have on staff at least
four quadrants derived from the intersection of a neuro- one occupational therapist who has the competen-
logical threshold continuum and a behavioral response cies to perform splinting and hand therapy as
continuum: (1) low registration, (2) sensation seeking, needed.
(3) sensory sensitivity, and (4) sensation avoiding (Brown
et al, 2001). There is support for the reliability and valid-
ity of the Adolescent/Adult Sensory Profile in determin- Occupational Therapy Intervention
ing sensory preferences, making recommendations for The assessment and reassessment process guides discharge
environmental adaptations and environmental fit, and planning and intervention. Accurate, person-centered, holis-
teaching individuals ways to cope with their sensory tic evaluation provides the information needed to build
environment. meaningful and successful interventions for the individual
receiving state psychiatric services. Intervention is an excit-
Assessing Special Populations ing process by which the therapist utilizes his or her creativity,
Many special populations exist within the psychiatric capitalizes on the therapeutic use of self, and builds rapport
population in the state hospital, including individuals with clients.
who are deaf, older adults, children and adolescents, in- Although there are broad trends in occupational therapy
dividuals with a criminal history, and individuals with intervention in state psychiatric hospitals, it is important to
dual diagnoses such as mental illness and substance remember that any occupational therapy intervention
abuse or mental illness and developmental disabilities. should be as unique as the individual to which it is provided.
There are also individuals with developmental disabili- In order to provide occupation-based, client-centered serv-
ties, physical injuries, physical health problems, and ices, interventions must be centered on the client’s identi-
those who do not speak or understand the English lan- fied needs, goals, and context (AOTA, 2002): there are as
guage. Due to the holistic nature of occupational therapy many different types of interventions as there are con-
and our ability to look at the person, the environment, sumers. However, in order to provide an accurate descrip-
and the occupations of life, we must adapt our assess- tion of the state psychiatric practice setting, it is necessary
ments and assessment processes to assist the team in to identify common trends in occupational therapy inter-
working with all of these populations. We must also keep vention. This section addresses the general goals of inter-
competencies in all of these areas in order to best assess vention, considerations for intervention planning, use of
and treat the individual. group intervention, types of rehabilitation programming,
Occupational therapists provide unique contributions interventions for special populations, and emerging areas of
in working with the treatment team for these special focus in state hospitals.
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General Goals of Intervention pursuing play and leisure activities, and improving social
The goals of occupational therapy intervention should participation (AOTA, 2002). Even though the general goal
be tailored to the client’s identified strengths, needs, and areas in state hospitals are very similar to those in other
context, but general goals remain the same in all inpatient psychiatric settings, the course of intervention to achieve
psychiatric settings. Although the criteria for medical neces- them is often much slower and more basic.
sity is unique to each state system, the acute inpatient psychi-
atric setting is designed for clients who make direct threats Considerations for Intervention Planning
or infer serious harm to self or others and/or demonstrate The unique setting of a state hospital requires special consid-
violent or uncontrolled behavior that presents potential erations for intervention planning. The diverse population
harm to self or others Because of the acute stage of illness includes clients in acute and clients in chronic phases of ill-
experienced by inpatients, they often present with paranoid ness, and the level of impairment of hospitalized individuals
or delusional thinking and aggressive behaviors (Fisher et al, is typically severe. In addition, state hospitals typically have
2009). Occupational therapists in acute care units must limited resources because of the financial structure of the
therefore work on multidisciplinary teams with the com- setting and the safety considerations. These issues must be
mon goal of providing a safe, stable daily routine for indi- considered when developing interventions.
viduals whose internal worlds are filled with turmoil. Acute
care intervention strategies center on improving orienta- Qualities of Successful Intervention
tion functions, impulse control, and emotional functions Because of the severity of illness experienced by individuals
and seek to establish medication routine and diagnosis in the state hospital setting, most continue to have active
education, all while preparing the client for discharge symptoms, such as delusions, hallucinations, and disorgan-
(AOTA, 2002). ized thoughts even while on medications. Others continue
In addition to acute mental illness, many individuals ad- to experience severe negative symptoms, such as catatonic
mitted to state hospitals have forensic, or legal, involvement. behavior, impoverished speech, and slowed cognitive and
Many people with mental illness are first diagnosed follow- motor responses. Such symptoms often result in difficulty
ing an arrest due to bizarre or violent behavior stemming attending to activities, organizing tasks and speech, and
from symptoms of their illness (Fisher et al, 2009). In this thinking abstractly, and they may manifest as cognitive im-
context, intervention may also focus on helping clients cope pairments such as decreased memory and problem-solving
and manage themselves within the legal system. skills.
With the increased availability of community rehabili- As in other occupational therapy settings, it is important
tation settings, consumers who become stable on medication to match interventions with the performance level of
are able to reenter the community with more frequency the consumer. However, taking into account the effects of
and efficiency than ever before. Therefore, many individuals severe mental illness, many of the most successful interven-
are discharged within days or weeks after being admitted tions in state hospitals share similar qualities regardless of
to state hospitals. The remaining clients in the state hospi- the performance skill or client factor being addressed by an
tal system are those whose mental illness is so chronic and intervention.
severe that they often require inpatient care for many One common quality of successful interventions in state
years. These individuals are transferred to long-term stay hospitals is that information is presented in a concrete man-
programs, such as psychiatric rehabilitation or behavioral ner. Consumers with severe mental illness often have difficulty
management programs, which are often unique to state processing auditory information alone because it is abstract.
psychiatric hospitals. Long-term institutionalization cre- For example, a verbal discussion about stress management
ates additional challenges for reentry into the community. techniques may result in the client speaking off-topic, mis-
As required, the hospital provides for many of the con- understanding information, or falling asleep. However, when
sumers’ needs, such as meal preparation and medication information is delivered in a more concrete way (e.g.,
management, and may even assist with basic ADLs. While through visual examples on a video, pictures and words on a
staff encourages individuals to be as independent as possi- worksheet, or hands-on activities), individuals are more
ble in the setting, the opportunities for independence are engaged and integrate the information more thoroughly.
limited, which can result in loss of skills and learned help- Generally, people with disorganized thought are more likely
lessness. However, to successfully reenter the community, to process information successfully if several of their senses
clients are expected to be able to care for themselves to are stimulated. Therefore, it is important for therapists to
varying degrees, depending on the placement context. provide information in ways that allow clients to hear, see,
Therefore, intervention in long-term programs is focused do, and say as much as possible. Methods for providing
on building the functional living skills people will need extremely concrete information often seem elementary.
upon discharge to community settings, such as home with Therefore, therapists need to be sure that the interventions
family, residential rehabilitation programs, or nursing they provide are age appropriate even though individuals
homes. Goal areas in long-term programs at state hospitals may require overexaggerated, obvious examples of informa-
are similar to those in any psychiatric setting, such as im- tion in order to process it successfully.
proving ADLs (e.g., grooming and hygiene) and IADLs Next, successful interventions are usually very basic and
(e.g., financial management, home establishment and involve breaking down tasks into one- or two-step subtasks
management, meal preparation/clean-up, safety proce- and chaining tasks for client success. When chaining, the
dures and emergency responses). Other goal areas include next step of a task is not attempted until the first step is
developing employment interests/acquisition, improving successfully accomplished, and when the next step is pre-
job performance, participating in volunteer activities, sented, supports are in place to promote success. For example,
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554 PART 3 ■ Environment

during an intervention related to meal preparation, the ther- would be in a setting such as a grocery store. For a client
apist often needs to provide visual demonstration of a sub- who is unable leave the building, however, a therapist
task (such as breaking an egg into a bowl) before expecting might start by helping him or her figure out the correct
the client to do so correctly. Only after this step is accom- change needed to purchase a snack from the lobby vend-
plished is the client encouraged to move on to the next step ing machine instead.
(using a fork to scramble the egg). Also, the therapist may
need to do large segments of the activity (e.g., actually cook Types of Intervention
the egg) in order for the client to engage in the subtasks The most common types of interventions in the state hos-
appropriate for his or her current level of ability. pital setting are group intervention, rehabilitation program-
Many consumers with extreme negative symptoms, such ming, treatment mall approach, and sensory approaches.
as catatonic behavior, have severely decreased verbalization.
For these individuals, it is important to incorporate motor Group Intervention
activities in addition to verbal activities whenever possible so While group intervention has both benefits and drawbacks,
they may successfully engage in intervention. For example, it continues to be the most common intervention technique
during group introductions, the therapist might throw a ball used in state hospital systems. Logistically, group intervention
to members of the group when it is their turn to introduce offers efficient services in a setting where staffing is quite
themselves. This provides motor engagement for those who often limited. Groups are less expensive to provide, allow thera-
are nonverbal. The added motor stimulation also provides pists to see more clients at one time, and deliver services to a
an alerting response that may trigger clients to verbalize larger population than individual interventions.
when they otherwise might not. Group sessions also provide benefits to the consumer.
It is also important to remember that most clients who Those in state hospital settings typically have very limited
have lived in state hospitals for many years have not kept social networks. Those with disorganized thought often have
up with technology. This affects intervention because they decreased awareness of the people around them and have
are often unfamiliar with resources we take for granted. difficulty forming social relationships. Group intervention
For example, clients often need several lessons on using a encourages individuals to talk with each other, cooperate,
microwave oven before they can complete a simple task and help one another, thus offering opportunities for social
such as making popcorn. Others might want to commu- participation and feedback. In addition, offering a variety of
nicate with family via e-mail but have never seen a com- intervention groups throughout the day provides a struc-
puter or used the Internet before. Long-term, graded tured routine for clients. And as occupational therapists, we
intervention on the use of such technology is generally know that balanced routines are a healthy and organizing
required before the occupation can be independently part of daily life.
performed. Although group intervention is commonly used, it has
some drawbacks. While many individuals benefit from the
Limitations of Context social nature of groups, those who experience severe para-
Because consumers in state hospital settings continue to noia or anxiety often find it difficult to engage in group
remain potentially dangerous to themselves or others, thera- activity. Also, even as therapists attempt to help clients meet
pists must address certain contextual considerations when their individual goals in the group setting, group intervention
planning intervention. For example, some individuals are can never be as tailored to individual needs as a one-to-one
unable to leave their locked units without close supervision, session. Despite these disadvantages, as long as group inter-
if at all. Also, in areas such as the occupational therapy clinic, vention provides the most effective and efficient services, it
potentially dangerous materials such as scissors and knives will continue to be a hallmark of intervention in the state
must be counted carefully before and after an activity and hospital setting.
stored in locked cabinets. Finally, many items we take for
granted, such as pipe cleaners and aluminum foil, are iden- Rehabilitation Programming
tified as contraband in the hospital setting. Therefore, thera- In addition to typical group intervention, many state settings
pists must carefully consider the materials and modalities provide hospitalwide rehabilitation programming designed
used for intervention during the planning process. For to assist clients in acquiring and/or maintaining as many
example, a therapist running a task group must ensure that occupational roles as possible before discharge. Those with
all project ideas are free of contraband materials so that long-term hospitalizations often lose touch with new tech-
clients will be allowed to keep their project once finished. nologies. They have not performed home management
The therapist must check individuals’ privilege levels before tasks, driven a vehicle, or used community resources for long
taking them off the unit for a group held in the clinic. If a periods of time. Many of their ADLs, such as laundry, cook-
project requires sharp objects, they must be carefully ing, grocery shopping, and budgeting, have been done for
counted before, during, and after group sessions to ensure them.
safety. Rehabilitation programming is usually reserved for
Because context is an important aspect of meaningful individuals who are likely to be discharged in 6 months
occupation, therapists try to provide intervention in to a year. These programs are often delivered in various
the most natural context possible. However, therapists locations throughout hospital grounds so clients have the
are often limited in where interventions can take place opportunity to function in a broader context than the
because of safety restrictions. For example, the most effec- confined hospital unit. Rehabilitation programs may in-
tive context in which to teach money-handling skills clude vocational services in which clients can build job
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CHAPTER 38 ■ State Hospitals 555

skills through supported employment on or off hospital has had a 90% drop in seclusion and restraint since open-
grounds, day programs that help clients become familiar ing its treatment mall program (Ferrie, 2002). Occupa-
with activities and routines similar to those found in com- tional therapists providing intervention in a treatment
munity mental health settings, intensive home management mall program frequently find themselves cofacilitating
training in which clients can engage in meal preparation groups with other disciplines, such as nursing, social
and cleaning, and community reentry in which clients take work, psychology, music therapy, art therapy, and thera-
trips to begin interacting with people and resources out- peutic recreation. This cooperation strengthens the occu-
side the hospital setting. pational therapy intervention by providing a wider scope
of expertise and resources to more fully support individ-
Treatment Mall Approach uals’ engagement in occupation. Occupational therapists
Another area gaining popularity and efficacy is the treat- working within this model may also be called upon to
ment mall approach. The treatment mall is a decentralized help manage and assess treatment mall programming and
program, meaning that clients come from different areas of develop new groups or courses to more fully meet con-
the hospital to attend the program. It is structured around sumer needs.
an educational or classroom model, with a large selection of
courses available to clients. The treatment mall supports Sensory Approaches
many recovery practices, such as individualized care, self- Another emerging area is the use of sensory approaches in
determination, and choice. state hospitals as a component of crisis prevention plan-
As of 2001, there were 28 public psychiatric hospital ning. The Massachusetts Department of Mental Health,
treatment malls across the country, according to the Direc- the National Association of State Mental Health Program
tory of Public Psychiatric Hospital Treatment Malls (Bopp, Directors, and the Joint Commission for Accreditation
2001), and this number continues to grow. The treatment of Healthcare Organizations have all recognized the need
mall approach was designed as an alternative to ward-based for responsible and skilled use of sensory approaches,
programming. A highly structured locked unit tends to
increase clients’ dependence on staff, isolation from the
community, and general boredom (Chovil, 2005). On a
locked unit, individuals must rely on staff to schedule and
oversee everyday activities, which confines clients to a limited Evidence-Based Practice
context. This results in a cyclical process in which lowered
expectations from both the staff and the client become rein-
forcing (Bopp, Ribble, Cassidy, & Markoff, 1996) Also, indi-
viduals with the most severe illness often receive the fewest
S everal published articles support the use of treatment
mall programs within state hospitals. These articles sug-
gest that treatment mall programs (1) provide consumers with
rehabilitation services, usually because they are not easily a structured “working day” away from the unit (Markoff, 1999);
accessible from the ward (Bopp et al, 1996). Treatment malls (2) bring the hospital context closer to that of the outside
community (Bopp et al, 1996); (3) encourage the matching of
offer an alternative environment for clients in much the
expert staff to clients in need of that expertise (Markoff, 1999);
same way that work, school, or volunteering does for mem- (4) improve overall functioning in participants (Markoff, 1999);
bers of the general community. The mall is typically held in and (5) may contribute to decreased use of seclusion and
an easily accessible, locked building or location separate restraint (Ferrie, 2002).
from the unit on which clients live. While programs offered
➤ Occupational therapists can use their expertise to develop
by treatment malls varies among hospitals, they are all based
the structured, daily routine of treatment mall programs.
on an academic or psychoeducational model in which clients
participate in groups or courses designed to assist them in ➤ Occupational therapists can use their knowledge of the
improving life skills (Ballard, 2008). A wide variety of multi- effect of context on occupations to help develop the space
disciplinary groups are offered, and clients can help create used for treatment malls to more effectively create a “com-
munity feel.”
their own schedule to address their personal goals and inter-
vention needs. In addition to activity rooms and classrooms, ➤ Occupational therapists can use their expertise of group
many treatment malls offer resources such as a fitness center, facilitation to create and develop group protocols, lead
boutique, hair salon, and kitchen. Such resources allow groups within the treatment mall, and serve as role models
not only for a change of context but also for broader social and trainers for other staff in the program.
opportunities, as several units may attend the same treat- ➤ Occupational therapists can use their expertise of functional
ment mall program. assessment to accurately refer clients to relevant groups
Individuals attending a treatment mall program often and provide outcomes data regarding effectiveness of treat-
demonstrate a higher level of engagement and participation ment mall program.
than those receiving treatment only in a confined hospital
Bopp, J., Ribble, D., Cassidy, J., Markoff, R. (1996). Re-engineering the
unit. A measure of efficacy implemented at Middletown state hospital to promote rehabilitation and recovery. Psychiatric Services,
Psychiatric Center in New York showed that clients had 47(7), 3–5.
improved in all areas of an effectiveness-of-functioning Ferrie, B. (2002). Changing the environment. Advance for Nurses, 4(12),
15–16, 28.
scale after 1 year of treatment mall attendance (Markoff,
Markoff, R. (1999). Innovations: “Treatment mall” at Middletown Psychiatric
1999). Individuals in this program demonstrated the great- Center. Treatment Mall Best Practices Directory, 6–7. (Reprinted from
est improvement in basic survival skills and stability of men- Quality of Care Newsletter, 75, Spring 1999.)
tal status (Markoff, 1999). Western State Hospital in Virginia
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556 PART 3 ■ Environment

identifying occupational therapists as the professionals

Evidence-Based Practice most qualified to provide consultation in order to create
and carry out these services (Champagne, 2005). As men-
R esearch evidence shows that use of sensory approaches
in inpatient psychiatric facilities provides an important
component of person-centered crisis prevention tools (Champagne,
tioned previously, the use of sensory approaches for crisis
prevention may greatly reduce the need for seclusion and
restraint (Champagne, 2005; Champagne & Stromberg,
2005), helps clients self-organize, reduces levels of distress,
2004). Sensory approaches can also be used to help pre-
and reduces episodes of seclusion and restraint (Champagne
& Stromberg, 2004).
vent clients from engaging in self-injury (Champagne,
2005). Intervention centered on sensory processing might
➤ Occupational therapists should assess clients’ individual include assisting clients in developing and practicing
sensory preferences and needs using the Adolescent and individualized sensory diets; making recommendations
Adult Sensory Profile (Brown & Dunn, 2002).
for environmental modification, such as the development
➤ Occupational therapists should work with clients to plan and and implementation of multisensory rooms; and educat-
implement individualized sensory diets to help them improve ing other treatment team members on the responsible use
coping skills and crisis prevention. of sensory experiences before, during, or after a crisis
➤ Occupational therapists should use their expertise in envi- (Champagne, 2005).
ronmental modifications to develop and implement the safe
use of multisensory treatment rooms that can be readily
available to clients.
Brown, C., & Dunn, W. (2002) Adolescent/Adult Sensory Profile. Psycho-
logical Corporation, San Antonio, TX. State hospitals have changed dramatically over the last
Champagne, T. (2005). Expanding the role of sensory approaches in 50 years; however, they continue to provide an important
acute psychiatric settings. Mental Health Special Interest Section service in the continuum of care for people with serious
Quarterly, 28, 1–4.
Champagne, T., & Stromberg, N. (2004). Sensory approaches in inpatient
mental illness. Occupational therapy can play a significant
psychiatric settings: Innovative alternatives to seclusion and restraint. role in enhancing quality of life in the state hospital environ-
Journal of Psychosocial Nursing, 42, 35–44. ment and providing interventions that allow for the success-
ful transition to community life.

Active Learning Strategies

1. Limited Freedoms and Choices ● Do you think the treatment team can ensure safety and
set appropriate limits yet still allow individuals as many
Imagine you have been admitted to a state psychiatric hospi-
choices and freedoms as possible? If so, how?
tal. You want to go outside but realize the doors are locked
● What do you think may happen to a person’s ability to
and you cannot go out until other people think is safe for
problem-solve and make choices if he or she lives with
you; even then, your time outside will be limited to a few
limited opportunities to do so for a long period of time?
hours a day. You would like to eat but are told that meals are
How do you think this would affect a person’s self-esteem?
served only at certain times, and there is no food available
● What activities might a therapist do with individuals to
right now. You decide you would like some time to lie down
give them opportunities to problem-solve and make
alone, so you go into your bedroom. However, you now
choices so they may improve upon these skills?
share a room with two other people, and they are talking, so
you cannot lie down and rest as you would like to. You really
2. Time Warp Interview
need a cigarette because you are a smoker, but then you re-
alize that smoking time is not for another 3 hours. A shower Imagine the situation of someone who has been hospitalized
might feel good, but you realize the showers are being for the last 30 years with limited personal access to new tech-
cleaned, and you will not be able to take one any time soon. nologies. Identify the technologies that have become com-
You want to watch television, but the group decides together monplace in the last 30 years. You may need to interview
what to watch, and you are not very interested in the show someone who is older than yourself to help you with this.
they have chosen. How frustrated do you feel right now?
Make a list of the most important
In your Reflective Journal, describe technologies and how they are used
how living with these limited freedoms in everyday practice. Then reflect on
and choices would make you feel. the following questions.
Reflective Questions Reflective Questions
● If you were working on such a unit, what could you do ● Without knowledge of or familiarity with these technolo-
to give the clients greater freedom and more choices? gies, what barriers would be present for an individual
● As an occupational therapist, how could you assist a transitioning from the state hospital to the community?
client in a situation like this? How could you assist the How would life be affected in terms of work, home man-
other staff working on the unit? agement, and communication?
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CHAPTER 38 ■ State Hospitals 557

● What skills and training would the individual need to Describe your experience in your
understand and use the technology? Reflective Journal.
● What additional challenges would someone with severe
mental illness face in learning these new skills? How Reflective Questions
could these skills be adapted to assist the individual with ● What skills were required to plan the shopping trip? To
severe mental illness in learning how to use new technology use transportation? To find the pants? To pay for the
in community life? pants? Did you feel competent in these skills?
● Did you ask others for any kind of assistance? If so, were
3. Shopping on a Budget the individuals helpful?
● What challenges did you experience during this shopping
Your assignment is to go shopping for a pair of men’s jeans,
size 50 waist, 36 length. You have $12.00 to spend.
● What feelings did you experience during the shopping trip?
● What other challenges would an individual with severe
mental illness who has not lived in the community for
10 years have faced?

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Champagne, T. (2005). Expanding the role of sensory approaches (NASMHPD) Research Institute. (2002). Public Report: Diagnos-
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and restraint. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing, 42, 35–44. Alexandria, VA: Author.
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Oakley, F., Kielhofner, G., Barris, R., & Reichler, R. K. (1986). The ture. Sykesville, MD: Springfield Hospital Center.
role checklist: Development and empirical assessment of reliabil- Thomson, L. K. (1992). The Kohlman Evaluation of Living Skills
ity. Occupational Therapy Journal of Research, 6(3), 157–169. (3rd ed.). Bethesda, MD: American Occupational Therapy
Paracheck, J. F. (1986). Parachek Geriatric Rating Scale (3rd ed). Association.
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Peloquin, S. M. (1989). Moral treatment: Contexts considered. and Mental Health Services Administration. (2004). “National
American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 43, 537–544. Consensus Statement on Mental Health Recovery.” Available at:
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Psychosocial Clubhouses 39
Virginia Carroll Stoffel

“ T he inspiration comes in when you see “I can work”at the club. For many of us, all we could
do is either have the succession of failed jobs or succession of failed school, then hang around
the apartment for some time, years . . . then you come to the club and you say “I am somebody
because I can contribute”and that’s a big part of it.The clubhouse responsibility is to provide a
way to inspire people to say, not only can we engage you here, but you can go to school, you can
work elsewhere.
—Clubhouse member cited in Stoffel (2008), p. 108

Introduction processes of training and work” (Anderson, 1998, p. 29),

Psychosocial clubhouses comprise an international com- Fountain House was supported by funding from philanthro-
munity of people who share the lived experience of mental pists and from the New York State Department of Vocational
illness and recovery. Clubhouses offer a physical place where Rehabilitation. In the early years, Fountain House offered its
people are afforded respect and varied opportunities to pur- members a mix of sheltered workshop experiences fabricat-
sue valued and chosen occupations that hold meaning and ing small items facilitated by an occupational therapist,
purpose. The clubhouse model of psychosocial rehabilita- clerical job training, and social and recreational activities.
tion has evolved over time, from 1944, when several people John Beard, a social worker from Michigan, was hired as
joined together in New York City to form a self-help group the executive director of Fountain House in 1955. Program
called We Are Not Alone (WANA) (Anderson, 1998), to to- development evolved with an emphasis on daytime work-
day, when there are more than 310 clubhouses worldwide as- related activities. During the evenings and weekends, activi-
sociated with the International Center for Clubhouse Devel- ties such as arts, crafts, and drama and choral groups were of-
opment (ICCD) (ICCD, 2004, 2008b; Propst, 1997). fered, along with holiday and seasonal events. By 1957, daily
In contrast to consumer-operated services (see Chapter 35), lunch was added as a clubhouse offering, and the develop-
clubhouses operate with a blend of staff and members who ment of social relationships was emphasized with the hope
assume leadership for all clubhouse operations in an egali- that as members interacted, they would provide healthy and
tarian and strength-based context in which members pursue constructive influences on one another (Anderson, 1998).
personal goals related to their recovery. A variety of mental Although some Fountain House members were able to
health professionals are employed by psychosocial club- successfully obtain and keep a job, many were not successful.
houses worldwide, including occupational therapists and In an effort to provide support for those members who had
occupational therapy assistants. difficulties with employment stability and success, Beard
This chapter provides a picture of the international club- (1987) developed agreements with local businesses (e.g., a
house movement, from its inception in New York City to its supermarket, brokerage firm, printing company, and cloth-
current worldwide status. It identifies meaningful occupa- ing store) that Fountain House would ensure that a member
tional roles offered by the clubhouse model where occupa- would fill a position, and should the regularly assigned
tional therapy practitioners can and do contribute. member be unable to work, the position would be filled by a
Fountain House staff or other member who could fulfill the
job duties. This practice continues today and is known as
transitional employment (further described later in this
Description of Psychosocial chapter) (Anderson, 1998; Henry, Barreira, Banks, Brown, &
McKay, 2001).
Clubhouses: The Fountain Program development at Fountain House was based on
House Model helping members meet the challenges of living successfully
in the community. When members found that they needed
Fountain House, the early prototype for psychosocial club- assistance with securing leases for housing during 1958 and
houses, was first established in New York City in 1948. Meeting 1959, Fountain House intervened by working with landlords
the needs of people with mental illness so that vocational and real estate agents. Providing assistance with initial
and educational goals would prepare members for the “normal deposits and assisting members to share living space in order

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560 PART 3 ■ Environment

to keep living expenses affordable expanded the types of the rest of society” (2008b). The ability to live and work in
services offered by Fountain House to its members (Anderson, the community as full participants who contribute to society
1998). A thrift shop was developed at the Fountain House to is part of the ICCD vision, providing an environment
offer members donated household goods and clothing in an of hope, support, acceptance, and commitment to building
affordable manner. capacity.
As Beard interacted with others from across the country Beard, Propst, and Malamud (1982) reflected on their
and shared his experiences with Fountain House, interest in Fountain House experience and stated that the broad goals
how the various programs operated and could be replicated of clubhouses include keeping people with mental illness out
was expressed. A training program was developed in which of the hospital and in the community in order to achieve
staff from other programs observed and interacted at Foun- social, financial, educational, and vocational goals important
tain House for 3 to 4 weeks, carrying out programming side to the individual. The ways in which clubhouses facilitate
by side with members and staff (Anderson, 1998). A combi- these goals are best understood by reading the 36 standards,
nation of observation, engagement, and instruction across available at and summarized here, as
all of the clubhouse work units (clerical, food service, house- well as the first-person accounts in Flannery and Glickman’s
keeping, building maintenance, outreach) and those involved 1996 book, Fountain House: Portraits of Lives Reclaimed from
in transitional employment provided the training partici- Mental Illness.
pants with a working knowledge of successful practices em-
ployed at Fountain House. This model of training continues International Standards
through the ICCD, with training locations throughout the
world (ICCD, 2008a). The principles embedded in the Clubhouse Standards have
As interest in developing psychosocial clubhouses across been tested across time. Some can clearly be traced back to
the globe widened during the 1980s, clubhouse members the early Fountain House experience, whereas others have
and staff joined together for international seminars held been shaped by the international clubhouse community
every 2 years. These gatherings offered sessions in which through the biannual review of Standards conducted
clubhouse members and staff shared their experiences and through the ICCD, with the most recent update in October
successes with one another. Ultimately, in 1989, Standards 2008. The Standards (ICCD, 2008a) provide members and
for Clubhouse Programs were developed on the basis of the staff with clarity about membership, staff and member rela-
consensus of participants involved in clubhouse programs tionships, space, the work-ordered day, employment (transi-
around the globe. In 1994, the ICCD was formed with tional, supported, and independent), education, clubhouse
representatives from clubhouses worldwide. functions, funding, governance, and administration. They are
The International Standards for Clubhouse Programs also the criteria to which clubhouses seeking ICCD accredita-
continue to be carefully reviewed and updated biannually so tion are held accountable.
that these principles are globally understood and universally
applied to programs that adopt the psychosocial clubhouse Membership
model. The term work-ordered day, coined when the first The Standards emphasize the voluntary nature of member-
Standards for Clubhouse Programs were developed in 1989, ship and the absence of time limits. Clubhouses are open to
reflects how staff and members are mutually involved in op- anyone with a history of mental illness who does not pose a
erating and enhancing the clubhouse community (Anderson, safety threat, with freedom of choice and full access to all
1998; Propst, 1992). clubhouse opportunities and records. In addition, members
who are hospitalized, isolate, or drop their attendance are
assured that the clubhouse has a system of reaching out to
Clubhouse Mission and Goals reengage members so they realize the clubhouse is still fully
The vision of the ICCD is that men and women with
mental illness throughout the world will have access to the Relationships
respect and dignity offered by clubhouses, and to the full
With regard to staff–member relationships, the Standards
range of clubhouse opportunities, as they rebuild their
emphasize that all clubhouse meetings are open (e.g., there
lives. The mission of the ICCD is to promote and protect
are no exclusive meetings for staff) and that the number of
the rights, opportunities and future of psychiatrically
staff employed should be only enough to engage members
disabled men and women who are members of clubhouses
in the real work of running the clubhouse. Clubhouse re-
all over the world. Today, as mental health services
sponsibilities are jointly filled and dependent on member
delivery systems around the world are facing new crises,
involvement. All clubhouse staff are expected to have gener-
the ICCD is here to insist on a future with respect and
alist roles that are not defined by any professional creden-
opportunity for those who have been denied them for too
tials they might possess, such as social work, occupational
long. (ICCD, 2008b)
therapy, or vocational rehabilitation. Staff members share
The mission and vision of the ICCD and clubhouses all responsibilities across the clubhouse, including evening,
throughout the world are linked and further reflected in the weekend, and holiday programming, as well as unit, em-
International Standards for Clubhouse Programs. The ICCD ployment, and housing responsibilities.
emphasizes that clubhouses should be developed in a manner
that is culturally sensitive and holistic, offering “respect, hope, Space
mutuality and unlimited opportunity to access the same The Standards require that each clubhouse have its own
worlds of friendship, housing, education and employment as name, address, and telephone number and be separate from
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CHAPTER 39 ■ Psychosocial Clubhouses 561

The bus slowed, wheezed and coughed the rider onto the street. She took
timid steps toward the tall building. The sun rose from her slumber. Birds flocked
toward sidewalks scattered with bread. Indecisive, she nearly turned back
several times, back to the warmth of her hearth, back to the safety of her
bed, back to the known. Even when the familiar reeks with pain, even when the
routine suffocates with fear, even when the day is filled with dread, some
prefer it to—change.
It took all her courage to place one foot in front of the other. Then she did
it again and again and again. Moments passed. Emotions ranged from dread
to anxiety to calm to wonder. She grasped the handrail and ascended the
stairs. Slowly opening the heavy wooden door, she peeked inside. The sound
“Welcome to the Grand Avenue Club” bounced off her tiny frame. She
gathered her courage, moved inside and joined the others.
When the grandfather clock boomed twelve, she was busily carving meat.
Sharing the work of the day, she created culinary cuisine for the colleagues. Members came and
went. Meetings were announced, commenced and ended. She endured. She met everyone and remembered no one.
It was unlike any other day. For just this once, she was not managing her madness. Just for today she was not consumed
with fear. The focus was not on symptoms, side effects and sickness. She hoped she found the remedy. Removing her
hair net and discarding her gloves, she strode downstairs. Smiling broadly, she said good-bye to the greeter. “Perhaps,”
she thought, “work is it’s own reward.”

a mental health institution. The design of the clubhouse is according to the volume of work and number of members/
expected be attractive, convey respect and dignity, be fully staff available.
accessible to all members and staff (e.g., no exclusive areas),
and facilitate the work-ordered day. Employment
The Standards address facilitating member engagement in
Work-Ordered Day paid work through three employment programs: transi-
When the Standards were first written in 1989, the concept of tional employment, supported employment, and independ-
the work-ordered day was named (Anderson, 1998; Beard ent employment, all of which must take place outside of the
et al, 1982). It conveys the expectation that members and staff clubhouse.
run the clubhouse, side by side, at least 5 days per week dur- Transitional employment (TE) is defined as a right of
ing typical working hours (Vorspan, 1992). The clubhouse is clubhouse membership for those who desire to work and of-
expected to be organized in member- and staff-engaged work fers opportunities to be placed in clubhouse-contracted posi-
units that perform the real work of enhancing the clubhouse tions in business and industry. The clubhouse guarantees the
community. Members are neither paid nor receive artificial position is covered should a member be absent, and the mem-
rewards but gain self-worth, purpose, and confidence through ber is paid the prevailing wage by the employer in a part-time
their contributions. The work of the clubhouse is expected to and time-limited position (typically 15–20 hours/week for
include: 6–9 months). TE placement and job training are provided by
the clubhouse generalist staff and members.
■ Intake and orientation of new members, staff, and
Supported employment (SE) positions may be full time or
part time and are “owned” by the person holding the position,
■ Hiring, training, and evaluation of staff
typically after an interview at which the employer (not the
■ Outreach
clubhouse) selects the employee (McKay, Johnsen, Banks, &
■ Advocacy
Stein, 2006). The member and staff jointly determine the spe-
■ Public relations
cific needs of the employed member, with the clubhouse main-
■ Research
taining a relationship with both the employer and the em-
■ Evaluation of clubhouse effectiveness
ployee. Independent employment (IE) occurs when a member
■ Administration of the clubhouse
obtains and maintains a job without the direct support of the
All of these tasks are opportunities that are open to all clubhouse. Members who are independently employed have
members. Each unit is expected to conduct meetings that full access to all other clubhouse services and programs.
organize and plan the day as well as foster unit relation-
ships. Many clubhouses have culinary, education and em- Education
ployment, communication, and clubhouse services units, As indicated in the Standards, members who want to partic-
although each clubhouse may organize these uniquely ipate in adult education opportunities in the community are
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562 PART 3 ■ Environment

supported by the clubhouse, which might also include provide documentation of a mental illness from a physician,
pursuit of a GED, vocational technical education, or higher membership is not restricted “based on diagnosis or level of
education. When tutoring service is available, clubhouse functioning” and “unless that person poses a significant and
members are taught by other members to be successful in current threat to the general safety of the Clubhouse commu-
reaching their educational goals. nity” (ICCD, 2008a, p. 1). The latter quote might include
members who are actively abusing alcohol or other drugs,
Clubhouse Functions whose behavior might be deemed as endangering others.
The Standards guide such functions as ensuring the club- Consistent with clubhouse culture, members with active sub-
house and TE locations are accessible via local transporta- stance misuse would be aided in connecting with substance
tion or effective alternatives and that the clubhouse provides abuse services and self-help groups.
(through its work units) community support services such Several studies have identified characteristics of club-
as entitlements, housing and advocacy, health promotion, house members (Macias et al, 2006; Mowbray, Woodward,
and assistance in connecting with needed medical, psycho- Holter, MacFarlane, & Bybee, 2008; Pernice-Duca, 2008;
logical, and pharmacological and substance abuse services. Stoffel, 2008) as a part of reported study results. For exam-
Although not all clubhouses are expected to offer their ple, in the Macias et al study, which included 89 clubhouse
own housing programs, they are expected to help members members from two Massachusetts ICCD certified sites, 49%
secure safe, suitable, and affordable housing. of clubhouse members were male, 82% were Caucasian,
Other functions outlined in this section of the Standards baseline age was 39 years, and 44% had a diagnosis of schiz-
include regularly conducting an objective evaluation of ophrenia, 32% with a substance use disorder. Sixty-seven
clubhouse effectiveness; participation of the director, mem- percent had a high school diploma.
bers, and staff in the 3-week clubhouse model training at an Stoffel (2008) completed a phenomenological study
ICCD-certified center; and provision of evening and week- conducted at one clubhouse in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, with
end social and recreational programs, including celebration 463 members ages 18 to 70 years, where 43% were female,
of holidays on the actual day observed. 35% were African American, and 60% were Caucasian.
In Mowbray et al (2008), a sample of 31 clubhouses in
Funding, Governance, and Administration Michigan representing 892 members, revealed a mean age
The final section of the Standards addresses the functions of of 44.43 years; 17% were African American, 55% were
the clubhouse’s independent board of directors (or separate male, and average education level was high school plus
advisory board), annual budget development and monitor- some postsecondary education. Twenty-four percent re-
ing, appropriate mental health licenses, accreditation, and ported a substance abuse history, and 82% self-reported a
community support. Staff members are expected to be paid mental illness, with 90% receiving Social Security or Social
competitively comparative with other mental health posi- Security Disability income. Thirty-seven percent reported
tions. The clubhouse is expected to hold open forums with living with schizophrenia, 15% with bipolar disorder, and
full engagement of members and staff in arriving at consen- 9.6% with depression. Seventy-two percent considered
sus decisions guiding clubhouse direction and development. themselves to be in recovery from a mental health problem,
Given that the clubhouse standards are continually evolv- had a moderate sense of hopefulness, and experienced a
ing, clubhouses worldwide continually explore other ways in moderate level of global quality of life.
which they can impact the health and wellbeing of their Pernice-Duca (2008) profiled 221 clubhouse members
members. Exploring better ways to meet the nutritional across 15 clubhouse programs in Michigan, with 53% re-
needs of members by changing their culinary practices in ported as female, 82% Caucasian, 52.5% with schizophrenia,
offering healthier meals is one current focus of clubhouses, and 32.6% with a major affective disorder.
along with smoking cessation programs, stress management, These studies show that adult men and women with a va-
dental care, improving sleep habits, health screenings and risk riety of mental illness and substance use disorders, from a
assessments, and HIV/AIDS education (McKay & Pelletier, number of ethnic and cultural groups, become members of
2007). In addition, finding that members are challenged by psychosocial clubhouses, reflecting the population in each
issues associated with inactivity and obesity, programs that country where it exists.
engage members in fitness and exercise are being explored,
with early studies finding that members increased their Composition of Clubhouse Staff
aerobic capacity and mental wellness (Pelletier, Ngyuen,
Bradley, Johnsen, & McKay, 2005). How and where to posi- Clubhouse staffing includes the position of executive direc-
tion exercise, stress reduction, and fitness programs with the tor and staff who operate as generalists throughout the
clubhouse emphasis on the work-ordered day is noted as a clubhouse work units. The Clubhouse Standards do not set
challenge (Stoffel, 2008). any specific criteria for staff credentials, simply governing
the nature of member–staff relationships noted earlier. Al-
Population Served though it is not required to have an academic degree in one
of the following, the professions of social work, vocational
Clubhouses are open to anyone with a history of mental ill- rehabilitation, occupational therapy, counseling, and nurs-
ness who wishes to be voluntarily involved in the clubhouse. ing are commonly indentified in the clubhouse literature. In
Typically, clubhouses are directed to adults, yet some club- addition, because the number of staff members employed
houses have outreach programs connecting with young adults by psychosocial clubhouses is intended to be only enough
nearing their 18th birthday so as to offer support and involve- to engage members in the running of the clubhouse, it is
ment in aiding the person’s transition to adulthood while cop- carefully monitored, consistent with the International
ing with a mental illness. Although members simply need to Standards (ICCD, 2008a).
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CHAPTER 39 ■ Psychosocial Clubhouses 563

The Lived Experience

Rather than share one person’s perspective on clubhouse en- do, you have to learn how to express your anger in a
gagement, these narratives are drawn from the four clubhouse way that won’t damage anyone or something like that.
members who participated in a series of in-depth phenomeno- (p. 93)
logical interviews (Stoffel, 2008). Together they create a feeling
Matthew, a divorced 43-year-old Caucasian male, shared that
for clubhouse programs and the ups and downs associated with
he came to the clubhouse after his father discovered the club-
the experience of living with a mental illness and clubhouse
house program:
engagement, and they provide an insider perspective of how
clubhouse engagement impacts mental health recovery. Pseu- I can remember coming and treating it like a job. Coming
donyms are used to share the voices of these four participants: in right around 8:30 or 9 and then be there for the
Shana, Jake, Mary and Matthew. 9:30 meetings and staying for the whole day. (p. 97)
Shana, a single 52-year-old female of mixed heritage (African I was still involved but then I started feeling discour-
American, Hispanic, and Native American) shared how she first aged. . . . I was sort of going home earlier and then com-
came to the clubhouse: ing in later. (p. 98)
I had fallen on hard times—lost my home, lost family, had He recounted how the staff re-engaged him by inviting him
financial supports removed. I was battle-scarred and my to join a group of members who were preparing to attend an out-
mind was dead, so my case manager asked me to get in- of-town clubhouse coalition meeting. This seemed to spark a
volved. After a tour of the clubhouse, I thought “Maybe I new level of involvement and commitment, ultimately leading to
can do this.” (Stoffel, 2008, p. 92) assuming a position on the clubhouse board of directors (one of
two members who served on the board) and trying out several
Later, she shared her ambivalence about the warm and wel-
TE positions, one leading to independent employment.
coming environment of the clubhouse:
For Shana, finding a place where one can contribute and feel
I felt like they were patronizing, like they were equating my comfortable in the clubhouse was important:
mental illness with me needed to be coddled or some-
I found I felt safer in culinary. It was more fun to be there
thing. I’m not sure right now if that was because I was in
at that time. Even though we had a lot of hard work to do,
a survival mode, or whether some of them were actually
we had a rhythm about how we worked together. (p. 95)
patronizing . . . maybe I did need a little pampering. (Stoffel,
2008, p. 93) Jake, who received a letter inviting him to return to the club-
house after completing his 2-week orientation when he didn’t re-
Jake, a single 36-year-old African American male shared his
turn for several weeks, shared:
start at the clubhouse:
I was very eager to meet people on the third floor . . . just
I didn’t have any place to go, to relax or to get away from
went to the library and see all the books and computers.
drugs. My probation officer told me about the clubhouse.
. . . I thought that was great. I could pick up a book and
I had no money, no place to go, was down and out, so I
sit back, read something with help because I’m slow a lit-
started coming here. (p. 92)
tle bit, you know. My schizophrenia triggers me every
I thought, wow, a kitchen, tutoring, jobs where I could earn
now and then . . . but everyone appreciated me for be-
money, food. I need to be here. It can be my second home
ing there, doing a good job. I could name a whole bunch
. . . but, will I be the laughing stock in the streets? (p. 94)
of things I got credit for. I was working really hard just to
Mary, a single 53-year-old Caucasian female, had been in- be me, the new me, actually. (p. 96)
volved in the clubhouse and was returning after many years
He tried a group TE placement cleaning a local church and
earning some money:
I think I came back because I didn’t know what else to do.
It gave me a sense of responsibility when I started with the
I didn’t know where to put myself. . . . I tend to think I can’t
church. People look at me different now . . . there was a
do anything and because I’ve done some jobs that were
lot of people who cheered me on. I was like “yeah, this is
kind of menial and didn’t have a lot of dignity to it, I
a good opportunity for me.” So I stuck with it. And now
thought that was all I could do and would hate myself. I’d
it’s a year later. Actually, I’m the supervisor! (p. 101)
have problems with medications and side effects and
different things like that. So I just wanted to give the club- Mary talked about some of the challenges and hopefulness
house another chance and see what I could do. (Stoffel, that she found in her clubhouse experiences:
pp. 92–93)
I like to work at the reception desk. I briefly worked in the
She also reflected on the Standards regarding membership: kitchen in the beginning. I’m not really much of a cook and I
don’t always like to be around food. Instead of preparing it,
You have to have a handle on your illness. You have
I’m afraid I’m going to eat it right on the job. So now the other
to have a handle on your emotions to be successful (in
two units are where I spend time. . . . They give you the
the clubhouse), because if you have anger issues like I

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564 PART 3 ■ Environment

The Lived Experience—cont’d

impression that you can do something . . . as a contrast to Matthew spoke of his views on the clubhouse and his
other places where I was told I could never work. . . . They recovery:
give you the structure you need if you have an unstructured
Recovery is not a destination, not a fixed place. . . . I think
life. It’s a place where the unit gives you some work to do dur-
it is part of a journey, our life long journey . . . a process
ing the day, it’s not for pay, but it’s meant to get you back in
of recovering. I’ll always be taking my medications. I’ll
the swing of things if you’ve been out of practice with a job
always visit a psychiatrist a few times a year for check-ins.
or school. I think it’s a very positive place to be. (pp. 96–97)
I’ll have a therapist for a period of time while I work on
She later reflected on her experience on a TE: closure for some of the major wounds in my life. But
recovery is about becoming and for me, especially, it’s
I was nervous about it, then I was confident for the most
about becoming more whole as a person. (p. 114)
part. I was nervous about it because I thought, “well, gee,
You know how they talk about the revolving door of
it’s going to fail” and then, “what’ll I do and what’ll happen
mental illness, well I think about the revolving door of the
and how will it affect the club” and all that, so actually last
clubhouse and how we bring in recovery through the re-
week was tough. I was nervous about it. . . . Life was dif-
volving door. Some people come to stay for a while and
ferent when I had my transitional employment position in the
leave. Sometimes when we’re out of the club, we find
sense that I had to get there every day, even when I didn’t
isolation and a lack of community. When I return, I get
have a good night’s sleep. I had to get up and go. It was
sustenance. I take a deep breath to take in all the sus-
the discipline that I need. It’s been very hard to function, but
tenance, and then go out into the world. (p. 118)
it was a different feeling in a sense that I had to get out there
and go someplace. I had to be responsible. (pp. 105–106) Shana, like other clubhouse members who serve as informal
leaders shaping the dynamic clubhouse environment and the
Matthew reflected on his TE:
surrounding community, speaks to the future and her hopes for
There’s one real nice guy and he’s real friendly with me. change:
And there’s two other guys, both supervisors—they don’t
We need to be advocating for the community to do the
treat me very well. They don’t mistreat me but they’re not
very best for us, not the very least. We are not second-
very friendly, being either aloof or quiet. I always try to
class or third-class citizens. I think we have too many
greet them. I’m starting to give up now because there is
times been recipients of the very least that people can do.
never a real good response from them . . . there’s never
If I can’t do anything else but to embark that message, I’ll
any warmth to their greeting . . . the only thing that makes
be satisfied. (p. 137)
sense is that they treat me this way because I’m mentally
ill and they know that. So it could be that they are rude When dissatisfied with what she sees as an overemphasis on
people, but I see them interacting with other people in the work-ordered day and the business environment of the
friendly ways, so they’re not rude people. . . . It’s seeing clubhouse, she said:
people for who they are, knowing that they have a weak-
Wouldn’t you really want to have options after two o’clock,
ness and accepting them anyway. Much like I want to be
rather than working all day? You’ve done your work since
accepted because I have a weakness. (p. 107)
8:30 and you’ve picked up papers, you’ve hung countless
Jake spoke about his clubhouse engagement and his clothes, you’ve sorted and made sure everything is in
recovery: good repair, and you’ve thrown away stuff. You bagged it
yourself, helped somebody else do it, dealt with member-
There’s many a thing I could be doing right now but
ship and the staff, heard complaints about your inventory
trying to motivate myself more by being in a recovery
even though you do not have a say since we are operat-
program (for alcohol and drug abuse) really helps me
ing on donations. We’ve done all that back breaking work
to learn what things I need to be around. So I chose the
and now it’s time to get ready to leave. But the phone is
clubhouse and it works for me . . . with my schizophre-
still ringing off the hook. . . . I feel like it doesn’t help the re-
nia and anxiety, there’s lots of things that can trigger me
covery of people who need a nurturing place, not a busi-
back . . . so I need to be in a safe place like this.
ness atmosphere. They keep stressing the work-ordered
(p. 115)
day in such a way that it’s almost like a mantra, which is
For me, recovery is based on making good decisions
kind of how Hitler did his work. (p. 138)
by keeping the consequences in mind. . . . I’m telling you,
being on drugs is a very easy thing to get with, but it’s Shana’s hope was to be able to access recreational
hard to get off . . . drugs was my first love and now I have and leisure pursuits in the clubhouse prior to the end of the work-
to divorce it. Becoming part of the clubhouse, I felt like it ordered day (4:30 p.m.), not having to return in the evenings or
was a chance, a chance for me to stop getting high. I felt on weekends.
motivated because I felt part of something. I felt the These four clubhouse members shared their perspectives
clubhouse was the gateway for me to clean myself up. in the hopes that others will understand their experience of
By being wanted by the clubhouse, I can stand proudly. clubhouse, mental illness, mental health recovery, and the chal-
(p. 119) lenges they look to in the future.
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CHAPTER 39 ■ Psychosocial Clubhouses 565

Funding and Costs comparing individual place and support (IPS) programs
with clubhouse programs (Clark, Xie, Becker, & Drake,
Several articles have analyzed sources of funding and costs 1998), in which IPS costs were three times higher. Commu-
associated with psychosocial clubhouses (McKay, Yates, & nity mental health centers (CMHC) programs (Baker &
Johnsen, 2007; Plotnick & Salzer, 2008). Representing an Woods, 2001) were reported to be almost twice that of club-
international perspective, McKay et al (2007) analyzed data house programs (McKay et al, 2007).
from clubhouses in 12 countries to determine the costs as- Clubhouse costs in the state of Pennsylvania were the fo-
sociated with the delivery of various services, including the cus of Plotnick and Salzer (2008) as they looked at mental
overall cost of programs, annual cost per member, and the health system transformation, with services moving from
cost per visit. Data in their study were derived from the day treatment and partial hospitalization toward clubhouses
2000 International Survey of Clubhouses, which is a bien- and reflecting mental health recovery and community inte-
nial survey regularly collected by the ICCD. Given an over- gration. Three consecutive years (2003–2006) of cost data
all worldwide response rate to this survey of 68%, a total of were analyzed from the 29 clubhouses in the Pennsylvania
89 clubhouses (55 from the United States, 34 from other Clubhouse Coalition to compute cost per member and per
parts of the world) met the study criteria of having been in contact. These results were then compared with rates in-
operation for at least 3 years, operating with professional curred in the partial hospitalization programs. The average
staff, and having more than 15 and less than 500 active annual cost of each clubhouse was found to be $318,000
members (active membership means attending the club- (range $100,000 to $770,000). The average annual cost per
house once every 90 days). member was $3,454, and average cost per daily contact was
Core services offered by the majority of clubhouses less than $48. These costs were in contrast with an average
included daily cost of $84 for partial hospital programs in the state, a
■ Work-ordered day difference of 43%.
■ Low-priced meals
■ Social activities
■ Transitional, independent, and supported employment The Occupational Therapy
■ Outreach
■ Help with entitlements and Clubhouse Fit
■ Housing
This chapter reviewed the history of the development of psy-
■ Supported education
chosocial clubhouses and the resultant ICCD Standards and
■ Links to health services
programs that have been implemented across the worldwide
■ Political advocacy
community of clubhouses. Like contemporary programs in
■ Medication links
occupational therapy mental health settings, clubhouses are
■ Volunteer work to benefit the clubhouse
centered around meeting the needs of their members, who
■ Arbitration to settle disputes involving landlords, fam-
join the clubhouse and gain a sense of belonging, commu-
ily members, employers, and benefits)
nity, purpose, and meaning, which is important to mental
■ Transportation to and from the clubhouse
health recovery.
■ Money management
The goals of helping to engage members in the mean-
■ Case management
ingful work of running the varied clubhouse work units;
■ Mobile outreach
getting involved in advocacy, education, employment; and,
■ Transportation to work
during evenings and weekends, engaging in culturally rel-
To ensure that cost comparisons were not influenced by evant social and recreational interests are consistent with
the significant costs associated with housing or formal resi- the occupational therapy domain of engagement in occu-
dential programs, those numbers were removed from the pation to support participation and health (AOTA, 2008).
cost information prior to analysis. Primary sources of fund- Clubhouses offer an environment that facilitates occupa-
ing included monies from the state or province in which the tional role performance in instrumental activities of daily
clubhouse was located (41%); Medicaid (13%); county/ living, school, work, leisure, and social participation, and
borough funding (9%); and a number of grants, social serv- through such engagement, clubhouse members find op-
ices, and private sources. Based on the 2000 data, total an- portunities to experience mental health recovery (Stoffel,
nual costs ranged from $40,145 to $1,461,100, with a mean 2008).
of $408,082 and a median of $350,000. Mean cost per mem- In summarizing what the clubhouse members de-
ber ($3,203) and per visit ($27.12) were computed, both of scribed as their engagement in the clubhouse community,
which were found to significantly influence one another as Stoffel (2008) noted that clubhouses were seen as a desir-
well as the overall budget. able environment, a warm and welcoming place where
The study concluded that clubhouse costs reflect the members could choose what they wanted to do, where
country in which the clubhouse is located as well as the they could contribute, and with whom they could spend
length of time the clubhouse has been in operation and cer- time engaged in clubhouse activities. Building self-efficacy
tification status. In comparing clubhouse costs with those toward recovery goals such as employment, education, and
incurred by assertive community treatment (ACT) settings advocacy attracted people to the clubhouse setting, which
(Macias, DeCarlo, Wang, Frey, & Barreira, 2001), the annual also met social needs and established a foundation of
costs per person are substantially higher in ACT programs hopefulness, success, and a shared sense of mental health
than in clubhouse programs, a finding that is consistent with recovery.
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566 PART 3 ■ Environment

Here we see a common feature of life for a person who has
experienced a mental illness.
Public transportation is deliberately considered when
clubhouse sites are selected. Without proper transportation,
access to the clubhouse, transitional employment, and
independent employment, as well as medication clinics and
low-income housing, would be impossible.
There are difficulties in recovery here as well. Stigma
is attached to all who make use of public transit.
Transportation of personal property is limited. One is more
likely to be exposed to communicable disease, and there is
always the reality that some people on a bus may be, though not usually
dangerous, untreated for mental illness or alcohol and other drug abuse.
These and other problems have roots in poverty, racism, and the absence of an educated society which could
emphasize what the clubhouse community calls “strengths, talents, and abilities.”
We must educate our leaders and the general public about these realities. If we do not, we can expect more apathy
and not much more. Consequently, clubhouses perform advocacy and participate in social change.

Assessment and Intervention 2001) have been used to determine such adherence. Macias,
Barreira, Alden, and Boyd (2001) identified ICCD certifica-
Specific assessments that measure function and performance tion as a valid indicator of program quality after examining
are considered to be incompatible with clubhouse practices. 71 certified and 48 noncertified programs.
Building on the interests, goals and desires of members, and Intervention is simply clubhouse engagement: providing
matching people with available opportunities is the primary a warm and welcoming place for members to gather, carry
work of the clubhouse staff. Given that the Standards out the work-ordered day, engage in the clubhouse activities
(ICCD, 2008a) provide that the clubhouse members choose side by side with other members and staff, seek employment
the manner in which they participate, with no agreements, opportunities, and provide advocacy in the community to
contracts, schedules or rules, members can choose to set promote community inclusion for all individuals with men-
their own goals. Members have access to all opportunities tal illness as well as to meet member needs.
available at the clubhouse, without limits placed on them
based on diagnosis or functional level.
At the facility level, assessment of clubhouse operations is Evidence-Based Practice
focused on adherence to the clubhouse model (Macias, The evidence-based literature is just beginning to build on
Harding, Aiden, Geertsen, & Barreira, 1999). Two fidelity in- outcomes associated with clubhouses. Primary attention
struments (Lucca, 2000; Macias, Propst, Rodican, & Boyd, has been directed toward employment outcomes associated
with clubhouses, such as comparing clubhouse members
engaged in one type of work (transitional employment
placements) with models of supported employment and
Evidence-Based Practice measuring differences in longer-term employment and
earnings over time (Cook et al, 2005; Johnsen, McKay,
G iven the significant association between leisure motivation
and recovery, more emphasis should be given to support-
ing clubhouse members to fully participate in community leisure
Henry, and Manning, 2004; Macias, 2001; Macias et al,
2006; McKay, Johnsen, & Stein, 2005; Schonebaum, Boyd, &
Dudek, 2006). Macias, Kinney, and Rodican (1995) de-
and recreational activities. Intellectual and social components
were the strongest associations with motivation for leisure
scribed 295 Fountain House members who participated in
engagement. TE over a 6-year period and reported no relationship be-
tween diagnosis or prior hospitalizations with tenure on the
➤ Occupational therapists should structure and facilitate leisure first TE. A positive correlation was found with attendance at
activities that build on the interests of clubhouse members
Fountain House prior to their TE placement. Mean re-
and provide social and intellectual stimulation.
ported tenure across all TE positions was 4.5 months, with
➤ A rich variety of opportunities within the clubhouse and links more than one-half of the members achieving 6 months of
to community leisure environments should be jointly developed tenure on at least one TE. Independent employment beyond
by members and clubhouse staff. the TE was not reported.
Lloyd, C., King, R., McCarthy, M., & Scanlan, M. (2007). The association
In a subsequent study, Macias, Jackson, Schroeder, and
between leisure motivation and recovery: A pilot study. Australian Occu- Wang (1999) surveyed 173 U.S. clubhouses and found that
pational Therapy Journal, 54, 33–41. just under 20% of active clubhouse members were in TE
placements, and 17.5% were in independent competitive
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CHAPTER 39 ■ Psychosocial Clubhouses 567

(2006) found that movement among transitional, sup-

Evidence-Based Practice ported, and independent employment positions, when
tracked over a 4-year period, tended to occur in the direction
T he following factors are important to mental health recovery
and consistent with clubhouse culture: members directing
their recovery process, finding meaning in life, skill development,
of moving from a position associated with more support to
one that offered less support.
Several studies have contrasted clubhouse TEs with other
assumption of and success in social roles, available crisis assis-
forms of supported employment in ACT settings. For exam-
tance, involvement in meaningful activities, belonging to a larger
community, and recognition of and building on personal strengths.
ple, Macias (2001) studied 175 clients over a 24-month pe-
Specific clubhouse practices found to be supportive of mental riod who were randomly assigned to programs of assertive
health recovery include warm and hopeful greeting to members, community treatment (PACT) or clubhouse TE programs,
an orientation process that stimulates interest and self-efficacy finding that both programs supported clients entering the
via meaningful clubhouse activities, clear and realistic feedback workforce and raised client interest in competitive work,
that conveys hope, employment and educational opportunities, with competitive jobs being accessed by 50% within 6 months.
housing assistance, and access to entitlements and mental In addition, Macias found that although PACT programs re-
health treatment. Member outreach, recognition of member tained their clients in the work-oriented programs more
contributions, providing choices and a balance between self- than did clubhouses, clubhouse participants were employed
determination and support, along with opportunities to serve,
more calendar days, with higher wages, and with jobs of
leadership, and the just right level of challenge are all
understood as supportive of mental health recovery.
higher quality when compared with PACT participants.
Factors impeding mental health recovery include being Clubhouse jobs were nearly twice as long as PACT jobs, as
belittled or patronized by staff, offering little information for self- the PACT positions had much higher turnover.
determining decision-making, and the lack of feedback from In a related study with contrasting results, Cook et al
others. Lack of outreach and expectations that are too high or (2005) found that when 1,273 participants were randomly
too low are also seen as impediments to recovery. assigned to supported employment positions or control
➤ Occupational therapists and clubhouse staff should continu- conditions, the superiority of supported employment over
ally monitor the clubhouse environment to ensure that mem- control conditions, which included clubhouse programs,
bers experience warm welcomes toward one another and was demonstrated. The authors suggested that tailoring clin-
provide regular outreach to other members. ical services with vocational services may prove to be more
➤ Staff should ensure that a sufficient variety of opportunities
effective than usual services.
for clubhouse engagement are available and be ready to Macias et al (2006) studied 121 adults with serious men-
supply just the right challenge that fully engages members tal illness who were interested in work and found that both
in activities that have meaning for them. ACT and clubhouse supported employment programs had
outcomes that met or exceeded the benchmark for exem-
➤ Realistic feedback and encouragement of self-reflection
should be incorporated into unit meetings so that members
plary supported employment programs over the 24-month
can benefit from their unit experiences. period of the study. Although there were no significant dif-
ferences in employment rates, participants in the ACT sites
➤ Belittling or patronizing statements, especially by staff, (n = 63) were more likely to be engaged in other services
should be mindfully avoided.
offered by the ACT and retained in their programs; partic-
Stoffel, V. C. (2008). Perception of the clubhouse experience and its
ipants in the clubhouse sites (n = 58) worked significantly
impact on mental health recovery. Dissertation Abstracts International longer, for more total hours, and earned more money.
Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences, 68(8-A), 3300. These findings were confirmed by Schonebaum, Boyd,
and Dudek, (2006), who reviewed the same data set using
different methods and a different choice of variables but
arrived at the same conclusion as the Macias et al (2006)
employment. Bond, Drake, Becker, and Mueser (1999) study.
found that rates of employment for adults with serious men- Several researchers studied the benefits of clubhouse
tal illness were higher in clubhouse programs than in the involvement, including rates of and time between rehospi-
general population of people with serious mental illness but talizations, empowerment, quality of life, changes in psy-
also called into question whether TE promotes dependence chosocial characteristics, and quality of social network
and limits movement to competitive employment. support, constructs believed to have some relationship to
Henry, Barreira, Banks, Brown, and McKay (2001) stud- mental health recovery. Beard, Malamud, and Rossman
ied 138 clubhouse members who participated in TE over a (1978) conducted two longitudinal studies comparing re-
6-year period using retrospective data and found that members’ hospitalizations for individuals who were clubhouse mem-
average TE tenure was 131.26 days, with older members, bers with controls who did not access clubhouse programs.
those with a longer membership at the clubhouse before Over a 9-year period, 252 clubhouse participants were
their last TE job, and those working more days per week compared with 81 control participants who had a rate of
averaging longer tenure on TE. In addition, they found that rehospitalization of 75% within 5 years. Much lower rates
average tenure was unrelated to disability severity, and 30% were reported for the clubhouse members who received
of members found competitive independent employment in systematic outreach services (home visits, telephone or
the 12 months following their last TE job. Henry et al also letter contact). The need for rehospitalization was not
found a relationship between those members who worked eliminated but was delayed: the clubhouse participants
more total hours on TE and their likelihood of obtaining spent twice as long in the community and needed 40%
competitive employment. McKay, Johnsen, Banks, and Stein fewer hospital days then their control counterparts.
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568 PART 3 ■ Environment

In Beard et al’s (1978) second study, which took place In addition to the quantitative studies reported, other re-
over a 5-year period and included 40 clubhouse participants searchers have conducted qualitative studies of employment
and 34 control participants who did not have access to a perspectives in an effort to understand the relationship be-
clubhouse, similar results were found, with one half the rate tween clubhouse work and mental health recovery. Occupa-
of rehospitalizations for those participants who had 100 or tional therapists Kennedy-Jones, Cooper, and Fossey (2005)
more clubhouse visits (37%). conducted in-depth interviews of four clubhouse members
Rosenfield and Neese-Todd (1993) interviewed 157 mem- who found that “support from significant others, the per-
bers of a clubhouse in New Jersey and measured empower- sonal meaning of work, experiences within the Clubhouse
ment and quality of life (satisfaction with living arrange- programme, and the ongoing struggle with illness” (p. 116)
ments, family relations, social relations, leisure activities, provided their sense of self as worker. Support from peers,
work status, financial status, safety, health, and prevocational supervisors, case managers, health professionals, and family
activities) related to various clubhouse services in which were noted as important. Being able to work, receive remu-
members engaged. They found that perception of empower- neration for work, have regular activity and structure each
ment was associated with most of the aspects of quality of day, and have a social context with a sense of belonging were
life, with the exception of work status and financial status, all aspects of personal meaning. Different aspects of the
which might be considered to be outside of the control of the clubhouse, such as a sense of acceptance, social supports and
individual. networks, as well as the assistance the clubhouse provided in
Warner, Huxley, and Berg (1999) found that clubhouse obtaining and maintaining competitive employment were
users were more likely to have a reasonable employment all noted as significant contributions. Motivation, managing
status, good social relations, and subjective wellbeing with persistent symptoms, coping with stress, and managing fa-
less treatment and lower costs when compared with non- tigue were all factors related to the struggle while maintain-
clubhouse users who had similar mental illness conditions. ing employment. Norman (2006) also found that clubhouse
Yau, Chan, Chan, and Chui (2005) studied 17 new club- members were engaged when meaningful relationships,
house members and contrasted them with 22 existing club- meaningful work tasks, and supportive environments were a
house members who served as the control group to explore the part of the clubhouse culture.
changes in psychosocial abilities and work-related abilities Studies like these contribute to a deeper understanding of
during 12 weeks of clubhouse programs by conducting repeat what may impact clubhouse members as they enter the
measures at baseline and 12 weeks later. Emotional-coping world of work, TEs, and competitive or supported employ-
abilities (impulsive-frustration and depression-withdrawal) ment, as well as noting what kinds of supports mental health
and work personality (task orientation, social skills, and team programs might offer their clients who work.
work) showed significant improvement in all skills after
12 weeks for those new to the clubhouse. These changes were
further studied and found to relate to their performance in Summary
simulated typing and cleaning tasks.
Pernice-Duca (2008) studied 221 members across 15 This chapter explained the unique environment of the psy-
clubhouses and examined sources of social support. Family chosocial clubhouse as a place for people with mental illness
members were the most common source of such support, who seek to connect with a community rich with opportu-
whereas fellow clubhouse members were least likely to be nities and engage in meaningful and productive occupations
nominated. However, when clubhouse staff was combined that are important in a journey toward mental health recov-
with clubhouse peers, they formed the second-most com- ery. Occupational therapists and occupational therapy assis-
mon source of support. Overall, clubhouse participation was tants contribute to clubhouse communities worldwide and
associated with the level of satisfaction with their social net- join with other professional staff and members with the
work. Community inclusion was evidenced by the extent of lived experience of mental illness. The vibrant environment
friendships outside of the clubhouse. Those members with of psychosocial clubhouses offers an option for people to
schizophrenia were less likely to cite family and were more find a context that supports their participation in everyday
likely to rate their support as more important to their lives, life while positively impacting their health and wellbeing,
finding such support outside of family and more likely consistent with the domain of occupational therapy (AOTA,
within the clubhouse. 2008).

Active Learning Strategies

1. Visit a Clubhouse members. Plan for what you will intentionally observe (per-
haps the International Standards in action or the factors that
Go to the ICCD website ( and explore
support or impede mental health recovery in the Evidence-
the resources available. Note the location of clubhouse near-
Based Practice boxes will help focus your observations).
est to where you study, live, or vacation. Visit that location
using the Internet (most clubhouses have websites), and find Reflective Questions
a way to set up either a face-to-face or virtual visit by con- ● What was your sense of the clubhouse environment
tacting the clubhouse, asking for a tour, and meeting with (warm, welcoming, aloof)?
1704_Ch39_559-570.qxd 7/8/10 7:47 PM Page 569

CHAPTER 39 ■ Psychosocial Clubhouses 569

● What did you notice about the relationships between and Reflective Questions
among members and staff? ● What conclusions do you draw from their insights about
● What opportunities for occupational engagement on the the nature of clubhouses, clubhouse engagement, the
varied units within the clubhouse did you see, and how challenges they experience living with mental illness,
meaningful did these seem to the members? their pursuit of recovery?
● If you were employed at the clubhouse, what would you ● If you were a staff member working with Shana, Jake,
be able to contribute, given your background in occupa- Mary, and Matthew, what do you think you would
tional therapy? encourage them to do through the clubhouse in their
● Do you see any barriers or reasons this setting might not pursuit of recovery? Might there be opportunities out-
be a good fit for you? side of the clubhouse environment that you would refer
● Are there consumers you think would be a good fit for them to?
the clubhouse environment? Any you think would not be
a good fit? Use your Reflective Journal to
capture your thoughts and feelings.
Describe your visit and document
your reflection in your Reflective
2. The Lived Experience
Reread the first-person narratives in The Lived Experience in
this chapter.

Resources Cook, J. A., Leff, S. E., Blyler, C. R., Gold, P. B., Goldberg, R. W.,
Mueser, K. T., Toprac, M. G., McFarlane, W. R., Shafer, M. S.,
• The website for the ICCD ( has a wealth Blankertz, L. E., Dudek, K., Razzano, L. A., Grey, D. D., & Burke-
of information about the vision, mission, and history of the Miller, J. (2005). Results of a multisite randomized trial of sup-
organization and provides up-to-date standards, publications, ported employment interventions for individuals with severe
research, and training available to those who are interested in mental illness. Archives of General Psychiatry, 62, 505–512.
supporting and implementing the clubhouse model. The Flannery, M., & Glickman, M. (1996). Fountain House: Portraits of
international clubhouse directory provides links to the clubhouse Lives Reclaimed From Mental Illness. Center City, MN: Hazelden.
locations worldwide. Henry, A. D., Barreira, P., Banks, S., Brown, J., & McKay, C. (2001).
• The website for Fountain House (http://www.fountainhouse A retrospective study of clubhouse-based transitional employ-
.org) provides descriptions, pictures, and testimonies of how ment. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 24, 344–354.
this founding clubhouse impacts recovery in the lives of its International Center for Clubhouse Development. (2004). “What
current members. Is a Clubhouse?” Available at:
(accessed March 10, 2010)
References ———. (2008a). International Standards for Clubhouse Programs.
New York: Author.
American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA). (2008). Occu- ———. (2008b). Home page. Available at:
pational therapy practice framework: Domain & process (2nd ed.). (accessed March 10, 2010)
American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 62, 625–683. Johnsen, M., McKay, C., Henry, A. D., & Manning, T. D. (2004).
Anderson, S. B. (1998). We Are Not Alone: Fountain House and the De- What does competitive employment mean? A secondary analysis
velopment of Clubhouse Culture. New York: Fountain House, Inc. of employment approaches in the Massachusetts Employment
Baker, B. C., & Woods, S. W. (2001). Cost of treatment failure for Intervention Demonstration Project. In W. Fisher (Ed.), Employ-
major depression: Direct costs of continued treatment. Adminis- ment for Persons with Serious Mental Illness, Vol. 13, Research
tration and Policy in Mental Health, 28, 263–277. in Community and Mental Health (pp. 43–62). Oxford, UK:
Beard, J. H. (1987). The rehabilitation services of Fountain House. Elsevier.
In L. Stein & M. A. Test (Eds.), Alternatives to Mental Hospital Kennedy-Jones, M., Cooper, J., & Fossey, E. (2005). Developing a
Treatment. New York: Plenum Press. worker role: Stories of four people with mental illness. Australian
Beard, J. H., Malamud, T. J., & Rossman, E. (1978). Psychiatric Occupational Therapy Journal, 52, 116–126.
rehabilitation and long-term rehospitalization rates: The Lloyd, C., King, R., McCarthy, M., & Scanlan, M. (2007). The asso-
findings of two research studies. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 4, ciation between leisure motivation and recovery: A pilot study.
622–635. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 54, 33–41.
Beard, J. H., Propst, R. N., & Malamud, T. J. (1982). The Fountain Lucca, A. M. (2000). A clubhouse fidelity index: Preliminary relia-
House model of psychiatric rehabilitation. Psychosocial Rehabili- bility and validity results. Mental Health Services Research, 2,
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Bond, G. R., Drake, R. E., Becker, D. R., & Mueser, K. T. (1999). Macias, C. (2001). “An Experimental Comparison of PACT
Effectiveness of psychiatric rehabilitation approaches for em- and Clubhouse Fountain House.” Available at: http://files
ployment of people with severe mental illness. Journal of Disabil- (accessed March 21, 2006).
ity Policy Studies, 10, 18–52. Macias, C., Barreira, P., Alden, M., & Boyd, J. (2001). The ICCD
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and costs of supported employment from three perspectives. provement in psychiatric rehabilitation. Psychiatric Services, 52,
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Work interest as a predictor of competitive employment: Policy Caring Sciences, 20, 184–192.
implications for psychiatric rehabilitation. Administration and Pelletier, J. R., Nguyen, M., Bradley, K., Johnsen, M., & McKay, C.
Policy in Mental Health, 28, 279–297. (2005). A study of a structured exercise program with members
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(1999). The value of program certification for performance con- implications for feasibility. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 29,
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tration & Policy in Mental Health, 26, 345–360. Pernice-Duca, F. M. (2008). The structure and quality of social net-
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houses. Community Mental Health Journal, 35, 181–190. Plotnick, D. F., & Salzer, M. S. (2008). Clubhouse costs and im-
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the Clubhouse Research and Evaluation Screening Survey nal, 16(2), 25–30.
(CRESS). Mental Health Services Research, 3, 155–167. ———. (1997). Stages in realizing the international diffusion of a
Macias, C., Rodican, C. F., Hargreaves, W. A., Jones, D. R., Barreira, single way of working: The clubhouse model. New Directions for
P. J., & Wang, Q. (2006). Supported employment outcomes of a Mental Health Services, 74, 53–66.
randomized controlled trial of ACT and clubhouse models. Psy- Rosenfield, S., & Neese-Todd, S. (1993). Elements of a psychosocial
chiatric Services, 57, 1406–1415. clubhouse program associated with a satisfying quality of life.
McKay, C. E., Johnsen, M., Banks, S., & Stein, R. (2006). Employ- Hospital & Community Psychiatry, 44, 76–78, 497–498.
ment transitions for clubhouse members. Work, 26, 67–74. Schonebaum, A. D., Boyd, J. K., & Dudek, K. J. (2006). A compari-
McKay, C. E., Johnsen, M., & Stein, R. (2005). Employment out- son of competitive employment outcomes for the clubhouse and
comes in Massachusetts clubhouses. Psychiatric Rehabilitation PACT Models. Psychiatric Services, 57, 1416–1420.
Journal, 29, 25–33. Stoffel, V. C. (2008). Perception of the clubhouse experience and
McKay, C. E., & Pelletier, J. R. (2007). Health promotion in club- its impact on mental health recovery. Dissertation Abstracts In-
house programs: Needs, barriers, and current and planned activ- ternational Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences, 68(8-A),
ities. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 31, 155–159 3300.
McKay, C. E., Yates, B. T., & Johnsen, M. (2007). Costs of club- Vorspan, R. (1992). Why work works. Psychosocial Rehabilitation
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in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 34, 62–72. Warner, R., Huxley, P., & Berg, T. (1999). An evaluation of the
Mowbray, C. T., Woodward, A. T., Holter, M. C., MacFarlane, P., & impact of clubhouse membership on quality of life and treat-
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Case Management 40
Jeanenne Dallas

O ne of the greatest weapons in the battle against discrimination is the powerful example of
hope we see in the lives of those PACT serves.
—Laurie Flynn, NAMI Executive Director

promotes recovery, full community integration and

Occupational therapists work with people who have mental improved quality of life for persons who have been
illness in a variety of environments—homeless shelters, psy- diagnosed with any mental health condition that seriously
chosocial clubhouse programs, group homes, and case man- impairs functioning. Psychiatric rehabilitation services
agement organizations, to name a few. Working with clients are collaborative, person directed, and individualized, and
in their “real-life” environment brings about a number of an essential element of the human services spectrum
rewards and challenges for these practitioners. Client-centered and should be evidence-based. They focus on helping
occupational therapy practice assists clients in a number of individuals develop skills and access resources needed to
ways to achieve their potential. The rewards of working with increase their capacity to be successful and satisfied in the
people in the community includes the unique opportunity living, working, learning and social environments of their
to develop close relationships and contribute in a meaning- choice. (USPRA, n.d.)
ful way to the client’s quality of life through skills training, Studies show that through the use of psychiatric rehabil-
providing environmental adaptations, and providing emo- itation, there is a 65% reduction in hospital stays, a 70% de-
tional support and coaching. Helping clients identify and cline in homelessness, 70% fewer incarcerations, and an 80%
work with their strengths is an integral part of working in increase in employment (USPRA, 2006). PsyR practitioners
the community with this population. include (but are not limited to) psychiatrists, psychologists,
All professionals face challenges associated with working social workers, psychiatric nurses, occupational therapists,
in the community. For example, occupational therapists vocational counselors, consumers, and peer counselors. Each
generally do not receive a great deal of training regarding practitioner is valued for the experience, expertise, and
social service agencies, entitlement programs, and other is- knowledge he or she brings to the individual client and the
sues that clients living in the community deal with on a team.
daily basis. This chapter describes models of community- Case management is a process or method for ensuring
based case management, the primary features of programs that a consumer is provided with needed services in a coor-
for assertive case management, and the role of occupational dinated, effective, and efficient manner (Baker & Intagliata,
therapy in case management. It also features the lived expe- 1992; Pratt, Gill, Barrett, & Roberts, 2002). Case managers
rience of a consumer who has worked with an occupational serve many functions: they assess client’s needs, link clients
therapist as his case manager. The personal narrative high- to appropriate community resources, coordinate services,
lights the working relationship of the client and therapist advocate for the client, monitor progress toward recom-
and the rewards and challenges of working in the commu- mendations, and provide supportive services when needed.
nity setting. Baker and Intagliata describe the roles of a case manager in
psychiatric rehabilitation as “integrator, expeditor, broker,
ombudsman, advocate, primary therapist, patient represen-
Psychiatric Rehabilitation tative, personal program coordinator, systems agent and
continuity agent” (1992, p. 217).
Psychiatric rehabilitation (or psychosocial rehabilitation; Case management is an individualized process. The
the terms are used interchangeably) is the model most com- case manager must first understand the needs of the per-
monly used by practitioners who work in the community son and develop a level of trust. The two should develop a
with people who have psychiatric disabilities. Psychiatric re- plan together to meet the client’s needs. The plan should
habilitation (PsyR) is a comprehensive strategy for meeting take into account the client’s strengths and weaknesses and
the needs of people diagnosed with psychiatric disabilities. any environmental concerns that may impact the person’s
The U.S. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association (USPRA) ability to meet goals. The case manager then helps the
states that psychiatric rehabilitation client connect with agencies or services needed to achieve

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572 PART 3 ■ Environment

the goals. The case manager should form and maintain a integration. There are two primary assumptions of the
professional relationship with the agencies and services strengths model (Pratt et al, 2002; Rapp, 1998):
utilized by the client. Next, the case manager monitors, ad-
1. To be a successful person, you must be able to use,
vocates, and evaluates as needed for the client to achieve
develop, and access your own potential and have the
his or her goals.
resources to do this.
2. A person’s behavior is dependent on the resources the
person has available.
Case Management Models Intervention in the strengths model is guided by six basic
Various case management models are used when working principles (Rapp, 1993).
with people in the community who have a psychiatric
1. Focus on strengths, not deficits.
disability. These models are sometimes called by different
2. Look for natural supports in the community; it is an
names when described by various authors. This chapter
oasis of resources.
describes the brokerage model, strengths model, and pro-
3. The case manager–consumer relationship is primary.
grams for assertive community treatment (PACT) model.
4. Helping processes are guided by the consumer’s self-
Each of these case management models has been used to
coordinate services for persons with severe and persistent
5. Care occurs in the community.
mental illness. Brief descriptions of some of the models
6. People with severe and persistent mental illness con-
that have generated the most discussion and research
tinue to learn, grow, and change.
are provided. The PACT model is described in more detail
because it is the most well-defined, evidenced-based These principles of focusing on strengths, collaborating
model of community-based case management and be- to emphasize consumer empowerment, and providing inter-
cause occupational therapists are designated mental health vention in context are consistent with occupational therapy
practitioners on PACT teams (Rosen, Mueser, & Teeson, models of person-centered care. A few studies have demon-
2007). strated positive effects of this approach, usually in terms of
self-perceived improvements in quality of life and reduc-
The Brokerage Model tions in rates of hospitalization (Barry et al, 2003; Björkma,
Hansson, & Sandlund, 2002; Rapp & Chamberlain, 1985).
The brokerage model is also known as the traditional or gen- This approach shows promise and is consistent with occupa-
eralist model. Practitioners working in this model depend tional therapy practices, but more controlled research would
on referrals to other agencies and services in the community help practitioners reach conclusions about the efficacy of
for most of the basic services provided to their clients (Pratt this approach.
et al, 2002). The case manager serves the functions of assess-
ment, planning, linking, and advocating. He or she acts as an Assertive Community Treatment
agent for the client and connects the client with resources in
the community, such as the Social Security Administration Many of the principles underlying the strengths model are
to apply for Social Security Insurance (SSI) or Social Secu- also utilized by case managers who work on a PACT team. A
rity Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits; the Division of primary difference between the strengths model and PACT
Family Services to apply for food stamps or Medicaid; shel- teams is the team approach to case management in PACT
ters or churches for housing, clothing, or food; and health teams. The acronyms PACT and ACT (assertive community
care providers. treatment) are used interchangeably to identify this model.
In this model, the case manager does not serve in a direct PACT was developed in the early 1960s by a group of men-
clinical role and typically has a large caseload, sometimes up tal health researchers and clinicians, including Arnold Marx,
to 60 or more clients. The clients are typically expected to Leonard Stein, and Mary Ann Test, at Mendota State Hospital
meet the case manager in an office setting or agency. Due to in Madison, Wisconsin. They designed interventions that
the level of responsibility this model places on the individual would help people with major mental illness improve to the
client, it may not be the best fit for clients who have difficulty point at which they could be discharged from the hospital
staying organized, keeping schedules, or getting to locations (Stein & Test, 1980). This research team noted improve-
in the community on their own, or for clients who distrust ments made by the individuals in the hospital did not transfer
health care systems. into community living and that these individuals were not
connected with the services that could support successful
The Strengths Model community integration (Morse & McKasson, 2005). In fact,
the discharged individuals soon began to require hospital
The strengths model was developed in response to criticism readmission. As a result, the researchers designed the PACT
that practitioners were too focused on the impairments of approach, a comprehensive, intensive approach to providing
people with mental illness and that the consumer’s personal services to this population.
assets and natural community supports were often over- This approach provides community-based treatment, re-
looked when planning interventions (Barry, Zeber, Blow, & habilitation, and support services, 24 hours a day, 365 days a
Valenstein, 2003). This model specifically focuses on build- year, by a multidisciplinary team (Allness & Knoedler, 1998).
ing on the strengths and abilities of individuals with mental The PACT approach has been identified as one of the few
illness and intentionally seeks out environmental supports evidenced-based practices for this population (Phillips et al,
that facilitate the person’s self-determination and community 2001; Salyers & Tsemberis, 2007). It has been found to be
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CHAPTER 40 ■ Community-Based Case Management 573

moderately effective in reducing rehospitalization rates and identified in this chapter are gleaned from a start-up manual
increasing housing stability while showing more modest written by Allness and Knoedler (1998) and published by
effect on reducing symptomatology or improving con- NAMI. The role of occupational therapy is included in each
sumers’ quality of life (Mueser, Bond, Drake, & Resnick, principle.
1998; Salyers & Tsemberis, 2007). The National Alliance on
Mental Illness (NAMI) has supported the establishment of
PACT teams in every state, and today PACT teams operate in Primary Provider of Services and Fixed Point
nearly every state. An increasing number of occupational of Responsibility
therapists are working in PACT teams as case managers, The team acts as the primary service provider and has re-
team leaders, or consultants. sponsibility for helping clients meet their needs in all aspects
of community living. This approach minimizes the need for
coordination of numerous service providers within the
Principles of Assertive Community mental health or social services organizations in the com-
Treatment munity. The same team members provide both treatment
and rehabilitation services. PACT teams typically include
Occupational therapy is one of several disciplines that com- staff members representing a variety of mental health and
prise the multidisciplinary PACT team. To understand the rehabilitation disciplines (psychiatry, nursing, social work,
nature of PACT, practitioners must understand the underlying occupational therapy, vocational rehabilitation) that offer
philosophy and principles that guide interactions between the the competence and skills to meet the clients’ multiple needs.
consumer and the PACT team members. The principles PACT members carry individual caseloads, but the team

Evidence-Based Practice

P ACT has been based in research since its development over

30 years ago. NAMI’s PACT Advocacy Guide (n.d.) reports
the following findings:
independent living skills, and experienced reductions in criminal ac-
tivity when compared with inmates who received standard criminal
processing and mental health care.
PACT clients spend much less time in hospitals and more ➤ Occupational therapist working in homeless shelters may want
time in independent living, spend less time unemployed, to explore the structure and processes of assertive case man-
earn more from competitive employment, have more posi- agement to consider whether such approaches can support
tive social relationships, enjoy greater satisfaction with life, positive outcomes in their programs.
and have fewer symptoms of severe mental illness. (p. 12)
➤ Occupational therapist working in correctional settings may want
The Schizophrenia Patient Outcomes Research Team (PORT), to use and study whether assertive case management approaches
funded by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), completed impact a person’s ability to develop independent living skills and
a review of research documenting the most effective treatments for to maintain stability in the community.
schizophrenia (Lehman & Steinwachs, 1998). Assertive community
➤ Occupational therapists should explore whether the evidence
treatment/intensive case management was identified as one of
supports using ACT approaches with other subpopulations of
seven recommendations for effective treatment of schizophrenia.
community-dwelling persons with severe and persistent mental
Numerous research studies have been conducted on the
health such as persons with co-occurring (substance
effectiveness of the PACT model (Bond, Drake, Mueser, & Latimer,
abuse/mental illness) disorders, homeless teens, veterans with
2001; Burns & Santos, 1995; Mueser, Bond, Drake, & Resnick,
disabilities, and so on.
1998). Generally, the findings have been that the model demon-
strates superior results for decreasing hospitalizations, improving
Bond, G. R., Drake, R. E., Mueser, K. T., & Latimer, E. (2001). ACT for people
stable housing, producing positive consumer satisfaction, facilitat- with severe mental illness. Disease Management and Health Outcomes, 9,
ing positive family satisfaction and cost effectiveness, decreasing 141–159.
psychiatric symptoms, improving social functioning, improving Burns, B. J., & Santos, A. B. (1995). ACT: An update of randomized trials.
vocational functioning, improving quality of life, and taking medica- Psychiatric Services, 46, 669–675.
tions as prescribed (Morse & McKasson, 2005). Coldwell, C. M., & Bender, W. S. (2007). The effectiveness of assertive
community treatment for homeless populations. Cochrane Database of
Specific subgroups of this population, such as populations that
Systematic Reviews, AN: 00075320-100000000-01089.
are homeless or have records of incarceration, may have specific
Cosden, M., Ellens, J. K., Schnell, J. L., Yamini-Diouf, Y., & Wolfe, M. M. (2003).
challenges to their recovery and community integration that may Evaluation of a mental health treatment court with assertive community treat-
be effectively addressed using PACT approaches. ment. Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 21, 4, 415–427.
Results of Coldwell and Bender’s (2007) study concluded that Lehman, A. F., Steinwachs, D. M. (1998). Patterns of usual care for schizophre-
PACT models, when compared with other case management mod- nia: Initial results form the schizophrenia patient outcomes research team
(PORT) client survey. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 24, 11–32.
els, significantly reduced rates of homelessness and levels of psy-
Morse, G., & McKasson, M. (2005). Assertive community treatment. In
chiatric symptoms but showed no difference in the rate of rehospi-
R. E. Drake, M. R. Merrens, & D. W. Lynde (Eds.), Evidence-Based Mental
talization for persons who are homeless. Cosden, Ellens, Schnell, Health Practice (pp. 317–347). New York: W.W. Norton.
and Yamini-Diouf (2003) completed a randomized controlled clinical Mueser, K. T., Bond, G. R., Drake, R. E., & Resnick, S. G. (1998). Models of
trial and found that persons with serious mental illnesses in a community care for severe mental illness: A review of research on case man-
county jail who were processed through a mental health court and agement. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 24, 37–74.
received assertive community treatment model of case manage- National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI). (n.d.). The PACT Advocacy Guide.
Arlington, VA: Author.
ment showed reduced levels of substance abuse, developed more
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574 PART 3 ■ Environment

members share the responsibility for treating and support- difficulty remembering to take medication on a daily basis,
ing all clients. The case manager serves as the “record the team would set a schedule of daily contacts to ensure the
keeper” for a specific number of clients, specifically to mon- client takes his or her medication and understands more
itor and ensure that documentation requirements such as about the medications. After a period of time, when the
individualized treatment plans and quarterly reports are met client feels comfortable with remembering and taking med-
and to keep the clients’ medical records up to date. Individ- ication, the team members may reduce the number of times
ual team members and case managers are all responsible for they go to the client’s home to bring medication (perhaps
documenting care. A typical caseload is 10 clients. A small 3 times a week versus daily). This service provision model is
caseload is necessary because of the intense demand on a a fluid approach that allows the team to tailor services to a
case manager’s time in serving the clients’ various needs. person’s need at particular points in time.
Occupational therapists as a case managers coordinate The nature of intervention in PACT teams is assertive and
services, such as assisting a client with accessing medical care comprehensive. The case management team works from an
or social service assistance, while also providing occupa- office base, but the clients are not expected to come to the of-
tional therapy rehabilitation services such as activities of fice. The team member drives to the client’s home and often
daily living (ADL) training and support. Occupational ther- drives the client or rides public transportation with the client
apists may not be familiar with social service agencies in the to places in the community for skills training and support.
community, which presents a learning opportunity for the This “assertive” approach lessens the dropout rate of clients.
practitioner to tap into the expertise of other team members. Clients receive service intervention from the team throughout
The team approach relies on close coordination and com- the week according to their specific needs. A typical client re-
munication with other team members. ceives an average of four face-to-face contacts with the team
and approximately 2 hours of individual contact each week
Services Provided Out of the Office (Morse & McKasson, 2005). These numbers are determined
by the specific needs of clients. Those clients in crisis may
The majority of PACT services (typically 70–80%) are pro- need more than one contact per day, whereas a client who is
vided in vivo—in the community where clients work, play, stable may need only 1 to 2 brief visits per week for support.
and live. Interventions are focused on assisting the client with When a case manager is off duty for a period of time, the
living a “normal” life in the community. Stein and Test (1980) client continues to receive services from other team members.
found in their early research that clients are more likely to suc- An occupational therapist may not need to work directly
cessfully learn and apply new skills when taught in the actual with a client on skills training several times a week but may
environment where they are needed instead of in an institu- rely on the other team members to monitor the ADL needs
tionalized setting, which requires having to generalize learned of the client. If the person is experiencing difficulties with
skills to a new setting. Interventions take place in a client’s symptoms or with following everyday routines, the team will
home environment and in their neighborhood grocery store, increase the time spent with the client. A client’s service plan
bank, restaurant, employment sites, and so on. is monitored on a daily basis, and adjustments are made on
An occupational therapist often works with a client on the basis of the client’s needs and changing circumstances.
basic ADL and instrumental ADL (IADL) skills in the per- The PACT team needs to coordinate many clients and
son’s own apartment or other living situation. Here the focus interventions, so communication among team members is
may be on teaching home management tasks, assisting the integral to the model. As part of the model, a daily morning
client with task adaptations, or role-modeling negotiations meeting is held with all team members present. Each client’s
with the landlord. Teaching budgeting and grocery shopping status is reviewed, a brief report is given regarding team con-
skills would also occur in context at a grocery store in the tact with the client during the past 24 hours, and the client’s
client’s neighborhood. These real-life interventions provide needs and schedule for the day are reviewed. This informa-
opportunities to assess the client’s abilities and difficulties tion is documented in a log system to provide communica-
performing everyday activities in their natural context. tion with team members who are off or working a different
shift. The team members then assign themselves to visit or
Highly Individualized Client Services carry out services for clients during the day.
There may be a team member responsible for coordinating
Team members place a great deal of importance on getting efforts during the day. It is each team member’s responsibility
to know the client, learning about the person’s values, to communicate throughout the day with the coordinator or
wishes, goals, strengths, and problems. Each member of the other team members to provide assistance when needed. The
team works with the person. It is important that each team nature of this work is dynamic; crises occur and changes in
member spends time getting to know the person so that the client needs occur. All team members must be flexible in
client is comfortable with a number of team members. their approach and willing to help other team members
Treatment interventions are tailored to address the current when needed.
needs and preferences of the client rather than assigning the
client to existing programs or groups, which typically occurs An Assertive, “Can Do” Approach
in the hospital setting.
The content, amount, timing, and types of interventions, The team accepts responsibility to do whatever needs to be
rehabilitation, and supports provided vary widely among done to assist the client to meet his or her goals and desires.
clients. Some clients receive services on a daily basis for This client-centered approach is essential to the model. The
brief contacts; others are seen once or twice a week for a team works to adapt the environment and their approaches
longer period of time. For example, if a client is experiencing to meet the needs of the client rather than expecting the
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CHAPTER 40 ■ Community-Based Case Management 575

The Lived Experience

Derek When my SSI came through she helped me find a payee to
help me with my money. We found an apartment and I moved
in. I was so happy to have my own place again. My payee would
pay my bills and give me a check every week. The team helped
me spend my money every week. I got some money and bought
furniture and stuff. My main case manager (the occupational ther-
apist) helped me go shopping; she showed me how to take care
of my apartment. I already knew how to do some of those
things, but I hadn’t had my own apartment in a long time and for-
got how to do some things. She helped me learn those things
again. I finally had a place to put my Hot Wheels collection, I like
to set them up around the apartment. I have about 200 cars. I
like to move them around like I am going out somewhere and
people are coming to see me. That is my main hobby.
I am in another apartment now. I don’t have the payee any-
more. I did real good at spending my money so my case man-
ager said I didn’t need a payee anymore. Now the team helps
I was staying in empty houses, in cars and on the streets for me go cash my check when it comes and we pay my bills with
about 3 years. My father had put me out because I wasn’t money orders. I sometimes have them help me with shopping,
doing right. . . . I was using drugs and I wasn’t working so I but my sister likes to take me. I see my family a lot more now
couldn’t pay rent. Some friends of mine told me about a church that I am better. We are real close. I go out of town with my
where I could go to stay. I met the ROADS team (a PACT team sister to see my baby sister a few times a year. My father is
in St Louis, MO) when I was staying there. Some of the case- sick now and in a home, I go and see him and help take care
workers came to see me at the shelter. of him.
They helped me come to their office. I told them I wanted I go to church meetings every week; that helps me. I work
help with getting housing and getting off of drugs—cocaine with a guy sometimes, but he doesn’t like to pay me right. The
and alcohol. I didn’t have any income so they helped me apply people on the ROADS team helped me tell him that he needs to
for SSI. They got me to see a psychiatrist and I starting taking pay me better. I go to GED classes now and I am going to take
medications. I went into drug treatment after awhile. I went to the test pretty soon. I want to go to college after I get my GED.
drug treatment a few times over a couple of years. It was really The team helps me with my medications every week; I fill up a
hard to stay off of the drugs and alcohol. After I left one of the weekly pill box and they come to see me once a week to help
treatment centers I went to live at a Christian housing program. me with that. I have only been in the hospital one time in the past
The team helped me find people to help me pay my rent. I had 3 years. I still hear voices a little bit, I am very paranoid, and I think
to wait until my SSI got approved—that took a long time, I think people are behind me talking about me. The doctor says I have
about 2 years. schizophrenia. When I start having trouble I play with my cars,
I did OK at the house but I didn’t like it. The case managers listen to music, call my sister or the ROADS team. The medicines
from the team came to see me a lot. I would get my medications help me. I don’t like going away from the apartment without peo-
from them and go to the office sometimes to see the doctor and ple, I think people are watching me. It helps me when the team
go to groups. My main case worker told me she was an occu- goes places with me.
pational therapist, I didn’t know what that meant but I liked work- I think I do real good with my apartment, I keep it clean and
ing with her. She would come over to my room and help me get my case managers say that I keep my place real nice. I have
it organized and made sure that I kept it clean. I had a roommate worked with the ROADS team for about 6 years. I think I am do-
who would come in drunk and give me trouble. She helped me ing a lot better than when I started with them. I don’t know where
get away from him and stay away from the house during the day. I would be without them; I would probably be in my grave. I am
I stopped using drugs and drinking when I was there. doing great.

client to adapt to the team or follow rules of a treatment pro- appointments, advocate for the client to receive entitlement
gram. A primary responsibility for all team members is to benefits, or provide medication education. The same is true
reach out and engage the clients and to develop trusting for other members of the team; for example, a social worker
relationships. Team members are persistent in attempts to may help a client plan a monthly budget or learn grocery-
serve the client and do not give up on clients because shopping skills.
of missed appointments or other difficulties that may inter- Team members each assess the strengths, needs, and goals
fere with treatment or needed services. Role flexibility is an of the individual from their own disciplinary perspective
essential characteristic for all team members. An occupa- and share their analyses with the team. Together with the
tional therapist will perform activities deemed “occupational client, the team establishes a treatment plan to address the
therapy” but may also accompany a client to medical client’s goals and needs. This “transdisciplinary” approach
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576 PART 3 ■ Environment

depends on the members of the team being comfortable co-occurring substance abuse disorders, and at-risk of in-
providing services outside of their professional background volvement with the criminal justice system (Allness &
(within legal limits) or comfort zone. Team members are Knoedler, 1998; Morse & McKasson, 2005). Clients tar-
cross-trained to meet the individual needs of the clients. For geted by PACT are often consumers who have not been
example, the occupational therapist will assess a client’s successful in case management using a brokerage model.
living skills and make suggestions for environmental adapta- PACT works with client families to provide support to
tions or teaching strategies. Coaching or training other the family and advocate with the client. Family members are
team members in the strategies to best teach or role-model viewed as partners in the treatment process. With the
for the client may be how the expertise of the occupational client’s consent, the team consults with family members and
therapy practitioner is implemented. When other team collaborates with the family to improve or maintain family
members meet with the client, they will carry out the strate- relationships. The overarching goal of PACT is the recovery
gies suggested by the occupational therapist or attempt other of the individual with mental illness. PACT service strives to
techniques. The team will discuss issues and brainstorm sug- support the client in his or her efforts to recover from men-
gestions together. tal illness and live a productive, fulfilling life.
All team members are responsible for all aspects of the in-
terventions, with just a few exceptions. Nursing and psychiatry Funding Sources
are specifically responsible for diagnosis, hospital admissions,
medication prescription, and administration of injection med- When compared with standard community services, PACT
ications. The team collaborates with the psychiatrist regarding consistently leads to better outcomes for clients (Bond, Drake,
diagnosis and medication, but the psychiatrist is ultimately Mueser, & Latimer, 2001). In 1999, Mental Health: A Report of
responsible for medication management. the Surgeon General (U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services, 1999) highlighted PACT as an effective service for
Continuous, Long-Term Services people with severe and persistent mental illness (Morse &
McKasson, 2005). The federal Health Care Financing Admin-
Another feature of PACT services is that they are not time- istration issued an advisory letter in 1999 to state govern-
limited service. Services are offered continuously for as long ments that clarified and encouraged the use of Medicaid to
as the client wants and needs the service and are adjusted as fund PACT services. Medicaid provisions vary widely among
the needs and goals of the client change. Further, the client is states; practitioners should contact their state’s Medicaid
empowered to terminate services if desired. The goal of pro- statutes to ascertain the funding for PACT services in the state.
viding continuous, long-term service is to have a positive According to the Assertive Community Treatment: Imple-
impact on the course of the client’s mental illness so episodes mentation Resources Kit, the Substance Abuse and Mental
are less frequent and prolonged and functioning between Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) determined that
episodes is improved. the presence of PACT services is one of three indicators of the
PACT is an intensive case management model. Services quality of a state’s mental health system (SAMHSA, 2002).
are provided 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Team members SAMHSA identified PACT as one of its six evidenced-based
are on duty throughout the day. Typically, there is a case services. Funding for PACT teams has also come from grants
manager on duty 10 to 12 hours during the day and part awarded from private foundations. NAMI has also been in-
time during the weekends. After hours is covered by an volved in developing funding sources for PACT teams.
on-call type of system, and all case managers share in this
responsibility. The case manager may respond to crisis situ-
ations either by phone or in person when necessary. Occupa-
tional therapists serving as case manager are also responsible
Role of Occupational Therapy
for handling crisis and after-hours calls. Training on crisis Occupational therapy is specifically listed by Allness and
intervention is provided to all team members who cover the Knoedler (1998) as one of the mental health professions rep-
on-call pager, and a line of communication is established to resented on PACT teams. As a case manager on the team, the
ensure that one case manager is not solely responsible for occupational therapist is responsible for coordinating care
crisis intervention. For example, teams have a backup system with the other team members, carrying a caseload, and car-
in case the person on call is not able to completely handle the rying out all the duties of a team member. The occupational
situation, and other team members will be available for con- therapist offers the profession’s strength in assessment of
sultation or physical assistance. functioning in natural environments and task analysis, espe-
cially for those clients with cognitive limitations associated
Targeted Population with their mental illness. The occupational therapist is often
responsible for evaluating the client’s ADL functional skills
PACT services target specific populations; the team enrolls and deficits as related to living independently in the commu-
clients who fit a specific set of criteria depending on the nity. The results of the ADL evaluation become part of the
focus of the team. These individuals are diagnosed with a comprehensive assessment compiled by the team typically
severe and persistent mental illness (e.g., schizophrenia or within the first 30 days of enrolling a client on the team.
bipolar disorder) and have a high level of need for services The occupational therapist may also evaluate a client to
in the community. These programs target clients with determine an appropriate level of care when the client is
one or more of the following characteristics: high-risk for having difficulty living in independent housing. A client’s
hospitalization, frequently in crisis and requiring emer- housing preference is paramount to the client-centered
gency intervention, severe and disabling symptoms and un- approach. For example, if a client living in a residential care
responsive to traditional outpatient programs, homeless, facility states that he or she would like to live in an apartment,
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CHAPTER 40 ■ Community-Based Case Management 577

the team does whatever is needed to help make this PACT start-up manual (Allness & Knoedler, 1998), includes
a reality. Each discipline is involved in various aspects of seven parts:
assisting the client to fulfill this goal. The social work team
1. Psychiatric History, Mental Status, and Diagnosis con-
members investigate and assist the client with finding hous-
ducted by a psychiatrist
ing assistance, and the occupational therapist further as-
2. Physical Health completed by the team nurse
sesses the client’s ADL and IADL skills to determine what
3. Use of Alcohol and Drugs conducted by the team
assistance and environmental adaptations may be needed
member designated as the substance abuse specialist
to help the client successfully reach this goal. Through the
4. Education and Employment conducted by the team
efforts of the team and client, this change in living situation
member designated as the vocational specialist (this
may be accomplished in time.
could be the occupational therapist)
Occupational therapists believe that engagement in mean-
5. Social Development and Functioning conducted by a
ingful occupations contributes to successful community liv-
mental health professional (typically a social worker)
ing. The occupational therapist assists clients with identifying
member of the team
meaningful occupations and helps them pursue these occu-
6. Activities of Daily Living conducted by a mental
pations while finding ways to remain productive during the
health professional (typically the occupational thera-
day. This may include finding resources for leisure pursuits
pist) member of the team
within a limited budget, volunteer opportunities, or oppor-
7. Family Structure and Relationships conducted by a
tunities for paid employment. Many PACT teams include a
mental health professional (typically a social worker)
position for a vocational specialist. An occupational therapist
member of the team
may be able to fill this position in order to specifically target
vocational goals and pursuits of the clients. Each discipline brings its profession’s expertise to this
An occupational therapist may also work as a consultant to process.
a PACT team, which may be more economical for a team with The Activities of Daily Living (ADL) assessment is typically
limited finances. The team and the organization determine an interview, and the occupational therapist further con-
with the occupational therapist what specific needs may be tributes to this process by conducting a performance-based
served through the consultant relationship. The occupational assessment. The clients seen by a PACT team typically have is-
therapy consultant may be called upon to conduct ADL func- sues developing trust with health care professionals and may
tional assessments, identify intervention strategies targeting be difficult to engage in the beginning of the relationship with
specific issues, or train other professionals or paraprofession- the team. Thus, formal assessment may be difficult to accom-
als (e.g., consumer-workers or assistants) to carry out task plish within the first 30 days.
adaptations to enable clients’ successful performance of ADL The occupational therapist may begin with an interview
tasks. The occupational therapist may also provide informa- to help establish rapport. The Canadian Occupational
tion or training to other team members working with clients Performance Measure (COPM) (Law et al, 1998) is a semi-
who have physical limitations by training them in, for exam- structured interview instrument that measures a client’s self-
ple, joint protection and energy conservation techniques. perception of occupational performance. This instrument
Occupational therapy assistants may be working on a allows clients the opportunity to set goals for themselves and
PACT team as a cost-effective way of including occupational describe the performance areas that they identify as priori-
therapy on a team. An occupational therapist consultant ties. Another assessment that may be useful for a client to
may provide supervision for the occupational therapy assis- establish goals is the Occupational Self Assessment (OSA)
tant employed on the team. The occupational therapy prac- (Baron, Kielhofner, Lyenger, Goldhammer, & Wolenski, 2002),
titioner may serve as a clinical instructor for occupational a tool developed from the model of human occupation
therapy students working on a PACT team as part of a field- (MOHO). This assessment allows the client to rate how
work level I or II experience. Many occupational therapy competently he or she performs a number of tasks related to
educational programs include contemporary mental health occupational life (Kielhofner, 2002).
field experiences for students. An occupational therapist In order to conduct an assessment of everyday function
seeking a position as a consultant to a PACT team would in the natural environment, the occupational therapist
benefit both the organization and the educational programs observes the client performing typical daily activities in his
by designing a fieldwork program for the team. Many occu- or her home, such as how the client prepares meals or safely
pational therapy programs have clinical faculty members heats and cools his or her apartment. In the grocery store,
working part time in community organizations in order to observation of task performance, managing money, selec-
develop fieldwork sites or potential occupational therapy tion of items to be purchased, and overall reaction to the
positions in community settings. A PACT team is an excellent environment allow the occupational therapist to identify
place for this in vivo training to take place. The educational occupational performance issues needing further assessment.
program may enter into a mutually beneficial relationship Brown, Moore, Hemman, and Yunek (1996) found that
with the organization to provide occupational therapy serv- mental health consumers may perform instrumental ADL
ice to the organization and fieldwork sites for the occupa- tasks inconsistently between simulated and natural environ-
tional therapy program. ments; therefore, whenever possible, assessments should
be conducted in the environment in which the client will be
Assessments performing the skill (e.g., home kitchen for cooking assess-
ment, local grocery store for grocery shopping and money
Newly enrolled clients in PACT receive a comprehensive as- management, a local laundromat to assess laundry skills).
sessment that is conducted by members of the team. The Chapter 47 reviews numerous IADL assessment tools that
PACT Comprehensive Assessment, as recommended in the are appropriate to use in this practice setting.
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578 PART 3 ■ Environment

Interventions be the primary focus of the occupational therapist on the

treatment team. ADL assessment and training are areas in
PACT is an evidenced-based case management model devel- which occupational therapy can add value to the treatment
oped from the psychosocial rehabilitation movement; the team. Many clients may be living in apartments for the first
focus is client centered and reflects the goals and desires of time and have not learned the skills necessary to cook for
the client. Much of the work of the case manager is to assist themselves or to manage a household. The occupational
clients through the maze of entitlement programs and help therapist intervenes with skills training and role and habit
them obtain the psychiatric and medical care they need in development. Since each member of the PACT team is cross-
order to fully participate in community life. trained, the occupational therapist may not be the only team
ACT interventions have been categorized by various member working with a client on ADL training. Task analysis
authors (Allness & Knoedler, 1998, Morse & McKasson, and adaptation are strengths of occupational therapy.
2005) into three areas: treatment, rehabilitation, and support Educating other team members about the best strategies for
and direct assistance. the client to learn or practice the skill (e.g., various cueing
systems or repetition of task) is an important contribution
of occupational therapy to the PACT team.
Treatment may include engaging the client with the services Social skills training is another intervention that all team
of the team. As explained previous, ACT targets those clients members will use while in the community with the client.
who have not been engaged in services or who have been Many mental health clients served by a PACT team may
unsuccessful in other case management programs. Treat- not have the communication skills or the confidence to be
ment interventions might include medical evaluation and assertive with others in the community. The team may serve
management, counseling, and crisis intervention. as an advocate and coach to the client to assert his or her
Medical evaluation and management occurs when the rights and desires. Work and leisure activities should also be
team psychiatrist evaluates the client and, together with the included in the rehabilitation services provided to the client.
client and team members, determines a course of medical Many PACT teams assign one team member to focus prima-
management agreeable to the client. Due to the frequent con- rily on work reintegration, and the occupational therapist
tact with case managers, the team can assess problems with may serve in this role. The client may need to learn other
medications and make recommendations to the psychiatrist; skills before applying for a job; the occupational therapist
therefore, the client may be more willing to take medications. may help the client identify work interests and aptitudes,
Medical management strategies are developed with the conduct a job search, fill out applications, and talk to
client’s input. The occupational therapist may use strategies prospective employers. The team also helps the client deal
to help the client be compliant with medications, such as de- with the issues involved in working for pay while receiving
veloping environmental strategies to help clients remember entitlements.
to take medications, setting up a weekly medication box, or
using signs or other visual reminders. Chapter 18 describes Support and Direct Assistance
cognitive skills strategies that the occupational therapists may Support and direct assistance is another service of a PACT
use to develop the habit of taking medications. team. The ultimate focus of this approach is for the client
Counseling is another treatment intervention used by to learn skills to enable successful, independent community
team members. This involves the use of active listening skills living. Many clients have difficulty learning all the necessary
and helping clients manage psychiatric symptoms. Occupa- skills and need ongoing direct assistance to accomplish tasks.
tional therapists are trained in therapeutic communication The client may need ongoing support to take medications, to
techniques and should be able to counsel clients along with cook meals on a routine basis, to budget finances, and so on.
other members of the treatment team. The team provides the supports necessary for the client and
Many of the clients engaged in ACT services also have an encourages the client’s independence whenever possible.
addiction to either drugs and/or alcohol. The case manager The team may provide direct assistance to the client with
must deal with co-occurring disorders along with the finding housing, resources in the community such as food
client’s mental illness symptoms. By integrating treatment, baskets, and utility assistance. If a client requires hospitaliza-
the team can provide substance abuse counseling and mo- tion, the team provides support and attempts to coordinate
tivational strategies to focus on the client’s willingness and discharge plans with the hospital staff.
goals to stop using substances or can develop relapse pre- Basically, the members of a PACT team do whatever is
vention strategies. An occupational therapist working in needed to assist the client with successful community living.
this setting may seek further education on substance abuse This places a great deal of pressure on the team members to
counseling and motivational interviewing. have good communication and team work skills. This work
Crisis intervention as a treatment intervention is available is demanding of the staff ’s time during the day. The pace of
to the clients 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Responding the day is typically busy, with most of the day spent in and
swiftly to client crises and concerns is an effective strategy to out of automobiles, homes, and businesses. The team mem-
decrease emergency department visits and hospitalizations. bers have to be flexible and ever ready to “switch gears” when
All members of the PACT treatment team typically receive needed. The schedule a team member sets for himself or her-
crisis intervention training and continuing education in self often changes frequently during the day: clients may not
this area. be home, may have other things they want to accomplish, or
may refuse to do anything with the team member as planned.
Rehabilitation When this happens, the team member must accommodate
Rehabilitation is focused on helping the client learn skills the client and either negotiate other plans with the client or
necessary for everyday community living. This area should contact other clients.
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CHAPTER 40 ■ Community-Based Case Management 579

Some clients demand more time than staff seem able to

give. The team members need to check in with each other on Evidence-Based Practice
a daily basis to guard against burn-out. This is one of
the benefits of having a daily meeting to review the clients’
status. The team can adjust service strategies and priorities.
For example, if an occupational therapist has worked daily
S ince its inception in the 1980s, the effectiveness of assertive
community treatment (ACT) has been systematically evalu-
ated. Practitioners searching the evidence will find more than
two dozen random clinical trials and some systematic reviews
with a client on home management training and is feeling
that, collectively, help to identify ACT as an evidenced-based
tired and less than therapeutic with the client, he or she may approach. Studies of ACT are aided by the fact that the devel-
ask the team for a “break” from working with the client. In opers and supporters of ACT have rigorously articulated the
that case, another team member will see the client and carry structural and functional features of this model and have created
out the training activities. widely used fidelity scales to ensure services and staffing adhere
Safety in the community may be another concern for the to ACT standards.
team members. Many of the clients live in substandard housing, ➤ Occupational therapists who seek to join PACT teams can
and the team may need to be mindful of the neighborhoods feel confident about the processes used in ACT but should
in which the clients live. The team should communicate with also keep abreast of new research that helps refine specific
each other if they have witnessed any suspicious or seem- approaches that may address housing, independent living,
ingly dangerous situations in the client’s neighborhood. community participation, and so on, to ensure their prac-
Sometimes, it may be safer for two team members to go into tices are effective.
an area of town together rather than one member going ➤ Occupational therapists can develop strong, person-centered,
alone. Close communication with other team members or helping relationships as a PACT case manager or team mem-
the daily coordinator throughout the day is also an impor- ber because consumers frequently identify the quality of the
tant safety precaution. helping relationship as a critical ingredient in their success in
“Role blurring” is part of the PACT model’s philosophy. the community.
The occupational therapist may not “feel” as if he or she does
occupational therapy every day. Practitioners often must Source: Marshall, M., & Lockwood, A. (2009). Assertive community
treatment of people with severe mental disorders. Cochrane Database
carry out duties that are traditionally identified with social of Systematic Reviews, AN: 00075320-100000000-01089.
work. When working in a PACT model, the occupational
therapist must be secure in knowing that whatever he or she
is doing to assist a client to live productively in the commu-
nity is indeed “occupational therapy.” Clients may not know
what the professional background is of any of the team with mental illness in ways that encourage integration and
members; all they know is that the team members are there participation in the community.
to work with them, teach them skills, and support them This chapter described models of community case man-
each day. agement with particular emphasis on PACT. Occupational
therapists can serve as case managers and as members of as-
sertive case management teams. The role of occupational
Summary therapy in assessment, care planning, implementation, and
ongoing review of a consumer’s community integration
Case management has been used for decades to coordinate were discussed. Occupational therapy practitioners have a
services for persons with mental illness. Various models of commitment to person-centered collaboration with con-
case management have been practiced by a variety of disci- sumers and expertise in addressing both personal and envi-
plines. Regardless of the variability in case management ronmental factors impinging on participation and occupa-
models and practitioners, the goal of case management is the tional functioning that prepare them to function effectively
same: to coordinate the complex, often fragmented mental as case managers for persons with severe and persistent
health services to meet the needs and desires of consumers mental illness.

Active Learning Strategies

1. Research Local Resources 2. Research State Resources
Contact your local NAMI office and determine if your state Research your state’s mental health service program
or community has a PACT team. Contact the team and ask (Department of Mental Health) to determine if PACT is
to visit or set up an interview to determine what services offered. Find out if your state’s Medicaid program funds
they offer. Ask if an occupational therapist is employed by community support and/or ACT services. Read the regula-
the team. If not, ask for a job description of the case manager tions regarding your state’s definition of a qualified men-
and vocational specialist positions and determine if an occu- tal health provider (or similar language) to determine if
pational therapist or occupational therapy assistant would occupational therapy is included as one of the professions.
qualify for a position. Provide educational materials about
occupational therapy to the agency or team.
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580 PART 3 ■ Environment

3. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Model 4. Fieldwork

Visit the U.S. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association website Ask your school’s academic fieldwork coordinator to
( to familiarize yourself with the psy- pursue fieldwork experiences with a PACT team in your
chiatric rehabilitation model. community.

Resources Baker, F., & Intagliata, J. (1992). Case management. In R. P. Liberman

(Ed.), Handbook of Psychiatric Rehabilitation (pp. 213–243).
• Allness, D. A., & Knoedler, W. H. (1998). The PACT Manual Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
of Community-Based Treatment for Persons with Severe and Baron, K., Kielhofner, G., Lyenger, A., Goldhammer, V., & Wolenski, J.
Persistent Mental Illness: A Manual for PACT Start-up. Waldorf, (2002). The Occupational Self Assessment (OSA), Version 2.0.
MD: National Alliance on Mental Illness. This manual is designed Chicago: Model of Human Occupation Clearinghouse, Depart-
to assist agencies or organizations with starting and operating a ment of Occupational Therapy, College of Applied Health
PACT program. Occupational therapy is listed as a mental health Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago.
profession that may be included on a PACT. The manual can be Barry, K. L., Zeber, J. E., Blow, F. C., & Valenstein, M. (2003). Effect
purchased from the online NAMI store at of the strengths model versus assertive community treatment
• The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) offers model on participant outcomes and utilization: Two-year follow-
information about mental illness and resources for education, up. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 26(3), 268–277.
family support, advocacy, and research. NAMI is a national Björkma, T., Hansson, L., & Sandlund, M. (2002). Outcome of case
organization with state affiliates. The site contains links to each management based on the strengths model compared to stan-
state’s NAMI office and other helpful website. NAMI has been dard care: A randomized controlled trial. Social Psychiatry Psychi-
instrumental in advocating for PACT teams in all states. Also on atric Epidemiology, 37, 147–152.
this website you will find information on the PACT model and Bond, G. R., Drake, R. E., Mueser, K. T., & Latimer, E. (2001). ACT
publications available through NAMI to learn how to start a for people with severe mental illness. Disease Management and
PACT team: Health Outcomes, 9, 141–159.
• The U.S. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association (USPRA) is Brown, C., Moore, W. P., Hemman, D., & Yunek, A. (1996). Influ-
committed to improving psychiatric rehabilitation practice. ence of instrumental activities of daily living assessment method
This website has up-to-date information about psychiatric on judgments of independence. American Journal of Occupa-
rehabilitation and evidence-based practices in mental health tional Therapy, 50, 202–206.
practice. Consumers and their families will also find useful Burns, B. J., & Santos, A. B. (1995). ACT: An update of randomized
resources, such as links to state chapters and information on trials. Psychiatric Services, 46, 669–675.
how to become a member of USPRA (many occupational Coldwell, C. M., & Bender, W. S. (2007). The effectiveness of as-
therapists belong to this organization): sertive community treatment for homeless populations. Cochrane
• SAMHSA’s National Mental Health Information Center is a Database of Systematic Reviews, AN: 00075320-100000000-01089.
component of the SAMHSA Health Information Network. Cosden, M., Ellens, J. K., Schnell, J. L., Yamini-Diouf, Y., & Wolfe,
On this site is a wealth of educational resources on various mental M. M. (2003). Evaluation of a mental health treatment court with
health topics, such as children’s mental health, suicide prevention, assertive community treatment. Behavioral Sciences and the Law,
youth violence prevention, consumer/survivor resources, and 21, 4, 415–427.
homelessness. It also offers links to local mental health services in Kielhofner, G. (2002). A Model of Human Occupation: Theory and
the states and hotline information: Application (3rd ed.). Baltimore: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
• Mental Health America (MHA), a nonprofit organization, has Law, M., Baptiste, S., Carswell, A., McColl, M., Polatajko, H., &
lived its mission to “inform, advocate and enable access to Pollock, N. (1998). Canadian Occupational Performance Measure
quality behavioral health services for all Americans” for over (COPM) (3rd ed.). Thorofare, NJ: Slack.
100 years. The site provides many resources for advocacy, public Lehman, A. F., Steinwachs, D. M. (1998). Patterns of usual care
education, and support services for people who have mental for schizophrenia: Initial results form the schizophrenia patient
health conditions. It is a great site for mental health advocacy outcomes research team (PORT) client survey. Schizophrenia
and for following U.S. legislation that impacts mental health Bulletin, 24, 11–32.
care: Marshall, M., & Lockwood, A. (2009). Assertive community treat-
• The Assertive Community Treatment Association (ACTA) ment of people with severe mental disorders. Cochrane Database
website provides information on the ACT model, the national of Systematic Reviews, AN: 00075320-100000000-01089.
ACT conference, model fidelity, ACT trainings, and other Morse, G., & McKasson, M. (2005). Assertive community treat-
resources. ACTA organizes and supports a yearly conference on ment. In R. E. Drake, M. R. Merrens, & D. W. Lynde (Eds.),
assertive community treatment services, which encourages Evidence-Based Mental Health Practice (pp. 317–347). New York:
consumers and their families to join with practitioners and W.W. Norton.
researchers to promote and improve ACT services. The resource Mueser, K. T., Bond, G. R., Drake, R. E., & Resnick, S. G. (1998).
links on this page is particularly helpful for finding ACT toolkits Models of community care for severe mental illness: A review of
and summaries of evidence-based research on ACT. http://www research on case management. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 24, 37–74. National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI). (n.d.). The PACT
Advocacy Guide. Arlington, VA: Author.
References Phillips, S. D., Burns, B. J., Edgar, E. R., Mueser, K. T., Linkins, K. W.,
Rosenheck, R. A., Drake, R. E., & McDonel Herr, E. C. (2001).
Allness, D. A., & Knoedler, W. H. (1998). The PACT Manual of Moving assertive community treatment into standard practice.
Community-Based Treatment for Persons with Severe and Persis- Psychiatric Services, 52(6), 771–779.
tent Mental Illness: A Manual for PACT Start-up. Waldorf, MD: Pratt, C. W., Gill, K. J., Barrett, N. M., & Roberts, M. M. (2002). Psy-
National Alliance on Mental Illness. chiatric Rehabilitation. San Diego: Academic Press.
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CHAPTER 40 ■ Community-Based Case Management 581

Rapp, C. A. (1993). Theory, principles, and methods of the Stein, L. I., & Test, M. A. (1980). Alternative to mental hospital
strengths model of case management. In M. Harris & H. C. treatment, I: Conceptual model, treatment program and clinical
Bergman (Eds.), Case Management for Mentally Ill Patients: The- evaluation. Archives of General Psychiatry, 37, 392–397.
ory and Practice (pp. 143–164). Langhorne, PA: Harwood Acade- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
mic Publishers. (SAMHSA). (2002). Assertive Community Treatment: Implemen-
———. (1998). The Strengths Model: Case Management with People tation Resources Kit, Draft Version 1. Rockville, MD: Author.
Suffering from Severe and Persistent Mental Illness. New York: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (1999). Mental
Oxford University Press. Health: A Report of the Surgeon General. Rockville, MD: U.S.
Rapp, C. A., & Chamberlain, R. (1985). Case management services Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse
for the chronically mentally ill. Social Work, 30, 417–422. and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Mental
Rosen, A., Mueser, K. T., Teeson, M. (2007). Assertive community Health Services, National Institutes of Health, National Institute
treatment: Issues from scientific and clinical literature with of Mental Health.
implications for practice. Journal of Rehabilitation Research & U.S. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association (USPRA). (n.d.). Core
Development, 44(6), 1–13. principles and values.
Salyers, M. P., & Tsemberis, S. (2007). ACT and recovery: Integrat- CORE_PRINCIPLES2009.pdf (accessed March 10, 2010).
ing evidence-based practice and recovery orientation on assertive
community treatment teams. Community Mental Health Journal,
43(6), 619–641.
1704_Ch41_582-594.qxd 7/8/10 7:49 PM Page 582


Hospital-Based Mental
Health Care 41
Lisa Mahaffey and Brian Holmquist

“ A well-functioning occupational milieu requires the development of routines that create optimal
occupational demands for patients.These demands should be systematically planned and
formally recognized as a responsibility of the entire team. Occupational therapists have a major
role to play in identifying opportunities within usual care routines that allow patients to take a
more active role.
—Fortune & Fitzgerald, 2009, p. 87

Introduction hospitalization and begins the process of involuntary

In contemporary mental health care, admission to a hospital hospitalization.
is typically reserved for people in crisis who require rapid All states also have the right to involuntarily hospitalize a
restabilization of their mental status (American Psychiatric person in an emergency situation. In an emergency hospi-
Association, 2006). A person is admitted to a psychiatric talization situation, the state can order a person detained
hospital after consideration of multiple factors, but a pri- against his or her will for, on average, 3 to 5 days while a
mary factor is the level of risk the person presents to himself hearing is convened to evaluate whether there is probable
or herself or others. Additional factors include the person’s cause to hold the individual (Weiner & Wettstein, 1993). In
level of insight, willingness to seek care, and the legal criteria these cases, the criteria to hold a person against his or her
in the state where the person lives (McCormick & Currier, will are the same as those for involuntary commitment.
1999). Involuntarily outpatient commitment is a less restric-
For the past several decades, there has been a notable tive, court-ordered mechanism that requires a consumer to
shift away from long inpatient hospitalization and toward submit to outpatient services. These decisions are usually
community-based psychiatric rehabilitation (Wang et al, made because the person has a history of decompensation
2005). Nonetheless, on the continuum of mental health care, that has required involuntary commitment to inpatient fa-
hospitalization remains an important treatment option for cilities, has a history of severe and persistent mental illness
persons with severe and persistent mental illnesses. This and lacks insight into the need for treatment, and/or has
chapter explores some of the contextual factors that influ- a demonstrated risk of homelessness or incarceration
ence mental health care in hospital-based settings. After a (Appelbaum, 2001).
brief discussion of voluntary and involuntary admission to About two-thirds of all mental health hospital admissions
hospitals, historical and contemporary discussions of the are voluntary admissions (Healthcare Cost and Utilization
therapeutic environment of hospitals are presented, a variety Project, 2008). When an individual voluntarily presents for
of specialized hospital-based inpatient settings are identified, treatment, he or she agrees to stay as long as treatment is
and the role of occupational therapy in these contexts is deemed necessary and may sign out at any time unless the
discussed. mental health providers determine that the admission status
be changed from voluntary to involuntary status. In these
cases, the health professionals must again demonstrate due
Inpatient Hospital Admission cause for their decision (Weiner & Wettstein, 1993). When
an individual directly applies for voluntary admission, an
On the continuum of hospital-based mental health care, initial assessment is completed and a suggestion is made for
involuntary inpatient hospitalization on a locked unit rep- level of care based on factors such as safety, need for medica-
resents the most restrictive treatment environment. In tion titration, and symptomology.
most states, a decision for involuntary commitment is At times, payers will agree with the assessment, but
made because there is clear and convincing evidence the at other times, they will suggest another, less costly course
person is a danger to self or others and/or because the in- of treatment. Individuals who qualify for state- and federal-
dividual is judged to be incapable of taking care of his or funded programs may be referred to community settings
her basic needs to maintain health and safety (Weiner & that provide support for continued recovery or may fol-
Wettstein, 1993). It is often a family member or mental low up in a less restrictive program. Most are referred to
health professional who recognizes the person is in need of outpatient therapy for counseling and a psychiatrist for

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CHAPTER 41 ■ Hospital-Based Mental Health Care 583

medication management (National Association of Psychi- of hospitalization for people with mental illness and the
atric Health Systems, 2008; Sturm & Bao, 2000). imposition of limits on hospital length of stay (Torrey,
Entsminger, Geller, Stanley, & Jaffe, 2004).
In the early 1980s, inpatient stays averaged 4 weeks, with
The Hospital as a Therapeutic treatment focused on medication stabilization and explo-
ration of thought and lifestyle patterns (Sturm & Bao, 2000).
Environment: A Brief History In 2006, one of every five hospital admissions included a men-
tal health condition as either a primary or secondary diagno-
The following brief history provides some historical perspec- sis, and the average inpatient stays was 8.2 days (Healthcare
tive to the treatment context within hospitals. Historical Cost and Utilization Project, 2008). The median length of stay
milestones in mental health practice are discussed in Chapter in inpatient mental health facilities in community hospitals
2, major legislation impacting mental health service delivery for children and adolescents also fell from 12.2 days in 1990 to
is detailed in Chapter 27, and historical perspectives specific 4.5 days in 2000 (Case, Olfson, Marcus, & Siegal, 2007).
to state hospitals are detailed in Chapter 38. The goal of this The current trend in mental health care is for frequent,
chapter is to specifically examine historical conceptualiza- short hospital admissions for people with serious mental ill-
tions of the therapeutic environment in hospitals in order to ness (Marshall, Gray, Lockwood, & Green, 1999). This pat-
consider how they may be applied in contemporary practice. tern challenges practitioners to consider how best to apply
Most occupational therapists are aware of the dismal en- the concepts of therapeutic environment in the context of
vironmental conditions that existed in European asylums brief hospitalizations. Fortune and Fitzgerald (2009) suggest
during the 18th century because they are aware of the work that the hospital setting continues to provide opportunities
of people such as Philippe Pinel and others who fought for for occupational engagement and that interdisciplinary col-
more humane treatment that linked activity to recovery laboration is a key to maximizing the therapeutic potential
(Stein & Cutler, 2002). In the 19th century, Dorothea Dix of hospital-based treatment settings.
fought to improve the treatment of persons with mental ill-
ness, and the creation of a system of state mental hospitals in
the United States can be directly attributed to her tireless
calls for reform (Greenstone, 1979). The physical environ-
ment of many of these state hospitals followed an architec- Evidence-Based Practice
tural style based on the Kirkbride Plan, which emphasized
structures with features such as sunlight, fresh air, land-
scaped and well-kept grounds, and physical spaces that pro-
vided opportunities for socialization as well as privacy.
S everal studies support using client-centered evaluation.
As the length of stay in acute care settings has decreased,
priorities for use of time and goals for acute care have had to
change. Long, involved evaluation procedures no longer make
Reforms also led to the redesign of social and treatment
sense. Client-centered evaluations that guide people toward
environments of these institutions, and many of these efforts goals specific to the treatment focus make sense, and several
were guided by moral treatment perspectives (Stein & Cutler, studies support the efficacy of this sort of evaluation.
2002). Milieu therapy is the process of establishing a planned
treatment environment where everyday interactions and ➤ The Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (Law et al,
1994; Law et al, 1998) has validity and also provides infor-
therapeutic events are designed and integrated into the insti-
mation that cannot be determined with current standard
tution’s daily routine with the goal of providing consumers assessments.
with opportunities for socialization and productivity. The
idea that the treatment environment or milieu could support ➤ Research on client-centered evaluation can focus treatment
and enhance the functioning of persons with mental illness to the client’s priorities and improves the person’s motivation
and drive toward their treatment (Kielhofner, 2002; Law,
in their recovery has been a central organizing tenet of most
Baum, & Dunn, 2001; Law et al, 1990).
inpatient settings since the middle of the 20th century
(Weiner, 2003). A primary assumption of milieu therapy was ➤ Client-centered evaluations allow for the collection of
that all relationships were part of the milieu (Rice & Rutan, outcomes data that determine if the person perceives an
1987). Various models of milieu therapy have been devel- improvement or change in his or her mental health status
(Kielhofner, 2002; Law et al, 1990).
oped, but five critical variables common to all models are
structure, support, validation, involvement, and containment Kielhofner, G. (2002). A Model of Human Occupation: Theory and Appli-
(Gunderson, 1978). cation (3rd ed.). Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins.
Around the same time that many practitioners in the Law, M., Baum, C., & Dunn, W. (Eds.). (2001). Measuring Occupational
mental health field began considering how best to structure Performance: Supporting Best Practice in Occupational Therapy.
Thorofare, NJ: Slack.
the hospital as a therapeutic institution (Whiteley, 2004), Law, M. C., Baptiste, S., Carswell, A., McColl, M. A., Polatajko, H., &
new classes of psychotropic drugs were being created that Pollock, N. (1998). The Canadian Occupational Performance Measure
significantly decreased some of the most disabling symp- (3rd ed.). Toronto: CAOT Publications.
toms of severe mental illness. These new medications offered Law, M., Baptiste, S., McColl, M., Opzoomer, A., Polatajko, H., & Pollock, N.
(1990). The Canadian Occupational Performance Measure: An outcome
many individuals the opportunity to effectively interact measure for occupational therapy. Canadian Journal of Occupational
within the therapeutic environment of the hospital. The de- Therapy, 57, 82–87.
institutionalization movement in the mid-1960s, the steady Law, M., Polatajko, H., Plock, N., McColl, M. A., Carswell, A., & Baptiste, S.
(1994). Pilot testing of the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure:
discovery of more effective psychiatric medicine in the 1980s Clinical and measurement Issues. Canadian Journal of Occupational
and 1990s, and the advent of managed mental health care Therapy, 61, 191–197.
in the 1990s all influenced current trends of decreased use
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584 PART 3 ■ Environment

Inpatient Mental Health Settings on his cell phone and that he was afraid someone was try-
ing to kill him. This was Derek’s second admission. His
An individual’s stay in an acute care setting is typically very first hospitalization followed a situation in which he be-
brief, but it is often the beginning of a person’s recovery. came agitated, threatening his mother with a knife when
From the moment a person comes into the hospital, the she suggested he get help for many of the same symptoms.
focus must be on discharge and the follow-up care that Although the symptoms abated with medication, he re-
will help the individual continue his or her recovery. Little portedly stopped taking it several weeks after discharge.
has been formally written about inpatient mental health Derek was fired from several jobs because of sporadic
in the past 10 years. According to a study published by the attendance. On the job, he had trouble getting along
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration with peers, preferring to stay to himself. He was unable
(SAMHSA) in 2001, only about 7% of all adults who seek to organize his behavior and, when given feedback,
treatment for mental health problems utilize inpatient serv- overreacted with agitation. Derek’s family was support-
ices (Barker et al, 2002; Centers for Disease Control and ive but had difficulty understanding his illness and
Prevention [CDC], 2008). Although this is a small percent- was fearful that he might become threatening again. Al-
age, it is a service that cannot be eliminated because of the though they agreed to allow him to return home, they
serious consequences of acute mental crisis on personal and stipulated that he must stay on his medication and
psychological safety. have something to do during the day. He was referred to
The primary mission of the inpatient mental health occupational therapy for help with organizing his day
setting is to save lives (CDC, 2007). Data from the 2006 and improving his independence.
National Vital Statistics Report identifies intentional self-harm Derek completed a daily living assessment and was
as the 11th highest cause of death overall and the third highest interviewed to determine his interests, values, work his-
for ages 10 to 44 (CDC, 2009). Even more alarming is the dis- tory, and daily routine. He described the responsibilities
proportionate number of elderly people who successfully take of his various roles and what kept him from meeting
their lives. People over the age of 65 commit 18% of all sui- them. He also identified specific goals for himself, both
cides, yet this group makes up only 13% of the population for his hospital stay and long term. He was assessed to
(CDC, 2007). The inpatient setting allows people to work determine any cognitive and/or sensory challenges.
through their crises in a safe environment, identify with others Derek’s evaluation indicated he lacked understand-
who share similar problems, understand and come to terms ing of the responsibilities of the work role and his rela-
with their illness, and begin treatment. For individuals and tionship roles. He had few friends. He did not go out
families who seek effective inpatient treatment, fears and re- much, and when he did, it was to a club where he drank
sistance are challenged, problems are presented as surmount- too much. As a worker, he struggled with organization,
able, and a vision of mental health recovery is made possible. motivation, and self-control. He misinterpreted the so-
The focus for inpatient hospitalization is to structure a brief cial interactions of his coworkers and personalized the
intervention focused on transitioning into less restrictive care feedback from his boss. When asked about his long-
environments (Wang et al, 2005). Inpatient intervention is a term goals, he said he wanted to go to college, get a job,
combined effort of a team of care providers including a psychi- and marry. He was unable to identify the process for any
atrist, medical doctors, and nurses to manage psychotropic of these goals. He blamed others for not understanding
medications and other medical therapies (Antai-Otong, 2008). that he is different and suggested that the expectations
Social workers, counselors, occupational therapists, and other should be easier for him. He identified very few interests
therapists work to facilitate recovery, educate clients about how and spent his days watching TV, smoking, drinking
to navigate a complicated mental health system, help identify coffee, and occasionally going out for walks.
needed supports, and introduce clients and families to avail- After completing the sensory processing evaluation,
able resources that can support the recovery process. Derek showed difficulty with auditory sensitivity and a
Additionally, inpatient treatment works to empower peo- tendency to underreact to all other sensory input. When
ple to advocate for the help they need and ultimately for a his psychotic symptoms increased, Derek tended to go
stronger mental health system without stigma. Introducing from nervous system underarousal to overarousal, and
empowerment and self-determination strategies can help it took a long time for him to calm down.
consumers normalize their condition, be more accepting of Derek’s OT program consisted of life skills groups
the recovery process, and participate in self-advocacy occu- focusing on social interaction, recovery and symptom
pations that specifically address limitations to their options management, community resources for supported edu-
for mental health care (Bradshaw, Roseborough, & Armour, cation, and employment. Derek began to understand
2006; McLean, 2003; Onken, Dumont, Ridgway, Dornan, & his illness and the concept of symptom management.
Ralph, 2002). One to one, Derek was taught about sensory regulation
and recognizing his level of alertness. He was assessed in
the sensory room and was able to identify several sensory
Case: Derek strategies that helped him be more alert and less agitated.
With regular use of the sensory room and groups, he be-
Derek, a 23-year-old male, presented to the hospital came increasingly active and more motivated for recovery.
after he was found wandering the streets in shorts and Upon discharge, the occupational therapist worked
combat boots in 20-degree temperatures. He was seen with the social work staff to identify a program in the
talking to himself, and he scared people with bizarre community that would provide him with daily struc-
threats. He complained that there were strange messages ture and help him move toward his goals of supported
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CHAPTER 41 ■ Hospital-Based Mental Health Care 585

education and competitive employment. He also therapist also elicited information from Shayla about
worked with the occupational therapist to identify her interests, what she values in her day, and her under-
some sensory strategies he could use at home to help standing of the responsibilities of her chosen roles. In
him get to his day program and eventually to his jobs addition, the therapist strived to determine what Shayla
on time. He and his family agreed to attend some of the believes is keeping her from recovery and her goals for
programs sponsored by the National Alliance for the hospitalization and long term.
Mentally Ill (NAMI) to improve their understanding as Shayla described a very disorganized daily routine. She
well (Kannenberg & Dufresne, 2001; American Occu- worked as a waitress in a bar several nights a week. On
pational Therapy Association [AOTA], 2002). working nights, she drank, got home late, and struggled
to get up in the morning to get the kids off to school. She
rarely prepared a meal, and when not at work, she
watched TV. More recently, she spent a lot of her time
Many inpatient mental health programs have separate, sleeping. She stated that when the kids were younger, she
specialized acute care units. Private hospital systems, such as volunteered at their school and enjoyed talking with the
Sheppard Pratt (see, often other mothers. During those years, she rarely drank, and
have specialized inpatient hospital programs subdivided by her marriage was much better. She identified past inter-
life stage (child, adolescent, young adult, adult, geriatric) or ests but engages in few. She lost track of most of her
by disability (crisis stabilization, eating disorder, psychotic friends. She has one neighbor she likes but interacts with
disorder, co-occurring disorders, etc). Public and general her only outside in the summer. She enjoys the people she
hospitals may also have specialized programs for children works with but also drinks the most when with them.
and adolescents, substance abuse, eating disorders, and The therapist worked with Shayla to create a schedule
dementia. Although all programs share the goals of safety, to help her meet her role responsibilities and increase
education, motivation, and transition, there are additional participation in activities not associated with drinking
goals specific to the program specialty. For example, pro- and encouraged regular attendance at the support
grams for children and adolescents must include working groups suggested by her treatment team. Shayla was en-
with parents/guardians for education, parenting and explo- couraged to consider other waitressing jobs where drink-
ration of family systems, as well as communication with the ing is not prevalent. She identified several interests that
education systems to which the youth will return (Jackson & she would like to engage in to build her support network
Arbesman, 2005; Case et al, 2007). and develop healthy friendships. She was also encour-
People addicted to chemicals may be placed on special aged to include activities she can do with her children.
inpatient units with specific protocols to monitor the physical She expressed a wish to return to school as a long-term
problems associated with detoxification (Denton & Skinner, goal and was provided with resources to explore her op-
2001). People diagnosed with eating disorders require care- tions. Lastly, she was encouraged to attend life skills
fully monitored refeeding protocols, dietary support, and groups that teach symptom management as part of her
programs focusing on distorted body image (Spearing, ADLs, the connection between self-esteem and occupa-
2001). Programs addressing self-injury must establish an tion, and developing meaning in her life.
environment and treatment philosophy that address inter- Shayla was discharged with a plan to return home and
personal behavior and emotion as well as thought manage- attend an outpatient dual diagnosis program to address
ment (Linehan, 1993; National Institutes of Health, 2003). her depression and substance abuse. She formulated a
schedule with healthy, nondrinking activities throughout
the day. She plans to participate in a quilting group that
she contacted during her hospitalization and set up a
Case: Shayla lunch date with a few friends she lost contact with during
Shayla, a 47-year-old woman, presented to the hospital the past 3 years. She remains uncertain about her job,
with a blood alcohol level of 0.18 and a plan to overdose. as the earnings from tips are important. She is willing to
Shayla has struggled with depression and alcoholism for explore other options while she completes the treatment
several years, and although she completed two chemical program (Denton & Skinner, 2001; AOTA, 2002).
dependency treatment programs, this is the first time she
has been treated for depression. Her husband decided he
cannot handle her drinking and has asked for a divorce
and custody of their two children, ages 10 and 13. Shayla Geriatric staff must be well versed in the safety aspects and
lives in a suburb of a large city with a number of com- communication skills required for working with people with
munity resources that she could use to help her recover. dementia, including educating and supporting family mem-
Although her husband is filing for divorce, he wants to bers who serve as care providers. Practitioners in geriatric spe-
support her sobriety and involvement in the children’s cialty units are expected to communicate with long-term care
lives. She also has the support of extended family. Shayla facilities to share techniques and approaches that worked best
was referred to occupational therapy to assess her ability with the person they are accepting into their care (Corcoran,
to manage her daily responsibilities and incorporate self- 2001b). Many elderly people with mental health issues other
care strategies to help her maintain sobriety. than dementia need help dealing with mourning and manag-
Shayla was assessed using a client-centered interview ing an increasing number of losses, a decreased sense of con-
to determine what her daily routine was and what activ- trol, and other difficult end-of-life issues (Corcoran, 2001a;
ities were associated with her drinking behaviors. The French & Hanson, 1999; Hay et al, 2002).
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586 PART 3 ■ Environment

The Lived Experience

Grant Bell Also helpful were the opportunities to visit with family and
I was first treated for depression in 1980. I was 16 and working friends. There was a church service we could go to on Sunday
in a restaurant at a local resort. I began to have angry outbursts, and a library. There was a quiet hour every day where you could
crying spells, and generally felt really depressed. I went to my rest in your room and relax. They also had dances on the
Dad’s psychiatrist to get checked out and was put on Lithium weekend where all the units would meet in the gym, although
and an antidepressant. This was my first experience taking at first I was afraid to leave the unit because of my delusions.
medication and I didn’t see any benefit. I was still depressed and There were some vending machines in the lobby downstairs and
had a lot of medication side effects, like dizziness and dry when I had a grounds pass I would go there. It’s been 15 years
mouth. I eventually stopped the medicine. since I was last in the hospital.
For five years I lived with my condition. Then in 1985, things Mental illness recovery is a complicated process and some-
got worse. I was attending a college in Prescott, Arizona. This times a hard road. I have learned with proper care, recovery is pos-
was my first time living away from home and at first things went sible. It means asking and accepting help and making a commit-
okay. Then I began to have psychotic symptoms. I was con- ment. The emotional, physical, and spiritual help requires a team
fused, disoriented, and became disorganized. I would call home effort between the patient, doctors, nurses, therapists, family and
every day and cry. I had more angry outbursts. I threw a stereo friends, the church and other community organizations. Working
out the window of my apartment and I broke my mountain bike has really helped me in my recovery. By accepting the help of a job
that was worth three hundred dollars. It felt like my mind was coach, I have been able to work, allowing me to feel like a con-
splitting in half. Near the end of the semester I had a particularly tributing member of society as well as a sense of accomplishment.
bad night . . . I hit myself with an iron rod in the head. My aca- I am still on the road to recovery. It can still be difficult at
demic advisor called my home and I left to go back home to Illi- times but I know I am on a path of healing. Between my faith
nois the next day. When I got home I felt broken inside. I wanted in God, my friends and family, and the professional help I have
to escape and join a commune somewhere in another state. received and continue to receive, I am able to stay out of the
My parents intervened and drove me to a psychiatric hospital hospital. Mental health is a journey but we do not have to be
where once again I was put on medication. This would be my first on it alone.
hospitalization. Admissions
During the six years that followed I would be hospitalized four Grant Bell
times. My worst experience in a hospital was a state hospital.
I was overmedicated and slept in the hall the first night. I was I answered a lot of questions
then put into a room with 6 other people. At one point, my shoes Defensively
and clothes were stolen. I was there three days before my Who is President?
mom found a research hospital where I got some quality help. What day is it?
I was there for 4 months. When I was first admitted I was hear- I am not sure
ing voices, seeing visions, and I thought I was president. I was I know
psychotic. As a result of the new medicine, the therapy and But I can’t remember
other services of the hospital, the visions, voices, and delusions I am afraid
subsided. Although I eventually improved, it took what seemed In this white room
to me a very long time. My experiences at the hospital were With no pictures
mostly helpful but there were some things I won’t forget. Being Just faded paint
in seclusion twice, ECT (electroconvulsive therapy) and being in Now the next step
a locked ward made me feel frightened, vulnerable, and out of Take your clothes off
control. Sometimes the medications made me tired and dizzy. Someone gives me a physical
There were many things that I thought were helpful. The staff I leave my family behind
members were very helpful and attentive. Some of the things To go up the stairs
that helped me the most were the therapy groups, dance ther- To the ward
apy, occupational therapy, and back in those days we could I wonder how long I will stay
have passes to go outside and even to go home on weekends. I sit alone and pray

Members of Treatment Team therapies such as art, music, and dance or movement. In
addition, facilities employ staff members to provide struc-
The composition of the treatment team depends on patient ture on the unit, help with meals and daily scheduled activi-
demographics and the philosophy of the setting. Funding ties, and lead psychoeducational groups.
sources require that all settings provide medical and psychi- Team members may hold bachelor’s degrees and receive
atric intervention requiring physicians, psychiatrists, and additional training at the facility (Sederer, 1986). Programs
nurses. Social workers or licensed counselors provide family that serve people with dementia employ team members who
intervention, process group therapy, and provide placement are specially trained in personal care techniques and provide
and referral support. Other team members can include ADL care, feeding, and other such needs (Corcoran, 2001b).
occupational therapy, recreational therapy, and expressive Dieticians are integral team members on units treating
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CHAPTER 41 ■ Hospital-Based Mental Health Care 587

people with eating disorders. Many programs also include and occupational, recreational, and expressive therapists
staff who care for spiritual needs, volunteers from programs lead group therapies.
such as Alcoholics Anonymous, and psychologists who pro- Many people are referred to PHPs and IOPs from inpa-
vide psychiatric or neuropsychiatric testing who may or may tient programs; others are admitted directly to the PHP or
not be a part of the core team. IOP because their assessment indicates a need for the intense
daily treatment but not for the level of safety characteristic
Funding Sources of the inpatient unit. Populations served in PHPs and IOPs
are much the same as those in inpatient programs and typi-
Each state provides public inpatient beds for their residents cally reflect the inpatient demographics. Depending on the
funded through Medicaid, Medicare, and state subsidies. facility, there can be PHP/IOP programs geared for any age
(NAMI, 2006; Onken et al, 2002). Consumers with private in- and/or diagnosis. Some programs combine their outpatient
surance, the bulk of which is provided by managed care or- PHP/IOP clients with their inpatient population for treat-
ganizations, make up less than one-quarter of all individuals ment groups. Funding for PHP/IOP programming is prima-
receiving mental health services (National Association of Psy- rily managed care and Medicare, although Medicaid does
chiatric Health Systems, 2008; Substance Abuse and Mental pay for some child and adolescent programs (SAMHSA,
Health Services Administration [SAMHSA], 2006). In 2006, 2006; Whitelaw & Perez, 2004).
Medicare and Medicaid were billed for over 60% of all mental
health-related hospital stays (Healthcare Cost and Utilization
Project, 2008). Both government and managed care payments
lag behind the true costs of inpatient hospitalization, and Evidence-Based Practice
many argue that one factor behind the closure or downsizing
of mental health beds is that hospitals are no longer willing
to make up the differences in costs in their own budgets (Case
et al, 2007; Martin & Leslie, 2003; Wang et al, 2005). In some
R esearch in the mental health community supports function
for people struggling with mental illness. Much of the recent
work on the recovery model of mental health is about active
situations, facilities fund mental health programs with grant participation in a person’s community. This concept fits with
monies, although recent years have seen a decrease in available occupational therapy theory and belief of participation in roles
grants (National Institute of Mental Health, 2007). and development of sense of meaning.
➤ The President’s New Freedom act states that people with
mental illness have a right to live and participate in the com-
munity, and supports must be put in place to help people be
Partial Hospitalization Programs able to do that. In acute care, occupational therapy can as-
sess individuals to determine what supports are needed for
Partial hospitalization programs (PHPs) and intensive
them to be most involved and independent. Being aware of
outpatient programs (IOPs) are considered in this discus- the programs available and empowering people to ask for
sion of hospital-based settings even though not all of these what they need is very much a part of inpatient care (New
types of programs are physically located in a hospital Freedom Commission on Mental Health, 2003).
setting. However, like inpatient hospital settings, PHPs and
➤ Knowledge of community treatment programs for people with
IOPs are structured mental health treatment, albeit with a
persistent mental illness allows therapists in the acute care situ-
reduction in the level of structure and care found in inpa- ation to help clients understand the challenges they face in nav-
tient hospitals. PHPs and IOPs are appropriate treatment igating the system and asking for help (SAMHSA, 2005; 2006).
settings for consumers who can be treated in a less restric-
tive environment. ➤ Understanding the focus of programs such as assertive
community treatment can allow the therapist in the acute
Typically, PHPs function Monday through Friday for an av-
setting to begin the process by introducing the idea of self-
erage of 6 hours a day, whereas IOPs operate Monday through reliance and responsibility for making use of available pro-
Friday for an average of 3 hours a day (Association for Ambu- grams. There is also precedent for the benefits of social in-
latory Behavioral Health, 2007). In most cases, the only differ- teraction and communication programs, support network
ence between a PHP and an IOP is the length of time a person building, and other beginning skills, making acute care the
spends at the facility. Although there may be separate IOP pro- beginning of a continuum of care (National Association of
grams, for example, for chemical dependency, most people in Psychiatric Health Systems, 2008; SAMHSA, 2005).
IOPs are simply encouraged to choose the days and hours of
National Association of Psychiatric Health Systems. (2008). “Behavioral
the program that most effectively address their needs. Whether Healthcare Delivery Today: 2005 Annual Survey Report. Psychotherapies
someone participates in a PHP or IOP may be determined by for Children and Adolescents.” No. 86. Available at: http://www.aacap
insurance (Whitelaw & Perez, 2004). .org/page.ww?section=Facts+for+Families&name=Psychotherapies+For+
Children+And+Adolescents (accessed March 17, 2010).
The primary mission of PHPs and IOPs is consistent with
New Freedom Commission on Mental Health. (2003). Achieving the
inpatient care: medication titration, education, and support Promise: Transforming Mental Health Care in America. Final Report.
for recovery. It is assumed that participants are safe outside DHHS Pub. No. SMA-03-3832. Rockville, MD: Author.
of the hospital. This allows for people to practice new skills Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
(2005). Evidence-Based Practices: Shaping Mental Health Services
while participating in many of their life roles at home. Toward Recovery: Assertive Community Treatment Toolkit. Available at:
Participants are treated by a team including physicians who
see them weekly for medication management. Psychiatric community (accessed May 2007).
———. (2006). Mental Health Transformation Trends: A Periodic Briefing.
nursing staff members do not distribute medication but are Department of Health and Human Services. Available at: http://www
available to monitor vital response to medication changes, (accessed
provide education both individually and in groups, and May 2007).
assist with overall health needs. Social workers, counselors,
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588 PART 3 ■ Environment

Role of Occupational Therapy was collected included a history of occupation, interests,

support network, skill sets, cognitive dysfunction, and
As in all mental health settings, the primary role of occu- goals, to name a few (Hemphill-Pearson, 1999). A number
pational therapy hospital-based settings is to help people of reliable and useful instruments have been developed
identify what interferes with their ability to participate over the years, and some of these can be effectively used in
in valued occupations, intervene with education, assist settings with high turnover rates and short treatment
with generating solutions, and recommend environmental stays.
supports for after discharge. The therapist can help people Creating an evaluation protocol and choosing specific
identify the relationship between actions and choices, assessments requires sound clinical reasoning. A critical
the impact of those actions on their primary roles, and step in this process is to select a theoretical practice model
the demands and opportunities presented in different so- and become well versed in its components. This selection
cial and physical environments. Problems with cognition guides the process of choosing appropriate assessments,
and sensory regulation can contribute to poor manage- allows the therapist to explain the rationales for his or
ment of daily role responsibilities and negatively impact her choices to treatment members, and supports the pro-
recovery. duction of outcomes evidence. There are a number of
Occupational therapy intervention focuses on explor- theoretical models to consider; choosing the most appro-
ing solutions for the identified problems and helping priate one becomes a product of experience, preference,
the person establish a plan that will eventually lead to and perceived ease of use. Although therapists will benefit
a satisfying level of role participation. In treatment set- from choosing an occupation-based model to guide
tings where a consumer’s length of stay is limited, assess- decisions about evaluations, treatment, and program de-
ment and treatment are ongoing processes. Once people velopment, using concepts and techniques from other
are introduced to the relationship between the effect of models, both from within the profession and from other
their illness symptoms and their valued occupations and mental health disciplines, is not only reasonable, it is
sense of meaning, they can better understand the steps of necessary
recovery. Woven throughout this process is education Another way that clinical reasoning impacts the devel-
on the resources available to them in the discharge envi- opment of an evaluation protocol is as a guide to support
ronment. Much of the groundwork in treatment can be reflection on the ultimate goals for the evaluation process.
accomplished in group settings where concepts can The process is meant to gather information of interest to
be taught, and structured discussions among participants occupational therapists and to produce a report for the
help them apply the information and learn from one client’s record, but if the therapist wants to use the assess-
another. ment results to drive treatment, the evaluation process
Occupational therapy provides a unique contribution must reveal the issues that can be reasonably addressed
to the team when the focus is on the impact of illness on a within the context of the setting. Further, it should sup-
person’s ability to carry out meaningful occupations. In port the therapist’s ability to make appropriate recom-
addition, the occupational therapist’s knowledge of cogni- mendations for environmental adaptations and follow-up
tive and sensory needs can help the team determine the interventions.
best approach in treatment as well as the best discharge The development of a sound evaluation protocol can also
environment. be informed by a thorough needs assessment, taking into
The case studies presented in this chapter draw from a consideration the population being treated as well as the
theoretical practice model grounded in occupation in order length of stay. Other considerations include age range and
to guide assessment and treatment. When therapists com- occupational expectations for that life stage, primary diag-
bine occupation with concepts from developmental theory nostic features, and common cognitive and sensory process-
to determine a person’s life stage, and apply concepts from ing difficulties associated with age and diagnosis. The actual
cognition, learning theories, sensory integration, and the choice of assessment tools is likely to be most appropriate
factors within their environments, they provide a unique when the practitioner researches available assessments tools
and practical contribution to the person’s treatment team and tries them to determine if they can be easily integrated
and ultimately to their recovery (AOTA, 2002; Kielhofner, into daily practices and provide the type and depth of data
2002; Law et al, 1996;). that supports treatment planning (Hemphill-Pearson, 1999;
Kielhofner, 2002). Tables 41-1 through 41-4 list a variety of
tools that may be considered for use in hospital-based set-
Assessments tings. Many of these are discussed in more detail in other
Evaluation in hospital-based settings is challenging be- Client-centered assessment gives the therapist the op-
cause of the shortened length of stay, the acuity of illness, portunity to combine assessment and treatment by improv-
and the high turnover in patient population. For many ing the client’s awareness of the effect of his or her illness on
years, surveys of therapists practicing in inpatient settings occupation and sense of meaning. It also allows for use of
yielded reports that many practitioners created and ad- instruments that are reliable, valid, and useful for measur-
ministered their own site-specific assessment tools. In ad- ing programmatic outcomes (Dedding, Cardol, Eyssen,
dition, observation was used in groups and with activities Dekker, & Beelen, 2004; Kielhofner, 2002; Law & Mills,
to address task and interpersonal skills. Information that 1998).
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CHAPTER 41 ■ Hospital-Based Mental Health Care 589

Table 41-1 ● Assessments That Build an Occupational Profile

Test Population Description
Occupational Circumstances Assessment–Interview Adult/geriatric A semistructured interview designed to measure occupational
and Rating Scale Version 4.0 (OCAIRS) (Forsyth et al, adaptation. When scored, it can discriminate between clients who
2005) do not require intervention and those who do.
Occupational Performance History and Interview, second Adult/geriatric/adolescent A semistructured interview designed to collect historical information
edition (OPHI-II) (Keilhofner et al, 1997) on occupation and then create a life history narrative.
Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM) Adult/geriatric A semistructured interview designed to gather information on an
(Law et al, 1990) individual’s perception of his or her occupational performance over time.
Interest Checklists and Pediatric Interest Profile (PIP) Adult/geriatric/adolescent/ There are a number of interest profiles. PIPs cover all ages from 6 to
(Beard & Ragheb, 1980; Driver, Tinsley, & Manfredo, 1991; child 21. Ratings cover interest, sense of enjoyment, and competence.
Henry, 2000)
Occupational Self-Assessment (OSA); Child Occupational Adult/geriatric/adolescent A client-centered self-report that identifies problem areas in
Self-Assessment (COSA) (Baron, Kielhofner, Iyenger, occupations. The client is helped to set goals based on the results.
Goldhammer, & Wolenski, 2002) The OSA may be used to measure intervention outcomes. The COSA
is adapted to allow children to complete the assessment.
Model of Human Occupation Screening Tool (MOHOST) Adult/geriatric/adolescent A screening tool on which ratings can be made after chart review,
(Parkinson, Forsyth, & Kielhofner, 2006) observation, and participation in a brief interview process.
Short Child Occupational Profile (SCOPE) (Bowyer, Ross, Children Assesses the child through observation in typical child roles and
Schwartz, Kielhofner, & Kramer, 2005) determines problem areas. This is the child version of the MOHOST.
School Setting Interview (Hoffman, Hemmingsson, & Adolescent/child Allows children who struggle with emotional/behavioral issues to identify
Kielhofner, 2000) problems in their schools and determine needed accommodations.
Role Checklist (Oakley, Kielhofner, Barris, & Reichler, Adult/geriatric/adolescent Identifies 11 major life roles and asks that the person check whether
1986) he or she participates in the role now, has in the past, or plans to in
the future. Allows for a comprehensive role interview.
School Function Assessment (Coster, Deeny, Haltiwanger, Children Allows for ratings on all activities associated with school function,
& Haley, 1998) including class work, mobility, ADLs, and socialization. Each team
member completes the appropriate section.
Worker Role Inventory (Velozo et al, 1999) Late adolescent/adult A semistructured interview that measures aspects of disability that
interfere with participation in work—specifically for someone who
was working in the recent past.

Table 41-2 ● Assessments That Measure Performance Skills

Test Population Description
Allen Battery (Allen, 1990; Penny, Musser, & North, Adult/geriatric Assesses problem-solving and direction-following to determine cognitive
1995) disability and needed accommodation.
Assessment of Motor and Process Skills (AMPS); Adult/geriatric/children Rates a set of motor skills and process skills based on observation of familiar
School AMPS (Atchinson, Fisher, & Bryze, 1998; IADL tasks. Considers the relationship between the skill and occupational
Doble, Fisk, Lewis, & Rockwood 1999; Fisher et al, performance. The School AMPS is specific to school tasks.
1995; Fisher, 1999)
Kitchen Task Assessment (Baum & Edwards, 1993) Adult/geriatric Eleven items rated on a 5-point scale based on observation of a cooking task.
Ratings cover safety, initiation, organization, and follow-through.
Assessment of Communication and Interaction Skills Adult/adolescent An observation tool with 20 items that measure social interaction skills in
(ACIS) (Forsyth, Salamy, Simon, & Kielhofner, 1998) people with mental illness.
Sensory Integration and Praxis Test (SIPT) (Ayers, Children A standardized assessment that includes visual subtests and somatosensory
1989) subtests on vestibular and proprioceptive sensation.
Bruinicks–Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency, Children Uses a number of tasks that require gross and fine motor skills and motor
2nd edition (BOT-2) (Bruinicks & Bruinicks, 2006) planning to establish proficiency on task. Takes into account client factors.
Motor Free Visual Perceptual Test (MVPT-2) Children A series of subtests that determine problems with such factors as visual
(Colarusso & Hammill, 2003) acuity, visual interpretation, and visual perception.
Bay Area Functional Performance Evaluation Adult/late adolescence An assessment battery with two scales. The first measures cognitive,
(BaFPE) (Bloomer & Lang Williams, 2002) affective, and performance skills, and the second measures social interaction
skills. This scale is also designed to help determine the effectiveness of
occupational therapy intervention.
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590 PART 3 ■ Environment

Table 41-3 ● Assessments That Measure Activities of Daily Living and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living
Test Population Description
Functional Independence Measure (FIM) (Linacre, Geriatric Observation of 18 activities to determine the level of assistance needed for self-care
Heinemann, Wright, Granger, & Hamilton, 1994) tasks.
WeeFIM (Ottenbacher et al, 1996) Children The version of the FIM for children 6 months to 7 years of age. Items are the same
as on the adult version.
Kohlman Evaluation of Living Skills (KELS) Adult Ratings are made after observing performance on 17 items grouped into self-care,
(McGourty, 1999) safety, money management, transportation, and telephone use. Results help
determine if a person is able to live independently.
Routine Task Inventory (Heimann, Allen, & Adult Based on Allen’s Cognitive Levels, this assessment establishes a level of function
Yerxa, 1989) using 32 items that cover ADL and IADL tasks and major roles.

Table 41-4 ● Assessments That Measure Sensory Processing

Test Population Description
Adolescent/Adult Sensory Profile (Brown & Dunn, Adult/geriatric/ Client self-report with a 4-point rating scale. Assesses sensory sensitivity, sensory
2002) adolescent avoidance, and sensory seeking behaviors.
Child Sensory Profiles (Dunn, 1999; 2006) Children Inventory completed by parent and/or care providers that measures the same areas
as the Adult Sensory Profile.
Sensory Inventories (Champagne, 2006) Different Several inventories ask clients, parents, and other caregivers to identify reactions
groups to a variety of sensory inputs to create a picture of sensory sensitivities.
Sensory Processing Measure (Miller-Kuhaneck Children Three integrating rating scales for home, school, and community to create a picture
et al, 2005; Parham & Ecker, 2005) of a child’s sensory processing. Covers two higher levels of function (praxis and
social participation) and five sensory systems (visual, auditory, tactile, proprioceptive,
and vestibular).

Summary for inpatient hospitalization, and millions more are treated

in less structured outpatient settings. Occupational thera-
The chapter explored some of the contextual factors that pists have a vital contribution to make not only in the
influence mental health care in hospital-based settings. variety of specialized hospital-based inpatient settings that
Inpatient hospitalization of persons with mental illness has continue to exist but also in helping lead the transformation
declined dramatically, and the number of hospital beds in of the mental health system and a reconsideration of the
both government and private hospitals has also dropped therapeutic environment despite the short stays that are
precipitously. Nonetheless, millions of people are admitted common in contemporary practice.

Active Learning Strategies

1. Know Your State and put together a handout with a description of the avail-
able service and contact numbers. Frame your resource by
Every state is different in terms of how much money it allo-
considering the needs of those in the cases described earlier
cates for care of the mentally ill and how those funds are dis-
in this chapter. What supports will they need to live, work,
tributed. Services for people vary widely from county to
eat, go to school, attend church, and maintain their everyday
county. For those with mental illness, this means trying
life in the community?
to figure out where to go to get the support consumers
need to continue their recovery. They are forced to rely on Important Information to Gather
mental health professionals; however, the knowledge of the ● Obtain a copy of Achieving the Promise: Transforming
professionals in the acute setting about additional support is Mental Health Care in America (New Freedom Commis-
limited to what they themselves take the time to learn. Occu- sion on Mental Health, 2003), available at http://www
pational therapists have the ability to consider what kinds of Locate and learn how your
environmental supports will best assist the person to func- state mental health organization is responding to this
tion and engage in meaningful life roles. initiative.
Take time to explore the services available to people with ● Identify the difference between Social Security Insurance
mental illness in your area. Identify the following information (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) as
1704_Ch41_582-594.qxd 7/8/10 7:49 PM Page 591

CHAPTER 41 ■ Hospital-Based Mental Health Care 591

well as the difference between Medicaid and Medicare Describe the experience in your
funding for services. Reflective Journal.
● Develop an understanding of the state’s system for
Reflective Questions
calculating and distributing monies for food and other
● What process did you use to gather the information?
● How many different sources did you need to access
● Identify special programs that qualify people for additional
before you felt you had all the information you needed?
monies such as circuit breaker funds, support programs
● What skills did you need to be able to gather this
for medications, and stipulations for working on disability.
● Understand the procedure that drug companies use in
● What resources did you use to be able to complete this
their indigent programs that distribute free medications.
● Learn about the community mental health programs in
● Did you have to ask for help from others in the
your local county and statewide. Include group homes,
community? Were they helpful?
supported employment, supported work, supported liv-
● What was most challenging? How did you feel during
ing, and office of rehabilitation services. Get information
this process?
on whom to contact, what they offer, how they are funded
● What would it be like to go through the process of
or what kind of funding they offer, and what criteria the
gathering this information while struggling with the
person must meet to benefit from these services.
symptoms of mental illness and the side effects of
● Develop a list of support groups in the area. Look for
medication and stigma?
groups for chemical dependence, mental illness, ADHD,
● What process can the occupational therapist engage in to
autism, self-injury, caregiver support groups, Alzheimer’s
help the person connect with community services that
education programs, and so on.
will be most supportive?
● Develop a list of supports for those in the process of
● How much more successful will a person be in recovery
career changes or needing additional role support, such
if he or she has someone in the inpatient setting who has
as volunteer opportunities, leisure opportunities, church-
explored the community and mental health system thor-
related activities, sports or other hobby groups, and so on.
oughly and can provide contacts for those organizations
Choose one or more of the above areas to gather infor-
that are most likely to support successful recovery?
mation. Get together with others and split up the items so
● How might an understanding of the mental health sys-
that you can share the information with each other. Begin
tem affect your treatment goals while the person is in
with the premise that these programs exist. How would you
the hospital?
go about this process?

Resources References
• The Association of Therapeutic Communities (ATC) website is a Allen C. (1990). Allen Cognitive Level Test Manual. Colchester, CT:
professional organization in the United Kingdom. Its mission is Worldwide.
to support the work and continued development of therapeutic American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA). (2002). Oc-
communities within the United Kingdom and internationally. cupational therapy practice framework: Domain and process.
You can learn more about different types of therapeutic American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 56, 609–639.
communities and find resources for education and training: American Psychiatric Association. (2006). Practice Guidelines for the Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders: Compendium 2006. Arling-
• The McLean Hospital Behavioral Health Partial Hospital ton, VA: Author.
Program website describes the goals of and services provided at Antai-Otong, D. (2008). Psychiatric Nursing: Biological and
McLean Hospital in Belmont, Massachusetts, a private psychiatric Behavioral Concepts. Clifton Park, NY: Thompson Delmar
institution. Specialized programs for persons with mood and Learning.
anxiety disorders or borderline personality disorder, as well as a Applebaum, P. S. (2001). Thinking carefully about outpatient com-
life skills–oriented program, are featured: http://www.mclean mitment. Psychiatric Services, 52, 347–350. Association for Ambulatory Behavioral Health. (2007). “Fast Facts
• The SAMHSA Therapeutic Communities Training Program About Partial Hospitalization.” Available at:
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and PowerPoint slides intended to orient new workers into the Atchinson, B. T., Fisher, A. G., & Bryze, K. (1998). Rater reliability
concepts and practices of a therapeutic community. It is a and internal scale and person response validity of the School As-
comprehensive, 11-module learning process that supports sessment of Motor and Process Skills. American Journal of Occu-
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concepts: Ayers, J. (1989). Sensory Integration and Praxis Test Manual. Los
index.htm Angeles: Western Psychological Services.
• The Sheppard Pratt Inpatient Services website describes some of Barker, P. R., Epstein, J. F., Hourani, L. L., Gfroerer, J., Clinton-
the many specialized inpatient mental health services provided Serrod, A. M., West, N., & Shi, W. (2002). Patterns of mental
at Sheppard Pratt. It is not intended as an endorsement of this health service utilization and substance use among adults,
particular health care system but can provide the opportunity 2000 and 2001 (DHHS Publication No. SMA 04-3901, Analytic
to broaden your awareness of the range of specialized inpatient Series A-22). Rockville, MD: Department of Health and Hu-
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Mental Illness in the Workplace:
Policies and Practices That
Impact Disability 42
Nancy Spangler

“ [L incoln] had learned from severe experience that suffering had to be acknowledged and
tolerated and that it might, with patience, lead to something “purer, and holier”than could be
known without it.The same progression can be seen in his presidency.The qualities associated
with his melancholy—his ability to see clearly and persist sanely in conditions that could have
rattled even the strongest minds; his adaptations to suffering that helped him to be effective and
creative; and his persistent and searching eye for the pure meaning of the nation’s struggle—
contributed mightily to his good work.
—Joshua Wolf Shenk, 2005.

Introduction disability policies (Turnbull, Beegle, & Stowe, 2001) are

To work is a human drive and a primary life role for most meant to open the doors to the workplace for individuals
adults. The world of work provides a setting for people to with mental illness.
use interpersonal, cognitive, and self-management skills and Society, however, has only inconsistently included individ-
to develop a sense of effectiveness. Bandura (1997, 1977) uals with disabilities in the workplace. In fact, historically,
suggests that people’s beliefs in self-efficacy are influenced people with mental illness have been highly marginalized by
particularly by personal mastery experiences, observations societal fears and stigma and, at times, relegated to institu-
of other people managing tasks successfully, encouragement tional living and menial labor at best (Braddock, 2002).
from others, and the physiological perception of challenge. Although treatments for mental illness have improved radi-
All of these components can be highly abundant in work cally, and access to the workplace has increased, challenges
settings. remain in ensuring that people with mental illness are able
Opportunities to develop a sense of self-efficacy through to exercise their rights to participate successfully in the im-
work are extremely important for people with mental illness, portant role of work. Workplaces, however, typically do not
and most people with mental illness report that they would exist for lofty humanitarian purposes nor solely to provide
like to work (Henry, 2005). The importance of work is un- opportunities for self-fulfillment for employees. On the con-
derscored by the following observation: trary, employers focus on the work itself (i.e., making prod-
ucts, providing services, and returning profits to shareholders).
Work participation provides most adults with daily Therefore, accommodating people with mental illness repre-
structure, economic stability, and social opportunities. sents a particular challenge in the workplace.
To be unemployed is to be cut off from a valued social Many occupational therapists work with individual em-
role. In the words of one consumer participant, “If you ployees who have mental impairments in both work and
have a mental illness and you can work, it decreases the clinical settings. This chapter, however, examines mental
stigma a lot, because this society puts a great value on health from the broader frameworks of population-based
working . . . you see somebody on the street, the first health and health policy and addresses issues for occupa-
question they ask you is, ‘Are you working? . . . What are tional therapists to consider as they work with employers in
you doing?’” (Henry & Lucca, 2003, p. 177) nontraditional and innovative ways to address mental health
in the workplace. Topics include:
The role of work is perceived as so valuable that an indi-
vidual’s right to pursue work has been protected by two im- ■ Historical barriers to employment due to the compet-
portant acts of legislation, the Rehabilitation Act (1973) and ing interests of society with those of individuals with
the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) (1990). “In the mental illness.
ADA, Congress declared that the nation’s policy regarding ■ Legislation intended to protect employment rights of
people with disabilities is to offer them equal protection those with mental illness and judicial interpretation of
of the laws, and, thereby, the opportunity to fully participate those laws.
in the community, to live independent lives there, and to ■ Current practice in treatment of workers with mental
become economically self-sufficient contributors” (Stowe, illness.
Turnbull, & Sublet, 2006, p. 86). These and other core ■ Emerging roles for occupational therapists in the work-
concepts underlying the development and enforcement of place mental health arena.

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596 PART 3 ■ Environment

Historical Barriers to Employment mental conditions in the workplace, however, are those that are
not highly obvious to others or even readily recognizable to the
There is a longstanding history of challenges to employment individual. Depressive and anxiety disorders are highly preva-
for individuals with mental illness in the United States. In lent, can be as debilitating as any major chronic illness, and
the past, society was likely to discriminate against and isolate often occur comorbidly with other disabling medical condi-
people who had symptoms of mental illness that were obvi- tions, such as back pain, cancer, and heart disease (Langlieb &
ous and potentially frightening to others, such as the hallu- Kahn, 2005).
cinations, delusions, and disordered social behaviors of Reports from the U.S. Surgeon General (U.S. Department
some people with schizophrenia. of Health and Human Services, 1999) and the World Health
Early attribution of sin or witchcraft to aberrant behav- Organization (2002) describe depression as a major public
iors eventually gave way to the understanding that these be- health problem affecting major facets of life, including work
haviors were the result of illness and out of the control of the attendance and performance. Productivity losses of up to
individual. The resulting medical model justified keeping 20% have been attributed to the behavioral changes com-
people with mental illness separate from the rest of society monly associated with depression, including poor concentra-
for their protection and the protection of society (Braddock, tion, difficulty with memory and decision-making, fatigue,
2002; Szasz, 1970). Outrage, however, at the deplorable con- and lowered self-confidence (Greenberg et al, 2003). Other
ditions in institutions for people with mental and intellec- symptoms, such as withdrawal, flat affect, and problems with
tual impairments and a growing recognition that the basic cognitive processing, can reduce social interaction and in-
human rights and principles of liberty and equality guaran- crease marginalization of people with these traits.
teed in the United States Constitution were being violated The diagnosis of mental illness alone, without any
have led to a progressive movement toward deinstitutional- knowledge of the individual or the person’s abilities, can
ization and enhanced community treatment. (For more create stigma that impacts employment. A study of small
information, see Chapter 2.) business owners found that although employers believed
Even so, conflicts between the interests of individuals individuals with mental illness should work, these employ-
and those of American institutions remain, and many peo- ers had a high degree of concern regarding the work poten-
ple with mental illness are unemployed or underemployed. tial of individuals with mental illness (Hand & Tryssenaar,
People with mental illness have higher rates of unemploy- 2006). Few of the employers had ever hired anyone with a
ment than any other disability group. Fifty percent of indi- mental illness. There was more concern for social issues
viduals with some form of mental illness are unemployed, such as controlling emotions and handling criticism than
and only 12% of individuals with schizophrenia are working there was for work competence. In a study of employees
full time (Mechanic, Bilder, & McAlpine, 2002). Two-thirds with anxiety and depression, most individuals reported
of individuals on Social Security Insurance (SSI) or Social that they were reluctant to disclose their disability because
Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) are persons with men- of concerns related to stigma (Haslam, Atkinson, Brown, &
tal illness. Similarly, unemployment rates in the United Haslam, 2005). Ironically, when individuals with mental
Kingdom range from 80% to 90% for individuals with illness are employed, attitudes toward mental illness be-
schizophrenia (Marwaha & Johnson, 2004). come more positive (Perkins, Raines, Tschopp, & Warner,
In an update to a report for the New Freedom Commis- 2009).
sion on Mental Health (NFCMH), barriers to employment Although the majority of people with serious mental ill-
for people with serious mental illness were reviewed (Cook, ness express a desire to work, it is estimated that only about
2006). Barriers include issues such as low educational attain- 10% to 20% of this group is engaged in competitive employ-
ment (attributed at least partially to illness onset during high ment (McGurk, Mueser, & Pascaris, 2005) despite imple-
school or college years), lack of effective vocational services, mentation of legislative and policy changes to protect rights
discrimination in the workplace, and employment disincen- of those with mental illness.
tives (e.g., losing health insurance if an individual goes off
SSDI to work). Another barrier noted was the failure of leg-
islation, particularly the American’s with Disabilities Act, to
Legislation and Definition of Disability
protect individuals with mental illness. Claims filed by peo- The U.S. government initially established the Social Security
ple with mental illness are more likely to be identified as low system in order to protect people who were struggling eco-
priority, and individuals filing these claims are less likely to nomically during the Great Depression. Certainly, people
receive benefits from the claim than are individuals with with disabilities were highly represented in this group, but in
physical disabilities. 1956, services provided by Social Security were expanded to
specifically support people disabled by mental or physical
impairments that prevented work (Social Security Advisory
Board, 2006). This prompted questions regarding the defini-
Mental Illness in the Workplace tion of disability and determination of who qualifies as
Today disabled. This process of classification, which generally
identifies those diagnoses and conditions that qualify an
The disorderly behaviors associated with some mental condi- individual as disabled, form a core concept of disability pol-
tions may continue to limit employment due to fears and icy. “Classification is frequently seen as a means by which
stigma, even though people with mental illness and substance difficult-to-serve subpopulations can be ensured of access to
abuse are no more likely than others in the community individualized and appropriate services” (Turnbull, Beegle,
to commit violent acts (Levin, 2001). The most common & Stowe, 2001, p. 137).
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CHAPTER 42 ■ Mental Illness in the Workplace: Policies and Practices That Impact Disability 597

The Lived Experience

Tom Johnson only after a roller-coaster ride of several different medications did
Former Chairman and CEO, CNN; Former Publisher and CEO, I begin to move from the darkness back into the light. Based on
Los Angeles Times my own experiences, I am convinced that most serious cases
Depression invaded my life in my mid 40s. It sapped me of my of depression can be treated successfully. All depression suffer-
strength and robbed me of my energy. It brought me inexplicably ers need to receive a diagnosis by a trained professional.
to the brink of suicide. Every day was incredibly difficult. Just the Many depression sufferers will benefit from a combination of
act of getting out of bed and into the shower each morning was talk therapy and medication to deal with the chemical imbalances
tough. and emotional issues.
At work, I did all I could to keep my depression a secret from I care most about the millions of people of all ages who have
my staff. At home, I shared my intense pain only with my wife, depression and cannot afford treatment and medication—the
Edwina, our two children, and fewer than six friends. uninsured and the underinsured. We need insurance plans that
I was ashamed to admit I had a mental illness. I was reluc- cover mental health as thoroughly as general health. In my opin-
tant to see a psychiatrist, and I hated the idea of taking a mood- ion, healing a broken mind is more critical than healing a broken
altering antidepressant medication. arm or leg. We need to remove the stigma associated with de-
But, fighting depression without professional help did not pression. More of us need to speak out. We need to demonstrate
work. My condition worsened. At times I would try to recharge that workers will become more productive and that absenteeism
by lying on the floor of my office. I was baffled by the sadness I will be reduced if corporate America and government provide
felt, by the loss of self-confidence, by a feeling of being trapped mental health benefits.
at the bottom of a deep, dark well. We also must not slash state and federal funds for mental
Only after my wife forced me to begin seeing physicians at health. I believe we are on the verge of finding new medications
UCLA did I receive a clear diagnosis of chronic depression. And and treatments. Now is not the time to retreat.

Two acts of legislation further expanded on the classifi- behavioral, and environmental factors, and quality of life
cation concept established by the Social Security process is reduced as disability increases (Pope & Tarlov, 1991) as
and added concepts of antidiscrimination and integration, dependence on institutions increases and personal auton-
essentially protecting the civil rights of people with disabil- omy decreases.
ities. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (with The classification and definition of disability built on a
amendments in 1991 and 1992) protected qualified individ- medical model of differential diagnosis and specific proto-
uals from discrimination based on disability in any institu- cols of care helps many people get needed care, but it neces-
tion receiving federal funds. The legislation specifies that sitates control by medical institutions rather than the indi-
disability is “a natural part of the human experience and in vidual and may result in dependence on systems of care
no way diminishes the right of individuals to (A) live inde- rather than autonomy and self-reliance. Furthermore, inter-
pendently; (B) enjoy self-determination; (C) make choices; pretation of the level of impairment that must be evident in
(D) contribute to society; (E) pursue meaningful careers; order to receive benefits has not been clear cut, as court
and (F) enjoy full inclusion and integration in the eco- cases challenging the legislation illustrate (see later in this
nomic, political, social, cultural, and educational main- chapter).
stream of American society” (Rehabilitation Act, 1973). Legislation in addition to the ADA protects core concepts
In 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) fur- of classification, equality, antidiscrimination, privacy/confi-
ther expanded on the Rehabilitation Act’s national mandate dentiality, empowerment, autonomy, protection from harm,
against discriminating against people with disabilities and family integrity and unity, and prevention for people with
defined as disabled a person who (1) has a physical or men- mental illness. The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) of
tal impairment that substantially limits one or more of ma- 1993 requires employers to allow unpaid leave of absences
jor life activities, (2) has a record of such impairment, or for employees to care for their own medical problems, for
(3) is regarded as having such an impairment (Americans birth or adoption, or to care for the health of a family mem-
with Disabilities Act, 1990). ber with a serious health condition. The Health Insurance
Although considered important legislation for protect- Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) pro-
ing people with disabilities, Section 504 of the Rehabilita- hibits employers and insurers from disrupting health care
tion Act and the ADA present yet another conflict of inter- when workers change jobs, and it protects private employee
est between individuals and institutions, particularly for health information retained by employers and health care
those with mental impairments. That is, classification as providers. Hailed as a patients’ rights bill protecting em-
being disabled is required in order for individuals to re- ployee privacy, HIPAA can also inhibit managers from dis-
ceive the benefits and accommodations that may help cussing behaviors reflecting mental illness at early stages
them be successful in the workplace. However, the very act when simple accommodations could help employees better
of defining oneself as “disabled” can begin a disabling manage their work (i.e., prior to the progressive disabling
process. This progression from impairment to disability process). Instead, the mental illness may progress to the
is impacted by interaction among complex biological, point at which the employee’s work performance declines,
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598 PART 3 ■ Environment

social support from supervisors and coworkers wanes, and may not be classified as persons with a disability who
his or her continued employment is placed at risk. qualify for ADA protection. . . . If so, the request for
The Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act accommodation is unreasonable, and the ADA will offer
of 1999 was drafted to expand work opportunities for people no protection. (p. 93)
with disabilities without risking loss of Social Security disabil-
This imbalance of power and interests presents a dilemma
ity payments. The Act unfortunately has not yet increased the
for disability policymakers as they consider mental illness and
number and quality of employment service providers because
the future of mental health services. Psychosocial impair-
of the complexity of eligibility and reimbursement regula-
ments are frequently “hidden” disabilities, particularly those
tions (Social Security Administration, 2004).
that are context specific (e.g., panic attacks that occur in
Numerous acts of legislation, summarized in Table 42-1,
response to stressful situations, cognitive changes following
have attempted to preserve the rights of individuals with dis-
depressive episodes that make problem-solving difficult, or re-
abling mental conditions to allow them to remain employed
duced attention levels with excessive environmental noises).
or, when that is not possible, to provide financial assistance
Symptoms can wax and wane or become increasingly chronic
for independent living.
and more disabling over time. Mental illness can cause peri-
odic changes in behavior or cognitive processing.
Judicial Interpretations At least one court has ruled that the unique features of
mental illness must be considered, and the employer must
In drafting protective legislation, the reality of reconciling
bear the burden of responsibility for initiating accommoda-
what is best for the individual with the collective good, the
tions for the employee if the mental illness makes requesting
individual’s responsibility, and the collective responsibility
accommodation difficult for the employee (Bultemeyer v.
of employers is rarely straightforward. A number of court
Fort Wayne Community Schools, as cited in Emens, 2006).
cases related to the ADA have ruled in favor of employers’
However, in other cases, rulings have favored the employers.
rights over employees’ rights despite legislative protections
Korn (2003) points out that the language of the ADA
for individuals with mental illness. Although some of these
tends to reflect physical conditions more strongly than
cases did not directly involve mental health issues, they set a
mental conditions, and judicial authorities view disability as
precedent for interpreting future cases, and many continue
“an observable, physical limitation.” Although mental ill-
the debate over the definition of disability. Consider the
ness does have neurophysiological and organic correlates,
examples in Table 42-2.
diagnosis and classification still tend to be based on highly
These cases illustrate that while framers of legislation
specific behavioral symptoms rather than biological mark-
have set out to protect individuals with disabilities, employ-
ers. The ADA’s example of major life activities (caring for
ers still hold a great deal of power and expect high levels of
oneself, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing,
personal responsibility from their employees. Consequently,
speaking, breathing, learning, and working) “neatly cap-
employers denying employment or accommodations have
tures the notion that basic physical tasks are really what dis-
been able to justify their cases by arguing either that the
tinguish people with disabilities from the rest of the popu-
individual was not truly disabled or that the disability
lation. . . . Orderly cognitive thinking, the ability to get along
interferes with the core requirements of the job. As Stowe,
with people, and the ability to react in an emotionally ap-
Turnbull, and Sublet (2006) pointed out:
propriate manner should be added,” according to Korn
The Court has diminished the core concepts of (Section VI, para 5).
antidiscrimination, integration, accountability, and Perhaps underlying the conflict inherent in these court
productivity by using the core concept of classification decisions is the belief of some employers that many people
to define narrowly the scope of ADA’s protection. If with mental disabilities are being manipulative, lying about
individuals with impairments seek ADA protections from the extent of their impairments, and trying to be paid for
discrimination by a prospective employer, they now face work they would rather not do (Cook, 2006). When employ-
considerable additional hurdles. Do their impairments ees do take disability leaves, it is usually the claims adjuster for
substantially affect activities central to daily life even their disability insurance who has the most frequent contact
when considering mitigating measures? If not, they with the employee. Training for claims adjusters includes

Table 42-1 ● Summary of Legislation Related to Mental Illness in the Workplace

Year Legislation Summary
1956 Revision of Social Security Act Provides support for people with mental or physical impairments.
1973 Rehabilitation Act Section 504 of this Act is considered the first civil rights legislation for people with disabilities. Provides
protections in the workplace and authorizes programs associated with vocational rehabilitation.
1990 Americans with Disabilities Act Defines disabilities, prevents discrimination, and requires employers to accommodate individuals with
1993 Family & Medical Leave Act Allows leaves of absence to care for health.
1999 Health Insurance Portability & Protects patients’ rights to privacy and health coverage.
Accountability Act
1999 Ticket to Work Act Attempts to expand work opportunities for people with disabilities.
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CHAPTER 42 ■ Mental Illness in the Workplace: Policies and Practices That Impact Disability 599

Table 42-2 ● Court Decisions Related to the ADA

Case Description
School Board of Nassau County v. Arline (1973) Established there must be a relative assignment of risk when considering accommodations in the
workplace, and employers may not put others at risk (direct threat) just to accommodate a disabled
Sutton v. United Airlines (1999) Challenged the definition of disability and brought a paradox to the surface in the concepts of
classification and due process. Twin sisters sued United Airlines when not hired as pilots because
of vision impairments, contending United violated ADA by discriminating against them. Supreme
Court ruled in favor of United, saying lack of visual acuity disqualified the job applicants. Paradoxically,
visual correction, while not allowable as an accommodation to qualify them for the job, actually
worked against these individuals, as the court ruled corrective lenses served to mitigate their visual
deficits; thus, they could not be defined as handicapped and protected under the ADA (i.e., persons
who are able to mitigate their impairment are not considered to be disabled). Furthermore, employers
were allowed to deny employment to individuals with impairments when public safety could be
jeopardized. Interests of the greater public fell in line with employers’ interests.
Toyota v. Williams (2002) Challenged Supreme Court to decide just how disabled a person must be in order to be classified
as disabled. Ms. Williams was fired for poor attendance after a dispute about her physical condition
and abilities to carry out newly assigned duties (increased physical labor). Ms. Williams was limited
in her ability to work, garden, lift objects, and play with her grandchildren, yet she was able to
complete household chores, bathe, and brush her teeth, and thus did not meet criteria for being
disabled. Court determined an employee must be severely limited in a broad range of basic functions
needed to meet demands of everyday life to be defined as disabled. Furthermore, the condition
must be permanent or long term to be considered a disability.
Chevron v. Echazabel (2002) A man’s liver disease disqualified him from a job that exposed him to solvents and chemicals that
could directly threaten his health. Thus, employers may refuse to hire someone with a disability to
a job that might exacerbate the impairment.
Baxter v. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (1991) Although employers have been required to provide readers for people with visual disabilities and
(Wisconsin Court of Appeals, 1991, as cited in Miller, 1997). environmental accommodations for physical disabilities, in this case the Court denied an employee
with severe depression a job coach to help with illness-related productivity (e.g., difficulties
following through with directions), even at no cost to the employer. (The ADA’s requirement of
reasonable accommodations by employers for people with disabilities is interpreted differently for
psychiatric disabilities.)
Bultemeyer v. Fort Wayne Community Schools (as cited in A janitor’s mental illness interfered with his ability to complete work at a fast pace in a new and
Emens, 2006) intimidating work environment, and difficulties with communication due to the mental illness
prevented him from requesting accommodations for the speed of his work. Seventh Circuit court
ruled the employer is responsible for facilitating communication in cases where difficulty with
communication is a feature of the disability and must help determine the necessary accommodations.

recognizing, preventing, and investigating fraud (Bureau of In most of the legal cases described here, employers and
Labor Statistics, 2006), yet training to understand human employees are challenged to determine if the person is quali-
behavior and facilitating the return to work is lacking from fied for the job (i.e., justifying hiring or firing decisions by the
many training programs. employer) or whether the person is disabled and therefore
It is important for employers who are fearful of accom- protected by the ADA. The power of this role in determining
modating people with psychiatric disabilities to know that disability is typically given to physicians and psychiatrists. An
initial fears about accommodating physical disabilities were entrenchment in the medical model for identification and
largely unfounded. Many employers see accommodations treatment of disability with a focus on disease categories may
for people with psychiatric disabilities as unnecessary. As contribute to the lack of protection provided by the ADA. A
Miller (1997) notes, disability model with a focus on functional abilities could po-
tentially better identify factors that are most associated with
Accommodations that are not of a physical nature may
also be perceived less as a necessary tool to allow the
individual to work than as special or easier treatment of
the individual with a psychiatric disability. Non-physical Vocational Rehabilitation
accommodations such as flexible scheduling, time off for
therapy, or increased supervision and positive feedback As legislation such as the Rehabilitation Act and ADA estab-
are more likely than physical accommodations to be seen lished expectations that people with mental disabilities
as favorable treatment or as something everyone will would receive supports for working outside of mental insti-
want if they can get it. . . . As difficult as physical barriers tutions and become more integrated in the community,
are to get past, the social barriers to full integration of the scope of practitioners who provide services to people
people with disabilities are the most pervasive and with mental illness has expanded beyond medical profes-
pernicious. (Section II, C, I, para 2) sionals to vocational rehabilitation professionals. However,
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600 PART 3 ■ Environment

the vocational rehabilitation system has tended to create jobs (U.S. Department of Labor, 1993). Known as supported em-
that are unskilled and low paying, and the process to qualify ployment, ongoing natural supports (i.e., from supervisors
has been slow and arduous for people with disabilities. and coworkers rather than mental health service providers)
In its report, “A Legacy of Failure: The Inability of the facilitate longer-term job retention (McGurk, Mueser, &
Federal-State Vocational Rehabilitation System to Serve Pascaris, 2005). Other successful strategies for enhancing
People with Mental Illness,” the National Alliance for the work opportunities for those with mental illness include the
Mentally Ill strongly criticized the state system, saying that clubhouse and assertive community treatment (ACT) mod-
“the federal-state vocational rehabilitation system has els, which are described in Chapter 39 and Chapter 40.
achieved dismal outcomes in serving people with severe
mental illness. It achieves a lower rate of closure into mean-
ingful jobs as compared to others with physical disabilities
and mental retardation” (Noble, Honberg, Hall, & Flynn, Supportive Workplaces for People
1997, p. 11). The report concluded that “most state vocational
rehabilitation agencies show little initiative to revise existing
With Mental Illness
procedures or to adopt systems that would create real incen- Finding solutions to the problems of mental illness in the
tives for counselors to serve consumers with complex needs, workplace has become a high priority in the United States
including those with severe mental illness (p. 11).” As an ex- and other countries. Numerous reports over the past several
ample, the Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Act of 1999, years from authorities, including the U.S. Surgeon General
in which new employment service providers, or employment (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 1999),
networks (ENs), would be recruited and a new system devel- the NFCMH (2003), the National Business Group on
oped for returning those on Social Security disability rolls to Health (Finch & Phillips, 2005), the Social Security Advi-
work, has been far from successful (Social Security Adminis- sory Board (2006), the Partnership for Workplace Mental
tration, 2004). Clearly, the original intention of building Health (2005), and the World Health Organization (Saxena,
systems capacity has not been met. The vocational rehabili- Jane-Llopis, & Hosman, 2006), have identified suggestions
tation and Social Security disability systems operate outside for changing our approach to mental health care. These
of the mainstream of typical work, resulting in closed sys- changes affect employer policies and practices, health care
tems that can perpetuate a disability culture and keep people providers, and even employees themselves. Figure 42-1 de-
segregated and isolated from society. picts benefits that are provided by some employers to
Some programs have been designed to help individuals address mental health concerns. The following section sum-
with serious mental illness work in typical settings (i.e., com- marizes some of these changes, explains how they corre-
petitive jobs, not segregated workshops) with the help of job spond with core disability concepts, and suggests changing
coaches, arranged transportation, and assistive technology roles for care delivery in workplace mental health.

Does your company and/or insurance provider

offer the following benefits?
Percent of Respondents

60% Considering
Not Sure





1 2 3 4 5 6 7
N = 512* N = 511* N = 507* N = 506* N = 505* N = 509* N = 505*
*Number of Respondents
1. Employee Assistance Program
FIGURE 42-1. A survey of 500
2. Return-to-work assistance for employees on disability
employers depicts the benefits
3. Screening for mental illness as part of treatment for chronic physical illness most often provided to address
4. Equivalent medical and behavioral health benefits mental health issues in the work-
5. Behavioral health education programs and/or materials for employees place. Adapted with permission
6. Reimbursement for primary-care doctors screening for mental illness and substance abuse from The Partnership for Work-
7. Regular monitoring of employee morale, satisfaction, stress levels, etc. place Mental Health.
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CHAPTER 42 ■ Mental Illness in the Workplace: Policies and Practices That Impact Disability 601

Early Detection and Treatment Initially created to address substance abuse in the work-
place, many EAPs now offer assistance in a wide variety of
Earlier detection and treatment of mental illness is impor- work-life areas, including psychological counseling, finan-
tant, particularly for individuals with co-occurring chronic cial management, child care, elder care, and wellness
medical and mental conditions. It is also important for in- programs (Thomas & Hersen, 2004). The mental health
dividuals who are injured in the workplace, because the providers in EAPs are typically master’s-level social workers
length of time away from work after injury is associated and doctoral-level psychologists.
with the risk of developing depression (Green, 1996; Stice & Most EAP services are provided at no cost to employees
Moore, 2005). Unfortunately, the act of labeling may create for assessment or short-term counseling. If the issue is
stigma, as the label sets people apart based on their differ- not resolved in a few sessions, the employee is then typically
ences (Minow, 1990), and our expectations of individuals, referred to another mental health provider in the health plan
once identified, may affect the person’s self-confidence and for additional counseling. A number of employers encour-
consequently his or her behavior (Goffman, 1962). age use of the EAP as a first point of intervention and for
However, earlier identification and access to effective coordination of care for behavioral health treatment. Work
treatment may ultimately reduce the negative impact of can be important to the recovery process. Thus, EAPs that
mental illness. Employers can use brief, evidence-based tools proactively assist workplace managers with strategies for
that are readily available to screen worker populations for successful support and motivation of individuals with men-
conditions such as depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder tal health conditions may be able to keep employees working
(Finch & Phillips, 2005). Therapeutic approaches using (Thomas & Hersen, 2004).
empowerment strategies and supporting individuals with or EAP professionals can help managers recognize declining
at risk for depression may help them retain active work roles job performance that can result from changes in cognitive
and reduce the likelihood of impairments becoming skills, social interaction, and mood regulation due to mental
disabling. In addition, more proactive and better integrated illness or to identify more systemic issues, such as conflicts
disability management programs offered by employers could between workers or between worker and supervisor. EAPs
enhance earlier identification, increase collaborative care, can also help address issues of productivity (such as effective
and support employees in resuming work roles as quickly as supervisory practices) and absenteeism (such as health pro-
possible (Spangler, 2006). motion, health care education, and stress-related interven-
tion) (Finch & Phillips, 2005).
Financial Assistance The Society for Human Resources Management (2006)
reports that approximately 70% of all employers provide
Financial issues are also important to address. Authorities EAP services to their employees. Many employees, however,
recommend equalizing benefits (mental health parity) by remain unaware of the employer resources available to them.
providing medical and mental health coverage at the same For example, in a 2001 survey of employees of 11 Kansas
levels to reduce financial barriers to treatment. Employers City–based employers, the Mid-America Coalition on
who equalized medical and mental benefits found that over- Health Care (2004) found that while all of the employers of-
all health care costs did not increase (Finch & Phillips, 2005). fered a number of resources for depression treatment, 49%
Equalized benefits may also help to diminish stigma for of the 6,399 respondents reported their employer offered
mental illness, putting core disability concepts of antidis- “few” resources (Charbonneau et al, 2005). An additional
crimination and integration into practice. 20% reported they did not know if their employer offered any
resources, suggesting there were opportunities to improve
awareness. A large number of respondents reported either they
Effective Treatment themselves (52%) or family members (74%) had suffered from
Effective treatment depends on qualified and knowledgeable depression in the past, yet only 38% of those who had experi-
providers using evidence-based practices, common metrics enced depression had sought professional assistance. An addi-
for measurement, collaborative care, and referral systems. tional study with one of these employers found that workplace
Both individual providers of mental health services and sys- communication and awareness programs could improve care-
tems of care can benefit from consultation, education, and seeking through EAP programs (Spangler, 2005).
training that promotes best practices. Dissemination of infor-
mation and increased training for mental health professionals
are critical (NFCMH, 2003). In addition, treatment providers Mental Health–Friendly Workplaces
are encouraged to consider contextual factors, risk and pro- A recent program from the Substance Abuse and Mental
tective factors, family needs and cultural practices, and indi- Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Center for
vidual consumer preferences in their approaches to treatment Mental Health Services, provides support to human resource
(Saxena, Jane-Llopis, & Hosman, 2006), incorporating core personnel and managers to help create “mental health–
concepts of autonomy, empowerment, participatory decision- friendly workplaces.” Information on assessing the work-
making, family centeredness, and antidiscrimination. place and descriptions of policies and promising practices
is provided, along with in-depth portraits of actual mental
Employee Assistance Programs health–friendly workplaces and training modules for supervi-
sors (Center for Mental Health Services, 2004). This resource
Employee assistance programs (EAPs) are additional sup- describes ways to stay in touch with employees during or
ports built within mainstream workplaces that can help as they return from an extended absence and strategies for
employers address mental health issues more proactively. using peer mentors or peer advocates to help people with
1704_Ch42_595-609.qxd 7/12/10 8:16 PM Page 602

602 PART 3 ■ Environment

■ Difficulty in problem-solving or making decisions.

Evidence-Based Practice ■ Withdrawing from group interaction or excessive
P eople who have experienced mental illness retain a vulner-
ability to future problems, since mental illness is highly
episodic. Some may never be entirely symptom free. The recov-

Requiring time off for medical appointments or
Drowsiness due to medications (especially in the
ery model, however, embodies the “democratic principle of self-
morning) or other medication side effects, such as
determination” (Mulligan, 2003) in that it is based on the voice of
consumers of mental health services. Recognizing and building
blurred vision or trembling hands.
on strengths, retaining hope, and identifying sources of support Bruyere (1994) at the Cornell University Program on
are key features of this model. The recovery model is described Employment and Disability makes the following recommen-
as “the process in which people are able to live, work, learn, dations for supervisors:
and participate fully in their communities. For some individuals,
recovery is the ability to live a fulfilling and productive life despite Good management practices will produce many of
a disability. For others, recovery implies the reduction or complete the workplace accommodations needed by people
remission of symptoms” (NFCMH, 2003). with psychiatric disabilities. Like all employees,
A number of states have participated in a process to move workers with psychiatric disabilities may benefit from
away from more traditional day rehabilitative treatment programs
supervisors who:
toward recovery-oriented programs that encourage illness self-
management (instead of excessive dependence on clinical ■ approach each employee with an open mind about
personnel) and supported employment in typical jobs with his/her strengths and abilities,
competitive wages (Becker, Torrey, Toscano, Wyzik, & Fox, 1998; ■ clearly delineate expectations for performance,
Fisher & Chamberlin, 2004). Recovery-oriented programs focus ■ deliver positive feedback along with criticisms of perform-
on actively coping with stressors, reclaiming a positive sense
ance in a timely and constructive fashion, are available
of self by honoring strengths and talents, finding a sense of
purpose and meaning, and acknowledging the importance of
regularly during the workday for consultation with
positive social support (Ridgway, 2001). employees,
■ demonstrate flexibility and fairness in administering
➤ Workplace education to build resilience uses concepts similar policies and work assignments. (p. 3)
to recovery-oriented programs to help individuals, including
those without diagnosed mental illness, proactively take In addition, the Partnership for Workplace Mental
responsibility for their health by learning more adaptive patterns Health’s Taskforce on Disability and Return to Work
of thinking and responding. has developed materials for assessing functional abilities
➤ Exercises and structured interactions help empower partici- for workplace tasks and tools for clinicians treating em-
pants to reinterpret the world around them, understand their ployees with psychiatric disabilities to assist in successful
natural reactions to life events, and effectively connect and return to work. Figure 42-2 shows an excerpt of the Work
communicate with others for valuable social support. Function Assessment Form, and Figure 42-3 shows an
excerpt of the Treatment Recommendation & Manage-
Becker, D. R., Torrey, W. C., Toscano, R., Wyzik, P. F., & Fox, T. S. (1998).
Building recovery-oriented services: Lessons from implementing individual
ment Form.
placement and support (IPS) in community mental health centers. Psychi- The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
atric Rehabilitation Journal, 22(1), 51–54. (EEOC), which is responsible for clarifying the rights and re-
Fisher, D. B., & Chamberlin, J. (2004). “Consumer-Directed Transformation sponsibilities of employers and individuals with disabilities,
to a Recovery-Based Mental Health System.” SAMHSA’S National Mental
Health Information Center. Available at: has also addressed reasonable accommodations for people
publications/allpubs/NMH05-0193/default.asp (accessed February 22, 2006). with psychiatric disabilities. These include changes in work-
Mulligan, K. (2003). Recovery movement gains influence in mental health place policy to help employees who have difficulty concentrat-
programs. Psychiatric News, 38(1), 10.
New Freedom Commission on Mental Health (NFCMH). (2003). Achieving
ing, modifying methods for communicating work assignments
the Promise: Transforming Mental Health Care in America. Final Report. or providing training, and assistance from temporary job
DHHS Pub. No. SMA-03-3832. Rockville, MD: U.S. Department of Health coaches.
and Human Services.
The ability to interact effectively with role models and
Ridgway, P. (2001). ReStorying psychiatric disability: Learning from first per-
son recovery narratives. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 24(4), 335–343. meet challenges successfully can encourage an individual’s
sense of self-efficacy and simultaneously enhance work per-
formance and meet employer goals. Interestingly, employers
have reported that accommodation for people with mental
mental illness remain fully integrated in the culture of the health disabilities is an area where the least training has been
workplace. conducted, and 65% of private-sector employers surveyed
Because of HIPAA privacy legislation, most employers identified this as an area on which they would like more in-
will know of an impairment related to mental illness only if formation (Bruyere, 1994).
the employee chooses to disclose it (e.g., to request a job ac-
commodation) or if the illness begins to interfere with the
employee’s job performance in obvious ways. The following Improving Social Security Disability Programs
are examples of what employers may observe:
The Social Security Advisory Board suggests that Social
■ Difficulty concentrating or processing verbal instruc- Security disability programs are not appropriately aligned
tions, particularly in noisy or visually distracting with national disability policy, and definitions of disability
environments. should better align with the concepts and values of the ADA,
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CHAPTER 42 ■ Mental Illness in the Workplace: Policies and Practices That Impact Disability 603

Work Function Assessment Form (EXCERPT) PWMH-5

This form is designed to correlate the job tasks that the patient/employee has not been able to do (disability)
with the mental functions (impairment) the assessor physician has determined are the medical basis for each
functional disability.

The form shown below identifies categories of work functions generally used in the workplace.

Key objectives of this form are to ask the assessor to identify:

• categories of work function generally used in the workplace that the employee cannot perform (disability),
• the mental and functional impairment(s) that form the medical bases for the disability.

Assessment of Work Functions: Please provide your opinion on the employee’s level of impairment, taking into
consideration impairment in daily functioning and job-like functions.

Patient Name: As of / /

Please base this assessment on your visit with the patient as it relates to work functioning according
to the following scale:

None Mild Moderate Severe

Functional Impairment Scale 1 2 3 4

Can the employee Yes Usually Occasionally Rarely

Comprehend and follow instructions?
Maintain work focus/concentration in spite of usual disruptions?
Organize complex information?
Organize and sustain energy to attend work regularly and timely?
Sustain realistic energy through a regular workday?
Capable of working on his/her own much of the time
Maintain stable relationships in the face of usual stresses?
Communicate appropriately socially in appearance, speech,
and actions?
Take responsibility for solving routine work problems?
Make effective independent decisions?
Set appropriate boundaries on authority and relationships

Signature Date

FIGURE 42-2. Work Function Assessment Form (excerpt). Reprinted with permission. Partnership for Workplace Mental Health,
Taskforce on Disability and Return to Work. (2007). Assessing and Treating Psychiatric Occupational Disability: New Behavioral Health
Functional Assessment Tools Facilitate Return to Work.

such as integration, empowerment, autonomy, productivity, employer, the maintenance and improvement of skills, the
and contribution. The process of being supported through sense of belonging to the workforce, the mindset that work
payment systems instead of working “tends to make an indi- is possible—the loss of all of these factors, combined with
vidual who might have been able to work at an earlier point the passage of time and with the program requirements that
in time less and less capable of doing so. Attachment to an reward inability to work, conspire to transform a person
1704_Ch42_595-609.qxd 7/12/10 8:16 PM Page 604

604 PART 3 ■ Environment

Treatment Recommendation and Management Form (EXCERPT) PWMH-6a

This form utilizes the information already gathered to develop the treatment plan that focuses on the key
medical impairments that limit the patient’s capacity to perform their usual essential job functions.
Although the complete form is not shown here, the excerpt below illustrates the listing of key medical
impairments that interfere with the patient’s ability to perform as they previously did.

Key elements in this form are:

• The form is organized to identify the specific job duties that the patient is unable to perform and
relates them to the mental impairment that is a basis for that deficit.
• The form asks how long the recommended treatment should take to have its intended clinical and
functional effects.
• The form requires that the treatment plan specify treatment approach(s), intensity of treatment,
kind of provider who should deliver a treatment, and an estimate of when the patient should return
to baseline function and transition to work given adherence to the recommended plan.

Name: Date:

Please list as you see: (Take into consideration both their current daily function in life tasks and job-like tasks)

List job duties you believe the patient What specific mental If no specific mental impairment, Expected duration
cannot currently do impairment is the basis please indicate if the limitation is due with recommended
for this? primarily to distress, need for time for treatment
other problems, or job conflict?

Please list as you see: (Take into consideration both their current daily function in life tasks and job-like tasks)

Duties the patient says Describe if there is a Note if this represents distress, Expected duration
they cannot do specific mental time needed for other problems, with recommended
impairment associated or job conflict treatment


TREATMENT FOCUS Describe treatment needed. BE SPECIFIC: For example,

Med management Cognitive restructuring Frequency— When should
Symptoms underlying
Stressor management Safety planning duration significant
impairments Coping skills training for Coping skills training for improvement
work problems nonwork problems be expected?
IPT Vocational placement
Interpersonal skills Other

affecting cognitive function

affecting affective stability

Life stressors
that require new coping skills

Work issues
that require new coping skills

Signature Date

FIGURE 42-3. Treatment Recommendation & Management Form (excerpt). Reprinted with permission. Partnership for Workplace
Mental Health, Taskforce on Disability and Return to Work. (2007). Assessing and Treating Psychiatric Occupational Disability: New
Behavioral Health Functional Assessment Tools Facilitate Return to Work.
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CHAPTER 42 ■ Mental Illness in the Workplace: Policies and Practices That Impact Disability 605

evaluation, intervention, and outcomes measurement, as

Evidence-Based Practice described in the Framework.

R esearch suggests resilient employees have higher levels

of coworker cohesion and supervisor support, use more
problem-focused and fewer emotion-focused coping strategies,
A client-centered approach allows the consulting therapist
and have higher levels of immune system functioning (Aitken,
to gather information that is meaningful to the client and
1999; Dolbier et al, 2001).
encourages client engagement in the assessment and inter-
➤ Education programs can be used in workplaces to proac- vention planning process. In the case of workplace consulta-
tively develop higher-level adaptive skills within individuals tion, the client is typically representatives from management
and groups, perhaps reducing the stress responses that can and/or teams that represent the employees. The consultant
trigger symptoms and relapse in people vulnerable to mental
begins by learning about the work setting, current policies
and emotional problems and enhancing their abilities to cope.
and practices, and stated priorities and values as they relate
Aitken, S. (1999) How Motorola promotes good health. Journal for Quality to employee health and safety in general and mental health
and Participation, 22(1), 54–57. and work performance in particular.
Dolbier, C. L., Cocke, R. R., Leiferman, J. A., Steinhardt, M. A., Nehete, P. N., Information can be gathered through individual or group
Schapiro, S. J., et al. (2001). Differences in functional immune responses of
high vs. low hardy healthy individuals. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 16,
interviews, including a broad sample of organizational rep-
219–229. resentatives from as many departments as possible, such as
human resources/benefits, EAP, wellness, safety, occupa-
tional health, corporate communications, and first-line su-
pervisors. Observation of work groups in natural settings
helps the consultant assess contextual issues, such as healthy
from an ‘impaired individual’ with potential into an individ- environmental supports and opportunities for employee
ual who, in fact, has come to meet the definition ‘unable to interpersonal interaction.
work’” (2006, p. 8). Encouraging and enabling people to
remain employed by better use of rehabilitation science and Outcomes Measurement
technology, the Board suggests, can help increase our coun-
try’s economic productivity and add to, rather than detract Measurement of long-term outcomes should be established
from, our tax coffers. with the client’s management team using existing data,
such as work attendance, health care utilization and costs,
and disability indicators. Shorter-term indicators can be
Role of Occupational Therapy obtained through health risk appraisal aggregate reports
(Centers for Disease Control, 2006) and other screening
Current systems for addressing mental illness in the work- tools. Challenges to consultants include multiple data sets
place are far from optimal. Occupational therapists, with and limited access to data from outside carriers (e.g., third-
experience and training in enabling people with mental party administrators of health plans, external employee
impairments to participate effectively in numerous occupa- assistance programs, and disability contractors).
tional roles, including work, are in a strong position to help Partnering with academic institutions for outcomes
employers address this problem more effectively. The Occu- measurement should also be considered. For example,
pational Therapy Practice Framework (American Occupa- the Work Limitations Questionnaire is a tool available to
tional Therapy Association, 2002) can guide occupational researchers interested in assessing the effects of physical
therapists working with employers to develop strategies, and mental conditions on the ability to perform typical
programs, and policies for mentally healthy workplaces and work functions as well as the impact of interventions to
to support employees in the areas of work and social partic- prevent impairment and disability (Lerner et al, 2001).
ipation. The process for working with employers as clients Table 42-3 outlines tools for evaluation and outcomes
is similar to working with individual clients and includes measurement.

Table 42-3 ● Tools for Evaluation and Outcomes Measurement

Data Source of Data
Cost information
• Projected costs • Depression calculator
• Actual health care costs • Insurance audits
• Disability costs and return to work indicators • Pharmacy costs
• Workers compensation costs • Human resources, worker’s compensation, and disability carrier data
Management information
• Absenteeism • Human resources data
• Benefit design (parity)
1704_Ch42_595-609.qxd 7/12/10 8:16 PM Page 606

606 PART 3 ■ Environment

Table 42-3 ● Tools for Evaluation and Outcomes Measurement—cont’d

Data Source of Data
Health and mental health status indicators
• Symptoms of mental illness • Health risk appraisals, including questions about stress and mental health
• Functional status and work abilities • Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS): Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s
surveillance system for physical and mental health
• PHQ-9: Screening tool for depression; for research purposes only (Spitzer, Kroenke, & Williams, 1999)
• Work Limitations Questionnaire (Lerner et al, 2001)
• Treatment Recommendation and Management Forms (Partnership for Workplace Mental Health, 2005)
• WHO Health and Work Performance Questionnaire (HPQ; Kessler et al, 2004)
Indicators of employee engagement
• Work satisfaction • Employee opinion and satisfaction surveys
• Work skills • Employee involvement in planning and interacting with supervisors and peers
• Goal attainment • Periodic and annual reviews of work performance
• Work participation • Work skills assessment and training
• Peer interaction

Occupational therapists may work with employers as inde- medical providers, and a collaborative approach may reduce
pendent consultants, through benefits consulting groups that the disabling process and help with the return of workers to
provide a wide variety of services to employers, or through previous jobs (Spangler, 2006).
health provider and managed care groups, such as health in- Advocate for inclusion of psychosocial interventions for in-
surance plans or hospitals. Those interested in working with dividuals with chronic pain conditions to avoid disablement.
employers may find it useful to participate in local business Assess environments for features that may be distracting
groups, such as business coalitions, chambers of commerce, or distressing for some individuals, and encourage universal
human resource and training professional organizations, design features that modulate noise and vibration, provide
organizational development, management consulting organi- adequate lighting and temperature regulation, and enhance
zations, and the Workplace Special Interest Section of the safe and efficient work process abilities. Encourage employ-
American Occupational Therapy Association. In addition, ers to provide access to environmental spaces for self-
area public health and wellness organizations may be useful replenishing activities, such as exercise and relaxation areas.
for establishing collaborative relationships with workplaces. Provide information to employers on the evidence base
for group education and self-help approaches for reduc-
Intervention Strategies ing symptom levels (e.g., MoodGym) and advocate pro-
viding onsite programs and access to online programs
Encourage integration among the various functions within a (Christensen, Griffiths, & Jorm, 2004).
workplace, such as human resources, employee benefits, Advocate for equalizing, or parity, of benefits (i.e., mental
EAP, disease management, health promotion, safety, occupa- health coverage that is equal to medical coverage).
tional health, workers compensation, disability manage-
ment, communications, and training. Integrated planning,
problem-solving, collaboration, and data sharing can pro- Summary
mote and enhance employee recognition of services and al-
low for earlier identification and intervention for people Solutions to the problems of mental illness in the workplace
with mental health problems. need to balance the needs of the institutions (employers)
Advocate for policy changes to enhance employee in- with the individual values our society holds dear, such as
volvement in planning and completing work tasks, and pro- freedom, autonomy, and equal opportunity. Proactive and
vide adequate training and peer mentoring to enhance skills innovative approaches to mental health are necessary to help
and develop mastery as well as enhance psychosocial skills individuals participate in the workplace.
and coping abilities. Such skills can reduce stressful triggers Policymakers, employers, and health care providers need
for onset or relapse of mental conditions. to consider how core disability concepts interact as they de-
Encourage changes in workers compensation and disabil- velop solutions for addressing mental health in the work-
ity management to include transitional duties and accom- place. Specifically, systems capacity, prevention, classification,
modations of work process, schedules, or environmental individualized and appropriate services, least restrictive envi-
factors to allow earlier return to work. Disability leaves that ronment, integration, empowerment, and participatory decision-
extend past the time of biological need (e.g., to adjust ini- making are concepts that may play a role in improving em-
tially to new psychotropic medications or to recover from ployee mental health while helping employers manage cost
co-occurring physical injury or illness) can contribute to de- and productivity issues. Occupational therapists with in-
conditioning and other maladaptive processes (McGrail, sights into the role of work in enhancing self-efficacy and
Lohman, & Gorman, 2001). One employer found that early health processes have opportunities to bring an innovative
identification, a focus on goals for returning to work by focus to mental health in the workplace.
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CHAPTER 42 ■ Mental Illness in the Workplace: Policies and Practices That Impact Disability 607

Active Learning Strategies

1. Employer Innovations 3. Resilience Building
Visit the Employer Innovations online database at the Part- Some workplaces offer resilience-building programs to help
nership for Workplace Mental Health’s website, http://www employees avoid or minimize the negative effects of stress. Review the case Reflect on how you build your own resilience.
studies for several of the employers.
Reflective Questions
● In what ways have these employers supported prevention
● Do you recognize how you respond to stress?
or enhanced treatment of mental illness?
● Do you regularly engage in activities that replenish and
● What role might strong organizational leadership and
relax you?
interdisciplinary communication play in improving
● Do you have strong social connections through friends,
employee mental wellbeing in these workplaces?
family, faith-based organizations, and other groups that
● How might occupational therapists who work in occupa-
help support you through challenging times?
tional settings help employers to understand the impor-
● Do you try to cultivate a positive, hopeful outlook on life
tance of integrating interventions for both mental and
and its circumstances?
physical health together?
● Do you have challenging but realistic goals for your life?
Do you take actions toward those goals each day?
Record your observations and ideas
● Do you recognize strong emotions? Are you able to
in your Reflective Journal.
experience emotions without being consumed by them?
Can you express yourself to others even when you are
2. Return to Work experiencing strong emotions?
Imagine that you are an occupational therapist working ● See suggestions from the American Psychological Associ-
with a client who has been on disability for several months ation at
because of a mental illness. feature.php?id=6 or the Center for Positive Organizational
● Review the symptoms of the particular illness in the
Scholarship at
corresponding chapter of this book and make a list of the POS-Research/Pods/Resilience.
work abilities that might be affected.
● How might you advise your client or his or her supervi-
Use your Reflective Journal
sor in ways to accommodate work tasks to ensure a to examine your own resilience.
successful return-to-work experience? See the ideas at
the Job Accommodation Network website, http://www

Resources • National Alliance on Mental Illness:

• National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research:
• Assertive Community Treatment Association:
• Partnership for Workplace Mental Health: http://www
• Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law:
• Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation, Boston University:
• Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration:
• Depression Calculator: see link at
• U.S. Department of Justice, Americans with Disabilities Act
room/press_releases/web-based_depression_calculator_benefits_ homepage:
• Work Fitness & Disability Roundtable: http://educ.webility
• Disability Management Employer Coalition: .md/wf/wfdr-join.tcl
• Equal Employment Opportunity Commission:
• Families and Work Institute: References
• Institute for Health & Productivity Management: Aitken, S. (1999). How Motorola promotes good health. Journal for
• Integrated Benefits Institute: Quality and Participation, 22(1), 54–57.
• International Center for Clubhouse Development: American Occupational Therapy Association. (2002). Occupational therapy practice framework: Domain and process. American Jour-
• Job Accommodation Network: nal of Occupational Therapy, 56, 609–639.
• Mental Health America (formerly the National Mental Health Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, 42 U.S.C. § 12101 et seq.
Association): Bandura, A. (1977). Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of
• Mid-America Coalition on Health Care: see “Depression behavioral change. Psychological Review, 84, 191–215.
Resources” at ———. (1997). Self-Efficacy: The Exercise of Control. New York:
• MoodGym: W.H. Freeman.
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Homeless and Women’s

Shelters 43
Christine A. Helfrich

H ome . . . hard to know what it is if you’ve never had one.

—Lyrics from “Walk”by Bono of U2

geographic isolation, and poverty (Fisk & Frey, 2002; Krishnan,

Individuals with mental illness are seen in a wide range of Hilbert, & Pase, 2001; Rowe, Benedict, & Falzer, 2003;
settings, including homeless shelters and transitional living Woods, 2000). Mental health service referrals may only
programs. The individuals seen in these settings may have be made if there is a mental health crisis severe enough to
experienced acute or persistent psychological symptoms. require hospitalization (Drury, 2003).
They have often been through a series of housing arrange- While providing housing improves cognitive function-
ments and, by the time they reach a shelter, experienced ing (Seidman et al, 2003) and decreases rehospitalization
severe disruptions to their habits and daily routines. This (Rosenfield, 1991), the acquisition of life skills may allow
chapter explores the lives of individuals who enter homeless more individuals with psychiatric disabilities to live in the
shelters or transitional living programs, the types of services least restrictive environment of their choice. Providing
they often receive while they are there, and the role of occu- supportive services to people with mental illness in hous-
pational therapy in this environment. ing programs can help them achieve and maintain resi-
dential stability, improve mental health, and engage in
substance abuse recovery as well as decrease the cost of
Homelessness homelessness to communities (Culhane, 2002; Hurlburt,
Hough, & Wood, 1996; Kuno, Rothbard, Averyt, & Culhane,
Homelessness is often complicated by a variety of physical 2000; Schutt & Goldfinger, 1996). The occupational ther-
(Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administra- apy literature has demonstrated the need for, and effec-
tion, 2003) and psychological (First, Rife, & Kraus, 1990; tiveness of, life skills interventions with homeless individ-
Folsom & Jeste, 2002; Robertson & Winkleby, 1996) prob- uals in shelters (Aviles & Helfrich, 2006; Davis, Hagen, &
lems and may be a risk factor for emotional disorders Early, 1994; Gutmann, 1975; Helfrich, 2001; Herzberg,
(Goodman, Saxe, & Harvey, 1991). Although psychiatric Ray, & Swenson Miller, 2006; Johnson, 2006; Kannenberg
symptoms are often linked to homelessness, the link to func- & Boyer, 1997; Livingston & Swenson Miller, 2006;
tional impairment is often overlooked. Mental illness and Munoz, Dix, & Reichenbach, 2006; Munoz, Garcia, Lisak,
homelessness create a cycle of functional impairment that & Reichenbach, 2006; Petrenchik, 2006; Schultz-Krohn,
results in an inability to achieve and retain the basic skills Drnek, & Powell 2006; Shordike & Howell, 2001; Tryssenaar
necessary for living independently and can result in the need et al, 1999).
for institutional care. Functional impairments impact an Several examples of practical and direct supports for
individual’s personal health, productivity in personal and community living with the provision of temporary hous-
vocational areas, and ability to maintain social relationships ing exist in the literature. These programs provide tradi-
(Goodman et al, 1991; Gorde, Helfrich, & Finlayson, 2004; tional case management in combination with life skills
Sullivan, Burnam, Koegel, & Hollenberg, 2000). Homeless training, such as financial management and assistance;
individuals identify occupational performance problems grocery shopping, meal preparation, living on a budget
related to finances, housing, personal care, difficulties satis- and food safety; home management and cleaning; practi-
fying basic needs, and health concerns (Tryssenaar, Jones, & cal job skills training; and self-care skills (Calsyn, Morse,
Lee, 1999). Klinkenberg, Yonker, & Trusty, 2002; Harp, 1990; Morse,
Persons with mental illness are at risk for homelessness Calsyn, Allen, Tempelhoff, & Smith, 1992; Shern et al,
because they encounter many barriers when accessing hous- 1997; Wasylenki, Goering, Lemire, Lindsey, & Lancee,
ing services such as strict eligibility criteria, lack of trans- 1993). Research suggests including life skills training
portation, inadequate resources, and cost (Gallop & Everett, within service agencies that address homelessness helps
2001). Barriers also include lack of culturally appropriate individuals with mental illness to locate and maintain
or problem-specific services, distrust or fear of the “system,” housing.

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CHAPTER 43 ■ Homeless and Women’s Shelters 611

Mission and Goals of Homeless population are episodically homeless, meaning for one
night or a few nights, and the other 50% are chronically
Shelters and Transitional Housing homeless (National Coalition for the Homeless, 2009). The
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD,
A range of housing programs may all be grouped into the cat- n.d.) provides a working definition of the “chronically
egories of homeless shelters and transitional housing. The homeless,” stating that this group consists of single disabled
primary mission of shelters is to provide temporary safe hous- individuals who have been continuously homeless for over
ing, while transitional housing programs are designed to pro- 1 year. Demographically, single men account for the largest
mote housing stability. A detailed explanation of these types number of homeless individuals, although an adult with
of settings is beyond the scope of this chapter, but Swenson children is more likely to be female. Children under the age
Miller, Herzberg, and Ray’s Homelessness in America: Perspec- of 18 accounted for 39% of the homeless population in a
tives, Characterizations, and Considerations for Occupational 2003 report (National Coalition for the Homeless, 2009).
Therapy (2007) is an informative reference. In general, shelters All of these statistics are simply estimates and probably re-
are temporary, safe housing that typically provide a place to flect numbers that are lower than what actually occurs. It is
stay for one night to 30 days. The specific arrangements at extremely difficult to count people who are homeless, and
each shelter vary. Some places require a person to arrive by a the research is especially difficult to understand because dif-
specified time (e.g., 5:00 p.m.) in order to get a bed for that ferent researchers use different definitions and different
night and to exit the shelter by a specified time in the morn- methods for counting. For the purposes of this chapter, four
ing (e.g., 7:00 a.m.). The person then must return to wait in subgroups of the homeless population are described be-
line the next night for another bed. Other shelters admit a per- cause they represent the range of people who may be seen
son for up to 30 days and provide a small locker for personal by occupational therapists.
belongings. These settings vary in whether they serve meals,
offer showers, or offer other services.
In contrast, transitional housing programs are defined Adults With Mental Illness
as temporary housing for up to 2 years (U.S. Department Adults with mental illness are at risk for becoming homeless,
of Housing and Urban Development [HUD], 2003). They and those who are homeless are more likely to remain so
often offer services, and each program may have a specific without intervention. Of the 3.5 million people in the
focus, such as persons with mental illness or women and United States who experience homelessness each year (The
children survivors of domestic violence. Participants in Urban Institute, 2000), 61% to 91% present with psychiatric
transitional housing programs most often have other re- disabilities. These individuals spend more days homeless,
quirements they must meet while they are living there, rate their quality of life lower than those without mental ill-
such as participation in a job training or educational pro- ness, and have marked problems meeting basic needs for
gram, paid employment or participation in treatment daily living (Sullivan, Burnam, Koegel, & Hollenberg, 2000).
services for substance use, mental illness, recovery, and so Mental health consumers and their families report a need for
on. Transitional housing programs often include their own improved independent housing skills (Hatfield, Fiersten, &
services, which may focus on skills building and rehabili- Johnson, 1982; Solomon & Marcenko, 1992). The primary
tation, behavioral changes, education, and/or addressing reasons mental health consumers lose housing are (1) not
barriers to occupational performance (Petrenchik, 2006). paying rent either because of inadequate finances or cogni-
tive or behavioral limitations, (2) inability to successfully
Populations Served
The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act is the most
commonly used definition of homelessness used by federally Evidence-Based Practice
funded programs (Livingston & Swenson Miller, 2006). The
McKinney-Vento Act defines a homeless person as “an indi-
vidual who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime
residence; and a person who has a nighttime residence that
T he “homeless” are not a homogeneous group. They differ
in demographics, subgroups, and their patterns of home-
lessness. It is generally believed that about 50% of the home-
is (a) supervised publicly or privately in an operated shelter less population are episodically homeless, meaning for one
designed to provide temporary living accommodations (in- night or a few nights, and the other 50% are chronically home-
cluding welfare hotels, congregate shelters, and transitional less (National Coalition for the Homeless, 2009).
housing for the mentally ill); (b) an institution that provides ➤ People who are homeless have followed a variety of paths
a temporary residence for individuals intended to be institu- to becoming homeless.
tionalized; or (c) a public or private place not designed for,
➤ Occupational therapists need to understand each person’s
nor ordinarily used as, a regular sleeping accommodation individual history and experience of homelessness.
for human beings” (McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance
Act [P.L. 100-77], 1987). ➤ It is important to identify the needs of people related to their
Despite this federal definition, it is difficult to describe a homeless history.
specific population that is served in homeless shelters. The National Coalition for the Homeless. (2009). “Fact Sheet: Who Is Homeless?”
“homeless” are not a homogeneous group. They differ in Available at: (accessed September 22,
demographics, subgroups, and their patterns of homeless- 2009).
ness. It is generally believed that about 50% of the homeless
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612 PART 3 ■ Environment

complete instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs), and The symptoms of PTSD that interfere with function
(3) inadequate preparation, isolation, and lack of meaningful are compounded with each act of abuse (Jones, Hughes, &
occupations such as role participation (Jones, Quilgars, & Unterstaller, 2001; Mayer & Coulter, 2002). These symptoms
Wallace, 2001). Although psychiatric symptoms are identified limit a woman’s ability to develop and maintain life skills
as being associated with homelessness, the relationship to that will enable her to be self-sufficient and live independ-
functional impairment is often overlooked. The effects of ently. Without housing or employment, women with mental
mental illness are varied and often impair the individual’s illness are more dependent on their partners for the satisfac-
ability to engage in social interactions (Goodman et al, 1991; tion of their basic life needs and are thus reluctant or unable
Gorde et al, 2004; Wasylenki et al, 1993), perform activities to report the abuse or leave their abusers (O’Brien, 2002;
of daily living (Calsyn et al, 2002; Constantino, Sekula, Wettersten et al, 2004; Zink & Sill, 2004).
Rabin, & Stone, 2000; Gilson, DePoy, & Cramer, 2001; Nedd,
2001; Schutt & Goldfinger, 1996; Silverstein, Schenkel, Families With Children
Valone, & Nuernberger, 1998), and manage individual and
community responsibilities (Brush, 2000; Harp, 1990; Sosin Families with children are the fastest growing subgroup of
& Grossman, 1991; Sullivan et al, 2000; Woods, 2000). the homeless population in the United States (Morris &
Earlier estimates of substance abuse appear to greatly Strong, 2004). Transient or homeless children often experi-
overrepresent the rates of addiction among people who ence significant developmental delays in language, gross
are homeless (National Coalition on Homelessness, 2009). A motor, fine motor, and psychosocial milestones (Bassuk &
recent survey found that 38% of adults who are homeless Rosenberg, 1988; Bassuk & Rubin, 1987; Bassuk, Rubin, &
have a problem with alcoholism and 26% have a problem Lauriate, 1986). There is a 30% higher infant mortality rate
with other drugs. and 50% higher incidence of elevated blood levels for
lead, upper respiratory infections, lice and skin lesions, and
Survivors of Domestic Violence trauma for homeless children compared to children with
stable housing (Di Marco, 2000; Rafferty & Shinn, 1991;
Nearly 5 million women experience domestic violence in Wright, 1990). Children who are homeless also manifest
the United States (Tjaden & Thoennes, 2000), impacting higher rates of sleepiness, shyness, withdrawal, anxiety, and
them medically and functionally. While the psychological aggression as well as low-self esteem, emotional stress, de-
consequences of abuse are broad, the most common disor- pression, and dependent and demanding behaviors (Bassuk
ders are depression and/or posttraumatic stress disorder & Rosenberg, 1988; Morris & Strong, 2004). This population
(PTSD) (Kocot, 2001; Marais, de Villiers, Moller, & Stein, often experiences behavior problems and depression that
1999; Skupien, 1998). Depression is noted in 35% to 70% may be related to the lack of routines or supervision associ-
of domestic violence victims (Adelstein & Nelson, 1985; ated with being homeless (Morris & Butt, 2003). There is
Gerlock, 1999; Marais et al, 1999; McCauley et al, 1995; little research describing the impact of homelessness experi-
Nelson, Peterson, Smith, Boughton, & Whalen, 1988; enced as a child on the development of lifelong skills. It is
Roberts, Lawrence, Williams, & Raphael, 1998) compared to recognized that adverse childhood experiences (including
12% (National Institute of Mental Health, 2000) of women being homeless as a child) are strong predictors of homeless-
in the general population. Fifty-five to ninety-two percent of ness in adulthood (Burt, 2001). The nature of transitional
domestic violence survivors experience mild to severe PTSD housing and homelessness causes families to renegotiate
(Astin, Lawrence, & Foy, 1993; Eisenstat & Bancroft, 1999; routines, living environments, and family roles, impacting
Gallop & Everett, 2001; Gorde et al, 2004; Humphreys, Lee, life skills development in children (Ray, 2006). The physical
Neylan, & Marmar, 2001; Saunders & Kindy, 1993; Vitanza, setting and materials are instrumental in shaping the inter-
Vogel, & Marshall, 1995) compared to 10.4% of women in actions that support children’s participation in play activities
the general population (Carlson & Ruzek, 2003). that foster life skills development (Ray, 2006). Children who
Women report substantial difficulty with daily activities are homeless frequently have difficulty routinely attending
because they have not acquired life skills; because their school, causing delays in basic skills learned in elementary
abusers controlled the household, allowing them little education that ultimately impact the development of skills
opportunity for responsibility and decision-making; or be- necessary for adult roles.
cause of medical conditions (Gorde et al, 2004). Over 44%
of domestic violence survivors living in a shelter (compared Youth
to only 2.6% of U.S. women) reported their mental condi-
tions resulted in difficulties functioning in work, school, and Youth homelessness in the United States has reached epi-
social environments. demic proportions with estimates reaching 2 million (Ensign
Work limitations due to psychological symptoms can in- & Santelli, 1997). Youths become homeless for a variety of
terfere with the ability to satisfy agency requirements and to reasons, including abuse and neglect in their biological or
become and remain independent of one’s abuser (Wettersten foster care families (American Academy of Pediatrics, 1996;
et al, 2004). Women’s abilities to interact effectively with their Bassuk & Rubin, 1987; Kurtz, Hick-Coolick, Jarvis, & Kurtz,
coworkers and supervisors may also be limited by psycholog- 1996; Robertson, 1998). Older youths may become homeless
ical symptoms. Their behavior may be misunderstood by em- when they are separated from their mothers at a shelter if
ployers, coworkers, and service providers as attitudinal rather children of their age are not permitted. While minors may
than resulting from treatable symptoms. This misunder- become state wards, making them eligible for services, many
standing contributes to stigma and feelings of powerlessness remain nonwards, fending for themselves on the streets.
(Helfrich, Fujuira, & Rutkowski, 2008). Youths living on the streets are at risk for unsafe situations,
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CHAPTER 43 ■ Homeless and Women’s Shelters 613

including physical or sexual assault. They may acquire issue that can be challenging initially. Acquiring information
survival skills, such as prostitution, theft, drug use, and gang regarding a lack of available resources, such as a place to
membership, while living on the street. These marginalized shower, the cost of personal hygiene items, limited privacy,
skills are at the expense of life skills needed to become inde- and a loss of daily routines, can improve understanding
pendent, self-supporting adults, integrated into the larger regarding the individual’s difficult circumstances.
society. These situations limit opportunities to develop life Individuals who are homeless come from a variety of
skills that promote mainstream roles such as student, family backgrounds. The ethnic backgrounds of individuals in
member, or worker (Aviles & Helfrich, 2006). homeless shelters typically reflect the geographic location,
with larger minority populations in urban areas and Native
Stereotypes of People Who Are Homeless Americans and migrant workers being more common in ru-
ral locations (National Coalition for Homelessness, 2009).
In general, it is important to note that there are many stereo- As in all practice settings, it is important that occupational
types regarding people who are homeless, including that therapists are sensitive to cultural differences and practice in
they are all mentally ill, lazy, or dangerous; that they choose a culturally competent fashion. See Chapter 30.
to be homeless; and that they use drugs. There is not room
for a thorough discussion of those stereotypes here. While
some people may exhibit some of these characteristics, they
do not define the homeless population. Many people who External Factors Affecting
are homeless are well-educated, clean and sober, have solid
work histories, and so on, but for a variety of reasons have
become homeless. At The Road Home homeless shelter in Policies and societal events play a significant role in home-
Salt Lake City, Utah, the mission includes the statement: “We lessness rates. Changing distributions of employment wages,
envision a community that recognizes the inherent dignity affordable housing, and federal entitlement programs are
of those who live in poverty and homelessness” (Figure 43-1). often cited as factors that influence the prevalence of home-
When working with individuals who are homeless, it is lessness in the United States (Petrenchik, 2006). In 2007, the
essential that biases are addressed and that a nonjudgmental U.S. Senate voted to increase the federal minimum wage for
attitude prevail. First impressions can be distorted before the the first time in a decade, while the estimated “living
person is fully appreciated and understood. For example, wage”—the hourly wage needed in order to spend no more
some individuals may describe their homelessness as a than 30% of your income on housing costs—has increased
choice. It may be difficult to comprehend this choice with- steadily (National Low Income Housing Coalition [NLIHC],
out recognizing some of the issues associated with living in 2006). In 1999, nearly 28 million American households
a shelter, such as a loss of freedom and requirements to fol- (25%) failed to earn a living wage and spent more on their
low strict rules. Furthermore, many individuals who are housing costs than is considered “affordable” (Bipartisan
homeless have a history of unstable housing that dates back Millennial Housing Commission, 2002). In 2006, the na-
to childhood. For the therapist who has never experienced tional average wage needed to afford fair-market rent for a
homelessness, these personal experiences and their impact two-bedroom unit was over three times as much as the
may be difficult to grasp. Neglected self-care may be another federal minimum wage (NLIHC, 2006).
During the 1990s, housing costs rose while employment
wages were stagnant, with opportunities for federal housing
and income assistance more scarce and difficult to access.
Between 1997 and 2001, there was a 13% decrease in the
number of units affordable to very-low-income renters
(HUD, 2003). Additionally, since federal rental assistance is
not considered an entitlement, less than a third of eligible
households have historically received aid of this kind (U.S.
Congressional Budget Office, 1995). While public entitle-
ment programs, such as SSI, can help assuage the costs of
housing, homeless persons with mental illness often do not
claim these types of subsidies even though they are more
likely than other homeless people to receive them (Burt et al,
During the more recent economic crisis, housing rates
have declined, but unemployment and foreclosures have
increased, contributing to homelessness. Although the
people most vulnerable to homelessness are not home-
owners, more than 20% of the properties facing foreclo-
FIGURE 43-1. The Road Home is a homeless shelter in Salt Lake sures in 2008 were rentals (NLIHC, 2009). These rental
City, Utah. Its mission: “We envision people moving seamlessly from properties often house multiple families, resulting in a
the cold streets into warm housing from despair and alienation toward larger number of individuals being affected. A report
hope and inclusion. We envision a community that recognizes the
inherent dignity of those who live in poverty and homelessness. The from the National Alliance to End Homelessness (2009)
Road Home will work with all of our important partners to realize this found that loss of a job was the most common reason for
vision.” Courtesy The Road Home, Salt Lake City, Utah. homelessness in several large metropolitan areas. Rising
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614 PART 3 ■ Environment

The Lived Experience

I am 53 years old and I have a diagnosis of personality disor- they put me into a mental health day program when I finished. I
der. I’ve been homeless about 23 times, sometimes only for just had the best therapist ever. The transitional housing asked me to
a few days, weeks or months, sometimes it’s years at a time. leave, because I wasn’t doing the program, I was so busy I was
The first episode was when I was 18. My stepfather was abus- not paying my bills on time, or doing what I was supposed to do.
ing me, and my mother didn’t believe me. I stayed at a I was so tired from running all that time, I got lazy, and I quit
girlfriend’s house until she kicked me out. I was on the streets, school.
slept under bridges, piers, parks, backyards, dumpsters, laun- When I left there I went to live in the YWCA. It was $200 a
dromats, sold myself. Anything to just get a place to sleep. You month for a huge room with a couch, chair, T.V. and a bed. We
do what you have to. After about five months I went home to weren’t supposed to have microwaves in there but I hid it. Staff
mama. Got a job, lost the job—homeless again. I stayed with cleaned my room. You weren’t allowed to have anybody outside
my sister for awhile and worked. My family was not in a posi- the Y in your room. They had a reception hall for visitors. The
tion to help me. Then I met somebody and got pregnant. I went place was kept clean. I was working 5 jobs to keep a roof over
to an old boss and asked him to help me. He put me up in his my head. Some of them didn’t pay money, they paid food or bus
wife’s hotel. I worked for my rent, six months pregnant. I had a passes, stuff like that.
place to stay, a roof over my head, a place to wash and shower I did not have the support. I did not have therapists. I worked
and stuff like that. But I didn’t have anything else, no food. I went from 5am–10pm. I was never home. I had a breakdown. I
and applied for welfare. started working, more hours just to keep my house and every-
My boss introduced me to my ex-husband. I married him, to thing. It was very stressful for me. Then I was doing nothing but
keep from going on the streets again. We moved to Virginia. But working all the time. I started doing a lot of behavior (cutting). I
I got tired of all the abuse and fights. That marriage didn’t work lost a lot of my jobs, but, I was never more than two weeks with-
out so I was homeless again. out work. That’s when they would carry me, at the Y because
I got tired of Virginia. I was lonely for my family. My daughter they knew I would pay ’em. I left the Y because I couldn’t pay
was there but it’s different than having brothers and sisters. So rent and I went to a shelter. I wasn’t really asked I went, I left on
I went back to California and stayed with my sister until I got my my own so I was allowed to come back. I got a job as a cake
own apartment and I was doing okay. I was working at a bank, decorator.
but lost the job for reporting the staff. The word was out, nobody I had my disability check coming in so I got my own apart-
would hire me. I couldn’t get a job so I lost my apartment. I ment. It was a bad situation. People broke in and raped me. I
bounced from place to place to place for about a year. I went to could just swear somebody was stealing money and putting it
friends, in fact a friend from the bank actually took me in. I left back when I complained. I was thinking it was me. You know,
their house to work for a lady taking care of her personal care dissociating. That’s when they put me on Geodon. I would com-
for a year and a half, started therapy, and I left. plain to the police but they didn’t even listen after awhile. Nobody
I went to see this person, and she helped me realize that I was wanted to talk to me on the crisis line. The apartment manager
abused when I was younger. I didn’t handle it very well. I had all said that I never paid my rent, yet I have receipts. They said I set
these emotions. I can’t describe all the chaos—you have to feel fires to the apartment, but I wasn’t. That’s when I left Virginia to
that for yourself. I couldn’t work. I couldn’t take care of myself. go to California in 2002. I found out the guys that was living there
I didn’t know what was going on, and there was no help what- also did it to other people that lived in that building.
soever. No counseling. I’m sure there were counselors but I I went to California without a place. I found me a transitional
mean, no sliding scale, nothing like that. shelter that you pay for 30 days, then you gotta move out for two
I was acting out really violently and physically. I just left my job, days, then you can come back and pay for another month. I got
went to Alabama, stayed with my brother and his wife. Went back tired of transferring from caseworker to caseworker and I was
to California, didn’t have a job, couldn’t find nothing, didn’t have determined to figure out what was going on. I wasn’t getting
a place to stay, stayed with friends or stayed in shelters. And ba- what I needed there so I came out here to do this program I
sically you stayed up all night, and slept during the day. That’s found near Chicago for cutters.
when I started really cutting. I was dissociating—walking down I found out the program was in the suburbs and I couldn’t get
the street and then waking up and don’t know where I am. That in. Chicago is very expensive. When I got here I had no money and
type of stuff. So the police caught me and sent me to the no place to live. I went to the state hospital here—I started to
Mental Health Facility. They kept me for 24 hours and released me injure myself. They helped me find this YMCA. I went to the
to a shelter. I called my daughter. My daughter sent me money hospital here for six months to get them to help me with my
to go back to Virginia. I couldn’t get a job and I was having all cutting. They never did. I didn’t have Medicare at the time ’cause
these emotions again. And I was cutting and I was stabbing I was a newly disabled person.
myself, I was breaking my bones, I was burning myself. My goal is to move into a studio by the end of the year. I’m
They put me into the state mental hospital for three months. hoping the doctor will let me. I’m hoping he can let me go back
Then I went to a transitional home for ten months. I paid rent— to work, so I can get outta here. He don’t want me lifting
30% of whatever I made. I didn’t pay for food or electricity or any- anything real heavy, he don’t want me overdoing. Because of my
thing. While I was there, I started to get my life together because heart surgery.
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CHAPTER 43 ■ Homeless and Women’s Shelters 615

unemployment rates therefore can lead to more homeless- Some shelters and programs offer other services through
ness. Petrenchik (2006) provides a thorough discussion the inclusion of additional staff. Certified alcohol and drug
and analyses of the social, cultural, and intrapersonal fac- counselors (CADC) assist clients affected by the use of alco-
tors that contribute to homelessness and the theories that hol or other drugs by focusing on gaining and maintaining
help explain these factors. skills for a substance-free lifestyle. Employment counselors
discuss employment and disability laws and help individuals
explore options for part-time or full-time employment.
Team Members Housing specialists offer expertise in housing laws, options,
and funding. Legal advocates help women obtain orders of
Shelter and transitional living program staff may include protection and address custody issues and other legal mat-
individuals with varying amounts of education and expe- ters. Recreational, art, and music therapists provide shelter
rience. Generally, if a shelter or program aims to serve a and program residents with activities that aid in the
specific population type (e.g., survivors of domestic vio- increased emotional wellbeing of participants.
lence), the staff receives additional training about that Most shelters and transitional programs depend on vol-
population. The number, credentials, titles, and roles of unteers and administrative/office staff for completion of the
staff vary greatly according to funding and availability. daily tasks that maintain shelter functioning. Transitional
There is often a greater need than supply. Staff turnover programs often employ housing supervisors or managers to
tends to be high in these settings because of the high stress ensure residents are able to pay rent and follow other hous-
level placed on frequently overworked and underpaid ing rules and obligations. Additionally, shelters and pro-
staff. grams use intake coordinators or crisis managers to deter-
Staff involved in the ongoing treatment of an individual mine if an individual is appropriate for the services and to
may include case managers, social workers, advocates, treat- help the individual transition to the new housing situation.
ment coordinators, medical personnel, mental health profes- Table 43-1 identifies the types of staff and associated respon-
sionals, and occupational therapists; however, medical per- sibilities often found within these settings.
sonnel, such as doctors and nurses, and mental health
professionals, such as psychologists and psychiatrists, are of-
ten accessed through referral or consultation as opposed to
direct care being provided on site. Occupational therapists
Funding Sources
may provide direct services through group or individual The majority of shelters receive funding from several sources,
interventions or indirect services in the form of program including government, foundation, and private fundraising.
development and consultation. HUD is the primary federal agency that provides funding to

Table 43-1 ● Shelter and Program Staff Roles and Responsibilities

Case Managers, Social Workers, Advocates and Treatment Coordinators
• Collect functional, environmental, psychosocial, financial, employment, housing, educational, and health information as appropriate to develop and create a care plan
• Develop support systems to meet client needs by identifying and coordinating a variety of available services
• Evaluate client risk and assess need for immediate intervention
• Prepare written reports for funding agency, city, and cooperating agencies
• Assist in the recruitment, training, supervision, and support of volunteers
• Interpret and explain laws, regulations, and service programs
• Determine need for and conduct interagency and/or family conferences
• Provide supportive counseling and advocacy for clients
• Determine quality and effectiveness of services provided and, if necessary, develop and implement new processes and procedures
Medical Personnel (Doctors, Nurses, etc.)
• Prescribe/dispense medications
• Triage
• Health education: individual and, as appropriate, group
• Immunizations, lead tests, tuberculosis and other screening
• Family planning counseling, testing, and treatment
• HIV counseling/testing
• Coordinate health services
• Serve as liaison with onsite case managers and other social service providers
Mental Health Professionals (Psychologists, Psychiatrists, etc.)
• Complete comprehensive biopsychosocial evaluations and intake
• Prescribe medications
• Provide psychotherapeutic interventions
• Provide program consultation as needed
• Assess consumer needs and provide appropriate treatment and recommendation.
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616 PART 3 ■ Environment

Table 43-1 ● Shelter and Program Staff Roles and Responsibilities—cont’d

Occupational Therapists
• Collect functional, environmental, psychosocial, financial, employment, housing, educational, and health information as appropriate to develop and create a care plan
• Assess activities of daily living and instrumental activities of daily living (employment skills, budgeting skills, parenting skills, home management skills, stress
management skills, and anger management skills)
• Perform safety assessments and identify barriers in the physical environment
• Initiate referrals
• Provide both direct and indirect services
• Program consultation
Additional Services
• Certified alcohol and drug counselor: assist clients affected by the use of alcohol or other drugs with a focus on gaining and maintaining skills for a substance-free
lifestyle through the use of assessment and treatment planning; individual, group, and family counseling
• Employment counselor: discuss employment laws, options for part-time or full-time employment, disability accommodations, job coaching
• Housing specialist: discuss housing laws, housing options, funding sources, maintaining housing stability, disability accommodations in housing
• Legal advocates: discuss orders of protection, custody issues; accompany people to court; assist with appealing SSI/SSDI claim denials
• Recreational, art and music therapists: provide activities that aid in the increased emotional wellbeing of participants
Additional Staff
• Administrative staff
• Volunteers
• Housing supervisors/managers
• Intake volunteers/crisis managers

shelters. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Ser- resources for individuals with special needs, including those
vices, which includes a number of specific branches such as related to disability or independent living skills. People with
the Health Resources and Services Administration, Bureau of mental illness may welcome support for daily activities such as
Primary Health Care; Substance Abuse and Mental Health budgeting, shopping, and cleaning, which improve their ability
Services Administration, Center for Mental Health Services; to manage their lives independently (Calsyn et al, 2002; Schutt
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Administration & Goldfinger, 1996). This type of practical assistance and skills
for Children and Families; the U.S. Department of Labor, and training can enhance their ability to retain housing when the
the U.S. Department of Education all provide funding for training emphasizes relevant skills such as being a responsible
various programs. In addition, state, regional, county, and tenant and managing routine finances (Harp, 1990; Sosin &
city governments may also provide government funding. Grossman, 1991). Likewise, many women who have experi-
Because most shelters and transitional living programs enced domestic violence can benefit from independent skills
are operated by not-for-profit agencies, they also exert a training and employment interventions (Helfrich, Badiani &
great deal of effort in seeking funding from foundations and Simpson, 2006; Helfrich & Rivera, 2006). See Chapter 47 for
private contributors, including businesses and individuals. more information on skills training and Chapter 50 for more
Some shelters are funded by a particular religious organiza- information on employment interventions.
tion or by other social welfare groups. When educational and practical components are inte-
Occupational therapists who work in shelter settings may grated into service programs for adults with mental illness
be funded by the agency itself as a paid staff member or con- who are homeless, the transition from institutional living to
sultant, or they may be funded on “soft money” through community living becomes an attainable goal (Kuno et al,
grant allocations that provide for occupational therapy serv- 2000). Successful programs that merge practical and direct
ices. Another innovative method that has been used to supports for community living with the provision of tempo-
“fund” positions in shelters has been through a partnership rary housing include programs that provide traditional case
between an academic occupational therapy department and management in combination with life skills training (Calsyn
a local shelter. These arrangements usually involve a faculty et al, 2002; Harp, 1990; Morse et al, 1992; Wasylenki et al,
member being paid from a grant or as a consultant from the 1993). Programs that include life skills training within serv-
agency to supervise occupational therapy staff or students ice agencies that address homelessness and mental illness
(e.g., Helfrich et al, 2006). result in greater success at assisting individuals to locate and
maintain housing. The impact of adding services appears
to be greatest for those individuals who are more severely
Role of Occupational Therapy impaired (Clark & Alexander, 2003).
Proactive personalized interventions are also effective in
Occupational therapists can play a central role in homeless helping homeless individuals with mental illness acquire and
shelters by providing training in important independent retain housing. It is beneficial to provide targeted and spe-
living skills. Homeless shelters generally focus on meeting ba- cific skills training depending on the particular needs and
sic needs such as food and housing and may have few wants of the client. For example, some individuals may need
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CHAPTER 43 ■ Homeless and Women’s Shelters 617

information regarding money management, whereas for

others, home management is a larger issue. Intensive case
management and transitional housing often use this ap-
proach with significant results (Calsyn, 2002; Harp, 1990;
Morse et al, 1992; Washington, 2002). Programming factors
are often based on psychiatric rehabilitation principles
(Cnaan, Blankertz, & Saunders, 1992), including flexibility,
advocacy, increased contact with staff, and an emphasis on
teaching independent living skills. Providing practical skills
interventions in small groups with consistent staff correlates
with higher client satisfaction and greater success in main-
taining housing (Calsyn et al, 2002; Campanelli & Sacks,
1992; Morse et al, 1992; Schutt & Goldfinger, 1996; Shern et
al, 2000; Wasylenki et al, 1993). Sometimes these approaches
are designed and run by mental health consumers.
The increase in families with children in homeless shel-
ters (Morris & Strong, 2004) and the prevalence of children
in domestic violence shelters suggests a need for child care FIGURE 43-2. Occupational therapists can provide skills training in
home management. In this photograph, Cynthia has just finished
skills for the parents. Occupational therapists can play a role housecleaning. “It’s a good feeling.”
in providing either individual or group-based skills training
related to child development, play, and parenting. For exam-
ple, Project SUPPORT, a program that provides emotional
and instrumental support along with training in child man- food and nutrition group to adults in an emergency housing
agement skills within a domestic violence shelter environ- program (Helfrich, Aviles, Walens, Badiani, & Sabol, 2006;
ment was effective in reducing conduct problems in children Helfrich & Rivera, 2006). Occupational therapists working
(McDonald, Jouriles, & Skopp, 2006). Another area of need in a consulting role conducting groups such as these may not
for families relates to routines and habits. Family rituals are have a complete picture of the clients he or she is working
typically disrupted in shelter situations, and the occupa- with. The occupational therapist may be on site only once a
tional therapists can work with both shelter residents and week and see clients only during that group. It is therefore
shelter staff to promote family rituals such as eating meals important that the occupational therapist communicate as
together, supervised homework time, bedtime routines, and needed with other staff to acquire additional information.
celebrations of holidays and special events. Other areas of consulting may include completing func-
The role of occupational therapy in shelters is diverse and tional evaluations on shelter clients and making recomm
may be determined by the setting, funding issues, and the endations for service plans or referrals. Finally, another con-
specific population for each shelter. The previous section de- sultative function that occupational therapist may provide is
scribed the types of staff who work in shelters and their broader programmatic recommendations or evaluation. The
roles. The role of occupational therapy follows a similar pat- occupational therapist might work with staff to help struc-
tern. The most involved role is that of direct service ture the routines or environment to enhance functioning by
provider. In that role, the occupational therapist first evalu- promoting normative routines and habits.
ates the client holistically, assessing all areas of functioning
including ADLs and IADLs; designs a treatment plan; pro-
vides intervention, which might include referrals to other
services; and eventually discharges the client. Examples of
specific treatment areas might include basic self-care skills The assessments that are used in a shelter setting are numer-
such as bathing, grooming, and personal medical manage- ous and cannot all be discussed in this chapter. The general
ment; food and nutrition management; IADLs needed to live areas of assessment are discussed, and other chapters in this
independently in the community, including money manage- text that discuss assessments in more detail are referenced.
ment and community integrations skills; job skills; and hous- The hallmark of the occupational therapy assessment in
ing management skills, to name a few (Figure 43-2). shelters is holism. The goal of the occupational therapy as-
The role of consultant is very common for occupational sessment in this setting is to identify the client’s strengths and
therapists in shelters. This role usually includes working limitations as they relate to independent functioning and de-
with clients and staff. The occupational therapist may pro- termine what the client needs to do or get to manage within
vide consultation to the shelter in general, offering recom- different environments of choice. The occupational therapist
mendations for environmental management or program- may be the only professional who has the background to look
ming, or the services may be more focused on individuals, at the medical, functional, and social aspects of the client as
where the therapist evaluates and treats a portion of the shel- well as how the environment impacts the client. It is impor-
ter residents. In these cases, the treatment is often focused on tant to conduct a broad screen for the range of physical, men-
a particular skill area, and the clients involved are those who tal, cognitive, social, and functional challenges that a person
need to develop that particular skill. For example, an occu- might encounter in the environments in which he or she will
pational therapist may offer a group on employment skills or need to function. Likewise, it is vital to assess each individ-
money management to women living in a domestic violence ual’s strengths in these areas so that both the client and the
shelter; a group on job-seeking skills to adolescents; or a staff can be aware of them. Several tools are useful to begin
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618 PART 3 ■ Environment

will assist the person to return to self-sustaining, independ-

Evidence-Based Practice ent living. Therefore, most of the models you will see in-
clude a holistic perspective that focuses on strengths and
H omeless individuals identify occupational performance
problems related to finances, housing, personal care, diffi-
culties satisfying basic needs, and health concerns (Tryssenaar,
self-empowerment. These approaches are consistent with
the broader view of recovery in mental illness and with the
self-empowerment approaches used in the domestic vio-
Jones, & Lee, 1999). Programs that include life skills training
lence service delivery system. Within this broader frame-
within service agencies that address homelessness and mental
illness result in greater success at assisting individuals to locate
work, occupational therapists use specific approaches to
and maintain housing (Clark, 2003). guide their treatment approaches, such as the model of
human occupation (Kielhofner, 2002; Bruce & Borg, 2002b)
➤ Occupational therapists have the skills to screen and assess or the cognitive disabilities model (Bruce & Borg, 2002a).
occupational performance.
Because other chapters in this book cover models that come
➤ Group and individual treatment are effective methods for in- from occupational therapy, this chapter focuses on the two
creasing life skills. models borrowed from other disciplines: empowerment
➤ Adults, children, and youth are all impacted by the experi- theory and situated learning.
ence of being homeless and can benefit from intervention.
➤ Occupational therapists may assume a variety of roles when Empowerment Theory
working with people who are homeless.
Homeless consumers with psychiatric disabilities often feel
Clark, C. R., & Alexander, R. R. (2003). Outcomes of homeless adults alienated and disconnected from decision-making about
with mental illness in a housing program and in case management only.
Psychiatric Services, 54(1), 78–83. their health, living arrangements, and wellbeing because of
Tryssenaar, J., Jones, E. J., & Lee, D. (1999). Occupational performance a mismatch between service provider recommendations
needs of a shelter population. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, and individual client goals (Fisk & Frey, 2002; Tsemberis &
66(4), 188–196.
Elfenbein, 1999). Their lack of personal choice is linked to a
decreased ability to maintain housing and meet their basic
needs, indicating that consumer involvement may be essen-
tial to provide successful and relevant services (Rowe et al,
this broad screen. The Model of Human Occupation Screen- 2003; Tsemberis & Elfenbein, 1999). There is a positive asso-
ing Tool (MOHOST) uses interview and observation to de- ciation between the ability of consumers to choose and con-
termine an individual’s baseline functioning and need for trol their services and their ability to function independently
further assessment in a wide range of areas (Parkinson & (Nelson, Walsh-Brown, & Hall, 1998).
Forsyth, 2002). The Allen Cognitive Level Screen (ACLS) is a An empowerment approach to service delivery is appro-
leather-lacing task that identifies an individual’s cognitive priate for oppressed groups such as homeless consumers and
functioning and their need for assistance in the environment domestic violence survivors because of its emphasis on
(Ansell & Casey Family Programs, 2000, 2002; Nollan, Horn, social action, individual justice, and active participation that
Downs, & Pecora, 2000, 2002). The Independent Living Skills give people voice by actively involving them in service design
Survey (ILSS) uses self-report and/or caregiver report to and giving them control over their involvement in treatment
determine an individual’s level of independence in ADLs (Carling, 1989; Tsemberis & Elfenbein, 1999). Empower-
and IADLs (Cyr, Toupin, Lesage, & Valiquette, 1994). The ment theory has been used successfully to develop programs
Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM) is a for homeless consumers with psychiatric disabilities. Exam-
more detailed interview that assesses a person’s involvement ples include a collaborative community development project
in occupations (Law et al, 1994). Finally, the Occupational among homeless tenants of a shelter and staff, an outreach
Self Assessment (OSA) is a self-report tool that allows an in- program that employed homeless peers, a service project
dividual to identify areas of strength and limitations related that trained homeless consumers for internships on service
to self and the environment (Kielhofner et al, 1999). Each of boards, and a Housing First program that offered increased
these tools can identify areas that the client needs to work on consumer choice in service delivery (Fisk & Frey, 2002;
as well as his or her strengths. The MOHOST, COPM, and Greenwood, Schaefer-McDaniel, Winkel, & Tsemberis, 2005;
OSA all directly invite the client to identify areas that are Hoch, 2000; Rowe et al, 2003). Despite the evidence to
important to address. Once a thorough screening has been support collaboration between consumers and service
completed, the therapist may identify additional areas that providers, this population is often excluded from full in-
need further evaluation. Some of these areas may require a volvement in service design, implementation, and research
referral to another health care or social service professional (Gordon, 2005; Minogue, Boness, Brown, & Girdlestone,
for psychiatric or medical evaluations, for example. 2005; Rutter, Manley, Weaver, Crawford, & Fulop, 2004).
Reasons cited for this exclusion include consumers’ dissat-
isfaction with the level of collaboration offered, difficulty
working within existing organizational structures, logisti-
Intervention Models cal difficulties such as inadequate support, and service
and Techniques provider reluctance to share the decision-making process
(Gordon, 2005; Rutter et al, 2004).
A variety of intervention models can be used effectively in Occupational therapists can use an empowerment ap-
homeless shelters. The overarching principle in selecting a proach with clients by providing opportunities for the client
model of practice for this population is to choose one that to direct his or her own care. For example, asking clients to
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CHAPTER 43 ■ Homeless and Women’s Shelters 619

Table 43-2 ● Application of Situated Learning Principles

Principle Example
Client choice and involvement to address those skills the • Clients identify their own goals and priority areas on assessments
individual wants and needs to learn • Clients choose from a list of activities to work on during a therapy session
Didactic learning with modeling and practice in a context • Group session on money management techniques followed by a visit to the bank
preferred by the individual • Principles of handwashing discussed and then practiced at a sink chosen by the
client with the soap of his or her choice
Evaluation of the skill in a specific context to identify barriers • Grocery shopping reviewed in the context of what types of food sources are
and supports needed to be successful in the skill available in the neighborhood, such as food pantries, soup kitchens
• Laundry assessed using the washers provided in the shelter
An individualized process that considers the individual’s level • Group handouts provided to allow for varying levels of literacy
of functioning • Prompts provided for facilitator to grade activities

identify goal areas, then working on the client’s identified with mental illness (Liberman & Kopelowicz, 2002; Liberman
list, gives them control over how they spend their therapy et al, 1986; Wallace, 1998; Wong et al, 1988).
session. Helping clients learn how to be assertive and get Table 43-2 outlines the application of situated learning
the information or resources they need from other health or principles.
social service providers is also empowering. One client in These approaches each allow the occupational therapist
our life skills program was very distrustful of authority fig- to look at the individual holistically and collaboratively to
ures and institutions. When she entered therapy, she was determine his or her treatment needs and priorities. They
having her social security check mailed to her sister’s house, are consumer driven where the client is the central force in
which was a 90-minute bus ride away. She worked with the determining the direction that treatment should go. There-
occupational therapist to learn about banking and direct fore, none of these models specifically dictate treatment
deposit. After making significant changes in therapy she re- priorities. Rather, they identify the things a person wants to
ported, “It was a positive experience. . . . I used to have my change about himself or herself, the environmental adapta-
social security check mailed to my sister’s house, but since tions or changes that are needed, and the occupations in
then I’ve gotten direct deposit. I write a check for the rent which the person desires to engage.
and then get enough to do a little extra shopping, and then It is important to recognize that many of these treatment
I don’t have a lot of money in my room.” Through her ther- foci are the same as those occupational therapists engage in
apy sessions, she became empowered to learn about commu- with persons with a wide variety of disabilities; however, the
nity resources, which allow her to be more independent. approach is significantly different. People who are homeless,
While it is more difficult to use empowerment ap- for whatever reason, most likely have very few, if any, mate-
proaches in a group setting, it is very feasible to do so during rial or social resources. They have often exhausted the
individual sessions. Clients notice this, and as one person majority of their support system and have been forced to sell
said, “The individual sessions were helpful. . . . [I] appreci- or discard their personal possessions. People living in a shel-
ated being asked what do you want to work on and being ter may have a small bag that includes all of their belongings,
able to list the topic that I wanted to work on.” while those living in transitional housing may have a small
apartment, though the objects in the apartment may not
Situated Learning Theory belong to them. Therefore, it is important for the occupa-
tional therapist not only to assist the person with meeting
Social learning theory using a situated learning approach current goals but also to help him or her project into the fu-
provides an intervention model wherein adult learners gain ture and prepare for a more permanent living arrangement.
knowledge and skills by immersing themselves in a social For many consumers, this is a very difficult task. Using con-
learning community (Lam, 1995; Lave, 1988; Wilson, 1993). crete tasks rather than talking about future possibilities is
Situated learning places the client learner in contexts that most effective. As noted in the assessment section, it is also
reflect the real world with application to everyday situations very important to understand, and to keep in mind through-
(Adelstein & Nelson, 1985). The process follows a logical out treatment, the reasons that a person does not currently
sequence of providing information, seeing the skill per- have effective skills for living independently.
formed, and practicing the skill in a desired context (Nemec
& McNamara, 1992). Situated learning allows for (1) client
choice and involvement to address those skills the individual Summary
wants and needs to learn, (2) didactic learning with model-
ing and practice in a context preferred by the individual, Homeless and women’s shelters are emerging practice areas
(3) evaluation of the skill in a specific context to identify bar- for occupational therapists. Individuals living in these tem-
riers and supports needed to be successful in the skill, and porary settings frequently have significant needs related to
(4) an individualized process that considers the client’s level independent living, child care skills, and work skills. Occu-
of functioning. Research supports the use of this approach to pational therapists can provide interventions that lead to the
teach social skills, but situated learning has not yet been stud- successful transition of supporting oneself and one’s family
ied in relation to life skills interventions for homeless persons in a place called home.
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620 PART 3 ■ Environment

Active Learning Strategies

1. Life Skills Acquisition Exercise yourself that you will leave the relationship as soon as it is safe
to go.
Listed in the following table are five common instrumental
1. You call your best friend that night and ask her if you
activities of daily living that most people are expected to
and your daughter can come and stay with her because
complete. Please consider each one and complete the work-
your partner has beaten you and threatened to hurt your
sheet on the basis of your own experience. After you have
daughter. She asks you why he beat you, and after you
filled in each box, answer the questions that follow the table.
explain, she tells you that your partner is a really good
• Life Skill • Where • Who • When • Do you person and that you must have deserved to be hit. She
did you taught did you currently advises you to stay in the relationship and keep your
learn this? you? learn receive any house cleaner. You end the phone call feeling ashamed
this? assistance and hurt, and wonder why your friend cannot under-
with this stand what you are going through.
activity? You have just lost your best friend. Tear your best friend’s
1. How to write a check name off of your paper and crumple it up.
2. How to grocery shop 2. You decide to stay at home that night even though you
on a budget feel very afraid for the safety of both you and your
3. How to repair your daughter. In the morning, you try to cover your bruises
clothing and cuts with makeup. You take your daughter to day
4. How to manage your care and go to work. When you get there, your coworkers
health care needs ask you what happened. You decide to tell them, and they
respond similarly to your friend the night before. During
5. How to avoid identity
lunch with coworkers, they give you the cold shoulder
and tell you that you should not be making such accusa-
tions about your partner. When you try to explain, they
Reflective Questions tell you that it is probably your fault for not being a better
● How would having a serious mental illness impact learn- spouse.
ing these skills? You have just lost your support system at work. Tear off your
● How would living in an institution impact learning these most supportive coworker’s name and crumple up the paper.
skills? 3. You go home very upset; fortunately, your partner is not
● How would living with an abusive partner who controlled there, so you call your closest family member (say, your
all of your actions impact learning these skills? sister) and explain why you are upset. When she has fin-
● How would growing up living on the street or in a shelter ished listening to you, she tells you that you’re crazy and
impact your ability to learn these skills? asks what you expected by trying to work full time, go to
school, and maintain a household for your partner. She
Record your thoughts about this tells you she is sorry and wishes she could help, but she
exercise in your Reflective Journal. just can’t. You need to learn to be a better partner and
mother yourself. You’re going to have to figure out what
to do with this one: maybe reparative therapy is an option.
2. Count Your Losses
You’ve just lost your closest family member and what you
The experience of women who are in a domestic violence sit- thought would be an option for shelter. Tear off your family
uation can be very challenging. This exercise will help you member’s name and crumple up the paper.
get a glimpse of what it might feel like to become homeless 4. You see your partner walking up to the front door with
because of domestic violence. flowers, and you realize you have to leave now or never.
● Take out a piece of paper and number it 1 to 5. As you start to gather your things frantically in a bag,
● Write down the name of your best friend after number 1. you wonder where you will spend the night. As your
● Write down your most supportive coworker after partner walks in the front door, you walk out the back.
number 2. You realize that you have left behind your favorite
● Write down your closest family member after number 3. possession, but you are too afraid to turn back.
● Write down your favorite possession after number 4. You’ve just lost your favorite possession. Tear off your
● Write down your dream for the future after number 5. favorite possession and crumple up the paper.
You are in an abusive relationship that you have tried to 5. You now realize that your dreams are being destroyed:
keep hidden from your friends, family, and coworkers. Last your most basic needs are not even being met, you have
night, your partner came home in a rage and punched your no money, no financial support, only the clothes on your
face until you were bleeding because you did not have the back and a few personal belongings in a grocery bag.
house clean. Your 2-year-old daughter’s toys were not all put You wonder if you should just go back and try to make it
away. After beating you, he threatened to beat your daughter work.
for being so messy with her toys. You keep your daughter safe You have just lost all of your hopes and dreams for the future.
from him (at the expense of a few more bruises) and vow to Tear off your dreams and crumple up the last piece of paper.
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CHAPTER 43 ■ Homeless and Women’s Shelters 621

Reflective Questions Using your Reflective Journal,

● How did it feel to do this exercise? document your feelings and thoughts
● How did it feel to lose the things you lost? about this exercise.
● Were some things more difficult to lose than others?
● How will you help a client dealing with these issues?
Learning strategies adapted by Christine Helfrich, 2007, from http://members.

Resources Bipartisan Millennial Housing Commission. (2002). Meeting Our

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Wraparound Services:
Children and Families 44
Pamela Erdman

N ever doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world:
indeed, it’s the only thing that ever does.
—Margaret Mead

caring for youths with complex mental health needs who

This chapter describes a philosophy of care called wrap- have a diagnosis of severe emotional disturbance (SED)
around services, which is an approach to working with chil- and their families, it has been adapted for use in early inter-
dren and families who are affected by mental illness and vention programs with adults who are developmentally de-
other disabilities. The wraparound approach has been inte- layed and/or experiencing psychiatric disorders and with
grated into programs staffed by occupational therapists and older adults coping with chronic conditions such as
other health and human service practitioners. Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease (Literacy Network of
Durham Region, n.d.). Juvenile offenders (Pullman et al,
2006) and children in foster care (McGuiness, 2009) are also
targeted populations for use of wraparound programs.
Description of the Approach
The word wraparound provokes an image of someone or History
something being wrapped or enveloped. Wraparound is not a
service, program, or funding source but a philosophy of care The implementation of the wraparound process and philoso-
with guiding principles rooted in providing strengths-based phy has its roots in Europe and Canada. Some of the formative
community care that is needs driven, culturally sensitive, indi- works in this field were carried out by John Brown and his col-
vidualized, and unconditional. Individuals and families are leagues, who operated the Brownsdale programs in Canada
surrounded or “wrapped” in a caring, supportive environ- prior to 1975. These programs promoted the concepts of
ment that promotes psychological healing, growth, esteem needs-driven services that were individualized and uncondi-
building, empowerment, and hope. tional. Roots of the Brownsdale efforts are said to be influenced
In the wraparound approach, all aspects or domains of a by the Larch movement, a European approach that encourages
person’s life are addressed with the belief and understanding normalization and societal support to keep individuals with
that each “piece” can impact the functioning of the “whole.” complex needs in their community (VanDenBerg, Bruns, &
Wraparound is a “planning process that brings people together Burchard, 2003).
from different parts of the whole family’s life. With help from In 1975, under the guidance of Karl Dennis, these con-
one or more facilitators, people from the family’s life work to- cepts drove the design of Kaleidoscope, a program in
gether, coordinate their activities, and blend their perspectives Chicago that implemented private, agency-based, individu-
of the family’s situation” (Miles, Bruns, Osher, Walker, & the alized services. In 1985, the mental health, education, and
National Wraparound Initiative Advisory Group, 2006, p. 4). social services departments of Alaska sought consultation
In this approach, formal (i.e., traditional, clinical) and from Kaleidoscope, and the Alaska Youth Initiative was
informal (i.e., friends, family, faith-based community) sup- formed. Managed by John VanDenBerg, this program suc-
ports are included in the care, and the client and family are cessfully returned to the community almost all of the
actively involved in every stage of care and decision-making. Alaskan youths with complex needs who had been placed in
To ensure success, communities must be willing and able to out-of-state institutions.
support (both theoretically and financially) this client and In the late 1980s, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
family–centered model of care. Collaboration between system funded major efforts based on the wraparound approach
partners, such as mental health providers, juvenile justice, and its system-of-care principles. These efforts enriched fur-
social welfare, and education, contribute significantly to the ther development of the wraparound movement. State-level
success of this model. grantees and programs involved in the National Institute of
Wraparound is a systems model for organizational and Mental Health’s Child and Adolescent Services System Pro-
operational change (Miles & Franz, 2001). Although the em- gram (CASSP) utilized the wraparound process during the
phasis of this approach has traditionally been focused on late 1980s and early 1990s.

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626 PART 3 ■ Environment

In 1993 and 1994, the Substance Abuse and Mental the groundwork for understanding the model. The princi-
Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Comprehensive ples are defined at the client, family, and team levels in an
Community Mental Health Services for Children and Fami- effort to ground the organizational and system supports
lies awarded 22 grants to communities that proposed to use in the fundamental components. Table 44-1 defines those
the wraparound process to serve youths and their families. principles.
As of 2006, 121 communities have been funded (Macro
International, n.d.).

Foundations and Core Principles Description of Service Delivery

How and to whom wraparound services are delivered
How do you know if you are implementing the wraparound are described next. Given that wraparound services reflect
approach? Since its introduction as a human services prac- primarily a philosophy of care, the essence of how services
tice strategy, the concept and its application have evolved are delivered are presented.
and grown. Miles and Franz (2001) identified four basic
assumptions on which wraparound practice and structural
components are based: Population Served
1. Destructive behaviors are usually driven by unmet Although the use of wraparound principles are now being
needs. employed in a variety of service arenas and with a variety of
2. The biggest unmet need for many people with de- clients, the primary recipients of wraparound services have
structive behavior is loneliness. traditionally been youths with multidimensional, complex
3. Receiving a service does not necessarily mean your mental health/SED needs and their families. Programs gen-
needs are being met. erally serve children/youths from birth to age 18. Communi-
4. It is harder to institutionalize new ideas than to insti- ties served by wraparound programs engage youths and
tutionalize people. families from a multitude of diverse cultures, races, religions,
preferences, and socioeconomic groups. The provision of
Interventions based on wraparound principles and the de-
wraparound as a philosophy of care has no cultural bound-
gree to which they are applied can differ from one community
aries or limitations.
to another. When an individual’s social, physical, emotional,
Guidelines for recipient enrollment criteria are usually
or developmental needs are not being met, communities can
identified, in part, by the program’s funding source. For
reject, eject, or provide a mechanism to re-involve those indi-
those wraparound programs primarily serving youth with
viduals in a social atmosphere that generates access, support,
complex needs, examples of recipient enrollment are:
relationship building, and hope. The wraparound approach
embraces the latter. ■ A disability that has persisted for 6 months and can be
The structural/philosophical base of the wraparound expected to persist for 1 year or longer.
approach is fully explained in the Ten Principles of the Wrap- ■ A condition of severe emotional disturbance, as de-
around Process (Bruns, Walker, & The National Advisory fined in the American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic
for Wraparound Initiative Group, 2008), which provides and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV).

Table 44-1 ● Ten Principles of the Wraparound Process

Core Principles Definition
1. Family Voice and Choice Client and family perspectives are intentionally sought and prioritized. Planning is grounded in family members’ perspectives. The
team works toward providing options and choices. The plan reflects family values and preferences.
2. Team based The team is composed of individuals chosen by and committed to the family’s wellbeing.
3. Natural supports Active participation from the family’s network of interpersonal and community resources (e.g., neighbors, extended family, faith-based
relations) are sought and encouraged. These supports are sustainable after formal services have ended.
4. Collaboration The team works cooperatively and shares responsibility for developing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating the family’s plan.
5. Community-based Services and supports are provided in the most inclusive, most responsive, most accessible, and least restrictive setting possible.
6. Culturally competent The process must demonstrate respect for and build upon the values, preferences, beliefs, culture, and identity of the client/family
and their community.
7. Individualized

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