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29 APRIL 2019 / BOOKS

20 Best React.js Books You Have To Read

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ReactJS Books
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The Road to learn React takes you on the journey learning React the pragmatic way. You
build a real world application, consume a real API, write tests for your application,
implement exciting features such as caching and filtering, and deploy your application in
the end. Along the way, you will transition smoothly from JavaScript ES5 to JavaScript E
and beyond. Furthermore you will learn plenty of vanilla JavaScript things. Everything
without all the other complex tooling and libraries that surround React.

Here you will get best ReactJS books for building user interfaces.This is an up-to-date lis
of recommended books for learning React.

1.Pro React 16

Use the enormously popular React framework to build dynamic JavaScript applications t
take advantage of the capabilities of modern browsers and devices. You will learn how
React brings the power of strong architecture and responsive data to the client, providing
the foundation for complex and rich user interfaces.

Best-selling author Adam Freeman explains how to get the most from React. He begins
describing the React architecture and the benefits it offers and then shows you how to u
React and its associated tools and libraries in your projects, starting from the nuts and
bolts and building up to the most advanced and sophisticated features, going in-depth to
give you the knowledge you need.
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2.Learning React

A Hands-On Guide to Building Web Applications Using React and Redux (2nd Edition)

As far as new web frameworks and libraries go, React is quite the runaway success. It no
only deals with the most common problems developers face when building complex app
it throws in a few additional tricks that make building the visuals for such apps much, m

What React isn’t, though, is beginner-friendly and approachable. Until now. In Learning
React , author Kirupa Chinnathambi brings his fresh, clear, and very personable writing st
to help web developers new to React understand its fundamentals and how to use it to
build really performant (and awesome) apps.
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The only book on the market that helps you get your first React app up and running in jus
minutes, Learning React is chock-full of colorful illustrations to help you visualize difficu
concepts and practical step-by-step examples to show you how to apply what you learn.
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3.Building React.js Applications with Redux

Starting with the basics, Geary shows how to use Redux as a stand-alone state containe
how to use Redux with React, and then how to implement more advanced and powerful
Redux/React scenarios. Geary shows how React bindings for Redux enable you to separ
stateless presentation components from components that are connected to React. You'
learn how react-redux bindings can automatically connect to the Redux store, and how th
enforce good programming practice by separating concerns between containers and the
associated stateless components. Geary also illustrates advanced aspects of Redux
through a complex application example.
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4.React in Action

React in Action teaches you to think like a pro about user interfaces and building them w
React. This practical book gets you up and running quickly with hands-on examples in ev
chapter. You'll master core topics like rendering, lifecycle methods, JSX, data flow, forms
routing, integrating with third-party libraries, and testing. And the included application
design ideas will help make your apps pop. As you learn to integrate React into full-stack
applications, you'll explore state management with Redux and server-side rendering, and
even dabble in React Native for mobile UIs.
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5.Learning React: Functional Web Development with React and Redux

If you want to learn how to build efficient user interfaces with React, this is your book.
Authors Alex Banks and Eve Porcello show you how to create UIs with this small JavaSc
library that can deftly display data changes on large-scale, data-driven websites without
page reloads. Along the way, you’ll learn how to work with functional programming and t
latest ECMAScript features.

Developed by Facebook, and used by companies including Netflix, Walmart, and The New
York Times for large parts of their web interfaces, React is quickly growing in use. By
learning how to build React components with this hands-on guide, you’ll fully understand
how useful React can be in your organization.
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6.Fullstack React: The Complete Guide to ReactJS and Friends

What if you could master the entire framework in less time, with solid foundations, witho
beating your head against the wall? Imagine how quickly you can get all of your work do
with the right tools and best practices.

Seriously, let's stop wasting time scouring Google, searching through incorrect, out-of-da
blog posts and get everything you need to be productive in one, well-organized place,
complete with both simple and complex examples to get your app up and running.
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Take your business online.

You'll learn what you need to know to work professionally and build solid, well-tested,
Get an Indian domain name, professional email and modern website
optimized forapps withprice.
one low ReactJS. This book is your definitive guide.
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7.React Quickly: Painless web apps with React, JSX, Redux, and GraphQL

React Quickly is the tutorial for web developers who want to get started fast with React.j
Following carefully chosen and clearly explained examples, you'll learn React developme
using your existing JavaScript and web dev skills. You'll explore a host of different projec
as you learn about web components, forms, and data.
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8.Isomorphic JavaScript Web Development

Universal JavaScript with React and Node

This book begins by showing you how to develop frontend components in React. It will t
show you how to bind these components to back-end web services that leverage the pow
of Node. You'll see how web services can be used with React code to offload and mainta
the application logic. By the end of this book, you will be able to save a significant amou
of development time by learning to combine React and Node to code fast, scalable apps
pure JavaScript.
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9.React Design Patterns and Best Practices

Taking a complete journey through the most valuable design patterns in React, this book
demonstrates how to apply design patterns and best practices in real-life situations,
whether that's for new or already existing projects. It will help you to make your applicati
more flexible, perform better, and easier to maintain - giving your workflow a huge boost
when it comes to speed without reducing quality.
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10.React Cookbook

Create dynamic web apps with React using Redux, Webpack, Node.js, and GraphQL

Today's web demands efficient real-time applications and scalability. If you want to learn
build fast, efficient, and high-performing applications using React 16, this is the book for
you. We plunge directly into the heart of all the most important React concepts for you to
conquer. Along the way, you’ll learn how to work with the latest ECMAScript features.

You'll see the fundamentals of Redux and find out how to implement animations. Then,
you’ll learn how to create APIs with Node, Firebase, and GraphQL, and improve the
performance of our application with Webpack 4.x. You'll find recipes on implementing
server-side rendering, adding unit tests, and debugging. We also cover best practices to
deploy a React application to production. Finally, you’ll learn how to create native mobile
applications for iOS and Android using React Native.
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11. The Road to learn React

Your journey to master plain yet pragmatic React.js

The Road to learn React teaches you the fundamentals of React. You will build a real wo
application along the way in plain React without complicated tooling. Everything from
project setup to deployment on a server will be explained. The book comes with addition
referenced reading material and exercises with each chapter. After reading the book, you
will be able to build your own applications in React. The material is kept up to date by me
and the community.

In the Road to learn React, I want to offer a foundation before you start to dive into the
broader React ecosystem. It has less tooling and less external state management, but a
of information around React. It explains general concepts, patterns and best practices in
real world React application.
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12.React and React Native

Complete guide to web and native mobile development with React, 2nd Edition

This books takes you through using React 16 and React Native 0.5 to create powerful an
engaging desktop mobile and native applications for all platforms.
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You start by learning how to craft composable UIs using React, ranging from rendering w
JSX and creating reusable components to routing and creating isomorphic applications
that run on Node.js.

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13.Beginning React
React.js your frontend development workflow and enhance the user experience of
your applications with React

Projects like Angular and React are rapidly changing how development teams build and
deploy web applications to production. In this book, you’ll learn the basics you need to g
up and running with React and tackle real-world projects and challenges. It includes help
guidance on how to consider key user requirements within the development process, an
also shows you how to work with advanced concepts such as state management, data-
binding, routing, and the popular component markup that is JSX. As you complete the
included examples, you’ll find yourself well-equipped to move onto a real-world personal
professional frontend project.
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14.Building React.js Applications with Redux

Starting with the basics, Geary shows how to use Redux as a stand-alone state containe
how to use Redux with React, and then how to implement more advanced and powerful
Redux/React scenarios. Geary shows how React bindings for Redux enable you to separ
stateless presentation components from components that are connected to React. You'
learn how react-redux bindings can automatically connect to the Redux store, and how th
enforce good programming practice by separating concerns between containers and the
associated stateless components. Geary also illustrates advanced aspects of Redux
through a complex application example.
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15.Full-Stack React Projects

Modern web development using React 16, Node, Express, and MongoDB

This book guides you through preparing the development environment for MERN stack-
based web development, to creating a basic skeleton application and extending it to buil
four different web applications. These applications include a social media, an online
marketplace, a media streaming, and a web-based game application with virtual reality
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16.Learning React Native

Building Native Mobile Apps with JavaScript

Get a practical introduction to React Native, the JavaScript framework for writing and
deploying fully featured mobile apps that render natively. The second edition of this hand
on guide shows you how to build applications that target iOS, Android, and other mobile
platforms instead of browsers—apps that can access platform features such as the
camera, user location, and local storage.

Through code examples and step-by-step instructions, web developers and frontend
engineers familiar with React will learn how to build and style interfaces, use mobile
components, and debug and deploy apps. You’ll learn how to extend React Native using
third-party libraries or your own Java and Objective-C libraries.
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17.React Design Patterns and Best Practices

Design, build and deploy production-ready web applications using standard industry
practices, 2nd Edition Paperback – March 30, 2019

By the end of this book, you will be equipped with the skills you need to tackle any
developmental setbacks when working with React. You'll be able to make your applicatio
more flexible, efficient, and easy to maintain, thereby giving your workflow a boost when
comes to speed, without reducing quality.
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18.React Native Cookbook

Bringing the Web to Native Platforms

Tackling an app development project on multiple platforms is usually an arduous task, b

with React Native, you can build cross-platform mobile apps that look and behave just lik
native apps built with Swift or Java. If you’re familiar with JavaScript, the recipes in this
cookbook will help you understand the React Native ecosystem, deal with design and
React.js Examples
hardware issues, take on the deployment process, and write maintainable code.

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19.Serverless Web Applications with React and Firebase

Develop real-time applications for web and mobile platforms Paperback – May 9,
This book
React.js will cover the essentials of Firebase and React.js and will take you on a fast-
paced journey through building real-time applications with Firebase features such as Clo
Storage, Cloud Function, Hosting and the Realtime Database. We will learn how to secur
our application by using Firebase authentication and database security rules. We will
leverage the power of Redux to organize data in the front-end, since Redux attempts to
make state mutations predictable by imposing certain restrictions on how and when
updates can happen. Towards the end of the book you will have improved your React ski
by realizing the potential of Firebase to create real-time serverless web applications.

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20.React: Quickstart Step-By-Step Guide To Learning React Javascript Library

This book is based on 17 chapters well managed and it will helps you to become a Reac
expert in less than 7 days.

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React.js Examples

Reactjs is getting so popular that a lot of resources have started popping up online.

1.Reactjs official getting started documentation

You can't skip this one. Thorough, well-maintained, and extra-relevant.

2.Learn ReactJS

ReactJS presents graceful solutions to some of front-end programming’s most persisten

issues. It’s fast, scalable, flexible, powerful, and has a robust developer community that’s
rapidly growing. There’s never been a better time to learn React.

3.React JS Examples

A massive yet super rich collection of examples, resources, etc.


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— React.js Examples —


15 MAY 2018

A epub-reader for React powered by ePubJS

An ePub-reader for react powered by EpubJS.


Take your business online in less than 10

Get an Indian domain name, professional email and modern
website for one low price. Shop No

11 MAY 2018

A book about common design patterns used

while developing with React
A free book that talks about design patterns/techniques used
while developing with React.

01 JANUARY 2018

Get started with React, React Router and mor

with this hands-on guide
Get started with React, React Router, Jest, Webpack, ES6 and
more with this hands-on guide.
React.js Examples
See all 9 posts →

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30 APRIL 2019

A circular progressbar component built with

A circular progressbar component, built with SVG and extensively


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29 APRIL 2019

React JSON Viewer in beautiful tabular forma

React JSON Viewer Component. View JSON in beautiful tabular forma



React Individual Character Input B



Excel-like DataGrid component fo

r React JS

React.js ExamplesA simple and volatile to-do list ap
plication built with React and Hoo

3D Cover Flow in React with hove

r-tilt effect


A simple and small translation lib

rary for React / React Native



Miscellaneous 143

UI 120

Reactjs 113

Chart 88

Images 73

Calendar 65

Animation 64

React Native 59

Scroll 59

Form 57
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