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Unit - 7
Proporties of
Liquid a Solid


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Surface tension of a liquid is measured by the force
acting per unit length on either side of an imaginary line
drawn on the free surface of liquid, the direction of this
force being perpendicular to the line and tangential to
the free surface of liquid. So if F is the force acting on
one side of imaginary line of length l. then T = Fl.

1. It depends only on the nature of liquid and is independent of the area of surface or length of line
2. It is a scalar as it has a unique direction which is not to be specified.
3. Dimension M1 L0 T 2

4. Unit : SI 
5. It is a molecular phenomenon and its root cause is the electromagnetic forces.

Force Due to Surface Tension

If a body of weight W is placed on the liquid surface, whose surface tension is T, and if F is the
minimum force required to pull it away from the water then value of F for different bodies can be
calculated by the following table.
Body Force
1. Needle (length l) F  2 T  w

2. Hollow disc (inner radius r1 Outer radius r2) F  2 r1  r2  T  w

3. Thin ring (radius r) F  4 rT  w
4. Circular plate (or disc) (radius r) F  2 rT  w
5. Square frame (side l) F  8T  w
6. Square plate F  4T  w
Examples of Surface Tension :
1. When mercury is split on a clean glass plate, it forms
globules. Tiny globules are spherical on the account of
surface tension because force of gravity is negligible. The
bigger globules because force of gravity is negiligible. The
bigger globules get plattened from the middle but have
round shape near the edges.


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2. When a molten metal is poured into water from a

suitable height, the falling stream of metal breaks up
and the detached portion of the liquid in small quantity
acquire the spherical shape.

3. Rain drops are spherical in shape because each drop tends to acquire minimum surface area due to
surface tension, and for a given volume, the surface area of sphere is minimum.
4. Oil drop spreads on cold water. Whereas it may remain as a drop on hot water. This is due to the
fact that the surface tension of oil is less than that of cold water and is more than that of hot water.
5. If a small irregular piece of camphor is floated on the surface of pure water, it does not remain steady
but dances about on the surface. This is because, irregular shaped camphor dissolves unequally and
decreases the surface tension of the water locally. The unbalanced forces make it to move haphazardly
in different directions.
6. Take a frame of wire and dip it in soap solution
and take it out, a soap film will be formed in the
frame. Place a loop of wet thread gently on the
film. It will remain in the form, we place it on the
film according to figure.
Now, piercing the film with a pin at any point
inside the loop, It immediately takes the circular
from as shown in figure.
7. When a greased iron needle is placed genetly on the surface of
water at rest, so that it does not prick the water surface, the needle
floats on the surface of water despite it being heavier because the
weight of needle is balanced by the vertical components of the forces
of surface tension. If the water surface is pricked by one end of the
needle, the needle sinks down.
8. Hair of shaving brush / painting brush when dipped in
water spread out, but as soon as it is taken out, its hair
stick together.

Factors affecting surface tension

1. Temperature :
The surface tension of liquid decreases with rise of temperature. The surface tension of liquid is zero
at its boiling point and it vanishes at critical temperature. At critical temperature, intermolecular
forces for liquid and gases becomes equal and liquid can expand without any restriction. For small
temperature differences, the variation in surface tenstion with temperature is linear and is given by
the relation.


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Tt  T0  1  t 
Where Tt and TO are the surface tensions at tOc and 0OC respectively and  is the temperature
coefficient of surface tension.
Examples :
(i) Hot soup tastes better than the cold soup.
(ii) Machinery parts get jammed in winter.
2. Impurities :
The presence of impurities either on the liquid surface or dissolved in it, considerably affect the
surface tension, depending upon the degree of contamination. A highly soluble substance like sodium
chloride when dissolved in water, increases the surface tension of water. But the sparingly soluble
substances like phenol when dissolved in water, decreases the surface tension of water.
Applications of Surface Tension
1. The oil and grease spots on cloths cannot be removed be pure water. On the other hand, when
detergents (like soap) are added in water, the surface tension of water decreases. As a result of this,
wetting power of soap solution increases. Also the force of adhesion between soap solution and oil
or grease on the clothes increases. Thus, Oil, grease and dirt particles get mixed with soap solution
easily. Hence, clothes are washed easily.
2. Surface tension of all lubricating oils and paints is kept low so that they spread over a large area.
3. A rough sea can be calmed by pouring oil on its surface.
4. In soldering, addition of 'flux' reduces the surface tension of molten tin, hence, it spreads.
Molecular Theory of Surface Tension
The maximum distance upto which the force of attraction between

two molecules is appriciable is called molecular range  109 m . 
A sphere with a molecule as centre and radius equal to molecular
range is called the sphere of influence. The liquid enclosed between
free surface (PQ) of the liquid and an imaginary plane (RS) at a
distance r (equal to molecular range) from the free surface of the
liquid form a liquid film.
To understand the concept of tension acting on the free surface of a liquid, let us consider four liquid
molecules like A, B, C and D. Their sphere of influence are shown in the figure.
1. Molecule A is well within the liquid, so it is attracted equally in all directions. Hence the net force on
this molecule is zero and it moves freely inside the liquid.
2 Molecule B is little below the free surface of the liquid and it is also attracted equally in all directions.
Hence the resultant force acting on it is also zero.
3. Molecule C is just below the upper surface of the liquid film and the part of its sphere of influence is
outside the free liquid surface. So the number of molecules in the upper half (attracting the molecules
upward) is less than the number of molecule in the lower half (attracting the molecule downward).
Thus the molecule C experiences a net downward force.
4. Molecule D is just on the free surface of the liquid. The upper half of the sphere of influence has no
liquid molecule. Hence the molecule D experiences a maximum downward force.


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Thus all molecules lying on surface film experiences a net downward force. Therefore, free surface
of the liquid behaves like a stretched membrane.
Surface Energy :
The potential energy of surface molecules per unit area of the surface is called surface energy.
Unit : Dimension : ML2
Suppose that the sliding wire LM is moved through a
small distance x, so as to take me position . L M  . In
this process, area of the film increases by 2  x (on
the two sides) and to do so, the work done is given by,
W  fx  T  2  x  T  2x   T  A

T 
i.e. Surface tension may be defined as the amount of work done in increasing the area of the liquid
surface by unity against the force of surface tension at constant temperature.
Work done in Blowing a liquid drop or soap-bubble
1. If the intial radius of liquid drop is r1 and the final radius of liquid drop is r2 then,
W  T  increment in Area

 T  4 r22  r12 
2. In case of soap-bubble,
 
W  T  8  r22  r12 (Bubble has two free surfaces)
Splitting of Bigger Drop :
When a drop of radius R splits into n smaller drops, (each of radius r) then surface area of liquid
increases. Hence the work is to be done against surface tension.
Since the volume of liquid remains constant therefore
4 4
R 3  n  r 3  R 3  nr 3
3 3

Work done  T  A  T  4nr 2  4R 2 
Formation of Bigger drop :
Amount of surface energy released = Initial surface
energy - final surface energy
 
E  4 r 2 T n  4R 2T
Excess Pressure :
Due to the property of surface tension a drop or bubble tends to contract and so compresses the
matter enclosed. This in turn increases the internal pressure which prevents further contraction and


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equilibrium is achieved. So in equilibrium the pressure inside a bubble or drop is greater than outside
and the difference of pressure between two sides of the liquid surface is called excess pressure.
Excess pressure in different cases is given in the following table :
Plane surface Concave surface

P = 0 P =

Convex surface Drop

2T 2T
P = P =

Bubble in air Bubble in liquid

4T 2T
P = P =

Cylindrical liquid surface Liquid film of unequal radii

I  1 1 
P  P  2T   
R  R1 R 2 
Shape of liquid meniscus :
When a capillary tube is dipped in a liquid, the liquid surface becomes curved near the point of
contact. This curved surface is due to the resultant of two force i.e. the force of cohesion and the
force of adhesion. The curved surface of the liquid is called meniscus of the liquid.
If liquid molecule A is in the contact with solid. (i.e. wall of capillary tube) then forces acting on
molecule A are
(i) Force of adhesion Fa
(ii) Force of cohesion FC
(iii) Resultant force FN makes an angle  with Fa.

FC sin 135o FC
tan   
Fa  FC cos 135o 2 Fa  FC
Example :
Pure water in silver coated capillary tube.


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Angle of contact :
Angle of contact between a liquid and a solid is defined as the angle enclosed between the tangents
to the liquid surface and the solid surface inside the liquid, both the tangents being drawn at the point
of contact of the liquid with the solid.
Capillarity :
If a tube of very narrow bore is dipped in a liquid, it is found that the liquid in the capillary either
ascends or descends relative to the surrounding liquid. This phenomenon is called capillarity.
The root cause of capillarity is the difference in pressure on two sides of (concave and convex)
curved surface of liquid.
Examples :
(i) Ink rises in the fine pores of bloting paper leaving the paper dry.
(ii) A towel soaks water.
(iii) Oil rises in the long narrow spaces between the threads of wick.

Ascent Formula :
2T rhρg Rhρg
hρg   T  
R 2cosθ 2

Useful Facts and Formulae :

(1) Formation of double bubble :
r1 r2
Radius of the interface r  r  r ...1
2 1

1 1 
and P  4T    ...2
 r1 r2 
(2) Formation of a single bubble
Under isothermal condition two soap bubble of radii "a"
and "b" coalesce to from a single bubble of radius C.
4T 4T 4T
Now Pa  P0  , Pb  P0  , PC  P0 
a b C
4 3
Va  a
Now as mass is conserved,
4 3
Vc  c a   b   c

4 3 Pa Va P V PV
Vc  c  b b  c c
3 RTa RTb RTc


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Temp is constant,
 Ta  Tb  Tc

 4T   4 3   4T   4T   4 3 
  P0    a    P0     P0    c 
 a 3   b   C  3 


P0 c 3  a 3  b 3 

4 a 2  b2  c 2 
Hooke's Law and Modulus of Elasticity :
According to this Law, within the elastic limit, stress is proportional to the strain.
i.e. stress  strain
 = E = constant
The constant E is called the modulus of elasticity.
There are three modulii of elasticity namely (i) Young's
modulus (y), (ii) Bulk modulus (B), and modulus of rigidity
(), responding to three types of the strain.

(1) Young's modulus (Y)

It is defined as the ratio of normal stress to longitudinal strain within limit of proportionality
Normal stress FL
Y  A  Y 
longitudin al strain  A  r 2
Force constant of wire,
K 
 L
Bulk Modulus :
When a solid or fluid (liquid or gas) is subjected to a uniform pressure all over the surface, such that
the shape remains the same, then there is a change in volume.
Then the ratio of normal stress to the volumetric strain within the elastic limits is called as Bulk
modulus. This is denoted by K.
Normal stress
Volumetric strain

 pV
 A 
 v v


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Modulus of Rigidity :
Within limits of proportionality, the ratio of tangential stress to the shearing strain is called modulus of
rigidity of the material of the body and is denoted by  ,
Tangential stress
 
Shearing strain
In this case the shape of a body changes but its volume remains unchanged.

  A 
 A
Pascal's Law :
It states that if gravity effect is neglected, the pressure at every point of liquid in equilibrium of rest is
Working of hydraulic lift, hydraulic press and hydroulic breaks :
It is used to lift the heavy loads. If a small force f is
applied on pistion of C then the pressure exerted on
the liquid
[a = Area of cross section of the pistion in C]
This pressure is transmitted equally to piston of cylinder D.
f A
F  PA  Af   As A >> a, F << f
a 
Thermal Expansion :
When matter is heated without any change in its state it usually expands. According to atomic theory
of matter, a symmetry in potential energy curve is responsible for thermal expansion. As energy of
atoms increases, hence the average distance between the atoms increases. So the matter as a whole
(1) Thermal expansion is minimum in case of solids but maximum in case of gases because intermolecular
force is maximum in solids but minimum in gases.
(2) Solids can expand in one dimension (linear expansion) two dimensions (superficial expansion) and
three dimensions (volume expansion) While liquids and gases usually suffer change in volume only.
Heat :
(1) The form of energy which is exchanged among various bodies or system on account of temperature
difference is defined as heat.
(2) We can change the temperature of a body by giving heat (temperature rises) or by removing heat
(temperature falls) from body.
(3) Heat is a scalar quantity. It's units are joule, erg, cal, kcal etc.
(4) 1 kcal = 1000 cal = 4186 J and 1 cal = 4.18 J


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Specific Heat :
(1) The amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of unit mass of a body through (or K)
is called specific heat of the material of the body.

If Q heat changes the temperature of mass m by   then specific heat C 
 2
Unit L T 2 1

(2) Molar specific Heat :
Molar specific heat of a substance is defined as the amount of heat required to raise the temperature
of one gram mole of the substance through a unit degree, it is represented by C
MQ M Q 1 Q
C   
M m   
Unit : M1 L2 T 2  1
(3) Latent Heat :
The amount of heat required to change the state of the mass m of the substance while its temperature
remaining constant is written as : Q = mL, where L is the latent heat Latent heat is also called as
cal J
Heat of Transformation, It's unit is or and dimension : L2 T 2
gm kg
Elastic behaviour :
The propertory of matter by virture of which a body
tends to regain its original shape and size after the removal of
deforming force is called elasticity.
In solids, atoms and molecules are arranged in such a
way that each molecule is acted upon by the forces due to
heighbouring molecules. These forces are known as
intermolecular forces.
For simplicity, the two molecules in their equilibrium positions (at inter-molecular distance
r = r0) are shown by connecting them with a spring.
In fact, the spring connecting the two molecules represents the inter-molecular force between
them on applying the deforming forces, the molecules either come closer or go far apart from each
other and restoring forces are developed. When the deforming force is removed, these restoring
forces bring the molecules of the solid to their respective equilibrium position (r = r0) and hence the
body regains its original form.
Thermal Capacity :
It is defined as the amount of heat required to raise the remperature of the whole body (mass m)
through 10C or 1K.
Thermal capacity  mc  c 
The value of thermal capacity of a body depends upon the nature of the body and its mass.

Cal J
Dimensions M1 L2 T 2  1 Units : o
C k


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Principle of Calorimetry :
Calorimetry means 'measuring heat'.
When two bodies (one being solid and other liquid or both being liquid) at different temperatures are
mixed, heat will be transfered from body at higher temperature to a body at lowe temperature till
both acquire same temeprature. The body at higher temperature releases heat while body at lower
temeprature absorbs it, so that
Heat lost = Heat gained
i.e., Principle of calorimetry represents the law of conservation of heat energy.
Thermometry :
A branch of science which deals with the measurement of temperature of a substance is known as
Phase change :
We use the term phase to describe a specific state of matter, such as solid, liquid or gas. A
transtion from one phase to another is called a phase change.
For any given pressure a phase change takes place at a definite temperature, usually
accompanied by absorption or emission of heat and a change of volume and density.
In phase change 10ce at 00C melts into water at 00C. Water at 1000C boils to form steam at
Streamline flow :
Stream line flow of a liquid is that flow in which each element of the liquid passing through a
point travels along the same path and with the same velocity as the preceding element passes through
that point.
A streamline may be defined as the path, straight or
curved, the tangent to which at any point gives the direction
of the flow of liquid at that point.
The two streamlines cannot cross each other and
the greater is the crowding of streamlines at a place, the
greater is the velocity of liquid particles at that place.
Laminar Flow :
If a liquid is flowing over a horizontal surface with a steady flow and moves in the form of
layers of different velocities which do not mix with each other, then the flow of liquid is called laminar
In this flow, the velocity of liquid flow is always less than the critical velocity of the liquid. The
laminar flow is generally used synonymously with streamlined flow.
Turbulent flow :
When a liquid, moves with a velocity greater than
its critical velocity, the motion of the particles of liquid
become disordered or irregular. Such a flow is called a
turbulent flow.
In a turbulent flow, the path and the velocity of the particles of the liquid change continuously
and haphazardly with time from point to point. In a turbulent flow, most of the external energy


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maintaining the flow is spent in producint eddies in the liquid and only a small fraction of energy is
available for forward flow.
Critical velocity :
The critical velocity is that velocity of liquid flow upto which its flow is streamlined and above
which its flow becomes turbulent.
Reynold's number :
Reynold's number is a pure number whichdetermines the nature of flow of liquid through a
Inprtial force per unit area
NR 
Viscous force per unit area
Now  AV  3
d V  dm 
 
dt  dt   V AV  V 2
Inertial force per unit area  
F nv Vr
Viscous force per unit area    NR 
A r 
If 0  N R  2000, If 2000  N R  3000 If N R  3000
laminar or stream line Unstable flow definitely turbulent flow
Equation of continuity :
The equation of continuity is derived from the
principle of conservation of mass.
A non-viscous liquid in streamline flow passes
through a tube AB of varying cross section. Let the cross
sectional area of the pipe at points A and B be a1 and a2
Mass of the liquid entering per second at A = Mass
of the liquid leaving per second at B.
a1 v1 1  a 2 v 2 2  a1 v1  a 2 v 2
If the liquid is incompressible
 av = constant
which is the equation of continuity.


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For the answer of the following questions choose the correct alternative from among
the given ones.
1. Two wires are made of the same material and have the same volume. However, wire 1 has cross-
sectional area A and wire 2 has cross-sectional Area 3A. If the length of wire 1 increases by on
appling force F. How much force is needed to stretch wire 2 by same amount.
(A) F (B) 4F (C) 6F (D) 9F
2. The increases in length in l of a wire of length L by longitudinal stress. Then the stress is propotional
(A) (B) L (C)  (D) 2  L

3. The dimensions of four wires of the same material are given below, in which wire the increase in
length will be maximum when the same strain is applied.
(A) Length 100 cm, Diameter 1 mm (B) Length 200 cm, Diameter 2 mm
(C) Length 300 cm, Diameter 3 mm (D) Length 50 cm, Diameter 0.5 mm
4. The young's modulus of a wire of length L and radius r is Y . If the length and radius are
L r
reduced to and . Then what will be its young's modulus ?
2 2
(A) (B) Y (C) 2Y (D) 4Y
5. A beam of metal supported at the two ends is loaded at the centre. The depression at the centre is
propotional to..............
1 1
(A) Y2 (B) Y (C) (D)
Y Y2
6. A wire is loaded by 6 kg at its one end, the increase in length is 12 mm. If the radius of the wire is
doubled and all other magnitudes are unchanged, then increase in length will be.............
(A) 6 mm (B) 3 mm (C) 24 mm (D) 48 mm
7. On increasing the length by 0.5 mm in a steel wire of length 2 m and area of cross-section 2 mm2 the
force required is................
11 N
[Y for steel  2.2  10 ]
(A) 1.1  105 N (B) 1.1  10 4 N (C) 1.1  103 N (D) 1.1  10 2 N
8. A stress of 3.18  108 Nm 2 is applied to steel rod of length 1 m along its length. Its young's
11 N
modulus is 2  10 . Then what is the elongation produced in the rod in mm ?
(A) 3.18 (B) 6.36 (C) 5.18 (D) 1.59


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 KP 
9. Two springs P & Q of force constant KP & KQ  KQ   are stretched by applying force equal
 2 
magnitude. If the energy stored in Q is E. Then what is the energy stored in P ?
(A) E (B) 2E (C) (D)
2 4
10. A force F is needed to break a copper wire having radius R, The force needed to break a copper
wire of radius 2R will be........
(A) (B) 2F (C) 4F (D)
2 4
11. A rubber cord 10m long is suspended vertically. How much does it stretch under its own weight.
kg N m
( Density of rubber is 1500 3
, Y  5  108 2 , g  10 2 )
m m s
(A) 15  10 4 m (B) 7.5  104 m (C) 12  10 4 m (D) 25  10 4 m
12. The young's modulus of the material of a wire is equal to the ...........
(A) stress required to increase its length four times
(B) strtess required to prdouce unit strain
(C) strain produced in it (D) stress acting on it
13. If x, longitudinal strain is produced in a wire of young's modulus y then energy stroed in the material
of the wire per unit volume is..........
1 2 1
(A) yx2 (B) 2yx2 (C) y x (D) yx 2
2 2
14. A steel wire of cross-sectional area 3  10 6 m 2 can with stand a maximum strain of 10-3 Young's

11 N  m
modulus of steel is 2  10 .
2 The maximum mass the wire can hold is.............
 g  10 2 
m  s 
(A) 40 kg (B) 60 kg (C) 80 kg (D) 100 kg
kg N
15. The young's modulus of a rubber string 8 cm long and density 1.5 3 is
5  108 2 . What will
m m
be the length increase due to its own weight ?
(A) 9.6  105 m (B) 9.6  10 11 m
(C) 9.6  103 m (D) 9.6 m
16. A and B are two wires. The radius of A is twice that of B. They are stretched by the same load. Then
what is the stress on B ?
(A) Equal to that on A (B) Four times that on A
(C) Two times that on A (D) Half that on A
17. If the length of wire is reduced to half then it can hold the .............load.
(A) Half (B) Same (C) Double (D) One fourth


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18. There are two wires of same material and same length. While the diameter of second wire is 2 times,
the diameter of first wire. Then what will be the ratio of extension produced in the wire by applying
same load ?
(A) 1:1 (B) 2:1 (C) 1:2 (D) 4:1
19. When the length of a wire having cross-section area 10 6 m 2 is stretched by 0.1% then tension in
it is 100 N. Young's modulus of material of wire is...........
(A) 1012 (B) 10 2 (C) 1010 (D) 1011
m2 m2 m2 m2
20. Two wires of equal lengths are made of the same material wire A has a diameter that is twice as that
of wire B. If identical weights are suspended from the ends of these wires the increase in length
(A) Four times for wire A as for wire B. (B) Twice for wire A as for wire B.
(C) Half for wire A as for wire B. (D) One-fourth for wire A as for wire B.
21. Steel and copper wires of same length are stretched by the same weight one after the other. Young's
modulus of steel the ratio increase in length ?
2 3 5 5
(A) (B) (C) (D)
5 5 4 2
22. An area of a cross-section of rubber string is 2 cm3. Its length is doubled when stretched with a
linear force of 2  105 dynes. What will be young's modulus of the rubber in dynes ?

(A) 4  105 (B) 1  105 (C) 2  105 (D) 1  10 4

23. A substance breaks down by a stress of If the density of the material of the wire is then the length of
wire of the substance which will break under its own weight when suspended vertically is.............
(A) 66.6 m (B) 60.0 m (C) 33.3 m (D) 30.0 m
24. The temperature of a wire of length 1 meter and area of cross-sectional section 1 cm2 is increased
from to If the rod is not allowed to increase in length. What will be the force required ?
 5 o 11 N 
   10 / C, Y  10 
 m2 
(A) 103 N (B) 104 N (C) 105 N (D) 109 N
25. If longitudinal strain for a wire is 0.03 and its poisson's ratio is 0.5, then what is its lateral strain ?
(A) 0.003 (B) 0.0075 (C) 0.015 (D) 0.4

9 N
26. An aluminium rod (Young's modulus  7  10 ) has a breaking strain of 0.2 % what is the
minimum cross-sectional area of the rod in order to support a load of 104 Newtons ?
(A) 1  10 2 m 2 (B) 1.4  10 3 m 2

(C) 3.5  10 3 m 2 (D) 7.1  10 4 m 2


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27. Two wires of copper having the length in the ratio 4 : 1 and their are as 1 : 4 are stretched by the
same force. What will be the ratio of longitudinal strain in the two wires ?
(A) 1 : 16 (B) 16 : 1 (C) 1 : 64 (D) 64 : 1
28. A wire elongates by 1 mm when a load W is hanged from it. If the wire goes ever a pulley and two
weight W each are hang at the two ends. What will be the elongation of the wire ? (in mm)

(A) 2 (B) zero (C) (D) 
29. 200 kg weight hanged at a free edge of vertical wire of length 600.5 cm when removed the weight,
length reduced by 0.5 cm and it gets original status then what is the young moduluse of wire ?
(A) 2.35  1012 N/m2 (B) 1.35  1010 N/m2
(C) 13.5  1011 N/m2 (D) 23.5  109 N/m2
30. The ratio of diameter of two wires of same material is n : 1 the length of wires are 4 m each. On
applying the same load. What will be the increase in length of their wire ?
(A) n2 times (B) n times (C) 2n times (D) None of the above
N  4 N 
31. Longitudinal stress of 1 2 is applied on a wire what is the % increase in length ?
 Y  10 
mm  m2 
(A) 0.002 (B) 0.001 (C) 0.003 (D) 0.01
32. A steel wire is stretched with a definate load of If the young's modulus of the wire is Y. For decreasing
the value of Y............
(A) Radius is to be decreased (B) Radius is to be increased
(C) Length is to be increased (D) None of the above
 11 N 
33. The area of cross-section of a steel wire is  Y  2  10  is 0.1 cm2, what will be the force
 m2 
required to double its length ?
(A) 2  1012 N (B) 2  1011 N (C) 2  1010 N (D) 2  106 N
34. Two wires A & B are of same materials. Their lengths in the ratio 1 : 2 and diameters are in the ratio
2 : 1 when stretched by force FA and FB respectively, they get equal increase in lengths Then the
ratio should be...........
(A) 1:2 (B) 1:1 (C) 2:1 (D) 8:1
35. The mean distance between the atoms of iron is 3  10 10 and interatomic force constant for iron is
7 . What is the young's modulus of elasticity for iron ?
(A) 2.33  10 5 (B) 23.3  1010
m2 m2
(C) 233  1010 (D) 2.33  1010
m2 m2

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36. A force of 200 N is applied at one end of a wire of length 2 m and having area of cross-section
10 2 cm 2 , the other end of the wire is rigidly fixed. If of linear expansion of the wire
11 N
  8  10 6 / o C and young's modulus Y  2.2  10 and its temperature is increased by
50C then the increase in the tension of the wire will be..........
(A) 4.2 N (B) 4.4 N (C) 2.4 N (D) 8.8 N
37. A uniform plank of young's modulus Y is moved over a smooth horizontal surface by a constant
horizontal force F, The area of cross-section of the plank is A. What is the compressive strain on its
plank in the direction by the force ?

F 2F 1  F  3F
(A) (B) (C)   (D)
AY AY 2  AY  AY

38. The length of a wire is 1.0 m and the area of cross-section is 1.0  10 2 cm 2 . If the work done for
increase in length by 0.2 cm is 0.4 joule. Then what is the young's modulus ? Of material of the wire
(A) 2.0  1010 (B) 4.0  1010
m2 m2

(C) 2.0  1011 (D) 4.0  1011
m2 m2
39. A rubber cord catapult has cross-sectional area 25 mm2 and initial length of cord is 10 cm. It is
stretched to 5 cm and then released to project a missile of mass 5 gm. Taking
Yrubber  5  108 velocity of projected missile is............

m m m m
(A) 20 (B) 100 (C) 250 (D) 200
s s 1 s 1 s 1
40. A wire of cross-section 4 mm2 is stretched by 0.1 mm by a certain weight. How far (length) will be
wire of same material and length but of area 8 mm2 stretched under the action of same force.
(A) 0.05 mm (B) 0.10 mm (C) 0.15 mm (D) 0.20 mm
41. According to Hooke's law of elasticity stress is increased the ratio of stress toi strain.........
(A) increases (B) Decreases
(C) becomes zero (D) Remains constant

4 N
42. Young's modulus of rubber is 10 and area of cross section is 2 cm2 if force of 2  105 dyne is
applied along its length then its initial length L becomes .............
(A) 3L (B) 4L
(C) 2L (D) None of the above


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43. A copper wire of length 4 m and area of cross-section 1.2 cm2 is stretched with a force of 4.8  103 N.

11 N
If young's modulus for copper is 1.2  10 What will be the length increase of the wire ?
(A) 1.33 mm (B) 1.33 cm (C) 2.66 mm (D) 2.66 cm

10 N
44. If the interatomic spacing in a steel wire is 3A o & YSteel  20  10 . the force constant =
(A) 6  10 2 (B) 6  10
(C) 6  10 5 (D) 6  10 5
45. A wire of length 2 m is made from 10cm3 of copper. A force F is applied so that its length increases
by 2mm. Another wire of length 8 m is made from the same volume of copper. If the force F is
applied to it, its length will increase by............
(A) 0.8 cm (B) 1.6 cm (C) 2.4 cm (D) 3.2 cm
46. A wire of length L and radius r is rigidly fixed at one end on stretching the other end of the wire a
force F the increase in its lengths is L. If another wire of same material but of length 2L and radius 2r
is stretched with a force of 2F, the increase in its length will be ..........
 
(A)  (B) 2 (C) (D)
2 4

11 N
47. In steel the young's modulus and the strain at the breaking point are 2  10 and 0.15
respectively the stress at the breaking point for steel is therefore ...........
(A) 1.33  1011 (B) 1.33  1012
m2 m2

(C) 7.5  10 13 (D) 3  1010
m2 m2
48. Which of the following statement is correct
(A) Hooke's law is applicable only within elastic limit.
(B) The adiabatic and isothermal elastic constants of a gas area equal.
(C) Young's modulus is dimensionsless.
(D) Stress multiplied by strain is equal to stored energy.
49. The force required to stretch a steel wire of 1 cm 2 cross-section to 1.1 times its length would be

 11 N 
 Y  2  10 
 m2 

(A) 2  10 6 N (B) 2  103 N (C) 2  10 6 N (D) 2  10 7 N


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50. Which one of the following quantities does not have unit of force per unit area..........
(A) stress (B) strain
(C) Young's modulus of elasticity (D) pressure
51. A copper wire and a steel wire of same diameter and length are connected end to end a force is
applied, which stretches their combined length by 1 cm, the two wires will have.......
(A) different stresses and strains (B) the same stress and strain
(C) the same strain but different stresses (D) the same stress but different strains
52. A steel ring of radius r and cross-section area 'A' is fitted on to a wooden disc of radius R(R > r )
If young's modulus be E then what is force with which the steel ring is expanded ?

R R r E  R r  Er
(A) AE (B) AE   (C)   (D)
r  r  A  R  AR
53. A wire of diameter 1 mm breaks under a tension of 100 N. Another wire of same material as that of
the first one, but of diameter 2 mm breaks under a tension of.........
(A) 500 N (B) 1000 N (C) 10,000 N (D) 4000 N
54. A fixed volume of iron is drawn into a wire of length L. The extension x produced in this wire be a
constant force F is propotional to..........
1 1
(A) 2 (B) (C) L2 (D) L
8 N
55. On applying a stress of 20  10 the length of a perfect elastic wire is doubled. What will be its
Young's modulus ?
(A) 40  108 (B) 20  108
m2 m2

(C) 10  108 (D) 5  108
m2 m2
56. To keep constant time, watches are fitted with balance wheel made of........
(A) invar (B) stainless steel (C) Tungsten (D) platinum
57. A wire is stretched by 0.01 m by a certain force F. Another wire of same material whose diameter
and length are double to the original wire is stretched by the same force ? Then what will be its
elongation ?
(A) 0.005 m (B) 0.01 m (C) 0.02 m (D) 0.002 m
58. The Coefficient of linear expansion of brass & steel are 1 &  2 If we take a brass rod of length 1
& steel rod of length  2 at 0 o C , their difference in length  2  1  will remain the same at a
temperature if.................
(A) 1  2   2  1 (B)  2 1   2  1
(C)  22  1   22  2 (D) 1  1   2  2


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59. A rod is fixed between two points at 20 o C The Coefficient of linear expansion of material of rad is
11 N
1.1  10 5 / o C and Young's modulus is 1.2  10 . Find the stress developed in the rod if
temperature of rod becomes 10 oC .

(A) 1.32  10 7 (B) 1.10  10
2 (C)
1.32  108 2 (D) 1.10  10 6 2
m2 m m m
60. How much force is required to produce an increase of 0.2% in the length of a bross wire of diameter
11 N
0.6 mm (Young's modulus for brass  0.9  10 ).

(A) Nearly 17 N (B) Nearly 34 N (C) Nearly 51 N (D) Nearly 68 N

 10 N 
61. A 5m long aluminium wire  Y  7  10  of diameter 3mm supports a 40 kg mass. In order
 m2 
10 N
to have the same elongation in a copper wire Y  12  10 of the same length under the same
weight, the diameter should now be in mm............
(A) 1.75 (B) 1.5 (C) 2.5 (D) 5.0
62. Two similar wires under the same load yield elongation of 0.1 mm and 0.05 mm respectively. If the
area of Cross - section of the first wire is 4mm2. Then what is the area of cross - section of the
second wire ?
(A) 6 mm 2 (B) 8 mm 2 (C) 10 mm 2 (D) 12 mm 2

63. An iron rod of length 2m and cross-section area of 50 mm 2 stretched by 0.5 mm, when a mass of
250 kg is hung from its lower end. What is young's modulus of the iron rod ?
(A) 19.6  1010 (B) 19.6  1015
m2 m2
(C) 19.6  1018 (D) 19.6  10 20
m2 m2
64. A load W produces an extension of 1mm in a thread of radius r. Now if the load is made 4 w and
radius is made 2r all other things remaining same the extension will becomes..............
(A) 4 mm (B) 16 mm (C) 1 mm (D) 0.25 mm
65. A steel wire of 1m long and 1 mm 2 cross sectional area is hung from rigid end when weight of 1 kg

 11 N 
is hung from it then change in length will be............  Y  2  10 
 m2 
(A) 0.5 mm (B) 0.25 mm (C) 0.05 mm (D) 5 mm


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66. Calculate the work done, if wire is loaded by 'M g' weight and the increase in length is 'l' ?

(A) mg l (B) Zero (C) (D) 2mgl

67. Two wires of same diameter of the same material having the length  and 2  . If the force F is
applied on each, what will be the ratio of the work done in the two wires ?
(A) 1:2 (B) 1:4 (C) 2:1 (D) 1:1
68. A 5 meter long wire is fixed to the ceiling. A weight of 10 kg is hung at the lower end and is 1 meter
above the four. The wire was elongated by 1 mm. What is the stored in the wire due to stretching ?
(A) Zero (B) 0.05 Joule
(C) 100 Joule (D) 500 Joule
69. If the force constant of a wire is k. What is the work done in increasing the length of the wire by  ?

k k 2
(A) (B) k (C) (D) k 2
2 2
70. Wire A and B are made from the same material. A has twice the diameter and three times the length
of B. If the elastic limits are not reached when each is stretched by the same tension, what is the ratio
of energy stored in A to that in B ?
(A) 2:3 (B) 3:4 (C) 3:2 (D) 6:1
71. A wire suspended vertically from one of its ends is stretched by attaching a weight of 200 N to the
lower and. The weight stretches the wire by 1 mm. Then what is the elastic energy stored in the wire
(A) 0.1 J (B) 0.2 J (C) 10 J (D) 20 J
72. A brass rod of cross sectional area 1 cm2 and length 0.2 m is compressed length wise by a weight of

11 N m
5 kg. If young's modulus of elasticity of brass is 1  10 2 and
g  10 2 Then what will be
m s
increase in the energy of rod ?
(A) 10 5 J (B) 2.5  10 5 J (C) 5  10 5 J (D) 2. 5  104 J
73. Young's modulus of the material of a wire is Y. On pulling the wire by a force F the increase in its
length is x, what is the potential energy of the stretched wire ?

1 1 1
(A) Fx (B) Yx (C) Fx 2 (D) None of these
2 2 2
74. The work per unit volume to stretch the length by 1% of a wire with cross - sectional area 1 mm2 will
 11 N 
be............  Y  9  10 
 m2 

(A) 9  1011 J (B) 4.5  107 J (C) 9  10 7 J (D) 4.5  1011 J


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75. A wire of length 50 cm and cross - sectional area of 1 mm2 is extended by 1mm what will be the

required work ? Y  2  1011 Nm 2 
(A) 6  102 J (B) 2  10 2 J (C) 4  10 2 J (D) 1  10 2 J
76. If a spring extends by x cm loading then what is the energy stored by the spring ? (If T is tension in
the spring & K is spring constant)

T2 T2 2x 2T 2
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2x 2k T2 k
77. On stretching a wire what is the elastic energy stored per unit volume ?

(A) (B) (C) (D)
2AL 2L 2A 2

78. When a force is applied on a wire of uniform cross-sectional area 3  10 6 m 2 and length 4m, the

 11 N 
increase in length is 1 mm. what will be energy stored in it ?  Y  2  10 
 m2 
(A) 62. 50 J (B) 0.177 J (C) 0.075 J (D) 0.150 J
79. k is the force constant of a spring what will be the work done in increasing its extension form
1 to  2 be ?

k k
(A) k  1  2  (B)
  2  1  (C)  2
k  2  1
 (D)
 2
 2  1

80. When a 4 kg mass is hung vertically on a light spring that obeys Hook's law, the spring stretches by
2 cm what will be the work required to be done by an external agent in stretching this spring by
5 cm ?
(A) 4.900 Joule (B) 2.450 Joule (C) 0.495 Joule (D) 0.245 Joule
81. The isothermal elasticity of a gas is equal to....................
(A) Density (B) Volume (C) Pressure (D) Specific heat
82. If the volume of a block of aluminium is decreased, by the pressure (stress) on its surface is increased
by.................(Bulk modulus of A  7.5  1010 Nm 2 )

(A) 7.5  1010 (B) 7.5  108 (C) 7.5  106 (D) 7.5  10 4
m2 m2 m2 m2

83. The specific heat at constant pressure and at constant volume for an ideal gas are C p and C v and
isothermal elasticities are E  and E  respectively. What is the ratio of E  and E  .
Cv Cp 1
(A) Cp (B) (C) Cp C v (D) Cp C v


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84. What is the ratio of the adiabatic to isothermal elasticities of a triatomic gas ?
3 4 5
(A) (B) (C) 1 (D)
4 3 3
85. To what depth below the surface of sea should a rubber ball be taken as to decrease its volume by
kg N
0.1% (Take : density of sea water  1000 3 Bulk modulus of rubber
 9  108 2 ,acceleration
m m
due to gravity  10 )
(A) 9m (B) 18 m (C) 180 m (D) 90 m
86. The compressibility of water 4  10 5 per unit atmospheric pressure. The decrease in volume of
100 cubic centimeter of water under a pressure of 100 atmosphere will be................
(A) 4  10 5 CC (B) 4  10 5 CC (C) 0.025 CC (D) 0.004 CC
87. If a rubber ball is taken at the depth of 200m in a pool, Its volume decreases by 0.1% . If the density
3 kg m N
of the water is 1  10 3
& g  10 2 . Then waht will be the volume elasticity in 2 ?
m s m
(A) 108 (B) 2  108 (C) 109 (D) 2  109

  
88. For a constant hydraulic stress on an object, the fractional change in the object volume   and
  
its bulk modulus (B) are related as...............
(A) 0.01 (B) 0.06 (C) 0.02 (D) 0.03
89. When a pressure of 100 atmosphere is applied on a spherical ball then its volume reduces to 0.01%
What is the bulk moduls of the material of the rubber in .
cm 2
(A) 10  1012 (B) 1  1012 (C) 100  1012 (D) 20  1012
90. The pressure applied from all directions on a cube is p. How much its temperature should be raised
to maintain the orginal volume ? The volume elasticity. of the cube is B and the coefficient of volume
expansion is  .

P P p 
(A) (B) (C) (D)
   p
91. A uniform cube is subjected to volume compression. If each side is decreased by 1% Then what is
bulk strain ?
(A) 0.01 (B) 0.06 (C) 0.02 (D) 0.03


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92. The ratio of two specific heats of gas for Argon is 1.6 and for hydrogen is 1.4. Adiabatic
elasticity of Argon at pressure p is E. Adiabatic elasticity of hydrogen will also be equal to E at the
7 8
(A) p (B) P (C) P (D) 1.4 P
8 7
93. What is the isothermal bulk modulus of a gas at atmospheric pressure ?
(A) 1 mm of Hg (B) 13.6 mm of Hg
(C) 1.013  105 (D) 2.026  105
m2 m2
94. The bulk modulus of an ideal gas at constant temperature.........
(A) is equal to its volume V (B) is equal to P/2
(C) is equal to its pressure P (D) cannot be determined
95. A material has poisson's ratio 0.50. If uniform rod of it suffers a longitudinal strain of 2  10 3 . Then
what is percentage change in volume ?
(A) 0.6 (B) 0.4 (C) 0.2 (D) 0
96. There is no change in the volume of a wire due to change in its length on stretching. What is the
possion's ratio of the material of the wire....
(A) +0.5 (B) -0.50 (C) 0.25 (D) -0.25
97. Which statement is true for a metal......
(A) Y (B) Y (C) Y (D) Y
98. Which of the following relation is true
(A) 3Y  k 1  6 (B) k

0.5 Y  n
(C) 6  6k  n  Y (D) 6
99. Two wires A & B of same length and of the same material have the respective radius r, & r2 their one
end is fixed with a rigid support and at the other end equal twisting couple is applied. Then what will
we be the ratio of the angle of twist at the end of A and the angle of twist at the end of B.
2 2 4 4
r1 r2 r2 r1
(A) (B) (C) (D)
r22 r12 r14 r24
100. The poisson's ratio can not have the value...........
(A) 0.7 (B) 0.2 (C) 0.1 (D) 0.5


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101. The value of poisson's ratio lies between........

1 3 1 1
(A)  1 to (B)  to (C)  to 1 (D) 1 to 2
2 4 2 2
102. If the young's modulus of the material is 3 times its modulus of rigidity. Then what will be its volume
elasticity ?
(A) zero (B) infinity (C) 2  1010 (D) 3  1010
m2 m2
103. For a given material the Young's modulus is 2.4 times that of rigidity modulus. What is its poisson's
ratio ?
(A) 2.4 (B) 1.2 (C) 0.4 (D) 0.2
104. The lower surface of a cube is fixed. On its upper surface is applied at an angle of 300 from its
surface. What will be the change of the type ?
(A) shape (B) size (C) none (D) shape & size
105. The upper end of a wire of radius 4 mm and length 100 cm is clamped and its other end is twisted
through an angle of 300. Then what is the angle of shear ?
(A) 120 (B) 0.120 (C) 1.20 (D) 0.0120
106. Mark the wrong statement.
(A) Sliding of moleculawr layer is much easier than compression or expansion.
(B) Receiprocal of bulk modulus is called compressibility.
(C) Twist is difficult in big rod as compared to small rod.
(D) Which is more strong out of hollow and solid cylinder having equal length and mass ?
107. A 2m long rod of radius 1 cm which is fixed from one end is gien a twist of 0.8 radians. What will be
the shear strain developed ?
(A) 0.002 (B) 0.004 (C) 0.008 (D) 0.016
108. Shearing stress causes change in
(A) length (B) breadth (C) shape (D) volume
109. What is the relationship between Young's modulus Y, Bulk modulus k and modulus of rigidity  ?
9 k 9y k 9 k 3 k
(A) Y (B) Y (C) Y (D) Y
 3k y 3k 3 k 9  k
110. What is the possible value of posson's ratio ?
(A) 1 (B) 0.9 (C) 0.8 (D) 0.4
111. The graph shown was obtained from experimental
measurements of the period of oscillations T for different
masses M placed in the scale pan on the lower end of the
passing through the origin is that the......
(A) Spring did not obey Hooke's law
(B) Amplitude of the oscillations was large
(C) Clock used needed regulating
(D) Mass of the pan was neglected


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112. A graph is shown between stress and strain

for metals. The part in which Hooke's law
holds good is
(A) OA (B) AB
(C) BC (D) CD

113. The strain-stress curves of three wires of different materials

are shown in the figure. P, Q and R the elastic limits of the
wires the figure shows that
(A) Elasticity of wire P is maximum.
(B) Elasticity of wire Q is maximum.
(C) Tensile strength of R is maximum
(D) none of above

114. The diagram shows a force extension graph for a Rubber

band consider the following statements.
(I) It will be easier to compress these
rubber than expand it.
(II) Rubber does not return to its original
length after it is stretched.
(III) The rubber band will get heated if it
is stretched and relased.
Which of these can be deduced from the graph.
(A) III only (B) II and III (C) I and III (D) I only

115. The stress versus strain graph for wires of two material A
& B are as shown in the figure. If YA & YB are the young's
modulus of the materials then
(A) YB = 2YA
(B) YA = YB
(C) YB = 3YA
(D) YA = 3YB

116. The load versus elongation graph for four wires of the same
material is shown in the figure. The thickest wire is
represented by the line.
(A) OD (B) OC
(C) OB (D) OA


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117. The adjacent graph shows the extension of a wire of length

1m suspended from the top of a roof at one end with the
load W connected to the other end. If the cross sectional
area of the wire is 10-6 m2, calculate the young's modulus
of the material of the wire.
(A) 2  1011 (B) 2  10 11
m2 m2
(C) 3  10 12 (D) 2  10 12
m2 m2
118. The graph is drawn between the applied force F and the
strain (x) for a thin uniform wire the wire behaves as a
liquid in the part.
(A) ab (B) bc
(C) cd (D) oa

119. The graph shows the behaviour of a length of wire in the

region for which the substance obey's Hooke's law. P &
Q represent.
(A) p = applied force, Q = extension
(B) p = extension, Q = applied force
(C) p = extension, Q = stored elastic energy
(D) p = stored elastic energy, Q = extension

120. The potential energy U between two nmolecules as a

function of the distance x between them has been shown
in the figure. The two molecules are.
(A) Attracted when x lies between A & B
and are repelled when x lies between B & C.
(B) Attracted when x lies between B and
C and are repelled when x lies between A and B.
(C) Attracted when they reach B.
(D) Repelled when they reach B.

121. The value of force constant between the applied elastic

force F and displacement will be
(A) 3 (B)
1 3
(C) (D)
2 2


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122. The diagram shows stress v/s strain curve

for the materials A and B. From the curves
we infer that
(A) A is brittle but B is ductile
(B) A is ductile and B is brittle
(C) Both A & B are ductile
(D) Both A & B are brittle
123. Which are of the following is the young's
modulus (in N/m2) for the wire having the
stress strain curve in the figure.
(A) 24  1011
(B) 8.0  1011
(C) 10  1011
(D) 2.0  1011
124. The diagram shows the change x in the
length of a thin uniform wire caused by the
application of stress F at two different
temperature T1 & T2. The variation
(A) T1  T2
(B) T1  T2
(C) T1  T2
(D) None of these

125. The point of maximum and minimum

attraction in the curve between potential
energy (U) and distawnce (r) of a diatomic
molecules are respectively.
(A) S and R (B) T and S
(C) R and S (D) S and T

Assertion and Reason :

Read the assertion and reason carefully to mark the correct option out of the option given below
(A) If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of the assertion.
(B) If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of the assertion.
(C) If assertion is true but reason is false.
(D) If assertion and reason both are false.


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126. Assertion : The stretching of a coil is determined by its shear modulus.

Reason : Shear modulus change only shape of a body keeping its dimensions unchanged.
(A) a (B) b (C) c (D) d
127. Assertion : The bridges are declared unsafe after a long use.
Reason : Elastic strength of bridges decrease with
(A) a (B) b (C) c (D) d
128. Assertion : Two identical solid balls, one of ivory and the other of wet clay are dropped from the
same height on the floor. Both the balls will rise to same height after.
Reason : Ivory and wet-clay have same elasticity.
(A) a (B) b (C) c (D) d
129. Assertion : Young's modulus for a perfectly plastic body is zero.
Reason : For a perfectly plastic body is zero.
(A) a (B) b (C) c (D) d
130. Assertion : Identical spring of steel and copper are equally stretched more will be done on the steel
Reason : Steel is more elastic than copper.
(A) a (B) b (C) c (D) d
131. A wire is stretched to double the length which of the following is false in this context ?
(A) Its volume increased (B) Its longitudinal strain is I
(C) Stress = Young's modlus (D) Stress = 2x Young's modulus
132. Which is the dimensional formula for modulus of rigidity ?
(A) M1 L1 T 2 (B) M1 L1 T 2 (C) M1 L2 T 1 (D) M1 L2 T 2
133. When more than 20 kg mass is tied to the end of wire it breaks what is maximum mass that can be
tied to the end of a wire of same material with half the radius ?
(A) 20 kg (B) 5 kg (C) 80 kg (D) 160 kg
134. When 100 N tensile force is applied to a rod of 10-6 m2 cross-sectional area, its length increases by
1% so young's modulus of material is..........
(A) 1012 Pa (B) 1011 Pa (C) 1010 Pa (D) 102 Pa
135. A composite wire is made by joining ends of two wires of equal dimensions, one of copper and the
other of steel. When a weight is sttached to its end the ratio of increase in their length is .........
YSteel  YCopper
(A) 20.7 (B) 10.7 (C) 7:20 (D) 1:7
136. A rubber ball when taken to the bottom of a 100 m deep take decrease in volume by 1% Hence, the
bulk modulus of rubber is............

 m
 g  10 2 
 s 
(A) 106 Pa (B) 108 Pa (C) 107 Pa (D) 109 Pa


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137. Young's modulus of a rigid body is

(A) 0 (B) 1 (C)  (D) 0.5
138. Pressure on an object increases from 1.01  105 Pa to 1.165  10 5 Pa. He volume decrease by
10% at constant temperature. Bulk modulus of material is........
(A) 1.55  105 Pa (B) 51.2  105 Pa
(C) 102.4  105 Pa (D) 204.8  105 Pa
139. Cross-sectional area oif wire of length L is A. Young's modulus of material is Y. If this wire acts as a
spring what is the value of force constant ?
(A) (B) (C) (D)
L 2L L A

Surface Tension
140. Writing on black board with a pieace of chalk is possible by the property of
(A) Adhesive force (B) Cohesive force (C) Surface force (D) Viscosity
141. When there is no external force, the shape of liquid drop is determined by
(A) Surface tension of liquid (B) Density of Liquid
(C) Viscosity of liquid (D) Tempreture of air only
142. Soap helps in cleaning because
(A) chemicals of soap change
(B) It increase the surface tension of the soluiton.
(C) It absorbs the dirt.
(D) It lowers the surface tension of the solution
143. A beaker of radius 15 cm is filled with liquid of surface tension 0.075 N/m. Force across an imaginary
diameter on the surface ofliquid is

(A) 0.075 N (B) 1.5  102 N

(C) 0.225 N (D) 2.25  10 2 N

144. A square frame of side L is dipped in a liquid on taking out a membrance is fomed if the surface
tension of the liquid is T, the force acting on the frame will be.
(A) 2 TL (B) 4 TL (C) 8 TL (D) 10 TL
145. The force required to separate two glass plates of area 10-2 m2 with a film of water 0.05 mm thick
3 N
between them is (surface tension of water is 70  10 )
(A) 28 N (B) 14 N (C) 50 N (D) 38 N


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146. Surface tension of a liquid is found to be infuenced by

(A) It increases with the increase of temprature.
(B) Nature of the liquid in contact.
(C) Presense of soap that increaase it.
(D) Its variation with the concentration of the liquid.
147. A thm metal disc of radius r floats on water surface B and bends the surface down wards along the
perimeter making an angle Q with vertical edge of the disc. If the disc displaces a weight of water W
and surface tension of water is T, then the weight at metal dis
(A) 2rT  w (B) 2rT cos   w

(C) 2rT cos   w (D) w  2rT cos 

148. A thin liquid film formed between a u-shaped wire and
a light slider supports a weight of 1.5  102 N (see
figure). The length of the slider is 30 cm and its weight
negligible. The surface tension of the liquid film is.
(A) 0.0125 N m 1 (B) 0.1 N m 1
(C) 0.05 N m 1 (D) 0.025 N m 1

Surface Energy
149. Radius of a soap bubble is 'r', surface tension of soap solution is T. Then without incresing the
temprature how much energy will be needed to double its radius.
(A) 4  r2 T (B) 2  r2 T
(C) 12  r 2 T (D) 24  r 2 T
150. The amount of work done in blowing a soap bubble such that its diameter increases from d to D is
(T = Surface tension of solution)
(A) 
4 D 2  d 2 T  (B) 
8 D 2  d 2 T 
(C) 
 D2  d 2 T  (D) 2  D 2
 d2 T
151. A soap bubble of radius r is blown up to form a bubble of radius 2r under isothermal conditions if the
T is the surface tension of soap solution the energy spent in the slowing is.
(A) 3Tr 2 (B) 6Tr 2 (C) 12Tr 2 (D) 24Tr 2
152. The surface tension of a liquid is 5 N/m. If a thin film of the area 0.02 m2 is formed on a loop, then
its surface energy will be
(A) 5  10 2 J (B) 2.5  10 2 J (C) 2  10 1 J (D) 5  10 1 J


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153. A frame made of a metalic wire enclosing O surface area A is covered with a soap film. If the area
of the frame metalic wire is reduced by 50% the energy of the soap film will be changed by
(A) 100% (B) 75% (C) 50% (D) 25%
154. Two small drops mercury, each of radius R, coaless the form a single large drop. The ratio of the
total surface energies before and after the change is.
1 1
(A) 1: 2 2 (B) 2
2 :1 (C) 2:1 (D) 1:2

155. The work done is blowing a soap bubble of 10 cm radius is

(surface tension od the soap solution is N/m)
(A) 75. 36  10 4 Joule (B) 37. 68  10 4 Joule
(C) 150. 72  10 4 Joule (D) 75. 36 Joule

156. The work done increasing the size of a soap film drom 10 cm  11 cm is 3  104 Joule . The
surface tension of the film is
(A) 1.5  10  2 (B) 3.0  10  2 (C) 6.0  10 2 (D) 11.0  10

m m m m
157. A big drop of radius R is formed by 1000 small droplets of coater then the radius of small drop is
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 5 6 10
158. 8000 identioal water drops are combined to form a bigdrop. Then the ration of the final surface
energy to the intilial surface energy of all the drops together is
(A) 1 : 10 (B) 1 : 15 (C) 1 : 20 (D) 1 : 25
159. The relation between surface tension T. Surface area A and surface energy E is given by.
(A) T (B) T  EA (C) E (D) T

Angle of Contact
160. If a coater drop is kept between two glasses plates then its shape is

(A) (B) (C)

(D) None of these


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161. A liquid wets a solid completely. The menisions of the liquid in a surfficently long tube is
(A) Flat (B) Concave (C) Convex (D) Cylindrical

Pressure Difference
162. When two soap bubbles of radius r1 and r2 (r2 > r1) coalesce, the radius of curvature of common
surface is...........
r2  r1 r1 r2
(A) r2  r1 (B) r1 r2 (C) r2  r1 (D) r2  r1
163. The excess of pressure inside a soap bubble than that of the other pressure is
2T 4T T T
(A) (B) (C) (D)
r r 2r r
164. The radill of two soap bubbles are r1 and r2. In isothermal conditions two meet together is vacum
Then the radius of the resultant bubble is given by
(A) R  r1  r2  / 2 (B) R  r1 r1  r2  r3 
2 2
(C) R 2  r1  r2 (D) R  r1  r2
165. A spherical drop of coater has radius 1 mm if surface tension of contex is 70  10 3 N / m difference
of pressures between inside and outside of the spherical drop is
(A) 35 2 (B) 70 2 (C) 140 2 (D) zero
m m m
166. In capilley pressure below the curved surface at water will be
(A) Equal to atomospheric (B) Equal to upper side pressure
(C) More than upper side pressure (D) Lesser than upper side pressure
167. Two bubbles A and B (A>B) are joined through a narrow tube than
(A) The size of a will increase
(B) The size of B will increase
(C) The size of B will increase untill thenpressure equals
(D) None of these
168. If the excess pressure inside a soap bubble is balanced by oil column of height 2 mm then the surface
tension of soap solution will be.
Cr = 1 and density d = 0.8 gm/cc)
N 2 N 3 N 1 N
(A) 3.9 (B) 3.9  10 (C) 3.9  10 (D) 3.9  10
m m m m

169. A capillary tube at radius R is immersed in water and water rises in it to a height H. Mass of water
in the capillary tube is M. If the radius of the tube is doubled. Mass of water that will rise in the
capillary tube will now be
(A) M (B) 2M (C) (D) 4M


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170. A vesel whose bottom has round holes with diametre of 0.1 mm is filled with water. The maximum
height to which the water can be filled without leakage is
75 dyne m
(S.T. of water =  g  1000 2 )
cm s
(A) 100 cm (B) 75 cm (C) 50 cm (D) 30 cm
171. The correct relation is
2T cos  hdg 2T dgh T cos 
(A) r  (B) r  (C) r  (D) r 
hdg 2T cos  cos  2hdg
172. In a capillary tube water rises by 1.2 mm. The height of water that will rise in another capillary tube
having half the radius of the first is
(A) 1.2 mm (B) 2.4 mm (C) 0.6 mm (D) 0.4 mm
173. Water rises in a vertical capillary tube upto a beight of 2.0 cm. If tube is inclined at an angle of 600
with the vertical then the what length the water will rise in the tube.
(A) 2.0 cm (B) 4.0 cm (C) cm (D) 2 2 cm
174. The lower end of a glass capillary tube is dipped in water rises to a height of 8 cm the tube is then
broken at a height of 6 cm. The height of water column and engled as contact will be
3 4
(A) 6 cm . sin 1 (B) 6 cm . sin 1
4 5
3 1
(C) 6 cm . cos 1 (D) 6 cm . sin 1
4 2
175. A large number of water drops each of rdius r combine to have a drop of radius R. If the surface
tension is T and the mechanical equllvalent at heat is J then the rise in tempreature will be
2T 3T 3J  1 1  2T  1 1 
(A) (B) (C)    (D)   
rJ RJ J r R  J r R 

Caraphical Question
176. The correct curve between the height or depression h of liquid in a capillary tube and its radius is


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177. A soap bubble is blown with the help of a mechanical pump at the mouth-of a tube the pump
produces a certion increase per minit in the volume of the bubble irrespective of its internal pressure
the graph between the pressure inside the soap bubble and time t will be

178. Which graph present the variation of surface tension with temperature over small temperature ranges
for coater.

Comprehension type question

Passage - I
When liquid medicine of desting S is to be put in the eye. It is done with the help of a dropper
as the bulb on the top of the dropper is pressed a drop forms at the opening od the dropper we wish
to estimate the size of the drop. We dirst assume that the drop formed at the opening is spherical
because the requires a minimum increase in its surface energy. To determine the size we calculate the
net vertical force due to surface tension T when the radius od the drop is R. When this force
becomes smaller than the weight of the drop the drop gets detched from the dropper.
179. If the radius od the opening od the dropper is r ; the vertical force due to the surface tension on the
drop of radius R. (cassuming r << R) is

2 r2 T 2R2 T
(A) 2rT (B) 2R T (C) (D)
R r
180. If   5  10 4 m,   103 kg m 3  10 ms 2 T = 0.11 N m-1 the radius of the drop when it
detaches from the dropper is approximately
(A) 1.4  10 3 m (B) 3.3  10 3 m (C) 2.0  10 3 m (D) 4.1  10 3 m


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181. After the drop detaches its surface energy is

(A) 1.4  10 6 J (B) 2.7  10 6 J (C) 5.4  10 6 J (D) 8.1  10 6 J

Assertion & Reason type questions

Read the assertion and reason carefully and mark the correct option given below.
(a) If both assertion and reason are true and the reason is the correct explanation of the assertion.
(b) If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of the assertion.
(c) If assertion is true but reason is false.
(d) If the assertion and reason both are false.

182. Assertion : It is better to wash the clothes in cold soap solution.

Reason : The surface tension of cold solution is more then the surface tension of hot solution.
(A) a (B) b (C) c (D) d
183. Assertion : When height of a tube is less then liquid rise in the capillary tube the liquid does not
Reason : Product of radius of meniscus and height of liquid incapilling tube always remains constant.
(A) a (B) b (C) c (D) d
184. Assertion : The impurities always decrease the surface tension of a liquid.
Reason : The change in surface tension of the liquid depends upon the degree of cont amination of
the impurity.
(A) a (B) b (C) c (D) d
185. Assertion : The concept of surface tension is help only for liquids.
Reason : Surface tension does not hold for gases.
(A) a (B) b (C) c (D) d
186. Assertion : The water rises higher in a capillary tube of small diametre than in the capillary tube of
large diamtre.
Reason : Height through which liquid rises in a capillay tube is inversely proportional to the diameter
of the capillary tube.
(A) a (B) b (C) c (D) d
187. Assertion : Tiny drops of liquid resist deforming forces better than bigger drops.
Reason : Excess pressure inside a drop is directly proportional to surface tension.
(A) a (B) b (C) c (D) d

Pressure and Density

188. When a large bubble rises drom the bottom of a lake to the surface. Its radius double S. It atmospheric
pressure in euqal to that of colurnn of colurnn of water height H then the depth of Lake is
(A) H (B) 2H (C) 7H (D) 8H


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189. A trangular lamind of area A and, height h is immersed in a liquid of density S in a vertical plane with
its base on the surface of the liquid. The thrust on lamina is
1 1 1 2
(A) Agh (B) Agh (C) Agh (D) Agh
2 3 6 3
190. The density S of coater of bulk modulus B at a depth y in the ocean is related to the density at
surface so by the relation.

  gy    gy 
(A)   0  1  0  (B)   0  1  0 
 B   B 

  gyh   B 
(C)   0  1  0 (D)   0  1  
 B   0gy 
191. By sucking through a straw, a student can reduce the pressure in his lungs to 750 mm of Hg (density
 13.6 ) using the straw, he can drink water from a glass up to a maximum depth of
cm 3
(A) 10 cm (B) 75 cm (C) 13.6 cm (D) 1.36 cm
192. The pressure on a swimmer 20 m below the surface of coater at sea level is
(A) 1.0 atm (B) 2.0 atm (C) 2.5 atm (D) 3.0 atm

Pascal's Law and Archimedes Principal

193. A spherical solid ball of volume V is made of a material of density S. It is falling through a liquid of
density S2 (S2 < S1). Assume that the liquid opplies a viscous force on the ball that is proportional to
square of its speed V. i.e. Fviscous = - KV2 (K > 0) The terminal speed of the ball is

vg vg vg  1  2  vg  1  2 
(A) (B) (C) (D)
194. The fraction of floating object of volume VO and density do above the surface of a Liquid as density
d will be

d0 d d0 d  d0 d d0
(A) (B) d  d0 (C) (D) d  d0
d d
195. A body floats in water with one-thired od its volume above the surface of water. It is placed in oil it
floats with half of : Its volume above the surface of the oil. The specific gravity od the oil is.
5 4 3
(A) (B) (C) (D) 1
3 3 2
196. If there were no gravity which of the following will not be there for a fluid.
(A) Viscosity (B) Surface tension
(C) pressure (D) Archime des's upward thrust


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197. A piece of solid weighs 120 g in air, 80 g in water and 60 g in liquid the relative density of the solid
and that of the solid and that of the liquid are respectively.
3 3 3
(A) 3, 2 (B) 2, (C) ,2 (D) 3,
4 4 2
198. Ice pieces are floating in a beaker A containing watre and also in a beakre B containing miscible
liquid of specific gravity 1.2 Ice melts the level of
(A) water increases in A (B) water decreases in A
(C) Liquid in B decrease B (D) Liquid in B increase

Fluid Flow
199. An engine pumps water continuously through a hose water leares the hose with a velocity V and m
is the mass per unit length of the watre Jet what is the rate at which kinetic energy is imperted to
1 1 1
(A) mv 3 (B) mv 3 (C) mv 2 (D) mv  v 2
2 2 2
200. The height of the dam in an hydro electric power station is 10 m. In order to generate 1 MW of
electric power, the mass of water (in kg) that must full per second on the brades of turbine is
(A) 106 (B) 105 (C) 103 (D) 104
201. Eight drops of a liquid of density 3 and each of radius a are fallingt through air with a constant
velocity 3.75 cm S1 when the eight drops coalesce to form a single drop the terminal velocity of the
new drop will be
(A) 15  10 2 ms 1 (B) 2.4  10 2 m / s (C) 0.75  10 2 ms 1 (D) 25  10 2 m / s
202. A cylinder of height 2.0 m is completely filled with water. The velocity of efflux of water cim m/s
through a small hole on the side will of the cylinder mear its bottom is
(A) 10 (B) 20 (C) 25.5 (D) 5
203. There is a hole in the bottom of tank having water. If total pressure at bottom 3 atm (1 atm ) then the
velocity of water flowig drom hole is
m m m
(A) 400 (B) 60 (C) 600 (D) None of these
s s s
204. Two drops of the same radius are falling through air with a steady velocity for 5 cm per sec. If the
two drops coakesce the terminal velocity would be
(A) 10 cm per sec (B) 2.5 cm per sec
(C) 5  43 cm per sec (D) 5 2 cm per sec
205. An application of Bernouli's equation for liquid flow is found in
(A) Dynamic lift of an aeroplane (B) Viscocity metere
(C) Capillary rise (D) tly dulic press


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206. An L-Sp aped tube with a small office is held in a water

stream as shwon in fig. The upper end of the tube is
10.6 cm above the surface of water. What will be the
height of the set of water coming from the office velocity
of water stream is 2.45 m/s.
(A) zero (B) 20.0 cm
(C) 10.6 cm (D) 40 cm
207. A tank is filled with water up to a height H. Water is
allowed to come out of a hole P in one of the walls at a
depth D below the surface of water express the
horizontal distunce x in terms of H and D.

D H  D 
(A) x   D H  D  (B) x 

(C) x  2 D H  D  (D) x  4 D H  D 
208. An incomepressible fluid flows steadily through a cylinderical pipe which has radius 2r at point A and
radius r at B further along the flow direction. It the velocity at point A is V, its velocity at point B.
(A) 2v (B) v (C) (D) 4v
 kg 
209. If the terminal speed of a sphere of gold  density  19.5 3  is 2.0 m/s in a viscous liquid
 m 
 kg   kg 
 density  1.5 3  find the terminal speed of a sphere of siher  density  10.5 3  of the
 m   m 
same size in the same liquid.
m m m m
(A) 0.133 (B) 0.2 (C) 0.1 (D) 0.4
s s s s
210. Two solid spheres of same metal but of mass M and 8M full simutineously on a viscous liquid and
their terminal velocity are V and 'nv' then value of 'n' is
(A) 16 (B) 8 (C) 4 (D) 2

3 kg
211. Two metal Spheres are falling through a liquid of density 2 10 with the same uniform speed
3 kg kg
the meterical density at sphere 1 and sphere 2 are 8 10 3 and
11 103 3 respectively. The
m m
ration of their radii is.

11 11 3 3
(A) (B) (C) (D)
8 8 2 2


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212. Water is flowing continuously dram a temp having an internal diameter 8  103 m . The water velocity
as it leaves the tap is 0.4 m/s. The diameter of the water stream at a distance 2  101 m below the
tap is close to
(A) 5.0  10 3 m (B) 7.5  10 3 m (C) 9.6  10 3 m (D) 3.6  10 3 m
213. A large open tank has two holes in the wall one is a square hole of side L ata depth y froam the top
and the other is a circular hole of radius R at a depth ay from the top. When the tank is completely
filled with water the quantities of water following out per second from both the holes are the some
then R is equal to
(A) 2L (B) (C) L (D)
2 2
214. A block of ice floats on a liquid of density 1.2 in a beaker then level of liquid when ice completely
(A) Remains same (B) Rises (C) Lowers (D) (A) (B) or (C)

Assertion & Reason type questions

Read the assertion and reason carefully to mark the correct option out of the options given below
(a) If both assertion and reason are true and the reason is the correct explanation of the assertion.
(b) If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of the assertion.
(c) If assertion is true but reason is false.
(d) IF the assertion and reason are false.
(e) If assertion is flase but reason is true.

215. Assertion : The blood pressure in humans is greater at the feet than at the brain.
Reason : Pressure of liquid at any point is proportional to height clensity of liquid.
(A) a (B) b (C) c (D) d
216. Assertion : To empty an oil tank two holes so it will made.
Reason : Oil will come out of two holes so it will be emptied faster.
(A) a (B) b (C) c (D) d
217. Assertion : A bubble comes from the bottom of a lake to the top.
Reason : Its radius increases.
(A) a (B) b (C) c (D) d

Ordinary Thinking
218. Oxygen boils at 1830C. This temperature is approximately.
(A) 2150 F (B) -2970 F (C) 3290 F (D) 3610 F


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219. The resistance of a rasistance thermometer has values 2.71 and 3.70 ohm at 100C and 1000C. The
temprature at which the resistance is 3.26 ohm is
(A) 400 C (B) 500 C (C) 600 C (D) 700 C
220. Maximum density of H2O is at the temprature.
(A) 320 F (B) 39.20 F (C) 420 F (D) 40 F
221. At what temprature the centigrade (celsius) and Fahrenheit readings at the same.
(A) -400 (B) +400 C (C) 36.60 (D) -370 C
222. Mercury thermometers can be used to measure tempratures up to
(A) 1000 C (B) 2120 C (C) 3600 C (D) 5000 C
223. If temperature of an object is 1400 F then its temperature in centigratde is
(A) 1050 C (B) 320 C (C) 1400 C (D) 600 C
224. When the room temprature becomes equal to the dew point the relative humidity of the room is
(A) 100 % (B) 0 % (C) 70 % (D) 85 %
225. If the length of a cylinder on heating increases by 2% the area of its base will increase by.
(A) 0.5 % (B) 2 % (C) 1 % (D) 4 %
0 0
226. Density of substance at 0 C is 10 gm/cc and at 100 Cits density is 9.7 gm/CC. The coefficient of
linear expansion of the substance will be
(A) 102 (B) 10-2 (C) 10-3 (D) 10-4
227. A beaker is completely filled with water at 40C It will overflow if
(A) Heated above 40C
(B) Cooled below 40C
(C) Both heated and cooled above and below 40C respectively
(D) None of these
228. An iron bar of length 10m is heated from 00C to 1000C. If the coefficient of linear thermal expansion
10 106
of iron is the increase in the length of bar is
(A) 0.5 cm (B) 1.0 cm (C) 1.5 cm (D) 2.0 cm

229. Melting point of ice.....
(A) Increases with increasing pressure (B) Decreases with increasing pressure
(C) Is independent of pressure (D) is proportional of pressure
230. Amount of heat required to raise the temprature of a body through 1k is called it is
(A) Water equivalent (B) Thermal capacity
(C) Entropy (D) Specific heat
231. A vessel contains 110 g of water the heat capacity of the vessel is equal to 10 g of water The initical
temprature of water in vessel is 100C If 220 g of hot water at 700C is poured in the vessel the Final
temperature meglecting radiation loss will be
(A) 700 C (B) 800 C (C) 600 C (D) 500 C


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232. In a water fall the water falls from a height of 100 cm. If the entire K.E. of water is converted in to
heat the rise in temperature of water will be
(A) 0.230 C (B) 0.460 C (C) 2.30 C (D) 0.0230 C
233. The temprature at which the vapour pressure of a liquid becomes equals of the external pressure is
(A) Melting point (B) sublimation point
(C) Critical temprature (D) Boiling point
234. 10 g of ice at 0 C is mixed with 100 g of water at 500 C what is the resultant temprature of mixture.

(A) 31.20 C (B) 32.80 C (C) 36.70 C (D) 38.20 C

Critical Thinking
235. Two metal strips that constituate a thermostant must necessarily in their
(A) Mass (B) Length
(C) Resistivity (D) Coefficient of liner expansion
236. 2 kg of Ice at -20 C is mixed with 5 kg of water at 200 C in an insulating vessel having a megligible

heat capacity calculate the final mass of water remaining in the container. It is given that the specific
heats of water and ice care 1 keal/kg per0C and 0.5 Keal/kg 10C while the latent heat of fusion of
ice is 80 kcoil/kg.
(A) 7 kg (B) 6 kg (C) 4 kg (D) 2 kg
237. A lead bullet at 27 C just melts when stopped by an obstancle Assuming that 25% of heat is
obsorbed by the obstacle then the velocity of the bullet at the time of striking.
[M.P. of lead = 3270 C, specific heat of lead = 0.03 cal/x latent heat of fusion of lead = 6 cal/g and
J = 4.2 Jute / cal]
(A) 410 m/s (B) 1230 m/s (C) 307.5 m/s (D) None of these
238. An electric kettle takes 4A current at 220V How much time will it take to boil 1 kg of water from
temprature 20C ? The temprature of boiling water is 100 C.
(A) 12.6 min (B) 4.2 min
(C) 6.3 min (D) 8.4 min
Graphical options
239. Ablock of ice at -10 C is slowly heated and covered to steam at 1000 C which of the following

curves represents the phenomenon qualitatively.


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240. The variation of density of water with temprature is represented by the

Assertion & Reason

Read the assertion and reason carefully to mark the correct option out of the option given below.
(a) If both asseration and reason are true and the reason is the correct explanation of the reason.
(b) If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of the assertion.
(c) If assertion is true but reason is false.
(d) If the assertion and reason both are false.
(e) If assertion is false but reason is true.
241. Assertion : The melting point of the ice decreases with increases pressure
Reason : Ice contracts on melting
(A) a (B) b (C) c (D) d
242. Assertion : Fahrenheit is the smallest unit measuring temprature.
Reason : Fahrenheit was the first temprature scale used for measuring temprature.
(A) a (B) b (C) c (D) d
243. Assertion : Melting of solid causes no change in internal energy.
Reason :Latent heat is the heat required melt a unit mass of solid.
(A) a (B) b (C) c (D) d
244. Assertion : Specific heat capacity is the cause of formation of land and sea breeze.
Reason : The specific heat of water is more then land.
(A) a (B) b (C) c (D) d
0 0
245. Assertion : The moleculs of 0 C ice and 0 C water will have same potential energy.
Reason : Potential energy depends only on temprature of the system.
(A) a (B) b (C) c (D) d
246. Assertion : A beaker is completely filled with water at 4 C. It will overflow both where heated or
Reason : There is expansion of water below and above 40C.
(A) a (B) b (C) c (D) d


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Answers Key
1 D 42 C 83 B 124 A 165 C 206 B
2 B 43 A 84 B 125 D 166 D 207 C
3 D 44 B 85 D 126 A 167 A 208 D
4 B 45 D 86 A 127 A 168 B 209 B
5 C 46 A 87 D 128 D 169 B 210 C
6 B 47 D 88 B 129 A 170 D 211 D
7 D 48 A 89 C 130 A 171 A 212 D
8 D 49 A 90 A 131 D 172 B 213 B
9 C 50 B 91 D 132 B 173 B 214 B
10 C 51 D 92 B 133 B 174 C 215 A
11 A 52 B 93 C 134 C 175 C 216 C
12 B 53 D 94 C 135 A 176 B 217 A
13 D 54 C 95 B 136 B 177 A 218 B
14 B 55 B 96 A 137 C 178 B 219 B
15 B 56 A 97 C 138 A 179 C 220 B
16 B 57 A 98 D 139 A 180 A 221 A
17 B 58 D 99 C 140 A 181 B 222 C
18 D 59 A 100 A 141 A 182 E 223 D
19 D 60 C 101 A 142 D 183 A 224 A
20 D 61 C 102 B 143 D 184 C 225 D
21 B 62 B 103 D 144 C 185 B 226 D
22 B 63 A 104 D 145 A 186 A 227 C
23 C 64 C 105 B 146 D 187 B 228 B
24 B 65 C 106 C 147 C 188 C 229 B
25 C 66 C 107 B 148 D 189 B 230 B
26 D 67 A 108 C 149 D 190 B 231 D
27 B 68 B 109 A 150 D 191 C 232 A
28 D 69 C 110 D 151 D 192 B 233 D
29 A 70 B 111 D 152 C 193 D 234 D
30 A 71 A 112 A 153 C 194 C 235 D
31 B 72 B 113 D 154 B 195 B 236 B
32 D 73 A 114 A 155 A 196 D 237 A
33 D 74 B 115 D 156 B 197 D 238 C
34 D 75 C 116 A 157 D 198 D 239 A
35 D 76 B 117 A 158 C 199 A 240 A
36 D 77 A 118 B 159 A 200 D 241 A
37 A 78 C 119 C 160 C 201 A 242 C
38 C 79 D 120 B 161 B 202 B 243 E
39 C 80 B 121 B 162 C 203 A 244 A
40 A 81 C 122 B 163 B 204 C 245 D
41 D 82 B 123 D 164 C 205 A 246 A


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FL FV  V
1.   2 V  A  L L  
Ay A y  A

A2 y 
F  F  A2
As cross sectional area of 2nd wire is 3 times therefore 9F force is required for same elongation.

2. Stress  strain  stress 
3. Y  
A  A d 2
 (As F and Y are constant)
The ratio of is maximum for case CD
4. Young modulus of wire does not vary with dimension of wire. It is the property of given material.
5. Depression in beam.

wL2 1
  
4Y3bd3 Y

6. L

If radius of the wire is doubled then increament in length will become 1/4 times, i.e.  3 mm
7. F

8. Y  A Given stress 3.18  108 N2  l 
 m Y

9. Here KQ 
According to Hooke's law  Fp  k p x p

xp kQ
Fp  FQ (Given)   ....1
xQ kP


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Energy stored in a spring is

Up k p x 2P kp k 2Q 1  kp  UQ E

 
k q x 2 Q kQ
 
k 2p 2  kQ  2   UP  
  2 2

10. Breaking force  area of crossection of r 2 wire 

If radius of wire is doubled then breaking force will become four times.
11. 
12. Young's modulus of material
Linear stress

Longitudin al strain
If longitudinal strain is equal to unity, then
Y = Linear stress produced
13. Energy stored per unit volume
  stress  strain

stress Max . stress
14. Y  Max strain  Max strain  A
Strain V Y

L2 dg

  2
8  10 2  1.5  9.8
 9.6  10 11 m
15. 8
2Y 2  5  10

force 1 S  rA  2
16. stress    stress  2  S B   rB   2  SB  4 SA
Area r A  
17. Breaking force  area of cross section of wire.
i.e. load hold by the wire does not depend upon the length of the wire.
FL 1
18.    (F, L & Y are constant)
AY r2

 
19. A  10  6 m 2 Y   
 

 
  

FL 1
20.     2 (F, Land Y are same)
AY r


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FL  Ya1
21.   Steel 
AY  a1 YSteel (F, Land Y are constant)

22. If length of the wire is doubled then strain = 1  Y  stress 

23. L

24. F = force developed  YA  A

lateral strain
25.  
longitudinal strain

26. Y A A
strain Yx strain

27. Strain & stress 
28. Elongation in the wire  
 Elongation in wire tension in the wirein first case T1  wand in second case

T2  w
As Tension in the wire in both the cases are equal.  Elongation in the wire will be equal.
29. Y
F 1
30.  2
   2 (F, Land Y are constant)
r y r
l stress
31. Longitudinal strain = =
32. It is the specific property of a particular material at a given temperature which can be changed only
by temperature variations.
33. When the length of wire is doubled then   L and strain = 1

 Y  strain 

 r2
34. FYA F (y and L are constant)


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r 7
35. Y 
r0 3  10 10

36. Increase in tension of wire  YA  Q

37. Y  A  strain 
strain AY

1 AL2
38. W Y
2 L
39. Potential energy stored in the rubber cord calapult will be covered into kinetic energy of mass

1 1 YAL2
mv 2 
2 2 L

FL 1
40.   (F, L and Y are constant)
2 A 4 1  0.1
 1    2  1   0.05mm
1 A 2 8 2 2 2

41. Y  cons tan t It depends only on nature of material.
42.   Final length = initial lengh + increament = 2L

43. 

44. K  Yro

45.   

   L2 If the volume of wire remains constant.

46.   2     2 (Y = constant)
AY r Y r
47. Breaking stress = Strain  young's modulus
48. In accordance with Hook's law
49. F  A  Y  Strain


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50. Because strain is a dimensionless and unitless quantity.

51. stress 
In the present case,
force applied and area of cross-section of wires are same. Therefore stress has to be the same.
Strain = stress /Y
Since, the young's modulus of steel wire is greater than the copper wire, therefore strain in case of
steel wire is less than that of in case of copper wire
52. Knowledge base
53. Breaking force  r 2
If diameter becomes double then breaking force will become four times
i.e.1000  4  4000 N

54.   

If volume is fixed then   L2

55. Young's modulus 
As the length of wire get doubled therefore strain = 1
 Y  strain  20  108
56. Because dimension of invar does not vary with temperature.
57.    (Y & F are constant)
r 2 y r2
58.  2   2 1   2 Q and L1   1  1  1  Q
  2  1   l 2  l1   Q  2  2  1 1 
now L 2  L1    2   1  So,  2 2  11  0
59. Thermal stress = y   Q

60. F
FL 1
61.  2
 r 2  (F, Land l are constant)
r y Y


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FL 1
62.    (F, Land Y are constant)
r 2 y A
A2 
 1
A1 2

63. Y

64.   
AY r2
65. L

1 Mg
66. Work done  F 
2 2
1 stress 
67. w  Volume
2 Y
As F, A and Y are same - W  volume (area is same)
w (V = A1)

w1   1
 1  1 
w2  2 2 2

68. w F
F 1 1 1
69. K and w  F  k    k 2
 2 2 2

1 F2  L
70. U  F  ; U  2 (F and Y are constant)
2 2AY r
71. U F
1 stress 
72. U   Volume
2 Y
73. When a wire is stretched through a length then work has to be done. This work is stored in the wire
in the form of elastic potential energy.
Potential energy of stretched wire is
1 1 1
U  stress  strain U  F  6  U  Fx
2 2 2


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1 2
74. U  YX strain 

YA 2
75. w

F2 T2
76. U 
2K 2K

1 F FL
77. Energy stored per unit volume     
2  A   L  2AL

1 YA 2
78. U
2 L
1 2 1 2
79. At extension l1 the stored energy  k 1  At extension l2 the stored energy  k 1
2 2
Work done in increasing its extension from l1 to  2 
 2
k  2  1

80. K
81. Isothermal elasticity ki = P
 PV V  B  V 1
82. B P given  1% 
Y V V 100

1.5  1010 N
P  1.5  108 2
100 m
83. Ratio of adiabatic & isothermal elasticities

 V P C
 V P
 P CV

84. For triatomic gas V 

85. k
 v

86. C P  0.4 CC


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P hsg
87. k 
v v
v v

3 dv 3dL
88. If side of cube is L then V  L  
v L

100 N dynes
89. k  106 atm 1011 2  1012
0.01 m cm 2
90. If the coefficient of volume expansion is  and raise in temprature is  then
v  v  

     volume elasticity   P  P
v v  
91. If side of the cube is L then V = L2 v
dv 3dL
 
v L
% change in voulume  3  (% change in length)  3  1%  3%

 Bulk modulus   0.03
92. Adiabatic elasticity   vp
For Argon EAr = 1.6 p
For hydrogon EH2 = 1.4 pl
As elasticity of hydrogen & Argon are equal
 1.6 P  1.4 Pl

 P'  P

5 N
93. Isothermal elasticity P  Ki  1 atm  1.013  1.013  10
94. Isothermal bulk modulus = pressure of gas

dv dL dv  1
  6  0.5 2 
3 3
95.  1  2   v  2  2  10  4  10
v L  

dv dL 1 dv
96. We know that  1  2   If   then 0
v L 2 v
i.e. there is no change in volume


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97. Y = 2N ( 1 +  )
0.5 y  n
98. Y  2n 1      

 n r4
99. Twisting coulple C  
If material and length of the wires A and B equal twisting coulple are applied then
1  r 
 4  1   2 
r 2  r1 
100. Value of possion's ratio die in range of 1 to 1/2.
101. y  3k 1  2; y  2n 1  
For Y=0 we get 1  2   0 also 1    0
  lies between
3 1
102. y  2n 1    3n  2n 1    1
2 2
Now, substituting the value of  in the following expression k 
3 1  2 

103. Y  2n  1  
104. There will be both shear stress and normal stress.

r 4  10 1
105. Angle of shear     0.12'
L 100  30'

106. For twisting, angle of shear   i.e. if L is more then  will be small
107. r   L  10 2  0.8  2    0.004

108. Y  3K 1  2  and Y  2n 1   Eliminating  we got Y  n  3k

109. Poisson's ratio varies between - 1 and 0.5

110. T  2   T2  M
If we draw a graph of between T2 & M then it will be straight line and for M  0 ; T 2  0
i.e. graph should pass through the origin but from the graph it is not reflected it means the mass of
pan was neglected.


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111. In the region OA, stress  strain . i.e.Hooke's las hold good.
112. As stress is shown on X axis and strain on Y axis so we can say that
1 1
Y  cot   
tan  slope
So elasticity of wire P is minimum and of wire R is maximum.
113. Area of hysterisis loop gives the energy loss in the process of stretching and understretching of
rubber band and this loss will appear in the form of heating.
YA tan  A
114. 
YB tan  B
115. i.e.for the same load thickest wire will show minimum elongation so graph D present the thickest
116. From the graph   10  4 M, F  20 N A  10  6 M 2 ,   1 M

FL 20  1 N
Y   6  4  20  10
 2  1011 2
Al 10  10 m
117. At point b yeilding of material starts.
118. Graph between applied force and extension will be straight line because in elastic range.
Applied force extension. but the graph between extension and stored elastic energy will be parabolic
in nature.
As U  kx 2 or U  x 2

 dv 
119. F    
 dx 
In the region BC slope of the graph is positive.  F  negative i.e. force is attractive in nature.
In the region AB slope of the graph is negative.  F  positive i.e. force is repulsive in nature.

120. Force constant K = tan 300 
121. In ductile materials, yeild point exist which in brittle material failure would occur without yeilding.

122. Young's modulus is defined Y
123. Elasticity of wire decreases at high temperatare i.e. at higher temprature slope of graph will be less,
So T1 > T2.
124. Attraction will be minimum when the distance b/w the molecule is maximum. Altraction will be
maximum at that point where the positive slope is maximum b'sc
F 


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125. B'se stretching of coil simply chnages its shape without any change in the length of the wire used in
coil Due to which shear of elasticity is prevolved.
126. A bridge during its use undergoes alternating strains for a large number of times each day depending
upon the movement of vehicle on it. When a bridge is used for long time. It losses its strength Due to
which the amount of strain in the bridge for a given stress will become large and ultimately the bridge
may collapse. This may not happen if the fridges are declared unsafe.
127. Ivory is more elastic than wet-clay. Hence, the ball of ivory will rise to a greater height. Infact the ball
of wet day will not rise at all it will be same, what flattended permanently.
128. Young's modulus of a material. Y 
Re staring
Here, stress force  force As restoring force is zero.  Y  0
1 1 2
129. Work done   stress  strain   Y  strain  Since, elasticity of steel is more than copper,,
2 2
hence, more work has to be done in order to stretch the steel.

130.  A

133. Y  A

139. Y 
A L


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143. Soap helps to lower the surface tension of solution thus soap get stick to the dist partcles and grease
and these are removed by action of water.

145. Force required to separate the plates F

 weight of displaced coater  T cos   2 r 

 w  2rT cos 

148. 2TL  mg mg

149. w  8T R 2 2  R 12  
 8 T 2r   r 
2 2
  24  r 2 T

 D2 d2 

150. w  T  8 r2 2  r12  T  8  

  
 2 D 2  d 2 T
 
151. Energy spent = T  increase in surface ared

 T  2 4 2r   4r 2
  
 24  T r 2 Joule
152. w  T  A
153. Surface energy = Surface tension  surface ared
E  T  2A

New surface energy F1  T  2  

E  Ei
% decrase in surface energy   100
1 1
154. The ration of the total surface energies before and after the change  n 2 : 1  2 3 : 1

155. w  8 R 2 T

156. w  T  A T

157.  R3


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158. As volume remains constant R 3  8000r 3 R  20 r

Surface energy of one big drop 4R 2T

Surface energy of 8000 small drop 8000 4 r 2  1

surface energy E
159. Tension  or T 
Area A
160. Angle of contact is a 00
165. p 
167. rA  rB and p  So PA  PB
So air will flow from B to A i.e. size of A will increase
4T Rhdg N
168.  hdg T   3.9  10  2
R 4 m
169. Mass of liquid in capillary tube

M  R2   M  R2   
M  R If radius become double then mass will become twice.

172. h  h1  r1 h1  r2 h 2
rdg r

h 
173.     4.0 cm
cos  cos 60
174. When a capillary tube is broken at a height of 6 cm the height of water column will be 6 cm.
25 cos  h
As h  or  cons tan t
rg cos 

8 6 6 cos 0o 3 1  3 
 or cos       cos  
cos 0o cos  8 4 4
175. Rise in tempreture
3T  1 1  3T  1  1 
         (For water S = 1 and d = 1)
Jsd  r R  J r R 
2T cos  1
176. h  h  so the graph between h and r will be rectangular hyperbold
rdg r
4T 1 1
p  p  As radius of soap bubble increases with time  P 
r r t

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178. TC  To I  t 
i.e. Surface tension decreases with increase in temperature
179. Due to surface tension vertical force on drop
Fv  T2  r Sm 

r 2 r2
 T2  r T

2  r2 4
180. T    R3 . 9
R 3

181. U  T  A  0.11  4  1.4  10 



2T 2T
183. h   hR   hR  constant
Rdg dg
Hence when the tube is of insufficient length radius of curvature of the liquid meniscus increasses so
as to maintain the product hR a finite constant.
i.e. as h decreases R increases and the liquid meniscus becomes more and more flat but the liquid
does not overflow.
184. The presence of impurities either on the liquid surface or dissolved in it considerably affect the force
of surface tension depending upon the degree of surface tension depending upon the degree of
contamination. A highly soluable substance like sodium chioride when dissolved in water increase
the surface tension. But the sparing soluable or substance like phenol when dissolved in water
reduces the surface tension of water.
185. We know that the intermolecular distance between the gas moleculas is Large as compaired to that
of liquid Due to it the forces of cohesion in the gas moleculas are very small and these are quite
Large for liquids. Therefor the concept of surface tension is applicable to Liquid but not to gasses.
186. The height of capillary rise is inversly propostional to radius (or diametre) of capillary tube
i.e. h  so, for smaller r the value of his higher
187. When a drop of Liquid is poured on a glass, plate, the shape of the drop also is governed the force
of gravity for every small drops the potential energy due to gravity is insignification. Compared to
that due to surface tention. Hence, in this case the shape of the drop is determined by sufrace tension
alone and drope becomes spherical.
188. p1 v1  p 2 v 2

p  hg  4  r3  p0 
2r 3
3 3


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189. Thrust on lamina = pressure at centroid  area

hg 1
 A  Agh
3 3
190. Bulk modulas

p p  p 
B   V0  v  v 0  v  v0  1 
v B  B 
 p   p 
Density   0  1   0  1 
 B   B 
191. = 760 - 750 = mnat Hg = 4g
192. Here, h = 20 m

3 kg
Density of water   10
Atmospheric pressure
Pa  1.01  105 pa

p  pa  gh
193. Weight of the ball = Buyoant force + viscous force
194. For the floatation Vo dog = Vin dg
do do
Vin  V0 Vout  V0  Vin  V0  V0
d d
195. Weight of body
Weight of water displaced Weight of oil displaced
0 4
Specitic grvity of oil  
w 3
196. Aschemedies principal explains buoyant force and bouant force depends on acceleration due to
204. If two drops of same radius r coalesce then radius of new drop is given by R
4 4 4
 R 3   r 3   r 3  R 3  2r 3
3 3 3
R  2 3 r
Is drop of radius r is falling in viscous medium then it acquire a critical velocity V and V r 2
 13 
v2  R  2 r 2 2
    1 m
v1  r   r 
v 2  2 v1 2 5 3  5  4 3
  s


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206. According to Bernouli's theoram

v2  2.45 
h  h     0.30 cm
9  2  10 
 30.0 cm
207. Time taken by outer to reach the bottom =

2  H  D
t 
and velocity of water coming out of hole
 v  2gD
Horizontal distance covered
x  vt

2 r 2g
209. Terminal speed v    
9 n
Where,   Density of the substance
  Density of the liquid
If n and r are constant then
v    
210. Mass = volume  Density
4 3
 M r  
As the density remains constant
M  r3

211. The terminal velocity of the spherical body of radius R density S falling through a liquid of density 
is given by
2 R    
Vt  g
9 n
where n is the coefficient of vescosity of the liquid.
2 2
2 R1  1    2 R2  2   
VT1  g and Vt 2  g
9n 9n
According to the given problem


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212. Diameter  8  10 3 m

V1  0.4

v 2  v12  2gh
A 1v 1 = A 2v 2
215. The volume of liquid displaced by floating ice VD   

Volume of water formed by melting ice, VF 
 i.e VD  VF
L w
- Height of the blood column in the human body is more at feet than at the brain as P = hpg there face
the blood exeists more pressure at the feet than at the brain.
- When to holes are made in the Hn air keeps on externing through the other hole Due to this the
pressure inside the tin does not become less than at mosphere pleassure which happen only when
hole is made.

C F  32 183 F  32
218.     F   297 o F
5 9 5 9
219. Change in resistonce 3.70  2.71  0.99  to interval of temprature 900 C so change in resistance
3.26  2.71  0.55  corresponds to change in temprature.

  0.55  50 o C
220. Maxmimum density of water is at 40 C also
C F  32

5 9
C F  32
221. 
5 9
222. The boiling point of mercury is 4000 C. Therefore the mercury thermeter can be used to measure the
range upto 3600 C.
C F  32
223. 
5 9

2 A L
225. A  L   2.


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226. Coffcient of volume expansion

   2
r  1
 . T  
Hence, cofficent of linear expansion
227. Water has maximum density at 40C so if the water is heated above 40C or Density cooled below
40C density decreases. In other words it expands so it overflows in both cases.
228. Increase in length L  Lo  

229. Melting point of ice decreases with increase in pressuire.
230.   m. c ; if   1k then   mc  Thermal capacity
231. Let final temprature of water bc  heat taken = Heat given
110  1  10  10  10  220  1 70  

   48. 8o C  50o C
232.   0.0023h  0.0023  100  0.23o C
233. At boiling point vapour pressure becomes equal to the external pressure.

mw w 
234.  mix  cw
mi  mw

Critical Thinking
235. Thermostat is used in electric opporatas like refrigerator iron etc for automatic cut off Therefore for
metallic strips to bend on heating their coefficient of linear expansion should be different.
236. Initially ice will absorb heat to rise its temprature to 00C then its melting takes place. If mi = Initial
mass of ice mi-1 = Mass of ice that melts and mw = Initial mass of water By low of mixture Heat
gained by ice = Heat lost by water  mi  c  20   mi  L  mwC w 20

 2  0.5 20  mi  80  5 1  20  mi 7  1 kg
So final mass water Initial mass of water + mass of ice that melts = 5 + 1 = 6 kg
237. If mass of the bullet is m gm then total heat required for bullet to just melt down.
1  mc  mL

Now when bullet is stopped by the obstacle the loss in its mechanical energy  cm  10 3 ) v 2 9
(As mg  m  10 3 kg )
As 25% of this energy is absorbed by the


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75 1 2 3 3 2 3
2  100  2 mv  10  8 mv  10 J

Now the bullet melt if  2  1

238. P  t  mc

mc 4200 m 4200  m  

t  
p p VI

 1 
 water  4200  oC 
 kg 

4200  1  100  20 
 t  381sec  6.3 min
220  4

Graphical Optaions
239. Initially on heating temprature rises from -100 C to 00 C Then ice melt and temprature does not rise
After the whole ice has melted temprature begins to rise until reaches 1000 C Then it becomes
constant as at the boiling point will not rise.
240. Density of water is maximum at 40 C and is less on either side of this temprature.

Assertion & Reason

241. With rise in pressure melting point of ice decreases also ice contracts on melting.
242. Celsius scale was the first temprature scale and fahrenheit is the smallest unit measuring temprature.
243. Melting is associated with increasing of internal energy without change in temprature in view of the
reason being correct the amount of heat absorbed or given out during change of state is expressed
where m is the mass of the substances and L is the latent heat of the substance.
244. If bath assertion and reason are true and the reason is the correct explanation of the assertion.
245. The potential energy of water molecules is more. The heat given to melt the ice at 00C used up in
increasing the potentical energy of water molecules formed at 00 C
246. Water has maximum density at 40 C on heating above 40 C or cooling below 40C density of water
decreases and its volume increases. Therefore water overflows in both the cases.


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