Compact Quadruple Band MIMO Antenna For 5G Mobile Applications

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Compact Quadruple Band MIMO Antenna for 5G

Mobile Applications
Xueliang Shi, Ming Zhang, Huailin Wen, and Jun Wang
Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
No. 360, Jiangshu Road, Hangzhou, P. R. China
{xueliang.shi, richie.zhang, wenhuailin, justin.wangjun}

Abstract—A design of compact quadruple band MIMO

antenna for 5G mobile applications is proposed. The MIMO
antenna consists of 8 antenna elements, each two of them are
symmetrically placed on the orthogonal frame corners of the
substrate, closely located to each other and connected by a
short neutral line. Each antenna element consists of two
feeding ports which operate at different frequencies. One
feeding port operates at 3.5-3.9 GHz and the other feeding port
operates at three bands, which are 2.3-2.5 GHz, 3.3-3.5 GHz
and 4.25-4.45 GHz. The radiation efficiencies of all four bands
are above 50% and ECC of the antenna elements are below 0.2,
the calculated ergodic channel capacities with a 20 dB SNR at
four bands reach to 87% of the ideal case at 3.6 GHz, 87.5% at
2.4 GHz, 82.7% at 3.4 GHz and 83.2% at 4.3 GHz, respectively,
which are close to the ideal case of 8×8 MIMO system.

Index Terms— quadruple band antenna; MIMO antenna;

5G mobile communication; mobile antennas; channel capacity

Mobile networks have been developed rapidly in the last
few years and preliminary interest and discussions about a
possible 5th generation (5G) standard has captured the Fig. 1. Geometry of the proposed antenna
attention and imagination of researchers and engineers
around world [1]. In order to achieve high data rate than 4G, channel capacity can reach to 47 bps/Hz with a 20 dB SNR
Multi-input Multi-output (MIMO) will become one of the in a 10×10 MIMO system [5]. M. Li proposed an eight
core technologies for 5G operation [2]. For mobile device, element dual polarized mobile antenna at 2.6 GHz with high
MIMO antennas will also need to be introduced to improve isolation and low ECC, the ergodic channel capacity in an
the system throughput. Two or more antennas with high 8×8 MIMO system is about 40 bps/Hz with a 20 dB SNR
isolation and low envelope correlation coefficient (ECC) for [6]. Most of the 8 antenna papers are one band and some of
mobile device are required and should be placed in a limited them are dual bands. For mobile phone application, one
space. However, when two antennas are placed closely, the antenna should cover as many bands as it can.
isolation should be low and the mutual coupling will In order to reduce the mutual coupling between two
decrease the efficiency of antenna, increase the ECC and closely placed antennas, many different techniques have
then result in decreasing the MIMO performance [3]. been proposed, and neutral line technique is a common way
Therefore, arranging multiple antennas into a mobile device to increase isolation [9]. People use proper structure of
or smartphone with high performance is now a challenging neutral line to improve one frequency band and multiple
topic for mobile antenna researchers and engineers. lines to improve multiple bands. The lines always are
In recent years, many different MIMO antennas for mobile comparable to quarter wavelength and a space will be needed
devices have been reported [4-6]. V. Viikari and co-workers to accommodate the neutral line and the antenna dimension
designed an eight element mobile antenna array for the LTE which is quite limited in mobile device will be increased.
3.5 GHz band (3400–3600 MHz), and the ergodic channel This will also increase the complex of closely space MIMO
capacity of approximately 15.5 bps/Hz can be achieved in a antennas design and fabrication. Diversity techniques
2 × 8 MIMO system at a 20-dB signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) (spatial, polarization, and pattern diversity) can also be used
[4]. K. Wong and co-workers published a ten elements to enhance antenna isolation and reduce ECC, and it can be
MIMO mobile antenna for 3.6 GHz and the maximum verified than using diversity technique can increase channel
Fig. 2. Simulated S parameters of port 1 Fig. 3. Simulated S parameters of port 3

capacity in some scattering environment [10]. width of Huawei Mate 9 is 78 mm, and each corner antenna
In this letter, a compact quadruple band 8-element MIMO needs 18 mm space, there still will be 42 mm space left for
antenna is proposed. Antenna elements are located on the 4 main antenna, almost half the width of cellphone. Many
corners of substrate and each closely placed two elements are works have been published on compact size 3G and 4G
connected by a straight short neutral line. Each antenna antenna. J. Anguera proposed 4 x 4 MIMO 3G and 4G
element has two feeding ports operating at four different antenna with a length of 10 mm [11], H. Liu proposed 4
bands. All four operating bands have high isolations between MIMO cell phone antenna and two data antenna and one
feeds, because of different frequencies have different main antenna are place on the top of cellphone [12]. So we
decoupling mechanisms, which are neutral line decoupling, believe there still will be enough space for us to place a 3G
orthogonal polarization diversity and spatial diversity. The and 4G full band antenna between two corner antennas at
antenna structure is simple and easy to fabricate, can be the top/ bottom of cellphone.
placed at the corners of a 5G mobile handset. Fig. 1 (c) shows the antenna pair structures to indicate the
concept of this design. The antenna elements are
II. ANTENNA DESIGN symmetrically placed along the corners of the substrate,
close to each other and connected by a short neutral line.
The geometry of the proposed antenna design is shown in
Each antenna element has two feeding ports and
Fig. 1. The substrate of the antenna is FR4 with 4.4
symmetrical ports operates at the same frequency bands. In
dielectric constant, 0.02 loss tangent. The overall dimension
this design, port 1 and port 2 operate at 3.5-3.9 GHz and the
of the structure is 136 mm × 68 mm × 6 mm and the size of
mutual coupling between the two ports is reduced by the
the substrate is 136 mm × 68 mm × 1 mm, which is also
connected neutral line. Port 3 and port 4 operate at three
considered as the ground plane. A FR4 loop frame with a
bands, which are 2.3-2.5 GHz, 3.3-3.5 GHz and 4.25-4.45
thickness of 1mm and a height of 5 mm is located on the
GHz. The antenna elements are unfolded and the detailed
edges of the substrate and the antenna elements are placed at
dimension is shown in Fig. 1 (d). The overall size for the
the corners of the FR4 frame symmetrically and each pair of
frame part is 18 mm by 6 mm and the size for the bottom
antennas are connected by a short neutral line, as shown in
part is 14.5 mm by 3 mm.
Fig. 1 (a). Fig. 1 (b) shows the prototype of 8 MIMO
The resonance mechanisms of four bands are explained as
antenna design. The antenna elements are folded and located
follows: band 2.3-2.5 GHz is the lowest frequency and the
both on the sides and the bottom substrate, which may be
whole antenna element takes part in the energy radiation;
suitable for 5G mobile device application. Because MIMO
the bottom part and the low area of side part of the structure
antenna will be incorporated in user equipment for 5G
takes part in the radiation of band 3.3-3.5 GHz; for band
application, there will not be enough space and ground
4.25-4.45 GHz, the low area of the frame part plays an
clearance to place so many antennas in a mobile device and
important role of radiation; the band of 3.5-3.9 GHz uses the
the utilization of frames can be helpful.
same area to radiation as band 3.3-3.5 GHz, with different
AS we all know, 3G and 4G antennas (main antenna and
feeding ports.
diversity antenna) are placed at the top and bottom of a
cellphone. For small cellphones, if the corner is used to III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
place data/mimo antennas, there may not be enough space
The simulated and measured S parameters of port 1 are
for main/diversity antenna. Nowadays, cellphones have
shown in Fig. 2. The 10-dB impedance bandwidth of port 1
larger screens and more spaces at the top and bottom will be
is 3.5-3.9 GHz. The simulated S12 without neutral line
available for main/diversity antennas, even the corner of the
shows high coupling at the operating band. Because of the
cellphone is used for data/mimo antenna. For example, the
dB (Gaintotal) Port 1 3.6 GHz Port 2 3.6 GHz

-20 -9 2

Port 3 3.4 GHz Port 3 4.3 GHz
Port 3 2.4 GHz

Port 4 2.4 GHz
Port 4 3.4 GHz Port 4 4.3 GHz

Y Y Y Fig. 5. Total radiation efficiency of the port 1 and port 3


Fig. 4. Measured far field radiation patterns

neutral line decoupling is utilized between port 1 and port 2,

S12 with neutral line is below -10dB at operating band. Also,
the simulated results and measured results shows good
The simulated and measured S parameters of port 3 are
shown in Fig. 3. Port 3 operates at three bands, which are,
which are 2.3-2.5 GHz, 3.3-3.5 GHz and 4.25-4.45 GHz.
The mutual couplings of two bands of 2.3-2.5 GHz and 3.3-
3.5 GHz are reduced by orthogonal polarization diversity
because of orthogonal positions of two antenna elements.
The coupling of band 4.25-4.45 GHz is reduced by spatial
diversity because of high frequency and large enough Fig. 6. Calculated ECC from measured radiation pattern
antenna space.
different bands are 60% at 2.4 GHz, 56% at 3.4 GHz and
The far field radiation pattern of each port operating at 64% at 4.3 GHz. The 50% efficiency bands are 2.3-2.5
four bands are shown in Fig.4. Because of orthogonal GHz, 3.3-3.5 GHz and 4.25-4.45 GHz. So for 50%
placement of two radiation elements, the maximum radiation efficiency bands, port 1 and port 3 covers four bands, 1GHz
direction of different ports are almost orthogonal at the same band in total. As we all know, the radiation efficiency of
frequency which can reduce the coupling between antennas. mobile phone antenna is quite low, so if we set the threshold
Due to the compact structure, it is difficult to optimize value of efficiency as 20%, then port 1 and port 2 can cover
antenna structure to obtain high isolation for all four bands, from 2 GHz to 2.6 GHz and 3 GHz to 5 GHz, which may
so different isolation enhancement methods are utilized for include almost all 5G frequency bands. Note that when one
different frequencies. For 3.5-3.9 GHz band, a neutral line is antenna element is excited, the remaining antennas are
connected the two symmetrical feeding ports and an isolation terminated to 50 Ohm load. So in the case the results for
of above 10 dB is achieved. For 2.3-2.5 GHz and 3.3-3.5 simulation and measurement are match and it is noticed that
GHz bands, the mutual couplings are reduced by orthogonal due to error in manufacturing, there is a slight frequency
polarization because of orthogonal positions of two antenna shift. Also agreement between the simulated results and
elements. The coupling of band 4.15-4.35 GHz is reduced by measured results are shown in Fig. 5.
spatial diversity because of high frequency and large enough
To evaluate the MIMO antenna performance, radiation
antenna space.
efficiency is not the only parameter and ECC should be
Fig. 5 shows the antenna total radiation efficiency (taking considered. Both efficiency and ECC can affect the MIMO
into account reflection losses) for port 1 and port 3. For port antenna performance. ECC values between each two antenna
1, the simulated efficiency reach up to 67% at 3.66 GHz and need to be studied. Because of the space, the antennas from
the efficiency is higher than 50% from 3.5 GHz to 3.9 GHz. different pair have low ECC and can be neglected. Fig.5
For port 3, the highest simulated efficiency for three shows the calculated ECC from the measured complex
A quadruple band 8-element MIMO antenna with compact
size and simple structure is proposed and demonstrated. The
antenna consists of 4 pairs of two folded structures which are
used as radiation elements to resonate at four different bands.
Each pair of antenna elements are symmetrically placed on
the orthogonal frames and bottom, and closely located to
each other. The two antenna elements are connected by a
short neutral line which can be used to reduce the mutual
coupling at one operating band. Each element is feed by two
ports. One port is located on the frame of the substrate and
operates at 3.5-3.9 GHz, the other is located on the bottom of
the structure and operates at three different bands, 2.3-2.5
GHz, 3.3-3.5GHz and 4.25-4.45 GHz. The radiation
efficiencies of all four bands mentioned are above 50% and
Fig. 7. Calculated ergodic channel capacities from measured radiation ECC of the antenna elements are low enough for the antenna
electric-filed patterns for the two antenna elements in a pair, to get good performance in a MIMO system. The calculated
using ECC calculation tool of Satimo Starlab. For the ECC ergodic channel capacities with a 20 dB SNR at four bands
results, the propagation environment is assumed to have reach to 87% of the ideal case at 3.6 GHz, 87.5% at 2.4
uniform incident wave and the cross polarization power ratio GHz, 82.7% at 3.4 GHz and 83.2% at 4.3 GHz, respectively,
of the incident wave is set to 0 dB. So according to the result, which are close to the ideal case of 8h8 MIMO system.
the ECC values for all the bands are less than 0.2, which are By placing each pair of antennas at each corner of the
low enough and makes the MIMO antenna design promising device, proposed MIMO antenna obtained good performance
for MIMO application. in MIMO system and the design is feasible for mobile
Now channel capacity is widely used to evaluate MIMO device, especially for 5G mobile handset applications which
antenna performance and the maximum ergodic channel will introduce MIMO antennas in mobile handsets.
capacities (bits per second per Hertz) of the fabricated 8-
element MIMO antenna in an 8h8 MIMO system is REFERENCES
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