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Mike + is + Jumping + on the armchair


• Are you going for your appointment? Yes I am/ No, I ‘m not


Are they playing hide and seek? Yes, They are!

Is the little girl screaming? Yes, She is!.

Is the little girl Hiding under the table? Yes, She is!

Are they hugging? Yes, they are!.

Is he giving a birthday present? Yes He is!

Is she playing archery? Yes, She is!


Open questions

What is she getting the arrow back?

Why is she walking in the forest?

Why is she touching some plants?

Where is she seeing a blue light?


Is the dog getting out of a trashbin? Yes! The dog is getting out!

What is the little boy blowing ? He’s blowing on a blowin on a bottle

Who is the grandmother closing? She’s closing the window

Where is the people singing? They’re singing on the street

What is the dog doing? The dog is doing tricks!

What is the people playing on the street? The people is playing air guitar

What is Miguel paying? He’s paying for food

Where is the old woman sweeping? She is sweeping the street!

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