1.what Is The Name of This Natural Reservoir?

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1.What is the name of this natural reservoir?

The Amacayacu National Natural Park.

2. where is located?

Amacayacu protects a large strip of jungle in southeastern Colombia. To the south it borders the
Amazon River, on the border with Brazil.

San Martín de Amacayacu is a Ticuna indigenous settlement. To the southwest of the park is the
village of Puerto Nariño.
3. What is its history? Why is it a natural reservoir?

It was created in 1975 and in 1987 it was expanded to the current area of 293,500 hectares. This
territory represents about 40% of the total area of the Amazon Trapezoid.

It presents an ecosystem of warm tropical rainforest and flooded forests.

The Amacayacu National Natural Park (PNN Amacayacu) was created in order to reserve areas of
the national natural heritage. Preserve species of fauna and flora, investigate natural resources.

Reason for being of the Amacayacu National Natural Park:

 Conserve a representative sample of different ecosystems.

 It has hydrobiological wealth.
 Contributes to the sustainable use and management of natural resources.
 Maintains the functions of ecosystems to guarantee local climate regulation and
contributes to the mitigation of global climate change.
 Contributes to the knowledge of the importance of the Amazon in relation to society in

4. why is it important for the region where it is located in?

The Amacayacu is the habitat of the “titi leoncito” (the smallest primate in America), a unique
turtle in the area, huge silver-blue butterflies, and the largest lotus flower in the world.
In addition to having an exuberant fauna and flora, 18% of the Park area is found with ancestral
indigenous territories of the Tikuna ethnic group, who today seek a balance between traditional
forms and contemporary dynamics of modern life.

5.What are the predominant animal/insect species it protects? Why?

Amacayacu has around 150 species of mammals such as the pink dolphin and some species in
danger of extinction such as the jaguar, the manatee and the otter.

Among the primates is the “titi leoncito”, the smallest in the world and must be protected. There
are 500 species of birds such as macaws. Among the reptiles is the largest freshwater turtle in the

They are species that can only be found in this region and their protection is important

6. what are the predominant plant species it contains?

gramalotes, grass that resists floods. The floating vegetation is characteristic of the waters of the
Park. Much of the park is covered by what is known as highland forest where there are different
species of trees.

Among the most important tree species of the protected area we can mention: Cedro Rojo,
Caucho, Lagarto Caspi, Huito, Achapo Blanco, Acapú, Balata o Masarandua, Capirona, Aguaje,
Capinurí, Matamatá, Ponas, Ceiba and Chuchuhuasa, to mention only Some.

7. What does it offer to the human visitors?

This park offers two types of tourism:

1) Visitor center with accommodation service. There, since 1987, there is the Yewaé Visitor Center

2) Community Ecotourism: where communities organize themselves to offer accommodation,

hiking and other attractions.

Visitors can enter deep into the Amazon rainforest and visit the home of mammals such as the
jaguar, tapir, and deer, among others.

They can visit impressive places due to their great scenic and cultural beauty, they can climb a 45
meter high tree, observe dolphins in the Amazon River and visit the settlements of the Tikuna
8. what amazing and unique things can you see in this place?

 Birdwatching over a swamp

 Walks in the woods
 Visit to Indigenous communities
 Dolphin watching
 Sport fishing
 Boat Tours
 Visit to Amazon Islands
 Lodging in the jungle
 Indigenous Cultural Activities (dance, stories, and theater)
 Typical Indigenous Food
A national park is a category of protected area.

Flora and fauna must be protected and conserved.

roads are built to travel and perform different activities

the difference is that in a nature reserve you can use natural resources and in the park you cannot

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