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2- Do you want me to lend you?

3- Would you like me to shut the window?

4- Would you like me to show you?

5- Dou you want me to repeat you?

6-Do you want me to wait you?

2- They invited him to stay with them

3- She wouldn't him let to use your phone

4-She warned him to be careful

5-He asked me to give a hand

2- I didn´t expect it to rain

3- Let not to stop him doing what he wants

4- Tim´s glasses make him to look older

5- I want you to know the truth

6- Remind me to phone my sister

7-Sarah persuaded me to apply for the job

8-My lawyer advised me not to say anything to the police

9- I was warned me not to believe everything he says

10- Having a car enables to get around more easily

2- to go

3- doing

4- to cry

5- to study

6- eating

7- to read

8- to make

9- to think

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