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Published December 11, 2014

Review of Some Aspects of Growth and Development of Feedlot Cattle1

Fredric N. Owens*,2, Donald R. Gill*, David S. Secrist*, and S. W. Coleman†

*Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station, Animal Science Department, Stillwater 74078 and
†Grasslands Research Laboratory, ARS, El Reno, OK 73036

ABSTRACT: Growth in animals is defined as mature animals can continue to accrete fat. Although
accretion of protein, fat, and bone. Although growth fat accretion can be reduced by limiting the supply of
typically is measured as the change in live weight, net energy, rate of fat accretion by finishing steers
nutrient retention is estimated more precisely by given ad libitum access to high-concentrate diets
measuring empty body weight and composition, seems to reach a plateau at approximately 550 g daily.
whereas production economics are measured ideally Protein mass, in contrast, increases in proportion to
through carcass weights and quality. As a percentage empty body weight. The protein:fat ratio of the carcass
of live weight gain, carcass weight gain usually is a can be increased through increasing mature size, by
much higher percentage during the feedlot phase than
administering hormones or hormonal modifiers, by
during the growing phase of production because
limiting energy intake during the growing period or
dressing percentage (ratio of carcass:live weight)
finishing period, or by slaughtering cattle at an earlier
increases with maturation and is greater with concen-
trate than with roughage diets. At a given fraction of stage of maturity. Energetically, efficiency of accretion
mature body size (maximum body protein mass), of fat is approximately 1.7 times that of protein. But
body fat percentage seems to be a constant. Mature because more water is stored with deposited protein
size may be altered genetically and nutritionally. than with deposited fat, lean tissue gain is four times
Protein accretion declines to zero when cattle reach as efficient as accretion of fat tissue. Conversion of
their mature body size (approximately 36% fat in protein to fat is very inefficient, suggesting that excess
empty body weight in modern cattle) even though protein is utilized inefficiently.

Key Words: Growth, Fat, Protein, Deposition, Feedlot Cattle

J. Anim. Sci. 1995. 73:3152–3172

Introduction turnover of tissues, and cell number (DNA) and

activity. This review will concentrate on methods of
Growth and development of ruminants have been performance measurement in feedlot cattle given ad
discussed and reviewed for many years. Discussions libitum access to concentrate diets (so that energy
and reviews are presented in both classic texts accessibility should not limit growth rate), methods
(Brody, 1964) and more recent articles (Elsley, 1976; by which composition of the body and products can be
Webster, 1977; Robelin and Geay, 1984; Rohr and altered, and theories about limits to growth rate.
Daenicke, 1984; Oltjen and Garrett, 1988; Bergen and
Merkel, 1991; Lindsay et al., 1993). Various authors
Body Weight Measurements
have speculated or modeled that rate and composition
of tissue accretion may be controlled by chronological
Growth is routinely measured as the change in live
age, physiological age (as related to sex, mature size,
weight or mass. Weighing conditions vary. Full live
maturity), energy intake, hormonal status, relative weight is measured without withholding feed or water;
thereby, it varies during a day due to patterns of feed
and water intake (Zinn, 1990). Precision of weight
1Presented at a symposium titled “Appraising Growth and measurement of individual animals is reduced by
Development of Feedlot Cattle” at the ASAS 86th Annu. Mtg., animal movement in the scale and loss of digesta from
Minneapolis, MN. Financial support was provided by Syntex Animal the tract. Weighing on consecutive days can reduce
Health. Approved for publication by the Director, Oklahoma Agric.
daily variation slightly (Stock et al., 1983). Full live
Exp. Sta. This research was supported under Project H-2123.
2To whom correspondence should be addressed. weights are uncertain as an index of growth when feed
Received November 28, 1994. or water intakes and digestive tract fill are altered by
Accepted June 18, 1995. dietary roughage level, weather changes, or feeding


Figure 1. Relationship of empty body weight (EBW) to body weight, either shrunk (SBW) or unshrunk (BW), and
digestive tract fill (FILL). Equations for lines from top to bottom in the figure are from Jesse et al. (1976; EBW = .972
SBW − 13.6; so FILL = .028 SBW + 13.6); Williams et al. (1992; EBW = BW − FILL; where FILL = (.05354 + .329 NDF) ×
((BW/200)−.332) × (1.0 − .246 X − 1.481 X2 + 1.107 X−3) (1 + .35 X), where NDF is NDF content of the forage (decimal
fraction assumed to be .4), X is dietary concentrate level (decimal fraction assumed to be .9), and X is 0 for silage or
pasture and 1 for hay and assumed to be hay]; ARC (1980; EBW = BW / 1.09 − A, where A = 4 for concentrate diets,
14 for mixed diets, and 25 for long, dry roughage and was assumed to be 4); NRC (1984; EBW = .891 SBW; so FILL =
.109 SBW); Moulton et al. (1922; EBW = BW − FILL; where FILL = BW × .788 BW−.332); and this review where EBW =
.917 SBW − 11.39, so FILL = .083 SBW + 11.4.

patterns. In an attempt to avoid such problems, (1992) logically accounts for multiple factors by
weight can be measured “shrunk” (i.e., after a period including effects on fill by fiber content of the diet,
of time of feed and(or) water withdrawal). This concentrate level, and animal maturation. Although
reduces the degree of variation in the amount of greater fill usually is detected with hay than with
digesta in the gastrointestinal tract. Primarily due to other roughages, the suggestion that feeding hay
loss from the digestive tract, shrinkage will vary with rather than silage or pasture will increase fill by 35%
time and diet. More digestive tract fill is lost when the is surprising and needs further study.
digesta are high in moisture content and when Empty body weight also can be estimated from
animals are active. However, a period of shrink carcass weight (Figure 2). Here the relationship is
disrupts feeding schedules and can complicate re- linear but with sizable differences in the intercept (30
alimentation even though ruminal outflow decreases to 61 kg) and the slope (1.36 to 1.45 times carcass
when feed is withheld. weight). Researchers often calculate shrunk live
A more precise index of energy and nutrient content weight from hot carcass weight and the mean dressing
of the body is empty body weight ( EBW) . Here, percentage for a treatment or a slaughter group.
digesta are totally and laboriously removed from the Dressing percentage for an individual animal is
gastrointestinal tract after animals are slaughtered defined as hot carcass weight divided by live weight.
and all remaining tissues are weighed. Various Note that intercepts are involved with all equations
regression equations have been developed to estimate relating empty body weight to carcass weight (Figure
empty body weight from body weight (Figure 1). 2 ) and that shrunk body weight is not directly
Except for the NRC (1984) equation, all equations proportional to body weight (Figure 1). This suggests
predict that empty body weight increases as body that calculating either empty or shrunk body weight
weight increases, being 85 to 95% of body weight. In simply by dividing carcass weight by dressing percent-
contrast to the other equations, that of Williams et al. age for a group of animals may be biased if carcass

Figure 2. Relationship of empty body weight (EBW) to carcass weight (CW). Equations for lines from top to bottom
in the figure are from Holzer and Levy (1969; EBW = 1.39 CW + 60.6); Holzer and Levy (1969; EBW = 1.44 CW +
41.2); Lofgreen et al. (1962; EBW = 1.45 CW + 31.7); Fox et al. (1976; EBW = 1.40 CW + 40.2); and Garrett and Hinman
(1969; EBW = 1.36 CW + 30.3).

weights differ greatly. Nevertheless, shrunk weight before other carcass components. This would cause fill
calculated from carcass weight divided by mean to be inversely correlated with fat content of the
dressing percentage typically has approximately 20% carcass, another index of maturity. The fact that DMI
less variation than measured shrunk weights (Van decreases as carcass fat increases has caused specula-
Koevering et al., 1995), indicating that precision is tion that accumulating fat reduces volume for the
improved when variation due to digestive tract fill is digestive tract (Reid and Robb, 1971) and equations
removed. However, because dressing percentage and predicting DMI often include carcass fat (Fox et al.,
carcass fat percentage typically but variably increase 1992). However, correlations alone do not prove cause
with slaughter weight, empty body or carcass weight and effect. Furthermore, the effect of altered growth
alone is imprecise as an index of energy retention. rates on offal components is not fully clear. Murray et
Classically, dressing percentage has been correlated al. (1977) indicated that weight of contents of the
with fatness or degree of finish. In recent work by reticulorumen was greater for steers with restricted
Coleman et al. (1995), the correlation between feed intake, and Carstens et al. (1991) has shown
dressing percentage and weight of the digestive tract that compensatory gain was attributable largely to
contents was negative but slightly closer ( R 2 = .99) increased gut fill plus weight of the digestive tract and
than its correlation to fat percentage of the carcass other internal organs. Environmental factors such as
( R 2 = .93). Robelin and Geay (1984) observed that season (Pusillo et al., 1991) and day length (Tucker
digestive tract contents early in life represent under et al., 1984) also may alter dressing percentage, but
5% of body weight but that this percentage increases whether these changes are due to altered body
rapidly to reach approximately 20% of body weight in composition or fill is not clear.
cattle at 200 to 250 kg; thereafter, fill (the difference Because digestive tract fill changes with maturity
between shrunk and empty body weight as shown in and diet, the proportionality among shrunk, empty
Figure 1 ) declines to reach less than 12% when body, and carcass weight becomes suspect. Although
shrunk body weight of growing animals reaches 350 these three measurements usually parallel each other,
kg. Additional factors altering fill were outlined by proportions can change markedly at different stages of
Williams et al. (1992). These changes suggest that production. This means that the fraction of weight
the digestive tract reaches its mature size and weight gain that appears in the carcass can differ widely, as
can be illustrated using data from Coleman et al. however, digestive tract fill decreased from 15.6 to
(1995) in Figure 3. In this study, cattle were grown 8.5% of shrunk weight as time on the feedlot diet
for 145 d (fed either sorghum silage or a limited increased and calves were switched to ad libitum
amount of a high-concentrate diet). Subsequently, intake of a concentrate diet. Both maturation and diet
these cattle were placed into the feedlot for 105 d. may be involved in this change, because when higher
Means for the growth phase (averaged across the two forage levels are fed throughout the finishing period,
systems) and the feedlot phase of production are percentage of weight as gastrointestinal fill may not
shown in Figure 3. As a proportion of live weight gain, decrease (Buckley et al., 1990).
empty body weight gain averaged 77% during the
growth phase. In contrast, empty body weight gain
was 118% of live weight gain during the finishing Body Composition Measurement
phase. Carcass gain, as a fraction of live weight gain,
was almost twice as great during the feedlot phase as Ultimately, weights of closely trimmed retail prod-
during the growth phase. Hence, the proportion of uct are preferable to live or carcass weights as an
shrunk or full weight gain that was carcass gain was index of the commercial value of a carcass. Few
much greater during the feedlot than during the research trials have carried evaluation of growth to
growth phase. In some studies, with large, grazed this extreme, although genetic selection in poultry
Holstein steers, carcass weight gain during the feedlot already is evolving away from emphasis on decreasing
phase has exceeded shrunk body weight gain! This can body fat content toward increasing breast muscle
happen only when dressing percentage increases weight. To date, most studies with beef cattle quan-
drastically. In the Coleman et al. (1995) study, tifying tissue accretion have examined the quantities
dressing percentage increased from approximately of water, fat, protein and ash in either the empty body
57% to 64% during the 105-d finishing period. What or the carcass. Methods to assess body composition
can explain this increase in dressing percentage? were reviewed extensively by Blaxter (1989). Chemi-
From this same data set, proportional weights of cal composition of the ground empty body ideally
various body and digesta components are presented in would be the standard. However, many studies rely on
Figure 4. Weights of most organs, expressed as a other measurements such as chemical composition of
proportion of shrunk weight, remained quite constant; specified carcass parts or specific gravity of the total

Figure 3. Relative rates of live, empty body, carcass, and lean gain by cattle during growing (backgrounding on
either sorghum silage or limit-fed grain) and finishing (ad libitum access to grain) stages of production. Data from
Coleman et al. (1995).

Figure 4. Components of empty body weight at various times in the feedlot. Data from Coleman et al. (1995).

carcass to predict empty body composition. For many For estimating tissue accretion, repeated observa-
years, rib sections have been used to appraise total tions on a single animal would be preferable to the
body composition (Hopper, 1944; Hankins and Howe, posthumous measurements discussed above. Conse-
1946; Alhassan et al., 1975). Alhassan et al. (1975) quently, extensive effort has been expended to quan-
indicated that rib cuts improved accuracy of predicting tify body composition of live animals. Based on
fat and energy content even though shrunk body Moulton’s (1923) concept of “chemical maturity,”
weight alone quite accurately predicted weights of which states that composition of the fat-free body
carcass protein and water. reaches a constant when cattle reach about 3 mo of
Carcass specific gravity, based on the elegant and age, regression equations have been developed relat-
extensive work by various workers (Lofgreen and ing body fat and body protein to body water (Kock and
Garrett, 1968; Garrett and Hinman, 1969; Preston et Preston, 1979; Byers, 1980; Hammond et al., 1990).
al., 1974), is used widely to estimate chemical Water, in turn, can be estimated by measuring
composition of the carcass and the empty body. The dilution of various pulse-dosed markers including
regression equations were developed largely with deuterium, tritium, and urea. Such techniques allow
British cattle breeds weighing over 400 kg BW and body composition to be quantified at specific intervals
verification with other breeds and weights has not so that accretion during specific interim periods can be
been extensive. Some cattle breeds such as the calculated. Unfortunately, the accuracy of various
Holstein deposit a higher proportion of fat internally body composition prediction equations across various
in non-carcass components rather than in the carcass, weight classes from calves to finished steers is limited
unlike the more traditional beef breeds (Dolezal et al., (Rule et al., 1986), with slight changes in the ratio of
1993). Old and Garrett (1987) developed equations water:lean body mass (Blaxter, 1989) both across
for estimating body composition from carcass specific breed types and frame sizes that differ in site of lipid
gravity for Charolais cattle that differed from the accretion (omental vs subcutaneous; Ferrell and
equations for British breeds. Alhassan et al. (1975) Jenkins, 1984b; Dolezal et al., 1993), and across
suggested that specific gravity was less predictive of gender types (bulls and implanted steers have a
body fat when body fat was under 20% of weight, higher proportion of their weight in the forequarter).
somewhat greater than the 12% minimum indicated Supporting Blaxter’s (1989) contention, regression of
by Garrett and Hinman (1969). Nevertheless, most protein against fat free empty body weight using the
estimates of body composition and tissue accretion are data assembled for this review revealed that the
based on this proven technique. protein to fat-free empty body weight was directly
related to EBW for cattle entering the feedlot phase 10% below or 5% above that calculated from the
but inversely related to EBW for finished cattle. reported amounts of fat and protein retained (fat at
Technologies to quantify muscle mass, fat thickness, 90% DM, fat-free lean tissue [protein] at 22% DM),
and marbling through magnetic resonance and ultra- data for those cattle were excluded from the data set.
sound techniques have been developed and are finding In each of these studies, steers or bulls had been given
use at abattoirs (Gardner et al., 1995). ad libitum access to concentrate diets and tissue
accretion had been estimated by either carcass specific
gravity, rib section analysis, or complete empty body
Impact of Weight on Body Composition grinding. This compilation included information from
16 different trials that had measured body composi-
To examine effects of growth rate, body weight, and tions for 1,174 cattle ( 4 to 72 animals per mean
energy retention specifically for cattle (steers and value); initial weights ranged from 143 to 416 kg,
bulls) given ad libitum access to high-concentrate finished weights ranged from 356 to 571 kg, and daily
diets, we screened the published literature. In much of gains ranged from .67 to 1.87 kg.
the published work, equations rather than data are The relationships between fat and protein mass to
provided and essential information relating to chemi- empty body weight from this data set for feedlot cattle
cal composition, weight, cattle age, and feeding are presented in Figure 5. The general shape of the
duration often is lacking. The published information curve matches most of the relationships from the
that we located included literature cited below plus literature indicating that mass of fat increased quad-
papers by Preston et al. (1973), Eversole et al. ratically with weight whereas protein mass increased
(1981), Schroeder et al. (1987), Anderson et al. more linearly. This is the logical consequence of
(1988a, b), Zinn (1989, 1992), Perry et al. (1991), having an accretion rate for fat that is greater than
Zinn and DePeters (1991), Comerford et al. (1992), that for protein. This change in body composition can
Rumsey et al. (1992), and Ferrell and Jenkins be ascribed to degree of maturity and should not be
(1994). Values for rates of weight, fat, and protein extrapolated to suggest that rate of weight gain alters
gained also were screened for apparent errors. When composition of gain. When net energy intake is
the reported empty body weight gain fell more than restricted, rate of fat accretion often is reduced

Figure 5. Mass of fat (circles) and protein (squares) in empty body of feedlot cattle at various empty body weights
(EBW) in kilograms for cattle at the start of the feeding period (open symbols) and end of the feeding period (filled
symbols). Equations for the data set assembled were: Fat (kg) = −11.34 (± 15.2) + .0991 (± .095) EBW + .000494 (±
.00014) EBW2; R2 = .89; and Protein (kg) = −2.35 (± 3.64) + .2328 (± .0228) EBW − .000156 (± .000033) EBW2; R2 = .92.

although protein growth may continue at nearly mature body weight. We will use the latter definition.
normal rates if protein intake is adequate (Anderson The equations of Simpfendorfer (1974) and those we
et al., 1988a). devised above relating weight of protein to empty body
Values in the equation did not match those weight can be used to estimate the body weight at
previously summarized by Simpfendorfer (1974) from which protein accretion reaches zero. Then, using the
data sets involving 101 steers from several days to 57 equations that relate weight of fat to empty body
mo of age from papers published before 1922. Those weight, one can calculate at what body fat percentage
equations based on historical data were: Fat ( k g ) = protein accretion ceases. As presented in Figure 6,
−.61 + .037 EBW + .00054 EBW2 and Protein ( k g ) = Simpfendorfer’s equations predict that body protein
−2.418 + .235 EBW − .00013 EBW2. Similar equations accretion ceases when empty body fat reaches 52%
for this data set were: Fat ( k g ) = −11.34 + .0991 EBW (empty body weight of 904 kg). In contrast, equations
+ .000494 EBW2; R2 = .89; and Protein ( k g ) = −2.35 + generated from our data set predict that protein
.2328 EBW − .000156 EBW2; R2 = .92. accretion ceases when empty body fat equals 36.2%
(at an empty body weight of 746 kg). This comparison
suggests that modern cattle have lower mature body
Maturity and Composition weights than those produced during the early part of
this century. For various classes of cattle, presumably
Mature body size or mature weight has received the proportional weight relationships developed by
several definitions. Several workers have employed Fox and Black (1984) would alter the weight but not
the definition of mature body weight proposed by body composition at maturity. If one accepts that body
Taylor as discussed by Keele et al. (1992). By that composition at a given fraction of mature weight is
definition, mature weight is the point of body weight fixed (and linearly proportional to maturity) and that
equilibrium for cattle fed forage diets. At this point, fat content of modern cattle at protein maturity is
chemical fat content of the empty body is approxi- about 36% ( a value of 34% was employed previously
mately 25%. In contrast, others including Brody in modeling lamb growth by Wang and Dickerson
(1964) and Fox and Black (1984) have used the point [1991]), then one presumably can calculate mature
at which protein accretion ceases as an estimate of weight of an animal (maximum protein mass) from

Figure 6. Fat and protein content of weight gain calculated from equations of Simpfendorfer (1974) and literature
review of this paper. From the Simpfendorfer equations, protein content is maximum when empty body weight is
903.8 kg and fat content of empty body is 52.44%. Regression of values from this literature summary indicate that
protein content is maximum when empty body weight is 745.6 kg and empty body fat is 36.29%.
fat content and empty body weight. For example, dilemma discussed above: body composition when
expected protein mass at maturity would be double expressed as a percentage of mature weight or size
the protein mass measured when empty body fat may be fixed, but mature size, rather than being fixed,
percentage equals 18%. Compared with the difficulty may be elastic. Here, mature size is defined as the
in determining when empty body protein mass reaches point at which protein mass reaches a plateau. Beyond
a plateau, it is relatively simple to quantify fat content this point, animals can deposit fat and gain weight,
that in turn can be used to predict degree of maturity. but protein accretion presumably would be nil. The
Whether the variation among individual animals of a point at which protein accretion reaches zero is not
given genotype in empty body fat content can be fully fully clear because it is very difficult to determine the
attributed to different mature body weights or to point at which a plateau begins. Indeed, Wright and
differences in timing of lean and fat deposition Russell (1984) indicated that for every kilogram of
remains unclear. increase in empty body weight, 600-kg mature cows
How can mature size be altered? Certainly mature deposited 808 g of fat and only 40 g of protein (4%).
size can be altered by genetic or phenotypic selection, Ferrell and Jenkins (1984b) fed cull cows three levels
as demonstrated by Jenkins et al. (1981) and Ferrell of energy for 140 d. When ME intake was increased
and Jenkins (1984a). Furthermore, placing cattle on from a low to a medium level, empty body weight
ad libitum concentrate diets early in life seems to increased 81 kg and empty body fat and empty body
reduce mature size (Coleman et al., 1993; Gill et al., fat-free dry matter (lean mass that should be
1993b). For early-maturing cattle, moderate growth proportional to protein) were both increased (37 and
rates are recommended through 75% of slaughter 8 kg, respectively). A further increase in ME intake of
weight (Coleman et al., 1993) to avoid a reduced these cull cows, from medium to high, also increased
carcass weight as animals reach their mature size. empty body weight 36 kg, but this was primarily due
Nevertheless, as animals increase in maturity, the to increased empty body fat, not empty body lean mass
percentage of fat in the empty body will increase (34 and .4 kg, respectively). At the medium ME level,
(Jesse et al., 1976; Byers 1980; Fox et al., 1992). cows had attained an empty body fat content of 32.3%.
Ever since Brody (1964) developed his growth This suggests that deposition of fat-free dry matter
curves for animals relating body weight to three ceases before deposition of empty body fat. Presence of
factors (i.e., post-conception age, mature weight, and a specific empty body fat concentration above which
a deceleration factor) a debate has raged between two lean deposition ceases remains debatable, however,
schools of thought about chemical composition of the because regressions of fat-free dry matter against
body during growth. The concept supported by much of empty body weight show little curvature (Charles
the research data is that body composition at a given Williams, personal communication). Certainly, previ-
empty body weight is fixed (Reid and Robb, 1971; ous body condition and hormonal status or implants
Jesse et al., 1976). Hence, altering the rate of growth could alter propensity for protein accretion by mature
should have no impact on composition at a specified animals.
body weight. In contrast, cattle producers for years
have fed “growing rations” to cattle of smaller frame
size to increase carcass weight at slaughter, the time Impact of Nutritional History on
when animals had accumulated an adequate amount Protein and Fat Accretion
of intramuscular fat. Note that this practice of
growing cattle would be ineffective if the former Effects of various production systems and back-
concept were valid. Whenever two intelligent groups grounding conditions were examined in several
disagree on a topic, both usually are correct, they reports by Gill et al. (1993a, b). Angus-crossbred
simply are not fully defining their position. steers of a narrow genetic base were placed in the
In elegant studies by Preston (1978), Angus and feedlot at five different ages. The first group was
Charolais steers were fed for 486 d; half were not placed in the feedlot after being weaned at an early
implanted but the other half were implanted repeat- age (105 d). Other groups entered the feedlot after
edly with estrogenic implants. Weight at 486 d, which weaning at the normal time (240 d), after such calves
may be proportional to mature weight, was increased had grazed wheat pasture for an additional 112 d, or
by implants by 13 and 18% for the Angus and the after having grazed native winter range followed by
Charolais steers, respectively; this mature weight an additional period of grazing summer grass for
difference is similar to that expected between bulls either a short season (68 d ) or the full summer (122
and steers. Subsequently, body composition is shifted d). Representative animals were slaughtered at each
by estrogenic implants in a fashion similar to that of these points as well as following feeding to a
expected from an increased mature size, as has been constant degree of finish (1.2 cm thickness of fat over
reported previously by Byers (1980), Loy et al. the longissimus muscle as measured ultrasonically).
(1988), and Lemieux et al. (1990). These findings In Figure 7 are shown the composition at the end of
suggest one obvious solution to the body composition these various background periods (the lower points on

Figure 7. Fat and protein accretion vs empty body weight during the feedlot phase of cattle subjected to different
growing or backgrounding systems. Solid line is regression line from Figure 6. Data from Gill et al. (1993a,b).

each line) and at the end of the feedlot period (upper accretion. Surprisingly, rates of fat accretion were
points on each line) for the various groups as virtually equal regardless of the starting point.
compared to the overall regression lines for all cattle Unfortunately, intermediate points are not available
from Figure 5. First, compare the body compositions of to detect the degree of curvature of these lines.
the various groups at the start of the feedlot period In contrast to fat, protein accretion rates at the
that corresponds to the end of the different back- different ages differed with background. For the three
ground periods (lower points on each line). Protein younger sets of cattle, the higher the initial protein
mass had increased with age, matching the expected mass, the steeper the line or the more rapid the
relationship from the overall regression line. Fat mass accumulation of protein. With longer grazing, and
had increased with age or weight, but fat mass perhaps a protein shortage during backgrounding,
accumulated during the background period varied protein growth rate during finishing tended to be
with energy intake during the background period; it slower despite a larger initial protein mass. Whether
was lower for calves that had grazed the full summer this represents stunting or simply lack of appropriate
season and had heavier initial weights than for those hormonal stimulation later in life is not clear. These
that had grazed a shorter time. Despite wide differ- cattle all received estrogenic implants but not trenbo-
ences in the relationship of fat to body weight, body lone. From Figure 7, it seems that protein accretion
protein mass had closely matched body weight. closely paralleled body weight but total accretion of fat
Another method of illustrating these same data is varied with initial body fat content. Indeed, Figure 8
to substitute a time scale for a weight scale. This helps suggests that rate of fat accretion during the finishing
illustrate the effects of time or age on body composi- period was more closely related to time rather than
tion. Lower and upper points on each line for these body weight. To examine this effect of time further, we
five sets of cattle (Figure 8 ) represent the mass of fat examined the impact of performance on body composi-
or of protein at the animal ages at the start and the tion.
end of the feedlot phase. On the average, each
additional background day had increased empty body
protein by 60 g and had increased empty body fat by Impact of Performance on Body Composition
240 g. Slopes of lines connecting the starting and
ending points (change in mass per unit of time) for The impact of rate of gain on body composition has
each group of cattle reflect rates of fat and protein been examined by Byers (1980), Old and Garrett

Figure 8. Fat and protein accretion vs animal age during the feedlot phase of cattle subjected to different growing
or backgrounding systems. Data from Gill et al. (1993a,b).

(1987), and Slabbert et al. (1992). These workers all and protein accretion from the literature data set
tested the impact of reducing rate of gain on rates of discussed above (Figure 10). Although other factors
accretion of fat and protein by restricting feed intake. including maturity, gender, genotype, and age may
In most of these studies (Figure 9), reducing rate of alter the relationship of rate of weight gain to
gain by restricting feed intake (moving to the left on composition of gain, sufficient data are lacking to
the graph) reduced fat content of gain when compared subdivide this data set by most of these factors.
with the overall regression line noted for cattle given Consequently, relationships were developed across
ad libitum access to feed to be discussed later. these factors with cattle given ad libitum access to
Restricting feed intake reduced protein accretion in feed. Differences observed may be attributable to
several studies. In all but one study, fat accretion was either genetic or environmental factors. Although
reduced. Often, however, final body composition was diversity of the literature decreases statistical preci-
not altered enough for differences to be significant. If sion and the relationships detected may be casual
accretion of fat alone is reduced, restricting energy rather than causal, including diverse data should
intake can increase the protein:fat ratio of the empty increase the range of extrapolation and applicability of
body. Based on the concept of constancy of body
findings across these factors.
composition, these data also could be interpreted to
Regression lines indicate that as empty body gain
suggest that restricting feed intake increases mature
( EBADG) increased up to approximately 1.3 kg/d,
body size. Nevertheless, results of limit-feeding
rate of fat accretion increased. But with gains higher
studies have been extrapolated directly to cattle given
ad libitum access to feed and, combined with the fact than 1.3 kg/d, similar to gains expected for feedlot
that maturation increases fat content of the body, cattle, fat accretion reached a plateau ( P < .01)
have been interpreted to indicate that animals with whether data from feedlot cattle with all rates of gain
faster rates of gain will accrete more fat and less were included (Fat accretion [kg/d] = .591 EBADG −
protein. Such extrapolation is like concluding that .1474 EBADG2 − .0123; n = 100; R2 = .52) or cattle
stride length can fully explain differences in perfor- with rates of gain below .8 kg/d were excluded (Fat
mance of race horses because hobbling a horse will accretion [kg/d] = .766 EBADG − .2105 EBADG2 −
decrease its racing performance. .123; n = 75; R2 = .28). The upslope at slower rates of
By stepwise regression, we evaluated the relation- gain suggests that fat accretion was limited by energy
ship between empty body weight gain and rates of fat intake. Unfortunately, diet compositions and net

Figure 9. Fat (heavy upper lines) and protein (heavy lower lines) as a percentage of empty body weight gain for
steers restricted in growth by limit feeding. Lines connect treatment means within individual trials. Regression lines
across all data points from ad libitum studies are shown in lighter lines. Data from Preston et al. (1973), Old and
Garrett (1987), and Delfino and Mathison (1991).

energy intake are not available from most of the values indicate that rate of empty body weight gain
experiments in this data set. However, presence of a was related more closely to rate of protein accretion
significant quadratic factor and the plateau questions than to rate of fat accretion, a logical conclusion if fat
the validity of the concept that rate of fat accretion is accretion reaches a plateau. In view of the scatter of
more rapid for faster-gaining cattle given ad libitum points, it is not surprising that many workers in the
access to feed. Note that these values are all from past have failed to detect significant differences in
cattle given ad libitum access to feed, not from body composition with only slight differences in rates
individual animals with identical genetics. Conse- of gain and, based on lack of a significant effect,
quently, these data probably reflect differences in concluded that rate of gain did not alter body
genotype in addition to ADG. If one assumes that 1 ) composition.
protein accretion is weight-dependent, 2 ) body compo- These plots could be interpreted to suggest that fat
sition at any fraction of mature weight is constant, accretion rate may reach a ceiling whereas rate of
and 3 ) fat accretion reaches a plateau, this means protein accretion does not, but instead remains
simply that cattle that are capable of faster rates of dependent on animal maturity. The maximum fat
gain, like cattle with larger mature weight, deposit accretion rate of approximately 550 g/d for steers and
more protein per unit of fat deposited. bulls given ad libitum access to feed with daily empty
Protein accretion did not reach a plateau at higher body weight gains higher than 3 kg conflicts directly
rates of gain but continued to increase at higher rates with the classic concept that fat accretion at a given
of empty body weight gain. The regression based on physiological age for a specified genotype is greater
data from feedlot cattle indicated that protein accre- with more rapid rates of gain. Nevertheless, this
tion rate was proportional to daily weight gain regression is across rather than within genotypes. In
(Protein accretion [kg/d] = .1550 EBADG − .0228; n = most of the studies that support the classic concept
100; R2 = .82); when cattle gaining less than .8 kg that faster gains increase fat deposition (Preston et
empty body weight daily were excluded, protein al., 1973; Byers, 1980; Old and Garrett, 1987; Delfino
accretion rate increased in proportion to daily weight and Mathison, 1991), the supply of feed available to
gain squared (Protein accretion [kg/d] = .05736 one genetic group of cattle was intentionally limited.
EBADG2 − .07505; n = 75; R2 = .73). These regression As discussed previously, fat accretion rate is decreased

Figure 10. Rates of fat and protein accretion vs empty body weight gain (kilograms/day) of finishing steers and
bulls given ad libitum access to concentrate diets. Fat accretion (kg/d) = .543 EBADG − .1426 EBADG2 + .0492; R2 =
.28 and protein accretion (kg/d) = .1718 EBADG − .0482; R2 = .89.

by restricting energy intake as shown in Figure 9. been discussed by Bergen and Merkel (1991) and
Restricting feed intake also could affect body composi- Lindsay et al. (1993). For heifers, fat accretion rates
tion either by altering the hormonal status or cascade more than 600 g/d have been reported and, surpris-
of growth hormone to IGF or by changing the quantity ingly, fat as well as protein accretion rates were
of specific nutrients available for metabolism. The fact increased by 200-mg implants of trenbolone acetate
that restricting feed intake enhances energetic effi- (Bergen and Merkel, 1991). In contrast, somatotropin
ciency more than expected from net energy relation- enhanced protein accretion while retarding fat accre-
ships (Old and Garrett, 1987; Hicks et al., 1990a) tion (Dalke et al., 1992; Lapierre et al., 1992). These
supports the concept that limiting energy intake alters findings indicate that ceilings to growth might be
composition and thereby may increase mature size. If modified by gender and hormonal status. Such is the
one accepts the concept of constancy of composition at case with swine in which gender and somatotropin
a given fraction of mature size, then animals with administration both alter fat and protein accretion
higher mature size automatically would deposit more rate (Campbell et al., 1991).
protein at a given rate of fat accretion.
The relationships of rates of fat and protein
accretion to empty body energy gain (based on NRC Are Faster-Gaining Cattle Fatter?
[1984] calculated assuming that depot fat contains 8
kcal/g and fat-free tissue, being 73% water, 22% Curves developed by Byers (1980) indicate that as
protein and 5% minerals, has 1.2 kcal/g) are rate of gain increases, both protein and fat accretion
presented in Figure 11. As indicated by Lapierre et al. increase, with fat accretion increasing at an increasing
(1992) and as could be extrapolated from these lines, rate and protein accretion possibly decelerating. In
at very low rates of energy retention, protein accretion contrast, no deceleration in protein accretion is
can exceed fat accretion, but fat accretion increased evident in values cited by Fox and Black (1984),
when energy retention increased. Each slope was Lemieux et al. (1990), or Slabbert et al. (1992).
curved slightly. These relationships are based on Unfortunately, correlations between rate of weight
regression of trials with steers and bulls fed high- gain and accretion of protein and fat are confounded
concentrate diets. Effects of gender and breed type, by such factors as maturity, genetics, age, and weight.
estrogenic and androgenic implants, somatotropin and On a theoretical basis, the question above can have
beta-agonists on protein and fat accretion rates have two different, but reasonable, answers, First, faster-

Figure 11. Relationship of fat and protein accretion to energy accretion (ER) in megcalories/day for steers and
bulls given ad libitum access to concentrate diets. Fat accretion (kg/d) = .15 ER − .0057 ER2 − .162; R2 = .94; Protein
accretion (kg/d) = .267 − .072 ER + .0094 ER2; R2 = .34.

gaining animals will be fatter if they have capacity to equations conflicts with the classical observation that
dispose of more calories by fat accretion. This, in turn, severely restricting feed intake reduces fat accretion
should reduce mature size. Second, if animals that (Figure 9). Perhaps the plateau of the regression
gain less rapidly have lower energy intakes, they may simply reflects the fact that cattle capable of more
be physiologically younger and thereby leaner than rapid gains may be leaner (larger mature size).
rapidly gaining cohorts. However, if faster-gaining Alternatively, the relationship of fat accretion to
animals have a larger mature size, a higher initial energy intake may be curvilinear rather than linear.
protein mass, or altered hormonal status that en- Perhaps the fat accretion ceiling is only reached with
hances protein accretion, then faster-gaining animals ad libitum energy intake.
should be no fatter than their contemporaries. Indeed, The fact that fat accretion rate for cattle gaining at
in results from Gill et al. (1993a, b), it was the calves rapid rates tended to reach a plateau for feedlot cattle
that were early-weaned that had the slowest feedlot gaining at moderately rapid rates suggests that fat
gains but more empty body fat at a lighter slaughter accretion rate may be a ceiling that in turn could limit
weight, not cattle that had grazed for several months energy and feed intake. If one combines the concepts
before being placed in the feedlot. They also had the of maximum fat accretion with the constancy of body
lowest feed intakes. This suggests that degree of composition at a specific proportion of mature size, one
maturity and body composition may be predicted from might estimate daily accretion rates for fat and
voluntary feed intake. protein at specific proportions of mature size. This in
Composition of gain (fat and protein accretion as a turn would allow one to predict rate of gain and NEg
percentage of empty body weight gain) for steers and intake. Rate of protein accretion declines markedly as
bulls given ad libitum access to high-concentrate diets animals approach mature size, becoming nil at mature
and gaining weight at different rates from the size. However, most feedlot cattle are marketed before
compiled literature data set discussed above is they reach mature weight.
presented in Figure 12. Percentage of fat in empty
body weight gain declined whereas percentage of
protein increased as rate of gain increased (Fat, % of Limits to Growth
EBADG = 61.5 − 16.7 EBADG; R2 = .38; Protein, % of
EBADG = 11.7 + .86 EBADG; R2 = .19). The directions Many models of growth have been proposed. Unfor-
of change in protein and fat with rate of gain in these tunately, none of them accurately predicts fat and

Figure 12. Fat and protein in accreted tissue as a percentage of empty body weight gain (EBADG) at various rates
of gain. Fat, % of EBADG = 61.57 − 16.7 EBADG; R2 = .38; protein, % of EBADG = 11.7 +.86 EBADG; R2 = .19.

protein accretion (Arnold and Bennett, 1989). These al., 1994). Might 550 g/d reflect a general ceiling?
workers proposed that some new concepts are needed Certainly lactating animals can secrete 1.5 kg of fat
to explain the variation in rates of fat and protein each day, but over half of this is produced in the
accretion. In contrast, when feed intake is known and mammary gland and secreted directly. Do lactating
is used with the net energy equations, weight gain for animals consume more feed because the mammary
groups of animals are well predicted. For groups of gland serves as a sink for energy disposal? Flatt
animals of similar mature weight, this should make (1978) proposed that the rate of fat synthesis is
fat and protein accretion predictable. This suggests limited when the ATP:ADP ratio becomes excessive.
that one major limitation in modeling relates to Lipogenesis requires reducing equivalents (NADH).
inaccuracy in predicting intake of energy. The specific Metabolic cycles producing NADH generate ATP
factors limiting intake of feedlot diets or energy-rich during the process. More ATP is generated during
diets have been proposed variously to relate to formation of NADH by some pathways than from
ruminal conditions (pressures, acid concentrations, others. For example, ATP generation is less in the
osmolality, absorption), nutrient absorption (specific malate/citrate cleavage cycle than from the pentose
acids), and nutrient utilization (heat increment). phosphate cycle, but ruminant liver and adipose
Feed intake has been reviewed in several symposia tissues do not employ citrate cleavage unless glucose
(Owens, 1986, 1995). supply is enhanced. If an increased supply of glucose
Despite wide differences within and among trials in from intestinal digestion of starch would permit
rates of water and protein (lean) accretion, rate of fat lipogenesis to occur using the citrate cleavage path-
accretion by rapidly growing steers and bulls given ad way, lipogenesis in the total body could be enhanced.
libitum access to high-concentrate diets may reach a Site of fat synthesis is altered by nutritional status in
plateau at approximately 550 g/d, as discussed previ- rats (Kim and Freake, 1993), and synthesis is greater
ously. Certainly fat accumulation can be reduced by for intestinal tissue than for liver in the glucose-
restricting intake of NEg, but with cattle given ad deprived rat, a condition that may be similar to that in
libitum access to concentrate diets, few accumulated the gluconeogenic ruminant. Intestinal fat synthesis
more than approximately 630 g/d, although in one could explain why an increased supply of intestinal
study yearling steers (groups with both a moderate starch often enhances efficiency by finishing cattle
and a high genetic potential for growth) deposited (Owens et al., 1986) and lactating cows (Nocek,
approximately 850 g of empty body fat daily (Short et 1990) even though additional glucose is not recovered

in the portal blood stream (Huntington and Reynolds, composition of accreted tissue. With faster gains, the
1986). NRC (1984) net energy equations indicate that
If accumulation of excess ATP limits production of accretion of both fat and protein increases (Figure
reducing equivalents for fat synthesis, then altering 13). Similarly, as animals reach a higher percentage
lipid turnover, modifying the VFA ratio (glucose being of their mature weight, fat accretion rate is projected
synthesized from propionate vs only being spared by to increase. The net energy equations predict that rate
acetate), and increasing the number of sites of fat of fat accretion can reach 1,150 g/d. That value is
synthesis also might alter rate of fat accretion by much higher than indicated from regression analysis
altering the ATP surplus. Furthermore, direct deposi- of data discussed above from cattle given ad libitum
tion of absorbed fatty acids, circumventing the need access to high-concentrate diets. Those data indicated
for fatty acid synthesis, should increase the fat that although fat accretion rate varies with proportion
accretion ceiling. The concept of a ceiling on fat of mature weight (mean during the feeding period), it
synthesis and the rate of fat accretion, as modified by did not increase as rate of empty body gain increased
insulin/glucagon ratio, raises some fascinating ques- (Figure 13). This would suggest that the height of the
tions for biochemists and physiologists. plateau in rate of fat accretion varied only with degree
As with fat, protein accretion represents the bal- of maturity during the feeding period. Note that the
ance between synthesis and degradation. Protein rate of fat gain and thereby of energy retention from
synthesis rate for growing ruminants is at least five this data set was markedly lower than that projected
times greater than accretion rate (Bergen and Merkel, from NRC (1984) equations. With both the equations,
1991). Accretion is dependent on hormonal status and rate of protein gain increased with rate of empty body
is enhanced by larger mature size. Certain hormonal weight gain but was lower for animals that were at a
and partitioning agents can enhance accretion either higher percentage of mature weight during the feeding
by enhancing synthesis or retarding turnover. In period. Protein deposition values also tended to be
addition, as mass of lipid accumulates in the empty greater from the literature summary than NRC
body with maturation, protein accretion is decreased. (1984) would predict.
As an overview, one might model fat accretion as a Derivations of these two different relationships may
constant of 550 g/d for feedlot cattle gaining more than be partly responsible for their differences. The NRC
1.3 kg/d unless previous nutritional history permits (1984) values are largely extrapolations across groups
this value to be exceeded. Indeed, this could serve as of cattle that had been fed different amounts of
the maximum amount of excess energy that can be energy, with energy intake limited for half of the
accreted, which in turn would place a ceiling on cattle. In contrast, only data from cattle given ad
energy intake. Rate of protein accretion, in contrast, libitum access to concentrate diets were used in our
depends on the initial protein mass, with greater literature data summary. Such cattle may differ in
accretion with a larger initial protein mass in the their genetic potential for growth and(or) mature
empty body. Working with this premise, one could size. Further, it may be erroneous to extrapolate these
examine various methods of changing the protein:fat literature data to conditions in which growth rate is
ratio in the empty body and, presumably, in the limited by programmed feeding. Comparison of the
carcass. two relationships suggests that increasing mature
First, growing cattle for a period of time before weight would have much greater impact on body
placing them in a feedlot should increase mature size, composition following the literature data summary
which in turn implies an increase in the initial protein equations than predicted by the traditional equations.
mass, the protein:fat ratio at a specific slaughter Total energy retention is the sum of accretion of
weight, and the weight at a specific empty body fat energy in the form of fat and protein. If rates of fat
percentage. Increasing mature body size either geneti- and protein accretion are set by genetics and maturity,
cally or by hormonal implants should act similarly, then the rate of energy accretion, when combined with
although certain hormones also may decrease rate of energy expended for maintenance, could limit and
fat synthesis (Mersmann, 1991). Second, retarding thereby control energy intake. By the classical ap-
fat accumulation by limiting intake of NEg during proach, growth rate and composition are driven by
growth or finishing also will increase the protein:fat energy intake. In contrast, the plateau fat deposition
ratio providing that protein accretion is not retarded. theory would suggest that energy intake is a response
Animals that have lost body fat and exhibit compensa- to growth and body composition instead of the driving
tory gain also should have a higher protein to fat ratio. force.
And finally, slaughter at a lighter weight also will If fat accretion rate has a ceiling, then feed
increase the ratio. (energy) intake by feedlot cattle would depend on
Some of the differences between the classic and this energy retention in the form of fat, which would be
novel theory for the control of growth and body fixed, plus protein, which in turn would depend on sex,
composition deserve discussion. Classically, energy hormonal status, and mature size, and decrease with
intake is presumed to control both the rate and the maturity plus maintenance requirements. Whether

Figure 13. Fat and protein accretion as altered by maturity and rate of gain as projected by the traditional (NRC,
1984) and literature survey results from steers and bulls given ad libitum access to concentrate diets. Traditional
values were calculated from NRC (1984) equations for energy retention for large-frame steers assuming that fat tissue
contained 8 kcal/g, lean contained 1.2 kcal/g, and mature weight was 625 kg. Non-fat tissue empty body gain was
assumed to be 22% protein. Stepwise regression equations for the literature survey data set, ignoring factors not
significant at P < .15, were: Empty body fat gain (g/d) = 227.8 + 527.8 Maturity; R2 = .327; Empty body protein gain
(g/d) = 87.7 + 72.5 EBADG2 − 92 Maturity2; R2 = .913, where EBADG is kilograms/day and Maturity is empty body
fat percentage divided by 36.

maintenance requirements should be calculated from to quantify separately, and partly because main-
metabolic size or protein mass, as suggested by results tenance requirements cannot be readily separated
from Ferrell and Jenkins (1984a) and Baker et al. from accretion requirements. Many researchers dis-
(1991), is not clear. In either case, voluntary energy cuss caloric efficiency; in contrast, most livestock
intake would be expected to decrease as cattle reach a producers measure efficiency in terms of live weight,
higher proportion of their mature weight due to not calories. Most of the research with metabolic
decreased energy retention as protein. This decrease efficiency comes from studies with laboratory animals
would be juxtaposed chronologically with an increased or nonruminants (Table 1). Efficiencies of fat accre-
energy need for maintenance. Such curves would tion as measured in animal trials are reasonably close
match the field observations (Hicks et al., 1990b) that to the theoretical efficiency of fat synthesis. In
feed intake by feedlot cattle reaches a plateau, in contrast, efficiency of protein accretion is about half
contrast to the NRC (1984) projection that feed the theoretical efficiency of protein synthesis. In some
intake remains directly proportional to metabolic size of these studies, efficiencies of synthesis were meas-
as animals mature. ured; in others, efficiency values are for accretion. As
nicely described by Bergen and Merkel (1991),
continual and rapid turnover of protein consumes
Efficiencies of Fat and Protein Accretion energy and decreases efficiency. Based on averages
from Table 1, the amount of energy required to accrete
Despite extensive study, the relative efficiencies of 1 g (9.2 kcal) of dry fat, at 12.1 kcal, is surprisingly
protein and fat synthesis and accretion remain ob- close to the amount needed to accrete 1 g (5.7 kcal) of
scure, partly because efficiency can be expressed in dry protein. On a caloric basis, fat accretion had an
several ways (wet tissue vs calories; synthesis vs average efficiency of 76% (heat loss of 24%), whereas
accretion), partly because protein and fat accretion efficiency of protein accretion was only 47% (more
rates are strongly correlated and have proven difficult than 53% heat loss), as illustrated in Figure 14.

Table 1. Energetic efficiency of fat and protein synthesis and accretion

Fat Fat Protein Protein

Species synthesis accretion synthesis accretion Source
Theoretical 70 — 94 — Blaxter, 1962
Theoretical — — 90 — Schiemann, 1963
Theoretical, ruminants 72 — 82 — Baldwin, 1968
Theoretical — — 86 38 to 55 Bergen and Merkel, 1991
Several — — — 24 Miller and Payne, 1963
Chickens — 78 — 51 Petersen, 1970
Rats — 70 — 46 Schiemann et al., 1969
Rats — 65 — 43 Pullar and Webster, 1974
Mice — — — 58 to 67 Bernier et al., 1987
Pigs — — — 45 Kotarbinska and Kielanowski, 1963
Pigs — 63 — 77 Kielanowski, 1965
Pigs — 77 — 43 Thorbek, 1970
Pigs — 70 — 54 Close et al., 1974
Pigs — 81 — 84 Close et al., 1979
Lambs — 81 — 82 Kielanowski, 1965
Lambs — 82 — 33 Orskov and McDonald, 1970
Lambs — 79 to 92 — 10 to 20 Rattray and Joyce, 1976
Lambs — — — 13 Matras and Preston, 1989
Calves — 85 — 45 Kirchgessner et al., 1976
Cattle — 69 — 34 Reid et al., 1980
Cattle — — — 46 to 55 Hayden, 1988
Mean ± SE 71 ± 1 76 ± 8 88 ± 5 47 ± 20

Figure 14. Energetics of accretion of fat and protein from various sources. Values are means across species from
Table 1.
Thereby, on a caloric basis, fat accretion is approxi- for livestock producers. Of additional concern is the
mately 1.6 times as efficient as protein accretion. poor efficiency (35%) with which any excess protein is
Accretion of energy is less efficient for protein than for converted to fat. If protein is inefficiently converted to
fat because of faster and less efficient turnover of fat, an excess of either escape or microbial protein may
depot protein than of depot fat (Bergen and Merkel, have less value than either carbohydrate or protein
1991). Protein synthesis rate typically ranges from 5 that is degraded within the rumen. This low efficiency
to 10 times that of accretion in young growing might explain partly the adverse effects of excess
ruminants; accretion comprises a larger proportion of dietary protein on energetics reported by Tyrrell et al.
total synthesis with faster accretion rates. Presuma- (1970).
bly, the large variation in efficiency of protein
accretion is due to variations in turnover rate. With
ratios of synthesis to accretion of 1, 5 (their estimate Implications
for swine), and 10 (their estimate for cattle),
efficiency of protein accretion theoretically drops from Change in live weight is imprecise as an indicator
80% to 55 and 38% (Bergen and Merkel, 1991). Less of growth (accretion of protein and fat tissue). When
than maximum growth rates, by reducing protein cattle reach their mature body size (maximum body
synthesis rate more than protein degradation rate, protein mass), body fat content is approximately 36%
of empty body weight regardless of sex and back-
will reduce efficiency of protein accretion. Most factors
ground, even though fat content of mature animals
that increase the synthesis rate for protein also
can exceed 36%. Mature body size depends on several
increase protein degradation rate (Bergen, 1974).
factors, including genetics and nutritional and hor-
Faster protein turnover at greater accretion rates will
monal status. For finishing steers and bulls gaining
increase heat production and decrease gross energetic more than 1.3 kg daily, rate of fat accretion seems to
efficiency. The energy expenditure associated with reach a plateau at approximately 550 g daily. In
protein turnover may explain why level of feeding contrast, protein accretion rate depends on age and
alters “maintenance” cost. Although the energetic mature body size and increases as rate of empty body
inefficiency of protein turnover is truly a “main- weight gain increases. The protein:fat ratio of the
tenance” cost, it generally is included as part of the carcass can be increased by increasing mature size;
cost of protein accretion. Chemical compounds that this in turn can be achieved through administering
may decrease turnover without decreasing synthesis, hormonal implants, limiting energy intake during the
such as clenbuterol, cimaterol, or trenbolone acetate, growing or finishing period, or slaughtering finished
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