GPP Dip in 5

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1 Sept Starting up Welcome back to school

Introductory conversation

2 Starting up Introducing pupils with book DIP IN 5, plan and programme

3 Starting up Introducing new vocabulary

Listening to the spoken version of the song
Listening to the action song

4 Starting up Revising the song

Revising vocabulary from the previous grade


5 Lesson 1 Introducing characters and the corresponding adjectives

Listening to the tape Meet Ann

6 Lesson 1 Working on the text

7 Lesson 1 Lead – in
Learning Ann’s song
Talking about children’s family

8 Lesson 2 Introducing free time activities and sports

My friends
Post reading tasks

9 Lesson 2 Revision
Class survey
Mr Cocopulus Episode 1

10 Lesson 3 Warm up
Revision of IN, ON, UNDER
Looking at the pictures

11 Lesson 3 The story about Bob and Toto

12 Lesson 3 Working on the story


13 Oct Lesson 4 Introducing the possessive case

14 Lesson 4 Revision of the possessive case

Listening : What’s your favourite toy?
What’s true for you?
What’s your favourite…?

15 Lesson 5 Introducing new vocabulary

Looking at the pictures of toys
Introducing his / her
Listening to the spoken version of the song

Listening to the song

16 Lesson 5 Revision of the song

Listening to the tape Do you know them?

17 Lesson 5 Playing the game Who is it?

Mr Cocopulus Episode 2

18 Lesson 6 Lead-in
Introducing there is
Listening to the tape
Where is the toy?
Drawing dictation

19 Lesson 6 Revision
Listening to the dialogue

20 Lesson 6 Rosie’s dream

TPR story

21 Lesson 7 Introducing new vocabulary

Miming the rhyme
Working on the rhyme / song
Cutting out the pictures

22 Lesson 7 Revision of the song

The dialogue
Mr Cocopulus Episode 3

23 SUM UP 1

24 Progress test 1

25 Correction of the progress test 1


26 Nov Lesson 8 Numbers 1-20

Introducing there are
Listening to the tape
Maths lesson
Doing maths lesson

27 Lesson 9 Introducing school subjects

Listening: What subjects do they like?
Ann’s timetable
Dorian’s homework (optional)
Irregular plural

28 Lesson 10 Introducing the rooms within the house

Looking at the cross section of the house

29 Lesson 10 Revision of the rooms within the house

Introducing the furnishings

30 Lesson 11 Revision of the furniture

Listening to the tape
Exposing children to questions Is there / Are there?

31 Lesson 11 Revision
Mr Cocopulus Episode 4

32 SUM UP 2


33 Lesson 12 Introducing telling the time

Telling the time – practice

34 Lesson 12 Learning the song Hickory Dickory Dock

Mr Cocopulus Episode 5

35 Lesson 13 Introducing new vocabulary

Preparation for listening
Listening to the tape Ann’s day

36 Lesson 13 Telling the time ten to five / ten past five

Activity book - exercises

37 Lesson 13 Introducing food

Listening to the tape

38 Dec Lesson 13 Fruit and vegetables

Introducing new vocabulary
Some / any

39 Lesson 13 Fruit and vegetables

Activity book – exercises
Mr Cocopulus 6

40 Lesson 14 Introducing months of the year

Listening to the month song
A class survey
Listening to the tape

41 Lesson 14 Revision
Mr Cocopulus 7

42 Lesson 15 Warm up : the weather game

Introducing the seasons

43 Lesson 15 Revision
Listening to the rhyme
Look at that little tree

44 Preparation for the half-term test

45 Half-term test

46 Correction of the half-term test

47 Festivals Merry Christmas / Hanukkah

48 Project work Revision of songs

49 Project work Mr Cocopulus episodes
Acting out

50 Festivals Happy New Year

51 Jan Lesson 15 Aunt Peggy and Uncle Ben

Revision of the Present Simple Tense

52 Lesson 16 Introducing items of clothing

Exposing children to is wearing

53 Feb Lesson 16 Winter story and summer story

Listening to the tape

54 Lesson 16 Who is at the door?

55 SUM UP 3


56 Lesson 17 Listening to the tape : A party

Post listening tasks

57 Lesson 17 Pass the box game


58 Lesson 18 Listening to the tape: Home sweet home

Post listening tasks

59 Lesson 18 Revision

60 Lesson 19 Where am I?
Listening to the tape: Good night sleep tight
Post listening tasks

61 Lesson 19 Present continuous practice

62 Lesson 19 Learning the song Wee Willy Winkie

63 Lesson 20 At the funfair

How much do you remember?

64 Lesson 20 Revision : reconstruct the sentences

65 Mart Lesson 21 Introducing new vocabulary

66 Lesson 21 Revision - Activity book

Mr Cocopulus 8

67 SUM UP 4


68 Lesson 22 Listening to the tape

69 Lesson 22 Memory game


70 Lesson 23 Rosie is missing

71 Lesson 24 Mr Cocopulus 9
Revision of the vocabulary
Reading the descriptions

72 Lesson 24 Who is the suspect?

Introducing somebody / anybody / nobody / everybody

73 SUM UP 5 A game of dominoes

74 Preparation for the progress

test 2

75 Progress test 2

76 Correction of the test


77 Lesson 25 Introducing new vocabulary

Playing Bingo
Doing a crossword

78 Apr Lesson 25 Bob’s bad luck

TPR story
Playing a board game

79 Lesson 25 Dinner talk

80 Lesson 26 London
Listening to the tape
(part 1)

81 Lesson 26 Revision of the vocabulary

Listening to the tape (part 2)
London quiz

82 Lesson 27 Numbers 20 – 100

Introducing key sentences for Shopping
Listening to the tape
Post listening tasks

83 Lesson 27 Revision
Playing shop in the class

84 Lesson 28 Lead in: Little Red Riding Hood

Making puppets

85 Lesson 28 Acting out the play

86 Lesson 29 Great Britain

87 Lesson 29 Great Britain - activity book

88 SUM UP 6

89 Festivals Easter / Jurjevdan


90 May Lesson 30 Introducing new vocabulary

Listening to the tape

91 Lesson 30 Board game ( SUM UP 7)

92 Lesson 31 Introducing the characters of the story

Listening to the story

93 Lesson 31 Revision

94 Mr Cocopulus 13 Listening to the tape

Reading the text
Acting out

95 Mr Cocopulus 14 Bosnia and Herzegovina


96 Mr Cocopulus 14 Bosnia and Herzegovina

Listening to the tape – telephone conversation
Objective pronouns

97 Mr Cocopulus 14 Bosnia and Herzegovina

Working on the text

98 Mr Cocopulus 14 Bosnia and Herzegovina

(activity book)
A goodbye song for Mr Cocopulus

99 Preparation for the final test

100 Final test

101 Correction of the final test

102 Festivals Bayram*

103 June GAME Revision of vocabulary and grammar

104 Systematization

105 Final marks

Natavnica: Irhana Korman

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