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The Professional Animal Scientist 30 (2014):150–179

©2014 American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists

InutritionR of ruminants—Current
NVITED : Applied protein

status and future directions1

F. N. Owens,*2 PAS, S. Qi,* and D. A. Sapienza†
*DuPont Pioneer, Johnston, IA 50131; and †Sapienza Analytica, Slater, IA 50244

ABSTRACT of microbial protein increased with tions of diets routinely fed to feedlot
intake of TDN, diet TDN concentration cattle versus lactating dairy cows
The metabolizable protein (MP) sys- was not correlated (R2 = 0.00) with the illustrates that despite the physiologi-
tem initially outlined by Burroughs et extent of OM fermented in the rumen. cal similarity in digestive function of
al. (1975) and expanded in later NRC Although undegraded intake protein all ruminants, dietary requirements
publications separates the need for N for and MP increased with DMI, precision differ among classes due largely to
ruminal microbes within the rumen from of predicting degraded intake protein, differences in composition and yield of
the postruminal need for amino acids undegraded intake protein, and MP per products.
for growth and maintenance of the host kilogram of diet was poor, reflecting im- For nonruminants, diet formula-
ruminant. Compared with the CP sys- precision of estimates or equations and tion involves combining finely ground
tem, the MP system represents a clearer failure of prediction equations to match maize grain with soybean meal and
understanding of the complexity of the in vivo measurements. The paucity of adding a dab of minerals, vitamins,
protein metabolism of ruminants. Using data supporting values suggested for and perhaps an amino acid or 2
compiled data sets from recent publica- individual feeds and inclusion of numer- depending on estimated prececal
tions, the effect of dietary CP concentra- ous theoretical but unverified equations availability of amino acids from these
tion on performance of feedlot and dairy within current MP models severely limits 2 feedstuffs. In contrast, ruminant
cattle was reevaluated. Maximum per- their precision and usefulness for field nutritionists must contend with a very
formance (rate of gain; milk production) application. wide diversity of feed ingredients and
required higher CP concentrations than supplements that differ in composi-
routinely are being fed, with the added Key words: protein, microbial pro- tion. This large number of feed ingre-
performance being due at least partially tein synthesis, rumen-escape protein, dients when combined with processing
to greater DMI of diets containing more requirement, microbiome methods that alter the site and extent
CP. Precision of the NRC (2000) MP of digestion provides ruminant nu-
model 1 was evaluated by comparing its
predicted values with measurements of
INTRODUCTION tritionists and consultants an almost
endless array of components to tweak
duodenal flow determined with growing- For decades nutritionists have when attempting to improve produc-
finishing cattle fed 118 different concen- formulated diets simply to maintain a tivity or efficiency, a task that helps
trate-rich diets. Though duodenal supply minimum CP (N × 6.25) concentra- ensure long-term job security.
tion in DM. Even today, ruminant The goal of this paper was to ap-
nutritionists and producers cringe if praise protein requirements both from
Presented at the American Registry of
Professional Animal Scientists (ARPAS)
they notice that the CP concentra- a traditional CP and one metaboliz-
Symposium: Applied Nutrition of tion of a formulated diet falls below able protein (MP) approach (NRC,
Ruminants—Current Status and Future the mean concentration commonly fed 2000) by comparing measured with
Directions, July 10, 3013, ADSA/ASAS Joint in the industry (e.g., 13% of DM for predicted quantities of microbial pro-
Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana. feedlot cattle or 17% of diet DM for tein, degraded intake protein (DIP),
Corrresponding author: fred.owens@ lactating dairy cows). The marked di- undegraded intake protein (UIP), vergence in dietary protein concentra- and MP and to discuss several aspects
Protein nutrition of ruminants 151

of amino acid nutrition gleaned from (MPS), UIP, DIP, and MP predicted Efficiency of use of land, water, or
trials with nonruminants. No live- from TDN, UIP, and DIP tabular feed resources is of widespread con-
stock were used or harmed during estimates for the compiled diets cern, yet sustainability of an individ-
preparation of this treatise, although from model 1 of NRC (2000) were ual business or enterprise relies on an
the senior author intermittently was compared with the MPS, UIP, DIP, economic return on a current or short-
stressed by the panel chair regard- and MP measurements within these term basis. Maximum rate or efficien-
ing tardiness in preparation of this experiments. The relationship of the cy of production is not always con-
manuscript. predicted to observed values was ap- gruent with least cost performance,
praised by linear regression; indi- with maximum longevity of animals,
MATERIALS AND METHODS vidual values and the linear regression with efficiency of nutrient use, or with
line relating predicted with observed minimizing adverse environmental
For examining the relationship values are plotted and statistical esti- effects. Certain least-cost sources of
of performance to dietary protein mates are provided. energy may contain excesses of certain
concentration and the ability of the nutrients (e.g., protein and phospho-
NRC (2000) MP system to predict Classical CP Requirements rus in distillers products). In con-
the duodenal flow of microbial and of trast, when considering economics of
dietary protein that escaped ruminal Diets for domestic animals often are production, some degree of deficiency
digestion, 3 data sets were assembled. formulated to provide an amount of and sacrifice in animal performance
The first consisted of results from each required dietary nutrient that can be justified when no economic
19 recent publications with growing- will meet or exceed the minimum benefit or only a limited performance
finishing cattle where 43 specific requirement for that nutrient. Mini- response from supplementing a mar-
diets were supplemented with vari- mum requirements in turn have been ginally deficient nutrient is apparent.
ous amounts of CP for a total of 155 based on avoiding either specific signs Though diets could be customized for
diet-protein comparisons. The second or symptoms characteristic of a nutri- specific groups of animals and altered
included similar data from recently ent deficiency or consistent reductions with stage of production, logisti-
published trials with lactating cows in productivity. Dietary requirements cal difficulties in properly compiling
fed 25 specific diets from 13 publica- traditionally have been appraised by and delivering diets formulated for
tions for a total of 75 diet-protein supplying various amounts of the test separate animal groups often proves
combinations. Data from these 2 sets nutrient and determining the mini- cumbersome. Consequently, numerous
were analyzed by regressing perfor- mum quantity needed to achieve a factors beyond minimum requirements
mance measurements against dietary maximum or a plateau in rate of gain for nutrients as defined experimental-
CP concentration and testing for or efficiency of production. Although ly will continue to dictate the nutrient
significance of linear, quadratic, and in vivo performance measurements content of diets formulated by skilled
cubic responses to CP within diet by have served as the gold standard for nutrition consultants.
including diet as a fixed factor. When quantifying requirements, performance Whether diets are being formulated
significant responses were detected, responses can prove misleading. to meet minimum requirements by
the intercept of the regression line Increasing the supply of a nutrient the traditional CP system or through
was adjusted so that the plotted re- in the diet may increase performance using an MP model, the basic prem-
gression line passed through the mean not only through meeting a deficiency ise behind a requirement is that the
production rate at the mean protein for that nutrient but also indirectly needs of an animal for maintenance,
concentration. Regression lines are through increasing DMI or digestibil- production, and health should be met.
plotted together with absolute values ity of energy. Similarly, substituting Consequently, both systems must
reported from individual studies. The one ingredient for another may alter consider the deposition, secretion,
third data set consisted of 37 different DMI or digestibility, and supplemen- and inevitable losses of protein from
basal diets from 21 publications for a tal nutrients can have overlooked or the body. Protein expenditures differ
total of 118 different diet-supplement unrecognized physiological effects. markedly between feedlot cattle and
combinations where duodenal flow Generally, a surplus amount (an lactating dairy cows, so these 2 classes
by cattle had been measured so that allowance) of a nutrient is included will be discussed separately.
extent of ruminal OM digestion and in commercially formulated feeds to CP for Growing-Finishing
duodenal flow of microbial protein compensate for variability in nutrient Cattle. The amounts of protein
and undigested dietary protein were content of individual diet ingredients deposited or lost daily by typical
known based on digestion and micro- and imprecision in diet compilation as growing-finishing feedlot cattle at
bial markers. Mean values and ranges well as to ensure that nutrient supply various shrunk BW are illustrated in
within this data set are illustrated in for all animals within a group is ad- Figure 1. Because expenditures are
Table 1. Measured flows were used equate despite differences among the inevitable, these losses of N must be
to calculate the supply of microbial individual animals in DMI, weight, replaced by either protein or NPN
CP. Values for microbial CP supply nutritional history, and genetic merit. provided in the diet.
152 Owens et al.

Table 1. Statistics for measurements from individual diets from summarized trials and values predicted from
various sources

Variable1 n Mean SD Minimum Maximum

Cattle weight 118 305.8 94.5 106.0 493.0
Grain, % of diet DM 118 72.3 7.4 41.9 85.0
DMI, kg/d 118 5.74 1.38 2.73 10.76
DMI, % BW/d 118 1.95 0.31 1.18 2.58
Concentrate intake, kg/d 118 4.92 1.22 2.33 9.44
Forage intake, kg/d 118 0.63 0.24 0.00 1.39
TDN, % of DM (NRC, 2000) 118 83.87 3.34 75.81 89.37
CP, % of DM 118 12.67 1.53 10.29 19.23
NDF, % of DM (NRC, 2000) 118 16.44 4.65 11.36 36.89
DIP, % of DM (NRC, 2000) 118 8.24 1.41 5.91 11.98
UIP, % of DM (NRC, 2000) 118 4.43 0.97 1.89 8.41
DIP, % of CP (NRC, 2000) 118 64.9 6.6 49.3 85.6
UIP, % of CP (NRC, 2000) 118 35.1 6.6 14.4 50.7
Diet ME, Mcal/kg of DM (NRC, 2000) 118 3.03 0.12 2.74 3.22
Diet NEm, Mcal/kg of DM (NRC, 2000) 118 2.05 0.10 1.81 2.21
Diet NEg, Mcal/kg of DM (NRC, 2000) 118 1.39 0.09 1.18 1.53
OM intake, g/d 118 5,435 1,323 2,541 10,222
Duodenal OM flow, g/d 118 2,786 807 1,274 6,102
Fecal OM output, g/d 118 1,045 350 442 2,515
OM digested in rumen, % of OM intake 118 48.6 7.5 26.2 61.7
OM digested in total tract, % of OM intake 118 80.7 4.4 66.9 88.1
Starch intake, g/d 118 2,813 1,033 1,221 6,440
Duodenal starch flow, g/d 118 506 387 83 1,840
Fecal starch output, g/d 118 74 108 3 721
Ruminal starch disappearance, % of starch intake 118 81.9 11.0 44.5 94.3
Total-tract starch digestion, % of starch intake 118 97.7 3.4 79.4 99.8
NDF intake, g/d 32 830 247 560 1,360
Duodenal NDF flow, g/d 32 552 177 335 1,080
Fecal NDF output, g/d 32 470 144 291 940
NDF digested in rumen, % of NDF intake 32 32.7 11.6 13.0 53.6
NDF digested in total tract, % of NDF intake 32 42.9 7.4 25.0 59.2
CP intake, g/d 118 732.6 217.7 333.1 1,471.3
Duodenal CP flow, g/d 118 754.0 205.6 395.6 1,273.1
Microbial CP flow to duodenum, g/d 118 440.3 127.3 231.9 872.5
Microbial efficiency, g of microbial protein/ruminally truly fermented OM × 100 105 22.2 4.2 10.0 33.9
Microbial efficiency, g of microbial protein/ruminally fermented OM × 100 118 17.2 4.2 7.4 29.5
Duodenal flow of nonmicrobial CP, g/d 118 313.7 133.4 50.0 680.6
Total-tract CP digested, % of CP intake 115 71.5 4.5 56.9 81.6
Ruminal pH 95 5.93 0.25 5.35 6.54
Ruminal acetate, % of VFA 101 52.0 6.4 39.3 67.0
Ruminal propionate, % of VFA 101 33.4 7.7 14.2 51.6
Ruminal butyrate, % of VFA 101 11.4 2.0 6.7 16.9
Metabolizable protein supply, g/d (calculated from duodenal CP flow) 118 533 149 276 924
Values predicted by various models of ruminal protein metabolism          
DIP intake, g/d (NRC, 2000) 118 475 146 208 917
Microbial CP flow to duodenum, g/d (NRC, 2000) 118 557 128 255 966
Microbial CP flow to duodenum, g/d (NRC, 2001) 118 600 185 175 1,274
Microbial CP flow to duodenum, g/d (Burroughs et al., 1975) 118 625 146 290 1,156
Microbial CP flow to duodenum, g/d (Valadares Filho et al., 2010) 118 579 135 269 1,071
Microbial CP flow to duodenum, g/d (Clark et al., 1992) 118 636 121 370 1,076
Microbial CP flow to duodenum, g/d (NRC, 1985, for nonlactating cattle) 118 565 192 199 1,332
UIP, g/d (NRC, 2000) 118 258 93 90 554
Metabolizable protein supply, g/d (NRC, 2000) 118 563 148 263 1,062
DIP = degraded intake protein; UIP = undegraded intake protein.
Protein nutrition of ruminants 153

with maturation. Hence, the need for

dietary protein should decrease with
maturation unless efficiency of CP
conversion to these expenditures also
decreases. Nevertheless, these expen-
ditures still total less than 50% of the
protein concentration of diets typi-
cally fed to finishing cattle, reflecting
an inefficiency of converting dietary
N to deposited protein and to replace
these inevitable losses by growing
Administration of certain hormones
(e.g., androgens) or metabolically ac-
tive compounds (e.g., β-agonists) can
improve G:F markedly. Compounds
that reduce the rate of protein turn-
over or degradation by animals should
reduce those N losses and the energy
requirements associated with protein
turnover (endogenous urinary N and
perhaps metabolic fecal N). Admin-
istration of an androgen reduced
Figure 1. Estimated daily CP expenditures and maintenance requirements of growing- the loss of BW by cattle maintained
finishing feedlot cattle at various empty BW. Color version available in the online PDF. under drought conditions (Houston
et al., 1992); androgens might prove
Within this figure, estimates of rate weight gained. Relating protein gain useful to reduce both protein and en-
of gain, DMI, protein composition of to daily energy deposition at various ergy requirements of ruminants being
gain, scurf loss, and metabolic fecal rates of gain based on the equation maintained at a constant weight. Dur-
loss were derived or calculated from employed by NRC (2000) matched ing growth, compounds that increase
NRC (2000) performance estimates. measured values for body protein protein retention by reducing protein
Endogenous urinary CP was added mass of cattle at various weights turnover and associated losses of N by
to the requirement list based on the (NRC, 2000) very closely; this sup- the body should enhance efficiency of
quantity of nonurea N excreted in ports the concept that equations re- N and energy use without increasing
urine by lactating cows fed diets lating protein gain to energy gain by the dietary requirement for N.
across a range of protein contents growing-finishing cattle is valid. Meta- In contrast, estrogenic compounds
(Colmenero and Broderick, 2006) bolic fecal CP and endogenous uri- that increase mature weight of rumi-
adjusted for the difference in DMI nary CP, the primary components of nants would be expected to increase
between growing and lactating cattle. maintenance, commonly are presumed the grams of protein required daily at
These inevitable urinary N losses to increase in proportion to DMI, a given BW and rate of gain. How-
would include excess microbial nucleic whereas scurf CP is considered to be ever, estrogenic implants typically
acids, allantoin, uric acid, creatinine, proportional to surface area (NRC, increase DMI as well and should
and possibly some glutamine; these 2000). Nevertheless, the estimate of N increase MPS; this could dampen or
should be proportional to the amount required for maintenance employed by cancel their effect on dietary protein
of microbial protein synthesized in the NRC (2000) shown in Figure 1 is cal- requirements. Based on the review
rumen, to release of nitrogenous com- culated from metabolic body size. The of DiCostanzo and Zehnder (1999),
pounds during tissue turnover, and sum of inevitable fecal, urinary, and the MP requirement for steers not
to acid–base balance of the animal. scurf CP losses exceeded the NRC implanted or implanted with a moder-
Nucleic acids synthesized by rumi- (2000) estimated CP requirement for ate or an aggressive implant is 14.1,
nal microbes are not fully excreted maintenance of 440-kg cattle by only 9.1, and 11.8 g/kg of metabolic size,
because certain nucleic acids are 4%, indicating that these independent respectively. Those estimates can be
degraded to N that can be recycled to estimates agree very closely. When compared with expenditures noted in
the rumen as urea. related to the expected DMI for a diet Figure 2. Assuming that cattle from
Retained CP decreases from 30 to rich in concentrate, the total of these which these expenditures were derived
15% of total expenditures as cattle CP expenditures decreases from 6.4 had received moderate implants, total
increase in weight because deposited to 5.2% of DMI as empty BW in- protein expended daily ranged from
lipid comprises a larger portion of creases, a decrease of 19% associated 51 to 63% of the estimated metabo-
154 Owens et al.

explained by increased dilution of

the maintenance energy requirement
associated with higher DMI. Conse-
quently, the relationship of observed
ME of the diet, based on DMI, rate
of gain, and mean BW, to the ME of
content of the diet calculated from
ME of the individual diet ingredients
was determined. Results are shown in
Figure 6.
This ratio of observed to calculated
ME, though surprisingly variable
among studies, was not significantly
altered by diet CP, indicating that
dilution of maintenance theoretically
alone might explain the increased G:F
observed with diets containing more
CP. Alternatively, the additional CP
may be providing some other dietary
ingredient (e.g., a macro or trace
mineral, a ruminal or blood buffer, a
nutrient that alters ruminal retention
time) that similarly could result in an
increased DMI.
Figure 2. Comparison of daily CP expenditures with predicted need for metabolizable
protein (MP) for growing-finishing feedlot cattle at various empty BW. EUN-CP = Age and degree of maturity certain-
endogenous urinary CP. Color version available in the online PDF. ly influence protein expenditures and
requirements (Figure 1). Crude pro-
tein concentrations above 13% of DM
lizable protein requirement. This ef- ADG peaked at a CP concentration often increase performance and feed
ficiency with which dietary CP or MP higher than typically fed to growing- net energy values for cattle weighing
can replace expenditures would not be finishing feedlot cattle, the expected less than 300 kg, likely due to provid-
expected to be a constant due to dif- ADG at 13% CP remained at 98% of ing some limiting amino acid(s) as
ferences in the potential for NPN to peak ADG. discussed by Zinn et al. (2007). How-
replace certain losses and differences As has been observed often, DMI ever, protein levels above 11% seldom
in the amino acid composition of MP also tended to increase linearly (P = increase the rate or efficiency of gain
relative to the amino acids ratios 0.08) with dietary CP concentration for feedlot cattle weighing more than
present in tissue or in N being lost by (Figure 4) with no indication of a 450 kg except possibly with cattle fed
ruminants. plateau. Consequently, the increased diets composed of steam-flaked corn.
Performance responses to concentra- ADG associated with higher dietary Although intakes of DM and energy
tions of dietary CP were estimated CP concentrations may be attribut- were reduced when the dietary pro-
from the compiled data set from 19 able partially to an increased intake tein concentrations decreased below
published trials involving 43 diets of energy. 13% very late in a feeding trial where
with feedlot cattle where the supply Can the increase in DMI fully steam-flaked corn was fed, N retention
of protein was altered so that re- explain the increase in rate of gain was not increased when additional
sponse within a diet and a specific set noted with addition of CP to the urea was provided (Cole et al., 2006).
of cattle of similar genetic and envi- diet? Should CP requirements be This indicates that the additional
ronmental history could be evaluated based on maximum rate of gain, G:F, urea may have acted through some
and merged across diets. Performance or efficiency of energy use? The rela- mechanism beyond simply meeting
within specific time periods was sepa- tionship of G:F to dietary CP within a metabolic demand for N or amino
rated when interim information was these same experiments is shown in acids. Within the rumen, supplemen-
provided. Based on regression within Figure 5. tal true protein can alter the sup-
these studies, rate of gain increased The G:F increased linearly (P = ply of various N sources (ammonia,
linearly (P < 0.01) and quadratically 0.02) with concentration of CP in the peptides, certain amino acids, nucleic
(P < 0.04) as concentration of protein diet. These increases in gain and G:F acids) that in turn may alter micro-
in the diet increased (Figure 3). Based should be of direct economic interest bial population or its diversity as well
on this data set, ADG should reach a to livestock producers. However, some as the composition and efficiency of
peak at 15.2% dietary CP. Although of this increase in G:F still could be growth of bacteria. Such compounds
Protein nutrition of ruminants 155

fermented grains. Serving as a weak

base with a high pH, ammonia should
increase ruminal pH (Trenkle, 1979)
and thereby would enhance activity
of cellulolytic bacteria. For the host
animal, absorbed ammonia also can
alter blood base excess, provide the
host animal with added N for biosyn-
thesis of nonessential amino acids,
and through elevating blood urea,
enhance cycling of urea to the large
intestine. Increased entry of urea into
the large intestine, through increas-
ing pH at that site and in feces, may
increase extent of compensatory
digestion of OM in the large intestine.
Thereby, supplemental DIP might
alter not only the extent of ruminal
but also of postruminal digestion.
Low blood osmolality also can reduce
salivary flow, ruminal buffering, and
the liquid dilution rate of ruminal
Figure 3. Daily gain of growing-finishing feedlot cattle fed 36 different diets contents. Behavior measurements also
supplemented with various amounts of CP from 16 different published articles. Color indicate that urea supplementation
version available in the online PDF. may decrease meal size and increase
meal frequency and thereby stabilize
may be either essential or stimulatory scesses (Zinn et al., 2003; Wagner et ruminal digestion.
nutrients for certain microbial species al., 2010), perhaps because ruminal A concentration of plasma urea N
based on pure culture studies. Urea ammonia serves as a transitory rumi- of finishing cattle below 5 to 8 mg/
supplementation has been reported to nal buffer helping cattle cope with the dL was proposed by Johnson and
decrease the incidence of liver ab- acid load from large meals of rapidly Preston (1995) to reflect inadequacy
of dietary N; plasma urea N values
above 12 mg/dL in contrast may
reflect an excess and waste of N.
Numerous factors can influence blood
and milk urea concentrations (Brod-
erick and Clayton, 1997; Hof et al.,
1997). Nevertheless, blood or milk
urea concentrations should mirror
metabolic protein status and prove
useful to detect excesses, a factor of
concern in waste management. If in
vitro systems and proposed increases
in microbial protein cannot read-
ily explain performance responses to
supplemental N, physiological altera-
tions beyond the rumen deserve close
scrutiny. In contrast, if amounts of N
from degraded DIP plus N recycled
to the rumen are insufficient to meet
DIP requirements, as reflected by low
ruminal ammonia and low blood urea
concentrations, and if performance
responses are greater from supple-
mented DIP than UIP, then correc-
Figure 4. Daily DMI of growing-finishing feedlot cattle fed 36 different diets
tion of a DIP deficiency and improved
supplemented with various amounts of CP from 16 different published articles. Color
version available in the online PDF. N status probably are responsible for
156 Owens et al.

by trials with the continuous flow

fermentation system by Satter and
Slyter (1974). Ammonia-N concen-
trations above 5 mg/dL failed to
increase microbial protein yield with
either fibrous or concentrate feeds,
whereas concentrations below this
point, particularly below 2 mg/dL,
reduced microbial protein yield. These
values often are cited as benchmarks
to judge whether or not the supply
of ruminally degraded N or NPN is
adequate for bacterial fermentation
within the rumen. In sharp contrast
with these values, Bach et al. (2005)
found no correlation between effi-
ciency of microbial growth and am-
monia concentrations in feeding trials.
Unfortunately, ammonia N concentra-
tions fell below 5 mg/dL in only 5 of
their 285 studies, and the within-trial
responses to various ammonia concen-
trations were not quantified. Several
Figure 5. G:F of growing finishing cattle fed 36 different diets supplemented with studies cited by Kertz (2010) in his
various amounts of CP. Color version available in the online PDF.
review of urea feeding indicated that
ammonia concentrations up to 24 mg/
performance responses to additional indirect performance responses to ad- dL increased nonammonia N flow or
CP. Monitoring both N balance and dition of N to the diet. in situ DM disappearance in several
performance responses is necessary Ammonia requirements for micro- studies. Postprandial changes in am-
to differentiate between direct and bial growth were clearly illustrated monia concentrations and differences
in ammonia concentrations at vari-
ous sampling sites (e.g., usually lower
within the ruminal raft than in free
liquid) or within microenvironments
(lower concentrations internal to
plant cells or within a glycocalyx than
in free liquid) could be responsible
for the response to higher ammonia
concentrations. Difficulty in obtaining
rumen samples with animals that are
not equipped with ruminal cannulas
complicates the routine use of ruminal
ammonia concentration as a measure-
ment of ruminal status, but direct
measurements are needed if ruminal
ammonia is of concern. You cannot
manage what you do not measure.
Precisely why a low ruminal am-
monia concentration reduces micro-
bial yield has been debated. At low
ruminal ammonia concentrations,
ammonia uptake by ruminal microbes
appears dependent on glutamine
synthetase, an energy-requiring reac-
Figure 6. Ratio of performance-calculated ME to diet ME content for growing- tion, whereas at higher ammonia
finishing cattle fed 36 different diets supplemented with various amounts of CP. Color concentrations, its uptake by glutamic
version available in the online PDF.
acid dehydrogenase does not require
Protein nutrition of ruminants 157

energy. Consequently, efficiency of should be sufficient for maximum fully mixed with rumen contents,
microbial growth per unit of OM rate and efficiency of gain for heavier 4) N in the form of urea is recycled
fermented should be slightly lower feedlot cattle. Although fluctuating continuously to the rumen both in
when ruminal ammonia concentra- protein levels might be expected to saliva and by diffusion through the
tions are low. Furthermore, when decrease ruminal stability and in- ruminal wall, and 5) microbes may
the supply of ammonia is inadequate crease the incidence of metabolic dis- adapt to asynchronous availability
or conversely when energy supply is orders, studies with oscillating protein of N. In studies with steers, Miz-
excessive, ruminal bacteria store more levels to date have not detected any wicki et al. (1980) tested effects of
glycogen-like carbohydrate. Carbohy- adverse effects on animal performance supplementing prairie hay (2.6% CP)
drate storage is inefficient for bacteria or health (Cole, 1999; Cole et al., with urea. Added urea increased N
considering that a substantial frac- 2003; Archibeque et al., 2007). retention equally well whether the
tion of the energy ultimately available The numerical linkage between urea was included within just one or
from metabolism of carbohydrate is quantity of OM fermented and the with each of the 24 meals throughout
expended simply for importing simple quantitative ammonia need for syn- the day, showing no benefit from a
sugars. Other energy-spilling reactions thesis of microbial protein also has simulated attenuated ammonia release
have been associated with ruminal N been extrapolated to apply chrono- rate. Likewise, the benefit from a DIP
deficiency or an energy excess (Russell logically. This led some researchers to supplement over a negative control
and Cook, 1995; Hackmann, 2014). suggest that rate of fermentation and diet proved to be equal when provided
Nevertheless, research trials evaluat- rate of ammonia release in the rumen as infrequently as every sixth day as
ing the need for ruminally degraded N should be synchronized. Orchestrat- when provided daily for grazing beef
in vivo always should measure and re- ing for a slowed or attenuated release cows (Bohnert et al., 2002). How-
port ruminal ammonia concentrations of ammonia from NPN thereby was ever, they observed that when UIP
for comparison with in vitro estimates proposed to improve or maintain was supplemented every sixth day,
of the ammonia requirement. activity of those ruminal microbes N balance was lower than when UIP
Phase feeding (e.g., reducing the that ferment feed components slowly was supplemented every day or every
protein supply for more mature (e.g., cellulose). Some in vitro studies third day. Obviously, attenuated am-
feedlot cattle or lactating cows supported the concept that synchrony monia release from NPN sources helps
later in lactation in parallel with between fermentation and ammonia avoid ammonia intoxication. However,
the reduced need for protein reten- release rates can increase either the certain NPN compounds with attenu-
tion or secretion) should reduce feed quantity of microbial protein synthe- ated release such as biuret require an
cost, improve efficiency of N use, and sized or the extent of OM digestion. extended adaptation time, whereas
reduce N waste without depressing In contrast, benefits from slow-release other complexes or compounds are
gain or efficiency (Martin et al., 1976; compounds have never been apparent not fully digested in the rumen but
Cole et al., 2006; Vasconcelos et al., in animal trials where both positive simply are excreted or defecated
2006; Zinn et al., 2007; Erickson and (urea) and negative (unsupplemented) unused. To increase ruminal escape
Klopfenstein, 2010). By formulating 2 diets have been included. In a sum- of amino acids or other nutrients,
finishing feedlot rations, one high and mary of trials, Reynolds and Kris- anthelmintics, or antibiotics, specific
a second lower in protein, appropri- tensen (2008) found no evidence of a payloads are coated with or imbed-
ate mixtures of these 2 rations could performance benefit from synchroniz- ded into spherical particles that resist
readily match the projected need for ing the rates of N and carbohydrate degradation within the rumen. Even
dietary protein while yet allowing fermentation. Failure of an in vivo though ruminal escape has been the
dietary protein levels to be gradually response to match that predicted in primary objective for developing
reduced for pens of feedlot cattle or vitro presumably reflects differences such materials, release of the payload
lactating cows throughout a given in either physiology or metabolism within the small intestine for absorp-
time period. Currently, consultants between these 2 systems. Such fac- tion often has limited the nutritional
routinely target protein concentra- tors could include observations that value of such compounds. Both rumi-
tions for feedlot cattle at all stages of 1) productive ruminants are fed or nal escape and intestinal availability
finish at an average of 13.5% of DM voluntarily consume meals at frequent must be achieved before a payload
(Vasconcelos and Galyean, 2007). intervals so that ruminal fermenta- can have value nutritionally for the
Because microbial protein when com- tion is semi-continuous and thereby host ruminant.
bined with escape protein from most dissimilar to the single or intermit- Lactating Cows. Protein (N ×
grain-rich diets should satisfy the MP tent batch cultures often employed in 6.25) losses that must be replaced
or postruminal amino acid needs for vitro, 2) the rumen has a large ballast daily for lactating cows at various
heavier feedlot cattle, simply provid- so that a single meal represents a rel- points in a lactation curve as estimat-
ing an adequate concentration of atively small addition to total ruminal ed from production rates, DMI, and
ammonia or ammonia precursors from contents, 3) some consumed feeds are BW from production curves compiled
NPN to maintain ruminal metabolism flushed from the rumen before being by NRC (2001) are graphed in Figure
158 Owens et al.

7. Within this figure, milk protein for a weighted average across the full blood, the net balance for the large
yield follows milk production, scurf lactation of 25.4%, a value slightly intestine and cecum is toward absorp-
loss was calculated from metabolic less than the 25.5% estimated for a tion of N. Consequently, metabolic
body size, fetal protein deposition 17% CP diet calculated by regress- fecal N may be an underestimate of
begins only late in lactation, and fecal ing milk N efficiency against diet CP the quantitative loss of protein from
protein loss was calculated from DMI. concentrations across recent lactation the upper digestive tract that enters
Endogenous urinary loss was calculat- trials as is discussed below. the large intestine. Irrespective of
ed from nonurea N excretion in urine Because maintenance makes a sub- its origin, N losses associated with
by lactating cows fed diets differing in stantial contribution to total loss of N maintenance of both lactating cows
protein content (Colmenero and Brod- by ruminants, it deserves detailed at- (Figure 7) and finishing cattle (Figure
erick, 2006). Such urinary N losses tention. As outlined by NRC (2001), 1) comprise a substantial proportion
would include purines, uric acid, inevitable losses include the amino of the total loss of N from the body
allantoin, and creatinine that should acids lost as scurf as well as N lost as that must be replaced. The quantita-
parallel microbial protein synthesis metabolic fecal protein and as nucleic tive and qualitative origins of meta-
and tissue turnover plus additional acids and other compounds inevitably bolic fecal protein (e.g., secretions,
glutamine lost during metabolic aci- excreted in urine. Amino acids provid- enzymes, cell debris) need to be delin-
dosis. As a proportion of total protein ed in excess of the immediate needs of eated, ideally with isotope techniques,
expenditures, milk CP accounted for the animal must either be oxidized or to fully comprehend their metabolic
60% early in lactation but less than placed into protein reserves for either cost in terms of both amino acids and
40% late in lactation. The protein re- a short (plasma proteins) or a longer energy (Lapierre et al., 2014). Indeed,
quirement for maintenance employed term (protein depots). Surprisingly, the high oxygen use of liver and the
by NRC (2001), the highest of the 3 changes in concentrations of short- digestive tract likely can be attributed
estimates of MP studied by Chizzotti term storage proteins have not been partially to replenishment of both
et al. (2008) per unit of metabolic monitored routinely in N balance enzymes and sloughed surface tissues
size, is below the estimate of metabol- trials. Metabolic fecal protein loss has of the digestive tract that are secreted
ic fecal loss alone. Although recycling been estimated by numerous research- into or eroded from the gut during
of N helps to conserve and exchange ers (NRC, 1985) to be about 30 g of the process of digestion.
N within various pools of the body, all CP/kg of DMI. Estimates of the total If metabolic fecal loss is attrib-
these expenditures except fetal growth MP requirement for maintenance all uted even partially to erosion of the
involve N losses by lactating cows have been based on metabolic size digestive tract by passage of feed and
that cannot be reduced by N recycling (g of MP × kg−0.75 shrunk BW): 3.52 fibrous particles, increases in pas-
unless animals practice coprophagy. (Smuts, 1935); 3.25 (INRA, 1988); sage, associated either with increases
Metabolic fecal loss is calculated to 3.8 (NRC, 2000); 2.3 (Chizzotti et in DMI or diet indigestibility, should
increase from 33 to 40% of total body al., 2008). To what degree metabolic increase metabolic fecal N loss. The
expenditures as lactation proceeds. fecal protein fully represents a loss of NRC (1985) proposed that metabolic
The total of these 5 sources of protein tissue amino acids versus microbial fecal N could be estimated either
loss adjusted for tissue mobilization matter synthesized within the diges- as 30 g of CP/kg of DMI or 90 g of
early in lactation was the equivalent tive tract is not yet clear. Because a CP/kg of fecal DM output for dairy
of 11.6, 10.1, and 8.9% of diet DMI substantial portion of fecal N consists cows based on a presumed diet DM
for wk 1, 2, and 3 of lactation, re- of microbial residues, metabolic fecal digestibility of 67%. If metabolic fecal
spectively; thereafter this percentage loss often has been attributed fully to loss is attributed primarily to DM
decreased steadily to 7.5% at 48 wk. microbial matter synthesized within and coarse particle NDF leaving the
If conversion of dietary protein to MP digestive tract, especially the large abomasum and eroding the intestinal
remained constant throughout lacta- intestine. If true, this N expense could tract, its estimation from fecal output
tion, the dietary protein need simply be charged against ammonia or non- rather than DMI or metabolic size
to replace lost N would decrease by specific N and simply replaced with would seem more appropriate. Rea-
18% from wk 6 to 48. This supports NPN or DIP. But if ileal N is derived soning further, metabolic fecal loss
the suggestion of Wu and Satter partly from body secretions or debris of N theoretically could be reduced
(2000) that need for dietary CP sloughed from the mucosa of the either by restricting DMI or by
decreases as milk production declines digestive tract, some metabolic fecal decreasing fecal output (e.g., decreas-
and days in milk increases. With N must be derived from body pro- ing dietary NDF or increasing the
a dietary protein concentration of tein. Flow measurements at the ileum extent that NDF is digested within
17%, the mean efficiency of convert- indicate that the amount of N that the rumen). Reducing metabolic fecal
ing dietary protein to protein in milk enters the large intestine from the N loss should spare intestinal tissue
and other tissues would decrease from ileum normally exceeds the amount and could reduce the need for mobi-
slightly over 31% early in lactation to of N defecated. So even though urea lization of protein reserves early in
below 17% near the end of lactation diffuses into the large intestine from lactation and thereby improve protein
Protein nutrition of ruminants 159

Based on regression within these stud-

ies, FCM yield reached a plateau with
20.6% dietary CP (Figure 9).
Being curvilinear in both the NRC
(2001) equation and this summary,
milk yield increased at a decreas-
ing rate as dietary CP increased.
Based on averages from these 2
equations, decreasing dietary protein
from 18% to 17, 16, and 15% of diet
DM (sequentially reducing the daily
dietary protein supply by about 0.5
kg per step) would be expected to
decrease expected daily FCM yield by
an average of 1.4, 3.0, and 5.0 kg/d
below FCM production with 18%
CP, changes that may prove statisti-
cally nonsignificant in single studies
but yet important economically. In
addition, milk production and thereby
the need for CP decreases as lacta-
tion continues as noted in Figure 7.
Figure 7. Estimated daily CP expenditures and maintenance requirements of Holstein Wu and Satter (2000) proposed that
dairy cows at various stages of lactation. Color version available in the online PDF. from 7 to 16 wk of lactation, 19% CP
gave maximum yields, 17% CP was
status and productivity through a full as N intake minus the sum of milk, adequate before and after this point,
lactation. Decreased metabolic fecal N urinary, and fecal protein, nitrogen and 16% CP was adequate after 30
loss could be responsible for a portion balance often was negative early in wk of lactation with their diets and
of the performance benefits reported lactation (circled values in Figure 8) milk production their cows achieved.
from limit feeding growing cattle, despite the very high amounts of di- However, even late in lactation when
from selecting and feeding high-quali- etary protein being supplied in these production was much lower in trials
ty forages that contain less undigested studies. The negative N balance could by Kalscheur et al. (1999), milk yield
NDF, and from increased rates of be interpreted to indicate that both often increased when more supple-
ruminal NDF digestion (e.g., with protein and energy reserves were be- mental CP was provided. Neverthe-
brown midrib forages; Oba and Allen, ing mobilized early in lactation when less, altering dietary protein content
1999; Stone et al., 2012). Because energy balance was negative. Note to match the need for N within
protein status is linked to site and that N balance also was negative at specific segments of lactation rather
extent of digestion of DM and NDF, other points in lactation when the CP than targeting a single CP for an
selection of higher-quality, lower-NDF supply was near or below the project- entire lactation seems like a logical
forages with a higher rate of NDF ed milk protein yield line. approach to conserve N. Compared
digestion in the rumen should prove Performance responses to dietary with decreasing the dietary CP con-
useful not only to increase the sup- CP concentrations have been mea- centrations early in or throughout the
ply of energy available from the diet sured in numerous trials with lac- lactation period, reducing CP later in
and to improve N status by reducing tating dairy cows. The regression lactation is less likely to reduce FCM
metabolic loss but also to reduce the equation developed from 82 studies yields for the total lactation.
amount of energy required for replace- by NRC (2001) [milk yield = 0.8 × As noted in trials with feedlot cattle
ment of eroded tissues. DMI + 2.3 × CP − 0.05 × CP2 − (Figure 2), DMI tended to increased
The degree that body protein is 9.8] indicated that milk production linearly (P < 0.06) and quadrati-
mobilized concurrently with body should reach its maximum when diet cally (P = 0.12) as the concentration
energy reserves early in lactation DM contains 23% CP. This target of dietary CP increased, reaching a
when energy balance is negative is CP concentration is achieved by few maximum at 19.4% CP (Figure 10).
uncertain. Nitrogen metabolism and dairy producers unless a feedstuff This again reflects a synergy between
retention data were compiled from that is rich in protein also is a least- dietary CP concentration and energy
8 trials within the data set where cost source of energy (e.g., distillers intake. Can the increase in DMI fully
supplemental CP was supplied to grains). Performance, diet, and excre- explain the increase in milk produc-
lactating cows in trials starting at dif- tion data were compiled from 14 more tion from addition of CP to these
ferent stages of lactation. Calculated recent studies with 60 different diets. diets? Milk efficiency, calculated as
160 Owens et al.

FCM per kilogram of DMI from these

experiments, is shown in Figure 11.
Milk efficiency increased slightly but
linearly (P < 0.03) with addition of
dietary CP to the diet. Whether this
truly represents an increase in meta-
bolic efficiency or simply greater dilu-
tion of maintenance remains uncertain
though response appeared greater
when efficiency was greatest (early
in lactation). This increase in milk
efficiency with added protein should
increase economic return to producers
unless the cost of adding protein is
Total-tract digestibility of DM and
NDF tended to peak at somewhat
lower dietary CP concentrations (17.4
and 17.9% CP, respectively; data
not shown) than needed to maximize
milk yield or DMI. This suggests
that the DMI stimulation associated
with added CP may be independent
Figure 8. Daily milk protein yields and nitrogen balance of lactating cows fed 8 of gut fill. Milk fat and milk protein
different diets supplemented with various amounts of supplemental CP at various percentages reached plateaus at 19.4
stages of lactation. Circled values represent cases where nitrogen balance was negative and 16.9% CP, respectively (data not
(Neg). Color version available in the online PDF.
shown). If added protein were in-
creasing the supply of limiting amino
acids, one would expect that milk
true protein, an index often used to
monitor protein status of lactating
cows, should plateau at a point near
that needed for maximum FCM yield,
not a lower point. Certainly, milk
urea concentrations should continue
to increase as protein intake increases.
When providing supplemental protein
or rumen-escape methionine, Leonardi
et al. (2003) observed that milk pro-
tein percentage declined when higher-
CP diets were fed even though milk
protein yield tended to increase with
both the higher and lower dietary CP
concentrations when supplemental ru-
men bypass methionine was fed.
Efficiency of converting dietary N
to milk N decreased consistently as
dietary CP concentration increased
(Figure 12). This is attributable
primarily to large increases in urinary
N loss (Figure 13) but small increases
in fecal N loss (Figure 14). Increased
Figure 9. Daily FCM yields of lactating cows fed 25 different diets supplemented with urinary N loss in turn is associated
various amounts of supplemental CP from 13 different published articles. The best- with an increase in daily urine volume
fitting regression line based on newly calculated data are illustrated by the solid line, and presumably in daily water intake.
whereas values predicted from the NRC (2001) are shown in the dashed line. Color Greater water intake, through in-
version available in the online PDF. creasing rumen liquid dilution rate,
Protein nutrition of ruminants 161

of converting feed N to milk N, reduce

the acreage needed for waste applica-
tion, and potentially reduce the cost
of purchased feed off the farm while
maintaining milk production. Com-
pared with urinary plus fecal N loss
daily with an 18% CP diet, decreas-
ing CP content of the diet to 17, 16,
and 15% CP should decrease N in
these waste products by 6.2, 12.2,
and 18.3%. Through reducing urinary
excretion, efficiency of N use is im-
proved when the concentration of di-
etary protein is decreased (Figure 12).
Although few dairies formulate diets
to the 20 or 23% CP diets needed to
maximize milk production, any sacri-
fice in milk yield below this maximum
must be balanced against the reduced
cost for supplemental dietary protein
to calculate economic return. In some
instances, reducing the protein and
phosphorus content of dairy rations
Figure 10. Daily DMI by lactating cows fed 25 different diets supplemented with will increase cost of milk production
various amounts of supplemental CP from 13 different published articles. Color version when a feed ingredient rich in pro-
available in the online PDF. tein and phosphorus has a low cost
(Stewart et al., 2012). Targeting lower
might affect ruminal fill, DMI, and supplemental protein, Chase et al. dietary CP concentrations for groups
MPS. Concerned about the adverse (2009, 2012) illustrated that decreas- of cows later in lactation certainly
environmental effects of secreted N ing the dietary CP concentrations to appears justified to decrease N waste
and the high cost of most sources of 16% or below can improve efficiency and the environmental footprint of ex-
cess N, but potential carryover effects
of marginal CP levels early in lacta-
tion deserve further attention.

The MP System
The “metabolizable protein feeding
standard” initially was outlined and
described clearly in an infrequently
cited paper from 1975 by Burroughs
et al. Some of the constants and equa-
tions proposed initially continue to be
used in updated models (NRC, 1985,
2000, 2001). When thinking about
protein requirements for ruminants,
nutritionists use schizophrenic or at
least bipolar reasoning. All animals
require amino acids (MP) for growth
or production and maintenance.
This need is met by a supply of true
protein digested to amino acids in the
intestines and absorbed. For rumi-
nants, this MP supply is derived from
microbial protein synthesized in and
Figure 11. Milk efficiency, calculated as FCM divided by DMI, with 25 different diets flowing to the small intestine plus
supplemented with various amounts of CP. Color version available in the online PDF. dietary protein that escapes ruminal
162 Owens et al.

digestion (UIP). Only the fractions of

these components that are digested to
amino acids within the small intestine
and are absorbed will contribute to
the MP supply. For MPS, the DIP
supply for ruminal microbes must
be adequate to meet the need of
microbes for MPS if the maximum
supply of MP is desired. Postrumi-
nal degradation of specific sources of
dietary protein that escape ruminal
digestion and availability of individual
amino acids within that protein must
be estimated if requirements are to be
based on the need for specific amino
acids. Finally, from the MP require-
ment standpoint, the quantitative
need for supplemental amino acids
for both maintenance and production
must be predicted despite wide fluc-
tuations in production as well as tem-
porary mobilization or storage of pro-
tein reserves by the host animal. This
logical yet systematic approach can
Figure 12. Efficiency of converting dietary CP to milk protein by lactating cows fed
25 different diets supplemented with various amounts of supplemental CP from 13 be simulated readily through descrip-
different published articles. Color version available in the online PDF. tive models despite the fact that most
of the quantitative estimates and
equations within such models have
proven difficult to ascertain directly
or reliably. Ideally, knowledge of MP
as well as its amino acid content and
availability, when combined with
estimates of requirements, would al-
low feed formulators to predict which
amino acids are deficient and add
appropriate protein sources or rumen-
escape compounds to compensate for
deficiencies. From a point as distant
as the diet, balancing supply with
requirements seems as unwieldy as at-
tempting to tune a television set with
a 3.05-m pole. Various remote control
devices (nutrition models) have been
developed, but their field applica-
tion and evidence of benefits seems
hazy at best. The ultimate goal in
amino acid nutrition with ruminants
is the same as with nonruminants—to
provide an adequate but not excessive
amount of essential and nonessential
N that will precisely meet the need
of an animal for a specified or desired
rate of growth or production.
Individual variables involved in
Figure 13. Daily excretion of urinary nitrogen by lactating cows fed 15 different diets the supply side of any MP system
supplemented with various amounts of supplemental CP from 8 different published need to be evaluated independently
articles. Color version available in the online PDF. to appraise the accuracy of current
Protein nutrition of ruminants 163

rumen (MPS) because a proportion

of the ruminal microbes die and lyse
or are consumed and digested by
protozoa within the rumen. Because
degraded microbes are never counted
as being synthesized, gross or total
synthesis should not be confused with
net yield or net synthesis (MPS).
That output of microbial protein from
the rumen is reduced by protozoa is
supported by the results of Leng et
al. (1989), who found that averaged
across 6 studies, bacterial output from
the rumen was 15% lower for faunated
than defaunated animals. When based
on N isotopes and rumen sampling,
intraruminal cycling of N provides
estimates of gross rather than net
synthesis. Gross synthesis of microbial
protein yield can be limited by avail-
ability of energy (NEl, TDN, OM), of
ammonia or other N sources, or other
nutrients (minerals, vitamins, growth
Figure 14. Daily excretion of fecal nitrogen by lactating cows fed 15 different diets factors). In contrast, ruminal outflow
supplemented with various amounts of supplemental CP from 8 different published as a proportion of gross synthesis will
articles. Color version available in the online PDF. be reduced when either time for rumi-
nal degradation or protozoal activity
estimates and to update specific equa- much of the subsequent evaluation of is increased. Based on past literature
tions. Individual variables of interest models has been based instead on at- summaries, ruminal output of micro-
include 1) MPS; 2) DIP, the supply of tempts to relate observed production bial protein with cattle fed typical
intake protein degraded within the ru- rates of sets of cattle to the presumed diets appears roughly proportional to
men and its counterpart; 3) UIP, the supply and availability of MP and net the amount of OM that disappears
quantity of protein that escapes rumi- energy. from the rumen, although MPS from
nal digestion; 4) the quantity of N re- Microbial Protein Synthesis carbohydrate fermentation is much
cycled to the rumen that supplements Within the Rumen. Extensive greater than from ruminally ferment-
dietary DIP; 5) the fraction of DIP reviews of ruminal N metabolism ed protein or lipid. Microbial protein
that is available for use by ruminal have been published (Bach et al., output from the rumen or MPS is
microbes; and 6) the combination of 2005; Valadares Filho et al., 2010). estimated in vivo by combining the
MPS and UIP appropriately adjusted Reviews by Firkins et al. (2007) and quantity of microbes within a duode-
to calculate MP. Two additional com- Krause et al. (2013) provide further nal or omasal sample with the daily
ponents related to the use of supplied details regarding the composition and flow of the sample based on some in-
MP are 7) intestinal availability of N activities of the microbial biome of digestible or undigested flow markers.
or amino acids from microbial protein the rumen. Because microbial protein Flow can be measured directly from
and UIP and 8) the quantity of N typically comprises 50 to 80% of the continuous flow fermenters. Valadares
or of individual amino acids needed CP supply that reaches the small Filho et al. (2010) has discussed and
by the animal for maintenance plus intestine, maximizing the quantity of scrutinized various markers and meth-
production. The first 5 of these items microbial protein flowing from the ru- ods in detail.
were evaluated using a data set com- men to the omasum or duodenum has Several different estimates of energy
piled from the literature where duo- been of primary concern for ruminant availability for MPS have been em-
denal flows of microbial protein and nutritionists. Microbial yield or mass, ployed by various researchers. Micro-
rumen-escape protein were measured microbial flow, and microbial efficien- biologists typically calculate yields
with growing-finishing cattle equipped cy are separate terms; yield or MPS from laboratory fermenters as Yatp
with intestinal cannulas. Although is of primary interest for the host (i.e., microbial dry weight per mole of
data from growing or lactating cattle ruminant. The amount of microbial ATP) or yield per mole of substrate
were used during development of vari- protein synthesized within the rumen or hexose fermented. Calculated ATP
ous MP systems (NRC, 1985, 2001), exceeds the quantity than leaves the yields from OM digested could be
164 Owens et al.

used to estimate microbial yields in assumption that TDN intake should NRC (2000): MPS, g of CP =
vitro or even in vivo if ATP yields be correlated with the amount of OM
(TDN intake in kg × 130) reduced
and production of specific end prod- that is fermented within the rumen.
ucts were certain. Apparent digestion For evaluation of the MP model 1 by 2.2% for each 1% decrease in the
of OM in the rumen (the amount of system (NRC, 2000), data were com-
dietary concentration of effective
OM that disappears during passage piled from 118 high-concentrate diets
through the rumen) is calculated as that had been fed to growing-finish- NDF below 20% of DM.
the difference between OM intake ing cattle. Measurements recorded
and duodenal OM flow, a value often included DM and N intake, diet NRC (2001): MPS, g of CP =
called fermented OM. However, OM composition, duodenal flow of N and
6.25 × (11.45 × NEl intake in kg
entering the duodenum includes not OM, microbial CP at the duodenum,
only undigested dietary OM but also and ruminal escape of dietary pro- − 30.93). Assuming that only 85%
OM present within ruminal microbes tein. To derive estimates for the MP
of DIP can be captured by ruminal
that consists of microbial mass that model 1 of NRC (2000), TDN, NDF,
is synthesized or assembled OM from DIP, and UIP values were calculated microbes, the amount of DIP
the diet. Consequently, OM present at for each dietary ingredient based on
required is 1.18 times MPS.
the duodenum includes some synthe- tabular values from NRC (2000) and
sized microbes. Thereby, efficiency of compiled. As indicated previously,
microbial growth often is calculated microbial protein yield from the ru- Clark et al. (1992): MPS, g of CP =
as yield per unit of OM truly ferment- men was expected to be proportional 14.69 × OM intake in kg + 21.94.
ed, which is OM intake minus duode- to the amount of OM or carbohydrate
nal flow that is above and beyond the fermented in the rumen. Yield of Valadares Filho et al. (2010): MPS, g
microbial mass. Calculations based microbial protein is plotted against
on fermented OM often are called intake of TDN for each of these 118 of CP = TDN intake in kg × 120.38.
efficiency of microbial protein syn- diets in Figure 15.
thesis or microbial growth efficiency, Microbial N yield increased linearly Values from these equations are com-
whereas efficiency values based on as intake of TDN increased. The in- pared with MPS measured from these
OM truly fermented are called true tercept was not significantly different 118 diets in Figure 16.
efficiency of microbial protein synthe- from zero; regression of values forced Four equations (Burroughs et al.,
sis with the acronym MOEFF. Having through the origin would indicate that 1975; NRC, 1985, for dairy; NRC,
several different bases for estimating 91 g of microbial CP was generated 2001; Valadares Filho et al., 2010) are
yield of microbial protein has resulted for each kilogram of TDN consumed. strictly linear functions of TDN or
in confusion among readers, individu- In previous publications, various NEl intake, whereas other equations
als compiling data, and researchers. equations have been used to relate (Clark et al., 1992; NRC, 1985; NRC,
Microbial yield must not be con- yields of microbial CP to intake of 2000) are based on the digestibility
fused with efficiency of microbial TDN or NEl as noted below. or intake of forage and concentrate
protein synthesis any more than separately or had intercepts not
fuel mileage, an efficiency estimate, strictly related to TDN intake and
Burroughs et al. (1975); NRC (2001): therefore are presented as individual
is confused with the total fuel use
or distance traveled. Increasing the MPS, g of CP = points in Figure 16. The MPS values
quantity of carbohydrate fermented from the compiled measurements from
TDN intake in kg × 130. the data set of feedlot cattle fed high
increases microbial output, but re-
sponses are not strictly linear. Nev- concentrate diets fell 24 to 30% below
ertheless, under most conditions, the NRC (1985): for dairy, MPS, other estimates (91 vs. 120 to 130 g of
supply of energy appears to be the microbial CP per kg of TDN con-
g of CP = 6.25 × (TDN intake sumed). Based on a summary of 997
factor that first limits ruminal mi-
crobial growth within the rumen. For in kg × 26.13 − 31.9). diets or measurements from Brazil,
field application of an MP system, Valadares Filho et al. (2010) indicated
available energy must be based on the that microbial yield per unit of TDN
NRC (1985): for beef cattle, MPS, averaged 7% more for dairy than beef
supply of some feed analyte that can
be measured or predicted. As an esti- g of CP = 6.25 × [TDN intake in kg cattle though the concentrate levels
mate of energy available for microbial fed to beef cattle in their trials was
× (8.63 + 14.6 × forage intake in kg not specified. The NRC (1985) based
growth, Burroughs et al. (1975) and
many researchers subsequently have − 5.16 × forage intake in kg squared microbial yield estimates on complete-
used TDN intake as an estimate of ly different equations for beef versus
+ 0.595 × concentrate intake in kg)]. dairy cattle.
digestible energy intake based on the
Protein nutrition of ruminants 165

for microbes that ferment starch.

The greater prevalence of starch than
NDF fermenting ruminal bacteria
within the rumen of cattle fed diets
rich in concentrate should lead to a
lower efficiency of microbial growth.
On this basis, Russell et al. (1992)
proposed and NRC (2000) adopted
the concept of reducing the proposed
efficiency with which dietary TDN is
converted into microbial protein when
diets contain less than 20% effective
NDF and ruminal pH is low. Rate
of liquid dilution rate also may be
involved and similarly should be al-
tered by effective NDF. Like animals,
ruminal microbes expend energy for
both growth and maintenance, and
the amount of energy expended for
maintenance is time dependent. As
intake of DM and NDF increase, both
of which are greater with diets for lac-
tating cows than for growing-finishing
Figure 15. Daily duodenal flow of CP for intestinally cannulated growing-finishing feedlot cattle, retention time for liquid
cattle fed 118 different diets at various intakes of TDN in 37 trials from 28 different and unattached microbes within the
published articles. Color version available in the online PDF. rumen decreases (Seo et al., 2009).
A shorter ruminal residence time for
Why should efficiency of microbial suggested that 0.05 to 0.15 g of carbo- microbes, similar to a faster growth
protein production be less with diets hydrate is expended by each gram of rate for cattle, reduces the proportion
that contain more grain or concen- bacteria for each hour of maintenance, of energy expended for maintenance.
trate? Russell and Baldwin (1981) with this value being 3-times greater Consequently, microbial efficiency
increases as ruminal residence time
decreases. Although more small-parti-
cle feed components are flushed from
the rumen when ruminal residence
time is reduced, this increased yield
of microbial protein with higher DMI
and with diets rich in NDF could be
attributed partially to a shortened
residence time for microbes within
the rumen. This matches with the
observation of Bach et al. (2005), who
found that microbial protein yield de-
creased as extent of ruminal digestion
of OM increased, probably the result
of a higher amount or more exten-
sive processing of grain in the diet
or a reduced intake of DM, both of
which would increase ruminal reten-
tion time. Certainly, the efficiency of
microbial growth increases markedly
as dilution rate increases (Isaacson et
al., 1975).
The factor most closely related to
Figure 16. Literature estimates of predicted duodenal flow of microbial protein microbial yield should be the amount
flow from 6 different sources for comparison with measured duodenal flow of CP for
of energy fermented in the rumen that
growing-finishing cattle fed 118 different diets at various intakes of TDN. Color version
available in the online PDF. yields energy for maintenance and
166 Owens et al.

several sources of grain processed by

various methods were fed? This rela-
tionship is shown in Figure 17.
Clearly, the measured extent of
disappearance of OM was poorly cor-
related (R2 = 0.00) with TDN con-
tent across these 118 diets. That the
proportion of dietary carbohydrate
fermented within the rumen can dif-
fer markedly among feeds and within
feed constituents and can be altered
by feed source or grain processing
should come as no surprise (Firkins
et al., 2001). To what degree can the
differences in DMI alone among these
trials explain the observed increases
in microbial protein yield? Microbial
protein yield is regressed against DMI
in Figure 18.
Within these 118 diets, TDN ranged
from 76 to 89% of DM, whereas daily
DMI ranged from 2.7 to 10.8 kg or,
as a percentage of BW, 1.2 to 2.6%/d
Figure 17. Ruminal disappearance of OM with 118 different feedlot diets that (Table 1). An ideal MP model should
contained various grain sources and concentrations of TDN. Color version available in predict supply and demand equally
the online PDF.
well for cattle that differ in size, con-
dition, and production even though
growth of ruminal microbes. Conse- interest. How was ruminal disappear- equations inherent in such models
quently, ruminal disappearance of OM ance of OM related to TDN content often were derived from experiments
or carbohydrate should be of primary of the diet within these studies where in which diversity has been limited.
For example, with low intakes of feed
and water, ruminal residence time
would increase, which in turn should
lower the efficiency of microbial
growth as discussed above. Indeed,
regressions indicated that DMI alone
could explain 47% of the variation (R2
= 0.4715) in MPS yield; the combi-
nation of DMI with TDN content of
the diet explained 48% (R2 = 0.4846)
of the total variation. Addition of
dietary TDN concentration to the
regression equation failed to improve
data fit. Whether regressions devel-
oped in the past that related micro-
bial yield to intake of TDN or energy
(NRC, 1985, 2001) have appropriately
accounted for independent effects of
DMI and TDN is uncertain. How was
microbial yield related to TDN con-
tent of the diets among these studies?
These regressions without or with a
zero intercept are shown in Figure 19.
The relationship of MPS to TDN
concentration of the diet, an index
Figure 18. Duodenal microbial protein supply of growing-finishing cattle versus daily of total-tract energy digestion, was
DMI. Color version available in the online PDF. nonexistent (R2 = 0.01). Because the
Protein nutrition of ruminants 167

Simultaneous with microbial growth

and protein synthesis in the rumen,
ruminal microbes readily degrade
most sources of dietary N and recy-
cled N. Proteins in the diet, in saliva,
and from nonviable ruminal microbes
are degraded partially to peptides,
amino acids, and ammonia. Extent
of protein degradation varies with
both the accessibility and susceptibil-
ity of a protein source to microbial
attack or engulfment as well as time
for attack and the activity of proteo-
lytic microbes and protozoa within
the rumen. Susceptibility to attack
usually is correlated with solubility,
but solubility varies with ruminal pH
and feed processing. Consequently,
extent of ruminal protein degradation
and UIP varies with ruminal pH and
perhaps with microbial adaptation to
a given source of protein. In contrast,
protein accessibility typically is tied
Figure 19. Duodenal microbial protein supply of growing-finishing cattle versus TDN
to encapsulation or close association
concentration of the diet being fed. Color version available in the online PDF.
with fiber; reducing particle size by
extensive feed processing will expose
range in DMI was much greater than ruminally digested starch and grams more plant protein for attack by ru-
the range in TDN content of diets in of ruminally digested nonstarch OM, minal microbes.
these studies, one would expect that as had been observed previously by Though most ruminal bacteria,
TDN intake should be related more Bach et al. (2005), but related posi- particularly those that ferment cel-
closely to DMI than to TDN content tively to diet CP concentration (P lulose, thrive with ammonia as their
of the diet. If extent of OM disap- < 0.01) and DMI as a percentage of sole source of N, bacteria that ferment
pearance in the rumen limits micro- BW (P < 0.05). Unfortunately, these starch and sugars often exhibit in-
bial growth, then the preferred index 4 factors still could account for only creased growth rates and yields when
for predicting microbial yield should 45% of the total variation in micro- provided with peptides and amino ac-
be ruminal OM disappearance, not bial efficiency. Note that the latter 2 ids. Although free amino acids can be
TDN. Because TDN is imprecise as factors could reflect MPS responses absorbed from the rumen (Liebholz,
a predictor of ruminal OM digestion to ruminal residence time of liquids 1971) and from 9 to 16% of total flow
(Figure 17), some base other than and particles. Residence time can be of amino acid N in omasal samples
TDN (e.g., in situ, in vitro, or gas altered by ruminal input of both DM, consisted of free amino acids (Reynal
yield measurements) should be prefer- NDF, and fluid (imbibed water and et al., 2007), free amino acids as well
able for predicting extent of ruminal saliva produced during eating and as peptides are rapidly degraded by
digestion of consumed carbohydrate. rumination) as well as urine excretion ruminal microbes (Wallace, 1996),
To date, TDN intake has served as (associated with intakes of salt and N, leaving only very low concentrations
the inherent component for predicting antidiuretic hormone, and diuretics) within the rumen. Ruminal microbes
microbial protein synthesis in most that drives water consumption. will adapt to degrade specific amino
MP systems developed in the United UIP. Estimates for DIP and UIP acids; this makes estimates of amino
States. To determine how factors for individual feeds are listed in NRC acid degradation based on incuba-
beyond the quantity of OM fermented (2000) tables with the sum of these tion with rumen fluid from unadapted
in the rumen related to DMI are driv- 2 being total dietary protein. These animals questionable. Ruminal escape
ing microbial protein yield, greater estimates have been derived primar- of dietary protein also can differ
research attention should be paid to ily from laboratory measurements with adaptation or other dietary
such factors. Within this data set, associated with N solubility in certain constituents that alter ruminal pH
multiple regression indicated that solvents as modified by additional in and protozoal activity (Loerch et al.,
efficiency of MPS (g of MPS/g of situ, in vitro, or in vivo measurements 1983). Branch-chained fatty acids or
ruminally fermented OM) was related for specific feeds. amino acids are required for growth of
negatively (P < 0.01) to grams of several prominent cellulose-digesting
168 Owens et al.

bacterial species and pure-culture and should increase UIP values of feeds quencies. Considering that biological
in vitro studies have illustrated the (Wallace, 1996). Some research efforts clocks regulate organ metabolism in
nutritional benefits from supplemental have been directed toward preventing other species (Grens, 2013), it would
peptides and branch-chained fatty ac- proteolysis of feed components before not be surprising to find circadian
ids. However, dietary supplementation feeding. However, preventing proteoly- cyclicity within the digestive tract of
with peptides or branch-chained fatty sis within a feed before feeding may ruminants. These physical as well as
acids seldom has proven beneficial in not increase the postruminal supply chemical aspects of rumen function
vivo, likely because ruminal concen- of protein if that protein remains deserve greater research attention.
trations of such compounds already readily degraded within the rumen. Escape of dietary protein with these
are adequate due to degradation of However degradation of protein to 118 diets was calculated as total
dietary protein or to crossfeeding and ammonia before feeding (e.g., during duodenal flow of N minus microbial N
lysis of microbes within the rumen. fermentation of crops or feeds) would and ammonia N and thereby includes
Nevertheless, the fact that peptides deprive the ruminal microbes of spe- all endogenous N that is present.
can be detected within the rumen in- cific nitrogenous polymers that might Predicted ruminal escape of dietary
dicates that peptide degradation can enhance microbial growth. N was calculated from DMI, diet com-
be a rate-limiting step in proteolysis Time for ruminal digestion is a criti- position, and tabular UIP values for
(Wallace, 1996). cal variable that controls the extent individual feed components provided
In vitro benefits from providing of ruminal degradation of protein by NRC (2000). These values were
peptides or proteins rather than components. As outlined by Seo et al. compared with measured duodenal
amino acids may reflect an energetic (2009), an increase in DMI or NDF flow of N that was not ammonia or
advantage for bacterial uptake of will decrease ruminal retention time microbial protein. On the average,
polymers. The energy required for of liquids and particles. Currently, tabular values indicated that UIP
activating one mole of amino acid for most models of ruminal digestion comprised 4.4% of diet DM (range
uptake by bacteria may equal that are based on the assumption that all of 1.8 to 8.4%), an equivalent of
required to activate a long peptide consumed liquids and solids enter the 35.1% of dietary protein (range of
or protein. Because the amount of rumen, mix thoroughly with similar 14 to 51%). Predicted UIP is plot-
energy required by bacteria for uptake components within the rumen, and ted against daily flow of dietary plus
of monomers (sugars, amino acids, are metered from the rumen at a endogenous protein across these 118
nucleic acids) from the media can be stable and constant rate. Yet, turn- diets. Measured UIP plus endogenous
substantial and because the concen- over of liquids always is greater than protein averaged 258 g daily (range of
tration and timely availability of for solid particles found in the rumen. 90 to 554 g) as plotted in Figure 20.
monomers may be limited, benefits in Ruminal stratification, both horizon- Measured rumen-escape protein
rate or efficiency of microbial growth tally and associated with the ruminal tended to increase as predicted UIP
from providing monomers rather than raft, and vertically, as reflected by increased, but the relationship was
polymers in vitro have been detected the high moisture content of reticu- weak. Because ruminal residence time
very rarely. lar contents, indicate that mixing also can be altered by DMI, these
Reducing the prevalence of protozoa of components within the rumen is values were recalculated per unit of
present in the rumen decreases the incomplete; ruminal contents are not DMI. Results are shown in Figure 21.
ruminal ammonia concentration by homogeneous. Following a meal, ru- This relationship was much weaker,
reducing the extent to which proto- minants invariably consume available presumably because higher DMI is
zoa consume and subsequently digest water. Such water can sluice reticu- associated with a shorter ruminal resi-
small feed particles and ruminal lar contents to the omasum. Indeed, dence time for degradation of dietary
bacteria. Certain microbial species consumed feed particles will appear in protein sources. Based on their effect
(i.e., Prevotella, Ruminobacter, Bu- abomasal contents immediately after on daily gain of cattle, Tedeschi et al.
tyrivibrio, Selenomonas) are actively a meal, particularly when the rumen (2005) concluded that tabular UIP
proteolytic. Through altering the is fully occupied. Ruminal retention values were inconsistent and proposed
populations of proteolytic and pep- also may change diurnally. Weight of that both TDN and UIP were altered
tidolytic bacteria within the rumen, ruminal contents of grazing ruminants by level of DMI.
certain ionophores and antibiotics can is greater after an evening than after Because processing of oilseeds and
reduce degradation of protein or pep- a morning grazing bout, perhaps an grains can influence accessibility
tides within the rumen as summarized adaptation for retaining forage for and susceptibility of protein sources
by Walker et al. (2005). Compounds nocturnal rumination (Gregorini et to proteolysis, some standardized
that can inhibit proteolytic enzymes al., 2008). If passage rate changes di- procedure for estimating or predicting
directly or reduce the prevalence or urnally with ruminants, the extent of in vivo UIP is needed. In addition,
activity of certain bacterial, protozoal, ruminal escape of fed materials could adjustments for ruminal pH and NDF
or fungal species, particularly hyper- be altered by providing specific feed digestion should prove helpful. Clas-
ammonia producers, within the rumen components at specific times or fre- sically, UIP is simply calculated as
Protein nutrition of ruminants 169

CP minus DIP. Though numerically

valid, all UIP is not equally digestible.
Although regression may indicate that
true digestibility of dietary CP by
ruminants averages 90%, studies with
nonruminants indicate that intestinal
digestibility of UIP can fall below
70% (Boucher et al., 2009). Similar to
the ‘c’ fraction in kinetic analyses and
indigestible NDF, indigestible UIP is
present in substantial amounts within
certain feed ingredients (e.g., feath-
ers, hair, or leather that has not been
hydrolyzed; feeds including distillers
products; heat-damaged feeds). Pro-
tein sources indigestible in pepsin or
by chicks or indelibly bound to NDF
could be subtracted from CP before
formulating diets or calculating UIP
within MP systems. Adjusting the
protein content for UIP for individual
feeds for expected differences in intes-
tinal digestion to derive an available
Figure 20. Undegraded intake protein (UIP) in grams per day predicted by NRC
UIP value would avoid the need to
(2000) equations versus UIP recovered at the duodenum by growing-finishing cattle
fed 118 different feedlot diets. The steeper line represents a perfect fit of predicted to
include an additional layer of adjust-
observed values. Color version available in the online PDF. ment factors within an MP system.
DIP. Estimates of DIP, calculated
as the difference between CP intake
and bypassed protein, comprised an
average of 8.7% of diet DM (with a
range of 4.9 to 12.5%) for diets in this
summary, an equivalent to 65% of di-
etary CP. Predicted DIP values for di-
ets based on tabular values from NRC
(2000) were compared with measured
DIP values as plotted in Figure 22.
Measured DIP generally increased
with estimates of dietary DIP, prob-
ably because a substantial portion
of dietary DIP in these diets often
was provided by urea. Because UIP
estimates differed with level of DMI,
measured DIP also was plotted
against available DIP per kilogram of
diet (Figure 23).
Precision of predicting DIP was re-
duced when the effect of level of DMI
was removed. This again indicates
that the magnitude of the regression
predicting UIP and thereby DIP was
being driven partially by differences
in DMI.
Extent of microbial protein synthe-
Figure 21. Undegraded intake protein (UIP) in grams per kilogram of diet predicted sis can be limited by availability of
by NRC (2000) equations versus UIP recovered at the duodenum by growing-finishing ammonia or DIP. The NRC (2001)
cattle fed 118 different feedlot diets per kilogram of diet fed. Color version available in has proposed that only 85% of DIP
the online PDF. is available for synthesis of microbial
170 Owens et al.

protein. To determine the relationship

of microbial yield to the available DIP
value from NRC (2000), data from
these 118 feedlot diets were plotted
(Figure 24).
Among these diets, only 4 had
microbial protein yields that exceeded
the amount of available DIP based on
the DIP estimates for diet ingredients
from NRC (2000). This would suggest
that microbial protein yield was not
being limited by supply of available
DIP. However, because predicted DIP
differed from measured DIP, the rela-
tionship of measured DIP, calculated
as CP intake minus measured UIP, to
MPS also was calculated as shown in
Figure 25.
Based on the measured DIP sup-
ply, the supply of DIP from the diet
alone would have been insufficient
for synthesis of microbial protein
synthesis within the rumen with 67%
Figure 22. Ruminally available degraded intake protein (DIP) in grams per day of these diets. This indicates that
predicted by NRC (2000) equations versus dietary protein degraded in the rumen by synthesis of microbial protein po-
growing-finishing cattle fed 118 different feedlot diets. Color version available in the
tentially could be limited by supply
online PDF.
of DIP from the diet. The need for
DIP will increase as grain is more
extensively processed and extent of
carbohydrate digestion within the
rumen increases. Therefore, DIP sup-
ply is more likely to limit supply of
MP or extent of ruminal digestion if
grains are processed more extensively.
Certainly, performance often increases
when additional supplemental NPN
is supplied, particularly with more
extensively processed grains as dis-
cussed by Klopfenstein and Erickson
(2002). However, the extent to which
the observed increase in performance
from added DIP is attributable to an
indirect effect on DMI and not to an
increase N retention as illustrated by
Cole et al. (2006) remains unclear.
Urea that is recycled to the rumen
supplies additional DIP for rumi-
nal microbes. Extent to which N is
recycled to the rumen may differ with
diet, being lower with feedlot diets
with low NDF concentrations due to
minimal rumination of such diets.
Duodenal output of CP was plotted
Figure 23. Ruminally available degraded intake protein (DIP) in grams per kilogram
of diet predicted by NRC (2000) equations versus dietary protein degraded in the
against dietary CP intake in Figure
rumen per kilogram of diet fed by growing-finishing cattle fed 118 different feedlot 26 to examine the degree to which
diets. Color version available in the online PDF. duodenal output of microbial protein
Protein nutrition of ruminants 171

might exceed DIP available from the

diet alone.
Duodenal flow of CP often exceeded
CP intake, with the difference tending
to be slightly greater with lower CP
intakes. On the average, duodenal CP
flow exceeded CP intake by 19 g daily
though as much as 363 g (38% of CP
intake) was being lost and as much as
231 g (39% of CP intake) was being
gained during passage through the ru-
men. These values likely are underes-
timates of total recycling of N to the
rumen because only the recycled DIP
captured as microbial protein would
increase the duodenal CP supply.
Suspicion should be raised whenever
estimates of duodenal UIP plus micro-
bial protein differ markedly from CP
supply in any MP system.
Metabolizable Protein Supply.
Of the duodenal CP supply, only a
Figure 24. Ruminally available degraded intake protein (DIP) in grams per day portion is available to the host rumi-
predicted by NRC (2000) equations versus measured microbial protein entering the nant as amino acids. The NRC (1985,
duodenum daily of growing-finishing cattle fed 118 different feedlot diets. Color version 2000, 2001) estimated that 80% of
available in the online PDF. microbial CP is true protein and that
small intestinal digestibility of true
protein from both microbial CP and
UIP is 80%. Using these estimates,
MP values were calculated based on
duodenal supply of microbial protein
and UIP. The NRC (2000) tabular
values for MP based on predicted
MP and UIP for feed components are
compared with estimates of MP sup-
ply based on duodenal flow in Figure
Predicted MP supply increased as
observed MP supply increased though
many values deviated from the ideal
regression line, with predicted val-
ues explaining 69% of the observed
variation even though neither MPS
nor ruminal escape of dietary protein
had been predicted with this degree
of accuracy. This indicates that the
underestimate of MPS of NRC (2000)
of Figure 16 was being compensated
partially by the greater-than-expected
escape of dietary protein (Figure 21).
Again considering the wide range in
DMI among these diets, the expected
supply was plotted against predicted
Figure 25. Ruminally available degraded intake protein (DIP) in grams per day supply per kilogram of diet in an
predicted by NRC (2000) equations versus measured microbial protein entering the attempt to remove differences that
duodenum in grams per day for growing-finishing cattle fed 118 different feedlot diets. could be driven by or associated with
UIP = undegraded intake protein. Color version available in the online PDF. differences in DMI (Figure 28).
172 Owens et al.

would represent the sum of impreci-

sions for predicting microbial protein
synthesis and UIP per kilogram of
Although the MP system seems
sound physiologically, these direct
comparisons of duodenal supply of
microbial protein and rumen-escape
protein based on 118 different feed-
lot diets indicate that the equations
involved with predicting MP supply
require further testing and refinement.
Any model system must accurately
predict the duodenal supply of CP
and its components before attempting
to match this supply with the more
nebulous requirements for amino acids
for growth and maintenance. Mea-
surements at the duodenum, an in-
termediate point in digestion, should
be useful to appraise the veracity and
modify estimates of the supply of
Figure 26. Crude protein entering the duodenum in grams per day versus CP protein or amino acids. Attempting to
consumed daily by growing-finishing cattle consuming feedlot diets. Color version short-circuit the science and develop
available in the online PDF. equations and models based on a
black-box mentality and simply relate
The relationship between supply of ferences in DMI. This supports the performance or production to mea-
MP based on duodenal CP compo- suggestion that duodenal supply of sured dietary constituents is unlikely
nents and MP supply predicted from microbial protein and of UIP were be- to prove fruitful.
NRC (2000) equations fell apart when ing driven strongly by DMI. Failure of
these values were adjusted for dif- predicting values per kilogram of diet
Amino Acid Requirements
of Ruminants
Several studies have been con-
ducted in which an increased supply
of certain amino acids has increased
rate and efficiency of gain of light-
weight cattle. Addition of a lysine-rich
supplement (fish meal) to a diet rich
in steam-flaked corn increased rate
and efficiency of gain early in a feed-
ing trial with steers started on feed at
122 kg (Zinn et al., 2000). Similarly,
Sindt et al. (1993) detected improve-
ments in the G:F from supplementing
a urea-based diet with a mixture of
blood meal and feather meal early
during a feeding trial with 260-kg
calves. In a calf-finishing trial with
237-kg steers fed a 12% CP urea-
supplemented diet, Klemesrud et al.
(2000) detected a quadratic response
in ADG during the first 56 d of a 161-
d feeding study from supplementing
Figure 27. Metabolizable protein (MP) supply in grams per day predicted by NRC the diet with rumen-escape methio-
(2000) versus MP supply estimated from daily duodenal flow of microbial protein plus nine plus lysine. Plasma lysine in-
protein that escaped ruminal digestion. Color version available in the online PDF. creases with supplementation support
Protein nutrition of ruminants 173

and DIP estimates that authors have

used for individual feeds and for total
diets in their reports.
As with energy, requirements for
amino acids represent the sum of 2
factors—one portion being used for
production and a second portion
being used for maintenance. Only
through subdividing amino acid re-
quirements can one logically appraise
the total need at various levels of pro-
duction that occur in practice (e.g.,
from growing heifers or dry cows to
lactating cows; from feedlot steers to
stocker cattle or wintering beef cows).
Amino Acid Requirements for
Production. The 8 to 12 amino acids
that cannot be synthesized by tissues
of animals or birds at a sufficient rate
to meet the demands for mainte-
nance and production are considered
essential amino acids. By synthesiz-
ing essential amino acids, microbial
Figure 28. Metabolizable protein (MP) supply in grams per kilogram of diet predicted protein will partially or can com-
by NRC (2000) versus MP supply estimated from daily duodenal flow of microbial pletely displace the need for essential
protein plus protein that escaped ruminal digestion per kilogram of diet. Color version
amino acids in the diet. However, for
available in the online PDF.
maximum rates of growth of younger,
growing ruminants and for lactat-
the contention that lysine supply was requirements derived from other spe- ing ruminants, supplementation of
increased, but the fact that plasma cies as illustrated by Zinn and Shen most diets with protein sources that
concentrations increased with the (1998), but the applicability of those provide essential amino acids will
first level of supplementation implies requirement estimates to ruminants increase production. Both ruminants
that the lysine requirement already is questionable. Nevertheless, when and nonruminants synthesize nones-
had been exceeded. Based on swine performance responses are detected sential amino acids when a source of
studies, corn grain is notably low in to rumen-escape amino acids, results nonspecific N (e.g., NPN) is provided.
lysine and tryptophan and 92% of the have commercial application. Ex- Luckily, the ratio of essential to non-
diet fed in their trial consisted of corn trapolating such responses to other essential amino acids in microbial pro-
products (corn-gluten feed, high-mois- conditions where diets differ in com- tein is very high, almost 50% of total
ture corn, dry-rolled corn, and corn si- position or to animals that differ in N, a fact that is surprising consider-
lage). In contrast, Hussein and Berger maturity, production rate, and DMI is ing that a substantial portion of total
(1995) detected no performance foolhardy. N consists of nucleic acids. Though
response to supplementation of a 13% Because the requirements for MP certain amino acids have additional
CP diet based on whole corn with this and essential amino acids decrease fates that are irreversible (synthesis of
same rumen-escape lysine–methionine as feedlot cattle mature, it would be cystine, tyrosine, niacin, thyroxin, car-
mixture with 183-kg steers. Unfor- helpful for those attempting to com- nitine, glutathione, methyl-histidine),
tunately, without knowledge of the pile and interpret data sets if authors the primary use of amino acids is for
basal supply of indispensible amino presented interim intake and per- either production (milk, lean tissue,
acids at the duodenum as determined formance data in published articles. wool, mohair) or maintenance. The
with intestinally cannulated animals, Also, when multiple protein levels and quantities of amino acids retained or
responses from supplementation yield sources are fed and interactions are secreted by an animal can be esti-
little information about the total not significant, authors often present mated from the amino acid content
amount of an individual amino acid only the means averaged across other of products and the rate of produc-
that might be required for growth variables. Without individual treat- tion. Because production rates differ
and maintenance. Measured intesti- ment data, the published information with stage of lactation or growth and
nal amino acid flow can be compared is useless for compiling into data sets. because body protein reserves are
against various indices of amino acid Publications also should list the UIP mobilized when the need for protein
174 Owens et al.

(or energy) exceeds the supply, amino nated. For example, branched-chained will increase above a baseline value
acid requirements for production will amino acids are found in bacterial when the supply of an amino acid ex-
vary with stage and rate of produc- strains that require branched-chain ceeds its need. Consequently, plasma
tion. Changes in amino acid require- fatty acids. Though this interchange amino acid concentrations and amino
ments with level of milk production of N should not negate the use of acid oxidation are useful tools to
when combined with the potential to labeled N as a marker for microbial determine the break-point when the
raid protein reserves as well as car- flow, it can confound estimates of N supply exceeds the requirement. How-
ryover effects markedly complicate turnover estimates and interchange of ever, these break-points merely rep-
the interpretation of results from both N among ruminal microbes. resent the point at which some other
crossover and full-length lactation Presumption 3. Certain amino ac- factor (another amino acid or nutri-
experiments. Within either growth ids are converted by the body to oth- ent or energy) limits production or
or lactation trials, providing interim ers (methionine to cystine and phenyl- performance. If and when this second
data can help delineate the specific alanine to tyrosine). These reactions ceiling is raised, the requirement for
time intervals when responses dif- are not reversible. All 4 of these the first nutrient increases. The clas-
fered over time as shown in trials by amino acids are used for synthesis sical relationship of performance to
Wu and Satter (2000) and Zinn et al. of protein though the relative ratios supply of a limiting amino acid is il-
(2000). Without such interim data, it required can differ. When evaluating lustrated in Figure 29. Note also that
is impossible to delineate when ben- the available supply for an animal for efficiency of use of the limiting amino
efits are present. Although the drain these amino acids, the 2 sulfur amino acid for production never plateaus but
on amino acids for proteins secreted acids should be considered as a single changes with degree of deficiency or
in milk or deposited can be measured unit and the 2 phenolic amino acids excess. Consequently, efficiency of use
with a high degree of precision, amino should be considered as a unit be- of an added amino acid is useless as
acid requirements for maintenance cause the requirement for methionine an index of a requirement. However,
have proven much more difficult to or phenylalanine can be met partially efficiency of use always increases with
appraise both quantitatively and by cystine and tyrosine, respectively. supplementation of an amino acid
qualitatively. Supplementation with methionine can when that amino acid is deficient.
Quantitative N Requirements. meet a shortage of either methionine Presumption 6. When degraded,
Several aspects of amino acid nutri- or cystine, so a performance response amino acids yield N for synthesis of
tion obvious from experiments with to methionine supplementation does nonessential amino acids. Methionine
nonruminants as gleaned from vari- not determine whether methionine or and cystine also yield sulfur, a nutri-
ous sources need to be borne in mind cystine was deficient. Consequently, ent used in and recycled to the rumen
when appraising amino acid nutrition an increase in the postruminal supply and occasionally deficient for NDF
of ruminants. These presumptions and of dietary cystine or cysteine, as from digestion. Certain amino acids are
their application to N metabolism in feather meal, might prove as useful as active metabolically (synthesis of thy-
ruminants are outlined below. a rumen-bypassed methionine supple- roxin, glutathione, niacin, carnitine);
Presumption 1. Daily amino acid ment. others can alter hormone secretions
requirements and supplies should be Presumption 4. Amino acids (growth hormone effects of arginine),
expressed as grams, not percentages. interact. Excesses of lysine and of and others may alter motility of the
A diet that contains 20% protein a branched-chain amino acid will digestive tract and passage rate (and
with 2.5% lysine will meet the lysine accelerate oxidative degradation of potentially ruminal dilution rate).
requirement as well as a diet that arginine and of other branched-chain Consequently, a performance response
contains 10% protein of which 5% is amino acids, respectively. Supplemen- to a supplemented amino acid does
lysine. The lysine percentage of the tation of the second limiting amino not necessarily involve correction of
diet is irrelevant. Yet, because perfor- acid, through causing an amino acid an amino acid deficiency. An increase
mance of ruminants often is limited imbalance, will depress DMI and in nitrogen balance when combined
by the supply of available energy, the N retention of growing ruminants with an increase in product secretion
amino acid requirements for main- (Papas et al., 1974). Presumably, per unit of N intake is the ultimate
tenance and production ultimately supplementation with amino acids in test for determining that an amino
could be expressed relative to the amounts above the quantity required acid deficiency was being met by
amounts of energy dedicated to main- can generate an imbalance and de- supplementation.
tenance versus production. press performance. Presumption 7. Supplementation
Presumption 2. An amino acid Presumption 5. Amino acids in with an amino acid should enhance
is required because its α-keto acid excess are deaminated and the carbon protein synthesis and N retention
cannot be synthesized in adequate skeleton is oxidized. Degradation ap- only when that amino acid is the
amounts to meet the need of an ani- pears proportional to the amino acid first limiting nutrient. Because an
mal. Most α-keto acids, whether es- concentration in blood plasma. Both individual amino acid is only a small
sential or not, are routinely transami- oxidation and plasma concentrations fragment of depot or secreted pro-
Protein nutrition of ruminants 175

and Hatfield, 1968; Nimrick et al.,

1970), indicating that this nonessen-
tial N source somehow was beneficial.
Increases in plasma concentrations or
oxidation rates can detect when an
excess has been supplied.
Amino Acid Requirements for
Maintenance. That the pattern
of amino acids required for mainte-
nance reflects the pattern of amino
acids present in mixed protein of the
body was suggested by Young and
El-Khoury (1995). This assumption is
inherent whenever the amino acid re-
quirements for producing animals are
suggested to be proportional to body
composition (Ainslie et al., 1993). If
amino acid requirements for growth
and maintenance were proportional
Figure 29. Theoretical performance (solid line) and efficiency (dashed line) responses to the amino acid composition of the
to supplementing a diet with an amino acid below and above the amount required to body, thousands of experiments de-
maximize performance. Color version available in the online PDF. signed to quantify amino acid require-
ments were unnecessary. Although
teins, N retention or secretion should reduce urinary loss of energy associ- this concept has been integrated into
increase to a much greater degree ated with urea synthesis and secre- some models employed to predict ami-
than the amount of added N being tion. Because production economics no acid requirements for ruminants, it
supplied if the deficient amino acid typically dictates diet formulation, has no scientific basis. Trials sum-
is being supplemented at the proper environmental effects, though of ethi- marized by Coon (2000) indicate that
rate. If diets already are formulated cal concern, often are ignored. maintenance requirements for both
to provide an adequate quantity of Presumption 8. Amino acid con- growing and adult birds are related
protein to maximize production, no tent of protein sources differs widely more closely to the amino acid com-
production response to amino acid and amino acid requirements differ position of feathers than to the amino
supplementation should be expected. with performance level and product. acid content of body tissue. Likewise,
Supplemental amino acids are costly, The ratio among amino acids released the pattern of amino acids required
and their supplementation to diets from mobilized body reserves differs by sows differs from that of growing
for nonruminants is justified economi- from the ratios used for maintenance pigs (Moehn et al., 2011), and the
cally only with reduced-protein diets. and production. This reduces the ef- ratios among amino acids required for
Supplementation of such diets can ficiency of transfer of N from storage adult rats and adult humans differ
restore production to the rates seen to production. Similarly, responses to from those needed by growing rats
with a higher-protein diet. By displac- supplementation with a specific amino (Kim et al., 1997a,b,c) and humans
ing dietary protein with a balanced acid should not be expected across (Munroe, 2005), respectively. The
mixture of limiting amino acids, effi- various stages of production or when Munroe (2005) paper nicely outlines
ciency of N use is increased and waste the dietary protein sources or supplies a wide variety of aspects of amino
of N is reduced. An excess of N will of rumen-escape protein differ. acid requirements and interactions.
increase synthesis of urea and loss of Presumption 9. Both a negative Amino acid requirements for main-
energy in urine, but true proteins con- control (the unsupplemented diet) tenance have been estimated from
sistently have a greater gross content and a positive control diet (where the amounts of individual amino acid
than carbohydrates. This can fully supply of all nutrients including N required simply to maintain weight of
compensate for the additional loss of and S are supplied) are required in immature animals (Owens and Pet-
energy in urea. An excess supply of studies designed to quantify responses tigrew, 1989). Based on such measure-
NPN similarly will increase urinary to amino acids or N. Ideally, some ments with laboratory animals, the
energy loss, but because NPN sources nonessential amino acids should pattern of amino acids required for
do not provide additional gross energy supply additional N in the control maintenance was related closely (r
like true proteins, this energy loss is diet. In several trials, postruminal = 0.97) to the amino acid composi-
not compensated. So in addition to supplementation with glutamic acid, a tion of keratin tissues. In contrast,
avoiding ammonia intoxication, avoid- nonessential amino acid, increased N the pattern of amino acids required
ing excessive amounts of NPN should retention by growing sheep (Schelling for growth was correlated with the
176 Owens et al.

with specific rumen-escape protein

sources or with rumen-escape amino
acids may improve N balance and re-
duce urinary N loss. But until amino
acids requirements and the supply of
absorbed amino acids are understood
quantitatively with greater certainty,
production responses to amino acid
supplement are likely to be haphazard
and inconsistent (Robinson, 2010) de-
spite frequent indications that rumen-
protected lysine (Polan et al., 1991)
or ruminally protected methionine can
increase milk protein concentrations.
Ideally, N-balance procedures should
be employed to ensure that responses
are increasing efficiency of protein
use. Some of the variation in response
to supplementation with rumen-pro-
tected amino acids in the past can be
attributed to technological problems
in achieving both ruminal escape and
intestinal amino acid release. The
change in the amino acid require-
ments at various stages of lactation
also has added to the variability in
Figure 30. Amino acid composition of cow milk, muscle tissue, ruminal bacteria, and
keratin tissue as a percentage of CP. S-AA = total of sulfur-containing amino acids A Unifying Theory for Protein
(methionine plus cystine). Color version available in the online PDF. Metabolism of Ruminants
Increasing the duodenal N sup-
amino acid composition of lean tissue. Note that keratin is very rich in sulfur ply through supplementation often
With ruminants, rate of growth and amino acids (cystine and methionine) increases DMI and ruminant produc-
production typically is low relative but low in lysine and histidine relative tion or performance. Although this
to that for the smaller, nonruminant to either milk or muscle tissue (Figure DMI response could be attributed to
species. Because maintenance require- 30) and low in histidine relative to recycling of supplemental N to the
ments are related to metabolic size, as bacterial protein. rumen and to an increase in the rate
suggested from studies with nonru- Presumably, the priority order of or extent of DM ruminal digestion,
minants, the effect of maintenance amino acid use is first for mainte- protein content of duodenal liquid
on total amino acid requirements is nance (keratin synthesis), second for (wet-matter basis) has proven to be
greater for larger animals and the milk, and third for building muscle surprisingly constant based on sev-
proportion of amino acids devoted to reserves. Efficiency of conversion of eral studies in which diets divergent
maintenance is highest when produc- one protein to another depends on the in forage and protein content have
tion per unit of weight is lowest. It degree that their amino acid composi- been fed (Bocheva et al., 1980; Zinn
seems ironic that the inefficiency of tions match. For synthesis of keratin, and Owens, 1982). This could indi-
converting dietary energy and protein bacterial protein is markedly deficient cate that duodenal flow and thereby
to animal products is criticized widely in sulfur amino acids (primarily cys- rumen liquid dilution rate may be
by adult human males, the least ef- tine), whereas muscle is short of histi- regulated by the quantity of soluble
ficient animals on our entire planet. dine. In contrast, conversion of muscle protein present in chyme reaching the
On a qualitative basis, amino acid tissue reserves to milk should be lim- small intestine. Ruminal dilution rate
compositions of milk, muscle, and ited by threonine supply. Any excess in turn could be altered by regula-
keratin tissue differ markedly. Con- amino acids mobilized from tissues tion of the reticular-omasal orifice
version of one protein to another to are catabolized with N being excreted or by fluidity of ruminal contents.
maintain essential tissues or produce in urine. Depending on specific con- Abomasal infusion of phenylalanine
milk is inefficient because proportions versions involved at a given stage of increased ruminal NDF digestion of
of amino acids among proteins differ. growth or lactation, supplementation a high-concentrate diet, presumably
Protein nutrition of ruminants 177

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