2020 Spring KWU Admission Guide (English)

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KwangWoon University 2020 Spring Undergraduate Admission Guide for International Students = Greetings from the president Kwangwoon University was founded in 1934 by Prolessor Kwang Woon Cho, He had previously founded Chesun Radio Training center, with the bell that electronic engineering and the electronic industry would lead academies and industries in the future, This lead him to establish Kwangwoon University as we know it today, under the founding philosophies of dllgence, frugally, exploration and the educational values of veritas and lux Kwangwoon University has been leading the way in the advancement of information communication and the electronic industry in Korea for over 80 years since its foundation, And our alumni have tullled their unique parts in an era caling for medemizaton and industrialzation, Numerous moving stories involving our Kwangwoon alumni serve as testament, Now, Kwangwoon Universty is making the leap to become the school that the world and everyone desres through a strategy of 'Glocal Mutt-University’. Our university wil become @ schoo! where fs members can freely communicate based on mutval trust, colect capabilies for word andl regional advancement, and serve as the core for the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Furthermore, our university wil lead the way in meeling various social demands including R&D, acacernic—industrial partnerships, job training, ifelong leaming, and contributions {0 local society and rise to the top in Korea, We hope for your warm encouragement and attention on KwangWoon vigorously taking a step forward lowards the future, President of Kwangwoon University: I ii Sang Yoo, Engineering. meses RET 2020 Spring Undergraduate Admission Guid for International Students Why Kwangwoon? — ——~ Convenient transportation ‘Scholarship system at the highest level among universities in Seoul. Very convenient transportation with 20~30 minute distance fo downtown By oporating a rich scholershis Myeonadong, et.) to 30~80% of the tuition fee are 7 ollered during the frst semester aier sony [—— Sorrtes ——, admission, Curng Ine recent 3 yeas, &-o—__—__-»- Over 6a ot alten sunt ne ne 7 undergraduate course enjoyed the ° “ wseavco beni of a sehotrshin. fn Excellent Korean language é < Muti-Care program ~ Korean tanauage exkscaton courses We run counseling system lor 210 offered which enabes forgn everyday troubles or campus lic students 10 properly understand 6! foreign students, one on one the class, epare reports and read mentoring program by Korean stents LrWversiy iexbooks, ‘and leaning community programs (tutoring, study group), in accion to ~ Koreon tenquzge stuty s supported ths, we are nuning various programs by keroar angunge teachers Ioan for loreign students such as sludents ‘2 clnie program, and by korean club for supporing foreign students, ors who engages n beng 2 foregn Student utr group where Drolesrs partcipte in nena nan Undergraduate Admission for International Students 1, Admission Schedule Category | 2022 Sering semester | 2020 Spring semester “ Cero) (2nd Round) ‘Aafrisson and ‘deparimor? 9.002716} c ro1@09.2 ~ Oring apploaton Toy 800 & cosy dae) + Document submissoniby 1200 o clsing dal) nine Aopteaion | org c,catned) roreioawed) | “caved by vitor by pose 5s ‘etF} mi) ianocsion by now shal bo elecho I tae by Ihe coer cs) sonsses + Ades: Oe ol temainal fas Hl, onghae As Care, 20 Kwargaoor-to, NoAGA-gU Keargaen Unvers) (ores Arrourcement ‘ol decumen! 2aV@.104INen) 2018 12.08M0n) soreoning ‘Aamisson exam | 20191,08%V60) rarerettived) — | + Keean anguage exam ‘Arnauncomen’ of sai) 12204 eran 2ov8 1:8 2019 2204F} Regatraion | 2omat18IMon)}~77¥Fu) | 7018.7.28Mon)~271FH) | » Tulion payment Bark designated by univesiy Bison | | ram 2aw.204twea) | From 20200108IMen) reas ‘and orvarcls ‘ra onwards (oxpecied) er cas “eb 2000 Freshman Oroniaion| ee Mal Feb, 2000 Fe ‘a Fret Day 7020.0302{Mon) ue above 9.0% crane due to eraumeances wih and ous he ively (04 Undergraduate Admission or Ilemational Sudonts 2020 Spring Undergraduate Admission Guid for International Students 2, Academic Department + Desarinert ol Bectorie Sngrecing Doparant ol Ebcrencs & Commuricaiore Enginaorng Celeo oh Geeyoriee & | Depatrers of Becrenc Cowergerce srgneetng «Dapatrert of ectc Engrewrg. = Deparment of Beene tae Eres oao’S Rees orate Oa ers Se — Scher ol Copa and roraon Cigheeh Compe raheera oman France ula samare ad | Dapavimenl ol Achieturel Engineorne @ Veer] { Deparmer’ of Chemical Engineering + Daparmert cl Enuronmenial Engreorrg CCologe of Nail Sciences “Deparment of Matomatics + Deceverent of Elecfcal and Bloogical Physics» Departront of Chomry Coleg ol Humantes ari ~ Deparment of Korean Language and Lieralze = Departmen al Englsh Language ard ivity + School of Meda ard Communion (Media and hlemaian, iorasive Meda Conmuncaion, Sralegc ‘Social Scenees Communcaler) + Department of Indus! Psyeroiogy + Dision of Northeast Asa Culteal Inaustres (Cutural Exchange, Cutural Conten! Devetoorent) ‘Colege of Law and ~“Denariment of Pubic Administraton - Division of Law (General Law. iematonal Law, Science and Pubic Poley Technology Law)» Divison of Intorratonal Sluis (riemnatanal Area Suces) “Division of Business Administration (Business aciminsirtion major) Divsion of Intemational Trade ee {inlerrational rate moe) ‘Taster adrison as senha and jr in Archtecure cepa! (5 years sal be accep cry case he mor at he prevousy aflted coke was ‘meteor! 3. Qualifications “+ Applcan! and paroris must be lragn raonals locod "Apolcantnolairg dual ciizenship excucing Korean ciizanship restrnan | APDICAL who fas gracusled (Excected fo aus) Yom a "2-year curicuum equvaien! lo elemertary/micaley jesteran| ‘ng schoo! ecueaon iy Kova or overseas Acadamiee = Second yer: Mepicar who nas radu rom unc colage or compe a east year na & yours weraiy progam fanter | Thr year -Apoteart wo has gathtea Yor jee colege or compl 3 hat 2 years a tyes riety frogtam Kovesn * General acrision : Stugens vith suflcent Korean language skis ake underadae courses Proteneyieleence) | + Cenctiona admiselon Sudon no ds nol moet qualieaens or (onoral arisen) Swoon your Tans eucerts er Donatrat cl chlecies yess ery kr anelcaris who haw pees maredin Arctlockre 4, Admission Path + Ory amulets who asd the coourentseeening (Saxe can eke the win wea Stage ‘Sage2) eer Decamentseeennd | the yntan Korean language fs (TOPK evel 3 exivaet) ari re inten akan rot > reouted for anoicaris i oxreaton tor TOPK love 3 oF above, or 8 coca ot bore am | Canoe ram Kaargvoan Lrweraly Karsan Language Course Progam Level 4 + Recarts who fale Pe writen exam can be acne uh conaoral mrissen *Aetnte!apolcarts mast oko to Koro inguage course’ at Knargivoon Urry [nd can arch urdorgaduae progam hie somastr aor subrng a cota [or “TOPK level 3 or above. or uoon Compbtcn of Level Urtemadai 2) ne Kivangacon Unweety Korean Language Course Progra + Grace ped for corction adrision canna. exceed | year + Cxesionalymimtsg sucess carve charge her vis 9 O-2 * dmssen may be canclod i applcant carve reece in Korea legly upon change ie rescore sus or Upon dri ol exons CCondiona Acmissin | Documers Screening * Conaronal aise pase fer uraorrea.ae aunts wehoulKerean ang.age capabies 05 5, Documents for submission cs ‘aneaion lor acmision| x Pre ater apphing online Sel hireducion and school plan auohing one 2 pe 2 Pret ater apohina onl ‘Coreen fer for acacia 3 | Seaereaes % Pret ater apphing onlne eo fe 4 [Hoh schoo! (Fxnected) graduaion x When atensoeappican' is cutenty enced na triveriy submitnich sto || cantesie wedusionconicate | Trarscrin for al years in Nigh schoo! oe | x | eatin college/Universiy aradaion x [oe contexte 2 Tranoled copy (KorseryEngish) must be submited > Grage and GPA mus be raesed er all yoars lor ced rencier x |e (apoleaton not poset without G8 tester) | Transeo or al years trom bor calogofuriversiy 3 Freshmen Adrisson applicant Educaton leva cecal on gaaualng ioe «|x nrareninetcl x TE SaRison aplan : Easean ve cotton on gaan o | 0 Mewen communty colege/universty (In case currently ervolled in colege, higt SORA aa | cara sn ope Crile dai winan Sis ean vi dfs coral cn wa wT | | a (Fron, Back) reskiing in Korea % Nees ecg Gra Sh cca oa are coos 11 |For coe ORS Sod ncetmaveadeieresscesy | © | ° any are corte 3 | Sacre Serna ate ae © Sine dts coos Oi any et arcana mscnt_” “Sock bh Sia ove bce ana trac oy ss |eieeertesarmotmecate sive: wissen ior guicaen fas o |e fee Sie ecole o sana routes mtb alo byord dale of orraimat) 2» Korean Profciency tet (TOP) qualfealin cericste 4 | Conicte of Korean language sale Korean course cores ol compiesen (graces) an atendance cerca) A | a. (mandatory subision fr Od visa hair) 1» | Aocteaton ee KRWI20.000 (USDI00) X Pay wher apa'ving anne (Crea care or bank vans) o fe '= 0 Requred, X: Net quled 4 : Requteo ony tor ele apoleant * ian copy ofa docunanis shall be evomined ae @ ganeral re, Any doourent and aopicaten lee shall rot be retarded, '= Any document notin Korean or English language shall be submitted with Korean or English translation, duly notarized, ' Ip anton t the aboverntoned documenis to be suited, any other action document may be required as necessary (06 Undergraduate Admission or Ilemational Sudonts 2020 Spring Undergraduate Admission Guid for International Students 1 ogarding crticaa of hes eaiclon level © Conese reveraty 1) General igh School: Submit eerttfeate(Enalsh) registra graduation trom rsitiors bow tpiivnedgscaccn, +88 Seoul Gorgia Academy hii/iwvcixonse, 182-2564 2688 2) Vocational High School: Choose @D ar @ ac welow (© Copy of graduation coricaoissuod by he schoel concerned (Province Oice of Educalion ~ Canculalo Caticlan Yom Consus a area in China ae require to conte) 2 Cony of gradation conticae esued by the Province Olen of Education (Cenculae Corticaton fem Conse ef Korea In Chinas reaqurea 10 corti X Prepare in advance a9 cotiicnt ssung kes abot 30 cays % Al submited ceriicales are nl returned and all dosuerss for vs ssuing or change must be prepared separate oy acpicart i Rec B il eR sill lla 6. Tuition fee Collage of Becorics & hlormation Ergineerna, CColage of Sofware and Corverberce, Colage ol enghaet £285.000%0 Cologe ct Na Stones, Scho f Meda ad Cormncaten 13,753,000 won | ‘Beison of Nethessl Asa Gulural incses DSiusen oh riemationas rade Dison of Business Adminstration 392,000 won ‘Golage ol rtentes ard Socal Soences, ‘Caloge o! Law and Pubic Poicy 498,000 non 3620000 wen 3220,000 won ‘= Aainisson lee and tuton may be subject o change by cass yesr 7, Scholarship [A Scholarship lor Firs Enroled Semester Regular stucerts 30% of ttlon fee ‘Sudoris From Knangnoon Unwevaty Korean Language School ‘Sudents wih cerfcaion ler TOP eval 3 90% oF talon lee ‘Sudnis wih certeaion lar TOPK level 4 70% ot tutlon fee ‘Suderts wth certeaten for TOPK level § or above 80% of tuten toe B, Scholasnp After Enrolment Pe Doe uonacy eer Cee tay Sey Poneto) 143.0 Nghor (87 ox higne) 0% o ion oo 100% ol ton fo 40~43 (00~98) {0% oan ae 20% oon oe 35~40 (8-29) 40% a ton oe 60% of ton fee 0~35 (20~88) 70% ot uten foe 40% 0 ton ae 25~80 (5~79) Na 20% al ton fe | , Salus of scholarship for foreign students a 8, Korean Language Curriculum Based on Skill Level Korean language and iberal ars curiculus that foreign studeris can aap lo based on TOPK level or enrance examination, (08 Undergraduate Admission for nematonl Students; 2020 Spring Undergraduate Admission Guid for International Students 9. Dormitory Pubic Feciteg | ®PEY 0om rorrg Yoon Eres room, sonra oor lng rom, wasting machine 10, Notes for Applicant 2. tis proven that accepted decuments have been forged or any applicant otherwise legally oblained admission, admission wil be revoked even If the applicant is attending the university, b, Submited document shall not be returned to applicant in any case, Applicants shall prepare any documents required for Issuance or amendment of visa separately, ©, Any disadvantages due to typos of the completed application form wil be the responsibly of the applicant himselt or hersol, 4. Contact information on the application form should be contactable during the examination period, Any disadvantages change in telephone number and address wil be the responsibly of the due to non communication by error or nl himself or herset, 08 Korean language course Regular course consists of 6 levels total ranging from level 1 to 6, + Fou semesters per year (spring, summer, fal, winter + Four hours a day, five days a week, 200h0u's a semester in total + Sludents can cbiain creative Korean language capabilies as they partake in various activites in realistic scenavios. + Sludents can drecly experience the cule of Korea through Taekwondo, Samulnor| K-POP, dancing, ele 1, Composition of class subjects Fur areas ol riograted raring nouing speaking, stoning reading, end wing Mon~#it 09:00 ~ 1300 Reoatc practice ot relevent wocanuary and grammar + Exlnsive actives taining ler gractea use clearing content + Conduct systematic pronuncaten raning ion fee + Admission lee: 60,000 KRW (non-relundable) + One semester 1,400,000 KRW (including Cullural Experience Expenses) 3, Schedule EEE OME Pro=class Period Fal 201888) 20192 71Tue) —t127Wed) 2at9.9stthur) ~ etWed) 2019 Wee are ae) 2018;216on) ~ 200022717) 2a19.22Men) ~ 12) Sexng 2020.27) 72000.3.161Mon) — 828(Thur} 2020,3@1Mon) 33H) 2020 Summer ror038tFh) 7070,6:15Mon) — 821A) 2020684Mon) - 612°} 10 Korean Language couse slcaken sr be mor oe et leet 2020 Spring Undoraraduate Admission Guide fr International Students Kwangwoon Life ead eter KwangWoon University KwangWoon University + address : Oice of International Affaits, 20 Kwangwoon-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul (Zip 018: ST anc Rote Cereal eM eel) Rae oe aa aoe enter ees DMCC una cen’ ices eee Sete cee Paes ee Td COTO (a

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