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18/6/2020 pref_2_READING 2.

2: Revisión del intento



Comenzado el martes, 24 de marzo de 2020, 17:26

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en martes, 24 de marzo de 2020, 17:29
Tiempo empleado 2 minutos 53 segundos
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18/6/2020 pref_2_READING 2.2: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 1
Puntúa 100,00
sobre 100,00 Look at the following pictures about Sam:


1. What is Sam’s profession? Actor 

Exercise 1: Read the interview and pay attention to the words in bold.



Beautiful clothes, expensive restaurants, all-night parties, holidays in the Caribbean. This is the glamorous life of a lm
actor. Or is it? We talk to Sam Dane, star of “Good Times, Bad Times” about his daily routine.
 Q: Sam, tell us about your life as a lm actor.

Sam: Well, a typical lm is about three months’ work. We work very long days and a lot of the actors live in a hotel, not at
 Q: What time do you get up?

Sam: I get up at ve o’clock in the morning. I have a quick shower and I get dressed. Then, people from the studio phone
 Q: You get up very early!

Sam: Yes, and I am not a morning person, so it’s always di cult! We leave the hotel at quarter a past ve, and I get to the
studio at about half past ve. That’s when I have my rst coffee of the day. Then we start work at about quarter to six.
  Q: What about breakfast?

Sam: We have breakfast at the studio at about half past seven. But that’s only for half an hour. It is a quit breakfast, a
sandwich and some juice, latte or some yogurt and cereal.
 Q: And lunch?

Sam: We have lunch at twelve and we start work again at about one o’clock. We have lunch in the studio too.
 Q: What time do you nish work?

Sam: I nish work at seven or eight o’clock, it depends on the lm director, the scenes we record, and the scenes we
repeat and repeat.
 Q: what do you do after work?

Sam: After work I am really tired. I go to the hotel and have a hot shower to relax. I have dinner out in a restaurant with
some other actors and actresses.
 Q: And what do you do in your free time?

Sam: My free time, well I have Sundays off. I go out to see the city where we are. I meet with people from the lm staff
and go shopping. I like to buy presents for my family.
 Q: An actor’s life is not easy. Thank you very much for your time Sam.

Sam: Yes, it’s is tiring but I love my job. Thanks to you.


Exercise 2: Read the text again. Answer these questions with the text information. Select one option for each

1. What time does Sam get up? 5:00 am 

2. Where does Sam have lunch? At the studio 

3. When does Sam have coffee? In the morning at 5:30  2/3
18/6/2020 pref_2_READING 2.2: Revisión del intento

4. When does Sam have a shower? In the morning and evening 

5. What time does Sam start work? At 5.45 am 

6. What time does Sam nish work? At about 7:00 or 8:00 pm 

7. What does Sam do in his free time? He goes shopping 

8. Does Sam like his job? yes, he does. 

Exercise 3: Read the sentences and decide if the information is true or false.

1. Many actors live at home. False 

2. Actors get up very early. True 

3. Sam has a long shower in the mornings. False 

4. The actors have breakfast at the hotel restaurant. False 

5. The actors have 1 hour for lunch. True 

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◄ pref_2_LISTENING2.2 pref_3_VOCABULARY 2.3 (exercise 1) ► 3/3

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