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University of Mumbai (UoM)

Subject: Digital Media

Programme: B.M.M
Class and Semester: Third Year Sem V
Module 7
1) Any criminal activity that uses a computer either as
an instrumentality, target or a means for perpetuating further crimes comes
within the ambit of ________
A. IPC Act
C. Cyber Crime
D. State Law
Answer: C

2) Cyber Crime is defined as

A. processing data into information
B. a sport conducted internationally
C. an act where people come to stage and enact
D. unlawful acts wherein the computer is either a tool or target or both
Answer: D

3) Computers are NOT prone to

A. Eating food
B. Cyber Attack
C. Virus
D. Surge Circuit
Answer: A

4) The Computer hardware runs with the support of

A. Air
B. Bulb holder
C. Operating System
D. Fire
Answer: C

5) Following are NOT cyber crimes

A. DOS Attack
B. Virus Attack
C. Hacking
D. Killing with knife
Answer: D

6) With reference to internet, WWW stands for

A. World Wide Wrestling
B. World Wide Web
C. World Wild Web
D. Wright Web Wound
Answer: B

7) Following is one of the Application to secure Computer

A. Trojan Horse
B. Anti – Virus
C. Salami Attack
D. Web jacking
Answer: B

8) Key loggers can steal ________

A. Access Codes
B. Jewelry
C. News
D. Photos
Answer: A

9) Cybercriminal get access to the system by ____ of victim which is one of the
reasons to make computers vulnerable
A. Creativity
B. Designing
C. Negligence
D. Arrogant
Answer: C

10) VPN stands for

A. Virtual Pool network
B. Virtual Private Name
C. Virus Prone Network
D. Virtual Private Network
Answer: D

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