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BS 6399 : Part 2 : 1997


The current release of the Wind Load Generator allows you to calculate wind loads in accordance with the
standard method given in BS 6399: Part 2: 1997. You can also use the hybrid method (returning at 3.4.2) to
calculate the directional effective wind speed.
As yet you cannot use the Wind Load Generator to calculate and use directional pressure coefficients.
Standard effective wind speed
Dynamic Augmentation Factor / Overall Loads

The requirements of BS 6399: Part 2: 1997 clause specifically refer to horizontal loading applied to the
entire building.
The Wind Load Generator deals with all loads (horizontal and vertical) that apply to a single frame.
As a consequence the reductions that apply to the building loads would not appear to apply to a single frame.
This being the case there is no need to calculate the Dynamic Augmentation Factor since it is only used in
The Wind Load Generator allows you to calculate the loading for the wind blowing in orthogonal directions on
the frame. You can, if engineering judgement warrants it, model the maximum stresses on a corner column as
the sum or 80% of the loads arising from each orthogonal case. To do this you will either have to add
additional loads into one or other loadcase, or include both load cases and modify the factors used in the
design combination.

Asymmetric loads

The Wind Load Generator allows you to easily consider the effects of asymmetric loads. When the
appropriate pressure coefficients have been calculated, you change the percentage of load applied to any one
member from the default of 100% to the reduced value of 60% stipulated by the code.

Diagonal of loaded areas

For portal structures the design should be considered on a frame by frame basis, rather than for the entire
building. For external pressure coefficients the Wind Load Generator uses the loaded diagonals for side wind
shown in the figure below.

For the internal pressure coefficients the loaded diagonal is determined from the volume of the storey as
detailed in clause 2.6.1. This information is not available for the Wind Load Generator, and depends on many
factors. A value of unity is therefore defaulted. You can calculate an alternative value and enter it directly if
you so desire.

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Basic wind speed

The basic wind speed for any location can be taken directly from the map shown in Figure 6. The map shows a
series of major towns, for your convenience these towns are given in a list. When you select one of these
towns the basic wind speed appropriate to that town will be returned automatically for you.

Altitude factor, Sa

The Wind Load Generator takes account of the level of the site based on the Altitude that you specify in the
Building Definition. The calculated factor is based on the condition where topography is not considered
significant. If topography is significant for your site, then you will need to calculate the appropriate factor and
enter it directly.

Direction factor, Sd

If you do not pick the option to Apply Sd factors then a value of unity will be used as stipulated in the code.
If you do choose to Apply Sd factors then the Wind Load Generator uses a supplemented version of Table 3
for the calculation of Sd. This supplemented version has values of Sd for every 5° round the compass. When
you specify an orientation the Wind Load Generator looks in the table for values of Sd in 5° increments within
the range ±45° of the direction normal to the face that is facing the wind and uses the most onerous value.

Seasonal factor, Ss

A seasonal factor of unity is used by the Wind Load Generator. If you are checking a condition which only
occurs during construction, then you might want to take advantage of the reduced factors given in Annex D;
Table D1 entering this directly.

Probability factor, Sp

Again a factor of unity is used. If you want to change this, then you should enter the value directly.

Building width

The Wind Load Generator always takes the width of the building parallel to the direction of span of the
frames. Conversely the length of the building is taken as the dimension perpendicular to this i.e. in the
direction of the frame bay centres.

Building width

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Note The W i n d L oa d G e n e r a t or always assumes that frames span left to right as

shown above irrespective of the overall dimensions of the building.

Height of building

For the walls of the building and for flat roofs only the Wind Load Generator uses the height of each wall or
wall plus parapet (if a parapet exists) in the calculation of the external pressure coefficients.
For other roofs the Wind Load Generator takes the height of the building as the height of the highest eaves or
apex in the current frame. This height excludes any parapets that have been defined for the building. If your
building has parapets whose tops are higher than the height determined by the Wind Load Generator, then
you will need to use engineering judgement and increase the height of your building if you feel that this is
The height defined above is used in conjunction with the length or width of the building (depending on the
wind direction) to determine the extent of the various roof pressure zones.

Pressure coefficients for the walls of rectangular clad buildings

Walls - side

Walls - end

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Caution Short buildings may not have sufficient wind depth for all the zones indicated
above to exist. It is your responsibility to ensure that the correct zones are
included in your design.

Note The extent of the various zones for the walls of the building may well be
different from the extent of the zones for the roof.

Note The W i n d L oa d G e n e r a t or only gives the loads that are applied to the zone
that you specify. If a particular frame carries only partial loads from a zone, or
loads from more than one zone, then you will have to calculate and enter the
details yourself.

Pressure zones for flat roofs

Flat - side

Flat - end

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Caution Short buildings may not have sufficient wind depth for all the zones indicated
above to exist. It is your responsibility to ensure that the correct zones are
included in your design.

Note Monopitch and duopitch roofs which have pitches in the range -5° to +5° are
considered to be flat and their external pressure coefficients are taken from Table
8. In all other cases the values for the external pressure coefficients are taken
from the table appropriate to type of roof. The option to compare suction
coefficients with those from the flat roof table and then use the least negative
value (see Table 8 Note 5) is not implemented.

Note The W i n d L oa d G e n e r a t or only gives the loads that are applied to the zone
that you specify. If a particular frame carries only partial loads from a zone, or
loads from more than one zone, then you will have to calculate and enter the
details yourself.

Pressure zones for monopitch roofs of rectangular clad buildings

If the height to width ratio of your building does not comply with the constraints imposed for this table, then
zero values will be returned for the Cpe values. You will then need to determine appropriate coefficients and
enter them before you attempt to perform a design. If you leave the zero values unchanged, then this will

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generate an invalid loadcase error and prevent the design of the frame.

Mono - section

Mono - side

Mono - end

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Caution Short buildings may not have sufficient wind depth for all the zones indicated
above to exist. It is your responsibility to ensure that the correct zones are
included in your design.

Caution The W i n d L oa d G e n e r a t or always treats monopitches as such. For example, if

you define a frame with two equal monopitches back to back then you will get
the results for two monopitches and not those for a duopitch portal. (In this case
a propped portal will give the results for the portal rafters treated as such, rather
than monopitches and will use one span less).

Note Monopitch roofs which have pitches in the range -5° to +5° are considered to be
flat and their external pressure coefficients are taken from Table 8. In all other
cases the values for the external pressure coefficients are taken from table 9. The
option to compare suction coefficients with those from table 8 (flat roofs) and
then use the least negative value (see Table 8 Note 5) is not implemented.

Note The W i n d L oa d G e n e r a t or only gives the loads that are applied to the zone
that you specify. If a particular frame carries only partial loads from a zone, or
loads from more than one zone, then you will have to calculate and enter the
details yourself.

Pressure zones for duopitch roofs

The coefficients and the zones for duopitch roofs are detailed in the figures below.

Duo - section

Duo - side

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Duo - end

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Caution Short buildings may not have sufficient wind depth for all the zones indicated
above to exist. It is your responsibility to ensure that the correct zones are
included in your design.

Note Duopitch roofs which have pitches in the range -5° to +5° are considered to be
flat and their external pressure coefficients are taken from Table 8. In all other
cases the values for the external pressure coefficients are taken from table 10.
The option to compare suction coefficients with those from table 8 (flat roofs)
and then use the least negative value (see Table 8 Note 5) is not implemented.

Note The W i n d L oa d G e n e r a t or only gives the loads that are applied to the zone
that you specify. If a particular frame carries only partial loads from a zone, or
loads from more than one zone, then you will have to calculate and enter the
details yourself.

Pressure zones for hipped/flat top roofs

Hipped - section

Hipped - side

Hipped - end

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Caution Short buildings may not have sufficient wind depth for all the zones indicated
above to exist. It is your responsibility to ensure that the correct zones are
included in your design.

Note Hipped roofs which have pitches in the range -5° to +5° are considered to be flat
and their external pressure coefficients are taken from Table 8. In all other cases

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the values for the external pressure coefficients are taken from table 11. The option to
compare suction coefficients with those from table 8 (flat roofs) and then use the
least negative value (see Table 8 Note 5) is not implemented.

Note The W i n d L oa d G e n e r a t or only gives the loads that are applied to the zone
that you specify. If a particular frame carries only partial loads from a zone, or
loads from more than one zone, then you will have to calculate and enter the
details yourself.

Pressure zones for Mansard portals

Mansard - 1

Mansard - 2

In this case the requirement (for duopitch roofs) that the upwind and downwind pitch angles are within 5° of
each other is ignored.

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Note The W i n d L oa d G e n e r a t or only gives the loads that are applied to the zone
that you specify. If a particular frame carries only partial loads from a zone, or
loads from more than one zone, then you will have to calculate and enter the
details yourself.

Pressure zones for Multi-bay portals

The Wind Load Generator handles multi-bay portals by considering the repeat roof geometry of the building
(rather than the repeat span geometry. Typical examples are shown below.

Multi - 1

Multi - 2

Caution For multi-bay portals where the roof pitch for any span lies in the range -5° <
a < 5° the code would allow the entire roof to be considered as a flat roof. This
option is not considered by the W i n d L oa d G e n e r a t or. If you want to model
the building in this way you would need to calculate and enter the appropriate
values directly.

Wind Loads on internal columns

Wind loads are only applied to the external portions of columns by the Wind Load Generator, however you
can add further loads by selecting Frame / Loading… and then editing the Wind loadcases as appropriate.

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The Wind Load Generator uses 1.2 for the net pressure coefficients for all parapets. It is felt that this value is
used because a solidity factor of 0.8 is considered to be appropriate for portal construction.
These coefficients are used for both windward and leeward parapets. For wind blowing on the gables a net
suction coefficient of -1.2 is used.


These are not catered for by this release of the Wind Load Generator. If you try to model canopies using
monopitches, then the values of Cpe that are generated will be incorrect as they will be taken from the table
which relates to monopitches rather than that which relates to canopies.
Directional effective wind speed
The calculations for the directional effective wind speeds are performed identical to those for the standard
effective wind speed except that the effective wind speed is calculated in accordance with clause 3.2.3.

Topographic increment, Sh

This increment depends on details of your site that are not available to the Wind Load Generator. A non-
conservative default value of zero is used, you must calculate and enter an alternate value directly.
When the roof pitch for the windward rafter is 30°, the value that is returned from the data table for the
external pressure coefficient Cpe is zero. However the same value is also returned when the data table
contains no information for a particular condition. Therefore the Wind Load Generator has been configured
to flag a zero value as invalid (the line for that pressure coefficient on the screen is denoted with red text).
For the above case therefore, you must adjust the value of Cpe slightly (so that it is no longer zero e.g. 0.001).
When dealing with an asymmetric portal where the right hand rafter continues to rise from the apex to the
right hand eaves (or the mirror image of this), then the external pressure coefficient Cpe for the right hand
rafter is returned as zero (left hand rafter for the mirror image case). Again these are treated as invalid by the
Wind Load Generator (as indeed they are). You will need to calculate and enter your own value directly.
B r it is h

C h a p t e r
C o d e s - P o r t a l F r a m e Ha n d b o o k

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