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the lgbtq community news source

hollywood national local

comes calling news news
Leonardo DiCaprio, Proposed HUD rule Mayor Gray names
Dustin Lance Black change would benefit Jeffrey Richardson
visit Frank Kameny LGBT people seeking his head of GLBT
to talk Hoover film. housing assistance. Affairs department.
PAGE 6 PAGES 8 & 17 PAGE 6 • vol. 42, issue 04 • january 28, 2011 • Still sharp after 40 years

Obama to end ‘Don’t Ask’ this year

Pledges to implement repeal in
State of the Union address

President Obama earned praise from many LGBT advocates on

Tuesday for pledging during his State of the Union address to imple-
ment an end to “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” before the year is out.
In his speech, Obama observed that members of the U.S. military
come from “every corner of this country” and are black, white, Chris-
tian, Jewish and Muslim.
“And, yes, we know that some of them are gay,” Obama said. “Start-
ing this year, no American will be forbidden from serving the country
they love because of who they love.”
In the House chamber, where Obama delivered the speech before
a joint session of Congress, lawmakers reacted to the remarks largely
along party lines — with Democrats applauding the comments and
Republicans taking no action.
Among those who stood as they applauded were House Minority
Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Sen. Joseph Lieberman (I-Conn.),
who were both seen as key in pushing forward legislation allowing for
repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” last year.
Notably, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), the leading opponent in the Washington Blade file photo by Michael Key
U.S. Senate last year of repealing the military’s gay ban, also applaud-
‘Starting this year, no American will be forbidden from serving the country they love because of who they love,’
Continues on page 14 President Obama said during his State of the Union address.

Gay man charged with ‘hate crime’

Says he defended himself
against basher on 17th Street
D.C. Shorts Film Festival offers gay themes this weekend.
PAGE 19 D.C. police Sunday night charged a gay
man with a gay-related hate crime follow-
ing an altercation with a panhandler on the
sidewalk outside the 17th Street, N.W. gay
bar JR.’s.
The United States Attorney’s office
dropped the hate crime designation the Washington Blade photo by Michael Key
next day at an arraignment in D.C. Superior Kevin Perry was arrested and accused of using an anti-gay
Court for Kevin “Jaden” Perry, 35, who says slur against a panhandler. But Perry is gay and insists he was
he’s a member of the local group called the one insulted.
Radical Faeries.
queery But based on a police account of what happened, prosecutors with the U.S. Attorney’s office
charged him with assault, possession of a prohibited weapon (a chain), and threats to do bodily harm
Tina Frundt on surviving human trafficking & helping youth.
Continues on page 12
2 • january 28, 2011


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4 • january 28, 2011


Lawmakers hail introduction of Md. marriage bill

Vote in Senate gun control, child welfare and promotion
of electric vehicles.
expected in February Missing from O’Malley’s legislative
agenda are the marriage bill and a sepa-
By LOU CHIBBARO JR. rate bill expected to be introduced this year to ban employment discrimination
against transgender residents.
Members of the Maryland Legislature Asked why O’Malley didn’t include
joined LGBT activists at a news confer- the marriage and transgender bills in his
ence at the state capitol in Annapolis agenda list, his press secretary, Shaun
Tuesday to formally launch a campaign Adamec, said in an e-mail that the gov-
to pass a same-sex marriage bill that ernor includes only those bills he intro-
backers introduced the previous week. duces himself in his agenda list. Adamec
The Religious Freedom and Civil Mar- said O’Malley supports additional bills
riage Protection Act is expected to come that members of the legislature introduce
up for a committee hearing in the State and that he fully supports and plans to
Senate the first week of February and likely sign both the marriage bill and transgen-
will be sent to the Senate floor for debate der rights bill.
and a vote as soon as Feb. 7, according to “The Governor has been very clear that
sources familiar with the measure. achieving equity for all Marylanders con-
Political insiders have said they be- tinues to be a priority of his,” Adamec said.
lieve supporters have the votes this year “We are here today as part of a growing
to pass the measure in the Senate, where Washington Blade photo by Michael Key movement across the country toward fair-
it has died in committee in past years. Supporters of same-sex marriage held a news conference this week in Annapolis to introduce ness and respect for all families,” said Sean
Sources close to the bill’s sponsors say a marriage equality bill. Eldridge, political director of Freedom to
the bill is expected to move to the House Marry, at Tuesday’s news conference.
of Delegates for consideration in March, The two-page bill calls for amending The same poll showed O’Malley had a “Same-sex couples are now free to
where it is widely expected to pass. Final the state’s family law, which currently job approval rating 58 percent, the high- marry in five states and next door in the
passage is expected in early April. says, “Only a marriage between a man est approval he’s had since becoming District of Columbia, as well as a dozen
“I am very proud to be a sponsor of and a woman is valid in this state.” The governor, according to the Post. Thirty countries worldwide,” he said. “And in
this legislation,” said House of Delegates new language in the Religious Freedom percent of those polled disapprove of each of these places, the sky has not fall-
Majority Leader Kumar Barve (D-Mont. and Civil Marriage Protection Act would O’Malley’s job performance and 13 per- en, and families have been helped, with
County), who holds the No. 2 leadership rewrite that provision to state, “Only a cent were not sure, the poll shows. no one hurt. Because there is no good
position in that body. “This bill is a testa- marriage between two individuals who Although O’Malley’s stated commit- reason to continue excluding same-sex
ment to what it means to be an American are not otherwise prohibited from marry- ment to sign a marriage bill has been couples from marriage, Freedom to Marry
and what it means to be free and equal ing is valid in this state.” widely reported in the media, the high ap- supports the work of our Maryland part-
in our society.” A second provision in the bill states proval rating hasn’t changed his decision ners to pass the Religious Freedom and
Barve was one of more than 25 law- that “an official of a religious institution or not to take an active role in lobbying for Civil Marriage Protection Act,” he said.
makers and LGBT advocates and their body authorized to solemnize marriages the marriage bill. “Make no doubt about it – Maryland is
supporters who attended the Jan. 25 may not be required to solemnize any And in a related development, ready for marriage equality, and we will
news conference in Annapolis. marriage in violation of the right to free ex- O’Malley released his legislative agenda not stop until it is no longer denied to our
Sen. Rob Garagiola (D-Mont. County), ercise of religion guaranteed by the First for the 2011 session of the legislature families,” said Del. Heather Mizeur (D-
the Senate Majority Leader and a sponsor Amendment to the United States Constitu- that includes at least 15 bills addressing Montgomery County), one of five lesbian
of the marriage bill, told the gathering that tion and by the Maryland Constitution and a variety of issues, including healthcare, members of the House of Delegates.
gay and straight couples are “no differ- Maryland Declaration of Rights.”
ent” in their capacity to love one another. Backers say the latter provision, which
“It’s time that the rights already en- is similar to a provision in D.C.’s same-
joyed by many who can obtain a mar-
riage license in Maryland are enjoyed
sex marriage law, is aimed at assuring
religious leaders that churches and other
by all regardless of gender and sexual faith-based institutions cannot be forced
orientation,” he said. to perform same-sex marriages. John Butler, 43
The official registry of bills on the Equality Maryland and the national
Maryland Legislature’s website shows same-sex marriage advocacy group John Butler, a gay man who’d lived in Arlington, Va.,
that the Religious Freedom and Civil Freedom to Marry jointly sponsored the died suddenly on Dec. 31. He was 43.
Marriage Protection Act was introduced Tuesday news conference. Butler was at a New Year’s Eve party when he be-
in the House of Delegates on Jan. 20 with Officials with both groups said they were came ill. He was pronounced dead en route to a hospital
17 sponsors and referred to the Commit- hopeful that growing support for same-sex and died of a brain aneurysm according to his friend,
tee on the Judiciary. marriage in the state, as reflected in public Jack Mackey. Butler had been in good health and was a fitness instructor at a
The registry shows that the marriage opinion polls, would help supporters beat Gold’s Gym in Arlington.
bill was introduced in the Senate on Jan. back a well-funded opposition campaign Butler was born in Fort Smith, Ark., on Aug. 23, 1967. He spent a year in Brazil
21 with 18 sponsors, including Garagiola by the National Organization for Marriage as an exchange student and graduated from Loyola University in New Orleans with
and Richard Madaleno (D-Montgomery (NOM) to defeat the bill. a degree in international business.
County), who is gay. It was sent to the NOM President Brian Brown said the He’d lived abroad and in Atlanta before coming to the D.C. area in 2007 where
Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee. group would immediately file a petition to he was in the human relations department of the U.S. Postal Service.
Morgan Meneses-Sheets, executive bring a same-sex marriage bill before vot- He participated in marathons in Dublin and Amsterdam and enjoyed travel. He
director of the statewide LGBT group ers in a referendum if the legislature pass- was fluent in Portuguese and Spanish and also knew some Italian and French.
Equality Maryland, the lead advocate for es it and Gov. Martin O’Malley signs it. A funeral was held Jan. 6 in Greensboro, N.C., where his family lives. He’s sur-
the bill, said another copy of the identi- O’Malley, a Democrat, has said he would vived by his parents, Nancy and Dan Butler, brother Bradley, nephew Austin, and
cal bill was introduced in the House of sign the bill if the legislature passes it. other relatives.
Delegates Tuesday with 56 sponsors, in- A statewide poll commissioned by the His D.C.-area friends are having a gathering in his memory Feb. 5 at the home
cluding Barve, whose name was not on Washington Post and released this week of one of Butler’s friends in Alexandria. The gathering will be held at 4556 Strut-
the first House bill introduced last week. shows that 51 percent of Maryland voters field Lane in the club room. For more information, contact Lee Castillo at leecas-
“This is the bill we will be pushing,” she favor a law allowing same-sex couples to or 703-209-5291.
said. “It’s very common to introduce more marry, while 44 percent oppose such a law. JOEY DiGUGLIELMO
than one bill. It happens all the time.” Five percent had no response on the issue.
january 28, 2011 • 5
6 • january 28, 2011


Mayor names new head of GLBT Affairs

Gray pledges to work
closely with Richardson
D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray last week
named the president of the Gertrude
Stein Democratic Club, Jeffrey Richard-
son, as his new director of the mayor’s
Office of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Trans-
gender Affairs.
At a news conference at the mayor’s
office Friday morning, Gray called Rich-
ardson “a respected and credible voice
for the GLBT community,” and noted that
he played a key role in efforts, which
Gray supported, to help pass the city’s
same-sex marriage law.
“The District of Columbia has one of
the largest and most diverse GLBT com-
munities in the nation,” Gray said. “And
in the spirit of one city, Mr. Richardson
will lead collaborative efforts with these
constituents, the community at-large, Washington Blade photo by Michael Key
and the government.”
Mayor Vince Gray called Jeffrey Richardson ‘a respected and credible voice for the GLBT community.’
The City Council created the Office of
GLBT Affairs through legislation signed
by former Mayor Anthony Williams. The community in the city and have lots of folks I and Youth Investment Trust Corpora- “Jeff Richardson will make a great di-
legislation established the office’s direc- work closely with, lots of friends,” Gray said. tion, where he managed the awarding of rector of the mayor’s Office of LGBT Af-
tor as a cabinet-level position. “And Jeff is one of those people…So I don’t grants to help fund anti-truancy, drop-out fairs,” said gay Democratic activist and
Richardson replaces Christopher think there’s any question that I will spend a prevention, and family-related initiatives. Stein Club member Peter Rosenstein.
Dyer, who served as director of the GLBT lot of time with Jeff. We know each other. We He received a master’s degree in so- “His knowledge of D.C. and our issues,
Affairs Office under Mayor Adrian Fenty. have a great relationship. And I want to be a cial work from Howard University and a and the trust that Mayor Gray has in him,
The Stein Club is the city’s largest part of helping to support his efforts.” bachelor’s degree from the University of will allow him to work with the diverse seg-
LGBT political organization. It endorsed At the same news conference, Gray North Carolina at Chapel Hill. ments of the LGBT community and make
Gray for mayor over Fenty last August announced the appointment of two other “The District is gaining a true public progress on the issues we care about.”
following a club candidates’ forum in high-level city officials – Victor Hoskins as servant and the Stein Club is excited Rick Rosendall, vice president of the
which Gray and Fenty talked about their Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic about Jeffrey’s ability to ensure that LGBT Gay & Lesbian Activists Alliance, char-
plans for addressing LGBT issues. Development and Phillip Lattimore III as residents have a voice at the highest lev- acterized as “good news” Richardson’s
Gray was asked at the news confer- director of the Office of Risk Management. els of city government,” said a statement appointment to the GLBT Affairs post.
ence if he plans to meet from time to time Richardson currently serves as director released by the club. “He has been a pleasure to work with in
with Richardson in light of the disclosure of national programs for the Center for Pro- “As a social worker, non-profit profes- his capacity as president of the Gertrude
by Dyer in an interview with the Blade ear- gressive Leadership, where he manages sional, and community activist, Jeffrey Stein Democratic Club, during which he
lier this month that he never had a face- programs aimed at developing progressive has experience working with all segments was an excellent coalition partner in our
to-face, sit-down meeting with Fenty. Dyer leaders to work in national politics, policy- of the District’s population,” the club state- community’s final push for civil marriage
said he communicated often with Fenty making, and advocacy roles, according to ment says. “His experience will enable equality,” Rosendall said. “He continued a
through a “chain of command” comprised information released by the mayor’s office. him to bring diverse groups together and commendable trend among recent Stein
of high-level mayoral assistants. Richardson previously served as a to effectively advocate for all constituen- Club presidents of amicable cooperation
“I have spent a lot of time with the GLBT program officer with the D.C. Children cies within the LGBT community.” with GLAA on a range of LGBT issues.”

Kameny visited by DiCaprio, Black

Actor, writer researching DiCaprio and Black sought Kameny’s
insight on the chilling atmosphere of the
Hoover in “J. Edgar,” which is being di-
rected by Clint Eastwood and produced
new film on J. Edgar Hoover 1950s and 1960s in Washington for gays by Warner Brothers. Black, nationally ac-
and others who often were targets of claimed for writing the script for “Milk,”
By LOU CHIBBARO JR. Hoover’s FBI, according to Kameny. the film about San Francisco gay rights He said the two arrived in a limousine leader Harvey Milk, wrote the script for “J.
and were not accompanied by anyone Edgar.” Its release is projected for 2012.
Actor Leonardo DiCaprio and award- else other than the driver, who did not Black, who is gay, has yet to disclose
winning screen writer Dustin Lance Black come into the house. any details of the script or story line for
visited pioneering gay activist Frank Ka- “They had been over at the Justice the film. But the film industry blog Band
meny last week at Kameny’s Washington Department prior to coming to my place,” of Thebes reports that Armie Hammer,
home to talk about the FBI for the upcom- Kameny said. who stars in the film “Social Network,”
ing film “J. Edgar,” a dramatized biography Kameny founded the Mattachine So- will play the character Clyde Tolson,
of founding FBI director J. Edgar Hoover. ciety of Washington in 1961, D.C.’s first Hoover’s right-hand man at the FBI and
Kameny told the Blade the one-hour gay organization. He told the Washington the notorious FBI director’s rumored lov-
visit was arranged by Richard Socarides, Blade in interviews that the FBI and D.C. er. Actress Judi Dench has been tapped Washington Blade file photo by Michael Key

the gay former Clinton administration offi- police closely monitored the group and to star as Hoover’s mother. Actor Leonardo DiCaprio and screenwriter
cial who later worked for a Hollywood film sent “plants” and undercover investiga- Kameny said he told DiCaprio and Dustin Lance Black visited local activist
studio. Socarides is head of the LGBT tors to attend its meetings. Black about his own extraordinary encoun- Frank Kameny last week while researching
advocacy group Equality Matters. DiCaprio has been selected to star as ter with the FBI and Hoover in the early the new film ‘J. Edgar.’
january 28, 2011 • 7

Milk’s shop to house Trevor Project/HRC center
Gibbs dodges question on WASHINGTON — The Human Rights Campaign announced a long-term part-
nership with the Trevor Project, a national organization focused on suicide preven-

Obama’s marriage support tion among gay youth, at the site of Harvey Milk’s old camera shop in San Fran-
cisco’s Castro neighborhood.
The late Milk was the first gay man to be elected to San Francisco’s board of su-
President backed equality pervisors but was murdered. The Harvey Milk Civil Rights Academy and the GLBT
Historical Society will also partner with HRC and Trevor on the plan.
in 1996 questionnaire HRC recently drew criticism from gay activists for its plan to put a gift shop at the
location at 575 Castro Street. It’s open now but a grand opening is planned in May.
By CHRIS JOHNSON UCC nominates first openly gay pastor to post
White House Press Secretary Rob- WASHINGTON — The United Church of Christ has nominated its first openly
ert Gibbs this week dodged a question gay candidate to serve the 1.1-million-member denomination as one of its top
about whether President Obama has elected national officers.
“backtracked” from his earlier support of Rev. J. Bennett Guess, 44, was selected by a search committee to serve as a
same-sex marriage. member of the UCC’s five-person Collegium of Officers and to head Local Church
In 1996, while campaigning for an Il- Ministries, one of the church’s four national bodies. Guess’ selection must be af-
linois Senate seat, Obama indicated his firmed by a board of directors in April, before his name is put forward for election by
support on a candidate questionnaire for 1,000 delegates attending the UCC’s biennial General Synod in July in Tampa, Fla.
the Windy City Times, writing, “I favor le- Washington Blade photo by Michael Key Guess, who directs the UCC’s publishing, identity and communication ministry,
galizing same-sex marriages, and would White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs has been a member of the denomination’s national staff for more than a decade
fight efforts to prohibit such marriages.” declined to say whether President Obama has and has been active in LGBT activism throughout his ministry.
Asked Monday about the question- backed away from support of marriage equality.
naire by the Washington Blade, Gibbs
declined to address it directly. supports full repeal of the Defense of Mar-
Activist, mother of hate crime victim, dies
“I think there’s a whole host of issues riage Act, which prohibits the federal gov- TULA, Okla. — Carolyn Wagner, a straight LGBT ally and founder of Families
that I would direct you to the campaign on ernment from recognizing same-sex unions. United Against Hate (FUAH), died Jan. 18 in Tulsa, Okla.
— on different questionnaires and I would Later during the conference, Medi- Wagner was the mother of William Wagner, a gay hate crime survivor who was
again reiterate what the president has aite’s Tommy Christopher asked whether assaulted in 1996 at age 16. The family won a lawsuit in which the Supreme Court
said recently on that issue,” Gibbs said. the president has finally reached some upheld rights for students regardless of gender, sexual orientation or gender iden-
Asked whether he questions the accu- new position on same-sex marriage. tity. The incident inspired Wagner to found FUAH.
racy of the 1996 questionnaire response, “As I said earlier, I don’t have an up- She died of cancer, hepatitis and liver failure.
Gibbs replied, “Again, I’m happy to send date to what — to reiterating that it’s
you the several thousand clips of which
went around during the course of 2008
something that he thinks a lot about,”
Gibbs said.
ROTC protests inspired by anti-trans bias
on a whole host of those issues.” A number of gay rights supporters have PALO ALTO, Calif. — Several student organizations have launched a campaign
Following his response to the second called on Obama to declare support for against the return of ROTC to college campuses because the military doesn’t pro-
Blade question, Gibbs said, “Thanks same-sex marriage. On Sunday, the New vide benefits for retired trans service members.
guys,” seeming to indicate that he would York Times published an editorial from gay The National Marriage Boycott, a youth-led LGBT rights organization, has called
take no more questions. Gibbs stayed at political pundit and sex columnist Dan for youth activists on college campuses that include gender identity in their non-
the podium after reporters in the White Savage, who urged the president to ad- discrimination clauses to oppose ROTC. At Stanford University, Students for Queer
House press corps pressed him to take dress marriage rights for gay couples. Liberation, a gay rights group, is lobbying against ROTC’s return.
more questions. A partial transcript of the exchange with
Shin Inouye, a White House spokes-
person, clarified that press briefings tra-
Gibbs over the marriage issue follows: Hearing set for gay couples seeking rights
ditionally wrap up when the AP reporter Washington Blade: Back in 1996, HELENA, Mont. — Arguments were set for this week in the case of six Montana
signals an end to the briefing. when the president was running to be- gay couples suing the state for the same rights as married couples in making deci-
“As the transcript clearly shows, the come an Illinois state senator, he stated in sions affecting their family’s health care and finances, the Associated Press reported.
AP reporter noted the end of the press questionnaire response to what is now the The plaintiffs, represented by the American Civil Liberties Union, say the state Con-
briefing with the customary ‘thank Windy City Times that he supports same- stitution’s equal protection and privacy clauses guarantee those legal protections.
you.’ Even after that, Gibbs did stay on sex marriage. He wrote, “I favor legalizing The ACLU is asking District Judge Jeffrey Sherlock to rule in their favor without
to take 18 additional questions,” Inouye same-sex marriages, and would fight ef- a trial, according to the AP report.
said. ” To suggest that he would step forts to prohibit such marriages.” That’s Attorney General Steve Bullock has asked the court to dismiss the case. He
away from the podium before the briefing not the president’s current position. Has says spousal benefits are limited by definition to married couples, and the Montana
is over is not only wrong, it’s offensive.” he backtracked on an earlier commitment Constitution defines marriage as being between a man and a woman.
In the 1996 questionnaire response, he made to gay and lesbian Americans?
Obama unequivocally stated his support
for same-sex marriage, which is differ-
Robert Gibbs: I think there’s a whole
host of issues that I would direct you to
Hawaii Legislature to debate civil unions
ent from his current position on the issue. the campaign on — on different question- HONOLULU — Hawaii lawmakers are beginning debate on a bill creating civil unions
His position since has been that marriage naires and I would again reiterate what the that would grant same-sex couples many of the same rights as married couples, the AP
should be reserved for one man and one president has said recently on that issue. reported. A Senate Judiciary Committee was scheduled to hear testimony this week.
woman. Still, the president has suggested Blade: But do you dispute the accu- A nearly identical measure passed the state legislature but was vetoed by Republican
his position could “evolve” on the matter racy of this questionnaire response? then-Gov. Linda Lingle. New Democratic Gov. Neil Abercrombie supports civil unions.
and said last month he’s “wrestling” with Gibbs: Again, I’m happy to send you
the idea of marriage rights for gay couples.
“Like a lot of people, I’m wrestling with
the several thousand clips of which went
around during the course of 2008 on a
Arson of gay man’s home probed as hate crime
this,” Obama said in an interview last whole host of those issues. CARROLLTON, Ga. — Investigators in Georgia’s Carroll County Sheriff’s Office
month with The Advocate. “I’ve wrestled Thanks guys. … are getting help from the FBI to find out who threatened a gay man there and fol-
with the fact that marriage traditionally Mediaite: I also asked you if the presi- lowed through with an apparent hate crime, the Times Georgian reported.
has had a different connotation. But I dent — he said his personal view on On Jan. 22 a rock wrapped with a threatening note containing anti-gay slurs was
also have a lot of very close friends who same-sex marriage is evolving and so thrown through the window of the home of Christopher Staples, a 43-year-old dis-
are married gay or lesbian couples.” I wanted to follow-up and see has he abled Alvin Drive resident. The next day about 6 a.m. his house was set on fire. Sta-
Although he opposes same-sex mar- come to a new personal view – ples was able to escape unharmed and is staying with friends, the paper reported.
riage, Obama as a U.S. senator voted Gibbs: As I said earlier, I don’t have Carrollton Fire Department Chief Jimmy Bearden told the Times Georgian the
against a U.S. constitutional amendment an update to what — to reiterating that fire was started intentionally.
banning same-sex marriage and said he it’s something that he thinks a lot about.
8 • january 28, 2011


HUD proposes ban on gay, trans housing bias

Rule would impact federally HUD-assisted housing or housing whose
financing is insured by HUD “from inquiring
gress and mainline LGBT advocacy
groups in Washington, like the Human
funded programs about the sexual orientation or gender iden- Rights Campaign, have said an incre-
tity of an application for, or occupant of, the mental approach of pushing first for leg-
By LOU CHIBBARO JR. dwelling, whether renter or owner-occupied.” islation limited to employment protection The HUD statement says the agency represents the best way to achieve ap-
“is proposing to institute this policy in its proval of such legislation.
The U.S. Department of Housing and rental assistance and home ownership Some LGBT activists have called for
Urban Development proposed a new rule programs, which include the Federal the immediate introduction of a broader
last week that would prohibit discrimi- Housing Administration (FHA) mortgage LGBT civil rights bill that covers housing,
nation based on sexual orientation and insurance programs, community devel- public accommodations and other areas
gender identity in federally funded and opment programs, and public and as- in addition to employment. So far, no law-
federally regulated housing programs. sisted housing programs.” maker has introduced such a bill.
HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan, speak- In a telephone news conference, Don- Most political observers say no LGBT
ing on behalf of President Obama, said ovan said the new rule also requires ap- supportive legislation is expected to
the sweeping new rule would cover a wide plicants seeking federal housing grants emerge from Congress over the next two
range of programs serving millions of Amer- for a wide range of housing programs to years because the Republican-controlled
icans, including low-income subsidized comply with state and local anti-discrim- House of Representatives would block it.
housing and Federal Housing Administra- ination laws that protect LGBT people in HRC praised HUD’s proposed rule on
tion (FHA) mortgage insurance programs. 21 states. He said the protections under LGBT housing discrimination. In a state-
“This is a fundamental issue of fair- this provision would cover 43 percent of ment, it said the rule touches on some of
ness,” Donovan said. “With this pro- the U.S. population. the proposals in a package of 70 recom-
posed rule, we will make clear that a He said HUD was also conducting a mendations it submitted to the Obama
person’s eligibility for federal housing Washington Blade file photo by Michael Key first-ever national study of discrimination administration two years ago aimed at im-
programs is, and should be, based on ‘With this proposed rule, we will make clear against LGBT people in the rental and sale proving the lives of LGBT people through
their need and not on their sexual orien- that a person’s eligibility for federal housing pro- of housing. He said the study broadens executive action rather than legislation.
tation or gender identity.” grams is, and should be, based on their need HUD’s existing studies that regularly mea- “The policies proposed today will help
HUD officials said that under standard and not on their sexual orientation or gender sure housing discrimination based on race. some of the most vulnerable people in
rulemaking procedures, the proposed identity,’ said HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan. Donovan and Deputy HUD Secretary our community and the nationwide survey
rule would be published in the Fed- Neil Coleman said HUD carefully re- will finally shed light on the discrimination
eral Register and open for public com- basis to determine a borrower’s eligibility viewed various federal housing laws to LGBT people face every day in trying to
ment during a 60-day comment period. for FHA-insured mortgage financing.” determine where HUD could intervene to make homes for themselves and their fami-
After that, the administration expects to • It clarifies that “families” that are oth- bar sexual orientation and gender iden- lies,” HRC president Joe Solmonese said.
finalize and fine-tune the rule and put it erwise eligible for HUD programs, “may tity discrimination under existing law. “Since the administration began, HRC
into effect, HUD officials said. not be excluded because one or more The Employment Non-Discrimination staff have met and communicated with
In a statement released Thursday, members of the family may be an LGBT Act (ENDA), an LGBT civil rights bill that numerous federal agencies on how to
HUD said the proposed rule includes individual, have an LGBT relationship, or has been stalled in Congress for years, implement these polices,” the HRC state-
these main elements: be perceived to be such an individual or does not include protections for housing- ment says. “Addressing discrimination in
• It prohibits lenders from “using sex- in such a relationship.” related discrimination. federal housing programs was part of
ual orientation or gender identity as a • It prohibits owners and operators of LGBT supportive members of Con- HRC’s recommendations for HUD.”

Obama has leeway in defense of DOMA: experts

Early arguments supporting doesn’t need to use every argument at
its disposal to defend the statute.
conversations with the Justice Depart-
ment to make clear that those arguments
marriage ban ‘appalling’ “They have great leeway in deciding were unacceptable and baseless. Fol-
what arguments they will make and what lowing those conversations, Kendell said
By CHRIS JOHNSON arguments they won’t make,” Cathcart the Obama administration made some said. “I don’t accept the notion that if changes in how it defended DOMA.
they have to defend, it means they have “They have made some accommoda-
The heads of the nation’s most promi- to throw in arguments that have been tions that well reflect the values that the
nent LGBT legal organizations say that the discredited and argue issues that should administration say[s] they espouse, but
Obama administration has considerable never see the light of day.” I think — I’ll speak for ourselves for our
leeway in how it defends the Defense of Kate Kendell, executive director of the purposes and to our case — they cer-
Marriage Act in court — even if officials be- National Center for Lesbian rights, noted tainly haven’t gone as far as they should
lieve they’re obligated to uphold the statute. the Obama administration has mounted go,” Kendell said.
The Obama administration’s defense “a more full-throated defense” than what Kendell added that even if the Obama
of DOMA, which prohibits the federal was necessary in its early defense of administration opted not to defend DOMA,
recognition of same-sex marriage, has DOMA. the Justice Department would have to for-
inspired debate among LGBT rights sup- The 2009 defense of DOMA in the case mally notify Congress to give lawmakers
porters about whether the Justice De- of Smelt v. United States, the first brief the the opportunity to defend the statute.
partment is required to defend the law. Obama administration filed in defense of “There is a possibility for the Justice
The LGBT advocates commented the law, inspired resentment in the LGBT Department not to defend, but that doesn’t
on the issue during an eQualityThinking community early last year for drawing on mean there won’t be a defense of the laws
panel on Monday in response to a ques- case law to compare same-sex marriage that Congress passes,” Kendell said.
tion from moderator and Washington to pedophilia and bestiality. GLAD has filed two lawsuits against
Blade editor Kevin Naff. “They included very offensive language DOMA: Gill v. Office of Personnel Man-
Kevin Cathcart, executive director around parenting,” Kendell said. “It wasn’t agement, which is pending before the Washington Blade file photo by Michael Key

of Lambda Legal, said he’s “not com- a direct comparison between LGBT rela- U.S. First Circuit Court of Appeals, and President Obama’s Justice Department has
pletely convinced” the Justice Depart- tionships and pedophilia or bestiality, but Pedersen v. Office of Personnel Manage- argued that it is required to defend federal
ment is compelled to defend DOMA, but it was close enough, and it was appalling.” ment, which is pending before the U.S. laws, including those like DOMA that it con-
said even if it is, the administration Kendell said her organization has had District Court of Connecticut. siders unconstitutional.
january 28, 2011 • 9

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10 • january 28, 2011


After ‘Don’t Ask’ repeal, what’s next?

‘Our goals have been met’

Groups that worked to advance “Don’t

Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal last year aren’t
resting on their laurels as they continue
to see work ahead in ensuring that open
service is implemented and gays in the
military are treated fairly.
In the near term, the main priority for
those organizations now that President
Obama has signed legislation allowing
for “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal is to
ensure that certification of open service
happens swiftly.
Aubrey Sarvis, executive director of
the Servicemembers Legal Defense
Network, said his organization will pur-
sue open service as required by the law
signed by the president. Washington Blade file photo by Michael Key

“Dec. 22 was a great day, but the real- ‘The reality is ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ is still the law. So, our first priority is the first 90, the first 180 days is to get certification,’ said Aubrey Sarvis,
ity is, we don’t have repeal,” Sarvis said. executive director of the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network.
“The reality is ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ is still
the law. So, our first priority is the first 90, vide legal services to gay service mem- Among the outstanding jobs that macy” of having gay troops serve with
the first 180 days is to get certification.” bers who are facing discharges or who Belkin cited are providing employee re- straight service members was among
Aaron Belkin, director of the Palm have questions about coming out while sources to liaison between gay troops her favorite phrases.
Center, a think tank on gays in the mili- in service. and the Pentagon; promoting public The Center for Military Readiness
tary at the University of California, Santa “I think, as an organization, SLDN education on transgender people in the didn’t respond to multiple requests on
Barbara, said his organization will be in will still be here providing legal servic- U.S. military; and working with the De- what the organization will pursue now
“monitoring mode” for possibly the re- es, working with Congress on oversight partment of Veterans Affairs to create that legislation has been passed to re-
mainder of the year. and being a resource to the Pentagon to programming for gay service members. peal “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”
“The finishing line is here, but we make open service a reality,” he said. Beyond the upcoming year, Belkin Belkin noted that Donnelly pursued
haven’t crossed it yet, unless and until we Sarvis said since the legislation was said he isn’t sure what tasks the Palm keeping gays out of the military as part
get certification and good regulations,” signed, SLDN has heard from more than Center will pursue, but added he sus- of a broader effort that includes prevent-
Belkin said. “Our job at this point is to 225 service members who’ve called pects consultation with other organiza- ing women from serving in combat.
just make sure that the process continues with questions about continuing to serve tions could be on the agenda. “Her broad concern is the feminization of
and that if there’s any foot-dragging at the safely or receiving benefits in the post- “We’ll be offering advice or pro-bo- the military,” Belkin said. “So, there are a lot of
Pentagon, that we call attention to it.” repeal military. no consulting to any organization that ways in which she has tried to roll the country
Belkin said he anticipates the Palm Further, Sarvis said ensuring gay ser- wants to learn some of the lessons that back to the 20th or the 19th century, so she
Center will produce another study about vice members receive the same benefits we learned along the way about public has plenty of culture wars left to fight.”
three or six months after certification is afforded to straight service members education and how to use social science Whether groups that have focused
issued to determine if implementation would be another aim for SLDN. to inform public policy conversations,” on “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” will have re-
was successful. “The post-repeal focus, in large part, Belkin said. duced resources now that legislative ac-
The measure Obama signed would will be parity for LGBT service members Pro-LGBT groups that took on “Don’t tion is complete also remains in question.
only enact open service after the presi- -- particularly parity with respect to ben- Ask, Don’t Tell” as part of a portfolio that in- Sarvis said “time will tell” what kind
dent, the defense secretary and the efits: health benefits, GI benefits across cluded other issues plan to continue to use of resources SLDN will have as he ac-
chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff certi- the board,” Sarvis said. resources for other items on the agenda. knowledged the organization’s board
fy that the U.S. military is ready for “Don’t The Pentagon report on “Don’t Ask, Fred Sainz, HRC’s vice president of approved in November -- and reaffirmed
Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal. Don’t Tell” — published Nov. 30 — states communications, said his organization in December -- a slightly smaller budget
Further, after certification takes place, that the Defense of Marriage Act prohib- last year contributed about $3.5 million from what it had last year.
a 60-day waiting period for congressio- its the U.S. military from affording many to the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal effort. According to Sarvis, SLDN’s board
nal review must pass before gays can benefits to same-sex partners of service But he cautioned against asking where approved a budget for 2011 that was
serve openly in the U.S. military without members, but other benefits, such as that money would go this year. around 12.5 percent smaller than it was
fear of discharge. death benefits and hospital visitation ac- “It’s not necessarily a fair posit to say, in 2010. He said it decreased from $2.4
In the State of the Union address on cess, would still be available. ‘You have these resources, which you million to $2.2 million.
Tuesday, Obama committed to certify- Sarvis said a combination of DOMA dedicated to “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” what Belkin said he doesn’t think the Palm
ing “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal before and other regulations prohibit gay ser- are you going to do with that pot of mon- Center will have same budget as it had
the year is out. The president said he ex- vice members from receiving the same ey now?’” Sainz said. “Because as you in previous years and said the organiza-
pects certification to happen in a “matter benefits as their straight counterparts, know, the [‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’] issue tion plans to stop fundraising.
of months” in an interview last month with but there is some leeway. changed considerably over the course of “We have endowments that will keep
The Advocate. “There are some instances where the the year and we don’t yet know either the sustaining us at a lower level capacity,
Defense Secretary Robert Gates has [defense] secretary has some authority opportunities or the vulnerabilities that but, I think, for the most part, once “Don’t
said he won’t issue certification for open with respect to definitional changes for we have going into this coming year.” Ask, Don’t Tell” is gone, then the biggest
service until new regulations are drafted dependents ... but for most benefits, par- One lingering question: What will anti-gay part of our mission will be over, and we’ll
and training has been instituted in the ticularly involving spouses ... DOMA is a groups dedicated to keeping “Don’t Ask, be one of those organizations that’s for-
armed forces. big barrier,” Sarvis said. Don’t Tell” on the books do now that legisla- tunate enough to say, ‘Our goals have
Beyond certification, groups working on Belkin also acknowledged that a num- tive action on repealing the law is complete. been met,’” Belkin said.
“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” foresee a number of ber of tasks will remain even after cer- Elaine Donnelly, president of the Mich- Servicemembers United couldn’t be
outstanding tasks that will remain, includ- tification takes place and open service igan-based Center for Military Readi- reached for comment on what the orga-
ing providing legal services and ensuring is implemented -- although he said he ness, was among the leading advocates nization intends to pursue now that leg-
that benefits are offered to gay troops. doesn’t know if the Palm Center would be attempting to stop gays from serving islative action on “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”
Sarvis said SLDN will continue to pro- the best organization to address them. openly in the military. The “forced inti- repeal is complete.
january 28, 2011 • 11

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12 • january 28, 2011


Gay man accused of

assaulting panhandler
Continued from page 1 Officer La Vida Ellerbe, who is an affiliate
member of the police’s Gay & Lesbian Li-
to the panhandler. A judge released him aison Unit, was on the scene and played a
on his own recognizance while he awaits role in listing the incident as a hate crime.
a possible trial. The police report says the panhandler
Perry and two friends who were with and the witness reported that Perry swung
him dispute the allegations, saying the his chain at the panhandler and missed
panhandler started the incident by call- hitting him. An attempt to hit someone is
ing Perry a faggot and raising his fists considered an assault even if the attempt
near Perry’s face when Perry refused the fails under criminal assault laws.
man’s request for money. According to the police report, the
“I never assaulted the guy,” Perry told panhandler and the witness said the
the Blade at the courthouse after his ar- chain fell out of Perry’s hand and land-
raignment. “I called him out for calling ed on the ground and the panhandler
me a faggot,” he said. “I was on 17th picked it up and started to run away. It
Street on a gay street and I just wasn’t says Perry chased after the man. It says
going to take that.” the panhandler reported Perry punched
A police report filed in court, based on him in the upper back with a closed fist.
accounts by the panhandler and an un- The witness reported seeing Perry “throw
identified witness, quotes Perry as call- a punch” toward the panhandler’s back,
ing the panhandler a “faggot” at the time the police report says.
Perry allegedly assaulted him. Perry denies he swung the chain at
“I will kill you. You’re a faggot,” the re- the panhandler, saying he swung it in
port quotes Perry as saying. “I’m a real the air in a circular motion as a warning
faggot, bitch. You don’t want to fuck with that he would use it to defend himself if
a real faggot, bitch. I will fucking kill you.” the panhandler attacked him. Perry said
When asked about the police report, the panhandler swung the chain in the
Perry said he never threatened to kill same circular motion but leaned forward
the panhandler and never physically as- toward him when the panhandler picked
saulted him. He said he used the word up the chain after Perry dropped it.
faggot in the form of a question after the Perry said that in the heat of the mo-
panhandler hurled that word at him. ment, after the panhandler raised his
be seen. be heard. be fierce! “What I said was, ‘faggot? I’ll show you
a faggot. I’ll whup your ass if you hit me,’”
fists like a boxer, he may have lunged at
the man with his fist “but I never actually
Perry told the Blade. “I never threatened made contact.”
PEOPLE ARE READING. PEOPLE ARE TALKING. PEOPLE ARE GETTING RESULTS. ADVERTISE TODAY! to kill anybody.” When told of the police report’s con-
Perry continued, “Had he not thrown tents, Alexander said he never saw Perry
hat the first punch I would have walked away wield the chain as if to attempt to strike
’s w
Dear Blade People, Hereeps are because honestly at that time I just want- the panhandler. He said he did not hear
pe ying: ed to go the McDonald’s and go … home. Perry threaten to assault or kill the pan-
“And he had to throw a punch and handler as stated in the report.
Thank you for the incredible coverage and exposure that that’s when I lost it because I don’t take At the courthouse, Perry said he
GMCW received for Men in Tights: A Pink Nutcracker. The that shit,” he said. “I refuse to be victim- feared that the panhandler was about to
video that Steve produced is the finest we’ve seen and was ized. You know, if you act like a victim hit him because he raised his fists and
made available almost immediately after the shoot. Joey’s you’re going to be treated like a victim.” moved toward him as if he were going to
Roy Alexander, one of two friends who assault him.
well written and engaging article was clearly widely read
were with Perry at the time of the inci- He pleaded not guilty to the charg-
by the GLBT community and dent, backed up Perry’s version of what es and was released by a judge, who
“Our success could not have
shared with great enthusiasm happened. He said that while Perry did agreed to a request by Assistant U.S.
been achieved without the
by our Chorus members and call the panhandler names as the two Attorney James Perez that Perry be pro-
abundant and unwavering
colleagues throughout the support of The Blade.” “cussed at each other,” he never heard hibited from returning to the 1500 block
Perry threaten to harm the man. of 17th Street., N.W., where JR.’s is lo-
country. We saw direct results at
“I was right there,” Alexander said. “The cated, until the case is resolved. Perry is
the box office from the article linked to Michael’s marvelous photo at police talked to me. I told them what hap- scheduled to return to court for a hear-
the top of your home page. We truly appreciate these efforts and the pened … The fact that I’m not even men- ing on Feb. 14.
generous web time and space that the article garnered. tioned in the police report says something.” William Miller, a spokesperson for the
“There’s been a lot of gay bashings U.S. Attorney’s office, said he couldn’t
In addition to surpassing our season subscription goal for the 2011 in this city, and we seem to get attacked immediately determine why prosecutors
because we come across as weak,” Al- didn’t classify the charges against Perry
season, Gay Men’s Chorus of Washington surpassed our VERY
exander said. “And now when someone as a hate crime. He said that similar to
ambitious single ticket attendance goal for the performance. It was stands up for himself he gets accused of all cases at the arraignment stage, pros-
an ambitious goal. It required a team effort and much hard work, but a crime. This is just insane.” ecutors could file additional charges at a
we crushed it. Our success could not have been achieved without the D.C. police initially charged Perry with later date if new information surfaces to
abundant and unwavering support of The Blade. a bias-related assault with a dangerous warrant such charges.
weapon (a chain); felony threats; and “These are the initial charges,” he
simple assault after the panhandler and said.
– Your Friends at the Gay Men’s Chorus of Washington a witness told police Perry attempted The police report describes Perry’s
to strike the panhandler with a chain he chain as being between two and three
For more information on advertising in pulled from his pocket and punched the feet long and of “medium gauge.”
Washington Blade, call 202-747-2077.
man in the back.
The report says Second District Police Continues at
january 28, 2011 • 13


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14 • january 28, 2011


Obama commits to open service in SOTU

Continued from page 1

ed following Obama’s remarks on “Don’t

Ask, Don’t Tell.”
The president’s remarks suggested
that he will issue certification for repeal
of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” before the end
of the year. Under the law Obama signed
on Dec. 22, repeal won’t take effect until
he, the defense secretary and the chair-
man of the Joint Chiefs of Staff certify the
U.S. military is ready for repeal.
Asked via e-mail to clarify whether the
remarks indeed mean Obama is com-
mitted to issuing certification before the
year is out, Shin Inouye, a White House
spokesperson, confirmed that indeed is
the president’s plan.
In a statement, Aubrey Sarvis, execu-
tive director of the Servicemembers Le-
gal Defense Network, said his organiza-
tion is “pleased” the president expects
that gays will be able to serve openly in
the U.S. military by the end of the year.
“In fact, we think there should be cer-
tification from the president, Secretary
Robert Gates and JCS Chairman Mi-
chael Mullen in this quarter,” Sarvis said.
“We need to make ‘Don’t Ask’ repeal a
Washington Blade file photo
reality sooner rather than later.”
Obama immediately followed his re- Daniel Hernandez, a gay intern for Rep. Gabrielle Giffords credited with saving her life, sat in first lady Michelle Obama’s box during the State of
marks on allowing gays to serve in the the Union address this week.
military by stating that the time has come
for colleges to allow military recruiters and renewed his call for the passage of what’s best for our kids.” employment protections for lesbian, gay,
and ROTC programs back on campus. comprehensive immigration reform. “You see, we know what’s possible bisexual and transgender people and
Some schools had prohibited the mili- “I am prepared to work with Repub- from our children when reform isn’t just a ending the costly and unjust federal mar-
tary from recruiting on campus because licans and Democrats to protect our top-down mandate, but the work of local riage ban,” Carey said.
“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” conflicts with their borders, enforce our laws and address teachers and principals, school boards But the president’s State of the Union
non-discrimination policies. the millions of undocumented workers and communities,” he said. address predominantly focused on spur-
“And with that change, I call on all our who are now living in the shadows,” he Passage of federal anti-bullying leg- ring job growth through education and
college campuses to open their doors said. “And let’s stop expelling talented, islation received renewed attention late infrastructure improvements as well as
to our military recruiters and ROTC,” responsible young people who could be last year in the wake of a rash of suicides deficit reduction by cutting federal gov-
Obama said. “It is time to leave behind staffing our research labs or starting a of gay teens who reportedly took their ernment programs.
the divisive battles of the past. It is time new business, who could be further en- own lives after they had been bullied. “Our free enterprise system is what
to move forward as one nation.” riching this nation.” Despite Obama’s call to update feder- drives innovation,” Obama said. “But
But Mara Keisling, executive director Passage of immigration reform could al education laws, Eliza Byard, executive because it’s not always profitable for
of the National Center for Transgender present an opportunity to include the director of the Gay, Lesbian and Straight companies to invest in basic research,
Equality, said schools with non-discrim- Uniting American Families Act — legisla- Education Network, said she’s disap- throughout our history, our government
ination policies protecting LGBT people tion that would end restrictions prohibit- pointed the president didn’t explicitly ad- has provided cutting-edge scientists and
should continue prohibiting the military ing bi-national same-sex couples from dress bullying in his speech. inventors with the support that they need.
from coming to campus — even after re- staying together in the United States. “It was disappointing to hear nothing That’s what planted the seeds for the In-
peal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” — because Steve Ralls, spokesperson for Immi- about the need for schools to foster a ternet. That’s what helped make possible
openly transgender people still aren’t al- gration Equality, said “it’s good to hear” culture of respect amid all the talk of high things like computer chips and GPS.”
lowed in the armed forces. that immigration remains a priority for the standards and in the wake of seismic Obama called this time for the country
“Students on campuses like Stanford administration. waves of tragedy for our community last a “Sputnik moment,” recalling how even
and Harvard have already pointed out “It is an issue where there is room for fall,” Byard said. “Students can’t achieve, though the Soviet Union launched the
that the repeal of this policy, while an bi-partisan agreement,” Ralls said. “I innovate and graduate if they’re scared first person into space in the 1950s, the
improvement, still does not allow trans- think on both sides of the political aisle, to go to school, and we all lose if they United States was able to beat Russia in
gender people to serve openly or to join there’s recognition that comprehensive grow up in a culture where difference is the space race by landing the first per-
the military,” she said. “We support the immigration reform needs to be tackled.” despised.” son on the moon.
organizing efforts of students on those Ralls said a UAFA-inclusive compre- Other LGBT rights supporters also In an online video response to the State
campuses and others in continuing to hensive immigration reform bill “does expressed disappointment that Obama of the Union address, lesbian Rep. Tam-
advocate for the exclusion of the military provide the best opportunity to move didn’t go further in his speech to address my Baldwin (D-Wis.) said the president
from their campuses as long as the mili- UAFA forward” in Congress. other issues, such as employment non- “put out a challenge not just to compete
tary continues to discriminate.” Also during his speech, Obama ex- discrimination and marriage rights. to the global marketplace, but to win.”
Obama mentioned other initiatives pressed his desire to renew education Rea Carey, executive director of the “We know that in order to do that, we
during his speech that were welcome laws that are currently on the books, National Gay & Lesbian Task Force, need to have the best educated work-
news for LGBT advocates — even though which could present Congress the op- said Obama shouldn’t settle on repeal of force, the most innovative scientists and
they weren’t specifically LGBT-related — portunity to pass the Student Non-Dis- “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” as the final accom- the most creative entrepreneurs,” Bald-
because they represented opportunities crimination Act or the Safe Schools Im- plishment for the LGBT community. win said. “I’m excited about this chal-
to pass pro-gay legislation. provement Act. “If the president is truly serious about lenge because I know we can do it — and
During his address, the president said Obama said the Bush-era No Child job creation and boosting America’s I plan on bringing some great Wisconsin
he “strongly believe[s]” Congress should Left Behind law should be replaced “with economic well-being, he must provide ideas to the table as we respond to this
“take on” the issue of illegal immigration a law that’s more flexible and focused on leadership and action in helping to pass challenge.”
january 28, 2011 • 15

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16 • january 28, 2011

VIEWPOINT washingtonblade
Volume 42 • Issue 04

Back to reality for LGBT movement

PO Box 73647
Washington dC 20056

Unrealistic infamous 1996 questionnaire in

which state Senate candidate
expectations after Obama wrote, “I favor legaliz-

‘Don’t Ask’ repeal ‘With a GOP-controlled House and ing same-sex marriages, and
PuBlished By
a looming 2012 presidential election, would fight efforts to prohibit
such marriages.”
Brown naff Pitts Omnimedia, inc.

By KEVIN NAFF we’ll be looking to the states and With a few exceptions, PuBlisher
lynne J. BrOWn

The thrill of “Don’t Ask, Don’t to the courts for progress in Obama has been a remark-
ably supportive president ext. 8075

Tell” repeal has left some LGBT

rights advocates whipped into
the next two years.’ and no one believes he op-
poses marriage equality; he
Kevin nAff
a froth about continued advanc- just doesn’t deem it political- ext. 8088
es, despite the outcome of the ly smart to announce it right feAtures & multimediA editOr
JOey diGuGlielmO
mid-term elections. now. But it’s coming. ext. 8081
Suddenly, we’re expecting In the meantime, we should sr. neWs rePOrter
the president to endorse mar- earth. As those of us who cov- al ban on same-sex marriage be working to advance mar- lOu ChiBBArO Jr.
riage equality in the State of the ered the eight painful years of would be necessary if “activist riage rights in Maryland and ext. 8079
Union address. the Bush administration know, judges” legalized marriage for Rhode Island; to prevail in neWs rePOrter
Chris JOhnsOn
“Why not save everyone on change comes incrementally in gay and lesbian couples. I re- a number of court cases on ext. 8083
both sides of the debate a lot Washington. And with a GOP- member watching that speech marriage, adoption and trans editOriAl intern
of time, trouble and money controlled House and a looming in disbelief, stunned that a U.S. rights; and to fight GOP efforts Juliette eBner
by approving the entire gay 2012 presidential election, we’ll president would use his most to repeal marriage equality in stAff PhOtOGrAPher
miChAel Key
rights agenda,” wrote Dan be looking to the states and to prominent speech of the year, New Hampshire. There’s plenty
Savage in a Sunday New York the courts for progress in the which is watched around the of work to do and there will be
Times piece. next two years. world, to denounce our relation- victories in the next two years. CreAtive
CreAtive direCtOr
Savage should stick to sex That said, I’m confident that ships and call for our second- Just don’t look to Congress to JAmes m neAl
advice. As Rep. Barney Frank President Obama will endorse class status in the Constitution. deliver them. ext. 8074
told the Blade in November, marriage equality — maybe No matter what you think seniOr GrAPhiC desiGner
there’s zero chance of any pro- even before the 2012 election of Obama’s record on LGBT riChArd W.C. sKiPPOn
LGBT advances so long as Rep. — but it wasn’t going to hap- rights, there can be no doubt
John Boehner holds the gavel. pen in the State of the Union that he views us as part of his sAles & AdministrAtiOn
sr. ACCt. exeCutive
The Obama administra- address. How quickly we for- America and his agenda. Yes, BriAn Pitts
tion has certainly raised the get that in President George W. we should press him to do bet- ext. 8089
bar and boosted expectations Bush’s 2004 State of the Union ter, but let’s not lose perspective ACCt. exeCutive
after “Don’t Ask” repeal and address (just seven years ago), in our post-“Don’t Ask, Don’t Jeryl PArAde ext. 8072
a string of pro-LGBT admin- he said, “Our nation must de- Tell” exuberance. Kevin Naff is editor of Washington ClAssified AdvertisinG
istrative policy changes, but fend the sanctity of marriage.” His support for same-sex Blade and can be reached at knaff@ PhilliP G. rOCKstrOh
it’s time to come back down to Bush added that a constitution- marriage is well known from that ext. 8092
for distribution, contact lynne Brown
at 202-747-2077, ext. 8075
Accounting services provided

VIEWPOINT by martin & Wall, P.C. C.P.A.

distributed by mediaPoint, llC

All material in the Washington Blade is pro-

tected by federal copyright law and may not
be reproduced without the written consent of

Still choosing between love and country

the Washington Blade. the sexual orientation
of advertisers, photographers, writers and car-
toonists published herein is neither inferred nor
implied. the appearance of names or pictorial
representation does not necessarily indicate
the sexual orientation of that person or persons.

UAFA would reunite Our relationship has endured be-

cause of our commitment to each
toward bringing public aware-
ness and congressional sup-
It is difficult to write a letter that
fully depicts the intense pain that
Although the Washington Blade is supported
by many fine advertisers, we cannot accept re-

me with foreign-born
sponsibility for claims made by advertisers.
unsolicited editorial material is accepted
other despite the mental and port for the potential passage I have endured by being forced by the Washington Blade, but the paper can-

partner physical hardships and expense

that U.S. laws have forced us to
the Uniting American Families
Act (UAFA), which contains
to be separated by thousands of
miles from the person I love. The
not take responsibility for its return. the edi-
tors reserve the right to accept, reject or edit
any submission.
A single copy of the Washington Blade is
endure. I am separated for great language that would include discrimination that I face and am available from authorized distribution points, to
By GINA CAPRIO lengths of time from the love of the ability for an American in a forced to live under every day any individual within a 50-mile radius of Wash-
ington, d.C. multiple copies are available from
my life, from my support sys- same-sex bi-national relation- needs to end. Mine is not only the Washington Blade office only. Call for rates.
I am writing to inform you that tem, from the person I intend to ship to sponsor their partner one story of a violation of freedom if you are unable to get to a convenient free
distribution point, you may receive a 52-week
America’s unjust immigration spend the rest of my life with. We with all the regulations and but one that is shared by thou- mailed subscription for $175 per year. Checks
or credit card orders can be sent to Phil rock-
laws that prohibit an American have spent thousands of dollars, penalties that exist in the pro- sands of Americans. I am well stroh at
citizen from sponsoring their money that was (and is) difficult cess that is currently in place aware of the difficulties we face Postmaster: send address changes to the
Washington Blade, PO BOx 73647 Wash-
foreign-born, non-U.S. citizen to raise, in order to spend short for heterosexual couples. in passing UAFA but my family ington, dC 20056. the Washington Blade is
published weekly, on friday, by Brown naff
same-sex partner is destroy- periods of time together. We are a small organization deserves to achieve a part of the Pitts Omnimedia, inc. individual subscrip-
ing my family. U.S. law permits We have been deprived health with limited funds and resourc- American dream. tions are $175 per year for 52 issues (only
$3.37 per issue mailed to you usPs). rates
a heterosexual American citizen and happiness while our hetero- es and many of our members This is not just an issue fac- for businesses/institutions are $350 per year.
the right to sponsor their hetero- sexual counterparts are permit- have already made the difficult ing the LGBTQ community but it Periodical postage paid at Washington, d.C.,
and additional mailing offices.
sexual foreign-born partner for ted such freedoms. One can only decision to leave the United is a human issue. It is an Ameri- editorial positions of the Washington Blade
are expressed in editorials and in editors’
immigration purposes provided imagine the mental anguish that States in order to be with their can issue and I hope you will notes as determined by the paper’s editors.
that they have met at least once my government has placed on partner in another country. I, assist me and my family in rais- Other opinions are those of the writers and do
not necessarily represent the opinion of the
in person in the past two years, me and that it fails in promoting too, am faced with this heart- ing public awareness of the dis- Washington Blade or its staff.
to submit a letter or commentary: letters
but same-sex bi-national couples my welfare as a U.S. citizen. breaking decision of choosing crimination faced by same-sex should be fewer than 400 words; commentar-
are denied such an opportunity. Over the past three years between love and country but bi-national couples. ies should be fewer than 750 words. submis-
sions may be edited for content and length,
I am a United States citizen I have been a volunteer with I cannot live my life on hold and must include a name, address and phone
and have been in a same-sex bi- a grassroots organization any longer and I plead for in- Gina Caprio is a volunteer with
number for verification. send submissions by
e-mail to
national relationship for the past called OUT4Immigration. We creased support for the pas- Out4immigration and lives in sacra-
©2011 Brown naff Pitts Omnimedia, inc.
four years with a British citizen. have been diligently working sage of UAFA. mento, Calif.
january 28, 2011 • 17


Access to housing for every family

LGBT Americans arbitrarily excluded from some
housing opportunities.
It clarifies HUD regulations to
ensure that all eligible families
should soon benefit For instance, two years ago have the opportunity to partici-
from HUD programs ‘Two years ago Michelle DeShane, a lesbian, Michelle DeShane, a lesbian,
wanted to add her partner Mitch,
pate in HUD programs regard-
less of marital status, sexual ori-

wanted to add her partner Mitch, a transgender a transgender male, to her hous-
ing voucher. The local housing
entation or gender identity.
And it prohibits inquiries re-
male, to her housing voucher. The local housing authority denied her request be- garding sexual orientation or
Martin Luther King, Jr. fa-
mously said that, “the arc of authority denied her request because the cause the couple did not meet
its definition of “family.”
gender identity and makes clear
that gender identity and sexual
the moral universe is long, but couple did not meet its definition of ‘family.’’ The housing authority then orientation should not and can-
it bends towards justice.” Last referred the couple to a neigh- not be part of any lending deci-
month, we were reminded of Dr. boring housing authority — be- sion when it comes to getting an
King’s insight once again, as cause, as they were apparently FHA-insured mortgage.
President Obama signed legis- told, the neighboring housing Every American family
lation repealing “Don’t Ask Don’t authority “accepts everyone — should have the opportunity to
Tell” into law. It was a moment, ment of Housing and Urban nounced a new rule ensuring even Martians.” make a home for themselves
the president noted, “more than Development (HUD) is part of LGBT individuals and couples That’s not right. No one free from discrimination. That is
two centuries in the making.” that commitment, as we work can benefit from HUD programs. should be subject to that kind of why this rule is so important —
The historic repeal of “Don’t to make inclusivity and diver- Our proposed regulations will treatment or denied access to and it’s why all of us at HUD are
Ask Don’t Tell” is only one part sity cornerstones of America’s make clear that the term “fam- federal housing assistance be- so proud to announce it.
of the Obama administration’s housing policy. Indeed, from ily” includes LGBT individuals cause of their sexual orientation
larger fight on behalf of the conducting the first-ever na- and couples as eligible ben- or gender identity.
LGBT community. Whether it is tional study of LGBT housing eficiaries of our public housing And so, through this pro-
giving same-sex couples hos- discrimination to instructing and Housing Choice Voucher posed rule, the Obama admin-
pital visitation rights or ensuring our staff to be vigilant about programs. istration is ensuring that when
federal workers can afford long- whether any LGBT-based hous- Unfortunately, while HUD it comes to housing assistance
term care for their partners, this ing discrimination complaints programs are designed and ad- funded with taxpayer dollars,
administration is committed to can be pursued through the ministered to provide a decent they won’t be.
fighting discrimination against Fair Housing Act, we’ve worked home for every American, we’ve Specifically, it adds “sexual
gay, lesbian, bisexual and to ensure our core housing pro- seen evidence that lesbian, gay, orientation” and “gender iden-
Shaun Donovan is the U.S. Secretary
transgender people. grams are open to all. bisexual, and transgender indi- tity” to the list of definitions ap- of Housing and Urban Development.
I’m proud that the Depart- That’s why we recently an- viduals and families are being plicable to HUD programs.

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18 • january 28, 2011
Luna Blade Ad:Layout 1 1/16/11 1:40 PM Page 1
arts & entertainment
arts & entertainment • vol. 42, issue 04 • january 28, 2011 • Page 19

From the Short ‘Gayby’. (Image courtesy of D.C. Shorts)

Succinct cinema
Theatrical bon mots abound at
this weekend’s shorts festival
comedies especially were the norm for early film fare — nel wholly dedicated to them, and the BBC Film Net-
with a total of 220 shorts alone filmed by the Hal Roach work also showcases curated shorts. And every year,
The long and the short of it is that no one can really Studio for the “Our Gang” series (otherwise known as London-based Shorts International, which in addition to
agree on what’s a film short. “The Little Rascals”), from the 1920s through 1944. ShortsTV also offers an HD channel of shorts on the Dish
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Many of Charlie Chaplin’s “Little Tramp’ comedies were satellite network, arranges for the release in movie the-
annual purveyor of the coveted Oscars and arbiter of shorts and so were the early films of Buster Keaton and aters of the current crop of Oscar-nominated shorts — to
film in general, draws the boundary line between feature Laurel and Hardy. be shown this year for one week beginning Feb. 11 at
length and short films at 40 minutes. The Internet Movie In the 1930s, the system of distributing film to movie the Landmark E Street Cinema in D.C.
Database draws the line at 45 minutes. houses changed radically as studios began to insist on Gann expects the D.C. upsurge of interest in film
The only rough consensus today is that short films are sending out a package — take it or leave it — consist- shorts to continue with a sizable audience turnout for
not seen as commercial, that they are typically the first ing of a main and supporting feature and a cartoon and this weekend’s festival. He also hopes that people will
stage for young filmmakers and that the main venue to see newsreel. The so-called “two-reel shorts” promptly went be interested enough to ask to join the selection com-
them is at film festivals and on Internet sites like YouTube. into commercial decline and even Hal Roach moved Lau- mittee for the 2011 festival to be held here in September.
But some of the edgiest and most creative film work rel and Hardy full-time into feature-length films after 1935. This weekend there are specialty blocks planned for for-
today is in these short subjects. And the D.C. Film Alli- “The magic of making a short film is in reducing a story eign films, local films, documentaries and animation, as
ance brings a batch of them for viewing in clusters, to- line to the bare essentials, getting to the heart fast and cut- well as those pitched to LGBT tastes. Free films for the
night and Saturday night, in the D.C. Shorts Film Festival ting out all the fluff,” says D.C. Shorts festival sponsor Jon family are also offered at noon at Saturday.
at the Atlas Performing Arts Center, on D.C.’s H Street Gann, director of the D.C. Film Alliance. He acknowledg- Four of the LGBT themed shorts are shown under the
N.E. corridor. Some of the best from the past seven es, however, that “the sad part is that nearly all short films rubric of “Celebrating Diversity” tonight at 7:30. Another
years of the festival are being billed as “Rewind” and go unseen by audiences and we’re here to change that. two — 13-minute-long “signage” (by local writer-director
some of those, grouped together under the heading of Where else can you see around 10 films in two hours?” and actor Rick Hammerly and featuring gay D.C. ac-
“Diversity,” focus on LGBT issues. Four of those films are He’s glad that with the surge of new interest in film- tor Jeffrey Johnson) and and seven-minute-long “Little
shown tonight at 7:30 p.m. ing shorts has also come a spurt of interest in viewing
Short films were the norm until the 1920s and short them. One pay TV channel, ShortsTV, is the first chan- Continues on page 35
20 • january 28, 2011

QUEERY: 20 questions for Tina Frundt

By JOEY DiGUGLIELMO How long have you been out and who If science discovered a way to change
was the hardest person to tell? sexual orientation, what would you
Tina Frundt had a harrowing childhood. I have been out as bi since I was 11 do?
Shuffled around in foster care and abused until or 12. Nobody in my family supported it Nothing — why change perfection?
age 12, she was then adopted but felt her parents but my mother always told me even if she
didn’t understand her. She fell under the influence didn’t agree, never stop being who I was What do you believe in beyond the
of a man a decade older who showered her with at- for anyone. physical world?
tention and listened to her problems and within six I’ll let you know as soon as I find out.
months convinced her to run away to be with him in Who’s your LGBT hero?
Cleveland. Anybody who is true to who they are. What’s your advice for LGBT move-
She was too naive to realize his ulterior motives ment leaders?
then but soon found herself working as a prostitute What’s Washington’s best nightspot, To learn more about how LGBTQ youth
in his human trafficking business that almost imme- past or present? are being affected by sex trafficking.
diately turned abusive. Hung Jury — those were the days.
The 36-year-old Chicago native was with him for about a year and a half from the What would you walk across hot
time she was 14 to 15. She was reunited with her parents — whom she says were Describe your dream wedding. coals for?
wonderful, though they’ve since died — and says it took her 10 years to get her life On a beach. Better laws and services for all do-
straightened out. mestic sex trafficking victims.
“It was a lot of trauma,” Frundt says. “Especially with healthy relationships. I still What non-LGBT issue are you most
struggle with that.” passionate about? What LGBT stereotype annoys you
She later formed Courtney’s House, a D.C.-based non-profit that helps youths es- There are non-LGBT issues? most?
cape domestic sex trafficking and commercial sex exploitation. It was founded in 2008 That if you’re bi you’re confused or it
and operates on a $450,000 annual budget that comes from foundations, church- What historical outcome would you takes three drinks and then you’re bi.
es, corporations and private donors. It encompasses an undisclosed group home in change?
Northern Virginia with long-term housing (six months to three years) for girls age 11 to Slavery. I mean, really, when did we What’s your favorite LGBT movie?
17 and an emergency drop-in center for those aged 12 to 21. The organization’s four think this was a good idea? “The L Word.” I know it’s a TV series
employees and a team of 30 volunteers also do street outreach on weekends. instead of a movie, but hey!
“It’s not always an issue of orientation,” Frundt, who’s bi, says. “But it’s how they What’s been the most memorable pop
identify because it’s what they know.” culture moment of your lifetime? What’s the most overrated social
Frundt identifies as bisexual and says she’s dated more women than men over Seeing what would happen if Madon- custom?
the years. na and Grace Jones had a baby = Lady Saying sorry all the time when it’s not
Frundt is in a relationship but doesn’t disclose specifics. She lives with her two Gaga. appropriate.
daughters — ages 13 and 18 — in the D.C. area and enjoys cooking and dancing
in her free time. On what do you insist? What trophy or prize do you most
Laws to protect U.S. boys, girls and covet?
transgender kids from child sex trafficking. The Frederick Douglass Award for
saving myself and more than 500 victims
What was your last Facebook post or from sex trafficking.
Larry’s Lounge Tweet? presents Tainted What do you wish you’d known at 18?
Your Neighborhood Bar Love. That I had something to say even
Gay Owned & Operated Since 1989 when I thought people weren’t listening.
If your life were a book, what would
the title be? Why Washington?

2011 is the
“Tina’s Handbook on Surviving Life” I love the diversity!

Year of Hare

CHinese new Year’s
witH Us!
beginning Feb. 3

DC’s First
Straight Friendly
Gay Bar
1840 18th Street, NW
Corner of 18th and T Streets
Washington Blade photo by Michael Key
january 28, 2011 • 21


Photo courtesy of Mark Morris Dance Group

The Mark Morris Dance Group celebrates its 30th anniversary with a tour that will be in Fairfax Feb. 5-6. You may be eligible to participate in a
Gay-helmed dance company at George Mason ways to simplify your HIV treatment. This
He is the dancing world’s strapping bad boy, with a fullback’s girth and at 6 feet, study will see if a simplified investigational
2 inches tall, he towers over many other dancers, though these days he is now HIV treatment regimen is safe and
largely retired from performing. And he has been called by Time Magazine “the effective. Qualified study participants will
most prodigiously gifted choreographer of the post-Balanchine era.”
He is 54-year-old Mark Morris, founder and still chieftain of the world-renowned receive all study medication and study
Mark Morris Dance Group, now in its 30th year during a 17-month-long anniversary related care at no cost for up to 48 weeks
season touring to 20 cities including the D.C. area on Feb. 5 and 6, in performanc- and insurance is not required.
es and discussions at George Mason University in Fairfax, Va.
“We have been coming to Fairfax many years,” says Morris, who’s gay and looks YOU MAY QUALIFY IF YOU:
to the D.C. area for its “steady and devoted audience for what we do.” • Are at least 18 years of age
Performances are at 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday, Feb. 4 and 5, at George Mason
University’s Center for the Arts at its campus, at the intersection of Braddock Road • Are HIV positive
and Route 123, in Fairfax City, Va. Tickets are $22, $36 and $44, by phone at 888- • Currently take an antiretroviral therapy
945-2468 or visit that includes Reyataz + Norvir + Truvada
DAVID J. HOFFMAN and are doing well

Alvin Ailey dance company celebrates 50th

The Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater is celebrating its 50th anniversary with
seven performances at the Kennedy Center (2700 F St., N.W.) starting Tuesday.
It’s named after the choreographer, a gay groundbreaker in his field who died of
AIDS in 1989.
All of the group’s performances will include “Revelations,” a tribute to Ailey’s
African-American heritage that uses traditional spirituals to explore the places of
“deepest grief and holiest joy in the human soul,” as their promo material states.
On Tuesday at 7 p.m., Feb. 4 at 7:30 p.m. and Feb. 5 at 1:30 p.m., the company
will be performing “Anointed,” “Cry and the Hunt” in addition to “Revelations.” On 202-741-2230
Wednesday and Thursday at 7:30 p.m.,, the company will perform “Night Crea- Aimee Desrosiers
ture,” “The Evolution of a Secured Feminine” and the “Prodigal Prince” as well as George Washington University Medical Faculty Associates
“Revelations.” The second performance on Feb. 5 at 7:30 p.m. and the Feb. 6 per-
formance at 1:30 p.m. will include “Three Black Kings,” “In/Side” and “Forgotten
Time.” On Feb. 5 after the matinee, there will be a free post-performance discus-
sion with a moderator and members of the company.
Tickets range from $30 to $99 and can be purchased online at
• safe personal training
Drag queen contest for ‘real’ women to be held •

post-rehabilitative personal training
physical therapy
A contest for women born as biologically female but with drag sensibilities will • head-to-toe functional evaluations
be held Sunday at Ziegfeld’s at 3 p.m.
The Imperial Court of Washington is hosting Miss Faux Queen, an event mod- D ANIE L BAUMS TAR K MSPT CHT
eled after female impersonation contests and a similar pageant that was held in C HR IS T OP HE R C OUS INS MPT
San Francisco in the ‘90s. There will be four categories — interview, international P HILLIP GOD FR E Y CMES
costume, interview and talent.
Contestants will dress similarly to drag queens with padding, wigs, makeup and 1001 CONNECTICUT AVENUE NW
more. All contestants will have a “drag mother” to guide them. Miss Faux Queen SUITE 330
International is for in-town contestants while the “national” event is for out-of-town WASHINGTON DC 20036
Admission is $20. Ziegfeld’s is at 1824 Half Street, S.W. Doors open at 2. For 2 0 2 .2 2 3 .8 50 0
more information, e-mail to
22 • january 28, 2011

CALENDAR the Birchmere Dec. 17. (Photo courtesy of the Roches)

The John Scofield and Joe
Lovana Quartet will perform
tonight at 8 p.m. at the Music
Center at Strathmore (5301
Tuckerman Lane) in North
Bethesda. Guitarist Scofield
and saxophonist Lovano will be
joined by drummer Bill Stew-
art and bassist Matt Penman.
Tickets range from $35 to $65
and can be purchased online at
The Lodge (21614 National
Pike) in Boonsboro presents
“Return of the Divas” starring
drag queens Stephanie Mi-
chaels, Ashley Bannks and
Nicole James tonight at 10:30
p.m. Doors open at 7 p.m. and
cover is $5 from 8 to 11 p.m.
and $8 after.
The Best of D.C. Shorts
film festival “Rewind,” starts
today at the Atlas Performing Image courtesy of Touchstone

Arts Center (1333 H St., N.E.) ‘Common Ground’ by Michele Cormier is part of the ‘Color of Love’ exhibition that will be on display from Feb. 4-27 at Touchstone Gallery on New York Ave.
with events going on in two in Washington.
theaters. Theater one will open
with a wine reception at 6 p.m. show, “The Only Gal in Town” will be at the Merrifield loca- of the Holy City as part of its tonight at the Dignity Center,
to welcome the filmmakers, a tonight at 8 p.m. at Noi’s Nook tion (8104 Lee Highway) with Music with Angels concert se- 721 8th St., S.E., (across from
showing of the festival directors’ in go mama go! (1809 14th St., a seminar on color and interest ries. This is a free event. Marine Barracks) for social
favorites at 7 p.m., another wine N.W.). Tickets are $15 and can in winter gardens. Chuck Croft bridge. No partner is needed.
reception at 8:30 p.m. and end be purchased online at gany- from the Northern Virginia Bon- Monday, Jan. 31 Visit and
with Best of D.C. Shorts 2010, or at the door. The sai Society will be at the Fair click on “Social Bridge in Wash-
part one at 9:30 p.m. Theater show debuted on New Year’s Oaks location (12101 Lee High- The Helen Hayes Awards ington” for more information.
two will start with a showing of Eve but is returning for an en- way) in Fairfax, with a seminar presents “Showtunes and The Human Rights Watch
films from the past seven years core performance. on growing bonsai, and Regina Cocktails” tonight from 7 to Film Festival will be screening
which celebrate diversity at Suzanne Westenhoefer will Lanctot, a plant specialist, will 10 p.m. at the Jefferson’s Quill “Out in the Silence” tonight at
7:30 and Best of D.C. Shorts be performing tonight at 8 p.m. be at the Gainesville location Bar (1200 16th St., N.W.) featur- 7 p.m. at the West End Cinema
part two at 10 p.m. The festival at the Birchmere (3701 Mt. Ver- (6895 Wellington Rd.) talking ing pianist Glenn Pearson and (2301 M St., N.W.) as part of the
continues through Saturday. For non Ave.) in Alexandria. Tickets about cacti, succulents and guests from Washington stag- traveling festival. The filmmak-
more information, visit rewind. are $45 and can be purchased easy care houseplants. es. Admission is free and 20 ers and LGBT Festival acting online at Gross National Product percent of the proceeds will be director Boris Dittrich will be
Jens Praet’s first solo U.S. Apex (1415 22nd St., N.W.) returns with “The Sound of donated to support the Awards. present to answer questions.
exhibition, “Fossilized,” is on presents “VIP (Video Interactive Palin” at Atlas Performing Professionals in the City Tickets can be purchased at
display at Industry Gallery Playground)” tonight featuring Arts Center (1333 H St., N.E.) will be hosting a seated speed and are
(1358 Florida Ave., N.E.). Praet’s DJ 45Z Music videos will e play- tonight at 8 p.m. Tickets range dating for bisexual and lesbian $11 for adults, $9 for seniors
work is created from shredded ing in the main room all night. from $10 to $20 and can be pur- women tonight from 7 to 9 p.m. and students and $8 for military.
magazines and documents. He Drag queen Kristina Kelly and chased at atlas at Chi-Cha Lounge (1624 U St.,
used shredded and recycled her “Girls of Glamour” will per- The 15th anniversary Mary- N.W.) The event is $20 if pur- Thursday, Feb. 3
copies of Art in America, Capi- form at 11 p.m. Cover is $10 and land State Police Polar Bear chased by 5 p.m. on Friday. For
tol File, Details, Fast Company attendees must be 18 or older. Plunge is today at 8 a.m. at more information and to purchase Victoria Jaymes, the Face
and Robb Report mixed with Mautner Project presents its Sandy Point Beach (1100 E. tickets, visit of Illusion, will be perform-
clear resin to create his art. The first meeting of SHE Circle, a College Parkway) in Annapolis. ing tonight at 10 p.m. at Alero
gallery is open from noon to 6 wellness community by and for Many different events will be Tuesday, Feb. 1 Restaurant Columbia Heights
p.m. For more information, visit African-American lesbian and going on throughout the day, (3345 14th St., N.W.). bisexual women, today from including DJ Pauly D of MTV’s The Shakespeare Theatre The Association of Writ-
Lace Lounge (2214 Rhode 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Metropoli- Jersey Shore as the featured Company presents “Cymbe- ers and Writing Programs
Island Ave., N.E.) presents tan Community Church-D.C. performing inside the Rams line,” directed by Rebecca Conference features a queer
Social Climax from 10 p.m. to (474 Ridge St., N.W.). For more Head Ice Lounge from 12:30 Bayla Taichman, tonight at reading, “3 Dollar Bill” tonight
3 a.m. with free drinks before information and to RSVP, e-mail to 4 p.m. For more information 7:30 p.m. at the Lansburgh from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. at
11:30 p.m. Attendees must be or and the complete schedule of Theatre (450 7th St., N.W.). the Human Rights Campaign
21 or older and there is a $10 events, visit Tickets range from $37 to $70 Equality Forum (1640 Rhode
cover. For more information, Shift, a gay-themed indie and can be purchased online at Island Ave., N.W.). Some of the
visit rock/electro/pop dance party, Sunday, Jan. 30 readers include Monica Carter,
DJ Lil’ E hosts Lady Gaga presents the Winter Blue Ball Robyn will be performing Reginald Harris, Charles Jen-
vs. Madonna vs. M.I.A. with tonight from 10 p.m. to 3 a.m. Buddha-Bar D.C. (455 Mas- tonight with Diamond Rings sen, Eileen Myles and Justin
Lems at Rams Head Live (20 at Cobalt (1639 R St., N.W.). DJ sachusetts Ave., N.W.) begins and Natalia Kills at 8 p.m. at Torres. Books will be available
Market Place) in Baltimore to- vAnniety Kills will be spinning its weekly “Somewhere Over the Rams Head Live (20 Market for purchase during intermis-
night at 8:30 p.m. Tickets are all night upstairs while DJ Shea Rainbow Sundays” tonight from Place) in Baltimore. Doors open sion and after the event.
$10. For more information and Van Horn spins from 10 p.m. to 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. Drink specials at 7 p.m. Tickets are $25 and
to purchase tickets, visit rams- 12:30 a.m. down stairs and DJ will include $6 signature cock- can be purchased by visiting Friday, Feb. 4 Majr spins after him. tails and $5 mixed drinks.
Merrifield Garden Center Mijail Tumanov, 22, will be Touchstone Gallery (901
Saturday, Jan. 29 continues its series of free performing piano works by Wednesday, Feb. 2 New York Ave., N.W.) is host-
seminars today with three Beethoven, Chopin, Tchai- ing an opening reception to-
Special Agent Galactica new topics. Mary Kirk Mene- kovsky and Rachmaninov to- The Tom Davaron Social night from 6 to 8:30 p.m. for its
returns with an all sung, live fee, a landscape designer, day at 3:30 p.m. at the Church Bridge Club will meet at 7:30 newest exhibit, “Color of Love”
january 28, 2011 • 23


Every Man Can

Photo by C. Stanley Photography; courtesy of No Rules

Director Joshua Morgan watches a rehearsal of ‘Touch,’ the current production of No Rules
Theatre Company.

Breaking the ‘Rules’

Two-year-old gay-helmed in Winston Salem isn’t necessarily going
to be as well-received in Washington. For
theater company takes instance, earlier this season some D.C.
unexpected approach theatergoers turned their noses up to
our production of ‘You’re a Good Man,
Charlie Brown.’ Similarly, some audience
By PATRICK FOLLIARD members in Winston-Salem have had
problems with the sex scenes in ‘Touch’
Starting a new theater company is (the company’s current production di-
daunting. To start up with a dual-city op- rected by Morgan and opening next
eration is downright loco. week at H Street Playhouse) which are
But that’s exactly what the founders of incredibly tame by D.C. standards.”
No Rules Theatre Company did, and af- At first, the young company shied away
ter almost two years of mounting produc- from tackling “Touch,” Toni Press-Coffman’s
tions in both Washington and Winston- drama about a young astronomer who at-
Salem, N.C., they are off and running. tempts to rebuild his life with a vulnerable
Lead by three 20-something University of prostitute after his wife is brutally murdered.
North Carolina School of the Arts alums The 15-member group’s leadership agreed
(managing producer Anne Kohn and co- that it was a difficult play that required in-
artistic directors Brian Sutow and Joshua credibly special actors; it was something
Morgan, who is gay), the burgeoning they thought they might want to revisit after
company is striving to fulfill its mission of a few seasons. But when it came time to se-
presenting broad-spectrum, high qual- lect a play to follow their frothy fall musical
ity theater and making plans for a third, (“You’re Good Man, Charlie Brown”), they
vastly expanded season. reconsidered.
Initially, actor/director Morgan was un- “Because our mission is truly to pres-
interested in being part of a new theater ent broad programming for a wise audi-
company. “There were so many already. I ence base that’s experiential and viscer-
wasn’t so sure that the world really needed al and we are serious about challenging
yet another one,” he says. ourselves,” Morgan says. “We decided
But after Kohn, Morgan and Sutow de- the time was right.”
cided to move their North Carolina produc- Morgan became interested in theater
tion of John Cameron Mitchell’s trans-glam- as a high school freshman in Montclair,
punk rock musical “Hedwig and the Angry N.J. Around the same time, he met his
Inch” to Washington for a second run in first boyfriend. Morgan wasn’t too con-
June of 2009, the trio (who are now all D.C.- cerned what his mother would he think.
based) was so encouraged and embraced He remembered her telling him when he
by the local theater community that Morgan was a little boy: “If you were gay, I’d be
rather speedily changed his mind. swinging from the rafters.” Today, she DC’s only gay male owned
Soon after, the newly formed group’s regularly calls from home offering to set matchmaking service for gay men.
dual city model began to take shape. up her son with prospective boyfriends.
“At first I thought it was crazy to focus on “My work takes me to a lot of differ-
two markets, but now I see it as a major ad-
vantage in building strong projects through
ent cities and towns, and it seems to
me where there are gay people, there is
Offering unique strategies to help you reach your
longer runs and being able to tap into more life, culture and understanding,” Morgan full potential in dating, love, and relationships.
than on market for fundraising,” says Jere- says. “I think being gay helps me to be
my Skidmore talented D.C. director and No more open and that makes me a better
Rules board member. “Another advantage director and actor.” Start dating again in 2011.
is that No Rules was started by a group of
people who all spent years in school togeth- ‘TOuCh’
er. Jumping into a venture with an ensemble
of people who actually share the load and
Feb. 4-7
No Rules Theatre Company 202.588.7554
know how to work together is huge.” H Street Playhouse
Morgan says, “Playing in two cities 1365 H Street, N.E.
is challenging both logistically and in
terms of the plays we present. What flies
24 • january 28, 2011 DC AGENDA

Using VIRAMUNE gets you some things you can’t get

from a pill—information, education, and inspiration.

Enroll now in the Vlife on TherapyTM program. Whether you have been taking Viramune® (nevirapine) tablets/oral suspension
together with your other HIV medicine for years, or just started, the Vlife on TherapyTM program is an ongoing source of ideas and
perspectives that may help you:
—Better understand HIV, and help you maintain your VIRAMUNE care and treatment plan
—Learn how you may save up to $50 toward your monthly prescription co-pay for up to a year. Go to for details
—Be inspired by people who lived through similar experiences and want to share them with you
VIRAMUNE used in combination HIV therapy helps to increase CD4+ cell counts (T-cells) and reduce HIV viral loads.

Receive a medication reminder when you enroll.*

It’s a special top that fits on the cap of your medicine container that alerts you when it’s time to take your medication.
*Limited quantities available.

Enroll today. Visit

You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription

drugs to the FDA. Visit or call 1-800-FDA-1088.
75C, 63M, 63Y

Indication and Important Safety Information

VIRAMUNE is indicated for use in combination with other antiretroviral agents Do not take VIRAMUNE if you have severe liver problems.
for the treatment of HIV infection. The dose of VIRAMUNE for adults is one 200-mg tablet daily for the first 14 days,
VIRAMUNE does not cure HIV or AIDS, and has not been shown to reduce the followed by one 200-mg tablet twice daily. VIRAMUNE is always taken with
risk of passing HIV to others through sexual contact or blood contamination. other anti-HIV medications. The 14-day lead-in period is important because it
VIRAMUNE can cause severe liver disease and skin reactions that can cause can help reduce your chances of getting a potentially serious skin rash. If you
death. These reactions occur most often during the first 18 weeks of treatment, have a skin rash during the first 14 days, immediately contact your doctor and
50C, 39M, 39Y

but can occur later. Ask your healthcare provider about how to recognize do not increase your VIRAMUNE dose to twice a day. The total duration of the
symptoms of skin and liver problems. once daily lead-in dosing period should not exceed 28 days, at which point an
alternative regimen may need to be started.
Stop taking VIRAMUNE if you have any of these reactions. Do not restart
VIRAMUNE if you experience any of these reactions. Call your healthcare Other side effects that patients have experienced include nausea, fatigue, fever,
provider immediately if you have any of these reactions. headache, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and myalgia. Changes in body
fat may occur in patients receiving antiretroviral therapy. Immune reconstitution
VIRAMUNE is only for people diagnosed with HIV. If you have not been syndrome has been reported in patients treated with combination ARV therapy.
diagnosed as HIV positive, then do not take VIRAMUNE.
You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription
25C, 16M, 16Y

Any patient can experience liver problems with VIRAMUNE, but women and drugs to the FDA. Visit or call 1-800-FDA-1088.
patients who have higher CD4 counts when they begin VIRAMUNE treatment
have a greater risk. If you are a woman with CD4+ >250 cells/mm3, Please see Medication Guide for VIRAMUNE on the
or a man with CD4+ >400 cells/mm3, you should not begin taking following pages.
VIRAMUNE unless you and your doctor have decided that the benefit
of doing so outweighs the risk. Women, including pregnant women,
with CD4+ cell counts >250 cells/mm3 are at the greatest risk.

Copyright ©2010, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc. All rights reserved. (07/10) VR74128CONS-K

4745_DC_AGENDA 1 8/2/10 10:19:07 AM

january 28, 2011 AGENDA
• 25
75C, 63M, 63Y

50C, 39M, 39Y


25C, 16M, 16Y


Models used are for illustrative purposes only.

4745_FLORIDA_AGENDA 2 8/2/10 10:20:11 AM

26 • january 28, 2011 FLORIDA AGENDA

MEDICATION GUIDE These are not all the side effects of VIRAMUNE. See the section “What are the
possible side effects of VIRAMUNE?” for more information.
VIRAMUNE® (VIH-rah-mune)
(nevirapine) Tablets What is VIRAMUNE?
VIRAMUNE® (VIH-rah-mune) VIRAMUNE is a medicine used to treat Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), the
(nevirapine) Oral Suspension virus that causes AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome).
Read this Medication Guide before you start taking VIRAMUNE and each time you VIRAMUNE is a type of anti-HIV medicine called a “non-nucleoside reverse
get a refill. There may be new information. This information does not take the transcriptase inhibitor” (NNRTI). VIRAMUNE works by lowering the amount of
place of talking to your doctor about your medical condition or treatment. HIV in your blood (“viral load”). You must take VIRAMUNE with other anti-HIV
medicines. When you take VIRAMUNE with other anti-HIV medicines, VIRAMUNE
What is the most important information I should know about can lower your viral load and increase the number of CD4+ cells (“T cells”). CD4+
VIRAMUNE? cells are a type of immune helper cell in the blood. VIRAMUNE may not have these
VIRAMUNE can cause serious side effects. These include severe liver and effects in every person.
skin problems which can cause death. The risk of these problems is greatest VIRAMUNE does not cure HIV or AIDS, and it is not known if it will help you live
during the first 18 weeks of treatment, but these problems can also happen at longer with HIV. People taking VIRAMUNE may still get infections common in
any time during treatment. people with HIV (opportunistic infections). It is very important that you stay under
Severe liver problems: Anyone who takes VIRAMUNE may get severe liver the care of your doctor.
problems. In some cases, these liver problems can lead to liver failure and the Who should not take VIRAMUNE?
need for a liver transplant, or death. You may get a rash if you have liver problems.
People with higher risk of these problems include women or anyone with higher Tell your doctor if you have or have had liver problems. Your doctor may tell you
CD4+ cell counts when they begin VIRAMUNE treatment. Women with CD4+ cell not to take VIRAMUNE if you have certain liver problems.
counts higher than 250 cells/mm3 at the start of treatment have the greatest risk VIRAMUNE is only for people diagnosed with HIV. If you have not been diagnosed
for liver damage. as HIV positive, then do not take VIRAMUNE.
If you are a woman with CD4+ cell >250 cells/mm3 or a man with CD4+ cell > What should I tell my doctor before taking VIRAMUNE?
400 cells/mm3, you and your doctor will decide if VIRAMUNE is right for you.
Before you take VIRAMUNE, tell your doctor if you:
People who have abnormal liver test results and people with hepatitis B or C
have a greater chance of getting liver problems and further increases in liver test • have or have had hepatitis (inflammation of your liver) or problems with your
results during treatment. liver. See “What is the most important information I should know about
VIRAMUNE?” and “Who should not take VIRAMUNE?”
If you get any of the following symptoms of liver problems, stop taking • receive dialysis
VIRAMUNE and call your doctor right away: • have skin problems, such as a rash
• fever • are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. It is not known if VIRAMUNE will
• “flu-like” symptoms or you do not feel well harm your unborn baby.
• dark (tea-colored) urine Pregnancy Registry: There is a pregnancy registry for women who take
• tiredness antiviral medicines during pregnancy. The purpose of the registry is to collect
• light-colored bowel movements (stools) information about the health of you and your baby. Talk to your doctor about
• nausea (feeling sick to your stomach) how you can take part in this registry.
• pain or tenderness on your right side below your ribs • are breast-feeding or plan to breast-feed. VIRAMUNE can pass into
• loss of appetite your breast milk and may harm your baby. It is also recommended that
• yellowing of your skin or whites of your eyes HIV-positive women should not breast-feed their babies. Do not breast-feed
during treatment with VIRAMUNE. Talk to your doctor about the best way to
Your doctor should see you and do blood tests often to check your liver function feed your baby.
during the first 18 weeks of treatment with VIRAMUNE. You should continue to
have your liver checked regularly during your treatment with VIRAMUNE. It is Tell your doctor and pharmacist about all the medicines you take, including
important for you to keep all of your doctor appointments. prescription and non-prescription medicines, vitamins and herbal supplements.
VIRAMUNE may affect the way other medicines work, and other medicines may
Severe rash and skin reactions: Skin rash is the most common side effect of affect how VIRAMUNE works. Especially tell your doctor if you take:
VIRAMUNE. Most rashes happen in the first 6 weeks of taking VIRAMUNE. Rashes
and skin reactions may be severe, life-threatening, and in some people, • St. John’s Wort. You should not take products containing St. John’s Wort
may lead to death. If you get a rash with any of the following symptoms, during treatment with VIRAMUNE because it can lower the amount of
stop using VIRAMUNE and call your doctor right away: VIRAMUNE in your body.
• efavirenz (Sustiva®, Atripla®). You should not take efavirenz during treatment
• “flu-like” symptoms or you do not feel well with VIRAMUNE. You may have an increased chance of side effects if this is
• blisters taken together with VIRAMUNE.
• fever • atazanavir (Reyataz®). You should not take atazanavir during treatment
• mouth sores with VIRAMUNE.
• muscle or joint aches • itraconazole (Sporanox®). You should not take itraconazole during treatment
• swelling of your face with VIRAMUNE.
• red or inflamed eyes, like “pink eye” (conjunctivitis) • ketoconazole (Nizoral®). You should not take ketoconazole during treatment
• tiredness with VIRAMUNE.
• swollen glands (enlarged lymph nodes) • rifampin (Rifadin®, Rifamate®, Rifater®). You should not take rifampin during
• liver problems (see symptoms of liver problems above) treatment with VIRAMUNE.
If your doctor tells you to stop treatment with VIRAMUNE because you have • Birth control pills. Birth control pills taken by mouth (oral contraceptives) and
had the serious liver or skin problems described above, you should never other hormone types of birth control may not work to prevent pregnancy if
take VIRAMUNE again. you use them during VIRAMUNE treatment. Talk with your doctor about other

4745_FLORIDA_AGENDA 3 8/2/10 10:20:18 AM

january 28, 2011 AGENDA
• 27

types of birth control that you can use to prevent pregnancy during treatment Tell your doctor if you have any side effect that bothers you or that does not
with VIRAMUNE. go away.
Also tell your doctor if you are taking the following drugs: These are not all the possible side effects of VIRAMUNE. For more information,
• clarithromycin (Biaxin®) ask your doctor or pharmacist.
• fluconazole (Diflucan®) Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side
• methadone effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.
• rifabutin (Mycobutin®)
How should I store VIRAMUNE?
Know the medicines you take. Keep a list of them to show your doctor or
• Store VIRAMUNE at 59° to 86°F (15° to 30°C).
pharmacist when you get a new medicine.
• Throw away VIRAMUNE that is no longer needed or out-of-date.
How should I take VIRAMUNE? Keep VIRAMUNE and all medicines out of the reach of children.
• Take VIRAMUNE exactly as your doctor tells you to take it.
• The dose of VIRAMUNE for children is based on their size and thus may not
General information about VIRAMUNE
be the same as in adults. Medicines are sometimes prescribed for purposes other than those listed in a
• You may take VIRAMUNE with or without food. Medication Guide. Do not use VIRAMUNE for a condition for which it was not
• If you or your child takes VIRAMUNE suspension (liquid), shake it gently prescribed. Do not give VIRAMUNE to other people, even if they have the same
before use. Use an oral dosing syringe or dosing cup to measure the condition you have. It may harm them.
right dose. The oral dosing syringe and dosing cup are not provided with This Medication Guide summarizes the most important information about
VIRAMUNE Suspension. VIRAMUNE. If you would like more information, talk with your doctor. You can
• After drinking the medicine, fill the dosing cup with water and drink it to ask your pharmacist or doctor for information about VIRAMUNE that is written for
make sure you get all the medicine. If the dose is less than 1 teaspoon health professionals.
(5 mL), use the syringe instead of the dosing cup.
• Do not change your dose unless your doctor tells you to. For more information, call Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc., at
• Your doctor should start you with one dose each day to lower your chance 1-800-542-6257, or (TTY) 1-800-459-9906.
of getting a serious rash. It is important that you only take one dose of What are the ingredients in VIRAMUNE?
VIRAMUNE each day for the first 14 days.
• Call your doctor right away if you get a skin rash during the first 14 days of Active Ingredient: nevirapine
VIRAMUNE treatment and do not increase your dose to 2 times a day. Inactive ingredients:
• You should never take your starting dose (200 mg one time each day) for Viramune Tablets: microcrystalline cellulose, lactose monohydrate, povidone,
longer than 28 days. If after 28 days you are still receiving this starting dose sodium starch glycolate, colloidal silicon dioxide, and magnesium stearate
because you have a rash, you and your doctor should discuss replacing
VIRAMUNE with another HIV medicine. Never increase your dose to 2 times a Viramune Oral Suspension: carbomer 934P, methylparaben, propylparaben,
day if you have a rash. sorbitol, sucrose, polysorbate 80, sodium hydroxide, and purified water
• Do not miss a dose of VIRAMUNE, because this could make HIV harder to Distributed by:
treat. If you miss a dose of VIRAMUNE, take the missed dose as soon as you Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
remember. If it is almost time for your next dose, do not take the missed Ridgefield, CT 06877 USA
dose, just take the next dose at your regular time.
• If you stop taking VIRAMUNE for more than 7 days, ask your doctor how much Rev: June 2010
to take before you start taking it again. You may need to start with one time This Medication Guide has been approved by the US Food and
each day dosing again. Drug Administration
• If you take too much VIRAMUNE, call your local poison control center or Atripla, Reyataz, and Sustiva are trademarks of Bristol-Myers Squibb. Biaxin
emergency room right away. is a trademark of Abbott Laboratories. Diflucan is a trademark of Pfizer Inc.
What are the possible side effects of VIRAMUNE? Mycobutin is a trademark of Pharmacia & Upjohn Company. Nizoral and Sporanox
are trademarks of Janssen Pharmaceutica. Rifadin, Rifamate, and Rifater are
VIRAMUNE may cause serious side effects. trademarks of Aventis Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
• See “What is the most important information I should know about ©Copyright 2010 Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
• Other common side effects of VIRAMUNE include nausea, fatigue, fever,
headache, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and muscle pain. OT1801LE1910 10003354/06 OT1803D 090340228/5
• Changes in your immune system (Immune Reconstitution Syndrome)
can happen when you start taking HIV medicines. Your immune system
may get stronger and begin to fight infections that have been hidden in your
body for a long time. Tell your doctor if you start having new symptoms after
starting your HIV medicine. You are encouraged to report negative side effects of
• Changes in body fat can happen in some people who take antiretroviral therapy. prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit
These changes may include increased amount of fat in the upper back and neck or call 1-800-FDA-1088.
(“buffalo hump”), breast, and around the middle of your body (trunk). Loss of fat
from your legs, arms, and face can also happen. The cause and long-term health
effects of these problems are not known at this time.

4745_FLORIDA_AGENDA 4 8/2/10 10:20:19 AM

28 • january 28, 2011


Sat, Jan. 29 Christian Scott, Wolf Trap. 877-965-
Papa Day, Ford’s Theatre. 202-397- 3872.
7328. The Cool School, Corcoran Gallery of Art.
Tales of the Lincoln, Ford’s Theatre. 202-639-1770.
Resonant Forms: An Exhibition The Carpetbagger’s Children, Ford’s
Featuring the Artworks of Alonzo
Davis, Martha Jackson Jarvis and Theatre. 202-397-7328.
Fran, Brentwood Arts Exchange. 301- Beyond the Horizon by Eugene O’Neill,
277-2863. American Century Theater, Gunston Theatre

Magic by G.K. Chesterton

Wed, Feb. 2 Two. 703-998-4555.
America I AM, National Geographic. 202- National Symphony Orchestra:
Through Sun, Jan 30 857-7700. Christoph Eschenbach, conductor
Washington Stage Guild Charming Billy, Round House / Beethoven & Zemlinsky, National
Undercroft Theatre Theatre Bethesda. 240-644-1100.
Symphony Orchestra, Kennedy Center.
240-582-0050 Artist in Residence: Alicia Ward, cello, 202-467-4600.
A brilliantly witty story of faith versus reason. Chesterton, the master of paradox Strathmore. Tynan, The Studio Theatre. 202-332-
and author of the famed Father Brown mystery stories, presents the dire conse- Ultraviolet to Infrared: Paul Reed 50 3300.
quences of losing, not one’s belief, but one’s skepticism. A great play not seen in Years, Workhouse Arts Center. 703-584- Marcus; Or the Secret of Sweet,
the USA for decades. 2900. The Studio Theatre. 202-332-3300.
Thu, Feb. 3
La c·ndida ErÈndira/ Innocent ErÈndira
and her Heartless Grandmother,
GALA Hispanic Theatre. 202-234-7174. ONGOING EXHIBITONS Corcoran Gallery of Art.
Washington Color and Light.
LAST CHANCE Kreeger Museum. 202-338-3552.
Sun, Jan. 30 In Unison: 20
A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Synetic Washington, DC Artists, Monoprints: 20
Theater, Crystal City Theatre. 800-494- DC Artists.
National Gallery of Art. From
A Shadow of Honor, Keegan Theatre,
Church Street Theater. 703-892-0202. Impressionism to Modernism: The Chester Dale Collection.
Return to Haifa, Theater J. 800-494- National Geographic. 202-857-7700.
8497. Great
The Pre-Raphaelite Lens: British Migrations: A Photography Exhibition,
Photography and Painting, 1848-1875,
National Gallery of Art. Beyond the Story: National Geographic
Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater LIMITED ENGAGEMENT Museum of Women in the Arts. nmwa.
Feb 1 - Feb 6 Jan. 29 - Jan. 30 org. P(art)ners: Gifts from the Heather
Kennedy Center Alight Dance Theater, Dance Place. and Tony Podesta Collection.
202-467-4600 202-269-1600. National Archives. Perceptions Finagled, Joe’s Movement Discovering the Civil War-Consequences.
Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, America’s cultural ambassador to the world, Emporium. 301-699-1819.
The Textile Museum. 202-667-0441.
performs a compilation of classics and electrifying new works, including Revela-
tions, which celebrates its 50th anniversary. ONE NIGHT ONLY Colors of the Oasis:
Central Asian Ikats.
The Guide to Arts & Culture is produced by, the one-stop shop to arts & culture for
Fri, Jan. 28
Metro DC, a program of the Cultural Alliance of Greater Washington. MAGIC: Supplied by Washington Friday Night Eclectic: Great Noise
Stage Guild; ALVIN AILEY: Supplied by Kennedy Center. Ensemble, Strathmore. ONGOING GALLERIES
David Jolley, horn Eduard Laurel, Sweet-Meat Cherry-Whip Flip:
piano, Wolf Trap. 1-877-WOLFTRAP. Victoria Gait·n, Arlington Cultural Affairs, ARTISPHERE. 703-875-1100.
Mia Zabelka: Innovative Freestyle Violinist,
Arlington Cultural Affairs, ARTISPHERE. 703-
875-1100. ReSolve: New Works by Richard
Musical Evening Series: Ariel Quartet Siegman, DC Arts Center (DCAC). 202-
with Roger Tapping, Corcoran Gallery of 462-7833.
Art. 202-639-1700. Paintings by Paula Amt / Sculptures
Mon, Jan. 31 by Rod Glover, Gallery plan b. 202-237-
America’s Playwright at 100: A Salute 2711.
to Tennessee Williams, Ford’s Theatre.
And She Was - Photographs by Gayle
Rothschild, Jewish Community Center
Tue, Feb. 1 of Greater Washington.
A Tribute to the Grace Bumbry Concert
in the Kennedy White House, Kennedy The First 100 Years: The City of
Center. 202-467-4600. Glenarden, 1910-2010, Montpelier Arts
Wed, Feb. 2 Center. 301-377-7800.
Buckwheat Zydeco, Wolf Trap. Alison Sigethy: Understory, The Art
1-877-WOLFTRAP. League. 703-683-1780.
january 28, 2011 • 29


Photos of Holly Twyford, Nancy Robinette and Kimberly Schraf by Scott Suchman.
A captivating portrait
of three sisters …

… and the resilience of

the human spirit.

Photo by Jim Coates; courtesy of Keegan

From left, Mark A Rhea, Jon Townson and Michael Innocenti in ‘A Shadow of Honor. It closes
Sunday at the Keegan Theatre.

Theater potpourri
Featuring Holly Twyford, Nancy Robinette and Kimberly Schraf
Last weekend to catch father’s death. Watch him in his motor-
mouth rush of words about the stress he
several worthy productions feels, his voice a strangled cry of pain
by Horton Foote
in the D.C. area held inside, and attention must be paid
when he pesters his wife Kathy, asking, Directed by Mark Ramont
“Didn’t you know that the South is the
By DAVID J. HOFFMAN most violent part of the country?” As al- Limited Run! Through Feb. 13
ways, Anton Chekhov was right to say Tickets: (202) 397-SEAT |
Good and evil, theology and science, that when a gun is seen on stage it will Lead Sponsor: ExxonMobil Sponsors: Southern Company; American Express
past and present — these polarities surely be fired before the last act ends. Ford’s Theatre stages Built by The Home Depot | Chevron, a 2010-2011 Season Sponsor
loom large in four plays now on stage in The fear shown by his pregnant wife, in
Washington. a riveting portrayal by Shannon Listol,
Closing Sunday, a Keegan Theatre is palpable as her voice shakes and her
production at the Church Street The- body quakes in abject terror.
ater is the world premiere of Peter Coy’s
Washington Blade
Also closing this weekend, unless
original file: Adobe In
multi-layered melodrama about history, “A there’s a last minute Fri, Janin28,
rescue the2011
Shadow of Honor,” the story of two fami- house Theater schedule that permits an
lies, each haunted by the ghosts of two
1/8H (4.75”
extended run for two more weeks, is an-
x 2.6875”) Non-SAU CMYK
wars — the Civil War and the Vietnam War Landmark
other play by a playwright fromTheatres/CO
this re-
— and the dead who gave the last full gion, D.C. resident Evan Crump, whose

measure of devotion with their bloodshed. two-act drama “Genesis” about a men-
“It is those I killed who are truly tal patient who believes himself to be a
damned by God” thunders the alcoholic fallen angel won the 2010 Capital Fringe Oldest French Bistro
William Ruffin (ably played by Mark A. Festival award for Best Drama. Retooled
Rhea, Keegan’s founder and produc- since last summer by Crump and espe- Lunch, Dinner, Brunch Happy Hour
ing artistic director), author of the cold- cially by director John C. Bailey, a gay Daily Specials Monday - Friday, 4 pm - 7 pm
blooded murder that happened in Nel- actor who is literary curator for D.C.’s Award Winning Pastries Half price appetizers, drink specials
son County, in Virginia’s Shenandoah Ganymede GLBT Arts Company, this dining out for life - march 10, 2011
Valley in 1907, an incident discovered by play, which is a meditation on “the human benefiting food & friends
Hamner Theater co-artistic director and condition,” astounds with its passion and
playwright Coe in what he calls “a mur- crackles with electricity from mystery- 1039 31ST STREET NW WASHINGTON, DC 20007 202 965 2684
der motivated by honor.” shrouded start to ambiguous finish.
The scene is set in the same house, with Actor Derek Jones, with glistening
two troubled families in two places in time, bald dome and his sinewy sleek ebony
1907 and 2007. When past and present physique much on display, for he is shirt- PRESENTS
collide, something must give. And in each less much of the time, inhabits the role
case, the smoking gun is murder, one of the eponymous “Genesis” like he was
Can you ever really trust anyone?
committed by an 11-year-old boy when alive in the role, not acting it. As his per-
begged to pull the trigger by his father, formance unspools, inside an asylum for
damaged goods from Vietnam where he the criminally insane, where he has been
had earned, at great cost, a Silver Star. An- diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic
other shadow falls with the gunfire in 1907, (his doctor calls it “some form of delu-
when Ruffin decides he must kill the man sional psychosis”), his beautifully dan- TOMMY WISEAU’S
who deflowered his daughter and swears gerous mind always seem rational and
that “I’m a hero in the eyes of all true South- his story becomes increasingly credible
erners.” He tells his daughter, “I’ve taken of being literally a fallen angel. But the
my stand,” and later, “I love the South even question of whether he is sane or insane,
though it exists no more!” convict or saint, human or angel, is never
Michael Innocenti stars in a stand-out fully answered.
role as high school history teacher Tyler Worth a trip out to Reston’s Com-
McNeill, the boy now grown to manhood munity Center Stage Theater in Fairfax
Fri & Sat, January 28 & 29 at Midnight!
yet shadowed still by his complicity in his Buy Advance Tickets Online
Continues on page 30
30 • january 28, 2011


12 Last-chance options
at 5 Pm Continued from page 29 yond such wounds. Kanafani himself, as-
and 8 Pm sassinated in a 1972 car-bomb, probably
County is a play about the “gay gene” by the israeli Mossad, was a spokesman
ChurCh of (assuming one is ever located in the hu- for the militant Popular Front for the Lib-
the epiphany man genome) and the ethical dilemma of eration of Palestine, viewed by Israel and
whether parents might abort such a child Western governments at the time as a
as eugenic prophylaxis. Written by gay terrorist group. Yet in his novella, he ac-
playwright Jonathan Tolins and helmed knowledged that Jews in Israel had also
by gay director Andrew J.M. Regiec, suffered, not just Arabs, and his empathy
“The Twilight of the Golds” tests the limits for such suffering marked his work as an
of love and acceptance in a drama that unusual document to help build bridges.
ran briefly on Broadway in 1993. Then, But even so, in Israel, most theater com-
the actress Jennifer Grey (best known panies turned down the chance to pro-
for playing Frances “Baby” Houseman in duce “Return to Haifa” until the Cameri
the 1987 hit film “Dirty Dancing”) played Theater stepped forward, and the pro-
for tickets, call Suzanne (in Reston the role is played by duction itself was dogged by protestors
202.293.1548 Jennifer Cambert) who is pregnant and from Israel’s anti-Arab far-right.
whose husband, a genetic researcher, The play is gripping for its look into the
or visit discovers irregularities in the unborn heart of anger and the soul of reconcilia- child’s genetic makeup. Though com- tion. You will not soon forget the feelings it
pletely healthy, the baby will likely be can stir. But Theater J has sought ways to
born gay, like Suzanne’s younger brother go beyond these feelings, however, with a
David, an opera set designer. companion series of other plays and dis-
Steve Herman and
John DiBenedetto
David (played in the Reston produc- cussions it calls “Voices from a Changing
tion by Andy Izquierdo) appears to have Middle East: Portraits of Home,” including
MEDIA SPONSOR it all: a loving partner, a supportive fam- on Sunday night the play by Ben Brown,
ily, but now he is drawn into the family “The Promise,” set in London in 1917
debate over the fate of the child. Harvard when the future president of Israel, Chaim
graduate Tolins, a former writer and co- Weitzman maneuvered with British nota-
producer of “Queer as Folk” during its bles to support the right of Jews to return
Jim & Barbara Tozzi first season on Showtime in 2001 and to a Zionist Israel. For more information on
Melbourne Jenkins & Juan Febles
also an actor who played the gay quar- this series, see
terback in the 2003 film “Totally Sexy
Loser,” adapted “Twilight of the Golds”
for a Showtime movie in 1997, featur-
ing actors Brendan Fraser as David and ‘A SHADOW OF HONOR’
The Realtors you refer Jennifer Beals (of “Flashdance” fame) as by Peter Coy
to your Friends & Family Suzanne. It was nominated for a GLAAD
8 p.m. tonight and Saturday
closes 3 p.m. Sunday
media award for outstanding made-for-
The Gale Storm Team TV movie that year.
The Keegan Theater
at Church Street
571.236.9329 • Tolins, who has written for Bette 1742 Church Street Midler’s road-show tours and her current Dupont Circle
Las Vegas extravaganza, “The Showgirl 703-892-0202 or
Must Go On,” also spent time for two
years writing for the Academy Awards ‘GENESIS’
show and the 2003 Tony Awards pro- by Evan Crump
8 p.m. tonight and Saturday
gram. He now lives in Connecticut with closes 3 p.m. Sunday
his husband Robert Cary and their two The Warehouse Theater
children. His newest play “Glad Tidings,” 1021 7th St. N.W.
is nominated for a GLAAD media award (back room at the Passenger)
for outstanding New York City play, to be 202-213-2474 or
announced March 19.
Licensed in DC, MD & VA Finally, there’s “Return to Haifa,” from ‘TWILIGHT OF THE GOLDS’
Israel’s premier flagship theater company, by Jonathan Tolins
Cameri Theater, now resident through this 8 p.m. tonight and Saturday
2:30 p.m. Sunday
Sunday only at Theater J, at the D.C. Jew- through Feb. 5
ish Community Center’s Goldman The- Reston Community Players
ater. The play, adapted by an Israeli Jew, Center Stage Theater
Boaz Gaon, from the short novella by Pal- Reston Community Center
estinian Arab writer Ghassan Kanafani, 2310 Colts Neck road
brings to life the heart-rending saga of two Reston, Va.
couples — one Palestinian and the other 703-476-4500 or
Jewish-Israeli — who must face complex or box office
questions of loss and identity when the
Palestinian couple returns to the home

Revisions Please check your ad copy adapted by Boaz Gaon
Redesign for accuracy. The ad will be they fled in 1948 to learn the fate of the from the novella by Ghassan Kanafani
Text revisions presumed correct if proof baby son they left behind. Now a soldier 11 a.m. today; 8 p.m. Saturday
Image/Logo revisions corrections are not submitted
by 24 hrs. of receipt of this in the Israeli army, Dov meets his birth 3 and 7:30 p.m. Sunday
the lgbtq community’s news source No revisions copy of your ad. parents who had named him Khaldun, as closes Sunday
he clings to his mother, a Holocaust survi- Theater J
: 100709 SALES REP: BP Signature vor who raised him from infancy. Goldman Theater
The play — performed in Hebrew and D.C. Jewish Community Center
Arabic, with English surtitles — is a med- 1529 16th St., N.W.
800-494-TIXS or
itation on trauma and how to move be-
january 28, 2011 • 31


Satisfy your whodunit hunger

Gay-themed mystery bul and had a quick, urgent fling. Chess
professed love and Irena agreed to help
packed with characters him sell the antiquities he had in his pos-
session, all stolen from the Baghdad Mu-
By TERRI SCHLICHENMEYER seum. Irena’s mother owned Morgana
Beck Gallery of Antiquities. Getting rid of
Your accountant is so proud of you. ancient Iraqi pieces wouldn’t be difficult.
Like the good saver you are, you’ve But Chess never counted on any-
tried to invest a little money here and
there. A few acres of land, maybe, or
body getting killed, and Irena was acting
weird. So when she “lost” the golden bull Tsunami
a good education for you or the kids. statue, and three guys started stalking Sushi & Lounge
Perhaps you’ve even stuck a buck into Jane, Chess knew it was time to take the
stocks or bonds for the future. ancient bull by the horns.
If Chester “Chess” Garrity had his When a book starts out with a lengthy We don’t make waves.
way, you’d invest in antiquities. He’s got cast of characters, pay attention: in “The We make sushi.
valuable loot on his hands and in the Cruel Ever After,” you’re going to need
new book “The Cruel Ever After” by Ellen that list.
Hart, he needs to get rid of it, pronto.
But first, he needed to stop drinking.
Author Ellen Hart packs a good num-
ber of people in this Jane Lawless mys-
Lunch Specials
Only $14.95
That was obvious to Chess as he disen- tery, which could be discombobulat-
tangled himself from Melvin Dial’s back ing if some of them didn’t die off (it is a
porch on a sunny Minnesota morning. mystery, right?). Though there are times Happy Hour Specials
Though his head was pounding, the when overpopulation might tempt you 5-8 pm • Lounge Area Only
night of poker and booze would be worth to quit this book, the good news is that
every minute if Dial bought the ancient the remaining characters move this story
bull statue that Chess had to sell. along nicely through a few decent sur- Dine in
But that would never happen. Making prises to a satisfying ending. Just keep Carry out
his way through the house, Chess found the cast list handy, that’s all. Delivery
himself staring at the corpse of Melvin Dial. If you’ve been saving
#1 whodunit ISSUE DATE: 11-05-10 Private parties
Stunned and panicky, Chess looked hunger for just the right book, try this REVIEW AD FOR COPY AND DESIGN ACCURACY. Revisions must be submitted within 24 hours of the date of
up his old friend, Jane Lawless. He one. Reading “The Cruel Ever After” is a
proof. Proof will be considered final and will be submitted for publication if revision is not submitted within 24 hours of
the date of proof. Revisions will not be accepted after 12:01 pm wednesday, the week of publication.Brown naff pitts
needed someplace to think, and Jane decent investment of your time. REDESIGN FRI 12-3, 5-1
omnimedia llc (dba the washington blade) is not responsible for the content and/or design of your ad. Advertiser is
responsible for any legal liability arising out of or relating to the advertisement, and/or any material to which users
was goodhearted and discreet. TEXT REVISIONS can link through the advertisement. Advertiser represents that its advertisement will not violate any criminal laws or

Years ago, they were married briefly, IMAGE/LOGO REVISIONS SAT 12-1
any rgihts of third parties, including, but not limited to, such violations as infringement or misapporpriation of any
copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret, music, image, or other proprietary or propety right, false advertising, unfair
‘THE CRUEL EVER AFTER’ competition, defamation, invasion of privacy or rights of celebrity, violation of anti-discrimination law or regulation,

just long enough for Chess to get his in- By Ellen Hart
or any other right of any person or entity. Advertiser agrees to idemnify brown naff pitts omnimedia llc (dba the
washington blade) and to hold brown naff pitts omnimedia llc (dba the washington blade) harmless from any and all
liability, loss, damages, claims, or causes of action, including reasonable legal fees and expenses that may be incurred
By signing this proof you are agreeing to your cont
washington blade newspaper. This includes but is n
heritance. It was a union meant only for c.2010, Minotaur Books by brown naff pitts omnimedia llc, arising out of or related to advertiser’s breach of any of the foregoing representations
and warranties.
payment and insertion schedule.

money, so when Chess pocketed the $24.99, 320 pages

cash, he gave Jane a portion and they
split amiably. Jane set herself up with
a restaurant in downtown St. Paul, and 1326 14th St. NW
since it wasn’t exactly a love match — Terri Schlichenmeyer
has been reading since 2nd Floor
she was gay and she’d assumed Chess
was, too — she decided to keep the
she was 3 years old. 202.588.5889
She lives in Wisconsin 202.588.5599
whole thing secret. with two dogs and
But Chess wasn’t gay; in fact, he was 12,000 books. Reach TSUSHI.US
having an affair with a married woman. her at Owned and Operated by Thai Tanic staff.
He and Irena Nelson had met in Istan-
32 • january 28, 2011

Piano Bar open mic
Thursday, February 3 • 7 pm - 10 pm
hosted by the Gay men’s Chorus of Washington at the black Fox Lounge
1723 Connecticut avenue NW

Photo courtesy of

Pilates, which has waned in popularity, was more of a fitness fad than a trend, though that
doesn’t nullify its health benefits.

Trends triumph, fads fade

A successful fitness mill, which has been popular and effec-
tive for decades. The elliptical machine,
program is one that’s while not as popular, is another trend.
geared for the long haul And strength training has been a consis-
tent trend for years.
The number one fitness trend four
By KEVIN NORRIS years in a row is “educated and experi-
enced fitness professionals,” good news

That’s a mouthful.
Every year since 2007, industry leader once more for the consumer. The num-
the American College of Sports Medicine ber five spot goes specifically to person-
has been conducting a survey among al training. Respondents to the survey
fitness professionals to determine the believe that personal trainers are here to
most widespread exercise and fitness stay and will continue to be an important
trends in the health and fitness industry. part of the professional staff of health
The survey results in the top 20 predict- and fitness centers.
ed worldwide fitness trends that gener- Strength training is number three on
ally have health clubs and equipment the list for 2011 and has been on the list
manufacturers taking notice and making and growing in popularity for the past
adaptations to support this valuable in- few years.
formation. Strength training has been empha-
Gay Owned & Operated What’s the difference between a fad sized as a crucial component of an ef-
and a trend? Fads are short lived and fective well-rounded exercise program
Size does matter. can often take the general population for years.
Reduce your carbon footprint!
by storm. The fitness industry tends to “Boot camp,” “core conditioning,”
TAKE ADVANTAGE OF: avoids fads and looks to a trend that will “children and chesty” and “fitness pro-
sustain in the long run and avoid the stig- grams for older adults” all fall within the
Argent’s Exclusive $1,000 Capitol Energy Credit on High- ma of being labeled a fad as fads often top 10 fitness trends for 2011. While all of
Efficiency Equipment Replacements. Act now! Offer ends 1/31/11. come and go quickly. these have been on the top 20 list for a
The College defines a trend as “gen- few years, fitness programs for the older
$500 Federal Tax Credit for High-Efficiency HVAC Systems. eral development or continued change in adults jumped from number six to num-
Program expires 12/31/11.
the way people are behaving” versus a ber two. This upswing can be attribut-
fad described as “a fashion that is taken able to the baby boom generation aging
Call 703-281-6300 or contact us through our Website at up with great enthusiasm for a brief pe- into retirement and having more discre-
riod.” tionary income.
Trends are long-term changes or evo- So what fell out of popularity? Pilates.
lutions that fitness companies base their Don’t get me wrong, I love Pilates and
BET MISHPACHAH ~ YOUR JEWISH HOME product development on and group ex- it has proven core conditioning and
ercise professionals will base their type strengthening elements, but according
An egalitarian synagogue serving the GLBT community and all who wish to participate of exercise classes upon. to this survey it did not make the top 20
in an inclusive environment. So why is it important to distinguish after being at number nine last year. A
between fads and trends particularly in possible explanation, according to the
Erev Shabbat Services, Fridays, 8:30 PM relation to exercise options? Because Personal Training Business School “is
Followed by Oneg Shabbat Social generally fads as related to exercise that perhaps Pilates was a fad and not a
tend be geared to quick fixes with often trend at all.”
Shabbat Morning Services, 2nd & 4th Saturdays, 10 AM under-researched or unproven research.
Followed by Kiddush Luncheon Fads are wide-eyed claims if you will.
Whereas trends are more sustainable
Kevin M. Norris is a
DCJCC 16th & Q Streets, NW over time and often increases in popu-
health and fitness
larity. Trends also tend to be more thor-
columnist for the Blade
oughly evidence based. and owner of Mind
Two popular fads were the no-carb our Own Body, LLC.
diet, and spot-reduction exercises, both Personal Training. Reach
Rabbi Toby Manewith of which support little scientific evidence. him at
A good example of a trend is the tread-
january 28, 2011 • 33

One in every three Black gay & bisexual men is HIV-positive.

Get Tested. Protect yourself. Talk about HIV.

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january 28, 2011 • 35


Sean Tarjyoto as Bobby in ‘The Queen,’ a short that will be shown this weekend that finds the gay youth enjoying vicarious liberation through a prom dress. (Still courtesy of D.C. Shorts)

D.C. film festival features gay, trans themes

Continued from page 19 ‘Freedom on the Rocks’ stills hope he will marry - for the U.S., his writer-director, Christina Choe, based
The only gay bar in Jerusalem, eventual refuge, and he now lives in a now in Brooklyn where she’s an master’s
Hands” (about a gender change dilem- Shushan, is a melting pot for LGBT small town near Cleveland. of film art candidate for writing-directing
ma) — are shown respectively Saturday Jews and Palestinian Arabs alike. In this The other four profiled also have real at Columbia University. She calls “The
at 3 and 4 p.m. in the blocks for local 10-minute documentary by Yun Suh, Ko- stories to tell — in addition to bar-owner Queen” — which was selected as “Best
D.C. and documentary films. rean-American Buddhist and bisexual, a Netanel; Adam Russo, a 19-year-old Is- of Fest” at the Palm Springs International
TV journalist and documentarian based raeli Jewish settler in the West Bank near Short Film Festival” and has also made
‘Diva’ in Berkeley, Calif., we hear from the bar Jerusalem, former soldier and now a the rounds of LGBT film festivals — a film
A seven-minute short from France, owner, 35-year-old Sa’ar Netanel, that gay rights activist; and a lesbian couple about a nerdy Korean-American teenage
this film (in French with subtitles) from the “Jerusalem is really a city of borders in their early 30s, an Israeli Arab nurse, boy, Bobby, stuck working at his family
D.C. Shorts 2007 festival is about mid- — there is a border between Jews and Samira Saraya, and a Jewish Israeli doc- dry-cleaning business on prom night.
dle-aged Vincent, a cross-dresser leav- Palestinians, between secular and ultra- tor, Ravit Geva, lovers for four years who Instead of doing his algebra, Bobby is
ing behind home and a failed romance. Orthodox, between straight and gay.” work at the same hospital, who embrace doodling a sketch of a superhero, outlin-
His heart is broken when his lover breaks Netanel, a secular Jew, opened the bar each other but also face tension between ing the crotch with hungry relish, while
off their 12-year relationship, telling him in 2003, the same year he won election them over ethnicity and the Intifada. being bothered by his mother (played
bluntly on the phone, “I’m not a faggot as Jerusalem’s first openly gay city coun- by Choe’s own mother) who wants only
and I never want to see you again.” cil member. He admit that “when I read in ‘Gayby’ to know about his plans for college and
Vincent blurts out that he will leave “this the Bible that I could be killed for being This 2010 comedy is 12 minutes of lecturing him that his grades aren’t good
little shit town forever” and move to Paris. gay, I understood what it was like to be droll social commentary and pure film enough. When she departs, leaving
Portrayed with poignant grace by Thomas Palestinian.” farce about the wish of Jenna, a perma- Bobby to clear the register and lock up,
Courcoul, we see him arrive at his Paris The film features interwoven stories nently single woman, to persuade her he relents and opens the door when the
hotel ready now for a new life, but still of the daily fight for dignity by five Israe- gay best friend to help her make a baby, high school prom queen begs to be let in,
sobbing, sniffling away his tears, until fi- lis — three Jews and two Arabs — who the old-fashioned way, not in a test-tube claiming a “fashion emergency” with her
nally relief comes with his sudden laugh at navigate the minefield of politics, religion or with a turkey baster. It’s a comedy but dress. But he only agrees to admit her
how pathetic he feels. He begins to finger and discrimination to live and love open- it’s well enough written and directed by after hours when he sees her hunky boy-
fondly a pink feather boa and then shaves ly, set against the construction by Israel Jonathan Lisecki that the meeting of the friend, played by actor Tamir Kapelian.
his chest (but only at the bra-line) and ap- of the separation wall and the struggle two old friends to discuss this awkward This leads to a fantasy interlude that’s
plies makeup, lipstick and wig. Next he is for a gay pride parade in the city. topic and then in the bedroom to con- both poignant and funny. Bobby is well
strolling a Paris park in a dress and pink “Everyone comes from their own ghet- summate it moves beyond the merely played by 19-year-old Sean Tarjyoto.
pumps and matching pink hat and hand- to,” says Sa’ar, “and meets at Shushan.” topical to the truly human.
bag, conveying a touch of further glamour Yun Suh says, of the five, “here’s a Actor Matthew Wilkas portrays the
(as well as to conceal any lingering tears) group that has been cast away by both disbelief at first and then the growing
with Jackie-O dark glasses. sides but is modeling for the larger so- discomfort Jenn’s friend feels as the ac-
After a park carousel ride in a private ciety what tolerance and co-existence tion moves swiftly towards the coital en- ‘RewinD: The BesT oF DC shoRTs’
reverie feeling so free, a young tough can look like.” But it begins as trouble counter. Yes, he concedes, that they had
7 and 9:30 p.m. in Theatre 1
suddenly snatches Vincent’s purse, and squared, for each of them is breaking done it before, in college, but insists that
7:30 and 10 p.m. in Theatre 2
the chase is on. Swiftly doffing wig, hat two of the biggest taboos of Middle east- “we were really, really drunk when we Today and Saturday
and pumps, Vincent pursues the purse ern society — same-sex relations and in- did it” then. But when she asks him if he
snatcher with preternatural feline grace timacy between Jews and Arabs. thinks he can still “do it,” his male bra- Films are also shown on Saturday beginning
and in a muscular showdown retrieves “It’s hard to be gay in Ramallah,” says vado immediately asserts itself - “What is at noon
her purse, and then stands over him, bur- one of them, 19-year-old Boody, a nick- this, a dare? Yes, I can do it, I can put it including a free show of animation, comedy
ly and strong. As the would-be thief slinks name for the devout Muslim Palestinian in anything. I’m a guy.” and drama
away, Vincent looks at first triumphant but who is shown on his prayer rug but also Lisecki shows a sure hand with this at noon for families and kids over 8.
then sobs and retraces her steps, until fi- dancing at Shushan as a drag queen — short look at a real-life dilemma that
Atlas Performing Arts Center
nally she sits alone, her face a mask of the self-styled “Queen of Palestine.” With could almost be credible, between two
1333 H St. N.E.
feelings but with pride as well as resolve Yun Suh’s camera crew behind him, we old friends each playing on a different
and determination taking first place. also follow the slender and attractive team. He lives in New York City among $50 all-access pass for all screenings
Writer-director Josephine MacKerras, Boody making his way at night from Ra- those in the milieu of “Jenn” (well acted or $12 per show. Available online
a filmmaker living now in both Paris and mallah, the Palestinian city divided from by Jenn Harris) and her friend Matthew, at
London, but with a childhood spent in Jerusalem by the wall which he easily and is married to New Yorker magazine or at the Atlas box office.
Australia and China, studied filmmaking scales, also crawling through razor-wire music critic Alex Ross.
at New York University. “Diva” is a work and dodging Israeli Defense Force bor- The “Celebrating Diversity” block of LGBT
of real cinema skill, a simple story that der patrols to reach the sanctuary of ‘The Queen’ films is at 7:30 tonight in Theatre 2,
while other blocks, including films defined as
whets your appetite to see more, leaving Shushan. The film ends when Boody de- This clever-but-touching eight-minute
local, foreign, comedy, and documentary, are
you wondering about what came before cides he must leave home — where his comedy, from the D.C. Shorts festival in at different times — see website for details.
and about what might happen next. mother cannot accept that he is gay and 2009, is by another Korean-American

Embrace technology as a sales tool


Like any other business,

real estate has been forced to
evolve as new technologies
have burst onto the scene in a
relatively short period of time
and forever changed the way
we communicate. Change has
happened fast, and not all cus-
tomers might have considered
how the process of buying or
selling a home has (in my opin-
ion) improved since their last
transaction, which may have
been decades ago. Of course,
some consumers are resistant
to new technology, and some
Realtors are, too. As the man-
ager of a brokerage office,
part of my job is to show both
agents and clients that today’s
tools are nothing to be afraid MLS listings of homes for sale. go to a mobile optimized version tours of our listings online, on of customer service. Just like in
of, can be incredibly useful, As you moved forward with of on your a large-screen TV. Listings are decades prior, real estate pro-
and certainly do not replace your transaction, you kept add- smartphone to see the listing constantly updated, too; those fessionals are there to guide
the one-on-one, human ele- ing documents to your filing and learn more about the agent. big binders are a thing of the you through every step, provide
ment of customer service. cabinet and digging them out Thanks to a fantastic technol- past. Once you enter a transac- expertise, serve as your advo-
First, let’s hop in the famous when you needed them. Many ogy called LeadRouter, you can tion, every step of it and every cate and support you with a
Back to the Future DeLorean calls were made to and from send the agent an e-mail that document is available to you at smile through what are some of
and take a trip back in time to your agent, the home inspec- will send a voicemail message any time through an online da- the most important financial de-
see what it used to be like at tor, mortgage company, etc. in directly to their cell phone, en- tabase called the HomeBase cisions in your life. All the won-
your neighborhood real estate order to get the latest updates abling you to get in touch with transaction management sys- derful tools and toys we have
office. You probably saw an for every step in your transac- them more quickly. And you can tem. Even after your transaction now just help us do that job
interesting home listed in the tion. Everything worked out in even taken advantage of the is successfully completed, you more efficiently.
newspaper or noticed the “For the end, but you had to take Web site’s other cool features, can access the HomeBase por-
Sale” sign and quickly jotted more steps to get there. like planning a driving tour of tal and get any forms you need,
down the real estate agent’s Back in the present, you still local houses for sale and sign- like your HUD statement at tax- Kevin McDuffie
name and brokerage. You see listings in newspapers and ing up for open house alerts. time. BVP Dupont Circle
called the agent on his or her drive by “For Sale” signs (in ad- In terms of getting to know an Technology can seem over- Coldwell Banker Residential
business line, perhaps leaving dition to Internet listings). But agent before you even meet whelming, but it’s designed to Brokerage
1606 17th St. NW
a message after-hours. Maybe contacting a Realtor and get- them, most of our agents even make our lives easier by put- Washington, DC 20009
you came into the office and ting information happens a lot have professional profiles you ting everything you need at
met the agent, where you could faster. At Coldwell Banker, for can view on social media sites the touch of a button. But as I 202-387-6180 OFFICE
peruse large binders that were example, after seeing that “For like Facebook. Upon visiting mentioned before, what hasn’t 202-439-2435 CELL
202-387-6185 FAX
updated twice a week with Sale” sign you can immediately our office, you can take virtual changed is the human element

COLUMBIA HEIGHTS Real Valerie M. Blake



Associate Broker, GRI

STUNNING Turn-of-the-Century Victorian with Catherine “Don’t call me Cathy”

lovely Architectural Detail. 4 RENOVATED Levels, is built like a brick Colonial,
5 Fireplaces, Pocket Doors, High Ceilings, Turrets, but don’t let her stately presence
Lower level unit with 2 entrances, off-street fool you – she’s been around the
parking! Shown by Appt. block over the years.

Adrienne Deming 301-215-6831

Joan Gallagher 301-215-6888 Disclaimer: Homes pictured here are representative of DC architecture and are not offered for sale. Contact Valerie to obtain information on her current listings.
Long & Foster 301-907-7600 202.246.8602
Uptown DC Office 202.362.3400
january 28, 2011 • 37

Dupont Circle Office 202-387-6180

Find us on the web at
644 L ST NE
Renovated in 2003,
this Victorian, Located
on a high demand
street, 6 blocks to red
line metro and Harris
Teeter, 3 blocks to
H Street Corridor,
offers wood floors,
granite kitchen, large
1200 23rd Street, NW SHAW rear yard/patio/ off
COLUMBIA HEIGHTS st pking, super large
2BR/2.5BA • $619,000 1390 Kenyon St, NW #801 • $624,900 1404 3rd Street, NW • $300,000
Luxury NY living in the heart of West End! This open living space CHIC NEW PENTHOUSE PROFESSIONAL DESIGN! This stunning, Not and Short sale or Foreclosure. Great investment mast bedroom, living
has 3 sliding glass doors connected to wraparound balcony with potential. End of row Victorian needs updating, but is very room, and basement
city views. Kitchen w/all Kitchen Aid SS appliances, granite & large space with dark hardwood floors throughout is unlike any other!
livable. Smaller yard provides for low maintenance living.
built-in desk/breakfast bar & sep formal dining for entertaining! Enjoy rich, grasscloth wallcovers, upgraded granite, appliances and family room.
Location offers easy access in and out of city via Rt.395
Additional updates 2009 (master bath, etc), hardwood floors, cabinetry, a large master suite with metallic paint, large walk-in closet and New Jersey and New York Avenues.
w/d, central a/c. Easy walk to G’Town, Trader and gorgeous 8th flr Cathedral views. ALSO Perfect for investor, handyman, or anyone
Joes, Dupont & Foggy Bottom Metros. INCLUDED: PARKING XTRA STORAGE! looking to earn sweat equity.
DAVID BEDIZ 202-352-8456 DAVID BEDIZ 202-352-8456 202-465-2357 202-465-2357

1622 19TH STREET, NW #1
BR/2BA Condo in the heart of
DUPONT! Great Open Floor
Plan w/ Hardwood Maple
Floors, High Ceilings w/
Recess Lights, Bay Windows
and Transoms. Kitchen
decked out w Granite/SS
3150 SOUTH STREET, NW #1F Full Size W/D, Marble 2380 CHAMPLAIN STREET, NW #102 • $588,000
Baths(hansgrohe/toto), Sep 5310 7TH STREET, NW • $339,000
$2,805,000 Beautiful rowhouse located in Petworth. This home has Tranquil & serene condo in the heart of Adams Morgan w/
Front/Back Entrances which garage parking & private outdoor space offers generous,
Incredible 4BR/4.5BA, approx. 4000 sq. ft., at the Ritz numerous upgrades to include bathrooms w/ ceramic tile,
leads to your very own open, light-filled living spaces w/11’+ ceilings, gorgeous
Georgetown. Spectacular contemporary open and bright kitchen w/ granite, windows and double sided fire place.
PARKING spot. 1 Block from hardwood floors & floor to ceiling windows. Gas fireplace,
living space, state-of-the-art kitchen, wine cellar, huge master Dupont Metro! Open floor plan with hardwood throughout. It also features a gourmet kitchen w/granite & ss, sumptuous master w/walk-
bathroom. Potomac River views from living room and terrace. renovated basement to be used as a family in-closet & full bath ensuite,2nd BR w/full bath ensuite, rare
2-car parking. Valet, front desk, Ritz room or additional bedroom. Located just a extra storage, pet friendly. Walk to Metro,
amenities. few steps from CVS, shops and more. restaurants & shops.
202-465-2357 STANTON SCHNEPP 202-997-5192 202-387-6180 202-387-6180

1342 Monroe St., NW
Large, 2 lvl condo mins
from the heart of Columbia
Heights. Unit incl
hardwood floors, designer
paint, gourmet kitchen
w/granite, stainless
steel appliances, under
cabinet lighting & custom
back splash, large open
floor plan with luxury
3303 Water St., NW #7H • $2,950,000 garage and 2 extra spaces 1425 EuCLID STREET, NW #13 • $725,000
Georgetown’s most prestigious address features concierge & doorman with tons of storage. Close Wow! This is the perfect 10 you’ve been waiting for! Floor to ceiling
services, stunning views & rooftop pool. Floor to ceiling windows, to Metro, Giant Grocery
natural light & sweeping views of the Potomac, Roosevelt Isl, Kennedy glass, stunning views, huge private roof deck with view of monuments,
Store, Best Buy, Target, and balcony off DR. Dramatic space with soaring ceilings, upstairs
Center, Roslyn & Monuments enhance the expansive floor plan. The restaurants & shops.
finest appointments include an Eggersmann kitchen, Waterworks master and main floor guest room & bath. Gas fireplace, all outfitted
baths, high ceilings, & gleaming hardwood closets, custom window treatments, lots of
floors.3 car parking & 3 storage units... closets. Garage parking. Pets Okay. A must see!
202-387-6180 202-387-6180 202-387-6180

Lorraine Biros, LCPC

New president, goals
Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor
Life Transitions, Grief Work, Stress
Reduction, Women's Health
for gay Chamber
Larson to lead CAGLCC,
Lorraine Biros, LCPC focus on membership

Mike Larson has taken the reins as

president of CAGLCC for 2011.
His key goals for the year center
around strengthening membership.
Besides growing the base, “We want
to define what we do for our mem-
Sidney W. Binks III, Ph.D. bers, and to show that we have value
Becky Carroll, Ph.D. for them.” He will be working with the
Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Licensed Psychologist Chamber’s board to develop member-
Individual & Couples Therapy Interactive Counseling, ship goals and programs. “You are
for the LGBTQ Community Psychotherapy and going to see some great membership
20 years experience! Somatic Experiencing
campaigns, an influx of amazing new members over the next year.”
3000 Connecticut Avenue NW 202.332.8477 Photo courtesy of Larson
202.255.5187 • Besides leading the Chamber, Larson Mike Larson, the new CAGLCC board pres- is a salesperson at Spectrum Printing & ident, has worked in the printing industry for
Graphics in Rockville. He has worked in 15 years.
the printing industry for 15 years, starting
Joel C. Ang, M.D.
HIV Diagnosis & Treatment, Family Medicine Affordable in production, and so understands how
the printing process works from begin-
between finding ways to be on Facebook
and Twitter look like being productive, to
Sylvia R. Medley, M.D., M.P.H.
Internal Medicine, HIV, Women’s Health & Weight Health Insurance ning to end.
“I’ve experienced so much that I can
see it before it impacts a customer’s proj-
having a meaningful career. Being told
what to do and how to do it defines the
“no brainer” job, but being empowered
Management Plans for individuals, families,
Matthew J. Fagan, D.O. small businesses and the self-employed ect,” he says. “I figure out how to achieve to think and contribute to the workplace
Family Medicine & Primary Care • Replace Expensive COBRA Insurance their goal from the beginning and mini- spurs innovation and creates a sense of
• Choose your own doctors/hospitals mize their pain along the way.” belonging and commitment. • Doctor Office Co-Pay Available The Chamber has been important for In the introduction to his book, “The
202-667-5041 • Prescriptions, Disability, Life Call for Larson’s business in building relation- Leader’s Guide To Radical Management,
1759 Q Street NW, Washington, DC • Preventive care benefits Quote! ships with clients and in offering referral Reinventing the Workplace for the 21st
Red Line Metro • Dupont Circle • Fast, fair claims & great service partners to his clients to other gay busi- Century” author Stephen Denning says,
Parking Available • Free Wi-Fi
ness leaders. “It’s about pulling apart the black box of
Same Day Appointments
William J. McNamara “At least three of my top 20 clients traditional management and putting the
Adult Primary Care 202.333.8325 have come from the Chamber directly. I pieces together in a way that creates in-
Copies of records at each visit
Since 1993 think that says a lot about the Chamber,” novation and client delight. It involves a
Insurance Accepted
he says. wholly different way of thinking, speaking,
Instant HIV/Syphilis/Herpes Testing We offer 25+ plans. We will help you The recession was tough on the print and acting at work. It leads to workplaces
CLIA Certified In-House Laboratory
choose the plan that works best for you. industry. Larson noted that other printers that are more productive and more fun.”
would slash prices to stay afloat, which This month, Denning will join CAGLCC’s
ADVERT I S I NG PR OOF undercut everyone. It was a challenge to Book Club on Monday, for a discussion
E: 01-21-11 Therapy for Adults,
SALES REPRESENTATIVE: JERYL PARADE ( Deninger PhD explain to customers that he couldn’t meet of the seven principles of “Radical Man-
Adolescents & Couples Licensed Professional Counselor
Certified in Hypnotherapy and NLP
the super-low prices, and that sometimes agement,” which he describes as a “self-
oof. Proof will be considered final and will be submittedComing Out reinforcing sequence, which together,
EVIEW AD FOR COPY AND DESIGN ACCURACY. Revisions must be submitted within 24 hours of the date of
e date of proof. Revisions will Concerns
not be acceptedAbout
for publication
after 12:01Intimacy,
if revision is not submitted within 24 hours of
pm wednesday,Partner
cost him business. “It’s tough — no one
the week of publication.Brown naff pitts
INDIVIDUALS, COUPLES & GROUPS likes to lose a client,” he laments. constitute a radical shift in the practice of
ASL Used Here

mnimedia llc (dba the washington blade) is not responsible for the content and/or design of your ad. Advertiser is
sponsible for any legal liability arising outFamily, Relationship
of or relating to the advertisement, Stress,
and/or any material to which users • Relationships • Habits
n link through the advertisement. Advertiser represents that itsDepression
advertisement will not violate any criminal laws or
y rgihts of third parties, including, but not limited to, such violations as infringement or misapporpriation of any • Coming Out • Depression But business is improving today. Since management and an approach that is well
Chronic Illness
pyright, patent, trademark, trade secret, music, image, or other proprietary or propety right, false advertising, unfair • Phobias • Spirituality Spectrum merged with EPS in summer adapted to meet the challenges of the 21st
Douglas L. Romberg, Ph.D.
mpetition, defamation, invasion of privacy or rights of celebrity, violation of anti-discrimination law or regulation,
any other right of any person or entity. Advertiser agrees to idemnify brown naff pitts omnimedia llc (dba the
ashington blade) and to hold brown naff pitts omnimedia llc (dba the washington blade) harmless from any and all
SIGNATURE • Family Issues
• Anxiety
By signing this proof you are agreeing to your•contract
Intimacyobligations with the 2010, Larson notes that sales grew by century organization.”
of or related to advertiser’s breach(703) 790-0038
bility, loss, damages, claims, or causes of action, including reasonable legal fees and expenses that may be incurred washington blade newspaper. This includes but is not limited to placement,
brown naff pitts omnimedia llc, arising
d warranties. Dupont Circle
of any of the foregoing representations
Northern VA (703)212-8406 •
payment and insertion schedule. 20 percent in just five months. He gives Space is limited. To register, go to ca-
some credit to his customer service
skills. “I know it sounds cheesy — ‘I give
AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL good customer service’ — but it’s true.” CAGLCC member news
Dream Plan Track ® Glen H. Ackerman, of Ackerman Le-
A unique and collaborative approach to financial planning. Author Denning to speak Jan. 31 gal, PLLC, was appointed president of
Marguerita Cheng, CFP®, CRPC®
Recommended by Washingtonian magazine!
Disgruntled employees and business the Regional Board of Trustees of Point
Financial Advisor
Free Estimates • Low Prices owners abound. Those who love their Foundation, the nation’s largest scholar-
6400 Goldsboro Rd Suite 550
Bethesda, MD 20817 Serving The Community Since 1979 work are the lucky and the few, while to ship-granting organization for LGBT stu-
(301)320-1457 many a job is a means to an end. Ad- dents of merit,
CA License #: 0G89743 301-593-8393 • 703-533-8645 equate compensation is paramount, yet Bradley Reichard, of Focus Commu-
Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA and SIPC. victorianchimney.comnnnnn MEMBER
insufficient. When combined with satis- nications, was appointed to the Region-
faction, it can help make the difference al Board of Trustees at Point Foundation.
january 28, 2011 • 39

This February
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Special Date Night hotel rates starting at $103

Cognitive-Behavioral 10% OFF TREE CARE SERVICES FOR JAN & FEB
Results-Oriented  Affordable
Larry Cohen, LICSW
23 years serving the lgbt community
See website for NPR story on my work CERTIFIED
Tyger Latham, Psy.D.
Washington Blade file photo
Licensed Psychologist The final stage in financial planning is the distribution phase, which includes writing a will.
LGBT-affirming Therapist

Don’t die without a will

Located in Dupont Circle

1350 Connecticut Avenue, NW BRANCHESTREEEXPERTS.COM Protecting your assets each) to each other, thereby being able to
pass more on to their children or other ben-
doesn’t stop after death eficiaries’ free from federal and state estate
IndividualsCouplesSex taxes. Same-sex couples are not afforded
SANDRA LOITERSTEIN, Ph.D. By TERRY-ANN GARDEMAL the same protections. As a result, the value of
Helping People LICENSED CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST your assets may be eroded by estate and in-
This is the final article in our series based heritance taxes and the intended recipients
in Rough Times on the three layers of the financial planning INDIVIDUAL THERAPY may not easily get their bequests. We recom-
Michael Radkowsky, Psy.D. pyramid. COUPLES COUNSELING mend you consult with an estate attorney to
Licensed Psychologist 15 years experience
Near Woodley & Cleveland Park metro
In the first phase, “protection” you em- ensure your wills and accompanying docu-
3004 LEE HIGHWAY • ARLINGTON, VA ploy strategies to make sure you are pre- ments are prepared correctly so that you can
(202) 234-3278 703-524-5285 pared for emergencies and unexpected know your loved ones will be taken care of or
events such as a job loss or premature the charities of your choice will receive their
death. This is the foundation of your finan- intended donations.
DAVE LLOYD & ASSOCIATES cial plan and, if executed correctly, you This is also the stage when you have to
Top 1% Nationwide
NVAR Life Member Top Producer
will be able to adjust your financial plan- make decisions about living off your as-
703-593-3204 ning strategies to incorporate these minor sets, preserving the assets to try to make
WWW.DAVELLOYD.NET or significant deviations from the plan. The
second phase, “accumulation,” covers sav-
PROFESSIONAL sure they last for your lifetime and also
how to effectively leave a legacy, if de-
SERVING DC & VIRGINIA ing for big purchases such as a house and DIRECTORY sired. This can be highly complex and usu-
accumulating wealth for specific goals such
as financial independence. We are now at
ADVERTISING ally involves multiple inter-dependent deci-
sions. This may mean adjusting your asset
the third and final stage, “distribution.” allocation strategies and the introduction of
It is as important to manage your ac-SIMPLE new investment vehicles in seeking to pre-
cumulated wealth in step three as it is to serve and live off the assets.

accumulate the assets in step two. But Income generating investments may
as you move up the pyramid, your finan- also be considered at this stage as well
bladeclassifieds 202-747-2077 X8092


ENHANCE YOUR AD WITH cial life and the decisions that have to as cash needs. This is also the time to
BEST RATES the lgbtq community’s news source
be made are usually more complex. We consider protection strategies such as

AND MORE! recommend professional help from the long-term care insurance so make sure
outset both from a financial professional your assets are not eroded by the cost
Revisions DEADLINES Please check your ad copy and an estate attorney. of caring for yourself or a loved one who
Redesign for accuracy. The ad will be
all classified ads - including regular and adult - must be received by mondays at 5pm so they can be
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Text revisions presumed correct if proof The distribution phase encompasses has a chronic medical need.
Image/Logo revisions corrections are not submitted basic estate planning to make sure your as- There may be a tendency to put off
by 24 hrs. of receipt of this
No revisions copy of your ad. sets are distributed according to your wish- these decisions as they may seem far off
es and in an orderly manner. This is impor- in the future, yet planning ahead of time
Signature tant whether you have accumulated a large as part of the overall financial planning
estate or not. It is particularly relevant in the process will lay the framework for future
LGBT community. If you die without a will decision making. Of course, as time goes

or a properly executed will, your estate will on these goals and strategies will have to
be distributed according to your state’s law be revisited to make sure they are still rel-
and those state laws may very well not take evant both personally and in terms of the
your wishes into account. Your intended ever-changing estate tax laws.
beneficiaries may get nothing. Also, many This material is for informational purpos-
states will A notD recognize
V E R T I S same-sex I N G P Runions OOF es only and is not intended to act as specif-
PROOF #4 ISSUE DATE 12.17.10 SALES REPRESENTATIVE: PHIL ROCKSTROH and planning strategies that may work for ic advice. Please talk to a financial profes-
CANTOR JINNY MARSH opposite-sex couples on the federal level sional prior to investing. Benefit guarantees
Officiates Weddings for insurance are subject to the claims pay-
proof. Proof will be considered final and will be submitted for publication if revision is not submitted within 24 hours ofwill not be effective for same-sex couples.
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the date of proof. Revisions will not be accepted after 12:01 pm wednesday, the week of publication.Brown naff pitts
omnimedia llc (dba the washington blade) is not responsible for the content and/or design of your ad. Advertiser is Married same-sex couples can transfer ing ability of the insurer.
REDESIGN DC, VA, MD, NYC responsible for any legal liability arising out of or relating to the advertisement, and/or any material to which users
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IMAGE/LOGO REVISIONS copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret, music, image, or other proprietary or propety right, false advertising, unfairfree and many states have the same or simi- Terry-Ann Gardemal is a certified finan-
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ADVERTISER SIGNATUREaddition, the cur- cial planner and financial adviser with
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with a way to contact you. Email with
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Low Rates, 24/7. donation requested.
Valentine Day’s Gifts & Other
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Revisions must be submitted within 24
the GLBT community for over 25 years.
hours of the date of proof. BUY/USED BOOKS
healing and relaxation. Indulge, find
Proof will be considered final and will be submitted for publication if revision is not submitted within Family adoptions,
24 hours of the date estate planning, real
Masculine, muscular, VGL masseur,
offers, full-body, Swedish, sports, deep
harmony, lose
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proof. of where
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accepted after 12:01 pm wednesday, the week of publication.Brown estate,
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for the content SERVICE Gayad. Advertiser
design of your 891-2200. is responsible
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parties, including, but not limited to, such Hourly, Point
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as infringement Airport of
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PETS & SUPPLIES Local licensed company with over FURNISHED HOUSING
25 years of experience specializing
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START IN 2011 Angela’s Cleaning

Service, 20+ years of friendly,
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3 BR, 1 1/2 BA, Renovated Kitchen &
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Bedroom private bath & walk-in closet PICTURES
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Specializing in older doors, repairing, Metro, Private Roof Top Terrace 560
modifying, weatherstrip, thresholds,
deadbolts and doorknobs. Call Matt
N St SW #8901, $419K.


PLACE YOUR all classified ads - including regular and adult - must be received by
CLASSIFIED ONLINE mondays at 5pm so they can be included in that weeks edition of the
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44 • january 28, 2011


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creative, erotic massage& Your willing
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THAI-AMERICAN NUDE BODY ENASARIS 5’ 11”, 155lbs, 30yo, 9X6, Stressed Out? Relax your body,
Versatile Top 202.271.0440 mind and spirit with strong,skilled &
MASSAGE, 27 yrs., 5’8”, 150 lbs., caring hands. Give it a try! No calls
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TOPS Referrals
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older guys, with a very smooth thin/ The Blacklist Site a tool for escorts. College Boys Mature & Masculine Men
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& versatile, loves older guys.

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1560. Hot Latino with a special touch.
Offering full body release in a
private atmosphere. In/out. Parking
Available, hotels welcome, Silver
Spring/DC area, 24/7. 240-462-8669
PROOF #2 ISSUE DATE: 01.14.11 SALES REPRESENTATIVE: Phil Rockstroh (prockstroh@washb
46 • january 28, 2011

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