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Group Member :
Name : Lasma Enita Siahaan
NIM : 4182121010
Name : Luni Karlina Manik
NIM : 4182121010
Name : Nursyahadah
NIM : 4182121007
Name : Raivita Jesica Nainggolan
NIM : 413121026
Class : Bilingual Physics 2018
Strata : S-1
Subject : Mechanics

Submitted on May 7th 2019



Format Laporan Proyek 0

Vibrations in the physical sciences is divided into two, namely the simple harmonic
vibration and harmonic vibration complex. Vibrations were discussed  on a swing or a simple
pendulum is simple harmonic vibration, whereby the resultant force acting on an arbitrary
point always leads to the equilibrium point, and this phenomenon is called resonance. An
object can be said to be resonant with the impulses that worked for him.Swing is a pendulum
that has only one natural frequency dependent on the length of the rope, and do not depend on
the mass or mass pendulum rope

Simple harmonic motion encountered in everyday life is a simple swing and motion in
the spring. In simple harmonic motion there is a massive amount of -besaran fiika,   ie the
period (T), frequency (f). Harmonic motion can also be linear and angular. For example
harmonic motion is sucking in gas cylinders, oscillatory motion of mercury or water in the
pipe U. While examples of simple harmonic motion is the motion of the pendulum angular,
swing torque, and so forth.

Lab experiments aimed to determine the value of the earth gravitation acceleration ( g ) in the

Motion in physics is defined as a change of place or position, either occur once or
many times. In the world of science, the motion has a value of scalar and vector values. The
combination of both these quantities may become a new scale, called keceparan and
acceleration. Movement on a body are generally affected by two types of energy, the
potential energy and mechanical energy, namely the incorporation of potential energy and
kinetic energy. Under the amendments, the motion can be divided into two, namely the
oscillatory motion and the motion is not insulated (Wikipedia, 2016).
Oscillatory motion is a periodic variation with time of a measurement
result. Examples of oscillatory motion is the motion of the simple pendulum swing. In the
words frequently used words vibrational oscillation or vibration,    synonyms or synonyms,
even though vibration or vibration word refers to a specific kind of mechanical

oscillation. Oscillations occur not only on a physical system, but can also be in a biological
system, and even in society (Wikipedia, 2016).

Equipment and Materials
 Tools
Name of Tools Quantity
Ruler 1
(serves as a measure of the length of a rope.)
Stopwatch 1
(serves   to calculate the time period or
objects swing required to perform one

Statif 1
(serves to suspend an object.)
Name of Materials Quantity
Expenses 2,4 m
(Charges serve as ballast in the pendulum.)
Thread 5
(serves as a binder weight.)

Experimental Procedure
1.            Compiled tools such as vertical upright.
2.            Arranged along the rope length of 90 cm.
3.            Given fork on a string about 15 cm and remove the pendulum.
4.            Noting the time to 10 times the vibration on the table.
5.            Do measurements at 1-4 points 5 times.
6.            Do measurements in the same way but denganvariasi a different length of rope.


4.1 Data observation
No longRop Trial Time T (s2) (m/s²) g
e The n =10 (s) (m/s²)

(m) (s)
1 19.4 1.94 3.7636 0.2391327452 9.43
2 19 1.9 3.61 0.2493074792 9.83
1 0,9 3 19.2 1.92 3.6864 0.2441406250 9.63
4 19.2 1.92 3.6964 0.2441406250 9.63
5 19.4 1.94 3.7636 0.2391327452 9.43
1 18 1.8 3.24 0.24691358 9.74
2 17.6 1.76 3.0976 0.258264462 10.18
2 0,8 3 17.6 1.76 3.0976 0.258264462 10.18
4 17.6 1.76 3.0976 0.258264462 10.18
5 18 1.8 3.24 0.24691358 9.74
1 16.6 1.66 2.7556 0.25402816 10.02
2 16.2 1.62 2.6244 0.266727633 10.52
3 0,7 3 16.2 1.62 2.6244 0.266727633 10.52
4 17 1.7 2.89 0.242214532 9.55
5 17 1.7 2.89 0.242214532 9.55

The length of the rope 0.9 m

1.    Experiment-1
t           = 19.4 s
T          =1.94 s
T²         = (1.94)² = 3.7636 s²
         = 0.2391327451 m/s²
           = 9.43 m/s²
2.    Experiment-2
t           = 19 s
T           = 1.9 s
T²          = (1.9)² = 3.61 s²
           = 0.2493074792 m/s²
            = 9.83 m/s²
3.    Experiment 3rd
t           = 19.2 s
T          =  =  =1.92 s
T²         = (1.92)²
= 3.6864 s²
           = 0.2441406250 m/s²
            = 9.63  m/s²
4.    Experiment 4th

t           = 19.2 s
T          =1.92 s
T²         = (1.92)²
= 3.6864 s²
          = 0.2441406250 m/s²  
            = 9.63  m/s²
5.    Experiment 5th
t           = 19.4 s
T          =  1.94 s
T²         = (1.94)² = 3.7636 s²
          = 0.2391327452 m/s²
           =  9.43 m/s²
4.2.2    Panjang tali 0,8 m
1.    Percobaan 1
t           = 18 s
T          =  =  =1.8 s
T²         = (1.8)² = 3.24 s²
         =  = 0.24691358 m/s²
          =  =  = 9.74 m/s²
2.    Experiment 2
t           = 17.6 s
T          =  =  = 1.76 s
T²         = (1.76)² = 3.0976 s²
          = 0.258264462 m/s²
           = 10.18m/s²
3.    Experiment ke-3
t           = 17.6 s
T          = 1.76 s
T²         = (1.76)² = 3.0976 s²
          = 0.258264462 m/s²
            = 10.18 m/s²
4.    Experiment 4
t           = 17.6 s
T          = 1.76 s

T²         = (1.76)² = 3.0976 s²
          = 0.258264462 m/s²
           = 10.18 m/s²
5.    Experiment 5
t           = 18 s
T          = 1.8 s
T²         = (1.8)² = 3.24 s²
          = 0.24691358 m/s²
            = 9.74 m/s²
Length 0,7 m
1.    Experiment 1
t           = 16.6 s
T          =1.66 s
T²         = (1.66)² = 2.7556 s²
           = 0.25402816 m/s²
           = 10.02 m/s²
2.    Experiment 2
t           = 16.2 s
T          = 1.62 s
T²         =(1.62)² = 2.6244 s²
          = 0.266727633 m/s²
            = 10.52 m/s²
3.    Expriment 3
t           = 16.2 s
T          = 1.62 s
T²         = (1.62)² =2.6244 s²
           = 0.266727633 m/s²
            = 10.52 m/s²
4.    Experiment 4
t           = 17 s
T          = 1.7 s
T²         = (1.7)² = 2.89 s²
         =  = 0.242214532 m/s²
          =  =  = 9.55 m/s²

5.    Experiment 5
t            = 17 s
T           = 1.7 s
T²          = (1.7)² = 2.89 s²
          = 0.242214532 m/s²
            = 9.55 m/s²

From the experiments conducted it can be done at 90 cm, 80 cm, 70 cm, 60 cm and 50
cm obtained from high-level research that uses a stopwatch, and a long slide. In measuring
the length of the rope 90 cm obtained by determining the pendulum time to do one evaluation
obtained an average of 19.24 s with an average ratio of 9.59 m / s², the measurement on the
rope length of 80 cm takes time to do one experiment on average 17 , 76 s with a
measurement acceleration of 10.004 m / s², measurement on a rope with a length of 70 cm
takes time to carry out an evaluation with an average value of 16.6 s and obtain an
acceleration increase-average of 10,032 m / s², measurement at 60 cm long, it takes time to do
one vibration with an average value of 15.92 s with added value, averaging 9.34 m / s²,
measuring on a rope that is 50 cm long, it takes time to do one vibration with a value an
average of 9.46m / s².
In experiments carried out with the same length of rope for 5 times the experiments
carried out on the calculation of time in one pendulum rotation, this results in the acceleration
given to the same pendulum, as well as to the given deviation. Simple pendulum results from
experiments conducted on long straps and accelerated adjustments. 50 cm in length obtained
in one pendulum will accelerate. Make the length of the rope at the size of 90 cm obtained in
one round of pendulum. It takes a long time. More than needed to get better. While the higher
the rope required the longer it takes the load or pendulum to reach one full speed. The
acceleration is very decisive in the amount of the pendulum or load.
Based on the experimental results, it can be seen that each different length of rope, maa
will produce the acceleration of gravity is different.   Due to the gravitational force is directly
proportional to the length of the rope, which means that the length of the string, the greater
the acceleration of gravity, and the shorter the rope, the smaller the gravitational
acceleration. However, the acceleration of gravity   is inversely proportional to the period, ie
the greater the period, then the acceleration of gravity emakin small, and the smaller the
period, the greater the acceleration of gravity.

The conclusion that can be drawn from this lab experiment is said to be moving
objects, if the object is swinging through the equilibrium point and back again to the starting
position. According to the equation the period (T) is proportional to the root of the swing
length (l)  for the T and L can be measured, then the acceleration due to gravity (g) can be
Halliday, David. 1987. PHYSICS third Edii Volume 1 . Jakarta: Erland.

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