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Unit One

Greeting, Leave Taking /

Parting, Thanking and

A. Let’s Learn Greeting and Leave taking / Parting

First Meeting

1. Activity 1 : Look at the following pictures, listen and repeat. Pronounces the
words correctly!

Morning Day / Noon / Afternoon

Evening Night
2. Activity 2 : Listen and Practice!

Greetings Responses
Good morning Good morning
(Selamat Pagi) (Selamat Pagi)
Good afternoon Good afternoon
(Selamat Siang / Sore) (Selamat Siang / Sore)
Good evening Good evening
(Selamat malam waktu bertemu) (Selamat malam waktu bertemu)
Good night Good night
(Selamat malam waktu mau tidur / berpisah) (Selamat malam waktu mau tidur / berpisah)
Hello Hi
(Halo) (Hai)
How are you? I’m fine, thanks. And you?
(Apa kabar mu) (Saya baik-baik saja, terimakasih. dan
How have you been? I’m very well, thanks.
(Apa kabar mu?) (Saya sangat baik, terimakasih)
How is life? Not bad, thanks. You?
(Tidak terlalu buruk, terimakasih. kamu?
Just fine, thank you.
How is everything? (Baik- baik saja, terimakasih)
(Apa kabar) Not good. You?
What’s up? (Tidak terlalu baik, kamu?)
(Ada apa? / Apa kabar)
How do you do? How do you do?
(Apa kabar? “untuk baru kenal”)
Leave Taking Responses
Nice to see you Nice to see you, too.
(Senang bertemu dengan mu) (Senang bertemu dengan mu juga)
Glad to meet you Glad to meet you, too.
(Senang bertemu dengan mu) (Senang bertemu dengan mu juga)
I’m happy meeting you Me too.
(Senang bertemu dengan mu) (Saya Juga)
It’s great to meet you So do I.
(Senang bertemu dengan mu) (Saya Juga)
It’s pleasure to see you It’s pleasure to see you, too.
(Senang bertemu dengan mu) (Senang bertemu dengan mu juga)
Good to see you Good to see you, too.
(Senang bertemu dengan mu) (Senang bertemu dengan mu juga)
Goodbye Bye-bye
(Sampai jumpa / Selamat tinggal) (Sampai jumpa / Selamat tinggal)
See you later See you later
(Sampai jumpai nanti) (Sampai jumpai nanti)
Have a nice day Have a nice day
(Selamat menikmati harinya) (Selamat menikmati harinya)

3. Activity 3 : Work in pairs. Complete the following dialogues then practice them!
Dialogue 1
Arya : ............................................, Daniel.
Daniel : Good evening.
Arya : .........................................................?
Daniel : I’m OK. And you?
Arya : ..........................................................
Dialogue 2
A : .........., My name is Mr. Irwan. Welcome to my English class.
B : Thanks. It’s great to be here. ..................................., Sir.
A : Nice to meet you, too.
Dialogue 3
Teacher : Good morning, class.
Students : .........................., Sir.
Teacher : ............................................?
Students : I’m fine, thank you. And you?
Teacher : ........................ . Thanks.

4. Activity 4 : Work in pairs. Complete the dialogues with the words in the box.
Then listen and check your answer!

Goodbye How Morning See you Thanks This

1. Eddie : Hello. My name’s Eddie

Alison : Hi, Eddie. I’m Alison, and This is Janet
Janet : Hi, Eddie.
Eddie : Hi, Alison. Hi, Janet
2. Paula : Hi, Steve (1)…………………..………………. Are you?
Steve : Fine, (2)…………………………………….…… And you?
Paula : Yeah, I’m OK

3. Joanne : Good (3)……………………… Mrs. Jackson

Mrs. Jackson : Hello, Joanne. How are you?
Joanne : I’m fine, thank you. Well, goodbye
Mrs. Jackson : (4)…………………………………………., Joanne

4. Sally : Bye, Mike

Mike : Bye. Sally (5)……………………………. Later
Sally : Yeah, see you
Activity 5 : Work in pair: What are people saying? Write the numbers in the speech bubbles.
Then listen and check your answers

1. Good morning
2. Good afternoon
3. Good evening
4. Good night
5. Goodbye/bye

Second Meeting

1. Activity 1 : Listen and repeat

Formal greetings Responses Meaning

Good morning Good morning - Selamat pagi

Good day/noon Good day/noon - Selamat Siang(jam12)
Good afternoon Good afternoon -Selamat Siang
Good evening Good evening -Selamat petang/sore/malam

Informal Greetings Responses Meaning

Hi Hi -     Hai
Hello Hello -     Halo
How are you? I’m fine -     Bagaimana kabarnya?Baik-baik
How is life? Not bad, thanks  -    Bagaimana kabarnya?baik saja,
    terima kasih
How do you do? How do you do? - Apa Kabar?
How is everything with Pretty well. Thanks -     Bagaimana kabarnya
you?   denganmu?baik-baik ja terima
I am very well thanks - Bagaimana kabarmu? Saya baik-
How are you doing?   baik saja terima kasih 
  Nice to meet you, - Senang berjumpa denganmu/senang
Nice to meet you too berjumpa denganmu juga

Formal Partings Responses Meaning

Good night Good night Selamat malam/tidur

Nice to see you Nice to see you, too Senang berjumpa
It’s nice to meet you Nice to meet you, too denganmu
Good bye Good bye ==
Selamat tinggal
Informal Partings Responses Meaning

Bye Bye Selamat tinggal

Bye-bye Bye-bye ==
See you later See you Sampai jumpa lagi
See you tomorrow See you Sampai ketemu lagi besok
Good luck Thank you Semoga berhasil / Terima kasih
Take care You too Hati-hati di jalan
Kamu juga

2. Activity 2 : Work in pairs: Unscramble the words and write them under the correct picture

1. 2.

3. 4.



5. F T A O O N

3. Activity 3 : Work in pairs: Look at the chart below and decide if the following
expressions are formal or informal, and if they mean greeting or leave taking

Good afternoon See you tomorrow! Good evening Take care Good day

How’s everything? Good noon Goodbye What’s going on? It’s nice to meet you

Good morning How are you doing? Good night How do you do? Bye-bye

Hi Bye Nice to see you See you later I’m glad to see you
Formal Informal




4. Activity 4 : Work in pairs: Complete the following conversations. Use expressions

from the chart below

Hello Good morning How are you? I’m fine Goodbye How’s life
Great See you later

Formal conversation Informal conversation

Mark : …………………………….. Mark : ……………………………..

Jim : Good morning Jim : Hi

Mark : ……………………………… Mark : ………………………………

Jim5. : Very good and how about you? Jim : I’m very well and you?

Mark : ……………………………….. Mark : ………………………………..

Jim : I hope to see you soon Jim : Ok, Bye

Mark : ………………………………… Mark : …………………………………

B. Let’s Learn Thanking and Apologizing

Third Meeting

1. Activity 1. Listen and Repeat

Expressing Gratitude / Thanking Responding to Thanking

Th Thank you          You are welcome
          Thank you so much          You’re welcome
          Thank you very much          Don’t mention it
          Thanks a lot          No problem
          Thanks          All right
          Many thanks          Never mind
          Thanks for helping me
          Thanks for your help

Expressing Apology Accepting Apology

Th   Sorry           That’s all right
          I’m sorry           That’s okay
          I’m so sorry           It’s all right
          I’m really sorry           It’s okay
          Sorry it was my fault           It’s fine
          Forgive me           Forget it
          I do apologize           Never mind
          I apologize           Don’t apologize
          Pardon me           It doesn’t matter
          Please accept my apology           Don’t worry about it.
          Sorry for my mistakes.

2. Activity 2. Work in pairs: Underline the correct words. Then listen and check your
1. Teacher : What does this 1 mean / say?
Boy : 2 Sorry / Excuse me, I don’t know.
Girl : I know, miss.
2. Alex : I don’t understand
Julie : It’s Ok, Alex. I can help you
Alex : 3 Thanks / Thank you, Julie

3. Girl : 4 Sorry / Excuse me. Can I help you?

Woman : Yes, please
Girl : OK?
Woman : Yes, great. 5Thank you / Thank you so much!
Girl : 6 No / A problem
3. Activity 3. Work in pairs: Complete the dialogues with the words in the box, then
listen and check your answers

Don’t mention it I’m sorry Thanks very much It’s okay No problem
1. Dhiar : Thank you for coming
Adel : ………………………………………
2. Dilla : Hi, I bring some cookies for you
Rafa : ………………………………………
3. Jane : Thanks for the drink
Nela : ………………………………………
4. Marwa : Ouch, you hurt me.
Amel : ………………………………………
5. Adi : Give me an apology, I have lost your book.
Wandi : ………………………………………

4. Activity 4. Work in pairs: Complete the dialogues using the correct expressions in
the box!

You are so kind. Thank you.

I’m so sorry.

I’m sorry I’m late.

You don’t have to say it.

Thank you very much for
the gift.

That’s okay.


Write the dialogue based on the situation below.

1. You meet your friend at the library. You promised to lend him/her your
English book, but you forgot to bring it. You tell your friend to take the book
after school.
2. It is 2 o’clock in the afternoon. You meet your English teacher in the bookstore.
She is looking for Harry Potter’s book. You greet your teacher and help her to
find the book.
Forth Meeting

1. Activity 1. Listen and Repeat

2. Activity 2. Work in pairs: Complete the dialogues with the words in the box

I am sorry Thank you Excuse me Thank you for your concern

I do apologize for it Rina Please excuse me

Dialogue I

Toni : ………………………………………for being late to work.

Jill : Where have you been?
Toni : My car broke down.
Jill : That's too bad. Please try to fix it so that it doesn't happen again.
Toni : Yes, I'll work on it.
Jill : ……………………………, have a seat. We are working on the new project 
Toni : Great! Fill me in.

Dialogue II
Teacher : Azzam, you didn’t show me your home work.
Azzam : ………………………………………………………, Sir. I haven’t done it 
Teacher : Oh, why?
Azzam : I wasn’t well yesterday.
Teacher : What was wrong with you?
Azzam : I had a headache.
Teacher : But you know, I saw you playing kite yesterday evening. Aren’t you
telling a lie?
Azzam : Extremely sorry, Sir. 
Teacher : You are stubborn. Now you have to apologize!
Azzam :……………………………........................., Sir. I now regret having told a lie. I
assure you, Sir, I will never tell a lie in my life.
Teacher : Good that you have realized.

Dialogue III
Rina : Yuli why you didn't come to my birthday party last night?
Yuli : ………………………………………………., I really want to come to your party.
Rina : Then why you weren't just come?
Yuli : My mother is sick and I have to take care of her. 
Rina : Oh my goodness. I'm sorry I didn't know that, you've to tell me
Yuli : That's okay Rina.
Rina : I hope your mother would get better soon.
Rina : …………………………………….……..

3. Activity 3. Fill the blank word

4. Activity 4.

5. Activity 5. Write five things that make you say thank in your life today
Example : I say thank for someone who gave me meal this morning
1. ………………………………………………………………………………..
2. ………………………………………………………………………………..
3. ………………………………………………………………………………..
4. ………………………………………………………………………………..
5. ………………………………………………………………………………..
Fifth Meeting

Check your progress Evaluation

Read carefully and choose the best answer by circle A, B, C, and D

Text 1 is for questions no. 1 — 4

Faiz and Rizqi is in the cinema to watch a movie. Suddenly they meets Aji, Friend of Faiz
outside of the cinema.
Faiz : Hello Aji, Good Afternoon.
Aji : Good Afternoon, Faiz (1)..........................?
Faiz : I’m fine thank you and how about you?
Aji : (2).................................
Faiz : Oh, this is my friend, Rizki.
Aji : Hello Rizki, my name is Aji. (3)...........................
Rizki : Hi, my name is Rizki. Nice to meet you too.
Faiz : Well Aji, I think we have to go now, the movie is started to play.
Aji : Oh okay, (4)...........................
Faiz : See you.

1. a. Nice to meet you c. How are you?

b. Where are you? d. Glad to see you

2. a. I’m fine too. c. Good to see you.

b. Nice to meet you. d. See you later.

3. a. How are you? c. Nice to meet you.

b. Good afternoon. d. See you later.

4. a. Where are you going? c. How are you?

b. See you later. d. Nice to meet you.

5. Ciko : .................., where are you going?

Vita : Good afternoon, I’ll have lunch at the canteen.
Ciko : Let’s go together.
a. Good night. c. Good afternoon
b. Good morning d. Good bye.
6. It’s seven o’clock in the morning. Gina will go to school. She says......... to his parents.
a. Good night c. Good bye.
b. Good afternoon d. Good morning.
7. It’s nine o’clock in the night. Gia will go to sleep. He says....... to his parents
a. Good night c. Good bye.
b. Good afternoon d. Good morning
8. Which one in the following is the expression of leave-taking?
a. We have had a wonderful time. c. How are you today?
b. How do you do? d. I am sorry, I have to leave now.
9. Cindy: Oh, I have a headache. Can you get me "Bodrex", please? It's on the table.
Tiny: ___________ Here it is.
Cindy: Thank you.
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
a. Of course you are c. Never mind
b. I doubt d. Certainly
10. You help someone with a heavy bag. They say ''thank you'' and you reply ....
a. No thanks c. I appreciate it
b. You're welcome d. I am grateful
11. Yozy : Today is your birthday, right?
Dany : Yes, How do you know about it?
Yozy : Have a wonderful day. I have a gift for you.
Dany : Oh my God I really like it _______________ .
Yozy : Never mind.
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
a. It is disappointing me! c. I’m very satisfied!
b. It is not special! d. You're too generous!
12. Jack : Oh no! I forgot to post a letter.
Rudy : Let me help you, because I'm going to the post office.
Jack : You've been very helpful.
The underlined expression expresses ....
a. Satisfaction c. Agreement
b. Dissatisfaction d. Thanks
13. Rima : Thank you for your attention.
Anto : ...
a. You are welcome c. Please excuse me
b. I am very sorry d. Thanks
14. X : Hi, I bought some cookies for you.
a. Thanks very much c. How are you
b. I’m really sorry d. I apologize for it.
15. Angga : Ouch, you hurt me!
Budi : …
a. I’m sorry c. Good afternoon
b. Thank you d. Hello
16. Andri : Oh! Sorry I hurt you
Brady : …
a. Thank you c. You’re welcome
b. Never mind d. Excuse me
17. Mimin : Give me an apology. I have lost your book.
Wawan : …
a. It’s Okay c. Take it
b. Don’t do that d. Thanks
18. Titin : Jim said that you lied to me.
Ahmad : …
a. Never mind c. Forgive me
b. No, thanks d. It’s not true
19. Ranti : I’m sorry, I broke your ruler.
Angga : ....
a. Thank you c. Please excuse me
b. Never mind d. You are welcome
20. Rono : I apologize for my mistake.
Ami : ....
a. Thank you c. It doesn’t matter
b. My pleasure d. You are welcome
21. Riri : Mam, I’m sorry, I forgot to buy 1 kg of sugar as you requested.
Mother : What? How could you forget? Oh, OK …..
a. you’re welcome c. my pleasure
b. thank you d. never mind
22. Sigit : I’m sorry for not calling you.
Sri : ....
a. That’s O K c. You’re welcome
b. Anytime d. Sure
23. Bella : I’m sorry for not attending your party. My mother was sick.
Zahra : ……………….
a. That’s good c. That’s easy
b. That’s right d. That’s fine
24. Agung : I am sorry for breaking your pencil.
Andi : Okay ………..
a. Never mind c. You are right
b. Never forget d. It’s glad
25. Andi : can I borrow your pencil?
Sani : Sure here it is
Andi : Thank you
Sani : …..
a. I’m sorry c. Thank you
b. Don’t mention it d.That’s Ok

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