Art Appreciation - Prelims COH

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Talojongon,Tigaon, Camarines Sur


First Semester
AY 2020 – 2021
Art Appreciation

Name: __________________________________ Year & Section: ____________________ Score: ________

Good luck and God bless! 

PART I: Read and comprehend each item and follow the instructions carefully. Avoid double touch or erasures
and write your answers in your test paper.

TEST I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Encircle the letter that corresponds to your answer.

1. What is the English translated term of the Latin word “ars”?

a. Life b. Craft c. Beauty d. Art
2. Art is timeless and it spans from generation to generation and places to places. What assumption of art
does the mentioned statement corresponds?
a. Art is universal b. Art is not nature c. Art involves experience d. Art is life
3. Art is a product of man’s reception to his surroundings. What assumption of art does the mentioned
statements pertains?
a. Art is universal b. Art is not nature c. Art involves experience d. Art is life
4. Art is a product of man’s personal accounts and stories. What assumption of art does the mentioned
statement describes?
a. Art is universal b. Art is not nature c. Art involves experience d. Art is life
5. What refers to the ability to create new things or think of new ideas?
a. Expression b. Impression c. Imagination d. Creativity
6. What pertains to the ability to picture out in your mind something that you have not seen or experienced?
a. Expression b. Impression c. Imagination d. Creativity
7. What refers to the ability to transform thoughts and ideas into speeches, words, or actions?
a. Expression b. Impression c. Imagination d. Creativity
8. Who told that art is a creative work that depicts the world in a completely different light, view, or
perspective, and this is because of human freedom?
a. Vincent van Gogh b. Jean Paul Sartre c. Edvard Munch d. Leonardo da Vinci
9. Who painted the renowned work of art titled “The Scream”?
a. Vincent van Gogh b. Jean Paul Sartre c. Edvard Munch d. Leonardo da Vinci
10. Who painted the famous work of art titled “Starry Night”?
a. Vincent van Gogh b. Jean Paul Sartre c. Edvard Munch d. Leonardo da Vinci
11. What pertains to the modern but imprecise umbrella term for a broad category of art which includes a
number of artistic disciplines from various sub-categories?
a. Visual Arts b. Fine Arts c. Classical Arts d. Gothic Arts
12. What refers to the art that was considered to have been created primarily for aesthetic and intellectual
purposes and judged for its beauty and meaningfulness?
a. Visual Arts b. Fine Arts c. Classical Arts d. Gothic Art
13. It may be classified as the linear realization of visual objects, concepts, emotions, and fantasies, including
symbols and even abstract forms. What form of fine art is being described by the given statement?
a. Sculpture b. Painting c. Drawing d. Portraiture
14. What pertains to a design and execution of lettering with a broad-tipped instrument, brush, or other writing
a. Portraiture b. Sculpture c. Drawing d. Calligraphy
15. This form of fine art consists of manuscripts wherein the text is supplemented with such decoration as
initials, borders (marginalia) and miniature illustrations. What is being pertained?
a. Book Illustrations b. Manuscript Illuminations c. Graphic Arts d. Portraiture
16. This form of fine art consists of the arrangement of shapes, lines, colors, tones and textures on two-
dimensional surface, thus creating an aesthetic image. What is being described?
a. Portraiture b. Sculpture c. Painting d. Drawing
17. What refers to the most enduring and arguably the greatest form of fine art known to man?
a. Architecture b. Sculpture c. Wood Carving d. Painting
18. What is the Greek term for the word “drawing”?
a. Graphik b. Graphikos c. Graphiktos d. Graffiti
19. What refers to the process and the product of planning, designing, and constructing buildings or any other
a. Engineering b. Architecture c. Layout Making d. Sculpture
20. What form of fine art is concerned with the production of images by varying methods of replication into
paper, parchment, fabric or other supports?
a. Printmaking b. Architecture c. Drawing d. Painting
21. The Japanese Raku Bowl performs what function of art?
a. Physical b. Social c. Personal d. Experiential
22. Art addresses aspects of collective life as opposed to one person’s point of view or experience. What
function of art does the mentioned statement pertain to?
a. Physical b. Social c. Personal d. Experiential
23. Who proposed the World of Forms and Ideas?
a. Socrates b. Plato c. Aristotle d. Kant
24. Who was the philosopher-author who wrote the book “Critique of Judgment”?
a. Socrates b. Plato c. Aristotle d. Kant
25. What is the Greek term for the word “end”?
a. Eros b. Oikos c. Telos d. Teros

TEST II. MODIFIED TRUE OR FALSE: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and if it is a falsification, write
FALSE and correct the word/words that makes it incorrect.

________26. Plato’s The Republic is one of his famous works which can be attributed to the lessons he
learned from Socrates.
________27. Critique of Judgment argues that self-interest is not relevant to making aesthetic judgments.
________28. Socratic Method asserts that physical world is not really the “real” world; instead, ultimate reality
exists beyond our physical world.
________29. Works of art that are created to perform some service have physical functions.
________30. Interior designs serve social function of art.
________31. Viewers can often relate in some way to social art and are sometimes even influenced by it.
________32. Art can’t be a catalyst of social change.
________33. An artist may create a piece out of a need for self-expression or gratification.
________34. A piece might be meant to entertain, provoke thought or
even have no particular effect at all.
________35. According to Socrates, every substance, defined as formed matter, moves according to a fixed
path towards its aim.
________36. Day of the Dead refers to the Jamaican holiday with vibrant artistic tradition.
________37. The factual meaning of art can be extracted from the identifiable or recognizable forms in the
________38. Non-representational art is a type of art that have subjects referring to objects or events
occurring in the real world.
________39. Representational art pertains to the type of art that do not make reference to the real world.
________40. The Palay Maiden by Fernando Amorsolo is an example of representational art.
PART II: Read and comprehend each item and follow the instructions carefully. Avoid double touch or
erasures and write your answers in your test paper.

1. Which among the functions of art is the most difficult to explain and decipher? Why?
a. Physical Function of Art because it is created to perform varied services that it’s quite hard to
depicts its true message.
b. Social Function of Art as it addresses collective aspects about life.
c. Personal Function of Art for this is highly subjective which intends only for self-
gratification/expression, entertainment, thought provoking or has no effect at all.
d. Social Function and Personal Function of Art as both presents no specific point.
2. Among are the example of Physical Function of Art, EXCEPT.
a. Japanese Raku bowl used in tea ceremony
b. Ceramic Japanese Vase used as storage for cremated remains
c. Santo/Santas (religious work of arts) used in faith healing
d. Abstract painting made by a depressed person
3. Who among the following artists believes that art is an imitation?
a. Immanuel Kant
b. Plato
c. Isocrates
d. Aristotle
4. Who among the following artists believes that art represents possible versions of reality?
a. Immanuel Kant
b. Plato
c. Isocrates
d. Aristotle
5. Art as disinterested judgment explains _______________.
a. An aesthetic judgment that requires as being disinterested.
b. A subjective judgment
c. A universal Standpoint
d. An aesthetic judgment beyond our individual tastes & preferences
6. This refers to the study of the nature of art including concepts, interpretation, expression and form.
a. Philosophy of Art
b. Function of Art
c. Principles of Art
d. Theory of Art
7. Which belief of art is grounded on the belief of sense of representation?
a. Art as imitation
b. Art as representation
c. Art as disinterested judgment
d. Art as a representation of reality
8. __________________ refers to basic theoretical principle in the creation of art which means “imitation”
and/or “representation” rather than “copying.”
a. Mimicry
b. Representation
c. Mimesis
d. Imitation
9. “Love & Pain” by Edward Munch (1895) portrays ______________________.
a. Ups & downs of loving
b. Two sides of love
c. A roller coaster ride
d. Love & hate
10. ___________ refers to the method of inquiry and instruction employed by Socrates.
a. Plato’s The Republic
b. Plato’s Theory of Forms & Idea
c. Socratic Method
d. Immanuel Kant’s Critique of Judgment
11. It refers to visual focus that may be extracted from the artwork.
a. Subject of Art
b. Functions of Art
c. Philosophical Perspective for Art
d. Both a and b
12. Following are Examples of Representational Art, EXCEPT.
a. Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci
b. The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci
c. Starry Night
d. Contemporary abstract Painting
13. Following belongs to main kind of subject, EXCEPT.
a. Nature
b. Landscape
c. Ideology
d. Portraiture
14. A __________________ is the meaning or interpretation that is expressed or communicated by an
artist through artwork.
a. Style
b. Content
c. Context
d. Symbolism
15. What is the difference between Factual Meaning of an Art and Subjective Meaning of an Art?
a. Factual meaning refers to a simple meaning one can coined with an artwork while subjective
meaning varies from one critique to another.
b. Factual meaning refers to universal truth while Subjective meaning refers to different point of
view from different perspectives.
c. Factual meaning refers to one recognizable/ identifiable forms of artwork while Subjective
meaning refers to varied and complex responses/interpretation of artwork.
d. Factual meaning refers to factual information about the artwork while Subjective meaning refers
to the individual interpretation
16. Should we consider Abstract Painting as Non-representational or Representationaltype of Art?
a. Abstract can be considered as representational for it also represents certain visual interpretation
b. Abstract is a non-representational type of art for it represents nothing.
c. Abstract can be considered as representational because it also has visual elements sensible to
appeal to particular emotion or thought.
d. Abstract is a non-representational type of art because it does not make any reference to real-
world things.
17. For __________________, art plays a huge role in communication device that articulates feelings and
emotions that are otherwise unavailable to the audience.
a. Immanuel Kant
b. Plato
c. Leo Tolstoy
d. Aristotle
18. If an artwork ceased to have a function, will it still be considered as an art? Why?
a. No, because an art must have a function either personal, physical or social
b. Yes, because even it lacks personal or physical function there’s always a physical function
innate once an artwork was created.
c. No, because it has no sense and use at all.
d. Yes, because it will always have a function.
19. For what type of art higher level of perception and insight is required to fully grasp the feeling, emotion
and concept behind the work.
a. Representational Art
b. Non-representational Art
c. Abstract Art
d. Non-abstract Art
20. What do you think is/are the major hurdles of accessing art in terms of its subject & content?
a. Subjective meaning/appreciation; sensitivity/knowledge of the art; experiences/ context of the
b. Subjective meaning, knowledge, content.
c. Subjective meaning, knowledge of the art, conventional meaning
d. Subjective meaning, knowledge of the art, actual perspective.

Prepared by:


Instructor, Art Appreciation

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