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RO: Semipermeable membrane se pass krayenge , pump se pressurise krke bhej denge
water. RO most effective to purify hard, salt water contains dissolved chemicals and solids.
Membrane is capable of removing metal particles like arsenic, fluoride, lead, chlorine,
nitrates and sulfates.

RO water purifier types:

RO water purifier classified into two types depending on the where they

 Wall mounted or table top RO water purifier

 Under-Sink or Under-Counter RO water purifier

Wall mounted or table top water purifier is mounted on the wall or on the
kitchen table, whereas Undersink water purifier placed underneath of the
kitchen sink so it hidden
RO water purifier capable remove waterborne disease causing
microorganisms like bacteria, viruses. Germs dead bodies are
flushed out, so that purified water free from germs dead bodies.

improves the taste and odour of water by removing the
contaminants that causing bad taste and odour.
 safe, cost effective and easy to maintain.

 Disadvantages
 RO water purifier requires electricity to run. Even it needs
running water with optimum water pressure.
 RO water purifier produces lots of waste water. Whatever
dissolved solids, germs are flushed through the drain along
with wastewater. To purify 10 liters of water RO water purifier
produces approximately 5 liter waste water which have to be
drained out.

Advantages of RO water purifier

 Reverse osmosis (RO) water purifier is the best solution for treating
hard water.
 RO water purifier removes toxin such as lead, mercury, Fluoride,
Arsenic, Chlorine which case human body to be ill. Lead metal can
cause brain damage and anemia.
 RO water filter is great for removing commonly found
Cryptosporidium in lake, river and public supply water.
 For example Pureit marvella slim RO is one of the best RO water

Disadvantages of RO water purifier

 Removes essential minerals: While RO water purifier removes
dissolved impurities it removes natural mineral such as iron,
magnesium, calcium and sodium which are essential to the human
body and cause a mineral deficiency in the body.
 Not kills bacteria, viruses: RO water purifier does not kill
waterborne disease-causing bacteria and viruses. There high
probability that microorganisms can pass through RO membrane( It
is advisable to pass RO water through the UV water purifier to treat
microorganisms )
 Water taste altered: As natural minerals are removed water gets de-
mineralized as a result water taste affected, it becomes tasteless.
 More time to purify: RO water purifier takes too long to the
purification of water.
 Water wastage: Approximately much more water compared to
filtered out water flushed down as waste water.
 Expensive: RO water purifier costlier compared to counterpart water
purifiers UV and RO water purifier consumes much more electricity.
 RO membrane breakage: No mechanism is there, to know when to
replace RO membrane. Chlorine can damage RO membrane.
Chlorine makes small pores of RO membrane clogged and makes
drastic reduction in performance.On breakage of membrane
dissolved salts, bacteria, viruses can easily pass through RO
membrane. It is advisable to replace RO membrane once in a year.

UV or Ultraviolet water purifier is proven technology that

capable to kill water borne disease causing microorganisms,
pathogens such as bacteria, viruses and cysts.
his environmental friendly technology didn't use any chemical
during the purification process. UV water purifier consists a UV
lamp tube through which water has to pass for purification. UV
lamp releases UV lamp, when running water exposed to UV
light, whatever germs like bacteria and viruses are damaged,
inactive. Germs dead bodies remains in water, but these are
not harmful any more.

UV water purifier is ideal for low TDS (Total Dissolved Solids)

water like lakes, river water. UV water purifiers incapable to
treat hard water, which has high TDS level. Just as a UF water
purifier, UV water purifier does not remove chemicals like
chlorine, arsenic, fluoride present in water.

UV water purifier is ideal for low TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) water like
lakes, river water. UV water purifiers incapable to treat hard water, which
has high TDS level. Just as a UF water purifier, UV water purifier does not
remove chemicals like chlorine, arsenic, fluoride present in water.
Advantages of UV water purifier
 Low maintenance cost. Change the UV lamp once in a year or
when it stops working.
 High purification rate. UV water purifier capable to deliver 2 to 4
liters of purified water within a minute. Whereas other RO, UF,
Activated Carbon water purifier takes several minutes to purify one
liter water.
 Low energy consumption. UV water purifier uses electricity as
much as an electric bulb use.
 Very less manual cleaning. If you have a UV water purifier with
storage tank, it requires to clean twice in a week, whereas without
storage tank water purifier need almost no manual cleaning.
 Does not alter the water taste. UV water purifier does not use any
chemicals, or any semi permissible membrane. Therefore, water
taste does not alters.
 UV keep essential minerals. Does not remove, change the human
essential mineral present in water./li>

Disadvantages of UV water purifier

 Germs bodies remains in purified water. UV water purifier kills
water borne disease causing bacteria, viruses and other pathogens,
but their dead bodies still remain in purified drinking water. In case of
fewer germs not exposed to UV light and remains live or redevelop
and reproduce their population and makes water impure.
 UV does not improves water taste or colour. Using UV water
purifier, before and after purification taste and color does not alter. If
treating water has a bad smell, odor than have to use the Activated
Carbon water purifier with a combination of UV water purifier.
 Does not effective on turbid, mud water. Undissolved Solids like
sand, mud and other organic solid matter becomes an obstacle to
pass UV light through the water.
 UV water purifier not purifies hard water. UV water purifier designed
for purifying low TDS(Total Dissolved Solids) lake, river water.
 UV water purifier not removes toxic chemicals. UV light exposure
does not effect on chemicals like chlorine, fluoride.
 No water storage tank: Most of the UV water purifiers don’t have
water storage tank. The user has filled water in the external bottle.
 Requires electricity: UV water purifier requires electricity to run. If in
your area has frequent electricity cut off and water purifier don’t have
storage tank then you don’t have any source for purified water until
electricity came.
 Not effective on muddy water :UV water purifier is not effective
when water contains muddy. In case muddy water, first water passes
through any other purifier system then pass through the UV water
 UV light shutoff: As UV light is invisible, it’s very hard to know
whether UV purifier is working or not. If UV purifier stops working and
user unable to find out, results UV water purifier delivers impure
water. That’s why most of the experts suggest replacing UV water
purifier tube should have to replace once a year.
 UV rays does not remain in water once water is purified. In the case
of UV rays miss any microorganism while purifying, that remaining
microorganisms increase their population and impure the water. It is
advisable to use chlorination after water purified through the UV.

UF(UltraFilteration) Water Purifier

UF or Ultrafiltration uses hollow fibers of a membrane which is made of a
thin layer of material which is capable to separate water and other particles
present in water. When water feed through the UF membrane, suspended
solids, bacteria and viruses sticks, trap, retained in UF membrane.
Basically UF is similar to RO technology, the only the difference is RO can
block very minute particles, whereas UF blocks little bit large particles.

UF water purifier is ideal for the places where presence of chemical

contamination is low, because UF does not remove chemicals present in
water, it only capable to block, remove germs like bacteria and viruses.
The important thing is to remember that UF does not work with hard water.
As UF does not remove dissolved salts present in hard water, as result
before and after purification, water as it is hard only.

Advantages of UF water purifier

 Works without electricity. Just poured raw water in the upper
storage tank and purified water collected in the lower storage tank.
No need to bother about water pressure.
 Work in low water pressure conditions.
 Does not uses chemicals. UF uses hollow membranes to block
bacteria and viruses.
 Filter muddy water also. UF capable to remove mold and germs
from water, whereas other water purifiers like UV are incapable to
purify muddy water.
 No germs dead bodies in purified water. Whatever germs like
viruses, bacterias are blocked in UF membrane. Purified water is free
from their dead bodies, whereas other water purifiers like UV, even
after purification germs dead bodies are floating in purified water
which can further contaminate water.
 Log life span. As UF membrane block germs and during manual
cleaning these trapped germs are flushed out. UF membrane can be
cleaned thousands of times. Pesticides, chemical are not able to
damage UF hollow membranes. In good conditions, UF membrane
can be used up to 3 to 5 years.

Disadvantages of UF water purifier

 Does not work with hard water. UF does not remove dissolved
solids which causes hardness of water. UF can’t be used to bore-well
water, which has high level dissolved solids. It is recommended to
use a UF water purifier with public supply water from lakes, rivers.
 Frequent cleaning required.In UF water purifier germs are trapped,
blocked in UF membrane and stay there until manually clean UF
membrane. While bacteria and viruses stay in UF membrane,
probably germs reproduce and increase their population causes
impurities. That’s why it is mandatory to clean UF membrane
regularly twice in a week.
RO: Hard Water, TDS Zyada
UV: Soft Water, Contaminants
TDS full form is Total dissolved solids. Minerals, salts or
dissolved metals such as calcium, chloride, nitrate, iron , sulfur
and some organic matter that dissolved in water commonly
referred as TDS. TDS expressed in terms in milligrams (mg)
per liter of water, also referred in parts per million (ppm).
Preence of TDS in water will affect the water taste. If you are
not sure of the water hardness you can test it with the small
devise called TDS meter. TDS value of 500 mg/l water is
considered as very hard. Most commonly used purification
systems to reduce TDS are carbon filter and reverse

Activated Carbon Water Purifier

Activated Carbon is a form of carbon (that made from coal, coconut shell,
nut shells, wood) that divided into small pieces. Usually activated carbon
made from charcoal. Activated Carbon removes most water borne disease
causing pesticides and heavy metals. Activated carbon removes chemicals
that make water tastes and smell bad. Activated CArbon is most effective
to remove chlorine from water.

Activated Carbon is used “Adsorption” property to purify the water. During

Adsorption process whatever chemicals and metals present in water stick
to Activated Carbon surface. When water passes through the Activated
Carbon, the chemical like chlorine and other pesticides are sticking to it and
purified water moves to lower storage tank.
Advantages of Activated Carbon
 Removes diseases causing pesticides and toxic chemicals like
 Removes heavy metal particles
 Makes water smells and tastes good.
 Activated carbon helps to improve RO membrane life by blocking
chlorine and other particles which are damaging the RO membrane.

Disadvantages of Activated Carbon

 Activated Carbon does not remove dissolved salts which causing
hardness of water.
 Does not removes bacteria and viruses. The worst thing is improper
maintenance causing higher growth of bacteria on the Activated
Carbon surface. In case, activated carbon water purifier not in use for
a long time, microorganisms like bacteria and viruses starts growing
on the activated carbon surface.

RO Vs Activated Carbon Filter

UV vs UF
Sediment Filter

Sediment filter
This one is a pre filter mean it used along with other water purifiers like RO,
UV. The matter which is collected at the bottom of water or liquid is known
as sediment. Sediment may be rust flakes of metal pipes, sand or mud
particles and removes turbidity of water. The basically sediment filter
catches unwanted dust, mud particles present in water.

In India, most of the sediment filters are made from cotton, polyester fibers.
Sediment filter comes in a roll shape, stay in the plastic sealed housing
container as shown in below figure. Sediment filter at the point just before
any other water purifier water inlet. When pass through the sediment filter
whatever dirt, dust particles are trapped in it. Water outlet of sediment filter
is connected to RO or UV water purifier as water inlet.

Advantages of Sediment filter

 Removes dirt, dust, rust, mud particles present in water.
 Removes any visible pollutants during pre filtration, which may further
enter into the other purification system and damage.
 By removing sand particles sediment filter protects RO, UV purifiers
from getting damaged and it increases RO, UV lifespan.

Disadvantages of Sediment filter

 Does not removes dissolved solids, heavy metals and germs like
bacteria, viruses.
 However, sediment filter used as the pre filter along with other
purification Ro, UV which is capable to remove dissolved solids,
heavy metals and germs like bacteria, viruses.

What is RO MF?
MF is full form of Micro filtration purification technology. In MF
purification the water is passed through a special pore-sized
membrane to separate microorganisms. Both reverse osmosis
and nano filtration are fundamentally different since the flow
goes against the concentration gradient.
In a recent research found that if MF filtration is used as pre-
filtration, before RO purification, the purification results are
much effective. Kent released such MF + RO purifiers in the
market as well.

UV or Ultraviolet purifier contains a UV lamp, through which raw water passes.

Due UV light intensity water borne disease causing bacteria, viruses and
pathogens are become inactive. Whereas UF or Ultra Filtration water purifier
consist semi permeable hollow membrane with holes( about 0.01 microns
wide). When raw, unpurified water by gravity, water pressure passes through
the UF membrane, the bacteria, viruses are blocked in it and remains purified

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simple questions without reading any buying guide.
 To ignite UV lamp, UV water purifier requires electricity, whereas UF
works based on semi permeable membrane does not require
electricity, uses gravity, water pressure as power.

 UV lamp is fixed in small container like a pipe through which water

passes. To water pass through the UV lamp it requires running water
with optimum water pressure. Whereas UF water purifier uses gravity
to pass water through the UF memb
UV versus UF

UV Water Purifier UF Water Purifier

Requires electricity to work No need of electricity.

Requires running water. No need of running water.

UV water purifier takes inlet from connected Basically UF water purifiers are gravity based (top
running water tap. container for raw, unpurified water, downside cont
for purified water). New models are coming with r
tap water also, ex: Kent Smart.

Kills waterborne diseases causing bacteria, Blocks and removes bacteria and viruses. Germs ar
viruses and pathogens, but their bodies still trapped in UF filter, during manual water purifier c
remain in purified water. theses germs are flushed out.

Requires optimum water pressure. In case, in No need to worry about water pressure.
UV versus UF

UV Water Purifier UF Water Purifier

your home water pressure is too low or too high,

you have to Pressure Pump to maintain
optimum water pressure.

Water must be free from mud, turbidity. With UF highly capable to purify mud, turbidity water.
turbidity water, UV does not work properly,
even turbidity water damages UV lamp.

No need to worry about the cleaning water Needs to clean once in a week, if need twice in a w
purifier. also.

Does not removes dissolved solids such as Does not removes dissolved solids.
arsenic, fluoride, lead.

Chemical free purification Chemical free purification

Suitable for low TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) Suitable for low TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) wat
water like river, lake water.

Does not improves water taste and colour. Does not improves water taste and colour.

 When water passes through the UV light water borne disease

causing bacteria, viruses are becoming inactive, but their bodies still
remain in the water. These inactive bacteria, virus bodies does not
cause any health hazard, but in any case few bacteria, viruses are
not 100% inactive and they redevelop, reproduce their population, as
result contaminants the purified water. Whereas in UF water purifier
bacteria, viruses are blocked in UF membrane and purified water
passes. It may possible that some of bacteria, viruses pass through
the UF membrane, reaches to purified water container and
contaminates the remaining purified water.

 In UV water purifier, when water is muddy and turbid UV light rays

not able to pass through the water, as a result water still remains
unpurified. In worst case the mud and turbid are stuck on UV lamp
and makes UV light, functional and incapable to purify water. This
can be considered as a negative point of a UV water purifier. To
avoid these types of problems most of water purifier companies
provide sediment filter or activated carbon as prefilter which are
specialized to remove undissolved solid like mud and turbid. With
these pre filters, UV water purifiers work effectively. On the positive
side of UF water purifier is master to treat muddy, turbid water. UF is
most effective to treat muddy, turbid water.
 Overall UV water purifier requires very less manual cleaning whereas
UF water purifier requires lots of manual cleaning work.
 UV and UF water purifiers are not effective to improve color, taste of
water. If you are worried about the color and taste of water go for the
water purifier UV or UF integrated with Activated Carbon. Activated
Carbon most effective to improve the color and taste of water. Kent
Gold is one of these types of water purifier uses UF and Activated
Sediment Filter + UV + Activated Carbon
UF + Activated Carbon (Electricity)

Electric water purifier Non electric water purifier

 RO water purifier  Sediment filter

 UV water purifier  Activated carbon water purifier
 UF water purifier

Electric water purifier Non electric water purifier

Water RO water UV water purifier Activated UF water Sediment

purifier purifier carbon water purifier water pur
type purifier

What Dissolved Water borne Dissolved Germs Suspende

removed solid (TDS) diseases causing chemical and matter, silt
bacteria, viruses viruses sand

What they RO UV radiations Activated Hallow Cotton,

use membrane carbon / fibers cellulose f

Cost High less less less less

Electric water purifier Non electric water purifier

RO water purifier removes dissolved solids (TDS) makes hard

water to soft water.
 Overall electric water purifier removes dissolved solid, TDS
and contaminants.
Non electric water purifiers works without electricity water
purifiers works without electricity. They uses gravity or water
pressure as power to purifying water. Non electric water
purifiers such as sediment filter remove sediments, material
that stick at the bottom of the water container. Activated carbon
water purifier removes contaminants, organic compounds
chlorine, pesticide and improves water taste and odor. But
activated carbon does not remove dissolved solids. UF water
purifier also does not remove dissolved solids which make
water harder and salty. Non electric water purifiers do not
convert hard water to soft water.

When to prefer non electric purifiers

 Don't have continuous tap water supply

 Don't have continuous electricity supply
 Limited budget
 Don't have (wall mounting) installation feasibility or people who are
living in rented homes & frequently moving city to city
 For example pureit classic gravity based water purifier is one of the
best non electric purifier.

Pureit by HUL Classic 14 L Gravity Based Water Purifier  

HUL Pureit Ultima Mineral RO + UV + MF 7 Stage Table

top/Wall mountable Black 10 litres Water Purifier
Usually for filtering, they depend upon micro fiber
mesh, activated carbon filtering and some kind of polisher
which removes residual chemicals.
Overall, the water from Gravity based filters are better than boiled
water and safer than chemically purified water. This is the right
purifier for municipality or corporation water, which is already
chemically purified, and since this water comes from running water -
it does not have many harmful impurities like arsenic etc.

Prestige Tattva water purifier is one of the best gravity based

water purifier currently available in the market now. Tattva 2.0
water purifier comes with copper container is beneficial to
health. Tattva water purifiers contain FACT filter is absorbed
dirt, bacteria particles. "HUL Pureit WPWL100 Classic" is
another best gravity based water purifier, powered with
activated carbon filter. "KENT Gold 20-liters UF Technology" is
best UF technology based gravity water purifier currently
available in the market.

Bore Water can contain following impurities

 Hardness of water
 Heavy metals like Fluoride, Arsenic, Lead
 Microorganisms, bacteria, viruses

 If the water contains calcium and magnesium it increases the

hardness of the water and it is known as hard water. Generally
hard water tastes little sour. You can measure the hardness of
water with the help of TDS mater. Technically TDS with value
more than 200 mg/L is know as hard water. Hard water is not
a health hazard. Shocked! Yes, The World Health
Organization says there is no conclusive evidence that shows
hard water is bad for health. In fact, the United States National
Research Council has found that hard water can actually serve
as a dietary supplement for calcium and magnesium. So you
can safely use hard water for drinking.

 If water testing lab confirms the presence of

heavy metals, then go for RO or RO + UV water
 Else go for simple gravity based water purifiers.
Hard water affects laundry washing quality, bathing, cleaning.
Your clothes can get stains, floor can have marks, skin
becomes itchy, hair becomes rough. You can see the white
marks, scaling on the utensils. Hard water even damages the
geysers, washing machines internal parts. But you cannot use
water purifier for home use as it will be expensive and energy
draining task. As an alternative you can use use water
softener. You can install it at your water tank or besides
Geyser, washing machine.

 If the water laboratory test verifies your borewell water has Fluoride,
Arsenic, Lead traces then the only solution is to go with RO water
purifier. RO membranes only have the ability to eliminate metals from
the water. Usually all RO purifiers come with Activated carbon or UF
filters to protect from bacteria as well. But if the lab tests show more
number of bacteria and viruses as well then you can go for RO + UV
water purifiers. UV kills all the bacteria and viruses in the water.
Please refer list of best RO + UV water purifiers.

 If the water laboratory test verifies no hard metals then you can
safely go for gravity based water purifiers(cartridge filter, sediment
filters, activated carbon, UF) to protect from bacteria and viruses.
Please refer list of best gravity water purifiers.

The river water is very sweet. Because river water is not ground water and
mostly it is pure rain water collected in the river. There won’t be any hardness
in it. That too before it is supplied to family's water is purified by government
authorities. So first do we really need a purifier? If so, what it is - RO, UV,
Activated Carbon?

Try our water purifier selector to choose right water purifier by answering

simple questions without reading any buying guide.
Many people have asked us the same question in different ways. In fact the
question is asked in many other forums as well. Sample famous questions

1. Which water purifier to use for river water?

2. What is the best home water purifier for the Cauvery water in
3. Best water purifier for the manjeera water in hyderabad?
4. Best water filter for processed river water supplied by Municipality?

Why we need water purifier for river water?

1. River water can be contaminated by the surrounding industries and
factories with harmful chemicals and heavy metals.
2. Water is treated only to remove bacteria and viruses. The river water
purification does not remove any chemicals or metals.
3. That too water is purified with the help of Chlorine, which is again not
good for health.
4. Water travel long distance till it reaches your home and there can be
potential pipe leakages or contaminations.
5. In this water pipeline supply there can be steel pipes as well. Usually
water in home's router in steel pipes. The steel flakes can dissolve in
the water as well.

What is the mandatory purification required

for river water?
Well, as we have discussed above water is treated with Chlorine, so water
should be purified with Activated Carbon purification technology. Only
Activated carbon can remove Chlorine. That’s the reason most of the RO or
gravity based water purifier contains Carbon as one part of purification. So
final suggestion is to go with RO based water purifier or Gravity based
water purifier.

Water purifier for chlorine, Which

water purifier remove chlorine
from water?
Umar Shareef

Chlorine has been used as disinfect the water by killing the waterborne
diseases causing germs such bacteria, viruses. But excessive chlorine, which
remains after disinfecting the water consumed by human makes adverse
health effects like breathing, eye infections, liver and kidney problems. Here
we presenting the type of water purifier should be to purify chlorine water.

Try our water purifier selector to choose right water purifier by answering

simple questions without reading any buying guide.

How to remove Chlorine from water

Activated Carbon water purifier is most effective to remove chlorine from
water. Activated Carbon is form of carbon is made from different material
such as coal, wood, nut shells. Activated Carbon most effective to remove
dissolved chemicals, heavy metal particles present in water. Activated
Carbon improves the taste and smell of water. Best thing is it does not uses
any chemicals for purification.

Chlorine adsorb (different from the absorb), removes the chlorine without
leaving any negative effect. When water passes through the activated
carbon, chlorine present in water, sticks on activated carbon’s large surface
In most of water purifiers such as RO, UV uses Activated Carbon filter as
pre and post filter.

Activated Carbon plus Reverse Osmosis(RO)

In combination of Activated Carbon plus Reverse Osmosis (RO) water
purifier, in the first stage waterpasses through the pre-filter, Activated
Carbon, removes chlorine, in next stage water passes through the RO
water purifier. RO removes the dissolved solids such as fluoride, arsenic
and lead makes water soft and sweet.

Activated Carbon plus Ultraviolet(UV)

As it is previous case, pre-filter, Activated Carbon removes chlorine after
that water passes through the UV water purifier. UV water purifier kills
waterborne disease causing bacteria and viruses.
Many manufacturers use Activated Carbon as pre-filter as well as post-filter
along with RO or UV water purifier. Using Activated Carbon as a post filter
removes any remaining contaminates present in water in the end stage.
Activated Carbon has limited adsorption power, therefore activated carbon
have to replace twice or thrice in a year depending on usage, chlorine level
in the water.

Chlorine health effects

Most of the municipal water suppliers use chlorine to kill, inactivate
waterborne diseases causing germs, pathogens. However, remaining
chlorine after water purification is hazardous to human health. Chlorine
causing water tastes bad and odour. Showering with chlorinated water
makes our skin and hair damage. According to Council of Environment,
U.S., the cancer, breast cancer risk to people who drink chlorine contained
water is 93 percent more than who won’t drink chlorine contained water.
Chlorinated water extravagant the effect of asthma and other allergiest too.
Here is the detailed analysis. First, what are the water impurities

1. Calcium, Magnesium causing water hardness

2. Fluoride, Arsenic, Lead, Benzene like chemicals, heavy metals
3. Bacteria and viruses
4. Hard water tastes sour
5. Add some old detergent bar to water and shake it. If the water is hard
then there will not be good leather or foam.
6. Test in home with TDS water test kit . If the TDS in the water is more
than 200 mg/L then the water is hard.

How to test heavy metals, chemicals,

Bacteria and Viruses
Unfortunately, there is no easy method to know these things. You need to
visit the nearest laboratory to get the test done. Because to normal human
eyes, or in home tests cannot directly find out about all these impurities.
The next question is where is the nearest water testing lab closer to my
home. We are listing below the comprehensive list of labs.
Difference between RO and UV

Features RO UV

Suitable for Under ground water Lake, river, municipal supply wa

Difference between RO and UV

Features RO UV

Microorganisms RO water purifier blocks and UV water purifier kills bacteria a

removes bacteria and viruses viruses bodies from purified wa
from purified water. Flush out but microorganisms bodies
microorganisms bodies. remained in purified water only.

Waste water RO water purifier produces lot of UV does not produce any waste
waste water. water. Zero percent waste wate

Dissolved solids RO water purifier removes UV water purifier does not remo
dissolved solids and TDS. dissolved solids

Time to purify RO water purifier takes much UV water purifier makes much
more time to purify water time to purify water

Water taste RO water purifier alter water taste UV water purifier does not alter
water taste

Storage tank Most of the RO water purifiers Most of the UV water purifiers d
have storage tank have storage tank

Maintenance, total RO water purifier can cost double UV water purifier is inexpensive
cost as much to a UV water purifier.

Work with muddy RO water purifier requires pre- UV water purifier also requires
water filtration such as sediment filter to sediment filter.
work with dirty, muddy water

Electricity RO water purifier requires UV water purifier also requires

electricity to work electricity to work
 Activated carbon not as much effective as UV water purifier against
microorganisms, bacteria, viruses.
 Activated carbon purification capacity, time depends on the carbon
granules structure. The contaminants that stick on activated carbon
reduces purification capacity that's why activated carbon purifier
requires frequent replacement.

carbon water
purifier UF water purifier

1 Activated carbon water UF water purifier uses hollow fiber thre

purifier uses activated membrane
carbon or charcoal

2 Activated carbon water UF water purifier removes removes ba

purifier eliminates chemicals, as well as cyst, microorganism which
removes bad odor causes water borne diseases.
carbon water
purifier UF water purifier

3 Effective on dissolved Less effective on dissolved chemicals


4 Less effective on muddy Effective on even water is muddy turbid

turbid water

5 Small life time Long life time

6 Freqent cleaning required No need of frequent cleaning

There are other methods such Bone Char, Activated Alumina

are also effective to remove fluoride from water, but these
fluoride water purifiers not available in India.

How fluoride effects on human health

Consuming toxic fluoride water causes adverse health hazards. Fluoride
effects on the brain, thyroid, chronic joint pain, arthritis, permanent damage
the tooth enamel. Even heavy consumption of fluoride water for long
duration makes human bones strikes, makes unable to stand or walk.
Consumption of fluoride water increases the probability of Increased tumor
and cancer rate. Lower IQ in the children, muscle disorders, disrupted
immune system, damaged sperm and increased infertility are commonly
affected by the fluoride.

Bone Char(Not available in India)

Bone char or Bone Charcoal is basically made from animal bones by
heating at high temperature. Bone Char capable to remove 90% and
above fluoride from water. Bone Char also removes dissolved solids
such as arsenic, lead. Bone Char has a porous matrix of matter which
attracts the fluoride. When water passesthrough the bone char these
minute pore spaces are filled by fluoride and other impurities, at the
end get fluoride free water.
Activated Alumina(Not available in India)
Activated alumina made from aluminium hydroxide with the highly
porous matter. This porous mater catches the dissolved solids like
fluoride, arsenic, lead present in water. Activated Alumina capable
reduces fluoride from 2 ppm (parts per million) to 0.1 ppm level.
 Total dissolved solids (TDS) comprise inorganic salts (principally calcium,
magnesium, potassium, sodium, bicarbonates, chlorides, and sulfates) and
some small amounts of organic matter that are dissolved in water.

Microbiological tests
The microbiological test will identify total coliforms (a type of bacteria) and faecal coliforms in drinking water. The
total coliform test will show the total bacterial loading found in the water sample. The faecal coliform test will
indicate the level of faecal contamination in the water and how safe the water is to drink.

Chemical quality tests

The chemical quality test is made up of a range of chemical elements and compounds.

Some of the elements are heavy metals that may pose a risk to your health while others may only affect the
taste, odour and appearance of the water (These are called ‘aesthetic’ characteristics).

Chemical quality tests

Rainwater Other Sources

(Roof Collection) (e.g. Bore / Dam water) 

 Aluminium  Aluminium
Cadmium Cadmium
Chloride Chloride
Copper Copper
Total Iron Total Iron
Lead Lead
Nickel Nickel
Nitrate Nitrate
Nitrite Nitrite
Sodium Sodium
Sulfate Sulfate
Zinc Zinc
Alkalinity Alkalinity
Calcium Calcium
Conductivity Conductivity
Colour Colour
Hardness Hardness
Magnesium Magnesium
pH pH
Potassium Potassium
Total Dissolved Solids Total Dissolved Solids
Total Suspended Solids Total Suspended Solids
Turbidity Turbidity

 Further chemical testing

Antimony Barium
Arsenic Boron
Barium Chromium
Chromium Total Cyanide
Manganese Fluoride
Molybdenum Hydrogen Sulfide
Selenium Manganese
Silver Molybdenum
Tin Selenium

 correct sample bottles are used

 correct volume is taken
 sample is stored at the required temperature
 sample is transported to and arrives at the laboratory in the correct time
 correct procedure is used to take the sample.

What are some hazards in catchment

For rainwater collected off roofs look for:

 intensive agriculture, industry or mining

 a chimney from a wood burner
 discharge pipes from roof mounted appliances such as evaporative air-conditioners or hot water

For bore/dam water look for:

 excessive or inappropriate use of fertilisers, animal manures, pesticides, herbicides and insecticides
 poorly maintained septic tanks and other liquid waste disposal systems
 fuel and chemical storage areas
 intensive agriculture, industry or mining
 accidental spills of chemicals.

If you find any of these activities or items in or on the catchment area you may need to ask for additional tests to
be completed by the chemical laboratory.

Once you locate a laboratory, follow the instructions on collecting the sample properly to
obtain the most accurate results. For example, if you are collecting a water sample for lead
or copper testing, the recommendation is to let the water sit overnight and take a “first
draw” water sample – meaning fill the sample bottle from the kitchen tap prior to running
any water for the day. A second example would be for a coliform bacteria sample. To collect
this type of sample, remove any screen from the water faucet. There is typically a
recommendation to run the water prior to filling the sample bottle. These samples need to
be kept cold so you should take the sample directly to the post office or keep it in the
refrigerator until it can be mailed in or dropped off. Remember to closely follow the
instructions for each test you choose to have analyzed.

It can be challenging to determine what type of testing to do on your well or municipal

water and the costs can add up.

Some typical testing1 may include:

 Coliform bacteria
 E. coli
 Nitrate/nitrite
 Arsenic
 Hardness
 Volatile organic chemicals
 Metals
 Lead/copper
 Inorganic chemicals

In general, the total dissolved solids concentration is the sum of the cations
(positively charged) and anions (negatively charged) ions in the water. 
Therefore, the total dissolved solids test provides a qualitative measure of the
amount of dissolved ions but does not tell us the nature or ion relationships. 
In addition, the test does not provide us insight into the specific water quality
issues, such as Elevated Hardness, Salty Taste, or Corrosiveness.  
Therefore, the total dissolved solids test is used as an indicator test to
determine the general quality of the water. 

An elevated total dissolved solids (TDS) concentration is not a health hazard.  The
TDS concentration is a secondary drinking water standard and, therefore, is
regulated because it is more of an aesthetic rather than a health hazard.  An
elevated TDS indicates the following:

1)The concentration of the dissolved ions may cause the water to be corrosive, salty
or brackish taste, result in scale formation, and interfere and decrease efficiency of
hot water heaters; and

2)Many contain elevated levels of ions that are above the Primary or Secondary
Drinking Water Standards, such as an elevated level of nitrate, arsenic, aluminum,
copper, lead, etc.

reting Test Results

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) establishes standards for drinking
water which fall into two categories -- Primary Standards and Secondary Standards.
primary Standards are based on health considerations and Secondary Standards are
based on taste, odor, color, corrosivity, foaming, and staining properties of water.
There is no Primary drinking water standard for total dissolved solids, but the
Secondary standard for TDS is 500 mg/L. 

The treatment options for an elevated total dissolved solids really depends on the
nature of the cations and anions.  If the elevated total dissolved solids are due to
actions like calcium, magnesium, and iron, it may be possible to remove these ions
using a water softener.  This process may not reduce the total dissolved solids
concentration, but reduce the aesthetic problems with the water.  If the problem is
associated with an elevated concentration of sodium, chloride, or  potassium, the
primary recommendations would include a reverse osmosis system or distillation
unit.  If the problem is related to iron, manganese, arsenic, or total hardness, you
may want to consider other systems.

An elevated total dissolved solids concentration does not mean that the water is a
health hazard, but it does mean the water may have aesthetic problems or cause
nuisance problems.  These problems may be associated with staining, taste, or
precipitation.   With respect to trace metals, an elevated total dissolved solids may
suggest that toxic metals may be present at an elevated level.  It is important to keep
in mind that water with a very lower TDS concentration may be corrosive
and corrosive waters may leak toxic metals such as copper and lead from the
household plumbing. his also means that trace metals could be present at levels that
may pose a health risk.  water is not a health hazard, but dealing with hard water in
the home can be a nuisance. The primary recommendation is to get your drinking
water tested to determine the general quality and chemistry, prior to purchasing or
installing a water treatment system.   Our R/O testing Package.
In the water, TDS is identified as parts per million (ppm) or mg/L. Since TDS
does not pose a risk to the health of the people, the EPA has not identified a
TDS limit. However, it suggests for the drinking water to have a level of up to
500 ppm only.

If the water has above 500 ppm, they can notice deposits on the water, salty
taste, or staining on the water. These effects are not harmful however, it can
be noticeable.
While the ideal pH level of drinking water should be between 6-8.5, the
human body maintains pH equilibrium on a constant basis and will not be
affected by water consumption. For example, our stomachs have a naturally
low pH level of 2 which is a beneficial acidity that helps us with food

Main Source of water : Municipal Tap water supply.

Pine wood filters (Xylem)
The filters tested with local tap water could reliably remove bacteria and
process 10-15 litres of water per day.
“Today’s filtration membranes have nanoscale pores that are not something
you can manufacture in a garage very easily,” Karnik says. “The idea here is
that we don’t need to fabricate a membrane, because it’s easily available.
You can just take a piece of wood and make a filter out of it.”

Sapwood may offer a low-cost, small-scale alternative. The wood is comprised of

xylem, porous tissue that conducts sap from a tree’s roots to its crown through a
system of vessels and pores. Each vessel wall is pockmarked with tiny pores called
pit membranes, through which sap can essentially hopscotch, flowing from one
vessel to another as it feeds structures along a tree’s length. The pores also limit
cavitation, a process by which air bubbles can grow and spread in xylem, eventually
killing a tree. The xylem’s tiny pores can trap bubbles, preventing them from
spreading in the wood.
“Plants have had to figure out how to filter out bubbles but allow easy flow of sap,”
Karnik observes. “It’s the same problem with water filtration where we want to filter
out microbes but maintain a high flow rate. So it’s a nice coincidence that the
problems are similar.”
Seeing red
To study sapwood’s water-filtering potential, the researchers collected branches of
white pine and stripped off the outer bark. They cut small sections of sapwood
measuring about an inch long and half an inch wide, and mounted each in plastic
tubing, sealed with epoxy and secured with clamps.
Before experimenting with contaminated water, the group used water mixed with red
ink particles ranging from 70 to 500 nanometers in size. After all the liquid passed
through, the researchers sliced the sapwood in half lengthwise, and observed that
much of the red dye was contained within the very top layers of the wood, while the
filtrate, or filtered water, was clear. This experiment showed that sapwood is
naturally able to filter out particles bigger than about 70 nanometers.
However, in another experiment, the team found that sapwood was unable to
separate out 20-nanometer particles from water, suggesting that there is a limit to
the size of particles coniferous sapwood can filter.
Picking the right plant
Finally, the team flowed inactivated, E. coli-contaminated water through the wood
filter. When they examined the xylem under a fluorescent microscope, they saw that
bacteria had accumulated around pit membranes in the first few millimeters of the
wood. Counting the bacterial cells in the filtered water, the researchers found that the
sapwood was able to filter out more than 99 percent of E. coli from water.
Karnik says sapwood likely can filter most types of bacteria, the smallest of which
measure about 200 nanometers. However, the filter probably cannot trap most
viruses, which are much smaller in size.
Karnik says his group now plans to evaluate the filtering potential of other types of
sapwood. In general, flowering trees have smaller pores than coniferous trees,
suggesting that they may be able to filter out even smaller particles. However,
vessels in flowering trees tend to be much longer, which may be less practical for
designing a compact water filter.
Designers interested in using sapwood as a filtering material will also have to find
ways to keep the wood damp, or to dry it while retaining the xylem function. In other
experiments with dried sapwood, Karnik found that water either did not flow through
well, or flowed through cracks, but did not filter out contaminants.
“There’s huge variation between plants,” Karnik says. “There could be much better
plants out there that are suitable for this process. Ideally, a filter would be a thin slice
of wood you could use for a few days, then throw it away and replace at almost no
cost. It’s orders of magnitude cheaper than the high-end membranes on the market
While the pores in sapwood are too big to filter out salts, Saurya Prakash, an
assistant professor of mechanical engineering at Ohio State University, says the
design could be useful in parts of the world where people collect surface water,
which can be polluted with fine dust and particles of decaying plant and animal
matter. Most of this detritus, Prakash says, could easily be filtered out by the group’s
“The xylem tissue acts as a natural filter, similar to a manmade membrane,” says
Prakash, who was not involved in the research. “The study by the Karnik group
shows that use of abundant, naturally occurring materials could pave the way for a
new generation of water filters that are potentially low-cost enough to be disposable.”

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