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Archives of Oral Biology 93 (2018) 47–55

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The overview of channels, transporters, and calcium signaling molecules T

during amelogenesis

Hee-Eun Kima, Jeong Hee Hongb,
Department of Dental Hygiene, College of Health Science, Gachon University, 191 Hambangmoe-ro, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, 21936, South Korea
Department of Physiology, College of Medicine, Lee Gil Ya Cancer and Diabetes Institute, GAIHST, Gachon University, Incheon, 21999, South Korea


Keywords: Enamel is a highly calcified tissue. Its formation requires a progressive and dynamic system for the regulation of
Ion transporters electrolyte concentration by enamel epithelia. A critical function of enamel epithelial cells, ameloblasts, is the
Calcium signaling secretion and movement of electrolytes via various channels and transporters to develop the enamel tissue.
Magnesium signaling Enamel formation generates protons, which need to be neutralised. Thus, ameloblasts possess a buffering system
Tooth development
to sustain mineral accretion. Normal tooth formation involves stage-dependent net fluctuations in pH during
amelogenesis. To date, all of our information about ion transporters in dental enamel tissue is based solely on
immunostaining-expression techniques. This review critically evaluates the current understanding and recent
discoveries and physiological role of ion channels and transporters, Mg2+ transporters, and Ca2+ regulatory
proteins during amelogenesis in enamel formation. The ways in which ameloblasts modulate ions are discussed
in the context of current research for developing a novel morphologic-functional model of enamel maturation.

1. Introduction differentiation of the tooth germ continues. Odontogenesis then pro-

gresses to the stage of secretory with formation of the hard dental tis-
Tooth formation is a dynamic system involving the regulation of sues, such as enamel, dentin, and cementum, and then finally to the
electrolyte concentrations by enamel epithelia. A cardinal function of stage of maturation for these structures. Especially, amelogenesis is the
enamel epithelial cells is electrolyte secretion facilitated by various process of enamel matrix formation and maturation that occurs in two
channels and transporters. The enamel organ requires fidelity of ionic stages of tooth development, the stages of secretory and maturation.
regulation for its tissue to physically harden. For example, the abnormal During the secretory stage of amelogenesis, enamel matrix which is
tooth formation and development in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) produced by ameloblast initially is partially mineralized because it is
provides strong evidence that electrolyte regulation via ion channels protein-rich matrix which is composed of only a small amount of hy-
and transporters is involved in normal tooth formation (Duan, Mao, droxyapatite crystals (Simmer et al., 2010). However, during the ma-
Wen, Yang, & Xue, 2011). While the secretion of electrolytes such as turation stage, enamel matrix completes its mineralization process after
HCO3− and Cl− by non-mineral tissues including pancreatic and sali- the secretory of enamel matrix. Ameloblasts modulate their mor-
vary acinar and ductal cells has been studied and reviewed extensively phology between ruffle-ended ameloblast (RA) and smooth-ended
(Lee, Ohana, Park, Yang, & Muallem, 2012), the molecular mechanisms ameloblast (SA) forms. Ruffle-ended ameloblasts add mineral to the
of ion channels and transporters in ameloblasts is only partially un- enamel; smooth-ended ameloblasts allow removal of water and de-
derstood, despite much progress in our overall understanding of enamel graded matrix proteins (Hand & Frank, 2014).
3. Major ions for pH regulation
2. Overview of tooth development
A unique phenomenon during the maturation stage is that amelo-
Odontogenesis takes place in a continuous process. Initiation of blasts modulate. They are involved in several cellular activities in-
odontogenesis leads to identifiable stages in tooth development, in- cluding pH regulation and ion transport (Smith, 1998). The enamel is
cluding the bud stage, the cap stage, and the bell stage, while systematic formed by ameloblasts containing many ion transporters and channels,

Corresponding author at: Department of Physiology, College of Medicine, Gachon University, Lee Gil Ya Cancer and Diabetes Institute, 155 Getbeolro, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, 21999,
South Korea.
E-mail address: (J.H. Hong).
Received 11 January 2018; Received in revised form 18 May 2018; Accepted 19 May 2018
0003-9969/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H.-E. Kim, J.H. Hong Archives of Oral Biology 93 (2018) 47–55

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of ion transporters re-

lated to the modulation of the physiological micro-
environment of matured ameloblasts.
This model depicts our current knowledge of the ion
channels associated with the main activities of ameloblasts
during maturation. AE2: anion exchanger2; CFTR: cystic
fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator; SLC26 A:
solute carrier 26 family A; ClC: Cl− channel; V-H+
ATPase: V (vacuole) type-H+ ATPase; NHE1: Na+-H+
exchanger 1; NBCe1: Electrogenic Na+−HCO3− co-
transporter 1; NKCC: Na+-K+-2Cl− cotransporter 1; CA:
carbonic anhydrase. PL: papillary layer.

which are well known from studies of related diseases conducted in the (Nakano et al., 2016; Ogata et al., 2017; Simmer et al., 2014; Yamazaki
past two decades (Duan, 2014). HCO3−, the biological pH buffer re- et al., 2013). Briefly we discuss below. Ameloblasts coordinate the
sponsible for maintaining intracellular and extracellular pH fluctua- transport of ions and molecules to mature the enamel, allow crystal
tions, is present in the enamel fluid. Depending on the cell morphology growth, and resist excess acidity by biological pH buffer such as HCO3−
found during maturation stage, the pH is mildly acidic in RAs and (Simmer et al., 2010). It is therefore critical to understand how ame-
nearly neutral in SAs. Since ion transporters have been addressed in loblasts neutralise the acidity during the maturation stage, which is a
ameloblasts, we have begun to uncover the exact details of the mole- typical by-product of hydroxyapatite formation. The goal of this article
cular mechanism of enamel-crystal growth. The ion transporters that is physiologically to evaluate the current understanding of how the ion
secrete HCO3− to the enamel matrix involve two kinds of HCO3−- channels and transporters in ameloblasts handle fundamental electro-
carrier proteins, the electrogenic Na+−HCO3− cotransporter 1 lytes.
(NBCe1) and anion exchanger 2 (AE2) (Lacruz, Nanci, White et al.,
2010; Paine et al., 2008). Studies of NBCe1-knockout animals, in which
5. Amelogenesis and the polarity of ameloblasts
the enamel is extremely hypo-mineralised and architecturally weak,
showed that NBCe1 is strongly involved in the development of normal
Various epithelial and enamel cells require a specialised structure
enamel (Lacruz, Nanci, White et al., 2010). NBCe1 protein levels are
with directionality from the basal pole to the apical pole. The amelo-
significantly increased in ameloblasts of Cftr-null and Ae2-null mice to
blast is one of prototypical example of polarized cells. The polarised
import HCO3− to compensate for dysregulated Cl−-dependent buf-
cells compartmentalise the expression of proteins such as Ca2+-signal-
fering effect (Jalali et al., 2014). Such studies support the concept that
ling proteins and ion transporters. The polarised expression at the
the regulation of HCO3− secretion into the enamel space is important
apical and basolateral membranes causes the unidirectional secretion of
for understanding the molecular mechanisms of the enamel organ.
enzymes and fluid into the lumen (Kasai & Augustine, 1990). Ca2+-
signalling proteins and ion transporters are involved in the polarised
4. Ca2+ and Mg2+ for enamel growth signalling pattern and directional electrolyte secretion during enamel
formation. In the basolateral membrane, proteins such as NBCe1,
Ca2+ signalling is finely integrated for the performance of various NHE1, AE2, and Na+-K+-ATPase that transport HCO3− and Na+ are
cell functions including muscle contraction, transcription, and exocy- important for Na+ influx, HCO3− secretion, and pH regulation. On the
tosis. Excessive activation of the Ca2+-release pathway is extremely other side, in the apical membrane, proteins such as V-H+ ATPase,
toxic and is the nodal point of diseases associated with cell stress or NHE1, NKCC1, CFTR, SLC26 A, NCX, and NCKX that transport H+,
death. Although enamel is the most highly calcified tissue in mammals, HCO3−, Cl−, and Ca2+ adjust the pH and the ion concentration in a
it is unclear how cells avoid the cytotoxic effects of excess Ca2+ while maturation-dependent manner. The channels and transporters mainly
supplying sufficient bulk Ca2+ for enamel growth. Recently, under- involved in enamel formation during maturation stage and these are
standing of Ca2+ transcytosis, a new concept for Ca2+ transport in the illustrated in Fig. 1.
mineral-formation process, has been strengthened (Lacruz et al., 2011; The polarised expression of Ca2+-related proteins and receptors,
Lacruz, Smith, Kurtz, Hubbard, & Paine, 2013); however, further in- which evoke polarised Ca2+ signals, is well established in non-enamel
vestigation of the precise mechanism is needed. In terms of Ca2+ sig- soft tissues such as those of the pancreas and salivary glands. Of the
nalling in tooth biology, the down regulation of Ca2+ transport could many proteins associated with Ca2+ signalling in various tissues,
contribute to multiple developmental defects in the enamel. The fun- plasma membrane Ca2+ ATPase (PMCA) pumps (Borke, Zaki,
damental cellular mechanism of Ca2+ transport is a potential target for Eisenmann, & Mednieks, 1995), sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum
drugs to improve enamel quality (Hubbard, 2000). In addition to Ca2+ Ca2+ ATPase (SERCA) pumps (Franklin, Winz, & Hubbard, 2001), in-
transport, it is also noteworthy that Mg2+ also involved in amelogenesis ositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors (IP3Rs) (Nurbaeva, Eckstein,

H.-E. Kim, J.H. Hong Archives of Oral Biology 93 (2018) 47–55

Concepcion, et al., 2015), stromal interaction molecule 1 (STIM1) and ameloblast differentiation, alkaline conditions of extracellular space
Orai protein (Hong et al., 2011; Wang et al., 2014), NCX (Okumura predominate in the SA stage, whereas acidic conditions predominate in
et al., 2010), and NCKX (Hu et al., 2012; Wang et al., 2014) are directly the RA stage (Lacruz, Nanci, Kurtz, Wright, & Paine, 2010). It could be
demonstrated in enamel cells. In the light of current knowledge, these hypothesised that ion transporters involved in H+ and HCO3− move-
Ca2+ signalling proteins will be highlighted in this review. ment modulate the extracellular pH fluctuations in each stage of dif-
Ameloblasts are highly polarised columnar cells. The polarity per- ferentiation; however, the precise regulatory mechanisms of pH control
sists from the secretory stage to late in the maturation stage. Cyclical by pH-associated ion transporters and channels during ameloblast dif-
morphological changes between the SA and RA phenotypes during ferentiation are not fully understood. Specifically, Lin et al. addressed
maturation have been addressed. The repetitive alternation between that the RA secreted H+ to the enamel matrix through the V-H+ ATPase
the SA and RA phenotypes occurs within the ameloblast layer. The RA (Lin et al., 1994). More recently, the cytoplasmic V-H+ATPase is sig-
region is presumed to be involved in ion movements across the cell nificantly upregulated in maturation stage of ameloblasts compared to
membrane, whereas the SA region is presumed to be an impermeable secretory-stage cells for lysosomal acidification by ameloblast-mediated
cell layer (Lacruz, Nanci, White et al., 2010), suggesting that the dy- endocytosis of degraded enamel matrix proteins (Sarkar et al., 2016).
namic modulation of permeability is associated with bidirectional ion However, precise role of V-H+ ATPase in pH modulation needs to be
movement in the enamel organ. studied. The molecular mechanism of pH modulation is still not clear.
This review will briefly explore the current understanding of the ion
6. Acid-base balance in enamel maturation transporters expressed during or involved in amelogenesis. That un-
derstanding will then be used to identify new interventional strategies
The modulation of ameloblast phenotypes seems to play a central for the treatment of tooth-development diseases.
role in extracellular pH regulation and HCO3− transport for enamel
formation. Delayed modulation leads to enamel hypo-mineralisation 7. Ion channels and transporters
(Smith, Nanci, & Denbesten, 1993). Based on this evidence, tight con-
trol of the extracellular pH is required for normal enamel maturation. 7.1. Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR)
Secreted ions such as H+ and HCO3− regulate the extracellular pH
around ameloblasts to generate the special acid-base balance in enamel CFTR, a central regulator of fluid and electrolyte transport, is a
maturation. The net extracellular pH becomes more acidic in a stage- cyclic AMP-regulated Cl− channel with HCO3− permeability in epi-
dependent manner through a balance between H+ production and thelial tissues. Mutations of the CFTR gene cause CF, a lethal hereditary
HCO3− secretion during amelogenesis. HCO3− is generated by carbonic disease resulting in dysfunction of multiple tissues and organs such as
anhydrase (CA), which is strongly expressed by ameloblasts and es- the pancreas, airways, gastrointestinal tract, and salivary tissues (Grubb
sential for enamel mineralization (Bronckers, Lyaruu, Jalali, & & Boucher, 1999). A CF mouse model demonstrated abnormal incisor
DenBesten, 2016; Toyosawa, Ogawa, Inagaki, & Ijuhin, 1996). The co- enamel caused by abnormal CFTR expression and the premature de-
localisation of V-H+ ATPase with CA II (a cytosolic form of the enzyme) generation of ameloblasts (Wright, Kiefer, Hall, & Grubb, 1996). CFTR-
at the apical membrane of maturation-stage RAs suggests that the null mice show defective pH regulation during the enamel-maturation
ameloblasts secrete H+ and this mechanism is facilitated by CA II for stage (Sui, Boyd, & Wright, 2003). The mice have enamel with normal
enamel formation (Lin, Nakamura, Noda, & Ozawa, 1994). Recently, thickness but reduced mineral volume; the enamel proteins are re-
Sarkar et al. reported that V-H+ ATPase plays an important role in pH tained, and the enamel chips away from the incisal edges following
regulation during enamel development (Sarkar, Wen, Simanian, & eruption. The protein retention might be caused by a decrease in en-
Paine, 2016). It was shown that increased CA II activity produces an docytosis due to excessive fluoride stimulation resulting from the loss of
acidic intracellular pH during ameloblast differentiation (Wang et al., CFTR function (Duan et al., 2011). In addition, between 5% and 44% of
2010). The decreased intracellular pH triggers the activation of a c-Jun patients with CF have variable enamel hypoplasia (Jagels & Sweeney,
N-terminal kinase (JNK) and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) 1976).
signalling cascade. Other members of the CA protein family such as CA The precise physiological role of CFTR in enamel and ameloblast
III (cytosolic), CA VI (secreted extracellular), and CA XII (membrane- maturation is not known. CFTR mediates HCO3− efflux and is regulated
associated) also exhibit enhanced expression during the maturation by the intracellular and extracellular Cl− concentrations. In the pan-
stage, suggesting involvement in enamel maturation (Lacruz, Brookes creatic and salivary duct systems, CFTR activation is associated with
et al., 2013). CA VI is a candidate for the modulation of extracellular pH several regulatory factors such as the 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) receptor-
fluctuation. DNA-fragment matching for rodent CA VI revealed CA VI binding protein released with IP3 (IRBIT) (Yang et al., 2009). The mode
expression during the maturation stage of amelogenesis (Smith, Nanci, of CFTR function has two stage-dependent phases and is addressed well
& Moffatt, 2006). It is unclear, however, whether the CA VI is secreted in the proposed ductal HCO3− efflux system (Lee et al., 2012). The roles
into the enamel layer to assist in the modulation of extracellular pH of CFTR and regulatory factors such as IRBIT are still not fully known in
fluctuations. Although the role of CA proteins is not discussed further in enamel tissue. Hence, the mode of CFTR regulation and the identifi-
this review, CAs commonly interact with and modulate the activity of cation of CFTR regulatory factors in endocytosis and amelogenesis
several ion transporters such as AE2, NHE, and NBCe1 (Becker, Klier, & await further study.
Deitmer, 2014). The differential expression of CAs and the associated
pH changes might provide a useful strategy for regulating amelogen- 7.2. Anion exchanger 2 (AE2)
In one of the best examples describing the acid-base balance in the The molecular identity and function of AE2 are most likely encoded
human body, the salivary glands secrete bulky electrolytes and pro- by the SLC4A2 gene (Nguyen, Stuart-Tilley, Alper, & Melvin, 2004).
teins. The delicate regulation of the electrolyte composition was AE2 is a Cl−/HCO3− exchanger that plays a crucial role in anion se-
mediated by various ion transporters and channels (Lee et al., 2012). cretion and absorption and triggers a protective mechanism against
The ionic balance and intracellular pH are tightly modulated by the alkali load. Cl− uptake in the salivary glands depends on the co-
neutralisation of H+ by HCO3− through a mechanism similar to that of ordinated mechanisms of basolateral AE2 and Na+-H+ exchanger1
HCO3−excretion from the salivary ducts into the saliva. The molecular (NHE1) (Catalan, Nakamoto, & Melvin, 2009). The content of Cl− in
mechanisms of pH regulation by HCO3− and fluid secretion through enamel formation is essential for normal tooth modulation. It has been
trans-epithelial transporters into the saliva are beyond the scope of this reported that AE2 is expressed in the basolateral membrane of ma-
review but are well reviewed elsewhere (Lee et al., 2012). During the turation-stage ameloblasts and is essential for normal enamel

H.-E. Kim, J.H. Hong Archives of Oral Biology 93 (2018) 47–55

maturation to build proper tooth strength. AE2 regulates the micro- SLC26 A isoforms compensate for one another to produce normal en-
environment by a redisposition of tight junctions (Bronckers et al., amel phenotype in null mice (Jalali et al., 2015; Yin et al., 2015).
2009; Josephsen et al., 2010; Lyaruu et al., 2008). Although expression
of AE was discovered in apical epithelia and debatable, the molecular
identity and function of AE in dental tissue have remained a mystery. 7.5. Electrogenic Na+-HCO3− cotransporter 1 (NBCe1)
Lyaruu et al. showed that the incisor enamel was absent in AE2-
knockout mice, suggesting that the physiological and developmental NBC was first identified in the proximal tubule of the kidney (Boron
roles of AE2 must be integrated in amelogenesis (Lyaruu et al., 2008). & Boulpaep, 1983). Electrogenic NBC1 has three splice variants,
Studies of the AE2 expression patterns in ameloblasts have shown NBCe1-A, NBCe1-B, and NBCe1-C, which differ at the N-terminus or the
somewhat contradictory results, however (Bronckers et al., 2009; C-terminus. NBCe1-A, known as kNBC1, is primarily expressed in the
Josephsen et al., 2010). Defective mineralisation caused by SLC4A2 kidney and plays an important role in HCO3− reabsorption (Abuladze
deletion appears to be critical in enamel tissue but not in other mi- et al., 1998). The pNBC1 variant, renamed NBCe1-B, is expressed in the
neralising tissues such as bone. The regulatory role of AE2, in addition pancreas, duodenum, and several other tissues (Abuladze et al., 1998;
to that of ClC buffers, against pH fluctuations during ameloblast mod- Bok et al., 2001; Roussa, Nastainczyk, & Thevenod, 2004). NBCe1-C is
ulation cycles will be determined in the coming years. Another pH mainly expressed in the brain (Bevensee, Schmitt, Choi, Romero, &
regulation system in ameloblasts is NHE1. This exchanger will discuss Boron, 2000). NBC1 mutations, which cause proximal renal tubular
below section. acidosis in humans and are also associated with ocular abnormalities
such as band keratopathy, glaucoma, and cataracts (Soleimani &
7.3. ClC channels (ClCs) Burnham, 2000; Usui et al., 2001), have been proposed to mediate
HCO3− influx across the basolateral membrane to support trans-epi-
ClCs were characterised from nine members of the mammalian CLC thelial secretion (Jacob et al., 2000).
gene family, which can be clustered as four plasma-membrane Cl− The NBCe1 family are electrogenic transporters with 1Na+:2HCO3−
channels (ClC-1, ClC-2, ClC-Ka, and ClC-Kb), three Cl− channels pre- or 1Na+:3HCO3− stoichiometry expressed in a cell type-dependent
dominantly expressed in intracellular vesicles (ClC-3, ClC-6, and ClC-7), manner (Gross et al., 2001). The salivary duct expresses an electro-
and two voltage-dependent Cl−-H+ exchangers in the plasma mem- neutral NBC, which, similar to cloned NBCn1-A, moves 1Na+ and
brane (ClC-4 and ClC-5) (Jentsch, 2007). Clc gene family provides 1HCO3− in the luminal membrane. Pancreatic and salivary ducts have a
neutralizing anion currents for V-H+ ATPases that acidify the en- mechanism for Na+ and HCO3− absorption at the luminal membrane,
dosomal/lysosomal compartments (Scheel, Zdebik, Lourdel, & Jentsch, which serves as an HCO3− salvage mechanism for the maintenance of
2005). Few studies have elucidated the physiological role of ClCs in acidic conditions (Luo et al., 2001). Maturation-stage papillary cells
bones and teeth. ClC-7 is highly expressed in osteoclasts, where it can express NBCe1 and NBCn1, while the acid-loader AE2 and the acid-
be inserted into the ‘ruffled border’ to secrete acid to the extracellular extruder NHE1 were mainly found in ameloblasts (Josephsen et al.,
compartment to aid in bone resorption (Weinert et al., 2010). The 2010). Perhaps the specialised expression of HCO3−-transport proteins
acidic pH in the extracellular compartment is required both for the in papillary cells is based on the cellular capacity for oscillatory pH
dissolution of inorganic bone and the secretion of lysosomal enzymes. fluctuations in the extracellular environment. Lacruz et al. addressed
The mRNAs of ClC-1∼7 express in the tooth germ (Hou, Situ, & the expression of NBCe1 at the basal pole of ameloblasts (Lacruz, Nanci,
Duan, 2008). ClC-5 and ClC-7 have been found in the inner and outer White et al., 2010); however, several studies of NBCe1 expression in-
enamel epithelium and in ameloblasts (Duan et al., 2009; Duan, 2014). dicate that the expression pattern is not restricted to the basal pole but
ClC-5 deficiency induces the enhanced expression of TGF-ß1, which is exists broadly in the entire basolateral membrane. With that expression
directly associated with abnormal dentin changes (Duan et al., 2009). pattern, the basal-pole expression of NBCe1 in ameloblasts should be
ClC-5-knockout mice display dentinogenesis imperfecta (Wang et al., influenced by the strong expression of NBCe1 in papillary cells. The
2000). Clcn7, the gene encoding ClC-7, is expressed in maturation-stage NBCs are not only important for the secretory process; they should have
ameloblasts (Duan et al., 2009; Lacruz, Brookes et al., 2013). ClC-7- a fundamental role in regulating pH homeostasis and HCO3− con-
deficient mice display an osteopetrosis phenotype and abnormal tooth centration for normal ameloblast development. Future studies could
eruption, suggesting that ClC-7 is involved in the development of look to investigate the expression levels of NBCs in ameloblasts and the
dentition and calvaria (Hou et al., 2008). A similar phenotype was precise regulatory role of those proteins in each developmental stage.
observed in anion exchanger (AE2)-knockout mice (Josephsen et al.,
7.6. Na+-H+ exchanger (NHE1)
7.4. Solute carrier 26 A (SLC26 A) transporters
NHE1 mediates the Na+ influx and H+ efflux and ubiquitously

A new era in the study of Cl absorption and HCO3− secretion expresses at the basolateral membrane of secretory epithelia. NHE1 as
began with the discovery of the down-regulated in adenoma (DRA) an acid extruder was revealed in the lateral membrane during both the
protein (designated SLC26 A3) (Hoglund et al., 1996; Ko et al., 2004). secretory and the maturation stages of ameloblasts (Josephsen et al.,
SLC26 A6 is a predominant pathway for Cl−/HCO3− exchange in the 2010). NHE1 might be involved in the maintenance of pH homeostasis
pancreatic and salivary ducts (Lee et al., 2012). The mode of regulation at all stages of enamel development. In vitro amelogenesis model, HAT-
of Cl−/HCO3− exchange is still unknown in enamel biology. The role of 7 rat ameloblast cell line was functionally studied in pH regulation
the SLC26 A family in dental-enamel formation was addressed recently. (Bori et al., 2016). The NH4+ pulse technique in the presence of
SLC26 A4 (also called pendrin)-null mice conveyed normal dental amiloride was used to identify the NHE1 activity in polarized transwell
phenotype (Bronckers et al., 2011), and both SLC26 A1 and SLC26 A6 system. Amiloride-sensitive basolateral rapid pH recovery mediated by
were found by genome-wide transcript profiling to be up regulated the H+ efflux of NHE1 (Racz et al., 2017; Varga, DenBesten, Racz, &
during enamel maturation (Lacruz et al., 2012). Another breakthrough Zsembery, 2017). Although precise immunostaining of each develop-
for expression and functional studies of the SLC26 transporters in mental stage of enamel tissue is yet to be performed, the pH fluctuation
ameloblasts was reported: SLC26 A3, SLC26 A4, SLC26 A6, and in the extracellular microenvironment can be assumed to be caused by
SLC26 A7 are expressed in maturation-stage ameloblasts (Jalali et al., the differential expression of ion transporters such as acid extruders or
2015; Yin et al., 2015). The protein levels of SLC26 A3 and SLC26 A4 alkali extruders.
were increased in SLC26 A6-null mice. The data suggest that the

H.-E. Kim, J.H. Hong Archives of Oral Biology 93 (2018) 47–55

7.7. Na+-K+-2Cl− cotransporters (NKCCs) through gradient-driven ion transport (Uehara, Iwamoto, Nakamura, &
Imanaga, 2004). NCX proteins demonstrate tissue-specific expression.
NKCCs are cation-coupled Cl− transporters which mainly involve in NCX1 and NCX3 localise in the apical ameloblastic membrane
volume regulation (Evans et al., 2000). Real time PCR and im- (Okumura et al., 2010). Genome-wide transcript profiling indicated
munostaining analysis revealed the expression of NKCC1 in the mouse that NCKX4 is highly up regulated in maturation-stage enamel
dental papillary layer, not in ameloblast layer. Study of Nkcc1-null mice (Josephsen et al., 2010). Increased NCKX4 mRNA expression occurs in
revealed disorganized ameloblast maturation and reduced mineral the late stages of amelogenesis, suggesting that it might be involved in
density (Jalali et al., 2017). HAT-7 ameloblast cell line has been studied the modulation of Ca2+ transport during the enamel-maturation stage.
in functional NKCC1. NKCC1 inhibitor bumetanide attenuated the vo- Recently, it was reported that NCKX4 is primarily expressed in the
lume of HAT-7, suggesting that in line with volume regulation of apical and lateral membranes during the maturation stage, modulating
NKCC1. Above all, non-ameloblast epithelial cells express NKCC1 and and transporting Na+, Ca2+, and K+ during amelogenesis (Hu et al.,
regulate cell volume and fuel ameloblasts to regulate cell volume of 2012; Wen, Lacruz, Smith, & Paine, 2014). The expression of NCKX4 in
dental epithelium. the enamel organ is restricted to maturation-stage ameloblasts (Hu
et al., 2012), suggesting an increased necessity for Ca2+ export during
8. Calcium (Ca2+) regulatory transport proteins in amelogenesis maturation.

Dental enamel is highly calcified in mammals. Enamel-forming 8.3. Na+-K+-ATPase

epithelial cells supply Ca2+ in bulk for mineralisation. Commonly,
Ca2+ mobilisation mediates various cell functions such as muscle Although Na+-K+-ATPase cannot be categorised as a part of Ca2+
contraction, neuronal excitation, gene expression, secretion, and the signalling, real-time PCR revealed that the expression of Na+-K+-
release of hormones and neurotransmitters. Ca2+ channels can be ATPase in ameloblasts increases from the secretory stage to the ma-
classified according to their operative mode (e.g., receptor-operated turation stage (Wen et al., 2014). Against electrochemical gradient of
channels or voltage-operated channels). Diverse aspects of Ca2+ sig- Na+, three Na+ are exported and two K+ are imported by using ATP.
nalling in general have been reviewed in soft-tissue organs such as the The Na+-K+-ATPase is expressed at the basolateral membrane as a
pancreas and salivary glands; however, relatively little work has spe- potent counterpart channel to the apical and lateral NCKX4 channel
cifically addressed Ca2+ signalling in enamel epithelial cells. For ex- (Hu et al., 2012), suggesting that the transcellular movements of both
ample, it is unclear how enamel-forming cells exposed to high levels of Na+ and K+ involve Ca2+. The α subunit of Na+-K+-ATPase interacts
Ca2+ avoid the cytotoxic effects of Ca2+. It seems likely that an energy- with the inositol IP3 receptor (IP3R), which mediates Ca2+ release from
requiring Ca2+ regulatory mechanism is needed to avoid the Ca2+ the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). It could therefore be postulated that
toxicity. Many questions remain with regard to Ca2+ signalling in interaction with Na+-K+-ATPase alters the gating property of IP3R,
ameloblasts. To date, several publications have shown that Ca2+ mo- releasing Ca2+ (Wen et al., 2014).
bilisation will implicate physiologically relevant information in ame-
loblast biology. 8.4. Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors (IP3Rs)

8.1. Plasma membrane Ca2+ ATPase (PMCA) and sarcoplasmic/ Increases in intracellular Ca2+ are mediated by Ca2+ release from
endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase (SERCA) ER stores via IP3Rs and ryanodine receptors (RyRs) or by Ca2+ influx
from the extracellular space. Rodent ameloblasts in the secretory and
The PMCA pump is a plasma-membrane transport protein that maturation stages express both IP3Rs and RyRs (Nurbaeva, Eckstein,
mainly regulates the intracellular Ca2+ concentration, whereas SERCA Concepcion, et al., 2015). Although IP3Rs and RyRs are mainly asso-
operates in the ER membrane. In addition to maintaining the in- ciated with the ER Ca2+-release mechanism, immunostaining patterns
tracellular Ca2+ level, PMCA regulates the Ca2+ concentration in the showed a dominant signal for IP3Rs and a very weak signal for RyRs.
extracellular space (Strehler & Zacharias, 2001). It was reported that IP3R2 was expressed only in the nuclei, whereas IP3R1 and IP3R3 lo-
PMCA1 and PMCA4 are expressed in parallel with the progression of calised in the cytoplasm during the secretory and maturation stages.
enamel mineralisation (Borke et al., 1995). The capacity for Ca2+ The strong staining patterns of IP3R2 in the nuclei and IP3R3 in the
transport is greater in the maturation stage than in the secretory stage. cytoplasm suggest that nuclear Ca2+ signalling related to protein se-
The threefold up-regulated expression of SERCA2b during enamel ma- cretion is necessary in the secretory stage and Ca2+ transport is ne-
turation provides evidence that enamel cells possess a more effective cessary in the maturation stage. Although the differential cytoplasmic
Ca2+ sequestering system than other cells (Franklin et al., 2001; expression of IP3R1 and IP3R3 might be associated with the localized
Nurbaeva, Eckstein, Concepcion, et al., 2015). To date, it is unclear how Ca2+ signals, that issue should be clarified.
the expression levels of Ca2+-sequestering proteins are regulated
during maturation. It is noteworthy; however, that energy-requiring 8.5. Stromal interaction molecule (STIM) and Orai
PMCA and SERCA are highly expressed in the maturation stage. Ame-
loblasts might require a mechanism to meet the excessive energy re- STIM functions as an ER Ca2+ sensor. Although STIM itself is not a
quirements associated with the avoidance of Ca2+ toxicity. Further channel, we briefly summarized the role of STIM as an activating pro-
studies are needed to address the regulatory roles of PMCA and SERCA tein of Ca2+ entry channels, such as Orai. STIM1 has a single trans-
and energy metabolism in stage-dependent ameloblasts. membrane span with a Ca2+-binding EF hand in the ER that is oligo-
merised and activated by the depletion of ER Ca2+ stores (Liou et al.,
8.2. Na+-Ca2+ exchangers (NCX) and Na+-Ca2+-K+ exchangers 2005; Spassova et al., 2006; Zhang et al., 2005). After the depletion of
(NCKX) Ca2+ stores following Ca2+-evoked stimuli, the dissociation of Ca2+
from the EF hand results in STIM1 clustering at the ER-plasma mem-
In addition to the ubiquitous expression of L-type Ca2+ channels, brane junctions, where the clusters activate store-operated channels
cellular Ca2+ influx and efflux mediated by NCX and NCKX have been composed of Orai subunits (Putney, 2009). Protein-protein interactions
recently studied in teeth. NCX proteins are encoded by three members involving both STIM1 and Orai mediate store-operated Ca2+ entry
of the SLC8A family (for NCX1–3, respectively). NCKX proteins are (SOC entry), which controls numerous physiological functions in many
encoded by six SLC24A genes (for NCKX1–6, respectively). cell types including ameloblasts (Wang et al., 2014). Although STIM1 is
Bidirectional transport is accomplished by exchanging Na+ and Ca2+ not considered an ion channel, the failure of STIM1 function impairs

H.-E. Kim, J.H. Hong Archives of Oral Biology 93 (2018) 47–55

Fig. 2. Schematic representation of Ca2+ and Mg2+

transporting molecules in matured ameloblasts.
This model depicts our current knowledge of the Ca2+
signalling proteins and Mg2+ transporting molecules in
ameloblasts during maturation. NCX: Na+-Ca2+ ex-
changer; NCKX: Na+/Ca2+-K+ exchanger; STIM1:
Stromal interaction molecule 1; SERCA2b: sarcoplasmic/
endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase 2b, IP3R: 1,4,5-tri-
phosphates (IP3) receptor; PMCA: plasma membrane Ca2+
ATPase; CNNM4: Mg2+/2Na+ exchanger; TRPM7: tran-
sient receptor potential subfamily M, member 7; N: nu-
cleus. ER: endoplasmic reticulum

Ca2+ influx and thus sequentially impairs enamel maturation (S. Wang knockout mice were observed inferior enamel mineralization with im-
et al., 2014). Elevated intracellular Ca2+ levels caused by dominantly paired structural integrity (Furukawa et al., 2017). Accordingly, any
constitutive activation of STIM1 do not appear to influence enamel improvement in the understanding of how Ca2+ signalling can be
maturation (Bohm et al., 2013). regulated in ameloblasts could contribute to strategies for treating ab-
Ameloblasts in the maturation stage might not be sensitive to basal normal tooth formation.
Ca2+ levels, or else excessive Ca2+ might be moved into the enamel
area. Because STIM1 is critical for the maturation stage, there must be 9. Mg2+ transporting molecules: CNNM4 and TRPM7
an important Ca2+ entry pathway in amelogenesis. More recently, SOC
entry via the Ca2+ release-activated Ca2+ (CRAC) channel was shown Mg2+ homeostasis is critical ion in bone development and enamel
to lead to increased expression of enamel matrix-protein genes such as mineralization. Two types of Mg2+ transporting molecules, cyclin M4
Amelx, Ambn, Enam, and Mmp20 in ameloblast-like LS8 cells and (CNNM4) and transient receptor potential subfamily M, member 7
murine primary enamel cells (Nurbaeva, Eckstein, Snead, Feske, & (TRPM7), are identified in ameloblasts. Amelogenesis imperfecta
Lacruz, 2015). Orai1 expression was dramatically increased in ma- spectrum has been the identification of mutations to the Mg2+/2Na+
turation stage (Nurbaeva, Eckstein, Concepcion, et al., 2015; Nurbaeva, exchanger CNNM4 (Parry et al., 2009). CNNM4 possess in basolateral
Eckstein, Snead et al., 2015). Orai1 is an essential transmembrane membrane of RA (Simmer et al., 2014; Yamazaki et al., 2013). Severe
subunit of the CRAC channel, forming the pore in the membrane. Pa- hypomagnesemia is observed in Cnnm4-null mice in enamel (Yamazaki
tients with deficient Orai1 display severe immune deficiency, including et al., 2013). TRPM7, also Ca2+-permeable channel, expresses in ma-
ectodermal dysplasia with defective dental-enamel calcification tured ameloblasts and odontoblasts during tooth development and
(McCarl et al., 2009). Enamel deposition in the Orai1 knockout mice mediates Mg2+ influx into the cells (Nakano et al., 2016; Ogata et al.,
was reduced and irregular as observed in patients with Orai1 defects 2017). TRPM7 contains a serine/threonine protein kinase domain
(Robinson et al., 2012). Orai1 knockdown attenuates the expression of merged to an ion channel. TRPM7 kinase domain, independent of
ameloblast-differentiation markers such as dentin sialoprotein, enamel- channel activity, involves in ameloblast differentiation through the
matrix proteins such as amelogenine and ameloblastin, and PMCA1 phosphorylation of Smad1/5/9, p38, and cAMP response element
(Zheng et al., 2015). binding protein (Ogata et al., 2017). Above all, the Ca2+ and Mg2+
An increase in interest in the SOC entry system has led to the recent transporting molecules addressed are crucial for maturation stage and
discovery of key components of CRAC channels, such as Orai1–3 and illustrated in Fig. 2.
STIM1 and STIM2, in murine enamel cells (Nurbaeva, Eckstein,
Concepcion, et al., 2015). Experiments applying the CRAC-channel 10. Summary
blocker Synta-66 to enamel cells suggest that CRAC channels mediate
SOC entry. The results so far indicate that ameloblasts express excessive This review summarised the current understanding of ion channels
Ca2+-modulatory proteins such as Orai1 and STIM1, enabling Ca2+ and transporters in amelogenesis. Unfortunately, many questions re-
entry in bulk, and that SERCA2b and NCKX4 sequester Ca2+ into the ER main unanswered with respect to pH regulation and ionic balance for
or the extracellular space during maturation, which suggests that the normal tooth development. Tooth formation is a highly dedicated
ER can be a critical organelle for Ca2+ transcytosis (Hubbard, 2000; process in which the cellular mechanism is aligned in a single layer of
Nurbaeva, Eckstein, Concepcion, et al., 2015). Recent growing evi- cells. The polarised distribution of the single layer of ameloblasts and
dences address that SOCE via CRAC channels is critical for the main- odontoblasts has a cardinal function in enamel maturation. The mod-
tenance of enamel crystals and appropriate enamel mineralization. The ulation of electrolytes balance by ion transporters apparently provides
STIM1/2K14cre mice are generated to investigate the effects of CRAC both morphological and functional stability to achieve appropriate
channel deficiency in enamel, revealing associations among Ca2+-in- tissue hardness. The ion transporters addressed in this review shows
duced ER stress, abnormal mitochondria, and disruption to the glu- that coordinated function is crucial for enamel maturation and its dif-
tathione system (Eckstein et al., 2017). STIM1 and STIM1/2 conditional ferential expression based on immunostaining results is illustrated in

H.-E. Kim, J.H. Hong Archives of Oral Biology 93 (2018) 47–55

Fig. 3. Schematic representation of differential expression of proteins in ameloblasts.

Indicated bars represent the expression profile of protein in ameloblasts with stage-dependent manner. Expression level of SERCA, SLC26 A3/4/6/7, STIM1, Orai1,
NCKX4, AE2, CA II/III/VI/XII, ClC-7, CFTR, cytoplasmic V-H+ ATPase, CNNM4, and TRPM7 was dependent on enamel maturation. NHE1, NBCe1, Na+-K+-ATPase,
and IP3R1/R3 are expressed in whole stage of amelogenesis. Am: ameloblasts; PC: papillary cell. SA: smooth-ended ameloblasts, RA:ruffle-ended ameloblasts.

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