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Vol 461|24 September 2009



Ritual centres: the imposing remains of

Tikal (left) and Angkor Wat.


Maya, Khmer and Inca

Jared Diamond
Past societies have struggled against environmental problems similar to those that beset us today. Three
publications illuminate the outcomes for three different tropical civilizations during the period ad 700–1600.
From time to time, separate archaeological Use of these two species shifted with time. overflights and ground surveys have trans-
projects on different societies end up by All beams sampled from buildings erected formed our understanding of Angkor. Early
suggesting common themes to events in the early in the eighth century were from sapodilla, archaeologists could easily recognize Maya and
ancient world. Thus, two new studies1,2 point often from big trees found only in old-growth Khmer ritual centres, because Tikal’s temples
to parallels between the collapse of cities on forest. During the mid-eighth century, log- soar to heights of 70 metres, and Angkor Wat
opposite sides of the globe — the southern wood supplanted sapodilla. In the early ninth is the world’s largest religious monument. But
lowland Maya cities in Central America, and century, just before temple construction ceased the households surrounding these centres did
Angkor, the centre of the Khmer empire in at Tikal, builders resumed using sapodilla, but not leave impressive ruins, producing the mis-
what is now Cambodia. These parallels include as smaller beams, presumably from younger taken view that the centres stood in isolation.
the effects of climate change, which hurt both trees in secondary forest. These shifts are as The new surveys2 show that, at its peak (about
the Maya and the Khmer. By contrast, as a expected if builders first used the best and big- ad 1100–1300), Angkor was probably the
third report3 indicates, climate change seems gest trees, then shifted to suboptimal or smaller world’s most extensive low-density city, cov-
to have benefited another ancient civilization, trees as preferred trees became depleted. ering 1,000 square kilometres and with half a
the Incas of South America. This study1 expands on other evidence for million or more inhabitants.
The Maya of Central America, famous for deforestation’s role in the decline of the south- Other parallels between Tikal and Angkor
their architecture and writing, abandoned ern-lowland Maya. But it seems significant that include the multifactorial causes of their
most cities in their southern lowlands between some old forests with big sapodilla trees were declines. Both involved population growth
ad 800 and 950 (ref. 4). Lentz and Hockaday1 still standing around Tikal in ad 700, nearly and deforestation for timber and agriculture,
have now contributed to our understand- two centuries after Tikal’s population began to resulting in erosion and siltation, droughts
ing of this collapse by identifying the wood soar. As Lentz and Hockaday note1, this implies and fighting. Still another parallel is the
used in 135 support beams from all six major that the Maya practised some forest conserva- slowness of both declines. Whereas Norse
temples and two palaces at the Maya city of tion, perhaps by designating sacred groves or Greenland’s Western Settlement disappeared
Tikal, spanning the century of its peak popula- royal forests. Nevertheless, those efforts were in a single winter7, the declines at Angkor and
tion (ad 700–810). Although the surrounding ultimately overwhelmed by the demand for the Maya cities stretched over at least a cen-
forests are rich in tree species, only two species timber and farmland. tury. But the end result was the same in both
— sapodilla and logwood — accounted for all For the next study2, we move halfway around the latter cases: populous cities reduced to
of the beams. Both share the advantages of the world, to the Khmer empire’s capital of uninhabited, jungle-covered ruins.
being composed of strong, durable wood. Sapo- Angkor in modern Cambodia5, where a collab- Along with those parallels were big differ-
dilla is slower growing but superior because it oration directed by Roland Fletcher, Michael ences between Angkor and the Maya realm.
grows much larger; logwood has the drawbacks Barbetti and Daniel Penny has been studying Foremost was the unification of the whole
of thorns, of gnarling with age and of growing another famous abandonment2,6. Data gathered Angkor region into a Khmer empire, whereas
in poorly accessible thickets. by NASA radar imaging, ultra-light airplane the Maya remained splintered into dozens
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NEWS & VIEWS NATURE|Vol 461|24 September 2009

of warring city states. Was that because the Jared Diamond is in the Geography Department, 3. Chepstow-Lusty, A. J. et al. Clim. Past 5, 375–388
Khmer area’s higher agricultural productivity, University of California, Los Angeles, (2009).
4. Webster, D. The Fall of the Ancient Maya (Thames &
domestic animals for transport and abundant California 90095-1524, USA. Hudson, 2002).
fish and other protein sources enabled the e-mail: 5. Coe, M. D. Angkor and the Khmer Civilization (Thames &
Khmer — but not the Maya — to control large Hudson, 2003).
1. Lentz, D. L. & Hockaday, B. J. Archaeol. Sci. 36, 1342–1353 6. Evans, D. et al. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 104, 14277–14282
domains and feed standing armies of conquest? (2007).
Related to that political difference, the Khmer 2. Fletcher, R. Insights (Durham Univ. Inst. Adv. Study) 2 (4), 7. Panagiotakopulu, E., Skidmore, P. & Buckland, P.
practised water management on a scale dwarf- 1–19 (2009). Naturwissenschaften 94, 300–306 (2007).
ing that of the Maya and most other regions of
the world. Angkor’s surrounds were converted
into an artificial landscape criss-crossed with
canals, embankments, reservoirs, dams and DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY
other massive engineering works to redirect
river flows, store water for the dry season
and avert floods by disposing of excess water
Rise of the source–sink model
during monsoons. The Khmer struggled for
centuries to maintain their hydraulic land-
Alexander F. Schier and Daniel Needleman
scape until it became overwhelmed by climate Gradients of signalling molecules dictate where specific cell types form in
change, producing floods that broke embank-
ments and canals filled with sediments from
developing tissues, but how these gradients are set up is much debated.
eroded terrains6. A model proposed 40 years ago by Francis Crick may provide an answer.
For the third study3, a success story, we return
to the New World. Why did the Inca empire of How do the thousands of different cell types spectroscopy (FCS) to analyse the properties
the Andes expand to become the largest Native in an animal arise time and again at particular of the FGF8 morphogen in zebrafish embryos.
American empire, only a few centuries after the locations during embryonic development? The FCS is a powerful technology that was intro-
Wari and Tiwanaku empires of the same region answer lies partly in the distribution of signal- duced in 1972, when it was shown4 that meas-
collapsed? Chepstow-Lusty and colleagues3 ling molecules called morphogens1, which are uring fluctuations in fluorescence in a small
have analysed a mud core from Lake Marca- released from local sources and form concen- volume can determine the diffusion properties
cocha near the Inca capital of Cuzco, represent- tration gradients in target tissues. Cells that of labelled molecules in solution. In its mod-
ing 4,200 years of accumulated sediments. By are close to the source of the morphogen are ern incarnation, FCS is sufficiently sensitive to
sampling every centimetre over the core’s top exposed to high signal concentrations and probe the dynamics of single molecules. The
1.9 metres, they obtained a temporal resolution activate developmental programs that differ technique is widely used by biophysicists to
of about 6 years. They measured the concen- from those in cells that are farther away and measure the behaviours and interactions of
trations of pollen and other plant parts, and exposed to lower levels of morphogen. This proteins, but its use has largely been limited to
of charcoal, and 13C/12C and C/N ratios, as powerful strategy means that the same signal- in vitro systems, single-celled organisms and
proxies for local climate, human activity and ling molecule can be used in the formation of cells in tissue culture.
plant communities. different cell types. But how are morphogen By contrast, Yu and colleagues2 apply FCS
It turned out that after ad 880 there was gradients established? On page 533 of this to measure the distribution, diffusion and
increasing drought, which may thus have con- issue, Yu et al.2 describe one mechanism. They clearance of FGF8 in zebrafish embryos.
tributed to the Wari and Tiwanaku collapses, propose that, during the development of the These embryos are translucent and are
as well as to the earlier and later collapses zebrafish embryo, the morphogen fibroblast therefore ideal for the visualization of the
of the Maya and Khmer. But after ad 1100, growth factor 8 (FGF8) spreads rapidly by dif- movements of molecules and cells. Yu et al.
during the Northern Hemisphere’s Medieval fusion from a local source and is then taken up observed that a stable FGF8 gradient forms
Warm Period, temperatures rose, enabling the by target tissues. This implies that the combina- within 3 hours after production of fluores-
Incas to extend agriculture to higher eleva- tion of free random motion and cellular uptake cently tagged FGF8 in a local region of the
tions, increase their arable-land area, exploit generates a signalling gradient that endows early zebrafish embryo. They obtained a
increased glacial meltwater for irrigation, store cells with different developmental fates. diffusion coefficient for FGF8 in the extra-
more food for their armies, and grow alder Yu and colleagues’ findings2 support a model cellular space of ~50 μm2 s–1, which is strikingly
trees for nitrogen fixation and timber. Thus, proposed almost 40 years ago by Francis Crick, similar to that obtained for molecules of the
although the Incas’ military and administrative dubbed the source–sink model. Crick put for- same size diffusing in water. Therefore, FGF8
organization was essential to their conquests, ward a mechanism3 to explain how morpho- seems to move freely and randomly through
climate amelioration played a part. gen gradients could be set up in a developing extracellular space.
This reminds us that climate can change tissue. He calculated that a stable gradient can But how can such rapidly moving molecules
in either direction, and that in the past such be generated by the local production of a signal form stable concentration gradients? Yu et al.
change has variously helped or hurt human at one end of a tissue (the source), its spread find that extracellular FGF8 has a half-life of
societies. But human overexploitation of envi- into surrounding cells, and its local removal at only 10–20 minutes. The authors propose that
ronmental resources never helps. As Lentz and the other end (the sink). Crick argued as part it is the interplay between fast diffusion and the
Hockaday note1, “Tikal’s inhabitants became of the source–sink model that the spreading rapid uptake of FGF8 by target-cell endocytosis
trapped in a positive feedback loop wherein of the morphogen occurs through Brownian that creates the gradient. Indeed, green fluo-
increasing demands on a shrinking resource motion — the random thermal motion of mol- rescent protein (GFP), a molecule with similar
base ultimately exceeded the carrying capac- ecules — akin to the spreading of a drop of ink diffusion properties to FGF8 but much slower
ity of their immediate environs. The ecological in a glass of water. If correct, this would imply clearance, also spreads rapidly but does not
lessons learned from the Late Classic Maya, that simple diffusion was a plausible mecha- form a stable gradient. As predicted by source–
with their meteoric population increase nism for patterning embryonic tissues. But is sink models, manipulations that increase FGF8
accompanied by environmental overstretch, there evidence for the source–sink mechanism removal, for instance by increasing cellular
serve as a distant mirror for our own cultural in vivo? endocytosis, decrease the range of the FGF8
trajectory.” Amen. ■ The authors2 used fluorescent correlation gradient. By contrast, decreasing endocytosis
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