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Course Name: Hybrid

Electric Vehicle Theory and

Course code: HEVTD
Module 1
Introduction to Electric Vehicle (EV) and
Hybrid Electric Vehicle ( HEV)
Course instructor: Dr. Amit Kumar Baghel
PhD( IIT Guwahati), B.Tech ( NIT Surat)

Contact mail id:

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Course outline
Ø30 contact classes divided into 11 modules

Grade component Individual / Group Weightage

Homework Individual 10%
(Total 3)
Group Task Group 30%
(Total 5)
Quiz individual 20%

End term Individual 40%


It will be a fun to learn HEVDT

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Books and reference materials
Ø Reference books:

1. M. Ehsani, Modern Electric, Hybrid Electric and Fuel Cell Vehicles: Fundamentals,
Theory and Design, CRC Press, 2005. (For Electric and Hybrid electric vehicle).

2. M. H. Rashid, Power Electronics: Circuits, Devices and Applications, 3rd edition,

Pearson, 2004. (For power-electronics convertor design).

3. R. Krishnan, Electric motor drives: modelling, analysis, and control, Prentice Hall,
2001.(For different machines design).

4. Reports and research articles by me which I will be sharing with you

5. PPT slides and your lecture notes.

Will not follow a particular book and will try to give you best in the domain of
electric and hybrid vehicles

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The course has been designed to achieve the following outcomes:

1.To understand the need & characteristic of EV/ HEV Vehicles.

2. To understand national and state policies related to electric and hybrid vehicles. Also,
student will learn the state-of-the art technology in EV/HEV by reading research articles
published in national and international conferences and journals.

3. To understand the dynamics and architecture of Electric and Hybrid vehicles.

4. To understand and design DC-DC and DC-AC converter.

5. To understand different AC machines and their parameters for Electric and Hybrid

6. To understand and design electric and hybrid electric vehicles.

7. To understand and design the different energy storage devices.

8. To understand and design control system for electric and hybrid electric vehicles

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Why EVs and HEVs ??
Ø Less pollution

Ø Easy to maintain

Ø Improve safety as they have lower center of gravity.

Ø Our energy security as uses renewable source of energy.

Ø Cheaper to run ( the electricity to charge an EV works out around a third as much per
kilometer as buying petrol for the same vehicle).

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What are EVs and HEVs
Ø EVs -Only one source of energy for vehicle propulsion.

Ø HEVs- Two source of energy for vehicle propulsion.

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Only one source ( Battery)

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Two source ( Battery and Fuel tank)

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Only one source (Gasoline)

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Ø Electric car market will reach $707.4 million by 2025.

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Challenges of EVs and HEVs for India
Ø Inadequate charging infrastructure.

Ø Reliance on battery imports.

Ø Reliance on imported components and parts.

Ø Incentives linked to local manufacturing.

Ø Range anxiety among consumers.

Ø High price of EVs currently.

To overcome these challenges we have to do research and innovation and as rightly

said my our PM, we have to be Atmanirbhar !!!.

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Historical development of Automobile Industry

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Economic and Environmental impact of EVs and HEVs
Different combination of HEVs

ØDiesel and electric

ØGasoline and flywheel

ØFuel cell and battery

Various EVs and HEVs in the market:

1)Toyota Corolla (conventional vehicle)

2) Toyota Prius (hybrid vehicle)
3) Toyota RAV4EV (electric vehicle)
4) Honda FCX (hydrogen fuel cell vehicle)
5) Ford Focus H2-ICE (hydrogen ICE vehicle)
6) Ford Focus H2-ICE adapted to use ammonia as source of hydrogen (ammonia-
fueled ICE vehicle).

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Economic and Environmental impact of EVs and HEVs

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Economic and Environmental impact of EVs and HEVs
Vehicle type Fuel utilization stage Overall life cycle

emission emission emission emission
(Kg/100 (Kg/100 (Kg/100 (Kg/100
Km) Km) Km) Km)

Conventional 19.9 0.0564 21.4 0.06

Hybrid 11.6 0.0328 13.3 0.037
H2-ICE 10 0.014 11.5 0.018
NH3-H2-ICE 0 0.014 1.4 0.017

AP: Air Pollutant, GHG: Green house gases

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Conclusion from the study

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Method to read report, policies, and research articles
Ø Why to read them ??

o To know the state-of-art in the field of EV and HEVs.

o To know the area where there is scope for further research

o To compare our work with other prior work

Ø Different components of Report, research articles (AITRC)

o Abstract: In this the short synopsis of the research is given

o Introduction-In this reference to prior work is given

o Theory and design- in this new theory and design is proposed

o Results and discussion: In this the results of the work is analyzed

o Conclusion ,Acknowledgement, and references- It is same as abstract.

Acknowledgment to the scientists and the people who worked with the authors.
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Sample research article


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Simulation and

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How to search research article relevant
Sample research article to the topic ??

Ø Search for the source of information. Government, top rank universities research
are relevant and authenticate.

Ø Don't loose your focus while searching. Read the relevant information and note
down the important points. This will help you to analyze.

Ø Always look for AITRC in the paper s discussed.

Ø Ask questions like how?? Why ?? And if I use this method what will be the changes

Ø Be a researcher not a mugger !!!

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How to search research article relevant to the topic ??
First Assignment

Ø Read the National Electric mobility mission plan 2020 ( till chapter 4)

Ø Summarize the important points according to various heading and sub-hedding.

Ø Submit as short report on it

Last date to submit : 7/9/2020

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