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Inducing Postactivation Potentiation With Different Modes of Exercise CEU Quiz

1. Research utilizing the back squat to potentiate a countermovement jump suggests

improvement as high as _____.
a. 20%
b. 15%
c. 12%

2. Which of the following exercises would likely induce the greatest amount of PAP in the
countermovement jump?
a. ¼ squat
b. ½ (parallel) squat
c. Isometric squat @ 120° of knee flexion

3. Which of the following appears to be the biggest factor in PAP influence on subsequent
a. training age
b. strength level
c. percent body fat

4. Weightlifting exercises (e.g. snatch, clean and jerk, and/or derivatives) have been shown
to potentiate which of the following tasks?
a. jumping
b. golf swing
c. pro agility test

5. Which option would be best suited for inducing PAP in sprints?

a. multiple sets of sled pulls at 15 m @ 20% of body weight
b. a single set of sled pulls at 15 m @ 20% of body weight
c. a single set of sled pulls at 15 m @ 75% of body weight
6. The addition of variable resistance exercise in a PAP protocol helps participants
overcome which obstacle?
a. loading limited by the sticking point
b. increased fatigue stimulus compared to free weight methods
c. decreased training load

7. In order to induce a PAP effect with an isometric protocol, it is likely necessary to

maximally contract for ________ seconds for 3 repetitions.
a. 1-2
b. 3-5
c. 8-10

8. It has been suggested that plyometric exercise may be more optimal than free weight
exercises at inducing PAP due to __________________.
a. lower additions to overall training loads
b. preference for type II muscle fiber recruitment in plyometric exercises
c. the required training experience to participate in plyometric exercise

9. Which of the following rest periods is most appropriate when using higher volume
plyometric exercises to induce PAP?
a. 1 minute
b. 5 minutes
c. 10 minutes

10. __________ isometric exercises utilizing joint positions similar to the beginning of
propulsive phases of movement will result in similar PAP results as free weight
a. Variable resistance
b. Single joint
c. Multijoint
Inducing Postactivation
Potentiation With
Different Modes of
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Choon Yeow Ng, BSc,1 Siow Ee Chen, BSc,1 and Danny Lum, MSc, CSCS1,2
Sport Science and Sport Medicine, Singapore Sport Institute, Singapore; and 2Physical Education and Sports
Science, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

ABSTRACT higher order motor unit recruitment, method to induce PAP. Therefore, the
and the influence of change in muscle purpose of the review is to explore the
The use of various modes of exercise to
pennation angle (63). available literature on the effects of dif-
induce postactivation potentiation (PAP)
PAP has been attained by performing ferent modalities for inducing a PAP
has been studied in the current literature. response resulting in improved sport-
However, discussion on the advantages various modes of exercise including
the lifting of free weights of maximal related performance, highlight the ad-
and disadvantages of these multiple vantages and disadvantages of each
modes of exercises in inducing PAP within or near-maximal intensity between 60
PAP method, and provide information
one review study has not been conducted. and 90% of 1 repetition maximum
pertaining to gaps in current literature.
A brief discussion on the available findings (1RM) (7,15,17,19,21,25,45,59,70), per-
Magnitudes of changes in performances
on the effects of different exercises in forming resisted sprints such as sled
are presented as percentage change in
inducing PAP is presented in this review. pulls or pushes (58,65,67,69), lifting
the main text, and effect sizes are pre-
heavy weights with 15–30% of total
Coaches and athletes should take the sented in the tables. Effect sizes were
available information into consideration load contributed by variable resistance calculated by the following formula:
because the magnitude of PAP effect may
(VR) (6,11,48,49,53,57,60,70), perform-
ing a ballistic movement with VR M2 2 M1
vary depending on the mode of exercise Cohen0 s  d 5
(2,41), performing maximal isometric Pooled  SD
voluntary contractions (24,27,29,52), Where M1 5 mean of group/condition
and performing plyometric exercises 1 (e.g., control group), M2 5 mean of
INTRODUCTION (3,8,26,36,41,47). The athletes’ strength group/condition 2 (e.g., experimental
ostactivation potentiation (PAP) is level and the logistical demand required group), SD1 5 standard deviation of

P a phenomenon characterized by
an increase in muscular power after
a conditioning activity (34,55,68). It has
for the performance of each mode of
exercise to induce PAP will differ. For
example, stronger athletes who are
group/condition, SD2 5 standard devi-
ation of group/condition 2. The pooled
SD is calculated based on the sample
been widely used by athletes to acutely more fatigue resistant would respond SDs by using the equation below:
enhance muscular power in training and vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi

better to PAP exercises that involve lift- u
competition. PAP is induced from manip- u SD2 þ SD2
ing of free weights at near-maximal t 1 2
ulating the rest periods, load, and volume intensity (55,68); performing resisted Pooled  SD 5
of the exercises used as conditioning sprints to induce PAP might be more
activities (CA) before the start of a ballistic feasible during field training; and using Effect size was deemed: (a) trivial
exercise (50,54–56). The concept of PAP plyometric, isometric, and VR exercises effect size if d ,0.20, (b) small effect
can be addressed through several mech- to induce PAP can be an option in sit-
anisms such as the rise in myosin light uations where free weights are not avail-
chain phosphorylation, the increase in able. It is important for practitioners to
isometric; plyometric; variable resis-
Address correspondence to Danny Lum, consider the available information in the
tance; muscle priming literature to prescribe the most suitable

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Postactivation Potentiation Exercises

size if d 5 0.20–0.49, (c) moderate 60–84% (medium) and .85% (high) of example, Gourgoulis et al. (28) found
effect size if d 5 0.50–0.80, and (d) 1RM, single and multiple sets, along that physically active men who could
large effect size if d 5 0.8 (16). How- with rest intervals ranging from 15 sec- squat more than 160 kg had a 4% (p ,
ever, as some studies presented their onds to 10 minutes (7,17,21,25,45,55,68). 0.05) increase in CMJ height while in-
data in graphical form only, it was Apart from the intensity level, squat dividuals who squat less than 160 kg
not possible to calculate the effect sizes depth was also shown to affect the showed no significant change in CMJ.
for the results of these studies. extent of a back squat to optimally The possibility of a greater composi-
potentiate lower limb muscles (12,21). tion and cross-sectional area of type
For example, Esformes and Bampouras II muscle fibers in stronger individuals
(21) conducted a study to compare the could have resulted in a greater phos-
Free-weight exercises are the most
PAP effects of quarter squat (QS) and phorylation of myosin light chain lead-
common CA used to elicit PAP. These
parallel squat (PS) performed for 3 3 ing to an increased PAP effect (1,43). In
comprise exercises such as the deadlift,
3RM load of each exercise. The study addition, stronger individuals are more
back squat, and weightlifting (power
concluded that PS was superior to QS fatigue resistant, which influenced the
cleans and its derivatives) (Table 1).
(12.8 vs 9.7%, p , 0.05) due to the level of neuromuscular fatigue and
A study by Arias et al. (5) had partic-
increased activation of the gluteus max-
ipants perform 1 3 5 deadlift at 85% potentiation after CA (14,31).
imus from a lower squat depth, resulting
1RM before performing a counter- Several studies have also investigated the
in a greater magnitude of PAP effect.
movement jump (CMJ) at 15 seconds effectiveness of weightlifting as a form of
This finding was in line with the study
and for intervals of every 2 minutes PAP stimulus. The study by Dolan et al.
by Caterisano et al. (12), who reported
thereafter, up to 16 minutes, after com- (19) showed that when performed as
pletion of the deadlift. Jump height was that gluteus maximus produced a greater
percent contribution in muscle activa- a CA, 3 3 3 hang clean and jerk at
found to have decreased at all time 80% 1RM resulted in enhanced shot
intervals, with a significant decrease tion during PS than QS.
put performance acutely by 3.6% (p ,
at 15 seconds (p , 0.05). The authors Apart from CMJ, the effect of the squat 0.05). This result was similar to the find-
suggested that the significant drop at as a CA on sprint running performance
ings of Harris et al. (32) who showed
15 seconds was due to the dominance has also been studied (17,59). Crewther
a ;5.33% (p , 0.05) acute improvement
of fatigue during the early stage of et al. (17) showed that 1 3 3 squat at
in shot put throw velocity after perform-
recovery (5). In addition, Arias et al. 3RM load did not lead to an improved
ing power jerks (2 3 2 at 50 and 75% and
(5) noted that the intervals selected sprint time after 15 seconds, and every
2 3 3 power jerks at 85% 1RM) as CA.
to perform the CMJ was only 2 mi- 4 minutes intervals up to 16 minutes
In addition to shot put performances,
nutes, and this may have caused fatigue (p . 0.05). However, Seitz et al. (59)
accumulation that subsequently weightlifting as a PAP activity was also
showed an improvement in sprint time
found to benefit CMJ performance
affected the ability for the muscles to (2.16%, p , 0.05), and average acceler-
achieve the potentiation effect from ation (4.59%, p , 0.05) when back (15,45). Participants in the study by
deadlifts. By contrast, Strokosch et al. squats were performed with a similar McCann and Flanagan (45) also showed
(60) showed that standing broad jump intensity and volume, with a recovery acute improvements in jump height by
(SBJ) performance improved by 4.64– period of 7 minutes, was used as the about 2% (p , 0.05) after performing 1 3
5.35% (p , 0.05) after performing 4 3 2 CA. A possible reason for the conflict- 5 hang cleans at 5RM load as a CA.
deadlift at 85% of 1RM with a recovery ing findings between the 2 studies Similarly, Chiu and Salem (15) found
period of 90 seconds. One possible rea- could be due to the difference in that performing snatch pulls as PAP
son for this increase could be due to the strength levels of the participants. Par- stimulus resulted in 5.9% (p , 0.01)
inclusion of VR that Strokosch et al. ticipants in the study by Seitz et al. (59) improvement in CMJ. Based on the find-
(60) used for part of the loads lifted were elite rugby players with relative ings of the mentioned studies, it is evi-
during the deadlift exercise. The addi- 1RM back squat of 2.02 times per kg of dent that weightlifting is an effective
tion of VR to free-weight exercise has body weight as opposed to the subelite method to induce PAP; however, there
been shown to be more effective at group of rugby players with only 1.73 are several factors to consider when per-
inducing PAP than free-weight exercise times per kg of body weight (derived forming weightlifting. First, because of
alone (48,49). This will be discussed in by dividing average participant’s body the complexity of the movement,
the later section of the review. mass by the estimated 1RM squat coaches might require more time to
An extensively examined CA used to based on the 3RM squat using the teach athletes the lifting technique before
improve CMJ height acutely is the 1RM estimation chart (30) in the study weightlifting can be used for inducing
back-squat exercise (55). Studies using by Crewther et al. (17)). It has been PAP. Second, similar to all free-weight
squats to potentiate CMJ performance shown that individuals with greater exercise, lifting equipment is required
have resulted in 2–12.7% improvement maximum strength responded better for the performance of weightlifting;
in jump height by using loads between to PAP stimulus (15,25,28,55,68). For therefore, this might not be a possible

64 VOLUME 42 | NUMBER 2 | APRIL 2020

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Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Table 1
Summary of selected studies using free weights to elicit PAP

Study Subjects Training status and strength level Intervention (sets 3 reps @ % RM) Performance Rest Effect size Results

Arias et al. (5) 15 males Training status: resistance trained; 1 3 5 @ 85% 1RM DL. VJ. 15 s, 2, 4, NA ;7.5% Y in JH at
strength level: 1RM DL: 1.9 3 BW. 6, 8, 10, 15 s than at 2–
12, 14, 16 min after DL.
16 min.
Bauer et al. (7) 60 males Training status: resistance trained; MI: 3 3 6 @60% 1RM BS; CMJ. 15 s, 1, 3, NA MI vs HI;
strength level: 1RM BS: 1.8 3 BW. HI: 3 3 4 @ 90% 1RM BS. 5, 7, 9, 3 min: 4.37 vs
and 3.65%;
11 min. 5 min: 3.18 vs
Chiu and 13 males in Training status: well trained; Two waves 3 2 reps @ 70, 80, 90, VJ. 3 min. Mid: 1.62; Mid: 5.77%;
Salem (15) power sports strength level: NA. 100% 1RM SP; Post: 1.75. post: 5.90%.
Pre VJ, wave 1, mid VJ, wave 2, post
Crewther et al. 9 male rugby Training status: subelite; 1 3 3RM BS. CMJ, sprint, 15 s, 4, 8, 4 min: CMJ:
(17) players strength level: 3RM: 1.56 3 BW. and sled 12, and 0.31; 4 min: 3.8%;
pull. 16 min. 8 min: 8 min: 3.5%;
0.32; 12 min: 3%.
Strength and Conditioning Journal |

12 min: No change in sled

0.27. pull and sprint
de Villarreal 12 first division Training status: competitive and WP2: 2 3 4 80% 1RM HS, 2 3 3 85% CMJ, DJ, 5 min, 6 h. NA WP 2: [ DJ
et al. (18) male resistance trained; 1RM HS; and (2.98%), [ CMJ
volleyball strength level: NA. WP 3: 2 3 4 80% 1RM HS, 2 3 2 loaded power (11.39%)
players 90%; 1RM HS, 2 3 1 95% 1RM HS CMJ. WP3: [ DJ (5.47%),
WP 6: 3 3 5; 30% 1RM HS. [ CMJ power
WP 6: no
change in all
Dolan et al. 6 male and 7 Training status: collegiate; 1 3 3 @ 80%; 1RM hang clean and Shot put. 8 min. 0.20 Shot put distance:
(19) female track strength level: NA. jerk. 3.6%.
and field

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66 VOLUME 42 | NUMBER 2 | APRIL 2020

Postactivation Potentiation Exercises

Table 1
(continued )
Esformes and 27 male rugby Training status: subelite; 1 3 3RM QS and PS. CMJ. 5 min. QS: 0.99; CMJ height:
Bampouras union players strength level: 3RM QS: 2.3 3 BW; PS: 1.23. QS: [ ;9.72%
(21) 3RM PS: 2.1 3 BW. PS: [ ;12.77%.
Fukutani et al. 8 olympic Training status: elite; HC: 1 3 3 @ 90% 1RM BS; CMJ. 1 min. HC: 0.59; CMJ height:
(25) weightlifters strength level: 2.37x BW. MC: 1 3 3 @ 75% 1RM BS. MC: 0.22. HC: [ ;10.86%
MC: [ ;5.26%.
Harris et al. 10 throwers Training status: collegiate; 2 3 2 power jerk @ 50% and 70% Shot put. 3 min. 0.28 Throw velocity [
(32) strength level: NA. 1RM, 3 3 2 power jerk @ 85% 5.3%.
Low et al. (39) 16 youth soccer Training status: adolescents; 1 3 3 @ 91% 1RM BS on 6 repeated Sprint. 8 min. Sprint 1: Sprint times:
players strength level: NA. sprints (35 m). ,0.2; Sprint 1: 20.39%;
Sprint 2: Sprint 2: 21.65%.
0.36. No change in
sprints 3–6.
Lum (40) 8 male and 8 Training status: adolescents; 2 3 5 @ 60% 1RM BS. VJ. 8 min. No change in CMJ
female strength level: 1.4 3 BW. height.
McCann and 14 volleyball Training status: collegiate; 1 3 5RM BS and hang clean at 2 rest VJ. 4 and 4 min: 4 min: [ 2.16%
Flanagan players strength level: NA. periods. 5 min. 0.09; 5 min: no
(45) 5 min: significant
0.05. difference.
Seitz and Haff 13 junior rugby Training status: elite; 1 3 3 @ 90% 1RM BS vs 1 3 3 @ 90% Sprint. 7 min. ST; v; a: [ in ST; v; a:
(54) league strength level: 1RM BS: 2.02 3 BW; 1RM power clean. PC: 0.92, PC: 3.05, 3.22,
players 1RM PC: 1.17 3 BW. 0.84, 6.61%,
1.0. respectively.
BS: 0.66, BS: 2.16, 2.25,
0.63, 4.59%,
0.7. respectively.
Weber et al. 12 in-season Training status: collegiate; 1 3 5 @ 85% 1RM BS and 5 SJ SJ. 3 min. mJH Changes in mJH;
(66) track and field strength level: NA. (control) on 7 SJ. BS: 0.44 pJH; pGRF:
athletes SJ: 20.23. BS: 5.8, 4.7, 4.6%,
SJ: 22.7, 24,
1RM 5 1 repetition maximum; a 5 average acceleration; BS 5 back squat; BW 5 body weight; CMJ 5 countermovement jump; DL 5 deadlift; HC 5 heavy condition; HI 5 high intensity; HS,
5 half squat; JH 5 jump height; MC 5 moderate condition; MI 5 medium intensity; mJH 5 mean jump height; NA 5 not available; PAP 5 Postactivation potentiation; pGRF 5 peak ground
reaction force; pJH 5 peak jump height; PS 5 parallel squat; QS 5 quarter squat; SJ 5 squat jump; SP 5 snatch pull; ST 5 sprint time; v 5 velocity; VJ 5 vertical jump.
option during competitions or field train- this exercise for 1 3 15 at 75% body that this could be due to the greater
ing where equipment is not available. weight is optimal for inducing PAP. muscle activity in the quadriceps femo-
Performing heavy free-weight exer- The performance of resisted sprints in ris during the eccentric phase. One lim-
cises such as weightlifting and squats the form of sled pulls and pushes may itation of these studies was that the load
at 50–90% 1RM has been shown to prove valuable for inducing PAP during at the bottom range of the movement
induce PAP effect and resulted in field training as resisted sprints are for the VR condition was not reported.
improved jump and sprint performan- commonly practiced by athletes during Therefore, how PAP is affected by the
ces. Factors to consider when perform- sports training (65,67). However, this load at the bottom range of the move-
ing these exercises as CA to induce method of CA might only be suitable ment is still unknown.
PAP include load and volume of exer- for athletes training on field or artificial A study by Seitz et al. (57) showed
cise, individuals’ strength level, rest turf surfaces because performing sled significant improvement in SBJ perfor-
period, range of movement, and avail- pulls or pushes on other surfaces could mance of 4.0–5.7% (p , 0.05) after per-
ability of equipment. cause damage to the ground and sled. In forming 4 sets of 2 repetitions of
addition, the acute effects of resisted paused box squats (85% 1RM, ;15%
sprint on other dynamic performances from VR) with 90 seconds of rest. This
RESISTED SPRINT finding was supported by Strokosch
such as jumping and change of direc-
Performing resisted sprints in the form tions have not been investigated; there- et al. (60) who reported a 3.82–6.01%
of sled pulls and pushes as a CA for fore, the current data only support the improvement in SBJ performance after
sprint performance has been investi- use of resisted sprints as CA to improve performing the same VR paused box-
gated in several studies (58,65,67,69) sprint performance. squat protocol as Seitz et al. (57). One
(Table 2). Seitz et al. (58) showed that novel finding by Seitz et al. (57) and
1 3 15-m sled push with 75% body Strokosch et al. (60) was that the
weight resulted in significant improve- VARIABLE RESISTANCE EXERCISE
VR exercise involves altering the resis- recovery time required to induce PAP
ment in 20-m sprint time after 4- after performing free-weight exercises
(0.95%, p , 0.05), 8- (1.8%, p , 0.05), tance placed on the musculoskeletal
system throughout the range of motion with the inclusion of VR was only 90
and 12-minute (1.55%, p , 0.05) inter- seconds in contrast to .5 minutes for
vals of recovery. Conversely, sprint to match an exercise strength curve
(46). The inclusion of VR allows for free weights alone. It was suggested
time was slower after 1 3 9-m sled that VR exercises may induce less
push with 125% body weight (1.36– greater loading beyond the “sticking
point,” which will occur as a result of fatigue than traditional resistance exer-
2.59%, p , 0.05). Similarly, Winwood cises when the same load is lifted (57),
et al. (69) showed significant improve- mechanical disadvantage early in the
concentric phase of an exercise. Thus, thus requiring shorter recovery time to
ment (0.75%, p , 0.05) in 15-m sprint induce PAP.
time 12 minutes after participants per- the maintenance of maximal force
formed 1 3 15-m sled pull with 75% development throughout the range of The effects of including VR to induce
body weight, but performing 1 3 7.5 m motion will be required (4). Examples PAP in upper body muscles have also
sled pull with 150% body weight re- of commonly used VR equipment been explored. Baker and Newton (6)
sulted in slower sprint time (0.90– include elastic bands and chains (48,49). conducted a study comparing the ef-
1.64%, p . 0.05). Seitz et al. (58) sug- As shown in Table 3, the use of VR to fects of 2 sets of 3 repetitions of bench
gested that the heavier (.75% body induce PAP has been investigated in press at 75% 1RM with 17.5 kg contrib-
weight) sled push and pull might have recent studies. For example, Mina uted by chains, and bench press at 75%
led to changes in sprinting technique et al. (48) reported an increase in squat 1RM without chains. The bench press
such as increased trunk lean angle or 1RM performance (+7.7%, p , 0.01) with chains condition resulted in ;10%
hip joint angle while performing unre- after participants performed a VR CA increment in peak and mean concentric
sisted sprint, which ultimately caused that involved 2 3 3 squat at 85% 1RM velocity when comparing against free-
disruption to normal acceleration kine- with 35% of load from elastic bands at weight bench press (p , 0.05). The au-
matics. Despite the findings by Seitz the top range of the movement. This thors suggested that the improvement
et al. (58) and Winwood et al. (69), increase in squat 1RM was greater than in performance was most likely due to
Whelan et al. (67) showed that 3 3 when participants performed 2 3 3 greater muscle stiffness and faster
10-m sled pull with 20–30% body squat at 85% 1RM without VR. This stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) (6).
weight separated by 90-second recov- finding was supported by a later study Apart from attaching to barbells, VR
ery time, failed to improve 10-m sprint by Mina et al. (49) that showed a 6.6% alone could also be used to induce
performance. The authors indicated (p , 0.01) improvement in squat 1RM PAP by performing sport-specific
that 20–30% body weight could have performance after performing 2 3 3 dynamic movements (2,38,41). Lum
been too light to induce PAP (67). Cur- squat at 85% 1RM with 35% of load (41) investigated the effects of including
rent findings on the use of sled pull or contributed by chains at the top range resistance band pulls (RBP) that mimic
push as CA indicate that performing of the movement. The authors indicated the entry phase of a judo throw, in the

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68 VOLUME 42 | NUMBER 2 | APRIL 2020

Postactivation Potentiation Exercises

Table 2
Summary of selected studies that included resisted sprints to elicit PAP
Study Subjects Training status and strength level Intervention (sets 3 reps @ % RM) Performance measure Rest Effect size Results

Seitz et al. 20 rugby Training status: well trained; 75%: 1 3 15-m sled push with 75% Sprint 15 s, 4, 8, 75%: 15 s 75%: Y 20-m
(58) league strength level: NA. body weight. 12 min. (0.07), sprint time
players. 125%: 1 3 9-m sled push with 125% 4 min after 4
body weight. (20.22), (0.95%), 8
8 min (1.8%), and
(20.42), 12 min
12 min (1.55%).
(20.36); 125%: [ 20-m
125%: 15 s sprint time
(0.64), at all time
4 min point
(0.53), (1.36–
8 min 2.59%).
12 min
van den Tillar 15 female Training status: well trained; 7 3 20-m sprints alternating Sprint 5–6 min. NA [ average
and handball strength level: NA between unresisted sprint and sprint time
Heimburg players. sled pull with 5-kg body weight. (7.3%).
Whelan et al. 12 Training status: recreational; 3 3 10-m sled pull with 20–30% Sprint 1.5 min. NA No significant
(67) physically strength level: NA body weight. change.
Winwood 22 rugby Training status: resistance trained; 75%: 1 3 15-m sled push with 75% Sprint 4, 8, 75%: 4 min 75%: Y 15-m
et al. (69) athletes. strength level: NA body weight. 12 min. (0.09), sprint time
150%: 1 3 7.5-m sled push with 8 min after
125% body weight. (0.24), 12 min
12 min (0.7%).
(0.22). 125%: No
150%: 4 min change in
(20.13), sprint time.
8 min
12 min
NA 5 not available; PAP 5 postactivation potentiation.
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Table 3
Summary of selected studies that included variable resistance to elicit PAP

Study Subjects Training status and Intervention (sets 3 Performance measure Rest Effect size Results
strength level reps @ xx% RM)

Aandahl et al. 5 women and Training status: elite; 10 kicks with elastic Roundhouse kick. 5–8 min. NA Kick velocity: [ 3.3%.
(2) 11 men. strength level: NA. resistance tubes
Baker and 13 rugby Training status: elite; BP: 2 3 3 @ 75% 1RM BP and BP + CH. 2 min. PCV: 0.52– BP + CH: [10% in PCV and
Newton (6) league strength level: 1RM BP: BP + CH: 2 3 3 @ 60% 0.82, MCV.
players. 1.33 3 BW. 1RM. MCV: 0.84–
Buttifant and 12 semi-pro Training status: BxS: 3 3 3RM; Weighted JS (20 kg). 5 and 10 min. BxS vs [ in mean power (BxS) vs
Hrysomallis male subelite; banded BS: 3 3 3 BS banded banded BS:
(11) footballers. strength level: 3RM BxS: with bands. BS: 5 min: 12%, 12%;
1.47x BW. 5 min: 0.66, 10 min: 14%, 13%.
10 min:
Lim et al. (38) 11 swimmers. Training status: well 5 3 resistance band 50-m swim. 8 min. 25-m split Y time to 25 m.
trained; pull mimicking time:
Strength and Conditioning Journal |

strength level: NA. freestyle stroke. 0.35.

Lum (41) 11 male judo Training status: elite; ULB: 2 3 5 SBJ and RB HPT and SJFT. 5 and 7 min, PP: 0.1; [ PP by ;4.55% in ULB;
athletes. strength level: NA. pull respectively. No. of [ no. of throws by ;3.85% in
LB: 3 3 5 SBJ. throws: LB and ULB.
LB: 0.6;
ULB: 0.7.
Mina et al. (48) 16 men. Training status: FWR: 2 3 3 @ 85% 1RM 1RM FWR BS. 5 min. 1.88 [ 1RM BS by 7.7% after EB.
recreational; BS;
strength level: NA. EB: 2 3 3 @ 85% 1RM
BS with elastic band.
Mina et al. (49) 16 men. Training status: FWR: 2 3 3 @ 85% 1RM 1RM FWR BS. 5 min. 1.45 [ 1RM BS by 6.2% after CLR.
recreational; BS;
strength level: NA. CLR: 2 3 3 @ 85% 1RM
BS with elastic band.
Postactivation Potentiation Exercises

warm-up routine for judo athletes, on

1RM 5 1 repetition maximum; BB 5 barbell; BP 5 bench press; BS 5 back squat; BxS 5 box squat; CH 5 chain; CLR 5 chain-loaded resistance; CMJ 5 countermovement jump; DL 5
deadlift; EB 5 elastic band; FW 5 free weights; FWR 5 free-weight resistance; HBD 5 hex bar deadlift; HPT 5 high pull test; JS 5 jump squat; LB 5 lower body; MCV 5 mean concentric
velocity; NA 5 not available; PAP 5 postactivation potentiation; PBS 5 paused box squat; PCV 5 peak concentric velocity; PP 5 peak power; RB 5 resistance band; RF 5 rectus femoris; SBJ 5
(+9.45%) and BS (+8.98%)

the high pull test (HPT) and for special

[ 4.0–5.7% in SBJ distance.
compared with control.

4 min for VR condition.

Sprint time Y by 3.5% at
judo fitness test (SJFT) performance. In
this study, participants underwent 3 dif-
[ JH at 30 s in HBD

PBS: [ 3.82–6.01%;
ferent conditions. During the control

DL: [ 4.64–5.35%.
condition, participants performed their
usual precompetition warm-up. In the
intervention condition, participants per-
formed half the volume of the precom-
petition warm-up and either 3 sets of 5
repetitions of SBJ, or 2 sets of 5 repeti-
tions of SBJ and RBP for each exercise.
PBS: 0.64–

DL: 0.80–

Results showed that in comparison with



the controlled condition, the SBJ and

0, 1, 2, 3, 4 min 0.83

standing broad jump; SJFT 5 special judo fitness test; ULB 5 upper lower body; VMO 5 vastus medialis obliques; VR 5 variable resistance.
RBP condition led to a significantly
higher total number of throws (3.85%,
p , 0.01), while the SBJ only condition
30, 90, and

after BS.

led to a higher number of throws in only

180 s.

the first series of the test (8%, p , 0.05).

90 s.

90 s.

Moreover, only the condition that

included SBJ and RBP resulted in sig-
nificantly higher peak power in HPT
(5.8%, p , 0.01), as compared to the
control condition. Although there could
5 3 3 @ 85% 1RM BS 9.1-m sprint.

be a possibility that the greater PAP

effect in SBJ and RBP condition as com-
(continued )
3 3 70% 1RM, with 0– CMJ.
Table 3

pared to SBJ alone condition could be

4 3 2 @ 85% 1RM PBS SBJ.

4 3 2 @ 85% 1RM PBS SBJ.

attributed to the greater volume of work

performed in SBJ and RBP condition,
without and with VR.
23% from VR using

other studies have also shown the pos-

itive effect of performing VR exercises
or DL with VR.
HBD and BS.

on acute sports movement perfor-

mance. Aandahl et al. (2) also noted
with VR.

an increase of 3.3% (p , 0.05) in the

velocity of a roundhouse kick in trained
martial arts practitioners after perform-
ing 10 roundhouse kicks with elastic
strength level: 1RM BS:

bands in comparison with control con-

Training status: elite;

Training status: elite;

Training status: elite;

1RM DL: 2.11 3 BW.

strength level: HBD:

strength level: NA.

strength level: NA.

dition where participants performed 10

Training status:
BS: 1.42 3 BW.

roundhouse kicks with no additional

1.78 3 BW;

1.59 3 BW;

resistance. Finally, a recent study by

Lim et al. (38) showed that swimmers
had a faster 25-m split time while per-
forming a 50-m freestyle time trial after
they completed a swim (750 m) with 1
3 5 resistance band pull (mimicked



20 males.
Scott et al. (53) 20 rugby

Seitz et al. (57) 14 rugby

12 rugby



freestyle stroke) warm-up protocol as

compared to a normal swim warm-up
protocol (1,500 m) (p , 0.05). Although
these studies have shown that PAP can
Wyland et al.

be induced when VR equipment is used

et al. (60)

to perform sports-specific movement,

none of these studies provided recom-

mendations on the optimal resistance

level to use.

70 VOLUME 42 | NUMBER 2 | APRIL 2020

Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Current studies have shown that whereas no significant change in all only 3–5 seconds per repetition (24,29),
including VR to free-weight exercises measures was observed in the 3 3 5- while those in Gossen and Sale (27) and
resulted in a superior PAP effect as second protocol (21.73 to 23.05%, p Robbins and Doherty (52) were 10 and
compared to free weights alone. Cur- . 0.05). Although French et al. (24) 7 seconds, respectively. The increased
rent recommendations for including showed no improvement in jump per- duration of isometric contraction at
VR to free-weight lifting are ; replac- formance after the 3 3 5-second iso- MVC could have caused a higher level
ing 15–35% of load with VR and 1.5– metric leg extension protocol, Gullich of fatigue that overwrote any PAP effect
7 minutes of rest in between CA and and Schmidtbleicher (29) showed that induced.
activity of interest. Exercises using VR a 3 3 5-second isometric leg press at The study by Lim and Kong (37) inves-
alone have also been shown to induce MVC, with 1- to 5-minute rest between tigated the acute effects of maximal iso-
PAP, but there is currently no recom- repetitions, resulted in improved CMJ metric contraction in comparison with
mendation for the optimal resistance (3.3%, p , 0.05) and DJ (4.1%, p , dynamic squat on sprint performance.
level to use. Therefore, further studies 0.05) height. One possible reason for In this study, participants had to per-
should be conducted to address this the conflict in results between the 2 form 3 different conditions including 3
issue because performing VR exercises studies could be due to a shorter rest 3 3-second isometric leg extension at
to induce PAP could be a viable option period (;5 seconds) in French et al.’s MVC, 3 3 3-second isometric squat at
in situations where there is no access to (24) study, which resulted in a lack of MVC, and 3 repetitions of dynamic
free weights, such as during field recovery to express the potentiation squat at 90% 1RM before attempting
training or competitions. effect. Another possible reason could a 30-m sprint. The results showed no
be that the leg press exercise in the PAP effect after the interventions (p .
ISOMETRIC EXERCISES study by Gullich and Schmidtbleicher 0.05). However, the authors found that
Isometric exercise is characterized by (29) increased activation of more different interventions had varying ef-
the contraction of muscles without muscles required for jumping perfor- fects among different participants. For
a change in joint angle (42). It can be mance, as compared to the leg exten- example, the authors included figures
performed for a single joint such as iso- sion exercise in French et al. (24). that showed sprint performance was
metric knee extension, or multijoint such Furthermore, as both the leg press improved after performing different
as isometric back squat (51). Maximal and jumping are multijoint activities, CA for different participants. This in-
voluntary isometric contraction is often performing leg presses may be more dicates that an individualized protocol
used to induce PAP where individuals likely to induce a PAP effect, than leg might be required for different individ-
maximally contract their muscles for extensions, due in part to mechanical uals to attain PAP effect.
a specific duration of time (3–10 sec- specificity.
Current findings on the effects of max-
onds) (24,27,29,51). It can be performed Although the above studies have shown imal isometric contraction on PAP
by exerting force against a stationary the positive PAP effect of maximal iso- show that a maximum contraction
object such as a wall or a fixed bar, to metric contraction, there are several duration of 3–5 seconds per repetition
attain maximal isometric contraction. other studies that showed conflicting for 3 repetitions with a 1- to 5-minute
Although some studies showed that per- findings (27,51). Gossen and Sale (27) recovery period seems to be the opti-
forming isometric contraction to induce investigated the effects of performing 1 mal dosage for inducing PAP. In addi-
PAP led to improvement in drop jump 3 10-second isometric knee extension at tion, performing isometric contraction
(DJ), CMJ, and in knee extension per- MVC, with 20- to 40-second rest, on the using multijoint exercise at joint posi-
formances (24,29), others have shown performance of dynamic knee exten- tions similar to the initiation of the pro-
conflicting results on the effectiveness sions. No significant difference in peak pulsion phase of the tested movement
of isometric contractions as a form of velocity, peak torque, peak power, and would be recommended because this
PAP CA (27,51) (Table 4). work to peak power between isometric provides for mechanical specificity.
French et al. (24) investigated the ef- and control condition was observed (p Furthermore, current findings showed
fects of performing 3 3 3- or 3 3 5- . 0.05). Similarly, Robbins and Doch- no difference in PAP effect between
second isometric knee extensors at erty (52) showed no significant differ- performing isometric and free-weight
maximal voluntary contraction ence in CMJ power output between exercise. Therefore, isometric exercise
(MVC) on CMJ, DJ, 5-second sprint a 3 3 7-second isometric back squat at is also a viable option for inducing PAP
cycling, and isokinetic knee extension MVC with 4-minute rest between repe- in situations where free weights are not
performance. Significant improvement titions and control condition (p . 0.05). available. To the best of our knowledge,
was shown in DJ flight height (5.0%, p The lack of significant findings in the no study has investigated the effects
, 0.05), ground reaction force of DJ study by Gossen and Sale (27) and Rob- of upper body isometric contraction
(4.9%, p , 0.05), and isokinetic knee bins and Doherty (52) could be due to on inducing PAP. Therefore, future
extension (6.1%, p , 0.05) after per- the length of contractions. The isometric studies should aim to fill this gap in
forming 3 3 3-second protocol, conditions that induced PAP effect were the literature.

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72 VOLUME 42 | NUMBER 2 | APRIL 2020

Postactivation Potentiation Exercises

Table 4
Summary of selected studies using isometric contraction to elicit PAP

Study Subjects Training status and strength level Intervention Performance measure Rest Effect size Results
French et al. (24) 14 track Training status: resistance trained; 3 3 3 s vs 3 CMJ, DJ, 5-s cycle 0–5 s. NA 3 s MVC:
and field strength level: NA. 35s sprint, isokinetic [ by 5.03% for DJ flight time and
athletes. isometric knee extensions. by 4.94% for DJ GRF, [ 6.12%
MVC of peak torque
knee 5-s MVC:
extension. Y 3.05% peak torque.
Gossen and Sale 10 subjects Training status: moderately active; 1 3 10-s Dynamic KE. 20 and NA No significant difference in peak
(27) (6 m, 4 f ). strength level: NA. isometric 40 s. velocity, peak torque, peak
MVC of KE. power, and work to peak
power between PAP trial and
CON trial.
Gullich and 34 speed- Training status: Leg press: CMJ, DJ. 1– NA 3 3 5 s: [ CMJ height by 3.3%,
Schmidtbleicher strength competitive; 3 3 5 s or 5 min. [DJ flight time by 4.1%.
(29) athletes. strength level: NA. 535s 5 3 5 s: no significant change in
isometric all measures.
Lim and Kong (37) 12 track Training status: resistance trained; KE: 30-m sprint. 4 min. Isometric No significant difference between
sprinters. strength level: 1RM BS 5 1.5 3 BW. 3 3 3 s KE: 0.46; isometric and control
isometric Isometric conditions.
MVC; BS: 0.65.
BS: 3 3 3 s
Robbins and 16 men. Training status: resistance trained; BS: 3 3 7 s CMJ. 4 min. NA No significant difference occurred
Docherty (52) strength level: NA. isometric in any of the power output
MVC. measurements.
1RM 5 1 repetition maximum; BS 5 back squat; CMJ 5 countermovement jump; CON 5 control; DJ 5 drop jump; GRF 5 ground reaction force; KE 5 knee extension; MVC 5 maximal
voluntary contraction; NA 5 not available; PAP 5 postactivation potentiation; RI 5 rest interval.
PLYOMETRIC EXERCISES shown in these studies, Till and Cooke plyometric resulted in faster split time
Plyometric exercises are movements (62) showed that performing 5 (;2.5%, p , 0.05) as compared to
that involve the SSC, characterized double-leg tuck jumps did not control condition. Based on the find-
by a rapid eccentric movement fol- improve 10- and 20-m sprint times ings of these 2 studies, the use of loaded
lowed by a short amortization phase after 4, 5, and 6 min of recovery period and unloaded plyometric exercise to
and a ballistic concentric movement (p . 0.05). A possible reason for this improve sprint performance acutely is
(8). Lower body plyometric exercises finding could be due to the lack of not recommended.
include activities such as DJ, hurdle mechanical specificity as sprinting in- The use of plyometric CAs has been
jump, and CMJ while upper body plyo- volves both horizontal and vertical shown to improve jumping perfor-
metrics include exercises such as bench propulsion while tuck jumps involved mance (3,10,13,18). For example, Bur-
press throw and ballistic push-up. The only vertical propulsion (64). There- kett et al. (10) compare 3 warm-up
use of plyometric exercises as PAP CA fore, it is possible that the direction at protocols on CMJ performance. The
has been studied and shown to be which force is produced is also an warm-up protocols included a submax-
effective in inducing PAP leading to important factor to consider when imal jump protocol where participants
improved jump (Table 5) (3,10,13,18), performing plyometric exercises as were required to perform 1 set of 5
sprint (Table 6) (3,8,9,23,64), judo a form of PAP CA. jumps of 75% of their maximum jump
(41,47), throwing (Table 7) (61), and Studies have also been conducted to height; a weighted jump protocol
sport-specific performances (26). How- investigate the effectiveness of where participants were required to
ever, some studies have also shown no weighted plyometric exercises on perform 1 3 5 jumps with 10% of their
significant changes in sprint time (62) inducing PAP (23,44,64). Turner et al. body weight onto a 63.5-cm high box;
and jump height (20,40) after perform- (64) compared the effects of weighted and a stretching protocol that involved
ing plyometric exercises. (10% body weight) and unweighted 14 stretches to the lower body with
A study by Bonfim Lima et al. (8), bounding on 20-m sprints. Results each stretch held for 20 seconds. It
investigated the effects of performing showed that the unweighted condition was reported that weighted box jump
2 3 5 DJs from a height of 75 cm on led to an increase 10-m sprint acceler- protocol resulted in 3.3% (p , 0.05)
50-m on sprint performance. Signifi- ation at 4 minutes (1.8%, p , 0.05) higher jump height as compared to
cant improvement was shown in 50- while the weighted condition resulted no warm-up, whereas submaximal
m sprint time after 10 minutes (2.4%, in improvement in the 10-m sprint jump (0.9%, p . 0.05) and stretching
p , 0.05) and 15 minutes (2.4%, p , acceleration at 4 minutes (2.2%, p , conditions (0.7%, p . 0.05) did not.
0.05). Similarly, Bryne et al. (9) exam- 0.05) and 8 minutes (2.9%, p , 0.05) Although it was not stated whether
ined the acute effect of performing 1 3 and improvement in 20-m sprint veloc- the weighted jump protocol was per-
3 DJ from individualized optimal ity at 4 minutes (2.3%, p , 0.01) and formed with maximal or submaximal
height (i.e., drop height that resulted 8 minutes (2.6%, p , 0.01). However, effort, the authors indicated that the
in the highest DJ height) of either 20, the change in sprint performance extra 10% weight provided some form
30, 40, 50, or 60 cm on 20-m sprint might not be a real improvement of overloading. The authors explained
performance and reported that there because Turner et al. (64) reported that that, based on the theoretical Treppen
was a significant reduction in 20-m the typical error calculated from base- concept, each successive loaded jump
sprint time (2.93%, p , 0.05). In addi- line measures for 10- and 20-m sprint resulted in the recruitment of increas-
tion, Abade et al. (3) investigated the acceleration were 3.4 and 2.6%, respec- ing amounts of motor units that led to
effects of plyometric exercises as a form tively. As the magnitude of improve- greater force production (10). When
of rewarm-up protocol that was per- ment in sprint velocity was within the resistance was removed, more
formed after a period of 6-minute pas- the typical error range, this change motor units were recruited, producing
sive recovery from a traditional soccer could have been due to fluctuation in an even larger power output, or
warm-up regime, on subsequent sprint- participants’ performance. A recent increase in the jumping ability (10).
ing performance. The protocol study by Ferreira Junior et al. (23) The effects of plyometric CA on
involved 4 3 5 jumps over 40-cm bar- who used the same plyometric CA as sports-related performance is not lim-
rier and one-foot runs in agility ladder. the one in Turner et al. (64) found no ited to sprint and jump performances,
Results showed that the plyometric significant differences in 100-m dash as plyometric CA have also been
CA led to improvement in both 10-m time (0.89%, p . 0.05) between inter- shown to elicit PAP effect on other
(22.9%, p , 0.05) and 20-m (23.4%, p vention and control conditions in high sports movements such as judo
, 0.05) sprint times while no change school track and field athletes. There throws, tennis serve, and track and
was observed in the control condition was also no significant difference in all field throws (36,41,47,61). Studies by
which involved passively resting for split times (0–30, 30–50, 50–70, and Miarka et al. (47) and Lum (41) inves-
12 minutes. Despite the positive effects 70–100 m) except 70–100 m where tigated the effects of plyometric CA on
of plyometric exercise as a PAP CA intervention condition using weighted SJFT performance. Miarka et al. (47)

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74 VOLUME 42 | NUMBER 2 | APRIL 2020

Postactivation Potentiation Exercises

Table 5
Summary of selected studies using plyometric to elicit PAP in sprint performance
Study Subjects Training status and strength level Intervention Performance measure Rest Effect size Results

Abade et al. 22 males Training status: elite U19; 4 3 5 jumps over 40-cm 10- and 20-m sprint. NA 10-m Y10-m sprint time by
(3) soccer strength level: NA. barrier, one foot runs in sprint: 2.9%;
players. agility ladder with 10 0.7; Y20-m sprint time by
rungs. 20-m 3.4%.
Bonfim Lima 10 male Training status: high-level 2 3 5 drop jumps (height 50-m sprint. 5, 10, and 10 min: Y 50-m sprint time at
et al. (8) sprinters. professional; of 0.75 m). 15 min. 0.86; 10 min by 2.4%
strength level: NA. 15 min: and at 15 min by
0.91. 2.7%.
Bryne et al. 29 males. Training status: physically active; DYN: 5-min jog + 10 20-m sprint. 1 min. (CON vs Y 20-m sprint time
(9) strength level: NA. dynamic stretches; DYN by 2.2% in DYN vs
DYNDJ: DYN + 1 3 3 depth and CON;
jumps @individualized DYNDJ) Y 20-m sprint time
optimal height (0.20, DYN: 0.66, by 5.01% in
0.30, 0.40, 0.50, or DYNDJ: DYNDJ vs CON;
0.60 m). 1.49; Y 20-m sprint time
(DYN vs by 2.93% in
Faigenbaum 60 children (27 Training status: active; SS 5 5 min of static Shuttle run. 2 min. DY: 0.29; Y shuttle run timing
et al. (22) girls, 33 strength level: NA. stretches on lower body; DYJ: 0.43. by ;1.8% in DY
boys; mean DY 5 10 min of dynamic and ;22.7% in
age 5 11.3 exercises; DYJ as compared
6 0.7 y). DYJ 5 10 min of dynamic to SS.
exercises + 3 DJs from
15-cm boxes.
Ferreira 11 track and Training status: high school; 3 3 10 alternate leg 100-m dash, split time 7 min. 0.51 Y split time at 70–
Junior field male strength level: NA. bounding with @.0–30, 30–50, 50– 100 m (2.5%).
et al. (23) athletes. additional 10% body 70, and 70–100 m.
mass load.
showed that 10 3 3 box jump resulted

velocity at 4 (2.2%)

velocity at 4 (2.3%)

DYN, DY 5 dynamic exercises; DYNDJ 5 dynamic exercises + depth jump; DYJ 5 dynamic exercises + drop jump; NA 5 not available; PAP 5 postactivation potentiation; SS 5 static
and 8 (2.9%) min.

and 8 (2.6%) min,

in significantly higher total number of

acceleration at
throws performed as compared to con-

4 min (1.8%).
change in all

change in all

[ 20-m sprint

[ 10-m sprint
trol condition (12%, p , 0.05). Simi-
No significant

No significant

[10-m sprint


larly, Lum (41) showed that the

addition of 3 3 5 SBJ into a judo
warm-up protocol resulted in 8% (p
, 0.05) more throws performed during
the first series of SJFT as compared to
judo warm-up alone.
The beneficial acute effect of plyo-


20-m sprint, split time ;15 s, 2, NA

metric CA on track and field throws

4, 8, 12,

16 min.
4, 5, and

performance was evident in the study

6 min.
4 min.


by Karampatsos et al. (36). In this

study, throwers performed 3 consecu-
tive CMJ 1 minute before their throw
@ 0–10 m, 10–20 m.

attempt during a competition. The re-

sults showed that mean throwing dis-
tance improved (2.66%, p , 0.05)
40-m sprint.

20-m sprint.

when the attempt was preceded by

the 3 CMJ as compared to not per-
forming the CMJ. In support of this
finding, Terzis et al. (61) showed that
5 consecutive DJ from a height of 40
countermovement jump

bounding in weighted

cm resulted in improved underhand

(10% body mass) and
1 3 5 double-leg tuck

shot throw distance (4.6–7.4%, p

(continued )

Training status: plyometric trained; 3 3 10 alternate leg

, 0.01).
Table 5

@ 30% 1 RM.


There is a paucity of studies investigat-

1 3 3 loaded

ing the effects of upper body plyomet-


ric CA on sports-related performance

in the current literature. To the best of
our knowledge, only the study by Ge-
len et al. (26) has compared the effects
Training status: NCAA Division III;

of various upper body warm-up on

12 professional Training status: professional and

sports performance. The study com-

pared the effects of 4 different upper
body warm-up protocol, plyometric,
traditional, dynamic exercise, and static
resistance trained;
strength level: NA.

strength level: NA.

strength level: NA.

stretching, on tennis serve perfor-

mance. The plyometric condition
included 6 different types of ballistic
exercises, the traditional condition
included 6 upper body dynamic exer-
cises, the dynamic exercise included
shoulder, wrist, and trunk rotation
exercise with tennis racket, and the
15 football


static stretch condition included 7


23 men.

upper body stretching exercises. The

results showed that the plyometric
(3.4%, p , 0.05) and dynamic exercises
Cooke (62)

(1.3%, p , 0.05) condition resulted in

Turner et al.
et al. (44)

significantly higher ball velocity than


Till and

traditional warm-up, whereas plyomet-


ric condition resulted in significantly

higher ball velocity than dynamic

75 Strength and Conditioning Journal |

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Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
76 VOLUME 42 | NUMBER 2 | APRIL 2020

Postactivation Potentiation Exercises

Table 6
Summary of selected studies using plyometrics to elicit PAP in jump performance
Study Subjects Training status and Intervention Performance Rest Effect size Results
strength level measure

Abade et al. 22 elite males Training status: elite 4 3 5 jumps over 40-cm barrier, one CMJ and NA CMJ: ;0.4; [ CMJ (;3.8%) and Abalakov
(3) U19 soccer U19; foot runs in agility ladder with 10 AJ AJ: ;0.5. jump (;4.8%) performances.
players. strength level: NA. rungs.
Bonfim Lima 10 male Training status: 2 3 5 drop jumps (height of 0.75 m). CMJ. 5, 10, and Post 15 min [ CMJ height at post 15 min by
et al. (8) sprinters. high-level 15 min. vs CON: 0.99 5.5% as compared to CON;
professional; vs pretest: 0.74 [ CMJ height at post 15 min by
strength level: NA. vs post 5 min: 4% as compared to pretest;
1.16. [ CMJ height at post 15 min by
6.1% as compared to post
5 min.
Burkett et al. 29 football Training status: 1 3 5 jumps with 10% BW onto VJ. 2 min. Vs no warm- [ VJ height vs no warm-up
(10) athletes. collegiate; a 63.5-cm-high box. up: 0.35; (;3.2%) vs stretching warm-
strength level: NA. Vs stretching: up (;2.5%) and vs
0.27; submaximal warm-up
Vs (;2.3%).
Chen et al. 10 male Training status: 1 3 5 drop jumps, or 2 3 5 drop CMJ. 2, 6, and NA [ CMJ height at post 2 min by
(13) volleyball collegiate; jumps at individualized drop 12 min. ;3–5% vs pretest in both
players. strength level: NA. height (20, 40, or 60 cm). protocols.
de Villarreal 12 first Training status: WP1: 3 3 5 optimal loaded CMJs; CMJ, DJ, and 5 min, 6 NA WP1:
et al. (18) division competitive and WP 4: 3 3 5 DJs from optimal height; loaded h. [ CMJ height (4.1%), [ DJ
male resistance trained; WP 5: specific volleyball standard CMJ. height (4.18%), [ max power
volleyball strength level: NA. warm-up. output (2.43%) @ post 5 min;
players. Improvement maintained in
loaded CMJ (9.03%) @ post 6
no significant difference in all
post warm-up measurement;
[ CMJ height (6.96%), [ DJ
height (4.49%), [ max power
output (10.90%) @ post
5 min;
Improvement not maintained
for all post warm-up
measurement @ post 6 h.
No significant improvements in
(2.1%, p , 0.05) and stretching condi- performance. These findings indicate
displacement compared with

AJ 5 acute jump; BW 5 body weight; CMJ 5 countermovement jump; CON 5 control; DJ 5 drop jump; DY 5 dynamic exercises; DYJ 5 dynamic exercises + drop jump; JH 5 jump height;
DYJ: [ VJ height (6.1%) and LJ
tioning (3.9%, p , 0.05) as well. that the use of plyometric CA can be
The comparison of various modes of used to improve acute sports-related
performances in children.
DY: [ VJ height (5.5%);
plyometric CA was studied by de Vil-
larreal et al. (18). In this study, the As plyometric exercises are associated
distance (1.9%).
PAP effects of loaded CMJ (3 3 5 with preferential recruitment of type
jumps with optimal loaded CMJ), II motor units, it has been reported
DJ (3 3 5 DJ from optimal height), that plyometric CA is a slightly more
and volleyball standard warm-up, effective method to induce PAP, as

which included various plyometric compared to free-weight exercise

exercises, were compared. It was (55). In addition, plyometric CA may
shown that loaded CMJ and specific induce lower levels of fatigue than the
volleyball standard warm-up proto- lifting of free weights, hence allowing
DYJ: 0.31;

DYJ: 0.17.

col resulted in improved CMJ height for greater potentiation effect while
DY: 0.27;

(4.1 and 6.9%, respectively, p , 0.05), reducing the time needed for maximal

DJ height (4.18 and 4.49%, respec- PAP effect (36,55). The review by


tively, p , 0.05), and maximal power Seitz and Haff (55) reported that
output (2.4 and 10.9%, respectively, p a greater PAP effect can be achieved
5 min.

2 min.

, 0.05) 5 minutes after CA. Although earlier after plyometric CA (0.3–

only loaded CMJ protocol improved 4 minutes) as compared to the lifting
LJ 5 long jump; NA 5 not available; PAP 5 postactivation potentiation; VJ 5 vertical jump; WP 5 warm-up protocol.

CMJ height (9.0%, p , 0.05) 6 hours of moderate- to high-intensity weights

after CA. The authors suggested that ($5 minutes). This was also evident in
the lack of improvement in CMJ and the study by Karampatsos et al. (36)

DJ height after performing DJ as CA who showed that a 1-minute recovery

3 3 6 alternate speed bounds, right CMJ.

may be related to the high level of period after 3 repetitions of CMJ was
neuromuscular fatigue associated sufficient to enhance throwing perfor-
(continued )

DYJ 5 10 min of dynamic exercises +

DY 5 10 min of dynamic exercises;

with the DJ exercise, together with mance (2.66%, p , 0.05). In addition,

Table 6

SS 5 5 min of static stretches on

leg speed hops, left leg speed

the short recovery period (i.e., plyometric CAs have been suggested
hops, and vertical bounds.

5 minutes) between the end of the to have greater biomechanical

3 DJs from 15-cm boxes.

plyometric exercise and the begin- specificity to sprinting as compared

ning of the performance. The results to the lifting of free weights. Plyomet-
showed that loaded CMJ and the ric CAs generally have similar ground
specific volleyball standard warm-up contact times to the acceleration
lower body;

protocol can be used to induce phase of a sprint (33). Furthermore,

PAP to enhance acute jump perfor- plyometric CA require minimal
mance, while only loaded CMJ pro- logistics, do not require specific skill
tocol may be used to enhance acute sets, activate several muscles groups
jump performance for an extended simultaneously, and can be performed
resistance trained;

period (18). quickly. Therefore, it is an ideal way to

competitive and

strength level: NA.

strength level: NA.

The effectiveness of plyometric CA in induce PAP and improve athletic per-

Training status:

Training status:

inducing PAP in children was evident formances (35).

in the study conducted by Faigen- Based on the studies reviewed, current

baum et al. (22). In this study, partic- literature suggests that performing
ipants who performed a warm-up plyometric upper and lower body
with moderate- to high-intensity exercises before sports activities could
dynamic movements, such as high positively enhance subsequent sports-
60 children.

knee skip and high knee run exercises, related performance by 1.31–12%.
13 male

had improved shuttle run timing and It has also been found that the
CMJ height by 1.8% (p , 0.05) and enhancement in performance can
5.5% (p , 0.05), respectively. In addi- occur almost immediately after the
tion, the inclusion of 3 DJs from a 15- CA (20 seconds–1 minute). However,
et al. (20)

et al. (22)

cm box after performing dynamic ex- with a higher volume of CA, such as

ercises resulted in greater improve- multiple series or sets of plyometric

ment in CMJ height (6.1%, p , 0.05) CA, a longer rest period has been
and long jump (1.9%, p , 0.05) suggested (2–7 minutes).

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Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
78 VOLUME 42 | NUMBER 2 | APRIL 2020

Postactivation Potentiation Exercises

Table 7
Summary of selected studies using plyometrics to elicit PAP in other sports performances
Study Subjects Training status and Intervention Performance measure Rest Effect size Results
strength level

Gelen et al. 26 young Training status: elite; TRPLYO: 6 ballistic exercises; Tennis serve 2–4 Vs CON Sig [ in serve velocity
(26) tennis strength level: NA. TRDE: 6 dynamic exercise; performance. min. TRDE: 0.27 in TRDE (;1.31%)
players. TRSS: 7 static stretches. TRPLYO: 0.71; and TRPLYO
Vs TRSS (;3.42%) vs CON.
TRDE: 0.35 Sig [ in serve velocity
TRPLYO: 0.78; in TRDE (;1.76%)
TRPLYO: 0.42. (;3.88%) vs TRSS.
Sig [ in serve velocity
in TRPLYO (;2.09%)
vs TRDE.
Karampatsos 32 track Training status: 1 3 3 consecutive CMJs. Shot put throw, 1 min. Best [ in mean
et al. (36) and field competitive; hammer throw, performance throwing performance
throws. strength level: NA. discus throw, and with CMJs vs (2.66%).
javelin throw. without [ in maximum
CMJs; throwing
shot put: 0.09; performance
hammer throw: (2.76%).
0.04; Best performance with
discus throw: CMJs vs without
0.16. CMJs:
[ in shot put
performance by
[ in hammer throw
performance by
[ in discus throw
performance by
Lum (41) 11 male Training status: elite; 3 3 5 standing broad jump. SJFT and HPT. 5 min 0.7 Significant [ in number
judo strength level: NA. (HPT), of throws in SJFT
athletes. 7 min series A (;8%).
Miarka et al. 8 male Training status: state 10 series of 3 consecutive jumps from SJFT. 3 min. 1.4 Significant [ in no. of
(47) judo level; elevated surface and jumping onto throws during series
athletes. strength level: NA. benches of height (20, 40, and A vs CON (;12%).
60 cm).
Danny Lum is

in men only (;7.4%).

CMJ 5 countermovement jump; CON 5 control; HPT 5 high pull test; NA 5 not available; PAP 5 postactivation potentiation; SJFT 5 special judo fitness test; TRDE 5 traditional warm-up +
as a group (;4.6%).
The current review has provided infor-
throw performance

throw performance
Significant [ in shot

Significant [ in shot
the head of
mation on the effects of various modes
strength and
of exercise in inducing PAP for various
conditioning at
sports-related performances. Each
Singapore Sport
method resulted in varying degrees of
PAP and has its own pros and cons.
Several factors that have been shown
to affect the magnitude of PAP include
Men only: 0.69.

lifting load, rest period, and strength

level. Current findings have also
As a group:

shown that replacing 20–35% of the REFERENCES


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