Castrodes Activity2

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Date: August 16, 2020

Name: Kyla Jean L. Castrodes

Course: BEED III
Instructor: Mr. Sean Rene Duay
Journal Entry #: 1

Personal Reflection:

For me, the governments decision of reviving GMRC (Good Manners and Right

Conduct) is a wise decision that will greatly benefit younger generation. GMRC is a school

subject that teaches the learners about the importance of having basic morals, qualities and

values. In short, it teaches a person how to have a good upbringing which is a must specially that

we are social individuals.

In my opinion, the revival of GMRC somehow represents hope that it is not yet too late to

imprint proper manners especially that it is slowly fading in the minds and actions of younger

generation of today. I just find it so saddening that we Filipinos have come to at a time in which

our way of acting and speaking has been tainted from which our innocent youth has come to

adopt. According to the Teacher Philippines, most of the students nowadays tend to emulate

what they see online, which resulted confusion to the minds of our youth. They have come

practice such actions that is not admirable to emulate and has often challenged the values and

morals that we have already formed.

GMRC starts at home, in the community, then at school. I believe that this initiative of

won’t be successful if will we will just rely on teachers as the frontliners in teaching proper

manners to the pupils or students while parents will just be passive and won’t take part on
instilling this to their children. A study by Michael Arthus G. Muega showed that values learned

in family, school and society are significant in shaping the values of the student. This alone is a

proof that parents and teachers must work hand in hand in order to achieve the goal of producing

citizens that are Maka-Diyos, makabansa, makakatao at makakalikasan.

I believe that good manners and right conduct will open doors that even the best

education cannot, however, if the best education could and would also offer good manners, then

one cannot only expect opportunities to open but greater opportunities will be opened.

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