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Applied Thermal Engineering 121 (2017) 1051–1058

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Research Paper

A novel Pumped Thermal Electricity Storage (PTES) system with thermal

Guido Francesco Frate, Marco Antonelli, Umberto Desideri ⇑
Department of Energy, Systems, Territory and Constructions Engineering, University of Pisa, Largo Lucio Lazzarino, 56122 Pisa, Italy

h i g h l i g h t s

 A novel thermally integrated Pumped Thermal Electricity Storage was proposed.

 A numerical model was developed and the steady state operation of PTES was simulated.
 The thermal integration boosted the electric round-trip efficiency beyond 100%.
 A comparison between standard and thermally integrated PTES was proposed.
 Practical limitations to capacity size due to required amount of heat were discussed.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Power to heat technologies are becoming more and more important due to the extreme need of energy
Received 15 December 2016 storage solutions to help manage the mismatch between supply and demand of electric power in grids
Revised 10 March 2017 with a large penetration of intermittent renewable energy systems. Several Electric Energy Storage
Accepted 2 April 2017
(EES) technologies have been proposed in the literature and some of them have been built as pilot or
Available online 2 May 2017
commercial plants, with different characteristics in terms of storage capacity, response time and round-
trip efficiency. In this paper, the attention was focused on Pumped Thermal Electricity Storage (PTES),
which is a technology that stores electric energy as heat by means of Heat Pumps (HP) and converts it
Energy storage
Pumped Thermal Energy Storage
again to power with a Heat Engine (HE). In this study, a hybrid PTES application was studied, which took
Power to heat advantage of a low-grade heat source to boost the electric round-trip efficiency of the system beyond
Enhanced heat recovery 100%. The main idea was to exploit the heat source to reduce the HP operational temperature difference;
this thermal integration boosted the HP COP and thus the electric efficiency of the whole system. A Matlab
numerical model was developed, using the thermodynamic properties of the Coolprop data base, and the
steady state operation of a PTES system composed by a vapor-compression HP and an Organic Rankine
Cycle (ORC) we simulated. Heat source temperature values ranging from 80 °C to 110 °C and different
working fluids were studied. Among the refrigerants, which comply with the latest European environ-
mental legislation, the most promising fluid was R1233zd(E): with such fluid a maximum round trip-
efficiency of 1.3 was achieved, when the heat source temperature reaches 110 °C and the machinery isen-
tropic efficiencies is 0.8, the heat exchangers pinch points is 5 K and the ORC condensation temperature is
35 °C.
Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction ment, peaks in the demand were smoothed by the large numbers
of users, whose behavior was predictable by using long term statis-
In many developed countries an ever increasing share of electric tics, and supply could be forecast in advance enough to guarantee a
energy is produced by Renewable Energy Sources (RES). The intrin- stable and secure service. The grids with large penetration of RES
sic aleatory nature of some RES poses many management and con- are now facing new problems: the deployment of power genera-
trol issues. In fact the traditional mode of operation of large electric tion systems has not been programmed by large utilities, but by
grids was aimed at matching a highly agglomerated demand with a residential and small industrial users, with significant unbalances
small number of large power generation systems. In this arrange- between supply and demand capacity, thus creating areas with
over capacity and areas with under capacity and with real difficul-
⇑ Corresponding author. ties in managing generation of small power plants with dispatch
E-mail address: (U. Desideri). priority. The new system has therefore introduced a double
1359-4311/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1052 G.F. Frate et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 121 (2017) 1051–1058

mismatch between supply and demand: smaller and local aggrega- higher maximum temperature, and then the whole process takes
tion of the demand makes it more difficult to predict it and the place with a higher round-trip efficiency.
installation of large shares of intermittent RES make it much more The outlined idea is not completely new, since it is mentioned
difficult to predict the supply, which is strongly influenced by in general terms in [19,24] as a potential way to enhance the per-
weather changes and patterns. formance of standard PTES systems. Even though the idea was pre-
The problems described above are likely to intensify, since the viously proposed, it was never thoroughly analyzed, to the best of
share of installed capacity based on RES will certainly grow, in the authors knowledge, and the present paper contributes to fill up
agreement with the general trends that characterize the legislation this gap.
on greenhouse gases emissions of many developed countries,
among which the European Union [1]. 2. Methodology
It is now well known that a further exploitation of RES is possi-
ble through efficient and reliable Electric Energy Storage (EES) 2.1. Theoretical analysis
technologies [2,3]. Such technologies allow further integration of
RES in the electric systems in two ways: providing some essential PTES systems store electric energy as heat by means of a HP,
ancillary services, like voltage or primary control reserve [4], which while the thermal energy is converted back to electricity by using
cannot be entrusted to an aleatory source of power like photo- a HE. Hence, most of PTES systems consist of three main compo-
voltaic or wind power plants, or helping to address the mismatch nents: a HP, a TES and a HE. Each subsystem is characterized by
between the production and the use of the electric energy. In the a coefficient of performance: for the HP we have:
first case, the storage is used to guarantee the stability and the
Q st
safety of the electric grid, while in the second it is directly coupled COP ¼ ð1Þ
to the RES and it is used to store up the surplus of energy produc- Lhp
tion, allowing to use it when needed. where Lhp is the electric energy absorbed by the HP, and Q st is the
Despite the significant role that EES can have in the integration heat provided by the HP to the TES tank.
of the RES, such technologies can only help to increase the share of For the HE we have:
the RES allowable in the electric grids; in fact, for more challenging
targets, such as the 100% renewable energy systems, a deep over- ghe ¼ ð2Þ
haul of the entire energetic system may be needed [5–7]. Q he
The main EES technology is Pumped Hydro Energy Storage where Lhe is the electric energy supplied back by the HE. In conclu-
(PHES), which features high efficiency and large storage capacity sion, for the TES we have:
and has been used for several decades for the management of large
Q he
electric grids. A PHES plant requires peculiar geographical condi- gst ¼ ð3Þ
tions for its operation and, at least in Europe, the easily exploitable Q st
locations have already been utilized [8]. Since it is practically where Q he is the heat provided to the HE by the TES.
impossible to add PHES capacity to control grids with large shares In standard PTES the heat is exchanged with two thermal reser-
of RES, in the last years the interest towards alternative EES tech- voirs; the cold reservoir provides the heat to the HP and receives
nologies has grown: the main examples of such technologies are the heat from the HE, while the hot reservoir is the TES. For the
Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) and Battery Energy Storage sake of simplicity we assumed the thermal reservoirs as isother-
(BES), but more technologies are available and being studied, such mal, so the hot reservoir is characterized by the temperature T st
as Flywheels, Super-capacitors, Hydrogen, Superconducting Mag- and the cold reservoir is characterized by the temperature T amb ,
netic and many others Energy Storage systems. Further details as illustrated in Fig. 1. The HP, the TES and the HE are arranged
can be found in [9,10]. in series, hence the round trip efficiency, namely the ratio between
A rather poorly studied EES technology is the Pumped Thermal the absorbed and returned amounts of electric energy, can be
Electricity Storage (PTES), which has the peculiarity of storing the defined as:
electric energy as heat. The PTES essentially converts electric
energy into heat by means of Heath Pumps (HP), charging a Ther- grt ¼ ¼ gst ghe COP ð4Þ
mal Energy Storage (TES), and converts the heat back with a Heat Lhp
Engines (HE).
If we assume to use ideal machines, we may write:
Two main PTES systems have been studied so far: one which (
uses closed Brayton cycles and one which uses trans-critical CO2 COPid ¼ T st T
T st
Rankine cycles. Some examples of Brayton PTES, using dynamic
gid ¼ T st T
T st
turbomachinery, are available in [11–14], while two variants with
volumetric machines can be found in [15,16]. and the round-trip efficiency becomes:
Some examples of trans-critical Rankine PTES can be found in
[17–20]. A different concept with isothermal compression and gidrt ¼ gst
expansion can be found in [21]. gst ranges from 0 to 1, so even in the ideal case the round-trip effi-
In the literature, a few PTES systems are also available, that are ciency cannot be higher than 1.
powered by both electrical and thermal energy: this technique, It is, however, possible to conceive a PTES system which takes
that we identify with the term thermal integration, allows to advantage of a suitable heat source to provide heat at temperature
achieve a higher electric efficiency than the standard PTES [22,23]. T s > T amb , as illustrated in Fig. 2. Introducing a third thermal reser-
Focusing on thermally integrated PTES, in this study we out- voir does not influence the definition of grt , since it takes into
lined and analyzed a novel system, by simulating its steady state account only the electric amount of energy, but now we have:
operation for several operational parameters and conditions. The (
idea behind the proposed PTES system is to use a HP to exploit a COPid ¼ T stTT
suitable heat source allowing the PTES to store the heat at a higher gid ¼ T st T
T st

temperature, without affecting the HP performance. At the same

time, the HE efficiency increases, since the discharge phase has a and for grt we find:
G.F. Frate et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 121 (2017) 1051–1058 1053

Fig. 1. Working principles of classical PTES systems. The superscript + stands for heat gained by the component, while the superscript – stands for heat returned by the

Fig. 2. Working principles of the proposed thermally integrated PTES system. The superscript + stands for heat gained by the component, while the subscript – stands for heat
returned by the component.

T st  T amb For the sake of simplicity, in our analysis we assumed the ther-
gidrt ¼ gst ð5Þ
T st  T s mal source as a thermal reservoir at constant temperature, even
though all the potential thermal sources listed above provide sen-
In such case the round-trip efficiency can be higher than 1 as long sible heat.
as: In fact, finding isothermal waste heat sources, even in the
T s > T st ð1  gst Þ þ gst T amb industrial sector, can be rather challenging. In any case, the numer-
ical results of the analysis do not change using latent or sensible
If we have a perfectly insulated TES (gst ¼ 1), grt is always higher heat sources: the heat pump COP and the entire system efficiency
than 1. are functions of the minimum HP temperature and not functions of
This effect takes place because the thermal source allows to the the heat source temperature. Since the heat transfer between the
HP to store the same amount of heat absorbing less electric energy; HP and the thermal source is limited by a minimum pinch point
in practical terms the system is powered by both electric and ther- DT, if the heat source is isothermal, we set the HP minimum tem-
mal energy inputs; to take in account both those terms we defined perature equal to T s  DT; conversely, if the thermal source is a
a total efficiency as: sensible heat source between the temperatures T max
s and T min
s , the
minimum temperature of the HP should be set equal to
Lhe  Lhp gst ghe COP  1
gtot ¼ ¼ T min  DT. Therefore, the performance of the system is influenced
Qs COP  1 s
only by the minimum heat source temperature T min s , which in the
where Q s is the heat provided by the thermal source. In the ideal particular case of isothermal heat source is the same as the only
case we have: temperature value (T s ) which characterizes the thermal source.
T st ð1  gst Þ þ T amb gst Based on the above assumptions and constraints the PTES sys-
gidtot ¼ 1  ð6Þ tem that we propose in this paper consists of a vapor-
compression HP for the charging phase of the TES and of an
From Eqs. (5) and (6) we see that both the round-trip and the over-
all efficiency increase while T s increases; conversely, if T s is fixed,
both the efficiencies increase while T st tends to T s , which is the
same as saying that the HP has to work with minimum operational
temperature difference to maximize the performance of the system.
In practical cases it is a non-sense to use a heat source from the
combustion of fossil fuels, while it could be very interesting to use
waste or low grade heat sources. Apart from low grade geothermal
heat and solar thermal energy, heat sources of suitable thermal
capacity and temperature level can be found mostly in the indus-
trial sector, as Industrial Waste Heat (IWH). The amount of heat
needed and the temperature level required restrict thermally inte-
grated PTES systems to stand-alone or industrial heat recovery
applications, even though many sectors, among which the residen-
tial one, could benefit from the development of adequate EES tech-
nologies, which could help to address the mismatch between the Fig. 3. in T-s diagram of the Heat pump cycle and organic Rankine cycle with
production and the utilization of the electric energy. R1233zd(E); the represented case works with DT hp
op ¼ 10 K and T s ¼ 110 °C.
1054 G.F. Frate et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 121 (2017) 1051–1058

Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) recovering the stored heat. Fig. 3 temperature at the exit of the expander and T orc cond was the ORC
shows the T-s plane with the thermodynamic cycles of the HP condensation temperature, the cycle can be regenerated only
and the ORC for one of the studied cases. Bearing in mind Eqs. when DT orc orc orc
reg ¼ T sh;cond  T cond P 15 K. Unlike other ORC applica-
(1)–(3) and performing energy balances on the HP, the ORC and tions, the regeneration is beneficial, since the heat provided to
the TES, the main energy flows among the components were calcu- the ORC is stored before being used, thus a more efficient ORC
lated and the results are illustrated in Fig. 4. leads to a more compact TES;
 the ORC condensation temperature is T orc cond ¼ 35 °C;
2.2. Numerical model  the pressure losses in the heat exchangers are negligible;
 the minimum HP operational temperature difference
The paper deals with the steady state simulation of the outlined
DT hp
op ¼ T st  T s ¼ 10 K. This was assumed as the minimum
storage system, focusing on the influence of T s and T st on the
round-trip efficiency. achievable value in practice.
A total of 17 fluids, chosen among the artificial and natural
refrigerants contained in the Coolprop data base [25], were inves- 3. Main results
tigated; from this initial pool of fluids we discarded all that under-
went, or will be subjected in the near future, to bans or restrictions The results obtained from the simulations are in agreement
due to European environmental legislation [26]. The remaining with the theoretical conclusions deduced in Section 2.1, confirming
environmentally friendly, or clean, fluids were further analyzed. that also in the practical case both grt and gtot are maximized by
The initial 17 refrigerants were selected considering their criti-
small DT hpop .
cal temperature T crit : only the subcritical operation for the HP and
the ORC was assumed, thus many refrigerants were discarded Fig. 5 shows grt as a function of T st and T s for all the investigated
because their T crit was too low. fluids; Fig. 5(a) shows the case with T s ¼ 100 °C and variable T st ;
We performed all the simulations with MATLAB (ver. 2012b) while Fig. 5(b) shows the case with variable T s and T st ¼ T s þ 10.
and all the thermodynamic data were retrieved by the Coolprop The results related to only the environmentally friendly refrig-
data base. The developed numerical model is based on some erants were isolated for the sake of clarity and illustrated in
assumptions: Fig. 6(a) and (b). Fig. 7(a) shows gtot as a function of T s . The nega-
tive values correspond to the case in which grt < 1 and thus the net
 the charge and the discharge phases are performed with the HP work becomes negative.
and the ORC using the same working fluid. Water is not among For a better characterization of the performance of the proposed
the tested fluids because it would have required a vacuum system, we compared the overall efficiency with that of a system
pump to extract the non-condensable gases from the condenser,
while none of the other fluids presented such requirement;
 gis ¼ 0:8 for both ORC expander and HP compressor;
 gst ¼ 0:9;
 the evaporator and the condenser of the HP and the evaporator
of the ORC have the same pinch point DT hp hp
ev ap ¼ DT cond ¼
DT ev ap ¼ 5 K;
 at the exit of HP condenser the fluid is subcooled by three
degrees (DT hp
sc ¼ 3 K);
 at the exit of HP evaporator the fluid is superheated by three
degrees (DT hp
¼ 3 K);
 the HP compression ends in the superheated or saturated steam
Fig. 5. Round-trip efficiency grt as function of T st and T s for all the investigated
 the ORC expansion has a final vapor quality higher than 0.85; fluids. (a): fixed T s ¼ 100 °C and varying T st . (b): varying T s with DT hp
op ¼ 10 K and
 if the ORC expansion ends in the superheated steam state at a T st ¼ T s þ DT hp
op °C. Discontinuities and sudden changes of slope were due to the ORC
temperature 15 K higher than the condensation temperature, regenerator, which started working only when the condensation steam was
the cycle can be regenerated. In other words, if T orc sufficiently superheated.
sh;cond was the

Fig. 4. Conceptual diagram of the proposed thermally integrated PTES system. The specified energy flows are calculated with Eqs. (1)–(3) and the energy balance of each
G.F. Frate et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 121 (2017) 1051–1058 1055

The results about efficiency confirmed that in principle grt and

gtot increase with higher values of T s in agreement with what has
been discussed in Section 2.1. However, we found that grt and
gtot does not increase continuously when T s approaches T crit : in
fact, they both showed a maximum before starting to drop while
T s increased. This effect is clear in Figs. 5 and 7 only for Isobutane
and Ammonia, which had the lowest T crit among the investigated
fluids. The critical temperatures of the other fluids were well
beyond the investigated temperature range, so the peaks of effi-
ciency were not visible.
This effect could not be predicted by the theoretical analysis in
Section 2.1, since the Carnot efficiency does not depend on the nat-
ure of the working fluid.
grt and gtot showed similar trends and the R1233zd(E) was again
the fluid with which the highest overall efficiency was achieved:
Fig. 6. Round-trip efficiency grt as function of T st and T s for only the environmen-
tally friendly fluids. (a): fixed T s ¼ 100 °C and varying T st . (b): varying T s with the maximum gtot was achieved in correspondence of T s ¼ 110 °C
DT hp hp
op ¼ 10 K and T st ¼ T s þ DT op °C. Discontinuities and sudden changes of slope are
and its value was slightly higher than 3%.
due to the ORC regenerator, which starts working only when the condensation c has similar trends with gtot and grt , its maximum value being
steam is sufficiently superheated.
slightly lower than 0.25, which means that the PTES converts the
provided energy (both the electric and the thermal amounts) with
an efficiency four times lower than a hypothetical ORC which
exploits the heat source directly.
The loss of efficiency, compared to that showed by the reference
ORC, is due to the presence of the HP and TES in the system. Using a
more efficient equipment surely helps improving the total effi-
ciency of the system and increasing the value of c.
However, the value of such parameter cannot reach one, except
in the case when the HP and the TES are ideal components. There-
fore, storing the energy introduces unavoidable energy losses,
which for ordinary EES systems are generally in the form of electric
energy. In our case, since the system is powered by both thermal
and electric energy, when grt > 1 the losses are only in the form
of heat, and when grt < 1 the losses are in the form of both heat
and electric energy.
Fig. 7. Total efficiency gtot (figure (a)) and c, the ratio between gtot and the direct
exploitation efficiency, (figure (b)) as function of T s for the environmentally friendly 4.2. Technical considerations
fluids. Discontinuities and sudden changes of slope were due to the ORC
regenerator, which starts working only when the condensation steam is sufficiently
4.2.1. Operational pressures
The HP condensation and evaporation pressures are shown as a
function of T s in Fig. 9(a) and (b), respectively. Due to the opera-
which directly exploits the heat source; for a fair comparison we tional temperatures, it is important to work with pressures as
assumed to use an ORC with the same characteristics of that used low as possible, in order to reduce the mechanical stress on the
in the PTES; this ORC exploited the heat source directly so its evap- piping and thermal equipment.
oration temperature was T orc orc Ammonia showed the highest pressures values, while R1233zd
ev ap ¼ T s  DT ev ap . Conversely, the PTES
ORC had T orc orc (E) showed the lowest. As a rule of thumb the HP operational fluid
ev ap ¼ T st  DT ev ap .
pressures should be as low as possible in order to reduce the ther-
We compared gtot with the direct exploitation efficiency gdir by
mal equipment costs. In our study, R1233zd(E) showed the highest
efficiency and the lowest operational pressure values, which con-
gtot firms such fluid as the most suitable for the proposed PTES system.
c¼ It is worth noting that the R1233zd(E) pressures were in line with
that of the traditional heat pumps; in Table 2 we reported the desir-
Fig. 7(b) shows c as a function of T s . able values of operational pressures for three commercial HP refrig-
erants that are comparable with that obtained with R1233zd(E) in
our analysis. Therefore, the development of suitable thermal equip-
4. Discussion and ancillary results ment for the high temperature HP, which is necessary for the out-
lined PTES system, should not arise serious technical issues.
4.1. Round trip efficiency and total efficiency
4.2.2. Thermal and electric storage capacity
By varying T s in the range from 80 °C to 110 °C, the highest val- The storage capacity is the amount of electric energy that can be
ues of gtot and grt was found when T s ¼ 110 °C. stored in the system. In our analysis such parameter was repre-
Although working fluids such as R11 and R141b allowed to sented by Lhp , which is exactly the electric energy absorbed during
achieve grt > 1:4, the maximum efficiency with an allowed fluid the storage charging phase.
did not exceed grt ¼ 1:3. The most promising environmentally The energy balance on the HP yields:
friendly fluid is R1233zd(E), followed by R1234ze(Z) and Ammo- 
Q s ¼ Lhp ðCOP  1Þ
nia. The main results for those three fluids are summarized in ð7Þ
Table 1. Q st ¼ Lhp COP
1056 G.F. Frate et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 121 (2017) 1051–1058

Table 1
Summary of main results for the three most performing clean operative fluids. Negative values of gtot and c correspond to the case in which grt < 1 and thus the net work
Lnet ¼ Lorc  Lhp < 0.

Fluids R1233zd(E) R1234ze(Z) Ammonia

T [°C] 80 95 110 80 95 110 80 95 110
grt 0.903 1.128 1.295 0.893 1.07 1.182 0.903 1.043 1.052
gtot 0.0104 0.014 0.032 0.012 0.008 0.021 0.011 0.0051 0.007
c 0.126 0.130 0.249 0.141 0.073 0.167 0.128 0.046 0.053

Table 2 duced and thus it will have a production cost, for example the
Saturation pressures for three common HP refrigerants at the temperatures 5 °C and costs of purchase and installation of the solar collectors, in case
45 °C.
of solar energy exploitation. Hence, from the economical point of
Fluids R134a R410a R407c R1233zd(E) view the optimum size of Lhp can be obtained only with a
P hp [bar] 11.6 27.3 19.7⁄ 18.4⁄⁄ thermo-economic optimization that takes into account the effi-
P hp [bar] 3.5 9.3 6.7 ⁄
10.9⁄⁄ ciency, the thermal energy production cost and the limitations
ev ap
imposed by the Eq. (7).

R407c is a blend and only the liquid saturation pressures are reported.
The pressures of R1233zd(E) are calculated with T s ¼ 110 °C.
4.2.3. Comparison with other PTES systems
Round trip efficiency. As previously mentioned, the main kinds of
In the investigated temperature range the COP of R1233zd(E) was PTES are those which use trans-critical CO2 cycles or closed Bray-
quite constant and it showed values close to 10.5, as can be seen ton cycles. Both those systems have a round trip efficiency that is
in Fig. 8, hence, from the second of the Eq. (7) it follows that, for hardly higher than 0.6, which is less than half of the efficiency
every kWh of stored electric energy, we have to accumulate more achieved by our system. However, this comparison is rather unfair,
than ten kWh of heat. This thermodynamic requirement establishes because those systems are designed to work with only electric
a practical and economical limitation to the size of the storage sys- inputs, while our system owes its higher round trip efficiency to
tem, encouraging the use of heat storage media that can guarantee the thermal integration.
high energy density, such as Phase Change Materials (PCM). An The proper comparison has to be done between systems that
accurate analysis about the optimal PCM for the proposed PTES sys- take advantage of both thermal and electric energy inputs. To the
tem is beyond the purpose of this paper. best of the author knowledge the examples of such systems avail-
From the second of Eq. (7) it also follows that higher COPs lead able in the literature are:
to higher efficiency, but also to a larger heat storage tank volume,
which generally entails higher costs and larger thermal losses.  [22] a PTES system integrated with IWH that achieves an grt
These contrasting effects must be taken into account during the slightly higher than 0.8 with a heat input provided at a maxi-
storage sizing, thus the choice of the magnitude of Lhp needs to mum temperature of 80 °C;
be the outcome of a thermo-economic optimization process. Such  [23] a PTES system integrated with solar thermal energy, where
an in-depth analysis requires to specify at least the nature of the the heat is provided at a maximum temperature slightly lower
thermal source and the TES materials, hence it is beyond the scope than 100 °C and the system achieves a maximum grt ¼ 0:84;
of the present paper.  [19] a transcritical CO2 PTES system. Such system utilizes only
From the first of Eq. (7) it follows that also Q s is almost ten electric input and the thermal integration is mentioned only
times greater than Lhp . Therefore, a system with high grt , i.e. with as way of enhancement of grt . No further details are given in
high COP, is limited in size not only by the volume of the TES, the paper;
but also by the maximum amount of heat provided by the source.  [24] a system designed to work with only electric input whose
Moreover, Eq. (7) are written in terms of energy but are also valid performances can be boosted with an additional thermal input.
in terms of power, thus the heat source has to supply not only the the round-trip efficiency exceeds 1 when the heat is provided at
adequate amount of energy, but also the adequate amount of T s > 88 °C.
If the heat is provided by IWH or geothermal resources, the size It is interesting to compare the efficiency of thermally inte-
of the thermal source is fixed both in terms of energy and power, grated PTES, being equal the temperature of the heat source: in
setting a practical limitation to the size of the PTES electric capac-
ity. If there are no pre-existing thermal sources, Q s has to be pro-

Fig. 9. HP condensation and evaporation pressures, in (a) and in (b) respectively, as

Fig. 8. COP as a function of T s for the environmentally friendly fluids. a function of T s for the environmentally friendly fluids.
G.F. Frate et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 121 (2017) 1051–1058 1057

fact, this guarantees that the compared systems are taking advan- Table 3
tage of comparable heat sources. It is true that a complete compar- Mean values and variation ranges of the variables selected for the sensitivity analysis.

ison requires to compare the exergetic efficiencies of the examined Variables gcomp gexp DT hp DT hp DT orc
ev ap T orc
is is ev ap cond cond
systems, but being such data unavailable in the literature, we can
Mean value 0.8 0.8 5 5 5 15
settle for the specified approximate comparison. Variation range 0:2 0:2 3 3 3 10
Since our system achieved grt > 0:9 for T s P 80 and grt > 1 for
T s P 86:5, we can conclude that, under the simplifying assumption
of an isothermal heat source, the efficiency of our system is higher Since it is not practical to analyze the separate effects of each
than any other described in the literature. It is worth noting that in variable, we followed a Monte Carlo approach: the system was iter-
the literature examples, the process that provides the heat is some- atively simulated, randomly drawing the analyzed variables from a
times not isothermal, thus the comparison would require further range of acceptable values; within this range the probability of
analysis. being picked up is uniform and each range is centered around a
mean value, corresponding to that used in the main analysis for
the related variable. The selected variation ranges and the related
Plant design complexity. Apart from featuring high efficiency, a
mean values are listed in Table 3.
PTES system should have a simple plant design. The efficiency
Every simulation produces a value of grt that is function of T s , as
can be a good indicator of the quality of the system, only as long
pointed out in the main analysis, and of gcomp ; gexp hp
is ; DT ev ap ;
as its complexity does not impair its own technical and economical is

feasibility. On the other side, although the design simplicity is one DT hp orc orc
cond ; DT ev ap and T cond . We repeated the whole process a suitable
of the most important features, it is often necessary to complicate number of time and we obtained a set of grt v alues on which a
the system in order to achieve satisfactory efficiency. From this multi-variable linear regression was performed, in order to find
point of view, the thermal integration can bring great advantages, the most appropriate linear relation between the efficiency, T s
boosting the grt to such an extent that many add-ons intended to and the aforementioned six variables.
enhance it might become unnecessary, promoting a much simpler In practical terms, we assumed that grt can be written as:
plant design.
Plant complexity often has the effect of pushing the system grt ¼ A i xi þ B
towards high ranges of capacity (from ten to hundreds of MWh), i¼1
in order to justify the technical and economical efforts. Some
where B is a constant and each of the xi is a variable among T s and
examples of high capacity PTES with complex design can be found
the six listed in Table 3.
in [24,27,11].
The residual j was the error that affects the linear model with
The fundamental problem of a high capacity PTES is that it has
to withstand the comparison against similar capacity PHES sys- respect to the j-th random evaluation of grt and it can be defined
tems, which usually have higher efficiency and are already a well as:
consolidated technology. However, the PTES have the great advan- X

tage of offering a comparable storage service, without requiring j ¼ grtj  Ai xij þ B

any particular geographical constraint. In this perspective the ther-
mal integration can be a double-edged sword since it actually where xij and grtj are respectively the input variables and the result
boosts the grt , but it links the PTES to the thermal source geograph-
of the j-th random evaluation of the round trip efficiency.
ical position, forcing it to lose its main advantage over the PHES.
The best linear relation minimizes the sum of ðj Þ2 and as a
Among the thermal sources that can be exploited, only the solar
one establishes no geographical constraints. Despite this, solar measure of the quality of the fit the parameter R2 is used, which
energy has to be produced rather than recuperated from low grade in our particular case is defined as:
resources often considered unprofitable, furthermore, the required 
j j
solar field has to be of adequate size, as stated in Section 4.2.2, and R2 ¼ 1  P
the economical feasibility of such solution requires careful jð g  hgrtj iÞ

where hgrtj i is the mean values of grtj . R2 ranges from 0 to 1 and the
For all the highlighted reasons, the thermal integration seems to
closer to 1 it is, the better the model traces the fitted data.
be more suitable for systems with little or medium capacity
The linear model parameters may change with the number of
(Lhp < 5–10 MWh), in which range the systems have to be as cheap
randomly generated points, thus, in order to achieve a satisfactory
and simple as possible, thus they can benefit a lot from the effi-
independence from the number of random evaluations of grt , we
ciency boost due to thermal integration. Moreover, small size PTES
generated an adequate number of points. Then, we monitored each
do not have to compete against PHES, so they can endure some
parameter of the linear model while increasing the number of gen-
geographical constraints dictated by the availability of the heat
erated points and we stopped when the relative variation from an
sources. Finally, for such medium or small systems, the solar inte-
iteration to the following was smaller than 5%. We found that a
gration could become more affordable, especially in conjunction
with microgeneration scenarios, in which the same array of solar number of 104 random evaluations was appropriate to satisfy the
collectors could provide heat for multiple applications. established precision criterion. In Table 4 we indicated the coeffi-
cients of the linear model; such model was characterized by
R2 ¼ 0:9684.
4.3. Sensitivity analysis
With the linear model we have Ai ¼ @@xgrti , that can be seen as a
A sensitive analysis was performed on the round-trip efficiency measure of the influence of xi on grt . From Table 4 we can see that
results, in agreement with the other studies on PTES systems avail- the isentropic efficiencies have the greatest impact, followed by
able in the literature. The investigation has focused on the influ- DT hp orc
ev ap and DT cond , while DT ev ap was the least influential variable.
ence of isentropic efficiencies, heat exchangers pinch points and The sensitivity analysis suggests that the ORC expander, fol-
condensation temperature of ORC, by studying a total of six vari- lowed closely by the HP compressor, is the piece of equipment that
ables, as indicated in Table 3. has to be selected with the greatest care. On the contrary, the ORC
1058 G.F. Frate et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 121 (2017) 1051–1058

Table 4
Numerical values of linear regression coefficients.

Coefficient B A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7
Reference variable – Ts DT hp
ev ap DT hp
g comp
T orc
cond DT orc
ev ap gexp
Numerical value 1.0634 0.0114 0.0464 0.0466 1.1796 0.0146 0.0111 1.4332

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