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Research Assignment

Legal Research and Writing


Student First Name: Amrit Singh

Student Last Name: Gill

Student ID Number: 218864

Instructor Name: Catherine Sun

Date: 2020-08-23

Instructions: 1. Read instructions carefully.

2. Attempt all questions.
3. Due date:


TOTAL: /56
Legal Research and Writing (IMM103) Research Assignment – Page 1 of 5


Please review the following questions very carefully and provide a comprehensive answer in the
spaces provided. Please state the paper source and an online source for each, if possible.


Where would you look for:

1. A federal bill or a bill of your provincial legislature, if you know the bill number? 4

If one knows the bill number then the federal and provincial bills could be found under the Annual Statues of Canada

which could be found on the website. The federal bills could also be searched on the Justice Law

website which is The federal bills could also be looked up in the Canada Gazette.

The provincial legislature could also be looked up in provincial printed Gazette.

2. Whether the wording of a given statutory provision was different in the previous
revision of statutes? 4 Marks
The current trend is to not to revise the statuses but to consolidate them online on a continuing basis. So, in the text of

statue you can find if there were any amendments of changes made from previous version. These texts could be found

on justice law website or provincial government’s own law website. The statues could also be

researched in quick law website.

© 2016 October 18, 2016

3. The text of a statute of your provincial legislature whose name you know?4 Marks
You could find the text of a statue of your provincial legislature whose name you know by going on to the bills and

amendment website of the provice. For example, Alberta’s statues could be found from the following website

In the search section of the website you could put in the name of statue and then the results will come up.

4. Whether a statute of your province or a federal statute has been amended?4 Marks
If the statue has been amended then the consolidated version of the statue incorporates all the amendments. So, you

could check in the text of the statue to see if the statue has been consolidated and if so then you would know that

the statue was amended on the given dates. The consolidated versions of the federal statues could be found on justice

laws website

For provincial statues the consolidated versions could be found on province’s legislative website. For example:
5. The text of a federal statute whose name you know? 4 Marks
If you know the name of federal statue you could find it on the Justice Laws website using the following link:

In Find a Title pane of website you could put the name of the federal statue and then results will show up.

6. Whether there’s a statute of your province or a federal statute on a given subject? 6

The statue of province statue on given subject could be found from the provincial government acts and bills website

by going to advanced search option where you could put the subject of statue and you will see the results.

Website for finding Alberta statuses by subject

The federal statue by subject could be found on the Justice Laws website using the following link
7. Whether a statute of your province or federal statute has been proclaimed in force yet?10
The provincial proclamations for example for province of Ontario could be found in Ontario’s Gazette. Here is the

website for Ontario Gazette

The search could be done by putting the keyword of statue and putting in the current period to check if the

statue has been proclaimed yet.

Similarly, for federal statue the proclamation could be found on Canada’s Gazette. Below is the website

8. Please go online and find the reported/published cases of: any 5 cases from the IRB; any
5 cases from the Ontario Court of Appeal (related to immigration matters only); any 5
cases from the Federal Court of Canada (related to immigration matters only); and any
5 cases from the Supreme Court of Canada (related to immigration matters only). As you
find each case, save the PDF or WORD version of each and PRINT THE FIRST PAGE
ONLY. (Be sure full citation information is written on first page. If citation information
is on second page, please hand that page in instead) Staple your 20 pages to this
assignment. Hand in for marking. 20 Marks.
 5 Cases from IRB are below:
1. Dessiye v Canada (Citizenship and Immigration), 2019 CanLII 137681 (CA IRB)
 Link:
2. Khan v Canada (Citizenship and Immigration), 2019 CanLII 141377 (CA IRB)
 Link:
3. Chete v Canada (Citizenship and Immigration), 2019 CanLII 132820 (CA IRB)
 Link:
4. Blaise v Canada (Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness), 2019 CanLII 132405
 Link:
5. Ramcharan v Canada (Citizenship and Immigration), 2019 CanLII 132393 (CA IRB)
 Link:
 5 cases from Ontario Court of Appeal Immigration related:
1. Toure v. Canada (Public Safety & Emergency Preparedness), 2018 ONCA 681
 Link:
2. Wang v. Canada, 2018 ONCA 798 (CanLII)
 Link:
3. Watto v. Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council, 2019 ONCA 683
 Link:
4. R. v. Sharma, 2020 ONCA 478 (CanLII)
5. Yasin v. Ontario, 2018 ONCA 417 (CanLII)
 5 cases from Federal Court of Canada related to Immigration:
1. Mebrahtom v. Canada (Citizenship and Immigration), 2020 FC 821 (CanLII)

2. Brefo v. Canada (Citizenship and Immigration), 2020 FC 815 (CanLII)

3. Kaur v. Canada (Citizenship and Immigration), 2020 FC 809 (CanLII)
 Link:

4. Arefian v. Canada (Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship), 2020 FC 739 (CanLII)

 Link:
5. Nwakanme v. Canada (Citizenship and Immigration), 2020 FC 738 (CanLII)
 Link:
 5 cases from Supreme Court of Canada Immigration related:
1. Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration) v. Vavilov, 2019 SCC 65
 Link:
2. Canada (Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness) v. Chhina, 2019 SCC 29
 Link:
3. Tran v. Canada (Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness), 2017 SCC 50
(CanLII), [2017] 2 SCR 289
 Link:
4. R. v. Wong, 2018 SCC 25 (CanLII), [2018] 1 SCR 696
 Link:
5. Association of Justice Counsel v. Canada (Attorney General), 2017 SCC 55 (CanLII),
[2017] 2 SCR 456
 Link:

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