Nokia Seimens Placement Papers

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NOKIA Siemens

 Fresher, Job Interview

Hi Friends,
I like to share my written test experience in Nokia Siemens Network held on September 13, 2009.The
written Test duration is Two hours consists of two section Domain Test (50 Questions) and Apptitude
test (50 Questions). From my experience, first do the Apptitude... bcoz it takes so much of time to
solve it. (more than 1.30 hrs)

1. Blood relation
2.Cubical sum like one side painted, no side painted etc...
3.Simpla interest, gain in percentage.
4.binary sum like 1 means *, 0 means $ then ...
5.+->/, *->-, - ->*, /->+ then solve 1+3-4*3... like this....
6.If the word CHAIR is coded to DIBJS then wht is code word for TABLE .... like this
7.if 1kg of apple, mango, banana is rs.15, 20,30 .... then u have to buy one kg of fruits consist of
equal weight of mango and bannana (ie) 25gm(mango)+25kg(banana)+50gm apple = 1kg fruit. then
the total 1kg of fruit is rs20 means.... wht abt the indidual gram of apple, banana and mango.
8. Mostly from Agarval book .......

In domain test,
1.only one C Question in pointers
2.Study MOSFET, JFET ... in Electonoic devices.
3. Class A amplifier application ... study Electronis Circuits.
4. Inductance, Capacitance value ic given.. find resistance like that ......
5. Most of tha questions from Circuits and Electronis devices.
6. Some question from Networks toooooo.....
Thats all abt written test... i just write the question models (patterns) only ..... study well and all the iam waiting for written test result........
    Aptitude Test
c     Shan
Friends. Recently Nokia Siemens Networks came to Jammu to take students as Graduate
Engineering Trainee(GET).p
It took 8 students out of 136 students. The entire selection procedure was
1) Written test (Technical & Aptitude)
2) Interview (Technical and HR)

a) Technical (Objective 25 Qs in 30 min. NO negative marking.)

1) Full form of ETP, SMTP.
2) Acronym for VIRUS.
3) One question on VSWR.
4) How many directors and reflectors in Yagi Uda antenna?
5) What material is used for the manufacturing of GATE in MOSFETS.
6) One question on boolean algebra.
7) In which demodulators PLL is used?
8) Whais is the chane in SNR with negative feed back?
9) What is the effectof bandwidth of an amplifier with negative feed back?
10) Why is Maxwell's loop law is used in networks?
11) Whay WAIT states are used in Microcontrollers?
12) What is the follwoing step after an interrupt comes to a microprocessor?
and so on.To answer these questions on should have basic and clear understanding of
concepts of ECE and overview of Computer Networks.

b) Aptitude (Objective 20 Qs in 30 min. very easy ones.)

Then 33 out of 136 students were shortlisted for Interview out of whic 8 students were
given offer letter. This company gave package of 3.25 lacs during training period and bond
for 3 years.
2-technical -c/c++/OS concepts, programming concepts.

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