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14/16/2019 n by example and by direct experience because there are limits to the adequacy of verbal instruction." - Malcolm Gladwell PRINCIPLES um learning, let us observe the following general principles in the use of instructional materials (IMs). Mprising to see these jaterials, devices and instruments accumulated in every teacher's storehouse. More teaching technologies such as recordings, projectors and computers, CD- ROMS, videos have been available in some schools. instructional materials materials are aids to instruction. They do not replace the teacher. 11/16/2019 oose the] Tesults, abide instructional material] |by the general that best suits your! | utilization guide on instructional the use of media objectives. given below: i nN how to use . possible, the instructional use a variety] | material. of tools. out your Prepare instructional material before class starts to be sure it is working properly. introductory remarks, questions or _ initial comments you may need. 11/16/2019 le a conducive environment. -tables, chairs, equipment what they will be expected to do objectives of the lesson. and materials. — Provide with the poten sufficient lighting and they — wi earn. ventilation. Discussion or a_ test may follow. explain the is a need to summarize or review the experience Ss What is to be watched or listened to carefully. ASSESSMENT OF LEARNING 11/16/2019 essment tool should match performance objective Ching cycle is not complete without the assessment of learning. results of assessment must be fed back to the learners. (quizzes, tests, seatwork, assignment, and evaluated projects) EVIDING PRINCIPLES IN THE ASSESSMENT OF LEARN = essing learning, eachers must consider learners’ learning styles and multiple intelligences and so must come up with) a variety of ways of assessing learning. ent of learning Is an integral part of the teaching - learning process. Assessment obviously is a sine qua non of teaching. 11/16/2019 IC assessment . Logical mathematical assessment 3. Spatial Assessment 4. Bodily-kinesthetic Assessment : : - Semphasize on self-assessment . Interpersonal assessment 7. Intrapersonal assessment 8. Naturalist assessment 9. Existentialist assessment Ve that our task |as fs 1s to teach all pupils/students, ‘and that it is possible that all students, even those from limited backgrounds, will have access to opportunities and therefore can achieve, then have access to opportunities and therefore can achieve, then the bell cutve mentality musi be abandoned. ute o the building ie culture of success in the school, it is pedagogically sound that in our assessment techniques we give some Positive feedback along with not-so-good ones. sessment of learning should never be used as punishment or as a_ disciplinary measure. 11/16/2019 om Ss of learning assessment must be communicated regularly and clearly to parents. O° ensure reliability of assessment results, make use of multiple sources. asize on real world application that favors realistic performances over out-of-content rill items. ment in the] Different Phases of Instruction ° learning, formative assessment ensure do %S place in the various ‘of instruction — prior, during (formative assessment also refered fo as assessment for learning) and after instruction —_ (summative evaluation or assessment of leaming). There are assessment tools that are appropriate for each phase | of instruction, 11/16/2019 ~s struction v¥Y you may give pre- teaching assessment to determine where your students are in relation to you gave a pre-test prior to instruction, then you give a post- test after instruction. vif you used the KWL technique, then go back to it and ask your to diagnose your students’ entry knowledge and skills. your lesson TS share what they Make use of a + writen pre-test, KWL ropriate technique, or by simply asking them some questions Assessment Tools ‘Alving a quiz is the most popular v formative evaluation Formative evaluation is also referred to as assessment for learning. The purpose is to ensure learning. ssment tools will most appropriate? That depends on the _ lesson objectives the attainment of which is what you are assessing. 11/16/2019 er-made test or the paper-and- pencil test in many forms is the most common tool used to assess learning. Worthy to note, iowever, that more and more teachers are beginning to use more authentic tools of assessment. Example: Portfolio assessment fice tests are said ‘© be more authentic than mere paper-and-pencil tests. Example: Computer and the like, hands-on exercise, actual performance Physical and subjects. PEalled practical tests in skill subjects like Education laboratory

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