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Her Heroism: My Ticket to Betterment

If we are to list down the all the heroes in the world, it might take us a year or so. They say heroes
were born to do good things, to save lives. I say everyone is capable of becoming a hero. Even the
simplest act of doing something for the welfare of others, that’s heroism.

If the renowned heroes are equipped with sharp blades and guns, my own hero, with a chalk in
hand, is bounded with earnest passion and desire to change lives. Mrs. Lutchie G. Estrella, a Master
Teacher I of Socorro Central Elementary School and SPED Center continues to aim high by causing
major impact on the lives of her pupils

I could still actually remember how she started from scratch. The distant place where her calling
was, the bumpy and slippery pathway filled with muds and stones, the foreign people, it was her threshold
before she made it up until now.

Mrs. Estrella is that kind of teacher whose inclination with her work overflows. She loves to
finish her task on time and she always put her best efforts when she is tasked to do something. She’s
downright wise and wouldn’t settle for less when she knows she can do better. Her consistency is very
admirable and I have always dreamed of becoming someone like her.

As a teacher, she is like a lamp that would give light when you’re on the verge of succumbing to
failure. Never did she miss on encouraging and inspiring her pupils in every aspect of their lives. Her
patience and understanding stood as support system when her learners are having a hard time. Moreover,
she’s the type who always finds solution even when you feel like it’s impossible. In her, I learned that
endeavors are to be resolved, not fretted.

Science has always been her field of teaching. In fact she had coached pupils who made it to the
nationals for two consecutive years. As a Science coordinator, she also spearheaded activities like linis
bayan and coastal cleanup. Gulayan sa Paarlan was of her idea as well and it really contributed a lot in

“How are you supposed to win when you’re not even exerting massive effort?” “You will never
have the same moment twice, put everything irrelevant away and study your lessons” The way she said
these words are still very much vivid in my head. Her ways of disciplining her pupils reminds me how
lucky I am that I was one of her pupils.

Recently this year, she bagged the award as one of the Most Outstanding Teachers in the three
divisions. The feeling of genuine happiness got me as I watched her received the trophy. It dawned on me
the hard work and sacrifices she made as a teacher and as a mother to her kids in school. I know she was
having a hard time but she never complained, she was even more inspired. She has made me and those
pupils who were once under her supervision prepared for the reality we’ll have to conquer. She helped in
molding us into the persons that we are now.

Teachers are often called as unsung heroes and it’s a sad reality that they are not acknowledged
very well of the things they did to better the lives of every wee kid in school. I believe that our teachers
deserve to have more than what they are experiencing right now. I may not see myself as someone who
might pursue teaching but it’s my most admired and respected profession. I know there are more Ma’am
Lutchie out there whose lives revolve on the welfare of their learners and we are beyond blessed we have
our teachers who continue to burn themselves to give light to us, pupils and students.

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