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how they perform their various roles in a

UCSP Reviewer society.

 The level of masculinity and feminity
 Lesson 1 varies from culture to another especially
 Culture – Way of living on how society dictates one’s productive
- Generally defined as the sum of an and reproductive roles.
individual’s way of life, ranging the food  Sex – chiefly centers of biological
he/she eats, the clothes he/she wears and differences between male &
the house he/she lives. female.
- It is also includes the non-material and  Socio-economic status- it is
material things that he/ she possesses or categorized according to privileges
acquires.  Refers to the category of persons who
 Non-Material/ Intangible things – norms, have more or less socio-economic
values, intangible aspects( music, dance, privileges in a society. There privileges on
poetry & other forms of expression), foods, the inherited wealth indicate the
fashion trends, manners, scientific occupational status of the
knowledge. household/breadwinner.
 Material (tangible) – technology, food taboos,  In the Philippines, 3 types of social classes
architectural, engineering wonders, are identified:
advancement in medicine, breakthroughs in oUpper class- consist of elite families
transportation & communication. -considered as the most productive in
terms of resources generation and often
 Society – group of independent people that has times very successful in their respective
same goal(survival) field of interests and endeavor
- Generally defined as an organized group of -the elite has 2 types:
dependent people who share: > the new rich- those who have humble
 Common territory beginning and often experienced (rags-
 Language to-riches of fortune)
 Culture > the traditional upper class – made up
descendant of powerful elite families
 Politics – government, the art of governing who acquired their wealth through
Power – status & function inheritance or birthright.
- Refers to the theory, art & science(practice of oMiddle class – composed of small
government) businesses and industry operates,
- The political institution is a relatively stable mostly managers and farm owners with
cluster of statuses, general norms and role income sufficient enough to provide a
behavior which are involved in the acquisition comfortable & decent living.
and exercise of power and decision-making in a -OFWs are also included in this category.
society. oLower class - farm employees, skilled
- Philippine government has 3 & unskilled artisans, service workers.
branches/machineries: -people who may be umemployed or
 Executive department- the implementers underemployed
 Legislative department- the law makers -those who belong to indigent families or
 Judiciary department – the interpreters informal sector fall on the lower calss
- this group is the longest in terms of
 Cultural Identity – refers to the identity or feeling number and relatively earns their living
of belongingness of an individual to a group. It through substances.
pertains to one’s: -subtances lifestyle is manifested thorugh
 Gender- socially constructed characteristics the following conditions:
 Serves as a guide or how male and 1. A family could hardly eat 3 decent
female think and act about themselves meals a day.
and how they interact with others and
2. The daily income of the Significance of studying society, culture and politics:
breadwinner could hardly feed the entire
1. It develops our knowledge, understanding,
skills, values & attitudes to achieve social
3. The breadwinner does not have a
cultural and political literacy (AWARENESS).
permanent job.
2. It increases our knowledge & understanding
about personal and cultural identity would give
 Ethnicity - distinct indigenous people
us the impacts to initiate change (ACTION).
 the most potent cultural concept
3. It develops our skills to apply & evaluate social
 The expression f the set of cultural
and cultural research, investigate and engage
ideas held by a distinct ethnic/
in effective evaluation, analysis and synthesis
indigenous group.
of information from a variety of sources and
 An ethnic group refers to the people
ultimately be able to communicate information,
who collectively and publicly identify
ideas, and issues in appropriate forms to
themselves as distinct and unique
different audiences in a variety of contexts
based on distinguishtable cultural
features that set them apart from other
4. It helps us be equipped w/ informed and
set, such as language, sahred
responsible values and attitudes towards just a
ancestry, common origin, customs and
society, intercultural understanding, informed
and active citizenship, ethical research
practices and life long learning. (TO BE
 Religion – spiritual belief
 Organized system or ideas about the
 Norms – standards, rules , prescriptions
spiritual sphere or the supernatural ,
Types: Ideal tolerable
along with assiociated ceremonial or
Range of deviance
ritualistic practices by which people try
 Deviance – violations of norms
to interpret and/or influence aspects of
Types: formal
the universe otherwise beyond human
 Taboos – not following the law
 Hinduism – oldest religion

 Exceptionality - a disability
 Lesson 3
 Refers to the state of being intellectually “ Social, Cultural and Political
gifted and/or having physically or Changes”
mentally challenged conditions
concerning personality/ behavior,  Social change – modification/variations in the
communication, intellect, physical patterns of social organization within a society.
appearance or combination of more
than one specific exceptionality or Causes of social change
1. Invention – new combination/use of existing
 Nationality – relationship of a person to the
- Material & social inventions
2. Discovery - people recognize existing elements of
 Legal relationship that binds a persona
the world they had not noticed before
and a country. It allows the state to
3. Diffusion – spread of culture traits from one group
protect and have jurisdiction over a
to another through trade, migration and mass
- Culture spreads through the process of
a. Enculturation - culture spreads to
 Lesson 2 another through learning
“ Social, Politics and Cultural behavior b. Socializaition – learning through
and Phenomenon” constant exposure and experience
to culture
c. Association - establishing - THREE CHARACTERISTICS THAT GO
connection with the culture, TOGETHER THAT MAKE UP CULTURE
thereby bridging areas of a. Ideas – thoughts, beliefs, feelings ad
convergence & cultural symbolism rules
d. Integration – total assinilation of b. Activities – dynamic component of
culture and manifested by change culture, it is what people do as opposed
of worldviews, attitude, behavior & on what they believe or feel
perspective on looking things. c. Artifacts – man-made products of ideas
 Political change and activities
 Cultural change d.
1. Physical environment
2. Population
3. War
4. Random acts of man
 Lesson 5
5. Technology “ Aspect of culture”
1. Dynamic, flexible and adaptive
“Anthropology” 2. Shared and contested
3. Learning through socialization and
- Study of human being and ancestors
4. Patterned social interaction
Types of Anthropology
5. Integrated through socialization and
 Physical – human beings enculturation
 Cultural - how culture differs from each other 6. Transmitted through socialization and
 Biological enculturation
 Linguists – more on language and communication 7. Requires languages and other forms of
 Lesson 4
“Society and Culture” “Ethnocentrism and Culture Relativism”
Ethnocentrism – the view that one group is superior
 Society – group of people sharing of common compared to another.
- An organized group or groups of people who - Tendency to evaluate other culture in terms of
generally share a common territory, language, one’s own and to conclude that the other
culture and who act together for collective cultures are inferior, barbaric and immoral.
survival and well being - Collectivism develops cultural pride and
- Human society is characterized by a identity, the most important in nation building
territorially localized populations the members - Ethnocentrism in excess, considered inferior
of which interacts in a network of relationships or, in a situation in which one group is more
- Society only arises when individuals are knit powerful than other, to oppression and
together in a network of mutual stimulus and sometimes genoside.
response - Ethnocentric mentality cultivates helplessness
- The most important characteristics that and hopelessness.
distinguishes human from non-human - White ethnocentrism may develop solidarity of
societies lies in the specific ways in people a group. It also restricts interaction between
strive to meet their basic needs. the group and when accomplished by
- Interdependence- they have to be dependent antagonism and hostility may lead to conflict.
with one another to survive - To mitigate ethnocentrism, it has been
suggested that culture relativity be popularize.
 Culture – complex whole which encompasses - Advocates of culture relativism asserts that
beliefs, practices, values, attitudes, laws, norms, cultures must be viewed and analyzed on their
artificial, symbol, knowledge and everything that a own terms in the context of their own societal
person learns and share us a member of society. selling.
- This approach proposes that one must - Violations of norms
suspend judgement on other people’s
The social consequences of deviance
practices in order to better understand them in
their own cultural terms. 1. Unifying the group
- Through cultural relativism, one can gain a 2. Endorsing conformity
meaningful view of the values and beliefs that 3. Providing safety value
underlie the behavior and institutions of other 4. Supplying a warning signal
people and societies.
Disfunction of social order

 Disrupting social order

 Lesson 6  Making life unpredictable & tense
“Socializaton”  Undermining trust
- Interact with other people
Models of deviance
- Communicate
 Moral
Theories of socialization
- Decision making
1. Formation of self- (nagsisimula sa sarili then sa  Medical
ibang tao) - Prescription
2. Social self- ( iba’t iba ang ipinapakita depende sa  Sociological
3. Looking glass self- (ikaw nagrereflect kung sino ka
talaga o nagrereflect mula sa naririnig sa ibang tao) Sociological theories of deviance
a. Understanding people how they look us  Anomie – what are the social conditions
b. our view how to make judgement that produce deviance?
c. how can we say a thing is important  Limited access to
4. Mead and self-process resources
5. Goffman and presentation of self  Differential Association – how do people
learn deviant norms, values and behavior?
Types of socialization
 Influence of the society
 Primary socialization o Intensity
- Develop language o Age
 Anticipating o Frequency
- Anticipate your culture o Duration
 Development socialization  Labeling – what happens to a person who
- Socialize to achieve your goal in future is labeled a deviant?
 Resocialization  Two part process
- Adult o Primary- label that can
Agencies of Socialization hide
o Secondary – the
 Family society is the one who
 Peer group label you
 Mass media  Conflict – What is the primary motivation
 Social/society behind a society’s definition of deviance?
 Wealth & Power

 Lesson#?

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