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A. I like the brown glover.

They are much prettier than the other ones

B. But they´re more expensive? Look at the price?

A. I prefer the Farmer´s Market to our local supermarket.

B. Me too. The fruits and vegetables are fresher.
C. And the people are friendlier.

A. How are you today? You look better than yesterday.

B. I feel ok. Yesterday I vas sicker.

A. The dress feels looser for some reason?

B. You lost a lot of weight, Meg. You are thinner now.

A. Is the couch bigger than the friendge?

B. I don´t know, but the frienge is definitely heavier.

A. What´s the weather like in the mountains?

B. It´s colder than it is here
C. It is wetter?
D. Oh, yes. It rains all the time.

A. Which shoes do you prefer?

B. Well, the pumps are cuter, but the loafers are more affordable. They´re only $18.oo.

A. Is your neew apartment closer to work?

B. Oh, yes. It´s only a 5-minute walk?
C. Nice? That´s more convenient than your long commute.

Example: Potato chips are crunchier than popcorn

1. A tablet is smaller than a computer
2. A motorcycle is more expensive than a bicycle
3. An apple is healthier than a candy bar
4. My car is better than your car
5. Africa is hotter than Antarctica
6. An elephant is larger than a bear
7. Pajamas are more comfortable than jeans
8. A city is busier than smaller town

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