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St German’s Church
20 September 2020 - 15th after Trinity (Back to Church)

Inviting people into the Kingdom of Heaven is part of Services This

the focus of today’s parable of the workers in the
vineyard. God wants as many to belong as possible
Sun 20 - 15th Back to
hence his invitation to everyone to join in and receive
Church Sunday
the reward. Yet, our modern secular societies show
08:00 Mass (St Saviour)
clearly that not everyone is happy to engage or even to
‘belong’, as they used to in the past, to faith traditions 09:30 Mass (St Saviour)
11.00 Mass (St German)
or parish churches. Some see this as evidence of
19:.00 Evening Prayer &
religious decline - yet for those who remain we face a
Benediction (St German)
challenge of hope and trusting in God’s Spirit. We are Pray for: Fairwater, Colin
his Church after all is said and done. God gathers us, Sutton (V), Province of
sends us, nurtures us and asks us to do the same. South Sudan.
Mon 21:
18:00 Mass (St G)
Parish Notes: St Matthew, apostle
Tue 22:
Back to Church Sunday - If you are visiting us for the first time then we warmly 10:00 Mass (St S)
welcome you. Likewise, if you are attending and haven’t visited in a while we are Wed 23:
delighted to see you back. We hope your visit today will give some insight or reminder 10:00 Mass (St G)
as to why it is that our belonging to a faith community brings much value and coherence Thur 24:
to our lives. If you’d like a chat about exploring faith more please see Fr Phelim. 17:45 Mass (St S)

Public Worship & COVID - With the recent increase in the national R rate and a Friday 25:
No Mass today
ramping up of restrictions and precautions from now on we will ask everyone to wear a
Saturday 26:
face covering. We do acknowledge however that Some people are exempt from wearing
No Mass today
theses for various reasons. Places of worship have been exempted from the indoor rule Sun 27 - 16th (OT26)
of six (at the minute) but it is likely as the Autumn and Winter progress that other 09:30 Mass (St Saviour)
restrictions or suspensions of worship may take place. For now, we are thankful that we 11.00 Mass (St German)
can worship in church according to our tradition. Please attend carefully to the safety Pray for: St Fagan’s &
Michaelston-supe-Ely, Vicki
instructions, posters and guidance from stewards and parish officers during the services. Burrows (V), Province of
St German’s Patronal Feast and Friends AGM - due to the new restrictions on meetings Sudan.
and local lockdowns we will postpone this until next year (or until it is safe for us all to
meet). Current officers have agreed to stand for another year. Parish Priest:
50-50 Prize Draw - Will resume, with first draw on 5 October. Hilary Lovitt is collecting Fr Phelim O’Hare,
money from this weekend for those who want to join in. 02922 411229,
Church Times - Paper copies of recent editions available at the back of the church.
Sight 2020 Direct - St German’s chosen charity are selling face masks. £4.50 each with
all proceeds going to this charity. Please see Angela Churchwardens:
Year of Pilgrimage - Our Pilgrimage to Llantarnam and Margam was to be on 10 Oct
however we may have to postpone this because of the second wave of Coronavirus. Peter Lovitt 02920 763754
Faith Nurturing -Next meets on Wed 14 Oct at 7pm. ‘In Search of a Way’ by G. Hughes Richard Hill 07519 352840
SJ. at 7pm via Zoom. Contact Fr Phelim for details. We’ll look at final part of the book. -
Recently Departed - Edward Oliver Crompton, Raymond Morrish RIP 


Isa 55:6-9 Ezek 18:25-28
Ps 145:2-3, 8-9, 17-18 Ps 25:4-5, 6-7, 8-9 The Lord is close to all
Phil 1:20c-24, 27a Phil 2:1-11 or 2:1-5 who call him.
Matt 20:1-16a Matt 21:28-32



• Christ Triumphant, ever reigning The Lord is close to all who call A reading from the Gospel according
• O praise ye the Lord him. to Matthew.
• O strength and stay
• Cross of Jesus I will bless you day after day ‘For the kingdom of heaven is like a
• Lord enthroned in heavenly and praise your name for ever. landowner who went out early in
splendour The Lord is great, highly to be praised, the morning to hire labourers for his
his greatness cannot be measured. R/ vineyard. After agreeing with the
labourers for the usual daily wage,
The Lord is kind and full of compassion,
he sent them into his vineyard.
slow to anger, abounding in love.
How good is the Lord to all, When he went out about nine
COLLECT compassionate to all his creatures. R/ o’clock, he saw others standing idle
in the market-place; and he said to
God, who in generous mercy sent The Lord is just in all his ways them, “You also go into the vineyard,
the Holy Spirit upon your Church and loving in all his deeds. and I will pay you whatever is
in the burning fire of your love: He is close to all who call him, right.” So they went. When he went
grant that your people may be who call on him from their hearts. R/ out again about noon and about
fervent in the fellowship of the Psalm 145 three o’clock, he did the same. And
about five o’clock he went out and
gospel that, always abiding in
found others standing around; and
you, they may be found steadfast he said to them, “Why are you
in faith and active in service; standing here idle all day?” They
through Jesus Christ your Son SECOND READING said to him, “Because no one has
our Lord, who is alive and reigns hired us.” He said to them, “You also
A reading from Paul’s letter to the
with you and the Holy Spirit, one go into the vineyard.” When evening
Philippians. came, the owner of the vineyard
God, now and for ever. Amen.
said to his manager, “Call the
Christ will be glorified in my body, labourers and give them their pay,
whether by my life or by my death. beginning with the last and then
Life to me, of course, is Christ, but going to the first.” When those hired
then death would bring me about five o’clock came, each of
something more; but then again, if them received the usual daily wage.
living in this body means doing Now when the first came, they
FIRST READING work which is having good results – thought they would receive more;
I do not know what I should choose. but each of them also received the
A reading from the prophet Isaiah. I am caught in this dilemma: I want usual daily wage. And when they
to be gone and be with Christ, which received it, they grumbled against
Seek the Lord while he is still to be would be very much the better, but the landowner, saying, “These last
found, call to him while he is still for me to stay alive in this body is a worked only one hour, and you have
near. more urgent need for your sake. made them equal to us who have
Let the wicked man abandon his Avoid anything in your everyday borne the burden of the day and the
way, the evil man his thoughts. lives that would be unworthy of the scorching heat.” But he replied to
Let him turn back to the Lord who gospel of Christ. one of them, “Friend, I am doing
will take pity on him, to our God
you no wrong; did you not agree
who is rich in forgiving; for my This is the word of the Lord.
with me for the usual daily wage?
thoughts are not your thoughts, Phil 1
Take what belongs to you and go; I
my ways not your ways – it is the
choose to give to this last the same
Lord who speaks. Yes, the heavens
as I give to you. Am I not allowed to
are as high above earth as my ways
do what I choose with what belongs
are above your ways, my thoughts
GOSPEL ACCLAMATION: to me? Or are you envious because I
above your thoughts.
am generous?” So the last will be
Alleluia, alleluia! first, and the first will be last.’
This is the Word of the Lord.  
Open our hearts, O Lord, to accept
Isa 55
the words of your Son. This is the gospel of the Lord.
Alleluia! Matthew 20

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