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Personal loans and financing in

Fullerton India Credit ltd.



(Alternate – Channel Officer)


Faculty – Deptt. Of Management Studies MBA 3RD SEM
GEU, Dehradun

I feel great pleasure to acknowledge our indebtness to my guide Mr. Manish

Dwivedi . It is a pleasure to express my thanks and gratitude to all the persons in
FULLERTON CREDIT INDIA LTD Dehradun where I got the chance, support and
encouragement that enabled us to conduct my study within the stipulated period of time.

I sincerely express my gratitude for their indigenous and able guidance , constant
encouragement and for the discussion they had with the tenure of my work.

I once again take the opportunity to convey my heartiest thanks to all those who
were connected with the project directly and have provide me with a wonderful experience
and learning opportunity.



2.Research Methodology


4.Proposition and values

5.Review and litrature

6.Analysis of data



Research Methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. The Research
Methodology includes the various methods and techniques for conducting a Research. This
project comes under the head of “Marketing Research”. The “Marketing Research” is the
systematic design, collection, analysis and reporting of data and finding relevant solution to
a specific marketing situation or problem”. Sampling Plan – Sampling can be defined as the
section of some part of an aggregate or totality on the basis of which judgment or an
inference about aggregate or totality is made. The sampling plan helps in decision making
in the following areas:
 size – Sample size refers to the total numbers of items about which the
information is desired. The sample size of the study is 100.
 Collection - Information has been collected from both Primary and Secondary Data.

Primary Data – Primary data are those, which are collected for the first time, and thus
happen to be original in character.
Primary Data has been collected in this study by conducting survey through Questionnaire.

Secondary Data – Secondary Data are those which have already been collected by someone
else and which already had been passed through the statistical process.
Secondary data has been collected in this study through Magazines, Web sites, Newspaper
and Journals.

Brand Origin
Fort Fullerton, named after Governor Robert Fullerton, was created to protect Singapore.
Singapore was then known as Temasek - the 'sea town'. Our parent company, Temasek
Holdings, incorporated in 1974, is one of Asia's biggest investment firms, with a diversified
US $134 Billion portfolio, spanning various industries. Financial services is one of the key
focus area of Temasek. Carrying forward this legacy, Fullerton india is deeply committed to
provide quality financial services to the growing Indian masses.

Fullerton India Credit Company Limited(FICCL) is a Non Banking Finance Company

(NBFC) with an “A” category license, issued by the Reserve Bank ofIndia. It is a fully
owned subsidiary of “Fullerton Financial Holdings Pvt ltd.”Singapore. The Company was
established in 1994. In December 2005 theManagement of this Company changed, with an
investor making an investment inthe equity capital of this Company under the Foreign
Direct Investment Policy.99.99% of the share capital of FICCL is held by Angelica
Investment Pte. Ltd.,Singapore. Then they began their operations with new management in
India inJanuary 2006. The new management team is headed by a professional CEO and
Managing Director, supported by a team of professionals, with expertise in area of
Consumer Finance, Middle market lending and SME businesses. These professionals have
worked in various Banks and Financial institutions, and havegood commercial experience.
The company operates on a wide range of financial products and services for customers
related to the retail markets and commercial mass markets. The company provides financial
support to its clients through basically two policies namely Fullerton India Parivaar and
Fullerton India Vyapar. Fullerton India Parivaar provides financial security to salaried
individuals where as Fullerton India Vyapaar offers financial support to people involved in
small scale businesses or firms of their own. The company follows a customer centric,
community based business model, and is committed to provide quality financial services to
the growing Indian masses. The Company believes in a branch centric community led
relationship based approach in meeting customer needs rather than using the services of a
third party or a vendor such as Direct Selling Agents. Under the organizational structure,
the Company has in each of its branches, a team of Relationship Managers and Officers
who meet customers to understand their business or profession and credit requirements.
The Company being in the financial sector provides Loans and financial services to
customers such as Individuals, Professionals, Partnership firms, Sole proprietorship and
Small and Medium companies. To service its customers, the Company has two major
divisions Vyapaar and Parivaar.

Products Offered By the Company

Fullerton India Parivaar has introduced a new concept in the Indian market. The company
have branches, which cater only to the specific needs of Salaried Individuals. Its Parivaar
branches provide customized products and solutions, especially designed keeping in mind
the unique circumstances and requirements of this segment. The Parivaar Loans cover a
wise range of products, which include:
· Unsecured Personal Loans
· Secured Loans
· Home Finance
· Home Equity Loans
Unsecured Personal Loans
An unsecured loan is a loan that is not backed by collateral, it is also known as asignature
loan or personal loan. Unsecured loans are based solely upon the borrower's credit rating.
An unsecured loan is considered much cheaper and carries less risk to the borrower.

Types of Unsecured loans

There are three types of unsecured loans.
· First is a personal unsecured loan, which means a loan that, a person
individually responsible for the repayment.

· Second is an unsecured business loan which leaves the business responsible for the

· Third is an unsecured business loan with a personal guarantee. In this type of unsecured
loan the borrower is the business, but guarantor will be the payer if the business defaults to
pay the loan.

Secured Loans
A secured loan is a loan in which the borrower pledges some asset (e.g. a car or property) as
collateral for the loan, which then becomes a secured debt owed to the creditor who gives
the loan. The debt is thus secured against the collateral. In any event if the borrower
defaults to repay, then the creditor takes possession of the asset used as collateral and may
sell it to satisfy the debt by regaining the amount originally lent to the borrower. There are
two purposes for a loan secured by debt. In the first purpose, by extending the loan through
securing the debt, the creditor is relieved of most of the financial risks involved because it
allows the creditor to take the property in the event that the debt is not properly repaid. In
exchange, this permits the second purpose where the debtors may receive loans on more
favorable terms than that available for unsecured debt, or to be extended credit under
circumstances when credit under terms of unsecured debt would not be extended at all. The
creditor may offer a loan with attractive interest rates and repayment periods for the secured
Home Equity Loan
A home equity loan (sometimes abbreviated HEL) is a type of loan in which the borrower
uses the equity in their home as collateral. These loans are sometimes useful to help finance
major home repairs, medical bills or college education. A home equity loan creates a lien
against the borrower's house, and reduces actual home equity.
Types of Home Equity Loan
• Closed end home equity loan: The borrower receives a lump sum at the time of the
closing and cannot borrow further. The maximum amount of money that can be
borrowed is determined by variables including credit history, income, and the
appraised value of the collateral, among others. It is common to be able to borrow
up to 100% of the appraised value of the home, less any liens, although there are
lenders that will go above 100% when doing over-equity loans. However, state law
governs in this area; for example, Texas (which was, for many years, the only state
to not allow home equity loans) only allows borrowing up to 80% of equity. Closed-
end home equity loans generally have fixed rates and can be amortized for periods
usually up to 15 years. Some home equity loans offer reduced amortization whereby
at the end of the term, a balloon payment is due. These larger lump-sum payments
can be avoided by paying above the minimum payment or refinancingthe loan.
• Open end home equity loan: This is a revolving credit loan, also referred to as a
home equity line of credit, where the borrower can choose when and how often to
borrow against the equity in the property, with the lender setting an initial limit to
the credit line based on criteria similar to those used for closed-end loans. Like the
closed-end loan, it may be possible to borrow up to 100% of the value of a home,
less any liens. These lines of credit are available up to 30 years, usually at a variable
interest rate. The minimum monthly payment can be as low as only the interest that
is due.
Typically, the interest rate is based on the Prime rate plus a margin. Fullerton India Vyapaar
strives to improve the business and lives of the small business community. Their business is
focused only on small establishments with a turnover of less than Rs.25 Mn p.a.
Relationship Approach of the Company
The Company believes in a branch centric community led Relationship based approach in
meeting customer needs rather than using the services of a third party or a vendor such as
Direct Selling Agents. Under the organizational structure, the Company has in each of it’s
branches, a team of Relationship Managers and Officers who meet customers to understand
their business or profession and their credit requirements. Both the Vyapaar and Parivaar
divisions of the Company leverage the relationship approach in establishing a credit
relationship between the Company and the borrower. Loans are granted on the basis of
completed applications, completing the Know-Your-Customer (KYC) norms, discussion
with the customers about the terms of their loan, rate of interest, repayment arrangement,
etc. The branch only services customers in a limited area around the physical location of the
branch. The Company’s general policy is to be reasonable, transparent and fair with its
customers.The Company follows established procedures, understands customer
requirements and is reasonable in all its dealings with customers. The design of the
application forms and the relationship based processes, are to make sure that the Company
is transparent in its dealings and transactions. It is with this in mind that the Company has
set up the following guidelines as a Fair Practices Code in dealing with its customers

Fair Practices Code and Guidelines in Company

The following are the guidelines as a fair practices code in dealing with its
1. The current application forms capture full details of the customer i.e. age, profession,
business, office & residential address, income details and other requirements. The
application forms indicate the criteria for minimum and maximum finance available for
personal loans, automobile loans. The application forms specify the documentation
requirements in addition to initial scrutiny of documents submitted. The Company may call
for additional documents for verification purposes. The application forms are
numbered and one section of the form is given back to the Customer as an
acknowledgement. The Company keeps a record of acceptance of terms and conditions by
keeping the original agreements signed by the customer and provides a copy of the
Agreement or terms and conditions to its customers.
2. All applications are verified and processed within a reasonable period of time. All
applications would go through a De-duplication and Fraud Check though internally
established procedures of the Company, before loans are processed or approved. The
applications which do not satisfy the Deduplication or Fraud Check criteria, would be
automatically rejected. Documents needed from the customers will be collected before
disbursement of loan.

3. The terms and conditions of the loan are clearly mentioned in the Loan Agreement. The
Loan Agreement would specify the tenure, the amount of the loan, applicable rate of
interest, the Equated Monthly Installment (EMI) payments and other fees charged by the
Company. Processing fee, if collected would be clearly mentioned to the customer. A
Welcome Letter is also sent to our customers with Key details & Repayment Schedule
which mentions the EMIs, split by Principal and Interest components

4. In the event that the loan is rejected, the Company would communicate to the Customer
verbally or in writing about the rejection. The Relationship Managers/ Officers are
empowered to convey the information of the rejection of the loan verbally.

5. Customers at the time of disbursement of loan are advised about facilities available to
them and repayments they need to make from time to time. In any event the Company
undertakes to give full details of the loan, its current status, monthly or quarterly
repayments required from time to time on the basis of request made by the Customers.

6. The Company would release all the securities to the customer once the loan is repaid and
no dues are outstanding to the Company.

7. In case of request of a transfer of a loan account from one borrower or a lender to another
Company or a Bank, the transfer would be completed within 21 days of such a request,
provided the customer pays interest and all Company dues up to date.
8. As far as recoveries of loans are concerned the Company would follow its own
Collection Policy and procedure which is designed to be customer friendly. Under the
Company’s collection policy detailed guidelines are laid down for following the Code of
Conduct, with delinquent customers. Our collection procedures are constantly checked from
a customer’s point of view.

9. The Company has a detailed policy on customer satisfaction and complaints received. As
part of the Customer satisfaction assessment, detailed analysis of customer preferences and
their grievances or responses are taken into account in improving our operations constantly.
Complaints received are personally attended to by the Branch Manager and resolutions are
tracked by centrally by the Corporate Office in Mumbai. All grievances and complaints and
resolutions made are presented regularly to the Board of
Directors for their review.

Fullerton India's Propositions and Values

· The biggest proposition of Fullerton India is customer focus, both, in product design/
customization and service. As an organization, they are structured not around products but
along customer segments. They have separate verticals for the Salaried Individuals
(Parivaar) and for Small sized shop owners & Entrepreneurs (Vyapaar).

· This model lends itself to better understanding of our customers' financial situation and for
a better products offering to them. With this holistic understanding of the customers, the
company is also able to combine secured and unsecured products and structure the loan in a
manner which is ideally suited to meet individual customer requirements.

· The company employed Relationship Officers to service the needs of the customers. There
are no agents or other intermediaries, coming in between the customer and the company.
These Relationship Officers are the end-to end solution providers and act as a single point
of contact" for all Product, Process and Service related needs of the customer.
· The branches do business only within a 5 km radius. The customers' office or residence
has to be within the branch coverage area. This closer proximity of the customers to the
branches ensures better understanding of the local environment and immediate situation.

· The company participates actively in serving the community in and around the vicinity of
their branch. The interest of company in the locality extends beyond just a business
relationship. The company believes in participating in other aspects of development of the
community as well.

· The business envisages setting up branches with employees dealing directly with the
customers. This offering has elicited an enthusiastic response from customers as it gives
higher degree of transparency and faster value delivery.

· The relationship model includes a deep assessment of a customers' business resulting in an

omnibus facility with a flexible combination of usage in parts, flexibility between a
combination of short and long tenures, and from unsecured to partially secured and fully
secured facilities.

· The facility set up for a customer is based on his risk profile, repayment capacity, as well
as proposed expansion plan. A Relationship Officer is assigned to address incremental
product needs, as well as for service requirements, through a process of continuous
engagement. The business strives to deliver lifelong financing support and regular facility
enhancement, based on business growth.

· Businesses are built on people, and the company hires relevant local talent to serve the
market, so that there is a connect between the employees and customers.

.The business wishes to bring a full service proposition encompassing loans and liabilities
to the small business owners. Besides the variety of loans, life insurance has been
introduced which will also be delivered through the branch based Relationship Officers.
· The business uses advanced technology tools to record customer history, and leverage
track record to enhance credit exposure in line with the customer business cycle. This
ensures continuous support through seasonal peaks.

Objectives of the Study

The study was conducted to aiming at fulfilling the following objectives:

· To find the preferences of customer regarding various types of loan: This objective
focused on the judgment of customer preferences regarding various types of loan provided
by Fullerton India such as Secured Loan, Unsecured loans and Home Equity Loan. The
result of this objective will provide the most preferable type of loan among various types of
loan provided by Fullerton India. So this objective will help the company to Focus on most
customer’s preferable area.

· To know the amount of loan generally availed by the respondents: This objective
include the study of the amount of loan which is generally borrowed by the customers.

· To study the Advertising effectiveness in creating awareness among the public: This
objective will help to judge the effectiveness of advertising strategy used by Fullerton India
to create the awareness among the potential customer about the products and services
offered by the company.

· To study the satisfaction level of customer regarding different loans schemes

provided by Fullerton India Credit Company Ltd: The final objective of the research is
to study the satisfaction level of the customer who borrowed fund under particular scheme
offered by Fullerton India.


Personal Loan is an unsecured loan for personal use which doesn’t require any security or
collateral and can be availed for any purpose, be it a wedding expenditure, a holiday or
purchasing consumer durables, the personal loan is very handy & caters to all your needs.
The amount of loan can be ranged from Rs. 50,000 – Rs. 20 lakh & the tenure for repaying
the loan varies from 1 to 5 years.


A Loan without security : A Personal Loan is not a secured loan (bank doesn’t ask for any
security or collateral) as against a Secured Loan where one is required to pledge a house or
other security to acquire a loan.

2. Simple Documentation: A Personal Loan can be accessed with minimal paperwork or

documentation & doesn’t take much time to procure as against a Secured Loan.

3. No specification about the end use of the loan amount : You are not required to
disclose the end use of the money borrowed, Banks are concerned about the fact that
whether the borrower is able to pay back the loan with interest before the due date or not
and they confirm this by checking the income, employment or business & other factors of
the borrower.

4. Big Loan amount : Personal Loan is a means to fulfill bigger loan requirement, you can
take a loan ranging from Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 20 lakh.

• Compare Interest Rates : Personal Loan can be compared primarily on the basis of
interest rates which vary across banks depending on your profile which is further linked to
your occupation, salary/income, credit history etc. The personal loan interest rate ranges
from 12% to 25%, you must go for that loan which is offering you at the minimum rate.

• Other Charges : You should also check on the other charges like processing fee, pre-
payment penalties and documentation fee because they increase the overall loan cost and
vary widely across banks.

• Evaluation of various Loan offers : You should first calculate the entire loan cost across
banks which constitutes the rate of interest & banks other charges. Evaluate offers keeping
the tenure of the loan constant & compare the rate of interest, EMIs & other charges. This
process will help you get the Best Loan deal.

• EMIs : EMI is the monthly equated installment which constitutes the principal amount
and the interest on the principal equally divided across each month in the loan tenure. Use
our EMI Calculator to compare EMIs across banks

• Tenure : Tenure is the time frame for the personal loan payments to be paid back to the
bank; it ranges from 1 year to 5 years. If you have a longer tenure you will end up paying
more interest & will have lower EMI, on the other hand shorter loan tenure will carry
higher EMIs & the interest amount is less. You must compare the loan offers by keeping the
tenure constant.

• Eligibility Check : Before taking a personal loan you must know the eligibility criteria’s
offered by various banks on the basis of which they offer loans and also compare personal
loan banks. Checking the eligibility parameters will help you find the best loan deal. Check
out your eligibility by various banks.
• Turnaround time : It becomes one of the most important factors in evaluation of your
loan application when you are in a dire need of money. Turnaround time is the time which
banks take in processing your loan application; you must check this parameter which varies
from bank to bank.


• Processing fee : It is a fee charged by banks from the borrowers to process their loan
application; it is normally between 1-2 percentage of the loan amount.

• Prepayment fee : Banks charge borrowers with a fee when they pay the loan EMIs before
the tenure which normally is between 2-5% of the outstanding loan amount.

• Late penalties : When there is a delay in paying your monthly EMIs of your loan, banks
charge a late payment fee with your EMIs. They normally range from 2-3% of the EMI.

• Cheque bounce charges : Banks charge between Rs. 250-500 for every bounced cheque
given for the payment of the loan amount owing to the insufficient funds in your account.

Documents required in Personal Loan

The documentation process in personal loan is very fast as against secured loans. Following
documents are required by financial institutions to process the loan application:

• Identity proof
• 3 to 6 months Bank statements
• Residence proof
• Salary slip
• Guarantors & their same set of documents
In case of self-employed banks require balance sheets, profit & loss account, partnership
deed & other mandatory documents etc.
Banks offer Personal Loan to borrowers depending on various factors such as income,
employment, continuity of business so as to make sure that they repay the loan with interest
before the due date. The eligibility criterion of a Personal Loan is primarily based on the
work profile of a loan seeker which is broadly divided into the following two classes:
- Self-employed
- Salaried
In addition to the above factors banks also consider other aspects such as age, work
experience, existing relationship with the bank, repayment capacity etc.
To find your eligibility Criteria across various banks in accordance with the above
parameters; Deal4Loans has brought in the Eligibility Criteria Check for Personal Loan

BANK HDFC Bank Citi Bank Fullerton bank

Rate of 15.5% - 22% 16.5% to 20% 18% - 28%
Processing 2% if salaried 2% of loan amount 2%
Fee account in HDFC -
other wise 2.5%
Loan Rs.50,000 - Rs.50,000 - Rs.40,000 - Rs.5,00,000
Amount Rs.15,00,000 Rs.15,00,000
Prepayment 4% 5% 4%
Disbursal 2Days - 7Days 2 working days 4 working days
Documents Identity Proof : Identity Proof: Identity Proof :
Passport/ Driving Passport/ Driving Passport/ Driving
License/PAN card/ License/PAN card/Photo License/PAN card/
Photo credit card credit card (with Photo credit card (with
(with embossed embossed Signature and embossed Signature and
Signature and last last two months last two months
two months statement)/ banker’s statement)/ banker’s
statement)/ banker’s sign verification. sign verification
sign verification (Anyone of the above) (Anyone of the above)
Age Proof: PAN Card/ Age Proof : PAN Card/
(Anyone of the
Passport/ Driving Passport/ Driving
Age Proof : PAN License /School leaving License /School leaving
Card/ Passport/ certificate/ Voter’s certificate/ Voter’s card/
Driving License / card/BirthCertificate/ BirthCertificate/ LIC
School leaving LIC policy (only for age policy (only for age
certificate/ Voter’s Proof). (Anyone of the Proof). (Anyone of the
card/BirthCertificate/ above) above)
Address Proof : Address Proof :
LIC policy (only for
Passport/ Telephone bill Passport/ Telephone bill
age Proof). (Anyone
of the above)
Address Proof : Electricity bill/ Title Electricity bill/ Title
Passport/ Telephone deed of property/Rental deed of property/Rental
bill (BSNL/MTNL)/ agreement/Driving agreement/ Driving
Electricity bill/ Title license/ Election ID license/ Election ID
deed of card/Photo-credit card card/ Photo-credit card
property/Rental (with last two month (with last two month
agreement/ Driving statements). (Anyone of statements) (Anyone of
license/ Election ID the above) the above)
Income Proof: Latest 3 Income Proof : Latest 3
card/ Photo-credit
month salary slip months salary slip
card (with last two
(computerized pay slip (Computerized pay slip
month statements)
with company Logo/pay with company Logo/pay
(Anyone of the
slip on company slip on company letter
Income Proof : letterhead) (Anyone of head) (Anyone of the
Latest salary the above) above)
Job Continuity Proof : Job Continuity Proof :
slip/current dated
Form 16/relieving Form 16/relieving
salary Certificate
letter/appointment Letter letter/appointment
with latest form 16
(for last two months) Letter. (Anyone of the
(Anyone of the (Anyone of the above) above)
Banking History : Banking History :
Job Continuity Bank statements of Bank statements of
Proof : Form latest 6 months and latest 6 months (Anyone
16/relieving Existing loan sanction of the above)
letter/appointment letter if any. (Anyone of
Letter (for last two the above)
months) (Anyone of
the above)
Banking History :
Bank statements of
latest 2 months/ 3
months bank
passbook (Anyone of
the above)



This a norm wherein the banks before giving Personal Loan checks the database of all loan
borrowers in the country by the Credit Information Bureau of India (CIBIL) which is called
the Cibil Score. If there has been a default in your loan payment; your loan application
would certainly be rejected. Your Cibil score ranges from 100 to 999, for instance if your
credit score is 100 then your loan application might be out rightly rejected. On other hand if
it is higher say 800, then your loan application would be processed faster & will be
rewarded with lower interest rates & discounts in processing fee & other charges. You can
improve your credit score by repaying your loan EMIs on time and always pay the
minimum payment on your credit card to avert from the bad credit score.

Fullerton India Personal Loan

Fullerton India is a Non Banking Finance Company. The Company started its operations in
January 2006.Fullerton offers you a wide range of financial products like Home Loans,
home equity loans Business Loans and life insurance. It has more than 800 branches across
India. Fullerton India Personal Loan offers:

• Simplicity - Easy to understand, simple processes and standard documentation

• Speed - Average turnaround time in loan processing is just two days
• One of the lowest Personal Loan Interest Rates.
• Minimum Documentation.

Eligibility Criteria for Fullerton India Personal Loan

Age of Applicant Min-21 years ; Max-60 years.
No. of years in employment 3 years & above
Current Experience 6 months & above
Net Monthly Income Rs. 12,500/- & above

Loan Amount offered by Fullerton India

Minimum Funding Rs. 40,000/-
Maximum Funding Rs. 5,00,000/-

Loan Tenure offered by Fullerton India

Minimum Tenure 12 months
Maximum Tenure 60 months

Turn Around Time of Fullerton India Personal Loan

Turn around time 4 working days

Processing Fee of Fullerton India Personal Loan

Processing fee 2.5% to 3.5% of loan amount

Prepayment Charges of Fullerton India Personal Loan

4% of outstanding principal (Can be
Foreclosure Charges
foreclosed after 6 months only)

Salary available for making EMI’s

Above Rs. 15,000 p.m 60% of salary is considered

Documents Required for Fullerton India Personal Loan

Passport/ driving license/PAN card/ Photo
credit card (with embossed Signature and last
Identity Proof
two months statement)/ banker’s sign
Age Proof PAN Card/ Passport/ driving license/ School
leaving certificate/ Voter’s card/
BirthCertificate/ LIC policy (only for age
Address Proof Passport/ Telephone bill (BSNL/MTNL)/
Electricity bill/ Title deed of property/Rental
agreement/ Driving license/ Election ID card/
Photo-credit card (with last two month
Income Proof Latest 3 months salary slip (Computerized
pay slip with company Logo/pay slip on
company letter head)
Job Continuity Proof Form 16/relieving letter/appointment Letter.
Banking History Bank statements of latest 6 months


What is a Personal loan?

An unsecured loan is called a Personal loan. This implies that you don’t have to give any
security, as with a car loan or a home loan, where the underlying asset is mortgaged with
the bank. Normally, the bank does not ask for guarantors either. More advantages:
minimum documentation and speedy clearance (within three to seven days of applying).
And there is no monitoring of 'end use' -- you can use the loan for any purpose you like.
What can I use a Personal Loan for?
Personal loan can be used for anything and everything. There are no restrictions on the end
use. You could use the loan money to finance anything from the latest flat-screen-plasma-
LCD TV to buying your better-half a diamond ring.

How do I take a Personal Loan?

You can always start by checking out with different banks offering you the loan for the best
offers - interests - EMI schemes etc. Also find out the eligibility criteria and the documents
required to submit before you apply

How is my loan eligibility determined?

Loan eligibility depends upon various factors which differ from banks to banks. The main
factor of course, is your ability to repay the loan. Also your profile, in terms of residence
and the place you work in also matters. Do make sure to check all such other eligibilities
before applying.

What is the maximum tenure of a personal loan?

Personal loan is a short tenure loan. Most of the banks provide you loan for maximum 3
years (36 months). to max 5 years(60 months).
How much personal loan that i can take?
Loan eligibility depends upon various factors. The main factor is your ability to repay. The
bank would like that the instalment you pay should not exceed more than 30 to 40% of your
net salary or 2-3 times of your income tax return. Please check the eligibility section (hyper
link)of our site to know how much you can borrow.

What are the fees and charges payable and when are they payable?
Apart from the rate of interest bank also do charge some fees which are of Usually two
types. Once when you are applying for the loan and once when you are preclosing the loan.
The fees when charged at the time of processing called as Processing Fees vary from 2-3%
of the loan amount. This could be reduced if you have the ability of bargaining. the second
charge is the prepayment penalty paid at the time of preclosure. This too varies from 2 –3
%. Similar to processing charges, you can also try to get this fees reduced.

What is the rate of interest that will be charged on my loan?

The interest rate varies from bank to bank. And usually it varies from 14%-26% depending
upon your profile and the policies/scheme you opt for.

How soon can I get my loan money?

Usually banks disburse your loan within seven working days. However, it is recommended
that you keep all your documents ready and in order, especially the post dated cheque
(PDC), to avoid any delays. The loan is disbursed only after the completion of submitting of
all required documents.

Can I apply for loan, jointly with my spouse?

Yes. Personal Loans can be applied jointly with a co-applicant (either be your spouse or
your parents). This helps you to increase your income eligibility and you can also avail for a
larger amount of loan, if you want to, as your co-applicants income also gets added to your
income and that total is taken into consideration for calculating the loan amount you will be
eligible for.

What is relationship discounts?

Lenders offer relationship discounts if you already have a relation with that bank. This
basically means that if you are already banking with the lender from whom you seek to
avail a loan, they give you certain discounts in the form of reduction in personal loan
interest rates or other such charges, sometimes even giving you additional services.

How do I repay my loan?

At the time of applying for the loan, banks ask you to submit all the post dated cheques
(PDC). for each month with Emi which is equal monthly installments or they ask you to
sign an Ecs(Electronic clearing system ) with the account that you hold. Mostly these
cheques/Ecs are presented on 1 st of each month , so please do confirm with the bank on
that respect

Banks/Rates Processing
CAT A CAT B Others Payment
15.5% 21%-23% 21%-28% 4% 2%
15.5% 15.5%
(for 75,000 & above (for 75,000 &
salary), above salary),
16% 16% 2% if
(for 50,000-75,000 (for 50,000- salaried
salary), 75,000 salary), account in
HDFC Bank 22% 4%
17% 17% HDFC -
(for 35,000-50,000 (for 35,000- other wise
salary), 50,000 salary), 2.5%
19% 19%
(below 35,000 salary) (below 35,000
Only for Only for
Citibank Citibank
account account
(more than 50000
holders: 17% holders: 17%
(for more than (for more than
50000 salary), 50000 salary),
Citibank (for 35000-50000 5% 2%
18% 18%
(for 30000- (for 30000-
50000 salary), 50000 salary),
(between 22000-
18.5% 18.5%
35000 salary)
(20000-30000 (20000-30000
salary) salary)
16%-20% 16%-20%
State Bank of 16%
(Guarantor (Guarantor N.A. 2%-3%
India/SBI (Guarantor required)
required) required)
16% 17%-18% 21% 5% 2%
16.75%- Rs250-
Andhra Bank 15.75%-16.75% N.A. N.A.
18.75% Rs1000/-
Axis Bank 16% 18% 19%-23% Nill 2%
Bank of
15% 15.5% N.A. N.A. 2%
14.5% 1.50% of the
(undertaking letter N.A. N.A. N.A. loan amount
required) or Rs.500/-
ICICI Bank N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
Chartered 15.5% - 22% 15.5% - 22% 15.5% - 22% 2%-5% 1%-2%
13.5% (against
security of
(against security of security of
Syndicate IVP, NSC,
policies, RBI Relief KVP, LIC
policies, RBI
Bonds) policies, RBI
Relief Bonds)
Relief Bonds)

16%-18% 16%-18%
United Bank 16%
12%(For 12%(For N.A. N.A.
Of India 12%(For pensioners)
pensioners) pensioners)
Vijaya Bank 16% N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

CAT A refers to - Top 1000 companies
CAT B refers to - Multi National Companies( MNC's )
CAT C refers to - Small companies
Non Listed refers to - Smaller companies with 100 emloyees.
Loan Surrogates refers to - Any running loan from any bank

Income : If your Income is above a certain limit, Banks believe that your chances of not
paying are lesser as you have Income to pay. Income above 75 per month usually gets some
discounts from all personal loan Banks.

Your Company Status : If the company you are working with is a well known corporate,
the Banks feel that you are less likely to shift from your job and will result in lesser

Credit and Payment History : Banks follows Cibil scores/rating before deciding giving
loans. If your payments for Credit Cards and Loans is not upto mark , you have the most
likely chance of being rejected for the loan or the Bank will give you at a much higher rate.
Relationship with Bank : The Bank where you have your Salary account/Savings account
is likely to pass on you to some special rate for your personal Loans or Processing fee.
Individuals Negotiating Skills : Based on your above points you can always ask Bank to
give you waivers on Rates, Fees Etc.
Personal Loan Interest Rates in India

Unlike a product like a movie ticket for which everyone is charged the same price, every
individual will be charged a different personal loan interest rate and be eligible for a
different loan amount based on their credit profile. The personal loan interest rates you will
be charged and the loan amount you will be eligible for will vary by bank, and will depend
upon factors like your income, your employer, your work experience and your residence
stability. Personal loan interest rates in India are usually quoted as monthly reducing
balance rates, however some lenders quote rates as annual reducing balance rates or as flat
rates. The simplest way of comparing different personal loan offers is to calculate the total
amount of money you will need to repay the bank in order to completely pay off your loan.
The below table is prepared by our market experts and lists the banks which
constitute 90% of personal loan market in India to help users save time in their search
for personal loan.

Personal Loan Interest Rates.

Bank Name Interest rate range Rate Type

HDFC Bank Personal Loan 14% - 24% fixed Monthly reducing balance
ICICI Personal Loan 16% to 24% fixed Monthly reducing balance
Axis Personal Loan 14% to 21% fixed Monthly reducing balance
Fullerton Personal Loan 18% -34% fixed Monthly reducing balance
CitiFinancial Personal Loan 21% -24% fixed Monthly reducing balance
SBI Personal Loan 16% fixed Daily reducing balance

Trevor Richards (1996 ) Begins by defining the conversion model – a model used as a
marketing tool to identify commitment to different brands of goods or services. Argues that
there is a difference between committed and uncommitted customers which is not related to
service quality and that this makes it difficult to predict customer retention based solely on
these grounds. Other factors also drive commitment. Presents two short case studies based
on these assumptions. Kurt Matzler, Hans H. Hinterhuber, Franz Bailom, Elmar Sauerwein
(1996) How to delight your customers, Asks which product qualities are decisive for the
satisfaction of the customer and which features merely prevent dissatisfaction. Proposes
Kano’s model of customer satisfaction for answering these questions and for drawing
conclusions for the management of product development. In his model, Kano distinguishes
between three types of product requirement which influence customer satisfaction in
different ways when met: must-be requirements, which are basic criteria of a product - if
these requirements are not fulfilled, the customer will be extremely dissatisfied; one-
dimensional requirements, where customer satisfaction is proportional to the level of
fulfillment, the higher the customer’s satisfaction and vice versa; and attractive
requirements, which are the product criteria which have the greatest influence on how
satisfied a customer will be with a given product. Attractive requirements are neither
explicitly expressed nor expected by the customer. Antony Beckett, Paul Hewer, Barry
Howcroft (2000) An exposition of consumer behaviour in the financial services industry,
Deregulation and the emergence of new forms of technology have created highly
competitive market conditions which have had a critical impact upon consumer behaviour.
Bank providers must, therefore, attempt to better understand their customers in an attempt
not only to anticipate but also to influence and determine consumer buying behaviour. The
paper accordingly presents and develops a model which attempts to articulate and classify
consumer behaviour in the purchasing of financial products and services. The theoretical
insights generated by this model are then used to examine qualitative research data gained
from focus group discussions on consumers’ attitudes to their financial providers and their
financial products. Finally, these findings are examined for the potential insights they
provide to bank
providers attempting to identify appropriate strategies which are conducive to increased
customer retention and profitability. Randi Priluck (2003) Relationship marketing can
mitigate product and service failures, Relationship marketing is beneficial to firms because
it can foster customer loyalty and re-patronage behavior. Consumers engaged in relational
exchanges are more satisfied than those in discrete transactions because
of the ease and psychological comfort of purchasing from a familiar company. This
research investigates the power of relationship marketing to mitigate in two situations. One
exposes consumers to poor product performance and examines their levels of trust,
commitment and satisfaction. The second presents a product failure that is followed by a
lapse in service recovery and measures satisfaction and exit behavior. The findings of both
studies suggest that relationships make up for increasingly strong negative encounters,
providing a level of insulation for the marketer. Implications for service firms are discussed.
Adam Lindgreen (2004) Few published empirical studies have examined the design,
implementation, and monitoring of customer relationship management (CRM) programmes
at a practical level. The article develops a single embedded case study on Dagbladet Børsen
(, the largest publisher of business-related materials in Scandinavia.
The article first introduces the reader to the philosophy behind CRM. Following that, it
considers key areas of a four-year long CRM programme and offer insights into the
procedure that has been developed by SJP (, the consulting firm that was
brought into assist. The procedure is organized around eight areas: commitment of senior
management, situation report, analysis, strategy formulation, implementation, management
development, employee involvement, and evaluation of loyaltybuilding processes. Over the
four-year long CRM programme, Dagbladet Børsen increased its newspaper circulation by
40 per cent and advertising revenue by 50 per cent, while total revenue more than doubled.
Ka-shing Woo, Henry K.Y. Fock (2004 ) The axiom that “the customer is always right” is
no longer valid when companies realize that some of their customers are not right at all.
Paying too much attention to these so-called “wrong” customers may jeopardize a
company's survival and profitability. Right customers have to be retained, “at-risk” right
customers have to be recovered, and wrong customers have to be divested. This study
attempts to operationalize the concept of customer “rightness” and “wrongness” in terms of
different configurations of attribute satisfaction and overall satisfaction. Based on the result
of a discriminant analysis of satisfaction survey data, customers with different
configurations of attribute satisfaction and overall satisfaction are re-examined in terms of
switching intention, behavioral patterns and demographic characteristics in order to
highlight any significant descriptor. Susan E. Rau (2005) Building great products can be a
reality for any company that takes the time and effort to create and execute the linkages
between: winning strategy; the role of products and services; the product building blocks;
and, linkages to customer needs. In fact, our research and work with clients suggests that a
lack of alignment of these factors is the number one cause for the poor performance of
many new products. This article defines for the reader the four winning strategy choices a
company has – Product Leader, Distribution Giant, Innovation Superstar and Customer
Lover and how each of these models puts a different emphasis on products and services.
Once a company has selected a winning strategy, executing that strategy successfully
requires adherence to the business model, including aligning product and services, customer
imperatives and financial realities to that winning strategy model. Losing focus and drifting
away from the chosen strategy or interspersing, for example, the product priorities from one
winning strategy with the customer imperatives from another is a recipe for lackluster
earnings and poor stock performance. Readers will learn how to outsmart the competition
and build products that really win in the marketplace.

This research is based on primary data i.e. collected through primary and secondary
sources sources. The primary data is collected with the help of questionnaire survey and
secondary data is collected from newspapers, internet and magazines. Therefore, the
analysis of data is categorised under following two sub categories that are:-
• Analysis of Primary Data
• Analysis of secondary data

The analysis of primary data includes the analysis of data collected through questionnaire.
The analysis of Primary Data is as follow:-

1. Age of the Respondent:

Age yrs 18-28yrs 28-38 yrs 38-50 yrs More than 50

PERCENTAGE 30% 26% 24% 20%

The respondent of research comprises of 30% of 18-28 years, 26% of 28-38 years, 24%
of 38-50 years and 20% of more than 50 years. This classification of age group is
required to know the perception of person for taking loan at different stage of life.
Generally Fullerton India provides loan to salaried individuals and new entrepreneurs,
therefore our sample size is consists 56% of respondents lies between the age group of
18 to 38years. After setting the age group composition for survey the next parameter for
differentiating respondent is Income level.
1. Annual Income of the Respondent

Income Below 1 Lac 1-2 Lac 2-5 Lakh Above 5 Lakh

%age 15% 40% 35% 10%

Second classification of respondent is based on the basis of their annual income. This
classification is done to know that mostly which income level people have more demand for
loan. This research is targeted to know the demand of loan by salaried individual and small
entrepreneurs, therefore the sample size consists of 15% Lower Income level and 40%
middle income level for judging the demand of salaried individual and to judge the demand
of small entrepreneurs the sample size consists of 35% upper middle income level and 10%
that are having annual income more than 5 lakh.

P e rc e n t a g e

3. Occupation of the Respondent

Occupation Government Private Businessman
Employee Employee

Percentage 30.00% 25.00% 45.00%

The third important consideration which helps to identify that whether the
respondent is salaried individual or small entrepreneurs is occupation. The
occupation comprises of Government Employee, private employee that fall into salaried
individual category and third component of occupation is Businessman which indicate
small entrepreneurs. The weight provided to salaried individual i.e. to Government and
private employee is 55% because Fullerton offered more product to this category and For
small entrepreneurs the weight assigned is 45% , because this weight can give justifiable
result to divide the demand of loan on the basis of occupation.
From which source you knew about the various schemes of Fullerton

Sources News Paper Television Internet Friends


Percentage 44% 12% 20% 24%

This question is asked in order to know the effectiveness of the advertisement strategy
adopted by Fullerton India. The result found by the survey shows that most of the customer
knew about the various loan schemes through news paper & internet. Therefore company
can make more use of the news paper and internet to increase its customer base. Secondly
the company also getting the benefit of its existing customer to advertise its product,
because 24% of customer knew about the schemes of Fullerton India through their friends
who had taken loan from Fullerton India.
Fullerton India is not making use of Television media frequently because it is very costly,
therefore resultantly it contributed only 12% in creating the awareness among the customer
regarding various schemes of Fullerton India.
2. Which type of loan you availed from Fullerton India?

Types Secured Loan Unsecured Home Loan Home equity

Loan loan

Percentage 42% 18% 28% 12%

The most preferred loan by customer is secured loan. This loan is easily available to
customer because there is less risk faced by Fullerton in giving this type of loan as it is
secured by some assets of customer. Second more preferred loan than secured loan is Home
loan which is availed by 28% of customer other loan are availed by18% and 12% of sample
3. Through which scheme of Fullerton India you availed loan?

Type Parivaar Vyapaar

Percentage 62% 38%

The Fullerton India offers different types of loans under two main scheme that are Parivaar
and Vyapaar. The Parivaar scheme is for salaried individual where as Vyapaar scheme
available for small entrepreneurs. The result of survey shows that most of customer availed
loan under parivaar scheme i.e 62% as compare to Vyapaar. Therefore it shows that, the
salaried individual are more important for company, so the company is require to focus on
this core product and simultaneously it require to improve the promotion of its Vyapaar
scheme to attract more customers.
7. What is your amount of loan?

Amount of Loan %age of


0 - 2,00,000 28%

2,00,000-5,00,000 45%

5,00,000- 10,00,000 32%

10,00,000 or more 5%

This question is asked to know that generally how much amount of loan is availedby the
customer. The result of survey shows that 45% customer availed 2 lakh to 5lakh loan, 32%
availed 5 to 10 lakh, 28% availed loan up to Rs 2lakh and there are very less customer who
availed loan more than 10 lakh. So the Fullerton India is famous for medium loan, but there
are very less number of customer for large amount loan. Therefore the company needs to
focus on the schemes for large amount loan to become famous in this segment also.

4. What is the repayment period of your loan?

Number of Years percentage of Respondents

Below 2 Years 19%

2-5 Years 43%

5-10 Years 28%

More than 10 Years 10%

The profit of the company depends on the repayment period, because if the
repayment period is long than customer will pay interest for long period so it
beneficial for company to issue loan for long repayment period. In the survey itb was found
that 19% customer availed loan for maturity period less than 2 years, 43% of customer
availed loan for 2 to 5 years, 28% availed for 5 to 10 years and only 10 % availed for the
repayment period more than 10years. The most preferred repayment period is 2 to 5 years.
The company will earn more sustainable profit for long period if it increases the customer
who avail loan for long maturity period, therefore the company need to formulate some
attractive scheme to attract the customer towards long repayment period loan.

9. Are you satisfied with the rate of interest charge by Fullerton India?
Yes No
67% 33%

The Fullerton India charging different rate of interest for different type of loan. The rate of
interest of unsecured loan is quite high because of risky nature whereas secured loan is
available at less rate of interest. Therefore there are some customers who are not satisfied
with the rate of interest. The sample size consists of 67% customers who are satisfied with
the rate of interest charging by Fullerton India and only 33% are unsatisfied.
10. What are the main factors which persuade you to avail loan
from Fullerton India?

Factors No. of Respondents

Easy Repayment 19%

Easy Documentation 26%

Attractive Rate of Interest 29%

Quick Processing 17%

Others 9%

This question is considered to know that which service of Fullerton India attract more and
more customer. The result shows that an attractive rate of interest is the most important
factor responsible for attracting customer toward Fullerton India, then easy documentation,
easy repayment and quick processing is also work as supplement to attract customer for
availing loan from Fullerton India. Only 9% customers are fall in the category of others
who availed loan due to the references of some person, such as friends and relatives.

11. What grade you will assign to the services of Fullerton India?
Grades excellent Very good Good Fair Poor
percentage 12% 47% 31% 6% 4%

This result shows the perception of different customer toward services of Fullerton India.
The 12 % customer thinks that the service delivery of Fullerton India is excellent whereas
47% thinks its service delivery is very good, 31% thinks that services delivery is only good
and 6% thinks that the service delivery of Fullerton India is fair, but as nobody can satisfy
everyone at same time, so this is same for Fullerton India, 4%customer are not satisfied
with the services of Fullerton India.
From the above study it is clear that 62% of the respondents have taken loan under
parivaar scheme and only 38% taken loan under Vaypaar scheme. Therefore it shows that
Fullerton India is favourable in short term loan segment which is provided by Fullerton
India under Parivar scheme and especially for salaried individual. From the above study it is
clear that majority of the respondents got aware of different loan scheme provided by
Fullerton India through News paper. Therefore company is require to advertise its schemes
more frequently in News paper which will help company in getting more new

The above study depicts that most of the respondents availed loan of amount ranging
from Rs.2-5- Lakh. Therefore, if Fullerton India introduce more scheme under this range to
meet the different demand of customers.

The above study depicts that mostly the respondents preferred the loan having repayment
period from 2-5. Therefore the company needs to add some more benefits to the long term
period loan so that the
demand of long term loan will increase which increase the profit of company, because as
the repayment period is long than the source of income (Interest) is sustain for long period.

Most of the people are satisfied with the rate of interest charged and by Fullerton India.

Fullerton India mostly disbursed loan as secured loan, this will provide the safety and it
will avoid the increasing number of Non- performing asset and bad debts.

Customers are the main source of new ideas, and thus their suggestions are vital for every
Company. From the above figure it is clear that majority of the respondents are satisfied
with the services of their present bank so they do not want any change in the rate of interest
and services, but no one can satisfy everyone at same time, Fullerton having respondents
who are not satisfied with rate of interest and services of Fullerton India.

The following suggestions have been formulated on the basis of above study. These set of
suggestions might help the Fullerton India to improve the quality of service regarding loan
provisions and simultaneously these suggestions help the Fullerton India to tackle the
competition prevailing in the market, thereby achieving success in the future.
Firstly Fullerton India should create awareness among the common public about the
various loan schemes of they are providing..

In order to create awareness regarding the loan schemes an electronic medium of media
can put to use to advertise about the schemes and services provided by Fullerton India. This
would help to change the attitude of the people regarding the Fullerton India.

The interest rates should be regularly revised in order to attract more and more customer.
Some new plans should be introduced regularly to cater the special needs of customer
which provides them more offerings and benefits.

New strategies should be made by the company which enables them to face the
competition with other private leading Non Banking Financial companies.

The company needs to focus more on providing value added services to its customer.
This will create Brand loyalty among customer which indirectly attract more and more
customer because a satisfied customer will always bring two more new customers.

· The management of company should be more efficient which enables in quick processing
of the task regarding loans disbursement and loan collection, This will enable efficiency in
the working capital cycle of the company.

· There should be customer relationship management concept in the company which help
the company to understand the special need of customer. Accordingly company formulate
schemes should be maintained.
· The Fullerton India need to concentrate on new target market by expanding its business
through introducing new loan schemes and services. Currently the company is proving
loans under main two category i.e Parivaar and vyapaar so, it looks limited. Therefore the
company needs to introduce new schemes to enter in to new target market.






Name: Contact No:

1. Age of the Respondent:-

a. 18-28yrs □ b. 28-38 yrs □

c. 38-50 yrs □ d. More than 50 □

2. Annual Income of the Respondent:

a. Below 1 Lakh □ b. 1-2 Lakh □

c. 2-5 Lakh □ d. 2-5 Lakh □

3. Occupation of the Respondent:-

a. Government Employee □

b. Private Employee □

c. Businessman □

4. From which source you knew about the various schemes of Fullerton
a. News Paper □ b. Television Media □
c. Internet □ d. Friends □
5. Which type of loan you availed from Fullerton India?

a. Secured Loan □ b. Unsecured Loan □

c. Home Loan □ d. Home equity loan □

6. Through which scheme of Fullerton India you availed loan?

a. Parivaar □ b. Vyapaar □

7. What is your amount of loan?

a. 0 - 2,00,000 □ b. 2,00,000-5,00,000 □

c. 5,00,000-10,00,000 □ d. 10,00,000 or more □

8. What is the repayment period of your loan?

a. Below 2 Years □ b. 2-5 Years □

c. 5-10 Years □ d. More than 10 Years □

9. Are you satisfied with the rate of interest charge by Fullerton India?

a. Yes □ b. No □
10. What are the main factors which persuade you to avail loan
from Fullerton India?

a. Easy Repayment □ b. Easy Documentation □

c. Attractive Rate of Interest □ d. Quick Processing □

e. Others □

11. What grade you will assign to the services of Fullerton India?

a. Excellent □ b. Very Good □

c. Good □ d. Fair □

e. Poor □


Company Certificate

Guide Certificate


Chapter -1 Company Profile

Chapter -2 Review of Literature

Chapter -3 Research Methodology

Chapter -4 Data Analysis & Analysis

Chapter -5 Findings & Recommendation

Chapter -6 Suggestion



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