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MEMORANDUM – it means “a note to help the memory”; an inter-office communications dealing with official matters which is

commonly used in police service.

TONES OF THE MEMORANDUM – There is no strict rule governing the tone of a memorandum. However, the tone usually differs in
accordance with the person/s reading it.

1. From a chief of office to his subordinates, the tone is impersonal, i.e. “For guidance and strict compliance.”

2. From a writer writing a memorandum to somebody of equal rank, the tone is casually personal, i.e. “The undersigned
noticed changes in…”

3. A subordinate police officer writing a memorandum to a higher police officer uses a more formal tone, i.e., “For
information and request acknowledgment.”

MEMORANDUM FOR: - is written above the addressee if sent to a superior officer.

MEMORANDUM TO: - is used if sent to subordinate officers by the chief or head.

POSITION AND PLACEMENT – it is typed on legal or custom-size bond paper. 8.5x13”(long) Only one side of the sheet is used.

Parts of a Memorandum

1. Heading – all materials above the first line of the body comprise the heading. These are the office origin, address, file
reference, identifying initials, date, subject, channels through which the letter will pass, and addressee to whom the letter is being

A. Letterhead – printed letterhead stationery is normally used for the first page. If not available, a typed letterhead
may be substituted. Ex: Republic of the Philippines National Police Commission PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE SANTA ROSA
POLICE STATION Santa Rosa, Nueva Ecija

B. File Reference – it is otherwise called the office symbol. It is usually placed 2 spaces below the letterhead. Each
part of the reference is also used as identifying information on the second and subsequent pages. Ex: SRPS-IN

C. Identifying Initials – refers to the initials of the originator and typist of the letter. Ex: MLVFJR/ogs/600-3752

D. Addressee – the person to whom the memorandum is written. It is addressed to the chief or head of an agency
by his title. The letter is not addressed to the police office. The title is not abbreviated. Ex: MEMORANDUM FOR: Provincial
Director, NEPPO

unless the correspondence pertains to an individual, the name of the individual is not used in the address of a
memorandum form. When it is necessary, however, to address correspondence to an individual by name, his grade, first
name, middle name, and last name are indicated in that order. His badge number and branch of service may be shown, if it
is known and considered necessary for identification. Example: MEMORANDUM FOR: SPO4 Juan Santos Cruz 031740 PNP

when the same letter is intended for several addressees, the entire address of each is placed on a single line if

E. Attention Line – for faster routing, correspondence may be addressed to the individual or the head of a
subdivision or by the use of an office symbol.

Examples: 1. Addressed to the attention of an individual. MEMORANDUM TO: Chief of Police, SRPS (Attn: SPO4 Juan S Cruz PNP)

2. Addressed to the attention of the head of office. MEMORANDUM TO: Chief of Police, SRPS (Attn: Chief, Opns & Plans

3. Addressed to the attention of the head of a unit or command by the use of an office symbol. MEMORANDUM TO: Chief
of Police, SRPS (Attn: OPS)

F. Sender or Originator – preceded by the word “FROM” is written in block style, with open punctuation and
normally placed below the addressee. Example: FROM: Chief of Police, SRPS

G. Subject – the subject line should contain not more than 10 words. It starts 2 spaces below the sender and 2
spaces to the right of the colon. When the subject extends to two lines, the second line is blocked under the first letter of
the first word of the subject. Example: SUBJECT: SPECIAL REPORT RE HOMICIDE

H. Date – this refer to the date of signature or the present date. Example: DATE: July 3, 2004 / 3 July 2004
2. Body – it is the message itself. This part is typed single-spaced, except when it is less than nine lines, and no reply is
expected, in which case it may be double-spaced. Double-spacing is always used between paragraphs.

1. Paragraphing – when a letter consists of only one paragraph, the paragraph is not numbered, although its sub-
paragraphs will be lettered, if there are two or more.

When there are two or more paragraphs, they are numbered consecutively. The first line of a paragraph is
indented five bar spaces. The succeeding lines begin on the left margin. There must be at least two sub-paragraphs. For
example, if there is (1), there is (2) The first line is indented so that the designating letters appear directly under the first
letter of the first word in the main paragraph. The second and succeeding lines of these sub-paragraphs begin on the left

2. Abbreviations – a memorandum allows abbreviations which are generally allowed in the police service. They are
usually written without spacing or periods, except geographical locations.  If the full name is used, the abbreviated rank is
permissible Ex: PCHF SUPT PAUL HECTOR G NATALIO If family name only, the rank is spelled out Ex: POLICE CHIEF

3. References – references to publications must be specific and fully implemented. References are not be made to
a publication or document which is not available to the addressees of the correspondence. Example: Reference: Special
Report this station dated December 15, 2003 re Homicide with Rape transpired at Brgy Bonifacio, Cabanatuan City.

4. Page Numbering – the first page should not be numbered. Subsequent pages, including those on which
endorsements are prepared are numbered consecutively, beginning with the second page as 2. the page number is
centered 1 inch from the bottom of the page. The number should stand by itself and should not be set off by dashes,
parentheses, or some other punctuation.

5. Dividing a Paragraph – three or fewer lines should not be divided between pages. at least two lines of a divided
paragraph should appear on each page. in dividing a sentence between pages, at least two words should appear on each
page. a word should not be divided between two pages. the complimentary ending should not appear alone on a page
without part of a body or text.

 ҉ when the space below the text is not sufficient for the close, at least two lines of the last paragraph may be placed on the last
page together with the complimentary ending. ҉ on the second and succeeding pages, the file reference and subject should be
typed, beginning on the left margin, 1.25 inches from the top edge of the page. The text is continued on the second line below the
identification line.

3. Complimentary Ending – this refers to the materials found below the last paragraph of the body. It consists of the
authority line if used, signature, list of enclosures and list of copies being furnished.

A. Authority Line – it should be shown when the correspondence is signed for the chief or head of an agency or office by an
individual authorized to do so. This reflects the fact that the communication is an expression of the will of the chief himself. The
authority line begins on the second line below the last paragraph directly under the first word of the preceding main paragraph. It is
typed in capital letters, without abbreviations. A staff officer may sign under the authority line only when authorized to do so.

 Examples: 1. If signing for a chief or head of an office and addressed to members under him, BY AUTHORITY OF

2. If not addressed to a member under him, FOR THE CHIEF OF POLICE: EFRENILO FAJARDO RESTUA
Police Inspector Deputy Chief of Police

B. Signature – it contains the name of the officer, usually his first name, middle initial and last name, signed in black or blue-
black ink, never blue or any other color; the name being typed, stamped or printed, all in capital letters, identical with the written
name, the officer’s rank or service and title designation.  if the concerned chief or head of office personally signed the
memorandum, his title or designation may not be included anymore.

C. Enclosures - are supplementary documents which are sent with the communication to provide additional information.
when the letter has one or more enclosures, this fact is entered on the left side of the page in the following manner: Example:
Enclosures: 1- Crime Scene Sketch 2- Pictures of Crime Scene

D. Copy Furnished to other Offices – a notation concerning copy furnished should be typed immediately under, and
separated by at least one line from the listing of enclosure, if any. Example: Copy Furnished: RD, PRO’s D, NSU’s

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