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According to Parke (2003) a talent show is an event in which participants perform

the arts of singing, dancing, lip-syncing, acting, martial arts, playing an instrument, or

other activities to showcase skills. Many talent shows are performances rather than

contests, but some are actual contests. In the instance of a contest, participants may be

motivated to perform for a reward, trophy, or prize of some kind.

Crome (2008) a Beauty contest or beauty pageant is a competition mainly focuses

on the bodily beauty of candidates, such contest must be an assortment of personality,

intelligence, talent, and weep to call for answers to the judge questions as part of the

criteria. A beauty pageant can be both for men or women depending on the objective

of the event organizers. Performing a paper based system is very crucial, tedious, time

consuming and lacks security to avoid alterations by the official tabulator. The paper

based tabulating system is merely not a reliable system. The requirement for calculating

the result and keeping the result confidentially is very laborious. Secondary to these

issue, the developer is propelled to develop an online tabulating system in order to

make the task tabulating an easy, efficient and secure way of calculating the result.

Performing a paper based system is very crucial, tedious, time consuming and lacks

security to avoid alterations by the official tabulator. The paper based tabulating system

is merely not a reliable system. The requirement for calculating the result and keeping

the result confidentially is very laborious. Secondary to these issue, the developer is

propelled to develop an online tabulating system in order to make the task tabulating

an easy, efficient and secure way of calculating the result.

The goal of TASCA Online Tabulation System is to create a reliable system for

tabulating events. Using a “web-service” system design allows configuration of the

software to be done once, on the server, rather than every time a new user wants to use

the software. Moreover, it facilitates easy access and alteration of the program during

events, in the event of an error. Given the prevalence of reliable, high speed internet

connections on college campuses, requiring internet access on the part of the user does

not create a significant burden. Moreover, the web-service model will work with any

computer equipped with a web-browser.

B. Project Context

Asian College – Dumaguete Campus has been using the existing system named

TASCA Tabulation System. Where in you can tabulate scores from various events.

The developers proposed a system called TASCA Online Tabulation System where in

we convert the existing system into a web-based application so that the system will be

responsive with multiple devices. The web-based application would then be more

efficient to the users while tabulating.

The project is specifically designed for judges during pageant and other competition

that needs to be tabulated. The system will work as a complete user interface for

tabulating system process. TASCA Online Tabulation System can be used by specific

judges to input scores for a specific contestant and will produce right away scores.

C. Objectives of the Project

This project aims to design and develop a web-based tabulation system that is

capable of making a reliable and efficient tabulating system. A system that is capable

of tabulating the scores as fast as possible.

D. Significance of the Study

This study will be beneficial to the following:

Judge - Findings of the study could be used to guide the judge in tabulating scores in


Event Organizer - This will benefit the event organizer because it will be convenient

for them to organize tabulating events.

Audience - The audience will benefit because they will know the score right away.

Contestant - The contestants are important in the tabulation because they will know

the result automatically.

School - The proposed system will benefit the School in terms of handling tabulation


Future Researchers - This study may serve as a basis for future research that they

will be conducted in the future.

E. Scope and Limitation


a. Convert current tabulation into a web-based application

b. Produce a responsive with multiple device web-based application

c. Accept inputs from judges from different contestants

d. Tabulates the score given by the judges

e. Prints the official result


a. TASCA does not support chat boards between the Judges and the Server

b. Tabulators shall connect to one specific connection

c. Needs to connect to LAN connections

F. Operational Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined to clearly understand the terminology and concepts

use in the study.

Category – A classification of different awards

Contestant – A person involved in contest, and performer

Judge – A person involved in evaluating the contestants and result

Server – The one that sets up accounts for judges and inputs list of contestants

Tabulators – Either Board of Judges or scorer

Tabulation – A process where the result will be computed and arranged sequentially

TASCA – (Technical Assistants Specializing Computer Applications) is an event

tabulation System

G. Theoretical Framework

Figure 1: Theoretical Framework of TASCA Online Tabulation System

This presents the concepts of Tabulation System. To create a successful web-based

TASCA Online Tabulation System, knowledge, skills, software and hardware are

needed. Since the system is focused on tabulating score process.

Triangulation refers to the application and combination of several research methods

in the study of the same phenomenon. By combining multiple observers, theories,

methods, and empirical materials, researchers hope to overcome the weakness or

intrinsic biases and the problems that come from single method, single-observer, and

single-theory studies.

Having a theory helps you identify the limits to those generalizations. A theoretical

framework specifies which key variables influence a phenomenon of interest and

highlights the need to examine how those key variables might differ and under what

circumstances. It is also used to limit the scope of the relevant data by focusing on

specific variables and defining the specific viewpoint (framework) that the researcher

will take in analyzing and interpreting the data to be gathered. It also facilitates the

understanding of concepts and variables according to given definitions and builds new

knowledge by validating or challenging theoretical assumptions.

Systems Theory (Ludwig von Bertalanffy, 1968) is the transdisciplinary study of

the abstract organization of phenomena, independent of their substance, type, or spatial

or temporal scale of existence. A system can be said to consist of four things. The first

is objects – the parts, elements, or variables within the system. These may be physical

or abstract or both, depending on the nature of the system. Second, a system consists

of attributes – the qualities or properties of the system and its objects. Third, a system

had internal relationships among its objects. Fourth, systems exist in an environment.

A system, then, is a set of things that affect one another within an environment and

form a larger pattern that is different from any of the parts.

Contingency Theory (Fred Edward Fiedler, 1964) Fiedler’s theory is the earliest

and most extensively researched. Fiedler’s approach departs from trait and behavioral

models by asserting that group performance is contingent on the leader’s psychological

orientation and on three contextual variables: group atmosphere, task structure, and

leader’s power position. This theory explains that group performance is a result of

interaction of two factors. These factors are known as leadership style and situational

favorableness. In Fiedler’s model, leadership effectiveness is the result of interaction

between the style of the leader and the characteristics of the environment in which the

leader works.

Complexity Theory has been used in the fields of strategic management and

organizational studies. Application areas include understanding how organizations or

firms adapt to their environments and how they cope with conditions of uncertainty.

Organizations have complex structures in that they are dynamic networks of

interactions, and their relationships are not aggregations of the individual static entities.

They are adaptive; in that the individual and collective behavior mutate and self-

organize corresponding to a change-initiating micro-event or collection of events.

Some systems function mainly to support other systems by aiding in the

maintenance of the other system to prevent failure. The goal of systems theory is

systematically discovering a system's dynamics, constraints, conditions and elucidating

principles (purpose, measure, methods, tools, etc.) that can be discerned and applied to

systems at every level of nesting, and in every field for achieving optimized equality.

The contingency theory gives programmers a wide range of ways to react to problems,

it also gives them significant discretion in their decision-making. A contingency

theory is an organizational theory that claims that there is no best way to organize a

corporation, to lead a company, or to make decisions. Instead, the optimal course of

action is contingent (dependent) upon the internal and external situation.

Complexity Theory focus is to determine how systems consisting of many elements

can lead to well organized and predictable behavior.

H. Conceptual Framework


TASCA Online System Requirement

Knowledge a. Requirement
Requirements Tabulation System Analysis
Experts Knowledge Tabulates the score b. Requirement
and Techniques given by the Judges Documentation
Prints the Official
Hardware Result Data and Process
Specification Managing Modeling
Computer Laptop (32 a. Data Flow Diagram
bit or 64 bit) with at Contestants
b. System Flowchart
least 2 GB RAM
memory, 2GB or Deployment Design
more hard disk drive a. Unit Testing
space and at least b. Integration Testing
Pentium 4 onward 1. Compatibility
processor Testing
2. Performance
Software Testing
Requirements 3. Stress Testing
Operating System – 4. Load Testing
Windows c. System Testing
d. Acceptance Testing
Development Tools


Figure 2: Conceptual Framework

Since the system is focused on tabulating score processes, the development of the

project requires the idea about how a tabulation scoring works. To come up with a

working system it is also required to have hardware and software. The required

hardware is a Computer or Laptop (32 bit or 64 bit) with at least 2 GB RAM memory,

2 GB or more hard disk drive space and at least Pentium 4 – onwards processor. The

conceptual framework of the system, the researchers designed a TASCA Online

Tabulation System. A paradigm identifies a program’s input, output and the processing

steps required to transform the inputs into the outputs.

The second frame is the Process Frame. This frame is composed of 3 processes:

System Requirement, Data and Process Modeling and Deployment Design. If the

process 1 and 2 is successfully done it will proceed to the last process, if not it will

repeat the process until it works.

The last frame is Output Frame- the TASCA Online Tabulation System; it is a good

way in tabulating scores for many events.


This chapter primarily presents the different researches and other literatures form

both foreign and local researchers, which have significant bearings on the variables

included in the research. It focuses on several aspects that will help in the development of

this study. The study is generally concentrating on the feasibility of creating a web-based

Tabulating System for Asian College of Dumaguete City.

A. Related Literature and Studies

a. Related Literature

a. Foreign

According to Purdue University (2013) developed a computerized contest

organizer 4 tabulation system that will greatly reduce the time required to

conduct a contest. This helps eliminate problems encountered with judging

events. Computerized tabulation is less likely to result in scoring errors. When

processing data by hand; errors may occur when transposing data from

scorecards to a master score sheet and when adding scores.

Purdue University computerized contest organizer and tabulation program

saves time by allowing contestants' names and addresses, once entered, to be

used to prepare registration forms and contest scorecards. Further, the computer

program uses the information to prepare a final output with names and scores,

eliminating the need to type a result sheet.

The program also reduces repetitious activities. Since it stores and retrieves

data, confirmation letters may be generated from registration information

without retyping names and addresses. Likewise, registration information

(contestant names) is used to tabulate scores, eliminating the need to hand

prepare a master scorecard.

According to “Kofoid” tabulation system developed by: Kofoid (1907b, c,

1909, 1911a) and employing four landmarks: the sulcus, the cingulum, the apex

(usually determined by the apical pore complex), and the ant apex. The plates

immediately anterior to the cingulum constitute the precingular series; the

plates immediately posterior to the cingulum constitute the post Cingular series;

the plates contacting the apical pore complex make up the apical series; and the

plates in the region of the ant apex constitute the ant apical series.

Juperter Garland (2014) the Bid tabulation System showing bids received

on a given bid request will be posted here. Click on the appropriate bid number

to review that tabulation. Bid tabulations will remain posted for a year or until

a new bid on the item/service is approved.

b. Local

Lingayen Campus 2016 the Pangasinan State University has pageant events.

The PSU is currently using MS Excel and MS Access in tabulating. But, that

was prepared right before the said event and sometimes it does not accomplish

the user’s expectations.

Pangasinan State University College of Computer Science is in charge in

providing the means for tabulating results for Pageant Contest. If a system for

tabulation will be implemented multiple benefits will bring. The researchers

conduct a research on the tabulation matters of the PSU since tabulation system

does no still exist. Based on the interviewee and the observation, the researcher

decided to promote high quality software and yet efficient to tabulate results.

The System will be operated in Windows Based to make it more understandable

and user friendly. The judges can determine whatever process he wants to


b. Related Studies

a. Foreign

Waqas Ahmed on Feb.2014 Android based Event tabulation (2014) Task

automation has become quite popular among mobile users thanks to apps like

Tasked. Tasked allows you to configure different scenarios based on current

location, time, event and so on, and automatically trigger different actions based

on those scenarios. For instance, if you want your phone to automatically switch

to silent mode when connected for charging, or need to turn off Wi-Fi when

you’re on the road, you can easily achieve that using Tasker. This Mobile-based

events tabulation System is if you have a technology or have an application it

is easy for the users to give score and calculate the score of every contestant in

every category.

According to this website on Nov. (2014)

basketball Scoring System they say “We are providing the professional

basketball scoring and timing system”. The system includes: professional

scoring software, referee controller, 24s shot clock, possession arrow screen,

rebounds light, etc. We are also providing the extended systems, like Sports

Live Video System, Sports Stats System, and Venues Advertising System. They

can be combined together for a modern basketball game; our system has been

used by FIBA games all over the world. It’s powerful and easy to use and


The ISU Judging System (or the International Judging System (IJS)),

occasionally referred to as the Code of Points (COP) system, is the scoring

system currently used to judge the figure skating disciplines of men's and ladies'

singles, pair skating, ice dance, and synchronized skating. It was designed and

implemented by the International Skating Union (ISU), the ruling body of the

sport. This system of scoring is used in all international competitions sanctioned

by the ISU, including the Olympic Games. The ISU Judging System replaced

the previous 6.0 system in 2004. This new system was created in response to

the 2002 Winter Olympics figure skating scandal, in an attempt to make the

scoring system more objective and less vulnerable to abuse.

b. Local

Fedena MIT (2015) Automated pageant scoring and tabulation System

Developed at the University of Northern Philippines for use in the Miss CCIT

(College of Communication and Information Technology) Pageant and the

University wide Miss UNP Pageant. Allows any number of judges to enter their

scores for varying rounds throughout the pageant. Upon completing each round,

and ultimately the pageant, PDF reports can be generated.

The SE Computerized Judging System (CJ55248) is a software developed

by Tasio Espiritu to automate the judging system of any competition with the

use of personal computers. The key to this software package is its report

generation speed, which is essential in a competition environment where scores

given by the judges have to be tabulated in real time, and the contest results

declared without delay.


This chapter describes and discusses how the researchers will gather the necessary

data and information that will be use in the entire study. It describes who will be the

respondents and focus of the research. This also shows the procedure of data collection,

research design and research instruments used.

A. Research Methodology

a. Research Design

The aim of this research is to provide insight into the challenges that uses

qualitative research to face and to analyze the specific issues. In this procedure,

researchers collect qualitative research methods, using interviews (e.g., one-on-one

interviews) and analyze the data to describe trends about responses to questions and

to test research questions or hypotheses.

The researchers validated their hypothesis by interviewing for the

information needed in making the study. Based on the knowledge of the developers,

it is evaluated and processed as requirements for the study which guide the

developers in creating the system.

b. Organizational Chart

Figure 3: Organizational Chart

c. Research Respondents

The target respondent for this research includes the faculties of the Asian

College of Dumaguete who has experience in judging events in the school. The

respondent for this research is knowledgeable enough to answer the problems in

the present study. The respondent answered the researcher’s problems which

supplies the information that the researchers needed for the study.

d. Research Environment

This study was conducted at Asian College of Science and Technology

(Asian College) which is located in Dr. V. Locsin Street, Dumaguete, Negros

Oriental. The existing TASCA Tabulation System is being used by this school for

a long time for countless events. We made it online for it to be mobile friendly,

faster and efficient to use.

e. Research Instrument

To provide and gather as much informative and relative evaluation used.

This method includes the use of interviews and questionnaire.

A. Interviews – The researchers conducted an interview to gather information in

Asian College of Dumaguete. The researchers seek permission for an interview.

B. Questionnaire – The questionnaire prepared by the researcher to determine the

acceptance of the respondents.

B. Development Methodology

a. Requirements Specifications

a. Operational Feasibility

Feasibility also involves determination of the security and validations. The

working of the judge is reduced and made easier by the project. Not only that

if the judge is given proper training then it could also reduce unnecessary

incorporation to perform comparative studies. Thus, the project is well suited

to overcome organizational restrictions.

Thus, considering the operational feasibility of the development of the

proposed system considered as operationally feasible for development.

a. Functional Decomposition Diagram

Figure 4: Functional Decomposition Diagram

b. Technical Feasibility

a. Details of the Technologies used

a. Hardware Specification

• Computers/Laptops

• RAM – 2GB

• Processor – PENTIUM – IV onwards

• HDD space – 2 GB or more

b. Software Specification

• Operating System – Windows 7 – onwards, MAC, Linux

• Internet Browser – Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome

b. Compatibility Checking

• Operating System: Windows 7 – onwards, MAC, Linux

• Browsers: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox

• Keyboard and compatible pointer device

b. Schedule Feasibility

a. Gantt Chart

Figure 5: Gantt Chart

c. Economic Feasibility

a. Project Cost Estimate

• Computer cost

• System maintenance cost

• Internet connection cost

b. Project Cost and Benefit Analysis

Cost-benefit analysis is a systematic approach to estimating the strengths

and weaknesses of alternatives used to determine options which provide the

best approach to achieving benefits while preserving savings.

• Cost and benefits Analysis is used to evaluate the opportunity to implement

investment projects.

• System Cost.

b. Requirements Modeling

a. Input

• The Judges will input the scores for each contestant.

• The Judges will input scores of the contestants

• The Administrator and Judge should login

• The Administrator can register accounts for the Judges

• The Administrator can add and update Events

• The Administrator can add and update Contestants

• The Administrator can add and update Criteria’s

• The Judges should input scores for each Contestants

• The Judges can update the score of a Contestant

b. Process

• The system will calculate the scores inputted by the Judges

• The system will calculate the scores inputted by the judges

• Print the Official result

• Display Judges who logs in with the system

c. Output

• The results will be displayed after calculating the scores for each contestant.

• The scores will display after calculating the scores of the contestants

• List of Judges should be seen with Online or Offline status

• The added Contestant should be seen in the List of Contestants

• The Administrator can view the results

• Eliminated Contestants are hidden

• Images for each Contestant should be seen

c. Data and Process Modelling

a. Data Flow Diagram

A data flow diagram (DFD) maps out the flow of information for any

process or system. It uses defined symbols like rectangles, circles and arrows, plus

short text labels, to show data inputs, outputs, storage points and the routes between

each destination. Data flowcharts can range from simple, even hand-drawn process

overviews, to in-depth, multi-level DFDs that dig progressively deeper into how

the data is handled. They can be used to analyze an existing system or model a new

one. Like all the best diagrams and charts, a DFD can often visually “say” things

that would be hard to explain in words, and they work for both technical and

nontechnical audiences.

Symbol Name Description

A process or task that is

Process performed by the system.

A source of data or a

Entity destination for data.

A place where data is held

Data Store between processes.

Connects external entities

process and data store

Data Flow elements.

(Table 1: Data Flow Diagram (Lucid Software Inc., 2018))


Figure 6: Data Flow Diagram
b. System Flowchart

System flowcharts are a way of displaying how data flows in a system and

how decisions are made to control events. To illustrate this, symbols are used.

They are connected together to show what happens to data and where it goes. The

system flowchart has become a valuable tool for depicting the flow of control

through a computer system and where decisions are made that affect the flow.

Symbol Name Description

The terminator symbol marks the

starting or ending point of the

Terminator system. It usually contains the

word "Start" or "End."

A process shows a process or

Process action step.

A decision or branching point.

Decision Lines representing different

decisions emerge from different

points of the diamond.

An on-page connector indicates

On-page that the flow continues where a

Connector matching symbol (containing the

same letter) has been placed.

A flow line used to show reading

Flow line order or sequence in which

flowchart symbols are to be read.

A database indicates a list of

Database information with a standard

structure that allows for

searching and sorting.

An off-page connector shows

Off-page continuation of a process

Connector flowchart onto another page.

An input/output represents

Input / Output material or information entering

or leaving the system, such as

customer order (input) or a

product (output).

(Table 2: System Flowchart)

Figure 7: System Flowchart

Figure 7.1 System Flowchart

Figure 7.2 System Flowchart

Figure 7.3 System Flowchart

Figure 7.4 System Flowchart

d. Object Modeling

a. Use Case Diagram

A use case diagram can summarize the details of your system's users (also

known as actors) and their interactions with the system. To build one, you'll use a

set of specialized symbols and connectors.

Symbol Name Description

The users that interact with a system.

An actor can be a person, an

Actor organization, or an outside system that

interacts with your application or

system. They must be external objects

that produce or consume data.

A specific sequence of actions and

System System interactions between actors and the

Boundary system. A system may also be referred

to as a scenario.

An include relationship specifies how

the behaviour for the inclusion use case

is inserted into the behaviour defined

for the base use case. While an extend

<<include>> Relationship relationship specifies how the

behaviour of the extension use case can

be inserted into the behaviour defined

for the base use case.


A line between actors and use cases. In

Association complex diagrams, it is important to

know which actors are associated with

which use cases.

(Table 3: Use Case Diagram)

Figure 8: Use Case Diagram

b. Activity Diagram

Activity diagram is essentially an advanced version of flow chart that

modeling the flow from one activity to another activity. They can also describe

the steps in a use case diagram.

Symbol Name Description

Actions are notated as round

Action cornered rectangles.

Marks the end state of an activity

Final Node and represents the completion of

all flows of a process.

A control flow is an edge that

Control Flow starts an activity node after the

previous one is finished.

This symbol represents the

Decision Activity branching or merging of various

flows with the symbol acting as a

frame or container.

Represents the beginning of a

process or workflow in an

Initial Node activity diagram. It can be used

by itself or with a note symbol

that explains the starting point.

This symbol is used to combine

Join Symbol two concurrent activities and

make them into a single activity.

This symbol divides a single

Fork Symbol activity into two concurrent

activities in a control flow.

(Table 4: Activity Diagram)

Figure 9: Activity Diagram

c. Sequence Diagram

Sequence Diagram model the flow of logic within your system in a visual

manner, enabling you both to document and validate your logic, and are commonly

used for both analysis and design purposes.

Symbol Name Description

Lifeline is a named element which

Lifeline represents an individual

participant in the interaction.

Activation is an interaction

fragment which represents a

Activation period in the participant’s lifetime.

A call message is a message

defines a particular

Call message communication between Lifelines

of an Interaction.

Return message is a kind of

-------- Return Message message that represents the pass of

information back to the caller of a

corresponded former message.

(Table 5: Sequence Diagram)

Figure 10: Sequence Diagram

Figure 10.1: Sequence Diagram

Figure 10.2: Sequence Diagram

d. Class Diagram

A class diagram models the static structure of a system. It shows

relationships between classes, objects, attributes, and operations.

Symbol Name Description

Table Classes represent an abstraction

Class of entities with common


An attribute of a class represents

Table Attribute a characteristic of a class that is

Attribute of interest for the user of the IT


Generalization is a relationship

Generalization between two classes: a general

class and a special class.

(Table 6: Class Diagram)

Figure 11: Class Diagram

e. Risk Assessment/Analysis

The risk assessment is a process to identify potential hazards and analyze

what could happen if a hazard occurs. It is designed to assist event organizers to

identify hazards and risk associated with their event, and to identify suitable

controls to address those hazards and risks. It is also important to identify the

possible risks during the development and implementation of the system.

The following are the possible risks that may happen:


The system might encounter problems during the development and

implementation. To avoid, check the system many times and make sure that there

will be no bugs and errors during the implementation of the system. Also, the

developer of this system will have a possible risk when the system that is currently

making will not work on the future as the technology will later on evolve. The

developers need to cope with these trends in various ways in order for the system

not to be outdated.


The possible risk of the technical side is the internet connection; it is

important in accessing the system. Users will not be able to access the system

without internet connection.

f. Design

a. Output and User-Interface Design

a. Forms

Login Page – The login form for Admin and Judges.

Admin Dashboard – The dashboard of the Admin.

Create Criteria – This form where the Admin creates the Criteria.

Criteria table – This form displays the list of the criteria for judging.

Create Event – The Admin creates Events.

Create Contestant – The Admin creates Contestants.

Contestant’s table – This form displays the list of all Contestants.

Create Judge – The Admin creates Judges.

Judge table - The form shows all the Judges created by the Admin.

Judge Dashboard – Shows the dashboards for Judges with the list of Contestants.

b. Reports

Score per Criteria – Shows the score per Criteria given by all the Judges.

Judge Score – This form shows where each Judge will input the score for each Contestant.

Score Update - This form shows where the Judge will update each score for each


Results – Shows the official result for the Event.

Print Results – Results will be process as PDF for final printing.

b. Data Design

An entity relationship diagram (ERD), also known as an entity relationship

model, is a graphical representation that depicts relationships among people,

objects, places, concepts or events within an information technology (IT)


Symbol Name Description

These shapes are

Strong Entity independent from other

entities, and are often

called parent entities,

since they will often have

weak entities that depend

on them. They will also

have a primary key,

distinguishing each

occurrence of the entity.

Relationships are

Relationship associations between or

among entities.

Attributes are

Attribute characteristics of an entity,

a many-to-many

relationship, or a one-to-

one relationship.

Multivalued Multivalued attributes are

Attribute those that are can take on

more than one value.

One to many (N) is by far

One to many the most common

relationship type.

Many to many (M) lets

Many to many you relate each row

in one table to many rows

in another table, and vice


(Table 7: Entity Relationship Diagram)

a. Entity Relationship Diagram

Figure 12: Entity Relationship Diagram

Figure 12.1: Entity Relationship Diagram

Figure 12.2: Entity Relationship Diagram

Figure 12.3: Entity Relationship Diagram

Figure 12.4: Entity Relationship Diagram

Figure 12.5: Entity Relationship Diagram

b. Data Dictionary

a. Columnar



Varchar = [ A-Z | a-z | 0-9 | / | : | , ]

Num = [ 0-9 ]

Date = 1{num}2 + ‘/’ + 1{num}2 + ‘/’ + 4{num}4

Int = [ 0 – 15 ]

BigInt = [ 0 – 20 ]

Timestamp = [ 0 – 20 ]

TinyInt = [ yes | no ]

Double = 1 { Num } 8 + ‘.’2 {

Num } 2


contestant_id bigint {20}

contestant_image blob{40}

contestant_name varchar{40}

criteria_id int{11}

criteria_name varchar{40}


date date{40}


email varchar{40}

event_id bigint {20}

event_name varchar{40}


judge_id bigint {20}


image blob{}


name varchar{40}


password varchar{40}

points double{8,2}


remarks varchar{40}


score double{8,2}

status tinyint {1}


Username varchar{40}

user_id bigint {20}

b. Tabular

Database Name: dbTASCA

Table Name: tbl_user

@Relative to: tbl_score

Field Data Type Width Format E U M Prompt Description


user_id bigint 20 00... ✓ User ID User ID

name varchar 40 Aaa000... ✓ ✓ Name of the Name of the

user user

username varchar 40 Aaa000... ✓ ✓ User’s User’s

username username

password varchar 40 Aaa000... ✓ ✓ User’s User’s

password password

status tinyint 1 0... ✓ ✓ User’s status User’s


email varchar 40 Aaa000... ✓ ✓ User’s email User’s


Database Name: dbTASCA

Table Name: tbl_contestants

@Relative to: tbl_score

Field Name Data Width Format E U M Prompt Description


contestant_id bigint 20 00... ✓ User ID User ID

contestant_name varchar 40 Aaa000... ✓ ✓ Event Event

number number

contestant_image blob 40 Aaa000... ✓ Contestant Contestant

Image Image

event_name varchar 40 Aaa000... ✓ ✓ Remarks Remarks

status tinyint 1 0... ✓ User Status User Status

Database Name: dbTASCA

Table Name: tbl_event

@Relative to: tbl_criteria

Field Name Data Width Format E U M Prompt Description


event_id bigint 20 00... ✓ Event ID Event ID

event_name varchar 40 Aaa000... ✓ ✓ Event Event

name name

date date 40 MM/DD/YYYY ✓ ✓ Date Date

image blob ✓ Event Event

Image Image

Database Name: dbTASCA

Table Name: tbl_scores

@Relative to: tbl_user, tbl_contestant,


Field Name Data Width Format E U M Prompt Description


score_id bigint 20 00... ✓ Score ID Score ID

Criteria_id int 40 000... ✓ ✓ Criteria ID Criteria ID

Contestant_id int 40 000... ✓ ✓ Contestant Contestant


Judge_ID int 40 000... ✓ ✓ Judge ID Judge ID

score int 40 000... ✓ Score score

Database Name: dbTASCA

Table Name: tbl_criteria

@Relative to: tbl_score, tbl_event

Field Name Data Width Format E U M Prompt Description


criteria_id bigint 20 00... ✓ Criteria ID Criteria ID

Criteria varchar 40 Aaa000... ✓ ✓ Criteria Criteria

_name name name

Event_id int 40 000... ✓ ✓ Event ID Event ID

c. System Architecture

a. Network Topology

Figure 13: Network Topology

In a star topology, every node in the network is connected to a central

computer or a node, which takes care of the network. Every device in the

network has a direct connection to the central node and every node is

indirectly connected to other nodes using the central node.

All the data in a star topology flow through the central hub before it reaches

its destination. The central hub manages and controls all data transfers and

connectivity in a star topology. The central hub also acts as a repeater to make

sure there is zero or minimal data loss during the transmissions. A star

topology can be configured using a twisted pair, coaxial cable, or an optical


b. Security

Figure 14: Security

g. Development

a. Software Specification

•Operating System: Windows 7 – onwards

•Internet Browser- Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome


•Visual Studio Code


b. Hardware Specification

• Computers/Laptops

• RAM – 2GB

• Processor – PENTIUM – IV onwards

• HDD space – 2 GB or more

c. Program Specification

The study will help the school in tabulating events by converting the system

into online to make it work fast and traffic free.

• Login using the given email address and password

• Will calculate the results given by the judges

• Can print the results

d. Programming Environment

a. Front End

• Bootstrap

b. Back End


• Laravel (PHP Framework)

h. Deployment

a. Unit Testing

Unit testing were applied on the operation of the system in order to ensure

that they are fully functional. The developers examine each operation on the client

and the server side. It was checked to ensure that it functions as required and that

is to make transactions.

b. Integration Testing

Integration was aimed in ensuring that operations are compatible and they

can be integrated to form a complete working system. The system shows correct

control flow and the developers were able to continue the recommended


c. Compatibility Testing

• Operating System: Windows 7 – onwards, MAC, Linux

• Internet Browsers: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox

• Keyboard and compatible pointer device

d. Performance Testing

Performance testing were observed particularly when the judges input

scores for contestants.

e. Stress Testing

The load and respond time of the system sere tested during the operation.

The load time takes 15 seconds or less and will take a few seconds to return to its

normal load.

f. Load Testing

Load testing was tested by checking the required operations especially on

the transactions in checking required inputs of every contestant’s scores.

g. System Testing

System testing is done by testing the web application. All throughout the

whole system testing, developers have proven that the system is able to produce the

desired output.

A. Summary

Today, events are everyplace and Judges are ever involved in tabling consequences.

An ideal computerized system that would give them a satisfaction for judgment and a

system that fits their different demands would ensure to flexible faculty for them to

entree the system easy.

The related studies and literature of the study were served as guidelines to the

researcher to accomplish their proposed system. One of the related literatures of

TASCA Online Tabulation System is Purdue University (2013) developed a

computerized contest organizer 4 tabulation system that will greatly reduce the time

required to conduct a contest. This helps eliminate problems encountered with judging

events. Computerized tabulation is less likely to result in scoring errors. When

processing data by hand; errors may occur when transposing data from scorecards to a

master score sheet and when adding scores.

B. Conclusion

The creation of this easy-to-use, reliable tabulation system should be a boon to the

events community. Although the interface design is challenging, and the system has a

number of components, this software will be easier to maintain and more reliable than

existing alternatives. Using a web-based system for event tabulation should help

improve the timing and efficiency of TASCA or the existing tabulation system.

C. Recommendation

After studying and analyzing the flow of TASCA Online Tabulation

System, the developers would like to recommend the following for the future


• Create function where the judges can add comment to the database;

• Improve the user interface.


Ludwig von Bertalanffy (1968) General System Theory: Foundations, Development,

Applications New York: George Braziller

Fred Edward Fiedler in his landmark 1964 article, "A Contingency Model of Leadership





Micah A. Canonigo
Dumaguete City

Purok 5 Magatas Sibulan, Negros Oriental

"The only person you should try to be better than is

the person you were yesterday."

Arjay Rickzi E. Espina
Dumaguete City

Northville Subdivision, Sibulan Negros Oriental

“I’m my own worst enemy.”

- Given Up, Linkin Park

Mae E. Macapanas
Nagba Siaton, Negros Oriental

"In order to succeed, your desire for success

should be greater than your fear of failure."

-- Bill Cosby


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