2020-6-10 MC-2 Calculation Method - YW - RG - V3

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The electric field E(r) of each cell is calculated by a linear superposition of the electric field contribution

from each transmit channel. The electric field E(r) contains three vectors, which is corresponding to
three components:

Ex (r ) E x ,1 ( r ) … E x ,n ( r ) ω 1

( ) (
E ( r )= E y ( r ) =S E (r )∙ ω= E y ,1 ( r ) … E y, n ( r ) ∙ …
Ez(r ) E z , 1 ( r ) … E z ,n ( r ) ω n )( )
The contribution matrix S E (r ) Similarly, the SAR value of each cell, SAR(r ), could be represented by:

2 Ex (r )
SAR ( r )=
σ ( r ) ∙|E ( r )|
2 ρ(r )
σ (r )
2ρ (r) (
∙ ( E¿x ( r ) ¿ ¿

( )
E ( r ) E ( r ) )∙ E y ( r ) =
y z

Ez (r )
σ (r )
2 ρ(r )
∙( EH (r )∙ E (r ))

For a mass-averaged SAR in a certain volume, such as whole-body SAR (wbSAR) or Head SAR (HeadSAR),
the SAR M is calculated as:

1 ❑ 1 ❑ σ (r ) H
SAR M = ∫
SAR ( r ) dV (r )=ω H ∙
2V ∫
M ρ ((r ) )
∙ ( S E ( r ) ∙ S E ( r ) ) dV ∙ ω=ω H ∙ Q∙ ω


1. The absolute magnitude of transmit vector ω is determined by the normalization value. Only the
difference of magnitude and phase is given for the initial transmit vector ω . Take -15dB with 220
degrees for example. If the transmit element of I channel is fixed as 1+0i, Q channel is -15dB=0.178
refer to I channel, with 220 degrees delay, exp(-1i*220/180*pi)= -0.7660 + 0.6428i. Hence, the
transmit element of Q channel is -0.1364 + 0.1144i. The transmit vectorω is [1, -0.1364 + 0.1144i].

2. The contribution matrix S E (r ) is not the contribution from unit input power of each channel.
Hence, the absolute magnitude of transmit vector does not mean the actual input power of each
transmit channel. However, The contribution matrix S E (r ) for I channel and Q channel is
proportional to the input of each corresponding channel. Hence, the normalization of incident
electric field is based on the ratio of Q matrix (SAR values), not the absolute power.

3. The electric field component, such as E x ,1 ( r ), and the others, such as electric conductivity σ ( r ) and
density ρ ( r ) are directly extracted from SEMCAD simulation. As shown in figure below, each .mat file
contains the information and results of corresponding simulation.
Take our simulation for example. Our 1.5T and 3T simulations have two channels, I channel and Q
channel. So, the contribution matrix S E (r ) is a 3-by-2 matrix, which is represented as:

E x , I ( r ) E x ,Q ( r )

S E ( r )= E y , I ( r ) E y, Q ( r ) .
E z , I ( r ) E z ,Q ( r ) )
The product of S HE ( r ) ∙ S E ( r ) is a 2-by-2 matrix:

E x , I ( r ) E x, Q ( r )
H E ¿x , I ( r ) E¿y , I ( r ) E¿z , I ( r )
S ( r ) ∙ S E ( r )= ¿
E x ,Q ( r ) E ¿y ,Q ( r ) E ¿z , Q ( r ) )(
∙ E y, I ( r ) E y ,Q ( r )
E z , I ( r ) E z ,Q ( r ) )
Hence, the Q matrix is also a 2-by-2 matrix. The integral is conducted in each matrix element. Take
whole-body region for example, the Q(1,1), Q(1,2), Q(2,1) and Q(2,2) are calculated as:

Q(1,1)= ∑ [ σ ( r ) ∙ ( E ¿x , I ( r ) ∙ E x, I ( r ) + E¿y , I ( r ) ∙ E y, I ( r ) + E¿z , I ( r ) ∙ E z , I ( r ) ) ∙ V (r ) ]
2M M
Q(1,2)= ∑ [ σ ( r ) ∙ ( E ¿x , I ( r ) ∙ E x, Q ( r )+ E¿y , I ( r ) ∙ E y ,Q ( r )+ E ¿z , I ( r ) ∙ E z , Q ( r ) ) ∙ V (r )]
2M M
Q ( 2,1 )= ∑ [ σ ( r ) ∙ ( E ¿x ,Q ( r ) ∙ E x , I ( r )+ E¿y ,Q ( r ) ∙ E y , I ( r )+ E ¿z , Q ( r ) ∙ E z , I ( r ) ) ∙ V ( r ) ]=Q ¿ (1,2)
2M M
Q(2,2)= ∑ [ σ ( r ) ∙ ( E ¿x ,Q ( r ) ∙ E x ,Q ( r )+ E ¿y ,Q ( r ) ∙ E y ,Q ( r ) + E¿z ,Q ( r ) ∙ E z , Q ( r ) ) ∙V (r )]
2M M
Especially, Q(1,1) and Q(2,2) are real numbers. Q(1,2) and Q(2,1) are complex numbers. One example for
Duke model at landmark 0 is shown below:

Similar to HeadSAR and B1 calculation, each one has a corresponding 2-by-2 Q matrix.

The B1 (r ) field of each cell is also calculated by a linear superposition of the magnetic flux density field
contribution from each transmit channel. The B1 (r ) field contains two rotating scalars

B1 ( r )=¿

The B1 here is calculated as a slice average B1, which is calculated as:

1❑ 1❑
B 1= ∫
S S SS ( 1 )
B1 (r )dr = ∫ S B (r )dr ∙ ( ω ω¿ )=QB ∙ ( ω ω¿ )

B1+¿=B (1,1 )¿

B1−¿=B ( 2,2) ¿

Our 1.5T and 3T simulations have two channels, I channel and Q channel. So the Q B matrix is also a 2-

by-2 matrix. The integral is conducted in each matrix element. The Q(1,1), Q(1,2), Q(2,1) and Q(2,2) are
calculated as:

QB ( 1,1 )= ∫ S B dr ¿
S S 1+ ¿,Q
(r )

QB ( 1,2 )= ∫S dr ¿
S S B 1+ ¿,I

QB ( 2,1 )= ∫S dr ¿
SS B 1−¿,Q
(r )

QB ( 2,2 )= ∫ S B dr ¿
SS 1−¿,I

One example for Duke model at landmark 0 is shown below:

Hence, the B1 field is calculated as:



B 1


1+¿=B1 ( 1,1 )= ∫S dr ∙ ω Q+ ∫S dr ∙ ωI ¿ ¿¿
S S B 1+ ¿, Q (r)
S S B1+¿ , I (r)

B 1

¿ 1

1−¿=B 1( 2,2) = ∫S dr ∙ ωQ+ ∫S dr ∙ω I ¿¿ ¿
S S B 1−¿ ,Q (r )
S S B 1−¿ ,I (r )

Take the given source, [1, -0.1364 + 0.1144i] for example, the calculated B1 field (uT) is:

Take source [1,1i], which is CW for example, the calculated B 1 field (uT) is:

Take source [1,-1i], which is CCW for example, the calculated B 1 field (uT) is:

Take source [1, 0.7071 - 0.7071i], which is 45deg ahead, for example, the calculated B 1 field (uT) is:

Take source [1, 0], which is linear polarization, for example, the calculated B 1 field (uT) is:

For circular polarization, the B1RMS value is directly calculated as B1 since the circular component of B1
field has negligible phase difference to actual field. However, for elliptical or linearly polarization field,
B1RMS value should be different from B1. The B1RMS table below is calculated as circular polarization.

With given Q matrix and the transmit vector, the scaling factor is determined based on the
normalization requirement. Take whole-body SAR for example, with given Q matrix shown above, the
calculated whole-body SAR is

ω H ∙Q ∙ ω=0.3468
Hence, the scaling factor is sqrt(2/0.3468)=2.4015. Similarly, the scaling factor for HeadSAR=3.2W/kg
can also be determined. To meet the requirement of both HeadSAR and whole-body SAR, the smaller
scaling factor is selected. This scaling factor is various from each human model and landmark. Based on
this scaling factor, the actual whole-body SAR, HeadSAR and B1+rms are re-calculated. The
normalization results for Duke model are shown in the table below:

Landmark WBSAR HeadSAR PBSAR B1 Norm Factor

0_-135_-200 0.762316 3.2 3.365394 3.06E-06 1.349237
0_-135_-175 0.719777 3.2 3.254773 2.91E-06 1.364629
0_-135_-150 0.684807 3.2 3.185711 2.76E-06 1.343699
0_-135_-125 0.653275 3.2 3.142073 2.63E-06 1.35129
0_-135_-100 0.631058 3.2 3.108344 2.50E-06 1.331618
0_-135_-75 0.613464 3.2 3.114315 2.39E-06 1.339273
0_-135_-50 0.606578 3.2 3.159371 2.28E-06 1.327829
0_-135_-25 0.606912 3.2 3.202291 2.19E-06 1.329394
0_-135_0 0.617031 3.2 3.117611 2.13E-06 1.333871
0_-135_25 0.636559 3.2 2.93727 2.08E-06 1.350397
0_-135_50 0.667025 3.2 2.783582 2.05E-06 1.371001
0_-135_75 0.711632 3.2 2.698252 2.05E-06 1.409416
0_-135_100 0.770198 3.2 2.683317 2.06E-06 1.446728
0_-135_125 0.844937 3.2 2.736179 2.08E-06 1.491067
0_-135_150 0.941623 3.2 2.860998 2.12E-06 1.533188
0_-135_175 1.058568 3.2 3.031004 2.16E-06 1.569618
0_-135_200 1.196396 3.2 3.255042 2.19E-06 1.614487
0_-135_225 1.361907 3.2 3.521092 2.18E-06 1.669476
0_-135_250 1.58824 3.2 3.899911 2.15E-06 1.750515
0_-135_275 1.869948 3.2 4.387471 2.10E-06 1.847362
0_-135_300 2 2.90828 4.508142 1.96E-06 1.861401
0_-135_325 2 2.458378 4.338634 1.79E-06 1.816679
0_-135_350 2 2.0111 4.200187 1.68E-06 1.776092
0_-135_375 2 1.631154 4.060944 1.61E-06 1.739598
0_-135_400 2 1.331771 3.920489 1.59E-06 1.706919
0_-135_425 2 1.083174 3.779569 1.60E-06 1.678315
0_-135_450 2 0.846197 3.678811 1.61E-06 1.653499
0_-135_475 2 0.676837 3.621987 1.62E-06 1.632879
0_-135_500 2 0.51964 3.605823 1.63E-06 1.615991
0_-135_525 2 0.411065 3.615177 1.67E-06 1.603216
0_-135_550 2 0.313043 3.627942 1.72E-06 1.593835
0_-135_575 2 0.240063 3.61145 1.78E-06 1.588229
0_-135_600 2 0.189855 3.547023 1.82E-06 1.585456
0_-135_625 2 0.152464 3.452407 1.84E-06 1.586012
0_-135_650 2 0.120344 3.359811 1.84E-06 1.588759
0_-135_675 2 0.09771 3.309834 1.83E-06 1.594349
0_-135_700 2 0.082976 3.289711 1.79E-06 1.601422
0_-135_725 2 0.072477 3.267771 1.74E-06 1.610743
0_-135_750 2 0.063731 3.25058 1.70E-06 1.620807
0_-135_775 2 0.058571 3.244157 1.68E-06 1.632572
0_-135_800 2 0.054394 3.250751 1.68E-06 1.644567
0_-135_825 2 0.052197 3.283626 1.71E-06 1.657895
0_-135_850 2 0.05062 3.343196 1.76E-06 1.671105
0_-135_875 2 0.05003 3.426541 1.83E-06 1.685227
0_-135_900 2 0.05031 3.526772 1.89E-06 1.698891
0_-135_925 2 0.051072 3.671434 1.94E-06 1.713096
0_-135_950 2 0.052473 3.865585 1.97E-06 1.726925
0_-135_975 2 0.054401 4.101228 2.00E-06 1.741488
135_1000 2 0.056628 4.357324 2.04E-06 1.756435
135_1025 2 0.059481 4.655351 2.08E-06 1.772699
135_1050 2 0.06256 4.972956 2.14E-06 1.79026
135_1075 2 0.066291 5.253164 2.20E-06 1.809551
135_1100 2 0.070163 5.477796 2.27E-06 1.830792
135_1125 2 0.07448 5.602036 2.33E-06 1.853879
135_1150 2 0.079326 5.648456 2.39E-06 1.879362
135_1175 2 0.08431 5.688923 2.44E-06 1.906665
135_1200 2 0.089769 5.724333 2.49E-06 1.936731
135_1225 2 0.095594 5.77021 2.54E-06 1.968614
135_1250 2 0.100996 5.816902 2.59E-06 2.003719
135_1275 2 0.106575 5.879564 2.64E-06 2.040882
135_1300 2 0.112494 5.92156 2.71E-06 2.08198
135_1325 2 0.118616 5.958562 2.78E-06 2.125775
135_1350 2 0.123926 5.960381 2.85E-06 2.174579

With these scaling factor, the tangential electric field is normalized and multiplied with transfer function.
In this appendix, I will give the calculation of B1+¿ ¿ and B1−¿¿, based on the superposition of B1+¿ ¿, B1−¿¿
and Bx , B y , from Q and I channel, respectively. This is the proof that the calculation method for B1+¿ ¿
and B1−¿¿ in this document is correct.

Method 1: Use superposition of B1+¿ ¿, B1−¿¿ from Q and I channel, respectively.

The definition of B1+¿ ¿ and B1−¿¿ are given as:

B Bx + j B y
1+¿= ¿

B ( Bx − j B y )

1−¿= ¿

Hence, the sensitivity matrix could be express as:

B1+¿ = x
¿ y

S ( SB − j S B )

B1−¿ =
x y

Assign that:

QB = ∫ S dr
S S B x

QB = ∫ S B dr
SSy y

Substitute S B 1+¿ ¿ and S B 1−¿ ¿ , as well as Q B and Q B into element in Q B matrix:

x y 1

Q B ( 1,1 )=Q
1 1

1 S B ,Q

1 j S B ,Q QB ,Q + j QB ,Q

B1+ ¿,Q= ∫S
S S B 1+¿ ,Q (r ) dr= ∫
S S 2
dr+ ∫

¿¿ y x y

Q B ( 1,2 )=Q
1 1

1 S B ,I

1 j SB , I

Q B ,I + j Q B , I
B1+ ¿,I = ∫S
S S B 1+ ¿ ,I (r ) dr= ∫ dr+ S ∫ 2 dr=
S S 2

¿¿ y x y

QB ( 2,1 )=Q ¿ ¿ ¿
)¿ (Q B ,Q − j QB ,Q) ¿
1 ( SB ,Q) ( j SB ,Q ) ( QB ,Q ) − ( j QB
❑ ❑ ❑
∫ 2 dr− 1S ∫ 2 dr=
1 ,Q
B1−¿,Q= ∫SB
S S 1−¿ ,Q
(r ) dr=

y x y


QB ( 2,2 )=Q ¿ ¿ ¿
)¿ (Q B ,I − j QB ,I )¿
1 ( SB ,I ) 1 ( jSB ,I) ( QB , I ) − ( j Q B
❑ ❑ ❑
1 1 ,I
B1−¿,Q= ∫SB
S S 1−¿ ,I
(r ) dr= ∫
S S 2
dr− ∫

y x y


In our calculation, the B1+¿ ¿ and B1−¿¿ are calculated as:

B ( QB ,Q + jQ B ,Q ) (Q B ,I + jQ B , I )
1+¿=QB ( 1,1) ∙ωQ +QB ( 1,2 ) ∙ ω I= ωQ + ωI ¿
x y x y

1 1
2 2
B (Q B ,Q− j QB ,Q )
(QB ,I − j QB ,I )
¿ ¿ ¿ ¿
1−¿=Q B ( 2,1 ) ∙ ωQ+ QB ( 2,2) ∙ωI = ωQ + ωI ¿
x y x y

1 1
2 2

Method 2: Use superposition of Bx , B y from Q and I channel, respectively.

The definition of Q B matrix is given:

QB =
( QB




) ,


QB = ∫ SB dr
x x

QB = ∫ S dr
SS B y

The linear combination of Q B and ω will give the total Bx and B y field.

Bx Q ∙ ωQ +Q B , I ∙ω I
( )
=Q B ∙ ω= B
QB ( x


,Q ∙ ωQ +Q B ,I ∙ ω I
. x

The definition of B1+¿ ¿ and B1−¿¿ are given as:

B Bx + j B y
1+¿= ¿

B ( Bx − j B y )

1−¿= ¿

Substitute the Bx and B y into the equations:

B Bx + j B y QB ∙ω Q +QB ,I ∙ ω I j (Q B ,Q ∙ωQ +QB ,I ∙ ω I ) (Q B ,Q + j QB ,Q ) ( QB , I + j QB , I )

1+¿= ωQ+ ωI ¿
x x y y x y x y
= + =
2 2 2 2 2

B ¿
( j (Q B ,Q ∙ωQ +QB ,I ∙ ωI )) (Q B ,Q − j QB ,Q)
¿ ¿ ¿
( QB , Q ∙ ωQ +Q B ,I ∙ωI ) (Q B ,I − j QB ,I )
( Bx − j B y ) y y ¿ ¿
1−¿= ωQ + ωI ¿
y y x y x y
= − =
2 2 2 2 2

Results using MATLAB

Q B matrix:
Q B matrix:

Firstly, let us validate the Q B matrix 1

Q B ( 1,1 )=( 0.6783+ j 0.7859 ) ∙ 10−6


QB , Q + j QB ,Q ( 0.0097+ j 0.1662 ) ∙ 10−5 j (−0.0051− j 0.1259 ) ∙ 10−5

x y
= + = ( 0.6783+ j 0.7859 ) ∙ 10−6
2 2 2

Q B ( 1,2 )=(−0.5626+ j 0.7696 ) ∙10−6


QB , I + jQ B , I ( 0.0026+ j0.1479 ) ∙ 10−5 j ( 0.0061+0.1151 ) ∙ 10−5

x y
= + =(−0.5626+ j 0.7696 ) ∙ 10−6
2 2 2

Q B ( 2,1 )=(−0.5809− j0.8366 ) ∙ 10−6


( QB ,Q − j QB ,Q ) ( 0.0097− j 0.1622) ∙ 10−5 j (−0.0051+ j0.1259 ) ∙10−5 −6
=(−0.5809− j 0.8366 ) ∙ 10
x y
= +
2 2 2

Q B ( 2,2 )=( 0.5887− j0.7091 ) ∙10−6

( QB , I − j QB , I ) ( 0.0026− j 0.1479 ) ∙10−5 j ( 0.0061− j0.1151 ) ∙ 10−5 −6
=( 0.5887− j 0.7091 ) ∙ 10
x y
= +
2 2 2

Next, let us validate the B1+¿ ¿ and B1−¿¿. Use source [1,-1j] for example.

B1+¿=Q ( 1,1) ∙ωQ +QB ( 1,2 ) ∙ ωI= ( 0.6783+ j 0.7859 ) ∙10−6 + (−0.5626+ j 0.7696 ) ∙ 10−6 ∙ ( −1 j) = ( 1.4479+ j 1.3485 ) ∙ 10−6 ¿
B1 1

B1−¿=Q ( 2,1 ) ∙ ω¿Q+ QB ( 2,2) ∙ω¿I = ( −0.5809− j 0.8366 ) ∙10 −6+ ( 0.5887− j 0.7091 ) ∙10 −6 ∙ ( 1 j ) =( 0.1282− j 0.2479 ) ∙ 10−6 ¿
B1 1

B ( QB ,Q+ j QB ,Q ) ( QB , I+ j QB ,I ) −5
( 0.0097+ j 0.1662 ) ∙10 + j ( −0.0051− j0.1259 ) ∙10
−5 −5
( 0.0026+ j 0.1479 ) ∙ 10 + j ( 0.0061+0.1151) ∙10
1+¿= ωQ + ωI = ∙ (− 1 j ) = ( 1.4479+ j 1.3485 ) ∙10 ¿
x y x y
2 2 2 2

B ( QB ,Q − j QB ,Q )
(Q B ,I − j QB ,I )
¿ −5 −5
( 0.0026− j 0.1479 ) ∙ 10 + ( 0.0061− j 0.1151 ) ∙ 10
( 0.0026− j 0.1479 ) ∙ 10 + j ( 0.0061− j 0.1151) ∙10
¿ ¿ −6
1−¿= ωQ + ωI = ∙ ( −1 j )= ( 0.1282− j 0.2479 ) ∙10
x y x y
2 2 2 2


The method 1 and 2 are equivalent for the calculation of B1+¿ ¿ and B1−¿¿

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