Baldrige Project1

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) Among the six categories one of the role model that we’ve choose is;

 Entrepreneurism and Innovation. These organizations use innovative approaches

to serve their customers' current needs and guide them with enticing products

and services that address their not-yet-articulated needs. They provide products,

services, and opportunities that lead their marketplace. They take intelligent risks

to sustain themselves through challenging times and environments and achieve

market leadership positions. They do not rely on past achievements or

reputation. They are the organizations that ask "Why not?" rather than "Why?"

This role model catches our attention for it helps, the company to sustain its

needs where they could possibly innovate their products that might lead them to

be the number in the marketplace, where there are lot of competitors that awaits

them, through this organization it boosts up the weaknesses of the certain


4.) One of the criteria that we’ve choose among the category is first the

leadership, It is merely present in any institution especially in our school for the

administrators tend to give quality education and services towards the student,

Second is the strategic planning where the institution provides strategies to uplift

the school premises and portals of the school so the student would be

comfortable, The third one is the customer focus preferably refers to the students

where the institution focuses to the welfare of the students and provide their main
needs and quality education, the fourth one is measure analysis and knowledge

management where the institution analyze the needs of the student while having

quality education management intended and suited towards the students

abilities, the fifth one is the workforce focus where the institution provides

employees that are suited to the job and a well-rounded worker, the sixth one is

the operation focus where the institution focuses towards the operation of their

workers providing the basic needs of the students such as good and high quality

education, and the result is that the institution became one of the prestigious

school providing standard quality education services enabling students to

become a successful person as they embarked a new chapter in their life.

5.) Davao City continues to shine in the spotlight as it receives a number of awards this

year. A manifestation that the city is striving for improvement and continually working on

its development, Davao City receives an award as the Best Tourism Festival for its

finest place while celebrating the said event, On the other hand Davao City received an

award for its Project 911 from the League of cities in the Philippines in 2003, as one of

the Top 25 Best Practices in the Philippines.

Question Strongly Moderately Little by Little

1.How do your senior leaders

lead ?
2.How do you develop your
3.How do you obtain
information from your students
and stakeholders?
4. How do you measure,
analyze, and improve
organizational performance
5.How do you build an effective
and supportive workforce
6.How do you design, manage,
and improve your work

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