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Name: ______________________________

Class: ______________________________
Subject: Islamiyat

Life of Prophet P.B.U.H

in Makkah
Chapter Booklet by
Muhammad Talha Subhani
(O-Levels Islamiyat and Pakistan Studies Teacher at BISS Multan)

Study the notes provided before solving the given

questions. Notes are attached before every question. You
may also study books and notes provided in soft form for
reference.It is advised to not spend more than 20 minutes
on 10 mark questions and no more than 4 minutes on 4
mark questions.

Conditions of Arabia before Islam
The social conditions of Arabs were deplorable. They raided caravans and robbed highway
travelers. The society was overflowing with barbarism and superstition. The blemish practices
like stealing, gambling, drinking, and usury were prevalent in the society. Immoral acts were
uncontrolled. Slavery was a common act, and the owner possessed the right of the life and
death of the slave.
To Arabs, war was a pastime or rather a
dangerous sport, or a species of tribal drama,
waged by professionals, according to old and
gallant codes, while the “audience” cheered.
Eternal peace held no appeal for them, and war
provided an escape from drudgery and from the
monotony of life in the desert.
in pre-
Arabia was a mix of polytheism, Christianity,
Judaism, and Iranian religions. Arab polytheism, the
dominant belief system, was based on the belief in
deities and other supernatural beings such as djinn.
Gods and goddesses were worshipped at local
shrines, such as the Kaaba in Mecca.
The cultural conditions were quite good. The Arabs
regarded Arabic as an expressive language and
considered the completely non-Arab part as mute
and dumb. The poetry of Arabs was vibrant and was written in majestic Arabic. Their chief
virtues were tribal bravery, tribal loyalty, courage, honor, and glorification of the tribe. They
were incredibly brave but used their courage in the wrong path of evil and grim. They had no
moral or ethical value.
The economic conditions were poor. Arabs
lived in a nomadic manner and had no
proper settlement. They kept on moving
from place to place in search of pasture
and water. They lived in forms of tribes,
and the leaders were chosen upon the basis
of wealth and bravery. Tribal disputes
were common on matters like water springs,
cattle herds, and horseracing. The disputes
often continued for decades.Trade was the
main source of the income for the Arabs.
Trade caravans were sent to other countries
when routes used to be safe. There was no industry or any agriculture. All women were
qualified in the art of spinning yarn, but due to tribal wars, the production was nearly
negligible. They were jobless and poverty-stricken.
The position of an Arabic woman was inferior. They were bought and sold like they were
nothing. They were treated like animals and were not given any social status. An Arab could
marry as many women as he likes. Some tribes were so cruel that they used to bury their
newborn daughters alive, as they considered a female as a sign of disgrace.
Q1: Write a note on the conditions of Arabs before Islam. (10)








































Life of Prophet Before Prophethood
Holy Prophet (PBUH) was born on 12th Rabi-ul Awwal, the 50th
day of the year of Elephants. His birth took place in the Arabian
city of Makkah. Prophet’s (PBUH) father’s name was Abdullah,
and his mother’s name was Amina. His father died before his
birth. He was named Ahmad by his mother and Muhammad by
his grandfather Abdul Muttalib. He belonged to the clan of
banu Hashim, a weak yet respected branch of the prestigious
tribe of Quraish. He was suckled by Thwabiyah, the slave girl of
his uncle Abu Lahab, for the first few days of his life.
Prophet’s (PBUH) mother, as per the customs of the Arabs, sent
him to live the early life in the desert to learn pure Arabic. He
The story of the elephant and the coming stayed with his foster-mother, Halima Sadia of the Banu Saad,
of Abraha to destroy the Ka`bah is for first two years of his life. Halima brought him to his mother
established both in the Qur’an and in the when he was two but, because of the blessings she recieved due
Sunnah, and its details are related in
various history books. to him and a disease that had spread in Makkah, she asked
Amina to allow her to keep him longer. When he was a child,
Prophet (PBUH) was playing kids, Angel Jibrael took him away and took his heart and cleaned it with
Zamzam. Thus Nafs-e-Amara and the evil instinct vanished forever from his heart. This frightened Halima
Sadia and she returned him to his mother. He used to say about his stay with the Banu Saad that: "I am
the best arab amongst you, my descent is of the Quraish and my tongue is of the Banu Saad". When
he was six, Amina took him to visit her relatives and her husband's grave in Yathrib but she fell ill and
passed away there. After his mother’s demise her slave girl Umm-e-Aiman brought the Prophet to his
grandfather, Abdul Muttalib, who brought Prophet (PBUH) up for two years and after his death, the
Prophet’s uncle, Abu Talib, raised him. The quran says about this: "Did We not find you an orphan and
give you shelter?"
Under the guidance of his uncle, he became a shepherd. Prophet (PBUH)
began to show signs of intelligence and inquisitive mind at a smaller age.
He loved solitude and would not involve in playful activities with his age
fellow children. At the age of thirteen, Prophet (PBUH) traveled with his
uncle for trade expedition to Syria. During the journey, a Christian monk,
Bahira invited them to dinner. He asked a few questions and Prophet (PBUH)
gave the exact answers which Bahira did not expect. He then looked at his
hand and said: “This is the chief of the Universe, The Messenger of the
Lord”Bahira asked Abu Talib to not take his nephew to Syria or the Jews
would try to harm him.
When Prophet (PBUH) was fifteen, a war known as Harb ul Fujjar was going
to take place between different tribes during the Hajj season in which war
was banned. The Prophet accompanied his uncles in this war, known as the
sacrilegious war, but he had no major role in them apart from collecting
arrows thrown by the enemy and handing them over to his uncles. After this
war, a committee was formed in Makkah to prevent further bloodshed. This
was called the Half-ul-Fazul, and the Prophet was not only present but
actively participated. He is reported to have said: “I was present at the
house of Abdullah Bin Judan at so excellent a pact that if today in Islam
I were summoned unto it I would gladly respond”.
As Prophet (PBUH) continued to carry out the trade with his uncle,he became
renowned by the names Sadiq (Truthful) and Ameen (Honest) because of his
good qualities. He received an offer from a wealthy lady known as Khadija
(R.A) to take her goods for trade.She sent her slave Maisara along on the trade expedition, and when
they returned not just had the Prophet made huge profits, but Maisara spoke a lot good about the
Prophet. Hazrat Khadija was so impressed that she sent a marriage proposal to the Prophet via her
friend Nafisa, which was accepted on his behalf by Abu Talib, his uncle., Although Hazrat Khadija was
40 years old and he was 25 years old, they had a successful marriage and had 6 children, 4 daughters
who grew to be adults and 2 sons who died in infancy.

Later, when he was nearly 35, when the Ka’abah was being rebuilt, the issue of
fixing the black stone aroused. Everybody wanted to this prestigious task and
none was willing to compromise; so much so that bloodshed was feared. In such
a hostile situation, an elderly man named Abu Umayya bin al Makhzumi
suggested that anybody who entered the Ka’abah first would make the decision.
Fortunately, it was the Holy Prophet who made a very wise decision. He laid the
stone on a sheet and told the leaders of the tribes to hold the sheet from each
corner and lift it up. When the stone reached the desired level, the Prophet
picked the stone and placed it on its position. Thus the issue was resolved non-
violently.Gradually, when the Prophet was nearing the age of 40, he used to
take dates and water and meditate in the cave of Hira, pondering over the ill
practices of Arabs, and that is where he received the first revelation.
Q2: Write a note on the life of the Prophet s.a.w before prophethood. (10)




























































Despite living through the days of ignorance, the Prophet remained true to
his mission. What lessons can Muslims learn from this today? [4]
‘The Prophet’s family was important in preparing him for prophethood.’
Agree or disagree, giving reasons for your answer. [4]
The Prophet (pbuh) faced challenges in his early years but maintained his
good character. How can Muslims learn from this today? [4]

First Revelation

When the Prophet was nearing the age of 40, in 610 A.D,
he would take dates and water along and meditate in the
cave of Hira. He used to ponder over the God of his fore
fathers, especially Hazrat Ibrahim, and he detested the ill
practices of the Arabs. As time passed by, Muhammad
(PBUH) started having true dreams. This was one of the
signs of the coming prophethood.
On the 27th of Ramadan, when he was 40 years old, an
angel appeared before him and asked him to read. The
Prophet replied “I cannot read” since he had not received
any formal education. The angel then hugged him tightly
so much that the Prophet felt that his ribs would be crushed. He asked him again to read. The Prophet
again replied that he could not read. The angel again squeezed the Prophet tighly and repeated his
demand for the third time. The Prophet finally asked, “What should I read?”
In response, the angel recited the first 4 verses of Surah Alaq: “Read! in the name of your Lord,
who created. Created man out of a clot of congealed blood. Read! And your Lord is most
bountiful. He who taught by the pen. Taught man what he did not know.”
The Prophet felt as if the verses were written down on his heart. After the Prophet had recited these
verses, the angel disappeared. In confusion, the Prophet ran out of the cave. Outside, he saw the
angel filling the horizon and then he heard a voice: “O Muhammad! You are the messenger of
Allah and I am Jibrael, an angel of Allah”. He stood on the spot, frozen, until the angel
The Prophet ran to his house and asked Hazrat Khadija to cover him up in a blanket. He then
narrated the entire incident to her. On hearing the entire account, Hazrat Khadija pacified him by
saying: “I assure you that Allah will never embarrass you; for you protect your kin, assume
responsibility for those who cannot do so for themselves, give
At-Tabari and Ibn Hisham reported charity to the needy, do greater good than anyone else, treat your
that Muhammad(PBUH) left the
cave of Hira after being surprised guests with honour and respect and assist those striving to do
by the revelation, but later on,
returned to the cave and continued good. ”.
his solitude, though subsequently
he returned to Mecca. Tabari and
Ibn Ishaq write that Hazrat Khadija later took the Prophet to her cousin and Christian
Muhammad(PBUH) told Zubayr: scholar, Waraqah-bin-Naufil. He said: "O my nephew! What did
“When I was midway on the you see?" When Hazrat Muhammad s.a.w told him what had
mountain, I heard a voice
from heaven saying "O happened to him, Waraqah replied: "This is the same Namus
Muhammad! you are the
apostle of Allah and I am (meaning Gabriel) that Allah sent to Moses. I wish I were younger.
Gabriel." I raised my head
towards heaven to see who was I wish I could live up to the time when your people would turn
speaking, and Gabriel in the
form of a man with feet you out." Muhammad asked: "Will they drive me out?" Waraqah
astride the horizon, saying, "O answered in the affirmative and said: "Anyone who came with
Muhammad! you are the
apostle of Allah and I am something similar to what you have brought was treated with
Gabriel." I stood gazing at him
moving neither forward nor hostility; and if I should be alive until that day, then I would
backward, then I began to
turn my face away from him, support you strongly." But, a few days later Waraqah died and
but towards whatever region there was a gap between the revelations on the prophet.
of the sky I looked, I saw him
as before."
Q3: Write a note on the First Revelation on the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. (10)








































































The Qur’an was revealed in parts over a number of years. Why was this important? [4]

Why do you think the revelation was sent to a person who could not read or write? [4]

What does the Prophet’s first experience of revelation tell us about the nature of
prophethood in Islam? [4]

Secret and Public Preaching of Islam

After the first revelation of Surah Alaq on Mount Hira the Prophet was consoled by Hazrat
Khadija and her blind Christian cousin Waraqa bin Nawfal, who confirmed his prophethood
through his knowledge of Taurah and Injil. The first person and woman to accept Islam was
Khadija. Then the prophet recieved the revelation "“O you wrapped up (in a mantle)! Arise
and deliver your warning! And your Lord do magnify!”For first 3 years, Muhammad (PBUH)
preached secretly. Islam won about 40 converts in all. Some of the first converts were:
Hazrat Khadija, Hazrat Umm e Ayman, Hazrat Abu Bakr, Hazrat Ali, Hazrat Zaid bin Harris,
Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqqas, Hazrat Zubair bin al Awwam, Hazrat Usman bin Affan,
Hazrat Talha, Hazrat Abdur Rehman bin Auf, Hazrat Abu Ubaida ibn Jarrah, Hazrat Bilal
and Hazrat Abdullah ibn Masud. These first converts used to offer two prayers everyday with
the prophet in hiding. They would meet the prophet secretly at night to learn about the
teachings of Islam.

Public Preaching (613-16 A.D.):

Three years after the first revelation,Muhammad (PBUH) invited his own kinsmen to
dinner(nearly 45 people attended) ; he asked who would help him; only twelve year old
Hazrat Ali got up and joined the Prophet and said:”O Messenger of Allah I will be your
helper! I will fight against him who fights against you”. The elders laughed at this. This
meeting was unsuccessful. Abu Huraira narrated:“When (this verse) was revealed to him:"
Warn your nearest kinsmen." Rasulullah (PBUH) said: O people of Quraish, buy
yourselves from Allah, I cannot avail you at all against Allah; O sons of Abd al-Muttalib.
I cannot avail you at all against Allah; 0 Abbas b. 'Abd al- Muttalib, I cannot avail you at
all against Allah; O Safiya (his aunt), I cannot avail you at all against Allah; 0 Fatima,
daughter of Muhammad, ask me whatever you like, but I cannot avail you at all against
Allah.”. Abu Lahab swore to oppose the prophet while Abu Talib swore to protect him
eventhough he didn't accept islam himself.
Then the prophet recieved the revelation :"Expound openly what you have been
commanded" The prophet Muhammad (PBUH) went to Safa and called the people together.
This was a usual custom at the time when some major event or announcement was going to be
made. The people gathered together and the prophet (pbuh) said:
‘O people of Quraysh, if I was to tell you that an army was advancing to attack you from
the other side of this mount will you believe me?’
The people knew the character of Muhammad (pbuh), so they replied:
‘Yes why not? We have always found you to be truthful’
The prophet (pbuh) looked at the people assembled before him and said “ O banu Abdul
Muttalib, O banu Abd Manaf, O Banu Zuhra! I have come to you as a Warner and if you
do not respond to my warning, punishment will fall upon you. I have been sent by Allah
to warn you and I can not protect you in this world, nor can I promise you anything in the
next world, unless you acknowledge and submit to the worship of the one Allah”
There was silence and then Abu Lahab,
one of the more powerful individuals
and the prophets uncle, again
responded “May you perish, did you
call us to this?” the crowd then
dispersed. Undeterred, Muhammad
(PBUH) entered the house of Al-Arqam
(one of the firstMuslims). This house was
situated near Kaaba and many pilgrims
passed near it. For next 4 years,
Muhammad (PBUH) preached from the
House of Al-Arqam. This house is also
called the House of Islam. During this
period, as many as 200 hundred people
were converted including Hamza and
Umar. Torture and persecutions on the
Prophet and Muslims intensified after the
start of Public Preaching.

Q4: Write a note on the early preaching of Islam by the Prophet s.a.w. (10)








































































How can the behaviour of the first converts to Islam provide an example for Muslims
today? [4]





Was it significant that the Prophet began preaching the message in secret? [4]




Why did the Quraysh feel they needed to reject the Prophet’s message? [4]





Migration to Abyssinia(Axum)
The persecutions that started late in the 4th year of Prophethood accelerated and worsened day by day
until the situation was no longer tolerable in the middle of the fifth year. Surah Al-Zumar was then
revealed pointing directly to migration “Good is (the reward), for those who do good in th this world
and Allah's earth is spacious”
The Prophet S.A.W had already known that Asamah Negus, of
Abyssinia, was a kind king. He sent his followers to seek asylum
there. Abyssinia was also known as Axum. In Rajab of the 5th
year of Propethood a group of 12 men and 4 women left for
Abyssinia. Among the emigrants were ‘Usman (r.a.) and his wife
Ruqaiyah (r.a.) With respect to these two emigrants, the Prophet
(s.a.w.) said: “They are the frst people to migrate in the cause
of Allah after, Abraham and Lut”. The Prophet chose Uthman
bin Maz'oon, one of his most important companions, as the
leader of this group. They snuck out of Makkah during the night
and boarded two boats that happened to be sailing for
Abyssinia. Quraish decided to pursue them, but the believers
had already left Shuaibah Port towards their destination where
they were welcomed.
There was an incident at Makkah when Prophet (s.a.w) walked
into the meeting hall of Quraish (Dar-Un-Nadwa) read Surah
Najam leading to its last ayah: "So fall you down in
prostration to Allah and worship Him (Alone).”Prominent
leaders of the Quraish went into prostration in awe of the verse.
News of this incident was misreported to the Muslims in
Abyssinia. They were informed that the, whole of Quraish had
embraced Islam so they made their way back home. They
arrived in Makkah just after two months of the same year,
When they were very near to Makkah, the reality of the
situation was discovered. Some of them returned to Abyssinia while. others snuck secretly into the city.
Abu Bakr left for Abyssinia but returned when his friend, Ibn Ad-Daghunah, offered him protection.
Holy Prophet permitted the helpless to seek asylum in Abyssinia for the second time. The group of
emigrants this: time comprised 79 men and 14 women.Ja’far the son of Abu Talib was the leader of the
second migration. Quraish dispatched Amr bin Al As and Abdullah bin Rabiyya, with some gifts to the
king to request him to hand over the emigrants to him. Najashi was a just man. He said in reply that he
cannot return the Muslims unless he found out the truth of their religion. He called the Muslims to his court.
Hazrat Jafar bin Abu Talib represented the Muslims and said:
“O King! We were ignorant people and we lived like
wild animals. The strong among us lived by preying
upon the weak, We obeyed no Law and we
acknowledged no authority, save that of brute force. We
worshipped idols made of stone or wood, and we knew
nothing of human dignity. And then God, in His Mercy,
sent to us His Messenger who was. himself one of us,
We knew about his truthfulness and his integrity. His
character was exemplary, and he was the well born of
the Arabs. He invited us toward the worship of One God,
and he forbade us to worship idols. He exhorted us to
tell the truth, and to protect the weak, the poor, the
humble, the widows and the orphans. He ordered us to
show respect to women, and never to slander them. We
obeyed him and followed his teachings. Most of the
people in our country are. still polytheists, and they
resented our conversion to the new faith which is called
Islam, They began to persecute us, and it ,was, in order
to escape from persecution by them that we sought and found sanctuary in your kingdom.”
Amr told Najashi that the Muslims do not consider Jesus as the son of God., Najashi asked Hazrat Jafar
to recite some verses from the Quran. He very wisely recited the following verses of surah Maryam
wherein is told the story of the birth of Jesus Christ., “He said, ‘l am only the messenger of your Lord
to give you [news of] a pure boy, She said, “How can I have a i boy while no man has touched me
and I have not been unchaste?"He said, Thus it will be; your Lord says,it is easy for Me, and We will
make him a sign to the people and a mercy from Us. And it is a matter [already] decreed.’" After
hearing these verses of surah-al Mariam, Najashi and his entire court were moved to tears, he said: "By
God this and Gospel are the lights of one candle". Turning to the envoys of Quraish, he said;-
"Muslims are free to live and. worship in my realm as they please." He then assured the Muslims of
full protection. He returned to the envoys of Quraish, the gifts they had brought with them and sent them
away. The Muslims lived in Abyssinia for a number of years till they returned to Madinah.
Q5: Write a note on the Migration of Muslims to Abyssinia. (10)








































































Why did the people of Makka pursue these Muslims? [4]




What was the significance of this migration for the early Muslim community? [4]




Can this migration be compared to the migration of some Muslims today? Give reasons
for your answer. [4]





Prophet's Persecution (613-622)
After three years of silent preaching, the Prophet (saw) invited people to Islam openly. Prophet gave the
message of Islam to Makkans at Safa hill. Makkans rejected him and Abu Lahab used insulting language and
rejected the invitation to Islam. Persecution started since that day. They spared no opportunity to demonize
him, divorced his daughters, and exiled and starved his entire clan for three years. As for physical assault,
‘Uqba b. Abi Mu‘ayt strangled him from behind when he prayed in public, Abu Jahl ordered camel intestines
to be dumped over him while he prostrated, ‘Utayba bin Abi
Realizing that Muhammad(PBUH) would not Lahab spat at him, and others beat him unconscious.
relent and that Abu Talib was not to forsake
his nephew even when his clan was threatened,
they brought Ammarah ibn Walid , the son of The wife of Abu Lahb, Ume Jamila, used to throw rubbish and
the powerful clan leader Walid ibn al-
Mughira and brother of the undefeated
thorny bushes on the way of the Prophet (saw). She would follow
general Khalid ibn al-Walid and said: the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬around to hurt and humiliate him and used to taunt
"O Abu Talib! we have brought you him, “Mudhammam (the dispraised) we have denied, and his
a smart boy still in the bloom of his religion we have loathed, and his command we have defied”
youth, to make use of his mind and Instead of responding to her, he ‫ ﷺ‬would say to his Companions,
strength and take him as your son in
exchange for your nephew, who has “Don’t you see how Allah diverts from me the curses and
run counter to your religion, insults of Quraysh? They insult Mudhammam, and they curse
brought about social discord, found
fault with your way of life, so that we Mudhammam, while I am Muhammad (the Praised One)!”
kill him and rid you of his endless
troubles; just man for man."
Prophet’s two daughters Ruqqayya and Umme Kulsoon were in
Abu Talib replied: the Nikah of the two sons of Abu Lahab, Utba and Utayba, but he
"It is really an unfair bargain. You
give me your son to bring him up
compelled his sons to divorce them. The pagans tempted him to
and I give you my son to kill him! By quit his mission. They offered Abu Talib to give Mohammad (saw)
God, it is something outrageous!" wealth or marry any
Mut`im ibn `Uday, a member of the woman or the Lordship of
delegation, interrupted saying that Makkah.
Quraish had been fair in that bargain
"they meant only to rid you of that The Insults, verbal abuses
source of hateful trouble, but as I see and whistling during the
you are determined to refuse their recitation of Quran was
routine.The disbelievers
Abu Talib turned down all their offers and
were not satisfied with just
challenged them to do whatever they pleased.
denying the Islamic call;
they employed many methods to confront and repel it. These ways
included ridiculing and mocking Islam and the Prophet (peace be upon
him), and those who followed him. One time they claimed that the
Prophet (peace be upon him) was bewitched, another time that he was
a lying sorcerer, “The disbelievers think it strange that a prophet of
their own people has come to warn them: they say, ‘He is just a
lying sorcerer.’” and a third time that he was a crazy poet and they
spread other different charges and contradictory claims, all of which
only proved that they were lying and making up false
claims.Whenever they saw the Prophet (peace be upon him), they used
to look at him with anger and infuriation, as Allah says: “And the
disbelievers would almost trip you up with their eyes when they hear the Message; and they say,
‘Surely, he is possessed!’”.
They used to also laugh at the Prophet (peace be upon him) when they saw him, sarcastically saying, as Allah
relates, “Is this the one who talks about your gods?” [Surah Al-Anbiya: 36]. And whenever they saw any
weak Companions, they used to sarcastically and mockingly say, “Is it these who Allah has favoured from
among us?” [Surah Al-Anam: 53].
When their mockery failed, they resorted to trying to stop people listening to the Prophet (PBUH) and the
Quran, as whenever the truth from Allah (Glorified is He) reaches people, they quickly believe in it. Therefore,
they used to raise their voices whenever they heard the Quran, and make loud noises whenever they saw the
Prophet (PBUH) trying to call someone to Allah or trying to recite Quran to him. The disbelievers used to
encourage each other to do this. Allah says, “The disbelievers say, ‘Listen not to this Quran, but talk at
random in the middle of its [recitation], that you may gain the upper hand!’”
They laughed and mocked him after his son’s death, calling him ‘abtar’, (cut off).
Gradually as Islam started spreading, leaders of different tribes such as Banu
Makhzum began to try to physically harm the Prophet (PBUH) and his Companions,
believing that by harming the Prophet (PBUH) and torturing his Companions the
believers would weaken and submit to them and obey them. In 617, he faced a
boycott. He, his family and companions had to leave their homes and they lived in a
narrow valley outside Makkah (Shob e Abi Talib) for three years. During these years,
they had to suffer severe physical and financial troubles but Muhammad (saw) and the
companions remained steadfast and firm in their belief. In 620, Muhammad (saw) lost
his tribal support after the deaths of Abu Talib & Khadija (R.A). He was mocked badly
when he told about the journey of Mairaj. The new chief of Banu Hashim was Abu
Lahab, the worst enemy of Islam. When the Muslims started migrating to Madina, the
Makkans decided to kill the Prophet (saw) but Allah foiled their scheme.
Q6. Describe the persecutions by the Makkans faced by the Prophet himself. (10)








































































Why did the Quraysh fear the Prophet and his message even though he was not violent
or aggressive towards them? [4]




The Prophet did not change his character despite the way the Quraysh changed
towards him. What can Muslims learn from this? [4]




Why is it significant that the Quraysh were still willing to keep their belongings with
the Prophet after he started to preach Islam? [4]






Persecution of other Muslims
After the revelation to warn his nearest relatives, the Prophet (pbuh) took to
Mount Safa and invited the Quraysh to follow Islam publicly. They rejected him
and feeling threatened by the new message, because they could not dissuade
the Prophet (pbuh) from preaching it, they started to persecute the Muslims.
Those who had no protection were easy targets and felt the worst of the
persecution. Due to the severity of the persecutions, the Prophet (pbuh) told the believers to meet secretly at
Dar al-Arqam, where they would learn about their new faith. Also because of the persecutions, the Prophet
(pbuh) allowed some people to migrate to Abyssinia. Later a social and economic boycott was imposed on
the Muslims and they were to live in Shib-i-Abi Talib, where they faced great hardships for three years.
One day, Abu Bakr (R.A) stood up to give a sermon in the mosque in Mecca, so the disbelievers hit him
severely. One of those who hit him was Utbah ibn Rabi’ah, who hit Abu Bakr on his face with two open
sandals until one could not distinguish his nose from his face. Bani Tameem came to help Abu Bakr, pushing the
disbelievers away from him. They then carried him, wrapped in a cloak, to his house. They feared that Abu
Bakr might die, and took an oath that if he did die they would kill Utbah ibn Rabi’ah.
Uthman ibn Affan’s uncle used to wrap Uthman (R.A) up in a mat made of palm
leaves, and then put a fire under it. It has been reported that when he entered
Islam, his uncle Al-Hakim ibn Abu Al-Aas tied him up strongly and swore that he
would not free him until he left Islam. Therefore, Uthman swore that he would not
leave Islam. When his uncle saw how determined Uthman was in remaining a
Muslim, he let him free.
When Musaib ibn Umair’s mother learnt that Musaib (R.A) had embraced Islam,
she starved him and then pushed him out of her house. He used to have very
many luxuries in his life before Islam, but after the torture his skin became as
rough as the skin of a snake. The Companions used to even carry him because
he had become so weak.
When Abu Dharr Al-Ghafari (R.A) heard about the Prophet (PBUH), he travelled
to Mecca to ask about the Prophet. The people of Mecca hit him until he fell
unconscious. He nearly died from the beating. Abbas saved him from his
attackers.Suhaib bin Sinan had been captured and was sold as a slave by the
Greeks. When he became a Muslim, the Quraysh beat him up savagely but
could not shake his faith.
Bilal’s master, Ummayya bin Khalaf, used to torture him by throwing him on the sand on his face or back and
then placing a huge stone on his chest. That was when the sun was at its hottest at the time of mid-day. He
would then say to Bilal, "You will not be released from this until you die or disbelieve in Muhammed and
worship Al-Lat and Al-Uzza." But Bilal remained patient and just kept repeating, "Ahad; Ahad." Eventually,
Abu Bakr bought him, giving Umayyah a polytheistic slave he had. After that, Abu Bakr freed Bilal.
Ammar and his mother and father Yasir (may Allah be pleased with them) used to be taken to the wilderness
when the sand there had become very hot, and torture them with the hot sand. The Prophet (peace be upon
him) passed by them when they were being tortured and said to them, "Patience, O family of Yasir!” Yasir
(R.A) died from the torture. As for Summaya (R.A), she had talked roughly to Abu Jahl, so he stabbed her
with his weapon below her belly and she died as a martyr. She was the first martyr in Islam.
Khubbab ibn Al-Arat (may Allah be pleased with him), a sixth example of those early Muslims that were
tortured, the polytheists tortured him severely; they used to burn his back with burning coal and stones that
had been heated by fire, and twist his neck.
Amir ibn Fuhaira (may Allah be pleased with him) embraced Islam early in
the call, before the Prophet (peace be upon him) established Dar Al-Arqam.
He was not of high position in Mecca, so they tortured him severely, but this
did not make him leave Islam.
Abu Fakeehah (may Allah be pleased with him), whose name was Abu Yasar,
was Safwan ibn Umaiyah ibn Khalaf’s slave. He embraced Islam with Bilal
(may Allah be pleased with him). Umaiyah ibn Khalaf took him and tied a
rope around his legs, and then ordered someone to pull him. Next, he threw
him into some burning coals and let some insects pass by him. Umaiyah then
said to him, "Is this not your Lord?" Abu Yasar then said, "Allah is my
Lord and your Lord, and the Lord of this, too."They continued to torture him
until he fell unconscious and they thought he had died. He later regained his
consciousness and Abu Bakr, freed him.
When Surah Rahman was revealed, Rasulullah asked his companions who
among them would go into the Kaaba and read it before the infidels. Abdullah ibn Masood volunteered to
go. He went into the Kaaba and read the new chapter out aloud before a hostile crowd of the infidels. They
mauled him repeatedly but could not intimidate him into silence.With regards to the believing women, Zainab,
Um Umais,Zunaira, Labeeba and An-Nahadiya, they were similarly tortured very severely by their masters,
but they did not leave their religion.

Q7.Give an account of the difficulties experienced by the early Muslim community in Makka. [10]






































































Drawing from this account, what advice could be given to Muslims now living in fear
of persecution? [4]




What can Muslims in modern times learn from these stories? [4]




In today’s world how practical are the reactions of the Prophet’s followers to these
persecutions? [4]






The Boycott of the Banu Hashim clan
During the Makkah period of the Prophet’s message, four events that triggered the Boycott of Banu hashim were the
conversion of Hamzah And Umar, the successful migration to Abyssinia ,the Prophet’s refusal to negotiate any sort of
compromise with Quraish and then the pact drawn up between the families of Banu Al-Muttalib and Banu Hashim to protect
the Prophet (PBUH) against any treacherous attempt to kill him.
The pagans of Makkah held a meeting in a place called the Al-Muhassab valley and formed a confederation hostile to both
Bani Hashim and Bani Al-Muttalib. They decided not to have any business dealings with them nor any sort of inter-marriage.
Social relations, visits and even verbal contacts with Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) and his supporters would
discontinue until the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) was given up to them to be killed.
The articles of their proclamation, which had provided for merciless
measures against Bani Hashim, were committed to writing by an
idolater, Bagheed ibn ‘Amir ibn Hashim and then suspended in Al-
Ka`bah. The Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) invoked Allah
against Bagheed, whose hand was later paralyzed. Abu Talib wisely
and quietly took stock of the situation and decided to withdraw to a
valley on the eastern outskirts of Makkah. Families of Banu Hashim and
Banu Al-Muttalib, who followed suit, were thus confined within a narrow
pass (Shi`b of Abu Talib), from the beginning of Muharram, the seventh
year of the Prophet’s mission till the tenth year, that is, a period of
three years.It was a stifling siege. Only Abu Lahab did not join the Bani
Hashim in their exile.When Muhammad (PBUH) tried to preach Islam at
the fair of Ukaz, Abu Lahab would start shouting profanities at him.
Foreigners dispersed when they saw that Muhammad (PBUH) didn’t
have support among his own relatives.
The supply of food was almost stopped and the people in confinement
faced great hardships.The idolaters used to buy whatever food
commodities entered Makkah lest they should leak to the people in Ash-
Shi`b, who were so over-strained that they had to eat leaves of trees
and skins of animals. Cries of little children suffering from hunger used
to be heard clearly. Nothing to eat reached them except of some
meager quantities of food that were smuggled by some compassionate Makkans on few occasions. During ‘the prohibited
months, when hostilities traditionally ceased, they would leave their confinement and buy food coming from outside Makkah.
Even then, the food stuff was unjustly overpriced so that their financial situation would fall short of finding access to it.Hakeem
bin Hizam was once on his way to smuggle some wheat to his aunt Khadijah (may Allah be pleased with her) when Abu Jahl
intercepted him and wanted to debar him. Only when Al-Bukhtari intervened, did Hakeem manage to reach his destination.
Abu Talib was so much concerned about the personal safety of his nephew. Whenever people retired to sleep, he would ask
the Prophet (PBUH) to lie in his place, but when all the others fell asleep, he would order him to change his place and take
another, all of which in an attempt to trick a potential assassin.Despite all odds, Muhammad (PBUH) persisted in his line; his
determination and courage never weakened. He continued to go to Al-Ka`bah and to pray publicly.The Prophet used every
opportunity to preach to outsiders who visited Makkah for business or on pilgrimage during the sacred months and special
seasons of assemblies.This situation ultimately created dissension amongst the various Makkan factions, who were tied with
the besieged people by blood relations. After three years of blockade, in Muharram, the tenth year of the Prophet’s mission,
the pact was broken.On the ground of motivation by blood relations, there emerged a group of five people who set out to
abrogate the pact and declare its unfair clauses null and void. They were Hisham ibn `Amr, Zuhair ibn Abi Omaiyah, Al-
Mut`im ibn `Adi, Abu Al-Bukhtari and Zam`ah ibn Al-Aswad.
They swore that they would never relent until the parchment of boycott was torn to piece and the pact broken at once.Zuhayr
whose mother Atika was daughter of Abdul Muttalib, cried out to the people, “O you people of Mecca, shall we eat and
drink while Bani Hashim should die of hunger, unable even to buy or sell? By God I will not take rest until this cruel
and unjust decree is torn into pieces.”Abu Jahl, standing nearby, retorted that it would never be torn. The five men had a
heated argument with Abu Jahl.Meanwhile, Abu Talib was sitting in a corner of the Kaabah. He came to tell them that a
Revelation had been sent to his nephew, the Prophet (PBUH), that ants had eaten away all the hostile and unjust clauses of
their proclamation except those parts that bore the Name of Allah. Abu Talib swore that he would be ready to give
Muhammad (PBUH) up to them if his words proved untrue; otherwise, they would have to recant and repeal their boycott.
The Makkans agreed to the soundness of his proposition. Al-Mut`im went to see the parchment and there he did discover that
it was eaten away by ants and nothing was left save the part bearing (in the Name of Allah).The proclamation was thus
abrogated, and Muhammad (PBUH) and the other people were permitted to leave Ash-Shi`b and return home.In the context
of this trial to which the Muslims were subjected, the polytheists had a golden opportunity to experience a striking sign of
Muhammad’s Prophethood (the white ants eating away the parchment) but they rejected it. The Quran says: “But if they see
a Sign, they turn away, and say `This is continuous magic.”
(Al-Qamar 54:2) In 619 AD, due to the severity of the boycott,
Abu Talib and Hazrat Khadija died. Muhammad (PBUH) was
struck by grief. He later said that when nobody believed in his
mission, Hazrat Khadija believed him, when he was friendless,
she befriended him and when he was helpless, she helped
him.Abu Talib’s death was a severe blow to Muhammad
(PBUH). He lost his only support amongst the hostile Quraish.

Q8.Write an account of The Boycott of the Banu Hashim clan by the Quraysh. [10]








































































Explain why the death of Abu Talib threatened the Prophet’s security in Makka. [4]




Why was his relationship with his wife Khadija important for him? [4]





Isra and Mairaj
The event of Miraj took place in CE 621. It was the time when the Prophet’s
wife Khadija (R.A) and uncle, Abu Talib had died, visit to Taif had failed
and the persecution of Makkans was on peak. One night the Prophet
(S.A.W) was awoken by Jibrail (A.S), and from Makkah (Masjid al Haram),
his chest was opened up and washed with Zam Zam and wisdom was
added to it spiritually. He was taken to Jerusalem (Masjid Al Aqsa) on a
white horse-like winged creature (Burraq) which could run extremely fast.
Jibrail stopped at three different places and asked the Prophet to pray
over there. First at Taibah (Madina), then at Mount Sinai and then
Bethlehem.Then at Jerusalem he met all prophets who came before him. He
also led the prayer of these prophets. This is a clear indication that
Mohammad (sw) is the leader of all prophets and he is also the last
prophet of Allah. Jibrail (A.S) brought two vessels to him, one filled with
wine and the other with milk. He chose the one with milk upon which Jibrail
(A.S) said: "You have been guided to the right Fitrah, if you had chosen
wine your followers would have become misguided." This part of the
journry is called ‘Isra’. It is mentioned in the quran in these words:”Glory to
Him who took His servant for a journey by night from the Sacred
mosque to the Farthest mosque”
From Jerusalem, he was taken to
heavens. In the heavens, he met
Adam (A.S), He saw him as an
old man who smiled when he
looked to the people sitting on
his right and wept when he
turned to the people on his left.
Jibrail told the Prophet that this
was Adam and the people on his right are his children who will go
to paradise and the ones on the left nd will go to hell. The Prophet
met Yahya (A.S) and Isa (A.S) on the 2 heaven, Yusuf (A.S) on the
3rd heaven, Idrees (A.S) on the 4 th , Musa (A.S) on the 5th , Harun
(A.S) on the 6th and Ibrahim (A.S) on 7th heaven. They gave
Mohammad (S.A.W) respect and welcomed him as ‘brother’.
Mohammad (S.A.W) also visited and saw paradise and hell.He
had the opportunity to see Malik, the guardian of Hell, with a
cheerless frowning face. He saw the Hell dwellers, of whom were
those who unjustly eat up the property of the orphans, being
punished severely.
He was also shown the treatment of good and bad deeds. It means that he saw people going through
rewards given by Allah or the punishments they suffered due to their bad deeds. It may be guessed that
these rewards and punishments were not in the paradise or hell but they were going on in Barzakh, the place
where the spirits of good and bad people are kept. The Prophet [pbuh] told that he saw two manifest rivers,
the Nile and the Euphrates, and two hidden ones.
At one point, Jibraeel (A.S) stopped. Here Mohammad (S.A.W) saw a strange huge tree from which heavenly
lights were coming out. The point is called “Sidra tul Muntaha” which means ‘The Remotest Lote Tree’. Jibraeel
(A.S) said that he was not allowed to go beyond this point because if he did his wings would be burnt off,
and Mohammad (S.A.W) alone went inside. It was the occasion when the last two verses of Surah Baqarah
were revealed to him, a promise was given that all sins could be repented from except shirk and Allah made
fifty prayers obligatory upon Muslims but when the Prophet came back, he met Musa (A.S) who said: “Your
followers cannot perform so many prayers. Go back to your Lord and ask for a remission in number."
the Prophet (S.A.W) went back and forth between Allah and Hazrat Musa (A.S) until finally, five times
prayers became obligatory. Musa asked him to get the prayers reduced further but he said "I feel ashamed
now of repeatedly asking my Lord for reduction. I accept and resign to His Will." When Muhammad [pbuh]
went farther, a Caller was heard saying: "I have imposed My Ordinance and alleviated the burden of My
servants." According to many Hadith and a strong Hadith from Aisha (ra), he
did not see Allah. The Prophet was also taken to Bait-ul-Mamoor, a qibla of the
angels where 70,000 angels visit daily and never get a chance to visit again
because angels are too much in number.
From heavens, he was taken back to Jersalem. From there he came back to
Makkah where his bed was still warm. On his way back to Makkah, he saw two
caravans coming towards Makkah. Next morning he was commanded by Allah
to narrate this event to pagans of Makkah. When the Prophet (sw) did this, the
natural reaction came. They mocked the Prophet (S.A.W) and went to see Abu
Bakr on account of this event, and he readily said: "Yes, I do verify it." It was
on this occasion that he earned the title of As-Siddiq (the verifier of the truth)..
When the pagans asked about the proof of his visit, Mohammad (S.A.W)
described every detail about Jerusalem and the surroundings of Aqsa mosque.
Mohammad (S.A.W) also told about two caravans which were travelling
towards Makkah and told about the time of their arrival which proved correct
in a short time. In spite of these signs, they did not accept the truth of the
Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W).
Q9.The Prophet Muhammad was taken on a night journey and ascent to the heavens (al-‘isra
wa-l-mi’raj). Write an account of this journey. [10]








































































What was the significance of this journey to the Prophet? [4]
Why was it important for God to take the Prophet (pbuh) on this journey? [4]

Visit to Taif
After the death of Abu Talib in the tenth year of
prophethood, the Quraish increased their persecutions
against the Holy Prophet (PBUH) because the new chief of
Banu Hashim was Abu Lahab who withdrew tribal protection
from the Prophet (PBUH). This new situation meant that he
could no longer stay in Makka, with any hope of victory.
Before things became too critical, he had to explore a new
place to preach Islam. In his search for a band of faithful
followers, Prophet (PBUH) set out for Taif, accompanied by
his adopted son
Zaid bin Harith. It
was sixty miles
away from Makka,
in an oasis city. It was a resort for the wealthy
people, with lush gardens and lavish display of
Prophet (PBUH) thought that the people of Taif
would be more willing to hear the Divine message,
but the things went opposite to his perception. Taif
was populated by Bani Thaqeef tribe which as the
second largest tribe of whole Arabia. Prophet
(PBUH) began his journey with full hope and
ambition that the people would accept him and
respond well to his message of faith.
In Taif, Prophet (PBUH) approached the three chiefs of Taif, Abd Yalail, Mas'ud and Habib,
calling upon them to believe in one God, Allah and to support him in his campaign of
preaching Islam. Unfortunately, no one gave him a favorable response and instead they set
upon him a crowd of vagabonds to track him and to shower abuses. The mob threw stones at
him. Zaid (R.A) tried hard to defend Prophet (PBUH) from the hurling stones, because of which
he wounded his head. The mob followed them until they were driven to the outskirts of the city.
Prophet (PBUH) also developed several bruises over his body, and they were too thick that his
shoes caked with blood. Allah sent the angel of mountains with Jibrael (R.A) who asked
Prophet (PBUH): “O Messenger of God! If you allow me, I could squeeze this town
between the two mountains.”But Prophet (PBUH) showed extraordinary mercy and
tolerance and replied: “Why shall I pray for the destruction of these people? I hope that
their prosperity will certainly be among the believers.”
Prophet (PBUH) and Zaid (R.A) then rested in an orchard, which
belonged to two brothers from Makkah,Utba and Shaiba, that
opposed Islam. Still, they felt sorry for such persecution on them
and sent a bunch of grapes through their Christian slave,
Addas. Muhammad took the grape and before putting it into
his mouth he recited Bismillah. Addas became curious and
inquired about the identity of Muhammad s.a.w. The Prophet
S.A.W found out that he was from Nineveh, and asked him
“Are you from the land of Yunus bin Matta?” Addas was
surprised and when he found out that the Prophet Muhammad
s.a.w was a prophet like hazrat Yunus A.S he accepted Islam.
The Orchard where the Prophet rested
The Prophet stayed in Taif for ten days after going back
towards Makkah. A group of jinns heard the Prophet reciting
Surah Jinn during his stay at Nakhla and accepted Islam.
Before entering Makkah he sent Zayd to seek asylum for him
among 4 nobles in the city. Three of them, `Abd Yalil
ibn `Abd Kalal and then Akhnas ibn Shariq and Acceptance of Islam by Jinns
Suhayl ibn Amr, refused but the fourth one, Mut‘im ibn
‘Adi, responded.
Mut‘im ordered his sons, nephews and other young
men of his clan to put on their battle-dress and then
marched out of the city. He brought Muhammad
S.A.W with him, first into the precincts of the Kaaba
where the he did the Tawaf, and then escorted him to
his home.Later on in the 9th Year of Hijrah, the
Prophet’s prayer came true, all of Taif accepted Islam
after the siege of Taif.
Q9. Describe the events of the Prophet’s visit to Ta’if. [10]







































































How can Muslims apply in practice the lessons learnt from the Prophet’s behaviour in
this situation? [4]
The Prophet showed great forgiveness despite the cruelty of the people of Ta’if. Do you
think Muslims now can follow this example? [4]

Pledges of Aqabah
After the Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) failure to preach the message of faith at the valley of Taif, he
returned to Makka and now shifted his attention towards the Hujjaj (pilgrims) from Yathrib. It was in
the 11th year of Prophethood that Prophet (PBUH) began his preaching to them. They had come to
Makka for performing the pilgrimage. The Prophet and his Companions passed by ‘Aqabat Mina
where they heard people talking. They encountered six men from Yathrib, As‘ad bin Zurarah, ‘Awf
bin Harith, Rafi‘ bin Malik, Qutbah bin ‘Amir, ‘Uqbah bin ‘Amir and Jabir bin ‘Abdullah. The last two
being from Aws and the former four from Khazraj.The people of Yathrib always heard the Jews say
that a Prophet was about to rise, for the time for a new dispensation had arrived. The Jews claimed
that he would smite their enemies as the children of ‘Ad and Iram had been smitten. The
Prophet(PBUH) discussed with them and they came to a conclusion that he was the Prophet that the
Jews spoke of.They accepted Islam and agreed with Prophet (PBUH) to preach whatever they have
learnt from him, to their people. Because of them, the news of Islam started to spread in Yathrib.

In the twelfth year of the call, only one year after the Prophet
(peace be upon him) met athe six Ansar and during the Hajj
season, a delegation of pilgrims from Yathrib went to meet
the Prophet (peace be upon him). They were twelve men: ten
of Al-Khazraj , and two from Al-Aws. This delegation, who
were known as Naqibs, went to the Prophet (peace be upon
him) to swear allegiance with him. Ubadah ibn As-Samat (R.A)
said: “I was one of the Naqibs who swore allegiance to the
Prophet (peace be upon him). We took a pledge not to join
partners with Allah, not to commit illegal sexual
This masjid, close to Mina, commemorates the intercourse, not to steal, not to kill a life which Allah has
spot where the Ansar of Madinah pledged their sanctified, except if there is a right to do so, not to slander
allegiance to the Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬ chaste women and not to sin. If we keep to that, (we will
have) paradise, but if we committed some of these sins,
Allah (Glorified is He) will judge us”.This was known as the First pledge of Aqaba. After the
pledge was taken, a teacher was sent to Medina, Musab bin Umair (R.A). he was sent to teach the
people, the doctrines of Islam, give them practical guidance. He was also instructed to preach to
other tribes in the area of propagation of Islam.

In the Hajj season in the thirteenth year of the call, delegations of one or
two men started to go to the Prophet (peace be upon him), until eventually
seventy men and two women went to him in Al-Aqabah valley. They were
upset about the harm Quraysh had inflicted on the Prophet and those with
him. When they approached Mecca, they used to communicate with the
Prophet (peace be upon him) in secret, which resulted in the two groups
agreeing to meet during the days of Tashreeq (11th, 12th and 13th Dhul-
Hijjah) in the valley of Al-Aqabah (near) the first stoning pillar at Mina. This
gathering would be completely secret in the middle of the night. They
showed the desire of taking Prophet (PBUH) along them. Upon hearing this,
Prophet’s (PBUH) uncle, Abbas said, “We have prevented our people from
abusing him. He lives here protected and supported by his people and in
his own city, yet he prefers to accompany you and emigrate. If you think
that you will fulfill what he calls you to do, and you will protect him
from his enemies, then accepted this pledge and carry out this
responsibility. But if you think that you may give him to his enemies and
act treacherously with him after he has left to go to you, then leave him
now, because he is safer with his people and in his own city.”Ka’ab said,
“We have heard what you have said, so speak, Oh Prophet, and choose
for yourself and your Lord what you like (about this).”
The Prophet was very happy with their dedication. The terms of pledges
included that Prophet (PBUH) would be listened and obeyed in every
circumstance and Prophet (PBUH) also warned them to be prepared for
living a life in plenty and as well as scarcity. They must enjoin good and
forbid evil and will fear the censure of none but Allah. It also included Prophet (PBUH) must be
defended in any case when he would seek for their help. Furthermore, the Medinites also made some
offers which included to take Prophet (PBUH) along with them, now or later as their leader of
Medina. They would always protect Prophet (PBUH) and would never leave him. The new converts
were even ready to fight Makkans but Prophet (PBUH) denied this idea.Thus the Prophet allowed
Muslims to migrate to Yathrib which led to the Makkans plotting his assassination. Allah informed him
of their plot and thus he too migrated.

Q10. Describe the events surrounding the Pledges of Aqabah and the main terms of
the pledges. [10]
















































Explain the importance of the Pledges of ‘Aqaba to the Prophet in the period leading
up to the migration. [4]
How were these pledges important for the future community of Muslims? [4]


In your view, why should Muslims provide a safe haven for others? Give reasons for your
answer. [4]



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