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Diction is the simplest literary technique, it means word choice.

The specific words the writer

deliberately chooses to use in a piece of writing. For example ‘the writer’s use of emotional diction in
line five in this phrase…. Or you u could write ‘religious diction such as ______ suggests………..’

Every word has a denotation and connotation or several connotation.

 Denote---- only write the meaning

 Connote---- give explanation, references as much as u can. It is our feelings, emotions and
impressions on particular thing.

Denotation of the word ‘gold’----- valuable, expensive, a yellow piece of metal found from ground.

Connotation of the word ‘gold’---- gold is a very precious piece of metal. It is usually used for jewelry,
wedding, vulnerable.

Example: the town was an infested den of thieves and smugglers.

Connotation of infested: garbage, filth, disgust, corruption

Modality: you must submit your work by 9 ---- high mortality

You have to submit you work by 9 ----- low mortality

High mortality creates an authoritative and certain tone, which makes the person seem superior and
decisive. No mortality creates uncertain tone, which makes the person seem inferior. Modality is the
measure of certainty and it is expressed through words like these.

High modality words Low modality words

Must Might
Should Could
Need to Perhaps
Have to Maybe

When it is important to analyze modality?

 In relation to the narrator or speaker.

 In relation to a character.

Example: after explaining the modality always mention the tone by the high or low modality.

Imperative language shows high modality--- imperative words are command words. Imperative language
is an authoritative command and it is very closely related to high modality. In many cases you will see
the two being used together.

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