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0:01Skip to 0 minutes and 1 second DYLAN: The list of ideas you have for how you

can plan to evidence and then respond to learning should be expanding, and
hopefully having seen our teachers trying approaches out in the classroom will also
be helping you build knowledge of how you may be able to implement these ideas into
your own practice. One of the things we have learned from effective professional
development is that it is not just the ideas that are helpful but understanding the
underlying principles and how these can be adapted that are important. We hope that
you are feeling more confident to be able to plan and become more responsive during
the learning for your students.

0:39Skip to 0 minutes and 39 seconds We would like therefore to encourage you to

not only share what you try out in your classroom, but more importantly what you
have learnt from having a go at some of the ideas. For us to learn from each other
it is really beneficial to discuss any adaptations that you needed to make or tips
for how you would improve things next time you try them. We look forward to reading
your posts and learning from your experiences. Next week we will look at how we can
plan more effectively for learning over the medium term, and how your thinking has
developed over the course.

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