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A factor that is subject to change or variations.

Terms to REMEMBER!!!
ECONOMICS The branch of Economics that studies the economy as a
A social science concerned with man’s problem issuing scarce whole, also known as National Economy Analysis.
resources to satisfy unlimited wants.
Basic needs The branch of Economics that deals with parts of the
Man’s needs required for his survival. economy such as household and the business firm, also
known as Price Theory.
Luxury Goods
Goods that can do without. Market
Context in which buyers and sellers buy and sell goods,
services, and resources.
Inputs used in the production of goods and services.
Economic System
The framework in which a society decides and needs of
Natural resources, not man-made, covering anything found
consumers that have to be satisfied.
on or under land, including water, forests, minerals and
water Wants
The various desires/needs of consumers that have to be
satisfied through the use of goods & services.
Human effort expanded in production regarding basic
economic problem Function
Depicts the relationship between two or more variables. It
Normative Economics
shows how one variable depends on another variable or
An analysis of economics which deals with what should be.
variables, called the independent variables. For example, the
Positive Economics demand function shows how demand, the dependent
An analysis of economics which deals with what actually is. variable, varies according to a change in price, the
independent variable.
Empirical Validation
The us of statistics evidence to prove the validity of the ECONOMIC ENTITY
“Man’s Best Economic Activity”
Economic System
Consists of efforts to satisfy human wants with the use of
The means by which an economy reaches decisions.
goods and services.
Free Enterprise System
Three elements are involved in this objective of satisfaction.
A system in which all economic resources are privately
owned. Individuals are free to engage in a business of their 1. The human wants which are unlimited.
2. The use of resources which are available in limited
Right to Private Property amounts.
The right of private individuals and enterprises to own things
of value. 3. The technique of production which shows how
resources are used and combined in production.
Organizes all other factors of production to be used in the CONSUMPTION
creation of goods and services.

Capital “household”
Materials used in the production of goods and services For example:
including money.
✘ A student budgeting his
Theory/Hypothesis or her allowance for a
An unproven proposition tentatively accepted to explain “basic week.
certain facts or to provide a basis for further investigation. consuming unit”
Opportunity Cost ✘ Its serves as basis of policy formulation.

Refers to what you have to give up to buy what you want in ECONOMIC POLICY
terms of other goods or services
✘ Economic policy consists of intervention or courses
of action takes by the government or other private
SATISFY institutions to manipulate the results of economic
HUMAN activity. The economic policy adopted by the
WANTS government may be monetary, fiscal or trade for the
WITH GOOD purpose of achieving economic welfare.


For example: ✘ Like the theory of any other science, it consists of

sets of principles or causal relationships among the
A shoemart selling shoes. important “facts "or variables that surround and
permeate economic activity.
✘ WORKERS – Get paid
✘ CONSUMERS – Get their want shoes.
✘ In economics we may build a theory of consumer
GOALS OF ECONOMIC ACTIVITY behaviour on the postulate of consumer rationality,
defined as the general desire of consumers to secure
 Unemployment as much satisfaction as they can in spending their
Leads to existence of idle resourcces. incomes.
 Economic Instability
Makes nation’s producers difficult to make accurate Our process is easy
forecasts on demand and consumption levels.
 Low Level of growth & development
Then in the construction of a theory is the specification of its
Make it more difficult for underdeveloped and
functions and postulates.
developing nations to rise from their low levels of income
and employment. STEP 2
 Inequality in Income Distribution The observation of “facts” concerning the activity about
Resulting in the concentration of the nation’s wealth which we want to theorize.
in the hands of a few.
 Determination of the type of economic system STEP 3
To adopt to fit the country’s peculiar conditions and The application of the rules of logic to the observed facts in
needs. an attempt to establish causal relationship among them and
to eliminate as many irrelevant and insignificant facts as

✘ Economic analysis is the process of directing STEP 4

economic relationships by examining economic The process of establishing a set of principles is a crucial one.
behaviour and events, and determining the causal
relationships among the data and activities observed. The Functions of Economic Theory
✘ The third tool of economics is the mathematics which The principal functions of economic theory fall into two
enables the analyst to conceptualize and quantify a categories:
hypothesis for empirical validation.
✘ (1)to explain the nature of economic activity
✘ (2)to predict what will happen to the economy as
✘ Economic analysis is an aid in understanding how an facts change.
economy operates because it explains how economic
variables are related to one another. POSITIVE ECONOMICS is supposed to be completely
objective, limited to the cause-and-effect relationships of
✘ It permits prediction of the results of changes in the economic activity; it is concerned with the way economic
economic variables. relationship are.
NORMATIVE ECONOMICS is concerned with what ought to 1. The resource allocation or choice decisions of
be. Value judgments must necessarily be made; that is, individual household, procedures, & firms.
possible objectives to be achieved must be ranked, and
choices must be made among those objectives. 2. How prices & quantities exchanged are determined
in various types of market structures.
Price and Economic Theory
3. To examine the market economy as an interrelated
Price theory (microeconomic theory) and the theory of the system.
economy as a whole (microeconomic theory) constitute the
basic analytical tool kit of he discipline of economics. An example of a Model

✘ MICROECONOMICS is concerned primarily with the Intervention in the energy industry has been practised by
market activities on individual economic units such as government in at least 4 forms; price & tax admnistration,
consumers, resource owners, and business firms. licensing, rationing, and corporate participation in the
✘ MACROECONOMICS treats the economic system as a
whole rather than treating the individual economic units Assume a peroluem product demand function that can be
of which it is composed. expressed as;

Characteristics of Microeconomics (1) Qt = a – bP

1 Microeconomics looks at the decisions of individual units. Where;

Qt is total industry sales
2 Microeconomics looks at how prices are determined. P represents the selling price of the private firms acting
3 Microeconomics is concerned with social welfare. a & b are positive coefficients
4 Microeconomics has a limited focus. Profit will be maximized when;
5 Microeconomics develops skills. (2) P = (a + bk)/2
 Logical Reasoning Then the results sales would be;
 Construction and use of models
 Decision-Making techinuques Q = (a - bk)/2
 Personal resource allocation
In turn, private firms can follow any of 3 price strategies, in
Economic Models reaction to the price set by the government firm;

Economic models are composed of a series of statements of Strategy A

assumptions or given and statements or implications or Select a price level that will maximize joint monopoly
profits after allowing the government firm to sell all
MODELS ARE ABSTRACTION it can at the price that it selects. Private firms will
end up pricing above the government’s price level.
A common feature of all models is that they focus only on
the essential elements of an object or process. Strategy B
Price the government firm’s price level & sell all that
Models that consistently predict a broad range of real-world the market will clear up to the extent of their
phenomena are classified as theories. capacity..
“Not all models are theories.” Strategy C
Match the government price in cooperative fashion
When there is a correspondence between the conditions
& share the market proportionately.
described in the assumptions of a model & the conditions in
the economy, the model maybe applied to predict or forecast COMPARATIVE STATISTICS
events in the economy. The test of the theory is the
consistency of its prediction. Focuses on the shift in equilibrium positions for an individual
decision unit, market or economic system.
We can say that microeconomics is concerned with three
types of models: There are models to explain; VS
DYNAMIC ANALYSIS 1 What to produce?

Focuses on the pattern & rate of change for some variable 2 How much to produce?
between points in time.
3 How to produce?
For example;
4 For whom to produce?
In a competitive market, supply & demand for a commodity
reaches at the price of equilibrium at the price of P20 per ECONOMIC SYSTEMS
Traditional Economic System
Command Economic System
Analysis compared equilibrium changes for one decision unit
Market Economic System
or one make independent of related changes in the economic
system. Assumes that the other factor will remain the
same(ceteris paribus assumption).

Qd = f(P)



Analysis recognizes the interdependence of all decision units

& all markets in the economic system. Examines changes
w/in the context of the entire system. All variables are
allowed to adjust to response to the initial change, then the
change incorporated into the calculation. The Market System and the Enterprise

Qd=f(P, Y, Po, Pe, Ad) The market system is the best described as characterized by
free enterprise where individuals enjoy the right of private
The Circular Flow of the Economy Under free enterprise system, the individual is free to do any
of the following:
Within the economy, the basic activties of producton unit,
consumption, employment & income generation take place 1. Purchase goods and services of his choice within the
through the interrelationship existing between the basic limits of income.
consuming unit, w/c is the houseold & the bsic producing
unit, w/c is the firm. 2. Offer sale for sale his economic resources in
exchange for a financial remuneration.

3. Establish a business enterprise of his choice for the

production and sale of a desired product.

The Mixed Economy

It is seldom that an economic system exists in its pure

form. In a mixed economy, the question of what to produce
and how to produce, answered predominantly through the
price mechanism, are modified through government
intervention in the form of direct controls, taxes and
Basic Economic Problems The problem of for whom to produce is also solved
by the price-mechanism coupled with different forms of
All nations, big or small, developed or undeveloped, have to
government regulation. The economy will produce those
find answers to the following economic problems:
commodities that will satisfy the wants of those people who
have the money to pay for them.

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