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Answer these following questions by choosing A, B, C, D or E on your work sheet!

The text is for questions 16 to 17

On 28th of August, there will be a school trip to
Golden Sands Beach.
Departure : 07.30 a.m.
Programs : Swimming, games, volley
and lunch at the Sea View
Afternoon : Walk along the beach to the
lagoon and watch the boat
Fee : Rp. 50.000,-
Contact person : Vita, Zaskia

16. What is the announcement about?

A. The boat festival
B. The sea view restaurant
C. The Golden Sands Beach
D. The schedule of a school trip
E. The lagoon of Golden Sands Beach
17. This announcement is mostly addressed to … of a school.
A. visitors
B. tourists
C. students
D. travelers
E. sightseers

The following text is for questions 18 and 19

Guruh Hartajaya
Jl. Sudirman No. 17

Desember 27, 2015

Mr. Julian Pasya

Personnel Manager
PT Lentera Abadi, a Printing House
Jl. Jembatan Merah 29, PO Box 444

Dear Mr. Julian Pasya:

Application for the digital Printing Machine Operator

I am writing to apply for the post of Digital Printing Machine Operator, which was
advertised on the Berita Kita on December 26, 2017.

My work experience at Global Panca Media improves my skill in operating a digital printing
machine, communication skills and ability to work in a team. I’m a fast learner, creative and
have a good conduct. Besides, I can adapt to new environment very quickly and work under
pressure. In addition, I was chosen Best Employee of the year 2016.
Working for PT Lentera Abadi as a multinational company appeals to me because it has a
good reputation and it provides excellent training. Your organization produces high-quality
products and I can contribute to this with my skills. I am available for interview at any time. I
can be contacted on the mobile phone number given above. I look forward to meeting you.


Guruh Hartajaya

18. What would be the impact for the writer by applying the letter?
A. to get the job offered
B. to give the job offered
C. to make the job offered
D. to provide the job offered
E. to submit an application for the job offered

19. Where did the writer develop his skill to operate the digital printing machine?
A. At Global Panca Media
B. At PT. Lentera Abdi
C. At a Multinational Company
D. At an excellent training
E. At a new environment

This text is for questions 20 and 21

Jamal Madani
123 Jati Street
Bekasi, 17117
23 October, 2017
Robby Zakaria
210 KayuPutih
East Jakarta, 13220
Dear Mr Zakaria
I am so happy to invite you to my graduation ceremony which will take place on the 11th of
November 2017 at Mega Hall, University of Bekasi Jaya. Please join me as I celebrate this
major milestone in my life journey.
I have been awarded a Master of Engineering in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. I
would like to take this opportunity to add that you have played a major role in my success
today. Your constant support and advice and your example as a leader helped me a great deal.
Therefore it would mean a lot to me if you could grace the occasion with your presence as I
believe that for me, the graduation ceremony would not be complete without your being there
to witness it.
The details of ceremony are as follows:
Venue: Mega Hall, University of Bekasi Jaya
Date: 11th November 2017
Time: 3:30 pm

The Graduation ceremony would be followed by a graduation party at 7:30 pm at Padang

Restaurant. My parents and I would be honored if you could be a part of that as well. I have
enclosed the official invitation card along with the itinerary of events.

Thanks once again.


Jamal Madani

20. What is the writer’s intention to write the invitation?

A. To please the recipient with the graduation ceremony
B. To ask the recipient to join the commencement.
C. To appreciate Mr. Zakaria for his coming.
D. To welcome the addressee to his party.
E. To be grateful for his success.
21. The graduation party would be held ...
A. in the morning
B. at noon
C. in the afternoon
D. at night
E. at mid night

This text is for questions number 22

Gadgets vs Family time. The need of

technology in modern daily life has given a
lot of advantages. People can connect to the
world from their hand by using smart
phones, laptops, and some other gadgets. On
the other hand, those technology things let
the time for family getting lesser and lesser.

22. The topic of the text is....

A. The family time.
B. The gadgets in family.
C. The world connection.
D. The need of technology in family.
E. The negative effect of technology.

The text is for questions 23 and 24

Heal The World

(By: Michael Jackson)

There’s a place in your heart

And i know that it is love
And this place could be much
Brighter than tomorrow
And if you really try
You’ll find there’s need to cry
In this place you’ll feel
There’s no hurt or sorrow

There are ways to get there

If you care enough for the living
Make a little space make a better place...

*) heal the world

Make it a better place for you and for me
And the entire human race
There are people dying if you care enough
For the living
Make a better place for you and for me

If you want to know why

There’s a love that cannot lie
Love is strong
It only cares for joyful giving
We stop existing and start living
Then it feels that always
Love’s enough for us growing
So make a better world
Make a better world...

Back to *)

And the dream we were conceived in will reveal a joyful face

And the world we once believed in will shine again in grace
Then why do we keep strangling life wound this earth crucify it’s soul
Though it’s plain to see this words is heavenly be god’s glow we could fly so high

23. The purpose of the song is to suggest people to....

A. get a better place.
B. face their future.
C. have a life in peace.
D. live in a better place.
E. love and help each other.

24. “There’s no hurt or sorrow” (Stanza 1)

The closest meaning of the underlined word is...
A. Sadness
B. Revenge
C. Awareness
D. Happiness
E. Careless

This text is for questions 25 to 26

"I started a clothing line while on bedrest."

—Meg Remien, 31, San Francisco, CA
"In 2014 I broke my spine in a skiing accident. Actually, I broke about 10 bones—six of them
were in my back. I could not function on my own for several months and relied on my family
and husband to do everything for me. Being in that condition was humbling, but it was also
very boring. Binge-watching all kinds of shows and movies eventually became monotonous.
That's when I started to design. After my accident, I was in bed for most hours of the day. My
pajamas and sleepwear became uncomfortable. I noticed I didn't like the waistband on one or
the fabric of another and I began researching where I could find exactly what I was looking
for. Then I realized it didn't exist. I also started researching eco-friendly fashion. That's how
my clothing company, Raven & Crow, came to be. I never thought this would turn into a
business, but every time I explained my concept to someone new they said, 'That sounds
amazing. Let me know when you have some and I'll buy it.' So, with a simple design and
bamboo fabric that I adored, I had my first pair cut and sewn. The rest is history."

25. What is the writer’s purpose to write the text?

A. To amused readers with her true story.
B. To tell readers how she started her business.
C. To inspire readers by sharing her experience.
D. To share an amazing experience with readers.
E. To give motivation to readers how to survive.

26. From the text we know that the Meg Remien ….

A. intended to start her business when she was on bed rest
B. started to set up her business after she got a skiing accident
C. began her clothing company with her family and husband
D. got an idea to design clothing after searching eco-friendly fashion
E. was supported by her family and friends to start her clothing company

This text is for questions 27 and 28

Raja Ampat: The Ultimate Pristine Paradise in West Papua

Far from the view-blocking skyscrapers, dense and hectic concrete jungles, congested
traffics, flickering electric billboards, endless annoying noises, and all the nuisances of
modern cities, you will find a pristine paradise where Mother Nature and warm friendly
people welcome you with all the exceptional wonders in Raja Ampat, the islands-regency in
West Papua Province. With all the spectacular wonders above and beyond its waters, as well
as on land and amidst the thick jungles, this is truly the place where words such as beautiful,
enchanting, magnificent, and fascinating gets its true physical meaning.
Situated off the northwest tip of Bird’s Head Peninsula on Papua, the most eastern
Island of the Indonesian Archipelago, Raja Ampat or literally meaning ‘The Four Kings’ is
an archipelago  comprising over 1,500 small islands, cays, and shoals surrounding the four
main islands of Waigeo, Batanta, Salawati, and Misool. The name Raja Ampat itself is
believed to derive from a legend where a woman found seven eggs, with four of them hatch
and become the kings of the four main islands, while the other three  became a woman, a
ghost, and a stone.
For underwater enthusiasts, Raja Ampat definitely offers the some of the world’s
ultimate experience. The territory within the islands of the Four Kings is enormous, covering
9.8 million acres of land and sea, home to 540 types of corals, more than 1,000 types of coral
fish and 700 types of mollusks. This makes it the most diverse living library for world's coral
reef and underwater biota.
According to a report developed by The Nature Conservancy and Conservation
International, around 75% of the world's species live here! Raja Ampat’s sheer numbers and
diversity of marine life and its huge pristine coral reef systems are a scuba dream come true –
and a fantastic site for snorkelers too.

27. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To persuade readers to come to Raja Ampat islands some time.
B. To inform readers about Raja Ampat islands in West Papua Province.
C. To describe the location of Raja Ampatislands in West Papua Province.
D. To promote the remarkable wonders in Raja Ampat as tourist destination.
E. To adore the beauty of Raja Ampat and other islands in West Papua Province.

28. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?

A. RajaAmpat provides marine life with many different world coral reefs.
B. Raja Ampat has the largest sea and land area in West Papua Province.
C. Raja Ampat has one million types of corals, coral fish and mollusks.
D. Many people are very enthusiastic to see marine life in Raja Ampat.
E. There are many different kinds of living library in raja Ampat.

This text is for questions 29 to 31

When fossil fuels, or other fuels, such as wood or peat, are buned, carbon dioxide is
released into the atmosphere. Vehicles also give out and add carbon dioxide to the
Earth’s atmosphere allows most of the sun rays to pass through it to heat Earth’s
surface. Earth reflects much of the heat energy back into the atmosphere, but much of this
reflected radiation cannot escape. Gases such as carbon dioxide absorb it. They grow warm
and send heat radiation back to earth. This is the greenhouse effect. Many scientists think that
the greenhouse effect may change the climate, over the next 100 years or so. One consquence
of so called “global warming” resulting from the greenhouse effect could be melting of the
polar ice caps. This, in turn could lead to a rise in sea level which could floor large areas of
highly populated coastel land.
If carbon dioxide proves to be as harmfull as thought, in order to reduce carbon
dioxide levels we need to reduce the amounts of carbon-rich fuels burned.

29. What is the purpose of the text?

A. to explain about global warming
B. to explain how fossil fuels is formed
C. to explain about the greenhouse effect
D. to explain how global warming happened
E. to explain how carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere

30. How do you compare the second and the third paragraph?
A. Paragraph 2 explains about global warming; paragraph 3 explains about the harmful
of dioxide.
B. Paragraph 2 explains how global warming happened; paragraph 3 explains that the
carbon dioxide is harmful and how to reduce it.
C. Paragraph 2 explains about global warming; paragraph 3 explains that the carbon
dioxide is harmful and how to reduce it.
D. Paragraph 2 tells how global warming happened ; paragraph 3 tells about the harmful
of dioxide.
E. Paragraph 2 tells about global warming; paragraph 3 tells about the harmful of

31. “... carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere.” (Paragraph 1)

The underlined word has the same meaning as...
A. Blown
B. Flown
C. Emitted
D. Absorbed
E. evaporated

This text is for questions 32 to 34

Ragunan Zoo management in South Jakarta has complained about a plan to implement an e-
ticketing system supported by the JakOne Card, an e-money mobile app from city-owned
Bank DKI. 
Ragunan head Dina Himawati has particularly objected to a point that requires the zoo
to deposit Rp 20 billion (US$1.49 million) to Bank DKI for the implementation of the
"We have no idea how the plan works. The money is deposited to the bank, in our
account. We feel like the Rp 20 billion is used for the operation of the card, including for top-
up funds," Dina said at the City Council building in Central Jakarta as quoted
Dina said the money was needed by the zoo, particularly in an emergency when the city
administration suffered a deficit. She added that a change in regulation may be needed. 
"Cooperation is meant to benefit both sides. There are many things to be evaluated," she
Two types of JakOne cards are offered to visitors. The first one displays Ragunan's
animals and is priced at Rp 30,000, containing Rp 20,000 credit balance. The second one
displays animation, and is priced at Rp 60,000 with Rp 50,000 credit balance. 
The City Council’s Commission C chairman, Santoso, said the agreement only benefited
Bank DKI. 

32. The purpose of the text is to inform about ….

A. Ragunan Zoo management in South Jakarta
B. Ragunan Zoo’s objection to e-ticketing system
C. the benefit of e-ticketing system in Ragunan Zoo
D. the advantages and disadvantages of e-ticketing system
E. the implementation of e-ticketing system in Ragunan Zoo

33. If the e-ticketing system is implemented, the zoo ….

A. would complain the plan
B. will approve the implementation
C. could be sponsored by JackOne Card
D. should top-up the funds at Bank DKI
E. must store20 billion rupiah to Bank DKI

34. Based on the text, the implementation of e-ticketing system … by Ragunan Zoo
A. is disapproved
B. was disapproved
C. can be disapproved
D. will be disapproved
E. has been disapproved

This text is for questions 35 to 37

Hansel and Gretel

Hansel and Gretel were the children of a poor woodcutter. One day, the children’s stepmother
persuaded their father to take the children and abandon them in the forest. The first time,
Hansel left a trail of pebbles along the way and found the way back. Next time, the father
took them deeper into the forest, and Hansel left breadcrumbs to find their way back. But
when the children tried to find their way back home they found that the birds had eaten the
crumbs. So the children were lost in the woods.
They wandered in the forest and soon discovered a house made entirely of gingerbread
and sweets. Hungry and tired, the children began to eat the rooftop of the house when the
door opens. An old woman – the owner of the house – kindly invited them inside. Not
knowing that this old woman was a witch who built a gingerbread house to lure children into
her trap. She imprisoned Hansel and made Gretel her slave. The old witch planned to eat both
When the witch made preparations to bake Hansel, she told Gretel to start the fire.
Gretel lied that she couldn’t tell if the fire in the oven had started. The witch shoved her aside
and leaned into the oven to check. Gretel pushed the witch into the oven and shut the door,
then she took her brother out of the cage and escaped from the gingerbread house carrying lot
food and precious jewels. When they reached home, their stepmother had died, and the father
happily welcomed them back.
35. Why were Hansel and Gretel left in the forest?
A. Their step mother left them in the forest.
B. Their parents planned to give to them t an old witch.
C. They forgot to leave the breadcrumbs along their way.
D. They couldn’t find the breadcrumbs they left along their way.
E. Their step mother influenced their father to leave them in the forest.

36. How do you compare the second and the third paragraph?
A. Paragraph 2 tells us that a witch tempted Hansel and Gretel into her trap; paragraph 3
tells that the children succeeded to escape.
B. Paragraph 2 tells us that a witch persuaded Hansel and Gretel into her trap; the
paragraph 3 tells that the witch prepared to bake them.
C. Paragraph 2 tells us that Hansel and Gretel ate the gingerbread; paragraph 3 tells that
the children escaped from the gingerbread house.
D. Paragraph 2 tells us that an old woman invited Hansel and Gretel into her house;
paragraph 3 tells that the children took precious jewels.
E. Paragraph 2 tells us that the old woman was a witch who wanted to eat Hansel and
Gretel; paragraph 3 tells that the children killed her.

37. What lesson can we learn from the story?

A. Don’t tell lies to strangers who are kind to you.
B. Don’t trust strangers, even if they treat you well.
C. Don’t take a revenge on a witch with a dirty trick.
D. Don’t forget to leave pebbles along the way home.
E. Don’t leave breadcrumbs on the way if you go home.

This text is for questions 38 to 40

The internet connects all parts of the world without borders between them. Many people take
advantages of the internet network. One of them is by opening virtual stores, meaning people are providing
shops in cyberspace. They show photographs of goods with all their characteristics. They also reflect
prices, discounts and quality of goods. In addition to all the convenience of shopping online, we have to be
very careful and cautious in doing transactions through cyberspace. Many people have experienced bad
impacts of shopping online. Here are some examples of negative impacts of shopping online.
First, people tend to become consumptive because quality goods are often sold cheaply and buyers
don’t need to go anywhere. Such convenience raises the desire to continue shopping and it’s hard to resist.
Second, online shopping habits create crimes, such as deception. Many people take advantages of
this consumer psyche to open fake online stores aiming to get as much money as possible. Many
prospective buyers are deceived by such stores only because they offer bigger discounts than usual.
Without thinking people will immediately transfer money and hope to get good stuff at very cheap price,
but they never receive the goods they ordered.
Third, shopping online may create a feeling of disappointment because the items that buyers receive
do not match what they ordered. Unfortunately, the goods cannot be returned which means they have lost
their money and hope for getting good items.
Fourth, people tend to look at their cellphone very often to browse various virtual stores. They began
to ignore people and events that happen around them. Gradually, they will lose their social empathy.
Knowing that there are many negative impacts of shopping online, we have to remain cautions of
scams and not shop online too often. We need to browse in real shops, so we are not ignorant of people
and events around us.
38. The topic of the text is....
A. the advantages of shopping online.
B. the disappointment of shopping online.
C. the negative effects of internet connection.
D. the characteristics of goods in online shop.
E. the negative consequences of shopping online.

39. The main idea of the third paragraph is....

A. Criminals like doing online shopping.
B. All online stores in the internet are fake.
C. Unusual big discounts can mislead buyers.
D. Many people get benefits from online shopping.
E. Buyers receive the goods after they transfer money.
40. “…we have to remain cautions of scams and not shop online too often.” (Last paragraph)
The underlined word can be replaced by ….
A. trick
B. tactic
C. strategy
D. prompt
E. hoax

Soal Isai
This text is for questions 41 to 42

Jl. Jendral Sudirman

Januari 4, 2018
Dear Eko
I’m happy and very grateful hearing that you finally won the gold medal in the 2018
international Pencak Silat Championship. Congratulations! You’re a really talented student.
I’m so sorry I couldn’t attend your victory celebration party two days ago. Sorry that
I didn’t contact you for my absence. Actually I’d like to, but I had left for Jakarta to attend
the National Student Summit Meeting the day before. I just landed in Papua this morning.
I do hope you can defend and even improve your achievement in the similar
competition next year.
I look forward to hearing from you.

See you


41. What is the purpose of the letter?

42. Why did the writer not attend the party?

This text is for questions 43

Mutual respect and trust must be developed in all sectors in our live. Don’ disturb someone
everywhere you live, don’t intimadate each others. It can make them frustration and
depression even suicide.

43. Write the topic of the caption!

This text is for questions 44

 Open the water tap and fill water in the wash tub about half way to the desire water
 Put the appropriate amount of detergent and the clothes to be washed into the
washed tub.
 Insert the power plug into the outlet
 Set the drain selector to "WASH RINSE" position.
 Set the desired wash time referring to the table given.
 When washing is finished select "DRAIN" to drain the water out.
 Put the clothes into the spin dryer basket and perform the intermediate speed.

44. The purpose of the text is how to use...

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