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Uranchimeg Tsultemin: “Mongolian Art and the Dilemma of

Himalayan Affiliation”
South Asian Studies, vol. 34, no. 2/2018.
Uranchimeg Tsultemin: Mongolian Art and the Dilemma of Mongolian Affiliation
South Asian Studies, vol. 34, 2/2018.
South Asian Studies 145

8. B. Sharav, Daily Events (aka One Day in Mongolia). Pigments on cotton,c. 1912–14. Zanabazar Museum of Fine Arts.
Courtesy: Zanabazar Museum of Fine Arts.

the dynastic history ended in 1912, and in Russia, the The Bogd Gegeen was at the centre of events that
Bolshevik Revolution overthrew imperial rule in 1917. eventually led to led to the Mongol alliance with the
Although occupied with their own radical social and Bolsheviks as his theocratic government (1911–24) with
political changes, these neighbours did not lose interest its five ministries and army were disbanded, and Chinese
in Mongolia. China refused to recognize Mongolian forces confiscated their archives, weapons, and equip-
political independence. Yuan Shikai, the first president ment. These actions, coupled with massive Chinese
of the Republic of China (袁世凱, r.1912–16), sought to immigration (which had been traditionally forbidden)
bring Mongolia back under Chinese control through did much to inflame Mongolian outrage towards China,
military force. In the years to come, it was the Bogd resulting in a drastically pro-Russian attitude with several
Khan’s mission to secure the feeble independence of his delegations dispatched to Russia with requests for mili-
nation and deal with the Chinese who, under General Xu tary aid.24
Shuzheng (徐樹錚; 1880–1925), mounted attacks It was also during the Bogd Gegeen’s rule that the
against Ikh Khüree, and with the armed intrusion of thirteenth Dalai Lama (1876–1933) arrived in Mongolia
both Red and White Russians into Ikh Khüree.23 on 27 November 1904 upon fleeing Colonel Francis

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