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A Position Paper
Presented to the Faculty of the
Senior High School
Maryhill College, Inc.
Lucena City

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Subject
English for Academic Purposes Program
Second Semester

G11 - Humility

April 2019
Implementation of Train Law

Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion Law also known as Train Law, is
a law that aims to provide enough funds for structures and to create a simple and more
effective system of tax collection. This reform includes packages that make
changes in taxation concerning the personal income tax, estate tax, donor’s tax,
value added tax, and the excise tax of automobiles, sweetened beverages, cosmetic
procedures, coal, mining and petroleum products.

I am not in favor of the Tax Reform Program of the Philippines. As a student,

we are one of the affected in the said program, as a stated above it includes the
increase of fuel products and because of that the rise in public utility jeepney fare can
be felt in which could be a big problem to our Filipino commuters.  Also, some of the
netizens disagree with the program especially the farmers and fisher folks that are not
paying the taxes but will suffer through the increase in price of the fuel that also affect
the price of basic commodities such as rice, groceries, some beverages and canned
goods. This is a problem to us especially to common people who’s not earning much
which sometimes is still not enough for the family, unlike immunity employed  individuals
and professionals.

A recent study conducted by the IBON Foundation concluded on October 4

2018, that the first package of the Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN)
law burdens the poorest 17.2 million Filipinos nationwide. The said non-stock and non-
profit organization found out that 76% or three out of four Filipino families are struggling
to bear oil and other consumption taxes without the benefit of receiving compensatory
personal income tax cuts. It is somehow beneficial to some sectors and in some terms,
but in reality there is a huge population of common people who are suffering because of
the side effect of this law.
Customer Is Always Right

The slogan “the customer is always right” is a common mentality of most people.
Oftentimes, sellers or businesses rely too much on their customers to sell and earn
money because as a matter of fact, without customers, products will not be sold.
Therefore, I agree that the customer is always right.

In most businesses, customers have their rights which should be observed by the
seller or the management of the business. Although under some circumstances, the
customer might be so harsh and sometimes wrong about what he/she is arguing, still
the management should listen and know what their customer complains about. It is
important to always consider the customer’s needs and feelings to keep and make loyal
customers as businesses can only grow with their help. Moreover, ensuring the
customer security creates a satisfaction regarding with a certain product or service
provided by the organization. Customer security in this case refers how the
management of the business treats the customer, whether the customer’s confidential
information is kept a secret by the business or are they satisfied or not.

In conclusion, it is always important to consider the customer’s needs and

feelings, whether right or wrong as they sustain the businesses and keep them growing.
Businesses exist as there are consumers/customers willing to buy and try their product.
Whenever there are complains, let them be heard because I believe that customer is
always right.

Dress Code in the Office: Necessary or Needless?

The debate over whether or not companies should have a dress code in place
has been going on for decades. Certain organizations believe it’s essential that their
employees adhere to certain standards regarding the way they dress at work. This is
especially true when employees have face-to-face interactions with clients and
customers on a daily basis

Because many people still believe that the way a business’s employees dress
reflects that company’s culture, environment and business standards, it’s no wonder
that many businesses even the small ones have continued to create and enforce formal
dress code policies. I believe that implementing a formal dress code in the office is a
necessary policy to promote the office as a place of work, rather than a place for
showing off the latest clothing trends. Also, employees will be able to focus more on
being productive and performing well rather than on comparing each other’s outfits and
accessories. In addition, adhering to a proper dress code can help to remind the
employees that they are in a more formal setting, one in which they are expected to
behave in a cooperative and a supportive way with their colleagues. This should help
encourage professional behavior among the staff, which will help foster unity, equality
and team spirit.

Implementing a formal dress code, must be a balance between guidelines that

accommodates your employees’ need for comfort and style and a policy that requires
them to dress in a way that reflects the values of your company. If your dress code is
implemented in the right way, employees will have no reason to oppose while you are
creating a positive impression and environment for the whole organization.


A Compilation
Presented to the Faculty of the
Senior High School
Maryhill College, Inc.
Lucena City

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Subject
Second Semester
GRADE 11 - Humility
April 2019

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