Derivatives (Pfrs9) : of An Asset Like Investments in Trading

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DERIVATIVES(PFRS9) interest rate, commodity price,

foreign exchange rate, price index and

Purpose: other variable.
-to manage financial risks which may originate Derivative must contain a notional-an
from: amount of currency, no. of shares, or
a) Change in commodity price units or volume.
b) Change in cash flows 2. Requires either no initial net
c) Foreign currency exposure investment or initial small net
Types of financial risk 3. Readily settled at a future date by a
Price risk- uncertainty about the future price net cash payment
of an asset like investments in trading
securities and assets to be acquired in the Hedging- designating one or more hedging
future such as purchase commitments and instruments so that the change in FV or cash
equipment to be imported at a future date. flows is an offset, in whole or in part, to the
 Credit risk- uncertainty over whether a change in FV or cash flows of a heged item.
counterparty or the other party of the -a means of protecting a financial loss or the
contract will honor terms such as possibility of structuring of a transaction to reduce risk.
nonpayment of loans of an entity from the Hedging instrument-the derivative whose FV
bank. or cash flows would be expected to offset
of an entity from the bank changes in the FV or cash flows of the hedged
Interest rate risk- uncertainty about future item
interest rates and their impact on cash flows Hedged item- an asset, liability, firm
and their FV of the financial instruments such commitment, highly probable forecast
as a fixed-rate loan which also exposed to transaction or net investment in a foreign
such risk because of possibility that rate will operation
decrease in the future. -should expose the entity to risk of changes in
Foreign currency risk- the uncertainty about FV or future cash flows.
future Philippine peso cash flows stemming MEASUREMENT of Derivative:
from assets and liabilities denominated in -all derivatives either asset or liability at FV
foreign currency. -both FV and notional shall be fully disclosed.
- unrealized gain or loss is recognized when
Derivative there is change in the FV
– a financial instrument that derives its value
from the movement in commodity price, Whether the change in FV is recognized in P/L
foreign exchange and interest rate of an or in OCI depends on :
underlying asset or financial instrument. a) The derivative is not designated as a
−An executory contract, not a transaction but hedging instrument
an exchange of promise about future action. b) The derivative is designated as a cash
-simply, parties to the derivative financial flow hedge
instrument are taking bets on what will c) The derivative is designated as fair
happen to the underlying financial instrument value hedge.
in the future.
Changes in FV of a derivative that is not
Characteristics: designated as a hedging instrument shall
1. The value of the derivative changes in be recognized in P/L.
response to the change in an
“underlying” variable. – is a specified CASH FLOW HEDGE
-offsets in whole or in part the variability foreign currency on a specified date in the
in cash flows from a probable forecast future at a specified price or exchange rate
transaction.- uncommitted but -a commitment to purchase or sell a specified
anticipated future transaction. commodity on a future date at a specified
a) Derivative or hedging instrument is price.
measured at FV - a private contract between 2 parties who
b) The change in FV is recognized as know each other very well.
component of OCI to the extent that the Computation:
hedge is effective Market price- Dec 2019 8.5M
c) The ineffective portion is recognized in Underlying price 7.5M
P/L Forward contract receivable 1M
d) The hedged item is not adjusted to
conform with FV. Market-Jan 2020 8.7M
FAIR VALUE HEDGE Underlying price 7.5 M
-offsets in whole or in part the change in Forward contract receivable-Jan2020 1.2M
FV of an asset or a liability. Forward contract receivable-Dec2019 1 M
a) The derivative or hedging instrument is Increase in forward contract receivable 200K
measured at FV
b) Hedged item is also measured at FV in JE:Dec.
contrast with a cash flow hedge where FCR 1M
the hedged item is not adjusted Unrealized gain-forward contract 1M
c) The changes in FV are recognized in P/L Unrealized gain here is a component of OCI
EXAMPLES of Derivative: because the forward contract is designated as
a) Interest rate swap a cash flow hedge
b) Forward contract JAN 2020
c) Future contract FCR 200K
d) Options Unrealized gain-forward contract200K
Cash 1.2M
these derivatives are financial instruments FCR 1.2M
separate from the primary financial Purchase 8.7M
instruments. These would not exist in their Cash 8.7M
own right but have been created solely to Unrealized gain-forward contract1.2M
hedge against financial risks created by other Purchases 1.2M
financial instruments or by transactions that The unrealized gain on forward contract is
have yet to occur but are anticipated. credited directly to purchases
Such can be CR to gain in forward contract
INTEREST SWAP which is an offset to COGS in 2020.
-a contract whereby two parties agree to
exchange cash flows for future interest FUTURE CONTRACT
payments based on a contract of loan. -contract to purchase or sell a specified
commodity on a future date at a specified
Contract of loanprimary financial instrument price.
Interest rate swap derivative financial -main difference with forward contract is
instrument traded in a future exchange market in much
the same manner as debt and equity
FORWARD CONTRACT securities being traded in the stock market
-an agreement between 2 parties to exchange
a specified amount of commodity, security. Or
- a standard contract traded in a futures Equity conversion featureembedded
exchange market and one party will never derivative
know who is on the other side of the contract. 2) Redemption option in an investment in
All cash settlements are made through the redeemable preference share that allows the
exchange market issuer to repurchase the preference share.
- A contract that gives the holder the investment in redeemable preferencehost
right to purchase or sell an asset at a contract
specified price during a definite Redemption option featureembedded
period at some future time. derivative
- Call optionbuyerright to purchase an 3) An investment in bond whose interest or
asset principal payment is linked to the price of gold
- Put optionsellerright to sell an asset or silver
- An option must be paid for, requires
an initial payment for the protection An investment in bondhost contract
against unfavorable movement in Payment of interest or principalembedded
price aka option premium derivative
If the market price is lower than the
exercise price, the call option is said to be out EMBEDDED DERIVATIVE Accounted for
of the money and therefore the call option is separately
not exercised. Bifurcation- process of separating an
Unlike a forward or future contract, the entity embedded derivative from the host contract.
has no liability if the market price is lower E.D. shall be separated from the host contract
than the underlying price because call option and accounted for as it were a stand-alone
requires a small payment for the right to derivative if the following conditions are met:
purchase. 1) A separate instrument w/ the same terms
 Call option is a right not an obligation. as the embedded feature would meet the
definition of a derivative
Embedded derivative 2) The combined contract is not measured at
-a component of a hybrid or combined FV P/L. Otherwise, THERE IS no need to
contract with the effect that some of the cash separate the embedded feature because the
flows of the combined contract vary in a way combined contract is already for similar to
similar to a stand-alone derivative. derivative.
-basic contract=host contract 3) The economic characteristics and risks of
-Interest rate swap, forward contract, futures the embedded feature are not closely related
contract and option are stand-alone to the economic characteristics and risks of
derivative contracts separate from the the host contract
primary contract. If separated, the E.D is accounted for at FV
-is not a separate contract. and the host is accounted for in accordance
-both embedded derivative and host contract with PFRS.
are contained in one combined contract. Host contract within scope of PFRS 9
EXAMPLES: -the classification requirements hence of PFRS
1. Equity conversion option in a 9 are applied to the combined contract in its
convertible bond investment that entirety.
allows a holder to convert the bond If the host is fin.asset, e.d is not separated.
into shares of the issuer Depending on the business model of
Convertible bond instrumenthost managing financial asset, the HOST
CONTRACT IN ITS ENTIRETY shall be measured
a) Amortized cost
b) FV P/L
c) FV through OCI

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