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Name of Course : Sitotaxonomy

SKS : 2
Course Code : BIO702
Study Program : Pendidikan Biologi, Pasca Sarjana UNP
Lecturer : Dr. Moralita Chatri, M.P
Dr. Violita, SSi, M.Si

Week Material
1. Introduction to Class
1. Introduction
2. Definition of Plant Taxonomy and sitotaxonomy
3. Scope of plant taxonomy-sitotaxonomy

2. 1. The purpose and benefits of Plant Taxonomy

2. Historical development of Plant Taxonomy

3. 1. The role of taxonomy evidence Source

2. Multiple sources of evidence taxonomy

4. 1. Definition of terms and descriptions of plants

2. The nature of the plant description

5. 1. The determination of plant

2. Step determination plants
3. Rule -making determination key
4. The suggestions in the use of key determination .
5. Types of determination key plant

6. Understanding the classification of plants

7. 1. History of plant nomenclature
2. The common nomenclature vs. scientific nomenclature
3. Principles and plant nomenclature
4. The composition of the scientific names
9. Simple Classification of Plant
a. Plant classification based on usability
b. Plant classification based on habitat
c. Plant classification based on number of cotyledone
10. Classification of Plant based on Linneaus
a. Plant classification based on morphological markers
b. Plant classification based on anatomical markers
11. Division Spermatophyta
12. SubDivision Gymnospermae
13. Sub division Angiospermae
14. Plant chromosom as genetic markers

15. Plant classification based on molecular markers


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