P6 - 2 Rev

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Physical Quantities are classified into:

1. Scalars

2. Vectors

Scalars are quantities that measure magnitude only. A magnitude is composed of a number and a
unit of measure only.


Length, mass, time, area, volume, mass, density, pressure, temperature, energy, work, and power

Scalar measurements:

35 kg 28 meter

120 km/hr 7 0F

Scalar quantities are added or subtracted arithmetically.


1) 120 ft + 80 ft = 200 ft
2) 10kg + 1000 g = ________ kg
10kg + 1kg = 11 kg

Vectors are quantities that measure both magnitude and direction.


Displacement, velocity, acceleration, force, and momentum

Vector Representation

A vector is represented by an arrow. It has 3parts: tail, length of the arrow, and arrowhead.

1. Tail- starting point of the arrow

2. Length of the arrow- is proportional to the magnitude of the given vector

3. Arrowhead- gives the direction of the vector

A scale is necessary to express the vector’s magnitude in length units.


a. 5m, East
Scale: 1m = 1 unit

b. 100 mi, 300 North of East

Scale: 100 mi = 1 unit

c. 300 kph, 1200

Scale: 300 kph =1 unit
Vector diagram

a. b. N c. N

120 0
W E W 30 E W


Resultant Vector is a single vector that has the same effect as the vectors combined.

Methods in Finding the Resultant Vector

1. Graphical Method- the head to tail method is to calculate a resultant that involves lining up
the head of the first vector with the tail of the last. The resultant vector is determined using
a ruler and protractor. The ruler is used to measure the magnitude of the resultant and the

protractor is used to measure the angle of the direction in the resultant. Most of the time,
this is done in the laboratory because it requires enough time, and patience also.

2. Component Method- this is considered the most accurate method since it involves
computations. Each vector is resolved into its x and y components. The following equations
are used.
Ʃ X= Ax + Bx R = √¿ ¿
Ʃ Y= Ay + By Tan θ = ƩY ; θ = Tan -1 ƩY
1. Solve for the resultant vector (R) of the following displacements using
component method:
Displacement 1 = 100 m, north
Displacement 2 = 200 m, 300 east of north
Displacement 3 = 300 m, 450 south of east

Resolve each vector into its x and y components

Displacement x-component y-component

100 m, north 0m +100 m
200 m, 300 east of north 200 m (Sin 300) = +100m 200 m (Cos 300) =
300 m, 450 south of east 300 m (Cos 450) = 300 m (Sin 450) = -212.13m

Get the summation of the x and y components

ƩX =0 m + 100m + 212.13m = 312.13m
ƩY = 100m + 173.21m - 212.13m = 61.08m

The magnitude and direction of the resultant displacement, R are

R = √ ¿ ¿; = √ ¿ ¿ = 318.05 m
θ = Tan -1 ƩY = 61.08m = 11.07 0 north of east
ƩX 312.13m

2. Find the resultant force of the following forces shown.

F1 = 19.0 N, East
F2 = 15.0 N, 600 N of E
F3 = 16.0 N, 450 N of W
F4 = 11.0 N, 300 S of W
F5 = 22.0 N, North

Get the summation of x and y components
ƩFx= F1 x + F2 x + F3 x + F4 x + F5 x
0 0
= 19.0 N + (15.0 N) cos 60 - (16.0 N) cos 45 - (11.0 N) cos 30° + 0 N = +5.7 N
ƩFy = F1 y + F2 y + F3 y + F4 y + F5 y
= 0 N + 13.0 N + 11.3 N – 5.50 N +22.0 N = -3.2N

R = √ ¿ ¿ = 6.5 N

θ = Tan -1 ƩY = -3.2 N = 29 0 south of east

ƩX 5.7N

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